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No. 1082146
Last Thread
>>>/snow/1038163If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
34 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.
The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread > syd is close to giving birth & the rollercoaster has just begun. this is a containment thread so people stop bitching about people posting jonny/syd in the TND thread Old Milk:
>Syd final shit out her baby and names it Storm Parker Monroe Craig>Taylor in a fit on jealously posts on twitter about how that was her and Jonnys name for there nonexistent child>Syd still vague posting about Tay on her IG>Jonny claiming to be sober while walking to the store with a white claw in his hand. Claims to have hurt himself on his walk to the store >Jonny still on heroin after showing off is bloating corpse body and freshly shaven face>Syd has a social media freakout on an innocent women who commented on jonnys Instagram>Both still fighting with eachother over Social Media>Jonny claims to be taking Syd on a "vacation" to propose to her after both of them post cryptic messages about eachother on social media >While working on music in AZ Jonny posts a series of pics and vids on IG of him eye fucking himself and badly lip syncing to his shit tier music. Pupils nonexistent and face freshly shaven>Jonny posts on FB about heading to NY but instead goes to LA>Jonny goes to AZ to "record music" ends up going to LA instead without telling Syd and goes on a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive and buys himself discounted designer shoes and buys his son used and dirty shoes>Syd and Jonny fighting which ends in Syd removing Jonny from her bio twice>Still bragging about his shoes and money then a few hours later begging his fans to stream his music>Posts on IG about how much he hates to IRS>Still living in Syds moms trailer while claiming to be looking for a home in Sacramento>Still scamming people via song features and voice lessons >Syd still batshit crazy as ever >Jonny still talking about his "come up" but doesn't realise he fucked up every chance he got to back it big and now hes just washed up>Syd posting depresses shit to her IG and old pics of her smol bodyNew milk:
> still on-off> drama over alleged kidnapping of their son from Jonny and Syd's mom> turtlemom inserted herself> Syd still together with Jonny> Syd made her account private (at least for the moment)social media links:
No. 1082160
>>1082148Thanks for the thread, good job anon.
How long till Syd comes off private? I reckon she won’t last until Monday.
No. 1082173
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I mean… maybe people think you’re using because Syd is straight up saying you are? And people wouldn’t worry so much if Syd didn’t spend all her time posting all your dirty laundry. Just a thought lol
No. 1082174
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No. 1082203
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>>1082146Syd’s new bio. Guess she’s trying to be more private. We’ll see how long that lasts.
No. 1082218
>>1082173“since storm was born”
….ok, and the 9 months leading up to that or…?
also, pretty sure we’ve seen stories where syd had a drink or it was implied she was drinking like the “engagement”
No. 1082421
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No. 1082423
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No. 1082584
>>1082173"You won't ever have it like this"…. thank GOD.
Literally no one wants an
abusive on and off again relationship
with an
abusive bum who abuses hard drugs.
No. 1082621
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Incoming stories from the last 24 hours from JC. (1/6)
No. 1082622
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No. 1082629
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(3/6) - what is he even talking about here?
No. 1082634
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(4/6) what?????
No. 1082636
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No. 1082643
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No. 1082789
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Well that lasted for a while
No. 1082825
>>1082643Homeboi is only able to see eye-to-eye with a garden gnome.
A stepping stone for what.. falling into the void?
No. 1082996
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He's not really working on anything but covers lately, he's so desperate for some kind of big break that isn't coming. Running off the internet is not going to stop my need to shit on him and Syd so either way his critics are waiting. He acts so hard then runs away all the time when people talk shit, he cant handle any heat and it shows. Taylor was right, he does throw little tantrums when the internet trolls hurt his wittle fweeings. Poor craig, life must be so very hard being a washed up singer.
No. 1083063
>>1083006Yes, he did it to himself. As a huge DGD fan, his voice is behind Tillian but before Kurt in my book, but having good pipes isn't a free pass to be an
abusive, cheating lowlife sponge.
No. 1083124
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No. 1083143
>>1082996The best thing he could do for himself and his family,
to turn his life around and generally improve their situation,
is get an actual 9-5 job with benefits.
He lost his chance at long-term success in the music industry YEARS ago…
the opportunity was there but he fucked around and squandered it.
That's ok. We all fuck up in life (though most of us not nearly as bad as him.)
It's crazy how even being such a piece of shit,
he has a chance at personal redemption (aka a normal and happy life) by just getting offline,
going to rehab, getting sober, being a good dad,
and focusing all of his energy on a new career (maybe trade school or something) and his son…
but instead he's begging people to allow him to participate in the music industry,
and counting on his dwindling fan base to support his music.
No. 1083162
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No. 1083592
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She took Jonny’s name out of her bio again.
No. 1083804
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Guessing he’s not staying with her right now since we’ve never seen this cat, but is that a weed grinder? I know it’s legal in some states but you’d think with cps on their tails he might try not to post that shit?
No. 1084041
>>1084021Not to WK but should they really have to curate every aspect of their sm presence because one woman is obsessed with Jonny? If JC had any money he would have legit grounds to get a restraining order against TM. She’s been tracking his every move obsessively for seven years (her own admission and she’s proud of it,) reaches out to anyone even tangentially associated with him (including Taylor’s dad,) openly brags that she wants him to die, calls CPS on him, tries to dox him including posting his passwords, legit defamation on matters she claims are from “an inside source” but really she’s just WOACB levels of crazy.
Like they absolutely should be more mindful of what they post on sm, but not because some 400-lb psycho stalker is going to call CPS over a grinder.
No. 1084421
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This is turtle mom in all her glory anons
No. 1085179
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No. 1085190
>>1084935>>1084726Tinfoil but I’d put money on she started as a fan and was thirsting after him then got rejected. If she looked like more his type she wouldn’t be a weird stalker, she’d be one of his abuse
victims. He has a type and she ain’t it, she probably got pissy
No. 1085260
>>1085179“Taking all my badmondayapparel with me is gonna be dope”
Has one lonely shirt in a suitcase
No. 1085298
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This shit is worded so weird
No. 1085344
>>1085298God I dont use the r-word lightly even on lolcow but he is so god damn retarded with the jonnycraig4l shit.. jfc no growth with this dude if he thinks he can still act like a piece of shit that he was in his 20s until now.
I hope syd and his stalker makes his life miserable so he has to get a full time job in starbucks or something.
No. 1085436
>>1085298Jonny Craig is such a whiny little bitch. Who goes on ig crying about how another artist won’t give you the time of day because you’re a dirtbag. The kicker is him tagging him like how desperate can you fucking be?
Get it through your head that you’re a washed up heroin addict that no one with clout gives a flying fuck about. It’s “his year” EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. We can make a whole compilation of tweets and ig stories of him saying this. It’s so fucking pathetic.
No. 1087591
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God she's annoying
No. 1087662
toxic people" you and your ugly fiance are both incredibly
toxic, u dummy lmao
No. 1088079
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No. 1088081
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No. 1088190
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How can everything be falling together when home boy ain't even there
No. 1088214
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No. 1088250
>>1088081Mentioning the kid isn't milk but damn if this doesn't depress the ever living fuck out of me. Babies aren't blind or deaf and they certainly can develop disorders later in life from having their most spongey formative years immersed in a
toxic chaotic environment. Syds a horrible mother for doing this to her kid. Her selfishness in this situation is incredible. The fact that she'd rather chose a failing relationship with a washed up junkie over her own son is heartbreaking.
Hes going to grow up knowing that while his mom could have been playing with him and making sure his life was as peaceful and calm as possible she instead was chasing his deadbeat sperm donor around because she wanted to live her highschool emo girl dream.
I hope Johnny didn't hurt Syd because if he did he will absolutely hurt storm next when hes old enough to piss him off too or even worse gets inbetween his mom and JC fighting. We know Syd has no intentions of leaving because she sees the fucking abuse as "baggage" and not an immediate threat to her child's safety. Its so gross to watch her and know she's giving her own child an environment that will develop mental illness without giving a single fuck about anyone but herself.
No. 1088273
>>1088176>>1088225Having to highligh basic ass "traits" like these are the tell. If you havw to point out that you
always smell nice, which nobody realistically does, it's probably a cope. "Prefers to chill at home" is the type of thing Bratz-meme sharing hoes say when they're boring as hell or can't get invited anywhere because they always start drama. There's a reason only trash instathots repost memes like these, and it's bc they're copes. Nobody posts shit like this unless they spend most of their time alone, arguing with 'haterz' in a filthy hovel.
No. 1088346
>going ghostCuriously timed, no?
No. 1088351
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If this doesn’t scream proof that it is indeed, cosmixhoney, then I don’t know what does.
No. 1088377
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>>1088351She’s already admitted that. It’s no secret
No. 1088386
>>1088360All this forum and you ask me why I said he had a lopsided dick?
I said it as an insult, nothing more.
No. 1088452
>>1088190$10,000 bail is doable for the average car owner. I wonder if Syd’s mom will post it for him.
>>1088428His nudes have been floating around the internet for a decade anon, no need to embarrass yourself by implying you’re personally familiar with his dick.
No. 1088589
>>1088190Holy shit, thanks for this new milk anon. How did you find out? Is he honestly being detain right now? Will this have anything to do with syd reporting him the the cops? If yes it makes this
>>1088081 even funnier and cringy (also want to add that imagine being this excited about a D-list junkie following you to kept that screenshot to remember, is she 12??)
No. 1088817
>>1088532JC has years of abuse under his belt and almost every single ex he's had has coroberated one anothers horrific stories. He's a heroin addict who gets his girlfriends addicted to fucking heroin. Johnny isn't just some loser he's genuinely a dangerous and bad person.
Why the fuck to anons reach so hard trying to shit on cows they start defending the mongoloid
abusive scrotes making these women even more batshit. Syds a cow and a bad mom but Johnny has been fucking up women since before she was even a thought in his junkie brain.
>he was probably defending himself from Syd uwuYeah sure anon, and Syds also the reason he's a cheater, a liar and why every person who's met him thinks he's disgusting
No. 1088869
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Lurking on twitter threads and apparently it wasn’t syd that made the report
No. 1088915
You can see anyone's public records by going to the states court website. criminal case index search. I'm tempted to just go to altpress myself with this info…
No. 1089013
>>1088992I don’t think turtlemom has any info on what actually happened and is just inserting her lardy ass into this drama in a bid for relevance. Most people who haven’t worked in some kind of human service or healthcare capacity like to throw that term around without actually understanding what it means.
Mandated reporting usually involves a call to CPS or the local PD, in which case they will perform a welfare check and do an investigation into any suspected abuse or neglect. This rarely leads to immediate charges filed.
If turtlemom is right, the implication would be that he harmed the baby, severely enough to warrant arrest.
I just don’t see that happening. This is probably some run of the mill white trash romance drama, and the baby is probably just ok.
FWIW though Storm has like zero chance at a normal life, being born into these two morons. He will probably continue the trailer park cycle and become another blemish on society. Rinse and repeat. Sorry kid.
No. 1089108
A mandated report is someone who works with “vulnerable populations” like children, the elderly, etc.
The majority of the instances I’ve known of, the mandatory reporter is a health care worker and if they saw anything suspicious that would potentially endanger or lead them to believe the baby could be at risk - needles in the home, or perhaps a doctors appointment discovering bruises, or even track marks on a parent - would end with a report to CPS. A wild guess, but as Jonny does have some criminal history and has or had a restraining order against him, that could be why there would have been a police officer accompanying a social worker.
However, some states actually include all citizens as a mandated reporter if they believe there is risk. Unfamiliar with their states outlook, but it could have easily been a neighbour who hears screaming matches, sees fighting, sees dealers pop by.
No. 1089112
>>1089013Agreed. She didn’t even mention it until the info was put on here. Seems like she wants to take credit for it and seem powerful.
Curious why JC got arrested and not Syd. She seems like she’s just as unhinged if not more so. That poor kid.
No. 1089193
>>1088869Okthx and Turtleneck are both cows. They take everything from these threads to post on twitter for clout.
>>1088902From what I can remember, Turtleneck has claimed to be a mandated reporter in the past. I am sure it was her that reported it and now she’s pretending like it wasn’t her.
No. 1089212
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She claims it was mandated reporters following her account, she’s such a cow. This woman is batshit trying to take credit for his arrest what a retard.
No. 1089217
>>1089212Hilarious that his “rockstar” self or his “ride or die” friends and baby momma couldn’t even pony up a thousand bucks to get his junkie ass out.
Fuckin’ kek
No. 1089244
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San Jose county, have to search by one of the numbers
No. 1089245
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well, I'll be damned, it's real. This fuckers really in jail.
No. 1089568
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>>1089529>>1089551Looks like it's this number. Unfortunately I'm across the pond and it's prohibited to record, someone will have to summarise.
No. 1089586
>>1089576I’m curious what the charges specifically are. If they’re against syd, nothing will come of it as she won’t testify against him or cooperate and charges will be dismissed.
If it’s drug related he might just be on an ankle monitor and do his sentence at home plus probation. With covid they’re not trying to keep a bunch of lower offenders. It’ll force him to stay clean tho cause they’ll piss test you constantly.
No. 1089818
>>1089805You haven't been feeding anyone here shit because you don’t even know how to sage. 1/2 oz of Fent is dealer weight, not low life junkie BS. This scrub would be dead in two minutes if he had ever seen that kind of volume. Quit shitting up the thread and get the fuck outta here. If you’re gonna “feed” us milk at least make it believable.
Dumb ass cunt
No. 1089819
Someone can't put 2 n 2 together
>>1089815If it wasn't for me you wouldn't of even known he was in jail lmao
No. 1089836
>>1089830I do follow the threads but I don't remember every single irrelevant NPC in this saga. The guy who gave us some Taylor milk was called "A", wasn't he? That's the only person I can come up with lol.
Either way, proof or gtfo. At least give us some shitty screencaps or something.
No. 1089841
>>1089836There’s been two people from what I can recall. One was reeing about what a bad person Syd was in the very early stages of her relationship with Jonny, and there was another person that used “A” to give us Taylor milk which wasn’t all completely accurate.
Either way, Jonny would not be jailed for family violence if he was caught with fentanyl. That would be a drug charge.
Maybe he was being violent and had fent but this person seems like a clown.
>>1089826Post proof or gtfo
No. 1089854
>>1089844You sound like a literal child.
Any “evidence” you’ve provided has either just been walls of text or screenshots of shit that’s already out there online.
There is no way he’d have been arrested for domestic violence if he’s been charged with drug possession in a location, ya know, away from his home and family. If you do have milk you gotta at least elaborate and not just do the whole “well I had the milk but why would I provide screenshots to you assholes!” Was anyone here being an asshole before to you? But now that people want proof and are rightfully calling you out for some possible plausible bullshit NOW you don’t wanna show receipts yet you already had them??
No. 1089881
>>1089847“Leak?” girl you are on an anonymous message board thirsting for milk about a washed up junkie and his oversharing hag of a girlfriend. This ain’t the FBI.
These idiots spill the milk themselves, that’s the beauty of it. Let this jealous ex boyfriend fuck right off. This scrote is more thirsty for attention than his mentally ill ex girlfriend.
No. 1089932
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>>1089907Awh, someone's mad. How cute. Is my presence
triggering you too much?
No. 1089933
>>1089932You don’t like them, we don’t like them, makes sense to share, no?
No need for all the infighting.
No. 1089943
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>>1089932Wow syd is a psycho and Jonny is on heroin?!
No. 1089961
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No. 1089967
>>1089781I know. clearly they don’t know how court works. It’s pathetic also his charges would be completely different if he was caught with that much
>>1089808 This screams turtlemom, why don’t you kill yourself fatty
>>1089961Still doesn’t prove shit retard. I could fake this exact messages within 3 mins
>>10898442 hrs later and your still posting, why don’t you gtfo gladly
No. 1089968
>>1089961Lmao 1/2oz of Fent as you claim is still enough to kill a dickload of people and this is 100% the charge that would stick, not the DV, regardless of changes in minor possession laws.
This isn’t milky or accurate. Trying to CYA for when your gossip turns out to be bullshit. Where are the fucking mods
No. 1089979
>>1089519can confirm i've done the same.
sorry for offtopic but is your personal cow by any chance also a twin?>>1089961if this is true I guess we'll find out if anything new gets added to his records. Not sure how it works in the US but could felony and civil charges be filed separately or would there maybe be a reason for it not to be shown yet? I want this to be true but there's no real proof yet so idk
No. 1089981
>>1089961“Apparently caught a domestic violence charge” fucking asshat that’s literally the only charge it shows.
You dumb wannabe tea spilling cunt. You’re too stupid to be fabricating shit so please stop trying.
Jabba the Hut lookin’ ass. Jesus Christ go back to twitter to hawk your failing OF.
No. 1089995
>>1089586Actually, when my ex got arrested for DV for beating me up I said I didn't want to press charges, but the state did anyway. This was in WA, idk how the courts in CA are tho. So they might still press charges even if she didn't want them filed or testified.
Anyone know what time the court appearance is? I can probably listen to it/record it tomorrow.
No. 1089999
>>1089013Underappreciated comment. Let's say some anon is a social worker and at work, is a mandated reporter. If that anon is reading a thread on here and sees Johnny passed out with Storm in the background, they are not mandated reporters since this is outside of their professional role. Can they still make a report? Why not, but they can't misrepresent themselves as a social worker acting in an official capacity.
Each licensing agency has their own code of ethics and this is just an example. I don't live in California and my own licensing agency doesn't require me to report shit I see on Twitter since I am not a mandated reporter when looking at fucking Twitter on my own free time. Angel seems so full of shit that it isn't even funny.
No. 1090012
>>1089995The state can still press charges but the
victim has to cooperate. It’s not easy to convict without the
victim’s statement or testimony. At least in California anyways and in my county.
Unless he really just beat the shit out of her and she was in the hospital with missing teeth and shit, the charges won’t stick without syd.
No. 1090021
>>1090001oh, it most def is kek
she thinks she’s a part of this because she has made it her life for over 5 years.
she used to sign off “A” on all her old fake Twitter account. people thought it was “a for ananda” but it was that man-faced fatty
No. 1090035
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Wonder who is posting this for him and trying to act like he’s not in jail?
No. 1090067
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Classy Syd
No. 1090241
>>1090039>>1090137>>1090164I'm so happy I'm not alone lmao they definitely deserve a thread
>>1090190The only person who has ever namefagged as "-A" is Syd's ex (like
>>1090193 said), not turtlemom. Turtlemom doesn't have any 'inside sources,' she just has us, and her so called mandated reporter followers who are apparently mandated to report things they see on a drama twitter page.
No. 1090273
File: 1606228275210.png (96.71 KB, 1319x694, B3AED972-172F-4B84-B016-63EFFC…)

So I went back to the first JC and Syd thread. This had been carried over from the last TND and JC thread. A is Antwan, he proved it with pics and he’s been here multiple times signing off with A. That doesn’t mean he isn’t acting like a cow though, because he most definitely is.
No. 1090302
>>1090273Thanks anon, confirming what I said here
>>1089851Which somehow everyone missed.
No. 1090342
>>1090331Oh watch out we got Taylor Nichol Dean here, drug expert, here to teach us ignorant folk about drugs
Youre so retarded
No. 1090348
>>1090190I honestly think it’s turtle mom, because why would an ex be so desperate to talk shit about his ex gf way later. It would be pathetic. Like bro move on, find someone new.
Turtle moms always acted superior and in a secret loop even though she isn’t in one. She’s always tried to act all secretive and giving bad info. She literally wants revenge/ suffering on syd and Jonny for no reason besides her delusions. I don’t know what’s up with her vendetta. Like Jonny is a shitty person, but wtf
Example of wanting suffering : asks people to call local cops, cps, clearly want Jonny in jail, takes pleasure in their suffering
No. 1090349
>>1090346It’s not even milk, those screenshots are fake. Do you want me to make some fake screenshots and start posting it as milk and signing -A
Then you’ll all think I’m him. Like if I can do it, why can’t turtle mom.
Why would he give a shit about what strangers think of syd. And why would he be trying to even give “evidence” on syd. It’s sounds fishy if it was even him
No. 1090371
Going back on the tinfoil of Jonny dealing, it’s really not far off; it’d explain the designer brands he’s been bragging about lately
No. 1090436
>>1090365That’s his fault for dating someone so “traumatizing” for ten years. I automatically don’t trust people who paint themselves to be a
victim, and seek attention. Go read “a” posts again. It’s getting desperate
No. 1090455
>>1090446I'm planning on being on the call.
>>1090447Can we please shut the fuck up about who A is now?
No. 1090512
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anyone able to listen to jonny's hearing?
>>1090464please shut the fuck up
No. 1090581
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>>1090576Same fag but this killed me and it deserves to be spotlighted on its own
No. 1090637
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Reposting - set your alarms! 35 mins to go!
No. 1090649
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>>1090637Curious where you got this phone number and access code. Maybe I'm not digging deep enough but when i called the number it asked me to confirm if i was the host. Bit sus but i haven't seen this option before. The number is not listed online from what i can tell.
No. 1090651
>>1090649I got it right from the Santa Clara website - search for "courtroom public access telephone lines" and you'll find it.
His hearing hasn't started yet so that's why it's asking for a host. I just hit pound and it had me wait but it doesn't start till 1:30 PST
No. 1090655
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I highly doubt Anthony Green did anything ~special~ for washed up Jonny Craig lol. He probably just ordered the merch and lied to Syd to impress her since she’s stuck on trying to get clout wherever she can
No. 1090664
>>1090654Thought about it but not sure of the legality of it.
I'm sure plenty of people will be giving live updates tho.
No. 1090683
>>1090677Oh god, what an anticlimax
Maybe the line has some hickup and you have to try again?
No. 1090714
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>>1090710It is right but like a few ppl have said already this shit is always behind. We could all be on the line for an hour before anything happens
No. 1090723
>>1090721I don't think it is. I heard something about Last name Bach.
But holy shit this is damn near unlistenable.
No. 1090825
>>1090803It’s take people awhile sometimes to get out of
abusive relationships. It’s hard to empathize with her because she knew going into things who he was.
And if the kid was hurt wouldn’t it get taken away by CPS until syd was evaluated too? She wouldn’t be without responsibility if that was the case.
No. 1090943
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No. 1090944
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No. 1090964
>>1090944Wow. Ham planet actually has a visible jaw bone here.
Syd, you’re a fucking moron.
No. 1090999
>>1090943>only we know the details of our livesShe's gonna have a breakdown when she lurks and finds out anons literally listened to the arraignment lmfao. She's so fucking stupid to want to marry him still. No way they will have an actual wedding, they will elope at the courthouse like true white trash.
I wonder if they offer a no-contact order termination + marriage licence bundle deal.
No. 1091022
>>1090944Completely fucking delusional this bitch is. Like mere hours ago you were in a courthouse asking for your no contact order to be reduced at your fiance's preliminary hearing for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. I'm assuming she didn't ask for the order in the first place then or what? Can someone else request that for you?
Or is she seriously this fucking retarded? Oh wait…
No. 1091035
>>1091014I fucking hope so. They confirmed at the beginning of the hearing that he was in the hospital after being arrested. Why would he be there unless for drugs? He must've been out of his mind when they arrested him.
I'm amazed they haven't taken that child yet, like wtf are they waiting for? This is the second time in about as many weeks that there's been abuse going on and clear evidence of him using. Get that fucking baby away from these two before they kill him.
No. 1091039
>>1091022It’s possible she had a moment of clarity and when the officer asked her if she wanted the no contact order she said yes.
Or she did it to scare him / manipulate him like “see? I can make you disappear from your son”. Who knows I feel like it could go either way with her.
No. 1091069
>>1090943"This year sucked but
next year everything will move forward & get better!"
Literally the
same damn shit every time, with every girl.
No. 1091120
>>1091039That’s not how it works. If someone gets arrested for DV they put in an order of protection whether the
victim wants it or not. It’s not optional. You CAN request an order of protection but in DV arrests it’s typically a condition of release for the offender no matter what.
This stuff happens a lot with DV cases, that’s why they make the order of protection non-optional because so many women in
abusive relationships go back to the abusers and wind up getting hurt worse.
No. 1091149
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This fucking loser. He’s so repulsive
No. 1091165
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No. 1091166
>>1091163he's disgusting,that baby needs to be removed, he probably has done worst, pushing turns to slapping real fucking quick.
Ugh, I hate him and men.
No. 1091168
>>1091166He’s so stupid. It absolutely can escalate to slapping real quick, especially high. And who knows how he would be near a baby in that situation!
Can his social media be used against him at his next court date?
No. 1091184
>>1091163Syd: time to tie that knot!
Jonny: I just pushed a bitch, didn’t slap a bitch
No. 1091189
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Boo fucking hoo
No. 1091235
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This made me kek! The narcissism is off the roof - jonny you are literally squatting in your baby’s momma house right now and had to move in with your dad when taylor kicked you out. You are 34 year old man child and insecure af! Ya love to see it
No. 1091240
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In case you were wondering if Jonny had any brain cells left, no, no he doesn't.
Thinks a battery charge is better than violence/assault. Battery literally means to fucking hit someone kek
No. 1091261
>>1091163lol Jonny is such a fucking scumbag - the fact he wrote "her" and not Syd's name feels very Bill Clinton "that woman" to me: i.e. he's bullshitting.
At the very least he's trying to distance himself from the situation because it's more severe than he wants people to know - Cali don't fuck around when it comes to domestic violence laws from what I just quickly googled (feel free to correct me CA anons), I dont know if Syd can even stop the charges from coming, and if he's successfully charged then access to Storm will probably be limited. He's probably started guilt tripping Syd with that fact if I had to guess where his brain-dead junkie manipulation went.
>I really want to be Storms dad but if you let me get charged with domestic violence I won't be able to see him regularly, you're depriving your son of a father. No. 1091266
>>1091189 Jonny coming in with the narcissism lol. "Instead of changing my actions and bettering myself, or publicly apologizing to my fiance and baby mama ILL JUST DIE so everyones happy."
Big yikes.
And this is wedding bells for SydsoPyscho?? Time to tie the knot? No baby girl time to get a restraining order!
No. 1091290
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Unreal, and that’s how he talks to one of the 4 supporters he has left
No. 1091296
>>1091289yea she's buried in self delusion rn but she knows its fucked imo. Just like Taylor and the other girls craig dated, they wise up when they realize you can't fix a junkie. They'll cry aboooose, but ignore the ways they enabled his behavior for so long. The cycle always repeats, jonny sure as hell ain't gonna settle down LOL.
>>1091290Anyone who supports craig at this point is just a tard with no self-respect.
>>1091292I'm thinking syd will give up her son eventually. Storm will be raised by someone else, family or otherwise.
No. 1091322
>>1091264Anon, this so much. Gloating that he didn’t “technically” hit her. Push? Okay so I’m guessing push and “she got hit in the scuffle, it was an accident!”
What an utter fucking loser.
Live updates from court was peak lolcow for me. Just unbelievable. The kid will be removed. I’m sure of it.
Look at his Twitter responses to women - all violent with the big psychological no-no, ‘sexually related insults’. This guy is emasculated and despises women.
No. 1091335
>>1091240He’s acting like he needs to punch her in the face for it to count as domestic violence. You can push someone so hard they fall to the ground and break a bone or crack their skull. Not saying that’s what happened obv but he’s acting like he pushed her enough to just move her. Which is bullshit. He pushed her hard enough that someone called the cops.
>>1091165Yea he knows charges will get dropped because syd isn’t going to cooperate at this point.
>>1091290What a fucking scum bag dude. That poor ducking baby. Jfc.
No. 1091338
>>1091322I'm guessing pushed against a wall, or thrown to the ground. Something along those lines, add to the usual break shit and punching holes in the wall.
I think jonny got spoiled during his "peak" music days. He was able to fuck groupies and now he's an entitled scrote who thinks he owns womens bodies.
Poor jonny gonna cry? No hotties wanna fuck you anymore do they? Cope more bitch LOLOL
No. 1091345
>>1091240Ehhhhh not exactly. It could be as simple as putting the
victim in fear of violence. Like him threatening her and yelling enough for neighbors to hear his threats. Every state assault and battery have different meanings. I just checked Texas. It really depends on what misdemeanor (C,B, or A) he gets then will know if he actually hit or not and how badly it was. There is a change he didn’t though, and still get those charges of battery misdemeanor C.
I’m putting bets on he did hit her though, but that hasn’t been confirmed.
No. 1091347
>>1091163Ooooo okay he definitely is downgrading what he did. I happened to not see this screenshot. I’m just exited to see the charges exactly. I feel bad for the baby bc that’s a
toxic environment
No. 1091351
>>1091165Pretty sure he's being charged by the state of california not Syd. If domestic violence is called, SOMEONE is going to have charges pressed against them. The state can't afford to show up every time to settle domestic disputes, so now someone ALWAYS gets charged, whether both parties want it or not.
I'm guessing Syd was a dumbass and didn't realize this and Jonny got sent away. Her narc manipulation plan backfired. Now they've gotta deal with the court bullshit, fees and showing up.
I don't think Syd wants to leave jonny at this point, no temp restraining order or anything. Gotta be awkward AF to explain to your mom your heroin baby-daddy is coming back home after jail.
No. 1091369
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He’s so all over the place
No. 1091371
>>1091351Yes on one of the booking/arrest documents or whatever it is, it said "The People of the State of California vs. Jonathan Monroe Craig"…
My tinfoil is that Syd didn't even call the cops but someone else did, maybe her mom? But who knows she definitely seems like the type that would in the heat of the moment without thinking of the long term consequences
No. 1091377
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Turtlemom coming in hot. She's absolutely right too
No. 1091393
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No. 1091403
>>1091400Yes they can. I wasn’t going to mention it because I love watching
abusive assholes dig their own graves.
No. 1091428
>>1091426like this screenshot
>>1089212 says, it's the state of California v. Jonny, not Syd v. Jonny. the state is the one pressing charges, so Syd isn't the one who gets to decide to drop them
No. 1091441
>>1091428I doubt anything will happen honestly, this is basically just an idiot tax to prevent overuse of police/court resources.
It will probably end up being dismissed unless she looked truly hurt.
No. 1091446
>>1091428>>1091430>>1091433Thanks anons for the down low. I just wonder how much would they pursue this case since I feel like they probably deal with this all the time. Plus with syd’s siding him at court, I feel like it would bunk under a priority list or even a lighter sentence?
Regardless, he is bumped with drugs and have strings of law shit prior, and the icing on the cake would be he is actually dealing and they can put his ugly ass in jail for a long time!
No. 1091463
>>1090943>>1091240ot but i really hope the kid gets handed into foster care or taken away from them. i know thats usually a different hell altogether, but i think it'd be better then having an in-and-out dealer daddy who comes to beat the shit out of my mom and i whenever hes home, due to being high on meth
>>1091316i hope he put taylors name on the life insurance clause, just so we can see syd seethe
>>1091401>>1091402ya wait.. he plead not guilty to any assault charges.. you cant say not guilty to not touching her and then tweet that you touched her
wtf lol
No. 1091548
>>1091544Everyone knows Johnny boy went to jail,
Syd, she probably went private so people wouldn't annoy/question her because once any girl has ties with this loser, she'll be dragged into his relationship bullshit. I'd hardly call wishing a fat
abusive junkie to rot in his cell "obsessed."
No. 1091776
>>1091603who wouldnt be tho, you know? they all tried to play savior for poor misguided jonnyboy but not one could get him in jail or to stick around
syd probably wont get him to stick around, but shes pretty much the only one whos successfully snared him in legal trouble. and shes finally damaged his reputation among his very small but dedicated following. its hilarious.
he shouldnt have had the kid if he wasnt going to get sober lol
>>1091481imagine getting mad at saged conversational speech. get the fuck off the board if you're gonna act so pathetic
No. 1091801
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No. 1091802
>>1091776He’s been in legal trouble before.
She hasn’t “snared” him in anything, she just has his dumbass on the hook because she let his crooked junkie leak inside her.
She’s also too stupid, insecure, and clout hungry to drop his ass and move on as a single mom. This will probably turn into a regular occurrence until the state throws him away for a while.
Storm has no chance at a normal life but considering the stock, he’ll probably be too dumb to know the difference. Sorry kid, hope the surgery went well
No. 1091818
>>1091805“Acting like I slapped a bitch”
In reference to a physical dispute he got into with the mother of his child. This man is a walking piece of worthless trash.
Abusive, washed up, fat, ugly, short, and stupid as hell.
Syd is really chugging that dumb bitch juice.
No. 1091844
>>1091818i have such weird feelings about Syd. like clearly shes got severe mental issues & i hate the back she brought an innocent child into her & Johnnys
toxic bullshit but i just cant help but feel sorry for her.
No. 1091847
>>1091839There is no proof that Syd was the one who called. It could have been her mother, fed up with the fighting and obviously dysfunctional relationship. She intervened earlier during the "cut foot/kidnapping" drama. It could have been a neighbor, etc.
Syd was the one who had the OoP but that's because she was the one who he assaulted. It doesn't mean she was the one who called.
Tinfoil, but anon above mentioned that in court he said he wasn't connected to his address. If mom called, it'd make sense she wouldn't let him back. But Syd can choose if he was there for surgery, visitations, when she chooses etc.
No. 1091854
>>1091801Go take care of your baby Syd, didn't he have surgery? You're a piece of shit no good mother if you're still OBSESSING over internet drama, if you didn't care about what others had to say you'd keep your dumb mouth shut and stay unbothered but you can't help yourself. People talk shit on washed up celebs, and you cause it most of the time because you can't shut your mouth about jonny.
If anybody is weak it's you, you're mentally weak, staying with an
abusive, rapist junkie who lies more than he cheats, the only losing is you Syd.
No. 1091881
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Her own kid won't make her change her life but I wonder if losing her beloved "clout" will… I noticed her follower count on IG is decreasing by the day
No. 1091898
>>1091881It’s because she is currently being openly
problematic. Even the fans are disappointed and that’s saying something
No. 1091914
>>1091163Anons who listened in on his hearing, was it clear that Syd was the
victim? Is there a chance he attacked Syd’s mom or someone unrelated? The part about the
victim not being connected to his current residence confused me, even though Syd is the one with the protective order. I’m just flabbergasted he’s talking about Syd like this publicly. Usually he keeps his relationships’ image so squeaky clean with the Twitter lovebombing (remember Taylor said she was ~abused~ because he wouldn’t cuddle with her until she tweeted about how great their relationship was.)
No. 1091935
>>1091914The way the judge made it sound, Syd was the
victim, not somebody else. Also, Jonny has admitted on social media he shoved her
No. 1091961
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No. 1091978
>>1091973the girl posted on her story about jonny being an
abusive pos and tagged him in it hence her “we name and shame” comment so syd saw it and is sending followers to harass the girl as a result
No. 1091988
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>>1091961Sage because it’s not milky, but I just looked because I was curious who this girl is but apparently knows Taylor possibly. Either way no wonder Syd is insecure as fuck and trying to harass her, this girl is basically a way prettier version of her. Syd is probably pissed Jonny reposted her, and laid eyes on someone who actually pulled off this hairstyle and has a nice face, makeup and body unlike her.
Newsflash Syd he wants to fuck everyone but you because you’re disgusting kek, I can’t believe this bitch is seriously posting about drama and “us vs the world~” still when Jonny basically just outed their relationship as
abusive lmfao. I really don’t think she wants to tie the knot because she loves him anons, she is hanging onto him because she is thirsty for clout and wants to prove us haters wrong. It’s so clear how miserable they both are and I feel so fucking bad for that baby.
No. 1091995
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No. 1092018
>>1091801No one is obessessed, we are laughing at you.
Only clout-chaser losers will date jonny and have his kid without thorough health check. Jfc i feel like storm is dealt with a shitty hands of cards with unknown health problems and his
toxic parents.
No. 1092019
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Syd slide into her dm. Doesnt she has baby to take care of?? Surgery and all?
No. 1092028
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>>1091322He loves to push doesn’t he? I remember Taylor also said the same in her jc video.
As for the screenshot I’m sharing, he commented this that same day, but he was still in jail during this time right? Funny because someone else was posting on his Twitter trying to do some damage control.
No. 1092087
>>1092050Lmao at beady eye albino possum!
Unfortunately anon, syd cant hold down a job while being unmedicated and jonny is still doing drugs. I dont think storm will change anything, since jonny loves his “lifestyle” too much. He will have to hit rockbottom for any chance to bounce back.
No. 1092143
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we've all established he put hands on Syd and has been open about it on social media but i haven't seen his insta be posted yet, hes also replying back on his insta how it was just a "push". How can he be pleading not guilty then going on twitter and instagram and facebook admitting he did lay hands on Syd.
No. 1092202
>>1092090>>1092124Basically his organs are failing. kidneys, and liver can't turn fluid in his blood into piss. The waste builds up in the body and he gets puffy.
Jonny is a literal walking bag of piss.
No. 1092211
>>1092143Yeah leave it to jonny to downplay the whole situation again! At this point now I really hope he spends a lot of money for his lawsuit and still get put into jail, lock him far away from storm. Maybe syd and storm would have a chance then,.
Jesus, syd find a non junkie dead-beat next time would ya?
No. 1092213
>>1092030They would have found that in the babies system at the hospital and the baby would have been taken away. As long as she pumps and has extra breast milk it’s no biggy if she drinks now (don’t feed the baby the
toxic milk obviously) . I bet she does smoke weed and drink currently, but I doubt it while she is pregnant. Also she never really post photos of her baby often, and the baby has medical issues that they haven’t disclosed to us
No. 1092321
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Did a little research into my theory that Syd smoked marijuana while pregnant. Anons his low birth weight and other health issues absolutely correlate with what we know about smoking while pregnant. God I'm so angry , even if she didn't do it and I am wrong which I seriously doubt… How fucked up would it be to do this to your unborn baby, and then when they are born focus on your druggie manlet? Even after trauma like surgery? Fucking deplorable parents. Having a baby is a gift and it's being treated here like a commodity, I hate them both with my whole being for that.(armchairing)
No. 1092403
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Looks like syd wrote this lol
No. 1092407
>>1092403Lmao she really thinks everyone is as stupid as she is
What do you wanna bet the "big news" is "we tied the knot at the courthouse!!"
Tinfoil but I bet she was pissed at him and he was like, "hey bitch let's make it official! If only this court thing wasn't in the way of us…"
No. 1092487
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Lmfao ew, syd. You could at least pretend to be in love instead of staring into the camera to make sure your angle is right
No. 1092530
>>1092487I can't recall this for certain, but didn't Taylor mention that jonny used to brainwash her into an "Us against the world" mentality and tried to make her think the problems were caused by the internet haters to take blame off himself?
Imagine continuing a relationship with no trust or loyalty, ones a junkie and the other is mentally 12 and psychotic, all to spite some haterz? Because it seems Syd is genuinely enjoying all of this drama and really thinks she's owning the webz right now and it's hilarious. They'll be back to fighting and having problems in no time, I think she's continuing this because she loves the attention it brings, meanwhile we're all sitting back watching her royally fuck her life up because it's entertaining, she may act happy now but we've all seen her depressive posts and know she's not genuinely happy and hates jonny half the time, there'd be nothing to talk about if they didn't air out their dirty laundry themselves.
No. 1092565
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Syd is the dumbest of all, Johnny literally still has tweets up saying all this same type of shit about and to taylor on his twitter if you scroll her name for 30 seconds, it's almost astonishing how stupid she is when he is the way he is
No. 1092598
>>1092565Well, she was attracted to him for a reason, eh? People attract people like themselves.
>>1092444JC is a confirmed heroine addict and narcissist, Syd is confirmed mentally ill and unstable. You have to understand a basic fundamental premise of people like these two:
they do not live or function inside reality. Everything is 100% emotions, hormones, and drugs for them.
No. 1092681
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He really is unhinged.
No. 1092741
>>1092530I remember TND saying this as well.
I find it funny that jc always has problems with each partner and they are always fighting for their so called love LOL clearly he had the best luck when picking out syd and accidently making a baby. now he's stuck with his female version and getting his karma.
No. 1092868
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Momma Dean saying it better than I could have. She’s a crazy bitch too but this tweet is truth.
No. 1092892
>>1092681Like isn’t he the one that’s crashing on his baby momma’s moms couch? Isn’t he the one that doesn’t own a thing to his own name, no house car etc? Yet he talks big shit while he has to walk his high ass to the bodega/to get his fix. Washed up has-been, woman and child abusing, toothless nobody. People only give a shit because he’s still abusing women and now his son too, otherwise nobody would even talk about him. Syd deserves him too, the two of them are trash.
Final OD when? Chris Watts when?
No. 1092895
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didn't see it posted, saged bc not milky but I thought it was funny. this is so hilariously sad
No. 1092904
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>>1092895He was on there asking if anyone knows which restaurants were open too. I was wondering if he was in syd’s house or somewhere else due to the assault. Or both syd and her mom can’t cook. I’m sure syd can’t cook top ramen.
No. 1092978
>>1092907She’s trash for staying with his
abusive cheating nasty ass and endangering her child.
No. 1092991
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Sage for OT but these two remind me of this couple. I guess they posted this on FB as a joke that went viral lol
No. 1093309
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No. 1093348
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Aweee someone's music career is falling through the cracks. Maybe now he's realizing how many people actually hate him and the internet bullies are becoming too unbearable. Boohooo
No. 1093350
>>1093309You know what, I've noticed Syd has like no personality at all, what even are her hobbies or interests besides stalking and obsessing over musicians? Can she even cook? Jonny looking on the internet for Thanksgiving dinner is depressing and funny, what does Syd do besides make herself look like a carbon copy 2007 edgy girl?
She posts the most boring crap that nobody gives a fuck about, what on earth do either of them do all day?
Get a hobby Syd, for sanity reasons. Taylors fucked but at least she had a hobby which made her slightly more interesting, shame she didn't stick to it and put the care and effort in properly.
No. 1093358
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Here we fucking go again. Guessing Syd's stressing him out and he's gone into the arms of a sleezy doped up chick or some young girl he can take advantage. Sorry reposting for cause spelling errors and we have grammar nazis on this thread
No. 1093360
File: 1606534488332.jpg (132.58 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20201128-143438_Ins…)

Jonny has never and will never be faithful, he's cheated on every single he's ever been with and it won't stop with you Syd.
No. 1093370
>>1093358Yikes syd. How do YOU not know how pathetic and embarrassing this is for you? The only one who is seen in a negative light here is you. Jonny cheated on ever girl he's been with. And whoever he's cheating with is probably as delusional as you. YOU are the one staying with your "fiance" who you can't wait to tie the knott with, even after going to court for DV and hes laughing on Twitter about how it was "just a push."
And here you are, crying on instagram because he's cheating AGAIN. I dont mean this in a condescending way but therapy goes a long way. "We accept the love we think we deserve."
I cant even shit talk right now this is just so pathetic. Storm doesn't have a chance.
No. 1093384
File: 1606536318976.png (3.98 MB, 750x1334, 45573D9F-ACE8-4391-8B96-23F306…)

Maybe he is in a hotel? Those feet are gross
No. 1093390
File: 1606536579745.png (283.08 KB, 1080x1276, Screenshot_20201127-230801~2.p…)

Do I smell a breakup coming? Or is this some kinda stupid bait shit/pitty posting. From what Syd recently posted it looks like she's starting to get real fed up. But to be honest I have no faith in her actually growing a sac and leaving him.
No. 1093398
>>1093358He's going to cheat on her every single chance he gets because Syd let's him, she basically gives him permission to fuck other women because she doesn't do anything about it, he's cheated on every single girl he's been with multiple times, he was still with Taylor when he got with Syd so I don't know why she even bothers acting hurt.
What she doesn't realise is jonny is also using her and taking advantage of her, she's a stupid doormat with shit for brains and zero self worth, she can forever stay mad because shes happy to be a doormat and be treated like shit.
No. 1093405
>>1093390Syds mom kicked him out until the next court date??
>>1093395Rehabs aren't that nice lol. That's a hotel. One could dream he makes a good choice for this child tho.
No. 1093427
File: 1606538476812.jpg (352.61 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20201128-153924_Ins…)

Right after jonny posts that he's alone, jonnys a piece of shit but Syd is such a cunt for using this baby boy as ammunition to try and hurt him. This poor boy is growing up in hell being used like that.
No. 1093428
>>1093384>aloneI love how he has to post “proof” that he’s alone because syd so psycho is having a meltdown.
Ugh those swollen ass feet. Dude looks like a bloated corpse.
No. 1093449
>>1093309did the other chick send syd a pic of his sweatpants? kek they are so fucking trash
>>1093384ew is that a little spot of blood on his left thigh?
>>1093395He probably knows that even if it was not offered as a plea deal or whatever he surely knows people going to rehab makes them look god even if it's just fake af and doesn't last. I bet taylor is super upset if he goes to rehab because even she ~couldn't get him to get help~ kek
No. 1093464
>>1093350I said this too! No personality, no life, no sense of self, no job or hopes or dreams.. She's a grifter who leeches off random
toxic relationships. Her ex said something about that too.. That she never had a job more than a short period of time, would freak out on people and just be an overall huge piece of shit. Ive known people like this and holy shit, the relationships get rough. When you have nothing to lose and no life of your own to focus on or care about, you do some psychotic shit. She had that baby to keep him, not to actually raise a child and connect and bond with it. The dirty laundry she airs on IG is enough proof that Jonny is fuuuucked having a baby with someone like that. He will never, ever be able to escape unscathed and I'm sure her drama and lack of boundaries will lead to the destruction of what's left of his career. I mean, he deserves it but yeah, he's
No. 1093622
>>1093550>>1093570I haven't lost hope on a TND + JC reunion and I will not lose hope until one of them ODs and dies.
That is TRUE
toxic love and I'm here for it bitch.
I dont even think Jonny likes Syd. Or Syds pathetic ass even likes Jonny. It's just desperation. Tay and Jonny atleast had a connection. An unhealthy, codependent, drug fueled connection…but it was there kek.
No. 1093637
>>1093358Syd is approaching PT status with her fast milking cycle.
In two weeks there has been baby kidnapping, jonny’s trip to jail and new sidechick. Not to mention the usual lovebombing/passive aggressive emoposting.
No. 1093666
>>1093651Women like Syd will never understand a man doesn't cheat on you because he finds another woman more "special".
Its a lack of impulse control, empathy and seeing women as objects they can get their ego boost from. That can't be fixed by fighting or talking about issues or any of that bullshit. It gets fixed from the source - the man who 9/10 is perfectly comfortable cheating over and over because at that point you've shown him you'd allow it just by staying.
They don't care about feelings. They don't care about love. They care about their own wants and will piss on your feelings each time to get it. Not a single thing in this world will stop Johnny from putting his dick in another woman besides Johnny.
No. 1093668
>>1093622This. Maybe it wasn't really love, but you could tell Jonny was atleast very content with TND - she was pretty, she had an audience and fans, and most of all she had money that she was very willing to spend with Jonny - new shoes, new teeth, a lot of drugs… And she tried her best to hide all the
toxic shit going on in their relationship and basically was covering Jonnys drugged up ass all the time.
But Syd is more than willing to openly display every single petty drama they have and make them both look like absolute clowns. She's broke, mean and unpredictable. Now Jonny's gaining weight and getting older, his career is in bits and he's forever connected to the lovely Syd by that poor kid of theirs.
If TND would crawl back to Jonny right about now… yeah it'd be buh-bye to Syd
No. 1093669
File: 1606577093804.png (539.13 KB, 828x1792, B2C95F7D-85BB-4927-B5F6-C29CCD…)

Saw this on turtlemom post on #jonnycraig thread in insta. Syd is so maniac, I love that she is making a living hell for jonny. Keep going syd!
No. 1093732
>>1093669I know it’s because she’s insane but this behavior is baffling. What is her goal when she does this? What is fighting with strangers through DMs going to accomplish? Jonny doesn’t respect her at all so there’s no reason cute girls on Instagram should either. These random girls could just up and be like “okay cool” and DM him and be riding his nasty ginger dick within the next 12 hours. Syd is even giving them ammo to message Jonny and ask “hey, are you okay? Your girlfriend is messaging me some crazy-person shit,” which will earn him some sympathy because they’re obviously in an extremely
toxic relationship.
It must be hard living like she does in such a volatile and self-destructive way. Medicate the poor girl.
No. 1093762
>>1093390I think he is taking a jap at syd here since she follow up with this
>>1093427 Like wow some clown ass gaslighting here, that said syd is insane but too bad jonny decided to impregnate her
No. 1093797
>>1093732ok so someone cheats and you defend the cheater? and make fun of the
victim for being cheated on? christ
No. 1093805
>>1093797Read it again anon;
>>1093669>"The woman has never spoken to #JonnyCraig and only liked a few of his posts."No one is "defending the cheater". If Jonny has Syd so paranoid to the point of DM-ing girls for just
liking something he posted, then
maybe it's time she should dump his ass.
No. 1093822
File: 1606596167614.jpeg (142.6 KB, 1242x932, 0E54CFC8-0C7F-4E71-91A0-0E83C9…)

LOL at her saying health is everything.
No. 1093826
File: 1606596403011.jpeg (321.91 KB, 1242x854, F9CBA05F-693D-4A10-B52B-5EF5C7…)

>>1093620Reminded me of nba player Doug Christie’s wife. Minus the millions obviously. LOL.
She really is going to ruin whatever he has left of his career.
No. 1093828
>>1093668I feel like they did love each other,
toxic and unhealthy nonetheless but content as you said, anon. Syd is just dead weight he has to deal with for the next 18 years. Even if he leaves her.
No. 1093937
File: 1606606116062.png (404.36 KB, 828x1792, DC91E954-89B4-470B-86D0-0479C0…)

that’s rough Jonny boy
No. 1093962
>>1093937 Did I miss something? Why can’t he sell merch or is this just saying no one is buying it?
I’d love to know how he’s going to afford a hotel for 2 months.
Do the state put you up when there’s orders stopping you returning home?
No. 1094005
>>1093966Not typically, but with Covid they’re trying to keep the homeless housed in hotels. If he’s “homeless” the state might actually put him in a hotel to keep him sheltered. At least this is what the Bay Area is doing in various counties. Not saying that’s what his deal is but it’s a possibility.
If Syds mom doesn’t want him there, and he has no other place to live, then yes they could shelter him to keep him in the state pending charges or possibly rehab.
No. 1094015
>>1093669Syd is clearly a jealous women, I truly think it's not entirely jonny who caused her to behave this way.
I genuinely believe this girl hates herself and is extremely insecure, that every other women intimidates her, that would explain why she's so content shitting on other women all the time and blaming them for jonnys infidelity. It explains her desperate attempts to act unbothered like she's top shit, but deep down she's a jealous, sad, boring girl with no personality or brains. She's constantly feeling threatened by other girls to an extreme/psychotic point.
No. 1094032
File: 1606612172562.jpg (131.06 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot_20201128-200659.jpg)

Putting your man on blast for cheating.. Then saying you're getting your ring resized. You look ridiculous.
No. 1094043
>>1094032She just accused jonny of cheating on her.. spent her night messaging poor unsuspecting girls who've done literally nothing wrong telling them to dm jonny like the psychotic fuck head she is, and now she's talking about resizing her ring?
I can't with this girl she's got to have some kind of mental disability, it's beyond a mental illness at this point.
I bet jonnys sitting there regretting all the times he screeched "all my exes are crazy" now that he's met Syd because this bitch tops them all. She's downright mentally psychotic/disabled.
No. 1094045
File: 1606613224925.jpg (220.05 KB, 1080x1987, Screenshot_20201128-202049.jpg)

Don't know if Syd actually received. This was sent sent to me. Not my convo.
No. 1094047
>>1094045Jonny has a type and Syd ain't it.
No wonder she's been on this health fad recently and trying to "get small"
No. 1094056
File: 1606614401756.jpg (163.09 KB, 1080x1770, Screenshot_20201128-204335.jpg)

>>1094032 decided to do a little digging and found out that the ring is around $300 to $400 according to some of the solar rings on the website. How fucking sad that your man can spend so much on showed and clothing but not a dime on your son and only a little on you… Pathetic
No. 1094057
File: 1606614433481.jpg (117.31 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20201128-204407.jpg)

Sage cause idk how to combine photos
No. 1094316
File: 1606638614107.png (1.17 MB, 828x1792, 2CDD266E-BC1D-4169-9EC3-653834…)

Money is drying up eh jonny boy?
No. 1094329
File: 1606642646956.jpeg (261.72 KB, 1242x2357, BED6C4B5-C3BA-422E-A702-308775…)

>>1094045Jonny and Sydney are milky enough. You don’t need to create fake shit.
No. 1094346
File: 1606645504394.jpg (292.98 KB, 1080x1758, 20201129_112449.jpg)

ok sydsopsycho
No. 1094347
>>1094045Kek anon if you want to fake screenshots at least get jonny’s handle right, he doesn’t spell his name with a capital “J”
Can we stop with this fake ss? State your source next time
No. 1094702
>>1094681And a big ‘ol block to Saralovie kek
>block her or never see your son Etc
No. 1094703
File: 1606686288013.jpeg (52.83 KB, 750x832, CD3B4169-B661-4D85-8E68-BE1D35…)

Forgot pic sorry
No. 1094764
>>1094703Syd is so mentally disabled. The last remaining hand full of people that still support Jonny and there Sydsopyscho goes and doesn't even let them interact lol. Hes REALLY gonna struggle with selling that merch when he's not even allowed to have fans.
Funny too because you think she would encourage his supporters? Considering he barely has any anymore? If not to be a supportive partner but so he can potentially earn more money. She is literally taking food out of her sons mouth bc she's so damn insecure.
No. 1094860
File: 1606697317484.jpeg (357.76 KB, 750x943, B5440E2C-FB08-4309-B58C-4E6BE0…)

Was snooping around for fresh milk, this made me lel. Link for punchline… No. 1094887
so is syd just blocking people randomly? just realized i'm blocked and like
>>1092898 i have never interacted with her nor jonny
No. 1094888
File: 1606699856026.jpg (291.96 KB, 1080x1255, Screenshot_20201129-202329_Sam…)

He changed in insta bio.
No. 1094908
File: 1606702835360.jpg (277.72 KB, 1170x1614, IMG_9824.jpg)

oh my god LOL i found this in his tagged pics on insta from november 12, his target run with syd.
fucking YIKES. looking mad bloated my guy.
No. 1094942
File: 1606706996576.jpg (92.89 KB, 1080x741, Screenshot_20201129-222654.jpg)

I went to see if I was blocked and I noticed Anisa (idubbbz's gf) follows Syd. Weird.
No. 1094976
File: 1606713906284.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20201130-162429_Ins…)

Oof he looks rough, why does he look like that
No. 1094979
File: 1606714481447.png (1.91 MB, 1242x2688, 28F68550-B2E3-474D-A016-F1668D…)

suuuuure jan
No. 1094983
>>1094979What she really means is "I can post anything like my boyfriend cheated on me, used drugs, kidnapped my baby but don't take it literally guys lololol"
>>1094976What's with the injuries on his face? What's up with that eyebrow
No. 1095001
>>1094976How is Syd so stupid? She’s braindead for fucksakes. He is higher than a kite in this picture (pinned pupils, scabs all over) and she’s just like “hehe, this is the
abusive washed up artist that is around my baby.”
Syd, if you know what’s good for you, leave.
No. 1095093
>>1095089Okay, so read the thread instead of being a dumbass.
>>1094942This has been talked about before in a previous thread but I think it’s probably safe to assume that Anisa is a farmer.
No. 1095100
>>1094976Uh oh, he is shaving his face. You know what is happening next.
>>1094988Yep, and shaving his face clean.
No. 1095101
>>1095089Stop being ridiculous and defensive. We all have a life outside of lolcow.
Just lurk better.
No. 1095143
>>1094988Tell tale sign of being on opiates. You get itchy but can't feel you're itching so hard you rip your skin open. Also a lot of guys will shave for that reason. Their beards get itchy lol. Funny he's picking his skin and his pupils are looking a little too small for that lighting and Syd is just welcoming him back with open arms.
An addict is all alone in a hotel room, does Syd think he's not gonna use or she just doesn't care bc she wants her main squeeze back so she doesn't have to worry about the side hoes??
No. 1095182
>>1094976I remember when I was a kid we found a possum that had drowned in a giant bucket. It was so gruesome. Anyway, it looked so much like this photo…
There's no way he's going to live much longer, his body is literally ceasing essential function. If anyone has a zombie fetish now's your chance to fuck the living dead I guess?
No. 1095272
>>1095178Yeah, there has to be some sort of conditions to his release considering he was detoxing in the hospital. You think Syd would use her psycho powers for good and give him the ultimatium of going to rehab or say she'd expose his ass even more or not let him see Storm. Not sure how covid is affecting drug testing, maybe he's hoping no one is going to show up to test him? Or he just doesn't care.
I dont even know if he's legally allowed to go back "home" until his next court date even if Syd and her mother say it's okay. Maybe he's only going over there to visit for a bit then back to the hotel? Regardless, I think its going to get very milky very soon.
>>1095235I agree lol. Everything about him is so trashy. Like how he brags about his name brand clothes and shoes but lives under his childs grandmother's roof. He's really ballin out in the trailer park.
No. 1095629
File: 1606781181728.jpeg (357.3 KB, 750x1054, ECF34634-787C-4DF1-8BA0-D0C330…)

And the happy couple is officially reunited
No. 1095633
File: 1606781414508.jpeg (435.23 KB, 750x997, F488BFF4-E033-43FA-8919-ADF071…)

>>1095629Same anon, he changed the caption for some reason?
No. 1095641
File: 1606781854063.jpeg (144.12 KB, 750x934, AEE03F43-FB07-4215-8FE3-C81EC3…)

Changed caption again and this mess
No. 1095646
File: 1606782053972.jpeg (153.04 KB, 828x526, CEA6E0E5-951C-400A-88DB-7E843F…)

Syd’s reply lol
No. 1095650
File: 1606782276195.jpeg (287.21 KB, 828x1082, A06F227D-E421-4179-B668-71BC26…)

This proving our point she just wants a “famous” guy…
No. 1095651
>>1095646She sounds like she does hate him in this reply (last sentence) and then says
>>1095650 this shit. What a weird “loser”.
No. 1095654
>>1095650Out of the mouths of babes. Well done Syd, you outed yourself.
Can’t wait for this fresh car crash.
No. 1095659
File: 1606782798597.jpeg (137.61 KB, 750x951, ABC0389D-B559-4AE8-944B-7F3369…)

No. 1095662
>>1095650This whole Exchange just got deleted after she Made fun of the person she was replying to for having a past with drug issues and doubling down on the ‘youre a groupie who can’t get a famous Guy’.
Wonder if Jonny deleted it.
No. 1095668
File: 1606783318192.jpeg (197.75 KB, 750x1048, 8C85DEF2-2503-4388-A122-433AD4…)

Another caption change
No. 1095669
>>1095633Jonny turned off the comments because his girlfriend was making a total ass out of herself.
I was going to screen shot the part where she shamed someone in recovery by calling them Miss Junkie and saying how she's glad she's never had a drug problem..
She acts like she didn't tell the world just weeks ago he was out using drugs, fucking other women, kidnapping his own child somehow, and she sits here trying to act like the fans made all this up??
The only psychosis coming out is from Sydsopsycho.
She is the least self aware person and what's scary is she's stupidly proud and happy with her fuck ups in life.
No. 1095672
File: 1606783370698.jpg (174.44 KB, 1080x1130, 20201130_194116.jpg)

What does our boy know?
No. 1095677
>>1095633Do you think he purposely posts this ugly ass picture of her as low key shade?
>>1095669How's she saying miss junkie when she got knocked up and engaged to one? Like how isn't that offensive to Jonny who "shes in love with"? She ends up marrying him SHE would literally be Miss Junkie!! Dumb cunt.
No. 1095684
>>1095659Vote to make the last three of Syds reply the next thread picture.
Also throwing this in anyone's face next time they try to wk Syd when Jonny cheats again she finally admitted she trapped his dumbass lmao. Makes the screenshot of him following her even creepier like was she just waiting to jump on him? Is that why she's so insecure and thinks everyone else wants him?
No. 1095687
>>1095677I think he does it on purpose, she looks like a nasty, trash cunt In that picture and I remember how insecure she was all the time about jonny posting pics of her, he'd always caption them with "she gon be mad when she see this".
I'm starting to think Syd is on speed or something, the way she acts is not normal, speed or brain damage? We will never know.
No. 1095695
>>1095650Well there it is, straight from the cum socks mouth! She had his baby to trap him and thinks jonnys going to provide them with everything through his already dead music career.
Delusional, so SO delusional.
No. 1095696
>>1095668i love that he had to throw this awful sienna filter over it to give her funeral face some life.
i didn’t feel a way about her because she’s mentally ill and jonny is obviously targeting and exploiting her, but holy shit those comments are bad. i could understand if she went off on jonny considering how
abusive their relationship is, but those random people don’t deserve that under any circumstance. all that projecting about “wanting a famous guy” and the weird judgements about past drug addictions are all so obvious. you have to wonder what he’s saying to her though to gas her up this bad, he was known for being the most stunted shitdick on twitter and she’s acting like she has any talent to deflect onto like he did in the past. i don’t think they have any real love, because all she does is post memories of him following her, performing with him, merch he got her, etc. it’s all like trophies to her and nobody else wants them.
i did laugh hard at him just writing I KNOW as the newest caption. that poor fucking kid.
No. 1095708
>>1095696That's because she's a Groupie herself that's probably always fantasized and had crushes on guys from sappy 2006 emo bands.
Like that one guy she's obsessed with from the used.
It's why she's so terrified and threatened by jonnys female fans and feels like she has to dm them unprovoked at 3am, because she thinks they're all just like herself! And obviously that's a terrifying thought to her and says a lot about how obsessive Syd is.
She's probably a massive slut that would slide into heaps of dms of band members and going to concerts hoping to be the chosen one, she reminds me of this girl I went to highschool with who went to ONE BMTH concert but for the next 2 years constantly made up bullshit stories about how she knew them on a personal level when in reality she probably got no more than 6 metres close to them.
No. 1095892
>>1095641Wait, what??
Now he kicked her in the ear “lobe” so kicked her in the head? Big difference from “a little push” what the actual fuck?
As soon as he finds a new girl to leech off he’s out of there. I assume he can’t leave the state until the next court date though
No. 1095941
>>1095684Agreed. Next thread pic I vote for her comments confirming her being with him only because he’s KNOWN not even famous. She wishes.
Also the screen cap of him following her. Let’s also get the kidnapping story added on there if possible? whoever makes this is our hero.
No. 1095946
File: 1606812500721.png (5.55 MB, 1242x2688, D00D9762-C0BC-425D-9153-6745DB…)

Yes, you are a control freak. Good job picking this one, Jonny! Have fun for the next 18 years with this batshit psycho fug face. Taylor was way better. Karmas a bitch ain’t it
No. 1095969
File: 1606815474113.png (628.53 KB, 828x1792, B066CB66-A466-4410-95CE-73BFC9…)

Jonny you dumbass, no one in a healthy nay, NORMAL relationship go through problems like you and sydsopsycho
No. 1096006
>>1095646"well im waiting.."
lol shes so desperate to get married. loser.
No. 1096025
File: 1606826233651.jpg (479.69 KB, 1080x1618, Screenshot_20201201-073710_Twi…)

Someone never got over Amanda.
No. 1096067
>>1096057Anon, it’s in this fucking thread.
No. 1096102
File: 1606836436406.jpeg (261.93 KB, 828x803, ADBF94D7-8043-4EDD-8D21-649E66…)

>>1096031found the tweet lol
No. 1096118
>>1096116same anon, the YouTube 3 part is actually pretty good. is the first part, but dont remember where the dgd / royalties mention is exactly.
No. 1096168
>>1096151I think one of the perks for her is being able to say that she got
the jonny craig, the singer of omarosa and DGD, which she probably listened to when she was a teenager. He's a prize to her. Getting a guy who was one of her personal idols and who is so well-known and talented makes her feel more accomplished by association, without having to do anything to develop her own personality; she gets to absorb his. Unfortunately for her, Jonny Craig is no longer the prize he used to be, he is the butt of the joke for anyone with an average IQ
No. 1096180
>>1096172Same anon. I first heard his name as associated with TND. It’s not music I’d choose to listen to, but he was good at it. Even sadder to see he wasn’t always as useless as belly button lint.
Also wtf he’s Canadian? We do not claim him
No. 1096718
File: 1606869699388.jpeg (103.92 KB, 750x585, 427FFFC6-335C-4116-8754-F0E676…)

A final(?) caption change
No. 1096811
File: 1606874403418.png (3.08 MB, 828x1792, 658E2B3A-4032-4966-8158-36EAD6…)

No. 1096818
File: 1606874649539.jpeg (731.73 KB, 1242x2429, DC14EC37-1071-45A0-B309-45491D…)

It’s because you are a threat, Johnny. This is why people hate you. You threaten the safety, sobriety, and sanity of those stupid enough to be around you. You delusional fucking loser
No. 1096831
>>1096753Syd’s mom’s place looks like a trailer in the photos, but it might just be a cheap, crappy house.
Jonny was never a big star, but he was a working musician with a following at one point. Now he’s just a joke and a wreck. It’s sad, but it’s entirely his own choices that got him there.
No. 1096836
File: 1606876144115.png (4.57 MB, 3840x2160, sydsostupid.png)

>>1095684>>1095941something like this?
No. 1096837
File: 1606876231452.jpg (1.55 MB, 3840x2160, sydsostupid.jpg)

>>1096836 i'm sorry i dont know how to go back and edit but realized this was transparent so not sure if that would work, if not heres the same thing with a white background.
No. 1097118
>>1096842Hitler certainly thought that everyone was omg so jelly of him and Eva.
I swear the delusions of that couple (Jonny & Syd).
No. 1097714
File: 1606964358153.png (1.52 MB, 828x1792, 9BE307E0-AD50-487F-B74F-504B8E…)

No. 1097908
>>1097752ehh that doesn’t really mean anything. There are people that don’t go on a deleting spree on every single post or photo an ex is mentioned. But yes, syd does think him posting this is a form of showing her off and like another said, she most likely had him post this for the haturzzzz.
Ass looks good (good angle at least) flabby or not. I’ll give her that. Most likely an old photo though? Pre pregnancy trap?
No. 1098319
>>1098305His dental implants don’t fit right, and his S’s are slurred because of this. He’s super nasal sounding now, probably has a deviated septum. He’s also gained like 100lbs which will effect your voice… Probably never had proper training/technique and has absolutely trashed his one shred of talent he had.
Oh well, sucks to suck
No. 1098360
>>1098319he hasn’t known what to do with his mouth since taylor paid for his teeth. taylor doesn’t either, though. it takes a long time to relearn how to fix tongue position and all that shit so you don’t lisp. so it’s fucked his singing too and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
>>1096412ngl syd is great for him because she publically hassles him. whether it’s because she’s nuts or not idc, it’s just nice to see someone giving him a hard time because he deserves it.
No. 1098622
>>1098319I distinctly remember reading an article (or maybe it was the review of his solo album?) in AP mag that said he had vocal training from growing up singing with his church, but I guess I imagined that because his Wikipedia page doesn’t suggest any such thing. Still, I’m inclined to believe he has had training because his voice is still intact despite his range and occasional tendency to do unclean vocals for the past 20 years.
>>1098360 said, probably the teeth fucking him up.
>>1098386Y’all don’t have to deny facts because you hate him. He was the shit coming out of Ghost Runner on Third. Magazines were falling over themselves just to smell his farts. It was a pre-“cancel culture” time and people like him, Dahvie Vanity, and Jesse Lacey were allowed to have careers and the women (or girls) they raped and abused were just collateral, the price of talent. Jonny’s success is what allowed him to become the absolute piece of garbage you see before you today.
No. 1098628
File: 1607051826299.jpeg (270.66 KB, 960x1792, 7E8B7359-9DC8-4D55-997D-BD2F87…)

Censored the baby out since last time my post was removed for showing their baby even though it was posted to the public on syd’s story
No. 1098642
File: 1607053093307.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 1551896387001.png)

>>1097184That same pettiness worked for Taylor for like, a week.
>>1098628Ah yes, Jonny's "family"…
No. 1098693
File: 1607057149674.png (185.16 KB, 565x404, family1.png)

>>1098628didn't age well for taylor, let's see how well it ages for syd.
No. 1098711
File: 1607059581292.png (10.33 MB, 1242x2688, 1BB687FB-ED89-4929-8342-4B7850…)

Pinned pupils even here huh
No. 1098712
File: 1607059666815.jpeg (390.68 KB, 1241x1841, 0F84395D-D728-4E3D-8188-7B6B13…)

Cute baby but anyone else kinda see maybe some Down syndrome? posting picture because photos are public on jc and syd’s
No. 1098745
>>1098725It was.
>>1098739>>1098721>>1098712This weird nitpicking on a tiny baby is fucking gross. There’s enough milk between these two cows, leave the actual infant alone. Props to the original anon that blocked his face out.
No. 1098748
>>1098712Baby looks totally normal. I know we all have hate boners for syd and Jonny but you seriously don’t need to be ripping into a little baby. The fuck.
I get that not all women are “maternal” but jfc. It’s a baby.
No. 1098762
“Stop nitpicking the baby”
“Leave the baby alone”
“Jfc he’s a baby”
>>1098759>What’s wrong with the babyGood lord anon read a room
No. 1098774
File: 1607071439546.png (4.33 MB, 1242x2208, taylordean2.png)

>>1098772My bad here are the pics
No. 1098857
>>1098832I agree with you anon. I think he is underweight and obvi poor thing just had surgery this week.
Look I think its fair as well we shouldn't be commenting/nitpicking on the baby’s appearance which I think the first anon is not trying to nitpick but pointing out an observation??
And for storm’s sake, I just hope he is ok and not in any pain despite his circumstances and his retarded parents.
No. 1098930
File: 1607090869692.jpg (595.35 KB, 1920x3131, IMG_20201204_090731.jpg)

I have no doubt in my mind that this child has fetal alcohol syndrome…(armchairing)
No. 1098969
>>1098961Thank you! Jesus Christ some of you are pissy today. It's not like someone went and took a picture of him and started making fun of him. Jonny posted that photo and now we're discussing what he looks like. Given who his parents are it's not out of this world to assume he's got FAS or anything else for that matter.
Get over yourselves
No. 1098972
>>1098961My guess is that there's not really a point?
>People can express their concern if they can tellWhat can you do with that concern, though? He's a baby and can't help it, and if no one can help or do anything about it, then what's the point of discussing it? He didn't ask to be born to Syd and Johnny. Not criticizing or trying to infight, I just think that's the train of thought.
No. 1099051
>>1098930This thread is turning full retard. Can we take down the minors photos ?
Where my doctors degree ? Because it seems like the threads just passing them out now. I’m ready to start diagnosing babies with photos online.
The baby looks like a normal baby. This is completely unnecessary. I also think this cute kid will end of having dimples.
No. 1099073
>>1098979Yes exactly this anon, as I said no one was being ill-willed and bashing the baby. It was an innocent observation given how jonny and syd are, so there is a point to point it out?
Seriously are those people getting piss off about this - virtue signalling much?
Plus whatever storm is going through is very much related and caused by jonny and syd?? So technically we are discussing if syd might be drinking while pregnant or that if jonny drug abuse may have caused issues for storm’s.
No. 1099086
>>1099063Totally normal and average birthweight for a baby. And Syd is ~sO SmOl so it makes sense that she would birth a “smaller” baby. Her anatomy won’t allow for a 8.5lb baby.
Low weight in general is normal for a struggling BFing mom. He doesn’t look malnourished but doesn’t have that baby chonk you’d typically see. The fact they won’t talk about his issues makes me believe it had something to do with syds pregnancy. If it was a fluke in genetics (no fault of anyone) I feel like there wouldn’t be shame in talking about it. But they’re so hush hush.
No. 1099093
>>1098930Storm doesn't have pronounced epicanthal folds, doesn't have a flat mid face, doesn't have a short nose, doesn't have any obvious ear abnormalities, doesn't have short palpebral fissures and we can't comment on his chin because we can't see it and he's smiling so naturally his upper lip will appear thin and his philitrum will appear flat.
Can we move on now.
No. 1099105
>>1099051Exactly. I don’t get these idiots
Even ones saying they’ve worked with kids with FASD and continue on saying he looks like he has FASD. Like what? I’ve worked with kids with FASD and unless the mom was pounding back the booze, which I doubt Syd was doing, but even if she did let’s not just assume, I usually can’t even tell the kid had FASD until getting to interact with them and witnessing some mental delays.
Also, because some anons are overly stupid, if the kid did have Down syndrome, which he doesn’t look like he has at all, it wouldn’t have had anything to do with Jonny or Syd.
And to the absolute idiots with mental delays of their own, calling these “innocent observations”. Saying a kid has downs or FASD or whatever the fuck else based solely on their appearance without any medical degree makes you a scumbag bully. There’s nothing innocent about that.
If there’s something wrong with the baby, they’ll probably discuss it when they break up and blame one another. From now on, maybe let’s keep the baby’s face covered so assholes don’t fill the thread up with their nonsense baby bullying.
(medfag/armchair) No. 1099315
>>1099199It’s so bad that I’ve done a time hop to TND’s threads…starting at number one.
>>1099166> Look, the father looks like an albino shit weasel possum, therefore there was always a great likelihood the kid would also.Thank you. Exactly.
No. 1099329
File: 1607115019080.png (5.31 MB, 1242x2688, FE8179CA-21BC-43E7-916C-6F02E0…)

Syd looking a hot ass mess on jcs ig story
No. 1099341
>>1099329>NBXmas wall decorOf-fucking-course kek
Can’t wait for the dollar store white trash wedding
No. 1099728
File: 1607137506663.jpg (9.46 KB, 225x225, dog.jpg)

>>1099329Those bangs are atrocious.
No. 1100386
File: 1607202868814.jpeg (111.23 KB, 1242x2203, 77025B92-9805-489D-92FC-0BB772…)

No. 1100555
I legit don’t understand why she doesn’t leave. She is pretty. One day I hope she sees her worth bc jc is gross and she deserves so much more.
No. 1100807
File: 1607230353747.jpeg (364.86 KB, 828x1320, CE10800F-11F8-4F45-BD03-195BF9…)

Lol he’s “happy” and she’s the good person? Oh goodness lol
No. 1100896
>>1100807last I remember Taylor was the one that did everything for him. So more for you? Try again jc.
Taylor bought your 20,000 dollars worth of teeth, a roof over your head, designer clothes, your favorite drug, 6,000 worth of computer for your streaming days that’s already tossed to the side.
You look miserable with psycho. With Taylor, although you had problems in that relationship too, you didn’t look as miserable as you do now lol.
Syd meanwhile talks shit to your last remaining fans, outs you for things we already know, and just trash talks you any chance she gets. Congrats!
No. 1100913
>>1100902I don’t think anons are romanticizing it, he just objectively was happier with Taylor
because she bankrolled him and they did drugs together.
No. 1100915
File: 1607240494367.jpeg (255.28 KB, 828x1383, 0BEE0CA4-BC37-4851-A27E-67E04C…)

That’s not science, Jonny. It’s called advertising.
No. 1100930
>>1100916That’s where my mind went too. Poor Storm.
>>1100920That is literally what the caption says.
No. 1101021
File: 1607258416069.png (278.62 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20201206-073437~2.p…)

She's fucking unhinged lmao
No. 1101172
File: 1607275110599.png (259.82 KB, 750x1334, DD185170-76B5-48FA-A0EF-EAA775…)

So he’s encouraging her crazy??
No. 1101185
>>1101172He’s digging his own grave by not siding syd
Why doesn’t he just talk to syd and explain she is ruining his image by harassing his fans. Like does she want Jonny to make money or not
No. 1101470
File: 1607288478228.jpeg (185.82 KB, 828x437, A2003B32-4C08-4995-887D-DECDEA…)

No. 1101482
>>1101470This bitch. Lemme translate:
“I wouldn’t put up with him cheating on me constantly if I didn’t love him!”
“He didn’t beat me or anything crazy, he just pushed me, okay?!”
No. 1101833
>>1101634Just so you know how to sage :
In the email file write “sage”
Only don’t sage if you have new milk. You’ll just bump up the thread on the catalog if you don’t, and it can be annoying
No. 1102160
>>1102018One comment over you someone literally told how to sage, and here you are
I'm not the sage anon from 13h before. It's just ridiculous.
Write sage in the E-mail field.
No. 1102523
Dude can we stop infighting about saging or not saging. I literally kindly said how to sage. If you read how to sage, and still choose not too, you are a faggot. Period.
No. 1102601
>>1102597Keep up the infighting, enjoy your ban
Newfags, learn to integrate or pls gtfo.
No. 1102603
File: 1607384456964.jpeg (100.66 KB, 960x874, 3AF1B705-75A9-42EE-9BA4-D9C5AB…)

No. 1102613
File: 1607385117825.jpeg (470.48 KB, 1024x932, D4E532C8-8964-40E7-80ED-06245E…)

>>1102603At least make it relevant, anon!
No. 1102661
>>1102659I appreciate the template and inspiration, it was a team effort!
>>1102621>>1102643Thanks, girls ♥
No. 1102749
File: 1607400026241.jpeg (763.06 KB, 828x1264, 5D683A0B-94B9-46DA-A4CD-F51DA3…)

Looks like a older photo both of their faces look slimmer
No. 1102791
>>1102749She posted that hours ago and jonny still hasn't liked or commented on it, he didn't with the last post of all 3 of them either.
I think he's slowly going to distance himself and back out the first chance he gets.
No. 1102961
File: 1607443475491.png (7.48 MB, 1125x2436, 61704972-EBB9-4CFC-B22C-91B712…)

Sage because it’s not milk, but does she think a resting bitch face gives her that “sexy” Instagram model look? Kek she just ends up looking miserable and like a total bitch.
>>1102749Looks like she got smart and limited the comments on this post too. Can’t handle all the hate (I mean truth) about their horrible relationship in the comments.
No. 1103038
>>1102700Pffft that kinda did them. Lmao. I hate when these newfags come in and do the whole fuck your rules thing…the catch the inevitable ban. What is the point.
>>1102961Looks like a 60 yr old brothel madam.
No. 1103081
>>1103038Oh no! A ban! :o no way! So harsh! Must be making all the newfags cry!
Oldfags are ridiculous hahah
(:o) No. 1103124
File: 1607458210693.png (158.35 KB, 216x422, Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 2.07…)

>>1102749>>1102917oh she for sure facetuned this pic. what is going on here? her neck looks fucked and noticeably wavey.
No. 1103395
File: 1607481782963.jpg (47.45 KB, 1051x426, 20201208_214220.jpg)

I guess Storm is back in the hospital.
No. 1103450
File: 1607487787929.jpg (367.25 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20201209-152306_Ins…)

>>1103395I don't think it's because of storm this time.
No. 1104047
File: 1607555318661.jpg (234.58 KB, 1079x1002, Screenshot_20201209-230531_Ins…)

Just seen Jonny's updated his bio and he's never given so much of his bio to a gf before, it's always dollar signs and bravado. He's met his match in psycho
No. 1105303
>"2021 IS OUR YEAR"…I thought 2018 was
your year? As well as 2019 & 2020…
No. 1105552
File: 1607743310237.jpeg (118.4 KB, 640x449, 2157E7C9-8A33-4229-BC15-2526C8…)

Not milk but posting cuz I know Syd reads and I want her to seethe. This girl is Jonny’s fb friend list too (I know because I’m on it), the one saying he’s my future next bf! I wonder how Syd would feel?
No. 1105555
File: 1607743447348.jpeg (266.38 KB, 640x944, 7595875D-DED3-4EEE-B5F9-B450F8…)

“For sure!!! He’s hot as fuccc!!!” - that’s her
No. 1105557
File: 1607743533008.jpeg (219.69 KB, 640x884, F6078B63-7D0F-4BA2-B78A-B8FB76…)

>>1105552Meant to say I know Syd reads here. But I don’t want to post the girls profile, idk if that’s even okay.
No. 1105615
File: 1607750421808.jpeg (164.45 KB, 640x566, 8CB31450-F726-4E2F-A5B3-97EB90…)

>>1105552>>1105555>>1105557>>1105563>>1105598Of, just came across another good one two comments down. Diff girl, but posted 2 days ago. Hey Syd I hope you see this :)
(emoticon use) No. 1107041
File: 1607921460321.jpg (226.48 KB, 1080x1314, 20201213_234931.jpg)

Weird thing to post. So hes just giving up on pretending to be clean?
No. 1107086
File: 1607931125790.png (3.52 MB, 640x1136, CF8F045A-A68C-4B0A-8D81-81EE7E…)

No. 1107101
File: 1607936459379.png (2.97 MB, 640x1136, 8A7A4E05-9185-446B-B358-5AFDD9…)

Thirst trap. Lolz
No. 1107192
>>1107086I genuinely thought this was a man in a wig at first glance.
She's got Lillee Jeans cold, dead stare.
No. 1107260
File: 1608034171541.webm (4.21 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-jonnycraig4l_98…)
In the hospital for a common junkie ailment
No. 1107261
File: 1608034215659.png (798.15 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201215-011353.png)

Antone know what she's talking about?
No. 1107262
File: 1608034326475.png (492.45 KB, 1242x2688, F1C639D4-3A82-44E4-8D35-D9CB32…)

No. 1107354
File: 1608045745965.jpeg (234.65 KB, 1125x1443, 36A8B2FD-3FBC-4D6F-AE25-677D2E…)

Wonder how Syd feels about Anthony saying this, bet she doesn’t snap at him like she does regular people that say the exact same thing.
No. 1107471
File: 1608054671761.jpeg (611.13 KB, 1242x2194, 4E25B586-86E3-4264-BC0A-78E481…)

>>1107354 she posted this after Anthony had tweeted that.
No. 1107475
File: 1608054807606.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1242x2210, D968F5AF-3C93-4320-89E7-E37B46…)

>>1107354>>1107471Samefag but she’s also posted this.
It’s interesting that she’s actually being receptive to what Anthony is saying when she’s clowned on everyone else for saying the same thing about Jonny to a certain degree. Is she only open to musicians talking to her?
No. 1107484
File: 1608055203258.jpeg (726.71 KB, 1242x1157, 9219AA94-0BDB-491F-B2FB-5CC338…)

Anthony has been talking a bit about Jonny. Sage for no milk and samefagging but god his take is garbage.
No. 1107542
File: 1608058307837.jpeg (72.06 KB, 500x651, ABC93A48-5079-4319-9280-10ABD3…)

>>1107086Bitch out here trying to look like a chola but she looks like slim shady with a wig on
Girl I know you're trying to look like a baddie but you look like a naked mole rat
No. 1107568
File: 1608060152342.jpeg (390.59 KB, 750x1005, 0701FB07-23C8-4947-807A-20D1F5…)

>>1107475The answer is, absolutely yes. She only gives a shit when someone with a blue tick or enough followers says something.
To continue your Anthony stuff, pic related.
No. 1108005
File: 1608094847746.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1988, 0E71A71A-A326-423F-9AFE-6D458D…)

Now he reshared her story post so they’re for sure best friends now lol
No. 1108247
File: 1608134632336.jpg (499.03 KB, 1080x1399, Screenshot_20201216-110125_Sam…)

He cheated on Chelsea while he was in the hospital. Wonder what he's doing in the hospital this time around? Lol
No. 1108653
File: 1608165091070.jpg (34.19 KB, 275x300, UlsmWsD.jpg)

>>1108577No shit, Sherlock
No. 1108779
File: 1608175887270.png (984.95 KB, 828x1792, DC57C1E4-C466-4B44-9042-42DCCF…)

Looks like this is aimed at Anthony Green Twitter posts
No. 1108851
>>1108779HOW is it so hard to read every single thing he writes and English is his first language?!
Ps. Taytertot is nowhere near bi she is just another pickme
No. 1108931
File: 1608199166116.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2688, 12442503-8AC7-4EAD-A8C9-6C4555…)

“Time to take control of myself” for the millionth time.
Same shit different year
No. 1108941
>>1108883Thank you anon.
I already said exactly that, here
>>1107675>>1108864I was deep level cringing when I read that.
No. 1108942
File: 1608201052371.png (518.86 KB, 1242x2688, 9C13AB70-CBC8-4313-9DA0-1A868C…)

Indirect to jonnys new year ig story.
How romantic these two
No. 1108951
>>1108931Lmao - someone should create jonny’s life in 2021 bingo card and see if who gets all the bingo first
Some suggestions: Spend time in prison, hospital trips from drug use, domestic abuse, overspent on clothing, begging/scamming money from fans, i am gonna go ahead and say he might even create a onlyfans account by EOY. Kek!
No. 1109055
>>1109033Eh storm (and his first kid) are better off without him imo.
He is a waste of space and hedestroys anyone and anything that crosses paths with him. I honestly think he is not worth any redemption and forgiveness at this point.
No. 1109628
>>1109622You just need to convert it to a webm file.
If it's already deleted it probably really was something gross.
No. 1109672
File: 1608288733544.webm (477.48 KB, 828x1486, FullSizeRender.webm)
Okay sorry for being dumb. I think I figured it out. Webm won’t play on my phone for some reason, so if it’s not playing for you guys either I’ll delete this. Sage just in case it doesn’t work
No. 1109673
File: 1608289717971.webm (345.15 KB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-jonnycraig4l_88…)
>>1109672Maybe a bit clearer?
No. 1109770
>>1109728Same person again, was able to watch it again, after I clicked the file link.
It is like I said, you see his hand not his head. And she is sleeping.
No. 1109832
File: 1608312714742.png (1.53 MB, 828x1792, 65ACB5CC-6C6E-497D-A4F8-CF4AA8…)

He still has a story up it’s of syd sleeping and he zooms in on her naked butt.
No. 1109833
File: 1608312750246.png (977.66 KB, 828x1792, 3D22437B-9B6B-41A1-B07F-83FF5B…)

No. 1110014
File: 1608328641707.jpeg (140.11 KB, 750x423, 561D0F7D-CAA4-4B47-B222-F6D675…)

>>1109914She should have read the thread. Anons talked about this nasty little habit of this a couple of weeks back.
No. 1110163
File: 1608338117938.webm (1.24 MB, 720x720, Project_12-18_HD 720p.webm)
>>1109839He's high af of course. Here id just the audio if anyone is curious.
His post of syd is creepy and disturbing knowing his history. Also sickening that he is this high around the baby
No. 1110293
File: 1608350780522.jpeg (471.56 KB, 828x1430, 920B20C4-222C-4B08-89D7-343DE7…)

>>1110292Sorry, I should have posted this with it
No. 1111114
File: 1608451252819.jpeg (364 KB, 1125x1999, EC50ECEE-3F21-44D4-9205-3B9091…)

No. 1111115
File: 1608451309654.jpeg (608.92 KB, 1125x1986, E8BCF47F-C553-43FE-A73C-A2B770…)

No. 1111216
File: 1608476602469.png (450.29 KB, 1242x2688, 19AA918D-CEF6-4586-97FE-89887B…)

No. 1111742
>>1110163Omg that fucking audio is
Blog post (don't ban me it's relevant) but my ex (for this very reason) did H and jonnys voice sounds IDENTICAL to the high, slow weird ass voice that haunts my nightmares. Jonny is high as fuuuuuck and I feel so sad for the baby.
No. 1112128
File: 1608583002915.png (4.17 MB, 828x1792, F09E2A93-533C-448B-A0F7-79E43E…)

i’m not sure if this is normal, i’m not a mom, but why is storms face bruised near his eyes?
No. 1121660
File: 1609756525876.png (973.29 KB, 1125x2436, F863AE1E-3C50-4D02-AB08-59D361…)

Is Syd’s latest insta post about TND or has someone else upset her?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)