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No. 951871

hi guys!! im really sorry if this is bad bc this is my first time ever posting, but i wanna talk about a creator named sumire or sunnie aka twinbuns or trashbuns on instagram. im not really sure how this works, i just know if u hate someone u can talk about them here. anyway she is so weird, she asianfishes and squints all the time in her vids, she doxxed someone, she thinks yaoi of underage people is fine bc its fiction, she begged people to give her money to fund her trip to japan even though shes pretty rich, she called unit 731 kinky, and she said she likes cp like fr, not even joking, and this is just surface level stuff. shes so unlikable and annoying. LIKE WHY WOULD U ADMIT THAT!! shes so ugly and annoying too just shut up about japan nobody cares. anyway, idk if anyone else has talked ab her but i rly want her to be banned of the internet and hopefully off the face of the earth, sorry if this was bad.
her tiktok is @trashbuns if you scroll down a bit youll see all the weird stuff shes posted and im pretty sure most lolcows are weird ugly and fat and she def fits that criteria

No. 951874

Fuck off back to tiktok and stay there retard

No. 951884

>i just know if u hate someone u can talk about them here
is this how /pt/ comes across to newfags??

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