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File: 1426299221225.png (65.64 KB, 517x593, sanjapan1.png)

No. 61903

Saw this chick in the san japan page asking to get a boyfriend in time for con season, anyway, post retards from your local cons.

No. 61904

File: 1426299233595.png (41.04 KB, 497x365, sanjapan2.png)

No. 61908

File: 1426299456885.png (91.23 KB, 527x615, sanjapan3.png)

She's like this in all of her posts, trust me.

No. 61911

File: 1426299601488.png (313.38 KB, 493x617, sanjapan4.png)

No. 61941

She was being kind of a bitch to that guy. He made a really good suggestion about cosplay being in the way. Why ask for suggestions if you only want people telling you what you want to hear.

No. 62014


I hope she never got that favor she was begging for.

She looks like a neckbeard in that bottom left picture.

No. 64039

I have shittons of stuff I can post, oh lord

No. 64044

I always, always read Sutcliff as Slutcliff. And why are Grell cosplayers always fucking landwhales?

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