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No. 57228

ED article building thread. What are some articles that need to be worked on? Any articles you've made? Articles that need to be updated? Suggestions for new articles you'd like to see?
If you don't want to edit yourself, you can also post pictures or info that you would like to see in certain articles. We could also discuss the structure or sections of articles.


Newest one from this sit. Could defiantly be longer. We have so much funny information on her, yet the article is so short.


Our Quirky one ended up being featured! Though, it hasn't been updated with her new lulz in a while.


A lot of the Kiki article is still from her scene faze. Adding that insane fucking log she kept could be funny.


Hasn't been changed since 2013.


PULL did a lot of work on it. It's just a little all over the place, though.


This article, apparently, needs a big cleanup.


A lot of the images don't work

Aside from that,
>>No Yukapon article

No. 57249

Why is there no Yukapee article again?

No. 57253

She deletes it all the time.

No. 57305

Both Traci and WannaBlaze need one, but I have had issues making an actual page because I'm mobile until my shit is fixed.

No. 57386

Really? Damn it


No. 57950

Is there a way to see the article before deletion so it can be brought back?

No. 68910

Meepsheep likes her so it doesn't get made/gets deleted when it does. (nyanners, too)

No. 68921

We need one for Berry Tsukasa too, since her amount of bullshit got a bit over the top lately.

No. 70769

Wut. Fucking why? God, ED is shit now. It used to be for the lulz, now it's basically a revenge site.

No. 71184

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