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No. 1319966
23 year-old ‘mysterious’ edgelord musician/rapper and YouTube horror narrator whose only characteristics are being an emo fuckboy and having a deep voice. Has a retarded fanbase of horny teenage girls and a growing hate-base.
Possible identities:
"Randall", Ice Poseidon, Slavic Joshua, Lil Xan, Dahvie Vanity lookalike, "Hi-Tech Hustler" Gregory D. Evans, some fat fakeboi, Leafy
Last Thread >>1199903:
>E-girls went gold >>1199942 Corpse reminds us he got a plaque in his latest song Hot Demon Bitches Near U!>Delusional pick me's get corpse lyrics tattooed >>1200029, most notable is the titty tattoo >>1199987>CreepshowArtgate happened, comments in thread laughing at the girl who got the titty tattoo despite Shannon ass kissing Corpse >>1200081>Corpse was apparently sending shirtless pics to fans pre-popularity because he was going to the gym, claims he wont reveal face because he would be in a 'compromising situation' >>1200276>Corpse's real voice sounds like Chills >>1200381>Corpse somehow makes it on Jimmy Fallon >>1202491>Releases yet another abomination with Night Lovell, basically a pt.2 of e-girls >>1315364 yet another try hard e-thot as the single cover >Flock of fans find thread >>1318400 >>1318413 took the Richard Ramirez post seriously >>1318432 takes a whole day for them to build up the courage to type in thread accidentally dox themselves in the process by not reading the rules Summary:
>Super shy emo uwu guy with social anxiety that never shows his face>Began on YouTube in 2015 narrating horror stories on his channel, had his music debut in 2016>Got recognised outside of his music/ horror audience in 2020 after playing Among Us with the likes of Pewdiepie and Pokimane >>1059619>Friends with the likes of Boyinaband, Jacksepticeye, Loeybug, Glam&Gore, Sykkuno and Pewdipie>Constantly sadposts on his socials and gets thousands to millions of likes for posting singular emojisMilk:
>Makes horrible music with shitty lyrics that only appeal to horny/edgy teenagers, with creative titles like ‘E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE’ and ‘Cat Girls are Ruining My Life!’ >>1059724 >>1059933 >>1078775 >>1135034 >>1135035 >>1182561>Posts pictures of his veiny hands/arms to appease begging fans and to quell rumours of having 6 fingers >>1056622 >>1058464 >>1076069>Flip-flops between hating his e-fame and stan culture loving it, constantly whining about it and then perpetuating toxic stan culture by applauding fans for clapping back, gloating “if they shove me, you shove back ten times harder” >>1159287 >>1078699>”Chronically ill”, claiming fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, GERD and depression. Searches for pity points often, says his illness has been “so bad that I couldn’t lift a spoon to my mouth” >>1135930>Claims his GERD has made his voice deeper >>1159287>Is such an edgelord he wears an eyepatch because screens hurt his eyes >>1159287>Releases song and puts a random tik-tok e-thot that reacted positively at its release on the album cover without her consent >>1059200>Has a drinking problem, saying he’s “ruined every drink for himself” and that he’s “never felt more like doing drugs in my entire life” gets sad and plays VR drunk >>1135287 >>1135311 >>1159287>Has claimed to be of several different ethnicities, claiming Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, then decides he’s Mexican, Native and Irish >>1134888>Incorporates fragments of Spanish in his raps to try and keep up the Spanish heritage lie, is learning Spanish in VR >>1135636>Posts autistic violent outbursts where he smashes glass, screams and stabs tinfoil, laughs manically to questions about his mental health, loves “inciting chaos”, tells BrookeAB to “shut the fuck up” in AmongUs to the discomfort of everyone >>1056626 >>1134060 >>1134088 >>1159287 >>1134102>Peaks his creepy factor by posting a soundbite of himself breathing, fans go wild and it trends on Twitter under #onlybreath >>1128060>Close friendship forms with Loeybug - posts cringe screencaps with her and Corpse calling each other “baby”, visit each other in ACNH to sit on a bench and “boot feets”, says he texts her more than anyone else >>1133215 >>1133245 >>1136002 >>1159287>Claims to be in debt on his mom’s side and his own, says he grew up extremely poor and that he dropped out at the age of 12 and proposed if he wasn’t big by age 21 he’d kill himself >>1187999 >>1187436 >>1159287>Glorifies self harm, cut his face with razorblades 10 minutes before Among Us streams >>1159039 >>1186404 >>1186460>Is confirmed as fat >>1138161 >>1138186 >>1138202>Shoves Valkyrae in last-minute for the Daywalker music video because he doesn’t want to be filmed, said costume & manicure staff were on-hand, she does a “making of” vlog for it and shows no staff were present has to do it all herself, visibly annoyed & uncomfortable>Had a mental breakdown and relapsed >>1211720>Admits to making GERD worse by drinking copious amounts of alcohol >>1212592 complains about it >>1253633 No. 1320051
Thanks, OP! Btw, he's 24 now.
>>1320032They found the thread, whined on twitter then showed up in the last 50 posts or so.
No. 1320055
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>>1320051The one that doxed herself is doing a pretty good job at not being hurt too!
No. 1320083
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>>1320055Lol here’s her other cope tweet. Why has every Scottish lolcow been ugly as sin? Is it the inbreeding?
No. 1320158
>>1320138Yeah she never explained what happened between her and her (ex) husband. There was a video about her moving in with a friend while she was still married to him. But no explanation. The guru gossip thread went wild after that for a year but things calmed down after that and people sort of accepted that there will never be a formal announcement about the break up. She most certainly doesn’t act like she is married and there is no husband in the picture.
She piled on the pounds after that. She already used to wear 2-4 sizes too small, which made her look like she stole her skinny sister’s clothes but now her clothes never look like they fit her at all. She used to have a skinny face with a small mid section.. now she’s big everywhere
No. 1320171
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No. 1320405
>>1320375Nta but no one gives a fuck about these nobodies and giving them attention will only encourage their sperging.
Most people just want to find out what this edgy fuck looks like.
No. 1320468
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I hope the last thread made them learn it's not safe to post yourself on the internet, lol.
No. 1320800
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Crazy how these girls go wild over this picture and veiny ass hands, wonder if he’ll never do a direct face reveal so as not to ruin whatever image these morons have conjured up in their head about him.
Eventually he might have to when he inevitably falls off or Keemshart exposes the supposed image of him when corpse gets caught diddling one of his 14 year old fans
No. 1320802
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>>1320800found this and laughed my fuckin ass off though
No. 1321005
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>>1320802Here's the real faceapp morph with Andy Biersack, Lil Xan, and Joji. Now imagine this face with a weaker chin kek. Looks downs tbh.
No. 1321558
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So it turns out the girl from the single cover is actually a corpse groupie. Fatties are fucking SEETHING because all it took was heavy facetune
No. 1321560
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>>1321558What she actually looks like LMAO
No. 1321570
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>>1321560She looks different in every single photo. Shit, I'd be more embarrassed about shooping so drastically and obviously than I'd be about being average-looking.
No. 1321777
>>1321570Eh, she also kinda looks like that in her tiktoks but you can see its all ridiculously obvious nose contouring and standard tiktok bitch make up.
Not that make up is inherently wrong but half her nose looks like its plain dirty
No. 1321848
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Cant wait until he inevitably gets caught for being a diddler, we know he deleted his snapchat when Cry got caught and used to send shirtless pictures to his fans, he’s surrounded by teenage girls, i give it a year before allegations come out when he inevitably falls off
No. 1322355
>>1322240There's not much out there to reveal his identity, you can do more digging if you think there is something we're all missing.
Most of the info about him comes from him, so it can't be trusted because he's a liar/delusional.
No. 1322762
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So, not to interruption the argument or anything, but I’ve compiled a few things to get this “project” going again. I put together 3 graphics with some details, please consider. They could be leads, perhaps not. Please feel free to let me know.
The first graphic is about Corpses’ BONES connection:
-Corpse has showcased obvious personal connections with Elmo (Bones) it can be observed in the constant interactions between the two throughout social media.
-Fans of Bones flame Corpse on Instagram in SESH/Bones posts, but the other SESH boys and fans stick up for him and say he’s cool or “family”
-A clip of Corpses’ Sizzler order was included on Bones’ album FROMBEYONDTHEGRAVE.
-Corpse posted “PostedAtTheSizz” underneath in reply to Bones.
-Corpse has also posted about being “Posted at the Sizz” with his boy Ricky. Could be nothing, but interesting that Bones is also called Ricky.
-He also represents SESH hard, and has numerous pieces of merch, stickers, etc that some people don’t have. He could quite possibly be a family friend having mentioned that he and Bones go way back.
-Also note the brown doors in the last frame matching his kitchen cabinets
I also have a link for Bones modeling for his mother’s brand when young. Her store is on Instagram, but I forgot her handle. Might be worth looking into her, the SESH boys, etc. No. 1322764
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(Feel free to zoom in on these, I know they show up small)
-I don’t believe Murrieta is where he resides because there has been numerous times that he has made Sizzler trending, and while there is a Sizzler in Murrieta, there is no IKEA, which he also started trending for revealing he sleeps on a stuffed shark from there.
-The only locations that an IKEA would be are in Orange County, and San Diego, and it’s known that he’s around the area of Murrieta (previous PO Box) etc. There is both a Sizzler and an IKEA not far from each other in San Diego. I believe this narrows down where he is living.
-A quick search of the apartments in the area highly resemble the stills in the videos he has posted. A lot of the same flooring, cabinets with handles, silver appliances, etc. That seems to be the style for the apartments in the area.
No. 1322765
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-Upon putting together various videos he’s shown of his apartment, you can note the small details. Such as marble patterned counter tops, silver fridge, oven, and wood floors in a diagonal pattern rather than vertical or horizontal.
-There is also a built in microwave because in one of his videos about drinking DayQuil at night, you can hear the beep above his head. The way that the oven and the cabinets are, you can see that he’s standing in the corner gap while making food. (Shown in the second row, far right. This phot is not of his actual apartment, but of another one nearby. The rest of the photos ARE his apartment)
-there is a gap after his fridge and before a wall that has the same diagonal slant as the TV wall in the back seen in the foil video.
-bedrooms appear to be carpeted, the rest is wood.
-his apartment has what looks like central AC, there is a rounded modern temperature gauge, so it could be useful in identifying any apartments in the area with this layout and features.
No. 1322936
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>>1322834His PO Box used to be in Murrieta so i think we’re definitely getting closer
No. 1323049
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>>1323009Anon I think you're right, they even have the same door
No. 1323050
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cabinets too
No. 1323072
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>>1323009Finally some good fucking tism. Good job, actually way too similar to be a coincidence.
>>1323038>>1323049Same doors/door handles too.
No. 1323107
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I’m not saying this is for sure the location, but I do believe dave/boyinaband went to Corpse’s place to film. The doors are spot on, but the layout looks a little different. But you know how apartment communities have different styles of apartment like A,B,C? it could be something like that and he’s in a different model. The only thing is that the wall borders don’t match up and the thermostat isn’t the same from what I saw. So, either that, or a similar place nearby.
But he very well could be in Temecula because there’s a Sizzler on the way to quite a few P.O. Box locations in Murrieta. Seems probable
No. 1323194
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More evidence? Found these old pics a while ago, but didn't have a solid lead to tie them to until now.
>>1323009I think you found the place.
No. 1323218
>>1323087Hes “agoraphobic” he'd have to leave his apartment first,
No. 1323287
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>>1323194Looks promising…might be reaching but went to check to see if Paloma del Sol park just above the apartment building has the same style of lampposts in that pic, it doesn't really look like it but the surrounding area looks similar, might be worth checking around that area on google street view and see exactly where the pic was taken especially with that sign
No. 1323314
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Holy shit. Thank you anon(s) who are doing the work and providing receipts/caps. The power of the tism knows no bounds.
No. 1323334
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Pretty positive that’s the place. Same diagonal dark wood flooring, cabinets, cream colored granite counter. And the corner where the stove and sink are match exactly where he was standing in that video. The gap after the fridge is a pantry. The kitchen island sticks out, and the livingroom is to the right of that if you’re facing the microwave.
The door to the right in the bedroom doesn’t have a handle, that’s a sliding closet door, there’s a small wall space and then the room door with the handle that matches the layout exactly.
No. 1323419
>>1323411in b4 deranged corpse stans go to his apartment to shoot their shot with him.
cOrpSe its me! c0rpsewifey666 on twitter! remember on May 4th at 9 PM you liked a picture of me wearing your merch!!! I was wearing fishnets?!
No. 1323423
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I think ya'll are right about The Vineyards at Paseo Del Sol. Back in 2019 boyinaband posted a picture of himself by a pool taken by Corpse. If you look closely at the picture you can see the window of the building behind him. It has the same architecture/window as the pool at this particular apartment complex.
No. 1323479
>>1323462Yeah that’s what I don’t understand, how he’s able to afford all of that himself. We know he most likely doesn’t work, maybe he’s on disability and receiving checks, it definitely seems like it’s just him there. I mean now he definitely can afford it because of his idiot fanbase, but before that when he wasn’t a the social media obsession of teenage girls? Not sure.
He also probably has the 2 bedroom unit, because before he said that he has a separate room for recording his steaming, music, etc. A room that nobody was allowed into while over, which appears to be the room him and boyinaband were in due to the soundproof panels on the walls and equipment.
No. 1323485
>>1323479I agree, there's something fishy. Either he's older than he says, was being financially supported somehow, or living with someone? How else would he have afforded this before he blew up on youtube.
I mean what kind of high paying job could a dropout get? Something doesn't add up.
No. 1323486
>>1323423 finally this thread is getting milky again and not just a parade of corpses inbred fans. good work anons. does anyone remember in the previous threads that he mentioned 'having an apartment with his girlfriend' at one point?
>>1190858 and then also having some sort of weird incel milf fetish?
>>1246747 >>1246751 sage for tinfoil but maybe this girlfriend really was older and thats how he got this apartment that seemingly is for older people, or at least people with prior renting history (assuming this was his first apartment) then when they broke up she left? a bit of a retarded theory but could make sense as to how he got accepted in a upper class apartment building as a 20 yr old jobless more homeless looking version of lil xan
No. 1323493
>>1323489 god knows at this point. i mean look at his stans, late 20s early 30s and theyre just dying to get any crumb of attention from him.
the only other thing i can think of is he is older than he says he is, which has a lot of proof surrounding it - but regardless of how old he is how was he affording this before blowing up on yt? i think maybe its time to start going back thru old receipts and trying to connect the dots as to who he couldve been living with, any autists with those kind of investigative skills careto do so? alot has probably slipped thru the cracks bc we were more focused on finding him rather than whatever sped was volunteering to live with him
No. 1323498
>>1323493I mean why are we looking back now, sure it's interesting to know how he afforded it but as other anon said it was probably someone else like a roommate or girlfriend that paid the bills while he leeched
We're pretty certain on where he lives now, so whats the next step? Any anons from California? kek
No. 1323505
>>1323498obviously he was leeching, but if we can find who his big sugarmommy was, were one step closer to finding the true identity of corpesy.
i mean it seems as if were at a dead end now, we know where he lives but what comes of it? this could be a huge reach but there is a resident login page on the vineyards website, is there anyway we see if one of his emails is associated with an account?
No. 1323514
>>1323334i know we're sure of where he lives but wanted to throw this out there too - look at the 7:12 mark of this video where he answers the question about how him and boyinaband met
this EXACT island in the kitchen? and from where he's walking from it makes sense too - are all the apartments set out like this or just this one? i don't know how apartment layouts work or anything but if not then that looks like the exact apartment he lives in
No. 1323563
>>1322765do we have the timeline of these photos? the photo of boyinaband at the pool is a dead giveaway that this is definitely the place he is residing, so at least since mid 2019.
it would make sense for him to be able to afford to live there alone 2019- onward, but anything before that im not convinced he had the money to have been living alone, at least not in this housing.
im honestly hoping a deranged stan will see this thread and go ahead and stalk him down and expose him for us lol
No. 1323587
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No. 1323634
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So, who's the capture the flag tier master sperg that will physically go and harass every curly haired scrotes?
No. 1323782
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>>1322765>>1322762>>1322764>>1323049>>1323050Good work, nonnies.
>>1323462>>1323479Either the dating story is true - that he was with an older woman - and she was the one paying for everything or he's actually in his late 20s/early 30s and he was making a decent amount of cash on YT as a horror narrator, then kept supporting himself with twitch money. Not rich, but good enough to afford that apartment when his online career took off.
No. 1323978
I know I'll be written off as a "stan" or whatever, but I just wanted to say that y'all should be careful about exposing Corpse. I'm an old fan, from like 2016 when he was doing Brother's Grimm stuff with Eden, Urmaker, and the rest.
This was way before he blew up, so I don't think there was any reason to lie, but he talked about his family getting gang stalked back then. He was really worried about his little sister, who was like 7 at the time. This is something that has been consistent in his backstory and he hasn't talked about it in as much detail as other things. Keep in mind that, right before his 2020 blow up, he mentioned some gang related altercation. Again, no reason for him to lie because he didn't have the annoying, edgy teen fans he does now.
He used to be more open to doing face reveal back in the day. Even after he got sick, he wasn't has paranoid about it, even saying that he would straight up face reveal in 2020. I've been lurking on here and Kiwi to try and figure out what changed, but it occurred to me that the gun incident hadn't happened when he said that.
The gang shit isn't too farfetched either, considering he grew up poor in San Diego. I have a friend who's husband lived similarly, the gang interaction is "normal" is welfare neighborhoods.
Basically, what I'm getting at is that, even though you all seem to think he's lying about that to seem badass to the e-girls, at least consider that other people might be affected by his potentially being exposed. Especially if certain people realize who he is and know he has money now.
No. 1324044
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Great work anons! Not sure if this'll help, but this is something I've noticed. In his “Why are the happiest countries in the world so happy?” Dave/boyinaband catches a flight before doing his Raycon sponsership. It’s at the same place as the Audible sponsorship in the Corpse collab. I think the sponsor clips were also at Corpse’s place. Unless Dave filmed at a random location before they met, which I highly doubt
The floral cushion, wall art, bowl, and flower vases were throwing me off. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to posses these items, but if the girlfriend theory is correct these might be hers.
No. 1324105
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>>1323194>>1323287these look like the same lampposts to me, what do you think?
No. 1324149
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No. 1324152
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No. 1324268
>>1323486>>1323485I live in this area, you have to make 3x the rent of these places in monthly income to qualify for the unit. They're not cheap. He has a cosigner supporting him for sure. Or a roomie.
It's the classic "my parents have money, NOT me!!!"
No. 1324275
>>1324044Boyinaband has pics with him from a few years ago posted ITT.
Anyone notice boyinaband's stupid content cop rap with iDubbz sounds a lot like Corpse's lyrical style/flow?
Sage for autistic reach lmao
No. 1324398
>>1323978>You believing everything a faceless internet personality tells youDid we learn nothing from Creepshow?
>>1324275He has a similar body and hands, I think that is just a genre of male though since keeping a fake voice and accent for years seems too difficult
No. 1324403
>>1323978Your boy is the type of guy who lies about something as innocuous as his eye color and he did that before e-girls swarmed his fanbase.
He has no reason to be "real" with any of you.
>>1324275It would be hilarious if this tinfoil was real (britbong hiding his accent AND using a voice modulator), but their "style" is just bad rapping.
Besides, his pre-gerd/cancer/aids voice is entirely different from boyinaband's.
No. 1324488
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No. 1324489
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No. 1324496
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No. 1324508
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>6'3 cute anime boy skinny emo twink
No. 1324852
>>1320125i'd never heard of loey until i read the last corpse thread, and when someone posted a picture of her i literally gasped.
she for sure has some kind of mental distress going on. you don't look like that unless you have a food addiction.
No. 1324874
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This isn't the leg length of someone who's 1.80. His legs should be much longer.
No. 1324992
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more proof all of corpse husband’s fans are fat and ugly
No. 1325016
>>1324992Holy fuck this is a tragic photo and caption compilation, the tryhard is stratospheric
>Entire titty out>Giant chest tattoo>dangerhair>Fuckboi/girl lyrics where the subject is in serious self denial Someone please help this woman. I already know what her dms look like.
No. 1325048
>>1324115Naw he def is the kind that only 'dresses' up for his lame ass career. Even then
>>1324508proves he can't be assed beyond 'chic' bum. He could pass any of us on the street and we'd not blink.
No. 1325364
>>1324964not a horrible idea but there is a reason that yelp reviews are only written by older men. lol. if only we had some sort of residency list/names of people who live there, or even security footage like the ny times square billboard lead? if thats even possible. probably way too far fetched
the thing i dont understand is how after almost 5 years online he hasnt slipped up once and said some shit that could compromise him. im seriously starting to believe this guys whole life is a hoax or at least built entirely on lies with not an ounce of truth. corpse being a ftm or a total pedo on a sex offender registry is beginning to sound a lot more believable lmao
No. 1325403
>>1325386Tinfoiling but I wonder if theres any milk on his management company that could prove this whole persona is just an act for a cash grab
Otherwise I'm convinced he's the emo fag from the old deleted tumblr, until proven otherwise kek
No. 1325946
>>1325701 it def makes sense he is lying about his age, he is also prob lied about dropping out of school @ 12 to make it harder for people to find him and realize this shit
cant believe theres still thousands of people who think this guy is some sweet uwu fag when he is literally preying on young girls and lieing about so much shit. the problem is no one cares how old he is but its mad weird to make urself out to be younger and then flirt with ppl like he has
No. 1327134
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Saged for aged milk.
“My family doesn’t talk to me, no one in my family knows I’m Corpse Husband” sure Jan. This is from May 13, 2019
No. 1327518
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Sykkuno threw a narctrum over his Twitter verification and of fucking course our fatass king (along with that dumbass, pokimane) has supported him.
No. 1327519
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>>1327518Embrace the cringe
No. 1327524
File: 1631981560257.gif (1.82 MB, 500x270, yfrankenstein.gif)

>>1327518>>1327519>verify me lmao>don't want it anymore rofl remove it… why?
No. 1327579
>>1327519I didn't think I'd live to see the most first world problem ever but here we are. I get none of these losers has a personality and do shit like this because their teen/mid 30 year old mom fanbase have the attention span of infants. But in what way does any of this not look completely moronic?
>>1327519 he's capslock screaming like an angry Karen on a restaurant FB page FFS.
No. 1327670
File: 1631995264099.jpg (625.77 KB, 2880x2880, 20210918_125829.jpg)

He posted the egirl on his story again. I didn't really notice before how much she edits herself to look young… like really young. If he is supposedly into milfs, why did he choose a woman that looks like she's 13?
No. 1327708
File: 1631999151681.jpg (11.14 KB, 235x247, EcJ0-hOXgAAbibt.jpg)

>>1324848offtopic, but huh? all i remember were dream stans on absolute copium refusing to believe that was him
>>1327670left reminded me of picrel
No. 1327719
File: 1632000094685.jpeg (294.17 KB, 1242x1585, C15FE098-834B-4D92-AACC-25D82A…)

>>1327670He seems to like almost all of her posts/engages with her a lot after throwing her facetuned ass on his last song cover. He really does seem to have a thing for these young looking girls, very suspect. How much do you want to bet he’s in her DM’s like the creep he is? Imagine how sad his horny hordes of egirls would be if they found out kek
No. 1327778
>>1327719His faceless schtick is most definitely the only thing stopping him from lewding all the delusional teens in his DMS
>>1327773Onision's peak has gotta be more like 2010-2012 like Shane Dawson, I think people already thought he was a disgusting has-been by 2016.
No. 1327943
File: 1632025542666.png (2.77 MB, 2224x1222, Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 12.2…)

samefag but there is something so humorously sad that her own sister is tryna make her look bad infront of corpse
No. 1328191
>>1327519these absolute single braincells of men
checkmark is there to prove that you're not some rando on the internet interacting with the underage fanbase they have kek
No. 1328194
>>1328191samefag just to add that he could just change his @ and change it back and he'd lose the check
i just hate these streamer circle so much bunch of pompous fuck
No. 1328449
File: 1632078691469.png (1.96 MB, 1125x2436, 9B967055-0946-4FF3-BFFC-702459…)

So in July I took some screenshots of his Reddit posts and I see he’s since deleted a few (but oddly not the links to some of his since-privated vids like the Hitman ones). This is one, where the title reveals his girlfriend did the female voice. He seems to not want anyone to know that, since he doesn’t credit or mention her on the video page. If you scroll a lot tho there’s an old comment about his girlfriend sounding like a child and he replies saying he has the opposite problem.
Now why would this dude want to hide that he was dating a supposedly older woman who sounds like a 5 year old. Hm. I wonder.
No. 1328451
File: 1632078918798.png (485.74 KB, 1125x2436, 0A341EF6-C32C-42AF-ABC1-4603BF…)

>>1328449He also deleted this one where he claims one of his biggest fears is getting AIDS from someone getting blood on him.
No. 1328849
File: 1632115698258.png (191.92 KB, 750x1334, 858F1852-0EA4-4969-85AA-441A1A…)

Could be nothing, but I found this
No. 1329162
File: 1632155508254.jpeg (705.84 KB, 1170x1859, CEDA0F09-AD8C-4CCE-839A-B6212F…)

sage for irrelevant but kek these fans are so delusional and sensitive
No. 1329272
>>1328449>>1328451You can search for a user's comments and find deleted ones here: a given thread you can use Removeddit to see all deleted content.
No. 1329361
File: 1632170724942.jpg (80.42 KB, 630x630, 1617194735697.jpg)

>>1328971I swear cope groom is gonna look like a leafy clone
No. 1329579

>>1323506Okay it took me a while, but I think I found a possible lead? I'm basing all of this off what he has said, so take this all with a grain of salt.
His age and birth month match what he has stated publicly.
This guy's mom lived in San Diego (Where he is supposedly from) before and after the time he was born. This guy has a younger sister, which Corpse has talked about before. He also talked about how his dad walked out on their family, this guy seems to have a stepdad with a different last name. So family seems to match what he has said?
It's a common name, and I've already come across more than a couple of people in California with the same name, so finding social media accounts/pics might be diffucult.
(doxxing) No. 1329592
>>1329579this could def be possible? the apartment matches the ones the anons scouted out too. so whats our best bet now? facebook? someone else mentioned going thru his close friends' fb friends, if we actually have a name to go off it could make it a lot easier.
lol im just waiting for the his obese minions to get ahold of this. theres no doubt in my mind at least one of them is retarded and mentally ill enough to show up at his door (and probably make a tiktok abt it) KEK
anyways, good job
nonnie! the thread was starting to get dry
No. 1329667
>>1329162c as in grimes? How can anyone be this sensitive and
No. 1329698
File: 1632193907209.jpg (18.36 KB, 789x407, WwrET50.jpg)

>>1319966>>1329660I really doubt this means much, but it's an amusing coincidence when you search the name and county
No. 1329702
File: 1632194088067.jpeg (370.3 KB, 794x718, 057DE5C2-F0C2-4DFB-8AD0-867C2F…)

First post on this site so bare with me. Found these while looking up Anthony’s supposed relatives and associates on Facebook. The name of the profile I found them on is the same as one of the associates listed and the caption of the pic states it’s Anthony and his sister. Searched the persons FB friends after I found the pics and found they’re friends with someone who has the same first and last name as this Anthony’s supposed sister. Pics were posted in 2010 if that helps
No. 1329755
File: 1632197580836.jpg (70.55 KB, 1080x538, 38372627288384.jpg)

>>1329719>>1329739I found Kyle's profile through Marcia's friends list, and his friends list led me to a Ryan Gamboa who has lots of pictures of Ariana but he doesn't mention Anthony when listing off his kids. Weird. Maybe he goes by a nickname other than his birth name?
Kyle is friends with Ryan and the same Ariana from Marcia's friends list so I'm pretty sure that's her in the pics and Ryan is her dad.
Ryan's friends list is private but he has lots of pictures that are public if another anon wants to comb through those.
No. 1329772
File: 1632198393829.jpg (64 KB, 1080x1107, Screenshot_20210920-212140_Ins…)

his supposed uncle follows him on insta
No. 1329778
File: 1632198739663.jpeg (1.06 MB, 897x1653, IMG_2096.jpeg)

>>1329769also just looked thru ryans fb, ariana graduated from temecula valley high school. not sure if it means much tho. just more proof that we finally are on the right track lol. blocking their faces out of respect
No. 1329780
File: 1632198913827.jpeg (134.41 KB, 828x564, CB8D4296-29EF-488B-8D87-CCB3AF…)

found the sisters ig through the uncles and she’s a streamer too lol
No. 1329785
File: 1632199039650.png (495.54 KB, 884x621, mommy.png)

>>1329772Here's the grandma and a mention of san diego
No. 1329807
File: 1632201509150.png (7.85 MB, 1125x2436, 61208158-440F-43E6-89B5-12013D…)

>>1329719found ryan gambao on fb…could this be corpsey? arms looks similar
No. 1329811
File: 1632201869715.jpg (26.75 KB, 229x275, snow.jpg)

>>1329807>>1329809too skinny, corpse is chonky
No. 1329819
File: 1632202344970.png (591.82 KB, 815x1431, IMG_2098.PNG)

>>1329813samefag, sorry i was wrong ethan is another one of his sons who just turned 16. they look similar lol.
in the comments of the bday post its all comments saying 'happy birthday blue' which is supposedly anthony/corpses middle name. guys i think weve found him
No. 1329822
>>1329821Holy fuck.
I’m praying this is real
No. 1329829
>>1329828great, now we just need to find a photo of him in specific lmfao. its almost like his family has erased all traces of him.
im looking into all the people who commented on that birthday post now
No. 1329848
His stans cry about this thread but you know they’re checking back because they want to see what this edge lord looks like too.
>>1329847Don’t involve or contact his family members ffs
No. 1329858
File: 1632205464383.gif (2.58 MB, 220x226, raven.gif)

Amazing work, nonnies!
>>1329702Suppose this is really Corpsey, imagine this ugly mf with his garbage disposal voice saying the following:
>why yes, I look like Joji>and Andy Biersack>there's super mentally ill hot demon bitches all over melmao no wonder he drinks.
God, I hope that's him. Just picture the meltdown of his BPD stans.
No. 1329866
File: 1632206908488.jpg (695.94 KB, 971x1355, Screenshot_20210920-234510_Ins…)

His dad's crew listens to Hot Demon Bitches. Must of been why they got so high in the charts.
No. 1329918
>>1329702>>1329807>>1329858I don't think his fangirls will care much, he's a skinny white passing guy so he's safe
If he was actually fat I think his career would be actually over, also if he was browner it would be tougher for him,
No. 1329939
>>1329918>skinnyThose pictures are probably a decade old. 2020s Corpse Blue Husband has spent a year (?) "depressed" rotting in his house, only eating take out and bloating himself with alcohol.
He's fat. You can tell by his stubby hands and body.
No. 1330179
so is
>>1329702 the same guy as the picture anon posted (now deleted) of him with his dad in the car? someone repost it without doxxing his dad
No. 1330195
File: 1632244161579.jpeg (475.58 KB, 1284x1842, EB43F18A-0FD5-49C4-836B-5944E4…)

>>1330167From the gym, looks like he went by Blue Gamboa
No. 1330216
File: 1632246068230.png (1.22 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_20210921_114017.png)

>>1330179 iirc the guy in the car was his sibling not him. The sibling does not look like that picture
No. 1330227
File: 1632246564528.png (477.68 KB, 414x752, 8165CA1E-C181-4BF2-9FAF-0A7511…)

Parkour page corpse
No. 1330241
>>1330227>Choke me like you hate me, but you love meLowkey wanna date me when you fuck me (uwu)
He is too damn ugly to be talking that sexy online
No. 1330251
>>1330248do we know how old this picture is? not that it would change his face much if aged a few years, if anything he is probably just fatter than pictured here
the sad thing is all his horney fans will never admit this is him because its against all their delusions of a emofuck boi image
No. 1330310
File: 1632251428455.jpg (30.49 KB, 208x563, corpsehusbandbody.jpg)

And as expected…
No. 1330325
>>1330298besides his nose and porky cheeks he just looks average but i agree he is probably much fatter now, he looks like ur typical cringe incel edgelord
if his music career wasnt dead already once this is out officially its game over he does not have the physique or attractiveness to make listening to that drivel worth it
No. 1330347
File: 1632252572889.jpg (15.06 KB, 349x344, corpse.jpg)

i am ur daddy owo chokes u from behind and cuts ur neck nya
No. 1330351
>>1330345they already have afaik. have the other farms caught wind of this yet? they'll have likely archived everything if so.
>>1330344same. if this turns out to be true I really can't believe it.
No. 1330355
nuzzles u okee uwu
No. 1330369
File: 1632253761515.png (204.74 KB, 269x324, ch fatty.png)

>>1330346yea he isnt the worst in that picture but u have to remember that picture was like 18 year old corpse, he has since said he's basically let himself go, so i would add another 30+ lbs,
No. 1330370
>>1330362There's no fixing that incel chin, nona. There's a reason men with it make entire forums about wanting to an hero because they can't get a date.
He looks
nothing like the carefully chosen fanart he uses to portray himself. He's short, chonky, with a long philtrum and receding chin. Once his fans get wind of his real identity, he won't have unfettered access to e-girls like milkgore anymore and that's why he's terrified.
No. 1330379
File: 1632254072542.jpg (29.34 KB, 550x568, daddy.jpg)

I can't believe we really found it.
No. 1330391
File: 1632254524718.png (1.42 MB, 1200x900, TOPkek.png)

Good job everyone!
No. 1330393
>>1330387>>1330344Yeah congrats to everyone who made this happen! So proud of you UWU
>>1330379how is this supposed to look like biersack or joji???
No. 1330405
>>1330347>>1330391so is this an old pic or what? wouldn't
>>1330379 be more representative?
No. 1330406
File: 1632255061124.jpg (54.56 KB, 720x720, DkGbfyBX4AEY5fP.jpg)

I always knew he looked like this.
No. 1330408
File: 1632255128602.jpeg (30.31 KB, 510x289, 30419199-1BF6-4810-B5AC-C8D209…)

Can anon post that doxx again and delete before jannies kick down ur door please kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1330418
File: 1632255540210.png (1.32 MB, 1500x1500, 6.png)

totally the same
No. 1330420
File: 1632255608869.png (2.16 MB, 1854x1068, insta.png)

From the parkour Instagram: is that him in the middle on the left? The pic has tagged accounts but none for whoever that is. No. 1330428
>>1330402he would have no real problem to worry about in his attractiveness department if he didn't stuff his face with alcohol and garbage food
>>1330414one would be surprised at how many dumbass teenagers are ready to give a fat angsty retard a go just because they think he's cool and won't be 'like those other guys', looking at him through headcanon-tinted glasses
No. 1330429
File: 1632255953641.jpg (109.07 KB, 913x595, cope husband.jpg)

>>1330397graphic design is not my passion but I tried
No. 1330434
I don't get why everyone is sperging about an edited photo. Anon made him fatter because she assumed he put on weight. Could be true but it's still edited.
This is the real photo
>>1330227 of a very average dude.
No. 1330437
File: 1632256123105.gif (3.02 MB, 640x592, C9617706-56A8-405B-B1F5-1C5977…)

>>1330416This thread rn holy shit
No. 1330443
File: 1632256236782.jpg (14.69 KB, 158x226, 5J6GFK5T6HL5J6GL.jpg)

No. 1330444
File: 1632256270152.jpg (31.22 KB, 233x350, 5K6U5GIL6HL56YÑ.jpg)

No. 1330449
File: 1632256526798.jpg (35.24 KB, 304x386, BF56DH5NG6DJ5.jpg)

No. 1330450
>>1330434i thought i made that clear in the 30+lbs comment but i feel it might have went over everyone elses heads kek
but its still a good representation of what he prob looks like now (being fatter and all)
No. 1330458
File: 1632256941348.jpg (27.66 KB, 263x287, C5X6B5DF6N5DG.jpg)

No. 1330467
File: 1632257335690.gif (64.85 KB, 220x220, jfkdlsjv.gif)

>>1330404I love Joji, so IMO he is yes. I remember at one point though he was constantly posted in the unconventional attractions thread, handsomeness is in the eye of the beholder I guess. So if this guy
>>1330379 is actually corpse, i kek'd remembering he compared himself to Joji
No. 1330468
File: 1632257348034.png (565.48 KB, 599x495, download.png)

The one in the middle could be him too.
No. 1330480
File: 1632258289841.jpg (229.75 KB, 789x954, emopiratedaddyuwu.jpg)

hey kittens
No. 1330484
>>1330481 he has many threads about him
You can find him there
No. 1330490
File: 1632258616920.png (198.78 KB, 258x327, asdax.png)

hey fan of chunky ch ur right that picture is a bit old here is what he prob looks like now, its like looking in a mirror for u im sure kek
No. 1330491
File: 1632258679250.jpg (85.68 KB, 1200x675, pepe.jpg)

>>1330488They can pretend like they aren't pissing their pants that the eboy of their dreams isn't real all they want but we can all hear their glass hearts breaking in the background kek
No. 1330509
>>1330497You realise the photos are edited right? He's
>>1330227He might be chonky now but so far no photos of him being obese
No. 1330512
File: 1632259582818.jpeg (18.34 KB, 450x337, fausto.jpeg)

>>1330369>>1330379Why does he look like this 65+ y/o brazilian tv show host
Very uwu sekushii of him
Even Anthony Padilla is cuter
No. 1330517
>>1330515please learn how to sage ur posts if ur gonna try to infiltrate kek
also if it did we would be doing him a favor and helping him lose the flubber
No. 1330533
>>1330529yuh in a ig q&a BUT ch is a notorious liar and exaggerator i 100% do not believe he cut up his face like he claims
if anything he said that shit to keep his 'woe is me' gimmick going, he absolutely knows how to play the sympathy card
No. 1330539
TFW you remember his 3D animu model and know that this is who was hiding behind it
>>1330529>>1330531>>1330533I think he lied, or gave himself a chicken scratch ones. He will say that he hurt himsekf after those ohotos were taken, though.
No. 1330548
File: 1632261135140.jpg (79.78 KB, 682x706, 20210921_184834.jpg)

these teeth look awful and unwashed, somebody needs to take a shower
No. 1330563
>>1330559He will ignore it because he knows his fans will scream how wrong it is for people to violate his privacy.
Option B. He will act like a
victim and say this negatively impacted his mental health.
No. 1330564
File: 1632262036285.jpeg (831.22 KB, 1284x1982, 004E3E09-64CD-4CEC-9B12-FDAB17…)

lmfao thank you for choosing the edited fat one
No. 1330566
File: 1632262146701.jpg (58.35 KB, 600x411, autism2.jpg)

KEK good job nonnies, truly historical. And here I was on thread 1 going on ppl search sites and shit. I guess even though we're all retards here, only a few can weaponized their autism
No. 1330573
File: 1632262537826.jpg (34.46 KB, 323x371, 9.jpg)

his face on this one is so funny
No. 1330576
>>1330573He looks like a cabbage patch kid in every single pic kek
Can't stop laughing at the thought of this hamster looking tard acting all edgy and playing with knives
No. 1330578
>>1330564I guess he’s been liking tweets as of an hour ago, we know he frantically searches his name on Twitter on an hourly basis. After seeing this, I put money on either a statement about
A. Negatively affecting his mental health and that his “team” are pursuing legal action (fucking how KEK)
B. Account private and fans go fuckin wild protecting “boss man”
Or we just get nothing, we know dream’s a fatty but still has a swarm of teenage fans so im gonna imagine thats the most likely thing to happen from this
No. 1330584
File: 1632263067619.jpg (769.71 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20210921-172320_Twi…)

>>Literally shaking and crying right now
No. 1330619
File: 1632264465829.jpeg (116.21 KB, 828x379, 1F4305F4-A5A9-4821-9C5C-9664A2…)

Lol the fuck are twitter gonna do about it
No. 1330627
File: 1632264732662.jpg (2.4 MB, 3000x3000, corpse.jpg)

No. 1330646
>>1330515It would be a good thing
>>1330584Tipper, cringe, possibly self posting
No. 1330651
File: 1632265908988.jpg (496.25 KB, 2960x4000, bloodydamnit.jpg)

>>1330227This is so sad kek
No. 1330652
File: 1632265986089.png (261.94 KB, 772x521, twittersperg.png)

there's already retards cowtipping on twitter replying to any post that mentions Chunk Husband I've seen two accounts so far that are just spamming the replies with that picture and namedropping lolcow so expect spergs in thread at some point
No. 1330655
File: 1632266165464.jpg (49.02 KB, 521x373, tony fausto.jpg)

>>1330375CH and his stans made it sound like he was born and raised in a guetto and that he was hiding his identity because of his sister or some shit… but they're all normies who support him, his sister has an online career and doesn't hide her identity.
It was all a lie for clout.
>>1330512>Cope Husband is Fausto Silvakek, can't unsee it.
No. 1330664
File: 1632266586408.jpg (45.03 KB, 389x691, 20210921_202149.jpg)

Imagine simping for this piece of shit.
No. 1330704
File: 1632268281095.jpeg (450.63 KB, 1170x2153, DB237B37-41E1-4F97-B0EB-0D3463…)

That one person who spammed besides miss attitude 2021 is shemar Moore Stan. I think it’s an actual corpse Stan bc look at the likes
No. 1330746
File: 1632270302148.png (311.71 KB, 426x478, 20210921_210951.png)

All this makes me think of Dream and what happened with him.
No. 1330752
File: 1632270738874.png (1.93 MB, 1146x895, Corpse_allegedly.PNG)

>>1330227Compiled these just in case
No. 1330760
File: 1632271133233.jpeg (256.05 KB, 1170x2203, FF409F0E-641F-45BB-8FA7-6E2E00…)

They are reeling people into lolcow
No. 1330776
File: 1632272249611.webm (2.6 MB, 1280x720, corpe-.webm)
Sage because it's a week old milk. Just Cope Husband lying, again.>11 million streamsThe total streams are 6 million. He also lied on Sikkuno's stream on the week the song was released
>>1318820 >>1318830 >it barely got nudged out of the global top 50 bc drake lolHot Delusional Bitches Near U didn't even make it to top 100. You can check it out here:, songs released weeks earlier ranked higher that HDBNU.
>i'm turning down multimillion dollar label dealsPress X for doubt.
The rest of the audio is "i'm a real artist uwu i luv u".
I wonder if this act still gonna stick now that his face is out there. kek
No. 1330777
File: 1632272267927.jpg (755.28 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20210921-195658_Twi…)

This person has to be a troll right? I'm conflicted if they are that or an actual moron
No. 1330787
>>1330779I think that on twitter hardcore stans would cope and ignore it, or say his looks are irrelevant.
BUT behind the scenes I can see corpse losing fangirls. That is what happens with face reveals - even if someone looks ok, he will never be as good as the perfect fantasy they had.
And its always more cringe when you can imagine this face singing about choking demon bitches and bragging about his fame lol
No. 1330790
>>1330782While he’s at it, get some veneers, nose job, jaw implant and brow lift with those teen girls bux because whewww he’s like the medical journal illustration of the soyjak.
But it’s easier to just be ugly and lie.
No. 1330807
>>1330798That person sounds like a former fan who found this thread months ago or just someone who wanna see stans cry. lol
His fans may not believe it, but the seed of doubt has been planted and it's pretty telling that his sister locked her twitter account.
All it takes it just one fan from SoCal deciding to go digging for more info…
No. 1330810
File: 1632274394672.jpg (11.32 KB, 165x171, 20210921_222804.jpg)

>emo daddy demon psycho skinny tall scene domination master edgy sexy badass
No. 1330830
>>1330801His whole career hinges on mysterious anime cool guy branding though.
All he has is a cult of “personality”, none of his “work” actually matters. His music is shit, his personality is room temp and manufactured, his voice is a lame gimmick, his popularity was on coattail of others. People like him collabing with other already popular ecelebs more than they like seeing him alone. None of his “fans” likes him for who he is, the little man inside, and he knows that deep down.
He should do like the vtubers and graduate.
No. 1330835
File: 1632275451429.webm (2.59 MB, 640x640, Parkour_corpse.webm)
>>1330227Also archiving this just in case.
No. 1330852
File: 1632276810224.png (740.23 KB, 919x586, Source_.PNG)

>>1330835Also adding description source
No. 1330884
>>1330879His pics are here, but most of the juicy info has been redacted or removed, so I don't think they will come here.
The autismo-chan that unmasked Corpse should drop their findings on KF (obviously don't do that if they don't have a VPN and are too lazy to create a burner e-mail).
No. 1330932
File: 1632284527398.png (24.83 KB, 485x327, ds.png)

One of you nonnies spam on this, I don't have discord. try to get WR ban kek(cowtipping)
No. 1330950
File: 1632286614340.jpeg (682.74 KB, 828x1079, EC16B4C8-8A97-48A2-9443-0074C8…)

I love how the absolute retardation of his fans make it impossible to decide whether this is a troll or legit
>cyber authorities
>you dun goofed
No. 1330951
File: 1632286706435.jpeg (767.16 KB, 828x1400, 1B0155E9-F658-4D53-8551-D84498…)

>>1330947Right? Whichever one of you did this, please stop
No. 1330957
>>1330950Low effort troll. His stans at least try following each other and this person is using way too many keywords.
>>1330951I will never not kek at fattened Corpse Tony.
No. 1330959
File: 1632287595544.jpeg (221.91 KB, 749x557, 38C5A767-022D-4BB6-B3AC-92B864…)

>>1330950>>1330951These two have to be cowtippers, this is just cringe
No. 1330966
File: 1632287750669.jpeg (748.86 KB, 788x1235, 2426E2B1-D06B-4E29-AEA3-111094…)

>>1330957And now they’re tagging his pals too
No. 1330970
File: 1632288155593.png (1.45 MB, 1580x1596, 1617182164952.png)

This fanart from the first thread is even more hilarious now
No. 1330981
File: 1632288789795.png (1023.32 KB, 1103x564, uwu.png)

>>1330970What are you talking about? They're the same picture.
No. 1331007
File: 1632291004565.jpeg (277.13 KB, 771x1308, 31AF2E26-1655-4472-A4AF-099115…)

lmao if any tard is going to pay attention it will be that loey woman because she is desperate for attention and for corpse husbands chode
No. 1331008
File: 1632291127036.png (1.73 MB, 1170x2532, 861614F7-790A-49F1-B2EE-E8EBD7…)

Another account is made
No. 1331009
File: 1632291420047.jpeg (156.55 KB, 828x521, A0BD5CCA-62AD-4B23-BF3F-B5D0C4…)

the fuck is this schizoid shit
No. 1331014
>>1331009That other account is trolling but this one sounds like a former fan a-logging.
If he/she can't pick up the pieces of the info that was redacted before, posting his pics is a waste of time.
No. 1331020
File: 1632292946244.jpeg (369.8 KB, 770x824, B3B77AA7-D960-4CA0-B2BA-1E5ADB…)

>>1331014Actually unhinged
>claims to be an oldfag>iwasjustpretendingtoberetarded.jpeg No. 1331025
File: 1632293770427.jpeg (262.37 KB, 1170x2532, 7B55D37C-6767-4970-BB27-BDB001…)

No. 1331026
File: 1632293796578.jpeg (334.99 KB, 1170x2532, 2DD61788-A147-4C9C-947E-C2D214…)

No. 1331033
File: 1632294336749.jpeg (79.01 KB, 1125x842, 27244058-6EC2-4928-86C3-ECB327…)

>>1331025leave his family out this retard. this is more than cow tipping you've straight up ran it over
No. 1331083
File: 1632303637190.jpeg (303.79 KB, 743x690, 156F59F7-4658-4EEE-AEF1-2EA2EB…)

>>1320802We actually got a fat version of this KEK
No. 1331186
>>1330732>>1330850>>1330728also he bailed on the video shoot with machine gun kelly and made valkyrie go in his place? he's one famous dude corpse hard pussied out on meeting because his (hypothetical) track record is people meet him then dip out when they realize how weird, sweaty and creepy he is. chubby incel writes lewd songs to reel in teenagers.
p.s. personally I find his music like as if you were in a public pool and instead of one gross bandaid you looked down and the whole pool is filth and plentiful turds. and I mean plentiful.
No. 1331221
Do you think corpse will adress his dox?
>>1331219I agree, but I also think that what was the final push for anons to make an effort to find and make fun of him was his clout chasing and huge ego. Despite what he thinks he is not that huge or popular and could stay under the radar in his little cult
No. 1331244
>>1331237we know ur a twitterfag stan of his because you dont know how to sage your shit
this is 100% corpse husband just get over it lmao why else would his sister and other family start locking down? especially his sister ariana's twitter account for her twitch buisiness, you dont private that when social media is your job unless you want to hide something.
the facts check out that this corpse husband is this anthony gamboa kid, sorry he doesnt look like andy biersack uwu boi kek
and it wasnt one thing corpse said about himself go reread this thread landwhale and open your own delusional eyes
No. 1331247
File: 1632319356852.jpg (40.47 KB, 736x936, shane.jpg)

>>1330227he looks just like shane dawson
No. 1331257
File: 1632320230477.png (1.13 MB, 2322x1160, froste ariana.png)

>>1331244you know whats interesting about that is that there is another twitch streamer of the name @froste, who has had interactions with ariana (@obviously_Queen) in 2019 then this past march he made a joke on his twt about corpse husband face reveal
not sure what this means but its just interesting that he would do that 2 years after interacting publicly with corpse sister wonder if he knows anything
No. 1331338
File: 1632326522208.jpg (74.1 KB, 1280x720, cooper.jpg)

>>1331287You're welcome, have a great day.
No. 1331433
File: 1632336698734.jpg (339.44 KB, 1080x1840, stepdad.jpg)

his stepdad posted this today lol. I hope this is about him.
No. 1331445
File: 1632337740861.jpg (93.94 KB, 789x954, baw.jpg)

>>1331433>victimCorpe crying eyeliner rn
No. 1331491
>>1331484Although I do think this is him, what if the family is going private solely because of them being discussed here? Like I wonder if someone cowtipped before the last anon did.
It does seem very likely that he's Corpse, though.
No. 1331499
File: 1632341145648.jpg (7.16 KB, 207x264, marz.jpg)

>everyone on DFE mode… why tho? Is Corpe's money paying everyone's bills? They all seem fine, middle-class and all, not struggling (unlike CH's animeboy backstory made it sound).
>>1331465Damn right. If autismo-chans got a wrong normie family, they would just post "wtf that ain't me lol".
>inb4 they reactivate everything and say "wtf that ain't me lol"It's not gonna work anymore. kek
No. 1331500
File: 1632341189830.gif (376.66 KB, 311x197, 96fcd-lmao2.gif)

there was no way corpse wasn't going to be some fat, dorky loser. i hope he's seething right now.
No. 1331530
>>1331518There's a small cluster of minors (not posting them here, obviously) that found the pics and are spreading it lmao
Holy shit, it's on.
No. 1331535
File: 1632342278104.gif (27.46 KB, 220x220, HAHAH.. ha.gif)

What now?
No. 1331542
>>1331499his dad's neighborhood isn't the best. he was asking about summer camp for the younger kids a couple of years ago and acknowledged that he didn't want the boys out in the neighborhood.
the reason his family seems stable is because they have old/older property in their family. they couldn't afford to live there otherwise. staying afloat in socal working class neighborhoods is harder to do than in some other areas.
No. 1331551
File: 1632343235981.jpeg (426.26 KB, 828x1018, CF6AC6F0-8852-4BBC-A92A-C5F86C…)

>>1331530Not same
nonnie but had to check, yep
Getting some attention from twitfags
No. 1331553
File: 1632343321683.png (489.21 KB, 700x525, 60e6078585fa170018522947.png)

>>1331113>>1331237If it's not him then that would mean that there's another 24 year old guy who shares the exact same birthday as Corpse living in the same expensive apartment building for boomers who also did parkour in the years that Corpse was active in the scene. Also he matches the phsyical description of being a fat Leafy just like Corpse and has a mom from San Diego which matches up with what Corpse said about being from SD. That's what you want us to think, that it's all just a coincidence? I think not.
No. 1331566
>>1331553yeah there's no way. i'm p sure this is all right. i want this to go viral but stans seem to just feel bad for him but like..if he looked diff i bet they would spread it so fast.
his best option now is probs to do a current face reveal lmao
(learn2sage) No. 1331567
File: 1632343831504.jpeg (160.22 KB, 810x1111, 4771B1D9-7710-4255-AC8E-36EF39…)

Which fat fucking retard did this
No. 1331572
File: 1632344103003.jpg (45.56 KB, 550x568, fat eyeliner.jpg)

>>1331549He will hold the release of a new song (reality:
there's no new song) and say it's because FARMERS RUINED HIS LIFE and he needs a mental health break.
Will be back by Halloween.
No. 1331574
File: 1632344174644.png (116.87 KB, 658x562, Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 21.54…)

curps stans are insanely delusional god…
No. 1331581
>>1331574Really shows how disappointed that he isn’t the sexy dream man they expected him to be
>incel menWe are women
>hes a dope creatorHes released 3 songs about fucking e thots. Theres no way he hasn’t ran out of ideas.
“JAILBAIT IS RUINING MY LIFE”’releasing this halloween
No. 1331591
File: 1632345270942.png (65.3 KB, 657x331, Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 22.13…)

>>1331574samefag, the circus goes on…
No. 1331595
>>1331591>Some of the ugliest mfsWe anonymous
Also imagining his cock being fucking huge, he has to make up for that unfortunate face
No. 1331600
File: 1632345873941.png (142.48 KB, 652x664, Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 22.23…)

>>1331596allegedly 13yo autista did, but it's buried in the replies and it's the one of the tweets that had most traction
No. 1331602
File: 1632345972522.jpg (67.29 KB, 640x480, 6f569bf2103cd9b739c7f81480ae74…)

>>1331598i remember someone making an info graphic image with all the info on the dream leak (picrel) and spreading it around twitter.
if any of the anons has time of her hands and feels up for it feel free.
No. 1331609
>>1331602Good idea.
>>1331604He's really 24 years old. Turns out he only sounds off because he's a cringelord and spent his formative years surrounded by older people all along, haha.
No. 1331612
>>1331604kek calm down honestly everyone obsess over unattainable men especially when you're young
they don't need therapy because they wanted to marry a hot celebrity when they were 12, they need therapy because they're unwell and unstable
No. 1331623
>>1331619sage plz
nah i dont think so i looked into court records for everyone we could find connected to him and i didnt find anything juicy, just speeding violations or failure to appear in court
although there were some listed as 'not on file' without further details but idk enough about state records to figure it out
the only racy thing i found was this article about someone getting murdered, the only link though is they share the same last name (gamboa) but that can be just a coincidence No. 1331633
>>1331623Charges Filed Date: 10/19/2011
Offense Code:
No convicted charges found Source: CA Riverside Superior Court
Case ID #: 303398AGGAMBOAANTHONY970808
Case Number: 303398AG
No. 1331644
File: 1632347757196.png (214.8 KB, 580x618, shambles.png)

No. 1331650
File: 1632348502205.png (460.06 KB, 600x766, Zwra9nO.png)

>>1331498Naw just wait for Urmaker and the scary narration crowd to start spilling shit since he ghosted them the second he started gaining popularity. Speaking of him, checked his twitter he was liking fanart upwards to an hour ago. So I'm guessing that is around the time he realized he'd been found.
No. 1331651
File: 1632348556874.gif (1.26 MB, 300x188, 1429462837434.gif)

>>1331619Nona, pls. Think for a sec.
If he was involved in real gang shit as a minor, everyone on his immediate family would NOT have their faces and locations online, they would've moved out of state. His sister wouldn't be trying an online career like her dear old brother as well.
This "gang" stuff was 100% part of his "tortured depressed boy" lore.
No. 1331655
File: 1632348784321.png (535.48 KB, 2016x738, ss1.png)

Is there another Anthony Gamboa in Temecula? Supposedly this one is 27 and for what it's worth the listed username only returns porn sites
No. 1331657
File: 1632348804920.jpg (52.02 KB, 720x484, 20210922_191157.jpg)

It's spreading fast.
No. 1331671
>>1331665I'm not saying they should've been 100% offline, but if it was that bad as he claimed (stalking) they wouldn't be as open as they were on social media.
But yeah, being in proximity makes sense.
No. 1331675
>>1331671Hell, he probably saw it on a breaking news segment and concocted his own own story around it.
>>1331674Kek I wonder how much facetune wants her face associated with his music now.
No. 1331700
>>1331691agreed. there is a zero percent chance that someone as online and paranoid as corpse wouldn't know exactly how stupid it would be to fight null over a nothingburger thread on the farms. the leak isn't getting traction. he's not as mega trendy as he was a few months ago so it won't catch people's attention like it would have before.
his sister is going to act like nothing happened. he's going to have a chronic illness issue come up and ghost for a while until he can convincingly pretend that nothing happened and his friends will cover for him. minimal fuss.
No. 1331706
File: 1632351149372.jpg (151.73 KB, 720x1222, 20210922_195008.jpg)

Twitter users can't believe that the pictures are from Corpse.
No. 1331708
File: 1632351174245.jpg (17.79 KB, 531x221, 20210922_194957.jpg)

No. 1331709
File: 1632351305600.jpg (15.07 KB, 450x240, 20210922_195023.jpg)

I don't know if this means something but if you search his name "lolcow" and "leak" are there.
No. 1331716
File: 1632351814699.jpeg (259.15 KB, 1103x1840, 11A83FF6-75CE-4667-A08B-835FDC…)

No. 1331719
File: 1632352038124.jpeg (191.52 KB, 960x566, A96A5B67-FE06-45B9-81F1-8819FD…)

Oh fuck it’s gonna go down (soon)
No. 1331740
File: 1632352822118.jpg (310.48 KB, 1080x1064, corpulenthusband.jpg)

To all the bitches w a corpse husband tattoo
Sorry the mask wasn't big enough to cover your husbandos chinp
No. 1331758
File: 1632353519548.jpg (161.68 KB, 956x691, 38377475857474.jpg)

>>1331745Next thread pic?
No. 1331766
File: 1632353707869.jpeg (389.13 KB, 2048x2048, E_2E795UYAY-cnn.jpeg)

thanks to every nonny that made this possible
No. 1331774
>>1331758Beautiful! Thank you!
And thank you to all artanons, too!
No. 1331833
File: 1632356986748.gif (2.19 MB, 360x360, sana sad.gif)

>>1331829nyooo :( all of them? even me?
>>1331719Habbening soon pog
>>1329735His sister seems well adjusted at first glance. To no one's surprise he's the ugly sibling, motherfucker got the jowls of the fucking grinch, imagine how bad they are now.
No. 1331839
>>1331811no one cares. you took information that you didn't produce and plastered it across twitter because you thought it would get you clout. you've reposted it over and over and it has received almost no attention. kek
you want credit for doing nothing; no one cares about your verification of your twitter profile. it's a fucking anon board you dumb weeb.
No. 1331843
File: 1632358926724.jpg (36.59 KB, 539x959, a8dba5824f48dd774dcbb2bfee5d93…)

>>1331736Fucking fr, farmers can clearly girlboss with dark triad qualities to spare
No. 1331844
File: 1632359176145.png (7.57 MB, 3328x2408, CORPSE COLLAGE.png)

>>1331602took me way too long to do this shit, hope that anyone using this will think of me and my almost exploding pc
tried to avoid doxx and keep only the relevant informations
No. 1331848
>>1331844This is useful and well-done,
No. 1331850
>>1331746lmfao sweetie that would be an entire double jaw surgery and so many other things i don’t know where to begin, and he didn’t either despite all the money he makes and being in southern california. based on the gym pictures he needs a fucking face lift already and this is before his long overdue weight loss and sobriety journey. he’s repulsive.
why didn’t he hire someone to get shit deleted for him or whatever
No. 1331854
>>1331844Good work
No. 1331857
>>1331848thanks nona, hopefully more people notice and we stop this stupid infight.
We all know and agree that men are useless, let's move on from wanting to get recognition on a literally anonymous board for something that's actually illegal.
Let's rejoice in the mystery partially solved (only because there are no recent pictures shown in this whole digging) and move the fuck on.
No. 1331870
File: 1632360969589.gif (4.45 MB, 480x480, sh (1).gif)

>>1331844Based doubles-chan, great job!
>>1331857I'm gonna rejoice on knowing his stans are coping for having lusted over a fat scrote with cabbage patch hair that looks NOTHING like their headcanon.
No. 1331880
>>1331863thank you!
>>1331870yeah, idgaf about getting lolcow recognised, I just want this ugly ass boring burping man to come forward and maybe fucking do something with his sorry life (wishful thinking I know). it annoys me so much that so many people admire him and defend him without a lick of doubt, while he does less than the bare minimum hiding behind fucking acid reflux and depression. go to therapy like the rest of us, cretin
>>1331875same honestly, I only put together the research that some other (blessed and super hard working) anon did in hope that this will be the picture that gets shared.
No. 1331898
File: 1632363742365.jpg (58.17 KB, 574x811, 1451710439058.jpg)

>>1331886this made me wheeze laugh, jfc
>>1331891After ordering his family to DFE, now he has to play it cool and maintain the façade with his fans. Fucking ironic that he decided to do an impromtu stream when he's been leaving his fanbase to dry since the beginning of his ""musical career"". It was mental health this, muh chronic illness that… now look at that, he's back again! kek
No. 1331903
>>1331901pretty sure some kind
nonny is working on compiling the kiwifarms info right now.
No. 1331904
File: 1632363971958.jpg (10.45 KB, 275x271, 1632252572889.jpg)

fuck off stan, go kiss chonky corpulent anthony's cheeks
No. 1331914
>>1331891probably cause its not really gained any traction and is getting buried, theres been some accts on twt reposting his picture but nothing reputable, only a handful of interactions
honestly much smarter of corpse to just pretend it doesnt exist lol whatever im just happy we got his face in a picture although i wish it was more recent
No. 1331941
File: 1632369555761.png (274.17 KB, 804x607, ari ig.png)

His sister's IG and twitter are back up again. Were there more posts on the IG before? Now there are only 2.
No. 1331946
>>1331934I've sat through 20min of a pre-dox stream of his, he's usually quiet until he burps something cringy and everyone forcefully runs with it.
>>1331941No, only two. Yesterday there were zero posts, probably hid them. She unfollowed three people, though. See:
>>1329780 No. 1331976
>>1331901Why? This reeks of desperation.
We're here for milk. Cows make it on their own. Stop crawling into the pens with the livestock.
No. 1331994
>>1331972Insane parasocial bond. He pays attention to A LOT of his thirsty & lonely female stans on twitter and instagram (who'd made up the perfect anime bf in their heads). He just likes their posts and tweets or says on stream that he
totally loves them uwu.
There's no real interaction, but all of this is more than enough to keep them hooked on the ~mysterious, but caring~ persona.
No. 1332013
>>1331976i dont agree nor disagree w anon but barely anyone is talking abt this on twitter, and out of the ones that are, literally no one believes this is truely the anime uwu croaking toad of their dreams. if it were to spread then more ppl will see it and as another anon said, we might get a get a viral tweet or a yt vid by a bigger creator. im not saying it needs to get out there to feel satisfied with our work but imagine this getting as big as as the dream leak. it would be v entertaining and i would personally LOVE to watch corpses huge ego and sense of security crumble publically kek
if this gets spread corpse will have to say something/make up some excuse for his disabled fans, i would love to see what excuse he comes up with to try and explain this away lmao. we could get a face reveal out of this, who knows lolol
No. 1332060
literally the only milk weve gotten from his snapchat is that he sent 'ab pics' which i HIGHLY doubt in light of these new photo leaks, he was either actively sending people pics of his pot belly OR he was sending his dick 2 girls (and probably boys too) and theyre just covering for him because he threatened suicide or something. not sure but now we have his identity we should start looking further into this side of things.
the milk doesnt have to end here
No. 1332065
>>1332058think of austin jones. he had die hard fans and when it came out he was asking underage girls for twerking videos not only did he literally go to jail, he lost all his fans and his platform. even james charles is a good example of this 'phenomenon'
his stans are mentally ill as all fuck but somewhere inside their peanut brains i know if it came out that he was a child predator that would be the end all.
No. 1332091
File: 1632394185927.jpeg (91.31 KB, 600x600, D07B93E6-21C6-4917-8EA5-3F387D…)

People forget that despite corpse being average ugly, theres thousands of people who still think Imallexx (picrel) is the sexiest man to walk the face of the earth. I don’t think this is gonna get the reaction we hoped for
No. 1332123
>>1332118>I swear every guys gets pedo the second they're rich and popularSadly these people usually had pedo tendencies before they became popular.
I really hope this uggo loses many followers because he's a cringelord and based on his shitty lyrics he's probably a major creep as well.
No. 1332126
File: 1632397714799.jpeg (61.8 KB, 600x500, B917C5C2-05B6-4541-B474-6E0BB5…)

>>1332091Whoever this nerd is didn’t pretend to be a sexy anime edgelord. You’re not slick just cause you called him “average ugly”. Fuck off.
>>1332104On one hand I agree. Men get away with too fucking much. All a scrote has to do is not be a literal rapist pedophile and they can be as much of a fucking cow as they want (CH exhibit A, maybe). I too want farmers to bully run of the mill lulzy moids more. But the thing is the highest form of disdain women can have for men is apathy and dismissal, I think women naturally would rather avoid men they hate instead of making a point to dunk on them. That should change. It will be hard for bitches here to hold back a-logging feelings though, me included kek
No. 1332132
>>1332126Based nonita. The most frustrating thing is, as per what other farmers have already said, that one of the reasons why normies will dismiss our efforts is purely because we’re women. The twitterfags - not just corpulent hambeast’s but in general - who are aware of our existence regard what gets posted here as being nothing more than the salty sperging of bitter
TERF legbeard femcels. I don’t think KF will have much more success because its (and Josh’s) reputation precedes it, the only way people will really pay attention is if at least one of the more prominent dramatubers makes a video about it. In the absence of that all we can do is continue to bully him amongst ourselves for shits and giggles
No. 1332176
>>1332157that is what is in fashion right now.
The edgy boys and DDLG girls belong to some subculture. Highly doubt Corpse is a creep, but insecure edgy e-boy.
No. 1332179
>>1332013>>1332132Literally who cares though. This isn't some proxy war about feminism. We think with a reasonable degree of certainty that some guy is a guy. A mediocre man got famous by curating a persona that benefitted from everyone being locked down at home and the inherently weird parasocial aspect of streaming culture. Tale as old as time. There's no evidence that he's done projared shit. There's no evidence he's been
abusive. He's milky. He lied, either because he's insecure or he was trying to hide his identity.
Did anons do the digging for curiosity or for clout? Because this is an anon board where we talk shit about weird people, not some hacker collective with an agenda.
Just chill out and watch what the cow does. If it's him, he'll slip up eventually.
No. 1332182
>>1332167After seeing what he really looks like, the kamaara shit is even more interesting. Because the music is eerily similar but i wouldnt be surprised if corpse stops making music but continues to make more music for kamaara
No. 1332197
File: 1632408977156.png (1.5 MB, 984x1075, 2F385210-23C7-4FC3-9974-A7C299…)

>>1332182This is KAAAMARA
No. 1332262
File: 1632413441372.jpg (75.26 KB, 640x800, e747cb7751c25c771a6ccf99279865…)

>>1331766Anthony after seeing that his face is out there:
No. 1332317
>>1332179Why the fuck are you so aggressive? You've been going apeshit on anons ITT every time they try to speculate about the situation and it's eventual breakdown. Calm down.
>There's no evidence he's been abusiveYou're either a stan or new, a scrote like him, with a fanbase like his is very prone to do fucked shit and anons can speculate about it, fuck off
No. 1332335
File: 1632417464087.jpg (600.54 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20210923-121700_Sam…)

Made me laugh, credit to kiwi
No. 1332444
File: 1632429801540.png (160.26 KB, 471x531, file.PNG)

No. 1332464
File: 1632431145187.jpg (935.38 KB, 2500x1774, anthony.jpg)

i was bored and i did this, i know it's a little bit shitty but i tried my best
No. 1332477
File: 1632432955838.png (1.22 MB, 1596x1664, BLEP.png)

This was dumb but i stand by this meme
No. 1332497
>>1332483Stfu scrote
>>1332478She’s not the subject of the thread
No. 1332506
>>1332477KEK, I love it,
No. 1332507
File: 1632435471825.jpeg (492.63 KB, 1410x603, 13CE5439-93F4-43B1-98E4-D7854B…)

>>1332483Jannies you got a y-chromosome to ban, quickly!
No. 1332509
>>1332497>scroteNta, but you’re seriously stupid as fuck if you think a scrote knows what nasolabial folds or a philtrum is. Drop that lil phrase for anyone you don’t agree with.
>nOt ThE sUbJeCtIf anything op was the moid
No. 1332553
>>1332529not any of them but she’s objectively really cute. she has full cheeks which create shadows which everyone has, unless they have hollow faces and have them for different reasons. that person was trolling to direct the conversation to calling a woman ugly instead because people will fall for it. he’s short as fuck but his genetics seem fine, he just ruins it by being a raging alcoholic for however long, never sleeping, never moving, gaming constantly, and shoving junk in his face.
she didn’t choose her brother and women suffer enough growing up with males, chungus humongous is her real ass brother and no one deserves that. those delusional stans chose to blow his shit up every day at their own expense just to be a part of something and it’s disturbing. maybe they can start putting in the work that he didn’t but i doubt it.
what do you guys think machine gun kelly would have done if this fast food burp personified showed up to the music video shoot instead of his friend? how do you think she feels filling in for him to make him look better
No. 1332773
>>1332132It's funny to imagine CH stans lying to themselves about his appearance and sucking his dick. Even if they deny the truth, they know it in their hearts and everyone else does, too.
Like, imagine this bitch
>>1331904 talking about some "choke me like you hate me, but you love me" while
>>1324992 absolutely creams.
>>1332529Sorry your bad selfie got posted here, but Corpulent's sister isn't the least bit ugly lol
No. 1332870
>>1332788This picture got posted so many times already and there’s a reason it was cropped
Incredible how stale this thread became after only one day
No. 1332910
if anyone is curious, corpse's face leak is definitely starting to make the rounds on twitter, it's mostly in "underground" subtwitters for now but it won't be long till it makes it to main. the funniest part is the one that's being spread the most is this edited one
>>1330490 kek
No. 1332962
>>1332913First of all girl calm down
Second, learn to sage your shit
Thread is already stale and I already contributed kek this scrote is irrelevant even while getting doxxed
No. 1332994
File: 1632489075777.jpg (478.1 KB, 1638x2048, E_hwpgfUUAE19fM.jpg)

>>1332971>>1332976Kek you are both obviously fatties IRL if you think she's "pretty" or has "huge" tits. She's a pig with good makeup. Cadaver and Hamplanet are made for each other
(infighting) No. 1332997
Yeah, I don't think anyone could beat Cry. Also he had done more fucked up shit (that we know of).
If corpse would have taken care of himself by now, most people wouldn't even bother to comment on his appearance.
>>1332991 No. 1333107
File: 1632496754621.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1623091195727.jpg)

>>1332994Can she even walk with those hams? Actually surprised she's even able to find cute clothes her size, America truly is a land of possibilities kek.
No. 1333109
>>1332971>>1332976sorry youre fat.Everyone knows big tits on a fat chick doesnt count. Youre not hot at 300lbs,
nonnie. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Have a snack or something to feel better.
>>1332994yeah she's not chubby/overweight she's morbidly obses. Anons talking in here like she's got a bit of cute chub instead of the fact she's so fat she doesn't have knees anymore kek
No. 1333131
File: 1632498001268.jpeg (110.41 KB, 1160x759, 9C1F0A8C-E6B8-4A5F-8BAA-45559F…)

Anthony Blue Gamboa and Loey are perfectly within one another’s leagues, nonnies.
No. 1333137
>>1333119Nta but wtf is that way of thinking?
>If you think 300lbs pig is giga obese and you shit on her on an imageboard, then you must be fat tooAnon I'm sorry to tell you that but outside of burgerland and GB, thin women do actually exist
No. 1333153
>>1333119kek this cope.
>>1333146who is obsessively hating? anons are just pointing out she's in his league because se's unattractive too. No one has even said anything that bad about her other than pointing out she's obsese. Which is her brand so idk why she'd have an issue with it? You responded by samefagging for the last 3 hours about how cute she is. Move on, fat.
No. 1333171
>>1332994I'm deeply
triggered by the difference in tone between her face and body
No. 1333228
>>1333210yes, I saw them calling her a "titty streamer" and an ethot, also read some of them claim she had an onlyfan?
Yeah, you degenerate thots, daily reminder that if you're a generally attractive woman then fuck off, don't you dare streaming games on twitch, especially while wearing something that isn't a baggy sweatshirt.
No. 1333382
I'd be surprised if he did care tbh. Josh and corpse are pretty much equally irrelevant and boring outside of the circles that are autistically obsessed with them
>>1333380You are right, but comically exaggerating how ugly a cow is is quintessential to lolcow culture
No. 1333488
>>1332553Fuck outta here simping for chonks sister
>pLs nO BuLlYDo you know where you are?
No. 1333502
>>1331941>obese jawletthey both terrible beta genes
she carries them better since she's a woman but you can tell her sons will be unfuckable incels like Corpse if she doesn't get with someone way out of her league
(sage) No. 1333567
>>1333502men will never accept they're uglier than women because they don't take care of themselves. Keep blaming nature/genetics for your ugliness scrote kek. Take a shower.
>>1333544yeah for real. Imagine if some girl was pretending to be a smol anime bean online and then she was exposed to be a ugly hambeast. Women are so used to men collectively looking like shit its to the point where this little fatty saying he looks like joji is no big deal lol. He could have just made his music and streamed his video games but he wanted to larp as hot online.
No. 1333597
File: 1632532919834.jpg (298.53 KB, 1058x706, 383821632529590587.jpg)

>>1333567Lol imagine Corpse Wifey here trying to LARP as an uwu animu girl online. Anons would nitpick her to death with no remorse. Probably not the ugliest person you've ever seen but certainly below average.
No. 1333637
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No. 1333638
File: 1632537034098.jpg (65.64 KB, 304x386, 1632528705566.jpg)

>>1333544I don't think he's average. The fat distribution is weird but he has thin hands. Like, i'm guessing he only shows his hands because of that.
No. 1333666
>>1333638who do u consider average
the average guy is fat
(sage) No. 1333752
>>1330382Hello fellow Temeculafag. How does it feel knowing that Corpse Husband and Yandev's parents (and therefore Yandev when the patreonbux dry up) live in this city?
>>1330835This video was taken at the Temecula Community Recreation center, which is right next to Temecula Valley High School. It's weird seeing this place here, otherwise I really don't fucking care. I probably wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him around town.
No. 1333816
I happen to be a fan of Corpse,but not a stan, I think dedicating any social media account to one person is really fucking weird and cult-like, and I mostly like him for his horror narrations and his gaming stuff bc his interactions with other streamers makes me laugh.I understand a lot of the criticisms here but I have to say the judgment of his appearance is weird to me because he absolutely just looks like the average male. I'm not a big fan of his music myself, but I came here to ask why his music is so heavily criticized when there are tons and tons of other rappers that solely make music about fucking bitches, doing drugs, and getting money…and they all have largely female fanbases. It makes no sense to me. What makes him different to even larger and way more mainstream rappers who do the exact same thing he does? IE using their female audience to further their career? Because to me I see no difference, any male artist, rapper or not, female fanbase or not, has used their fanbase to garner more popularity. That's just kind of how the industry seems to work. To me, he's just marketing himself like anyone else in the industry does but I'm genuinely curious what everyone else thinks. What makes him different from literally anyone else in the rap industry in his lyrics or how he presents himself in terms of music?(no1curr)
No. 1333824
>>1333816You won’t get far for wk, but i’ll throw my 2 cents
Personally, i can’t stand that he built his whole image and audience around the fact that he’s sick.
Not to blogpost, but I’ve suffered with GERD since my highschool years and I have consequently pretty bad nerve damage in bot of my arms. My mental health is not the best, especially after covid, but I managed to build myself a career and having a regular social life. I just fucking took medicines and got therapy. Life is not easy and linear, but it literally took me minimal effort not to live a shitty life.
He could easily get a management, he could easily get therapy and he could easily be respectful and interesting with a literal gram of effort.
Instead he chooses to stay sick and reiterate the fact that he’s ill to keep his nursing fanbase close, managing to get traction with the minimal effort because “boo im sick i can do very little so here’s a crumb of content just for you”
Its just so infuriating because as a man he can just victimise himself and he’ll have the red cross all around, while it’s literally so easy to get better
But also idk, I’m a woman in the UK so I can’t really relate to men in the US
No. 1333832
>>1333829Yeah that’s what annoys me the most, because his symptoms are relatable to me but the way he portraits them it’s absolutely disgusting.
Also it bothers me so much when people who can change their life or lifestyle keep complaining about living a shit life.
it works until everyone slowly gets fed up and you’ll end up either alone, or you find yourself an enabler stupid enough to feed into your narc behaviour
Either way it’s annoying to see this pattern behaviour on the millionth self made idiot on the internet
No. 1333856
File: 1632571417740.png (162.67 KB, 519x338, Null.png)

>>1331719>>1333334>>1333367Annoying fat twat. Men are useless.
No. 1333866
File: 1632573101316.png (11.9 KB, 1086x184, corpse.png)

>>1333856If you want it to be featured so badly just ask Null nicely, here you go I did it for you. You're welcome.
No. 1333877
>>1333824I appreciate the civil response, and while I'm not trying to white knight I understand how it may come off that way. But I think the big point to make here in response to you is that both physical and mental illnesses affect everyone differently, and I think it's ignorant and unrealistic to promote otherwise. I also have gerd, nerve damage in my head, neck, and shoulders, arthritis, carpal tunnel, among many other issues at 23. While that doesnt stop me or you, it may stop someone else. You said it yourself, life and illness especially are not linear, and that means that what works for you may not work for everyone else. Therapy and medications help some but it may not help others. So that portion of your argument is null and void to me because you contradicted yourself. It is not always so easy to "get better". Its called chronic illness for a reason, its lifelong and often hard to diagnose and/or treat. And as someone with chronic pain I can understand how music could be an outlet to express what you're going through. When you deal with chronic pain, I can understand how it literally becomes a part of your identity and can show itself in different ways aka something like music in Corpses case.
No. 1333905
>>1333685nta but using an avatar as a nobody on social media is not even nearly in the same realm as corpse going out his way to create an image for himself that isn't even close to true so he can capitalise on it financially off his underage fanbase. This isn't the place to defend your chonk daddy. Fuck off.
>>1333886The fans in this thread are pure cancer. Worse than the fatties than rage over belle delphine.
>>1333866go back to the farms, faggot. No one cares that you lifted nulls fupa to suck his dick for this.
>>1333891kek shut the fuck up kid
No. 1333920
>>1333877Its not having the illness my problem, is the romanticising it and selling it while doing absolutely nothing to get better.
He is no Kanye, he can’t afford to stay sick and wanting to stay relevant while offering literally no edible content at all.
His excuses to not go to therapy is the fear of getting recognised, as if any medical worker gives a shit about that.
He’s incredibly paranoid and he gets away with shitty content and behaviour just because he’s a man and he’s perceived as attractive and he’s interested in maintaining this status quo instead of doing anything that’s even remotely progressive.
He will quickly fade to dust anyway, so while annoyed, I’m not too bothered by him. Even his doxxing was boring and anticlimactic
No. 1333942
>>1333937sorry but this is bullshit. Luna Aquafina's thread survives purely on people loling about her thinking she's a small skinny anime girl when she's a chubby average american irl. Corpse is outted as doing it 10x worse, using art and shit to mislead his audience, and suddenly it's not milk? I think some of you don't even understand what milk means, you think it's just stuff you personally find interesting.
He has gone out of his way to cultivate this image that isn't close to being true. He's selling that image, same as any onlyfans thot. The difference is the image he's selling is so drastically different to his real life he cant even photoshop it into reality li and other illnesses ke momokun and other cows do. On top of that, his claims of fibromyalgia are obviously bullshit and users from here regularly whale on women who use that shit as an excuse to sit on their asses all day. But sure, no milk.
No. 1334013
>>1333935smug kf anon had a lot of "daddy, watch me twirl" energy while begging null for her feature and was dumb enough to say the same thing at the same time in both forums, so now we know that whitegirl is the one on this board pushing for the null feature that no one else cares about.
spoonfeeding scrotes who couldn't get the job done themselves for a crumb of their approval is embarrassing and when you tell them so, farmer anons get so butthurt.
No. 1334123
File: 1632599869735.jpeg (14.39 KB, 217x232, 26E86CC5-0123-4441-BEF3-C0F329…)

>>1334017>>1333975>I guess it makes sense that this thread is inhabited by mentally ill teenage girls considering the thread topicgo back to alogging on kiwifarms
No. 1334178
File: 1632604232187.png (116.38 KB, 1550x716, FIGHT-TO-THE-DEATH.png)

>>1334174No such a person is allowed to exist. You must chose. Kiwifarms or! FOR WE ARE ENEMIES WHO WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH! AAARRGGHH! ONE DAY WE WILL GET YOU NULL!
No. 1334185
>>1329579>>1334174I searched through hundreds of names. I do use both sites, but this wouldn't have been possible without
>>1323009so imo this one goes to lolcow.
No. 1334186
File: 1632605028562.png (12.14 KB, 395x188, PUNT-THE-SCROTE.png)

>>1334181They are scrotes! There are no women on Kiwifarms, hence all Kiwifarmers have a scrote and all scrotes are OUR MORTAL ENEMIES!
(it is also their weakness, soft spongy flesh that can easily be punted with a hoof, aim for the scrotes! as illustrated in pic related)
No. 1334196
>>1334185I think I know who you are but I’m gonna keep that to myself. The lolcow/kiwi war is stupid though sometimes it’s needed. Kek
It’s too bad we doxed him when he’s irrelevant now but perhaps he’ll make a comeback with a full length album or something.
No. 1334223
File: 1632608364904.jpg (31.08 KB, 720x221, 20210925_191349.jpg)

No. 1334231
File: 1632608906804.jpg (66.8 KB, 720x416, 20210925_192457.jpg)

>hottest and prettiest men on earth
No. 1334395
File: 1632621123455.jpeg (130.43 KB, 828x736, FFFC8A63-B3DF-4C60-BDAC-B2CAC8…)

A lot of them are just running away from reality.
No. 1334398
File: 1632621254865.jpeg (295.22 KB, 828x964, F51F7D1D-43CE-4522-B7F8-741440…)

His sister is live on twitch now, inb4 she gets bombarded with messages about the dox No. 1334414
File: 1632622494374.png (20.13 KB, 582x152, HAH.PNG)

No. 1334424
File: 1632622887920.jpg (80.01 KB, 720x574, 20210925_232010.jpg)

No. 1334429
File: 1632622980640.jpg (55.52 KB, 720x496, 20210925_231956.jpg)

No. 1334431
File: 1632623042676.jpg (85.02 KB, 720x544, 20210925_231934.jpg)

i'm fucking crying
No. 1334498
File: 1632628259176.jpg (831.66 KB, 2500x1774, 20210926_003613.jpg)

No. 1334501
File: 1632628611023.png (30.54 KB, 802x214, Capture.PNG)

keramon with the facts.
No. 1334505
File: 1632628906403.png (201.6 KB, 588x395, 126382137219.png)

Well it's definitely gaining some traction on Twitter, see picrel. Someone even left a comment about it on his sister's live stream ( She ignored it but given her low viewer count I'm sure she's seen it. Chonky knows for sure by now. I wonder what new quirky illness he will develop as a consequence of this tremendous stress.
No. 1334507
>>1334501He never said there were
absolutely never pictures of him online. He implied there were older pictures of him on Facebook.
No. 1334523
File: 1632631146783.jpeg (44.53 KB, 1125x238, 52060FB8-D399-4965-A332-04D616…)

>>1334508Really, he could have jumped ahead of it. If he’s smart about it, he still can. A better face reveal now might actually revitalize his dying career.
No. 1334554
File: 1632634128949.png (214.16 KB, 597x437, kek.PNG)

Liked by corpse about an hour ago kek.
>>1331758next thread pic
No. 1334565
File: 1632635172495.jpg (16.36 KB, 400x400, lol.jpg)

>>1334554Has he liked anything on his alt? I don't have Twitter. No. 1334575
File: 1632636436650.png (32.39 KB, 583x156, Screenshot 2021-09-26 2.06.36 …)

No. 1334580
>>1334572nayrt but in this
>>1334498 picture it says
>Corpse claimed before that his middle name is Blueand I would also like to know where that’s coming from
No. 1334583
File: 1632637315721.jpeg (252.71 KB, 1169x1701, 42A7280F-7E1C-42D4-ADD3-2E4B49…)

Looks like the irls might start coming out of the woodwork
No. 1334589
File: 1632638018325.png (21.61 KB, 591x125, Screenshot 2021-09-26 2.31.20 …)

>>1334583picture didn't post
No. 1334597
File: 1632638402225.jpeg (547.06 KB, 1170x1077, 3A2E73F2-1684-47CA-A041-983522…)

>>1334590Still follows people on his main, nobody on his alt but I think that’s normal for him
No. 1334598
File: 1632638480585.png (158.12 KB, 620x540, corpsetwit.png)

Is this not his main? Or am I very confused? 1.2 Mill followers on a ALT?
No. 1334599
>>1334598>>1334597 is his main.
You're on his alt.
No. 1334604
File: 1632639673308.png (27.15 KB, 595x211, 1234423423.png)

Does anyone know anything about this? I feel like her not making a comment about this, even just saying "I'm not his sister" would make sense rather then ignoring it
No. 1334610
>>1334604Yeah, she's ignoring them. There was a VOD posted above
>>1334505 but it was deleted.
>>1334608Her and the rest of the family could've laughed it off as well.
No. 1334641
File: 1632645814615.png (214.67 KB, 1182x456, chonky.png)

>>1334580Yeah that's not true, no one knew about his middle name. Whoever created that picture also claims that ABG and Corpse have the "exact same location" but Corpulent's location wasn't known prior to the leak.
More interestingly your comment made me look through Twitter and I found this interesting tweet… I suppose RS is Runescape. Hambeast was definitely a Runescape player, there's even a reference to it in one of his cringe songs. I wonder how many people are aware of his identity.
No. 1334654
>>1334641I’m not sure why you would say his location wasn’t known prior to the leak, it was anons figuring out his location that led to sifting through all the residents of the area and identifying one that matched everything we knew about CH and his family.
That tweet is interesting though. I think November of last year was around the peak of his popularity, I wonder if it was someone who knew him.
No. 1334658
File: 1632649374784.jpg (120.25 KB, 1080x499, IMG_20210926_114002.jpg)

No evidence? Kek.
No. 1334756
File: 1632662126669.jpg (239.27 KB, 810x1814, 20210926_081255.jpg)

the massive coping of his stans is hilarious
>'what's it matter if he's fugly?! you're the loser for laughing and caring!!'
No. 1334758
File: 1632662166817.jpeg (155.36 KB, 714x450, 13DA25AF-876F-49CD-9861-D770FF…)

The reason it’s not going to feature.(read the thread before posting)
No. 1334822
File: 1632667930139.jpeg (739.88 KB, 1291x1728, 6C2ED01F-BA0C-4400-B11B-0A4BA0…)

The state of his stans rn
No. 1334897
File: 1632674832697.png (48.2 KB, 1366x326, 2021-09-26_18-45.png)

The Kiwi Farms thread on Corpse Husband is now getting about 50 views a minute on just the page with dox, making it the most active page on the site.
No. 1334908
File: 1632675773642.jpg (217.45 KB, 1080x1851, 20210926_120103.jpg)

>>1334855>>1334891the fans anticipate this and are already making excuses kek
No. 1334916
>>1334897You’re welcome kiwifags
But really thank you to the anon on here that did it and all the other anons that archived.
No. 1334961
File: 1632679477467.jpg (36.6 KB, 610x350, 20210926_150339.jpg)

No. 1334962
File: 1632679522867.jpeg (54.4 KB, 1440x1080, FALSOHDWYAUxMMI.jpeg)

someone from kiwifarms did an accurate fanart
No. 1334969
>>1334962Kek the cyclops eye is making me lose it.
>>1334947Good for her honestly, it must be rough watching your brother do the same thing you do more successfully because of a gimmick.
No. 1335025
>>1334867This oh my fucking god. It's so funny to go through his tagged things on instagram. Dude is literally competing with a fantasy version of himself. He dug this hole himself. Could've put a mask on or something but nope he had to be some animu guy that would never exist.
If anyone thought he would actually look like that, they're either absolute dumbasses or they're too young to know any better in which case it would be a lot better for them to get away from him anyway.
No. 1335142
>>1334431I think this is funny and all, but its kinda irking me how the shooped version of
>>1330227 is whats going around
No. 1335313
>>1333829>munchausens by internetMan I miss those threads. I’m gonna go looking, but it doesn’t feel like these types get much attention anymore.
Anyway agreed, that’s my only take on this as well- munchie used cloaking, it was very effective
No. 1335368
>>1335364NTA but one of the anons above who asked where he originally revealed that his middle name was Blue. I'm a former fan and have watched quite a few of his livestreams (but not all) but I never remembered hearing him say that his middle name was Blue. Like
>>1334580 said, the picture says that he claimed it but no one's posted what livestream/ig post/twitter post/etc it's been pulled from.
No. 1335382
>>1335222But…does it really matter if that person knows him irl? no. don't be a cow and you won't have people telling on your shit.
>>1335363god he's such a creep lol I want to see a video of his real face while he speaks
No. 1335414
>>1335368One of his relatives called him Blue in a facebook comment
>>1330195 The other picture that proved that's his middle name can't be posted, it's dox.
>I never remembered hearing him say that his middle name was BlueDon't be naive. CH also said some of his fanarts look like him and in a livestream with Urmaker & Eden he said his eyes are green.
That was basic diversion, ofc he wouldn't give away such sensitive info.
No. 1335441
>>1335414To add onto what
>>1335432 said, we're not arguing about whether or not his middle name is Blue. There's no doubt in my mind that CH is Anthony Gamboa. But the fact that Anthony's middle name is Blue is not proof that Anthony = Corpse. Sounds like an autistic thing to argue about but you know this is a detail that his stans will pick apart to discredit the leak. These retards will ignore every other piece of damning evidence and say "Corpse never said his last name was Blue therefore this is false"
No. 1335451
>>1335432>we're asking for proof of Corpse Husband stating somewhere that his middle name is BlueOh. Horribly misread that part, sorry. kek
Anons who had posted the dox didn't provide evidence of CH himself stating that's his middle name.
The proof of his middle name was from one picture (it was removed, looked like one of those random websites where you can find people; it also had his age), then anons browsed through his family's facebook posts and found these comments from his stepdad
>>1329755 and biodad
>>1329819 Biodad's birthday post is on KF.
>>1335441Nah, I get it. The stans will nitpick.
No. 1335524
>>1335450the difference between him and the real soundclout/digicore kids that make fun of him is that they're all willing to go the mile and commit to male anorexia
>>1331844>>1332464vote for one of these to be the new thread pic
No. 1335665
File: 1632755730892.png (1018.13 KB, 1182x678, aged ch.png)

i was bored and saw a lot of ppl on twt complaining the pics were to old and that ppl can change in 7/10 years so i aged his picture and honestly 100% this would be what he looked like today lmao