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No. 718918
Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.
> Will move to Saudi Arabia in “3-5” years. At all times.
> “Is totally still in Japan, guyz!”
> Saudi Arabia is superior to the west.
> Husband pounds chip covered bed?
> “Stockers” are trying to kill her
> Now has a gaming channel cause “stockers”?
> “BTS is haram, look at this photo of them kissing a statue!!”Twitter: (muslim): (japanese): YouTube #2: #3 Thread:
>>>/pt/717695 No. 719056
File: 1571148720333.png (90.44 KB, 1424x446, スクリーンショット 2019-10-15 9.12.28.p…)

>>719040As said in the last thread, she still claims to be in Japan
No. 719063
File: 1571151092374.jpg (957.59 KB, 1242x1633, zTXYGOf.jpg)

^Just in case anyone forgot since the last thread. Mira is an evil, disgusting human being.
>>719031I believe he’s Saudi, but the absolute lowest rung of ladder. He is not particularly educated nor skilled. Those kind of Saudi men do exist and they end up bumming around places like Canada instead of prestigious universities. Don’t forget that her marriage was arranged and performed in Canada, where that man must have been living already, and she fully admitted their marriage is not
valid in Japan or Saudi Arabia. That man-boy went into a quickie marriage with a peanut brain like her while knowing that his young age(based on recent Saudi law)made their marriage invalid in Saudi Arabia.
No. 719142
File: 1571174020112.png (60.37 KB, 275x237, 7475BC20-1666-4F8C-83F5-C55F5C…)

Miranda is totally in japan
No. 719250
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It’s amazing how she will flip flop any position as long as she can gain attention from it. She hated trump up until a year or two ago.
No. 719582
File: 1571273974256.png (162.47 KB, 1242x574, スクリーンショット 2019-10-17 9.59.32.p…)

Miranda is involved in a LONG debate about gender issues in Japan and gets called out by everyone for her lack of knowledge
No. 719643
File: 1571286542148.jpg (327.1 KB, 1237x1337, HOWEZ3k.jpg)

^It’s the return of “our country” and the royal “we” is in her next reply! Just the other day, she was screeching at Saudi teens about “our children” being corrupted in Saudi Arabia, and in the same week, she was complaining that HER country(her own exact words) of Canada is a liberal Hell hole that wants to inject her with Testosterone. You can’t be all three, Mira. Japan fully rejected you, you haven’t been to Saudi Arabia in your life and they don’t recognize your sham marriage, so there is only Canada for you.
>>719582>my jobHer chosen HOBBY that she happened to make money off of before completely sabotaging that source of income. All while begging(and lying) for handouts from a lonely Norwegian man. YouTube is also not her employer, just a platform that allowed her to generate income depending on how hard she decided to work for it.
>know the geography and history like that back of my handLet’s see: got lost and poorly planned trips so that she missed buses/got wrong trains and frequently stayed in manga cafes instead of a hotel like real employees do on business trips. Also made men who were not her husband pay for her when she conveniently forgot her money or overspent. Constantly mistranslated information and argued with real Japanese about prefectural facts/culture. Let’s not forget that she once claimed that 29.6% of people from Akita had Caucasian ancestry, when that number was actually from a study(commonly used by cosmetics companies) analyzing skin tones. The kanji used was for white(as in pale) skin, not white people. Of course, she doubled down and refused to admit her error, despite being corrected multiple times.
This bitch is really arguing that Japanese has no neutral or interchangeable pronouns and/or honorifics, or even youth trends in speech? Japanese cannot be directly compared with English but if you want to simplify it, yes, Japanese has many so-called pronouns which denote all sorts of things from sex, gender stereotypes, politeness and social hierarchy. Not on the level of fantasy neo-pronouns but Japanese flip the gender on these words all the time in casual conversation. Tomboys using boku, effeminate guys using atashi, small boys using ore and sounding like an old man. Kun and chan not always denoting gender but endearment. As for transgender, you can legally change your gender marker after a confirmation process that includes counseling and doctor approval, making sure applicant does not have children under 18, and finally SRS.
No. 719645
File: 1571286870219.png (158.28 KB, 1214x728, スクリーンショット 2019-10-17 13.33.57.…)

Miranda threatens to "travel" to Canada to vote against people who support LGBT rights
No. 719671
File: 1571296497666.jpg (48.3 KB, 480x640, aEoZyEC.jpg)

>>719649 ^Mira’s just going to pretend like these two legends don’t exist or that “onee” are not a staple of Japanese variety programs? Quick, Mira. Call NHK and tell them that 4 year olds should not see Miwa-san as the sun on Nihongo de Asobo!
This turd went to Tokyo pride while claiming to be bisexual, sure as Hell knows all about Ni-chome, all the mama-sans and gay bars there, all the androgynous characters in mainstream media and feminine fashion trends for hetero men that would not be tolerated in many places in the west, female-only Takarazuka Revue that has housewives sending love letters to the “male” actors. Oh, wait. Mira spent all her time drunk, chasing men, arguing online and hanging out with only gaijin instead of actually getting to know real Japanese people. Rodi was her only Japanese friend and true link to Japan, but we all know how that went.
No. 719833
File: 1571355178918.jpg (339.92 KB, 1242x1908, MBsTbHR.jpg)

^ Yet another cultural aspect Mira has gotten wrong but refuses to admit she made a mistake. Fucking idiot. Western style adoption, where a child legally becomes part of another family and changes their name, is forbidden in Islam. Only fostering and guardianship is allowed because blood ties are regarded as unbreakable and it is sin to deny another man’s fatherhood. It’s even worse when the adoptive family is not Muslim.
>>719643I didn’t realize how big her sperg was in that thread! She totally reverted back to claiming she was Japanese. We, we, we. Our country. My culture. My country. Speaking in absolutes, declaring that all Japanese agree with her and throwing in awkward Japanese replies to Americans.
No. 719843
File: 1571356893757.png (349.58 KB, 1202x1366, スクリーンショット 2019-10-18 8.59.56.p…)

Miranda ranting about not being sensitive about being called a muslim brotherhood supporter
No. 719930
>>719859You’ve never seen a First Nation-Jamaican-Swedish-Japanese-Saudi Arabian woman, anon? Lol
>>719900That’s what happens when you live in a bubble and start building an alternate reality from your personal ideals. She has no idea how Japanese think and those that have clashed with her always got blocked.
No. 720103
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Miranda advises her followers to watch out for her stockers
No. 720104
File: 1571444687884.png (148.49 KB, 1256x488, スクリーンショット 2019-10-19 9.24.40.p…)

Miranda complains of the evils of social media and Youtube…yet continues to use both nonstop
No. 720191
>>720103She is constantly fighting with and insulting people everyday on Twitter and she’s blaming “stalkers” for turning people against her? Why doesn’t she stop commenting on strangers’ posts, retweeting herself to get more attention for these posts, inserting herself in sensitive political issues that she has no business talking about and tagging her merry band of assholes to come join her in every argument?
>>720185No, they’re still being cunts together but Adrianna doesn’t post every two hours like methhead Mira. Mira will hold on to her and not cross her no matter what because that woman is actually the pampered Saudi princess Mira wishes to be.
No. 720320
>>720230I’m wondering whether Miranda has said to her that the Muslim stuff is just a facade, if I were genuinely her friend I’d be pissed by the stuff she posts.. it’s gotta be all one big joke for attention?
Her so called stalkers don’t even engage with her other than calling out her bullshit tweets or comments, and when she isn’t getting enough attention she has to mention them, like with the tweet earlier.
The stupid thing is, she can absolutely have social media without it ‘ruining’ her life, if she chooses to leave kanadajin behind and not identify herself!
No. 720338
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>>720323The alkanadiya twitter is an account she had before, she just changed the name. Easily found if you’re looking for stuff she has said
No. 720471
>>720382It’s whoever wrote this.
It’s all discord stuff you are not invited to SMH
No. 720482
>>720471"Screenshots prove nothing!" - quote from Miranda
>>720480No one is mailing her followers, and Adrianna was quick to believe her. She never received DMs from "stockers."
No. 720511
File: 1571554447722.jpg (285.49 KB, 1231x1550, aDFsaNp.jpg)

Only information given:
> your hubby sound depressed in his tweets>Lives in Toronto
>Oh, hey, Mira! Somebody just messaged me, out of 2.9 million people in Toronto, and I am definitely not your husband! I will not show proof of the message you sent me, I mean, the stalker sent me, but let’s announce this all publicly. Mira. STOP. You don’t get out of a lie with more lies. She has opened the sock drawer once again.
>>720504Because I said I found her husband’s public Twitter and I told her to stop impersonating a Japanese person.
No. 720529
>>720516Wow she really is delulu.
Miranda you go on and on about these so called stalkers yet all you seem to do is dox peoples accounts to get your followers to harass them.
No one is messaging your followers.
Stop making up rumours because literally no one believes anything you come up with.
I do love it when you get caught and lock your Twitter though, just proves us right
No. 720539
>>720529Mira is in panic mode after seeing this
>>719960. Yes,
>>720516exactly 2 days ago. Thanks for the frame of reference. Mira, stop lying about receiving messages. I have NEVER contacted you or anyone you know. Nobody knew the information but me and I only shared those vague details here. Don’t go harassing people on Twitter or PULL, asshole.
Mira is creating sock puppets and a fake story to make it seem like stalkers are sending messages but it’s actually all her. Just like every other time she gets caught in a big lie. New stalker gangs and more suicide threats instead admitting the truth.
No. 720548
>>720546It's the old messages she screenshoted up to June 2019. She was Anonno7 in the chat.
90% of the chats in the Discord group were all fake because everyone knew she tried to get in the first time months before Anonno7 was created.
No. 720780
File: 1571620625304.jpg (403.11 KB, 1242x1239, XGxiYTY.jpg)

Al-baby hands
No. 720783
File: 1571620721891.jpg (606.08 KB, 1242x1450, fejrapE.jpg)

Looks familiar…
No. 720786
File: 1571621326519.jpg (312.05 KB, 1242x1531, aoE58ZP.jpg)

It’s husbando #3
No. 720792
>>720786Oh no we can see his arms! This is haram!
I mean the dude does have fat little hands like the cretin that was eating chips off of the bed but he's not nearly as fat as I imagined.
Where's the proof that this is him?
No. 720824
File: 1571630305224.jpg (862.42 KB, 1242x1586, iG4wOYs.jpg)

>Where's the proof that this is him?Her immediate reaction to these posts
>>719960 >>720382 is more than coincidence. She reacted much too quickly to just a few words. Also the fact that she preemptively started claiming that people were messaging her followers and “not husband”
>>720511, even though no one else could have suspected him. If there was no link to him, why panic? If I was wrong, then just laugh it off or ignore it.
>>720810^It’s the @shekahype guy.
I need to reiterate: I NEVER contacted Mira, the husband or her followers. She made that up. I don’t have a Twitter or means to reach them. Secondly, Mira, I am not involved with that discord you’re obsessed with and I have never contacted any of those people. You wasted a lot of time there. I’m not in Canada nor do I have contacts there so I’m not interested in digging into your Canadian life. Just stop bullying young Muslim girls and focus on actually being a good wife to that misguided, tiny dude of yours.
No. 720832
File: 1571632121951.png (1.67 MB, 1440x1749, 20191021_002743.png)

>>720824You sound like the guy that said he had video of Miranda giving head in a hajib. When she deleted her Twitter sperg boy said "see! It's true! This is my proof!".
She deletes her shit all the fucking time. This isn't proof.
You're telling me peach fuzz lips over here is supposed to be this guy?
No. 720834
File: 1571632385425.png (2.09 MB, 1391x1987, 20191021_003152.png)

Samefag but here's another refresher on those soft pudgy little baby hands that have never worked in their lives. Now tell me this is the same ugly little hand holding that leaf.
No. 720845
File: 1571636666197.png (95.98 KB, 1156x436, スクリーンショット 2019-10-21 14.40.56.…)

>>720824I don't think this guy is him.
His English seems to be elementary level and he would have already made this account private since Miranda checks lolcow 24/7.
Plus, knowing about Miranda's past, he wouldn't retweet stuff like "How can you marry someone you already know that she has been test driven by many men before you?"
No. 720854
File: 1571644639547.jpg (68.24 KB, 549x983, 1548880839039.jpg)

>>720850samefag, pic I mean is at
>>>/pt/634362 No. 720861
File: 1571648760222.jpg (334.71 KB, 1242x1504, 3gHR4Gk.jpg)

^Oh, my god. Which idiot is making these threats? Who the fuck is “we”? Nobody is working together or wants to harm Mira and nobody ever said anything about going after her husband. This happens every time. I have a feeling it might be Mira herself due to it being newly registered and not resembling the way anyone here talks because it’s so try-hard, but it might just be some creep thinking he’s edgy.
>>720832I don’t see how. That troll provided nothing but anecdotes and taunts towards lolcow. No links to anything, not a hint of a photograph and no new information. Around the same time, a new poster showed up on PULL, teasing about already known information then whining that other poster are mean to “him” before disappearing. It’s not the typical pattern now. Do you want me to quote my own posting history or something?
Look at the timing of this overly aggressive Derek J account that conveniently appeared, suddenly making over-the-top threats when nobody says stuff like that. Remember how Mira freaked out when KM said he wanted to go Japan to take LEGAL action against her and she started going crazy with “KM and his gang are coming to kill me!” stories? She’s doing that right now, trying to cause distraction.
No. 720869
>>720861Good find anon!
Oh Miranda this is so low. Please do yourself a favour and stay off the internet
No. 720876
>>720861I wouldn't be surprised if Miranda made these posts herself
"Look guys, I'm being stocked!"
No. 720879
File: 1571658763069.jpg (112.75 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20191021_075150.jpg)

Here's a photo from the users account. We can compare his hand with saudi fat hands
No. 720882
>>720869This sock puppet’s location so also says “lolcow” and it was made right after it was pointed out that she had no proof of mass threats. Ridiculous Canadian woman.
Even on private, you can still see her joining her regular group of Twitter morality police and ganging up on Saudis, non-practicing Muslims and ex-Muslims. ALL their targets are women. Every single day she does this and she has the gall to call herself the
victim of online stalking?! Some of these women are living in Canada too. This is how you know all her claims of blood-thirsty stalkers are just projection of her own twisted mind. She’s the one actually getting off on the possibility of innocent women and gay people getting murdered. She’s the one leaving nasty comments on random young girls’ posts and hoping those other dickheads follow. Have you seen her gloat about getting blocked or getting the girls to delete their accounts?
No. 720885
File: 1571661089513.png (51.89 KB, 1174x182, スクリーンショット 2019-10-21 21.31.37.…)

>>720824I'm not buying that this guy is her "husband"
No. 721042
>>720893 If somebody from here decided to go mail this guy making threats on our behalf then we need to let everyone know we don’t stand for that. We also don’t stand for posting pictures of people related to the cow and that can be found in the farm rules. In the end this incident makes us look bad and it only causes more problems than good. Anybody who lurks here could have created a fake Twitter account just to harass this guy. So please keep that in mind when you post information about people, A 50-50 percent chance that this guy is her husband is not a
valid reason to just post somebody’s pictures online. The pictures that we have of her husband and the pictures of this guy don’t match up and even if they did it doesn’t prove that that’s actually the same guy.
No. 721052
>>721042I appreciate what you’re saying, but she made the sock twitter account and made those threats herself. Don’t fall for her bait.
No one here is emailing or messaging you or any of your followers Miranda, post the caps or shut up.
No. 721053
>>721042You realize it's MORE likely Miranda made the account herself?
I agree that anons should not create socks to harass random people, but this screams Miranda.
No. 721189
If there was no merit to the claims about that guy, why did she have such a disproportionate reaction? Why did she start harassing her own followers with socks, including that man? It was quite obviously her making those accounts but why?
>>721106Except compared what happened with blowjob anon, she actually started claiming there was harassment of her followers and there we saw uncharacteristic threats of violence towards suspected husband. No one seriously thinks a rogue anon was doing all that, do you? I think people forget how insane and committed she was to her socks on PULL back in the day.
No. 721210
File: 1571718743130.png (98 KB, 422x626, Screen_Shot_2019-10-21_at_6.14…)

Miranda comments on the situation
No. 721235
>>721210"My life story is the most obscene conspiracy theory I have ever heard"
At least she is honest about being the most paranoid person ever.
I still don't feel bad for her since she has NOT quit youtube/social media and continues to enjoy harassing strangers with her wahhabist bullshit on her alkanadiya account
No. 721302
>>721210She harasses innocent women all day long, most who are very young or in vulnerable situations. She celebrates the deaths of LGBT people and apostates and taunts those who are in danger. Even Kellogg’s cereal was a recent target of her daily derision because she can never stop looking for things to hate. Her entire reason for being on Twitter is to argue or target someone/something, no matter how innocuous their “offense” is. And still says she doesn’t know why people don’t like her?
YOUTUBE IS FUCKING IRRELEVANT. You can forget everything that happened before 2018 because she’s still a nasty, shameless person who finds new people to victimize. She hasn’t changed one bit.
No. 721373
>>721363She's alienating anyone that was a fan of hers at some point (runningbear, that old man john something?)
Her Muslim followers are actual Muslims so they're not going to attack people they don't know for no reason.
No. 721384
>>721363She’s really trying hard, she’s posted links to her ig twice on her community posts. I’m not really sure how she gets away with it but I am glad literally no one cares what she says.
She’s just so annoyed that she can’t get away with being an asshole online without people calling her out.
No. 721398
File: 1571770752783.png (5.3 KB, 322x39, unknown.thumb.png.d590c4d3b70a…)

Taken for PULL: "the canadian election is live on youtube right now and she said this in the chat.
By the by, she nuked her Mira Nagayama twitter around the time of this
>>720780 ,
>>720786 posts. Make of that what you will.
No. 721413
>>721399Yep sure is!
For the love of god Miranda just delete it, why keep it with not in use written at the top?
No. 721425
>>721413If she did that she wouldn't be able to keep pointing to it for "special
victim" points
No. 721569
>>721302Miranda's main hobby is bickering online. Plenty of YouTubers don't have evil stockers, because they don't make any enemies.
Miranda has literally made an enemy of anyone she's ever known. She's lied, stolen money, bad mouthed, and showed hypocrisy.
She wants everyone she's wronged in the past to simply forget and leave her alone, for all her reputation to just evaporate.
Her isolation and exclusion from others just feeds the flame of her extremism.
The fact that Islam breeds extremism and preaches "brotherhood" regardless of the person's background or past is very attractive to miranda.
She loves the asspats she receives by advocating the death penalty for gay marriage because an ancient book says so. It gives her the ability to validate and latch on to a moral code and belong to a group.
No. 721807
File: 1571880504931.gif (102.85 KB, 284x280, 98323781.gif)

>>721801"I think somethings she has said actually make sense"
"I want to know what you are referring"
No. 721812
>>721801Def troll, but what the hell:
She said you couldn’t buy mustard in Japan. She said that Japanese people didn’t wear deodorant and that it was hard to find in stores. And that Japanese people didn’t eat grapes whole.
No. 721818
>>721812Don't get me started about what she doesn't understand about Japan (By the way, I have been living in Japan far longer than you, Miranda, and I actually succeeded at becoming a Japanese citizen)
For a start, her rants about Japan not accepting/having transgender people are nonsense since sex changes are legally recognized in Japan and transgender people can be commonly seen on television without any social backlash
No. 721847
>>721801>sit your goofy ass down.You forgot to add “son” at the end.
>>721818I don’t know why she keeps acting like there aren’t many of us who have been here longer, been through all the hoops of immigration and societal integration and have actual Japanese families and friends to reaffirm our experiences. She never had a normal marriage with a Japanese, didn’t have family, no long term Japanese friends besides Rodi, never experienced the Japanese education system, doesn’t know what it’s like the have a full time job (and keep it,), always argued in favor of more Western liberal views on immigration and nationality(but only to her benefit), etc. Her relationships with real Japanese people were superficial at best and she always referenced English articles written by Westerners to assert her authority. Who is going to consider someone with limited personal experiences a Japanese expert? Especially one that FAILED to obtain citizenship despite an incredible 99% application approval rate. That’s higher than “immigration paradises” Canada and Sweden!
No. 721865
>>721853WE Japanese.
As a Canadian/What happened to MY country?
The Western Liberals corrupting OUR children(in Saudi Arabia)
LOL. She said that the cultural aspects of First Nations people were equally part of every Canadians culture, as was Jamaican patois, so nobody could accuse her of appropriation. So that’s about 5 identities she simultaneously lays claim to? Then peppers her speech with AAVE for good measure. I hope she touches on Chicano culture one day.
No. 721924
File: 1571916544047.jpeg (218.87 KB, 1440x1011, AF266B3D-B1CE-40EC-B011-EF4847…)

First of all Miranda, no one ‘found’ that twitter account because you announced it yourself.
Secondly no one is saying they want to kill you or your ‘husband’, there are absolutely no death threats whatsoever. If there were I am positive the authorities would be involved and since you’ve publicly admitted they won’t help, you’re clearly lying.
Post your evidence or stop making these ridiculous accusations. No one is making you look bad - your lies are doing this.
Thirdly, no one is messaging your followers - posting screen shots here are not messages
No. 721925
File: 1571917815349.jpg (874.01 KB, 1398x2300, 20191024_074920.jpg)

Next time, don't make it so fucking easy to find your retarded ass. Your followers out your new accounts every time, Miranda.
You're fucking delulu
No. 721932
File: 1571920151511.jpeg (250.82 KB, 750x765, AE018568-07E8-43ED-8429-B7C1A9…)

>>721926She lasted 4 days.
If any of her followers end up here: she’s a pathological liar. The fact she is on numerous gossip sites speaks volumes.
What she defines as stalking is in fact members of the general public posting screenshots of her PUBLIC twitter. She’s getting butthurt because she can’t get away with being a horrible person. She is always a
No. 721934
File: 1571920880962.png (366.65 KB, 1240x1348, スクリーンショット 2019-10-24 21.41.06.…)

Miranda rants about how the stockers are trying to kill her
No. 721936
>>721812Damn I didn’t know she said all that yeah they have mustard and deodorant here granted it’s not so great.
>>721818Again I’m not Mira and we both know trannies are weirdos here. They are on TV as a joke nothing more. If your a tranny then people will avoid you this is common sense. I knew a tranny at the office who before and everyone avoided him like the plague and still called him a man or outright just wouldn’t talk to him (this is an all Japanese staff). So yeah I think she’s right about tranny shit goofy boy.
No. 721939
>>721937Are you the blow job anon?
The only person who would stick up for Miranda and refer to her as Mira is tkyosam.
Although I think that’s a personal tinfoil.
No. 721940
>>721936"Again I'm not Mira"
Thank you for your input Miranda. Move along now.
No. 722065
>>721924>It doesn’t effect meExcept she loses he mind and concocts another insane string of tales and/or sock puppets.
>>721932Attention everyone! I am making a new account, talking about the same subjects and doing nothing to disguise my distinctive grammar and syntax! Please look for it, I mean, goodbye forever!
>>721936>this is common senseYou tried. See you later, when you purposely reveal your next Twitter account!
No. 722141
File: 1571987246377.jpeg (535.76 KB, 1242x1855, 33EC475D-6261-4024-A8FE-6DDF2D…)

Get ready for Miranda's new secret identity!
No. 722142
File: 1571987356052.jpeg (637.58 KB, 1242x2007, 2882F4A4-9531-4527-9CF2-351E49…)

Long rant about her family and Canada
No. 722148
File: 1571995335652.png (1003.45 KB, 1900x914, スクリーンショット 2019-10-25 18.21.29.…)

This suspiciously seems like her new channel.
What do you guys think? No. 722269
>>722155I agree it's too shakey and too long to be Randa's vid but I wouldn't put it past her to put music in her videos, especially if she thinks she's "annonomous".
She seemed to be very aware of what BTS does for some reason.
No. 722407
File: 1572060339235.jpeg (155.21 KB, 815x493, 5EBDBA13-C140-4F2A-98B7-40CE8C…)

Miranda is going to create another half-assed channel?
No. 722430
>>722407She bs'edv again about her writing YouTube again. She uses her
victim status for views.
No. 722446
>>722407>”Curse the day I started YouTube! I wish someone had warned me 8 years ago!”>”I will no longer upload on YouTube or post on Twitter! Adieu! “>Lasts one day >Back on Twitter, as usual.>”I’m making a super secret Twitter account!”>Plans to create several more channels. >Could have easily included English, Japanese and Arabic subtitle options on one channel for the same damn game but chooses not to.>>722428I’m not into this 64 genders, suck my girl dick trans cult nonsense but you’re full of shit, ISIS-Chan. Your little story about working in an all-Japanese office(lol) that happened to hire a transgender person despite everyone hating them is a total lie. You know full well that there is no forced diversity hiring here unless they deal with a significant amount of foreigners(like certain universities). That person wouldn’t have been hired or they would have been fired by now. If they were still employed, it would be because they didn’t cause problems.
Japanese don’t embrace a gender disaster like in the UK, but they also don’t aggressively ostracize and humiliate trans people who aren’t entitled cluster B AGP assholes that are so prominent in the West. They choose to leave them alone. Just like they do with a certain batshit niqabi.
>>722433She sure likes to project her own individual feelings on an entire population despite never having meaningful relationships with anyone here. Like I mentioned above, the twist of the Japanese cultural view is that many expect heteronormative, classic transsexuals, which would be “
problematic” to Western TRAs. So not particularly supportive, but not hostile disgust either.
No. 722464
File: 1572077793172.jpeg (10.81 KB, 190x265, images-2.jpeg)

>>722428Miranda, thank you for your detailed scientific analysis of the attitudes of Japanese people regarding transgender individuals.
Move along now.
(infighting, derailing) No. 722492
File: 1572086805714.jpg (240.83 KB, 1242x1628, O1yHMIX.jpg)

For someone who is supposed to be living her life 100% halal, she sure does spend a lot of time watching videos and and searching for images of haram events going on in a place she has never been. This time, she’s raging about Saudis enjoying music events held at the grounds of a mosque. Imagine associating the most important community building with a place of fun and warmth of humanity!
Mira is NEVER going to Saudi Arabia. She’s planting the seeds of bitterness so she has an excuse for not moving to Saudi Arabia because it’s changing too much rather than her being a miserable asshole who would start trouble there. So why be so determined to stay in “Japan”, a country that embodies nearly everything that is haram? It would make more sense to flee to a neighboring Asian Muslim country rather than the complete opposite.
No. 722508
File: 1572096169657.jpg (279.92 KB, 1434x920, Screenshot_20191026-091819_Twi…)

So does this Twitter profile update mean you feel scared of your so called stocker Miranda?
Is this you hiding in plain sight? You're a sad excuse for a human being, and I hope karma bites you in the face with all this wish death and severe punishment on fellow humans.
No. 722559
>>722508With a bio like that she will get reported for hate speech eventually.
You give Islam a bad name Miranda
No. 722661
>>722559She's not really a muslim, just a saudi fetishist.
In any case, with a bio like that, it's no wonder why she constantly makes new enemies
No. 722760
>>722433Why not ask any of the trannies who lived here? I say lived because they probably left.
>>722446Yeah you are right here it’s more about passive aggressiveness. So the Japanese people who you were cool with will just kind of avoid you if you transition. HR might power harass you to quit as well.
Also again, I’m not Mira and not everyone works an English teaching job. We all know the reputation English teachers have here and you should be embarrassed if you work there over a year (unless it’s your passion etc.)
>>722777Nice counter.
Anyways Mira is not in Japan but I’m curious what happens to her next. I think eventually she will start making videos in Canada and just come with a lie as to why she’s in Canada. TkyoHam will make a reaction video.
No. 722919
File: 1572183284362.jpg (211.62 KB, 1240x1154, seFS62v.jpg)

Mira went crazy in the comments but I missed what she wrote before it was deleted
No. 722920
File: 1572183337617.jpg (216.25 KB, 1241x1145, UPLx1uX.jpg)

Switching accounts
No. 722921
File: 1572183386770.jpg (188.49 KB, 1235x1162, T2ysgm7.jpg)

Changing again.
No. 722923
>>722919Wow.. but Miranda is totally not obsessed with Rody.
Man, she wanted that dick in the worst way.
No. 722931
File: 1572189113293.jpg (349.46 KB, 1188x1663, 2e77XLA.jpg)

Mira proving that half of Rodi’s subs are actually her.
>my own FRIEND
She must have been standing in front of the mirror when this happened. But, wait… Mira was already in the chat the whole time, using multiple accounts. How did a “friend” wake her up to tell her about the deportation rumor that has been going around for more than a year? Why is Mira’s notification alarms so loud that they would jolt her awake?
Did anyone ever figure out what she meant by her usage of next woman/next man?
No. 722942
File: 1572196049611.png (2.53 MB, 2258x1014, kanaadajin3-deported-rodi.PNG.…)

>>722931"REPENT!" This is hilarious
Miranda must have been really
triggered by Rodi
No. 723062
File: 1572218654255.png (926.11 KB, 1023x640, C09C36FB-E939-4863-B877-4283AE…)

>>722931In response to Miranda’s rant there..
(autism) No. 723074
>>723064I know that the rule for most religions is that the converts are usually more gung-ho than those who were raised in it, but holy shit does she take it to the extreme
I feel bad for any normal Muslims she encounters irl, she probably scares the hell out of them with her insane ramblings lmao
No. 723075
>>723072Complaining youtube is causing her so many problem in life : create new youtubes channels
Miranda logic!
No. 723076
>>723072What is with her accent? She's just yelling and sloppily crunching away loudly on food, smacking her lips.
She did almost slipped up and said "when I'm back in Ja… when I'm back outside of Japan. When I move to Saudi Arabia". kek.
She's now explaining what a vore fetish is. And claimed lolcow has a "deportation fetish".
No. 723133
>>723072She says she doesn't stalk anyone yet she stalks Rody, all the people she hurt and she complains hope she was forced to quit YouTube because of haters. Yet still makes veggies. She uses
victim hood for status when it's all bs.
No. 723166
File: 1572250070999.jpg (96.01 KB, 1638x842, screenshot_2019_10_28_1706.JPG)

Here we go again, 2nd stream from Canada. "FAQ" No. 723171
>>723169Well for one she’s accusing people of trying to kill her and lying about literally everything.
I don’t doubt she’s mentally ill but this doesn’t make us look stupid - it only confirms what she’s doing!
No. 723214
>>723179If proof existed, she would have posted it already. Miranda is neither cunning nor sly.
During last night's live stream she gave herself asspats because she thinks she's some form of genius. Sweetheart, all you do with your time is obsess over us and spread ISIS propaganda. You're not special
No. 723229
Random thoughts from her later stream since I didn't see anyone say anything.
* Rants about stockers (no surprise).
* Shows drone footage of a river that she apparently took. Seems to be in some random mountain village tourist-trap, but you can only catch a glimpse because stockers.
* Apparently if anyone learns her PC specs, then the stockers will use it against her.
* She likes to binge shows on Netflix. She needs to stop though, because she begins to have delusions that she is in the show, and that the show is occurring to her IRL.
* She recently traveled to Canada. This is confirmed because she saw "From Japan to Egypt" in Netflix. This was added to NA Netflix fairly recently, so she must have traveled recently.
* She gets trolled in the chat to call her stupid theme park "FUBAR Park," because she doesn't know what the word means. Also we're apparently going to "genetically analyze" her husband's voice any time he speaks.
* "If I was deported, I would be proud of it. I must have done something real good. If I'm going down for crimes, I better go for something great."
* Whines more about Rody.
* Stream happened around 3am CST / 5pm JST, and went for about 3 hours. She ends saying they go to sleep "mad early" in her house. So either she's legit going to bed at around 8:30PM in Japan, or she's a little goblin and is going to bed at 6AM/7AM in Canada depending on her time zone.
* She apparently wasted $15,000 on Japanese language school.
* Claims she "has a house [already] in Saudi Arabia." It's free and there's no rent, so once she moves, she's considering getting a second home in Japan.
No. 723381
>>723374I suppose I understand, it's like encouragement for the sake of entertainment/enjoyment in the overarching situation. So encouraging his noxiousness provides milk.
It's just, I hope he has enough introspection to realise he's being a piece of shit. And subsequently improves himself instead of being a dingdong.
>>723375Yeah, I get that, it's just frustrating because it's the degrading easy way out. If he put effort into his content I wouldn't dislike him do much. At least Mira before going full Isis Bride/ sockpuppet-chan had some glimmer of interesting/varied content. You could see the effort put into it. (If you put aside Miranese and her flaws)
She had skill for filming and could grow it and make something of herself. But sadly all this crazy stuff happened instead which is disappointing.
No. 723385
>>723381Also to continue my response from here
>>723380I'm not Miranda you insipid twat. I live in Australia. Your response would have had more validity if you didn't resort to calling everyone who doesn't Stan Rody Miranda. Honestly. It's annoying and you can draw better conclusions.
No. 723390
>>723386Yeah, that's true which is a shame really. Because if she did apply herself her videos could be better if that's what she produces being lazy.
It's also one of the reasons I dislike her. It's frustrating to see her self destruction often attributed to her own flaws and bad behaviour. I just want to reach in rewind and put her on a better path. But then we wouldn't have these funny threads I guess.
It's too late for her to overcome and right her direction I think. She's really gone off the deep end with this extremist shit. I wonder what she'd think about Trump killing baghdadi? And if we'll get milk from that?
No. 723421
People talk shit on Mira all the time. But honestly, her videos WERE entertaining and informative. Were they the best on Youtube? Absolutely not. But she did do good work in presenting Japan, even though you had to take everything with a grain of salt due to her lack of education and active misinformation that she would spread. And of course her using any excuse to get naked in an onsen and take thot pics.
Literally the only thing that stopped her from being a useful J-Vlogger is her complete flip to ISIS vlogging and doing her best to capitalize on her own drama.
>>723375 Yeah, the real issue is that Rody really likes to flex. He has this idea of how he wants to be presented online in his videos, similar to that of Casey Neistat or Ricegum. Always showing off his drones, or his electronics, or his cars. To each their own, but it just seems a little vapid.
On top of that, he just doesn't have the personality of the people he's trying to emulate, even in the J-Vlogging community. He's just a little awkward. And I feel for him, because so am I. But it's been YEARS of him making the same style of slightly scuffed content with no changes in aesthetic or personality.
I don't blame him for dipping into Mira's drama. He is closer to her than anyone else in the community, and doesn't mind shitting on her. It's not professional, but it's fun when Mira is still being a damn tornado on the internet, especially for the sole fact that Rody even thinking about her seems to give Mira unending rage.
No. 723534
>>723421>her videos WERE entertaining and informative. and
>active misinformation that she would spreadThose two statements contradict each other. Congrats anon, you killed your own argument.
No. 723576
>>723534She was the only western youtuber with footage of some more obscure tourist sites. Try looking up some of them and you'll only find her videos in english and then Japanese language videos.
It's not that her content is good – it was never good. It's that she was literally the only English speaking YTer to showcase some places in rural Japan.
I see a good market opportunity here but that would require a JP YTer to leave the Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka bubble.
No. 723584
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>>723421Her videos were always cringy and full of misinformation, but I guess they were a mildly entertaining guilty pleasure…
I kind of had a soft spot for her as an odd weaboo J-vlogger until she was shown to be a scammer who literally believed herself to be Japanese and know more about Japan than anyone who has ever lived
No. 723688
>>723669is this thread full of little kids that just stumbled in here yesterday? she used to make shit that pandered to alt-right.
I think the pull phenomenon is happening on here now. the people posting are as stupid as kjin and they only deride her because they feel jilted cos they want to be in some kind of partnership with her. for example cristy sab__, here
>>723385i swear to god cristy if you don't stop shitting up the fucking internet with your coat tail riding and single-white-femaling kanadajin…
No. 723740
>>723738Your English is too good to be miranda apart from the ‘your’ but I’ll ignore it.
Who are you and why do you care about lurkers?
Miranda loves to dox people so I expect they check in from time to time, you know, common sense and all that.
No. 723745
>>723688Hoping I'm not assuming too much but Sam is also involved in this drama. He's helping Miranda out to exterminate the "stockers."
Good luck getting thrown under the bus by her.
No. 723748
File: 1572433674854.png (49.05 KB, 553x456, LELE OKA.png)

>>723747I am just here coz KM sent me a message with a SS of my name. To be honest I don't keep tabs oh her. You guys over estimate me. How did you get the name by the way? It's not on Facebook or anything.
No. 723752
>>723746I said "Hoping I'm not assuming too much"
It's an assumption, not 100% correct
No. 723755
File: 1572434108283.png (28.36 KB, 801x162, LEL asdmsa.png)

>>723750It's a PM between two people. We have accounts.
No. 723759
>>723757Only Naruru herself would get this
triggered. Point proven.
No. 723760
>>723756‘Annonomous’ you give yourself away Miranda. You come here and dox Cristy to shit stir and then say it was KM who doxed her. You’re the one stoking the non existent flames yourself.
God you’re an idiot.
No. 723766
>>723750Why are you so obsessed with that discord Miranda? Post the rest of your SS if you even have any
Honestly though, this reeks of Miranda trying to cause bullshit infighting. Nobody fucking cares about individuals, we're here because Miranda Ann Constable is a scammer, a thief, and an extreme ISIS bride
>>723758 No. 723769
>>723688Miranda you openly harassed and threatened to dox Bambi a while back, do you not recall?
Clearly your dumb ass tries to fit in by insulting yourself but you give yourself away in the most obvious fucking ways.
No. 723771
File: 1572437405752.jpg (23.72 KB, 264x543, IMG_20191030_080916.jpg)

>>723770Spell check, dictionaries, random people she's taking advantage of.
I've stopped asking myselF why Miranda does anything she does, she's lost her fucking mind.
But again, see the attached image. Miranda threatens to dox her actual supporters far too often.
No. 723787
File: 1572441291851.jpg (204.85 KB, 1085x340, Untitled-2.jpg)

No. 723788
Let me get this straight, Miranda comes here and threatens to dox Cristy, I’m assuming based on this post:
>>723385Because they say they are from Australia.
There is more than one person living in Australia Miranda, get a grip.
No. 723802
File: 1572447110808.png (140.78 KB, 1154x558, スクリーンショット 2019-10-30 23.51.29.…)

Miranda denies being an extremist
No. 723809
File: 1572448878191.jpg (234.53 KB, 1206x1120, mJ9OawE.jpg)

^Lol. Is this a true Muslim belief? If it is, then Mira will spend a looooooong time in Jahanam/Hell. It’s made worse by the fact that she does not practice charity or good deeds that would benefit her in judgement day.
No. 723813
>>723796Just because you personally have not seen people speaking up against Miranda doesn't mean they don't exist, Sam.
You have your head stuck so far up her ass you might as well be Quasimodo herself.
No. 723857
File: 1572459039721.jpg (312.64 KB, 1440x1619, 20191030_140950.jpg)

Miranda: "I've never made a sock account in my life!!"
Also Miranda: -creates 25 different Twitter accounts to post on them once and abandon them
No. 723861
File: 1572460346409.jpeg (24.56 KB, 495x619, images (25).jpeg)

>>723813Not sure how your delusional mind got you to thinking I'm Sam…
No. 723867
File: 1572463165303.png (138.67 KB, 1164x688, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 4.19.07.p…)

>>723857Just in case you weren't sure if this is actually a Miranda sock puppet account
No. 723869
File: 1572463317326.png (987.63 KB, 1164x1108, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 4.21.33.p…)

Miranda seems to be really sensitive about being a SUPER fat and short niqabi
No. 723873
File: 1572463661801.png (575.99 KB, 790x1038, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 4.26.05.p…)

>>723872>>723872You would think that Miranda would make a sockpuppet account that looks different from her main propaganda account, but she clearly can't think that far
No. 723876
File: 1572463878133.png (366.09 KB, 1226x1264, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 4.31.19.p…)

Miranda rants again that WWE = PORN FILTH
No. 723921
File: 1572477373456.png (1.36 MB, 2132x1198, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 8.16.02.p…)

>>723907Her twitter clearly shows that she is not a muslim and just a Saudi fetishist
No. 724088
File: 1572504947049.png (166.57 KB, 1224x598, スクリーンショット 2019-10-31 15.44.47.…)

>>723876Continues rant about WWE
No. 724092
>>723809So who has the Miranda hair porn pics saved?
Post em.
No. 724104
>>724075Do I need to add that I'm also not him? My only connection to him is that I have watched, and sometimes commented on, some of his YT videos and live streams. I can say the same thing for at least half a dozen other J-vloggers.
He is not a personal friend of mine nor has he ever done me any harm. Does this statement apply to you as well? If it does, I would suggest that you refrain from attempting to tie him in with the situations that Miranda has managed to create all by herself. It's the decent thing to do.
No. 724105
File: 1572514299645.png (373.36 KB, 815x458, Screenshot_(48).thumb.png.e402…)

>>724092All the hair porn pics are online if you look for them
No. 724118
File: 1572518897769.jpg (18.41 KB, 450x600, PZURRoF.jpg)

These images are all easily searchable on Google, as are her videos and old tweets.
No. 724120
File: 1572519993944.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.31 KB, 480x360, 9ntajYg_d.jpg)

Which hair porn image are you looking for, anon?
No. 724125
File: 1572524338772.jpg (130.25 KB, 887x877, K3_penis.jpg)

You don't use your teeth girl. No wonder you could never get a real man and had to take baby-hand fish-mouth.
No. 724129
File: 1572525602909.jpeg (252.25 KB, 750x700, 0C62CCC0-AB56-4819-8A78-6EE917…)

Miranda asks for the origin of this Hadith so she can use it to justify her accusing and judging others, because HypoCRiteS are AmOnG Us
No. 724141
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No. 724142
File: 1572527419865.png (82.86 KB, 662x373, adgasdf1.png)

No. 724149
>>724129Why is she always asking her Saudi followers for information about Saudi Arabia, Arabic or Qur’an clarifications when she’s has her “best husband in the world” right there? He should have all the answers for her and she shouldn’t have to rely on other men for validation.
>>724141>>724142That Rodi thirst. If she can angrily curse a bunch of Saudi kids she never met just because like K-pop, she should have no concern over the fate of Rodi’s soul. If he’s so bad, she should be happy that he’s supposed to go to Hell. Why is she so interested in “saving” him if the only man she should care about is her dainty husband?
No. 724155
>>724011Well because he knows she got deported and he won’t say anything about it. This is very unlike him since he jumps on drama.
>>724056His not a visa scammer he is just a liar but if he hid his wife I kind of understand because I don’t believe putting anyone’s family on the internet is a good thing.
No. 724180
>>724125She was totes always a conservative guys! A hair dying, punk listening, alcohol and drug using, anal sex having conservative Christian.
It's fine that she wants to do those things, but to condemn other young people for wanting to explore themselves, have fun, enjoy their beauty and youth, like she did, is just pure evil.
All the pursuits you could devote your human life to, and Miranda chooses to be a Twitter troll, whose terrible choices have lead to her terrible reputation (that she pretends doesn't exist or is unjustified).
No. 724207
>>724141This shit again? It's obvious Rodi is a not a radical Muslim like Miranda yet she wants to use this who " talk bad about a sister" BS OVER and OVER again.
Her husband must be a spineless blob and an awful Muslim for having his "wife" defend herself online like that. LMAO
No. 724398
>>724361Despite the calm and careful delivery of this man, these quotes are still as horrific as if he had been shouting them. This hateful degradation of women’s intellect and morality exists all throughout the Quran and yet Mira conducts herself in an aggressive, stereotypically masculine way to defend this fantasy. Shouldn’t the husband be doing that for her? Where is he? Why does he act like the submissive wife that she is supposed to be?
She speaks of being compelled to preach and criticize “bad Muslims” due to her her fate in the afterlife but there isn’t any reward for women except watching your heavenly husband fuck big-tittied transparent glittering nymphs that are more perfect than you in every way. Unless she has it in her head that she will be one of women chosen to be reincarnated as a Houri, which is really sad.
No. 724441
File: 1572589530027.png (69.21 KB, 605x353, Screen Shot 2019-10-31 at 23.2…)

Females wrestling is EVILLLLLLL .. spoookkkyyyyyy
No. 724462
>>724441I watched some of it, everyone there was having a great time.
Would you believe it, actual people with thoughts and feelings in their own country doing something new and fun!
Miranda literally comes across like someone from the westboro baptist church, only a matter of time before she starts spitting Allah hates fags.
Absolutely proves she doesn’t give a crap about Islam, she’s just fetishising Saudi.
No. 724494
File: 1572605795763.jpeg (232.75 KB, 750x612, 9F0B0E1E-4411-48FE-B902-DDD9E5…)

She’s been changing her bio constantly. Apparently her Twitter defends Islam and Saudi.
I’m not sure that it does Miranda, you say many hateful things. That goes against Islam.
No. 724495
>>724441I'm pretty convinced at this point that the main reason she loves oppression and is against women being uncovered is because she knows how unfortunate looking she is, so she not only wants to cover herself from criticism, but she wants all other women more attractive than her covered so her manlet doesnt get wandering eyes or want another wife. Sad sad life.
Sage for non contribution.
No. 724747
People like that only make matters worse.
No. 724788
>>724781>Y-you have no proofOk then where is she? If she wasn’t deported why isn’t she back in Japan?
>>724782What cover? I don’t follow jvloggers or even Sam for that matter we just talked about the deporting thing since we all knew each other. I have no idea who zack is.
Anything else I can clear up for you?
No. 724793
>>724782>But pretending you don’t know who you are? Typical.NTA but how is this typical? Then you must know this anon personally for you to be familiar with their behavior. Who are YOU?
Lol. The Jvlogging community is cannibalistic. You guys all have dirt on one another and come to lolcow or PULL. And Sam is back in Japan now? Who let that whale back in? Kyodo Senpaku missed their chance to gather him up.
No. 724801
>>724800I know Sam lives in Japan never said he was deported?
Ok let me just call him up and record the conversation. Hop online Sam.
Are you seriously this slow? I’ll say this one last time if Mira could come back she would. Dummy.
No. 724802
>>724800>Or come clean who you are>why the fuck you scared to remain a no name?Oh my God. That English. That strangely familiar aggression.
>>724801She’s confusing my posts with yours and panicking. She forgets how many people in Japan know all about her. Please call Sam sandwich up. This is too funny.
No. 724803
>>724802Lol. Yeah I think so I figured I was talking to her and him.
Hi Mira you know you got deported calm down and you know Sam knows and you know he has a big mouth.
No. 724826
File: 1572698742008.png (150.09 KB, 1228x581, kjhtreaesrd.png)

No. 724829
File: 1572698910600.png (141.36 KB, 1264x777, jurewstrdhgdz.png)

No. 724851
File: 1572708534590.jpg (18.87 KB, 275x202, 1568909043798.jpg)

Seriously, wtf is happening right now? Why the fuck has this thread turned into some private chat between two autists who can't provide proof?
No. 724864
>>724826>We have a very very very very very conservative mindset here. No WE don’t. If that unbelievably conservative hive mind were true, then she would have had no problem maintaining a marriage with a Japanese man(men) and making lots of normal Japanese friends. However, it was completely opposite and she was rejected. She keeps asking projecting a fantasy version of Japan that doesn’t exist. It’s only conservative in some ways, more liberal and complex in others. The Japanese sex industry would like to say “Hello!”, Mira! She spent so many years in Japan but only hung out with a revolving door of young foreigners. How the Hell would she know what Japanese think and feel when she never cared to know them? She failed being a wife after 2 months and complained the whole time! She just studies Japanese like an animal researcher and anthropomorphizes them to her liking.
>>724840She has never figured out the distinction between a thread and an entire forum.
>>724851Just two?
No. 724877
>>724826According to Miranda's figures, the number of automobile fatalities in Saudi exceeds the number of all automobile accidents (presumably both fatal and non-fatal) in Libya. The conclusion she draws from this is "Meaning Per every car accident you are more likely to die in Libya." She really does seem to be incapable of logical thought.
Miranda really needs to see this: No. 724905
>>724882It’s not rocket science that her ‘husbando’ is either on the spectrum or a fugly troll (weird small hands?)
Miranda’s intent was to marry a ‘saudi’ yet she’s likely just befriended someone who couldn’t marry anyone and his parents were eager for him to marry literally any ‘muslim’
No. 725102
>>724950Yeah, the age of first marriage and first child are getting later and later. For those that are married there is still trouble finding daycare/being accepted in daycare many areas too. Does Mira think intact Japanese families are putting their kids in expensive daycare because they enjoy wasting money? It’s necessity.
Half the Japanese moms I know are working at least part time or they return to work as soon as their youngest child enters youchien(preschool) at 3. Most families can’t afford the old lifestyle unless they have healthy grandparents living with them and it has been that way for a long time. Also, these days are more young Japanese dads spend more time watching the children while the mother gets more work hours or they may be stay-at-home/work-from-home dad. Does Mira not observe the world around her? But then we must remember that this is the woman that continued a housewife in Japan series despite claiming she was no longer married. Then she would argue with YouTube commenters about how she didn’t need experience being an actual housewife to tell you how to be a housewife.
No. 725154
>>719643just to note, third gender is called x-gender in japan aka non binary. Common terms are ftx (female to nb) or mtx (male to nb).
saged bc no one cares
No. 725165
>>725145Nobody said the amount of housewives is low or it isn’t common! Just it isn’t unusual to see working women and more untraditional families. Mira asserts that Japan is an ultra conservative Islam-worthy paradise where everyone agrees with her warped views. Did you miss the part where she declares there is a 5x conservative mindset that is identical to hers? She is saying Japanese society reflects her own way of thinking and if you live here you know it does not. Just because Japanese are more conservative or they are considered to have outdated views on gender roles compared to Scandinavia doesn’t mean we’re seeing anything in the level of her barbaric fantasies.
> Visit any in-laws house and you will find that the daughter in law is required to assist the mother in cooking and cleaning. This practice would be a burden in western societies and would be rude to ask the guests, especially based on her gender to clean.Did you just compare family and ordinary female guests? And even though it is a sexist practice, yes it is very common for female family members to cook and clean together in the West. Which gender utopia do you live? I want to visit some day.
No. 725173
>>725145If you both live in Japan, Miranda, how did you make this post in Canada?
You live a sad life obsessed with lolcow and PULL. You try to pretend you live in Japan and yet you live in Canada. Pathetic
No. 725185
>>725179Well the guy was/is apparently on a student visa, from what little i can remember reading here, so he could probably get back in Japan no problem.
On the other hand, if Miranda leave Japan, i find it very hard to believe she would be allowed back in.
Anyway, i also want to thank the farmhand who wrote the little note up there!
No. 725186
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No. 725187
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No. 725189
>>725187Asking for these videos removed count as good deeds FOR ME!
No Miranda that is not what a good deed is, that is your selfishness. You are as stupid as you are horrible!
No. 725212
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Miranda continues to complain that Saudi law isn't fair since her "marriage" isn't recognized in KSA
No. 725227
>>725212It will never fail to amuse me how she simultaneously takes Saudi Arabia for the one and only holy land where sacred law reigns and STILL ACCEPTS SHE CANNOT AND WILL NEVER BE PART OF IT, by said laws. This alone should be some suicide-inducing identity conflict, but here she is everyday, shilling for the same country that would rather take in bare-haired tourists than her and her refused entrance ticket husband.
I wonder what will succeed after her finally coming to terms with the fact that her newest visa marriage failed hard, and that she's stuck with a useless husband. Will she burn bridges and divorce? Will she backpedal on all the YES MY MARRIAGE IS
VALID H8RS and claim it never was to justify the separation? Will she try to justify it on abuse allegations? Will she be able to trick another muslim into marrying her after that? I can't wait.
No. 725650
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>>725212^Found something very interesting about all this whining. Her Canadian female buddy there went on to share a screenshot of a rough translation about the law. At the bottom:
>If they’ve been previously married, they have to wait to(two) years after divorce to marry each other. If that is true, then it is not only the minimum age requirement Mira violated, but it has only been no more than 6 months since she was supposed to have been divorced. She also claimed to KM that she was married before they traveled Japan together! Is this where that “moving to Saudi in 1-3 years” comes from? This current marriage is illegal in multiple ways.
>>725145Oh, shit! I honestly thought I was arguing with Sam. Even if it wasn’t Mira, imagine a Canadian person trying lecture people living and working in Japan, especially those who are legitimately married and raising children here.
>>725198I never understood why she thought telling that awful story made her look like the good guy! If you can’t move with your husband to his 1-2 year job, you can still wait for him back home until he returns. This is not exclusive to Japanese but what wives all over the world experience when you have to earn money for your family. Why couldn’t she give it a few more months to see how it goes when they were long distance? She was already living with his family, was making friends and working on her YouTube channel so she wasn’t alone or in need. Why did she not even try to make it work? Then after the divorce, she quickly moved in with a new man like nothing happened!
>>725227She did the same with Japan. She praised her idealized version of it, even tried to side with nationalists about protecting the purity Japanese culture against Chinese and Koreans. Then she realized all that uyoku shit also worked against her and the law didn’t legally recognize “feeling Japanese”.
No. 725673
>>725650yes these marriage rules have been posted in previous threads. her marriage will not be recognised in SA because it breaks a shit ton of the rules, and she couldn't even get a visa to do the Hajj. she'll rot in Canada (just like farmhand confirmed
>>725145 )
with the frogman until she finds a pretext to divorce him and change identities again.
No. 725699
>>725673Sorry, I forgot if anyone specifically spoke about the two year waiting period. Yet we see her holler about the youngins committing zina and how the world needs Sharia law when she blatantly disregarded SA laws. I really want to know what she was thinking when did that. Was it really just the quickest way to cover up her then-impending deportation? I’m also surprised marriage service at ISNA matched her with someone like that,
if her plan was actually to live in Saudi Arabia. Either settling in Canada was always her plan or the service was as ridiculously ignorant as Mira about Saudi law.
No. 725715
>>725699The truth must be that he isn’t a Saudi, if he was he has violated laws and I’m sure he would be punished if he returned?
If this is true Miranda is starting to look more and more pathetic. Never seen someone with such an obsession in my life
No. 725717
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No. 725718
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No. 725719
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No. 725720
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No. 725725
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>>725723He can say "no" to her translation requests
No. 725730
>>725717How is it acceptable to keep saying this when she has been obsessed with Saudi Arabia for 3(?) years, went full ISIS for Islam and married a Saudi man? She has no job or responsibilities so why isn’t she studying Arabic all day so she can at least claim to be at an elementary level? This is the same woman who declared she would never teach her children English because they should only speak Japanese in Japan. But she does not have the same dedication to language of the her favorite country and husband’s homeland?
>>725724I think this is very believable. Some people are acting like there aren’t black sheep loser Saudi guys too. If he wanted stay longer in Canada/not be forced to return unsuccessful to Saudi Arabia, marrying someone like Mira on the quick wouldn’t be out if the question. He may be that much of a fuck up that he has no choice, or, he’s planning to bail once that PR comes in.
>>725723Maybe the dude can barely read or write. Only crayons are suitable for his baby hands. Actually, something is very weird about her constantly asking for translations when she is supposed to be married to a native speaker, followed by her insistence that she cannot read Arabic.
No. 725772
>>725764Backwoods? You mean backWARDS, right?
>>725725Remember when Miranda pissed off a bunch of people for subtitling videos in Saudi dialect? And now all of a sudden she can’t read Arabic, that’s a little fishy.
I don’t know what to make of that exactly but being deported seems to be more believable by the day.
No. 725796
>>725761I’m starting to think the husband is actually fake. He’s just some random weirdo she picked up at the mosque because he showed her a bit of attention.
Miranda probably lives in her Mum’s basement.. sleeps all day and posts cringe all night.
I think her internal monologue needs it’s own subreddit, it’d be such an interesting read.
No. 725808
>>725806Where, fellow anon?
She could have been in contact with anyone who speaks the Saudi dialect, Miranda has openly admitted befriending literally anyone online
No. 726081
>>726072"Check my IP address"
Regular users don't have this ability, you tard.
Mods have been watching IPs, and they just called Miranda out in Canada. Whether you're her or the white knight stuck so far up her asshole, she's in Canada.
No. 726083
>>726072That’s not true, not everyone gets accused because miranda uses her own version of English that is easy to detect.
You’re clearly a newfag so you can’t have read through many threads to notice this..
If you’re a wk, can I ask why on earth would you stick up for this psycho?
No. 726110
>>726083 Call this bitch out by all means. My point is don't be a hypocrite. Miranda deserves all this for her disgusting, damaging behavior.
>>726081 Didn't ask you, did I? lol
No. 726112
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No. 726114
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Google translation:
I am confident that the Saudi warbler has become more aware of expectations and the demolition of all plans.
This puts a Canadian ”and my Saudi husband” the last sentence to justify its intervention in the affairs of the state and the citizen, and I do not hide the huge amount of identifiers of the State in these malicious ways, fools our scientists and demonizing the decisions of the state insidiously
No. 726116
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Hashtag says "intruder"
No. 726138
>>725723I doubt they are living together. Miranda is probably living in Canada with her parents while her 'Saudi' manchild is on his work permit or whatever.
Miranda likes niquabs so much so she can disguise herself in the town Walmart.
No. 727211
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That’s right you guys! She didn’t make such a mess on Saudi Twitter that she would never be able to show her face in Saudi Arabia. It’s not because her husband wants to remain in Canada like he always planned. It’s not because she lives in poverty due to her own laziness and financial mismanagement. It’s because Saudi Arabia has changed soooo much that Japan, where 99% of people don’t give a shit about Islam and they enjoy more “haram” things than Saudi would in a million years, is more Wahhabist-friendly than the birthplace of Islam.
She posted this at 5 am Japan time and was playing on Twitter a few hours before that. Lol. Also, her food poisoning is due to chocolate. Sure, filthy lazy Mira.
No. 727227
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>>727211Miranda claims that it is because Saudi is becoming too defiled for her taste
No. 727228
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>>727227But Japan is still better than Canada
No. 727266
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>>727227According to this year’s Global Muslim Travel Index, these are the most Muslim-friendly countries to visit. The first list is all Muslim-majority countries, which would be best destinations for the most conservative Muslims and most enforce Sharia Law. Second list is non-Muslim countries, which are obviously better for moderate and laid-back Muslims. If you visit Muslim expat forums, the people there overwhelmingly suggest Canada as a place to live long term, followed by UAE and the USA. A conservative Muslim who wants Sharia Law, strict moral codes and least amount of inconvenience for their lifestyle would never choose a country like Japan. Japan is where Muslims go when they want to ESCAPE the most oppressive aspects of their religion.
>>727263I swear, she always looks and sounds baked.
No. 727301
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Didn't we all call that she will backtrack on her Saudi moving plans because it's not living up to her radical expectations and use that as an excuse?
No. 727306
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Miranda's all in or nothing.
No. 727385
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No. 727389
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I know these are old but I just noticed the timeframe. She poses this question about paying a $25,000 fine in September 2017. In December 2017, just a few months later, she was selling her new story to KM about going to “univercity” and begging him to loan her money towards a total $20,000. Is that really the fine she would be charged in Saudi Arabia or was that her moving/apartment fee for Canada?
No. 727392
>>727389That’s a really good point anon however I believe she was just in credit card debt.
She probably had rent arrears too.
No. 727402
>>727393This is what I think. They would get in trouble if they entered the country together and she’s stuck. The man is also poor and she refuses to work, something she brags about openly. She had the audacity to quote this Hadith to someone on Twitter “The poor Muslims will enter Paradise before the rich by half of a day, the length of which is five hundred years.”, as if her situation is anything like that of unfortunate people who have the odds stacked against them. You won’t be rewarded for constantly making bad decisions and being an impulsive mess. This all makes me wonder if this guy was able to pay mahr, the Islamically required payment of money or possessions to the bride as proof he can support her.
>>727394It’s pretty funny that she claims she has a gang of killers stalking her in Japan and Japanese police are useless to protect her, yet she rejects the safety of generous harassment and stalking laws of Canada and the lethal punishment the stalkers would face in Saudi Arabia. Now she claims Japan(Toronto) is her safest option in the world after crying endlessly about how she is terrified to leave her house and has to wear a disguise? She’d rather be horrifically murdered without a penny to her name than smell weed smoke or see a K-POP poster.
No. 727432
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Miranda claims she's never been on tiktok before but hair porn never lies
No. 727453
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>>727432Tiktok made her "disturbed to the max"
No. 727462
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She didn't update her About page yet
No. 727465
>>727402>cheap item or something or teaching her about islam It doesn’t have to be exorbitant but something that shows he can take care of her without diminishing her quality of life. He can even pay the mahr is installments, a decent part on the wedding day and then promising to gift her the rest over time. This man is not a tribal goat herder in rags. Anyone jumping from Saudi Arabia to Japan to Canada while the wife doesn’t work will not be obscenely poor. We see her bragging about Louis Vuitton and spontaneously going Okinawan vacations in a storm, then talking about how poor and humble she is while she is in debt for thousands of dollars. They are so poor that they can’t travel to meet his family for the first time, but his family is also rich and have reserved a fully-paid house just for them. The reality is probably they are living off Canadian social assistance while hubby goes to school, shacked up in an old apartment complex sprinkled with potato chips and regret.
>>727453Wow, nowhere is safe for Mira! Everywhere she turns, she finds something offensive.l or unacceptable. ISIS camp Mira is coming soon.
No. 727840
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Rant about liberals poisoning Miranda's water system?
No. 727875
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>>727840Miranda is currently in another twitter war with "feminists" (i.e., normal people)
No. 727877
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>>727875Releases new eyelash porn
No. 727889
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"Ive hated feminism from the day I was born"
No. 727917
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Stop the backbiting guys and making fantasies
No. 727918
>>727889Sucks she won't ever get to go to Saudi Arabia. She would love it! The woman and men get buried differently before being stoned to death. The men are only buried up to the waist and if they can escape their hole, they get to run free. The women get buried up to their necks! It's better because they don't get stoned on their bodies, they only get brutally beaten on their heads until they die! Praise allah for this righteousness! She won't have to suffer the fate of being thrown off a building, that's only for men! Women get stripped naked and raped and beaten in the street, abdulillah!
Let's be real, she hates women because she looks like a fat wet rat and sounds like she's got snot rolling around in her mouth constantly.
No. 727995
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>>727924As you can imagine, Miranda is facing a huge backlash from normal people. This was the best reaction to her bullshit
No. 728019
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Miranda is uploading videos again..She just can't stay away from YouTube
No. 728063
>>728019Looks like her plan was to destroy another human being by having others bully those "stockers" to suicide.
She tried to manipulate her followers to do a serious crime.
She tried to commit a crime online!
No. 728078
>>727877Yet there is not a single stereotypically feminine quality(anymore) about her and she hasn’t shown any proof of how she has excelled in being a domestic goddess. She’s overwhelmingly masculine. Posting her haphazard culinary attempts once in while and sucking other men’s e-cocks all day long is womanly? She throws chips at her husband, eats like a damn barnyard animal, looks like her grandparents were siblings, has the grammar of a 2nd grader, plays video games for hours, goes on Twitter raids with a group of Saudi MEN, is jealous of teenage girls in a country she will never go, pretends she has commonality with Japanese women when no one likes her, doesn’t have children because of her frequent UTIs and ovarian cysts(with yard-long chin hairs from the hormone imbalance), breaks numerous laws in Japan and Saudi Arabia like a disrespectful, selfish scumbag, etc. This sounds like an ideal woman? She’s just a bro with a vagina.
It’s so funny how the overall message of the video is FEMINISM INVENTED MICROWAVES! I’M NOT LAZY MOOCH, LOLCOW!
>>727890Insandiddy. Westwren society.
The way she slurs every other word and breathes through her mouth is terrible. I know she is “exceptional” but why can’t she enunciate words properly or breathe through her nose? Perhaps it’s due to whatever genetic disorder she has.
>>727924If she had really settled into this perfect Muslim housewife archetype, what evidence does she have to show for it? Not even a daily non-microwaved, totally nutritious meal of the day snapshot, or, a list of what she actually does all day while husband was supposed to be working all day? C’mon, Imam Mira. Guide us lowly feminazis with your superior wisdom and gain 100 XP for Jannah! It’s your duty to lead by example.
No. 728173
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>>728160Recently she just blames any problem that exists in the world on feminism…followed by liberalism
No. 728252
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The identity changes happen faster than people can watch her videos.
No. 728279
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>What stream? Look at this Japan video. Remember Japan videos?
No. 728555
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Miranda is not a lazy housewife and is NOT a gold digger
No. 728577
>>728555But she doesn't know how to cook, doesn't raise kids, wont clean and by her word has her "sisters" clean up for her, please her man or preform other "wifely duties." By her own definition she's a useless woman.
Laughing that other women are calling her out for finding an excuse to lay on a sofa all day doing shit.
No. 728578
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^Mira was saying earlier that even if a woman has 6 kids(or 10), the wife needs to do everything herself and the husband should never help. Then says to
trust her. Trust HER? On what authority? She has not a shred of experience being a real wife and mother. She hasn’t created a family. Her child-husband is not a provider. This just a repeat of “Housewife in Japan” where she was never a wife. She’s just a glorified roommate of a depressed fuckup who can’t return home. The closest she has gotten to giving birth is the explosive shits she’s been taking the past couple of days.
>>728555She’s basically saying “I am Islam!”
No. 728865
>>728555Gotta love love love Miranda accusing other people of getting "
triggered" when all she does now is get in fights on the internet. Doesn't it get tiring? How many more passive aggressive LMAOs and crying emojis can she type out before collapsing from sheer exhaustion?
Also let's go ahead and say she is living in Japan (which she isn't).. How long could it possibly take to clean a tiny Japanese apartment? I live in a large 2 bedroom and daily cleaning with 4 cats totals maybe 30m. Weekly clean maybe a couple hours. She doesn't even have pets or kids for that matter.
Miranda if you are reading this seriously wake the fuck up. You are wasting your one precious life doing this. You still have many years ahead of you! Don't resign yourself to sloth so young. You can still turn it around, just turn off the computer and get a real job.
No. 728959
>>728868Everything on Miranda from 2011 to now is documented here and on Pull. The only issue is to find the exact part that interest you since there is sooooo many chapters in this story!
Start with the summary on Pull to find the dates that interest you, then check on past Lolcow threads of Miranda with said dates. Hopefully they have not been deleted because of old age!
No. 728970
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>>728865Stocker! Islam says we Japanese housewives have to clean such house in a special way. A hihan gaijin like you wouldn't understand.
No. 728972
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No. 729028
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No. 729034
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Why don't you ask saudi fat hands? Have you divorced already?
No. 729063
>>729060Miranda can't speak/read any dialect of Arabic
No. 729103
>>728019I'm not sure, but at 1:29 in the "new" video, is that her approaching the shrine, in a white jacket, with her hair entirely uncovered?
Could it be that she edited out the parts in which she appeared but missed this tiny bit? If so, then it proves that it was shot quite a while back, before she started wearing niqab, or was even just covering her hair.
No. 729509
Her Japan visa, whatever the f_ck it was: student, working, spouse, cocks_cker, simply ran out. She had to leave the country by a certain date.
Mira thinks she can re-apply out of the country , get approved, fly back on Mummy's coin, all is well, keep pumping out J-vids, shake down dudes for cash, muslim fantasies… But perhaps she is in for a shock. All those years of dodgy applications, and people she has pissed off who have contacted immigration. Mira's big, yellowing file stinks to high heaven. Best she try for her SA fantasy land, or at least stay in Canada where her lazy ass can suck on the welfare teet.
No. 729555
>>729509That’s right. Even if potato boy had a legitimate work visa and Mira applied for a Dependent Stay Visa, processing her application would set off all sorts of alarms and immigration would have a field day with her background check. Multiple visas changes, multiple marriages, who knows how many name changes or aliases, the notorious and ridiculous online presence, the insane extremist Muslim transformation. No way in Hell any official is going to look at that mess and approve a new long term visa. Any anons hypothesizing that Mira could qualify for any other visa besides standard tourist are clueless.
> or at least stay in Canada where her lazy ass can suck on the welfare teet.I would not be surprised at all if she is on social welfare.
No. 729601
>>729473I do have a visit to mt Takao scheduled to do soon, i could grab a few pictures to compare if i think of it when im over there.
But we all know it's a old video she re-edited.
No. 729634
>>729555I didn't even think of the radical Muslim stuff. Her obvious history of scamming is one thing, but this is the icing on the cake. Immigration will check and see some radicalized moron, spouting shite about hurting gay people and the glory of Islamic law.
Her goose is cooked. Hope she can get the mental health support she needs, and stops insulting Islam with her cock-eyed, fetishized, fangirl garbage.
No. 729639
>>729601All you gotta do is look at the Ginko trees. Mira provably thought it was safe to upload, but (as she ain't in Japan) didn't realize the summer was really long this year. She is most likely pteparing a winter one now too.
Go on Mira. Grab ya phone, walk outside and show us today's date displayed somewhere. You can't, can you? Old footage and gaming videos…. it's not working. People hear and read your lies, and it is pathetic and disgusting.
No. 729665
File: 1573764300402.png (14.04 MB, 2714x3392, 09AF322F-AE79-47C3-B784-ED2C60…)

Randa’s shot of the bridge, and a shot of the same bridge just taken 3 days ago.
No. 729668
File: 1573764635357.jpeg (2.62 MB, 2635x3392, 3FB4E0DE-973C-4057-ADA3-1F55A7…)

Randa’s shot of the stairs and today’s shot of the stairs.
No. 729820
>>729805She knows that she can never get a Japan visa on her own two feet. That's why she recruits men for that purpose, with the man-baby being the latest tool.
I've seen her state before that she has permanent residence. What a load of HORSESHIT. If she had ever been granted PR, she would have howled it from the rooftops and waved her gaijin card around like a proud peacock.
Mira knows that without Japan, the whole Kanada jin san shtick falls apart. That is why she continues to BLATANTLY LIE about still being there, and is freaking DESPERATE to return.
I know you are reading this Mira. Prove me wrong.
No. 729846
>>729838True. I was once in an exchange with her in the TY comments section. She would make these huge replies. I said to her WTF are you doing?? I am just some random person on the Internet, and you are putting in so much time just to 'set me straight' in your own sick little mind?
Instead of actually getting off her lazy ass and getting a job/life, she puts in countless hours spewing shite (to prop up her own ego) into the blackhole known as the Internet.
What a complete and utter WHACK JOB.
No. 729858
>>729852Gotta wonder who enabled this shit. Most likely a combination of sponging off friends, the odd sugar Daddy, YouTube money, the occasional part-time job (i.e. hostess bar), emergency "I'll pay you back" money from Canada.
She built her house on sand, now it is coming back to bite her in the ass.
I see supermarket shelf filler in her future.
No. 729896
Not again…
No. 729907
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>>729898Never forget kyabakura
No. 730057
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>>729665At least Miranda admits that this video is from a few years ago
No. 730074
>>728578She's nuts. Nobody rich in the middle east is cleaning their own home, they have servants, or sometimes literal slaves from other countries. It's a different culture, people there aren't embarassed by the idea of servants.
>>729432I think that whatever he is, he grew up in North America and doesn't want to go back to wherever he came from, so his parents fund this sham marriage until he can find a real native spouse or gain citizenship. And he's got his own life completely, so he won't show his face on Looney's social media. She has to buy brand new scarves to dress up the vaccum cleaner because he doesn't keep any of that himself.
No. 730075
>>730057Hi Mira! How's your latest Japan visa application going?
Hope you have LOTS of file footage, 'cause (apart from a tourist visa) you don't have a hope in hell of living in Japan again. Enjoy Canada.
(hi cow) No. 730086
>>730074She’s deliberately ignoring the numerous news stories about slave contracts and abuse against housekeepers by Saudi Arabian couples. Servants are even used by normal working class Saudis. A while back, she wrote that her husband’s family had servants like drivers and bragged that the female relatives were all highly educated with degrees. If they are supposed to be married as early as possible, popping out babies and cleaning the house with a toothbrush, how are these educated and successful women achieving all those study hours, university classes, work and child raising all by themselves? Of course, we all know that either these women hold off on marriage and children until they complete university or, they have child care assistance and housekeepers to help out while they attend school or go to work. Those who cannot afford childcare have help from female relatives.
This is another thing Mira ignores about “Japanese housewife culture” fantasy. Japanese mothers often have help from the kids’ grandmothers or they get help from mama friends or neighbors. Has she never seen groups of Japanese moms going out together with all their kids? They watch each other’s children and do favors for one another, share meals or drop off food for their busy friends, just like other mothers around the world.
No. 730109
>>729805You actually hit the nail on the head. I asked her about taxes she said you don’t have to pay those for youtube money. I think there is some truth to that since I doubt any jvloggers file there hobby money as income.
Here other job was a waitress at some place.
Take it from me immigration is very very very strict right now. If you leave the country with a flag on your status then you have to have a great reason as to why you don’t live with your husband and are traveling without him.
No. 730147
>>730131Pinocchio's nose just keeps getting longer and longer.
The loon thinks she can maintain the ruse until she is safely back in Japan. Then she will film outside: la la la decided to go for a walk. See I was here all the time. la la la….
Trouble is, one click on your file, and immigration will see a little red flag next to your name…..
Try YouTubing in Canada! No more kanadajinsan for you. Just change to MsCanada. You'll get heaps of subs!
No. 730198
>>730074He had that Pakistani (or similar) tinge to his accent when we heard him as well.
>>730086Unlike Japan she doesn't live there and never will so, it's all a roleplay really.
No. 730436
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Stolen from PULL. Guess this muslim shitck fading fast.
No. 730536
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>>730436She is the same trash on answers, lying about sleeping after Isha, which in Tokyo would be 17:57 hrs. But we have seen her online on late night and even early morning on JST.
No. 730605
>>730536I truly hope that Mira ends up living in Saudi Arabia, but I sincerely doubt if she would ever have the balls to really do so. Strutting around like a hyper-Muslim in safe, non-Muslim countries is one thing, but actually living it is something that would give this precious snowflake a freaking meltdown.
Go on Mira. Show us all how Muslim you really are. Enough of the 'more Muslim than Muslim' BS. We are all waiting- front row seats to watch the train wreck. My popcorn is extra large, really salty and full of hot butter!
No. 730619
>>730260It’s not just us or PULL that
triggers her going private and delete cycles. She also has constant drama with other Twitter users and they all end up researching her or sharing her account with lots of people.
Recently, her pro-Saudi gang had some hilarious infighting when one of their members was accused of wrongthink and not being dedicated enough to their cause. When they’re not attacking young girls who don’t conform to their fetishized ideals, they are looking for faults in one another. I think Mira desires to be the “Queen Bee” of this group of middle aged Western shills and that’s part of reason she pushes so hard to be the most extreme.
>>730436Ah, Dresslink nostalgia! What happened to her trailer park ass back in Canada that made her hate Chinese and mass produced clothing to such an irrational degree? A Chinese eBay seller sold her a knockoff back in high school and she got humiliated in front of the cool kids? Her own style in the past was very hit or miss and now she is a goth potato sack, so I don’t understand why she imagines herself as a high class fashionista.
No. 730903
>>730883I think she will hold out on the whole Kanadajin3 spin as long as she can, but eventually she will look real stoopid doing it all in Canada, so the channel will fade into obscurity…..
The chip munching bed pounder is bound to sod off real soon, once he gets orders from his family to come home for reassessment of his life. And much to his relief as Mira spends too much time online and bitching about him working harder to get them back to Japan.
As for Islam, another phase in life. One day, she will put aside her Koran and various veils, and rave about her 'journey' online endlessly like a clueless idiot.
No. 730905
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>>730883#4 but she becomes a gimpgirl555 disciple at the same time
No. 731066
I know she has her own thread but good god her body is terrifying. Like some praying mantis hungry ghost eldritch abomination.
No. 731408
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Jesus fucking Christ on a bike this woman is stupid.
No. 731413
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>>731408She's some sort of surrealism experiment. It wouldn't be such a sad thing to watch if she was at least decent looking or even, not even so asymmetrical she looks like a landslide. Pic very much related.
No. 731437
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>>731423She's been ranting a long time about that issue
No. 731938
>>731408Just WOW. I know she had a low IQ, but bloody hell! She can never be 80? Hasn't she heard of a thang called "aging"?
Man that weed in Canada must be some powerful shit. Or perhaps it is just her retardation on display for all the world to see! That fetal alcohol syndrome is a BITCH.
No. 731941
>>731938Anon, you're just failing to translate Mira-speak into English. She just means that she could disguise herself to appear 80 right now but that wouldn't mean she's actually 80.
Mira's still a complete moron though.
No. 731973
So I don’t understand her logic at all here with the trans argument. Where was the line of thinking when she was “Japanese?” She could call herself Japanese all she wants and say she’s from Japan, but she will always in fact be a Canadian person from Canada… Now all of a sudden the reverse of this narrative is how she thinks because it benefits her “agenda.” So over her. That stupid video she made to expose “the haters,” was all based on the fact people only allegedly say things that benefit their “agendas?” Just in the same way she can magically ignore any instance of indisputable evidence put before her that will always disprove her entirely. “I never made the sock puppets.” - Well… Except you did in fact do that, and the undeniable proof was you being caught in the act with Kat Loves Osaka. She literally exposed you. So now you magically want me to think you are none of any of the other socks? Get real. Same thing with her Muslim story… I’m sorry, no matter what you say, your invalid, you are literally caught on camera admitting you’re in love with Rodi, and that you were planning to make sexual advances at him while he was under the influence of alcohol. She pervasively sexually harassed him and was premeditating and assault. She’s trash. She’s right up their with onision and sam pepper imo. I could care less if she’s in Japan or not, there still needs to be more discussion on the fact there is documented evidence of her engaging in sexual misconduct towards another YouTuber. She should be deplatformed. But I guess it doesn’t matter, she’s more than murdered her channel at this point, and for her to assert she doesn’t care actually just proves the opposite. Funny how the tables have turned… Rachel makes videos cleaning beaches up being a positive impact on her community, and good role model in Japan, and you’re a bitter Quasimodo who went Muslim for a guy (and when that didn’t work out, you found someone else to satiate your new fetish) that argues about the credence of people’s gender identities online… Absolutely none of my Muslim friends do that, and everything you so is not even in the spirit of Islam. Stop trying to act like your the expert versus people who have grown up their whole lives in that religion and culture, you should be ASKING questions not lecturing anyone. Have shame. By any standard Rachel would technically be a better Muslim than you and she doesn’t even practice Islam. I am so sure she will read this.
No. 732088
>>731995Hm she really act like she really don't understand why she is still hated…
As somone with a functional brain it's hard to understand that a retard person like her really believe that all is forgotten because allah has forgiven her.
It's even more shitty when you see that she has not changed in any way.
Mira, islam is no "get out of jail free" card.
No. 732115
>>732108Sad to say that for many muslim people, islam apply for MANKIND, so in their mindset everyone has to follow the rules and they are automaticly superior because you don't.
But yes its like discussing with a parrot:
Anymone: "I don't think so."
Mira: "But ISLAM!"
A: "But I don't…."
M: "No, ISLAM!"
A: "Hey I just wonna…."
M: "ISLAM! Alhamdulila, allah makes me so much better then you.!"
Nobody cares Miranda
No. 732118
>>732115Yea that's
valid specifically to her. My Muslim friends act nothing like that. She less than 5 years in this religion, the fact of the matter is, she doesn't know anything. She's likely just repeating what anyone tells her and takes anything she is finding off of good for face value. Yeah, she may read the English translation of Islamic texts, but I would not be surprised to find out she instantly hops to google the moment she gets challenged and does not know how to back herself up… She's practicing her own version of the religion and the fact she believes she's in any position to hold discourse on something she's barely been apart of is laughable. I don't care how informed she comes across, regurgitating information and actually living in practice for decades since your childhood is two different things. Yeah, no one does care. So the fact remains can't disprove anything she's being accused of, and the evidence is stacked against her. I mean, her channel is just dead at this point so I guess I can just accept her downfall and overall defeat and call it a day.
No. 732131
>>732118To be clear, I dont wonna say that all muslims are like this, I know also really nice once, I just have really bad personal experiences with some people…
Apart from the fact that she is trash, she killed her channel with her muslim shit. You can not change the content of your channel and saying: "It's my channel I can do what I want, also it was never just a japan channel…" and then crying you loose followers.
Also the choice to delete all vids were not really intelligent.
I still wonder why.
Is there someone in the background that
triggers that? Or does she just want to please her "new" muslim followers?
Or does she simply try to hide her past?
Well logic is not the right tool to deal with Mira…
Trying to cover ypur shitty past while spamming the internet with a new BS dont work,…
No. 732292
File: 1574463509879.png (1.78 MB, 1164x1290, スクリーンショット 2019-11-23 7.56.51.p…)

Born a female
Die a female
Be judged by Allah as a female
No. 732293
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>>732292Since Miranda was refused a visa to Saudi, she has been pushing the story that Japan is now suddenly better than Saudi
No. 732569
>>732524Like a man wearing a dress. He can go all over Tokyo. People will give the odd double-take and some school kids might giggle, but NOBODY will confront them. However, most people think it looks weird. The same as dressing up as a letter box.
Mira is so low IQ and deluded that she is not aware of this, despite having lived in the country for years.
It will be fun to watch her desperate antics as she tries to return to Japan. Will most likely involve another man once bed-pounder chip-muncher has moved on.
No. 732758
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What I dont get is why ninjafy some thumbnails while showcasing her ugly mug in others? Pure laziness.
No. 732960
>>732956She'll be back lol
You should know by now that she can't stay away too long from her haterz…she loves the attention we give her
No. 732991
>>732956She’s just put her K3 twitter back up minus the tweets about stockers coming to kill her.
Once she’s bored of that she will be back here stirring nonsense.
I have a slight tinfoil that marriage was actually forced on her husband because he is lazy and doesn’t care about the ‘halal’ life like Miranda. He lets her wear the trousers because he’s lazy and to his family it looks like they are the perfect Muslim family.
No. 733068
>>733037We're not entirely sure why. At one point her k3 account was deleted, a few days later it came back but the tweets were making fun of Miranda. Clearly someone overtook the account.
Some time later she claimed to have closed her k3 account because stalkers and haters. She made another twitter account, which if i can count right she's now at 3 different twitter? The normal one, the arabic one (mostly dead) and the japanese one (also mostly dead). There is maybe the anonymous account she claim to have created, but i havent seen a word on that yet.
Tl:dr : we dont really know what's up with the k3 twitter account.
No. 733418
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>>733410She looks surprisingly normal in this photo
No. 733514
>>733457The discord, I tell you! The discooooord!
If that discord was so interesting, then you would have posted more than just a couple pages of obvious trolling. Where is all the rest?
Whoever is running the @kanadajin3 account seems to be a native English speaker(KM has a distinct way of writing) and I have a feeling they are also another Canadian. I saw them post Canada articles that were unrelated to Mira or her views. However, there have already been several Canadian people who have come forward who either had direct experiences with her or felt compelled to denounce her as Canadians, so Mira wouldn’t be able to guess who it is anyway.
No. 733536
>>733514Good point!
What's even more concerning is her spying on Saudi men in Japan through SnapChat's map. Are they at a hotel after the game to sleep, or are they out smoking hookah and dancing to Arabic music in a private reserved bar for Al-Hilal's fans? Her followers warned her not to judge other people's lives. Of course she's the girl who cries wolf every minute of her life.
A lot of Arab men (and some women) smoke and it's very common in the Middle East.
No. 733576
>>733536It’s so disturbing! Mira trying to find out where they are going, what they’re doing and who they’re associating with. What those Saudis do is none of her damn business yet she is stalking random Saudi people constantly just to pass judgment on them like she is a member of the religious police. Who would ever think to map out or use location search on these innocent people just because they used Snapchat while in Japan? Normal people are talking about the great game or just showing pride for Al-Hilal. Many Saudis are having fun experiencing Japan for the first time. It doesn’t mean they are automatically doing something depraved or completely opposite of their morals. Does Mira not realize many people, religious or not, can go to parties or clubs and still not partake in drinking or drugs? That you can have fun listening to music and dancing with your friends and be sober?
Now she went private again! Her creepy ass really thought Saudis would support that disgusting behavior. I hope more Saudis take notice of her account and speak their minds.
No. 733648
>>733579Man this fool needs to get a life.
Who is enabling this crap? Generous parents or Canadian welfare?
She'd best stay in Canada because she's making enemies everywhere!
No. 733670
>>733579This moral police, stalking behavior is turing her into an even bigger Internet Ass-Clown.
Some western fool with a fetishized view of Islam tracking Saudi nationals and passing judgement on them from her parent's house in Canada. WTF??
Hope word gets around the Arab world about this twat.
No. 733677
>>733579What gives this troglodyte the right to sit online and judge what random people are doing like some internet police woman?!
It’s so creepy she’s gone beyond being a weeaboo or whatever, she’s straight up obsessed.
Im not sure how Saudi will react to a poorly educated Caucasian Muslim convert passing judgement on people Miranda, it won’t get you a visa that’s for sure.
No. 733684
>>733677Japan chewed her up and spat her out, and now she is destroying her chances of living in Saudi Arabia before even going there! OMG this girl is a freaking disaster.
Forget the haterz and stalkers. She is her own worst enemy!
No. 733801
>>733697Prior to this phase, she viewed herself as the white savior who must guide Japan towards the proper way to be Japanese. She also had a fixation on the smallest minorities and ethnic groups within Japan, as if she was exact same as them after a just a couple years of residency.
>>733735The Mira crazy train never stops!
No. 733923
>>733845cuttlefish2020 AT Gmail
Says so in the Anonymous link
No. 734006
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"Before islam, I was YouTuber. I threw fame & fortune for Iman."
Is Miranda pretending to be a non-native Arabic speaker of English?
No. 734011
>>734006Bish you were never famous, you are infamous for being a lying, cheating scumbag. You now choose to be ignorant and hide behind Islam because it fits your lazy ass lifestyle.
You will get bored one day and you will renounce Islam, like everything else you’ve ever done in your life.
No. 734537
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“When I move to Saudi…” same Miranda who said on her channel that she wasn’t going to Saudi Arabia, that’s why she doesn’t want to share it.
No. 735639
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Miranda why do you continue to lie? You don’t live in Japan.
Allah knows you don’t live in Japan, Allah also sees your hate filled tweets and your continued judgements against fellow Muslims that don’t fit your ultra conservative agenda (by the way did you know that’s haram?)
I too absolutely can’t believe all of this Islam fakery and hatred came from being rejected by rody..
No. 735641
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"I ever move back to Canada, I'll move to Manitoba"
No. 735654
>>735639It's funny because bill21 only affects Quebec residents and Miranda lives in Ontario
She's making a fuss for no reason, as the bill doesn't apply to her as an Ontario resident.
No. 735785
>>735639In her deluded mind, she probably justifies the blatant LIE by claiming that the Canada thing is only temporary, and that she is actually based in Japan.
As time goes by, any credibility she has with clueless hangers-on or new subscribers to her zombie channel will vanish, as the fake Muslum and fake Japanese resident will be exposed.
As her Japan visa applications continue to be rejected, she will become like a freaking wounded animal! She will double down on everything, continue to target people like non-believers, gays, and Muslims who are not up to her sick standards, and lash out at those who dare defy her "reality".
No. 735850
>>735785Yeah but it’s been like over half a year since she got deported he chances to come back are 0. Immigration is extremely strict now in Japan. I got flagged before at an airport due to traveling without my wife (not joking) and I hardly travel and my marriage is actually
valid. They almost barred me from re-entering and had to call me wife to confirm where I was going. This was because they suspected we didn’t live together because I didn’t get my card stamped with the new address.
As I was told Mira had been reported (not just by me as well as others as I came to learn after reading these threads) regarding her marriage and they didn’t allow for re-entry to Japan when she went to Canada.
Sorry for the long post but her re-entering is impossible I think maybe on a tourist visa but I doubt she could get a working holiday or even get married here it will probably be rejected. On a side note I know a guy applying from Germany for a work visa it took him 6 months and he was rejected. That was not how things were a year ago.
So Mira I know you reading this and yes he told me what happened.
No. 735911
>>735907Nobody gives a shit about your identity. You were the one who said “I am going to call Sam right now and film it”. Stick to your guns fool. If it’s true information there’s no reason to hide. Similar to BJ boy you really don’t care about your identity which leads me to believe this is another BS story.
“First date I pulled out camera she wore golden hijab” “Don’t want to say who I am she might find out!”
“Sam told me everything about her! We are really good buddies! I see you online boy!”
“Don’t want to film myself. People will know who I am”
No. 735923
>>735775Well, she won't be brutally tortured and murdered legally in Canada so I would say it probably
is much easier to be Muslim in Canada vs SA.
No. 735940
>>735939Wow, she totally missed the opportunity to call herself a Canadian Japanese Ojibwe Muslim. Identity is like simply changing hats for her. I wonder if she was planning to continue to call herself Japanese when moving to Saudi Arabia?
I still think it’s so strange how she proudly states that she doesn’t speak or read Arabic and has never expressed the desire to become a Saudi citizen when she was supposed to love Saudi Arabia more than any other country.
No. 735973
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>>735971She's desperate to try and prove she's in Japan, not Canada.
I bet she's asking herself these questions too
No. 735975
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"halal slaughter is most humane way"
No. 736230
File: 1575181637635.png (161.49 KB, 1150x722, スクリーンショット 2019-12-01 15.26.25.…)

Has your marriage been recognized in Saudi Arabia yet?
No. 736231
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>>736230Miranda is still obsessed with "discord buddies"
No. 736273
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>>736231Miranda you know damn well that only people like us would respond to your curious cat tweet.
Stop lying about your marriage being recognised, it isn’t..
Look at this post that you made on YouTube complaining that Saudis have to pay a fine to the government for marrying a foreigner for them to recognise it.
No. 736278
>>736273Is Mira partaking in some of that legal Canadian MJ? By the look of her writing, it sure as hell looks like it.
What a disgrace she has become. All those hard earned rights that women have won, to be equal to men, and this asshole is prepared to submit to a belief system that does not allow women to travel unaccompanied by a man.
Fuck Mira. She should move to SA and never return. She wants to spit in the face of countries that made her. Fine. Go live in a culture where you must travel with a male guardian. Enjoy your freedom.
No. 736290
>>736288The weird thing is, most people who follow her antics actually wish the best for her. If she cut all the bs, acted honestly and with some personal integrity, and then changed her life accordingly, then most people would be very happy and supportive of her.
But unfortunately, all you keep getting is this narcissistic, delusional, dishonest, self-righteous monster who is painting herself into a corner. I wish her no harm, but I can't help but feel she is headed for a complete and utter meltdown.
No. 736300
>>736290I'd actually stop following her nonsense completely if she apologized to those she's harmed and moved on
Until then, I'll remain critical of everything she does
No. 736444
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Miranda is a typical housewife
No. 736469
>>736444"i will never work again"
damn right she won't, no one would ever hire this masquerading loon!
No. 736478
>>736469Good luck being supported by bed pounder, no plate chip munching man-baby!
Miranda is just pathetic. What a lazy person. Bet her mother is doing most of her housework.
No. 736501
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"We should remember how people get AIDS and other STD.
From liberalism. "
No. 736561
>>736501>liberalism Sub-Saharan countries with the world’s highest rate of HIV/AIDS are LIBERAL societies?
>One life one partner I thought she said multiple 9 year old wives are totally awesome?
No. 736564
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Random nonsense from Miranda
"There is a mosque in every city in Japan"
No. 736566
>>736501NGL, I laughed pretty hard at that.
It's getting to the point with Miranda that I find myself invoking Poe's law, but then I have to remind myself that she's serious. She is literally beyond parody, because she's her own best satirist.
No. 736907
>>736893Why does she go to such stupid lengths to try and pretend to be in Japan?
You’re not there Miranda it’s so obvious.
No. 736931
File: 1575379792680.jpg (88.09 KB, 1400x415, Screenshot_20191203-082832_Chr…)

You look like you've fallen ill since you became muslim. Your skin is discolored, your eyes have no soul behind them, and you look like you're literally ready to die.
You sure about that Miranda?
No. 736963
>>736955Not really. One user was trolling Miranda and it was worth the watch, that's around 4 hours into the stream?
Tkyosam talks about some old Youtubers dead gf and Miranda laughs & says she remembers them too.
Miranda again tries to claim she's in Japan when Ham conveniently asks her about it. Someone later asks what time it is in Canada.
Incredibly boring, not worth the watch
No. 736969
>>736955Miranda seizing every opportunity to tell the world about her stalker coming to find where she lives.
Give the stalker stories up Miranda, no one is believing that crap.
If you want anyone to believe you show us evidence, post a picture of yourself in japan with a date (doesn’t have to be today but a recent trip to protect yourself)
Show us the camera footage of your stalker scoping out your house.
How do you expect anyone to believe you?
No. 737042
>>736907It is her power source. Without Japan, there is no Kanadajin3. She is desperate to get back, but Japanese immigration has had enough.
Now we can watch her flail and squirm, as the walls of lies begin to crumble, and the reality of a white Canadian women with mental health issues living with her mum and pretending to be some pious muslim becomes plain for all to see!
This heffer is ripe for the milking!
No. 737245
File: 1575465148157.jpg (1.09 MB, 1440x2116, 20191204_081151.jpg)

Miranda is now retweeting the alt-right to get her point across
Miranda there are swears in that tweet, that's ultra haram of you.
I hope you are arrested and lashed.
No. 737502
>>728972jesus christ I think I rawdogged this girl during the rave days in the late 90's early 2000s before a hullabaloo or purerave party in toronto.
I swear to fucking god she was on the bootyboard.
Aubry would know
No. 737642
File: 1575560046233.jpg (542.76 KB, 1401x1921, 20191205_103029.jpg)

Not easy enough for you to get permanent residency. You only got to stay because you scammed poor Japanese men into marrying you
No. 737696
>>737324not defending her autism, but m8…that's…really not the reason why. muslims all tend to use that word, it's basically the islamic version of "goy".
>>734011>leave islamI wanna just say that moment she will leave islam it won't look good for her, rip. She chose a dangerous path.
No. 737705
>>737696When she does leave Islam, the smartest way she can go about it would be to just abandon entirely her internet presence without any good-byes or explanations - just disappear without warning and stay that way. However, this is Mira we're talking about.
I wonder what people like her did before there was the internet.
No. 737786
>>736444She was a total failure at being a Japanese housewife, now she’s attempting to be an ISIS housewife lol
“I’ll never work again”
Be careful what you wish for, Miranda!
No. 737936
>>737705Before the Internet, people like Miranda bored the asses off their neighbors and wrote crazy letters to the newspapers. Every old newspaper has letters from random lunatics complaining about the “decline in morals” and other bullshit.
She is just Francis E. Dec with worse spelling.
No. 737986
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niqab is the greatest garment in this world
No. 737987
File: 1575643926365.png (97.78 KB, 1160x414, スクリーンショット 2019-12-06 23.51.10.…)

>>736915Miranda hates that we know that she cherry picks her beliefs
No. 738187
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Miranda is on a long rant about how Christmas is evil
No. 738303
File: 1575700142532.png (47.24 KB, 596x380, untitled-1.png)

Muslims should not judge on others yet it's okay based on her version of the Qur'an. Miranda is clearly aggressive, spoiled, immature, and stubborn but her husband seems okay with this behavior because…
"Women are crazy."
No. 738324
>>738314I dont get it…..
what do you mean with close?
No. 738361
File: 1575726654189.png (588.75 KB, 1164x1020, スクリーンショット 2019-12-07 22.49.55.…)

>>738352Miranda thought you might say that
No. 738362
File: 1575726745275.png (701.69 KB, 1166x974, スクリーンショット 2019-12-07 22.51.54.…)

>>738361Christmas is a gateway drug that desensitizes people to stuff that is haram
No. 738397
File: 1575736790463.png (506.57 KB, 1166x1030, スクリーンショット 2019-12-08 1.39.32.p…)

>>738375The culture of non-muslims is evil
No. 738499
File: 1575757672595.png (1.28 MB, 1166x1292, スクリーンショット 2019-12-08 7.27.01.p…)

"scientifically it’s proven that music leads you astray"
Music is actually the gateway drug to Christmas
No. 738500
File: 1575757844767.png (86.12 KB, 1232x278, スクリーンショット 2019-12-08 7.30.19.p…)

music causes people to have emotions…because emotions are haram
No. 738531
>>738499She’s just subtweeting her mum for the crime of having a Christmas tree and Christmas music in her own house.
I mean, no, she’s in Japan where they are always pressuring people into celebrating Christmas even though Christians are a tiny minority of the population, right?
No. 738584
>>738499>>738500She's so disgusting, but she's right in the sense that music, like all art, cultivates free thinking and creativity, which are anathema to oppressive fundamentalist religions. Neurological studies do demonstrate that music helps you process emotions. Happy music can promote positive emotions. Interestingly, sad and angry music actually mitigate those negative emotions by helping you process them, and aggressive music can be especially empowering.
If you're trying to control people, make them lose confidence, and isolate them, taking away creative outlets is certainly an effective way to do that. The strange thing with Mira, though, is that I don't get the sense that her mosque is particularly conservative. So it basically means she's going out of her way to brainwash herself.
No. 738602
>>738500I remember how excited Miranda was to go see the remake of Aladdin…which is a musical…containing music
I guess as always, Miranda is exempt from this fatwa?
No. 738638
>>738361>>738362>>738397Her mother did not invite her over for Christmas then?
>>738499>>738500Music is everywhere in Japan, from every television program to grocery store PA system to the daily 5pm chime played on public speakers. Yet Japan is the best place to live for culture-hating extremist Muslims?
>>738531Yes, the Christmas decorations are everywhere despite no deep cultural or religious significance for Japanese. Why isn’t she screeching about her religious rights constantly being violated in Japan? What about all the Jizo and temples shoving their multi-god haram-ity in her face?
>>738584>The strange thing with Mira, though, is that I don't get the sense that her mosque is particularly conservative.I definitely feel this too. She always has to one-up someone or double down on her personal interpretation.
No. 738681
>>738638"I definitely feel this too. She always has to one-up someone or double down on her personal interpretation".
Bit of armchair here but yeah. A real inferiority complex mixed with a good dose of narcissism. Couldn't just go to Japan, decide to stay, make a career in education or whatever, get married, etc. But oh no. She had to get on her high horse and act the fool. Absorbed Japan like some kinda Borg and then got on the world stage to act the expert and tell 'em how it's done.
Now it is Islam. She knows better than everyone. And this "Only Allah can judge me" spin makes it much more empowering than the Japan thing. If she was a genuine convert, she would show some humility and keep it mostly to herself. But she wants to strut around like a small dog with its chest puffed out, yapping like an idiot.
No. 738711
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>>738499Miranda found a way around the prohibition on music in movies because "if we happen to hear music not at our own will its not a sin for us"
No. 738922
>>738711Oh, God. She’s directly referencing this thread again. Just come here Mira! Stop sending yourself asks.
>we do not exist the houseWtf does that mean? Is she using more drag slang?
>>738724I used to think that was unlikely but now I believe that’s next on her list. It would make perfect sense given her desire for “purity”, superiority over “undesirables” and anti-Feminist stance. The attention would be too much for her to resist. Either that or a communist trans militant vegan.
No. 738949
File: 1575866328041.png (125.85 KB, 1172x648, スクリーンショット 2019-12-09 13.38.04.…)

"Men & women should NOT work together"
No. 739008
>>738977Mira is a joke. Selfish and lazy are becoming her defining features.
Why work when you can sponge off your family, collect Canadian welfare or find another mug to pay your bills?
You reading this Mira? Grow a freaking pair and support yourself financially. Otherwise you will weaken over the years, and may very well end up in the gutter.
No. 739085
File: 1575900552488.png (91.65 KB, 1160x374, スクリーンショット 2019-12-09 23.08.56.…)

Women working and paying taxes is evil?
No. 739195
>>739085Hi Mira! You do realize that stuff you post on the Internet stays forever, right?
Then again, perhaps it won't matter when everyone has tired of you and moved on, and your days are spent watching tv at a mental health care facility.
No. 739232
>>739085Didn’t someone say she owed taxes to Japan?
>>739178This got me thinking: what if she is still working and is now paying her child-husband to stay quiet? She is currently ranting about how it’s the man’s job to pay for everything and how she will never work because she is the queen, but also has stated several times that they are very poor. How can she publicly admit that while saying he needs to pay for everything AND support the multiple children she does not have? It’s deliberately keeping your hypothetical family in poverty with no regard to the burden it puts on the husband or her “children”. She has no morals at all.
No. 739337
File: 1575954319527.png (93.55 KB, 1164x404, スクリーンショット 2019-12-10 14.04.52.…)

Miranda is not a fan of Jews or Christians
No. 739416
>>739323Doesn’t want to work, doesn’t pay taxes, doesn’t value education, doesn’t appreciate husband as a partner, doesn’t contribute anything positive to any community she has been a part of. What a catch!
>>739337>The Jews!She’s on her way,
No. 739489
>>739470Didnt she said her mother is a fundamentalist christ, who totally accept her muslim daughter?
Yes I know,.. the pun is intended….
No. 739614
>>739337>>739514lol she's projecting, because she criticizes and practically hates anyone who doesn't follow her own weird version of Salafism.
But she's also wrong, because Judaism isn't a proselytizing religion. My father's family are liberal Jews, and I (as well as most of my family, probably) know way more Christians and Muslims than I know other Jews (though I'm not Jewish religiously). Though we're happy to have converts, I don't know any Jews who actively try to convert others, we're all pretty happy for Christians to be Christians, Muslims to be Muslims, Buddhists to be Buddhists, Hindus to be Hindus, etc.
Only tangentially related, but most of the Muslims I know interpret the Koran in very metaphorical, allegorical ways, and that's where they find the deep meaning. One thing I don't get about the literalist interpretation of people like Miranda: how does the 72 virgins thing work? It sounds rather hellish, either for the virgins or for the martyr. Where do the virgins come from? If they're innocents who died, suddenly they're enslaved to some man for the rest of eternity. That sounds awful. Or are they created just for the martyr? Still awful, slavery is all they'll know. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the martyr was a really great guy… but a lot of the time he isn't. He's a murderous terrorist who was a complete outcast in his own society, or he's a brutal authoritarian member of the religious police, or something. Or maybe they're not real people, but just programmed woman-like companions who do whatever the martyr wants… in which case they're not real companions with minds of their own, which renders the relationship completely meaningless.
>>739558lol naughty naughty!
No. 739843
>>739614the 72 virgins thing has been said to be a misinterpretation. the word for "virgin" is the same as "date" (the sweet fig that grows on trees). The Quran is in fusha (classical Arabic) which most fluent Arab speakers are not familiar with. So fusha is pretty hard to study and requires many years of studying. There's been discussion that "72 virgins" were actually 72 dates, since dates were highly prized in those times and used for trading. not sure about how the English translations got that so wrong, but a lot of early English translations of the Quran back then were written by white male European Orientalist scholars who had nothing to do with growing up Muslim or never lived in Muslim countries.
>>739768shut the fuck up, moron.
No. 739886
>>739843Nope. No one is talking about dates. Read about houris (described by classical islamic scholars) as beautiful female beings who will accompany the faithful in jannah in islamic mythology. any case, don't derail the thread with your islamic "apologetics"
Back to Miranda's wahhabist/salafi bullshit…
No. 739889
File: 1576106063162.png (114.49 KB, 1146x612, スクリーンショット 2019-12-12 8.13.00.p…)

Since Miranda was refused a visa to Saudi Arabia, Japan is now suddenly the best country to practice her version of islam
No. 739946
File: 1576116495590.png (160.71 KB, 1108x922, スクリーンショット 2019-12-12 11.06.57.…)

>>739889Why Japan over an islamic country?
No. 740002
>>739999You're obviously
triggered and can only resort to name-calling
It's time for you to move along
This thread is to discuss Miranda's bullshit
No. 740065
>>739946>halal food>in japanShe needs to see a shrink, even their bread, plain ol' sammiches, has lard.
>>739999>>739886One should go to sunnichat and the other should go to
No. 740264
File: 1576189202174.png (305.52 KB, 1146x1150, スクリーンショット 2019-12-13 7.19.29.p…)

>>740182According to Miranda, it is the "stalkers on discord enjoying random questions"
No. 740275
>>740264She keeps going on about this discord and we have seen 1 screen shot? This girl is beating a dead horse at this point
She sounds like a loon "the haters on discord", "someone came to my house taking pictures and looking in windows", "I live in Japan"
Prove it bitch
No. 740282
File: 1576193126951.png (209.36 KB, 1156x792, スクリーンショット 2019-12-13 8.25.17.p…)

"Your information is not based on facts, but rather nonsense echoed from people like navyhato"
No. 740295
>>740282>I got rejected>I can apply for citizenship anytime!This muslim saga is frying her brain.
I'm predicting it will end in her saying that Saudi isn't Muslim enough, husband wants to leave Japan and she goes full alt right conservative in Canada.
No. 740307
File: 1576201805628.jpeg (185.57 KB, 1242x431, 294B051B-142C-4203-8C26-1C2EAC…)

>>7403044 minutes later, Miranda starts asking herself about “reverting”.
No. 740308
File: 1576201917839.png (32.45 KB, 836x128, Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 8.47…)

She admits to having key loggers to hack people?
No. 740354
>>740317Didnt she said her mother is a hardcore christ?
I still dont get how she wonna belibe someone that such a mother will accent a muslim daughter.
The fact that she lived so long in a country so far away, were she reached nothing, its a nice statement about her family life.
Or did she even lie to them like she lied to everyone?
No. 740396
>>740308Oof admitting to using hacking tools was not a good move.
It’s also very haram Miranda, is that why you deleted it?
I haven’t seen anyone write here in that way before either (bad English) so I’ll assume it was a troll question and she took the bait like an idiot.
No. 740398
>>740308Is she trying to act as one of the "stockers" in this CC Anon question to lure people into believing that those same "stockers" are "harassing her every single day"?
Zero evidence.
No. 740412
File: 1576246215211.jpg (348.3 KB, 1431x805, 20191213_090954.jpg)

That's not very Islamic of you, Dumbass
No. 740418
>>739946She's just making shit up at this point. Japan has an 8-10% consumption tax, I had to look it up to see that SA has no sales tax of any kind.
The only way what she said makes any sense is if she thinks every foreigner in Japan can just flake out on their income taxes. It only worked for her because she never made enough money to be worth any legal action, except deportation.
No. 740479
>>740418The only way loopy Miranda would EVER get another Japanese residency visa would be to marry a Japanese national, and even then he would have to fight long and hard for approval because of her less than stellar record with Japanese Immigration.
Kanadajin3 is finished. The channel is a fetid, stinking rotting corpse. How long will she prop it up? Where will she be in December 2020? Still continuing her silly lies?
No. 740579
>>740563anon that is absolute bullshit. no one needs your wedding bills at the immigration.
unless you are maybe some super suspicious person to begin with lol
sorry but the amount of delusion in regards to japanese visa in this thread is just mind boggling everytime
sage cause probably no one cares anyway
No. 740849
File: 1576389220253.jpeg (594.33 KB, 1242x1482, 8CC5A531-F9AA-4AB9-8E09-55FFA0…)

Miranda triggered by a perfect description of her, it’s not just white male converts but white converts in general, She is the perfect example of it.
No. 740855
File: 1576391645040.jpeg (30.19 KB, 588x234, images-3.jpeg)

>>740849Oh Miranda, search the news and you'll find a large number of white converts to islam who became radicalized
No. 741021
File: 1576453085190.png (98.37 KB, 1154x440, スクリーンショット 2019-12-16 8.37.44.p…)

Miranda is still an expert on Jamaican Patois
No. 741023
File: 1576453129176.png (204.53 KB, 1172x788, スクリーンショット 2019-12-16 8.38.39.p…)

It's ok that Miranda's husband is poor because he is over 25?
No. 741134
File: 1576481227341.png (707.33 KB, 1164x1210, スクリーンショット 2019-12-16 16.26.48.…)

Miranda also hates Netflix
No. 741150
File: 1576498999056.jpeg (126.97 KB, 750x360, C859196D-648C-422E-A0B8-A932D0…)

Miranda: Stalkers want me dead REEEEE
Also Miranda: I hope Allah chokes you on day of judgement.
No. 741187
>>741186Her husband probably has a cuck fetish
There's no other reason he'd let her spread extreme ideals online and chat up random men on Twitter. Women should be seen not heard, right Miranda?
No. 741205
File: 1576528920120.jpeg (368.75 KB, 750x681, FAFFB27E-44FB-4CD0-A08D-14D2AF…)

Also Miranda: retweets a pic of the current protests in India against the new citizenship bill in India.. from a woman’s perspective.
100% anti feminism right there.
No. 741306
You've talked a lot about how much you hate Shia Muslims, Sufi Muslims, and moderate Sunni Muslims, and how only your radical, extremely conservative Salafism is correct. But here's the thing: Salafism makes up a tiny percentage of Muslims worldwide, yet it accounts for literally every single Jihadi terrorist attack in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America in modern history. How do you explain why all these terrorists generally agree with you theologically, while the Shia, Sufi, and moderate Sunni Muslims are able to basically live peacefully? Why are all the bad people on your side?
No. 741308
>>741306Answer the freaking question, Miranda. Make it snappy!
No. 741392
>>741361It is super sketchy. Her Saudi husband won't teach her Arabic? He's conservative but she can talk with men online, go out shopping alone, and judging from what she posts, she violates Islamic codes and he allows it?
I just want proof she is no longer in Japan. I don't think she is there, but there's no proof either way.
No. 741509
Hi all,
Long time no post. A couple things I thought you might all find amusing about little isis-chan. She recently contacted Victor (Gimmeabreakman) and asked him to remove all the thumbnails with her in it AND, this is the batshit crazy part, she sent him new ones to replace them with. LOL!
Link here: - Sorry I don't have a timestamp.
The other funny thing is some time ago a video was made about her called "Formerly "Famous" Jvlogger Kanadajin having a crISIS and she REALLY, REALLY hates this video. She has tried every way to get it scrubbed of YT but hasn't been able.
This video is over 8 months old already and she just filed another complaint to try to get it removed. Anyways these 2 things made me realize that she is really living a sad, pathetic life that she dedicates so much time and energy harassing people online.
Oh you should check out Kanadajin has a crISIS if you haven't seen it yet it's pretty funny: before she gets it taken down off youtube.
No. 741765
>>741661>The only person who would write a wall text defending Miranda’s point, is miranda herself.This is what it always comes down to. Not just bad spelling or grammar, because we also have many non-native English speaker anons. It’s the WAY she goes all out and shows her anger and frustration through the text. Hyper-fixation on certain subjects, such as that discord, that NO ONE else would care about. Lashing out at “you people” while pretending to be a seasoned farmer or someone who “randomly” stumbled upon the site, but refuses to leave.
If anyone remembers the efforts she made on PULL 1.0 to sound like different people, even creating cute little back stories for them all, you’d understand that you shouldn’t doubt a post is hers simply because the grammar or spelling is too good.
No. 741804
File: 1576740142966.png (271.17 KB, 1262x1194, スクリーンショット 2019-12-19 16.22.07.…)

Miranda supports the death penalty for leaving islam
No. 741825
File: 1576746567603.png (139.32 KB, 1268x476, スクリーンショット 2019-12-19 18.09.27.…)

>>741804Miranda is unable to finish the debate
No. 741836
>>741825That God/Allah is her answere on everything was already boring mounth ago.
Beeing unable to have an adequat discuss about a theme just show how backward and stupid someone is.
Also in medieval times, muslim sholars discuss themes openly and were more forward then europeans.
But just yelling to quiet everything that she is right because of allah, is just dumb.
No. 741893
>>741884hm yeah so true,.. the two jobs she had were (illegal) hostess and waitress, jobs were you need to deal with that,.. also at that time she definitly liked it that men flirt with her,..I dont know why someone should do that but ok,…..
Didnt she said that the women in her SA family are high educated? Why? If women should not work at all?!
No. 741974
File: 1576809059220.png (289.7 KB, 1252x1078, スクリーンショット 2019-12-20 11.30.43.…)

Don't ever accuse Miranda of having bad habits
No. 742007
File: 1576820048861.png (96.22 KB, 1164x326, スクリーンショット 2019-12-20 14.30.49.…)

Actually I'm not logged in and I never photoshop anything, Miranda.
You know that you like to make your wahhabist bullshit open and available for everyone to see because you enjoy the attention, whether positive or negative.
No. 742029
>>741983That is alot of "if this" "if that", anon.
Let start with you finding the tweet you are talking about.
No. 742032
File: 1576842093001.jpg (73.85 KB, 640x903, WhymH2Z.jpg)

>>742007What is she talking about? I don’t have a Twitter account and I can see all of these replies too. You don’t need Photoshop to simply crop a screenshot.
>>742029I don’t quite understand your first statement but here is the exchange where she mentions husband is a bumpkin.
No. 742038
File: 1576848752317.jpg (147.88 KB, 1428x481, Screenshot_20191220-083131_Twi…)

None of us follow your account you stupid cow.
Wtf is this new lie she made up about Japan? The Japanese don't joke according to super Japanese Miranda
No. 742040
File: 1576849176739.jpg (334.59 KB, 1436x988, Whbaiaggvd.jpg)

I work for a Canadian bank, they're open all weekend, up to the 24th, and then again from December 27th up until December 31st
She's reaching pretty hard to 1) prove she isn't in Japan. Babe, just post a fucking photo of you holding today's newspaper. 2) prove she's ultra Muslim who doesn't celebrate Christmas - bitch we know you do.
Go make your own money instead of leeching off your parents and poor grandparents. Shame
No. 742059
>>742043Good question… her own lies bite her again…. Even if he can not support her because he is just a student,.. what does she do for living? Right she is just a housewife and will never ever work again,… so how can her husband support her? Is he in Canada?
Lies over lies,….
No. 742071
>>742040It is amazing just how she lies about anything and everything.
Miranda you’re in Canada, your mum doesn’t need to send money to japan unless she’s paying your credit card debt, kek
No. 742127
>>742041Paypal is one way to send money everywhere very easily!
Oh wait… she made a fake paypal account and closed it so she didnt had to pay back the 10k she owns them, my bad!
(for the new people here, that was right at the end of the KM drama era)
No. 742172
>>742156It appears this money was supposed to be sent just in time for Christmas! I guess she’ll try to rationalize that money doesn’t count as a Christmas present unless it’s festively wrapped.
Didn’t she vehemently deny that mommy and daddy send her money? Why does an “ethnically Japanese” person with eternal visa need to access a Canadian bank at all?
No. 742173
>>742172It’s just another one of her lies that she hasn’t really thought through.
She’s probably going to spend the Christmas period with her Muslim family because Christmas is haram at her mums
No. 742218
File: 1576970653506.png (321.05 KB, 1238x1246, スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 8.23.34.p…)

America is an expert on the American criminal justice system because of reality tv?
No. 742220
>>742219She's an expert on Canada, America, Japan, Saudi Arabia
What a tit head. Get your head out of your ass, Miranda
No. 742248
File: 1576986296011.png (1.25 MB, 1980x1054, スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 12.44.26.…)

Miranda's new image since she is now "made in China cautious"
No. 742249
File: 1576988002796.png (340.17 KB, 654x858, スクリーンショット 2019-12-22 13.13.27.…)

>>742248Saudi account also
No. 742299
>>742287You're completely misrepresenting what's going on. It's not a genocide, but Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang (formerly East Turkestan) are being forced into re-education camps, and they're being forced to submit to Chinese patriotism and CCP propaganda. The Chinese government says this is to counteract Jihadism, but it really has more to do with suppressing Uyghur culture, and by extension any independence movement that could arise.
The Uyghurs don't look, speak, or consider themselves Chinese, and they want independence. However, Xinjiang is extremely resource-rich, and it's a strategically valuable area for China because it gives them a foothold in Central Asia, which was historically basically controlled by Russia. China won't give it up, and there's been a Uyghur independence movement since day one. It's the exact same story as what's been happening in non-Muslim regions like Tibet and Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), who also feel non-Chinese, want independence, and face severe state repression.
(derailing) No. 742307
File: 1577031263665.png (113.3 KB, 601x430, Screen Shot 2019-12-22 at 9.08…)

In the top tweet, Mira argues that the United States doesn't throw enough people in prison (we literally have a higher proportion of citizens in prison than any other country on the planet). Someone called her out for not knowing what she's talking about, and she just called the person ignorant.
In the bottom tweet, Mira promotes an argument for child marriages, which are the major vehicle for pedophilia, child abuse, and prostitution (see "pleasure marriages") in the Middle East.
Every time I start to think I should stop focusing on lolcows like Mira, she reminds me, loud and clear, how awful she is.
No. 742313
>>742310Her MiraNagayama twitter is hilariously pathetic.
"I'm totally in Japan guys!!!"
No. 742315
>>742307She said "Don't act like living in Canada WE don't get your news".
She's clearly in Canada.
No. 742353
File: 1577051134999.png (59.44 KB, 632x238, Screen Shot 2019-12-22 at 4.44…)

Randomly found this right now out of nowhere and I agree.
No. 742361
File: 1577053542000.png (57.66 KB, 752x353, キャプチャ.PNG)

>>742353I guess randa's not japanese anymore
No. 742371
>>742361She still slips up from time to time and uses "we" when talking about Japanese people
Strangely enough, she also uses "we" when talking about Canada and Saudi Arabia, so who knows what her identity is now
No. 742372
File: 1577057894367.png (759.89 KB, 1974x668, スクリーンショット 2019-12-23 8.37.48.p…)

Her youtube channel has changed a lot since the "fun videos about Japan" days
No. 742672
File: 1577241953658.png (130.14 KB, 1158x558, スクリーンショット 2019-12-25 11.45.26.…)

Miranda's husband's family all have maids and servants, but she will never have a maid
No. 742743
>>742710Hi Mira!
Enjoy going to church with your family on Christmas day.
Just go easy on the cosplay. Might be a bit awkward….
No. 742890
File: 1577412966800.jpg (398.06 KB, 1219x1793, JfwXk95.jpg)

Mira is truly a genius of our time. Now we can add black hair care expert to her repertoire!
No. 742911
File: 1577419792083.jpg (54.8 KB, 1110x816, ELqRe-yXsAABg58.jpg)

>>742890"Be quiet of topics you are ignorant of"
So true…The problem is that Miranda never moves beyond the initial peak of confidence she has regarding any topic
No. 742928
>>742900Further proof that Saudi Arabia is never, ever happening. Like you said, Arabic people will not hold back their opinion and they WILL put her in her place when she gets out if line.
Wow, now that she is arguing with black women about their hair, she really has completed her transformation into the female Onision.
No. 742936
File: 1577425393381.png (903.28 KB, 1248x1074, スクリーンショット 2019-12-27 14.40.52.…)

>>742928Miranda's "snappy" personality even annoys muslims…
No. 742974
File: 1577452341246.jpg (222.62 KB, 1343x715, Screenshot_20191227-081206_Twi…)

Good luck getting there from Canada you dumb slut
No. 742986
>>742981Not to mention that time stamp is EST, meaning it would have been 8:15PM in Japan.
She never went to bed so early in her life. She was on her way to bed because it's 6:15AM where she lives in Canada
No. 743043
File: 1577479674987.jpeg (75.63 KB, 750x200, 6D37EFC1-E874-4631-92D7-891A7A…)

>>743033She posted it 9h ago which would have made it 8:45pm in Japan or 6:45am in Canada (ish)
No. 743086
File: 1577502898793.png (99.93 KB, 1168x328, スクリーンショット 2019-12-28 12.15.02.…)

>>743043Thank God I feel safe living in Japan
No. 743090
>>743086She is a freaking clueless idiot. It doesn't get any better as she gets older, it gets worse.
If you have whole threads devoted to commenting on your shite, wouldn't any sane person know it is time to give up? Perhaps she gets off on all the attention.
No. 743103
>>743086>WESo much for not identifying as a Japanese anymore. Lasted a few days.
When I first saw her new thumbnail, I swear it looked like a blue gimp mask and ball gag. It looks absurd.
No. 743203
>>743043Look Mira you Quasimodo gimp! You can't just pop into a combini because they are on another continent.
How are you going to keep spinning this lie through 2020? You might be stupid but the Internet is not. Some people actually LIVE in Japan, and know how easy it is to call you out.
Grow up. 2020: Yet another year of you making a public tit of yourself??
No. 743315
>>743203Lmao at Quasimodo
But I’m curious why it even matters. I mean I know she has a low IQ and looks like that Henry Lucas guy on Netflix but this is pretty extreme and pretty funny. Have other jvloggers said stuff about this yet? I know Sam is just avoiding the questions because even he knows what it is but what about the others?
No. 743328
>>743315I dont think she is relevant enough that the big J-Vloggers even care.
Rachel and Sharla would just say: Randa who?
Maybe the minors who try to generate some clicks.
She just leave YT because she can not generate any relevant content, even no faked one. Just because she is not in Japan anymore.
Even her Rollercoaster stuff went down.
Why is she so obsesses to make us believe she is in japan? What does she gain with that lie?
There are so many good lies why she need to return to Canada. Her dad got sick, her brother do drugs (against his will, he was foced by gay fiminists) and now she need to save him with the power of allah,… or her rich Saudi family bought them a house in Canada with lot of servants. C'mon Miranda that were just 3 ideas out of the blue, you can do better!
Why she blurr her face in her videos?
She really try to hide. But why?
You can not hide and stay rellevant at the same time Miranda!
And spray random propaganda and nonsene on Twitter is no life.
The world don't need your white ass do defend Saudi Arabia, a country you will never enter.
No. 743331
File: 1577628031005.png (226.2 KB, 1532x1290, スクリーンショット 2019-12-29 22.59.31.…)

>>743328Looking at her recent stats, it's safe to say that she is no longer a vlogger about anything, so no reason for other j-vloggers to talk about her
No. 743358
>>743331She was live again?
Funny that she is still at 211k subscribers, looks like many inactiv and or bought subs.
No. 743538
File: 1577729597693.jpeg (176.78 KB, 750x463, 1E3B3F75-52E2-41B3-AF49-5D34F7…)

The last ever foreigner to commit a crime in Japan was Logan Paul.
Are you sure about that?
No. 743595
>>743538Wasn't the last foreigner to tarnish moral codes and commit crimes a Canadian national named Miranda Constable? Something about visa fraud, visa violations, stealing from some European guy, and the slander of some YouTubers?
Hasn't that little asshole since been kicked out of the country?
No. 744242
File: 1577840683768.png (129.73 KB, 1170x762, スクリーンショット 2020-01-01 10.04.29.…)

Miranda trying to use the "Saudi is no longer pure" as the reason why she can't move there
No. 744243
File: 1577840740011.png (208.39 KB, 1244x762, スクリーンショット 2020-01-01 10.05.44.…)

>>744242Even her followers are confused
No. 744354
>>744242Yes people told her not to go to SA and that she will be shoked, but not because its not the holy land of milk and honey for he white flat ass with muslim fetish anymore.
Its because she will have a horrible live after her bubble burst.
Its so rediculus that she really think to judge that a country is nut the same anymore like in the past. A country she never was and will never enter. Yes maybe some hardliners argue about how stuff has changed, butr that do hardliner everytime all opver the world.
Its just a lame excuse for her because she will never go there.
Its like you are in love with Disneyland,.. know everything (better) but then decide not to go there becausse it has "changed" because the churros cost now 12 bucks….
No. 744416
File: 1577878556152.png (124.64 KB, 1262x448, スクリーンショット 2020-01-01 20.36.05.…)

Saying happy new year is also haram!
No. 744423
>>744416>>744417But in Japan, Christmas and New Year are celebrated the same way! Did she lock herself indoors for several weeks as not to see all the pagan decorations? If Saudis enjoying other cultures in the slightest ways makes her so angry, why hasn’t life in “Japan” given her a heart attack? Do nengajo in her mailbox give her nightmares? Did she cry as we ring the temple bell for New Year? You’d think she’d try to become the Muslim Debito and sue every single place for offending her pure Islamic sensibilities.
No Muslim person who acts like her would ever choose to live in Japan. (Most all)Muslims here respect Japanese customs and often partake in things omairi and learning about the shrines and temples. They love family events and enjoy Japanese music and dancing like any one else. Can you imagine burka-clutching Mira traveling to those places now?
No. 744425
>>744423It's so weird…she complains about saudi not being pure anymore while Japan(Canada) has lots of music/concerts, pagan holidays, "sexy" clothing, etc.
She clearly just needs an excuse to explain why she can't live in saudi
No. 744509
>>744500I talked to some Muslims and they say the Qur'an states that they should not imitate infidel holidays, but treat them kindly and respect the non believers wishes to practice their beliefs in peace.
So Miranda, calling someone a dumbass and wishing for Allah to have them burn in hell is haram. Your durka durka god is gonna punish you. You fucking dumbass.
No. 744545
File: 1577927028787.png (125.25 KB, 1174x512, スクリーンショット 2020-01-02 10.02.35.…)

>>744500Remember, New Year is a "holiday of disbelievers"
No. 744546
>>744545Why is she
triggered by this so-called Saint Sylvester's Day?
Does anyone in Japan/Canada celebrate the new year as Saint Sylvester's Day?
No. 744645
>>744546Everything that isn’t Islam approved
triggers her. She has to make sure that everyone knows non Muslim holidays are for the infidels only
No. 744753
>>744733The strange thing is that instead of saying that (since she is supposedly in Japan) she doesn't celebrate Japanese New Year's because it's associated with the Shinto religion, she goes on a rant about Saint Sylvester's Day…a day which most people in Japan (or Canada) know nothing about.
I'm guessing she must of heard about Saint Sylvester from her islamic "univercity" and passionately latched onto the idea…Am I the only one that gets Greta Thunberg vibes from her?
No. 744837
>>744733NO. JEWS DO NOT FOLLOW JESUS. this is relevant because miranda is into religion now.
jesus was a rabbi. jesus was trying to convince his fellow jews to follow him or atleast change. THEY SAID NO. its highly offensive to most jews to say jesus is their savior. it would be like saying your local priest is your savior. they believe jesus is real but they dont think he was sent from heaven. they are still waiting for the son of god.
>>744753I do get greta thunberg vibes from miranda which is why i corrected 744733. but i think miranda wants to be a greta. I dont think she has found her puppetmasters yet. or maybe she has. I remember the one muslim guy has miranda found a radical group or is she an army of one.
No. 744901
>>744242I can't wait until she burns out on pretending to be a Taliban bride, and tries to worm her way into something new, but she has burned all her options to the ground.
>>744423You can tell she never interacts with other Muslims IRL, just sits in a shitty apartment being an antisocial fucknut all the time.
No. 745091
File: 1578032480948.jpg (56.6 KB, 207x275, FloatDownHere.jpg)

>>744545Once again, Mira demonstrates that she only cares about Islam insofar as it allows her to attack and feel superior to people, including other Muslims who she sees as less devout or of the wrong sect. How sad she must be, to have to shit on a holiday everyone else is enjoying.
>>744242Imagine being such a nasty little shit that you attack a country you've never lived in or visited because it's abusing its own people a little bit less than before. Yikes
>>743086The Chinese government does push a lot of propaganda, but I'm very interested to see what her reaction would be if anyone were to tell her about the Rape of Nanjing or Unit 731…
No. 745141
>>744753Miranda thinks she’s being ‘courageous’ like Greta, it gives her that sense of power by telling actual practicing Muslims to suck eggs.
All practicing Muslims know what is haram, Islam doesn’t need to be ‘defended’, in fact by giving it that status it makes it seem like being a Muslim (generally speaking, obviously there are issues) is a problem when it isn’t.
No. 745175
File: 1578061535399.jpeg (352.91 KB, 750x908, 77335681-1115-481B-8976-FD133D…)

>>745170Well this is how she feels apparently
No. 745178
File: 1578062128074.png (366.17 KB, 1172x1226, スクリーンショット 2020-01-03 23.35.31.…)

>>745170She hates China/Iran with a passion and loves Trump
No. 745182
>>745175wow and
>>745178double wow
So what, she's muslim but at the same time hate every muslim or something? I cant follow….
No. 745238
>>745229Doesn’t take much to
trigger you does it? Who are you even talking to?
What has any of your post got to do with what anyone has said?
No. 745258
>>745179>>745229See, just talking about shias will
trigger Miranda and cause her to flip out
No. 745332
File: 1578107024804.png (387.87 KB, 1164x1176, スクリーンショット 2020-01-04 12.03.33.…)

>>745258Just in case you forgot, shias are liars and terrorists
No. 745414
File: 1578142069373.jpg (572.22 KB, 1418x2047, 20200104_074743.jpg)

>>745229You give yourself away, Miranda sweetheart
You're such a dumb cow you can't do anything right
No. 745570
>>745524Yes, your bullshit bj story was sad to begin with, now it’s just pathetic.
Put up or shut up shitstain
No. 745663
File: 1578211252733.jpeg (456.66 KB, 750x1053, 81C2F733-2FB3-4524-BE1A-7FFE3A…)

But where will you live? What a moronic thing to say, I hope it does get renounced and you get thrown in a detention centre.
No. 745769
>>745332Mira, almost every major terrorist attack in the US, Europe, and Asia has been perpetrated by Salafists, which is a SUNNI sect. It's a Sunni sect YOU agree with. You support war, and I legitimately don't know if it's because you lack the maturity and mental capacity to understand the impact of violence on other people (this is real life, not a game), or if it's because you're literally incapable of empathy.
Unrelated, but I know many Muslims and have a great fondness for Middle Eastern culture (especially Iran and Lebanon, because fuck you Mira lol)… but I'm watching a thing on Mecca, and I can't help but be repulsed in a very visceral way. You have millions of people visiting the birthplace of a dead warlord, it honestly feels like the most grotesquely bloated cult function I've ever seen.
But getting back on topic, Iran has committed a litany of horrible human rights abuses… but by virtually every single metric, Saudi Arabia is WAY, WAY worse. It's more oppressive to its own citizens. It executes more people. It promotes a more violent sect of Islam, Salafism, that fuels way more terrorism. You're criticizing a rabid chihuahua, while defending a rabid pitbull.
(sperg) No. 745782
>>745769——– You're criticizing a rabid chihuahua, while defending a rabid pitbull.————-
Thumbs up for this!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 745815
This video appeared on my home and I couldn't stop laughing… when Miranda said she was offended people spoke English to her in Japan?
No. 746116
File: 1578353199319.png (944.19 KB, 1876x876, スクリーンショット 2020-01-07 8.26.50.p…)

>>746112Now she is NiqabQUEEN?!
No. 746121
File: 1578353563009.png (1.29 MB, 1812x932, スクリーンショット 2020-01-07 8.32.16.p…)

>>746116It looks like she has been putting out a lot of wahhabist/salafist bullshit content recently
No. 746149
File: 1578359616948.png (101.32 KB, 1862x550, スクリーンショット 2020-01-07 10.13.14.…)

She saw that we were talking about her new channel and she deleted everything
No. 746183
File: 1578363876167.jpg (237.45 KB, 1419x840, 20200106_212438.jpg)

We'll find you. You have this incredible need for attention
No. 746189
>>746183She has 14 half-assed channels?
The original kandajin3 channel, doudemomira, japan planet coaster, saudi planet coaster…what else?
No. 746377
File: 1578388751602.png (511.11 KB, 1118x940, スクリーンショット 2020-01-07 18.19.23.…)

>>746368Yup, it's her new ISIS channel
No. 746379
>>746183Oh honey this is really really sad. If you wanted to thrive without harassment you would not draw attention to yourself.
Except you need the attention to thrive so the ‘harassment’ is just a by product of you being a lolcow.
No. 746405
>>746377Is that the number of views on each video? 10 and 7?
That's pretty pathetic even for you, Miranda
No. 746421
>>74640513 channels AliVE and ThrIVinG
Why does she bait us? Of course we’re going to look for them!
No. 746536
File: 1578433763592.jpg (204.57 KB, 1399x432, Screenshot_20200107-164920_Twi…)

You're in Canada, but aight Bitch thanks for the heads up
Fucking loon
No. 746554
File: 1578437367297.jpg (316.37 KB, 1427x1167, stockersomg.jpg)

Keep posting your idiotic opinions out there (you do just that, you dunce) and we'll continue to call out your idiocy and hypocrisy
The people who "follow you" have a right to know what kind of person you are. You can't run from your past no matter which country you live in.
How's that Canadian cold treating you Miranda Ann Constable?
No. 746555
File: 1578437426316.jpeg (169.38 KB, 750x451, ACE0E0B8-8851-4B00-BEA3-E050BA…)

You literally just made a channel with a video talking about your conversion to Islam, thus talking bout yourself, your life, your opinions etc.
Are you really that stupid Miranda or do you just need that sweet attention fix?
No. 746599
File: 1578448922976.png (125.33 KB, 1158x462, スクリーンショット 2020-01-08 11.01.00.…)

>>746554All shias anywhere in the world are enemies?
You don't think that's pretty extreme? You should be able to understand why you have so many haterz even among muslims
No. 746601
File: 1578449079757.png (331.09 KB, 1332x858, スクリーンショット 2020-01-08 11.04.40.…)

She's back with more eyebrow porn
No. 746616
>>746554Her narcissism has ascended to a level where she thinks her personal opinions and the Quran are one and then same. Mira IS the Quran. The Quran is never wrong, so Mira can never be told she is wrong again!
>>746599How has her account not been shut down for hate legitimate speech? Her tweets against Shia are even more vicious and direct than her LGBT ones. She consistently violates Twitter’s Hateful Conduct Policy.
No. 746652
>>746646She'd also have at least one child and be expecting another.
That said, one positive thing that can be said about Miranda is that, for whatever reason, she hasn't had any children.
No. 747072
File: 1578633350517.png (156.55 KB, 640x624, Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 12.1…)

Still on her weird "pedophelia is fine so long as you have your period" flex.
No. 747073
>>747072"If your an Athiest, it should also be very easy for you to understand that once you get your period, you are genetically an adult"
There are so many things wrong with this statement that I don't know where to begin…
No. 747127
>>747089Fucking kek
Girls can get their period as young as 9, genetically adult.. absolutely not. If she were to get pregnant the chances are she’d likely die.
Miranda you are fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.
No. 747161
File: 1578666186221.jpeg (354.16 KB, 750x726, 458C6CA6-E24D-4E7A-A3F2-AE7FE9…)

Lol bless you anon this is hilarious
No. 747233
>>747207‘I just need about $800 for the uniform for my new job’. ‘I need $800 for new lingerie’.
She needed $800 to pay her visa husband..
No. 747319
>>747072Advocating the killing of gays…. Promoting strict Islamic law… Defending child rape…. No job or career, continuing to lie….
Bloody hell! What ever happened to the ditsey, happy go lucky jvlogger? She has turned into a FREAKING MONSTER !!
If she keeps heading in this direction, what the f_ck is the Quasimodo Gimp gonna evolve into in 2020? Scary shit.
No. 747333
File: 1578730083601.jpg (72.77 KB, 634x744, 26C09C9E00000578-2999925-image…)

>>747319I think we all know the answer to that question
No. 747334
>>747333HOLY CRAP !! (
(emoji) No. 747647
File: 1578831645360.png (113.82 KB, 611x787, unknown.png)

No. 747671
File: 1578841135814.jpeg (38.58 KB, 835x221, FCA8AFB1-CACF-4073-90A9-1C60C0…)

>>747647Shia and Sunnis are recognised terrorist groups…. I AM SUNNI
So you admit you are a terrorist, Miranda?
No. 747684
>>747671No, she’s saying that all terrorist groups, whether they’re Shia or Sunni, are recognized by Saudi as terrorist groups. She left out one comma, which is closer than Miranda usually gets to correct English.
On the other hand, Saudi doesn’t sponsor terrorism? Make me laugh harder, Miranda.
No. 747792
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No. 747797
File: 1578888560194.png (119.14 KB, 598x809, unknown-1.png)

No. 747799
File: 1578890380856.png (1004.96 KB, 1162x1042, スクリーンショット 2020-01-13 13.39.32.…)

>>747797Miranda did what she always does when called on her bullshit…runs away
No. 747945
File: 1578949050490.jpeg (166.26 KB, 750x351, AB00328A-4C2B-4938-99B2-333DDB…)

For someone who spends their entire life on the internet I find this hard to believe. I thought because of your stalker problem you won’t give personal information about your location? Yet another lie but as long as you’re still in Japan, right?
No. 747998
>>747945WOW! Google remembers where your phone has been, and uses that data! This is amazing, next level stuff. Who would have ever thought that was even possible??
And Mira went shopping in Yodabashi! WOW! She must really, really, really be living in Japan.
La la la la …..
(autism) No. 748498
File: 1579063320861.png (73.21 KB, 1164x218, スクリーンショット 2020-01-15 13.41.20.…)

If all of Japan would become a Muslim country the suicide rate would decrease…
…but the suicide bombing rate would likely increase
No. 748502
File: 1579063565213.png (124.71 KB, 1160x568, スクリーンショット 2020-01-15 13.44.26.…)

>>748476She has a severe case of cognitive dissonance regarding conservatives…in her bashing of liberals/feminism, she seems to overlook the fact that conservatives are the primary haters of islamic philosophy and muslim immigrants (especially niqabis)
No. 748563
File: 1579079167230.png (87.06 KB, 1166x368, スクリーンショット 2020-01-15 18.06.21.…)

Miranda is still obsessed with Naruru
No. 748564
I actually feel sorry for the girl, but I’m sure no one takes any notice of Miranda’s ‘stockers’
No. 748588
File: 1579097789127.png (434.2 KB, 1168x862, スクリーンショット 2020-01-15 23.16.50.…)

Apparently there are only two types of people in the world: sunni or shia/the misguided
No. 748594
>>748588Miranda where is your husband? I think haven’t you mentioned him in a while?
Or does he fall as misguided on the list so you dumped his ass?
No. 748667
>>748658Kim Jong Un has a list of permitted haircuts, which ones are gay miranda?
This is absolute garbage, Miranda you are the epitome of someone who believes everything they read on the internet.
No. 748674
File: 1579132685626.jpeg (544.68 KB, 1242x1526, 94BC0AFF-2678-4042-9CA5-07007C…)

“We in Japan” Miranda being told the hard truth, funny thing is that she’s not even arab, she’s just a crazy extremist Canadian with a sick fetish for Saudi Arabia.
No. 748780
File: 1579165320758.jpeg (171.06 KB, 1000x1000, 4710B0AB-9654-4C2B-9ECB-DDC494…)

>>748688Each day our ISIS queen strays further into the misguided column. Also I’m pretty sure your haircut is ‘gay’ too miranda.
No. 748829
File: 1579181572951.png (338.13 KB, 1228x1196, スクリーンショット 2020-01-16 22.31.24.…)

>>748780Miranda is clearly misguided as she often gets schooled by actual muslim women who know the reality of life in saudi
No. 749469
File: 1579343597532.jpeg (161.59 KB, 750x388, A948D504-CA06-49C1-B0BE-AAA384…)

There is no way Miranda has a husband, this isn’t just an afternoon on the computer, this is dedicated time to watch and cut and edit enough gifs to make up 80gb of files… as Arabic/Islamic comebacks to post as reactions on twitter or wherever.
What a very very sad life, I think backbiting/judging/hating gives this woman a sense of being. How any partner would put up with such neurotic behaviour is beyond me.
No. 749477
File: 1579349822078.png (921.57 KB, 1164x1078, スクリーンショット 2020-01-18 21.16.44.…)

>>749469She has been using a lot of gifs recently as she rants about how ahmadiyyas and shias are not real muslims
No. 749534
File: 1579368452644.png (50.27 KB, 597x286, 1.png)

Is she trying to pretend that she cannot speak English???
OR is she just that stupid ?
No. 749846
File: 1579468206894.jpeg (302.8 KB, 1242x1498, 620090E5-4DA7-4FCA-A539-CA7053…)

Mira, you’re never going to Saudi, you said it yourself.
No. 749869
File: 1579477636888.png (142.25 KB, 1244x560, スクリーンショット 2020-01-20 8.47.03.p…)

>>749846"I want to focus my videos on islam, the country and stuff revolving around Islam, rather than me and my personal life"
No. 749870
File: 1579477716730.png (1.7 MB, 2172x900, スクリーンショット 2020-01-20 8.48.53.p…)

>>749869Yet the channel is still all about her
No. 749918
File: 1579492109017.jpeg (612.73 KB, 1242x1564, A6EFA881-5C27-4487-ACA6-2C26BF…)

Miranda posted this screenshot of her arguing with someone as pathetic as her “WE didn’t do anything stupid” when guy mentions Hiroshima.
No. 749928
File: 1579493258146.png (262.57 KB, 1077x592, Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 8.53…)

The stupid cunt is telling an Indian woman she needs to move her daughters to Saudi Arabia because they don't dress up like ghosts.
Excuse the small font - I wanted to include the whole conversation in a single shot
No. 749987
File: 1579519481146.jpeg (418.78 KB, 750x1053, 278F21C6-C18B-48FB-89E8-F2D019…)

This is vile.
No. 749997
File: 1579520938302.png (115.02 KB, 609x890, 1.png)

That's now how you talk with someone who's suicidal.
No. 749998
File: 1579520989983.png (129.36 KB, 613x831, 2.png)

No. 749999
File: 1579521148705.png (27.39 KB, 573x203, 3.png)

Is she the next Imam or Messiah?
No. 750001
File: 1579521603416.png (26.23 KB, 603x226, 4.png)

She got offended and bullied by mature adults
No. 750004
File: 1579521968437.png (115.15 KB, 613x731, 5.png)

It's okay if the guy hates you before marriage.
No. 750010
File: 1579523872281.png (159.5 KB, 588x458, unknown-1.png)

No. 750011
File: 1579523894805.png (312.41 KB, 607x961, unknown-2.png)

No. 750012
File: 1579523927232.png (316.44 KB, 615x963, unknown-3.png)

No. 750013
File: 1579523964438.png (272.06 KB, 604x963, unknown-4.png)

No. 750014
>>750013Miranda harassing a woman to the point she nearly kills herself?
Surprisingly on brand
No. 750021
File: 1579526926898.png (179.04 KB, 607x928, unknown-6.png)

No. 750023
File: 1579527054609.png (365.84 KB, 1181x911, unknown-7.png)

No. 750032
File: 1579527830551.png (28.07 KB, 605x250, 6.png)

No. 750038
File: 1579529940479.png (45.44 KB, 598x277, 7.png)

No. 750040
File: 1579530138413.png (108.35 KB, 612x866, 8.png)