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No. 1105462
Last thread a new cow was welcomed into the herd by the name of hannfightsthis. We can't figure out what exactly she's fighting because, despite being very much a healthy weight, she claims to have a hospital bed with her name written on it. We will follow her journey to recovery, watching her stuffing copious amounts of junk food down her throat.
Speaking of which, Georgie is currently IP having her sooper serious depreshun zapped away. She desperately wanted a tube, so larped violent purging and gave herself adramatic mallory weiss. She'll begrudgingly spend Xmas at home, before admitting herself to EDU in the New Year.
Ganer is overjoyed the lockdown is over and is back in paradise at the gym (until January's lockdown).
N2f is still being disgusting with sardines and grime, but we have a very special event in progress where two farmers from different lands are doing a Bake Off using n2f's recipes!
bored_with_ana is all confused about her length of time as a severe anorexic but showed us her recovery spoon with the words "Boobs Brains Babies Bum" engraved on it. To gain these things are her goals. Gl with that!
Dharma is poor as a church mouse and asking you donate to her gofundmepage. Her
abusive parents (who shower her with expensive gifts and love) are
toxic to live with and after her gym membership and protein powder bill, she can barely afford the rent on her waitressing wage.
Solostinmymind may or may not have passed away.
Shay is jubilant about getting ECT and jumps on her bed in a tiktok video.
Smorven scratched the f out of her face and apparently tried to be an hero.
Lego head Sharni has spoken about doing something "awful" on the ward and will likely be prosecuted. She almost died after trying to hang herself. Apparently.
Other potential cows dipped in the thread. We touched on Jenn/Dorian Bridges' proana videos, Australian healthcare system and the effects of starvation research.
If you'd like to donate to a cow's gofundme or buy a plushie from their wishlist, you're likely to find them spamming their link on their pages: I've missed anything, post it below or forever hold your peace.
No. 1105477
>>1105473If it has the same effect on Georgie and Hannah then we've given them their dream Christmas present!
I hope n2f is cooking the festive meal for her family this year.
No. 1105488
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>>1105478I'm dubious about the info about net worth. They claim asmr darling Maria Gentlewhispering is worth $1.6 million. I can't see that tbh, even though she's popular. Maybe yt is legit Elzani's work now. Eek.
Scrolling through the last thread I noticed the video of the noisy eater who filmed her binges has been banhammered:
>This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.Idk if yt are finally cracking down on ED content (other than recovery) or if her gross open mouthed smacking is the violation.
>>1105481Physics/science dumbo here. Just tell yourself it is because it is. I googled for an explanation and it threw up img. Just smile and nod…
No. 1105628
>>1105481Medical Oxygen is supplied and stored as a liquid at very low temperatures in 02 tanks. It is converted to Medical Oxygen at normal temperatures. In hospitals, the converted Medical Oxygen is supplied via a medical gas pipeline system at room temp or just a bit colder.
The pressure inside the tank also help sort out how much is left in the tank. Full tanks are heavy AF
No. 1105683
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there is never too much kek
No. 1105684
>>1105464>>1105628>>1105665FFS, is the milk that dry that we have resorted to sperging about the fucking volume of gas?!
i'd rather look at a photo of Porgie's hairy butthole than read another "im a medfag's" posts… no1curr about how ~smart~ you are.
No. 1105694
>>1105684I find medfag anon's contributions interesting, even though they're too ~smart~ for you to read easily kek. Their post was relevant to some cow's fake suicide attempt and medfag anon called them out in an informative way.
You're the one sperging. Instead of being a crybaby why don't you find some milk to post?
No. 1105699
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Has Sophie shopped her arm in this photo? It’s twice the width of her thigh?
No. 1105719
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Not what I wanted exploding from my screen this morning.
No. 1105733
>>1105699We all know she has no choice but to buy clothes from Zara's child department like Laura does.
>>1105683I wonder what she does all day. Isn't doing A levels, doesn't have a job.
>>1105719Hardcore rar!
No. 1105742
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>>1105721She has natural mousy blonde hair, obvs darker dye makes her roots look lighter. She recently passed comment about her super healthy, thick hair. I beg to differ…
Picrel, spoilered cause frightening. From
>>1090861 No. 1105762
File: 1607786783486.png (1.19 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201212-152613.png)

She's pretending she just did a scary eat.
No. 1105846
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She always looks so uncomfortable in her eating videos No. 1105857
File: 1607801182795.jpg (2.24 MB, 2560x2283, 20-12-13-05-23-21-638_deco.jpg)

We got a live one boys!
Since we now know she definitely works here, hi! The ideas you perpetuate about ~recovery~ are dangerous and disingenuous, acting like you're oh so scared and then taking a bite only for it to be the best thing ever immediately is so obviously fake and yes, there is such thing as too much food. Would you tell someone with bulimia or binge eating disorder that there's no such thing as too much food when there have been cases of stomachs rupturing from binging?
Anyway, whose money is on our favourite Porgie cow tipping?
No. 1105866
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>>1105857Hanbutterfly getting ready to send over the white knights
No. 1105870
>>1105846She does NOT look well at all.
>>1105854Yeah, I don't have photoshop so had to quickly put that shite thing together. I was hoping for a Christmas pic by an anon, but feel free to post your artwork. I'd appreciate it for sure. Probably print it out for my diary lol.
>>1105857It's lolcow, hannah. We don't like your post, we post you here because you're
toxic. PS you look 40 in that pic.
>>1105866and your fried split ends need trimming. Keep scoffing down that shortbread, warrior.
No. 1105880
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….the ebegging paid off then
No. 1105888
>Any attention is good attention.#1 cow priority
>>1105884Piss off, fatty.
No. 1105896
>>1105890>>1105892And it begins.
Please have a critical mind rather than guzzling the uwu recovery inspiration bullshit people like Hannah shove down your gullet. It illegitimizes actual eating disorders and makes them seem like a joke.
No. 1105903
>>1105896Well said anon.
Imagine just not putting all this shit on the internet. Imagine that!
It starts with you, then we laugh. Simple as that.
No. 1105910
>>1105866Trying to pull your clothes and stretch them forward so they look baggy against your (normal) body while pretending to make a grossed out face and chew a regular snack slowly is totes how you overcome your non-existent anowexia!
No. 1105926
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She's doing THIS? What a turnaround.
No. 1105979
huh okay, tell me why then i have had BED, Bulimia and anorexia, yet it took 2 years for me to become underweight. Yet yes, i have been inpatient multiple times, and still even though i am a healthy weight (and clearly have a much better life than you guys) have not comepletely pushed through the restrictive mindset. If you genuinely were suffering from anorexia or and eating disorder, youd know its a mental illness. It takes longer for mental restriction to ease even when you nourish yourself.
Dude, i had a relapse a few months back when i was still a healthy weight. I starved myself for a month, yes lost some weight, but not much noticeable, but my bloods and physical symptoms were awful. Everybodies body reacts differently.
No. 1105990
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>>1105987the nhs disagrees with you
No. 1105992
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No. 1105998
>>1105993You have BED, bulimia and anorexia? Not all at once you don't keep
And yes AN is the only one with a weightish criteria. DSM-V disagrees with you
No. 1106057
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>>1105983side note and definitely not relevant. I wish teenagers would stop diagnosing themselves with EUPD. Don't most medical professionals hesitate to diagnose before 18 because the symptoms are kinda common in teens but tend to resolve in adulthood? I'm guessing she's self-diagnosing because the NHS does not like to diagnose mh conditions.
Also why do they put their 'diagnoses' on instagram like a badge of honour? What's so great about conduct disorder (if that's what C-D is?) Am I too old?
No. 1106072
>>1106068Oh to be a seventeen year old keyboard warrior again.
The farmhands will ban you, but at this rate when you're old enough you'll be commented about on this board. And good grief, stop saying y'all, you're not American.
No. 1106080
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>>1106076It is. From her account. No bulimia mentioned.
No. 1106089
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Just thought you might all like a treat. I haven’t spoilered in the hope that it might scare off Lil Vickie.
No. 1106104
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>>1105462Not sure if this one has been mentioned. Can make daily Tiktoks but needs sooper serious ED treatment in between. Coffee Cats Recovery 2.0. Loves a good toob selfie and chimped out about her therapist not getting her pronouns right.
No. 1106114
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>>1106104Seems kind of milky. Definitely a year or so ago.
I hate that these cows choose to document everything yet pretend it’s not for asspats or to be Queen ED. They totally buy into a lifestyle online and live in a little hugbox whilst competing with each other at the same time.
Bitch, I hope you get well and whatever but you do be hitching your cart to wagon, purely for popularity. Deny it al you like.
No. 1106129
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That sneaky little eye.
No. 1106142
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>>1106132True that. I have been getting strong Ronnie Barker feels recently.
No. 1106162
>>1106125Shes been public for ages.
Not really milky more so unwell. Multiple other MH issues along side
No. 1106232
as an amerifag, reading through victoria's autistic onesided arguments in a posh brit accent is hilarious
>>1105719does porgie not realize that bright fashion colors fade incredibly quickly?
No. 1106275
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back to all the pizza she was eating before the
>depressive slump
aka attention craving
No. 1106321
>>1106318Don't feel cringy. I think it's cute too. If she is trying to dress young, she's not going as hard as other cows are.
Anyway, only 3 WKs for Molly 2? I thought there would be more.
No. 1106374
>>1106346Noooo, say it ain't so. This is worse than Lauren Southern.
Also infuriating. Who would actually willingly waste their early 20s as a habitual inpatient if they didn't absolutely have to? She is going to regret this larp so badly one day.
No. 1106387
>>1106275Sage for inconsequential sperging, but her sitting her partially-inhaled sandwich on the printed paper menu slip is just grossing me out… put it down on the serviette or back in the container fgs.
Everything she does is so sloppy, her claims of being an anxious perfectionist are about as believable as her restricting and purging.
No. 1106444
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>>1106433it reminds me of those around the dinner table parents who think the 'dietichans' know nothing and their kids need to weight restore to slightly overweight.
No. 1106472
>>1105462>>1106459No signsof their past history of their ED, just straight into real recovery guiz.
Could you imagine if the AN diagnosis got rid of the underweight criteria? More of these ED larpers would appear.
>>1106468Thought of food? EAT EAT EAT
No. 1106485
>>1106472They haven’t gotten rid of the AN weight criteria yet SO many dainty ana LARPers claim that you can have anorexia at any weight
You can have atypical anorexia at any weight, but this also comes with significant weightloss in a sort time, not just on/off restricting & bingeing & the occasional purge.
I bet these girls started their disorder when tumblr was all black & white ~a e s t h e t i c~ depression blogs that reblogged Cassie from Skins and Wintergirls quotes… but what’s cOoL now is being a ~woke~ #anawarrior who eats everything they want
No. 1106527
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>>1106513In fairness, she does acknowledge binge eating exists in her ‘recovery for adults’ document. Although then in the next page she says you can’t order a salad at a restaurant. Sure, not a plain undressed side salad but many restaurant salads have ~800 calories.
No. 1106529
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One book was not enough for Paige!
No. 1106530
>>1106527Other shit she says: you have to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks every day for the rest of your life!!!!! I understand not getting complacent but many people who are truly recovered can eat more intuitively than this.
Also: you have to eat a meal at a restaurant every week! Who can afford that long term?
No. 1106544
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>>1106527Her website is worse than I imagined, what qualifications does she even have to make the claim that nutritional science knows basically nothing?
No. 1106595
>>1106529No thank you. Not only is her ‘writing’ fucking awful, who wants to be preached to by a conceited, self-obsessed child who only seems to ~thrive~ in a hospital ward
>>1106544I hate everything about this
No. 1106825
>>1106760"Making money" is a pretty low bar, Southern regularly looks and sounds like an idiot… maybe an inability to assess yourself objectively is something they both share, at least.
>>1106529 I'm so embarrassed for her… I hope she has someone in her life that will help her reconsider her authoring until she's both recovered and older.
No. 1106857
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Baker anons! We have been blessed with a new recipe
No. 1106865
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>>1106857Not a baker, but thanks for the heads up. Went to look at the pic expecting usual n2f, but dare I say they look shop bought?? I'd actually eat one
if baked by someone else No. 1106870
>>1106760yeah I meant it as
>>1106763 said
At least Southern spent her 20s boating in the mediterranean, lol
No. 1106871
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>>1106868Adding dropped pic and adding NO I WAS WRONG. Didn't see pics 2 and 3. Dry as fuck.
No. 1106887
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>>1106129an uncanny resemblance
No. 1107054
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People who put love hearts on their NGT are so pathetic. She literally spends her days at new farm dancing on beds and in her room tiptoeing. Must be the best holiday there for munchies
No. 1107090
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Ash update. She's still alive, but going blind.
No. 1107186
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>>1107147Not sure I've ever seen that mint choc and raisin combo before. Honestly would be a guinea pig for baker anons. N2f is experimental if nothing else.
Searched and found this mint and raisin vegan chocolate, but there are other proper chocolate ones. It gives health benefits - mint helps treat the common cold, reduces stress and helps an upset stomach. (The latter will help for the tasters).
No. 1107209
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Bored_with_ana is getting a ton of criticism for romanticising AN and her FDOE videos. It’s so cringe because in every second video she has to mention her tube and ~OMG it was so embarrassing I hated it, I hid in cupboards so people didn’t see it~ when she has selfies with it plastered everywhere
No. 1107246
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Ganer is aging in hyper speed
No. 1107267
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Hannah and shay seem to be drinking from the same pond
No. 1107290
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Is Han trying to let us know that she binges? Because we already knew that, kek. You can't justify it, Han. It's not "extreme hunger". You're not exactly a waif. Glad you're calling it bingeing now instead of lying to yourself. That's progress, I suppose?
No. 1107297
>>1107290So sick of the word ~
valid~. It's thrown around so nobody can ever question their larping.
Of course Hannah binges. Her fear foods are best that she binges on.
No. 1107348
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Ganer posted this in her stories yesterday.
Pre workout, post workout, and, coming soon, mid workout
No. 1107358
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>>1107348Are you sure it wasn’t just another pre from the next day? Because I thought her usual post was that white rice, low-density vegetable, ground turkey and all-the-condiments-and-pickles meal?
No. 1107364
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>>1107356I don’t think so, but definitely a horrific case of OCD, anorexia and orthorexia.
No. 1107381
>>1107348How does she gain on this? Can't say she isn't shaping up (however oddly).
>>1107290I wish these people who fell the need to bang on about EDs would fuck off. Everyone's~aware~. Making an illness your identity but saying you're not your illness. LOL.
No. 1107450
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>>1107364It really is dry skin giving her those lines because before she lost weight she had them. Sometimes her skin looks painful it's raw dry patches on her chin. Her mum's a bit wrinkly, so could be part genetics, but being a "nutrition coach" (ahem), you'd think she'd know what to put into her diet for skin health.
Spoilered because.
Her treat to herself for her birthday will be… (extra lifting session? an extra green bean?)
No. 1107578
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Yeah, I’ve never hated an ED cow more than Georgia until now. This girl is insane. Completely healthy weight, very full face, strong teeth and yet she talks like she’s Ashley Isaacs size. In every single video she’s always soooooo scared. The ultimate larp.
>>1106089Autistic middle aged mtf vibes off the charts
No. 1107588
>>1107578"wahhh food scawy"
has literal candy canes hanging off that xmas tree.
Sage for nitpicking but im surprised our little recovery warrior let her family hang up those terrifying treats.
No. 1107606
>>1107578She's Georgie2.0 kek.
>>1107513I agree anon. It's really disappointing and sad, I always wonder about Garner's family and what they think about her exercise addiction. N2F seems to have some people- family around, sometimes but I never hear a peep from Garners family.
Also N2F creations may be disgusting but at least she
shows how unglamorous eating disorders really are, unlike most other cows here who's worst moments are trying to eat their 3rd try of ' fear food ' yogurt and chocolate milk lol.
No. 1107618
>>1107578Chocolate milkshake
Rice Krispies
A (literal) kid's yogurt
Kinder chocolate
Breakfast of champions eh.
She's a deffo reverse body dysmorphia Georgia. Who the fuck would tell this one she needs to gain weight? Her head looks like a damn balloon already.
No. 1107625
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No. 1107628
File: 1608063503531.png (669.39 KB, 500x792, Untitled.png)

How about challenging yourself to a piece of fruit? More junk.
No. 1107679
>>1107606I reckon they're too terrified of relapse to say anything about the exercise addiction still being an issue.
She's not healthy by any means but she is much better than she was 2-3 years ago (super-spoop). I can't imagine her family is over the moon about how obsessive she is with food still, but at least she's not as close to death as she probably was.
Tbh if she was doing this in private, I don't think I'd care at all. She's ill, but she is (very very slowly) gaining, and maybe one day she'll figure it out… but then she posts it all online like she's a fucking expert and gives advice to other people, so.
No. 1107684
File: 1608066918524.png (57.43 KB, 393x737, blahblahblah.png)

>Recently I've been slippingShould've listened to your body and stopped pouring sugar down your throat.
>>1107664Even the quotes are copypasta from some place or other.
She's a creepy feeder who wants to see thin girls gain lots of weight.
No. 1107685
>>1107578If Hannah HAS a diagnosed restrictive eating disorder, her account is weird and insincere.
But I keep thinking about the possibility that she doesn't - not that it's wild that she doesn't have a severely restrictive ed because she's a healthy weight. But what does her life as an adult look like? It's not that wild when you're a young teen to lie about/exaggerate that shit to your friends. But her mum is involved. If she's straight up lying, how is she getting her mum involved? How does her mum believe it and want to participate? And if she is getting treatment under the NHS, how? I might be dumb, but I just can't get my head around the idea that Georgie and Hannah are just straight up lying.
idk maybe lockdown has got her super bored.
No. 1107686
>>1107684> She's a creepy feeder who wants to see thin girls gain lots of weight.kek
> no weight gain = no freedom what does this even mean?
No. 1107698
>>1107685I read this thinking of Hanna the Gainer and I'm thinking wtf you think she doesn't have an ED.
As for her mum, idk either. It's easy to imagine Molly was taken for treatment because of her private health care and fussy parent, but she must lie her way through assessments (if she's had any). It'd be easy to get a diagnosis by saying her period stopped, yes I over exercise/take laxatives/throw up, yes I;m terrified of gaining weight etc. BUT the one thing she couldn't fake is weight loss. She was either a porker or she lied about how much she weighed before an assessment for an eating disorder. That's all she'd need for outpatient treatment. She said she was threatened with a tube and hospitalisation, but she'd have to be under bmi 13 to get a section.
This is what happens when people glamourise anorexia.
Thing with Hannah is her lack of back story. No mention of trauma or what she deals with in therapy. She said she has appointments, but clinics are only doing video/phone appointments atm. Something's way off.
No. 1107708
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I just had a look into what help she'd be offered. She lives in Burton on Trent, and going off this she'll be under CAHMS for treatment. Looking at the changes because or the 'rona right now most of the workshops are online, so I'm guessing therapy's online too.
Pic is when she decided to recover
>Last night I ate an entire sharing bar of chocolate to myself. After feeling ill and collapsing a few hours beforehandand says
>I have been given ONE LAST CHANCE from my team. This is it this time. If I restrict, refuse or not try then I have a hospital bed with my name on it.Really? Oh wait, it doesn't matter what weight you are, right?
No. 1107771
>>1107766Agatha Trunchbull : [Talking about the cake] Smells chocolatey, eh? Now, eat it.
Bruce 'Little Brucey : I don't want any, thank you.
Agatha Trunchbull : EAT IT!
No. 1107781
File: 1608073723190.jpg (194.23 KB, 1080x1921, IMG_20201216_090636.jpg)

Here we have HappiHealingJac who loves a comparison photo and asspats. In and out of hospital admissions with real recovery mantras to boot. Likes to overexaggerate her anorexia.
No. 1107799
>>1107773Jenny, you were never emaciated. Why is she so shocked about ana fetishists like she only just found out about them?
Is she talking about this old 4chan thing where they were taking the piss about her? No. 1107808
>>1107708Mental health appointments have been face to face where necessary in most NHS Trusts since July.
CAMHS is much easier to get admitted than adults. But also CAMHS bullshit and threaten admission more. Especially due to her age they'd have to section her unless she was voluntary. Meaning there would have to be a lot else going on other than restriction.
Basically it's quite possible they did say that/ see her at CAMHS but either there is a lot else going on (needing medical admission due to SH/ suicide/ purging) or it was a completely empty threat. Especially if they saw how much she cared about being '
valid' then saying shit that she then merrily follows kinda solves their problem. Obviously doesn't mean they meant spend all your time on social media being a Warrior Queen
No. 1107837
File: 1608077713943.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.37 KB, 817x908, progress.JPG)

>>1107783There was no point to that video. Reading some fanfic porn. Why? Why does she want links to more of the same? The "D" woman is Denisa, a favourite on skinnyfans. I believe that's the forum she ~infiltrated~. In no way am I an expert in porn or fetishes, but just following the breadcrumbs from that Henry Roth freak leads you down the rabbit hole. Never seen an emaciated Jen on there, but that's her private fantasy eh.
>>1107781Nothing milky there. If you were talking img, then you'd have a point.
No. 1107978
>>1107952Shit, when I saw the thumbnail I assumed it was in the toilets or something. But no, right there in the shop. How lovely for the mummies and babies club to see!
(apols for samefagging)
No. 1108106
>>1107799I didn't watch this video, but yes, she was emaciated and her underage pictures were posted on a fetish site. This happened in 2012, maybe.
There was another girl who posted in a forum about the site because her information was being shared there, and that's how she found out. The pictures they were passing around were old, she was maybe 14-15 in them and not presenting as male/nb.
Whatever you think about this person now, this was a pretty awful thing that happened and probably continues to happen. Back then the notion of fetishists taking photos of adolescents from a private community and salivating over them alongside nudes of emaciated junkies / skeleporn… idk. I think it did shock people.
One member of the fetish site had also been a member of the support/harm-reduction* forum, so it was also a wake-up call about privacy. I never understood why that creep was tolerated or why people didn't guard their info better there, but mental illness can make people stupid.
*this forum was never really proED, but it wasn't antiED either.
No. 1108112
>>1107928well, I don't know what pictures have been shown but are we really using Eugenia as some gold standard for emaciation? You can be emaciated without looking like that; the cut-off is many BMI points higher. But damn it makes me angry that you feel it's appropriate to set that standard for what constitutes "sick." Grow the fuck up. Eugenia should be dead, who knows why she hasn't keeled over yet. Just give it time.
OHaA was emaciated, end of story. From what I've seen, OHaA's fanbase flips their shit whenever the topic contains too much ED stuff. I've never seen her post her worst photos.
It wasn't as common to have huge amounts of photos before smartphones took off, though some people did manage to do it.
No. 1108122
>>1108106> Fans flip their shit over too much pro ana bsIdgaf whether she was emaciated or not, but her fans lap this crap up. She posts millions of videos going into great detail about skelly porn and taking coke for goddess ana. OHaA is at best using her ED for shock value to get that YouTube revenue. Her non ed videos get 10k views in a month, the skelly porn one has 40k in less than 12 hours. I give it a few months before she's posting her uwu ~recovery journey~
TW!!! With pictures.
No. 1108146
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Porgie 2.0 is at it again, kek. We can tell you don't need to eat as much as you do just by looking at you though, Ham. I mean you're visibly a healthy weight (perhaps even overweight). You don't need to restore weight, and all you do is eat sugar and junk. What exactly are you "fighting"? Does 'Ham' suit her as a nickname?
No. 1108152
>>1108106>not presenting as male/nb. I think we all know what's happening here.
>OHaA was emaciated, end of story.Difficult to at for a smirk.
No. 1108166
File: 1608123311853.jpg (1.86 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20201216_125238529.jpg)

"I'm in hella Christmas spirit this year" = an excuse to jump back on that ebegging train
No. 1108168
File: 1608123683055.jpg (530.02 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20201216_125747.jpg)

>>1108164Speaking of which.."did one session and they made me fat then dropped me". Ermm you were never skinny kek
No. 1108180
>>1108146she's hilarious. the continued larp as a ~delicate anorexic~ while also making all these posts about not stigmatizing EDs based on size…like girl just say you have BED and go, at this point it's the only ED I would believe she has.
tinfoil but I think she's a typical "dieted a little and think it's a severe ED" type, except unlike molls she couldn't even keep up the dieting patch for a few months, instead sage yo-yoed between a day of dieting and a week of eating packaged sugary shit, and now instead of going to see a nutritionist to learn what food is actually good for your body she's trying to justify her overeating with this larp.
i'm so bored of all the "everyone needs to eat all the time!!! gaining weight it great and needed!" thing as though obesity isn't way more common in developed countries than anorexia is. it's wild how most "recovering anorexics" aren't even underweight these days, how woke.
No. 1108182
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>>1108173A star (cow) was born…
No. 1108194
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>>1108189"That'll show them!"
No. 1108204
File: 1608129944903.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x1537, 54BF5CE8-462D-4288-A17C-54054A…)

Imagine you bump into Han out in public and you see her wearing this wristband.
No. 1108209
File: 1608130206360.jpeg (245.79 KB, 1242x893, 46369A6E-8727-4AF5-BB3F-3F2A8F…)

>>1108204A quick google search and here she is
No. 1108245
File: 1608134539469.jpeg (699.82 KB, 1242x2208, 7E2613A7-A7CA-4653-A86F-C7E5D9…)

I was scrolling my discover page & found this fantastic LARPer! another classic ~dainty waif~ #anawarrior who believes in anorexia at any weight & eating sugary bullshit to overcome her sooper serious anowexia guiz!!! emilys.anorexia.story
No. 1108258
File: 1608136010758.jpeg (236.34 KB, 712x1118, 73485B40-F067-4A4A-85FF-84479D…)

Ham eats fruit most days, guize! Totally not filling up on sugars and fats!!
No. 1108261
nice to see another rare user here who hates the martyr covid bullshit. i miss the site before it was totally overran by holier than thou pseudo-liberal types lol
No. 1108265
>>1108112sage for samefag but also jen says herself that she took tons of photos when she was emaciated and there are tons of photos from that y2k era she speaks about, she looks skinny but not really that sick. my point is jen is lying about being "ohhmygoshh sooO skinnYY" because its a weird fantasy of hers. 'd bet as well that she was never posted on any of those skinny fetishist sites and she just wishes she was because even though i believe she for sure had an ED she never got to the goal weight she wanted so she probs just is pretending she did and livng vicariously through these stories she tells on YT.
she really has HUNDREDS of photos online if you look up any of her names, dorian nothing bridges, jen bridges, etc. not one does she look "eugenia cooney thin" like she herself SAYS. she is skinny sure and i do believe she definitely had an ED but she needs to stop purporting this weird skinny fetishist fantasy, its fucking weird and obviously a lie
No. 1108267
>>1108258Yeah fuck those people and their perfectly reasonable questions!
Apparently the theme of the next ED ~awareness~ week is BED so I for one am looking forward to Han’s profound thoughts on that. This is one she miiiiight actually be qualified to speak about kek
No. 1108269
>>1108245Ham and this one both have double d’s - donut dimples. In fact they even have upper tier double d’s. The top joints.
>>1108258Why is she such a salty, sassy bitch? Top of the charts.
No. 1108275
>>1108270I would love this too (plz. am incompetent with ps myself but if no one else does I might give it a go)
>>1108269Because it’s haaaarrrd when you’re called out and the truth hurts. Here’s a thought: if she doesn’t want people asking shit and rightfully questioning her claims of being a super restrictive anorexic, maybe - just maybe - don’t publicly style yourself as some shit hot aNa rEcOvErY QwEeN when literally everything down to your bloated trotters contradicts that story?
No. 1108282
>>1108265a few of her photos were on a lot of pro-ana websites, so I think you just don't know what you're talking about. I've done my research on OHaA because I was on forums with her since 2006 or something. I don't call her Jen because I know her by her username there and it feels stupid to call her Jen or Dorian.
I'm not close friends with her, we have never met or talked much aside via the forum. I don't give a fuck what you think constitutes emaciated or how she compares to EC. And ok, if she compares herself to EC, that's dumb. She was emaciated according to the medical definition of emaciation. Her very underage pictures were posted on skinnyfans, and the thread in which this was discussed extensively is still on the private forum - I just checked. So I suppose you can assume a lot of things - that I am OHaA, that I'm some simp, whatever. But the reality is: parts if not all of this are true. I don't feel like watching this video, but she didn't make this up. There were a lot of witnesses when that went down.
I won't post anything from that forum here because it's a bannable offense to do so.
No. 1108284
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Reposting for context
Tsk tsk these better not be farmers on Hannah’s scawy breakfast post. We laugh from AFAR guise
No. 1108290
>>1108245I’m in two minds about this girl. Just peeped her YT, she’s not really milky, just a bit cringe. Says she’s been underweight since she was 11, but the last two or three years she was at her worst. Says she’s still technically underweight but has been in recovery for a year.
Tbh I think she’s genuine.
No. 1108292
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>>1108258i saw this earlier today, like why would ppl assume she eats ANY fruit or veggies when she never posts them?
No. 1108305
File: 1608140215702.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1242x1826, 5D76E384-A477-40F6-B090-90C39E…)

This post just confirms she is a food obsessed anorexic who doesn’t eat what she posts
No. 1108311
>>1108284To be fair, they are this mean to each other, though. Who was the figurehead anti-proana woman on tumblr back in ~2012? She was literally like 29 years old bullying teenagers, when in the end it was just a cope, “I’m the REAL anorexic you guys!!!! All these proanas using thinspo to starve are FAKE!” because she recovered but still wanted to be the most sickest and
valid uwu
No. 1108321
>>1108311Ohh this rings a bell but I could have them mixed up with someone else (pretty sure her actual diagnosis was EDNOS, name might have been Sarah?)
I hate all that competitive bollocks but tbf it’s so common with anorexia, I find it more forgivable than whatever Han’s doing
No. 1108367
>>1108282 little baby nothing Jenny never was deathly thin. Skinny fetish sites aren't this ~underground community~ that she gives some woooo value to. These people are attracted to skinny People. They're allowed we'd their own place to post pictures and write fic. It's not illegal.
She tries anything to be seen as interesting. She's not. She was thin not emaciated and never even halfway thin enough for those people to fap over. Don't even need ~inside shots~ , non member forums are searchable and post similar content. Never seen Jen.
No. 1108376
File: 1608144387929.png (3.8 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6505.PNG)

Even a fellow cow agrees that the _ghostofme gift begging is stupid, kek. (Formerly wild struggles or something of that sort, i'm sure some of you remember her. She hasn't been mentioned in a while)
No. 1108396
>>1108367I wasn't talking about the perv forum being private. The forum where Jen found out that her photos were posted on skinnyfans (and she wasn't even the topic of that thread) is private. I don't think it was legal for fetishists to steal & repost scantily clad minors' content there, especially since there was a fetishist who would digitally alter photos so they were nude. These guys used to fake befriend teenagers and get access to locked ljs, fb photo albums, whatever, and then post all the photos along with their real names/info there. I mean, obviously you know that. At the time it was a big deal, because a lot of girls were stupid or just didn't know there were ED fetishists. They would accept anyone who was friends with enough forum people.
You hate Jen, I get it. But you are only showing yourself to be a creep who haunts fetishist boards often enough that you know whether or not Jen was ever a topic there in the early 2010s(!) Maybe take a step back and focus on hating her in another way? Try the gender stuff or NEETdom or goth stuff? This story happened, her pics were there.
Your obsession with whether someone else had as tragic an ED past as they claim… idk, it's pretty weird. Your argument is basically, "she didn't look that sick to meeee" and "I never saw her pics on fetish sites!" ok bro.
I watched her pro-ana forum meet video and it didn't focus on her. And I'm pretty sure she didn't exaggerate those stories, but of course I can't know either way.
No. 1108400
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>>1108396I don't hate her, she's a nothing. She isn't even goth. Of course I'm a creep who haunts fetishist boards, son. She's lovely, amazing and OOOooooOOOO kooky. Now piss off.
No. 1108402
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>>1108305I scrolled all the way back to the beginning of her account (2015) and she’s always been about this thin, albeit with frequent fluctuations. I’d like to think it’s natural because she seems like a sweet girl but I suppose vegan + food obsessed = unlikely
No. 1108418
File: 1608147923107.png (2.59 MB, 1909x867, Untitled.png)

Looking at Ham's favourited items on etsy THE SPOON!!!
The full kit n caboodle.
No. 1108427
Oh cute, accusations of white-knighting. All I'm doing is corroborating that this one thing happened.
>>1108400>Don't even need ~inside shots~ , non member forums are searchable and post similar content. Never seen Jen.kek. During your time spent searching fetishist boards, you probably noticed that just like pedophiles, ED fetishists come in a variety of types and get off on different types of bodies. But I'm sure they are glad to have ppl like you to keep the giant fatties and their wannarexia out.
>>1107773If you watch the video she says, "They were talking about
me, and some of the other members of the anorexia forum." @1:12
You must have quite the hate boner to take that out of context and make it about Jen seeking special attention. Of course she is gonna talk about her pics being stolen and used to make fake profiles to bait other anorexics - since that happened to her, and her YT channel is a dump of stuff that has happened to her.
Stay strong, hunny xoxo
No. 1108440
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>>1108438Samefag. That ~cringe~
No. 1108450
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>>1108418Haha! Excellent. Second time I've seen this fucking thing today. In the Starter Kit it goes.
No. 1108462
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>>1108450She has an account for her dog too! Omg.
No. 1108484
File: 1608152491122.png (2.4 MB, 1909x867, in the kit.png)

Another nomination for the kit. Nutella and Biscoff.
No. 1108511
The LARPing and nutrition mentions reminds me of this documentary where the girls "can't wait to be anorexic".
The main one in it, Lavinia, obviously has ~issues~ but sees her brand of anorexia as crash dieting which makes her hungry so she eats McDonalds and ends her diet. She walks past Rhodes Farm and envies the kids because they're thin.
>Lavinia, who logs on to pro-anorexia websites for inspiration and support, is a fierce defender of the movement. She says it has helped keep her alive as well as providing her with information about how to starve herself ‘safely’.She worked at Oxford University and had a degree in nutrition.
The second one's more cringe because she also ~attempts~
Don't know if you've seen it, but they reek of cowdom. No idea how they're doing today. In 2009 there's mention of her here and she seemed to be involved in mh work.
No. 1108519
sage for dietetics sperg but the entire concept of "your body knows what's best!! eat whatever you want" is bullshit. like ideally yes, intuitive eating should be the ultimate goal, but for anyone with an ED or disordered eating (or the fucked up relationship with food most people have in western countries with abundant processed food, a sedentary lifestyle, and nonstop food and dieting advertising) it's a DISTANT step and in no way the first thing you attempt in ED tx, weight management, etc. if you have an ED, dieting history, and/or are an unhealthy weight (high OR low), your body literally does not know what it needs. this is the fucking point of meal plans and nutrition education. you start off with a plan or exchanges. EVENTUALLY you will develop normal hunger and fullness cues and, combined with an understanding of what foods provide nutrition vs fuck all, you can then "eat intuitively" rather than portioning shit out, ganer style, until you die.
you have to DEVELOP THAT, and that happens with time and work and a fucking nutritionist, not just bingeing on sweets and hugboxing about it until you balloon up to 500 pounds and become a bopo influencer
No. 1108520
>>1107625>Food is needed no matter what size you are.Well, yeah, but you need different amounts of food depending on that size.
And you, definitely, don't need THAT much.
No. 1108562
>>1108290holy sanpaku eyes
if she approached me in class or in public i would instantly think "do not trust this bitch say anything you need to GET HER AWAY"
No. 1108568
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>>1108549That fucking bath robe because she doesn't ever seem to bother getting dressed.
No. 1108573
File: 1608158420077.jpg (90.25 KB, 640x619, cIMcL7U.jpg)

Perhaps Jen should quit posting these pics public if she doesn't want her tits being discussed all over the internet.
~Cooney vibes (probably lower weight)~
No. 1108594
File: 1608160306640.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x2005, 33F9BC53-A70A-406D-BB38-2A8CB8…)

May aka @_ghostofme on Instagram has an OnlyFans :/ pretty gnarly(:/)
No. 1108596
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>>1108592On trend n2f facial covering yo
No. 1108599
File: 1608160845084.gif (14.93 MB, 600x1233, delicious.gif)

No. 1108610
File: 1608161403843.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.69 KB, 1080x1765, IMG_20201217_092825.jpg)

>>1105462Spoilered because used tampon… Mariarecoveryjourney,attention seeking to the next level. Showing your period!
No. 1108614
File: 1608161739953.jpg (Spoiler Image,326.32 KB, 1455x723, onlyfans.jpg)

>>1108610She needs to change the absorbency or change her tammy more often. She's like that one who used to post discharge on her knickers who had her own thread. Dirty.
Speaking of onlyfans, this is Georgia's friend.
No. 1108621
>>1108549-laugh/cry emojis or PAHAHAHA!!!! @ the haters
-fake self-coaching ie "it's going to taste nice"
-calling really mundane food DO NICE/AMAZING, with o face
-terrified to "SO DELICIOUS" light switch
-new ED swag, like the bracelet or spoon
No. 1108641
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>>1108635I'm not surprised she has it in her bio. I rarely look at her stories now either. I screencapped this a while back but never cared to share it before
No. 1108649
>>1108621don't forget AAAAAGHHHHHH!
>>1108628Thanks, I'll check it out.
>>1108631They skip the disorder and just do recovery. Normal people find it hard to lose a couple of pounds, so these ones have no chance of ever losing weight by diet. No will power and no eating disorder laying down food laws.
No. 1108664
File: 1608166641537.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, D27C9095-25FE-4971-8EF6-D1CE56…)

checked up on mihaela for the first time in a while and thought she was holding anal beads
No. 1108670
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anyone know what she did to be prosecuted?
No. 1108684
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I read this as “rolled my ankle from walking”
No. 1108726
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>>1108692I wonder if she slapped this nurse up lol
No. 1108745
File: 1608172546338.png (1012.13 KB, 1536x788, very-hungry.png)

>>1108723The way she eats reminds me of this for some reason
No. 1108785
File: 1608176626692.jpg (409.76 KB, 1080x1715, 20201216_214149.jpg)

>2 day relapse
>2 protein milkshakes
£3 biscuits because fuck you anorexia
(I don't remember seeing this but feel free to yell at me if it had been shared)
No. 1108807
File: 1608179139625.jpeg (927.45 KB, 828x1373, C3BDB951-6027-4276-8416-3EA08E…)

our recovery warrior getting in that fruit and veg as usual
No. 1108873
File: 1608190839367.jpg (1.02 MB, 1440x1604, Screenshot_20201217-073815_Ins…)

>>1108869>>1108869She looked at the absolute most Borderline underweight, honestly it's hard to tell. (blogpost) but i'm almost overweight fatty but my collar bones and shoulder bones all stick out.
No. 1108877
>>1108856 It was discussed in the last thread (#46) .. this post
>>1104692 . Maybe that's what you're thinking?
No. 1108903
>>1108873she tries so hard to pop her collarbones because it’s the only ~dainty~ feature she can fake
u see it all the time with non-recovery accounts; popping collarbones, pulling back thigh fat to make a gap, sucking in EXTREMELY then sucking in a little & saying “sucking in vs normal”, but you can always tell when someone isn’t as underweight as they say. A bmi of 18.4 or lower is classified as underweight, my bet is as soon as they hit 18.5 or 18 they start their “recovery” accounts & ~journey~
No. 1108912
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>>1108146yes you can. who needs more
No. 1108936
>>1108245Fellow nurse here. We see so many fucked up shit on a daily basis, to see this person complaining about not being coddled is honestly disrrespectful to other patients and health workers. If I had to parent every single patient I've had I would kms.
Sorry for blogpost/derrailing
No. 1108954
File: 1608203558855.png (3.61 MB, 828x1792, C919E298-E317-4E7A-AA81-1C5A49…)

anyone remember this one? friends w shay and a bunch of other random Ed-munchies. Being moved to icu after a code blue but they have time to pack up her room after they move her?? sure thing kiyah
No. 1108979
>>1108869…no. Just no.
>>1108873Doesn’t look underweight at all. Her face, neck, arms show that. Hair and nails look healthy too. This is not someone who ~needs~ extra biscuits
No. 1108983
>>1108873aside from the hunched shoulders to force her collarbones she's also had the picture taken from a slight downward angle, the "look thinner" trick since literal myspace, and she's tucked her upper arms back to hide their size as well as done this "broken wrist" thing like she does in the pic her pfp is from.
she's not underweight or she would 100% be flaunting it in every picture rather than hiding her body and forcing her collarbones in her two attempts to look thin. she looks healthy, borderline overweight, in every other picture. more importantly it's obvious from her face and arms and overall fat distribution that she is a weight her body "wants" to be rather than lower. she really doesn't need to gain and she def is not yet.
No. 1108990
File: 1608210407547.jpg (139.34 KB, 1024x1024, 20201218_000341-COLLAGE.jpg)

Ham self harming? It's the only 2 pics of her arm, in the rest she hides it or does that self conscious sleeve over the hand thing.
No. 1109020
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>>1108517Katy? Nah she's alive
No. 1109022
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>>1109007Sitting was uncomfortable, hinting at ass bones/spine sticking out, hair loss…
No. 1109032
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Imagine making some fan art for someone and instead of taking the time to properly thank you they need to emphasise they were in CAMHS AND SO SOOPER SICK AND HANGRY
No. 1109042
>>1109022“extreme hunger etc.” lol.
>>1109032Who even is this?
No. 1109075
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Thank you anons! Molly 2.0 bingo coming as soon as I get home from work
No. 1109090
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We've been blessed again
No. 1109097
File: 1608225605023.jpg (544.21 KB, 1053x1938, 20201217_111823.jpg)

If you have a passing thought about food, eat.
If you see food, eat.
Your cat is asking for more food? Feed that cat immediately! She has extreme hunger
No. 1109147
File: 1608230648021.png (723.77 KB, 750x1334, 93FC26AF-E514-4F12-8564-0CD917…)

Not-so-Littlest Lee having a beef.
No. 1109162
>>1108990They look really faint, like they’re old and super shallow. She probably went just deep enough to give her an irl bat signal to other larp—I mean, survivors.
>>1108895She isn’t underweight but christ, she’s 17, of course she has fat in her face. I’m assuming you must be 17 too, given the dramatics over something so silly. Come on, it’s so embarrassing when farmers come into a thread talking like the cows in question.
No. 1109163
File: 1608231583051.jpeg (485.59 KB, 750x1047, EAF61DC3-2770-4E58-B42B-60E705…)

This is more a question than anything…where do we stand on literal pro-ana scumbag wannarexics?
This dickhead posts mainly thinspo but does a lot of story Q&As which run along the lines of
>your dark eye bags are good, it means you’re getting skinny bb
Hopefully obvious this isn’t a self post.
No. 1109166
>>1109150I know, kek. I unfollowed ages ago so can’t see the other side.
>>1109155I’m dying to see what she’s saying about it.
No. 1109221
File: 1608236860759.jpeg (309.77 KB, 557x875, 093A4B5D-F091-4EE9-B098-BE00B1…)

is it just me or has our recovery qween begun to pork up rather quickly from all these challenging yummy treats?
No. 1109233
>>1109221I agree with a previous anon that at 17 she could have puppy fat on her face, but looking at this she's actually got a fat girl face and there's a difference. Her hands are meaty also. Wouldn't matter to me what her size was if she wasn't larping anorexia.
Whatever went on with Molly, she was a petite thing who could actually get away with her claims (to an extent), but Ham's actually not petite. She HAS gained in three months, but she doesn't need to so fuck knows what's going on in her head. I can't help thinking if Ganer was Ham's current size she'd have good material to build those muscles. I don't think this one's only exercise is food shopping. I can't even understand where she's taking her account. Is it going to be endless copypasta from motivational quote pages?
No. 1109237
>>1109213Ayrt I’m inclined to agree. Just wondered what the general consensus is and good to know about the report not cowtipping,
>>1109170It has been decided. No case to answer. Let’s move on to the next.
>>1109221She getting chonk.
No. 1109241
File: 1608238530537.png (535.82 KB, 533x653, dainty waif.png)

this was ham at the start of her "recovery journey" and she already looked a bit chubby
No. 1109246
>>1109244Fucked up green linkage
2nd comment was for >>1109239
No. 1109263
>>1109257Yeah and not to mention if she ~starved~ for years, wouldn’t her hunger cues be non existent, or at least all kinds of fucked up?
Nothing she says makes any sense.
No. 1109292
>>1109241Wasn't she tagging well known recovery accounts in her posts early on?
Her latest hot choc saga has her saying she could have chosen the lite whipped cream as thats what the ed wanted but she didn't…sure jan
No. 1109293
File: 1608241597958.jpg (926.48 KB, 2218x1788, all the calories.jpg)

>>1109221It looks like she's wearing a coat in the most recent post. Trying to hide the weight gain, Hannie? I thought you weren't ashamed.
Also, why no collarbone popping anymore?
No. 1109295
File: 1608241816565.jpg (514.18 KB, 1080x1830, Screenshot_20201217-154750_Ins…)

>>1109293>>1109292 Samefag
She did it with two of her early posts. Probably didn't net her the attention she wanted.
The brownie video has over 11k views. Why?
No. 1109308
File: 1608243224032.jpeg (118.1 KB, 600x500, 47299D8E-0117-41C3-90ED-FA68E0…)

>>1109285HUGE FEAR. HUGE. It’s MASSIVE anons can’t you see she looks terrified
No. 1109324
File: 1608244696785.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, DF691029-7177-4C42-BA31-0798AC…)

Who mentioned Remi the other day? She’s got potential milk rising to the surface.
No. 1109339
File: 1608245830171.jpeg (845.1 KB, 828x1792, CF674E10-91D3-4C4B-ADAF-D42D40…)

I’m so confused she said she had an impatient bed reserved like don’t you have to be very underweight
No. 1109353
>>1109147dustys starting drama so that means she's out of mcclean for the 100th time. i wonder if her psych is still not talking to her.
>>1109155checked her tumblr (her current one since she gets deleted so easily), only talking about how shes been w/ the psych she obsesses over since that poor bloke killed himself for 6 years like its a good memory. he basically told her to f off a while ago then she was back in mcclean living out the girl interrupted dream.
No. 1109371
File: 1608247889238.jpeg (347.37 KB, 1200x1800, A6EA63B7-4C81-4581-8BD3-7A69DA…)

Full fat whipped cream. “ED” wanted the lighter option apparently, but our brave warrior forges on
No. 1109375
>>1109339Most CAMHS beds are not specialist ED CAMHS beds so it would have been an adolescent psych ward so more related to what was going on with her mental health/ safety.
There must be something going on for her not to be in education or training but under 18 or her mum has deregistered her.
No. 1109393
File: 1608249567955.png (Spoiler Image,1.74 MB, 1864x1174, Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-18 um 0…)

i don't remember her name, just that i saw her posted here, so i'm posting just in case anyone finds it interesting i guess?
the girl in this pic (nsfw) who made a camgirl video apparently registered to the skinny fetish site that of herbs and altars talked about in his last vid (the username may_mystical is listed on the forums as the last person to register to the site)
so if there was any debate as to she was purposefully making anorexic fetish porn there's your answer
No. 1109412
>>1109388Wow, perfect description. I'm so embarrassed for her.
>>1109402Agree that this is next level. Why doesn't anyone intervene? Especially after the car accident. Does she literally see anyone outside her cokehead boyfriend ?
No. 1109440
File: 1608254032386.jpg (187.12 KB, 769x898, I LITERALLY COULDN'T WALK YOU …)

Took me a while since she's new and despite being a bigger cow than Molly she has less of a personality. Hope this will suffice nonetheless!
No. 1109444
File: 1608254252336.gif (35.87 KB, 220x172, ahhh.gif)

>>1109440YESSSS! You injected the bingo fun back into the thread. Ty, anon!
No. 1109451
>>1107190IIRC she just binges and purges, she probably maintains or gains/loses on whatever calories she can't throw up
I know she's an awful person but I feel very sorry for her, nobody deserves the kind of life she has
No. 1109472
>>1109439Yes they do.
>WKso you conveniently ignored the part where I mocked her cat scratches and said she was a larper all because you were mad I said teenage girls can have plump faces?
No. 1109716
File: 1608299415669.png (3.38 MB, 750x1334, CD3150C4-DEFC-4F79-898C-917DBB…)

>feeling so happy and free
No. 1109724
File: 1608301135884.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, DDC3F8A2-7346-421A-8DC0-4364CD…)

Merry nose hose Christmas
No. 1109725
File: 1608301201665.jpg (82.51 KB, 640x1138, f52.jpg)

>>1109716stay strong skinny qween!
No. 1109733
File: 1608302500603.jpg (722.93 KB, 1439x2162, Screenshot_20201218-093533.jpg)

Saw this chick begging Grimes for attention on IG. Claims to be recovered but posts a bunch of pictures with her head enlarged like a 90s Steve Madden ad.
No. 1109735
File: 1608302549804.jpg (704.85 KB, 1440x2093, Screenshot_20201218-093430.jpg)

2/3 posted this with her head the same size as her calves
No. 1109737
File: 1608302600407.jpg (1.06 MB, 1440x2309, Screenshot_20201218-093709.jpg)

3/3 and then posted this pic where she looks kind of normal
No. 1109740
File: 1608302820289.jpg (649.47 KB, 1440x1515, Screenshot_20201218-094438.jpg)

Got more pics. The deleted chin is fascinating.
No. 1109741
File: 1608302874133.jpg (746.37 KB, 1439x2252, Screenshot_20201218-094517.jpg)

Another super scary spoop masturbation post
No. 1109746
File: 1608303770723.png (364.2 KB, 720x917, Screenshot_20201218-150202~2.p…)

No. 1109749
File: 1608304045610.png (1 MB, 699x958, Screenshot_20201218-150453~2.p…)

Aaaand more nourishing goodness!
No. 1109778
File: 1608307470439.jpeg (393.45 KB, 828x937, 5FD9E969-921A-495C-9DC7-0B6EF9…)

Whatever you’re expecting, I promise you aren’t ready for this treat No. 1109780
>>1109762It’s not just a bed. It’s a whole culinary experience “n2f style”
Once you’ve learnt to sage lurk harder.
No. 1109799
>>1109749Is it me or does it look like there has been an attempt to clean the goomba and the jars?
>>1109798I guess pizza isn't the only thing she inhales.
No. 1109802
>>1109724You love it there, Lee, and you know it. You and all the other uselessly immature Munchies whose greatest fear is having a single responsibility.
Try your hardest to get admitted →
Get admitted →
Whine, complain, and regularly insult all the staff who are obligated to follow protocol to "help" you →
Get kicked out/Leave because your attention quota has been met→
Try your hardest to get admitted →
It really should be boring to me by now, but somehow it continues to make me really angry still, so I keep watching. Fuck her and people like her!
No. 1109884
File: 1608317743314.png (600.71 KB, 483x780, not even all in.png)

Seems like Ham didn't notice her view count until she read about it here. Nothing to do with people looking at things tagged on Elzani's account, ofc.
Nice self congratulatory post there. Never get those views again, so don't get hooked on the one-off dopamine rush.
No. 1109917
File: 1608320306879.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 683B22D3-ECBC-4F24-91F6-61F833…)

def lurking. we were just talking about the views on this vid
No. 1109930
>>1109920No problem. Only confirms my suspicion.
Unclear when bingo happens. Is it with a video post? HANNAH IF YOU NEED US TO SEND HELP BLINK TWICE. Marina Joyce will always be my favourite interwebs happening.
No. 1109939
File: 1608322988554.jpg (907.48 KB, 1079x1749, Screenshot_20201218-142130_Ins…)

Begging for sponsorships now
No. 1109943
File: 1608323244697.png (109.35 KB, 720x903, Screenshot_20201218-202624~2.p…)

>>1109941Oh wait…
No. 1109950
File: 1608324008984.jpeg (121.33 KB, 750x687, 4391C6A1-8252-4D03-BA6A-4D1627…)

>>1108267Your wish has been granted
I guarantee we will still get ana-chans using ‘awareness’ as an excuse to post emaciated body checks and needing to emphasise they have never ever struggled with anything as dirty and shameful as BED themselves
No. 1109966
File: 1608325618574.jpg (576.78 KB, 1080x1384, 20201218_150518.jpg)

I saw this and did a double take. This is the most normal looking meal I've seen from N2F
No. 1109977
>>1109966That's HER plate?? What the…
Hey, I saw mince pie flavour and gingerbread flavour skinny syrup in Home Bargains today. Disappointed she hasn't used it in any bakes.
How so they make spices "skinny"?
Impressed with the size of the sprouts.
No. 1109984
File: 1608327112725.jpg (118.67 KB, 1080x1178, 20201218_152847.jpg)

>>1109977I'm sure you're shocked to find out that it's just a gimmick because they want to sell more shit. They're currently £0.99 on the skinnyfoodco's website! What a deal.
No. 1110008
File: 1608328249835.png (688.23 KB, 728x426, gm.png)

>>1109716This is really bad. She makes Divine (who she looks vaguely like) look slim.
No. 1110016
>>1109966This looks so clean and normal. She even seasoned her vegetables.
>>1109977If you're ever tempted to try Skinny Sauce, my advice is don't. There was some Skinny sweet chili mayonnaise in my local Home Bargains so I thought I'd see why it's so popular. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever put in my mouth. The taste wasn't terrible but the texture was like semen mixed with congealed vomit.
No. 1110020
>>1110016Recently mentioned I bought the marshmallow syrup from HB as a tribute to n2f. Medicine flavoured spunk. I binned it. If you want a lighter spread type thing, Choc Shots are best. Being on sale at HB makes me wonder if they have a lot of over stock because they don't sell well because it's shit.
Btw, really think Moll and Elzani are the ones she copied. Esp. Molly. She seems to have little knowledge about actually being anorexic/eating disordered.
No. 1110179
File: 1608339087596.png (270.5 KB, 211x669, huh.png)

>>1110164I was tempted to buy the gingerbread because it was cheaper than the real stuff. Checked my brain and shelled out for the real thing. I've used the marshmallow in a yogurt (binned) but my partner tried in coffee. He said you'd have to pour so much into the cup to get any taste it'd be 1 part coffee, 99 parts syrup. I can't believe it's popular. If I couldn't tolerate sugar for any reason, I'd rather do without.
I find natural sweeteners (fruit derivatives) are good (like in Choc Shots), but chemical sweeteners are junk. At least that one is. She needs to discover another brand or just bite the bullet and and buy real syrups.
Img. Ham's words translate as:
>you don't even have to look ill or underweight to be anorexic. It's RUDE and UNACCEPTABLE to doubt I'm healthy!!1 No. 1110236
>>1110204IRL, going off a biog, he had a shitty personality but he was amazing and funny so he was allowed to have bad personality flaws.
>>1110216They kind of hold on to any water in your stomach. Difficult to get down. Not pleasant. Idk, if someone relies on zoodles and tasteless muck then they need help. I hate being sucked into thinking mmmm this alien food must be good. Then realise it's restrictive who rave about it. After suffering the bowel issues with zoodles they deserve to experience egg noodles. The rice is worse. Like lumps of erasers. Even astronaut space food is more appetising.
No. 1110240
File: 1608346546577.jpg (321.47 KB, 1080x1038, 20201219_125236.jpg)

Poetic timing for both these cows. Ma DeHydRaTiOn. For those non aussies, its between 30-34 degrees (93F) most days in these areas with 60-90% humidity.
No. 1110242
File: 1608346577731.png (1.1 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201219-025544.png)

Oookay, place your bets!
No. 1110262
>>1110216>>1110045>>1110211>>1110236konjac noodles are a asian thing - in Japan they're like a special occasion / holiday thing. usually they're prepared with a super decadent sauce & loads of veggies & high quality meat. they're supposed to be incredibly thoroughly rinsed rinsed and then boiled for just a few minutes - that helps with the "fishy" flavor and keeps them from getting so rubbery they can't be digested.
so yeah, zero calorie or super low calorie but they're actually really nice and pleasant when treated right. it's just all these fucking ana-chans hard boiling it and then dumping their walden farms alfredo sauce saying it's nasty.
saged for weaboo culinary sperg
No. 1110319
>>1110242deffo not before Xmas & New Years. Bingers gonna binge, amiright?
I give it 1-2 weeks after the fuckton of calories from food & booze she consumes over xmas/new years to return to asspat HQ for some well needed tube feeding and coddling.
No. 1110359
>>1110242If Aus goes in to lockdown again it might be sooner than we think…
No better place to ride out the pandemic than NFC!
No. 1110405
Interesting reading on Skinny Food seems the only people that are able to eat this slop are anachans with no sense of taste.
No. 1110454
File: 1608380339585.jpg (585.19 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20201219_121307.jpg)

So yes, a normal person has snacks, but I for one have never heard of a "snack plate"…literally a whole plate of snacks. An IP meal plan for weight gain wouldn't even have this much as a snack. Ham, I think you'll find this is a "binge plate". Now step down off your pedestal and stop encouraging this ED behaviour.
No. 1110461
>>1110454That's a lot of snacks in one sitting just as an average person unless you plan on having a night of movies or something like that, that's not normal. Most people will grab one or two snacks between meals and once again nothing healthy in sight! She's having these "fear" foods of sugary processed junk most days.
This girl does not have anorexia and I don't believe she ever did, I think she's just an Elzani wannabe by the way she acts in her cringe videos of trying foods, it's extremely fake and forced, it comes across so unnatural the way she acts. This girls only mental problem is munchousins and a case of skinwalker.
No. 1110467
File: 1608382161277.jpg (414.72 KB, 719x1163, Screenshot_2020-12-19-12-40-47…)

Recovery accounts need to be taught the difference between binging and listening to hunger . This girl has been recovering for a while so it's clearly not extreme hunger. Thinner than Han so she gets a pass… For now….
No. 1110520
>>1110508yeah an average snack would be like? one of those nakd bars. sorry for a bit of blog posting but my meal plan had a nakd bar and a piece of fruit as a snack and that was weight restoration lol. idk what this girl is on. i wish she’d actually give us some backstory or even photos of her looking even slightly anorexic. the diagnostic criteria literally sets out a certain weight, otherwise it’s OFSED/EDNOS.
I think she decided larping anorexia would get her out of any responsibility, as a prev anon mentioned, she doesn’t seem to work or go to any kind of education.
My thoughts are she has MH issues and maybe is with CAMHS and used depression/anxiety whatever to get out of going to school but realised she wasn’t getting enough attention for that so decided to pretend she’s anorexic. Low self esteem and eating her feelings, maybe. But she is NOT anorexic.
No. 1110584
File: 1608399292457.png (849.62 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201219-173326.png)

Her #challenge was a chicken sarnie instead of a ham one.
No. 1110597
>>1110529No dietician would say this plateful of sugar is a "snack". Soz to blogpost, but as mentioned above, a snack fom my old ward was also one of the nakd bars and a milky coffee, or a piece of fruit and a milky drink.
I can just imagine the face of any qualified dietician if this is what she said comprised of one "snack". She's doing more harm than good to her followers by saying that it's remotely okay. And just how she ogled over elzani and molly, there's gonna be some cow ogling of Ham, probably going the step further to challenge Hams "snack plate" with something ridiculous like a double snack plate…just because the ED voice said it was toooo scawwyy.
No. 1110610
>>1110584But she has no problem ~spontaneously~ eating brownies, biscuits, hot chocolate? Nah Han I’m not buying what you’re selling here
>>1110597Yeah even for weight restoration it’s like an eat natural/nature valley/nakd bar or toast with pb/jam or biscuits with milk. Not platefuls of junk. Her blood sugar must be all over the place. These ~all in~ “warriors” always slate meal plans but you can’t argue they don’t have their purpose. Han’s probably never seen one in her life though
No. 1110611
File: 1608401314687.jpg (65.88 KB, 1012x892, lt.JPG)

>>1110597Not going to be an uber cow blogposter and post a meal plan, but this is a shot from the Louis Theroux "Talking to Anorexia" documentary. Snacks are pretty balanced, adding something ~scary~ plus some calcium, protein, y'know, something nutritious which Ham doesn't do.
You might want to take notice of THEIR plate, Ham. Get some perspective about recovery snacks.
No. 1110617
>>1110611inb4 we see her ~challenging~ a Twix or Kit Kat chunky lol
(you’re welcome, Han)
No. 1110618
File: 1608401769361.jpg (91.05 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

No. 1110646
>>1110642Bearing in mind 3 snacks a day, that’s just one snack, fuck me. How much laxido must she need to get a bowel movement?
Wait we’ll get a post about how she makes it in a large glass with squash like they all do.
No. 1110662
File: 1608406259528.jpg (1.35 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20201219-192934_Ins…)

GanerGains new gym looking clean and fresh and not like a coof reservoir
No. 1110666
File: 1608406504129.gif (645.4 KB, 214x208, ewomg.gif)

>>1110662I've seen cleaner squats (as in accommodation, not exercise).
Is that FOAM? It looks like n2f's scrambled egg.
No. 1110667
File: 1608406757958.jpg (137.11 KB, 1201x773, lol.JPG)

No. 1110681
File: 1608407239685.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3464x3464, D9F11001-D509-4D07-871B-A83C2B…)

what's up with the quirky side smirk?
No. 1110694
File: 1608408816437.png (935.77 KB, 1234x815, it gets weirder.png)

No. 1110700
>>1110694>Food is nutritiousAldi rice cake bar
Dark Chocolate Coating (72%) (Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Powder, Emulsifiers: Lecithins (𝐒𝐨𝐲𝐚), Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate; Flavourings, Orange Powder), Puffed Brown Rice (28%).𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐘 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐄: For Allergens, See Ingredients In Bold. May Also Contain 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤.
Wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil (palm oil from sustainable and certified plantations, rapeseed oil), candy sugar syrup, raising agent (sodium hydrogen carbonate), soy flour, salt, cinnamon.
Angel Delight
Sugar, Modified Starch, Palm Oil, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Gelling Agents (Sodium Phosphates, Diphosphates), Emulsifiers (Propylene Glycol Esters of Fatty Acids, Lecithins), Milk Chocolate Powder (2%) (Sugar, Cocoa Mass, Whole Milk Powder, Cocoa Butter, Skimmed Milk Powder), Lactose (Milk), Milk Proteins, Colours (Plain Caramel, Carotenes), Whey Powder (Milk), Calcium Carbonate, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Flavouring
Jammie Dodgers
Ingredients: Wheat flour, Raspberry flavour plum jam (23%) (Glucose–fructose syrup, Plums, Humectant (Glycerol), Sugar, Gelling agent (Pectins), Acidity regulator (Sodium citrates), Acid (Citric acid), Colour (Anthocyanins), Flavourings), Sustainable palm oil, Sugar, Glucose syrup, Raising agent (Ammonium carbonates), Salt.
Looking for nutrition
No. 1110734
File: 1608411008007.jpeg (2.58 MB, 3464x3464, 9BFF9773-2F3B-49AF-AE87-78718F…)

sage for blogpost but here are some of the snacks from the biggest treatment center in the us. note how even the gainer snacks in second pic are still nutritionally balanced.
No. 1110740
File: 1608411469987.jpg (264.38 KB, 1080x1709, 20201219_145646.jpg)

Ganer either thinks she looks like this or thinks she will on her current plan of cream of rice and rice
No. 1110741
>>1110740She doesn't even realise those are breast implants, no doubt.
Idk, it's sad about Ganer, but I really can't wait to see her with all the fake tan on.
No. 1110772
File: 1608413640100.jpg (264.79 KB, 1080x1679, 20201219_153322.jpg)

Laura announced that she was on level 3 two days ago. Now she's back to where she had been. Shocking.
No. 1110780
>>1110776She might mean "total lockdown" like in March onwards. Even then I don't recall any regs about not being able to leave or visit a tier 4 area.
Who gives a fuck, really. It's only a day. Celebrate when it's over ffs.
No. 1110801
File: 1608415676826.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, 6B1F3854-2B1F-48E9-B8F3-78A153…)

No. 1110806
>>1110789Nah, you're not dumb. Even UK people don't understand the tier system or know how other countries governments are doing a piss poor job of dealing with a pandemic.
>>1110795Looking at that gym's account, they do big up the fact there's a ~community~ spirit, so yeah. They kind of embraced her. Pure Gyms are where you drop in and out and that's it. I want to see her do well.
>>1110801The stench must be ungodly. Looks like spaghetti comes out very undercooked from the kettle.
No. 1111062
File: 1608443090404.png (Spoiler Image,845.57 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201220-054406.png)

No. 1111067
>>1111062WTF?! i wouldn't even call them sausage fingers, those motherfuckers are some chorizo level digits!
and that palm… im speechless!
i know our Porgie is an obese whale, but fuck me, how could ANYONE in their right mind would tube that lil piggy, regardless of how much they are getting paid?!
how is this NFC not been exposed on A Current Affair or a medical negligence lawsuit been slammed on them?!
No. 1111099
>>1110890Or a feeder.
>>1111062Doesn't help that she has stubby fingers
No. 1111102
>>1111062Holy fuck.
Anyone else imitate that “slimming” hand pose themselves and look between their own hand and the picture in disbelief?
No. 1111137
>>1110734poptarts, candy, and oreos are balanced?
IF she was actually a recovering anorexic I wouldn't say Hams snack is too outrageous, sure it's mostly carbs and not a whole lot of anything else but with a weight gain meal plan it's not hard to get essential nutrients fibre etc in, sometimes empty calories are needed to get a surplus because they're not as filling. Have seen registered dietitians recommend things like fish and chips, meat pies etc to patients like the elderly who aren't able to keep their weight up so sometimes just getting enough energy is the main nutritional goal. And no Ham doesn't need it and yes she's annoying/fake af but kind of feels a bit nitpicky
No. 1111174
File: 1608467776241.jpg (312.46 KB, 1080x1553, Screenshot_20201220_123412.jpg)

These clips sound like ganer is trying to give birth to a hippo
No. 1111202
File: 1608474696871.png (4.67 MB, 828x1792, BAC26B1B-B19B-4443-AE22-F5212B…)

is bored_with_ana actually acting as if she’s a newborn baby who’s never tried bloody cereal before ???? also we love the wide legged stance all the anachans are adopting
No. 1111301
File: 1608488754144.jpg (142.48 KB, 491x871, fs.jpg)

No. 1111316
File: 1608490123116.jpeg (286.58 KB, 573x907, B5D7C02A-FFAF-41D2-94F4-47C2D4…)

Hunchback of Norte Dame looking ass
No. 1111366
>>1111301Why does she have to cram as many ~recovery~ mantras as possible into every single photo? If anything it makes her shit look MORE bogus
>>1111335Treatment for what? I mean it’s not gonna be a restrictive eating disorder kek
No. 1111391
File: 1608498086927.jpeg (1.12 MB, 824x1299, A7CB0E37-671B-4B56-87FA-979FED…)

dare i say n2f’s meals are becoming … more …. normal ?????,?,,???
No. 1111392
File: 1608498266819.jpg (721.3 KB, 1080x1850, 20201220_150330.jpg)

>>1111391She's throwing curveballs here and there. For the most part, it's the weird shit we know and love.
No. 1111393
>>1111391She's in the kitchen!
Having cucumbers with chips and beans is still… a choice, but this does look cleaner and more normal…
>>1111392… aaaaaand there it is.
No. 1111398
File: 1608498736870.jpg (652.3 KB, 1080x1852, Lissy's brekkie.jpg)

>>1111393There was also this interesting combo this morning. She dumped a protein shake on it and mashed it all together.
No. 1111400
File: 1608498864860.jpg (490.22 KB, 1080x1949, 20201220_151402.jpg)

>>1111398Here's the final product
No. 1111401
File: 1608498895943.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1696, FE4AEFBE-FC0A-4011-BC6C-E14D0F…)

Ham’s nightly snack plate. How many of these things contain the oh-so~scaaawyyy~ milk?
No. 1111408
>>1111398cherry bakewell
pumpkin spice
salted caramel
peanut butter
mince pie
I just…..what is the point of mixing all these different flavours together. Why.
No. 1111409
File: 1608499694037.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x1928, Screenshot_20201220-152655_Ins…)

>>1111408Here's another one from this evening
No. 1111411
File: 1608499779571.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1118x1676, ADFD162A-CC82-4F0F-A674-06FFB4…)

Accidentally came across this while looking at dharmas instagram (trying to familiarize myself on account of a recent post ab her since shes one of those cows who’s almost always dry) aanyway and i now feel like there has to be an explanation to this pic…like a crossover origin story episode?
No. 1111456
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>>1111316She's the most self unaware person with her face expressions and appearance
No. 1111469
>>1111455And it reads like they're taking the kids.
Honestly thought
>Hannah, you have gotten so much stronger and you can see how far you’ve come!Far said fat
No. 1111515
File: 1608508865371.jpg (53.32 KB, 615x435, 0_range-shots-landscape-1_LR.j…)

>>1111407It's biscuit flavoured tea. I looked it up because Paris drinks the toast and jam one. They like their novelties these cows.
No. 1111558
File: 1608511854338.gif (970.44 KB, 500x213, up north.gif)

>>1111542Gosh, a tea from North of Watford. Those poor, poor people and their grim lives.
No. 1111616
>>1111557Elzani has also made a bunch of brownie videos and tried them way back in her anorexia "docco" and Hams now doing the same.
I honestly think ham just wants to be like Elzani, she tries the same foods and even tries acting like her with her stupid facial expressions and horrible acting.
No. 1111623
>>1111557>Elzani explained in her latest video how important it is to drink milk for calcium in recovery The vegans must be
triggered by this. Are there many comments from
triggered vegans?
No. 1111629
File: 1608518683030.jpeg (Spoiler Image,359.23 KB, 821x609, B50E6FA4-CE80-4CA2-A9E4-743671…)

I can only apologise that this has taken me probably the best part of like 6 threads to do, but ya know, health stuff. Here we are though: the long awaited review of Paige’s book (and I use that term very lightly having had a skim through.)
It’s 206 pages long and features no body check photos, which I was really surprised to see. It’s also not divided into chapters at all which makes reviewing it kinda hard as I don’t know where to stop or where things end. Beyond that, it really doesn’t get any better than the excerpts she’s posted. Bad grammar, self-congratulatory nonsense, endless run-on paragraphs about absolutely nothing. A real fucking headache to read.
The first 3-4 introductory pages consist of Paige breaking up with her anorexia and a long, fake-inspirational spiel willing her readers not to give into their eating disorders,
followed by some stuff about how we live in a society where money and politics reign supreme and no one cares about ~imagination~ or ~love~ any more. Very r/im14andthisisdeep-esque, very painful to read. Does anyone know how old this girl is?! The whole thing reads like someone trying way too hard to seem intellectual and inspirational. This book is classified under the ‘self-help’ category on the site I bought it from as well. I’m not going to share my thoughts on that.
There isn’t much to say about this part. She goes on about how anorexia is her security blanket but she needs to let it go and this book is her way of doing it. Which is funny now that she’s releasing another one. She really needs to stick to her day job, writing isn’t her calling.
She finishes this ‘section’ - I am classifying it as a section as there’s a heading marked ‘DNA’ directly under this after which I’m presuming she moves onto the ‘plot’ - with a statement about how she isn’t a writer, she just wants to tell her story. I swear it’s a real phenomenon with these anachans where they think their particular cases of anorexia are special and unique enough to warrant 200+ pages of rubbish. The realisation that I paid six quid to read what are essentially the ramblings of an attention-starved wannabe Marya Hornbacher is sinking in now. God help me.
I tried to summarise this as best as I could without waffling on about unrelated crap. Let me know if you want a review of what I’m going to call chapter 2 (or 1? If we’re considering this to be a prologue) and let me know if you guys want more detail/direct quotes etc. Normally I would include screenshots of quotes but there wasn’t much to this bit at all despite how long this ended up being but consider it an early, on-going Christmas gift. I’ve included the first part of the intro as a screenshot. Peace.
No. 1111630
File: 1608518720525.jpg (598.48 KB, 1080x1760, 20201220_203712.jpg)

Spent three hours walking around a grocery store and picked out six things. That seems off, but maybe it's just me.
In another post, she's showing off "fakeaway sauces," which come from N2F's favorite fake syrup maker.
No. 1111710
>>1111623Vegan here and was literally so
triggered I haven't stopped convulsing since she uploaded the video.
No. 1111763
File: 1608539901290.png (2.43 MB, 1080x1817, Screenshot_20201221-023413(1).…)

Just found this cow on TikTok jen.peach
She flaunts her abs around and claims she's eating 4,000 calories a day. A few days ago she mentioned she just started eating cooked foods, however her past "meals" before that have been cooked foods. Always plates of frosted fruits and powdery mush.
No. 1111801
>>1111629Aw you’re the best anon (hope your health is improving too!)
So it’s basically what we expected then, a load of self-indulgent drivel from someone neither fully recovered or fully literate. Marya you are not, Paige luv
No. 1111864
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>>1111763Wtf this girl is so disgusting. I know we shit on Georgia and Ham for only eating fats and carbs but Jen is straight up prompting orthorexia
No. 1111873
>>1111629More would be fantastic. It truly is awful.
>we live in a society where money and politics reign supreme and no one cares about ~imagination~ or ~love~ any more. Bit difficult to sit around zoning out to Alice in Wonderland when you're in the red and can't afford a Costa and cake every day and ~cocktail nights~. Another cow who has no idea how life works.
No. 1111932
File: 1608568925062.png (148.38 KB, 720x730, Screenshot_20201221-164011~2.p…)

Saw this and thought of n2f. Spam burger with crushed Oreo and mayo.
Btw, she's given us a new bake.
No. 1111936
File: 1608569603727.jpg (813.56 KB, 1079x1449, Screenshot_20201221-105122_Ins…)

Kill me
No. 1111941
>>1111936The face is smiling, but inside it weeps.
Meatballs are probably dog food. Veggie but seen these being eaten and the diner said they're soft and require no chewing. That goes against nature.
No. 1112009
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>>1111938Oh, I wasn't saying that for myself. It looks like the face bowl is covered in tumors and needs to be put out of its misery.
Anyway, Hannah does what she's wanted to do for years: eat a mince pie
No. 1112033
>>1109440I'm doing it. What a nice gem for a boring day!
Of course she wanted a Costa pie, it's fucking MASSIVE.
No. 1112048
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No. 1112060
File: 1608577951810.png (1.56 MB, 1920x1080, NO BINGO.png)

Hamum joined the irritating mother club.
No. 1112066
File: 1608578299875.jpg (457.8 KB, 1080x1613, 20201221_131738.jpg)

RIP in peace, baked bean.
No. 1112084
File: 1608579542641.jpg (217.47 KB, 1080x717, 20201221_133654.jpg)

Sorry if still a banned topic but am I allowed to laugh at using a body check for a fucking house tour thumbnail? Because I did. I absolutely did.
No. 1112103
>>1112084I wonder if she wears crop tops like that around the house all the fucking time or if it's just for youtube.
Like doesn't she still live with her parents? It's fucking weird.
No. 1112105
File: 1608580710640.jpg (47.61 KB, 695x305, yum.JPG)

>>1112100I think mince pies are sweet, but it'll be the icing sugar on top and no doubt a load of sugar in the pastry making it sweeter. Yeah, sugar's the second ingredient.
No. 1112115
>>1112060>”what’s on the top is it flour or sugar”uhhhh girl u would know know full well what it was if you cared about calories/macros/ingredients that much
I have never seen a supposed “anorexic” look LESS ~scurred~ confronted with a pastry. jesus. I’ve gotta go for a bit before I get into a-log territory. what a fucking prat
No. 1112166
>>1112066holy fuck. the amount of beans on there. I’d hate to be her toilet tonight.
>>1112048Elzani has made the whole ~r3cOveRy WaRriOr~ community so much worse. So many annoying faker cows have tried to follow in her footsteps with
omg soOoO scawwryyyy! food posts with their insufferable mothers pampering them. Except Ham is worse than Elzani because at least E was genuinely ill.
No. 1112194
is this bitch serious i wanna puke
No. 1112209
File: 1608588505496.png (1.1 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201221-220742.png)

Greedy bitch back at the trough
No. 1112224
>>1112209Do u LiKe mY sNaCk pLaTes UwU
She wants allllll the asspats, doesn’t she?
Please keep posting them Hammy! They’re gr8 for a guaranteed chuckle
No. 1112228
File: 1608590439849.gif (Spoiler Image,16.93 MB, 600x1233, why alicia why.gif)

Dear N2F:
No. 1112259
>>1112209Okay like wow she had three things on the plate instead of four??? Is she okay?? Don’t want a relapse!!!
Also the fact that she has the picture where she looks the “sickest” as her pfp is too much like come on girl love yourself and stop being cringey on the internet
No. 1112512
File: 1608630757085.jpeg (579.16 KB, 817x1113, 09AA31FF-8C37-43F0-8F66-54E942…)

everyone’s wearing a mask but her and she’s the one in the hospital munching around (soz for shit edit on pic)
No. 1112515
>>1112084I feel like out of every disordered cow on here- Eugenia is the most sinister. She comes off as very innocent, (her constant body checks and clothing haul videos aside) the refusal to oust predators from her streams just make her cross over into criminally negligent, IMO.
She’s not just self destructive, like every other person posted here- she’s the epicenter of some really fucked up shit.
No. 1112592
>>1112585>food tastes good. Have you tried N2fs creations?
Yeah I hate how Ham looks at the food item as if it's a piece of dog shit.
No. 1112703
File: 1608664003621.png (666.38 KB, 810x740, YOURE WELCOME.png)

Saved you a job, Hannah,
No. 1112778
File: 1608671767519.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1906, 8180A8F1-C19B-46DC-BEE8-2C6C4A…)

is this bitch for real for real for real for real
No. 1112782
File: 1608672025663.jpg (192.21 KB, 1395x837, Capture.JPG)

Ham started following this account. Don't think this girl has/had an ED and not a cow, but guess Ham really does want to eat junk non stop.
She reminds me of a very much less fucked up n2f somehow. She was sent some sugar free cooking sauces called fakeaway. Anyway, yeah, I see our warrior getting chippy chips soon, being scared and then literally in love.
No. 1112786
File: 1608672240063.jpg (811.53 KB, 1079x1689, Screenshot_20201222-152236_Ins…)

>>1112782Seems like they're sending the sauces to all of the vegan instagram types
No. 1112787
>>1112778>inglufedStfu, May. Take the vaccine or don't. If you don't then you probably won't have permission to do certain things. Nothing's going to change it so suck it up, snowflake.
>>1112786I conclude from this the stuff takes like shit.
No. 1112790
File: 1608672416042.jpg (56.18 KB, 683x454, jfv.JPG)

Oh! Slight coincidence. Saw this on junkfoodvegan's account. It's not THE Molly Jones.
No. 1112804
File: 1608673310446.jpg (283.78 KB, 1080x1895, 20201222_154110.jpg)

>>1112778I had a breakdown because someone smiled at me and I couldn't see their mouth!!!
No. 1112813
>>1112790Don't be silly - that counter top is not nearly middle class enough.
Do you think Molly's mum is anti antidepressants?
No. 1112816
File: 1608674369512.gif (636.02 KB, 498x278, warrior.gif)

>>1112804When she gets busted for doing something incredibly stupid (as she does), she'll know what freedom really is…or isn't.
>>1112813Molly's mum definitely was into recreational drugs at one point. She looks like she enjoyed a bit of acid. Possibly still smokes a big fat spliff when she's having a deep conversation about theatre.
No. 1112820
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>>1112818Obviously. Hate masks but the longer that one covers her face in public the less horror on the streets.
No. 1112849
>>1112836It is when you think how many copycats she's spawned. Still, it's good to see Elzani not all spoopy in this year's Christmas pics. Waiting for the jolly one where her and sisters are jumping in the air. God, that was depressing when she was skele.
I still put the Elzani attraction down to girls aspiring to have her family and living conditions, money and all that. She managed to get herself fed, but where's the other parts of herself? Nah, I don't get it.
No. 1112875
>>1112817KEK first of all that is just a blatant lie. But if it were true it might make you look like less of a tranny crack whore, May. Your face is fucking busted. Maybe melting it off would help. At least then people might feel a little bit sorry for you considering everything else about you is
toxic sludge.
No. 1113186
File: 1608707325463.png (3.18 MB, 828x1792, 7A45CDA4-DBC3-47D3-B52C-2F2EF4…)

Well at least there’s one cow who can admit they have atypical anorexia and not just dive into the dainty Ana routine.
No. 1113259
>>1112585The thing is too that some people with EDs still enjoy food, it is the guilt that follows
>>1112703Looks like a Type 2 Diabetes starterkit
No. 1113285
File: 1608730691417.jpg (440.28 KB, 720x1282, Screenshot_2020-12-23-13-34-53…)

Happy lunch time, farmers! Are you all eating left over Halloween candy like our dear N2F?
No. 1113286
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No. 1113287
File: 1608730793546.jpg (468.15 KB, 720x1294, Screenshot_2020-12-23-13-35-49…)

Third time lucky?
No. 1113290
>>1113259I don’t think she struggles with guilt though, she’s pretty consistent shovelling in the sugar and we’d probably never hear the end of it if she compensated (although ik many people don’t admit to those things bc shame or w/e. Ham just seems the type to dramatise and exaggerate everyyything)
Gotta admit I’m intrigued about her situation. Nobody has their shit figured out at 17 but is she actually planning to do anything with her life or just continue to LARP ED ~recovery warrior~ ? As much as I dislike Becky, Paris etc at least they seem to have some other interests/hobbies and are genuinely fucked in the head enough to…not excuse but explain? hanging around mummy all day. But what does Ham actually DO other than orgasm over microwave rice?
No. 1113296
File: 1608732085075.jpg (368.2 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20201223_135820.jpg)

So Ham shares this girls account. I was secretly hoping it was gonna be a Ham copycat but she seems like a genuine ana in recovery and has normal amounts for her snacks Kek (I only watched her latest "what I eat in a day" vid)
Maybe Ham should take note
No. 1113300
>>1113290I feel the same about Becky and Paris. It's a shame they're genuinely ill because Becky could've done well with art and Paris is pretty nifty at fashion/style. Even Ash has her same old interests. Ham has nothing. At 17 she's a blank slate. As anon posted previously, there's a reason she's not at school. It's not like she's a genius who could leave early. The opposite of that.
>>1113286Possibly the best sweet for someone with 1% functioning taste buds. The citric acid in those make your teeth ache.
No. 1113344
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>>1113309>>1113324Fuck tier 4 lockdown, this is an excellent happening. Can't wait tbh!
No. 1113354
File: 1608739189638.png (84.35 KB, 459x334, Screenshot 2020-12-23 at 15.58…)

i am disgusted
No. 1113434
File: 1608746378769.png (912.93 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201223-175737.png)

Speaking of, this shit has grown tired so quickly.
Enjoy, Hanlover! Wrestling playfully with her in a big bowl of Nutella porridge?
No. 1113450
>>1113436I like own brands. Tesco are magnificent, for example. Aldi own brand is very poor except the coffee. Can't comment on nut spread, but those rice cakes are like Soviet russian food. I boycott Aldi after issues. That's all I'll say.
Kinda wonder what her 25th dinner's going to be like. Compared to lavishness of others, ie Elzani. Ham's handy to having this thread as the token less fortunate wannarexic. N2fs stash must be financed by the DWP.
No. 1113468
File: 1608750191190.jpg (222.49 KB, 1400x919, rainbow picnic pie.jpg)

>>1113462Okay, their cola's disgusting and the washing-up-liquid's crap, but I stick with that adjective otherwise.
Branston pickle vs. Tesco sweet pickle. No difference except in pence. Their dips and sauces are very good. Their recipes…look at that pie!
No. 1113497
>>1113450>Tesco are magnificentNot really. Buy luxury items and occasional treats in Marks & Spencer or Waitrose and for everything else there's Lidl.
It would be interesting to get a complete breakdown of what cows use what supermarkets to see if it influences their eating habits.
No. 1113500
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Laura's face is looking so bloated
No. 1113501
File: 1608752795056.png (734.94 KB, 797x686, SOON.png)

>>1113491a wink and a thumbs up emoji, anon!
Here's tomorrow's snack plate for Ham. She already ate the first so she's doing it again.
>>1113497n2f uses online expired food places. Influence is strong.
Oh, Tesco own is magnificent for basics. Treat items are a different thing. As much as I like Aldi coffee, Nescafe, whatever, I do splash out on expensive as fuck companies now and again and yes, you can't beat M&S sarnies.
No. 1113541
File: 1608754651534.png (70.53 KB, 942x631, ganercurious.png)

>>1113535I see that anon posted this question on quora.
No. 1113545
File: 1608754801766.jpg (190.64 KB, 1392x846, ganer v2.JPG)

Here's another ana warrior in her happy place.
No. 1113573
File: 1608756116598.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20201223-144120_Ins…)

I'm so glad she spelled pea right here.
No. 1113584
File: 1608756661826.png (724.84 KB, 1568x845, pee butty.png)

>>1113573MMmMMmm pee sanga! SHE'S IN THE KITCHEN AGAIN - WHAT??
Not sure why the batter scares her. My ol' folks have those (from Tesco lol) and it's not really batter like you get on fish. Those potato wedges look like they should be the problem food there. Oh god though, peas on white bread hahahaha jesus! Mushy would be more acceptable, except img.
No. 1113594
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>it's okay to eat past fullness
No. 1113608
File: 1608757603901.jpg (172.76 KB, 1080x1342, georgias plate.jpg)

>>1113594She's missing our attention so throws up something of Ham's. Sorry I put my eyes on your plate, Georgie. You deserve all that.
No. 1113650
>>1113573Why put the peas in bread, whyyyy?
Can there never be just a normal human meal, does everything have to be a weird concoction? It was so close to what humans consume, but she had to stuff that bread with goddamn peas
No. 1113732
File: 1608767437371.jpeg (163.56 KB, 750x1087, D1B110ED-7027-4070-BC25-F328C1…)

Anyone else raging that Morven feels it’s ok to be so rude to this woman getting out of an abusive relationship and renting her own flat?!
She worked part time at Starbucks as a teenager.
No. 1113734
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No. 1113752
>>1113734Wait. . . Morven is trying to somehow trying to make herself a
victim in this woman’s comments?? Like why does she always have to make her life seem the hardest/saddest?? Just accept your privileges and be happy for your friend jfc
No. 1113776
>>1113741Their last holiday was in Norfolk, so they're not arsed about staying in England. Might be visiting relatives?
>>1113747Thanks for the reply. Thought that'd be the case.
>>1113732In general I hate the thing where people hate that others have more money than they do. If morven had millions she'd still be unhappy and fucked up. She's a nasty piece of work. Good to hear someone got out of that relationship. She deserves to be comfortable in her own place. Being on benefits is difficult, but it's what you make it. Nobody's born with entitled to an easy life. Fuck her.
No. 1113849
File: 1608776477166.jpg (25.65 KB, 431x431, unnamed-2.jpg)

>>1113557Steroids also make you gain a lot of water weight. I doubt Ganer even takes creatine (which she should be using tbh) because it would make her gain water weight.
She's never going to be successful at bodybuilding because she's too afraid to gain even an ounce of fat. You NEED to gain fat in order to put on muscle, it's impossible not to. It seems like she thinks bodybuilders walk around looking like dehydrated beef jerky all the time, but they literally only look that lean on contest day. THe rest of the time you have to maintain a pretty decent amount of body fat in order to maintain your muscle mass. Pic related, the right is what ganer SHOULD look like during a bulking phase.
No. 1113880
>>1113873Evil sweets, anon. disagree with that article though. They're all smashing sweets apart from lemon sherbets and Polo mints.
No. 1113914
File: 1608783039838.jpg (345.75 KB, 1073x1682, 20201223_220941.jpg)

Clean your mirror, Porgie
No. 1113918
File: 1608783557028.jpg (424.25 KB, 1080x1624, IMG_20201224_141724.jpg)

Healing.jose mentioned a while back. Another hospital frequent flyer with countless petty admissions. Can't do this? Doesn't like the tube? Sure hun.
No. 1113970
>>1113732We know she’s autistic right? So I don’t even think she realises she is being rude. She has basically recoiled from the internet anyway (unless anyone is on her speshul close fwend list).
I have a lot of problems with her but I think the abruptness and rudeness is just because she has absolutely zero social skills n is autistic. if she crawled out of her own ass and tried to engage with therapy and look at the way she treats people then maybe things would change. But that’ll never happen.
I don’t think she’s intentionally malicious, not like solostinmymind was (
triggering other spoops etc.) but she needs to get a grip one way or another. Or she’ll just die one day N be remembered as this scabby faced skelly who everyone thought was a bitch.
No. 1114005
>>1113481I'm enjoying Hamface as well
Nice replacement for Molly anyways
No. 1114031
>>1114006Yes, but there is no way to eat enough of a surplus of calories to build significant muscle without also gaining some fat. That's why bodybuilders bulk and cut - bulk to build the muscle, cut to lose the extra fat that inevitably comes with it. Even "lean" bulking comes with fat gain. Fat is also important for strength. That's why olympic lifters and powerlifters are usually pretty chunky. Fat also stores and secretes hormones, most notably estrogen, which is part of why very underweight women lose their periods, and why obese women end up with hormone-related disorders like PCOS. It's especially unhealthy for women to maintain very low levels of body fat for a long time. Most fitness competitors gain 10-20 pounds immediately after their show is over.
I don't know if Ganer doesn't know any of this, if she somehow thinks that the rules that apply to every other human body on the planet somehow dont apply to her, or if she is just too scared of gaining weight to care. It's winter, it's bulking season, she should be trying to gain as much as she can. If she's hoping to compete this summer, there is no way she's going to be ready.
No. 1114111
>>1113481this one was not a self post, (me lol) though
>>1114103 these ones are 100%
No. 1114114
File: 1608820723165.jpg (591.43 KB, 2048x1485, lastsupper.JPG)

Merry Christmas Eve farmers, here’s my nominee for the next thread pic. Food courtesy of n2f and ham!
No. 1114125
File: 1608822830862.png (1.13 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201224-151311.png)

WELL, YES, duh.
No. 1114143
>>1114114Kek Hammum peeping in.
Fabulous Ganer gurn.
Top job anon.
No. 1114186
I've started the new thread earlier than usual so we can enjoy the festive pic. Soz, I have no patience at Xmas. Excited like a little child.