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No. 71061

"erhmegerd! Im n japan! Dis ish da combini! Omg, sushi! Omg, trains!"

No. 71226

I only know venus and kooter

No. 71250

Obvs kanadajin3

No. 71255

Magibon still does the same lame videos as usual, I wonder if she works besides having quite the YouTube income.

No. 71261

Magibon is still alive? Holy shit I thought when she was exposed for being ugly as hale that whole thing ended??

No. 71265

Nope, she is still living in Japan and making the same usual videos.

No. 71266

And she works for WaseiTV.

No. 71312

Her face and teeth are still the thing of nightmares.

No. 71319


This. Something tells me she's still going to tell people how to live in Japan and how Japanese she is when she's 80 years old and being deported.

No. 71544

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kek. this is from the "Magibon : Attempting Chinese Calligraphy" video.

No. 72866

She's not really ugly though, actually quite cute. Her teeth are just the worst. I'm surprised she didn't get them fixed.

Isn't she like 30 now?

No. 72925

in japan it's considered kawaii to have ugly teeth

it's like the ~youthful~ look

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