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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1703014022648.png (1.91 MB, 943x1315, Merry Shaymas.png)

No. 166766

Merry Christmas, Nonas! Get into the spirit by posting Christmas related Shayna memes and memories old and new.

No. 166767

File: 1703014127515.png (1.42 MB, 1095x1401, 1668959456036.png)

A classic

No. 166768

File: 1703014479341.jpg (664.85 KB, 1152x2048, 1672012306088.jpg)

Shayna Christmas 2023. Woof!

No. 166769

How does a woman with a full head of hair still look like she has a comb-over?

No. 166770

still think she looks nicer here than with make up

No. 166771

I think it's a moid who is making these fart edits

No. 166773

Why do you think that, nonna?

No. 166774

I think so too. If only she put on some chapstick!

No. 166775

haven't met women who would go to these lengths to make fun of a woman with a specific fetish.

No. 166777

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I wonder if she’ll try to fit into this again this year? It’s so basic and ugly, she must be keeping it all these years because fupa one time said it looked cute or something

No. 166779

I’ve met some really strange women (unfortunately), but you may be right.

No. 166782

the problem is you thinking it's a fetish thing.
I'm not fart-anon but I do have a childish sense of humour and find fart jokes hilarious. So the fart edits give me a kek

No. 166793

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No. 166795

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It's weird that it's now an automatic assumption that farts are associated with a sexual fetish instead of just being humourous. The Shay farting joke comes from an anon saying that she sticks out her ass and it looks like she's about to do a comedic fart.

No. 166814

I agree. I make fart jokes too and I’m a woman. It’s not a fucking fetish. Kek.

No. 166830

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Bimbo lips if I’ve ever seen em

No. 166905

File: 1703562934626.jpg (1.39 MB, 3024x4032, shingerbread.jpg)

dont ask me what i was thinking when i made this because i dont have an answer (i also realized right after i did it that the line for her boobs looks like scars so we can just pretend theyre her implant scars)

No. 166908

Making gingerbread fan art of a washed up whore is something a twitter coomer would do

No. 166911

Lmao anon your hands are so cute

No. 166914

Holy shit your fingers are THICK kek go touch grass if this is what you’re doing during the holiday

No. 166919

kek. I always appreciate IRL shart.

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