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No. 1112272
Jonny Craig and his fiance Syndey English
Last Thread
>>>/snow/1082146If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
34 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.
The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread > syd is close to giving birth & the rollercoaster has just begun. this is a containment thread so people stop bitching about people posting Jonny/syd in the TND thread Old Milk:
>Syd final shit out her baby and names it Storm Parker Monroe Craig>Taylor in a fit on jealously posts on twitter about how that was her and Jonny's name for there nonexistent child>Syd still vague posting about Tay on her IG>Jonny claiming to be sober while walking to the store with a white claw in his hand. Claims to have hurt himself on his walk to the store >Jonny still on heroin after showing off is bloating corpse body and freshly shaven face>Syd has a social media freakout on an innocent women who commented on Jonny's Instagram>Both still fighting with each other over Social Media>Jonny claims to be taking Syd on a "vacation" to propose to her after both of them post cryptic messages about each other on social media >While working on music in AZ Jonny posts a series of pics and vids on IG of him eye fucking himself and badly lip syncing to his shit tier music. Pupils nonexistent and face freshly shaven>Jonny posts on FB about heading to NY but instead goes to LA>Jonny goes to AZ to "record music" ends up going to LA instead without telling Syd and goes on a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive and buys himself discounted designer shoes and buys his son used and dirty shoes>Syd and Jonny fighting which ends in Syd removing Jonny from her bio twice>Still bragging about his shoes and money then a few hours later begging his fans to stream his music>Posts on IG about how much he hates to IRS>Still living in Syds moms trailer while claiming to be looking for a home in Sacramento>Still scamming people via song features and voice lessons >Syd still batshit crazy as ever >Jonny still talking about his "come up" but doesn't realize he fucked up every chance he got to back it big and now hes just washed up>Syd posting depresses shit to her IG and old pics of her smol body> still on-off> drama over alleged kidnapping of their son from Jonny and Syd's mom> turtlemom inserted herself> Syd still together with Jonny> Syd made her account private (at least for the moment)New milk:
> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his next court date is feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but Syn doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260 >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare but and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/1082146 social media links: No. 1112751
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Re: our debate over whether he gets money when someone listens to Jonny era DGD or emarosa, etc. Or maybe he’s talking about Slaves only?
No. 1112915
>>1112751it helps keep his name out there even if he doesn’t get royalties, which are tiny from streaming
this is the least objectionable thing he has done, it’s just normal professional self-hype
No. 1113124
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So even they know the only type of men whose willing to date them
No. 1113367
>>1113180not to bully you off but there was no point in posting this unless you were going to add proof or actually give milky details.
if you're just here to chime in i hope you enjoy the ride!
No. 1116309
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No. 1116334
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Before that first story
No. 1116335
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Y’all think she’s talking about jc tho? For some reason I don’t know
No. 1116927
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No. 1117905
>>1116927Basically saying she hates her life.
Syd, you had a choice to have a baby with this man or not. It's not like you found on four months in.
You made these choices of trying to play perfect fucking family picnic with jonny CRAIG, and now you have to live with it.
No. 1117970
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No. 1118069
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>>1117970I wonder if it's anything to do with this expose of Sawyer.
No. 1118070
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>>1118069It's a bit of a sidestep, and JC apparently hates MS, but he might get dragged in to it.
No. 1118106
>>1117970What happened to 2021 iS OuR YeAr
No. 1118400
>>1118109I mean junkies who know each other 5 min and desperately need a rig will share so it's possible?
>>1118112idk how I didn't even notice that they didn't do some fake bs happiest fam in the world on Christmas post
No. 1118655
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No. 1118907
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No. 1119265
>>1118728imagine having your second attempt at a kid despite being nearly sterile and you fuck it up in the first year because you couldnt put down the needle and not hit your wife
kids fucked
No. 1119391
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Sure Syd, sureeee.
No. 1119393
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Those eyebrows tho
No. 1119418
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Are you fucking kidding me… every time I think he can’t get any trashier/nastier
No. 1119421
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No. 1119454
>>1119421lol I saw the pic before watching the video and thought "fair play Jonny, even as a fat washed up junkie you can pick up a short woman and place her on your shoulder"
no he just slowly and awkwardly bent over hahaha
No. 1119474
>>1119439I'm sure she's put him through enough at this point that he has probably threatened to walk away if she doesn't stop obviously cucking him on IG, so she tolerates it and helps him hide it in exchange for little gas-ups where he shows off the one part of her anyone but him can stand to look at. Staying with an
abusive junkie loser for instathot clout, what has the world become??
>>1119454If he's high maybe he was going slow so he wouldn't fall over?
No. 1119784
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Sage for no milk but can we please talk about how JC looks like a much trashier version of Riff Raff. Which is really saying something cause Riff Raff is the embodiment of steamy trash. Syd's story is littered with jc white trash faggotry and I'm keking at the fact that she decided to breed with that fucking thing.
No. 1119792
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This is what I imagine sex with jc would look like…
No. 1120024
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No. 1120032
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>>1120024She's a bit a of a cow herself.
They seem to have been 'friends' for a long time. Wouldn't surprise me if this was one of the women he was cheating on taylor with too.
No. 1120046
>>1120024Jonny is a home wrecker you dumb bitch Syd, it's not like girls have magical real life syren powers where they sound their horns and men are suddenly hypnotized into falling on them and accidentally slipping their dick in.
He's making the conscious choice to flirt and cheat with other women, how does that not register to her? He will forever keep on doing it too because Syds an idiot and will always blame the other girl instead.
I couldn't stay with someone having constant doubts and anxiety about them cheating every time they left the house or even another room with their phone, why would you decide to stay in that sort of
toxic state?
No. 1120060
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They are FB friends, and she talks to him/about him a lot, but he really doesn't respond back. He seems like the type that would do things behind the scenes tho. Not sure if they are actual friends, or she's a mega fan.
No. 1120067
>>1120046lmao it's literally textbook. narcissists do something called triangulation, where they just involve another girl, typically provoke her or just get her to flirt back and hide what they did to provoke her, and then "coincidentally" it somehow becomes knowledge to the one in the relationship and they get jealous, put on a fucking show for the one pulling the strings, and give them that sweet validation. narcissists are not people, they are literally vampires lmao. every single time she responds in any way, especially even negative responses, he wins. the more he fucks up, and still gets her to fight for him, he wins. it's that simple.
she lost the moment she gave him time, let alone even have his whole ass child that will outlive both of these dumb fucks. pray for that kid to get the attention of a teacher or social worker who will encourage him to be even stronger than his parents, and shatter both of their empty narcissistic juggalo delusions.
No. 1120091
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No. 1120092
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No. 1120094
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No. 1120095
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No. 1120096
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Pretty sure this is her. They follow each other and I scrolled down and she does have pics of them in a car together. So it seems to me she is more than just a super fan, but I don’t know much more than that
No. 1120097
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I think they are friends considering jonny follows her on Instagram.
No. 1120106
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Syd has definitely known about this girl for awhile even in the post from Carissa back in March 2020 from her IG. She even tagged Syd’s IG in this referring to JC and Syd’s kid as her nephew. I get the vibe this was once a hardcore fan who actually made it into being a friend but still in that warp tour star struck phase. I get the feeling she wanted to date JC but the feelings weren’t mutual so her way of keeping him in her life is clinging to that he’s my brother/BFF thing girls do. Just my guess
No. 1120219
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Tinfoil, jonny has HIV right? He gave it to Taylor, and if he's had a baby with Syd it's likely she's also got it. This could explain a lot about storm.(tinfoiling, not milk)
No. 1120226
>>1120106I remember I saw this post and shared it on TNDs thread when they still didn’t officially announce and she wrote that publicly lol.
They prob fuck on the down low. Just one of those fuck buddies
No. 1120229
>>1120106If they’re good friends and she cares about him, she might just be telling him Syd isn’t good for Johnny/
abusive (the irony) or something and telling him it’s okay to leave her. Which Syd would see as homewrecking instead of a reason to examine her own psychotic behavior. Just a tinfoil, though, I don’t know.
No. 1120344
>>1120229I agree with you, carisa probably told jonny to drop Syd.
Do you guys remember Syd posting a screenshot of someone saying "I told jonny this is why you don't knock psycho fans up" or something along those lines. Wonder if it was Carissa. I looked in the old threads but couldn't find it.
No. 1120349
>>1120106Well she said baby nephew, did she mean Storm? That would mean she's referring to herself as a sister, that'd be really weird if they hooked up lol. She said she defends him from internet trolls and breaks him out of hospitals, so maybe he uses her for that and brought her to after parties in exchange idk. Getting that insecure and calling this girl a home wrecker is like next level fucking embarrassing. She needs to spend quality time with people instead of doing this, even if it's an online class because of covid, it will give her space and Johnny may actually come to her. Maybe in child development so she can understand the damage she's doing to that innocent child.
PFP is really cute btw, Syd's probably jealous of you too.
No. 1120357
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Lmao her subtweets toward Taylor. I wonder if they actually hooked up
No. 1120371
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From the post where he announced asking Syd to marry him
No. 1120436
>>1120105What I meant was meth/heroin dealers normally sell both together. So if you're addicted to heroin, and you find a meth dealer, then that dealer probably sells heroin too. Or at least knows where to get it.
I'm an anon in recovery speaking from experience, you don't need to tell me the highs are completely different. I think everyone on this thread already knows that, lmao…
not trying to be rude at all! I think you just missed my point. Anyway. I just noticed Carissa is not his fb friend anymore? And JC deleted the post from his wall. That has Syd written all over it.
She probably threatened to kick him out if he didn't. Imagine being THAT insecure.
No. 1120456
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It seems like Syd will continue to try to force JC to get rid of every female in his life, even the ones who actually say nice things about her. Can’t tell if she’s trying to make sure he doesn’t cheat or just that unstable.
No. 1120472
>>1120106"sNeAkInG qTiPs FrOm ThE nUrSeS"
To shoot up, perhaps?
No. 1120479
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Too bad Sydsopyscho scared her off. She could’ve gotten some free eyebrows from homegirl. Would’ve done wonders for her ugly mug.
No. 1120559
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Holy shit. It’s getting milk in here, ladies!
No. 1120575
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No. 1120581
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No. 1120595
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A burner account left this comment 16 hours ago on Macy’s first IG post, which is of Jonny.
No. 1120603
>>1120564I never said he cheated. Who knows if he did. I posted it because it’s milk. She’s clearly going after a lot of people who’ve helped him out or have been in recent contact with.
I wonder who smashed the phone and why? Lmao
Oh to be a fly on the wall for 24 hours in that house of horrors
No. 1120633
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Lmao jonny is out getting loans from his friends, so much for living his best lyfe!
No. 1120674
>>1120559>>1120633Lol syd so psycho thinks he cheated because he was sent money?
This is why you don’t get together and have a baby with a serial cheater. Because you’ll always think they’re cheating on you. And I’m sure he is cheating on her. But all her evidence isn’t proof of cheating.
What a train wreck.
No. 1120715
>>1120633imagine your baby daddy asking some chick he knows for $$
and staying with him
and flipping out on the chick who was being generous to a washed up junkie
No. 1120779
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No. 1120791
>>1120780I looked at it earlier today right after
>>1120595was posted and it was still there, but she deleted it
No. 1120793
She's so embarrasing I want to rip my own head off and suffocate myself with it. Jonny is having the absolute time of his life fucking everything and anything because Syd never blames him
No. 1120800
>>1120779Kek I wonder how much more of this Jonny can take. I’m surprised he’s stuck around this long. Seems like his fan base is dwindling , especially after his last jail stay for DV. I’m sure ditching his psycho fiancé and baby boy that has potential special needs And multiple surgeries, is probably career suicide.
I think he’ll suck it up for one more year.
No. 1120805
>>1120800Exactly this, at least with Taylor even though they were dysfunctional she played the part of making their relationship look good and happy on social media, she had money to blow on him 24/7, and they did drugs together. Literally everything he could have wanted. Syd is just fucking psychotic and you know what, I can’t help but just laugh because he’s getting what he deserves. Look at how much he used to post her and make sappy posts about her to make their relationship seem like it was all great, and now he is barely active because every time he posts her she just goes batshit on anyone and everyone in his comments. She is literally chasing what little amount of a fan base he has left away. Everyone can tell they are both miserable together. Having a kid didn’t fix a damn thing like she clearly thought it would. They’re both miserable and deserve it together, but at this rate I can’t see Jonny putting up with it anymore by the end of this year. At least he will be able to have proof of how crazy she was and be able to say he was the
victim in this relationship.
No. 1120820
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Now we have this…kek
No. 1120821
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No. 1120849
>>1120820But his shoes “cost more than my rent” hehehe
He has some nerve asking other women for diaper money when he’s the type of loser to act like buying a designer item is something brag worthy. Meanwhile the child is living in white trash EBT hell
No. 1120851
>>1120820Embarrassing as fuck for Jonny. I’m sure syd won’t hear the end of this.
Borrowing money supposedly for his kid is bad because she splurges on designer shit he can’t afford to front. Or he lied about that and used it for drugs. Also a bad look.
Jonny is gonna end up leaving syd, watch.
No. 1121020
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>>1120595Lol at psycho exposing herself with this story and this correlation with that fake insta
No. 1121023
>>1121020Syd better have more evidence of cheating other than she sent him money. I still don’t get how that equals cheating in her mind.
How embarrassing for Jonny tho kek. $250 is definitely not for diapers. Maybe some went to diapers but you can buy a months supply for $50. He probably shot up the other $200.
No. 1121025
>>1121020Syd is so stupid. If it’s not to help with bills like she says then it’s drugs. Honestly either of which, her ass should be grateful for because everyone knows her and Jonny aren’t bringing in shit for their own child.
She probably saw this and looked up this girl and got jealous that (face tattoos aside) she’s better looking, makes enough to just be able to lend sums of money to friends, and has a healthy baby.
No. 1121036
>>1121020Why can’t she see it’s not these women that are the problem it’s her “fiancé” fucking these girls. Your dick doesn’t actually slip in. He’s cheating on purpose. Like he always has and always will. Baby, ring or not. He’s a shit bag. The entire world knows. Being in an
abusive relationship makes it hard to see the facts even when everyone else sees it. Leave Johnny like his last baby momma and keep that kid away from him for your sake and your son syd.
I’ve been in an
abusive relationship and I know what it’s like. But please syd, if you see this leave for yourself and your son.
No. 1121057
>>1121020She’s using motherhood as a shield
Like how Taylor uses mental illness and addiction
These are not shields people, the only shield I can see being
valid in any way is being a minor.
No. 1121077
>>1121047Well said. I mean at this point I’m starting to believe she is just as fucking stupid and doesn’t care about her kid either. I have a kid and the dad is a piece of shit. I had NO trouble leaving his
abusive ass for myself and my child and never once looked back. Is it ideal, no but if they are so fucking terrible, it’s better that they aren’t around. Definitely watching a dumpster fire at the moment. It’s sad but I can’t look away. Plus Johnny CLEARLY doesn’t have any money cause he’s getting it from his “friends” for diapers? Man up get a job and make your OWN money to care for your family. Not that fucking hard.
No. 1121082
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No. 1121091
>>1121082So it was sex money, like this woman paid JC because they smashed? Making him a prostitue? I don't get this connection either. She's so willfully blind.
Someone needs to point a megaphone directly at this girl: DRUGS! This demonstrates that he hits up his fans for drug money! Syd. Wake up.
No. 1121096
>>1121082Money could be for medical bills maybe?
Or legal fees? know hes got that court date soon.
Or for just some plain ole drugs?
No. 1121145
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No. 1121153
>>1121145Holy fuck Syd is legit crazy crazy, she's legit pulling actual lies out of her ass for the sake of nothing.
I swear to God Syd is chronically jealous of every living thing with a vagina and tits, thank God she didn't have a daughter because Syd would probably be jealous of her too.
Syd won't post evidence of cheating because there probably is none! She's not posting any evidence at all because she knows she's wrong. I can't believe the sheer insanity we're witnessing here.
No. 1121154
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No. 1121162
>>1121135how does that make the other woman look bad?
it just makes syd’s judgment in having a child with worthless junkie jonny look even worse
No. 1121191
>>1121020>"never spoke to this bitch besides telling her I knew bout the cheating"So… you actually
did 'speak' to her?
No. 1121221
>>1120779So here she's saying she definitely told little Miss Macy she knew about the alleged "cheating" after which Macy blocked SYD.
>>1121020And here we have Syd trying to back peddle saying she never said a word to Macy, but in the same sentence admits to having contacted Macy about the cheating?
>>1121144Then lastly, here on this burner account Syd made, she admits to having blocked Macy, not the other way around. So Syds public statement she made is completely full of lies.
Sometimes I wonder if Syd goes into such a rage, that she's not aware of what she's saying or doing and can't keep track of what's been said or done, that could be why she seems like she's got no idea what's happening and makes herself look mentally incapable? Or challenged in a way? I wonder if she has learning difficulties or struggles with logic and reasoning and that's why she couldn't complete school and doesn't work?
She can't even figure out basic conversations between two people or make sense of anything she's saying or doing, Bipolar/Bpd people have mental instability but they aren't THIS delusional and stupid.
No. 1121273
>>1120779Congrats Syd. You look completely batshit for lying about blocking and confronting this woman:
>>1120821You blocked her without a second thought, and then posted to the public some imaginary story that you pulled out of your ass. ALL to make this girl look guilty and to make you look like the ultimate
victim. Bc you're THAT shitty of a person. Nice burner account houkiedoukie. Go play in traffic, bitch
No. 1121286
>>1120855A rusty bear trap… kek. So many entertaining image ideas going around in my head for the next thread pic. But by the amount of screenshots these two are feeding us, I'm sure we'll have more than plenty of great stuff to pick from.
This is fun. Personally my favorite cows. More entertaining for us bc it's not like Syd is gonna just wake up one day and not be a pyscho-evil-miserable piece of garbage.
A part of me really wishes JC would retaliate and they start going at it over IG stories like back in the good ole' days.
I genuinely cannot think of a more destructive partner to be with. (Besides JC, OBVIOUSLY) I mean she's straight up trying to ruin what little of a career he has left. She's definitely sabatoging any chance he has at gaining new or more fans/support. I don't get it. You've BEEN wanting a famous dude, you got one (he's famous to her, c'mon guys). Now that you have him you don't want him to make or receive any money… you don't want him to leave to go record songs… I can't imagine how she'll act once he leaves for his next tour. Actually I can, and I'm looking forward to it. This is better than reality tv.
No. 1121295
>>1120092Hopefully this doesn't come off as a spoonfeeding request, but this is the first time I've heard that Syd was holding Storm when she was pushed. I looked over the last thread and couldn't find anything in there about it either. Did anyone else catch this livestream?
Autistic tinfoil, but part of me wonders if that has something to do with the surgery. It would explain 911 being called in the first place when we know Syd would never leave her junkie king.
I certainly hope the fuck not but anything is possible with two idiots and a baby in the same room.
No. 1121309
>>1121140Wait so Syd is houkiedoukie AND macyloverbloop? Jesus. This is so embarrassing. She literally had to make two extra email accounts to make two different IG profiles, had to verify them, all to harass this girl? She didn't want to do it on her main account cuz she didn't want to get exposed for the crazy piece of trash that she is. Well it backfired. Take care of your baby Syd. It's sad that this is what you do in your free time. And now you've become a cow. Congrats, superstar!
I don't think Jonny's dated a broad this crazy since Amanda. This is giving me Amanda vibes. Manda had like 50+ profiles on IG and twitter, her and JC broke up in the beginning of 2014 and she would NOT shut up about him on twitter for about four years straight. I could see Syd doing that when they break up. She'll probably trash him online for the rest of his life, AND long after he's dead. Probably for the rest of HER life.
The funniest part of this is she THINKS she has fans and supporters. When in reality, all the people going after Carissa and Macy just do it because they are invested in the drama/want to feed it. They don't give a FUCK about Syd. And I hope Syd reads this and knows that.
No. 1121370
>>1121309This is kind of irrelevant. But Amanda still posts about Jonny to this day. Look at her twitter. But yeah, Sydney does seem infinitely more insane.
No. 1121390
>>1121140"i never messaged you on my account" she literally thinks harassing her on a fake account she made just to communicate with her doesn't count because it's not her MAIN account lmfao. what.
and of course jonny is saying she's just someone he hits up for money, she's also probably "crazy and ugly" too.
jesus what the fuck. syd really needs fucking antipsychotics and to get away from this guy. he's going to self destruct on his own, and she should've learned from every single one of his exes who got severely fucked over by this guy. he is so vengeful and it's not likely he's going to just put up with this.
No. 1121398
>>1121145I really want Macy and Carissa to bring this delusional psycho down and air out all her psycho behaviour. I'd honestly rather die than live a life being severely and psychotically jealous and threatened by all women, she even got jealous over jonny spending too much time with her own MOM! She probably rages and cries cheating if she even finds porn in his history.
I just can't imagine the kind of dark headspace she lives in where every single girl is viewed as a major threat that she needs to go out of her way for most of the time no reason, to attack them.
No. 1121534
>>1121521I don’t think he’s in the hospital, see the vid/pics of him licking her ass on New Years
>>1119418I haven’t seen him post anything on IG since then and nothing in Twitter since December 31 so maybe he has no clue what’s transpiring on socials
No. 1121562
>>1121370It's not irrelevant if you've been following his drama since he was with her (2012-2014). I was, and it was the most
toxic relationship I've ever witnessed. And there were extreme similarities and situations that remind me of Jonny & Syd, that's why I said that. But most people in here know him from just Taylor… some people remember Chelsea and Liz. Not everyone was around for that tho
No. 1121642
File: 1609752759528.jpg (738.65 KB, 1080x1690, Screenshot_20210104-203138_Ins…)

Good on her I'm glad someone finally stood up to Sydsopsycho.
No. 1121664
>>1121615or she found an old phone he upgraded from bc he smashed the screen at some point and was too lazy to just get it fixed
more likely. why are you so confident she smashed his current phone in a rage
No. 1121852
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>>1121642The fact that she acknowledges it wasn’t spent on diapers means she likely knew it was for drugs.
Anyway here’s his Venmo.
No. 1121903
>>1121642She's really pretty and is handling this situation like any sane adult would, actually seems very sweet and level-headed. I can see why this makes Syd so jealous, angry, bitter and paranoid.
I'd say "Jonny, RUN" if this wasn't exactly what karma had in mind for him. An absolute gem of a gf - an unbelievably unstable, undeniably MEAN, childish, irrational being that has 0% self respect, 0% self awareness and 0% shame. She's airing everything and anything and if there's nothing, she'll find something.
Good luck trying to save your career in the middle of this constant shitshow, Jonny. Good pick.
No. 1121907
>>1121852She says right here
>>1121144 it was for drugs. Once again outing him.
No. 1121979
>>1121907Just as Jonny got his act to it's peak: small family w/ a new gf and a cute lil baby, sober as the pope, constantly reminding everyone how happy and blessed he is, making music and getting back on his grind…
…it's all exposed by his own gf every damn week. It's hilarious really
No. 1121983
>>1121852Eh, I don’t think she knew. The money was sent around the time storm was born so I think everyone assumed he was truly using it for his son/family and believed he was clean. And she’s a mom, it’s easy to sympathize with a new struggling family. Especially when the kid has medical issues.
I’m sure now she realizes it was used for drugs. Still don’t understand how syd thinks this is cheating tho lmao.
No. 1121993
>>1121257It’s even funnier because literally no one wants him but her (and he wants anyone but her.) He looks like a bloated 60 year old, Syd I promise no one in their right mind wants to fuck your ugly ass fiancé. Being with JC is not the flex you think it is.
I hope they stay together though. They are both terrible fucking people who deserve each other and neither of them should have the chance to ruin another person. They are each other’s punishment. Hopefully Storm gets taken away too, no child should be raised by people like this.
No. 1122123
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Manda putting her two cents in almost a decade after Jonny dumped her. Almost starting to believe that she is more insane than Sydney. Not sure if this is milky or not. Kek
No. 1122473
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Going to see Jonny perhaps? Or to rescue him. I think it’s pretty evident he hasn’t been living at Syd’s house. Probably spending all his money on hotels.
No. 1122671
>>1122273She was not that bad. I doubt you even knew her. If this is her ex you know you were
abusive af. Which is why she accepts this terrible behavior from jc. She believes she doesn’t deserve anything better.
No. 1122719
>>1122707You're right. I apologize. I guess I've never taken that into consideration. It's kind of hard when every single thread trashes her. I'm guiltty, I haven't done it to be mean though. I guess we're all just trying to figure out what goes on inside the head of these two.
I remember it didn't start off we were trashing her. Some were even sticking up for her against TND. She seemed SO much different in the beginning. Staying with JC for so long & getting pregnant has definitely changed things A LOT. That, OR she was just good at hiding her true personality at first? Or it took awhile for the real her to come out. She waited until she was comfortable with JC. Cuz he would have left her ass A LONG time ago if it weren't for Storm. They announced the news around new years? They would have been broken up before that point if she didn't get knocked up.
No. 1122924
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No. 1122930
>>1122924Sydney. You're clearly trying to make Jonny's female friends jealous with how much you just had to mention that yall ~cuddled~
Doesn't change the fact that we could make a scrapbook out of your dumpster fire of a life.
This is life an episode of 16 & pregnant I stg.
I take that back, this is like a WHOLE season of Teen Mom. But extra trashy.
No. 1122980
>>1122924This girl is beyond predictable, she is textbook
abusive without the drugs.
She drags jonny through the mud publically exposing his drug abuse and accusing him of things he hasn't done with little to no evidence (abusers love doing that) and then she love bombs when she decides it's over.
>>1122719Of course she was different at the start, people like Syd always act perfect at the start of the relationship until they're comfortable enough and the honeymoon phase starts to wear off and they start letting the crazy out.
No. 1122982
He’s only with her cuz he feels stuck. I’m sure he’s on something and out of it just to put up with her.
No. 1123006
>>1122924She said "especially in a fresh enviroment"
Ergo, they don't live with her mom in anymore.
No. 1123011
>>1123006Maybe she meant sleeping in the living room instead of sleeping in the bed = fresh environment
Come on anon jonny cant even afford diapers after shooting up!
No. 1123404
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No. 1123467
>>1123451My body is ready for the milk. She’s never gonna let Jonny leave his house without a chaperone. But when inevitably leaves the house without an escort, syd will go full psycho.
I’m surprised jonny has been so quiet. Maybe he’s been too ill to care.
No. 1123529
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No. 1123545
>>1123529This is fake as fuck.
If Jonny wanted to say this why didn’t he post it himself.
Maybe she skinned him alive and his wearing him as some next level JC merch
No. 1123561
>>1122273incredible that her ex still pathetically lurks around here. people who google stalk their exes are the most fucked-up pathetic losers
learn to sage, faggot
No. 1123570
>>1123567do not defend scrotes. and you know damn well if your boyfriend, 10 years later, was sitting around googling his ex, keeping up with her life and getting all emotional and heated then you'd be pissed off. the dude is straight up pathetic.
us girls are just being girls, enjoying these clowns while we laugh and live our lives. we don't have baggage with them, don't compare it to being hung up on an ex
No. 1123586
>>1123567I’m a diff anon, but… He clearly has something against syd tho, I wouldn’t take anything he says to seriously. Like he comes here multiple times in the past year to shit on his ex in really long essays. Clearly he has a vendetta and isn’t over there relationship. So I would be surprised if he was untruthful to make things more dramatic and make himself look more like a
victim. It’s just so weird to keep thinking about your ex enough to come here over and over again to read her forum/post
No. 1123592
>>1123586I had no idea it's been a decade since they dated.. I definitely can agree with the fact he's obsessed to a different level then what I previously assumed.
>>1123570I am not at all 'defending' this asshole lol. I want milk like all of us, the rest of your points though; fair enough. He is a weirdo.
No. 1123693
>>1123591Looks like the wound has been debrided, guessing that is what he was in the hospital for and to get some IV antibiotics.
Weird he doesn't have a dressing on it now though.
No. 1123792
>>1123570Not to WK or anything but I am pretty sure the ex said syd was still in and out of his life right before she met jonny.
The ex was like a rebound and syd dive straight in to jonny the first chance she got.
No. 1124038
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Nice mustache Syd. You can see it better when you watch the video on he stories
No. 1124324
>>1124291Tell us more anon.
To cut yourself some slack, read the board rules and integrate. Then we’ll all get on fine.
No. 1124332
>>1124315I’m not outting myself cause all my proof would and Planned Parenthood doesn’t exactly give out punch cards for abortions. What I already revealed about her threats wouldn’t out me cause she did it to multiple people at Lynbrook but how am I supposed to prove that? I didn’t take a picture when she tried hurting herself, I tried to deescalate the situation.
I didn’t know this was some big by-the-book undercover shit talking operation and I certainly didn’t know there were rules, so sorry for skipping over those, but I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I don’t know how to delete shit here and I have lots more “milk” but I’ll take a seat. It’s probably best I forgive or at least forget anyways. Cheers.
No. 1124345
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Update from the lOve BiRdS
No. 1124362
>>1124345Is that a beer he's drinking? I can't tell.
His liver and kidneys must look like shit.
No. 1124374
File: 1609989136981.png (212.91 KB, 297x530, cider.PNG)

>>1124362yup! appears to be this cider. he probably doesn't have much time left. as someone said on the tnd thread when junkies start getting these infections and swelling from their untreated hep c etc it they often don't live long after that especially if they don't get clean.
good to see him giving his organs an even harder time with probable antibiotics booze heroin etc. keep it up ya pos!
No. 1124384
>>1124332You don’t have to out yourself ? No one said that.
You said you went to high school with the girl, just take a photo from a year book cover to prove the high school, or show syds photo from literally any year of the high school.
What the fuck are you sperging about. You sounds fucking crazy like syd
No. 1124409
File: 1609993444922.webm (1.39 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-syd.o.knee_7519…)
>>1124402Ew I forgot he did the nasty tongue thing too
No. 1124476
>>1124345He looks like a New Balance-wearing dad about to try the burgers he just finished grilling on the bbq, pared with his girl beer (it’s a cider but they literally taste like juice).
He also looks like he’s got a gun pointed at him off camera.
No. 1124485
>>1124345his continued silence says more than anything
toxic, delusional syd posts.
No. 1124524
>>1124409ew, her laugh is so fake. like you know that mean girl laugh in chick flicks, when the bitch character is all over the main character's love interest and trying to rub it in?
literally they're together out of spite, it's so obvious
No. 1124943
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This scary shit better be the header for the next thread like truly her essence shows
No. 1124979
>>1124976not that anon, but pointing out nitpick isn't defending someone. it is in the rules to not nitpick after all
though it is true that's not a nitpick, a weird nitpick is this
>>1124038 No. 1125258
File: 1610077244110.gif (6.93 MB, 600x1170, ezgif-3-072ee929db3b.gif)

>>1124974For your consideration, it's early in the thread yet tho
No. 1125767
>>1125013true, she would look so much better If she had somewhat natural eyebrows, right now it looks as if she painted them on with a sharpie.
I´m actually not sure how Syd really looks like, the photo quality is bad and she makes this weird faces… In the last she is smiling weirdly, in the picture before she looks stoned and her lashes turn forward. I can´t distinguish her face from all the other alternative insta girls.
No. 1125782
>>1124943i actually love the white blonde and it's a difficult color to pull off, but yeah it's a lot of upkeep. her bangs go all the way around into the sides, but idk mullets are back lol. she would look way better if she scrubbed off her 2010 abh dipbrow and stencil eyebrows, took out her piercings, and just went with a lighter natural look overall if she's going with the light eyes and light hair thing.
im really so sick of seeing women getting convinced they need to stay with
abusive men for any reason, or do such vapid competitive things that really do not matter at all. like she doesn't fucking need him and she's way too young to throw away her life for this festering wound, and so is her son. jonny knows what he's doing though, it's weird when people get angry with her like she's in control. she's in way over her head, look at her fucking eyes. he's stealing her life to live.
No. 1125831
>>1125782>>1125782Idk about that anon, I think you’re giving her a little too much credit there. She has shown over a long span of time that she is just as controlling and
abusive as JC, and has a laundry list of psychological issues that she should really be taking to a therapists office, rather than airing out all over social media. I had sympathy for her in the beginning. . It’s too dragged out and pathetic at this point. She’s got it in her insecure head that she needs to be the hero[in] who sticks it to all his exes and “changes him” so badly… Basically just a sad case of strung-out sunk cost fallacy. Inertia and a child won’t keep this going for much longer.
No. 1125851
>>1125345What is she mixed with?
I am living for him being sentenced to this crazy bitch, it's almost better than jail.
No. 1126740
>>1126009Yea, I don't think he's going to live long enough to pay 18 years of child support. Especially since he's been abusing for so long. He almost reached the average lifespan of an active heroin addict (37.5). At this point he's not going to change, especially since his previous attempts at being sober were coming off more like being a publicity stunt than a genuine want to change himself. He still has the online personality of an edgy teenager at 34.
The best thing Syd could actually do if she was half-sane would be to cut ties and run. But that's probably not going to happen either given that the whole point of her relationship is to gain attention from it. She's probably going to milk this relationship until he's long gone.
No. 1126814
>>1126747Translation: Waaaaa! Someone does something I don't like on an internet forum. Get a life.
See you never. Medfag out with his "opinions" supported by data.
youre a fag, all of your shitter posts are unsaged, l2integrate, kill yourself, lurk moar
No. 1126901
>>1125919He did so much messed up studf… I can´t find all the sources now, you don´t get many results on the internet when your search includes rape so
- he raped an ex girlfriend while stabbing a knife next to her face against the wall
- he held an ex at knife-point and tried to inject her with heroin
- he introduced multiple people, women and men alike to heroin
- he threathened to rape taylor after he put duct tape on her mouth et.
- I think there was also a scandal about him trying to assault a girl that sold posters at one of his concerts and another scandal were he attacked a fan? Not sure about the details of the last thing.
But Jonny Craig is definetly violent, syd is crazy but I not that dangerous… honestly, a part of me wishes Syd was REALLY crazy so she could fuck up JCs life for alle the lifes he ruined.
No. 1126998
>>1126987honestly that's why I love that they are together and I want badly for them to STAY together. They're both controlling
abusive pieces of shit and as long as they are together no one else is subjected to them. Also nothing of value will be lost if they kill each other.
No. 1129103
>>1128606>dumb or uninformed Yes, you’re both. Read the rules, learn to integrate like everyone else blah blah I’m sure you’ve gotten that reply in multiple times, in various ways. Learn from it. Do you see YOU MUST PUT SAGE IN EMAIL FIELD in any other threads? No. Why would it start now because you retards can’t keep up?
>>1128658>>1129006You must be newfags too
No. 1129153
>>1129103People that bitch about people not “lurking” properly or using board etiquette are literally way worse than newfags that don’t sage a comment.
This person pointed out a good suggestion since it’s this board that you find more people complaining about forum etiquette than actual milk.
Get a life dude.
File: 1610683379664.jpeg (95.75 KB, 1242x739, 41EF9E57-F9F0-4E0C-BA03-4D7834…)

This is from the comment thread on one of his posts about his upcoming song. I bet Syd is mad that even after her massive tantrums, he hasn’t blocked these girls.
No. 1132134
>>1132036I've seen the girl Carissa is talking to all over Jonny's facebook. They have pictures together, they don't seem flirty tho. At this point it's obvious he has a lot of female friends she's gonna have to let that shit go eventually. She's had male friends in the past I'm sure. She's so hypocritical and
No. 1132138
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>>1132134She does have male friends, she was with one earlier.
No. 1133298
>>1133208Wasn't he was in jail or the hospital? Was it ever confirmed that he got out of either and went back to Syd? From what I saw, she got the ring and started calling herself Mrs. Craig just before Jonny changed his bio and stopped posting, maybe he can't and she's using whatever pitiful clout she gets from pussywhipping him into submission to boost herself socially. I wouldn't put it past a shitbag like Syd to try to score another washed up industry guy.
>>1133218Chrome and Adblock browser both play them on mobile.
No. 1134063
>>1133616But couldn't that just mean she has control of his accounts and was posting to make it look like they were together while she has control of his accounts? One seems
much less crazy than the other, but I genuinely don't see Syd calming down and going out with friends all of a sudden after chimping so hard on Jonny over the Carissa girl while he just goes radio silent. It's all too weird.
No. 1135803
>>1135657Colin and Chelsea both confirmed when they were trying to keep him clean that he didn't have a phone. So maybe thats why she took it.
She was crying on Insta that JC kidnapped the baby then turned around and said that the people concerned need to get a life and they don't know anything lol
No. 1139616
>>1139471He has to be in rehab. He hasn’t even replied to any comments on the new song, no listening party….
He always goes live on insta when a new song drops. He loves the attention and the hype his fans give him on new songs. And the video is all old clips like he wasn’t involved in the making of it.
I think it’s about syd. The last ep was about Taylor. If he was calling Taytor the love of his life Syd wouldn’t have let it see the light of day
No. 1139637
>>1139323Its about Taylor. He did a live on insta of him recording it and with the "thought we'd share a last name" or whatever part he said but I don't want to anymore because you're a bitch. This was during the "im so
sad I have to leave my family to record and get high" era so its not Syd.
No. 1139839
>>1139625there are a couple of labels called sgb, either defunct or not related
sbg is slaves’ label
No. 1139877
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Not me just reading thru comments
No. 1141550
>>1139877no, no jonny can't do better get your head out of your ass. you guys are so fucking embarrassing he looks like an uncut chode.
>>1140307leave her alone she's driving him insane and i doubt putting her under more stress is going to effect the kid well. idk don't give her a reason to worry about social media. who gives a fuck if she "promotes" him to her followers that are already fans. i understand the principle but they have a kid she's already promoting his sewage genetics.
No. 1141853
>>1141734He is likely in rehab because he has his court date coming up. He wants to show the judge he’s “clean” and wants to do better by his family. I’m not certain on rehab rules but I doubt they let you have your phone.
Once he is out of rehab and his court date is over, they’ll start being loud again.
No. 1142105
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Still reminiscing on how ~sMoLl~ she was
No. 1142106
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I was the one who said Jonny had a big dick but no proof I was with him recently. Then I found this baby floating around the internet. I was right lol
No. 1142113
>>1141853He's not in rehab.
>>1139385Definitely not about Chelsea. Her last name is Zaragoza.
No. 1142311
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>>1142247NTA but here u go
No. 1142320
>>1142311Hmmm her profile is private now. Does she lurk here?
>>1142195 Because this anon was able to see her profile soooo
No. 1144110
>>1144108Anyway she still posts stories about jonny and calls him her homie and promotes his songs. Theyre facebook friends too. I haven't posted any screenshots cuz i haven't seen anything milky. Except back in the twitter days before I knew about this place.
Im not even the one whos posted the last few screenshots or posted about the comment she left under his post. I'll keep an eye out for any milky posts.
No. 1144537
>>1144077Not to WK but they don't appear fake to me. Once you see more of her photos you can tell who looks way better.
Syd will never be pretty to me idk
No. 1145531
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I was definitely around for Amanda/Chelsea. Enough to know she’s been around for awhile. She is even friends with one of his exes, Lindsey. The stripper he dated from Austin in between Chelsea & Liz.
No. 1145672
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No. 1146039
File: 1612031482629.png (2.07 MB, 1440x2442, Screenshot_20210130-132735~2.p…)

there's no way jonny wrote the caption on this post
how delusional do you have to be to write this about yourself on your SO's insta??
No. 1146509
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>>1146453Went back- it’s Monday at 9am pacific time.
No. 1147320
File: 1612100976508.jpeg (135.45 KB, 750x1206, D4F97717-A53F-4E2D-A23C-A87964…)

She’s being uncharacteristically polite
No. 1147334
>>1146509I'm one of the anons who listened in last time. I'll see if i can listen Monday but if not there were a handful of us so someone will be on it.
What a mess. Wonder if Syd is still insisting it be dropped. California don't play that way Syd, you should've known.
No. 1147462
>>1147320 I’m sorry but this chiefkeif commenter is cringey IMO
>>1139877 same person who clearly self posted here
Yeah we all hate them both but I don’t see what commenting on their posts is going to accomplish except getting blocked
No. 1147902
>>1147886I swear so many people have come here to expose syd by being her ; old friend or ex with literally no proof. Proof isn’t even hard if you really were close.
My crazy tinfoil is that it’s Taylor, but even I see that being unlikely due to the fact she is probably high af rn
No. 1148089
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For anyone who is interested, here are the details for Jonny's court hearing this morning at 9AM PST.
I'm posting twice: this one for reference, and the next one for the phone number and access code to Department 49 (to listen in on the hearing.)
No. 1148090
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No. 1148382
>>1148159I did. It was difficult to hear. He was the 3rd person called to the stand. He appeared in person.
His attorney (public defender?) asked for another court date, stating that Jonny has completed two "programs." I was unable to hear what (if anything) was said about the details of these programs, but I assume they were for drug addiction and anger management?
His next court date is April 8th at 9A.M.
No. 1148982
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>>1148726He is not in jail. California does not have Inpatient treatment for Anger Management. He is not in jail he was o.r'd ( Released on his own recognizance). Please next time stop spreading lies that he is in jail. When you could just Go to the county Jail website and check if he is on the Roster. I mean if people really want to know they could even go to the Superior Court And get the actual minutes.
No. 1149017
File: 1612250969412.jpg (68.51 KB, 300x300, oh-you-know-jonny-craig-person…)

>>1149003Oh shut the fuck up I tagged the wrong fucking Reply stupid ass. If your ass fucking literally read above you could see it. You anon bitches are the fucking Pathetic and uneducated. Simple fucking Google search can answer all your questions. Is this fucking better for you dumbass. It legit says he's in jail. Fucking retarded ass bitch.
>>1148460(infighting) No. 1149019
File: 1612251282384.jpg (49.8 KB, 952x575, 1602884009940.jpg)

>>1149017you seem like a well balanced and level headed individual. i like the random capitalizations throughout your sentences too.
No. 1149065
File: 1612257767449.jpg (333.68 KB, 1000x500, wyr3.jpg)

>>1149021>>1149020>>1149019Lmao yeah you got a couple of screws loose. At least make it less obvious you just sperged out in 3 posts instead of one. Spread them out or at least delete and make a longer post. But want to call someone unstable for RaNdOm capital letters.
Johnny is trash. Stop giving false information. Stop making milk when there isn't any.
He went to court.
He showed up in person.
The courts opened back up in California last week.
He was not in Custody.
This is all public information.
He has been talking too damn much like right after his last court case. His lawyer probably advised him to keep shit off social media.
No. 1151570
File: 1612413548235.png (153.69 KB, 750x1334, CB4C89B2-AA6F-41E1-9C92-4A90A4…)

No. 1151599
File: 1612415475941.jpeg (87.06 KB, 750x493, 423F5DF7-AF19-41C8-A695-A31B01…)

No. 1153068
>>1152291I love how people shit on her ex and say they know him, without a shred of proof that they know him. No ones going to believe you know him without proof, and your comments are irrelevant to the whole thread.
Read the rules.
No. 1154482
File: 1612662127453.jpeg (45.39 KB, 750x223, B15597CF-45A5-48A9-99EF-7ED72B…)

>>1154300Nah Jonny’s handling his own insta just being lowkey about personal shit. He liked this comment from his ~homegirl~
No. 1154609
>>1153068I don't get why some of you are so against people claiming they know a cow. It's a gossip site and to me it's not different than farmers tinfoiling. No one is forced to believe it and no one should without proof, but that doesn't mean it can't be entertaining
>>1154576NTA but if the Tim guy is handling his insta and Syd hates Tim, it makes sense he would do that to piss her off. Not saying that's the case, but a liked comment is not proof of anything
No. 1155253
File: 1612738363770.png (960.45 KB, 750x1334, 70BE678F-DA0D-4797-A92C-A34E43…)

No. 1158804
>>1154482Not to necro on this but any noise on JC? It’s awfully quiet…
>>1156634I would not be surprised if there was a situation with untreated bpd. Especially since she’s been pregnant, she can’t take psych meds even if she wanted to.
No. 1160122
File: 1613163639143.png (79.4 KB, 701x451, Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 3.56…)

>>1159793for bipolar disorder, yes. but there are NO medications used for borderline personality disorder. None. im not the one who looks stupid lmfao and im not even arm chairing because i have a doctorate degree in medicine
(medfagging) No. 1160123
File: 1613163684582.png (90.06 KB, 871x471, Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 3.56…)

>>1159793annnnd the non-FDA uses
No. 1160126
>>1160122Lots of bipolar meds are prescribed for borderline as mood stabilizers. There are no meds specifically made for bpd but lots are prescribed for it.
Source: I have BPD and have been prescribed that exact medication for it.
(medfagging) No. 1160136
>>1160132I’ve seen it prescribed specifically for borderline. google it, there are tons of evidence of it being prescribed to help with borderline symptoms.
No. 1160198
the threads finally off autosage and retards like
>>1160136 are going to get it put back on. why does every thread have bpd sperg outs, I'm so tired of hearing about everyone's expertise on the #1 self diagnosed illness on the internet.
No. 1161081
>>1161054Scorpioxlady is sober now, and please stay on topic unless you see something milky.
And talking about past incidents don’t count unless you know her Twitter.
I’m sorry I just don’t want Syd to read this and come for this girl it looks like she’s just a friend right now. Macy & Carissa didn’t deserve it and this girl is no different,
No. 1161803
File: 1613346793303.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1125x1998, 28AD8C32-6DE0-4EE7-AFD4-42823C…)

Looks like they’re still together. (I edited out the kids face)
No. 1161823
File: 1613348413247.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1125x1989, 0284EA60-B5DA-46C3-A3D6-4AC4A7…)

No. 1164872
>>1162542I agree, maybe he's sober or infection went away. Good for him. He needs to stick to it for his child. But with a partner like Syd, how easy could that be? Not WKing him AT ALL, they are BOTH
toxic as fuck duh. So it's just a sad situation for the kid all around if they can't get it together as a couple.
No. 1169980
File: 1614232995627.png (2.95 MB, 828x1792, 27BB6056-AF08-4AE2-B473-0BB47A…)

No. 1169986
File: 1614234272903.jpeg (292.74 KB, 1125x2302, A2BDA31F-BDA5-4B3D-9901-6507F9…)

This psycho really got a terrible tattoo of Jonny hahaha. I do wonder if she did it on free will or not… remember how he threatened Chelsea if she didn’t get his initials tattooed on her?
No. 1170282
>>1169986The next time Jonny talks to one of his female friends:
insert women's IG handle is a homewrecking whore!! You may suck his dick but only REAL ones have a funko pop tat of their king on them! I feel bad all you whores will never have one for your man… #fightforit"
No. 1171027
>>1169986She probably thought it would show him how deep her love for him is and hope it makes him stay faithful.
And I have a strong feeling she told the artist exactly how she wanted this thing to look because it's not even in the artist's style, which is the number 1 indicator that the artist wasn't given creative control on how to execute this shit idea.
No. 1172202
>>1170785Not true. Jonny didn't get a tattoo for Liz and vice versa, they were pretty serious. Jonny didn't get a tattoo for Taylor either… and vice versa. Not even that stripper he dated either.
These are the only girls who he's gotten tattooed for:
No. 1172815
>>1169986is that over the easiest access place to veins oh wow
he's branding her as if her having his child isn't enough. did he get one of or for her? of course not. she really thinks so low of herself and he just takes advantage of that. you can't convince me the tattoo artist doesn't have low opinions of people to the point where he or she agreed to do this. i mean fuck.
No. 1180385
File: 1615328824930.png (2.48 MB, 828x1792, A7F8AE7B-3471-475C-B237-5D6F09…)

Saw this posted in the TND thread with no explanation at all thought it might be more relevant here. Anyone knows who is she? And any back story here?
No. 1180386
>>1180385Sounds like he’s been staying with her and she was sharing whatever they were doing on her stories.
Super curious about the stories. No way syd would allow this unless they split up.
No. 1185436
File: 1615853736216.png (374.76 KB, 412x735, cringe.PNG)

the cringe never stops with these two
No. 1189849
File: 1616366431511.png (9.41 MB, 1242x2688, 3FBD31BC-6E9A-4553-9EF5-7278D6…)

Can’t believe this hasn’t been posted yet.
And we thought the brows couldn’t get any worse.
No. 1189931
>>1189887It’s not milk, thus the sage
It’s just tacky and her eyebrows are a regular cringe here.
No. 1190521
>>1189849I'm sorry, but were "glitter brows" ever a thing? Because please put that back where it came from, this is just atrocious.
Also, I love her passive little "uwu look at our cutsey board in the back, we're so in love and such a happy little family~". Everything about her is so cringe, girl please stop acting like Jonny didn't just cheat on you and hit you a few months ago.
No. 1193890
>>1193315Syd has been doing this since the beginning of their relationship, you'd have to go back through the threads to see who she'd call out but it was random chicks she would accuse him of cheating on her with over her IG stories. She did this ALL the time, they were super
problematic on social media. It so eerie how they both suddenly went quiet, I think they must have finally realized how much more hate it brings them and how shitty of a couple it makes them look like when they fight over the internet. And she of course doesn't want that at all, after her episodes she'd love bomb the shit out of him (a taste of his own medicine) to make it appear like they're so happy and in love over SM. It's definitely still done behind the scenes now, just not a public spectacle anymore which is a shame because it was pretty entertaining while it lasted.
Isn't Jonny having another court hearing coming up in April?
No. 1194626
>>1193890April 8th is his next court date. His case will probably get dismissed since he completed 2 "programs" and is "staying out of trouble."
He stopped posting on social media because anyone can look at his posts at any given time and tell he's not sober.
He doesn't wanna blow his cover of "we're a perfect happy family". Even though clearly if cops are being called in any relationship, then it's dysfunctional.
No. 1195534
File: 1616932170164.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1125x2055, 1ACF2E09-87C7-4529-8C38-73D560…)

Jonny looks like he’s being held captive lmao
No. 1195535
File: 1616932206553.jpeg (382.1 KB, 1125x1988, FAE8B52B-9BA7-41CB-B3E0-5C6721…)

No. 1197613
>>1195860Thank you, I like how this dumb bitch tries pushing the narrative that it's ok to cheat on but especially hit women and then play it off like it's nothing. "I didn't even push her that hard" like kek really Jonny and that makes it ok?
>>1196091No kidding, he looks scared out of his mind in that photo. I think he is just really playing it safe until his court case is up, but honestly who knows maybe he will continue this social media hiatus considering they get a LOT less hate publicly the less he posts. But I do find it hard to believe he can happily go this long without flexing how much his shoes cost more than tha haturz rent. Whether they are married or not, Syd will push this happy family image on social media until the end of time so of course she will call him "hubs" even if they aren't legally married.
>>1196292I'm howling at this comment anon this is gold. Honestly though I don't know which of the two gets the worst end of the stick, Jonny's face for months always has this "send help" look in his eyes but at the same time, Jonny has no problem sexually assaulting girls and now hitting them like he did with Syd a few months ago, so I have no doubt she's physically being thrown around even if she is the type to start it and push him first. They really do deserve each other, trapped in their own misery together. That poor baby, I see her post photos of him time to time (not going to post here because he is a minor) and he's actually so cute. I feel so bad for how fucked up he could turn out in such a
toxic household though.
>>1196537As much as I'd like to agree with this everyone has been playing this record on repeat for years now, "any day now/any year now he's gonna drop from the drug use/drinking, his liver is failing!" While that could be true I'll believe it when it happens. Some people take shit care of themselves and live longer than you'd ever expect them to, and others take great care of themselves and die suddenly.
No. 1203749
File: 1617857628904.jpg (253.87 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20210408-005306_Chr…)

Here is the info for the court hearing.
No. 1207982
File: 1618377718046.jpeg (384.47 KB, 1125x2156, 2695C5ED-17D3-47E7-81C7-676206…)

Syd finally commented on one of his new song posts. I wonder why she can’t wait for everyone to see this one…
No. 1208038
File: 1618390035253.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1972, FED2765B-0648-4369-B90E-FD55B1…)

No. 1209934
File: 1618596034791.jpeg (524.84 KB, 1125x852, 2B583562-963C-45B2-9349-0DFEBF…)

i quit checking this thread but just saw the video/heard the song and honestly good for them! Jonny seems genuinely clean. Maybe age/fatherhood has worn out his usual antics, despite what everyone says. love to see it hope they stay on this good path.
No. 1213794
File: 1619044581969.jpg (320.62 KB, 1080x1869, Screenshot_20210421-183458.jpg)

Her artist needs a new career
No. 1214340
>>1214028>>1213794The line work actually isn't the real problem. The line weight is relatively consistent. However the shading technique used to make this is pretty shit and shows a clear lack of knowledge and practice, especially the way the black hair just has color packed in completely wrong which is why color is dropping out at random sections instead of being an even black. It'll look worse and blur/fade badly as it ages. The "artist" definitely has no concept of "bold will hold". Did they just buy a machine off Amazon or go to one of those poser tAtU sKoOlZ?
If it's not Valfre, why is her dumb ass insulting the shit artist by not even tagging them and just tagging what they straight up copied?! They're also not much of an artist because most artists have an actual style and won't just copy the art exactly (especially since people sue over their distinctive art being copied without their approval, like Kat Von Douche did when she tattooed the famous blues musician from a portrait without the original artist's approval).
The worst part for me is the fucking hamsa tattoo next to it… Sydney is such a basic bitch that she has a hamsa tattoo?! Wow… good choice with this one, JC aka Junkie Clown.
No. 1216426
File: 1619385705231.jpg (168.06 KB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_20210425-171642.jpg)

Funny how you sperg all over social media and claim jc is a cheater when he breathes near another female. But yeah sure let's call that commitment u deranged ape. Not saying he's not a cheater either I heavily believe there is cheating in this trainwreck of a relationship.
No. 1217048
File: 1619460421812.jpeg (846.42 KB, 1242x1409, 40DCF0DB-1AE6-4568-BAC6-C0C756…)

Looks like she changed her Instagram handle
No. 1218582
File: 1619594593477.jpg (960.79 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210428-102230.jpg)

Looks like someone got rid of all traces of Jonny
No. 1218605
File: 1619598055900.jpeg (417.96 KB, 1620x1433, 7297F86D-9B20-47CA-986D-5A0BB6…)

Wonder if Syd has seen this. Posted on the SGB Records YouTube (couldn’t see the video on JC’s YouTube)
No. 1219173
>>1218605Of course Syd has seen it, she was hinting before it's release on IG that she couldn't wait for everyone to see it, and has commented on the IG post about the video too. I couldn't agree more with the comment that was left. No offense to the anon above who is saying good for him, maybe he really has turned his life around, but that's very naive to think. This is his cycle for years, to "clean up" his act and life, then back to fucking up, rinse and repeat. He's simply not present enough on social media right now to be showing his true colors, same with Syd. Neither of them have changed. This song and music video is doing exactly what they want it to do, is paint them as this happy family who got over all their troubles and are so ~in love~. I mean lol, that's laughable. We can't just all magically forget what a disgusting person they both are, and showed it every day on IG. Like the comment said, she is disrespectful af to his fans. That's the real Syd. Not some glorified baby mama who changed him and is his "savior".
No. 1219910
File: 1619734877193.jpg (710.45 KB, 1079x1693, Screenshot_20210429-181739_Ins…)

>>1218582He's back in her bio and posts lmao what a surprise
No. 1220851
File: 1619853105850.jpeg (421.82 KB, 1125x1991, E484AAC2-453F-47E5-A657-74BD27…)

(1/3) Looks like Jonny is starting to post on his IG stories again. His baby’s face is crossed out for his privacy, but gosh he’s so cute. I feel sorry that he ended up with a disgusting POS father like Jonny Craig.
No. 1220852
File: 1619853223142.jpeg (282.13 KB, 1125x1998, A1F65EF6-7130-422E-8CBA-05F17A…)

(2/3) This is already deleted less than 10 minutes later. You can definitely tell this is him and not a manager posting this by his language. Glad he hasn’t learned a thing from his social media break and still talks like he’s brain dead.
No. 1220854
File: 1619853366247.jpeg (360.52 KB, 1125x1984, 21461C28-911E-4FAE-8984-FBCEAB…)

(3/3) Not sure why he thinks it made sense to delete the last one and replace it with this one. He just sounds worse and even more salty lmao.
Apologies if I should have saged, it’s not particularly milky but it seems he could be making a return to social media. Interesting timing since an above anon was curious if he’s clean from court and will be coming back to talk his usual shit again on IG.
No. 1220859
>>1209934Look at the size of his pupils
>>1208038He’s not clean
No. 1220966
>>1220859Some of you really don't know shit about drug use if you think his pupils are pinned here. It's also quite difficult to tell from pictures who has pinned pupils. That's something you can only see if you're in person and can clearly see the person is moving into varying shades of brightness and their pupils still stay small (as in smaller this his pupils here… his pupils can be totally normal depending on the person). Now if he took multiple unfiltered candid photos right after each other in everything from sunny to dark rooms and his pupils were the same extra small size in every picture in every different light, then you can claim he had pinned pupils and it's more believable.
Stop tinfoiling drug use if you don't know what you're talking about. It gives lolcow a bad name for having dumb kids gossiping about shit that's totally wrong to anyone with basic knowledge of pinned pupils and opiates.
>>1220852I learned from someone who booked him before and was there at the NJ festival where other bands got bent out of shape about drunk shit he said to Colleen the merch girl (who wasn't even mad at him) that JC doesn't bring in enough money to be given a management team to handle his social media. Just because a band has thousands of fans doesn't make them money makers to an industry built on the backs of which musicians pay the bills. Junkie Clown is more of a liability than an asset. So let's just stop thinking he'll ever have a management team manage his social media or recommend smart PR shit to him. Musicians and bands like JC are closer to independent in the sense they are predominantly on their own amd live their own lives until they're ready to record and then the label pays for studio time and to press it. Only then is JC brought in like a work horse to play a show or do a tour or promote an album, since the label is trying to recoup their investment and make a profit. The label/management will only give a shit for a bit while JC is "on the clock", then they're left to fuck up their own lives. It's a very standard way of life for musicians that aren't at Blink 182's level.
No. 1223818
File: 1620195256916.png (35.93 KB, 488x878, Screenshot 2021-05-05 2.13.45 …)

Not sure what she's talking about but this seems worrisome with no context.
No. 1223852
File: 1620202344670.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1975, 3538C1A8-6130-457B-9046-9F7A81…)

Are they on a train?
No. 1223853
File: 1620202384415.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1125x1988, 97224979-2688-443B-9B36-940F9E…)

No. 1224063
>>1223988Could be a heart problem. He’s had multiple surgeries and he doesn’t look malnourished or anything. They could be going to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto. They’re known for their cardiovascular surgeries. They’re also walking distance from the train station.
Sage for speculation
No. 1224226
File: 1620251191820.jpeg (825.97 KB, 1118x1993, 0CC1A762-6C70-44D1-93A8-17E10B…)

No. 1224230
File: 1620251540481.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x2027, 5975AB55-7FC5-44CE-AAE6-99DE13…)

His name is out of her bio and photos deleted again. Actually IG gives an option to “archive” photos now so I’m pretty sure that’s what she’s been doing so she can bring them back when they’re “on” again
No. 1224242
>>1224226What a great message to spread to those already in extremely
toxic and manipulative relationships, like your own. You should totally force yourself to love someone who doesn't care about you or your kid.
>>1224230Who the fuck has time for this? She give social media more attention than her baby. I think IG has had the feature quite some time now to archive photos and put them back on your profile whenever you want, but I don' think you can bulk archive/unarchive them so unless I'm wrong about that, she is taking the time to go into each and every post she has with Jonny and take them away/put them back individually every time she's mad at him. Which is apparently several times a day every single day. Seems like a loving, stable relationship.
No. 1224287
File: 1620255759705.png (6.56 MB, 1125x2436, F1279BEC-4A31-40B8-B32D-5007B8…)

I know this dude is not drinking hard cider directly on the way to his kid’s Dr. appt. Seriously Jonny, can’t go even a moment without alcohol and be sober for your child’s visit at the doctor? Jfc.
No. 1224288
File: 1620255825791.jpeg (138.48 KB, 624x624, 6723F072-5CEF-414D-9E24-0F8191…)

>>1224287Apologies for double post but photo is for reference of what he is drinking.
No. 1224401
File: 1620276333462.jpg (434.55 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210506-004429_Chr…)

So he relapsed and that's why Syd doesn't think he loves her and he's once again out of the bio.
No. 1224403
File: 1620276391636.jpg (482.47 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210506-004434_Chr…)

No. 1225099
File: 1620350848043.jpeg (229.61 KB, 1242x777, F428F974-28E8-40B7-B4B8-A73F6D…)

He took her name and that shitty caption about his QuEeN giving his life PURPOSE out of his bio, he still has pics of her and the ring post up tho so it’s just tinfoil that there’s finally real trouble in paradise
No. 1225228
File: 1620364763096.jpeg (816.33 KB, 1242x919, 670EFFA3-26F0-4913-8DA1-9A8A22…)

>>1225213Good catch anon, this pic is of the same hand so it’s safe to say she’s not wearing it as of now
No. 1225339
>>1225306Nah cause i've always believed that Taylor never REALLY got over JC. She just knew that she could never go back to him after everything got out. I don't feel like she would change her number bc of him.
However I DO feel like JC has been texting tons of other girls lmfao.
No. 1225618
File: 1620424782774.png (248.67 KB, 828x1792, 67BBD97D-4DCE-4EA9-A20E-C45C6B…)

Any NA anons care to translate? Is he leaving for sac?
No. 1225826
File: 1620457988636.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1125x2064, E2D6D58B-2DF6-4C77-A25D-D56AF3…)

Here she goes with her Bert thirst again… I’m sure she’s trying to piss Jonny off
No. 1225828
File: 1620458038081.jpeg (291.77 KB, 1125x1978, 42E69542-1E98-49DC-8B61-BF322B…)

No. 1225829
File: 1620458062236.jpeg (176.44 KB, 1125x1980, 7A847D20-0773-4282-93F7-30ECC7…)

No. 1225961
File: 1620483472471.png (106.92 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210507-192508.png)

I saw this yesterday, but she deleted it.
No. 1226537
File: 1620575828221.png (9.54 MB, 1242x2208, 60F4010B-E365-4972-BF09-0E0CAD…)

I think JC is really shading her with this one because there is NO way this is the only pic of them together, even with the kid included. He really did her dirty on Mother’s Day lmao
No. 1226962
>>1226537Lmao so true anon, plus we know damn well it’s not the only picture they have. His latest music video is literally several minutes worth of nicer photos of them both with their kid. So he purposely chose this one to do her dirty where she looks atrocious (not shading women who have just birthed out a child, it’s just that Syd has awful eyebrows and isn’t even remotely attractive without makeup).
>>1226566Good catch, when Syd posted on his birthday she called him her husband(“hubs” specifically), but all she can get called by him is “partner” ouch. I’m sure she’s thrilled about that too. They’re easily predictable but it’s entertaining to watch how the second Jonny comes back to social media he hasn’t learned anything and is the same old dumbass. They both just fight each other with fire publicly, it gives me so much second hand embarrassment for them. They did a better job at pushing the happy family narrative when he was off his socials. It really is showing that they never were happy in the first place just like we knew it would.
No. 1226983
File: 1620622165187.jpeg (264.61 KB, 828x1473, 40B62C66-7771-4C5B-BBC4-130268…)

No. 1227117
File: 1620652754498.png (294.05 KB, 750x1334, BC724718-38C9-42E9-9A5D-AA454C…)

He’s going back to upstate again. Must have to move back in with daddy again.
No. 1228088
File: 1620767714146.jpg (604.1 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210511-231329_Ins…)

syd is showing off her outfit and posing a thirst trap. the other posts are qoutes about anxiety and other stuff.
No. 1228339
>>1228318I mean he was definitely a heroin addict who cheated on his wife.
But I agree that he wouldn’t give sid the time of day.
No. 1229083
File: 1620887417513.jpeg (429.23 KB, 1125x2297, 53978BD4-9C50-40A4-9625-FE66EA…)

No. 1229084
File: 1620887460957.jpeg (350.02 KB, 1125x2302, AD61D14C-84F0-4948-BECA-9485B1…)

No. 1229088
>>1229083>so….?!?!?!my thoughts exactly ma'am, who tf cares, uwu so smol
>>1229084this is word salad and yet somehow still one of the most self-righteous and superior things i've ever read. incredible
No. 1229090
>>1229083We get it syd. You’re sooooo uwu smoll and tiny and lost your baby weight. Jfc. What an accomplishment. Congrats on doing what a lot of women do after giving birth.
I wonder how many more times she’s going to mention her weight and ~100lbs. I guess she has to value something.
No. 1229263
>>1229160you're acting like she has a legitimate complaint when this was her trying to humblebrag about how totally small she is. "Omg he thought I was anorexic but actually I'm not, teehee so small"
like why did that even come up in conversation with your Uber driver, Syd?
No. 1229337
>>1229083Jesus didnt this happened like 5 days ago?? Assuming she is talking about this?
>>1225961Her life is that boring that a meaningless useless conversation has been living in her head rent free for dayssss. Go take care of your baby syd lol
No. 1230042
File: 1621012331187.jpg (540.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210514-191156_Ins…)

guess it's finally over
No. 1231040
File: 1621130416532.png (4.88 MB, 1125x2436, 83C94C46-F965-4C50-AE54-351FF4…)

His skin must be busting open again from the drugs.
No. 1231123
>>1231040he looks deflated? Like yeah he looks like he lost a bit of weight but also like a wrinkly old balloon a week after a birthday party. I doubt he's getting treatment for his hep c as most programs seem to ask for 6mo sobriety from everything before starting any treatment and he was drinking a cider the other day. Being court ordered to be sober from heroin for a few month must have done his liver some good. I'm sure he'll be reinflated in no time though, these
>>1225618 remind me of pre arrest when he waould be desperate for a plug lol. Hopefully this means the case is over and they will be back to posting milky things
No. 1231230
>>1231162Definitely should’ve healed by now but instead it’s probably all nasty and infected.
>>1231120Trying to bring back the mullet? Gag.
No. 1231909
File: 1621261689768.png (479.9 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210517-091024.png)

shouldn't have had a "tie him down" baby with a scumbag deadbeat then, idk.
No. 1232162
>>1231974> Jonny could be the best dad and partner in the world she already knew he was a 100% deadbeat no-show for another kid
idiots who think that somehow a loser scrote won’t act the same way with them
No. 1232863
File: 1621358876415.png (97.24 KB, 1050x637, Screenshot_20210518-132535~4.p…)

> she/they
No. 1234322
File: 1621498363999.png (3.19 MB, 1620x2160, 5287246F-463E-4205-B11C-C13DB1…)

Taylor has a mullet… Syd has a mullet.. interesting
No. 1234541
File: 1621528698109.png (1.68 MB, 1620x2160, 178A9B08-74FB-4B40-A6DF-7729BF…)

There is something goin on..
No. 1234543
File: 1621528745548.png (1.47 MB, 1620x2160, 97C0701A-EA47-4D2A-9C1C-64136D…)

No. 1234676
>>1234541Wow looks like the really broker up though I still betting they will get back together.
Be funny if this ignites taylor’s savior complex if she lurks here. I remember she told syd a bunch of time on different occasions to reach out if she wants out.
No. 1234820
File: 1621553537240.jpg (314.24 KB, 1080x1725, 20210521_093156.jpg)

No. 1234881
File: 1621559098454.png (666.23 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210520-210435.png)

No. 1234883
File: 1621559127445.png (303.4 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210520-210446.png)

No. 1234896
File: 1621560733183.png (3.06 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210520-192820.png)

Sooooo tiny.
No. 1234928
>>1234896Why does she need a backstory to the clothing she wears? It’s not an animal up for adoption.
Oh, right, cause she’s gotta let everyone know she’s so tinyyyyy. Such a quality to have.
No. 1234966
>>1234896or just put the measurements of the clothes
what a dumbshit
No. 1235206
File: 1621612759728.jpeg (785.92 KB, 964x1704, 60448B45-98F2-40D1-B1D5-FE86CC…)

anyone watch this story? i don’t want to SS the video so i took this from the tnd thread but the song in the background sounds just like JC - am i crazy?
No. 1235245
>>1234322Lmao it's funny how these two always seem to attempt to sneakily skinwalk the other, please stop fighting over Jonny's attention we know damn well you both hate his guts.
>>1234798Agreed with this comment, if she's not going to get a job and just wants to ask for help, then just do that. Whether people think you're a mooch or not depends on your spending habits and how hard you are trying to help yourself before asking others for money.
I think the most hilarious part of her asking for money is the fact that just maybe a week ago or so (sorry anons I didn't screenshot) Jonny posted a story saying he "hasn't flexed in a while" and was showing off whatever ugly pair of shoes he was wearing. It's pretty sad when you have to flex on the haters about how "muh shoes cost more than ya rent" and yet here is your babymama asking strangers for money on the internet. The fact she is doing this I think really officially shows that they aren't together anymore. Obviously she's been removing/adding him to and from her bio and pictures on and off forever now, but this is the longest she's taken everything of him off her profile and now this? Homegirl just say you weren't the uwu ~couple goalz~ you always tried forcing on the internet and move on. I have a feeling she'll never admit she was wrong though unless she can be like Taylor and come out with dirt on him to get sympathy. However I guarantee Jonny also has dirt on her so they may have quietly split to avoid pissing the other off and not spill anything.
No. 1235573
File: 1621656675892.jpeg (127.55 KB, 1280x1578, 33F3A649-943A-472B-8223-01AA2A…)

>>1235477Looks like joe dirt lmaoo
No. 1235668
>>1235477Wow I really think her and Taylor copy one another now Taylor wants all blonde mullet.
Why would anyone want a mullet
No. 1235679
File: 1621680678611.jpeg (223.95 KB, 1125x1986, 650C93DC-9672-400A-BD93-7E944B…)

No. 1235740
>>1235705Hence why its been almost 2 days and she only got 9 donations lol. Cant even get 750 bucks.. says a lot about the “friends” she has.
>>1235726Report what anon? People willingly donate, her GFM post is vague af. its up to here she spent her money on, if you’re pressed, don't donate then.
No. 1235957
File: 1621720412743.jpeg (606.41 KB, 1125x2001, B7D84A0F-AA04-4894-A9C1-7F2D22…)

“And stay with your toxic ex’s” ….. just like you???? make it make sense
No. 1236082
File: 1621745007906.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1125x1995, D0BD9510-B85F-44FC-8B01-8300CA…)

No. 1236111
File: 1621751325982.jpeg (196.78 KB, 1125x2007, C69E7D79-462B-4B39-8F7B-0A39C0…)

No. 1236136
File: 1621755105874.jpg (690.43 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210523-093054_Ins…)

at least it looks like his bloated hand
No. 1236150
File: 1621757900761.jpeg (442.26 KB, 2048x2048, 5E53A562-E3AD-4029-909E-30650D…)

It’s him. Same hand tattoo
No. 1236187
>>1234541>>1234543Why not go get a real fucking job, Syd? Having a baby by a junkie singer doesn't make you too speshul to be a cashier or stock shelves.
I hate how every laxy attention whore these days refuses to be seen working and would rather ask strangers they don't even care about to spoonfeed them ideas for monetized hobbies. What fucking entitlement.
No. 1237061
File: 1621888282184.png (410.96 KB, 828x1792, 01F7C384-2FCC-4032-A3F6-FBA6B7…)

Guess they are back together checks watch
No. 1237215
>>1237061They're such a rollercoaster.. it's so tiring to watch. I couldn't imagine being a mom and willingly dealing with such a
toxic relationship.
No. 1238496
>>1232125Actually, it IS totally possible and common to be using for over a decade without getting Hep C, thanks to Needle Exchanges giving away free supplies like syringes, cookers, alcohol swabs, sterile water, and ties. Before Needle Exchanges, sharing needles was much more prevalent. Now everyone has their own rigs or has enough to give you a couple freebies OR there's always someone selling rigs for $1 near where you cop dope.
And FYI, reusing your own needles is extremely common. Most iv users don't get a new needle after every shot. They usually just change it if it gets barbed due to too many uses or (more commonly) it gets clogged due to your blood clotting while trying to register.
After 2005 and especially after 2010, getting an unlimited amount of free needles and iv supplies has been extremely easy in every state with a Needle Exchange or other harm reduction program.
No. 1242091
File: 1622384418026.png (819.07 KB, 1125x2436, 65116A5E-B621-4B6C-9443-153412…)

So Jonny posted a story asking people to donate to this. First of all I’m pretty sure syd wrote this herself lmao and yesterday it showed she was over 900 because someone anonymous donated 500 dollars. Now that’s gone? And she’s back at 422. Can you actually cancel donations on gofundme? I was wondering if maybe it was that girl that used to lend Jonny money and she found out and threw a fit lol. Who else would give her/them 500 dollars?
No. 1242157
File: 1622391989745.jpeg (185.49 KB, 750x1241, 51E563C2-3B2C-4545-BA49-7A48D7…)

Amanda has entered the chat, jesus christ she’s still not over it
No. 1242231
File: 1622397857190.jpeg (572.12 KB, 1170x1692, 12EDC9C2-8562-49EE-9104-6040AF…)

>>1242157All of her tweets are a variation of the word "
toxic" or "abuse" and are clearly directed towards Sydney. I thought she moved on a while ago when she stopped obsessively tweeting about him and his new partners but shes back full force
No. 1242355
>>1242091Donate to
what? Enabling Syd to lay around and love her life online so she never has to work a register or stock shelves?
No. 1242362
File: 1622405043147.jpeg (72.71 KB, 1124x712, 43E79D1D-27FB-428A-A5E9-D10F97…)

I bet she’s having a meltdown right now. She’s probably fuming and yelling at Jonny about it kek
No. 1242388
File: 1622407421505.png (496.77 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210530-164250.png)

>>1242091lmaooo I'm assuming that's what she's talking about here, she's so mad about it
No. 1242576
File: 1622432685487.png (592.44 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210530-234415.png)

No. 1242613
>>1242091Idk about other places, but around here McDonald's is doing $500 sign-on bonuses for new hires.
Syd, go get a job instead of begging for money online.
No. 1242616
>>1242388Entitlement off the charts… GET A JOB!!!!!!!
If I had donated to her and saw that post, I'd retract my donation too!
No. 1242633
File: 1622441054731.png (4 MB, 1242x2208, 4ABF66F4-E724-4D72-94E4-5CEBD7…)

No. 1242684
File: 1622452237397.jpeg (559.2 KB, 1125x1983, 6CC2F735-1128-4C6A-AFAF-F9DB90…)

No. 1242843
>>1242388I don’t blame her for being upset. It’s kinda gay for someone to donate and take the money back. Any anon would be pissy.
>>1242613That’s just your franchisee owner. That is definitely not the case everywhere else.
No. 1242854
>>1242843>>1242843We wouldn't be pissy. We work for what we want. If we were in such dire straights to start a gofundme,
we wouldn't be so tacky to complain if someone changed their mind about donating what could be their entire paycheck.
Some places are offering $50 for interviews, etc. Even fast food places not offering incentives are desperately hiring right now.
She could find work in 1 day if she wanted to.
No. 1242860
>>1242388I mean it’s totally possible he meant to donate $50 and accidentally added an extra zero. I’ve definitely done that before when paying bills and then freaked out to reverse it. $500 is a lot of money to most people.
She’s ungrateful and I hope people don’t give her any more money. No need to put the dude on blast.
No. 1243080
File: 1622489615843.jpg (154.34 KB, 1080x1988, 20210531_153406.jpg)

Even Jonny boosting her GFM didn't help her raise money.
Nobody cares.
No. 1243093
>>1242841Omg i thought the same too anon! Cows are gon cow! Not to derail the thread -
I found the insga underage girl jonny was dating before tay, I swear tay tried to skin walk her as well! Not posting since I cant be 100% sure if thats the same girl since jonny doesnt follow her anymore given the situation.
No. 1243234
File: 1622501695044.jpeg (450.34 KB, 1125x1910, DDCBED52-2EAD-4BFC-940C-70567C…)

>>1243093It has to be the same person
No. 1243235
File: 1622501738648.png (4.42 MB, 1125x2436, D9D41F24-BE91-473D-A7EF-2502EE…)

No. 1243318
>>1243295When I worked in food service, almost everyone had at least 1 kid.
You make it work. You call on your support system and if you don't have one, you find one.
She's gotta start somewhere.
If she could work at McDonald's for a month and have a relative, her baby daddy, or friends watch Storm,
then she could save the $1000 she's asking for.
Having a kid is NOT an excuse for not having a regular job.
Especially if you're a single mom and/or if your baby daddy is absent. She needs to step tf up.
No. 1243893
File: 1622582248837.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1125x2008, 3DFB2DF5-CF99-43EF-8CCC-273630…)

No. 1243904
>>1243893How short is he? If she’s like 5 foot he’s gotta be like 5’ 6? Their poor kid.
Also noticed she’s not wearing her engagement ring.
No. 1244168
>>1243893If she were forcing that smol girl pose any harder she'd be flexing kek
Imagine being so basic and
toxic that all you can brag about is not being obese, and being average height for your age group. Most Millennial women are around 4-11/5-4 on average, so is it really even considered "smol" anymore? An entire generation grew up on tv dinners and soda then went on to glamorize their stunted growth like it somehow immortalizes their youth factor & Syd internalized it.
No. 1244430
File: 1622667052765.jpeg (508.35 KB, 750x1087, 7B7A5764-4195-4210-B6FF-898C71…)

No. 1244442
>>12444301. Those eyelashes are fucking ridiculous and aren’t cute.
2. Amanda donated 6 dollars 3 times to equal $18 on her gofundme, he’s clearly referencing that in the caption. Which is about all syd is worth anyway lmao
No. 1244446
>>1244430If either of them think this is a good looking selfie, then wew lad. Tons of fakeup, gaudy faux lashes and a cracked schizo smile… This is just uncomfortable to look at.
Go get a job so you can support your sick baby instead of cyberbegging for handouts online just to scroll Instagram and stalk Jonny.
No. 1244463
File: 1622670469990.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x2001, 04B1B939-F3D8-45F0-B578-ACA5CC…)

And it continues
No. 1244464
File: 1622670497480.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1125x1996, 46821AD3-7645-4002-98B5-AADC29…)

No. 1244538
>>1244446Nah best she can do is tattoo his initials on her face
>>1244486lol sure seems like it!
>>1244443I didn't think anything could get worse than her dated eyebrows that make her forehead look humongous but then she started wearing these
No. 1244546
>>1242628>Syd starts a nonspecific Gofundme>immediately starts going shopping with Jonny and posting new stuff unrelated to any kind of work I gues "keeping her happy and busy" means funding her shopping trips with her ~sexy celeb BF~ while her mom watches her sick infant & JC posts her face to his fans the whole time so she'll buy him shit, too.
Would explain him plugging the GFM if she's spending the money on him too.
No. 1244565
File: 1622682131849.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1115x1742, 93A87A5B-0F64-49D5-A1F7-A5A8D7…)

Aaaand he’s back on her profile lol
No. 1244721
File: 1622693419263.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1125x1986, 427FF0C2-D4DA-4A80-970C-4A1ACB…)

These lashes are atrocious
No. 1244726
File: 1622693455669.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1125x1996, 8B48D8D5-82C4-4691-BE4E-A9028E…)

Do they still live with her mom - is that her in the left of the video?
No. 1244830
File: 1622698703714.gif (167.21 KB, 500x290, 986B126E-1FA9-4C2F-99B4-886AB1…)

>>1244430>>1244464this is not a good look for her
No. 1244854
File: 1622701630033.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1125x1992, E1EEEDED-122D-4136-9945-37682A…)

>>1244851Nah, she’d rather spend the money on hair color
No. 1244932
>>1244726There's no way Syd is taking care of Storm full time after all that public bullshit she and JC went through where they both made it obvious that online attention is more important than Storm (unless it's censored selfie time). I'd feel safe betting Syd's mom has st least temporary custody of him bc Syd is obviously not his primary caregiver if her priorities are ebegging and shoping. All Storm was to her was a way to make sure Jonny couldn't dump her for being crazy and ruining his life, not even he would've tolerated her ass without a baby involved.
>>1244851How is it NOT a scam? There's no clear goal, she makes angry posts when her goal isn't met, then goes on a shopping spree with JC while they BOTH ebeg. Idk why these two greasy fat rats aren't being hung out to dry for acting like spoiled 12 year olds and neglecting their sick baby until selfie time. They treat him like a character they get to hang with IRL instead of their baby they care for.
No. 1245179
File: 1622741979139.jpeg (268.04 KB, 1125x1792, 11E38B53-78E4-4C1A-8901-B7BDDC…)

>>1244430This was his original caption to this post too, he changed it.
No. 1245203
>>1245183The baby is clearly happy and doing well, no thanks to either Syd or Jonny. No way Storm lives with her or him either, all their selfies from "home" have Storm stuff everywhere, like little reminders of him that they wouldn't need if he were living there with them.
>>1245060Yeah, but that has nothing to do with there being plastic on the skin of his leg. Most likely it's left over from his recent surgery where they probably had a line in his leg or something.
Also thinking about it, I doubt Syd took him to that surgery, she was probably begging for the ride to the station to ride along with her mother and Storm for selfie opportunities. If Syd doesn't have custody, she wouldn't be the one taking him to his surgeries, his guardian would be.
No. 1245207
>>1245183While I have no doubt most of this is true, his attention span at his age isn’t exactly made for books right now. Especially Dr. Seuss books that are like 70 pages long. They want to get into shit and explore.
I don’t follow her on IG so I didn’t see the story honestly. But a 1 year old not being into books isn’t a parenting thing.
No. 1245209
>>1245202Since the GFM all she's posyed have been bodymods, makeup and hairdye. It's literally just to hand her pocket money, she would have to consider
herself a work of art lwhich clearly she does) to justify suddenly blowing money on only herself and Jonny after starting a vauge GFM for "art supplies" to "keep her happy & busy" without any evidence of her buying art supplied or creating anything "artistic" other than selfies.
No. 1245213
>>1244854Love how fast she dropped the tacky blonde after anons said it made her somehow look trashier… for an even
trashier cut & color! Never change, Syd.
No. 1245219
>>1245202Syd's only goal is to freeload through life while being praised and complimented on a loop and getting as much attention as possible. Agree that she only had Storm to trap Jonny with her, she doesn't even care about their baby beyond pretending to be in love with him for Mom points on social media. When hebwas a newborn and Syd clearly was taking care of him, he was skinny and she looked like a fat, sloppy mess. She decided her image and online life as "Jonny Craig's (fake) Wife" were more important than sacrificing her precious sleep, bodymods and internet time and putting him first. I bet she only censors his face because she would get pissy if he got too many comments calling him cute vs her.
I'm glad Storm is with her mom, he looks much healthier and happier now than when he was stuck in the trainwreck he was born into. But fuck Syd forever for having ansick baby just to chain herself to a deadbeat junkie for eclout and to lay on her ass. I don't think it gets any lower or trashier than that.
No. 1245667
File: 1622780904178.jpg (352.5 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_20210604-002102__01…)

Syd legit died her hair like last night and it's so washed out already. Guess her hair is so damaged it won't even take the color. Like what a waste of that GFM money retard. You're hair looks like dog shit. Have fun on your movie date that's been funded by innocent donors. Ur an whole ass POS.
No. 1245871
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No. 1246305
File: 1622856002417.png (1.23 MB, 1440x1080, Tentacle-Vision_097.png)

>>1245871She looks like a hunched old grandma
No. 1246629
File: 1622878119808.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x2010, 185C596F-9BA1-4746-B329-A5A860…)

No. 1246858
>>1246783Her kid was born with medical conditions that has required surgeries and they haven’t mentioned what exactly it is. That plus seeing her smoke a cigarette leads me to tinfoil she was smoking during her pregnancy and it is the likely cause of whatever is going on with him.
And like another anon said, a baby with medical issues shouldn’t be exposed to second hand or third hand cigarette smoke. Even if she smoked outside, she still brings smoke inside. There’s a reason why in some towns , cigarette smoking is banned within 25 or 50 feet from a business or building with other occupants.
No. 1247066
File: 1622928157121.webm (2.79 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-jonnycraig4l_98…)
>>1245871Sorry i downloaded/converted this last night but forgot to post it
No. 1247102
File: 1622930994015.png (6.47 MB, 1125x2436, 6F5BE578-FE86-4194-B2E7-629D32…)

She looks high as fuck in jonnys story.
No. 1247152
File: 1622933776755.webm (1.98 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-jonnycraig4l_79…)
>>1246858Unfortunately I feel like she did more than smoke during pregnancy. Jonny's an alcoholic and
>>1247102they were partying and drinking a lot when they first got together aka when she got pregnant.
>>1247102In the latest vids she definitely seems high. She gives me pillhead or tweaker vibes on top of being a stoner. But who know maybe jonny convinced her to try heroin too? Lol
No. 1248005
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No. 1248027
File: 1623019283858.jpeg (499.54 KB, 1125x1998, 3D68F40D-6FD8-445F-A26A-6E7910…)

No. 1248231
>>1247640What? No it’s just the worst pose ever, I don’t understand. People usually put their hand there to hide double chin lol. She could’ve done any other hand position and it would have looked more feminine and flattering.
She’s also very stunted so 100lbs is normal for her height. She has no curves anyway
No. 1248247
>>1248027>People show their true colors when shit hits the fantrue colors = people's understandably negative reactions to JC's narc addict shenanigans
shit hitting the fan = constant drama, caused by JC
Shut the fuck up JC and take responsibility for something – anything
No. 1248483
>>1248231>>1248264>>1247640>>1247661She's too carefully posed and edited to have dieted the weight off in a healthy way. She's looked high in several stories posted & she's the BM of a heroin addict who regularly balloons and shrinks based on his usage. 2+2=?
As for that textwall, shut up Jonny. You made your bed by knocking up a histrionic groupie whore who turned out to be your perfect match. Pretending to be happy every time someone calls your stetched out skank ugly is hilariously obvious. You know how bad of a parent you have to be to lose custody if a kid in America? Jesus.
No. 1248963
File: 1623102856026.png (5.21 MB, 1170x2532, E5F363AD-1E6D-4F43-A36F-9C34C6…)

“Happy birthday friend, here’s a picture of ME because I’m so fucking obsessed with myself!”
No. 1249001
File: 1623105636427.png (8.47 MB, 1170x2532, 9A5684FC-706E-4C7F-8AA0-23407D…)

Everyone’s gofuckme money will go towards hats for Jonny apparently. And probably drugs, let’s be real
No. 1249005
>>1249001Was just gonna post this kek
What a slap in the face to all the “sweet souls” that donated .
No. 1249036
>>1249001I mean, yeah, your literal baby is buying you that hat, because the money people donated should be used for his care
what a dad
No. 1249530
File: 1623158363062.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, 1AFE265B-392D-4E6B-B8EC-149B48…)

What a load of shit, like they aren’t fighting and toxic as fuck at least weekly
No. 1250072
File: 1623191952944.jpeg (446.38 KB, 1125x2005, 1A64CE39-5065-4CDD-9A3F-002583…)

>>1249530Daily at this point haha
No. 1250073
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No. 1250387
File: 1623216574872.png (1009.64 KB, 750x1334, 55CD7B4D-5E4E-4644-BCEE-E20D26…)

No. 1250866
File: 1623260100074.png (8.9 MB, 1125x2436, F3F71FAC-2117-4280-B70C-F6CBD7…)

“She wants you to know she feeds me well when I want to eat”
Blink twice if you need help Jonny?? This sounds so fucking creepy, like he’s being held at gun point to post this lmao
No. 1250869
File: 1623260171029.png (585.47 KB, 1125x2436, 95A3317C-8D5C-45A0-AD1C-080D6B…)

Yeah I’m sure it does suck when all her lyrics are about how boys mistreat her. We feel so sorry for you Syd. /s
No. 1251598
File: 1623324504696.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1995, 5B101D39-BBB8-44F6-BD98-851042…)

No. 1251629
>>1250866my dude, literally nobody was worried that you weren’t eating
look at yourself you absolute unit
No. 1251719
>>1251598I wonder if she realizes how insecure she’s painting herself to be, when she posts shit like this.
>graduated 6 months earlyWow such accomplish. Much smart. Some good it did her anyways. Jobless with a deadbeat baby daddy begging for handouts.
No. 1252120
File: 1623359334673.png (4.82 MB, 1125x2436, 40533960-F290-47B6-A647-75442B…)

Two parts to this one
No. 1252132
File: 1623359710171.png (2.43 MB, 1125x2436, 573B6798-BC92-4F4A-8728-0E70E2…)

How pathetic that he is telling people to go beg emarosa to let him sing their old songs. They’re probably pissed about the dm’s. If anyone actually cared enough to do it. Pretty sure emarosa/ Especially Bradley hate Jonny otherwise couldn’t he just ask them himself? Kinda embarrassing. No, a band you fucked over doesn’t want to take a trip down memory lane with you.
No. 1252241
File: 1623365456125.png (352.71 KB, 750x1334, 3D6D2F0D-5351-4C08-8EF8-618590…)

Who’s he fussing with?
No. 1252315
File: 1623369082794.jpeg (335.79 KB, 1125x2001, 828C3923-5915-4847-AEBF-6778FE…)

No one cares Jonny. I don’t know who is more desperate for attention, him or syd
No. 1252704
>>1252132they literally could not stop him from recording the songs if he paid for the rights
too bad he’s broke I guess
No. 1252849
File: 1623408236811.png (1.85 MB, 828x1792, 66B9E66B-968D-44F3-91C0-7457EB…)

This is so trashy!! I wonder if syd actually asked him to post this to make the other haturz jealous of her “smol” body, honestly do they literally have nothing else to brag about aside from her body?
No. 1252904
File: 1623417098188.png (571.11 KB, 750x1334, 8BFF4FE6-AA70-4CF1-8367-BB235D…)

Lol…so he can’t even get in contact with him
No. 1253259
File: 1623443916940.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1125x2001, 3CC95360-AEC7-4785-BBD4-1C1C81…)

Yum half toasted bread and overcooked eggs
No. 1253419
>>1253241yes, the hardcore music scene is notorious for clutching their pearls about women’s nipples
clearly jonny will never get work now
No. 1253546
syd’s nips are the least of his problems
No. 1254615
File: 1623551534234.jpeg (709.22 KB, 1125x1989, F2DB6820-A28E-48CB-89F9-1A09DB…)

No. 1255745
File: 1623638779362.png (5.53 MB, 1125x2436, 08FC5DBB-7B46-4DB7-B4EB-07E3E3…)

Wish this dumb bitch would like, make a statement about how she gave up her kid so she could get high with Jonny all day and lallygag around. That kid is nowhere to be seen where it appears they’re living. And they can’t even afford a tv stand or wall mount. Don’t get me wrong it’s a huge fucking relief that he’s no longer in their hands. But for them to post cutesy videos of him when they see him probably once a month acting like a perfect little family is infuriating.
No. 1255847
File: 1623647301137.png (8.36 MB, 1242x2208, 4BA8D55C-7FE5-45CF-BB19-0DFB92…)

Back to wearing her ring
No. 1256145
File: 1623674104887.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x2436, 0048CF94-53B6-4136-AF64-8C3B96…)

Trying to figure out what this is/ if it’s heroin lol. Excuse my lack of knowledge if it’s not. Just can’t make it out and at first glance looked like some kinda substance.
No. 1256265
File: 1623685548011.jpeg (265.42 KB, 1800x1800, 17C59FD2-DA43-4151-B7F5-F96F6D…)

>>1256145>>1256254The blister pack looks kinda like a blunt wrap. Cookies is a dispensary.
No. 1256914
>>1256145I think they’re vape carts. He has a cookies bag right there.
Pretty sure they moved to sac and baby boy lives with syd’s mom. No sign of baby or baby things in the house. You have beer and vape carts on the table within reach of little hands…no way is there a 1 year old living there. Not to mention all their outings together lately and no sign of their son. Sad she dumped her baby for that bloated mole rat.
No. 1257266
>>1256914>>1256922Guys remember, Syd ONLY had the baby so Jonny can't ditch her. She only named him what she did to make Taylor jealous and feel better than her, which is why she tatted the initials on her face yet abandoned her kid. She had a sick baby with a junkie just to have an audience and use his fanbase to beg for handout money. In her shitty white traah life, she did
THE white trashiest thing you can do- have a kid you don't want to keep a shitty,
abusive man just to garner attention from his fangirls AND his ex while dumping the kid on your mom and partying online all day. As a 30 year old woman. Jesus.
When do we cancel Syd? It's clear she thrives on the negative attention from the "haters" "judging" her "lifestyle" bc she's too unaware to notice she's a selfish, soulless ugly fat cunt.
No. 1257770
File: 1623808293069.png (520.77 KB, 1170x2532, 2CA33CD8-FDB4-469B-9FFC-B011A9…)

No. 1257773
File: 1623808818221.png (1.48 MB, 1170x2532, 3C37C18C-6FA6-441A-ACA0-A74528…)

>>1257770Hmmm thought it was about Syd but maybe it’s about one of the many people in the industry who want nothing to do with him
No. 1258562
File: 1623920977379.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1999, 5E5CF20A-C97D-4B96-BA35-CC8028…)

No. 1258563
File: 1623921010334.jpeg (356.74 KB, 1125x1996, 67E6772A-CB8A-4851-86CF-F80CE0…)

No. 1258564
File: 1623921044217.jpeg (533.54 KB, 1125x1999, D3605FE4-F46E-4019-94F5-171F62…)

Hasn’t she shared this before? lol
No. 1259432
File: 1624018671823.jpeg (699.17 KB, 1125x2002, 6ADF99B3-B29C-449F-8D13-327A2A…)

Sounds like she has lots of time to not spend with her kid
No. 1260036
File: 1624102313906.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x2012, D48C72A9-06C0-4C1E-8458-D37F64…)

No. 1260086
File: 1624110790854.png (458.01 KB, 750x1334, A25E8D17-C06B-4ABB-9C00-6FDD3D…)

He has no other life skill so of course he’s gonna keep trying and trying no matter how sad it is. Or everyone he knows just said they quit music cuz they dont want to work with him
No. 1260686
File: 1624170671641.jpeg (313.46 KB, 1125x1983, CAF47428-AE80-4EE9-91A5-E18013…)

“CD” lol is this 1999
No. 1260787
>>1260036Whete the hell did her post baby booty go? She's breaking her back and lifting both cheeks as high as she can and it
still looks small and saggy.
No. 1261094
File: 1624238544790.jpg (76.68 KB, 1080x1190, Screenshot_20210620-212008.jpg)

Awwww trouble in paradise Syd? Your junkie boyfriend who makes shit tier music isn't giving you enough attention again? You poor thing.
No. 1261098
File: 1624238748304.jpg (256.38 KB, 1080x1643, Screenshot_20210620-212322.jpg)

No. 1261230
File: 1624265853014.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1125x1996, 2A43E54B-45F1-4D4A-9409-23001E…)

No. 1261231
File: 1624265882137.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x2001, 5577BF20-B6DB-4D07-A223-2A3F6D…)

I guess no recent pics exist of them together. Poor kid
No. 1261283
File: 1624277696745.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x2046, A775E418-A9AD-49B8-A4C5-696615…)

No. 1261291
>>1261230>>1261231>>1261283They forgot about Father's day until they read here, then didn't even have pics visiting their baby on his FIRST Father's Day and posted old ones on the 21st?
Storm is nothing but a prop for attention for them. I honestly don't want to see them post him or mention him again, even if he is their kid, because they so obviously only give a shit about him when he gets them likes for pretending to be something neither of then will ever be.
No. 1261293
File: 1624279095770.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1991, D7E72303-E9D6-4764-986E-20E8B9…)

More old pics
No. 1261427
>>1260036Jesus I can't imagine how gross and saggy her ass is when she has to cover it with these nasty granny panties, ewww.
>>1260686You know you're irrelevant as fuck when you have to beg for interviews on your IG stories lmao, any other actually talented musician would have interviewers begging for THEIR time because they're actually interesting and popular. You can tell it really pisses him off that he's fallen from fame like he has, nobody cares about him anymore.
>>1261291This exactly, I feel so god awful for this kid. It was clear since day one he was just going to be a prop to them but I thought they would have at least done a better job at upholding the image with him to get better sympathy points. Jonny really thought having a baby and putting his psychotic girlfriend and kid in his music videos would make him blow back up to fame, because awww Jonny's changed now that he's a father! They couldn't even keep up the fake imagine for his first year of life, it's truly sad. It's so obvious to everyone that they threw him away like he was nothing, and I think they're self aware enough to know they aren't fooling anyone at this point. They are desperately holding on to what asspats and sympathy they can get from what's left of his braindead fans. They probably spent the entirety of Father's Day arguing hence Syd "balling her eyes out".
No. 1261621
File: 1624312796900.png (702.13 KB, 412x725, 312r2.PNG)

he looks like a gross creeper and her hair is beyond fried. Fathers Day is over so time to go right back to being selfish for these two
No. 1262178
>>1261998generic seems to be his thing just look at taylor and amanda.
>>1262009agreed I saw those right away and it made me nervous. I hope ultimately being raised by someone else will turn out for the best for storm but I'm not optimistic since syds mom raised her and look how she turned out? Idk how it usually goes when grandparents or troubled people raise their kids? maybe she will do things differently with storm
No. 1262260
File: 1624396606324.png (8.03 MB, 1170x2532, E02B9828-36BF-4506-BE99-AC2F3E…)

Today anyway lol
No. 1262297
>>1262260looks like they're in a hotel bathroom. also lol peep that drink peaking out on the bottom right.
wonder what they're up to.
No. 1262539
File: 1624435367033.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x2005, 9A80FFFD-8FCF-40A9-90AE-1E3014…)

I can’t ever upload videos, but I wish I could with this one. She walks out of the store, takes off her mask looking super annoyed by him filming her; and he starts singing “who’s that pretty girl in the window, wish I could buy her, buy her”
No. 1262540
File: 1624435457240.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1125x2008, C00D67DD-DED9-4DF1-BC12-0FCCD8…)

she basically rolls her eyes when he starts singing “buy her” probably because he can’t afford shit lol
No. 1262541
File: 1624435507415.jpeg (266.46 KB, 1125x1999, 9FB0EDC4-1193-487D-9769-55E8E6…)

No. 1263208
File: 1624536210169.png (1.34 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210624-080126.png)

syd: guys pls give me money, I'm struggling and trying to do things for my future but I'm literally so poor
also syd: drops $40 on yet more band shit
poor hrvrd, they don't deserve to be associated with her
No. 1263219
File: 1624538890171.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x2008, EF4BCEEC-3F19-44A3-8C0F-9963A1…)

>>1263208You forgot the best part, her lifting up the album to reveal her underwear showing. She’s so desperate for attention
No. 1263240
>>1263214Yeah, they broke up forever ago, she's trying so hard to dick ride every has-been band out there
>>1263219Lmaooo oh my god how did I miss that?? I literally thought it was the waistband of some trashy leggings or something
No. 1263546
File: 1624576151413.png (312.94 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210624-165054.png)

More wise spending.
No. 1263723
File: 1624597625784.png (644.97 KB, 1170x2532, ECA85A57-5E88-42DE-977A-3DDDEA…)

Nor does anyone else give a fuck… literally no one lol
No. 1263732
File: 1624599795894.png (662.22 KB, 1170x2532, 4F57DDC2-D6A2-4709-9BD0-0DC92D…)

It’s kinda sad how delusional he is
No. 1263822
>>1263732Has he always done this cringey middle-aged white boy AAVE stuff, or is it just since Syd came around? He cranks it up to 10 when they're fighting I've noticed.
He looks kinda like a knockoff soundcloud "rapper", but I assumed that was because of "trailer park druggie" being the only real aesthetic required for that.
No. 1264072
>>1263905You hit the nail on the head, he even had his name on Twitter “king shit” for a while if I recall correctly lol
Jonny hasn’t been relevant in a really long time. Everyone he has worked with in the past is on to bigger things and better off without him (DGD, emarosa, slaves, etc) and he’s probably just trying to overcompensate on social media to try to prove to them that they made a mistake (but really they all couldn’t care less lol)
No. 1264163
File: 1624651820665.jpg (519.45 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20210625-160957.jpg)

Ew. Take a shower.
No. 1264316
>>1264228Okay… but this is Chelsea we’re talking about. I would take what she says with a grain of salt.
If I remember correctly he was in the hospital for over a month due to an infection in his spine, had to relearn how to walk an ect. I keep seeing a few anons mentioning liver failure, but where is the proof.
No. 1264388
File: 1624668165928.png (2.64 MB, 1242x2208, 52A55463-709E-495B-A6EB-978B2C…)

Looking just about wrecked
No. 1265060
File: 1624747980830.png (2.93 MB, 1170x2532, 5296BF3F-61AB-4E25-91CD-CD9348…)

I love you Sudney
No. 1265562
>>1265385Most likely. Sac is a lot cheaper than the Bay Area too. Probably why they moved up there. Still confused why they abandoned their kid in San Jose. Neither of them work? It’s just baffling honestly I don’t get it and can’t imagine just dumping my baby on a family member.
I was thinking maybe they kept him down there because his doctor is down there(for whatever condition he has) but that still doesn’t warrant abandoning your kid 2 hours away.
No. 1265865
File: 1624839404338.png (1.96 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210627-181555.png)

No. 1266221
>>1266190people can report gofundmes as scams, but syd apparently does have a baby with medical challenges, so that wouldn’t go far
gofundme doesn’t monitor or care what people do with the money, they’re just in it to make money from their cut for processing the donations
they only cancel gofundmes when the entire premise is shown to be fraudulent
No. 1266235
>>1266231With GFM, you can take money before your goal is met, and it won't reflect on the current amount raised iirc.
>>12662211, Syd & JC don't even live with their baby, and 2, based on the rare pics with him he's not used to interacting with them on a regular enough basis to justify Syd claiming the donations have anything to do with Storm. The GFM was for "art supplies to keep her busy & happy", but she's obviously spending the money to support her & Jonny being freeloading 30-something druggies. Syd's GFM is absolutely against TOS.
No. 1266745
File: 1624932293955.png (7.1 MB, 1125x2436, 24CFE236-5F57-47FD-924C-17527E…)

Is that a ton of track marks on his hands or what? Yikes.
No. 1266980
File: 1624945637519.png (336.62 KB, 526x434, Screen Shot 2021-06-29 at 1.41…)

>>1266745did a little research (picrel) because that's either extremely clear scabbed over tracks or just freckles.. and god. like he's an awful person and i fucking hate him but this is just sad, it's so clearly trackmarks. on the taylor thread ppl love to tinfoil about trackmarks every pic she posts but this is undeniable.
syd sucks ass too but it's so fucking depressing knowing he's currently in the process of sucking her into his void of heroin addiction. yeah she asked for it basically but it's still a death sentence nowadays. that poor child, i just hope his grandmother lives a long life and gives him a lot of love
No. 1267061
>>1266241Word travels fast here, they'll be bitching more and more. Notice the increase of their vague posting or outright shit-calling and sand flinging like in
>>1252241 and
>>1263732. Expect more of that as they're found out. California culture is especially nosy so her "we're a happy family" schtick on IG will not go unnoticed by any means.
Sac music scene has dried up for his likes anyhow. He's better stuck reliving his warped tour days because he won't and can't be able to keep up. Really looking forward to the milk lmao this is gonna blow up so bad.
And Sac isn't as expensive as San Jo but it sure as fuck isn't cheap, especially for jobless grifters.
No. 1267127
>>1266745Tracks are in a straight line due to where your veins run. Other than the 3 on his first finger, the rest are randomly scattered on his knuckles, where nobody shoots due to the lack of veins. He's better off hitting his neck in the mirror or getting a long femoral needle since I'm sure he doesn't care about blood clots.
Sorry anons, but nobody's veins are randomly scattered on their knuckle bones and nobody shoots all over and not in a straight line. And he's not muscling either since you don't muscle there. You can also tell they're not tracks due to a lack of any kind of bruising or red discoloration around the dots or under them.
No. 1267793
File: 1625018499889.png (5.23 MB, 1125x2436, 23F8DE8A-AAD2-4A8F-8416-8923C8…)

These candids on jonnys story really outing her for not actually having this perfect body she tries so hard to portray with angles lol
No. 1267795
File: 1625018559056.png (5.82 MB, 1125x2436, 213481A8-F8DF-4CA9-9814-328E41…)

I see no ass at all here.
No. 1267908
File: 1625026913976.png (5.6 MB, 1242x2688, FBDA2BB8-6F72-46BF-87AE-B647E6…)

At the SC boardwalk. So they drove past where their son lives and didn’t bother bringing him to a place all babies and kids love- the beach. Such great parents.
No. 1268153
File: 1625057487101.png (3.15 MB, 750x1334, E349888A-B1AE-4E7B-BDD8-DC8A74…)

So lame
No. 1268205
>>12681531- thanks, GFM!
2- is it legal to have alcohol on a public beach? I thought it wasn't
3- he has to be high to KEEP taking pics with his finger over the lens
No. 1268568
There’s been nothing since the mom fight.
No. 1268884
File: 1625143494318.jpg (527.89 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_20210701-084251.jpg)

This dude still hasn't taken his braids out from the music video shoot. That was like 2 weeks ago now… Gross.