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No. 93940


All the MRA neckbeards at Reddit have gathered on r/Breakfeminazis to discuss raping Feminists into submission

No. 93943

I can get behind this fetish.

No. 93944

that makes you a lolcow

No. 93945

Wonder if they'd change their tune if some enormous gay bears started speaking the same way about them.

No. 93946

No. 93949

oh no

would you change your mind if they were goo gobblin' male feminists getting their tooshes pumped?

No. 93951

you mean like this?

No. 93953

Yes exactly like that.

No. 93961

Sounds like a regular dom/sub fetish, but with a political spin put on it. Not any better/worse than the whole white cuck/BBC impregnation fetish. It reminds me of this, except the opposite. I hope these stories have cringey animation, too.

No. 93964

Yea, reminds of weird nazi porn where they dom black ladies. Orientation play too.

The fucking titles crack me up.

I wonder if they're a fan of the original wonderwoman comics. I'm sure they are.

No. 94134

it is worse

No. 94135

No. 94206

Moved to >>>/b/5099.

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