File: 1427913100296.png (579.29 KB, 604x607, tumblr_static_bw0r7i1s5nkkg4ws…)

No. 73491
Couple people asked for a thread on this lolcow camwhore, so here it goes.
She's posted underaged nudes on 4chan in a sad attempt to become a chan since she was 14. Used to go by snorl4x and misskeyblade. Videos of her sucking dick as an underaged are out there, she did it on a public chat for 4chan but blames her exboyfriend for leaking the videos.
2 years ago when Amanda Todd killed herself because people leaked her nudes, she literally went around saying that she was happy that AT killed herself, saying that it was a good thing, saying stuff like "fuck yes that cunt with ugly nipples deserved to die" and making jokes about it. Never genuinely apologized for it and didn't even bother deleting the posts (they're still on her twitter I'm pretty sure). Also made fun of disabled people all the time.
Used to be BEST FRIENDS with Hunter Moore (a guy who got arrested for running a revenge porn site and exploiting/blackmailing girls for money/nudes). Like she was so close with him it is insane. Sucked his dick every single day and joined in on his fun little shenanigans. She tries to hide it ever since people started disliking him to fit in with her SJW friends.
She's a huge asshole SJW who will jump down ANYONE'S throat for racism/sexism/transphobia/etc/etc despite being a huge closet racist/etc herself. Used to/still makes fun of people people on the regular but acts like she is above all of that. Constantly calls out the website she works at for being racist (they host "nigger" porn - like it's literally called that) and yet she still works for it, making them a lot of money, because she knows that her time is running out and its the only way she will make any money
Harasses other girls who post CP, harasses new cam models all the time for making their "videos too cheap" (because no one wants to buy her crappy $15 videos), constantly complains about people having "daddy/little girl" fetishes despite having one herself.
Desperately tried to get a trap to become a model on GodsGirls (an all-woman site) while at the same exact time claiming that fat women shouldn't be allowed on because they're not "real women" - yes, and a dude in a dress to her is more of a woman than that. When she was called out on it by several other camwhores she deleted all the posts and acted like it never happened.
Has a sex toy store where she literally scams people IMO. She sells fake sex toys for a 20-50% markup. Like I can go purchase a dildo from the real manufacturer and get next day delivery for $20 but she will be selling it for $40. When you ask her why, she just claims that hers are "authentic" and "super safe". Also the amount of asks she sends herself about her store is insane. No one fucking buys from it, its hilarious.
White trailer trash. Dates an older guy who has a 14 year old daughter. He is a pervert who likes to roleplay daddy/daughter fetishes. He has 3 other girlfriends and she does not see other people and they call this "polygamy". She pays all their bills with her internet beggary money while he works a job at taco bell or some shit and spends all his money on shoes, hats and video game consoles. Yet she can never stop going on about how "in love" they are. Yeah, he brings home other girls to fuck while she pays the bills. True love.
Despite all this, she still acts like she's the epitome of morality and political correctness and social justice. Fuck her.
No. 73819
File: 1427936684273.png (Spoiler Image,285.68 KB, 500x472, tumblr_inline_nm2q3lfN3W1sbmxo…)

>>73579I will post my own caps later, for now I will just post the stuff that other people have found before me. She didn't delete her old tweets (or maybe its just because twitter keeps an archive) so it isn't that hard to find this stuff
No. 73823
File: 1427936794597.png (91.27 KB, 613x186, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.02…)

>>73820More with hunter moore dicksucking
No. 73824
File: 1427936822180.png (123.35 KB, 639x212, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.02…)

>>73823Thinking it's not a big deal to use the faggot slur (at age 18… when most people grow up lmao)
No. 73825
File: 1427936860044.png (129.96 KB, 500x450, tumblr_inline_nm2poq4Q1p1sbmxo…)

>>73824so edgy guise
(girl in OP picked killed herself cuz someone leaked her nudes… ryden takes advantage of the situation by reminding us how edgy she is)
No. 73826
File: 1427936882944.jpg (19.92 KB, 319x275, tumblr_inline_nm2um3qzGd1sbmxo…)

>>73825more amanda todd stuff (she really milked this for as long as possible, damn)
No. 73829
File: 1427936970629.png (256.33 KB, 865x579, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.05…)

>>73827nothing like making fun of nignogs on your personal facebook and then going on tumblr telling other people not to make fun of nignogs!
No. 73832
File: 1427937057947.png (60.76 KB, 500x257, tumblr_inline_nm2po5tXar1sbmxo…)

>>73831her only way to make a living i guess
No. 73840
File: 1427937333077.png (19.39 KB, 523x106, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.11…)

>>73834The thing that really gets me is she writes these pathetic stories about child rape/child abuse for le leddit… like… I really don't understand why but anyway she rivals onison in writing style and chrischan in content part of all of this is that she got her camwhore friend to yell at sixpenceeee (sp?) for writing a story about child rape like literally a month ago, same time that this was posted. STRANGE COINCIDENCE
No. 73843
File: 1427937523040.png (15.71 KB, 558x57, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.15…)

>>73840support sex workers 2k15
No. 73844
>>73836I feel like it's something even more than that. I think it's psychological or something. Like they somehow see him as a powerful pimp with many "conquests" (which are just nude pictures other people gave him) and that's attractive to them in some way.
It's fucking weird. I've seen a lot of trashy girls react that way to him though.
No. 73847
File: 1427937826987.png (33.09 KB, 663x253, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.19…)

>>73843Her fiance.
He has 2 other gfs (or 3, maybe its 3 now).
Also a 14 year old daughter. I won't post pics of her because that is just rude and not okay, but I just find it weird how ryden is only like 20 and he has such a young daughter.. i don't even know
No. 73853
File: 1427938049252.png (36.49 KB, 606x183, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.23…)

>>73849body positive feminism~~~ uwu
No. 73875
>>73871I'm not offended over the word faggot. I'm saying she is hypocritical because it's been a year since that post and suddenly she spergs out about the word "faggot"
A year ago she never even cared and now she harassses people and calls them out for using it, because it's what pays her bills.. she literally sicks her sexworker army on anyone who says anything even remotely politically incorrect. She is a hypocrite. All of the things she spergs out over are things she herself has done (albeit at a time when she wasn't trying to pander to sjws)
She's like nyanners except 100000000x worse
>>73873She is 20, his daughter is 14 (or maybe shes 15 at this point who knows), and he is like in his 30s or some shit (well he has to be if he has a teenaged daughter_
No. 73878
>>73875and further more she claims she only used the word "faggot" because she was a "kid"
bitch was 18 or 19 when she used it. that's a fully grown adult. if you're old enough to shove a pair of scissors in your fucking asshole, you are old enough to decide what is appropriate. the only reason she back pedals on it now is because it's not "cool" to use the word "faggot" but it is "cool" to harass people that use it.
No. 73879
>>73875>She's like nyanners except 100000000x worseOh no. That's bad.
I don't understand how she pulled off the scissors-in-butt thing, one misstep could lead to some serious problems there. Very stupid.
>She is 20, his daughter is 14 Ahhhh okay, misread. Pretty creepy breh.
No. 74027
File: 1427983152685.jpg (18.67 KB, 545x391, scissorwithcover._scissor-with…)

>>73879I'm guessing the scissors have a safety cover on, otherwise it's just not possible to stick bare scissors inside your rectum and not stab through your intestines.
No. 74060
File: 1427990479537.jpg (7.41 KB, 280x386, tunnel.jpg)

>>74027>it's just not possible to stick bare scissors inside your rectum and not stab through your intestines.That's implying that she has a normal vagina. Pretty sure her vagina is not average, it's probably like a tunnel.
No. 74163
>>74097I said she's like nyanners in the sense that she says one thing and then a month later it's not "cool" anymore and she backpedals and claims she never meant to say it.
Like she was into daddy/little girl pedo crap when it became popular on tumblr like 6 months ago, it was all she would talk about and she acted like some sort of "guru" and now she's denouncing it because other popular SWers on tumblr have started to.
Which would be okay, but she will literally harass anyone who does it now and insult them. Bitch 6 months ago you were practically wearing a pacifier, shut the fuck up
No. 74166
She acts like sex work has made her life better and afforded her to live a good life but her boyfriend works at taco bell (or starbucks) and he says he makes 3 times more than her (it's on his blog)
It's really fucking hilarious
No. 74331
File: 1428011772600.gif (1013.79 KB, 320x240, Kindogomcosplay.gif)

was this the same chick?
No. 74358
>>74331does it bother anyone else when girls don't make their nipples hard before taking topless pics
puffy areolas just bother me
No. 74363
>>74361she means to like, flick them or run your fingers over them to get them hard
i agree w her
they look nicer when they're hard idk, it seems like a sign of attentiveness or… idk there's something more sexual about hard nipples imho, i just dont know what it is
No. 74398
>>74384I knew kids in high school who's parents would buy them sex toys so they wouldn't go around having sex and getting pregnant.
So it's possible?
No. 75817
File: 1428213813617.jpg (65.08 KB, 480x574, Screenshot_2015-04-04-22-57-39…)

No. 75818
>>74469Because she's
No. 75861
>>75817bruh that's a straight up white girl ass right there
at least megan is fat
No. 76063
File: 1428255878507.png (53.91 KB, 260x389, Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 1.37…)

"teenage girls should be held responsible for their actions, except for me!!!!"
she's bullying another girl this time, a girl who said "i don't believe being a whore is a real job" lmao
only sex workers would dispute that tbf
No. 77280
File: 1428432941050.png (41.9 KB, 271x260, Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 2.51…)

She really thinks her job is sooper dooper important.
No. 77287
but even then, it is a dumb scenario. the reason why people say her job isn't a "real job" isn't because she is a sex worker. it's because she's lazy and turns out content like once every 6 months, and spends the rest of the time begging for money. she is the internet equivalent of standing on a street corner with a sign that says "plea$e help me, i have nothing$$$$"
No. 77340
>>77280Honestly, given all the porn in the world at that point, I doubt anyone is going to view it all and start to find it boring.
She clearly needs to compensate for her own insecurities. If people say that sex workers don't have real jobs it's probably because most of them do stuff that doesn't require any kind of talent, like writing an erotic book or drawing a doujin would at least requires.
No. 77544
>>77496she does this all the time.
i love the current drama between her and IHTB. apparently IHTB sided with meganmarie in the great camwhore shitfest 2k15 and ryden made a snarky post like "fine, i don't want to b ur friend anyway" and now she's finding any reason to jump down the poor girl's throat (most recent being that clipvia paid IHTB but is withholding payments from everyone else for a week longer…. yeah because IHTB makes like 50% of the sites salary)
No. 93284
>>93268To be fair, a pedophile, especially one like that who is willingly acknowledging it's a mental illness shouldn't be on a website full of 13 year old kids. Not preying on kids my ass.
If he truly believed it were a mental illness he should have voluntarily turned himself in.
I don't really have any sympathy for kiddy diddlers.
This bitch is a hypocrite though.
No. 93306
>>93284>he should have voluntarily turned himself in.Turned himself in for what/to who exactly? That's like saying someone has thoughts about killing people should turn themselves in even though they haven't murdered anyone.
From the sounds of it that guy recognized he was sick and was trying to encourage others to get help. We are never going to decrease pedophilia if we just ignore the fact it's a mental disorder and shun light away from it. People need to know they are not alone and there is help they can look in to receiving. Imho no one wants or chooses to be a pedophile, why would you intentionally exile yourself from society like that? If we paid more attention to the topic we might have more people researching how we can cure it and help rehabilitate these people so they can lead normal lives and function in society.
No. 117715
File: 1433617956635.png (409.67 KB, 543x1495, asdf.png)

i want this pee vid
No. 279681
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No. 279683
File: 1465707086538.png (529.22 KB, 840x603, Screenshot (306).png)

No. 279685
File: 1465707445698.png (82.4 KB, 354x350, 13410839_1546278022342137_5578…)

No. 279791
File: 1465740770235.jpg (197.58 KB, 666x1184, 636013230425426134.jpg)

No. 279794
File: 1465741046757.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1920, wp_ss_20160612_0001.png)

No. 279850
>>279791She seems so chill and up on social media for somebody who just admitted she pretty much drove another person to suicide..
Fucking gross.
No. 279856
>>279850Kek that correlation between chronic liars and overuse of social media
I'd still hatescrew her though. She's pretty cute
No. 279908
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No. 279932
File: 1465766371327.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, wp_ss_20160612_0004.png)

No. 279933
Haha this girl is white trash and basically broke.
>>279932 what kind of pic quality is that? I love broke, crazy cam girls. Also can you people stop trying to get at her. This is lolcow not tindr. Jfc.
No. 280156
>>280109Makes me wonder why Ryden didn't just off herself instead.
What a shit human being.
No. 280184
>>280182she's an evil person. i have no doubt that in the last 6 hours, when his parents left her alone with Adam/Mike, that she drove him to death. she probably egged him on and spun lies about how she'd get him put in jail and then leave. and he probably thought it was the only way out.
i wouldn't be surprised. when i had a tumblr i caught her sending me messages along the lines of "kill yourself" anonymously (well, no idea if it was her but they were coming from indiana where she lives and not very many people except her were following me…) she's a fucking sociopath.
No. 280196
>>280195she was with him for what, 3 or 4 years? i've been with my boyfriend for only 6 months but if i found him after he'd hung himself i'd probably think about killing myself too… i would be so distraught
she's a snake
No. 280200
>>280196same here anon. same here.
when that person asked her how she found him and what had happened her response was literally "I don't know."
No. 280201
>>280200Yeah if I was
fighting with my bf and basically ABUSING him and then 4-6 hours later he killed himself, I would blame myself entirely. She seems to not blame herself at all, or have ANY remorse.
She's a fucking sociopath.
No. 280222
File: 1465841207478.png (336.12 KB, 586x629, Screen Shot 2016-06-13 at 2.04…)

she cares more about her fucking laptop than she does the fact that her "fiance" just offed himself.
jesus christ priorities
No. 280229
>>280208Can his parents press charges against her?
it would surely help them with funeral costs.
This guy and Ryden are both shit imo, but if I were the parents I would sue this nasty bitch.
No. 280290
File: 1465851252964.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, wp_ss_20160613_0002.png)

No. 280531
File: 1465927623915.png (739.34 KB, 1080x1920, wp_ss_20160614_0001.png)

Here's what she posted during adam's funeral
No. 280546
>>280539Nah they're fucking nice dude. But they're kinda like too big to be small and too small to be big. Anyway please spoiler that shit
>>280531 anon
No. 280578
File: 1465936523936.jpeg (46.02 KB, 750x386, image.jpeg)

"time to plagerize my dead boyfriend!"
No. 280650
>>280582nah this anon has a point. She constantly trolled Amanda Todd for having gross tits and how big her nipples were when she obviously has big nipples too.
Not saying either were bad/good, but it's obviously projecting
No. 280727
>>280715I just want to see her get ripped on for her weird-ass tits since she ripped on a very young, suicidal girl over hers. :^)
She's a piece of shit and I hope she struggles with body image issues.
No. 280729
File: 1465963522424.gif (Spoiler Image,1008.19 KB, 685x376, tumblr_o8fbcakLSX1r5kv0wo4_128…)

Seriously. Why are people getting butthurt over shit talking human trash. Calm down with the ~all breasts are beautiful~ and contribute something else in regards to her being actual human garbage.
She isn't really all that attractive outside of the heavy filters and shopped images either.
No. 280734
File: 1465964867572.gif (Spoiler Image,865.71 KB, 471x255, tumblr_nal9s4eePL1r5kv0wo2_500…)

>>280732>>280729Her facial expressions are disturbing…
No. 280746
>>280729not butthurt, I don't care whatsoever what you say about her or her appearance
I just think it's ridiculous to say her nipples or breasts are ugly when they're fine. but ah well. she's a disgusting gross piece of shit so whatever. just don't want other anons to take it personally
No. 280754
>>280682I agree, her tits are just fine.
Can we focus on how shitty she is and not her fucking tits of all fucking things.
No. 280832
>>280196I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and if he ever committed suicide I don't know what I'd do. It would be the worst thing imaginable I don't think I could go on.
Ryden on the other hand has been on social media uploading pictures of herself and her ugly ass dog and asking for money. I actually thinks there's something wrong with her.
No. 281041
File: 1466023981972.jpg (Spoiler Image,225.22 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mswa6bRLZE1r5kv0wo1_128…)

Found this under her "me" tag on her tumblr. She's disgusting.
No. 281057
File: 1466025473284.png (387.76 KB, 907x727, 1465517668030.png)

>>281041Jesus, why did I open that?
No. 281450
>>281443Generally I think they'll end up typical white trash. When you aren't cute enough to make money camming anymore and you have no work history on your resume besides years of camming, what are you going to do? Lucky to get an entry level service job somewhere, if they have a highschool diploma, otherwise sit around in a shithole waiting for their government check and/or hooking?
I know there are camgirls who are intelligent enough that they don't see it as a long-time career. A lot use it as a way to pay for college or supplement their income, but girls like ryden have nothing else going for them. She'll move back home temporarily, play victim, wait for this to blow over, and try to find a new guy to ruin.
No. 281453
File: 1466080300564.jpg (225.92 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mt1kqld9It1r5kv0wo2_128…)

>>281232And from living in filth.
No. 281524
File: 1466099826451.jpeg (88.21 KB, 750x1296, image.jpeg)

Hmmm… foreshadowing?
No. 281645
File: 1466118124374.jpeg (37.12 KB, 746x227, image.jpeg)

"u guize don't understand, i can't stop camming in the wake of my fiancé's death, i have billz!!!!" poster related bills, apparently.
No. 281646
File: 1466118250870.jpeg (166.35 KB, 750x579, image.jpeg)

His mom seems to think it's murder and this confirms they're investigating Ryden
No. 281654
>>281646How would she hang him? She's to tiny and doughy. Possibly a hit? An obsessed orbiter willing to kill for her approval via staged suicide?
Somehow I think it may just be suicide, but if she mentally pushed him to do it she could possibly be charged with murder Ala Michelle Carter. No. 281759
>>281706Well one of the things I've heard from people who've attempted suicide but passed on the gun is that if you don't kill yourself with the first shot you'll still be alive, in horrible pain, and likely disfigured. Most people take pills cuz it seems like less painful way to go, but I guess hanging yourself is somewhat less painful?
Was there a note? Maybe it was a bad case of trying to get high, but passed out and self asphyxiated to death.
No. 281874
>>281759Pills are more likely to fail as well, you could end up just barfing them up. If you coat your stomach with milk prior and suffocate your brain during it can be euphoric.
Hanging is hard to come back from, you can tell if someone changed their mind while examining the scene, it's almost always fatal.
No. 282247
File: 1466218378039.jpeg (137.94 KB, 1080x1350, image.jpeg)

"going out to the bar my step-mom works at for a few hours. seeing how this whole “existing as a human being” thing works. wish me luck."
Already on the rebound I see, exactly one week after Adam's death. Hope she meets a nice biker or something.
No. 282257
File: 1466220679141.png (872.95 KB, 602x1000, image.png)

this is where she's at btw, if Dashcon were a bar…
No. 282495
File: 1466286438002.jpeg (179.57 KB, 750x1272, image.jpeg)

totally what I'd caption a picture with if I were under investigation for possible murder
No. 282523
>>282521yeah she harrassed me when I had a tumblr and was camming too. Sent me anonymous death threats.
Bitch is unstable and crazy.
No. 282842
File: 1466359130649.png (99.14 KB, 270x317, Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 9.30…)

"dads love me" maybe not the best tagline for your twitter when you're embroiled in a suicide investigation of a dad tho
No. 283065
File: 1466444155332.jpeg (116.53 KB, 750x944, image.jpeg)

stop kinkshaming Adam, guys.
No. 283602
File: 1466684288105.png (394.81 KB, 577x580, Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 8.16…)

selfies in front of garbage, v classy
No. 283649
File: 1466698086239.jpeg (99.69 KB, 750x975, image.jpeg)

She bought a new brow pencil from Sephora (one of those pesky bills she has to pay, no doubt) and now I guess she plans to hide out disguised as Groucho Marx
No. 283653
File: 1466699292291.jpeg (28.4 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

>>283649Her makeup skills are always so on point, check out the lipstick, so fierce.
No. 283757
>>283703Having rope in the house doesn't really prove much. How would she even wrestle him into a noose? Let alone lift him, isn't she tiny?
I mean, I believe she may have pushed him into it with all the verbal/mental abuse, but this is silly.
No. 283935
>>283757Apparently you never heard of BDSM neck hanging?
Wouldn't you feel bad about it and take down the video if your partner used the rope you reviewed?
Can use help of another person to stage a suicide… All had to be done was get him drugged without his knowledge… Mix something to his drink?
No. 283949
File: 1466777669019.png (37.57 KB, 583x161, Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 10.1…)

she's involved in a suicide investigation and her dad buys her a puppy???
No. 284414
File: 1466974827034.jpeg (44.2 KB, 750x518, image.jpeg)

she has to know what she's doing when she chooses to post shit like this
No. 284734
File: 1467137342932.jpeg (175.96 KB, 744x1175, image.jpeg)

Hi Ryden! Nothing better to do besides Google yourself?
No. 288725
>>288716What video?
I havent been following this. Sorry.
No. 295121
>>279685can't wait for Ryden to post HILARIOUS edgy memes about this piece of shit.
>>73826>>73826>>73826you know who isn't getting an IPhone for Christmas? Adam Young
No. 296083
File: 1471367788653.jpeg (127.05 KB, 750x953, image.jpeg)

Well that didn't take long
No. 296085
>>295252Nah, the picture posted above is a mix of both. There's a huge blackhead on her right asscheek.
No. 296692
File: 1471838370668.jpeg (120.32 KB, 750x1290, image.jpeg)

"semen demon" kill me
No. 296693
File: 1471838432551.jpeg (83.37 KB, 750x809, image.jpeg)

No. 296695
File: 1471840699327.jpeg (340.24 KB, 750x1254, image.jpeg)

Post from Adam's mom on FB, from July 4th. Note the parts about Caroline.
No. 296696
File: 1471840814406.jpeg (201.85 KB, 750x988, image.jpeg)

See Caroline? This is how you grieve. Not posting 800 selfies a day.
No. 296705
File: 1471850628330.png (57.61 KB, 720x475, Screenshot_2016-08-22-02-21-28…)

>>296692guess she got over it as quickly as she does everything else
No. 297515
File: 1472339294938.jpeg (98.53 KB, 749x683, image.jpeg)

what are the odds that she's NOT fucking this guy?
No. 298517
File: 1472731553146.jpeg (120.15 KB, 750x1080, image.jpeg)

I also delight in taking small, elderly animals into loud public places so they might die of a heart attack for my amusement
No. 300316
File: 1473734475640.jpeg (274.68 KB, 749x1200, image.jpeg)

No. 302383
File: 1475220375287.png (205.17 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_2016-09-30-02-15-25…)

No. 302455
>>302383"I'm sorry I couldn't solve your problems, I couldn't fix you"
But hey, you drove him to suicide and as long as you feel like you've became a better person as a result then that's okay!
She makes me sick lmao
No. 305704
File: 1476242768322.png (141.73 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2654.PNG)

o shit
No. 307056
File: 1476818076376.png (85.5 KB, 540x505, ryden.png)

anybody have any info on this?
No. 317349
File: 1479610648209.jpg (49.74 KB, 504x445, 95-091-52105012521592157.JPG)

one of her camgirl friends is literally e-begging for abortion money LOL
No. 317449
>>317349If this little dip is in the US, all she need do is trot down to the welfare office, act like she's mentally unwell/suicidal, provide proof of unemployment or insufficient income, and she can get the paperwork to cover for an emergency abortion. Granted she's not in a red state.
Or she can just go to PP and say she's unemployed and has no insurance.
Nobody should give the trollop any money.
No. 317596
>>317349OMG i remember this girl from when i used to tumblr
she always talked shit like she was some sort of bad bitch. wowwwww cringing right now lol
she's a failure at life
No. 318342
>>317488Wait what? I had a d&e abortion a few months ago at PP. I had private insurance but I qualified for full coverage from the state for confidentiality/safety reasons and filled out the paperwork at pp
Am I misreading something here? Sage for irrelevant
No. 323044
File: 1481688844100.png (29.05 KB, 430x317, Capture1.PNG)

after someone asked if her and adam broke up, and she replied "mikey passed away 6 months ago, sorry to be the one to break the news but it’s been a bit now :/"
No. 324146
File: 1481916050313.png (27.59 KB, 643x292, Screenshot_2.png)

getting a bit passive aggressive over your dead hubby there ryham
No. 332314
File: 1483420500284.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.12 KB, 636x383, ff.jpg)

She's truly pathetic. I've been following her since 2011. Absolute train wreck of a person. I've known she was a sociopath for a long time. This is the most perfect example of why feminists are full of shit and a great insight into their chaotic, miserable lives.It's all projection. They are empty vessels looking to wreak havoc.
Everything she says is a lie. She doesn't care about sex workers. She cares about herself and no one else.
Professional victim. When you identity yourself and play the role of a victim your life only gets worse and worse and the people around you get worse too and the things you do are worse, and the direction of your life is generally worse. Being a victim is easy, its the easiest way to exist. Anyone can do it.
Also, her porn is absolutely god awful and awkward. Especially her jerk off instruction videos, what the fuck is that shit?
I guarantee you she'll end up doing prostitution (and maybe professional porn but I doubt she'd get much work, not hot enough) in due time once she realizes nobody cares about her as a camgirl because shes too old and saggy compared to the other pristine camwhores out there these days (most of which are just doing it to pay for college, not as a career)
In her interview with Metal Injection, I cringed so hard when she said "Me, a person with severe mental illness, suffering from a panic attack." and her whole twitter timeline is along these sames victim narrative lines.
This is the kind of shit professional victim/fakers always do, they pretend to be mentally ill but at the same time claim to be confident and self-aware of their illness
Karma will get this horrible emotionally abusive person
Sociopaths use mental illness as a way to rationalize their awful behavior. Does something horrible "that cant be my fault, that must be my mental illness" further identifying with being mentally ill even tho she probably doesnt even feel
i've beat off to her dozens of times over the years (never would pay for her content though) but cannot even get hard looking at her pics anymore because shes just too trash of a person, even as a cum rag(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 333567
>>332314this is a pretty insightful post so far why were they put out to pasture?
>i've beat off to her dozens of timeso-oh
No. 335712
>>335641I found this link on some chan board full of dudes wanking it to her, it was the only link that still worked. All this time spent taking pointless selfies she could have been working out to alter that skinny-fat bod or I dunno going to college or working.
This chick depresses me.
No. 336325
File: 1484278691407.jpg (120.19 KB, 1024x776, IMG_5067.JPG)

"Feminist" lol
No. 336328
>>336262Why was this anon sent to the pasture?
It was a kinda(?) informative experience with the shitlord herself. Que? Jw.
No. 336557
File: 1484368191218.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.08 KB, 1280x1002, tumblr_ojn0stStE31r5kv0wo1_128…)

HAHA she's begging to win this title
Pathetic narcissist
No. 336561
>>335528Holy fuck this is disgusting. This album seems to be made up of photos from 2012 exclusively. She took that many nudes of herself for the internet in a single year.
She's got a screw loose
No. 336875
File: 1484513264206.png (184.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-15-14-42-59…)

>>336557little desperate there, ry. she's also been reblogging a ton of her old videos for sale. guess she's not doing too well this month
No. 336983
>>336905She's delusional and will never quit whoring herself online, no matter how old she gets
The GIF's she posts are so gross. Her body is just fucked and looks weird
She's overdue for a boyfriend
No. 395543
File: 1497147506549.png (676.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-10-21-15-28…)

today marks a year since adam killed himself, and this is all ryden had to say, in between selfies of course. idk why i expected her to be more emotional
No. 396970
File: 1497493295830.jpg (59.9 KB, 583x648, ryden caroline mosley.jpg)

She always makes posts like this, she pretends she doesn't care about these guys giving her attention but if she didn't care she wouldn't respond, let alone post screenshots for people to "laugh at".
She is possessed by her narcissism, and will do anything to signal to her followers that she's desired and totally not a gross miserable bitch who will end up alone.
She's so desperate for validation and does it in the most degenerate ways.
No. 397207
>>395543One year later and we still don't know the whole truth of what happened
No. 610338
File: 1544087234731.jpg (37.75 KB, 640x269, lol.jpg)

So apparently her photos are being used in ads now.