File: 1567609876625.jpg (1.05 MB, 1075x3368, 1567566347252 (1).jpg)

No. 698862
The last thread hit the ground running as Laur flashed her accusatory glare at one suspect after another. Having just discovered their thread on Kiwi Farms, the haters were no longer Joe and became Josh Moon, and all of the hate sites, including Reddit, became his.
Laur contacted law enforcement in Florida, the FBI,
and Homeland Security. Josh asked in the KF thread, "Are these people fucking schizophrenics?" But according to Laur, it's
everyone else who is in need of a 72-hour psych hold.
She latched onto an existing petition calling for the extermination of all of the hate sites: KF, LC, PULL, and GG. She would take the signatures straight to the Supreme Court!
At the same time she set her paranoid sights on two prominent make-up artists, Lauren Elyse and Queen of Blending. Laur went so far as to contact that latter's employer in an attempt to get her fired.
Laur @ her wild accusations to support and abuse accounts of Cloudflare, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Imgur. She combed Twitter for posts calling out KF and responded to them, no matter how old, in hopes of raising her own legion of doom. She (likely unknowingly) @ fellow cows Jessica Yaniv, Taylor Nicole Dean, and Ty Beard.
She @ a number of celebrities like Serena Williams, 50 Cent, and Chrissy Teigen despite (or because of?) her blatant racism.
Meanwhile more call-out accounts sprouted up bringing the tough questions and receipts. Lillee posted a video and text walls reacting to the "cyberbullying sites" in response to the haters. The bigger the snowball of drama grew, the greater her ego swelled.
Instagram began banning Lillee from posting certain hashtags and uploading altogether on her personal account. Laur activated the sock and shill army to carry the posts.
A sperg of a self-styled caped crusader, Captain Commando Resists @captcomm2020 (enough of a cow to have his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page) flew to her rescue. They enacted the flirtatious roleplay of hero and distressed damsel. Fellow sperg (and sock according to ED) Edward Falcon Resists @EdFokker2020 soon joined in defending them and blaming Trump for LJ's bullying.
Finding KF's YouTube channel, Laur began slinging insults at Nick Rikeita. She and her orbiters of resistance stopped short of actually @ him or Josh. Nick's only response was to laugh at her nonsense in a livestream.
Farmers continued to dig into their accounts, expose more socks and shills, and speculate as to Laur's Master Plan™ behind the Lillee Jean Scheme. A trove of Lillee gifs were discovered, providing over-exaggerated expressions for every occasion. Her delusional bios, suspect make-up tutorials, questionable outfits, doll and princess cosplay, and jaw droppingly bad acting and singing reels continued to be pilloried.
In an end-of-thread plot twist, Laur reversed course and named lola, one of the call-out accounts, as "Lauren" and accused her of being the perpetrator of the "doxxing" no one has yet to see evidence of. Laur unleashed her most juvenile of insults and straight up threatened "Lauren" and her family.
"YES you do U PUBLISHED WITHOUT CONSENT personal information in order to get PERSONAL INFORMATION DILDO you obtained illegally our SSN's and this is now WHY OUR BANK ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN ATTACKED. We found you. We blamed MOON. Its you Lauren. AND we have it down with your IP BYE"
Will Laur's Twitter account be reported into oblivion or will it survive for her to impotently rage on? Will anons uncover the secrets of Lillee's attic and decode the message of #9? And where is dear dad Earl while his wife and daughter grow increasingly unhinged by the day?
All concerned parties can expect to hear from Laur and Lil's lawyer via Twitter forthwith.Previous threads:
>>>/snow/833840 1 Lillee Jean, Actress, Model, Social Media star extraordinare uwu˜
>>>/snow/847048 2 Lillee Jean and her batshit insane mother
Lillee Jean Trueman: domains:
http://lilleejean.comhttp://www.thaeyeballqueen.comSocial Media:
(listed newest to oldest) (inactive) (deleted) (inactive) (deleted) (deleted) (inactive) (deleted)
Videos: (inactive) Trueman: (deleted) (inactive), singing, booking profiles: and gifs: (inactive)
http://themakeupbloggers.blogspot.comMerch: and MUA profiles: (inactive) (suspended)
Other: and interviews:
Barbie's full name on beauty sites: famous: "Laur" Rene Trueman: (renamed) Trueman (deleted) (deleted)
Jeaniez Management Inc:
Rene, Publicist/PR representing @lilleejean and @1change4change Ingenue Management Group:
Laur and Oscar Benjamin (inactive)
Laura's Antique Businesses:
(dug in the first thread, deleted pages in (current) (deleted) (deleted) (deleted)
http://www.leitiques.comhttp://www.lltiques.com (no longer registered)
http://www.truetiques.com (no longer registered) (deleted) (no longer registered) (deleted) (deleted) |*/http://rvt01.blogspot.com | (deleted)!b2bf3’s-fbi-wanted-posters
Earl Trueman: for Brenda:
Laur Trueman (no longer registered) (no longer registered) and shill accounts: (creator of @ljeanfp) (deleted) (deleted) (deleted) (deleted) (deleted) gold DeHoff M White Gianelli No. 698863
File: 1567610566743.jpeg (256.72 KB, 750x728, DC5FC19F-1784-410C-B083-8BC6B9…)

Lauren Elyse is asking her followers to report Lillee Jean and Laur after last nights round of harassment and threats
No. 698865
File: 1567611813024.png (155.2 KB, 800x818, Screenshot_2019-09-04-08-27-48…)

Laur has not only the mentality of a teenager but also the grasp of logic.
I bet she and Commando trade hot DMs all day between publicly tag teaming self-righteous proclamations and attacks on the haters.>>698864I considered making the socks and shills list a separate post. Come next thread it may have to be. My text editor could barely handle the strain.
No. 698867
File: 1567612385386.jpeg (218.67 KB, 750x508, 913252D5-43A7-4137-8763-FA82AA…)

still racist
No. 698870
File: 1567614099277.jpeg (338.9 KB, 750x1001, 5E3A40C9-0FAE-4DEF-B252-145C12…)

Misgendering people is oh so edgy.
No. 698873
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No. 698874
File: 1567615951001.jpg (1.17 MB, 1546x1546, IMG_4404.jpg)

All those thick layers of glitter look itchy and irritating, like sand in a bikini.
No. 698875
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No. 698878
>>698876Oh wow I didn't read what the image said until this comment.
How do you make a post about gay rights and just casually throw in that black people need to get over slavery?!
No. 698882
>>698863I was wondering if maybe the reason Laur's Twitter doesn't get taken down is because not enough people report it. I mean she has threatened families and misgendered people openly, and that's just from her account. Twitter is normally quick to suspend for misgendering. She really should be permabanned. I'm not complaining though, I love watching her sperg and wouldn't want her to tone it down. She's literally been getting crazier by the day. The lack of consequences is probably a big part of why she thinks she can just act out.
These two are by far my favorite cows and they're constantly producing whole milk.
No. 698883
>>698882Kek, actually I think if laur twitter were to be deleted and she made a new one with real followers (even if they were less than 100) she’d get more engagement and more sperging, her sperging goes without consequences on her twitter because whoever gets her on their feed is just bots. Anyway there’s nothing I hope more than to see them both away from the internet, lj insta being banned would make my year.
I wonder if that other cow who’s supporting them is trying to get into ljs pants by sucking up to laur.
No. 698887
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It’s not all Laur, Lillee’s a liar too. Claiming in an IG livestream that’s she auditioned as batgirl & yelena belova for Marvel. She can’t even keep her universes straight…gtfo
No. 698889
File: 1567622489239.gif (108.64 KB, 220x164, hah.gif)

>>698888Oh my god shes back
No. 698891
File: 1567623297330.gif (2.87 MB, 140x140, 41E72C51-31CC-4B6A-9535-212DBF…)

>>698888lolcowards begin to burn your bundles of sage and pour salt around you in an unbroken circle
She cometh
No. 698892
No. 698895
>>698887Yep, I keep saying this. LJ is not innocent in any way, she's a bratty, racist, homophobic, stuck up liar who is obviously on board with all of this fuckery. Sure she's sheltered, but that really doesn't excuse her obnoxious behavior.
>>698888Ha, is this Laur pretending to be "a friend"? Don't you have some scamming to do or something?
No. 698900
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never mind, Laur is ITT.
>Fara Delplato No. 698903
>>698882She has interacted with Yaniv before, I’d love to see her get into it with him over misgendering. Lillee’s probably too old for him though.
>>698902She has real life human friends? I’m genuinely surprised.
No. 698905
File: 1567628073791.png (154.33 KB, 1202x472, Screenshot 2019-09-04 at 21.14…)

went to go and look at Fara's account, suddenly tweeting again after six years just to say this
No. 698906
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Eddie and Laur are suddenly taking the high road? Did she/they get a scolding from Twitter? No. 698908
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No. 698909
File: 1567630057656.gif (788 KB, 200x112, equalrights.gif)

Lilz on feminism.
No. 698910
File: 1567630368926.jpg (109.8 KB, 1080x1080, 44406947_348423669266455_89913…)

>embody Barbie, not be Barbie
>I am my own type of doll
No. 698914
File: 1567630724189.jpeg (49.75 KB, 749x358, A26B6257-83BA-47BC-B7D5-C11E79…)

Forgot to switch accounts! Oops!
No. 698915
File: 1567631444176.jpg (367.77 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_9236 (1).jpg)

In a lot of ways she is more like a young lady of generations past than of current year, no doubt as molded by Laur.
No. 698916
File: 1567631795699.gif (1.08 MB, 320x320, confused.gif)

>#totalWhat? And writing comments like that to your own daughter, even as a sock, is creepy. As it is a lot of the comments Laur signs her name to as "momanger" are creepy.
No. 698919
File: 1567632332047.jpg (95.47 KB, 1080x1350, 22582664_293799187782781_90493…)

Rockin' the "1930s middle age spinster going to church" look.
>>698917That's a bright white arm there. Even before being sequestered in the attic she didn't see the sun much.
No. 698921
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>>698919And Laur with the edit featuring Lilz' enticing cankle.
No. 698923
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>>698920She's her own type of doll embodying Barbie while wearing a facsimile of her vintage swimsuit.
No. 698926
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>>698879I'm surprised she hasn't had a glitter injury or six since she was all about glitter eye accents for a couple of years. She had an unfortunate experience when a "diamond crushing product" caused an infection on her lip. No. 698929
File: 1567637640843.jpeg (642.01 KB, 750x1021, 13271931-9D5B-4720-A790-3D50FA…)

Love too eat glitter
No. 698931
File: 1567637838367.png (557.06 KB, 800x1038, Screenshot_2019-09-04-15-47-46…)

>>698870LJ has been quiet too since her bitch fit about IT. She's retweeted what will undoubtedly be her next cosplay and two posts complimenting black women. So much trying too hard.
No. 698932
File: 1567638353902.png (933.04 KB, 800x1164, Screenshot_2019-08-20-01-32-08…)

>Eccentric Mermaid/Alien
>I honestly had NO IDEA what the heck I was aiming for
You don't say?
No. 698933
File: 1567638602427.png (834.78 KB, 537x1174, Screenshot_2019-08-20-01-36-03…)

>>698932But compared to the looks in a search for related images, not so eccentric after all. No. 698937
>>698934Two of the women on the English series The Undateables have Williams Syndrome. In describing the condition, the show remarked on the personality traits associated with the condition. Video is much more informative than photos and a list of symptoms.
At 2:35 is an interview with Lili. On her haunted house date she was all smiles and bubbly excitement with exaggerated expressions.
No. 698941
>>698903How would she know about Yaniv if not for the JY thread on Lolcow?
Maybe Jessica is the only person left who will let LJ be their makeup artist.
No. 698943
File: 1567649320367.png (2.81 MB, 1334x750, 27B18503-5472-4D9E-8A98-5DFC39…)

she has dry flaky skin in her new video for which Laura Mercier sent her free foundation
No. 698944
File: 1567652432587.jpg (93.46 KB, 1080x363, 1565633907117.jpg)

>>698942>>698941>>698903Yaniv's tweet was just a couple weeks ago.
>>>/snow/852044 No. 698945
File: 1567653470944.jpeg (89.64 KB, 750x367, EF0513B2-B1E5-49E1-9ADD-F7514C…)

Everyone uses g8 instead of gr8
No. 698946
>>698936The socks definitely seem like they were designed for the goal of making LJ seem more important for a potential acting role. They were all tagging Disney and Marvel (some still are), saying what a great Rapunzel she'd make. They clearly thought they could exploit the purchased followers for some kind of Hollywood dream.
Now I can't tell if they're actually so caught up in this they believe their own lies, or they just want to continue the act to not lose a potential "big break" for LJ. If it were the latter, you'd think Laur wouldn't be sperging about god and threatening anyone who looks at her wrong. Nothing really makes sense with these two.
No. 698949
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I mean has Lillee ever given an honest review??
No. 698952
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>>698951Better than where they put it in [pic related].
No. 698956
>>698951Ah yes a really cool upnose shot of bad skin and poorly applied craft glitter.
Couldn't even clean up the glitter fallout for the picture. Yeah, really cool.
No. 698962
File: 1567690504294.jpg (326.54 KB, 1390x1600, IMG_0138.jpg)

>>698960She wrote a lot of useless words on that page if she gets results like [pic related] and considers it a "best selfie angle".
No. 698963
File: 1567690847689.jpg (269.5 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2080.jpg)

And she's not particularly good at capturing her mom's "best angle" either.
No. 698964
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When she lied about having a collaboration with bite beauty and how they screwed her over by stealing her shade, shame she deleted the videos sperging about it from her page when she got called out No. 698965
File: 1567692835282.jpeg (54.63 KB, 384x512, F7B12F34-55B6-4F8C-A405-F163D4…)

“LILLEE this is your last chicken nugget - NO MORE” No. 698966
File: 1567693066824.jpeg (106.05 KB, 384x512, FBA205DB-5375-47B0-A93F-312A9E…)

Remember this is the literal cow who indulges on bodyshaming
No. 698969
File: 1567696141133.jpg (89.34 KB, 1080x1080, 37798014_179237522844844_63648…)

>>698965Whoa! I've looked at an unholy number of pics since these threads started in prep for the OP, but this is the first I've seen of her during that period of her life. [pic related] when she was 11 is the closest.
No. 698971
>>698969i'm so used to seeing her with that charles manson wide eye shot. I always figured that was just how she looked but I guess her eyes are normal and she just forces that cringe ass look. why?
Also, I haven't seen a lot of her make up work but its very underwhelming. Has she done anything that is actually competent?
No. 698972
File: 1567696719353.png (190.8 KB, 653x1154, Screenshot_2019-09-05-08-13-54…)

Good morning, sunshine! Did you have a restful 19 hour hiatus from Twitter? No. 698973
File: 1567697488492.png (188.35 KB, 800x1019, Screenshot_2019-09-05-08-24-42…)

She's all over this guy Mike Dunford's @questauthority posts about Rekeita and the latest goings on in the Vic Mignogna case, digging for info she can use for her own. No. 698974
File: 1567697929638.png (370.55 KB, 800x582, Screenshot_2019-09-05-08-37-11…)

Lilz is also awake and retweeted a fresh cup of irony first thing.
No. 698976
File: 1567698837832.jpg (331.67 KB, 1600x1517, IMG_1137.JPG)

>>698956Anon, she wouldn't persist in posting upnose shots of bad skin if they weren't boosting her brand.
No. 698977
File: 1567699045980.jpg (314.77 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_0577.JPG)

>Marketed as a "SEMI-MATTE" formula, thus you will have some moisture unlike a coveted Kat Von D Lipstick which tugs, this lipstick glides on, and within ONE SWIPE, has mega pigment! Above is a swatch of 'Anti-Socialite' on my lips, without a lip liner. It took two coatings for an even finish, however, this is because the formula is SO moisture drenched, easily one can make a mistake!Yet your lips are so dried out and wrinkled they look like expired raisins. No. 698978
File: 1567699889534.jpg (330.49 KB, 1600x1315, IMG_3976.JPG)

So many loose specks of glitter so close to tha queen's eyeball, at that point they're attracted to its moist surface like a magnet.
Lilz, even Burning Man outlawed glitter years ago!
No. 698979
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No. 698981
File: 1567700493651.jpg (505.89 KB, 1600x1369, IMG_3805.jpg)

Her eye looks moist. Ick.
There's something to be said for lower resolutions. No one wants to visually plumb the depths of her eye wrinkles and gaze at larger than life flaked lipstick.
No. 698982
File: 1567700638481.jpg (493.81 KB, 1600x1394, IMG_2706.JPG)

Lookin like she walked into a doorknob last week.
No. 698983
File: 1567703003898.jpg (545.74 KB, 1600x1335, IMG_6159.JPG)

Is that a strand of bubblegum?
No. 698985
File: 1567704471285.png (803.51 KB, 800x990, Screenshot_2019-09-05-09-48-34…)

There are some extremely talented fantasy eye MUA's out there.
No. 698986
File: 1567704526982.jpg (465.94 KB, 1600x1253, IMG_4592.JPG)

>>698985Lillee Jean isn't one of them.
No. 698987
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Skilled details.
No. 698989
File: 1567705156036.png (790.98 KB, 800x979, Screenshot_2019-09-05-09-54-08…)

Peppermint swirl!
No. 698990
File: 1567705207340.jpg (245.08 KB, 1600x1594, IMG_3566.jpg)

>>698989Candy cane crumbs.
No. 698991
File: 1567705980964.png (91.13 KB, 800x491, Screenshot_2019-09-05-10-50-15…)

And now for our weekly Christianity check-in.
No. 698993
File: 1567709016557.png (367.88 KB, 800x1171, Screenshot_2019-09-05-11-34-05…)

>>698965On being the bullied pre-diabetic fat kid in elementary school and how a brownie binge with mom to the point of sickness led to her intuitively discovering intuitive eating as a way of life. The smugness.
Lillee Jean Self Help Empire when. No. 698995
File: 1567709643714.jpeg (193.52 KB, 750x1086, DC018718-B526-441F-9AD3-DB2FD5…)

Fanpage claiming Lillee’s poetry is published
No. 698998
>>698995rhyming “one” with “one”
truly a modern shakespeare
No. 699009
File: 1567740908086.png (2.92 MB, 750x4331, 22D73D28-96C4-486C-A274-C9C071…)

I included price for her tickets at the end of the screenshot. Would this designer really put cows like Lillee and Laur in the front row for free?
No. 699011
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here’s our queen in the wild
No. 699012
File: 1567743178910.png (1.49 MB, 750x1435, BDEA9DAB-CA24-4A60-8CD1-5936DE…)

this man is hella strong
No. 699013
File: 1567743455176.png (2.36 MB, 750x1484, 8DD79899-843D-4E59-9EB6-C64B09…)

In a threesome there’s always a twosome and a onesome
No. 699015
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Looks like Patricia Hartmann was sitting between them at some point
No. 699016
>>698999The makeup look.
>>698984More like labial folds.
>>699006Because Williams Syndrome can involve the deletion of a variable number of genes, people with WS have varying levels of symptoms and impairment.
Kali Perkins is the other woman with WS on the show. Check the teeth. No. 699017
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No. 699018
File: 1567746243195.jpeg (553.58 KB, 750x1104, 54F1C237-4285-4FD1-8665-86715D…)

Her hair looks like shit. Why can’t she get a fucking haircut
No. 699019
>>699018I get they were trying to cover her cankles but this dress is such an awkward length for her.
>>699015Laur patrolling twitter at all times I see.
No. 699020
File: 1567754297299.jpg (210.72 KB, 1077x934, Screenshot_20190906-091745_Ins…)

I saw this under het recent picture. She asked where James Dee is. Do you guys think it's play or do you really think she doesn't know those are sock puppet accounts controlled by her mother?
No. 699021
>>699020i think she's playing it up for instagram. he's clearly not real, so LJ has never met him before, but there's all sorts of messages that refer to her knowing him in real life. LJ seems mentally stunted, sure, but she's more like a 12 year old than a 5 year old.
>>699018that dress is all kinds of awful and proves that LJ would never be invited to nyfw and that she paid her way there. it looks like something a kid would wear to their elementary school graduation prom, but in the year 2005. the shoes also don't match. she sticks out for all the wrong reasons.
No. 699022
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Of course Laur uses her flash
No. 699023
File: 1567760068827.jpeg (241.53 KB, 745x745, 75C0CDD1-1E94-4554-9C8E-87A8E4…)

Mama Jean is judging you, scantily clad model
No. 699024
File: 1567761069318.jpeg (65.97 KB, 437x429, D9DA34C3-A05C-4F27-B4DB-1307EE…)

>>699019This is how the dress is supposed to fit. Lillee is so short and frumpy that she needs to have things tailored for them to fit properly but they’re too busy pretending to be elite to care about details like that.
No. 699026
>>6990255ft tall and 129.5 lbs according to
>>698910I seriously wonder how lillee and her mom came off. Was LJ a total spaz, did she bother these to get these pictures? Did Laur come off as a total nut job?
No. 699028
File: 1567770181620.jpg (588.08 KB, 1034x1427, 20190906_074039.jpg)

I was digging and found this on runway rogue's Twitter. What do you guys make of this. Could Laur have gotten the tickets this way or God forbid, they are really trying to scam and got the tickets through make a wish?
No. 699036
File: 1567776694398.jpg (150.11 KB, 1039x907, lj.jpg)

>>699025I put her measurements into bodyvisualizer.
No. 699040
File: 1567781254947.jpeg (441.68 KB, 750x865, 1DA4AA27-5FF1-49F7-B150-BE4A9A…)

Patricia Hartman/Runway Rogue tweeted that they “hosted” Lillee & Laur as VIPs. Laur totally read lolcow this morning and made this woman tweet that they were guests, lol.
Does Patricia think Lillee is special needs? I can’t figure out why she would invite her.
No. 699043
File: 1567782797847.jpeg (230.4 KB, 1270x1216, 044D58B2-0B06-4DE5-9768-4ED1D5…)

>>699038could this be legit?
No. 699046
>>699043Imagine if this works out and she gets on the big screen. No way would even regular normies think she's attractive or an amazing actor/person. All of her reels are so over exaggerated to the point that they're off putting, not to mention her little nub teeth. If the general population think she's disabled or something they'll probably keep quiet about it, otherwise she'll be torn apart and scrutinized like every other person. Laur and LJ can barely handle a few threads across a couple of forums, imagine them really making a name for themselves- even the most talented, most beautiful models get ripped to shreds for existing, they'll never last in the industry.
I hope something comes out of this to put her on more people's radars.
No. 699047
>>699022Laur looks like a typical annoying nyc tourist. She couldn't even dress up for a fashion show.
>>699020I think it's funny how this dude claims they are bestfriends and she has never once put up a photo with him on her IG or hanging out in the city together. Fake ass bitch.
No. 699051
File: 1567789852661.png (798.3 KB, 1440x2227, 20190906_130846.png)

No wonder Laur was harassing renttherunway last week. Probably looking for a discount for her very important "client" cause 100 bucks is a bit too pricey for these attic goblins.
No. 699052
File: 1567791986016.jpeg (177.29 KB, 750x483, 2198390D-AD32-49FE-82DA-0B5506…)

Lillee made another post about Lauren Elyse. LE tweeted about and Lillee unblocked her proceeded to be dragged by LE’s followers. Lillee & Laur continue to be racist and homophobic
No. 699055
File: 1567794196326.jpeg (294.33 KB, 1125x1742, 894CE7CB-635E-41BD-B3D1-E31A7B…)

These cows are producing so much fresh milk that it’s hard to keep up
No. 699058
File: 1567797386469.jpeg (116.78 KB, 750x242, C3B059B2-19B6-401B-BF26-458E17…)

Interesting retweet from Lillee.
No. 699061
File: 1567800620393.png (73.48 KB, 601x415, mug.png)

Makeup geek deleted their tweet about Lillee. For how long will Laur keep her tweet pinned?
No. 699062
File: 1567800889814.jpeg (458.42 KB, 750x991, 34643684-0231-47DC-B408-7A8D9E…)

>>699061I think MUG has your account blocked
No. 699064
File: 1567801069051.jpeg (420.12 KB, 750x1071, 1F8E6DA5-7397-4CF5-88F9-CFD40E…)

Never mind- it’s not on their main page and this is what I see when I click on it
No. 699065
File: 1567801385664.jpeg (473.58 KB, 1241x1809, F71D62A8-F661-428F-B92A-515976…)

They are still maintaining that these random other accounts are Lauren’s…
No. 699066
File: 1567801428013.jpeg (406.91 KB, 1242x1796, 4C15BCA1-4D00-4B40-8676-47D430…)

No. 699067
File: 1567801619262.jpg (409.39 KB, 1080x1258, 20190906_162437.jpg)

How stupid is this women
No. 699069
File: 1567803731928.jpg (711.76 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_20190906-165955_Twi…)

Good! Contacting random peoples' jobs is way too far. The delusion needs to stop. Good on MUG for deleting that tweet, too.
No. 699073
File: 1567804876567.jpeg (279.9 KB, 750x651, CE640B5A-AF71-4FE2-8AA3-838272…)

We’re all going to jail for using the internet at work
No. 699075
File: 1567805150234.jpeg (326.61 KB, 750x909, 13E08B73-0C3D-4DEC-9198-6EE4AA…)

What the fuck is she talking about
No. 699077
File: 1567806394576.jpeg (428.28 KB, 1236x1742, 2BF14EEF-3758-4B1F-B225-0CD8BF…)

Of course only Laur and LJ are victims in this, crying cyberbully while they themselves are attacking others. k sure
No. 699080
>>699075>>699078laur says "using aave makes you sound uneducated because i associate black people with low education and the way they talk with my own racist stereotypes". well that was a shocker to no one who saw shaniqua's profile, and also i love how laur's comment was a thinly-veiled racist insult disguised as a compliment.
and again with the pink and purple people! she's like a parody of an old racist baby boomer who pretends to support equality.
No. 699082
File: 1567810653370.jpeg (155.86 KB, 750x683, A2F5A436-3060-476D-B9D0-7EED08…)

Laur commented on the Instagram post but couldn’t get the account deleted, assuming she tried (which let’s be real she definitely did)
No. 699097
File: 1567816254421.jpeg (489.45 KB, 750x1164, 2D9D06C6-2E0A-45EC-9267-5CE61D…)

The Instagram account now has a Twitter where they posted abusive comments Laur made to them thinking they are Lauren Elyse.
No. 699103
File: 1567820717320.png (266.96 KB, 750x1334, EB403269-4962-4154-8FDF-4C2E9E…)

Maybe it was him posting? He says he’s in a ‘good mood this evening’ I hate to speculate over nothing but he’s a fucking idiot.
No. 699104
>>698993the way she writes reminds me of ESL people honestly
>wearing terry sweaters, with her small head shook down, one day she made the wrong move by calling me fat>perhaps judy had issues going on at home, for her to lash out this way!>beauty is an internal matter than exudes outAlso
>the most common mistake many make is overthinking these hideous termsis basically "lol just don't think about it if someone insults you"
No. 699105
File: 1567825464048.jpeg (206.88 KB, 750x697, 8060EEF0-0689-4DEB-AE5B-7FA44F…)

4 hours ago Laur asked her 19.6k twitter followers for highlighter recommendations since Lillee can no longer use her favorite Makeup Geek highlighter. Zero engagement lol
No. 699106
File: 1567826749469.jpeg (206.83 KB, 750x441, 28896D18-934F-4FE9-8F19-F4EFBF…)

Not only sucking up to fourth ray (gotta stay on that list) but also tagging an abandoned account of LJ’s (no tweets, 3 followers including Laur)
No. 699108
File: 1567828570922.jpeg (161.98 KB, 750x628, FD1D3C4F-5568-4615-89F0-093113…)

Is she threatening the TV network guy?
No. 699110
File: 1567834908322.png (2.28 MB, 1334x750, 93BB0723-2565-4198-90A2-7B74C0…)

These swatches really don’t make me want to buy. Like does no one at colour pop check these things?
No. 699111
File: 1567834931575.png (3.14 MB, 1334x750, 0C6FDE36-AD82-4B25-938E-D805DC…)

No. 699112
File: 1567834987533.png (2.37 MB, 1334x750, C1B01819-924B-4386-BEC4-6162FF…)

They’re all patchy or crumbly
No. 699113
File: 1567835013539.png (2.78 MB, 1334x750, 5217723C-26BC-4A6C-9199-44418A…)

No. 699114
File: 1567835691532.png (127.07 KB, 250x265, 1372981272294.png)

>>699087>>699090Shitposting from the library because you're banned, Laur?
No. 699116
File: 1567836585563.jpeg (817.71 KB, 1242x1683, 27BD2CA8-DBD9-4F8D-8880-08DE4D…)

Watching Batman with Philippe…what an image
No. 699118
File: 1567836790540.jpeg (656.56 KB, 1242x1569, AF1DBF18-85CF-48C8-8DF7-44263E…)

No. 699119
File: 1567837239023.jpeg (593.8 KB, 1242x1309, 5A2DB235-8291-4716-B7F3-9BB886…)

No. 699120
File: 1567837492967.jpeg (706.75 KB, 1242x1616, AB72C556-072D-4A28-8815-EDFA46…)

Actual insanity
No. 699121
File: 1567837839241.jpeg (579.14 KB, 1242x1082, 5115C2AD-576B-4650-B8A3-8D58D6…)

No. 699123
File: 1567838167327.jpeg (685.76 KB, 1242x1488, CA6FC144-4EE0-4778-AA79-E6DC23…)

No. 699124
File: 1567838231749.jpeg (444.61 KB, 1242x1041, 2B556E92-01DE-4827-843A-BD8208…)

>>699122Yeah she tweeted this at Uber one day ago lol
No. 699128
File: 1567846573556.png (650.34 KB, 800x1167, Screenshot_2019-09-07-01-45-36…)

>>699031>>699027>>699026>>698910She plastered her SM with that body positivity post in November 2018 and her weight and figure have yo-yoed frequently, so her current measurements may not be the same.
No. 699129
>>699060Anons should archive at least the most salient and likely-to-get-Laur-in-trouble-and-deleted tweets. She can't accuse the haters of faking archives.
That convo at current time (don't know if anything has been deleted). of Laur's tweets and replies since I was last on to do it (I archived the "load older tweets" buttons at the bottom of each). is still raging right now; it's past 5am her time!
No. 699130
File: 1567849465488.png (468.21 KB, 1440x2560, 1562631856079.png)

>>699124I imagine reserving Uber is difficult when you've been banned from the service.
[I assume her account is still suspended? Correct me if I'm wrong]
No. 699131
File: 1567850785000.png (248.35 KB, 800x1045, Screenshot_2019-09-07-03-03-48…)

>>699054The context of that tweet.
>I do not wear a capeAnd you obviously don't understand sarcasm. Sperg confirmed.
No. 699132
File: 1567851456153.png (319.65 KB, 800x1001, Screenshot_2019-09-07-03-11-34…)

From her back-and-forth with Lauren Elyse. Lillee still insists LC is owned by Null. No. 699134
File: 1567852432379.png (224.59 KB, 800x1047, Screenshot_2019-09-07-03-22-54…)

>the lolCOWARDS posted my addressAll of the addresses posted here were posted publicly by your mom on her antique business websites in addition to her domain name and incorporation registrations. When registered she was informed that they would be public record and could have taken steps to shield her addresses.
>they came to my house>open police report No. 699135
File: 1567852743715.png (318.5 KB, 800x1047, Screenshot_2019-09-07-02-27-31…)

Laur has finally discovered Josh's account and @ him. No. 699136
File: 1567853599982.jpeg (408 KB, 2048x2048, EDyl14SXUAIHouh.jpeg)

>>699012Did Laur set up the photo to give LJ an excuse to @ Lady Gaga? No. 699137
File: 1567853937041.jpeg (317.41 KB, 750x738, 51EA5A00-1EC3-467C-AF13-FC6967…)

She’s commenting on every Runway Rogue tweet. This doesn’t look desperate or crazy, Laur.
No. 699138
File: 1567854303191.jpeg (368.35 KB, 750x870, 7C8E0FF8-DF71-48D0-AF89-E31B2F…)

Also replying to her own 2 month old tweets
No. 699139
File: 1567854781628.jpeg (262.7 KB, 750x675, 57129EEC-F794-4673-8EF2-69CD3C…)

Laur knows the law, baby
No. 699141
File: 1567856269544.png (237.48 KB, 800x1049, Screenshot_2019-09-07-04-24-36…)

Archives of some of the call-out accounts and (suspected) socks.
>>699097@LilleeJeanTruth*>>699119Nick Mullen @nickmul46162484>>699117This is an image board [pic related].
@Educata1 No. 699142
File: 1567856309916.jpeg (316.86 KB, 750x774, A4A2C4C0-8457-460E-892F-FA9F59…)

She takes no accountability
No. 699146
File: 1567857660943.png (145.62 KB, 800x625, Screenshot_2019-09-07-04-54-35…)

Laur's comment is even funnier in the context of the thread. She knows the law yet asked what an LPPF is. And given his reply and Laur's stradfast insistence that Lillee is a celebrity, Lillee would be unable to file successful lawsuits claiming defamation. No. 699148
>>699040I wonder if any of the brands who work with LJ actually look at her followers and obvious sockpuppet comments? It's obviously not in their best interests to advertise with someone whose biggest follower is her mom, and it's easy enough to see what's going on with anything more than a cursory glance on her accounts.
Imagine being an actual emerging makeup artist on IG. You spend years improving and tons of money on makeup tools. Then you get passed over for an event in favor of someone who can't blend, blew thousands of dollars on fake followers, and uses fake black people to say how great she is. Gross. These two deserve to get called out.
No. 699150
>>699142>They wrote horrible notes to brands we work with.Did this actually happen? Is that why MakeUpGeek tweet and IG post disappeared?
Boo hoo, bitch. You harassed people's jobs and reported a lawyer to a state board for nothing more than talking to someone you didn't like.
No. 699151
>>699150Don't forget trying to get a student expelled from college, too.
They can't handle a shred of (
valid) criticism from anyone without threatening the person's livelihood. Bored, spiteful people.
No. 699152
File: 1567865023432.png (133.74 KB, 800x654, Screenshot_2019-09-07-06-54-02…)

Is she deliberately narcissistic ally misappropriating the tweet thread in order to make herself relevant, or is she just an idiot? the former, attempting to get Rekeita disbarred is a little more than just #cyberbullying, Laur.
No. 699153
File: 1567865118358.jpeg (304.42 KB, 750x822, 45B63BF3-473B-4334-88F1-FB5CC8…)

>>699150Of course there’s no proof. It sounds like other influencers are contacting brands not the twitter troll accounts.
No. 699154
File: 1567865467996.jpeg (344.9 KB, 750x784, 31C68935-67E7-4A6D-BF0A-E947C7…)

>>699150One of the callout twitter accounts said brands are contacting them. This guy tags Colour Pop & Laura Mercier’s pr person in retweets of Laur’s racist rants.
No. 699155
File: 1567871197207.png (85.03 KB, 800x607, Screenshot_2019-09-07-08-31-12…)

I wonder how development of Lillee Jean Cosmetics is coming along towards its launch next year? No. 699158
File: 1567871416212.png (142.41 KB, 800x990, Screenshot_2019-09-07-08-27-09…)

>>699155Someone has registered
No. 699159
File: 1567872422961.jpeg (472.02 KB, 750x1108, 4BE3DA7C-7A02-4FC5-8CA6-1F7C2C…)

>>699155You need to follow ljeanfp for updates lol. Also pretty sure the photo is stolen from Bite Beauty.
No. 699160
File: 1567872949931.jpeg (505.76 KB, 750x1108, 1487CD0A-852C-4FA4-ADD7-CA366C…)

>>699159She mixed up a bunch of old makeup in her kitchen and wrote a blog about it = Lillee Jean cosmetic company owner No. 699163
File: 1567873677594.jpeg (566.49 KB, 750x910, 80649AA0-3DEE-4B68-A976-57278B…)

Lillee promoting her “custom blended” Lillee Jean Cosmetics foundation in 2017
No. 699168
File: 1567875661439.png (183.68 KB, 800x1077, Screenshot_2019-09-07-09-58-09…)

Laur is up and atom after less than 5 hours away. Did Manic Momanger sleep at all last night? No. 699170
File: 1567876627268.png (277.48 KB, 561x986, Screenshot_2019-09-07-10-16-06…)

@LilleeJeanTruth with more call-outs. No. 699173
File: 1567877213801.jpeg (111.45 KB, 640x870, 22F1C2BC-1AFB-4B4A-8D9F-EB46C8…)

More people are catching on
No. 699174
File: 1567878756420.png (124.75 KB, 442x783, Screenshot_2019-09-07-10-50-25…)

>>699173But they are only passing around the Reddit threads. No. 699175
File: 1567879046788.png (301.64 KB, 800x722, Screenshot_2019-09-07-10-42-04…)

Further receipts proving alwayslookin4talent is Laur. No. 699180
>>699178This makes them look insane hahaha
Also more proof LJ is aware these accounts are bullshit.
No. 699181
File: 1567879504910.png (2.91 MB, 1334x750, 06430F99-01F4-4AA9-999A-3E2DA7…)

Does anyone else think she has someone off camera fixing her makeup? For example, in the Laura Mercier video, she doesn’t blend the concealer in her inner corner and then moves to her forehead (sorry pic isn’t the greatest). There is a cut and then it is blended. I also notice this with her shadow. It looks awful, there’s a cut and then it looks a bit better.
No. 699182
File: 1567879718925.jpg (626.07 KB, 3840x2160, ej7zFq8.jpg)

No. 699184
File: 1567880133602.png (116.58 KB, 579x556, uh oh.png)

Other people in the beauty community are catching on.
No. 699185
File: 1567880954065.png (100.25 KB, 800x492, Screenshot_2019-09-07-11-27-33…)

Now Laur is @ people who are @TwitterSupport. No. 699186
>>699184Already posted
No. 699189
File: 1567883720278.jpeg (202.36 KB, 750x1175, 1FB85D2F-4319-4144-83BD-460F18…)

Can’t afford likes & views on latest IG post after $700 NYFW tickets????
No. 699191
>>699190Welcome to lolCOWARDS!
You can post gif and webm files.
No. 699192
File: 1567886864979.png (105.94 KB, 800x443, Screenshot_2019-09-07-13-04-23…)

Hey, Laur, are you ever going to do anything with You know, the website linked in your Twitter bio? Some "momanger" you are!* No. 699193
File: 1567891132251.png (205.66 KB, 800x1136, Screenshot_2019-09-07-14-08-30…)

How's the antique biz going? Not many sales on eBay… No. 699194
File: 1567891201574.png (803.78 KB, 800x958, Screenshot_2019-09-07-14-13-20…)

No posts on @leitiques since May 7th.
No. 699195
File: 1567891306600.png (110.16 KB, 800x778, Screenshot_2019-09-07-14-15-47…)

And she's been claiming Leitiques Inc when it is not.
She was always so diligent about registering her prior entities.
No. 699200
>>699199>I agree, but stop expressing opinions!kek
It's funny how LJ tries so hard to not have opinions about anything, like how she's a "passionate environmentalist, but not a tree hugger." She cares about important issues, but not too much.
No. 699201
File: 1567900776703.jpg (99.87 KB, 1080x1350, 47510173_313514532826305_23617…)

A few pics to put that into perspective. How does she avoid being trampled by models of average model height at events?
No. 699202
File: 1567900894383.jpg (145.6 KB, 1200x1200, 61853677_322260915362584_39514…)

Was she drunk at this one?
No. 699204
File: 1567901254890.jpg (723.23 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-1155102043-2048x20…)

>>699024You were saying about not getting her all important "red carpet" dresses tailored?
No. 699209
>>699202>>699203They look like they're holding back laughing at her.
I get acting stupid with your friends and taking pictures but this is not the appropriate place or people to to do it with.
No. 699213
File: 1567904447271.webm (3.29 MB, 720x900, 64250285_142081506867995_77055…)
>>699203A video from that event. She may not be drunk, but she is definitely impaired in some way.
No. 699215
File: 1567905094859.jpg (85.05 KB, 1080x1080, 54731877_127376488358469_50314…)

>>699214Appropriate puckering!
But she loses points for the mid-90s department store goth stretch velvet dress.
No. 699218
>>699209This is where I feel kinda bad for LJ. Those are probably the only real people she's interacted with besides psycho mom in any given month.
She probably really was bullied for being fat and unfortunate looking, but Laur didn't have to take her out of school and completely isolate her in the attic. If she really is mentally challenged, it's even worse. Laur seems like a control freak who would easily fly off the handle at the slightest inconvenience, and being the closest person nearby, it makes sense that LJ bore the brunt of it.
She is an adult though, and I'm certain she's aware of the extent that Laur's scammed people. I hope she wises up to this whole situation not being normal.
No. 699220
File: 1567907396659.jpg (153.27 KB, 1440x1440, 62109198_2364855750395476_7278…)

>>699217Totally. She probably feared injuring her hand by getting it tangled up in her hair.
No. 699221
File: 1567907537123.png (596.9 KB, 800x1045, Screenshot_2019-09-07-18-42-14…)

>>699201I'll await contact from Laur's lawyers on Twitter.
No. 699222
File: 1567907641778.png (809.38 KB, 800x1080, Screenshot_2019-09-07-18-25-21…)

>>699009More pics from the event @jeaniezmanagement
No. 699223
File: 1567907805830.jpg (189.01 KB, 1440x1440, 69280514_165536687954353_49005…)

You'd think by now Lilz would have noticed that she is boob-height to most women in the industry and would avoid certain poses.
No. 699224
File: 1567908483439.jpeg (206.26 KB, 750x623, EA3226AD-53A6-4835-8D68-A070F8…)

Laur is probably telling the truth about Lilz not using photoshop. It’s probably Facetune.
No. 699225
File: 1567908945956.jpg (712.13 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190907-221401_Chr…)

Laur is back tracking, trying to play nice with people from the beauty ccommunity who were calling her out earlier.
No. 699226
File: 1567909046874.jpg (683.97 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190907-221427_Chr…)

No. 699228
File: 1567909772125.jpg (65.33 KB, 1080x1079, 45363220_348920912576234_24244…)

Whew. Ashley caught Lillee's cringe.
No. 699229
File: 1567909823015.jpg (102.99 KB, 1080x1080, 56866525_432207880910409_81159…)

She can't help herself.
No. 699230
File: 1567909853016.jpg (81.71 KB, 828x828, 57649007_1352535718227808_8590…)

No. 699231
File: 1567910002647.jpg (81.29 KB, 1080x1349, 29415788_210521119699741_50878…)

When your quirky is too immature for Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
No. 699232
>>699225Too late, Laur. There's too many reciepts of your racist, gay bashing, and transphobic language. But it is fun reading these, knowing she's grinding her teeth, holding back from going attack dog on people.
>>699231This is it. This is the big time for her, buying her way in to an event in a rented dress and pretending to be a VIP.
No. 699233
File: 1567911406781.jpg (407.99 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190907-225643_Chr…)

>>699232Oh God I think they are buying this horseshit from Laur
No. 699234
File: 1567911509066.jpg (678.51 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190907-225617_Chr…)

No. 699235
File: 1567911706944.jpg (663.47 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190907-225505_Chr…)

No. 699236
File: 1567911757084.jpg (104.65 KB, 689x689, 64399732_360301294680157_21648…)

Another point for drunk.
No. 699237
>>699235"IT" has really taken on a life of its own thanks to the rampant TRA feels on Twitter. Originally "IT" had nothing to do with transgender identities. "IT" was Lillee's clumsy attempt at insulting haters for being anon
>>698870. But her defense was even clumsier and she played into the "REEE MISGENDER!1!" trap
Watch this, and not the weeks of her direct threats and insults and accusations, be the conflict that takes her down on Twitter.
No. 699239
File: 1567913795136.png (232.81 KB, 800x1045, Screenshot_2019-09-07-20-30-36…)

>>699235That thread is all over the place cuz Laur can't thread. The archives show them in full.[pic related] No. 699240
File: 1567913978855.jpeg (101.88 KB, 746x875, DC640F44-6DC8-447A-8419-25FBE1…)

>>699225Laur’s behaving tonight because her manic screeing at Lauren Elyse yesterday earned her the boot from MuG.
Still isn’t stopping her from begging a random Influencer for reinforcements from her fans. JFC Laur.
No. 699242
File: 1567914510770.png (227.76 KB, 800x974, Screenshot_2019-09-07-20-24-34…)

I was just about to point out Laur and Lillee's failure to comply with FTC regulations across multiple accounts after seeing posts that include signed correspondence from the companies providing products, ending speculation of L & L faking. No. 699243
File: 1567914688898.png (529.46 KB, 800x1044, Screenshot_2019-09-07-18-39-39…)

>>699242I suspect Laur's sudden change in attitude to apologetic and "let's talk in private" have more to do with Jess calling her out for posts which could incur heavy fines.
No. 699244
File: 1567914783738.png (92.38 KB, 588x477, Screenshot 2019-09-07 at 10.52…)

There she is, couldn't hold it in too long
No. 699245
saging but isn't Educata1 Laur's sock she used to attack Laurrelyse ? If so, she's trying to play like she has no idea who that is and had no idea they were attacking someone who posted about LJ
No. 699246
File: 1567915191168.jpg (133.21 KB, 908x857, laur.jpg)

Laur trying to kiss ass and blame all of her bullshit racist behavior on the sockpuppet twitter account she literally made last night.
No. 699249
File: 1567915504675.png (391.17 KB, 800x1043, Screenshot_2019-09-07-21-00-51…)

>we found this out the hard way.Oh? Have you already had a run in with the FTC or lost social media accounts? No. 699250
File: 1567915654148.jpg (162.16 KB, 906x860, laur2.jpg)

More of Laur scapegoating her own sock puppet
No. 699251
File: 1567915680866.jpg (124.07 KB, 890x856, laur3.jpg)

No. 699253
File: 1567915937792.png (329.42 KB, 800x911, Screenshot_2019-09-07-21-10-02…)

She's just now noticing @LilleeJeanTruth. My sides! No. 699255
File: 1567916314227.jpg (42.17 KB, 890x224, laur4.jpg)

Totally not Laur. Just a coincidence that this person has asserted, unprompted, a view that Laur has repeatedly echoed in her racist caricature POC sock puppets: that all black and brown people envy and covet Lillee's cuckoo eyes and attic shut-in pale skin.
No. 699256
File: 1567916806347.png (200.74 KB, 435x1180, Screenshot_2019-09-07-21-25-28…)

>>699253But LJT is too fast with the call outs! No. 699257
>>699255Archived all tweets and replies 17 hours ago
No. 699259
File: 1567918148852.png (187.69 KB, 800x1022, Screenshot_2019-09-07-21-42-07…)

They are volleying a minute apart. No way could Laur be posting as @Educata1. No. 699261
File: 1567918414403.png (331.32 KB, 800x270, Screenshot_2019-09-07-19-20-38…)

While Laur rages on, demonstrating why top tier cows or the epitome of sunk cost fallacy, have some token 2018 trans pride posts. No. 699263
File: 1567918588280.png (1.09 MB, 760x1049, Screenshot_2019-09-07-19-22-04…)

>>699261 don't do IG, and captions and comments are no longer public. does allow you to download pics and video, tho.
No. 699267
File: 1567919771782.png (220.31 KB, 709x1073, Screenshot_2019-09-07-22-15-33…)

>>699265What's Lillee been up to today on ye olde Tweeter? No. 699270
File: 1567920283806.png (591.7 KB, 800x1025, Screenshot_2019-09-07-22-21-33…)

No. 699272
File: 1567920966787.jpeg (338.06 KB, 750x810, DEB6FBD8-4814-42AC-8F44-B014CF…)

Don’t personally know her? But Lillee texts her and gives lipstick to her daughter that she just happened to bump into.
No. 699273
File: 1567921013564.jpeg (132.02 KB, 750x314, 4EBBDDBA-3811-4151-81B1-B01D62…)

No. 699274
File: 1567921035547.jpeg (548.52 KB, 750x1125, 4C15D571-340B-40B7-9C3E-7FBDEC…)

No. 699275
File: 1567921320648.png (227.41 KB, 800x1048, Screenshot_2019-09-07-22-39-41…)

>>699272A new player has joined! @JeaniezPhotoz No. 699278
File: 1567921585693.png (243.47 KB, 799x984, Screenshot_2019-09-07-22-45-36…)

Geez, Laur, didn't you read the OP? Everyone else did! No. 699279
File: 1567921837534.png (670.57 KB, 750x1867, F21478AB-6D17-404E-969E-C14561…)

No. 699280
File: 1567922108555.png (45.63 KB, 293x333, 1.png)

>>699272>>699277She's getting her lies confused.
No. 699282
File: 1567922720021.png (189.45 KB, 1334x750, 560F0D6A-3FFB-4D36-BA4C-898884…)

Looks like a recent cleanup of bots. It’s unfortunate that Instagram can’t deal with them all at once.
No. 699285
File: 1567923468024.jpg (72.57 KB, 740x448, 3203802934.jpg)

A day and 1/2 ago, someone pointed out to Laur that the way she has been acting is detrimental to Lillee's career.
No. 699286
File: 1567923500975.jpg (47.95 KB, 894x426, 3203802935.jpg)

a few hours later, Educata1 makes their first post.
Now Laur is blaming everything on Educata.
No. 699287
File: 1567924471960.jpeg (203 KB, 750x492, 35D197C0-4209-4901-96DA-644DCC…)

She’s been planning this accounts impersonating them excuse since last week
No. 699290
File: 1567926151588.png (149.64 KB, 434x1019, Screenshot_2019-09-08-00-01-21…)

>>699288Every one but Laur has been quiet for at least 45 minutes.
No. 699294
File: 1567930184677.png (177.89 KB, 530x1145, Screenshot_2019-09-08-01-08-07…)

>I am now done.You sure about that, Laur? No. 699295
File: 1567930441222.png (442.53 KB, 800x1051, Screenshot_2019-09-08-01-12-09…)

Is she being punny or is she actually unfamiliar with the Fair Use Doctrine? No. 699296
File: 1567930828238.png (381.72 KB, 800x1038, Screenshot_2019-09-08-01-16-07…)

Laur's logical fallacies never cease to amaze. No. 699297
File: 1567931302500.png (101.08 KB, 800x427, Screenshot_2019-09-08-01-25-31…)

Inb4 she offers up a Biblical passage implying that she and Lilz have taken the high road.
No. 699300
File: 1567936756745.png (178.21 KB, 800x817, Screenshot_2019-09-08-01-58-48…)

Being ignorant of the term "sock puppet" does not preclude using them. What a weak deflection. Totally flailing! No. 699301
File: 1567937884866.png (187.04 KB, 800x801, Screenshot_2019-09-08-03-03-23…)

>>699300She attempted to manipulate them from every angle she could in multiple replies to the same tweet. She did this in response to several tweets. The desperation!>>699243Correction, I read the thread backwards. Laur wanted to chat privately before the FTC regs came up.
No. 699302
File: 1567938689482.png (225.53 KB, 800x932, Screenshot_2019-09-08-03-23-19…)

She posted these four in response to the same comment, and they only obliquely pertain if at all. At times her tweets verge on manic thought disorder, but here she's being evasive because been caught out. And they were timestamped 10:48, 2 x 10:49, and 10:52.
No. 699304
File: 1567939076419.png (154.57 KB, 800x711, Screenshot_2019-09-08-03-34-35…)

New post. The desperation is real! Notice me, senpaiii!
I picture her emitting a stifled scream and collapsing in heaving sobs after
>>699298. No. 699305
File: 1567939624249.png (514.01 KB, 800x1041, Screenshot_2019-09-08-03-45-02…)

>>699295The talk of "fair use" refers to this meme. No. 699307
File: 1567943202681.png (559.84 KB, 800x1147, Screenshot_2019-09-08-04-40-21…)

Over on KF lamp shade has been nicking our caps, so here's milk from their thread: a dig into Jeff Wild. No. 699311
File: 1567945714468.jpg (86.19 KB, 1080x1317, 35518439_410858126100371_19925…)

I have been scrolling through the various Instagram accounts on and downloading pics and videos.
Today on @sillylilleejean I found some fucked up shit. Dozens of screencaps and records of live chats between Lillee, who was around 15 at the time, and her followers. Followers whom Laur bought. Followers who harassed and trolled Lillee throughout the chats.
Laur was responsible for arranging the abuse of her 15 year year old daughter who is suspected of having a developmental disorder
This was child abuse.
No. 699312
File: 1567945849516.jpg (644.15 KB, 1080x1349, 38704439_468934496956456_18081…)

No. 699313
File: 1567946117429.jpg (72.9 KB, 1041x1041, 39356518_1910806585893588_3669…)

Even if they are bots, Lillee was subjected to abusive language. And she wouldn't have been able to discern man from machine.
No. 699314
File: 1567946599128.webm (7.58 MB, 640x800, media.io_39004820_207930331213…)
No. 699315
File: 1567947018920.webm (6.04 MB, 720x720, media.io_55891583_404193787050…)
Be prepared to be even more uncomfortable. And angry.
No. 699316
File: 1567947150904.jpg (77.03 KB, 1080x1349, 38545529_239662580219058_69598…)

These are but just a sample.
No. 699317
File: 1567948912120.png (545.12 KB, 800x931, Screenshot_2019-08-20-11-08-09…)

Since I'm already swimming in nightmare fuel, [pic related] is the earliest of Lillee I have found. She was 11. I've sat on this for two weeks wondering if I'm pearl clutching or appropriately creeped out. No. 699320
File: 1567951080593.jpg (315.92 KB, 1558x1600, IMG_6604.JPG)

Lillee identified as Lilz on all of her profiles for around two years from 2015 to 2017, age 14 to 16. During this period she appeared older and more mature than she does now at 18, even allowing for some very heavy editing and filters. She could relax her eyes, first off.
I've posted pics from the last year demonstrating Laur's insistence on photographing Lillee with her breasts about to escape her dresses. During the Lilz years, her breasts and cleavage were shopped into impossible angles if she wasn't pressing them firmly together (and looking equally uncomfortable in the face).
I would not be bringing up this sickening slant of abusive exploitation on the part of Laur if we had not already picked up on a vibe beyond cringe emanating from her and Lillee's age.
No. 699321
File: 1567951465740.png (562.26 KB, 641x528, Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 10.5…)

>>699320And the large number of pics given this treatment.
No. 699322
File: 1567951972043.jpeg (272.62 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1290.jpeg)

This is some 15 going on 35 trash. Is Laur oblivious to how bad she made her daughter look, or are her motives more nefarious? No. 699324
File: 1567952318225.jpg (349.94 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_4268.jpg)

Peak mask and cleavage of the Lilz years.
No. 699325
File: 1567952938369.jpg (126.78 KB, 1080x1080, 47693949_328490301093834_71330…)

>>699324Just as she is now sequestered in an attic, Lilz rarely left that room for pics.
She began to tone down her makeup looks, let her hair go unstyled, reverted to Lillee, and moved into the attic. Laur is no better at shopping.
No. 699326
File: 1567953233639.webm (2.01 MB, 640x800, media.io_31086364_180403935961…)
No. 699327
File: 1567953611089.jpg (102.71 KB, 1219x1219, 54511258_326604497998044_52043…)

Most recently filed under inappropriate with bonus unflattering.
No. 699329
File: 1567954039244.jpg (344.64 KB, 1232x1600, IMG_5711 (2).jpg)

Bonus from the Lilz years. Lillee, you don't have the figure to pull off a Leeloo.
No. 699330
File: 1567954775147.jpg (286.97 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_5663.jpg)

>>699329Those are some srs Shayna vibes with added cringe at the fact that Lilz was acting her age…just with too little clothing.
No. 699331
File: 1567955112846.jpg (95.91 KB, 1080x1208, 53399842_264214997798527_13986…)

Attic regression: 16 going on 6.
No. 699332
File: 1567955724226.jpg (79.78 KB, 1080x1076, 41869653_2185012001780648_2152…)

Silky is obviously annoyed in 95% of his pics, kinda like a cat living with a toddler.
Lilz wouldn't be a cow if she didn't at least annoy her cat.
The parade of dolls looming overhead really makes the photo.
No. 699333
File: 1567956530540.jpg (158.46 KB, 1080x1080, 38626399_237803386925536_99341…)

It's no better when she escapes.
Now compare to the beginning of the timeline when she was 13
>>699319. It's nuts.
No. 699334
This is so weird and sad. She went from displaying her kid inappropriately to look older
>>699322 to pretty much turning her into almost an overgrown toddler
>>699332 . I wish there was some way for LJ to get away and have a chance at being her own person.
No. 699335
File: 1567956935115.jpeg (239.63 KB, 750x688, 8116384C-158E-451A-AE6F-24FEEE…)

>>699075You know, it really bothers me how they disrespectfully refer to their ancestors. They both often use words like “fried” and “crisped” (I can’t seem to find tweets from laur but I have definitely seen it from her too).its disgusting to make light of horrific violence.
No. 699337
File: 1567957390416.jpeg (347.74 KB, 750x746, 803E7579-1633-43B7-AF40-D7E5B3…)

Jamario Fashion is a private label hence no one finding any information on the googles. That’s not how private labeling works, Lillee.
No. 699338
File: 1567957400996.jpg (95.59 KB, 1080x1080, 36771115_441824236297363_77552…)

An essay in two photos.
No. 699340
File: 1567957602236.png (160.71 KB, 800x706, Screenshot_2019-09-08-08-36-00…)

Returning to the present, @LilleeJeanTruth posted an update. No. 699343
File: 1567961056089.jpeg (485.76 KB, 750x1107, 4A510336-F149-4644-A32E-ADC1D5…)

How do they claim to not know Shaniqua personally when she was also at James and Mario’s wedding?
No. 699344
File: 1567961219058.jpeg (498.04 KB, 750x1180, 016A480F-9D23-4CD3-85DF-CBDDCF…)

Also in addition to talking about the wedding, this is totally not Laur.
No. 699345
File: 1567961334875.jpeg (504.33 KB, 750x1104, 9906DE21-D016-4D76-B28A-DBB6C4…)

Because calling eyes eyeballs is totally a thing that everyone does.
No. 699346
File: 1567962353461.jpg (524.52 KB, 1400x1600, IMG_7566.jpg)

>>699320For comparison, this was Lilz' unretouched neck and chest. She has a few freckles and moles. Woops, Laur!
No. 699348
>>699347Where will Laur fly into a rage to defend herself first, having forgotten her vow to go before God?
I'm betting on neither. KF invoked her sister's name in an intriguing and disturbing tin foil. A whisper of
Brenda on the cyber bullying winds is a shrill dog whistle for ol' Laur.
LJT having a mutual deliver her message is pushing it. Laur blocked LJT. Don't try to circumvent a de facto expression of "Do not engage with me."
No. 699349
File: 1567963845002.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x1080, 36756256_998493440312600_58448…)

>>699333How thoughtful of Laur to have made a bunch of age progression collages for us.
No. 699352
File: 1567964784827.jpg (94.17 KB, 1024x1024, 51809905_274249926830237_26181…)

No. 699353
File: 1567965264204.jpg (77.34 KB, 596x523, 28158084_150756688930593_34926…)

>>699350Or [pic related] in Laur's words.
I haven't pinned down a precise timeline of home versus Lillee's age / identity / style. I mean, her inexplicable regression and Laur's break from reality could be down to a simple attic haunting!
No. 699354
>>699347i'm pretty sure that anon runs lilleejeantruth. or at least someone who posts here does, because i saw a post with their icon in that was deleted. i do think it's good to document their antics on twitter though, because lots of people have an aversion to lolcow.
>>699349there's absolutely no good reason that LJ would be really good at makeup at 13 and then massively downgrade as she got older. barring a stroke or brain injury or something similar, that's not how it works. it's so confusing.
>866054"glow up"? in what world laur?
No. 699355
File: 1567966033958.jpg (100.08 KB, 1080x1080, 36968984_472006346557190_75304…)

There's the Crazy Eyes we fell in love with beginning to shine!
>from theyeball to thaeyeball
No. 699357
File: 1567966425168.jpg (111.26 KB, 1080x1080, 25037766_2077110185904973_1412…)

>>699354She decidedly went from over-wraught to au natural. But ~2 years in the attic has taken its toll.
No. 699358
File: 1567966646147.jpg (225.8 KB, 1241x1227, 58626041_2488447431188250_6534…)

Laur described these as Lillee's 18th birthday headshots.
No. 699360
File: 1567966988843.jpg (81.98 KB, 1005x1005, 38198673_299607677465276_25997…)

Apparently @perezhilton happened last year.
No. 699362
File: 1567967222353.jpg (105.84 KB, 1080x1080, 38787046_295029717937025_15853…)

>>699360Both pics had already been filed
No. 699366
File: 1567969625011.jpg (79.84 KB, 548x548, 56513245_173668426957064_13006…)

>>699365Always lurking behind her uneven glossy lips…
No. 699369
>>699355I mean, we have seen Laur call out celebrities for heavy makeup/dressing like "sluts" (though she doesn't seem to have an issue sexualizing her own daughter on the internet
Could it be Laur that is controlling what types of looks that LJ is doing?
I still believe the older looks had some help, but you don't suddenly go from filling in your brows to not touching them at all (especially when it's the current trend).
No. 699370
File: 1567971041295.jpeg (377.89 KB, 704x1041, B09A2C98-46D8-43C9-A120-7441E5…)

Laur last night: I’m done with this.
Laur today: back to say she’s done.
Seriously lady, just admit your scam and that you have purchased followers and I’m sure the drama will over
No. 699371
File: 1567972167798.png (186.56 KB, 492x1159, Screenshot_2019-09-08-12-47-15…)

>>699370Does she roll out of bed guns blazing? No. 699372
File: 1567972393750.png (549.32 KB, 958x610, uniquesnowflake.png)

>>699365>I think Lillie's eyes are a beautiful blue greenLJ thinks so too, kek.
These socks are all so cringe. She really wants people (especially non-white people) to worship her. I can't imagine the narcissism needed to create this picture, post it on several platforms, then praise yourself while pretending to be an Indian girl. Unreal.
No. 699373
File: 1567972453103.jpg (516.98 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_1710.jpg)

>>699369Her makeup looks and creativity with fantasy and cosplay peaked during the Lilz years. Tinfoil: maybe the abrupt downshift was a result of the bankruptcy, ie. she could no longer pay the behind-the-scenes MUA.
No. 699375
File: 1567973120659.jpg (265.88 KB, 1600x918, IMG_1911.jpg)

>>699370There's a marked difference between what looks professionally done and what looks self done.
No. 699378
File: 1567973993837.jpeg (718.26 KB, 750x1185, 0506E87F-F32C-4758-AC85-629FC3…)

Laur refers to Patricia Hartmann as a friend
No. 699379
File: 1567974087524.jpeg (213.04 KB, 750x635, 015238F1-F559-421D-B30B-191742…)

Yet Patricia mentions that they just met (and LJ can’t even pronounce her first name). Talk about delusional.
No. 699380
>>699374Are you sure? I just archived Laur's feed and don't notice anything missing. (load older tweets)
No. 699385
>>699381The Kiwi in
>>699309 surmises in middle school.
>>699369Lillee also dresses from the opposite end of the spectrum in shapeless shirt dresses in old lady prints, inappropriate for her age in an entirely different way.
No. 699386
File: 1567976426596.jpeg (305.13 KB, 750x1334, 25A6903A-51C2-445B-954E-52FF9C…)

Sure Jan.
No. 699389
File: 1567976998577.png (2.96 MB, 1334x750, C56DAC6D-FFFA-4D06-9A34-3E12D3…)

This eyelash technique skeeves me out. Especially the blowing on them. Hello eye infection.
No. 699390
File: 1567977039422.png (3 MB, 1334x750, CF102669-E262-436F-8E3F-8A9549…)

No. 699391
File: 1567977075897.png (2.99 MB, 1334x750, 00F5417B-7A78-4FDD-AC3F-10D117…)

No. 699392
File: 1567977465008.png (569.46 KB, 800x765, Screenshot_2019-09-08-14-04-20…)

>>699378Lilz calls Patricia her woman!
No. 699395
File: 1567978040717.jpeg (184.95 KB, 750x416, E7EC07C3-BA37-4C60-8A5E-FF79BF…)

It’s so uneven and patchy even after she cleans it up. It’s shocking that Laur refuses to buy her some MUA lessons.
No. 699396
File: 1567978350431.png (70.18 KB, 800x486, Screenshot_2019-09-08-14-31-21…)

>>699394Twice because she's a manic spazz.
No. 699397
>>699385I think Laur definitely controls how LJ dresses and acts, but not in a direct sense, more like "you're better looking than all these girls hunny you don't need any makeup because you're perfect". Which LJ truly believes, and I get that impression from her attitude too. That's probably why she doesn't have any friends, she thinks she's better than everyone and won't give normal people the time of day. I mean think about it, how would you even communicate with someone so sheltered and naive who props themselves up on such a high pedestal? If she thinks you even know someone who criticized her, your job is on the line. I'm sure her former peers know exactly how crazy they are. It would be extremely interesting to talk to someone that knows her, if even possible. I've never seen even one tiny interaction with anyone she knows, not even someone liking her pictures that seems like they could know her. I stumbled onto a blog from when she was I think 10? that was pretty normal for a kid, it actually did have mention of another kid her age and pictures of dolls posed at a park. But that's the only instance of interaction I can find.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and I don't think there are any chromosomal abnormalities here either. People with William's Syndrome seem to obviously have something going on, and LJ is just a product of her environment. She's one of the few cows that I actually want them to read their thread. I think it could open her eyes to how everything she's doing is wrong, and also to how big of an impact her mom is having on her and how it's ruining her "career". I'm almost positive she'd just dismiss us as "haters" who are jealous of her 3 lipsticks per week or whatever but even if one thing said kinda starts to make her take a look at herself it would be really interesting to see.
No. 699398
File: 1567978628050.png (311.28 KB, 800x895, Screenshot_2019-09-08-14-30-05…)

"Some of my best likes are black! I draw the line at retweeting them, though." No. 699399
File: 1567979278232.jpeg (314.75 KB, 750x1294, AFDC9DBB-6F27-4999-B83F-6F2FE6…)

proof that they won that auction?
No. 699405
File: 1567982711007.jpg (476.83 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_20190908-184335_Chr…)

They definitely won that auction. Another screenshot incoming.
No. 699406
File: 1567982749071.jpg (374.56 KB, 1075x2008, Screenshot_20190908-184458_Chr…)

No. 699410
>>699378Laur thinks friendship, like followers, can be bought
>>699395She thinks Lillee is perfect. That’s why she won’t buy makeup lessons or dental repairs
>>699405When they say “big things coming” to the haters it’s really just them purchasing tickets that anyone could buy and pretending they were specially invited.
No. 699412
File: 1567985672138.jpeg (467.37 KB, 750x1290, 57BE3360-9172-4C05-B547-F5A308…)

>>699411There was also a sept 6 listing so I wonder if there is another that I just can’t find?
No. 699413
File: 1567986461834.jpeg (491.96 KB, 750x960, F8F54EB8-3C44-47F1-B6BB-1E180C…)

Laur stalking press that ignored them at NYFW
No. 699414
File: 1567986506135.jpeg (320.23 KB, 750x748, AEB983D9-9ECA-477C-BE32-71856C…)

>>699413The desperation is palpable
No. 699416
File: 1567990177314.jpeg (379.05 KB, 1242x1055, F7C4183D-2D7B-4B82-B064-BD9AD8…)

This is one of Laur’s fake accounts. What??
No. 699417
File: 1567991494258.jpeg (272.27 KB, 750x671, 6507BE4C-5063-4F19-8AD6-5EB037…)

>>699416It’s not Laur’s sock, it’s parody of it. “Sharta Marquez” lmao
No. 699418
File: 1567991919043.jpeg (144.18 KB, 750x621, CE6FD464-11BB-4A01-90E2-76AC3C…)

No. 699433
File: 1567994447075.jpeg (270.83 KB, 750x621, DA6D44C8-B1B6-40B7-9614-B813D1…)

Ignorant savages?!?!?!?
No. 699508
File: 1567999346861.jpeg (95.43 KB, 750x377, 9807BE22-9DED-4B18-B17B-CE9B82…)

no one’s believing Laur’s lies
No. 699522
File: 1568000120720.jpeg (345.15 KB, 750x784, E539BFAA-3451-47C9-BF51-2BFE2F…)

>>699466The video starts at the perfect place to showcase the skill.
No. 699541
File: 1568000843693.jpeg (292.75 KB, 1125x744, AB6F8F20-8AAD-4F38-BB57-D94293…)

So Laur continues to violate twitter rules without a suspension or without the account getting taken away. It’s bizarre that twitter acknowledges this but refuses to do anything about her account.(cowtipping)
No. 699613
>>699599And as shown yesterday they were posting simultaneously while arguing in multiple sub-threads.
AFAIK the suspicion originated here
>>699117 and the call out accounts ran with it.
No. 699618
>>699599>>699613The Educata account is tweeting at a ton of other random beauty accounts and also fanart of some other rando, so I don't believe it's Laur. Laur also is awful at taking cropped screenshots since she's a boomer at heart, and this account uses them often.
I will say the account DOES use the double space after punctuation, which is suspect. But they also use phrases like "finna" that anon
>>699264 pointed out is too current for 90's AAVE Laur to know/use.
No. 699626
Did she trace an original by the original? Her Instagram caption reads, "Concept is inspired by Mulan, drawn originally by @tombancroft1!!" Elsa looks more like Lillee's others.
No. 699631
File: 1568007618959.jpg (126.94 KB, 1024x1370, zootopia___mulan_____by_tomban…)

>>699626Laur and LJ have a weirdo obsession with Tom Bancroft, so this might be it.
The squiggly eyebrows + the lineart around the nose are likely lifted from this. No. 699658
File: 1568011354059.gif (460.39 KB, 245x200, 718E2E1F-4CE7-4355-8AB1-BACF6C…)

>>699416>Taco Sharts Getting very creative with the sock puppets I see
No. 699721
File: 1568026300979.jpeg (317.64 KB, 750x741, 0377B181-2655-4A88-AE1E-3510EF…)

Laur spent her Sunday retweeting the NYFW tweets (4x) and commenting on 6 month old tweets from brands. Lillee must be in high demand!
No. 699807
File: 1568041445078.jpg (484.6 KB, 1080x1357, 20190909_110005.jpg)

>>699788I looked into it a little, this is from r/legaladvice. The question was basically "is it illegal to put 'sponsored by Burger King' under a picture". So looks like it's not a good idea.
No. 699819
File: 1568042589636.jpg (708.51 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_20190909-112152_Ins…)

>>699813Has she been doing that recently? I know she used to a lot. She also does stuff like this saying something is NOT SPONSORED, implying her other stuff is hahaha.
No. 699822
File: 1568042701484.jpeg (478.43 KB, 750x1026, B0261CDC-2292-4AC7-BD24-FA98ED…)

>>699788The FTC states that material connections must be clearly stated in ALL social media posts. A gift of free product is considered a material connection.
A few weeks ago Lillee got into it with someone on twitter about her properly disclosing partnerships. Laur tagged the FTC in her rants and shortly after a bunch of LJ’s Instagram post were edited to add “ad/paid sponsorship”. I don’t know if someone reported them to IG & IG edited the captions or if they spoke to a lawyer that advised them to change them.
No. 699833
File: 1568043496028.jpeg (614.93 KB, 750x1103, 41A28094-E8B1-4651-A6D1-D46923…)

>>699822Another example
The fact it just says #sponsored makes me think some other party added it because these two knuckleheads would’ve said something like #sponsored #not paid #honestreview
No. 699844
>>699831There were so many points in LJ's childhood where Laur acting like a good mother instead of an insane weirdo would have changed everything.
-Leaving Lillee in regular school and getting her therapy to cope with bullying about her weight and teeth so she could develop an actual personality, instead of yanking her out and locking her in creepy dolly attic homeschool
-saving up some of her antiques scam cash and actually fixing the teeth
-maybe let her do some community kids' theatre group to work on her "acting" and "singing" with people who know wtf they're doing
-leaving Lillee's content alone to be relatable childish disney shit when she was literally a 14-year old child instead of making her do that trashy bleach blond, vampy, smokey eye and desperate housewife cleavage nonsense that made her look way too old.
I really think LJ could have had a decent following as a silly, kid-friendly doll hobby/Disney fan/minimalist makeup youtuber if she had been able to focus on her own interests, rather than Laur trying to pimp her out with that "she's young but she looks legal" jailbait aesthetic.
No. 699903
File: 1568052967548.jpg (67.83 KB, 400x400, FaceApp_1568052565571.jpg)

If only…
No. 699958
File: 1568058438622.png (22.53 KB, 631x201, Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 21.3…)

>>699903I've been looking at LJ's little peg teeth for way too long, those "ideal" teeth look huge in her mouth now.
anyway, this account got banned.
No. 699967
File: 1568060419381.jpeg (73.76 KB, 750x163, 5F5C640F-290B-487A-BF89-887C0C…)

Is she blocked from posting again?
No. 699988
File: 1568064645091.jpg (865.82 KB, 1080x1603, 20190909_173101.jpg)

>>699967Don't think so, she posted this two hours ago
No. 699992
File: 1568065276875.jpeg (454.15 KB, 750x923, 4116F457-C48A-4061-A75B-DDB77A…)

World famous actress, model and motivational speaker…Linda Jean!
No. 700009
>>699988Her hair still doesn’t look good enough to be a promo for hair products. It looks dry and frizzy.
Goddamnit LJ, learn how to heat style your hair.
No. 700010
File: 1568068301480.jpeg (323.98 KB, 1242x1964, 9348A1F9-3FEE-41DB-9FD4-6B243C…)

Some of the fake followers are easier than others to recognize. Most have no posts or profile photos, but others spam random images to try to appear legit. Looks like IG has been clearing house since her follower total keeps dropping. Laur better get to spending!
No. 700015
File: 1568070941205.jpeg (71.88 KB, 750x1206, 810EE825-FD11-4CC0-92B5-535556…)

Something is going on with her ig. Wonder if she got banned for buying fake followers.
No. 700065
File: 1568080680173.jpeg (884.69 KB, 1242x1500, FFE36FC7-911B-42A9-97AE-D3E72D…)

No. 700093
File: 1568084316694.png (1001.39 KB, 750x1879, A25460AF-7F4C-47C6-B235-5CD762…)

No. 700094
File: 1568084350286.jpeg (145.4 KB, 750x318, CDDDFAF4-8BA9-4D39-A374-AF58A6…)

No. 700099
File: 1568085214878.jpeg (496.22 KB, 750x1010, 70D23266-E10E-4ED1-95FC-9E2B59…)

Laur is on with the runway rogue posts tonight…
No. 700103
File: 1568085470118.jpeg (386.46 KB, 750x1001, 077B8562-C209-412F-AD19-E950B9…)

>>700101This sentence doesn’t make any sense.
No. 700104
File: 1568085622334.jpeg (466.4 KB, 750x1010, A0C22C94-8EEF-4F41-B95C-CD1E6D…)

No. 700106
File: 1568086342149.png (2.19 MB, 1334x2250, D4339929-4F80-4C17-8493-A9044D…)

Her new video is a fucking mess. At least she didn’t drag MUG this time
No. 700109
File: 1568086533435.jpeg (347.33 KB, 750x800, 560D7315-126A-4DA5-8D0E-93A223…)

>>700079I don’t know about directly contacting them but they tag brands in most of their tweets. Bffdees said brands are getting in touch with them. Probably what happened with Makeup Geek.
No. 700119
>>700104Laur's gotten some Twitter violations/strikes against her account
>>699541, so she has 1000% hopped onto LJ's account tonight.
No. 700121
File: 1568089433389.jpeg (189.31 KB, 750x376, 2C126D88-2FBB-4077-A386-59734C…)

Laur, pretending to be Lillee, bragging about her Hollywood career. Staaaaaahp
No. 700237
File: 1568106910985.png (80 KB, 580x290, Näyttökuva 2019-9-10 kello 12.…)

What the fuck man? I'm speechless. Which audience on earth is she trying to appeal to with this? Her ''I care, just not too much'' comes out as a hysterical parody
No. 700248
File: 1568109062369.jpeg (299.63 KB, 750x676, 85D02AFA-4780-48B9-9A3C-72B39D…)

Laur’s begging for a morphe affiliate code.
No. 700276
File: 1568117769077.jpg (725.73 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_5839.jpg)

>>700009>>700113Are you saying that her baby oil moisturizing treatments aren't cutting it?
No. 700298
File: 1568122863326.webm (8.08 MB, 720x720, 53231143_2135962496496728_2304…)
>>700281Not just famous, QUEEN!
No. 700312
File: 1568125603274.jpeg (373.72 KB, 750x864, 95A454B6-8723-4BFC-86E0-140C1F…)

Laur is so bad at interacting with other MUAs
No. 700325
File: 1568128145759.png (376.98 KB, 800x1035, Screenshot_2019-09-10-07-03-03…)

>>700248And awkwardly ass kissing Tarte.
The gif she chose tho. kek
No. 700332
File: 1568128708101.png (163 KB, 800x660, Screenshot_2019-09-10-06-46-49…)

Thrilled, I'm sure.
Archive of her tweets since last time. No. 700335
File: 1568129145947.jpeg (281.9 KB, 750x673, B56861CC-40CD-4855-9A4F-9EEF0B…)

>>700329Laur deleted it. It was a tweet thanking brands and Marlena Stell (of Makeup Geek) for supporting LJ.
No. 700337
File: 1568129229876.jpeg (333.03 KB, 750x864, 4CA73766-CA1E-4D8C-870F-8CAA24…)

>>700335Full tweet
I think evolv hair dropped them too
No. 700342
File: 1568129463081.png (524.5 KB, 799x1038, Screenshot_2019-09-10-08-26-37…)

I don't know which is funnier. The look or
Lillee's Laur's application of the term
avant garde.
Lillee's archive (3 pages worth, hit load older tweets). No. 700347
File: 1568130013745.webm (1.32 MB, 640x640, 39151617_1933670160270726_4130…)
>>699844>>699921In the last year her clothing is either high slit with tits falling out…
No. 700351
File: 1568130373613.jpg (156.98 KB, 971x971, 33740410_1081315672027333_2309…)

>>700347Or shapeless shirt dresses even at events…
No. 700352
File: 1568130434203.jpg (142.27 KB, 1080x1080, 20969284_325947317852494_79771…)

Matronly prints…
No. 700354
File: 1568130915569.jpg (78.65 KB, 1300x1362, 61964274_177627039907636_62908…)

Or short dresses that are so short despite her being 4'12" and cut so strangely I wonder if they came from the preteen section.
No. 700363
File: 1568131641856.gif (1.06 MB, 480x270, awkwardweird.gif)

What momanger posts this?
No. 700367
File: 1568131914587.jpeg (196.67 KB, 750x395, 6EF567A3-81F3-483F-8285-D544B4…)

Still can’t afford ice cream
No. 700373
File: 1568132722528.jpg (143.88 KB, 1080x1080, 55738256_162451681420261_57495…)

Occasionally her outfits aren't bad, but WTF is this pose?
No. 700375
File: 1568132846442.webm (984.01 KB, 640x640, 30212346_195854267866153_72717…)
>>700373And this accompanying walk?
No. 700379
File: 1568133746806.png (326.93 KB, 800x593, Screenshot_2019-09-10-09-41-42…)

>>700377No, Laur's a "momanger".
No. 700382
File: 1568134083592.webm (1.12 MB, 640x360, arielkissoops.webm)
Laur has graced us with half a dozen more gifs, at least a couple in response to comments here like her bungled attempt at Crazy Eyes
>>699292. The rest are Lillee as Ariel. No. 700386
File: 1568134214631.gif (1.44 MB, 498x280, arielmywig.gif)

As if all that is required is a wig and implied toplessness.
No. 700389
File: 1568134575425.png (136.13 KB, 800x1048, Screenshot_2019-09-10-09-55-49…)

Laur is on.
No. 700412
File: 1568136875993.jpg (699.94 KB, 1552x1600, IMG_9601.jpg)

>>700400She really likes her short denim blue dresses. This one previously posted revealing her entire side boob.
No. 700413
File: 1568137201547.jpg (79.47 KB, 550x1080, 26863107_164435580848120_19041…)

Tell me this outfit isn't two sizes two small or from the teens section.
No. 700414
File: 1568137589286.jpg (136.89 KB, 1070x1070, 27579597_338072163375718_11085…)

The tip toe leg kick is another popular pose, like the almost poopin squat posted in the last thread.
No. 700415
File: 1568137621265.jpg (203.51 KB, 1022x1022, 24126355_153576258703071_11749…)

No. 700425
File: 1568139522906.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, D09F7F90-118F-4272-B0BD-92552B…)

No more creepy attic
No. 700426
>>700425Is she sitting on the toilet in the creepy attic?
No. 700475
File: 1568150008633.jpg (73.08 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20190910_171128.jpg)

How does she get this stuff for free. It's not from influenster.
No. 700487
>>700482IIRC, without breaking any doxxing rules here, she lives in an area of outer Queens. There’s photographs around with easily identifiable names of local publications.
Think like Kevin James working class shit. Likely mumsy here would be considered rich in other parts of the US but they’re likely lower working class for NYC. Where they live is likely closer to the Long Island Rail Road and not subways.
No. 700519
File: 1568154284506.jpeg (607.4 KB, 750x1263, FC341C7B-512D-4073-AE00-59245F…)

>>700475She bought that. She includes the note from the brand when she receives PR. This time she just got a coupon.
No. 700580
File: 1568160337254.jpeg (302.69 KB, 750x798, 92782DFF-30B5-4937-B208-F35A9B…)

Confirmed Youtube sock Sonia Gianelli is now tweeting. Her first tweet (now deleted) was asking Marlena Stell if she was suicidal.
We see you, Laur.
No. 700602
File: 1568163018692.jpeg (344.79 KB, 750x854, 953D2199-EFB6-4737-A9B3-D84511…)

Trying to get more free halo top
No. 700615
>>700444This is a good question. Didn't Laur and Earl both file for bankruptcy together, implying they are still married? Wouldn't there be divorce records? Perhaps they only separated and stay married on paper?
Laur has comppletely sheltered her daughter to the extent of a horror novel. LJ speaks and writes like someone half her age. No school for who knows how long, no friends, no differing opinions, no life outside of "modeling" for her mom and adoring sockpuppet fans. I can't imagine her dad (or any reasonably competent adult) being involved in this shit. It's sad no one in her family was able to help her.
No. 700626
File: 1568165115678.jpeg (335.19 KB, 750x865, 54182131-4AE0-4E87-BB7D-E1B782…)

Perfect size 2 y’all
No. 700639
File: 1568166651501.jpeg (278.68 KB, 1242x1313, 64236696-3826-458D-8E15-C72505…)

But Laur and LJ are completely innocent, it’s true!!!!!
No. 700641
>>700614she's not cute or skinny enough to attract the anachans, and she's not fat and gross enough to attract the feeders. bitch is an unhappy medium that goes double for
>>700626 "perfect size 2" kek, maybe at walmart.
No. 700645
File: 1568167214367.png (31.28 KB, 599x121, caughtinalie.png)

>>700639But anon I thought it was years Lillee has been bullied for, bitch can't keep up with her lies
No. 700655
File: 1568168400085.jpeg (148.64 KB, 750x332, AD3BB2EB-6809-4E6F-8391-2E8473…)

>>700615I don’t know how accurate this is but it pops up in a google search for earl and Laura
No. 700668
File: 1568169084686.jpeg (394.81 KB, 741x1081, A456EBAB-EA5F-4330-B430-90BA01…)

This fucking idiot followed the twitter troll accounts as Sonia Gianelli and immediately got called out. What a waste of a good sock, Laur.
No. 700693
>>700639"Based on the business my daughter is in"
Is it truly a business if you haven't made a cent after spending thousands to pimp out your daughter's follower counts? Just sounds like flushing money down the fucking toilet.
No. 700722
File: 1568176473940.jpeg (477.99 KB, 750x994, E8584965-1667-41D1-9773-EBD25A…)

No. 700724
File: 1568176773591.jpeg (291.95 KB, 750x738, 2065316A-1401-4C14-AD87-A2B7E4…)

Thank you for your service
No. 700726
File: 1568177951702.png (60.01 KB, 800x291, Screenshot_2019-09-10-21-53-16…)

>>700655My Life lists Earl as single, too. I don't recall if they were listed as single when I first looked at their profiles, and doesn't grab profiles (I just added them to
At least one of Laur's antique business incorporations was registered by Earl.
>>700467Has she worn them before?
No. 700728
File: 1568178271327.jpeg (380.75 KB, 750x899, C4C91489-B591-48D4-B23A-EBE231…)

No. 700732
File: 1568178986016.jpg (112.66 KB, 893x661, laurwillneverforget.jpg)

>>700731She didn't last 5 minutes before her compulsion to beg and grift kicked back in
No. 700739
File: 1568181390210.png (185.25 KB, 497x1174, Screenshot_2019-09-10-22-54-18…)

Let me tell y'all about muh bullies and muh colourpop! No. 700755
File: 1568183926605.png (372.68 KB, 800x912, Screenshot_2019-09-10-23-33-16…)

>>700753Seeing Laur's interactions with her white knights heats up the curiosity about her marriage. No. 700757
File: 1568184992962.webm (2.89 MB, 640x360, media.io_dRhorzmy4KelN5QG.webm)
>>700753>>700065The clip of Laur and Lilz talking about Ariana Grande.
No. 700758
>>700757From this video.
The Lillee Jean Show | "Thank U, Next" Ariana Grande Analysis & MORE 2018
Lillee Jean
3,130 subscribers
Published on Dec 15, 2018
With my guest Laur Trueman we tackle cyberbullying, BE BEST, AND some Ariana Grande fun! #lilleejean! You can see the podcast here: No. 700759
>>700332>>700589This was the big surprise?
Kathleenlights X Colourpop So Jaded COMPARISON SWATCHES | Lillee Jean
Lillee Jean
3,130 subscribers
Published on Sep 10, 2019
Hi Jeaniez! Here is an ENTIRE swatch video comparing the #KathleenlightsXColourpop So Jaded palette to my other Colourpop palettes. From the Main Squeeze, to Blue Moon, comparisons galore!! THANK YOU Nubian Queen for the idea and request :)!! LOVE YA!
No. 700763
File: 1568187276427.png (133.14 KB, 800x692, Screenshot_2019-09-11-00-31-48…)

>9/11>literally the last car#thingsthatreallyhappened No. 700790
File: 1568199407801.jpg (88.62 KB, 1147x608, EEICnqUUEAEiBlz.jpg)'s the Amazon-link to the dress that Lillee wore for her 18th birthday. Remember she claimed that this was designed and made by her BFF James Dee and his husband Mario.
I think we should be able to confirm by now that Lillee knows that these people don't exist and she is in on the scam.
No. 700813
File: 1568208009599.jpg (376.22 KB, 1080x1652, Screenshot_20190911-091951_Ins…)

Her comments are so fucking outrageous, how is Instagram still allowing this shit?
No. 700829
File: 1568211999402.jpeg (110.69 KB, 750x504, 742A46FF-BD38-4B6F-A08A-EA733D…)

Old tweets of Laur pestering marketing agencies.
No. 700859
>>700830This is pathetic. They want overnight lazy ass stardom. And why would a talent agency representing legitimate stars want a "rising digital media star with a following."
Here's some real advice, Laur, many who get "discovered" aren't found on youtube or aren't just picked out from a crowd for being a special girl. They've gone to acting school, have done theater, plays, rehearsals and slave away perfecting their craft to get a decent role and even then these hard workers are lucky to make it so big.
No. 700872
File: 1568216192848.jpeg (410.72 KB, 2048x2048, 6B6320E5-11BC-44EB-88B1-5159A5…)

Is Laur lying about her love of anime to get LJ a voiceover gig? Or is she just a compulsive liar?
No. 700937
>>700629acc. to these measurements
>>698910 , which are likely fibbed a little, she's size 14
No. 700948
File: 1568225721827.jpeg (348.98 KB, 750x829, E743924B-2B09-4814-ABD1-6A510D…)

>>698900What scam is Laur trying to run here?
No. 701000
File: 1568230125649.png (110.04 KB, 750x1334, F5F0D1AB-FEF3-46DB-B7F0-6AEACB…)

Anyone else seeing this or just me?
No. 701015
File: 1568230983500.jpeg (362.46 KB, 1242x1703, 2F4F4F3A-0EF9-401A-BF4B-649A81…)

Evidently Laur is trying to clean up
No. 701198
File: 1568240902704.png (164.6 KB, 441x1058, Screenshot_2019-09-11-15-15-01…)

Archiving her new Twitter handle. She is really milking her 9/11 story. It's almost as if she thrives on fight/flight life/death drama involving her family in order to be uber mom to the point of greatly exaggerating if not seeking it out.'m going back about a week or so to see what she has deleted (hit load older tweets).
No. 701201
File: 1568240970561.jpeg (241.71 KB, 750x612, EB4A4152-45B6-42B1-9CEB-F8EFBA…)

Cleaned up her bio too. No longer sells antiques by appointment.
No. 701229
>winkSpeaking of her antique biz, I am working on a timeline.
@nbkdcat is calling her out today, but he has no presence.>>701216I'm glad someone is picking through their videos for the tea.
And of course Lillee continued to cash in on Ariana's name. No. 701248
File: 1568244401280.jpg (107.94 KB, 1024x1024, 57674290_2719963924744872_5072…)

Speaking of celebs, what was the point of these?
No. 701249
File: 1568244467715.jpg (139.56 KB, 1024x1024, 58939983_2285511195109257_4599…)

No. 701251
File: 1568244523584.jpg (107.23 KB, 1030x1030, 57049704_2313840758875290_8791…)

Rest assured, Laur can take it one step weirder.
No. 701267
>>701198Literally the fuck is she on about?
There’s no bay. It’s the east river. From everywhere. And the Whitestone bridge goes to the Bronx. It is the least efficient way to lower Manhattan as she’s implying where she went.
No. 701290
>>701267Where the Hudson and East Rivers meet is technically called “Upper New York Bay,” though that phrase is rarely used anymore. Laur seems to just use her parents’ generation’s wording for things like that.
Also, despite that, Laur is a GenXer, not a Boomer.
No. 701369
>>701290TIL! Thanks, anon!
To stay on topic, though - there’s literally no way you can see that shit from that vantage point, no?
No. 701415
>>701369Maybe he could have seen smoke in the distance from the NJ side. Maybe.
None of her story makes a lick of sense, as usual.
No. 701420
File: 1568261815453.jpeg (570.83 KB, 1242x1001, 16271F00-3C1B-46C6-A9FA-F41101…)

I’m assuming/hoping one of the troll twitters or someone from this thread made a “fan” page for Lillee. It’s not Laur because she immediately jumped them. Nice way of admitting that the other fan pages are fake and Lillee having a real fan is suspicious to Laur lmao
No. 701551
File: 1568275628790.jpg (15.27 KB, 295x224, image.jpg)

>>701251Her baby picture looks like mac & me
No. 701590
File: 1568282917798.jpeg (277.15 KB, 750x728, 01205698-8841-482C-88DD-93EF25…)

>>701420They followed Queen of Blending too
No. 701649
File: 1568293265870.jpeg (200.81 KB, 750x479, D24C4C72-AD34-445B-8DE0-69505C…)

No. 701683
File: 1568299806371.jpeg (177.27 KB, 750x414, B9F9E2FF-389B-4D3F-B8C8-D4FA8C…)

I wonder if Laur realizes that brands are not ditching Lillee because they are getting tagged on twitter. They are ditching her because of Laur and Lillee Jean’s poor behaviour- racism, transphobia, stereotyping the LGBTQ2+ community, harassment, purchased and fake followers etc.
No. 701701
File: 1568302220296.jpeg (96.58 KB, 750x587, 87217381-A774-4D4B-8382-0E5A55…)

No. 701767
File: 1568304682044.jpeg (468.21 KB, 750x872, 702A8060-9B73-4E12-91EF-EBCDE5…)

Full victim mode today
No. 701972
File: 1568317407772.jpeg (144.86 KB, 750x409, D78F9EFF-8F50-4D7A-B0ED-175F7D…)

QoB made a post stating that she has not yet received an apology for harassment by Laur when she phoned her workplace to speak with her boss. Laur’s response was classless. Maybe she should just once own up for her poor behaviour?
No. 701980
File: 1568318198557.jpeg (Spoiler Image,352.13 KB, 750x827, 611F40D0-F14B-4AB3-AB99-C256D3…)

Just fucking apologize Laur.
No. 701985
File: 1568318738338.jpeg (449.76 KB, 750x1081, FCFD7763-5938-4A5F-8887-881002…)

Laur still has no idea that QoB and Lauren Elyse are two different people. QoB literally did nothing but post after Laur began contacting her workplace.
No. 701993
File: 1568320054653.jpg (118.06 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20190912_162703.jpg)

Yikes. All they did was tweet "You deserve the best, we are here for you!" to QoB (this is her screenshot).
No. 702000
File: 1568321230506.jpeg (271.32 KB, 750x827, 44FC1D96-D0CC-4458-A89B-F1D64D…)

If they don’t want brands tagged anymore why doesn’t Lillee Jean just make a video coming clean with the truth? It’s painfully obvious that they have purchased followers and created fake friend/fan accounts. Why double down on this when they could just come clean and have it all end? I wonder if they are just thriving on the drama because there cannot be any monetary gain in keeping the charade going.
No. 702011
File: 1568323321174.jpeg (373.18 KB, 750x868, 887A5A98-8693-4E40-9272-CA97AA…)

doxxed on the black web
No. 702054
File: 1568328675900.png (1.06 MB, 1749x2048, Screenshot_20190912-184440.png)

Looks like a drama channel has noticed finally. Can't wait for Laur to self destruct over the negative attention a tea video brings.
No. 702058
File: 1568329082248.jpg (199.23 KB, 1125x1472, EESYTc_W4AITFi3.jpg)

>>702054Laur already is probably already panicking
No. 702059
File: 1568329107411.jpeg (326.63 KB, 750x926, 0A4F2206-9F1C-4925-A7C2-B81E54…)

She has no clue Ali & Lauren/QoB are friends.
No. 702072
File: 1568330383160.jpeg (490.72 KB, 2048x2048, 90C18C9B-6E7E-45DF-BEE6-5EA4BE…)

Get busy blocking Laur
No. 702090
File: 1568332594899.jpeg (230.47 KB, 750x910, B119701B-65D0-46A1-BB0E-85D08F…)

New BGC thread about the QoB harassment. Message from mods says Laur never produced proof of death threats and photoshopped messages.
No. 702110
File: 1568335241649.jpeg (105.32 KB, 747x513, 4FE86993-BA2D-4A73-9FD9-1AD3A0…)

Laur thinks the pictures posted from google maps were taken by a stalker standing outside her house
No. 702159
File: 1568341053737.jpg (964.2 KB, 1886x3994, laur'sarmy.jpg)

Since all of their sockpuppet aliases have been burned, Laur and LJ are now desparately trying to lure in actual real-life people to be their friends/white knights/criticism buffers.
It's all very transparent because they are obsequious and shallow with their flattery and still trying to collect a whole set brown/black/queer/fat folks like minority pokemon.
No. 702198
File: 1568345781993.jpeg (125.5 KB, 750x321, 57335CA6-94E5-45A9-B80B-9DA2F1…)

Laur is confused about how people are creating accounts. It’s just like how you created them for James, Roma, Shaniqua etc., Laur.
No. 702200
File: 1568346243040.png (267.27 KB, 750x1334, 0783CEB0-8846-459D-B2F7-CF4484…)

Why…was this funny? Shut the fuck up, Laur
No. 702206
File: 1568346693592.jpeg (411.22 KB, 750x990, 794763B1-8826-4F91-BDB9-930EB2…)

Laur didn’t plan on her new MUA besties following Lauren Elyse and Queen of Blending
No. 702230
File: 1568348402556.jpeg (338.77 KB, 733x615, B1E108BE-3022-4CFC-8697-3393BC…)

Lillee needs to practice what she preaches
No. 702275
File: 1568350685260.jpg (79 KB, 841x433, Capture.JPG)

>>702090Mod updated their stickied comment.
No. 702355
File: 1568370813348.jpeg (313.69 KB, 750x738, 57A31A35-A501-4F95-8700-3148DC…)

Someone calling you dumb on the internet is not harassment Laur.
No. 702379
>>702355No Laur, you'd be called a "mental health hater" for using it to demean someone and invalidate their opinion when meanwhile you act like you guys are huge advocates for it (but not ~too~ huge). I hate this new
victim angle she's trying to run with. And how she keeps using this made up "shame, LJ used to really adore you" line to make these innocent women feel bad, like LJ even knowing of them is some huge gift or something. I'm glad everyone sees through it. I mean even after being confronted with facts and evidence she still has the same asinine opinions that have no basis in reality. She's honestly dangerous, and Lillee is a dumbass for still standing behind all this.
No. 702382
File: 1568381367100.jpg (239.87 KB, 1080x835, Screenshot_20190913-081505_Twi…)

Samefag but Lauren is handling this the right way. LJ and Laur love the fact that brands only look at that fake follower number and still support them so obviously they think they can do whatever they want. If an influencer with a following like Lauren starts speaking up, others will follow and maybe the plug can finally get pulled. They have to have half of the beauty community blocked by now anyway. It's so fucking disgusting to see Laur tweeting every black MUA with shallow compliments on behalf of LJ. Someone called it "minority pokemon" which was perfect, because that's exactly what they're doing.
No. 702406
>>702394Well unfortunately from what I'm reading, Instagram won't ban you for JUST having fake followers. They can delete them, which they do sometimes according to LJ's social blade, but they won't delete her profile. One way Instagram detects this is if they're using a third party service to accomplish any of this.
A lot of the profiles aren't technically bots either, they're Laur from a fake account she actually sat there and created, with an email she created, with a Muslim guy (or whatever minority) for the profile picture and a few pictures uploaded. Or "fan pages" they created themselves. And they all follow each other. So I'm not sure how Instagram would be able to go about deleting those, or if they even would because of how much of a slippery slope it would be.
Some of the followers are technically real too, like the ones that comment, but it's obviously a quid pro quo interaction. You can also buy "premium" followers which would be any other unexplained engagement she has. I think Insta would lean on the side of caution with that because they'd be in deep shit if they deleted a real profile assuming it was a bot.
One thing I know that they're definitely violating the terms of service with is using other peoples' pictures for the sock accounts. It's a copyright violation, the copyright holder is whoever took the picture originally.
So I'm not exactly sure what would take either of them down, I think Laur being hateful is what will (eventually, hopefully) get her Twitter shut down, but they're both better behaved on Instagram.
If someone who knows more about this wants to jump in, please do.
No. 702415
File: 1568390053814.jpg (192.76 KB, 1080x600, Screenshot_20190913-114913_You…)

>>702407Welcome #jeaniez!
Lillee is in on it, she's mentioned hanging out with the fake profiles, going to their wedding, or wearing a dress designed by them that was actually off Amazon. She's fully complicit.
No. 702425
>>702415God, she is spooky looking. I understand a parent will always think of their child as being the best but daaaamn. Laur should have saved that money for maybe a teeth cleaning first. Maybe some voice or acting lessons. But instead she threw her kid to the wolves in probably one of the bitchiest places on the internet and then goes on the crazy when people are bitches. And they should be because most have earned their place in the hierarchy.
It’s too bad LJ is also a part of this. But then again so was gyspy and we all know how that ended, lol. This should be very entertaining.
No. 702430
File: 1568392501886.jpeg (368.65 KB, 750x780, FFB6FA50-68B5-4C88-8850-6DA842…)

This is my absolute favorite part of this shitshow. The stalker was google maps lol
No. 702445
>>702439yeah, or that poop-and-vomit cartoon fetish chick who was grooming minors on tumblr and DA and was a substitute teacher. She had everyone convinced she was a harmless "nice lady" and it took people digging into her shit to expose her as she moved around various sites baleeting everything and starting over with new accounts to obscure just how nasty and predatory she was.
(saged for tangent)
No. 702503
File: 1568404362444.jpeg (59.07 KB, 512x341, D01F97EE-ABD3-4164-BC9E-7F360E…)

They are sucking up a troon
No. 702512
File: 1568405303806.jpeg (237.64 KB, 750x987, 7B735689-9301-4B77-BB1B-F84B47…)

wtf does this have to do with LJ
No. 702517
File: 1568405798473.jpg (82.67 KB, 446x831, laurisanally.jpg)

>>702512Laur thinks Sam fucking Smith ought to thank her and LJ personally, alongside Laverne Cox and GLAAD, for their decision to go public with their pronouns.
No. 702526
File: 1568406583454.png (361.09 KB, 883x774, 128912741982.png)

>>702524Excuse you it's momANGER
No. 702529
File: 1568406959694.png (334.13 KB, 892x769, 128912741982.png)

she can't even do fake condolences correctly
No. 702530
File: 1568407019853.jpeg (255.04 KB, 750x694, 4A3E26E4-1CD9-4496-B8B3-CB77BA…)

Laur, Eddie Murphy is still alive and kicking tyvm. I realize I’m being petty but if she can’t learn names correctly I would definitely say she’s sharing for show rather than respect for the deceased.
No. 702547
>>702530This is the funniest shit.
She's got to know who Eddie Money is. I'm sure she gave a few drunken backseat blowies to "take me home tonight" out at the Jersey docks.
No. 702578
File: 1568409536426.jpeg (344.9 KB, 750x994, 321799BC-8648-4120-9A42-E7A263…)

Laur’s already famous guys
No. 702616
File: 1568410988926.jpg (216.18 KB, 1862x839, laurissohollywood.jpg)

>>702597I think it's more that she claims to have provided period-appropriate decor for a few movies set in the past, via her antiques business. A couple of anons tried searching IMDB to find her or any of her business names listed in the credits of any of the tv shows and movies she's bragged about, but didn't find any proof that she was ever involved with any big-time production.
googling "Laur Trueman twitter" reveals her old twitter bio (pic related.) She's recently removed any reference to her antiques business and glamorous Hollywood props insider status from her social media, but still can't stop talking about it.
No. 702629
File: 1568414298583.jpeg (101.16 KB, 750x281, A78486D3-9D98-474C-AC33-339652…)

This is rich coming from the person who called a member of the lgbtq community “it”.
No. 702630
File: 1568414553263.jpeg (179.95 KB, 750x470, D1FDC537-9DCD-449B-BCEC-C6F355…)

Pro tip LJ: creating stereotypical sock accounts is the same situation
No. 702657
File: 1568418019529.jpeg (161.56 KB, 735x388, 130E35E6-382C-4F37-AD00-C62B20…)

Did Laur get wind of Lauren Elyse’s post?
No. 702665
>>702407>>702415This is tinfoil, and I'm not trying to absolve LJ of all responsibility, but I do think Laur is far more emotionally
abusive than we have evidence of (and we have a lot). I think she's been actively keeping LJ isolated from anyone who can "take her away" while feeding her the "I'm your only friend, I'm the only one you can trust" shit for several years. This could have started when she separated from her husband, or even earlier. We know at least Laur kept her out of high school, and it doesn't look like LJ has any relationship with her other family, or another adult who can be a voice of reason to her.
Yes, LJ is absolutely aware the accounts are frauds, and based on the writing styles, I believe she's the one running the "fan" accounts, while Laur runs the more
problematic token minority buddies, but even if LJ did disagree with psycho Laur's methods, would she be able to do anything about it, or just get screamed at by her lunatic mother? Laur is willing to go full scorched earth on any twitter rando who so much as mentions her daughter, just imagine the kind of meltdowns she has in real life when anything slightly inconvenient happens.
No. 702713
File: 1568425059837.png (268.95 KB, 750x1334, 76338C01-ECAE-417D-A68F-BBB455…)

She’s finally admitting the sock puppets are all fake accounts- but claiming no responsibility for it. Apparently we made all the sock accounts. But weren’t they at James and Mario’s wedding…?
No. 702737
File: 1568427557196.png (56.93 KB, 881x258, 128912741982.png)

If Laur and Lillee had just been content to live in reality and embrace LJ's status as an amateur makeup enthusiast, learning as she goes and build a following honestly and organically, they wouldn't be in this pickle.
And they still probably could have gotten some lil indie skincare or ColourPop PR as a micro-influencer that way, too.
No. 702751
File: 1568429263593.png (3.29 MB, 2845x1964, 92112392183182981.png)

is this dry dead skin flakes along her temple and around her nose and mouth or did she smear something all over her face to try to make it look damp for the photo? either way, why would you post a crusty-looking picture to promote skincare? No. 702789
File: 1568435490149.jpeg (144.18 KB, 750x285, DE9DC665-EB9D-4E92-A9A0-8941AB…)

Funny she only just started commenting on other work in the last couple of days. Also what did Laur do a good job at?
No. 702807
File: 1568437440334.jpeg (287.33 KB, 750x1064, 529C564A-5547-4E45-B272-2D2045…)

Did they give up on replacing purged bots?
No. 702904
File: 1568468997094.jpeg (137.89 KB, 750x635, 8D52A12E-E9E1-43BD-8904-304889…)

She’s been at this for 6 years and just started following other makeup artists.
No. 703089
File: 1568488197528.jpeg (208.95 KB, 750x733, BEC19FEA-6DCC-477A-9D59-B26143…)

Laur bonding over being ostracized from the beauty community with Honey D, an influencer who publicly humiliated a retail clerk for views.
No. 703280
File: 1568507493857.jpeg (325.58 KB, 742x788, 85B7B73E-4416-4C0A-A672-F1F243…)

Sigh, no one is cyber bullying anyone, Laur. The people who are tweeting are ensuring that brands and individuals are aware of your purchased followers with the intent to scam PR, your revisit behaviour and your homophobic/transphobic comments. That’s not “no reason”.
No. 703322
>>703280They aren’t admitting to being 1 person creating multiple accounts, Laur. Also, you have contacted QoB’s job to get them fired and tried to get 2 lawyers disbarred. Those people didn’t even speak about you for you to try to ruin their livelihoods. Can’t really complain about people contacting brands, especially when the ones doing it are people you have personally threatened and harassed non stop.
God, I wonder where these 2 would be right now if none of this insanity was discovered. I actually went and watched some of LJ’s videos for the first time today and the difference from her at 16 to now is unbelievable. She had a real shot a becoming a normal teenage girl that actually looked decent with make up, instead she wanted to become Gypsy Rose. Even her voice became more high pitched and child like.
No. 703331
>>703280This is too funny. That's a good idea Laur, pin links to all your
problematic behavior to the top of your Twitter so it's front and center for everyone to see.
No. 703332
>>703322Everything about LJ is so forced on camera. The eyes opened so wide it looks like they're going to bulge out, the smile pulled past the point of natural and into rictus. Attempting to pitch her voice high and child-like. The faked, over-dramatic cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
People don't respond to that shit, especially not on social media; they want to feel like they are getting authenticity, not a phony, saccharine persona.
No. 703339
File: 1568513809809.jpeg (417.62 KB, 750x1067, D7797BE4-FD6D-4B60-B728-0F30FD…)

It looks like she also gets pr from Seed Beauty (not sure who the company is?) and Covergirl. I don’t recall seeing those two companies mentioned before.
No. 703380
File: 1568516851490.jpeg (413.59 KB, 2048x2048, 919C749A-9904-4FAF-B98B-5A9E5B…)

mile high club doesn’t apply to any of this wtf
No. 703484
File: 1568525403636.jpeg (76.88 KB, 750x1009, 2765CE6F-8E0D-41AE-97E0-28FE6B…)

Did Laur get put in twitter jail for spamming MUAs?!?!
No. 703527
File: 1568528006004.jpeg (568.56 KB, 1242x1024, 685313E0-3152-44FF-A41A-D57033…)

>>703380This is what Laur was responding to
No. 703528
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No. 703556
File: 1568530762617.jpg (109.18 KB, 885x701, wk2020.jpg)

Since Laur couldn't reel in her compulsion to spam her desperate crazy all over everyone's timeline, it looks like all her new MUA "friends" are ignoring her.
She's back to simpering at her one kooky orbiter (she'd been ignoring him for a while, probably because he has his own nutty agenda and Laur can only pretend to care about other people for brief moments at a time.)
No. 703676
File: 1568556896035.jpeg (611.38 KB, 750x980, F7F5B099-D66D-4124-A76D-EF801B…)

>>701420Only fan account not run by Laur ends up being a troll. I’m shocked.
No. 703703
File: 1568557493378.jpeg (448.42 KB, 750x994, 3398704E-D754-4808-BD1E-E11043…)

Laur’s newest sock
No. 703822
File: 1568564547897.jpeg (286.85 KB, 750x990, C14F1EC4-6D37-4886-82B2-946AAE…)

Lauren Elyse contacted Colour Pop’s PR person and now Laur’s using her fake accounts to enter CP giveaways.
No. 703946
File: 1568574324231.png (413.23 KB, 1922x841, 128912741982.png)

>>703703how does she have time to do this on multiple platforms?
No. 703958
File: 1568575309104.jpeg (425.7 KB, 750x950, A3E7ED53-D9D6-43E8-A57D-3232C2…)

Laur forgets to switch twitter accounts and then tries to play it off
No. 703961
File: 1568575412452.jpeg (296 KB, 750x778, 52AFC710-14B1-472E-A21E-1D1A8D…)

>>703958The troll account has only tagged Lillee & Laur
No. 703964
File: 1568575562719.jpeg (305.95 KB, 750x729, CCD70352-66EB-4B88-BBDB-923D55…)

>>703958@‘ing twitter support now lol
No. 704039
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No. 704079
File: 1568582668824.jpeg (265.66 KB, 750x730, 5D6BBE65-F776-44B4-88AF-5FA477…)

Now she’s claiming @bffdees tagged her. He showed up after the fact to laugh at her. Just throw the sock out, Laur. There’s no recovering from this.
No. 704091
>>704039Someone doesn’t know about section 230. Guess she missed that day of law school.
>>704079How you gonna claim someone who has you blocked is harassing you?
Never change, Laur.
No. 704156
File: 1568588971525.jpeg (96.97 KB, 629x1225, 2F1A7D7F-ED90-4465-8463-66DF2E…)

Sage for no real contribution, but damn Laur is such a hobgoblin. Imagine sitting in a blacked out attic, surrounded my dolls and delusion, only illuminated by the blue glow of a computer screen. She’s leading a pathetic life, and she just keeps making things worse for herself and her fame hungry daughter.
This image is just too much.
No. 704214
File: 1568591922263.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x2688, 3C7180AF-7753-480F-A5F3-0F0DFC…)

>>704079A little something for Laur, I mean “Sonia” since she’s claiming not to who LJ is in this tweet.
No. 704236
>>704221My favorite part was after her concealer when the bottom half of her face (lips and below) was about 10 shades lighter than the rest of her face.
Also, I know this is a nitpick, but why does she never use concealer? She’s such an odd conundrum that at times seems to have a decent deal of knowledge about makeup and really could of had an audience of “regular girl, underdog” types, and knowing absolutely nothing about makeup.
No. 704259
>>704221OH MY GOD she can't be serious with Mario Ba-douche, it isn't even close!! I remember reading in a reddit comment that she said that in a different video but I thought they were exaggerating or something.
>>704236(Huge nitpicks coming from me too here)
I don't get why she won't do her eyebrows, either. She could really use some contour too. I feel like all her looks are the exact same, just different eyeshadow. Also it really bothers me when she's rubbing something on her face or washing it and smiles while she's doing it, it just looks so fake and cheesy. Like you can just tell Laur was sitting there sticking her head through the ring light telling her to do that haha.
No. 704291
File: 1568596131307.jpg (667.66 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_20190915-210645_You…)

New mermaid look video. I never understood the split second flashes of the eyeshadow palette she's using? It's so quick it would be hard to even pause on it.
This was in the description, of course she advocates for change but not TOO hard. She is not a protestor.
No. 704293
>>704259She’s really odd with her bizarre mispronunciations. She does it with Anastasia and several names (Patricia, Erika and Rachel were three that I noticed - one is the Runway Rogue owner and the others from her cameo vids)
She also keeps saying that she keeps it natural so doesn’t fill in her brows, wear concealer or contour. But isn’t that the point of makeup YouTube videos?
No. 704306
>>704291She copies these same “disclosures” for every video now. She just changes out the brand names. She recently added the “1change4change” paragraph after getting called out for not using all cruelty free even though she claimed to.
The first paragraph really bothers me with the “it’s not even really free since they didn’t ask me to make a video, post or even a my thought post” or whatever that junk says. Who speaks like this?
She will also list every brand she uses in that video before that disclaimer, claiming they all individually gave her PR. Which, is also against FTC guidelines because it makes her seem like she has a relationship with all those companies.
She’s either getting the products from an influencer box, or some are PR and some are bought. Either way, she’s lying by claiming they all personally sent her PR.
I also laugh so hard at the thought that she thinks anyone would wonder if she was sponsored. Girl, you scammed some companies to send you some makeup, we know they ain’t also dumb enough to pay you.
No. 704322
File: 1568600521526.jpeg (371.48 KB, 750x730, C56ADDD5-C04A-4B60-B861-8416FE…)

we’re back to desperately spamming hashtags & celebrities to get LJ cast in a DC/Marvel movie lol
No. 704327
>>704291This bitch for real just put pressed powder eyeshadow on her lips. They make lipsticks that color, or even liquid eyeshadows.
Also, 35 views and already 3 sock puppet comments. I love the “LADY GAGA” account. Getting less creative Laur.
No. 704362
>>704283Besides the obvious mental health issues and purchased followers, this one really gets me. She doesn’t even attempt to do unique or interesting makeup. Her “fan” accounts praise her for just being so naturally amazing and compassionate and gorgeous. The makeup is just an excuse to post selfies and log into other accounts to praise herself.
I can’t tell if she’s really desperate for friends or wants people to worship her like her mom does.
No. 704514
>>704322I think what fascinates me so much about this trainwreck is Laur's insane set of priorities. Fixing her kids chiclet teeth, no, I'll just buy fake followers to make her look important on social media. Get an agent and let them scout jobs for LJ*, nope, I'll just spam at famous people on twitter and hope they decide to cast my unknown daughter who has no training or experience in related work.
*not that I think even an agent could get this kid work, just saying a self proclaimed momanger doesn't seem to understand casting.
No. 704733
>>704723At least they aren’t locked in the attic, Laur.
The sheer delusion that her and LJ think they are pulling this off would be concerning if it wasn’t so damn entertaining and if they weren’t awful people.
>>704362 In one of LJ’s “doing my moms makeup” videos her mother spoke about her in such a creepy way for an 18 year old. “My sweetie, my angel, my little perfect miracle.”
Obviously LJ is an only child but the way LTR spoke about her was beyond obsessive. Someone posted in an earlier thread the line to a KW post conspiracy trying to allege Laur’s sister’s husband and new wife were behind all the sock puppets and pointed out the husband’s mother’s name was also Lillie.
No chance in hell that conspiracy is true, but her naming her child after the ex mother in law of her sister is quite odd. Makes me wonder if Laur is her bio mother. She obviously treats her the same as a mother that thought she couldn’t have children and finally did, or adopted a child after thinking she would never have children.
Or/and she’s just a psychopath who is obsessed with her daughter and trying to live vicariously through her.
No. 704794
File: 1568644506778.jpg (80.15 KB, 1080x1080, 57088333_361767974681177_56193…)

>>704748Here are more pics from her childhood I downloaded from one of their shill IG accounts. Apologies for being unable to supply captions or links; I lost the text file with my notes.
No. 704795
File: 1568644612254.jpg (136.64 KB, 1080x1080, 49599980_133747057643667_17079…)

No. 704804
File: 1568645086147.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x1080, 36703588_1735075639878908_4157…)

IIRC this pic was posted with
>>699349 to prove Lilz is a natural blonde and that she can wear any color hair.
No. 704907
File: 1568652735823.jpeg (376.53 KB, 750x779, A658EA6C-7CD9-42F4-B24B-9649AE…)

September Rose is retweeting Laur and Lillee Jean, despite being informed of how problematic they are. Do they not care or don’t believe it?
No. 704919
File: 1568654176667.jpg (576.43 KB, 1080x1552, 20190916_131039.jpg)

>>704907I was going to say one of the Twitter accounts called out September Rose for supporting LJ.
No. 704924
>>704804Why do they always push for this? She's clearly a ginger and always was. Same with them constantly talking about her having blue eyes, like sure there are some flecks of blue but they're mostly green. They think if they say this shit enough people will really believe it.
>>704919Wait, wasn't that them that pretended they didn't know about it before when notified? It was in a message to someone. Well perfect, now I know what brand to never buy from.
No. 704939
>>704935It's not about getting the code used; in laur's eyes, its about LJs name being tied to a brand. she doesn't give a shit if one eye palette gets bought from her kids crappy vids. she wants to be considered
No. 704948
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>>704907 They were informed on 9/5 and when a BGC user reached out to them later they denied any previous knowledge. That’s shady.
No. 704996
File: 1568661040263.jpeg (398.55 KB, 750x917, 26D0443A-CD60-47C5-8984-D3F282…)

Laur still thinks Thanos was the good guy #iaminevitable
No. 705075
File: 1568666396176.jpg (515.16 KB, 1080x1510, 20190916_163950.jpg)

"Out of context"
No. 705093
File: 1568668672167.jpg (390.75 KB, 1080x1102, Screenshot_20190916-171317_Twi…)

>>705035I knew there would be stuff in those! They can't even send one tweet without being offensive let alone talk for an hour. Can anyone back them up incase they try to delete?
>>705075Her defenses are always either nonsensical (like that I AM LILLEE JEAN video) or rewriting history. It drives me up a wall.
I agree with QoB here, Laur's account has been reported SO many fucking times and is always found to be in violation, so why is it still there? Jonathan Yaniv did stuff a million times worse and people still got banned for misgendering him.
No. 705131
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so she didn’t file a police report?
No. 705148
File: 1568691097331.png (519.27 KB, 800x1044, Screenshot_2019-09-16-20-14-19…)

>>705126And KF has been on the fritz. is timing out, but it might just be me.
LJ's new background image. No @ to credit the artist?
No. 705152
File: 1568691781682.png (842.56 KB, 800x1048, Screenshot_2019-09-16-18-21-47…)

And Lilz made a new friend and defender. Husband material perhaps? She and Laurz could have a double Twitter wedding. They could frantically post simultaneously from all the wedding guests' accounts for six hours!
No. 705161
File: 1568693727637.jpeg (698.49 KB, 750x1293, 6D8AB01F-6A01-4FD5-976E-F6C3C0…)

Laur’s complaining about our black website on Facebook now.
No. 705164
File: 1568693925515.jpeg (250.11 KB, 750x665, 3ED6BC2D-FF01-430E-9300-DB4092…)

>>705161And physically threatening people once again. Seeing her get so worked up over an online troll saying “nuh uh, I’M calling the police on YOU” is divine.
No. 705166
File: 1568694536087.jpeg (190.48 KB, 750x606, 7D3F1449-708E-4A78-A166-10C68E…)

Laur needs to improve her grammar. It sounds like she is saying that she is against people who have mental health conditions. Also, Laur, you demonstrate your racism every time you use your stereotypical sock accounts and literally every time you spoke in Lillee’s cultural appropriation podcast.
No. 705169
File: 1568694998863.jpeg (177.5 KB, 1016x1136, EEEbhrbXoAEIryt.jpeg)

>>705152Let's get a closer look.
>>700379>>702526Note the change in Laur's Twitter numbers.
No. 705171
>>705166"I don't know where they came up with I'm a racist"
The fact that she was ripping Lauren Elyse and QoB (who are both African American MUA) apart in the replies on Twitter but was civil and patient with Jess Cole (who is white) is so telling. She's 10000% a racist and needs to stop being fake-woke + sucking up to POC MUAs with smaller followings. It's so inappropriate.
No. 705173
File: 1568695160001.jpeg (200.99 KB, 1039x1219, EEEbhraWwAI_nfd.jpeg)

More implied toplessness.
No. 705183
>>705181oh no, is this the part where Lils dips her toe into feigning/cosplaying queerness since she can't seem to make any IRL gay friends to use as human shields against criticism?
you can't sit with us, Lillee.
No. 705187
File: 1568696565449.png (740.92 KB, 800x1040, Screenshot_2019-09-16-21-58-30…)

No. 705194
File: 1568696966443.jpeg (376.79 KB, 1280x1280, EEon2HlXkAA7STy.jpeg)

The fake ivy is awful. Couldn't disconnect yourselves from your attic matrix to dash out to the florist for a snip of the real deal?
No. 705198
File: 1568697258109.jpeg (108.91 KB, 944x820, EEon2HjXkAUHjCA.jpeg)

No. 705206
File: 1568698366518.jpg (218.2 KB, 900x1600, final (12).jpg)

>>705203aka the Glitter Years
No. 705214
File: 1568699025050.jpg (275.2 KB, 900x1600, final (11).jpg)

>>705209I see no improvement.
No. 705264
File: 1568710341828.jpeg (298.38 KB, 1280x1280, EEi0p1zWsAIMcNR.jpeg)

>>704322>>704291The Halloween Mermaid look is another recycled theme.
No. 705270
File: 1568712491809.jpg (465.9 KB, 1528x1600, IMG_5707.jpg)

>>705268Srsly what is she wearing. She was 15.
No. 705278
File: 1568714260574.jpg (400.75 KB, 1600x1334, IMG_5712.jpg)

>>705268Obligatory eyeball pic. The reflection is distracting.
Camera tech anons, how does her gear now compare to her gear then? Or is she using the same set tech? I wonder if their financial downgrade is evident in the quality of her photos.
No. 705284
File: 1568715725324.png (644.27 KB, 800x1044, Screenshot_2019-09-17-01-09-13…)

Speaking of their downgrade, they moved into the Attic of Dolls & Delusions in May 2017. Lilz reverted to Lillee and abandoned theyeballqueen blog for thaeyeballqueen a month later.
Laur's antique business appears to have dwindled steadily since, receiving neg feedback for not shipping items six months later which coincided with the bankruptcy.
I wonder if Lillee has been under increasing pressure to succeed as Laur's finances hit zero. I imagine Laur is the type to pressure her through positive reinforcement and praise.
No. 705286
File: 1568715932371.jpg (78.34 KB, 1080x1080, 18580461_1205297796247924_5503…)

>>705284Another clutter of money wasting knick knacks in the background. Or are those antiques worthy of Hollywood?
No. 705293
File: 1568716959638.png (710.97 KB, 800x1043, Screenshot_2019-09-16-23-18-31…)

>>705264All the #brands and products that went into that look.
No. 705294
File: 1568717090715.png (204.08 KB, 800x987, Screenshot_2019-09-16-23-18-41…)

>>705293Getting engagement from a few
real people.
No. 705304
File: 1568717787073.png (111.28 KB, 800x615, Screenshot_2019-09-16-23-20-25…)

>>705301Who also boosts Shayna. How is it that they have so few real followers yet are only a few degrees of separation from so many major cows?
No. 705332
File: 1568721524221.jpeg (153.25 KB, 750x393, 8FB1BFF6-CB92-4E8E-88E8-E8F677…)

Laur thinks Lilz getting a Wikipedia page is going to be a good thing?
No. 705382
>>705332Great job, Laur. Just announce her wiki page that will obviously be written by you and can be edited by anyone. She does know all her controversies will be updated and added to her wiki, right?
Of course she doesn’t know that. I’m excited for the user names that we will see editing her wiki talking about how she’s a world famous actress and singer.
No. 705423
File: 1568733807922.jpeg (158.97 KB, 750x504, 36850913-C157-4E82-A2DD-23F70F…)

Laur outs herself as Sonia again. Xclusivelylj didn’t have any sort of picture that was “bloody”. That was something that the Sonia account and Laur posted.
No. 705433
File: 1568734569359.png (119.55 KB, 800x723, Screenshot_2019-09-16-17-23-42…)

Bless Laur's non sequiturs! kek
No. 705439
File: 1568735020208.jpeg (326.31 KB, 750x1109, 5397C8A6-D55F-485C-815A-48FF07…)

Most recently created fanpages were removed by Instagram, probably reported as spam. Laur’s trying a new route.
No. 705459
>>705452Who actually says “thanks for not being a hater” when promoting the free PR you got. Even if Laur and LJ weren’t making all this shit up, what company would want to be represented this way? It’s just telling everyone who follows their brand that there are people who don’t like LJ.
Could actually imagine someone like Jaclyn Hill telling a sponsor “thanks for not being a hater.”
It’s because being “hated” is all they have to cling to now for relevance.
No. 705476
File: 1568739512798.jpeg (148.93 KB, 1242x1036, 61943E1D-2813-4F3E-B299-E11634…)

I thought they were just claiming that someone else made up the sock accounts but LJ is still playing pretend with James Dee??
No. 705479
File: 1568739681700.jpeg (402.34 KB, 1242x1605, 9C97953C-EE40-41C5-AD75-743F5C…)

also this interaction
No. 705482
File: 1568739887422.jpeg (216.2 KB, 1242x1460, D9A5B18D-A669-4A2A-924E-97559E…)

socks upon socks upon socks. Laur is a sock puppet master kek
No. 705484
File: 1568740029036.jpeg (223.87 KB, 1242x1563, 0C550A9A-6E04-4109-967D-C75643…)

But then she forgets??? And posts all over again. Anything for engagement amirite
No. 705485
File: 1568740052928.png (941.74 KB, 750x1334, 1EE45663-DD75-4E62-B68D-DB7508…)

No. 705486
File: 1568740103183.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, 28DFA361-9CF2-4375-A48E-BFE86B…)

No. 705489
File: 1568740246627.jpeg (236.08 KB, 1242x1663, FE696EC7-63CB-4346-8FE0-0EEBC9…)

she makes the sock puppets painfully obvious and it’s clear which order she logs in based on the responses to every. Single. Comment.
No. 705490
File: 1568740344463.jpg (570.62 KB, 1110x1325, lil.jpg)

>>705475A kiwi posted an edit.
No. 705492
File: 1568740819434.jpg (116.17 KB, 580x745, mysides.jpg)

>>705490them jagged-ass split ends
No. 705493
File: 1568741100953.jpg (137.19 KB, 1080x1080, 45350829_2158229857777009_5044…)

>Personally I feel Lillee is more an autumn than a spring. What do yall think?I guess they haven't witnessed Lillee's love of leaves? #ecolover
No. 705513
File: 1568744278599.jpeg (195.61 KB, 750x721, 045D8E6E-1AD4-4AFF-83AB-4CF771…)

Laur bought Lillee a million followers and then complains that she’s well-known enough to receive criticism. Is she a nobody with a purchased following and sock fan accounts or is she a social media superstar with 1 million Jeaniez?
No. 705516
File: 1568744835798.jpg (399.14 KB, 1170x1600, FullSizeRender-3.jpg)

>>705493Which brings us to another Halloween look from the Lilz years.>>705514Looking at her lenses she's near sighted. Good thing; if she were far sighted her lenses would magnify her eyeballz.
No. 705517
File: 1568744980984.jpg (354.68 KB, 1230x1600, FullSizeRender-2.jpg)

>>705516One of her favorite angles which does her no favors. As if any of them do.
No. 705521
File: 1568745243802.jpg (62.45 KB, 612x618, Capture.JPG)

>>705429Could be referring to this mashup edit of Laur x Margo, but there's not a drop of blood in sight? Where is the bloody edit I was promised, Laur?! No. 705523
File: 1568745318843.jpg (486 KB, 1600x1312, IMG_9531.JPG)

>>705516In the era of threading and Tweezerman there is no excuse for those eyebrows.
No. 705529
File: 1568745837516.png (432.57 KB, 700x526, Flowers_Attic-thumb-700x526-21…)

Can an art anon create magic with this for the next OP pic? Please and thank you.
No. 705551
File: 1568747552003.png (989.2 KB, 800x1013, Screenshot_2019-09-17-01-05-19…)

>happy little kid
No. 705558
File: 1568747831723.jpeg (207.43 KB, 750x484, 8293F41C-CEBD-441D-BF6B-82B17B…)

Laur says brands that refuse to support Lillee are complicit in her bullying.
No. 705572
File: 1568748792452.png (97.77 KB, 613x564, Screenshot 2019-09-17 at 2.27.…)

Got blocked so I can't see if Laur is making an ass outta herself on the Rise Against Bullying guy's page. Any milk? No. 705575
File: 1568748834304.jpg (88.34 KB, 1080x1080, 23734176_2002002096744797_8458…)

What's even crazier is Laur posts edits on "fan" accounts emphasizing Lillee's decline from debutante princess to deranged pauper. Both of them are delusional with the Disney fairytales.
No. 705576
Just finished reading all the threads (and the KF thread) about Lillee and Laur. This is my first post, so go easy if I fuck up. I’m a lurker and wouldn’t post at all except I haven’t seen this idea mentioned anywhere:
Could the racist, homophobic accounts - Shaniqua, James and the others - have been made and ran by paid trolls? Like Laur bought a package of those along with 1mil subscribers?
The accounts use some of Laur’s specific tells, but they may use only Laur and Lillee’s posts to pull vocabulary from.
The accounts definitely sound as if written by ESL speakers, who have resorted to clueless stereotyping. Of course they seem only to exist to make LJ look good.
Troll factories aren’t just for political fake news; some of them, surely, are just there to make money. I think Laur bought a million followers, x amount of bots, and x amount of interactive follower accounts - perhaps all in one package. What good would a million followers be if none of them interacted with you?
I blame Lillee and Laur for the creation of the accounts and they should be held responsible for them - they interacted with them, and didn’t question any lies (or any stereotyping) because it made them look good - even the weird ass stories like going to cons with Arsenio Hall. More recently, they tried to accounts as a way to explain their shitty behavior away. Lillee may have been unaware; she has zero real-life friends and seemingly no family, so she’d be delighted to have an online “gay bff”.
Who knows. Maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but I do hope I’m not alone in thinking this, and that it might be helpful in clearing up some things. I’m going back to lurking now. Thank you to all the posters for bringing the milk here with screencaps, pics and archiving.
No. 705598
File: 1568750543316.jpg (82.29 KB, 922x589, Capture.JPG)

>>705575Adding to this, @myworldlilleejean now has this wonderful warning in their captions.
if you comment hate I am blocking you lmao
No. 705621
File: 1568751829757.jpg (60.66 KB, 1080x1187, 47692347_222677055352518_11499…)

>>705595She cosplayed a belly dancer in the attic one time. She's an expert, anon.
No. 705651
>>705632I can't even. I'm sitting here literally open mouthed that someone would put this out there.
>>705628Watch the video.
No. 705652
>>705632>>705651the video is
abusive to everyone involved.
No. 705654
File: 1568753937614.jpeg (360.83 KB, 750x1081, 5295908F-6951-44F0-AD06-E84801…)

>>70562The Indian sock account thanked Lillee for “appreciating” her culture by belly dancing.
Screenshot from callout twitter acct
No. 705660
File: 1568754725517.jpg (901.98 KB, 1540x2349, followers.jpg)

>>705529 I found the full book cover and did my best with it
No. 705669
>>705660this is great anon!
>>705632yep this sure looks like a girl who could naturally amass a following of 1million people. yeah…definitely.
No. 705763
File: 1568762712090.jpeg (138.89 KB, 750x1013, DC664774-97F3-454D-916B-875EE7…)

Laur posted a screenshot of deleted “hate” comments from newest IG acct, whatsyourvibez. In the whatsyourvibez acct bio, it says the account is @lilleejean but still comments on Lillee’s IG posts. That’s spam, Laur.
No. 705769
File: 1568763067946.jpg (99.83 KB, 593x908, Capture.JPG)

>>705572got u
QoB and Lauren Elyse were quick to shoot LJ down and are DMing Justin.
No. 705789
File: 1568765188799.jpeg (262.92 KB, 1242x1407, DE801C98-902C-418B-AE71-2F174F…)

um… wut
No. 705791
File: 1568765738693.jpeg (381.34 KB, 1242x1795, E5CF309F-356E-4461-91DE-74FFD1…)

No. 705792
File: 1568765837231.jpeg (456.57 KB, 1241x1828, C672FFC2-7690-4187-8DF8-011AF2…)

No. 705793
File: 1568765913797.png (330.17 KB, 907x1712, 128912741982.png)

Laur is losing it rn and it's fucking hilarious
No. 705799
File: 1568766299469.jpeg (450.29 KB, 1240x1968, 1BC582FE-9D2D-409A-97C3-F16ADB…)

Still going at it
No. 705803
>>705784Maybe you're blocked? (so soon though??? LOL good job Laur)
It's still up here No. 705804
File: 1568766745039.jpeg (406.82 KB, 1242x1794, 1F4C31F3-D121-4B4F-BB4B-150985…)

But what does this say about you, Laur? You are engaging with multiple people in your 50s…
No. 705813
>>705789crazier than usual tonight, wonder what set her off.
Keep it up, sweetie, you're doing great! Keep posting narc rage to scare off brand collabs!
No. 705814
File: 1568767188771.jpeg (262.08 KB, 1242x1349, 139F9D8F-5CD6-4019-AAF9-CE7A90…)

ok who hacked laur kek
No. 705815
File: 1568767310266.jpeg (176.26 KB, 1242x1044, E57AA926-2016-4E25-B0B1-3E5015…)

LJ is 18 and needs reminders to wash her hands???
No. 705824
>>7058041. Y’all has actually been in Webster’s Dictionary for at least 10 years. g8 and bytw still hasn’t quite made the cut.
2. Difference between you and the “bullies” Laur is that this isn’t their entire lives. If you and Lillie go away tomorrow, they will move on and laugh at the next idiot. You’re entire future depends on your 18 year old daughter who you’ve brainwashed into acting 8 while also looking like an adult hooker because you failed at life.
>>705551>#bestprinceypooeverI’m really starting to wonder if Laur is catfishing her own daughter into thinking she’s has a French boyfriend. In a video where her mom does her makeup though, her mother claims her BF “had a surprise” for Lillie and was taking her some where nice. Lille says to her mother at a point that she has to “go show Philipe” her new look. So, she must know it’s BS, but I’m really not sure.
No. 705829
File: 1568768721937.jpg (66.39 KB, 920x827, 493530493132.jpg)

what is she even saying? she talks like a random word generator, and she thinks these legit youtubers/MUAs/gurus are going to talk to her.
She's like that person at the party that no one invited, who keeps trying to butt into people's conversations by fake-laughing really loudly
No. 705845
File: 1568770313478.jpeg (154.94 KB, 750x910, D66FF2B5-9217-4725-AAA5-15845D…)

She freaked out when she realized LJ might be reading that her 1mil followers are purchased.
No. 705846
File: 1568770425014.jpeg (222.14 KB, 1242x1269, E0193779-02BE-47B4-B489-426D13…)

Laur driving and tweeting
No. 705854
File: 1568771007499.jpeg (191.6 KB, 1242x1419, 0AAEB07D-9350-487C-B0E3-18AEE0…)

This is the first time I’m seeing this sock account mattinag100 but it spams responses to posts like all the other socks. Nice profile pic
No. 705858
File: 1568771541102.jpeg (188.71 KB, 750x680, 39291D28-F2E3-404D-BFD2-DA88B6…)

>>705809That’s exactly what she’s doing
No. 705861
File: 1568772188625.jpeg (35.71 KB, 1237x202, 53B97CC2-8C1A-44CC-AA6D-224EAD…)

>>698914Found another occurrence kek
No. 705898
File: 1568775471696.png (251.16 KB, 750x1334, 3035DE7E-2110-473F-A22A-8522E5…)

Laur’s Iil’ Wikipedia page was rejected
No. 705899
File: 1568775508978.png (255.57 KB, 750x1334, 4D723A33-321E-493A-A0A5-221BC5…)

No. 705900
File: 1568775534267.png (259.58 KB, 750x1334, 7675641B-2F78-4910-911E-B573A8…)

The delusion
No. 705907
>>705898She didn’t represent Proactiv, she attended a free event.
It’s also interesting what’s missing from this wiki entry. No mention of Covergirl billboard, no mention of her Bite Beauty collab, no mention of non-profit 1change4change.
No. 705944
File: 1568779859600.jpeg (523.42 KB, 1242x1799, 292C2F8B-F638-49B9-9F14-1F75E8…)

Back in 2016 when this was her thaeyeballqueen IG, her makeup skills were still poor, she just hid it with facetune. Didn’t help much for this one. That lower lashline looks crumbly and dirty
No. 705949
File: 1568780507521.jpeg (315.82 KB, 750x886, 2612B09C-E26B-4B6E-B853-9C09D5…)

>>705907Why was Laur begging Proactiv for a collab if Lilz was already partnered with them?
No. 705953
File: 1568781008048.jpeg (611.1 KB, 1231x2035, 1F50F2BC-B51D-401E-908C-C2C329…)

This looks like something a Younique hun would post for Halloween.
No. 705956
File: 1568781448339.jpeg (383.83 KB, 1242x1705, ACA51144-0229-4C09-A09E-519A52…)

Ahhh, where it all began!
No. 705958
>>705949Laur tags a legitimate PR person ( "who was sweet and kind and invited my client to the event"
I'm wondering how that PR agency got in touch with Laur. LJ's numbers a year ago were NOT close to a million, so it might be interesting to see how Laur weaseled her way into the event without the "my daughter has a MILLION FOLLOWERS" schtick she's been pulling.
No. 705962
File: 1568781963512.jpeg (582.81 KB, 1242x1576, CF12A9CF-5C32-425C-8391-335D42…)

wtf? This is the text for an IG video. hrrk
No. 705964
File: 1568782078877.png (781.57 KB, 750x1334, F8648E4E-39D6-43BC-A262-81B4F6…)

This is some fucking bullshit
No. 706009
How is she doing this, did she use all of her socks to report or how ?
This can’t be possible, damn
I used to look at this accounts religiously
Is there any other way to make her accountable for the shit she’s done ?
No. 706063
>>706052I think a lot of farmers just want to see her held accountable, not necessarily stop the milk. It feels weird to be able to build your "career" on a lie, threaten anyone who exposes the truth, and get everyone else kicked off twitter. Laur is the only one threatening violence in any of these twitter tirades, but somehow that's totally fine. Maybe it's because she's louder and constantly sperging about muh cyberbullying to twitter support.
Laur lies about everything and is constantly
toxic to everyone. She elicits the reaction you get from seeing a typical entitled boomer abuse a retail worker for saying her daughter might not be a size 2. She has zero accountability in her life because LJ is brainwashed and her husband is god knows where. It would be nice if twitter at least told her "don't threaten people."
No. 706100
File: 1568815079266.jpeg (261.41 KB, 750x656, 77098E53-84C6-4C67-9545-BCB31C…)

Bffdees is trying to get Laur’s socks removed.
No. 706113
File: 1568818767991.jpeg (120.19 KB, 750x330, E2D7AFE4-C5D7-4046-B5F6-FBBEEE…)

Laur’s claiming the information in the Whimn article about their 7% authentic following with 0% engagement is false. It’s from fake phony programs like social blade.
No. 706121
>>706113is socialblade deleting all of the comments, likes and views from Lillee's 1 million legitimate, devoted instagram jeaniezes, too? what a sneaky, free site.
Laur, we can
see that there's no engagement on any of LJ's social media. the followers are either mostly bots, or literally none of them like Lilz enough to actually talk to her. either way, it's all pretty damning.
No. 706133
File: 1568821329222.jpeg (436.09 KB, 750x1166, 670A0C4A-1AE0-43D9-AC17-EE1DB8…)

Lauren Elyse and Queen of Blending have hustled for years. They’re beautiful, talented and well loved. All the things Laur and her troll looking kid will never be.
No. 706137
File: 1568821756238.jpeg (112.24 KB, 750x273, FD8B0C57-399F-4338-AF37-985C65…)

Still complaining about the black websites
No. 706146
File: 1568822888388.jpg (537.84 KB, 1080x1859, 20190918_120630.jpg)

Is she for real right now.
No. 706158
File: 1568824491356.jpeg (419.64 KB, 750x998, 9E3BA232-783F-46A7-ACFC-9F43CF…)

Math is hard, Lilz
No. 706161
File: 1568824879138.jpeg (258.38 KB, 750x950, 0D1C92C8-91B2-40AA-8F4F-C8D5C6…)

Some comments on LJ’s Poison Ivy Instagram post. She thinks crazy eyes is a compliment?
No. 706162
File: 1568824892599.png (227 KB, 750x1334, 88B1AA47-4107-4902-8272-DEF302…)

Please please if there is a god above, let the tv project be Dr.Phil.
No. 706163
File: 1568825006836.jpeg (175.02 KB, 737x878, E768D415-E3CD-4343-8D5D-273D36…)

How is this true engagement when all of these accounts are run by LJ and Laur. They are also open about these being their accounts with the exception of James who they claim is totally real.
No. 706164
File: 1568825122868.png (565.28 KB, 750x1334, D492E39A-BF11-42E2-BD1E-2A2A11…)

Racists stand together.
No. 706172
File: 1568827095670.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x1826, 6E88BDC5-92D6-4AEE-9FA4-7862B6…)

Why is Laur followed by Vice?
No. 706179
File: 1568827758423.jpeg (311.61 KB, 750x849, 266E0967-CD41-489E-A7CA-8CD660…)

Laur’s frantically commenting and RTing with her sock accounts since they’re being reported as fake.
No. 706184
File: 1568828005275.jpeg (254.8 KB, 750x1048, F8936884-25F9-46FB-B85C-A76DBE…)

Is she deleting poor performing posts to boost her overall engagement %?
No. 706196
File: 1568830328450.jpeg (205.37 KB, 750x739, 17689B13-0A50-4D07-AFDB-F7F3C4…)

Did she even look at the proof she posted?!?! 40% of her audience is from Iran and 32.9% are mass following accounts
No. 706198
What made her eyes so crazy? Ik in previous threads, she was always compared to that psycho eye picture, but what would have
caused it? A mental breakdown?
Seeing the difference between
>>705203 and
>>705190 is so jarring
No. 706208
File: 1568834072218.png (181.47 KB, 1226x558, Screenshot 2019-09-18 at 2.10.…)

>>706201samefagging but it looks like the person who attempted the wiki page was hired from an indian pr firm. wonder if they get their money back since he didn't get the page up
No. 706250
File: 1568837787693.jpeg (203.18 KB, 750x403, 046764E6-3E28-4B6A-985C-124E30…)

>>706208Matthew Montgomery is who Laur references in her tweets
No. 706255
File: 1568838263188.jpeg (218.71 KB, 750x423, 37A71DBD-F7A5-42A6-BE72-DE1AE8…)

>>706250Samefagging but Laur’s previous management company was called IIMG Management and her partner was Oscar Benjamin. Oscar is an extra, radio host & camera operator according to his IMBD page. That company fell apart in 2018 and Laur started using the name Jeaniez Management. I’d love to have the info on why they parted ways and dissolved IIMG Management.
No. 706259
File: 1568839400528.png (413.94 KB, 1168x518, 128912741982.png)

>>706256It could just be that my brain doesn't trust men not to be scummy, but the excerpt I was able to read from that IndieBlush interview (pic related) really made me feel uneasy, given Lillee's age at the time. A middle-aged man harping on about mesmerizing eyes and comparing a 15-year-old to adult sex symbols is gross, to me.
No. 706292
File: 1568847653724.png (1.49 MB, 1242x2208, CAF7FE1F-6524-4EC6-98AC-392970…)

>>706133Never heard of Lauren Elyse until this drama but she seems to have way more followers on Instagram: 286k. She has put Lillee on blast on her story so hopefully this will give Laur and Lillee the punishment they deserve. I took screenshots of all her story posts but not sure if I should flood the thread with them
No. 706316
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No. 706327
File: 1568855022666.jpeg (435.47 KB, 1242x1145, ABE4153D-C909-40FB-B4DA-80D0C8…)

No. 706328
File: 1568855065159.jpeg (561.51 KB, 1242x1638, 61B90033-3159-482F-835E-652A51…)

No. 706334
File: 1568857748282.jpeg (166.38 KB, 750x809, AB8305B4-A600-430F-A773-9E4C3C…)

Oh look. Lillee uses a slur on her Twitter
No. 706335
>>706333Good insight. I don't think they really ever had a plan besides "fake it till you make it". I think they really thought they could just buy their way into fame and no one would question it. And that there wouldn't be any dissenting opinions whatsoever, because LJ is a perfect angel in their eyes, they just needed a way to show her to the world and the world would just fall in love with her and her career would take off on its own from there. They really thought, and continue to think, that they're pulling a fast one on everyone. And that this "hate" is random and will all just blow over if she keeps truckin'. I don't think they even are slightly aware of why everyone wants them to take a seat, they just chalk it all up to jealousy. They probably equate all the "hate" Lillee receives to the hate the Kardashians/Kris Jenner get. Both Laur and LJ need humbled a huge amount but they're on such a high horse that I'm not sure what would even touch them since nothing is their fault. I really believe fucking Beyonce could call them out and in their delusional minds they'd think she's jealous and that SHE'S the one missing out. They're both completely nuts, through and through. I mean you gotta be really fucking insane to get Revlon to block you.
This is just such a wild ride.
No. 706337
File: 1568858584056.jpg (151.68 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_20190918-220215_Red…)

Samefag but I thought this was interesting.
No. 706347
>>706327god man i mean it's been
days since she harassed anyone. give her a break, move on guys!
No. 706358
File: 1568861337324.jpeg (243.56 KB, 750x703, 54995FA2-B368-487F-A79F-659B91…)

Jeaniez Management isn’t a corporation or incorporated. But go off Laur.
No. 706363
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No. 706364
File: 1568861638308.jpg (554.65 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20190918-225156_Ins…)

No. 706379
>>706363QoB responded like an “animal”. I find that hard to believe. She says LJ knew the troll accounts were impersonating QoB (the acct was named Lola and wasn’t impersonating anyone) why did Laur call QoB’s place of employment? Other than just being a spiteful piece of shit.
Laur has a new BGC thread, a shit ton of people taking the piss out of her on twitter and she’s getting dog piled on Instagram AND she still believes it’s a select few creating hundreds of accounts at this point to bully her poor Lillee. The entire fucking beauty community thinks you’re vile, Laur. Pack it up.
No. 706409
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new “fan” account
No. 706454
File: 1568872208220.jpeg (54.58 KB, 575x418, 0EFE2E6A-70CD-42E7-BC6E-2CB5FC…)

The message LJ sent QoB
No. 706515
File: 1568884160428.png (182.94 KB, 656x523, Wtftimelineisthis.png)

Don't know if any anons caught this but she's followed by Obama's official account
No. 706517
File: 1568884230592.png (18.4 KB, 659x210, Wtftimelineisthis2.png)

No. 706547
File: 1568895249780.jpg (493.6 KB, 1080x1799, Screenshot_20190918-224941_Ins…)

>>706499I knew this "proof" wasn't actually going to be proof at all, not that that needed said. When she does stuff like this that's when I truly do wonder about her mental abilities. Or does she just think everyone else is so dumb they won't question stuff like this? I'm kinda leaning more toward that.
Sage because the top comment in this screenshot has been posted already but the second one hasn't.
No. 706552
File: 1568895769780.jpg (326.53 KB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20190918-221318_Ins…)

Samefag. This is so stupid it hurts, in what world is this not spam?
No. 706573
>>706552I’m sure we can report these as spam on Instagram. Since then admit that most of these accounts are Laur and Lillee Jean’s it means they admit to spamming their own accounts to boost engagement.
>>706499The romalatte on Twitter changed her name to Lola Dildolores not Laur.
No. 706585
File: 1568903560525.jpg (460.81 KB, 1080x1789, 20190919_102924.jpg)

I'm not sure what account this lady is referring to, but is this possible?
No. 706590
>>706585That was one call out account laur got deleted, I think the old woman might be real and be irl laur friend perhaps ?
>>706552Been reporting for spam and I don’t even get a support message back
No. 706598
File: 1568906390850.jpeg (160.31 KB, 750x725, 0768F487-B234-4E55-8F2E-797423…)

It’s all about Laur
No. 706732
File: 1568922386979.jpeg (189.44 KB, 750x560, DD86F65B-E654-47BE-9305-DD39DC…)

Is Laur for real here? If she doesn’t enjoy hurting people, why would she phone the workplace of someone who had never heard of Lillee Jean to get her fired? Why would her and LJ say such horrendous things in her podcast (bffdees has tweeted some highlights but be warned they’re disturbing)? Why would she report Lauren Elyse as spam?
No. 706742
File: 1568923583148.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, 2DA6247B-6B31-4734-B68D-30FF32…)

Morphe is sending LJ PR now
No. 706781
File: 1568930159332.jpeg (330.85 KB, 750x873, D2432C88-FEB9-4C04-9075-9F378B…)

She exploited her underage child by posting incredibly inappropriate pictures and exposing her to random foreign men.
High five!
No. 706804
File: 1568931798542.jpg (305.26 KB, 1080x917, Screenshot_20190919-182137_Gal…)

>>706785Whoever made this thread should do it again if they're here. It was hilarious and very well put together. I vote for
>>702415 for a possible thread pic? There are so many choices though. And for some reason this picture of Laur cracks me up.
No. 706842
I vote for
>>705660 as next thread pic
No. 706848
>>706842I second
>>705660 for next thread pic
No. 706886
File: 1568942657733.webm (6.62 MB, 640x800, media.io_29912596_435574926872…)
>>706804I'm here. Sorry for the delay. My tablet is being a scrote.
Please enjoy this musical performance in the interim!
No. 706901
>>706886Thanks for making me spit my coffee across my desk anon.
So many flat notes.
Girl needs to get her shit together, maybe go to drama school and work on her shit. Get a new “manager” because her mother is ruining her chances of a career. Join an agency and get used to being an extra for a while so she can get more experience in front of the camera, set etiquette, publicist and entertainment industry etiquette. Hell, if she worked on her singing she could even get into amateur musical theatre to build on her acting skills.
I kinda want to see her break free from her mum, ditch her own delusions and thrive but it ain’t going to happen the way things currently are.