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No. 931666

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/914105
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Regina's jury trial is set for Nov 1, 2024 >>914714 Sarah's jury trial is set for Sept 30, 2024 >>916344
>Photos of Lainey are leaked. Farmers think she may be on testosterone because of her puffy face and receding hairline >>914792 >>914793
>Lainey's new tattoos are almost carbon copies of Billies. The skin-walking continues >>914830 >>914835
>Onision tries to get Sarah's case dismissed but is denied >>915620 >>915621
>Circumvents his lawyers advice to stay off the internet by changing his Twitter name and video descriptions repeatedly >>917922 >>918004
>Onision comes out of hiding and uploads a 3 hour documentary defending himself >>920331
>Greg's MI lawyer asks to be withdrawn because he hasn't paid her >>920332 >>920387
>Lainey and Sarah are still speaking to each other. The conversations are relayed to Greg's lawyers to gather dirt on Sarah >>920624 >>920625
>Greg "accidentally" reveals that Lainey had top surgery and is on testosterone >>920952 >>920951
>The Onions file for bankruptcy >>921189
>Uploads another documentary. This one is only an hour long >>922349
>Greg starts horny replying to random Twitter thots >>922360
>Likes and retweets AI generated Anime girls & Tifa photos >>922597 >>922843 >>928319
>Onision starts attacking Sarah and Regina's female lawyers >>922744  Lisa Haba threatens to sue him >>923173
>Bankruptcy is denied >>922948
>Uploads a new one and a half hour documentary >>923078
>Brief summary of why their bankruptcy was denied. Very milky >>923345
>Greg adds his ex-gf's, YouTube enemies and family members to his bankruptcy debtors list >>924226 >>924150
>Spends the whole day arguing with people on the Onision subreddit >>927025 >>926944
>Makes a video dedicated to Anonymous Gene stalking and death threats over the past 4 years >>927099 >>927160
>Onision files for restraining orders against Chris Hansen and Xavier Von Erck >>927274 >>927267 >>927268
>Has a Twitter meltdown about doctors >>929007 >>929009 >>929010 >>929012
>Greg makes his own AI art of buxom black women >>929784
>Onision may be under criminal investigation for raping Shiloh when she was 17 >>930919 >>930942 >>930943 >>930944
>changes his Twitter username and bio twice in 3 days and removes all reposts of busty AI girls >>931160 >>931200 >>931216
>HBO begins advertising the Onision: In Real Life documentary. Three years after its premiere on DiscoveryPlus >>931255
>All videos and playlists are deleted from CoolGuyKai channel >>931459

For the sake of making Onision threads more readable and avoiding bans, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg.
- Do not post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not link directly to any Onision uploads.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
- Do not liveblog streams.
- No nitpicking.

No. 931669

>If they ever get a divorce I promise you that he will jump on the red pill bandwagon and accuse Taylor of being delusional and that cutting off her tits, taking male hormones and trying to cosplay as a teenage boy is all a mental illness. All that "Im gay and have a husband, Im an LGBTQ ally" will go out the window. I can even see him changing his tune about the nude photos that were sent and received. He'll accuse her of being a pedo and grooming all those girls, and that he had nothing to do with it.
I have no doubt what so ever he'll throw Taylor under the bus if they ever split up. Thats the whole reason to stay together because if they would ever dare to split up they'd both be worried about who will snitch on who first.

No. 931694

Shit thread pic should have been him crying while lisa haba stomped him

No. 931703

What do you think Onion’s doing now that he’s no longer shitposting on his channels and social media? Surely he’s not interacting with his kids or fucking his manwife now that she has a mangina.

No. 931723

Speaking of mangina, I wonder how big her clit is now due to the T shots. Grease must be jealous that his manwife's clit is getting bigger than his ugly cock.

No. 931729

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He may not be visible on social media but he's still watching very closely. In the past when someone would ask Greg about all the negative things being said about him on Twitter and YouTube he would try to act like he was above it all and paid no attention to the trolls. But he'd still respond to the comments and videos. How can he react to something he says he ignores? His answer would be "my fans told me." and make is seem like he got a short summary from his bootlickers. I always knew that was a lie, but his last video about Anon Gene proved he's obsessively monitoring what's being said about him online. That video was just screenshot after screen shot from social media that spanned 5 years. He must have dozens of folders where he saves screenshots from people he deems part of his "Enemies List."

The short answer is he's still spending all day on social media but he's only observing. It makes me laugh knowing he's seething because he cant make a counter video or Twitter reply. I don't know why or who's wrangled him in. I can only assume its the Florida or bankruptcy lawyer that has recommended he keep quiet. Ill bet good money that he's still making and editing videos to help soothe his sore ego, he's just not uploading them. And once who ever has him by the leash loses their grip we will get a Twitter spergout and new four hour documentary about the evil women who are ruining his life.

No. 931730

Well I hope he’s watching very closely because now the zoomers on TikTok are becoming aware that he’s being investigated for violating the Mann Act. Nowhere to hide and no more young coochie for Onionboy

No. 931737

The same type of girls who used to worship him years ago are now making videos to expose his predatory behavior on tiktok, oh how the times have changed lol. I hope this video makes him have another meltdown, it has a decent amount of likes and views plus videos on tiktok spread very fast so even more people will know about this.

No. 931742

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I checked out the comments and Im surprised that so many people are still interested in him. Could it be that because HBO rereleased his docu it has people wanting to see what finally happened to Onision?

No. 931751

If he ever goes redpill, he's immediately gonna have his onlyfans photos rehashed. Nobody will take him seriously

No. 931753

As if we haven’t suffered enough!

No. 931824

What I never understand was, what is Gregma’s actual voice? Often its high and/or nasally like in the Banana video, in older videos from the late 2000’s and some Speaks videos its very deep and sometimes it’s a combination of soft, low and cold like in the video where he called the cops on Shiloh. Like, I get he lowers his voice when it’s srs bsnss but even on those occasions he uses the high and nasally one. Is it some hidden talent or does he have multiple personalities?

No. 931960

>or does he have multiple personalities
I promise you he is not that interesting kek

No. 932040

this, he’s just an insecure faggot with no solid identity other than dumb insufferable douchebag

No. 932049

Probably BPD voice imitation.

No. 932082

Now would be a great time to restart Sicesca

No. 932267

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Sarah's lawsuit against YouTube has been dismissed. The court found that YouTube could not control Onisions content or his off platform behavior and were not complicit in the sex trafficking and sexual abuse that occurred.

Sarah's lawsuit against Onision and Lainey is still active and ongoing.

No. 932268

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No. 932271

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No. 932282

This reads like the lawyer botched the case. They could've found evidence of onion being reported to YouTube for platform violations, an easy ROI, and used that to argue towards possible collusion or at least error in YT's part. It might nor have made a difference, but the fact that this page says there was no evidence of YT being aware of onion's crimes tells me the lawyer didn't do due diligence

No. 932287

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What confuses me is that YT eventually did find that Onision was doing some sketchy stuff on their platform. That's the whole reason they demonetized him
>continued allegations of off-platform behavior related to child safety
doesn't that mean they've been informed about it again and again for a long time? They didn't just hear about it a week before they decided to dump him from the YT Partner Program. The lawyers should have requested internal messages between YT higher ups concerning Onision. I remember years ago there were messages about him and other controversial YouTubers and how they wanted to essentially shadow ban them. In those messages they should give reasons for trying to ban him. That would prove they knew what Onision was doing, even back then.

No. 932288


How can we get this and any other proof youtube knew what onision was doing to Lisa Haba?(cowtipping, no sage)

No. 932289

>Sarah's lawsuit against Onision and Lainey is still active and ongoing.

That's all that I need to know. Keep crying Pedonision and Pedobot.

No. 932291

Exactly, there's years of evidence that YT has been well aware of what Onision was doing. Granted, it isn't the same as condoning, but the company has been allowing Onision to use that platform for far too long. The lawyer really let their own suit down, there is so much evidence that could have been presented and the useless asshole just didn't for no good reason

No. 932294

If you read the pleading there's "Section 230" which is the word of god standard for social media plat forms.

>Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, states that “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

Until Section 230 is changed, it's doubtful any social media company will be responsible for retards allowed on its platform. Remember Section 230 also protects KiwiFarms, Lolcow and the chans. All other proof of reports don't matter in this lawsuit of liability on Youtube's part. It was Youtube's discretion and he wasn't demonetized for fear of the law, but because of the bad press the documentary and Chris Hansen brought.

No. 932296

I'm aware, and again, I don't think they could've won this either way, but I still think it's egregious that the attorney didn't try to bring up YT's negligence in allowing Onision to maintain his platform for such a long time. Taking monetization makes it even worse, because they knew he was breaking guidelines and slapped his wrist, but they never just deplatformed him. It wouldn't have gone anywhere, but having this info in a court case could've been groundwork to overturning section 230 in the future.

No. 932299

So stop sperging about it, the damage is already done and our main concern is Sarah’s case.

No. 932311

everyone could see that coming a mile away. the grooming of her and regina didn't even happen on youtube, it happened on twitter. so i don't get why lawyer mcwowie didn't go after twitter instead. would make a nice case for child safety or whatever.
plus i feel she should also sue her own mother for neglect.

No. 932312


Fuck didn't think you could suck someone's dick over the internet. But you sure do have onision's dick all the way down your throat. Enjoy.(sage your shit)

No. 932315

Not sure why you take issue with this, since I am discussing the case. The fact that the lawyer failed to do something this simple to argue a very easily arguable reality is a concern to the case itself. It should bring concern about the lawyer's abilities. Maybe he/she is more focused on the suit against Onion and is happy to let the YT one slip for the sake of allocation of resources, but this dismissal is still brings up points of concern for Sarah's case.

No. 932336

Yet you’re the one who’s bitching about why YouTube wasn’t held responsible for the shit Onion did on and offline, everyone already knew this was going to happen regardless of circumstantial evidence. The only time YouTube will care is when he’s finally in the slammer.

No. 932353

Yes, YT won't care. And yes, they wouldn't have won this aspect of the lawsuit. It's still worrisome that the lawyer didn't try to bring up any of the actual evidence they could have easily requested to support their claim that YT let Onision keep his platform. If you don't see how that's a bad sign for the rest of the lawsuit and the attorney's ability to collect vital evidence to support their claims, then that's on you.

No. 932359

File: 1714755840019.png (41.74 KB, 615x453, 2024-05-03 12.35.51 twitter.co…)

how is realizing that there isn't a case against youtube "sucking onisions dick" exactly? are you that blinded by hate that everything that even remotely seems against the greg-hating agenda is "sucking onisions dick?"
its just common sense, youtube wasn't responsible. i even added that to that extend twitter is, since foot and greg actually groomed kids on twitter.
now, is that still "sucking onisions dick?" i mean you literally see me accuse him of grooming in this same post. (which i already did in my original post btw, would you bother to actually read it)
this sort of malarky used to be the type of shit you'd see on twitter, the minute you say anything rational and well thought out but its remotely in gregs favor (or in this case even just perceived as such) you're "pro-greg".
oh and also apparently Gene hired a hitman on the darkweb to kill greg, allegedly, or so gene says. see attachment.(infighting)

No. 932369

NOBODY cares about Gene and his one man autistic sperging.
It was never going to work against Youtube, they were only included it seems for a quick payday which looks like that did not happen.

No. 932370

Which is why I tried to explain that that isn't being "pro-greg" yet apparently explaining shit here is.. infighting? oh right take it to meta, i already did, janny.

No. 932372

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An actress named Meilyn that Greg used to hire from a talent agency did an AMA on the Onision subreddit. I remember seeing her in some of his videos around 2015.

No. 932373

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No. 932374

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Greg encourages Lainey's eating disorder
Lainey's jealousy over the actresses is problematic

No. 932375

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Madison was always the pick me girl
he wanted to do a seizure skit presumably mocking Shiloh

No. 932376

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he wanted a reality show with the harem of girls he brought in
Greg doesn't like kids and she thinks the window fall was intentional

No. 932378

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the patreon/fan-girl was most likely Jessica
he pushed boundries while filming
their house is filthy and they seem poor

No. 932379

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he pushed boundaries
racist improv was all Greg
Onision wasn't physically abusive
he farts a lot

No. 932380

Then what’s the point of autistically flailing over it? Either way, YouTube wasn’t gonna budge so get over it.

No. 932387

Because I think it's meaningful to point out for the sake of people who may not fully understand legal processes. It helps people get a better idea of what an attorney SHOULD be doing and pointing out when an attorney doesn't do what they should. It isn't a good sign for the other case.

No. 932391

File: 1714787020981.jpg (458.07 KB, 1480x1920, Onision and Lucas Bankruptcy A…)

>Bankruptcy is denied.

Quick fact check.
The Bankruptcy filling was approved and James and Lucas are paying $500 per month to a Chapter 13 Trustee.

The court also approved James and Lucas' request to take a deposition from Regina to "enquire as to the basis of her claim". The deposition has not yet been scheduled, but no parties have filed adversary proceedings.

>Four creditiors filed proofs of claim.
Does this mean some of the creditors James and Lucas listed are actually seeking damages/suing them? Can any lawfags chime in on what this means?

No. 932392

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No. 932393

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No. 932394

This is just a guess on the 4 creditors that would file claims
1. Regina
2. Sarah
3. Rocket Mortgage
4. Michelle McLean (the MI dog law lawyer)
Those are the "Creditors Who Have Secured/Unsecured Claims" that were listed in his Summary of Assets document last November >>923342

Looks like he still has the slip and fall lawyer Steven Myer working for him even after he stiffed Michelle for thousands. Ill bet once he realized that both cases were going to be moved to CA he only needed one lawyer and stopped paying the second one.

No. 932396


If you ain't sucking up onision you sucking up gene. Get tested for mental retardation.

No. 932397

>>932396 Is it too much to ask for both?

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