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File: 1662745188604.png (973.36 KB, 1160x598, blairenazikek(1).png)

No. 1643629

Blaire White | Robbie White #4 - Ganz Schnell, Pull The Ladder Up Edition

>Soon to be 27-year-old edgelord troon, never grew out of his anti-SJW phase from 4 years ago that most of his friends from back then have abandoned
>Got his fame from bashing causes such as feminism and Black Lives Matter on YT and sucking /pol/ chaser dick
>Constantly makes fun of other people for being fat/ugly despite looking like a male neanderthal and having his weight constantly fluctuate
>Once claimed he has never been rejected by anyone in his life and can get any guy he wants but has a fat, balding alcoholic fiance
>Is incredibly dull and braindead, seemingly has no interests or talents other than talking shit which is why his content is so shit
>Circlejerks retarded, uneducated opinions with other cows like shoe0nhead and Kalvin Garrah
>Apparently has a drinking problem

Updates from the Past 2 Years
>Sided with J-Star during dramageddon and called James Charles a predator
>Came out against Shane for damage control calling him a predator during his downfall >>1001778
>Moved to Texas from LA in order to pander to his alt-right supporters even more >>1029456
>Made a misinformed video claiming that a trans woman was competing in women’s power lifting leagues, but turns out the troon he was talking about only competes against men (not that he deserves a pat on the back for that) >>1046995 >>1059622
>Huge fall out ensues, he makes a twitter and youtube apology >>1059624 >>1059626
>Someone catches that he actually did know that the athlete only competed against men, and just wanted to dunk on him for attention >>1059845
>Robert makes a shitty apology video, and after D’Angelo Wallace makes a call out video on him, it leads to him losing 100k followers at the time (dipping below a million ) >>1074357 >>1055542
>Joins in on the anti-mask movement
>Tries to come at Halsey for protesting without a mask as a “owned liberal” moment, but it heavily backfires and he deletes his tweets >>1052389 >>1052392
>Mannish Body is still Manly >>1107441 >>1209391

Recent Events
>Met up with Joe Rogan >>1389328
>Highly speculated that he might have broken up with Joey, they are rarely seen together and rob has removed their engagement ring
>Can be seen with a person named michael quite often >>1453835
>Hangs out with Tillian from Dance Gavin Dance (who was also recently called out for predatory behavior) >>1459574
>Still hanging out with the Kancelled Kweer Klub >>1605810

Nonna’s mention some interesting theories about how he might be attempting to “pull the ladder up” behind him, which is why he wants younger kids to stop transitioning despite the fact that he states he would’ve done it as a child if given the opportunity.

SNAPCHAT: imblairewhite
TikTok: imblairewhite

#1 >>>/snow/192045
#2 >>>/snow/665451
#3 >>>/snow/>>996474

No. 1643635

ofc i fucked up the link to last thread


No. 1643657

Can't believe Robbie's been soon to be 27 in the last 2 years. How does he do it?

No. 1643672

ty for using my shoop as a thread picture.

tbh i been having a shitty day and this cheered me up

No. 1643686

im glad! i hope u dont mind i added some stuff kek.

kek oops, i made this in a rush.

NOTE: Robbie is currently 28 YEARS OLD, and the SJW phase was 6 YEARS ago

No. 1643748

Not at all! I love it when people get creative!

No. 1643755

Yes. His mother is Hispanic.

No. 1643794

I don't really follow the robbie threads but the op collage is funny af, especially the bigfoot wanted poster. robbie is proof that sasquatch is real. anyway thank you for the keks and hope your day gets better

No. 1643886

I thought so. I don’t get why he would ~ally with this type then. There are racist Latinos but they usually don’t support straight up Nazi rhetoric

No. 1643887

Huh, I always thought there was something about his face, like he looks "white" but not fully white. Thanks for the confirmation.
The Alt-Right/Lite is full of grifting pee oh sees like Robbie, including fellow Mexican Nick Fuentes. It's not like alt-righters have any competence or actual standards, hence why they're so easy to manipulate.

No. 1644154

>racist Latinos usually don't support Nazi rhetoric
You'd be surprised at the lengths self hating Latinos will go to be seen as more white

No. 1644190

South American streets are littered with nazi graffiti

No. 1644461

exactly, the alt right may primarily be white but it honestly takes all types. many people are willing to sell out their own community. it’s funny how many of them only realize when it’s too late that they’re very disposable.

tinfoil: i think if more legislation comes with restricting access to hormones/surgery via insurance coverage, robby might get quiet, since it’s his own party kek. he makes decent money right now, but it’s not overflowing. he’s definitely the breadwinner between him and joey too.. if hormones receive zero insurance coverage, it’ll skyrocket in prices.

he may have already gotten the surgeries he’s wanted, but he made the dumb move of moving to texas which is a state that is already trying to restrict e-shots or testosterone blockers. am i understanding that correctly? correct me if i’m wrong

No. 1644833

>state that is already trying to restrict e-shots or testosterone blockers
robbie doesn't want those to be available to children, which is probably one of the few things i can agree with him on

No. 1644956

This is so accurate anon

No. 1645184

File: 1662885678113.png (206.76 KB, 287x326, A77C9859-15BD-47CE-88D3-D35595…)

He’s so gross

No. 1645276

File: 1662902065882.png (115.01 KB, 236x210, troon reaction.png)

No. 1645327

stalin actually gulaged engineers, doctors, and many members of the intelligentsia, which is why modern russia has a brain drain and is composed of subhumans.

No. 1645371

File: 1662912428410.jpg (183.11 KB, 1808x1130, DHGag1yXoAE6fj9.jpg)

trust me, hitler wouldn't want these mutt american retards either.
in fact, hitler hated america with a passion.

No. 1645377

hitler clearly the superior chad phenotype himself

No. 1645500

doughy ass moid who was historically a lolcow, but nooo retards will still spew "muh superior genetics".

No. 1645506

ayrt, oh i know, i agree, but i thought there are certain bills pushing to allow insurances to wholesale label it as not medically necessary regardless of age (as like a commerce privilege or something), which would be hilarious to see robby piss his pants about if so

No. 1645513

File: 1662919601511.jpeg (222.57 KB, 1242x950, 2DCF9460-B844-46D9-9F1E-A23D62…)

sage for derail, but sadly hitler did in fact love the USA, and many Americans loved him up until pearl harbor. Charles Lindbergh, arguably america’s first “celebrity” was an open hitler supporter and ppl loved it. lol he murdered his own kids because he had defects, he wasn’t kidnapped. They’d have massive nazi parades for Charles and hitler in NYC.

i remember i saw a video of robby interviewing his mom and she was like so sad about his political takes / online jokes. Despite having a mother, a fucking woman and her side of the family be his main familial support, he is still chasing after the support of his Father’s side (the conservative alt right side) for approval, despite them hating him for trooning out.

it’s so fucking sad that even when all you have left is the support of a sweet loving mom who only wants you to lead with kindness, you pay her back with all of this shit.

picrel: the title is clickbait btw

No. 1645631

Because Rob is still male to the fucking bone. As a male, all he seeks is approval from other males. He couldn’t give a fuck about his own mother. She needs to let go but I get that’s near impossible when she loves him so much

No. 1645753

Didn’t really watch the video just wanted to see if he’s wearing the ring. He isn’t. Also holy flood lights and 5 inch makeup.

No. 1645822

cp below

No. 1645834

File: 1662942224834.png (152.88 KB, 507x493, cute!.PNG)

Bump, don't scroll. CP being spammed.

No. 1645932

don’t want to derail too much here, but those are quotes from him at the end of his regime. The Prussian Memorandum, AKA the foundational text for proposed (and practiced) nazi legal systems, champions the the united states racial legal system as a paramount example. Ofc germany soured on the US near the end of the war kek. But 1933 and forward, they loved the US.

yeah they’re both definitely broken up KEK, robby has waaay too much pride to actually admit to it. i wonder how he’ll announce?? tbh i’m surprised joey hasn’t said anything.

if robby was the one to break up, i think it would’ve been joey blabbering about it on social media.

No. 1646012

I’m more surprised that people thought Blaire was anything else. Looks very Latino to me.

No. 1646116

NTA but the states supplied Hitler with the concept of eugenics because they were already doing it before his regime with people like the Asian immigrants that were horribly mistreated. That anon isn’t wrong. Hitler changed after the states came out against him but at the beginning of the war there was a 40% chance the states would have sided with him. Keep in mind the concentration camps weren’t found till the end. No one knew exactly what he was doing.

No. 1646133

same anon, but in what way am I saying that I think thats a good thing?? kek it’s just history, obviously not pro nazi as i shit in robby. concurring with what >>1646116 said, we had eugenics professors doing tours in germany (same with british ones) because of the proliferation of aryan supremacy ideology. germany didn’t just make it up solo.

nitpick, but the hair crisis with him is reaching an all time high.

No. 1646150

Fair enough.

No. 1646806

no way is this fucker 27! at least when women lie about their age they do the skincare to make it believable jfc

No. 1646811

Eh it's believable. But also remember that taking HRT for prolonged years can really age a person prematurely and he's been on it for years now so it's not surprising why he looks older than he actually is

No. 1647031

or he just has really shitty genetics

No. 1647145

He just turned 28 but I assumed he was in his 30s. I think his outdated fashion style contributes to him looking older too

No. 1647177


correction to his age was made here >>1643686

No. 1647178

his style is permanently stuck in 2013 beauty influencer aesthetics.

No. 1647268

>one year in the twink death grave

No. 1647404

he wears like kardashian makeup so i thought he was around 36

No. 1648101

He’s 29 as today is his birthday.

No. 1648224

>two years in the twink death grave

No. 1650374

i wonder why robby doesn’t pick up the fact that pick me women like jaclyn glenn and shuwu only like him because they see all transwomen as men secretly. i’ve noticed that pick-me-vaush-watching girls all love transwomen but have nothing to say about transmen. it’s very obvious

funny enough, i think hontra has picked up on it and that’s why he doesn’t interact with the sort

No. 1650386

File: 1663589727993.jpeg (272.89 KB, 1233x1934, A4255FD5-4399-4A9F-BD85-B06D97…)

just saw this on twitter. it doesn’t look fake either, that bio would be making fun of robby if it really was a spoof account, but it honestly sounds like something he would say.

joey break up confirmation is approaching

No. 1650390

Shoe0nhead has that ftm friend, and Robbie collabs with that not like other trannies ftm Kalvin Garrah

No. 1650394


Shoe is a troon?

No. 1650418

I don't think he's under the impression that anyone sees him as a woman. His whole yt persona revolves around being candid about who he is.

No. 1650547

I have always assumed they've seen him more like a gay best friend rather then an actual female friend

No. 1650724

learn to read

No. 1650860

robby hanging with garrah isn't so strange, he always tries to find other troons to solidify his message passively.]

however the way shoe and jaclyn speak about transmen versus transwomen is so different. their look of male troons is emphatic and fan behavior, while transmen it's out of obligation.

why else are all the NLOG tankie twitterfags in love with TiMs? very red scare.

No. 1650952

imagine thinking your average nazi is a skinhead caricature in 2022

No. 1651125

Agreed, at least Cletus here looks like he socializes. Most modern nazis are pale skinny tech nerds or literal children who watch too much reactionary youtube shit

No. 1651239


No. 1651246

Imagine not saging to reply to something offtopic from 9 days ago.

No. 1651443

File: 1663643452126.png (253.38 KB, 462x616, Blaire_White_2.png)

I was always assumed he was Italian or something, but half Mexican also fits, he's very naturally swarthy and does look like a LatAM tranny

No. 1651581

Same, especially with ShoeOnHead. I didn't know much about Jaclyn but with Shoe, definitely as she seems like that person who mostly hung around gay guys.

With how she tried to cozy up to Hontra a a year or two ago, yes lol.

Yeah same. But back in the day I thought Blaire was full on white because of how pale he would make his skin look in his videos and I'm talking around 2015 when he was filming in I think his college dorm and would be blasting hella light in his face. He didn't take all that many pictures of himself back them neither so I just went with what I saw lol.

He3 does look more Mexcian in recent years though.

No. 1652432

File: 1663716547964.jpeg (178.45 KB, 745x753, 31ED3C0D-22DA-46D1-9567-7DA374…)

He always looked part Hispanic.

No. 1652439

File: 1663716887336.jpeg (207.42 KB, 1500x1500, 4AE3E78D-3137-4754-BC53-D2AC1B…)

His boobs be like

No. 1652480

He looks very Spanish (as in, from Spain) to me. There is a sort of longer face phenotype that exists in Hispanics there that I can see in him. Doesn't look Mexican to me really.

No. 1652525

just turned on the latest pod episode…..omg his VOICE…my throat is sore just listening to it. every other sentence his voice just strains and trails off. this is just so uncanny.

and michael malice again?

No. 1652530

Don't insult nilla wafers like that anon, wtf

No. 1652534


if not fake, it must be very recent because there's no blue verified checkmark (yet?) unless it's on purpose

No. 1652538

There's gotta be something more with him and Michael, unless it's just Michael trying to promote himself and his books

No. 1652562


they call each other 'mom' and 'dad' and that little guy JC is their 'son'. i know that's a common cutesy thing friends do but idk he seems like a chaser. joey must've had another drunken episode/cheated.

No. 1652766

No. 1652786

he looks admixed. indigenous south Americans look east Asian and his eye shape kinda looks like one you'd see among Hispanic people - actual Spaniards have zero wast Asian admixture and you you don't see that eye shape among them, usually.

No. 1652908

File: 1663738171305.jpeg (217.81 KB, 1440x1440, 26Gv0Wg.jpeg)

I don't see it anon, his eye shape looks normal to me. Most of my family is spanish and not all of us have deep set eyes. Bobby just looks like white man when you take off the self tanner. He could have amerindian DNA, but it’s not more than 10%. Mexicans usually have short, round heads (see Nick Fuentes).

Pre-ffs he is not the stereotype of the mediterranean, but I've definitely seen plenty of guys with his phenotype around. I know a gay man from southern France who looks scary similar to Bobby.

No. 1652968

I hate when some of you start sperging about pretentious shit like this. Nobody cares what they look like to you, stop being a freak and studying peoples features to categorize in different ethnicities you sound like a scrote

No. 1652974


Agreed, you blokes are fucking weird. What is “normal” eyes ya freak?

No. 1652986

By normal I mean non-asian, i did not intend any offense. It is still absurd to say he has eyes of "indigenous south American".

No. 1653000


He’s got the same almond shaped eyes in the younger photos and now, he just does winged eyeliner now. Who curr???

No. 1653227

He should have just stayed a fag

No. 1653242

He’s had so much shitty plastic surgery and before that and now uses so much make up and camera tricks you won’t get much from your weird analysis

No. 1653625

File: 1663796989185.jpeg (66.61 KB, 454x670, 4666B542-A1F1-45FB-8BF0-F5B00B…)

Blaire’s genetics

No. 1653627

File: 1663797029081.jpeg (75.41 KB, 453x725, A3AE8796-1929-46AA-8EEA-DEB6E1…)

No. 1653643

and why does this matter?

No. 1653780

Because he's a nazi, or well he's trying to be because his boyfriend is a skinhead.

No. 1653829


He sounds like Michael Jackson !

No. 1653835

The race spergs itt are weird, Latin/Hispanic people are very diverse, he looks like a regular white amerimoid

No. 1653861

He looks so much like Honter.

No. 1653898

He looks more like Onision TBH

No. 1653928

this, why doesn’t anyone know the difference between race, ethnicity, and nationality? many people are considered white mexicans. it’s not that deep

No. 1654738

Exactly. At this point it's pointless to bring up his looks when it comes to the more unimportant details like what race he is or isn't. The only thing that will bring things to light is if we ever get more candids of him taken out in the wild.

No. 1658899

File: 1664232775173.jpeg (217.75 KB, 461x618, 0C54D00D-A7B1-40FD-B4C2-B14E4E…)

Ugh disgusting

No. 1658920

The way he had to bring himself to cry was comical. Robert is such a bad actor. And this whole flip on transition is weird. Before he said people needed to be medically trans and now he’s saying the opposite. He really is trying to be the only trans

No. 1658939

his face looks better here than it does irl

No. 1660446

You know it amazes me how square his head shape looks even with the FFS. Either it didn't do jack shit at all from the start or it's him aging and the man DNA in progress.

No. 1661155

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No. 1661202

Man, Robby photoshopped the fuck out of that one. His face actually looks like it was drawn on.

No. 1661234

File: 1664410087432.jpeg (274.65 KB, 1176x1312, 1664404197387-gigapixel-standa…)

First off, stop being a bitch. It doesn't suit you. Second off are you fucking serious right now? Here I enlarged it for you. It looks like Robby fucking rubbed his entire fucking face out and then repainted it in MSPaint.
And wife? I'm not a lesbian thank you very much. Fuck yourself.

No. 1661375

Blaine Wide

No. 1661712

Can this be his new nickname?

No. 1666763

So a few days ago my friend who is one of the girls who believes that"True trans" is a thing and that she really only thinks gay men like Robbie here can be women which obviously I find ridiculous, she mentioned to me that Blaire is "truly trans" because he respects women's boundaries by not using our spaces but I have to call BS on that.

I can't explain it but I honestly don't believe that this is true and I have a good feeling that Blaire actually does use women only spaces. I remember a few years back it was shown that Blaire actually uses the women only TRA line in the airport and gets pat down by women but if he really wasn't using women only spaces, he would be using the men's line.

I'm curious what you all think. Do you think that Blaire uses women only spaces?

No. 1667572

Yes he does. He made a video of him using the men’s restroom and getting kicked out to prove he’s not supposed to use the men’s or some shit

No. 1667721

Oh yeah, I forgot about that video! I actually heard that the real reason he got kicked out of there was because he was trying to film in there and it was a violation of the restaurant's policy. So it didn't prove shit but he tried to spin it as a "Teehee see guys? I look too much like LAYDEE to use the men's restroom"

No. 1667781

Typical degenerate retard behavior trying to record in a bathroom. Where people are trying to, ya know, pee in peace?

No. 1667975

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No. 1668077

FR kek

No. 1668079

>"Blaire straight look"

The fuck is he talking about? And holy mother, this man can't go a day without using his filter huh?

No. 1674742

File: 1665698882683.jpeg (241.32 KB, 507x438, BC759C2E-C3F3-4A84-984E-F94308…)

So gross

No. 1674792

He looks like a fucking chimpanzee

No. 1674943

he's such a vapid, annoying gay with male fucking proportions and a passing face. of course the men see your hair and like women's clothes and assume that you're a woman…

but you're still a feminine man

No. 1674965

Passing face??? Bs!!!!! He looks like a MAN!!!!(learn2sage)

No. 1674988

>passing face


No. 1675031

he absolutely does not have a passing face. there’s a reason he never pulls his hair up. his jaw and face shape are so masculine that he needs long hair to hide them.

No. 1675086

Are you a moid?

No. 1675381

File: 1665771111240.jpeg (447.84 KB, 960x1133, 4804198B-9896-4DAD-876F-1345EC…)

The butt pads

No. 1675485

So his bellybutton is where the belt is cutting into his gut and the crotch of the pants is like a foot below that. Even accounting for his penis, that seems like waaaay too much space. Is he just built weird or do his clothes not fit?

No. 1675564

He lacks female curves same as any other scrote, hence why female clothes look ridiculous on a man and used to be a common subject of ridicule.

No. 1675662

Yikes, dragqueen faggot vibes.

No. 1676184

This >>1675564 It's because he doesn't have a female body, even the skinniest woman has slight curvature because we have cervixes, men don't have that which is why figure forming clothes designed for the female body don't look good on men. And it's only exacerbated when these men wear fake butt & hip pads.

No. 1676186

So I'm curious. You know how the stereotype with TIMs is that they tend to dress in super sexualized ways because of their fetish for femininity. Does Blaire also fit the stereotype?
I notice that he tends to wear a lot of bra tops and just overall low-cut tops to show off his moob implants but then I feel like I can't really say for sure because lots of women in LA dress like this so I wonder if it's really fair to make this claim when it comes to men like blaire.

No. 1676204

He just thinks it’s what men find attractive. He dresses entirely for male validation.

No. 1676428

Right I get that. So would it be fair to say that Blaire has a "sexualized" fashion-sense and fits the stereotype of a TIM?

No. 1685186

File: 1666785475873.jpg (2.2 MB, 1816x3152, bler.jpg)

>Does Blaire also fit the stereotype?
Not sure what else you were expecting.

No. 1685190

File: 1666786316132.jpeg (52.29 KB, 512x598, images (4).jpeg)

The chimp philtrum…

No. 1685848

Holy fuck anon, is that a recent pic of him?

No. 1686057

pretty recent yes, from his instagram

i know right?

No. 1687273

Eh it's not recent, I took a scroll through his Instagram aand thankfully he really doesn't have a ton of pics so you can easily scroll to the beginning of his post in like 10 seconds. That was taken back in 2015 so nah, it's old. But as we all know, he loves to heavily photo edit his pictures these dys and he more than likely still looks like this only with different makeup style.

No. 1692221

File: 1667439588173.jpeg (218.41 KB, 960x1687, F255B66B-50C8-4AD1-A090-2FE794…)

And this is with the makeup and filter AND still looks like an ape

No. 1692262

This image is pretty scary

No. 1692279

He fr looked less manly before all the surgeries, including the boob job. Yeesh

No. 1692289

Tbf that was 10 years ago. He's almost 30 now and twink death is hitting him hard. But the botched plastic surgery isn't helping him either.

No. 1692378

File: 1667459778421.jpg (2.88 MB, 1652x2048, Picsart_22-11-03_03-14-21-086.…)

She's next in line for Elon cuz he is gonna get bored bc he's allready done everything

No. 1693396

Elon can find a younger better looking tranny that Blaire kek

No. 1693827

File: 1667595298999.png (782.37 KB, 931x1024, Pelvis_male_vs_female_2-931x10…)

I love how aware he is of nature yet he still hasn't learned how to properly wear hip pads after all these years lol
He should ask his drag queen chaser boyfriend for some tips but I think he's avoiding wearing his hip pads properly because it involves him having to wear layers of tights until it's smoothed out and he seems to associate showing his bare legs as the sole way to make them look sexy when ironically his legs would benefit from hiding behind some tights. He's probably awkwardly stuffing them in his boxers and calling it a day

No. 1696046

Yeah it's been like what? 4 or 5 years now and he still wears hip pads incorrectly and ineffectively which just make hid body look like a deformed cartoon drawing. I think you're assumption o why he doesn't do it properly is correct as he wants to show off his "shapely" bare legs in his mini sirts and shorts but doesn't realize (or maybe doesn't care) that if he wears the hip pads the way he does, they loo off putting.

No. 1698916

File: 1668343842993.png (278.53 KB, 892x704, Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 12-47…)

No. 1700116

Such horrible lip filler migration.

No. 1701691

Robbie was on the Tim Pool podcast, main highlight is the discussion about the Dylan Ulta Beauty drama.

Gotta love how he talks about dylan pushing sexist stereotypes meanwhile Robbie bases his whole look on bimbo early 2000s.

No. 1703173

File: 1668810973356.jpg (33.14 KB, 599x626, ae0ee790f336747a3c128bcfde0152…)

>Blaire says Dylan is pushing sexist stereotypes while Robbie is doing the same thing

Like is he really that non-self aware? It's so funny he is but not surprising. Again, it's why he doesn't have these kind of talks with women who aren't handmaidens because he knows they would call his ass out and he'd look like a clown while it happens.

No. 1704861

>snake oil
>plastic barbie doll
>dead inside

No. 1718748

tranny being sued by other tranny

No. 1718808

as much as I dislike Robbie, he's not an actual rapist and confirmed child groomer like Eli

No. 1726933

Hasn’t been confirmed YET but the amount of projection makes me think otherwise. I don’t think he would be doing so much if he him self wasn’t a groomer/pedo.. it’s the same thing with the trans thing he try’s to throw everyone under the bus and that makes him a “real trans” and is called “she/her” by all the republicans. That’s his reason for that. So think what’s the reason for his “anti groomer” thing? Kinda makes it seem like he must be one of the worst ones..

No. 1726934

File: 1670995648396.jpeg (1.07 MB, 960x1653, CDA3D8E1-0706-49A2-9B43-2DC2E2…)

No. 1726964

Maybe he does it for clout or to feel self-righteous. Your tinfoil is extreme tbh

No. 1727349

Hmm sorry anon but I have to agree wit h>>1726964 that your theory seems a little out there. I do get where you're coming from because sometimes people who protest the most are doing the same things as those they call out but in the 5+ years Blaire has been on YouTube nothing pedo/groomer has come out or even been hinted at. The most we know is that Blaire is a grifting narcissist who calls out other troons to get the "true trans" status that he gets from the conservatives when deep down these people think he's ridiculous as well but need a token tranny to not appear bigoted.

Oh and we've seen that Blaire hardly does any research on his topics and only parrots what other bigger channels are saying only in a troon voice. Or when he lied about that other Troon who he said was competing in women's sports when the guy actually wasn't and instead of apologize for getting it wrong, he went into hiding for about a week or two until the backlash died down and went back to posting as per usual.

It's the main reason why he avoids making content about "Terfs" because he knows they will clap back with a vengeance kek.

No. 1727893

File: 1671107318707.jpeg (689.58 KB, 960x1282, 9DD102B7-A178-4C28-B378-B3742B…)

No. 1728427

yikes, that top's dimensions can barely contain his shoulders.

No. 1732647

My nigga wiill bust his shirt the moment he relaxes those heckin’ linebackers

No. 1742173

Question to the anons here. Do you consider Blaire a TRA? I've heard mixed things on whether he's a TRA or not and the biggest reason I've hear why he is is that even though he's not directly harassing women, he still is expecting people to see him as a woman even though he is a man.

No. 1742675

File: 1673528979305.jpeg (225.54 KB, 952x956, D1395CBC-E716-4735-B09C-2A4BF8…)

your filler isn’t looking too good robbie boy

No. 1742764

File: 1673536692519.jpeg (561.37 KB, 960x850, 8F32461A-4DA0-40D7-9760-04B147…)

Do they ever look good? He always looks a mess(nitpicking)

No. 1742779

That, and he whines about muh terfs on twittee

No. 1742930

kek at his big ass man fingers making his nails look like little retractable claws

No. 1742934

They’re stained too ew

Why do trannies always look so gross and unwashed

No. 1742944


Wait dues he really? That's interesting because it feels like he avoids the word "Terf" on his channel, in fact out of all the YouTube troons, he's the only who doesn't seem to mention "terfs" at all on his channel. If you don't mind anon, what has he said about "terfs"? And is it a frequent thing he does or only from time to time?

No. 1743418

Anyone find it hilarious that he’s dragging James Charles for being a “gay man with a straight man fetish” despite that being exactly what he is? Like how can you not see this Robert)

No. 1743505

I just listened to one of his podcasts in the background and I swear those lip fillers and FFS have given him some sort of strange speech impediment- sounds like he's constantly slurping up his spit and talking in a pronounced slur.

No. 1743528

File: 1673595548889.jpg (74.5 KB, 750x341, relaxed-kitten-in-grass-e16119…)

Porn bump

No. 1743592


No. 1743622

Because they lack any self-awareness and are too lazy to even consider basic hygiene? Kinda goes hand in hand with sissy/wimpy men in general tbh

No. 1749451

File: 1674295576243.jpeg (1.03 MB, 960x1835, E371A558-6E23-4051-98BC-FA5437…)

Robert looking like a man

No. 1749621

What happened to his finance? Is he dating that middle aged chaser dude?

No. 1750129

He believes he is "true trans" and has some type of "womanly soul" and is therefore not actually a gay man. He believes in brain sex and you can see he was surprised when Debra Soh told him that the brain scans of all tested TIMs for "brain differences" was just the same stuff they found in homosexual men lol.

No. 1759876

File: 1675398363052.jpeg (1.22 MB, 960x1734, FBB1C97A-1E77-48B1-9618-6719D0…)

No. 1760003

this is something I actually like about Blaire. stand your ground

No. 1760093

File: 1675435017724.jpeg (852.3 KB, 960x1310, E990E06C-8F34-4A09-8E9F-93FB57…)

Robert Ryan White really thinking he did something with this(emoji)

No. 1762811

File: 1675757366246.jpeg (388.99 KB, 960x1534, 58E80829-A55F-4B6A-840B-D72F9F…)


No. 1763179

I wonder what he'd say if someone asked him why anyone should think he is anymore valid in his "identity" over someone like Riley J Dennis

No. 1763491

Exactly!! This is a good question

No. 1763497

Kek @ the huge gap between his fake tits

No. 1763501

File: 1675825659584.jpeg (108.21 KB, 337x406, BB2FDDAD-8A5E-40FE-AB19-2677A9…)

Bump gross shit

No. 1763504

Robbie! Your left boob has escaped!

No. 1763593

File: 1675843625620.jpeg (544.44 KB, 1257x960, B40642B8-2F60-44CC-B54C-7CBCCD…)

So Robert Ryan White never washes his hands ?

No. 1763664

So you've never used fake tan before? This isn't milk.

No. 1763704

26:14 he talks about how he has a concerned fan talking about his surgeries.
One minute later he's like "my lips are normal now" lmfao he's in such denial. 'i don't think they look crazy" it's not about the looks, it's the speech. His muscles aren't tight anymore, talking is so difficult for him.

No. 1763982

my sides

holy fuck, his lips! I see he's insecure about his male philtrum. Robbie is such a clear example that transitioning is not helping with body image issues. He's constantly touching and tossing his hair and he would 100% go crazy without lip fillers and all the make up.
>I haven't touched my face in a year
wow, impressive kek.
Also all in all a very passive aggressive way of responding.

No. 1764394

Im not good at this. But if my clock is telling time right, then that girl he is with is biological. And wow… she is SO much more beautiful than that freak in every way. And i bet this fucking sick tranny says mysoginistic shit like "omg, im so much hotter than my cis friends omg sucks own dick" ugh fucking hate trannys. And then im sure his handmaiden friend turns around and acknowledges him and agrees. "Omg yeah ive just never been good at makeup or fashion your so pretty robbie!" Handmaidens get your fucking head out of the punch bowl and look around!!

Either way. You will never be a real woman, sir.

No. 1764396

Well i will say, atleast he doesnt live in fucking squalor like most other trannys. Still will never be a woman though. You can mimick women down to every last stereotype but all you do is make yourself into a charicature of women. Immitation is ugly, be yourself.

No. 1765178

I'm not sure about the woman in the video but I guarantee Jaclyn Glenn was probably like that. I'm not sure if they're still friends but I wouldn't be surprised if she kissed his ass and would indulge his narcissism.

No. 1766023

so blaire white isn't his real name
i wonder what it is.

No. 1766040

Both people left and right from Blaire are biological women. I'm sure he feels so womanly being next to a gender nonconforming lesbian even though she is infinitely more feminine.

Jaclyn is such an extreme example of a handmaiden going out of her way to validate this man. I watched some of their videos and she was 100% like that, also using self-deprecating language about herself to make him feel better. She even made a video with him where they asked random people on the street who's the TIM as if that wasn't obvious. Very awkward when some of them lied to not hurt his feelings kek.
I hope she lost interest in being such a handmaiden now that she's a mother but I don't keep up with her. They also live in different states as far as I know so he probably has to find other handmaidens for validation.

No. 1766051

Of course blaire isn't his real name silly, he's trans
His real name is literally Robert lol

No. 1766449

yes but troons can change their name legally and you'd think the faggot had done that, lol(sage your shit)

No. 1766634

I actually do remember that social experiment video they did. That's what made me believe that Jaclyn must be an annoying handmaiden who would kiss any troons ass to be "progressive" or "cool". The self-deprecating comments she made towards herself in that video was so pathetic and it was clear that a good few of the people they questioned knew that Jaclyn was the woman but they indulged Blaire as to not appear "tRaNsPhObIc". I mean how could they not? Even if some people are just that bad at clocking a troon's face, especially when standing next to a woman, his voice gives it away as he talks lie a flamboyant campy gay man.

I agree, I hope that ever since she became a mother, she developed some more self-respect.

No. 1768536

File: 1676459099005.jpeg (467.41 KB, 960x1583, 4FFD1BBB-F795-49DE-8C2A-AE64CF…)

The butt pad looks ridiculous

No. 1768663

lol is this his gym trainer or boyfriend? What happened to his chaser husband? I'm sorry but no shame and YES men should shamed for taking sexy pictures where they stand over another scrote in drag like it's some kind of "I'm a big man". No you are just the bigger man. Kek. Something about this is so funny.
>Manly man Ryback motherfucker standing trying to look cool and tough
>Fake ass pad, botched faced tranny kneeling under him trying to look feminine, small and sexy

No. 1769361

I know right, it's comical. This picture explains what toxic masculinity does to society.
Tbh I don't think him and the tranny chaser are still together. He hasn't been on his social media in months, so either he doesn't want to be in public or they broke up in private.

No. 1770108


Blaire did a live a few months ago and someone asked him if he and Joey are still together to which he said "Joey is my person and I'm his person" he didn't "say" they split, but he also didn't deny it either.

No. 1770121

I find it really funny there are real women go to the gym to lose weight that's mostly on their butt and thighs, and then there's Blaine wearing butt pads at the gym.

No. 1770235

Everyday he looks more and more like a Neanderthal.

No. 1770250

kek he's already so short, the moid standing behind him is likely a total midget

No. 1770838

File: 1676704924545.jpeg (380.64 KB, 960x1604, 126BB474-5B43-4020-ADAE-896A5C…)

No. 1770839

Wtf?? So who would actually date him then? A republican/conservative/Christian ?? How much dose he have to hate himself to want to date someone who would have to be closeted?
And then what he’s saying Joey is not a liberal? Haha

No. 1771061

FR, the only men who would openly date a troon would be a liberal. If we're talking actual Conservatives who are not gay or bi? He'd be out of luck since those men wouldn't want his man ass. And even if he were to get with a conservative man who was on the DL, I don't think he'd be able to do that long-term, being treated as some dirty fetish secret. He's delusional.

No. 1771244

Despite all the surgery, make up and editing, Blaire has MORE issues dating a conserative man then he would as a normal gay feminine scrote. Simply because even if Liberal men suck troon dick, a LOT of them aren't actually sucking it, would'nt actually date a troon. It's all talk. At best some may fuck one, but you don't see 95% of liberal scrotes with their troon girlfriends.
I see a LOT of openly degenerate left wing/centrists scrotes who date troons though. These types however, don't hide their coomers the others DO.
Plenty of conserative scrotes have in roundabout ways admitted attraction to Blaire. Thats why he's always the one they bring out, they want to fuck him and/or think he's attractive (or better looking then most troons). It's just troons are still scrotes dirty little secrets to a lot of men.
Unless it's a openly gay/bisexual conserative he's not going to get the "Straight right wing" guy he wants. If he does, it'll be someone very gay like Nick Fuentes or someone everyone already clocked as a dick gobbler. I find it funny that despite making himself into what he feels would attract scrotes, no matter how many surgeries a lot of these troons are stuck with clearly gay/bisexual/degenerate men in dead in relationships. They never have kids or do anything. It never seems stable.
It's not even like a normal gay relationship. It's weird.
Blaire could date a liberal scrote but he'd be like that artist scrote who dates a troon, and whines because everyone calls him gay. Or that one from oneyplays who I hear is a out and proud degenerate. They'll openly fetishize him and not for passing but having a dick and being their "Dick Girl".
He's not going to get that strong straight seeming relationship, he had that with his finace but I still think that scrote is ashamed of Blaire and will leave him for a more passing younger troon with maybe a working/bigger dick.

No. 1771394

Yep all of this. Blaire has gone the extra mile to try to "pass" with the surgeries, botox, lip fillers, and a wardrobe that consists of "slut-chique" style clothes but even with all that, conservative men still don't want him. At most for the DL closeted bisexual/homosexual ones, they'll only see him good for a pump and dump.

I remember in one of Blaire's video where he was talking about dating as a troon on his "Blaire Black" channel and he said that he never understood why fellow troons felt like they need to force guys to date them and then said that what he gets in his DMs, is proof that you don't need to do that as there "plenty of men that go for them". But it's pretty obvious that even he knows that the DMs he get which are definitely usually sexual most of the time, he knows that these men would not have an actual relationship with him and just want to fuck him and that be it.

I like that you pointed out that if he ever did get with a conservative gay/bisexual, it would more than likely be a Nick Fuentes type, I can see that for sure and I don't think Blaire finds that attractive, I feel like he's more attracted to rugged looking guys that look like his (ex?)fiance. But they seem to be a needle in a haystack for troons.

Blaire could date a liberal scrote but he'd be like that artist scrote who dates a troon, and whines because everyone calls him gay.

>Blaire could date a liberal scrote but he'd be like that artist scrote who dates a troon, and whines because everyone calls him gay.

This is why I don't understand why gay men think living and date as a troon is any better than just being their true selves which are effeminate gay men. At least with authentic gay relationships, they know what they are and don't whine about stuff like that. I just don't get it because it sounds like a headache to deal with to me.

No. 1771410

File: 1676774827785.jpeg (955.35 KB, 960x1669, 7D20E8A4-285A-4AAA-8558-31D7D4…)

No. 1771411

Looking like an actual ape. For real though Robert Ryan white should audition for a Planet Of The Apes reboot.

No. 1771886

I can see Robert dating a self hating conservative tif to play as a “straight couple” but that would last less than a year because Robert hates women

No. 1771933

That would be fucking hilarious if he did that but I doubt he would because he knows he's a gay man and doesn't want to be anywhere near TIf for non-financial reasons.

No. 1772223

> an openly gay/bisexual conservative
NTA, but everywhere outside of Burgerland, an "openly gay / bisexual conservative" or simply a "gay conservative" for that matter, is an oxymoron, and therefore doesn’t exist.
There are of course fake conservative politicians that have their fetishist boy-toys on the dl, but the keyword here is "fake". Otherwise, there is no such thing. So to a non-amerifag, it comes off quite anecdotical for Robert to be having these types of conversations >>1770838 in the first place.
Otherwise, I fully agree with everything you Nonnas said.

No. 1772317

AYRT Right Blaire being a conservative is fucking hilarity and an oxymoron in and of itself because Conservatism doesn't support trans ideology and would prefer to do away with it because it goes against traditionalism. They only put up with Blaire as a get out of jail card and example to show that they aren't "tranpshobic".

But you know that when it really comes down to it, they'll eventually drop Blaire once they get the political power they want. But Pick-Me Blaire doesn't seem to understand that because of his own self-hatred towards himself and that is why it's amusing to see him be a pick-me to conservative men who mostly view him as a joke on the inside.

No. 1774587

his hands are brown lol. he's not wrong in this video though.

No. 1774635

No, in my eurofag country there are quite a few high profile conservative gay politicians. In germany, one of the most prominent far right politicians is openly lesbian.

No. 1774641

nta but I don't understand these people, how do they justify that behavior? Is it some sort of "homosexuality exists in nature" argument for them?

No. 1774718

File: 1677118339898.jpeg (980.89 KB, 960x1638, EA05C9E1-2E90-49F8-BDA7-B7E658…)

Robert Ryan white had never stopped messing with that mug. This is from his Instagram today

No. 1774719

No you can’t be an atheist and believe in god lol. These fools just claim to be “conservative” so that they can be acknowledged by the opposing side(sage your shit)

No. 1774748

Probably to offset his huge ass lips he got fucked up. Forever a patient.

No. 1774795

That looks like TMJ botox to atrophy over active jaw muscles. People regularly get this for issues with teeth clenching, grinding and headaches. For a troon it would have the benefit of slimming his face so he doesn't have bulging muscles like brad pit. Which is assuming is his reasoning.

No. 1774806

Is it a good idea to get injected when your skin is covered in makeup and the grime that it collects? I would think you'd have to show up clean faced so they can at the very least swab the injection site. Guess Robbie can't do that though cause regardless of his surgeries they're less than useless without makeup on top trying to alter his face shape more than FFS botched up his nose.

Also I know this is the trap all troons seem to fall into but what's the point in altering your face to "pass" when your body still exists? Sure if you only look at yourself in the selfie camera you won't see the rest but Robbie tries showcasing his whole body often and is explicitly trying to catch closeted men who would use the "it's actually straight if he's got implants and I'm not the one being pegged" excuse.
It won't do much but I always wondered if he was just always too broke to get fat transfers or something to help his tragic figure. Or if he copes with his body by ignoring it since he won't even put in the effort to try and get a halfway decent gay moid butt through working out.

No. 1774860

Kek. He keeps focusing on detrans women and saying how severe testosterone is. Blogpost, but as a detrans woman who’s known several others in person, we never look like TIMs or moids. It’s annoying as fuck to hear a man with bolt ons acting like I don’t look the exact same even after years of T, because it made him, a man, look like a man. I used to like his podcasts occasionally because of how he focused on detransitioners, but it’s clear he prefers talking about how horrible testosterone is. Sick of TIM’s using women as pawns no matter where they stand in the fight against gender ideology.

No. 1774861

You bring up a good point highlighting how lazy he really is when it comes to working out. I remember he showed himself in a gym on an elliptical machine which shows he goes to the gym and it brings me to wonder why he just doesn't do workouts to build his butt instead of using those ridiculously comical hip pads. Is he that lazy to not just do squats and hip thrusts? Kek

No. 1775080

because I still think it bothers them how much T actually does to a woman vs. how much Troonjuice does to men. Hear me out, in a way, it's like jealously. Like he has to STILL have mad fucking surgeries, get all thats shit plumped in his face, edit every single picture, make sure his videos are filtered, and everything else to look sorta kinda maybe like a woman and even if irl you do think he's a woman, he looks like a botched older woman.
Sure IG girls do that kind of maintence but to enhance (or what they think enhancing is) already female features.
TIFS don't have to get their fucking jaws enlarged. If they are serious, they'll get their breast removed sure, but a lot of them already have extreme results from T anyway. Where as a scrote even the ones who trans as a child, still have to maintain all that shit.
Where a lot of women on T are sometimes stuck with long term effects from it. Scrotes who don't have a lot of surgery, can simply take off the fucking wig, kek.
Even if they do have surgery, just take out the boobs, because their breasts are useless male breasts anyway. Who cares if they look funny? If they kept their dick, then they are good. Even if they got facial work, they'd just look like a botched gay scrote.
I'm rambling but to me, it's soooo easier to focus on the many women who deal with lifechanging shit, then the few men, who are stuck with troonholes. I can think of very few Transwomen who "Detrans" who've had the full troonpackage including the snip.
It's more easier to find women to pretend to care about who are struggling, then troon men who simply cannot go back to looking like a scrote with very little effort, because 98% of them never passed as women at all. Some tifs at best pass for short gay seeming scrotes at worst, just butch lesbians, regardless they look better then tims. Not that it matters.

No. 1775082

I know this is weird, but why does he work out anyway? Kek, it's only going to make him look more mascline. He's not going to look like a hot ass actual woman who cares for her body and is buff. It's going to make his scrote features he barely hides well with surgery, make up and hair stick out more.
I'm not shitting on him for working out, kek. I'm just saying. Also what hell is his life. Even if he still has his penis, he still has to do all this upkeep. Nobody talks about how these scrotes literally have to reshape their house face to MAYBE look like a woman. It's fucking freaky to me how much scrotes to just look like drag queens, because regardless they can't change their wide ass scrote portions, just add hips/ass/tits, which only make them stick out more.

No. 1775173

Actually I think you provided a possible explanation why he does the bare minimum at the gym by only doing cardio. He probably knows that if the does weight training, it'll make his body look more obviously male (granted with his square shape, that's already happening anyway) and he wants to look like a dainty bimbo so he avoids weights.

I agree though, it must be exhausting to have to reform your face with drag makeup which just makes you look like a drag queen anyway without the filters but you know, troons don't really have the best self-perception.

No. 1776863

File: 1677374530275.jpeg (149.45 KB, 724x1072, F5B39C74-302F-4318-A78C-762374…)

Why is Robert Ryan white looking so hard? Like his body is looking like it’s Rock hard lol

No. 1777305

god, those hilariously oversized feet kill me every time he tries to thirst trap

No. 1777590

File: 1677406683655.jpeg (898.4 KB, 960x1341, E638F8B1-E8BB-4356-BFBA-BC0B8A…)

Why do they look like clown shoes lol

No. 1778236

File: 1677486999669.jpeg (936.59 KB, 960x1672, 942FD255-6754-4553-BD7D-7E425C…)

Dose Robert Ryan white think this makes him look tough?

No. 1778927


You gotta love the obvious filtered/edited waist area he gave himself when his candid photos show he has the figure of a refrigerator. Well a man can dream right?

>Clown shoes

Yeah it's so unnerving when he posts pics like this and it highlights how big his feet are, especially when he edits his body frame. You would think he would size down his feet but I'm guessing it's difficult to do that.

No. 1779038

File: 1677576019705.jpeg (312.08 KB, 960x1690, CE844E4F-4426-45A1-85B6-C853F2…)

I bet this makes him SO hard lol like to him people calling him a hobbit makes him feel more fem

No. 1779103

File: 1677583807678.jpeg (1.06 MB, 960x1666, AF2D9615-A19E-4B22-814F-49C190…)

Not Robert Ryan White taking about narcissism lol

No. 1779480

Oh please. Troons are the last ones who should be trying to one-up each other when calling out narcissism when that is a trait that is found in all troons. Part of being a troon is having so much focus on oneself.

No. 1781302

On primetimestein
He’s was calling blaire so pretty and that he could never tell blaire was trans and the other lady in the show was saying the same thing

No. 1781337

File: 1677813533342.jpeg (137.31 KB, 1080x1080, FqGJCx7XoAEQ40L.jpeg)

No. 1781356

Someone tweet this to him please

No. 1781360

5’4” is average woman height in US so you’re not short for a woman. So the people who are commenting on you being short see you as a man kek

No. 1781444

It's so annoying how these people really think he looks like how he does in his videos with the heavy editing. Do these people not understand that he uses a recording filter to make him look the way he does?
It really makes me wonder how people would see him if he ever went on live TV with no filters or camera tricks and if they'd be saying the same thing.

No. 1781497

Ooo that Robert White he sure is something.(sage your shit)

No. 1782396

They do know that! They only say that to kiss Robert’s ass because he helps them talk shit about trans people. I just think it’s annoying that they don’t tell him the truth like that blonde lady that told him to grow his mustache and stop calling himself a she.
But this guy in his show was such a cuck for Robert that it was sad. AND now even with filters and all that bs Robert’s face is looking hella weird. Almost like he’s wearing a mask.(sage your shit)

No. 1782922

File: 1678004126807.jpeg (1.11 MB, 960x1470, 9BE95142-2D92-4707-A136-180F66…)

Thinking he’s some hot shit lol

No. 1782925

kek at his clompers being bigger or just as big as all these taller men surrounding him. clown feet in a clown world

No. 1783024

File: 1678030372962.jpeg (1.25 MB, 960x1583, 4A0F1FC3-EE72-47CA-8392-9150F6…)

A real clown

No. 1783041

Kek at him having to always pose on the floor or sitting because he knows he makes the average man look like a TiF with how manly and tall he is.
Like the dude behind him has more curves than what he can add with shape wear.

No. 1783104

“I’m not a man, therefore my gun must be PINK!”

No. 1783118

kek he's about to dislocate his hip with it popped out like that

No. 1783256

It's Rebecca.
My only proof is "dude trust me" so I'll kindly sage but he'd posted a screencap to his Facebook fan page years and years ago laughing at a message from someone he knew and he forgot to filter out "Rebecca" as that person he knew referred to him as.

No. 1783393

Kek, I love how everytime I come across this thread, I always see Blaire with a bunch of men, but never women. I guess it's easier to pass posing in front of scrotes versus hanging with a bunch of actual women.

No. 1783473

The narcissism

>I broke the Internet teehee

>no one just has a sense on humor
>laughs at his own tired joke
>if you don’t want to see me in a bikini go to Saudi Arabia
>whines about men talking about his appearance, proceeds to tell a woman critizing him she looks like shit and that he’s hotter than her
>everyone else holds their politicsl views because they want to belong in a group, except ME of course
>I am one of the biggest right wing content creators on the planet
Some crazy tranny sent him a message telling he wants to peel the skin off him, that was creepy

No. 1783477

File: 1678088549325.jpeg (29.92 KB, 400x333, F8EB52E8-3DFF-4463-9E21-E2F7CB…)

cp bump

No. 1783518

Robert doesn't get threats from the right because he kisses their ass nonstop

No. 1783528

File: 1678099822890.jpg (13.34 KB, 375x375, 1483572367015.jpg)

Just another day of Robert calling women less attractive than him, even though this is his 'natural' state. I wonder how many of his faggot chasers would still want to fuck him if he looked like this(probably a lot).

No. 1783530

He had that "cute twink" energy before he trooned out… I thought gay dudes loved that shit? He looks infinitely better as a feminine man than he does as a botched woman. I'm suddenly really confused on why he did this to himself kek.

No. 1783534

this just seems like you're trying to find things to be mad about. I watched this podcast and I agree with her. check out 1:04:17 until the end, she's right.
and yeah I say she because I don't feel disrespected by her. she's trying to blend in and not beg for acceptance, she know's she's a mentally ill man with something wrong. I respect that. also, like I said, I agree with her. if I met her IRL I wouldn't say he, that would just be unnecessary. feels so weird being so terfy and giving a tranny (hsts, not troon/AGP) a pass but she's fighting harder for women than most fucking people I know.
I know, it's a gay male. it's a gay mentally ill male who has some really good points.

No. 1783540

A lot guys like him become trannies because they aren’t attracted to gay men and want a straight man. They want to be wanted by straight guys in the way that women are, so they troon out thinking they will be what a straight guy wants. What they don’t understand though is that no matter how they look, straight men will never want them because sexual attraction is a biological reaction and even the best passing tranny (which admittedly he is due to staged angles and editing software) will not trigger that reaction in a straight man in real life because the man will always register that something is off. The best a tranny man can hope for is a closeted homophobic gay man who will play a role. Robbie knows that deep down, that’s why he won’t get his dick chopped off.

No. 1783545

scene Onision

No. 1783547

>she's fighting harder for women than most fucking people I know
KEK where??take meds asap

No. 1783548

Ngl the level of unaware self projection from tifs in these threads is hilarious and obvious.

No. 1783550

babe I live in Australia, we're 2nd worse to canada for the troon shit here. I mean what I say.
thanks for reminding me about the meds though genuinely unironically. sorry to disagree with you but…I disagree.

No. 1783554

White knighting Blake sounds like fun, I agree with >>1783550 she does do more for women's rights than anyone else. You're just a lil jelly Kelly is all.

No. 1783901

Pretty much. Kisses their asses by being the token troon to give them the okay to mock and make fun of other troons, never criticize any controversial stuff on the right, make sure to avoid content that would put his "identity as a trans-woman" into question, and remember to make fun at the ridiculousness of non-binary. That's pretty much how he operates.

No. 1783905

>fights for women

He really doesn't though. He calls women "terfs" when they don't believe in trans period, he has remained silent on when TRAs assault women at protests, doesn't speak on how wrong it is for women who get fired for speaking out against trans,…

So no anon, he really isn't fighting for women, he's fighting for himself to be seen as the special troon who should be given a pass and be seen as that which he is not.

No. 1784190

You’re a part of the problem. Men can’t earn their way into being called she and her. Why are you here if you think they can?

No. 1785017

That's an interesting name, wonder what made him pick it. Not a typical Troon name, even for HSTSs. Unless he wanted his new name to share the first letter of his old one and "Roberta" was too laughable even for "Blaire White/Black"
It's pretty clear he transed out cause his dad or grandpa didn't accept him as a gay guy. He said as much a while back (or at least brought up the lack of acceptance and doesn't seem to be able to link the two things). It probably didn't help he's one of those gays who prefers straight guys (or at least non femme closeted bisexuals) and bought the idea that surgeries would attract them to him. His chaser fiancé he claimed was straight helped the delusion of his appearance too
Genuinely where do you see Blaire fighting for women's rights? They're the og MAGA tranny fighting for trans rights and conservative talking points and simply pushing against the tucutes on the left because he knows they'll dick him over. He wants to go back to being medicalized and allowed entrance into women's spaces, that's not fighting for women and the moment self dx is no longer a thing he would go back to supporting the religious and conservative right of America as he has no stake in women's rights nor does he even like feminists as he constantly says. This is the guy who chickened out on talking with Magdalene Burns until she was dead but happy to be perved on and used by Alex Chaser Jones

No. 1785038

Even if he DID fight for women, he’s an ugly fat faggot and deserves to be bullied for it.

No. 1785791

>It's pretty clear he transed out cause his dad or grandpa didn't accept him as a gay guy. He said as much a while back (or at least brought up the lack of acceptance and doesn't seem to be able to link the two things). It probably didn't help he's one of those gays who prefers straight guys (or at least non femme closeted bisexuals) and bought the idea that surgeries would attract them to him. His chaser fiancé he claimed was straight helped the delusion of his appearance too

You sound like another person who watched Blaire White back in his early days and if so, do you remember his Christmas livestream in I think 2015 or 2016 when he got drunk and emotional. It was there where he mentioned how his grandfather and father didn't accept him "when" he was a gay boy but he also shared a story of how he was treated by his ex-boyfriend before he got with Joey and how the guy was so in the closet to the point where he literally had Blaire hide in his dorm closet a few times when the ex's parents came for random surprise visits.

No. 1786727

>wonder what made him pick it
Robert to Rebecca seems like an easy transition.
Not only that, but he has a long history of bullying women(female) for their appearances to.

No. 1790161

File: 1679055037916.jpeg (106.01 KB, 1129x960, F1020841-2348-403F-9F05-A8FD7A…)

So I saw this ben cooper fella that dose look JUST like Ben Shapiro wearing a wig. But then in some angles is looking like Blair white BUT with a bigger Adam’s apple lol

No. 1790179

I vaguely remember yeah, he used to get drunk and sad a lot didn't he? If the Christmas livestream is still up might be worth going through for old milk and to archive stuff. He's keeping more private now but it's pretty clear he's just another sad case of trans conversion.

No. 1790191

As annoying as Brett is she's obviously a real woman. Also, that's not an Adam's apple. It's just the angle

No. 1790273

AYRT and yeah he used to livestream every Saturday and would go for hours and be drinking but that Christmas one was one of the ones that stuck with me the most because of what he admitted in it.

Unfortunately I could never find any archives of it. He used to keep his livestreams on his channel but he deleted them which sucks because there was so much old milk in them. In any case though, it's awesome to come across another person who remembers it because everyone else I've run into either wasn't around back during his anti-sjw days or if they were, they didn't see the livestreams.

No. 1790434

File: 1679092647449.jpeg (17.05 KB, 241x209, 82EE8CCF-761A-4FC9-A901-63542F…)

No. 1790486

His head isnt square, its long and horsey

No. 1790489

Why did you badly edit this then try to pass it off as unedited? Lol

No. 1790502

seems like editchan has been making her rounds in threads other than belle delphines for months now. kek

No. 1790577

Are you retarded or a moid? If you can't tell between a woman from a bad angle vs a male maybe you should try to get a diagnosis for autism.

No. 1795654

File: 1679858359163.png (366.42 KB, 2271x978, 2023-03-26 21_19_13-AsPowerBar…)

do y'all mean this livestream (he starts around 4:30, 4:35 talking about the relationship with his dad/dads side of family)?: https://www.veed.io/view/43698f1e-38c5-4463-81ad-4a95db85dd91?sharingWidget=true&panel=share

if not, i have recorded all of them. any website i can just upload them anonymously?

No. 1795922

No. 1796881

>"If I have no makeup on and look like trash, that's why"

Don't worry, the beauty filter still masks your obvious male face. Anyway AYRT and YES! That was the one! I'm so surprised someone actually archived this because I couldn't find it for years until now. Thank you so much anon, I knew this wasn't some fever dream though I guess I got the livestremas mixed up because he wasn't drunk here and that must've been another time.

>They accept my gay uncle but not me

If the uncle isn't a feminine/flamboyant gay man who dresses in a feminine way, that can only give more insight into why the traditionalist Christian family of his would sooner accept them over "faggotron" because even before he deluded himself into thinking he is a woman, he dressed pretty effeminate what with the whole Jeffree Star aesthetic he was going for at the time.

But no seriously, thanks anon. This is why I was totally convinced his family was the (main) reason why he trooned TF out and a part of me does feel bad for him but only a small degree because he's still a misogynist for some of the shit he's said about women and I can't respect that.

No. 1796890

>"If I have no makeup on and look like trash, that's why"

Don't worry, the beauty filter still masks your obvious male face. Anyway AYRT and YES! That was the one! I'm so surprised someone actually archived this because I couldn't find it for years until now. Thank you so much anon, I knew this wasn't some fever dream though I guess I got the livestremas mixed up because he wasn't drunk here and that must've been another time.

>They accept my gay uncle but not me

If the uncle isn't a feminine/flamboyant gay man who dresses in a feminine way, that can only give more insight into why the traditionalist Christian family of his would sooner accept them over "faggotron" because even before he deluded himself into thinking he is a woman, he dressed pretty effeminate what with the whole Jeffree Star aesthetic he was going for at the time.

But no seriously, thanks anon. This is why I was totally convinced his family was the (main) reason why he trooned TF out and a part of me does feel bad for him but only a small degree because he's still a misogynist for some of the shit he's said about women and I can't respect that.

No. 1803175

File: 1680779388789.jpeg (238.18 KB, 960x1593, 0128ECFA-5C84-4A9E-82A0-7D122E…)

Now he felt a blow after Bens anti trans owning guns lol

No. 1803180

Even as a thumbnail this guy is forever clockable. Bobble head looking ass

No. 1803281

Is his head so big because he takes pictures from a higher point to look shorter? I know males have bigger heads but I always thought they looked smaller in proportion to their large bodies.

No. 1804124

Ever since Rucka Rucka became a faggot he just isn't funny anymore. He also had Onision in one of his videos, of all people.
I saw that and its hilarious. His latest video is almost like a parody of himself, one the one hand he feels that constant need to shit where he lives, on the other he can't help but disagree with Ben Shapiro. Which is it, Robbie?
This is how this shit works, Robbie, in for a dime, in for a dollar. Its funny how he calls himself mentally ill in the same video he says he wants his guns. Can't have it both ways, Robbie, you monkey faced retard.

No. 1804480

I'm not watching that video because I can't stand listening to his voice but lol at him admitting to being mentally ill and still owning gums, he's really not as clever as he thinks he is.
So was the gist of this video that he thinks it's stupid to want to ban gun ownership even though mentally sick people can still purchase them?

No. 1804644

His voice dose sound more annoying than usual. Either he’s older and it’s hard to fake it or he did something but he sounds like a straight up fag lol

No. 1804744

What I don't get is his constant obsessive compulsive need to shit in his own backyard. Anything even remotely negative about his fellow transies and he'll make a video about it. Its almost as if Robbie reads the news paper going "A-HA!" and then enjoying that shit. Now he's even willing to say he's mentally ill same as the rest of them. Is Robbie a masochist? Inquiring minds wanna know.

No. 1804873

I feel like it's because he's getting older and it's getting harder to sound the way he used to. I mean he still sounded like a flamboyant gay man even back then anyway but you know, troons gonna troon.

It's pretty obvious that the reason why he shines attention on other troons when they do or say messed up stuff, he's trying to win brownine points from conservatives and people who otherwise think trans is load of bullshit. He thinks that if he speaks common sense, that'll make him the exception and should be viewed as a "true trans" and ergo, a woman in his delusional big head.

Look at what people say in his comments kissing and gassing his ass up that only inflates his already sizeable ego. It's a high for him to get the constant asspats for calling out other troons. But notice how he never really makes commentary on people like Matt Walsh or Kellie-Jay Keen, the two public figures who would never bend for troons even if the troon was calling out another one.

No. 1804904

Because he's desperate to be the one good troon and get validation for shitting on other troons

No. 1804939

The pickme of troons

No. 1807677

This is so trashy, can't believe he doesn't ever stop with this shit

I have to admit his voice doesn't annoy me as much as most other tim's voices because to me it doesn't sound fake. He just sounds like a gay dude (which he is) and he doesn't have this creepy exaggerated fake woman-imitating voice that others (especially agps) have. I'd have to watch some of his older videos for comparison to see if he changed the way he talks.

I really wonder when his delusion finally falls apart. Probably when he's older and long forgotten. He always tries to come off as the reasonable tranny because he can admit that he's biologically male and that he has a mental illness but going on the way he does with the hormones and fillers and extreme makeup, always being so selfconscious about his looks is so self-destructive, there has to come a breaking point. Imagine him being 60, he can't rely on looking like a pornified caricature of a woman forever. He'll probably end up like these plastic surgery addicts that look like cat people because he never got to the core of his problems but bought into transition. What a sad existence.

No. 1809122

havent heard of blaire white since 2018. how relevant is blaire in 2023?

No. 1809290

Its very weird, I mean other trannies are trying their darnedest to have their fetish be normalized by society and here Robbie is putting every troon that did anything wrong under the microscope making shit so much worse. Of course any group of people has their bad apples, but usually the other people in said group aren't trying to magnify this to make their own group look worse than the others.
Then again, Robbie is nothing if not confused. He hasn't even gotten rid of mr. winky yet, while the very troons he's accusing of being "fake troons" like Jonathan Yaniv, ADF and others actually have.
Now if you ask me a dude actually having their dingus cut off to me sounds way more committed than a troon not doing that.

No. 1810243

can't believe i agree with ben shapiro lmao

No. 1810549

trans-apiro(sage your shit)

No. 1810598

I wonder if this faggot will detransition one day. Everything in his life is so performative it must've been really exhausting. From fake feminine mannerisms to sticking to very limited outdated makeup looks and hairstyles just to look less creepy. Nothing about him gives off that effortless feminine vibe "trutrans" are supposed to have, huh. Jeffree Star looking ass.
I can't disagree with most of his points on the LGBTQABCDEFGH+++ community but the bar is really low. His audience should stop applauding him for saying obvious shit like "yeah, drug queens should not preform for children". Duh.

No. 1810631

I thought this too. He would THRIVE is he detransitioned and would have found a husband by now if he didn't troon out. It's probably a case of sunken cost at this point and probably with most trans people who keep up the facade despite not being happy. The thing is, he is an attention whore. There would be no better way for him to get more attention like detransitioning and ironically a lot of the right wing people who hated him will actually like him. He really has less to gain by remaining trans at this point.

No. 1811387

Honestly I feel like Robbie is gonna see this lie through for a long time. The only way I see him coming back to reality and accepting himself for what he really is is when he starts losing attention as he gets older and a new young Troon takes his place. That or if he realizes that dating as a troon is seriously fucked when he realizes that many guys don't actually want to have a relationship with him an just want to fuck him.

But like >>1810598 said, Blaire is an attention whore and a narcissist and he gets off on all the praise he gets from his ass kissers who comment how "beautiful" and "passing" he is and this is what makes it likely he won't be stopping anytime soon..

No. 1812141

Almost feel bad for him, these troons really age like dogs.(sage your shit)

No. 1812612

File: 1682072440251.jpeg (106.5 KB, 960x1186, 5C614936-4B22-4BAC-8C20-9C349C…)

Hmm well, well well.. looks like his mug dose not lie but we all knew he has autism

No. 1812615

File: 1682072658333.jpeg (170.09 KB, 960x1434, 3474D57B-35FA-4E86-8587-449B8E…)

No. 1812616

File: 1682072780213.jpeg (107.45 KB, 960x1511, 963F8AD8-61EF-4D37-96C3-3302AC…)

He thinks he’s going to marry a republican/conservative though

No. 1812619

This is so funny, conservatives either think he's a degen like the rest of the lgbt or they're tranny chasers who wouldn't go out with him in public

No. 1812625


Blaire is engaged.

No. 1812627


No. 1812666

Let us know when he is actually MARRIED.

No. 1812677

robbie has been engaged for 5 years now kek

No. 1812719

kek, he must be taking those tests for a reason. Nobody just randomly does psych tests without some suspicions after age 12.
If he does have it damn is he a stereotype. HSTS and autistic from a homophobic family where he couldn't prove himself to his male family members. The autism making it easier to come to the solution of transitioning instead of accepting boys can be gay and girly
Are they even still together though? The relationship kinda slowly dissapeared from the public eye after that video where they admitted joey became violent when drunk and we've seen Blaire with any man but him since then.

No. 1812767

Well? When's the marriage? Isn't that when you get engaged, when you have plans to marry?

No. 1812925

File: 1682120242517.jpg (78.79 KB, 1278x719, fuglyrobbay.jpg)

I've never thought about that one, you think he'd really do that? I'm not saying he wouldn't, I'm really wondering if he would. I honestly never thought about it. I think it would be hilarious if he would transition. It is a fact that he never got rid of mr. winkey..

No. 1813114

Such fake boobs.

No. 1814184

File: 1682327588313.jpg (84.92 KB, 1194x811, ungh.jpg)

of course he has to shit on Mr. Beast his friend coming out as trans.
I just wonder.. does Robbie have any friends left in the LGBT community, or is everybody just out for his blood now?

No. 1814186

samefag but he also raises the argument that if you get married as a man you must stay a man no matter what because you "made that holy vow" and shit. so you just have to stay miserable as a man, even if you find out later in life you're trans. wow, robbie, just wow.
what about husbands or wives that just get divorced because they're sick of the sight of eachother? or what about husbands or wives who find out later in life that they're gay?
no no you have to rather stay miserable for the rest of your life and life with resentment just for the sake of marital vows and / or kids.

just wow, robbie. ok. yeah thats healthy. good job, robbie. keep catering to the right, you dick.

No. 1815044

He's just a grifting opportunist. I'm sure he has some other troon friends in the "LGBT" community who are just like him but don't do videos. That or he is content with the chasers and occasional handmaiden or two.

And of course he would stick his Michael Jackson-tier nose into this "drama" since Mr Beast is one of the most vastly popular channels on YouTube at this time and you know, gotta get that money honey.

No. 1815157

>He's just a grifting opportunist.
And a really bitchy, naggy, whiny know it all. He seems to be stuck in that 90s era where it was "cool" to be a bitchy vindictive cynical sarcastic homosexual. Newsflash: It was never cool. Plus it won't make you any friends. I really wonder what the consensus is about Robbie in the gay community. I'm thinking either they don't give a shit, or they genuinely dislike him. Or a little bit of both. Specifically his last video rubbed me the wrong way. His whole attitude is fucked, and he's acting like some sort of a gate keeper. With him as the know-it-all end-all king of all troons. Only he is a real troon, and only for troons with clout is he willing to at least act like they're fellow troons, like Buck Angel. I'm sure if Buck didn't have some clout he'd shit on him too. You know he would. He's a total fucking asshole.
In my opinion Robbie has been shitting where he eats for the longest time, and pretty sure once the novelty of him wears off he's gonna end up completely alone.

No. 1815417

>I really wonder what the consensus is about Robbie in the gay community. I'm thinking either they don't give a shit, or they genuinely dislike him. Or a little bit of both.

That's a very good question. I feel like the consensus may be mixed but tbh, I can't recall hearing any gay YouTubers mentioning Blaire outside of Arielle Scarcella and she idiotically believes in "true trans".

>And a really bitchy, naggy, whiny know it all. He seems to be stuck in that 90s era where it was "cool" to be a bitchy vindictive cynical sarcastic homosexual. Newsflash: It was never cool. Plus it won't make you any friends.

For real. He tries so hard to get in with the conservatives and the truth is that they will never accept him like he desperately hopes they will. They deep down think he is mentally fucked effeminate gay freakshow of a man but they're just playing nice now until the the world goes back to normal and stops blindly supporting the ideology. It's already pretty telling that he can't maintain friendships with other troons because he can't handle sharing the possibility of playing second fiddle.

And you're right, it's so hilarious how he thinks he can gatekeep who is "true trans" and it's pure projection on his part because irl he doesn't "pass" at all (none of them do).

No. 1815449

>For real. He tries so hard to get in with the conservatives and the truth is that they will never accept him like he desperately hopes they will.
Here's the real irony in that: Robbie is trying to desperately be accepted by the alt right, the alt right (some of them, because its not like he's big in the alt right movement) uses Robbie to "prove" that they "aren't transphobic" and have "one of those freaks in their midst, agreeing with them."
> they're just playing nice now until the the world goes back to normal and stops blindly supporting the ideology.
I suspect you're right, yes.
>It's already pretty telling that he can't maintain friendships with other troons because he can't handle sharing the possibility of playing second fiddle.
True, I think he has this constant need to be "special" and be "the only real tranny" out there. On the other hand I suspect he's actually also a self-hating tranny. He hates parts of himself he sees in other trannies.
I also think he's jealous or scared of some of them who did actually have the surgery to get mr. happy removed and a stink ditch installed.
Robbie is too scared to do that.
>And you're right, it's so hilarious how he thinks he can gatekeep who is "true trans" and it's pure projection on his part because irl he doesn't "pass" at all (none of them do).
Thats again very ironic, because to me nothing says dedication more than for a guy to have their dick cut off for something they believe in. So i'd say whoever Robbie argues or ridiculed that did get their dick cut off, Robbie already lost that argument by default, considering they're way more dedicated to being a troon than Robbie.

No. 1815452

File: 1682499546848.jpg (129.45 KB, 636x1372, PoorRobbay.jpg)

Poor Robbie..

No. 1815757

File: 1682540605721.jpeg (186.88 KB, 960x1072, E40800CB-A03C-4EBA-BFE9-06128D…)

Just look at Robert’s mug eek. And why dose he keep claiming to a midget when the other trans are just as tall as him and they have 4 inch heels?

No. 1815759

Zoom into Robert. He’s aging so tragically

No. 1815770

File: 1682541775453.jpeg (124.68 KB, 960x675, E8D7E893-680C-420B-AB71-CD5135…)

No. 1815820

it's crazy how feminine chaser type men look

No. 1815833

the poorly placed hip pad, the bulging calf muscle, the cavernous fake boobs. At least the troon next to him knows how to dress to camouflage a lot of his male features. Still looks like a drag queen though.

No. 1815839

File: 1682547218990.png (185.89 KB, 685x911, height.png)

judging by the fact that they placed buck in front to look even taller and that robert is bending his knees to look shorter. Definitely doesn't look like a massive difference between their height.

No. 1815969

File: 1682561404416.png (781.75 KB, 851x645, Screenshot 2023-04-26 7.01.39 …)

Sooooo…have they? Alex has been caught looking at trans porn before. kek

No. 1815982

"SimpCast Reacts to Blaire White Twitter Attacks! Chrissie Mayr, Brittany Venti, Anna, Ariadna, Keanu"

No. 1816000

Adam is so gross. Did anyone catch that interview with him talking about how disgusting he finds eating pussy. Now he's spending time with people like Robbie. Makes sense.

No. 1816007

he's def an extremely online brain broken scrote, it wouldn't surprise me if he's porn sick as well and the "demonic" shit he's always going on about is what he indulges in himself

No. 1816040

That fuckin footballer leg though. Shoulda went on the pitch instead of dresses tbh. What a waste.

No. 1816086

Any man who refuses to eat pussy is a faggot and unfit to reproduce. Makes sense that he would be orbiting the aids-ridden bobblehead.

No. 1816097

>Here's the real irony in that: Robbie is trying to desperately be accepted by the alt right, the alt right (some of them, because its not like he's big in the alt right movement) uses Robbie to "prove" that they "aren't transphobic" and have "one of those freaks in their midst, agreeing with them."

Exactly, he's just he token tranny to these people and as public opinion on troons turns, they'll drop him like a hot potato as usefulness will be no longer needed.

>I also think he's jealous or scared of some of them who did actually have the surgery to get mr. happy removed and a stink ditch installed.

I agree in your thoughts that he more than likely fears other troons, namely the ones who got the stink-ditch because if "gender dysphoria" is that apt for validating troon, he's not as committed as the ones who got their cocks chopped off and it's like, why should anyone think he is above it all when he hasn't done the same?

No. 1816100

It's sad that the women discussing his thirst trap pictures don't pick up that he hella edits his photos and that in IRL he has the body of refrigerator.

No. 1816112

File: 1682586358393.png (369.11 KB, 450x507, Screenshot 2023-04-26 7.14.32 …)

Standing next to Venti…

No. 1816134

I was literally just about to edit that text over this group photo >>1815770
Lol great minds

No. 1816139

File: 1682590626042.jpg (197.05 KB, 955x1200, FQeXZhoWYAE1UTV.jpg)

Holy shit they totally fucked

No. 1816151

Blair is just proof that conservatives scrotes biggest issue is troons don't "pass" as bimbo women. If they all looked like Blaire (who still looks like a scrote but has tits, long hair and over filled lips) then they'd have zero issue with Dylan Mulvaney of he tried harder and wasn't so ugly. They'd be like,
>honestly kids shouldn't Trans out BUT if it makes them look more female then…
Or only be against Trans kids and would be telling women to "get better" at sports and how we are jealous that troons look better/are better then we are. They'd probably be the leading voices of TRAs.
Only coomers hang with transsexuals and bring bring on their platforms. I'm sorry but it's true. No straight man is sane and into troons or supports them.

Every single one I've seen has done so because they find some troons attractive or they hated women, or all of the above while also being abusive, mentally ill,angry and a coomer.
I can't believe in 2023 people (scrotes) still trot out Blaire or even Buck Angels, you'd think they'd gotten better looking Trans who can "pass" so they can use or fuck them.

No. 1816166

>I agree in your thoughts that he more than likely fears other troons, namely the ones who got the stink-ditch because if "gender dysphoria" is that apt for validating troon, he's not as committed as the ones who got their cocks chopped off and it's like, why should anyone think he is above it all when he hasn't done the same?
Exactly. Its not like its a contest I mean they should all do whatever, but since Robbie actually does make it a sort of contest to prove he's top tranny while still having his wee wee dangling between his ugly mannish legs. Its odd.
Also I dunno why, and I don't wanna be "that person" but something tells me Robbie reads / posts here occasionally.


No. 1816447

Did Venti or Blaire try filtering their faces or is this just unfocused blur? Hard to tell. Anyway is he trying to showcase how "smol" he is compared to women because if so, I mean Venti is wearing platforms kek. And I just have the sneaking suspicion that Blaire tries bend his legs a bit to appear shorter.

No. 1816450

I mean at this point should we even question or be surprised if he has? For all we know maybe Blaire is secretly hooking up with him and plans to leave Joey for him since Alex Jones is much more notable online and I wouldn't put it past Blaire being an essential "star"fucker and I use that term in the loosest way possible describing Alex Jones of all people.

No. 1816455

Right but Blaire will always act like he's above it all. It's gonna take a lot to bring him back to reality.

No. 1816474

well yeah, thats what i suspect but i don't wanna go "hi cow"
in any case they are definitely photoshopped just the shoulders alone will tell you that. and the one with insane tinfoil alex jones looks so shopped its comical.
you can also tell by the unnatural smoothing in the face etc and by cutting edges like legs and such.

No. 1816520

imagine going through all that surgery and work to bag this actual warthog made of blistering sausage instead of being like a house hunting twink twin power couple. hsts fags are crazy and most likely want to reenact their childhood sexual assaults forever

No. 1816560

File: 1682638473116.png (69.78 KB, 407x406, Screenshot 2023-04-27 4.30.08 …)


No. 1817074

I think Robbie is venting his sexual fantasies about Alex Jones here.
Rob, Alex doesn't have his money no more ever since his Sandy Hook fiasco. You do realize that, right?
Plus Alex Jones is extremely homophobic, it just wouldn't work. At least not publicly.

No. 1822836

File: 1683519981994.jpeg (218.58 KB, 960x1604, 4155FA78-67B8-415D-A952-44243A…)

He said no makeup but he’s is wearing makeup and the photoshop is hilarious

No. 1822838

Yea I’m sure Alex jones fucked Robert

No. 1822871

>Alex Jones is extremely homophobic
He has been caught looking at tranny porn.

No. 1822992

thinks we can't clock makeup, male behaviour. it's all clockable m8

No. 1825628

I wish Robert wore his greasy,ratchet extention nest in a high ponytail. But we all know he won't because his hair has to frame his face and quarterback broad shoulders. Atleast we have his botched, hulk hogan boob job to laugh at. Seriously sue your surgeon, his body proportions are worse than a mexican or russian grandma's. Seriously >>1816560 hsi implants are migrating to his armpits.

No. 1825743

File: 1683895980008.jpeg (102.09 KB, 649x1361, 1E6FB69D-23FE-4038-93BB-E0D624…)


He this he has great tits though lol

No. 1827385

File: 1684124446473.jpeg (120.58 KB, 677x1389, C99DA371-127D-4FDD-AEE4-C49E58…)

Why dose he look like he’s wearing a mask ?(sage your shit)

No. 1827415

because he’s botched as fuck

No. 1827591

File: 1684154566805.jpeg (83.31 KB, 601x1319, 9ABF87AB-8AD8-4045-8F50-2344F0…)


YES he’s botched but what happened more recently? The bottom pic is the more recent and he looks to be wearing a mask. Or do males face grow larger and longer as they age ?

No. 1827752

His midface looks like it got longer

No. 1827762

It's called fillers. He's hitting twink death and losing fat in his face making him look male, so he combats it by getting fillers which make him look more unnaturally plastic.

No. 1828201

File: 1684241141978.jpeg (103.14 KB, 1457x828, DC410325-0C6B-4661-811C-87F786…)

Bobby is really happy another plastic surgery nightmare HSTS is a fan of his. How sweet.

No. 1828275

File: 1684250646701.jpg (85.85 KB, 892x864, thumbnail.jpg)

Not milk, just made me laugh.

No. 1828646

Why do they both look so similar? Lol(sage your shit)

No. 1830286

caught being the operative word here.(sage your shit)

No. 1830663

File: 1684537486197.jpeg (179.56 KB, 787x1406, 638B860C-475C-4ED6-9D79-BACA2C…)

This fool trying to look cute.

No. 1830698

does he wear a wig?

No. 1830959

he's always sucking on a straw like that.
wonder if robbie has some sort of daddy related oral fixation.

No. 1830960

File: 1684589477618.jpg (50.29 KB, 640x645, EOlA-73XUAs8BU7.jpg)

Also reminds me a lot of Chris-chan's drinking straw of fail. I'm sure they're related.

No. 1831274

Yea he’s been wearing wigs

No. 1834491

File: 1685053600037.jpeg (55.25 KB, 729x1107, 4ABDB1AA-8CA1-476C-B2A9-075AE0…)

You can’t say this doesn’t look like Robert(sage your autism)

No. 1840365

Hey anon, since you say that you have hive old livestreams archived, do you have the one where he was talking about how his previous relationship with his ex went? The one where he said that his ex made him hie in his closet when his parents came over to visit him in his dorm?

No. 1841387

>he one where he said that his ex made him hide in his closet when his parents came over to visit him in his dorm?
Holy shit I actually remember that stream, thats fucking hilarious. Talk about being in the closet! badum-tssh.

No. 1842225

Right it's another classic stream of his that stuck in my head but felt like a fever dream since whenever I brought that up with others, they had never see it.

I think it's also the biggest reason why Blaire stuck with Joey even after the physical abuse he got from him because he knows that dating as a troon is shit and that there aren't many guys who are willing to date them as much as they want to fuck them.

And I don't se Joey sticking around for long.

No. 1842342

I think Joe is a closet homo larping as a nazi. You gotta remember Robbie never got his dick and balls removed so yeah. Meanwhile Robbie is larping along with Joe trying to be a nazi conservative and a "good wife". At the end of this Robbie will be friendless and penniless. He must know this.

No. 1842403

Yeah Joey is a classic case of closeted homosexual. He comes from the south and he's hung around drag queens and troons even before he met Blaire. He's just one of those deluded fucks who think that having sex with feminized men doesn't count because "dur he looks like a woman".

And right, Blaire hates himself for being an effeminate man who his family wants nothing to do with save for his mom who he gas-lit and he thinks he finally found the perfect relationship and I would say I pity him but he's a misogynist so he can piss off and when his delusion gets shattered, it'll be just deserved.

No. 1842742

File: 1686215935596.jpeg (169.84 KB, 1640x960, 21979726-42F2-45FF-86D4-F456F5…)

It’s getting bad when he’s looking this masc even with a filter eek. Such a long face lol

No. 1842743

Philtrum longer than his chin, very impressive. Took my mother 60 years to get to that point.

No. 1842751

he is trying to compensate by injecting filler into his lips but it's only making them look sausages.

No. 1842831

Filtered to hell and back as per usual and when you look at the picture for too long, you start to notice how male he looks even with it on. It really makes me wonder what his real face must look like without the smoothing filter turned up on 100. We're seen how he looked like before he started going hard with the lip filters and I can only imagine what he looks like now with them…

No. 1842848

He is gay and he's not in the closet about it. He chases spefically troons with penises because he loves dicks, he probably slept with drag queens
He likes feminized men with penises,not even men with neo vagina. He's gay, I don't think he's every dated a woman or maybe he did briefly but seems like he's strictly dickly.
Deep down he knows he needs his partner to have a penis, I find it funny that chasers never go for FTMs with fake dicks or MTF with neo vaginas, because the appeal isn't an actual woman with an skin tube dick or a transgender they feel in love with who has whatever genitals. Nope, they want an actual dick to present.
Joey is gay as fuck and everyone with a brain knows staring up at fake tits doesn't make sucking a dick less gay. Scrotes literally convince themselves and the fact that alot of men hide it, let's you know how they really feel.
If you as a "straight" man need a real life dick on your "woman", then you are super gay. It's not even normal gay because I believe Troon attracted scrotes love dick more then gay men.
That's their main attraction and blaire doesn't even pass more then then a drag queen with breast plates.
Blaire can't do better. Like another nona said, there's more men who want to fuck troons like him but not date and play house. I truly believe that a lot of Troon attracted men are bisexuals with a fetish for them.
They can't love troons because they don't see them as women, just fetishes and they know they are men.
If men felt troons were women they'd never shut up about neo vagina and how straight it is.
Kek, I always find that funny. Men will brag about sex with women all day but alot of them who fuck troons never brag about the 9 inch dick they were sucking last Friday that was on a woman
Or the amazing neovagina skin massage their dicks got. It's a shameful fetish.
Joey loves Blaires dick more then him, he fetishizes the extremely male part of him. Blaire can pretend but it's either chasers or scrotes who want to fuck him in the ass and never interact with his dick and those scrotes aren't dating troons. They are desperate bisexual coomers who say they are straight but will fuck a pig or a beef patty.
Men never shut the fuck up about their fetishes and dicks, unless it's something they want to hide out of shame. Which is why every "straight" claiming man who openly dates troons has to be drug out of the closet, is mentally ill or violent/hateful towards women. They are ultra coomers who are convincing themselves 24/7 that their lover with a thicker neck, taller then them and with a bigger dick, is a woman and its totally not gay.
It's a mental illness.

No. 1842927

File: 1686251682425.jpeg (196.35 KB, 960x1644, B7FBEC81-2C62-4F88-ADF8-9C208A…)

No. 1842968

Because most men have shit tier thin lank hair

No. 1842994

Very well said anon however

>Which is why every "straight" claiming man who openly dates troons has to be drug out of the closet

That's the thing, these men are not open about it. They always try to keep it secret and that's why they never have real relationships with troon men and only want to fuck them to get their dick craving but they're too cowardly to actually date these men.

And Blaire knows this which is why he's holding onto Joey like he's an oxygen tank because he doesn't want to go back to that reality. That's why it's hilarious whenever he would do those videos where he claimed that dating as a troon is not hard because he's lying through his teeth.

No. 1842995

Taking wrong sex hormones certainly doesn't help these sad men. In fact it actually accelerates their hair growth to a point where they can start prematurely balding.

No. 1843556

kek it's serving self-hating, that uncanny valley edit

No. 1845316

He looks like a painting.

No. 1846809

File: 1686801347638.jpeg (80.95 KB, 943x869, 216AF23F-4FDD-4583-A690-416C9F…)

He just gets worse with age

No. 1846812

Jesus Christ those hands

No. 1846845

File: 1686806075908.jpg (249.13 KB, 1078x1851, Screenshot_20230615_011407_Ins…)


This was about two months ago. Seems they just made their relationship less public.

I know at one point they were getting doxxed and swated all the time and then they moved to Texas.

No. 1846887

First shots fired!

No. 1847115

The lip filler and the extensive facial feminization procedures give him such an uncanny Jocelyn wildenstein look. He will never look youthful, no matter how many procedures he gets, hopefully he doesn't jump on the buccal fat removal trend, he'll look even more ancient. Poor thing. There's nothing wrong with being a conservative gay man, he could've preserved his youth and not look so off putting or constantly have to filter, get plastic surgery or use clever lighting tricks in photos and videos to not look as scary. Seriously shame on these cosmetic surgeons who don't do mental health checks beforehand on the people they cut open. Everything about Robbie seems fake,contrived and reeking of insecurity. This is what poorly managed body dysmorphia does to people.

No. 1847347

Oh his face is looking so mad there looking like Jeffrey star and those huge hands!!(newfag)

No. 1847420

>scrote trying to take the word pickme like they do everything else
Trannies will never be women. A man calling another man a pickme is retarded. Like scrotes using incel.

No. 1847625

His face is melting. Did his plastic surgeon warn him that ageing would make him look uncanny?

No. 1847724

I didn't even know the word yet tbh, but it does explain to me what Robbie is now. Back in my day I guess they would call it being a "sell-out" or a tool. Basically selling out your own kind. It still doesn't make sense to me, although I do sorta get the benefits for someone like Robbie. Its like for one he makes money off of it on youtube, which is deplorable really, but whatever. And he gets to be that one special guy among the nazi's. Which to me seems retarded, but I bet thats how he feels. Like "look at me look at me look at how special i am". The benefits for the nazi-larpers and alt-right should be clear, they in turn can use him as the token tranny, saying "see, he agrees with us!" making it even more like being a sell-out. He's basically sending his own kind to the wolves. once all this is said and done, Robbie is gonna be completely alone.
Then again, they do say trannies are prone to suicide.

No. 1848060

It's actual tragicomedy how these hsts think they're better than agps and can make better women than actual women but after all their surgery they all they can achieve is "tranny hooker" and never looking actually female.
They see "facial feminization" in the brochure and their brains translate it to "facial femalization" when all it can do for them is make them feminized men.

No. 1848533

Yes and with how much Blaire cares about his look and getting his ass-kissed by his chasers, I foresee him getting more plastic surgery in the near future and will end up looking like Michael Jackson or Pete Burns if he keeps up the lip fillers.

No. 1848945

File: 1687131459678.jpeg (172.8 KB, 960x1630, CB18BD32-FCA2-4773-90E7-4B5BED…)

He’s already lookin botched but yes he has already said it on his Insta that he will get more surgeries

No. 1849208

Getting surgery everywhere except where it counts.. not getting rid of "Mr. Happy" dangling between your legs, are we, Robbie?
Tsk tsk, even people like Jonathan Yaniv or ADF are more of a real tranny than you. After all, they went to doctor hack-em-off. Thats quite the commitment, Robbie. Commitment you lack.

No. 1849209

Getting surgery everywhere except where it counts.. not getting rid of "Mr. Happy" dangling between your legs, are we, Robbie?
Tsk tsk, even people like Jonathan Yaniv or ADF are more of a real tranny than you. After all, they went to doctor hack-em-off. Thats quite the commitment, Robbie. Commitment you lack.

No. 1849214

Getting surgery everywhere except where it counts.. not getting rid of "Mr. Happy" dangling between your legs, are we, Robbie?
Tsk tsk, even people like Jonathan Yaniv or ADF are more of a real tranny than you. After all, they went to doctor hack-em-off. Thats quite the commitment, Robbie. Commitment you lack.

No. 1849636

File: 1687218100223.jpeg (149.68 KB, 960x1670, 43AAB8ED-28AB-47E7-AFEA-2750AF…)

What dose Robert even mean haha
What makes him think a man like that wants him? How is that possible?

No. 1849638

Stop being creepy

No. 1849702

exactly. dialating a weird canal for the rest of your life is more feminine than refusing to get surgery. (because you're sacrificing your sexual gratification to …appeal to straight men? nothing more feminine then subordinating yourself to shitty anti woman norms)

No. 1849846

How fucking pathetic this turd nugget is. If the guy was further to the right than you were, he wouldn't want you linebacker man-ass anyway because he wouldn't be into femininized men. Like dude, wtf are you on about Robbie?

No. 1849935

I'm sorry but whats so creepy about that? If you wanna be a woman to me it would seem that having a cock is the least womany thing to have. Getting tits and "feminine facial surgery" is one thing, but might as well make it count. Time to hack off mr. winky! You don't just quit right before the finish line of a race because it suddenly seems too hard.
Thats all they can do is create a massive wound that you gotta keep open or else it will grow closed. That is what dilating is, its a fancy word for just keeping a wound open for the rest of your life.
Trans-vaginal mesh, here we come!

No. 1850507

File: 1687335406048.jpeg (104.86 KB, 960x1583, 7BC13D8D-8A03-4FA9-AE7C-A062D0…)

His fans make him think he did something but just look how ugly he is ?

No. 1850529

File: 1687343951489.jpg (24.3 KB, 355x548, blairlibz.jpg)

I mean

No. 1852212

File: 1687598369602.jpeg (170.36 KB, 960x1685, 99751364-074F-4ACB-88E3-4A4F1D…)

Robert dying before our eyes lol

No. 1852772

hes an idiot. by making his jaw more narrow with botox injections it also creates the illusion that his lower face is longer. that with that gigantic philtrum makes him look even more male and monkey-ish.
men have 0 perception of facial aesthetics. TiMs keep proving that.(sage your shit)

No. 1852795

Why is he trying to look like a Brazilian hooker(an attempt to sage was made)

No. 1857188

This illustrates perfectly why I think Robbie will die alone. He's making nothing but enemies in the LGBT community who legit just flat out hate his dumb ass.

No. 1857195

Edit: He also definitely reads here because he brings up his cock in this video. Yeah great how everything only works when it works for you. I still say you're not really trans if you don't get rid of Mr. Happy. I mean what are you then trying to be? How are you different from someone else who just says they're trans?

No. 1857348

Do you mind giving us a short TL;DR of what he was talking about in the video for those of us who don't want to listen to him?

And I feel like he's fucked either way. Yeah eh pisses off the troons and mindless gays & lesbians who think he's a "true trans" but he's also not gonna be making friend with gays and lesbians who don't believe in trans ideology and would never validate him neither.

No. 1858039

He cries about how everyone on Tiktok hates him and then says he's better than all of them. Interestingly he also tells how the alt right also hates him but slightly less than the left, so he's sticking with the right for now. He then talks about his cock and that he's keeping it. Joe loves it in his ass. He then states how he's the only real tranny in the world. He also says he's the most passable. Then he continues to say how he doesn't get why people hate him.

No. 1858680

Thanks for the summary anon. He really has an inflated sense of self doesn't he? The right hates him because they see him as a freakshow and/or the gay man that he actually is which goes against traditional conservative values. The far left hate him because he shines a light on the neogender BS, the left (as in radfems and GCs) don't like him because we see him for the disingenuous, just as delusional TIMs that he calls out man that he is.

No. 1859213

You're welcome. I think that its hilarious that by his own standards he isn't trans, and he isn't passable. To elaborate on that is that he says that you need to do a "transition" in order to be trans. To him though all that entails is getting a pair of fake tits and some make-up. He claims he only got one operation and between his facial feminization and his fake tits I suppose his fake tits just sort of got in to his chest by osmosis? So then how is it any different when Robert gets a pair of fake tits, some make-up and a wig or some other fat ugly tranny gets it? To me those two are identical, just a guy with fake tits, thats it. Is make-up permanent? No it isn't. Is a dress permanent? No it isn't. Even hormones, despite fucking someone up in the long run, technically aren't permanent. Thats why when you're a trannie you have to keep taking them.
Now on the other hand getting your dick hacked off and getting a stinkditch installed, thats permanent. That's doing a transition, thats thus technically by Roberts own definition too being a transsexual.
So hence, according to even his own standard Robert is not a transsexual but a guy with tits. Rob is a transvestite and an alt right novelty at best.

No. 1859279

Agree with you 110%, you make great points about Rob's hypocrisy. I mean to me, whether he gets the stinkkditch or not, he or any other guy who gets that abomination would still just be mutilated men but I do get the principle of what you mean when putting yourself in the devil's advocate position.

Robert thinks he can be the arbiter of who is and isn't trans just because a bunch of conservatives pretend to like and tolerate him as their useful idiot but yet he didn't get the one permanent thing that would cement their hypothetical commitment to "being a woman" and that is getting your penis turned into a (man)gina.

Obviously it's clear that he more than likely knows that they never turn out good and always lead to health and hygiene problems which does make him smart to not get it however that also means that he really isn't as committed to "being a woman" as he thinks kek. Because any man can go out and buy fake tits, wear makeup, and slap on a wig or hair extensions so with that in mind, he's no different than the TIMs he calls out. The only difference between him and the average troon is that he uses beauty filters to mask what his face actually looks because in reality, he looks like a straight up man with fake tits.

I would love for one day if Blaire ever debates or live talks with one of the conservatives, they throw this back at him mentioning his refusal to fully commit by getting the (man)gina. He avoids "terfs" like the plague because he knows we'd call his ass out and not be ashamed in doing so, so our best bet is if he tries to socially cozy up with the conservatives again and he gets a dose of reality like what happened when he got chewed out by that one blond conservative woman and the other men in the show didn't cut her off and just let him have it kek.

He's just such a desperate pick-me and trying to get in with a category of people who find your existence fundamentally abominable is just ridiculous and when the trans fad goes away, they will dispose of him and he'll have nothing and he'll have no one to blame but himself.

No. 1859745

File: 1688740895184.jpg (98.34 KB, 986x712, glass_house.jpg)

He's almost like a text book case of people that live in glass houses, how they shouldn't throw rocks. But thats also what I find so astounding about Robert. I dunno how to best explain it but in a sense (not literally) does Robbie remind me of this pedophile I once saw on a forum who was also a nazi. Its like they're saying "as a pedophile i'm not hated enough, so i'm also gonna become a nazi."
Now Robert is no pedophile as far as i'm aware (also doesn't strike me as the type) but here he is right he's a gay man who dresses in drag every day, slaps on a couple of fake tits and tries to pass himself off as a woman. And i'm like well to me as a person that would be enough if I were him, but then no he takes it a step further and decides to become an alt right / trump supporter / nazi what have you. Gun fanatic, and of course joining a community that is predominantly conservative, with mostly hardcore Christians, tin foil hatters, also fun fanatics. But then no thats also not enough and he has to literally turn around, on top of that little glass house that he's build, to drop his trousers and piss all over the community he's supposed to be a part of. the LGBT. So its like he has created this warped world and warped sense of self, standing on this massive mountain of shit and pretending to be better than "his own kind." Its like he's proclaimed himself king of the shitter and honest to God I wonder if even his fans are buying it. Because regular folks sure as shit aren't buying it. In a sense its not just the glass house thing, but also very much the emperors new clothes. Who's he trying to convince really, is it us, or him?
He has to be hands down the fakest person i've ever seen. Faker even than people like Social Repose, Onision or Mr. Girl (that retard who "reviewed" the movie Cuties).

No. 1867661

File: 1689729326812.jpeg (163.98 KB, 739x1080, 35CF44E1-D2AA-485E-8D20-DCF49E…)

And now he’s done some more face stuff and aged himself like 15 years.

No. 1867700

His implants look terrible.

No. 1868230

He really needs to stop fucking with his nose, because at this point his nose is so botched and all he has left is a scar tissued, badly healed cartilage stump on his face. he has that botched back alley nose job that Michael jackson and Khloe Kardashian suffer from. He's so insecure about his short voldemort nose, that he over compensates with his hideous migrating lip filler and many nose jobs. Which is sad because it doesn't fix anything, He looks more disfigured and botched that it isnt even comical anymore you just feel bad for the poor thing. Even if he dissolves his lip fillers and has a revision nose job, his face is going to look melted like simon cowell's. He really needs to practice what he preaches for once because He's always dilating over how other troons are so quick to jump under the knife to castrate themselves with no psych evaluations before hand… yet he does the same with shitty botched back alley plastic surgeries. Literally, for the love of god Robbie, see a shrink.

No. 1868449

I was actually gonna get a nose job but seeing his put me off lol. Even having a big bumpy nose is better than that horrible short piggy tranny nose.

No. 1868452

It takes concerted effort to look this shit, nonnie
still, your nose is probably fine the way it is

No. 1868775

While really all this time Robert only needed one operation, and its between his legs.

No. 1869290

snip snip rob.

No. 1870048

Robbie's new video is fucking amazing, a weak sauce excuse to shit on the LGBT community for over 20 minutes straight and unironically comparing them to NAMBLA. I'd say smooth brain Robert definitely reads here.
snip snip, Robbie, snip snip!

No. 1870049

oh here's the video btw

Stellar work Robert, keep burning those bridges, bae.

No. 1870074

>20 minutes
>Hearing Robbie's troon voice for that long of a period.
Do you mind just giving us a quick cliffnotes version? Was that the extent of his video? Saying that gay men are pedophiles
If all else, I'm sure it's just showing his internalized homophobia.

No. 1870171

yeah I get it, i'm sorry. it was basically him saying that he doesn't feel like a part of the LGBT and he always hated it, since they've always hated him and he feels like a "real girl" anyway. Also Joey says they're both not gay, since he's a woman with a female penis. Then he went on to compare the LGBT to NAMBLA and saying they're basically the same. Then he brought up troon kiddie read hour again to try and give his argument some sort of credence. Surprisingly it didn't work and he again fell in to the pit of stupid ignorance. I sorta zoned out for some parts but that's the long and short of it.

No. 1870175

oh and I forgot also something about how the LGBT wants to drop the T from LGBT just so they can further distance themselves of people like Robert.

No. 1870216

Thanks for the TL;DR These two really are delusional. And it seems that Joey is still on his "I'm not gay" bullshit when he's literally dating a man. "Female penis", get the fuck outta here.

I can't wait for these two fucks to get a hard dose of reality.

No. 1870228

Boggles my mind how long he makes his videos, I couldn't imagine sitting through one of them and hearing his testosterone filled flamboyant gay man voice. Literal nails on a chalk board, no matter how much feminization surgeries or fucking up his endocrine system with all the cancerous hormones he takes, his voice will always clock him in the end. Such a deformity, even black out drunk men and infants who have no idea about gender roles yet, can sense how manly he is by his voice alone. Also his talking mannerisms and phrases he uses in speech REEK of jefree star >>1652908 I guess robbie never out grew his early myspace jefree star skinwalking phase.
Also shout out to the nonnies that TLDR his videos, bless your ears sitting through that hideous. Hormone disorderly,puberty teen boy voice that is robbies failed attempts at a woman's.

No. 1870235

Sage for old milk and sperg
But does anyone else find it hilarious that he uses owning guns to try to play into that "I'm so womanly that I need a firearm to defend myself!1!! I'm not like other troons!11!! im weak and frail like all the other real women!!1!"
Robbie, you and Lia Thomas have enough testosterone produced in your body that you would over power any body building woman in a fight, any day.I guarantee most women who happen to spot robbie in the public restroom with them would feel uneasy and have their mace gripped and ready in their hands. All of robbies attempts to look woman and not like other girl's are insanely laughable. Keep it up rob.

No. 1870564

>Robbie being into guns
Well even though I personally feel like he actually really isn't into guns as much as he pretends he is, I find it funny because a lot of TIMs do happen to be into guns so he's just filling in a TIM stereotype when you think about it. I'm also just waiting for the day we get graced with another glorious unfiltered picture of him because with all the fillers and shit he's doing to his face, I'm sure it isn't a pleasant.

No. 1873032

File: 1690697961468.jpeg (912.65 KB, 960x1368, 79EBB52D-0E11-4622-BEC6-690E90…)

The most Jeffery star he has ever looked

No. 1873039

He looks horrible. Looks like male ageing and the botched surgeries he had are catching up to him.

No. 1873164


Even with popping estrogen he cannot escape twink death and is making a desperate attempt to cover it up with botched surgeries kek. He is slowly starting to look like a Bogdanoff twin lite.

No. 1873180


No. 1873439

It's so funny how he always tries to use his hair to mask his football player shoulders.

No. 1874550

File: 1690929474323.jpeg (810.94 KB, 960x1608, 1535B016-495B-4E53-8A01-95D99B…)

Haha wow

No. 1874640

i've never advocated for someone to get upper lip filler but jesus christ he looks like a monkey

No. 1874695

He says as he heavily filtered the fuck out of his face.

No. 1874852

jesus look at that huge man claw

No. 1875150

Why's his nose so far from from his mouth.. is that because of surgery or was he born like that? Either way, idk how people find this person attractive.

No. 1875165

The combination of aggressive rhinoplasty, way too much lip filler and male aging has made his philtrum look longer and thrown off the balance of his face. He’s just going to get weirder and more botched as he gets older. Troonery: not even once.

No. 1875225

Kek! No matter how much hormones they take and surgeries they do, men will be men. You cant escape the XY.

No. 1875353

thats why they (soys) like to get em while they're young, the younger someone is the more passable he/she is as anything. (but specially male to female). then once that aging really hits past 25 it all goes to shit.
also god jesus look at those giant man hands. the boston strangler ain't got nothing on blaire's yeti hands.

No. 1875986

File: 1691154983241.gif (159.64 KB, 250x230, stolen-jewelry-abu.gif)

No. 1876622

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No. 1876626

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No. 1876648

File: 1691254346547.gif (324.4 KB, 240x184, 76549FE0-0E1E-4698-B35C-A5A59C…)

This dude reminds me of this creepy mannequin gif. He looks like he’s made out of plastic

No. 1876794

File: 1691274843119.jpg (522.98 KB, 2522x1874, Untitled2.jpg)

Bandwagon Blaire be like..

Grifters gonna grift! Walked out of the movie btw..

No. 1877266

Speaking of Blaire and grifting, I've wondered if Blaire can really be called a grifter. I think he's absolutely ridiculous but don't grifters usually say anything to the point of things they don't actually believe just to get money? I hesitate to say he is one since he's been consistent with his views, no matter how funny they are because you know, conservatives will never accept troonery, and I wonder if the term can really apply to him.

No. 1878510

Eyebrows shaped high key horrendous, facial bone structure shaped like the dummie from goosebumps, ears jutting out ready to take lift off and take down any skyscraper, aged to hell. A living walking deformity.

No. 1879464

File: 1691710368616.jpeg (947.58 KB, 960x1121, 64EA867E-1197-49C5-B71E-34CDF4…)

Robert is literally looking more and more like a monster. It’s scary

No. 1879635

He seems really obsessed with Alex Jones. Are they boinking?

No. 1879646

File: 1691749058695.jpeg (805.35 KB, 924x1107, 30FA5356-93CC-4F3B-8580-F81E50…)

Wtf? Same night.

No. 1879656

People who get intense plastic surgery and fillers/botox all end up looking the same, the same plastic borderline monster face

No. 1879746

they seem obsessed with each other, also this is another reminder that these dudes aren't agaisnt transgenders, just the ones they don't want to fuck. Everytime Blaire white is on one of these conserative chasers podcasts/shows it's a fucking advertisement. It's saying,
>Hey if you troons looked like this and thought like this, but more importantly LOOKED like this then we'd accept you!
The way they stand next to Blaire is like he's a hot chick they are proud to be around, kek. It's the same liberal "stunning and brave" except it's retarded dudes who Blaire will listen call troons pedos/disgusting/groomers but then go, "But not you though" and he accepts it.
Every single scrote has a "One of the good ones" which is why they should'nt be trusted in these convos.
Blaire looks a mess.

No. 1880083

Thanks for the heads up anon. I had a feeling that the dudes who kiss Blaire's hip-padded ass are more than likely chasers and only think highly of Blaire because he tries to look like blow-up doll yet has the peen that they desperately want to suck on while (delusionally) thinking it's not gay.

>Every single scrote has a "One of the good ones" which is why they should'nt be trusted in these convos.

It really seems like it and that they measure womanhood by the level of whether they want to fuck them or not. I can't imagine why any woman, even a self-proclaimed conservative woman would ever respect such a notion.

No. 1880219

I dunno why, and sage for tinfoil, but I can't help but feel that Robert is trying to push that narrative that him and Alex Jones are banging, or that he's in to him or whatever.

No. 1880223

File: 1691838695919.jpg (123.7 KB, 1486x1007, download.jpg)

isn't it funny by the way how Robert, a transvestite "protecting kids" from his own kind, supports a complete nut job who hurt parents of murdered children as bad as he did by saying the Sandy Hook murders where fake and the parents crisis actors.
Good job, Robbie. some real principles there, my guy.

No. 1881068

File: 1691963405875.png (928.4 KB, 1080x1194, Screenshot_20230813_233254_Gal…)


No. 1881182

No you’re not tinfoiling nona it’s very obvious. Alex Jones admitted he’s the kind of juiced up assgrabber who flirts with anything in a skirt. He was all over LeeAnn McAdoo and even Megan Kelly complained how overly flirty he was during the Sandy Hook interview where they were supposed to be at odds. He’s just the typical ‘I’ll fuck a tranny if it looks like a bimbo’ ‘conservative’ male like Jesse Kelly (who also admitted being attracted to trannies). Trannies worship toxic masculinity and all have daddy issues so a bawdy boomer like Alex is right up Robbie’s street.

No. 1881557

Alex Jones is extremely homophobic, so you know what that means. I once seen him unironically hold a whole rant about how "the plastic in drink cartons make you gay". I kid u not.
He is extremely deep in the closet, so much like Joey he wouldn't mind "sucking a girls cock".

No. 1881830

File: 1692069780412.jpeg (761.28 KB, 859x1083, 2526A4C2-8CE0-4155-A691-6C05D2…)

Robert with a new girlfriend telling him he’s the most important “women” in the world. And you can clearly see the butt pad spanx coming out those shorts.

No. 1881994

Ew, robert wants that guy to stick his cock up his ass.

No. 1883989

>Trannies all have daddy issues
This actually does make sense because Blaire had a terrible relationship with his real father where he never accepted him when he came out as gay and didn't accept him when he trooned out neither.

Has Alex Jones even dated a woman before? I can't imagine any (sane) woman being attracted to this closeted tranny chaser.

Why does he insist to keep wearing those butt pad when they look awful? And these freaking handmaidens, I swear.

No. 1884476

his new video with Alex Jones is hilarious. I kinda wonder if theres some credence to Robert wanting to be Alex Jones his new waifu. Maybe he even convinced his closet case boyfriend to move to Texas for that reason.
In that new video they basically concluded that Robert is a true and honest tranny because he looks passable (or so they feel, thats their words, not mine) and that Robert did transition (eh no, snip snip Robert, snip snip) and ugly trannies somehow aren't doing that.
Then Alex Jones gives Robert the floor who only manages to stammer out how he hates the LGBT, doesn't feel a part of it, and that his main focus point is the kids even though he also says he hates kids. Yeah "they" are forcing kids to transition. Oh really Robert? When and where? And whats it to you? I mean if these parents do do that then one day they'll have a very angry child at the door with a hacked of cock or hacked off set of tits. Thats their problem, not yours hon. Then Alex Jones his homophobia shines trough and he lets people know just how confused Robert makes him. "Eh eh eh 'she' looks like a chick but isn't, and the government is making everybody gay and trans dont you agree Robbie? and they're making the frogs gay robert, and the fish! and now i dont know which way ima swing robert!" and "muh filters! muh filters!"
Now if Robert and Alex do wanna bang, they have my blessing. Specially considering Alex Jones has a debt from about 8 gazillion dollars over sandy hook (great job protecting them kids there, robert) and i honestly wonder how Alex will react once he finds out Robert still has his johnson. I think Alex will suck it happily, and then air some more homophobia on his dying show.
Oh and Robert also pretty much word for word repeating words and phrases from this very page like his grifting on Alex his show, so I'm convinced he reads here. Like I said, its hilarious, a true trainwreck. I hope these two will keep doing shit together.
Also great work on the severely click baity title fam.
I also watched a video recently from a month ago I found particularly piquant:
Since it really showcased Robbies own insecurities in taking it out on people he feels look like shit. Its ok though if you can't stomach it, most people can't. Personally I watch his videos for the unintended comedy. I feel one of these days Robbie will come crashing down on to the really real world after having burned down all his bridges and splitting up with Joey / Alex and that will be even more comical to watch. Nothing more funnier than an aging transvestite stuck in Texas with no friends, no career and no money.

No. 1884485

oh shit one more thing I forgot to mention is that Robert now says he never wants kids. Which is interesting considering about a year ago or so he claimed closet case baldy Joey and him wanted kids.
Soooo…. what changed? Again I theorize Alex Jones, that changed. I bet Alex also doesn't want kids anymore considering his ex and Sandy Hook are already taking him for a ride for literally 28 trillion bazillion dollars. Not exaggerating, google that shit here:
oh 1.5 billion, well close enough. and then his ex wife too of course, lot of debt Jones is in.

No. 1884487

File: 1692474253075.jpg (5.02 KB, 168x300, download.jpg)

Thats whats so ironic:
Robert is sitting there at Alex Jones his desk, with a straight face saying its all for the kids.
Yet by sitting there he condones Alex Jones, and that in reality:
Robert doesn't give a shit about kids, he says that in that same interview.
Robert doesn't give a shit about the kids that where killed by Adam Lanza. (after all, Alex Jones claims it was all fake, because reasons)
He doesn't give a shit about the pain the parents of these kids endured, and continue to endure because of Alex Jones.
(Like threatening phone calls, harassment, you name it.)
All for Roberts 15 minutes of fame. And yet he says he isn't a grifter…

No. 1886736

File: 1692770438426.jpeg (1.18 MB, 960x1663, 300E4EA8-1B87-4666-9724-AEB9DF…)

A real monster

No. 1886752

File: 1692773835495.jpeg (697.3 KB, 960x1545, 6EE0B651-352A-4A35-8E32-08EB59…)

Robert has downs(don't bump the thread unless you have milk to add)

No. 1886827

it's time they make a new model of the "Only passes as a woman to pornsick scrotes conserative transwomen" because Blaire is played out.

No. 1886864

Always makes me laugh how his midface takes up like 2/3 of his face and his jaw starts like 1cm before his chin ends but you can still tell he’s male. What a weird troon. Subway footlong looking mf.(funny but sage)

No. 1886876

I never paid too much attention to his bolt one, so now I noticed how they’re very, very asymmetrical, like Shayna levels of asymmetrical.

No. 1886900

What's crazy is if you imagine a line over his shoulders, then how wonky and lopsided an accompanying line over his moobs would be. Bc he pushes his shoulders back in every pic, they look even more unbalanced.

No. 1886956

You could land a jet plane between those moobs

No. 1886990

Those hideous migrating implants are nightmare fuel.
His immune system is in full damage control because it suspects a foreign body and is rejecting his implants so badly lmao. Such a monstrosity, really ought to send his bum back alley surgeon my therapy bill because this shit is traumatizing to witness. Just give Robert 3 years and his implants are going to be two stumps under his armpits.

No. 1887793

we get it, you're new here(an embarrassing fumble)

No. 1889912

File: 1693279382227.jpeg (1.06 MB, 960x1240, EA64F31B-D749-4CFD-8544-747C0A…)

Maga downs trans(this is not milk)

No. 1890676

File: 1693389081225.jpeg (1.14 MB, 960x1659, 4CCE0A40-753C-4238-92CA-E22DE5…)

Those hands yikes(unsaged nonmilk)

No. 1890929

This just in, they pulled Robbies video with Alex Jones today from youtube.
(Hence why you can no longer view it here either.)

No. 1891612

File: 1693542531076.jpeg (1.02 MB, 960x1707, AD751CB4-654A-4A0B-AF45-C7213C…)

Looking like a chimpanzee(milkless social media post)

No. 1891724

he's engaged the same way shoe was, for years, with someone who doesn't want to be seen in public with her and puts the bare minimum kek

No. 1892695

Any clue on why they pulled it?
Right? They've been engaged for how long now? When Shoe was engaged, she was engaged for like 4 or 5 years until Preggory left her ass for the younger Shoe look-alike. I wonder if the same is gonna happen to Robbie where Joey gets with the some younger troon.

No. 1892877

Because Alex Jones is banned off of youtube.

No. 1892987

He’s looking more like jigsaw, he must really be desperate for far right men’s validation. Why else get so much surgery?(unsaged, nitpick)

No. 1893043

>Why all the surgery
My guess is that he's just scared of aging. He knows that he can't change his DNA and that he's going to continue aging as a man and more than likely look like his father with long hair so he's doing all this surgery to prevent himself from looking like a plastic surgery-looking man even though that's clearly what he looks like. He doesn't see what we see when he looks in the mirror.

No. 1893155

on the rosanne barr podcast Blaire said "looking older and looking overly done-up gives wealth" and in an episode of the blaire white podcast she said comments on her lips gave her a complex and she almost overdid it but is slowing down now. vidrel is the original surgeries, the rest have been filler as far as I'm aware? she denies having a bbl because it will make you stink, apparently.

No. 1893157

I wouldn't be surprised if she develops a full-on surgery addiction kek

No. 1893176

Yeah right, I'm aware that these days he'd been obsessed with fillers of the lips and the cheeks that make him look like an alien. And yeah, he doesn't have a BBL, he wears butt/hip pads.

Looks like he's heading in that direction.

No. 1893192

No. 1893219

This video is fucking hilarious. He's so fucking angry they pulled his video with Alex Jones that he's taking it out on his own kind and even used the wrong backdrop. Mentions narcissism several times, irony, thy name be Robert.

"yeah yeah! i'm so fucking angry, i'm gonna talk about trans people in sports again!" Real Onision narc rage vibes.

No. 1893231

File: 1693827431229.jpg (1.32 MB, 2377x1199, Untitled 1.jpg)

spot the differences: narcissistic rage edition.

No. 1893282

Oh look, he finally put on a t-shirt for like the first time jej. Either he lurks here or he's having an off day. Anyway, fishing video as per usual, state common sense and have a bunch of sycophant fans applaud your hypocritical ass. It's getting boring at this point. Also why is he so upset that his video got taken down? It's not like they had an actual interesting or deep conversation. It feels like he's just upset because it was a public video of some dude lusting after his man-ass.

No. 1893313

Not wking but he said nothing wrong in this video… This isn't milk

No. 1893334

I think it's just more that he feels the need to once again showcase another example of "see, I'm not like the other TIMs. I'm against them being in women sports". But you're right, it's not exactly milk.

No. 1893345

So you ladies wanna go back to posts like these:
hurr durr he's so ugly you guyz look at that
thats milk?
I mean the reason I posted that is because he's clearly narc raging in that video like a motherfucker because his Alex Jones video got pulled and personally i thought it is milk and it is hilarious. I had a big chuckle about it myself. But sure, opinions differ I guess and we can just go back to "hurr durr look at how he looks u guyz"

No. 1894250

Okay but still how is his looks not milk? I think it because it’s a big part of Robert’s “thing”
If it was anther toon that was different than him then no.
But for Robert it’s definitely milk(lolcow.farm/rules)

No. 1895869

File: 1694324146568.jpeg (906.59 KB, 960x1625, IMG_2171.jpeg)

Hun admitting to turning 30 on September 14

No. 1895877

he's only 29??? wow. i always thought he was older, like maybe 35

No. 1895894

Panini head(sage your shit)

No. 1897055

I don't get this, does he think he looks good here? His face is so heavily filtered that it's hilarious. On the other hand though, you still have idiots who think that he looks like his filters and gas him up so what do I know. I wonder if he's gonna go on a massive plastic surgery binge in his 30s because I just can't see him accepting aging naturally.

No. 1897509

Christ almighty. We're really unironically back to the "gosh guys look at how bad he looks"-posts.
"Milk" btw..

No. 1897734

>hitler hated america with a passion.
nazis were inspired by americans, retard.

No. 1898115

hitler knew how to sage and to not go off topic. but cope, seethe and dilate more because it really helps a lot, hitlerboy.

No. 1898956

File: 1694826813015.jpeg (764.71 KB, 828x1423, IMG_1602.jpeg)

He’s officially 30! cool it with the shooping robbie

No. 1899100

That’s probably a wig

No. 1899211

He's talking about the homophobia he has faced in his life from his family and probably his peers but his life is not enviable at all, at least not to sane people. He's a delusional man playing make believe and all I foresee in his future is lots of plastic surgery and it resulting in depression.

But on the other hand, maybe he'll be fine and just be the Caitlyn Jenner 2.0.

No. 1905116

File: 1695813782704.jpeg (514.3 KB, 941x682, IMG_2245.jpeg)

You can really see he got a ponytail facelift and it looks terrible.

No. 1905125

I give it two years before he kills himself.

No. 1905182

just watched the jazz video by blaire. i haven’t watched anything from her in a while. why is her voice so deep now!?

No. 1905209

Sounds like a cold

No. 1905278

god his giant adams apple

No. 1905346

Because she is a he

No. 1905501

Do you think he ever secretly regrets transitioning, and realizes he would have been perfectly happy to live as a flamboyant gay man? Sometimes he almost seems to get that the entire trans thing is nonsense, before he has to stop himself and do trutrans backpedaling.

No. 1905960

everytime i focus on this dude his lips get bigger and bigger. of course you’re a chick blare that’s why you get all this plastic shit each year

No. 1907190

I'm sure he does but there is literally nothing stopping him from stepping away from the trans buffoonery and being what he really is. He wasn't stupid enough to get the stinkditch. He can remove the comical chest implants and take out the hair extensions (or keep dressing effeminate but stop with the "I am a transwoman" foolishness).

No. 1907540

i feel bad for him. about a month ago or so he cried about how the comments about his small lips made him get injections etc. and we've been calling his retarded faggot ass old for quite a while… i guess that made him get something to "rejevunate" himself..
he doesnt even begin to see how clownish he looks by now. especially in this "jazz" video.. the insanely masculine body with a pair of implants on that mutilated face. jfc.

No. 1907569

I want to feel bad for him but I have trouble doing that because of how much of a narc he is and how whenever he says the same thing women have been seeing for years about troon bullshit, women are the ones who get called "terfs" and face violence in some cases but when a man says it, people are more likely to actually listen.

It's not our fault that he hates how he looks when he's the one who gave himself an impossible standard to live up to. He wants so desperately to look like a pornstar woman and can't accept that he's a man and will never look like that no matter how much clownery he does to his face. Maybe if he got over himself and accepted reality, he'd be a lot happier.

No. 1907989

Hilariously, I don't think Robbie would for a few reasons. 1, to stay right wing he'd have to become a former gay/reformed straight guy because he knows they accept him as a "straight" troon not a femme gay man, 2, the left wing detrans crowd already has Shape Shifter so blaire couldn't grift on a unique schtick but he needs to be the special center of attention in the room. He couldn't be "one of the guys", he's too much of a snowflake for that. There's a reason he was an obnoxious sjw before right wing troon kek.
He clearly knows deep down that trooning out is a mistake but he won't detrans until the day he can do so quietly from the spotlight and deals with his daddy x granddaddy issues because he only admits to things that make him look good in the end. In all likelihood he's either gonna get the chop to prove his trutrans status or commit sudoku. I think the whole stopping T for sperm to do ivf was a bust which must have shaken him a bit. He's trying to avoid points of no return and just "keeping things cosmetic" but conveniently left hormones in a blind spot. Not totally allowing himself to think they're risk-free but only internalizing the small stuff compared with infertility considering he really thought there was a chance at sperm after all these years
I'm surprised he never shaved the adam's apple, I would have expected that to be a genuine source of dysphoria considering they're such an ugly and distinctly male feature. A priority over the nose botch if it were me

No. 1908177

>Hilariously, I don't think Robbie would for a few reasons. 1, to stay right wing he'd have to become a former gay/reformed straight guy because he knows they accept him as a "straight" troon not a femme gay man, 2, the left wing detrans crowd already has Shape Shifter so blaire couldn't grift on a unique schtick but he needs to be the special center of attention in the room. He couldn't be "one of the guys", he's too much of a snowflake for that. There's a reason he was an obnoxious sjw before right wing troon kek.
AYRT and you raise some good points. It does seem like this is gonna be something he's gonna tie himself to until he either gets more botched surgeries that make him look even more like an alien freakshow which he can then turn into a grift by warning the youth about the realities of plastic surgery or like you said, committing suicide because he never got his true issues dealt with.
Again, I want to feel bad but I simply can't because he's willingly doing this shit to himself. You can't help those who refuse to help themselves.

No. 1908224

I'd feel more sorry if he was a more normal HSTS who was unaware of the realities of why he feels the way he does, Blaire however spends all his time entrenched in the theory of it all so it doesn't make the same level of sense for him to go "oh I'm trans cause dysphoria" and leave it at that without questioning the sources of dysphoria. Shape for example acted like a typical troon online but when confronted with the facts it all came tumbling down immediately and he detransitioned acknowledging that his dysphoria is a mental condition and not a "sign" that he's a woman. Blaire however is definitely aware of these same facts but pushes them aside because it's easier than confronting the harder truth of his life. Blaire kept pushing the debate with Magdalen Burns vs any other person in that time and must have watched at least some of her videos or seen the facts and stats brought up that transitioning doesn't actually fix any of the issues you had with being gay. It's pretty telling that he made certain to avoid the one person who would directly call out his bullshit properly and otherwise goes for easy low-hanging fruit

No. 1908321

>Blaire kept pushing the debate with Magdalen Burns vs any other person in that time and must have watched at least some of her videos or seen the facts
Oh my gosh, another person who knows that Blaire and Magdalen were supposed to have a debate but Blaire cowardly backed out at the last minute. Sorry, it's just nice to run into others who know about this secret that Blaire makes certain to never bring up. Now if only someone could post the tweets he made with the exchange between him and Magdalen agreeing to the debate, that would be great because they have seemed to disappear.

Anyway you're absolutely right that Blaire must've realized that Magdalen was gonna have no qualm calling him out and looking like the sane one while doing that and he didn't want to risk his audience who kiss his ass peak trans and wake up to his grifting nonsense. He had to do whatever he could to fall out of that debate or risk being exposed on his platform who think he is "true trans". He probably felt he could slip under the radar if he debated on Magdalen's platform but more than likely saw that she had a fairly large (for a "terf"), budding platform as well so there was no way he was gonna get out of it unscathed.

And you're also right that ShapeShifter was the one who was truly introspective realizing that his gender dysphoria was simply just a form of internalized homophobia. Blaire has this too but he refuses to acknowledge it for whatever reason when it's clear his trauma stems from his homophobic family but he's so used to being seen as the "perfect transwoman" and it gives him a high that he doesn't want to give up. I mean look at this ridiculous title of vidrel, he loves getting these kinds of titles (and no I didn't watch it, I know I'd get annoyed kek)

No. 1908392

Wait, he's only 30? That's tragic. All the plastic surgery and botox or whatever he gets is aging him even more.
I also noticed the voice change. Maybe he did get surgery for that too? Or it's a cold, Idk because I don't watch him often.

Anyways he's extremely insecure and I already see a horrible mental health crisis coming because of aging and not being able to maintian the stupid pornstar look. But transition totally saved his life guys!
I think he's still delusional about it and thinks he attracts more hetero scrotes by being a tranny.
This! He just wants to stay in this state of denial and it will bite him in the ass one day.

No. 1910965

File: 1696810497329.jpeg (172.65 KB, 486x686, IMG_2292.jpeg)

He’s so crazy on that new debate and they obviously don’t have the filters and special lighting for him.

No. 1911509

No fucking way, is this a real shot from the video or some funny editing because wow kek

No. 1911608

the upper body looks like a guys with implants its so eerie. his face then makes it even worse.(nitpicking)

No. 1911630

File: 1696936605213.jpeg (902.76 KB, 960x1364, IMG_2301.jpeg)

He’s so botched now that he just looks like the saw puppet and he can’t hide it(unsaged nitpicking)

No. 1911632

File: 1696936840359.jpeg (272.28 KB, 960x1804, IMG_2292.jpeg)

He posted it on his own Insta story

No. 1911691

He blocked anyone pointing out that two catty gay men isn't entertaining. He's so fucking weak it's ridiculous

No. 1911757

Thanks for the clips nonna. Yeah no, I wonder if the opposing side of that trainwreck debate really took it in that Blaire doesn't look like what he does in his videos. Still, both sides are equally stupid.

No. 1911937

If I saw Blaire irl in normal clothes like this I wouldnt recognize him. Always looks like a porn star. I guess that’s why far right men are so in love with him. To me and other women he just looks like plastic.(learn2sage)

No. 1911956

I actually think he looks better in the debate than in hos own pics and vids.

No. 1911986

There are many closeted right wing men though

No. 1912074

They say after 7ish years there's always feelings of regret and dysphoria so either most get more surgeries, detrans, or an hero

No. 1912088

Honestly I would still be able to tell that it's
Blaire but that's only because many of us here have seen his face for years and it's not one that easily blends in all that much, he has that much of a distinctive face, a man trying to look like a Kardashian with bad facial surgery aplenty.

That said, I was surprised that he actually wore a t-shirt for once, I guess even he didn't want to be too much of a distraction wearing his pornstar-chiq style that he usually wears.

BTW has anyone watched the whole video? Is it worth watching or are you just gonna get annoyed? I'm not sure if I want to watch it because there is only so much retarded logic among these troons. I'm also guessing that the way they frame it is that troon conservatives are the sane ones right? kek

No. 1912207

Holy shit I tried watching one of his videos and it's impossible. he's constantly moving around trying to look feminine. it's literally an act like a drag queen

No. 1912310

>excessively talking with his hands
>playing with his hair every few seconds
>Certain mouth affectation for dramatics

It's been a minute since I've sat through one of his videos but does ths5t sum it up? Kek.

No. 1913783

Blaire is really riding the troon debate it seems even though he was saying as much ridiculous shit as the other side. So annoying that they had him and other men discussions what it going on with women only spaces when they aren't women at all.

No. 1915891

File: 1697707888980.jpeg (961.71 KB, 651x1377, IMG_2334.jpeg)

How can anyone not see how much of an evil monster he looks like(nitpicking)

No. 1917647

His mouth looks so weird and scary tbh, what has he done to himself
Jesus it must be exhausting to live like that. If he's always so self-conscious about everything, how is being feminine his true self? It's obviously an act. Well maybe being masculine was an act for him too because he was more of a gay twink but there's always a middle ground. Trans people are insane kek(nitpicking)

No. 1926453

Lets take a break from all the nitpicking of Robbies shitty looks for some actual content, apparently Robbie was bent out of shape and had his personal army attack Samantha Lux over this video:

And so Samantha Lux made an over an hour long response to it (see attachment)

No. 1926483

>one tim talking about another
who cares(non contribution)

No. 1926493

I CARE! Hence why I posted it.(non contribution)

No. 1926533

We love to see the TIMs infighting over petty shit but think you could give us a quick little recap of what Mr Lux was saying? No way in hell some of us are gonna want to listen to Lux's forced fake voice for an hour lol(spoonfeeding request)

No. 1939931

File: 1702027280045.jpeg (633.84 KB, 960x1560, IMG_2524.jpeg)

The way he looks like a cross between Michael Jackson, Joan rivers and a scarecrow! I can’t unsee it now(nitpick, no sage)

No. 1941126

Is he wearing hip/butt pads or did he get butt/hip injections? We know that he's built like a washing board with breast implants plastered on. Though I'm guessing that's why he's crossing his leg like that to mask the non-existent hips.

No. 1941287

Robert I'm begging you to wear pleated trousers/a line skirt. Those man hips arent fooling anyone

No. 1941376

It’s the pads(sage your shit)

No. 1941502

This is the most moid-like post I have ever read
>>1941475(don't respond to moids, learn to sage)

No. 1942606


Why is he always hanging out with that 4chan moderator? (invisibro/swaglord)

No. 1945592

Mirrored so he won't get views:
And sped up to save you some agony. This one is particularly hilarious, Robbie is coping and seething since this fat cunt from Gender Queers for kids got on the view or some shit. I don't care either way, its just hilarious to see him in an envious rage. Careful robbie! other rat kings are out for your crown, they wanna be king of the shitter. Better ask that bald headed closeted nazi fag of yours to book you on some shitty shows again!

No. 1946732

File: 1703383703710.jpeg (379.36 KB, 960x1699, IMG_2582.jpeg)

Why dose his face look so evil?(random social media pictures are not milk, learn to sage)

No. 1946740

ass is a triangle(nitpicking)

No. 1946826


I know this is off topic but the Heather girl he’s hugging had some small drama around her.

>> Is with a streamer called Donut Operator

>> Donut Operator was with this woman for a few years who went by Wine Operator
>> Dumps Wine Operator when she became 30
>> His fans harass her; had to change her online name a few times and made socials private for a while
>>Heather looks exactly like Wine Operator; same style and physical appearance

No. 1946871

just googled all of this but how do you know that he left her because she turned 30? that makes no sense considering heather, his new girlfriend, is almost mid 30s and older than his ex wife. so the only drama is that his new girlfriend resembles his ex wife…?

No. 1946917


It was awhile back on Twitter, and that was making the rounds among the fans and the ex and yadda yadda yadda.

There was more but it’s been deleted off of Twitter, and I have no screen grabs.

Sorry for the derailment; let’s all go back to nitpicking the tranny on Christmas Eve.

No. 1947198

File: 1703527778663.mp4 (869.03 KB, 1310x720, UltraDane - 173906639599925265…)

I don't really mind him, but I thought you would all enjoy this!

No. 1947394

nonnie please post the link to the video. that woman COOKED him. lmao

No. 1947399

Replying to the 2 months old post but I just watched that Jazz video too and it seems to me Robbie pretending to have a southern accent?

No. 1947598

NTA but here is a streamer re-upload I found. The original seems to have been taken down.

No. 1948108

I was about to say that the video was removed for some reason on the original channel but >>1947598 found a re-upload, thanks btw anon, which thanks anon even though it's a video by Vaush who is a disgusting misogynist but it's better than nothing. I was so annoyed that the original video was taken down because it's the closest we ever got to seeing Blaire get shut the fuck down by a woman and a conservative woman at that kek. And from what I remember, while most of the comments on the original video were kissing Blaire's ass, there were surprisingly just as many essentially saying that the blonde woman was right.

which can I just say, isn't it weird how it seems like most videos where you have a woman speaking out against Blaire, it usually tends to get deleted or privated? It's really strange. A youtube channel called a Slightly Twisted Female recently did a stream about his Jubilee debate and I'm surprised it hasn't been removed given what usually happens.

No. 1949338

File: 1704114799380.png (109.01 KB, 1080x574, lol.png)

No. 1950343

Do you also think he is now trying to skinwalk that younger more leftist troon, Samantha Lux or something? Also on the topic of the video he is right about the woman being a groomer, but lmao at saying "if you dont care about your looks it means you dont love yourself" while looking like a butchered blow up doll himself.

No. 1950344

File: 1704311803079.jpg (94.75 KB, 1008x587, IMG_2201.jpg)

This is the tranny I mean

No. 1950387

I mean its perfectly intelligent and valid to hate yourself for being a tranny, if anything it's more evolved. I dont like Robert but I'm not sure why him hating himself and other trannies is a flaw of his. It's probably his only redeeming quality kek

No. 1950478

Cow crossover with the hulking WWE troon from the mtf threads

No. 1950643

People describe Blaire as trying to be a valley girl, but I don't even see that, he just comes across as Jeffree star in full 24/7 drag, it's really strange.

No. 1950804

I can kinda see it, based on the thumbnail.

No. 1951231

This video is very based though

No. 1951894

no its not.

No. 1953692

Well there might be some truth to it but what he hates the most about himself is that he's a gay man. This rhethoric about trannies hating themselves and therefore pandering to the right usually comes from trans activists, but they fail to realize that trans ideology is homophobic so of course TIMs with internalized homophobia lean towards conservative ideas. It makes perfect sense, nowadays many conservatives accept trannies as long as they blend in and not make a fuss about being trans, that's all they want.
Oh I see the resemblance, you might be onto something. Ol' Robbie is getting desperately insecure while he's aging.
Agree but Blaire is way more try-hard than Jeffree. It's funny how he has no self awareness about how much of a campy gay man he is. And still his whole mannerisms seem forced.

No. 1960646

File: 1706545294504.png (Spoiler Image,119.11 KB, 234x464, eweweeweew.png)

hes trying to do that Mariah Carey / Kim Kardashian MEME, not realizing he's just a plebian delusional nobody man with a severe mental illness and body dysmorphia.

image spoilered for good reason. be warned. not my fault if you puke all over your keyboard.

No. 1961140

Gotta love the edited in waist whe nhe has the torso of a fridge. It's interesting how he tried to change his YouTube image to look morel like conservative what with how he doesn't really wear all that many cleavage tops anymore but yet he posts stuff like this.

No. 1964384

File: 1707533548653.png (108.24 KB, 297x241, blair.png)

New vid just dropped, this should be fun.

No. 1964394

Hes open about his late father and his side of the family not accepting him as a homosexual, and still not accepting him today, im sure that absolutely caused no trauma kek. I feel like he has to know it's that, case closed.

No. 1964396

Not done watching yet but it's kind of heading in that direction.(sage your shit)

No. 1964426

He talked about his family and his trauma in the video, he said that the trauma partially caused him to be trans.

No. 1964522

I think it's possible he detransitions one day. Not fully, but he's already seemingly made a lot of changes in that direction. He used to use women's toilets and acted like him using male ones would be ridiculous, but then a few years later he says he uses male toilets again. He has openly said "transwomen are a type of men" and now he admits in the last year he's figured out childhood trauma made him trans. So I think he might detrans to "just a transvestite", where he fully admits he is a male man who just dresses as a woman and stays out of female spaces. He can still enjoy people mistaking him as female and maybe still make friends use she/her/woman but accept he/him/man as the correct terms.

For now he won't though, because the whole woke left side would go "see he was never trans! nothing this cis guy said about trans ppl was ever valid!!!" and he enjoys the attention of being the one right leaning trans person.

No. 1964737

I think detransitioning is always a difficult process. The guilt involved with telling people close to you that when you asked them to trust you and over-ride their better instincts - that well… actually that was a mistake and their well intentioned empathy was just cheering on your self harm and mental illness.

And that's doubly true for people who have made their trans identity such a big part of their public image, and who have large audiences - ex Robbie and Jaz Jennings.

The fact that it sounds like he got SA'd by his father, rather than just his father being homophobic, makes me wonder if the trauma response is a rejection of his maleness rather than gayness. There have also been cases of straight male detransitioners who admitted they were struggling with developing the same body as their abusers. Although whatever Robbie went through he still has his male genitals so idk where exactly the dysphoria was coming from.

It's not uncommon for people to detransition due to hitting some sort of wall in terms of medical issues or biological limitations, and his attempts to feminize his face with surgeries are increasingly falling short. Also the average time it takes for someone to detransition is about 10 years, and that's how long it's been for him.

But yeah, I agree he has incentives not to detransition as well, so he might stay as is for now.

No. 1964753

File: 1707621764963.jpeg (34.15 KB, 623x397, 1702488692102.jpeg)

No. 1964801

Late as fuck but I rather sleep on a bed made of nails than watch a vaush video

No. 1964814

I think he'll find a way to make it make sense to stay like that and his audience will eat it up and keep supporting the ongoing 'so close to getting it but stops short of actually getting it' bs. Comment section is acting like the vid was something groundbreakingly brave and honest when its exactly what a ton of detransers have been saying for years.

No. 1964853

I'd rather he just kill himself and go to hell where his kind belongs.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1964924

Fucking thank you anon. I haven't watched it yet but I saw a mini clip pop up in my YT feed and saw the short teaser and I just rolled my eyes. I can already tell what he's saying is not all that deep to anyone who has been paying attention to gender critical and/or detransitioner analysis' but once again, Blaire will get his ass patted once again for saying surface level BS.

No. 1964966

I popped onto Amala Ekpunobi's discord a little while back and it's fully of troons who think, "I'm smarter than those indoctrinated by woke trans ideology trans-trenders and actually have gender dysphoria true trans". We've had a lot of detransitioners in the past years, but I don't think we've had one that identified as conservative/anti-woke, so it would shake things up quite a bit.

No. 1965031

can any medanons or psychnonnies confirm that repressed memories are a legit thing? I swear it's gone the way of DID and other pop pysch bullshit where it's largely been overstated and debunked

No. 1965067

>I think detransitioning is always a difficult process. The guilt involved with telling people close to you that when you asked them to trust you and over-ride their better instincts - that well… actually that was a mistake
Which is why he's setting it up the perfect way. He's now saying he himself only just NOW realized he trooned out due to trauma and that this coping mechanism of trooning did work for him. Them supporting him can still be framed as the right thing. So he's not like the people who said "I'm 100% a biological woman, if you disagree I want you to suffer and lose your job because you're an evil bigot". It would be fairly easy for him to go back on it, citing having healed from his trauma as the reason he's able to do so. It's even easy for him to just switch over to "I still dress this way becuase of trauma, but I am a he/him/man/male and am therefor detransitioned". I honestly think he'll eventually end up there, as some sort of pseudo-detrans. He might even coin a new term for effeminate-trauma victim men like him just so he can be the spokesperson of it.

No. 1965068

I think repressed memories are mostly a fake thing and that it doesn't work like in pop culture. I do however keep seeing it specifically when it comes to CSA in ways that makes sense, but it seems to my low IQ self that they are understanding what happened rather than suddenly remembering things they had no memory of, if that makese sense? Like often they'll explain awful things that happened to them in a neutral way as if it was nothing because it's like they don't understand how serious it was until it's pointed out and explained. And then that in turn opens the flood gate, kind of like them escaping a cult and suddenly seeing things for what they truly were.

No. 1965092

He probably will continue taking estrogen and getting plastic surgery because he seems to be addicted to it at this point but I rather have him do that and just walk around as an alien bimbo caricature while admitting he's still a man than pretending he is actually a woman.

No. 1965454

He's insane if he believes that trooning out cured him, the dude is addicted to plastic surgery in an attempt to try to look like a woman and doesn't realize how it's not really working for him to those outside of his mind (and aren't kissing his ass), he's one botched surgery away if he continues with this addiction.

No. 1966565

File: 1708080794680.jpg (492.3 KB, 1446x1007, Screenshot_20240216_215351_Chr…)

I know this is a couple months old but watching this, it seems like Blair is trying to transition into Candace Owens. I don't just mean the blackfishing, but the cadence and tone of speech. Good example at 4:11.

No. 1966608

Oh man. I went into her discord when she was still under Prague U and dear Lord I was dogpiled by troons and pooners because I stated they are still men and women and I don't want a man in a dress in my female spaces.

Leading the witch-hunt was a black linebacker HomoHon who kept @ing me with his 50 filter selfies saying he is much more beautiful than me, using the race card and said he will continue to invade our spaces, a pooner who loves to show off her "buff" arms(fat), a user who said Robbie is more of a woman with his dick and any attempt I made to fight back, I was threatened by the mod to ban me, not the ones literally attacking me cause I refuse to accept their "true trans BS.
The icing on the shit cake were all the weak AF women DMing after saying they were afraid to defend me, so they just watched get literally drowned by trannies attack me cause I refuse to play along. The entire server is run by fucking troops. I deleted everything and left and told the women dming me that they are weak fucks for watching me get dog piled and they deserve to be silenced in that space.

No. 1966770

Damn anon, I'm sorry you went through that. I didn't know Amala had a discord but then again, I don't really hang on discord all that much anyway because troons run amuck on there and I have little to no patience to deal with them and their handmaidens anymore.

The true trans bullshit is so annoying, it's annoying how these people are lacking in critical thought and will dogpile anyone but especially women who dare say "no" to this shit.

No. 1968398

"True trans" is just another Trojan horse to force everyone to accept it by pretending to be reasonable and not crazy (trans = insanity) Robbert never debated an actual TERF. I'm shocked he did the video about transbians on dating apps. Robbie guarantee still invades female spaces like restrooms. All troons, especially the AGPs and the "good ones" should be banned from ALL female spaces. Im tired of limiting my outside life because all public female spaces allow troons in them. I've even seen full fledged gay men in the mall's female bathroom. The urinary leash is really affecting working class women more and more and true trans are not helping.

No. 1968646

Your suspicion on Blaire using female only space is accurate. Vidrel he says that he doesn't use women's locker rooms (which I honestly don't believe), he says that he uses women's restrooms and that essentially it wouldn't make sense for him to use the men's restrooms and it's obviously fucking bullshit. No one is forcing him to look the way he does, no one is forcing him to get his (botched) implants and pump his face of filler while wearing his ridiculous hip pads, it's all his own decision and he shouldn't be treated as some exception to the rule to use our spaces when he doesn't belong in there anymore than the AGPs.

No. 1968729

Yes absolutely, he is still completely delusional just like his new BFF Buck, they aren't "reasonable trans people". They both have obvious mental problems just from their extremely nervous appearance and haven't cured their dysphoria by pumping up wrong sex hormones into their bodies and getting surgeries. It's all a lie and they cling to it because they have invested so much and it's the reason they're famous. Plus now they're the leaders of the fake GC movement, makes it even harder to admit the truth.
He's been going for some Kardashian type of trophy wife look since forever. I agree his blackfishing has become more obvious recently.
Exactly, I hope the backlash against True Trans becomes bigger because right now we're in a similar situation like before. Even most conservatives are on board with the True Trans narrative (of course because it reinforces sex role stereotypes). Now the True Trans horde is shaming women for having boundaries just like the other side of the TRAs, they just use different words. Nothing will change if we let this continue. The Trans BS needs to be exposed for what it is, a sexist ideology and medical malpractice. Dudes like Robert don't care a single bit about women or safeguarding, they just want to save their privileges and treatments (and fame).

No. 1968891

Everything you said is spot on but it's just all the more frustrating why there hasn't been a turn on this true trans bullshit. What is it gonna take to turn that trojan horse into the ocean and be done with it. I think its' already established that most GC are fine with these people dressing however they want no matter how cringe or desperate it is, just stay the fuck out of spaces you don't belong in. It's not that hard to grasp. Blaire and people like him thinking that they are "unsafe" in men's restrooms is all in their head. Blaire lives in a fairly progressive area of Texas, not some one horse hick town full of homophobes, he would be fine in the men's restroom and even if he wasn't, that's his own problem. He can literally stop dressing like a KArdashian wannabe and "that" problem would go away instantly.And Buck, I want to say she's harmless but she's a real problem when it comes to influencing children and I'm just shocked that anyone still bothers to support her after all the shit she's been involved with.

No. 1969154

They managed to infiltrate the GC movement and convince so many that transition is right for some people even though the whole ideology is sexist horseshit that only harms society and needs to go. It really is frustrating but look what they're doing, now the hardliners are called GC ultras and painted as lacking empathy, it's completely ridiculous.
Robbie's video with the therapist was once again so close to getting to the point but he just completely refuses to admit that medical transition is just a bandaid for underlying psychological problems, just like Buck. It's so astonishing that their followers just eat it all up when he openly admits that he transitioned due to trauma but that it was right for him, like why are there not more people saying "wait a minute?". I think it has to do with the fact that TIMs like him always tried to integrate into society without insane demands and most people are fine with that and they want things to go back to that, even though the creepy AGPs have always existed and have always been part of the trans movement. Unfortunately most people can't be bothered thinking further to see that all these individuals are harming themselves and others because of their influence. They just don't want to be bothered.

No. 1969324

>It really is frustrating but look what they're doing, now the hardliners are called GC ultras and painted as lacking empathy, it's completely ridiculous.
Yeah this is just horseshit for sure. Holding the line is super important and all TIMs and TIFs have to be held to the same standard of not granting any one of them special treatment but let's be real, the TIMs are more the issue then TIFs. You don't see stories of TIFs assaulting men in their own spaces for a reason.
And with Blaire, I'm just getting sick and tired of the ass-kissing from even some people claiming to be GC but give him a pass with the "true trans" bullshit, no numbnuts, he's just as mentally ill as the AGPs he calls out.

I haven't looked at the comments of the therapy video because of the obvious ass kissing he would get. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Blaire deserved what happened to him but like you said, he literally answered his own question on why he foolishly believes that he's a woman with it all being based in mental trauma from the abuse he got from his family. The therapist also pissed me off with how he didn't try to get Blaire to see that the trauma did in fact impact him. But then again maybe he was just doing all that to not risk getting called "tRaNsPhObIc".

I get that Blaire and all the other let's be real, gay men and lesbians who fell for for trans ideology want to go back to the way things were before the trans bubble burst and AGPs completely took over but the truth is that they can't. With more info coming out about trans ideology, and how sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic it is, the founder John Money and his fucked up experiment that gave false validity to the movement, and how many children are being sucked into this belief, there's no point of return at this point.

No. 1969325

Speaking of Blaire's ridiculousness, I'm getting real tired of him acting so surprised that gen-z is full of kids, teens, and freshly young adults who think they are trans. I'm growing real tired of him acting like he had nothing to do with this phenomenon when he is just as much to blame for it. There have been kids who grew up watching his content and got influenced by him. I remember a YouTuber named "Miss London" who was a gen-z TIM who cited Blaire as one of his inspiration when he was in middle school and high school, he even tried to copy his old aesthetic. And in Blaire's comments, you definitely come across those who say that they discovered him while they were in high school and even middle school so come the fuck on, Blaire just needs to shut up about this topic.
I haven't watched the video because it's an hour long and I'm not up to listening to his nonsense for for that long but this isn't the first time he's talked about the subject and I doubt he will say anything insightful.
To me, it just gives off insecurity because he fears that he can't be the "token tranny" anymore when the next generation is gonna be chalk full of them and he will lose his fame and become a has-been.

No. 1969976

only thing worth noting in that video he admits to starting to take ozempic recently at 1:00:06

No. 1971531

File: 1709326429954.webm (3.6 MB, 360x640, Stuff Gun Bunnies Say.webm)

Apparently Robert still thinks he's a "hot conservative trad wife with a gun". Its disturbing seeing how he dresses and his nipples literally getting hard making this video.
Careful watching this because the copium amounts are at OD levels.

No. 1971630

The mansplaining thing made me chuckle

No. 1971711

I bet it's killing Robert that he can never be a trad wife because he's a gay man. He can dress up all he wants Joe still has to do something with his cock. And then Joe in turn gets his dick shitted by Robert. All he can do is have gay buttsex with Joe. That's it.
He can never ever give Joe kids. Joe will never be a normal straight man, and neither will Robert.

No. 1972120

did they go get breast implants from a 1970s basement doctor? how do you have bolt ons this bad in 2024?

No. 1972179

And even if Joey does call things off with Blaire and goes for a woman so he can have a family the conventional way, no sane woman is gonna want to be with a guy who had sex with a TIM and especially when there's a chance where he'll more than likely sleep with TIMs behind his wife's back.

No. 1972315

i mean he's also infertile so he can't have family the conventional way then either

No. 1972403

I doubt very much he'd even want a woman, he loves the dick. Hence why he's with Robert. Being with Robert he thinks is less gay since he dresses up like a tranny hooker.

Maybe he's not man enough to have kids.

No. 1973352

>Maybe he's not man enough to have kids.
i don't understand this comment, is it supposed to be a joke? is anon trying to say robert is truly a woman after all? he's literally infertile from trooning out, what's this "maybe" coming from when we already know the direct cause

No. 1973362

>is anon trying to say robert is truly a woman after all?
What do you think? Come on, do some thinking, I know you can do it. Figure it out, fam.

No. 1974945

Do you guys remember when Jonathan Yaniv brandished a tazer on a stream debate with Robert and got in to a heap of trouble over that? Even legally? and might I add, rightfully so, but here's the irony:
Well, apparently Robert is just allowed to brandish his entire weapon collection and just work off a list of people he wants to send death threats too and its a-ok. No repercussions from Youtube what so ever, same as his constant transphobia and bullying other trannies. Its fine according to youtube.
not that I care about trannies mind you, but shouldn't the same rules apply for every youtuber?
tl;dr why does Robbie keep getting away with this type of shit?

No. 1975059

File: 1710190423299.png (842.83 KB, 1280x720, 0co__T0ZfrU 00-08-54 Reacting …)

I love how Robbie fucks it up in the end of the video when he reads a line he removed from the fake email saying his "admirer" wrote "i will protect you forever" (8:54 in) before "i love you princess". He took that line "i will protect you forever" out of the fake message, yet reads it out loud, obviously that email is fake as fuck.
Way to go Robert, way to go.

No. 1975062

File: 1710191352764.webm (1.01 MB, 1280x720, robbie.webm)

just in case Robbie decides to remove it. for prosperity.

No. 1975067

For posterity you dork

No. 1975071

The SSSniperwolf situation proved to me that YouTube rules don’t matter for larger YouTubers even if I supported her because I support women’s wrongs doesn’t surprise me that they won’t ban Robbie he probably makes them too much adsense money from conservatards

No. 1976801

yeah but we all agree that its bullshit, right? I mean if some 20 sub person flashes a gun they get banned, i feel it should be the same for the person making threats like this with over 2k subs.
otherwise the rules are just hypocritical and the rulebook should say "except when you pass the 1k sub mark, then the rules obviously no longer apply to you, because you make us precious shekels."
a little transparency never hurt anybody, right?

No. 1977260

File: 1710711862989.jpeg (272.38 KB, 1284x1653, GI4j3jcXYAA8_YL.jpeg)

No. 1982274

File: 1712138903647.jpeg (335.54 KB, 960x1688, IMG_2878.jpeg)

I don’t know if he got more botched work done or it’s just photoshop. But eek he’s looking like a mix between marilyn manson and slender man.

No. 1982276

Seems like the classic los angeles plastic surgery face that every faggot is getting nowadays. Not even a pickme fag like him is immune to joining the singularity

No. 1982297

File: 1712144704996.jpg (40.75 KB, 415x623, peteburns1.jpg)

He's getting closer and closer to looking like Pete Burns

No. 1982324

lmao and yet none of it hides his rectangular ass male torso. biology always wins

No. 1982342

>biology always wins
No shit i can tell that he's a troon from 10 Km kek moids must be brain dead if they think this thing is an XX.

No. 1982511

This is fucking terrifying, those cheek fillers are doing him no favors at all. And those hips… it looks like he might have gotten a BBL but I hope for his sake he didn't because I'm pretty sure when he's not crossing his legs and is standing straight, it's a mess.

How does he think this looks good?

No. 1982872

File: 1712321746686.jpeg (605.33 KB, 960x970, IMG_2893.jpeg)

No. 1982891


Let’s hope he becomes even more like Pete Burns soon.

No. 1982919

File: 1712334628169.mp4 (5.07 MB, 1080x1080, robert_sperging_out.mp4)

Robert was spergin' out pretty prolifically against "the haters" tiktok style.
>30 year old
>doing tiktoks about "haters"
and you talk about creepy old men a lot, robert? look in a mirror to see the creepiest of them all, my guy.

No. 1983147

Not wk just explaining, the reason Jonathan got in trouble for the taser is because in Canada it’s illegal to own a taser so the government stepped in and arrested him. It wasn’t YouTube punishing him it was the Canadian government.

No. 1983382

Honestly with his addiction to his lips, he's one mishap away from getting the tragic balloon lips.

No. 1988448

File: 1713962050197.jpeg (210.05 KB, 960x1628, IMG_3011.jpeg)

Oh Robert is looking more scary by the day

No. 1988449

File: 1713962152511.jpeg (245.75 KB, 960x1730, IMG_3010.jpeg)

And his voice finally dropped. He sounded like a straight up dude on that Alex stein show

No. 1988454

Lol at those linebacker tranny shoulders and no hips(learn2sage)

No. 1988474

File: 1713969753296.jpg (7.25 KB, 225x225, kek.jpg)

No. 1988479

File: 1713970423800.jpg (196.72 KB, 1080x1608, blaire-white-2017-v0-h3nuly8j3…)

Damm, he looks fucking unrecognizable. I still remember watching robbie as a teenager when he was totally pre-op and he passed way better back then (still basically just a skinny twink but prettier). He's hitting the wall as a man in his 30s and diving into the plastic surgery to combat his desperate fear of turning into an old man. Very sad, even the light in his eyes is gone now. He should honestly cut his losses and detransition, he's aging out of being attractive to chasers

No. 1988944

Tbh I find that the face feminization surgery topped with all the NipTuck worthy amount of Botox injections he puts into his face now doesn't make him look good at all. I looked for his old post-operation Yt videos from 2015 and his facial features had at least uniqueness and were still soft enough for a Tim to not feel masculine.
But small blogpost, that's what I think about most people who get injections and whatever shit done on their face. They all get the same cookie cutter Barbie noses, the same from the movie Monster inc. Fungus "getting the air sucked out of him"-lips and they get whatever shit injected in their upper cheeks and it looks like a hornet stung them and they have swelling due to an allergic reaction. It's a shame he has such a bad image of what feminine looks like that he has to subject himself to that and uses money he gets from stans for such a horrendous result.

No. 1989080

I feel like even back then Blaire more than likely still looked overly male because you gotta remember that back then, he would blast light in his face to soften his male features and of course stick with the minimizing the view of his shoulders as much as he could since he's built like a linebacker. Saying that though, I will admit that he looked a lot better before he started getting obsessed with the plastic surgery and looking like a cross between Michael Jackson and Bruce Jenner's love child. I don't understood how in the fuck how he looks now is any better than how he looked before the freakshow cosmetics. I think you're right that the reason why he's so addicted and obsessed with it is because he's terrified of looking like an old man but aging naturally is better than doing all this bullshit because it only makes him look worse and he would probably look a lot better if he hadn't done any of this shit to his face because it's an absolute mess now.

Part of me feels bad for him because he is a good example of a metaphorical "meth is a hell of a drug" scenario bur then I remember that he still is a misogynist, just one with bad plastic surgery and I just don't care and hope he gets more work since he more than likely will anyway.

No. 1989905

The irony of looking more masculine after getting supposedly feminizing surgeries…

No. 1990161

Can we stop pretending like he was never gonna get more masculinized as he ages. Regardless if he aged naturally or got the plastic surgery, it's not gonna work and he was better off just embracing the fact that he'll never look like a woman in the face, even an older woman in the face. Even Pete Burns didn't look like a woman in his older age with all that surgery and even if he didn't have the blow-up lips, he still would've looked male.

No. 1992061

Replying to a 4 months old post now, but holy shit what is he doing with his accent?
Hardly anybody in Texas below the age of 60 talks like this, especially in Californian-infested, libby Austin. This is weird as hell.

No. 1992354

At first I thought you were being silly anon because I thought he sounded like he always does but as I kept listening, I started to hear what you're talking about kek. Dude is trying to sound like a country hick but sassy and it sounds so fucking fake and weird, especially with his usual over-done gesturing. Not surprising though since he loves to exaggerate.

No. 2000420

his new video is a doozy. going to pride parade in Texas to troll people with stupid shit. he best hope he never ever breaks up with that bald headed closet case nazi because boy oh boy, he wont have any friends left in the community.

No. 2000518

I haven't seen it and I don't think I will but WTF is his problem? You're right that if his goofy closet-case BF ever leaves him, he's gonna have a hard time finding a social network. He's a troon at the end of the day who refuses to wake up and accept himself as the man that he is so all he really has is other troons.

No. 2000540

he best hold on with both his great big clawed freddy kruger man-hands to this closeted bald nazi-fag because if he ever loses that guy he's gonna end up completely alone.
to the right he's nothing more than a novelty and an oral lid ("see, i watch this tranny so i'm not transphobic, and he agrees with me!")
i still get a sense that he's a self hating transvestite, with a closeted bald gay nazi-fag who tells himself that he can be a nazi because he's "practically dating a woman", and that they are doing all these mental gymnastics to both try and fit in to the alt right, for the nazi bf's joey's sake. while at the same time being able to shit on the LGBT since Robbie is a self hating transvestite.
and so the both of them are in deep denial and sort of in the same boat. joey will never be a real man / real nazi, and robbie will never be a real woman. that kinda thing. and so now robbie wants to make sure that everyone who's like him is just as miserable as he is.

No. 2000943

That's a theory for sure and I don't disagree with portions of it like Blaire being a self-hating transvestite and Joey's closeted homosexual self, I'm just not sure about the nazi stuff but I haven't really been keeping up to date with them save for few clips of Blaire's that sometimes pop up in my feed.
You're right though, he's setting himself up for a lonely life. He may have some conservatives who pay lip-service just to use him as a mouthpiece to say that they accept troons but if Joey leaves and Blaire tries to reach out to them for support, he shouldn't be surprised if they ignore him. Meanwhile he's already pissing off most of his troon ilk.

No. 2001236

In a sense Robbie is shitting where he lives. I find it very weird what he's doing. Its kinda like a black guy joining the KKK and then making videos "proving how bad black people are."
Its very very similar, he's also "proving" for his nazi buddies how basically all transvestites like himself are pedophiles. Or something. Its bizarre and I don't think i'll ever understand what he's doing.

No. 2001764

About the nazi thing, is there a certain video that highlights that he has nazi beliefs? I'd look to look into this because if this is true, I wonder why he hasn't been called out on this.

No. 2001919

really, fam? you can't be this stupid. either that or you're one of those "no no alt right isn't being a nazi, we just hate the jews hurr durrr"-dickholes.

No. 2002241

I'm being serious. I know that he's a conservative, he never shut up about that in the past but I've never heard him talk about wanting a white ethnostate or that black people are inferior (I remember the "blackface" controversy when he was wearing a charcoal face mask for skin lifting b) and I don't recall him talking about Jews.
So I'm genuinely curious where you are getting this info. I don't like Blaire, I think he's an opportunistic grifter who doesn't see just how much of a clown he is to the audience he panders to but I'm not gonna call him something I have seen no concrete evidence of.

No. 2002330

yeah well, i'm not gonna explain shit to you, not gonna spoonfeed you, and you're gonna have to figure this one out of yourself, champ.

No. 2002441

I mean again, I'm not sure what to really think about it. I took a look at his RationalWiki and it did bring back some things I remember him doing like making jokes about white supremacy, casual racist remarks (though I don't think not having white guilt is a racist thing and I say this as a POC), and how he's talked with people like Alex Jones (to the point you think he's having an affair with him) and his support of Milo Yiannopoulos who is a white supremacist back in 2016.

But I still don't know if I would call Blaire himself an unironic white supremacist & alt-righter, especially since he hasn't actively been talking about that stuff in recent years and I just thought he was doing all that shit to be edgy. I can't imagine why he would try to be a part of that when he's not even fully white and true white supremacists would consider him a half-breed and then of course the troon shit that they find abominable as well.

I dunno, after checking out the RationalWiki and remember certain things he did in the past as someone who did watch him back in the day but just figured he was an edgy shitlord, you've given me something to think more on. If you think that he's an alt-righter then fair enough, I guess I need more time to really reflect on that to make my own final conclusion.

No. 2002514

File: 1717882336246.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepal…)

No. 2003199

File: 1718055991176.png (43.78 KB, 480x515, Screenshot_2024-06-10-17-39-05…)

This isn't milk but I was watching an older video and paused it at just the right time, when she's bitching about making ugly faces and making an ugly face at the same time, kek.

No. 2003455

Oh fuck I remember this video. You know it's crazy because this is one of the videos that showed the fault of the trans logic on Blaire's part where he was saying that trans isn't about how you look yet was getting on Trisha for not doing things to make herself look more masculine when when it comes to trans, it's not about look and it's about how you "feel". I remember a smaller "terf" channel who made a response to this back then and it was really good showing the shallowness and hypocrisy but sadly the person deleted/privated all her videos.

No. 2003684

Guys, Blaire was featured in yet another music video with some conservative edgelord. Literally everyone in the video is wearing cowboy hats, even Blaire, because somehow that's the mark of a true conservative.

No. 2003686

Conservatives sure love blow up doll transgenders…

No. 2003691

Kek, so true, I think most of them are chasers. Its actually funny because Blaire has worn cowboy hats before and then she just ~happens~ to get casted in a Reynard western music video full of edgelords with a tranny fetish.

No. 2003692

Was not expecting the band to be falling in reverse that’s so cringe and insane

No. 2003738

No. 2003740

Ah yes, Ronnie Radke, a shining example of a true American conservative. Definitely not a convicted woman beater/violent criminal who made sex jokes involving 9/11 memes. I have a difficult time understanding who the actual audience for this garbage is tbh.

No. 2003764

Let's be real, these people don't give a shit about women which is why they'll look past POS like this fuckwit. As for the audience? You're guess is as good as mine, I would think maybe teenage edgelords who play Fortnite?

No. 2003827


The audience for this are backpack rappers from 10 years ago who never got anywhere with their SoundCloud.

This is like the 3rd music video that the cons stuck him in. The other one was “Snowflakes” by Tom McDonald. I know it’s an image board, but I can’t be bothered to look up that ugly wigger’s music. I can’t remember the other one.

Like the other anons said, you have these edgelord chasers who want to “own” the libs but they just own themselves for even associating with this faggot in a dress.

No. 2003832

Troons go against everything they claim to stand for. So again, it's very homosexual that they trot out Blaire, who is mimicking the same looks of women they often shame online.
He's used as "Eye Candy", they don't care about his "Views" he's transgender eye candy to go, "See boys? Not all transgenders are ugly! some are hot!"
I do not believe they use Blaire to "Call out" bad trans shit, theres other troons doing that, but they want people to look at Blaire and not see a mentally ill man, but see a "Man playin woman the correct way!".

Most gender Critical women were knocked to their senses about Blaire being "One of the good ones".
Because our issue was never, "They don't play women good enough" but they aren't women at all, they are men.
Conseratives/men don't get that. And they are gay. Whats funny is Blaire looks like shit, so it's not even good propaganda.

No. 2003977

I have to wonder if these so called conservatives are even truly conservative or are they just saying they are to be edgy because true conservatism would never even platform a troon at all because at the end of the day, they see troonery as the same as homosexual which is immoral to their beliefs.

No. 2004040

File: 1718280842540.jpg (127.54 KB, 1090x600, brokeback.jpg)

They got Robbie in their video because they're definitely not gay. He's a hot chick with a cock yo, so edgy.
And he has guns, and he votes Trump! And he's wearing a cowboy hat! Because you know, thats not brokeback mountain.

No. 2004047

Fucking KEK, you're killing me with this (accurate) comparison.

No. 2004076

Rucka Rucka Ali came out using Robbie (and Onision), so it could work for these guys too. Whoever they are!

No. 2004139

Thats what I thought. Also the rainbow going from Blaire to Ronnie kek.

No. 2004361

No. 2005385

Ronnie and the other members of Falling in Reverse are conservative?

No. 2005436

no idea who that is, and don't even care.

also, don't give Robbie views.

No. 2005437

that being said: Robbie and Ronnie.
how about that.(learn2delete)

No. 2005515

Ronnie Radke is the frontman of the band Falling In Reverse, a popular metalcore band. Blaire is just fishing for views because Ronnie is seen as a controversial figure in the scene. I'm not watching that video but I anticipate that Blaire is going to try to spin it like he and Ronnie are the same because "liek, so many people hate us because we're rEaL" or whatever.

No. 2005545

I still don't care.
I literally have no idea what you're talking about, oh wait, did you mean i shoulda deleted my other post and then add that? hahahah oh boy, are you always this anal? of course you are. imagine being a janny, amirite?
I care even less about that than I do about Robbie Ronnie whoever. you're a janny, do your fucking job. you assholes been slacking for over a year now yet you're telling me to "clean up my mess" like a little good girl? fuck yourself. theres been instances where i literally begged you people to do your job and you don't, so why the fuck are you asking me? make ME a janny and i'll do your fucking job for you. assholes.
ahh thats a relief. the only reason i'm posting this is to get it off my chest, and i honestly don't give a shit what "witty" red text you put under this. again, fuck yourself. go get laid, you sound like you need it.(take it to meta)

No. 2005577

File: 1718654844044.jpg (575.12 KB, 1841x906, cuntorator.jpg)

>(take it to meta)
here u go.(autism)

No. 2005579


No. 2005588

what do you expect from a janny? they do it for free!

No. 2015355

File: 1721112137914.jpg (837.49 KB, 1131x1377, BlaireTweet.jpg)

Recent take about the Trump assassination attempt from Blaire that clearly everyone wanted to hear >>>/ot/2091810

No. 2015453

no1currs what robbie has to say. fuck off.

No. 2021116

File: 1722435071431.jpeg (633.07 KB, 960x1029, IMG_3412.jpeg)

I’m sure they would rather drink bleach too than date robert.

No. 2021121

Failmale on failmale violence kek

No. 2021122

How did he take a bullet for this country, within said country, by a citizen of said country? He and everyone who said this is retarded.

No. 2021144

Nah, he has a point.

No. 2021430

No one wants to date troon males or fail males tbh

No. 2021438

as if joey was a looker

No. 2021534


Mark Hamill is cringe but he was a beauty in his prime. Can’t say the same for the fag in the dress.

No. 2021870

File: 1722595372959.jpg (43.95 KB, 826x465, robbay.jpg)

the one thing we wanted Robbie to talk about he doesn't talk about.
What a useless dick.

No. 2021872

File: 1722595654572.jpg (625.49 KB, 2048x1536, x-mentrans.jpg)

oh yeah, just look at these studs. kek.

No. 2022410

I was a fool for thinking the Trump white knighting would end with that tweet.
>Trump good, Trump good
>Guys I’m trans, be one of the good trans like me by supporting Trump
>Trump good, TikTok Cringe, I love LibsOfTikTok

No. 2022416

They literally could be exchanged with any alt righter 4chan pol retard and you wouldn't know the difference…

No. 2022451

I don’t get why Americans are so surprised about the French mocking religion. It is literally what they do look at Charlie hebdo. The thing doesn’t even look like the last supper- there’s a table and that’s it

No. 2022503

At Charlie Hebdo they "poked fun" of Islam and literally got butchered for it.

No. 2022524

france tries to be retarded edgelords about religion and pretend it's commentary but they forget that they're not funny and no one likes them so they can't get away with it

No. 2022535

When this pic was first posted here years ago a nonny called the midget in the middle "Timmy Thick" and I laugh about it every now and then still

No. 2022572

I guess Robert is a glutton for punishment because the maga conservatives hate him and would rather have him dead than speaking in favor for trump, they’re over having tokens and are going full mask off now. They’re willing to destroy trumps whole campaign because they hate his VP’s wife so much for being brown and indian

No. 2022647

File: 1722808329026.jpg (7 KB, 262x192, images.jpg)

Angry muslim detected.

No. 2022777

Good let them destroy it. His VP is an unhinged fatherless retard that hates childfree women with a passion and openly talks about how they shouldn't be able to vote or decide the future but instead of telling him that fatherless men of drug addict single mothers shoudln't decide the future either the left is being soft on these freaks as usual.

No. 2022782

NTA but none of their religion mocking caricatures are funny they're just rage bait (i'm french btw)

No. 2022800

File: 1722861501079.jpg (20.41 KB, 420x331, Prophetmuhammad.jpg)

good to know this doesn't offend you.(derailing/bait)

No. 2023442

File: 1723051680765.jpeg (94.33 KB, 834x960, Sick2024OlympicsOpeningCockHan…)

Anyway back to the topic at hand, I don't understand why Robbie didn't make a video about the Olympics opening. I half expected him to be on that like stink on shit.
But maybe he liked it, maybe he's ok with gays being around kids with their cock literally hanging out.

No. 2023443

File: 1723051725982.mp4 (508.11 KB, 646x360, Sick2024OlympicsOpeningKids.mp…)

No. 2023536

>>2021870, >>2021870, >>2023442, >>2023443
Why is anyone shocked? Blaire, despite being a Trump butt kisser that tries to appeal to other conservatives, is known to be iffy with religion. Being in a video with Jaclyn Glenn and Arielle Scarcella mocking communion, dressing as a demon, making a joke about “God made me no trans anymore” on that podcast with Roseanne Barr, claiming “oh I’m not religious” when asked about it instead of just saying “I’m atheist/agnostic”, etc. it’s very clear Blaire will never talk outright about religion despite trying to appeal to the religious right because calling out Christians or TradCaths would be a career death sentence, the demon cosplay and joke with Roseanne got considerable backlash from what I remember and Blaire isn’t risking that happening again but to a worse degree

No. 2023701

File: 1723125212357.jpeg (56.07 KB, 526x1034, Sick2024OlympicsOpeningCockHan…)

Some of these walked around in front of children with their cock out.

No. 2023723


Ashamed to admit that I watched an hour of Robbie but he talks about it in this video. Around 22:30. He also claims to love god now, goes with the conservative larp.

No. 2023827

ah, thanks. he's absolutely right that they wouldn't dare to mock islam.

No. 2025054

the french are infamous for mocking Islam tho (charlie hebdo etc)

No. 2025067

Not true, they're the few that are unafraid of calling out Islam. They have a law where wearing burkas and full face veils is banned. And drawing Mohammad like the anon above me mentioned

No. 2025076

File: 1723457002858.jpg (42.4 KB, 720x408, HowToMakeAMuslim.jpg)

why do you keep bringing this up? Charlie Hebdo was butchered for making fun of your pedophile "prophet", don't you think they where punished enough?(racebait)

No. 2025078

NTA but do you really think a muslim would be posting on a rad fem site? kek you can find charlie hebdo cringe and unfunny without being religious(derailing)

No. 2025079

Nta but yes they would, I had interraction with nonnas who got triggered about me hating on islam because it somehow insults their family members who are muslim or themselves. It was like a year ago.(derailing)

No. 2025085

im not even muslim…
"why you keep bringing it up" that's literally the first time i talk about it
you sound weirdly pressed. calm down

>>2025078 thanks for being the only person with a brain here(derailing)

No. 2025087

take your meds shizoid retard

No. 2025089


"your pedophile prophet" I literally stated I was not muslim, and never stated I was against mocking Islam yet here you are… this convo is indeed over. im not arguing with pressed over nothing illiterate schyzos kek

No. 2026308

I'm really getting tired of people propping Blaire and the upstarting channels of troons like him who think that calling out obvious degeneracy or retardness in other trans-identifying men like him ("Transwomen can't have periods", "Transwoman can't get pregnant") getting treated as if they are any more closer to women. He still uses women's restrooms and he doesn't belong in there.

I wish more people on YT would call him out but he seems to be untouchable it seems.

No. 2026334

don't worry about it, Robbie's day will come. they all slip up sooner or later.

No. 2026672

I hope you're right anon because it's just so annoying every time I see one of his videos pop up of him saying the most basic shit and just knowing people are thinking he's so revolutionary for saying it when it's not rocket science to say that men can't have periods or that it's not "transphobic" for a lesbian to not want to date a "transwoman".

No. 2026757

sooner or later he'll be done, or a brand new generation steps in, this whole LGBT bullshit trans fed too, that will be over one day. Same with all that alt right horse shit, wokeness, all of it. The novelty will wear off, even for the edgelords screaming online right now. And then Robbie too people will be fed up with him as well and he'll just fade in to obscurity.
Either that or he'll say or do the wrong thing one day and it will all be over for him. Plus I think his skinhead whatever-he-is bf gets him work, but the same goes for that too, that novelty will wear off. If one things for sure its that gays are always looking for the bigger and better deal.
It will either happen today, tomorrow, next week, in a year or 2, 3, 10. but theres an expiration date, even for influencer / youtuber scumbags.

No. 2033914

Slightly late on posting this vid but this is so dumb and you can just tell some of the people here know who Blaire is and are just trying to troll
Small correction but that was Eden The Doll not Arielle idk why Jaclyn felt the need to have 2 MTFs in the video

No. 2034043

I honestly wonder if MTFs just happen to have some of the most masculine features, or if crossdressing ironically accentuates their masculine features because it looks so unnatural.

No. 2034173

File: 1726392978661.jpeg (382.99 KB, 450x957, IMG_3814.jpeg)

I’m actually surprised he’s being taking these candid pictures. You can see how scary he looks and how horrible the fillers are.

No. 2034179

i cant believe this orangutan is still relevant. Do they only come back into tiny relevancy during election season? How bleak

No. 2034341

File: 1726421597753.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20240915_193101_Ins…)

he keeps looking uglier and apier the more candid pictures i see of him. he actually used to look just fine (even though he still was clearly and visible male) before he touched his face.

No. 2034348

He's aging like the man he is kek

No. 2034349

Those are some of the broadest shoulders I’ve ever seen.

No. 2034367

Is that Buck next to him? I wonder if Blaire seethes about how much she passes better than him kek. He should also consider getting baggy clothes because those tight shirts emphasize his giant man shoulders

No. 2035096

I find it interesting how he now makes more an effort to dress more appropriately. He doesn't seem to go out with the low-cut tops as much as he used to. Makes you wonder if he's trying to be taken more seriously (he won't to most since he's still a delusional man playing make believe) or it's because his implants are starting to look busted and he wants to cover them until he gets them touched up.

No. 2035098

I feel you're right. The reason why he's looking rougher each year is because he's aging as a man which would be fine but I feel like the fillers are aging his man-skin even more which becomes much more noticeable when it starts to wear off, it's fascinating really. I agree with >>2034341 that while he always looked visibly male, his skin looked a lot more healthy before he started regularly injecting the fillers into his face which like I mentioned before, are prematurely aging him. That and/or the continued use of the HRT.

Speaking of which, is Blaire taller than Buck Angel or are they about the same height?

No. 2037442

File: 1727051272722.png (537.58 KB, 873x1007, scream mask trannylooking fagg…)

theyre even broader here KEK as if he keeps getting wider and linebacker-y
also his face looks more and more like a SCREAM-mask

No. 2037456

I thought he shaved off his Adam's apple?

No. 2037470

The wide shoulders and the skinny man legs/lower body.

No. 2037514

He looks like an atrophied wheelchair user

No. 2037525

KEKK at his skinny Eugenia Cooney legs and uncanny cat in the hat botox monstrosity mug. Those legs are some serious toothpicks, especially in contrast to his linebacker shoulders. I'd tinfoil he's an anachan if I didn't know this is just the result of a lazy moid with poor genetics

No. 2037560

File: 1727072568769.jpg (51.81 KB, 554x354, robert white inspiration.jpg)

hes going for this look obviously kek

No. 2037565

File: 1727073121035.jpg (26.05 KB, 297x411, 1000008370.jpg)

Built like the average western cartoon moid kek

No. 2037663

>wide ass man shoulders
>narrow ones in all of his videos
lol i thought the anons saying he filters himself to oblivion to look more passing were exagerating. This scrote looks so uncanny and lowkey scary.

No. 2037694

All you gotta do is look at his appearances IRL and not in his bedroom to get a taste of what he really looks like.. Even if he is short, you just cannot dwarf your physical biologically male features.

No. 2037769

He's really out here looking like an optical illusion. Blair babes its time for leg day. Sort those god awful male proportions out if you want to larp as a woman.

No. 2037784

I can only imagine how much more comical it looks when he is standing and has his hip pads (or possible BBL) on display.

No. 2037877

File: 1727137826182.jpeg (267.17 KB, 729x460, IMG_3910.jpeg)

His face is melting

No. 2037883

File: 1727139172512.png (281.42 KB, 408x544, ben.png)

No. 2037968

This is just so weird. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Is it the filler wearing off? I don't know much about cosmetic surgeries but I'm assuming this is a result of it?

No. 2037974

My best guess is that he uses too many fillers when there's not really any significant sagging yet.

No. 2038019

File: 1727177066065.jpg (27.92 KB, 383x263, werwe.jpg)

How the fuck did his face got so long? Is it the filler and ageing?

No. 2038121

Male skulls continuously grow with age. His midface and jaw are longer now. Hormone replacement does absolutely fuckall about this, interestingly enough - troids will still age like cismoids.

(Insert male skeleton archeologist copypasta)

No. 2038127

Well he did have his FFS around the time of the picture on the left (like at least a year after) so his face did appear shoulder (but made his wide shoulders stick out even more kek) but I think >>2038121 is right that he's still aging like the man he is and his face is getting longer, you do tend to see this in men where unless they put on a lot of weight, their faces may get longer with age. Also like >>2037974 mentioned, the fillers are distorting things even more since he didn't even have sagging skin to begin with thus it making him look like a wax figure that's about to melt at any moment.

I don't like Blaire but he really should've left his face alone, it's not doing what he thinks it's doing and all I can see resulting from this is that he's going to bodyslam himself into more plastic surgery that won't look good.

No. 2038199

So do you all think it’s possible Blaire will get FFS again or start shooping even more now?

No. 2038312

Midface resection is borderline impossible

No. 2038316

It's a toss up tbh. I can see him going the heavy shoop route since i feel like he doesn't go out all that much so he wouldn't feel the need to get another major ffs.

No. 2038558

Bit older clip that I never saw posted here, apparently Blaire does drugs like shrooms and DMT(sage old milk)

No. 2047448

Does anyone think Blair White is skinwalking Candace Owens? I've never watched much of either, but the resemblance is uncanny in what little I've seen of them. Maybe they are both spergs or something, and that's why their mannerisms and communication styles are so similar. Is it just me?(sage your shit)

No. 2047780

it's just you

No. 2048508

Just you anon. I haven't watched a lot of Candace but Blaire doesn't really feel like he's trying to be her.Candace doesn't dress like a Kardashian/bimbo. (have you seen his tour promo, he's wearing his USA theme bikini).

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