No. 954917
GAMECUBian is a 23yr old autistic manchild that lives with his parents. He has an obsession with underaged characters such as Tomo Aizawa, Chara, and Gaz Membrane. He's made sexual comments about/ liked porn of these underaged characters on his (now deactivated) Newgrounds account. On his failed Youtube channel he makes faggy videos about him being a vigilante hero who beats up his bullies. He takes his character and story very seriously, and goes on rants if you dare get anything wrong about his character/storyline. He's extremely retarded and very easy to troll/anger. Some more things that offend him include: being called gay, being called inbred, women hate, tomboy hate, anime hate, Undertale hate, racism, anti-christianity, marvel fans, non-gamers, Bowser Jr, Donald Trump.(shit thread)