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No. 64657

massively photoshops herself with insane thinspo bs, went to korea and slept around using her mom's money, sold things on livejournal only to never delivery… List goes on.


No. 64710

Damn, I think I remember this bitch, isn't she the one who bragged about fucking a bunch of Korean duded bareback and when ppl asked her if she was worried about catching an STI she didn't care? I seem to remember a tumblr blog about it all, filled with her graphic descriptions of her escapades with each guy (though not graphic enough to be interesting, sadly), she fucked guys she said weren't even attractive and bragged about how the sex was really bland most of the time and she met most of them on Kakao somehow.

No. 64711

Oh, and she deleted her blog when some anons emailed a link of it to her mother I think??

No. 64712

Yeah her! It's all on the archive I posted, her blog was "sucideseoul" or something like that

No. 64721

>Emerald Bond

Either that's a made up name/nickname or she has a stupid ass name.

No. 64724

It's not made up, there's dox out there of her and I have her fb link

No. 64735

Anyone got screencaps of the stories?

No. 65105

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