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No. 150944
Can we talk about this … thing and her devout followers who defend her excuse for being skellington status?
Claims to have a metabolism disorder. No. 150949
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>>150945Or you know, take medication like other people with those issues.
She's lost weight over the years.
4-ish years ago
No. 150957
>>150955why is a deadly, horrible illness funny? this fucking site, man.
OP is jealous and probably ugly.
No. 150958
>>150952ive noticed this too.
it let me to think maybe she is naturally thin or has a condition?
usually you can tell the difference between someone anorexic and naturally thin is that their bones/veins arent popping out much
No. 150961
>>150957I was with you until you pulled the "jealous, ugly" card.
Why would op be jealous of an anorexic if the illness is so deadly and serious?
Gtfo this site if it bothers you so much.
No. 150963
>>150959WHY is that shitty? why should she HAVE to talk about something which is probably very sensitive to her? maybe she doesnt want to?
This seems like exactly the same OP who samefagged up that shitty Alex Clark thread.
No. 150965
>>150963I agree. This thread looks eerily similar to the Alex thread, here.
>>111559Samefagging about fuck all. This girl has no milk.
This is a shit thread.
No. 150969
>>150968Nah theres a new admin, old admin cleared all the IPs of past threads.
>>150967And so? She doesn't owe her fans an explanation about anything. This is nitpicking.
No. 150975
>>150969Well shit, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
I posted her in snow because she has a lot of teen followers and she's dishonest and dismissive of her weight issues. Same as aly_realrecover. I guess it's different though because she outright denies there is an issue at all instead of just faking recovery.
No. 150979
>>150975so fucking what??? oh my god!! she doesnt have to disclose information about her weight if she doesnt want to.
in my opinion this takes exactly the same style as the alex clark thread, samefagging and all.
this girl has no milk. shes allowed to keep her disorder to herself. she has no drama and no milk.
No. 150981
>>150963I agree. Bushb4by is more of a cow than her.
Fucking bushb4by.