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No. 58077
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full body
No. 58090
>>58077Just looks like your run of the mill tumblrina to me– actually, she seems to boring to be a tumblrina. Did this person do something to
you op? Or? I'm failing to see the lolcow.
No. 58128
>>58127Blackout is stupid. Black tumblr is stupid. I've always felt personally insulted as a black person by how black tumblr tried to
LOL well being stupid and twerking and smoking weed IS black culture XDDD the word ya'll x500
I hate being lumped in with people who behave like literal stereotypes because we have the same skin color it's fucking embarrassing.
Also blackout day is also everyday, considering tumblr/the US is pretty concerned with being politically correct
Black peoples selfies on tumblr get this same amount of notes simply because they're black, you can be as ita or shit tier cosplay as you wanna be or hell as obese as you want, if you're black, expect 100k + notes
this is just a day dedicated to that bullshit.
No. 58132
>>58129i wish i had that one picture from the office
"this is a white"
No. 58203
>>58128I personally don't have a problem with the blackout.
Like my Tumblr is literally alllll skinny white girls, because I only reblog a particular style of fashion which you don't see a lot of black people participating in because fashion designers/producers are racist as fuck and will not cast black women/men full stop.
To me that's a problem seeing as they make up like what, the majority race on the planet? I'm not sure if that's true but I think it is, and either way they need representation. The blackout has allowed me to find a shit load black of designers/models/bloggers who I can now reblog which increases their presence in the fashion world and imo, is never a bad thing.
If you have a problem with seeing black people on your dash it's probably because you're a legit racist. It's one freaking day, chill.
>>58126Everyday is whiteout day you dumb shit.
No. 58224
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I don't see how this girl is a lolcow. She's on my dash frequently and I haven't seen her do/say anything lolcow worthy. I think OP is just a Vendetta-chan.
No. 58228
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imagine these black trends with white people
My hand btw
No. 58236
>>58127So what? You know that the west is predominantly white right?
We don't go to china and complain that they have mostly asian people on tv, or to rwanda to complain that their magazines have mostly black people.
In the west we're obsessed with political correctness though. It's pathetic and disgusting.
No. 58239
>>58143kek if I wanted white people to like me I would participate in blackout
did you not notice the vast amount of white guilt/white sjws licking the boots of every black person who participated
No. 58241
>>58203It's not one day. It's now being said that it's the first friday of every month, also people were using it way before the 6th and continuing it after so
it wasn't really the 6th most people are just trying to make it continue on
No. 58254
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>imagine if we posted our pale hands and said white prideYes… imagine that.
No. 58256
>>58254Because you can't be proud of being white without being KKK.
No. 58259
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>>58256There is absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your race or heritage but holy shit it's one fucking day of solidarity for a people who are every day surrounded on all sides by media and productions and advertising featuring beautiful white people showing products for white people, how to look whiter and more beautiful, how we can all fit into this perfect little mold and be white and successful together, just as long as you're white.
Believe it or not after a couple of years of this shit, yeah, you're gonna develop a complex over it.
People like you remind me hardcore of MRA's and Meninists where whenever they see a celebration of women they jump up and and "UH BUT WHAT ABOUT MEN WHERE'S MY MALE PRIDE DAY".
That is your equivalent.
Stop being so fucking self important.
No. 58263
>>58256Does it really matter to you that people are comfortable with their skin colour?
In that anon's defense, there's nothing wrong with being proud of being white, but the KKK ruined the whole 'white pride' thing. You can have a Chaplin moustache without being a Nazi dictator, but it doesn't mean people aren't gonna judge you for it.
>>58259Or "why is there no straight pride?"
Not to sound tumblr, but being a straight white guy is kind of considered the 'default'.
No. 58265
>>58263Yh like every fucking day is "straight pride".
Walk outside, turn on your television, there's your straight, white, male pride.
No. 58268
>>58265Sexuality oppression deserves more attention than the "race oppression" that's going on.
The gays getting burned in Russia should matter more than a black teen attacking cops, then getting shot and it being considered a "racial issue"
No. 58272
>>58266Yeah, agreed
I think blackout is a great idea, it's when people go full "I <3 misandry XD fuk white ppl" it's retarded.
>>58268Tumblr is horribly US-centric. There are organisations dedicated to stopping young girls being forced into marriage, etc, etc, yet clearly REAL feminists blog about how oppressed they are because some selfish guy took too much space up on the train that day.
No. 58273
>>58264My nose is too big for Stormfront.
I can mock my own race.
No. 58277
>>58267I think the people spam reblogging blackout are very young and immature.
A lot of white sjws hopped on the bandwagon immediately because they're 13-16 and think it's WOW RLY PROGRESSIVE! To reblog pictures of black people.
At first I saw a lot of "You can post selfies on March 6th if you're not black just don't tag it blackout" which then quickly degenerated into "Do not post selfies unless you're black" which is just stupidly entitled
"You are not allowed to do what you want on a public blogging site because racism exists"
No. 58283
>>58277The purpose of the blackout was explained in this post: although the blog is titled "what whites will never know," after seeing the amount of white supremacist posts going around, I think the title fits.
For those who won't bother to read the blog post or any of the other posts by the originator of blackout, just know that it was initially meant to be a day to celebrate black beauty
amongst black people. A lot of black people do not feel beautiful because of a lack of representation in the media, so they decided to take this into their own hands by having a day where they only support each others beauty, to enlighten some and to remind others that yes, black people are beautiful too, here are some examples of why. It was also to acknowledge that black people don't look a certain way, that there are different shades of skin, hair textures, facial features, etc. This was useful for black people who feel that they are not "black enough" as labelled by their peers (black and non black, i.e. an asian going, omg I didn't know you were black, your hair isn't in an afro!!) as well as being informative to people who never interact with black people or have exposure to them in their country.
To make sure that regular black people were making the rounds, they reblogged regular peoples selfies, not celebrities who tend to be similar in terms of skin color, etc. Thats why the tag blackout was created so that people could let others know they were black, were supporting each other, and to reblog.
Why did people see that as a threat to their ability to post? Because the people behind this said they wanted the blackout tag to be just for black people posting selfies on that one day. Thats it. All of a sudden it became whites, asians and latinos versus black people.
No. 58294
>>58283The whiteout tag was never a thing, I went through it on the 4th-5th and there were maybe 2 white supremacists and a lot of "UMM WHITEY SO JEALOUS OF BLACK PEOPLE GOD" and I'm pretty sure it was just another excuse for black tumblr to huurrrr white ppl ain't shit lol ya'll jelly
Also there were many posts going around about "You can go one day without posting any selfies I better only see black people on my dash" etc etc etc
No. 58301
>>58298Not attractive to
you anon. I think it's more about how defined a nose is, and sometimes wider noses lack definition/shape I.e-potato nose.
I think wide noses/nostrils are cute… But hey, different strokes for different folks.
No. 58303
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>implying only black people can have wide noses>implying they can't look cute on every race>>58302Jew detected.
No. 58307
>>58303She's cute.
But yeah, I'm jewish. I would show my jew nose but it's a good jew nose, and you guys probably would say I'm being dramatic.
She has a good wide nose, the same way that there's good jewish noses.
No. 58329
>>58127And everyday in Asia is yellowout.
That's what happens when you live in a white majority country.
Until the majority shifts, or we see Ethnic percentages similar to Brazil in the US/where ever you are, you won't see much of a change till then.
No. 58332
>>58326not SJW.
SJW's like anything that's not 'white'.
No. 58348
>>58317>>58331Alright, but are you honestly so repulsed by black people you literally get angry, uncomfortable or upset when you see them on Tumblr?
Because yes, that makes you racist. The amount of black people living in your country is pretty much irrelevant
No. 58353
>>58351But the initial point of #blackout was for black people to support eachother, not white teens masturbating on how ~*open*~ and ~*progressive*~ they are.
Basically, you're attacking a good idea based on how a somewhat unrelated party (ie white people) react to it.