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File: 1430576833891.jpg (147.97 KB, 960x768, tom prestor.jpg)

No. 92424

I see all these weeb chicks who photoshop themselves to death, but I do not think I've seen one of this splendid artist. Unless I haven't been paying attention or osmething please feel free to refer me to one that is already runnning.

No. 92430

File: 1430577732795.png (914.73 KB, 1080x1920, tp3.png)

ED seems more obsessed with him but they had this screen cap that pissed me the fuck off.

Zelda Williams was a little depressed and Tom tweeted her an image of Thor and Woman Thor saying "calm thy tits". God forbid a daughter can't miss and grieve for her father that killed himself.

He also set up a Patreon and isn't grateful at all to those donating; instead he's bitching how more people should be giving him money.

No. 92431

File: 1430577751057.png (46.19 KB, 530x252, tp2.png)

No. 92432

File: 1430577835874.png (121.06 KB, 531x650, .png)

No. 92433

File: 1430577949281.jpg (136.26 KB, 1024x447, keep_beach_city_weird_by_tompr…)

One of his pieces for his Patreons.

No. 92435

He deserves to be punched in the face.

No. 92440

>They're not fat or inflated
>not posting his perecto10/10 ED article.

No. 92443

woop sorry i thought i posted it. my bad.

there's a lot of pages of stuff but they at least have a good archive of his melt downs, attempting to all but hump brianna wu, fapping to korrasami and only got in to SU because lesbians.


No. 92538

File: 1430595772460.png (322 KB, 501x960, tims prestor.png)

I found this recently lol

No. 92552

He might have autism or aspergers. I know a guy who has autism and he is constantly offending people, not knowing why his actions were so bad.

No. 92573

I would agree, that kind of social blindness seems pretty indicative of autism.

No. 92591

File: 1430604985438.jpg (6.01 KB, 187x240, David_Gaider.jpg)

at first I legit thought this was David Gaider

No. 92609


He's like the good twin while Tom is the evil twin.

No. 93254

File: 1430721699983.png (51.64 KB, 592x580, 6gk9l0.png)

Wow, he's so ungrateful to the people who are supporting him. I hope they all pull their money out.

No. 93262

Does that make it right, though?

No. 93327

I never said it was right.

No. 93374

File: 1430756743411.png (323.02 KB, 540x657, tumblr_nn32ifda3U1shzut6o1_540…)

No. 93497

d/ic/k here.

Just had an aneurysm. Thanks.

No. 93543


Another d/ic/k here, too. And 'have you SEEN their anatomy?' Preston, have you seen YOUR anatomy? Those in glass houses…

No. 93551

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No. 93590

Now I'm tempted to make a twitter just to fuck with him.

No. 94111

Well he blocked me, lol what a pussy.

No. 94125

Good ol tom.

No. 94127


Oooh Tom! -insert whacky whistle sound and audience laughing-

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