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No. 1279186
Due to popular request, here's a thread for both older and newer cows from indie bands including indie punk rock, alternative rock, grunge and so on, who do stupid things but don't deserve their separate threads. That refers to singers and musicians with unhealthy need of attention, claiming to be "punk" and independent despite being ex models or actors and coming from priviledged backgrounds, guilty of using nepotism to further their careers, reworking old genres, copying older bands or characterized by rude and nonsensical behaviour. Examples of indie cows or cows in the making:
Dani Miller of Surfbort
>"Punk" singer but incidentally a face of Gucci Beauty campain >Appropriates white trash lifestyle, glorifies kitsch >Copycats anything from 70's and 80's>Spends most of her time partying with LA elites, taking indentical photos showing teeth gaps on instagram and posing as make up/fashion guru on tiktok>Plays in a band with crusty, hairy old men and basically turned as crusty and hairy as themSabrina Fuentes of Pretty Sick
>A shitty Breeders ripoff "riot grrrl" vocalist and bassist>Most likely from rich central NY upbringing>Appeared in iPhone commercials, model for Comme De Garcon, Calvin Klein and basically anything else despite looking far from model size fitting>Posts selfies kept in annoying y2k Myspace mall goth styling and tries to look sexy but ends up looking grotesqueHeather Baron Gracie of Pale Waves
>A "goth" singer that looks like a mix of Siouxie Sioux, Alice Glass and alternate reality Robert Smith dressing strictly at Hot Topic, but actually plays watery pop music ripping off Avril Lavigne and Michelle Branch. >All of their songs have the same sound and melody>No one knows where they came from, they got an Interscope deal cause they were shilled hard by 1975 and Matthew Healy>The chick used to upload Taylor Swift covers before mall goth upgradeSkating Polly
>A shitty Babes In Toyland ripoff band with a vocalist simultaneously trying to rip off Kat Bjelland and Exene Cervenka >They had support of a lot of old musicians when they started>Friends with Starcrawler which speaks for itselfOther:
Clementine Creevy of Cherry Glazer
>LA child and daughter of a novelist and tv producer Nicholas Wootton>Acted in tv series and modelled for Yves Saint Laurent before deciding to try rock'n'roll lifestyleStaz Lindes of The Paranoyds >Daughter of Hal Lindes of Dire Straits fame and model Mary Lowett
>A fashion model and face of Yves Saint Laurent and variety of magazines. >Grace McKagan, a "punk rocker" daughter of Duff McKagan.>Emily Haines of Metric, annoying matron always in need of attention.Links: No. 1279213
>>1279204they were never "indie" but their first album counted as "alt"
that band is dull af though, it's the kind of rock music people are talking about when they say (ugh)"white nonsense"
No. 1279415
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>>1279399Not sure if OT, but I always feel so annoyed how dorian has always been grouped in with the likes of machine girl or other interesting producers. Bitch was well off and decided to do some shit hyperpop, now just whores on onlyfans. From what I've heard it's just her taped up boobs or some shit that she charges 25 a month for. Picrel is her amazon wishlist which is full of shitty y2k shirts, amazon underwear, and trash maid dresses
No. 1279516
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Man I don't have much information on this shitshow because I was late for the train but Burger Records had to close down because literally all of their bands were sex pests.
Joey Armstrong, son of the Green Day frontman, was the most high profile one and he was accused of grooming Lydia Night of The Regrettes, another wannabe riot grrrl trust fund baby band.
No. 1279523
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>>1279516Lydia herself is a faux punk, she exclusively hangs out with famous celebrities like Olivia Rodrigo and is styled as an egirl only during shows outside of that she's just an average white girl, yet touted as the "modern face of feminist punk", yeah that's on her Wikipedia page, first paragraph.
Joey isn't that interesting because his only claim to fame is being Billy Joe's son, that's what got his mid-tier garage rock band SWMRS on the front door of the indie diy scene.
No. 1279543
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>>1279529imo it's easier and more interesting to talk about Lydia because as milky and disgusting the Burger Records cows are they already got their comeuppance, those guys are now broke drug addicts who were once C list celebrities.
On a non sexual abuse milk it seems like The Frights and SWMRS are even more assholes than just sex pests, there were rumors of them having a huge falling out with FIDLAR during their tour together due the members pressuring Zac of FIDLAR to do drugs again after finally being sober for a while.
No. 1279554
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There was a Google doc circulating last year of pretty much every allegation, picrel is the first half. Here’s a link to the full list No. 1279635
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Had to Google Dani Miller and holy shit. she is showing off her nasty teeth in every single pic. Talk about larping poverty badly - people who cant afford dental care learn to never even smile because of the shame
No. 1279639
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>>1279516>>1279543not really tea/and not that i blame her, but apparently lydia’s parents knew about the underage relationship the whole time and she deliberately worded her post to make it seem like they didn’t. she’s a cow, but seeing that trust-fund scrote get his comeuppance and having everyone turn against him was so satisfying. such an entitled, rapey, asshole. he got married during the pandemic to some other obscenely rich girl.
also, lydia is/was known as a starfucker & social climber within that scene, most of it happening when she was underage. where the fuck was this girl’s parents??
No. 1279643
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anyone follow cj harvey? she’s adjacent to the scene and takes photos/tour manages/is close personal friends with all these bands. also fucking someone from the nude party kek
No. 1279739
>>1279635>>1279674Dani will be wrinkling bad from snarling and showing teeth kek.
Damn if punk is now for the rich, then what workingclass plays? Rap? rock is no longer coming from outsiders, i can't think of a single example
No. 1279793
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the last time i can recall rock having guys from working class backgrounds was grunge, kurt cobain and layne staley both were even homeless for a time. rap is all about making those fat stacks of cash and showing it off.
Personally i dont care if the person is rich if the music is good, i really liked the voids which is julian casblancas second band. but i wouldnt be surprised if jules was a poonhound
No. 1279833
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I just had a thought, does Kim Gordon qualify as one? I read her autobiography and cringed halfway through, it's a book full of milk itself. It's all just *~i'm so artistic~* bullshit with VERY generous namedropping of all the famous and artistic people she knew, slept or worked with, shitting on Courtney Love (not without a reason i guess, but she just sounded jealous of the fame Courtney got more than anything). And she made countless chapters on her and Thurston's drama, listing each detail and writing everything he said, including descriptions of their marriage therapies and texts he sent to the woman he cheated on her with. Don't get me wrong, Thurston is a cheater bitch cow himself, but Kim's tell all story of cheated bitter woman was tragically stupid. She's so pompous and "more art than anyone else", even if she wrote a couple of good tunes. Plus she tried to make her daughter famous too, Coco had some shit band herself but idk if they still play. She didn't make career to my knowledge though, she just pretends to be alt influencer-social warrior online but i don't know why would anyone follow her cause she does nothing interesting besides being Coco Moore Gordon lol. Last time i remember Kim put her in her music video but that's about it.
Kim's another LA child from affluent academic family but at least she never pretended to be poor punk rocker (although she had poorer periods when she started living on her own), she even wrote she deliberately chose a bit different clothes and didn't hide she was old enough to be into artsy hippie shit rather than punk, i'll give her that
No. 1279868
>>1279833If Kim Gordon had been Kim Gordon in the age of social media she'd definitely have been one.
Courtney Love would have been an e girl.
No. 1279871
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lmao Pale Waves aren't goth anymore, someone dressed them in Avril Lavigne clothes and try so hard to make them look "punk". They even have their own Evan Taubenfeld copy, my sides
>>1279868haha yes, so true
No. 1279902
>>1279885My fav ones were when she went to Cannes cause she "starred" in that one Kurt Cobain movie about his last days before death, a drama not normal documentary i think (i haven't ever watched it). She played "empathetic record industry representative" (which means she probably appeared for like a minute or less) and she wrote "I've always knew i had natural predispositions for being a good actress" or something lolol
Yeah apparently Courtney "manipulated her" into producing that album with her "sociopathic" great manipulation skills (a letter with Hello Kitty toy attatched) lol. Also gotta love how Kim slammed her for plastic surgery of a nose. She had to mention Courtney had an univen scar on her nose during sessions. Or "One time Courtney told me: You probably didn't know, but I had a nose job. I thought to myself: "Probably a lot more than one". Some parts were so kekworthy that i can recite them from memory
No. 1280263
>>1279833I think this is a problem with Sonic Youth as a band (I mean: Thurstom and Kim). They are extremely pretentious and think of themselves as the "fathers" of the 90s alternative rock generation just because they have been around since the early 80s. Lee Ranaldo seems to be the nicest guy in the band, and the least pedantic.
What annoyed me the most about this book was that she basically wanted to quote everything that she thought would make her story interesting, because basically she had nothing to talk about. She starts talking about Courtney and Kurt out of nowhere, and before that she tells her that her brother almost joined the Manson Family, also out of nowhere. These are just attempts to make her narrative interesting, she spends more time telling other people's stories than spends telling her own story.
The entire book is written almost like a spiteful revenge where she wanted to expose the shit that Thurstom did to her, which I can't complain as I think he's much worse than her. But she's an annoying bitch and thinks she's better than everyone.
No. 1280286
>>1280263This. Tbh most of the time i can't stand that band for their attitude, they have a few better tunes but imo their albums are mostly underwhelming. Idk even the noisier ones feel polished and clear and Kim's "etheral talking" voice is fucking boring. 90's bands treated them as the coolest thing and i totally don't get why. Both Thurston and Kim act as if they basically started it all for grunge and whatnot. Bitch no. The ones who paved way for grunge/alt were Husker Du, Pixies, Mission of Burma with a hardcore mix of Black Flag and 70's punk bands + maybe a couple of cringe metal bands that grunge musicians listened to in deep middle school. Original grunge was effect of boredom and punk/metal mix of influences (i don't count Bush, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair and other shit in cause they're direct commercial aftermath of Nirvana, Mudhoney, Melvins and other stuff Sub Pop. Alice in Chains and Soundgarden always sounded more metal than grunge to me.) I don't undermine Sonic Youth's unfortunate influence but they were never so important to pose as some godfathers of everything.
As for the book she always oddly posed as a
victim of everything, if she didn't pose as coolest better than you most artsy girl in the world for a change. Her revenge shtick is apparent even in first chapter. it must read even worse for someone who doesn't know Sonic Youth. she constantly repeated she has some sexual fantasies of two guys crossing their guitars over her and revel in male energy or something and idk if something got lost in translation or what but i couldn't understand what she meant, it sounds idiotic.
No. 1280342
>>1279868>>1279885>>1279902>>1279971>>1280263Could anyone have guessed Kim Gordon's memoir would be this much of a trainwreck? I haven't read it but it moved up the queue.
I thought her solo album from a few years ago was incredibly disappointing.
The Cobain But Vague film was Last Days by Gus Van Sant. Kim had slightly more screentime in that than Asia Argento did as the Courtney But Don't Sue Pls, which is to say she was onscreen for like two minutes. Most of the film was Michael Pitt staring off into space with a slack jaw.
No. 1280444
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>>1280431Another performance from Voina (I have no information on whether Nadya took part in this one) where they caught stray cats and hurled them over the counter of a McDonalds because, idk why to be honest.
No. 1280920
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So does anyone have more info on Sabrina? i can't even tell if she's famous or not, i feel like she just pretends to be while nobody cares, except she's friends with semi popular insta flakes like internetgirl, Joanna Kuchta etc? she claims to be partying in (probably expensive) clubs and she's also a face of high profile fashion things. sorry but how someone looking like her can be a semi successful model? i don't even mean her body, she might have been thin once and gained weight in quarantine or gorges beer in London bars, i mean her face. She looks like a 12 year old kid watching among us streams. i'm honestly puzzled, look nobody wants Arrow de wilde for serious modeling (for obvious reasons lol) but Sabrina somehow thrives as a model? she was born in uppear east side NY, how rich must her parents be
No. 1281078
>>1280920she was skinnier back when she was runway model aged
ot but arrow would be a serviceable model if she was just 6' and not 6'3". she could still get some shit/bill-paying tier work
i did z-list catalogue+hair stuff when i was her age and it's a few hundred extra bucks a month even for the shittiest models like me and i really wish she'd do that instead of being mommy's puppet playing garbage music
No. 1282004
Currently The 1975 are in hot water after ignoring grooming allegations against a (supposedly former) friend and photographer Adam Powell. They’ve only released one single instagram post ‘statement’ about everything, yet their manager has been straight-up messaging the
victims of the allegations for further info instead of recruiting someone more qualified to look into things. Many of the
victims are underage or were when Powell was going for them.
There have also been rumours of more info (including accusations against 3 out of the 4 band members) to be released publicly if they don’t start addressing it properly, but to me that just sounds like a weird taunt, and using vulnerable people’s private information no less. Don’t know what to believe on that front but I do believe the initial Powell business.
>>1279341>>1279412HBG (and the other girl in PW, idk her name) went to the same uni as my friend and he says that as soon as they started getting attention they acted like they were too good for everyone. Started cutting off long term friendships (like with friends of my friend) and favoured anyone who could get them further instead. I’ve never really liked them but somehow hearing that didn’t surprise me.
>>1279535Yungblud’s forced weird Yorkshire/Northern accent makes him even more punchable. He definitely tries to play up to the working class punk image but he clearly has had the money to come from nowhere all of a sudden, so I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. I think there was also something about him working with a noncey guy even after being told repeatedly about the guy’s background.
No. 1282030
>>1282004kek what a surprise. you mean the PW's sorrow eyed sad goth drummer? her name's something pretentious like Clara or Kiara. did your friend say anything more on them? what did they study? i wonder how the hell did they get on interscope/in touch with 1975. ngl Heather looks like snobby, self-obsessed clout chaser who pretends to be "shy, sad and no confidence queen uwu" but actually is a mean girl.
at least they're so much more popular among zoomers than boomers, unlike starcrawler. i think they buy bots though
No. 1282042
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Yungblud is such a cringe. i don't get how can journalists or music fans treat him seriously, he's like the worst cosplay of punk. people he hangs out with are equal cows: Halsey, Mod Sun, Machine Gun Kelly. it's so pathetic, these two are 30 year old ex soundclout rappers who suddenly decided they're punk. they both are kekworthy posers with the same aesthetic of a neon yellow green pink high schooler, listening to My Chemical Romance on his iPod with a fresh anarchy sticker on top, sitting in a yellow schoolbus on his assigned "loser" seat, on his way to random california high, waving his red Converse-covered feet in the air. They even made some shit film set in high school. i've seen people say MGK is cringe cause he's got some puffy rock saviour complex and it's so spot on lol
No. 1282268
>>1282030Just asked for more info. They went to BIMM and were in the third year when my friend knew them. He said they were definitely the bitchy type; laughing with you one day and whispering about you the next. He partied with them, went to clubs etc. and his mate was the original guitarist. He wrote ‘The Tide’, got no credit for it, they dropped him as soon as they started getting popular off that song. They apparently got posted to a lot of popular music blogs and all across tumblr, then Dirty Hit (The 1975’s label) picked them up but shelved them for the longest time.
Matt Healy then said to them he’d produce one of their songs - think it was The Tide - and from then on HBG started getting touted as the female Matt Healy, went on tour with them even though they were shit live, played Madison Square Gardens with The 1975 as their first proper gig, did that NME cover and all that. Being ‘the female version of Matt Healy’ is definitely not the compliment she thought it was kek
No. 1282297
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>>1282268o wow, thank you for all that info anon! this sucks, that's way worse than i thought. what fucking false bitches. and fuck they switch images every single time to see what sticks. this is from 2015 tv performance of the tide and kek she looks like hippie Amy Lee. they all dressed hippie
No. 1282325
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>>1282297From Wikipedia; friend’s friend was one of the bassists listed here. Also linked two of the blogs they were on when they were still with the original two bassists, back when they were up and coming and just starting to inflate their egos kek>>1282298Dunno much about pre 2014 HBG as they were in third year when my friend had just started (bassist friends were in second year). Looks like from the pics that she still had a number of tattoos back then though.
No. 1282331
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lol there's even earlier stuff. this is from her 2011 youtube channel
No. 1282531
>>1282491this. of course it's people's individual case what age they get into whatever kind of music but still. i've read her say this year that she's had enough of 80's synth goth thing and she's happy with Avril and Taylor inspired music cause "that's where her heart's truly at" so i guess they did just use goth look to get recognizable.
I remember they had a music video entirely ripped from Placebo's Teenage Angst. all these bands dress as old bands or make same videos and people eat it up
No. 1283438
>>1283274Well ok, maybe not
entirely ripped but music director sure had Teenage Angst in mind. shiny red box, red clothes, her hair + even holding a paper with words scribbled in marker at some point.
No. 1283736
>>1283359russia is such a sad place. all those women shouldn't have to have sex with such uglybags of men.
PS she's 19 in that photo
No. 1283776
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This is Dani Miller's boyfriend. she just posted they have 1 year anniversary. i'm at loss of words, how old is this man? their house looks like dirty ruin, they won't ever clean up, not even when they have guests or family coming, and they keep two dogs in that trash. is this girl truly born white trash or another cosplayer, cause of all these cows she takes it to the worst level. i mean how can you be so obsessed to base each detail of your life on that poverty kitch aesthetic
No. 1283783
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Samefag, adding random photo of the house but sure there are worse ones. Much of this are ironically Gucci bags and expensive make up products (which she probably gets for free from Gucci) among trash and boxes, arranged to resemble ruined house mess lol.
No. 1284838
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I have milk on Yoni Wolf, creative genius responsible for WHY? (sic.)
yoni wolf is the frontman of the band WHY?, a band that put out one (1) critically acclaimed record 13 years ago, Alopecia. Yoni has put out ~6 records since then in an attempt to create something that will reach anywhere near the level of (in my opinion unwarranted) critical acclaim he received for alopecia, with little success. He threw an absolute temper tantrum on twitter when pitchfork gave him a 5.3 for his 2019 album AOKOHIO— a review he claimed to have stumbled upon by chance because “someone was talking about it on twitter” (likely story… see image).
anyway, the lyrics in alopecia themselves are enough to prove that yoni is an absolute pervert. here are some lines from his most popular song “good friday”:
-sucking dick for drink tickets at my cousins bat mitzvah
-blowing kisses to disinterested bitches
-sending sexy SMSs to my ex’s new man cuz I can
-eating pussy for new fans
-feels exciting touching your handwriting, Getting horny by reading it and repeating ‘poor me’
-jerking off in an art museum john til my dick hurts
-I wake up hungover on a hardwood floor from a dream about your dress, hangs off of your little breasts
in the summer of 2015, yoni “discovered” a band of teenage girls called the Ophelias who were performing a show at a neighborhood of july festival in cincinnati. all girls were minors in high school at the time. a few months later (not sure how long after), he started dating the bassist of the band who turned had recently turned 18 (at the time he was about 38 years old). she makes her first appearance as his unambiguous gf on Instagram in June of 2017, when she was about 19 years old, but she appears in group pictures before then.
the band got signed to the same label yoni is on, joyful noise recordings, and yoni produced their second LP called “Almost,” which just sounds exactly like his albums with kind of a ripoff jack antonoff feel. despite the fact that he hardly performed anything on the record (he’s credited as playing “percussion”), he has royalty credits on the album. he talks about the process of producing the record in an interview and says it was hard for him to work collaboratively with the band since he’s used to having his say creatively. Quote: “the band was used to a certain thing that they had done, and they sort of struggled to accept a whole new look and feel.”
since producing the Ophelias record he’s courted a few other younger bands such as Lala Lala (a terribly boring band whose front woman is an ex-alcoholic in her mid-20s who looks like she should be in her late 30s— and no she’s not trans) in a desperate attempt to stay relevant to the youth, since the weird cult following he has is composed mainly of tall dreadlocked white men and creepy post-occupy Wall Street-aesthetic grime hippies on the millennial/gen X cusp.
but back to the fact that he essentially groomed a minor and started dating her shortly after she came of age… she’s featured heavily in aokohio and it’s disgusting. the music video includes clips of her eating pizza and the lyrics of one of the songs is “After I say I'll fuck you in the bathroom / Of the pizza by slice place / It's not fair for me to ask / What kinda wife you might make / Forbidding you to smoke / Like the fascist butt of a joke / That is poor practice for opening / The heart to a possible start / Right?” there’s also a scene in the video where a random woman gives birth. forbidding gf from smoking + this scene = he wants to impregnate his young gf. bad idea since he’s 40 so his child is going to be so fucking autistic.
the music video as a whole is a retrospective of his life as a 40 year old man going through a midlife crisis. there’s a weird scene where yoni is CGI-ed into an old man who is then shown in a hospital bed connected to an IV watching home videos of his gf when she was in her 20s. the video also includes home videos of his gf when she was a child— he was in his 20s at the time.
yoni and his gf have since broken up (fairly recently— he posted a pic of her on ig in March of this year), but they dated for a good 4 or 5 years, and she moved in with him about a year in. he has Crohn’s disease so the poor girl has spent years of her life as a nurse wiping shit off his ass.
AOKOHIO visual album: ig: yoni twt: yoni statement on ophelias: yoni interview on the ophelias: No. 1284997
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i know theyre not indie but the my chemical romance milk goes DEEP bro
No. 1285021
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Any milk on Phoebe Bridgers? why is she everywhere all of a sudden lately? she's like thousand others same-voiced indie girls
>>1284997i only heard one of them quit his wife to date teenage or young adult fan, if i'm not mistaking, and Gerard's wife is some sort of cow herself and was mentioned in Jessica Addams thread i believe
No. 1285030
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>>1285024Her entire relationship with Conor is so nasty to me. How shameless do you have to be to be so open about how you were obsessed with your boyfriend while you were a child and he was married? Imagine becoming a celebrity and posting your old Lolcow posts you made of your bf. She’s a fan girl trapped in a famous musicians body
No. 1285041
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>>1285030Wait, phoebe was a farmer? Or did I read that wrong?
But anyway, I've always found her milky and pickme-ish, especially in the way she claims to be bisexual while exclusively dating old indie dudes and baiting them in by larping as Elliott Smith. Picrel really rubbed me the wrong way, this is some straight girl nonsense
No. 1285042
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>>1285031wait what, this is how this guy looks now, omg. he's 41. i don't know this band, i expected him to be more like her age, in his 30s or something. now this makes that post look even worse
No. 1285044
>>1284838woah, haven't heard about Why? in years and honestly not surprised. the blog rock p4k hyped bands era seems filled with grimey dudes. Anyone else got milk on any adjacent bands from that scene?
also does anyone remember teen suicide? the lead singer sam is quite a character
No. 1285046
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>>1285042I mean I get it, I was a lonely teen too and the first three Bright Eyes records are really good. But I didn't post shit like this while in a relationship with Conor Oberst either
No. 1285047
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massive pickme
No. 1285049
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>>1285045someone MeToo’d Conor Oberst before #MeToo was even a thing, and Phoebe has already MeToo’d Ryan Adams and Marilyn Manson so yeah, only a matter of time
also how/why was she hanging out at Manson’s house as a teenager? how’s she meeting all these dudes?
No. 1285051
>>1285046i mean having crush on idols is ok but not posting such things when you're in relationship with them 20 years later? dating your teenage idol is weird in general… and stuff she posts, the cringe. it's like she dates him only cause she's in love with how he looked like in his 20's and she tries to look for those remnants of his younger self
>>1285045lol, she probably will. she also said some on Marilyn Manson. not that it was a bad thing cause it was most likely true, but how much more old industry men she knew as some random "indie" singer (and it was couple years ago before her big fame)
No. 1285055
>>1285049yeah i remember his rape allegations, iirc they were quickly proven to be some crazy fan making shit up right?
also phoebe was allegedly dating paul mescal (of normal people tv show fame) after. seems like she's moving on from indie clout to mainstream
No. 1285117
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>>1283795Here you go, titty museum pic if you havent found it yet.
No. 1285144
>>1285044Sam and his wife kitty are such personal cows to me, just whiny pieces of shit with huge
victim complexes where Sam never did anything wrong. Kitty’s just fucking annoying tho but I do love her 2013 tumblr raps tho
(learn2sage) No. 1285182
>>1285055NTA, but yeah it was a crazy fan and he I’m pretty sure he sued her.
I loved Conor Oberst when I was in high school. She’s definitely trying to relate him to how he looked then. He did age kinda shitty, though. She seems kinda different from the women I remember him dating.(Winona Ryder and Jenny Lewis) Oh well, I met him a few times and he was always super friendly and not a sex pest so I hope he’s happy.
No. 1285303
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>>1285055>also phoebe was allegedly dating paul mescal (of normal people tv show fame) afterThis was the strangest pandemic plot twist, but it really seems like dating is overstating what happened. Whatever happened lasted like 12 days before they both moved on.
No. 1285727
I don't get the Phoebe Bridgers hype either, but i'm also biased because all I'm reminded of when I see her is when she was in Sloppy Jane so I just associate her negatively in my brain with Haley from that band who is a massively cringe edgelord and has been forever. her like 24/7 performance art cRazYyY female GG Allin shtick is so obviously a facade and reminds me a lot of the Surfbort Dani girl's shtick. she was just a smelly grimy Burger Girl back when I knew of her, kind of relieved that Sloppy Jane faded into obscurity (plus I think they were friends with or associated with Globelamp, who I'm shocked doesn't have her own thread because that girl has a decade's worth of cow behavior, she's legit the azealia banks of the indie scene). current day phoebe's music is really bland so I never paid attention and I had no idea she's actually dated Conor Oberst. would have never guessed she of all people would get this much mainstream success
>>1285044I used to be mutuals with Kitty back in the prime tumblr days so again i'm biased because i idolized her in high school so she doesn't bug me much, but i never liked Teen Suicide and last time i paid attention to Sam he was constantly posting obnoxious shit on twitter and starting drama with other nothing-bands over who was the most
problematic. I had no idea Yoni from Why? was so sus but as far as other related bands go I used to know Avi Buffalo, who was dropped from Sub Pop last year for several (violent, disgusting, depraved) rape allegations from his exes and an ex band member. He was quickly run off the face of the earth after being canceled online and irl (very Hot Sugar reminiscent) but it still makes my skin crawl that he's out there somewhere, truly a menace to society. this happened while all those Burger/ Lollipop/ LA/OC allegations came out last summer, so seeing all these people i knew of outed as predators really soured me against that music scene and I'm glad they got theirs, and also that I'm far the fuck away from it now. I have friends who were abused/ groomed/ preyed on by Part Time, the Growlers, Audacity, the Frights… it's so scummy.
Obviously shit like that is deeper than "milk" or gossip, but the less harmful cows in this scene are still intriguing to keep up with especially when you know who they actually are or used to be as people. avalon lurks is boring and not milky, just kinda untalented/ coasting on looks, but I've heard her family's rich and i know she went to the same school as the shears twins from The Garden and (i think???) was friends with Mel from the Aquadolls, who i'm also surprised hasn't been mentioned because to me she's the most obvious tryhard in the scene and always has been super behind/ uninspired with trends (i remember when she was still seapunk years after that died out), her tiktoks are god awful. she's more of a personal cow i guess, no major milk other than being called out by another girl for some
problematic behavior (idr what it was exactly, general bitchiness and being complicit?) when that girl had rape allegations against another former aquadolls band member, during the Burger thing last year.
also would LOVE any and all recent tea on Globelamp, I haven't kept up in a while but she's fascinating to me. somehow she never gets called out or canceled enough to stop doing the absolutely unhinged insane shit that she does.
>>1285546I think it might have been in either rock star celebricows or the Toopoor thread? whichever one started talking about Hot Sugar. idr thinking that any of them were self-posts though
No. 1285833
>>1285803Ugh yeah, I read about the suicide as well, it's heavily implied that a lot of it was because of him. Never knew him very well but i felt terrible that i'd been "duped" by the way he presents himself in social circles, plus I wasn't a fan so I had no idea what his writing style was other than that one big hit they had. He's literally a manlet irl, I'm taller than him and if I could go back in time I'd absolutely fuck his shit up, I can take him
>>1285799I actually had no idea that sonic youth were assholes or cows whatsoever until I saw this video a while ago. so uncomfortable to watch
No. 1286031
>>1286009i would love to fight every inclination of yours. you could probably benefit from actually listening to her music and prose rather than doing the basic subtraction of "duhhhhh….girl, acoustic guitar, willowy voice!!!! BEEN DUN." i hope you read that in your own voice.
you have no idea the proximity to celebrity you're afforded by going to LACHSA, or most arts-driven schools and communities in LA. that's massively anecdotally correct, without fucking someone.
and on instagram? my point stands that WHAT ARE YOU DOING judging a person, now part mainstream entity (per her commercial success), from their BRAND PAGE? or what does beth from high school have to accurately say about you from your civilian profile? if you care this much, go watch an interview. i hope this was relevant to you.
(whiteknighting) No. 1286190
>>1286031>girl, acoustic guitar, willowy voice!!!! BEEN DUNok but this is accurate and a
valid point. at least nutjobs like courtney love, annie clark, or lindsey way did somthing creative. girls like phoebe need to start tree planting initiatives to offset all the oxygen they use up singing their pointless songs
No. 1286285
>>1286223>>1286253kek anons that's funny especially since someone asked if phoebe was a farmer. or maybe it's conor enjoying delicious, wholesome milk lol
probably it's just some lost phoebe stan, shocked that we judge someone by their instagram on lolcow but damn that post was weird.
No. 1286295
>>1285978I mean I'm only 5'6 but from what I can remember eye level wise he's gotta be 5'2 tops
>>1286014oh it was FUCKED up and the only reason he wasn't canceled earlier is probably because these girls were rightfully afraid to out him. if you have the stomach to read the three allegations (that i know of anyway) against him he has a lot of disturbing patterns, mainly anal rape/ enjoying his
victims' genuine distress/ major gaslighting to
victims and being a convincing liar to friends. i won't say much to reveal myself but i do know he had all his friends convinced that the first public callout post against him was fake and that the
victim, who wasn't even alive to defend themselves, was "crazy" and "obsessed".
here's the one that got him dropped from his label:
>Coleman claimed that the day after the incident, she ran into Zahner-Isenberg, who allegedly grabbed her and said, “I know, I raped you and stuff, I’m sorry.”honest to god a true psychopath and the closest i've ever been to what it must feel like meeting a serial killer.
No. 1286308
>>1286295ayrt, pretty gross stuff damn. did he have really rich parents? how did he build these habits and get away with it even for a couple years? his band was signed but had no industry power or even clout within the indie world, except amongst other people their age.
nvm maybe that was why, he was a 21 year old preying on other 21-and-unders?
No. 1286314
>>1286295Wow we can fuck him up if we wanted.
>he had all his friends convinced that the first public callout post against him was fake Omfg. He managed to make himself even fucking worse. It's already bad enough that he sexually assaulted and raped underage girls but to use your friends to discredit
victims? Wow. Why the fuck isn't he in jail? (I mean I guess I know the answer, but goddamn)
>>1286308I guess it's easier to manipulate younger, naive girls (ugh) than to actively woo someone your own age. No one takes teenage girls seriously so they're the "perfect"
No. 1286450
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this is from the rs sub, I edited out their usernames cause didn't want anyone harassing anyone but I agree with this girl's take that Phoebe is a careerist freak
No. 1286451
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also her music just sucks ass
No. 1286662
>>1286475>>1286532kek i can't tell what kind of "proximity to celebrity" those schools give either. one thing's true: you need money to go to these art schools. it's usually well off or even celebrity parents who send their children there. these schools teach them various art things but no fucking way you can become a celebrity by going to LA art school. they let you in further to art universities etc. but not to stardom kek. what actually pushes these kids further are either rich/famous parents or famous friends. it's not like Manson let Phoebe in his house just cause she was fucking LACHSA graduate kek.
And notice these girls all have a pattern of trying modelling first. it pays of later cause these model magazines and big brands take care of them later as next It Girls. of course Phoebe now models for Gucci.
No. 1286664
>>1286506lol i look at it a bit differently: imagine being so desperately thirsty for fame that you waste time willingly dating washed up old men, why willingly doing it to yourself girl? btw i agree that "manic pixie dream girl" is what she goes for lol.
she's like what music industry tried to do with Arrow de Wilde 3 years ago (not look or sound wise ofc) but with Phoebe they actually succeeded.
No. 1286716
>>1285799I had never seen this video, thanks for sharing. It's really uncomfortable, I didn't know Nardwuar so I went to watch some other interviews to see if the behavior they had was something common among other artists at the time, but apparently everyone (from the interviews I saw) was quite polite, even though I have the impression that he was a bit of a brat, but I believe it was just the character.
It's embarrassing to see 40 year olds acting like they're teenagers rock stars, trying to act like "too cool for school". I don't know if anyone else had the impression I had watching The Year Punk Broke, but these guys are assholes. Thurston is simply insufferable. Absolutely everything he says is bullshit and seems very fake and performative. The only good parts of the documentary are the parts they don't show up.
No. 1286739
>>1286716Yeah he plays a character, puts this cap and clothes on, but personally he probably is this music nerd too, to some degree. i've seen Nardwuard's first interview ever video, in which he tried to interview some band that played at his school, he was such a kid either in junior high or high school at the time, everybody around would treat him like Sonic Youth here, school kids were laughing at him etc. And it was funny cause he was so young but pretty much the same as later. In this video he told Sonic Youth that "dirty boots" video was kitch or something but well he's not wrong lol. their videos are mostly so pretentious
I have the same opinion on SY in that documentary as you. they behaved like the biggest stars of the film/festival, who graciously let Nirvana or Babes in Toyland (or Courtney lol) appear for a few seconds and sit in their shadows to taste some glory. Or that moment when Nirvana plays Negative Creep and Thurston ofc must walk in and writhe with some beer bottle
No. 1286868
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I did what "Phoebe" anon told me and read more of her interviews. discovered she loves to mention therapists and being absolutely sad girl, is friends with Billie Eilish "but we absolutely not plants uwu" and says disliking 1975 is "sexist". my god what a pick me.
She laughed at Ryan googling himself and fighting with fans who didn't like his shows or what but turns out Phoebe does the same, responds to obscure tweets saying industry plant or getting pissed cause Crosby called her pathetic lol
No. 1286876
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>>1286459>emo prince paramouri could believe it's her cause she likes to call Conor emo
No. 1286970
>>1286868oh christ not another annoying girl doing the fake ADHD bullshit again. go get fucking diagnosed then if you think you have it
also people hate the 1975 because they're boring pop cosplaying as a rock band it's not that deep
No. 1287038
>>1286308>>1286314Sorry for the late reply and for probably blogging about this way too much but he definitely had patterns with the girls he targeted, not that this is any different from the horde of disgraced indie rock male predators but he always put himself in a position of power. always younger, usually in their teens, often young fans who looked up to him or girls who were insecure or going through hardships and more likely to rely on him. i noticed it when reading through all the allegations on twitter. the trans guy who committed suicide was a teen fan who was homeless and mentally ill and idolized him, he convinced them to spend all the money they had just to be with him. the girl who was his ex gf was 19 and said she felt like she couldn't say anything to her mom who was dying of cancer at the time, and would only make things worse if she found out her daughter had been raped by her own boyfriend. in both cases he was a grown ass man in his mid-late 20's who literally laughed about all the pain he inflicted with no remorse.
also like a typical calculated predator he never exposed that side of himself to his social circle, it's like he could tell who he could get away with abusing and who not to fuck with. he wasn't a creep to all his female friends and was friends with a lot of female musicians, which is maybe why they were duped into buying that his first allegation was a lie. even I thought he was just this like andy kaufman-esque harmless funny dude from how he presented in person. it's a terrible feeling to be proven wrong about someone and feel like you were on the wrong "side" unintentionally, i don't envy anyone who was close to him.
it's been almost exactly a year and i haven't heard any news about him or any of the other
abusive band dudes who got exposed, all I can think of off the top of my head is johnny love's
victims are suing him, and one of the Burger Records owners tried and failed to rebrand and relaunch at the exact same location under a new name. most everyone else like Avi and Billy Joel Armstrong's kid and Davida Loca got to just deactivate their socials, run and hide, and escape the blame without any major repercussions. it's just so fucked and it feels like it was all performative now that no one really cares anymore.
No. 1287091
>>1286868"Wealth and nepotism has always informed music"
True, and that's why so many mediocre artists gets shilled so hard. Name-dropping the fucking Strokes does not help her case for the system producing good music lmao.
No. 1287259
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>"If we'd lived anywhere else, we'd have been very solidly middle class," Bridgers told the New Yorker in 2015. “But in Pasadena all my friends’ parents were directors or actors."
(that's a public info so i think it's alright to post)
In article about her parents, Phoebe says her mother was a receptionist and currently started doing standup. When you google Jamie Bridgers, you can see info she's real estate agent and she used to work in music industry and public relations, while her father worked for television. idk about us but in Europe these are not jobs of poor people.
No. 1287437
>"As for The Lemonheads, I don’t buy the myth that suffering makes better art, but it’s a known fact that smoking crack at least makes you a more interesting"kek he would know lol. after sam got clean, he really amped up on his preachiness on social media. either that or he just got louder and annoying enough for me to actively notice.
as for will toledo, i know it's well known he's a furry but there's also probably a lot of milk from the early CSHR days on tumblr.
No. 1287660
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>>1287437I always hear that will toledo is a furry but I never see any actual receipts of it aside from noticing that every single music stan on twitter that happens to be a furry or otherkin with a cartoon wolf avi has carseat headrest as their favorite band lol
I think sam wrote that bitter article with kitty seething over his shoulder the whole time because will wrote a diss track called "kitty pryde" making fun of her in her prime way back in 2013. imagine your world being so small that you hold a grudge over a furry that makes boring twee music for that long. and then marrying a dude who looks EXACTLY THE SAME
No. 1287792
>>1287743Lmao, the worst part is that there's actually girls who gush over these manchildren.
>>1286868Not her patting herself on the back for being the 50th artist to smash a guitar. Nothing punk rock about a traditionally attractive rich girl singing inoffensive, uninspired indie music. Then again, 'punk' hasn't meant much of anything other than cheap corporatized "rebellion" since the 90s, so Phoebe might as well be 'punk.'
No. 1287926
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>>1287660yeah it's widely known that will toledo wrote twin fantasy about his ex, cate wurtz aka party dog.iirc cate was still a guy when they were dating LDR but troonedx out midway. She has a furry comic that's pretty popular and she does all the dog artwork for the early CSHR albums. cant find the links but apparently she and will had a huge diaper fetish apart from the furry shit and it was a
toxic relationship which resulted in twin fantasy.
pic is her fursona which is "some kind of "girrafosaurus" kek
No. 1288023
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>>1287926>>1287660On one of his albums, he thanks Cate Wurtz and 4lung, infamous diaper furry that even fellow furries hate. No way he isn’t a furry, and one who is especially connected to a certain subculture at that. Cate Wurtz drew a ton of diaper furry art and it’s very easy to find on Google.
No. 1288941
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This girl's career confuses me. Idk if she's indie (i think?) i know she's instagram etheral monster nonbinary being nonsense e-girl, but since she plays bullshit metal music too… Jazmin Bean. She's a daughter of Angie Adams from quite forgotten British female punk band from the 90's, Fluffy. they have cosmetic brand together. I don't get why Jazmin gets such milions on her youtube videos, why is she so popular? Bonus: she's bff with Melanie Martinez
(also i tried to pick most normal photo of her, not the ugly black eyed clown magic marker-painted face)
No. 1288963
>>1288943well that's what i wondered about cause Fluffy didn't even succeed. the signer Amanda made a new band around 1999 and took part in contest Bands on the run on VH1 but they didn't win, and after that they totally flopped. These bands were mostly a flop comercially. i mean they all disappeared long ago, nobody buys their cds for years, they're all second hand on ebay etc. I was pretty sure these girls are forced to do basic men work now. i guess Angie got more business savy…
Damn of course Jazmin bandages her breasts and plans to cut them off, to feel more like "genderless monster"… what did i just read.
No. 1289005
>>1288931warpaint are plants, it's shannon sossamon and her sister and their LA connections i think.
st. vincent just has weird rage issues/is super possessive and jealous when she has a girlfriend, and some peope are still mad that she pretended to be straight for a while in the early-mid 00s
No. 1289031
>>1288931one of my genuine biggest gripes with st vincent for basically breaking up sleater-kinney with janet weiss leaving. recent milk if you're familiar with the concept of her latest album (her dad returning from prison for some multi-million dollar white collar crime) but she demanded some relatively harmless interview to be pulled after the fact and just generally gave snarky and increasingly annoyed answers when asked about her dad, the literal inspiration for the concept of her entire album. ofc this was a huge controversy for a hot second on music twitter and other journalists replied saying she's been generally cold and bitchy during interviews even though it's just standard press for album rollouts.
the journalist ended up still posting the entire transcript of the interview on her substack: No. 1289081
>>1289007chill out anon, i thought she's more on the indie scene and then turned bigger. but she probably had insta fame before music. let's just concentrate on st vincent & others now.
>>1289031for a time she was really overrated in the media, and yeah she does emanate some sort of coldness
No. 1289258
>>1288873Yes, and as much as I want to dish I can't even list every single band/ artist/ person that i have milk on because it would absolutely out me if not narrow me down and being outed for being a gossip on lolcow is too mortifying of a risk for me to take. i've been enjoying this thread too though, and it's good to know who I was right about and also who to stay away from (big yikes at all that SWMRS/ avi buffalo/ yoni news)
I guess i could safely say some really vague stuff? tons of examples I can recall that prove that globelamp is batshit, but I mean, big shocker. the Hey Violet girls are so milky to me and deserve their own thread, especially the Lovelis sisters but i feel like a lot of that drama is well-documented online from the old days when they were in that preteen prodigy band that i can't remember the name of rn. i know people who liked Ariel pink before he went all Capitol Riots, but personally i always found him either boring or punchable. Shamir, Speedy Ortiz, the Garden and Hana are all cool, shockingly Mac Demarco is also nice, I expected him to be more of a creep. Ezra Koenig was a DICK to my friend once but idk he seemed like he was maybe just high and having an off day. it's killing me that I can't spill anything that's actually remotely interesting (I have a few personal cows and some really insane fangirl stories) but I do love the existence of this thread, keep spilling anons
No. 1289285
>>1289273good idea tbh, I just might
also just remembered Hey Violet's old band name was Cherri Bomb
No. 1289461
>>1289285yeah please post some separately, i'm slowly running out of ideas of cows to mention
>>1289313i was surprised Phoebe is 26, she acts like this emo-crazed MCR fangirl who liked Megan Fox etc. very "how do you do fellow kids" towards gen z.
No. 1289557
>>1289258ezra kaoenig is just shitty to all women except the one he wants to fuck. he doesn't see women as people at all.
mac demarco is a nice guy, i did doors at one of his shows but i wish he'd fix his damn teeth and take better care of his skin. he looks like a st. catharines heroin addict
No. 1289605
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She has the most punchable face and fat body, can someone stop telling her that she’s important and stop funding her “music”
No. 1289613
>>1289310I'm so annoyed rn because I can't seem to find a single trace of it anywhere, like it feels like all the old negative receipts have been completely wiped (or maybe i'm just not googling it corretly), but wasn't there some discourse a few years ago of Girlpool being big time rape apologists?? This was def back in like 2016 or 2017 but some dude in that whole diy music scene named Doug something was a good friends of theirs, he was accused of rape or abuse, and then he went missing and i think killed himself and they both were publicly mourning it, posting about it and defending him when it was (i think) common knowledge that he had been a creep. if anyone knows more about it feel free to add, i almost feel like i just imagined all of that happening at this point but i know i didn't because I remember that a mutual of mine was posting IG stories mourning the same dude around that time.
>>1289557yeah it's a shame that he gets grouped in with genuine actual scummy sex pests (some of whom I can confirm on a personal level deserved to be cancalled) for like…. getting drunk at a party ten years ago and filming his dumbass friend whip his dick out in front of minors that weren't supposed to be there??? like that's it? I'm never one to defend band dudes but he genuinely didn't do shit lol. to this day i've seen H3H3 fans and Garden fans reeeing in comment sections about how
problematic it is for Ethan Klein and the Shears twins to have the nerve to be friends with the guy, or anyone who's friends with him for that matter. it's not that deep
No. 1289754
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Found on reddit, people commented if Ryan made her famous. Some are so accurate, especially one saying Phoebe believes her own hype… So she split with Ryan after such abuse but still casually went on tour with him?
No. 1289757
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Part 2.
"Phoebe Bridgers says Eric Clapton makes extremely mediocre music" i keked hard. who does she think she is
No. 1289771
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i don't get her timeline with Connor. She said she met him in 2017 and he said "let's start a band" but people say here he was still with his wife? then again peek the bottom comment, someone says 2016
No. 1289809
>>1289790what do you mean, what was she doing before? i mean i know she was a model but i thought her lame music was what she's been originally known for before
>>1289753quick question how is it these days at sub pop? decent label or hipster famewhore-ish like rough trade?
No. 1290217
>>1290094I think TS’s outrage is almost purely manufactured. PB seems unable to shut up. The outcome seems to be the same, however.
I hope this zoomer “emo/pop-punk” revival thing dies a quick death.
No. 1291150
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Sabrina is a trust fund child. One of her parents is investment banker and CEO of execution management company, another senior marketing executive, vice president for communications and public affairs and ex director of sales marketing. CEOs/founders.
she was friends with Lilith Levisis, she had some photos of her back in her young years when she wasn't botched yet.
idk there's something very annoying with that girl.
No. 1291308
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>>1291183oh my time has come. peyton was a personal cow of mine and she had an extremely personal tumblr for only her mutuals. it was not password-protected for a bit
picrel is her sperging about — i think — will toledo maybe fucking his manager?
from what i gathered, she never actually dated him, she was just infatuated with him until she confessed irl and he might have? rejected her. it wasn’t clear. she would sperg and then delete posts and i couldn’t follow to put her on notifs.
No. 1291444
>>1291362all she does is flooding her y2k "lo-fi" selfies in large quantities, her videos are irritatingly "artsy" lo-fi too, and even her agency called "No Agency NY" seems like some attempt at punk posing. all she says about her upbringing is how she is "NY native who lived just a few blocks away from lower east side" but all info is easily found online. idk she's one of those ppl annoying for no reason
>>1291374another hugely overrated indie artist
No. 1292084
>>1291940It's not new info but Phoebe is one half of the backing vox (with Clairo) for one of Lorde's off-puttingly bad new songs as well.
What's even left on the fameseeker checklist? Mentor slot on The Voice?
>Hi guys, you might know me from skeleton onesies No. 1292156
>>1285303so she was dating Conor and then casually had a few dates with Paul Meskal just cause she thinks he's cute? i'm starting to think she did this just to feed the rumours and keep her name around her "arrival" in mainstream media was just talking about Ryan/suddenly appearing in Saturday Night Live, nobody knew about her unless someone sits deep in indie underworld and watches every new thing. i give her 2-3 years before media get bored of her and she gets replaced with next nepotism child like Violet Grohl or something
No. 1292160
>>1292084Speaking of Lorde and how bad her new songs are, anyone know what’s the deal with Jack Antonoff producing the samesy music for these pop girls?
I loved him in steel train and fun. but when he started bleachers/started producing these big names I really do think there has to be something up. I’m pretty sure there were a bunch of rumours during Lorde’s melodrama days that since she was staying over at his apartment/studio, he cheated on Lena Dunham (loll) with her. I just think his trajectory from indie darling to in-demand pop producer definitely means there has to be some stories about him esp since he’s not gay
No. 1292350
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>>1292160>esp since he’s not gayNot so fast, anon…
I remember the Lorde rumors too. There was a whole lot of unfriending between Dunham and Lorde's social media accounts back then, and it's probably a reason why Lorde pushes the "just a private unfamous kiwi" image now.
Jack A's music is stretched extremely thin right now. I kind of hope there will be a breaking point soon because I'm tired of his sound but who knows.
No. 1293646
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Recently Dani is best friends with Arrow i see. wonder to what extent is her story true, if she's privately as friendly as she says, or is she just a big social climber.
btw some of her song titles are idiotic like "condom with no cum", or recent one "White claw enema bong hit" (yeah, for real).
More info: Surfbort was signed by Julian Casablancas, he put them on his records label. Dani thinks "Jared Leto is god" and went to gucci party carrying around Jared's realistic doll head model
No. 1295912
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Possibly ot, but is chloesev really a member? Cant find anything on Twitter or Google, but Cedric is obviously pretty informed about them.
No. 1297564
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I'm curious if you heard of this band. This is Olivia Osby of Lowertown, her insta is wormsheriff. wonder if they're trust fund babies too, allowed to just tour the states as a hobby. overall they appear to be pretty tame and normal but gotta say Olivia is definitely a social media addict. she posts everyday, and each post is like 10 selfies from same angle. sometimes asked "how am i looking? i know i'm so ugly" and waited til ppl tell her she's pretty, seeking validation daily etc. they're from Atlanta/NY and Sabrina follows so i wonder if they're well linked. this band puzzles me, i thought it's quite niche/underexposed compared to Pale Waves and or other bands alike, i stumbled upon it by pure accident. and yet she has 248k followers? how?
No. 1299054
sageing because of massive sperging but without giving too much away (plus the fact that I swear to god I remember it being a brief "thing" maybe a year ago?) ezra from vw is (possibly) a total piece of shit, likes 16/17/18s a lot and for whatever reason is pretty impenetrable, also his whole saga with being rashida jones' baby daddy is just weird lol. i know a lot of people who've sadly had to be around that guy.
will +1 stuff about yoni being a major creep, some people who i've heard things about are sufjan stevens (poly, apparently cagey about his sexuality irl as well but most likely bi), homeshake and brockhampton are also def worthy of some closer looks.
this is just my feeling but will toledo and steve lacy seem like gay industry climbers for sure, maybe will fucked up though bc at least i haven't heard shit about CSH for a while now. i'm also pretty personally suspiscious of jamie stewart from xiu xiu, this guy's brand has morphed into like "kill all cops, kill all rapists" etc. but man covered under pressure with michael gira from swans, hangs around with a lot of pieces of shit, etc.
No. 1299547
>>1299054idk about all of the ppl you mentioned but i remember there was something about the swans, i think Kim Gordon toured with them and wrote some gossip on them in her book but i'd have to check
anyway he was apparently accused of rape by Larkin Grimm. on the other hand i've seen people claim Larkin had a history of falsely accusing colleagues of sexual abuse. i don't know what finally came out of that No. 1299552
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Btw if i may suggest something, curious if there's milk on Florence Welch. she's this elegant classy PJ Harvey tier styled typical Met gala goer indie rocker but she also prances around to Calvin Harris typical modern club beat, oddly trying hard to be sexy in that music video. idk i found that so cringe for some reason, wonder if she's some pretentious drama queen
No. 1300037
>>1300032yeah, that was such a weird mix though, i was surprised to see her suddenly on tv playing pop music videos… i remember past 2010 Florence was main woman in rock music business next to st vincent, paramore and warpaint.
Does Alice Glass/crystal castles count or is it soundclout spheres? they were on small labels first if i'm correct
No. 1300295
>>1299054Please expand on yoni being a creep. I want more
t. Someone who also thinks yoni is a creep
No. 1301505
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>>1301473i think it's good for her that she's fine with her body. she has small tits compared to body mass, she could get implants but i totally understand if she doesn't want to. what i don't like about her however is that she very often exaggerates it all, it feels very in your face in a bad meaning (too much, too often). like, yeah we get you have holes in your teeth dani, you don't have to show us you like it in every photo. yeah, we see you don't shave, it's not some postmodern savage courageous art, plenty of girls don't. Hollywood took her in and embraced immediately cause she's that type of "exotic" that they love, egirl take on white trash, very derivative and cosplay. she's a bit too old to play this tiktok star for zoomers but they probably swallow it up, since she identifies as "queer as fuck nonbinary".
Surfbort's newest single is called White Claw Enema Bong Hit (not making this up lol)
>>1301246lol, so my impression of Florence was correct. it's so hard to find some indie girls that aren't pretentious snowflakes
No. 1301534
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>>1301510yeah i get that you probably meant her her overall body. i mentioned boobs cause i lowkey wondered if bigger ones would make her look a bit more "feminine" for the lack of better world, but idk. the problem is lack of waist. doesn't matter, women have different body types etc. Btw she would look nice in dresses like this
No. 1303132
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I feel like Phoebe Bridgers might be biggest and most promising cow of this thread, one to watch for future dramas/tantrums. she lies about her past and manipulates all dirt she has on her exes accordingly so that it drops at the right time and get her more attention. she creates this image of super-relatable girl next-door but at the same time so hot egirl and "so true emo goth girl 2edgy4you" and will throw childish twitter tantrums if someone calls her cringe. i wish she had some old tumblr or something, it could have potential lulzy stuff. she once lowkey went viral on some photo on reddit before her fame, which she boasted about later
Also her skeleton onesies are random and boring, why do i feel like she got that idea after watching eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
No. 1304234
>>1299054Ezra was really nice in his Columbia days. Funny guy, very charming, not much of a player. Had a steady girlfriend for awhile (maybe 2005-2006 but I don’t remember how long they were together I didn’t know him like freshman/ sophomore year) Graduated 2006 (lol I think their first ever show was the Engineering school’s battle of the bands while he was a senior, they did a lot of gigs around campus and for Greek life at first- Saint As I know lol I was there, maybe Nachems and Sachems too but I don’t remember) got the teaching job, did more and bigger gigs on the weekend, traveled more, became a bigger NYC personality. He started being a bit of a dick especially to women around 2007.
They were just getting so much attention buzz and press. Totally organically at first, A-Punk practically went viral on its own (lol MySpace days) and they got a New York Times piece summer of 2007 that plugged their EP (huge deal on campus) while they were on their first national tour (they went from occasional gigs 2006 in NYC Williamsburg and colleges to like constant touring then promo 2007) all with no manager at the time but then they got good people fast, iirc their PR person around that time (Sonya — not their PR anymore) handles like all communications for beggars group which is 4AD/ matador/ XL/ rough trade. I remember there were girls going to dirty projectors shows just to see vampire weekend. They had a ton of major label offers that summer, Richard Russell adored them and they went with XL hence the good PR. Also all but two of the songs from the debut were already recorded and on their MySpace, so it was canned and ready to go basically. Richard was like well let’s strike while the iron is hot and just roll with this inertia, record the two demos proper, and slate a January debut release. Iirc two labels offered more money but they trusted Russell because he lets artists do what they want and he had the contacts (set them up with all their video directors like Garth Jennings who did a punk, cape cod, Oxford coma, cousins, really put them on the map and got crazy MTV and VH1 air. I’m good friends with Alexis who directed their video for Mansard Roof, he was just a guy around town at the time. Stayed close with ezra for awhile cause VW played their wedding but they don’t keep in touch anymore. The band got trashed at that reception lmao.) They only owned XL three records though and moved to Columbia because 1. More money 2. Their new contract has soft time constraints ie expect the 4-6 years for new VW records to continue lol.
Just an aside but I know when they were thinking about renewal and sending early demos Russell was not a fan of the ~jam band~ direction and didn’t think it was a great move, I think he was right but jokes on him I guess cause Ezra gave Columbia a Grammy lol. So back to their debut— I don’t know if anyone remembers this but Mansard Roof actually premiered on Letterman early 2008, I think it was their first TV gig. Huge couple of months for them, XL just sold that debut record so hard, they started getting so many late night slots then an SNL gig. Fan girl era.
Anyway so yeah 2007 Ezra just got way more into himself, stopped seeing the girl he was right before tour. Slept around A LOT later half of 2007. Young girls too, wild none of it ever came out also he was only 23 so not a big deal but lmao. Got really into his dry witty preppy guy Twitter persona. Became sort of a social climber and got a big who. Rostam pretty much left because after Modern Vampires Ezra 1. Got obscenely into the greatful dead lmao 2. made it clear what the next record was going to be and Rostams songs and general talent outside of production wouldn’t hold much weight. I don’t think they’re on bad terms now just reached a point where their visions weren’t compatible in a band setting.
He’s cheated on Rashida but IMO he really loves her and they have some sort of understanding or arrangement going on. I will say this: his crew love him. He’s good to the people on his payroll and most guys in general who were hanging around in Silverlake/ LA 2017-2018 during Father of the Bride sessions have nothing but good things to say about him. I think he treats service people well, good tipper. Always been friendly to me but we’re not like close or anything lol.
So I don’t think he’s an severe asshole, just a bit flighty, stubborn, “male manipulator” type in relationships, intentionally obtuse, and a dork at heart who got famous young and let it go to his head. Chris Tomson though is a total sweetheart. I find Baio annoying and lame lol but he’s also a nice guy.
No. 1304475
>>1304142i am but i'm not very good. only got 1 guy with any top 10 records.
i think it's cause i'm more of a drug-slinger than a hot slut though. oh well. i'll just get high enough to feel better about being ugly
No. 1306082
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Any milk on diiv? Their sound, image and backstory always struck me as super manufactured and the lead singer's relationship with Sky Ferreira seemed similarly fake/for the press
No. 1308013
>>1306421YYYOOOO you win the thread. i am jealous, only ever got with male musicians. the singer from dilly dally bought me a shot once but after i said i lived in a dorm she wandered off
are you scared jen will come and beat you up kek
No. 1310418
>>1310073anon pls tell us, Phoebe and Arrow are biggest cows of new girl-fronted bands. fuck what she thinks, and even if she reads here, she will never admit to it
>>1309777found them by accident, pinterest or else. they're very poorly advertised and youtube won't suggest them. and yet the girl has so much fans? weird
No. 1310603
>>1310418yeah, i'm guessing she first became popular as an influencer/ig model and THEN started the band, which might explain the huge follower count. They're signed to a label now, and if I recall correctly, it's the same one as beabadoobee and the 1975.
Unrelated, but does anyone else see the resemblance between her and the lead singer of Pale Waves? Something about their bone structure is vaguely similar, and they're signed to the same label kek.
No. 1310612
>>1310603i see resemblance. they're like sisters in some pics.
have we discussed bebadoobie yet? is she another ex-model turned rockstar?
Phoebe was a model too, she has some old clothes model photos on her old tumblr (
No. 1310630
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>>1310619idk. i mean Phoebe was some rockshop catalog not Vogue/YSL runway model but still. you can view more of her modelling photos here: No. 1311280
>>1310910kekkkk so true its the goofiest stage name of all time.
>>1310755speaking of matt, i'm pretty sure the 1975 produced her last EP, and i remember her opening for them at a few shows, they were pushing her super hard for a while.
No. 1311425
>>1311401kek anon. it's literally better to go by most boring birth name and surname than that beadabootie shit.
I changed mind on Lowertown, Olivia's not a cow at all compared to Phoebe or Lydia Night, she's just a typical zoomer with the selfies flood. ofc i don't know much about them but she seems to have nice friendship with that guy and they seem very humble compared to other bands here. Lydia of Regrettes feels like a regular self-obsessed LA party girl/influencer who doesn't even care much for punk music, but she panders to that niche strategically cause all female band sells well as "riot grrrl" revival. she went to school with/hangs out with Olivia Rodrigo all the time, in another timeline she would probably be a Disney starlet.
Btw Dani posted an IG video in which she's clipping her feet nails with a clipper pre-show but i'll spare you the view lol.
No. 1311483
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>>1311425what the hell anon, i bless you with that great joke and you threaten me with dani toenail videos? rude
No. 1311511
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>>1311483oops i meant to write stuff about lydia and dani later as general and not as direct reply to you anon. your jokes about Bamboodobie are greatly appreciated. please accept my apology anon, i was deeply shocked by what i saw
No. 1312976
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Maybe it's nitpicking but anyone else rolled eyes a litte at Phoebe's recent saviour record label boss larping? she only recently got popular but she behaves like someone gracious and influential enough to become Andy Warhol of her own "sad" record factory. of course she "signs" mediocre emo kid doing guitar covers on youtube, ofc a part of bullshit zoomer "pop punk" trend (literally listening to billie eilish, paramore and avril as "punk legends"). judging by her "label" insta, she invites anyone looking emo/pop punk/genderfluid enough, or anyone stanning her hard enough) to "work" for her. honestly these kids look underage or at least still pretty young and naive, and idk what exactly are they doing besides posting photos of their rooms, cause they surely have no experience as any kind of
record label worker… i'm really curious what's the conditions of that Scruffpuppy deal, like what percentage of money he'd make will go to Phoebe. looks like a scam tbh.
No. 1314316
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ZHEANI seems pretty nuts, has strong schizo or BPD vibes, a very entertaining follow.
> satanist
> tried to cancel Oli Sykes (Bring Me the Horizon) and Die Antwoord
> onlyfans
> dates an ugly, unwashed moid (Mik Shida)
> starts online beef with industry plant daine
No. 1327074
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Any new milk girls? This one's old, i know but Phoebe… she simultaneously tries to be etheral sad indie girl, MCR scene emo, and then also absolute dream goth girlfriend, e-girl, serious songwriter, boss bitch persona leading a revolutionary record label, and of course relatable stoner queen! pic rel, hitting the bong with a tortured frown for her music video then going "420 right guys 420" and starting a contest to recreate that video… "We invite you to get stoned" lol. i know it's just weed but boasting about doing drugs for the video "for the art" is so cringy.
No. 1335815
>>1306082IIRC the bassist, Devin Perez, used to say sexist/homophobic/etc stuff on 4chan and it was an issue in 2014. The singer, Cole Smith, was particularly pissed about it and after much deliberation, Perez was officially gone in 2019… But that's kind of it.
I really expected them to pretty weird and douchey, as most musician dudes similar to them are, but they're normal people.
No. 1336617
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I’m sure the singer of HAIM (whose father is a Beverly Hills Israeli) got this PTA lead role on her own acting merits, right?
No. 1336660
>>1299552I like Florence but yeah her last album was boring.
>>1303132>>1327074God I hope something comes out about Phoebe. I first heard her sing on SNL and thought she was fucking boring.
No. 1336764
>>1336668Damn that sucks that she borrows and doesn't give back. I mean look she's a highly popular rock artist and has plenty of money, instead of borrowing she could spend 5 minutes ordering stuff she wants online. I gotta say i'm not surprised she's kind of a "diva", she always frequents these "elitesque" Gucci fashion shit parties etc. i can't explain but she had that odd vibe to me.
Since she's somewhat close aesthetically, anything on Chelsea Wolfe?
>>1279209Seconded, where did Kemp Muhl come from? she's some instagram model pretending to be musician, right
No. 1336935
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Anons what do you think of Veruca Salt? i always felt they're pretty average, or OK but nothing special, a band that couldn't decide if they want to play grunge, melodic punk or "metallic" goth (pic related, i like the video but it's very obviously Marilyn Manson influenced). "Seether" song was just stupid and irritating. They disappeared somewhere in the 90's, I wonder if they were milky especially the second brunette singer who had some ex drama with Dave Grohl i think.
They're still better than Garbage and Shirley Manson though. They have Butch Vig, a real producer on board and yet can't write good songs. at least not anymore.
No. 1337061
>>1336935Veruca Salt always struck me as "also rans". Don't know how they got picked up, they were never interesting enough to gain traction and never ever have I met anyone whose favorite band was VS. You put them on a girl band mix tape to flesh it out, that's about it. Genuinely surprised to read their formation story on Wikipedia because I definitely pegged them as having been an industry band that was created in an attempt to capitalize on riot grrl (to which they are forever, inexplicably, tangentially linked)
>>1337036They're not all younger; Katherine Waterston was almost 40 when rumors of their affair started swirling
No. 1337063
>>1336935Oldfag here, fan of Veruca Salt in the 90s, and yeah, they were full of drama. It's why the song Seether exists, supposedly it's about Louise and her temper.
And they were never really able to pin down a style because Nina and Louise clashed with their songwriting styles. Nina is way more pop (she wrote both of the big singles, Seether and Volcano Girls) and Louise's songs are darker and heavier.
In my opinion, only their first album is truly great and successful in balancing their differing styles, even if it's kinda unfinished because they were rushed to get an album out after Seether was a hit single. Their second album is okay, but I preferred the unpolished sound of the first one more. It fits their immature lyrics better.
Also, personal storytime: I saw them play live in the 90s when somebody threw a t-shirt at the stage that landed on Louise and she had a full-on shit fit, stopped the song, screamed at the guy for like 10 minutes, and demanded that security throw him out or she wouldn't keep playing. Never seen anything like that before or after, and I've been to a lot of rowdy shows.
>>1337061They got picked because they managed to luck out opening for Weezer in 94 when those guys were first getting noticed. Labels were eager to sign almost any alternative band back then, and this one had the gimmick of being fronted by two women.
No. 1337069
>>1337061You're spot on, they're so unremarkable. On the surface, everything seems good and their music wins with the current likes of Chery Glazer or Starcrawler or other Phoebes, but it's "correct" at most and oddly forgettable. Like they reunited in 2012 and even had a new record in 2015, but who really knows or cares? i'm just reading their wikipedia now
>>1337063Hahaha that's so lame! Stopping show and having a screaming fit for minutes, reminds me of Melanie Martinez antics. Actually that makes me want to dig deeper for some old info, maybe there's more ancient milk on Louise.
I can only add that Dave Grohl dated Louise Post and they have some unreleased duo and i think Everlong was written about her.
No. 1337379
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Louise also announced onstage in 1997 that Dave Grohl cheated on her with Winona Ryder. and sang about it in a song.
Nina left the band in 00's and Louise reportedly made a whole album with angry songs about her and when they reunited, they made a whole album about their past infighting. lol
Also probably quite wealthy parents:
>For all her screaming vocals, she sounds a bit fragile. She talks about the break-ups as being "a journey", but consults her psychotherapist dad when "it's all out of control".
No. 1337421
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Phoebe Bridgers is being sued for defamation…
No. 1337456
>>1337421Well, finally some Phoebe drama. I completely missed these allegations, should we ask maybe: who hasn't been accused of something by Phoebe Bridgers? i lost track on all the men she accused of something. not to say it would be surprising cause well, such things are nothing uncommon in music industry, but i have a feeling Phoebe's been calling people out left and right as it suits her righteous "brave" social warrior persona… interesting how this plays out. 3 million is a lot. How do you think she makes?
Wait, so it's true that Phoebe dates girls
No. 1337521
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Samefag but something got to me, the timeline of that Phoebe threesome was 2018. Wasn't Phoebe with Connor Oberst in 2018 or earlier? No. 1337999
>>1337883Yeah but i didn't know about that, thought she just said bi but only dated guys. Apparently after that guy she had another threesome with that Emily and Conor.
This case is weird though, allegedly Emily accused that guy of murdering some Mexican guy something… so she knows this and reports to IG and not police? whatever.
Honestly, i think they're all shady LA people who all either did some shady things for fame or used others who were starved for fame. the guy obviously used the situation as Phoebe likes to date people she works with while these women knew what they were doing too. they'll prob settle as you said.
No. 1338247
>>1337999Was reading more about it and apparently Phoebe did not say this independently, she reposted stories from Emily. I'm curious if that changes things legally. Obviously i'm not a lawyer but i'm also curious if Phoebe could say she was mislead by Emily? This guy also sued Emily at the end of last year, not sure if anything's happened with that
>>1337456Who else has she said something about other than Ryan Adams and Marilyn Manson? They're both notoriously shitty people & abusers so it doesn't seem so far fetched that she's telling the truth there imo
No. 1338278
>>1338247I believe her in Ryan Adams and MM case, they had bad reputation and people whispered about such possibilites of abuse for years, and a lot of women came out against them. Idk who else she came out against. could've sworn there was at least one more guy but maybe i'm wrong.
I read Phoebe actually talked Emily into posting that on IG in the first place. they know each other since school years or something. idk if there were any abuse allegations against that guy before. Ryan won't sue back cause he's guilty. Nelson would have to show probably that since IG stories his finances dropped significantly or something. how would Nelson prove that things Phoebe & Emily said were lies? (the murder accusation could be proven or disproven if the identity of the allegedly killed was given.) who knows what is true, nobody was there and so it's impossible to take sides imo. it's just interesting how this plays out.
No. 1338304
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>>1338289Reddit. Which of course i cannot guarantee is a reliable source, it's just memories of people who read about it a few years back. nothing can be verified now cause Emily deleted her IG account.
No. 1338892
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>>1338890jk actually not that many I was just blinded by this kek
No. 1338894
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said gift was a rare guitar
No. 1338898
>>1338894Interestingly there are no screenshots of her allegedly defamatory posts on Instagram, only descriptions
>In or around October 2020, defendant Bridgers published false and misleadingstatements about Plaintiff on her public Instagram account, “@_fake_nudes,” stating: “I witnessed
and can personally verify much of the abuse (grooming, stealing, violence) perpetuated by Chris
Nelson, owner of a studio called Sound Space….”
>Defendant Bridgers intentionally directed the public to Bannon’s public Instagramaccount by publishing a post stating, “For anyone who knows [Plaintiff], is considering working with
him, or wants to know more, there is an articulate and mind blowing account on @emilybannon’s
page as a highlight.
TRIGGER WARNING for basically everything
"The false and misleading statements about Plaintiff on the Instagram “@emilybannon”
>Plaintiff “beat a young Latinx man to death after provoking him with a racialslur”;
>Plaintiff “killed the young man”;>Plaintiff “bludgeoned at least one other man with a baseball bat … and left himto bleed out in an alleyway”;
>Plaintiff committed racially-motivated hate crimes, including “intentionallyrear-end drivers of color and then challenging them to call the police, knowing that his white
privilege would protect him from any consequences whatsoever but expose his
victims to a
prohibitive level of risk (of deportation, incarceration, or brutality) by forcing them to interact with
>Plaintiff “defrauded [a] neighbor out of an estimated $100,000-$130,000”; >Plaintiff “forging [the neighbor’s] signature and then stealing $50,000 from”the neighbor;
>Plaintiff “robbed [a] storage unit of an estimated tens of thousands of dollars ofbelongings”;
>Plaintiff sells stolen gear and “manufactures fake ‘rare’ guitars to defraudcollectors and museums … and uses all manners of devious engineering to trick unwitting … buyers
into paying a premium for modified junk”; and
>Plaintiff “was hacking [defendant Bannon] and other women’s emailaccounts.”
No. 1338935
>>1338894idk why he would even fake these, and I don't necessarily think they're fake, but these texts look so weird? several parts of the text are warped including the time stamp of his first text. and it looks like the word "epicenter" has been edited in, it's a different font even? maybe it's several screenshots stitched together?
>>1338924it's detailed in the suit
>>1338890>Plaintiff is informed and believes that defendant Bridgers had a prior sexual relationship with Bannon. Shortly after Plaintiff’s relationship with Bannon began, it was revealed that defendant Bridgers, Bannon, and Bridgers’ boyfriend at the time Conor Oberst were having a relationship. Based upon information and believe, this relationship occurred while Bannon was in a relationship with defendant Bridgers’ drummer, Harrison Whitford, who was unaware of the relationship between Bannon and defendant Bridgers. No. 1338941
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>>1338938i honestly don't even know why he would fake those texts but it looks weird
maybe i'm just going insane
No. 1339007
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>>1338980Nta but she has musician father who had his own band and studio, but idk who that is and how famous he is. maybe it's someone important in the producer scene? i only know Chelsea hangs out with LA cow people like Arrow and Gilbert. we'd have to do a bit more info digging to tell
>>1338941it looks weird and edited, entire photos are very blurry, as if someone viewed them on computer and took a mobile phone photo from the screen. idk, if it's edited then it will be confirmed as such by the right people.
No. 1339166
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>going full psycho
No. 1339206
>>1339180Lil Bo Tweak vibes lol
is it even possible to get addicted to whippets? if so then kek, of all the other substances
No. 1339211
>>1339208yes, this is what i meant, impossible to get addicted physically. and it lasts short.
the guy did whipits too? i thought they're talking about Emily Bannon
>>1338923yeah, aside from Louise Post he also dated Jennifer Finch and Melissa Auf Der Maur. maybe they fell for his "nicest guy in rock" schtick lol
No. 1339295
>>1339039I guess that depends on your definition of what a plant is. I guess the prevailing definition would be someone who already has connections in the music or at least entertainment industry and uses that to jumpstart their career, or at least give it an artificial push beyond their actual ability
Angel Olsen and Japanese Breakfast both came from pretty humble beginnings and without any existing connections in the industry. Julien Baker doesn't seem to have any existing connections before releasing her debut, and whilst she was definitely something of a media darling in 2015/16 that was off the back of a genuinely good debut. Billy Strings comes from an absolutely shit background and probably has one of the greatest claims to getting where he is off the back of pure talent
No. 1339632
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Dude men get so offended when they get accused of shit that could ruin their lives
No. 1339774
>>1339632What's so weird about him suing her if it turned out he was innocent of all those killings and such?
But honestly dude probably exaggerates as much as he can so he can get as much money out of this as he can, or does this as vendetta for private satisfaction. Emily and Phoebe exaggerate af too if not more, i have hard time believing this guy is guilty of all that they accused him of, cause it sounds ridiculous. after considering it all i think all parties lie. they're bitter exes and probably both playing dirty.
No. 1339873
>>1339774I wouldn't be surprised if he told his gf all of this shit in the first place to try to impress her kek
I mean logging into girls emails, selling fake shit, stealing I can believe to a certain degree but killing people I cannot. they all seem unstable
No. 1339880
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Remember when this album was aggressively shilled and then they disappeared off the face of the Earth? Not suspicious at all
No. 1339892
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Avi Buffalo rape allegations coming out (again). Screenshot from an ex band member Rebecca. His ex Jas also released allegations the same day. Lots of abuse stories going around the Long Beach music scene rn
No. 1340463
>>1340019>She's always been a mess onlineHmm, can you tell more? you mean she had meltdowns or getting aggresive? maybe that's why she removed herself from socials to recover.
As for Sophie, she's got this 90's/00s teen comedy nostalgia kind of vibe (especially with vids like Circle The Drain) but does it better than most throwback bands cashing on Avril or Alanis, she has kind of interesting riffs/effects (they apparently used old studio flat disks with effects). first album was a bit too candy/naive but second is good, with songs grouped by "colors". she released album right before pandemic so she had a "virtual" streaming tour, "played" in Animal Crossing (official game so they promote her a lot) and Club Penguin Rewritten (unofficial game recreated by fans of original). i even attended one "concert" lol, found this idea sympathetic.
No. 1340509
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>Ariel Pink is boring
>Also tweets this shit
No. 1340528
>>1340509Lol when will this pickme fall from grace. I think i know now why they flog her so much: Billie Eilish probably sent her letter of recommendations.
They both have families larping "we're from LA but so poor uwu"
No. 1340998
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Anyone remembers ancient Inger Lorre of The Nymphs? it was absolutely shitty glam cross "early grunge" band, but in fact they remind me of those worst hair metal glam bands because of their shitty visuals. She's really most known for pissing at the desk of Geffen Records A&R guy. the reason why she did it was apparently she was done with Geffen telling her to fire her scrotes and go solo. she refused to do this, but there was no gift for such loyalty cause scrotes fired her instead a year later.
Another thing she's known of was beefing with Courtney Love. The voice message that's on Courtney's track "Sassy" is her: "You're so stupid I would have done anything for you honey, your reputation is shit in this town".
She had some solo record with Jeff Buckley as guest, but i can't believe anybody bought it. it allegedly had a song about Courtney Love and one called "Gibby Haynes is next", GH sings in Butthole Surfers, so random.
As for now seems nobody's interested in her, she has a Twitter where she's followed by 280 ppl and where she mostly begged to donate to her Gofundme, for a Nymphs world tour (she raised 1421$ before closing).
No. 1341001
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Article on Inger with more info. on one hand i could undestand frustration with big labels, on the other how stupid was that, obviously they would spin this over to make her unhiged woman in press.
Btw guess she believes "Courtney killed Kurt" theories.
No. 1341034
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>>1341015Admittedly i got to know about them when they were long gone and I'm not from US, only ever learned it from the books on 90's or Nirvana. Compared to them, Veruca Salt made big career.
<More CL seething. i can believe that Courtney called and tried to befriend her first though, that's pretty much her thing.
No. 1341088
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Idk if that helps anyhow in indie-pop-rock industry, but her father was a classical pianist/violinist and professor. So her family was wealthy/well off at the very least.
No. 1341261
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One last excerpt on Inger and incident onstage. it's amusing how much cow potential she used to have but she got forgotten fast, prob cause she had forgettable image.
Speaking of 90's i wonder how honest were Lunachicks. Tbh they looked more like costume/parody band or poor man's L7. Recently I heard singer Theo Cogan is some makeup guru/makeup brand owner.
No. 1343305
>>1343249>are only people living in the slums allowed to make music/get any fame?Ayrt No, nobody said that. That's why i said "idk if that helps anyhow in the industry". Actually, now that we talk about it, i really doubt it. Theoretically for her to get shilled in the industry her father would have to be friends with whoever helped her with career or a seriously famous/respected musician in her country, but i don't think it's the case here. I only said that if anything, if her father was rich she could've used his money to push start career (but only if). Probably should've clarified it's just my own what ifs and say it better instead "rich at the very least", that doesn't even have to mean much.
I think it's cool that her father was accomplished classical musician. that is all.
No. 1344516
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What's the beef between Amy Taylor and Miley Cyrus? for some reason people pit them against each other and allegedly Amy said some shit on Miley? if it turns out they have a fight over having same hairstyles and clothes it'll be ridiculous cause mullets are most unoriginal things currently and they both have rather unoriginal style which was based on pretty much same things, the Runaways + 70's/sporty clothes.
No. 1345006
>>1344926Probably a mixture of them being desperate to get their own Julien Baker & not being the label they once were, after Conor & everyone involved with him moved on.
Signing Big Thief was a good move, but even they've moved on already and their stuff with 4AD is better than Masterpiece or Capacity. The best move they've made in the last couple of years was getting Spirit of the Beehive
(sage ) No. 1345256
>>1344516>In November 2020, UK-based feminist punk band Dream Wife took to Instagram to post comparisons between their music video for ‘So When You Gonna…’ and Miley Cyrus’ music video for her track ‘Prisoner’ feat. Dua Lipa. It was clear how similar the visuals were, with Amy leaving a comment on the post saying “Omg lowkey highkey somebody stop miley”. >“I wanna preface this by saying I think she has ripped us off. She has a whole kinda thing like ‘what’s trendy? What’s going on?’ but also I acknowledge that I am hugely influenced by ‘70s rock females which Miley is kind of stating that she’s influenced by. So there’s definitely been a crossover, but I also believe that it would in some way loop back to us and Dream Wife and lots of other female fronted bands in the scene” she explains. “I actually think Miley Cyrus’ music is dope and I want to support women. I’m not the police, but it’s frustrating because we all work so hard and don’t make that much money, and people will assume we’re copying that era of Miley Cyrus but we’re just doing our thing that we’ve always done.”>Amy reflects on this further: “Obviously it’s a team of people, her career is based on staying relevant and being on the edgy side of pop and doing the rebellious thing. She’s a performer and is acting like an edgy rock chick. But it’s like, you ain’t shit, you have a mansion. Be yourself. It would actually be really beneficial if stylistically or personally it was a copy of Dream Wife/me, it would mean so much if she actually shared it like ‘hey, there’s a bunch of bands I really like that I’ve been really influenced by’. But then I kind of remind myself, like, there’s a huge chance you have nothing to do with this and you’re making an arsehole of yourself. If I’m honest, it just makes me laugh to pick a fight with her” she laughs.I kinda get her point, but I'm glad she's not seriously mad. I think she's too chill for this shit.
No. 1345304
>>1345256Ah so she actually was really chill and rational about this, so there's really no drama. refreshing
>>1345270Yeah she seems ok from afar too. i thought she's kinda tryhard at first and couldn't tell how she really is but i guess that's just her way of being: kinda hyper energetic and "hanging with the guys" in the show pit. her music is actually listenable. the only thing that confuses me is her friendship with Dani, though seems Dani wants to be besties with Arrow now.
Dani is much bigger cow than it seems on the surface level, especially after taking a look at her tiktok. she's a 27yo sitting and making dozens of tiktoks all day and still milking her Gucci exposure, i mean it's getting harder for her to hide how she's in it for fame and money and LA circle parties primarily.
No. 1345522
>>1339166Wooow I just found this thread through Google. I don't know shit about Phoebe Bridgers other than peripherally seeing her name floated around in indie sad girl rock discourse and avoiding it.
I was in a few classes at nyu with Emily Bannon. This would have been around 2013-2014 or so. It's crazy to see her name appear again but in this context
We were never close but she was part of the same general group of friends. She was always a bit scuzzy and unwashed, she definitely did a fair amount of drugs (poppers, coke, weed, whatever), it was common in the scene so nothing stands out there.
I remember she wasn't a very good student and would be basically clueless when the teacher asked her questions about readings/assignments
Also Maggie Rogers was also in the scene around this time. I remember being at a party once and she took out a banjo lol, half of the group was fawning and half thought it was awkward as fuck.
Most of Maggie's earlier music videos are cast with girls from the group (yes I see you)
Anways this thread
triggered some memories of hanging out with trust fund, upper middle, or elite class daughters who want to be famous in New York. Wouldn't exactly recommend
No. 1345527
>>1345522Wow thanks for the info anon. What do you think of this whole case? I mean this whole thing also kind of requiers to know at least a bit also on Phoebe (which we posted about in this thread before) but still. Btw think it's funny how you listed Emily doing the whole variety of drugs but then in court documents the guy listed she allegedly "went to rehab for whippits" lol.
>hanging out with trust fund, upper middle, or elite class daughters who want to be famous in New YorkAny known/famous ones? anyone made it in the scene?
No. 1347466
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Australian anon who's friends with Amy Taylor, maybe you could tell us more on the origin of this Australian fake-rock baddie? All i found is that she's from Auckland but moved to LA to make acting/singer career (ofc) and she has 140k followers after a short while for doing absolutely nothing, but she already spoke on the impact of Nirvana on her music in their anniversary edition of Spin. More, one of her first IG posts is Rolling Stone announcing her single.
Last but not the least, she got "famous" for trolling the internet that she got a huge face tattoo of Harry Styles, only to reveal it was a joke (wow). from the article:
>What I love about him from a professional standpoint is that he was the poppiest of pop stars, and then he went off on his own and made a classic rock album. For someone like me who wants to live in that world who hasn’t been in a boy band, he has opened the door for me.>"He’s introduced the kids to the kind of music I want to make. For that, I’m really grateful. I also just want his career. I feel like I’m a female version. I actually moved to America to act, and music became my main thing. Rock ‘n’ roll is my passion. I really want to work with him. Let’s work, Harry. Where you at? Mark my words: I’m getting a song on his album."'s that plant? she's not even trying to hide how contrived she is
No. 1347761
>>1347752Yeah sorry, it appears that girl isn't from indie scene but rather some rich girl/plant who started out immediately from the big place and never played shows before? i think so at least. just asked cause i thought maybe she was someone like Arrow in your local scene, like maybe you heard of her from local media trying to push her as rock/punk and joked about it casually or something, not that i thought you would hang out with this girl. i expected you wouldn't know her as personal friend.
I wouldn't be surprised if this girl never performed a single show in Australia and went straight to LA to get a contract. Aaand as i predicted, she's a total industry plant not even indie plant. she has a record on BMG
No. 1347767
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Samefag, major labels will make so much money on pop punk now, more of people like that will be pushed. The Kelsey chick stands out a lot because how immediate it all was (and good deal of her followers must be bought). what's interesting to me is how carefully they craft her social media appearance, from edgy angsty captions, egirl style and hair to obligatory mentions of depression and struggle and Megan Fox larping.
No. 1347793
>>1347774Good, i like it. That's how it's supposed to be. and guess i gotta give some credit to Amyl and the sniffers now after you described it how it is!
Wow that sucks, what Jethro did, good that you gave him no asspats just for having famous parent. Nick Cave (which i'm a fan of) has another famous son, Earl, who's a lowkey actor now. I wondered about him honestly, it appears he played in two low tier indie films so far. on the other hand i'm aware he probably goes to those high fashion parties and knows all those nepo kids. hopefully he doesn't turn into snowflake like Jethro too.
I noticed nepotism kids always pursue playing in rock bands or modelling or acting but never for example writing books.
No. 1347794
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>>1347767>I make rock music in a time when urban music dominates Get fucked, what kind of racially coded bullshit is this? It’s also patently false, rock music has never and will never fall out of popularity. Not to mention that many of us have been playing rock music since we were in womb and have the (albeit modest for the most part) accomplishments to show for it. I’d love to see this moron try to book a show here
No. 1347804
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Kek her captions actually crack me up
>>1347794She won't, she only got USA/UK/Canada scheduled lol
No. 1347811
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>>1347804>Beyoncé didn’t hear a song and wanna make a remixWhat the fuck does that have to do with the price of fish in China? I’m calling it now, this sharmouta is racist and makes calling out “urban” artists her whole personality
No. 1347819
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>>1347811this, and saying "ugh fuck hip hop!" and "rock is not dead look at me"… look at this, miss rebellious defying industry!
No. 1347835
>>1347808Also, it wasn’t just photo shoots, he walked for Balenciaga, Prada and other major houses in the big four fashion weeks. He ruined his own career by being a dickhead
>>1347819My fucking sides, the nloggery. I hate this cow already but she has the potential to be real milky. Her posts are giving me Vicky Shingles pick me narcissism
No. 1347844
>>1347831Sad. He's like a male version of all these rock daughters/models, weird he wasn't caught by YSL and Hedi Slimane.
He's cringe but i wish him to get clean and do something with his life nonetheless
>>1347835Yeah, i think it would be funny to keep an eye on her. might find her tiktok and more info on her. i'm especially curious about her deleted, pre-career internet antics, i hope there's more than Harry-notice me incident.
She goes on tour with Girli, another new girl wonder thing but i think she at least used to be a rapper. (she probably switched to pop punk now like MGK lol)
No. 1347848
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>>1347844He actually was shot by Hedi (side note: his collections for every house/label besides Dior Homme have been basura caliente but I do like some of his photography and he is a hot piece so I can’t hate on him entirely) No. 1347867
>>1347848Wow, some of these are actually good, mainly cause they stylized his hair as Birthday Party era Nick. i noticed both of his model kids are often stylized very feminine or kind of ugly-weird style. (well not Jethro now cause he kinda disappeared). As for Earl apparently he has/had a band too, wrote and sang with other actors for a film, and said he might get more into music as well one day, but i haven't listened.
It may sound weird and stupid but i think famous kids uneccessarily lock themselves in a corner when they want to make music, cause whatever they do it nearly always ends up underwhelming and way less "edgy", idk, satisfying than their parents music. sometimes they're saved from it if they're wise to choose completely different genre and shut up about their family
No. 1347938
>>1347912>seethes over successful black women >uses plastic surgery and makeup to jack their aesthetic The caucacity of this nlogging fuckwit
>>1347897I stand by my Vicky Shingles comment, holy kek the narcissism
>>1347867Right? When I first saw this shoot I thought “he hates his old man but is happy to be styled like him”.
>It may sound weird and stupid but i think famous kids uneccessarily lock themselves in a corner when they want to make music, cause whatever they do it nearly always ends up underwhelming and way less "edgy", idk, satisfying than their parents music. sometimes they're saved from it if they're wise to choose completely different genre and shut up about their familyNail, head, etc. I think a lot of them feel like they’re in competition with their parents or their parents are trying to live vicariously through them, which they either embrace (like Arrow) or rebuke (like Jethro)
No. 1348186
>>1348045Wow i didn't know about that! so the kid he had photos with from Let Love In era in Brazil must've been Luke.
Arthur was a twin of Earl and died at the age of 15, he fell after doing LSD with a friend. i've seen One More Time With Feeling documentary, it's pretty much about recording an album (Skeleton Tree) after all what happened and it was very touching.
>>1348030Yeah like anon said, he was goth in Birthday Party, 80's goth/punk and after that, he played different music, very noisy in the beginning but also with piano and strings etc. Hmm if that makes sense, he was more "gothic americana" (or rather "gothic australiana" lol) with his interests in shitty scary towns with weird townies, very biblical (his book And The Ass Saw The Angel) or songs about prisoners sentenced to death (The Mercy Seat) or carnival (The Carny) and the whole murder ballads album. He's just more of a storyteller/writer in his songs and if his music is "gothic", then it means it's dark and eerie rather than Dementia Ebony Darkn'ness way. i somehow can't imagine him naming his kids Jacob Danger or North West etc.
No. 1348487
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"Punk princess" Kelsy must have very famous parents. Foo Fighters shilled her singles and she was interviewed by Grammy etc. etc. this is fakest career so far, whoa.
No. 1349028
>>1348795Dani pushes and exaggerates the "ugly" factor herself a lot, shoving the armpits and teeth into central point of every picture. She's lumpy and not really a beauty but if she posed normally she'd be fine. I think LA people exaggerate into the other side too, treating her like a hero for not shaving armpits – it's about as "revolutionary" as Madonna posting arm hair on instagram. Plenty of women don't either cause they can't be bothered atm or don't care. it should be a normal human thing.
I think i know why Dani's so popular: she identifies and looks nonbinary, which is how she earned zoomer love. she's popular on tiktok. hollywood washed outs love her "exotic poverty" and Gucci weirdness. she's undisputably way more punk than Arrow even in sound, Arrow plays dad rock template rock'n'roll almost bordering on country with minimal dose of distortion. of course she's contrived but 1) got lucky with Gucci offers 2) she's oldest of all but knows how to play zoomer game
No. 1349231
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Kekkk i haven't seen it but Sabrina thinks Kelsey copied her and now Kelsey's got angry Pretty Sick stans raiding her insta, but jokes one them cause despite the fact Kelsey's boomer team probably stalked Sab's socials, Sabrina didn't invent posing naked with guitars and neither front blond lol.
>>1349208Yeah she really made it her defining trait… which gets boring immediately. Agree with the rest what you said, although i think this thread is kinda safe from that cause i feel it's read only by select anons knowing these bands and scene + maybe some lurkers.
No. 1351835
>>1351755Yeah everything is derivative, I don't even know what new bands should do to be original. Most of nowadays bands are directly milking nostalgia, some in a pathetic way (Starcrawler), some abysmal (Machine Gun Kelly, Yungblood, Willow Smith etc.), moderately (Sab) or actually nice (Soccer Mommy, Amyl & The Sniffers). Maybe more rock/classical music mix? I feel that's a very broad subject and can be mixed in so much more of different ways that say punk/grunge.
There's just no new unique personalities and good songwriters anymore
No. 1351838
>>1351835Samefag, adding i think people still should hold artists to some kind of standards and expectations, i mean despite all that artists should be expected to present even slightest amount of originality/at least try. Sab/Kelsey case of course is a nonsense and both of them can freely use that boring pose as it's rock'n'roll cliche. But i hate people actually copying whole iconic looks of other musicians.
Kinda depressing to think that one day these girls, or soundclouters-turned-pop-punkers will be set as example of "originality". I mean, I've already seen some zoomers saying that, quoting: "I'm sure soon there will be an influx of new bands spitting blood and copying Arrow trying to pass it off as their original idea!" LOL if they only knew…
No. 1355572
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Ik it's nothing milky but anons… this is how Dani Miller looked like in 2015. Besides "busted teeth", she looked like a normal, healthy weight rock girl, almost could be considered pretty compared to current pics. well maybe not exactly healthy as she supposedly did heroin, but still
No. 1355577
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She changed so much. I understand that she wouldn't be noticed and therefore invested in looking like a clown, flaunting her teeth, hair and "i'm so quirky ugly whaaa" and "i wear Gucci in my white trash house" aesthetic. But somehow this old look speaks to me more, it's objectively boring but it looks less forced and unnatural
No. 1355578
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No. 1365114
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>>1364890i know right. red makeup immediately makes me think of Marilyn Manson (yuck) or Avril Lavigne. the only one who pulled this off was Emilie Autumn but thath wasn't full on red only
No. 1377060
>>1376922No idea who is that chick but after a quick google and skimming some sort of wiki offshoot page… (Lil Xan wiki of all places lol) well she's an ex model so ofc she has it easy making music career in LA. 90% of this thread is filled with rich girls who first started as models in LA or NY and so then had magazines & brands back them up when they start touring. i think with neo-poppunk explosion there will be much more of "who tf is that" ~*punk*~ singers with huge following cropping out of nowhere a'la Kelsy chick or Siickbrain.
on a side note she claims she's from a small town in North Carolina but other site lists her birth place as Los Angeles? i haven't read entire thing yet but you can take a look: No. 1377509
>>1377344lol, i never said there's anything interesting about them or whoever's this girl.
>models they are a dime a dozen and thats not how you get a music career its usually money,well duh? these model girls turned singers are almost always coming from money, that was the whole point i'm trying to make. if they've got famous parents, they often are friends with the press people. i'm talking about internet press being more inclined to write about rich model-to-singer girls, especially if they had their appearances in other fashion editorials previously (sites like i-D especially) or when they attented magazine events etc. All comes to how rich or famous are their parents.
LA people might not give a fuck about models but that doesn't change the fact industry currently pushes rich ex-models rather than girls who are talented musicians.
No. 1383151
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Oh my fucking god i hate itttttt, she looks like she has downs
No. 1384966
>>1383151anon, don't do people with down syndrome dirty like that, it's just typical Sickysab look. idk how she does it but she always looks awful. wears ugly emo clothes in such ugly combinations, and takes countless Myspace sort of photoshoots.
ik it's nowhere near possibility but that high pigtails hairstyle reminded me unpleasantly of those shady chicks dressing as little girls, like the Shayna girl with 100s of threads in snow. perhaps bc of her face, Sab looks like a kinderpunk/emo sometimes.
No. 1386849
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Whoops saging for double post i forgot to add the photo
No. 1387243
>>1386849>>1386848Eew. I wanna say the "fluids" are probably her spit at most, cause i'd rather not think of her pouring that indie guy's cum into the necklace lol. "Blood & bones & fluids" makes me think of that cringe shit Lilith Levisis did, trying to be Angelina Jolie with her blood vials. Not surprising since Sabrina was/is friends with Clare. same rich-daughters clubbing circless. I find it so funny these "rock girls" are so obsessed with Lilith, i mean she's a neet posting her broken back ass drugged pics all day.
Yeah her 14yo face is so oddly jarring, she looks like a kid trying to do sexy cosplay. Idk she needs a style makeover. Sab tries so fucking hard to be edgelord it's pathetic.
No. 1389117
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Any milk on Jessie Jo Stark? Who is that? I keep seing her liking Arrow or Dani's instas and her mediocre music is filed as "indie". She is/was also friends with or dating Yungblud but thats all i know. she must have rich parents right
No. 1389522
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people are saying this is about phoebe bridgers, but either way it’s based
No. 1389767
>>1389527Right. looks like she's typical rich daughter insta thot, found her accidentally in old Instahoes thread
>>766312 >>749790 Kind of annoying that all these insta bitches/models now play "indie" and "punk" music,`even though they either were on soundclout trend 3yrs ago, running after soundclout boys or just posting idiotic pics primarily.
>>1389522LOL Snailmail went back to posting? didn't she disappear completely a year or so ago? I thought she's friends with Phoebe cause they're birds of a feather in the music/vox sense. Anyways i'm all in for indie girls having petty drama with Phoebe lol
I'm still curious a gossip that Phoebe doesn't pay her workers, shame it wasn't explained in more detail. And did she finally get her "ADD" diagnosis? on a sidenote i gotta say she's got kind of crazy stans who protect her even if her lies are out there to see (not here, i mean other places ofc.)
No. 1389834
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sage because it’s not really milk because i’m so out of the loop so i don’t know what’s going on here, who is this? why is everyone commenting “no” and tagging snail mail?
No. 1389901
>>1389834phoebe is your typical bihet who’s music is ~softe and sapphic~, yet she only dates scrotes
picrel is a prime example, that’s paul mescal who’s in Normal People
snail mail aka lindsey jordan is an actual lesbian, and ppl think her post
>>1389522was throwing shade at phoebe
No. 1389952
>>1389901What about her dating that chick Emily or smth? There were news about her dating that girl/being in a threesome with her and some producer who sued Phoebe a while back. I agree she poses as ~*such a bi qween*~ while only flaunting men, but i thought it was confirmed she dated at least that Emily girl?
>>1389834Is she not with Connor Oberst anymore? i'm honestly confused
No. 1389964
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Samefag, that being said yeah i kind of agree with the recent criticism, she very consciously uses the bi/lesbian thing, writes songs about girls and hypes the "bi looks" in insta, but she's seen with the guys primarily. she knows these types of posts will make zoomers fall for it
No. 1389966
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Bonus image, unrelated but it's just total cringe
No. 1390045
>>1390011Well that was quick, i thought she'd milk Connor relationship a bit longer. But she's way more famous than him at this point so guess she doesn't need him anymore.
Ngl i don't feel bad at all that some old guy "didn't love her enough" lol, what did she expect? Timeline is fucky, honestly wouldn't be surprised if they flirted while he was still married. I think the whole threesome thing kind of shows she's up for superficial relations anyway, but now she makes this big deal. She always makes her breakups sensational in some way or another.
she's growing to be the biggest indie cow lol
No. 1390120
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>>1390087I mentioned this because i vaguely recall reading Phoebe dated that chick alone either before or after the 3 way thing, but i could be wrong. Either way you're right.
Have you seen this, seems that she has some vid where she's making out with some elder lady like wtf is that for? is that what's "edgy" now
No. 1390140
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>>1389522so based
all her soft tenderqueer fans getting up in arms about her being “biphobic” now
No. 1390177
>>1390124ah alright, that's a cringe visual metaphor still imo
>>1390140I've seen others say this can't possibly be about Phoebe cause she said not talking about bi people and Phoebe is bi… sweet summer children lol
Yeah Snailmail stands no chance against angry stans though. they're always like "whoa but you don't know if Phoebe only dates men? where's the receipts that she doesn't date girls/etc? you don't know that, its just hearsay blah blah blah"
I swear 90% of PB fans have parasocial relation with her and ignore all flaws/shady stuff just cause they want her still to be their
relatable boring-girl-next-door hero providing them breakup songs and
sad but quirky girl vibes to feel pretend deep.
No. 1390222
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>>1390190Omg you're right, Scruffpuppie's cancelled. I'm still reading through this mess but i'm posting rn for archiving purposes. Her/his (??? genuinely no idea, i always thought it's a guy) insta is already drained of all posts. No. 1390225
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Part 2
No. 1390231
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Part 3
No. 1390234
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Full stories reposted by Casper on twitter
No. 1390237
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Phoebe's label finally released a statement, but apparently way too late and people criticize them for it.
No. 1390254
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Ok last screen (sorry had to repost, hope its ok now). People are saying they've been ignoring it initially.
Well… the dirt surfaced sooner than i expected. I thought Scruffpuppy would be their main "darling" (especially since he was kind of known on youtube for doing covers) but guess now they'll just push Sloppy Jane and Claud instead. probably sign more questionable, shady people, as long as their look is queer/genderfluid/zoomer pandering enough.
Crazy that that guy was presented as cute innocent puppy-faced "they/them", having Phoebe funding billboards, future TV gigs or articles about how brave he is for quitting drugs or something, but he's something else behind the scenes.
No. 1390273
>>1390268Idk, i don't think it's included in the screens i posted. Maybe the racist shit was among other things that he was sending to the girl & her friends through onlyfans. i think Casper showed more proofs to Phoebe and that's how they dropped Scruff guy.
Anyone else finds it cringeworthy that this guy looks, dresses and most of all behaves like a scrote but uses she/her pronouns… i thought i was misunderstanding these tweets but "she" was relating to him. yikes
No. 1390339
>>1390273Some of the worst people specifically pretend to be they/thems or she/hers for precisely this reason, to muddy the water when people are trying to discuss them. A scrote subbing all his roommates and friends' onlyfans under a fake name is considerably worse than a woman doing it precisely because you know he was jackin' it and it was all for power and sexual gratification, if it was a woman it would be still very creepy but the assumptions as to why/what they were doing will be quite different. (Like on lolcow, it's far more likely they'd be subbing to kek at the accounts which some farmers do for cows)
People need to not respect pronouns of sexpests.
No. 1390342
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it was briefly discussed in /ot/ celebricows and then dropped but anyone got further alexis marshall milk? i saw lingua ignota's statement and then alexis's response and he seems like a huge cow in just this paragraph
No. 1390437
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I wonder what is going on between these two, like if Phoebe took the bait and "sarcastically" posted, or if SM girl somehow expected her to post her boyfriend pic today lol
No. 1390816
>>1390646I just read it all due to your post, it is horrendous and very well and clearly written by the
victim. I hope she can move on from this awful experience. A play by play of
abusive scrote behavior.
No. 1391231
>>1390342expect a lot more similar stuff to come out about him. people in the local music scene have been talking about his antics for a long time and it's been an open secret way beyond the local scene at least since YWGWYW blew up, likely earlier. he's a rapist. everyone around him knows this, everyone's known this for ages. the tranny punk band HIRS pulled out of a tour with them a few years back after finding out some mysterious information they never elaborated on because speaking out about abuse would require to actually care about women and not just themselves
other than that, he's just gross. he used to whip out his dick on stage, shove microphones up his ass or "floss" his ass with a cable because otherwise he was "too bored" to perform. he bragged about all of this and what a fucked up druggie mess he was in the daughters "redemption" reunion interviews.
No. 1391257
>>1390816I know anon, it was so difficult reading about every single
abusive strategy/action he inflicted on her. I also hope her back heals and she can come out of the ashes in a healthy way.
No. 1391263
>>1391231>he used to whip out his dick on stage, shove microphones up his ass or "floss" his ass with a cable because otherwise he was "too bored" to perform.what the actual fuck is this, this is fucking disgusting.
I hate the "open secret" bullshit, if you know someone's a fucking rapist tell everyone you know ffs
No. 1391301
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>>1391263was trying to dig up some of his more milky interviews but at least one has been purged already. still shows up in google search but once you click the link there's an error message. i guess it's not so fun to romanticize le dark and edgy fuck up anymore when it turns out that's exactly what he is.
oh and in case there was ever any doubt, his band knew. i mean, of course they would have known but it's confirmed now - LI said she e-mailed one of them (nick) and then contacted him on social media to say that he should check his e-mail, he just responded with "old e-mail". according to LI, one of them also texted alexis to say that he will lose his career if he continues on like this and it's been heavily implied by the other members in interviews and such that the past break ups and hiatuses were also due to things he did. and nick posted and deleted this after LI's statement. better not see any moids saying that they should just kick out lex and otherwise continue as normal. they're all complicit.
No. 1391477
>>1390342>>1390343I'm sorry i just feel sick in my stomach after reading this, how kind of a monster one's got to be to perform such violent act that he caused spine injury of this girl, not even mentioning his following behaviour. "I'm ivestingating legal options" the fucking nerve. it's not him that should take legal action
>>1391301this is disgusting the band was aware of all and ignored it nonetheless bc they preferred to keep things as they were and maybe just take a hiatus for a few months only to get back with him later as if nothing happened? HOW can you just know and hang out with a rapist nonetheless? or that other touring band who quit tour but… never warned anyone about what they just learnt? why keep staying ina band with someone like this, is this guy someone really famous/established? Any normal person, after figuring out your bandmate is a rapist 1)reports him 2)spreads the news/warns others. But if you're a coward or an idiot who doesn't care about anyone but yourself, you at the very least, you know…
quit this band? starts another, without rapists? Nothing explains this, his band are shit people too
Btw anon you could check if it's on wayback machine,but even without it i can imagine he probably objectified women in interviews. alot.
No. 1391543
>>1391503I really hope there won't crop idiots making explanations for this monster and screeching "iNnOcEnt until proven guilty!!" or "the Lingua bitch made it up for money!". i came across stuff like that for other creeps, especially on reddit. There's entire fucking support groups for worst rapists & abusers of the industry; trying to paint people like Marilyn Manson, Ryan Adams, William Control, Growlers etc. as poor innocent pure cinnamon rolls uwu who are wrongly accused and abused and exploited by cruel money starved cold hard bitches who are attention whores who are seeking fame to "lift up their tanking bad actress careers" & besides are paid to "ruin poor mens' lives" by some higher forces cause the government and industries and the press reaaaally have the most urgent interest in witch hunting and silencing the uncomfortable, misunderstood geniuses of intellect unachievable to common people, the rebels who threaten the stability of the world with their artistic works and revolutionary ideas, so the great men like Marilyn Manson are doomed to be persecuted uwu
can't say if it's more amusing or annoying tbh.
No. 1393410
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>>1391301>>1390342More abuse allegations.
No. 1393458
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Old milk, but maybe some Brazilian anons can share some info? Cansei de ser Sexy aka CSS used to have a member named Adriano who basically grew the band from the ground, sonically. (Aside: their music now isn't good compared to when he was in the band.) During 2011, the band and him had beef because allegedly he got too sick to play during tours and asked to be able to return to Brazil and rest. The rest of the band refused and he asked them to not play his songs during the tours, which is all of them really, and they refused. He then wrote a long blogpost detailing what happened in 2011: this guy a cow? Is the whole band a cow? I would love to get some detailed milk from Brazilanons since I don't know Portuguese.
No. 1393685
>>1393458thanks for the link,
nonnie! It was an interesting read. It really sparked my interest in CSS milk as well. I saw them on tour in 2011, and I remember there being talks about Adriano not performing with them. My friend worked at the venue, and they were told that he was kicked from the band. His hospital stay was confirmed later on, and as far as the allegations in his blogpost… well, I can attest to them sounding like shit without him and Lovefoxxx having a horrible stage outfit.
alala alala you're so cool No. 1397262
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I mean no disrespect with this but Kristin kinda looks like detox kek.
No. 1397366
>>1397262i know, based on her promo pics i couldnt figure out why she would even look at gross alex, but after seeing recent candids i think there would have been a kind of gen-x insecurity you get as a woman with even the smallest amount of unconventional looks.
abusive men target these women, especially after age 35
No. 1438150
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Holly Humberstone won the rising star award at the BRIT awards 2022
No. 1438208
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>>1438150Who the fuck is that? where are they taking these new "indie" and "punk" people from? literally never heard of her besides this thread, and ofc she looks like myspace-obsessed zoomer trying to dress like Amy Lee in Evanescence days
No. 1438241
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Everything's clear. Holly Humbersomething is an Interscope shill. Touring with Olivia Rodrigo. Bye Billie Eilish girls, welcome industry-produced Olivias and Phoebe Bridgers offshoots.
No. 1438747
>>1438241I think you're misunderstanding me, but maybe what i wrote was unclear. I KNOW Billie's a nepo kid of parents who were well known in the industry, i know everything about Billie's fake behind the scenes thing. What i meant by "bye Billie Eilish girls" is that they won't produce post-Eilish, soundclout hiphop/pop girls, i meant they're directly copying indie/rock artists and selling this as new pop. and i said it ironically, not that i'm happy about it. I honestly thought Interscope's Billie Eilish 2.0 would be like her, pop artist singing to soundclout tracks, but i was wrong -Billie 2.0 (Olivia Rodrigo) is already based on pop punk ripoffs. and the next plants (Holly, that ABCDEU girl, i forgot her name, etc.) are a mix of pop punk and indie. i'm sure next to Willow Smith and MGK/Travis crowd there will be (if there isn't already) next trend, industry plant Phoebe Bridgers. i mean, Phoebe's road to fame is fake as fuck but she had some "indie" history and got there by fucking producers. Phoebe Bridgers 2.0 girl will start writing and posting "her" music fresh out of Interscope's office.
Btw i don't want to make it a mainstream Willow Smith/MGK kinda pop punk discussion here because it's not the right thread, but imo pop punk resurgence is the worst thing that could happen to rock in a way, because now indie industry plants will be more normalized than ever. All these girls like Arrow, Sabrina, Pale Waves and Lydia Night are lowkey very slowly becoming obsolete by now, by the way it seems like their audience is mostly nostalgic Gen X, sometimes select millenials with bad taste. Zoomers have their new "punk" industry plant alternatives freshly provided by Interscope.
If 2010-2019 years were depraved of any new rock stars (with a few exceptions of cringelords like Dani, Arrow and less of a cringelord Amy, Snail Mail etc. who got "famous" bc of their connections and unusual push from hipster indie labels), now we'll have Interscope producing McDonald rockstars. they're already coming and going, being easily replaceable.
Weird situation IMO, and i somewhat hope this trend will be over fast. sage for industry predictions sperg.
No. 1451377
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>>1451364LMAO perfect.
Demi Demitro, are you salty your band is so irrelevant that you didn't even get a mention? Ok, there you go: you're a nepotism baby too, happy now? Your mommy might have plugged you into industry or even hooked you up with The Black Keys, but you're still too irrelevant for anyone to care
No. 1451492
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>>1451377omg finally some good milk! based on my five minutes of googling demi is an edgelord nepotism baby courtney love ripoff whose band still flops despite being shilled really hard. also apparently her parents are in the music industry and her dad was an elvis impersonator (kek)
it's really hilarious that she selfposted here though. she's so irrelevant she wouldn't have ever been mentioned here otherwise but now it seems like she could have cowish tendencies
No. 1451576
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>>1451492Haha yeah. I'll look into it later but also after 5 min googling… she's so, so boring, musical and personality wise. But nlg if she was any more relevant she'd be an entertaining cow cause she talks such idiotic shit, kek.
Look at this interview in which she tries so hard to convince us she HAD TO deal with cheap guitars, sometimes with no full set of strings! "I had guitars laying around" sure she did, if she had rich industry parents. And then what? You just found Danelectro on the kitchen floor? Danelectro are nowhere near cheap guitars, least is 300$ and max price i've seen was 900$. Correction: actually 2400$. So general price is 500-700$ depending on the model and year. Certainly not "pretty cheap" nor "not-the-best-guitars".
Fucking learn what is and what is not cheap if you're gonna brag about it, Demi. cause actual poor people, or even average wage people cannot easily afford Danelectros, and they certainly don't find them lying around at home. I have one that costed between 200$-300$ and i had to save up money for more than a year.
No. 1451580
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>Expensive guitars available at all times at home
>Eastwood Sidejack Baritone as My First Guitar!
>Plays guitars with 2 or 3 strings only
So she had various guitars, famous musician daddy and musical theatre (?) mommy but she couldn't buy a fucking 5 dollar pack of guitar strings to replace? Makes total sense
No. 1451592
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Part 3
So how did you meet Dan Auerbach?
"Aaah we just sat on the sofa and randomly got a phone call, totally didn't expect this!"
Kek this chick is just like Arrow, if she bothered to learn to play any instrument. They both convey absolutely nothing when they speak, both have self-praising attitude and both ride nepotism. Arrow even used the same words, like "we were just sitting at school when we suddenly got an e-mail from Elton's assistant saying he wants this and that, and then Ryan Adams called us, me and my mom like totally didn't expect it!" Lol this is so transparent. No way they'd have Dan writing their album for them or they'd go touring with Guns N' Roses without having rich parents. All that and they only have 9700 followers.
No wonder this thread touched her nerve on a personal level lol No. 1453197
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>>1453109i was curious about this too a while ago and the only thing i could find were archived 4chan threads No. 1453388
>>1451510her music is good but i can't listen to her after hearing how she supports her father who was convicted for insider trading. that's a fucking trash crime, i respect drug dealers, or drug dealers who murder other drug dealers, but not fucking white collar criminals who think they're somehow better than other criminals even though they only harm innocent people.
she got a pretty lame after becoming all hollywood but her music itself is so good so i am conflicted.
have also heard rumours that she is a rageaholic who sucks to date
No. 1453601
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>>1451510Her music is overall nothing special to me, i didn't bother to listen much songs though. It might sound weird, but St Vincent is completely "amusical" to me. in a way that when i hear St Vincent, i don't think of her as musician, i think of her as that pretentious lesbian who dated Cara Delavigne. Or that pretentious idiot who made a concept album about her white collar crime daddy finally coming back from jail! I think i may need to read some interview or some cause i don't know much besides he had a part in $43m stock-manipulation scheme. i fail to see whats the fucking point of basing… an entire album on that? wtf?
>>1451511Her aunt and uncle played ina jazz band, idk how famous it is but it plays for a long time and undoubtedly has enough links. probably helps that her mother is an administrator of an organization and stepfather works in corporate tax field. As this thread shows, it's enough if your daddy plays in a shitty forgotten indie band and mommy is a photographer or a tv producer, so… Worth noting that she had Mike Garson playing on her very first album(!) think about that. Garson played piano for David Bowie, Duran Duran and NIN.
No. 1453639

>>1453601Samefag, adding that she 100% wouldn't be famous without fucking with Cara and that Nirvana show. First time i heard of her when Nirvana joined Rock'n'roll Hall of Fame or had some other round anniversary and had females sing vocals. She sang Lithium and it was lukewarm shit, just like her cover of Kerosene by Big Black from some other occasion.
On a sidenote, that ceremony was such a cow convent on its own right. Dave & Courtney's showoff truce, Lorde in her prime doing smug faces, Kim Gordon and her premier NLOG cow talk… only Joan Jett did a good job.
BARF this horrid cringe, it's worse than i remembered. That jumping, that horrible
intentional wink wink drunk mumble-roaring, that rolling on the floors legs in the air. That super pricey silver locket necklace, yes Kim, you're SO punk! sorry but she sounds liked a stag on a rut. Lmaoo and that flex from her book:
>"Onstage I was reminded that Kurt was the most intense performer I'd ever seen. During the show, all I could think of was that I wanted to get that same kind of fearlessness across to the audience. I sang "Aneurysm", with its chorus "Beat me out of me", bringing in all my own rage and hurt from the last few years – a four-minute-long explosion of grief, where I could finally let myself feel the furious sadness of Kurt's death and everything else surrounding it . . . After the show, Michael Stipe, who had officially inducted Nirvana, came up to me and said "Your singing was the most punk rock thing to ever happen, or that probably will ever happen, at this event." No. 1453837
>>1453716yeah she talked shit about Courtney that sounded very nasty and ridiculous even compared to other stuff that people say about her. She criticized Lana too but i had to admit she was right about Lana. I don't remember who else she shittalked though. surprising how much of ppl think this book is oh so punk rock and a document of incredible artistic path when in fact it's a self-masturbatory pamphlet listing out who she knew and who she fucked, and who did what harm to her and who told her what compliment.
Pixies should be the "cool mentors" that Sonic Youth always pretended to be, even if they were less aesthetic. i mean they were but notice me Kim & Thurston was 90's version of notice me senpai
No. 1453885
>>1453837she was needlessly crass and cruel about Lana, even if you agreed with her points. How the fuck a feminist icon describe another women's music video as "getting gang raped by bikers" (as much as I'm not a fan of Ride, it was a consensual fantasy and group sex was implied if you wanted it to) and tell her to kill herself? Plenty of scrote icons ~glorified/glorify depression uwu~ yet she didn't say anything. She just wanted to dunk on female artists that
triggered her
No. 1454039
>>1453885Ayrt Whoa, that's what she said? I forgot most of that shit. I only remembered/agreed with her talking how idiotic was of Lana to say something about club 27 or Kurt Cobain and going "oh i wish i was dead already", and that Lana thinks peak feminism is dating old scrotes bc you're ~destructive~. but the rest of it, ew.
Tbh i'm so done when i see her photos reposted and captioned as some queen. it makes me lowkey frustrated that this woman is seen as feminist guru. Makes me want to post about her bullshit and link Nardwuard interview in the internet grunge sphere i post in
No. 1454045
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Btw Kim published 2 other books, "Is it my body" collection of essays, probably like 10 sentences thrown across a glossy paper and photos, and new "No Icon" one. What a fucking pretentious title. she really thinks she's some sort of anti-art counter culture icon but DON"T CALL ME ICON but also yes pls call me ur punk indie icon wink wink
anyone read one of those 2 new disasters
No. 1457408
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Phoebe Bridgers won a trailblazer award at Billboard women in music. What about Phoebe makes her groundbreaking?
No. 1457480
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I was a part of the midwest emo/screamo/indie punk scene (which I'll refer to as emo from here onwards) and there are a ridiculous amount of self-important hypocritical trannies/nbs that I wanted to document.
Abuse allegations and 'cancellations' have always a large part of the emo scene, becoming more prominent as of the late 2010s. Bands such as Brand New, Nouns, JANK, Sorority Noise, Tiny Moving Parts and Moose Blood have all had rape allegations levied against them, and most of these bands have gone silent in response, due to push back from the community.
Some within the scene saw pruning other forms of abuse to be necessary. The frontman of Pinegrove was called out for being accused of sexual coercion. The guitarist of Turnover was singled out for being emotionally
abusive. The frontman of Mom Jeans. was accused of being a jerk in high school, etc.
No matter what your opinion is on whether or not this was necessary is irrelevant; emos were quick to elevate the voices of the accusers. Except for the Mom Jeans. allegation, people seemed to realize that was a little questionable. In any case, the consensus was that
victims never lie, and should be supported no matter what.
Which brings us to 2019. The tour guitarist (as in not a permanent band member or anyone who had played on any recordings) of the band SeeYouSpaceCowboy (SYSC) was accused of rape. The band itself was already unpopular within the scene due to the arrogant attitudes of other band members, so emos were quick to air out any dirty laundry they had.
One individual was Megan Cadena-Fernandez, the vocalist of the band foxtails. Unfortunately I can't dig up the comment she made but she explained that the vocalist (Connie) of SYSC had antagonized foxtails when the producer of one of their early albums had been outed as a rapist. Connie had demanded that foxtails have this album rerecorded or scrapped entirely but this was unrealistic as the band members were teenagers without the funds to do so. Megan's comment also called out SYSC for being an all white (or at least white-passing) band which was only "queer" (Connie is MtF) when it was beneficial to them. Megan's comment went into detail about the trauma the affair caused her-a disabled, queer, femme, person of color (her words, as I remember them).
This caused a shitstorm in the community due to SYSC being a band composed of long-standing emos who appeared to be now minimizing the allegations after removing the guitarist from the band and trolling on a well known facebook group. SYSC' most recent compilation album had also been featured on Fantano earlier that year, so a lot of people felt as though the (small) fame had gotten to their heads. What had happened to believing all
victims and keeping the scene a safe space free from abusers?
Fast forward to 2021, the guitarist Jon Benham of Foxtails has been accused of sexual assault. The allegations are addressed by the band in an instagram and google doc: - It's extremely long winded but the short version is according to the band, the allegations are bullshit, retraumatizing, and they also point out how the accuser misgenders Jon and misrepresents him as a creep who should not be around women when he is actually a nonbinary transfeminine woman!!! (pic related, second from left) The document also pulls apart the allegations for any inconsistencies even though
victims never lie, unless they're lying about other
That accusation seems to have not left any impact on the bands reputation as they shortly announce that they will be touring North America with Touche Amore, and Dogleg, the former two being very well known bands in the scene. This is huge for foxtails and seems as though it'll be their big break, especially with their new album release being around the corner.
Then Dogleg's lead singer is called out for being an emotionally
abusive serial cheater and goes on hiatus to address internal issues. Then rape allegations are levied against Megan from foxtails which is also addressed in an Instagram post + accompanying google doc. TL;DR of the response is similar to that of Jon's, Megan is a
victim with C-PTSD, and abuse
victims don't abuse others so it's DEFINITELY false. She also posts receipts to corroborate that the
victim and her were on good terms as if the cycle of abuse isn't something that she shouldn't be aware of. Megan also advocates for the accused to be given second chances rather than being ostracized and exiled immediately. Suspicious how this wasn't apart of the narrative a few years ago when their band and their friends weren't the ones being kicked off of a major US tour…
A hardcore band that is apart of the emo scene, SOUL GLO (note Megan's shirt in pic related) has a rape (by deception due to cheating) accusation made against their guitarist Ruben. Ruben denies the allegation but admits that he cheated in a (now deleted) Instagram post and Twitter post with replies disabled. Foxtails and other adjacent bands (who only believe
victims when convenient) like the posts showing their support. Eventually Ruben leaves the band to focus on himself. This is apparently because they were known for being a serial cheater and had done this to a few others but [citation needed]. Fun fact about Ruben, they used to play in the band Jank which you may recognize from the second paragraph of this post as being one of the bands who had a serious rape allegation levied against them. They are the "former band member" mentioned in this reddit thread: but the long of short is the frontman of Jank raped an extremely drunk 15 year old when he was 21. Ruben left the band before the news came out and was considered one of the /good guys/ because he outed the frontman when asked about it. The bar is extremely high for this scene, if it wasn't clear…
Last month, the frontman for the band Jail Socks was accused of sexual coercion and emotional abuse by a few former partners. The frontman apologized and the band is currently on indefinite hiatus but words of support from the same bands that used to believe all
victims until their bands were accused are plastered over their statement which glosses over the accusations and blames their actions on autism.'d be overjoyed if at least one person, even if they don't know any of the bands I mention reads even half of this and is mildly entertained by my long ass post. The hypocrisy displayed by these bands is not surprising at all but it's still so frustrating to see the lack of accountability any of these bands have, and the lack of anyone with a functioning brain critiquing them.
No. 1457607
>>1457408That grey hair was a mistake, the pantsuit/grey hair combo makes her look like an ageing politician
>>1457480I read the whole thing, my take is that scene is a mess full of hypocritical rapey douchebros.
No. 1457996
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>>1457675Glad that someone is already aware of SYSC and how annoying everyone in that band is. Their first two releases weren't bad (just derivative) but they were over-exposed (within the scene) for having a loud frontman/token tranny. I actually thought Megan's take on Connie was
almost based because it essentially pointed out how that band is filled with white dudes. OFC it was negated/followed by her complaining about lack of brown/queer representation because she's a they/them who thinks she's breaking some gender norms. I'm glad that Fantano reviewed their newest album because of Megan's milk potential. She even was on hate5six wearing a choker with a pacifier and overalls with "BABY" stitched onto them… was also reminded that Megan went psycho on someone who had been calling her and Jon out for being abusers. I can barely stand the scene anymore due to how insufferable everyone with a platform is but I do love the milk…
No. 1458082
>>1457480I love the music but I'm not surprised the people behind it are such
toxic assholes.
I enjoyed your post and if you have any older dirt on emo bands from the earlier 2010's I'd love to hear it. Think Count Your Lucky Stars.
No. 1458370
>>1458082i hate emo and loved reading this thank you
No. 1458748
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>>1457480>That accusation seems to have not left any impact on the bands reputation as they shortly announce that they will be touring North America with Touche Amore, and Dogleg, the former two being very well known bands in the scene. This tour is cursed as has been accused of trashing a venue and pulling guns on people.
No. 1458905
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>>1458748Haha, I'm glad other nonnas are aware of this! The shitposting online about the incident has been so entertaining!
No. 1461306
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Damn Dani is such a typical cow, isn't she. Apparently she lost some close friend recently and of course she thought it's appropriate to show off her crying and snot-covered face from every possible angle on TikTok, cause of course everyone must know. she even provided a fitting "Euphoria" soundtrack!
No. 1461375
>>1285727Dropping by to say that Part Time/David Loca/David Speck befriended me when I was 18 and made me show him my ID and give him my address multiple times to "prove" I wasn't underage and trying to entrap him even though I wanted NOTHING sexual with him. He constantly begged me for nudes and sex no matter how many times I said no and ended up stalking and sexually harassing me for like a year. I learned from his ex gf at the time he was in a relationship with her during that period and he actually almost broke her neck and spent months posting fake ads to Backpage with her number on it. He's also a serial cheater and has herpes. I have an autistic friend who is the same age as me who was treated in basically the same way as him but I suspect it was even worse with her. Great stuff.
Fuck Burger Records so hard.
No. 1463224
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>>1462451don't we all?
actually i'm kinda supporting posting new/old Kim Gordon milk cause this woman is ridiculous. Here's her clothing collab. 150$ for a few words painted like a child, are you kidding
No. 1463526
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I just found out the bassist of Dilly Dally trooned out LMAO jimmy tony now goes as annie jane mary or some shit
No. 1463720
>>1463526wow poor liz. she's going to be fucking ruined by that agp.
another person in dilly dally's orbit trooned out recently too. he was living in the fucking psychiatric ICU and on a yearlong manic episode. has done nothing to transition, socially, appearance-wise, or medically.
dilly dally make good music but katie is kind of low IQ. one of those 2010s hipsters with rich doctor parents who go all-in with the earthy hippie affectations when they leave home.
No. 1464317
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>>1463720no way, is liz actually dating tony? horrible.
For real, "Sober Motel" from their second album is about tony dealing with drug abuse or something like that? Is like the mental illness hit them strong during the quarantine lock-down.
Yeah I love their music but katie is def trying mad hard identifying as queer and what not to gain DIY points.
This post was how they introduced "Annie" KEK, people thought that it was maybe a joke because in the comments they were still addressing him as tony lmao.
No. 1464688
>>1464317they've been together a few years but she's so obviously insecure for some reason. she was always like "are we too couple-y when we're around?" like she needed katie's permission to date a coworker
katie's definitely gay, but she never used to make such a scene about it. i guess they need marketing too, just like everyone else who got fucked from covid.
that whole social group in general is very low-IQ neurotics/anxiety cases who need an ounce of weed to get through the day and as a result have a 10 word vocabulary. i can only stand them when they're playing their instruments on stage.
No. 1467378
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I just realised that, as someone who listened to CC since the very beginning of their career, I've listened to literally 3 full album and countless demos/unreleased material from a "collaboration" between a paedophile rapist and his groomed victim. I literally don't know what to do with that information, I just wanted to share it. sage 4 no milk.
No. 1467486
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>>1467397she's said she still gets some royalties from cc but i came across this while i was looking for that, so i guess something's changed re: reclaiming cc songs. i'm not really into her solo work but i'll probably grab it just cause i feel a little bad lol
No. 1468143
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Alice got sooo edgy lately, all about those goth looks and demonias and chokers. the "creepy" guro bloody doll aesthetics with fake guts and cockroaches. not sure what i think about that, actually she looks good in various photos but it's just so obvious she lurks teen edgelord's side of tumblr plenty lol.
No. 1468149
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"Trauma queen"… how tf traumacore blogs hasn't eat it up yet? weird that they haven't claimed her yet, probably not enough "coquette" for their liking lol
unpopular opinion: there's nothing LESS alt and rebellious than chokers right now, especially heavy spikey ones that are modelled after BDSM gear etc. it was shocking maybe 7 to 10 years go, now there's nothing edgy about wearing stuff that you can buy at every corner good girl shop like H&M and so on. It's hard to find some people who do the alt look in moderation and don't end up looking like cheap egirl cosplay. ironically the more edgy/hot topic clothes and accessories they pile on, the more ridiculous and boring they look.
No. 1468169
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On a side note, i wanted to ask about Dave Navarro. i'm so surprised to find out he's leeching/hanging around Soundclout scene junkies? seen him mentioned in countless soundclout related threads, described briefly as washed up junkie or a scammer. he for sure was "friends" with Lil Bo Weep and Lilith Levisis, and i was like… wait, is this the same Dave Navarro from RHCP and Jane's Addiction? remember he tagged along with Marilyn Manson and that sort of clique in the 90's but the idea that he hangs around with people a few generations younger is sketchy. also he didn't just hangout with more famous musicians, he chose vulnerable, mentally ill girls hovering over the scene but not doing anything significant. well i mean Lil Bo Weep was a musician with a following, but she gradually hit the bottom losing all the potential and ending up tragically (rip).
If that's the very same guy then it sounds super sketchy and soewhat inappropriate.
No. 1469086
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>>1469019>her mom used to drum for marilyn mansonThere's never been any female musician playing in Marilyn Manson
>that draws scrabbles on her nose? lolol do you mean Jazmin Bean? her mom played drums in Fluffy, which was a band that supported Marilyn Manson in the 90s. forever shocked that that's any sort of clout because this band disappeared and i feel nobody knows it but me lol.
If that's true it's fucking embarassing, to compete with a nepotist "nonbinary monster" with clown makeup who plans to cut off her tits
No. 1469097
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>>1469086>Jazmin Beanyeah that's the one KEK
I guess that's what she is aiming at because I don't know any other "popular" artist doing the traumacore stuff.
No. 1469122
>>1469097This girl is such an embarassment, she makes herself straight up disgusting. want to look like a dumbass, great, but with moderation. she loads that disturbingly ugly makeup and looks atrocious, don't know why anyone else would like to follow her. she's also huge fan of Melanie Martinez, another embarassing thign on the list.
Guess Alice Glass is having a 33 year old-midlife crisis if she embarasses herself with traumacore/gothic monster bullshit, she used to have a nicer look. kinda Grimes case
No. 1469360
>>1461375>>1461870Part Time creeped on me on IG as well and what happened to you has happened to acquaintances of mine, he was a huge predator and I remember feeling so betrayed and stupid because I used to love his music. I had a lot of mutuals in the burger scene but man was I so happy when his career was basically destroyed during that burger records takedown in like, summer 2020. so many scumbags finally getting their shit aired out. I don't even live in that area anymore but good riddance to that scene
>>1468169insane way for me to find out that lil bo weep fucking died, can't say i didn't see it coming but damn.
No. 1469448
>>1469086lol jazmin bean is a nepotism baby, her dad is ginger wildheart & her mom is angie adams from fluffy
i remember hearing a lot of gossip about jazmin 2-3 years ago because she was really rude to people for no reason. i don't have screenshots anymore but she would send people dirty/broken clothes and shoes on depop and be rude to them/block them when they asked for refunds.
she also bitched out someone i knew in dms because the person called her out for flaunting her relationship with an adult man at age 17 and saying she was too smart to get groomed No. 1469466
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>>1469360Her death has been discussed at length in her last thread, it was on the top of snow for a while but the post count has run up and dropped. I found it very shocking tbh, thought she'd make it at least one more year before she dies. ngl looking back i feel her threads turned from milky to horrifying content-wise and one of those with the most cruel opinions even for LC standards, like ppl wishing her the death adn so on. Also nitpicking anything possible, people literally bitched at her for having ED and starving herself, but when she started eating snacks during a live they called her a pig shovelling food etc. like wtf.
She ofc did a lot of bad and questionable stuff, which i don't try to whiteknight, but in the hindsight i see some seen her as some sort of villain, not an addict. Perhaps she was unable to get on the right path without, idk, psych. hospital stay and rehab. She must've had some personality disorder not just depression and addiction. She fucked over a lot of people, but ""friends"" she surrounded herself with weren't fucking better than her at all, all awful clout whores who stuck around for shoutouts but didn't care enough to fucking help her when she was dying in front of them (motherfuckers that she was with left her alone in the park to die and didn't call ambulance to help her).
These threads stopped being funny in like thread 2 or 3, it was genuinely painful to watch her turn into an empty shell, especially as an addict myself. Sorry, i haven't said anything on her death before, i'll shut up now. Music-wise speaking, i always thought she's a typicl soundclout rapper but turned out she had a lot of nice guitar-driven songs. i kinda wish she never stuck with soundclout scene, perhaps if she tried to go into that alt indie rock scene.
Picrel is how she looked 5 years ago.
No. 1469474
>>1469448Lol i also wish there were receipts, i'd like to see that! Perhaps she had some tumblr blog so we could dig it up? As for being nepo baby, she even wrote it in her bio. Besides instagram/music career, she started a cosmetic company with her mother. Interesting how ex-rockstars go into makeup business, Theo Cogan of Lunachicks did it too.
She's got a huge followng because of her ugly look, they know what they're doing her and her mother. they probably planned every detail. Imo Jazmin wouldn't get anywhere without that makeup and clothes and nonbinary fairy goblin being LARP. Angie's links wouldn't get her far if Jazmin wore American Apparel or looked like another Demi Demitro lol
No. 1469485
>>1469466Samefag, end sentences got deleted. if she tried indie rock scene instead then maybe she'd still be alive. Soundclout posters often used to get big following but rarely get famous enough to be even considered "famous" or real artists, unless they managed to ride Lil Peep's coattails or something, and soundclouters all drowned in drugs before they even got actual notoriety. all of them romanticized xanax and fentanyl and all that stuff and then the scene literally started dying.
>>1469481Yeah it makes me think of that Dorian Electra sort of shit. i don't want to say she's old matron, she's 33 and 33 is not 53 or something, but i can't help it she look really cringe and somewhat "too old for this"
No. 1469493
>>1469097I don’t see the jazmin skinwalking tbh. The only thing I’d attribute that to is the nose makeup and her face is very plain. The aesthetic is played out like op said very wannabe edgy with Lolita tumblr shit
>>1469122Also, I can see her having a crisis as she was groomed and exploited. Probably trying to find herself
No. 1469502
>>1469481>>1469485yep! she hangs out with people like dorian electra, itslulo from h3aven, i think sophie before they passed away
i think she's trying really hard to have a "hello fellow kids! im young and cool" moment which i'm kind of sympathetic to. because so much of her youth was marred by the abuse she went through. it is a bit cringe though ngl
No. 1469507
>>1469493Honestly i wonder how much longer is she planning to do this shit. i know all that scary fairy is a) a way to have any shred or identity b) a way to get that dumb teen cash flowing, but i can't imagine getting the energy to do this. to collect all that alt only clothes. to spend 4 hours putting that horrible makeup on, and off, every fucking day. to compile all the edgy clothing, demonias, chokers, spikes, but always different, can't be two same outfit combinations! everyday and everyday and everyday. i can't imagine living life like that. like don't you ever want to just wear normie clothes or fucking Adidas tracksuit and t-shirt around and not bother with makeup for once
Also… her music is shit
No. 1469523
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Wtf is this shoop. another thing… she has a new single called Baby Teeth. another traumacore tumblr on the checklist
>>1469502yah it's ok if she feels fine with it, goth black shit suites her. cringe but still looks better than idiots dressing like Avril and trying to look pop punk to caricatural levels
No. 1469981
>>1469574lol i agree that some of those looks are good and pleasant looking overall and clothes definitely fit her but
>reclaiming cringe into avant gardeDude she's nothing special. Every fucking body under the sun in the music scene now wears mall goth/2000 hottopic wear, and they even do it unironically. nothing ~artistic~ and ~avant garde~ about her trying to be edgelord trying to pander to mallgothrat or outrun her younger mallgoth peers. nothing avant garde about the most overdone trendy shit ever, and nothing avant garde about Alice and her Dorian Electra clique
No. 1470209
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>>1469944You're welcome, I was actually trying to reclaim cringe into avant garde by even saying so lol, so meta amirite
>>1469981Meh, maybe I just don't get it cause I don't know what's going on with the kids these days. I didn't realize it's as popular now as it was back then.
But at face value, I appreciate the resurgence of the aesthetic.
No. 1470720
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>>1469474ayrt and same, i wish i had the receipts… i can try asking my friend for them?
more on jazmin so this isn't a pointless reply: she loves to go on and on about how she's filipino without mentioning the fact that she is three quarters white, & i can’t help but feel like she is race-baiting with her ethnic ambiguity and emphasizing her asianness to match the kawaii aesthetic. you can't really tell how jazmin looks because of her contacts/pale white foundation/heavy makeup, but picrel is jazmin's sister.
No. 1470851
>>1470824dorian has rich parents but they don't seem directly connected to her music. wikipedia says her mom is a jewelry designer. she's probably not an industry plant but her parents definitely funded her earlier projects.
dorian made bad generic political r/iamverysmart commentary songs (vidrel, it's a reupload with portuguese subtitles because the original video has been scrubbed from the internet) from 2010-14 and was basically a nobody until she trooned out and jumped on the hyperpop trend. she's been trying to get relevance for like a decade and i guess it finally worked
No. 1471247
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>>1470720Please do! I also dug out a couple of stuff. Apparently Jazmin first obsessed over Melanie, then she had a beef with her and her pissbabies, and apparently was accussed of being nazi. don't have much on it tho, just mentions which i'll post now.
She changed the behaviour accordingly to situation, once loving her and once calling her out on whatever shit. Looks like she just used Melanie to get clout right at the point she started posting music. unsurprising, she's aiming for that audience but she totally failed, Melanie stans hate her now
(As for that Timothy incident, ironically it seems it turned out that Timothy chick lied for clout afterall. apparently she drunk posted on insta and admitted to lying. she made 1 record, got LOTS of attention/exposure and lingere porny modelling contracts just on the rape story alone, before totally degrading herself and disappearing in recent years. last time i've seen her on the net she was allegedly only active on Onlyfans.
No. 1471251
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Melanie stuff part 2
No. 1471253
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Actual milk. I don't fucking mind her running around without a mask, if one's reason to cancel someone is just not wearing mask then we'd all be cancelled at some point lol.
Now for the rest, she scams fan and has ugly attitude. Made people pay for a video she never released. and snaps at ppl who call her out.
No. 1471257
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Part 4
She's flexing her goods while simultaneously playing a poorfag and asking for fucking donations.
spoiled brat.
No. 1471916
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Any milk on Home Is Where? I hate these four so fucking much
No. 1472898
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>>1472075I don't blame you
(and even tho this one's a proffessional done make up as opposed to later lol)
No. 1472906
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And idk, Melanie is lowkey creepy-unsettling to me. Like, her pacifier-sucking, diaper-wearing adult baby bullshit isn't just her way to get clout. She looks like she's really into that kind of shit. I mean, looking at her IG feed, she's transitioning to some hoodoo voodoo spiritual creature realm (and getting fatter and fatter as well), but she still. she had her entire house made into this candy land with baby toys and stuff, which in itself i kinda dig just like dolls or old toys on their own, but when Melanie sits in that pile of toys and paintings of children, she gives same vibes as Nicole Dollanganger, makes everything around her look yucky and pervy, idk
Funny how she pretends she's totally not into DDLG now, just like her incest loving friend Yungelita. the implied DDLG and toys/alt tumblr style was what kept them famous for a while
No. 1473004
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>>1472912this is insane
i found her old official tumblr, it's just as weirdly pedo baiting as you think it would be't there Melanie Martinez thread there? can't find it on snow now. anyways, gotta admit she's still infinitely better visually than Jamzmin Bean.
No. 1476209
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>>1454013>>1453992>>1453885>>1453716She's based. Cope and seethe lanafags.
>“Today we have someone like Lana Del Rey, who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want, which, in her world, tilts toward self-destruction, whether it’s sleeping with gross old men or getting gang raped by bikers. Equal pay and equal rights would be nice. Naturally, it’s just a persona. If she really truly believes it’s beautiful when young musicians go out on a hot flame of drugs and depression, why doesn’t she just off herself?” No. 1476519
>>1473004are you same idiot as
>>1475385 ? she's a talentless, self-obsessed moron running around in diapers, writing songs about children who fuck and get raped "because she just likes to make up nice stories". great if you want to get in her diaper so fucking much, but that doesn't make her talented or decent person. go cry about it on twitter with other crybabies.
No. 1476524
>>1476209Not a lanafag, basically agreeing with Kim on her Lana talk, even if its harsh, especially quote you posted. (ride mention doesn't mean bad to me. the last line might see most "controversial" to ppl who don't get sarcasm. i get her point and i'd be lying if i said i didn't think something alike when that happened in 2014 or so.)
Doesn't mean she's based overall though. Kim's as much a showoff feminist poser as Lana, just in other ways, and she's an absolute cow. read the rest of the book to see.
No. 1477263
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Changing subject. Opinions on L7? Imo they had a couple of good songs, but overall i really couldn't get into them fully. They had something really NLOG about them, trying to be as masculine as they could in their look and sound as well. flapping their hair like heavy metal guys etc. their music also sometimes bordered on some really bad heavy metal/hard rock parody, even if they intentionally parodied some of them i guess (that song about Guns n'Roses and GNR cover). I mean, some of their songs really slap, probably fun to see live and they're objectively better than any of the cows here that try to emulate them, but still wonder if they had any drama. besides the infamous "Donita yeeting her tampon at the crowd" thing lol
No. 1483740
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>>1470720Without makeup she’s literally just some white girl
I think it’s hilarious that she got the clout she wanted from the stupid clown makeup and immediately dropped it once she got signed
No. 1483868
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>>1477263i'm biased because this is one of my favorite bands but for the most part they seem alright. they seem kind of jaded about never having made any money off their music (which i get to a certain point). the only thing of recent note i can think of is donita sparks posting a picture of herself with arrow de wilde from starcrawler talking about how great of a band they are, that definitely came across as a paid post lmao. i see how donita sparks could come across as as a nlog tbh, but the rest seem pretty low key
No. 1483946
>>1483928yeah the shilling was incredibly disappointing. this whole series of videos she does are god awful. when she was a weirdo in the 90s it was kind of endearing but she's like 60 years old now so its just annoying.
that being said, i personally love most of their music because its just fun and heavy.
No. 1484014
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>>1483946Donita is the original showing off tooth-gap girl (yeah i know it was painted over). Dani wishes to be her
No. 1484083
>>1483598there's nothing wrong with being butch
and fyi they're still really feminine. come see how dykes look outside of usa sometime, we want to free you from your mental slavery and 2 hours of makeup a day
you are beautiful, nonnny
No. 1484100
>>1285799im super late bc i just found this thread but i think i have something to add lol
steve shelley (sonic youth's drummer) was doing a tour of unreleased sonic youth clips at smaller movie theatres and while i was walking out, i saw him in the lobby and started talking to him. i asked him about this interview and was like "was everyone just annoyed that nardwuar was so obnoxious?" he said sonic youth was just going through a being mean to interviewers phase.
No. 1484327
>>1484083Nayrt but lol, it's not that deep anon. I think none of L7 chicks treats it as serious and i wouldn't be surprised if it's just an image to keep they all agreed on, as well as band name, to… shock? get press talking? Idk how to call it. (L7 allegedly coming from word lesbian and it being 7 letters long). Just look how much Jennifer Finch changed her look based on the band she played in before and after.
That being said yes you're right, they were still very feminine, and nobody said there's anything wrong with that look & butch etc. Not trying to make them walk in slippers and candy colored dresses. as for 2 hours of makeup a day, i guess that's what Donita is doing these days anyway judging by that karaoke video lol
I'm the anon who started L7 talk, they sure can't be classified as cows. I just wanted to quit the Melanie talk after seeing that one getting salty that nobody here fawns over adults in a diapers or whatever & thought about 90's bands after Sonic Youth talk.
That being said, I'm curious about your opinions on Lunachicks. I think they were infinitely less interesting than L7 and more like a copy
No. 1484336
>>1484327Musically, imo Lunachicks are way more fun to listen to than L7, plus their vocals/harmonies are amazing. L7 isn't bad but their songs don't resonate with me the same way.
As far as cow behavior, I don't know of any
No. 1485346
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>>1484336all i know is that the drummer trooned out, but seems weirdly chill about people still referring to her as she
No. 1486550
>>1471247hate to bump this and you have no reason to believe me because I refuse to out myself, but I’ve been friends with Timothy for over a decade and she didn’t lie.
she was talking about how Melanie raped her with us immediately after it happened—she wasn’t specific about who it was with me personally, so I found out it was Mel when everybody else did (didn’t want to ask like a weirdo), but she mentioned being assaulted and dealing with stress from that privately a bunch.
Tim still has some social media accounts, but they’re all private and friends-only, because the moment she posts anywhere publicly the horny baby’s stans mass-report her.
ok I’m done sorry ladies. let’s go back to L7
No. 1497965
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Does anyone know if the bassist for the ophelias is on estrogen? He's a moid that they replaced the old female bassist with. He goes by they them and cross dresses. Maybe he's just putting on weight but he seems to be developing moobs. The ophelias used to be such a cute all female band but they are shifting into being a trans band. The guitarist is an actual woman but she's dating the bassist and she is a total handmaiden. She's always talking about how "queer" the band is now that they have two trannies in it. Anyway… is this guy on estrogen? What do you nonnies think?
No. 1499353
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this just in, 43 year old Conor Oberst logged into the twitter account for a band he shares with Phoebe Bridgers for the first time in years to call some other indie music girl a bitch for dunking on his ugly ass little skater boi shoes, more at 11
No. 1499374
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>>1499353>Werd.Kek is phoebe still dating Paul Mescal? Wonder if she still fucks dollar store Milo Ventimiglia on the side
No. 1500070
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>>1306082>>1335815i used to be really into diiv. Colin does seem nice but dumb, he had a solo project called Young Man before he joined diiv it was the same bedroom indie stuff that everyone was doing but i wonder if anyones ever given him shit for using a native american child on this old album cover
No. 1500717
File: 1649889332087.png (2.12 MB, 1612x1700, lmaosoverypunkofyou.png)

"Kelsy Karter says goodbye to pop-punk (right after releasing a pop-punk album) because she just doesn't buy it"
KEK more like because your album fucking tanked and nobody cared. she only just released pop-punk revival album and she's already "cutting away" from it before she even went on tour. She says goodbye to pop-punk cause it's not genuine, she's not like other punks! crying
No. 1500721
File: 1649889436862.png (2.64 MB, 1608x1148, 2.png)

Tbh this is my pick for most kekworthy "punk" plants of 2022. this bitch is mindblowing. she has something insanely boomer about her look, behaviour and way of promotion, even though she dabbles in typical "zoomer punk" genre. i mean she just shows astounding misunderstanding of anything even remotely punk. Produces shitty merch "i snogged Kelsy Karter". names her tour fucking "Pink Kink and Punk Tour". Done pretty much nothing yet but has 130k on IG (despite getting maybe 2000 likes a post and maybe 16 comments if she's lucky). tries so fucking hard to look like a cross of Megan Fox and Brody Dalle (look, she even slaughtered her brows to have that 00's Brody thin ass brows + brown eyeshadow + baseball cap look). this is the lamest plant i've seen in a long while
No. 1500780
>>1499374>>1499353Doesn’t Conor have a brain tumour or migraines or some shit? And is also an alcoholic? I never really got into him because I hated the way he looked
Anyway fuck Phoebe, I’m waiting for her to come out as polyamorous or some shit
No. 1500811
>>1500769i posted these so i know who she is, but i agree kek.
i'm pretty sure we talked about her before here, that's the annoying idiot who sang love letters to Harry Styles
No. 1500933
File: 1649897944425.jpeg (890.49 KB, 1170x1150, C33F613C-14CC-4E01-A0FA-9D46F8…)

would any of the e-punk / incelcore artists be worth posting about in here? they're extremely niche, so i'm not sure if i should make a separate thread. or if anyone really cares about these cows. negative xp (a.k.a. school shooter / shooter) and his orbiting calves (MSG artists, raven / copkiller1999) are very active and milky on twitter. he's a korean larping as a Christian white nationalist that made the Scott Pilgrim song. he recently was doxxed by atlanta antifa for putting on a show called "virginfest" which was a complete disaster, causing raven, (event organizer, instagram famous tattoo artist, who is a cow in her own right) to lose her job at an established tat shop. a lot of the virginfest footage was streamed, it's a glorious display of the dredges of terminally online retards. apparently there were pedos there too.
No. 1501019
>>1500933No. throw them to one of
other general threads or make a thread for them if you want, but don't post them in this thread, this is not a place for them. i see no correlation and honestly sounds like they're fucking annoying, not entertaining. like that's a whole other level of psychotic twitter internet mental illness, not just being arrogant, egocentric assholes in irrelevant rock bands. let's not ruin a perfectly nice thread.
No. 1501064
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>>1500780Got some news for you anon…she kind of already did
No. 1501124
File: 1649913211769.jpg (50.12 KB, 1280x720, Corey.jpg)

>>1457480If you're a minority or a faggot in the DIY scene you can get away with literally anything. For example, lead vocalist of hardcore band Move, Corey is a known crowdkiller and has severely fractured a woman's spine to the point where she needed surgery. I have not a seen a single other band bring up this incident publicly. And for a little extra milk they've been on Hate5Six numerous times and in this recording Corey is telling all the white people in the crowd to "step the fuck back" so they can make space for black people No. 1501605
>>1501244yeah that was KH, and it was a response to how punk shows in the 90s were hella violent and even dangerous places for girls, you couldnt get to the front to enjoy your band without getting groped or shoved to the ground, they wanted girls to be able to enjoy their set even if they were on a bill in between a bunch of male bands with violent fans
its nonsensical that Corey is trying to copy that idea for his violent shows
No. 1501715
>>1501710promise i'm not racebaiting but maybe he mad that his parents didnt give him a proper black name like Dion or Quincy and is overcompensating
legit some black men get beautiful strong unique names with lots of character and culture behind them and this scrote is "corey"
No. 1501769
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>>1501695>>1501715His last name does kind of support this theory
No. 1502631
File: 1650068744480.jpg (1.94 MB, 2400x2400, your arms are my cocoon.jpg)

Any milk on Tyler from YAAMC? He once tweeted about his insecurity about his gender in response to Caleb from Hey, Ily (who also gives me weird predatory vibes), I've heard things about how Tyler's hated in the Chicago scene because of how bad of a roommate he is which is how he lost the full live band he had at one point (allegedly he's said that he doesn't know how to do dishes) he dropped out of a really hard to get into music school if you're from outside of Illinois and apparently has rich parents.
No. 1503065
File: 1650124214081.jpeg (249.53 KB, 828x1182, A1EBCCD5-F025-4A2C-B954-A0F6D4…)

>>1502631Was the music school his high school or college?
I think he used to live in the Houston area before 2020. That’s all I know off the top of my head about Tyler Odom besides that he’s your standard issue ugly bland indie boy.
No. 1504656
give us a taste, then nonas can decide if they want to make a seperate thread
No. 1504696
>>1504695and by idiots i mean incels not anons, like
>>1500943 said.
No. 1505029
File: 1650340140913.jpg (390.14 KB, 828x1117, Ogbert the Nerd.jpg)

Why do these band leads use their Twitter as if it's a personal account? Are they unable to just create their own personal account to whine on?
No. 1505040
>>1505029Jesus christ what is it with the threats of violence from troons? This wouldn't be amiss in the MTF thread. It's farcical at this point how easily they start threatening violence for the smallest thing, in this case imaginary deadnaming from an imaginary
>>1505032So surprising that this hateful weirdo did not even get a few friends turn up in sympathy.
No. 1505125
>>1505107cis and queer are not exclusive terms, do these dumbasses think you can't be cis and gay at the same time?
The deadnaming thing is such a mild thing to get so pressed about, if it was someone who knew them before their "transition" it's easy to accidentally call them the old name. To meet that with threats of extreme/sexual violence is deranged.
No. 1505373
>>1505107This thread kills me. I fucking love emo but I only listen to music and don't catch up on the people in the bands themselves. I had no idea so many troons were in the genre. I wanted to go to more concerts this year, but I guess not because there's no way in hell I'm cheering for a tranny.
Tally Hall was based.
No. 1505830
lesbians are "anti-penis"???
what happened to gay people are born gay and i can't make myself like your penis
No. 1507156
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>>1505107>>1505029>>1505032Okay this is the last screenshot I'm gonna post from Ogbert
No. 1507166
>>1507156kek what one has to do with the other?
and what exactly is his problem, that people don't call their children they/thems? or that ppl don't call HIM they/thems, i don't get it
No. 1509661
File: 1650745474614.png (603.11 KB, 494x779, 2ssss11.png)

Of course Dani sucks up to all the biggest creeps and pedos to be allowed to stay a regular at parties and "a part of Gucci family". imagine walking around with Jared Leto's head purely for that clout, and even worse, saying publically that you love Leto
No. 1509673
File: 1650746363446.png (587.5 KB, 494x780, 2ssss10.png)

"When i was a stoner". that photo was taken a few days ago. it's kinda pathetic how she always preaches "LIVE LAUGH LOVE SOBRIETY!" and boasts how sober life she allegedly leads, but of course she won't miss the opportunity to show off she's such a "cool skater tomboy smoking pot muahaha".
Yes Dani, you're so cool. you're so cool being 28 and STILL boasting to your zoomer fans that you're so awesome bc you smoke weed. cringe
No. 1509676
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No. 1509689
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and this is so cringey that she CONSTANTLY reminds people that she was once upon a time on Jimmy Kimmel live interviewed as a random "stoner" before her fame. she's the epitome of "hello fellow kids"
No. 1509760
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Gotta add Lauren Tate from Hands Off Gretel to this thread. Something about her really rubs me the wrong way and all of her work is extremely derivative. They’re trying to be a riot grrrl grunge band - her viking looking boyfriend uses a jagstang like Cobain and her lyrics contain several references to milk, like some of Hole’s. She does that thing like Courtney Love where she stops playing her guitar and holds her arms over her head to be cute or deep or something. She also blinks and rolls her eyes into the back of her head like Kat Bjelland.
Her band toured with Skating Polly once and in the interview with them all together she has such an air of superiority and acts bored. Her lyrics are all child like and whiney about how she was bullied in high school and she has told a story before about flipping off her entire school during a talent show. Her mom is a photographer and takes pretty much all of their promo shots and is listed as the filmer for some of their videos. “My mum always pushed me to take it seriously and believe in myself, getting me my first recording experience in a studio when I was 12, which was terrifying. Back then I had many singing teachers come and go but I never stuck to it, I really hated doing the competitions. Then when I turned 14, a producer called Pete contacted me to ask if I’d like to collaborate on a song writing project with him." Her mom also lists herself as the manager for both of her daughter's musical projects on her linkedin and has written several articles regarding music promotion. Nepotism?
Lauren has videos on youtube from when she used to be a P!nk skinwalker and try to sing identically to her. Sometime after dropping out of school at 15 she switched her look to try and fit the kinderwhore grunge aesthetic and now looks like killstar emilie autumn with dreads. She has another project called Delilah Bon where she “raps” - its some kind of conscious feminist hip hop schtick. It looks like she intentionally picks promo photos where her bass player looks bad, probably because she appears to be the only one with real talent in the group and everyone fawns over her in youtube comments. In one of their videos the two girls wear the same two piece bathing suit thing but it is extremely unflattering and looks too small on the bass player. Lauren often talks about activism and once had some merch that she touted as being sustainable and planet friendly or some shit yet she buys tons of fast fashion.
No. 1509837
>>1509760Bingo, anon. they're another sus band that poses as new punk/grunge phenomenon. And oh, they definitely look like they're taking largely from Hole and Nirvana and 90's grunge/riot grrrl. Iirc she posted a few Hole/Nirvana covers on YT. As for her ripping Courtney and Kat live, i didn't know about it, gotta watch some lives!
>Her mom is a photographer and takes pretty much all of their promo shots and is listed as the filmer for some of their videos/ists herself as the manager Is her mother a famous photog. or someone damned rich? Sounds like Arrow and Autumn De Wilde case. nepotism absolutely, and if mom's not famous then it's spoiled child case getting career funded by mom. mother must be rich to begin with if she just randomly buys her 14yo daughter a studio time, and sending to competitions smells like stage mom syndrome.
I listened to maybe one song 5 years ago or so, so i remember being lowkey shocked that they gathered any following, i always assumed they're just another Hole-ripoff band that posts videos on youtube but doesn't seem to go anywhere. sounds like she's a plant, maybe not in a way she's a record label product, but she had her mommy set her career up and crawling slowly to the top to get picked up by indie clout chasers. what record label are they on? Sounds interesting, i guess it's worth a deep dive
No. 1509850
File: 1650758275216.jpg (2.22 MB, 4252x4434, A5gvv4JA.jpeg.jpg)

Holy shit, that idiot is actually a Melanie Martinez skinwalker.
that's… lowest of low.
No. 1509876
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No. 1509897
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No. 1510031
>>1509970She got the name from the Babes in Toyland song Handsome and Gretel. iirc in an interview she claims she wrote potential names on scraps of paper and her mom saw the babes song name but suggested it be hands off instead so it wasn't a complete rip off. They have a song called Always Right that reminds me of Babes in Toylands You're Right and the lyrics in Bluebell. Another song is called World Against She which of course made me think of Alien She by Bikini Kill.
That reminds me there's a band called Quinn the Brain (like the Daria episode) and the singer totally rips off Kat bjelland too. Literally the same guitar, a red rickenbaker and red dresses and hair ribbons. They have a song full of lyrics suspiciously similar to some of Kats too.
No. 1510058
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>>1509837>what record label are they on?They have their own label called Puke Pop. Obviously from a wealthy family. I can't find any other work by her mom besides the pics she takes of her daughter so maybe it was a hobby thing for the mom. Must be nice just having all that equipment for professional shoots from the get go. I don't believe that she makes enough money from her music to be pressing the amount of cds and vinyl she has for the past however many years. Who is paying for all that lol she also prints calendars and posters of herself. Her hand drawn art she sells looks like the shit I drew on deviant art when I was twelve
From a mother daughter interview: "What was so frustrating was that I know she’d got this talent and school would never support her because she shone just a little too brightly for them. As a parent I could see that she weren’t a bad kid she just needed somebody to recognise her talents and nobody ever did."
No. 1510404
File: 1650822667348.jpg (1.12 MB, 1440x2348, seanbon.jpg)

>>1510395Her bf Sean Bon used to be pretty normie looking. Lauren says he introduced her to a lot of grunge music and showed her how to play guitar the way he does in a grunge style I guess. Whatever that means. He’s wearing a fork necklace kind of like Chris Cornell here. She dyes his armpit hair. Drummer looks like a pop punk dude from 2012 kek
No. 1510409
File: 1650822991711.png (491.92 KB, 451x527, fingers.png)

>>1510404also maybe someone else should teach her because the way she locks her fingers while playing power chords is SO BAD for your hands
No. 1510431
>>1510058>mother basically proposes a band name>mother claims a girl from shitty rock band with a mediocre voice "shone brighter than anyone else" and gets mad that she didn't get treated better than everyone else at school>mother stages up daughter's entire career and engages in everything>mother fucking gets INTERVIEWED along with her daughterFucking kek. Mommy wanted her child succeed so bad that she loads money into everything, planning it all since school days. and she really wants to havw her piece of cake too since she makes interview appearances. this is ridiculous, we gotta keep an eye on that cow. i'd really like to find her pre-Hands Off Gretel internet past tbh
>>1510395I know right? topkek
No. 1510456
File: 1650827524440.png (128.65 KB, 696x377, vegan.png)

>>1510448don't they look smelly? kek looks like she really dug into the hippie vegan thing for a while. Tie dye and white person dreads. cringe
No. 1510457
File: 1650827597465.png (2.51 MB, 1350x806, qtb.png)

>>1510031Quinn The Brain, fuck what a weird thing to see them mentioned here. i thought they're too irrelevant for anyone to notice. i followed that girl on Tumblr for a while before she started skinwalking Kat Bjelland in a BinT ripoff band.
Quinn The Brain played as support before Skating Polly and Starcrawler in Texas in 2018. i remember how Arta liked posts from someone else's blog where someone said they hate fake rock plant bands like Starcrawler, skating polly and all the other bands like that and she liked and commented something like "well said! exactly what i'm thinking" or something like that. And then a couple months later i've seen her commenting on Starcrawler or Skating Polly accounts reposting pics from that night and her licking their asses in comments like "the best lineup! we need to repeat this guys uwu" etc. kek
a few people fawn over them bc they like babes in toyland, but she'll get nowhere if she keeps skinwalking Kat Bjelland and Courtney like that further. yawn.
No. 1510496
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>>1510456eco friendly yet look at all the plastic she creates. She is also anti leather. I guess she doesn't know that producing the fake leather she wears is extremely not eco friendly
No. 1510513
>>1510431tried finding more background on her mom and found an article about a talent competition she entered Lauren in that literally says what street they live on. Using that and the photos she posts of herself roaming about her neighborhood quote “scaring the neighbors” while filming her little videos I VERY EASILY found her address with google searches in less than 10 minutes. Idiot. She claims she has stalkers and that people threaten her yet does nothing to protect herself.
Interestingly there is a house on her street that has a sound recording and music distribution company registered to it. I only looked into the house because it had an interesting looking name plaque out front and whaddyaknow
No. 1510530
>>1510485lolol. imagine liking Hands Off Gretel.that band oozes fakeness.
why are all these chicks so hellbent on skinwalking Kat Bjelland and Courtney Love? you like them great, but that doesn't mean you have to wear kinderwhore dresses strictly every day, with obligatory red lipstick and bowtie and those childish dolly frilly white socks in mary jane shoes.
No. 1510538
File: 1650831932419.jpg (171.82 KB, 778x1024, mp.jpg)

>>1510530Margaritas Podridas is another one. Right now theyre under scrutiny because a drummer, Karl Neudert, who fills for them sometimes was accused by multiple girls of sexual assault. The singer from Margaritas, Carolina Enriquez, also plays bass in Karl's band Senor Kino. She keep defending him and is allegedly rude to people who question her about it. Profiting off of feminism and riot grrrl yet ignoring women who speak out.
No. 1510541
File: 1650832096800.jpg (131.81 KB, 1024x682, DnAzv64UcAASQJe.jpg)

>>1510538this is from one of their music videos. Cheap ill fitting satin babydoll dresses made in china
No. 1510553
File: 1650832912542.jpg (201.16 KB, 900x1200, 0027975854_10.jpg)

>>1510549yes bring the dirt lmao
look at them posing with Courtneys book of lies. I swear in every photo they make a point of showing their cigarettes or ash trays and Carolina always posts videos of herself smoking and trying to look sexy yet waifish.
No. 1510584
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>>1510574I figured she was snobbish and rich based on how she acts. Also super narcissistic. So their parents paid for all that gear too and maybe thats how they got on KEXP. So disappointing because I like their shoegazey songs. Did Esli and her boyfriend break up for a bit or something? Why did Karl drum for them during their KEXP set instead of him?
Also do you know who the guy is that Carolina has been frolicking around with at coachella this past week on her IG stories? He kisses her head a lot but as far as I know her bf is one of the guys in Margaritas
No. 1510602
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No. 1510606
>>1510584tbh I'm not even sure if ANY of the members ever had a part-time job like EVER. All the gear, outfits and videos are funded by their parents. I don't follow them like that (if you wanna share pics I can spill all the milk I can) but if the guy in this pic is who I think it is I got some good milk.
So now I could be wrong BUT he looks a lot like a boyfriend my best friend had when we were in high school. Mind you we were 16 and he was 20 trying to have sex with her, she was super into the indie scene which pretty much meant she listened to the Arctic Monkeys and Ok Go. He is your typical "soft indie boy" who in reality is a creep, so my tinfoil is that if this is that guy he pretty much is using her for "fame" or "successful indie" status.
No. 1510613
>>1510606makes sense, he looks like the Night Stalker lmao His name is Ed Maverick, I didn't see that she had tagged him in her post until now
Have you heard about the sexual assault allegations against Karl? any weight to them?
No. 1510622
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Its been confirmed by multiple sources that Courtney was very briefly in BIT and they kicked her out after like two practice sessions lol she doesn't even know what she is talking about. BIT aren't grunge at all
No. 1510624
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kek those fast fashion dresses look so bad. Go to the thrift store
No. 1510630
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This photo of courtney is from a movie she was in, irrelevant. AND many people who were there in the late 80s who ran in their circles corroborate that Kat had the look first.
No. 1510633
File: 1650837554021.png (524.31 KB, 846x1102, Señor Kino DMs.png)

>>1510613no sage cause milk? our city is fairly small so is like you really can't hide your diy larping bs.
No. 1510643
>>1510630they shared this dress iirc, not sure whose it was but Kat had photos in that same dress too.
as much as Courtney looked better than Kat, she had it later than her. true tho, in 1987 when they had Sugar Babydoll band or what, both Courtney and Kat looked Madonna-Steve Nicks-hippie af instead of kinderwhore.
>>1510541kekk i finally know where this lame screen is from. this video made it into coquette/nymphette side of tumblr, a gif from that vid is on one of the popular blogs
No. 1510659
>>1510574please do. kek imagine buying a whole ass slot at Coachella, how rich are her parents.
btw they're stupid, performing as one of the 1,00324752378235 bands at Coachella won;t get them anywhere cause everyone's there for headliners
No. 1510669
File: 1650839996770.png (1.72 MB, 1075x642, shedevils.png)

>>1510667samefag. Holy shit all these girls copy each other so much. Lauren posted this 4 days ago and Arta (on the right) from Quinn The Brain liked it and now posts this today.
No. 1510673
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>>1510651sorry for any grammar mistakes, I suck at both languages KEK
No. 1510679
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>>1510675samefag. He's listed as a producer on their EP too.
"I see through it. I see through all of it. Through your goddamn lies.. licorice lies" these are literally Kat's lyrics from Angel Hair and Handsome and Gretel
Can we be done with the overused porcelain doll thing? so boring
No. 1510681
>>1510667never thought i'd see the day that some "poonk" singers will skinwalk Melanie. seems like she barely came out recently (2015) and she's already a "blueprint" to stupid nepo girls.
jfc at this point to stand out and "be original" in a band, one has to just wear whatever normal shit and have plain brown colored hair. spikes, chokers, fishnet and colored hair are THE LEAST unique thing in the world rn. everybody looks like fucking egirl. alternative style has become a new "normie"/new skinny jeans and converse starbucks girl style. there used to be a time when those chokers and spike belts and fucking color hair dyes were rare thing hard to find in my country and they'd glare at you shocked af if you had anything like that and "craziest" hair dye was just dark cherry box dye. and now alt style is so accessible it's epitome of boring. whenever i see online a pink/green haired girl clad in black, fishnets, Demonias, chokers and Monster energy, i turn the fuck back and run
>>1510669damn even something as little as this? she just has NOTHING personal of her own about her
No. 1510687
>>1510681Arta is 34 years old KEK damn woman grow up
yeah punk/goth/emo whatever is all lumped together and mainstream now. punk fashion is great for capitalists profiting off all these dummies. Totally lost the point
No. 1510689
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imagine this dude strangling you KEK hes got a medieval prince hair cut lord farquaad fucker
No. 1510697
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this is from her facebook. ew
No. 1510699
>>1510686it annoyed me then, but from the perspective of time, Taylor Momsen in her cringe era doesn't irritate me now. she changed her style, all those cross-wearing girlies like Arrow wish to be her. at least she had a nice voice. she's really out of spotlight now and acts like a total recluse. imo they copy Led Zeppelin and Soundgarden and try to be this "classic rock massive choruses stadium hymn song" writing band way too much but tbh if i had to choose, i'd rather go to TPR concert than any of those new girls.
perhaps it's also the case that Taylor was a single one then, i mean one of the very few it girls of rock in 2010. now we have COUNTLESS new "punk" bands that are shilled so hard, all of them are either all girl or girl fronted and all of them are rich nepo bitches. all of them either rip Courtney or sing boring indie bananis and avocadis rock. i'm just bored, i hate most of them if not all.
anons do you know any new band that's actually recommendable at all? and what would a hypothetical new band do, play or look like for you to like them?
No. 1510703
>>1510697i'm at loss of the words. 34yo or not, that's creepy. i refuse to believe she loves him. she must be a poorfag who married for money, or alternately, a vain bitch down with marrying any dumb older scrote as long as he throws cash. pretty much a legal sugar daddy deal.
i wonder when exactly did they marry and if she did it so she can treat him as her exclusive band piggy bank, or if she was just a bored housewife bored enough to want a band
No. 1510707
File: 1650843202829.png (1.13 MB, 1041x641, toiletgrrrl.png)

why are they so obsessed with shitters. Margaritas Podridas visited (trespassed) Kurt and Courtney's old house and they spent way too much time focusing on the bathroom toilet kek omg kurt shat here wow. They left their names on the walls too. Makes it easy for them to be charged with trespassing if the owner or real estate company wanted. Theres video evidence too
No. 1510717
>>1510707typical textbook of typical "punk rock" photo posing lol. if you have no better idea, you can always sit on a shitter, so e3dGy! idk i would love to visit Kurt Cobain's old house so i get why people sneak in there, but in my opinion? actual bands and semi "recognizable" people documenting and holding photoshoots here like some crazy fans? cringe as all hell and a bit inappropriate. take pics for your private collection not for insta…
Crazy how those 2 chicks look like clones there's no differences between their look at all. this is so boring, all that ripping off Courtney's look. i mean yeah, i bought a few babydoll dresses too after i learned about Hole but transforming into Courtney is stupid. these dresses can 100% be worn as elegant style even for official occasions, and that's how i prefer it to be. you can look cool without making it obligatory kinderwhore look with smudged lipstick and childish socks and bows and tiaras. get some imagination
No. 1510719
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I wonder how much Esli is a pushover and asskisser towards Carolina kek poor girl god I hate how they dress their boyfriends. Anything vintage looking they wear looks like super curated thrift finds they buy off depop or something
No. 1510720
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No. 1510740
>>1510538>>1510553never heard of this band but why are the members dressed and styled like two sets of identical sped twins
>>1510456lol I was just going to say that the Melanie skinwalker girl is that type of white girl that for some reason just looks like she smells bad. for some reason particularly in her dreads era she reminds me of Rena from Hey Violet in her earlier days, and coincidentally they both have stage moms lol
No. 1510748
>>1510740amazing description of them
I can totally see the Hey Violet comparison
No. 1510760
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>>1510740>that type of white girl that for some reason just looks like she smells badyes
No. 1510766
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How much more obviously Melanie Martinez can she get?
No. 1510774
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No. 1510781
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>>1510774wooow Brody too huh. Lauren looks like an irradiated cabbage patch doll with those green dread pigtails
No. 1510782
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Becky Baldwin does no fit in with them at all. She should ditch these guys and stay with the metal bands she plays in. I read something about Lauren being a bully to their original drummer and others before, I'll try to find it.
No. 1510793
>>1510699Totally agree with your points, but
>boring indie bananis and avocadis rockWhat does this phrase mean??
No. 1510796
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>>1510795kek at "fuck of helen" (laurens stage mom)
No. 1510800
>>1510793that's a reference to an old Vine in which a guy laughed at the raspy breathy voice that indie artists always put on lol
there's also a vid with examples of artists doing this but for some reason it doesn't link here so you can just google "the evolution of singing in cursive" on YT
No. 1510803
>>1510795>>1510795so… that's what she's raging about? an account on insta laughing at her and comments calling her out on her bullshit? what a fucking idiot, she only brought everyone's attention to the fact there are callout posts and everyone can read them lol.
i want to see how she's going to "take legal action" lmaoo. can't wait til she googles herself next time and finds this thread and comes bitching that her team of lawyers is going to take it down kek
No. 1510807
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all these bitches owe kat royalties
No. 1510822
The beginning sounds like a fucking Quiet Room/Ariel ripoff. her screams are weird, she's not screaming she's just gorging on flegma all the time.
>>1510807i've seen actual ppl who went to babes in toyland shows in the 90's pissing their pants over her and writing compliments comparing her to kat etc. like… what is wrong with people? tbh i'd like to see how she'd react if someone called her out in the comments, how she justifies it. probably "BiT are my greatest inspiration" Inspirations have their fucking limits and borders damn. just wear fucking jeans sometimes for a change
her lyrics are very much babes in toyland scrapbook too
No. 1510834
>>1510796ok reading more and while some of it some petty trolling shit, the other comments are
valid. there's someone calling her out on faking everyhing and having rich stage mommy, and a random comment from somebody else saying she's PR driven and panders to creeps… i mean, true. she can cry all she wants and pretend it's all just someone's hate campaign but there's truth in some of it. IF that's real then she angered someone enough to get through the process of setting up troll accounts, and now THAT is curious, what she did to
trigger this. hard for me to believe she's NOT a petty gossipy mean bitch privately, especially as a spoiled rich kid.
No. 1510836
>>1510822Wow, her voice is terrible.
On another note, this is a straight BiT ripoff, and whats weird is this is kind of a common thing, not only with grunge/riot grrl stuff. In my local scene, we have a Lunachicks equivalent and a No Doubt equivalent, just off the top of my head. It's weird how widespread it is, because like you mentioned, there's a difference between taking inspiration and straight up copying
No. 1510850
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>>1510822someone kinda did call her out when the video was shared in a BIT facebook group. Totally ignored it kek
No. 1510853
>>1510836yeah her voice suck, but the song itself sucks even more. vocal melody is nonexistent, and the chick literally moves with her guitar just like Kat, even has that "loose locks with a tiny york dog like ponytail on the top of head" hairstyle. video is painful in a way, they've got no footage at all and just keep cutting from her to same shots of band members standing next to CDs on the wall, everyone looking awkward.
>hats weird is this is kind of a common thing, not only with grunge/riot grrl stuffYeah, as for equivalents of other bands, maybe this generation just takes inspirations too far and gets too much acceptance when they allow themselves to copy so much, so they straight up dress as their idols and think they're "putting their personal twist on them" lol. this or maybe punk/grunge music has finally hit a wall? hardcore was a new genre in the 80's but it's old now. 90's grunge was a new thing inthe 90's too. i mean they had 70's punk as a base and some of the genres they built didn't exist before them, they were giving a spin on 70's punk and other rock music, but now it's different because what was fresh and new invention 30-40 years ago is an obvious established thing now. you can't make punk or grunge better or more harsh, or more pop either cause that's what pop punk was for. no way to go from here.
No. 1510858
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she has one of these stupid satin dresses too
No. 1510863
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>>1510858geez that's shameful. go buy all the court/kat replicas, sure you're soo original. i feel personally embarassed by this, while she should be embarassed not me.
No. 1510891
>>1510796This is even more silly when you realise they're talking about Yorkshire "rich white suburb"
There are no real expensive parts of the UK bar london and Oxford, sounds like someone from her school with a vendetta. The fact I've never heard of this girl but she still attracted such bile. I don't think it's fake, as a Britfag, people can get very obsessive over here in rural areas, due to lack of other things to do. Hot Fuzz kinda village behaviour. So I do sympathise with her and it's a bit ridiculous for such a nobody to attract such hateful behaviour.
No. 1510911
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>>1510679yeah lies are used as a theme in a lot of songs except she copied kats lyrics and delivery almsost exact. and she knows most of her fans would probably be BiT fans. did she think we couldnt 'see through' her kek she copies the way kat fingers chords too and copies her riffs and song structures
No. 1511135
>>1510891I don't. Sucks that she has haters, but every fucking one famous has haters that talk shit about you online. Yorkshire might not be rich but the fact is that Lauren is fucking rich and had a mother that just could afford to buy her career and finance every aspect of it. No sympathy for someone who lies and sits comfortably while her parents buy her fame. i say good that she cleared out that ex-band members aren't mad at her, but for the rest, meh grow a thicker skin.
>>1510911unfortunately her fans reinforce her in thinking she can just continue to rip off Kat Bjelland 100%
No. 1511393
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Oh boy since we're talking about Courtney wannabes we have to talk about Bruna Remorini lmaooo
i'll just paste the input about her from the personal cows thread:
">spoiled fatty
>used to skinwalk Hayley Williams
>meets this cringy Kurt Cobain skinwalker and start dating him
>because of him ditched the Hayley Williams persona and started skinwalking Courtney Love (claims its because everyone used to tell her how alike they are)
>starts a Hole cover band (she claims she had several cover bands before this, its a lie)
>would go on rants about how Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain and how she just dress up like her because "its her job" (despite having 17 years old at the time and earning nothing from it)
>hole fans pissed at her, makes several enemies
>starts heavily editing her pictures, making her chin pointy and her nose bigger to resemble Courtney Love (it just looks weird)
>getting more fat each second
>used to post made-up shit on her band page, for example, she's also obsessed about Corey Taylor then she would make up a Corey Taylor quote like "She looks just like an angel , etc" and then add "- Corey Taylor about Courtney Love" after it
>used to claim that cigarettes and drugs are for losers and she just smoke cigarettes for pictures
>was heavily against abortion
>would freak out at girls for wearing red lipstick and having blonde hair, claimed all of them wanted to be her
>constantly humiliating her boyfriend through public facebook posts
>when she was hanging out with her boyfriend she would make a scene and freak out at him, screaming and acting drunk trying to "pull a Courtney Love", making people around very unconfortable (i saw this personally, can confirm)
>people start calling her on her bullshit, her only "fans" are edgy teenagers
>notices people are losing interest on her, deletes a lot of cringy posts and goes from "Courtney killed Kurt and i only dress up like her because its my JOOOOB" to "Courtney Love is a perfect queen and the most beautiful human in the world!!!11"
>now claims she's a smoker and been doing drugs since she was 15 because of depression
>breaks up with Kurt Cobain skinwalker
>tags Courtney Love in all of her pictures and in everything she posts, very creepy
>Courtney Love finally notices her, makes a comment on one of her singing videos and like some of her pictures out of pity
>runs to the first artist skinwalker she can find, this time a Slash one
>gets pregnant
>turns out the guy was cheating on her and was toxic af, dumps her while pregnant
>now claims to be pro-abortion
>believes she will be very rich and famous
>releases demo to a original song called "Cloth Doll", with awful english and still trying to skinwalk Courtney Love's voice and style
>gives birth, the kids dad is not envolved (doesn't work and has a trashy life), i assume her parents raise and buy everything for the kid since she also doesn't seems to work
>start drawing lazy traced art and selling it on t-shirts to misinformated people"
since she's so thirsty for attention now she's trying pander to a more "alt e-girl" aesthetic, she even dyed her hair to fit in lol it's funny to see her trying to be "the new Courtney Love"
No. 1511400
>>1511393why would you make yourself look like sped CLove on purpose KEK incredible. What even is the diagnosis for this type of behavior
>>1510911Does she know what magnetized means? wtf is she even saying. Did she mean magnified??
No. 1511416
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She died her hair to brown now and claims to be over Courtney Love phase though and says she likes music but not Courtney anymore… some of her pics used to be crazy similar to Courtney, just like fat era Courtney trying to impersonate her future thinner self. everything listed sounds crazy, this is unfortunate she's got a kid because she looks like she has major problems with identity and whatnot.
>i remembered the last year too, when my dad gave his last gift to me as a birthday gift - my car car The true gift was having him alive cause he believed in me. I have a driver license since 2015 but i just got my first car last year.
From her Insta last year. How fucking old is she? also i've seen her mention she got a diploma for marketing, but not sure if it's true cause she just showed congratulations on a computer screen. anyways this is her (school?) pic when she skinwalked Hayley Williams.
Idk what to say, this makes me feel sad for her in a way cause that seems like really pitiful life.
No. 1511430
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>>1511416i believe shes 26.
kek at the car post, i saw that
u know whats insane? she tried to larp as this crazy grungy junkie tough chick but shes the most privileged girl ever, she grew up in a really nice neighborhood, she never had to pay for shit and she doesnt even know whats real addiction. i've been following her for years and i remember she ranting about really dumb shit like when she made a big fucking deal and cried bc her parents didnt want to pay for her acting classes lmaoo
(she discovered Courtney's actress career and then she started this whole thing kek)
i think she did graduated tho, Brazil got fucked up with covid and then everyone had to resort to online classes.
pic related is gold, screenshot from long gone video from one of her shows with her Hole cover band
No. 1512164
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is there any milk on this Wet Leg band? I‘ve been seeing them everywhere recently, they just appeared out of nowhere it seems. I decided to give their album a listen but its the same typical boring indie shit, why do they get shilled so hard kek, whats the deal with them?
No. 1512228
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>>1512164Kek this pic looks intentionally like t.A.T.u. video
No. 1512233
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>"Everyone loves them, from Florence Welch to Hayley Williams to Iggy Pop"
>Dave Grohl, Jack White and Lorde are fans
>Elton John played their track on his show
bingo, that's enough for me to know they're plants. Dave Grohl loves to shill rich morons, perhaps because he hopes to shill his own daughter as a punk goddess in a few years (well, he lowkey already did on SNL). Elton John already helped Starcrawler by shilling their shit on his radio show.
>a "band that came out of nowhere" phrase listen in all interviews
They're plants, lifted out of some bullshit place but still plants. there's no bands that just come out of nowhere and get praises from Grohl, Iggy Pop and others.
From what i gathered, they met at Isle of Wight College where they studied music before dropping out. One of them had jeweller parents and owning their business, the other one's are "boat people", whatever that means. I know for example Katie Jane Garside had a father that was a well ranked soldier who had a yacht and the family travelled around the world, but afaik it didn't help Katie at all later, when she left the sea and went to London, she was poor as a rat and cleaned public toilets before joining Daisy Chainsaw. (perhaps she fell out with her family?) As for this chick, if her parents were rich yacht owners then i can see them helping with career and funding music studies. All in all one family had their own business, the other could afford yachts/boats. that's quite wealthy in my opinion but i'm a poorfag, so you know.
I can't tell anything else cause i have no idea how to google their parents for more info. they used to be a part of the local scene and signed to Domino Records since 2020. some indie headhunter probably just plucked them out. Elton John, Hayley and Grohl praising them is enough for me to know there's something fishy.
No. 1512280
>>1512233"boat people" can mean vietnamese who immigrated to australia in the 70s. they may have been poor but easily rose to middle class and above, so if this band member's grandparents brought her parents to australia and they raised her in england, it's a sign they had decent money.
or maybe she's just an idiot and doesn't know how to say "boat dealers"
related, there are some "rich" (middle class by that countrie's standards) people in hong kong, singapore, japan who were born poor and have a whole mental complex about hiding it from their kids so their kids don't get lazy. i was one of these, and basically you grow up fed, clothed, and going to good schools, but your parents boot you at age 18.
No. 1514226
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Probably unexpected cow proposition, but Lori Barbero looks like a cow imo. I long lost sources of this, probably tumblr, fansites etc (i'll post if i find anything). She always behaves like she OWN this band, like she's the leader and wrote all the songs. Fuck, she even interrupts others on all the 90's interview that are on youtube, and talks over them. You probably heard about their dramas in 2015. It wasnt the first time Lori had a decisive world and Kat complied. this seems like a pattern in this band.
Babes in Toyland split around 1998 and they tried to reunion, but it ended up in a shitstorm. First Maureen quit, so only Kat and Lori were left and then nothing came out of reunion. Kat formed Katastrophy Wife band then, but in 2002 she played a tour under Babes in Toyland with new musicians. Lori got pissed af and made a big outrage (gonna post article), i also heard somewhere she threatened to sue. Also remember reading somewhere Kat saying she planned to make it another name band but the manager reserved places as Babes in Toyland???? not sure about that, where i read it, if that's even true. All i'm gonna say, i get her anger but i kinda understand Kat, even if she pulled a Courtney and hired new musicians for the old band, cause she didn't make much money at the time and apparently worked 2 jobs as a waitress and catering manager. Nonetheless, Lori's outrage didn't surprise me, what surprised me is actually how much of influence she had. Usually it's the singer/songwriter who decides on everything, and it's nothing out of ordinary for singers to get a new load of musicians and tour under the old name…
BinT reunited in 2015 thanks to Maureen Herman. however, they kicked her out not a long time later and Maureen said that's because she published an open letter to Joan Jett calling her out on being passive and not doing anything when another Runaways member was raped by her manager (and Joan allegedly witnessed it, i think). Lori didn't like it, because she had a project on Joan's label and felt she need to protect her ass from "Joan's vendetta" or whatever, and told Maureen to fuck off. from what i've read somewhere, Kat didn't want Maureen to go, but Lori was pushing and she finally broke down.
And now third time. Kat is an addict and Maureen actually helped her to get clean and get back to normal life before the reunion tour started. Unfortunately, apparently she relapsed later and came high or on a come-down to the rehearsal, Lori decided reunion is not going to happen. Who the fuck are you to decide for everybody? Didn't she think Kat could come sober next time, or could fight addiction again, or she could just keep it okay enough to tour? Saying this as an addict myself. I know it can get bad enough for you to just get high at night and sleep all day, but fuck this, addicts can do normal stuff if they care enough. Look at the fucking rock scene - everyone's an addict. exaggerating, but you get my point. Cobain performed high every night, Courtney performed high every night, and she could barely keep (and play lol) her guitar too. countless musicians tour while on heroin. did someone ask other band members what are they really thinking, did someone ask Kat? Because yeah, she could be in a bad condition, but i'm noticing a weird pattern here. Kat fucks up once - Lori throws her out! Kat comes high to rehearsal even once - goodbye, this is the end, see ya in 10 years, and ofc i'm gonna talk shit on you in the press. Because that's what happened before, in 1999-2002 time when 1st reunion was speculated, again can't find source now but Lori laughed at Kat that reunions don't make sense with a junkie etc.
This actually makes me lowkey hate her, because not only Kat was an addict in the band, Maureen was on heroin too. They probably made up (she and Kat, don't think she mde up with Maureen) but still. And Lori always behaved like she's better than them, that typical "oh you're a lying junkie" sort of disgusted attitude. Which she really has no room to talk about, because she was arrested for drunk driving years ago.
No. 1514236
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Maureen Herman related drama
No. 1514239
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yeah because saying "she's toxic" is enough to dismiss somebody's accusations, right? just like saying "she's a junkie" dismisses someone as liar
No. 1514241
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Babes in Toyland's first failed reunion article
No. 1514246
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second reunion ending reason
No. 1514257
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Lori getting arrested for driving fucked up drunk… twice.
No. 1514292
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No. 1514308
>>1514292Jesus Christ. where is it from? interview? Maureen's facebook page? i swear there was also some sort of callout post on tumblr but can't find it now. i'm furious, this woman is straight up vile. Kat was/is schizophrenic, she had psychotic episodes before 2007. you CAN'T just let go of medicines/stablilizers when you're schizophrenic. no wonder she seeked out drugs to self-medicate. serving her wine straight after rehab knowing she was alcoholic too, this is just disgusting.
Fuck this shit, i feel like fucking posting a callout somewhere or make a video about this, because this is so fucking ufair. i'm done with Lori being treated as this super clean, super smart, funny and "incredibly" nice person, like many people fondly speak of her.
I wonder, what is this woman thinking now, as Kat is slowly dying? are you happy now? fuck
>>1514294any more info on this? she was defo an alcoholic, but psychedelics don't surprise me in the slightest
No. 1514381
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>>1514308it was from maureens patreon.
this is from the book about michelle leon( the first bass player) she left the band mainly because of how lori treated her after her boyfriend was murdered.lori was really cold towards her and michelle was like very young like 21 years old experiencing her first major loss. the person that was supposed to be like a sister basically wouldnt listen to her while she was grieving. they were over seas in england at the time also.
this probably hurt kat a lot too because thats another person important to her leaving her. kat probably wasnt schizophrenic but had some kind of neurodivergent thing then did drugs to cope with child abuse and being abandoned by her mother.doing speed (being spun) for years can make people hear voices and i think she said she was schizo to the media because its more acceptable than talking about it being caused from drug abuse. kat alluded to communication with aliens in some of her lyrics (ariel, Iskigiet) and it totally reminds me of the commedian jessa reid who used to do meth talking about her alien school hallucinations. staying up for days on speed does wicked stuff to your brain
No. 1514391
>>1514280There is a Kat Bjelland fan page on reddit that has this video linked too person in the comments thinks Lori is an angel just because she was nice to her when they had met before.
No. 1514427
has Lori commented anyhow on Kat's current state?
holy fuck, this is obnoxious. i feel like it's too big for just select farmers on lolcow. everybody should know. i can't stand the idea of Kat passing away at one point or another and Lori just giving out high and mighty interviews with fake deep fake empathetic comments.
Fans are fucking idiots. OF COURSE she's nice to fans, just like she was candy sweet to interviewers. standard mistake, people think open, broadly smiling and mighty laughing people are rays of sunshine and good and CANNOT ever have ulterior bad motives whatsoever! no idea what is wrong with Lori, a mental illness of some sort or just being plain evil person that ALWAYS needs to be right. what are you doing in a music business if you hate junkies so much? wtf
>>1514381I only ever heard of Kat doing heroin in the 90's. but it makes sense, alot of people say she looks like she has meth face, even misses teeth. i didn't know what was going on with her, seen how she looks in those 2015 photos and interviews, but thought it's unlikely she's on uppers since she was more like heroin girl.
I wish i had Michelle's book or at least scans. I'm pretty sure i came across a tumblr post showing passages from the book that showed up Lori's possesive, controlling and overall shitty behaviour. I'm mad at myself that i didn't save it up properly, that i didn't save up a lot of receipts. i kind of dismissed it the first time, because i didn't know stuff that i know now. if any of the anons visiting this thread has more info, feel free to post
No. 1514599
>>1514487thank you, crazy that this was the only one fan place she was called out
>you fucked her over in 1996so she was a bitch to Maureen even before? let me guess, she made her leave for doing drugs instead of Maureen just quitting?
Why is that bitch the one holding so much power over everyone? she only owns the name idea, and it wasn't that original anyway as it stems from another music piece. why didn't Kat and Michelle or Maureen just kick HER out instead, her drumming was shit anyway. i swear it feels like some weird cult/sect tier dependence shit
i wish they just kicked Lori out and called Pati Schemel instead.
No. 1514609
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Unrelated but i guess Lori knew how to grab some cash cow just in case after Babes in Toyland disbanded. i was surprised to read that in early 00's she was some sort of assistant/housemaid/servant/whatever of Courtney Love.
here on Hawaii vacation.
No. 1514702
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>>1514645Courtney told lies and gossiped about Kat and other women in interviews constantly. Kat rarely commented on Courtney except to dismiss rumors or clarify things Courtney lied about
No. 1514707

>>1514645they had a beef on and off, getting back again to split again etc. first they fought in the 90's accusing each other of stealing dresses and lyrics. Bruise Violet by Babes is written about Courtney and the video shows girl copying Kat, a very direct dig at CL. then became friends again but having a rivalry thing on, then Kurt died and they were filmed walking together. i guess they fell out again after Celebrity Skin was released. In 2001 or so Courtney tried to start a new band Bastard with Kat and some other chicks (Pati Schemel and Louise Post + some else) but Kat wasn't interested. i heard they shared e-mails time to time later and recently Courtney claimed she tried to reach out and do something about the situation but apparently transplant can't be done.
This interview shows Kat wasn't very keen on Courtney and what she has become, but it's 2009 or 2010. i guess they weren't actively feuding post 00's but they weren't close friends either.
As for Lori, she was friends with courtney in the 90's and living with her? i've seen her name in the diaries of CL but that could be someone else.
No. 1514716
>>1514702yeah, Courtney talked shit that she stole her style and lyrics while it was the other way around. she said somehing sarcastic about Kat being a cheerleader in high school (and weirdly, that was true she was a cheerleader). very clearly CL was jealous of Kat.
As stated in the vid, they had a band Sugar Babydoll/Pagan Babies with Jennifer Finch too in the 80's. After that Courtney tried to pack herself into Babes in Toyland but they kicked her out cause she couldn't play guitar
No. 1514720
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No. 1514725
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No. 1514749
>>1514720lol what a fucking bitch. what happened was probably she got fucked up on drugs and started spilling her shit like a jealous cunt she is. she thinks she's ugly? lol, in her diaries she wrote
>All hot girls are short. Madonna, Kat, Kim Gordon. I'm tall. Courtney's a psycho that's only made worse by drugs, and not even heroin but prescription stuff mostly oxycodone, xanax, concerta, adderall and more. in 2003 she was a coke addict. imagine her mixing that shit.
in the recent years she claimed to be a benzo addict doing huge numbers of xanax pills a day or somethign, or was it that she was "fed xanax" by her creepy abuser ex? all that bullshit story how her ex was keeping her hostage and how brave black knight Marilyn Manson came to her rescue, because poor Courtney couldn't get the fuck out on her own. after Manson drama coming out, she whiteknighted him hard replying to randoms on her secret account, but later she got outed and threw people some lame bone how "she's going to tell you all about it one day, but she's not ready blah. and her crazy fans just accepted her beating around the bush.
>>1514725is that exposingcourtneylove blog? good that they saved that horrid quote, but gotta say this blog was made by some lunatic on his own right, some of the shit they post are complete science fiction fantasy nonsense. they think that everything is an industry conspiracy, that Courtney's father is actually working with Courtney bc he's accusing her of killing Kurt intentionally as a way to promote Nirvana and Hole's music (wtf lmao). They also made a mental article about how Kat Bjelland is as fake as Courtney Love and how Babes in Toyland are industry plants who deliberatly made up fake childhood abuse stories and fake image, and how photos, graphics and even Kat Bjelland's ornate handwriting style was entirely created by the music industry cause that was a moneygrab campaign planned in each detail by industry and not a punk band on its own. it's a good source for quotes like the one you posted, but anything else from the site cannot be trusted tbh.
No. 1515464
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>>1510701I know everyone hates him now because he went to that Trump thing, but John Maus
No. 1515570
>>1515471guy on the left is such classic fake-sensitive-alt-boy from a rich family who drives all his girlfriends to suicide
i don't know him, that just excatly how he look.
No. 1515852
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>>1515713kek ayrt. have a gif
No. 1516118
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>>1515464John Maus randomly texting and asking a fan to please stop being a Satanist.
No. 1516125
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>>1515648>>1515705"Building" you own synth only means that he has a modular synth. Not a big deal nowadays.
Picrel is Nancy Whang (of LCD Soundsystem) and her modular synth.
No. 1516143
>>1516118Kek I remember 7 years ago when he followed me on Twitter I screencapped it printed it out and stuck it on my wall. Apparently it’s pretty common but I felt like a princess.
>>1516125oh ok
No. 1516172
>>1516118Meh. Satanists are always children, retard metal heads or gendie tendies. Satanism is absolute bullshit but I'll save my rant about LaVey and the Temple, etc. He was nothing but polite and he's never hid being a Christian. He may be cringe to some people in DMs about Satanism but he is still based.
>>1516125Not a big deal but still very cool and especially impressive if you're a dummy who can't build jack. That thing is a MONSTER.
No. 1516290
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Ariel Pink or Mark Kozelek milk?
No. 1517934
>>1516724oily man who probably rapes people watched too much porn on the bus and then trooned.
not a few chapters, more of a sentence really.
No. 1518488
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Kek, cow crossover.
not sure if all anons here also watched the soundclout threads but still. i'm stunned to discover that this starfucker graduated from the role of an idiot who made entire "career" (of a few thousand followers max) on flaunting she was Lil Peep's secret London fuck to the role of greasy-haired, stoned tiktok moron with, surprisingly, million followers and music of her own. maybe that's why Dani likes Chelji, they're both having that boring "greasy nonbie" look.
No. 1518502
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Lmao, just checked the Margaritas insta and wow. they play sooo hard on being Dollskill kinderwhore grunge band, Hole and Nirvana merch is everywhere
No. 1518505
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Everything in this picture is so obviously styled as this 90's grungy, moldy motel, from strategically placed heart shaped ashtray, to a porcelain teacup, to a carefully arranged fresh cigarette lying on an old carpet. (A cover of Pennyroyal tea single?) the chick on the right is wearing a green sweater that's identical color to one of Cobain's sweaters.
No. 1518506
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A cringy trip down every place Kurt Cobain lived. yes, i think it's perfectly normal for a huge Nirvana fan, as long as you don't bother people who live in these places rn. But as an actual band, on your band's official site? that's awkward. especially if you reference Nirvana so fucking often.
No. 1518507
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Of course they had to get a spindly, Kat/Courtney inspired writing AND a recreation of Pretty On The Inside CD cover cause they can't do anything on their own
No. 1518511
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No. 1518514
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Lol, Courtney gave them a like. so she likes them but she slammed Olivia Rodrigo for copying her even though she did the same thing as these chicks? makes total sense
No. 1523545
>>1518514If these girls existed in the 90s courtney would have harassed and talked shit about them like she did with Kat bjelland and Kim Shattuck and every other woman who had talent.
How can anyone like this band they literally have zero originality
No. 1524601
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Pretty sure he’s been mentioned here before - Jethro Lazenby (Nick Cave’s kid) died. Sounds like he was super fucked up
No. 1524604
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Avalon Lurks needs to give it up already. Her lack of talent shows in her repetitive dj sets. She says she paints and is a multi instrumentalist, bish where? Seems her dad is in the industry, explains her exposure.
No. 1524910
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>>1524608this is exactly what all of these "grunge" girlies are trying to copy. fashion show based on CL, copy of a copy which is a copy based on Kat anyway. just googling "kinderwhore" and copying what they see on the 1st page
No. 1529510
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(not milk without context)
No. 1542262
>>1542055anon read the rules. when you're posting you need to write "sage" in Email field above comment and subject section.
>>1542051i wouldn't say Ogbert is that huge, they have only 2800+ follows on IG, unless they're some cult band locally
No. 1543983
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>>1514749apparently Courtney traumatized Kat's sister when she briefly lived with her. why are there like a billion accounts of what a cunt she is yet all these riot girl revivalists who live in the modern age with internet can't figure her out
No. 1544602
>>1543983Tbh it's hard to find a person who used to know Courtney in some way and hasn't had negative experiences.
I think the problem with ppl not accepting that Courtney is a cunt is because the music is good, image was nice too. i have the same problem. i know that alot of the bad things said about Courtney are true. i'm sure she stole Kat's style, was a bitch to her, to her own band and other people. And she 100% cheated on Kurt with Billy Corgan. so you know all that, but POTI and Live Through This are good albums, live videos are enjoyable to watch, i have good memories attatched with Hole. so i can't entirely let go of the music. but yeah, she is awful person. perhaps not as bad as Exposingcourtneylove blog and Kurt's fans try to paint her as, but she's trash nonetheless and i'll never make excuses for her anymore.
No. 1548904
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this shit from indie bands pisses me off so much. they're always appealing to this retarded "connecting to my ancestry" "going back to my roots," bodies & spaces uwu bs when it comes to playing in israel, but then they anticipate the backlash they'll receive from (certain sections of) the left and make some superficial gesture acknowledging palestinians and leave things at "it's complicated" and "let's love beyond disagreement." so fucking embarrassing. whenever i find out any band has ever played in israel, no matter how much i like their music, i can never bring myself to listen to their stuff ever again. not that i'm a huge fan of big thief, i always honestly thought they were overrated. i also heard a rumor that they copy and pasted this post from the last time they toured in israel, which is truly just icing on the cake – pretending they only just decided to tour there and recycling an old post in an attempt to cover their asses
No. 1549241
>>1544602>>1548979I remember reading the Poppy Brite bio of courtney, which is a little hagiographic (probably because it came out in 1996 when courtney was peak tabloid fodder) but very good overall. I like her, she doesn't fit the lolcow/dramaqueen/narc mold really; she was a product of group homes, special disciplinary schools/programs, didn't have a stable homelife or steady parent figure(passed from household to household)…
A lot of the bad shit she does is just stuff anybody who grew up in group homes or foster care or juvenile detention does: present hypersexually, fuck other girls boyfriends, steal from people around you (because you've learned no one will provide what you need/want, you have to just get it however you can), have falling outs, flit around from city to city burning bridges in various scenes…
Very very relatable, very real (and very damaged) person.
There are some very gatekeepy and catty interactions with riot grrls, mostly when there is a bandscrote that one of them is dating that courtney fucked either before or after or during. She articulates pretty well how she resented that they had that confrontational feminist aesthetic but would bully and gossip about a woman who was trafficked to alaska and singapore as a teen.
But courtney's also much more interested in validation and performance than she is in art or music or acting per se.
No. 1549486
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>>1548904they added "again" to the new one kek. it sucks, but they embarrass themselves by saying/doing some goofy beyond stereotypical crunchy hippie shit every few months and they've never come across as particularly politically shrewd, so i'm not really surprised.
No. 1549533
>>1549241>I like her, she doesn't fit the lolcow/dramaqueen/narc mold reallyDude, she's one of the biggest cows/snowflakes/narcs of all. she had way more milk and dramas than a lot of the cows here. I like her but it's pointless to say think she's poor delicate being who grew up in a shitty place and nothing she does is her fault.
Courtney had an awful father and stupid mother hanging out at hippie farms, but it wasn't worst upbringing of all. there was a time when Courtney tried to pretend she's so punk and had it so hard, but that's a nonsense. I'm sorry, but her whole poverty larp "I was a pee girl walking around in one dress" is bullshit. She grew up in a rich fucking family, her mother was a lowkey famous psychologist and her grandma was another wealthy family member. Courtney inherited some of her gradmother's money and pretty much was a trust fund baby, for a while she just travelled the world doing nothing, chasing Echo and The Bunnymen kind of bands on tour in England, just living on the trust fund.
She didn't have a good stable home, but neither did lots of lots of people. that doesn't justify her actions. I'm a fan of her, still enjoy music and live show footage, a weird love/hate combo. but as much as i liked her and still like stuff she does, music, poetry/writing scraps, even just looking at her old pics or videos, i have to admit she's a shitty person who said a lot of ignorant shit and did a lot of awful things. She has something nasty in her, the attention whoring and doing EVERYTHING for fame, being a bitch to people unless they lick her ass or can make her more famous somehow.
Idk if i can say she's a very real person. She lies all the time, tells same stories 100 different ways, she wasn't honest about a lot of things. she
appears to be honest sometimes, but it's naive to think she is. she's very calculated and she played the people/media a certain way to be presented the way she wanted. if there's anything real or honest, it's in her lyrics and poems, for example those messy writings in Dirty Blonde book.
>but would bully and gossip about a woman who was trafficked to alaska and singapore as a teen.That stripping teen part of her life is pretty crazy, but Courtney bullied others and gossiped about other women/men herself. she was a total bitch to a lot of people.
It's a bit weird to look at all the shitty things she did through the filter of her teen years at juvenile homes etc. It gives explains a few things, but doesn't excuse her. she's a grown woman, not a teen trafficked in Singapore anymore.
I like Courtney, she and Katie jane Garside are my fav female performers in rock imo. But even as a fan, it's a bit too unrealistic to make excuses for her or deny she's a cow
No. 1551610
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any milk on beabadoobee? (or as i like to call her badabing badaboo or bababooey)
popular uk artist signed to Dirty Hit records. zoomers love her stuff, she's released mostly 90s-esque pop rock stuff with really solid production, but lately her music is as she called it "sounds like it's from a 2006 teen movie". on tiktok a lot, see her pics all the time on pinterest. her music ain't bad, but is too saccharine for my taste. her look is very solid though, again zoomers are all about the y2k late 90s revival (or i guess now we're going into 2000s revival). she is very active on instagram. not sure if milky though.
No. 1551959
>>1551610Only this
>She got promo from being with Dirty Hit and Matt Healy posted about her a bit. I think tiktok helped a bit She's dime a dozen. Honestly, anons? I'm sick of these identical ""indie"" chicks who dress like it's 2006 and write sugarpop rock songs ripped from 2005 teen romcoms starring Lindsey Lohan, music written by Hilary Duff. the only one i liked was Soccer Mommy, but she did her album when it was kinda fresh to do throwback music, her album had that actual nostalgia spark that others can't really achieve, and she seems so much more talented and genuine. but aside from that… these chicks are all the same, they all have the same voice and play guitar the same way. I think Soccer Mommy and Snail Mail were indie musicians who got in the right place at the right time, but Badaboobie, Phoebe, Men I Trust, Pale Waves and others are plants. Gayle is 100% a mainstream plant take on "indie", she's a poor result of throwign Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers and Dabadeedabadaa in the blender.
i honestly think that millenials bands should get popular, even those who are only starting their bands now at late 20's/30's. cause i cringe to think that zoomer shit is the future of "rock". please make pop punk UNpopular again.
No. 1552092
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Only stuff on her i've gathered so far:
-moved to London at the age of 3
-says parents are NHS workers.
Says "Coffee" was 1st song she ever wrote… and boom, it explodes, just like that?… i don't believe it. she was fished by Matty Healy and the label in 2018. i guess the labels are on the hunt for these sort of chicks rn. but, i still don't understand how this song exploded enough to gather major attention. yes, tik tok, yes, but there's millions of people that are tik-tok famous but they don't get actual music contracts. i think there might some more mystery to it.
Btw that last paragraph.
>"I've been high everyday and i'm stoned rn"
>"Ok honey, just don't abuse it"
No. 1552155
>>1552092first of all weed is illegal in the uk so it's just a huge liability to publicly talk about being a stoner like that. this isn't fucking LA, beebs, it's not cute and quirky.
i've always wondered how she got her come up because there's no way that coffee was the first song she wrote, and that she was just "plucked" from obscurity like that. it's just so fishy. idk have we got any deets on her white bf Soren? he could have potentially been her connection. i think they've been together for years now from pre-fame days.
>>1551959i find it a little soulless to be honest. it's like everything propagated by tiktok is a simulacra of the real thing. it's all style over substance now.
No. 1552203
>>1552155Woah, you're right. i know she's from London but for some reason i thought she's from LA/is in LA. all i did were hard drugs and weed is incomparable to morphine, but i always cringe at people who treat weed as something normal like drinking tea everyday.not condemning but weed is still drug and if you do it everyday for years, you're still addicted, even if it's shit drug that isn't much stronger than a fucking cigarette. so basically her parents were like "oh, you're doing drugs? to cure you're uwu anxiety? alright, as long as it helps! fine, get that cash and call your dealer"… weird.
No idea about her bf Soren, but i'm gonna read some interviews today and i'll post if i find something worthwhile. she's about as "independent" and "not industry darling" as Wet Leg. it's suspicious as all hell imo.
No. 1553298
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>>1502631> because of how bad of a roommate he is which is how he lost the full live band he had at one point (allegedly he's said that he doesn't know how to do dishes)When Tyler dropped out of school, he tweeted that he needed a place to stay for a bit since he dropped out of school. Somebody I knew ended up offering to share their apartment and it was understood that he just needed a bit before he went back home to Houston.
The details are a little hazy to me but he ended up staying for at least four months, probably more. I don't know if he didn't pay rent for the whole time but he wasn't even friends with the guy he was mooching off of. But yes he'd never do the fucking dishes and would leave bowls in the sink for ages to the dismay of the host. The host would sometimes post photos of the dishes because it became an in-joke.
Eventually he moved in with a "friend" in Chicago. He did leave some music as a parting gift but I don't remember what it was. I think it wasn't YAAMC stuff but I can't say for sure.
In other news Tillian of Dance Gavin Dance was metoo'd. The first accusation seems like it was from a lesser known cow but someone else came forward with a much more credible encounter so he's been kicked off the band and DGD was dropped from the Coheed tour.
(I thought I'd make note of it here since I don't follow the Johnny Craig Thread and I don't think everyone here does too. SRY if not relevant)
No. 1553753
>>1553691I think her look and way of dressing helped the most, tbh. zoomers follow alternative looking stuff, colored hair piercings, tripp ny pants - you're sold. she's the same sort of #relatable Phoebe Bridgers tier mousy-girl-turned-alt who lays on her bed and sings about depression or quarantine mood swings or some shit like that.
It's very weird for me that today kids blow up to millions on tiktok, just like that, with some stupid cover, stupid dance, stupid aeshtetic video or something. but you have to be correctly dressed, behave a certain way, post these sort of trendy music/clips/challenges that everybody makes, preferably change pronouns to some nonsense and go nonbinary, dress hot topic circa 2006, declare to be elf, coquette, goblincore or some other shit etc. AND know how to use certain trendy tags that will help to boost. Man i used to think getting fame through The Voice or X Factor was off but this? this is fucked up. I write music and someone told me make tik toks, but i don't really want to. when i look at these sort of ppl who scroll and develop tiktok addictions, or post themselves 24/7 hundreds of videos, looking like idiots, or bending over and doing 10 seconds kindergarten-tier dance choreographies just to get more clout and likes… something throws me away so hard, i just can't. that saying, it's not even offtopic, just a couple of words on modern ways of getting famous. and it's related bc look, this is how those younger indie cows/artists are starting NOW. aside from nepotism ofc. some of them don't even play shows at local venues, they just sit on tik tok but they never played real shows!
No. 1553876
>>1553753>it's related bc look, this is how those younger indie cows/artists are starting NOWHope it's not derailing, but to go off this point, I got into the band Destroy Boys a while back. They seem to be doing well for themselves, touring a lot, even opening for Taking Back Sunday in the uk ffs. Eventually I saw them live and was kinda surprised and disappointed that they're not awesome live. Could have been an off night, but it seemed like they couldn't play a lot of the guitar parts, and some of the singing was off too. Not to mention they talked a LOT in between songs, like, uncomfortably so. (Also half the crowd was teens and the other half creepy old men, but I don't think that's the band's fault) It just seemed like they were not at the level they should be musically, to be getting the types of shows and tours they do.
Come to find out that their big song blew up on tiktok, and everything started to make sense. Really frustrating and disappointing
No. 1553922
>>1553876Never heard of that band, but that's how it is when these bands don't care about music as much as they care about being internet famous, or get fame too fast. I imagine a lot of them were attention whoring online before the band one way or another, having popular channels etc. They post songs and get clout before they even practice.
I like a band called Forever Still, they're a good example of a talented indie band who slowly build up their career touring and making albums and videos themselves and being very responsive to fan messages/close with fans online. they're on Nuclear Blast now. they're more of a mix of melodic rock/metal etc. rather than punk bands mentioned here but i like them a lot. they're millenials though and not on tiktok iirc.
As to not stray too far from the cows topic, Dani of Surfbort is an example of a really annoying tiktoker. she's 28 but behaves like irritating zoomer online. and ironic part is that she doesn't even need it (tik tok) cause her band is really famous for a band of this caliber, she's a Gucci ambassador and stuff. she does it purely cause she's narcissistic af (i mean as an adjective, not as actual mental illness). She always makes tik toks with Gappylady/Ash Smith chick and it's cringy as she hangs out with her because she has a gap between her front teeth, so they can grin and obsess over their "fucked" teeth together.
No. 1554207
>>1553753i hear you. i'm also a musician and people i know (not close friends or label thank god) have goaded me into getting into tiktok (i'm in my mid 20s so at this point i'm too old kek). i have an acquaintance who's in a&r and he's mentioned that i just HAVE to be on tiktok but dude is literally addicted to tiktok himself. idk that app is creepy, looks like there's SOME okay stuff but i don't think it's been very good for indie musicians in the long run. people aren't able to establish emotional connections with audiences if one of their songs blow up on that as it's forever associated with that one trend on tiktok. i'm always hearing about this small artist getting signed by a major and then getting spit out and chewed up in a matter of months. i think i'll stay off that app….
and agree. i'm so over the sad girl act most indie artists do these days. even mitski said sad girl is dead
No. 1554302
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so phoebe bridgers toronto concert was a disaster
No. 1554324
>>1554302i wonder if she gets shit for this. probably not. other artists would get slammed for this. i mean someone should think of the approximate allowed number of people, rigth? you really DON;T have to sell THAT much of tickets.
besides… who tf would go to Phoebe's concert. people are wrong in the head.
No. 1554326
>>1554202Haha holy crap, it sounds like someone singing in the shower or along to their headphones. The vocalist looks good but it stops there, the rest of the band seem so unenthused and bored out of their minds too.
This whole thread is filled with bands that are all image, with zero actual passion for music.
No. 1554330
>>1554305Nothing can beat that horror concert from that rapper where people were literally fucking dead on the ground from whatever the hell mismanagement/malice they did. Injuries or fainting is bad but, yeah.
Idk why anyone likes Phoebe or why she has such a big fanbase, people are so starved for half-decent female musicians
No. 1554331
>>1554207Yeah, it's going to bring more damage than help to indie bands, like you said. It would only make sense that people who aren't attention whores have doubts about starting tik tok and don't do it at all. maybe it's better to limit it to Instagram and try to get audience on Youtube. sometimes certain rock videos blow up there, though it's not easy. i think interesting photoshoots are also the key. i know getting fanbase on Tumblr used to be a thing too, but don't know if it's possible now.
Ah well we're living in weird times. even fucking MySpace was so much better for discovering new music, tiktok collects all the people you wouldn't like in real life
No. 1555906
>>1551610Beabadoobee got shilled by the industry for years just to get overshadowed by olivia rodrigo.
>>1553753she is definitely more known for her aesthetic than actual music. Most of her fans are arsty zoomers. Marc Jacobs is using her for their knew heavn line.
No. 1555940
>>1553922more like that's how it is when music trends are controlled by the internet. it means more terminally online/socially awkward people who wouldn't have gotten into performing because they don't cope with live crowds end up gaining a fanbase and having to perform on stage.
on top of that these days big musicians don't get to have artist development to improve their singing and live performances, it's not even an option for indie tiktok artists. vocal legends like whitney houston had to train as background singers for years before they got to perform on their own.
No. 1555972
She's got MILLION followrs on insta what
>>1555906Teletubbie could've been signed waaay before she uploaded that Coffee song. maybe that was the plan, to put it online and pretend that the fame grew "organically". idk abou her but it's going to be definitely the case NOW ON. industry plants putting songs online and pretending it all weren't planned a'la Tramp Stamps lol
No. 1556001
>>1555940i think it's kind of the other way. like, if you start a tiktok and you have thousands or even milllions of stupid fans, and you show your real face or even talk about each intimate element of your life, then i think it requiers you to be sociable/extraverted/exhibitionist/courageous in a way. i mean those permanently online egirls and e-personalities, not band/musician profiles (cause some of these egirls later start bands and it devolves into shitty bands later). not that anyone cares ofc but as an example: i'm a socially awkward person who usually hates crowds, but for some reason i feel comfortable playing music to a groups of people in the audience. however even imagining me as one of the tiktok ppl talking about every piece of their lives scare me.
Idk i think if you want to play alternative/indie (not even mentioning of punk music), there really is some sort of order of levels you should go through. idk maybe i'm thinking too oldschool, but it's normal to me that in a genre like that, you first start small and play to small crowds in shitty clubs and ppl don't even know you, and your fanbase grows from that point (or not). you gather experience along the way. NOT blowing up overnight, and getting a contract, and AP magazine cover, without playing a single show, without… just playing music. this sounds like pop music career path. heck, not even pop, cause even pop stars had some longer or shorter paths to stardom. this tiktok "you're a star now, be quick" way of things feels very much like instant-meal cook-it-in-the-microwave career. like an imaginary, unreal dream. and for some bands it will probably end not to well, depending on who they are/what they do. close your eyes and you'll miss it, you're a star, and it often ends before you even realize something started.
No. 1559037
>>1554330Astroworld. Creepy af and ppl described there being unsettling synths and encouragement of rushing the stage. Lots of demonic energy and imagery.
Kylie friggin brought stormy there too and was going on IG live and acting a complete 'case.
No. 1559345
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This guy fits the bill according to the rules but didn't wanna make a whole thread, it most closely applies here
MrBufferBieber, posting just over a video a day going back months and months and months of him kissing the same shirt of Hayley Williams. No. 1559792
>>1559351>They got on every huge "up-and-coming" playlist with two songs actually recorded.Reminds me of Starcrawler. Debuted on BBC and got shilled by Elton John with just one song ever recorded.
i'm the anon who posted
>>1512233 and i see them everywhere as "rock saviours" typical sort of shit and wild promo approach that indie rock plants usually have. no way it'd blow up on its own, it has NOTHING appealing to zoomers, they're not colored hair fishnet egirls with guitars, they're not interesting enough for millenials. their music sucks and their image is boring and illfitted. i can understand why Beebatubbie blew up, but not them. someone shilled a lot of money to make them "next rock saviours".
No. 1560112
>>1559792Anyone that gets on spotify editorials on their first song is either spotify's in house "artists" or a new face made by nepotism.
I have 11 albums and not one editorial. Along with many other friends in the industry. It's rigged to fuck.
No. 1560151
>>1560112kek that figures. so many people spotify promotes are total nobodies that no one has ever heard of so it must be nepotism or other connections
do u have any industry tea to spill nonna
No. 1562228
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I'm starting to think that Dani Miller is coming from a solidly wealthy family. maybe not rich, but one that does better than everyone expect. No way a poor/working class girl would center every field of her life around showing off busted teeth like that and double down on showcasing their take on "poverty" as aesthetic. it's not just her always aiming to look disgusting, loving trash and intentionally decorating her room with atrocious shit and meticulously arranged white trash mess - she literally befriends those people who meet her poverty porn/white trash standards. I just now noticed that her ex boyfriend had a missing tooth.
>>1283776 Her best friend has a gap in her front teeth. bitch really picks friends with dental problems and uses them as her toothless sidekicks to make her meth head larp tiktoks. she's obsessed
Her crusty old band members look as ridiculous and exaggerated as her, so i conclude she must be encouraging them to dress even more like trash rednecks. and ofc her new boyfriend as trashy pornstache.
No. 1565256
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Anons, any milk/opinions on Nova Twins? it's another faux-punk band, not as aggresively shilled as others but still one of that new poser punk egirl model wave.
Basic info i found
>Love and South have been close friends since childhood and have played in bands that were often booked on the same bill. Both of them come from a mixed background; Love is of Iranian and Nigerian descent, and South is of Jamaican and Australian descent. (Georgia South's father, William South, is also a musician).
Idk if her father is very known or influential, but from his bio:
>A full time musician and composer for over 35 years, across many musical areas, William has enjoyed global success with projects Heavy Shift, Philadelphia Bluntz and The South Trio , composed much TV/media music, was MD and co-composer on Punch Drunk’s London show The Drowned Man and currently works mainly in the contemporary dance/ballet world as well as producing and mentoring other artists.
No. 1565271
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Not strictly related to this band (though including), but punk/alt bands have it hard to stand out these days. Everybody is wearing huge ass spikey chokers, studded belts, fishnets, baggy pants, and punk/goth/alt style is not even that much alt anymore, it's worn by people who'd otherwise be called normies or, idk, pop fans or whatever. it's almost more rebellious to not wear edgy clothes, or make it minimalistic. like just two or three accessories per outfit. cause tank top and arm fishnets, arm warmers, leg warmers, striped socks, plaid skirt, belts, Demonias, colored hair, black lipstick white face, tunnels, thousands of piercings and tattoos, all in one - i feel like all those "indie" bands and tiktok ppl just pile up everything they can, and in effect they all look all the same.
it doesn't even make me think of punk, it immediately reminds me of tiktok egirls and fairycore goblincore nonbinaries, unfortunately.
No. 1565802
>>1565256went to one of their shows, they're just a basic pop punk band like paramore. not much unique about them other than being all about girl power like spice girls kek
>>1565271it's worse for female artists people care more about how female musicians dress than the music they make. but that's not unique to alt female musicians
No. 1567100
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>>1566032Here's what the drummer looks like, and their instagram. If you scroll to the bottom, they still have pictures up of when they weren't a tranny yet. Not sure what video to post but pretty much any concert footage will show you what I mean or just the promo shit they post on insta. It's pretty pathetic tbh because they have a decent following and opportunities are handed to them. I do know that they played at some event for Bernie Sanders and AOC with The Strokes so I wonder how the fuck that happened.
No. 1567334
>>1566584Actually both, these were separate two cases. Courtney blabbered that Gwen looks like a cheerleader and then Gwen followed with Hollaback girl, but Courtney also mocked Kat for bein cheerleader (i think it's in her diary book, i'll quote if i find it) because that was true, Kat was a cheerleader in high school & perhaps even team leader iirc. i was very surprised because it doesn't sound like very outsider-loner-later-forms-punk-band sort of typical backstory
Gwen had reasons to dislike her, Courtney fucked her ex Gavin Rossdale on various occasions back when Gwen was married to him. and she's not exactly quiet about it, she flexes how good was he in bed on public s instagram in comments, whenever Courtney stan accounts post pap pictures of her and Gavin. cringe as all fuck. and people think ~Courtney would never ever cheat on Kurt, she's not that kind of women~ - barf. very funny to read Courtney stans make up excuses for her, that its Gavins fault or it doesn't matter cause he was a cheater anyway - i mean yeah, but doesn't it matter that SHE was unfair to Gwen?
i'm saying this as Hole/CL fan and someone who forgives her alot, but i always have hearty kek/cringe moment when i remember her ~i fucked Gavin~ romantic throwbacks
No. 1567356
>>1567100if that guy wants to keep up that "schoolgirl" cosplay, he should probably stay away from hormones.
I'm starting to think these indie bands intentionally go trans/nonbinary or come out to have ppl jump on the board cause now it's ~trendy LGBT band~. this is what Pale Waves suddenly did, maybe Sunflower Bean too. Maneskin EXCELLS in fake gay vibes and trans looks, even their recent video has them dressed as women.
No. 1567637
>>1567356>Maneskin EXCELLS in fake gay vibes and trans looks, even their recent video has them dressed as women.Maneskin is just ripping off Bowie. They're entire thing is larping as glam rock stars.
Any they know their female fans(and male fans) eat up the pretty guy image.
No. 1567816
>>1567637>>1567588Yeah. One could say it's nothing new, though Bowie was bi for real. and then there were bands like Placebo where singer walked around with makeup and girly t-shirts. but honestly? these older bands weren't as annoying as Maneskin and other zoomer bands, sometimes the gay image etc. really suited them. Idk, i can't explain it.
not a Maneskin fan, but from what i've seen, imo their problem is that the gay roleplay and image completely overpowers the music. i liked the eurovision song, but they're so fucking cringe they make my teeth ache. sticking up to oldies
No. 1568697
>>1568048Image is probably all they have since they just copy old stuff musically.
On the other hand though… how to invent new music genre? what hasn't been done yet? I have not idea. I really think that rock music at least has hit the wall and there's no going forward from here. Mixing with other, very different genres? Done. Futuristic/computer/space sounds? done. fake pop? metal? punk, grunge? everything's been done.
Wait, no. There is desert rock. but is there antarctic rock? lol
No. 1568715
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>>1567103Seems Bernie really likes those indie girlie bands and rock in general, or at least wanted to speak to that sort of audience. i'm pretty sure he had Soccer Mommy playing for him too.
He's a rock fan i guess, he recorded some folk songs in the 80's, lmao. And did something with Thurston Moore in like 2016. the more you know, lol
No. 1569870
>>1568739I'm a musician and i guess i'm gonna try making a song in that "genre" lmao
And I agree with everything you said. I find it ironic how there's this boom of new bands, especially female, but there's nothing to be glad about cause they suck. Compared, 2011+ years were empty void and not that much new artists came out then, again especially female, up until 2017+ when all these bedroom pop indie stuff started popping out suddenly. And now, it's so ironic that mainstream media is suddenly interested in rock again, and factory producing new bands, OR revamping old soundcloutrap/model rap instagram personas into "punk" rebels. it's like 2000 MTV all over again but 2000 bands were good, even shittier ones are better than that.
It's all rich kids, "punk" and indie rock is now just a party for wealthy idiots, more than ever.
No. 1586103
>>1554207mitski is so boring
like vaseline on toast
No. 1593915
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does anyone remember the GRLwood fiasco? i always thought their song "bisexual" was a bop and really on the nose, and then the drummer karen accused the singer rej of raping her. and then rej responded with her own version completely contradicting what Karen said that happened. what do y'all think happened? initial accusation
No. 1594313
>>1593886dude you can dress like that without entire world "dressing like this". wtf.
i'm not aware of coming it back in style, but with a bit of luck, you might find some replicas.
No. 1596197
>>1594415i agree with
>>1593990 even though she's a woman
No. 1600264
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>>1518506The cringe Kurt worship made me remember this dude, glad this one crashed and burned. Singer was married to Frances Bean, fucking dressed like Kurt and wouldn't give her his guitar back. were signed to Interscope.
No. 1600459
>>1600264Jfc, everybody in this situation was fucking lame. Kurt skinwalker, for skinwalking his wives father. Frances Bean, for marrying an idiot who looked like her father. Again, Frances Bean for gifting him her fathers guitar. Skinwalker doing slapfights with Courtney Love after divorce.
Also, remember that whole mess when he accused Courtney Love of trying to murder him over that fucking Unplugged guitar? damn. i'll have to revisit stuff from this case, cause i remember/understand nothing about this drama.
Courtney is not withoutany guit though with how she fucked/was besties with Sam Lufti, as well as having overall dramas with her daughter. Iirc, Frances is NOT on speaking terms with her anymore now. the reason was that Courtney gave away Kurt's journals to some exhibition in 2015 and Frances got pissed (rightfully so) and said she's not gonna speak to her anymore, cause she's just a moneyhungry bitch who'll sells out Kurt's legacy left and right just for a couple of bucks.
No. 1600587
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>>1600271lmao Kelly Mayo is that you? you don't have to get so salty, we're not talking about your lame sound.
No. 1600601
>>1600264why can't people just make up their own shit
it's honestly not hard
No. 1600604
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Speaking of Kurt ripoffs, The Vines ripped Kurt/Nirvana pretty hard in the beginning. i guess later it changed, but i only listened to a couple of first singles. Apparently, Courtney Love was even present at this video shoot.
other that that all i know about this band is they're ausfags and singer's got Aspergers.
No. 1601831
>>1601783hahaha, true. ~*It's oKaY iF yOu dOn't kNoW mUch aBout punk rock, bUt yOu ShOuLd try a littLe hArder*~~ sounds like salty anon needs to try harder cleaning their ears, because these whining bitches with basic catholic youth club/middle school scout tier voices sound NOTHING like PJ Harvey or Kathleen Hanna.
>kidzbop corethis.
No. 1602315
>>1600609I think they're a decent band, actually.
It's not forbidden to play a certain genre of music.
Now go ahead and watch some TV show about the Kardashians.
No. 1603162
>>1602968>fucking heir of the ford models fortune starts a "garage rock" bandHahahaah true. compared to them, Vines look like decent band. These rich idiots posing as slum rats, i can't believe they were once treated seriously and remembered fondly.
As for this garage revival thing, i remember Sum 41 did this video mocking them doing this skit where record industry guy tells them they must change into The Sums because "what's in now is THE, the vines, the hives"… also kek at how they re-named the bass player as Thurston.
Sorry for weird thumbnail, ha. i haven't seen this video in a long time, idk but this band is giving me way more 00's nostalgia than Juicy or bimbofication. i'm sure in a short time these 00's spike hairstyles will come back, even though it was thought of as epitome of kitsch like 6 years ago lmao.
No. 1603975
>>1603162rock is full of upper-class or important military family guys - michael hutchence (who went to KGV ffs), alan wilder, jim morrison, keith moon, keith richards, keith emerson, freddie mercury - all fancy boys with expensive schooling, titled parents, and in morrison's case an admiral. but they just fronted up, played their instruments, broke/exploded shit and drank some beer. they didn't make up a fake-ass backstory, or wear carefully constructed premade versions of some movements clothes. they wore their favourite shit, and yeah it sucks that the rich get richer, but at the end of the day being yourself is what saves you from cow status.
No. 1604315
>>1603162>i'm sure in a short time these 00's spike hairstyles will come back, even though it was thought of as epitome of kitsch like 6 years ago lmao.It already is coming back, makes sense too, been about 20 years. Industry seems to forget though that you have to hire and publicize kids that can actually fucking write songs for shit like that to not be laughed at. A lot of it is just so abhorrent.
I introduce this board to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Bitch," one of the single worst attempts at astroturfing a trend I have ever seen in my life. It makes that ABCEDFU song seem like fucking Smells Like Teen Spirit.
No. 1604447
>>1604315>>1604317bhahaha, sorry but. I burst out laughing. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. And this bitch is failing her hips and tits and lips trying to be all sexy… singing this. seriously. Any more child rhymes sang by lipfiller "ponk rawk" insta thots? is this the new genre?
Can we get more info o this idiot, who are her parents and who allowed this
No. 1604460
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>>1604241>Staz is a huge bitchMore info on this please. Cause that's my impression on her, but couldn't excuse my feeling with anything. Someone in Arrow thread said she's alright, but i have hard time believing it. If anything, she's probably one of those bitches who are cute and nice to select people, but they're rude to those who aren't famous enough for them. She looks like one more vain, talentless nepo baby, who's way more "famous" for her parents, her modeling and being Yves Saint Laurent it girl, than whatever she does musically. Very punk, much alternative. And she's besties with Arrow. I might as well be wrong about it, but if she's rude, this will be cherry on top, cause she does LOOK like a rude bitch.
No. 1604486
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>>1604483>>1604447>>1604315Jesus fuckin' christ, samefagging but look at this
No. 1604504
>>1604486Oh. Of course.
What's next? Aisha Ramirez, song:"Eenie Meenie", Early life: parents own oil company?
But at least, from my understanding, people hate the Twinkle twinkle singing bitch, right? don't tell me its the hit
No. 1605133
>>1500070why are men who are clearly 45 supposed to be some cool new rock thing? do people not have eyes
it's old dudes bossing us around all over the place
No. 1605535
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What? Sabrina is pushing out a first album only now? what was she doing before, i had an impression she's been pushing loads of loads of shitty singles for years. lol at the generic name and cover art
No. 1605539
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idk maybe i'm too mean or shit, but she just annoys me for no reason. She's so boring and self-obsessed. I wonder if her CEO daddy out his foot down and said he won't shill her music videos, hiring video locations and whatnot, and told her go to university just to do anything. and that's how she ended in London.
No. 1605658
>>1605629That's all good, but i wanted to hear that anon's version too, if they have any milk on her being a bitch. She's not as bad as Arrow, but Arrow is really just lowest level. It's hard to be worse than Starcrawler. She can play an instrument, which is good, but her band just sucks, really mediocre, and Paranoyds voices don't mesh well at all. Idk if that's mixing fault or what, but her voice is plain unlistenable too. Emotionless and with no changes throughout the song, which is in the same vein as Arrow tbh, even if it's not as bad as her.
Now let's talk about her songs. "Girlfriend Degree" is entirely ripped from "Submission" by Sex Pistols, note after note. "Single Origin Experience" sounds like uninspired Green Day/Ramones song. "Hotel Celebrity" is just shit musically, and their critique of celebrities, lip fillers and plastic surgery somehow fall really flat, esp since she's working in that industry and surrounding herself with that kind of people anyway. Idk maybe they have some better songs somewhere, but it really sounds like typical LA indie/punk rock boring shit with bad vocals.
I hope it doesn't come across as bitchy or whatever, i'm just honestly disappointed with her music. Guess it's good if she's genuinely nice, Idk her so it's alljust talking i could be wrong about her. (still curious about Staz is a bitch comment tho.) She's pretty girl but i guess that's all i can say
> Arrow is probably jealous of Staz being pretty:conventionally attractive, she can’t use her to make herself look less unattractive the way she does with DaniTrue. she can't use her so she's at least trying to put her on her good side (post shoutouts, a few seconds in the music video - i barely noticed her!) in hopes it will benefit her other way someday.
No. 1605665
>>1605662and they're also on Warner Bros. Very punk. that's just a Olivia Rodrigo's ugly friend clone band. is it played on the radio though? Does anyone like it?
Fuck it, punk rock/alt is the fakest genre under the sun now.
No. 1605686
>>1605679Ayrt, I agree with everything you said. As for Staz, i notice she doesn't seem to be stomping her feet and shaking crazy just to make her band famous, which is good.
>Being bland is actually worse than being bad in my opinion, at least being terrible can be memorableHaha, true. ironic bonus, this is what Arrow fears. she always talks how scared she is of being just forgotten. Well she has a reason to be scared, cause they're exactly that, forgettable opener
No. 1605792
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>>1605788NONA PLEASE I was just talking about them earlier!
>let’s get freaky nowwwwww No. 1606199
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since shes part of that obnoxious gucci toothgap gang does anyone have any milk on zumi rosow?
ive always found her endearing and honestly jealous at how cool she looks so kinda hoping she sucks
only tragic info is that ugly untalented manlet she calls a boyfriend
No. 1606226
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Ok so her father is Gene Rosow is a producer and director. 100% linked well in Hollywood. She played in some movies (I assume it's her??? bc of Gucci work included, and articles describe her as actress. you cans see yourself here:'s a musician and jewellery maker. She played in K-Holes and now plays in Black Lips, because she fucks Cole Alexander. here's interview including her's a typical Gucci washout crowd. And just like Dani Miller, she shows off a tooth gap she doesn't want to get fixed:
"She has never fixed her broken tooth since 2015, and why she favours a rugged Eastern bloc-style mullet." Her filmmaker daddy even made a film about tooth gaps and inserted her in it. She's a Gucci "it girl" who inspired some Gucci bag model, and walked runways for Gucci but her last name sounds similar to the Polish name of a chicken soup and that's all i can think of when i see it, lol.)
Just another cringey nepo baby walking from party to party, IMO there's nothing interesting about her at all. her style & look suck and she's boring as all hell, imo there's nothing to be jealous about, anon
No. 1606320
>>1606283True. that makes me dislike her so much. Thankfully, she ain't no famous star either, the only people who like her is Gucci "family", as they like to call themselves. (wow, sounds like a sect.)
From my understanding, that chick had some accident and broke her tooth in 2015 and never fixed it since. She's 38 and STILL perpetuating this NLOG uwu i have no tooth i'm so punk idiocy, that's even worse when you remember her age. 38 is not ancient - i don't get people who think so, 30's are just second 20's, that's young ppl - but at 38 you're usually more mature than casual 19yo who flaunts tooth gap to be punk. I agree Zooming chick seems like some rich fuck who never outgrew her hipster days
No. 1606431
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>>1606415well… yeah he dresses badly. Especially with those baseball caps on. I wouldn't differenciate him if he mixed with the crowd
No. 1606504
>>1606436He's just some random dude with a bizarre Haley Williams obsession. Pretty surprised to see he was posted here, I thought I was the only one watching considering his videos only get about 100 views. He's been posting a lot of bizarre videos suggesting that he may be on the next season of Love Island. Praying to the milk gods that it's true, it would be fucking hilarious to see his behavior televised
Can't embed youtube shorts so No. 1606561
>>1606504I'm giggling at his video titles, they're all like GIRLS MY NAME IS JB BABE or HAYLEY I LOVE YOU I'm WINKING AT THE CAMERA BABE!
>he may be on the next season of Love Island.Lmao i hope so! can't tell if this is true crazy obsession or carefully staged insanity in order to get fame, the dedication kind of suggests it's true, but either way it's funny. how hasn't he blown on tiktok yet? theoretically he has a chance, if he uses the right tags. The mystery of all that is fascinating, but it might as well turn out there's no Love Island role. at least not in this universe kek i have faith though
Imagine him going like "I want a girlfriend who's like Hayley Williams" on the show
No. 1607264
>>1509760>>1509837This is sad to hear because I actually like Hands Off Gretel and I love that they had this 90s grunge revival sound. I honestly don't get all that bothered when newer bands try to sound like older bands but tbf, I'm a millennial who got interested in 90s Alternative music when I was in high school so I'm a sucker for newer bands who try to emulate that sound. I was so burnt out from the garage/indie rock and alternative pop punk sounds that dominated rock in the early 2000s which is what inspired me to check out more music from the 1990s and where I found my likeness for 90s-style alternative rock and grunge/ So bands like that, Skating Poly, Dinosaur Pile Up, etc. are right up my alley even if they are derivative.
I mean is it really so wrong to play a style and emulate bands that you love?
No. 1607302
>>1607264It's not bad, as long as it doesn't go to far, and as long as you throw something new/your personality to the mix, and it outweights similarities to other bands. Problem is, nobody understands that now. I see no personalities/new stuff here, i see idiots who copy other artists 1 to 1, from head to toe, which just makes them cosplay cover bands.
Now it's just so blatant, so unoriginal that you realize that these bands are not just copying genre, they're copying entire fucking songs, note by note, lyrics (like all the "milk" talking from CLove songs), riffs, and finally, outfits. You really want to listen to bands that are skinwalkers? You want to see Skating Polly with chick cosplaying Exene? or HOG with chick skinwalking, who, Courtney, then Brody Dalle, then Jack Off Jill, then all of the sudden, Melanie Martinez? Girl they're all corporate models, you really think these guys
>>1509850genuinely dress like that?
But all that aside. These ones are just shitty people, attention whores, narcissists, careerists and most of the time, rich fucking kids who made careers thanks to their stage parents, but ofc deny everything and pretend they crawled out of some serious poverty.
nostalgic music means nothing, when people playing it fucking suck, are rude bitches or overall fake as fuck. I'm sorry, but the idea that there are people who genuinely like shit like Hands Off Gretel is kind of amusing. pick better idols, or stick to the old music.
>>1607264 No. 1608168
>>1607302AYRT. After skimming through the thread and reading the dirty laundry for some of these bands, I can see what you're saying about how many are just playing cosplay which sure, it's pretty sad to see instead of them just simply taking inspiration but still having their own twist on what their doing.
I feel like the Nova Twins kinda do that no? Like they're going for that hard rock meets pop punk sound but in some of their songs they do a sorta rap-style singing. Are you talking about things like that?
Also I suppsoe the reason why I'm not as demanding for originality is because it feels like everything has been done y'know? Like if you were to start an alt. rock band, what would you do to stand out? I personally am stumped when I think about what I would do lol.
And another thing I should specify is that I never looked into the band members as a whole. Like with Hands off Gretel and Skating Poly for example, all I did was watch their music videos and/or listen to their music on Spotify and that's it. Never bothered looking into the musicians themselves because I just wanted to enjoy the music for what it was, derivative or not.
Because to be honest I can't help but feel that if social media existed back in the 90s and early 2000s then we would probably hate some of the older beloved musicians to the point of not wanting to listen to their music, especially with someone like Courtney Love and possibly Kurt Cobain. So when it comes to discovering new music, especially in 90s rock revival, I just stick with the music usually.
>pick better idolsThey are definitely not my idols LOL Just because I don't mind their music doesn't mean I worship them. Same with Skating Polly lol.
On the by, I'm open to suggestions of new bands that you think are worth checking out.
No. 1608246
>>1608168AYRT Yeah, i'm not a fan but Nova Twins don't seen to be milky/rude bitches etc. and they wear just alt style without skinwalking anyone i think. I haven't listened to them tbh, maybe other anons can comment but they seem ok, as in drama-free at least.
And I agree, it's hard to invent anything new bc in rock (and everything, basically) all has been said and done, unfortunately. It's fine to play grunge for example, if you like it, but pls don't rip off riffs & melodies at least. Don't skinwalk your idols. etc that's what i'm talking about. Skating Polly skinwalks Exene. Arrow de Wilde skinwalks Katie Jane Garside to hell and back, in every way. Dani Miller just rips off Peaches and all things 70's-80's. That Brazilian/Spain grunge band, um, Margaritas something, just slaps on Shein/Aliexpress kinderwhore dresses and it's so unoriginal, that's been done 10000times.
it's hard to invent anything new now, but if you just can't completely, then perhaps you shouldn't play in a band you know? You can form tribute band and skinwalk Courtney Love if you can't play anything without being ripoff. The YOU i'm directing at those bands of course, not you anon ofc.
That's ok. I think Skating Polly looks normal, but for hands Off Gretel, something was so off about this chick to me, i immediately sensed it's some bullshit, but i didn't know about their drama either, before other anon spilled the milk on them.
Dude, people hated on new bands in 2000 too. If ppl sensed some bands are posers, they usually would talk about it on forums and whatnot. Remember how everybody hated Limp Bizkit?
You can listen to whatever you like, but this thread specifically is dedicated to gossiping about bands and spillign milk on industry cows, and exposing bands that are corporate shit larping as punk (The Regrettes, Starcrawler) or nepo babies who make career due to rich parents connections (Pretty Sick, Sunflower Bean, THe Paranoyds, etc etc). Some of us dislike bands with nepo babies, or attention whores, or generally unoriginal aesthetics. But if you like these bands nonetheless, it's your right to do so we just gossip
Idk I don't have much recommendations, unfortunately. I'm the anon who said i like Soccer Mommy - she has a sort of 00's alt/shoegaze inspired sort of music and I like it, even though her voice sounds like 100s of other indie girls. But her songwriting/lyrics are good imo, and she doesn't copy anyone stylewise at least. I like her 2nd album. so that's my one, maybe other anons have more recs
No. 1608250
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That's slightly off-topic as they're not indie, but these idiots crack me up. How are they able to fill out arenas? WHO is listening to that shit? It's just hilarious how ALL of them are in their 30's, but they pretend to be neon colored middle schoolers and skateboarders. All their album covers/shoots take place in california schools and they act extremely juvenile. All of them date irrelevant stars from the 00's for clout (Megan Fox, Avril Lavigne, Bella Thorne) tht are semi relevant again bc of Y2K trend. all of them hang out with the same ppl (Halsey, Willow Smith, Avril).
But just 5 years ago, they all were some Soundclout rapers mumbling about xanax and bitches, and trying hard to be the next Lil Peep. Big LOL at Mod Sun, he looked horrible then and looks horrible now.
The 3rd one is SK8, youtube recommended me his shitty vid and kek at how much he tried to look like Billie Joe Armstrong. but a few years ago he tried to be Post Malone crowd
No. 1608268
>>1608250I'm not even gonna pretend I know who these people are because I never got into soundcloud rap, I personally loathed that music tbh. Isn't the one in the top left Machine Gun Kelly? Just guessing because I saw the music video Avril Lavgine did with him because a friend of mine was raving that Avril Lavigne has "returned to her roots". Didn't like the song at all.
Hearing your summary of how these "pop punk" revival people were Soundcloud rappers, it really shows how shallow these people are. They really don't care about the genre and are just doing it for attention because of how trendy it is right now.
No. 1608282
>>1608268yeah it's MGK and Mod Sun. Avril Lavigne is just recently engaged to Mod Sun and it's just. cringe. she also tours/sings with MGK a lot. Avril clearly wants to pander to this new-old pop-punk audience and idk prove that she's youthful or something i guess, and that's why she hangs out with these idiots. another soundclouter she has collab with blackbear. i only know those ppl bc i read Soundclout threads. but Avril just has low IQ overall i guess, so no surprise.
anyways Avril's new albums is shit. i mean yeah, it has guitars, but her vocals are just so fucking screechy and annoying. it's pop punk, but it sounds shitty, and every song sounds the same. i liked Avril in my kid days and wished she came to that pop punk sound, but now i'm disappointed. It's nowhere near The Best Damn Thing even.
No. 1608320
>>1608250yeah 5 years ago these guys were shitting on and ragefully insulting anyone who had the clothing/hair/fashion that they've now adopted. the stuff that was the height of cool in 2005 got aggressively reamed out by the gen z/soundcloud/mom jeans crew until last year, and now it's fully integrated into the sphere of acceptable "vintage" styles.
which, dude, dress however you want as long as your clothes fit, but this jumping about between fashions and then REEEEing about how genyooween you are for the 6 months you spend on each one is sad.
No. 1608471
>>1608250colson's the only one who's making it work. probably because he lets his styling team do 100% of the work and seems to generally behave like his job is "model".
can't stand the guy but at least he stays in shape and pulls off the outfits people make for him.
No. 1608489
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>>1608471>colson's the only one who's making it work>pulls off the outfits people make for him.Anon, what drugs are you on
No. 1608559
>>1608282AYRT, Oh okay, yeah I thought so. I tried listening to one of MGK's songs and I couldn't finish it, it's just not my cup of tea. As for Avril, aside from that awful collab song she did, at my job they overplayed "Bite Me" so much and the lyrics are just juvenile. i hate to be "that" person but as someone in their early 30s, I can't find lyrics like that relatable and I feel like Avril is stuck in the past when she's almost fucking 40. I don't think one needs to get all stiff and no fun as they age but I think there's a difference between going with the flow as you age vs being stuck in a high school mindset and she's falling into the later.
The instrumentation of her newer songs sound generic as hell, very run of the mill of the genre and it sucks because like you, I enjoyed her early 2000s era with the first album and a bit of the second album. I didn't care much for Best Damn Thing and my interest in her music started to only dwindle even more as she released more albums after that but there's something about the first album that I can't help but like, even 15 years later. I question whether it was actually good or just nostalgia because I can still listen to "Losing Grip", "I'm with you", and fuck, even "complicated" and enjoy it kek.
No. 1608734
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>>1608570well. what are you all on? This guy is a laughing stock, so are his clothes
No. 1608735
>>1608559>>1608559>the lyrics are just juvenileyeah, that's a problem with pretty much every song she put out. it wasn't as jarring on her first records considering she was a teen, but everything past it was just awful lyrically. allegedly, the only exception was her album that came out before the current one, but i didn't care much to listen as her new stuff was always disappoitment. Interestingly, she was praised by media and fans at the time for finally being mature in her music, videos, etc. And it indeed seemed like she wanted to be more serious and all, but then just went backwards a few steps on this new one.
i gotta say she's just kindof… dumb. she quit school at 14 or 15 and immediately went to NY to work on her first album, and it shows painfully. she doesn't seem to be someone knowledgeable or reading books, at all (sorry). it seems abit like she never grew up beyond that freshman year level. she's childish, and her music labels only fueled that bc she was really mismanaged for years as they tried hard to make her write next "Girlfriend" instead of anything else. immature in both interviews in lyrics, i mean fine, but at 38 i'd expect some better life reflections from her that "Na na na na not another breakup" or "Whoah whoah lalala i'm mf princess, love sux"
No. 1608838
>>1608777>conceptually strongjeez, just say you like him and go. Those pink clothes and gratious anarchies are a joke. it doesn't matter if its MGK or anyone else, these clothes look stupid. i know it's a trend now and everybody in that scene dress like that, but no it doesn't fit the pop punk of 00's, people dressed different.
>3 of your pictures are like the bottom 3 of shit that dude's worn to events though. not really representativelol, i see you care enough to differentiate which clothes are representative of him and which not. Are you MGK-chan or crapper-chan?
imagine whiteknightingting MGK's wardrobe of all, kek
No. 1608870
>>1608735It's so cool to hear this perspective from another person because anytime I talked to others about how I don't think Avril's lyrics post Let Go & Under My Skin era are good, i get called a "hater" when my main issue isn't her preferred fashion style, I just expected her to have maturer lyrics as she aged and got more life experience, is that really so wrong? lol Like can you imagine her making more teeny bop lyrics when she's in her 40s? It's gonna be so tacky. If she wants to keep using the pop punk instruments that is totally fine but it would be if she let her lyrics grow up.
I think you're right that her not finishing high school totally is affecting her where she never left that freshmen mentality. I actually hadn't seen any of her recent interviews so I watched one and yeah, she does come off a bit stunted.
IDK I just hope that Avril realizes that it's okay to grow up and how it doesn't mean you have to change everything about yourself.
No. 1608872
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>>1608838>but no it doesn't fit the pop punk of 00's, people dressed different.Yeah that's true. Thinking back to how a lot of musicians in pop punk dressed in the late 90s and early 000s, it was actually pretty casual in comparison. T-shirts, jeans or shorts, chucks or vans, maybe a plaid button down shirt, beanie, and gauge piercings lol.
I don't recall any pop punk singer dressing anything like what that guy is doing. I feel like he modern day pop punk is just falling to trend fashion because that's what zoomers care about. They tend to care more about image than the actual music itself lol.
No. 1609084
>>1608870When TBDT was out, she was only 21 so i close my eyes on that, the problem is the lyrics are just silly. As for the rest of her newer albums, i agree. I think Head Above Water was an attempt at more serious writing, but she was pretty much ignored bc songs were mediocre so maybe she assumed she's gotta try overplayed formula again. and it's not just the lyrics! i only heard singles from H.A.W. and her voice sounded so much better/more mature than that Bite Me album. now she just yells and squeals, even worse than on TBDT. like girl you're not 16yo cheerleader anymore. a shame
>>1608881>idgaf about a bunch of guys who can't play guitar and hate womenwho are you talking about? original pop punkers or current? cause i'd say current ones are 100 times worse. as for playing guitar, Sum 41 could play their guitars. They were standing out among others just cause they were better technically and had both pop punk and metal/ish songs.
not denying or wking just saying. both pop punk versions had its problems i agree, and alot of them behaved like idiots. but i think i'd take og 00's pop punk over the new one, even if i don't care for 99% of the bands like FOB, Papa Roach, Blink, etc. At least music was better
>>1608880alright cool
No. 1609132
>>1609084Yeah as much as I don't care for TBDT and especially taking note that Avril would've been technically 4 years out of high school when she made it, I let it slip as well. HAW could've been better if she incorporated some more rock into it. It's all up to personal taste but I think rock music can work for it and it could've for that one.
As annoying as I'm finding Avril having this sorta midlife crises (I'm not sure), I'm hoping when she gets to her 40s she'll mellow out and accept change while remember she doesn't have to lose all of herself.
However I feel like part of why Avril comes off awkward is that she isn't really active in her local punk/DIY scene, at least that I'm aware. I know that she was always considered "Poser punk" even back in the early 2000s and I can understand why punk fans felt that way, especially when they would hear things like Avril is the queen and/or princess of Punk music lol. But I think if she interacted more with her local scene and see an older crowd around her age or even older, it could help show her that maturation doesn't mean full-on abandoning.
No. 1609163
>>1609132True. I think she'd be 100% fine with ballads that midway turn into powerful rock thing a'la Evanescence (which she lowkey tried to pull off on UMS, she even worked with Ben Moody on some songs). There's an alternative version of Forgotten on YT, which i'm forever curious if it's legit or fanmade, but it's been there for years and her even biggest fans claim it's real so idk maybe? anyways it shows that her music could benefit from more rock. whole UMS shows it - that's all her fans want, pop music but with rock and guitars and stuff. New album has guitars, but… it falls flat. like it's just wall of sound, but riffs & melodies aren't good. her album tracks are just 12 repeated Bite Mes.
And jfc she has tiktok now. i watched one vid of her singing "don't call me, i love u when u hate me ekss dee" whilst making hand signs representing words & overall juvenile tiktok dance, next to MGK… nope. why is the world like that
No. 1609180
I'll also add some old milk, well a couple of amusing things. Avril has nothing to do with punk scene, besides maybe marrying Deryck Whibley of Sum 41, and her earliest boyband. these guys were allegedly from Canadian punk scene & one of them started indie record label. I remember a video where i think Evan said he bought her some most basic punk albums for the tourbus stereo so she could get to know some, but she kinda brushed it off and only wanted to listen to Dixie Chicks and Blink 182 at most. poor guy sounded so disappointed, lol. (anyways, when he left her "band", it was pretty much over, Evan wrote her best songs i think.)
She was VERY ignorant as a teen, like remember her quotes like who cares about Sex Pistols, i don't have to know that one, it's 2002 or something. And then later she said: "I'm like Sid Vicious of my generation" LOLOL. she said "i'm not punk" in interviews,but then Sid comemnt… girl, which one is it? haha.
Then there's this video when she was supposed to read aloud award winner, and she was visibly like who? and read "DAVID BAWWIE". kek ppl gave her so much shit for it.
It's kind of understandable bc she used to sing country before her fame, but it's just amazing how this girl had no curiosity to learn and expand her playlist.
I have a soft spot for her bc of nostalgia, and it's not very bad music, but people were right some things about her are so awkward. Media should've never labeled her as punk. However NOW there are posers 100 times bigger than Avril, and get labeled as punk. even looking at some female cows posted ITT, comparing Avril's old music seems so much better.
[Although, marrying & divorcing Nickelblack guy just for easy press was her lowest point. That and this dubstep Hello Kitty song. eek]
No. 1609183
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Have this wonderful NLOG quote
No. 1609977
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>>1608872anyone have any early-to-mid 00's pop punk milk? like 2004-2012?
>pic related, probably the reason I'm a lesbian now No. 1610137
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the girl from sextile is super weird when there is some girl hotter than her as the (lesser) opening act
No. 1610164
>>1609977there's a lot
nonnie, name a band and i'll post later
No. 1610223
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DAE think Will Toledo is dangerously close to trooning out. He looks too asexual right now to not come out as a MtF or atleast non-binary within the year
No. 1610249
>>1610140true. So, I blame Nickelback for the dumbstep, but i blame Avril for the lyrics.
Anyone else thought the whole "omg Hello Kitty video is racist!" was ridiculous. they were just dancers in her video, and shitty as hell a that (well, i mean that "dance" was shitty), wtf
No. 1610254
>>1610164NTA but please all the most known pop punk like Blink 182, FOB, Bowling for Soup idk what else was there.
As for Sum 41, the only "milk" i have is that Deryck dated Paris Hilton for a second in 2003. which i think now, it wasn't that he managed to charm Paris big time (he's kinda shy offstage/outside of the band), it was Paris who went for him because she wanted her stereotypical "hot pop punk spiked hair guy 2003!" lmao.
Now for the band itself. that's not as much a milk as a sad one. Deryck was an alcoholic self hating enough that his liver and kidneys collapsed in 2014. he had a model girlfriend who was suicidal and alcoholic too. he stopped drinking after that, cause he no other way and seems they both successfuly got sober since. And here's the thing: nearly entirety of his band was pretty much done with him after drunken tours, but when he was fighting for life in a hospital, all of them visited him except for the drummer Stevo. and they used to be best friends since childhood and he just flaked on him. i think Deryck wrote some angry verse in a song about him later and stopped mentioning him forever, while the rest of the band is more or less friends still but when the press asks about falling out, they always cover his ass.
Anyways Stevo 32 is a real estate agent now.
guess he became another casualty of society/s No. 1610364
Anons, thread limit is coming at it will lock after 1218 posts. I propose you post your pop punk milk for the rest, and i'll finish the summary and tomorrow i'll make a new thread.
Please give your new thread pic propositions. I vote either
>>1461306, Kim Gordon, Sabrina, Kelsy Karter or a collage of a few cows. I thought about Phoebe Bridgers cause she's the biggest cow, but her face is way too annoying tbh
No. 1610473
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>>1610164my chemical romance?
i think it's so fucking funny that gerard way's wife lynz made the nowaymikeyway tumblr to out his brother for dating an 18 y/o fan (with help from kurt cobain's daughter frances bean and msi member chantal claret) kek
No. 1610531
>>1609977kek their hips and asses are more feminine than mine
what are they, like 5'2"? i see skinny guys who don't exercise at the beach all the time, many of whom are older than the moids in this pic (they're what, 25 here?) and the level of doughiness in your picture is still some of the highest i've seen
were they living off fireball whiskey and marijuana? sorry if i sperg. just, i too would like to know why heterosexual women do this to themselves.
No. 1610544
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>>1610513posting about this one because they'll get lost
i can provide for all of these. i'll start with an incoherent afi summary because davey is such a cow.
he used to be engaged to former local model monica parker in 1999, and the way i know this story is that davey went on tour and she cheated on him with matt skiba (who later cheated on her after they got married and is a cow himself).
from what i noticed monie still hangs out with toby morse (skiba's friend and h2o member) and his wife despite divorcing matt.
after this davey dated brittany bowen, broke up, and i believe dated or had a fling with rosie o'laskey after skiba cheated on her (around 2012).
i haven't seen davey date anyone publicly but in the past year he's been hanging around lexie jiaras (influencer nepobaby and co-owner of monty's good burger) and david bates (influencer photographer) because he's reached a mid-life crisis and is trying to become an influencer himself. he used to shit on people who went to coachella but now his influencer friends get him to coachella. the other monty's co-owner is nic adler (nepobaby and culinary director of coachella). there's a few photos of davey and david bates kissing.
some links from skiba interviews about how marriage is just a piece of paper and how it was "painful and expensive"
You’re in your 40s now and you’ve said before that you never thought you’d live to be this age. How do you reconcile the fact that you’re still here and doing what you do and have survived this life that you’ve led?
"I guess a good answer to that is, ‘Date really beautiful younger women!’ They keep you young. And there are a lot of beautiful women living in LA. It’s like being a part of a really pretty zoo sometimes, although my idea of a beautiful woman and the average Hollywood douchebag’s taste in women is probably quite a bit different…"
A lot of [your] recklessness was brought about by difficult or failed relationships. Would you rather have kept the girl or written the songs?
"Well, the girl doesn't pay the rent. And the music doesn't get jealous or hold things against you that didn't even happen."
Your divorce ultimately inspired a lot of the 2010 [Alkaline Trio's seventh] album 'This Addiction.' Was the catharsis of writing that record any different to, say, a 'normal' breakup?
"No, because all marriage is is a fucking piece of paper. Our wedding was the best wedding I've ever been to. It was fucking beautiful and not your typical wedding. It was one of the best times I ever had, but when money and the 'this is mine and this is yours' garbage come into play, you're writing from a place of anger rather than hurt, because somebody is bleeding you dry - whether it's monetarily or emotionally or, in my case, both."
while he was divorcing monie (2009-2012) he started dating rosie (2011?, broke up, got back together until 2012, got back together until 2014?), until he cheated on her and wrote another album about it.
since then he's been up asia argento's ass.
No. 1610697
>>1610612he looks like a 68 year old northern ontario hilbilly butch who only leaves her property for the monthly cyclist meetup in the 40,000-person town 2 hours south of her
who, btw, i would date. unlike this testicle with teeth.
No. 1610772
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>>1610705i think she's pretty cute