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No. 1053928
Admin Note: Creepshow Art has been posting in this thread and others. Click here to read her post history.
Shannon Margaret Campbell aka Creepshow Art is a youtuber, attention whore and self-proclaimed artist.
>often believed to be a teenager or in her early 20s due to her mannerisms and art skills, but is actually a 27yo married woman>goes back and forth between calling herself an “idiot human uwu” who should have no responsibilities and acting like an uppity bitch from her high horse of moral superiority>reacts to any perceived slight by ranting about it to her followers in a desperate attempt to look like an unbothered bad bitch>got into art to “cope with trauma”, posts shit-tier art on youtube with “storytime” narrations that totally 100% happened>had her art featured on /r/delusionalartists, made a video about it>realized her skills wouldn’t cut it and began making poorly researched drama videos to gain views, prowling lolcow threads for content without putting in her own work>featured in the /ot/ artist salt thread, rumored to be selfposting there>announced a video about lolcow, proclaimed herself a supporter and adopted a "haters make me famous and help me improve" cope stance>stopped using her own art in some of her videos, begs fans to send in footage of their art progress “for the exposure”, refuses to pay royalties despite having 300k subscribers and doing giveaways like tablets and 300+ dollars cash out of her own pocket to self-promote>lovebombs content creators to cloutchase, befriended noted flake Ready To Glare (ex-Onision patron turned Anti-O, fellow lolcow-powered dramatuber, unstable druggie) and joined the “Goon Squad”, a group of circlejerking tween youtubers>capslock spams other creators begging to be acknowledged, thirsts over men and women alike while tagging them>deflects any criticism by ranting about the time she was homeless >called out by Ethan Klein of H3h3 Productions >got her channel demonetized after accusing drag queen Ariel Versace of distributing child porn>Keemstar notices her, tweets her to tell her she will reach 1M subs by 2021 and offers her a job if she doesn’t get remonetized>Ethan swoops in in an attempt to be a hero of smaller youtubers (not because he’s feuding with Keem or anything), flexes his connections to have her monetization reinstated>recently announced she will begin to stream herself playing video games with her dramatuber friends, thus milk awaitsSocial media: No. 1053929
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Incident with Ariel Versace:
>If you go on Ariel Versace’s twitter you can see that she retweeted a screenshot of some very explicit messages Jake sent to the person who posted them. Then when Ariel tweeted about it, the youtuber who made the accusation [of Ariel retweeting underage nudes] backpedalled and called them “sexts,” directly contradicting the claim she initially made that they were “nudes”.So no, there aren’t any images involved and idk why she would refer to screenshots of sexts as nudes, its just blatantly false and I can see her getting into real legal trouble for it.
No. 1053933
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Begging for attention on Twitter, then going "rofl why you mad xD" at the 1 person who didn't kiss her ass about it
No. 1053936
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No. 1053938
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>>1053937Then helping her get monetization back
No. 1053939
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>makes videos moralfagging about CSA
>defends MJ
No. 1054041
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>>1054025I'm sorry for your standards being so low you think "doing crack for a few months" is like experimenting with weed in college, but even aside from that RTG is a massive idiot who had a mental breakdown in the Maurice Yandiorio thread when he called her a pill popper and pretended to kill himself and catfished her as a counselor. Like a sane, stable person, she immediately made multiple livestreams about it, including one with another noteworthy cow, Joy Sparkles, because that's what you do when your friend dies. We can call her a gullible
former crackhead (though she clarified she is only sober from hard drugs) who fraternizes with similarly gullible snowflakes if that sounds better to you, she also threw money at Onision and was his fan for years. Anyone who rubs elbows with Onision and JSBS has moronic attributes Semi ontopic because this is the company Shannon gravitates towards - easily excitable, dramamongering youtubers who eat up her lovebombing.
>>1053951Do you remember when that was? I only read about her posting on /ot/ but I'm not surprised.
No. 1054351
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lmao this bitch. one time she boasted on twitter about how undoxable she was, that people even got her name wrong and threatened legal action agains anyone who tried. her middle name wasn’t known at the time
I found her address immediately and sent her an email to bait her about it, a short time later she changed her twitter bio to a quote from pic related, changed her username from SM_Creepshow (SM = Shannon Margaret) to creepshow_art and had the whitepages entry scrubbed.
i’ll take my cowtipping ban now but i wanted to make a point that her lack of a filter and need to act like a cutesy badass online will fuck her up someday. she thinks she’s being fun and interesting but she’s just a naive idiot who doesn’t know how to handle herself and the friends she’s made this year will eat her alive if she ever steps out of line(cowtipping)
No. 1055269
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We get it, you need validation
No. 1055339
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>>1055305>>1055305She has a thread of pictures here, a lot of them are old but they show her facial features better. She'd be average American plain toast girl levels of attractive if she didn't let fatassery cloak her bone structure. No. 1055503
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Is anyone else annoyed by how mind-numbingly stupid she sounds all the time? She has a big issue with mixing up your/you're and then/than and it's making my tism flare up
No. 1055507
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>>1055503>literally attractiveI know the usage of "literally" has been changing, but really? She sounds like a vapid 15yo
No. 1055817
>>1055500Yes! Like why does she need to constantly rave about how absolutely drop dead gorgeous every person is and constantly Tweet/[try to associate with] people she thinks are hot? Like that's not normal behavior. Horny teens/early 20's might do that maybe, but married at 27? It's weird.
Take a note Shannon: constantly talking about how hot someone is to that person is not considered socially normal and will probably make the person you're talking about feel awkward and not really want to be around you.
No. 1055923
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>>1055884Definitely, as soon as she falls out with any of the edgy youtubers she's currently circlejerking with they will make videos about her. Just look at this roster
No. 1055939
>>1055923>sky williamsah I see we're way past the time to still be upset about his shitty excuses for how he treated people and allowed to happen in the Sky House
Not surprised at all yet still always disappointed lol
No. 1055957
>>1055865I'm sure some people like it, but with how often she does this, it's inevitable that she's going to run into someone that doesn't like it (AKA: a normal fucking person).
I personally would be really uncomfortable with someone desperately thirst tweeting me when we haven't even spoken, regardless of their popularity/notoriety.
Even if it was one of my favorite Youtubers/authors/whatever, I would be creeped out af. It's such a weird thing to do. I would ask her to stop and never speak like that at me again.
No. 1056217
>>1056208You made me have questions.
Why does Creepshow get a thread now? She's been trashed talked in Artist Salt for eons. What did she do that's different or so terrible that she finally gets a thread?
No. 1056220
>>1056217OP here, I've considered her an insufferable cloutchaser for a while now and posted her in the youtube general but I thought I was alone until I saw her mentioned while browsing /ot/. Then I checked out the artist salt threads and made a post in the /pt/ sticky and it got enough responses to warrant a thread.
>>1056110That sounds about right, I know several people who contacted her about things she claimed to be oh so serious about and she either didn't respond or she got snippy about it. My theory is that she gets scared when people contact her who have firsthand knowledge about the things she reports on because she doesn't want people to know she twists things and is too lazy to research properly.
No. 1056357
>>1055923She actually didn't take part in this I don't think, something to do with her living in such a hellish neighbourhood that meant she had to 'find somewhere else to sleep' that evening.
Shannon, stop throwing money at people who don't like you, other commentators and candle companies, save up and get out of there as soon as your lease is up. I'm sick of hearing about how shitty your area is. At least you're not homeless though right? Ugh.
No. 1056401
>>1053929Does she really think calling people “bitches” and “hoes” is an appropriate response to the threat of legal action? And she’s 27? I’ve seen zoomer commentary channels with more maturity.
She’s eventually going to get herself canceled by the same type of people she’s pandering to because she can’t keep her mouth shut.
No. 1056494
>>1056355You forgot the part where the first five minutes are always worthless rambling about how unbelievable
this drama is and some personal stories that usual don't relate at all
No. 1056530

Did anyone see this? It was about a month ago. She did a stream and people were just dogpiling her with negative comments.
>Loads of people comment for Shannon to get to the point and tell them what the site is doing.
>Shannon makes a point not to say the name of the website and tells people not to link it. Everyone is telling her that the name of the website is in the thumbnail. Shannon denies this at 13:39 and says that it’s not the website, it’s the Change petition. The Change petition shows in bold letters the name of the website in her thumbnail.
>15:00 Commenter says, “Damn you’re trying to get clout off victims” Shannon just says, “thank you for that little piece of shit comment, dude”
>24:34 Shannon says, “The people that think I’m doing this for clout, it’s trolling. Like, yeah, okay, me, saying rape is wrong, I’m sorry that’s clout to you.”
>25:25 Commenter says, “You’re repeating yourself over and over just to drag out a livestream about child exploitation while getting donations. You’re disgusting.” Shannon says, “I’m glad that my opinion that child exploitation is wrong is disgusting to you. That’s a very hot take.”
No. 1056557
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lol where does she even live?
No. 1056561
File: 1602445640717.png (125.9 KB, 594x627, homeless.png) shit, she truly does never shut up about being homeless that one time, she talks about it to this day but I found these kekworthy. She said she still had income and did shit at Starbucks etc, does anyone know why she was actually without an apartment?
No. 1056567
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>>1056557She lives in a shitty area of Las Vegas, I checked it out on google maps and it looks pretty sketchy. Behind her house there's a big unmaintained looking parking lot and fast food places. A year ago she begged for money in order to be able to move.
No. 1056568
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>>1056567And now she's throwing money at people left and right including hoarding $14 candles and gifting them to her latest ~crushes~.
No. 1056575
>>1056567>>1056568At first I didn't know why she wasn't able to move on her own.
She's married, and I assume both of them have jobs. A first payment for a new apartment/an apartment deposit is a couple hundred. A moving truck can cost a few thousand if you're going far. But overall, I would say you could move on a budget of 5,000 pretty easy. It would take some time to get the money, but it's easy to save if you put in the effort.
Now I know why. She's not putting in any effort at all.
No. 1056583
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Lurking 24/7 already?
No. 1056587
>>1056583I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's already aware of this thread, she never stopped lurking.
I know she's never been the best artist really, but her 'art' these days is just so lazy and sad. How she ever called herself a professional is beyond me.
No. 1056799
>>1056557I'm struggling to understand how she could live in a place so dangerous that she can't even sleep there with her husband or do something as basic as streaming a video game.
It seems like she exaggerates to get out of things and gain sympathy.
No. 1056802
Ah yes another artist who likes to whine about "how hard they have it" I'm so sick of people buying their stupid sob stories why does this shit work on people.
A while ago anons would always say "don't make a thread she'll like it" but probably this is a huge hit to her ego. Look at how much she publicly makes fun of people. It's her whole brand for God's sake. She probably secretly is terrified that she might be one of "those people" and that's why she's overcompensating by making this her entire personality.
>>1056587>How she ever called herself professional is beyond meSee that's what's wrong with the online art community you can whine and bitch and moan about how hard you have it and even if you cushily live in your parents' house freeloading at age 35 some sad little teenager out there will give you all their pocket change instead of going out to the movies with their friends because "gotta support muh art community hurr durr."
And they think they're Da Vinci or something because they basically take candy from babies, holy shit. The entitlement is unreal.
No. 1056807
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>>1055957Her "simping" is so performative and downright patronizing tbh. If I looked like this, I'd be so ashamed to have a "friend" who constantly raved about how I was the most attractive person ever. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and all, but spamming everyone with how hot they are comes off as so disingenuous when they're clearly not and are insecure about it. I'm sure Shannon could find other traits to hype up, but this ain't it.
No. 1056826
>>1056807“most gorgeous woman ever”
>Obvious thick layer of makeup>The face makeup is all one color. It removes any natural contours her face would have, making her look even more manly, and she does not add artificial contouring with darker makeup shades. It also makes her skin look washed out and boring>Can’t be arsed to clean up the eyebrows>Washed out, pale wig, making her look even more drabMaybe Shannon isn’t actually attracted to women, because her “most gorgeous woman ever” looks straight up like a man.
No. 1057040
>>1056807I’ve always had a soft spot for ready to glare because I used to be an english lit major and my year was full of girls like her. Acting edgy and alternative online but normal and a bit boring irl. Ditch at least one layer of foundation, the wig, and the weird lip ring, and she’d be the most normal looking girl in any European uni at the Arts or Humanities faculties.
She’s also got a husband who’s really ugly and her videos are boring, they all follow the same formula and I think she mostly goes off content sent in by fans. She’ll read an article and give her opinion without any additional research. One thing I’ll say for her though is that at least she doesn’t pretend to do more than that lol. Considering her education I think she’ll end up in either a stable marketing or teaching job in a few years and she’ll quit youtube for good by then.
No. 1057373
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>>1057351I got caps discussing it and here's the video in the screenshot No. 1057415
>>1057351She talks about it in this new video. Starting about 4 minutes.
She says that her parents kicked her out, so she just kinda drove around. She couldn't get an apartment. She worked several jobs; her husband too.
No. 1057884
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Christ Shannon, LET IT GO.
No. 1059065
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>>1055456After thirst tweeting him all week, she streamed with Corpse Husband and other million channel youtubers.
No. 1059428
>>1058184>>1059322Anon didn't say sleeping in your car didn't make you homeless.
They probably meant that there's a difference between sleeping in one's car and living on the streets, especially in how it effects you and your personality.
No. 1059461
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Attention seeking again
No. 1059463
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"Video out and live tomorrow" made me laugh and sounds like she's a middle-aged soccer mom announcing that she'll complain to the manager. She looks the part too
The trifecta of Creepshow Art: Simping, Attention Whoring, Karening
No. 1061119
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She recently lost her 100 dollar Apple Pencil because "Hurr I'm such a big stupid baby brain" and just drops another 100 for a new one. Being homeless didn't teach her to appreciate her current comforts enough for her to take care of expensive Apple products. That says a lot about her I think.
No. 1061187
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>>1061119She also sent $100 to a cow she loves to make videos about.
>>1056569If she feels so bad for KT ~struggling~, then idk, stop making videos about her? Nothing she said wasn't already in the lolcow thread (which she blatantly copied for her video anyway).
After all, she took down her Holly Conrad video for the sake of Holly's ~mental health~. At least be consistent. This is a wildly idiotic move to come off as sympathetic and generous but it really just makes her look like a psychotic dramamongerer who has a pathological need to be liked even by the people she makes shittalking videos about. She's a giant snake who thinks she's much more clever than she really is. Her self-depreciating idiot baby shtick doesn't hide how highly she truly thinks of herself.
No. 1061227
>>1061187She's always ripping lolcow for content for her videos. Most of her Onision stuff came from here.
Honestly, seeing Shannon give KT money and then continue to make videos on her seems so exploitative. "Yeah I made videos calling her bonkers and crazy to an audience of thousands but I gave her money one time so really I'm a good person right? If you disagree with me I will subtweet you until I need video content."
No. 1061243
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>>1061227This. Not to whiteknight KT but she's a harmless sperg; the people she obsessively tweets at don't seem to mind her and obviously just don't want her to get attention to further victimize herself. All she does is screech into the void and try to make herself look more important than she is, but everyone with a brain can tell at first glance that she's delusional and even her most accusatory tweets are not to be taken seriously. So it's fun to discuss her on a niche ukrainian fly-fishing forum but to parade her around in front of 320k people to make her look like a predatory stalker is just really lazy content straw-grabbing. But then to also send her 100 dollars and ask her followers to do the same would almost seem like some sort of sadistic, humiliating power play if I didn't know for sure that Shannon just absolutely has to look like a good person. She wants to be the person who calls out "bad people" on her youtube channel for cash and fame but she also wants her targets to like her and that's what makes her such a basket case.
I have a feeling Shannon desperately wants farmers to like her, hence her tweeting over and over how much she likes lolcow and her selfposting in certain threads. I'm sure she believed that her KT videos would have the side effect of earning respect from farmers and some sweet promo to boot, and how could a lazy cow like her resist a a niche case not a lot of people talk about, compiled and served on a silver platter for Shannon to put into video form? But she just comes off like a lazy, pandering idiot who doesn't know how to pick her battles. Like
>>1061124 said she's desperately coping trying to imitate other people to be cool but it falls flat because she's just awkwardly fronting. She's been tweeting about us for years and probably monitors this thread obsessively.
>>1056583 No. 1061385
>>1061243Seeking attention or praise from the farms for making videos about a cow never turns out well. Mostly because lifting info for clout or profit is lazy at best.
Shannon, you're not going to get validation here or from sucking up to equally amoral people like Keem. You're probably one of the few people who actually looks worse for donating
No. 1061398
>>1061390But not TOO cool, she is also a big dumb baby woman don't forget. How cute and quirky it is to be nearly 30 and apparently tripping over the simplest tasks so people on the Internet find you 'relatable.'
The simping is just too much. I honestly want to know how her husband feels about it, there's praising and shouting out your friends sure - but it sounds like Shannon either wants to fuck everyone she looks up to, or she wants to wear their skin.
No. 1061403
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Loosely related because Shannon basically worships RTG, but this fits how both their minds seem to work. I'm willing to put money on this never happening, but gotta be spooky goth gf all the time right?
No. 1061624
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She does less than the bare minimum, it's embarrassing. Cue squealed tweets about being a useless adult…
No. 1061673
>>1061403I feel like a lot of kids did weird stuff like this. I don’t know why she is posting it for edge points
Kids are just weird that’s why you made coffins hahahaha
No. 1061781
>>1061624Constantly vacillating between being in a supposedly desperate situation and shit like this.
So you live in an apartment that's so unsafe you couldn't stream or sleep there, but you also got stoned and played Minecraft all day? Nice
No. 1062438
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>>1059461OwO what's this?
No. 1063164
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Remember that time Shannon accused a drag queen of distributing child porn and got called out about it, then played tough about how the accused threatened her with legal repercussions?
>>1062438What am I looking at?
No. 1065909
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>>1063164Someone tried to paint over the 'follows you' tag in the screenshot but fucked up.
No. 1066165
>>1065909Oh that's hilarious.
I would never have spotted that, good eye anon
No. 1066277
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>>1065909Even ig would've done better job at hiding that shit
No. 1066384
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Trying to scrounge up likes using more successful creators
No. 1066454
>>1066346I cant get over the moral grandstanding her and other drama commentary channels do. Shit like "I've made mistakes but when I made mistakes I owned up to them UNLIKE THIS PERSON" makes me cringe so hard. Like do they really need to explain why they're better than the crazy cows they lambast each time? It's like a weird self projection thing they do so that no one makes fun of /their/ flaws/fuck ups too.
No one gives a fuck about this channels for their personalty and it always pisses me off how someone will go from getting 300k for shitting on onision to suddenly thinking its them and their content everyone likes and not that people just want to watch their favorite cows get shit on.
Making a 20 minute video where you ramble, mumble metaphors incorrectly and exaggerate on lolcows (info that has been spoonfed from threads here) is not a talent kek.
No. 1066591
>>1065909Well nooww.
Who’s someone that Creepshow follows, who would be active on Lolcow, who is also too stupid to censor their name properly?
It could be Kai Weiss, Omnia, FuschiaButters, Miss_Zi_Zi, or the HotBox, since they know of Tobi (or are friends with her), who is someone who got popular from her Creepshow video.
It would be funny if it was Corpse Husband, fed up with her constantly Tweeting him.
Creepshow follows a lot of random people, and a lot of art drama-tubers, so it’s hard to say. Definitely some fun possibilities, though.
No. 1066747
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>>1066591>>1059461well, i can tell you who it isnt, based on the blurred name/icon giveaways. the screenshotter might also be mutuals with either of these people if theyre mutuals with creepshow and following these two others already.
No. 1066826
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>>1066591>>1066663>>1066747Oo, are we doing crack theories?
There aren’t many people that have the pattern red yellow name yellow red for their username.
I found two people, one of them being this rando. Strawberry follows Creepshow. And you know who Strawberry is followed by?
Ready to Glare.
It would make sense why this thread has complaints of Creepshow giving backhanded compliments to ReadytoGlare if she were the one complaining about it.
But that’s just tinfoil No. 1066917
>>1066826Omg it's ready to glare isn't it?
Shannon simps so hard for her and rtg can't fucking stand her lmaoooooo
this is golden
No. 1066932
>>1066917God damn, I want to believe it. Maybe she's tired of the fat ugly friend constantly simping over her and calling her 'wifey'. Or maybe she's mad that Shannon is trying to slide up the YouTube ladder via Among Us with other YouTubers, maybe jealous?
Or maybe she too is lusting after Corpse Husband, because apparently everyone is doing that atm.
No. 1067367
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I'm getting a feeling she's reading here. Maybe she's aware that her friends are getting sick of her being so OTT.
A personal side note. I wish she would change her profile picture. It's not cute, it's obvious she's pushing her boobs together and trying to look 'cute'.
No. 1067420
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>>1067367She’s definitely lurking.
No. 1067455
>>1066747Speaking of Jacklyn it was a while ago but I remember Shannon wouldn’t shut the fuck up on a stream about Jacklyn being drunk and bicurious after a breakup and supposedly kissing her at a party with other youtubers.
I had no idea Shannon was married but she was very convinced she was a rebound and cried when Jacklyn didn’t want to sleep with her. Other drama youtubers that went to that party were on voice chat and couldn’t remember seeing Jacklyn hit on her at all or saw her hitting on guys that night. Edwin’s chat was begging her to stop because it was hard to listen to and very dragged out.
No. 1067728
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Is it a coincidence? Maybe.
Do I still want to believe that RTG is posting here and Shannon is trying to love bomb her into loving her back? Absolutely.
No. 1067751
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>>1067423They still follow eatchother
No. 1067814
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Does anyone know what her day job is? I was surprised to see her talking about having one outside of YT, seeing as she's always online and has a decent amount of subs. Even her Linkedin is ~quirky~ and cringily written and her job experience matches her mental maturity:
>family business
>movie theatre
>self-storage facility
No. 1067815
>>1067814From the self-storage hiring website:
>Benefits For Full-Time Associates>[…]>Reduced Storage Costsomething something obvious joke about homelessness something
No. 1067888
>>1067728>>1056807Isn't her name fuckin Giulia?
How come this retard can't spell her uwu bestie's name?
No. 1067894
>>1067814Posting her Linkedin is a bit weird since it’s technically private compared to other forms of social media but did she seriously put “human person” as her profession on a business site?
Is there an explanation to why she thinks calling herself a “human female” all the time is funny I’m confused.
Why the fuck…
also probably wouldn’t be hard to find whos snitching on her through Edwin’s server. I lurk it and people who claim to be her fans shittalk her in there often from the looks of searching her name.
Weird that she’s so silent in the logs though I wonder if someone smarter than her pruned her incriminating posts when this thread happened, I’d post caps but they’re on my PC and I’m on mobile.
No. 1067926
File: 1603668832512.png (15.44 KB, 563x71, 100.png)

>>1067894How is it private social media when her full name is known (she tweets it out regularly) and she even has youtube listed as her job?
I found this in Edwin's server, more people Shannon is throwing money at.
Also interesting to note that Edwin is an admin in Shannon's Discord server.
No. 1068600
>>1067926I'm going to guess that they met when Edwin was posting in the Dasha thread years ago threatening legal action against the thread subject for the whole Mina's leaked nudes situation.
One particular anon couldn't stop mentioning her DM correspondence with him and knowing her low effort whiny videos, it kind of seems like Shannon in retrospect.
No. 1068714
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Again wasting money to be popular instead of working towards moving
No. 1068853
>>1068834This is Shannon we're talking about. She literally regurgitates other YouTuber's content with either her own low quality art efforts in the background or just someone else's art that's been submitted.
She acts like she's this super kind and giving creator, but surely anyone with a brain is seeing this is another attempt to beg people to like her?
No. 1068984
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Who is this about?
No. 1069415
>>1061624I skimmed the thread and didn't see this mentioned: she's spoken about having something like PTSD or similar
mental health issues brought on from past experiences.
When I first tried watching her vids 5-6 months ago she was fairly unintelligible like she had marbles in her mouth and spoke like a teenage valley girl so I forgot about her. I watched a more recent vid and she still uses some weird vernacular but she speaks a lot more clearly for some reason. I'm not sure what to think about her but I do know I dont like RTG lol.
>>1067420oof No. 1069659
File: 1603912146634.png (498.06 KB, 592x710, serb.png)

Has anyone noticed what a fucking pick-me she is? She's friends with all these edgelord youtubers who spam "women bad xD all my homies hate wimmin xD" memes and their discords are a huge fucking mess. (Nicholas DeOrio, Aystar, John Swan) but she will say they're good bois uwu who are just memeing. They're 100% not but she has to be the cool girl who's okay with misogyny cloaked by pretend-sarcasm. Picrel is one of her friends that she tweets back and forth with all the time.
>>1069650I just saw that, she's so condescending telling that woman "Log off you're drunk" as if she herself doesn't CONSTANTLY vent all her thoughts and feelings on her Twitter. I bet she gets this huge sense of superiority when she can put on her serious hat and tell others how to act, that and her uwu circlejerking with other creators seems to be her sole source of validation. Sad!
No. 1069663
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She's getting called out
No. 1069668
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From what I gather, Rachel was sent Gabbie Hannah's poetry book to review, she did, and now there's drama because she shouldn't have critiqued it. She's drunkposting and Shannon has to insert herself as usual.
No. 1069674
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>>1069672This is really telling a lot about her youtube "friendships".
>"You need to chill out, I call all my friends babe so it isn't condescending">"Actually I don't consider you a friend and we don't really talk">"Well I don't consider you one either!" No. 1069676
File: 1603912784761.jpg (221.63 KB, 1080x1087, calmdowndear.jpg)

Shannon, you're 27 years old. If someone tells you not to be friends with someone, you can just ignore them you know. You don't have to ragetweet and ragesimp like a fucking teenager.
Can you all stop sucking each other's metaphorical dicks for five minutes? Thanks.
No. 1069680
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>>1069668>This can't be true because Gabbie didn't involve me in her request and if I'm not involved then it didn't happenReally telling on herself. I love how she switches her style and suddenly drops her "I'm such an idiot" act when she can grandstand about something. Nauseating.
No. 1069722
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Nobody tried to contact her work, there was only like 1 anon wondering what she did for a living that made it possible to waste so much money not just on her friends but also on people she dislikes. This thread is really getting to her.
No. 1069831
>>1069650It really goes to show that all large YouTubers have to do is DM commentary channels now and then to have them eating out of the palm of their hand. How does it feel to be Gabbie's Twitter lapdog?
It really speaks to Shannon's shortsightedness that she's publicly hitching herself to Gabbie's sinking ship. Everyone knows she's on her way out and another scandal is inevitable. Also speaks to Gabbie's stupidity that she chose one of the most unlikable people of the bunch to go to bat for her.
No. 1069841
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DMed the chick that posted. S made those 2 replies then blocked her. Then made those other posts whining
No. 1069849
>>1069831>Also speaks to Gabbie's stupidity that she chose one of the most unlikable people of the bunch to go to bat for her.I don't think it's that stupid a choice. Shannon is a medium-sized drama channel, she's right in the center where she used to be all over the place but turned into a drama channel for clicks and out of laziness, while occasionally speaking out against callout culture, and she's neither too small to not be worth bothering with nor so established that she isn't craving to be noticed by bigger names. She's not known for hard-hitting journalism (kek) but for being quirky and relatable. The main criticism I always read when people talk about her is how lazily researched her videos are and how embarrassing her stanning is. Thus the people who look up to her are also easily swayed and eager to submit to cult of personality, which is exactly what Gabbie would need right now. She's also at a level of fame and conduct where she can suck up to bigger youtubers with varying degrees of success, but won't be sought out by bigger creators, especially not by the real OGs, so for a household name like Gabbie to slide into her DMs must be a giant ego boost. Gabbie wouldn't be able to sweet-talk a bigger creator or a creator with more integrity, but Shannon who openly broadcasts how desperate she is for validation by bigger creators is the perfect mark.
Of course all of that only counts if Gabbie actually thought about it and didn't just compulsively contact drama channels to get them on her side. Who knows.
No. 1069864
>>1069849I think she accidentally burned a few bridges with her video about Jacklyn Hill’s dad. I’ve seen several beauty drama channels condemn that move, even though they don’t mention her by name. Most of them also came out against Gabbie after she leaked Jessi Style’s info.
So I guess Gabbie saw her as a safe bet because she isn’t really accepted by some of the other drama channels.
Hilariously, Shannon was kissing ass in the comments of a video about fair criticism of authors. But I guess not when it’s Gabbie’s poetry
No. 1069873
>>1069841I'd really like to know what milk this person has on Loey. I can believe she's another
super wholesome creator who's actually a massive narcissist who needs her ego to be attended to at all times.
Considering Shannon used to cover people like Onision and Jeffree Star, you'd think that Gabbie Hanna would be another one for her clickbait hitlist, easy money right?
No. 1069903
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At this rate I'm starting to believe that Shannon dies if she doesn't namedrop someone bigger than her at least once a day.
No. 1069966
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Tinfoil but I don't believe this is happening, I think she's preparing for something like DMs getting leaked or she's trying to make it look like evil lolcow is taking things too far.
No. 1069968
>>1069634You're not alone, anon. Shannon has an atrocious personality and can't draw for shit.
I couldn't stop laughing when she started featuring other people's art in her videos, and I can't stop laughing now that she's trying to get in to gaming.
>>1069680 Her style flip-flopping is really fucking annoying. And transparent as shit.
No. 1069982
>>1069884That's true I've never seen Shannon push back when they talk like that but I've seen her push back with things that actually pissed her off. I'd like to actually see the ladies in their circle give as good as they get.
>DeOrio isn't so bad but I'll stay wary because of the company he keeps.Fair. Most of the younger guys like John aren't that bad though lol, it's people like TommyC and Ethan Ralph, the latter DeOrio's made vids criticizing (I think he doxxed someone) but for some reason still associates with. It's weird.
No. 1070081
>>1070025Anons said she was drunk posting
>>1069668I don't know if that's true, but if that's all that there was to it, I'd call her a fucking idiot and deserving to be messed with while publicly drunk.
Creepshow was talking to her more seriously than just poking fun at a wasted friend, so it seems like there's more to the situation.
No. 1070119
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>>1070025>>1070081I went to Rachel’s Twitter, and I’m still not entirely sure what this drama is even about.
Gabbie sent her a book. Gabbie didn’t like the review. Rachel got drunk and wrote this pity bait post. Shannon butts in for some reason?
According to Rachel, Jimmy tried guilting Rachel into taking down a review. According to Shannon, Jimmy said that didn’t happen, and Rachel is painting a false narrative.
People think Shannon trying to talk to Rachel while drunk is disgusting. Rachel is the idiot for getting drunk and being on social media in the first place. Shannon is an idiot for wasting her time trying to argue with someone who is drunk.
Rachel was drunk posting (because that’s a
great idea), but I don’t know why Gabbie not liking her review affected her so much? She just gave a negative review to a book and Gabbie didn’t like it. Is that it? Really?
My guess is that Rachel must of said that Gabbie wrote something very offensive in her book, and Gabbie actually wrote it for some reason that related to a mental health struggle she was going through.
Drama wells must be dry right now or something.
No. 1070175
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>>1067470Lots of these accounts have <5 followers or tweets. Some of them are new.
Creepshow has no shame.
No. 1070219
>>1067926I know she makes her full name public I really don't care about that, I was just too dumb to know how linkedin works since when I attempted to make an account before it wouldn't let me view profiles without living in the same area as the people I was trying to lurk or until I had a certain amount of friends.
Pardon my tism, I was just worried she might use that linkedin cap as some dumb strawman argument that we're cowtipping or some shit even though I don't think it is. But she would do that regardless and leaks her own info all the time so whatever.
No. 1070246
>>1070175I find it hilarious that almost half the comments are talking about how much they want/need the iPad and any compliments are an afterthought.
This is why giveaways don’t actually help channel growth. You have people making throwaway accounts to enter and when they don’t win they delete and move on.
>brutally honest Onion’s favorite compliment. So her redeeming quality is not being able to filter herself?
No. 1070262
>>1070119Thank you for laying it all out like this anon, the previous caps got confusing for people who aren’t on Twitter.
Not to get too off-topic but from the 2 or 3 videos of hers I’ve seen, Rachel Oates seems a little cow-ish herself, very sensitive and possibly unstable. Being a YouTuber (even if it’s just talking about books) requires a thick skin, it probably isn’t a good idea for her if she gets drunk and has meltdowns like this.
>>1070175I saw her post about monthly iPad giveaways and almost thought it was a joke. Especially since Shannon constantly complains about how shitty her current living situation is, but doesn’t seem to be taking any steps to change it. Expensive tech giveaways are something only huge channels do regularly, and even then they must have some kind of vetting process to weed out random bots. I can’t believe she’s 27, you’d think she’d have learned something by now about budgeting, especially if she was uwu hOmElEsS
No. 1070302
File: 1603985321549.jpg (443.44 KB, 1080x1883, thisisnotcute.jpg)

Is she aware that this sort of behaviour is neither cute nor appropriate for a so-called 27-year-old woman who complains that she isn't being taken seriously? If you want companies to work with you, either tailor your content so it's something more sponsor-friendly, or learn to understand why people don't want to work with you.
Has she had big sponsorships recently? I don't imagine she's been hit with the big Raid Shadow Legend moneybag, we'd have never heard the end of it. She said that Squarespace won't sponsor her because she swears far too much.
No. 1070419
>>1070302Not a good approach if she wants any potential sponsors in the future. Although I think a lot of brands are trying to distance themselves from call out videos or controversial topics. If the creator is likeable or charismatic enough they sometimes let it slide, but angry ranting isn't brand friendly.
Also, putting "lol" in a business email is so stupid and juvenile that I'm no longer surprised by any of the other shit she pulls
No. 1070448
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>>1070119>>1070262I agree. Rachel Oates seems like she can dish it out, but can’t take it at all. She can give a harsh, negative review, but she can’t deal with the fact that the review-ee might not like her review, and she can’t deal with the fact that harsh reviews can have a negative impact on the people you review.
She seems like kind of person who expects people to take her review with no complaint no matter what. And she insults Gabbie for being nervous about her review? As if it isn’t normal to be very anxious about someone very harshly critiquing your work.
I don’t know what Jimmy said to Rachel, but she seems
really defensive. Like she just immediately assumes that Jimmy or Gabbie was trying to guilt her into taking down her review.
I went to find this thing “Jimmy said” for context. My findings?
Rachel Oates is a fuckin’ clown.
No. 1070467
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>>1070448Kek. It’s like someone posted the original Twitter screenshots to make Creepshow look worse than she is.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s a fucking clown too. I mean seriously, why bother arguing with someone who is drunk? And Creepshow completely denied what she actually said instead of just owning it.
But with the context that Rachel is acting as sensitive as she claims Gabbie to be, Creepshow doesn’t seem like an explicit villain. Stupid? Yes. Completely unjustified and wrong? Not so much.
No. 1070503
>>1070467Honestly I didn't mean to side with Rachel, all I commented on is that Shannon unnecessarily inserted herself and the funny tidbit about the friends-but-not-friends situation:
>>1069674I agree that drunkposting because you got criticism for a drama video is juvenile, they're both stupid. Rachel needs a thicker skin and if Shannon was really so concerned, she should have DMed her instead of publicly lambasting her just so that everyone could be aware that she talks to Gabbie.
No. 1070542
>>1070467I think the Rachel situation is stupid. A cowish YouTuber calling out another cowish YouTuber about another cow's poetry.
And I don't really want it to derail the thread unless they keep arguing. Shannon has done plenty of other stupid things
No. 1070594
>>1070503You’re right, Shannon 100% took to Twitter just to name-drop. (Also kek at “getting Rachel help,” she only said that after someone else told her she’s an idiot for trying to argue with a drunkposter, she definitely did nothing to “help.” Insincere and completely transparent.)
Interesting choice to hitch your horse to, since as far as I can tell Gabbie isn’t well-liked at all in the YouTube community. There have been some more positive mentions of her lately but she’s mostly still regarded as over dramatic and manipulative. Birds of a feather, I guess.
No. 1070649
>>1070645It's explained here
>>1070448 that Jimmy was a mutual friend of both of them. All you had to do was scroll up or check the replies of the original post.
>>1070646I would consider ReadytoGlare more basic than Creepshowart. There's nothing on her because she's practically a cardboard box. Creepshowart does do things that are a bit more interesting than that. People hate Creepshow because of her absolute moronicy. How she gets mad at people when she's the one who does something stupid. How she pretends to take criticism, but doesn't have the intellectual capacity to actually understand it. Her pity bait and self-loathing love bombing come off as constant whining.
She's not as outwardly aggressive as Tobi, but that just means she knows to keep her stupid more contained.
No. 1070891
File: 1604040794104.png (272.79 KB, 650x1309, creepoates.png)

Rachel Oates deleted her Twitter. Kek.
Most people criticizing Creepshow in this thread are so stupid
>>1069663 . All they are saying is “You can’t have an opinion on a video someone made because blah blah blah” (even though that wasn’t even what the drama was about).
I know we’ve discussed it in the thread already, but I cannot emphasize enough how uncomfortable these kinds of Tweets would make me. And I swear if someone told Creepshow that you shouldn’t obsessively compliment people, she would not understand at all and would just be like, “But they deserve it??"
Also this is pretty much Creepshow admitting she’s desperate for everyone to love her.
No. 1071295
>>1071273>>1071071I doubt Smokey has ever watched a CreepShow vid. I think she was talking about others who was talking about Jaclyn's dad. But if she has, it's not that weird that they're "friendly" on twitter.
SG subscribers has risen a LOT lately, so makes sense Shannon wants a piece of that cake.
No. 1071387
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>>1071295She must know though, because Jaclyn specifically called out Shannon
No. 1071393
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>>1071388Not sure as I only have Jaclyn's tweets. But I would be very surprised if she apologized.
Here's her second tweet about it
No. 1071402
>>1071388In her response to Tobi's video she mentions it then justifies it instead of apologizing.
~6 mins in. It's not even a fucking apology.
No. 1072146
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That's funny, here
>>1069722 >>1068714 she specifically says that she uses her day job earnings to pay for giveaways because Youtube doesn't pay enough. Yet it's enough to comfortably give away hundreds of dollars every month in giveaways?
No. 1072251
>>1072146>she uses her day job earnings to pay for giveaways Where did she say that? All she says here
>>1068714 is her day job helps her survive and continue doing yt. In your ss she said she's doing giveaways with sponsorship earnings, not her day job money. I don't know when she started doing giveaways or what she gives away exactly.
No. 1072271
>>1072251>In your ss she said she's doing giveaways with sponsorship earnings, not her day job money.Exactly. I'm pointing out that she contradicts herself.
>Shannon says her day job is how she affords the giveaways and youtube doesn't help her much at all >>1068714>then in >>1072146 she says she does pay for giveaways with youtube sponsorship moneyShe's twisting the story to suit the moment's purposes. When someone calls her financially irresponsible, she says she's stable and the giveaways are paid for with sponsorship money. When someone calls her successful, she says she doesn't earn much through YT at all and finances her giveaways through her day job.
No. 1072810
>>1072802She says Youtube doesn't give her a lot of money, and her day job is what allows her to do giveaways
>>1068714She then says she pays for giveaways through Youtube. Giveaways that cost hundreds of dollars
>>1072146She said she was going to do these giveaways monthly. So Youtube gives her enough money to pay for monthly giveaways that cost hundreds of dollars, but at the same time Youtube gives her nothing.
Keep in mind these Tweets were posted during the same month (about a week apart), so her Youtube income would not be able to fluctuate.
No. 1072894
>>1072810I see. I was stuck on the fact that she doesn't explicitly say she was paying for giveaways out of pocket through her irl job. When I read this
>>1068714 I interpreted it as her "offline job" was enabling her to continue doing yt, but I see what you're saying now, it is contradictory.
For some reason I'd had the impression that her husband made good money, so it surprised me when she said she lived in a really run down part of Vegas.
This all combined with her saying she actually CHOSE homelessness
>>1071677 raises some questions.
No. 1074834
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Interesting how they both uploaded the same video at the same time.
No. 1074835
File: 1604512716024.png (1.5 MB, 2048x1486, Screenshot_20201104-105544.png)

>>1074834I'd Shoop em together but I quickly took the screencaps while they're fresh
No. 1074908
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>>1074834>>1074835Another girl in their friend circle too. It's so lazy, they all make the exact same videos and probably share scripts so they only have to do a fraction of the work, not to mention they don't even do research in the first place.
No. 1074933
>>1074834The funny thing is I use to watch them both, before I realized they were
problematic. I literally stop watching them bc the content was always the same, and it got boring on drama channels who cover the SAME exact thing as everyone else
No. 1075039
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>>1074933They're proud of it too. Even if they didn't plan this out together, it'd be less embarrassing to pretend they did. Now instead, they just look like 3 absolutely basic bitches without independent thought who cover the same thing at the same time because they're all just scrambling to get views off a popular topic instead of putting in the work.
No. 1077903
Holy shit, this girl is almost 30….from what I've seen and heard, I thought she was about 17, tops. myötikset
Was it this one that was guilt tripped by Hoelly Conrad to remove a vid they made of her?
>>1069680lmao the ones constantly calling themselves sooo stupid and idiotic and worthless are always the ones who actually have a really inflated sense of self
>>1074908Isn't this one of the girls who was abused by the fat clown pedo from some shit band? Still loving to associate with messy idiots, nice
No. 1081794
>>1081789Why the hell does she need to simp for everyone, her clout chasing is so pathetic. Why is he getting hate though, did one of his hand veins finally burst?
No. 1082288
>>1082032Ngl I had to unfollow an artist on twitter because they've been doing nothing but Corpse art, including covering his songs (which like, whatever you do you but they haven't covered a song in… years so that's a little sus). Not to mention they constantly were tweeting about "leaving Corpse alone", but also saying some semi-creepy things like "sometimes I Dm him saying I hope he had a good day/night", or "I made my fanart my wallpaper and my friends thought I knew him lol i wish"
then they made shannon's new icon/banner and while the art is nice it doesn't.. look like Shannon imo
No. 1083550
File: 1605499948595.jpeg (201.91 KB, 1242x1972, Em6btZvVcAA45na.jpeg)

Not only did she manage to fail at censoring out her middle name but she also kept this person's icon in the screenshot despite cropping off their name. Good job showing this ~sekret group~ who their leak is, you absolute brainlet.
No. 1083646
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>>1083637Yeah she posted this on her YouTube community tab about it
No. 1083649
>>1083646Love to see her act like a
victim when
her private info is leaked while making a literal career of airing other people's dirty laundry and laughing at them, all with stolen content from lolcow
No. 1083701
>>1070649ReadytoGlare's at least got the whole goth and 'true crime' aesthetic going for her. Her videos are also more compact than Creepshow's, who drags out her videos seemingly for the sake of whoever's art she's using to finish by repeating the same lines but in slightly different ways.
So Glare's not really "basic" because she isn't a drama whore and actually has a semblance of a personality that isn't just a copy of another's. She IS very dry, though; I'll admit that.
No. 1083862
>>1083701Glare is just as bad. I watched her a long time ago because I like true crime and stumbled upon her channel. Her opinions are awful and she is so obnoxious, she can’t shut her mouth and just tell the damn story without injecting her horrible takes that go on for way too long. She is basically one of those people that try to make everyone at fault in a situation even if it’s totally obvious someone has been wronged and someone is in the wrong. Very
victim blame-y. Can’t stand her. At least she tends to stick to true crime from everything I watched of her and doesn’t stick her nose in to petty drama 24/7 which is about the only positive thing she has over Shannon and makes it easy to ignore her existence.
No. 1083929
So she just got doxxed recently by a channel she made a video about called WOACB, where basically WOACB linked to this thread in a discord. Shannon deleted her twitter or suspended it or whatever and I get taking a break from the internet because thats stressful but. Shes kind of acting like the only reason this happened is she made a video on WOACB that was unflattering.
But honestly, I think the reason that WOACB doxxed creepshow is because of how angry she is that in the video shannon claimed WOACB "falsely accused" a man of sexual harassment. Another guy Unirock made a live stream and told her right after it dropped, “im assuming you don’t know so don’t take this the wrong way, but that wasn’t a “false accusation”, and it’s not like it takes away from your other points, but lets clear this thing up. I’d be happy to show you what I know”, she mocked it and claimed that doesn’t matter because that’s not in the video (it literally is…. uh?). I cant figure out how she would have any claim or right to call it a "false allegation" with no research. Especially when her brand is calling out predators. A judge granted WOACB a temporary restraining order against a guy for allegedly both real life and online stalking and harassment and the judge considered it severe enough to take it seriously. It's still being investigated. There's no logical reason to say it's "false" at this stage. But it looks like Shannon was stupid enough to use this guy or his friend as a source and believed him that WOACB lied. But instead of waiting to research that further or deciding I won’t speak of that period because I can't make a good call either way, she stated ~point blank period~ that WOACB "falsely accused" a man of SH and only filed a restraining order to censor him. She didn't elaborate further and say “that’s only the alleged side of the story”. Because it sounded more evil and made for a fun cool and badass little final thought in her video that she simply didn’t have time to get into. Big yikes my guy :^)
Anyway, I know some people don’t believe in going tit for tat. But when you mock and deny something that serious that they're legitimately suffering through in life, just because you don’t like them and it makes your video look stronger, and you aggressively deny and mock good faith critics telling you “hey, she didn’t lie about that”. Idk, don’t be so surprised if the victim spites you.
No. 1084007
>>1083929Wait, so this entire thing is about WOACB linking this thread? Bitch needs to learn what doxing really means, I can't take it anymore how people think doxing means listing someone's usernames or showing an email address. She's so dramatic. I guess she didn't wipe her tracks that well when
>>1054351 gave her the friendly warning a whole month ago, what a missed opportunity kek.
I can't take screenshots right now for obvious reasons, but someone made her aware of this thread ages ago (not that they had to, seeing as she already lurks) and she replied "People are allowed to talk about me." That coupled with her uppity tweet here
>>1083552 just shows how thin her bravado is. She really can't handle not being the one that dishes out.
No. 1084024
>>1083929Shannon and WOACB are two cows that finally collided. Both of them are happy to talk shit about others for profit, but when the spotlight is turned back on them they cry about harassment and doxxing.
This lawsuit situation is probably going to sink WOACB, but Shannon shouldn't get too cocky because it will be her turn eventually. She has no impulse control and she'll eventually cross the wrong person the same way WOACB did.
Side note, if you found this thread through the link you should check the rules
No. 1084468
>>1083929>WOACBWithout A Crystal Ball. I thought she had a thread here?
Shannon must've jumped the gun because WOACB has been caught in multiple lies, although her claims of stalking and harassment appear warranted.
@1:10:50 is a relevant WOACB vid. @2:05:50 Shannon and some other youtuber debate on the WOACB shit.
No. 1084591
>>1084588How ironic. One of the reasons WOACB is being sued is for accusing people of crimes that they didn’t commit or that can’t be proven.
I remember Shannon pitching a fit about this situation on Twitter and daring the person to sue her. She’s lucky they probably didn’t want the legal fees because accusing someone of distributing child porn IS considered deformation and a different person might call her bluff. Shannon pretends to be a broke bitch and unbothered, but I bet she would shit herself if she was ever actually served papers. And now that her full name is out, anyone can
No. 1084603
sage, I just came in here to mention how annoying it is she made a video defending Corpse Husband, when he clearly doesn't need defended. I'd link it but I couldn't even watch it because it started out with
>Okay I know you're going to think that this is really nitpicky
or something and im like, yes, I am, because Corpse Husband doesn't need saved, everyone's just simping over him now just like you.
Its honestly kind of annoying on Corpse Husband's part too. He was gone for a year and had a lot of excuses for it, and they may have been really genuine and legitimate. A lot of people felt bad for him at the time….but then he never really started narrating videos again??
He's kind of becoming another one of those annoying YouTubers who had a shtick, like horror stories, or drawing, and then just gave them up for this annoying internet personality lifestyle. Kind of like Shannon her or D'Angelo Wallace.
I know it hasn't happened yet, but literally he's uploaded like 4 Among Us Videos in a month and like 3 actual horror story videos in a whole year.
No. 1084644
>>1084588For clarity, I’m only taking issue about the end of her WOACB video where Shannon claims woacb made false sexual harassment and stalking allegations against a man she worked with, where wocab herself was coming forward as
There’s an actual temporary restraining order snd still in litigation. Shannon had no real basis for calling that false. And it just seems lazy and spiteful
That’s separate from WOACB’s gossip content, where she has published accusations about Tati Westbrook and her husband that aren’t related to sex or sexual abuse and woacb not involved in and isn’t speaking as a witness or
victim. she’s being sued for putting out slanderous or unethical celebrity tea or gossip.
That wording of “false allegation” for two different things may have been confusing.
No. 1084921
>>1084668Like all drama youtubers they will fizzle out eventually. Its impossible to make content perpetually going after other content creators. You end up putting yourself on a pedestal whether consciously or unconsciously. Becoming the moral arbiter of youtube is impossible to upkeep permanently because as much as people hate scumbags, they hate hypocrites pretending to be unbiased truth tellers even more.
The tolerance people have for their favorite content creator vs their favorite content lambasters is starkly different for good reason. It takes skill to create stuff people enjoy but rarely does it take anything but a self inflated ego and a microphone to tell people how shitty "x" shitty person is.
No. 1085209
File: 1605676812986.jpeg (39.77 KB, 750x1334, EnDqey7WMBAUGJU.jpeg)

Creepshow suspended for some unknown reason.
No. 1085213
>>1083649>stolen content from lolcowCan we
please stop using phrases like these? More than half the "content" from LC is taken from elsewhere lol. I think it's weird when some anons get so proprietary. It doesn't matter who lurks here.
No. 1085394
>>1085121I suspect people who found the link through Katie might be posting here since there have been some comments that don’t fit a typical farmer’s post. But please don’t let this become a boring “Hi Katie” train.
Shannon had a thread before this drama started.
No. 1085591
File: 1605730140145.png (18.19 KB, 669x78, left.png)

I love how Creepshow is always so full of herself about being undoxable and how she's above everything, but as soon as someone catches on to her
>>1054351>>1082872 she runs and hides and won't stop crying.
She even left her own discord server due to this. SS from Edwin's discord.
No. 1085593
File: 1605730254171.png (211.71 KB, 366x637, email.png)

This was also posted. From Shannon's stories, confirming that this whole drama is because WOACB shared a link to this thread. Shannon sweetie, get a thicker skin. You can't continuously dish out and expect not to get backlash for it some day. Sorry you attracted a crazy, but, talk shit get hit.
No. 1085600
>>1085593It is slightly funny that this is the infamous doxx I heard about. This is one of the most benign lolcow/kiwi threads I’ve ever seen. Consisting of your last name youve literally said in your live streams, pictures you’ve put on your own Creepshow branded social media, and dirt consisting of “she’s annoying” “her content is badly researched” “her art sucks”, “she’s a flagrant social climber” and “she might have
victim blamed some people which is hypocritical but probably didn’t do it on purpose but hasn’t appologized for it yet”. Jesus Christ kid
No. 1085984
>>1085591>always so full of herselfIt sounds like she's being sarcastic here
>>1054351 though. I wouldn't say calling herself "fucking stupid" is her being full of herself lol.
No. 1086152
>>1086023This is an image board, anon. Please post where the information was shared. I’ve been following along and this post
>>1083929 was the first time the lolcow thread was mentioned as the dox.
No. 1086373
File: 1605813192230.jpg (469.52 KB, 3000x3000, the link.jpg)

>>1086152Confirmation a lolcow thread was the link posted in a discord server and considered the creepshow doxx.
You're right. We should always post the video or image where we found something and not just say 'I remember'.
This was posted on a r/woacb subreddit which is essentially a drama and lolcow hub on woacb. Although some posts are so low quality or goofy it falls into cow-on-cow violence for me. No. 1086480
>> stumbles to explain how the lolcow link was shared with malicious intent. Accidentally reveals wocabs official statement that the link was shared with the stated intention of content creation and collaboration with other discord members. People who have been flamed in a slanted way will usually try to create an exposee video on their opponents own hypocrisy/wrongdoings/etc. Common in the bickering tea community.
This lines up with woacb’s other claim that sharing the link was careless but not malicious because she didn’t realize Shannon’s full name was not already public info.
Her IG story feels like a spiral into madness lately
No. 1086488
>>1086480maliciously sharing a doxx constitutes the intention for someone’s home, work, address and family (and yes, their name) becoming known to the public.
Malicious intent is absolutely not sharing a complaint thread with the intention of gossiping and collaborating a response video.
If she can prove her intent was to gather info for a criticism video and get testimonials, and not the intent to breach privacy, this is just going to look dumb or completely fall apart legally as an accidental breach of privacy at best
No. 1086510
Has anyone she publicly praised like RtG or corpse or those edgy youtubers
>>1055923 she hung out with come out to say anything about this woacb shit?
No. 1086861
File: 1605844586905.jpeg (255.76 KB, 1242x629, C06881D7-F7C3-4F86-8762-F214E0…)

Just an interesting reminder that Shannon said her own last name in rfc’s live.
I get why the discord admin pulled down the link. It’s wise if something even resembles a doxx. But there’s no secret info here. Shannon herself admitted on IG the woman was only asking if anyone wants to work on a response video and linked this as a source for ideas/content. I guess her idea of malicious intent is someone making a video to tell Shannon she was wrong
See timestamp 2:17:20 No. 1086898
File: 1605850292597.png (573.13 KB, 688x608, 54b2900e547a51622436c55f142e7c…)

>>1086883Honestly, every art youtuber that proceeded to change to being a sub-par commentary channel manages to be the most annoying mfer on youtube. Just say that your art wasn't good enough to get views and go work at Taco Bell like every other shitty artist instead of subjecting everyone to your algorithm-baiting god awful content.
Pic attached is shit middle schoolers were posting on amino in 2016, Shannon.
No. 1087033
>>1055269>>1086898The classic chubby girl pic. Hiding your lack of jawline with an uwu pose.
>>1086861Shannon is morphing into a content Karen
No. 1087409
File: 1605911298757.jpeg (606.49 KB, 1242x1514, 69DF9761-8C14-4A09-A1AD-42C32B…)

There are some incredibly lose definitions of doxxing that, when applied to this thread, could make it a dox. But under the same definition, the r/wocab subreddit shannon linked to her entire audience as a source for her video is also a fucking dox. There are posts there with her legal/maiden name. That is so funny. You doxxed her Shannon.
No. 1087411
File: 1605911340260.jpeg (672.64 KB, 1235x1311, 085C88ED-F58A-4B66-AC2E-FF86E4…)

No. 1089705
>>1085240It's because this isn't her account. Hers is creepshow_art with the underscore (which is still disabled)
I genuinely think she's doing this because she doesn't want her friends to find her thread and is afraid that more people will post her tweets or messages. This isn't the normal reaction of a 300k subscriber youtuber to having a by all means very tame and sympathetic gossip thread and it doesn't help her situation with WOACB because she already got the info she wants, so deleting anything now won't make a difference. I think she's deeply terrified of more friends ratting on her. I wonder what else she's been up to, you just know that someone like her is bound to slip up trusting the wrong person too much as long as they're nice to her.
No. 1090617
>>1089705She definitely seems to be pumping out videos on different subjects and trying to distract from the recent drama.
It’s a bit telling that YouTube hasn’t been disciplinary to either parties. Almost like Shannon lied out her ass.
But whatever. She successfully spread a false accusation about a drag queen spreading revenge child porn to cover for her buddy jakeyonce getting sexual misconduct allegations
Now she’s successfully spreading a false doxxing allegation to cover for her receipt thread almost going mainstream and come out as the
victim of another drama villain who’s easy to lie about
No. 1090872
>>1083862Guess it's just a matter of personal taste, then. I don't know what you mean when you say she "tries to make everyone at fault in a situation" and is "very
victim blame-y", but whatever.
>>1084461More of a personality than Shannon, at least.
No. 1090892
File: 1606263938923.png (224.83 KB, 594x460, patreon.png)

She reactivated just in time to promote her new patreon video. I guess she's trying to pin the "hacking" attempts of her twitter acc on WOACB? She'll continue this feud with some random lunatic until she'll run off crying once more.
No. 1091610
File: 1606341933979.png (157.87 KB, 594x390, privacy.png)

But sharing her lolcow thread is doxxing and thus must be overreacted to immediately. Got it. She's such a giant hypocrite.
No. 1091612
File: 1606341999519.png (28.57 KB, 592x102, editor.png)

>>1091610Also, instead of hiring an editor, how about
- paying the artists you use for your videos
- hiring a researcher/fact checker
No. 1091704
>>1091612Think of how much fun it'll be when the editor becomes "
toxic". It's only a matter of time.
No. 1092008
File: 1606375675492.jpeg (111.72 KB, 1504x968, 672B4D75-B250-4BD0-8688-AFFDC1…)

Ew. Can you not act like a child with this adult man doing his job. You’re pushing 30 treating a legal representative who has never done a damn thing to you like a jungle gym
No. 1092335
>>1086898I'm in awe of how bad this drawing is. I don't understand, she literally has a reference to work from and it's still so bad. The fingers aren't even in the right bloody positions, it's just total guesswork even down to the angle of the sleeves. How does that happen?
Meanwhile she tries to hide her poor construction behind tricks to distract the viewer like that blending the white of the eye in to the eyelashes fad so it seems more competently made than it actually is. How is she running an art channel and acts like a massive authority on these topics when she can barely draw?
No. 1092503
>>1092335I honestly think Shannon is a vindictive and egotistical cunt. But for transparency I remember her saying she knows she’s not a great artist and does this to keep working. I haven’t seen her speak as an art authority but I also didn’t see all her old art videos.
What makes her a shit waste of a person is the way she acts like an authority on moral and ethical matters when she has a 5th grade level research and reasoning ability. She’s literally unironically fucking stupid not in a cute way
No. 1093347
File: 1606533680220.png (618.45 KB, 1132x636, image_2020-11-27_222145.png)

>>1093344samefag, attached 2 things at once bc im slow in the minds
No. 1093806
File: 1606594760775.png (27.56 KB, 300x359, results.png)

>>1093344>talks about her being homeless… again (we need a bingo card for this shit)There's one here
>>1069680 but I amended it
>>1093769 Just because many artists are desperate for exposure doesn't mean it's ethical of her to use their art without giving them a share of he profits. Having your work used for other people's profit in exchange for exposure is a meme for a reason, it's widely discouraged to participate in things like this because it supports the practice and makes it harder for other artists who want to be compensated. It's especially hypocritical considering she's an "artist" herself and she runs in art circles, so there's no way she hasn't seen all the wank about "for exposure" submissions. She gives away hundreds of dollars at a time to look generous in front of her audience but can't throw her artists a little bit of money?
No. 1094172
File: 1606624219235.png (546.9 KB, 2048x1169, Screenshot_20201129-052905.png)

Subtweeting Tobi (one of her critics). At least she acknowledges the irony of it, since the same thing will happen to her too sooner or later
No. 1094232
>>1090892 of the half dozen creators who are pointing directly at WOACB (including that lawyer) she was the least direct about it tbh but that might just be dilution from the lengthy video padding
also topkek at seeing orbhead get b& in this thread a day ago
No. 1094919
File: 1606704299684.png (182.11 KB, 1080x1200, Screenshot_20201130-012619.png)

I'm not saying what WOACB did was innocent, but Shannon is twisting the facts here. She tweeted out her middle name once, she has deleted it since but I definitely remember her tweeting "Shannon Margaret" in response to another user who asked what SM stands for or something along those lines.
No. 1094947
>>1094781I wrote that lol but it was not clear/shit wording. Sorry. I meant that she doesn’t claim to be a good artist but wants to be better and draws during her commentary as a way to create and practice consistently. Which I always felt like was a nice quality of her channel early on. As an amateur artist I totally support the game plan to draw as consistently and often as possible. Even if it’s not good lol.
Of course that went out the window as she started relying more and more on featuring other artists and playing among us with that cringe ass YouTube lawyer.
No. 1095043
>>1094919I remember that too, anon.
It was shortly after she changed her @ from SM_Creepshow to creepshow_art, I think?
I clearly remember her tweeting that SM = Shannon Margaret, and that "Creepshow" was a nickname that one of her coworkers had called her.
No. 1095451
File: 1606768092284.png (36.83 KB, 590x222, Screenshot at Nov 30 21-25-58.…)

She's so fucking thirsty.
He has more subs than her on YT, but how is 350k followers a "small" commentator channel?
No. 1095465
>>1095043Yes! I'm glad someone else remembered.
I think really she's just extremely worried about this thread because her average follower doesn't really know much about her and wouldn't like things in this thread, for example that she's a frequent lolcow user. I was in her discord for a while and noticed that her fans in there were absolutely the young twitter crowd - pronouns in bio, asking Shannon to make videos about "
problematic" personalities and social justice topics, and demanding for one of her friends in there to be kicked out because he was using "retard" casually. Some were minors, some were her youtuber friends, and they didn't really jell all that well. I'm sure the loud majority of her die-hard fans wouldn't like her as much after reading this thread, so she's glossing over it and tries not to mention it and whenever someone brings it up to her she just kinda goes "it's ok, people are allowed to talk about me" to try not to make a big deal out of it despite obviously being very upset about it and tweeting in response to it all the time.
Hi No. 1096084
>>1095532She admits that she's been doxxing herself in her video about Lilee Jean 'coming after' and trying to dox her.
Always the
victim but actually not.
No. 1096519
File: 1606858740624.jpeg (489.89 KB, 1241x2002, D5723422-D2FD-4FA8-B949-415A40…)

This is so sinister? and so pea brained. It was not sexual content. It was a joke/a prank with her own home video of herself as a baby. These people are all such freaks.
There is absolutely no reason to accuse rhis young woman of something so evil and so serious.
You can literally already say that gabi dimartino was being a total idiot and an asshole to trick people into paying actual money to her for a stupid prank.
You can also talk about the implications of any child images being uploaded to that sight so stop using only fans as a finsta. Like OBVIOUSLY This is not CP but all content with a child in it uploaded to this sight can be misused in that way. And gabi owned up to that in a tweet when everyone was like. Dont do that though.
Asshole clout slurping Shannon scolding gabi dimartino and like she did that on purpose. Or actually endangered a child and not her own self.
These people are actually a cesspool. Holy shit I hate this. Way to completely destroy a young woman’s reputation with CP allegations because she’s drama content. Y’all are freaks. Not to mention the way this flies in the face of grey zone cp and grooming content that we collectively don’t take seriously enough but this stupid asshole greedy but harmless joke is child predation? Not it fucking isn’t Shannon you disgusting cow
No. 1096522
>>1096519She loves to accuse people of sharing CP because that's the most outrageous thing you can accuse people of these days. See Ariel Versace upthread. But I'm not gonna say the OF "prank" wasn't dicey, this chick is an Ariana Grande skinwalk judging from a quick google search and so I wouldn't be surprised if she emulates the "sexy baby" shtick too, which would make selling clips of herself as a kid pretty creepy ngl.
In other news, Shannon's entire discord server got nuked.
No. 1096543
File: 1606860032382.jpeg (31.68 KB, 806x700, EoLRfucXMAEMWX9.jpeg)

>>1096519Girl no. Onlyfans is a porn site. She charged money for a video captioned "won't put my panties on" implying the video is of a sexual nature and it was a video of a child flashing. Doesnt matter who the child is. She knew what she was doing.
Sage for off topic reply to the skinwalker stan
No. 1096548
File: 1606860322072.png (318.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201201-211418.png)

>>1095465I 100% think her fanbase doesn't know that Shannon tends to err on the side of edgy. She's not a full-on edgelord, but she's really playing the "one of the guys" "funny misogyny" angle a lot, but she tries to be kinda lowkey about it. I saw pic related today and she has already deleted it - this guy is basically making a joke about how Tana is such a whore with a beat up pussy and Creepshow responds with her typical fawning. She's such an idiot. I'm not a fan of Tana by any means but this guy bringing up her pussy and her ass in his tweets is gross and thirsty in an angry misogynistic way.
No. 1096553
>>1096543You know what, I’m sorry. I was the person who posted the screen and the rant. I didn’t understand that she was naked or flashing. I read it as her flipping off the camera, for some reason, when someone told her to get dressed. And I freaked out thinking they were doing all this over a regular home video where a little kid flips the bird and is probably wearing diapers.
But legitimately that is my bad. I got pretty heated thinking people were trying to exploit an asshole but harmless situation to be something dark and not caring who got hurt. But that actually is disturbing to me
No. 1096563
File: 1606861208830.jpeg (Spoiler Image,384.17 KB, 1242x752, 536AFECB-8488-4D1F-B197-3E3A69…)

“Without any common sense” a little too real of a self own for me
No. 1096577
File: 1606861795307.jpeg (342.79 KB, 1242x787, DA97FE64-0E6E-4A97-8BC5-2160E8…)

Accusing you of things? Could it be regarding any of the caps found here hmm. Even while being fake doxxed you still should be hashtag accountable
No. 1096581
File: 1606861844833.png (71.21 KB, 591x267, Screenshot at Dec 01 23-29-47.…)

>>1095465>>1096548>>1096577I think she didn't really care about the server to begin with. It was made by a fangirl on twitter because Shannon wanted a server to play Among Us in, but she never really hung out with her users or talked to anyone whenever she wasn't pinging @everyone to play. There was definitely a culture clash between Shannon's youtuber friends and her fans. Her fans wanted the server to be very wholesome uwu and Shannon's friends were being their typical selves. One of the mods made a channel where users could assign pronouns to their profiles and the reactions to that message were half uwu appreciative, half cackling/roasting emotes. That was really the first sign that the server wouldn't last long without an utter explosion.
Another issue I witnessed was that one of Shannon's friends (the one mentioned in
>>1095465 I believe) posted "I hate women" memes daily, and users complained about him. Shannon and her friends ran to his defense saying "noooo he just thinks the woman bad meme is funny but he doesn't mean it it's all ironic!!!!!!" but of course if you have a server full of underage SJWs then ~ironic woman-hating~ isn't gonna go over well.
I think the final straw was when a mod got kicked because another flake (Angry Slug Productions) came into the server on an alt to drudge up old drama he has with Shannon and said moderator. She had to kick him out because unfortunately for her, what the mod was accused of was apparently true (see pic related) and she had to take action because otherwise her fans would think poorly of her for having a doxer as her mod.
…except I think this is the crux of the situation. Her server made her look uncool in front of her cooler friends because she had to draw lines and be "no fun". I think she's just happier being alone with her friends, sucking up to them in private without having to bother with the plebe folk vying for her attention
No. 1096586
File: 1606862377858.png (96.99 KB, 814x654, EoLYe9vW8A4jQCw.png)

>instead of approaching me to let me know in a normal way, he raided and tried to make it seem like i cosigned that, when i didn't know what was fucking happening in the first placedoesn't hold up because the guy in question posted their DMs and he told Shannon about the mod doxing him 2 weeks ago. Which should be ample time for her to at least respond to it, since she was clearly active online. As much as Slug seems to be a fucking sped and a scammer, waiting for a response for 2 weeks before joining her server (it wasn't even a raid) to get her attention seems pretty reasonable. I followed this drama for a while-
it's all over the flakes thread >>>/snow/941512 CTRL+F Slug
But don't necro it if you want to talk about Slug, the new thread is at >>>/snow/1081173and Slug actually had real-life repercussions to this drama since someone used his dox to call his university, text his mom he lives with, and tried to get him fired from his job. Again I'm not defending Slug whatsoever but Shannon was pretty entrenched with this drama, knew that he's a spastic ticking timebomb who can never let shit go. This is on her.
No. 1096596
>>1096586Don't know why second link didn't work but it's
>>>/snow/1081173Anyway TL;DR of my rambling is:
Shannon's fans mainly seem to be quirky twitter SJWs. Shannon herself used to be established as an anti-SJW youtuber until she realized that outrage and moral posturing results in more views. Now she almost exclusively makes videos about all the ways in which people are being "gross" and "not okay". Her fandom and friend circle are clashing and she doesn't want either of them to find out how much she flip-flops or both sides may think of her as the spineless loser that she is.
No. 1096603
>>1096586actually is she talking about this thread? because I didn't see anyone posting a slug video about her ITT.
>and posting said video in a hate thread about meIf being doxed has hurt her so much then clearly she shouldn't be harboring anyone who doxes harmless idiotic spergs and tries to ruin their lives, no?
No. 1096612
>>1096603Right. She doesn’t actually give a shit about having a code of conduct or protecting people from doxxing.
It’s funny that she whined that he never came to her about it privately. That’s impossible to believe anyway when this is like the fourth time someone has approached you privately or with good faith saying theyre not accusing her of anything but just letting her know. And she has not only acknowledged and interacted with the warning, showing she definitely saw the messaged, but mocked the person trying to to warn her and didn’t care about looking into it. Her ego jumping out in the face of potential
victims is nauseating. She has repeatedly and directly rejected information that she is befriending and associating with a predator, even when the people reaching out were not accusing her of co-signing but coming to her assuming she was unaware. Well you were aware Shannon. You were just too busy playing among us and sucking your own fat cock
No. 1096624
>>1096612Exactly this. We've already had multiple people ITT stating they contacted her about what they assumed to be innocent mistakes/misunderstandings and were ignored. She definitely knew this was happening, this whole group (John Swan, Creepshow Art, Angry Slug, Luckyphil, RFC Augie etc) have been feuding over this shit since
March. If anything you'd think being doxed would make her more compassionate towards others going through the same thing.
No. 1096701
File: 1606868791625.png (264 KB, 591x482, Screenshot at Dec 02 01-25-58.…)

>"Eugenia is a scumbag for posting her bodychecks"
>makes bodycheck the thumbnail
She could have just used her face if it's so ~triggering~, she's truly such an idiot.
Also take a shot every time her YT thumbnails say "THIS IS NOT OKAY"
No. 1096706
File: 1606868921976.png (765.82 KB, 1089x625, Screenshot at Dec 02 01-28-35.…)

>>10967014 in a month, one per week. She's such a brainlet
No. 1096728
File: 1606870149777.png (729.55 KB, 646x953, THIS IS NOT OKAY.png)

>This is not okay
>This is REALLY not okay
>This is not okay
>This is not okay
>Doxxing is okay (when I do it)
>This is not okay
>This (website) is not okay
>Her mother said it was okay
>This is not okay
>This is not okay
>This is not okay
>How is this okay?
Bonus challengers:
>This is gross
>This needs to stop
>This is not healthy
No. 1096805
File: 1606874011943.jpeg (502.34 KB, 1969x2048, EAFFEF6B-EEC6-4B4B-AEB5-81803A…)

>>1096728Her own fans
I guess she is a gross adult human person after all
No. 1096840
File: 1606876431049.png (812.73 KB, 1242x2208, 246EBB17-E3C9-4121-954E-431BDD…)

>>1096581If you had just told me they were bad!
Someone tells you a person you interact with is bad
Fuck off!!
No. 1096852
File: 1606877223547.jpeg (451.01 KB, 1242x1832, B2A23404-E804-4A90-8836-939A28…)

>>1096840- the interactions were not all public
- the child was thirteen
- the man was unnervingly flirty and said get sexy with it
- grooming is not overtly and explicitly sexual early on
- your entire channel is YouTubers grooming their underage fans. This is how these things start out. And their keeping an eye out is how it can be prevented
- this guy is desperately trying to let large platforms who interact with bxbeastboy know the disturbing shit he found.
- that annoys you????
Not saying bxbeastboy is guaranteed a creep but to react like this. When you need to be calm and open to any evidence and take time with it before reacting. To stop 15min in and slam the awareness campaign publicly. Again is underhanded, cold and self serving. Either take children’s online safety seriously or keep it out of your mouth and don’t profit off it once it’s too late
No. 1096863
>>1096840>>1096852This is the issue with her. Her channel's current theme is completely based on cancel culture and moral outrage, but she picks and chooses when to be outraged based on how much she likes the person or wants to be liked by them, or based on whether or not she can be assed to look into it at any given moment. That's also why she exclusively picks pre-packaged content that has already been chewed up and spit out by others so that she doesn't have to put in her own work or thoughts, all that's left to do is to regurgitate it, ramble some stream-of-consciousness anecdotes about her personal life and call it a day.
Of course that being said this guy was fully barking up the wrong tree by spamming this specific group of people.
No. 1096877
>>1096863For sure. I watched the video in question because I thought bxbeastboy gave off covert loser vibes and was becoming one of the most repetitive channels. And then someone made a video about him bullying her even though he’s the ‘bully slayer’. Which sounded juicy. It was. I went to watch the video that started the whole meltdown. Eventually circling back to yet another time someone tried to reach out to Shannon and she lashed out for no reason.
The creator is a random small channel but I liked it. If for nothing more than his personality and approach Fucking hour long. But if you enjoy a cow deep dive. He does seem very preoccupied or has a vendetta with bxbeastboy so take this with that in mind.
He seems actually concerned but completely clueless that the people he was spamming dont actually want to help anyone. Just read out some saucy deleted tweets they read today on spill
No. 1096882
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No. 1096883
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This one's funny because it's exactly what she and her friends do. She loves quote tweeting people who come at her so that all her friends can come to the rescue
No. 1096891
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>>1096701>It's wrong for Eugenia to make content featuring her triggering body for profit. Let me feature her triggering body in my thumbnail for more clicks and profitIt's not like she had to do show her body so people would know who she's talking about. Eugenia has 2.24 million subscribers and her face is very distinct and definitely has more than enough recognition value by itself. She had to put her skelly arm on the thumbnail because she knows this is the more scandalous choice and will bring her more clicks, and she knows that a large amount of those clicks will come from other anachans who obsess over Eugenia's body and will take any excuse to look at her because she's their ultimate ~thinspo~.
Ironically on the same day, Shannon posted about wanting to post more selfies so that the people who make videos about her will have more variation for their thumbnails.
No. 1096901
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>>1096883She's friends with all of these people. This is gonna be great. From what I gather one of her friends criticized the other friend and the other friend reacted to it so now they're all taunting him by trying to get him to come into a voice chat so they can all scream at him like they did with that girl who went on Hansen a year ago and they got her to join their VC only so they could humiliate her. Regardless of who's right and who's wrong, this way of handling it is absolutely a group of edgelords dogpiling a solitary person for dominance. You can't win, either you go along with it and get destroyed because it's 1 person vs many or you refuse to waste your time and energy and you're a coward.
>inb4 "nooo don't fight i LITERALLY love all of you okay. like this is stupid." No. 1096907
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>>1096901This is his thread and the people he's talking about are responding to it within 2 minutes of it being posted trying to bait him further. I have no opinion on this guy but what he's saying about them is true, they're dancing on the line just enough to have some semblance of plausible deniability but it's blatantly transparent what they're doing. They throw around misogyny and dance around saying variations of "nigger" to get people to react to it so that they can then say "BUT I DIDN'T EVEN SAY THAT LOL IT'S ALL SATIRE HOW CAN YOU NOT RECOGNIZE A JOKE" and clown on the hypersensitive essjaydubyuus. They're total shitstains and even
at best all they are is edgy. They're the mortal enemy of the people who adore Shannon and look up to her.
No. 1096928
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>>1096907(my screenshot was pieced together in Photoshop but just for clarity, the Ricky Berwick response was in response to Defnoodles, not in response to Nicholas Deorio)
No. 1097450
>>1093806I stopped taking you seriously when you tried to argue that it's not "ethical" of her.
Like, come on sis, if these artists wanted a share of the profits, they would've asked for it.
And, given how much Shannon lovebombs her friends and even just randoms that she simps for, who's to say she DOESN'T throw them a little money?
No. 1097473
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I love how her "I'm so soft and fragile, if you criticize me I will cry, be nice to me uwu" attitude falls apart the moment someone actually criticizes her… because she just has to act like a cunt.
>I survived an intense eating disorder it's what the video is about oh my god>[the video is] not about her, [but Eugenia] is relativeSo why make Eugenia's body the thumbnail? Because it's clickbait. She's luring in the people who care about Eugenia/feel inspired by her/hate her, she's using Eugenia and her infamy as the figurehead of her video because that's what brings the biggest audience, yet she wants to claim that she doesn't contribute to the culture around Eugenia. But you know, she survived an intense eating disorder, so that obviously means her voice must be heard and she's definitely adding something new to this conversation that's been done a hundred times already.
>>1097450>And, given how much Shannon lovebombs her friends and even just randoms that she simps for, who's to say she DOESN'T throw them a little money?If she did I guarantee we'd be hearing about it as we do with any other thing she does out of ~generosity~. And yes we can talk about ethics if the person in question is a social commentary youtuber who also identifies as an artist and has made plenty of videos nitpicking the conduct of fellow artists.
No. 1097481
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>>1097473Here she's talking about how her video isn't for profit because it'll be demonetized anyway but here's the thing. It's a loss leader. This video may not make money, but it'll result in more subs, more views on her other (monetized) videos), etc
She's just grasping desperately at shit to make videos about so she can keep up with the other commentary channels who report on every time a fox shits in a forest, and outrage works best.
No. 1097487
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Another "we need to discuss–"
We literally don't. Nobody disagrees that her selling a video of her 3-years-old self flashing her genitals on a porn platform is disgusting. The only people who defend her are people who don't know what was happening (like the anon upthread) or absolute fucking morons on Twitter whose minds she won't change anyway. It's not a brave unpopular opinion or a thought-provoking debate. She just wants to spread the latest gossip, which is alright as commentary youtubers like her are basically glorified tabloids, but don't act like it's more than it is.
No. 1097491
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>>1097473Poor starving Shannon was really the Georgia Collings of her day. Glad she survived that life-threatening eating disorder.
No. 1097504
>>1097491With how fat she was I'm surprised they had her on a tube
Also do you have a link to the "eating disorder" video of hers? I refuse to give the cunt a penny
No. 1097584
>>1097485>Isn't that every video on youtube, though?Yeah, I literally said that:
>so she can keep up with the other commentary channels who report on every time a fox shits in a forest
>This is one of the most nit picky threads on here LMAOIt's one of the friendliest threads on here, actually. Why are you mad?
No. 1097613
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So this feels like a lie.
No. 1097619
>>1097612I didn't know she doesn't even post anything explicit on her OF. In that case, her subscribers aren't there for porn anyway. OF isn't even a porn site really, it was originally made for influencers of all types and just happened to be convenient for camgirls. A lot of girls use it sort of like a finsta or like a premium snapchat to have a paywall for their content, but it's not all sex work.
Now I'm not gonna say her simps are there for wholesome reasons, and I'm sure her photos are sexy/lewd at the very least, but if she never posted anything explicit and then suddenly offered a photo that was implied to be a panty-less shot for 3 dollars, with no fanfare or announcement, I'd expect a prank too. Of course picking a photo of her as a child was an incredibly stupid decision, but the more I learn about this, the less I see it as "omg she's selling child porn".
>>1097615>To be fair naked images of kids can still definitely qualify as cp even if not explicit and sexual.For the record I don't disagree with that. I just think this situation is a bit more nuanced.
No. 1097709
>>1097487Is she trying to look black? I know she skinwalked Ariana Grande…
>>1097491I thought that was Holly Brown for a second LOL
No. 1097885
>>1097749A sex shop that also sells gum is still a sex shop. OnlyFans is synonymous with porn, there are even multiple mainstream pop songs referring to it in that context along with millions of online posts and articles.
Someone should post this Gab stuff in the Youtube thread though since it's not about Shannon.
No. 1098210
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She disabled her Twitter again. This time it's because she got called out for social climbing (via Keemstar etc) and she went on a spergout about her PTSD and how triggering it is to be accused of terrible things while she spends every fucking day helping people. And that she would never harbor a doxer in her discord and she didn't appoint her own mods. Didn't get any caps before she deleted, so I can't post, my bad.
No. 1098244
>>1097790She posts really sexual stuff on her only fans. I’m actually subbed. Also she dm fans “me with my panties off” with sexual emojis.
Then after you pay it’s a video of her about three years only dancing around and lifting up her skirt over and it’s her genitals.
If her account was a “finsta” then okay, but she really does post sexual content on there,
Everyone expected a adult photo with her panties offf and we got a child video of it instead. It looks really bad, on your computer, with the text messages in context. It looks generally like I was trying to buy child porn. I think that’s why people are pissy about it
No. 1098248
>>1098244She also said she knew it was wrong, but that it would be funny
Then after people got pissy she started saying it was basically a finsta. Why didn’t she just post it on Instagram if it was a cute funny video, like why did she make it sound like she was selling sexual content, then post nude children. That’s why people have a problem
No. 1098252
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This was on July 29th.
No. 1098325
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>>1098210I feel a bit bad for her. She blew up pretty fast and making cocky rant videos might be fun when only a small number of people cares about them, but she probably wasn't prepared for this audience and of course her "self-proclaimed incompetent idiot stoner baby who also does totez srs reporting" brand will backfire a lot more with all these eyes on her. She should stick to doodling sameface eyeliner abominations with storytime narration if she knows what's good for her. Clearly she has neither the brains nor the resilience to keep her head above water in the dramasphere. Maybe her level of aggressive impulsivity would work out better for her if she wasn't as sensitive about the fallout and more able to take it in stride. As it is, it'll only get a lot worse from now on; the bigger she'll get, the more people feel entitled to go no-holds-barred on her for every misstep because an audience comes with influence comes with responsibility and she's so very obviously not equipped to handle any of it.
No. 1098448
>>1098285I should clarify. I’m sure peaches told her friends including toby that Shannon was being an asshole. I just don’t think peaches had to lie to tell others Shanny flipped out on her for disagreeing. God forbid someone is upset that you blew up at them and aren’t sweet caring humble buddy you act like on screen.
I also dont think that peaches burned all of shannon’s bridges. She does that all by herself. Her Twitter interactions are not pretty
I just hate this idea that peaches can’t tell other people that Shannon treated her badly when my guess is Shannon actually treated her badly
No. 1098454
>>1098362She seems like a bpd/npd posterchild. I mean adult human person. She is constantly lovebombing and then melting down from perceived attacks. Dastardly insults such as people fact checking or letting her know someone vaguely in her circle has a bad history she might not want to associate with. Shit that is not even accusatory but a heads up has been known to
trigger her. Idk I hate to diagnose her I think that’s super lame. Basically I’m saying she had patterns of behavior that can be found in those disorders. And those labels summarize how her personality and way of thinking comes off. As strangers we really can’t know. Even without the full disorder she probably has some symptoms for sure
No. 1098632
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>>1098210Some of the convo is still up and I was discussing her tweets with other farmers at the time so my pettiness paid off in the form of screenshots. kek
This dude ain't shit for this low fucking blow and seems like a cow but holy shit she absolutely weaponizes her homeless stint as much as she can. I'm sorry if she really got PTSD from that, but she chose to do it, and she wasn't "living on the streets scrambling for cash" homeless, she had her husband and their double income ffs. She was making videos and updating her channel and everything. If it was that traumatizing, I'm sure they could've worked something out before a year was up. But of course "I was fucking homeless and now I have PTSD, how dare you" is more effective at shutting people up than the truth.
Her going "this just fucking destroyed me" at a troll comment from a rando on twitter is… holy shit she's not gonna survive this. Her shitshow is blowing up more and more every month.
Also the dude has a point about how she says she makes a big deal about doxing but Keem and her band of edgelords have doxed people before and she doesn't care.
No. 1098640
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Forgot this part.
Bull fucking shit she didn't appoint her own mods, then why were they all her friends? There were a bunch of admins, Shannon being one of them, LuckyPhil and EdwinsGeneration too. And all her besties had a special role, it was Augie, John Swan, Creep-P, Kat Tenbarge, and a bunch more. She's acting like she didn't have control over who was a mod in her own server despite being admin and having her friends be admins.
No. 1098652
>>1096522I don't have any tea on her if that's what you mean.
If I did, I wouldn't post it here. I'm not here for that.
No. 1098731
>>1098632>i deal with ptsd from my homelessnessThat's where she lost me. She said herself that she chose homelessness
>>1071677. Not to minimize whatever real trauma she may or may not still be dealing with from something unrelated but idk how she got ptsd from that situation when she literally said "deciding to live in my car with my bf is something I in no way regret, it made our relationship a lot more solid", but she got ptsd from it somehow? Can't have it both ways.
No. 1098757
>>1071677>>1098731Anon who linked the homelessness video here, I'm not sure if Shannon ever really deletes her videos (I've been following her for quite a while since I used to actually like her but I haven't noticed) but I wanted to quick add that I was sure to download the video before I shared it here in case she ever does delete it. Not sure if that'll ever actually be an issue but I wanted to be sure it's saved for posterity in case she dirty deletes.
But yeah it's pretty bullshit she cries PTSD about something she chose and says she doesn't regret and made her relationship more solid. I'm sure it wasn't easy or anything but she literally only ever brings up her homelessness for pity points.
No. 1098970
>>1098757She blatantly contradicts herself and it makes me question the authenticity of her story or any of her stories (sans receipts) for that matter. Sometimes it seems she uses some of her potential diagnoses to shield against criticism.
Shannon doesn't strike me as an outright malicious person like that WOACB heffer but she's not entirely honest either.
No. 1099057
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a comment of hers i found under an Amanda the Jedi vid about Happiest Season. has she ever said she was bi before? also sage for just more attention seeking, social climbing bs
No. 1099090
>>1098970I used to think that, but now I think she’s just as bad which makes it annoying that she cashes in on criticizing that woman.
She has been overtly malicious blaming peaches for deserved backlash. She lied about being doxxed. She continues to bring up being falsely doxxed to distract from
valid criticism of harboring a doxxing situation in her friend group. She lies about being approached in private and waits for people to reach out publicly so they will look like they’re irrational. She lashes out at small creators trying to give her feedback.
And she has repeatedly “negged” small creators about things that are traumatic for them and blames them for getting angry. But they usually don’t have a big community to fall back on where they can just leave the internet and calm down be the bigger person while others defend them. That’s irritating to me.
She has frequently brought up traumatic situations for others as a “gotcha” and a low blow. And if people try to tell her she is attacking something that is very personal for that person, she will laugh and say it doesn’t matter.
For example she made fun of the bxbeastboy grooming situation saying he was just talking to a kid publicly (it was private) and nothing sexual happened (that’s not how grooming starts and it was extremely flirtatious regardless). She mocked the person trying to signal boost the situation to her. The man is a
victim of grooming and was open about it in the video she watched and then made fun of
She took a situation where someone was trying to open up about their feelings that maybe jakeyonce was taking advantage of them sexually as a they were a drag show contestant and he was a famous YouTuber and judge. Instead of sharing the
victims story and if she felt jake did or did not do something wrong, she dragged up the time over a year ago this same
victim self harmed during an argument with Shannon and posted it. The person bad since then profusely apologized and owned up to it being completely unfair to others to have lashed out by showing their self harm in real time during a breakdown. They had come to forgiveness over it. But it was fair game to use to paint the
victim as a malicious liar who was spreading child porn because they dared to say precious and perfect jake had hurt them.
She also completely out of pocket said woacb lied about being sexually harassed and stalked by Steve McRae, and for some brain dead gullible reason sided with his claims that Katie Joy filed a restraining order on him for no reason. Not because he is an actual lunatic with a record of sexual harassment and stalking from multiple witnesses and others testimony that a judge determined to be legitimate enough to grant a temporary restraining order. Their case is still in court but Shannon probably read Steve McRaes version of events and said ok that sounds good! It makes my video look stronger so who cares if I enable this serial sex creep harasser. But when corrected about it she laughed and said “that doesn’t matter”. After that wocab blew up at her because her stalking situation with that freak is obviously very distressing, and started planning a response video. Of all the shit woacb has pulled, there is no doubt she has stalkers and has been battling this slimeball for months now. He has his own cow threads for a reason.
Shannon used the woman being
triggered about her rape and sexual harassment and stalking trauma being laughed at by this overgrown child, and used wocab being publicly angry and unhinged while
triggered that to lie about being doxxed.
Because when Shannon is
triggered and overreacts she’s just human. When other people overreact from being
triggered it theyre malicious people who only want to hurt Shanny
No. 1099198
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Has anyone noticed that one of her friends has been turning into another one of these half-assed drama commentary youtubers? She got some attention for being on the Chris Hansen channel with a really terrible experience with Dahvie Vanity and my heart goes out to her for that, but ever since then she's been aggressively promoting her OnlyFans, being passive aggressive to straight-up aggressive on Twitter, and now she started a youtube channel and has already reached 12k subs. She and Creep are super tight and Creep dyed her hair split red and black after Ashlee did because she loved it so much. I feel like this whole friend circle will implode so, so soon.
No. 1099218
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>>1099198Yes I completely think they will because they all enable each other to be as
toxic as possible toward basic disagreement, and do the pattern or riling someone up until they step over the line and then slash them for it.
Like recently: the people pointing out her Eugenia coverage has been less than ethical. Shannon tried to distract from the small amount of criticism and focuses on the twitter instead. She tweets they can’t possibly be sincere because they used to be fans of Shannon and tweeted at her frequently! (Before she decided to mock and bury the bxbeastboy allegations and they flipped to seeing her in this new light of being kind of a secret asshole)
So according to her Twitter, this just makes these critics of her Eugenia video soooooo weird because who would constantly tweet and gush at larger creators while trying to get their name out or just tell their faves they’re so cool. Who would do something so desperate and cringey! Clearly not someone you can trust or take seriously!
No. 1099225
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>>1099218This bitch lol. It’s the guy who tried to warn me about a youtuber exploiting their underage fans! Since that’s my fucking brand and all! So annoying! He’s just SOO omega butthurt all because he gave me solid and actually concerning evidence really politely and I told him to fuck off! How dare he speak to me. This weird ego and double standards and resistance to politely communicating with my viewers who have feedback that isn’t licking my asshole is definitely not why my online life is falling apart! Cool idea shazza
No. 1099350
>>1099326I’m sure she’s a nice enough girl day to day when talking to friends or in real life. My whole problem with her is how she grossly misuses her platform and is morally contradictory. When she makes videos about people misusing their platform and being morally contradictory and strongly condemns them. And when she makes videos about minors in the YouTube community but lashes out at people trying to tell her about danger to minors in the YouTube community.
She is going to naturally invite heat if she keeps doing things she condemns in her videos. And If she can’t help but fuck up a lot online that she needs to do more research to represent multiple sides and show less superiority over other peoples online fuck ups. Or go back to story time videos which were perfectly well done and everyone says they enjoyed. I wouldn’t care about her doing this shit if she could fully own up to it.
It’s the way that people have tried to talk to her with gentle correcting information, asked her to address her mistakes with false cp allegations she made in the jakeyonce video (all while saying that they still think her intentions were good! The benefit of the doubt has been evident and consistent in all her public criticism but she still reacts harshly, which is why patience and trust in her intentions is lately waning) or signal boosting an issue that matches her content thinking she would want to get the word out and help people. she has egotistically shut them down often with insults and mockery and that is the core problem. If you think her real persona and core character is good, then by all means let her know how her public behavior is not reflecting it at all
No. 1099352
>>1099225I used to like this thread, but at this point it’s just this one guy posting repeatedly trying to get people to think his retarded Twitter rants are cool.
I tried to watch his video accusing another YouTuber who I have never heard of (beast boy) of being a predator and had to click off. If we’re talking about Shannon falsely accusing people, this guy called this other YouTube a predator for being interviewed by a minor fan, and him having a low voice. How fucking retarded do you have to be.
The self posting bullshit here is annoying, especially from this Vic Blanco retard.
No. 1099361
>>1099057>has she ever said she was bi before?Almost as much as she's said she was homeless lmao.
I don't know if she does anymore but she certainly used to a LOT
No. 1099408
>>1099352Jesus Christ I posted that not Vic. I just watched his video and i actually understand how grooming works. It’s not about having a low voice as if that alone was even the issue but a small red flag on a stack of other huge flags. I noticed her being a huge cunt to him so I added it to her history of being a hypocritical asshole.
If other people don’t like vics video and find it stupid fine. We can ban talk of him. I thought he had a point that was worth more than the 15 min and the rage spazz shannon gave to it or daring to signal boost a perceived issue
No. 1099478
>>1099090Did she lie about being doxxed in her discord? I haven't seen evidence one way or the other but given that she's in WOACB's cross hairs (who's doxxed before) I'll give her the benefit of the doubt with this one.
>She has frequently brought up traumatic situations for others as a “gotcha” I haven't seen it. She can be an asshole, but malice? I don't believe so.
>she made fun of the bxbeastboy grooming situation I know little about this except
>>1096877 who said someone had a vendetta against him. I haven't looked into it much tbh.
>She also completely out of pocket said woacb lied about being sexually harassed and stalked by Steve McRaeOh she got that one wrong for sure.
What I can say about Shannon definitively is her research game can be very weak, her social skills are lacking and she can be a moron and an asshole. Is she worse than WOACB? Not imo. You'd think WOACB would be more discreet in general because of her insane stalker situation. Moron's gonna moron I guess.
No. 1099491
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Wonder how Shannon, plus sized and friend of sex workers, feels about her friends calling other girls "fat slut"
No. 1099496
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>>1099491DeOrio says he doesn't agree with calling her a fat slut but he still has a bone to pick because it's all just "an excuse to cry about race/women"
Totally not spoken like an angry edgelord!
No. 1099526
>>1099491>"fat slut"lol I've heard so much worse on here. I wonder if Shannon's SJW stans will make her choose between them and her edgier friends.
>>1099502Like I said, I've read sooo much worse on here lol. LC isn't a pc sodomite safe space like twitter.
No. 1099541
>>1099478Oof you must be new here. This lolcow thread is the exact post that wocab linked in a unirock discord (YouTube ex-friend of woacb). An admin feared it was a dox and deleted it prompting unirock to apologize to Shannon. Third parties have confirmed this page was the link. Shannon was given screenshots and made aware this was the link. However there’s nothing endangering on this page. Read above for more info on how the info here is not private, not secret and it and was being used for video creation. Shannon lied and continues to lie about being doxxed and insists that creating an expose video is inherently malicious intent. Which is hilariously stupid given her genre is expose videos.
The thing where she got the Steve McRae thing wrong was a prime example of throwing trauma in a persons face as a gotcha. She ended her video with the statement of McRae being falsely accused to add to the insane things wocab has done. But that’s actually really cold as her experience with McRae actually sounds terrifying and he seems obsessed with her and dedicated to abuse towards women who cross him. When unirock corrected her about it she laughed and said that shit doesn’t matter and wasn’t in her video. It was of course in her video. She doesn’t care about defending and enabling a predator if it makes her video sound stronger.
You can check out the earlier thread for the video about jakeyonce for a very similar situation or bxbeastboy video. Where the guilt of Jake and beastboy are a lot less clear cut, the way she treated the people coming forward was unreasonably harsh and underhanded.
Shannon hasn’t figured out you can actually hear someone out and not decide to endorse their view without trying to destroy their reputation. She lashes out vindictively when approached with grey area and sensitive information involving vulnerable parties as well as a potential falsely accused man. I guess because she’s scared of needing to think too hard or stepping away respectfully. She just makes a liar out of the party with less followers, cashes in and calls it a day
No. 1099542
>>1099534I'm not new and who's "we"? It's not a hivemind here.
I saw part of a vid where he
>>1099498 watched the vid Rapestream did with the girl he raped and shoved in front of a camera. He spoke with Rapestream in that video and a T fueled shouting match ensued. Based on that vid and a few similar incidents I don't believe this guy unironically hates women. He's definitely a douchey edgelord tho.
No. 1099546
>>1099542Did you miss how even if you merely imply to be male, you get permabanned instantly? I think that's enough to warrant a "we". Anyway if you knew anything about the history of lolcow you'd know it's a radfem hive.
Screaming at RSN doesn't make someone
not misogynistic. He's the lowest hanging fruit, universally hatable, and perfect to parade around for virtue signaling because he's completely beyond reproach. Same for Onision. Maybe he isn't actively going out and harassing women whenever he feels like it but responding to criticism by calling a woman a fat slut says a lot. He could have made any argument, but instead he said "this fat slut needs to go back to e-whoring", and somehow that's not misogynistic?
No. 1099549
>>1099541>Third parties have confirmed this page was the link. Where's the evidence for Shannon specifically saying this thread was the dox she was referring to? I heard wocab linked this thread in a discord. I really don't know if Shannon is lying about being doxxed. I haven't seen enough evidence yet.
The Steve McRae thing is an example of how Shannon doesn't always think before she speaks or does proper research. Of course Shannon would automatically assume wocab was lying about it because wocab has lied about a ton of shit, which is why she's getting dragged rn in the yt community.
No. 1099553
>>1099546>imply to be maleGood one. We're not a hivemind here so like it or not, your "we" doesn't apply. Do you know what happened to the radfem thread?
Obviously you never watched the video I mentioned and don't know what you're talking about yet seem to think you do. Comparing someone like that to Onision is topkeks though.
No. 1099565
>>1099350I don't really disagree with you on your points. She has definitely made some mistakes, but she's not an evil person. She's being swept up in this, ofc she could be better, but hopefully she will show growth. I believe in her because I know she's not bad, just misguided.
>>1099413Shannon gets carried away easily and acts based on emotion, especially when it comes to loyalty. Her friends have caught on to that and know it's easy to manipulate her. I think she had a good mentor in Giulia, but she lost her way a bit.
Shannon can be really petty and her friends enable that because they're Petty AF with a capital P. I'm not talking about the guys mentioned here. I think she knows how to handle those. Her "nicer" friends.
The way they talk about her doesn't sit right with me. Like nobody wants to say anything harsh so it's all very hush hush and backhanded. Some of them are just rly fake and hiding it behind a gigawatt smile. They treat her like the puppy dog friend. yknow like they like that she's fun to be around and really supportive but they don't really take her seriously and when they joke about her they say it's okay because she speaks badly of herself too.
Or they'll not invite her to things because she's too much or they just "need a break from her" idk it's not right. It would be
valid if they respected her more but they act like she's just a hanger-on and she deserves better. She's grown so much and I'm so proud of her. This site makes me shake my head a lot about all the ridiculous things they say about her but some things are too close for comfort and I don't know how I should speak to her about it.
No. 1099579
>>1099571Laying out facts is defending facts radfem anon. Not everyone needs to stretch the truth to support an opinion. If this woman
>>1099491 feels bad about being called a fat slut she should leave the internet. I've seen some of her low IQ replies, she's fucking dull but then I don't know anyone doing OF that's a Rhodes Scholar.
No. 1099590
>>1099549Her not doing enough research is issue in itself. It’s that after the video she was told that she had the wrong research, that multiple people have accused Steve McRae of similar things and her claims and restraining order on him all seem to be legitimate.
Unirock got an interview with her, told her in plain English that he was a witness to Steve McRae being inappropriate with women and to his stalking and obsessive behavior on and offline. He was trying to help her correct that aspect of the video. Which does not have to counteract the rest of it. Because like many people he assumed once she knows the other side of that particular situation she would not want to be backing up the word of a really terrible and predatory guy. He was honestly really civil about it but she was fully not lol. She completely disregarded the info and just tried to act cool for augie. as she does every time she makes a serious error in the realm of sex abuse survivors. such a gem
No. 1099602
>>1099597>>>/snow/520070>>>/snow/589468>>1099598That thread is weird to read. You know something ain't right with someone when PULL has a calm, reasonable thread on them and they neither whiteknight nor envy-sperg.
>The holier than thou thing really cranked up to unbearable over the summer as quarantine wore on. She was more decent on Twitter as well but asshole freakouts are almost daily now when she’s not taking a deactivation breakThis 100% which is why I think she's only at the beginning of her cow career
No. 1099606
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>>1099589The hypocrisy never ends
No. 1099725
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>>1096901>like they did with that girl who went on Hansen a year ago and they got her to join their VC only so they could humiliate her.Yeah no. The girl in question (Noa) not only got called out on twitter for misrepresenting and lying about what happened to her on their show, she also apologized to those guys later on for lying about them to Hansen. Noa has since nuked her twitter and her Hansen interview was also deleted.
Hansen lied to several
victims he interviewed. Not only have they subsequently publicly disavowed him, they refuse to have anything to do with him anymore. I have those ss too.
No. 1100284
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From the KT thread, more examples of Shannon publishing names of random people for no reason
>>>/snow/1100001 No. 1100361
>>1099326>>1099565Oh please, get a grip. She's a bitch. That's fine, she can own it, but she's fake as fuck and doesn't care about anything she claims to, it's so performative. She profits from videos which insight harassment to the targets of her videos, then cries when the same happens to her? Lol? What goes around comes around, but she hilariously thinks the rules don't apply to her.
As for her "friends", she attracts
toxic people who don't like her because she is
toxic and doesn't truly like any of them either since she is fake as hell and uses people for popularity so what are you making her the
victim of, exactly?
She is one of the rare people I have no ounce of sympathy for, she completely deserves the shit she's receiving, it was completely self inflicted.
No. 1100503
>>1100285I’m confused, did Creepshow post that DM without on twitter without censoring? Who added the purple: anon, KT or Shannon herself. That would be awful if shannon tweeted it uncensored with a bunch of personal info showing.
However If Creepshow is the one who censored it before tweeting, I’m not sure if I understand what she did wrong (in this case, lord knows I fully agree with the rest of this thread)
No. 1100552
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Where? I suffered through her hideous "art" to look for the screenshot and didn't find it. I'm grateful for the artists that let her use their footage because at least she won't have to subject viewers to her middle school doodles anymore, sheesh. How did she ever get the balls to name herself Creepshort ART …
No. 1100560
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>>1100552oof I think that was supposed to be one of her friends, she really did her dirty
No. 1100618
>>1100361She does genuinely care about the things she talks about, but of course you can't care about all things equally, you have to pick your battles, especially when commentary is your gig so you kind of have to care about everything at once. She doesn't enable harassment towards anyone.
I think when people think of her as fake they misunderstand what she's doing. I don't think these friendships are very deep so they come off as fake because fans can tell that Shannon's excitement is disproportional to the depth of the connection. If anything that makes her more prone to being manipulated, not the other way around. She just wants to be liked by the ppl she looks up to.
No. 1100642
>>1100618Yet she picks the most popular battles. Or battles that support people she is gushing up to. She won’t engage with commentary situations that could prevent or protect potential
victims. Only after the fact, which is performative at best.
And when she is making commentary on a person who has a very small social media presence or fan base, she will strategically filter in more and more unsupported conjecture, throw up more irrelevant or vague screenshots, and purposely use the most inflammatory narrative when theres easily multiple ways to view an incident.
This is all because the people with no significant fan base or allies have no ability to challenge her without being swarmed by parasocial teens who get stressed seeing any criticism come shannons way. She’s able to put out the most unbalanced and original-thought-and-nuance devoid take when the target is super easy to half lie about and make the video sound stronger
She won’t just say anything professional like ‘sorry I can’t speak on this’ when presented with any controversial or complex conflict. Instead she just gets an attitude and curses people out.
She has frequently facilitated harassment of others. This entire thread has receipts on that
No. 1100650
>>1100642Same anon but I will say that early on this year she did a video calling out idubbz girlfriend (way before she had that controversy over doing only fans sex work). And she just talked about her being kind of a joke and an asshole with art theft.
I remember thinking that was fairly swaggy because idubbz was a big name that was kind of untouchable at the time for the vibe of being above it all so his gf was kind of not made fun of despite being as cringey as the best of them.
I subscribed to her around that time because I do have a lot more respect for creators who don’t go after the easiest target every time and bring something new to the table or talk based on their own convictions and standards and not algorithm obsession.
Unfortunately her channel has gone in the opposite direction and the more she cuts corners and picks topics that anyone with a pulse can agree with and/or puts out unbalanced hits on internet nobodies, the less I’m able to forgive her annoying personality
No. 1100654
>>1100650Yeah I feel you on that. It seems like at some point her cockiness enabled her to make content that was less mainstream than the rest of the commentary community and she got lucky with a few videos, but then she got so high off the validation she received for being "different" and "edgy" and lost all her appeal by picking the wrong hills to die on. For a while she was really popular in the Lillee Jean threads and even got farmers to sub to her patreon out of legitimately wanting to see her videos earlier. I wonder at which point it turned into farmers telling each other not to give her any attention.
I hope some art salt anons can weigh in, I think that was the thread that was critical of her from the start?
No. 1100693
>>1100618>She doesn't enable harassment towards anyone. Girl, she makes drama videos. The very creation of them enables that. Shannon knows what she is inflicting on the subjects of her videos when she makes them. You can't seriously say she has empathy and is a good person when her bread and butter is facilitating the harassment of an unsuspecting human for brownie points and ad revenue. Don't play stupid. She's an asshole, I don't know why you're white knighting her so hard.
>>1100642Agree with pretty much everything in this post. Shannon is a leech who doesn't actually care about anything, she is only interested in things that boost her image. That's why I have seen her so frequently jump at things that she yells CP about, she knows it's an easy thing to do to make you look good for easy likes/RTs and it's extremely irksome with how transparent it is.
No. 1100943
>>1100618Are you a friend to Shannon? If so, I think your attention could be better spent talking to your friend about calming the hell down and making better content. Her YouTube is far to mediocre for that amount of vitriol and misinformation she puts out to be taken seriously.
If you aren’t her friend then I’m assuming you’re just another fan, so you know nothing about her personal life. If that’s the case, cool it with the whiteknighting.
No. 1101466
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KT uploaded another screenshot with less censorship to prove that the information was enough to identify someone. I'd like to say again that KT, as crazy as she is, is essentially harmless and everyone she's actively spinning her weird theories around is pointedly ignoring her and probably doesn't care too much, or we'd see the actual
victims of her delusions speak out. Yet, for the sake of looking smug on YouTube, Shannon insists on taunting her and even had a little segment in her video with a screenshot of her Paypal payment
>>1061187 saying "I even sent you money because you weren't in a good place, how dare you say I'm not a nice person!!!"
I'm sure 100 bucks made up for being blasted to an audience of over 300,000 people. And I mean, even lolcow has a rule not to involve friends/acquaintances/family who aren't part of the drama, yet Shannon straight up doesn't give a fuck and published the DM so she could do more smugposting.
No. 1101624
>>1100654Art thread was always critical of her- can confirm.
Especially critical of her art.
No. 1102436
>>1102332This. It would have cost her absolutely nothing to crop out his info if she's so concerned about personal info being spread. There was absolutely no upside to posting it, it wasn't even relevant to the tweet. The tweet would have had the same effect if the info had been censored. That's the issue. If she had any reason to talk about this person, maybe there'd be a point to it, but she didn't. She simply didn't care or think about it. But if someone else shares her middle name, it's malicious doxing and putting her in personal danger.
It only matters when it's her.
>>1102272Cloutchasers attract cloutchasers, more news at 11
No. 1102453
>>1102272Lmao Peaches ain't shit but Shannon really isn't helping her own case here.
Peaches: "Maybe your sass and aggression isn't always appropriate and you could improve your videos by scripting them more so that you don't cross a line, instead of rushing them out because it's kind of a grey area"
Shannon: "Um I literally only do my videos for fun and because I think this stuff is bonkers I stand by what I say and it's bonkers and what others think is none of my business I know why I make things and therefore I can defend it and if I ever do something I can't defend I apologize"
Shannon acts like she's 15 years old, with the art to match. No wonder her "friends" are cloutchasers, drama whores, and teenaged edgelords. Cows of a feather flock together
No. 1102590
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Not true milk but milk flavored. Goofy shit
No. 1102591
>>1102590lmao anon I screenshotted that too but felt it was too minor to post when more shit is happening. But yeah nice posturing as rational and aloof, meanwhile: ~charging crystals~
>>1102585>>1102574>>1102583I see your efforts anon and I appreciate it kek
No. 1102593
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>>1102585>>>/ot/307738This one is delicious.
>Why do you care so much about what other people are creating???>has made her entire internet presence about commenting on shit other creators do No. 1102596
File: 1607383527234.jpeg (279.87 KB, 1242x603, D509F458-5BBC-47F8-B04C-D2BDDC…)

Narcissistic supply but make it obvious
(that’s her new editor after she hired him lmaoo her own employee)
No. 1102615
>>1102593For me it’s not that she spends time talking about what others create. Since her reasoning and intention is to bring awareness when someone else’s creation is bringing harm to others.
The problem for me is the classic trap when they run out of legitimate topics and start lying and bending the truth to find a new exciting bad guy to talk about and keep the channel going. A lot like Blaire White. In particular when she lied and said someone posted child porn when they only posted receipts of jakeyonce in a potential sexual misconduct accusation. It was a vague and unclear conflict as far as clear good and bad guys until she added that fabricated detail and made it sensational.
The other problem will be when she claims to really care about creators who are hurting others, will often accidentally defend harmful people. That’s not even a problem in itself. But when people point out the individual she defended or sided with is a predator ala the creeps she has called out, she will double down and deny her own video script. Such as when unirock pointed out that Steve McRae was not “falsely accused” of sexual harassment by Katie Joy. Shannon claimed this in her video, which is an easy enough mistake to believe the lies of a common enemy. However others clearly and kindly informed that her info on Steve McRae is all wrong. He’s one of the most deplorable creeps on YouTube. And when unirock let her know she denied mentioning his restraining order in her video (its clearly stated in the last 5-10min). She got smug and gave attitude when someone tried to help her avoid accidentally empowering an internet predator. This is a running pattern for her. Just the one I saw first hand and easy for me to give detail on. To me that shows that she doesn’t actually care about protecting anyone or doing the right thing to stop predatory youtubers
No. 1102658
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>>1053934The comments are interesting, many of them call her out exactly for what she is: A virtue-signaler and cloutchaser who uses the low-hanging fruit to prop herself up.
>Meanwhile, Shadman draws hardcore loli smut, including one time he made a coquettish picture of a dramamonger's actual daughter to mock him. He's a nordic edgelord so committed that he was forced to pay a fine and got kicked out of university in sweden because he refused to stop drawing kids getting drilled. He has literally 200 times the follower count of aggy post-callout.They had a point about how Shannon's video doubled Aggy's follower count and she's giving him more exposure and makes her (mostly young) fans look at his degeneracy, but doesn't speak about any of the creators that would be harder to take down. I know, I know, this is whataboutism, she can't report on all people at the same time, but it really makes you think because she clearly only saw Aggy as video material because she found the lolcow thread which was perfectly prepped for her to make a video without further effort, even sperging about how Aggy's art was definitely illegal while… also… sharing links to it. Pick one, fucking idiot. In fact, that's probably the most infuriating thing about her: She's not smart. She's absolutely, unironically correct when she refers to herself as a fucking dumbass. She has no critical thinking skills, her only appeal is that her lukewarm takes are
just contrarian enough to gather the interest of other brainlets who only ever skim the surface of any given topic, and she even stopped being contrarian in order to become a shallow, mind-numbingly boring mouthpiece that regurgitates the same bland "previously on Twitter" gossip every other drama channel slogs through and confuses it for worthwhile, thought-provoking content.
No. 1102663
>>1102658>a shallow, mind-numbingly boring mouthpiece that regurgitates the same bland "previously on Twitter" gossip every other drama channel slogs through As evidenced here:
>>1074834>>1074835>>1074908>>1074910>>1075039I know "it's just what commentators do" but they all suck. They start out making some good videos sometimes and then fall into the hustle of having to report on every time an influencer does an oopsie so they can keep the adsense coming in instead of keeping YouTube as just a hobby and not their fucking raison d'être so they can be selective and retain their integrity. Shannon isn't more intelligent, more interesting, or more likable than any of them. She's a gullible, annoying, biased, easily manipulated child-woman without a brain and the last person who should feel empowered to vomit their half-baked thoughts onto the internet.
No. 1102664
File: 1607389239763.png (236.1 KB, 832x742, youtubedrama.png)

Shannon is currently #1 on /r/YoutubeDrama for her Peaches video, but not in the way she'd like
No. 1102682
>>1102658Here is the thing about the callout video, lets all put our personal feelings about that artist aside for a second yes, I just don't see how anyone can be anything but offended by what Shannon did here.
She doesn't actually care about this topic, because if she did she would have tackled someone who has actual influence like shadman, who has drawn cp of real life children MULTIPLE TIMES, yet not a peep from Shannon about getting him cancelled or whatever.
Then, saying the artist's art is illegal - but distributing it?! Showing it off to your child audience and parading it in the thumbnail?
They had what, 200 followers before Shannon made that video, do you know how many people there are drawing that exact same thing who have far more clout but she picked on the person with 200 followers to dogpile? Her audience would have never seen the disturbing art without her flaunting it about and shoving it in everyone's faces. She doesn't treat this topic with the severity and eloquence it deserves whatsoever, she treats the topic of cp like juicy gossip for her drama videos and it's disgusting.
That's why I can't believe there was some fucknut WKing her in here saying "She does care about the things she talks about! She's a good person!" when she is so clearly fake and only cares about the easiest way to get clout and views.
No. 1102684
>>1102682I wonder if that’s connected to arin hanson being friends with Shad. And her repeatedly saying she adores arin, Suzy and the game grumps. God she’s a snake.
Tbh I agree even though I lean toward agreeing some trauma art is best kept private. I see now that she doesn’t care about the harm it does when she only targets easy and effortless topics to minimize fallout and maximize praise. She’s a quintessential YouTube egomaniac. but unlike some weirdos her regurgitated content and annoying personality don’t even make up for her moral corruption
No. 1103099
>>1103097Did she ever reactivate after
No. 1103125
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>>1103093At best this girl gossiped about Shannon and she’s did the immature thing by airing it out publicly.
But my take on it is peaches didn’t even gossip about Shannon to even close the degree that Shannon tried to frame her for. There’s no screenshots of peaches telling anyone Shannon “yelled at me” or “attacked me”. If this were the evidence would be all over the video. But there is no single cap so far of peaches actually gossiping about anyone. To me that is the nail in this stupid conniving coffin. I can’t believe she thought this would work.
At the end of the video peaches points out that there is no proof of her gossiping or badmouthing anyone in this whole saga. Just various people saying “I heard peaches was calling you a big scary mean bitch at gym class” and being believed because children on YouTube are gullible.
The true series of events as i understand is Peaches talked to Creepshow in DM’s and told her behavior on social media lately has been making her uncomfortable and she thinks is going down a bad path. Shannon was defensive. Peaches held her ground. Shannon then tweeted she is only going to listen to her TRUE friends from now on. And gushed ar someone who was going ride or die with her as she put out bully videos.
That was a pretty clear ‘fuck you’ to peaches for not supporting her volatile spiraling ass. Peaches soft blocked her on Twitter after that. And decided to stop being friends. All of this is understandable and common shit. I imagine peaches told a friend or two that Shannon was being a bitch and not taking criticism.
I can not stress enough that reporting quite accurately that Shannon was being a bitch when given criticism is not slandering or ruining her reputation.
You did that to yourself Shannon.
No. 1103224
>>1103125Shannon's really opening a can of worms here because if this kind of disagreement is okay to make videos about, then hoo boy we're gonna be treated to a lot of videos about Shannon by other people she may be close with now but won't be forever. This whole thing only blew up because she insists on fast-forwarding through friendships by lovebombing them as much as she can. She declared Peaches her child and protege after how long? And look how long it lasted. All so she can feel like the ~mom friend~ and feel special. It's really very convenient that her Twitter is down right now, because she had so many tweets up where she was egging Peaches on and saying that she absolutely loved that Peaches was called "4kidz Creepshow".
Also, as long as a Twitter account is disabled, DMs with that account can't be accessed. So right now, Peaches and Co. can't even take screenshots of other exchanged messages with Shannon. I know she disabled it because she got hurt by that idiot and his low blow, but I think the Peaches drama is why she hasn't returned yet.
No. 1103227
File: 1607467036282.png (32.09 KB, 632x121, 4kidz creepshow.png)

>>1103224Found the tweet in the google cache. I mean
of course Peaches was eventually gonna get tired of that and try to break away from just being Creepshow-adjacent.
No. 1103267
>>1103233You, a whole ass adult human grown ass person. Making beef with a kid who hurt your feelings and stopped wanting to be your friend? So you poison their reputation in the art community and do the very gossiping and backstabbing you tried qnd failed to frame them for. A kid who said they looked up to you as a big sister
starts crying for emphasis Hey hi hello. That’s gross, Shannon. You’re gross.
No. 1103508
>>1103093Weird that the comments on that video are just universally negative. I've tried to watch a few videos about wtf this girl did, but they were
so boring I barely absorbed a thing. Doubt this is spoonfeeding since it hasn't been addressed yet: can any kind anon who knows the cliff notes of this Peaches drama say what she's being accused of so those of us out of the loop can read it? It can't
just be gossiping, right?
No. 1103819
>>1103508It really is insane considering nothing she’s accused of is as serious as the anger in the comments would suggest.
The issues with clear evidence fall into grey area of
-not intentional but still unhealthy & annoying (declaring to be done with twitter or on a break for her mental health but returning to defend herself and argue).
-Intentional but mutual (two ex friends vague tweeting each other)
-rumored but unproven (telling tobi that Creepshow was an asshole - not a lie just eh petty) (going back on an agreement with Camilla on an art collaboration and lying about the agreement - framing Camilla for undercrediting peaches and selling the work without permission / sharing profits. No screens out yet have shown their actual agreement) end of part 1
No. 1103832
>>1103819Same bitch obv. Part 2
-evidenced but debatable: she made a video about a much smaller youtuber in her discord being a “twat” and an idiot. Arrogant but built his channel riding drama. That was the basics of her description of him. Did not name names. However many from that discord apparently knew who she was referring to. The guy came forward and outed himself as the clout chasing twat. Does seem to be obnoxious in this anons opinion. Many of his screencaps trying to make peaches look mean show her warning him to stop trolling and being a douche on discord or he’s going to be kicked. Kind of unkind as a video in all objectivity. Kind of standard. Possibly deserved. Maybe more harsh than deserved.
Part 3 maybe later about her talking about suicidal ideation and some people finding that
problematic. I’m trying to be assed to figure out why. it feels like twitter drama buzz words. “she’s using her mental illness for pity” But is she? Is she bad enough for that to matter. Are these just teenagers in quarantine projecting their issues onto art commentary youtube more than ever? Yes. Does Peaches deserve a bit of dragging? Sure. Most of them do.
I just honestly feel bad for peaches in this because of the level of anger is so disproportionate to what she even did. And the lack of anger at Creepshow or prison bitch luke for being considerably more nasty in this situation.
I only looked into this because I don’t like or trust Creepshow and it seemed like she found a new whipping post. What she is trying to make reign down on peaches all because peaches stopped being her friend and told others that she is getting out of control with her content.
It’s like she’s punishing someone for speaking out. It’s psychotic
No. 1103857
>>>/snow/1098867 considerably more useful google doc made by Camilla about her side of the story in a conflict with peaches. I’m certainly willing to hear her out: she may have been done dirty. However my observation is that the screencaps don’t show any agreements being made. There’s nothing to really convince me who was in the wrong wjen peaches was unhappy with the result of the collaboration because everything about the planning and agreement was left out (save for camillas summary of events which of course isn’t proof, just her statement.)
To me it seems like peaches exaggerated the issues with her signature being upside down on the top of the poster. And lied about being under-credited on deviantart when her name is there.
However all this hinges on their initial agreement which Camilla (conviently) did not show. I’m waiting for peaches to share her side of it. And the full screencaps which could change the game a bit. Like in her part one response she showed the full screenshot DM’s the others clipped that hilariously revealed Luke and Creepshow to be lying by omission and completely full of it
No. 1104102
>>1103909I would agree peaches is a minor flake herself with everything gathered so far.
There’s just something fucked up and irritating about various full blown cows taking their dysfunction out and just unhinging their jaw on someone fairly likable and more normal adjacent.
not that infighting as the problem, it would be funny if they got deserved blowback for making tumblr teen psych ward callout videos on her.
It’s that their paranoid ramblings are being taken at face value and getting a ton of clout off of it. Like the fact that their fans are that gullible. Yeesh
No. 1104135
>>1104102Honestly, Shannon's part in this really feels particularly like spite. She never really had a place in the art community, her art was always absolute dogshit. Those other weeb-tier artists aren't
that much better, but you can tell that they at least try not to draw the exact same extremely distorted atrocity every single time.
Now one of those who are totally less important and serious than her is disrespecting her in subtweets? We cannot have that. She finally found something she's successful with, and now she's flexing. Everyone in this except for Shannon are nobodies compared to the "serious commentary" youtube community and it baffles me that even D'Angelo Wallace chimed in. She's having a power trip over the people she once was a peer of - bad-to-mediocre, uninteresting art commentary youtubers who share inflated to downright fabricated storytimes. It's absolutely petty behavior to prove to herself that she "made it". She could be an adult, hash things out in private, and focus on creating content and paying attention to her friendships. Instead she doubles down on this extremely insignificant argument. She's just as much of a child as everyone else in that drama.
No. 1104292
>>1103819>>1103832ayrt. Thank you based anon. Art community drama can be dense to some of us outsiders, but it's still so worth following.
>her talking about suicidal ideation and some people finding that problematic.Yes, that Luke guy sounded absolutely disgusted that she talked about feeling suicidal. Obviously
some people threaten suicide for manipulative reasons, but him claiming that
real suicidal people don't talk about their feelings was so ignorant and flat-out dangerous.
No. 1105089
After reading the doc in
>>1103857 I'm inclined to say Peaches had it coming and shouldn't have blasted the artist on social media telling people not to collab with her if she couldn't handle the backlash, but I still fail to see how this dime-a-dozen weeb drama garnered the attention of so many youtubers that are 10 to 100 times larger in terms of subscribers. Who the fuck cares about this child. All these people need to move on.
No. 1105214
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She's still posting on her community tab on YT. A correction about the Peaches video.
No. 1105216
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No. 1105217
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Also, still MIA.
No. 1105245
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Another one for the bingo
No. 1105252
>>1105089I’m inclined to agree if what the doc says is true. But I’ve said this before (either in this thread or the tobi/art yt drama thread): there’s very little that can actually prove camillas point of view on how it happened.
At this point, it’s very possible Camilla did go against their agreement, failed to credit peaches in a way that she had specifically requested, or that Camilla could have gone back on an agreement that they would not monetize the art or share profits.
Literally all those things are technically possible because Camilla never shared the actual conversation where they laid out the collaboration. That’s the part that makes me feel really sus.
Why would Camilla only show one snippet of the DM where she firsts suggests making a collab poster and selling it? In the screenshot peaches doesn’t agree, or disagree. just asks some clarifying questions. There are no other DMs in the document from the planning and agreement stage. That is fucking weird to me. Like that needed to be there to prove anything and she just left it out, posted an irrelevant part of the convo and summed it up the part that actually matters.
She could be telling the truth and just be stupid and immature and did a bad job making the doc. But I’m suspicious the full conversations about the collaboration went differently. And she purposely could not show that and make her argument work
No. 1105254
File: 1607720531100.jpeg (502.42 KB, 1242x1389, F3CA0076-5C0A-4ACF-9787-FB9B1A…)

>>1105252Meant to attach this
No. 1105363
>>1105271I have a feeling Shannon is probably an insufferable cunt in real life. I'm always suspicious of storytime vids where the narrator is like "and for no reason they fucking hated me!"
Also big fucking kek, her friend's gf calls her out for being a narcissist. That sounds about right.
No. 1106196
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No. 1106199
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>>1106196But also this? Wonder if that means she's okay and will stream, or that they just haven't heard about her ER situation.
No. 1106202
>>1106200Oh hey, that screencap was taken from here
>>1068984, including the weird glitch in the bottom line of text.
No. 1106209
File: 1607824626153.png (106.02 KB, 598x521, Screenshot at Dec 13 02-57-05.…)

The majority of recent tweets about her have been negative. No wonder she hasn't reactivated yet.
No. 1106210
File: 1607824694564.png (76.04 KB, 592x293, Screenshot at Dec 13 02-58-17.…)

Her latest video was a guest video by one of her friends because she was having dental surgery.
No. 1106249
File: 1607828577381.png (17.53 KB, 574x121, creepshow.png)

>>1096883Not sure if this was already posted but she left this on a video about him.
No. 1106257
>>1106211>Her stans attack her "victims" and Shannon knows this and uses them to destroy people.This is the most laughable shit I've heard in awhile. I agree with
>>1100647. She's not engaging in some 4D chess to manipulate or push her fans into harassing people, she lacks the capability for one. Calling people out for the shit they do isn't harassment, it's the same dumbass non-argument cows make when they criticize LC or Kiwi.
>>1096883The guy in that pic is another cow that gets shit on in that community.
No. 1106262
>>1106257samefagging to add he
>>1096883 was outed for publicly lying about coming here from Brazil "by himself" at the ripe ol' age of 12. His father is actually some wealthy US business exec as revealed in his IMDB. He's a lying little snowflake who can't take criticism.
No. 1106308
>>1106209Kek mysterious tea is rustled because they’re just as weird as “thedadpodcast”. They make obsessive embarrassing videos when they develop a hate boner on a new person. They love Shane Dawson and will usually go after any milky creator who tries to cross Shane.
Always so happy to see the ire of highly insane calves directed at one of the cows here. Could get messy No. 1106336
>>1106211Holy fuck same anon but dad challenge podcast is also one of the main people who covered that child abuse case #standwithSophie. Which was objectively terrible. nothing against her actual fight against her abuser(s). And she’s no longer in the home where that took place.
But the viral video where she spoke out about needing help attracted the fucking qanon pedo conspiracy crowd. So her support groups turned into like raid the government larping communities.
Dad challenge podcast has become like a figurehead in those groups and exposing potential police corruption or negligence involved (totally possible although I thought dadchallenge himself seems like a bit of a dunce and I take his info or his sources with a grain of coke at times).
Anyways these people really worship him because of the work he’s apparently done trying to defend this kid. I remember Shannon kind of stood up for Sophie in one of her videos which might have attracted these viewers to her channel. Maybe they’re feeling betrayed now? That kind of qanon adjacent types will turn so fast on each other and anyone else. Could lead to fun drama
No. 1106835
File: 1607904464523.png (117.56 KB, 867x540, sed.png)

>>1106196Eating Disorder Relapse era?
No. 1106879
>>1106853Her being overweight and this spell of vomiting and subsequent weight loss all makes sense for bulimia. I’m no expert but I definitely remember from health class being told that people with bulimia are often normal weight or overweight. Because the binge eating component can easily cause weight gain regardless of the methods used to expel it
I don’t really doubt she has had bulimia or that her stomach trouble right now could be a
trigger. Just having seen all her story time videos about her days as a very lonely young teen / tween with an emo goth phase. Idk to me that checks out. She has also claimed to have a history of self harm. None of that is out of the ordinary especially for people who do art YouTube. So I buy it or whatever. Which is all fine since it doesn’t excuse her unsympathetic coverage of Eugenia anyway. And no one should use her health at this time to refrain from any deserved criticism. She has plenty of fans to give her good vibes. she is welcome to take time and go offline if the criticism is
triggering No. 1106918
>>1106835>>1106879This is so dramatic though. She's having a reaction after dental surgery and has to post a cryptic "on my way to the ER, please pray for me I'm so terrified" status, then it turns out that she's just been having trouble keeping food down
after dental surgery. It's been a day but she acts like she's gonna die. Like I get health anxiety and I'd get it if she vented to her friends about it but she had to post it to her 385k subscribers begging them for likes and prayers. What an attention-seeker.
No. 1106982
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>tfw Shannon is closer to tea than commentary
No. 1107013
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No. 1107017
File: 1607919096005.jpg (134.73 KB, 1242x2208, 131600683_711258299767583_5357…)

Good lord she's just been spamming her IG story now that she can't think out loud on Twitter. Saved some of them, spam incoming
No. 1107064
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No. 1107089
>>1107019Lmaoo I would love to know who this is referring to. It sounds like it would be something funny and stupid.
I love that even with this outpouring of support, whatever handful of people being antagonistic is bothering her
this much to have to say something about it. Get a grip lol
No. 1107569
>>1107532I always find it hilarious when people who's entire internet presence revolves around making drama videos and gossiping about other people, all of a sudden have a breakdown when people start talking about them.
Shannon has no problem dishing it out but she cannot take it at all, it's so pathetic.
No. 1107670
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No. 1107671
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No. 1107672
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No. 1107674
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No. 1107676
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No. 1107909
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She's really just been chimping out on IG instead of Twitter.
No. 1108031
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Chimp mode activated. Ngl this is extremely funny blowback.
They have sort of a point. Shannon generally cares more about if YouTubers act professionally than their intentions or goals or if they actually bring something valuable to the table. So she’ll gas up the most boring and bitchy motherfucker regurgitating others videos if they have good PR skills. And she’ll dislike users similar to dadchallegepod who are actually setting up interviews, doing the legwork and generating new content, who seem to have a cause or a passion, but they’re ‘bad’ because they’re not subtle about the mean shit. In this case hating the stauffers guts. Damn I mean, hes somewhere between understandable and clownish. Which can certainly be entertaining and requires work on his part. I wouldn’t exactly say he ‘needs to stop’
That kind of surface level acceptability is not at all how I go about choosing creators to watch and follow. That all just makes Shannon and her performative type of youtuber more annoying to me.
No. 1108319
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>>1096548She's also clearly not bothered by turbo edgelords considering she's openly mutuals with Aiden,
>>1095451or she's completely blind to people's character as long as they follow her. I've definitely seen that dude doxx people before ( or his friends). It seems most of his extremely incriminating tweets were deleted so he's smarter than Augie, I'll give him that. The hypocrisy is funny though.
No. 1108322
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>>1108319If creepshow is so bothered about being doxxed when she has said her full name including middle name MULTIPLE TIMES on streams with high view counts why have people she associates with been banned off twitter before for doxxing? I don't think she deserved her address being posted regardless of the fact she basically makes it public information but, whew.
No. 1108494
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No. 1108496
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No. 1108761
>>1107910Jfc the dramatics again, she can't follow sports because she's too
No. 1108794
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JV team
No. 1109088
File: 1608224061647.jpeg (925.18 KB, 1242x817, 1FCC25FD-DBE6-450C-8E16-818EB8…)

There’s something so pathetic about how peaches profile pic and emblem is her actual drawing and Creepshow isn’t even known for her own art. Every video about Creepshow has this guest artists horny ass sultry out of character creation. The fact the art is better than anything shannon herself can create and looks nothing like her doughy and hairpin trigger sensitive, buy me pizza and touch my butt personality and is so funny.
peaches art is hard mediocre but at least she actually drew that lmaoo. Her own art for her own art channel. Imagine that
No. 1112722
>>1112715>Yea even in quarantine it’s easy to get outside and go for a daily walk or run when you work from home.But Anon!! She lives in a dangerous ghetto full of addicts having sex right outside her apartment 24/7! She can't just go for a
No. 1112803
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>>1112757I think the real issue is that she has zero friends in LV.
>>1057884 That's manageable when you have a car and it's not a pandemic so you can visit/be visited by friends from elsewhere, but she hasn't been able to do that so all she's been doing is sperg out about online drama and posting her Disneyland critiques on her IG stories. I didn't save those because who cares, but I did get these- drama brewing with some dude who made fake screenshots about her. Gotta say they look really bad. Shannon has a very particular way of talking. This doesn't even sound like her one bit. Some of her detractors are just as low IQ as she is, I wish someone more well-spoken and intelligent would give her shit for once.
No. 1112904
File: 1608680848919.png (6.79 MB, 1242x2208, EC1567F9-58D6-473A-934E-B9D47D…)

He posted fake screenshots he received on her in the video
literally says they are fake because the world of drama is petty and operates on believes everything you hear.
Says he doesn’t believe in spreading false allegations just because he has beef with someone.
Shannon: holy fuck we are under attack this grown man is spreading false allegations about me because I had beef with him!!!
pushing 30 still trying to use the grown adult thing is so bleak. You’re a grown woman even if your personality is arrested at 14 Shannon
No. 1112907
>>1112803I'm not gonna pretend these screenshots look legit but why is she always so so bad at making a case? Any case.
>I don't ever say lol. ever.>>1100285I bet there'd be dozens more examples if her Twitter wasn't disabled.
She's fucking braindead and not in the way she thinks is funny and charming. She could just say "this isn't how I talk". Because it isn't. But she's legitimately too stupid to keep track of her own shit.
No. 1112911
>>1112907Yea they’re not but that’s what’s so fucking smooth brain. The man presents them in the video saying someone sent him fakes. Literally doesn’t claim they are real.
and shannons response is the screenshots are fake. Braindead.
The point of the mans video isnt kissing her ass so I guess she’s trying to make him look like a liar? Either that or she’s literally stupid and didn’t watch the video
No. 1113452
>>1113353The hard hitting commentary.
Man on YouTube: someone sent me this trying to frame Creepshow. I believe they are fake. Let’s discuss why using fake screenshots to “expose” people is wrong. Im making commentary about the problems with popular YouTube commentary. Again not saying these are real or that Creepshow is a predator.
Shannon: here’s how I can waste my time and slough off dying braincells to prove why these are fake. This man tried to prove I’m a predator but my hacker skills can tell you he lied. My body is begging for sunlight
No. 1113789
File: 1608772546509.png (4.08 MB, 1242x2208, 62B920EA-68E1-458A-AAFB-59370A…)

Shannons skinny goth oc does look pretty dope here. Not gonna lie!
No. 1113851
>>1113789This is so wonky i don't even know where to start.
The perspective on the chair is fucked…is creepshow sitting on the floor or is she crouching?
The way the candles on the ground look is so odd,i can't quite place why.
No. 1113922
File: 1608784150712.png (433.68 KB, 1080x889, PicsArt_12-23-08.28.10.png)

>>1113789That ankle looks broken. It's just flopping there in such an abnormal way.
No. 1114078
File: 1608812769092.png (1.42 MB, 1242x2208, B40B64C0-82B5-4CE4-93EE-7FF930…)

>>1114001Oh for sure. A less narcissistic person would say hes trying to use the argument that screenshots are easy to fake to absolve himself. Instead her video is about perceived accusations that he didn’t actually make.
Focus on how this guy is trying to make himself look innocent and the danger he might be to others. Maybe not on the non-existent scandal he didn’t start about you.
Ahh but then no
victim pity and humblebrag supply for Shannon. She seems so desperate lately
No. 1114090
>>1113789I know this isn't Shannon's art but
oof. The chair is like an optical illusion and the girl on the floor is… floating? Balancing on one foot? Not to mention stabbing herself in the crotch with those heel spikes.
No. 1114138
>>1114123It’s like a nervous tic I’m obsessed with it lmfao. Does she forget how old she is. I think her viewers do.
She went off on peaches who is only 19 or 20. UwU a grown ass woman tried to slander a barely legal adult smaller youtuber with lies and fake accusations all because she called Shannon out on her
problematic behavior! See how that works. Anyone can make this shit up
No. 1114949
>>1114865Holy shit they are! They tweaked the brow eyelash and lip size after the fact but that is totally is a copy paste
Not shannons fault to be fair (it’s christmas ill be nice!) but extremely funny none the less
No. 1115023
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No. 1115024
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>>1115023What you want to be
No. 1115025
File: 1608950689582.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2103, DC705D0B-B28A-40D8-9442-C26970…)

>>1115024>>1115023How you actually come off
No. 1115596
>>1115024Your photo is showing,
No. 1115738
File: 1609054670715.png (830.46 KB, 1298x2048, Screenshot_20201227-003306.png)

Huehuehue wow my dudes isn't it just bonkers how me and these grown ass adult dudes I'm totally not sucking up to made it on this clickbait site.
No. 1116340
>>1115738>I'm not used to this recognitionYeah and it shows. She doesn't know how to act and is getting more and more attention and it's blowing the fuck up very soon.
BTW, won't she have to revive her Twitter soon so it doesn't get permadeleted?
No. 1116462
>>1116340She was recently on a live stream with Edwin's Generation and said she would never use twitter again. She was super dramatic and talking about how it was so hard for her and how twitter is so
toxic, but she said she would never go back to it ever.
No. 1116466
>>1116462A smidgen of criticism on Twitter from like 5 people who have realized how selfish and spineless she really is point out how her actions betray her brand. and an outpouring of love from her mass of dead loyal fans. SOO
toxic how did she survive.
No. 1116471
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Lolcow receipts compiling her two faced public behavior are still not private info lmfao. but it’s wonderful that she can feel her actions are catching up to her. I wonder how many people have found this thread
No. 1116476
File: 1609149939413.jpeg (553.76 KB, 1068x1267, B148503A-0355-4382-A02D-A86220…)

Interesting comment on a small video about Creepshow and mainly that commentary group she’s hitched onto. I check her Twitter and YouTube tags occasionally and a small minority is recently reading her for what she does and the way she twists most things
She does seem to just repeat repzion and Edward and doesn’t care about whoever is being destroyed in the process.
No. 1116483
>>1116462Ahahaha. So let me get this right, she spent day in day out on twitter contributing to what she claims was a
toxic culture by calling people out and siccing her followers on people by QRTing posts, enjoying all the likes and dopamine effect she got from doing this, but the second she gets a whiff of possibly getting it in return she runs for the hills.
Yeah she’s right, she knows just how
toxic it is and she sees the writing on the wall that people would start doing the same to her once this thread was made and people started criticising her.
This has nothing to do with it being
toxic, she’s just chickenshit. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, Shannon. I bet she only has sympathy for herself and none of the people who’s day she would ruin doing that though.
No. 1116765
>>1116763Kek true. Twitter isn’t too
toxic for her. She’s too
toxic for Twitter.
But she has a burgeoning personality disorder where in her internal reality, getting less than 100% support for her childish bullying of random nobodies = other people are so mean and scawwy
No. 1116796
I’m not going to armchair diagnose per say. Because we don’t know her irl. But her online persona mimics interesting covert symptoms.
-The insecurity and low self esteem / jokes about being a literal worthless idiot.
-humble bragging
-misfortune olympics
-an air of arrogance about her own victimhood
-a general arrogance and temper over her research being challenged.
-lashing out when being corrected or given feedback in good faith (even the peaches DM’s she tried to used as proof to make peaches look bad. show peaches being reasonable and opening up about the content of her latest video going too far, and shannon being a condescending jerk who’s convinced she’s in the right and not interested in hearing non-praise from her “4kids Creepshow” friend)
-love bombing
-weaponizing virtue signaling when it suits her (homelessness, child porn, stalking, predation, age, abuse, false accusations, misogyny, sexual harassment, doxxing)
-joking about and excusing the same such matters when it suits her
-vague tweeting people who criticize her
-vengeful nature towards those who criticized her fairly (not people who were abusive or bullying towards her, which might be justified to want to see their karma)
-black and white thinking with an obsession with creating villains out of others
-in most cases, this is followed by a humble brag and can be observed as a strategy to raise ones esteem by pushing another down, and distract from her own inadequacy
-ignoring input from fans and followers giving her information and warning signs about causes or creators, betraying the illusion that she is speaking about villains for anyone else’s sake but her own
- focus on status and numbers, (people buying subs or being ratio’ed is one of her biggest idea of an insult, although to most rational people those things are amusing at best but don’t effect our impression of a person being correct or incorrect or even a quality channel per say) (posting her subcount increase like clockwork after a negative online interaction)
-multiple stories about being hated by her ex’s, her friends significant others, and her husbands friends. Not clickbait but admitting to being genuinely despised by those people.
-putting down others repeatedly in her story times
-being called a narcissist by people who interacted with her in her actual real life. Not her online life where everyone comes off that way.
-multiple people trying to convince her and her husband to break up
-repeatedly (like really weirdly repeatedly) using her homelessness as a playing card during conflicts to derail almost anything critical
I’ve lived and worked with people like that. Again this is just her online persona. But it serves a framework concept to better understand why people like this in real life are so impossible
No. 1116956
File: 1609202429828.png (2.07 MB, 1242x2208, 6525EFC7-D141-4E6E-B03B-1E9EF9…)

Good lord this woman again. I’m kinda curious though this obviously sounds like a milk fest
No. 1117110
>>1115738This is so awkward. I'd be so ashamed to be featured in an article like that, with an emphasis on the "art", when said art looks like this. This is the best screenshot they could get, huh. Her finished works always look absolutely miserable, at least in the sketch stage it's still ambiguous. But I'd be mortified to have this many eyes on my shit art and braindead ramblings, audience growing, expectations rising…
On the upside, Shannon can't get imposter syndrome because in order to doubt your skills, you need some in the first place. She's a hack and probably sighs a breath of relief for every day her audience miraculously accepts her shit, which is why she's always lovebombing and gushing over everyone- deep inside she knows she doesn't deserve it and lives on borrowed time, so she's trying to soak up the glory for as long as she can until her random luck runs out.
No. 1117111
File: 1609220253725.jpg (148.72 KB, 1242x2208, 133898432_1021218795020962_751…)

The joke writes itself
No. 1118875
>>1118610Trying to sound like rupal drag Twitter. Doing a bad job because she’s white and a dork. She always sounds like a straight girl trying to gargle out black gay sassy lingo
Most people are a lot smarter than you shannon. We’ve been over this. It’s not really saying much for him
No. 1122097
>>1121958Lol maybe they expected her to react to the documentary free of charge because she spends so much time talking about how she wants to get the word out about internet predators and it’s totally not about the money. It’s about doing the right thing! It’s her passion!
Well she did it anyway. She’s so stupid she doesn’t realize that she’s promoting the documentary by making a commentary video about it. Which is what they asked her to do. Kek win
No. 1122143
>>1122103I am laughing hard. She got ignored and is now petty about it.
Because she didn't matter enough.
Cry harder, Shannon.
No. 1124205
File: 1609980183677.png (1009.3 KB, 672x895, holyfuckwhy.PNG)

>>1054025>>1054041She also made a video about her "woe is me" problem.. and then she is just like "I'm so lucky and grateful". She's filthy rich yet makes useless shit. Her nitpicking of anti-sjw fake propaganda, too. If bitching against Cosmopolitan is you biggest fight, get your head out of your ass. She was crying because she can’t go to Vegas like she does every year with her boyfriend. Money doesn’t automatically make people’s depression go away, holy fucking shit. And her outlet was to cry on camera at her audience of people who are so much less fortunate than her even at their best, many of whom also suffer from mental illness. Sorry you can’t go to Vegas some of us have been surviving on saltines and peanut butter since June. Also, why is she following Shapiro on Twitter?
>>1121958Her fanbase is now making it about how its the big bad mainsweam media's fault and how they have no respect for YT accounts and how "hard" they work, so no surprise there.
>>1122015>I cant believe I listened to 18 minutes of straight whining.Isn't this all of her videos though? You'd think you'd be used to it by now.
No. 1127602
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I'll give her that, deleting Twitter was a smart move because her milk has been much more skim since then. But it's so funny that she's still out and about beefing with random idiots and then brags about it on IG as if she really did something there. It's sad that she doesn't realize she's in the same IQ range of this ghost hunter dude.
No. 1128659
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>>1099538I'm certain that this is part of why she's gone. I don't particularly care about cow-on-cow drama, but this is the kind of shit she'd be making videos about if they weren't her friends. But she can't say anything or she wouldn't be based and edgy. She's a coward, hiding away because she knows she's a hypocritical cunt.
No. 1128683
was already happening when she was leaving. She fucked off so she wouldn't have to deal with a) the consequences of her impulsive tweeting and b) being pointed towards the behavior of her shitlord "uwu preshus frens".
No. 1128718
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She's been going on a rant on Insta stories about the Chris Hansen thing again. Also posted this.
>Being on Twitter gave people too much of an impression of the person I really am, so I'm not gonna use it anymore and am instead only putting out my edited videos on youtube and my personal rants will go on my IG with 10% the followers my Twitter had because that's safer for my manic sperging
No. 1130863
File: 1610582932319.jpg (163.13 KB, 1242x2208, 138209923_404893570575055_9520…)

She's sperging out about Chris Hansen again. When tbh, the comment has a real point. I think the doc and Hansen wasn't ~ethical~ in how it was done but guess what, the same counts for any dramatuber who drags out someone's traumatic experience so they can make money off the views. All these dramatubers have been making videos about terrible experiences of people for years even when it was clear that some of them didn't want their private stuff laid out in front of an audience. But if dramatubers can make money off of poorly researched traumacore then so can Chris Hansen. They're two peas in a pod, Chris just happens to be mainstream famous with bigger connections. Just because Shannon has a "regular job" doesn't mean she doesn't profit from Youtube.
Once again Edwin's participation is fully ignored by Shannon because he made sure to ask if the doc was going to include the stories about the girls who don't want to be included and they said no. So that makes it okay, besides the fact that those girls said in very clear terms that they would feel betrayed by ANYONE who participated and Edwin spent the longest time trying to be "friends" with them for exclusive info like he's doing with that Ashlee chick now (who also tweets about how much she hates Hansen for this but remains friends with Edwin).
I'm not trying to whiteknight the doc or CH, but if it's okay to make literally hundreds of videos airing out all the details of their abuse ad nauseum for adsense money and, in case of demonetization, Patreon subs, then it's okay to make a documentary about it.
TL;DR Shannon, your high horse doesn't equal the high ground.
No. 1130875
>>1130863>most of my content is demonetizedAnd that's why you promote your patreon and your ugly as sin merchandise under every video.
>I don't show my facesince when? It's been on many of your video thumbnails and your twitter was full of selfies all the time.
This dumb bitch can't keep her shit straight for 0.3 seconds. It's rare to find someone as mind-numbingly stupid as her.
No. 1131905
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Crosspost from Onion thread.
Her reading comprehension is still shit. That person is clearly saying they found the leak (on lolcow, duh) and immediately sent it around. They're not the source of the leak. So her whole smartass ramble about his username and how he's sacrificing his job is dumb as shit, as usual. Anyway, Blackfin managed to get the episode leaked before it ever aired (Edwin's involvement was revealed through an anon leaking screenshots of his segments before the episode was on air) so it's not a stretch to believe that other info would leak as well.
Also. Shannon. Please. Please for the love of god stop screenshotting your comment and email replies that you think make you sound "smart" for your insta stories. You don't sound smart. You sound like a 14 year old trying to be badass.
No. 1132123
>>1131905Holy shit, her low IQ antics just won't end. This guy is clearly addressing Onision ("James") and put all these commentators in the CC field for bonus exposure and
of course she zeroes in on how she's been personally insulted and has to tear apart and analyze what is obvious low quality bait at first glance to everyone with a modest amount of brain cells. I feel secondhand humiliation at her essentially arguing with a spam email. The fact that she hit Reply All is the cherry on top of this sad little monument to her lack of self awareness and desperate need to come off as clever and witty when she's anything but. When Shannon feuds with anyone it usually means both sides are idiots. She's too stupid to pick her battles. Sadness all round.
No. 1132865
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>>1130981Comment in pic related sums it up perfectly.
>>1132571>This is not okayAnother one for the books. Does she not, like, have any other, like, totally bonkers ideas for video titles you guys???
No. 1132880
>>1132865im still baffled by the number of anti-o commentary youtubers angry about the hansen documentary because 'there are
victims who didn't want to get involved, so it's not his story to tell'. bitch what have you been doing this whole time? Did you get permission and a quote from every
victim? How is that narrative flying for a second lol
No. 1133752
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>>1133658>DEAD NAMINGlmao that's such an idiot take for this situation, she once again does not know what she's talking about.
Pic related: They show a disclaimer at the start of the episode clarifying that "Kai" has transitioned and they're using female pronouns for the time before transitioning so the
victims can tell their stories authentically with the context of being lured in by someone who at the time by all means lived as a woman and used that identity to lure in girls who were specifically interested in having a GIRLFRIEND, because, you know, that's fucking relevant. They then explain the transition, the rebranding to CoolGuyKai, and consistently use Kai and he/him from there on out.
No. 1133753
>>1133658Jesus yea comparing her experience living out of a car is actually really vile and self centered in a conversation about really severe and horrific abuse like what Greg does to people. I wonder if that’s why she doesn’t recognize the value of the documentary as mediocre as it may be, it’s going mainstream with a really important cautionary tale IMO. I hate that people who have a performative tangential grasp on how bad Greg (and people like him) was/is, are trying to cash in on petty bullshit like how chris Hanson was not perfect and easy to nitpick. Hanson’s a big name and so easy and clickable for YouTubers to waste brain cells complaining about. All when I’m the end Hanson’s net affect on the situation and actually protecting potential
victims is obviously positive. But no, Greg is our cow no touch. What a bunch of narcissistic adult children
No. 1133756
>>1133658>>1133694This just in: Streaming platforms are
problematic>>1133753As much as she pretends to be this empathetic, morally upstanding babby angel, she simply can't get out of her narc brain for 0.02 seconds to consider that her experiences aren't relevant to everything she's "reporting" on. Maybe that's why she likes Edwin so much, he's also riding that "uwu softboy" persona while being a petty bitch behind the scenes and having to relate everything back to the drama with Dasha that gave him the platform he has today. Anytime someone is abused or manipulated he has to pull out the "this is just like what happened with Dasha and Cyr" card and it's obnoxiously selfish. Shannon does the same thing because being homeless was the only interesting thing that ever happened in her life that she can use as a gotcha when criticized because don't you ever dare forget she's a traumatized
victim of, like, bonkers society, or whatever.
No. 1133776
>>1133750Ah okay, the way some people are wording it as "locked behind a paywall" so dramatically makes it sound like you have to pay specifically for the Investigation Discovery app that most people don't care about and that's the ONLY way to access it so most people won't end up seeing it because they won't go out of their way to pay for the app just for this. Either Shannon or Jaclyn, can't remember which, said in their video that the only people who do care enough to actually pay for it are people already aware of the situation so it defeats the doc's stated purpose of spreading awareness.
Honestly though a lot of people still have traditional cable or satellite and can see it that way if Investigation Discovery is part of their package. It's still accessible to tons of people on TV. Assuming I'm understanding that right I think the way people like Shannon are presenting it is misinformed at best and extremely disingenuous, if not outright dishonest, at worst.
No. 1133838
>>1133776I feel like everyone knows a mom who loves the ID channel. And cable is still something most boomers and gen x. The documentary being on that channel is without a doubt a good thing for awareness. Knowing Shiloh was one of the most harmed
victims, I don’t judge her for her choice to participate. She has the right to do what she needs to do, within reason. Interviews and awareness are certainly within reason
No. 1134691
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A bitch has been lurking
No. 1134694
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Gee Shannon, no one would be questioning your ptsd if you weren’t actively and constantly using it to invalidate and demean other survivors with ptsd over the fact that they cope by doing a god damn Chris Hansen interview. You selfish pig
No. 1134698
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For someone who screams about getting “doxxed” on lolcow and Twitter being bad for your mental heal, you sure are a fan of reading both constantly
No. 1135765
>>1134694>>1134691Shannon you mention your homelessness/"trauma" for pity points at every opportunity you get, if it was so incredibly traumatizing why don't you ever shut the fuck up about it? That's some Erin Painter level shit.
Also now you're trying to retcon your own lore and say it was being assaulted at work and being broke and etc. but you have stated in the past repeatedly, even just the other day in your video about Chris Hansen, that it was the homelessness itself that caused the PTSD. Get your story straight.
No one cares about your trauma being "palatable", if anything people are more open and supportive about mental health online than ever these days. And honestly I don't even doubt that you have mental health issues and that you've been through some shit. Using it for constant attention seeking and shifting the focus to you, however, even when talking about serious subjects such as Onision's
victims, is fucked. That's the part people are sick of.
Stop buying tons of candles and donating to people you don't even like as a virtue signal and use that money on some therapy.
No. 1136004
>>1135951I doubt her janitorial duties at a storage facility was a "high-paying job", maybe if you're living at home and don't have any of your own expenses. Her Linkedin is here.
>>1067814 That was her last job before moving.
No. 1136205
>>1136004I’ll devils advocate and say she probably isn’t still using that linked in since it was posted here. Figured she might as well make a new account. This time NOT mentioning her YouTube career if she wishes to keep that part of her life separate. So her recent work is probably listed there. And she has ever right to keep that secret.
But she has no college degree or trade. She’s doing minimum wage at best. There’s no way to make ends meet with that alone. Her YouTube and Patreon does pay her living and she’s too deep in her own superiority complex to admit that now. Superiority being an ironic word because her life is incredibly mediocre. She has to lie about not needing YouTube to survive to feel above the people she’s beefed with for monetizing their shit. Hell at least those people are honest about their intentions to monetize sensitive topics and don’t pull the uwu I’m doing this for free because it’s a serious issue, but I’ll still exploit it for views and channel growth which puts direct money in my pocket, so I guess it wasn’t that serious to me uwu
No. 1140999
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Some dude made a creepy 3d model of Shannon. Does it look like her, anons?
No. 1143542
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No. 1145523
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>>1143542Jeez, lockdown hit her hard.
No. 1145534
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Does anyone remember the video about the crazy SJW that told Shannon that her boyfriend was abusive? Turns out that was her sister. I'm torn between "the milk runs in the family" and "this is another wild exaggeration"
No. 1145553
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>>1145534She really has a bone to pick with her sister, she used to sperg about her constantly:
>>>/ot/308098>>>/ot/307274It's really funny that she admits she has an inferiority complex about her but at the same time states that she was only smart and good as a kid and now she's essentially an SJW deadbeat, you'd think that she'd feel vindicated but instead she was posting these walls of texts about her.
No. 1145575
>>1145534HOLY SHIT
Why does the sister sound exactly like her except more liberal
No. 1145705
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Pewdiepie fanart… it’s not that bad but fucking why him
No. 1145707
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Posting in r/actuallesbians is a little odd for someone very adamantly bisexual unlike her evil lesbian sister. 4 years ago though. I’ll give benefit of the doubt she was just questioning at the time but still hm
No. 1145712
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If only she kept this energy
No. 1145715
>>1145712>I was incredibly loud [and] obnoxiousSo nothing has changed
>I found a way to make jokes at myself so the people who were making the jokes at me had less powerObvious, but nice to see some self-awareness.
What strikes me about her Reddit account is how utterly ineloquent she is. I've never seen that much long-form writing by her, only Tweets that are mostly casual by design and her Youtube videos that are more of a rambling stream of consciousness thing. But reading her posts where she can take her time, has no character limit and an edit feature, she really is just awful at expressing herself. I know this is a nitpick but even just the quote above is so clumsily phrased, like a young teen's first attempt at figuring herself out and putting it into words. She's so fucking stunted.
No. 1146345
>>1145534I wonder if her sister is why Shannon positioned herself as some sort of hardcore anti-SJW even though her views and callout videos have always been very much aligned with common SJW themes except that she argued against the really out of pocket peak Tumblr standpoints. I've always wondered why she thinks she's anti sjw when clearly she holds a lot of views that would be considered SJW, she's just screeching about low hanging fruit that no sane person takes seriously in the first place.
It'd be funny if her whole origin story was really just that her inferiority complex inducing sister went full Tumblr and she finally had something to feel superior about.
No. 1146989
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It has been 0 days since Creepshow art has made another doxxing claim.
No. 1147399
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No. 1147485
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>>1147399Doesn't Smokeyglow complain about brands and influencers making palettes when the market is already oversaturated and just creating waste? But I guess this is revolutionary
>Also the in jokes? Amazing Basic girl humor must be contagious. Also, weird how they're friends when Shannon associates with anti-sjw creators like an anon mentioned before. I though Smokeyglow would cancel people for less
No. 1147499
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No. 1147503
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As soon as she got big on YouTube she started doing this to other people. What a cow
No. 1148734
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Peaches is nearly 10 years younger than creepshow. They’re both full grown adults. But I guess shannon is too previously homeless to be responsible for any of her actions.
No. 1149016
>>1148734What's that document she's talking about? I haven't found it yet, sorry..
Also days without a "this is not okay" video: 0
No. 1149731
I know some people in here know/knew Shannon, so can anyone confirm if her sister really is a SJW Tumblrina or if Shannon is writing fanfic again?
No. 1150624
>>1150130I watched some of this guys other vids lately because he was calling out turkey tom and that crowd of tards… his style of critiquing them was to one by one call them all 'womanlike'. Over and over again. It was his only insult on file. Then I caught him in someone elses livestream being a dipshit talking about 'females' while the other guys in the stream had long term partners so were just ignoring his comments. One of the guys gfs walked in and he did that thing of warning the guys to behave with his partner now in the room. Purely because this guy starts randomly shitting on women at any chance.
Fuck this guy and his shitty vids.
No. 1150724
>>1150354it had little relevance to the question at all, just self-absorbed rambling.. yeah, looks like a self post. and isn't even interesting.
>>1150624he does seem super gross in a lot of ways, i couldn't stand watching him at all.
and i didn't even see those videos. but now, very hard yikes. the incel vibes are fucking strong with this one.
cow potential almost.
No. 1150818
>>1150422seems fair to me considering Shannon got her start by advertising her patreon videos in the LJ threads kek
oh how the turntables
No. 1151256
>>1150422Quit tinfoiling; it's not as if Sen is completely unknown. He did a livestream with Just Stop, Peaches, and a few other people over Prison Mate Luke a while ago.
That being said, this video is pretty shit besides a few accurate points on Shannon.
>>1150624Yeah, he sounds like a 2017 anti-SJW type of YouTuber.
No. 1158655
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>>1158369She's poly now? Huh. I remembered her tweeting pic related in
>>>/pt/798887, but when I went back to take a screenshot I was surprised to see it has only been
four months.
Also note how even back then she was lurking, and it was the fucking requests thread of all places. She
really had to have been scouring lolcow all the fucking time in order to find herself being mentioned in there so quickly.
No. 1158666
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Is Shannon a mom?
Because on one of Holly Brown’s live-streams she mentioned that she was grossed out to find out that one art drama YouTuber was a mom (she was saying she couldn’t believe you could have children and be that petty and catty). She wouldn’t say who but I was thinking Creepshow and another person in the chat said “Just say it’s creepshow”
I wish I could link to it but holly deleted it or didn’t add it to her channel.
No. 1158696
>>1158655Shannon never says she's poly, just pansexual, which is woke bisexual. It's the whole there are more than two genders thing, but she definitely isn't poly. She wouldn't be able to get more than one person to want her.
>>1158666 She's talking about Emily. Emily has two kids and made one of the biggest videos on Holly.
No. 1160029
>>1159632>Art gets betterAgree to disagree kek
Any bets on how soon Shannon will make a video about Marilyn Manson? She and RTG are overdue and they both love to sperg about Amber Heard. Plus it's all been heavily discussed and summarized here.
>lolcow thread: exists>RTG&CSA: free video real estate No. 1160783
>>1160029>Any bets on how soon Shannon will make a video about Marilyn Manson?Monday or Tuesday.
>>1160033>Good points but terribly annoying video, talk about throwing stones in glass houses.You'd have a point if "Shannon's annoying" was the only point made in the video.
>I wish someone who's actually likable and well-presented would make a video like this, but of course only Shannon's fellow annoying bottom-feeding dramatubers would bother to make videos about her. Serious youtubers wouldn't touch her shit because she's annoying as fuck and it would only give her more exposure.Well, obviously only drama/commentary YouTubers would make a video like this, because it wouldn't be in the wheelhouse of other types of YouTubers.
And who do you classify as "Serious youtubers"?
No. 1160813
File: 1613243997860.png (45.86 KB, 868x237, 1k.png)

Shannon is giving away 1000 dollars.
It'd be one thing if a giant youtuber who makes real bank would do this, but I find it really fucking weird that she can't even live off her channel yet she's clearly financially secure enough to gift some rando 1000 usd. I don't get her priorities. This reeks so, so much of cope. She knows she's not shit and that nobody follows her for being smart or nuanced, just because they like her for some reason, so she's trying to validate that by giving away heaps of money.
No. 1160910
>>1160897I'm not even sure I believe that she actually has a day job. I think she probably just says that to look reasonable, but with the amount of videos she cranks out and her utter desperation to really make it big, I don't know if I buy it. Even her LinkedIn only lists Youtube. And I don't think that's just a privacy thing because she lists all her old places of employment and then switches to describing her youtube channel in the same way as her other jobs - including the "skills" she utilizes and the tasks she does to make it look good on her resume. You don't do that with your hobby channel while omitting your
actual job. It doesn't make sense. If she was an actual working professional, why would she put all the emphasis on her channel that's supposed to just be a hobby?
Also I don't doubt that she makes a good amount of money even post-adpocalypse, which makes it even more stupid that she won't move to a nicer place rather than complaining about her shithole all the time. She's an impulsive spender and has no life skills.
I also noticed that she deleted her Patreon and only does Youtube memberships now, which is pretty weird. People love Patreon because it's more personal and her entire popularity hinges on that parasocial bullshit she enables. I wonder what made her get off Patreon.
No. 1161063
>>1160916Not the original anon, but I can confirm Shannon heavily lurks on every Emily Baker stream related to Without a Crystal Ball. It comes up on screen, so if you sift through the streams on her YouTube channel you’ll probably find her.
I may be wrong, but did Shannon’s beef with WOACB start with her supporting Emily?
No. 1161093
>>1160910I too wonder if she even has a job. She really does upload a lot and when you really think about it, her projected activiy levels don't line up with her output. Her videos are on average 15-30 minutes long, and she has to edit, narrate, draw the "art", and make thumbnails. Before she actually makes the video, she also has to be extremely online to keep up with current events and do half-assed research aka lurking lolcow and twitter for source material… She's put out 6 videos in the past week. Where would she find the time to do all this if she was working a real job?
Add to that the fact that she posts stories on IG from home every day and never seems to be outside, has to get in a good amount of lovebombing her friends, has enough time to watch other people's videos and write paragraph-long comments, play and stream video games with her friends, and so on. I'm not even going to factor in her husband because they clearly just live together but don't spend quality time. I just don't see where she could fit regular employment into her schedule.
No. 1161468
>>1161063The beef started with woacb apparently tweeting at or messaging Shannon too much, which she considered creepy. Which is rich coming from the love bomb queen.
Then it became mutual beef when Shannon made the video saying woacb called a child SA
victim “seeming bratty” in a video. Which is all true, and a tasteless choice of words. But shannon made it sound like she said that to argue the child was lying or not really a
victim or not worthy of our time. Something like that. She pretty intentionally left out how that is not woacb’s overall stance and she made multiple videos advocating for the child and the fact that the child is a
victim who needs to be out of that home and getting help.
In the video where wocab called the child bratty, she was reading a live chat comment and agreed part of her could see it that way. Then a few sentences later says that she’s clearly genuinely in distress and needs help. Shannons video cut that part out and just kind of made it seem like she was shitting on the kid purposely.
Anyway woacb responded to that and said Shannon lied. I mean she didn’t technically lie but she completely misrepresented the woman and fucked over her career IMO.
Then another guy pointed out that Shannon should not have said the guy who sexually harassed and stalked woacb to her hometown was wrongfully accused. I mean even if you don’t like the woman defending that creep is fucked up. She just told him to fuck off. Charming move by the internet predator destroyer
Then Shannon lied about being doxxed by woacb because woacb linked this very thread in a group chat. People still believe Shannon was actually doxxed when everything on this thread is public info. Especially at the time it was linked
Now they hate each other’s guts lol
No. 1161471
>>1161468I say fucked over her career because that was the moment when other mainstream channels started doing the video repetition thing where they all repeat info from shannons video. Which surprise surprise turned out to be either untrue or barely true for the most part. When people talk about supporting Tati fucking Westbrook in the lawsuit they’ll say they don’t like Tati but hate wocab more because she was “being mean to a child
victim” and “doxxed precious Shannon uwu” so that’s kind of fucked when that’s just kinda… shit shannon made up
No. 1161540
>>1161468I don't think WOACB would have had a youtube career to speak of regardless of Shannon's fuckery, I think she would have gone the way of JoySparkleBS (what is it with women named Joy?) with chronic spergouts. But that's the issue with how this went down, she chose to publicly battle a woman who was extremely easy to discredit because she had a lot of faults already, so she wouldn't be taken seriously if she did have a
valid complaint against someone who was sabotaging her. I'd call it heinous if I thought Shannon picked her specifically because of that, but we know she's not that smart. She just happens to gravitate towards other spergs.
No. 1161682
>>1161471It reminds me of how all the Anti-Onision commentators (which I guess now includes Shannon) gradually became more and more unlikable, but people tolerated them because they hated Onion more.
Shannon has wallowed with the pigs so much she's covered in mud too. I think WOACB is shitty and unhinged, but Shannon is gradually being pulled down to that level too.
No. 1161872
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This just got recommended to me.
Sage for retarded tinfoil but does anyone else feel like she's the one who made these tweets? The way she cropped the photo is kind of weird and the tweets barely have comments, likes or retweets. So how exactly did she find out about this account?
No. 1162153
>>1161540Pretty much. She had something of a successful blog going after Mormons (think the Duggars) but she was always mental and it showed.
>>1161682I'd say she's diving into it headfirst. She, Joy and WOACB are all cut from the same schizo cloth.
No. 1165611
>>1163194>woacb makes me really uncomfortable for some reason Hugely understandable, not really sure why I don’t, since she kind of gives off some vibes I can’t put my finger on. Like I don’t mind but I can see why others would.
(For those who don’t know, woacb is on the YouTube radar recently for being sued by Tati Westbrook. Shannon also interacts frequently with Emily D. Baker, a lawyer on YouTube doing commentary about the case. That’s the background for how all these people connect).
I think it’s the underdog factor compared to Tati Westbrook’s superficial charm. and the fairly weak grounds and weaker ethics of the defamation lawsuit against her after looking into it. That I hope woacb is able to win the lawsuit, although idk if that’s likely
No. 1165634
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>>11609166 days late, but here's an example from the most recent Emily video. $50 just to add nothing to the conversation. Maybe she doesn't want to look cheap in front of her online "friends." Or maybe she thinks of it as advertising for her channel
No. 1165775
File: 1613778982035.png (96.09 KB, 1778x585, gg.PNG)

Found under D'Angelo Wallace latest video about Texas. Like he doesn't have the funds to take care of himself.
I don't check her social medias, but if she hasn't, maybe she could donate that money she was gonna spend on D'Angelo towards relief efforts instead S H R U G
No. 1165826
>>1165775Jesus Christ shut up about being homeless. You can literally say you feel scared and sad for homeless people in Texas right now without mentioning yourself you useless egomaniac.
It’s still sad and terrifying to think about people trying to survive on the streets in the cold even when you’re not a bipoh (bisexual person of homelessness) (formerly)
No. 1165851
>>1165775It's also funny that she had to post this publicly.
HEY GUYS I'm a really good person look how much I care about my friends I'm so generous?? Like. Literally.
Girl, just DM him if you're just gonna ramble. I understand commenting on each other's vids for ~the algorithm~ but at least make it less performative.
No. 1165890
>>1165775This comes off as completely self-serving. She can’t help but tell people that she was going to send a gift and that she lived through a snowstorm. Show, don’t tell. Donate or don’t.
Also didn’t D’Angelo apologize for this video because he was making jokes about the storm until someone died?
No. 1167329
>>1165775Being "homeless" seems to have been the most interesting thing that ever happened in Shannon's life. Maybe that's why she keeps on mentioning it, even when it's irrelevant to the situation.
God, what a narcissist.
No. 1167584
>>1166621Emily's live streams boomed when the Tati and WOTCB drama started. I 100% agree with
>>1166706I keep seeing her comment sections of channels that are either growing rapidly or very popular ones where you won't get lost among thousands of other comments.
It's self-serving and very apperant that she's only using these other people to boost herself.
No. 1167603
>>1166621lmao clearly it's a channel that's somewhat relevant to the drama Shannon keeps reporting on, and even though she has more subs, she could always use an additional boost from people who watch lawyer streams but haven't checked out her infantile rants. It's the same thing as
>>1165775 - she has to publicly lovebomb so that everyone can see she's totez tight with cool people and think "aww what a nice person who's totally not doing this for PR" and go click her channel. Even if these people already know of her, they may not be subbed, and seeing her comments will remind them to check her stuff out again. It's just how this shit works. If she just wanted to offer her support, she could DM. She also wouldn't have to reiterate her homelessness to someone she's apparently friends with. He knows. But she's not really talking to him, she's putting on a little skit for his audience.
No. 1171328
File: 1614372446685.webm (2.76 MB, 720x1280, scontent-otp1-1_cdninstagram_c…)
Looks like Shannon found some time in her busy schedule to catch up with the thread and reiterate that she does indeed have that separate job, thank you very much. Apparently her channel was "gone" for a bit without explanation.
No. 1171519
>>1168051She'll pull in around 4k on a bad month. She'll probably have a lot of months where she might earn 8k. Around December youtubers do really well so I wouldn't be at all surprised at 20k for that month. Her engagement, views and ad revenue will always make income a variable, but she certainly isn't making any less than I've low balled. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes twice as much. She's definitely fucked around tax season, but that doesn't make her less than extremely well off.
I don't know what's wrong with admitting you're doing fucking okay financially.
No. 1173615
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Not milky at all, I'm just tired of seeing her constantly pop up in the YouTube comments of the people I watch. Always trying to be rELAtAbLe.
No. 1173624
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>>1173619She won't. His fans hate her (and are generally misogynistic but only as a meme and totez not for real!!!), so she still has shit to prove to them and will continue acting tough and based in order to win them over.
No. 1173631
Hi y'all, I just discovered this thread after searching for -any- criticism of Shannon since I hardly hear anyone say anything, so finding this thread is like "holy shit, finally"
I don't know if it's been said anywhere in this thread, but does anyone else feel like Shannon takes way, way too fucking long to get to the point of her videos? I swear to fuck that if you load up any of her videos, the first 5 minutes are just her talking to herself and making sarcastic remarks
Seriously, I had to unsubscribe once I realized the first five minutes of her videos are barely talking about the subject of the video, and then when she -does- get to the subject, she'll pad it the fuck out by talking about something someone (the target of the video) did, and include remarks like "They did it because of course they did", "It's a SUPER fun and nice thing to do that, yes sir", etc, and it's like…
Shannon just get to the fucking point already.
No. 1173906
>>1171519I have a close friend who does youtuber, has less subs than Shannon, and makes 20k a month. Shannon is at least earning that much.
>>1173808She said she moved a couple months ago, and hasn't complained about neighbors or anything in a while. I am pretty sure she is living in a nice place currently, because she hasn't pity posted about it.
No. 1174940
>>1173631This is the #1 complaint I've seen about her on the internet, that and she doesn't do enough research.
Most of her videos are incoherent rambling, self-deprecating and how do you do fellow kids level "jokes", sometimes name dropping other more popular youtubers, and like 5% actual matter at hand.
No. 1175205
>>1174940There was a video she made about Social Repose where her takeaway was that he's a cheater and sucks but people need to let it go. It proves again that she only does very basic surface level "research" and then does a video. First of all, making a Social Repose video in 2021 just to say people need to stop making videos about him is a choice in itself. Second of all, cheating isn't all he's done. He's put his gf into the hospital by giving her cheating-induced mono, he acts like he shouldn't be in relationships but whenever a gf wants to break up he threatens suicide, exclusively dates skinny women he can show off while secretly lusting over BBWs, he allegedly tried to hook up with minors, and his Discord is a hub full of horny fangirls that shit on his exes 24/7 and he encourages them and rejects any responsibility and puts excessive blame on the women he's with even though he goes out of his way to lie and manipulate. He'll be in his Discord saying he doesn't know what a relationship feels like and has been single for 2 years and then the next week suddenly blogpost about how sad he is because his long-term relationship just ended. Anyone who goes "lmao he's just a nasty cheater so what" is missing the point of the criticism. Aside from the cheating, he's still good material for "commentary" because he's an overdramatic "look at me don't look at me" edgelord clown. He still has around a million subs so he's not that irrelevant even though he's been laying low for a while.
But of course Shannon has neither insight nor nuance, so we definitely need 10 more videos about Peaches who has done objectively less awful shit and barely has an audience but is absolutely an endangerment to the people around her and needs to be stopped.
Her morals are just inconsistent as fuck, she doesn't actually care about anything she reports on unless it pertains to herself or she can translate it into social climber points.
No. 1175218
>>1175205She's the biggest "pick me" you will ever see. If you notice, she will go above and beyond to defend male content creators she's a huge fan of. Her content is rarely based on fact and more over run by irrational emotion. That much is obvious seeing how she screeches at the top of her lungs when she doesn't have an argument. Just "STOP IT RIGHT NOW GUYS!!! I like this guy!!! You should too!!!"
But anyone else? They can sneeze and she will accuse them of pedophilia or something outrageous like that.
She's unhinged and I feel bad for anyone close to her.
No. 1175345
>>1175218I didn't want to say it but yes she gives major pick-me vibes with her defense of random male youtubers who do shit she'd otherwise report on in utter outrage if she wasn't in their circles/trying to look cool. The Social Repose stuff especially reeks of punishment for the women who were stupid enough to date him, which to a certain degree is fair because he's a walking red flag, but it's not consistent with her overall values and behavior. She also promoted a video about Destery (someone with very similar allegations, mainly stringing along multiple women and hitting on minors) but said she wouldn't make a video about it (as well as MM) because it's too close to home. Meaning she
would make a video on it because it's relevant to the things she reports on, she just doesn't do it because it's too personal for her right now. So why does SR not count as someone worthy of reporting on even though he has a similar MO and it's
not too close to home so it would be fine to talk about? Because she wants to be a Cool Girl and has to reiterate that cancel culture is evil and bad unless she's personally involved.
No. 1175586
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>>1175565A lot of people are wising up to her relationship with the truth. Her Wikitube page got a summary of her "controversies" (though poorly written) and she got a profile on a youtube wank page as well.
Even on Reddit she's been getting a lot of flack.
No. 1177284
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looks like
>>1174294 really activated her almonds
No. 1177850
>>1177284"Don't try to help me!"
But this reeks of her making up her own drama so people feel bad for her. I can't wait until she fades away into obscurity. She emotionally can't be on the internet
No. 1177883
>>1175205it's because Shannon hates women unless they're women she finds attractive and can sexualize. same thing with her perforative activism she doesn't care about
POC, she just pretends to and its transparent af
No. 1178426
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got a notification for this video .. wish this bitch would stop ass kissing
No. 1178537
>>1178426Of course she's kissing up to this weirdo. She acts like she's the same age as most of his fans.
Sage for ot/slight derail but i get massive creep vibes from corpse husband. I tried to get into his stuff but couldn't, everything about him is so cringe and i hate how most of his fans eat up everything he says and baby tf out of him. Pretty sure the only reason he won't show his face is because he's the same as other faceless youtubers: overweight, unattractive and aren't who they say they are.
No. 1178880
>>1178622She's not young enough either and she's fat so i doubt he would consider her even with catears. Only girls i ever see him repost on his ig stories are usually skinny white and teenaged egirls.
Seeing her kiss his ass and remembering how she was sperging to defend her right to express how attractive his hands are…i swear you'd expect this from a 15 year old girl not a 27 year old married woman.
No. 1179261
>>1179252Not autistic; just very petty and immature.
Like a lot of drama/tea YouTubers, I guess.
No. 1179852
>>1177284This dumb bitch literally gave out her full name, her hometown, family details and the city where she currently lives, yet she’s stunned when randos on the internet are able to find out where she lives.
What the fuck does she expect? For people to value her privacy? She’s “famous”, why did she think being so open online was a good idea?
No. 1184894
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lmao of course she had to insert herself into the dobrik dramu in the comments on dom’s video
No. 1185193
>>1184339I didn't know she choose to be homeless. And of course she keeps using it for pity points as a shield of "you can't pick on me"
This reminds me of the episode of American dad where the daughter was mad at her parents and lived in her boyfriends car for a week. Just another privlaged idiot who wanted to prove a point.
>>1184894She also suffers from "White savior" syndrome so no surprise she's inserting herself in this. I include white savior syndrome since in other cases she throws around the word "racist" so I'm waiting for it.
No. 1191511
>>1184894Such a telling thing to do when you know this isn't your time to shine but you have to insert yourself anyways lest people won't be aware of how based you are. Her buddy Kat Tenbarge (who broke the story) did this too, saying even if the apology isn't for her she still wants to commend him blah blah.
What the fuck. Their logic is incredible. Sure if you're aware that it's not your place to accept an apology, then you'd be aware that the same extends to congratulating them, especially in this case where Shannon is patting him on the back literally for doing the bare minimum of addressing it at all? Either way you're voicing your support for them while acknowledging that you're not the hurt party. How about you shut up and acknowledge that your opinion doesn't matter?
No. 1192939
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So did creepshow art delete her Channel?
No. 1195894
File: 1616961826836.webm (4.13 MB, 720x1280, scontent-frt3-1_cdninstagram_c…)
Shannon accidentally released a "close friends" insta story to the public instead about some family drama. Did anyone catch it?
No. 1195896
File: 1616961931969.webm (3.82 MB, 720x1280, pjj7ofoPxUCKAJDMywXQCvdsi0OVgQ…)
>>1195894It's supposedly family drama and she's bitching about her evil sister again.
No. 1196046
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(reposted bc edit)
>>1195978I'm fascinated by her particular brand of SJW-ness, but idk, I still think Shannon's worse. At least her sister has an actual illness to complain about (compared to Shannon's voluntary homelessness), and she actually talks the talk and walks the walk when it comes to her activism. She's harmless.
Now that she's been namedropped anyway, I might as well say that I also found her Tumblr back when I first saw the stuff Shannon said about how evil her sister is.
>>1145534 Suffice to say it's full of sadgirl kweer poetry, but it absolutely lacks any kind of malice. I've dug through all her social media from her ancient Pinterest to her public FB posts to her various blogs and she has never said anything that sounds remotely like Shannon's description of an evil, angry sperg accusing her entire family of being jealous white supremacists. Any time she posted about her family, it was more sad than anything. Pic related was the harshest writing I could find not just about her family, but anyone at all. From my autistic deep dive I just don't believe Shannon's story.
No. 1196049
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>>1196046>>1195978I have to say though, you might get banned for dropping the sister's Twitter and I don't think you should have posted it, she's not technically related to the drama and she really is in the hospital. I don't think she deserves to be lumped in with Shannon just for being related to her and being an SJW sperg. Shannon's fanbase is big and putting her on blast like that could do some damage. But oh well.
No. 1196590
>>1195896>>1195978>>1196049>>1195894So let me get this straight, Shannon got a call from the hospital because her sister wasn't in a state to be able to contact anyone herself, and this makes her so angry she has to go on a multi-story rant that she accidentally leaks to the public because she's
so frazzled by her evil sister putting her as her emergency contact years ago due to being estranged from their parents. Wow how dare she inconvenience Shannon like that! That evil bitch!
Man Shannon really does have a chip on her shoulder about her sister and constantly brings up that she thinks she's better than Shannon because of her education. It sounds like hardcore insecurity.
>>1145553Her sister going to Berkeley and making Dean's list is nothing to scoff at, but her social media is all very boring and humble and doesn't exactly give the airs of someone who thinks she's intellectual elite. It's 100% in Shannon's head, she spergs so hard every time her sister comes up because she's so fucking insecure and she can't believe that an evil SJW would be more accomplished than her enlightened self.
It makes more and more sense that
>>1146345 is true. Shannon uses SJW talking points en masse to get clicks, but also distances herself from SJW talking points because she wants to look based, which again leads back to her insecurity - she's so wishy-washy about her convictions because she's strongly opinionated about pretty much everything and really needs to make herself look like a ~good person uwu~, but she needs to appeal to the edgelord side of Youtube too because she can't stand the idea of being uncool and nothing is less cool than being a SJW like her evil sister, the
worst person she ever met >>1145534.
No. 1197151
>>1196590Wild how she'll go out of her way to send money to strangers on the internet and let them dm her about their mental health struggles but one phone call about her sick sister has her severely bent out of shape.
I get a vibe that Shannon hates other women, especially ones who succeed in "traditional" ways if that makes sense. She's unfortunate looking and a failure and her comments about other people make it seem like she's really insecure around pretty girls and smart people, so instead she hypes up alternative types and idiots on youtube because they're more attainable to her. Her idiot fanbase actually thinks she cares about children and women but she's just a pick-me with anger issues.
No. 1197520
>>1197151I think that's spot on. She's clearly still hung up about being uncool as a teen, but she's almost 30 now and married and needs to let it go and live her damn life instead of reliving high school drama over and over. She gives such intense "I'm redoing my teenage years but this time I'm gonna be cool" vibes that it gives me second-hand embarrassment.
>she hypes up alternative types and idiots on youtube because they're more attainable to her.I googled her sister after her Twitter was posted here and she's fat too but according to her very old Facebook photos she used to be very pretty in high school (not sure if I can post a photo). Sucks to be Shannon
No. 1197760
File: 1617135852824.jpg (1.16 MB, 1242x8832, merge_from_ofoct (11).jpg)

Hoo boy she's being super manic and spamming stories, I only saved a few. Her sister's very inconvenient emergency hospitalization really did a number on her.
>"I hate ____ culture"
>"muh horoscope"
No. 1198774
>>1198365I wish I had taken screenshots, but when I dug around her account I realized that she just changed her handle a few weeks ago, before that it was something with Elton John in it, and something else before that. So this Anon
>>1195978 must have been following her for
years since Shannon's initial leak
or she's been stalking her regularly enough to track her username changes.
>A couple years ago I found her sister's twitter because she talked about it in a storytime>she's definetely insaneAnd you're definitely a whiteknight. Spending years tracking her sister's social media because she mentioned it once years ago and coming in here to say "t-trust me she's insane Shannon is right!!!" without showing
any kind of proof that she is who Shannon says she is, despite having so much time to dig up dirt on her? Literal personal army shit. There's no way her sister isn't aware of it, considering she tightened up her privacy quickly. I'm starting to wonder who cut whom off.
No. 1198785
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Oh yeah and the sperging is definitely not mutual. I searched her twitter for "sister" and "Shannon" and the only thing that came up were tweets from almost a decade ago when they were goofing around together. Shannon's account name at the time was @shan_marg just like her old insta name, so much for "I never used my middle name".
Pic related is pretty symbolic now, isn't it. Her mom is on the left, sister on the right, smiling while Shannon the eternal comedian pushes her out of frame
No. 1198790
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>>1198785The mark of an insecure person: Making faces at the camera to make it look like you're
choosing to be ugly
No. 1198792
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>>1198790True ~Old Hollywood~ beauty
No. 1198878
>>1196590>Her sister going to Berkeley and making Dean's list is nothing to scoff atwait what lmao. the sodium levels in
>>1145534 are off the fuckin charts, she cant even say "my sister went to a prestigious university and did very well there but now she thinks she's better than us", no, it's "uhhh s-she went to some 4 year school or whatever, my parents paid for it so it's not like she
did anything, haha who would be jealous of that what a dumb cunt she doesn't even use her fancy degree now!" ok but what are you doing with yours? oh right, sperging out on youtube and working an entry level job at almost 30. sad.
No. 1200891
>>1196046Just a tinfoil: her sisters affirmation thing here reads like someone healing from a
toxic family. Especially the fact that the sister is estranged and her social media presence isn’t really malicious. I can imagine the more narcissistic people in the family twisting innocent things like the sister having her own politics and a good education into a villain narrative that shannon is parroting blindly. Or shannon is the one creating that narrative. A narc getting annoyed and angry with a perceived rival because they’re in the hospital and the subject of everyone’s genuine sympathy is so textbook..
No. 1201038
File: 1617459255117.jpeg (155.13 KB, 1242x2208, 167391768_1339307146451152_162…)

Another day, another SJW rant from the anti-SJW kween
No. 1201039
>>1201038She's also super, super pissed that someone said her video about JC was similar to someone else's. Multi-story angry rant justifying herself and seething. How about
you come up with something original?
No. 1201040
>>1201038>you can't make jokes about pregnancy because I might not be able to "make a baby"un-be-fucking-lievable, absolutely everything is about herself. of course pregnancy pranks are an old hat but leave it to Shannon to get legitimately offended and worked up about them. dare I say good for her though? imagine her as a mom. what a nightmare.
>>1200891this this this
No. 1203332
File: 1617802321557.jpg (317.48 KB, 1911x792, creepshow.jpg)

>>1200891just a couple of old twitter receipts on her jakeyonce claims, late as hell I know.
there were nudes! were no nudes, stupid! No. 1203720
>>1195978>>1193011Maybe im just a big dumb idiot woman baby but these 2 posts just sound like shannon to me. Either way she is such an ass to character assassinate her own sister on the internet, i cant imagine not even being able to trust your sister to be there for you as an emergency contact without her making it known to a bunch of strangers on the internet. How hard is it for you to stfu about sensitive info. Even if her sister was a convicted maniac i still cant see why she would air out family laundry to ppl who do not need to know. Go tell a frickin therapist about it.
At this moment in time all i have ever seen is shannon talking shit with no evidence about her entire family and nothing from them ever doing anything to her. She has doxxed herself and makes it super easy to look up anyone associated with her. And the constant begging of strangers to believe that shes a
victim of her sister is a huge red flag. Wouldnt you be blocking the person if they were so horrible to you? Not posting audio of you getting all huffy about it so you have an audience?
No. 1204429
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No. 1211502
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>Guys btw I have a finsta just so you know ok
No. 1211606
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saged for tinfoil but i think this could be about Shannon
No. 1211943
>>1211606Shannon doesn't strike me as being "really wealthy", though.
I'm not saying she's as poor as she claims, of course, but she's probably just fairly well-off.
No. 1212359
>>1211943>>1211987>>1212277Okay pointing towards Shannon:
>expensive plansShannon is obsessed with Disneyland/world and constantly talks about going back asap
>really wealthywe know Shannon has money to waste on everything from hoarding candles to cash giveaways, iPad giveaways, to straight up throwing money at her video subjects. That much disposable income definitely makes her "really wealthy" when looking at her short-term finances
>got drunk and oversharedI don't think I saved this one but Shannon was talking about how she had to quit weed a week or so ago. (It's unclear if the breakdown was caused by her quitting weed, or if she quit weed because the meltdown happened). It'd make sense for her to get wasted to compensate
>not making as much latelyShannon deleted her Patreon and Discord server and has been extremely reclusive on social media as of late, so she wouldn't be making as much as usual. We all know she isn't popular for her content alone but mostly because spergy teens like her brand of spastic.
It all makes sense to me but I am aware that it's still just a tinfoil.
No. 1212905
>>1211987I suppose so.
>>1212359What other (female) friends does Ashlee Lillie have that could fit the bill?
No. 1213273
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>>1211502this is seriously pathetic. she's nearing 30, yes? I have no qualms about her age specifically as I'm also in that range but wow. literal narcissistic 16 year old mentality. what's with the eyes? shitty fucking makeup too lol
No. 1213488
>>1213273Yeah it's ridiculous. Also "muh nephew", as if anyone would ever use her child relative's photos to dunk on her? That has never happened and will never happen. Clearly as seen in this thread some farmers knew about her sister's identity and yet it never came up in any privacy-violating way until she had to air their drama out for the umpteenth time and someone dropped her twitter account. But those are two almost 30yo women, not a child she happens to be related to. There are also clear rules about involving relatives which she, as a power user, would know kek
She always loves to pull up these boogeymen about how much she gets her privacy violated and it's all inflated. She got doxxed because someone knows her middle name, that she used all over social media! She has to keep her private account private because we'd creep on her nephew! Give it a fucking break. Just have your finsta and keep it a finsta. "BTW I have a secret account but you can't follow it!!!" just say you need attention.
No. 1213872
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Always the same song and dance with her
No. 1217230
>>1216285I see her content hasn't changed in the slightest since I unsubbed from her several months ago. lol
>>1216666>>1216784What are her TikToks like? Just as insufferable as her personality?
No. 1219197
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She's nothing if not consistent
No. 1219517
>>1219286I agree with this, but aside from blurry childhood memories it's laughable that she insists she's been depressed since 4/6 either way. She just can't stop inserting her own exaggerated bullshit into
everything. At this point I wonder if she has an issue with impulsive lying.
No. 1223607
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Yeah, sure Shannon. Totally hackers that deleted your community tab coincidentally right after you started getting questioned about the Peaches drama. Does this stupid bitch think anyone buys this?! Lmfao
No. 1223647
>>1223607God I love it when retards like her try to use hacking as an excuse without thinking about it for even just a split second. Let's pretend that someone did get access to her Youtube account and decided that the best they could do was hide her community tab (which doesn't even make sense in the first place, but let's indulge)… okay, but for them to access her youtube account, they'd have to be in her Google account. She's trying to tell us someone had full access to her emails, which means they would also have access to any of her accounts across the internet due to being able to reset all her passwords… and they
hid her community tab.
No. 1225512
>>1224716It's gross because all of her Hopeless Peaches videos are still up and her fans still believe her even though the ranting community proved everything she said was a lie. She really doesn't give a fuck
>>1225325So Peaches has anxiety and depression. Because of it, they do some stupid shit like acting cold to people and "not being a good friend". Creep, someone who is over 10 years older than Peaches said Peaches is her online daughter. Peaches admitted to some friends she doesn't agree with some of Creepshows views and ideals and even mentioned she's scared of her.
Shannon's response? She freaked the fuck out, saying she was so "hurt" that Peaches would talk shit behind her back. So she paired up with Prison mate luke to create a bunch of false rumors and spread it around like wild fire. Smaller channels ate it up. So Peaches on twitter said she's going away for a while because she "just can't anymore." So Shannon twisted it by calling her a scuicide baiter. Even going as far to say Peaches is lying about her sexual abuse because now she doesn't like her anymore and Peaches uses her assault and depression to look like a sad
victim. She also spread other rumors like she's racist and Peaches participated in anti creep show art videos. Shannon lost her absolute shit when she found out one of her friends "Wasn't on her side" so attempted to destroy her and their youtube career.
Shannon to this day thinks she's right because "Well she didn't kill herself"
it's fucked up
No. 1225516
>>1225512to wrap it up. It's a classic story of Shannon having zero control of her emotions… again and her being fueled because PML made a convincing video and people applauding her for essentially bullying someone much younger than her.
Moral of the story, don't be friends with Shannon
No. 1225527
>>1225512Correction, Prison mate Luke spread the suicide baiting rumors. Shannon just helped spread it
Also she's deleting all comments on youtube calling her out. But will keep the comments up shitting on Peaches even though Shannon clearly knows she fucked up.
No. 1227200
>>1227151A lot of it is because of Peaches or snowballed from it. She deleted her community tab because people for the past 2 months were demanding an apology. She wont because the Peaches videos are the biggest videos on her channel. Then she did the cowards move and said hackers deleted her stuff so people are more angry. So her fans did more digging and found out a lot of her videos are completely full of shit, lies and full of irrational emotions (Like calling people racist just because she doesn't like them or calling someone sexist because they didn't swear in front of a girl)
Basically people want to hold her accountable for her high school level behavior. That and of course most of the ranting community hates her now other than a few friends. She's a shit person and she can't pity party her way out of this one.
However what I think she's doing is closing all communications and hope if she ignores it long enough people will forget.
No. 1232916
File: 1621364192196.webm (3.89 MB, 720x1280, 186801774_471438104086285_7987…)
>Gee guys my Youtube channel just keeps breaking huh
No. 1235781
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fwiw, helloleesh is fed up with shannon, and is shitting on her in her new 'i know what you did last summer' vids lel
No. 1236866
File: 1621873094120.png (1.29 MB, 1263x1912, donot ranch.png)

She's been posting a bunch of "art" lately. Anyone remember how she used to call herself a professional artist? These are especially awful, they look like they were meant to end up as merch but they're just extremely terrible. Even her diehard are fans can't help themselves from memeing on her piss-poor "stylistic choices"
No. 1236867
File: 1621873379657.png (336.14 KB, 804x597, woasbc.png)

>>1236866Also this one is about Without a Crystal Ball again. I can't understand for the life of me why she chooses to die on this hill of making "merch" to dunk on her Youtube Enemy. She's one of the biggest idiots I've ever seen on this site purely for not ever knowing when to let shit go and stop poking. It's not even milky to watch these two retards tear each other apart, but I hope they do it anyways.
>GUys GUYS making merch about a youtuber i hate is cool as long as I donate to charity right?? Are you guys catching my virtue signals? Guuuyyysssss? No. 1236871
File: 1621873745107.png (148.33 KB, 579x625, shpchas.png)

>>1236867Also her comments are FULL of people lighting a fire under her ass for the Peaches shit to the point where she started filtering comments. The other half of her comments is people pointing out that her banner and icon are missing on YT to which apparently she's still pretending that she doesn't know what's happening and her youtube is just totez broken. How long does she think she can just keep changing random bits on her profile and claim it was compromised? And apparently she "doxed" someone again, but never forget about her sacred middle name.
No. 1237169
File: 1621897092603.png (106.22 KB, 1187x459, loll.png)

>>1236871This dramatic bitch
No. 1238836
>>1237806"Hackers are attacking my channel… but all my videos are up so I still make money and get views"
Keep preaching about how everyone is a piece of shit except you Shannon
No. 1239782
>>1238824>>1238836>Hackers are attacking my channel, no they didn't delete my videos, no they didn't steal my adsense money, no they didn't upload something defamatory, b-but they hid unflattering comments and gave me a glitchy icon and banner!!!And to think all she had to do was shut the fuck up. I don't think I've seen a Youtuber rise and fall this quickly. She went from Keem predicting 1 million subs for her and offering her a job, and even farmers supporting her and pledging to her patreon to get her LJ videos early, praising her in the Holly Conrad thread… to this. All because she didn't know when to call it a day. She's the epitome of
that girl who never shuts up about how she was bullied all through HS but the second she gains some semblance of power over others she goes batshit and proves that she's been the real issue all along. She had already won just by virtue of being a much bigger and more successful Youtuber. She could have handled this with just a little bit of decorum if she just decided that she's too big to squabble with baby weebs now and has bigger fish to fry. The fact that she lowered herself to Peaches' levels to use her platform against her made her look even pettier and vanity obsessed than before. She fucked up.
No. 1242856
>>1242749This girl (Alicia) had beef with Gabbie Hanna, Creepshow obviously talked to Gabbie and got told lies about her and what she said/did, which Shannon then went off about on twitter. Calling her garbage, painting Gabbie as altruistic and empathetic. According to Alicia, all of the things she said were completely untrue or nonsensical.
In the video (starting around 47 minutes but watch the whole video for context) Alicia just goes through screenshots of Creepshow's old tweets about her and either says "this is untrue, provide receipts, you can't" or can't make sense of what she's even trying to say.
No. 1243755
File: 1622571695831.jpg (103.39 KB, 1080x788, 20210601_132036.jpg)

>>1242543so, she responded to tobi's video with a video of her own shortly after it was published, but she's crickets over alicia's video kek
No. 1243819
File: 1622576928063.png (16.72 KB, 726x135, 1622574122929.png)

>>1061187Anyone remember (or follow) the KT drama? Well, she's homeless now, but actually unemployed-kicked-out-on-the-street-after-her-lease-ended-and-family-has-distanced-themselves homeless, not "I wanted to live in my car with my bf and our two jobs" homeless. She's a paranoid schizophrenic woman without a support system living far from home after alienating her family with her delusions. While she was trying to find someone to blame, she called out Shannon again. Only in this case, I honestly think she's right to be resentful of her. She was just a sperg spewing her madness into the internet, being ignored by her targets. KT was discussed here and there in the GG threads, but we're an obscure website and Shannon brought it out into the open. Her videos about KT have a combined million views and have been shared to all kinds of GG fan pages. I think her sending KT the 100 dollars
>>1061187 was absolutely out of guilt because she realized that the person she threw under the bus wasn't a
Le Quirky Internet Crazy xD, it was a woman who is so mentally ill that she cannot cope or function. Yes she's mean and spergs a lot about how ugly and terrible Suzy is, but Suzy and Arin have been ignoring her for over a decade and she's not in a position to harm any of the people she's harassing. This isn't a person people need to be "warned" about (as anyone she contacts can tell she's batshit crazy), nor should there be lighthearted entertainment videos about the depth of her mental illness. Also don't forget that Shannon ended up posting DMs identifying some of KT's former classmates, which could have done actual damage.
Now the woman she pushed in front of 1 million viewers is homeless. I wonder how Shannon feels about this. Please note I'm not trying to say Shannon is to blame for her being homeless or anything like that, I just think it's interesting considering Shannon's own obsession with homelessness and her involvement with putting KT on the normie radar.
No. 1244075
>>1243755Classic Shannon digging at
triggering topics that are old to get her stans to ignore that she's a shitty person.
No. 1244574
File: 1622683399102.jpeg (7.09 KB, 275x82, 1548138496124.jpeg)

As many users in this thread are aware, Shannon's posts on lolcow haven't exactly been subtle. We've decided to compile her post history after she escalated her behavior by sharing her sister's social media in order to deflect from criticism towards herself. Beyond that, she has been anonymously promoting her videos and Patreon/YT membership to farmers and making posts about herself to either whiteknight or insult herself. For many years, we've had a policy to reveal post histories of users who go to great lengths to use to propel their own online presence. You can read the full post history here No. 1244584
>>1160897This Shannon self-post is too much, holy shit. So many levels to this one.
>>1244574Thank you for this
No. 1244586
>>1244574Delicious, thank you Admin
Can recommend reading the part the DM screenshot is from, she straight up made this shitty fake conversation by DMing her own burner account and argued with herself on lolcow for how many posts, and for what? What was the fucking point?
>>>/ot/358089 No. 1244598
File: 1622686154947.png (512.67 KB, 1484x2296, samefag.png)

>>1244586Doubleposting to add screenshot, this is a whole new level of trying to drum up fake exaggerated drama about yourself. I won't even start with her salty posts about her friends and sister, wew.
No. 1244741
File: 1622694055975.jpg (49 KB, 660x563, 20210602_232017.jpg)

>>1244574>all that unsaged rageKEK
No. 1244853
File: 1622701131735.png (21.68 KB, 1803x140, embarassing.png)

>>1244574this fucking flexing, my God.
No. 1244964
File: 1622720636010.jpeg (374.39 KB, 1528x547, 6390EE96-9C26-4499-B80D-BE8F3E…)

>>1244657She really has an axe to grind with D’Angelo doesn’t she? My god this is funny. I can’t take the sheer irony of this post.
No. 1244992
>>1244574Lmao hi Shannon! I knew it! I admit I baited her a few times in this thread because I knew she couldn't
not respond. I wonder which excuse she'll try
>This isn't me, how would they know?I'm sure you're aware of many old outings.
>Lolcow is just a weird gossip site, who believes this crap?Mmmmh but you've been using it as an info source for years? Maybe ask your friend Edwin (who always simps for terrible people
>>>/snow/1051438 ) if he believes lolcow outings are credible?
>It was a social experiment but I'm getting therapy nowEmzotic attempted this, it didn't work.
>I didn't do it but I'm gonna get therapy now anyway no reason trust me haha!!Didn't work for Dasha, again, ask Edwin
>But see I shat on myself too! I'm just insecure! I'm getting therapy nowNah selfposters post hate about themselves all the time. They love making themselves look more harshly criticized than they are.
She's clearly highly paranoid already judging by her flipping her shit scapegoating random people
>>1099352, I predict she's gonna lay low for a while with the typical "taking a break for my mental health" shtick.
She can't worm her way out of this one. It'll boil down to how willing people are to look past it. Her comments could have been much worse, but she threw a bunch of her popular friends under the bus. I don't think her edgelord friends will care, but her wholesome uwu friends will. On that note I think it's funny that she defended her friendship with DefNoodles and gloated about how she's laughing to herself because she deleted twitter before her friends got into massive beef with each other. >1099538
No. 1245025
File: 1622726155607.png (151.53 KB, 591x701, Screenshot at Jun 03 15-14-24.…)

I checked Twitter to see if anyone was talking about this and they aren't, but even without this, people have been reaaally unhappy with Shannon. I wonder if this'll be the final nail. This is about
>>1242543 No. 1245086
File: 1622733511184.jpg (68.71 KB, 967x415, 20210603_101410.jpg)

i remember laughing about shannon hyperfocusing on cringey, and an 'anon' jumped in to correct me - wild (and hilarious) to see it was le bonkers weirdo herself
No. 1245182
File: 1622742369730.png (441.3 KB, 2048x521, Screenshot_20210603-114519.png)

This one is about Ready 2 Glare.
No. 1245204
>>1244964Huh. I thought they were buddies.
>>1245182She's unironically right about RTG here.
No. 1245214
>>1245205MTE, I was half-heartedly reading the ACC thread because of the Creepshow vs Peaches mess but never understood why it became such a big deal warranting so many videos. Now it all makes sense.
>I'm glad she's calling out Peaches now. Peaches seems like such a leech.>Someone on twitter directly called Peaches out for this and she hasn't said anything in response. I bet Creepshow is planning a video right now.>Okay so peaches is just a snake. Creepshow even put her on her channel… what the hell>Unless I missed something or Shannon was a bitch privately, Peaches is a sensitive baby and Shannon is retarded.Well this one sounds about right.
>[Tobi] has literally ruined her own friendship army.>Shannon being aware of her means D'Angelo is also aware of her. They are friendly and I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting her friends involved. Edwin went off on Tobi on stream before>Loey Lane, who has 2 million youtube subs, Tom Harlock, who has 900k youtube subs, and Jakeyonce, who has like 90k subs have all tweeted/commented about Lillee Jean because of Shannon. >My guess is Shannon is going to get her friends involved.Whose friendship army were you speaking of again?
>I don’t think Shannon is simping, she’s clearly using this girl for content and trying to look like the nice big channel helping the smaller channel
Also check out how many times sh's fuming about other people "copying" her.
>Knock off creepshow but worse in every way>ok tobi. you really are shannon 2.0>She copied creepshows entire channel, and now is saying she hates her?>Also, a total creep show copycat>Creep even said she was 4kidzcreepshow art in her post and she didn't even like it or respondand so on.
No. 1245252
>>1245233Also making fun of Tobi for being a "failed sex worker" or something. Not very wholesome of her.
>>1245215>>1245199>>1245182>>1245204>>1245214Something about the posts she made about her friends is odd. It feels like she's restraining herself somewhat, like she's reluctant to really go off even though she wants to, judging by how many times she peppered in little jabs almost like she didn't want to talk shit but she also couldn't
not say it. I think this is representative of her friendships, she's clinging to the idealized version of her friends even though deep inside she knows that all her friendships are based on her gassing people up and being entertaining and personable and if she doesn't have her youtuber friends and fans then she has no social life outside of her husband. So she can't really start talking shit or she'd have to admit to herself that her friends aren't the goddesses she is trying to make them out to be.
>>1245244>>1245247That's a different Peaches, this Peaches is just an artist weeb who made the mistake of trying to befriend Shannon
No. 1245259
>>1244964>>1245182Here's another:
>>>/ot/445326>Dangelo is the guy that everyone pretends to like but no one really does. He tried to get in tight with a lot of them, and because he talked about drama and made holly look like a tool, they befriend him for safety.sounds a lot like projection
No. 1245306
>>1245300id kill to know whats going on in RTG, dangelo, and creepshows DMs
the fallout is either gonna be huge with an influx of newfags or nothing will be said at all.
No. 1245316
>>1245285She posted a ton about Racist Uncle too including caps of her Discord.
>Who's going to talk about the fact that Racist Uncle's in a green card marriage with a fat autistic man who has a hand fetish?using fat AND autistic as insults, ohhh there goes 90% of her friend circle.
No. 1245322
>>1244657Yeah, makes me feel really bad for her sister. She seems like an okay girl. Shannon only seems to hate her because she's obviously the better sibling.
But all her self posting just confirms no one should be friends with Shannon. She only has ill intensions with everything she does.
No. 1245389
>>1245370Basically Peaches acted like an edgy teen every so often and wasn't 100% uwu nice
Lies were spread like Peaches didn't say sorry to someone when she did like 3 years ago. And of course her biggest crime was being Shannon's friend since Shannon helped spread the lie that Peaches was a scuicide baiter and a bad friend grrr. Shanon found out Peaches said she was scared of her. Well, she certainly has a reason to be scared.
No. 1245402
>>1245385oh okay, i thought peaches was like 16
>>1245389thank you anon!
No. 1245413
>>1245389Shannon also claimed Peaches was racist because she didn't agree with a
POC. Shannon also said that Peaches wasn't a
victim of sexual assault because "Well I think Peachse is a liar. So there is no way she was raped."
She did a lot to Peaches
No. 1245415
File: 1622757126303.png (3.76 MB, 2600x1500, middle school art fair.png)

>>1245410i assumed that sharon was younger because of how she acted. she acts and draws like shes in middle school.
>>1245413didnt shannon somewhere say she was a
victim of assault somewhere? that's so fucking disgusting. it honestly amazes me how shes actually married / has friends/ has the popularity she does. id imagine people like dangelo and rtg wouldnt fuck with there friend saying that shit about peaches.
No. 1245466
>>1245464Shannon is still pretending everything is dandy. She figures she can avoid all back lash and answering people if she pretends she doesn't see it.
"If I close my eyes I can't be cancelled!"
No. 1245472
File: 1622760809694.png (118.99 KB, 1708x258, Shannon Corpse Post.png)

>>1244574My favorite part of the leaks is that she posted in Corpse's thread after shitting out virtual-signaling videos about how terrible it is that people are trying to find his real identity/"bullying" him. You know she was just as curious and lurking that thread to find out who he really was the whole time.
No. 1245473
File: 1622760885378.png (39.16 KB, 1145x289, crsw.png)

She updated her youtube icon from this
>>1237169, but her community tab is still hidden. Damn these hackers am I right
No. 1245475
>>1245472knowing her shit taste in men she's one of those cringy fan girls that want to fuck him even though she's married.
>>1245473Is this her, or her sister? Either way it's kind of fucked up. She can't seriously be claiming hackers. Why would hackers use a childhood photos and not just delete her whole channel?
No. 1245524
File: 1622765690166.jpeg (28.18 KB, 538x277, E7178797-68E3-4D05-961A-8A2BA1…)

>>1244574Holy shit this bitch has some balls to self post so blatantly. My sides have ascended.
No. 1245542
File: 1622767404455.jpeg (65.68 KB, 300x300, 72906056.jpeg)

I'd pay to be in one of these group chats right now. If any of you lurkers are feeling especially noble today, please throw us a crumb
No. 1245558
File: 1622768725377.png (1.53 KB, 115x109, 1609588284201.png)

>>1244574oh my lord legendary. We haven't had one of those reveals in a while.
No. 1245586
File: 1622770910599.png (37.21 KB, 291x353, IG.png)

She's active right now.
I swear that's not a selfpost, I was checking if people were commenting about this on her IG while she was busy deleting YT comments
No. 1245592
File: 1622771276783.png (128.84 KB, 988x758, Screenshot at Jun 04 03-48-27.…)

No. 1245593
>>1203720holy shit lol
>>1195978I believed she was one of the few internet cartoonists who could potentially grow up emotionally, but going on a years long smear campaign against her sister who probably just had a 2016 tumblr phase that Shannon probably blew out of proportion because of the obvious burning jealousy – due to her own constant failure & borderline illiteracy.
The additional display of sociopathy in not seeing her sister in hospital over a petty argument from six years ago, and instead leaking her twit on lolcow while she'd still be recovering is truly evil. At some point, the sister listed Shannon as her emergency contact instead of their parents or any other family, and she's responding to that by shitting on her online.
No. 1245602
File: 1622772456353.jpg (603.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210603-210054_Ins…)

here is her response to helloleesh
damn, even tobi got a video response - i doubt anonymously shitting on her friends even gets a .5 second instagram story
No. 1245604
File: 1622772506868.png (144.3 KB, 588x694, Screenshot at Jun 04 04-06-12.…)

I thought the reactions were beginning to roll in because Paige Christie (33k on twitter, 170k yt) tweeted about Shannon, but judging from the comments, they don't even seem to know about this yet and are still talking about
>>1242543 … welp Shannon's already in for a rough time and the other shoe hasn't even dropped yet No. 1245853
File: 1622813247040.jpeg (96.03 KB, 1021x768, 1606264416555.jpeg)

And here I was thinking there might not be a need for a second thread. Holy fucking kek
No. 1245950
File: 1622826380638.gif (1.16 MB, 500x280, 0d500eba94a8452403dd1a22637cf8…)

>>1245947right? RTG, edwin, and repzilla all made videos on dasha after she was exposed for self-posting on lolcow - if they don't comment, it's a choice.
No. 1246041
File: 1622834720606.png (54.8 KB, 1298x432, 8f07d593ab3324bcbea8c9dfd4f082…)

>>1245934I'm shocked this person got a reply but it's her same "Waaaah I diiiid something why isn't it good enough? Boo hoo"
No. 1246100
File: 1622841490499.jpg (892.91 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210604-231615_You…)

Guys, it was all "Amy" lmao
No. 1246102
File: 1622841569490.jpg (939.59 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210604-231657_You…)

No. 1246107
File: 1622841752290.jpg (922.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210604-231707_You…)

No. 1246110
File: 1622841879439.jpg (803.77 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210604-231723_You…)

Idk how to link a youtube community post for posterity but it's there and people are eating that shit up in the comments
No. 1246115
File: 1622842043315.jpeg (36.11 KB, 512x512, 9948DF64-DEE5-4EC7-9B37-C09D73…)

>>1246100She really just shat out that novel thinking it’d save her ass kek
No. 1246123
>>1246106kek my sides are in orbit. love you
>>1246110she’s such a bad liar. why would anyone believe any of her bullshit? her orbiters must be retarded if they’re going to look past this and continue to “yass queen” her mediocre ass.
No. 1246125
File: 1622842478758.png (25.41 KB, 819x237, ok.png)

That's her story and she's stickin to it!
No. 1246127
File: 1622842526990.png (83.97 KB, 852x599, creepshow.png)

her fans are so dumb
No. 1246138
File: 1622843044408.jpeg (375.76 KB, 828x704, 45FBFD99-AFDF-477B-AB86-788295…)

ready to glare believes her kek. can’t wait until she gets exposed as a liar
No. 1246150
File: 1622844268043.jpeg (61.6 KB, 640x641, E20A6773-7326-4559-A692-A9E08D…)

>>1246100>le hate fôrùm mëmēIt’s funny when the cows moo about lolcow being a hate forum when the hate comments are probably, if not surely, made by the cow themselves or scrotes, nobody hates her ass, she’s not that relevant nor hasn’t done anything particularly heinous -like killing a child or an animal- for any of us to actually and actively hate her.
Geez, I hope “Amy” comes out and shows herself because she needs to twirl her mustache and show everyone how much of an Ebil mastermind she is.
No. 1246157
>>1195894>>1246100what stalker would defend you on anonymous forums and promote your videos and pateron? Didn't she want to ruin your life? She is giving you revenue instead lol.
but ok let's pretend we believe this story, she still went live on her private Instagram story to bitch about her sick sister
>>1195896 >>1195894
or did the stalker wear her skin and stole her voice Ursula style to ruin her relationships too?
No. 1246176
File: 1622846127916.jpeg (20.36 KB, 750x240, EtEKJ8zU0AQAAq0.jpeg)

>>1246164Right lol she straight up said "YES it was my IP b-but it was
actually my stalker somehow" why did she instantly confess that it was really her IP before they even mentioned any specifics? Because she knows she can't disprove that it came from her device(s). She knows she's been caught, all she can do now is pull at straws.
>>1246165Called it too, not surprised, I mean she already got completely played by another Youtuber who faked his own death and catfished RTG as his own "counselor" reaching out to all his online contacts to tell them he died. She instantly sat in front of a webcam and streamed it for profit on YouNow. Of course she'd stick with Shannon here. She's too dim to realize she's repeating the same mistakes again.
No. 1246189
>>1246100I want her to explain exactly how her alleged stalker somehow copied her IP address and used it..??
Also, if she's been stalked all these years and this person did such horrible things to her, why the fuck would she stay in contact with them? How dumb can you be? Get a restraining order next time and don't entertain them by being nice and giving them life updates you dense twit.
No. 1246205
>>1246110Shannon's IPs accurately reflect her different locations and the device models (phone, laptop etc) she has been known to use. We have additional data that we don't want to divulge, but you're welcome to look at some past outings to see how we proceed: (detailed explanation of how and why outings happen) (Emzotic and Taylor Nicole Dean in the aftermath of Emzotic's outing) (Edwin's Generation's experience)
Her explanation only proves that she can't deny our legitimacy. The implication that nearly 300 posts over the span of 2.5 years, all came from one single "spoofed" IP is ridiculous. Shannon hasn't pointed out which singular IP she's confirming as her post history, because she's too fucking stupid to realize that she just implicitly confirmed her entire post history. At the same time she expects us to believe that one IP was spoofed to frame her, is she going to claim all the other IPs in her post history as spoofed now too? She knows she fucked up, otherwise her defense wouldn't be "it was my device information and my IP but somehow I was framed!".
No. 1246211
None of this makes sense especially not when you really think about it. If "Amy" was a supposed stalker Shannon cut off and only spoke to her once in the recent past just to "check in" with eachother, where did Amy get this screenshot from?
>>1244598 It was 2 years ago. So that would mean Shannon was just casually chatting with her at least two years ago? (Not to mention Shannon tried to use that screenshot to underhandedly defend herself, try to convince people she wasn't self linking. Why would a stalker clear Shannon's name?)
Also how would Shannon know that Amy had done all of this if it was true? How would Shannon know for a fact that Amy "stole her IP" or "spoofed her IP" via email especially considering how outlandish (and impossible, but I'm interested in that explanation of how it works kek) it is? Clearly she didn't realize it back when she first emailed her because she "didn't think anything was wrong" until now so how does Shannon know exactly how Amy got to spoof her IP (months? years?) after the fact? I'm just trying to think, if this was real and someone saw a bunch of posts being linked to them that they didn't make, why would their first thought be "it must have been this person I emailed a while ago! They must have spoofed my IP address when I emailed them (kek) and used it to post as me for 2 years - without revealing that they WERE me." Why would Amy post from Shannon's IP address for 2 whole years when there was no way of her knowing that Admin would eventually compile the post and expose Shannon?
This is so convoluted it's obvious Shannon is lying.
No. 1246221
>>1246205Admin-sama spoke
No. 1246254
File: 1622851934424.png (194.08 KB, 1109x706, Screenshot at Jun 05 02-09-32.…)

I can't believe what a fucking idiot she is. By posting this on her community tab she admits that she's been lying about it being broken/hacked/compromised all this time so she's showing very clearly that she lied to cover her ass again and yet we're supposed to believe her Amy story which is coincidentally also based on her shit being hacked/compromised? Why is she this bad at lying
No. 1246255
File: 1622851947217.gif (811.13 KB, 320x184, fatkek.gif)

>>1246250hopefully she's paranoid as fuck, lmao
No. 1246279
File: 1622852829015.gif (497.39 KB, 500x253, DFED8FDE-BE1A-4B2C-B9A6-9E5B11…)

No. 1246285
>>1246138If shannon comes out on top somehow, she’ll be indebted to giulia. The rest of them will be extra careful posting now.
>>1246176Totally ot but if anyone has this video please pass it along, I’m going for a kekathon
No. 1246287
>>1246285She starts out saying she doesn't necessarily believe it but starts crying anyhow bc it's sooo concerning he made his channel look all mysterious
just like Shannon. I swear it's the same fucking thing sans the suicide baiting
No. 1246290
File: 1622854369781.png (80.55 KB, 581x443, Screen Shot 2021-06-05 at 2.52…)

I guess RTG didn't really understand the question kek but she ended up confirming that she's familiar with lolcow outings. These two have 1 braincell between them I swear
No. 1246292
>>1246291Lighten up, we're
all Amy on this blessed day
No. 1246296
I am so blessed to be witnessing history with all you Amynons
>>1246291May Amy’s light shine into your annals
No. 1246313
New thread
>>1246312New thread
>>1246312New thread
>>1246312 No. 1248921
File: 1623098915308.png (18 KB, 780x620, c47.png)

>>1246100beautiful. a toast everyone, to this magnificent schizoprehnic cope
No. 1250754
File: 1623252540652.png (5.34 MB, 1284x2778, 7B7D9C0E-839C-4DF5-A62B-267D3E…)

>>1066591>>1066826Uh oh that’s Ashlee lillees second account …