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No. 61768 a whole thread for this because I knew the cow personally, but I actually did not have a part in creating her ED page. I do, however, know the person who did create it and they're their own kind of ugly/disturbed Tumblrina self. Maybe will create a thread on them sometime if I can find their new Tumblr, its been years.
>30 year old trailer park weeaboo with a self insert OC Mary Sue>uses said OC to hop into any fandom she chooses, force herself into relationships with people>manipulates them, makes them abandon friends for them, forces their SO to knight the fuck out of her OC >draws hilariously bad/traces shit like crazy and still demands asspats for her ~*art*~ desu>has had three ED pages in her lifetime and featured on nearly thirty Mary Sue blogsFeel free to ask questions and I'll try to answer what I can.
No. 61781
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>dying hair to look moar azn
No. 61787
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No. 61789
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This cow is the worst. I know more about her than I probably should, but that's because I've known her since I was like… 16. I'm turning 24 this year.
No. 61793
For the record,
>>61789 isn't my post. Just someone else who has known her.
No. 61799
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No. 61825
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For some reason she reminds me of that one character in the film Girl Interrupted.
No. 61842
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No. 63602
Still does and clearly still has not learned despite being on so many Mary Sue blogs. Also dyed her hair black recently in an attempt to look more Azn.
No. 64008
>>63600>>61801Ew the majority of her gallery are just sketches of her OC and it's all in that horribly generic anime trash style.
Does she not know how to draw or do anything that doesn't involve her big boobed characters?
No. 64080
>>64067Dandy is the latest. Her list from the past includes..
Homestuck, Batman, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Hanna Is Not a Boy’s Name, Gravitation, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshion, Samurai Jack, Cowboy Bebop, Peacemaker Kurogane, Earthworm Jim, Fullmetal Alchemist Ghost Trick, Venture Brothers, The Adventures of TinTin, Professor Layton, Lupin the Third, Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright, Saiyuki, Gundam, Ouran Host Club, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Chrono Crusade, Superjail!, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, MonsterKind, Dr. Who, Team Fortress 2, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sonic The Hedgehog, TMNT,Shinmai Fukei Kiruko-san, Animal crossing, One Piece, 07-Ghost, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist,Dragon Slayer, Kingdom Hearts,Free, Dangan Ronpa, Ao No Exorcist, Bakemonogatari, K-on, Kill la Kill, Attack on Titan, Gurren Lagann ,Total Drama Island, Space Dandy, Black Lagoon, Invader Zim, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac … etc
No. 64107
>>64106She 30, sadly.
She was always that haggard.
No. 64859
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No. 65059
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No. 65062
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No. 65064
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No. 65087
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No. 65089
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No. 65123
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No. 65129
>>65127Not when she's nearly 40 and still being supported by her parents, still in retail (not even a manager), and still refuses to learn how to drive.
They drive their 40 year old daughter to work everyday and have since she graduated high school.
Maybe you should think about that for a minute.
No. 65130
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No. 65132
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No. 65137
>>65129>>65127I read from one of her tweets that she refuses anything higher from her cashier position but she bragged that she could do those jobs better than every one else there.
I figure that she doesn't because it'll take away from her screen and doodle time.
No. 65144
>>65137She's full of shit, lol. Her same tweets are comprised of whining about how mean customers are to her and following every story about it comes a "breakdown" tweet. She couldn't handle a higher position which would involve her actively needing to deal with even more customers on a daily basis. Especially since she'd be the one resolving their issues and dealing with the cuntiest ones, but I guess she thinks that a manager position doesn't come with all of that sort of shit.
>>65143>using this tired ass meme when you have a link in OP to all of her accounts>s-she innocent!1!1!1!!Oh, goodie. More white knights.
No. 70968
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Guess who's Twatter account is now locked. At least her old accounts on ED are full of lawlz.
No. 70997
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>>61768Is she trying to look Perfect Blue?
No. 71140
>>70968Kek. She has no problem talking trash behind anyone's back, even if they are one of her Tumblrite bffs or white knight followers, but no one can say shit to or about her without her having a pity party fit and dubbing those
haterz misogynistic bullies .
No. 71259
>>66156>>65114She is already stalking a Pearl roleplayer on Tumblr.
>[Whispers I want Kammy to befriend a Peal. or any of the Crystal Gems aaa] >[I just want her to talk to more females. DEVELOPMENT.]This was posted after they never responded back to one of her asks on Tumblr. I wouldn't be surprised if she is whining on Twitter about them not wanting to be her waifu.
No. 71911
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>>65087>>65089Those eye brows.
No. 71936
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No. 72119
>>71259It looks like she is now stalking 3 different Pearl roleplayers on Dumblr and commissioning artists on Twatter to draw her
gem waifu .
How does someone get so desperate and obsessive over a character from a shitty show?
No. 72606
>>72597I think you mean
any female.
No. 74118
>>74111Seeing how her entire follower count is her bae's fanbase and the majority of
art work she posts is originally by her bae, they are still together.
No. 76323
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>>66156>ooc: GENTLY LAYS DOWN I want to rp this……The self insert x gem waifu fan
art has started. She is also still stalking after
multiple Pearl rpers on Dumblr to live out her shipping fantasies and failing horribly at it. Kek.
No. 78960
>>78732Don't u mean
No. 86557
>>86276>>86297>>86476Why so hostile? I can see how people would find it annoying, but it fills a gap in language. It's gender neutral, less formal than "partner" or "SO", and rolls off the tongue easier than "bf" or "gf".
If anything, I feel weird when I say "my boyfriend" because that term can come with a set of social expectations like implying a younger, more casual relationship. I'd say "boyfriend" to my parents and "bae" to my friends.
No. 87699
>>87579>>87614not that anon, and I don't have tumblr, so I don't understand why everything is about tumblr? That word was being used before tumblr and people had a problem with it before then.
Anyway, my argument isn't about the word itself but rather why you retards always thinks that everyone who doesn't think like you is from tumblr. It's sounding like a fanfuckingtastic site to check out if they use more common sense than you fags.
No. 87796
>>87699wow. wowowo.
so first off, you don't know what tumblr is so idk why you have the right to say you're not coming off as someone from there. just so you know tumblr is known for jumping down the throats of anyone who isn't perfectly politically correct.
At the same time, you must not understand the concept of a chan, because places like these are kind of anti-political correctness.
in essence, lurk moar faggot :^)
No. 91551
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