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No. 57978
>>57976He's still here, he never left. He's trying to get fakku to take down the tharthan account but their hands are tied.
he's marking any comment that's calling him out on any profile as spam and crying to admins to protect him.
No. 58007
>>58004He's a whiny 18-year-old that has old fashion values about purity and sexuality. He says he has anxiety problems, and pretty much everybody agrees that he has autism or aspergers or something along those lines.
He also comes on here to whine whenever we mention him.
No. 58039
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from his fakku account.
No. 58074
>>58062He has a real attachment to the name and seems to think future employers and acquaintances are gonna look it up and see it besmirched~ by the parody account
Meanwhile most of the stuff that account is posting are things he's actually said before, mish-mashed with a little embellishment
No. 114968
what kind of mental disorder does he have?
No. 114983
>>114968According to him, nothing. He's even claimed (I think back on PULL somewhere) that they tested him and he came back negative for anything.
Pretty much everyone else thinks he's somewhere on the autism spectrum, though.
No. 115480
>>114869Question from me too, how fucking creepy is he to you.
I find him creepy in that really disgusting way, where he wants a girl to be PURE ANGEL NO SEX NEVER KISSED ANYONE NEVER HELD ANYONES HAND
And then expects said, same girl, to put up with his harassment if he's into her.
What's he like at school, what type of things set him off, does he talk to girls, do girls talk to him?
I don't know, I just find him so creepy. I can totally imagine him stalking a girl one day and I really hope it doesn't lead to anything further.
No. 116082
>>115480I don't personally find him creepy, but that's probably because I'm used to him. You probably wouldn't find him that creepy after he told you why he hates California for the twentieth time.
At school he mostly latches on to the nearest person who he can talk at until he needs to be in class. In class he makes a lot of unfunny jokes or finds minor excuses to rant about his opinions, pretty much the same as he is online.
In the past, he's gotten the most bothered by people talking about porn (or etc), people ignoring him, people making fun of his beliefs, and probably a few other things I'm forgetting.
There's one girl he says hi to every time they cross in the hallway, even though she never says hi back, and there's a girl who doesn't really have a lot of friends who sits with him and another guy at lunch sometimes.
No. 116164
>>116082>There's one girl he says hi to every time they cross in the hallway, even though she never says hi backI'd like to hear more about this.
Is she the cheerleader type or is she wholesome-looking enough that he thinks 'she's not like those other girls'?
No. 116203
>>116082I remember him talking a lot of shit about California and being pisses off because I not only live here, but a lot of my friends have grown up here as well. He really is a shit head.
Has he told you it anyone else about his online ventures with PULL or lolcow? You seemed kind of surprised but I was pretty surprised to learn he actually had friends lol
No. 116557
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>>116164She's more wholesome than cheerleader, like she dresses kinda conservatively and doesn't really flaunt it (she is at least 8/10, tho), but she wears makeup most of the time and she'd definitely be "impure" on his weird scale thing. He must not know her too well, either: she had tons of sex with her (now ex-)boyfriend.
No. 116564
>>116203He hasn't told me, but I haven't actually talked to him in a while., he might have told someone else (I'll try and ask someone who's closer to him when I get the chance).
But yeah, we used to be friends, or something like that.
No. 116578
>>116557Haha wait what, mini-skirts are pure but intentionally reveling clothing isnt…?? What does he think a mini-skirt is?
Also, pierced ears are impure? What about all those kids who get them done at like 8/9…This is seriously such a weird scale, I can't even understand his thought process.
No. 116587
>>116578Have you seen those latino kids whose parents have their ears pierced as infants?
I'm noticing that this list focuses almost entirely on clothing and outward appearances rather than behavior and values. Seems to be a big problem with autistic people to laser in on the most superficial qualities.
I can sympathize with the dude, but he needs to just see an escort and forget this purity nonsense. It's not out there.
No. 124089
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Hey, you know how I said I wouldn't post a picture of him? I changed my mind. (there's also an amazing yearbook picture but that's actually copyrighted by the photographer so I can't post it)
No. 124098
>>124089I wish for this to be real.
Man, he is not much of a looker is he.
No. 124160
>>116557…Boots? Really? Boots are more slutty than miniskirts?
Like bro I don't like seeing anyone's floppy overly tattoo'd tits hanging out either but I'm not going to sit around crying about it online, especially not in a petty gossip forum full of teenage girls.
In other news I'm procrastinating and googled various phrases containing the term "modesty" and wow there are entire blog circles out there by women who are completely obsessed with it, mostly Christians. Introductions include
>hello I am my wonderful husband's wife>modest homeschooling mother to six children and counting>teaching other women to be more modest is my personal ministryHey Tharthan if you're reading this, just become a Born Again Christian. Tons of Modestâ„¢ girls running around, yours for the taking, who will be happy to sit around judging those dirty sluts together with you. They might even let you have sex with them as long as you're okay with raising 10+ little Tharthettes in the future.
No. 124218
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>>124089it really was abstract after all
No. 124237
>>124089What made you change your mind?
Also is it the perspective or are his hands really that small
No. 124259
>>116646At the age of 8/9? Yes it is.
>>124127>>some cultures Your ratchet hood culture is still trashy.
No. 124263
>>124258Still annoying, just like all the other posts like it ITT
>>124160>>Whaaa stop judging me for dressing like trash whaaa You're acting like judging girls for dressing stupid is the worst fucking thing in the world, grow up. I bet you skank it up every day and get picked on, huh?
No. 124374
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>>124365Ear piercing can have serious consequences if done wrong. Cas in point: Keloid girl from the Aly thread
No. 124376
>>124374I was literally just about to post this!
Note: This isn't even a consequence of badly done piercings, they're a genetic thing. They're not just ugly, they're painful, they itch and burn, They never stop growing, they have no cure, surgical intervention can delay them but can also make them worse in the long term.
This girl's keloids aren't very bad at all.
No. 124378
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>>124374She has some huge-ass gouges, piercings on nearly every part of her ear and clearly doesn't take care of herself otherwise, though.
I'm from a country where people do pierce childrens' ears as a style sort of thing and I've never had that issue, nor has anyone else I've seen. They'll close up if you don't constantly have earrings in though.
Pic related, "ratchet ghetto hood" girls.
No. 124480
>>124361In some countries it's a requirement that females wear studs in their ears for valid passport photos actually.?
I think maybe it was the Philippines.
Anyway, not every country is your country so you need to stfu.
I had my ears pierced aged 10 and I was delighted with them. I didn't even know I wanted them in until my mother suggested it as a present and they're perfect.
Are you salty cause you got them pierced young and ended up with keloids or what?
No. 124615
>>124591Because a lot of people subconsciously feel things Hispanics and blacks generally do is trashy. Kind of like braids etc are considered trashy but no one can really explain why.
Even if its not that bad if they do it then its considered trashy.
No. 124618
>>124588Terrible bait really, but I can't resist replying, not all of America sweetie. I mean, most babies where I am from get their ears pierced before they can talk or defy. Just one on each ear. How is that ratchet or hood? Granted in the Caribbean most are black and it's a cultural thing, but where I am is still America.
Imo though, it's not plain out ratchet or hood, but this shit right here:
>>124374 Is nasty
No. 124620
>>124618It's rachet because you're taking bodily autonomy away from another human being. I don't get what's so hard about the concept that people have the exclusive rights to decide what happens to their body, no one else. The idea that you have dominion over your children is gross.
and don't come at me with that
>It's just a piercing it's not that big a deal!Shit. The entire point is that you don't get to decide what is or isn't a big deal to someone else.
No. 124654
>>124630I do. Frequently. It's a barbaric and disgusting practice that results in the needless deaths of over one hundred infants a year.
>>124632What part of "You don't get to decide what is or isn't a big deal to someone else" Do you not understand? The actual consequences do not factor into it at all. Neither does the severity of the act. The reason it's intolerable is because you do not get to decide what happens to other people's bodies.
And the consequences you listed are just plain false as well. Piercing guns cannot be sterilised, (No, an alcohol wipe is not sterilisation. It has to go in an autoclave, which it can't do without melting) and reputable piercers who use needles will not pierce babies ears. The actual potential consequences are: Death, HIV and Hep B/c transmission, severe infection, allergic reaction to metal, lifetime disfigurement (See: Keloids girl upthread)
No. 124698
>>124654except babies get their ears pierced in clinics?
in some countries the same clinic you were born inexcept babies get gold earrings to avoid metal allergies?
i always have to exchange regular hooks with gold ones, otherwise i get a rash except if you don't like having your ears pierced you can just let them close?
seriously girl not a big deal, people don't go and pierce babies ears with a machete, go back to tumblr pls.
No. 124702
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>>124698Lol no they don't they get them pierced by teenagers who work in claire's at the mall with shitty studs imported from China.
Yeah you can totally just let pic related close. It's not a big deal at all.
No. 124713
>>124710i can't tell if you're baiting or just retarded.
if you get your ears pierced and then let them close you'd be the same as before, no internal organs missing.
No. 124718
>>124716God anon. People get their kidney's taken out in clinics. They use glue to close wounds, not sutures to minimise the risk of scarring. It's not like surgeons use machete's to operate on people. They wont even know the kidney is gone, it's not a big deal.
The fact that you still fail to grasp that this argument is an issue of consent and bodily autonomy just goes to show what trash you are. Never have kids, 'cause you wont be able to handle it when they act like people and not things you have control over.
No. 124722
>>124720Why not? You don't need two kidneys. They're not going to come to any harm. As far as they're concerned it never even happened.
If you don't like that scenario how about this one: You wake up tomorrow, and I'd pierced your nipples. You didn't even feel any pain, I used sterile equipment, you've got hypo-allergenic jewellery in. I've even left you a bottle of wound wash to clean them with and a pack of painkillers. and hey! If you don't like them, you can just take them out! No one will even know you've got them in the mean time, because they're covered up. They'll just close up, right?
No. 124728
>>124718I'm not the same anon. Believe it or not you're really coming off as delusional and crazy. I only wish we knew who you were so we could make a thread because you're Tharthan-tier lolcow.
And before you call me ratchet, I grew up in a primarily white suburb of America and my ears were pierced when I was 5. I was so proud and am glad I did it young. Get of your high horse.
No. 124731
>>124728It's comforting to know that thinking babies shouldn't have unnecessary and potentially life threatening cosmetic alterations done to their body without their consent makes me delusional and crazy.
>I grew up in a primarily white suburb of AmericaWhite american suburbanites think mutilating cats claws is a reasonable approach to protecting furniture. You're still ratchet trash, just a different flavour.
No. 124733
>>124722People can live with only one hemisphere of the brain. You may as well make that argument.
That second kidney is more useful than you think. The contrast used in most CT scans can actually put you into renal failure without two healthy kidneys.
No. 124737
>>124733a better organ to compare this to would have probably been the appendix. getting that removed even if you haven't had appendicitis.
>>124620>The entire point is that you don't get to decide what is or isn't a big deal to someone you find it to be a big deal, they find it to not be a big deal….why are you continuing to argue.
No. 124992
>>124654nobody gives a shit stfu.
besides, circumcision has helped tons of kids. You can't tell it doesnt have any benefits, fucking dumbass.
No. 125028
>>125024I think declawing is illegal now in most of the US. But, my kitties were declawed back in the 90's, so idk what's changed really.
And you should just ignore tharthan-anon at this point, no need to bait. He's fucking psycho anyway.
No. 125129
>>124725Er, have you ever actually had your nipples pierced?
I've had mine done twice and they've both left permanent scars in the form of two tiny, closed holes in each nipple.
I've no idea who told you nipple piercings don't scar but they lied.
No. 125246
>>125242What the fuck do you think you're doing right now PULLtard.
And stop fucking namefagging. We don't do that shit here.
No. 125360
>>125299holy shit his introduction video
top kek
No. 125408
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Is he saying this because people think he has autism?
No. 125409
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who gives a shit
No. 125410
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his wikipedia acc part 1
No. 125411
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wikipedia acc part 2
No. 125413
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wikipedia acc part 3
fucking kek
No. 125416
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Apparently, Thartan is a name from the bible.
Is this why he chose it?
No. 125418
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No. 125423
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>>125413>this user has full understanding of the katakana or hiragana.
>this user thinks the metric system is unnecessary and antitraditionalistic (sp).>this user prefers US customary unitsFucking LOL.
No. 125425
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>>125418Ah, I remember his hate boner for the west coast.
Maybe he perished there when he was a sailor? :^)
No. 125518
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>>125409The Emperor of Sechs Empire is stupid and redundant. If he's saying this is bad because it sounds like "The Emperor of Sex", how is "The Emperor of Sex Empire" any different.
>>125410>>125411As a Linguistics major, Tharthan
triggers my autism so much that I actually feel angry by the bullshit the spews from his autistic fat fucking face.
>>125423oh my god
No. 125524
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>>125387No, never. But he did mention his videos and livestreams sometimes. And no, there's no way anyone else is involved.
No. 125552
>>125524Why do these kinds of guys always got "that look?" ugh
>>125550And include his funny quotes on the banner too.
No. 125745
>>125694Autism doesn't necessarily have a particular "look" but his behaviour alone is reason alone to think he has it. That said, aside from that elongated nosehair-looking moustache he actually looks exactly like I guy I know who is autistic.
Motherfucker needs to stop living in denial and get himself a diagnosis already.
No. 125983
>>125745He says he's already been diagnosed as not on the spectrum. So other people have already noticed his sperg. I think it's worse if you act like an autist but don't actually have autism.
What a failure.
No. 126065
>>125983Then he's lying.
There's no way in hell he's been assessed and not diagnosed. No way in hell.
No. 126067
>>126065>>125983I feel that his parents lied the fuck to him, "to keep him adjusted" or some shit.
However, based on his views, probably he had so much church shit instilled to him - actual social awareness/opportunities off the internet that he just ACTS that way. Oh and he looks like a douche.
No. 126080
>>125983I bet his parents took him when he was a baby or something & the doctor's were like "babys gonna baby"
so now he (& his family) latching to that one test.
No. 127090
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>>126966>>126768>>126768>>126745>>126582>>126514>>126289>>126288derailing the threads with this superior race bullcrap
i would never tell people to kill themselves
but the option is there. you know
No. 127293
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No. 210070
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>>209376 >>204568 it's not much but it's something
No. 210071
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No. 210072
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No. 210073
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No. 210218
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>>210070Thank you
Pic related, whenever I read Tharthan's posts, it brings to mind this character.
No. 210227
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>>124620Who hurt you, son?
Can you show me where they touched you on the doll?