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No. 92018

It's fun talking about the big time lolcows, but what kind of shit do you all have deal with locally?

>calls herself Nebula Rumour

>claims to be the Brony Queen of Tucson
>got banned from local Lolita comm for starting drama nonstop
>claims to be a hardcore vegan but eats fish, and then causes a bunch of shit when people call her out on it
>defended pedophiles saying it's not their fault because they're mentally ill and don't know any better
>threatens to sue people for slander when people talk about her because her daddy is a lawyer
>has sent people violent death threats, yet claims to be anti-bullying and supports LACE
>has PT work out lines

No. 92021

why would anyone thinks that outfit looks okay?

No. 92024

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>has PT work out lines


No. 92383

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>jumps on genderqueer bandwagon
>collects mental illnesses like Pokemon cards
>constantly brags about how she is 'hella cute' while complaining that her body type does not get enough representation in tumblr posts
>thinks she is an artist and a poet while her poems are objectively bad
>makes really really bad asmr videos

No. 92465

you know, i could tell just be the photo.

No. 92501

Oh for the love of fuck. These special snowflakes can't even stand not being the EXACT representation on something produced for the purpose of pandering to their ilk.

No. 92553

Trans day of visibility was a fantastic idea until all the fake genderqueers and otherkin hopped on board making it a less serious thing.
I swear, everyone on tumblr is some form of trans now, and it's only because they want to ride the train of hating cis people for attention, so they fake being ~genderqueer~ or some shit like that.

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