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No. 69838

Cis gay guy here. Serious question.

What the hell is with all of these yaoi-obsessed FTMs who want to be IRL kawaii boy characters while also saying how "gay" they are?

To be honest, I get really creepy pedophiliac vibes from all of those people and they're reinventing the worst gay aspects and stereotypes. (I had some bad experiences in my past and I recognize the signs.) It's always either the ultra-super-pretty-boy twinks they like or well, actual young boys and nothing else. I also notice a lot of these FTM types date one another obviously because it's as close as they'll get to replicating the anime boy look IRL.

It's just both frustrating as hell to see and also really spooky. At the risk of sounding like a tumblrite in my own right seeing them appropriate from actual gay males and their experiences while decrying them otherwise/despising anything even remotely masculine makes me ill.

No. 69843

This needs to be moved to /b/.

No. 69878

Moved to >>>/b/3699.

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