File: 1428449451395.jpg (44.75 KB, 500x669, large.jpg)

No. 77482
File: 1428449662234.jpg (30.23 KB, 588x102, 01.29.18.png.jpg)

she is really doing damage control for all her "before" pics. it's clearly not photoshop, she just became pretty overtime like she said lol
No. 77500
>>77485yes, she isn't bad looking tbh just a little chubby but her face was okay
what makes me mad is her bitch attitude and that's why i want her exposed
No. 77503
File: 1428452371595.jpg (9.26 KB, 241x266, 516613M-515111M-Bratz-Strut-It…)

>>77473All I see is this shit.
No. 77505
File: 1428452882021.png (35.85 KB, 606x310, berry.png)

And later she wrote "Its 2015 and I still dont give a fuck" once again giving too many fucks about not giving a fuck lol
No. 77534
File: 1428455993850.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_2015-04-07-03-34-44…)

No. 77535
File: 1428456018215.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_2015-04-07-03-34-34…)

No. 77786
File: 1428504484436.png (154.38 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-08-10-40-32…)

Not giving a fuck and crying about it
No. 77787
File: 1428504529574.png (88.3 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-08-10-42-09…)

No. 77811
File: 1428508379472.png (147.71 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-15-01-24-26…)

Yeah Berry , but maybe you're just ugly without photoshop~
(I guess the tweet is a response to this old group photo )
No. 77815
File: 1428508605009.png (578.65 KB, 645x469, 1428458786628.png)

I think the photo got deleted so here's this group photo of ouji and his classmates/friends (?)
No. 77816
>>77808I think below 22" is not that common…
However, have you seen her mom now? She looks like her waist is at least 35", so thats why 21" is so funny.
No. 77854
File: 1428513967853.jpg (43.8 KB, 400x706, CCFdx5oWIAAAmDd.jpg)

No. 77856
File: 1428514111029.png (150.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-08-13-22-51…)

>>77854Supposedly progresses from a month ago
Ouiji likes shooped booty, apparently
No. 77868
File: 1428515015565.jpg (125.42 KB, 911x465, Screenshot_2015-04-08-12-35-40…)

Posted this in old thread sorry
But yet girls can't talk to ouji according to berry huh?
No. 77872
>>77854>>77858Her tits look pointy and weird its funny omf
Ya her butts blurry hahah
No. 77884
File: 1428516262779.png (42.27 KB, 596x310, ofcourse.png)

She is ridiculous
No. 77964
File: 1428522754694.png (737.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-08-15-48-05…)

From the old thread, two days ago. She really did start talking about her butt
No. 78012
File: 1428526277708.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-08-16-39-48…)

Lmao those fake shaded on roots. "Temporary hair color"
No. 78016
>>77528I remember her thread on pull
It was fucking gold
No. 78032
>>78012lol I remember that she used to always "dye" her hair.
Although it was obvious that she was wearing wigs even some people started to get suspicious but she kept making excuses that she would dye her hair back to black and bleach it again and stuff.
It was hilarious~
No. 78036
>>77528She had a really long thread PULL anon.
Too bad she's pretty inactive now(Watched her on Insta), a thread on her here would have been complete gooold.
Now on topic, how do people find her whoops cute? Imo she usually looks like a monkey.
No. 78060
>>78023>>78012She's lied about her hair countless of times. Its ever either photoshopped or wigs rofl no idea why she tried so hard to lie
Very few people tend to catch on tho
No. 78063
>>78040Idk proly to look cool, like her life is entertaining and interesting when it isn't LOL
>>78032Yeah she's lied tons about her hair. I remember her whole mermaid hair shit but the next day it was all back to black. Like bitch do u have any idea the process and outcome of dying and bleaching?
No. 78159
File: 1428536131353.png (34.36 KB, 614x276, whatisaneck.png)

apparently people without a neck are really normal
No. 78176
File: 1428539346244.jpg (132.8 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>I do enjoy going on it to see amazing messages from my followers
Bitch dont lie. You deleted everything
No. 78181
>>78162In the caption she says she's still a little chubby and I'm like ????? It looks like she's trying to be the Asian Kylie Jenner. Trying to look like a (
fake) spoiled kid, the I-have-a-small-waist but huge tits and booty, the contour… She has never done that before. From weabboo to Wylona's little sister and now the Asian Kylie? Let me laugh
No. 78226
>>78221I think its a mix of kylie and the aesthetic style/amikoto or amikoji now too xD
everything she is doing reminds me of kylie and the amikoto now. "rich" big booty, tiny waist with tits. those fake cartier bracelets = kylie. short hair, minimal makeup, adidas track jacket and simple photos = the aesthetic style & ami haha
No. 78228
>>78226LOL yes I agree with you XD
Its funny how she claims to be "original"
No. 78245
>>78242yes~ I wish she would stop being so full of herself
she tries hard to be original and pretends to have a perfect body.
No. 78246
>>78219does she really still claim to not watch anime?
>>78226this. i see it. not necessarily kylie jenner but yeah
No. 78323
i think ouji and berry are both still in highschool.
in jan 30 ouji retweeted this think theyre both not in college
No. 78332
File: 1428556318672.jpg (177.36 KB, 911x471, Screenshot_2015-03-30-11-25-19…)

>>77557Thought I should add to the pics lol
No. 78333
File: 1428556359947.jpg (141.57 KB, 911x426, Screenshot_2014-11-06-21-00-08…)

haha I found this when looking thru my screenshots
No. 78336
File: 1428556544084.png (220.37 KB, 665x454, capture-20150409-001047.png)

berry sounds like shes trying to threaten her friends because of the thread/blog LOL
sounds like shes on her toes about all of this even with her friends lol
No. 78343
>>78340no not really. Not on the internet or anything. Everyone has been "violent" like this on the internet at least once. Especially in the irrational teen years.
It has to be irl and you have to actually tell someone while witnesses are around. Then you can probably file a police report or something if you fear for your saftey
No. 78347
>>78340>>78343yeah and emphasis on irrational teen cough berry cough prolly isnt 20
and she does know that if she really did do this to be "cool" or whatever her reason of this tweet was, she would get charged/thrown in jail right? childish lol
No. 78348
>>78346tbh no i doubt. if you notice, none of her real life friends follow her on her accounts like twitter, ig, her facebook. like if they did wouldn't they tag her on instagram when going out or something? or tweet at her or comment on her facebook like what irl friends would do?
hell she even made a separate facebook under her real name. i dont think she wants her irl "friends" to know about her online life because shes different than her real self.
No. 78393
>>78382If only a useful thing like Google existed.
"Don't worry, your report is anonymous. When something gets reported to Facebook, we'll review it and remove anything that violates our Community Standards. We don't include any information about the person who filed the report when we reach out to the person responsible."
No. 78517
File: 1428591097941.jpg (70.15 KB, 750x632, image.jpg)

So much for her living in NY
No. 78623
File: 1428605003320.gif (236.25 KB, 500x375, thatnose.gif)

I was checking one of her gifs and these two layers made me laugh, look at her nose
No. 78643
>>78623Lmaoooo omg
and that hair and chin thing again…
No. 78694
>>78692also her nose moves inward instead of out with her mouth when she stretches her mouth haha
looks like she blurred her chin out a little or is that just me?
No. 78721
File: 1428613224019.jpg (45.45 KB, 480x820, 10524567_827022803988055_76664…)

wtf happened to her face
No. 78739
>>78333Has name means prince in mandarin chinese right?
-used to love a Wang zi from a boyband-
No. 78757
File: 1428615815966.gif (464.9 KB, 400x456, Untitled-2.gif)

Also did this. Tried to keep her eyes and nose in all of the pics in the same place, but I'm sure there are other pics better to do the comparison.
No. 78798
File: 1428618567724.jpg (30.37 KB, 488x604, xXHiJlvci1s.jpg)

Don't think this was posted before
No. 78808
File: 1428618989705.png (146.15 KB, 488x604, e4a4f5263abb5de0317fbd5f714e50…)

>>78798This one is quite a good example for fotoforensics. You can see she changed mostly her stomach, her butt, her leg and the shadow of her butt (basically everything lol)
No. 78866
File: 1428624978663.png (227.45 KB, 606x700, 7634274776.png)

Berry describes herself
No. 78932
>>78826LOL somebody draw or photoshop a look of this omf
but really th her body isn't proportioned right like she wants it to be. she wants it/her/her life to be "perfect". shes delusional.
No. 78941
File: 1428630663276.png (718.27 KB, 605x819, IMG_20150410_3.png)

Lmao its Berry
No. 78947
File: 1428631101638.jpg (38.31 KB, 640x273, image.jpg)

No. 79043
File: 1428646278495.jpg (42.12 KB, 400x366, 68a.jpg)

>>78866Oh shit, don't cut yourself on all that edge, Berry.
No. 79109
>>79049Maybe she's just trying it out. Not everyone needs a reason to do something.
But also in my head I'm thinking it's for mark_jpg LOL
No. 79112
>>79049Meh I wax even when I'm not boning anyone because I hate hair and feel cleaner without pubes.
Publically broadcasting it on your personal Twitter for all to see and know is pretty tryhard and attention seeking though. Does this girl get no validation in her real life? Jesus.
No. 79120
>>79112tryhard and attention seeking? to post about something you did in real life on your personal twitter account?
please retard
No. 79131
>>79120If it was a different girl, I probably wouldn't care, honestly. But since it is Berry, I have the feeling these posts
>>79052>>78977>>78959Have the right idea.
No. 79181
>>79120about her vag.
her vag.
her vag.
No. 79202
>>79182Oh god here comes your stupid paranoid "whiteknight!!!!!" bullshit just because someone thinks you're a giant baby for bawing over a girl saying she got her fucking snatch waxed
I don't give a shit about this bitch but I find it hysterical that out of all the shit you can cry about you choose to hyper analyze a post about a brazilian wax
No. 79314
File: 1428706892374.jpg (77.7 KB, 398x600, image.jpg)

Berry's dream jacket
No. 79438
berryblogmod @ gmail
>>79410sorry I changed the url to ichigofaker, because YB told me that the original url could get the blog deleted.
but I saved the url because I like it
No. 79452
File: 1428724468668.jpg (156.57 KB, 1080x1234, Screenshot_2015-04-10-23-49-05…)

LOL..this guy
No. 79453
File: 1428724596571.jpg (55.75 KB, 1080x414, Screenshot_2015-04-10-23-51-46…)

No. 79506
>>79452>>79453omfg i saw her and his tweets
wanted to applaud that guy
her tweets are so damn immature
and she thinks shes so sly and clever with her comebacks lol
No. 79507
File: 1428729332179.png (176.54 KB, 695x644, capture-20150411-001004.png)

"If someone hates you: ignore them"
"Its 2015 and i still don't give a fuck:
>>77557 No. 79512
>>79507yet she dedicates these tweets to him lol
w0w shes so cool wOW
No. 79646
>>79644Siiigh, she already has a thread if any of you read the damned thread. She asked for the mods to delete it or something and they complied. Idk if they're gonna keep it up though since Berry is a huge jackass now compared to back then.
Why want to delete her FB? More keks I say! If she wants to be a huge bitch and make a fool out of herself, let her. The downfall and deletion will arrive on its own time.
Let me explain. If we get her fb deleted, then she may shut down/private everything else. Soon enough, no more BerryFlavouredLolcow.
We'll just have old pics circulating repeatedly.
No. 79655
File: 1428753433866.jpg (26.04 KB, 356x344, kek.JPG)

She just wanted to be a tortilla de papas and have siesta
No. 79854
File: 1428782143483.png (35.28 KB, 600x330, 73672423.png)

No. 79863
File: 1428783590476.png (556.8 KB, 1284x720, berry.png)

I tried to edit this pic in order to get the original proportions based on the size of the socket (the door is still fucked up) but I'm pretty sure she edited her legs and stuff
No. 79907
>>79863omg the door lmao but i think its pretty accurate and her little legs 500% sure its edited by her, its so blurry on the sides.
good work anon
No. 80124
File: 1428799888781.jpg (15.49 KB, 582x112, eww.JPG)

No. 80209
File: 1428803501918.jpg (34.53 KB, 324x282, image.jpg)

>>80124>talking to your bae on the phone while you poopinEW
No. 80292
>>80272who the fuck would be jealous of berry and her need to photoshop her whole body and lie about everything on her life lol
if anything i pity her lack of confidence, while trying to hide it with bullshit lmao
the bitch should get a life
No. 80328
>>80272Berry so ugly she needs to Photoshop every picture so it doesn't look like her. I bet her bf cries while he bangs her soft, neckless, brown body wishing she looked like the kawaii uguu Photoshop purincessu she presents herself to be.
If your parents are so rich go beg them for plastic surgery.. No one likes sitting at the computer crying as they burn away the fat on PS sheesh bitch.
No. 80338
>>80302LOL your comebacks are weak. You must be a delusional fan that kisses ass to Berry or didnt read the threads about her. I'm not white either but way to be racist while youre at it lololol
I wouldn't be surprised if this is Berry holy fuck lmfaaaaaoooo
No. 80348
>>80328he's never met her irl, so they probably just fap to each other on cam
>>80339seriously… it must be a troll if they think most of berry's haters are fat and white. maybe most of us aren't rich, but at least we wouldn't lie about our taobao knockoffs.
No. 80371
>>80272She's not famous.
If she's "so pretty" then why does she lightens her skin, photoshops her skin and body so much that people who knows her irl can't even recognize her online persona?
and yes i'm white, at least i'm not trying to be some ethnicity i'm not :^)
if you think she's cute then yeah you obviously have yellow fever
No. 80372
>>80302actually, she does.
That's why she makes so many posts about her "haters". She obviously cares. And I'm proud to be white. I got dat milky skin she wishes she had.
And Berry is the one who's poor, dumbass. and she's the one who's fat :^)
No. 80483
File: 1428841571280.jpg (86.92 KB, 580x570, 14.16.03.jpg)

how would you know ouji? you've never even touched them. and i don't really think they are completely fake, just enhanced and that she is probably fatter than she admits.
also this only proves that ouji never posts anything on his twitter anymore that does not have to do with berry
No. 80489
>>80483The other twist - she send him nudes and/or they fapped for each other on webcam
No. 80581
>>80510the way Ouji talks-> Berry's way
Sorry but I don't think he says Oppai or talks like some of his tweets lol the one mixing japanese and english is korinne
No. 80586
File: 1428858233327.jpg (13.08 KB, 150x139, 1254902398.jpg)

>>80272>>80302she's raging so hard, that she's speaking of herself in the third person.
No. 80658
File: 1428865788451.png (14.48 KB, 408x352, berry.png)

I made this with a twitter stats app. Basically it shows the number of tweets made through the day. I converted Ouji's time to Berry's, considering that when it is 12am in Jakarta it's 12pm in NJ (I didn't consider DST). The numbers below in black are the number of tweets.
This can be a little inaccurate since the interval used for Ouji was bigger than for Berry (as she deleted her old tweets) and can be considering tweets he made himself.
What do you think?
No. 80820
File: 1428886283908.png (181.86 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-13-01-45-49…)

Forgot pic xD
No. 80827
File: 1428886560482.jpg (51.01 KB, 500x884, CCbglK5WYAAKZ9V.jpg)

notice her massive super chub hands again it doesn't match up to her self claim skinny booty tiny waist bod
she looks pudgy this time though. guess she knows we are onto her and the proof is out there so she decided to photoshop a little less on her body. i still think its photoshopped a bit though tbh but idk
No. 80830
File: 1428886702514.png (264.61 KB, 625x651, capture-20150412-195000.png)

isnt it like super early in the morning for ouji why is he tweeting rn lol suspicion arises again
also…. more berry related tweets. either he is not a human and berry is pretending or berry has taken over his life.
they havent webcammed in a while/no recent webcamming pics of them webcamming each other too hmm
No. 80841
>>80838right? lmaooooo she has so many holes in her photoshopping lies
>>80827and her room DOES NOT look like a rich girl room. looks plain and messy.
No. 80842
File: 1428887357724.jpg (255.5 KB, 268x477, 1419973441206.jpg)

>>80827one of her oldish photos of her body
lmao i cant…
No. 80846
File: 1428887702682.jpg (16.68 KB, 350x560, Y7W03SMXxAM.jpg)

No. 80877
File: 1428890952324.png (16.93 KB, 640x187, 67356137.png)

Some shits I found on vk where the group admin asked Berry questions that her "fans" wanted to know (I don't russian, so this is all based on google translations)
No. 80880
File: 1428891044556.png (12.09 KB, 575x230, 2735254623.png)

>>80877this is saying im flooding lol
No. 80976
>>80827wtf happened to her neck-ear area it's all blurry/erased?? and her right boob looks lop-sided
i love how she's jumping into the Hestia bandwagon just cause a lot of people are fangirling about that char. Berry you will never be Hestia because you're a manipulating little hypocrite that poorly photoshops
No. 81012
File: 1428904543539.png (18.93 KB, 572x193, capture-20150413-005041.png)

how does this even make sense……..
is she trying to say her boobs appeared suddenly in class or what lmfao
No. 81028
File: 1428906367455.jpg (30.1 KB, 329x511, QrmgQ3tr0Is.jpg)

whoaa found this old photo when lurking vk
holy shit berry actually looks like her sister here like they actually look related
No. 81034
File: 1428906558589.gif (245.27 KB, 500x375, anigiflol.gif)

just going to leave this here
No. 81035
>>81012Sure Berry.
When I was in 4º of ESO (after first year of bachelor) there was a SUPER BUSTY girl in my class, her name is Claudia. And teacher never say something like that. Or Berry usually dresses like a slut, or she's lying.
No. 81043
>>81035maybe both
>>81034also neither of these two look like her real face wtf
No. 81046
at least here ears are in place here
>>80846>>81034compared to
No. 81048
>>80846and in this one darkened the FUCK out of them to make them noticeable
No. 81075
>>81065im gonna infer that she moved around the time where she'd be starting 5th grade in US since she's applying for her citizenship (because her green card is prob gonna expire this year). Oh and also her yearbook pic is around that time too right?
If one of her teachers esp. a male teacher says "Hide those
puppies" to a 5th grader's pubecent fat boobs he could've gotten fired and I don't think teachers are dumb enough to say such things just to lose their job? –In conclusion Korinne is just full of shit
No. 81155
File: 1428938076019.png (58.75 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-13-11-10-17…)

No. 81160
>>81155this bitch is fucking disgustin
'ououou boys want to touch my 'puppies' and fuck me hard waiiit if u r not japanese I wont give u my pussy'
How do you feel about it, Ouji? Your gf is a slut and is proud to be one.
No. 81162
File: 1428939574072.jpg (91.23 KB, 579x1024, Y6gW4jzzMrg.jpg)

Also can anyone gues the date in the notebook? It seems Sept 5 but I can't see the year. Well, based on her notes, she was studying really basic biology. I'm graduating in a science field and there's no way you'd study this on university, especially if you were studying to be a doctor.
No. 81220
>>81210But you don't have to repeat algebra and basic biology if you look it in high school. You can definitely test out of math, especially if you're so smart like berry.
Im pretty sure most people go up to at least chemistry in high school, and all my premed friends took physics. Everyone takes calc ab. Premed friends got to at least bc.
I know I took precalc as a refresher course in college, but algebra? Lol.
No. 81325
>>81265i highly doubt she is premed. med schools dont want people to take "pre med" and thus the major is being phased out.
she's most likely a biology major.
No. 81329
File: 1428957716527.png (753.05 KB, 930x1079, Screen Shot 2015-04-13 at 4.37…)

I foresee more shooped boobs….
No. 81339
>>81325Oh, I thought premed referred to someone in college that is aiming for med school and not someone in a specific premed major. Berry says she is trying to be a doctor, so I assumed she would be a premed student. In addition to the health sciences classes, people on the path to med school need a lot of observation hours and shit.
I was trying to say that I doubt she's on the path to becoming a doctor based on her classes.
No. 81340
File: 1428958383597.jpg (47.45 KB, 341x604, 842iv6CTQcI.jpg)

Did she really post middle school algebra as a way of bragging…
No. 81346
File: 1428959558300.png (32.95 KB, 380x310, noboobs.png)

>i sit in a way where my chest looks flat
right berry lol
No. 81348
>>81340LMAO I remember this i was like "ok" when i first saw it.
I think she claimed to be an art major a long time ago? whatever major it is now, it seems unlikely most of the times. Like someone mentioned before if she was in UNI and in some med major, that would take up a shit ton of her time. I have a few friends in UNI and in med majors and no way could they have time to blog, game, sleep and eat a shit ton. It doesn't add up.
She must be in CC or senior highschool since CC and Highschool are similar anyways so its a little hard to differentiate without enough information. But she is not in uni like she claims to be in that one pretentious tweet about 68k a year cartier fu fu.
No. 81359
>>81356yeah in my 1st year at uni was majoring biochem so i took a bunch of chemistry courses, a biology course and some math and physics courses
everything except for the chemistry was way easier than what i did in high school (high school was harder i think but it was also like 5 years ago so i can't remember)
No. 81363
>>81356I went to high school in the USA, and I was doing these types of equations in 10th grade. My friends were much smarter than me and already started calc by that time.
>>81346Berry is an idiot.
No. 81372
>>81325there is no major as premed as i know. you chose any major AND are considered pre med if you are taking pre req classes for med school/mcats
most pre med students are bio undergrads tho, that i know personally at least
she seems so retarded and lazy i doubt she is premed. this is juts part of omg rich and so smart!!
No. 81415
>>81412she tweeted something about how they break easily too or something lmfao wtf
she's probably just going for the "im rich" aesthetic/whatever the hell it is
No. 81428
File: 1428967953485.jpg (49.53 KB, 499x810, CCgePY0UMAAmpZw.jpg large.jpg)

she just uploaded this
No. 81472
File: 1428971420648.png (304.27 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-14-01-26-18…)

No. 81479
File: 1428972333293.jpg (140.11 KB, 454x421, Screenshot_2015-04-13-20-39-19…)

You might want to lie harder berry because this sounds like bullshit. In her recent photos her boobs aren't even proportionate to her body. At least make it believable.
No. 81488
File: 1428973097745.jpg (226.21 KB, 499x810, flip.jpg)

If you flip the picture it even looks more wonky
No. 81489
>>81479she has average sized boobs and despite her "bad posture" vs
>>78721 where she's standing (!!!)
so much bullshit my eyes rolled off and left the building.
No. 81491
File: 1428973372896.png (34.56 KB, 598x310, 4324242.png)

No. 81501
File: 1428974367294.png (190.34 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-14-01-17-11…)

Reminded me of her lol
No. 81509
>>81488omg amazing what flipping a picture does
she looks like she's sort of bending forward and her boobs look lopsided. her eyes are awkwardly overally enlarged now
No. 81510
>>81479i still omg LOL
she sounds like a little kid trying really hard to prove something by going to that extent lmao chill out berry. whoever said they probably fap to each other earlier is probably right. i mean no harm in that but why does she announce such private ass things sometimes lol
No. 81515
>>81479so if she noticed she had boobs in 4th grade…….
why did she sound like she's so confused about having boobs in 6th grade?
>>81012uh hmm
No. 81521
>>81519i agree i think they're real too, maybe photoshooped to look a bit bigger.
But, she is definitely not what she claims her body to be (thin and tiny waist with big butt and big boobs) etc.
No. 81527
>>81524its because big boobs and tiny waist and a booty is in nowadays.
take kylie jenner, berrys senpai, for example lol
No. 81532
File: 1428976856808.png (142.28 KB, 689x662, ignore_questionmark.png)

ignore??? ignore?? berry do you even know what ignore means referring to her montage of angry tweets about h8turs
No. 81550
File: 1428979790147.png (37.63 KB, 497x433, kkkkk.png)

>Gurls are confusing Im not like leik othur bitchezz!!11
No. 81570
File: 1428983254964.png (41.32 KB, 637x527, wut tf.png)

uhh wut this sounds like some highschool or middle school shit like ewh what the hell?
that or she's making up shit again
No. 81589
>>81437actually you can, with shapewears.
You can buy push up bras that add 2 cups + waist clinchers + slimming leggings
No. 81591
>>81491but nobody knows her
she's a nobody wtf
No. 81594
File: 1428984753415.png (113.7 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-13-23-06-50…)

Look at me! Praise me for my boobs! Compliment me!
No. 81596
>>81593oh then yeah, it's impossible.
i dont get why shes obsessed with having huge boobs
No. 81597
>>81594LOLOL basically what she wants.
berry: "pRaise my TIDDIES!!!"
No. 81598
>>81594i fucking hate it when curvy girls act like they're some kind of victims
"omg 1 person said something bad its because i have big boobs WHATS WRONG WITH CLEAVAGE IM SO OPPRESSED WAAHH"
like if youre curvy you get praised unless you dress trashy
sorry for being ott
No. 81604
File: 1428985239962.png (131.67 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-04-13-23-15-41…)

>>81600And apparently she doesnt own pushup bras
No. 81686
>>81681in her recent pic you should still be able to see a little bit of her clavicle near the neck-hair area but there is none.
>>81488 with
>>77473 (but this one is actually 1-2ish years old)
it's possible she accidentally airbrushes them off when she brightens her skintone. Also if she's chicken-necking her head out then it should protrude even more even if her head is blocking her neck a little bit.
No. 81694
>>81673Adding to
>>81689Different anon, I have a BMI of 20 and I don't have visible collarbones either, but Berry's lack of collarbones + massive shoulders make her look like a lump of lard with a head.
>>80827That front makes zero sense with
>>77854 side.
No. 81703
File: 1429024176395.png (1.11 MB, 747x596, berryboobz.PNG)

Lol who is she trying to fool, she wore the same top ca. 3 years ago (and I'm pretty sure clothes don't stretch magically over time).
hahah where are her melons ?
No. 81706
File: 1429024690881.jpg (79.19 KB, 500x884, image.jpg)

Honestly I think that's she's just chubby. If you look at her body frame generally in this photo, she's doesn't look skinny. She looks quite wide and her boobs are just literally part of her fat that she pushed around and not actual boobs, if that makes sense? I think she just has saggy man boob type of things and she pushes together and edits her waist smaller so that her boobs look bigger. I feel like thats it and not all photoshop since it makes sense for her previous old photos with out collarbones/a neck and no boobs, plus she can barely edit her face correctly, how can she edit her boobs without making half the photo blur and warp all sorts?
Plus all of her sponsored clothes from Sheinside have a small bust size so that should be a dead giveaway.
No. 81710
File: 1429025124371.jpg (29.23 KB, 440x545, 131.jpg)

>>81706lmao ,she is kinda going for the wang Jia yun booby look - yknow : One Boob covers the other
No. 81719
File: 1429028312265.png (798.09 KB, 722x544, berryboobs.PNG)

>>81703Top kek, right pic is so obviously shooped. It's pretty visible in this zone, the shape of the hair is wiggly and blurry, it screams "liquifying tool". Also, the way her hair falls is just ridiculous and unnatural.
Even wearing a push-up bra she needs to shoop her tits bigger lol.
No. 81727
>>81703Her now pic looks like the shirt was pulled way down too. good catch though anon
im pretty sure berry leans forward or SOMETHING to make her boobs look bigger idk im also sure she gained weight but doesnt want to admit it so she shoops her body skinnier
No. 81752
File: 1429034769812.png (461.1 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-14-20-00-25…)

>>81739Oh yeah, I know Berrys sister, she hasn't any official accounts but I still like to visit her page , she is cute
Fb : Myk Michaels
No. 81755
File: 1429034999038.jpg (44.82 KB, 500x750, CCanBOeUsAIMH2S.jpg)

Berry be like…
No. 81803
File: 1429037408794.jpg (130.78 KB, 1078x1520, Screenshot_2015-04-14-14-43-45…)

No. 81807
File: 1429037467965.jpg (50.44 KB, 1078x512, Screenshot_2015-04-14-14-43-49…)

No. 81827
File: 1429038505650.jpg (430.64 KB, 800x884, ljgfvhykgfcyircy.jpg)

So heres the outline of her body. Yup, it's pretty massive comparing to her tiny head, but there is one more thing bothering me. She DOES have collarbones, but they seem to be unrealistically high up. My only guess is that she's standing like this when taking photos to make her chest area appear bigger and hide her second chin (it seems that she has one on some photos) or make her face slimmer. Still don't know why would she shoop them out on other pics.
No. 81833
>>81824Yeah, when I was going through the
kawaii blogger phase I've had the same issue with my coworkers/classmates finding my social media profiles. Sure, it was mostly "wow, you got cool pics :)" stuff, but there was always a possibility of someone saying "this is not what you look like in real life" and I was so afraid of embarrassing myself I never shared my profiles with anyone who knew me IRL. I'm sure that Korinne have the same issue with her online persona - her real self is probably really boring/she's probably quite a shut-in without any close friends.
No. 81859
File: 1429040405539.jpg (60.83 KB, 600x800, 482705_574047559285582_1429464…)

idk though she seems to be small and thin here….
No. 81873
>>81859honestly i think she gained a shit ton of weight like that could only be the most plausible reason.
but its also not too hard to shoop yourself skinny (read and seen some before and after pics in a cosplay thread of people doing it)
No. 81877
>>81827i think we established that she distorts her body when she takes pics somewhere in the last thread LOL itd be no wonder why it doesn't make sense
i think her collarbones are there but hidden under fats. also her chest aside from her tits look really chubby.
i think the drawing is a pretty accurate depiction of her stance and body though
No. 81882
File: 1429041655898.jpg (50.13 KB, 400x711, 10453334_799444063412596_52847…)

it's crazy how thin she looks here and it looks nothing like her new selfies body wise,
>>81827you can really see how it's a different body now. or maybe the pics of the thin berry where never her? but that might be reaching…
No. 81892
>>81803Her followers are here first that appear were the last to follow her
No. 81893
>>81882omg tbh i wouldn't be surprised if they werent hers. berry kind of seems like the person that would do that. or at least, use to do that.
and isn't her hair supposed to be much longer in this pic? since i remember she had massive long hair back then
idk but whoever the girl is she dainty and cute. if it's berry, im like 100000% sure berry gained some weight. someone mentioned that her and ouji might have broke up because berry said she would never cut her hair unless a relationship ended. it kind of adds up, since tbh most girls (note: girls with a lack of a social life and support outside of the internet) would usually eat their heart away with food.
No. 81904
. . .
my friend has literally the exact same body and height as berry. big boobs, skinny legs. my friend carried chub on her belly and torso though. so i find berry hard to believe.
No. 81908
>>81897this is me lmao
im gonna get lipo on my back (i literally have rolls x10000) and inject it into my ass because i have 0 ass. for perspective: i am 27 inches around my waist and 30 inches around my hips. fucking embarrassment.
No. 81953
im sorry but you cant have tits that
>>81827 huge and a body that
>>81859 small
No. 81978
>>81972she definitely shops the rest of herself i think, and the boobs, but most likely she is 100000% average but shops herself skinnier and her boobs bigger. look @ this pic
>>81703her arms are obv shopped and her boobs are probably just shopped 2x larger.
No. 81984
>>81982oh yeah i didnt see that tweet before i posted orz
i think berry is all talk though meh
No. 81997
File: 1429051476737.png (413.59 KB, 838x526, berry.png)

>>81925I actually searched for these pics, what did you mean anon?
No. 82006
File: 1429052255208.png (440.27 KB, 499x810, 634274273.png)

Did anyone notice this?
No. 82029
>>82026and berry claims herself to be feminist? i mean she did on tumblr a year or two back then but you can't really stop being a feminist right?
lol why does she think she's so damn special. so what if other girls wear push up bras at least they don't shoop themselves to hell and back.
she totally fits the PULL special snowflake forum. glad they allow her now, shit.
No. 82050
big boobs sag. being flat chested and getting big fake boobs is a lot easier and cheaper than curint saggy boobs
No. 82053
>>82042right and because she wants to believe they are what they are. i mean i think she does have boobs due to gaining a shit ton of weight (since boobs do not grow like in her before and after pics unless surgery but she's not rich enough for that im sure) but not to what she shoops them to be. I think she shoops them larger and nicer than as is.
>>82048and lmaooooooo
No. 82068
>>82050Lol that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life , breasts don't sag only because they are big , their shape is only different cuz they can't float around obv.
Sorry but small breasts can sag too lol
No. 82083
>>82075Soothe your cow tits, hun.
Or your milk will be even more salty
No. 82095
>>82088yes please
all tits are great no tits are perfect we all dont like berry/korrine because shes an epic liar and fakes hers
No. 82100
File: 1429058897483.png (120.73 KB, 706x450, capture-20150414-194341.png)

lol but they never met…?
No. 82107
File: 1429059438004.png (421.7 KB, 652x822, lolb.png)

the girl berry has been talking about and stuff on her twitter.
lol how ironic xD
article of the girl she's talking about: No. 82135
File: 1429060826741.jpg (205.77 KB, 499x810, CCgePY0UMAAmpZwfd.jpg)

what did she do to her lower lips
No. 82142
>>82135>>82140seriously holy crap
thanks anon, you can definitely see things better now. i didnt even notice her boobs were blurred earlier before this
No. 82149
>>82135She is truly pathetic.
Korinne, I know you're reading this - get a life outside the internet. There's more to life than appearance.
No. 82160
File: 1429062038645.png (768.03 KB, 499x810, berry.png)

my favourite part of this picture - pretty sure straps doesn't work like that
No. 82172
File: 1429063227531.png (883.33 KB, 998x810, berry.png)

All the mistakes so far feel free to edit and add more
No. 82185
File: 1429064773985.jpg (26.4 KB, 400x562, 1428114809935.jpg)

i can see it
No. 82190
>>82175holy shit.
>>82135also what did you use to do this? amazing
No. 82268
File: 1429085855496.png (79.28 KB, 770x353, Sans titre.png)

So Berry had a WK as admin on PULL, and that's why her thread got deleted. Apple says it was admiration thread, not snowflake. I guess Berry felt like sooner or later the truth was going to be discovered and she could be moved to little snowflakes part on PULL
No. 82338
File: 1429105807836.jpg (199.32 KB, 750x1250, image.jpg)

a real plastic surgeon vs berry…. that vocab tho
"Like they need a psychological note from a psychologist?"
No. 82351
File: 1429109391899.jpg (134.37 KB, 1078x1252, Screenshot_2015-04-15-10-44-23…)

Bull fucking shit
No. 82355
>>82351well her followers sure will be happy with the reaction she posted…she's not even happy
but wait… it's all a lie ofcourse.
or will she make fake twitters to confirm it's real?
No. 82370
>>82351ok berry
unless u dress like the freak chan u are, even if you are skinny and cute, no one would notice you
but youre not skinny and cute, so definitely no one noticed you.
No. 82374
>>82351Can she be anymore of a delusional bitch? LOL!
Where are the pics and the fans? Shouldnt there be pics posted and retweeted at the least, and shouldnt her fans commented on her ateast. I mean at leastWylona wasnt lieing when she said she met some fans because she actually got pics with them.
Oh berry. I remember she wanted a "fan base" name for her and her fans. She wants to be famous so bad
No. 82387
File: 1429114784476.jpg (56.58 KB, 453x604, NPbwKOtgxkI.jpg)

more nonexistent boobs
No. 82388
File: 1429114839321.jpg (42.86 KB, 500x375, FmkoW_7pH-A.jpg)

vry big shoulder big body
No. 82389
File: 1429114907251.jpg (26.42 KB, 333x553, 4R8seM7IRkE.jpg)

i think her ears are just naturally high up as fuck LOL idek. but that hair tho. i dont see berry all i see if fucking hair
No. 82392
File: 1429115814117.png (28.5 KB, 598x348, capture-20150415-113204.png)

>>77557i think this might be suiting to add for this collage lmao
No. 82397
File: 1429116504482.png (48.42 KB, 640x402, capture-20150415-114000.png)

new jersey time is supposed to be an hour ahead of my time. in the pic it says 9 am, she probably posted that around 10. most highschool classes last for like an hour and some more.
idk if this means much but just thought it might be something to throw out there heh
No. 82398
File: 1429116536285.png (439.9 KB, 570x670, capture-20150415-114056.png)

>>82397and uh u sure ur in class burry??
No. 82510
File: 1429134139706.jpg (137.22 KB, 1064x1436, Screenshot_2015-04-15-17-36-58…)

Guys, check her facebook. She posted something.
No. 82514
>>82510yeah I saw it just now, You can tell she shoops her nose and chin if you compare the video to her photos. Pretty sure she's be aware of that being in the video though.
The video is super lightened/bright.
You can tell she packs some chub though. Her hand, and that jacket to cover her large shoulders most likely and she definitely does not shop her collar bones out – she just doesn't have them visible due to the layer of fat.
What I still don't understand is her boobs?
I don't really care if she shoops her face, I mostly want to expose her for her shittiness and her shooping body that she tries so hard to say it's real, but she had like no boobs in her older like 2 year ago photos now they're melons. ie:
>>82387I really think she must have packed on a shit of weight then. But in the video it does look like something is supporting them up higher. idk, I don't have big boobs to really have a say or knowledge on them lol
>>82512I agree, when watching I was like she could at least not be so damn robotic and move her head a little. Suspicious she might have shooped something that isn't super noticeable.
No. 82537
>>82529yeah i think so too and I agree that her boobs look pushed up and not as big as her photos.
I think if she did edit the video, wouldn't she have edited her chin and nose too? since her chin is not as sharp in photos and her nose is much bigger and flatter in the video. I think she did add brightness to the photo somehow though, she looks way too bright.
>>82515and yeah, good eye. didn't notice how pixel and static-y her chest area was.
No. 82547
>>82545right lol i think she only posted the video to show "da h8ters" aka us that she's real and her tits are real. her tits are real but not to the degree she has them in photos lol. she's trying too hard.
now she wants to make makeup video tuts. wonder how that will go. will she be a wall again?
No. 82548
File: 1429135649720.gif (242.96 KB, 379x596, berry.gif)

gif comparison of pic vs vid
No. 82549
File: 1429135660272.jpg (68.99 KB, 570x656, pt2015_04_15_18_01_57.jpg)

This is becoming very hilarious. Post that make up tutorial Berry and be sure to actually show your full body in the next video then maybe I'll believe this shit.
No. 82553
>>82549"accept the fact that i look kawaii"
OMFG berry stfu stop calling yourself that lol
she got defensive really quickly loooool.
No. 82561
File: 1429136209764.png (28.07 KB, 500x175, LOLLLL.png)

No. 82604
File: 1429140672110.png (305.94 KB, 504x613, IMG_20150416_1.png)

Lol so I tried analyzing her boobs :
Maybe I'm wrong but at her lower cleavage you can see how her breasts Part , I the red dots are where I think her real breast are ( which leads me to the conclusion that she either shoops her cleavage line or stuffs/presses her boobs)
The blue line is where her shooped breasts are and the white line is where her jacket is (because she uses the jacket to let her boobs appear bigger by making the "outer line" bigger - which was a mistake cause now it looks like her one boob is much shorte Than the other one.
Btw she wore the same shirt again and you can see how it has pretty much space left at the cleavage , so it didn't seem to become any tighter since she wore it on the old photo.
No. 82605
Here's an opinion from a neutral standpoint. Don't flame me, this is only a heart to heart, not an attack.
I didn't know who Berry was until I happened upon lolcow. Your hatred is still advertizing her.
The makeup and photoshop still requires time and effort. Are these crimes? Maybe she can come off as offensive, but this seems to be her humor, not like she's trying to offend anyone. At least she is being artistic.
I'm trying to understand what you guys are thinking. Don't get me wrong, but it sounds like envy on your part, even if maybe you don't realize you are coming across that way.
Revolving around this girl won't do you any good. It just seems like she wants to have fun, make friends, and express herself. There are real criminals in the world doing horrible things, I don't think she really deserves that much hatred.
Even if i "don't care" what people think, I would still defend myself in her position… especially if I had this many followers. At least she's attempting to prove herself to you all, … and honestly, she probably still doesn't care since so many people still love her. There's just no winning.
I really do wish you all the best and wish you would put all this focus on really bad people for a better cause… or people who deserve it like Venus Angelic. I feel like Berry is just very misunderstood and spastic.
Thank you best regards.
No. 82609
Berry: My personality and everything may be fake; but at least my boobs are real!
>>82605you say >I didn't know who Berry was until I happened upon lolcow.
but hoow do you know she's really just >misunderstood and spastic.
No. 82616
>>82605is anything Venus is the one that's "misunderstood and spastic. " because her mom controlls/controlled her life pretty much?
Berry knows what the fuck she's doing and she CHOOSES to be irresponsible or just plain dumb
No. 82620
>>82605We are not against her photoshop or her make up, but against her lies - understand it or not but if you lie to your whole fanbase , you gotta reckon on people calling you out.
Sure there is always worse shit but that doesn't mean we have to ignore Berry.
Why is it Ok to only point out the good someone does ? Sorry but Berrys behaviour is stupid and annoying.
Also pretty obv who this is 😂
No. 82626
>>82616>>82609>>82610 >>82620I meant bad people like the people who set their own babies on fire and stuff. No it's not Korrine, I'm really just a passerby. Yeah , I guess you're right about Venus. I just don't think it's healthy for you all to hate her so much. Take her lies with a grain of salt.
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
No. 82635
>>82605Please go back to whatever cesspool you came from because this is lolcow not PULL or tumblr. I'm pretty sure your one of her friends so please BTFO with your whiteknighting.
Best regards~
No. 82644
>>82641psychologist analyzing and trying to 'understand' us to 'help us' with your superior intellect and knowledge
gtfo with your weird superiority complexes
No. 82648
>>82641there's more people on this thread than you think. Some people have stronger opinions and some dont. You should know that already and telling people that they should be careful of being called a "jealous bitch" is dumb just cause people want to expose a liar who influences innocent people to be some pompous leech like berry.
You are such a white knight tho holy shit imma need binoculars just to see your saddle on your high horse
No. 82650
File: 1429144160745.png (245.96 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-16-00-55-54…)

No. 82666
File: 1429145824989.gif (800.08 KB, 772x579, A.gif)

The eyes doe
No. 82668
File: 1429145915759.gif (120.24 KB, 400x300, B.gif)

Not sure if the eyes can be stretched out like that?
No. 82669
File: 1429145964169.gif (278.48 KB, 544x408, C.gif)

No. 82671
File: 1429146029578.gif (217.68 KB, 400x300, D.gif)

The way her eye wiggles around doesn't look natural to me
No. 82675
File: 1429146089263.gif (647.98 KB, 804x603, E.gif)

This one looks the worst.
Since she wants us to catch it, I tried.
No. 82699
File: 1429149535073.jpg (70.54 KB, 430x598, ss (2015-04-15 at 07.45.57).jp…)

> Meen comments will be deleeted! B-BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I CARE ABOUT U HATERS > THNX FOR POSITIVITY GUIZ>>82666You're doing gods work, anon.
No. 82700
>>82605envy? why would i envy someone with a shitty fake ass personality that shoped her way into becoming popular and deceiving little girls? lol don't make me laugh. if anything, i envy her makeup skills.
and of course she wants to have fun yada yada – she has nothing else to do outside of the internet. HER life revolves around the internet.
Thanks for your input, but people like you are people that are easily deceived or are too naive. I too use to think Berry was cool, but just like many others here, I noticed/felt something was off about her.
You probably didn't read the threads about her thoroughly enough to understand. OS is one thing and is interesting to point out, but her being shitty and arrogant is another.
No. 82704
>>82682i saw that like wtf she does look different when she doesn't edit.
id like to see her without that bright ass lighting in her videos and no huge coat.
she's still trying to hide, she just wont admit it
No. 82705
>>82699……………. she sounds like fucking pastel cutie with that fake ass "posi" attitude that is only used when it comes to certain pictures/media of theirs they want to post up. hilarious.
yet berry bashes other girls. hypocritical much?
No. 82708
>>82660i think she is
just really small diameter ones :0 since her natural pupil is supposed to be much smaller (she posted a photo before)
No. 82711
File: 1429150874607.png (47.68 KB, 628x295, capture-20150415-211612.png)

"I don't lie to my followers"
omf somebody hold me im –
No. 82712
File: 1429151018088.jpg (56.57 KB, 600x1012, CCrcv4-VAAAChdV.jpg)

you guys i think berry is trying too hard to "prove" shit that she sounds like shes obsessed.
btw i wouldn't be surprised if this photo is edited text lololol
No. 82714
File: 1429151132632.jpg (50 KB, 600x1017, CCra6WVWgAIb9jT.jpg)

omg who does this? LOL! her friends sound like they dont care roooooofl
No. 82724
File: 1429151463732.png (37.78 KB, 605x287, 65426452364.png)

When do college classes end?
No. 82733
File: 1429152308830.png (78.82 KB, 625x544, capture-20150415-213825.png)

2 story????
No. 82737
File: 1429152435737.png (1.89 MB, 1326x742, add-vert.png)

>>82733am i missing something? her house looks like a run down 1 story house
>>72050 and
>>72045 "i dont lie to my followers" act.
No. 82744
>>82742wasn't my photo lol, it's from
>>72050 and
>>72045 I just grabbed both pics and put them together to post here
No. 82752
>>82750thats her older married brother right? he goes to some uni there (lol facebook tells u lots of things)
No. 82764
File: 1429154682745.png (13.05 KB, 630x143, capture-20150415-222311.png)

She's trying to prove she lives in a 2 story house now by tweeting random shit like she did with her boobs.
No. 82771
>>82768yet people believe her shit smh.
i think she admitted to photoshopping today because of the PULL admin commenting about berry's PULL forum earlier today, overall thread and blogs that expose her and to make it seem like she is someone that doesn't lie.
which is a huge fat lie all in itself.
No. 82775
>>82724You end when your exams do. Classes end on a scheduled date (mine ended last Friday) but you're not technically free until you finish up exams which are scattered through the next two-three weeks. I like how she didn't mention finals doe, considering how OMG SMART she is wouldn't she be bragging about how she doesn't need to study? (inb4 she posts about how ez exams were and she did them all already)
>>82711> I edit> I don't lie to my followersWhere's that one ss where she said she doesn't edit doe? Someone should reply to her tweet with that.
First it was COLLEGE I GO TO COLLEGE MISS YOU AT COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE now it's gonna be TWO STORY HOUSE WHY ARE YOU UPSTAIRS OH I NEED TO BUY A LADDER TO PAINT MY TWO STORY HOUSE TWO STORIES GUYS TWO. The only reason why she brought up the painting thing at all was to shove TWO STORY HOUSE in everyone's face because she's internally freaking out about people seeing her ghetto little shack. You're just making it more obvious Korinne kek
No. 82784
>>82780oh oops i mean *ghetto little shack
idk where black came from sorry :[
No. 82785
File: 1429157041602.jpg (87.91 KB, 540x580, tumblr_nmv8awyJLG1tgihy8o1_540…)

did they discover berrys secret lol
No. 82813
File: 1429165840084.png (9.79 KB, 515x106, liar.png)

No. 82815
File: 1429167814852.webm (128.4 KB, 800x438, danmachiDance.webm)
>>82788>not liking BestiaBestia is love
Bestia is life
You're a shit and you're waifu is a slut
No. 82829
File: 1429172100394.png (8.23 KB, 505x73, lol.png)

i wish she would post a pic with no photoshop
No. 82844
>>82549'just accept the fact that I look kawaii'
'I'm not as desperate as Dakota Koti'
Berry pls
No. 82852
File: 1429183457603.jpg (243.21 KB, 720x854, 1421724799039.jpg)

I've come to deliver.
No. 82861
File: 1429184476328.jpg (199.97 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Here's the post. Sorry for double posting
No. 82879
>>82861yes berry its not like you cant take pictures off your cam, edit them and put them back into the memory card… ._.
Cant believe girl is trying to make people think each one of her boobs is bigger than her head. By editing her boobs she just makes her shoulders look massive…gurl you dont even look dainty in the slightest.
No. 82884
File: 1429189433569.jpg (17.72 KB, 275x210, tipforberry.jpg)

I saw this on the Taylor thread but if fits so good here I just made me think of Berry
No. 82910
File: 1429194652694.png (29.25 KB, 643x438, collegeblahblah.png)

more college tweets
No. 82917
File: 1429194972173.jpg (67.06 KB, 540x960, BeautyPlus_20150416163113_save…)

Her breasts don't look big to me. Also in the original picture , her back is pretty blurry so I guess she shooped her shoulder/back area
No. 82951
File: 1429197919069.png (98.11 KB, 500x254, lolk.png)

No. 82973
she sounds so fucking desperate and unstable. her tweets are becoming extra annoying.
No. 82989
>>82986Id make an instagram and twitter one but the trick is to do post when shes sleeping to get the most exposure! Each make one in case the other gets block lmfao i think ima do the instagram tonight
(Now berry will never sleep)
No. 83018
but be nice n shit cuz her followers are delusional pussies
No. 83028
Also this
>>82696 was posted in one of the old threads 15 hours ago lol
No. 83052
File: 1429204195407.png (41.29 KB, 492x333, Untitled.png)

No. 83077
>>82992Hey everyone, sorry that I haven't posted on ichigofaker in a while. I don't work today, so I'm going to be posting things on there in a little bit.
In regards to why, I actually am a medical student - unlike berry - and I have a part time job, and literally no time to myself. So I usually try to post things on ichigofaker in quick bursts at least once a day. But this past week has been very hectic for me. So I'll do some things now, and try and set up a queue.
No. 83078
>>83077Don't worry about it. There's always a lot of things happening and I totally understand the life of a college student (as I was one myself)
I created a twitter trying to expose her and linked ichigofaker there, I hope there's no problem.
No. 83083
>>83078No problem at all, thank you, I really appreciate it.
I'll link your twitter to my blog as well, and keep a link in the navigation!
No. 83094
File: 1429207380666.jpg (82.43 KB, 639x722, image.jpg)

dat nose
No. 83103
>>83098Ichigofaker blog, here.
Right now I'm going to post some of the Pastel Cutie drama that they had together, and then I'm going to follow her and some other famous kawaii bloggers I think.
No. 83108
File: 1429208769933.png (46.87 KB, 500x463, RR.png)

since when super kawaii girl got bullied ? LMFAO are you sure that kawaii ?
No. 83111
File: 1429209027493.png (45.8 KB, 478x355, ADAD.png)

oupppsss once again .. are you really sure that nothing affect you ? and there you are .. PS is your real looking for your self instead . go to korea and get surgery better you're kinda rich :)
No. 83134
File: 1429211564642.jpg (49.77 KB, 415x604, ugaAnUhjyFE.jpg)

oh geez what about those huge tits you have berry??? :-(
No. 83136
Berry blog mod, I'm setting a queue up before I sign off for the rest of the day. I might be able to pop in later today, but I've got a lot to do. The queue will start up tomorrow.
>>83133That would definitely be fine with me, thank you for your support!
No. 83143
File: 1429213206412.png (59.2 KB, 440x471, v1aLFU6.png)

just found this next to berry's house. i think she needs to pay a visit to the "internet clinic" LMAO
No. 83148
>>83098I don't know how Twitter works but if you can see her followers, follow all. IF there is a button next to a list so you can easily follow them.
Try to tag things like her name or username to get more exposure maybe.
#berrytsukasa #ichigoflavor #pinkmiruku #meowieberry #pinksiopao
No. 83182
File: 1429215947151.jpg (42.55 KB, 453x604, ccw_jMCdRUs.jpg)

her big tatas
No. 83184
File: 1429216013406.jpg (75.69 KB, 453x604, o9FDZPf3AmI.jpg)

umm berry one big problem for busty girls is button shirts, you should know that if they're really that big ;) /busty girl
No. 83186
File: 1429216167128.jpg (44.4 KB, 301x604, 0RNAFRqCuKU.jpg)

No. 83188
File: 1429216247142.jpg (63.3 KB, 374x567, d4gqi.jpg)

yes let me just hide my huge shoulders
No. 83190
File: 1429216293746.jpg (38.12 KB, 448x319, 7ojQLb_48Rg.jpg)

No. 83209
File: 1429216868714.png (27.74 KB, 574x247, kek.png)

No. 83218
File: 1429217150078.jpg (43.62 KB, 531x295, IMG_20150416_164422.jpg)

No. 83224
File: 1429217286103.jpg (11 KB, 595x149, bpua.jpg)

I would be willing to talk to her, I consider myself pretty level headed - unless it comes to something science related then I do tend to go over the top.
@berrytwitter I don't think both of us should converse with her, in case she tries to warp words. But maybe one of us.
Idk for now, I'll wait and not jump the gun. Seems to soon to try and interact with her.
No. 83232
>>83182they might actually be around this size
>>83212this is exactly what i was thinking. if it isn't true, why does she care?
>>83224she's going to play the pity card and try to get her fans to feel bad for her
No. 83234
>>83230Yeah, I am getting the same feel.
On her twitter she rants and raves about how she doesn't care about hate, calls people who hate on her 'ugly' and all types of words. And now when she makes contact with tsukasalies, she's sweet and trying to be mellow and so understanding~
That's why I suggested we don't interact with her. Maybe one of us, but not right now and later.
No. 83239
>>83206damn good job.
>>83209>>83218>>83214omg LOL she so lurks.
No. 83246
>>83240Sorry, I went more in depth here.
>>83234If there was someone to talk to her. I would just let her do all the talking, and pull from that.
Even if she were to be nice, and said, please delete this there's no reason for it to be up - like she did on PULL, I wouldn't do it.
I would want to see if she would just tell one of us the truth, the whole truth about everything and her photoshopping and lifestyle.
But again, like I stated, I don't think I would talk to her right now, seems too soon and I know what she would be planning.
I'd ignore her, continue on, and keep doing what I'm doing.
But she's the one that contacted tsukasalies, so it's in their hands.
No. 83248
Hey guys, its the berry instagram anon again.
the instagram so far: @berrynot
>>83224Honestly, I don't think you guys should talk to her.
I think she should have expected this to happen.
>>83230I agree
Lmao, going back to the collage of her saying she doesn't give a fuck about haters. If she didn't care wouldn't she have ignored? She's actually attracting more attention to you guys by tweeting you since I'm sure many of her followers stalk her twitter page too.
So much for not caring, hmm Berry?
No. 83253
>>83224Twitter mod here. I agree with you, I won't talk to her, maybe later. And only if she's willing to talk like an adult, of course, which I doubt.
She makes it seem like we're enjoying it, but tbh I just want her followers to know how she is like because it's not fair to watch people be upset over her "perfection" when it is not even real.
No. 83255
File: 1429218129807.jpg (70.68 KB, 500x882, 1380348_874571855899816_671696…)

No. 83256
File: 1429218135976.png (73.46 KB, 653x460, oh berry.png)

No. 83260
File: 1429218350750.jpg (137.99 KB, 500x882, 1380348_874571855899816_671696…)

No. 83284
>>83108she always says "my college", no one in college talks like that, they'd usually say "campus" or their college's name/initials. Saying COLLEGE seems redundant because it's obviously college.
Has she ever referred to what actual school she goes to? Also since she's so "rich" lol shouldn't she be going to a brag worthy school so why wouldn't she mention the school?
No. 83299
File: 1429220857350.png (771.6 KB, 847x768, CCu_Y1oWIAAq_Za.png large.png)

No. 83301
File: 1429220902922.png (467.03 KB, 848x852, CCusTv-XIAEb5mS.png large.png)

(adding something here so lolcow doesn't think I'm spamming)
No. 83303
File: 1429220962090.png (809.65 KB, 1024x470, CCurHcvXIAAY1Ic.png large.png)

If you need more stuff I still have access to the suspended account, so I can retrieve what I posted there
No. 83305
File: 1429221010305.png (14.53 KB, 590x238, CCvCCydW4AA1baO.png large.png)

The other stuff is on the threads. See you later.
No. 83402
I'm new here, been reading about Berry here for awhile. Not her whiteknight but I do find her quite cute (she has a nice features overall and I think most people won't even have any problems with her even her shooping herself IF ONLY her personality could be a lil bit nicer? If it's me, imho I think she doesn't overly edit her face tho her face might still looks a lil bit different in real (she shoops her boobs a bit too much tho?) and I don't have any problem with her shooping her face but why do PS on her boobs to make it bigger too? She's probably craving for all the attentions and loves.. And girl can't you at least love yourself, if you're really open-minded, at least have self respect. Stop talking about p*nis like it's nothing at all. Sorry but that's quite slutty to me. Everyone isn't perfect, why she's trying so hard to be perfect? Pretty, rich, smart, skinny but with nice body, famous and all.. Why does she wants to have it all? Everyone wants to be like that, but most of us don't lie about it and just accept who we are. If she's really turning 21 this year, can't she at least be more mature? If she really read stuffs on here, it's really upset that until now she isn't reflecting. Instead of saying she doesn't care about her haters all the time (when she clearly does), I feel like she should stop with all her lies even if she doesn't want to tell the truth or apologize. Once all her lies are uncovered, she probably will go hide herself and close all her SNS and she probably might start a new life then. She's clearly trying to get on peoples good side now. Honestly her personality really turns me off but I feel like some people on here shouldn't be too harsh. Everyone make mistakes you know? But I feel like, she's really stubborn until some people here are really pissed off with her that there's no solution only to be this harsh to make her face the reality? –"
No. 83414
>>83402i feel the same way; and yes on the last part.
Idk why she tries
so hard like,, i feel secondhand embarrassment for her. Is she really this desperate and insecure about everything in her life?
>>83411i doubt she has anything to hide (now that she's prob. erased everything) in whatever account she's adding people in to
No. 83416
File: 1429232135225.png (432.62 KB, 532x655, Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 5.55…)

she has no kawaii moles in this pic
No. 83418
File: 1429232236941.png (20.33 KB, 530x99, Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 5.56…)

like a delusional bitch? no thanx
No. 83423
File: 1429232415461.jpg (71.2 KB, 562x752, CCwUVOrWIAAw94L.jpg)

here's the full pic if anyone wants to scan/view it better
No. 83428
>>83423wtf? her arm looks huge here, even taking into account the angle/holding the camera
really sure she's a fatty now.
No. 83433
>>83420>>83428OMG I didnt even notice until you guys pointed it out omg
>>83402I agree too. Most of us arent really here for her PS though, although theyre fun to point out. xD
No. 83438
>>83423her lips look awful here
use some chapstick holy crap
No. 83449
File: 1429234428547.png (727.08 KB, 562x752, wydberry.png)

she literally took some black and filled in the space between her wig and her face. wtf is she trying to hide??? her other shoulder?? 0/10 you didn't even try
No. 83465
Yeah looks like she edited out the outline your face makes that's why it's blurry. Don't know why she would though, it's human to have? -.-? Might've edited her nose too. The quality of this pic she took is shit.
No moles like someone said already.
And lmaooo that black hair
>>83449 No. 83543
File: 1429244508703.jpg (109.1 KB, 385x539, transformation.jpg)

Transforming via shoop da woop feat. Korrine.
No. 83548
>>83108i'll take things that never happened for 500
(also wow "college"… again)
No. 83549
File: 1429245294696.png (319.45 KB, 466x659, attention.png)

does korrine/berry want attention that much?
No. 83554
File: 1429245430308.png (87.66 KB, 632x636, attention2.png)

>>83549a better/closeup pic.
lol, no wonder berrys ego is so big her fans/whiteknights spoon feed her.
No. 83555
File: 1429245521031.png (237.54 KB, 348x577, wow.png)

btw she changed her twitter location to new york again LOL
No. 83566
>>83561right lol it would've been ok on her part if she didn't try so hard to make it seem like she's rich and shit. like her house looks alright, the inside looks decent enough (i mean not rich of course but not too shabby inside either from her photos)
she really wants people to think she lives a rich girl perfect animu life for some reason. like okay lol
No. 83569
File: 1429246045060.png (21.33 KB, 620x299, nah.png)

No. 83573
>>83572LOL ima wait a few more hours before i do ;)
idk tho what if shes not asleep she's just going to stay up the whole night waiting lmaooooooo
No. 83596
>>83590Agreed. Just a short while ago she was posting in the most bitchy way possible and now she is pretending to be all sweet and positive now. First people found her unshopped pics, then called people liars to saying she grew up and changed. Then she admitted to photoshop and editing but says she looks the same as her edits. Brags about being rich when she is this dirt poor chick.
Like get out of your ass Berry. If you weren't obsessed with your fake image and life you could have real friends.
No. 83606
File: 1429249006318.png (9.79 KB, 531x130, haa.png)

>>i dont like anime
No. 83611
File: 1429249422929.png (1.64 KB, 169x63, her bust.png)

No. 83638
File: 1429250765748.jpg (32.81 KB, 500x117, tumblr_inline_mowszg1elV1qz4rg…)

No. 83671
>>83555>New Yokku>Yokku This
No. 83681
File: 1429256394572.png (716.76 KB, 914x642, capture-20150417-023358.png)

oh man
screen shots so you guys can see and also in case she deletes the comment or something.
No. 83682
File: 1429256420297.png (621.99 KB, 888x687, capture-20150417-023608.png)

No. 83683
File: 1429256448310.png (720.01 KB, 905x701, capture-20150417-023802.png)

No. 83760
File: 1429264784510.jpg (660 KB, 3500x2060, ichigoflavor.jpg)

Her arm reminds me of the Michelin mascot.
No. 83769
File: 1429267871351.jpg (231.47 KB, 878x1174, Untitled-2.jpg)

No. 83774
>>83681Your logic is absolutely stupid.
Of course she doesn't have one, when you split your legs like that, it seems like you have one. Such cancer m8
No. 83798
>>83793What point is there.
Unless she said "I have a thigh gap, lol" the logic is still broken.
Her stance obviously shows that her legs are spread.
No. 83812
File: 1429283768851.jpg (148.53 KB, 476x412, donttellanyone.jpg)

just did a thing
No. 83818
>>83798All the photos shes ever posted of her standing has had thigh gaps. She never admitted theyre not thigh gaps until recently because of the shit about her being exposed.
The point is, shes contradicting herself (like she always does), m8.
No. 83837
>>83827you can still view her instagram on your browser just or w/e the hell it is
No. 83854't it sort of weird how Ouji posted a photo of 'him' from when he was like a fucking kid? He looks 8 here or so
While everyone else - even his girlfriend - is posting their pictures from their teens/preteen years.
No. 83857
>>83818But did she say "I have thigh gaps" unless she said it herself, doesn't mean she actual claimed to have said she had it.
So your(or OP's) point doesn't stand. You cannot contradict yourself if you claim or say it.
No. 83860
>>83857Berry has this thing where she likes to imply stuff. She was probably implying she has a thigh gap in those photo. Why the hell else would you pose like that in every single photo?
I don't know if she ever did claim she had thigh gaps but she sure does love to act like she does. There are a gazillion pics in the last threads that have photos of her "thigh gap".
Point blank: she made herself look like she had a thigh gap. Just like she makes herself seem rich and spoiled.
No. 83862
>>83854Idk I don't find it weird but it's a good point.
He could have used a different photo or a photo that was never posted up in his pre teen year. That before photo of his has been seen like 23453345 times.
No. 83865
>>83798>>83857I'm the anon that posted those comments on fb uh idk, I just posted whatever was posted on this thread that was relevant to her photos
ok dont kill me
No. 83871
>>83862I guess I just thought it was weird because, everyone is obviously posting pictures that are seperated by a few year gap. He literally posted a picture from his childhood to compare it to his current age (believe berry said he's like 20-22 or something?)
Thats a wide gap comparison, he didn't even go through puberty in that picture like why post it there's going to be obvious differences from when you're fucking 8 to when youre an adult
No. 83891
>>83889Meant to quote
>>83862 not
>>83857 oops
No. 83900
>>83889I felt like I was crazy but I've been thinking the same thing for a while. It's just so strange.
All he talks about is Berry, it's like he's not even his own person. Who does that? My tweets certainly don't revolve around my bf all the time, why does he not tweet his own things, just Berry?
Not to mention it feels really convenient that he deleted everything once Berry got her popularity through him and doesn't post pics anymore, yet still exists as a way for Berry to seem cooler/more popular to other people.
Idk. I'm not saying he is for sure fake, but all of this stuff is so weird. Too weird. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he was fake tbh.
No. 83909
>>83321Old twitter mod here, good job keeping the legacy alive. lol
Also what's up with her last pic, that nose
No. 83920
>>83906AFAIK Ouji was like… SUPER popular and then got with Berry (a lot of Ouji's fans followed Berry?) and not too long after just deleted absolutely everything. This was all back a few years ago.
And yeah, agreed. Either he is fake or he abandoned all his accounts and Berry has been running them this whole time. Either wouldn't shock me.
No. 83924
>>83906Berry was an admin? Holy crap I use to participate in KUC waay back then but idr her
I think she controls his accounts and they broke up long ago hm
No. 83969
>>83927What proof of Ouji being real do we have other than "some anons said so"?
>>83924I don't remember if Berry was actually an admin but I'm positive she had some sort of affilation with it at one point, and thats where I thought she got her fame from because Ouji just popped out of nowhere. I was around that community for a while but I seriously do not remember Ouji being super popular or anything, only Berry then Ouji suddenly showing up. KUC was a massive thirsty shithole and fakes were plenty in there.
No. 84022
File: 1429307713343.png (918.64 KB, 1243x801, stupidouji.PNG)

Ok so, I just found out that Ouji is one of the most stupid human beings on this world. like I can't even , this idiot has another fb account which says he lives in Tomsriver , New jersey in case he takes the account down)
No. 84039
>>83555new yokku isnt even who you say it in japanese lel
its just 'nyu yo-ku'
No. 84042
File: 1429309444042.png (469.45 KB, 559x664, oujistudent.PNG)

I think ouji went (or still goes?) to the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut University (STTG)
because there is a video of him on fb in which he performs at a festival in this University (STTG) , and some of his friends who study industrial engineering go on this university so I'm pretty sure cause he also studys engineering.
No. 84045
File: 1429309568769.jpg (74.51 KB, 604x447, 10391467_1069057864600_5994616…)

old photos of ouji :
No. 84046
File: 1429309643997.jpg (53.73 KB, 604x390, 311511_3073505055627_741991726…)

lol he's so small
No. 84047
File: 1429309698223.jpg (45.51 KB, 453x604, 22345_1086705105770_2366204_n.…)

No. 84093
File: 1429315123046.png (54.29 KB, 606x450, berry.png)

now she admits she edits trying to hide she's a piece of shit
No. 84107
File: 1429317348010.jpg (105.54 KB, 640x539, 1427680389606.jpg)

we all noticed the backpack but look at her head lol
No. 84116
File: 1429317674014.jpg (17.75 KB, 399x418, CC1Zq9pWEAAyXk3.jpg large.jpg)

6-year-old Berry, or she claims she is, by now I don't believe in her that much
No. 84121
File: 1429318658271.png (404.15 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-04-18-02-54-50…)

>>84116I Also think that's her but she definetely shooped her lips , berry doesn't have big lips like these.
No. 84122
File: 1429318941151.jpg (19.15 KB, 518x136, IMG_20150417_205555.jpg)

Admitting to not.being thin
No. 84146
File: 1429326474311.jpg (289 KB, 640x522, berry.jpg)

just some notes on this picture
No. 84155
>>84116im certain she edited her nose in this tbh
>>83543it kind of annoys me that shes starting to call this a movement by her on her twitter.
>>84107yeah i always knew her head looked weird in here even though it's covered! again, doesn't proportion right. no wonder she covered it lol, she knows.
>>84146nice, going to use this for the instagram. (instagram mod) btw, a little update on the instagram: I'm gaining more followers and more likes on the content I'm posting of Berry. Nice.
No. 84159
(Instagram/new twit mod)
>>83909no problem. Hope I'm doing it right!
>>84153I'll make interactions with her once I get more of her followers. in the process ;)
No. 84168
File: 1429333821742.png (11.49 KB, 399x136, CC2XBEyWMAA0WP5.png)

the pics are so small…. trying to hide some stuff berry?
No. 84173
File: 1429334613095.jpg (99.36 KB, 1078x828, Screenshot_2015-04-18-01-22-26…)

No. 84175
>>84168I think this is the least edited pic of her so so far because it's a mess especially in the chest region… but her nose seems to look more like it actually does and it looks cute tbh dunno why she tries to shop herself into voldemort
the shoulders, face covering and falling dress is still hilarious though
No. 84178
File: 1429334770705.jpg (45.63 KB, 300x300, uguu.jpg)

hey boys tell me i'm kawaii
No. 84188
File: 1429335546680.jpg (112.36 KB, 750x790, image.jpg)

wonder how she feels to be spilling out her psed boobs to 42 year old men
No. 84189
>>84184I think it's her room and the door you see is reflected off her drawer mirror making it look bigger (looks like some stuff are laid out so im assuming it must be that huge oldish drawer mirror thing she has)
can't really tell for sure because the image is so damn small. this is like the smallest pic she uploaded ever, it must be to hide something…..
No. 84190
its berry.
the older the better.
No. 84191
File: 1429335669362.jpg (213.94 KB, 510x510, image.jpg)

No. 84194
File: 1429336116253.jpg (225.75 KB, 510x510, HEH.jpg)

She should sue whoever made her wobbly house. wink wink
No. 84200
>>84197yeah most likely the case. she tries so hard to hide it and make it seem like she's skinny. smh, all she is doing lately is so sad and i feel pity for her followers that still support her blindly and that chicken/pollo army lol. she makes videos and act all nice to "prove" us and those against her otherwise, but really, even all that is fake and so try hard.
She continues her lying act anyway. Don't know who she's trying to fool (cough her supporters/whiteknights)
No. 84201
>>84194her chin MELTS into her neck. amazing.
No. 84204
>>84199Yeah I know, I was just joking lol but like a bunch of people have mentioned here before, you'd expect someone as rich as her to post pics wearing brand clothing instead of stuff from sheinside.
>>84202god why
No. 84205
>>84168what did her tweet say when she uploaded this?
this pic is so horrid omg
No. 84206
File: 1429337219994.png (26.56 KB, 487x207, capture-20150418-010402.png)

stumbled on this becus it appeared on my feed
lol totally dodged that meeting follower comment. im not the only one that finds that funny and amusing right? hahaha
No. 84209
File: 1429337494243.png (17.43 KB, 587x243, ok.png)

she mustve read yall comments about needing to be over 110 to give blood
No. 84231
File: 1429341117914.png (20.24 KB, 540x193, tumblr_njhk3vSHTA1unvv8so1_540…)

No. 84273
>>84122>Admitting to not.being thinno i think its more like:
posts pictures of (shooped) skinny body im not thin, guiz. give my sympathiez
believe shoop omg yes u r , u r perfect bby
No. 84295
>>84226Where I live in the USA, they just wouldnt let me donate at 95lbs even though that isnt underweight for 5'1". In college I got up to something between 100 and 110lbs, and they still wouldnt let me.
Sorry for the blog, but yeah. I remember another girl getting turned down, and she def wasnt underweight either.
No. 84305
>>84295but that is underweight for 5'1"….
i digress.
No. 84351
File: 1429381352234.png (10.59 KB, 596x131, capture-20150418-132027.png)

i dont know why she keeps calling it a movement like its some big world changing thing? as if nobody has done before and after/transformation photos before lol idk
No. 84354
>>84218yeah i remember this one time berry tried to be smurt and commented on someone's tweet (about this h8ter that apparently wrote some incorrect grammar shit ) that they shouldn't use a comma before "and" ever because it's wrong. someone corrected her and said you can in certain sentences and berry was like "ya that 2 but that person is still wrong"
it was amusing lmao. wish i still had screenshotted it.
>>84351based on this (and other tweets/stuff she has written) she doesn't have a really vast vocab, for someone oh so smart. pretty sure you could call this "movement" something else?
No. 84357
File: 1429381868425.png (95.2 KB, 580x668, barley tsukasa.png)

here we see berry unknowingly talking about herself
No. 84365
>>84358chill out barley tsukasa. did you even read her threads lol dont drop a comment unknowing.
and it really isn't hard to see her replies?
may we remind you that this is lolcow??
No. 84373
>>84367are you berry or berrys friend lol this is lolcow, nobody really cares what a passerby says, your two cents is useless.
she's full of shit and people believe her, its not just photoshop. so what if we talk about her, why are YOU wasting your time on a thread you don't like lmaoooo
No. 84375
>>84367>it's quite amusingWell that's why we're here. It IS amusing to laugh at you.
Apparently you fail to see, that this isnt one little group of people writing a lot of posts, but a large group writing just a few, plus lurkers. Thats no effort.
Your misconception is, that we identify ourselves with these threads, when in fact that's what you do, since they're about you. There's discrepancy in perception.
No. 84388
>>84373and i also don't care about what you say lool and we're all wasting time so it's even :)
>>84375wasn't this about berry? i'm one of the few lurkers
No. 84401
>>84388your comebacks are so lame omg i assume you are one of berry's comrades / secret fan lurker
>>84395yes!! EXACTLY. And It's a shame her fans believe it but there have been people who were ex fans/use to admire her and now see what we see here. I was one of those people much like you, who use to think Berry was cute and creative but then something was weird and off about her and I just couldn't find her stuff believable so I googled her and ended up here – where other people see what I see and not her delusional fanbase that only kiss up to her and whatnot. It's refreshing tbh.
No. 84413
>>84395Same here. When I first found out about her I adored her. She had a ton of useful information (about lenses and promos and stuff), I still remember her awesome tutorial about dying wigs )now I am not even sure about whether she dyed them herself or just ordered them/stole the tutorial from someone else). She seemed like a cute, sane person with a pretty normal fashion hobby.
Then I started following her Twitter, googled "Yin Tigno" after a few days and found the first thread. Actually even her Twitter replies sometimes put me off a bit, she always spoke in that "ghetto" way, it was really weird and immature.
No. 84423
>>84416Right? How are some people not the slightest bit suspicious? If I had a LDR and finally met up with them, I'd be ecstatic and I'd post so many photos of us doing stuff together.
>>84417Yeah, she is a good artist. She doesn't seem to draw much anymore but she has talent.
No. 84426
>>84424Yeah, amazing isn't it. I roll my eyes every time one of her fans or her say we expose her out of jealousy or whatever shit.
Lol she's trying super hard to save her reputation. Recently adding back like a thousand people on facebook who had been on her friend request lists for months or even years, doing this "kawaii movement" (really? Kawaii? Movement? This is more like #gloup, #transformationtuesday / #throwbackthursday smh) and acting all kind and sweet and retweeting peoples photos.
I wonder how long she's going to put all this up before she get's tired of it herself hahah
What happened to that tsundere/idgaf/bad bitch attitude before shit started to happen, Korinne?
No. 84432
>>84427Right, lol. She sure has a lot of time doing all this damage control and more when she's a ~med student~. And she's like in her 20s, turning what 21 this year? I don't remember, I use to be a fan of her and was able to keep up lol. But if she does go to college for med school, I don't know why she is still lurking on the internet. Most of my friends who are in their early 20's and are in UNI in the medical career don't even go on the internet often as much as Korinne/Berry does, they focus on other bigger and better things. Korinne must REALLY not have a life or something outside the internet.
Too many holes in her lies and whatever that comes out of her mouth.
No. 84437
File: 1429391736943.jpg (27.67 KB, 587x97, 12.41.13.png.jpg)

so they are not ldr anymore? is he with her right now or are they just watching something online simultaneously??
No. 84451 new gif video thing. idk how to upload it here.
omg she finally changed outfits wow!!!!
No. 84457
>>84455do you know where she got this wig or where i can buy a similar one?
girls like her never say where they get their stuff unless theyre being sponsored.
No. 84460
>>84451her chin
compare to it in her "proof" video vrs this one
no collarbones even if her neck gets tensed.
No. 84464
>>84451looks like she really leans her head forward in every picture if she has to lean so far back to see her neck….
bad posture?
No. 84467
File: 1429395748128.gif (280.46 KB, 224x360, berrygif1.gif)

First part of the gif slowed down. Sorry for the quality but twitter uploads as mp4 and I had to convert.
No. 84468
File: 1429395767052.gif (290.71 KB, 224x360, berrygif2.gif)

Part 2
No. 84470
>>84451She looks cute here, in my opinion. It's too fast for me to see any editting it there is any, but her boobs look non existant even if she's wearing a high impact sports bra. My guess is that her tits are soft/really not firm at all plus she stuffs and shit.
Tbh I think we should just drop her. She's just a moronic kid with even stupider followers
No. 84472
File: 1429396075081.png (87.19 KB, 300x548, berry.png)

No. 84476
File: 1429396736704.gif (1.02 MB, 300x548, tumblr_nn0vrrlz3h1r3wd4to1_400…)

she uploaded it on tumblr so better quality someone make it slow?
No. 84478
File: 1429396898076.gif (1.02 MB, 300x548, 763257672.gif)

slowed down
No. 84479
>>84471probably. When she tilted her head back the wig shouldve moved away from her face
>>84470i agree kinda. Her bs is quite tiring and she's pretty sad as a being. Prob lowkey watch for now but i cant stand her swiss cheese personality tbh
No. 84488
>>84470>>84479>>84481i agree with lowkey watching
she knows we are onto her which is why she's putting up this act and she probably lurks this thread (hi berry!!!)
No. 84536
File: 1429407033281.png (19.83 KB, 598x110, 1424413020591.png)

Guys remember this? That was the funniest shit she ever said.
like OMFG her face looks like some 6 year old little girl MAX 8 but yet she shows gigantic melons and it looks fucking disgusting.
6 year old with porn tits yeuk… so animuuuuuuu LMAO
Anime culture sometimes disgusts me because girls are really short, have the voices and behavior of fucking babies, yet they have MELONS. Is this made for pedophiles seriously? This is exactly what she's tryna look like, ridiculous lmao
No. 89807
>>89725Everyone who whiteknights her is pathetic because whenever they try to defend her it's SO clear that they didn't read the thread and they're deluded and naive. Go ahead and defend Berry for lying and deceiving her followers and also acting arrogant and pretentious. Whoop di doo you're a friend of her congrats do you want a medal?
Do you know her personally, too? Do you know what she is like outside the internet? Do you know her deeper secrets? I doubt it.
Lol, oh yeah she soo admitted it a thousand time yet says she doesn't use PS or didn't PS her skin etc in the past. She's dodged PS questions and even retaliated quickly when it came to PS questions.
To comment on the fake boyfriend thing, it's evident you didn't read the thread clearly. Those webcam photos are old. And I LOL so hard when you said they met irl. Yeah where are the pics that she claims to have and said she would post? Why did she have to fake a photo with that mannequin/sibling of hers and tag her bf, implying it was him?
Why does she have to lie about how wealthy she is when she isn't that wealthy ("rich kids on point!" who says that? She since then deleted that comment on her fake Cartier bangle photo.)
I/We want answers – that's why this thread exists.
This is a discussion thread dedicated to her, so of course we will talk about her. It's lolcow, if she didn't do anything that didn't seem wrong or whatever to many people she wouldn't be on here, nonetheless on PULL and other places.
Good for you again, with that agreement thing do you want a medal?? I have some sort of guess of who you are if whatever you said is true.
No. 91701
Lol. I like how you say things as if you were there in person to witness what she did. You are no better than those that you perceive as "white knights".
And so, why are you still going on about what she said in the past? She openly admitted that she uses PS on her Facebook post where someone tried to attack her w/ some old 5 year old photos someone took from lolcow. Also to the other anon, what does your comment about her not knowing how to PS before have to do with anything I said.. PS can be learned easily. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn basic techniques to enhance your photo on PS…
As for her boyfriend, how would you know if the photo with her boyfriend is fake or not? Did you stalk her the day she took that picture? Did you stand outside her house and look through her window and realized that it wasn't actually her boyfriend?! Wow that's some anti-fan dedication. You deserve a trophy!
Why does she need to prove anything to you anyway? She probably has pictures with her boyfriend, but chooses to be private about it for her own reasons. So that makes him a 'fake' person? Not everyone flaunts their signicant other via photos on the internet. And okay.. webcam photos. Yeah, old. Do you ever look through his Twitter and see his other random posted selfies? Whether they are new or not, idk how you can come to the conclusion that his FB/Twitter is fake.
Your argument is weak because you can't prove anything you said because you don't know her personally. Which is why I think you guys don't have a life since you choose your free time to derail a girl on the internet that you don't even know personally.
It's reasonable for wanting answers for questions that might concern you, but if asking for answers mean being rude by insulting her appearance, claiming her boyfriend is fake, claiming her body proportions are fake, etc etc. Then it's more of a hate thread than a thread looking for "answers".
Also idc if you know who I am lol. You can probably easily pick me out on her Facebook.
No. 113708
File: 1432953909493.png (1.18 MB, 1017x960, 1.png)

Supposedly… she's so rich, but on the left pic, there's a ratchet ass couch. LOL