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No. 784303
Previous Thread:
>>777882Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash Course:—
Admin says: If you don't read the rules before posting, don't wonder why you're banned for a few days. Do the thread a favor and refrain from responding to blogposting and bait. Check the thread before posting to avoid reposting, it isn't hard.
Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's
>>>/snow/941512Do not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458 Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and former "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last time in the Swamp ShackGreg starts showing his disgusting dick after hitting 20K on OnlyFans.
>>777973Greg list the reasons why he banned Blasian (one of his longest staying fans). A few reasons he list where she was a 'Anti-O sympathizer' and that she called his dick was ugly.
>>778041Greg breaks his 'retiring his face' forever after a whopping 2 months.
>>778613Greg closes his discord because he wants to surround himself with positive people.
>>778929 >>779652 >>780126Greg fucks himself in the ass for shekels.
>>781454Next on Greg's list is to give a sparkly dildo an awful blowjob.
>>782088Greg quotes his possible sock repeatedly on twitter in attempts to get more subscribers to his OnlyFans.
>>782104It looks like Greg is trying to bring in a new girl into the swamp shack.
>>782166DeOrio does an interview with Greg and to no one's surprise Grug just makes Lainey and himself more guilty.
>>782172 Transcript
>>782245The main Onision Instagram was removed because his post included "nudity or sexual activity".
>>782183Of course Greg can't miss a chance for attention. He makes a video about Shane Dawson and claims that will be it but of course he quickly puts out two more videos.
>>782285I'm guessing Greg was in need of that sweet narc supply so he decided to open a new discord server.
>>782934Greg moral grandstands by setting up a fundraiser link on a whole 6 videos to show how good and caring he is. He claims that other creators have questionable motives because they monetize their videos but then says "I do porn now, I don't need AdSense money".
>>783718It seems like old man Greg is well aware that anyone who tries to get close to him are most likely trying to dig up dirt.
>>783744WARNING: Do not click spoilers unless your are mentally prepared to see Greg's disgusting dick and asshole.For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: [private] [deplatformed] No. 784309
File: 1594094190176.png (700.53 KB, 766x597, anastazianichole.PNG)

>>784306I just wanted to add my two cents. Could it be Anastazia (Annah Minx)? Billy the Fridge has been vague about if she is still cool with Greg. He and Joe were "dumped" but Ana could still be hanging around. She was defending him the last I heard. Also she has an OnlyFans, so she could be the fuckee in his new "watch me have sex" OF content.
No. 784321
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>>784318A few anons were speculating the house has been empty for awhile. He tweeted a few days ago about about "how attracted to his husband" he is. He also still wears that cheap black band on his finger. Even if Kai's not in the house anymore I doubt they'll ever get divorced, unless Kai can get her dad to negotiate a good divorce settlement.
No. 784323
>>784321>dad to negotiate a good divorce settlmentI can see both of them putting it off either because of money or laziness. Even as we speak, Lainey's probably cry-typing to private facebook groups about her shitty marriage, lost childhood, and lack of money, while her parents raise her kids for her. Meanwhile Grease stain gets to play bachelor in the swamplands as he let's OFthots suck his HPV-ridden micropeen.
The only way I could realistically see Lainey legally seperating from him, let alone contacting him, is if her family pushes for it. Other than that, she'll just fade away from obscurity faster than he does until he eventually spills the beans or forces her to.
Tinfoil but I feel like her dad's helping her regarding the whole CP-thing and if she does end up catching heat for it, he'll most likely be the one guiding her every step of the way.
No. 784325
>>784303Thread pic is top-tier, thanks OP!
>>784321If Taylor left then at some point Greg's going to want a divorce so he can finally be free to fuck other women without any stupid loopholes involved. Since she's the one that left, he can weave a narrative about how she was the one at fault; he seems to have been waiting for her to split for this very reason.
No. 784340
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>>784338It's probably
>>784309 as it matches her skin tone and previous manicures. The voice doesn't really sound like krai either.
I'd like to think Anastazia wouldn't stoop as low as to actually fuck onion, but crazier things have happened.
No. 784341
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The hand in the Twitter video
No. 784356
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>>784341I actually think it could just be a sex doll hand? But that doesn't explain the voice. I wouldn't put it past Smegma to take out a loan to buy another real doll (and claim it as a business expense?)
No. 784359
And the voice is either just tv or his daughter (dude fucked with his daughter in the room, he'd certainly have no problem with his kid seeing his real doll)
No. 784363
>>784341That is without a doubt a sex doll hand. He probably has either voice overs or someone there to give vocals. I’m calling it now, he’s fucking a doll. He doesn’t have to pull to get anyone else without paying them for a collab and he’ll never do that.
I also think Lame is still there he just makes her take the kids and go somewhere while Daddy is working.
No. 784367
>>784356It’s possible it’s pure attention bait and is an audio overlay with the sex doll but it seems likely that another girl is there.
That Danny girl commented on the video on twitter…could it be her?
I don’t know who would chose to work with him right now but it could also be someone with an onlyfans that’s there to “collab”
Has anyone checked any of his twitter content polls to see if there’s one that is upcoming that requires another person? I distantly remember him saying he was going to release a full sex video.
No. 784404
>>784388I don’t think it’s laziness I think it’s the deluded devotion to Greg as her ~soulmate~
When she first met him and he was famous and love bombing (not as much as his other partners but still) her she probably thought she won the lottery. Then slowly over time things got worse and keep escalating. She’s like a frog in a boiling pot to the point where she won’t even leave him after he cheated for the umpteenth time but this time with her best friend.
She might have had a cushy lazy life at the beginning but now she’s the only one that does childcare and household management. I suspect she’s also gotten some kind of outside job to bring money in now that she makes less from patreon and YouTube.
Her life is very shitty right now but ironically I think that’s one of the things keeping her where she is.
It’s easier to burry her head in the sand and hope things pass, the internet forgets her and Greg cycles through new girls but ultimately discards them so she outlasts them.
No. 784406
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The danny girl who commented on the twitter video is litterally a Billie skinwalker who has an onlyfans. Holy shit if he flies out some billie lookalike to grease his barnacle boat.
No. 784421
>>784406I think she’s a prime target for him tbh.
He has the fake legitimate reason of an onlyfans collab for Lainey and she’s his type physically, constantly fawns over him on twitter, is into anime and hentai, etc
When she originally came on the scene people thought she was a catfish because she was such perfect Greg bait.
It might be too good to be true but otherwise you have to think she’s on Greg’s radar at least.
No. 784425
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hes teasing hard about the up coming change in content, so I'm sure we will soon see whoever is there. I wonder if she's his new camera man.
No. 784427
>>784308It could be LickTheBlade?
She has an OF too and has been retweeting Greg’s. She’s also into hamsters/rodents and has the goth vibe he likes. Idk.
No. 784436
>>784425lol "bottom vibes"
Greg doesn't like that we've noticed he doesn't come off as the alpha male dom he wants to be
No. 784454
>>784443I think a good amount of people would be curious to hear her side of things. Most people just don’t want her off the hook for her involvement.
There’s probably a lot we don’t know about.
No. 784470
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I really do hope there is another woman in the house because of the chaos it usually causes and the milk it would bring. But I thought of another answer. Could it just be an old video? If you look at his OnisionPrime twitter for the past two days hes been posting old photos and screenshots.
>photos of him and Andy Biersack 2015
>screen shot of a tweet he made to sssniperwolf in 2016
>old fan art he saved
>photos of him shooting guns at age 14
>the mouse
>screenshots of positive reviews of his books 2015
>photo of him and Cyr
>photo of him dressed as L in his old house Grease Mansion
He rummages through old files when hes sad and trying to feel better about himself hoping to find screenshots or photos of the good ole times when people didn't think he was cancer and a pedophile.
No. 784520
>>784404I disagree, anon. While during the first few years, yes, I would say her blind devotion to her ~twin flame~ and ~soulmate~ was the prime reason, she seems pretty fed up with him at this point, which makes it all the more frustrating that she doesn’t just leave. Her pathetic tweets after the first Billiegate demonstrate how obsessed she still was with him (I can’t find the tweet, but there’s one where she says she’s “so fucking weak and codependent and can’t breathe without him”). By Sarah’s and other unfortunate ex-friends or
victims accounts, the two basically are just roommates at this point who barely interact. Lainey brings him some microwaved food, and he probably still mounts her for 2 minutes every day, but that’s about it. He has no interest in her or his children, and she’s been ducked so many times it’s comical. Lainey doesn’t want to leave him because even if she goes back to her parents, she’ll have to actually get a job and put her useless degree to work. Jimmy doesn’t leave because he’s scared of alimony and child support. Simple as that.
No. 784607
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>>784586According to her Instagram it looks like she is/was in WA and is sporting french nails. It's not a 100% but it's a possibility.
No. 784613
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Why does he always have to separate his content into these tidy little boxes. That's a sign of autism right? If I'm not wrong he ended up creating 12 verified accounts on YouTube. Does OF have any rules about how many accounts one individual can have? If they don't I can see him making more and more profiles for every whim he has.
>I've created a new OnlyFans called OnisionCharacters where you can see all your favorites like Emo Charlie, Chibi Derf and Rod Danger doing the only 4 poses I know - standing front view, standing rear view, on all fours, close up of me strangling my penis.
Is this a cash grab hoping that his die-hard fans will pay for all 3? The photos uploaded on OnisionFree have already been leaked and they're all just really old Instagram photos of him posing in front of his dirty bathroom mirror.
No. 784623
>>784462For the drama of it all!
>>784470It's conflicting- on one hand, Greg will chew up and spit out any girl he gets his claws on. On the other hand, any girl who willingly dates him at this point is a fucking idiot, and some more entertainment would be nice. Greg's been pretty boring for a while now.
No. 784632
>>784623I honestly wouldn't mind another clout-chaser/farmer ending up in casa de greg. Porn saga was fun for a hot minute, but I want some real milk.
>>784628I disagree. Sarah and Billie have been publicly fucked over by grease monger, along with every other girl that's interacted with both him and Lainey publicly outing how scandalous they are AND people taking candid photos of this ugly mountain troll, there is no excuse anymore. If you've hit the age of 18 and STILL want to throw yourself at Greg despite everything that's come out about him and his wife, you deserve the shitshow that comes with him.
No. 784642
>>7846131. Its the same returded strategy Shame Dawson used back in the day (more channels = more autism / attention)
2. See one
No. 784708
>>784608If Lainey were smart a lot of things would play out differently. Or if she weren't such a lousy terrible parent.
I checked the other farms if they have any milk and most posts are still about his dick.
I don't get it. How many times does one need to see that ugly, disappointing, below average sized dick?
Getting a third is the only remotely interesting thing that could happen right now.
No. 784763
>>784744Which Greg does in his haters, who "go undercover" as "super sekrit agents" trying to leak his shit first.
If they where to seize all that activity, Greg would have been done a long, long time ago.
No. 784806
>>784763Plus then they wanna talk to Greg on his discord and all that shit, thinking they're clever and telling him shit he doesn't already know.
Newsflash Anti-O's, your words on twitter or discord don't get to him because he's so full of himself his eyes are brown. Paying him in order to talk to him doesn't solve a god damn thing. Just stop paying him, stop giving him attention and then and only then will he go away.
No. 784832
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>>784808>>784713I called bullshit on that "OnlyFans emailed me" story too. If they had he would of shown the email in his video, he's done it before in similar situations with correspondence between him and YouTube. He just censors out any sensitive information. Instead he showed the faqs page that this anon
>>784616 directed everyone to. If Onision didn't read it here then it's likely his last remaining fan Cattidotir (the middle aged English lady) who's keeping close tabs on whats being said on the farms and giving Greg bullet point briefings like they do with Trump. Greg wanted to get in front of this before OnlyFans penalized or banned him but he cant admit where he got the info from.
No. 784858
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It's official. Greg and Lamp have officially morphed into one creature (right)
No. 784923
>>784884"Being the one with the brains"
Um. No. They're both idiots.
No. 784929
>>784923amazing non saged contribution
taylor has known better when to shut up in the past even if its just her uwu anxiety. greg makes any sort of statement for him or her in any media on any platform as much as he can. he is quintessential yt personality. he does anything for a click or attention. the smartest thing she has done for herself these last few months was keep her profile low. greg is doing literally anything to keep the limelight on him.
so my reasoning is that since she was the one who had lewds sent to minors, a lawyer told her to fucking quit the internet for awhile so as to not exacerbate the situation. greg is a fucking mong and will not cease rattling his water brain so the idea that taylor fled elsewhere to get away from that makes sense at least to me. them consulting the law seems to be a pretty frequent occurence. court cases, cps, random police visits, their neighbors, the wetlands, finances, plenty of reason to have shitty lawyers on retainer
No. 784948
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>>784406The Danny girl has commented on Billie's insta posts multiple times in the past kek, she's obviously skinwalking her despite sucking Onision's ass for years how fucking creepy and obsessive is that
her Instagram is
and if you put that into google, Billie's pics come up because she has commented/liked a bunch
She even photoshopped herself (her hair) to look like Billie in the past
No. 784958
>>784951I think that
>>784470 anon smart to question when the video was taken.
As much as everyone is sure that he’s going to try to exploit his only fans as a new cheating outlet, we don’t have proof it’s happening just yet.
>>784929She probably needs some kind of emotional outlet but I think unfortunately she’s going to remain offline. When Greg told her not to sad tweet anymore because she was being “dramatic” and outting a lot of his shitty treatment of her, she listened. We got some leaks from her five follower twitter or whatever but now that she’s been outted for sleeping with sarah, there’s no way she can afford to risk any exposure at this point.
Ironically she probably destroyed her one remaining source of emotional support and outlet by fucking sarah over.
Not so tinfoily but I think removing sarah as a support for Lainey was one of the benefits for Greg because it clearly annoyed him that she would vent to sarah about him. Like in his 10 things I hate about Lainey video there was the part where he’s playing Lainey and calls someone (likely sarah) to talk shit about Greg.
No. 784999
>>784994changed to dannybannny
No. 785015
>>784999Surprised it's not spelled "Dannie"
At least not yet.
No. 785029
>>784948Hmmm I actually seen that whore before, at the time it was believed it was a Greg sock puppet. Could she be real?
At this point anyone who goes to the grease house its up to them, they shouldn't pull a Tamara and come complain to us when it inevitably all goes to shit.
No. 785038
>>784983Please look at the lowest circled photoshop in the picture. Where she has photoshopped her hair pink it has also made the white on her jumper pink which real hair doesn’t do.
Tbh I couldn’t see the other flaws in the photo but that one proved it enough for me.
No. 785041
>>785038that looks like its caused by whatever filter is on the picture
The onision free account is still up, I wonder how long onlyfans let's it stay up before he gets penalized
No. 785074
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Now he's cosplaying as Scott Disick's less attractive brother RockSpider-Man.
No. 785080
>>785029Yes anon! I remember this exact same speculation and these same photos from a couple of years back; there were more too, that were (allegedly) proven to be photo chopped, and she was skin-walking Billie.
About half of the anons were sure it was Greg on a sock puppet however, and not someone skin-walking. So who knows. So weird how she just comes back into the picture now though. I'm so glad you also remembered this.
No. 785086
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>>785074The environmental story telling in this photo is depressing. I mean just look at the garage door and that rug. He should cosplay characters more in his league like Eugene Tooms from X-files1s2e.
No. 785106
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>>785080I hope I can dig up the messages she left on Billie's pages from awhile back, it will make this even more lulzy.
How are you gonna be apart of the Onion clan if he finds that you're obsessed with his "stank ass armpit lying Stoner, Homewrecker ex gf"? He'll call you a "BACKSTABBING TRAADDEEERRR" better hurry and delete those comments before he makes you tattoo, "I'm a traitor," on your lower back region
No. 785107
>>785086Tooms’ actor married a 16-year-old girl when he was 51. Greg
wishes he was Tooms.
No. 785131
>>785080Anytime, my friend, you're very welcome! And thank you too!
>>785113You may be right, judging from her pictures and her behavior this girl is mental.
>>785116What I don't understand is why they go for a washed up pedophile like Greg, who is married and has more scandals than Bill Cosby and R. Kelly combined. Are these those loonies that go for the "bad guy", because I can whip you up a list of celebrity bad boys that actually have money and fame just like that.
I mean if I were a hooker like that i'd go for a big fish and not some youtube nobody 99.99% of earths population never heard of and barely a nickel to pay for his tesla.
No. 785210
>>785190Maybe part of it is simply seeing how far he can push things.
I think it boils down to control and wanting his partners never to be able to rid themselves of him.
Encouraging someone to transition with hormones and top surgery if they aren’t trans and are just exploring their identity is exerting a high level of control and also creates a very permanent change. He’s done tattoos in the past but those can be removed or redone nowadays but a transition like that can’t be so easily undone.
I’m not going to open up the “is Lainey really trans” argument but it’s clear she has been exploring different gender identities and the discovery that she’s a trans man hasn’t been as clear as it’s been for trans people like Blaire White or Nikki Tutorials who knew from a young age and moved toward the goal of transition consistently. Identity doesn’t have to be linear but combined with her codependency and what seems like a general weak sense of self…
It also lowers that chances of Lainey leaving him and abandonment is clearly one of his biggest fears.
No. 785238
>>785210I think he really doesn't want her to transition cause he likes boobs and hate boob scars
That's why Lainey gave him Sarah, cause he needed breast in the relationship in exchange of her removing them.
No. 785304
>>785190I'd go with defeminization, he always strips his partners of typically feminine traits, he says that they're not allowed to wear makeup, have long hair, etc. The trans thing could also be intertwined with point a imho.
Normally, it's either because of jealousy and insecurity or one of his dumbass control boner. Or both.
No. 785323
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>>785321Smh Lainey could have been so cute if she dressed for her body type/wore makeup for HER face instead of trying to emulate things seen on girls with different features. Billie had a round/Gamine sort of face, so she can get away with wearing 20 pounds of makeup with high contrast, but it looks clownish on Lainey's sharp and long features. Doesn't mean shes ugly,
She could have found a makeup style that suited her and looked just as good. Is a shame really, so much wasted potential, now she looks like a haggard Foot
She looked her best around pic related, and that's when Greg admitted he was the most attracted to her, and said she gave off a Allison Mack vibe, kek
No. 785338
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>>785296Greg has been the one who just passively accepted his youtube stan like he was Prince William getting moved on by Kate. I think the trender thing is all Lainey's idea.
No. 785378
>>785321That is really depressing shit for anyone to endure,i personally hope Lainey is not in the house living with all that degeneracy Greg is pulling of,in the best of cases she finally took transition seriously and is living the best trap boy dad life.
Back in the day when onion was making videos of underage girls bodytipes i remember he saying "anal sex is disgusting i would never fuck my wife in the ass that's not supposed to be use" or something along the lines and wow look what he just did, i guess he wanted to say i dont want to fuck my wife anymore but if is anyone else hell yeah.
No. 785394
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Greg eats salmon now. I dunno, I found that interesting with all of the sperging he did when Krai became pescatarian in the past.
No. 785408
>>785394Holy shit. After all of the autistic screeching he did online about being vegetarian, he now casually mentions eating salmon.
He called Lainey a fish predator. Lol, I can't. He's a complete joke now.
No. 785421
>>785408He's already salmon Hitler after trashing the spawning ground at the bottom of his yard. It's personal.
Tinfoil: the waterbrain that could've got him aborted is starting to show the long term consequences and (along with chronic masturbation)is causing early onset dementia.
No. 785422
>>785410It's honestly hilarious. After over a decade of screeching about it, he now casually adds "& salmon."
The same autist who made countless of videos about how meat eaters are murderers, censored meat to shit on his forums, etc.
His vegetaaaaaaarian body!!! He fucking went back on everything he claimed to stand for, lmao.
No. 785429
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why did you murder us, greg ?
No. 785466
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No. 785510
>>785408>He called Lainey a fish predator.I don't remember what he called her but I know he shat on her for
years for not being vegetarian. It's always one rule for him and another for everyone else, then he wonders why no one can stand him - hypocrisy personified.
No. 785511
>>785466>worlds smallest violin blah blah>A string of barely intelligible sentences>I miss AndyWhat he misses is the clout. He tried baiting some larger youtubers recently with the Shane fallout.
Does anyone know if the rumored restraining order Andy filed against Grease is real? I've never seen evidence of it but then Andy's avoided this autist like the plague for a long time.
No. 785522
>>785521jeeesus it's so depressing seeing plainey get walked all over. can you fucking imagine your husband unironically saying "argument: destroyed" to you holy shit. absolutely no spine.
and i have no doubt that he did encourage her to eat fish privately but enjoys shaming her publicly. he loves baiting people into things (like revealing past trauma) and then using it against them online, where he can control the narrative
No. 785541
>>785528But anon he does work out.
He does those 10 pull ups on the badly installed pull up bar in his creepy basement.
With terrible form might I add.
But seriously I get 2nd hand embarrassment when he does pull ups or pushups because he does it on camera for as long as he can bear it, and then probably gets up and thinks 'Yeah this looks great' as he's editing his video. It's cringe as fuck. He never seems to get any results either, the only time he's had anything even close to resembling 'abs' is when he is skinny and tries to hunch over and tense. Even then it's extremely obvious he's tensing.
No. 785543
>>785422Everything the man bitches about at some point he contradicts himself.
>He would bitch about cheaters and has been unfaithful several times.
>Hated sex workers and now is showing his asshole to the internet for shekels.
>Claimed bisexual women were more likely to be unfaithful, ended up fetishishing them
>Bitches about vegetarianism and animal rights, but eats fish and constantly rehomes/mistreats his pets.
>Obsessed with rating women's appearances, claims to be a feminist
>Used to bitch about makeup and filters. Uses makeup and a buttlaod of filters himself to cover his ogre face.
>Bitches about teenagers with coloured hair, piercings and tattoos. Literally is obsessed with and seeks out teenagers with those exact qualities.
>Bitches about others being predators. Calls teenagers dumb. Literally fucks teenagers.The list is fucking endless.
No. 785552
>>785543Lets not forget how he poses as an SJW yet now cries about getting #metoo'd… or how he says people that got raped need to report it to the police, yet when he claims to have been raped by Sarah, they don't report it to the cops.
There have been times I seen him contradict himself in the same sentence.
No. 785573
>>785518>>785524It's creepy as hell how he watches so closely what Footface eats or drinks. "I haven't seen you drink Ensure in months" …what a controlling freak
>>785571I wish he watched his kids as closely as he watches how many Ensure bottles Footface drinks
No. 785574
>>785573>It's creepy as hell how he watches so closely what Footface eats or drinks.His control freak behavior is well documented, still good to mention though, i mean just look at what he wanted to do to Billie over having smoked whacky tabaccy.
Can you just imagine what life must be like for Lainey? Really try to picture it in your mind. And then of course theres the old rumor that Greg forced Shiloh to have sex with his dog. Now I don't know if its true but given how he is, I tend to believe it. The story back then was that that was how she caught the sepsis.
NOT saying if its true or not, I don't know, but the rumor back then was very persistent.
No. 785597
>>785586Lainey is so dedicated to Gregoid I'm pretty sure she'd kill both their kids for him, if he asked her to. And her parents too if need be.
Yeah, it really is that bad. I don't believe there is anything, anything at all, she wouldn't do for him.
No. 785610
>>785574>theres the old rumor that Greg forced Shiloh to have sex with his dog.She wrote on one of her old blogs that the dog would lick her dirty underwear and that it tried to bite her crotch and she didn't know what to do about it. Who knows what she or Greg did to it.
>>785586We know Greg was giving Billie fat stacks while she was there, so for her it was definitely money. For Sarah it was Lainey. For Lainey, Greg was on a list of youtuber's (including shane dawson kek) Lainey publicly daydreamed about meeting/marrying. She got the one at the bottom of her list. She settled and got what she deserved, as did Greg.
No. 785687
File: 1594704045251.jpeg (133.91 KB, 624x1017, DD552B3C-5225-4794-9C08-4764AA…)

Anybody watching?
No. 785727
File: 1594739455872.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.63 KB, 535x500, Smithers and Mr. Jackson.jpg)

I realized what yesterdays shower photo set reminded me of.
No. 785732
>>785727dang I know people have criticized his butt before, but i'm pretty sure its never looked as saggy as it does here. And hes even doing the one-leg-up Jessica Nigri pose which usually makes it look LESS flat and saggy.
Let's not even talk about the moobs and back rolls
No. 785738
File: 1594744177102.png (Spoiler Image,553.38 KB, 805x675, LifeAlert.png)

Does he understand that his poses are NOT sexy?
No. 785810
File: 1594770834350.png (173.14 KB, 360x450, Gollum_Render.png)

There's tons of creepy shit you can compare this returd to. I truly think that Shane rejecting him and standing him up at LAX left a lasting scar on Greg. So now he keeps telling himself how wanted he is, even by gay guys signing up to his onlyfans, according to him. (or gay bots he bought) After all, how could Shane not want him? He's so desirable, beautiful and handsome. Everybody wants him, including your sister, your mom and your dad, right?
No. 785852
File: 1594787988744.png (354.95 KB, 1014x723, onisionprimepatreon.PNG)

He just made another Patreon. Isnt that against their TOS? If you're banned from YouTube or Twitter and found trying to evade that you get any attempted new accounts suspended. Isnt Patreon the same?
No. 785854
>>785852His tweet about it claims it was approved by patreon, whatever that means.
Disappointing if true.
Not sure why he made a patreon with the exact same content as his onlyfans? Does he expect new people to stumble upon his patreon organically? Or does he think his 10 remaining fans will actually pay him twice for the same shit?
No. 785861
File: 1594790715659.png (48.58 KB, 1059x91, onisionprime.PNG)

>>785854I missed it if he tweeted about it. I saw the leaked update he put out on his OnlyFans that said
>With the manual approval of Patreon, I just launched - You are all the first to knowI wonder what the "manual approval" means? Does he have a supporter that works at Patreon thats slipping this by without any of the higher ups getting wind of it? Similar to the theories that Suzy Lu had her connection at YT getting videos taken down and helping her behind the scenes.
No. 785863
File: 1594791724088.jpg (618.43 KB, 1600x1491, Screenshot_20200715-004015_Dis…)

No. 785890
File: 1594816664849.jpg (81.79 KB, 1280x720, koolkuykarpet.jpg)

I can't help but think who shoots this garbage. I mean obviously theres a "camera-man", and I think its CoolGuyKarpet.
No. 785893
File: 1594818145185.jpg (99.44 KB, 1075x726, 698645.jpg)

>>785890Anytime his Apple Watch or iPhone is visible you can see that hes using it to frame the shot and then snap the photo remotely. The photo where hes dressed as spiderman
>>785074 if you zoom in on the phone you see the same image that is being photographed. He could barely talk her into acting in his "comedy skits" I doubt he can get her help take shots of his asshole. Shes too busy letting their kids fall out of windows for that shit anyways.
No. 785894
>>785893Amazingly that makes it even sadder.
Greg is a tool.
No. 785913
File: 1594829390929.gif (1.72 MB, 446x349, gag.gif)

>>785727Wow I regret clicking that spoiler.
No. 785916
File: 1594830554984.jpg (72.96 KB, 1340x458, Ec8ybWQWoAEEdwL.jpg)

>>785861Uhh I don't know how Patreon works but I find it strange that they would ban him for doxxing and then approve him to come back and sell adult content. Pic from Twitter but I guess he really needs his lewds to pay off the wetlands ordeal as the next update will be on August 24th
No. 785926
File: 1594834487412.png (12 KB, 579x269, under review.png)

>>785917This is what I get when looking for it. Maybe he didn't get approval or lots of people are reporting it.
No. 785934
File: 1594835735463.jpg (79.74 KB, 1242x833, Ec-6gcsX0AYHS69.jpg)

>>785926He wasted no time…..
No. 785951
>>785916As far as I know you can't open another Patreon account if you've been banned previously. I think they approved him by mistake. Like
>>785852 said, it's against their TOS. If they haven't deleted the account yet, they will.
No. 785955
File: 1594844081543.jpg (381.8 KB, 1078x1111, manyvids.jpg)

Looks like he's desperate for some cash. What is the point in having three accounts selling the same content (4 if he manages to get his Patreon back).
His new ManyVids account No. 785958
>>785955Option A: Tiny brain and implying his fans have none at all, for paying him twice.
Option B: God complex, so Greg thinks he's "hawt" enough for people to pay twice or thrice for the same content.
Whichever you pick, both options make him look incredibly bad - well, on the good side, his horrible character goes perfectly well with his ugly looks. kek
Lainey must be proud of her ~uwu~ twin flame, Greek god husbando.
No. 785959
File: 1594844570236.jpg (132.82 KB, 1120x1040, lainey patreon.jpg)

>>785955Somehow Lainey's been making $131 a month. I'm sure Greg runs that account like he's ran all her sm.
No. 785999
>>785971Of course his OF pics look nothing like him. Delusional as he is, even
he knows he could never sell without shooping the hell out of himself. He did the same for his yt videos. He's been selling lies since his very first day on youtube.
No. 786000
File: 1594859016946.jpg (48.95 KB, 734x625, 20200715..jpg)

>>785926>>785959whys he still pushing his new patreon if its going to get denied anyway?
who wants to bet that lainey hasnt logged into her patreon in months and its been greg behind the curtain swiping that measly 131 from her.
No. 786006
File: 1594859776042.jpeg (153.02 KB, 1220x1264, 3D4D575A-1CE5-4E49-BEBB-84821E…)

>>786000Of course it’s greg. He already knows his patreon gone and has lainey’s patreon account sending the link to his website instead. Shouldn’t she be banned herself by now? It’s obviously greg using her account so if he’s banned, then that account should go too? She’s getting over $100 every month for doing nothing, even that Embarrassing amount is more than she deserves.
No. 786021
>>786006Imagine giving someone over $100 a month just because they exist, while you're getting absolutely nothing in return.
How dense are her patrons? Major second hand embarrassment.
No. 786032
File: 1594866331730.gif (1.09 MB, 200x270, ew.gif)

>>786021I could see giving a cool and respectable person a small amount a month, like 5$ or something even if they haven't been active for a bit in the hopes they'd come back. In the case of Lamey though, who the fuck really would still contribute to her? Probably braindead simps.
No. 786065
File: 1594886447725.jpg (341.18 KB, 1080x608, 20200716_020002.jpg)

No. 786068
File: 1594887764341.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.22 KB, 769x532, EcBQMAAWoAAx3A.jpg)

Someone was trying to pass this photo off as Onision in his ripped up spider-man suit and a wig getting fucked by the highly anticipated collab porn costar. Seeing how far into degeneracy he's fallen I didnt think twice about it at first.
No. 786120
File: 1594936290411.jpeg (403.29 KB, 1125x1206, 54831DD6-A181-4338-8D9E-27EE66…)

Hi Lainey
No. 786124
>>786021>>786032Anywhere stupid people exist you'll find people like the Onion's there to take advantage of it. Happens all the time.
>>786085This one's superior imo
No. 786132
File: 1594950465451.png (315.6 KB, 591x372, 617.PNG)

>>786128How long has it been since hes mentioned her? In the past he has to prove that their relationship is wonderful and perfect so he'll randomly tweets shit like
>look at the sexy underwear Kai bought me>thank you to my wonderful husband Kai for the dinner he made meor just general lovebombing because he called her a cunt earlier that day or insinuated that shes a rapist enabler last night.
The last thing I can remember that was Lainey involved is that photo of him and her when he had all those rub on tattoos. He doesnt even acknowledge her in the tweet. It reminded me of when someone from his past talks shit about him so he starts tweeting photos of them or uploading collab videos he did with them in some passive aggressive tactic.
No. 786138
File: 1594955938605.png (109.95 KB, 593x683, 067522.PNG)

He tweeted this out hours ago. You would think his legion of fans would have swarmed this tweet and bombarded it with comments of affirmation. But all hes gotten is single digit likes & retweets and ONE comment from a middle aged confused Desi. The same woman is usually the only singular comment on most of his tweets.
With all the positive comments he tells us (ad nauseam) that hes getting on his OnlyFans don't you think that some of those people would crossover to his Twitter? That is unless they're fake.
No. 786139
>>786132It’s more surprising to me that he hasn’t mentioned her bc that means he’s probably respecting her boundaries and privacy. She didn’t want to be online and he hasn’t been exploiting her by dragging her online for views.
When the initial wave of attention from his only fans dries up we’ll see if he tries to bring her back to recapture her audience.
My bet is he will have a new attention grabbing girlfriend by the time that happens and Lainey will be allowed to remain in the shadows.
His channel gets too boring without an internet-friendly partner to stir up drama and he knows that because it’s what he’s run his channel on from the beginning.
No. 786143
File: 1594960737248.png (610.92 KB, 700x455, Lennie Small.PNG)

>>786140I thought Laura & Sheila jumped shit when Dogfucker and John Coffey got kicked out? When it comes to that little circle of dimwits, is the only remaining loyal fan McRetard?
No. 786147
File: 1594968070420.png (46.48 KB, 426x498, 6535757_preview.png)

>RT this Tweet if you want a chance for a free OnlyFans trial
more than an hour later
That's fucking hilarious. Aren't his fans supposedly clamoring to get into his OnlyFans?
Hes doing an obvious bait and switch. He promotes his OF for $5 then next month you check your credit card statement and you're being charged the full price. I wondered how hes making money on these free OF giveaways. He gives them a code for a freebie subscription but you still have to sign up using your credit card for age verification. And once they have your card info that freebie turns into full price next month. And this can go on for months because some people dont check all the charges on their credit card statements and they keep getting charged month after month until a red flag pops up.
No. 786155
File: 1594981557260.png (641.21 KB, 1098x978, JamesJackson (2).png)

Greg has added a sex doll to his Amazon wishlist for his fans to buy him. I thought the Julia sex doll he had last year looked young but this one is… yikes!
No. 786157
>>786155Never change, Greg. Never change.
I hope the feds are watching him closely.
No. 786178
>>786168Better the dolls be the outlet than some real human girl.
Does anyone think he will be able to secure another new girl or that he will resign to monogamy with Taylor/Lainey/Kai?
No. 786188
>>786178The doll
is his new girl anon. With those prepubescent features it's got to me 10x more attractive to the degenerate than his
old fakeboi, ball and chain. Tinfoil but I forsee him leaving her for the doll unironically, and then focusing his entire only fans around their "sexual relationship" and his foray into madness. His current OF content seems to be monetising his insanity and humiliation fetish, this isn't much of a jump in my mind.
No. 786207
File: 1595014647280.jpg (186.21 KB, 1079x1302, doll.jpg)

He's tryin to get his "fans" to pay for his sex doll.
WHO are the people that supposedly voted to watch him bang a piece of silicone? I can't think of a single woman that would be into that… and I doubt his creepy male viewers want any sort of vag in the picture.
No. 786208
File: 1595014741194.jpeg (781.48 KB, 1716x1125, 7E235D1C-BC16-474F-979B-0D4B7C…)

>>786155That doll looks like Skye, or maybe it’s just the bangs
Pretty eerie, still
No. 786209
>>786207The doll on his wishlist is like $200
why does he need a $2000 one??
No. 786218
File: 1595019130690.png (24.21 KB, 1070x468, cd2ab5371422a605d4af39e228d03b…)

The new Patreon didn't last long then. Guess he didnt have permission after all LOL
No. 786221
File: 1595022235961.jpg (240.05 KB, 1707x668, scam.jpg)

>>786207It that ain't scamming, I don't know what is… Does he need multiple dolls to make his threesome / harem fantasy come true? kek
No. 786269
>>786168>This one will end up trashed and hacked into piecesRemember the vid he did with the previous doll where he acted out a serial killer fantasy and tortured/drugged it till "she" died? Good thing this retard has custody of two small children, amirite?
>>786155>loli sex dollThis definitely doesn't reinforce the whole "Onision grooms kids/is a pedophile".
No. 786273
File: 1595046515780.jpeg (134.4 KB, 1080x1083, EEA2D7BC-2910-4401-AC22-9AAF58…)

Elaine Maxwell is a hypocrite when it comes to sending nudes.
>it’s what she deserves.jpg
No. 786276
File: 1595049986079.png (329.1 KB, 706x1078, 7-18-2020.png)

He deleted that doll that looked like a prepubescent little girl then added 7 new ones that look more adult. These are 1-6. There's even a black one because he wants us to know hes progressive. If hes so enlightened then wheres the male and tranny dolls?
No. 786277
File: 1595050228806.png (593.62 KB, 1071x656, 7-18-2020(2).PNG)

>>786276>The doll I saw costs about $1,700Out of all 7 dolls this is the only one that matches that price. Good going Greg. No one will mistake this doll for a 10 year old girl and call you a fucking pedo. He better start lifting weights because this is going to be 150 lbs of metal skeleton and dead weight silicone. I hope it falls on him in the garage and Lainey finds his lifeless body in the morning.
No. 786279
>>786276lmao, do we need any more proof/debate on the topic that he lurks here/has someone lurk here for him and report back 2 him?
>>786277lmao, the materials make it sound more like a female skin-walking super-hero costume than a sex-toy.
>"Metal alloy skeleton, built-in stainless steel frame, strong skeleton, built-in joints. Makes various postures as you wish, some difficult poses that ordinary people cannot do."Regardless, I can't believe there are people out there willing to spend so much money on shit like this, and I can't believe it's such a big of a thing that they also offer 24 hour customer service lmao. Imagine getting a call at 2 AM.
No. 786283
>>786280Thank you for that correction.
I honestly find it entertaining he's circling back to dolls after Julia. When you think he's hit a new low, he always finds a way to dig himself deeper into his legacy of cringe, and normalize what was once considered a "low for him" to the point where it isn't shocking - I can't wait to see what new genius plan comes after this.
No. 786315
File: 1595091024497.jpg (161.04 KB, 1542x1092, Screenshot_20200718-014218_Chr…)

>>786301my bad forgot to add the poll
No. 786401
>>786276>He deleted that doll that looked like a prepubescent little girl This new list really looks like he's trying to throw people off - he'd be lucky to afford even one of them. Obviously he's buying the loli privately.
>>786277Death by sex doll would be a fitting end for Onision.
No. 786443
File: 1595130098580.png (1010.66 KB, 1087x547, Onision_Tami_Joanna.png)

>>786292Damn you're right. It looks like Tami or his older sister Joanna who has the same crazy eyes. He's admitted to searching for, and jerking off to incest porn so Id hate to imagine the fantasy hes going to play out with this doll.
Greg thought he was in the clear by removing the loli doll from his Amazon wishlist so he wouldn't look like a pedophile. And now we find out he's buying dolls to live out some fucked up incest fantasy. Why cant he just have some normal fetish? Why does it always have to lean towards the creepy and illegal shit?
No. 786450
File: 1595139471743.png (433.29 KB, 1033x1643, harem.png)

Just wanted to share this from our fellow farmers at Kiwi. Greg has bought himself 7 sex dolls with a total cost of $9,392 excluding shipping. I guess this was his only way of fulfilling his harem fantasy. We all know any normal or somewhat attractive woman wouldn't want to touch that nasty baby carrot with a 10 foot poll.
No. 786451
>>786450old milk shared yesterday here
>>786276 >>786277This is a wishlist. Hes requesting his fans buy him these items. He hasn't purchased them yet. There's no way he has 10K to splurge on sexdolls especially since the wetlands clean up is just days away
>>785916 No. 786453
>>786451Nah anon look on the right hand side they all say “last purchased July 19, 2020” so looks like he really bought them.
Lmao Lainey made him throw out the one he had before, i don’t know how he plans on selling having 7 creepy ass dolls in their tiny shack to her.
No. 786460
File: 1595142996604.png (191.44 KB, 836x890, 7192020.png)

>>786453This must be some type of glitch then. If you go to his wishlist he has 151 items in it and every single one of them says "last purchased >date<" Why would he have a wishlist for his fans to buy him shit if he already owns it all?
Im not going to add up the cost of all 151 items but Greg does not have that kind of money especially after the IRS ass fucking and impending wetlands situation. There are some crazy expensive shit in it too like the camera, bikes and canoes that say "last purchased _____"
No. 786472
>>786443Why not just have sex with the real thing rather than a substitute?
Crazy Tami would probably be okay with fucking him on camera since, you know. Joanna, I’m not sure.
No. 786477
>>786460So a big way to troll wishlist owners is to mark items as purchased so they get a notification and it removes it from their wishlist, but you don't actually have to pay, its just a button click
Seems like someone is trolling him lmao
No. 786507
File: 1595169742202.jpg (709.26 KB, 1536x2048, JZmkZZh.jpg)

>>786500I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
No. 786514
File: 1595172273839.png (178.36 KB, 1077x410, onlyfanscomments.PNG)

From his OnlyFans comments section. After reading these I'm not sure if "C" is a computer program that strings together words to make posts, a bot service that employs people from countries where English is not their first language, or its an actual real female fan that had a traumatic brain injury.
No. 786515
File: 1595173592944.jpg (78.28 KB, 1076x303, Onision71920.jpg)

You can't destroy a sex toy with that weird chode of yours
The batteries are going to last more than 3 minutes.
I'm positive you don't clean your sex toys. For gods sake you cum on your carpet and leave it to get crusty.
No. 786535
>>786531Fucking Kek anon. Sex work by proxy isnt a thing and we already discussed that people laughing at his crusty dick isnt exactly promoting anything. Enioy the milk.
His new sex doll looks exactly like the creepy 3D renderings he used to make and everyone speculated he was overcompensating then for being outed as a creep on a large scale. Everytime someone points out how attracted to underdeveloped bodies he is he thinks the best course of action is to misdirect to a huge pair of tits and ass
No. 786558
>>786514Wouldn't be surprised if this was a sock. He only just pretends to be retarded after all.
>>786515If he's lucky maybe something will break off in his ass.
No. 786560
>>786559I've never had one so i have no idea. I don't believe he could buy all this shit
>>786450, especially not in a single day.
No. 786561
File: 1595197861178.png (99.24 KB, 245x225, kek.PNG)

There are some spicy new pictures and videos over at Kiwifarms for those of you whos eyes are still intact from the last bleaching. Some absolutely hilarious reactions in the videos. No. 786566
>>786562He is trying out a couple of those electric pocket pussies. His face was so glorious the entire time I couldnt stop kekking. you stop this video at 1 min you're peen free. Highly recommended for a good kek
>>786565I have a sick morbid curiosity. I too am shocked at how unbothered I am by it.
No. 786582
File: 1595205692776.jpg (38.58 KB, 414x707, D8250B616211.jpg)

>>786566>His face was so glorious the entire time I couldnt stop kekkingThis one had me rolling.
No. 786583
File: 1595206658246.gif (Spoiler Image,2.08 MB, 284x263, OvipositorDemo.gif)

After watching some of his jerk off videos and seeing how he strangles the fuck out of his weird looking alien dick and tries to milk it with a death grip, it reminded me of The Ovipositor demonstration videos I saw on VICE. The Ovipositor is this dildo that allows women to fulfill their fantasy of being fucked and impregnated by some type of Xenomorph. His cock sometimes looks like it has this bulge in the middle. I wouldnt be surprise that one of these days a slimy gelatinous egg pops out instead of the cottage cheese cum we've been seeing him spray all over his carpet.
No. 786590
File: 1595209716161.jpg (120.02 KB, 889x488, 7-19-2020_SE43F76G.jpg)

This is the only doll on his wish list that's in the 900 dollar range. Im confused I thought he was going to buy the $1,700 doll that looked like him mom and sister? Ive also read people saying that hes buying a male doll to fuck him
>>786280Which is it?
No. 786593
File: 1595210718226.png (Spoiler Image,489.82 KB, 683x552, gross.PNG)

You would think that with his new pocket pussies it would help contain the mess. But no… he pops in the PP then turns it upside down to let it all dribble out onto his carpet and whatever else is underneath him. Is he cleaning up afterwards or just letting it dry? Is Lainey forced to clean it up like the boiling sugar water on the dinner table incident?
No. 786602
File: 1595213186898.jpg (138.43 KB, 566x579, greekgod.jpg)

>>786597He was focused on jerking off so he lets his guard down and stops tensing his muscles and sucking in his gut. Anastazia always got these great candid shots of him when he wasnt ready.
No. 786615
>>786593lolllll he recently posted a photo of him all flexing and arms raised praising himself on how well his diet is going, but he's a doughy and unhealthy as always.
Bold of him to start dishing out diet advice when no one would ever desire to have this body.
No. 786629
File: 1595226583894.png (2.54 MB, 1125x2436, CBFF750D-2AF1-4DC4-848E-327859…)

>>786561He looked so bored and dead-eyed, gave me the chills
In other news, Elaine Maxwell is back on Facebook
No. 786639
File: 1595227968126.png (676.16 KB, 865x527, cali looks like lauren sis(2).…)

>>786633That's her younger sister Lauren.
I had to search for an old photo to confirm. Funny thing about this collage photo is the girl with red hair in the insert photo is Cali, the girl Lainey was trying to sweet talk into being in a poly relationship. The comparison photo was to show how much Cali looked like Laineys younger sister Lauren. And I thought Greg was the only one with an incest fetish. Greg wants to fuck his sis & mom, Lainey wants to fuck her little sister.
No. 786694
>>786639Jesus do they ever go for any non-skanks? This one too just reeks of whore.
These girls they go for they look beat, like they're just a couple of days away from doing donkey shows in Tijuana.
No. 786760
File: 1595292312504.png (70.09 KB, 711x654, 5322345785.png)

>>786756The livestream happened over 2 years ago so it would be impossible to find, but it was discussed here on Tumblr, on Twitter… It looks like you don't lurk as much as you say
No. 786821
>>786695>>786733Poor diet but also living with Greg. Imagine all you do is cry and have crotch gremlins sucking milk from you while you sit on the internet all day. She's dehydrated as fuck. The stress of being around Greg would be extremely tiring. Look at how ugly all his partners become after living with him.
Billy had the worst breakouts while living there.
No. 786825
File: 1595312650359.png (108.15 KB, 601x734, active investigations.PNG)

Wasnt there some low grade tea/drama channels that called a file clerk in the DA's office and was told there were no open investigations involving Greg? One of the active cases is the call Onision made about Hansen trespassing so thats not against Greg. But theres two others. One active case concerning C falling out the window and another about Onision and child porn. No. 786842
File: 1595322734749.jpg (504.85 KB, 1207x1664, case numbers.jpg)

>>786825The implication is these are 3 active investigations on Onion specifically, which is false. These are the 3 cases if you look through the available docs/corresponding incident #'s:
>913 is Onision's harassment case against Hansen, which i'm pretty sure is closed anyway.
>879 for some reason references a CAD/dispatch inquiry. (also irrelevant)
>012is the only one that looks like it could be ongoing.
No. 786843
File: 1595322992982.jpg (519.51 KB, 2928x1301, CPS1.jpg)

>>786825>>786842samefag. 012 is the CPS case that I thought was closed but it's a different case from the previous one. It looks like another case is now possibly being led by a different detective. Aside from that it appears Swan is correct.
No. 786848
>>786846I thought the wetlands would be in there but i didn't see it. I'm sure that's still happening. He
might have an open investigation with CPS but that's not confirmed since those other two
>>786825 cases referenced aren't open.
No. 786854
>>786848The wetlands is an ongoing civil matter, not criminal since the fish and wildlife police didn't find enough of a crime to deal with.
I'm purely speculating about the CPS thing but that's an open case because there was a serious incident that could be evidence of neglect and the kids are still there. If any more "accidents" happen, the window fall would probably be relevant. Turns out having kids means you should take a bit of actual care with them in case those interfering police start hassling you.
No. 786867
File: 1595336437650.png (42.06 KB, 1554x244, 003426.png)

>>786842There is no "implication."
This is actual proof that investigations are still open. Good Citizen Reports specifically requested "All active investigations and cases against James Jackson, Kai Jackson >aliases<" and these 3 were returned to GCR.
The one open case that involves Hansen is not against Greg. But the other two are troubling. It seems that they're still looking into the accident that happened with Cloey and the investigation about child porn. The description of the CP report isnt specific to either Greg or Lainey. Could this open investigation be about the nude photos she sent to and received from underage girls? Lainey's fucked.
No. 786874
File: 1595338726425.png (323.04 KB, 600x546, Capture7_21_2020.png)

>>786842Looks like these tea channels are scrambling to make changes to videos they've been working on for weeks after it was proven there are multiple open investigations on Onision and Kai. I hope they don't choke on that first bite of crow.
No. 786875
>>786867and those aren't even part of another big investigation going on. I won't say anything but Rest assured it will have Serious consequences.
make of that what you will.
>>786867Proof in this context is something I'll take with a grain of salt. The idiots like Lola Bohemia and the john goose person thought they'd proven the negative.
It's all just wank until someone gets arrested and charged with something.
No. 786949
>>786867This ss doesn't show the primary source material/docs stating the cases I referenced are closed. C's case was closed by another detective.Read the primary source material and try again.
>>786874>multiple open investigationsAccording to the available public records the only possible open investigation concerns CPS, that's not multiple, nor do we know if it has to do with C or not. it's 1 case which may or may not still be active. Stop trying to spread misinfo like the anti-o retards and learn to think critically.
No. 786981
>>786913Why would they be talking to Sarah about C's case? If you're referring to Sarah fucking in the bed with C's parents while she slept in the same bed, her parents allowed this to happen and also groomed Sarah as a child -
you like to avoid context so your point is moot. The case that was closed was C's fall out the window. It looks like another might've been opened by another detective, either that or it's closed/old and the records haven't been updated. It's up in the air for now.
No. 787021
>>787001I feel the same way. We've already seen how Greg will throw her under the bus as quick as a wink. If the choice was his freedom or spilling everything he knows about Lainey they wouldn't be able to stop him talking. And he would exaggerate things to make her look as bad as possible.
As for Lainey, she tells tales out of school when shes with her confidants. She cried to Billie when she found out she was having a little girl because she knows how Greg is. Who knows how many stories she told Sarah about Greg. She even did online house shopping with Sarah (and Cali at a different time) playing out this fantasy of getting away from Gregs abuse and living with which ever human tissue was around at the time.
There was a time when her loyalty was because of blind love. Now her devotion is because without Greg and his limited income she wouldnt be able to sit and stare at her phone all day looking for new girls to play with. She'd have to move to Las Cruces and live with her parents and get a job at the local Gap folding clothes and having anxiety attacks every time a customer asks her a question.
No. 787025
File: 1595383997993.jpg (Spoiler Image,633.26 KB, 1079x1649, Screenshot_20200721-.jpg)

Im sorry for posting this but I have to share my confusion. Whenever I see a photo of him from behind his body looks so weird and disproportioned. There was a photo last month he took of himself from behind in the mirror and his head looked so big and elongated. And now he posted this shot and he looks like he has child bearing hips. Look how high his waist is. And when hes standing up straight you notice one butt cheek is longer than the other.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 787256
>>787013>I understand your trying to defend Onision That's piss tier anti-o downie logic, I expect better from anons. I don't need to request/re-request anything when the available public docs prove what I've said. Saying this
>>786867 is proof I'm wrong when it's literally an excel spread sheet made by who the fuck knows is fucking stupid.
You can disagree all you like, the fact is I read the public primary source docs which for some reason you're incapable of doing i.e.,
thinking critically. I already explained why youre wrong about "multiple investigations"
>>786842. If you want to talk "tea channel" info that doesn't relate to Onision take it to the flakes thread.
No. 787264
>>787021Greg would rat Lainey out in a hot minute to save himself. He nearly ditched his family to be with Billie. He likes to talk about how he kicked all his nasty exes out of his life when in reality, the only reason he's not with Billie rn is because
she rejected
him, and then months/years afterwards he kept sending her pathetic cringe emails looking to collab or something equally stupid. Billie's the one that got away.
>>787171True but that doesn't explain why one arm is abnormally larger than the other. With his hips, if I had no context for the pic I'd think I was looking at a woman. Unappealing is an understatement.
No. 787325
>>787287On YouTube? I thought he has "retired" from YouTube and has since become a "porn star" (barf).
He's really trying hard to make himself relevant again. He needs to make his returns for purchasing all those shit dildos
No. 787338
>>787287Didn't watch but I imagine he's feeing more cocky than usual as he's most likely not going to jail and Chris Hansen has been exposed as a grifter. If anything, it's Kai who is in trouble (and even then she probably won't face much consequences). He's a piece of shit to young women but he'll take any opportunity sperg about not having committed any crimes and how he is actually the
victim in all of this
No. 787358
>>787287It was on uhohbro, he ended up kicking the only guy on that was against him. There was a non binary, a stupid girl that had an ex that used his platform to bully her but believes Greg is honest and not that bad, and a silent black guy that said fuck all. The debate was not a debate because Onion asked what has he ever lied about and then when those lies came up he changed subject to deflect. He said again Sarah agreed that she raped him but wouldn't address the fact he solo dated Sarah after the fact and fucked her all around his house when Lainey was out of state. He got mad because the guy he kicked asked if Lainey was crying and then Onion sperged about Lainey being good and awesome blah blah blah then the guy said Lainey sent nudes to girls and Onion had to state he didn't counter that because he has never fully explained the full story so we can't say one way or another if he's lying. He then went on a rant that the girls are being fradulant because they made money off of streams telling their side and people made GFMs and other people donated. He ranted that he was mad the
victims got paid. Its OK that Greg monetises personal details of people that won't fuck him anymore lives for money but if those same people address his slander theyre frauds. He denied he's been fradulant even tho he failed to disclose his full taxable income to the IRS which is why he's being fined and investigated for fraud… Accepting donations that aren't taxable is fradulant according to him but withholding information to pay your taxes and public services is fine. Especially if most of your money and content stems from the harassment of people you couldn't have a successful sexual relationship with
No. 787473
>>787434This is what people suspected at the beginning when all he did was provide very weirdly worded vague defenses like “Lainey would never want to not need Sarah to maybe not see those photos” everyone assumed he was being deliberately vague because Lainey was guilty and he didn’t want to get caught in a lie if it eventually came out
But he gave himself away a few months later by making a video with “proof” Sarah stole the images from the laptop. Wonder if that video is still up. It was debunked shortly after.
Then there was his recent “interview” with that Oreo guy where Greg denies ever having seen the images in question at all and being completely ignorant but insisting it was an accidental “nip slip”
No. 787493
>>787338He's a full on professional
victim. Can you imagine what his life must be like? Inbetween his 8 hour masturbation sessions he angrily spergs about people who've happily moved on with their lives LOL.He probably rants and raves to Lainey too in the few minutes a day they're in the same room together (IF she's still there anyway).
All his "awful exes" live rent free in his unfortunately shaped head. And yeah, it's doubtful he'll ever see the clink but he already lives in a prison of his own making. I only care about what happens to his kids.
No. 787497
>>787358The only people that ever owned Onision in a "debate" were Blaire, Stevie and to a lesser extent Nic Deorio with that glorious cut off/hang up. Edwin was supposed to have one but dragged his ass for so long it never happened. Hansen could've done it but since that exploitative assclown can't do simple research he'd fall flat on his face.
>he's being fined and investigated for fraudIs that still happening?? It didn't come up in Doges search
>>786825 and I haven't seen anything verifying that it's still ongoing.
No. 787598
>>787591He has no perspective on his own life… or he thinks he is exempt.
When he was in his early 20s starting out on youtube, he tore some other youtuber apart and made videos mocking him because he was a 30 year old creator that had teenaged fans. Difference is, that creator never invited those teenaged fans to stay at his house or ever tried to sleep with them.
Of course now Gurg is making videos about how age doesnt matter, maturity does.
Dude has no morals and no convictions. He only believes what is relevant to him in the current moment and makes grand statements about issues that will allow him to feel morally superior whilst still getting to do fucked up shit.
No. 787618
File: 1595623168192.png (2.34 MB, 1173x1876, troglodyte.png)

behold the anemic troglodyte in its full glory..the pinnacle of Greg's career
i cannot unsee those jarish chicken old man legs..his limbs dont even look like it belongs to his torso and his head looks massive
credit: heatboss on kf
No. 787634
>>787598>Dude has no morals or convictions.Like all pretentious imbeciles Onision
pretends to have convictions, it's all for show. He's said more than once he doesn't care about right or wrong only what's legal/illegal. That was best demonstrated in his letting a 16 year old girl into his home, grooming her, taking advantage of her as soon as she's legal, then going on to paint her as the liar and abuser. Sarah proved her case more than once and the points Onion didn't ignore (because he couldn't argue them) he attacked with weak deflections and non sequiturs. I think he'd groom another girl too if he thought he could get away with it. Tards tend to be compulsive that way.
No. 787639
File: 1595631206393.jpg (33.1 KB, 640x508, onision.jpg)

No. 787654
>>787634He's a pervert. And this is what he wants to do now. Usually people that end up in porn have ran out of options, but he opens this onlyfans shit and full-on believes he's a porn star now.
I'm not sure if its been posted here yet but apparently he ordered 9 sex dolls. "Sorry kids, there goes your future college tuition."
Lainey picked out a real prince.
No. 787671
>>787629Totally agree with this, people our ages have nothing in common with that age range.
He's disgusting as fuck for going there sexually/on any level.
>>787664Someone should point blank ask him that.
He "didn't want to see her face because she's their rapist" but he sure as hell could fuck her multiple times afterwards.
No. 787732
>>787654>apparently he ordered 9 sex dollsWith what money? All this tinfoiling and no one can say where he's getting the money? I'm not convinced he bought crap worth several thousands of dollars all in a single day. From what we can tell he makes chump change on OF and makes next to nothing on YT. He still has payments to make for the wetlands and most likely the IRS as well.
Taking his wishlist at face value he also supposedly bought tons of other shit like wigs, clothing, shoes and glasses all on the same day he bought the dolls? I don't think so. i don't believe any of his few remaining orbiters are wealthy, most of them are barely 18 and talk like speds.
No. 787737
File: 1595662459085.jpg (64.67 KB, 640x374, this is Greg.jpg)

>>787670>it's totally normal to ask your wife's rapist to be your girlfriend>>787664>He "didn't want to see her face because she's their rapist" but he sure as hell could fuck her multiple times afterwards.I want to know if pic related was
before of
after Sarah raped and blackmailed them? kek. The wind he keeps pissing in always blows back in his face, then he feigns surprise and offense when anyone with an IQ above single digits notices the stench.
No. 787801
>>787618He's standing with his shoulders clearly pushed way forward to try and add a tiny bit of length to his t-rex arms.
On that topic, mods should relax a bit on the "no nitpick" rule. Greg is fucking hideous, objectively and hilariously unattractive. Still, he's a raging narcassit obsessed with physical beauty and sometimes even deludes himself into believing he's attractive. Sometimes he even pretends people tell him how much he looks like really attractive celebrities. So it's lots of fun to point out how deformed he is, especially with pictures. That's why I'm glad KF doesn't have that rule.
No. 787828
File: 1595721142308.jpg (265.1 KB, 1080x1516, 20200726_014753.jpg)

What is he on about?
No. 787858
>>787828Do you know when he posted this? I didn't see it anywhere on his godforsaken timeline.
>>787830lol. Dude's approaching middle age, has two small children and he draws like an edgy wannabe school shooter - how cringe.
No. 787861
>>787801He also pretends people write to him telling him they get off to his awful, shooped with a million filters pics.
I get people making fun of his looks but there's only so much you can do it before it gets tired and repetitive. We already know he's horribly deformed and takes terrible pictures, it's not like he ever brings anything new to the table there. I do admit to having a good kek at this tho
No. 787887
File: 1595772664291.png (133.42 KB, 739x359, C. Julia Lovedoll.PNG)

I wish I had a high def or clearer picture of C's profile pic. I just enlarged it from this OnlyFans comment section screenshot shared earlier
>>786514Doesn't C. look a lot like the sex doll Julia that Onision bought last year but just wearing a different wig?
No. 787906
>>787898Bingo. He was ready to dump her when he was riding his manic high with Billie and still making a decent chunk of adsense rev (all before he had the IRS and wetlands fiasco as well), but now? No way. Taylor would have to leave him and she aint going anywhere either because she might actually have to humble herself and make amends to her family and friends for being an idiot and a creep.
It would be glorious though. If she left him not only would he be stuck with child support payments but he would be all alone again, and a single Onion is an even milkier Onion. Especially because this time he doesn't have youth or money on his side to wrangle in jailbait. The best he could hope for is McFly or some OnlyFans hoe. I could see him fully trooning out for shock coin, he would probably come out as a lesbian as a last ditch effort to score some Tumblerina poon kek.
No. 787919
>>787918C is the name "she" uses when she comments on Gregs Onlyfans. Its not a full name, just C. She's one of Gregs OF subs that constantly strokes his ego with weird comments shown here
>>786514 I just saw a similarity between C.'s pfp and Gregs old Julia sex doll. You change up the wigs and they look the same. I guess what Im saying is Greg has used socks before and got caught because people would reverse image search the profile pic and find where he stole the photos from. Greg could use old photos of his sex doll add a little blur to it and it wouldnt come up on any image search because its an original he created.
No. 787987
File: 1595814832904.png (984.91 KB, 1015x566, uhohbrols.PNG)

uhohbro livestream for charity is live now.
4 videos into this series and this new little group of fans are already imploding. They're all arguing because one of them sent inappropriate DMs to some others in the group. Im starting to see the same people on cam again and again. He nuked that old "community" when he banned Blasian, Tamara and a couple others. And now it looks like hes working to build another.
No. 787989
File: 1595815075298.png (140.17 KB, 253x341, Capture.PNG)

>>787987Is this faggot using a SNOW filter while recording?
No. 787990
File: 1595815107422.jpg (39.31 KB, 379x569, m4Imu.jpg)

>>787987what in the hell is he doing with that filter
No. 787992
File: 1595815252802.jpg (66.04 KB, 453x341, ONISION LIVE.jpg)

>>787987onision shit talking blasian and tamara has commenced with mcfly looking uncomfortable during the whole thing
No. 787996
>>787980The person literally only uses the initial C as their posting handle.
Maybe refer to them as “fan C” if it’s not clear from the context that it’s not the little girl?
No. 788005
File: 1595819225269.png (512.22 KB, 688x513, onionfans.png)

>>787993I was listening off and on and didnt hear anything really milky. We all know about him wanting to fuck his stepmom and that he enjoys incest porn. But Ive never heard this story even though he says "Ive told this so many times" He says that the night of the Tyson vs. Holyfied fight (1997 which means he was 11) as he was laying in bed
>I was praying to God, I was like please God have my stepmom come down here and suck my dick.pic related - his new batch of fans reaction after he told his story.
No. 788009
>>787560This is the kind of tinfoil I like, cogent and doesn't stray too far from the facts.
Greg's desperate need for validation is what really keeps him going at the end of the day - how many times has he left twitter/YT only to come crawling back? Narcs don't care what type of attention they get, as long as they get it, he
needs the supply. This is why OF is perfect for him. Anyone thinking he feels embarrassed or degraded by the shit he's done on OF doesn't understand that Greg making his entire super cringe life an open book the way he has, proves that his OF is just another extension of this.
No. 788021
>>788020Laineys anxiety and irrational fears probably have her thinking that the next girl that Greg cheats with might be "The One." The one girl that Greg actually leaves her for. If he divorced her she'd be fucked. Yes she'd get alimony and child support but she'd have to move back in with mom & dad, get a job and hear "I told you so" the rest of her life.
Truthfully Lainey shouldn't be afraid Greg will leave her. He has it made. She allows him to fuck strange, then when Greg gets bored of the new piece Lainey takes him back thinking its a win. Its a perfect relationship for any cheater.
No. 788033
>>788013why is she so possessive over a person that doesn't even give her basic respect lmao
They're both so isolated, and Regina confirmed the only person Lainey really sees is Ryan (that other fake boi she used to make videos with), she fucked up her life royally, but it's not even that it's irredeemable, she's just lazy
No. 788046
File: 1595848029471.jpg (225.2 KB, 1024x576, scaredycat.jpg)

The both of them are scared to leave eachother and each of them has irrational fears of the world. Lainey has even had panic attacks and I reckon so has Greg. Remember when Billy the bitch was there and a car came down the street, Greg RAN inside the house.
Who does that?
If you ask me the both of them are afraid to be alone.
No. 788055
File: 1595854574398.jpg (354.45 KB, 984x1085, Screenshot_20200702-083511.jpg)

>>787887I am 99% sure that this account is the same account that used to be named Cora. The Cora account is the most obvious sock of all time. Greg is such a low IQ waterhead that he even outed himself like the retard he is. I know the screenshots were posted to KF, but that thread is so busy that I'm sure they're many pages back now. But basically, this Cora account was always commenting on any post Greg made to Twitter about his OF. "Cora" would always reply with the weirdest, most degenerate shit. Like perverted weird sexual shit that would only ever be concocted amongst the gallons of water in Gregs head. The way he got outed was he posted a reply from the Cora sock with some autistic nonsense about wanting to smell Greg's dick. Not even a day or two later, Greg was doing that interview with whatever no-name garbage commentary channel, and he said something about Sarah sniffing his fick. In actuality, she was just laying her head on his lap. But Greg is so disgusting and creepy that he somehow convinced himself that she was sniffing his deformed baby carrot.
Let me ask y'all, how many of you have ever heard a guy refer to sniffing his dick as some sort of sex act? Or ever in any context? Not me. So what are the odds that what was already a suspected Greg sock would mention wanting to sniff his dick , only for Greg to mention it again on a livestream the next day? He's so much of a retard that it doesn't even occur to him to be more careful.
I do have this screenshot saved to my phone, showing the Cora account. The picture looks to be of the same person to me.
No. 788061
>>788021I think it’s less about finding “the one” because while he loved Billie more than her he was still able to discard her. Sure he begged for her back for months and years but ultimately Lainey was able to outlast her and all the others.
I think there’s a very real risk with Greg that he lets his breeding pregnancy fetish run amok and Lainey gets stuck with another girl forever.
I mean he was already telling Billie if he got her pregnant he would want to keep it with her.
No. 788062
>>788011>>788012Eh, I don't know. He probably just wants the attention from his "fans" but doesn't want to spend too much time with them, because he knows they are cringy.
Then he goes back to whatever he wants to do - which does
not include Lainey and the kids - he just uses them as a shield so that he doesn't have to say "Okay, I feel good enough for today, I don't want to talk to you unworthy peasants anymore."
No. 788065
>>788062This is what I think too. He uses Lainey as an excuse to not have to actually stream to his paying audience for longer than necessary.
We all know if he really wanted to do something that Lainey wouldn’t be able to stop him. It’s not like they ever spend time together.
No. 788096
>>788071Why? I mean the whole world knows where he lives. Anybody could be pulling up that place at any moment just to push his face in over one of the many things he said on the internet.
Naw, I think he's scared like that all the time. He was afraid to box FPS diesel and even Chris-chan could beat FPS diesel up. Hell, even Woah Vicky could win that fight.
No. 788136
>>788111I'm betting a 100 on Chris. Lets not forget Chris has retard strength.
Nothing beats the sure power of an American retard.
No. 788196
>>788166This autism tinfoil needs to stop. It always comes up and it’s been disproven.
In her birth video lainey said that there was a risk the first kid might have autism and they would love the baby no matter what but he didn’t end up having it.
We’ve also heard him speak on one of greg’s lives and again on Lainey’s younow.
Unless people have actual evidence, people should give up stale rumors.
No. 788198
>>788196Greg asking for advice for parents with autistic spawn is pretty compelling and at least of enough interest to mention. If your sour panties are in THIS much of a bunch about it may I suggest you're the problem here? Does this sorta rhetoric
tRiGgEr your own autism?
No. 788445
File: 1596050753805.png (19.56 KB, 589x244, new doll.PNG)

The sex doll saga begins again. How long did he have Julia before he dismembered it and threw it in the bin? And what was the reason he got rid of it? I dont understand how he just toss a couple of grand in the trash like that.
No. 788454
>>788445What I find hilarious with Julia/his other sex doll, is he adamantly refused he fucked it in videos, and said it would be "gross" because it's "cold and lifeless like a dead body," I wish I could find the videos where he said that - they're still up on his channel somewhere.
Now, he's living out his fantasies on a sex doll, so he can avoid Krai. Hilarious.
No. 788502
>>788445I know he thinks himself this big bad ass “porn Star” now, but I can’t think of a single porn Star that fucks sex dolls on camera. That has got to be the least sexy thing to watch ever. It’s going to be the most awkward and weird video he’s ever done.
I think fucking a fake silicone person on the internet for pennies is definitely rock bottom
No. 788524
>>788514I remember when Hansen actually seemed legit. That ship sailed after maybe his 5th interview.
I never cared that he did it for money or whatever other thing people always sperg about, but interviewing literal nobodies that have never even met Greg is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. he’s had plenty of opportunity to move on to other important topics instead of milking the same old ones.
Is he really too lazy to research other online predators? He could have actually made a fairly serious and interesting internet show but he fucked it up.
>>788511It seems he’s ignored a bunch of things from his polls. and was sex with a doll ever a winner of any of those polls anyways?
I am really very curious how much money he is making on Onlyfans and if it even covers the cost of one of those dolls. I know he had a “fundraiser” but he never posted about completing it so I guess no one actually wanted to chip in on that one
No. 788525
File: 1596067827045.png (326.64 KB, 869x1009, EeBSUFjU4AEOI3J.png)

>>788514>Tamara & HeatbossLMFAO it's the Xanax chick all over again. So THIS was the "exclusive interview" Hansen was talking about? A few people thought it was Ed Troyer, the Peirce County Sheriff PR guy. Guess he has better things to do than bs again on Hansen's show.
A few weeks ago Heatboss was tweeting about wanting to go on the show so they could talk about Greg's OF and small cock. I mean, it's not like they have anything else to talk about.
No. 788539
File: 1596072331570.png (163.64 KB, 625x553, onision pornhub streaming.PNG)

Im not sure how Pornhubs streaming works but could be his debut into webcam girl status. Hes so close to being on Chaturbate begging for tokens and bargaining with the degenerates on there.
>I'll use the medium dildo on my ass if I get 100 tokens… come on guys PLEASE!
No. 788543
File: 1596075813146.png (385.69 KB, 924x520, Next on Chris Hansen.PNG)

>>788532I cant wait for that either.
No. 788555
File: 1596079526185.jpg (13.1 KB, 322x322, gZQ0rE9T_400x400.jpg)

>>788514Am I a monster for laughing while DogFucker was crying on Hansens shoulder and blubbering all over her mic? I cant feel empathy when the only time these ex-fans cry is recounting how badly Onision treated them after he kicked them out. Where were those tears while they hung out in discord and Greg talked shit about the girls he abused? All I heard from those fans were giggles, agreement and their own bullshit defamation of the
When she was interviewed by Billy TF, DogFucker said she might start an OnlyFans so she could "show off her tits" A little birdies been posting her private photos and I wonder if this is her attempt at a "sexy in bed" pose for her impending OnlyFans. If Tamara actually starts an OnlyFans Im going to fucking leave this world.
No. 788563
>>788555>Tamara looks for empathy from another psychopathSome people never learn. And yeah, she only feels bad for getting booted from Greg's circle of autists, ones that he regularly cycles through btw. He's already working on a new batch of replacements
>>788005. He sees them all as expendable and they're too fucking dim to realize it.
No. 788566
File: 1596085444178.png (1.05 MB, 1015x570, onisionlivestreamcharity.PNG)

>>788563The newest batch of retards that are replacing the old retards Tamara and Blasian seem young and on the spectrum. Where was McFly tonight? I hope there isn't trouble in paradise. If shes on the outs with Onionboy I can only guess what stories Onision will suddenly remember about McFly that'll make her look like shit. Will Onision use his go to accusation and cry "McFly sexually harassed me!"
No. 788578
>>7885661 potato on xanax, 2 blokes on everclear, 2 weed smokers and one person on shrooms.
This explains so much. What is your drug of choice to enjoy Greg's content?
No. 788587
>>788555I haven't watched the interview with Hansen and I don't think I will.
Tamara should really think twice about creating an OF. I don't know why these girls are so pressed for attention and validation. Is there nothing else in their lives that makes them feel good about themselves and accepted?
Eh, I don't wanna generalize, Dev and Blasian seem to do fine.
No. 788606
>>788587None of Onion's paypig seem decent. They all pay to be in a social club of retards and the head of the club spends most of his time talking shit to them about the girls in his life that no longer want to fuck him.
Tamara can get fucked looking for sympathy. She has tried to defend herself before about being a cunt towards Greg's
victims with she didn't believe it, but everyone is suppose to feel sorry for Tamara because Greg one of the biggest dicks online insulted her? Fuck off. Why should we believe Tamara's testimony? I heard Greg gave her countless of dogs to fuck and was actually soo nice to her uwu.
And if Blasian and Dev are so decent why the fuck do they give money to Greg too? Or have done? They're all twats.
No. 788622
>>788619This is why I don’t feel sorry for any of his former paypigs. No info about the wretched person Greg is has ever been hidden. He is openly racist, ableist, and homophobic in his own content. He openly shits on his exes (ALL of them) and openly treats his paypigs like lesser human beings.
Anyone who couldn’t see any of this just flat out didn’t want to.
Tamara talked about how he wouldn’t “let” them watch drama content about him, but they never needed to. He’s a horrible person all on his own. Even if they never saw a single thing Sarah said about him, they sure as hell got to see the 30 videos he put out about her, and none of those made him look innocent. They made him look deranged and spiteful. Yeah that’s surely the type of person I’d want to pay to be friends with!
I also don’t buy the whole “we were there for eachother, not him!” excuse. Cause you know discord exists outside of Greg right? Facebook chats exist, google hangouts exist. There’s a million places you can go chat with your friends where Greg isn’t. And no, the haters aren’t gonna find it and screencap it unless you invite everyone in, dummies.
TLDR: no one who was ever a paypig of Greg’s in the last 5+ years has any excuse not to know how horrible he is and they have no right to expect people to feel sorry for them because they chose to seek him out and they chose to keep paying a pervy sociopath for years and years.
No. 788633
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>>788622>>788539On his PornHub
Turn Ons: Step Moms
No. 788635
>>788633Im not surprised he put his own shit down as "Favorite Books" What do you think is the last book he's read? Im betting he hasnt cracked open a book since senior year high school. He can barely get through a paragraph when reciting some Google definition he pulled up to defend himself.
Is Nesiamotu Inc still active? I know he created that with his CPA Alexander Vace as some kind of shady for profit corporation when the IRS ass fucking commenced.
No. 788648
>>788633He's only putting stepmoms to look less like a pedophile.
Also the lack of a positive attitude is so hypocritical, he's built his whole career on being a wannabe edgy nihilistic douche.
Not only that but I feel like it would also be a way to get his own way in bed. When Lainey is uncomfortable or anxious with anything he paints it as 'negative'
Same thing goes for Mya trying to communicate that she was uncomfortable being picked up or Luxy saying she wasn't interested in him that way=broken or negative.
He acts like someone expressing their upset or anger automatically means not being positive.
The only time he's used Lainey's negativity to his advantage is when they fucked Sarah. Then he just claimed it was rape. It's funny how he twists it depending on the person. When Lainey wanted to stop halfway through fucking Billie she becomes a negative buzzkill jealous bitch but when she apparently was 'grossed out' by Sarah, she became this poor helpless rape
victim who just laid there and let Sarah eat her out and innocently sucked on Sarah's tit because she
had to.
No. 788651
>>788445Yuck. I already sense he's going to dress up in his crusty old Cloud Strife cosplay and make a garbage set of photos on his filthy lint and cum covered carpet of him fucking the Tifa sex doll.
No. 788652
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>>788638The Autistic Katana Kid wont be around for long because he has 2 things working against him. Like you said Greg will get annoyed with him because of his autism issues and probably bounce him. But the bigger problem is Katana Kid is male. Greg has no use for men unless they're giving him money to shove dildos up his ass. Look at his recent fundraiser streams. He chooses who's allowed to participate and the majority of them are female, late teens, early twenties. Any males that are part of the "community" Gregs feels threatened and either makes it so uncomfortable for them they leave or he just cuts to the chase and bounces them for some make up infraction.
No. 788655
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>>788643>Chris asked her the worst thing he did to her as a personNo Chris didnt ask that. He said at 42:21
>What's the worst part of this for you, what he's done.I would interpret that question as Hansen asking Tamara - of all the things you now know Onision has done, and all the things you've personally seen him do, whats the worst part to you? Did Tamara mention the grooming? Did she talk about the endless harassment of his ex's for years? No. Tamara made this about herself. This has always been about her and how her feelings were hurt. Every time she does an interview or AMA its 95% crying about how Onision called her a dog fucker and maybe a couple of sentences about the girls he abused.
No. 788658
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Kek. His constant Snap filters scream insecure loser
No. 788662
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>>788658Good thing he tells on himself every now and then
No. 788664
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>>788662Every day he looks more and more like cricket lmao
No. 788668
>>788662he looks like my 50 year old crackhead uncle here.
>>788635If I remember correctly he actually said he never reads. Some kinda "why would I read books when I can just write exactly what I want to read" type bullshit.
No. 788670
File: 1596139658698.webm (2.8 MB, 320x180, Tamara victim blaming Sarah.we…)
>>788606>>788622I love the awkward silences and how uncomfortable Tamara got when Hansen put her on the hot seat by asking her to explain what she said that was
victim blaming. Her sentences keep trailing off
>yeah, they were accusing me of victim…. bla…and she keeps pausing hoping Chris will move on to something else because she realizes how shitty it sounds as shes saying it out loud, but Chris just keeps pushing for more clarification.
>If it was so bad why did Sarah keep going over there. It couldn't of been that bad if she kept going back.How can that be characterized as an off handed comment or taken out of context if Tamara said it more than once and would try to hammer home the point if a discord troll brought up Sarah being groomed?
No. 788677
>>788670>>If it was so bad why did Sarah keep going over there. It couldn't of been that bad if she kept going back.How can that be characterized as an off handed comment or taken out of context if Tamara said it more than once and would try to hammer home the point if a discord troll brought up Sarah being groomed?
Also this statement is idiotic. Did she not once think the opposite? Like how could Sarah be a horrible liar extortionist rapist if Greg kept inviting her back and sleeping with her?
It's like I said before, these people didn't WANT to see the faults in Greg's statements because they wanted to stay in his good graces. You just can't feign ignorance. Its not possible.
No. 788698
>>788686The content with Tamara doesn't start until like 15 minutes into it. It's boring and just her defending her attention seeking. Find it interesting how retarded she sounds and Greg use to remark on how "young" she sounded. Wonder when it's going to dawn on all these spastics sounding like you have autism isn't quite the same as passing as a hot young teenager. So much mental illness.
>>788633>interests and hobbies: "voting in a way I think helps the most people live a happier life." He's so fucking autistic omg
No. 788700
>>788686Tamara has said she has anxiety and issues speaking in public. Plus she doesn't want to overshadow the actual
victims. But this makes the 6th interview/AMA shes done in less than 2 months.
Onision subreddit AMA
KiwiFarms AMA
Billy the Fridge interview
RealStreamNews interview Jun 26
Chris Hansen interview
RealStreamNews 2nd interview
Shes had more interviews and AMA than some of the actual Onision
victims combined. For someone whose nervous and has anxiety problems she cant seem to shut up.
No. 788711
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>>788670None of the speds Hansen brings on have milk. The "interview" got roasted in his own comment section.
No. 788713
>>788604>'taking away my confidence'She had none to begin with. No one with a shred of confidence or self respect would ever associate with Onision.
>>788675It is useless. An attention whore finally got what she wanted from another attention whore.
No. 788715
>>788648>When Lainey is uncomfortable or anxious with anything he paints it as 'negative' He has to manipulate and twist everything, it's like breathing to him. I'm surprised he didn't include how "honest" he is in his little bio.
>Lainey wanted to stop halfway through fucking Billie Which reminds me, didn't Sarah say Lainey cried right after the 3 some with her and Greg? Greg always mentions Lainey cried afterwards (because of muh rape) and of course a lot farmers think he lied about it but I'm pretty sure Sarah corroborated that detail. If Lainey did cry it's because Greg manipulated her into another 3 some she didn't want.
No. 788716
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>>788700We can add one more. That makes 7 interviews.
Onision Confronts Banned Discord Mod (Tamara) LIVE FOR CHARITY
Blasian was in this interview to back up Tamara, along with McFly.
No. 788718
>>788633>Company: Nesiamotu Inc.>>788635>Is Nesiamotu Inc still active? I thought it was closed last year after some redditfags started digging up documents and uploading them. Looks like he probably re-opened it. And i could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the business was opened
before his IRS trouble.
No. 788739
>>788686You Actually believe Scamber Clements?? Even after the recordings admitting she lied??
Oof we gotta retard here boys an girls!
No. 788744
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>>788716We now know which hole Tamara likes the dog dicks to go in.
No. 788761
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>>788718nope. the company was started AS A DIRECT RESULT of the IRS trouble
No. 788771
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>>788764Maybe I was hearing something that wasn't there but it sounded like Blasian was falling for Greg's gaslighting and hoping that Greg will take her back. This was the first time she was able to have a conversation with Greg since being banned and they shared a few laughs and Greg was manipulating her again by saying
>it's nice to have blasian back but i feel a little weird, but i like blasian when i'm not mad at blasianI can understand if she goes back to Onision. Actually it sounds like she never really left. She watches everything Greg does almost more that the people on here and KF. And she'd be able to rejoin her BFF McFly in Onisions discord. She really didn't get the response she hoped for when she got banned and started speaking out against him. I know she wont admit it but Im sure there's a little part of her deep down that thought the "Anti-O's" would raise her on their shoulders and praise her as the Onion-Slayer. But now she has people on both sides shitting on her.
No. 788786
>>788670The whole interview was a damn mess. Tamara couldn't string a sentence together to make a coherent narrative and some other dude just archiving Onion's onlyfans ''for teh lulz''. He might as well just said that when Chris asked why does he do that. He replied on stream: I just want [onion] to hate me.
Jesus. You could have even faked a fucking moral highground for lip service but holy shit heatboss sounded like a massive basement-dwelling retard. And Chris gave no fucking bones either as of ''updates'' whatever that means anymore for the onion case. He's probably just gonna get dragging on until people just forget gradually. It's a shame really.
No. 788796
>>788786Tamara kept saying 'you know' and that other guy sounded like a deranged anti o.
The way he started to talk about Greg's deformed penis before Chris had to cut him off was cringe worthy. I mean it's spoken on here and on kiwi but to go on there and basically be like 'yeah I pay for his only fans his dick is ugly lolz' is really retarded and makes the 'investigation' seem like a bigger joke than it already is.
Tamara was the biggest aspie. It's hilarious how many comments on YouTube are defending her because young and naive and then when told her actual age are like wtf.
No. 788840
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>>788834He's done 6 of those live stream debates for charity over the past ten days and all hes gotten in total is $270. Even though its a pitiful amount of money I could see him pocketing the cash since hes going to need every penny after August 24 when the review of the wetlands violation happens. But the way Youtube sets up these fundraisers up Im pretty sure it wont have to pass through Onisions hands. Its directly send to the charity chosen.
>>788837>Tamara sounded slightly more intelligibleDid we listen to the same interview? She sounded like a teenager trying to explain to her daddy how she got bullied by the cool kids. And when Chris pressed her to clarify how she
victim blamed Sarah there were so many pregnant pauses from Tamara trying to figure out how to phrase her answer and not sound like a piece of shit I thought the video had stopped or was buffering. Im not even going to bring up the hysterical crying jag.
No. 788842
>>788840>to bring up the hysterical crying jag.I had to stop listening at that point, that was too much.
None of these autists understand that he isn't their fucking friend. He's just a ( very shitty ) guy online they had to pay to hang out with.
No. 788845
>>788834Since it is going through Youtube, he can't pocket the money. But he can still monetize the video, having a donation button doesn't turn off adsense. So none of the money is actually coming from him personally, it's money other people choose to give.
He's using it to virtue signal, as always.
No. 788897
>>788829Not really. Billie was nervous and didn't do a great job but she was still a hell of a lot better than Tamara. Tamara and that random girl that said people on Tumblr starved to death were both by far the biggest jokes on the show. Angry slug is in there too.
I don't think she was nervous, just retarded. She was able to cuss in a jokingly manner and kept addressing the chat, really didn't seem like she was nervous. Also it's funny how she talked about Sarah 'going back to Greg multiple times' but literally did the same thing with the discord.
No. 788911
>>788904She was being interviewed by Hansen, not the trolls in chat. She should of kept her focus on him and his questions. That was another annoying part of that interview. You could tell she was busy reading the comments while Hansen was talking to her and he would have to reel her back in. Even when she was talking her attention was divided by reading chat. She would ramble because she was half answering Hansens questions and half thinking up a comeback to the trolls.
Shes threatening to do yet another live stream this weekend if she can find a camera (who the fuck doesn't have a webcam or smartphone in 2020, is this an episode of Catfish?) How many live streams is it up to now, nine?. Tamara said "I'm hoping to give people the answers they want" Who the fuck is still asking her questions? Shes already spilled everything she knows which was jack-shit, and I promise the stream will just be her crying that everyone's calling her a dog fucker and how mean Greg was. I will admit the Onision interview made me laugh when Greg and McFly revealed Tamara enjoys getting her shit pushed in.
No. 788926
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This Anonymous Gene sperg has been yapping for weeks about how he was going to fuck up Swan and his buddies. John Swan, OG Tipster, Aystar and Josh Pescatore all had their Twitters suspended at the same time this morning. Gene is taking credit for it. Im not so sure he actually did it but if he has some kind of connection and his next target is Onisions social media I more than welcome the trigger being pulled.
No. 788932
>>788926bull-fucking-shit. I seen Gene try and take credit for shit he didn't do before.
>>788927exactly. what would even be the incentive here? delete it yourself or it will get deleted for you? thats the dumbest shit I ever seen.
remember that this is a guy who, when he got the lolcow farm mirrored screen ban, thought he hacked this place and the same guy that didn't know what DDOSing is.
the only thing he hacks is jack shit, and jack just left town.
No. 788938
>>788936Exactly. If Gene the poser coulda thrown anyone offline it woulda been Greg, then he woulda sperged out and flaunted that till the cows came home. But he didn't, he can't and now he's trying to bluff to Greg like it means something.
Gene is an impotent anon wannabe, he isn't even a script kiddie, he's a big nothing, a boomer. And he knows jack shit about anything, let alone coding.
No. 788942
>>788926DO IT FAGGOT
He won’t do it, he doesn’t know how and is too much of a faggot.
No. 788987
>>788897>>788902Billie didn't know what a cult or blackmail meant, I genuinely think she may be slightly retarded
Tamara is a joke and is only on Chris Hansen because she got kicked out of the Onion clan but… Billie is a whole 'nother level of stupid
No. 789004
>>788897>>788902Give her a break. She was visibly really anxious and I think her trying to clarify a term to avoid saying something that was untrue got confused with flat out not knowing what something was.
Most people know what blackmail is.
I mean, he emotionally blackmailed her throughout the relationship but never blackmailed her the classical sense by extorting her with the threat of revealing compromising information. So it makes sense to clarify.
No. 789085
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Ghislaine’ s Patreon dropped to a mere 100 bucks, I know it’s not much but it’s somewhat of a silver lining.
No. 789101
>>788936I have no clue what it is about this board in particular and it's refusal to see what's really going on with Hansen and the mid/low level commentary channels that have spent the past few months attacking him in an almost ruthless, personal way.
Over the past several months, these channels have convinced so many individuals and audiences to buy into every bullshit claim they make. To me, so many of the actions they've taken STINK of rotten intentions. And it's peculiar that all of them, that whole little group of commentary channels, are so similar in their anti-Hansen approach. I recognize that content becomes trendy on the platform and can become a topic that many creators engage with. But this stuff with Hansen hits a bit different. I think the way that they've gone about all of this, it just seems a whole lot more personal than your typical video with the purpose of exposing someone. So much vitriol. Their behavior has seemed a bit more like tactics. Almost like they've jointly decided to ruin Hansen's position on the platform in a coordinated and secret fashion. But why?
Initially, when Hansen began his Onision series he got loads and loads of positive feedback. His channel saw a boom in subscribers. And his views were increasing every week. It was pretty much all praise, all across the board. Then that began to change, and bit by bit the narrative was shifting. Eventually, Hansen's involvement in the investigation was "harming it." Not that this type of claim is really objective, but I never saw any indication of that being true. I mean, who decides that, anyway? It's probably a clever claim to make because it is such a subjective statement. What constitutes as "harming" a case changes based on who's giving it thought. It was certainly never claimed by Law Enforcement. Or the mainstream media outlets that were taking notice and writing articles about the situation for nearly the first time, despite Greg having been preying on young women and girls for years. Had Hansen been such a detriment to the invesgative case being built, I can find no reason why Detective Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff's Office would have gone on his show. Troyer gave that interview on the record in his official capacity as the department's Public Information Officer.
For those unaware, a quick snippet from Wikipedia,
"Public information officers (PIOs) are the communications coordinators or spokespersons of certain governmental organizations (i.e. city, county, school district, state government and police/fire departments). The primary responsibility of a PIOs is to provide information to the public and media as necessary and to meet the legal requirements."
So when Hansen approached the Sheriff's Department for an interview, the fact that they sent Troyer indicates that the department wanted to get this information to the public. Troyer confirmed that there was a criminal investigation. He could have stopped there. But it was important to Troyer's superiors that he also confirm the existence of a Federal investigation. And the fact that a taskforce of State and Local Law Enforcement was put together for the purpose of this case. I do think when he referred to it as being something to the effect of "the most prolific case of its type he's seen" were his words. But the nature of the interview, what was asked, answered, and what was to be communicated was most assuredly organized behind the scenes with the department and Hansen before the interview took place. That's why it was so quickly determined that Troyer did not violate any policy after Greg emailed the Department expressing his anger at the interview.
The laptop. The fucking laptop. How many nefarious claims have been attributed to that laptop. To me, it's as result of miscommunication, laziness, and insubordination on Vince's part. It was easy for so many people to be instantly convinced that the laptop had lost its evidentiary value. "I read it in a Twitter post so it must be true! Now I'm going to parrot this same exact thing!" "something something cHaIN oF cOmMaNd." I'm not hugely knowledgeable with the details regarding how documents are saved. But I do know that each document is marked with a timestamp at the time it is saved in more than one place. To have purposely altered the laptop once in their possession would have been obvious. The FBI employes many computer forensic invesgatiors that could determine if it were altered or even opened once leaving Sarah's possession. And this chain of command stuff is so consistently misunderstood, which there is no excuse for as a quick Google search would show that the chain of command begins the first time it is handled by law enforcement. Chain of command are procedures followed by Law Enforcement to ensure integrity of evidence while in possession of Law Enforcement. Sarah sending her laptop to Vince does not break chain of command because chain of command would not be applied to them as they are Law Enforcement.
The investigation into Greg went from being harmed by Hansen to not existing at all. And man, do the people sperging that sure have a lot of fucking passion behind their stance. This shouldn't even be controversial. The fact that it is is one of the things that scream COORDINATED TAKE DOWN ATTEMPT the loudest. Clearly, there's an invesgation. The local invesgation was confirmed by Troyer. It was mentioned in CAD reports. It's existence was verified via a FOIA request. It's reasonable to deduct that Pierce County finding no policy violation in Troyer's interview points toward Troyer having been telling the truth. If he had gone on there and lied to that degree, surely there'd be an issue?
Regarding the Federal investigation, those records are harder to obtain. These are some relevant exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act on a federal level:
"(b)(7) Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information:
A. Could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings;
D. Could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of confidential source, including a state, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution that furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source;"
Occam's Razor dictates that the explanation which requires the least amount of assumptions is typically the correct explanation. If you have to make a bunch of assumptions for an explanation to be true, it probably isn't. For Troyer, Pierce County Sheriff's Department, CAD reports, and granted FOIA requests to all be either wrong, lying, or misinterpreted requires some assumptions to be made. It's much simpler to conclude that the investigation existening is the truth. John Swan's call to the DA proves nothing. He didn't provide who it is he was speaking with. The whole thing appeared to be nothing more than him asking the first person to answer the phone about whether the invesgation existed or not. For all we know it could have been a secretary. And he seemed to just…record her answer without her knowledge. Regardless, contacting the DA was an odd choice. Since the invesgation has not been brought to the DA yet, why would he have not contacted Pierce County instead? It is the Sheriff's Department that gathers evidence and does the investigative legwork. They would be far more familiar with it at that level. The DA handles loads of cases in a totally different way and generally don't have too much to do with cases during the investigative phase.
With all of this information I think it's fair to speculate that the intense Anti-Hansen rhetoric could very well have been a calculated plan to remove him from the platform. Why? Perhaps it comes down to certain commentary channels feeling threatened by Hansen's presence on the platform since much of his content overlaps with theirs. Hansen has decades worth of experience in investigative journalism, reporting, interviewing, researching, presenting, etc. He's able to translate all of that into content that is much more…hard-hitting? Or compelling, than his peers.
More than that, I think his connections with journalists/law enforcement/higher ups in TV present him with oppertunity to work with individuals that can really bring a whole lot of information to his content. For example, he was able to interview just about every single one of Onision's accusers. And had Detective Ed Troyer on (and supposedly has him scheduled for a second interview.) Lastly, when his name is attached to something, it gets attention quickly reaches a much wider audience. His peers are really not able to replicate this. All of it, from his skill level. To his experience. To his connects. To his name recognition
In one of her vidoes (IIRC not even related to Hansen) she had the audacity to claim that Hansen should have taken the time out of his day to address the criticism given to him by Edwin because something something he's your elder on the platform, something something. Like compelled speech is TOTALLY acceptable if it means further discrediting Hansen. If we're being real, I totally believe she used Edwin as a stand-in for herself. Repzion was very butt-hurt to learn of ID Discovery having supposedly approached Hansen with the Onision story, feeling that HE she be entitled to bringing them the story. Imagine being that delusional? Repzion has never brought new, interesting information to the table regarding Greg. All he's done is lazily scrolled through the farms and posted the work of someone else as his own. Imagine feeling entitled to a fucking stranger's life, yeah?
Beyond that, for him to believe he's anywhere near the level of skill required to collaborate with fucking television gives further indication of just out of touch he is. And John Swan who is just so insistent that Hansen lied about there being an invesgation that he's literally ignored documented evidence showing how real it is. They all just seem very irrational, unconcerned with facts, super angry, stubborn, and they're outright refusing to look at evidence with an open mind. It's honestly nuts.
Those aren't the only 3,there are more, but I've just realized I've been working on this comment off and on all day.
No. 789111
>>789101Didn't read the whole thing. Hansen and the smaller community channels are their own thing. Hansen got involved with Onion, it seemed promising, then the "witnesses" that began to get interviewed veered from the irrelevant to bizarre. The thing became a train wreck, wasn't handled well and saw the
victims continually slandered over misconceptions, such as Billie clarifying context for what constitutes in blackmail.
Lc has already had an aversion to certain commentary channels that cover Onision or any up and newcomers that usually misconstrue easily found facts, miss the point or turn it into petty vendetta amongst other content creators. It's boring and irrelevant to the general theme of this thread, which is discussing Onision and his cuntish behaviour, not the nobodies and weird old men that orbit around it. (Sup Vince)
No. 789142
>Initially, when Hansen began his Onision series he got loads and loads of positive feedback.
Oh you mean when he didn't sent his kickstart backers the merch they ordered, or when the quality was supremely sup-par? or was it when vince flagged all the channels you took the content from to re-upload all your old shitty episodes? was it that positive feedback? or when some guys with a youtube channel tried to give you free advice and you blocked them?
i'm confused about that initial positive feedback, help me out here.
>Almost like they've jointly decided to ruin Hansen's position
Was this before or after the Vince fiasco? or when they decided to do a corona scam? or a phone scam ran by no other than pablo escobars brother, whos name mind you is even on the phone casing, in gold cheap stickers over normal samsung phones. phones people who ordered never got, much like your merch? or was it when you hired that rapist lawyer mike morse, who stands accused of the very thing hansen fights? or how about when you didn't deliver Sarah's laptop with evidence on it to the FBI like you promised? or when you let Ice Poseidon buy off his case in a paid vacation and money?
>The laptop. The fucking laptop. How many nefarious claims have been attributed to that laptop.
What "claims" do you speak of? there are no claims: you promised to hand it to your supposed illustrious FBI buddy, and you never did. Those aren't claims my friend, those are facts.
>nd John Swan who is just so insistent that Hansen lied about there being an invesgation that he's literally ignored documented evidence showing how real it is.
Here's the thing bubele: When Hansen did his first interview about Greg he didn't even know who kai was. He had MONTHS to prepare before that, already having heard from Onision and knowing eventually that he was gonna do that. He has people on his show that can pretty much claim anything and he never ever fact checks. Now Greg supposedly actually killed people according to some belgian girl, and then im not even starting about angry snail or the recent former mod fiasco, or even that rag reynolds guy.
Why its so a cluster fuck is as clear as day: Hansen doesn't have NBC's investigative team behind him, he was just presenting a show and reading logs, that was it. And it shows.
Chris is a boomer who doesn't truly get the internet, and he never fact checks, ever. A reporter is supposed to always assemble the fact and in the very least vet their guests.
What i said here just now are just some of the problems that Hansen has, I didn't even mention his own scams and how he owes well over a million in debt. But its clear for all to see that he's a scammer, a match stick man. and he desperately needs that money.
oh and he cheated on his wife, theres that too.
but i'm trying to keep it short, don't want my post to be an entire novel like yours.
that is all.
No. 789153
>>789132Oh, a dismissive, catty, self-congratulatory pointless comment on the internet. How orginal.
>>What "claims" do you speak of? there are no claims: you promised to hand it to your supposed illustrious FBI buddy, and you never did. Those aren't claims my friend, those are facts A few sentences after the portion of my comment you quoted I do address a claim, the fact that it was being widely asserted that chain of custody had been broken with the laptop, and that now the whole laptop was rendered legally useless as a result. Much like a whole lot of other claims the bitter commentary channels and SJW antis on Twitter make, is incorrect. As I explained in my original comment, It would have taken ONE quick peak at a Google search result to have seen that chain of custody does not begin until law enforcement has possession of the evidence.
Tell me, what would Hansen's motivation be to intentionally leave the laptop unopened with Vince? And it needs to make sense. How would he benefit from purposely misleading her? It seems far more likely that the laptop ended up unopened with Vince due to miscommunication. A genuine mistake. When all of this came to a head, Hansen chose the most transparent option available which was to send it back to Sarah so that she could arrange for it to be handed to the FBI.
>>Chris is a boomer who doesn't truly get the internet, and he never fact checks, ever.>>He has people on his show that can pretty much claim anything and he never ever fact checks. What a claim. You literally have no way to verify that he's never fact checked a thing. As far as the guests he interviews, he's providing to them a platform to speak their truth. By your logic, an interviewer would have to arrange for the interviewee to preemptively provide answers to each question before filming so that interviewer could somehow verify every single thing said by the interviewee. The interviewer would then have to provide a list of the questions with answers that were positively verified as true, and would then have to provide that list back to the interviewee so that they made read ONLY the provided answers. Have you ever seen an interview conducted like that? No. Because that's not how they're done. Beyond that, how do you expect every single story or truth spoken by the interviewee to be possible to verify? Interviewee states that they were molested by a neighbor growing up and never told anyone due to fear. Just how could that be verified?
>>but i'm trying to keep it short, don't want my post to be an entire novel like yours.that is all.
What the fuck is it to you how long my post is? Imagine thinking you have some sort of moral high ground because your comment is shorter than mine? You don't have to interact with my post if its length chaps your ass so much. If you don't like a post you're afforded the option to scroll on by.
(derailing) No. 789155
>>789153>Oh, a dismissive, catty, self-congratulatory pointless comment on the internet. How orginal. Oh, getting feefee's hurt on the internet, how orginal.
>Tell me, what would Hansen's motivation be to intentionally leave the laptop unopened with Vince?You tell me.
>You literally have no way to verify that he's never fact checked a thing.Eh yes I do, thats kinda my point here, the guests ARE the proof. He never asks them, never tells them they're wrong or anything.
>What the fuck is it to you how long my post is?The only thing so far you're actually right about, the length of your post nor the content mean anything to me. But keep SIMPing Chris Hansen, you're one of the very few out there and he needs you.
No. 789318
>>788897>the biggest jokes on the show.The biggest joke IS the show, anon.
>>788902I happen to remember a certain retard repeatedly asking every one of his guests if Onision was a cult leader, or something along those lines. Can't remember the guys name but i think he had grey hair and his hairline was visibly receding into the next fucking dimension. You can rightly/wrongly label the guests whatever you like but they didn't invite themselves on.
No. 789319
>>789101>It's existence was verified via a FOIA request.Wrong. The conclusion most of us came to was that the database that contained the cases referenced here
>>786842 hadn't been updated because their corresponding incident reports state that these cases are in fact closed, save one, which remains to be verified whether or not it's still active.
Also, sperg anon, ALL of "Onision's accusers" save one (Shiloh) publicly disavowed and called out Hansen because of the shit he's pulled and all the lies he's told (that's in the flakes thread since you obviously care so much.) If you want to get high on your own bullshit I suggest going somewhere else and doing it.
No. 789326
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>>788904Tamara makes it sound like she only talked shit about Sarah ONCE! And it was "an off handed comment that was taken out of context." There's a reason Sarah never replied to Tamaras apology and left her on read. Sarah knows its a hollow apology. There are dozens of receipts where Tamara is talking mad shit about Sarah and the other
victims. Is she going to acknowledge & apologize for each shitty thing she said about them?
No. 789362
victims aren't all innocent either they made fun of gregs fans too no one is 100 percent innocent here the subject of sarah coming up with stuff being "deleted" was talked about by drama tubers they were clearly discussing that
No. 789373
>>789369By that definition the
victims deserve it too because they were all fans of gregs and lainey at some point
No. 789380
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>>789373All fans of greg and lainey are morons by definition but it doesn't mean they deserve to be sexually harmed. Happy now?
No. 789385
>>789369They do, they're in a whole autistic league of their own. Also, who goes to a married couple with kids to have sex with that couple?
>>789380Thats also true, but its not like you can't check their background, if you do choose to have sex with married people "read the reviews", so to speak.
Moral of the story; respect yourself enough to go for someone single and most of all someone who deserves you, would be my advice.
No. 789389
>>789385Fuck off out of this thread cunt. No one cares about Onision fans. At least Billie had the sense to rinse Onision for over 10 grand and then fuck off to Europe with an actual hot guy that allowed her to party.
No one gives a shit about people they have only interacted online with Greg and Lainey and could just fucking log off and be done with the shit show. The attention seeking is mental.
Onision actually harmed the girls he had relationships with. Also he sold all those girls that did go to the house bullshit about the terms of him and Lainey's gay relationship. What the fuck is happening itt
No. 789392
>>789391That doesn't answer my question WHY you got that upset over my post? I don't see a single offensive line in there.
Allow me to try and explain my point to you: Most these girls, if not all went for Lainey right? They wanted a relationship with Lainey, and yes Billie was suckered in to that.
My point was that a person should respect themselves enough to not go for a married person, to just find a single person who is right for them. As to avoid any problems later on down the road. Its just not worth it. That was my whole point. Now if you could still explain to me why you got this bend out of shape over my post as to curse and yell at me, that would be greatly appreciated, I honestly do not understand what
triggered you so. But if I made any offense I am terribly sorry.
I hope that helps soothe your anger a bit, and smooth things over.
No. 789393
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>>788555>When she was interviewed by Billy TF, DogFucker said she might start an OnlyFans so she could "show off her tits"lol I thought this was just a bad joke. I was looking around for evidence that Greg is trying to start up a 3rd Patreon and I stumbled across this. I can only imagine the photos shes uploading. Isnt bestiality illegal on Patreon? No. 789408
>>789326This cow will stand for whatever is convenient for her in the moment. She and Onision are a lot alike in that way. Totally spineless.
>>789333kek. Bonus points for Colin Powell.
No. 789412
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>>789326>I was only following ordersThat excuse has never succeeded throughout history.
Here's one thing I've noticed. Blasian was a fan and friend of Onisions for the same amount of time as Tamara. Both were deep into the fandom with Onisions Patreon and Discord. I would even say Blasian had a tighter bond to him because she visited Greg during that weekend get-together. But I never once heard Blasian say such hateful things against Sarah and the other
victims. I never heard Blasian laugh and giggle like Tamara did at the disgusting stories and jokes Greg made about the girls. Blasian was just as big of a fan and supporter, so why doesnt she have the same
victim shaming history that Tamara has if Greg is this menacing Svengali? You cant be manipulated to do or say things that go against your moral code. Tamara said and did all those things when she was a fan not out of manipulation but because shes a shitty person with shitty ethics.
>>789408You're right. If Tamara was a current fan of Dahvie Vanity I promise you she would be sperging out on Twitter that those 12 year old little girls were asking for it and "what did those girls expect going into Dahvies hotel room, if it was so bad why did they keep going back to Dahvie?"
No. 789441
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>>789416Yup I remember when her XxBlasianxX account got suspended. But that was August 2019 and I thought she got banned for threatened an Anti-O. If she told Greg to kys back then Im assuming it was a joke since they were still thick as thieves. But still, when is telling Onision to kill himself a bad thing?
>>789422Her life revolved around defending Onision for 3 years so I'm positive the next 3 years will be crying that Greg hurt her fee-fees. Tamara told everyone in Onisions discord if there were trolls causing problems to message her no matter the time
>if i'm not in front of my monitor then i'm asleep.I dont doubt she spends 16+ hours online. The majority of that is arguing with people, checking up on the farms and searching for anything Onision streamed/tweeted about her. The rest of the day is spent DMing her new BFF Whitney Wisconsin and trading secrets on how to get dog cum out of their hair.
No. 789468
>>789373Did Onion try to Fuck Tamara when she was a teen? Did Onion force Tamara to give him her money? Did Onion have an actual relationship with Tamara? Did Onion Abooose Tamara?
No? Yeah thats right. Fuck off.
No. 789501
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Surprise, he never got rid of Julia.
No. 789519
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Greg has deluded himself into thinking he's going to end up a hero. kek
No. 789532
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>>789522There was never any photos or video of him dismembering the doll, only the story he told his fans in discord of cutting her up into manageable pieces so it would fit in his trash bin. I wonder what his garbage man thought seeing a silicone torso, head, legs and arms all come flopping out as the bin got dumped into the hopper. Im starting to doubt he actually threw Julia away. Seeing how he likes to make videos where he plays out his serial killer fantasies as a Great Value Patrick Bateman. Dont you think this would of been a great visual to one of his sicko skits. Him sawing the the legs off with fake blood pouring out as he does that campy Joker laugh. I think he just stored the doll away for whatever reason.
No. 789535
>>789519maybe he means an hero. even though I don't think theres a chance in hell of him ever doing that.
>>789522Now raping or dismembering a woman is something i would NOT put past him. Sure, people say he's a pussy, but aren't all serial killers and rapists that? surprising their
victims, knocking them out cold before the "fun" starts?
Judging by his stories specially the last one he's a deeply demented sick asshole with deranged fantasies that occupy his mind pretty much 24/7.
No. 789558
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The doll has arrived (or never left) and "full penetration porn" has commenced. I hope hes as lax with the cleaning of the doll as he is with his own hygiene and house cleaning and Greg gets some kind of super infection that rivals Ebola, or at least a UTI that can be shared with his ugly manwife.
No. 789566
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Trouble in paradise?
No. 789567
>>789519It's rare to find a situation where this dude
isn't deluding himself.
No. 789573
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Im glad Greg has enable comments on UhOhBro. It gives me a chuckle every once and a while.
No. 789609
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A model, I can't stop laughing.
No. 789630
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>>789609Cucky ooks like he’s about to crack
No. 789633
>>789537Even with Greg giving people overly explicit content like his onlyfans he’s never going to recapture his popularity without exploiting his day-to-day life like he and Lainey used to.
That’s what brought people back, it was seeing their bizarre dynamic and the details of their strange life.
I don’t see how he recaptures attention without reverting to that level of intimacy.
No. 789660
>>789637Not a retard who stans killers/cult leaders by any means but Manson was way less ugly than Greg.
He also could actually play music and shared drugs.
An awful man, but I bet most people would choose a night hanging with Manson than Greg.
No. 789667
>>789637Stop equating a nothing, uncharismatic, turdy, mess of a man with any and all serial killers.
Douche wouldn't know what to do if you gave him a loaded gun and a target.
Also sage your bullshit
No. 789671
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A literal midget
No. 789683
>>789667Agreed. I always think the same thing when people tinfoil about him hitting or murdering Lainey. I could see him having tantrums and breaking or throwing things but he's more the type to be verbally
abusive or annoying to the point where you'd end up lashing out and then he'd bitch to the internet about you being the
abusive one. I do reckon he pushed Shiloh and sexually assaults his partners cOnSenTuallY however.
He claimed he hid from Sarah ffs. The man tries to be this joker edgy violent hardass when he is such a pansy and covering himself with fake blood and taking cringey photos or masturbating is as violent as it gets.
No. 789684
>>789667I also can't deal with Patrick Bateman, Joker or Jim Carrey comparisons either because it's clearly who he tries to embody as his personality but he fails at all three since- Bateman isn't ugly and has money, Joker is actually intelligent and Jim Carrey despite if you like him or not is a successful comedian/actor.
Greg is none of these things and probably creams himself to the Bateman comparisons.
No. 789686
>>789672Yeah it's crazy because I truly thought he'd take fake softcore photos where he'd continue to prance around in underwear until he sperged out about making enough money or getting enough attention, then he'd retreat back to YouTube after a few weeks but ending up actually showing his whole asshole.
The whole thing was shocking at first but it's just mediocre now compared to all the drama he used to get into.
No. 789693
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Still whining on his tumblr lol
No. 789694
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No. 789695
>>789693And he's still a creepy
abusive asshole at the end of the day so where does that leave us kek
No. 789698
>>789693oh for gods sake. how many other people has he shit talked that haven't done anything wrong? Lots.
He acts like he's the only one who talked shit about these people. Tons of people hated shane, chris and SR. he isn't special.
They just ALSO hate him because he's just as bad as those people.
But good for him I guess he gets to feel smug because somehow those people being shitty suddenly means he isn't shitty himself in his mind.
No. 789699
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he's still stalking sarah
No. 789703
>>789699“ you Shouldn’t sexually extort anyone”
Rich coming from mr. “shave your head and stay chained to my basement wall for a week otherwise we won’t forgive you”
No. 789704
>>789703Good point anon.
We always knew that was a creepy and weird thing to ask of your girlfriend but the fact that he said she HAD to do it in order to be forgiven/let back into the house sounds pretty extortion-y to me.
And HE was actually serious, whereas Sarah wasn’t with her “I’ll do it if I get some” joke.
But Greg already told on himself a million times so I am not sure how he can still continue on with the extortion story. Didn’t he brag on some livestream that the whole thing was like a sexy 50 Shades deal? You can’t claim it was hot and you’re this sexy womanizer then cry rape, Greg
No. 789705
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Billie is tweeting about Shiloh and Regina speaking with Hansen without the rest of the onion victims consent
No. 789706
>>789693>>789705He’s also going to gloat about being “right” about Shiloh and Regina as being two-faced liar and why didn’t you listen to me MR. FAX. He knows their front has cracks in it now that’s why he feels safe confronting Sarah on twitter.
He wants to be a constant presence in his
victim’s lives so they can’t ever forget him and now’s his opportunity apparently.
I don’t understand why they ducked it up and rolled on their friends.
No. 789709
File: 1596836243361.png (Spoiler Image,424.35 KB, 742x1043, DrEaMyOnIoN.png)

what a terribly unsexy visage. imagine you look up and see this neanderthal heaving into you… it makes me shudder
No. 789710
>>789705Everyone keeps saying on twitter that Regina and Shiloh “sold the other girls’ stories to tv” but is that really what happened? No one has seen the show, they have no idea whose stories are going to be presented. People are assuming Regina and Shiloh are getting paid to retell other people’s stories but no one knows if that is what is happening.
Don’t they have every right to talk about their OWN story to whoever they want to?
Now of course I think it’s scummy of Chris to go make a tv show about the
victims that did not consent, but they willingly told their story to a public figure to thousands of people in a video that would likely be on the internet forever, so I can’t help but feel they’re being a little melodramatic now about suddenly wanting their stories hidden.
No. 789714
>>789711Well Shiloh is a nutcase all on her own without chris hansens’s involvement.
Have Regina or Shiloh said they're actually getting paid?
No. 789715
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>>789714My bad I just checked to see if they were paid to talk as I thought I saw a tweet about it but I was wrong, however I saw Billie accusing Regina and Shiloh doing it for clout… even more scummy if true. (screen shot taken from Billie’s likes on Twitter)
No. 789717
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>>789715woops didn;t mean to spoiler
No. 789734
>>789729Toxic people attract
toxic people. The only way old Greg was able to get a girlfriend/wife was by manipulating teenage girls form troubled homes into believing his behavior was 'normal' before they have a good baseline of what is acceptable.
No. 789746
>>789709It makes me think of a creature from Silent Hill, urgh.
I’m looking forward to any kind of televised exposure of Gurgles, just to see how big or small the public reaction is.
No. 789771
>>789767"Forced to do the show" right. No one is forcing you to do anything, Billie. Either you do it, or you don't. But I already predicted every single one of the
victims doing Chris' shitty show.
I hope they do realize that just because they're filming it, doesn't mean they will actually air it.
And yes, even if they "bought the idea" or whatever, doesn't mean a thing.
I doubt they will ever air it, I mean who the hell has ever heard of Greg besides us? Its not like when they had shows with
victim statements from Cosby, Weinstein or R. Kelly.
Now those where some shows.
No. 789775
>>789774I wonder the same.
They can’t be mad just because it’s TV and not internet right?
In fact, I’ll bet if this entire thing started with Chris Hansen coming out and asking them if they’d like to tell their stories for a tv interview they would’ve all done it.
No. 789797
>>789795To be fair, they all did Hansen's show for free in the first place. I think they only bailed out after the whole laptop fuckery.
Not meaning to sound like a whiteknight.
No. 789801
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>>789797Boomer in Des Moines watching the part about the toddler foursome on their wooden Zenith tv.
No. 789808
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>>789801Or the average Karen
No. 789812
>>789797Yeah good point. That could also be part of the reason that they’re not happy with having it on the internet vs tv. It might not be about the medium but how they view Hansen now.
I mean to have someone that gave them false hope and kind of fucked them over for money/trying to get famous again be the one who broadcasts their stories against their wishes isn’t ideal. They were on board with sharing their stories with him in his online show when they believed he was going to help them find some kind of justice.
No. 789823
>>789812>>789821Yeah but who even knows Greg, or Hansen for that matter? I understood on youtube that TCAP is already from a much different generation. Who the hell even cares about Greg, or Hansen?
I don't think this will pan out too great, and I doubt very much that this dreaded documentary will make much noise. If anything the only one profiting from this will be Greg since all these fresh new idiots will hate-check-him-out.
Remember, Greg was never that big to begin with and even Hansen's show was a pretty niche audience. Now had this been about someone huge like pewdiepie, it'd been a much different story.
No. 789827
>>789795>the victims are just salty someone else's making money off of themI see many simpleton's making this argument. Most people don't care that Hansen's made money, it's HOW he's gone about doing it.
Most of the girls didn't want to sell their story, explain how it's unreasonable for them to want control of what happens to THEIR stories? Hansen lied to them by going behind their backs making deals while telling them to their faces he was trying to help them, then he lied to them again when they found out about his tv deal and they asked him not to use their stories, he said he wouldn't.
If only Chris Hansen's word were worth as much as his millions of dollars of debt.
No. 789831
>>789827Where has it been documented that Chris promised he wouldn’t use their stories without their explicit permission?
Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen that?
No. 789832
>>789737You're being overly optimistic like a lot of other people were at the start of this shitshow.
The production company (can't remember the name now) making this show are known for being sensationalist, as is ID. Sensationalism isn't about spreading truth it's about getting views. Whatever story they tell I can guarantee you it'll be far from accurate or factual, which could end up benefiting Greg more in the long run. Not like Hansen gives af if Greg benefits, he's probably secretly in love with him for bringing a tiny bit of relevance to his dead career.
No. 789835
>>789831"reporter /rɪˈpɔːtə/
a person who reports, especially one employed to report news or conduct interviews for the press or broadcasting media."
The fact that Hansen is a reporter would have been a clue to the average person. But when you have people that don't know the meaning of most english words, you tend to get this shit.
No. 789837
>>789835>>789833Did you miss the part where Hansen literally lied to them multiple times? That's the point. Whether the final product is an "interpretation" or not, the point is the girls speaking up rn didn't want their stories being SOLD. Obviously they were fine with attention being brought to it or else they never would've gone online with it, but again that's beside the point.
Oh and btw, Greg's probably salivating right now because if this tv show does air he'll have rights to some of the profits. Count on it.
No. 789839
>>789837Are you trying to tell me journalists are scum? Say it isn't so!
But you're right, Hansen lied, Hansen lies a lot and Hansen runs a lot of scams. I didn't miss that part no, and was publicly lynched for mentioning months ago when he first started scamming people over the back of the global pandemic.
Very little gets past me, my friend. And reporters being scum, I already knew that when they killed Lady Diana.
So, I'm aware.
No. 789843
>>789827They willingly gave their interviews for free they didn't listen or heed warnings and cried about naysayers and now they got to deal with it and move on but you know they won't because they're too invested.
>>789836Nobody cares they're idiots for working with him after all the inconsistent lies about the laptop and Gene, but that was months ago. It's pretty desperate to try to beg this hard when everything is public knowledge.
No. 789845
>>789835why would you copy a definition for "reporter"? lol sus
there's also something called "journalist integrity" jsyn
No. 789846
>>789839Hansen's the same person now that he was 30+ years ago when he started his "career". Nothing's changed. People like him aren't real journalists they just moonlight as one. Real journalism's become a rare bird but it still exists, it's just hard to find.
>>789843tbf most people weren't aware of Hansen's history back when this started. There were a few very small channels that made vids on it like MistaGG and Dank Net but it still didn't get enough eyes. After Sarah's laptop bungle the only ones among the girls I remember still supporting Hansen publicly were Shiloh and Regina, correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 789847
>>789845Right, like honor among thieves or in the mafia. The reason I posted that was for irony purposes and so that some people might learn.
You give me one trustworthy reporter and i'll give you 5 million bucks.
I also got a bridge I wanna sell you.
No. 789850
>>789849Well there you go, the poor bastard is dead. Probably starved to death not making any money. An honorable reporter is like trying to find a dentist that isn't a sadist.
Its just not possible.
No. 789856
>>789702That's literally the only reason he never talks about it. Otherwise he'd have to lie even more than he already has.
>>789848You do know the difference between a tv show and a news segment right? The former he would be entitled to compensation. Thank Hansen for that.
No. 789870
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>>789833This. Also, Hansen is not an idiot, it is 100000% sure that he got the girls to sign something that said he could use their videos (or any part of them) in the future, in any type of thing he wanted, and they were ok with that back then so what has changed? Did they think their interviews were never going to leave the intranetz? If so, why did they do them to begin with, didn't they want to bring awareness to what a POS onion is? They should do like Quasimodo has done and just ride the wave.
Also let's not forget that all these hoes decided to be with Onion after they knew how much of a piece of shit he was/is (except his first wife).
No. 789872
>>789870I talked to several who went on the stream. Nobody signed anything.
>>789857This is the closest to the truth I've seen ITT.
No. 789875
>>789857its absolutely this. gregs dumb shit and all of what's gone on with his story has been on display and documented for a decade. retarded hansen spergs are acting like he has been the only one to ever find information on greg and these girls.
>>789874the fuck does their consent matter? what these women have been thru has been talked about and archived constantly for years. plenty of cows dont consent to have their information posted everywhere but sites like this and kiwifarms still exist. too bad so sad
No. 789876
>>789857Read the girls' twitters, they speak about this directly. Shiloh at first denied it then confirmed it, there's ss in the snow thread. Also
Chris Hansen clearly doesn't respect the word
no. No. 789879
>>789877There doesn't need to be a deal. What most likely happened is that they're basing their show on public information because everything is out there on a silver platter. Nobody needs to be asked for consent unless they're personally appearing in the show. I actually believe Hansen when he said the story wasn't sold, it really is not how that kind of thing works. He may have agreed for them to use his videos, but it wouldn't hinge on that. Have you ever seen any poorly made true crime docs? They don't get consent from the
victims' families either (and many have been unsuccessfully sued).
No. 789880
>>789876You literally just said Shiloh confirmed, then denied it, so I don't think that she would be a credible source. I really don't think any of them are, based on history.
>>789877 I don't know what makes you think that any major television company would pay for "a story" that they could get for free, because Chris Hansen has no rights to "the story" They consented when they publicized the information themselves online, that's not a complicated concept to understand, either.
No. 789884
>>789879>There doesn't need to be a dealAccording to the Mel article Hansen told the reporter directly that he "signed a
deal with Investigation Discovery to do a TV series on the Onision story." So he signed a deal but no money exchanged hands? Bullshit. The girls (minus Shiloh) didn't want their stories sold. Even if they don't have any legal recourse here the fact remains Hansen gives no fucks about their personal wishes after pretending all this time that he did.
>Nobody needs to be asked for consent unless they're personally appearing in the show. Ok but this wasn't what the girls were told initially. They were told their stories would not be sold or used for this tv show without their consent. I think the take away here is that Hansen is a predator never to be trusted.
No. 789887
>>789884>>789880>>789885Yeah he probably signed a deal to be on
their show. That doesn't mean he sold the
story, he just made a deal to appear or maybe narrate it. I'm not saying he's not getting money, he probably is. But he's not selling the story itself, there's no such thing.
>They were told their stories would not be sold or used for this tv show without their consent. I think the take away here is that Hansen is a predator never to be trusted.I'm not arguing against this btw. Hansen is in this for money and fame and most of the girls regret their involvement with him. Just trying to clear up some details.
No. 789896
File: 1596952626141.jpg (124.63 KB, 795x1200, vore.jpg)

>>789892>>789894Generic girl with blue hair to play all the female parts and the actor who played Vore in Borders to play Greg.
No. 789908
>>789906You can have a dissenting opinion. We're not a hive mind.
But saying people wanting to see the milk pour with a ID docu about this shitshow is the same as laughing at a child being injured is a false equivalence. And it shows what your mindset is.
No. 789911
>>789910That anon said
>if you like milk, you want this show to airThey were speaking of the ID show in particular, not a general statement.
You in turn said
>Did you think C falling out of the window and cracking her head open was milky and entertaining too?"trying to spin it that anyone who's in it for the milk (ID show) must have also had a big laugh when their daughter had the TBI, which is untrue.
You made a grasp and fell short. Did I dumb it down enough for you?
No. 789912
>>789903I actually took some time to think this comment over, not the other anon, but i've seen this type of response before about Greg. "Oh this isn't milk, it isn't tea, blabla." Yes, there are many people calling it that, including me. But does that mean we also "like" the bad stuff like his daughter falling from the window, or the girls being abused? No, we don't.
What you are doing is kinda like saying "Oh you enjoyed Resident Evil: The Last Chapter, then I guess you also enjoy how Olivia Jackson lost an arm doing a stunt for that movie, huh?"
I mean just because you enjoyed a movie like Titanic, doesn't mean you enjoyed the incident which caused the movie to be made in the first place. Greg and Lainey are morons, a lot of their antics are hilarious, but yeah theres a sad side to what they do also. Right now theres kind of a suicide scare around Chris-chan. I enjoyed many of his antics, and I enjoyed how he would react to people. Would I enjoy it if Chris-chan actually killed himself? Absolutely not.
Does everything need to be black and white? With lolcows like Greg there are many shades of grey. Plus, always remember you are here on a drama message board as well, same as the rest of us. I really don't think one person is better than the next here or anywhere else, for that matter. Every single one of us poops brown. Sorry if this post is lengthy but I felt it had to be said. Don't sperge when someone refers to this as milk or tea, we're all here to enjoy ourselves. Its a hobby and it keeps us off the streets during the pandemic.
No. 789915
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>>789894Finger crossed they get Andy Dick or Richie Giese to portray Lainey. Andy just got out of jail for misdemeanor sexual battery and Richie's music career is in the shitter so I'm sure both of them will do it for cheap.
No. 789938
>>789519I mean… he does live in a swap and probably goes off about onions having layers so it's not a completely wrong comparison.
Came across this video by Nerd City for the first time and it's definitely an experience.
Sorry if it's been posted before, it's a bit old now.
No. 789949
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But yet he tried to cancel Eugenia, (only difference is he failed because no one gives a FUCK what he has to say) he is the one that harrassed all of his exes and made videos about them slandering humiliating and exposing their private matters for years and years
Also he literally was bragging about how he was right about Shane Shiloh social retard etc JUST A FEW HOURS BEFORE, and how everyone should have listened to him…. and done what??? Cancelled them????
Is he ever not a hypocrite?
No. 789957
File: 1597000306905.jpg (257.58 KB, 741x1318, 1596931677586.jpg)

greg's new desperate attempt to make money is to ask people to directly pay him to make videos…
how many actual fans does he think he has?
No. 789993
>>789911>if you like milk…Subtext: you shouldn't be critical of the milk (tv show). I wasn't trying to imply
everyone had a big laugh at C's expense, I didn't word things right in the middle of the night. Were some people entertained by it? Sure, those types exist. However the accident/reports was technically milk was it not? Any new info or dramu is milk, correct? Which anyone's free to be critical of including Hansen's upcoming aids ridden sensationalist "show." That was my point.
No. 789995
>>789936The Mel reporter spoke with Hansen directly, he was quoted verbatim. When there was fallout from the initial report, Hansen had the words changed to play semantics. I don't pretend to know more than the women directly involved who said they've been repeatedly pressured to sign on to a "deal" they don't want to be a part of, and that Hansen
lied when he told them this show wouldn't happen without all of their consent. He's been planning this for 6-7 months and Shiloh's the only one who knew about it.
No. 789999
>>789994>I just don't see how acknowledging the thoughts and feelings of certain parties involved is a big deal or ruining anyone else's day.It doesn't, not to me personally. I could also turn that around and say why does it bother you so much when people do not acknowledge the thoughts and feelings of said certain parties?
You see the point I was trying to make is that just because they don't acknowledge them does not automatically mean they don't care.
Bringing all that up in every single post seems rather silly to me, like "oh btw that does not mean I don't care about these
victims! because I do!" you know sorta waving your hands as if to excuse themselves, just so you won't mind these posts?
If that wasn't what you meant with this post
>>789903 and then
>>789994 that one perhaps you can clarify what it is you want from us.
No. 790023
File: 1597024768581.jpg (180.11 KB, 2056x1437, EfBEi94U0AAZCU-.jpg)

Guys… THIS is rock bottom.
No. 790029
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>>790008This jogged my memory of all the girls who have visited his home. They all say the same thing. Soon after they arrive he will ask them if they were ever abused or had some kind of traumatic event happen to them. They say the reaction he has when they tell Greg their story is not one of empathy, its more like hes getting off on it.
No. 790038
>>789767Oh boohoo
Holy shit these retards are dramatic, i dont feel sorry for most of them anymore thb because they exaggerate so fucking much lol, also take it to their thread
No. 790040
File: 1597039351302.png (133.02 KB, 574x483, 8956456749.png)

Yet another live stream from Tamara scheduled for Monday. I'm so glad that she never signed a NDA so she can spill all that boiling hot tea. Ill be on the edge of my seat when she reveals
>and then James called me a DOG FUCKER!!!
>he made fun of how badly I played League and put me on the losers team.
>James made fun of me and said he'd make a special "Retards" category for me.
No. 790062
>>790040That NDA is so hilarious. Can you imagine one of your friends going "before we go any further, you have to sign this DNA", like when you guys start hanging out. Who the hell would even sign a thing like that? I would kindly tell them to go fuck themselves.
Besides which NDA's mean absolutely nothing, you can just wipe your ass with it. Very easy for any lawyer to get you out of.
No. 790064
>>789995I mean, let's be real. At most ID will aks them generic questions regarding the whole situation. The girls will either tear up or go on their "this was such a tramautic experience for me but it made stronger as a person" spiel, cue pause to record them tearing up or trying to keep their composure, and then we cut to hilarious bad acting complete with over the top editing.
Also, daily reminder to all the anons trying to make onion out as this horrific monster. He's a verbally
abusive manlet who preys on kids because if he went out with a normal well adjusted woman, he'd be terrifed of her kicking his shit in. Anyone rember when Blaire White said she'd slap him and he immediately started going off about "muh military training".
No. 790070
>>790064And like I mentioned so many times before: who's even gonna care? only us autistics care about this shit. ever tried telling someone about Greg or another lolcow? they don't get it, because they don't have our terrible affliction that makes us look at the train wrecks.
When Grift Scamsen finishes recording his shit show and shows it to the network execs, he might be surprised at how much they won't wanna air it. Specially since its all about numbers these days, they're competing with netflix and such.
No. 790072
>Hey remember when I was way overpaid reacting to static images on Google and dancing like a waterhead faggot? Me either, but it was much more convenient than sticking dildos up my assOnisionSpeaks SeRiOuS ViDeOs:
>Pay me to sit in front of a camera and mentally masturbate about important issues like what you think about pornstars (me uwu) and why I haven't mentally evolved past the 8th grade. If you don't end up loving the sound of my voice as much as I do than enjoy one of my tard rage fests (also available at your expense!)OnisionSpeaks Narcissistic Supply Creepfest Electric Boogaloo:
>Wow I really am fucking retarded. But hey at least it's """"18+""""" just like I said it was last time yet mysteriously chose all the jailbait submissions. If you need a fat, bloated, rapidly aging needle dicked loser to validate your poor body image and lack of self worth your search is over baby.Onision """"Comedy"""" Sketch:
>Most everybody should remember my 10 Things I Hate About ____ videos, I think my most iconic one was about anorexic girls. Yep you read that right. I hate girls with eating disorders because I'm a disgusting control freak that loves damaged goods. Hey Eugenia Cooney forgave me so you should too. FIFY Greg.
No. 790075
>>790072Video idea for Greg and Kai:
Lainey gets sent another skateboard to try and shill, hopefully there's still a friend to join in. Oh the thing that actually makes it good: have Greg silently rollerblade past all the way through whilst wearing a trenchcoat.
No. 790099
File: 1597096649107.png (326.57 KB, 1573x602, luuul.PNG)

Quick summary of gergs new video:
Badly drawn stick figures talking about how Sarah, who he now dubs "Revenge Girl" took advantage of him and how he lost everything.
Big mad.
No. 790104
>>790099“Extended family”
Does that mean his in-laws?
No. 790107
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This video's honestly hysterical.
And it's the fact that he made this in all seriousness that makes it even more hilarious.
No. 790114
>>790099>>790107I couldn't even finish watching that garbage. Absolutely nothing is ever his fault. He just twists and bents the narrative and has this warped view on how people act, react and what they want its astounding. Sure Sarah kissed you, and not the other way around, exactly like with Alicia, right Greg?
I just.. it frustrates me to no end. Somewhere deep inside Lainey's warped spaceboi facade there has to still be a woman and a mother in there. She must have at least some brittle left of a spine, I know her vegan diet must be low on calcium but come on. Find that cartilage of a spine, tape it back together and be a woman and a mother lainey. For fucks sake, leave his whiny pathetic lying ass.
If not for yourself, do it for women kind.
Sorry for this little rant here, but Jesus Christ, I had to get it out. Very therapeutic.
Carry on.
No. 790118
>>790116I think he knows it was sarcasm. It's just the only thing he can grasp on to to give any sort of flimsy support to his whole "she raped me" story.
But yeah. he had to make an entire skit video plus this idiotic stick figure drawing to attempt to explain his "joke" away, and yet we're just supposed to believe sarah wasn't being sarcastic when she said sorry, nor are we supposed to believe she was joking when she said "i'll sign if i get what i want"
Nope. Jokes are only reserved for Greggles. No one else can make a joke.
No. 790120
>>790099Holy shit. This is peak autism.
The stick figures and dramatic music. The way that he included that retarded old music video where he's trying to talk-sing about 'lying'. He is an actual retarded manbaby.
Like any normal person wouldn't get themselves into this situation in the first place, but you would think a grown man his age would be seeing a lawyer or just stay quiet/find another job. Instead he stays online and creates immature shit like this whilst signing up to do the onlyfans like a sex pest.
If there was anyone who believes him from that video alone, they must be brain damaged.
This looks like a video an angry teenager or younger would create.
No. 790122
>>790099I like that Lainey is drawn the same shape as a doormat and Sarah's weird face shape is a mix of Onion and Lainey since they both groomed her. The attention to detail is amazing.
I love when Onion tries to rewrite history, it just sets him up later for a bigger fall when he can't remember his inconsistencies.
No. 790123
>>790099He lost his job? He didn't have one in the first place, and if he considers posting videos a job he didn't lose that either since he's still posting his retarded videos so nothing has changed
He always had an awful relationship with his extended family and they always hated him
His fan base has been dying since like 2017 after the last Billie scandal when people realized what a creep he is for wanting to chain a teen girl in the basement for a week, also he's the one who got rid of many of his hardcore fans by kicking them out for stupid reasons like fat Becca, female Chris Chan, John Coffey, dog fucker, etc
No. 790155
>>790120>Holy shit. This is peak autism. And therein lies the hilarity.
This is a nearly 35 year old man who is drawing stick figures explaining his "story".
She raped him, even though he in a text admitted that he "loved making love to both her and Lainey."
After this - very clearly rape - he also had sex with her solo several times.
He's lost whatever little mind he had and it's pretty hilarious to witness. I hope Sarah doesn't feel bad about this autistic display, it's not even worth any extra attention.
No. 790175
>>790169>Even at the end when he hobbles off like a little hobbit. Yeah, with his new porn arc, I was wondering whether he had a dildo shoved up his butt even back then. kek
Maybe a year ago he did have another teen girl lined up and had to keep his poker face straight about his life being oh so awesome and now that nobody wants him (or even wants to collaborate on his OF), he can continue to cry
victim because there's no one there he needs to impress. Tinfoil but maybe that's something that influences his narc cycles.
No. 790180
>>790158>He's a fucking degenerate.He really is. He also said in this one interview I forgot with who but he held his baby carrot with his fist or something and Sarah complained about it hurting, but him trying to find a loophole there only sticking the tip in?
It makes me sick even talking about this shit but thats what he was talking about. I´m sorry I forgot what interview it was but it was recent, and its out there. Maybe someone here knows which particular interview I´m talking about.
>>790169>I’m glad he finally admitted his life is ruined.Not to mention time is starting to work against him. He´s already gotten that dad body and receding hairline that hes desperately trying to hide with concealer and what not. Pretty soon he´s making that transition where in the eyes of teens he´s no longer this `older dude thats hip with it` but rather the creepy old pedophile hitting on them. If he hasn´t made that transition already, mind you.
Time catches up to us all, its inevitable.
No. 790206
>>790200Post-billiegate was fun times. Speculating who was the next trinity member, whether they were a clout chaser, mouth breathing tard, or some stupid troll just wanting to fuck with him.
Now even he's washed up. The only interesting 'milk' is some shitty documentary that may or may not even happen but, fading into obscurity while shoving dildos up his ass in some shitty studio apartment (no way he's keeping the swamp long term) is a fitting end to this goblin.
No. 790247
>>790123This. He's trying to blame all of his shitty life choices and the resulting fallout on a teenager he repeatedly invited into his home and chose to have sex with.
>>790169He's still delusional if he somehow believes he's any better than Sarah in all of this.
No. 790248
>>789957Just thought I’d check in and see how his plan for “fundraising” his video content was going…
He’s gotten a total of 22 dollars.
No. 790251
>>790064It's just going to be Shiloh and Regina. The other girls are apparently being portrayed by actors. Riveting, groundbreaking content if you ask me.
>>790070>they don't have our terrible affliction that makes us look at the train wrecks.True, but ID is known for spinning a narrative to make it more "entertaining" to presumably draw in the normies (I always hated shows like that, 99% of it is sensationalist bullshit played up for views). If the show gets made I'm certain it will be as far from factual and accurate as you could possibly get.
No. 790278
>>790272I´m starting to think justice will never ever be served regarding Greg and Grainey.
Somehow they just keep getting away with shit.
No. 790331
>>790315I thought the county already seized the portion of the swamp that includes the Wetland and are gonna bill the Onions for the contractor's performing the restoration. Is that what the date on the 23rd is for?
>>790281If Onion decides to do anything with that plot he's going to fuck it right up and shoot himself in the foot and blame it on the gubmint for not telling him that he couln't do that
"I received a public inquiry today regarding whether parcel numbers 9760201080 and 9760201091 (lake access tracts F and G) could be built upon for single-family residences. Based upon my review, it appears these were intended to be lake access tracts and NOT buildable lots. It would appear to me that any conversion to buildable lots would require a plat alteration. Note, a somewhat similar situation appears to have possibly occurred on parcel numbers 9760201061 and -71 where proposed recreation area tract D may have been converted to building sites. I did not do an in-depth review of those two parcels but it appears that the Pierce County Hearing Examiner was involved. One would need to pull the file from archives to see the history regarding that matter. Anyhow, the history of those two parcels may provide some guidance regarding use of tracts F and G. Note, aside from use issues regarding tracts F and G, at a minimum they are potentially constrained due to critical area issues which could present other issues to overcome. -Ty Booth, Planner"
No. 790356
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>>790352The inquiry was before Onion even bought it, but sure it was some brainlet Anti-O
No. 790359
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>>790099This makes me nostalgic for Billie era, when he made lots of these lazy stick figure whiteboard videos and makes me wonder if he is nostalgic for that drama too. Like he feeds off it even as it destroys his career.
No. 790360
File: 1597329518869.png (95.95 KB, 828x338, 90AC02E4-28F6-4B6F-86E3-C633C1…)

Really Greg? Cause your fake patreon goals haven’t moved. Still sitting at a full 20 bucks.
No. 790361
File: 1597329680066.png (414.87 KB, 828x1191, A2CC4368-4240-467A-947D-2FF8A7…)

>>790360ThE NeXt MeLtDoWn HaS bEeN fUnDeD!
Yeah… by you.
No one wants to see this trash.
Didn’t his old patreon fags say in one of their old discord chats they weren’t really into the whole meltdown thing and they wanted real content?
No. 790366
>>790359>makes me wonder if he is nostalgic for that drama tooYou can count on it, anon. Relationship drama was basically his YT brand.
Now he's stuck in an unhappy marriage while fucking himself in the ass alone in his basement. Hilarious if you ask me.
No. 790372
>>790361Is it still up? Cuz I can't find it.
So much about being ~ThE mOsT hOnEsT yOuTuBeR~…
No. 790382
>>790376Thank you, kind anon.
Hmm, when you click the link it shows that the video is "overfunded", and he raised $40. It's weird because it's the only one , the others show the correct percentage.
Also, it's hilarious that his meltdown video costs $30 but a """sketch""" that actually needs some kind of planning, scripting and props is $150. Greg really doesn't want to put in any work, does he?
No. 790400
>>790371>He should be thanking Sarah I mean, you're not wrong. kek
>>790383>people are losing interest in his onlyfansWho the hell was genuinely interested in his OF aside from a few trolls?
No. 790405
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No. 790408
>>790405because kids are……..ugly? that’s the reason sperg is going with for why he’s not a pedo? not like……morality or protectiveness or immaturity?
this tweet makes me think now more than ever that he’s been molesting his kids, jesus fuckin christ
No. 790409
>>790408that part stuck out to me too.
the way he words things is SO. WEIRD. it really does seem like he is overcompensating hard for having feelings he knows he shouldn't.
Also he is constantly talking about pedophilia. I mean I know people call him a pedo on the daily, but the fact that HE has to keep bringing it up is super sus.
"Because kids are ugly" is definitely the weirdest reason to give for not being a pedo.
No. 790410
File: 1597383600614.jpg (838.1 KB, 1896x2638, s4nxgvG.jpg)

So I'm pretty sure this isn't a re-upload (please correct me if I'm wrong), but he uploaded a video a day ago to his main channel with a new song he made along with a music video with photos of his family members (or specifically aimed at his mom?), cut out of them, and he's burning his family members in each photo starting with their faces so you can't see who they are; the photos are always cut or burned in a way though so he's not burned by the flame in the photo.
I remember him uploading two similar music videos like this in the past iirc too, using his backyard like this with similar shots.
Can anyone confirm if this is a new song/video and not a reupload? If it's new, I wonder what's going on with the fam? The song/video is called "Pretend Your Morals Are The Best". If Kai's family or his family have caught wind of his porn career and aren't having it, this is going to get interesting lmao.
No. 790412
>>790410He made a comment on a recent livestream that his family didn’t invite him to some family event (maybe thanksgiving? Since he moaned about his thanksgiving plans being ruined last year) and I guess their reason was that they didn’t agree with his morals.
Someone on the other farms posted clips from the stream where he said this if you care to see what he said exactly
No. 790414
>>790412Thanks for the context, I believe you, makes sense. The video/song is filled with 14-year-old angst, he made it so obviously about family and took what feels like jabs at both his mom & Krai.. These were some lyrics that stood out:
>Go behind your husband's back, >With another man in the sack, >Mutilate your child with a grin,>Proclaim another is full of sin, >Beat the weaker down, laughing as you do, >And play victim when it's done back to you.Seems like this song is aimed towards
all of his family.
No. 790415
File: 1597386981239.png (262.74 KB, 1194x978, Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 15.3…)

daily meltdown about CaNcEl CuLtUrE is bad from ole shelfbrow
No. 790425
I'm sure he doesn't want to say that it's morality or immaturity because that would destroy his perfect picture of himself because he knows he likes teen poon due to the lack of life experience.
>>790410I mean, of course, every middle aged man would go and make a Youtube video pissing on his family by nasally whining teenage-angsty word-barf into a mic when there are problems. It would be preposterous to actually go to said family and talk things out! Talking down on them online will also make it a lot easier to reunite with them later, obviously.
Jeezus Christ, what a crybaby.
No. 790427
File: 1597407093767.jpg (91.59 KB, 1892x922, oh-no-sion.jpg)

May I present to you Greg's brand new website featuring him and … well him.
For the bargain of $180 per month you'll have access to all of his crappy nudes, songs and he even whines and yells at you live. Phew, who could resist!
He really doesn't get it that he doesn't have an audience for this anymore, does he? I wonder if he'll fluff up his numbers on his own page as well sooner or later.
No. 790438
>>790434How can you say he's not been cancelled when he's resorted to dildoing himself for money? The Internet hates him, no-one will collab with him and he can't get a sponsor or advertisers, and even in the real world his neighbours hate him so much he got his hpuse egged, and nobody will give him a proper job after being Chris Hansen'd. He's been left totally without allies and without any options.
Remember he used to have a huge rabid fanbase, girls flocking to him, millions of views, a mansion and teslas…? He's definitely been cancelled, kek.
No. 790481
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No. 790482
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No. 790483
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No. 790484
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All I can see is mr burns, honestly
No. 790507
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>>790473He called her Meg Griffin in the same fashion Chris-chan calls Meg Griffin.
And then he consummated the adoption of his much hated child.
No. 790514
File: 1597479959855.jpg (31.83 KB, 1170x212, Image1.jpg)

what family i wonder wouldn't be happy at having a hyperactive pedophile freak like Greg in the family?
Especially one that is so well known on the world wide web?
No. 790519
>>790516you'd be mistaken sadly
it barely rarely happens, even less so when there's no conviction because then "it's all just hearsay"
No. 790520
>>790519Have any of these autistic assholes ever heard of "where theres smoke, there's fire?"
Hope none of them has kids, and i especially hope said kids never have sleepovers at the grease house.
Greg seems to have a little problem down there regarding kids, and i stress the word little here. little problem.
No. 790524
>>790465I keep an eye on the other farms and it's basically the same three poses he posts over and over.
He's also not showing his lil tictac very often lately, maybe he's been pumping too much. lol
Greg's also kinda switched over to taking more pics in which he cosplays or is dressed. According to the tweet he made before, my best guess is that he's trying the "model route" now. Maybe he realized that dildo-ing your butt is not as prestigious as he thought, or maybe people are just bored of his OF content.
No. 790532
>>790527I've always been curious as to how flustered would he get if someone ever challenged his "street cred" of being gay.
What I mean by that is ask him very specific questions to just flat out expose his hypocrisy about being having the big ghey like "When was the last time you had sex with a biological male other than your 'husband'?" or "How hard did you want to get pegged in the ass by Shane Dawson?" or "When was the last time you sucked a dick?".
Since he likes to chase after barely legal poon, he's probably hetero in reality. He'd obviously lie about it though because he knows the gays are a protected class now and would want to also have that leverage for his actions. So, he'd either flat out lie, get offended/chimp out or just avoid the question altogether cause he's a big pussy of a man about anything.
Would still be funny though IMO to take a stab at his sexual prowess and mock him on his own grounds.
No. 790535
>>790534Yes, he used to go full autist about it regularly.
He couldn't stick to not eating meat either after all of his sperging about it.
Expect nothing but hypocrisy from this creature.
No. 790553
>>790532Personally I think he is a deeply demented sex maniac, willing to fuck absolutely everything with a hole.
I don't wanna take this too far but like someone mentioned here before he can't change a babies diaper because.. what exactly?
What man's mind goes to such a place when changing a diaper? I never heard anything like that.
No. 790557
>>790553Not to mention the FIRST reason he cites for not being attracted to kids is that "they're ugly"
>>790405, instead of just saying that it's immoral as other anons have said.
No. 790559
>>790557He shouldn't confuse other peoples kids with his own.
All kidding asides all pedophiles always say that, specially when they're caught. "I would never do that I hate kids" just like how Grugly pretended to hate Sarah, and then fucked her. Or rather, he just enjoyed abusing and mindfucking her till she was legal.
Like that talk he had with Billy the Fridge "Ohhh teenagers, you are not as attractive as you think you are not all that blablabla" yeah sure Greg, and I'm the queen of Spain.
No. 790561
>>790559>>790560i say he already has done things with kids. i still haven't found a clear answer on what was up with that whole "wand thing" Greg was talking about in regards to Sarah.
He was saying shit like "you enjoyed the wand and were upset I would not use it on you anymore"
And this was in relation to her being underage at the time. I don't recall what video it was, but it was one of his infamous "defense" videos where he had made a ton of those, pretty much only incriminating himself further and further.
I want to know what that wand thing was. What was this wand that Greg used on Sarah?
No. 790564
>>790563I think you are then also talking his narcissistic psychopathy. Personally, this is pure speculation, but I wouldn't put it past Greg to have gone too far quite a few times in his life, possibly even rape and psychical abuse.
A good example is his recent video about Sarah. The way he talks about her as "revenge girl" he has zero sympathy for her. While this was a girl, even if it wasn't technically an adoption, it could be viewed as such. They had raised her from a certain age but then look at the stories. They basically had a house slave. You can also see this in videos where Lainey has her rub her feet, shit like that. Then when she was old enough hey lets have threeways with her in bed, with our underage daughter in the bed and then just kick her out the house.
Both of them have no sympathy, no attachment, no emotions towards Sarah other than feeling that she has somehow "wronged" them and Greg well he just goes same as anyone else "he dumped her". Like she's nothing more than an ex girlfriend or friend.
Its true psychopathy and sociopathy if I ever seen it.
No. 790578
>>790574Wtf I didn't even know that! I also just don't understand how any of this can be legal. The fact that they had this girl in their home for years growing up, them being surrogate parents and then having sex with her.
I really don't wanna go there but with Greg's incest fantasies I do honestly fear for their own kids, specially the girl.
And its not like she isn't already in mortal danger there with these two assclowns letting her fall two stories down on the pavement from their own home.
How do they keep getting away with shit?
No. 790586
>>790564There's tons of examples of "makeshift parents" in the world where the kid had a shitty home so they took the kid in, out of the kindness of their heart. None of them did anything even remotely close to what Greg and Lainey did, it makes me sick. And now they call her "revenge girl" and talk shit about her. What kind of parenting do they call that?
If you're gonna do something out of the goodness of your heart, like they claim, you don't use the girl as a fucking sex slave. You raise the kid up, make sure she finishes school and then let her go out in to the world. That's what you do.
If this is their parenting model, their biological kids better beware..
No. 790620
>>790586If this is their parenting model and the kids are still in that house, CPS has failed big time.
There's been some hopeful speculation based off a recent stream Greg did where chat was asking why his house looked so empty (there was hardly anything in the background) and if Lainey left. Greg didn't answer but he did end the stream shortly after.
No. 790622
>>790524>Maybe he realized that dildo-ing your butt is not as prestigious as he thought,I'm surprised he's walking that back already. I still half expect he'll sink further into degeneracy. All he has is shock value. Only a few trolls look at his OF and it's just to see him degrade himself for a few shekels.
>>790538>they never seemed to have anything negative to say when he was rating the bodies of underage girlstbf they probably never knew about it.
No. 790624
>>790560I don't know what the data looks like or if there's actually been studies done on this but I've never heard of sex addicts looking outside of their own species, or turning to kids specifically.
I differentiate Greg's behavior from that of your average addict. One of Greg's first acts of predation - that we know of anyway - was to try and kiss his wife's (Skye) inebriated underage sister. I think this goes beyond mere sex addiction - he's always been a predator. He's been "deteriorating" all these years because he doesn't think he has a problem/doesn't want to change.
No. 790629
>>790405>>790408Greg said on Deorio's stream "sending nudes to a minor is no different from going to a nude beach."
His concept of right and wrong starts and ends with the State. He's repeatedly said he doesn't care what's right or wrong, only what's legal. Thankfully he doesn't live in a country where child prostitution is permissible.
No. 790634
>>790629He always have been orienting his "moral compass" to what the law dictates and he thinks he is untouchable by it like a bratty child running to him mom and smerking behind her skirt while whoever is running after onion gets scolded. He is the perfect example of a man-child that never left high school. He thrives for that overdramatic and gossip atmosphere to woo some underage teen that knows nothing better. It's been the same modus operandi since his channel started : Brag that he is a moral and compassionate person, find some jailbait, DRAMA, oh woe is it for 99 consecutive videos and then rinse and repeat
If Hannah Minx really bailed out quickly as it was rumored to be in the beginnings with him, she avoided a massive point-blank bullet to her sanity and career. However, I wish I could know for sure if that girl earlier in the thread with the manucured fingers IS her or not. If it is, that would be a nice twist to things with how another woman - not his wife - is alone with him at home while Krying Kai is MIA. The voice in the video did sound female to me and I highly doubt footwife would have manicured nails by now given how she identifies as a man and nobody seen her in forever.
I imagine that he beaten footwife so hard in her self-worth and self-esteem by now that him fucking HannaxMinx in bed next to her wouldn't make her flinch. Maybe i'm making shit up but I wouldn't be surprised if that happened either way.
No. 790635
>>790634People suspected that hand belonged to ANNA minx, not Hannah minx. Completely different people.
And it if it was Anna it’s probably not that milky as Anna is just some e-thot so desperate for fame that she’s willing to associate with Greg and defend him on social media . She’s been around for a while and no one has ever gotten the feeling they were fucking before
No. 790648
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New Onion video "WHY I LOST MY FAMILY" you kind anon from Kiwi for providing us a tl;dr; you saved my ears and sanity.
Makes a horrible example about a hermaphrodite principal.
Makes another bad examples about the principal dropping his pants.
Mad that he didn’t get invited to wedding of a loved one.
Mad that he didn’t get a chance to approve of who they were marrying.
Mad that the person that is marrying has “moral differences”
Says the person supports abortion and is mad because he would of raised the child if they didn’t. (Lol sure Craig)
He had a pregnancy scare at 14.
He wanted to raise it, but the girl said fuck no because they didn’t want to be a teen mom for an autistic child.
His loved one “killed” his offspring and did it again.
He predicts they will mutilate their 3rd child.
Didn’t invite him because moral differences. Cares about him but different. Thought he would be
Gets mad and rants about the only time at thanksgiving 2016. It was about the election. The person said that he was inappropriate with a minor (Sarah). Said that “pigs would fly” if Greg would let anything happen (Basically, if Greg wasn’t planning on having sex with her) . The person finds out he predicted right.
Makes a reference to family guy.
It is the “dat booty tho” comment. Greg response to his family member was to get the fuck out if he takes it so literally. Was an ass to them after that.
Makes another lie about Sarah. Sarah wanted to destroy his life (she did and it was the right thing for this asshole).
Says family member is judgy as shit.
Gets mad because the family member didn’t want to vote for either Hilary or Trump and voted independent instead.
Another family member wanted to shut him the fuck up but like typical Greg, he bitched about Trump and his loved one’s decision.
Lmaooo! Greg is dumb as shit about the voting system. Says he wanted the guy to vote someone else besides Trump, but doesn’t realize it isn’t option at the final votings.
Teaches us how to grab women by the pussy as a joke.
Gets upset that the other family members who “cared” about him didn’t speak up. Complains that he always gave them gifts and shit. Gave them hugs, kisses blah blah blah.
Twists the married loved one’s words by saying she thought he was morally inferior than her. “I’m a
victim of a crime.” :story:
“You the viewer are dedicating your life right now to someone who doesn’t give a shit about you.” Greg, I don’t give a shit about you either but you being an amazing lolcow is more entertaining to watch and laugh at.
Sarah scared the shit out of him. Hmm, I wonder why. “I thought she would murder me!” Lmao what?
Greg watches too many edgy animes and believes brown eyed people get black eyes when they get pissed.
“Now I need to explain to you guys what happened with my family…” Jesus Christ, you mean to tell me the first half of this video wasn’t about that????
Lmao he’s rage sperging! “Do you ever hear the phase I hate people? Do you ever hear the phase that people are fucking stupid? Or people are evil? That’s because people are STUPID! People are EVIL! And people are the other things I’ve said earlier.”
Rants about the evil human society.
“LOVE ME! Be loyal. Be honest.”
“When they lie to you, they are preventing themselves from being who they really are.” No, Greg. I think your family lied to you because they don’t want you to see how much of a failure you are to them
Greg gets reality checked and is sad that his relationships were faked. “For every person who said the horrible things about me… dumped for lying.”
Oof, never mind.
He dumped all his exes for “lying”.
“Being pregnant with someone else’s baby while dating me that people been dumped for.”
“You got to be there to believe.” Many people have, you mongol. They all said the same things they witnessed from your swamp shack and filthy houses.
Loved one advised Craig to stop being a pedo and to stop surrounding himself with minors.
“Who?” In-denial as always. Says he only had Sarah, but denies about dating Taylor and Shiloh as minors.
“The girl I dated after my first wife was 17” Bullshit. She was a 16 year old popstar. That’s why you flew to a state where fucking 16 year olds were consensual. “That was 9-10 years ago” Yet you started grooming a 14 year old four-five years ago.
Says someone destroyed and homewreaked his marriage with their “bum-bum”.
Complains about the law. Complains about society looking down at a 25 year old dating a 40 year old. Lol who cares, they’re legal adults, not a minor.
“Fuck you! It’s an age gap” Chimp some more.
“They said I’m morally inferior!”
“There are people who are able to manage kids who have the financial and physical needs and they abort the baby anyways.” Are you telling me your 14 year old ex was capable of raising a autistic child?
“Don’t kill the future obsession of yours the future everything of yours.” Take some responsibility , Greg.
Continues to sperg about how loyal he is to the family and how butthurt he is about this. The end.
No. 790650
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Okay I know there is already a transcript posted but I had to justify giving this idiot a click somehow so I'm just going to add it to the thread
This is basically a narc tactic smear campaign that I could only suffer half way through:
Why I Lost My Family
Jimmy assures us his new podcast probably wont last longer than 3 days kek
Wants to address the controversy (he is already giggling like a fag and I want to punch him)
Makes one of his waterhead hypothetical comparisons about his situation that involves a principle lying about being a hermaphrodite when he is really "A" or "B" (wow isn't that insensitive to your manwife's nonbinary journey?)
ReAl TaLk one of his family members (I'm thinking his sister Joanna because of other details he drops) didn't invite them to their wedding, not only did they not invite him - he wasn't even aware they were planning on getting married. She told him she loved him but the reason was because of moral differences.
Goes full blown narc and basically calls her a hypocrite because she had "two or three totally unnecessary abortions" (pretty sure revealing somebody's medical history without their consent is breaking the law, he did this shit with Billie too). He literally makes himself out to be a martyr because he offered to raise one of her offspring (surely she regrets turning that offer down after seeing her nephew's anger issues and her niece falling out of a fucking split level window) adds insult by saying their was a willing Father and she could have received child support (because all that matters when it comes to bringing a life into the world is money)
Bloviates about how great bringing his spawn is into the world is and says "it's the greatest love you'll ever feel" in the most bitter, pissed off way possible. "No matter the inconvenience" (yeah the thing is you don't allow your children to inconvenience you, you pretty much do whatever the hell you want anyway)
He says if you were deeply hurt in some way or impoverished thats different, but she ended their lives "unnecessarily".
Says it's personal for him because at age 14 he had a pregnancy scare with his same age girlfriend. His budding prgenancy fetish told her he would stand by her side and help raise the child but she wasn't ready yet (no shit).
Continues to dump on this person about her right to choose (keep in mind this is the same person who claimed he was a fucking feminist and pro choice for YEARS).
He also claims they had "benefits from the government" (I'm suspecting he is talking about military benefits - Joanna served) and "white privilege" omg
Such a gr8 guy because all this didn't stop him from inviting her to family functions.
Makes a point that he doesnt need to reveal who this person is because it doesnt matter and it's about the message (despite the fact people who follow him closely can probably guess who it is)
Says she was concerned he would be a problem at her wedding (gee I wonder why?)
More waterhead gibberish about how he has never been innapropriate at family functions except when "somebody publicly accused him of being innapropriate with a minor" Thanksgiving of 2016. He asked them for FAX and implies it was Sara the person was talking about who he was "never inappropriate with as a minor". Goes into the retelling of the"dat booty though", asking us to imagine him as Peter Griffin and Sara as Meg in that situation (can't get enough incest amiright?)
Claims Sara said "pigs would fly" before he would do something like that. Continues to contradict himself by confirming that Sara felt uncomfortable about the booty comment and because he felt so threatened by her "misunderstanding" it, they kicked her out if their home kek
Recalls him bullying her which somehow proves he never groomed her.
Comes back to his family member and how she rejected him because of groomergate (the moral difference he thinks is non existant because she had an abortion).
Says HE is the victim because he was "sexually extorted" by Sara, claims she apologized for raping him and goes into how terrified he was of an 18 year old.
Claims his family is fake because nobody came to his defense despite him being nice to them and giving them gifts over the years and boohoo boundaries are mean
Okay that's all I can take. Fuck this faggot for being a vengeful cunt, he earned every bad thing that's happened to him and I hope his sister sues his ass.
No. 790692
>>790650So he's shaming a woman for having abortions? Wow how progressive of him.
Also abortions are not always a bad thing, Ghislainey should have considered them when she got pregnant so she'd would have prevented their awful genetics from being spread and would have saved two children from being neglected and having years of traumatic experiences because of their terrible parents
No. 790711
>>790692Greg has always been against abortion and not in a true "pro-life" sense. It's a fetish for him mostly as an exercise of power and control. He doesn't care about children or being a father to them.
That Greg would project that fetish, to attempt that sort of power and control over his own sister is sick. But we all knew about the incest fantasies already.
No. 790717
>>790711Thats very weird considering Greggot is supposed to be posing as this liberal douchebag pussy.
Then again he's also very suddenly against the #metoo movement.
"i wonder why.."
No. 790725
>>790717It's already been established what a "male feminist" he is. He'll say anything to get young pussy, especially if he thinks it'll make him sound smart. Greg ain't conservative, but he's really not liberal. He's just a manipulative POS.
All I meant is that I don't think he really cares about abortion being murder. He just wants to keep whatever female he's fucking trapped whether he still wants them or not.
No. 790728
>>790692Abortions and access to one are considered medical necessities by the WHO and any organization for women.
Gurg is known to hate females. Do you expect him to let them make their own choices over their uterusses by themselves?
No. 790736
>>790513yes, and the best thing about this excuse is how completely oblivious he is to how guilty it actually makes him look. He literally believe there are only two categories to put women in - either "i wanna fuck them" category or "i hate them" category. The concept of being nice to a woman without wanting to fuck them is a totally alien concept to greg. Like, something he has zero understanding of, zero comprehension of. Not even a slightly remote possability for him to consider. That's how he actually thinks. Then he goes "SEE EVERYONE - Even though I am a 35 year old man and wanted to bang sarah since she was 15, I will have you know I CALLED HER A CARTOON CHARACTER! Thus as I have clearly demonstrated, it should be entirely evident I actually hated her and wanted nothing to do with her!"
He's so fucking dumb, and that's the thing with dumb people, they aren't able to see how dumb they are. That's why they are dumb.
No. 790759
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Its been about a year since I checked gregs twitter he has very little replies, however; Dunno if this has been mentioned already, if it is I haven't seen it, but this chick responds to him a lot:
https://links.royalblackenterprises.vipShe seems to be real. I bet she doesn't know yet what type of person Greg is and I bet he's already talking to her. She has a lot of followers and does shit with make-up. This could get good.
No. 790762
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>>790759Yeah she seems to be his only real loyal paypig at the moment. I don't know how long she's been around, because I don't remember her at all before now.
But she's been awfully vocal in her defense of Greg
No. 790763
>>790700>What do abortions have to do with itNothing. He's just a vile, vindictive little shit who needs to retaliate when someone hurts his feefees by releasing personal private info in hopes of somehow humiliating the target of his tard outs. What he does is like drinking poison hoping it will kill someone else. Asshole's all alone now and he blames everyone but himself.
>>790728>Gurg is known to hate femalesHe has some of the worst mommy issues I've ever seen.
No. 790764
>>790759She's got a youtube channel so she's probably just fishing for clout.
She apparently has a husband though.
No. 790765
>>790762Wonderful! I hope these two crazy kids get together and that Krai's out the door. Should provide some wholesome entertainment.
If Krai is, so are the kids.
>>790764Even better, considering how shes paying for Greg's content, looking at his winky, and defending him I hope he's a great big guy, willing to travel after her to Washington
Good times ahead!
No. 790767
Just noticed she also has an onlyfans: bet thats how Greg met her. I like where this is going.
No. 790768
>>790650kek. His virtue signalling cuckery knows no bounds, "I woulda raised yer child!" Yes, what a shame he didn't get to raise that child like he raised Sarah whom he called a "sister/foster daughter" then proceeded to fuck within months of her 18th birthday. A girl he continues to lie about and smear on the internet for coming out and telling the truth about what life was really like with the Onion's. What a shame no child will ever go through that experience again.
>Bloviates about how great bringing his spawn is into the world and says "it's the greatest love you'll ever feel"And he told Sarah he doesn't know what love is lol. Every year it gets more and more difficult for him to keep his bullshit straight.
No. 790771
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I see she used to be big (no offense to anybody, please). I see no husband in the picture, either that or she literally couldn't care less considering how she never ever posts the guy on instagram. She used to support Shane I see, now criticizes him (I think) on her wannabe drama youtube channel.
For the love of fuck do not tip this cow, I want to see where this is going. Do not make me regret mentioning her here.
Thanks in advance.
No. 790772
>>790692Lainey was a teenager with mush for brains who believed having a family with a full blown sociopath was a positive thing.
Did anyone notice how the background wasn't littered with all the usual shit and clutter
>>790648? I'm really starting to think Lainey's flown the coop. As much of a spineless amoeba as she is, I think she might've finally figured out that staying with Greg isn't a good long term survival strategy. That or one of her family members convinced to her leave.
>>790771You all do know that Greg lurks here, right?
No. 790785
>>790648Towards the end he starts to give his '
valid' reasons for having an abortion and something creepy I noticed is he lists incest as one but adds something like 'if there's an age issue'
So you'd have sex with family if they were of age then? What the fuck. Also this whole video hes basically calling said family member terrible for lying when they didn't even lie, they just didn't tell him or invite him to their wedding. Which is their every right. It's like he can't even find a good excuse to damage their character so he's just screeching that they had abortions and told him off for being a creepy fuck.
Then there's the added analogies and rambling about Sarah which makes zero sense. I honestly don't think Lainey has left either.
Because if this is the way he reacts to not being invited to a wedding of a sibling, Siblings he rarely visits, then you could imagine the retarded videos he would put out about Lainey.
No. 790793
>>790785>I honestly don't think Lainey has left either.Because if this is the way he reacts to not being invited to a wedding of a sibling, Siblings he rarely visits, then you could imagine the retarded videos he would put out about Lainey.This was my line of thinking too. I just don't think he has it in him to keep quiet about it. The only thing in his life he ever actively kept a secret was boning Sarah, but according to her, he was dropping huge hints that only she would understand. And I feel he kept that secret because he KNEW it would make him look bad and he hadn't yet come up with his brilliant "she raped me" story.
I SUPPOSE this situation could be similar, but only if Greg were the one to kick Lainey out. I feel if Lainey chose to leave him, he'd have to villainize her somehow because he can't take being rejected. Case in point with the family thing. He doesn't feel shame that his own family is disgusted with him, so he sees no purpose in hiding it, even though no one would ever know about it if he hadn't run his mouth. He just HAD to tell the world that it doesn't matter that he was rejected because they're horrible people and he's better, blahblahblah
So if Lainey DID leave him and he's keeping quiet about it, it's the most restraint he's ever shown thus far.
No. 790846
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>>790779Sorry it won't happen again
cough cough No. 790847
>>790822>>790824Usually people here are pretty harsh but I'm saying it in a nice way, I get what you're saying but you're a little late to that party my friend. Many people already realized that Greg has the potential of being dangerous. And then there's people that say oh yeah but he's a pussy. Doesn't matter. When you really look in to psycho killers they usually kill in pussyesque ways like with a gun, catching their prey by surprise, doping them up. I could easily imagine Greg doing such shit.
I hope I'm wrong though, just my personal opinion. Dude ain't right on the head. Then again he was born wrong, his mom was told to abort him, and he was once dropped on his head in a church.
Like, hard. He told that story many times.
So you got a weird midget manlet, being born wrong, dropped on his head and his mommy giving him nude body massages. You do the math. If that doesn't create a Ted Bundy junior I don't know what will, honestly.
No. 790848
>>790711You're right but he has said some pretty pro-lifey things in the past, while masquerading as pro-choice. It's so fucking weird. I remember him shaming someone else for it and said the line: "I would have stayed with you and helped you raise the baby" like that would be a factor in her decision. Very pro-lifey. What if she didn't want a kid, Greg? Like your sister?
Greg doesn't understand the simple saying of "her body, her choice" which is pro-choice 101.
Grug, since I know you read here, the idea behind the pro-choice movement is that all abortions are necessary abortions, including your sister's. It would have taken 30 seconds of googling (your forte) to know that.
Pretty pro-choice of him to shame multiple women of getting them.
I am appalled sometimes at how stupid he is.
No. 790877
>>790861Do you think this is how he’s going to run things in the future? Stop going after 17 year olds who can’t legally sign an NDA and turn to fresh 18 year olds, get them to sign an NDA, and stop his indiscretions from being public anymore?
It would be a smart solution to satisfy his apparent compulsion but he derives so much of his attention (ie revenue) from his relationships that I can’t imagine he would leave a source like that untapped. If he got a fresh faced billieesque girl in there to be his girlfriend and do videos, his views would skyrocket.
Lainey still wouldn’t be happy with it but she should have proven by now that she will put up with it and won’t leave.
Sure he would have to give up the facade that he wanted a girlfriend for Lainey’s happiness but I’m sure he could spin it to be he wants Lainey to be happy and he’s proven that he won’t abandon her (even though he’s actually proved he’s tried to abandon her at every turn but she’s simply held onto him and because all his side relationships failed he’s ended up staying with her by default) so they’re mature enough where he can explore his “poly sexuality” and it’s fine.
She’s off social media right now so he controls how the world sees her. She can be crying and miserable but if she stays off the internet and he says she’s happier than ever, he can get away with it.
No. 790889
>>790877Lol no.
He doesn't have the pulling power anymore and there's way too much shit out there about him now. Sarah was the last 18 year old he would ever pull. Also noone is dumb enough to believe those NDA's. Like he just prints them off and they arent legally binding. Not only that but literally everyone who initially believed him and signed them ending up talking about what went on anyway.
A new face would make views go up due to interest, but it wouldn't happen.
He wouldnt even be able to fake a new girl for views by just using an actress either because he's shit at pretending (eg- his meltdown videos) and also he cant have a woman around without trying to be a creepy fuck.
I"m suprised Anastastica never ditched him tbh
No. 791005
>>790860This was mentioned in the snowflakes thread but Greg had nude pics of his ex wife's younger sister on his computer as recently as Billiegate and as far back as Shiloh. Shiloh mentioned finding the pics on his computer, Billie mentioned on twitter that Greg showed her the nudes not long after they met and how it weirded her out. These are legal pics btw, the girl is of age. The point is he called this girl "sister" to her face on many occasions.
He's so fucking autistic he's actually said people are crazy or gross for pointing out the obvious about him.
No. 791074
>>791005He's been giving off incest vibes ever since he was obsessed with referring to Skye's family as family without the inlaw terms. Even in his gay happy day videos with them, always calling Alicia 'sister'. As if it gave him more propriety over her or some shit. Not to mention all the creepy skits he's done with Tami the Melt. Also him constantly referencing his mum rubbing him down topless as normal family practices to OK him giving Billie a totally normal platonic nude massage during cuddlegate.
He keeps Alicia's sucidiegirl photos, that Harley Quinn beastality porn and hentai on hand to show his 'romantic interests' because he's a completely normal person who respects boundaries. He gets sexually aroused regarding the family dynamic. Calling Alicia his sister while jacking off to her photos, referring to Sarah as his daughter whilst planning to fuck her with his wife. Constantly trying to get a second wife to nanny his children and service his needledick. Having his children in the room while he fucks his wife or his toddler in the bed whilst initiating a threesome with his wife and girlfriend. Completely normal things.
No. 791079
>>790877That's pretty much what he did with Sarah. Harboured her under false pretenses he was doing it to save her from her 'bad mom', but then took over her finances (access to her banking), made her responsible for the upkeep of his home and children, used her to satisfy his wife's emotional needs. Yet subtly involving her in the dynamics of his trinity (she was used to calm Lainey and sometimes talk her round to the situation with Billie), letting Sarah sit in with Onion and Billie when they were fooling around. Involving her in age inappropriate questions (he was like what 28, talking about his sexual relationships with a 16 year old?). Also talking her into the idea that her and Lainey someday could be a couple. Lainey letting Sarah sit in with her while she bathed and sharing nudes. Yeah, the Onion's didn't start a full blown sexual relationship until Sarah was 'legal' and could therefore 'legally' sign his bullshit 'nda'. Even Sarah knew it was more symbolic than legit which is why she joked about fucking them now. It was all fucking foreplay essentially, unless Onion truly is that fucking autistic he thought a document HE printed out was legally binding.
Sure he did keep Sarah a secret mostly, it only all came out because his relationships are always a fucking mess because he is a fucking mess. He groomed Sarah.
In the end he always fucks himself over. Look at him these days, he's went off the deep end. He's shoving dildos up his ass to distract from all details of his degeneracy. Now his family are distancing themselves. Lainey is no where to be seen, probably shitting it over this maybe TV show about her husband she fought so hard for, and for what? To be known as two massive fuck ups.
No. 791104
>>791074Didn’t Lainey’s sister stay with them at least once over the summer? I’m surprised he didn’t try to get to her…
She seems like his type in a weird way where she was very preppy and while he doesn’t like preps because he felt rejected by the cool kids in high school or whatever, it would perfectly fit that girlfriend he had in high school who he emotionally bullied into dressing goth for him to prove her loyalty. She would make for a challenge to break down rather than Lainey who has been broken down so much that she presents probably almost no satisfaction in dominating anymore.
Lainey mentioned her family didn’t like her younger sister being around Lainey that much and attributed it to being bi/trans but I wonder if it really was to protect their other kids from being recked by Greg?
While he’s shown to have a younger sister fetish it might not work in practice because you can’t have a three way relationship with two blood relatives. That’s probably another reason sarah was so appealing, it was like a younger sister/daughter but he could convince Lainey to be complicit and sleep with her too because they weren’t related.
No. 791105
>>791079>her husband she fought so hard for, and for what? To be known as two massive fuck ups.It’s worse than that, they aren’t just fuck ups who blew their fast money and now have thin job prospects, they’re known internet-wide as active sexual predators who endanger their own kids. That’s worse than being just a stereotypical fuck up.
I don’t know if sad is the word but it’s something that Lainey has to fight so hard to secure the smallest of table scraps of love from Greg. He has made it so clear through his actions maybe not that he doesn’t love her but that he has no regard for her. He cheats on her again and again and in worse and worse ways. He ignores her and calls her names. He is constantly trying to rope in any new girls he can to sexually exploit and has been willing to chose their side over hers again and again. He can say he loves her on social media or to her face but it’s clear from an outsider’s prospective the love either isn’t there or is very
toxic and damaging.
No. 791152
>>791104>Didn’t Lainey’s sister stay with them at least once over the summer? I’m surprised he didn’t try to get to her…There is this one stream from years ago or so and Greg was debating shit it was during the joysparkle shit, and she also had this sort of dude to moderate and Lainey's sister was defending Greg like crazy all angry and raging. The moderator guy, who was wearing this baseball cap, asked her to say "cash me outside how about dat" since it was during that Danielle Briloli fad.
You can make of that what you will, but I wouldn't put it past neither Greg nor said sister to have boned once or twice, or at least to have done "something".
No. 791165
>>791105>they’re known internet-wide as active sexual predators And in their community irl too.
Lainey and Greg's relationship was always disingenuous. After Shiloh, he was really desperate for a fresh young teen he could control and use for a paycheck, that's all he ever wanted out of Lainey. Just to use one of many examples: when Lainey started making decent money and had a growing fanbase on her YouNow, Greg saw this and decided to take over the channel to use for himself. It was also another means of isolating her - that's why he's always publicly (and in private with Lainey) disparaged her family.
No. 791166
>>791076That last bit about raising her kid is super cringe and weird in this context. It's so funny to me how he always deflects and tries to turn it around like the people who openly talk about his degenerate thought processes are the real degenerates.
>Also talking her into the idea that her and Lainey someday could be a coupleHe denies this was the case but his actions prove he's lying. Lainey kicked it all off by telling Sarah the size of Greg's peen when she was 14. Totally normal guise.
No. 791170
>>790854 I mean, it's been confirmed that most of his orbiters have some serious mental disabilities - that's not to shit on people with mental disabilities in general. With Greg I make an exception because he's definitely cognizant enough to see most his issues but he's shown complete disinterest towards taking actionable steps to improve his condition, which is why he is where he is now. It's why he places all the blame for what happened with Sarah in his own home (and all the fallout), on to Sarah. It's also why he took a recent disagreement with his biological sister and retaliated by making public her private medical history to humiliate her and violate her privacy. He's been doing this vindictive gutter shit since he started youtube and were it not for Sarah and the other girls speaking out, I think it would be a lot worse now because then he would've retained a more substantive platform.
A lot of the people he attracts, specifically those who continue kissing his ass after the mask has slipped one too many times, have some sort of crippling psychological issue. Many of his stans are a lot like himself, then he gets assblasted once he sees all of his gutter attributes reflected back at him through them. BIG
No. 791198
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>>791104> Didn’t Lainey’s sister stay with them at least once over the summer? I’m surprised he didn’t try to get to her…I don't know about when she stayed with them, but I haven't seen anyone mention her 2019 revelation that he tried to kiss her when underage and drunk (see pic and
>>700126) and also emailed her about hanging out just a few days before his marriage to Kai (see
>>699511, fuck I hope I get these cross thread links right, I always fuck them up).
No. 791204
>>791200Oh yeah, sorry, it'd hard to keep track after all these years.
I won't delete because it's a good reminder and means that if lainey ever pikes, chef's kiss, the milk. You can bet money he's tried to work her sister.
No. 791447
>>791444I get what you're saying but is it really how things work? Maybe they go to the cops first instead of the twitter shit and eventually greg gets "pRoVeN iNnOcEnT" because criminal guilt is a high standard to prove.
Is Cinnpie more fucked through everyone finding out she probably did suck off a little kid via twitter or getting let off/slap on the wrist from the cops? Just my thoughts on it.
No. 791457
>>791447Yes but those are the laws we have. If you're found innocent, you're innocent in the eyes of the law. And that's unfortunate when you look at cases like OJ Simpson or Michael Jackson, but that's just the way it is.
I just wonder if these
victims ever did that, did they ever go to the police, did they ever lawyer up? Those would be the first steps you take if you want someone to get caught and justice to be served.
No. 791458
>>791457It's a really a case by case situation with Onion boy. I don't know how prosecution would go over borders considering Shiloh in Canadian and gurg is from burgerland. It can be done but from what I heard, it is extremely long and tedious of a process, if it ever goes that far. Of all the
victims, Shiloh would have the best chance to be taken seriously in court given her extensive presence on the internet with the onion. IANAL but her presence in his life has been the longest and most documented online compared to all other
victims. She could drag him to court but for what and how much is up for debate. Plus, I doubt she's willfully plunge head first into more drama with the onion even if she was guaranteed a settlement. The more she is without him, the better.
No. 791475
>>791444Yeah, only Billie sent an email to the Pierce County sheriff when they asked
victims to contact them with information. There was no email from Shiloh, Sarah or Regina in there.
No. 791480
>>791458Wouldn't there be a statute of limitations problem with Shiloh though? I mean isn't that from like 10 years ago?
>>791475You gotta do more than that though, go to the station have them write up a report.
And I would definitely inform with a lawyer, see what he can do, it seems more like civil suits anyway.
No. 791517
>>791506Only the
victims would know this. So either Greg has done illegal shit and they haven't told that, or Greg hasn't done anything that is technically illegal.
Same goes for Lainey.
No. 791576
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I watched his new music video and the CGI female looks really young. I cant help but wonder what other kinds of videos he makes for his own personal viewing pleasure using these underage looking avatars.
Also he's trying to give himself muscular pecs to counter his real life cobbler's chest but it looks more like a set of B cups.
No. 791579
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>>791558>Where did he post this? His video - Why I Quit YouTube For OnlyFans at 28:00
>i'm off and on polyamorous okay like sometimes i feel polyamorous sometimes i'm not i love my monogamous relationship but sometimes polyamory seems like a possibility i don't know No. 791593
>>791480There is no status of limitation for crimes like that in Canada. People have been convicted for stuff taking place 30 years ago on seperate subjects so something documented on video and images from 10 years ago shouldn't be that hard to at least, get the court's attention with. I was talking more about the grey area in a legal bureaucratic level. Considering if some of the crimes took place in Canada, should the court session take place in Canada or the US since Shiloh did live with him for some time and some instances happened in the US. Again, IANAL but in short, anyone who's a white collar in Canada and is familiar with the bureaucratic paperwork can tell you it's a logistics nightmare.
Speaking of court and justice, Chris Hansen had a video with some greasy looking dude on his latest show about onion boy last night. By the time of release and me checking the video this morning, poor Chris didn't even break the 6k vues mark on his channel lol. I guess the excitement for any sort of action on his part really did die a slow and agonizing death. A shame, really.
No. 791594
>>791593Personally the only draw back I find with Chris Hansen is how low he is to act so threads on lolcow keep getting derailed by anti Hansen faggots waxing lyrical about shite that doesn't matter. On the other hand I do like the slow process of law enforcement as Onion's mental state is in tatters and at times he thinks he's in the clear for it to all come crashing down again. Like his family disowning him because a TV journalist has sparked interest with their family. Even their dad has done a newspaper interview over all of this.
There's no statue of limitations for the allegations being presented about Greg. Look forward to the threads when more is known about the TV show
No. 791633
>>791554To quote Happy Gilmore: She's too old, but in her case she's also too fat and has too little hair where it counts and too much hair I'm guessing where it discounts.
Specially if she claims to be Paki.
Ok, that was racist. And I apologize.
No. 791645
>>791643Awww. Would have loved to see Greg and her hit it off. That would have been similar to a lit match falling into a puddle of gas.
But let's be real, Greg has probably already found her older pictures as well and is only treating her nicely because she's been playing sugar mommy and buying him gifts off of his Amazon wish list. lol
He'll drop her as soon as she stops spending money on him or stroking his ego.
No. 791652
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>>791643Never, ever, EVER defend yourself on the internet. Especially on kiwifarms, and especially not under your own name. (Even though they're super quick to catch on if you do it under socks)
That was really her first and last mistake.
The internet will tear the ass out of you, if you're not careful. I can only assume she now has learned this valuable lesson.
No. 791655
>>791645I can't help but have that one tarot reading in the back of my mind. I don't know if you guys remember it? But that dude mentioned how there would be a sugar mommy in Greg's life.
Would this be her?
No. 791664
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From the other farms.
Apparently Lainey the Footface is back on FB.
No. 791677
>>791665Was this account created recently ? If so, that ‘interested in men’ bit is a pretty interesting thing for her to add to a newly created account.
If it’s old and she just changed the name or whatever, then that could just be left over from her single days
No. 791681
>>791675Anon, you have made my day with this quip. I am dying.
Also yeah, aren't all fakebois into men because they're "smol gay boys?" Seems to make sense since she's just following trends.
No. 791685
Looks like Taylor already nuked her brand new account spergs probably tipped her off by messaging her. Shame
No. 791738
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Just watched his Why My Step-Mom Called The Cops On Me video. Of course he pervs out about her
>I still remember what my stepmom's tits looked like when they bounced.
And retells that creepy story of preteen Greg laying in bed praying to God to fulfill his wet dream.
>My stepmom was a succubus from hell who I wanted to fuck full disclosure you know nothing but honesty here even if it's painful revealing honesty nothing but honestly here anyway so uh yeah I did want to fuck her bad um I was like 10 or 11 and I prayed that she would come down and just have sex with me when I was like 10 or 11.
I went snooping because I was curious and found a picture of dad and stepmom around the time Greg was fantasizing about her. No hate on this lady but she seems sort of homely. I guess I was expecting a typical MILF or gross but slutty Stiflers mom type. I think with Greg you just need to have a vagina and tits and be in close proximity for him to want to fuck you.
He also mentioned that his dad looked like Ned Flanders back then and I have to agree.
No. 791758
>>791652Big yikes! Greg really draws in the worst of the worst. Other farms recently figured out that she lost custody over her kids since her former husband molested them (who now serves a 25-year sentence).
Birds of a feather, man, birds of a feather.
No. 791759
>>791738Eh, she looks average to me.
Anyway, it shows the start of a really sick pattern. Greg, even as a child, compulsively sexualized every female in his vicinity regardless of age or relationship. Who knows how much of this was Crazy Tami's doing and how much was in spite of her.
No. 791762
Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 791761
>>791756He literally uploaded a video of him drugging and raping his sex doll in POV mode. If that can’t get someone banned I’m not sure what can.
oh wait, hurting someone’s feelings can apparently
No. 791763
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>>791758shitbirds of a shitfeather, bobanders.
shitbirds of a shitfeather.
No. 791764
>>791762I remember that some concerned parents did actually band together to get this freak off of the platform, and they didn't do a god damn thing about it. And this was like very early in his youtube career.
The guy is like a cockroach and he just won't go away. Even major youtubers complained about him, even Philip DeFranco did. He even harassed golden boy Shane Dawson and youtube didn't do jack shit.
I feel like I've taken crazy pills here. He just won't go away.
No. 791777
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The current group of fangirls are dropping like flies (again)
Who wants to take bets she shows up on Hansen in a few weeks? Maybe her and Tamara can do a double team show. Tams can ramble about how she doesnt fuck dogs and Royal Black can prattle on about how much of a good mother she is even though she had her kids taken away after her husband molested them and got sent to the pen for 25 years. What is Greg down to now, Heezy and McRetard? Is Sierra 5head still around?
No. 791781
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>>791778I hope these ex-paypigs like Tamara, Blasian, Royal Black and others understand they got banned because a little bird named MissHeezy has been chirping in Gregs ear for years trying to sour him on everyone else but her. She keeps tabs on the farms, tumblr, Twitter and anything/everything Onision related. I think she wants to be "The Final Girl" like you see in every horror movie.
No. 791784
>>791777I saw the mirror of the video Grag made about the whole situation. As per usual, he kinda seemed giddy about some fresh "drama" he could leech off of.
>>791781So Heezy's another gift that keeps on giving? As long as she's among Greg's fangirls, there'll always be drama with the other ones? Maybe that's the reason why Greg hasn't "kicked her out of his life". Yet.
No. 791790
>>791788He does know. Greg even knows that Heezy is a current mod for Rape Stream News. Tamara brought it up when she "debated" him and Heezy was talking shit in the chat to her. Greg waved it off "yeah yeah we know but lets get back to the real issue." I think she redeemed herself with all the dirt gossip and information she gathers for him in easy to read Trump style morning briefings.
>>791789I dont think shes that old shes just had a rough life and thats whats caused her unfortunate appearance. I think she had 2 kids also. Shes sorta like a Bootyslayer 2.0.
No. 791791
>>791777These people man, to call them pathetic would somehow be an understatement. We need a word even bigger than that like lamentable, woeful or maybe miserable. Like this girl too
>>791781 oh my word. Just what in the hell is wrong with these people? I guess I sorta get where Chris was going with the whole cult thing because they spent all their money on this returd and get kicked out when they somehow "disobey" him. Its weird that Greg accepts that heezy chick to also mod for RSN but then again he doesn't have many options left.
No. 791794
>>790771>>791777Judging by what social media this Royal Black Jodee chick had, and the make-up shit, posing like she was a somebody and had money, she's giving off strong scam artist vibes.
Which would explain how she got the money to stan Gregory.
No. 791803
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Royal Black is getting torn apart by Onision and the people she called friends on the new onision forum. I love that these friendships formed in the Onisionsphere unravel and fall apart with a single tug of a thread. No. 791805
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I hope he shows up in his fancy bulletproof vest for this one.
No. 791812
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>>791805I know its all empty threats but wouldn't it be glorious if RB went through with it and Greg had to show up to court again.
No. 791816
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>>791812She's experienced what kf's weaponized autism can do so shes trying to get them to go after her pedo ex - inb4 not your personal army.
Im getting a Tamara flashback with this chick.
Please if someone is reading this that has Hansens ear have him contact Royal Black. I NEED to hear the crazy shit she's going to say about Greg now that he's trashing her.
No. 791817
>>791816Hasn't Hansen proved himself to be a completely incompetent drunk with a volunteer staff full of actively harmful idiots?
This is like when people cry out for Keemstar to cover something.
No. 791818
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>>791817No ones looking to Hansen to fight the good fight or put Greg in prison. That fantasy was lost long ago. I want Hansen to interview her because its another barb in Gregs ass every time Chris brings on one of Onsisons once devoted ex-paypigs. Plus its a laugh to watch the clown show when he does an Onision themed show.
No. 791820
>>791758Like I said, most of the people he attracts have serious psychological issues.
>>791762I don't see this being brought up enough. He censored the profanity in that vid because apparently that was unmonetizable but the rest of the content was? YT is really a lost cause. They selectively enforce TOS, most of the rules don't make any sense. It's a clusterfuck.
No. 791821
>>791781>I think she wants to be "The Final Girl" like you see in every horror movie.>Fatal Attraction.jpg>>791792I agree with
>>791784. Heezy provides if not drama, something else that he's looking to gain from. He only keeps people around that he thinks he can get something out of, what he calls "investments". Heezy's proven to be unhinged so they're a good match i guess. lol maybe she'll fuck him over in the end.
No. 791825
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>>791458>Shiloh would have the best chance to be taken seriously in courtI'm sorry what? Shiloh would get laughed out of the courtroom. You must not be familiar with her antics over last 12 months which are well documented in snow. imo Sarah's the one who actually had something, that's why Onion hates her the most and Hansen lied to her face for months about the whereabouts of her laptop etc.
No. 791827
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Hes on twitch now trying to get his last remaining fans to stroke his ego after this Royalblack debacle. I wonder how much hes lost now that shes no longer paying him or buying him Amazon gifts.
Im surprised that Blasians there still trying to get Greg to notice her. Get some self respect Ger.
No. 791828
>>791664Yeah Lainey's obviously terrified of long arm of the law here. Surprise, there is no investigation and there never will be unless the girls initiate it themselves. Hansen's openly admitted his only reason for doing yt was to get back on network tv. He gives zero fucks about anything else. I fully expect the tv show to be trash because it'll be inaccurate and sensationalized to all hell.
No. 791832
>>791816It's too bad things transpired how they did. Her and Onion have so much in common - if only she hadn't poked the beehive, she'd have made the perfect third!
They both attack (or "get back") at their family's through YouTube, they both live off of attention, positive or negative, they're both full of shit and terrible parents.. I mean I could go on.. Two peas in a pod!!
No. 791834
>>791831idk why some anons are getting excited about this girl. Her own trainwreck life aside, she sounds like another milkless Tamara.
I've seen into the future: Greg will acquire yet another nutcase paypig/orbiter, have another pointless public spat with them, rinse, repeat ad infinitum. Like attracts like. At least Hansen will get more content for his unwatchable channel i guess.
No. 791838
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>>791832Once he saw her without all the filters Greg would bolt.
No. 791840
>>791834I wouldn't call it "excited" but RB seems a little unhinged like Shiloh and I can see her being a crazed ex-fan who causes Greg a whole lot of grief in the future. Like show up at his house kind of crazy. Tamara was just a spinless bore hoping to be accepted by the people who hated her for years.
>I've seen into the future: Greg will acquire yet another nutcase paypig/orbiter, have another pointless public spat with them, rinse, repeat ad infinitumAre you complaining? That's part of what we all come here for.
No. 791846
>>791840I'm just calling it what it is. I think you're being too optimistic to see it as anything more than another milkless Tamara situation. Think about any of his of his recent orbiters who've turned on him, what did they have? If this woman shows up at his house I'll come back and apologize to you. I'm not saying totally ignore it and don't get your keks but these people never have milk on Greg. If anything's milky it's this if it's true
>>791814. It's the only actual lawsuit Greg will see this year.
No. 791872
>>791846I agree they never have any real milk because 99% of them mean absolutely nothing to him. He has the barest of surface level interactions with these people. We’ve been in his streams. All he does is rehash all the same old stories we’ve heard a million times. You think he tells them anything different? Greg is not that interesting.
The 1% I left aside that don’t fall into the category of desperate paypigs that have no IRL friends, is perhaps the one young girl Greg is going to rope into his TrINITy. And yeah, we know he’s looking cause he started talking about it again. But it sure as hell ain’t gonna be any of the old fat ladies that keep showing up here.
Every time he’s brought in some new teen, she’s come from nowhere. Because Greg is Greg and he gets obsessed with a girl instantly. He doesn’t suddenly develop feelings for some old girl who’s been hanging around (sorry McFly)
He still thinks he’s worthy of a 10. He’s not gonna settle just yet.
No. 791873
>>791871It would seem so, according to this
>>791777Everything about this Jodee person is utter cringe. No wonder she orbited him.
No. 791894
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>>791838Looks like this timid little wallflower is getting her very own KF thread.
Feelings strangely proud since I'm the autistic mongoloid that first mentioned her here. I'd like her to know this. If it wasn't for me she might have slipped under the radar. On the other hand i'm sure some other sperge woulda noticed her though, its hard to fly under the radar when you're as exceptional as her.
That being said, I feel like I finally contributed something to the dogpile.
No. 791897
>>791894We already know what kind of people orbit him, but I was always wondering who on earth finds him attractive.
He's hideous and shaped like a midget. I just didn't get who the hell would want to fuck him still.
And, well, according to her cringy Tumblr post, the answer is the creature above. An unhinged pedo chaser. Makes plenty of sense.
No. 791912
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I bet Tamara is giving a big sigh of relief that the farms found an even worse ex-paypig to laugh about for the time being.
Ill give you props Tams, you arent as big of a fuck up as Royal Black but we know you still fuck dogs
No. 791924
>>784303>>791912>>791911This reeks of self post.
Nobody cares about you , you bald headed fuck at least take it to the flake thread.
No. 791927
>>791924How would she benefit openly admitting finally that she fucks dogs?
Oh wait, now I agree yes it was her
No. 791938
>>791935I don't want Tamara to fuck her dog, but I do expect her to buy her dog a nice dinner each time before she does.
And maybe wear something nice for that dog.
No. 791941
>>791940you have proof of this? i think you're confusing her with Whitney Wisconsin who rejected greg. I'm not a white knight I just don't like seeing people trashed by fake news
anything greg says isn't fact
No. 791942
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>>791938Holy fuck anon. Thank you for that laugh.
No. 791943
>>791941I don't have proof here personally but I bet people here have lots of evidence if you ask nicely?
>>791942Its only common courtesy, I'm sure Cesar Milan would agree.
No. 791947
>>791944I don't want to see it, and I'm sure Cesar Milan would firmly disagree.
He would say you establish dominance over the dog but you don't do that by fucking it like Tamara does.
No. 791948
>>791946No there is, people told me on here there's tons of evidence of her fucking dogs.
She told Greg too, she said she fucked her dog after they watched Lassie come home together.
She seriously mistook the "come" in that movie title.
No. 791949
>>791948no dumbass, greg started the rumor about her and everyone knows this
"tons of evidence" but you cant provide a single thing. Move along creepy
No. 791950
>>791949Why are you so upset about this? Who cares if Tamara fucks dogs, asides from PETA and the SPCA? Well, and me I don't think people should fuck their dogs.
If she wants to fuck her dog I say more power to her. Even if its wrong.
No. 791953
>>791951>>791951Also Greg didn't start that rumor, it was Kiwifarms, so if you want to defend Tamara I recommend you go there to do that.
I think it would be a good idea to clarify it there, because they keep saying that Tamara fucks dogs.
Its on, I'm sure the owner Null would love to help you clarify this nasty rumor about how Tamara fucks her dog.
No. 791956
File: 1598226353463.png (1022.33 KB, 1013x1155, THE ONISION TEA DM's.png)

Onision Banned Moderator For Marrying A Convicted Predator & Ignoring Her Kids Reports??
THE ONISION TEA (Dumb Drama That I Shouldn't Have To Talk About)
Three videos from Greg about this in the past 24 hours. Im not sure if he thinks this RoyalBlack situation will bring back the views so hes milking it like the fake freak out vids (spoiler- its not, the last 2 vids have only reached 5K) or hes scrambling to make sure he distances himself from anything pedo related, i.e. her kiddie diddler husband and father in-law.
I watched a mirror of THE ONISION TEA and holy shit this Jodee chick is Swimfan material. The thirst is amazing. There's way too much shit to talk about concerning the DM's between her and Greg but I laughed out loud at her slipping him her phone number so they can have some late night pillow talk and Gregs response was "Oh ok" and her teaching him how he can get more OnlyFans cash if he goes "lumberjack" when his fans are ovulating. Elderly gay men ovulate?
No. 791959
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I dont think Onision caught on to the subtle jab Annie made about his tiny cock.
No. 791966
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Hes sperging out on Twitter. He's no longer limiting replies and tweeting/deleting within minutes. Could this be because tomorrows the Wetlands review?
No. 791970
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>>791966I dont know how faking that his Twitter is being hacked is going to help him? Is he just looking for some attention?
No. 791979
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>>791966>>791970I wonder if Pierce County emailed or called him today telling him they will be showing up tomorrow morning.
No. 791980
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This is like a little kid giggling under a blanket thinking he's fooled everyone during a game of hide & seek.
No. 791982
>>791980He's gone full retard.
This is what he finds funny and wants to spend his weekend doing. Dude needs some hobbies… or friends.
No. 791988
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>>791982Hes in his cum soaked, dimly lit garage making that faggy little laugh while logging in and out of his two accounts because no one else with argue with him.
No. 791994
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Hes spazzing out on his discord too. Mentions the wetlands. It has to be the review tomorrow that has his sphincter all clenched up.
No. 791996
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>>791994>>791988>>791980>>791979>>791970>>791966Gotta ask the question
Which kid fell out of which window this time?
No. 792003
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Greg posted a screenshot from Kiwifarms. I thought he never went to "hate sites"
Also does Jodee think Steven Asarch still works for Newsweek? Dude got fired months ago.
No. 792013
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>>792003God, so now she's trying to get that much coveted attention as the next
victim queen?
Must suck when you're not even on Shiloh's level.
Welcome to China, I guess.
No. 792024
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>>791988Wow. Referencing a meme fro 2010. Way to keep shit topical for your teen fans (who would have been 7 0r 8 at the time. Possibly younger)
No. 792030
>>792024He's a total boomer, which is good because it will prevent him from getting with any more teenagers. He has a dad body and is still spergin' out about Death Note, Twilight and Supernatural.
I highly doubt the age he's trying to fuck, which is around 12, barely even knows what any of that shit is. He might as well be talking about the fucking Beatles.
No. 792044
>>792024Isn't that a reference to Jessie Slaughter's father about the Dahvie situation?
God he's such a fucking out of touch boomer and doesn't understand even Chris Chansen could diss him over this and they're both awful.
No. 792045
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Here is something I am having difficulties with: Gregory often told this tale of how he in the military held a gun to his head to blow his brains out, but then Youtube "saved him".
How, exactly? Did the magical Youtube fairy Susan appear and told him to start a channel that would never get banned?
To me it doesn't seem something you'd think about in great distress, like "i wanna fucking die, i'm holding a gun to my head" and suddenly youtube pops in your head like "oh wait no lets start a youtube channel" instead.
No. 792053
>>792050Not a newfag, I been following Greg from since his Shiloh days, and I been here for years. Why do you get so angry over theorizing and debating issues? Isn't that what a message board is for?
>>792051Ah right, so he wanted to an hero but then thought of his youtube channel instead of his wife.
this answers my question somewhat, although I don't understand why a youtube channel of all things pops in your head when you're about to eat a bullet from your own gun, wanting to end it all.
No. 792065
>>792061I don't believe that whole entire story, he suicide baited Skye to because he isn't a man and doesn't want to pay her alimony. Then he talks about it as if it was a good thing that he didn't kill himself and was doing youtube. He and people like him are and always have been the cancer killing youtube. Him and that other guy Shane Dawson. Starting out with clickbait titles and thumbnails, plastering themselves over celebrities with their stupid fucking face.
They killed it, they caused Youtube Susan to come in to existence and they destroyed whatever somewhat good youtube started out to be. Youtube is the prime example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. It was all good and fun until people like Shane, Greg and other parasites like him entered the platform. Fuck Greg. I know that whole story isn't true but whenever he tells it I fantasize that he does blast his brains all over the walls of the army barracks.
No. 792069
>>792067That isn't what he says though, he says its because of Youtube that he's still alive. Her returning home with his rotten corpse would have been a blessing in disguise for Skye.
Then she could have enjoyed her weeb shit without him jacking off to it.
No. 792105
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He thinks this is a good idea.
He is so desperate to grasp onto that tiny thread of fame. It's beyond sad.
No. 792111
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>>792106the hell, you say.
No. 792115
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>>792061Not an attack but can we stop pretending Greg joined the army for any other reason but to avoid juvie/jail time?
It's no coincidence he joined soon after he got arrested for assaulting his father. Someone I know served with a guy who did the same thing but for a different crime and that was in the 2008 ERA. Greg enlisted yes, but once it seemed like he was in the clear legally he did all what he could to get discharged. Honorably or not.
And that's just ruling out the rumor that he tried to book it after he was caught texting the underaged daughter of one of the higher up military personnel.
Additionally, I don't buy that rabbit story for a second. Greg is sociopathic, fucked up and morbid. If he had genuine feelings towards his military training I could picture the shock on his comrades faces as he'd gored the rabbit to death and we all know how he goes for shock value. I'm pretty sure he'd be killing all sort of animals if no one would find out indefinitely. But that can't happen with his open book presence on the Internet, he's always caught one way or the other (eg us finding out what happened to his daughter on the day of his sexually charged tweets).
That too is why he only doubled down to things like exacting his degrading shaving fetish onto poor Dobbs pretending it was Krai who wanted it done. He can't help but abuse helpless beings who can't stop him or get away. It's an itch he'll scratch one way or the other.
No. 792127
File: 1598307750822.jpg (220.67 KB, 1920x1021, 2020-08-25 00.22.29 kiwifarms.…)

fucking with your kids in the same bed is no big deal, u guyz!
No. 792144
>>792061Are you implying he acted like a retard in the military for attention? The stripping and acting out was to make them kick him out, which they did. Not saying he's not a narc, just that he never wanted to be in the military in the first place apparently.
>>792115>he was caught texting the underaged daughter of one of the higher up military personnel.Pretty sure this was a rumor started by kiwi. I've ever seen it officially confirmed. I don't know what his real reasons were for signing up but only someone like Greg would join the military and then feign surprise at having to kill something.
No. 792173
>>792105Is this the “meltdown” people paid a collective 30$ for? Weak.
You can tell he can’t even resist trying to mock his ~haters~ in the tweets. Like saying he’s going to make a video about Greg because he blinked (he seems to think people make videos about him for no reason when a lot of the time people make videos because he’s done something extremely shitty like abuse a string of exes). It looks like he’s also trying to parody the rumors he gets like saying he never pets his dog as if it’s some kind of vicious rumor? Like no, people criticize him for
valid reasons 95% of the time. If anything he’s the one that starts outrageous rumors about himself to minimize and distract from actual allegations going around. I know everyone knows because it’s a tired old pattern at this point but ugh.
No. 792178
>>792169Look I'm not a fan of any of greg's orbiters either but someone seems a tad fixated and obsessed.
>>791938>>791940>>791944>>791947>>791950>>791953And yes Greg's the one who started that unconfirmed rumor
No. 792180
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>>792127>did adult things with my niece in the same room while she sleptOk that sentence reads like something else entirely knowing his confirmed loli and incest porn habit. I hope this situation wasn't recent and that no one's dumb enough to actually leave their kids with him anymore.
It is nice of Greg to confirm that Sarah told the truth about what she witnessed in his home though.
Good guy Greg. No. 792189
>>792178I absolutely adore how you keep trying to change this narrative and you are trying to be pretty clever about it, trying to say its "greg orbiters" doing it, but in actuality its everybody who knows Tamara is a dog fucker.
Now if you just go in the opposite direction that Royal Black has been going in, so if you just let it REST then eventually the Tamara dogfucker thing will gracefully die out.
If you keep bringing it up however, people will never forget.
Its a crossroads for you, choose wisely.
No. 792194
>>792189Wish these orbiters would all fuck off. And no one is going to forget Royal Black is another pedo and I pray that she is never allowed unsupervised with her niece again the ugly bitch.
Stuff on the farms is always remembered, even if it's not currently being discussed and shitting up the thread, it'll be remembered.
No. 792197
>>792194>Stuff on the farms is always remembered, even if it's not currently being discussed and shitting up the thread, it'll be remembered.Well there you go kiddo, there you go! there is no changing the narrative, ever! Neither you nor I or even all of lolcow could ever change that Tamara will always be remembered as the Onision fangirl who fucks dogs!
Now you're getting it!
No. 792200
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No. 792209
>>792206That wasn't me, that was someone else that posted about Tamara. I simply explained to that other anon what that picture someone posted was about.
I don't know Tamara, all I know is what I read here. I have no hate boner for her, in fact I don't have a hate boner for anybody.
No. 792213
>>792212I am here to read about Greg, talk with people and make friends. I made many friends, i'm having a very good time. I love it here. Truthfully now that I think about it I did have a hate boner for Snakething, but he's in prison now.
I only understood Tamara fucked her dog because people always called her dogfucker here, that is all I know. Just read the earlier treads. But if you say that she doesn't fuck her dog, or beat her addiction, then i'm very glad and I'm sorry for all the confusion.
No. 792219
>>792180The fact that no one here is surprised to see more creedence given to this accusation speaks volumes about the level of degeneracy going on in the household. The word degeneracy and Onion are practically synonymous by now.
>>792213Don't worry anon, you'll always get random headcannon on LC, it's just part of being anonymous. I believe you, and you don't have to justify why you're here anymore than the other anons.
No. 792226
File: 1598370160549.jpg (10.55 KB, 235x189, ysXThrO.jpg)

>>792213>I am here to read about Greg, talk with people and make friends.kek. Whoever's constantly randomly bringing dogs & Tamara up def wants more than just "friends", they're obsessed w/ Tamara fucking dogs, it's all they comment about.
No. 792232
>>792226>>792206That was actually me that posted that shit about Tamara, since its funny. But while we are on the subject might I ask you why you keep defending Tamara?
What horse do you have in that race?
(derailing) No. 792236
>>792232NTAYRT, but personally the whole dogfucker "joke" stopped being funny far too long ago.
If it ever was in the first place. And I find it very weird that people (or one person) keeps hammering it into the ground. Just let it go already, you dont like Tamara, we get it. She is no longer relevant anyways until she goes crawing back to Onion.
No. 792237
File: 1598371755750.png (124.89 KB, 1557x608, tamara rehab.PNG)

>>792226nta but you're fooling yourself if you think its just one person bringing up Tamara and her dogfuckery. I know I do it occasionally because its funny (to me) and it ALWAYS brings Tams or Blasian out of the wood work to defend her. Its like reading a passage out loud from the book of the dead, the demons will always be summoned.
>>792213>or beat her addictionI thought I was the only one who knew about Tam's Celexa problem.
No. 792238
>>792236That doesn't answer my question though: why do you keep defending Tamara? What is in it for you to do this? Is she asking you to?
And it is funny, you know WHY it is funny? Its funny because you keep responding to it.
I am going to do you a favor, it is my promise to you that I will never call Tamara a dogfucker again here. So, now you will know that whenever somebody does it isn't me. However, here is my advice to you free of charge: Next time you see somebody call Tamara a dogfucker here, do not respond. I think you will find that if you take my advice (like I gave you this same advice earlier on in this thread) people will stop calling her a dogfucker. Why? Because theres no more angry responses to it from you.
This is the nicest I can be to you, I never gave anybody advice here before. So before you start responding to me angrily again, think it over.
No. 792241
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>>792237>Its like reading a passage out loud from the book of the dead, the demons will always be summoned. Kudo's on bringing the most awesome movie reference of the year here. Thank you for that.
No. 792243
File: 1598372510495.png (176.04 KB, 587x493, onisionkidstweet.PNG)

>>792236>I find it weird that people keep talking about Tamara fucking dogsWhy are you using Onision logic?
>Anti-O keeps talking about kids? They must be pedophiles. No. 792244
>>792243People keep calling Tamara a dogfucker because it bothers her. Thats what makes it so funny. A good example of the opposite is SAILORMOONRED1 (supposed to be written in all caps). The guy he truthfully isn't all there. Classic lolcow. But you go look for him on kiwifarms in example since 2015 theres only 3 very boring pages about him. Why? The dude never ever responds. He isn't susceptible to trolling. Probably because he's too autistic and closed up, he just won't respond to the outside world.
So instead he just sits in his room playing out these stories like a kid, with his sailor moon dolls and thats it. Thats all people can say about him.
Chris chan wouldn't have a whole wiki dedicated to him if he never responded angrily. Its that simple.
I apologize for sidetracking here, I will stop now. But I was trying to make a point about the dogfucker thing, hopefully this person gets it now.
No. 792251
>>792247>Tamara, take it to snow.I wonder if they have a thread about Tamara the dogfucker on Kiwifarms. I think I'ma suggest one, and one for Blasian too.
They could be as funny as Royal Black and all these white knight responses are making me very interested.
>>792250You might get one for not saging? Interesting how so many people are defending Tamara now.
No. 792271
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>>792268She kind of reminds me of a toy robot I had as a kid. It had a big red button on its head and if you smashed that, it would drive around with flashing lights yelling and making tons of noise.
The word "dogfucker" is the big red button, you say that here and she will drive around in this thread, yelling, flashing lights and making tons of noise.
No. 792297
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I'm on cringe,
My God..
You really just posted that, huh?
No. 792301
>>792297She actually deleted it, but I saw the post you replied to. I don't suppose the mods could undelete it? Because it was hysterical. I wish I had screencapped that for prosperity.
In case anyone is wondering she basically accused people calling Tamara a dogfucker (in other words: everybody) to be Greg, and that he was posting that because it was killing him that the dogfucker went on to other communities. (to scat up, i'm sure)
For what I assume to be in the very least a former Greg-stan you know very little. Greg only cares about himself. That's it. How do you expect somebody that doesn't even give two squirts of piss for his own wife and kids to give a shit about people in his shitty community?
No. 792305
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>>792303What the hell are you even responding to? That literally made no sense to what I just said what so ever.
I mean I get that you're trying to divert the attention to Royal Black which has been your goal this whole time, but your reply is making zero sense right now.
The irony is would you have let this go from the start, people would just continued to have talked about Royal Black and Greg. Yet instead you yourself keep making it about Tamara (the dogfucker)
Way to go, you.
No. 792307
>>792306Whatever you say, forget-to-sage girl.
I mean its not like anyone here gives a fuck.
No, really. Keep making this thread all about you.
No. 792310
>>792308Allow me to explain: Now she's trying to like get Heezy kicked from Greg's fruity little club as a revenge for calling Tamara a dog fucker and such.
And she's trying to change the subject to Royal Black as well, doing a terrible job at it.
I mean, Greg's fans are a lot like Greg, as in completely transparent.
And stupid.
No. 792312
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>>792310tbf heezy should probably be removed from mod if u google her name you can fact check it yourself
No. 792318
>>792312Oh but I am completely on board with you there. I think Greg needs to get rid of all his fans. The more fans he kicks out, the less he makes!
I wish you all the luck in the world with this!
>>792313Eh, I never said you were Tamara, but you are now saying it..
But great job at bringing it up AGAIN.
PS Edit: I also adore how you keep calling everyone greg orbiters. I suppose you're right in a sense, we are. We just don't give him money like his patreons are.. we just point and laugh at him.. and his fans. his fans lately more than ever, pointing and laughing at them.
No. 792321
>>792237she takes celexa for depression you total tard, it's not an addiction. Your headcanons are pretty messed up
BTW that's a terrible edit, and cat-fishing attempt. You can't find evidence, so you try to make your own to fit your sick fantasy. Gross.