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No. 1124446
Inspired by the commentary in the Creepshow Art thread, someone who has deserved their very own for some time now.
>creates shitty "content" which consists of her reading an article and that's about it>always trying to put on the "le so disapoointed goff gurl" image>cheap and often badly cared for wigs>did crack for a few months while studying abroad but will get whiteknighted by some who think its akin to experimenting with weed in college>had a mental breakdown in the Maurice Yandiorio thread when he called her a pill popper and pretended to kill himself and catfished her as a counselor>proceeded to do several livestreams about this>one of those streams was with Joy Sparkles>gave money to Onision and was a fan of his for years>whines about Cosmopolitan mag and other anti-sjw low-hanging fruit as if they're legitimate issues>follows Ben Shapiro on Twitter>also follows Lauren Southern on Twitter and InstagramRecently, she's whined about she can’t go to Vegas like she does every year with her boyfriend due to the pandemic. So sorry that you weren't able to take your precious trip while millions of people are out of work, struggling to make end's meet, etc. And her outlet was to cry on camera at her audience of people who are so much less fortunate than her even at their best, many of whom also suffer from mental illness.
Also, so much for being a hotshot author. California's Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction is published by Z Publishing, which has been accused of being a vanity press on numerous occasions: awful merch that looks like a Killstar rip-off: No. 1124454
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>>1124452She apparently has some kind of panic disorder, which explains why nearly every other video is her shitting herself about how everything on the internet is some pedo conspiracy. I'm not denying the existence of shady shit happening online, but not everything is some massive conspiracy.
Also, you're not the only one who thought that she's trans. I've seen that comment a lot and she even did a Twitter poll (where clearly people lied to make her feel better) about it.
She doesn't seem to think deeply.. well, at all. She fancies herself some kind of apathetic genius, but she's a rich kid who wears shitty fast fashion clothing that doesn't even look good on her and has terrible choice in wigs.
No. 1124456
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>>1124454Also, her Randonautica video was basically a direct rip of the one that Nick Crowley already did months ago. Anons have suspected that RTG has been a farmer for a while, too.
No. 1124458
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No. 1124463
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>>1124461I don't understand how she amassed such a large following either. You're probably the millionth person I've seen who says that her content can be summed up by
>reads article>gives unremarkable commentaryThat's all she seems to know how to do. Do people come just to listen to her unattractive, bland voice or stare at her badly clothed body? Seriously, her wigs are so fucking bad and her makeup always makes her look even worse. Her own face doesn't even look like its hers. It looks like she's wearing a skin suit.
No. 1124465
that wig is absolutely not installed properly…
>>1124463holy shit it got worse
No. 1124467
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No. 1124468
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No. 1124470
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No. 1124478
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one of her sponsors is raycon, and one of the models that works for them is Dominic Angelica, a child rapist.
No. 1124576
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Her random placement of Tattoos reminds me of another cow on here Ariana. They both even got that same man face going on.
No. 1124584
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>>1124470>>1124471Holy shit these hilarious.
She is a proper mess.
No. 1124601
>>1124584It’s hilarious, she’s chunky in that “used to be almost skinny in high school but gained 15lbs and decided to join the fat acceptance movement” type of way.
Also her face is like if Kat Von Antivax got punched out
No. 1124605
>>1124454I was certain she was trans at first.
>>1124584Are the butterflies supposed to be completely black? I don't know anything about tattoos but it looks either scratched/scarred or like it should have some shading but ended up as a black blob
Her makeup always looks so bad. Super caked yellow foundation, no color on the face and that eyeliner… Tragic.
No. 1124609
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>>1124602People on twitter gas her up relentlessly too. She is being lied to by her entire following, picrel is so fucking unfortunate
No. 1124612
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lmao this is embarrassing
No. 1124624
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>>1124615I think all us tattoofags feel the same way. The only thing that
triggers me more than her scratcher work is her beady eyes and negative lip area that are made worse by her astonishing lack of makeup aptitude
No. 1124637
>>1124627I think it comes from the fact there's no threads on her in other farms so it's nice to finally come out and just say all this stuff about her. Added to the frustration is some farmers actually like her content, you're going to initially get many people who just want to speak their mind on her. It's funny seeing her sperg about her privileged life as if she's in dire straits, too. Plus, we finally get a thread to bitch about her in instead of people making a comment or two whenever she's mentioned in other threads.
The Raycon thing isn't really except in the context of this cow, she is freaked out/paranoid by anti-MAP, so you'd think she'd have looked into it. I don't think it's necessarily milk she follows Ben Shapiro.
No. 1124650
>>1124601>>1124602If you keep it up she's going to make a response about this thread
triggering her eating disorder, just wait
No. 1124662
Every now and then her name would pop up in breepshow's, onision's… threads and in the creepshow case the thread would derail to being about RTG.
>>1124650Ah yes, the eating disorder she got studying abroad in some expensive school from shanghai. She really is a white chick with money moaning about her stupid life choices.
No. 1124669
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This is all I see looking at the thread image tbh
No. 1124671
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>>1124669I was just passing through snow and don't know this cow, but this took me out
No. 1124703
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>>1124669>>1124671Lmfao same the only thing that caught my attention is her consistent use of shitty wigs
No. 1124762
>>1124669Sometimes farmer content is better than the cow themselves.
She seems like another low effort commentary channel who lifts content from lolcow (like Shannon, Repzion, Edwin), but her alt appearance makes her stand out enough to get a bit of traction.
Honestly, the biggest red flag is that she was an Onision patron. Anyone stupid enough to not only watch him but to pay to watch him is lacking in good judgement.
I also have mixed feelings about these types of channels monetizing content about murder and pedo
victims while shilling Squarespace or things like that, but I guess it's normal on YouTube
No. 1125317
File: 1610082188318.gif (1.39 MB, 1536x1920, rtg.gif)

sage for retard fanart but she would look so much less troon-y if she would just do something with those bushy caterpillar eyebrows and get some lip fillers.
No. 1125394
>>1125370Possibly, but its more than likely just a bunch of anons who are protective of goff farmer. She's what they can project onto because she's one of them that "made it" and gets to dress like an eternal, damaged teenager and get a free pass for it because it's her "aesthetic".
If some of you are so pressed, there's this really easy thing called.. ignoring the thread and not posting in it. Like, this isn't a new concept. There are plenty of cows some anons don't consider to be milky enough and their threads aren't overrun with defensive commentary. At worst, this becomes a containment thread for those of you who bitched about her ever being brought up in the creepshow thread.
No. 1125398
>>1125350There's girls who have been posted here who have done less than she has and y'all still dragged the fuck out of them, anon. And some of their threads are still going despite the only "milk" being that they photoshop excessively and are still batshit, but they're not Onion-tier.
You're on a gossip site and people can bitch about whoever they want.
No. 1125401
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If you really wanted the PhD the fact that it’s online only shouldn’t be a deal breaker, Giulia
No. 1125414
>>1125401I'm not sure about the entire context but is she complainig about the fact that her goal school is entirely online or just due to Covid?
I don't get her problem either way. Just go get a PhD at a school that's not entirely virtual but since the entire world is dealing with Covid rn,it's what she'll have to get used to anyway.
She should be glad that she has the finances to get a degree.
No. 1125436
is the context. She just wanted to tell her followers about how her family “shamed” her for not doing the PhD. Like some sort of weird humblebrag. I don’t think she’s particularly intelligent so I’m surprised she is/was entertaining a doctorate. But then I’m not a burger so maybe it’s easier to buy your way into postgrad studies in the US.
No. 1125441
>>1125436Alright, thx. I just wasn't sure if she was actually this tone-deaf to complain about such things.
I'm sure that, if an influencer said the exact same thing, she'd complain about how there are more important things in life right now.
Also, she needs to stop using Twitter as her diary.
No. 1125452
>>1125398Ah yes because lolcow is a hive mind and we’re all the same people with the same opinions
Post milk or gtfo
No. 1125495
>>1125441>>1125452People are posting. If you don't give a fuck about the cow, hide the thread and ignore it. This isn't difficult, anon. We aren't responsible for your mental retardation.
>>1125441She absolutely would be making some holier than thou commentary vid about how ppl r dying kim if another influencer said anything similar to what she said. She bitched and cried and had a meltdown a while back about not being able to go to her yearly Vegas trip and now it's some humblebrag about her being PhD material or whatever. Even went and put in her Twitter bio that her following people doesn't mean she endorses what they say, but in like every video she's put out she's hyper analyzed and reached about how people look or sound or who they follow on social media and it was enough for HER to condemn them. The goalposts move with this chick so much and I'll never understand why so many people are asshurt that people are fed up with her pretentious shit.
No. 1125496
File: 1610104642744.jpeg (638.14 KB, 1298x1236, 64055416-7843-4186-97ED-2CCC8D…)

No. 1125510
File: 1610105846212.jpeg (125.86 KB, 750x1333, ED6L_OeUYAICCTM.jpeg) made it yourself because crying about your depression/ED/nightmares or whatever problem you feel like making up next wasn't getting you enough attention, but go off, I guess.
No. 1125519
File: 1610108011262.jpg (329.55 KB, 1080x1575, 20210108_071123.jpg)

Really? Was it really Jacob's idea? Because you love to make every single discussion about yourself, especially when it comes to your content. Also, why the fuck would anyone want merch with your tattoos on it?
No. 1125522
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No. 1125524
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Again, how many times have you used your platform to prop yourself up and act superior to others using this exact tactic? You're not automatically exempt. Your entire online presence and persona is built off of unenlightened commentary on drama or true crime. Your anti-sjw videos grasp at low-hanging fruit or shit that never happened, so it's no surprise that you and shoeonhead are friends.
On top of it all, you have enough money to live much more comfortably than any of your followers ever will and yet you still try to shill merch. And, it's not even good merch. It looks like the "normal people scare me" shit from years ago.
This person needs a fucking reality check.
No. 1125529
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Because you're so wild and interesting, G.
No. 1125533
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How many angsty posts and videos have you made where you bitched about people romanticizing mental illness or portraying it in a cute and quirky manner? Yet you still have the time to act like a teenager with your coke fried brain and fish for sympathy like this. I expect this from a 15 year old, not a grown adult.
No. 1125537
File: 1610110245203.jpg (256.01 KB, 1080x1163, 20210108_074339.jpg)

Imagine having no identity beyond being a tatted up person who wears SheIn garbage and runs a trashy drama channel unlike any of the others out there.
No. 1125603
>>1125498>No wonder I wake up gasping for breath oof Bookmarking a highly dramatic statement about your mental health with “
oof” just to seem relatable. Her concern farming seems like a convenient cover for her actual content, which is low brow drama. If anyone critiques her it’s because she has tattoos or likes different music and is totally depressed, not because she’s unoriginal and has different standards for her commentary mutuals
No. 1125625
What a milk-less thread.
Oh, and she doesn't look mtf. She just looks like an ex-goth; that's all. You don't have to like it.
>>1124454Yes, anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you is "clearly" lying.
>>1124637Why do you think she has a super privileged life or something? Not every YouTuber is well-off.
Also, in her videos where she vents about her mental health struggles and whatnot, she DOES mention that she's aware she's better off than a lot of people (as we all are), but that doesn't change the emotions that she's feeling.
>>1125445Obviously not all her followers are "tweens".
No. 1125630
>>1125398I'm the anon you responded to, no one said you couldn't bitch about her, i asked if there was actual milk on this chick and so far no one is providing any.
The whole thread itself is milkless and given your response, I'm assuming you're a former pullfag.
No. 1125636
>People are postingThis thread is full of redundant posts about how she looks mtf, her wigs are bad, her fashion sense is shit and her tattoos are ugly. Also random screenshots from her twitter. None of that is milk anon.
>If you don't give a fuck about the cow then hide the thread and ignore it.Sounds like something a former pullfag would say.
No. 1125645
>>1125625>>1125630>>1125636Do you realize you're bumping the thread to complain about her having a thread in the first place?
Let it die like other threads with low milk or stop reading. You're just making it worse for her
No. 1125654
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ik this post is from 2 years ago but I didn't expect those videos to be removed completely from her channel lol
I was legit excited to see a thread had finally been made for this one, she's insufferable. her OTT over-pronunciation(?) of certain words kills me
No. 1125778
>milk? Milk? Hmmm milk? Pullfag!! Pull!!! pullfag!!!The “hi cow” energy is off the charts lol
No. 1125784
>>1125645No one is complaining about her having a thread, they're asking for anons to provide milk, since so far there is literally none. Then you have the dumbass anons who get defensive and start sperging whenever its brought up.
>>1125778Yeah, because asking for milk and commenting on and pointing out pull fag energy other anons are giving off means its a self post. Kek
>>1125784>No one is complaining about her having a threadBitch there is, it’s you, who refreshes this page constantly and replies to EVeryone about how you don’t like it lol
Threads die organically here all the time but the more you bitch and moan, the more people will want to talk out of pure spite for your annoying ass.
No. 1125844
>>1124446thread pic is sending me!! her tattoos look like tumblr transparents as inkbox temporary tats.
she gives off snowflake energy for sure. her content is just as vapid as her writing and everything comes off as her trying to become an influencer. but she's too NLOG and ugly for that. people only wanna hear you make everything about yourself when you're pretty and know how to put on a wig.
>>1125654they look like they would go unicorn hunting for quirky girls at a fucking Gorillaz concert or something. i hate it.
>>1125784nat her italian sperging from time to time and narcissistic behavior is powdered milk but still entertaining. i have watched hours of her videos and i do feel like she has cow potential. maybe not currently…
No. 1125859
>>1125625Retard who obviously didn't read. She comes from an extremely well off family.
>>1125806Y'all know someone's lurking if there's only one anon itt trying to make everyone shut up lmao
No. 1125899
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No. 1125983
File: 1610147166250.jpg (72.49 KB, 509x339, RTG without filters.jpg)

>>1125920>>1125630>>1125636>>1125784>>1125625>>1125452>>1124627>>1125350Yes, we know you love your 1curr goff meatball troon-looking white rich farmer. Have you also considered learning how to read and distinguish snowflakes from cows?
>>1125899Pale yellow with dark red and black… The orange fake scalp on the wig…. And lets not ignore the skirt shape making her look like a blood sausage.
No. 1126190
>>1125920I don’t want to >hi cow …but I have a difficult time believe anyone would be willing to wk rtg this hard..not even her ‘fans’.
There are cows who have threads in /snow/ who are less unlikable/cringe than this bitch. If creepshowart has a thread, then I really don’t see why there’s an issue with her having one kek.
No. 1126337
File: 1610169556456.jpg (246.4 KB, 1080x1140, 20210109_000853.jpg)

>>1126190Right? It's pretty obvious what's going on.
OT found this in her tweets and it's not like they're wrong. She bitched and moaned about hoodies that glorified depression some time ago, but her entire image is centered around being the troubled/damaged goth girl. And she's constantly posting about her """struggles""" to the point where it doesn't feel real. She has a husband who is always there for her (ffs she bragged on Twitter recently that he built her a fort inside of their house, so she goes from her bed to the fort and just watches Harry Potter all weekend), her mom who will gladly hand her any amount of cash she needs, plus the revenue she receives from being a shitty yt and yet.. there's always room for whining with her. Always. It literally never ends. I'm not saying that money fixes everyone's problems, but this chick has a support network, is financially secure, sees a psychiatrist regularly and yet several times a day Twitter needs to know about how
triggered by something she is. Not sorry because genuinely what fucking person who is allegedly as troubled as she is uses Twitter as their first course of action when they're having an episode? Especially with all of her aforementioned resources. And people just eat the shit up and grant her a pass because once again she dresses alt therefore she gets some kind of special immunity from criticism.
As if you don't profit from your alleged disorders and problems. You most certainly do, even when it's not monetary, it's so people will rush to your dm's and tell you how creative and insightful. It's like if Ben Stein was born in 1993 and trooned out.
No. 1126377
File: 1610170569062.jpg (497.04 KB, 1059x1752, 20210109_003328.jpg)

Giulia, you put out a big dramatic PSA about how you were so depressed and upset because you couldn't do your yearly Vegas trip due to covid restrictions. You're no better than those "partying influencers".
No. 1126400
File: 1610171079819.jpg (424.66 KB, 1080x1846, 20210109_004158.jpg)

Right. And you totally don't profit from the misfortunes of others. Also what the fuck with this tweet and video title lmao
No. 1126424
File: 1610171806400.jpg (566.28 KB, 1080x1998, 20210109_005630.jpg)

So special and quirky.
No. 1126473
>>1126039>edgy fashion>self-esteemWillingly calling it edgy sounds so funny to me but anyway, saying she "specializes" in self-esteem in any way is hilarious considering how much she cries about being depressed and having a poor self-image.
I don't doubt she really does have self-image issues but there's something very ironic about saying she specializes in self-esteem and helping others with it while always moaning about how shit her own is. Maybe work on yourself first if you're so good at it.
No. 1126725
File: 1610200081433.jpeg (235.6 KB, 1200x1192, 70EA0E5D-F36C-4428-B33F-E46128…)

>>1126039she looks good in this pic. she just styles herself horribly. RTG you’re not a waif eclectic goth egirl you’re a 27 year old woman and you look 27.
this is a pic from her wedding night, she looks nice without the extremely harsh makeup and dollskill fits.
No. 1126767
>>1126400Honestly, this part of YouTube is so scummy. I know she’ll make an excuse about bringing awareness to
victims, but has she ever considered that some of them deserve a bit of privacy after being brutalized? And don’t need their story sensationalized for YouTube bucks? I can’t imagine being raped and then finding a random goth girl in a green wig recounting the worst moments of my life for money.
It just seems wrong
No. 1126782
File: 1610205775541.jpeg (188.88 KB, 1011x1200, AD4F4683-2D63-4E52-B2FB-A99D22…)

>>1126735compare that photo with this one. they just look so ridiculous now. her husband looks like a greaseball and she looks like a 40 yr old cosplayer.
i only watched a few of her videos a few years ago but this thread now has me questioning why she even is this way, she never seemed actively involved in goth culture yet she parades around her outfits and tattoos and kvlt objects like badges of honor. its like she doesnt realize that most of the people who shop dollskill dont take the idea of it too seriously and are just interested in the clothing and, well, themselves.
No. 1126950
>>1126767Exactly. What kind of "awareness" is she bringing? She isn't donating any of the rev to organizations that help
victims. She doesn't actually give a fuck and yet her comments are always flooded with, "THanKU For CoverinG Yjis ReaDyToGware uwu"
Anyone can read an article and offer commentary and it's not as if her commentary is ever any different. She doesn't open the floor for any discussions yet she'll be in her tweets or other videos preaching about how someone can't criticize what someone else is doing (which I think she actually is defending herself, she just doesn't want to say it. It's that Twitter fiction where you make up a scenario to stress for
victim points.) then be all on about muh nuance.
Also, her overall energy during these videos is so draining. You can tell she's bored/stoned/both during these, especially with how she'll react to more graphic parts of the story.
A mess.
>>1126782Oh God that one. The Twitter caption for that picture was like, "worrying my relatives lol" as if she's still an edgy teen. And this is the person who claims to have lectured in classrooms. Imagine finding this shit about your professor online and then being expected to take them seriously. I couldn't. And yeah, she isn't goth at all. In a lot of her posts, she identifies as emo more than anything and she'll even use emo as a means of describing a depression episode she's having– so much for muh mental health awareness? Bitch flipped shit over tacky hoodies and shirts with disorder definitions and pills on them but she's allowed to water down what is a crippling condition for millions by just saying, "hurr I'm emo today"
Even if that's how she personally copes, the irony and tone deafness is astounding given all she's tried to preach about when its come to others. Its insulting.
She isn't goth and never has been. She's some wannabe who likely wasn't allowed to dress this way as a teen because all of her expensive schools didn't allow OTT, but now that goth and mental issues have become synon for the last how many years, she figured now's her time.
No. 1126984
File: 1610223003110.jpg (435.62 KB, 1080x1664, 20210109_150722.jpg)

This feels like yet another posturing, "look I'm not like other youtubers!!1!11" thing.
Because, despite everything going on, people still try to have a good time instead of sitting in their homes and moping all day like you do, Giulia. As long as they're following safety guidelines, why do you give a fuck what other influencers are doing? You're clearly not referring to the maskless, partying ones here. You mean people in general still going about their lives because surprise not everyone can cope with their issues the way that you do.
No. 1126986
File: 1610223096563.jpg (280.72 KB, 1080x1355, 20210109_151126.jpg)

>>1126984The fucking irony though lmao
No. 1126989
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sUcH A GoDDAmRm m00D
No. 1126994
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No. 1127003
File: 1610224841564.jpg (462.06 KB, 1080x1549, 20210109_152920.jpg)

This one also rubbed me the wrong way because its yet another one featuring noted flake, shoeonhead. Shoe was moaning about how her parents don't understand her adhd and how it's like having short term memory loss for her (shoe is known for lying a lot though) and it felt like Giulia swooped right in because it was the perfect opportunity to yet again talk about her depression and get asspats. Shoe herself also used the original tweet to garner sympathy and asspats to excuse away anything.
I'm trying not to blogpost whenever I see these, but she makes it really fucking difficult. It's not about her not being allowed to be depressed/eating disordered/self harmer/former hard druggie turned pothead/anxious mess/whatever else she comes up with next. It's how it feels so constant with her and it's as if it's the only thing that defines her and she seems perfectly alright with that, because she profits from the attention. I can't imagine knowing her in person because she seems like she would be an energy vampire. You know, the type of person who constantly talks about their depression and brings everyone in the rest of the group down and even when you've tried to be there for them, it's never enough. Most of the time when it comes to Giulia, I legitimately don't see a person who is actively trying to get better. I see someone who is content with being stagnant because other people enable her to do so and any criticism is met with her bemoaning on social media about how people expect her to be cured at the snap of fingers.
I'm pretty sure nobody's expecting that of her. They're probably just sick and tired of being around somebody who has built their entire personality around being a fucking trope.
No. 1127021
File: 1610225788287.jpg (414.73 KB, 1080x1490, 20210109_155029.jpg)

You mean buying already made costumes and taking a selfie with the same two poses you use in every picture of yourself? Because that's what you've done. You aren't a cosplayer, Giulia. And here we go yet again with the casual broken record references to her mEnTAl HeLatH.
You have a husband, don't you? Is he tired of babysitting you or something? Go to the park. Go on a natural trail. Get some arts and crafts. Read books. Exercise. There are absolutely things that you can do that don't involve crowds of people. I can't imagine myself during one of my own episodes running to Twitter as the first course of action.
No. 1127029
File: 1610226149733.jpg (733.46 KB, 1080x1980, 20210109_160143.jpg)

No. 1127673
>>1127584I think she went to international schools which usually teach in English.
In my expirience a lot of people don't have an accent despite english not being there first language anyway so that doesn't really indicate anything.
No. 1127723
File: 1610308849557.jpeg (386.83 KB, 1125x814, 92CF6F79-0026-4500-A358-E226D3…)

Sage cause it’s kind of old now but does anybody remember when she was planning on making a video about fucking eating disorder twitter accounts? Most people on there are probably teenage larpers but I remember seeing her tweet and getting uncomfortable. Yes Giulia, make another 20 minute video ranting about extremely mentally ill minors and their vents about being scared of their scales, that’ll go great for you.
Then she didn’t because she was afraid of getting doxxed, kek. What did she expect was going to happen when messing with crazy?
No. 1127732
>>1127723Oh, THIS is where you fuckers draw the line?
So what if they're teenagers? A lot of these brats are pretty vile with how they attack others on Twitter just for pointing out that their communities might be
toxic hugboxes.
No. 1127751
>>1127732I think it's ridiculous she criticizes ana tags when she herself was ana because she acts like it's shocking shit that they do when if she were ana herself, surely she'd kind of get it. I tinfoil she was one of those fat wannarexics.
Like, yeah, proana communities are bad and full of mentally ill people, many of them teenagers, who doesn't understand that. It's such an attempt to attack low hanging fruit.
No. 1127806
File: 1610315726516.png (434.81 KB, 760x523, we get it.PNG)

>>1127732>>1127696>>1127561Sage your shit, anon.
OT, same shit different day.
No. 1127809
File: 1610316013456.png (1.89 MB, 1152x2048, Eoqt_7mWMAcnGlb (1).png)

No. 1127820
File: 1610317250434.png (1021.84 KB, 900x1200, EoftZZlXUAQjUxH.png)

Her second channel, Ready to Glam, is hilarious. As if she's anybody to help anyone else with beauty. No. 1127822
File: 1610317384819.png (56.85 KB, 759x550, sureeeeeee.PNG)

>>1127818Do you know the difference between a cow and a snowflake? There are two different boards for a reason. Someone else was b& for shitting up the thread days ago with spergy replies, so you'd better learn to integrate. If you don't like the thread, you don't have to be here and people have been posting things besides her being ugly. But, you clearly didn't read that because you have an agenda. Or, you did and you just don't care. Move along.
OT more shit that never happened.
No. 1127826
File: 1610317506574.png (75.77 KB, 758x620, sure giulia.PNG)

>>1126978Speaking of the majority of her content, lol
No. 1127833
>>1127822Chill out, I’m asking for milk because she’s annoying and I would love to shit on her.
But being annoying just isn’t milk. All the other cows in snow have milk to some degree. Shayna, egirls, Erin, Abby Brown, even fucking Holly Brown has more milk than this. She’s just ugly and annoying.
But if anyone has any actual milk, I would love to jump on that train and add another cow to the reading list.
No. 1127920
>>1127907She's totally a pick-me and tries to be lowkey about it. The video about how she used to be an ebil essjaydoubleuwu was basically the giant beacon. She plays up the goff gf shit when she's never been goth. She buys cheap, Killstar/Dollskill clothes and kvult stuff and that's about it for the optics.
She's also bullshitting when she says that most people who watch true crime care about human psychology. Sis if they're not gen xers who became obsessed with that shit during moral panics, they're edgy teens or people who are just morbidly curious about grotesque, depressing cases. Its human nature to be curious, I'm not faulting that part. My problem lies with her profiting from these videos all the while trying to be holier than thou and then she has the audacity to say that this is about human psychology. Literally when does she discuss human psychology (and with any basis, no less. She's a fucking English Lit graduate, not a fucking Psychologist or Forensic Psych.) in any of her videos? They're always her reading an article, taking dramatic pauses and zooming in on herself, talking about how distraught and upset and disappointed this makes her in HumanItY, and that's it.
So profound, much enlightenment. Bravo.
>>1127909She hasn't, iirc. She says she was born in Germany and grew up there, but she's also lived all over the place.
No. 1127954
>>1127905>no shit that exposing yourself to potentially dirty needles raises your risk for STDs.Lmao what. Only the most shit-tier scratchers that have no idea what they're doing would use a dirty needle to tattoo. Most tattooed people go to real artists and are no more likely to get an STI than anyone else. Also the insinuation when people say "tattooed people are more likely to have STDs" is generally that tattoos indicate low morals/sleeping around, not that you would get hep c or whatever from the tattoo needle.
I'll take my ban
No. 1128011
>>1127907ia, i watched maybe 4 videos a year or two ago before i got bored of her dead pan delivery and non-chalant attitude to the point where it started to feel condescending? and it wasn’t even her opinions, it was just regurgitated information that she would obviously be against, so it made it doubly weird and off putting because i agreed with what she was saying on a surface level.
she might not be the milkiest but she’s certainly annoying and
problematic enough to have a thread. eventually it’ll dry up if there’s nothing of substance so i don’t really get the people complaining
No. 1128028
File: 1610330331607.png (1.12 MB, 1553x782, offbrand dollskill.PNG)

>>1127967>People can still think it's weird that almost all of your content is about murder, sexual assault, incest and TumblrEspecially given that you'd expect someone with all of these alleged cocktail conditions that she has to be unsettled by the details she reads yet in every video she seems disingenuous because she's stoned out of her mind while simultaneously trying to play up this dead-pan, so unbothered/aloof goff gurl who is SoOooOoOo diSsaPOintEd in h00MankiNd.
No. 1128082
File: 1610335065801.png (1.34 MB, 1388x823, Capture.PNG)

Honestly, looking at her second channel its starting to seem like being a beauty guru was her main objective all along and the drama channel was just so she could gain enough attention in the first place in order to make the second work. Too bad her main channel has 662k subs while this one just has 44.3k
Almost as if no one in the right mind would be looking for advice from her.
No. 1128095
File: 1610335849222.png (287.36 KB, 700x394, rtg.png)

>>1128082Wow those thumbnails alone look awful. Talk about a vanity project. She has no idea what looks good on her, from her body shape to her face. She can look okay if styled properly
>>1126725, she's just stuck on trying to emulate harsh egirl fashion that only looks good on hyperfeminine girls. She's neither cutesy nor does she have elegance, so she just comes off looking like a troon desperately trying to emulate womanhood, when she could look fine if she respected her type. Sad!
Also nitpick but
>dying a wig>dying a human hair wigdying != dyeing, learn the fucking difference if you want to be a "beauty" youtuber
>>1127723>muh ED>>1127826>muh relatable self-depreciation>>1128011>>1124762>>1127920>lazy commentary about material lifted from lolcow & pickmeismsI can see why she and Creepshow Art are besties
No. 1128116
File: 1610337569053.png (3.09 MB, 1536x2048, EraFTTrXIAAy6rA.png)

>>1128095Fuck anon what can you do with this one?
No. 1128123
File: 1610338635857.png (1.19 MB, 1909x757, sgysfsr.PNG)

Can we also talk about her shitty merch?
No. 1128125
File: 1610338870746.png (827.08 KB, 1372x893, ddftguhiu.PNG)

>>1128124$34 for a hoodie featuring a beaten to death joke but in Tumblrkid color scheme.
Totally owns a channel dedicated to ~*discussing human psychology*~ and isn't just another trashy drama rag.
No. 1128139
File: 1610340929477.png (1007.6 KB, 1226x790, also rtg.PNG)

>complains about people making mental illness trendy
>does it herself in every tweet
>complains about the anxiety hoodie
>wears shit that says the same type of shit
No. 1128142
>>1127820lmfao the shadow on her long, weird philtrum almost makes her look like she has moustache stubble in this picture
can she skip the next shitty flash tattoo and PLEASE get lip filler
No. 1128177
>>1128148>without makeup>>1128155Lol no
Try this
No. 1128196
>>1128124These actually hurt to read.
"My disappointment is disappointed", yeah we get it, you're constantly disappointed in everything. Holy shit go outside or something.
The mug could have been OKAY if she just left it as a reference to her tattoo for her fans but she just had to add the part in parentheses so now it sounds stupid and extremely repetitive for having "dead" take up almost half the words.
Such English major, very literate.
No. 1128204
File: 1610353862733.jpeg (67.72 KB, 680x622, 2A1C39FB-8EB6-40D9-B1C6-D98751…)

>>1128184My problem is your lack of reading comprehension, anon. Which is like, totally lame and booring. Yikes.
No. 1128290
>>1128220>>1128204half of me is screaming that she needs to learn to do her makeup better and she'll be fine and the other half is saying surgery is the only thing that will save her from looking like a troon. lip filler or something, I don't know. anything.
side not used to like her content til I realized (like everyone did) that her vids are copy paste OH NO THIS HAPPENED + BARELY COMMENTARY made me really dislike her. put in some effort woman.
No. 1128913
File: 1610407538202.jpeg (841.54 KB, 1242x1508, AC66407D-2439-4C20-8455-574895…)

What do we think? Personally I think she only feels that way because it’s a 2D face with no contour No. 1128971
>>1128913I cannot imagine for the life of me any designer looking at her and thinking she'd look good for anything. She probably came herself at that DM and wanted twitter asspats for validation
>>1128108This sent me, anon
No. 1129036
File: 1610416416546.png (51.31 KB, 754x603, ready to troon.PNG)

>>1129016This. There's one autist who keeps bumping this thread just to offer their two cents. Unless its new milk, sage your shit please.
>>1128914>>1128988>>1128993>>1129004OT, looks like she didn't appreciate being called out.
No. 1129056
File: 1610417481644.png (1.49 MB, 1494x927, what the fuck is this.PNG)

Also, why do people lie to her so much? Her """cosplays""" are shit. Her wigs are shit. Her makeup and fashion sense are shit. Her hOT TaKEs are shit.
No. 1129058
File: 1610417672658.png (1.46 MB, 1487x935, so modest uwu.PNG)

>>1129056Even if she's being facetious and that's a friend, this is a cringe as fuck reply.
>y-you know I never smile!1!1! i'm so disappointed with the humanity!1!! No. 1129059
File: 1610417791165.png (452.57 KB, 768x781, no wonder you two are friends.…)

Kissing shoeonhead's ass.
No. 1129172
File: 1610430759838.png (573.02 KB, 788x696, fan run my ass.PNG)

This is allegedly a fan-run account, but I don't buy it. It just seems like Giulia on an alt gassing herself up. No. 1129183
>>1129172I’m not sure, since she has made it the norm to always include fan art in her vids.
She’s definitely not afraid to act in ways that she’s most likely aware create parasocial relationships. People gas her up for free on her socials, I could see a situation of her potentially creating a fan account for herself but giving it away to an actual fan once it got a little attention.
Maybe the anxiety she’s plagued with is that her fanbase will turn on her one day, or that she’s going to age out of being relevant.
No. 1129576
File: 1610478786494.jpeg (919.91 KB, 1242x1495, E97F6589-3C8A-48CC-98F5-6C4FB4…)

I can’t imagine thinking dollskill are going to use a photo of you on their clothes despite the fact it looks nothing like her. (No tattoos etc)
No. 1129577
File: 1610478833169.jpeg (111.22 KB, 946x2048, DD2DB9FD-E663-4E39-BD64-5F370E…)

>>1129576Photo on the shirt in question
No. 1129615
>>1127806I didn’t sage
>>1127696 because thread hadn’t been bumped for a couple hours and I reaaally want to know where that self-post lookin ass cap come from. Since it’s kindaaaa weird that anon replied quickly to a person sussing her by saying it’s “posted elsewhere” but dipped off after two people asked exactly where.
>>1129576Yeah dollskill made composite fan art of your tranny face specifically on top of a body you do not have to sell merch, I was at the pitch meeting. Curb your NPD, Ready To Eat.
No. 1129669
File: 1610485124300.png (79.86 KB, 768x645, which is why you havent shut u…)

>over being emo
>"That's why it kills me"
>by no means a priority
>continues to whine on twitter for months
No. 1129671
File: 1610485201638.png (83.88 KB, 754x757, totally happened.PNG)

Things that totally happened and are not at all made up.
No. 1129673
File: 1610485292286.png (773.05 KB, 780x791, pullin a shoe.PNG)

We get it. You're bi. And you sound like shoeonhead when you do this. Again, no wonder you two are friends.
No. 1129675
File: 1610485361846.png (255.06 KB, 758x769, wheres the lie though.PNG)

When fishing for sympathy for doing crack didn't go as planned.
No. 1129679
File: 1610485429877.png (96.64 KB, 758x790, Captureinoo.PNG)

That ED video isn't happening anytime soon due to alleged doxxing.
No. 1129681
File: 1610485590229.png (377 KB, 1670x942, wah.PNG)

Wah wah someone thinks I look like shit even though I do 99% of the time.
No. 1129684
File: 1610485655481.png (561.99 KB, 757x799, so quirky and bi.PNG)

So quirky and bi, but has likely never eaten pussy.
No. 1129687
File: 1610485799896.png (34.68 KB, 753x472, pot meet kettle.PNG)

Pedoshit is abhorrent. So is the hypocrisy of this tweet considering you're the one constantly using depression/anxiety/trauma as a fashion statement/persona then bitching when others do it.
But go off sis.
No. 1129693
File: 1610485969845.png (26.92 KB, 759x319, TOTAL MOOD SIS.PNG)

Total m00d sis like yaas
No. 1129697
File: 1610486118732.png (649.23 KB, 767x545, you and every other alleged go…)

My parents have said the same thing. So have other people's parents and friends. This isn't special, it doesn't make you anymore "goffick".
No. 1129708
File: 1610486583329.png (72.95 KB, 763x788, somebody mad.PNG)

A trainwreck on both ends. Also, how the fuck is anyone supposed to know that her tattoo has anything to do with her OD unless they've watched her video explaining it? Tattoos can have meanings that are personal, sure, but when the rest of her tattoos look like Tumblr reblogs and she dresses like the wannabe goth that she is people are just going to assume that she's an edgy fucker.
No. 1129760
>>1129699Its p obvious Giulia can't get enough attention. Watch it be something else she claims got her negative attention like she does with her overdose, tats, etc. Everyday with this bitch is like a soap opera and she plays all the parts.
>>1129725Not everyone makes lc a priority, anon. You can stop sperging now.
No. 1129867
File: 1610496100454.png (1.33 MB, 1673x940, this looks awful.PNG)

Sporting a color that looks good on no one unless you're Ronald Mcdonald. I can't wait to see yet another episode of "gas rtg up for her minimal effort 'cosplays'"
No. 1129948
File: 1610500856463.png (1.51 MB, 1499x929, tr00n.PNG)

Also this fucking mess.
No. 1130072
File: 1610510185751.png (282.55 KB, 757x756, we get it youre depressed.PNG)

We get it, Giulia.
No. 1130076
File: 1610510365852.jpg (13.1 KB, 290x219, Image-2.jpg)

>>1129948 something about her face here reminds me of the maggot from the corpse bride
No. 1130411
File: 1610557666990.png (56.48 KB, 754x561, lol.PNG)

For what? The shitty resin shop you talked about opening like a week and a half ago?
Still loving how this is someone who postured themselves as making educational videos detailing the h00man psychology and yet here we are with yet another possible merch shop from her.
I thought you were a teacher. Are you too depressed/high/cracked out/anxious to work from home like a lot of other teachers are doing right now? Can't imagine its much different from making one of your shitty videos. You still sit in front of a camera and pretend to be enlightened for an audience, so the only difference is subject matter and a clothing change right?
No. 1130800
I’m so glad this thread exists. :)
>>1129059I’m surprised Creepshow likes Giulia but hates Shoe0nhead. giulia is a goth re-color of shoe.
I am also convinced that Giulia is the mystery e-celeb poster in the Creepshow thread.
I’m glad this thread is here bc I always thought it was weird that she was clearly fibbing and exaggerating her storytimes but everyone seemed to buy it. She mentioned working at Urban Outfitters - which I believe she did work there. What I don’t believe is that she didn’t like working there or didn’t think she was cool for it. (See video)
That was my first indication that she tries so hard to be cool. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone did a timeline on her they would find MANY inconsistencies
No. 1130808
File: 1610580891085.jpg (551.87 KB, 1071x1803, 20210113_183427.jpg)

top fucking kek
No. 1130826
>>1130808I hate to say it but I thought this was a post from the MTF thread. She really needs to learn what flatters her. These fucked up hair lined wigs aren't it.
She needs to look up an tutorial and get a nice lace front, she can afford it.
No. 1130937
File: 1610586956481.jpg (469.68 KB, 1080x1575, 20210113_201356.jpg)

>>1130808I know this is a rtg thread, but nothing about that is Raven except the wig and forehead sticker. Also here we have Giulia unable to tell that she is being subtly one-upped because she's too busy pretending to be oh so bi again.
No. 1130965
>>1130948Mainly because of the videos I’ve seen of Giulia and how she comes off to me. Also because of this post in particular…
>>>/snow/1099565 Specifically this quote
“Her friends have caught on to that and know it's easy to manipulate her. I think she had a good mentor in Giulia, but she lost her way a bit.”
If you saw her video that I posted where she talks about her interview at Urban Outfitters, you’ll notice that she can’t help but talk herself up in comparison to other people.
Sage for all the tinfoil and non-milk
No. 1131023
>>1130965That does make sense. She does that in a lot of her videos even when they're about
victims. She'll go and toss her suffering in for a few pity points. I'm surprised her husband hasn't ever felt utterly drained by her existence. She seems miserable and boring to be around and thinks way too highly of herself for the very little she's done.
No. 1131091
>>1131089She wouldn't be insulted. She would do that stupid pause that she does while her crackfried brain processes what you just asked, then reply in that decrepit Ozzy Osbourne voice of hers with her ~*enlightened centrist stance*~ on things.
She would also probably cite things that happen to men and not women as she's known to do, but with no actual studies and merely online regurgitation. Her videos attract a lot of MRA and incels as well as pick-mes who think it's cute to be against any kind of beneficial change for women.
No. 1131224
File: 1610622074401.jpeg (44.63 KB, 335x447, 12D64BFB-F136-49E9-B9A4-567821…)

>>1131146I think she thinks she’s doing this.
She seems to think this is her body type anyway and given her shitty tattoos we know she thinks she’s cool. I think what she fails to understand is that she needs a special camera/filter to achieve the look. And also, maybe learn how to pose.
No. 1131254
>>1129673I love how if a male with a partner were to be this much of a cringey reply-guy they'd get so much flack and would be considered by some as emotionally cheating, but because she's a ~bisexual queen~ its completely ok.
Surely Jacob doesn't find it flattering that his wife is thirsting over women all the time?
No. 1131384
>>1131254He probably either doesn't know or doesn't care because he knows she's not actually bi, dude. She's never been with a woman. She's like a lot of women who claim to be bi: She likes the idea of a girlfriend and the attention it would draw, but she wouldn't go down on one and she certainly wouldn't make any effort in the bedroom to fuck one.
Jacob may even have issues of his own where he married her because he doesn't think he can do any better or something.
No. 1131765
File: 1610665168504.png (579.72 KB, 764x789, sureeee.PNG)

No. 1132460
Posted a new video an hour ago, in which she mentions Dollskill “ripping off her face”
>>1129576“99% of like, I think 5,000 people said that is deadass you, I don’t personally think it’s me” sure, you don’t. you’re not using your followers opinions - swayed by the fact that they want to be on your good side / praise you - to validate your delusions. not at all
The rest of the video seems to just be analysing past Dollskill scandals where they’ve stolen art or designs - of which there are tons already on YouTube - and her giving her opinion, the value of which I’ll let you decide
No. 1132469
>>1132460Within the first 30 seconds she says "my friend Shannon, creepshowart, says I should bring this up because it's kind of funny…" and then talks about them "using her face".
Jesus christ it's a extremely simplified silhouette, it could be literally anyone. The absolute narcissism to think it's ACTUALLY based on her face. And of course it was Shannon who brought up that she should mention it in the video.
And now this is going to snowball and more people are going to kiss her ass and say it "totally does look like her!" because of confirmation bias. She knew exactly what she was doing by mentioning it.
No. 1132527
>>1132460the way that she made a whole video just so she can keep on talking about the fact that she thinks it's "totally not her" just to get more people telling her it is. definitely not a narcissist though /s
the way she shoehorns "deadass" and other twitter slang into her speech is actually embarrassing
No. 1132562
File: 1610743496350.jpg (701.74 KB, 1080x1760, 20210115_154332.jpg)

Mercury doesn't have a sharpie dyed long ass drag wig but okay Giulia. Why is she trying to squeeze herself in as a cosplayer now?
No. 1132570
File: 1610743838318.jpg (425.3 KB, 1080x1750, 20210115_154841.jpg)

Says it was a joke since she subs but wouldn't put it past her to be happier when other channels go down. Also as if her getting involved in the thread isn't a subtle way of advertising her own internet presence.
No. 1132572
>>1132562Apologies for Sailor Moon sperg but their bows aren't between their damn collarbones either, they're like at the base of the sternum (with a gem in the middle too). Also this has the longer sleeve caps of Super Sailor Mercury but not the long bow in the back that's supposed to go with that.
Even if it is supposed to be her original take on it the costume is just plain shit. I don't think she actually knows anything about a lot of the characters she attempts to cosplay.
No. 1132610
>>1132562The fear of her butchering my girl Jupiter is real.
We get it, you need super long shitty wigs to try and soften your manface but geez at least try to look in character.
No. 1132622
>>1132610Did you really need to bump the thread with this?
Can you please sage if you’re posting nonsense rambling instead of milk?
No. 1132887
File: 1610765832464.png (28.28 KB, 762x189, rtg.PNG)

Sure jan.
No. 1132888
File: 1610765883079.png (1.61 MB, 1539x943, ruined best girl.PNG)

No. 1132906
>>1132900She's been claiming recently that "cosplaying" is the only thing keeping her sane and asking her followers for character suggestions.
Except that her idea of cosplaying is finding costumes on Amazon, throwing on a shitty wig, doing the same pose, then asking for asspats. She's not making anything herself because she's a lazy, tuwu depwessedwu goff qween.
She's also been saying that she's opening a resin shop and how that's also 'le only thing keeping her saNE', so take that as you will.
No. 1132941
File: 1610771984640.png (65.59 KB, 771x684, troon job.PNG)

>>1132887>its literally ur job>"Its my job to be aware of.."No, it isn't lmao. This is not a job. Your shitty drama videos are not a job. You said you are a teacher, isn't that your job? Is she fucking retarded?
No. 1132950
>>1132562not to be a Sailor Moon fag but this """take""" doesn't capture the character's personality in any way, nor does it "spin" the character creatively. this isn't goth!Sailor Mercury or anything like that, it's just someone wearing a cheap Halloween costume with the wrong wig.
>>1132888is there a medical reason she has to look like she's constantly mouthbreathing or pursing her lips as if she's passing some rank gas in nearly all of her photos? are her lips so thin they have no choice but to either pucker or gape?
No. 1132954
File: 1610773792591.png (807.68 KB, 595x1022, Dark_Mercury.PNG.png)

>>1132950Agreed. If tr00n wasn't such a wannabe, she'd have known about this version of Mercury and she could've done it while incorporating her need to slather everything with black.
>>1132928Do you mean like how she tried to pronounce L'Oreal with this ott French accent that sounded like her throwing up?
No. 1133002
>>1132971Its about the constant, #sorelatable self-deprecation, anon.
Its constant. Its old. Its pathetic. Doing the whole 'I make fun of myself before you bitches can hhahahaha' shit is something you're supposed to grow out of once high school is over.
No. 1133031
>>1132667I've been really really hoping someone finds the original art it was based on to call her out and shut her up but you know if that happens it'll be "oh well I did say I didn't think it actually looked like me, I'm just going off what everyone else says…" even though she's continued to bring it up repeatedly.
>>1132954Sorry for even more Sailor Moon sperg but Dark Mercury from PGSM would have been perfect if she wanted to do something "edgy" and different but I really don't think she even knows the first thing about these characters, let alone something more niche like PGSM. Plus that would actually require effort.
So going off something someone said earlier about "cosplay keeping her sane"…no it's not because this barely even qualifies as cosplay, she's not making the costumes or putting in any work and I don't think she even knows anything about the characters she dresses up as. It's the validation and attention seeking and asspats she gets from it. It's not the process itself but the end result where everyone kisses her ass and tells her she looks "SOOO GOOD" in her shitty wrinkly costumes and $40 Amazon wigs. If it was the process of cosplay itself she'd actually be putting in some effort and cosplaying characters she's knowledgeable about and gives a shit about.
No. 1133063
>>1133031It's perfectly
valid sperg imo because all she keeps doing is dressing up as random characters that I doubt she even knows anything about. She probably watched the original sailor moon as a child of the 90s like a lot of people did, but I doubt she knows anymore about the rest of the franchise and is only doing these cosplays because sailor moon has been relevant to the younger gen ever since it rebooted. She never talks about gaming or comics or anime, not even on her Twitter. She doesn't know shit. She just wants more asspats for being something unconventional in her own mind.
Also, I'm the one who posted that she claimed its keeping her same because that's exactly what she said on her Twitter a few days back. Maybe like a week ago by now. And, I agree with you that its bullshit because she isn't making these cosplays. She isn't learning to work with worbla or doing props. The amount of attention seeking is insane with her, seriously. How the fuck does no one see the levels of narcissism?
Really am hoping for the original print to be found for that shirt, but you're right. She worded it in a way where she knew what she was doing so she can claim innocence even if she's called out.
Can't wait to see her shit show of a resin shop that she will be opening soon. More things to laugh at.
No. 1133065
>>1133063*sane not same
Fucking auto correct.
No. 1133067
File: 1610798090318.jpg (283.51 KB, 1080x1222, 20210116_065413.jpg)

Fucking bawwww.
How do her followers not get tired of seeing this shit on their feed?
No. 1133170
>>1132888Tinfoil, but I know she’s a fan of Snitchery and probably saw her getting praised for cranking out low-effort cosplays every day and decided to try it herself.
Snitchery can pull off the Amazon costumes (at least with her normie audience, I don’t know how other cosplayers feel about her) because she’s attractive and good with makeup, but RTG has no clue what to do.
No. 1133372
File: 1610827049460.png (749.32 KB, 782x789, kill me please.PNG)

No. 1133720
>>1132888The costume quality is so shitty you can see her stomach tattoo though her shirt
If she wants to cosplay so bad and post the photos she should do better than some AliExpress-tier garbage costume
No. 1133758
File: 1610860785781.jpg (361.82 KB, 1064x1564, 20210117_001918.jpg)

I thought she hated tiktok and was constantly sperging about how many pedos use it. No. 1134342
File: 1610920777901.png (800.55 KB, 761x735, ashtrays.PNG)

The tinier pieces look hot glued onto the trays. Also, what is the point of these? Who is buying them? No. 1134446
>>1133873Everything okay at home? All that anger.
>>1134342At least she's doing something but that butterfly thing looks awful
No. 1134470
>>1133849>>1133841>>1133924God damn the amount of new fags in this thread is so annoying. I’ve never seen a thread get bumped so much with so little milk.
Please sage if you’re just going to parrot what everyone else has said.
No. 1134500
>>1134470Its just people pissed off that their "fav" got a thread on here and newfags (likely from PULL or Twitter) not understanding the difference between a cow and a flake.
>>1134446>she's doing somethingYeah, looking for a way to shill more merch because her clothing shop likely isn't doing well.
No. 1135292
File: 1611014368544.jpeg (771.31 KB, 768x1435, BC5BBBC8-5BD7-4BAD-B251-8841A8…)

>>1134342>>1134500You can take the girl out of Urban Outfitters, but you can’t take the Urban Outfitters out of the girl it seems kek
Guess she took the first things that didn’t completely suck from a new hobby and might end up selling them like anon said about merch. It’s almost irritating that she could easily sell more merch if she worked with prettier Instagram alt girls, or even tiktok e-girls, by sending them a free top to wear as a small promo.
Shame that if she cared more she could make more money (Not that she needs it) off her stuff. She has somehow created and is always encouraging that atmosphere where people truly start to think she is worthy of the praise they give her. If she made better looking crap, used a nicer presentation, and said shit like “Been really enjoying making these lately-Might consider putting up customizable multi-purpose catch-all trays for sale!”.
I used to pity her since she’s clearly in need of help but is enabled to be a shut-in by her husband, but everything she creates is so damn lazy. She never bothers to improve ANY part of herself or her content, if anything it seems she’s only putting less and less work in.
Pic related is from 2019
Bonus: Her “Sick Sad World” top is from Forever21.
No. 1136105
File: 1611089021776.png (946.35 KB, 1589x944, sis what.PNG)

What in the fresh fuck is this supposed to mean?
No. 1136108
File: 1611089167036.png (84.87 KB, 763x756, fucking baw.PNG)

Also more vague attempts to remain as dark and contrite as possible without having to elaborate.
No. 1136261
File: 1611096887278.png (1.43 MB, 1547x935, how is this grunge.PNG)

This isn't grunge, Giulia. Its not even "a bit" grunge or whatever you're trying to allude to.
No. 1137328
File: 1611182896728.png (1.42 MB, 1637x937, giulia you look awful.PNG)

No. 1138772
>>1137328Oh now this is creepy as hell.
The question here is, is she watching this alone or with her husband?
She really fucked up with this one kek
I feel like most people won’t notice or take into account the nature of the anime, but it’s hilarious regardless that she chose this “cosplay” compared to what she says her views on things are.
No. 1139375
File: 1611346076916.png (696.42 KB, 756x784, Capture.PNG)

Idiot, you were whining and having 'menTal BreAkdOwnS' because you couldn't do your TrAdIShUnAl VegAs TriP. Again, you are not any better.
No. 1139409
File: 1611347621692.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.58 KB, 1258x703, 6A3D8E52-6C2C-4232-ABB0-7D2423…)

>>1138775OT, And just watched some review because people were sucking that dick too much.
TL;DR: oversexualized mecha anime that tried to be 2deep4u and was shit, everyone had an opinion about the retarded way in which they had to pilot the giant robots as seen on pic related.
No. 1139575
File: 1611357938719.png (1.44 MB, 1727x947, omg lmao.PNG)

No. 1139586
>>1139579Because she's their goffick qween, but also tons of projection and some kiss her ass hoping for clout.
>>1139580She claims it, but it sure as shit isn't true. Just because she isn't on crack anymore doesn't mean she doesn't come on twitter shitfaced or high as fuck. Even in some of her videos you can tell she's stoned.
No. 1139608
File: 1611359038694.png (993.95 KB, 1586x888, horf.PNG)

>>1139379Also this video was some steaming garbage where she uses a minor's situation for views.
>TIKTOKS EXPOSING THE SCARY REALITY>WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THISOkay, which part would you like to discuss, Giulia? You sperged for 20 minutes analyzing short videos and.. to what end? Legit what does she think this video is going to do in terms of helping anybody at all?
This is for views, like all of her videos are. This is for nobody but herself so she can feel like she's a good person for 'bringing attention' even though that attention always amounts to her asskissers being self-righteous in the comments and that's it.
No. 1140452
File: 1611441641663.png (31.93 KB, 753x452, Capture.PNG)

>>1139903Yeah, anon. Its the dream to be enabled by the person who allegedly cares about you and is supposed to support you bettering yourself, but rather than actually do that they mollycoddle you because of your aNxiEtY and DePPreShUN, build you a fort in the living room as if you're a six year old home on a snow day, and let you make a whole ass of yourself before the public wearing cheap Amazon costumes while simultaneously pretending to give a shit about others when all you do is profit from people's circumstances a la trashy drama channel.
No. 1140641
File: 1611455672483.png (377.26 KB, 1225x584, Screen Shot 2021-01-23 at 6.34…)

>>1139575Regardless of how hot the person wearing it was, that outfit looks so fucking cheap and tacky. (picrel isn't the exact top but it looks shit even though it's being worn by an Insta baddie model)
No. 1140644
File: 1611455986919.png (1002.26 KB, 1296x728, juno.png)

>>1139575>>1139579>>1139608>>1140641I just realized she looks like Juno Birch in this outfit kek
at least Juno has some flair and doesn't look like she's on crack
No. 1140837
File: 1611479788313.jpg (67.77 KB, 650x488, DnfKXjR.jpg)

>>1139575Its an austin powers refrence>>1140644
No. 1141426
>>1140737Uh, I think you replied to the wrong person, anon. Learn2read.
>>1140760Former hard drug user.
>>1140837No shit, anon. Most of us were teens when those movies came out. Nobody said otherwise.
No. 1141429
File: 1611541202304.png (433.11 KB, 761x575, hahasoquirky.PNG)

mY MentAl IllnesSS
No. 1142150
File: 1611621212453.png (1.39 MB, 1620x931, why.PNG)

No. 1142375
File: 1611651736116.jpeg (214.79 KB, 828x1472, 3FA76381-F80C-483B-924F-D859E1…)

>>1142321Do you think she writes off her wigs as a business expense kek
Lip fillers do seem like it’d help her face like anons are saying, but when your lips are that thin it feels like more of an “in theory” situation. I truly do not think there is anything she can do that would look better, if she added volume it would look like an allergic reaction.
Besides her remarks about her mental illness, has she ever made fun of her own looks? I don’t think I’ve heard or seen her say much besides how pale she is.
Picrel editing her lips doesn’t do wonders since her entire mouth is so small and she has that strong jaw, but she could always crop in a more flattering way.
TBH whether cows get lip fillers or not they’re pretty much damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
(fanart) No. 1142633
>>1142321She doesn't have problems with growing her natural hair. She says she uses wigs because she doesn't want to ruin her natural hair with coloring.
>>1142561She decided that she didn't need it because her followers will lick her asshole regardless of how cheap and inaccurate. Just look at her other "cosplays".
No. 1142824
File: 1611695960700.png (46.74 KB, 761x518, rtg.PNG)

And once again doing nothing to actually help.
No. 1144135
>>1143712I know. The more I scroll the more I'm convinced this is a Nikki Tutorials situation.
If not, god. I feel sorry for her.. she really should try lip injections and better clothing.
No. 1144365
>>1144347Some farmhands are retarded, what else is new. I'd bring it over to the complaint thread in /meta/.
>>1144361 hasn't been touched since 2019. Probably because no one cared to listen to the same spooky stories that other people (Nick Crowley, ObsoleteOddity, ReignBot, etc) have already covered and in a better fashion.
No. 1144366
File: 1611850779344.png (1.37 MB, 1733x942, go for the filler.PNG)

No. 1144437
File: 1611855735390.jpg (989.73 KB, 1072x1509, SmartSelect_20210127-203910_In…)

If you look at her feed overall, it's the same pose, tacky costumes and improperly laid wig over and over again. I don't understand the point of the wigs and obvious staging. She looks awkward like a kid being forced to let their parent take pictures of them on their way out of the house.
She also reminds me of pigs-in-a-blanket the way she looks stuffed into all of her outfits. Where is her neck??
No. 1144443
File: 1611856198276.jpg (16.86 KB, 256x256, 1339015942083.jpg)

>>1144366>>1142150>>1137328>>1139575Why in the fuck does she always stand in these cosplay photos what looks like on her tippy toes with her legs spread or whatever the hell is going on? Scrolling through the thread, it's like she does this in 80% of pictures, even not in cosplay.
>>1144437Thanks for literally just posting this, this puts it into a better collage… if she wants to legit cosplay, she should get a better range of poses. These are boring af and just show that even IF the makeup and costume didn't look Spirit Halloween-tier, that's only half of cosplaying.
No. 1144853
>>1139506OT but if someone knows what the second child and unit 02 refer to they're going to know who asuka is you tard
>>1144443Clearly she doesn't want to legit cosplay. She doesn't. She has all the time in the world and she's expressed creative interests, nothing is stopping her from trying to make her own costumes and actually put some effort in. But she doesn't want to, she just wants asspats and validation and attention with as little effort as possible.
She whines about being depressed and anxious and having low self esteem but does nothing to actually work on improving it. None of this (posting shitty photos in cheap costumes she orders from the internet) is actually helpful towards her mental health, it's just enabling her and encouraging her to continue to put in as little effort as possible by rewarding her for it.
She's so extremely draining to look at and listen to, honestly the human embodiment of emotional vampirism. And I hesitate to even say that because it seems like a term she'd like and try to embrace "ironically" or something. Being a boring, lazy, shell of a human isn't a quirk or a personality trait Giulia.
No. 1144941
File: 1611893001356.png (1.5 MB, 1619x939, can we stop.PNG)

New shitty merch dropping soon. Now you too can act like an anime trope and behave as if having FEEeLIngS is a horrible thing to have to live with.
No. 1144943
File: 1611893066051.png (51.92 KB, 759x474, moreenabling.PNG)

>>1144853Some hot, fresh enablement for you anon kek
No. 1145402
File: 1611951762051.png (30.79 KB, 766x258, really.PNG)

Of all the people to be talking about others romanticizing anything negative.
No. 1145410
File: 1611952170812.jpg (937.71 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210129-152918_Ins…)

A hairdresser laid this wig and it still looks like absolute shit
No. 1145660
File: 1611975101730.jpg (54.1 KB, 750x557, DA3U27mVoAATfqL.jpg)

>>1145410>>1145410Has she EVER had a good looking wig on? I can't remember a single one.
I think she just has a really fucked up head shape and it's impossible to make any kind of hair look good on her.
No. 1145765
>>1145687she also never cuts or styles these wigs, and I don't think that length fits her at all. she looks fine with her natural hair and length here
>>1129697 or here
>>1128156 No. 1146311
File: 1612048024858.png (61.8 KB, 765x579, tell me im a good person.PNG)

No. 1146314
File: 1612048136945.png (105.78 KB, 771x770, its my jerb.PNG)

>"its my job"
No, it isn't lmao
She kills me when she acts like it really is her job, she isn't a journalist, she's a goddamned drama youtuber with shit takes who reads from articles that are sometimes biased and shitty sources themselves like dailymail
No. 1146316
File: 1612048207189.png (501.1 KB, 758x740, jade is asian ur not lol.PNG)

Also, you wish, Giulia.
No. 1146493
File: 1612063054706.png (1.36 MB, 1671x937, washed out blanket.PNG)

No. 1147409
>>1146493dunno if it's ps or makeup, but she does look better here
just please, take care of the wigs ffs
No. 1147701
File: 1612142937042.png (75.54 KB, 762x640, Capture.PNG)

No. 1147703
File: 1612142980586.png (44.18 KB, 777x425, Capture.PNG)

No. 1147715
She discusses this all the time, has this person actually looked at her channel? I can't count the number of videos I've seen from her that are "YET ANOTHER FEMALE PREDATOR GETTING OFF WITH A SLAP ON THE WRIST, WHO SAYS THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FEMALE PRIVILEGE AMIRITE?"
deep sigh disappointed disappointment glare stares into the camera like jim halpert If she doesn't want to be repetitive she's a bit late.
(newfag) No. 1148805
File: 1612234100484.png (356.16 KB, 759x614, here we go again.PNG)

Nobody said that Giulia but we all know you need to cater to the incels that watch you. No. 1149024
>>1148973This allows her to throw real women under the bus
and look woke. Win-win!
No. 1149184
>>1148805good thing Nikita isn't a woman and the reason people don't care is because he's a ugly troon and a man. This isn't a issue of a woman being a creep Giulia, it's the issue of a gay man who thinks he's a woman being a creep.
Imagine being so thristy to prove women can be creeps, that you use an actual man to prove it.
(derail) No. 1149282
>>1148805shes reaching so hard lol, the OP was obviously implying that it was creepy and half the comments/ QRTs were saying so explicitly
she just wants to push her weird anti-feminist agenda and act like she's so enlightened
No. 1149909
File: 1612312005130.png (779.79 KB, 1288x799, Capture.PNG)

>>1149240Its on topic, retard. Shut the fuck up. Giulia churns out content like this all of the time in an attempt to seem enlightened and everyone kisses her ass for it.
OT she's shilling her collab with Clutch Nails. No. 1150041
File: 1612317902883.png (463.63 KB, 1575x787, Untitled.png)

No. 1150282
File: 1612327471320.jpg (72.49 KB, 640x469, COZiqYA.jpg)

>>1149282Don't think she's an anti-feminist, more of edgy enlightened centrist who thinks having no major political beliefs or opinions makes her intellectually superior to everyone else
(twitterfag) No. 1151004
File: 1612379983173.png (418.03 KB, 762x749, Capture.PNG)

>>1150987Truly sad to see the shit taste that people have.
No. 1151145
File: 1612386758815.jpg (96.28 KB, 1437x833, Ready 2 Glare nails.JPG)

>>1149909She shilled her ratchet nails in the Nikita Dragun video. Colour schemes are positively disgusting. Ofc she has ones that say 'bye' on them kek.
OT but her tattoos look like she found a sticker pack and went nuts on herself. None of them relate to each other its such a mess…
No. 1151271
File: 1612395874937.png (51.76 KB, 762x553, okay sure.PNG)

No. 1151274
File: 1612395921235.png (261.48 KB, 756x798, more edge.PNG)

>>1151271Gotta keep on brand.
No. 1152554
File: 1612492131685.png (1013.39 KB, 1731x940, headass.PNG)

No. 1152556
File: 1612492202426.png (78.54 KB, 760x640, gassed up.PNG)

People inflating her ego even more. But, remember! She totally does this all for the sake of human psychology.
No. 1152558
File: 1612492299198.png (77.15 KB, 773x635, who tf wants to snail mail you…)

No. 1153545
File: 1612574516821.jpg (388.32 KB, 1080x1741, 20210205_202200.jpg)

"I need more attention!"
No. 1154620
File: 1612673162417.png (1.75 MB, 1687x939, life is so hard for giulia.PNG)

No. 1154621
File: 1612673198107.png (25.39 KB, 774x205, psychos.PNG)

>>1154620Also, her fans are as batshit as ever.
No. 1156390
File: 1612827813857.jpg (433.41 KB, 1080x1412, 20210208_184306.jpg)

>>1156388>before we talk about this story let's talk about my shitty nailsThe fucking arrogance kek
No. 1160135
File: 1613164417555.jpg (545.13 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20210212-161244.jpg)

She's looks so bad I literally gasped when this photo popped up on my feed.
Of course Shannon is hyping her subpar ass up.
No. 1162480
File: 1613428194513.png (1.47 MB, 1669x940, the fuck.PNG)

>>1161169You mean like this, anon? kek
No. 1162843
File: 1613471813920.jpg (90.85 KB, 1065x824, R2G tiktok.JPG)

>>1162482Because the anon above is retarded
She looks like a literal hag. The swampy green hair, granny lips and fucked up mug…
No. 1162972
I just saw this thread. I've had a hate boner for this trashy mall goth for like a year now. Her whole vibe is just so gross and cringey- monotone bitchy alt girl who brags about not caring about people's politics and gushes over trash like Blaire White, denies that black people face any racism, has no talent and isn't intersesting in the least, so all she can do is give half-assed boring commentary. And don't even get me started on her fashion sense- her look reminds me of how I dressed when I first discovered goth fashion in middle school. Like, how did she blow up so much? It's not even like she's cute, she's like a 4.
>>1125519I know this is a month old, but I want to point out that unless she personally drew the tattoos herself (which I'm gonna go ahead and assume she didn't since she has no talent at all) she legally can't sell merch with the image. The tattoo artist technically owns the copyright. Singling out tattoos to make merch out of would DEFINITELY cross the line into shit she could get sued over.
No. 1163413
>>1162972>he legally can't sell merch with the image. The tattoo artist technically owns the copyright.Good pickup, anon.
In before someone tips off the artists OR they see her trashy merch on IG and she gets into shit. I don't see her claiming this was a collab with the OG tattooist so assuming she's just committing art theft. I wonder if some of her tattoos are ripped of from someone elses, too? Wouldn't surprise me.
No. 1163418
File: 1613531696264.jpg (114.4 KB, 1284x706, R2G cover up.JPG)

What is she hiding on her shoulder? Bad paint/blur applied in this photo and she did a tiktok in the same makeup but put a high-neck shirt on for it…
No. 1164966
File: 1613693976274.jpg (153.05 KB, 1024x768, The_cat_in_the_hat.jpg)

>>1124456i was thinking about this image for soo long until i finally figured out what it reminded me of
No. 1165051
File: 1613702229775.jpeg (31.8 KB, 299x320, E40E95FE-1BCF-418E-A10A-CA56A3…)

>>1163418The tattoos that were there before disappeared. Might just be foundation. Also that heart looks atrocious.
No. 1165097
File: 1613705423401.jpeg (419.82 KB, 1258x2048, 031DF2D2-1876-4D64-966E-94B4F0…)

>>1164966Kek why are farmers always spot on? Cat In the Hat has more expression than this hag though.
No. 1165469
File: 1613754971880.jpg (419.19 KB, 1080x1933, Screenshot_20210219-121323.jpg)

>>1165158>>1165156So far this is all I'm finding on it.
No. 1165470
>>1165469I'm guessing she got information wrong about BPD and just the whole Trisha/Jeffree situation in general.
She literally just re-uploaded it "corrected".
No. 1166302
File: 1613802504936.jpeg (129.66 KB, 518x640, 93AF00FD-E9E0-4017-8DC6-A36173…)

>>1166030Nah it’s common for YouTubers to gain a lot of subs and then have the views decrease over time, she used to get around 200-600k views per video, now its down to around 150k
No. 1166666
>>1166302Oh my god this is a strong contender for worst yet. I actually recoiled a bit.
Those buns on the wig. That "crescent moon" on her forehead…did she even try? It looks more like a frown. On brand for her I guess. Those lips. Black Lady didn't wear black lipstick for starters and every time she attempts to wear lipstick it just looks sloppy and tragic.
Everything about this is just…so so bad.
No. 1166695
File: 1613830107319.jpg (33.71 KB, 387x423, R2G sad.JPG)

>>1166302I'm so sorry guys, but I had to lol. I cant unsee it. Even her makeup is screaming for help.
No. 1166707
>>1166302Holy shit, that looks
awful. Does she still take drugs?
No. 1167021
File: 1613879558188.jpg (476.21 KB, 2048x2048, R2G.jpg)

>>1166707Perhaps? Maybe not heroin, but she does have weird bruises/scars on her arm, possibly trackmarks from how they're positioned in a neat line.
No. 1167045
File: 1613882162042.jpg (53.43 KB, 387x423, sad.jpg)

>>1166695Sorry but I had to.
No. 1167749
File: 1613960979240.png (24.35 KB, 768x140, jesus christ what now.PNG)

Maybe I'm high, but I don't remember her ever mentioning having an ED and now suddenly she's had/has one?
No. 1167751
File: 1613961067282.png (1.44 MB, 1663x930, scarlet hag.PNG)

>>1167749Also, new god awful cosplay.
No. 1167914
>>1167759Yeah I'm
very confused about this.
Giving the benefit of the doubt for a second, maybe she just did a really poor editing job and for some reason cut herself out to put the flames behind her? There are much easier ways to put effects like that on a photo that also look much better but she doesn't necessarily know that or how to do it.
Truly baffling.
No. 1168740
>>1166302This fit looks more like Ursula from the little mermaid…
You can see how much bigger that dress(?) is than her. Especially here, where you can clearly see that the strap has soooo much give
No. 1169716
File: 1614206560228.png (1.41 MB, 1728x930, how is this legend.PNG)

>>1168709>she needs to start showing expressionsAnon, you know she can't do that because its part of her brand to act like a miserable "goff" girl.
OT, she posted this monstrosity yesterday. I don't understand how this is lumberjack in any way. Imagine being so unfortunate that not even a corset can give you some kind of shape.
No. 1169718
File: 1614206626953.png (1.23 MB, 1679x878, more whining.PNG)

>>1169716More whining about more symptoms for more conditions which she allegedly has, complete with more shit wiggery.
No. 1170854
File: 1614319598979.jpg (86.3 KB, 648x1050, R2G great depression.JPG)

what the fuck is this trainwreck
No. 1171276
File: 1614367719415.png (1.9 MB, 1579x965, ugh.PNG)

No. 1171290
>>1171276The wigs would look better if she knew how to install them a pluck them first. The concealer on the hairline trick does not work at all. Why even bother wearing wigs?
She looks so mtf
No. 1171317
File: 1614371478664.png (686.19 KB, 475x590, rtgg.png)

I don't know if I even really believe that she's not on hard drugs anymore or stoned 24/7. If you scroll down her IG, it looks like she barely has control of her facial muscles and she's crusty as fuck. It really reminds me of Luna in a way, she straight up looks like she's about to nod out in a lot of her photos.
She's probably the only person who actually looks better with the retarded lip overlining. I would hate this look on anyone else but for her it's an actual improvement. The wig also softens her features a little bit.
No. 1171420
She looks like she once got fillers and instantly regretted it and attempted to suck them out or something. Her wigs are flat as hell, they need more volume at the scalp.
>>1171317 This hairstyle looks best because it's more centered above her ears. I think she'd look nice with a fluffy shag, pixie cut, or a beehive type of hairdo (not the Austin Powers one kek) just something layered. Warm colors help her skin complexion too.
No. 1173094
File: 1614562593721.png (1.48 MB, 1565x942, profound.PNG)

She looks like someone's suburban, bricked out mom but I guess its better than her usual look. Eternal victim as usual in the caption though.
No. 1173095
File: 1614562670334.png (526.41 KB, 1885x944, but you had no problem coverin…)

No. 1173186
>>1173092every time a new thread is created for a new cow the newfags crawl out the woodwork to complain. Like hiding the thread is fucking hard and derailing about your preferences isn't a bigger derail than the threat existing anyway.
but I find this girls selfies so funny, I'm glad she's posted. She always looks like she's being held at gunpoint kek
No. 1173428
>>1173304>>1173186This, fucking June's threads haven't had legit milk in years yet no one's throwing tantrums whenever her latest vids or tweets are posted and talking about how the thread shouldn't exist. Genuinely curious about the intentions of
>>1173096 and
>>1173098 because its as if they're new as fuck or asshurt fans of RTG. Its as if none of you were in the Creepshow thread to see how many people kept asking for this thread to be made.
No. 1173449
File: 1614623746159.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x2247, 1614F52A-44FE-4AE2-8EF9-FACC53…)

Has it been established that she has a cringe tiktok account yet? Seeing her move around on video really accentuates her uncomfortable body language
No. 1173550
File: 1614632700482.jpg (37.4 KB, 650x650, sadpepe.jpg)

>>1173449her lips make her look like the sad pepe
No. 1176401
File: 1614902484839.png (43.32 KB, 756x440, why even ask.PNG)

No. 1177314
File: 1615000638888.jpg (1.1 MB, 3264x1836, pt2021_03_06_16_14_02_mr161500…)

would a little blush and contour kill her
No. 1177322
>>1173443>>1124990 >>1125015>>1124990burns herself "my skin is too sensitive to wear band aids”
Those scars look really superficial, actual cigarette burns leave really ugly and obvious scars, the decoloration of the skin and the texture that the tissue has after a real burn is extremely characteristic, not like the ones she has that look almost like allergic reactions, specially considering that she says "she puts the cigarrets down in her arm for as long and as hard as possible". Self harmers that are doing it to cope and not to get attention almost never burn or cut themselves in places as visible as she does. Finally she is closer to 30 than to her teens, it's hard to believe that a grown ass woman that has suffered with self harm would talk the way she does about it, and even harder to believe that they would harm themselves in such an obvious and lame way if they happen to relapse.
No. 1177327
File: 1615001352196.webm (2.88 MB, 576x1024, R2G riga mortis.webm)
>>1173771I've never uploaded a webm before so hope this works kek, this is the saddest fucking thing I've ever seen
No. 1177429
>>1167021she is just flexing her "self harm" scars, they are supposed to be cigarette burns.
No drug could enter the bloodstream if you inject it on the side of the forearm.
No. 1177611
>>1177327the file name…riga morris girl!
how is she so bad at everything she does lmao
No. 1179636
File: 1615245527553.png (1.23 MB, 1656x932, edgy.PNG)

This still looks troon as fuck.
No. 1179637
File: 1615245573770.png (22.33 KB, 762x147, romanticizing mental illness.P…)

Here we go again.
No. 1179638
File: 1615245656360.png (1.69 MB, 1675x934, saggy.PNG)

Looking like a saggy, sloppy mess here.
No. 1179662
>>1177435If you're talking about the top right video where she doesn't have the black lipstick and has the sage corset looking top, I agree. I wish she wasn't so tied to such a rigid view of "alt" or "goth" or whatever, especially since if you're out of high school it really doesn't fucking matter lmao. The sage and earthy colors seem to look good on her, and doing a more natural forest witch thing could be flattering.
How much she hurts her body makes me sad though.
No. 1179990
>>1179637what the fuck is she even saying?
>My mental illness screams vampire diariesthis is such a cowwy thing to post does she never check herself
No. 1180542
File: 1615344578302.png (286.51 KB, 617x219, aedcfygh.PNG)

>>1180517open the full size pic anon
No. 1180562
File: 1615345318574.png (1.48 MB, 1641x938, bag wigs.PNG)

She looks like a turtle.
No. 1180565
File: 1615345401893.png (51.27 KB, 769x329, big mad giulia.PNG)

No. 1180567
File: 1615345507803.png (86.7 KB, 764x786, wah wah.PNG)

>>1180565And more baawing, running to the nearest relevant tweet so she can make sure as many people as possible know.
No. 1184597
File: 1615756104719.png (46.16 KB, 771x436, missing the point of disney fi…)

Way to miss the point of Belle's character entirely, but what else is there to expect from someone like RTG.
No. 1184599
File: 1615756182662.png (50.89 KB, 766x487, that happened.PNG)

I call bullshit.
No. 1184600
File: 1615756269518.png (21.93 KB, 762x220, go the fuck outside.PNG)

Or, you could go the fuck outside. Its free. Its not difficult to social distance.
She's just fucking lazy and wants to whine online for asspats.
No. 1190535
File: 1616443177696.png (1.99 MB, 1595x887, ozzy.PNG)

>missed the outdoors
>every other tweet for the last year has been complaining about outside gives her anxiety
No. 1190538
File: 1616443290668.png (1.91 MB, 1660x908, still lookin like shit.PNG)

No. 1190953
>>1190538what's the point in dying your hair when you wear a wig that looks the same, just less fried
>>1190535 >>1190626there's no way in hell those party city looking wigs are anything less than pure flammable Chinese plastic
No. 1191289
>>1190538she looks like she can barely stand here. Like an elderly woman whose walker is just out of frame to take a pic but she really needs that walker
>>1191168 lmao she really does!
No. 1193410
File: 1616730442564.webm (2.5 MB, 720x1280, r2g white girl dance.webm)
Oh god, not another one…
No. 1193415
File: 1616731147384.webm (8.44 MB, 576x1024, lipstick bothers me.webm)
"lipstick bothers me" I'm sure it does babe with all the nightmare fuel you've created with it
No. 1203799
File: 1617872605782.png (547.48 KB, 609x520, oh there goes gravity.png)

Seeing that wedding pic
>>1126725 where she looked decent, in contrast with all these other trash fits in this thread kinda gives me the idea that she'd do better with a more mature romantic goth look rather than this edgy/severe egirl shein stuff she's trying to pull off now. Even her facial features would be salvageable if she went ahead with getting at least somewhat fit and eating right instead of ballooning into oblivion smoking weed sitting on her ass. She's just not doing her image any justice and trying to be something she's not style-wise is probably just making her depression/body image issues worse. Like, girl, styling properly is known to help people feel more worthy and well-aligned instead of remaining a misplaced insecure mess. Her energy is so musty I
and she needs to ditch these cardi b tier wigs and go for something that looks smoother, more elegant and idk subtle/delicate
No. 1204081
>>1193415does she shop her pics? She looks so much bigger here. She got moo fingers.
>>1203799learning what suits you is a huge confidence boost. Same with hair color. She looks awful blonde.
idk maybe she has some identity issues with how much she switches it up? She would look 10x better as a brunette like the wedding pic. Honestly very few women look good with crazy hair colors, and the women that do are teens.
No. 1204620
>>1204503The eyebrows wouldn't even need to be super thin, just better defined and shapely, because there's a certain combination of both rounded bluntness and delicate parts in her face. the brows are not the best to accentuate that. People say she's got a troony face, but the thing is, it's the bluntness of her lower face contrasted by her small-ish nose. She'd seriously have potential with a more classical look instead of this random ztard crap. If she's smoking weed a lot lately, she could totally at least try to come off of it - it's been known to
trigger stuff that disintegrates your sense of identity. I'm not about to armchair her but it's not a great path, and I agree that this style malfunction could actually be a reflection of an unattended or mishandled issue.
must apologize for sperging out on how styling is connected to mental health lmao, moving on-
No. 1205604
File: 1618102845826.png (1.81 MB, 1566x937, literally why.PNG)

Its gotten worse.
No. 1205605
File: 1618102943416.png (56.27 KB, 771x515, eternal victim.PNG)

Calling bullshit on this, too. There is something on her feed every single day that is weirdly specific and its always built around how she is a victim in some shape or form.
No. 1205875
>>1205604this girl is a great example of dressing based on shit you see on social media rather than for your body/looks. This look might look cute on a skinny 18 year old but it makes her look like an alcoholic wandering out for a new bottle.
Her tattoos are fucking tragic, too and really don't help matters. It's like she just picked random spots on her body for them. Add in her obviously fake wigs and this is just BAD. The fact people gas her up so badly is hilarious
No. 1216988
File: 1619456108521.jpeg (554.67 KB, 828x1357, 458951F5-D1DC-46AE-813D-1441E5…)

This bitch has to be back on crack to think this looks good.
No. 1224746
File: 1620322938954.jpg (118.41 KB, 1031x1037, r2g cuddle toys uwu2.JPG)

Commenter in her screenie is based, kek.
No. 1224795

She made a 'health update' video, here's a recap:
>Uploading this video because she thinks its “healthy” and “destigmatises mental health issues”
>”Nothing that I’m saying takes away from the fact that I’m grateful for being healthy, for being here…I’m grateful generally.”
>Goes on to complain about how mentally unhealthy she is despite just saying she’s happy she’s healthy
>”During the pandemic, I have expressed my mental health being horrifyingly worse”
>Wakes up with anxiety every day for 1-2 months. Anxiety worsened over pandemic, times where she’s “not even fully awake yet” and already overwhelmed at her responsibilities for that day
>Feels anxiety waking up even if she’s doing absolutely nothing all day
>Bought a weighted blanket and a $130 plushie toy to hug her at night
>Demonstrates the plushie by wrapping it around her neck, says she walks around with it hugging her, wishes plushie company would sponsor her
>Has Panic Disorder, gets “so many comments saying I’m insane”, this condition is the only thing that hasn’t worsened drastically, but has been having more panic attacks
>When she used to have panic attacks, she’d go very quiet and start to cry. They have evolved to violent shaking and dry heaving, has nausea very often, has less of an appetite because of the nausea
>Debated going to the hospital during panic attacks because they would not stop, would almost pass out from laboured breathing/shaking/nausea
>Couldn’t drink water for 12 hours because she’d vomit it back up, bought hydration drinks to force herself to stay hydrated
>Has a phobia of hospitals, didn’t want to go because she’d have to go alone due to COVID-19
>“That’s in no way to say woe is me, I’m such a victim, blah blah…no, it’s factually what’s been occurring”
>Tells the entire world online about her problems because she begins to doubt her own sanity when these things happen, which is "terrifying", begins to cry
>”Am I causing my own problems? You go down these horrible rabbit holes of feelings you don’t wanna have.”
>Gets this irrational thought: “I’m never gonna be normal again.” When she says ‘normal’, she means who you were before the pandemic
>When you go between states of panic and anxiety, main thought is “holy shit, what if my mental health, this decline, what if this is just my new reality?”
>You can’t snap back to your old self due to the pandemic itself, being locked inside
>Going outside with a mask and feeling that the world is dystopian and not seeing family is affecting her
Why did she have to buy a $130 plush toy? Is her partner not helping/being there for her? She clearly needs therapy not plushies, she should go get therapy before reaching crisis points, she doesn't even need to touch a hospital…
No. 1225173
>>1224795there's nothing wrong with her, she just needs a personality so adopted being mentally ill as one. She's anious because she does fuck all all day and has no goals/identity of her own. She creates her own issues.
I'm sorry but no one is so anxious they are throwing up water yet making yt vids and posting selfies on social media lmao
No. 1231079
>>1225173This. Giulia is a massive attention whore and always has been. Its incredibly ironic that she rose to fame by lifting content directly from here for her videos and became the exact type of person she often "exposed".
>>1224795Dude, her husband is likely busy with work and isn't responsible for taking care of her grown adult ass 24/7. Its probably a mental and physical drain on him at this point to be around her. Ffs he had to build a fort for her in their living room so she could veg out in there instead of in their bed and watch Twilight/Harry Potter all day several months ago. If you look back earlier itt she's also seen in older videos to be visibly annoyed by him and cuts him off. She only cares about herself and when others are asspatting her.
No. 1231080
File: 1621138594704.png (363.82 KB, 752x715, triggered.PNG)

She didn't appreciate being called out for her shit wigs the other day.
No. 1232052
File: 1621278236100.png (80.95 KB, 771x653, traumadumping.PNG)

But, its what you do all of the time in your tweets with others lmao
No. 1233859
File: 1621449925556.png (539.39 KB, 767x508, comeonman.PNG)

At least try.
No. 1234080
>>1232109yeah the hypocrisy is glaring and that goes for the op sarah too. I followed her for a bit until HER trauma dumping and whining got to be too much so I'm not surprised giulia follows her; they have the same gross
toxic energy
No. 1234213
>>1233859Draco's grandma escaped from the home to party city again
>>1234080i feel like these people and their followers are just wallowing in their own misery all the time because they're obsessed with being
victims. It sounds so exhausting "sharing your trauma" several times a week publicly kek
No. 1234375
>>1231080God she’s always trying to make herself the
victim. Just watch a damn wig tutorial, there’s hundreds of them on YouTube.
No. 1234778
>>1226301>columbine mascot vore true crime kidsNever change tumblr
>>1226453I want them too since I never heard of this
No. 1240553
File: 1622209300735.jpeg (48.77 KB, 651x610, CDFFB527-9E42-4435-A0A9-92DD29…)

No. 1241061
>>1240955Oh my god is she okay? She looks sick or as if she's being held at gun point. Seriously this girl needs to get help, I don't even know if she looks like a girl anymore due to these pictures.
Why waste your money and time ok the internet and buying plushies when you can simply get a job or do something on the side other than social media and put your 'big girl' pants on and get help yourself since you a full adult and not a teenager who needs support?
I feel like Everytime she's going to have a 'panic attack', these pictures will become more unsettling.
No. 1241275
File: 1622300278677.jpeg (106.09 KB, 1080x991, 1616434865466.jpeg)

>>1240955holy fuck. to think in 2018 i thought she was pretty. if she toned down the horrible makeup (especially dark lipsticks on her thin ass lips) and took care of her hair so she could stop wearing those cheap ass wigs and lost weight or had a better wardrobe for her body type she would look so much better. why the fuck do her fans convince her this is okay, it's not, she looks so mentally ill/on drugs here.
No. 1241408
File: 1622314554246.jpeg (327.39 KB, 716x450, EBD11397-8253-4316-B83D-576DBE…)

>>1240955Why does she look like sharon needles??
No. 1241539
At least Aaron got lip filler. Why doesn't she? It's $400-700. Surely she has enough money.
No. 1241703
>>1241670i agree, people act like lip fillers are a magic wand but they're really not. It's her makeup choices. Look at her eyeshadow in that pic it's just a nightmare and she even put it under her eye without blending. This is the kinda makeup you did at 13 to look edgy, not 30 odd.
And yeah the wigs are so obviously fake and shiny looking. Just invest into a couple real human hair ones. I can't feel bad for her because we know she can look fine. Even her pic here
>>1126039 is a HUGE improvement over this shit
>>1240955 simply because she's not made up like a dollar store drag queen.
No. 1242178
File: 1622394135292.jpeg (735.85 KB, 828x1222, E03A3542-93CC-456E-901E-4ACAB4…)

I’ve been lurking this thread for a while but she did a Lady Dimitrescu cosplay and I mean…where to begin? Arguably the worst cosplay but hey at least she’s smiling?
You can tell these people have never played the game, or have no intentions of playing because, spoilers, Lady Dimitrescu isnt even a main antagonist.
No. 1242798
>>1242716>>1242178jesus christ, when momokun does a better job than you you know you're in the shit tier
the unwarranted self confidence while larping as a super tragik goff gf combo makes me kinda wanna backhand her on occasion
No. 1243315
File: 1622511639898.png (1.7 MB, 1668x946, feral.PNG)

>>1242178She does this with every single cosplay. I mean, scroll back up for her sailor senshi ones. They're all complete fucking trainwrecks. I don't understand why her fanbase lies to her constantly. Giulia HAS to know that they're lying to her. I mean, the girl used to lurk here before lifting content from threads to jumpstart her yt "career".
Pic rel, how the fuck is this supposed to be Lydia Deetz? It looks like an early 2000s attempt at goth or Alice's daughter from the Zenescope comics and even the latter is generous.
No. 1243869
File: 1622579668023.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1284x1742, 59E9C897-0C7D-43B3-B2B7-21D85C…)

The second hand embarrassment of not even knowing what character you’re cosplaying…
No. 1244144
>>1243869I was going to post this yesterday but I didn’t necessarily have anything bad to say
Wait a minute
Look at the symbol photoshop on her forehead. Never mind.
No. 1244203
File: 1622638660795.jpg (59.61 KB, 482x653, joker.JPG)

No. 1244209
File: 1622639079838.jpg (93.81 KB, 1016x531, r2g comments.JPG)

>>1244203The comments on IG saying she's better than Heath Ledger, a deceased acting icon…her fans are fucking retarded
No. 1244218
>>1243315I've watched Beetlejuice a million times and Kiki's Delivery Service a grand total of zero times and I still thought this was supposed to be Kiki. I think what bothers me about the way she presents herself is that she has no fucking clue how to communicate visually, she thinks she's making brave bold styling choices or whatever but she always just looks like when people do the "I tried being [subculture] for 1 day" and you can tell they only have the most surface level idea of what they're trying to portray and end up looking extremely awkward and weird while blabbing about how ~crazy~ and ~out there~ their eBay China polyester dress and cheap wig are because it's the wildest thing they've ever done.
She just feels like a larping normie even though she
is an alt girl. It's the weirdest shit. I think she's extremely uncomfortable with her looks and body and bought into her fans' hype so badly she's now forcing herself to do all this shit to get validated. She doesn't seem to enjoy it, put thought or effort or love into it, she doesn't seem to like anything about it aside from the asspats that she knows deep inside are bullshit. The only time she's looked confident and happy was in her wedding photo. At heart she's just a basic bitch who has no personality to speak of so she claws at her "true crime goth girl" shtick.
No. 1244271
File: 1622649008510.jpg (59.66 KB, 707x851, Los-30-De-Brozo.jpg)

>>1244209Better than Heath Ledger, but she's giving me this guy's energy with a hint of Ronald McDonald because she has the same beady eyes.
No. 1245269
Her BFF Creepshow was outed for posting on lolcow and one of her comments is about RTG, potentially more than that one if anyone cares to read it all
>>>/snow/1244574RTG post:
>>>/snow/1245182Nothing too harsh but I'll bump because for once we're talking about something other than how RTG looks like a sun-dried hotdog
No. 1245532
File: 1622766086052.png (773.94 KB, 1518x758, 368EAE3C-B08C-495F-94E1-E4846D…)

>>1244203Truly speechless, what a disaster kek
No. 1245686
File: 1622785040758.jpeg (273.53 KB, 750x684, 83CC4656-2AA6-4F8C-8236-1214DB…)

No. 1245763
>>1245686Her family isn't pretending she's straight, she is straight.
She's married to a man, by contract she's supposed to remain in a monogamous, heterosexual partnership for the rest of her life. Even if she does divorce one day, I doubt we'll ever see her date a woman.
She's just doing her usual appeasing to her young audience who are all raving about pride month and she figured it's a perfect time to gain attention because she's nothing a but a carbon copy of what ever is internet popular at the time because she has no personality of her own.
No. 1246027
So this pissed me off mega, she knows what her fans are like and the majority of them are ruthlessly attacking this poor woman who was grieving a stillborn baby she had to birth.
I really think that if you don’t have children or have never been through something like this, its absolutely not your place to discuss someone elses trauma. Fuck off Giulia.
No. 1246657
File: 1622881111317.jpeg (912 KB, 2028x1586, 9EE24D8D-BE29-4279-B715-03A00C…)

>>1245269Her related tweet
No. 1246775
File: 1622902799805.png (1.22 MB, 712x609, r2g wig stylist.PNG)

>>1245269That is fucking hilarious.
On another slightly OT note, here is the work of one of her cosplay wig designers. No wonder her wigs look so fucking terrible.
No. 1247008
File: 1622924249915.png (241.38 KB, 1166x974, Screen Shot 2021-06-05 at 4.14…)

crossposting from the creepshow thread but it looks like RTG caught creepshow in a lie. her tweets defending her have dissapeared and she just posted this. No. 1247425
>>1244218There's been speculation that she isn't even alt though. She never actually talks about the community or her local scene, gatekeeping, fashion, etc. She just has a million bad tattoos and crazy colored wigs and calls herself goth/emo. She's the exact same costume contest type of people who marched into the subculture instead of knowing anything about the literature or music. Older alt channels are calling out people like she and Snowy all the time. She should honestly drop the ItsBlackFriday-tier dog and pony show, go grab some Starbucks, and embrace her fridge body and lack of lips.
>>1245257>How can sheBecause Giulia, despite what she thinks, is as bad as the people who get posted here. She thought she was untouchable and so did a lot of her asslicking subs despite the fact that her only claim to fame is lifting content from these threads and anons who actually do the digging and then monetizing, while she cries here and there about her anxiety and shilling her god awful nail line or that craft shop of hers which is never going to happen because she's so unbelievably lazy. Same with her alleged Ph.D program. Never heard anything else about that after she bitched on Twitter about it trying to sound so intelligent and special.
>>1245686>>1245763She thinks that sending heart eye emoji to other women on Twitter and commenting on how they look means that she's Bi. She's been doing this shit for ages.
>>1247008No sympathy. She deserves it.
>>1247185Her past gets revised every few videos or something. And she doesn't waist train, she just thinks that slapping a corset on = goff.
No. 1247426
File: 1622959944960.png (21.72 KB, 791x250, liar.PNG)

>>1247008Giulia, you've admitted that you lurk here you fucking retard and everyone can tell due to the info in your videos because there's no way you just happen upon all of it neatly compiled in one place for you to regurgitate.
Now watch this tweet disappear.
No. 1247595
File: 1622984930633.jpg (4.62 KB, 140x125, 20210606_160857.jpg)

>>1247593Okay, Apocalypticcandy. Fucking newfag.
No. 1247878
>>1247425How do you become part of the community though? Is there even an "alt community"?
Honest question because I never grew out of the emo aesthetic but I'm not part of any community… didn't even know there was one lol
No. 1248016
>>1247878Sage for blogposting.
Honestly, I'm in this same situation, with the exception I lean more goth. I often see people that are "part of the community" (most often than not, they have a platform and openly identify as belonging to that one specific subculture) complaining that they get criticized for not listening to the "right" bands or dressing the "right" way, and things of the sort.
But when you are just another rando, when are you "actually" alt (emo, goth, etc) and officially part of the community?
No. 1248290
File: 1623043397011.jpeg (322.76 KB, 750x831, E4F6452A-79E8-4048-AABC-04728C…)

I thought you don’t go on lolcow. It’s so pathetic how much she’s victimizing herself.
No. 1248509
>>1248432In her defense, I followed this saga back then and while we all did know his real name, he was living in either Japan or South Korea at the time without a registered address IIRC. But it's funny that she still thinks HIS ACTUAL THERAPIST emailed her.
>>1248290 Holy shit my SIDES. It's been years and she still doesn't get it? Girl, he catfished you. This is why history repeated itself with Shannon. She's just too fucking gullible to try to be a rational voice making drama videos lmfao
No. 1248683
File: 1623085013386.jpeg (637.61 KB, 828x1355, 1623083980270.jpeg)

>>1248672Post screenshots.
She didn't even do scar makeup or anything and what the fuck are those foam blades? Comments are gassing her up as usual. I don't think she's
not heartbroken about Shannon, but she has to keep up her grind of receiving insincere yass kween validation and getting youtube money. Hey Gullible Guilia, you know what's gonna get you those clicks? Addressing the fact that you keep consistently falling for the shadiest influencers giving you their stupidest excuses because your bias is out of this world.
No. 1248695
>>1248683My bad
nonny, posted to the creepshow thread and didn’t wanna samefag. But yeah, I’m thinking out of everyone she wants to believe that Shannon isn’t like that because she bought her a $14 candle
No. 1248743
>>1248392Of course he’s a total piece of shit. But is she seriously bringing him up to specifically compare some catty bitch behavior to gaslighting of actual schizo scrote proportion? She’s pulling out all the stops to make herself the uwu
victim of Shannon the evil mastermind when we all know the cunt uses lolcow just like her. She did a 180 and threw Shannon under the bus not because she’s so ~hurt~, it’s to cover her own ass.
No. 1249321
File: 1623130164352.jpeg (145.99 KB, 1778x995, 5df17b55210000100834fba3.jpeg)

shannon i think should be getting this wake up call. she's been too privileged and in her own fucking head up to this point to care about how others are affected by her actions. i hope she gets fucking boo'ed off the internet, she deserves it. dumb bitch.
No. 1249354
File: 1623133187639.jpeg (43.47 KB, 1125x732, received_883855285390758.jpeg)

>>1249343You can say that again
No. 1250475
>>1243869this cosplay is actually decent, she doesnt look like a troon
she should drop the "im dead inside, edgy, and i don't ever smile" act because it makes her look so mtf
No. 1250661
File: 1623244764230.png (123.49 KB, 532x603, 1617637176101.png)

It must be so traumatizing to be badmouthed online wow.
She could have chosen to be professional and shit out a video but no, it has to be more theatrics. She'd have you think her fucking dog or nana died or something. Not enough people sending her concerned tweets in the past 24hrs I guess since they're busy asspatting Emily Artful and Hopeless Peaches kek
No. 1251087
>>1250661Wishful thinking if you thought that she'd be professional about this. This is the same woman who trauma dumps on the regular when nobody asked and masks it as her relating to somebody. Of course she was going to take the absolute most dramatic route possible even though it was easy to see this coming from a mile away. Shannon isn't a trustworthy person and neither is Giulia herself.
She's a ridiculous, perpetual
victim and its honestly a wonder that her husband hasn't left her. The woman is an absolute emotional drain with zero redeeming qualities.
No. 1251093
File: 1623272772702.png (48.78 KB, 761x366, whineeee.PNG)

>not to take away from Emily's story, but
Also, of course you think some simp fan account of yours is a wonderful human being. Everyone's wonderful when they're kissing your ass, Giulia.
No. 1252553
>>1250903she has always given me the same fake vibes as creepshow. all of these bitches who have youtube channels pretending to be morally superior
trigger-warning saints over everyone they expose, while their bread and butter is to publicly humiliate people on youtube.. how do people not see the constrictions in that? they're all fake and doing it for popularity/money/asspats.
No. 1256354
File: 1623691730879.png (1.7 MB, 1532x934, ttf.PNG)

No. 1256488
File: 1623698732015.jpg (80.88 KB, 750x1000, no u.jpg)

>>1256479no, u
No. 1256506
>>1256409Disappointing video anons, nothing really milky but anyways
>Doesnt want to be quiet didnt want to be complicit>Brings up the dude that said he killed himself and had his “real councillor” to tell her he died, not relevant at AT ALL GIULIA, she posted about this in her tweets but basically he pretended he died, had suicidal tweets, he wasn’t dead and spoke about her on lolcow. Lolcow admins exposed him for pretending to be someone else.>gets a dm, dm’s said about shannon shit talking her, apparently she doesnt go on lolcow, girl we know you fucking do shut up>shannon tells her that someones spoofing the IP and she believed her initially, we saw the tweets and she deleted it>figured out via the admin post it was her, contradicting her statement about her never using lolcow>Shannon sent her roses after shit talking her on lolcow and she didn’t know why but now she knows it was likely out of guilt>brings up muh mental health >shannon ghosted the shit out of everyone checking up on her>group chat set up with her friends to find evidence, apparently they were all silent because they were looking for evidence >impartial, says she isnt saying shes guilty? Thats fucking it. An incredibly boring 17 minute video about nothing. Sorry nonnies. Dont expect anything from Repzilla and Ashlee’s videos either.
No. 1256643
File: 1623705853382.png (954.43 KB, 1280x720, 1582611504858.png)

>>1256506Thanks. I expected exactly this. She was hiding under the bed cowering until she realizes that Emily Artful is getting so much ass kissing for playing up the
victim card. Except Emily actually got a somewhat
valid reason to beef. Giulia juts got shit talked online lmaooo
No. 1256649
>>1256458Fuck, this is honestly the most I've ever respected RTG, which isn't a lot. That's the most spine I've ever seen her show, even though I'm certain that she'd backpedal in a minute if Shannon was weally weally sowwy. But at least she has the right idea.
I still think that people with a room temperature IQ and no critical thinking skills shouldn't try to be social commentators though. She laid out for us just how bad a judge of character she is and has been, since the exact thing has happened to her before, but her first instinct was
still "Oh no IP spoofing makes way more sense". And fuck, it's not even just Maurice. She's in the same social circle as Edwin, who spent
years fighting off Dasha, who was outed on lolcow too. And Shannon must have shown red flags. She proved that she's the definition of willfully ignorant.
No. 1256745
>>1256518This plus of course it's 3x as long as it needed to be. I did laugh out loud at the I only used LC once!1! Dragging myself through it atm and it's like farmers wrote the script in predictions because she really is that two dimensional.
>>1256649Watch the video. Zero spine, zero insight and all but admits that she made it because people expected it and it's a great opportunity to be OMG BIGGEST
VICTIM HERE FOR REAL. And yeah, she seems like she's actually looking for an excuse to patch things up and pretend it never happened.
No. 1256874
>>1256755And then she turned up in Emily's comments with an I can't even begin to comprehend what you've been through. She's such a snake.
Betting that she is dying for Shamu to do another My Hacker Amy excuse so she can go back to defending her.
No. 1256962
File: 1623724508682.jpeg (54.34 KB, 750x357, 04CD884C-7379-4AAA-9311-3EAE8E…)

>>1256958We can see your email retard
No. 1256975
File: 1623725115069.png (1.72 KB, 195x29, Interstesting.png)

>>1256958Well look at that
No. 1257040
File: 1623727050683.png (192.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2021-06-14-23-15-46…)

Truth hurts? Awww butthurt trolls ban ppl with a working brain? Trying to keep it really juvenile & unintelligent on lolcow … That bar keeps dropping
No. 1257043
File: 1623727159567.jpg (81.23 KB, 482x800, 800px_COLOURBOX12599442.jpg)

Lol waaaaahh(ban evasion)
No. 1261459
File: 1624299167303.png (4.57 KB, 550x58, Screenshot_1.png)

>>1261450 shannon made one post about giulia and it was this. very tame
No. 1261904
>>1261450>>1261459thanks. that's what I thought. I just got confused after watching giulia's video about shannon, because she was like "this happened to me before" (referring to TheJoshVlog) and I didn't think anything shannon posted was remotely as bad as what maurice did to giulia.
>>1261823no anon. she's implying giulia makes videos claiming "women are predators too" bc giulia likes to make videos about child predators, as blaire white has made a lot of videos mocking trans people in the past.
No. 1263195
>>1124446you can add "religiously monitors her instagram comment section, liking ALL positive comments while ignoring neutral ones & questions + deleting all negative ones" to the list. look at her comment section. every hyperbolicly positive comment is liked by her and there are no negative ones whatsoever. her not getting even ONE negative comment on ANY of her photos (even her painfully cringy legolas cosplay had 100% positive responses) screams bullshit to me on full volume lol
it's actually funny, look through her instagram comment sections and you will notice a clear pattern lol but whatever it's kinda nitpicky as well
No. 1265995
File: 1624851823413.png (77.26 KB, 750x677, rtg01.PNG)

She's getting shit for her recent video and pretending that she hasn't regularly exploited the tragic cases of many other people for yt coin.
No. 1265997
File: 1624852001984.png (50.36 KB, 761x476, rtg02.PNG)

>>1265995You may not have profited from Bianca's murder, but all of your other true crime videos are you reading articles about what happen to these people and then doing nothing but making it about how much you hate humanity. And in the past she's attempted to cover her ass by claiming her channel is about exploring human psychology.
Literally where, Giulia? What have you taught anyone about the psychology of a human being other than showcasing what a high level narc and
victim you are?
No. 1266015
>>1265995The same argument could be said about every true crime youtuber honestly. Id say its basically just the nightly news special but for newer generations. Instead of turning on your cable tv and seeing some murder story on 20/20, you just turn on youtube and see like 5000 true crime youtubers.
Im still kinda confused where the criticism came from to warrant an apology though.
No. 1266028
>>1265746>>1265852Now that you mention it,
nonny, it does look a little too similar. It also looks like the "S S" part may be a separate tattoo from the "No Idol, No God" part - with the SS, the lines are a bit thicker, the ink is a bit darker, and the letters are angled slightly differently than the rest of the word - with alignment between the S's instead of between each word and the S that is supposed to complete it. Saging my tinfoil
No. 1266029
>>1266015Nvm apparently its due to gabbie hannahs video? She actually did have a couple decent points but its ruined by the fact that shes using a murder
victims name as a way to further her personal vendettas. If anything, gabbie should be the one apologizing for using a
victims name for her personal vendettas because they gave her
valid criticisms a couple times.
No. 1268101
>>1267920No one said she profited from the Devins case? Giulia has lied to people claiming that her channel is about human psychology when she never teaches anything of the sort. She is a trashy drama channel who occasionally drags up real life cases so she can monetize those and make commentary about how nihilist she is whilst never considering how
victims might feel having this bizarre creature spotlighting them.
No. 1268780
File: 1625120739508.png (347.84 KB, 765x498, 456.PNG)

Never touched a woman in your life and you're married to a man but keep up that attention whoring kek
No. 1268796
>>1268783Big whoop. Another thing she can use to prop up her
victim complex.
No. 1268875
>>1265997She's not a narc; you sound like Gabbie Hanna lol. She's just your standard drama YouTuber.
>>1266029Exactly. Gabbie's projecting harder than a cinema.
No. 1268881
>>1268816Not to WK because I think RTG is a washed up wanna-be.
But people have been saying this since 2007-2008 MySpace times.
Saying you’re bisexual has no real benefit.
No. 1269077
>>1268881It used to be "hot" though and was a good way to get attention from stupid scrotes who believed it and liked to imagine two girls kissing each other would give them the time of day
Maybe RTG still has those sentiments
No. 1269281
>>1269077exactly. Nicki Minaj and Jessie J both said they were bisexual then walked it back once it stopped being cool.
Married women are always loudest about being bisexual kek
No. 1269555
File: 1625204929704.png (36.54 KB, 758x395, tg5.PNG)

I highly doubt anyone ever assumes you're ttc, Giulia.
No. 1269688
>>1268881People have been saying it since the 90s but times have changed. Again, it's cool to be queer. That's why Trasha Paytas declared she's NB - pure bandwagon and snowflakery. The bi thing is an easy way to be woke af and not like the other girls.
>>1269555She tries so hard, I'm kind of embarrassed for her.
No. 1270408
File: 1625276958620.png (372.04 KB, 771x779, KEK.PNG)

>>1131477She's shilling for her tr00n friend to have a car repair. So woke. Giulia, I'm sure you have more than enough money so why don't you bail them out? fucking kek at her shilling herself an hour after.
No. 1271096
File: 1625372676685.png (1.32 MB, 1538x930, try harder.PNG)

No. 1271118
>>1271114She claims to be a professor and going for her ph.d yet nothing has been said about the latter in months and as far as ratemyprofessors search results, nothing shows up for her.
No idea what her husband actually does, but Giulia herself comes from a very wealthy family.
No. 1271222
File: 1625399150816.png (91.92 KB, 248x271, ifonly.png)

>>1271096If only you knew how bad things really are
No. 1271224
File: 1625399900261.jpeg (54.38 KB, 428x700, 79D3982C-2EEE-49E3-A7A3-E68D52…)

>>1271222Saw this pic on the front page and literally thought she was dressed up as Twiggy Ramirez
No. 1271318
>>1270551>using 'queer' instead of lbtqiawtf is idpolLMAO what the actual fuck
>>1271118A professor? Between this and
>>1270551 I think I'm going to wet myself. Giulia is barely literate.
No. 1271635
File: 1625454771215.png (17.85 KB, 765x131, Capture.PNG)

>>1271318I don't know what to tell you, anon. she's mentioned "her students" in a past video, though I forget which. It was maybe one time and then never spoke about it again.
OT more of her usual doomsperging about how terrible her life is but three days ago she was happier than a pig in shit.
No. 1271961
File: 1625509811534.jpeg (786.14 KB, 828x1420, C1436F61-1D61-4C6F-96B2-D6B474…)

Giuliano serving propped up corpse
No. 1273080
File: 1625684376053.png (1.38 MB, 1591x878, mug.PNG)

>>1271961"Alice but a bit dark". Because haven't had enough contrite warpings of a children's story already.
No. 1273082
File: 1625684481740.png (34.41 KB, 752x436, lmao.PNG)

Yes give everyone some insight into how fucked up you are.
No. 1273106
>>1267920leave them alone Giulia, you fucking trashy swine.
>>1271318nta but anon idk if you're slow but "queer" is idpol. It's literally identity politics and that's why no one has a clear answer as to wtf it means unlike "gay" or "lesbian". Do a quick google first in future.
No. 1274076
>>1274064well she told us..
"To the biggest coward i know" as this is actually for him and not just for attention. why the fuck would you put this on the internet.
No. 1274090
>>1274064Its called tact,
nonnie. I'm sorry that you don't understand how trashy it is to do this. Even if he wasn't a great parent,
>>1274076 shows us how much of this is for asspats and pity because Giuliano can't stand not being the center of attention. If it were truly for him she'd have called him up or texted him but no the whole internet has to see it.
No. 1274096
>>1274090I do get that she is doing it for attention, I'm not going to feel bad for her father though.
Humilliating people on the internet is a thing, to me this seems as a combination of attention seeking and public humiliation.
No. 1275451
File: 1626108084665.png (278.85 KB, 757x786, onceagain.PNG)

The need to remind everyone yet again that she is bi.
No. 1275455
>>1275449Tbf the comment about her being too young for it to matter is retarded. Science has shown that caregivers leaving a child, even short term, during their developmental first few years is damaging to the psyche. Especially if the absence extends beyond that development. But, maybe Vinny should have thought about the chance of negative comments like this before she put her daddy issues on YouTube.
>>1275451Wow, the oppression.
No. 1275459
>>1275455She enjoys the negative comments because then she can continue her pity parade. An eternal
No. 1275467
>>1275459I can't fathom how hard it must be to cosplay and have a husband take care of you while you LARP as a personality on youtube. Combing wigs and talking about your opinion on everything must be draining on all levels.
I really used to watch her videos in the past, too. Wow. Looking at her now I can see her so clearly for who she is. She's boring and too insecure to do what she does. How does she still get views? Just by baiting people with trauma storytimes?
No. 1278604
File: 1626495210603.png (23.71 KB, 762x185, LOL.PNG)

what an ironic retweet coming from you, giuliano
No. 1278608
File: 1626495342479.png (1.89 MB, 1844x739, terrible.PNG)

she has new merch and it looks like shit. also whoever did this banner did a great job at making her look like an aged junkie. No. 1278906
File: 1626538764461.png (3.2 MB, 1334x750, F987E3AF-E767-4CD6-A243-92C696…)

No. 1279244
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
to use (another's production) without crediting the source
to commit literary theft
to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
No. 1279278
File: 1626575863570.png (1.25 MB, 1353x1145, fangs.png)

>>1278906>>1279244are you trying to say she copied it?
because it's clearly shittly drawn and not traced, and i can find 500 similar images in google
if your point was she's unoriginal then you should have hit home a little harder and shown more examples lmao, vampire fangs and blood dripping together is hardly original and saying she's plagiarizing an idea that general isn't even soy milk
No. 1279662
File: 1626635327178.png (143.54 KB, 755x752, whocares.PNG)

No. 1280121
>>1279319The artwork in her merch are all commissioned though, so it's not really her who traced it. Also it's not that hard to draw lips with fangs, her aesthetic is pretty much tumblr pastel goth circa 2015 and every girl who knew illustrator would draw stuff like this back then…
graphic design sperg kek, to me this isn't that milky
No. 1280538
>>1280121exactly, it's unoriginal and you can laugh at that but calling it plagiarizing when fangs and blood have been popular since twilight era shows how retarded that anon is lmao
giulia has milk elsewhere, this is the dumbest hill for an anon to die on
No. 1281091
File: 1626814468626.png (455.19 KB, 761x723, 2.PNG)

Is she running out of ideas? As if there haven't already been tons of videos on this subject before and they're better than hers.
No. 1281971
>>1279978It doesn't fit. Whoever made the comparison photo had to edit it to MAKE it fit.
>>1281812And there's probably another picture of the exact same thing that predates this author's version.
No. 1284067
File: 1627235189938.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1440, 5064B3F6-2136-4560-BB44-74C43B…)

considering that creepshow got outed for talking shit about rtg to gabbie hanna i actually wonder if creepshow is still actively posting in this thread
(screenshot taken from the creepshow thread)
No. 1290531
File: 1628054151693.jpeg (401.18 KB, 750x865, C1AA787F-925B-49FF-900A-0AAD1E…)

This bitch is still heavily monetizing mental health
No. 1305108
File: 1629507344094.jpeg (447.8 KB, 828x1129, 4BD79347-EE56-4E7C-BA86-B3F848…)

looking more and more MTF every day, Giuliano.
No. 1327779
File: 1632007822477.png (1.04 MB, 1576x935, more shitty merch.PNG)

So, she had a doll made of her and bonus in the comments is shoe0nhead simping as per usual. the hell buys shit like this.
No. 1327814
File: 1632012153167.png (1.52 MB, 874x873, jacktroonow.PNG)

>>1327797This. Giulia's simps have always hyped her up way more than she deserves so she knows that all she has to do is buy spirit halloween costumes and a bad wig, call it cosplay, upload it and she gets instant validation.
Also still no updates on her alleged ph.d program she was screeching about wanting to be in.
No. 1327816
File: 1632012308878.png (117.67 KB, 751x455, wannabebeautyguru.PNG)

No. 1327932
>>1327814no shade this is her best cosplay
>>1305108this could be good and super fitting for her if she didn't try to fucking… slut up buttercup
No. 1331718
File: 1632351946560.png (2.23 MB, 865x873, bleh.PNG)

>>1331329They'd need to have standards as low as whatever girl is allegedly shacking up with Shayna right now. The only people who gas Giulia up are retarded zoomers who think she's goth, ethots looking to grift off her fame by association, and the random troons she pretends to be attracted to. Her husband must feel so great knowing she flirts with random ethots and men in hot topic bustiers.
No. 1331720
File: 1632352042635.png (84.41 KB, 755x482, no one wants your shitty doll.…)

What's wrong, Giuliano? Is it not selling as well as you expected?
No. 1331722
File: 1632352143749.jpg (163.47 KB, 1152x2048, E_cyKj5VkAEcF7_.jpg)

The filthy mirror and whatever the fuck is going on with her face this time. She looks extra troony here.
No. 1331908
>>1331826But anon giulia's channel is about ~educating people about human psychology~
She is totally not a gossip rag
No. 1332376
>>1332101Why did you bump the thread to reply to a sarcastic comment.
>>1332136Because she's "Buttercup" therefore she needs to "look tough".
No. 1332566
File: 1632440546023.png (1.98 MB, 1487x919, whyyalllyin.PNG)

Presented without comment because I have no words.
No. 1332568
File: 1632440711609.png (86.26 KB, 752x638, lets get manic.PNG)

The plushie goal isn't being met so she's baiting with her mental health yet again in order to get people to buy her shit.
No. 1332974
>>1332829No, dipshit.
And you're not the first one to assume this.
No. 1333121
File: 1632497620541.jpeg (516.45 KB, 2834x1091, 092A3BC8-8873-4ECB-8969-0C3C39…)

>>1332782Spot the difference.
No. 1333392
File: 1632514692462.png (370.11 KB, 1211x787, Capture.PNG)

She's now shilling this Huel meal replacement shit along with ~body dysmorphia~, doing puzzles, how showering became a chore for her, tl;dr typical Giuliano whining for ten minutes.
No. 1333396
File: 1632514872399.png (24.78 KB, 743x175, the irony.PNG)

Living up to this anon's post once again.
>>1332101 Giu, you've profited off
victims with your channel and really need to get off your soapbox.
No. 1333399
>>1333121I kinda like her channel but if I didn't already know her I'd think buttercup was a transwoman.
Oof. At least she looks better in motion. RBF is a killer
No. 1333420
>>1333121Dress for your body and learn angles reeEEe
Does she not have friends to tell her she looks like shit?
No. 1340164
File: 1633240199422.jpeg (228.31 KB, 750x538, 148D3DA1-FE44-4558-B31D-02A7A7…)

No. 1340165
File: 1633240248283.jpeg (256.93 KB, 750x694, 162E8934-4E81-4A31-8696-6C2541…)

No. 1353237
File: 1634852530058.png (95.54 KB, 753x543, you are never silent but okay …)

>didn't want to be silent
You literally never are, every other day is you bitching about your mental health yet never doing anything about it. Also,
>been away from the internet for a bit uwu
>one fucking day later
Giuliano pls.
No. 1353925
File: 1634941299911.png (1.08 MB, 1667x876, pleas no.png)

Presented without comment.
No. 1354004
>>1353240How is that supposed to be pronounced? "Goffumn"? I bet she came up with that retarded pun all by herself
>>1353925Kek, I knew Giulia was the queen of lazy cosplay but this is a new low
No. 1354212
>>1353240I hate these hot topic goths. I've seen goths in their 30s/40s that look awesome because they dress maturely and put thought behind their style. Then you have retards like this that think black + neon hair is it. She looks ridiculous and she's lucky she doesn't have to go out much because she would be laughed at. Her eyeshadow look absolutely ridiculous, too.
>>1353925Velma don't deserve this shit.
>>1354047because she's trying to pull off the ~~goff lewk~~. I don't understand she does this cosplay crap every week and she's still not learned basic posing and angles.
No. 1354511
File: 1635026837150.png (259.45 KB, 680x587, barf.png)

>>1354212>>1354239And yet this pops up when you go to the site. Giulia isn't goth or emo. She's a sad poseur as discussed upthread who doesn't talk about the scene in any way. She never talks about the relevant bands, literature, and is basically exactly what Angela Benedict is referring to during her commercialization/fetishization of the subculture videos. Giulia wants the glory of being known as some sort of unbothered goffick qween and she likely doesn't interact with locals in the scene because she knows she'd be laughed out of any venue or club like the fraud that she is.
No. 1354875
File: 1635090675955.jpeg (688.91 KB, 1877x1289, B0A7EF52-69E3-49EC-8F4B-BB247A…)

i was going through the old onision threads (i’m bored) and found her messages with him lol, sage for autistic non-contribution.
has she ever addressed her leaning towards being conservative? her videos and tweets really spell out the opposite
No. 1355090
>>1354668People do care and you clearly care way too much about wking this cow, so leave because you've already been derailing.
>>1354875I don't think she has a coherent stance. Her older videos talk about da ebil sjws and cancel culture, she's a confirmed farmer, but is also a troon handmaiden and sends heart emojis to them on twitter along with sex workers she pretends to be interested in for those bisexuality points. Her brain is fried and she has no real identity. She just sorta exists.
No. 1360446
>>1354875she reminds me a lot of jaclyn glenn. "skeptical" but not when it interferes with her being a pickme or getting asspats from troons.
>>1355090 is on point.
No. 1396647
>>1396615The same weird pose, the same depressed face, she looks miserable. I've never seen someone so young have a face that looks like they've lived a long sad, unlucky life.
She looks like she's seen hell and every time she closes her eyes she has flashbacks, so she doesn't sleep.She just drinks coffee and smokes a whole pack of cigarettes, staring out the window 24/7.
No. 1396651
>>1396639I thought the same thing.
>>1396647Try the Luna threads. Although I think she'd make Luna look almost human if they were next to each other.
No. 1401007
File: 1640372055597.jpg (370.28 KB, 2048x1722, 20211224_135207.jpg)

No. 1401149
File: 1640382470572.jpeg (45.83 KB, 728x546, B25AAF29-F926-4B86-A2C6-7D6945…)

>>1401007Came here to post this, kek glad someone else thought it was shit. Can’t believe this was her attempt at Jennifer’s Body.
No. 1401507
>>1401007Does she look at her pictures before she posts them? Why didn't she realize how bad this looked and do another take with her tongue repositioned so it actually looked like a tongue, not a giant fat lip?
And ot but her tattoos look so, so bad. Not only does she look like a middle schoolers notebook with all that random text scribbled all over herself, but so much of it is UPSIDE DOWN
No. 1401678
>>1401007apologies for tattoo sperg but it's so incredibly annoying that she has so many text tattoos next to each other that have different orientations, (as in, one is upside down, one is the right way round, a bunch are diagonal, some are vertical) it's such a basic tattoo "mistake". tbh it would probably look fine if they were in any way stylized but it's just plain text so it looks harsh as fuck and doesn't work together nicely. she ends up looking like a spatially-impaired child's sticker book
(also i'm sure it's been brought up but kek at one of her tattoos literally looking like an SS logo, she must have been on crack when she made that choice)
No. 1417884
>>1333582Is this thread serious, especially this post. When did the standard for, and I quote, "starting to improve yourself", become literally injecting random shit into your face and/or surgical intervention.
How about touching grass and doing her hair, clothes and makeup in colours and styles that suit her?
Like I know we're on a gossip board and I'm all for talking trash about snowflakes but come on.
Saged because "we live in a society".
No. 1417980
>>1417884Honestly her face and body are average. She could easily be a pretty basic girl if she asked some female friends or family members for fashion advice.
She could do some light makeup and wear alternative but less over the top and higher quality clothes.
She should also ditch the wigs.
No. 1423782
>>1423765nigger cuntsock
sock of 10 pounds of shit.
>>1418080Samefag as before.
It's not the only one, it's just the worst of this thread. People keep saying she 'needs' fillers, as though her refusal to get them is somehow symptomatic of all the things wrong with her. Avoiding surgery is probably one of the only positive choices she's made.
No. 1429875
File: 1643446637094.jpg (324.78 KB, 1536x2048, 20220129_034756.jpg)

Really wish this wasn't see-through. Also, really wish she'd stop doing cosplay. She never mentions being into sht and does this for the shoot. Doing fast cosplay to stay on brand and doesnt put in any real effort. Gives me of a 40 year old trying to be sexy vibes.
No. 1489766
File: 1648876365882.jpg (777.1 KB, 1079x1355, SmartSelect_20220402-010956_In…)

Constipation proclamation.
No. 1491340
>>1490849I’ve thought about this recently too, but I really doubt so.
I used to watch her videos because it was my source of “drama news” (or “news about serious topics!!” as she likes to claim) because she was concise and to the point and didn’t have extremely retarded takes imo. I was around 14 though.
At the time she uploaded videos about herself too and used to say she was smart, literally she would say “I’m a smart person”. And I guess she is, she knows many languages!! Anyway besides that she’d talk about having a decent social life, which now that I think about it it’s surprising since her behaviour on social media is so awkward. She doesn’t seem as brainless on her videos as she does on twitter.
She talks about being into heavy drugs at one point, maybe that ruined her perception of the real world?
My point is that if you only watch her videos, she seems normal. Her other social media is what makes her seem medically retarded and not self aware at all.
No. 1491934
File: 1649043691702.jpg (431.37 KB, 1048x896, SmartSelect_20220402-231005_Sa…)

Her computer… Yep that's how a crackhead does that
No. 1512823
File: 1651038101271.jpg (624.66 KB, 1080x1498, SmartSelect_20220427-013928_Sa…)

From someone that was so triggered by ppl capitalizing off mental issues, yet has merch that does, as well as supporting others that capitalize off said mental issues…
No. 1513071
>>1512823“anxiety is not a personality trait!!!” -RTG, ‘Mental Illness is trendy UwU’ video.
I guess it’s fine for it to be decor, though.
No. 1513728
>>1513716her pics alone make me think she’s a pill head or something. like what
is this
>>1513687 No. 1513810
>>1513728This makes so much sense! No amount of yasss queen from their “fans” should delude someone THIS much. It’s not just the expression. Let’s pretend this is how she truly is blah blah but it’s the whole package: the pictures and the fact that she shares them, the background, the makeup, the ill fitting costumes, and to top it all, the brown cap wig as
>>1513770 this could only be a product of pills or elaborate self harm as
>>1513699 said
No. 1565043
File: 1655574429531.png (261.78 KB, 1645x1024, glare2.png)

I saw someone talking about Giulia on Discord a long time ago. I took a screenshot and forgot about it until just now. Apparently she had a racist pickme phase very similar to Shoe0nhead.
No. 1565062
File: 1655575277489.jpg (238.47 KB, 1080x1114, rtg.jpg)

>>1565043Lol I forgot about her.
No. 1589349
File: 1657956449864.jpg (740.54 KB, 1076x1077, SmartSelect_20220715-111747_In…)

Angry secretary Mrs Prune is on vacay and hates it
No. 1590274
File: 1658087561799.png (2.68 MB, 1242x1222, Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 12.4…)

>>1590266Can you provide proof of these "inappropriate" photos of yourself that you've been sending to minors for multiple years? Do you doll yourself up for the kiddo's like you do for ig?
No. 1590287
>>1590285She claims to have had milky conversations with RTG so let's let her post them.
>>1590279Uncensored would be best
No. 1590305
File: 1658090305874.jpg (454.44 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20220101-001243_Dis…)

These are my messages. I said some dumb shit when talking to her which I regret saying now and I was just an online friend and I got my hands on her personal info might wanna paste link instead
No. 1590306
File: 1658090763310.jpg (293.61 KB, 1061x893, Screenshot_20220717-213938_Gal…)

I also had lied to her about one of my victims to her. Saying that a boy named Dark_Ville groomed me as a teenager and he was older and that it happened years ago. When really it was the other way around, and it happened in 2020. He was 16 and I was 19. I told her to make a video about it with no fucking evidence and all because I wanted to get that guilt off me. I got her personal info because of those tweets she made about me and I had lied about my age being 15 to her. I don't think we were either friends to begin with. I believed we were.
No. 1590333
Add these
>>1590321 >>1590324
>>1590330 >>1590331 to
>>1590332 why do you want us to look at [redacted] from Portsmouth?
No. 1590447
>>1590347>>1590287turns out it was yet another tard seeking attention on lolcow. And yet again, farmers fell for it.
If they actually had milk they would have went to a drama channel with it, not here.
No. 1599084
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Looking rough
No. 1624281
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No. 1627670
File: 1661647416164.jpeg (153.94 KB, 750x466, 852E60B9-DB08-4C80-A0FA-A0F847…)

>>1627602She's the only buyer. he's nowhere to be found. his instagram account is gone. very sus
No. 1628118
>>1627950This also crossed my mind. I think there's more to this story than it meets the eye. If she knew he was terminally ill, it could explain the constant pauses in posting and crippling depression enhanced by the fact that he could be terminally ill.
Also is there any archive or screenshots of his deleted IG? Does he have a facebook?
I don't think she'd lie about him being dead as this would be hard to hide. He has family and friends that would come forward to say he's not dead.
I'm going for terminally ill or a drug overdose. The latter could explain why she isn't nor will tell how it happened as it puts both of them in a bad light.
No. 1639226
>>1624281Holy shit I did not expect something like this.
>>1627665She's not that much of a lunatic anon, how would she benefit from lying?
>>1627670His social media being gone is not a reason to believe that it's not true.
Maybe he didn't earn enough money to contribute to buying the house?