File: 1407709046054.png (1.92 MB, 1820x2158, 1399632572963.png)

No. 6412
File: 1407717212322.png (1.2 MB, 1000x750, 1405213448758.png)

use this instead
No. 6447
File: 1407742531210.png (230.68 KB, 500x500, 1407609504291.png)

No. 6820
>Thin privilege is the children’s show Lazytown (and any other “kids need to be healthier” tv shows that exist).
>I only recently discovered this show was still running. >But for anybody who has never seen it, it’s a show that encourages children to be “healthy” (i.e. thin) and basically criticizes children and parents who prefer to play on their computer or stay indoors. >The town is called Lazytown because it is filled with lazy people. >Some of the inhabitants include: a fat kid who loves to eat chocolate, a fat woman who is always sticking her nose in other peoples’ business, the fat mayor who is also not very intelligent, etc. >Basically, all the fat characters are portrayed as being lazy, stupid, or annoying. >The ONLY smart people in the show are Sportacus and Stephanie because they exercise the most and eat the most fruit (in fact, Sportacus can ONLY eat fruit. >He is allergic to anything that isn’t fruit. >Because an all-fruit diet is TOTALLY healthy, amirite? *rolls eyes). >And the villain of the show is also the laziest person in the town, who enjoys OMG!TOTALLY!EVIL! things like eating popcorn, sleeping, and watching tv (oh, the horror!)
>I remember seeing interviews with the man who plays Sportacus (he also created the show) and he said he came up with the idea for the show when he noticed that Iceland had a rise in obesity and a decline in “healthy lifestyles” and he wanted to do something about it. >It really pissed me off that the hosts kept praising him for being so proactive and inspirational. >I just found the whole thing really patronizing because why the hell is a thin man being praised for this?? >Why are fat people always seen as something that needs to be “fixed” by thin people? >It makes me sick to think that there are thin people looking and my body and thinking to themselves, “This person’s body is wrong! >I need to do something about this!” >It’s especially gross when it’s aimed at children because they don’t know any better. >Lazytown is aimed at pre-schoolers and I find it extremely sad that young children are being taught to point out “bad behaviours” and “bad lifestyles” in other children before they even enter school.
Some of the posts I can say are somewhat valid. But this kind of stuff is pretty lulzworthy, I'm not going to lie.
No. 6899
File: 1407898447345.gif (1.91 MB, 265x285, 1386821070953.gif)

>>6396I'll dump a couple images from my fitsperation folder.
I'll start with my favorite .gif
No. 6903
File: 1407899170706.jpg (215.98 KB, 1024x855, 1363492422852.jpg)

>>6902I don't remember if this one has been posted before on here or SR. I'm posting it again, anyway.
>I shouldn't lower my standards but everyone else should for my fat bitchy ass No. 6905
File: 1407899594166.png (210.37 KB, 453x296, 1348137114130.png)

>>6904I'll stop flooding the thread for now. Here's my favorite /cgl/ picture before tumblr took over the place and made it impossible to criticize overweight people for wearing improperly fitting clothing.
No. 6906
The thing about the fat acceptance movement is that it bullies women who want to lose weight. I have a friend who is my height but massively over weight. This past year she's decided to eat more healthily but she won't say diet or that she's going to change her lifestyle. It's like she's ashamed of trying to better herself. I assume it's because she has fat friends.
>>6901I thought she had a towel on in the thumbnail. Gross.
Also that's a tiny apartment if her bed is right next to the fridge. Studio?
No. 6911
>>6899thank you
brb jogging
No. 6923
>>6904OMG what s stupid bitch! My friend's mother used to force her to eat. Now she's 20 and obese. She just doesn't realize that she's eating too much because it's how she was taught.
I blame shitty parenting
"I am going to make them as fat as humanly possible" What the fuuuck!!
No. 6956
>>6922>cremating fat peopleThat also can be bad news. poor firemen are covered in burnt dead fat person grease, jfc.
No. 6957
>>6908dude the insides of bodies are gross no matter what size. When I was 19 I had my appendix removed laparoscopiclly and the doctors said they could take pictures on my insides if I wanted. Me, being a morbid fucker, happily accepted.
the fat that holds your organs in place and keeps them cozy and safe?
It looks exactly like mashed up Cheetos, like if you mixed one part lard with two parts Cheetos in a blender.
No. 6971
File: 1407952987878.gif (Spoiler Image,1021.46 KB, 245x226, 1363409241594.gif)

>>6957I had the same proceedure done when I was 20, it didn't look like lard or cheetos, just kind of like light orange with veins. Maybe your organs just aren't as kawaii as mine (This is a joke).
Here's another from my fitsperation folder. Spoilers because I can't tell if there's genitals or not.
No. 6972
>>6396omg, will we be having fat people stories from now on?
this is the best forum ever.
No. 6975
File: 1407954095261.png (264.85 KB, 500x337, rabbit.png)

>>6922I'm an intern at a funeral home. I thought the 300 lbs. guy I had to help my co worker dress and casket was bad enough. We had to put him in a plastic onesie first because he was leaking from his sutures after the donation people harvested the bones and skin and stuff (don't worry, he was a donor. They don't take things without permission!). Then we both struggled getting his boxers and pants on. We had to cut his shirt in the back because there was no way we could hold this dude up and put the shirt on.
After we dressed him we got a lift that's used for cars to put him in his casket. After we put him in we realized he was slightly too big for it and me and my coworker just looked at each other and were like "oh shit". It took us thirty minutes for him to hold the guy up while I struggled to get a pillow out from under him so he'd fit. I felt so bad for that dude. His family was pleased with everything thankfully, but god that was a struggle.
Bonus, mfw I asked my coworker who was the biggest person he ever had to do a service for, and he told me it was someone who was 700 lbs. And they got him into our retort (the machine that cremates bodies) in one piece somehow.
No. 6988
File: 1407963011527.png (601.26 KB, 835x694, fatlogic.png)

>Tired of men only wanting me for my sexy body and 52DDD breasts
No. 6997
>>6905I've noticed that the fat acceptance-ness of /cgl/ comes in waves, but can't be bothered to document it and see if it's related to timezones (fat murricans amirite) or certain days of the week.
One moment there's a thread where multiple anons declare it perfectly normal to wear dresses with the zippers unzipped and anyone who disagrees must be jealous and butthurt that a fatty owns the dress but they don't. Then, what feels like the next day, there's an entire thread making fun of a girl for daring to wear a bikini despite having a bit of a muffin top.
Maybe the lolitas are more fat acceptance-y than the cosplayers? I don't know. You really only need one angry anon to shit up an entire thread.
>>6923Yeah I'm pretty sure that counts as child abuse, especially if it's something the parent is consciously doing.
>>6971I still can't tell if there's genitals. I'm not even sure what part of the body I'm looking at.
No. 6998
File: 1407966167804.jpg (76.17 KB, 720x960, 1364611604367.jpg)

>>6988>52DDD breastsShe DOES know that the number is her bandsize, right? She just told everyone that her underbust measures 48-52 inches (depending on the measurement method used) and there's only about a 6 inch difference between her underbust and breasts even though she's that large. Claiming to have a 52DDD is something that a guy who has never ever handled a bra would find sexy-sounding.
>>6997I think it's the crotch-area. Have another enigma. I don't know what the fuck is going on in this one.
No. 7021
>>6997/cgl/ must have really changed over the past year or so since I stopped visiting 4chan… I've never seen them welcoming of fat people to fat acceptance levels but the SJW stuff started a while before I left. Calling a dumb fuck out on their obvious racism is one thing and
not being a SJW buuuut when they talk about this so called "slut shaming" and "appropriation", that's a whole 'nother can of worms… Labeled SJW.
No. 7030
>>7021I took a hiatus from /cgl/ around the time moot made the new rules banning dramu. From what I remember it was on the brink of being as SJW as it is now, though not as harsh as before then.
I think what happens is people get more fat acceptance-y when it comes to fat girls wearing clothes (i.e. the fat people whiteknights in ita threads, being okay with not zipping, etc) and harsher about weight when it comes to fat girls wearing skimpy clothing/showing off her body/trying to be sexy.
No. 7038
File: 1407984536666.jpg (37.37 KB, 301x287, 1406002807830.jpg)

>>7036absolutely disgusting
No. 7045
>>7041Usually people hide the zipper with a bolero or other similar clothing.
I agree though, what's the point of wearing clothes you can't even zip up?
No. 7058
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No. 7064
File: 1408008427897.jpg (752.4 KB, 1280x1707, 1352827452895.jpg)

No. 7077
>>6906This reminds me of when I was losing weight. I was still used to shopping at plus-size stores but I didn't notice until I was there that I lost that much weight that those clothes were all too big for me. (I didn't buy clothes very often and it was all very baggy)
The shopkeepers constantly gave me angry looks and were pretty rude :(
No. 7091
File: 1408019783398.png (210.97 KB, 1032x334, 1364614047563.png)

>>7064People like this probably think a higher score in golf is good, too.
Here, have this. It's my favorite /fit/ story.
No. 7116
>>7091That's sounds so fucking fake
>>7093If you thought that episode was infuriating, check out her twitter No. 7132
>>7116how come she isn't dead yet?
also, dat 'Help end childhood hunger in America' RT.
No. 7137
File: 1408057339472.png (65.73 KB, 535x480, 1364612230799.png)

>>7102Calm down, it's probably fake or highly exaggerated. Most /fit/ stories probably are. I just posted it because
>>7061wanted some.
Here's another. True or not, it still sounds hilarious.
No. 7139
>>7136Yeah but on her twitter it shows him playing soccer, so at least he's exercising. Hopefully him growing up seeing how helpless and disgusting his mom is will instill a sense to avoid becoming like that.
Considering they've been eating like that since he was born and he's not a roly poly kid yet, I have hope for him.
No. 7147
File: 1408066526341.png (8.27 KB, 515x307, kek.png)

Apparently people have no control over their weight.
No. 7159
>Victimhood has been valued so highly by our society that some people see nothing wrong in standing up and declaring themselves to be victims openly or subtly. They reap the social rewards, exaggerate their own weakness and failures to get more social reward, fight with other self-professed victims over who’s more deserving of the social rewards and generally neglect actually doing anything with or for themselves in lieu of being victims. Some even put hard work into being victims. Yes, time and energy they could have spent on bettering themselves is invested into becoming more of a victim. And this problem is spreading. It may even become epidemic. People everywhere wishing to be weak and useless, to justify their own weakness by claiming victimhood and idly sit in a bed of their own making whilst crying about the injustice of it and demanding handouts. Because society values that.from TL;DR but very related
No. 7211
>>7194Well, they did say "choose" not "change." I do agree that a lot of things can be changed (as you said), but it then becomes a question of should one change and the lengths one should go to do it. I think SJWs have some things right but they either take it too far or apply their own bullshit to it to make it into a joke.
I think it is better to say that a lot of things on that list can be treated and that is what should be done.
>>7180I agree, I've seen some pretty big women date some great guys, personality really goes a long way.
No. 7248
File: 1408176582336.jpg (373.33 KB, 1000x1867, 1408170286811.jpg)

No. 7254
File: 1408184574559.jpg (41.86 KB, 570x457, freja_beha_erichsen_6.jpg)

No matter what, I'll never believe a ham telling me they aren't jealous of thin girls, not even a little. I've been chubby, not even overweight, and I resented everyone around me with a nice body. I can't imagine how they must feel.
No. 7276
>>7258anon from
>>6922 here, basically that's what my friend did, but not sure how it is in other countries.
No. 8265
File: 1408561459585.png (375.46 KB, 591x661, pjT3IGh.png)

Translation: "Whaaaah I couldn't find a dress at my size because they were sold out and that's OPRESSION because I DESERVE cute clothes".
Seriously, if you biggest problem is being unable to feel like a pretty princess in a trendy dress, maybe you aren't as opressed as you think.
No. 8277
>>8265i think no one's bothered by her lack of defiant shopping at f21
how about when my my size is all sold out, can i call skinny shaming?
No. 8296
>>8277Why didn't I think of it at H&M today! I visited 3 H&Ms today and the sizes xs and s of the white skirt I wanted were sold out in every store.
My options were buy the M which was too large or order online.
skinny shaming!!!
I'm just kidding about the skinny shaming No. 8447
>>8296start the revolution, sister!
>>8322vanity sizing does that, it's really annoying to have an L in one store and an S in another
No. 8460
File: 1408615392914.png (34.93 KB, 659x838, titp.png)

Thank you for this thread.
It's motivating me so much to start to not only work out but also to get things done.
I never want to end up with such a boring, lazy life like most of those landwhales.
Also I found a few things on titp that made me laugh.
No. 8502
>>8265Was this posted by an actual twelve-year-old? She looks super young. Also that would mean her mother took the photo which suggests she was at least condoning this whiny blog post. Ergh.
>>8460>Thin privilege is seeing women with your body type proudly discuss how it's perfectly natural and healthy to be that size.This one really confused me at first, because I've never overheard thin/fit women "proudly discuss" anything like that ever. When thin women talk about being healthy and natural they talk about healthy diets and exercise, not their actual body dimensions. Overweight women, on the other hand, always seem to be on the defensive about how healthy and natural their body is even though their doctor says otherwise.
>Thin privilege is NOT seeing women with your body type defensively discuss how it's perfectly natural and healthy to be that size.>fix'd No. 8527
>>8517>>8522That's cool. I didn't know they had that area. She should have shopped there then.
I've only been there a few times and I've seen tons of S-M, which is rare for me to find in stores. I'll have to see if the one near my place has a XL etc section.
No. 10646
File: 1409378851940.jpg (129.25 KB, 1280x960, FfCFyAi.jpg)

No. 10647
File: 1409378926815.png (174.08 KB, 1868x556, SgP482Q.png)

This is a good one.
No. 10707
>>10647She seriously needed to fuck off. He's. Not. Interested. The irony of her saying he isn't good at taking a hint.
His friend grosses me out as much as her, though. It wasn't clever, it was only a step up from "Hurr hurr u r fat" and pig noises.
No. 13209
>>6404This. A thousand times this. I get that food can be a physical and psychological addiction, but it all boils down to self control and healthy habits.
None of this "muh thyroid" bullshit. Even thyroid disease causes 5 to 10kg overweight MAX
No. 13227
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No. 13228
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No. 13229
File: 1410815249256.jpg (263.14 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mqwo7n1A1R1ryeto5o1_128…)

Dammit tumblr
No. 13230
File: 1410815324504.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.85 KB, 1200x800, 1386448281096.jpg)

Warning, you may need eye bleach.
No. 13232
File: 1410815667966.jpg (541.39 KB, 1450x2048, 1404498386269.jpg)

Always relevant.
No. 13236
>>13227What is it with SJWs and "gross"? Everything is always "gross" to them.
I do kind of understand how the "summer's coming…just sayin'" and the implied "you want to look good in a bikini/whatever, don't you?" could possibly trigger a very, very insecure person into disordered eating even if they're a healthy weight, but you just can't babyproof the universe like that for a tiny number of people.
No. 13247
>>13236Yeah I hate it when they say that word over and over for things they don't like. It's not a really creative word, but then again it's a buzzword.
And I'm not fat but I feel fat on the inside because I like junk food. I have to watch myself though. Recently I've been eating out with family and when I'm by myself it makes me want to get fast food but I have to watch myself. I don't know it is really chemical addiction or laziness but if I eat fast food one day after not eating it for a while I really start to crave it and get lax with my food choices.
No. 13248
File: 1410821087545.jpg (71.44 KB, 495x533, tumblr_n5zqm3AvNz1shm621o1_500…)

>>13246Daaaamn…Seriously? That's pretty sick, esp considering that the NHS pays for all that shit
No. 13249
File: 1410821159522.png (46.31 KB, 658x459, tumblr_mo5ek8XxXJ1ryeto5o1_128…)

>>13247Don't worry anon, you'll be fine. You sound really self aware and responsible, these people on the other hand are deluded and irresponsible, childish even, in respect to their health and dietary choices.
No. 13250
File: 1410821195459.png (8.76 KB, 513x98, zZ6eZUJ.png)

No. 13251
File: 1410821307381.png (571.74 KB, 941x768, 1386447396753.png)

No. 13252
File: 1410821923946.jpg (233.57 KB, 960x1280, 1404499287267.jpg)

No. 13263
File: 1410825445965.jpg (90.83 KB, 736x932, 0b166427562caac5f80d3c21ac4d87…)

Does anyone here remember pearchan? She ended up doing bbw porn and became a gainer, she gained tonnes of weight an got heavily into SJW stuff.
She has a tumblr and everything, also a skinny hipster bf. Goes by the handle of beccabae in porn/gravure now.
What a waste of a pretty face eh? You have to admit, she has a nice face.
No. 13264
File: 1410825462328.jpg (106.17 KB, 606x611, ss (2014-09-15 at 06.55.41).jp…)

>>13262fuck, dropped the pic.
Her "sexy" ass.
No. 13268
I'm attempting to bulk to build muscle as part of my attempt to handle depression. I cannot for the fucking life of me understand how these people eat so much. I eat a 90g burger with plenty of dressing every other day and I'm still not fucking gaining. They probably inhale two or three of those daily, on top of what I eat. It makes me physically ill to try to eat this much food.
tl;dr trying to gain, can't. amazed at these people.
>>13265very much the angle. and people who aren't fat would have a bit of a, well, crack. like a '3' shape instead of just a ')'. If that makes any sense. it's bodyfat that's "filling in".
No. 13269
dat spillage bro. the fuck is with her back, it's like all the fat is trying to escape and crawl away
No. 13270
>>13250>autistic>depressed>babysitsWho in their right mind would employ such a person?
>>13248my knees hurt from looking at that, goddamn. can you imagine having heavy weights tied above your knees, pulling inward? fucking hell.
No. 13272
File: 1410827252488.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.85 KB, 492x400, 90.jpg)

>>13270Yeah, joint problems end up being a HUGE pain for people this size. Not to mention that when they get to a size like pic related walking not only causes strain on joints but on the skin itself, so their skin is very thin and can even tear from moving or walking too much.
No. 13273
File: 1410827429165.jpg (54.85 KB, 421x599, 421px-1guy1cameracookie.jpg)

No. 13282
>>13263She looks sad, both her body and facial expression
Does anyone know what her tattoo says? I for know much about her but did she lose weight and then got into this weird mindset and looks like this now? That's a shame.
No. 13283
>>13227They could have just left it at calories, but I get it as being a joke.
You don't see people bitching about fast food restaurants having the calories on the menus.
No. 13354
File: 1410895015538.jpg (44.6 KB, 589x600, 589px-Fat_-_Genetics.jpg)

>>13353Real women have cuuuurves
No. 13355
File: 1410895044062.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.31 KB, 605x900, 4r.jpg)

>>13307It's like giant underboobs I suppose
No. 13356
File: 1410895073851.png (226.8 KB, 800x357, Fat_Wall_e_Blog.PNG)

No. 13358
File: 1410895162329.jpg (44.45 KB, 450x600, 450px-Fat_American_whale_with_…)

Just eating a whole jar of mayo, as you do.
No. 13432
>>13263>She ended up doing bbw porn and became a gainerI didn't think she was a gainer, at least not intentionally.
She's a bit heavy with the SJW stuff but seems nice enough. Her bf is pretty cute imo.
Honestly though I think she would have had a weird body either way. She just does.
No. 13466
>>13235>If you try really hard and believe in yourself you too can eat 2 loaves of bread a day anon.made me lol so much!
>>13249>Privilege is never earnedBut that's the point! This is why thin privilige is not a privilege. Unless you have a disease, you CAN help the fact that you're fat…how can these people stay so blind?
>>13250>>13251What is up with SJW's constantly using big words and putting multiple labels on themselves? And on the other hand they's like "STOP LABUHLING MEEEEE"
>>13251>I pride myself on my empathy and care for othersExcept for thin people, I presume?
>>13358There's a small chance he put pudding in there and eats it in public to trick people, my friend once did that, fun times.
No. 13498
File: 1410961333192.jpg (Spoiler Image,410.85 KB, 736x962, tumblr_n6mcdiT0A71s8qpo9o1_128…)

>>13491They do. It's a legitimate fetish…
No. 13502
File: 1410961574424.jpg (117.43 KB, 782x600,…)

No. 13503
File: 1410961809397.jpg (422.54 KB, 3264x1836, TV0Z7BI.jpg)

I'm sure we all know someone like this…
No. 13504
File: 1410961842662.png (560.22 KB, 723x849, cG8yPbz.png)

No. 13507
>>13502I don't know, spend less money on food? You can live off of that much money fairly comfortably. If you don't have rent to pay you're pretty well off with that money.
>>13503People who blame their fuckups on others or people who sabotage for others? Because in the end, it's you who eat or don't eat.
>>13505Like some kind of deep sea monster. Fucking Lovecratfian.
No. 13509
File: 1410962899940.jpg (295.34 KB, 714x800, mo.jpg)

>>13508more cushin' for the pushin'
No. 13521
>>13511This is so set up, it's so clear it's scripted; she's not even crying, hence why she is facing away all the time to cover the fact she isn't. The judges have been specifically told to talk about the dress by producers, because they normally don't give a shit about "who made your dress" and they wouldn't have know it was made for her without being told. X factor gets me so angry because it's so fake and a cheap laugh. Well this family got a reality show on ITV2 or something for a short time afterwards.
like that
No. 13523
File: 1410970368046.png (343.04 KB, 1280x2324, 1410953932564.png)

This horror story…
No. 13533
>>13511I remember her, she went back on a couple of years later with her sister., the family also got kicked out of their house and they had to live in their car after singing loudly at silly times in the morning.
No. 13534
>>13529This is tumblr feminazis. As far as the feminists I'm accustomed to (the academic type), they resent the notion of "masculinity" when it comes to male rape victims and respect VICTIM rights despite gender. The idea of patriarchy as a negative is because it hurts both female and male individuals. They also often argue the same for matriarchy. All these tumblr bitches do is try to pity themselves and play vengeful victim for attention.
I wish more men would talk about their experiences when it comes to rape. I don't think many people could read that horror story and feel like that guy got "lucky" and should man-up. That would make any human being capable of empathy feel disgusted. Poor dude. :(
No. 13561
>>13523I don't think that girl is necessarily fat. The chest muscles are pretty weak and it doesn't take much weight to make breathing hard.
I also doubt he was drugged. Probably just a teenager with little drinking experience who got the spinnies from laying down. It was pretty common for my friends to claim to be "drugged" when they got too drunk but they all grew out of it as we learnt our limits.
My rule for drinking is "it's not how much you drink, but how fast you drink". Shots are very fast and playing games gives away control over your drinking pace. Shots at the end of the night is a stupid idea.
inb4 "blaming the victim"
No. 13599
>>13523awww man, poor guy
>>13525It would've probably been a lot more if it had been the other way around…
>>13561>inb4 "blaming the victim"It's not because you say that, that it's any less true. You ARE blaming the victim. Most people have drunk too much at one point in there life but that's no excuse for rape.
No. 13607
>>13599>>13601You guys are ridiculous.
> guy says he might have been drugged> I disagree and think it's just alcohol, based on my experience getting black out drunk every week for 5+ years> accused of being a rape apologistHis story reads like situations I've been in a hundred times (minus the rape). I don't think there's any need for drugs to be involved and people should understand what happens when you drink too much alcohol. When you go past your limit you go past it fast. Personally I go from energetic to very sleepy in 10-15 minutes and it's not because I've been drugged.
No. 13610
>>13594Never said it wasn't. But in the end it's their job to not drink or eat or do whatever vice. You'll be exposed to it inadvertently too, and then it's literally only you who is to blame.
>>13561Doesn't sound like you're blaming him. It's true that drinking this much is irresponsible. I know I'd be fucking scared to sleep near a pool if I was remotely intoxicated. Additionally I never play games, or just go until I've had what I'd drink anyway.
>>13607It was more of an anecdote. Heavy inebriation mimics the depressive effects of opiates and possibly benzos. Alcohol is a drug. It will make you feel "drugged".
People are reading that you're saying that he shouldn't have drank so much [and he wouldn't have been raped].
I understand that's not what you're saying. You're saying it's bad to drink irresponsibly. That's true. You're not saying that he brought the rape on himself by drinking too much, because we all know that's fucking retarded.
No. 13622
>>13610Well I like to drink irresponsible amounts so I'm not gonna give him shit on that, but even irresponsible drinkers should be drink aware.
Blaming normal affects of alcohol on spiked drinks is being unaware of what alcohol can do to you.
Problem is, with young people it's often a competition to drink as much as possible and anyone who doesn't keep up is a loser, so claiming to have been spiked is a way to save face. The presence of drinking games hardly helps with this attitude.
No. 13644
File: 1411065872232.png (379.91 KB, 697x685, 0ZpvvtA.png)

Fatty shops for fruits at marks and spencers
No. 13645
File: 1411065910419.png (40.68 KB, 747x422, 0fwOO5Y.png)

Deathfat is a term used in the pro fat community to denote the morbidly obese, the term is supposed to make fun of the term 'morbidly'
No. 13646
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No. 13647
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No. 13648
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No. 13657
>>13644Which grocery store do they go to???
holy shit, either they bought it at a super expensive ~organic~ store, or they're lying out of their ass.
No. 13666
>>13646her face and complexion are so beautiful that it honestly is painful for me to see her so fat and disgusting.
i often see morbidly fat women (i work in retail so im always out in the public) who have really pretty faces and it always makes me sad
No. 13669
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>>13666Same. She could be so cute.
No. 13673
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>>13670just posting my fave pics of becca. honestly, she has one of the most gorgeous faces ive ever seen
No. 13677
>>13676Since she became a feedee and has put on even more weight it's really starting to show in her face finally.
She looked good when she was like around 230lbs, but her face is really starting to look fat and jowly.
No. 13681
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>>13677wait so is the current boyfriend the feeder?
No. 13688
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>>13676I think she keeps most of her weight on her butt and legs, she has disproportionately tiny breasts, so maybe that's why her face is so slim.
No. 13690
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>>13677Really? I have half a mind to sing up with bigcuties just to get her pics tbh
No. 13691
>>13681Hope that fucker is ready to pay for her med bills
Yes I'm mad
No. 13693
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>>13689Lel her bf is a hipsterfag wow
No. 13695
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>>13692What's her tumblr again?
She does have a sweet personality, she's a really lovely person. I'm sad about her health tho.
No. 13697
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>>13694Pic related is from her slimmer days
Her legs do look huge, eventually she might get problems with fluid retention in them, esp if she keeps gaining.
She has a really 'healthy' shape though, so she's better off than most fatties healthwise. Abdominal fat is the worst.
No. 13699
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Becca: what saxy wishes she could be
No. 13702
>> personal fashion
No. 13703
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>>13701Not to mention that nobody buys things like grapes, raspberries or a pineapple to eat as a standalone MEAL.
Bitch should buy some rice, potatoes, bulion powder, carrots, onions, rye all cheap shit. Should also learn how to cook.
No. 13706
>>13644Just FYI to all non-Brits reading this, Marks & Spenders, also known as M&S, is a super expensive chain store that you'll find upper-middle class wannabe's and Stepford wife types shopping in.
They used to be really good in the 90's as a wholesome British chain but decided to try and start marketing themselves as a store for the posh and their sales have since flopped over the last few years since their quality went down and their prices went up.
No wonder your fucking fruit was expensive bitch, you bought it cunting M&S, get it on the market jesus christ they mark that shit up like 230%.
No. 13707
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I remember back when she was known as Pear-chan on 4chan and she looked like this, and even then everybody thought she was a fucking whale (which of course, she was).
To look at her now… she actually looks slim in this picture when comparing…
No. 13709
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>>13707She used to be tiny
No. 13710
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>>13706We should go to bed anon, it's so late!
No. 13712
>>13707I know she's a "pear" but god damn her body is awkward. As another pear I've always hated my body. I now realize that if I gain weight, I'll look even worse.
Thanks pear-chan, I now feel better about my self-esteem.
No. 13715
>>13712I'm a pear too and let me tell you, it's the best thing ever. We have lower rates of many cancers, heart disease, lesser infant birth mortality etc.
Also not storing weight in your upper body keeps your face slim. I had a friend that was an apple, or more like a lollipop shape. She was obese, but her legs were skinny sticks. She looked like a disgusting 50 year old man in drag.
Sure, we don't have huge jugs, but there's always surgery. I'm going to get some in ten years, for now it's still cute to be flat chested.
No. 13717
>>13644Grapes are fucking expensive 90% of the time and you need to either buy on sale or buy less. I work at a grocery store and people are always shocked when they bring up a huge bag of grapes and it's $20. You want cheap fruit? Learn to love bananas. Cheapest fruit we sell. If you like them riper than usual, you can even get them at 50% off.
Next would be whatever non-designer apple is in season. Honeycrisp us not your friend when you are on a tight budget.
No. 13723
>>13644You need to buy stuff on sale fatty. Raspberries are kind of pricey most of the time and so are grapes. If they are not in sale buy another fruit. That's why you get the circulars to different stores and look through them before you shop. Unless you live in an area without a decent supermarket and lack transportation it's not that hard.
I'm from the ghetto and we had this awful supermarket that hadn't been remodeled since the 60s. The freezers were broken and always leaking and they got the worst of the fruit. So I would walk several miles to the sister store in the nicer neighborhood to get better fruit and often better prices. You'd be surprised at how much you get gouged in a neighborhood with no real competition. Bodegas and 7-11's don't count. They don't care that you're poor. You'll pay what they want you to pay for that food. I couldn't always afford the bus back so I'd walk. With heavy groceries. You maintain a nice figure that way.
However, I'm having trouble seeing how that tiny haul amounted to $32. This person doesn't know how to shop and probably just bought a bunch of non-sale items at a high price store rather than giant bags of chips, cookies and 3 litre sodas at the dollar store. Or they intentionally sabotaged everything with high price items because they were desperate to prove their point.
No. 13725
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>>13718oh god anon i know that feel. though im more of a retarded awkward square? im not even fat but i recently gained about 10 pounds in the last year (i still only weigh 120) but i've seen recent pics of me and i am shocked at how dumpy i look
No. 13737
>>13717Where in the US do you live that grapes are 20 fucking dollars? Boca?
A huge bag of grapes is like $5, shit.
No. 13740
>>13737this. where the fuck do you live anon, alaska? grapes are one of the cheaper fruits where I live in MA
berries or cherries on the other hand will cost you
No. 13758
>>13689If that guy is the same guy as
>>13681 holy hell he fell far.
No. 13773
>>13692She is a fat activist/SJW. She does seem very nice though.
Also shocked to see what happened to her bf, he used to be so damn cute.
No. 13793
>>13644>raspberriesone of the most expensive of fruits
>grapeslots of calories in comparison to other fruits
>nutsvery high in fat
Great job, fatty
No. 13807
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>>13804The girl and her feeder. All the tumblr fags are all saying how he loves her regardless of her weight but really, I 100% believe he's loves how obsessed she is with him because she can never get another guy close to how he looks. It all works out in the end because his fetish is a fat fleshlight
No. 13813
>>13799She sounds so proud of not being able to do certain stuff well anymore because of her fat, how can people be so proud of this?
>>13804>>13807I don't know about that girls, have you seen how he looks at her in the video? To me, it just looks like a face of someone truly in love. He probably does have a fat fetish but if she's okay with that, what's the harm? Except for her health obviously but I doubt she'd want to lose weight with or without him.
No. 13816
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>>13797Oh man the weight is reaaaaaaally starting to show in her face. She is no longer that obese chick with the cute face, she is just your average gross-looking feedee.
How much do you reckon she weighs? I mean that's gotta be near to or over 400lbs right?
No. 13822
>>13821I want to know how people like this wipe their arse, cause like I had a period where I put on a tonne of weight due to depression and subsequent massive overeating and even at my highest weight of around 200lbs even I noticed that there was a little more difficulty in, er… "reaching".
How in the hell do people like this do it?
No. 13839
>>13793>grapes>lots of calories in comparison to other fruitsNope, you're probably thinking of bananas. One grape is like a single calorie (or up to three).
Unless you eat 10lbs of grapes per day, that shit isn't exactly calorie-heavy
No. 13846
>>13804>shirt says rancidthis brings me back a few posts, and then triggers me. we should clearly start a tumblr to check their privilege.
>>13725There's nothing about that picture that shouts unattractive. The grills here probably know better how you should style yourself though. And hey, working out is never, ever bad. You'll /feel/ better from it if nothing else.
>>13839Grapes are water and sugar though. Mostly water though.
No. 13847
>>13841I'm a pear and weight 150 and most people think I weight 130. It's seriously nothing to complain about. I also don't gain weight on my stomach.
Meanwhile, I'm 150 and feel horrible. I should go to /b/ and start a weight loss thread where we can stop eating pixyteri sized portions. :)
No. 13854
>>13850You're grape shaming me.
>>13807Anyone consider that maybe he's with her not in spite of looking good, but because he's maybe a shitty person?
No. 13888
>>13856This >>>13863
200lbs was a lot of weight but I'm a pear so it ALL went to my hips and ass.
No. 13890
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>>13816does anyone else see it?
No. 13905
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please someone tell me this thing is trolling… right? right?
No. 13923
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>>13816Oh man, what a waste of a cute face. Not to mention her poor organs, they're screaming for help.
No. 13924
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>>13819I agree, anon should dress more feminine. Skirts, heels and belts/tights tops/buttons to clinch in the waist can make even the frumpiest of frumps look cute.
You need to throw out all those dark colours and baggy trousers anon, in with the yellows, pinks,chiffon and tight sweaters.
No. 13925
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>>13821I'm guessing it's really painful. Becca doesn't look like she has skin pain from simply walking (when it rips) but I'm sure she has difficulty running, exercising, walking up stairs etc.
No. 13926
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>>13824200lbs is 100kg. 100kg anon. That's really fat. Most girls are around 50 to 60, that's around half that weight.
No. 13927
>>13924Well when I was younger I used to be very skinny (not eating disorder, and when I got older I reached normal weight) and people would say that to me.
>Gain some pounds, you will look better>You should eat more and you will see etc.I never was offended tho.
No. 13928
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>>13850If I were a grape I'd be one of those seedless purple ones
>>13905It's a shoop anon. You need to go back to the school of shoopin and brush up on shoops.
No. 13932
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No. 13935
>>13932First of the first chick was just 160(not a big deal)
The other two yeah fat.
But what I don't get is did they know they were being filmed? Cause if not that's really shitty and low.
No. 13939
>>13926>>13930To be fair to me at 5'6" it actually didn't look that terrible. I think when people think 200lbs they think "holy shit whale mode", which is what I previously thought, but I didn't even realise until the day I weighed myself because it was a pretty subtle gain. I didn't have stretchmarks or folds or anything. Luckily for me I carried it really well.
Anyway now it doesn't matter since I'm back down to 130lbs.
No. 13945
>>13942Bruh I'm not.
I just think its really fucked up if he filmed them without knowing, so the biggest losers besides /b/ could get a laugh.
No. 13949
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Aw there wasn't a video I thought there was :(
No. 14026
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>>13930Stone is even worse. How much is a stone? You weigh 9 stone? That's…Good?
No. 14027
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>>13932olololol My sides have reached terminal velocity
No. 14028
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>>13940That's actually my fetish anon, stop kinkshaming me
No. 14038
>>14033you fucking spastic they were leading on from what you said. "You weight nine stone, that's … good?" Was to a hypothetical person to illustrate the anon has no idea what that means or how much nine stone is.
I swear to god talking about people with aspergers makes people into spergs.
No. 14046
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>>14038Lol that's what I was trying to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought what I said made sense.
I've read a little too mush asha so sometimes I worry that I've become infected by her word salad.
>>14033>>14039I'm not that anon, but I guess I can't prove it.
I apologise if I wasn't making myself too clear, I'm a bit messy with words sometimes.
No. 14047
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>>14044I like to watch superfat vs superskinny sometimes and they always give weights in stones, it's really annoying.
No. 14048
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No. 14049
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When you see it…
No. 14050
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No. 14055
>>14047Just FYI 9-10 stone is generally a normal, healthy size. That is like the average, perfectly healthy size, so think of 9-10 as a landmark for weight reference in the UK.
11-12 stone can be any where from chubby to fat and anything above that is generally obese. 9 stone and below is usually slim, 9 stone being 126lbs. 8 stone is petite and anything below that is bordering on the beginnings of emaciation.
Of course this all depends on height but providing you're within the 5'-6' region it's pretty encompassing.
No. 14058
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>>14053What does this have to do with america? I'm not american lol.
I guess I just wish everyone would use the metric system. It's much simpler.
No. 14060
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>>14059Well, the sentiment that the metric system should be adopted all over the world is one shared by many.
I think 'stones' sounds kinda cute actually. I can just imagine medieval brits saying "Oh, she's a hefty one she is, about 3 big rocks watchoo call them stones".
A lot of people are really divided over this metric system issue, it's a tradition etc. I don't care much either way, personally.
No. 14077
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>>14058I couldn't find her Instagram but I found this link hate HAES because it encouraged people to look like crap. Yeah we all aren't going to be body builders or super fit but you can't tell me this is normal or ok. It's just giving up.
No. 14083
>>14077I hate it to. I get accepting you are a pear shape or you have massive boobs or something like that and embracing those natural differences and I can understand accepting chubbiness assuming it isn't the modern American idea of chubby which seems to be like 50+ pounds overweight rather than 10-15 pounds of "softness," but I cannot understand how anyone can be so delusional to think that carrying that much extra weight is acceptable and beautiful, let alone healthy.
And it's funny because people are so quick to call someone 10 pounds underweight unhealthy but will 25 pounds overweight is fine, even called healthy. Health at EVERY SIZE!!! (except average to underweight.)
No. 14088
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>>14081Every fat girl gets this face in the end. It's horrible and far from 'cute' like everyone keeps telling her
No. 14123
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>>14081That'sthe shittiest eyeliner tho, who is she kidding
No. 14130
>>14127A lot of chemistry/science students on the other hand would argue that the metric system is far more accurate (physical represantations of the kg exist, eg. the famous 1kg in paris which is accurate within 0.0000…1 percent).
When it comes to things like maths and calculation it's also much better to have one unit to minimise error and misunderstandings.
No. 14131
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>>14127I have a legit question anon, what do you think of racemixing and immigration, in light of what you said? Doesn't multiculturalism diminish cultures?
No. 14132
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No. 14133
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No. 14134
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No. 14136
>>14086It feels the same, you just can't feel your bones by pressing down on your skin or rubbing yourself on shit anymore.
I don't even understand how you can imagine that as being in a "sea of flab". What the fuck anon
No. 14139
>>14131Given that I'm from the UK I don't think multiculturalism works. Period.
The UK is a prime example of how it doesn't work with an enormous amount of immigrants instead of absorbing themselves into our culture instead choose to retreat to boroughs populated by people whom share similar ideals which in turn leads to these boroughs turning into mini versions of whatever country they've emigrated from which then becomes a no-go area for whites.
I myself very recently moved to a new city and I accidentally walked into like a ghetto which was majority populated by Western Asians and blacks and I was absolutely terrified that I was going to get mugged or grabbed by somebody. Whilst walking through this area I was literally the only white person and the only female that I saw and I was being stared at and talked about in a different language by EVERYBODY which was so fucking intimidating.
I was harassed no less than 3 times walking through it, once by a black guy followed me up the street going "Hey bby u beautiful bby c'mon bby come talk to me why won't u talk to me bby c'mon bby give me a smile beautiful come back to my place I give u a nice time bby".
When I eventually managed to get home I Googled the area and the results that came up displayed that it had one of the highest crime rates within the city, with stabbings, murders, burglaries and hard drug use and I don't think anybody can try to deny that there isn't a correlation there between the residents and the crime percentage which actually pains me to say because I have a great many black and Asian friends who are just absolutely wonderful and it feels like I'm shitting on them directly.
I think more countries ought to emulate Japan in their homogeneous nature, as thought it's undeniable that Japan has a few hiccups in relation to suicide percentages and the like, in conjunction with having a very small rate of immigration they also have one of the lowest crime rates and the 3rd largest economy.
It's funny because in the 70's when the UK had a large influx of black/specifically Caribbean immigrants come over they absorbed themselves into the culture no problem because the reason they came here was to escape their own culture and start a new life, but rules and regulations were tougher then. The UK has since become an enormous soft-touch and a lot of the people that are coming over now have no desire to immerse themselves and it's things like that result in places like the city of Bradford A.K.A Bradistan the 6th largest city in the UK which incidentally has very high West Asian demographics and is now a crime hotspot, is fast becoming a dangerous area for whites to reside and is laden with shit like honour-killing, FGM, riots, hard drug use etc.
It's funny because all of the Europeans I talk to, people from Portugal, Hungary, Sweden, Romania, France etc. they totally get what I'm talking about, but in the UK if you try to discuss this openly and with clarity you will be labelled a racist and a bigot.
A few articles lauding the great multicultural city of Bradford: No. 14140
>>14132Eh, I can kind of support those people there to be honest.
The level of commercials currently being aired all trying to sell you one thing or another telling you how shitty you must be and how much better you'd be if you'd purchase their product now at a cool rate of only 5 instalments of $67.99 per week is pretty revolting.
No. 14142
>>14139>they also have one of the lowest crime ratesNo offense, but do you seriously think this isn't a social aspect of people suppressing shit or not wanting to go to the police because it'll "look bad" or inconvenience others?
Also, IMO what's currently going on with immigrants refusing to actually become part of the countries they join isn't actual multiculturalism at all, just trying to make other countries into their own shitty neighborhoods.
No. 14143
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>>14139I know what you mean. My mum lives near an area that's heavily carribean/black and it's the shittiest of shitholes. The council pours buckets of money into the borough and they still manage to mess it up. People regularily deface the elevator, smash windows, graffiti shops and mug.
Last time I went there I got catcalled countless times by scary looking carribean men 'ey bebby ey' no response 'fuck you BITCH'.
The UK is going to die if we let those tumblr ponces have their way any longer. These people, esp. carribeans and west asians need to integrate or get kicked out. Seriously.
Some parts of london are like money sink ghettos. It's like detroit all over again.
No. 14144
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>>14141Check your fibre intake privilege
No. 14145
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Boiling out the calories lel
No. 14146
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No. 14147
>>14142Even if you take that into account though there's no denying that they still have a remarkably low crime rate.
I mean honestly you could argue that point for any other country, that the statistics are skewed because not everybody is reporting crimes.
>just trying to make other countries into their own shitty neighborhoods.Yeah, multiculturalism. That's exactly what multiculturalism is.
No. 14149
>>14143That would actually be a cute picture of a kid cosplaying if you cropped out the adult.
Wait, is that Honey Boo Boo?
No. 14150
>>14147>That's exactly what multiculturalism is.>multiculturalismMulti. Culturalism.
Multi. Cultures.
Not one culture. Multiple.
Did you seriously need this broken down for you?
No. 14152
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No. 14153
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taobao asian shitlords
No. 14154
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No. 14158
>>14155Going to a country and refusing to integrate, instead choosing to go to "ghettos" of people who are your race or background is literally the exact opposite of joining cultures.
It's not multiculturalism at all. I think you're the one who needs to re-read things.
No. 14159
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>>14158>>14155I don't want to get too involved in the argument you guys are having, but as a neutral third party I'll drop a google definition
"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.
No. 14161
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>>14160Her ankles are long gone
No. 14167
>>14165And the current attempt at it isn't coexistence as much as it is separation.
You don't seem to understand that for whatever reason.
No. 14169
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>>14165>>14167>>14158>>14155>>14150>>14147Hey, can you guys go and argue about this on/b/? It's getting incredibly spammy.
No. 14170
>>14167It doesn't fucking matter what your "personal" opinion of it is, the definition of multiculturalism is as follows:
>"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative stylesDoesn't say shit about whether or not it works or how well they get a long.
Christ how can you be this thick.
No. 14171
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No. 14173
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>>14172The typical Reddit or Tumblr user
Now for a classic picture
No. 14183
>>14181Ah yes, this is actually happening in Rotherham which is a few miles away from where I live.
Huge, huge shitstorm going down in the UK right now.
Basically it's come out that police, social workers and a shit load of authority figures were knowingly ignoring gangs of Asian me who were soliciting young British female schoolchildren into prostitution, or simply grooming them, picking them up and raping them.
The victims are nearing 2000 now and every single member of these gangs were Asian men from places like Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc., and almost every single victim a young British white girl.
Everybody ignored it and refused to take it seriously because they were terrified of being accused of being racist.
No. 14187
>>14183The thing is, these gangs were always a public secret. I remember hearing about them 10 years ago but it was the height of the War on Terror and talking about them was considered "Islamophobic".
Even 2-3 years ago when the BBC etc started reporting on them they always spun it with "it's not only Asian gangs that do this".
Rotherham really blew a the lid off but I'm not really sure why. The scale was known at least 2 years ago so it's not that. Is it just because UKIP are stirring shit up (Rotherham is the same council as the foster parents scandal from 2012)?
No. 14213
>>14211My apologies that you're a lazy, selfish lardarse who's too incompetent to memorise a relatively simple unit of measurement and instead expect the worlds to cater for her every whim and need.
I mean for fucks sake, most people in the UK understand lbs and kgs, is it really that difficult? Get off your fat ass and study jesus christ.
No. 14215
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The autism in this thread is reaching critical mass. Lets keep on topic ladies!
No. 14216
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No. 14217
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No. 14218
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Shitlord door
No. 14219
>>14214Britain is already bad in case you didn't get the memo.
It's a politically corrupt cesspit-cum-immigrant paradise.
No. 14258
>>13847same here! People think I'm much lighter than I really am because I store all my fat in my legs and usually wear skirts.
>pixyteri sized portionsagain with the pixyteri units, this is better than the metric system!
No. 14299
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No. 14300
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No. 14301
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No. 14302
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No. 14303
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No. 14304
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Lolita community is full of stupid.
No. 14305
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No. 14306
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No. 14307
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No. 14308
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No. 14326
>>14309I think everyone an acknowledge something that is conventionally beautiful even if it isn't their own "thing"; so yes, I think men who have fetishes for huge women and could only get off to them and all of that can still say they think a blonde supermodel is, objectively, beautiful. It's just not their preference.
I think it's like me, a straight woman, saying that I think a woman is extremely beautiful and even sexy while still not being sexually attracted to her.
No. 14401
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>>14400Those are plus size thigh highs she's wearing
No. 14403
>>14401i was about to eat a cookie… this changed my mind.
omg… some ppl are so disguisting. what on earth do they eat ewwwwwwwww
No. 14448
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No. 14449
>>14431To me she just looks sad.
I don't believe that anybody would be happy in a body that restricts someone so much.
Just think about how much even walking for a while could hurt. It'll get only worse as she is aging.
No. 14481
>>14442But considering how much she weighs she has a relatively slim face, comparatively. Good genetics on her part and as someone who gets a fat face whenever I gain any amount of weight I'm jelly. Her face is so beautiful. Just a shame that she's getting so much bigger.
I am seriously curious how she's dealing with her weight gain and if she ever regrets any of it. Especially since even she admits (for fetishists) that it makes life harder.
No. 14483
>>14481She did it for the money, basically?
If she lost weight, she'd be an even bigger inspiration instead of catering to fetishists; excuse the pun.
No. 14489
>>14483>She did it for the money, basically? Wait did she? I have sort of followed her around on and off for a while because she's fascinating (though I wouldn't say she's a full on lolcow, all her fat stuff aside she seems quite reasonable and sweet) and I didn't think she was a feeder/gainer, I thought it just sort of happened.
I really hope she didn't gain weight for some guys to fap to, that's so horrible.
Speaking of losing weight though, it seems like the girl from Cupcake's Clothes is losing some weight. I hope she's feeling better. I admit I kind of look at both their pictures sometimes if I'm craving sweets or whatever to keep myself away from it but they both seem quite nice and it would be great if they could get healthier.
No. 14627
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>>14299LOL they think they're so badass but it's actually really pathetic. I bet she'd never even have the guts to do it.
No. 14628
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>>14401So she can't even have plus sized thigh highs? What does she use for underwear? Window blinds?
No. 14630
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No. 14631
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No. 14632
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No. 14635
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No. 14643
>>14077This is Quirky's IG's a link to her latest youtube video there, too.
No. 14646
>>14635Girl, no. You can lie to yourself and everybody else but YOUR BODY knows the truth about your junk food habit. Takeaway on weekends, my ass. Forget the 1£ for every pound you lose. How about for every stone you lose, you are more likely to see your kid graduate.
She's got a kid to raise but, if they don't already, they will grow up and eat crap because this is their "no.rmal"
No. 14649
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>>14636That article was from the metro by the way, makes me sad. The west is doomed now, it's time for Armageddon. All is lost.
No. 14650
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Smart move
No. 14651
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I found this under the 'haute couture' tag wtf
No. 14652
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No. 14653
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Shitlord door frame
No. 14656
>>14651Some women, especially tumblrtards, think "haute couture" is being "unique" in their fashion choices.
Oh ignorance is truly bliss.
No. 14658
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>>14655Check your thin privilege
No. 14663
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>>14661By eating it every few days at LEAST if not every day. In the UK takeawayss tend to be v cheap in comparison to certain other countries
cough cough switzerland
cough so some people have diets that consist of nearly nothing but takeaways.
Where I live a bigmac is around 7 quid/12 dollars so we can't afford to do that. I honestly think that the cheap price of takeaways is what made britain so fat.
No. 14666
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>>14653>SSBBW Super Saiyan?
Those are regular sized doors. Holy crap.
No. 14674
>>14663What made Britain so fat was the introduction of the American diet.
Given that we are essentially America's lapdog at this point it's been much easier for them to introduce and merge their "culture" into out own as opposed to say Sverige or Russia.
Seriously, fuck America. Before them the British had a relatively healthy diet. Everybody ate plenty of fruit and veg and meats and dairy but all in moderation. We "were" a healthy peoples.
No. 14676
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>>14674I don't know about healthy, yorkshire puddings every sunday, rashers on toast, toad in a hole, pudding…
Still, way healthier than the fare people have nowadays, back then they actually COOKED and ate things like soups and veggies. I was watching supersize vs superskinny the other day, or something like that, and there was a fat woman who basically admitted that she never cooks, thinks cooking is a waste of time 'cos u can just buy all that at tesco's…And the cherry on the lard cake, the only veggies she consumed were in takeaways, like a soggy carrot in a chicken vindaloo.
No. 14693
>>14683idk man.
I know potatoes, sausages, yorkshire puds, stuffing, Sunday roasts etc. are all fattening, but at least back then we had moderation.
No. 14694
>>14684Well generally they don't, people will just watch whatever is airing.
British television airs some American shows just like American television airs British shows. I mean, don't they air Doctor Who and shit in the states?
No. 14700
>>14696Which completely explains why up until the introduction of the American diet to Britain why we were so slim and healthy.
Yes. This makes perfect sense.
No. 14703
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>>14635Picture related is the woman in question.
Note the Pop Tarts in the cupboard, which I believe at present is only sold at Tescos in the UK, and last time I looked they were being retailed at around £3.00 per box.
You can buy one loaf of cheap bread, a carton of eggs and some milk for that price.
Not enough money to lose weight but enough money for get piercings, tattoo and dye her hair regularly.
Walking doesn't cost anything lardo.
No. 14708
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>>14703Thiiiis. Fucking fatties and their stupid fattie excuses.
No. 14722
>>14631for some reason I think this is kind of cute
also loving that she doesn't seem bitter towards the thin girl at all, a sight you rarely see these days
No. 14723
>>14635Holy shit that's a lot of money! My bf and me together don't even spend that much on food.
the problem with most of these fatties is, is that they don't cook. Wich I don't get in this lady's case. What's her excuse? She doesn't have a job so she's got the time to do it. I mean, if a full-time employed couple with kids can cook, why can't she?
>>14708This has got to be a troll!
and if not, fuck you bitch, Leslie Nielsen is awesome!
No. 14730
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No. 14733
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No. 14735
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>>14734I love how these fatties obsess over marilyn monroe, claiming that back then people could really appreciate a real woman™
The fact of the matter is that if marilyn was alive today, she would be wearing a US size 4, and at certain points in her career she was a size 0. She was not "chubby" or overweight by any means. She weighed around 120 pounds and often less.
She was also incredibly unhealthy, had psychological problems and a drug addiction that ultimately killed her. I guess she was similar to the fatties in this respect.
No. 14736
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No. 14737
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No. 14739
>>14705Up until recently the majority of Americans were also consuming a British diet given that most of them had emigrated from there.
Give it up girl, everybody knows this.
No. 14743
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>>14740True, there's some evidence that it could've been a homicide, but the general consensus is it was most probably a suicide or an accidental overdose.
No. 14744
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>>14741You do know that when they first began developing GMO Monsanto deliberately swept aside and covered up research that indicated that rats fed on an exclusive diet of GMO fastly developed tumours?
Following its publication it was quickly and mysteriously withdrawn.
Do you know absolutely nothing about Monsanto as a corporation?
No. 14745
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No. 14748
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HAES squiwwel
No. 14749
>>14747That's some nice evidence you got there.
Nevermind, Monsanto is a good corporation who never did anything wrong. Good, good. Not bad. Continue to eat your GMO. All is well in the world and you are happy.
No. 14750
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No. 14753
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>>14752Well technically if a morbidly obese person stopped eating completely they would die.
We all know that's not the case and that she probably just started eating one cheeseburger instead of five.
No. 14757
>>14751I live in a country where GMO is banned and prohibited from importation, just liked the multitude of other countries across the globe.
>the science is just wrong!>Murrica always right!kek
I bet you think hexafluorosilicic acid actually helps your teeth when ingested through the water too.
No. 14759
>You do know that when they first began developing GMO Monsanto deliberately swept aside and covered up research that indicated that rats fed on an exclusive diet of GMO fastly developed tumours?>Following its publication it was quickly and mysteriously withdrawn.Monsanto first started developing GMOs in 1983.
The study you mentioned was published in August 2012 and received widespread media coverage.
The study was publicly retracted in November 2013 but didn't receive much media coverage outside of the science press. No. 14760
>>14756>>14755Are you guys crazy?
There have been morbidly obese patients that have literally starved to death.
If you are severely obese, eating too little too soon can literally kill you. That's why doctors usually step you down on you daily caloric intake.
(Michael Edelman, for one, before you ask for an example. He developed a pathological fear of eating after one of his obese friends died and rapidly lost several hundred pounds, eating only when spoon fed. At about 600 lbs, he literally starved to death.)
No. 14761
>>14758He was continually monitored by University of Dundee medical staff in Scotland that only fed him yeast, multi-vitamins and occasionally potassium for his heart. They kept their eye on his condition and took routine blood tests. After all was said and done, he had dropped from 456 pounds to 180 pounds. He was weighed again 5 years later and had only put on 15 pounds.
So he didn't just wake up one day and decide not to eat. He had an entire medical staff there to prevent his heart/organs from shutting down. Without their expertise, he would have surely died.
No. 14768
>>14761Having come from Dundee I already know about this, I just cbf going into the details.
I would have thought it obvious that he'd have a medical team supporting him?
No. 14778
>>14744That study should probably use an animal that
isnt prone to developing massive tumors in over 50% of them at any given time. Not speaking as a pro GMO, just a rat keeper who has only had 3 out of 12 rats total not develop tumors.
No. 14779
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>>14754Yep. Calories in, calories out. Also LOL at the people who think morbidly obese people can't starve to death. It's like they took a long snooze through high school biology.
No. 14780
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>>14758You know juices are full of sugar and fibre right?
>>14756No. "If you have access to water but no food, then the entire starving process will take between 2 to 8 weeks depending on how much body fat is stored up."
No. 14781
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No. 14783
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No. 14784
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No. 14787
>>14781Why do tumblr HAESers and SJWs constantly spew this shit? Actually yes, it
is your job to educate us because the burden of proof is on you. if I google "does obesity cause heart disease" I'm going to get 100 links that say yes and maybe one buried 10 pages in that says no. Why should I care enough to go digging for that one (not credible) source? I'm not fat, why would I concern myself with the plight of fatties when I have better shit to do?
Same with the marginalized groups shit. The other day on tumblr I saw a girl who wanted to write a story about a gay Muslim ask a gay Muslim for some credible sources so she could do the portrayal justice, and instead got a 20 page essay of ITS NOT MY JOB TO EDUCATE YOU!!!!! ok, if you don't want to take the time to help, you know, un-marginalize yourself and wonder why there's no portrayals of queer Muslims in media… There you go.
No. 14790
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>>14784the Ultimate makes it sound like an end boss.
No. 14794
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>>14792Yep. She was even a size 0 at certain points in her career.
No. 14795
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No. 14796
>>14769As another person stated before, GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms.
The problem with it is that the organisms that we are dicking about with, specifically our foods, are ones that have evolved their genetic structure over billions of years no.
In theory alone fiddling around with the DNA of these organisms in order to produce certain beneficial effects for humans (i.e. being naturally resistant to insect repellent, rat poisons, drought, floods etc.), in theory this should be sound but that's really not the way that nature works.
Take a human for example, a mere singular chromosomal defect and the result on the developing organism is disastrous producing such conditions as Down's Syndrome, Patau Syndrome etc.
Research on the GMO conducted on rats over the course of two years revealed that each of the rats involved in the experiment all developed some form of debilitating condition from tumours to kidney failure.
You really can't fuck with mother nature because she will fuck you right back.
Monsanto, the corporation that's heading GMO development project and has done for many years now, is an organisation with a wealthy history or corruption, cover ups and paying off researchers in order to pass their products as safe. They are actually the ones that are responsible for the Agent Orange scandal that is still responsible for and causing thousands of birth defects a year.
They are trying to push for GMO commercialisation across the globe and due to the fact that they've since trademarked these new strains of GMO they will reap disgustingly enormous profits. Another issue with this is that they're actually strangling organic farmers due to a law that stipulates that if the organic farmer has a plot of land next to a GMO Monsanto owned plot of land and some of the GMO seeds blow onto the organic farmer's land and contaminate his crops, it's the organic farmer that's held accountable, not Monsanto.
You guys have seriously no idea how potentially detrimental going down this route could be to not only humans but every species on the planet, hence why countries that are banning GMO in droves, from Austria to France, to Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt etc.
Every where but American where Monsanto has already paid off the relevant peoples.
More people should be terrified about this really.
No. 14802
>>14795Jesus jibblies Christ that is not how the human body works.
Starvation mode is not this miraculous state the body enters into where you can eat as little as you want and expend virtually no energy. Starvation mode is basically another word for when your metabolism as a whole receives messages that there is no energy coming by way of food.
If you have nothing to feed the cells in your body eventually your enzymes will cease function and you will die, so what your body first does is it brings all of your functions to a slow grind, and that's everything from digestion (so the body has more time to suck every last nutrient out of whatever last meal you ate), to bowel movements to brain function.
You will not shit for days, you will become slower to react to things and become generally stupider and irritable. You will also sweat profusely as a symptom of hypoglycemia.
Your body is trying as hard as it can to conserve every last possible bit of energy (hence why if you don't eat and then try to do sport or high intensity activity your body will go NOPE.jpeg and shut your shit down = fainting), and failing that will begin the process of catabolisation which is when your body begins breaking down your own cells to convert into energy, which is a generally slow process and will leave you exhausted every day. First it will catabolise any reserve fats, then it will catabolise muscle, and as a final step it will begin catabolising your own organs which is how anorexics get so fucked up.
This "starvation mode" that people talk about it a ridiculous temporary state that lasts on average 2-3 days. Following that you WILL being to lose weight because you body is literally eating itself in order to fuel your movements/thermoregulation/digestion/enzymes/neural functions etc.
No. 14809
>>14770Gene therapy like… retroviruses modifying DNA? I thought that was strictly theoretical/fictional.
>>14796My impression is that the worries lie with problems of outcompeting to the point of extinction wild non-GMOs, and arguably that the GMOs may inadvertently develop weaknesses to things the non-GMOs are resistant to. Interestingly, technology for making crop seeds sterile exists.
I'm certain that something as genetically complex as a mouse would often times die from genetic experimentation. However, I hope you're not implying that GMOs are inherently unfit for consumption.
Keep in mind that genetic modification has existed since forever. The domestic dog is a result of it. Many plants have been selectively pollinated too, in order to bring the best yields and so forth. It's a biochemical shortcut, short-circuting evolution. We can't give pineapples legs, but we could perhaps create cows that have no lactose production, allowing those with intolerance to consume regular milk without the need of processing. Theoretically.
I think it's a promising technology that needs to be paid close attention to, but it seems invariably positive, promising to solve many problems. Largely, it's like nuclear technology, only with less potential for blowing shit up.
>>14769It may be in fast food. Organic ingredients will not be GMOs. The difference is effectively nonexistent for the average consumer. It's another "muh genetics".
No. 14814
>>14810Wait, what? Are people saying this? Haven't they heard about rabbit starvation?
I imagine that one shouldn't move much during such a regimen, to conserve blood sugar for basic body functions.
No. 14815
>>14796Can they prove those tumors are actually from GMOs? Because rats are very VERY prone to tumors anyway, especially females, and those pictures are of girl rats. 2 years is about the amount of time it takes for rats to pop up with a tumor anyway. Like I said before, over 50% of female rats will get big awful mammary tumors.
Like I said before, they should use an animal not so prone to tumors on their own anyway.
No. 14816
>>14810Well technically you can't starve to death when you're obese - at least not for a while.
When people typically starve to death it's not the actual lack of calories that kills them, it's the malnutrition. If you were very obese you could actually live for a considerable amount of time off of your own bodyfat providing you were still receiving all the necessary nutrients.
No. 14817
>>14815The paper was retracted because the sample was too small for any statistical significance over natural causes.
The whole thing was a bit of a cluster fuck. Séralini made the media sign an embargo so that nobody could check the data.
>The agreement included a penalty for non-compliance: “A refund of the cost of the study of several million euros would be considered damages if the premature disclosure questioned the release of the study.”The data was eventually released but not until the media circus had passed.
Séralini has a bit of a history of releasing research that turns out to not live up to its claims. No. 14867
>>14752I'm inclined to agree, but an eating disorder it remains. Overeating, then starving. You have to really be trying when overeating to gain so much during the periods you do eat.
>>14822People watch QI outside of Britain, you know. I honestly don't remember where I learned about it though. I remember seeing a QI episode about it, but also documentaries about arctic explorers starving to death and such. Wait, why are we discussing such a thing?
>>14816So they don't need calories to "fuel" the metabolization stored fat, but rather micronutrients. Hm.
>>14821Eat enough of anything and you'll get some (micro)nutrients. Strictly speaking there's nutrition in practically everything.
No. 14874
>>14744>>14778Yup, those cute little critters just aren't meant to live for this long, that's why they get tumors (same for humans).
Rats living in nature are much more likely to die earlier so they don't get to live long enough to get tumors.
I had two rats myself. They both had surgery for tumors and afterwards still died from new tumors. I still miss them.
No. 14876
>>14874Believe it or not, their short lifecycle is why they're used for science.
Sorry to hear about your loss, I hear they make good pets.
No. 14877
>>14876Really? But why? I read here that they did research and concluded that after two years the rats would get tumors. That research can't be accurate since rats' average lifespan (in captivity) is two years and their death is usually caused by tumors.
They make amazing pets! They're really intelligent and very loving. The only bad thing about them is that they die too early.
No. 14907
>>14877They use them so that they can be sure that the test subjects will actually develop cancer. You can expose humans to Chernobyl levels of radiation and it still takes 20 years for cancer to develop, so a species that easily gets cancer is useful for testing.
But you have to use a large enough sample size to be able to determine statistical significance.
No. 14916
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No. 14917
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No. 14918
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No. 14919
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No. 14922
>>14916Is that not just a really fat man? I mean they get estrogen from having too much fat.
>>14917hashtag bazinga indeed
No. 14926
>>14916I am so fucking liberal and I have zero problems with anybody wishing to look the way they do or dress themselves the way they want or adorn themselves with tattoos and piercings and whatnot, but sometimes I think people like
>>14916 just do it for the sole purpose of being controversial and difficult.
Like, she knows nobody is going to be attracted to that shit, she knows nobody think it's good, but then she has an excuse to cry and scream about the patriarchy and throw her toys out of the pram over the fact that nobody wants to feel bristles when they're kissing what they assume to be a female.
No. 14932
>>14867Not quite, I've seen some documentaries about morbidly obese people (especially the ones so big they can't really move) and a lot of them suffer from some serious malnutrition issues. Their diets are incredibly shitty beyond belief (or not).
And that other person was right, you an starve to death while being obese because a lot of essential vitamins are not stored in fat.
No. 14942
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>>14926Yep, exactly this. I don't mind body mods, tattoos, pink hair etc. on others, even if it looks bad. It makes me roll my eyes so far back into my head though when they do this stuff and then complain that people are staring at them.
I had a friend, green mostly shaved hair, face full of piercings (around 20 facial piercings), visible tattoos, gothic clothing and she was fat to top it all off. She was forever complaining about how people would stare at her, even wanted to take pictures.
She ended up growing out of it, started to dress normally, took off all her facial piercings, got normal hair, she looks adorbs now. Her personality has changed too. She no longer looks down on everyone in this pretentious 'hurr you're not goth so you're a twat' way.
No. 14944
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No. 14945
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No. 14946
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>>14932A lack of vitamins doesn't make you starve to death, a lack of vitamins causes a vitamin deficiency. Eg. a lack of vitamin c will cause scurvy, a lack of vitamin d can make you tired and make children mentally retarded.
No. 14947
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No. 14948
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>>14933Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember reading that many of the few surviving emergency personel particularly the firemen got extremely aggressive cancer within weeks if not days of exposure.
No. 14949
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No. 14950
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No. 14957
Laughing forever. This is just as good as the time I saw someone come into the gym with a Monster Energy drink or the time I saw someone finish a McDonald's breakfast before proceeding to jump on the bike.
No. 14959
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>>14957Maybe they were bulkin'
No. 14961
>>14933>>14946When you're affected by radiation directly it's called Acute Radiation Syndrome which is different to cancer. You can survive ARS and then go on to develop cancer later in life.
Hence why death tolls for Chernobyl vary from 40 (ARS) to 4000 (cancers).
No. 14963
>>14947I'm not sure I even want to ask what that is on the right of the dish but I'm pretty sure we don't serve that in the UK.
It looks like lard mixed with herbs.
No. 15015
File: 1411775816659.jpg (93.72 KB, 640x640, kill it with fire.jpg) took some new pictures today and jesus fucking christ are they awful. Why does she constantly look filthy despite showering? Her makeup is terrible and I don't know why she thinks she looks good. People need to stop making her delusional, she isn't healthy or beautiful. No. 15019
File: 1411776042665.png (732.53 KB, 1189x720, sucking it in still.png)

>>15015Why do people lie to others..
No. 15026
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>>15023Ew at the thirsty nigger (lol literally) on the comments. What the fuck is it with black guys trying to bang dumpy, white bitches?
No. 15079
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For fucks sake, shut up and stop trying to make shit about you when it isn't. No. 15081
File: 1411788693873.jpg (61.69 KB, 640x640, ew die.jpg)

>>15080 always looks dirty..
Also, in the second video, she looks like a female version of John Candy. No joke, open another tab and compare a picture of him to this video right here and you'll see it.
No. 15085
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>>15081She can't even eat without staining her clothes..
No. 15087
>>15085>>honer my curvesWhat curved? You are a sphere.
>>15086Looks like her brother wants her to die young.
No. 15096
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No. 15108
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No. 15134
>>14947Holy shit, I couldn't manage that if I tried. They should stop excercising if they have to eat that afterwards- that's what's making them fat.
>>14964>atomsStrictly speaking no. Though alpha particles are a helium atom stripped of its electrons. Beta radiation is electrons or, apparently, positrons (the fuck, science? is my education already outdated?)
>>14981Not sauerkraut, I can tell you that.
>>15026High testosterone levels :^)
>>15108>into a better life>into a better healthso deluded…
No. 15135
>>15026Whenever someone days 'thick' I imagine it being muscle definition with some soft curves, so not quite a body builder but there is definitely power and grace in the body's form.
When obese people call themselves thick it's laughable. There is no elegance in it.
>>15019Yeeesh. Are those second lines her workout lines? Why would you encourage obese people to wear things like this? It's not nice.
No. 15142
>>15085I don't know about you guys but I want to know more about this alphashadowwolf gentleman.
>>15087To be fair, there are multiple lumps that probably have a curve to them.
>>15096Isn't food porn supposed to make you want to eat? This looks revolting.
No. 15166
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She keeps doing the same, stupid pose with the side of her face and one hand on her neck/cheek, but it looks retarded. All this does is show off her horrible skin and premature aging. Seriously, her under eyes are just disgusting. To be 22 and have those massive fucking wrinkles.. ugh.
No. 15170
>>15166Hey anon, just as a protip, you should look up 'a holing' in relation to lolcows because that's what you're doing.
I get that she's gross, but unless you're making a joke or a relevant comment the constant 'hurr durr she's so ugly' comes across as stupid and childish. You almost sound like her, like she just came here to lamely imitate what she thinks 'le top trollz' sound like so she could whine about fat haters on her blog.
Also, those folds under her eyes are because of fat, not because of premature aging.
No. 15173
>>15033That's called a 'fatkini' right? It's like a bikini where there's extra material on the pants part so you can stuff your fupa into it.
>>15108So, what's her story and what's her deal apart from being fat? Is she a SJW, gainer, drama whore or anything lulzy like that?
No. 15175
>>15170Those lines are actually from premature aging, because not everyone has those. That's from skin care neglect along with not eating properly or using sunscreen.
Also, the point of this board is to shit talk. She's a "feminist", SJW, drama whore who got posted here because all she does is encourage others to slowly kill themselves via too much food and claims that she's healthy.
If you don't like it, you can fucking leave.
No. 15181
>>14749there's nothing wrong with hating Monsanto, it's a genuinely evil corporation.
It's the science denial that makes you sound retarded.
I hope you're a Eurofag who bitches about "muh PC nanny state." That would make your crying about ultra neoliberal corporations that much funnier
No. 15183
>>14757>i'll take cross pollination for $1000, Alextake a look at the movie Food, Inc. genetically modifying organisms through cross-breeding has been around for literally thousands of years.
>who is Gregor Mendel the problem with Monsanto is their neoliberal bullshit of patenting genes and creating a monopoly on seeds that fucks over regular farmers
No. 15185
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>>15173not that anon but let me tell you what i know so far
>she developed a eating disorder because of supposed rape >got bullied in school to the point where she had to leave high school, never graduated.>she's a huge binger [no pun intended lol] and she's always posting pictures of fatass foods, but from one day to another she will go and post about how she wants to get healthier and how she's going to go "natural" [she has this subscription to healthy snacks and shit, that honestly don't do anything to her]>when called out on her shit, she'll block the person and then screenshot the comments to get her hugbox in action. This applies to both her facebook and ig>the people around her don't dare to tell her shit because they're afraid to hurt her feelings>one time she posted a picture saying that she had medical tests ran and that she was going to know if she was diabetic in a couple of days. after that, those tests were never heard from again>she said about a month ago that a tv show contacted her to interview her and that she was so excited. she even said the interview was going to be really soon. obviously, that was the first and last time she ever talked about it.>one of her dad's friends recently died because of complications due to being obese, and her way to comfort her dad was to buy him shitloads of sweets and snacks while baww'ing about her own mortality and how that could be her. Overall she's just a big piece of walking denial and delusion, telling herself that she's okay with her body when a lot of her actions say otherwise. She tries to delude herself into thinking she's beautiful when in fact she knows she's not okay and has to correct her habits or else she'll die pretty soon.
She also gets her hugbox army to the rescue whenever someone dares to ask her about her health, and it doesn't matter if they're polite or not, they will all attack that person until they make them go away, because how dare you ask a fatty that kind of stuff.
No. 15207
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>>15201I agree.
Time to post some real HAES.
No. 15208
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No. 15209
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No. 15210
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Asian shitlords at it again
No. 15211
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No. 15212
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No. 15221
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>>15220Everywhere I go, my autism ready to blow, shawty don't even kno' she can get any by the low
No. 15255
>>15212I read her URL at first as meowtan
I mean I knew she got fat but I didn't think she got THAT fat
No. 15301
>>15185Just a question- what suggests to you that she wouldn't have been raped?
>>15289>round>perfectlets just agree that saggy old lady tits aren't the best, ok?
No. 15365
>>15343I don't know. I was watching her because she didn't need to be in that group.
The whole group though didn't really dance,
it was more jazzercise than anything.
No. 15438
>>15283>>15361oHHH sheeet this is hilarious
I love how fatties are always claiming they exercise and are great at it (like this pole dancing bitch) but it's invariably all lies.
No. 15439
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>>15365Maybe she was their dancing instructor? She looked like the only one who had any idea as to what to do
No. 15440
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No. 15441
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No. 15442
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No. 15443
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No. 15463
>>15454I agree. I'm tall and skinny and I've had people all my life tell me (esp in retail from customers) that I'm so lucky, I'll never gain weight or 'you're so skinny!', I can eat whatever I want and so on.
Really it's hard for me to find clothes too but I've always made due. And I can't tell you how many insults I've got from girls who say boys only want to be with a skinny girl because they're pedos and it's all bone, no meat etc.
It's really petty so I find it funny that they'll love their obese sisters but if one of them loses weight they'll turn on her because being healthy, and losing weight, is the worst.
No. 15468
>>15442These are my favorite dresses in the universe. I have 4 colors and it's still not enough.
They do run really huge though, like I'm pretty average and wear an XS in these, so someone getting a plus size XL probably is about the size of a manatee. It's a description, not an insult. (The sizing 2 years ago was even worse. An XS was actually too big for me.)
No. 15480
File: 1411964118653.gif (779.99 KB, 360x250, qhGADWj.gif)

>>15359I hope you're in a better place in life anon. Good on you for doing something about it.
And here's an on topic .gif ~
No. 15493
File: 1411971506105.png (2.04 MB, 1280x1106, 5w1rq1aw1o3.png)

No. 15506
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>>15468Well, the official explanation was that this was just an oversight when they were adding colours to dresses. Manatee grey exists on dresses of smaller size and the same colour. They said it was accidental that whoever was writing the colour names for their site got it wrong.
Still, didn't stop the fatties from going up into an uproar and even writing articles about the incident and how it's fatphobic.
No. 15507
>>15454>>15463I'm chubby and even I can understand this. My friend can't gain weight even though she eats a lot and works out to gain muscle. She often complains to me about people telling her to eat more (even though she does) and people calling her a flat board.
What's worse is that she can't really help it and I know I'm losing weight easily by just eating healthy.
No. 15508
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>>15493I hate these pics, makes me so sad to see people destroy their bodies.
No. 15509
>>15507Yeah, fatties are way more bitchy about skinny people than skinny people are.
My fat acquaintance (wouldn't call that bitch a friend) always and I mean ALWAYS makes references to my size, especially when we're eating. "Oh, you're like a stick, why order a salad?" "Are you eating that because you're dieting?" or the worst when we were shopping "Your boobs wouldn't fit into that, they're too small". Seriously wtf, I'm slim but not skinny, and my boobs are perfectly average at B cup. Sure, compared to Miss snorlax they're dwarfed, but her fat droopy orangutan tits are bigger than my head.
No. 15510
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No. 15602
>>15551Lolno even PT has a degree. I've met more pretentious deluded retards who have a degree in gender studies, art or literature and shit to show for it than who don't.
Everyone and their aunt has a degree now.
No. 15615
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No. 15625
>>15359a. fucking. men.
I was raped last year and impregnated, ended up miscarrying. Huge fucking emotional wound. I gained a lot of weight and basically destroyed my life and home. I managed to get into a sliding scale therapy office, and through that, I've found a wonderful art community and gotten hold of my body again. It took work and sacrifice and a hell of a lot of mental stamina, but it is possible to recover. You just have to fucking believe in yourself.
No. 15635
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No. 15636
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Real women, as opposed to those fake skinny bitches
No. 15637
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I'll take things that never happened for 500
No. 15638
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No. 15640
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No. 15646
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>>15185>she said about a month ago that a tv show contacted her to interview her and that she was so excited. she even said the interview was going to be really soon. obviously, that was the first and last time she ever talked about it.Well, look at what else just cropped up, lol..
No. 15661
>>15659Among all the other obvious signs that this is fake
Also i hate the marshmellow girls trend, chubby girls (actual marshmellow girls) are cute, but now obese girls think they're kawaii
No. 15664
>>15441I used to be one of those people who would go shopping for clothes and would leave most stores almost tearing up because the biggest size wouldn't fit me. I always had to go to stores with not so nice clothes because those were the only ones I could fit into. I also got shit like "you have such a pretty face, now if you changed your body" told to my face plenty of times, and you know what?
After so many times of that happening, I grew tired of it and decided to lose weight instead of wanting the world to change around my whines and demands.
No. 15669
>>15638Like patriarchy is solely a white thing. Yup, that's a completely sound theory. She doesn't deserve to have the Kramer on her wall.
>>15664Great work, anon! That shows excellent self-control and I hope you're able to keep it up.
No. 15681
>>15679Yeah, he's killing himself. But it seems like he's in therapy and working on his issues.
I just linked it because it shows that you can eat like shit and not necessarily be fat; I'm assuming he consumes normal portions, just shit foods.
No. 15684
>>15669Thank you, anon.
About two years ago I went to one of the stores I used to leave tearing up and all the clothes fit me.
I've been able to keep it up and this kind of threads only motivate me further.
No. 15686
>>15637How could she think anyone would believe this… the whole thing is completely fucking ridiculous.
Oh yeah, it's Tumblr, I guess.
No. 15694
>>15675I think one of the worst side effects of the obesity crisis is now a lot of people with terrible diets/health issues think it is perfectly fine to carry on just because they aren't fat. This guy has a horrible diet and diabetes, yet he says shit like, " I sound like a horribly unhealthy and fat person, I'm not. I'm thin."
I really wish there were more actual health classes in schools, people really need to learn how to take care of themselves.
No. 15705
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>>15695Yep, I remember being taught about calories, that some fruits are full of sugar and thus calories, how fats aren't evil per se etc. It was pretty useful.
Not everyone takes what they learn at secondary school to heart though, as evidenced by the amount of people who buy homeopathy.
No. 15706
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No. 15707
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No. 15708
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No. 15709
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No. 15710
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No. 15717
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>>15708How fat does someone need to be for them not being able to cross their damn legs? Some of my relatives who are fat and weigh around 240-270 lbs are able to cross their legs just fine.
No. 15731
>>15708This dumb fuck thinks those are thunder thighs.
Bitch please
No. 15732
>>15709The runaround this chick is playing too much.
He even says that's great if they are happy with their body,but do they think their healthy.
Like if you are cool with how big you are why not jut answer.
No. 15749
>>15737I can't watch the whole thing right now but here are a few thoughts.
I don't think they'd do anything like this in America. The backlash would be too great but I'd love to see an open dialogue like this happen.
The first woman they asked to describe her body said voluptuous, free, etc and said she used to be thin, so she wasn't always like that. To me, it sounds like she just gave up and that's the saddest thing of all.
Of course it's going to take hard work to get back to one's initial size. Granted as you get older you won't look like your late teen/early college self but no one should strive for that because that's delusional. They should strive to work out and be healthy, and in due time you will lose weight because of a changing diet and adding in more exercise.
I don't understand why people, women especially, are so afraid of that.
No. 15768
>>15577This hurts me as I've just entered into university in the UK and my course is intense as fuck and I'm having a difficult time.
That being said the course has a 50% failure rate so it's not that I'm dumb, I'm actually one of the ones that are coping better.
Maybe it's different in America idk.
No. 15789
>>15769Ah I see, cause I'm studying a pretty prestigious university in the UK that plays host to the number one East Asian Studies department so the course is…. overwhelming to the say the least. Of course I love every second all the same.
It's funny because it's actually Japanese Studies I'm doing which encompasses everything from speaking and writing to Japanese History/Literature etc. but I don't think for one second it's something that PT could handle because it's so intense which is amusing because she claims to love Japan soooooooooo much.
She'd drop out after two weeks max with the 9 contact hours a week which is almost 2 hours a day of Japanese speaking and writing alone and it's all NEW stuff that you have to memorise before the end of the week.
Not by next week so you don't even get the advantage of the weekend, you have to learn it IN the week otherwise you're fucked.
No. 15828
>>15789been there, done that, lived in Japan for a while.
Protip: your classes likely won't prepare you for actually living there. If you're female, prepare to be sexually harassed/assaulted in public. As a gaijin-san, prepare for every new person you meet to treat you like a tourist and ask you the same questions: why are you in japan? do you like japanese food? can you actually use chopsticks? why did you start studying japanese? can you speak japanese?
Also staring. Lots of staring. And a government that doesn't actually want you to live there
No. 15851
>>15828Not really. I lived there for years as a white, blonde female and it's not really like that. Lol at the "prepare to be sexually assaulted" part. I'm sorry if that happened to you, but if you're used to the behavior of men and people in the states (and other parts of the west) you'll find Japan to be ABSURDLY safe, and the people there are generally really respectful. If you get sexually harassed on a train or crowded area, the police there take claims and reports very seriously, in my experience, much more serious than the states. In my years there, I was harassed once on a train, reported it, it was taken seriously and the guy taken off the train by an attendant. Japan also made female only cars and capsule hotels due to the amount of harassment complaints. I mean, no country is perfect and yah, you get stupid foreigner questions (the same kind of shit outsiders get the in states even if they live here) but guess what, people are curious and you are an outsider. Don't want to be ask questions because you're different? Don't travel internationally. It's a shock at first, but if you're not a stupid weaboo whose delusions are breaking all around them, then you'll adjust quickly and be okay with it.
No. 15859
>>15454One of my friends from high school was 5'9" at 16 and could never find ANYTHING that fit. Full length skirts and trousers were calf length on her. Normal shirts turned into crop tops. Even sewing her own clothes was a challenge because commercial patterns come in the same sizes as regular clothing - she had to learn how to draft her own patterns before she could even make anything that fit her. No guys wanted to date her or dance with her or even stand next to her in photographs.
She never complained, because when she did, she'd be yelled at by fat girls who told her to shut up because supposedly the fashion industry only caters to body types like hers and men only want to date tall models anyway. They saw her struggle, they saw her crying quietly by herself, but they still told her to stfu because THEY wanted to be the only "oppressed" group who had any right to whine. Even though they could lose at least a little weight if they tried but she couldn't just take a chunk out of her femur, they didn't want to hear it. I always felt so bad for her.
No. 15861
>>15789>9 contact hours a week which is almost 2 hours a daySounds pretty chill, actually. Most students I know have between 20-30 contact hours per week unless they're studying something really bullshitty or something that requires mostly self-study. In the first year of my bachelor I spent between 6 and 8 hours every day shuttling between compulsory classes and practicals.
>it's all NEW stuff that you have to memorise before the end of the week>you have to learn it IN the week otherwise you're fuckedIn my experience that's pretty much the norm no matter what you're studying. It's to keep people from falling behind. One of the professors I used to TA for learned the hard way that if you're not strict in this, people will show up a week before the exam with questions that should have been handled at the beginning of the semester and the overall failure rate is much higher.
I don't think you're dumb or lazy or whatever (I sure as fuck can't speak Japanese, so good on you) but if this is considered super overwhelming I don't even want to think about the workload in lesser universities. No wonder PT had no trouble getting a degree.
No. 15868
>>15828idk man as part of my course I do actually get to go to Japan in my 3rd year on a year long exchange so I kind of have to prepare myself for living there, not my university.
Anyway I'm not doing the course because I have some desire to escape to magical Nippon or anything, I am legit fascinated by it's culture and history being able to speak the language just makes me feel amazing.
You never know though, I could get there and absolutely fucking hate the place.
No. 15870
>>15861I mean 9 contact hours a week in speaking and writing alone. I have a total of 16 hours a week. Maybe it sounds like a light load to you idk but 9 of those hours are being bombarded with information on Japanese Literature, Japanese History and the history of gender disparity and roles within East Asian history (which is actually a really interesting module).
It is by no means one of those fluff courses.
But yeah, they do leave out some time for self study because you get homework after every single class every day. People who joined up to the course thought we were all going to have plenty of time to party during freshers but not one of us have been able to go out because of the workload.
No. 15879
>>15877I figure that went without saying. Of course you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eating right and exercising enough, in order to maintain a healthy and desirable weight once it's been achieved. But people don't gain weight unless they're overeating or being generally lazy. So it's not like they're depriving themselves of food and relaxation by dieting; they are making up for something they overindulged in. That's like saying that if you steal money and then have to work to pay it back that you're somehow being deprived of your wages.
There's no sense in saying diets don't work because you shouldn't have been getting fat in the first place if it's something you were against. Oh well, you made a mistake. Fix it, then.
No. 15881
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>>15867You know they won't. They think someone actually gives a shit about their japanese lessons, GMO, english literature degree or whatever shit of the day they want to feel self validation from.
No. 15882
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No. 15883
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Do fat people need special beds? I always wondered about that, I'm slim and I've had old rickety beds creak under me, I can't imagine what a fatty would do to a cheapo ikea bed.
No. 15884
File: 1412172235302.jpg (26.68 KB, 450x382, a98569_fat-shaming_6-bus-stop.…)

Shitlord bus stop
No. 15885
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No. 15887
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No. 15889
>>15883My boyfriend has two roommates who, between them, broke two bedframes, a chair and a couch just by sitting down on them. So yeah I'd imagine they could use some extra fortifications.
Last time I saw her the female roommate (who single-assedly broke their three-seater sofa) was moving in with her boyfriend who is even bigger than she was and I must admit that I spent some time wondering about the logistics of this arrangement. Together they must weigh like 400kg or maybe even more. Where are they going to find furniture that can take that much weight? Will they just sleep on a mattress on the ground? She was really in denial about breaking the couch ("it was already old and flimsy!" even though it could take three fully grown men without a problem) so I doubt they're going to go into a furniture store and ask hey, approximately how many baby elephants can this bed support?
No. 15896
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No. 15898
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No. 15944
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No. 15954
>>15897I know a girl who does that. All her Facebook photos are just of her face, which is not-fat, so I was so shocked when I saw photos of her at her dad's 50th birthday party. I hadn't seen her in years, and she had ballooned up so much.
Also regarding that video, it's been known in the field of psychology that men place more value on the appearance and attractiveness of women than vice versa when it comes to forming impressions of them and short-term dating. The video is no surprise to anyone who has any knowledge about the psychology of relationships.
Not only that, but I would wager they've edited the video (and the other one where they switch the genders) to make men look shallow. Also the 'fat' guy's fat suit is a million times less convincing than the girls' and she's hidden behind a table while he's just on a bench. Those videos mean jack shit in proving anything new, they were just produced for shock value and to get people mad.
No. 15956
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>>15949the sjw bit was when they said that the worst thing a woman is scared of is that a man might b a murderer, for a man it's that a woman might be fat.
Also it's made to make the men look shallow
No. 15958
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>>15955You didn't understand what I said. I meant self validation from posting about it, not doing it.
You want people to reply to your posts about studying japanese or whatever in a thread about fat people. If you want people to discuss your dog, degree or your opinion on racism go make a thread about it on /b/.
Once or twice is ok as banter but when you make 14 posts about it it's too much and shits up the thread.
No. 15959
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No. 15971
>>15958I'm not even that person, my first post was
>>15955I just think your full of shit.
No. 15979
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>>15971>YOUR full of shitopinion discarded
No. 15980
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No. 16008
>custom-made bazinga shirttop lel.
Unless you are like 6 foot 5 it really does not matter beyond size XXL. I am a short chubby at 5 feet and while I can and sometimes do wear a size L in women's shirts, I feel better in unisex sizes as they don't cling as much. If you have any belly at all, women's shirts hug to it.
With that said, some fat girls seem ok with a t shirt stretched across their gut, so whatev.
No. 16010
>>15853No one cares about how hard you think you have to work. There are people in the world who major in things that are actually important and requires inelegance. Your course sounds pretty basic for a university.
>>omg u guyz look at how smart i am for struggling in school No. 16017
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Apparently, there's drama in fat bitch community:
"I 100% people who choose not to use #pizzasisters4lyfe tags for whatever your reasons may be…. But individually messaging girls convincing them to unfollow all pizza sisters and leaving? That's really petty… I love all of you, and I am so done with the continuation of the drama. For now I'm still using the tag for everything it is standing for, and the friends I have made and love through it. I hope you all know that I'm here for who ever I can be, and if I have an issue with you, you already know it. Let love, let life my friends💕💕👑👑 #iamproudtobe"
No. 16025
>>16023You shush.
Anon keep posting her she's hideous and I hate looking at her but at the same time can't look away.
No. 16027
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>>15902hahahaha, thanks anon!
No. 16031
>>15879Yeah but the problem is that diets don't teach you how to keep that healthy lifestyle.
Diets teach you to restrain yourself from eating certain foods, when in reality what they should teach you is to control your eating and change your eating habits for the better.
Not to mention that most diets are temporary.
People don't need diets. What they need is learning how to eat properly. That's all there is to it.
No. 16032
>>15517Because they think that by doing so they're taking away all the attention they get for their size. It's like compensating for what they lack.
They lack the looks so they have to look at other things that make them stand out. Also because special snowflakes.
No. 16033
>>15749I've watched it like three times and even though it starts off in a civil manner, in the end the fatties get butthurt because they feel "targeted".
It's kinda funny to see fat women describing themselves as "voluptuous" and "curvy" as a means to sugarcoat the fact they're fat.
As for why women are so afraid of that, it's not so much fear but rather laziness to take care of themselves.
Most women, once they get married and have children, think they don't really have to dress sexy or take care of themselves because they're married and are moms. I've seen plenty of cases where women just feel undeserving of looking good anymore because of these two events in their lives.
No. 16041
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>>16031That and a lot of people have no idea how to eat healthy or wrongly think they do.
Take this airfryer for example. I've seen this being promoted on tv as a healthy option to frying. And you get to see people talking like this:
>"My doctor tells me to eat healthier so I got this airfryer">"I have a heart conditin but thanks to the airfryer I can eat fried food anyways!"No people! this is not how it works. If you have a heart condition or trying to lose weight, maybe you should just not eat fried food at all (maybe once a month or so if you really really want to?) Sure, this is healthier than a normal fryer but it's still not healthy, you're still frying your food! Your body doesn't need fried food and the less of it you eat, the less you will crave it.
No. 16058
>>16033True. My mom always told me that women give up looking good for themselves and their husband when they get married.
So, I always try to look good for my husband and I know he appreciated it. Even when I'm not dressed to the nines, I always make sure I'm not going out the door looking frumpy; and I acted like that before I was married too.
It is interesting to see women giving up, or succumbing to laziness once they have kids or get married. One of my friends wanted to wear hoodies and sweats all the time and not do her hair because she frankly didn't give a crap and was unhappy with her body but didn't want to change either. Eventually she changed a bit and is married now but we kind of teased her for wanting to move to a small town since they all dressed frumpy too, while my best friend was always dressing nice for herself and her husband in that small town and everyone gave her looks for it. Interesting dichotomy.
No. 16059
>>16041I thought that was a rice cooker and you were going to talk about healthy eating lol
I have heard of an air fryer but it still sounds gross. Occasionally it's ok to eat fried food, like fried chicken, but I couldn't subsist off of it. Way too greasy and heavy.
No. 16062
>>15859This is sounding like bullshit to me.
I mean, keep it coming because I like to hear it as this thread is entertaining as fuck, but tone it down a little is all I'm saying.
No. 16067
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>>16017Please stop, it's obvious that you're either the fatty you keep posting or a retarded vendetta chan.
If you want you can make a thread for her and see if people are interested, but stop spamming the thread with this unfunny uninteresting hambeast.
No. 16068
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No. 16069
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Something inspirational for once, a before and after weightloss
No. 16070
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No. 16071
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No. 16073
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No. 16080
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No. 16107
>>16105This. Stop fucking bitching, anon. Its not hard to scroll past shit.
Cuntier than cgl, I swear.
No. 16114
>>16069Some one sane. Finally.
And compared to her weight loss, she's not 'stick thin' either. So I don't know why these fat people are so scared they'll lose themselves and their fat identity if they lose weight like this girl. She looks healthy and really nice.
No. 16126
>>16067It's a fat hate thread and Quirky actually falls into it.
I love how a board for shittalking is trying to act like there are rules and standards for talking shit. Fuck off you holier than thou sandy cunts.
No. 16248
>>16073aaand say yes to actually learning how to eat healthy and for your activity level
also why do they never source their statistics. diets don't work because people don't learn how to eat right, they just lose the weight and then put it all back on again because they don't maintain the diet.
No. 16282
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No. 16284
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No. 16285
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No. 16296
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>>16294Lol this is so true. It's usually a combo of fat, neon and/or short hair, unusual piercings, tattoos and an ALT fashion sense. Also weird thick framed glasses, bonus points if they're cat eye style.
No. 16297
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No. 16298
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No. 16299
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No. 16301
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Walk into your bathroom in the morning, see this, what do?
No. 16302
>>16298ewww this is disgusting. i don't even like touching mildly attractive strangers, not to mention gross hamplanets……. jfc how can people be the size of a planet and think the entire world should cater to them???
>>16301probably call a towing service idk
No. 16305
>>16301Rejoice that I now have a much larger shower and politely ask the woman to leave.
Seriously, though, where do you find a shower this big?!?!
No. 16306
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>>16297Even her kids think it's bullshit
No. 16315
>>16307Like many things, there is some truth to it that is exaggerated to the point of stupidity.
Many poor people live in areas where it is difficult, extremely expensive and/or very time consuming to get any fresh or healthy food (food deserts). This is definitely an issue and a contributing cause to obesity in some areas, but it also doesn't explain why people who do not live in those areas are obese.
Fresh food is often more expensive and definitely a lot more quick to perish than unhealthy packaged foods, but depending on the season it doesn't have to be.
Anyway, I won't make it tl;dr but eating more produce and less processed foods can be expensive, but not to the degree these people claim it is and I'm willing to bet a lot of them don't live in actual food deserts. They also tend to conveniently ignore healthier foods that are cheap (like legumes). I'm also willing to bet they are happy to throw down quite a bit of money eating crappy take out when they could have spent that money on healthier foods.
No. 16318
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No. 16319
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No. 16320
>>16307I think lefty bleeding hearts years and years ago actually started the meme that unhealthy food is cheaper, i.e. "look at how decadent the capitalist West is!".
I remember chefs like Jamie Oliver standing against it and showing how to make healthy meals for like £2 per head. It takes time and effort of course.
>>16315Pretty much every supermarket sells fresh food. I don't see how it could be hard for anyone to get access to healthy food.
No. 16321
>>16320>Pretty much every supermarket sells fresh food. I don't see how it could be hard for anyone to get access to healthy food.Not all areas have access to actual supermarkets, they have smaller markets that tend to sell packaged foods. What little fresh food is really shitty and really expensive and I wouldn't fault people for not buying it all. I've seen shitty, soft apples sold for like $1.
For them to actually go to supermarkets would require a rather long commute (and, depending on area, it would be a long commute by public transportation which is a pain in itself because it also means they would be able to buy much/buy in bulk which is more cost effective).
Look up "food deserts."
No. 16322
>>16321>I've seen shitty, soft apples sold for like $1.Sorry I meant like each, same for something like a really spotted banana.
And no fresh vegetables in sight.
No. 16323
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gastric bypass b4 and after
No. 16324
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No. 16325
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No. 16326
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No. 16334
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>>16319Still not fat people.
Why do they think society "decided" fat people are generally not considered to be attractive. Because an evil cult of anorexic bitches started a sinister hate campaign against them because they were jealous of their currrrrvees? Or because most people are naturally not attracted to obese people due to it being unhealthy, the same way people are not attracted to obvious diseases and illnesses. They should know, not even they themselves are attracted to fat, almost all of them want hot, in shape guys.
No. 16336
>>16315There's huge rural areas of South Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia I've been through where yeah, pretty much the only place within a 30 mile radius to get food other than fast food is the gas station and maybe an occasional drug store if you're lucky. It's really sad, and a lot of people living there are old people who couldn't drive 30 miles even if they wanted to.
But skimming the Wikipedia page about food deserts, it seems like there's still more research (and better research) to be done about how living in one relates to obesity, and even whether many places labelled as food deserts are actually such. See: No. 16346
Don't forget the undershave
No. 16361
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No. 16363
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No. 16364
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omnomnomnom precious calories
No. 16365
>>16363I was confused until I read the file name. Oi vey.
God forbid anyone promote healthiness anymore…
No. 16370
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>>16367I think MRA's and modern western feminists are made for eachother.
I ship them.
No. 16371
>>16367Good goy, don't buy into society's narrow minded views of beauty, buy lots of food, get fat, then buy lots more food because you're fat, then pay lots of shekels for healthcare.
That's true beauty.
No. 16389
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>>16363Got to love that false advertisement though. I've seen plenty of fat vegans. Ahuviya Harel is a good example of one. Just because someone takes meat or dairy out of their diet, that does not mean that they're cutting down on unhealthy food.
No. 16403
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No. 16425
>>15979This made me do a double-take and snort out loud.
>>16010>major in things that are actually important and requires ineleganceI can confirm that my major does not tolerate elegance of any kind. Track pants and flipflops or gtfo.
>>16113Because before anime became a popular medium, men didn't have a preference for non-fat women? Idk.
No. 16457
>>16403Torrid apparently stops at size 32. If she's really a size 36 (oh I hope to God she's not), she wouldn't be buying her underwear there.
>>16420Ehh…My uncle's 6'6" with a long torso and he does actually complain a lot about not being able to fit into normal clothes. He might just be a diva. Not like he can do anything about it, though. He's a little heavy, but you don't lose height when you lose weight.
No. 16478
>>16420OT a bit but is your brother under the care of a doctor? Even if it is just a "high metabolism" being that thin can't be healthy and things start to shut down if you can't keep some amount of weight on you.
Also, overweight people usually actually have higher metabolisms than thin people (albeit proportional to their size) because it takes more calories for them to maintain their bodily processes.
No. 16483
>>16478If you're asking if he goes to the doctor, he does, he's perfectly healthy and according to him he's been gaining weight lately. I don't really see it as an issue because a lot of people in my family are/were very skinny and tall.
And thank you for correcting me on that!
No. 16583
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No. 16584
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No. 16585
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No. 16586
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No. 16587
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furaffinity, never change
No. 16588
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No. 16589
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No. 16591
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No. 16617
>>15221I will never feel to fat for pole fitness again. Holy cow, that poor pole. Come to mama, I will treat you with much less weight.
>>15361Even the right way up I feel bad for that pole.. Why do fat people always claim they can totally exercise at the level of an healthy person. I am only slightly overweight and I already have some trouble supporting myself when hanging upside down in a pole. Also story time:
> Not much poles in pole dance class, I prefer the 40 mm over the 50 mm, because I have stupid tiny hands> Fat girl joins my pole, kay> Everytime she spins in the pole the fucking platform moves.> Those platforms are meant to stay in place.. the fuck girl.. No. 16652
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>>16587every fucking time.
No. 16669
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No. 16824
>>16363>>16389This is bullshit, it's not more healthy to be vegan or vegetarian. I have vegetarian friends and they all have to take pills/get shots for the vitamins they're missing from not eating meat. The ones who don't take those pills/shots look kind of sickly most of the time (very thin, very pale,…)
It's true that most people in modern society eat way too much meat but we shouldn't cut it out completely, we're omnimvores, not herbivores.
No. 16828
>>16824>>16824Though you're right, it doesn't matter if you think someone should or shouldn't eat meat. As you said, some take vitamins and do better. Others don't. If they don't and they go around bragging about how healthy they are, then they deserve to be called out just like the fatties in this thread who do the same.
tl;dr: We can't tell people what they can and can't eat, but we can laugh when they brag about how "healthy" they are as they fall apart.
No. 16829
>>16827I've met vegans on all sides. Those who always looked glowy and healthy, those who looked like they just wanted to be mad about something, and those who only wanted to have an excuse to not eat anything at all. Anon is generalizing vegans/vegetarians. Even though, just as anyone else, they come in all different types.
I think the biggest problem with going veg is that most resources concentrate on the animal abuse and not on how to be healthy at the same time. I think it's the reason most of use almost died in the beginning…
No. 16830
>>16824this anon here.
Sorry, I was generalising a bit too much because i've met too many judgy vegans/vegetarians. I've even met a vegan 'hippie' judging us for eating meat products and drinking coke but at the same time he was smoking tabacco…
But they're not all like that, I have some veggie friends who are pretty cool about it. And I do respect not wanting to eat meat because of moral reasons but don't tell me it's more healthy and natural because it's not. (not that you guys are saying that but we all know people like this)
No. 16832
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>>16824I'm not vegetarian, but i know youre wrong. Vegetarianism decreases risk of heart disease, various cancers etc.
iono google it before ranting at length
No. 16833
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>>16829I think anon is mistaking "anecdote" for the plural of data.
No. 16834
>>16832That might be but if you'd googled a bit further you'd know vegetarians still have a B12 deficiency.
And if you eat the right meat and don't eat it too often, your chance of heart diseases and cancers will go down too.
No. 16867
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No. 16868
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No. 16879
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No. 16889
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No. 16896
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>>16889fatlogic at its finest in that comic
No. 16897
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No. 16899
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No. 16905
>>16904jiggle jiggle jiggle
>>16900Hey I just realised I can embed videos
No. 16910
>>16899It's bothersome that he's 11 and they call him a "tyke"
>>16907His parents aren't small either, what do you want to bet his favorite snack IS actually steamed broccoli but they never have broccoli around and he asks for it but they tell him to just go to the pantry and get some chips if he's hungry?
No. 16917
>>16915I think in some schools in America they've gotten rid of pop machines in middle and high schools since kids would drink a ton of that sugary crap and gain a lot of weight.
Not sure how successful it is but I know they implemented it when I was graduating from high scxhool, so there's some hope there.
No. 16923
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No. 16930
>>16832Whether or not that was a joke, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
>>16833It looks like she's eating tumblr.
No. 16936
>>15851>it's not really like thatconfirmed for tourist
3 months /= living there
No. 16948
>>16933I was born with a b12 deficiency and I can tell when I need meat. I couldn't do vegetarian at all. When I was living on my own I didn't buy meat a lot to save money and my grandmother noticed I looked tired.
I can tell it helps tremendously whenever I eat meat because I feel energized and awake.
If people don't want to eat meat that's fine but I doubt they're getting all their nutrition through pills or vegetables.
No. 16973
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>>16937Everyone knows you're the kawaiiest and most jeppernesu desu
No. 16974
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>>16946But anon chan, sperging is the lifeblood of this board.
No. 16975
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No. 16976
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No. 16977
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>>16947Ha cool, you learn something new erry day
No. 16994
>>16915It depends on whether they're feeding /force feeding the child unhealthy foods, or if the kid just has baby fat.
a girl in my class had her niece taken away because she was too fat, but they fed the child correctly so?
No. 17011
Sometimes I wonder how they let those obvious troll ones pass through.
No. 17077
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>>16994When a 9 year old weighs 90 kg and has no extremely rare condition (like that one which makes people extremely hungry, prader willis?) then NO they are not feeding their child correctly.
No. 17078
>>17077Here's a documentary on prader willis, it's basically a neurological disorder tht makes people believe they're starving hungry NON STOP.
It's nightmarish.
No. 17112
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I saw this on Tumblr today. I couldn't stop laughing. This man is my hero.
No. 17119
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No. 17126
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>>17123I guess their stomach is bigger than yours so they don't throw up/feel as full. I'm mildly sure fat people/people who eat a lot have big stomachs (as in the organ).
No. 17127
>>17125They'll eat anything really, even dirt, but candy etc. tastes nice I guess so it's what they crave the most.
Good food wouldn't make them full, they will never feel full. They are always starving.
No. 17129
>>17126You're correct. If you eat a lot your stomach will get a bit bigger so it's used to eating a lot. But if you cut back your stomach will get smaller so you don't need to eat as much to feel full.
It's why they believe the stomach stapling will help but they don't decrease their portions or exercise and they end up still obese.
>>17119There's a promo on Hulu for this show Curvy Girls. I've never watched it but the girls don't have double chins and their bodies are stocky and tall, like Germans. I don't mind that type because my mom is like that and she always thought she was fat. It's just a different body type.
These girls however aren't trim either so they're skimming the line between healthy and chubby / on their way to obese. That's what I hate about this retarded movement.
No one is going to look like a model if you're short, stocky, or you're not a ruler type. It just won't happen. Yes, enjoy your body but that doesn't mean one should become obese. It's really disgusting. My husband even noted the other day how big most woman are.
No. 17200
>>17119You put your hands down to your side, move them when you walk, and coordinate appropriately in conversation to add to communication, ya awkward fatties.
I've always found myself a bit chubby (not American chubby, that shit is out of control), but not chubby enough to be unable to run a mile or walk up 10 flights of stairs. These women need to learn about moderation. All I hear is the obesest of the obese speaking out about body image acceptance (which does not apply to my poor very thin friends).
No. 17268
>>17120Apparently, they forget that anyone can eat fatty gross foods, most normal people just don't eat them five times a day like fucking gluttons.
It isn't that hard to say, "I had a lot of donuts for breakfast, I'll eat a nice sandwich for lunch" or "I didn't eat a lot today, so I can have a good dinner."
Like, just watch what you eat. It doesn't take a nutritionist to tell you that you can eat junk food in small amounts or with good exercise.
No. 17269
>>17119I hate this "curvy" movement. I've seen more thin woman with curves than obese.
Then again, I think they're getting "curves" mixed up with rolls.
No. 17275
That's racist against fat people.
No. 17276
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No. 17277
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No. 17278
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No. 17279
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No. 17280
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Walk into your job interview, see this, wat do?
No. 17300
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No. 17301
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I often reply to TITP or send asks but they never reply or post my asks. I guess they can't handle my logic.
No. 17304
>>17268I'm quite thin but also have a colossal sweet tooth. A friend in high school used to accuse me of being bulimic because I was able to eat sweets from time to time without getting fat. Like it was physically impossible for someone to eat something other than salads and not be obese.
It's a really shitty mindset to have and obviously doesn't contribute to weight loss of any kind. As far as I know she's even bigger now, and I'm not surprised.
No. 17312
>>17301They would be like "fat people don't exist to educate you blah blah healthism blah read FAQ that actually doesn't address your question".
I send them a lot of troll posts from FWG, but they wont post it. :(
No. 17314
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No. 17330
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No. 17445
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>>17343Yeah, they're messed up, sad thing is the bigger you get the more fans you get on these websites, so many of them are actually gaining weight.
No. 17448
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No. 17449
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No. 17450
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No. 17464
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>>17449>>17449holy fuck anon this is gold
No. 17498
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No. 17500
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No. 17501
>>17499Give her a few years by which time all that food processing will start to show.
Fat people get old faster.
No. 17502
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No. 17503
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No. 17505
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No. 17508
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>>17502>Cheeto ranch soupbruh
No. 17523
>>17503The panties (more like granny panties) are already up their stomach so why not get a semi-flattering one peice?
This is really sad and not encouraging.
No. 17539
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I hate deviantarts bbw community
No. 17541
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>>16975This is obviously a troll, but still mwf I was picturing this as a real situation.
>>17314Perfect, excellent, A+ post
>>17324Yes this is hilarious. I've only seen one fat girl being able to actually properly do a pole fitness routine, in Britain got talent there was a fatty who was actually kinda good at it.. I was super surprised, because normally fatty's are terrible at it (I already see the big girls struggling in my pole fitness class)
>>17502I just threw up a little, wtf is that gross puke like substance and why do you wanna eat that.
No. 17546
>>17542the thing is though, if she was skinny she'd be fairly good but nothing special.As pole gets more popular, there's millions of girls who can do what she does and more. If she was skinny they'da told her to go practice more. girl is the kind of pole talent I expect to see in talent shows
No. 17549
>>17448>many of us eat very littleWhen I was in college I actually noticed this kind of thing, where the fat girls didn't actively EAT more than others, but they always had massive sodas and starbucks and good ol' southern sweet tea. I think that's honestly the case for a lot of fat people is they think they eat fine and they
do but they don't register the calories they're drinking by the bucket.
No. 17551
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>>17550Yeah, fatties will swear to the moon and back that all they eat is salads and rice crackers but then they look like this.
No. 17552
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No. 17553
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No. 17554
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No. 17555
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No. 17557
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No. 17558
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No. 17559
>>17546Well I agree with you, I just wanted to show the difference between this girl who is actually pretty elegant for a fatty and ''Lulu'' the girl from America's got talent that looked like a beached whale trying to get back to the sea. I know it is pretty average stuff she does, but I was still impressed, because I have some fatty's in class and they can't even stretch their legs or hang upside down without struggling. So yeah she wouldn't be special if she was skinny, but still I think she deserves some credit for being so fat and still having that kind of flexibility and strength.
Also yeah man, Anastesia is one of my idols. She has some mad tricks. And just because I love talking about pole. This guy is one of my new heroes; He is a hiphop choreographer from the Netherlands and decided to take part in Celebrity Pole dancing and he is really amazing. He tends to combine his hiphop personality with his pole which creates some really crazy acts.
No. 17560
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No. 17580
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>>17505yes, its the thin peoples fault for taking up space. not you, who is 3 feet in diameter.
>>17506i can't imagine the mattress material is even digestable, meaning after she eats all this fluffy useless crap she still eats enough other food to maintain her weight
No. 17612
>>17539I wonder if Feeders get off on the idea that they're slowly killing the person they feed?
I mean, surely after that 5th hamburger or 14th Ho-Ho, they must look at the mound of flesh they "love" and realise "I hold their pitiful life in my hands. I control whether they live or die or ever fuck anyone again."
No. 17646
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>>17612Well, for some of them that could be attraction, but it varies. I remember reading something where a feeder was like "I want to make you fat so that other men wont look at you when we go out and you wont cheat on me".
It's a weird and huge (lol) fetish which encompasses things like vore, suffocation, infantilsation, food play and even scat. I wouldn't be surprised if some are into it becuse they're turned on by the idea of killing someone, controlling someone's life etc.
No. 17714
File: 1413150681765.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.27 KB, 800x1191, sab_prev88_ff.jpg)

>>17705Because otherwise you would be unable to see the underwear.
No. 17848
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>>17840oh my…pancakes nipples, is this supposed to be attactive ?
No. 17909
>>17840Ugh, that's sickening. I'm actually following her on instagram for weight loss, but geez those areolae are disgusting.
Also, I remember earlier in the thread that an anon said something about a documentary? Apparently there's a gofundme for it for 2500.
> No. 17914
>>17840My areolae look a bit like that, though I'm not a hamplanet. It sucks, I feel like a freak.
How she managed to take that photo is beyond me.
No. 17918
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>>17914I actually think those kind of nipples are very sexy, just not so much when they're enormous.
Normal sized ones are usually very cute and suckable.
I really like nipples that kind of blend seamlessly into the rest of the breast too.
Those are super cute.
>>17913The areolae are part of the skin so yes they do stretch.
No. 17983
>>17976Because of the unfair pressures porn, the media and society has placed on us; we are expected to all have the tiny prepubescent nipples of a child, unfortunately, because that is all we are shown.
(speaking as a fellow freaky boonbed girl)
No. 17984
>>17983I'm also a girl and I've never felt these pressures. My body isn't perfect, but in the end, my body looks how it looks and if someone else can't handle that, that's not my problem.
Oh god, I sound like a SJW. I'm not fat, I swear.
No. 17993
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>>17984nice try, fatty
Off to Tumblr with you
No. 18011
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>>18001Yeah I think most girls think that their nip-nops are supposed to look closer to this when realistically this size is more like a male nipple - not that there's anything wrong with having small nipples either.
I remember when my breasts began developing and I couldn't figure out why I didn't have a cleavage.
Because the only boobs I had every seen were in like bra commercials and implants and stuff I assumed that all breasts were supposed to like, stick together when out of a bra.
I was so convinced that I had hideous deformed breasts I began sleeping on my front with my boobs pushed together hoping they might grow "normal".
No. 18013
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>>18011Wow. That's funny but kind of sad at the same time.
I have small nipples like in your picture but one of my areolae (areola?) is a bit higher on my actual nipple than the other. I never actually noticed until I watched porn and was like "holy shit those girls are perfect". Cue years of teenage insecurity in addition to a boyfriend who watched too much porn as well and shit happened. I'm relatively over this shit now, thank goodness.
No. 18016
File: 1413387391456.png (297.92 KB, 476x456, 1411852536418.png)

>>18013Yeah, I think most guys worth their salt don't really care unless your nipples are freakish i.e nearly as big as your whole breast or something.
If you're fit, cute, smart, funny etc. a nipple that's 2cm larger than a porn nipple won't bother him.
No. 18017
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No. 18018
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I love these so much, I used to have a whole folder of these before my laptop broke
No. 18019
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animal abuse
No. 18020
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No. 18021
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No. 18022
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No. 18028
>>18013I have one tit that's a fair size bigger than the other. We all have our minor differences.
It's good that you're more relaxed about your body now.
I was considering in the future seeing if I could maybe have like lipo or something on the slightly bigger boob?
I'm not really insecure about it or anything but it's something that I know would make me happier if I got.
No. 18030
>>18028How much bigger is the boob? Is the difference so slight that only you notice it, or is it enough that people can tell at first glance? Does it show in a swimsuit?
If the difference is super slight, that's very normal (lol I watch way too much "embarassing bodies" on channel 4) but if it's freaky it might boost your confidence to do something about it surgically.
No. 18039
>>18030It's not that noticeable at all unless you're looking at them in a bra, which obviously nobody gets too, and even then it's very slight. It's only more noticeable since I've put some weight on. When I'm trimmer it isn't noticeable at all.
I heard that every woman has one breast that is marginally larger than the other, but of course the degree varies from woman to woman.
No. 18056
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>>18039That sounds fine and normal then. Don't worry about it!
No. 18057
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No. 18080
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No. 18089
>>18039>I heard that every woman has one breast that is marginally larger than the otheryes it is and I think it's because you use one arm more than the other (depending if you're right or left handed)
>>18028>I was considering in the future seeing if I could maybe have like lipo or something on the slightly bigger boob?I'm not sure that will help in the long run. I had a breast reduction 10 years ago and my right boob is now slighty bigger than my left one. I think it's because of the muscles? My weight did go up and back down 15kg for a few years or so though so it could be that in my case.
No. 18100
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No. 18115
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The fuck does this even mean.
No. 18120
>>18115I think she's trying to claim disliking fatness is a "white people thing" and is racist.
Trying to shoehorn the idea of decolonization and/or anti-racism with bullshit fat acceptance, I guess.
No. 18121
>>18100Short answer? No.
Long answer? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
No. 18122
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No. 18124
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No. 18125
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No. 18127
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What do you guys think about fatshion vs fitshion? It was a blog on tumblr that made fatties so butthurt it was taken down after everyone complain9nng to tumblr about it.
It was a blog where pictures of fat people would be posted alongside slim or fit people in the same clothing.
It still exists on tumblr in the form of new blogs and tags like fitshion etc.
No. 18131
>>18125I'm not a huge animal lover, but I have grown up with pets and this makes me mad.
Is she trying to be funny? Ugh.
No. 18132
>>18127I like it because they're taking fashion back.
Though this isn't a great example because I don't think they're wearing the same top at all. Maybe wormtongue couldn't find the grey in her size.
No. 18141
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>>18132Some of them suck I agree. This one's better
No. 18143
>>18141Meh one on the right doesn't go together big girl got it.
I don't see the big deal if they wear what flatters their shape.
No. 18144
>>18125How could you do that to a dog???
Like I love chubby fluffy animals but I wouldn't make them fat.
No. 18158
>>18143How the fuck does it not go together? One on the right looks loads better, you fat?
>>18141Look at the way fatties thighs grind together. Ugh.
No. 18175
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No. 18181
>>18158Purse and shoes dont really go with it, but why you so mad anon?
Can fat girls not dress nice too?
Chill bruh
No. 18191
>>18181The shoes are black. Do you not understand how colors work? Black matches everything and goes good with toning down this outfit. The purse is also a shade that matches. What's with people on /cgl/ thinking that only things that are the exact same color match? You miss kindergarten or something? Aside from that, I can't stand fatties shoes being the same color as her shirt, it's overkill. Girl on right is classy.
>>but why you so mad anon?I wrote one sentence questioning your taste, stay out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat bitch.
No. 18201
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>>18199They both look like pepper-anne.
No. 18207
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No. 18211
>>18191Wow cunt nugget.
Still thinking black goes with everything. kek
Boo have you been posted in the ita thread for your trash taste?
No. 18233
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>>18158>>18191>>18227not that anon but holy shit, calm the fuck down.
No. 18235
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No. 18241
>>18141The fat girl's outfit looks a bit more put together to me.
I don't understand the point of this, is it to say they did the outfit better or they look better or? It honestly seems a bit stupid no matter what. Of course an attractive girl will look better than a fat one in an outfit, but if it's comparing then I think they seem a bit off because they really aren't wearing the same thing (and, again, I think the fat one did a better job).
No. 18252
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No. 18253
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No. 18254
>>18253I don't know why anyone poses like that no matter what size you look like you're taking a shit.
Also why is the paper ripped?
No. 18256
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No. 18268
>>18266Why would you upload this to youtube,this isnt a porn site.
Nobody wants to see that.
No. 18321
>>18020I once saw a documentary about that Patrick Deuel guy. Basically he's a demanding asshole who loves shitty food and yells at his wife to feed him (I immediately pictured the plant from Little Shop of Horrors) and eventually ended up weighing more than 1000 pounds. He was then rushed to the hospital to get gastric bypass surgery. In order to do this they first had to remove walls from his house and find/build an ambulance with extra wide doors.
The surgery worked and he got down to less than half his original size. Still morbidly obese, but he was mobile again and there was significantly less risk of his organs getting crushed by his own bulk. But after he left the hospital/weight loss clinic he quickly gained almost all the weight back and is almost back where he started when the paramedics first came and tore down his house to save his life.
He says it's all due to his genetics.
No. 18327
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No. 18328
>>18322I live in a country where we do and am generally very happy with it 10/10 would recommend, but with people like this even I feel like we should just leave him to his own devices. I forgot to mention that he's also a smoker and refused to give that up, too.
It's like okay, you tried, he had his chance and he threw it back in your face, just let the fucker die.
No. 18330
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No. 18331
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Ughhh those nipples
No. 18334
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No. 18337
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No. 18351
>>18345>>18312Human physiology fag here.
Fat cells actually produce an abundance of oestrogen (female hormone) which is one of a reason as to why overweight males develop gynecomastia (tits, basically).
One of the effects in enormously obese women and men is that because these fat cells are producing so much oestrogen the body goes into overdrive producing androgens, which are a group of hormones that play a role within the development of masculine traits and male reproductivity.
You will see the effects of this flood of androgens in symptoms such as polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, amenorrhea (a = without, menorrhea = menstruation), thinning hair or baldness and of course, hirsutism = excessive hair growth.
It's funny because fatties like to boast about how feminine they are and how they're "alllllllll woman", when biologically they are actually manlier than healthy women.
No. 18375
>>18321eww gross
buckets full of human lard
No. 18401
>>18327WHAT THE
No. 18409
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No. 18457
>>18402Human physiology fag here again.
The blatant truth to this is that, her ass has actually become shaped like this due to extended periods of sitting.
Consider that when you consume food and excess energy is converted into fats at any given moment, if you spend enough time in a certain position whilst you're allocates fat cells across the body, the cells will be distributed in a way that reflects the applied pressure at that time.
Basically it just shows how much time she spends sitting on her ass and stuffing her face.
No. 18459
>>18334That top right picture looks like her ass is falling out her body. Like a rectal prolapse or something.
It's also amazing how small her forearms are in comparison with the rest of her body.
No. 18467
I've been following threads like these for quite some time now, and I always wonder, how do these people get this fat? How do they not know what's happening to them? When I realize I can't fit into a dress I normally wear I start freaking out.
Well, today I bought a scale. (Normally I just use my clothes as a guide for my weight) Somehow I gained 30lbs over the past few years. I never really saw it coming. It was so gradual that, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't see anything abnormal. So, that must be what these people are experiencing. And now, I realize that I'm a landwhale. After I cried for 20 minutes, I exercised for three hours and drank like a gallon of water.
Anyway, just sharing. But, to add to the discussion,
>>18397I saw another documentary similar to this about a mexican lady who weighed nearly as much as this, she was married, her husband had to bathe her in her bed, scrubbing one fold at a time, they also had to break down her wall to get her out of the house.
No. 18471
>>18467Maybe to some extent. You knew on some level you were gaining weight. You felt compelled to buy that scale. And thirty pounds seems like a lot all at once, but over the course of a few years (let's say it's 3 years, that's less than a pound per month gained) is not enough to raise any flags, and is a lot different than these people who are often at least 100 if not 200 or 300 pounds overweight.
A lot of people, as they get older, will put on weight a lot more easily and be around 15 or 20 pounds or so more than they were as teenagers if they don't keep an eye on it and I would say that's fairly normal and just part of getting older. Very rarely do people just not realize they gained 100 pounds. For one, most people can still wear straight sizes at 30 pounds overweight (though maybe they are wearing a 10 or 12)…there would be a lot of things that tipped them off that they had gained that much.
No. 18475
>>18457What the fuck?
Thanks anon, I'm never sitting while eating again.
No. 18489
>>18467Oh god, this one? pisses me off is how they're eating at 4:50 while she says she's on a diet.
No. 18506
>>18475lol it's not something that can really happen providing you're consuming a normal diet.
You'd have to be on your ass the majority of hours during the day, every single day and consuming a massive amount of food to go with it. Her ass has literally morphed to the shape of her sofa/couch.
No. 18557
>>18467>I've been following threads like these for quite some time now, and I always wonder, how do these people get this fat? How do they not know what's happening to them?I think what you describe (slowly gaining weight over time) is somewhat normal for most people. I think super obese people just have that in turbo drive along with a ton of delusion and denial to go along.
IMO huge morbidly obese people are a lot like alcoholics or drug addicts, they just chose food instead (which is why I think they need tons of therapy along with stomach stapling or whatever as treatment). It just happens that they surround themselves with enablers and eat themselves to oblivion the same way an alcoholic drinks themselves to death. Unlike normal people they just can't stop and change or even notice what's happening, and even if they do they just go into denial ("it's genetics!") about the whole thing.
No. 18593
File: 1413778188542.jpg (94.3 KB, 720x720, moocowfuckoff.jpg)

>>18591It's really not. Poor as fuck supermarkets sell lots of plants here, just go to any walmart and you'll find a produce section. Poor people are just stupid and lazy, so they think that "20% less sodium" = healthy. This is why everyone is justified in their hatred of fatties, they're just disgusting, lazy cows. Let all the hate out, it's all you can do to make them change.
No. 18643
>>18600Not to mention that fish meat can be a nice cheap alternative.
Also things like freezing, conserving, actually getting off your fat ass and cooking…
No. 18644
File: 1413823338646.jpg (38.94 KB, 640x413, ¨weightgain¨weightgain.jpg)

Before and after of weight gain. I think this one's a porn star or a model
No. 18645
File: 1413823362207.jpg (85.55 KB, 600x450, Kitty_by_Kotokov.jpg)

No. 18646
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No. 18647
File: 1413823482959.jpg (213.86 KB, 800x1191, ellie_prev8a.jpg)

No. 18648
File: 1413823534603.jpg (73.44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ndiswbZBbt1qf3l4fo1_500…)

This was on dumblr under the tag 'gloryfying obesity'
No. 18649
File: 1413823619678.jpeg (28.6 KB, 403x617, hjhjjhz.jpeg)

No. 18650
File: 1413823706197.png (414.55 KB, 1054x813, u5AI71n.png)

No. 18651
File: 1413824289256.jpg (299.69 KB, 800x1191, belle40_prev_ff.jpg)

No. 18692
File: 1413837144642.jpg (133.66 KB, 800x1191, ok.jpg)

>>18674Ey big girls want to feel pretty too, so they'll put their cute underwear and shit over their gut to give the illusion of having a pubis.
It's a slimming technique. Kinda like wearing black or vertical stripes.
No. 18824
>>13521As a britfag I can assure you that this was not scripted.
This entire family are notorious in the UK for being degenerates basically. As
>>18794 stated they even got their own reality show and the entire affair is vomit/rage inducing.
Here's a link to the video: No. 18842
>>18824Jesus tap dancing christ, I want to strangle them all. Especially that daughter with the brown hair;
>I wont touch anything with oil in it! It's bad for you!Really sweetheart, it's a bit late for that.
No. 18877
>>18824If it wasn't for the camerawork and accents I would think they were Americans.
Did they say they were the fattest family in Lancaster, like the whole town? Is it a small town? That's surprising.
I don't know why she was fussing about cooking with oil.
No. 18881
>>18842>>18858>>18877The series was actually 8 episode long at an hour each and the entire series was fucking gold, but I can't seem to find it uploaded online.
The girl with brown hair, the youngest one, I actually have a lot of sympathy for.
Part way through the series they send her off to a fitness boot camp in America and she loses a load of weight.
She's extremely motivated and on the right track, limiting her intake and exercising every day, but when she returns home to the UK the entire family doesn't give a fuck.
Nobody congratulates or encourages her, and after a while they begin complaining about her new healthy eating habits and cooking massive portions of food for her and waving it in her face to tempt her.
In the end she broke and ended up putting all the weight back on again.
Also related. The mother is vile. No. 18882
Prior to Chawners Last Chance they were actually in a series called Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge, which they failed, hence why the last one was their "last chance".
Seriously though they are the laughing stock of the UK, I mean look at what they used for the opening theme song. No. 19027
File: 1413995248033.png (820.19 KB, 1080x429, ¨weightgain5.png)

>>18786Sounds like semen
Have another weightgain.
No. 19028
File: 1413995262212.jpeg (81.97 KB, 789x622, funny-pictures-auto-fat-people…)

No. 19030
File: 1413995348781.jpeg (37.06 KB, 540x960, avocado-good-fat-1436023.jpeg)

No. 19031
File: 1413995405458.png (1.67 MB, 1200x4450, Skalg3v.png)

No. 19032
File: 1413995457255.png (Spoiler Image,667.03 KB, 1379x361, ¨weightgain.png)

>>18816I find them equally motivational as the weightloss ones in the "OH MY GOD don't let that happen ever" sort of way
No. 19047
>>19032>>19027Horrifying. They start to look dead in the eyes in their later pics too.
>>19031I like that breakdown. All of those items are filling and healthy. I don't know much about nutrition or exercise but I don't know if the body would really enter into starvation mode if someone started eating this way.
And no, the solution to losing weight isn't eating more food.
No. 19067
File: 1414007153662.png (222.56 KB, 310x302, boop.png)

>>19034omg she looks so gross. oh god her cheeks her chin
No. 19095
>>19034You can tell she's hurt, upset and quite sad just by her facial movements, but she's trying her best to sound angry and uncaring yet firm and rational on this. Doing her makeup helps her seem flippant, but it's clear she's very bothered.
This video just makes me feel bad. I don't really get how you guys are just bagging on how "gross" she is or whatever, the whole thing is depressing as fuck.
>None of you want me to be healthy, you just want me to die.Literally how can someone say this and be in a healthy mindset
No. 19126
File: 1414037767276.jpg (91.38 KB, 640x640, ew fucktard.jpg)

>>19095Because Quirky acts like a piece of shit, that's why nobody feels bad. She willingly brings drama upon herself and then gets all of her knights on people's asses, even if she happened to be the one instigating shit. She lies compulsively, is in major denial about herself, talks about how she eats oh so healthily and how nobody "knows her life" yet every other day she's posting pictures of cupcakes, alcohol, Wendy's, pizza, or massive portions of unhealthy food and bragging about how she's eating it and doesn't care. Then, goes off to flaunt healthy snack boxes from Graze (which she probably devours all of in one sitting, let's just be real here) and begs for compliments and ass kissing because she's "eating so healthy gaiz XDDDD"– As if her devouring that box even makes any difference for her health or weight.
Even people who used to be as overweight as her or close to it have come to her page, not being hostile because they know what it was like to be around her size, being all encouraging about her "body journey" that she preaches on and on about. And, how does she respond? By bitching them out about how she just loves herself oh so much, isn't dieting, how they don't know her life and to stop harassing her, blocks the person, then screenshots their comment and makes it an Instagram post and baawss so that–even though this person is blocked for doing absolutely nothing wrong–they still get a shitload of harassment from her white knights. Why? Because Quirky can't stand to be told the truth about how she acts, which is like a manipulative, sneaky little brat. For all of the IDGAF!1!1 XDDDD posts that she's made on Facebook, IG, and YouTube, she clearly still gives enough of a shit to keep addressing her "haters" (aka people she just baits) in videos and posts, flipping them off and still acknowledging that they exist. If she truly did not care, she would not address them.
The bitch just goes back and forth all of the time and then every few days, there's some pseudo-existential post she makes with her fat lips and crocked eye liner about how we're all human and make mistakes blah blah, which is just her trying to absolve herself of acting like an even bigger cunt than anyone she ever claims to have "harassed" her.
Also, see:
>>15185It would be one thing if she were just in denial, but she's a massive, lying cunt in denial who plays up her victim complex the moment it's convenient for her to do so. And, people just eat that shit up, because in this day and age you aren't allowed to tell someone like her to fuck off because "it's meaannnnnnnnn".
No. 19128
>>19095And, for the record? I think it would be hilarious if she died. I don't say that to be edgy. I say that because maybe her followers would wake the fuck up and realize that they helped to delude this bitch even more about her condition, which led her to an obesity related death. For fucks sake, she used to work in retail where she at least moved around some and then quit to take a "call center" job so she could work from home– aka, so she could be a lazy bitch and sit on her ass all day getting pizza bought for her by her followers when she cries about her bank account being at -$7 on IG and playing Diablo III. Oh, let's not forget complaining about the lack of food in her house yet showing off the money she spent on a gaming headset on the very same day. Those are some really good priorities you have there, whale-chan. Or, posting nudes of herself and then bitching about the negative attention or perverts she gets.
Just, no.
No. 19152
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No. 19156
File: 1414052849945.jpg (51.89 KB, 500x313, r-u-srs.jpg)

>>19031And here I was thinking that can't possibly be only 1500 calories because it looks so good and seems so much.
No. 19208
File: 1414088386821.jpg (85.3 KB, 450x450, img_2979.jpg)

I was over at cwc and they have their own HAES thread.
This chick is some fat inspo blogger but I don't know how old she is. I feel really bad for her. She makes a lot of arrogant claims, probably to cover up for her insecurities. No. 19218
File: 1414094700108.jpg (67.41 KB, 640x960, 1411108874917.jpg)

No. 19219
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No. 19220
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No. 19291
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No. 19292
File: 1414118741751.png (325.65 KB, 409x483, UOoXjSQ.png)

No. 19299
>>19297I do too but barring these aren't from obese fat and are naturally occurring, it's neat.
It's because obese women prize their flaws when they're really insecure. Like that blogger chick.
I don't mind loving your body, but that means you should enjoy who you are and be at a healthy weight ie exercise and work out, since not everyone is going to look like a super model. I just hate how this is being taken to extremes, like that creepy Ana chick.
No. 19335
>>19311Yeah, I mean seeing something like that listed as a "fun fact" kind of thing pissed me off
On the other hand, if it IS true, it's really sad that she's acting as if it's part of her identity
No. 19337
File: 1414131358200.jpg (44.4 KB, 455x300, Good_Luck_I_m_Behind_7_Proxies…)

>>19208>Anyone who trolls this blog with hateful messages and bullying of fat people will have those comments, along with their IP addresses, email addresses and any other details published in a public page.Is it even legal to post IP addresses online? Privacy and protection from hacking and all that?
No. 19341
>>19337Yes, it is legal. Your IP address reveals nothing about your identity. It gives someone your rough location. If you're in the US, they can find your state and a town that's roughly within 100 square miles of your town, usually. You could never narrow it down to a neighborhood, street, or address.
As for hacking, generally it's not a concern at all if you're behind any sort of router (either one built into your modem or a separate one), like most people are. Browsing untrustworthy websites that can do whatever they like to your browser is a far greater security risk than someone knowing your IP address.
The only potential security risk is that you might be susceptible to DDoS. These are more of an annoyance than anything else though. They are also usually pretty short-lived (no longer than 10 minutes) and are instantly stopped if you get a new IP by resetting your router's or modem's MAC address.
Your email reveals a lot more about your identity, but it still probably is not illegal to post.
No. 19343
>>19240It all depends on how tall you are. That 90lb model looks very petite, and obviously short people always weigh less.
I remember reading that at the height of her modeling career Tyra Banks weighed like 160-170lbs, which sounds quite heavy but she is quite tall.
It's all about height really.
No. 19351
>>19298My god, that look… it's like a fucking "I'mma kill you" face.
Tell me it's not just me seeing this lol
No. 19352
>>19128They wouldn't realize anything.
Her followers will simply move on to follow the next obese person or will blame it on something else.
>"It's thin privilige when people don't assume you died because of your weight! Fat shaming! The heart attack had nothing to do with her weight, a white mysogynist man caused it!" No. 19357
>>19348U can't get email addresses through IPs. It's impossible, unless you posted online something like 'hey my email is ….and my ip is….'
IPs are overrated. " Ohhhh anon, I know your IP, it says you're from a city in Pakistan with 50000 inhabitants. "
Not to mention static IPs, batch IPs and proxies.
No. 19360
>>19357Oh so she just bluffed to scare people?
Not that I've ever sent anything to anyone to be afraid but it was weird
No. 19416
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No. 19417
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No. 19419
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No. 19420
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No. 19421
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No. 19422
File: 1414202022315.jpeg (Spoiler Image,44.87 KB, 604x453, Fatty_soap.jpeg)

No. 19423
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No. 19429
>>19348If the commenting is done through Disqus or some other system that requires logging into an account tied to an email, then that's one way.
If it's an anonymous commenting system then she has no way of getting anyone's email.
No. 19437
>>17326Which is crazy, but I guess the SJWs don't want to admit that disney did, in fact make a movie with POCs, strong female roles, real bodies, and a transperson.
The sword of social justice is ignorance and their shield is denial.
No. 19479
File: 1414262782625.png (300.65 KB, 478x669, 0oij.png)

>deathfat latina
Deathfat is their term for morbidly obese, in case someone is blissfully unaware of their newspeak
No. 19480
File: 1414262814840.jpg (64.53 KB, 635x425, fatpeople.jpg)

Going back into the ocean.
No. 19481
File: 1414262874813.jpg (294.67 KB, 1309x766, LcedkTJ.jpg)

No. 19483
>>19479Why is she transcribing her looks?
Also death fat doesn't sound cool, like you're resigned to death row.
No. 19489
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No. 19527
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No. 19532
This is why namefags suck. Not even 5 posts in and you're already shitting up the place. Nobody cares about your drama.
No. 19533
File: 1414327102247.jpg (362.47 KB, 1594x998, ¨weightgain7.jpg)

Weight gain
No. 19534
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No. 19535
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No. 19552
>>19479>>19483Deathfat just makes me picture a morbidly obese zombie comic book villain. So empowering!
>>19525dude that's even worse
No. 19553
>>19552Lol that was edji pretending to be the anon that was pretending to be edji.
Try and wrap your head around that retardation.
No. 19564
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No. 19571
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>>19552Anyway back to pissing her off! triplekek ;D
No. 19572
>>19571Edji you are so embarassing. Pretending to be someone that's pretending to be you.
This is so cringy.
No. 19573
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No. 19575
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No. 19576
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No. 19578
>>19576Yeah, losing a foot to diabetes is no big deal. At least it's not AIDs, amirite?
Also, the only effective treatment for diabetes is eating healthy. No matter how much insulin you shoot up after eating 5 big macs, you're still probably going to die of diabetes-related complications.
No. 19581
File: 1414354503619.png (91.89 KB, 212x221, 1344551786920.png)

>nobody wants Michelle Obongo advice, she is overweight!1!
That's rich coming from some most likely morbid hamplanet.
No. 19617
>>19367stretchmarks are kind of like scars.
And they never go away either…thanks a lot, past fat me…
No. 19624
>>19576>obesity not associated with cancer>diabetes and heart issues not expensive to treat>obesity not common in America>Michelle Obama overweight????
Who wrote this? I need to find the source of all this arcane wisdom.
No. 19630
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>>19593Yes, because fat women have been oppressed for so long that they have a lot of righteous anger to release.
Or some bullshit like that.
No. 19631
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No. 19632
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No. 19633
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No. 19634
File: 1414410648157.jpeg (69.42 KB, 426x465, mario-games-pipe-fat-1166418.j…)

No. 19636
File: 1414410798690.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.74 KB, 800x600, fat_bodied_italian_by_gameface…)

Ok so the other day I was on the DA frontpage looking at the newest deviations, and I came across this dude.
He's so weird and disgusting, he has a fetish for himself (?) and his fat belly or something. Blech.
Here's his DA, but take some eye bleach with you No. 19637
File: 1414410893141.jpg (305.77 KB, 800x600, hot_and_sweating_like_a_pot_be…)

>>19636>"While it's true that I'm a fat activist and a practicing feedist, "Well, that explains that. Damn feedists and gainers. People who actively want to get fat.
No. 19639
File: 1414411195290.png (839.04 KB, 1030x681, lll.png)

I think she's ripening into a lolcow.
I apologise to you all for doubting you earlier in this thread, she really does have potential.
No. 19641
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>>19640Well that explains things too
No. 19657
File: 1414425949244.jpg (20.48 KB, 283x300, image.jpg)

>>19630I guess they do have a right to be permanently hulked out.
No, that's not right, it's more like the blob. Logan needs to check his privilege.
No. 19658
>>19639>everyone wants to see you nakedNope
Also she has a front butt for breasts.
No. 19692
>>19690Pretty much. Fat women also like to rant on about how models in the fashion industry are all skinny because the designers are gay and can't handle the real beauty of muh cuuurves
or some shit like that
No. 19693
>>19692To be fair, models are meant to be thin specifically so they can show off the shape and fit of the clothes better. They're supposed to work as blank canvases (or "clotheshangers") for the designers to display their work on, not necessarily symbols of beauty.
I'm pretty sure models with "weird" or unique faces are chosen for high fashion so people remember the label and design(s) even better, too.
No. 19710
File: 1414458767241.png (757.93 KB, 1287x772, Screenshot (224).png)

I feel like throwing up.
No. 19729
>>19611Decided to actually watch for once.
Gods she's annoying.
No. 19732
>>19710Wtf, that exaggerated pout face is so fucking annoying, I can't even put into words why. It just makes me want to punch her stupid nasty face.
Bitch, I got yo' fat lip right here. >:(
No. 19733
>>19710She looks like a caveman
Your "unimpressed" face just makes you look fucking stupid
No. 19741
File: 1414476482466.jpg (130.93 KB, 1225x1300, Octopus.jpg)

>>19732Maybe because it's similar to duckface?
Personally, she looks like an octopus to me.
>pic related No. 19755
File: 1414485111089.gif (2.97 MB, 652x307, XSuHBjc - Imgur.gif)

>>19753Best part is where the fatty's trying to chase him.
This is why no one worries about angry fatty's
No. 19761
>>19757>deep breath She'll be dead soon and probably won't reproduce.I always think this about MG when I'm reading TITP. She is so entitled and incredibly rude (so much swearing) to anyone who doesn't follow her opinion, even if you explain it to her in the nicest way.
All the swearing and exclemation marks always make me think of her as this raging fatty with her face all red.
Oh, and what's up with sjw's and their use of quote brackets all the time? Here's an example:
>sane person: But don't you agree that you have more privilege than say women in 3rd world countries?>sjw: "You're not allowed to complain because there are people in worse situations than you"I don't know why but this quotation thing really pisses me off
No. 19765
>>19764The obese have said that before, namely against smokers and skinny girls - you're not calling them out for their bad behavior!
The last part is that in their mind no one tells skinny girls not to eat 'x' and that they should work out.
Well that does happen to skinny chicks. They get unsolicited advice and comments too.
No. 19778
File: 1414515386543.jpg (43.86 KB, 453x592, meaganzit.jpg)

>>19639She looks so much like this fat weeaboo I went to college with. Or maybe all people look pretty much the same once they reach her size.
No. 19783
>>19758It's just the same old self-esteem movement that's been around since the 70s, peaked in the mid 00s, but has actually become less popular recently.>>19782The big problem with confidence is that it's basically impossible to tell if a stranger is genuinely confident or faking it.
That's why women fall for the douches so often and "faking it till you make it" actually works.
No. 19811
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No. 19812
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No. 19813
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No. 19814
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No. 19815
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No. 19817
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No. 19818
File: 1414531273975.jpeg (53.08 KB, 450x600, funny-pictures-auto-fat-people…)

No. 19833
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No. 19834
File: 1414547663869.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.95 KB, 314x455, jwN52M2.jpg)

This one's apparently a colored MRI.
No. 19842
>>19839Fat isn't something that distributes below the skin and around the muscle, it's also grows around the organs too.
That space you're seeing is all internalised fat.
No. 19849
>>19840I just finished dinner and felt a little sick looking at them, so I guess I incorrectly assumed others might too.
Worried for nothing!
No. 19895
>>19863They're not the same thing even though people tend to confuse the two. Basically:
>insecure person: oh no I might fuck up better not even try>confident person: I might fuck up but I'm still going to try and if something goes wrong I can learn from that>arrogant person: there's no way I could fuck up, I'm great! if anything goes wrong it won't be my fault!Confident people can take criticism, arrogant people can't. Arrogance is often used to mask insecurity. Arrogant people aren't confident, and like anon said, people who are truly confident don't talk about it. They just don't spend as much time second-guessing themselves and worrying about everything. There's a big difference between introspection and being a worrywart.
>this is coming from an insecure worrywart who wishes she had more confidence No. 19925
File: 1414625089969.gif (478.63 KB, 495x325, gag.gif)

>>19898It sucks because I don't even remember -how- exactly I found her, but at first she was just this gross pile of fat girl who was always bawwing about her insecurities, posting everything she eats, bragging and posting pictures about drinking and doing vapes, and I still thought she was nasty as fuck. However, a part of me was like, "Oh, maybe she's going to be like other fat girls I've known and have that 'breaking point' where she snaps and decides to change."
Yeah, I'm a fucking moron. That didn't happen. I watched her go from insecure as fuck and still posting nudes to just becoming more and more full of herself and eager to manipulate her followers and everyone around her into thinking she's never instigated fights online. That really didn't help when she had these people encouraging her to be more arrogant and yet still labeling it as 'confidence'. Posting your nudes every other day doesn't make you confident or brave. Taking the time to order a shirt saying 'Bitch don't kill my vibe' and then reblog yourself wearing it while flipping the finger about five times isn't confidence. Hell, neither is taking the time you could be using to exercise to instead create videos about why you're so beyond reproach, but it's okay for you to demonize others.
It's just frustrating to see these people, man. You have a little bit of hope for them and instead they turn into ghetto 'All bout dat bass XDDD' motherfucker. don't ruin Too Faced for me, you cunt..
No. 19967
File: 1414648266997.gif (1.94 MB, 235x180, 1411434894769.gif)

>>17840where the fuck did you get this oh my god
No. 19973
>>18127I think it's stupid.
A lot of clothes are not designed for fat bodies, and even if they were, they'd still look unflattering on you if you're fat as fuck.
This has always been a thing.
I do agree fat people clothing is often ugly and shapeless, but honestly? You can't shape a blob of fat and expect it to look like a skinny person's body.
No. 19986
>>18191And do you not understand fashion you stupid hobo?
Accessories are supposed to match, either by being the same color or by harmony. She's wearing a neutral color in her shoes, yes, but her purse is one of those Louis Vuitton patterned purses IN PINK.
IF her purse was black or orange she'd get a pass, but obviously she doesn't because she can't match for shit and you can't understand fashion even if I hit you with a Vogue right in the face you cunt.
>>18227>This is how most fashions work in the real world, dear.Not necessarily you rancid dong. The colors in her outfit are vibrant, yet the shoes look too plain for the rest of the outfit, thus throwing it out of balance ESPECIALLY because of that purse. The fatty's outfit works well because she's balancing the shoes with the shirt and it doesn't look like too much, which guess what? It DOES work and also happens in the real world you fucking idiot.
Nothing pisses me off more than stupid fashion snobs who on top of everything don't even know colors either when they think they do.
Back to /fa/ where you're probably glorified for having such shit taste.
No. 20047
>>19973>I do agree fat people clothing is often ugly and shapelessI always see this on TITP too, where do you people live?
I live in Belgium and we don't really have as big of an obesity problem as other countries but every city here has a few plus size stores with actually pretty nice and modern clothes. Even my small city has two.
(I used to be obese, that's how I know)
No. 20058
>>20047The stores over here don't really have nice clothes for fat people.
I was also a fatty and I would often go to stores that carried clothes my size, which was often jeans and t-shirts because nothing else would fit me.
Most of the fashion industry here is catered to skinny people.
No. 20061
>>20059My clothes were not really expensive, but I never really fit into normal store clothes because I was a fat child and teenager.
I ballooned up due to depression and that only made it worse, so I ended up taking normal store clothes out of the equation.
Now I've lost a decent amount of weight [I'm halfway my goal weight], and can fit into normal clothes for the first time.
No. 20062
>>20061You're doing great, anon, keep it up!
I meant it's a really great feel to be able to shop at normal sized clothes.
No. 20065
>>20062I will!
Yeah, I have reached Medium size in a lot of clothes, but I still have a long way to go. It's okay though, it feels good when you can go to normal stores and pick clothes for yourself.
No. 20080
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No. 20083
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No. 20119
>>20111> I've never seen anything like that in real life.You're very lucky, you know. Wherever you live, stay there.
Whenever I go to the UK I see them. The sort of fatties that have this weird stomach pouch thing that hangs low towards their knees. The kind of people that make you genuinely puzzled about their anatomy…Is that her butt or a back roll?…Is his chin melting into his cheek?…
I think they're getting more common all over the world. These people are the ultra fats.
No. 20120
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No. 20121
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No. 20149
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No. 20155
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>>20149Do they mean with actual tape or what? I don't see how that would be harmful. Stupid, yes, but not harmful.
No. 20161
>>20149lol, I wonder if disney will do that eventually
it would be a smart marketing move, considering how fat everyone is getting
No. 20168
>>20155I wonder what they would say if a skinny princess got with a fat prince
And I think they mean psychologically harmful, not physically
No. 20173
>>20168Hahahaha fuck, thanks. It's getting late.
Still, it kinda just strikes me as one of those things a kid does. It's sad though, I guess.
They kinda strike me as the kind of chubby women that have much higher standards for men than they do for themselves.
No. 20174
>>20161That would cause shit, even still.
Parents wouldn't want obesity to be glorified. We shouldn't be glorifying something unhealthy which only depletes years from our life. I know that Tumblrinas make it seem like they're a majority, but they're far from it offline. There are still souls brave enough to give them shit and thank goodness, too.
No. 20177
>>19986>you stupid hobo>you cunt>you rancid dong>shit tasteu so mad it's pitiful.
check your autism.
No. 20207
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>>20199>but they staaaarted itboth sound like third-graders.
but responding in an enraged rant like that FAR after the argument is lost further upthread is impressively infantile, even by a lolcow's standards.
it's a fucking outfit. tastes differ. grow the fuck up and deal with the fact that not everybody's fashion preferences will match yours.
No. 20226
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No. 20240
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>>20226I thought that was a pic of a fattie eating a huge pink ice cream and then I zoomed in…
No. 20245
>>20177Different anon than the one that already replied to you.
Personally, I think their bs is funny (albeit in a very autistic way) to sit back and read. Of course, it may just be because I'm starting to get really high.
No. 20276
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No. 20279
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No. 20280
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muh curves
No. 20294
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>white privilege
>thin privilege
>human privilege
>living privilege
>existing privilege
>privilege privilege
>privilege privilege privilege
No. 20297
>>20290>>20292Many reasons -
Clothes are somewhat flattering (dresses hide the fat, not form fitting) and most of it's hand made so they can get their XXXXXL size.
They get to be quirky!
They're so unique!
They can dye their hair and get piercings because it's part of the style
Just like Marilyn Monroe and other pin-ups they're so curvy and voluptuous!
No. 20298
>>20290>>20292Chubby anon here, and I can honestly say that the 50s fit and flare style is definitely flattering on my body shape. I've been gradually losing weight (currently down to a size 12 after being a size 18), but with how fat is distributed on my body, wearing 50s style dresses is, in my opinion, flattering.
I think the obsession with other chubs and hambeasts is that the 50s pinup girls in posters had wide hips and plush thighs…but what gets ignored is also the fact they have visible waists and are actually CURVY, not fat. Throw in the old Marilyn Munroe bullshit, and fatties believe that that era is perfect because it "honors curves" and they're unique and stylish.
No. 20300
>>20297Don't forget that they get to say stuff like
"back in the day women looked like me, men found women like me attractive, what happened?"
As if.
No. 20301
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No. 20317
>>20280>more capableNo, it means she LOOKs like she's more fertile. A hamplanet with 'curves' is going to be less fertile than a woman of normal weight with a rectangular figure. Men don't want hamplanets unless they have a fetish
And on top of that, it's quite possible to be at a healthy weight and curvy. But they don't seem to think about that, do they?
No. 20360
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>>20311>>20320Well quran considers homosexuality not only a sin, but a crime too. Yet on tumblr…
No. 20389
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No. 20396
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No. 20999
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>>20996red outline is a half wall
No. 21000
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No. 21020
>>21006That's a nicer way of putting it.
I dry-heaved.
No. 21027
>>20999So is she like sitting on the floor?
It's like that optical illusion art that one artist goes around in cities drawing on the streets (only to have the rain wash it away the next day :[ )
No. 21028
>>21027no no, she's sitting on a bench, the wheelchair is lower than the bench
I had to get someone in RL to show me lol
No. 21154
>>21133I couldn't read all that but it seemed she flip flopped. Oh no don't shame, but if you're obese it's valid. And then it all comes down to privilege. Of course.
I feel sorry for these women, all of their rhetoric and buzzwords must make them walk on so much thin ice that they tie themselves into knots when they speak.
No. 21215
>>21208I'm not sure what you mean.
Some people do have larger frames while still remaining healthy, they aren't obese just kind of bigger. Occasionally you do see people who are painfully thin, with their bones stick out and bad posture. They move kind of slowly and are hunched over too (and these aren't old people either). They are very rare but I have seen some like that in my life and maybe that is what is referred to by unhealthily thin and at an unnaturally low weight.
I also don't think a supermodel is of average build with low body fat (though perhaps I'm just having issue with terminology?). They actually do have unusual builds compared to the population in that they have very small builds while simultaneously being unusually tall for women.
Perhaps for some example you can look at old photos or people in various hunter-gatherer tribal societies. Most people are somewhere in the middle but you do see some people who are larger or smaller, just not to any extreme.
No. 21219
>>21208Someone who is morbidly obese, or even obese for that matter, does not necessarily have a large frame just because they're huge. They're fat as fuck, cut and dry.
The differences between peoples frames and whether they're of a large, small or medium build really is only a difference of a few pounds. Someone at a normal weight whose bones still "stick out" as if they were underweight as in you can still feel ribs, knobbly knees, etc. would probably be considered large framed.
Someone at that same weight who looks a little more round or plump than they should probably has a small frame.
No. 21229
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>>21220I guess what I'm referring to is people like Kim Kardasian or maybe Lena Dunham. You always see people saying "they're not fat, they're not overweight, they're just curvy, that's just their body type, if they were to be skinny like a model then it wouldn't be healthy for them" but what would they look like if they were skinny then? Why do you never see any women with this supposed "naturally larger frame" that are skinny enough that you can actually tell a difference? I feel like it's mostly just an excuse. Some people look better than others when they put on weight but I don't really believe that people like this wouldn't actually still look better and be generally somewhat healthier if they were thin.
No. 21233
>>21229Depends. There's losing weight and getting skinny (and in shape) and losing too much weight that you look skeleton skinny (look at Jason Segal on HIMYM) which isn't good.
I think the issue is that dependent on height and weight it will look different depending on how much you lose/gain.
My best friend is shorter than me, she had to watch her weight more because she gains faster than me, because I'm taller. Consequently she doesn't have to gain as much weight during pregnancy and I do because I was a bit under weight.
Also my mom has a lot of German blood in her family and her frame is bigger than mine. She loses weight differently than me and she looks a bit more stocky even though she's taller than me. I hope that makes sense anon, I thought that's what you're trying to say.
No. 21235
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>her fucking ankles
No. 21237
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>>21229They'd be skinny but still look broader than someone of a smaller bone structure …
No. 21238
>>21232Sitting down. They sit most of the time so the fat accumulated in the shape of their ass when they're seated. Same reason this ones
>>18334 lower half is a damn mushroom.
No. 21239
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No. 21285
>>19031Holy shit the comments.
That's more food than I eat in a day. I feel like I'd be fat if I ate all that. I'm sure I wouldn't, but still…seems like a lot imho. Who the hell eats more than that anyway?
No. 21341
>>21208I think it just depends on where your body stores fat. Like it's healthier to store fat in your legs than in your stomache and an apple will always look fatter than a pear even if they'd weigh the same.
I store most of my fat in my legs and people usually think I weigh less than I really do. My friend stores most fat in his stomache and people always think he weighs more than he does.
Also, someone once told me a way to check if you're big built or small built:
If you can fit your index finger to thumb around your wrist (or if it goes over it), you have a small built and it'd be more unhealthy for you to gain weight than for someone who's got a bigger built. If not, then you have a bigger built.
I have no idea how much of this is true though.
No. 21343
>>21229Aren't they still fat, but they're like the female version of the male "builtfat" where they're toned to the extent that the fat looks firm?
Problem with "builtfat" is that it very quickly turns into "obese" when your physical activity reduces. It's quite easy for someone in their teens or mid 20s to have a "builtfat" body it falls apart quickly with just an extra 10-20lbs.
Even Kim Kardashian and Christina Hendricks are really pushing it, but none of the fat goes to their face so the right clothes make them look great. Their prominent tits and ass also distract from other fatty areas.
Lena Dunham however is totally overweight and I've never heard her compared to someone like Kim Kardashian.
No. 21345
>If you can fit your index finger to thumb around your wrist (or if it goes over it), you have a small built and it'd be more unhealthy for you to gain weight than for someone who's got a bigger built. If not, then you have a bigger built.>I have no idea how much of this is true though.Sounds like BS to me. I'm a broad shouldered barrelled chested guy and I can fit my index finger and pinky around my wrist, and I'm totally obese these days.
I do have pretty average sized hands and small feet for a guy but I'm not going to use it to convince myself that I'm still slim.
No. 21358
>>21354>>21355>>21357If you really must know. One drunken night…
I was googling trying to remember the name of a "comedian" on Stickam. Some ~30 year old white guy with an afro. I'd say it was actually Flula with an afro except I'm 99% sure this guy was American. I think his name began with an "M" so if anyone can remind me that'd be great. He wasn't especially funny, just kind of a cult classic.
While searching for this old Stickamer I couldn't find shit about him and instead found loads of stuff about Felice Fawn and eventually PULL and I don't know how I found lolcow.
Seeing that former e-celebs like Kiki Kannibal were still up to their same shit after seven odd years made be laugh and feel nostalgic at the same time. I stuck around to laugh at all the other lolcows because I thought idiots like these disappeared with Stickam.
No. 21453
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>>21354hi. i'm a catty fag though so i might not count.
No. 21462
>>21453the huge amount of morbidly obese people has really warped people's perceptions. they think "i'm not THAT big yet, therefore i'm not obese" while they have a big ol spare tire and fresh stretch marks.
also why do so many people not bother to clean up their room for pictures. now the internet knows you are obese and a slob. way to go against those stereotypes of fat people.
No. 97012
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>>15661"marshmallow girl" Pic related. I saw marshmallow girl and thought of that.