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No. 930847




Troy is one of the funniest human beings I have ever observed on the internet. An ethereal engineer and galactic ambassador certified by the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Master Bacon, posts the finest organic dairy almost everday through Facebook, Youtube, and his website.

Have a sample:

>"Tonight, I was parallel parking and doing it right. Before I finished parking someone drove up and parked right next to me. In the street, with their emergency lights on.

They were doing a DoorDash delivery.

I am fine with such delivery drivers parking properly and not causing an obstruction. But when they park next to parked cars and block them in, that is not acceptable.
In this case, because I was in my car, I honked at them. They still did not care, entered the building for their delivery. I honked continuously at them until they responded, called them out, LOUD.
Yelling at anyone is not like me. But I do not tolerate, should not tolerate and never will tolerate such disrespectful behavior.

I found out before they left that they spoke no English. But that is not an excuse to treat someone that way. No matter.

The 9999 still showed up for me and stayed with me on the road after that.

This is me getting stronger and never backing down, leveling up".

-Truly an enlightened reiki master and healer.(wrong board, read the rules before making a thread)

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