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No. 1660389
Thread for all twitch drama
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1528381Recent drama:
>Slicker steals money from both friends AND fans, including a cancer patient.>CrazySlick accused of sexual assault and OTK and crew (emiru, maya, mizkif, mitchjones, etc) are suspected of covering it up>bonbibonkers/emiru have been allegedly groomed by a discord mod>Erobb was banned and SA allegations have been coming out >XQC/Adept break up (again)>Hasan backs down from calling Destiny racial slurs>Anisa confirms idubbbz is going to be the main fight for CC2, still butthurt from losing to Dr. Mike No. 1664137
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Wish I was on anisa’s copium holy fuck. How do you go from “I don’t use filters or photoshop” to this lol
No. 1670874
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His short vacation is over.
No. 1670882
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Justaminx also pretending nothing happened. Back from "getting help" and "not having access to her phone". Surejan.
No. 1671046
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>>1664137 still simping over ricegum and sad cause someone took a pic of her and she saw it.
No. 1671180
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>>1671046I found this in her tagged. She’s been hanging out with sabina a lot lately(not in pic)
No. 1671195
>>1671188I believe its this video. This drama stretched across multple days, so…, I was uncomfortable hearing them talk. She seems liek a manipulative gaslighter
No. 1671327
>>1671237You make it sound like adept is dependent on him, it’s the other way around
nonnie. Who else will bring xqc his nuggies?
No. 1671397
>>1671131Is it just me or is this outfit fucking embarrassing?
I’m surprised he still crawled back to her after she talked so much shit about his family during that call, that would’ve drawn the line for me.
No. 1671452
>>1671397>Is it just me or is this outfit fucking embarrassing? The fugly haircut is distracting me from it.
>after she talked so much shit about his family during that callWouldn't be surprised if they started shit with her first tbh, but if it was the opposite then yeah, that's weird.
No. 1671487
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>>1671397It honestly feels like they’re going through a teenage phase and went to zumiez for a matching outfit. Kai also said during a party a girl came up to xqc, so adept immediately started making out with him.
No. 1671546
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So Twitchcon had a "foam pit" that was improperly set up, it was just some foam shapes over solid concrete and Twitch had a challenge for people to knock each other off of the podiums in it, three people (I can find so far) have received broken/dislocated bones: back, knee and ankle from using it although twitch made them sign a waiver that 100% will not stand up in court due to it failing basically any safety standard
No. 1671554
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People are literally getting injured at Twitchcon and these retards are complaining about getting "misgendered"
No. 1671563
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>>1671559from what I'm seeing people thought and twitch described/marketed it as an actual foam pit meaning the type with layers of foam and a trampoline underneath for impact since that's what they use in tv gameshows and other cons for those podium challenges not some loose foam and a straight drop onto concrete with a gym mat over it, why the fuck was Twitch offering this knock them down challenge as a major event for multiple people if they could and did get seriously injured? the announcer even tried to play it off when someone broke their back by saying "no no she's fine" in the videos of it whilst also trying to joke about it, what was twitch thinking with this?
No. 1671577
>>1671559I'm assuming they thought it would be as safe as the pits they have at gameshows and skyzone or whatever it's called.
Ya know, not foam blocks with a slab of concrete underneath. What the hell were they thinking? Whoever thought of the foam pit should be thrown into it from 3" high and then fired so they don't have insurance when they break limbs. I swear, corona made the retards even dumber.
No. 1671679
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>>1671663The pictures are all over her twitter. Not only are her outfits terrible, she won’t even wash her greasy hair. It’s like she bought all these bags and clothes but they look like a costume on her.
And yeah, they’re both losers. For some reason I expected more of her.
No. 1671685
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>>1671679These outfits are a sin.
>that cheap shein spiked chokerYou’d think xqc could afford to buy her some nicer quality accessories
No. 1671697
>>1671684I think it would be stupid to be in a relationship with a millionaire and not use it as an advantage to better urself in any way possible. She puts no effort in her streams, she doesn’t work out or has a healthy lifestyle, she doesn’t cook or clean after her manchild (their living conditions are nasty and he orders fast food all day). What the hell does she do with her time? You’re right, shouldn’t expect anything. It’s just crazy to me.
>>1671487>>1671685Catfish angles lmao
No. 1671746
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>had no knowledge of a previous incident
Can they sue Amazon as well?
No. 1671881
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YourRAGE says Adept pulled XQC away from a girl he was talking to at the club and started making out with him in front of her… Embarrassing
No. 1671905
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Kacey blasting miz for his current stream. I agree with her but also wish it wasn’t kacey saying it lmao
No. 1671988
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No. 1672015
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Anisa stole all the shoulder from idubbbz lol
No. 1672183
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what the fuck was going on at Twitchon this year at this point its worse than Dashcon or even Rainfurrest
>someone molested xqc at twitchcon as well as people trying to get at/touch random streamers and security did nothing to stop it
>security not preventing people jumping on stage when Megan the stallion was performing >several people were seriously injured in the foam pit and staff tried to cover it up
>people in general (not just disabled people) were getting trampled and crushed due to lack of crowd control/not properly setting up queues to to see streamers
>people were getting completely wasted and causing problems (harassing random people and vandalising shit) but staff did nothing even when told directly
>people were apparently getting drinks spiked onsite
>some streamers stalker showed up and security did nothing
>multiple people were wearing graphic hentai/porn shirts
>they let Call me Carson the known pedo groomer into the venue but sykkuno was removed for some reason by staff
>didn't follow their own IDing policy (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult) they have up on the website so there were children wondering around unattended
>twitch overbooked the venue above its capacity
honestly with all this shit i'll be surprised if twitch can book a venue next year Cons have been blacklisted for less and staff did nothing about the vandalism, gave up on IDing people and then straight up let Call me Carson the pedo in
No. 1672213
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>>1672205they weren't even doing that, people were supposed to have a covid test badge and be verified 18+ or to have a guardian if under 18 but by the end of the first day they just stopped bothering, they didn't even manage lines either people were skipping queues by pushing their way through or trying to climb over things to get into the events
No. 1672495
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No. 1672500
>>1672495i really dont like hasan
steroids AND trafficked prostitutes abuser piker but these are not news. some other nona mentioned it in old threads i think even with h3h3 he mentioned this recently too. its not a secret by any means just kinda shows hes a grifter of whatever is popular.
No. 1672543
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>>1671988>me and my friend are autistic and they said we could meet Karl, George and ranboo, we met ranboo then the staff turned around and said we couldn’t meet the rest, the sudden change caused me and my friend to go into meltdowns>dyes her fucking service dogJust no.
No. 1673207
>>1672146lmaoing @ xqc's mostly moid audience laughing at his story in the stream chat meanwhile the youtube comments are filled with "BUT IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED NO ONE WOULD BE LAUGHING!!!!!" as if the twitch chat is women making fun of him.
love to see moids bringing moids down
No. 1673695
>>1673326>>1673327I don't keep up with this thread and am not super familiar with the people here, so I'm not trying to wk her if you guys hate her but…what the fuck? I hate men so much. Why did they feel the need to slap her so hard? And then they're cracking up even though it looks like that really hurt. She didn't even slap them half as hard. I would immediately distrust a man who feels okay with doing that to me.
She may not be uwu smol and innocent but she is quite literally small in comparison to these dudes. Idk these vids just made me super uncomfortable.
No. 1674028
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looks like kaceytron weighed in on emiru defending mizkif the other day
confirming what everyone knows, she's been fucking him for the past year
No. 1674048
>>1674040she just doesn't care, mizkif gives her clout and money so she fucks and supports him
just like dyrus before him, just like whoever she'll move onto next
assuming she can find someone bigger, mizkif is still holding high views and making bank so she'll keep sucking that dry
No. 1674050
>>1674047yeah the tweets were about dyrus said something really fucked up to her, she never clarified what it was, but that she broke up with him for it, then they got back together when he apologized and she gave him another chance
that was in the spring, then they broke up around september, 2020 and she moved out in january 2021
was never a word about cheating from either party
No. 1674061
>>1674057she was just at shitcamp or whatever with maya and qt and has always talked to them, no reason to doubt she knows about mizkif and emiru
lots do, ludwig knows and booked them into one hotel room earlier this year, his nobody friend outed it on stream
No. 1674063
>>1674048dude why do you keep bringing up dyrus ITT holy fuck, do YOU want to fuck him?
>>1674061im not denying that emiru/miz are dating, im just saying kacey has a track record of lying for attention and we shouldnt use her as proof
No. 1674065
>>1674063that's a post being negative about emiru, nothing about it is positive about dyrus, he's just part of the emiru story
nobody here cares about that fat loser, anyone who falls for emirus leeching deserves it
No. 1674633
>>1674372you are out of your mind, there's not a single post stanning or even mildly complimenting that fat loser
every single mention is people just using him as ammo to shit on emiru, because he's the first big streamer she fucked for clout and money
he's a prop to the story, no one cares what happens to him beyond him being evidence of her awfulness from the start
No. 1674682
>>1674677pointing out someone has a track record of shit behavior by citing that past shit behavior to support current claims of more of it is standard and normal
otherwise you then get her whiteknights trying to act as if shes never done anything bad before and emiru is just a poor uwu girl and she's totally not fucking mizkif for clout and money she would never!
No. 1674876
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new mizkif accuser, this one is saying he was both the assaulter and coverup artist
emiru taste in men continues to be proven awful, how many fake tears will we get this time
No. 1674972
>>1674876Having the information go out someone as a sexual abuser and coverup artist versus NAAAAH IM JUST GUNNA VAGUE HINT ABOUT IT ON TWITTER
This is why men don’t believe women. Come right out and say it dumbass.
No. 1675263
>>1675210Maya cancelled herself like Jenna Marbles.
She could easily just come back and stream like normal if she wanted to.
All she would have to do is ignore the whole situation and ban people questioning it and she would be fine.
It worked for Giantwaffle and other people.
No. 1675621
>>1675617agree, that person is a wk bringing that shit up again when its not even in here to try to distract from the real shit about emiru in this thread
that she's fucking and defending a sexual predator like mizkif for clout and money for instance
No. 1676535
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>>1674876her story was posted, it is sexual assault but i don't know that people will treat it like they should
mizkif is a pig
No. 1676712
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>>1676613I had no idea who this is, so I googled and saw that her youtube is full of "trying on sexy lingerie" videos. How sick if it's her husband who made her do this and profited of it.
I hope she is safe, poor thing.
No. 1676721
>>1676613Holy fuck… I don’t like Amouranth’s content obviously. I’m genuinely shocked. She was going through so much all this time. She was subjected endless hate and harassment for years from the outside and behind closed doors. She didn’t even have the security of money…
I know abused woman syndrome is a hell of a bitch but man how the fuck did it ever get this bad. Surely she can find the right help and I hope she heals. Kill all men seriously.
No. 1676732
victim blaming is completely disgusting. As if abusers aren't manipulative and good at acting nice as well.
No. 1676733
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No. 1676751
>>1676613It rubbed me in such a wrong way when men say stuff like she looks dead inside. They’re always so completely devoid of empathy for women, only rabid hatred for “whores”. I knew she always looked sad and dissociated to hell and back. I knew she can’t possibly be mentally okay when dealing with the worst of scrotes constantly. Male degeneracy is extreme health and occupational hazard.
I hope when she’s ready she elaborates on how she ended up with no control over her finances or even social media without any safety precautions. At this level of wealth she ought to have financial advisors and such.
>>1676744Yeah sadly, I believe this too. She built her whole brand on this… the saddest part is her numbers will probably never recover from this. Amouranth has exposed herself to be a human being with feelings and trauma, “baggage”. That gets in the way of the coom. Even her most devout simps only operate in delusions, totally conditional. I hope all the rich fuck streamers come through for her, so many of them also exploited her for views.
No. 1676754
>>1676744I don't think she'll stop either since that's all she knows, but I think it will be less sexual if that makes sense.
>>1676740I'd hope so too, but probably not. No one's boyfriend or husband would ever do that to them, until it happens. Personally if I was a Sex worker I'd want nothing to do with men outside of their money. Any man that's okay with their partner doing sex work is automatically scummy.
No. 1676757
>>1676712isn't this the pickme who abused her cat? regardless, no one deserves to be in an
abusive relationship and i hope she gets out.
No. 1676760
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>>1676751>how she ended up with no control over her finances or even social mediaShe married him 7 years ago when she was 21 before she was famous. It's become clear he was a huge part of her operation and controlled basically everything from her surgeries down to her working hours. He even convinced her it wasn't legal to have her own separate bank account when she was married. The level of control was so extreme it's highly unlikely she has her own financial advisors or lawyers. It kind of seems like she doesn't even have her own real friends.
>>1676757No that was Alinity. Amouranth's lifelong obsession is to fund animal rescue centres or something like that.
No. 1676767
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>>1676760lol what, I thought this was some super deep secret but theres pics of them online? why are the scrotes that spent thousands of dollars on her acting surprised now? i guess i shouldnt be surprised considering theyre retarded enough to believe they can win titty streamers heart by throwing money at them
spoilered for cursed content
No. 1676775
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>>1676767Most people are not completely detached from reality and are just pretending to be mad, or ironically offering to wk for her. Of course she does attract a lot of morons too. There was a lot of drama about it years ago, especially the fact that it's an AMWF relationship. There was also this infamous hilarious leak of a conversation with one of her mods. It seems fake but it was actually completely real. I don't think anyone knew it was
abusive until today though.
No. 1676779
>>1676775I remember her reacting to this on the h3 podcast and saying its fake (understandable) but holy shit reading it again is a ride
>let the wildebeests roam…>you may not know this but I actually do watch her streams after yours are over >things are looking up for me (and down for you)For my own mental health I have to believe it's satire
No. 1676802
>>1676613>>1676712wow its almost as if sex work is super predatory and not this empowering "job" that men want women to think it is
hope she gets the help she needs, genuinely worried about her
No. 1676809
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>>1676613Sometimes I wish I could pretend that people who think like this don’t exist, of course women get into
abusive relationships for the “drama”
No. 1676837
>>1676809I don't know if the conversation is being hijacked or what, but I've seen lots of people dismissing this. Even on lsa they were acting all, "don't believe her. White women etc.".
I bet if she was a Troon being abused they'd believe that no question asked or a scrote claiming to be abused by a woman.
No. 1676844
>>1676835How can she get more simpbux if they don’t like she has a husband? Kek
Tbh I think it’s fair that she’s airing it out on stream. She’s obviously not happy with what she’s doing and want her fans to know it’s not actually her.
No. 1676846
>>1676831Heres the vod for it, it happened after like 13 hours of streaming
She walks away with her phone around 55:00, comes back at 2:27:30 (you can see shes been crying), plugs her phone in and hits unmute at 2:28:56. It seems like she was trying to get him to repeat himself on camera, which is a smart move
There's a bit about threesomes at 2:31:50 which I didn't see anyone clip? He asks her why she'd only want to have threesomes with men, to which she replies she didn't want to have threesomes at all (sounds like he wanted to fuck another girl and got mad when she wasnt into it, typical moid behaviour)
I'm not gonna watch the whole thing now but the dude sounds actually insane
Continuing to stream while you walk off to talk on your phone would be weird for other streamers but she literally streams all day so I guess huge pauses like this are normal
No. 1676895
>>1676849Yeah I can see how someone could be suspicious after watching the couple clips but if you actually listen to the whole call and watch the stream it's obviously real. They didn't even clip some of the worst parts imo
If you can only watch 10 minutes I recommend skipping to 2:46:40. I love it when he realizes she was streaming the call and starts stuttering, what a piece of shit.
No. 1676930
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Scrotes really come out of the woodwork huh. Fuck off back to reddit, better yet commit suicide.
No. 1676976
>>1676964>They all eventually regret it and then it's always "I was groomed, it wasn't even my choice!" can you say that and not realize that most of them are indeed
victims of pimps and a system made to brainwash them into thinking they're empowering themselves? her husband sells her on the idea of streaming something she enjoys doing anyway while he handles the business side and suddenly he's controlling all of her accounts and wants her to do more and more depraved shit
in the end even the whores that pick it for themselves don't deserve as much hate as the men who allow the system to work in the first place
No. 1676992
>>1676990>thinking we're the same anonLike I said, low IQ.
>projecting your IQ and obsessionsyou're so lost lol
(infighting) No. 1676994
>>1676846I believe her, a lot of these hot tub streamers' and onlyfans girls' "boyfriends" are probably just
abusive pimps.
how else can a man accept selling his gf's dignity for money? amouranth's pre twitch pics are so jarring compared to her now
No. 1677010
>>1676951>>1676970Of course a scrote wouldn't understand "shitting on woman just for the sake of shitting on her". It's
valid to criticize sex work, it's scrote shit to excuse male violence and abuse because a woman got brainwashed into selling sex. Fucking die already all of you.
No. 1677012
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>>1677007Malding and balding
No. 1677048
>>1676970Grown ass women get taken advantage of all the time.
Abusive boyfriends becoming pimps is a tale as old as time. You would know that if you were a woman.
No. 1677075
>>1677073yeah anyone with their husband as a manager is sus as fuck. Also besides the fake nudes thing from when she was a teen, there's no milk about her. Her threads are just circlejerk psychoanalyzing her butthole, who cares.
>>1677048head ass it happens all the time so we should allow it to keep happening, suck a cock
No. 1677121
>>1677112You’re right, anyone who’s been on the site long enough would remember how farmers have always responded to these situations. Even with Shoe, almost everyone was shitting on preggory for how he cheated on and mistreated her, almost everyone was cheering for him to crash and burn
except for those freaks who thought he was hot I guessIt doesn’t even take us learning a woman has been getting abused and pimped out for us to empathize with her over some loser scrote. This thread always gets invaded by scrotes whenever something big happens, and they never get any better at blending in.
No. 1677156
>>1677065but plenty of women get into
abusive relationships, amouranth's just ended with her getting pimped out. others lose friends, become bad moms or get their careers stalled.
No. 1677297
>>1676760>short Asian male gets with shorter white female and controls her life to feel like a man he will never be>>1677284ntayrt, she said he has his number linked to the accounts. Is it still possible somehow?
So, is it her that owns the inflatable pool company and the gas station or is it him?
No. 1677328
>>1677325I don't think any
abusive chud needs that chinlet to tell them how to exploit a woman.
It comes natural to them.
That being said, where all the handmaidens now at who claim onlyfans is empowering and not just another tool for scrotes and pimps to prey on women?
No. 1677335
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>>1677328>where all the handmaidens now at who claim onlyfans is empowering and not just another tool for scrotes and pimps to prey on women?Still defending sw lol No. 1677360
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>>1677352farmhands are working fast today!
No. 1677402
A bit redundant but for anons with short attention spans, this one compiles a few clips
Comments under vary from sympathy, claims that working sex work and customer service for 14 hours a day "isn't a job" to "why would you stream this" - for evidence, bitchass, this is the best kind of evidence she could have made. It's like the reveal in a murder mystery or something. No. 1677419
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this is not a male friendly board, shoo
No. 1677457
>>1677436fucking this
sure there's plenty of abusers in this thread who understand the abuser mindset very well. it's always about having power over the other person. that's what the threats achieve.
No. 1677500
>>1677490Hate to bring races into it but the sole Asian manlet I dated was
abusive in an extremely similar way, I wasn’t aware there was this stereotype
>>1677466Yeah his vid was pretty good
No. 1677613
>>1677464Linking it here for anyone who hasn't seen it. I'm watching it now, and aside from Charlie's occasional exaggeration that he likes to throw in in all of his videos making fun of people, he does do a very good video on the whole situation.
He also shows a clip where Amou says "you used my body to build this empire" or something very similar to those lines and it just breaks my heart. Charlie also mentioned that she's said she's previously called the cops and has tried to compile evidence of abuse on her own, but nothing came out of it (and her husband took her phone away) and that was why she ended up airing it all out on stream. I haven't seen the last part about her previously call the cops and whatever mentioned before. I know Ludwig did a video on it but I didn't watch the end so I don't know if he mentions it, he didn't mention it when he spoke about the situation on his live yesterday.
No. 1677628
>>1677617Considering how he controls all of her finances and life with an iron fist, I'm not surprised she never told anyone about it. Isn't that like the most common abuser tactic, isolating their
victim from friends/family?
No. 1677679
>>1677613Her husband sounds so insane, i hope she manages to leave him.
>>1677664Isnt Hassan really pro sex work and pimping out women? He's just as scummy as her husband
No. 1677687
>>1677664He talked about it on yesterdays stream for about an hour, to sum it up:
>said it was incomprehensible to him at first that such a "beacon of independence" was getting abused>he only watched the clips, not the whole thing, so he missed some key points>said he had no idea about the husband, knew there were rumours she was taken but didnt care enough to pry (said they werent that close)>only ever saw her with her assistants or the camera guy >he and multiple other streamers immediately reached out to her and offered asylum but amouranth hasnt gotten back to them, alinity sent a wellness checkI dont keep up with him or Amouranth but she spoke about her insane schedule, having no days off and never being able to do anything fun without streaming or recording it so I don't find it hard to believe that no one close to her knew, like another anon said he was making sure she was isolated and had no real support system outside of him.
Im aware hes a porn sick degenerate, but is the consensus that hes one of the retards who genuinely want to believe SW is "empowering" or is he just playing dumb?
No. 1677755
>>1676809This, and men will intentionally go after hot mess chaotic BPD women because they have no sexual boundaries (“crazy bitches with daddy issues amirite??”) yet somehow never get accused of going after dramatic or
toxic relationships.
But when they get cheated on and it all crashes and burns they cry about it and want ass pats. Personally I think society should ruthlessly
victim blame men every time they get dumped by a woman kek
No. 1677756
File: 1666030907139.webm (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, Bonnie Decided To Copy Esfand …)
Bonnie and Esfand are fucking
No. 1677766
>>1677736Kek hello Nick.
Also… where's the room to 'fake' anything? He literally screams at her in this unhinged psychopathic way on the phone call and it's not a way that you should ever speak to anybody let alone someone you love, she shows the text messages and says she's got much more, there is nothing for her to lie about because the moid's tiny dick chimpout is right there.
(hi cow) No. 1677885
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This idiot literally blames her for something her husband told her to do, to pretend to be single.
No. 1677897
>>1677885Uh what we are not gonna do is pay any attention to this faggot who is famously known to be an histrionic attention whore
>>1677893Yeah I just saw that too…
No. 1677901
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No. 1677912
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>>1677893The fucking audacity of men
No. 1677917
>>1677736>is already one of the most well known names on the platform and on the internet>is incredibly financially successful >for some reason chooses to reveal relationship status with a NOBODY, knowing it will cause irreparable loss of simp bucks, knowing men will harass her even more, taunt her, laugh at her, knowing it will disrupt her business on every end>risking career suicide and social exile if caught lying>all for lolz I guess????Men are so low IQ. What can she POSSIBLY gain from this? Her husband is a nobody with no wealth of his own, there is no clout or money for her to gain. She can only LOSE no matter how this shit pans out. Why would she affectively dismantle her whole empire as being built on lies and abuse? Why would she destroy her whole brand and name? It makes no fucking sense if the supposed motivation to lie is money. WHAT MONEY? Pity donations do not last, internet sympathy and outrage will die after one week. Why destroy your steady stream of millions in income for what would be “internet drama” for most people. It is unthinkable that anyone motivated by money would sabotage their whole operation like this.
Get destroyed by logic and reasons, dumb fucks.
No. 1677919
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>>1677912men try to have human empathy challenge[impossible]!!
No. 1677922
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>>1677885He's now backtracking because hes getting hella shit on twitter for this, about fucking time.
No. 1677929
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File: 1666045508718.png (312.49 KB, 828x786, IMG_7993.png)

>>1677922look who was getting in on the fun, too
No. 1677941
File: 1666045593834.jpg (183.38 KB, 606x1669, shut it keem.jpg)

I am gonna be laffin if this is what ends keem I did not expect this amount of traction-mostly because keem says dumb shit on every day ending with a y but his comments on this have really hit a nerve with many people
No. 1677945
>>1677922Ugly men shut up with your dumb opinions challenge. I love how the internet has disproven the old stereotype of women talking more and men being all stoic and mysterious.
>>1677885Like how the fuck is it scamming for your
abusive partner to conceal
himself specifically to increase the simpbuxx? They got scammed by
him if anything, even though lying about relationship status doesn't even qualify as a scam and is very common for public figures.
And the second part sounds like keemfuck is cheering for the
abusive scrote to take her money in the divorce, since obviously it takes a genius tier iq to come up with the idea of doing hot tub and microphone blowjob streams and she wasn't the one putting all the actual work in.
No. 1678068
File: 1666056431482.jpg (952.34 KB, 1172x2600, am.jpg)

sorry i forgot to attach the message
No. 1678145
File: 1666060484924.jpeg (290.85 KB, 1170x645, 684775A4-057D-426B-9AAF-DD3396…)

begone, moid
No. 1678174
body modification is lesser common method of mind control implemented by abusers, most commonly in the form of tattoos, but also demonstrated in forced breast implants, hair cuts, and eating disorders
this form of abuse causes loss of identity in the
victim No. 1678188
>>1678174Exactly this. Some abusers make them change so much of themselves that they no longer know who they are (See Onision). Some throw acid onto their
victims to make them hate themselves and make it so that no one else will want them. Anything to make a
victim no longer recognize their former self.
No. 1678198
>>1677938Well fuck
> Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point>>1678130100% would not surprise me. I wish she’d divorce, delete fucking everything and live out her horse girl dreams and fund some animal shelters indefinitely. Go full cottagecore with a farm fuck it. Moids would seethe but who cares
>>1678133>legion of simps ready to die for herwhen in reality we’re seeing these simps insult her and get angry for being fed up over her
abusive husband. “Ready to die for her” means nothing
No. 1678208
>>1678198>Go full cottagecore with a farm fuck it.And have a wonderful area for her animals. I hope she moves her horses somewhere else so he doesn't try to do anything to them.
>“Ready to die for her” means nothingNot just that, but those retarded incels were constantly telling her, that she, "Needed a real man" during the whole stream. These idiots seriously thought that she was already ready for a new relationship when she wasn't even out of her
abusive one yet. Incels are fucking dumb and I'm glad that she told them she's not looking to mingle and is done with guys for a while. I can guarantee you that they're pretending like they didn't hear it. At least she's starting to take back control of her life. Her
abusive husband didn't even respect her enough to think that she would ever stand up to him.
No. 1678250
>>1678129>>1677917How the fuck does coming out with abuse get her more simpbux if simps solely operate on the fantasy that she’s single and available? I know you’re brain dead but the whole reason why her husband forced her to hide her marital status is so it MAKES money. Coomers hate when their jerkoff material has a relationship or especially if they’re traumatized, it makes those women “damaged goods” in their mind. Exercise critical thinking instead of your gay ass male emotions.
No. 1678260
File: 1666069217098.png (1.16 MB, 1040x729, amo.png)

she's streaming right now, I missed the start but she mentioned
-she is going to sleep for 8 hours (she's been on 3 a day for a while)
-she is happy she gets to see her animals for once and spend time with them instead of through her phone
-her dating life is going to suck now (sounds like they broke up?)
-she doesn't want to date she needs a lot of therapy
No. 1678261
>>1678260found a clip of what i missed earlier and she said that she has access to all of her 2fa accounts and finances again. her husband is getting help (she believes that him hearing himself on that call helped him understand he was an asshole) and she's seeking legal and emotional counsel.
-she says she hopes people will still watch without so much tiddy showing.
-she's thankful for the support
No. 1678265
File: 1666070057762.png (422.26 KB, 703x798, ARx9YUz.png)

>>1677657>she confirmed that she was the one who tweeted stop it in pic related. @therealmarzbar is a money hungry, clout chasing scrote like you guys called out and knew about the abuse for a very long time. he enabled it to continue making money. only when amo exposed her husband did he switch sides to act like he's WUNOFDAGUD1S>calls out the people who ask why she broadcasted everything, she says she hid it for 6 years.>she also mentions that she had called the police several times and they don't do anything unless it escalates to physical violence. >she says she wants to dedicate her stream to more animal stuff, irl streams, hanging with friends and traveling. stuff she wants to do.(i really hope she continues in this direction. as long as her finances are not too fucked, she's probably at the point where she has a decent amount of passive income to fund the gigantic animal sanctuary she's always wanted)
No. 1678277
>>1678263OF and all her other nsfw sites and photos on her media. She'd feel so much better.
>>1678265Wow, he can die.
>>1678267Honestly, yeah. I'd become one after seeing her old nerdy self. I hope she can find herself again one day.
No. 1678282
File: 1666072169260.jpeg (819.22 KB, 1170x1772, D871F191-E627-49DB-AC3D-D73827…)

>>1677657I KNEW IT!!! Fucking scum bag
No. 1678285
File: 1666072440007.png (361.58 KB, 520x422, firefox_UJ6UBPbr5l.png)

>>1671546>>1671563>>1671577Why is nobody even mentioning the fact that they all walked through the foam "pit" to get up to the platforms where she jumped off from? Surely they felt the lack of padding and the fact that it was only like 1 or 2 foam cubes in depth? You saw people standing up in it constantly and it barely reaches their knees.
Sure, the foam pit was bogus from the beginning and if you can't manage to make it safe you shouldn't have it at your event; but let's not pretend that she wasn't an oblivious retard doing a cannonball onto what should have been a known surface to her, trying to do a mid air spreadie for the cameras.
It's like I'm witnessing a mass psychosis reading about this.
No. 1678300
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>>1678288i wouldn't be surprised if they're jointly owned by her and her husband, sadly.
>>1678295starting to feel bad about this, too. i really hope her discussing her future dating life means that she's done with him forever. i hope she isn't buying that her husband is genuinely going to change. the cycle of abuse is a mess.
there aren't recent photos of her husband but i found this and noticed the steroid tits. i hope she doesn't fall for the roid rage excuse and just works on separating their finances.
No. 1678308
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>>1678300>i wouldn't be surprised if they're jointly owned by her and her husband, sadly.This is going to be a legal mess and it wouldn't surprise me if she hopes he'll change, partially to avoid having to go through the full separation process. At least her dogs are safe, but I'm actually starting to worry that he only allowed her accounts back for now and access to her animals, until he has her back under his control. I hope whatever legal counsel she seeks, it is separate from him and not anyone he suggested, also not anyone who could have a massive hateboner for her.
No. 1678347
File: 1666082308959.jpg (83.3 KB, 720x960, yikes.jpg)

>>1678300nah, her soon-to-be-ex husband is fatty now lmao
No. 1678348
>>1678068Y’all…she has several people that run her Onlyfans, she makes the content, that’s it.
She has sexters paid commission to stay in her inbox all day + a queue for mass messages.
Husband could be directing them to keep working/ make the sad caption, but that’s not her grifting lol.
No. 1678373
>>1678308I hope she can get out of there and start anew. It's no surprise this persona she portrayed was dreamed up by some nasty degenerate scrote.
>>1678347Good, hope he continues his descent into a fat slob and she gets to keep most of the money SHE made.
No. 1678380
>>1678355Motherfucker I’m in my 20’s and from the south, I started saying it ironically as a teenager and it stuck around.
Kill yourself and stop shitting up the thread with nitpicks, I saged and integrated just fine.
Normally I wouldn’t reply to bait but people like you are so stupid and negative for no reason.
(infighting) No. 1678387
>>1678267>>1678277there is a vast and large female nerd streamer community that would welcome her back in with open arms. Hell, even Jnig posted/reached out about this situation. If Amouranth wants to still do sexy cosplay stuff, aligning herself with the likes of Jnig wouldn't be all that bad of an idea.
If not, like I said, there are a shit ton of female streamers who would take her under their wing. She needs to surround herself with like minded individuals who truly share in her interests and want to help elevate her instead of bringing her down.
No. 1678491
File: 1666102065674.png (207.6 KB, 324x470, 1_HI4kj-TPAQrfQkAdrw2KTA.png)

can we stop infighting or responding to scrotes? by the end nobody will be left of us. Farmhand is probably tired of tard wrangling (sorry)
No. 1678594
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>>1678590They're called Romeo Pimps or Loverboys. Their tactic is to usually first buy them expensive shit, complain about financial problems, then guilt trip about it and say "well there's one way you could pay me back" and then suggest "sex work".
No. 1678595
>>1678347How is he not embarrassed to look like this next to a woman that looks like her? Scrotes really have no shame and would rather beat down someone else's self esteem than actually try to better themselves.
>>1678261>she believes that him hearing himself on that call helped him understand he was an assholeWe all know that's a load of horseshit.
Abusive men like this do not change. Therapy won't make him a better person. It'll only give him better tactics to manipulate people and play the
victim. I hope she has someone in her life to help her through this right now so she can go full no-contact with him save for legal matters. I hope the video evidence of the threats would be enough to for her to get a restraining order. Though if she's been under his control for so long, he'll surely guilt trip her into not doing that.
No. 1678791
File: 1666127949839.jpg (227.98 KB, 1935x1085, Capture.JPG)

Amouranth is streaming right now and is actually with her horses she was kept away with and talking extensively about horse knowledge as she walks around the ranch. It's relaxing and interesting, and it makes me happy to see her actually happy and smiling and talking about something she loves. Hope this continues and she stays the hell away from that scrote pimp
No. 1678841
>>1678753I'm not saying she was ugly; just she looked really plain/unremarkable. The kind of woman the internet wouldn't pay any mind to at all. No boobs or curves to speak of. Just plain af.
Guys who look "okay" and abuse their women can still think themselves better. Something they can/will hang over them. "I can find better than you" kinda language.
No. 1678843
>>1678841Okay? so what is your point?
>The kind of woman the internet wouldn't pay any mind to at allYou must have a very specific idea of what type of woman that is. Please describe, cuz I’m trying to see if I’m right about you.
No. 1678993
>>1678983Ofc she is unstable she just escaped a seven year long
abusive relationship with a narc. Amo you’ve got a lot to deprogram in you babe just do some stardew valley or someshit if you desperately need to stream
No. 1679051
>>1678841you sound like a scrote
nonny, stop trying to think like them. It's exactly as
>>1678845 said
>>1679000Agreed. It's pretty obvious she's still following his "business model" to some degree. Hopefully she's just playing nice until she can get a divorce.
No. 1679169
>>1679128She produces content in large batches to periodically send out. She’s not literally making new content. I’m the anon earlier who mentioned it’s q’d.
It’s always the same shit “ my first EVER penetration” “my ONLY fully nude video!!”
She is never fully nude. There is never penetration. It’s an endless carrot dangling act to get guys horny enough to sext with her and unlock her 50,100, and 200$ DM’s of her “masturbating to them” (it’s all prerecorded and you don’t see anything).
Not a scrote, I’m in a lot of telegram groups with OF girls that look up to her strategies lolllll. They do work, men are fucking stupid.
You’d think they would all scream “scam” and dip, but no. They STILL keep falling for it.
I cheer on that kind of fuckery tbh
No. 1679203
So she's back, claiming her husband is getting help via therapy. are chances this is also part of his script and he never left, just changed the nature of his grift and somehow manipulated her back in line?
I've seen tons of handmaiden crawl back to their abuser to get even heavier abuse and intensify their
toxic relationship.
(this is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 1679241
>>1679218yeah in situations like this the target of abuse feels a lot of shame, where obviously the abuser should be ashamed of how they were behaving towards the
victim. god i just want to smother that tiny dick loser fattso
>>1678347look at this piece of shit. he's the person screaming at the top of his lungs at his wife and threatening her. just delete the whole moid, revoke his ability to interact with women entirely
No. 1679253
File: 1666186803459.jpg (106.52 KB, 1600x900, amouranth-fart-jars-twitch-fan…)

>>1679250That's what I'm saying. All the "teehee my cutie patootie farts that I'm selling" bullshit came straight out of her pornsick moid's coombrain.
To what extend do her fans even like "her" when "her" is just the construct of some weirdo controlling psychopath who basically constructed her entire persona.
She's his porn frankenstein. Her streamer persona is not herself, its his fantasy and that's what people bought into.
A coom-golem cooked up by some crazy weirdo pervert.
No. 1679388
>>1679268longtime SW here, I'll take my ban; admitting you have a secret
abusive scrote is actually very common and does NOT kill your target demo. If anything, it makes your coomers double down and shower you in pity tips. I see it all the time.
Coomers are stupid, after all. The disgusting mfers probably see an opportunity to trauma bond, make it better with kind words, gifts, money, etc. You might notice a pattern with online whores crying all of the time… pity tip farming is legit, & I don't blame any girl in this situation who takes advantage of it.
No. 1679411
>>1679247Who cares? The people here probably aren't the ones giving her money. It's not hard to believe a scrote dating a sexworker is an
abusive peace of shit.
No. 1679455
>>1679422One time pity donation of $10 doesn’t mean women make up even 3% tier 3 OF subscribers. The only women subscribing to OF whores are other OF whores to mutually leech each other’s sub counts.
>>1679388>longtime SW>longtime Lmao you must be shite at your “”job””. Successful whores would have bagged a rich man and quit by now. Only the Shayna’s of SW get stuck in it.
No. 1679486
File: 1666208910898.jpg (1.2 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221019_214657_Sam…)

Amouranth is taking an indefinite hiatus
No. 1679496
>>1679489Why do some “people”, heavy on the air quotes, expect abused women to curl up inside themselves, especially if said women had scandalous extroverted public image. We can all see how you think; you have a very specific idea of what a
victim is supposed to look like. A
victim is supposed revert into a quivering little girl, wearing gray oversized hoodies, no makeup to show eyes swollen from crying, jumping at her own shadows, helpless, a shell of her former self. Trauma is a male fantasy to you.
No. 1679500
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>>1679498>>1679494>samefagging about tits to distract from the fact that a hiatus means you’ve been fucking wrongLMAO transparent and embarrassing
No. 1679534
File: 1666211906934.jpg (265.36 KB, 585x857, Image2.jpg)

Amouranth's changed her videos to say "friend hookup" and her fanclub name to "friends with benefits" now. Also said on live that if you join her OF she may hook up with you!
No. 1679618
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Anyway, who's got better bait, my vyvanse just kicked in
No. 1679621
>>1679618why is that possibility so hard for you to grasp?
>vyvanseah makes sense
No. 1679908
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>>1679881It unironically looks like the knee cleavage thing in photos for some reason. Could've saved a lot of money, hurt and potential breast implant illness if they would've gone that route instead kek.
No. 1679943
File: 1666253697793.png (299.88 KB, 828x1792, 09950569-8708-48C5-952F-6F2D97…)

She just posted this 11 minutes ago, I’m so confused? Apparently she’s on a break 15 hours ago, something feels really off.
No. 1680014
>>1679943Apparently she has a year of OF content saved that she just uploads periodically to keep subscriptions flowing. Sounds fair considering
>>1679486 is clearly an old photo due to her roots showing.
If she's getting a divorce and she's not going to be streaming, I'm not surprised she's using all that backlogged coomer content to make "passive" income. I'm pretty sure she has assistants that sockpuppet her OF for her, too. Best case scenario, she filed for divorce already and is funneling the future OF money into legal fees, therapy and whatever expenses she has.
Worst case scenario is that she fell for the narc lovebomb, he's all good after one therapy sesh and they're back together.
No. 1680228
>>1680168> She’ll quit soon though*She says, I don't owe him nothing, but if he comes back again
Tell him to wait right here for me or,
Try again tomorrow I'm gonna kick tomorrow
I'm gonna kick tomorrow*
the song is somehow sadly applicable
No. 1681598
File: 1666463914169.jpeg (387.79 KB, 1170x2108, C3C2766B-B97F-4574-9DEB-E0D1B8…)

Kaceytron arguing with viewers who take what their streamers say at face value and don’t accept reality (lots of deleted tweets from her so don’t have caps of that) but lol
No. 1681645
>>1681382the majority of her TWITCH income is turkish because porn is banned so they all sub and donate and jerk off to her there instead
i dont know that the stat holds true for her other platforms and thus overall total income though
No. 1682794
>>1681111wanna talk retarded takes?
you seriously think muslim moids in Turkey will care if the women they're paying to degrade is married and/or abused? they probably do it to the women in their lives already. you're so fucking out of touch it's unreal.
No. 1682961
>>1682794did you read anything in this thread at all?
no fucking shit, we're saying the same fucking thing
No. 1683237
File: 1666619801450.png (1.25 MB, 899x1218, amou.PNG)

>>1679486Break is over, she streamed last night. I only popped in for a little bit and heard her say that her 5 day break is the longest break she's taken from streaming that wasn't because of a ban. Then she played overwatch.
Pic unrelated, just haven't seen anyone post it yet.
No. 1683831
>>1683540please use your brain, do you really think the husband was going to let her buy an animal sanctuary? or would he push the gas station idea?
not being able to/allowed to buy her animal sanctuary or farm or whatever else doesn't make it a lie
No. 1686750
>>1686748everything they said is true and well established emiru lore, go read her thread
wherever you emiru white knights keep coming from please fuck off back there
No. 1686779
>>1686748Learn to sage. You are acting like being scrotes cumrag is admirable when she is also protecting Miz. For what? Little bit of worst mizkids on twitch?
"Fuck off desperate pick-me"
No. 1687236
>>1687234wow you really are a desperate white knight, did you claw your own eyes to avoid seeing the obvious truth?
emiru has been fucking mizkif for almost a year now, i'm sorry it wasn't you :(
No. 1687714
>>1687331its insane she's not streaming when mizkif is
but she also did carry out mizkif's intimidation orders on the girl so i dont feel that sorry for her either
No. 1687785
>>1687714>>1687374>>1687331she was never really interested in being a "streamer", she just wanted to do animal conservation education.
she mentioned that making tiktok reacts, doing desktop streams and that kind of content was more of a neccesary evil to get sponsors and keep the viewers up. in the months leading up to the drama, she was really wondering if having to "sell her life" was worth the viewers for her animal conservation streams.
after everything that happened i think she just decided that its not worth the drama of "being a streamer" to be able to get funds to run Alveus and do the animal conservation streams.
with her experience she could probably easily get hired by san diego zoo or one of the other large organizations working with animal conservation and still get some of that satisfaction from saving animals.
No. 1688054
>>1676623>>1676721>>1676621>>1676907You people sound a lot like the low IQ simps in her chat. Of course there is more to life than onlyfans and rolling around in a tub for 8hours a day for money. Of fucking course her personal life is a mess.
>>1676751I remember opening her stream a few months ago and thinking "damn this girl doesnt look happy". She's a mess, her personal life is a mess and no shit her boyfriend/fiance/husband(whatever he is) is a piece of shit too and you don't need to be a particular gender to see the hollowness in someone.
BUT this is scripted shit for drama. Even if there is some truth behind it, she streamed it and showed it to the world for those sweet sweet sympathy dollars.
No. 1688094
>>1688054retard moid take, nothing was scripted
he was abusing her over the phone this time, as he often did, she took the opportunity to unmute and expose the abuse and get away from him for good
burning him publicly like that was the best shot she had and she took it, who cares if she capitalized on the attention after that, it doesn't change what she'd been through
fuck off
No. 1688814
File: 1667135064913.jpeg (72.9 KB, 681x1200, D3733BD6-01F2-4673-8169-1E67F7…)

If I was dream I’d just kill myself at this point
No. 1689367
>>1689358no new info otherwise, that person just hates her
probably a moid
No. 1689636
>>1688236amourath gives off professional
victim vibes sorry
No. 1689637
>>1689358because the first thing you think about when you get out of an emotional/physically
abusive relationship is dating, right? don't you retards see the issue here?
No. 1689674
>>1689668is this satire?
we all saw her chase dyrus to fuck him and leech fame, and we've all seen her do the same to mizkif
it's who she's always been, desperate for fame and will fuck gross moids to get it
No. 1689684
>>1689347>>1689637eugh… okay, let me unpack this.
first of all, she literally said she would be done with men for a while, whilst being spammed with text-to-speech 'you need a strong man like me hehe' / 'please go out with me now that you're single' from moids.
second of all, there is no way to deny that her husband is extremely volatile and
abusive, judging by that phone call. he is an unhinged lunatic.
lastly, just think about the situation for more than five seconds.
abusive relationships form over the course of many years, and as much as your excellent advice of 'just leave him lol' is super helpful, those relationships aren't easy to leave! the abuser has everything to gain from keeping their
victim around them, and the
victim has been brought down by constant belittling, insults and gaslighting to doubt what is reality and forced to cope with the abuse in any way possible.
the moid doesn't want to let go of his golden goose. he's not the one working and in the spotlight, so his life didn't change at all by this entire situation. all he has to do is keep her working and making him a fortune. sure, he's let her go to a few parties now, but i imagine this comes with a price as the
abusive man wants to retain control at all costs.
good on you for never being involved with a horrid,
abusive man, and i don't wish the experience on anybody, but it's not quite as simple as breaking up with a nonabusive partner.
No. 1689721
File: 1667200861857.png (6.22 KB, 709x66, emirubonnieesfand.PNG)

>>1689701>>1689715 confirmed in her chat tonight basically, she was talking about her and mizkif (and their beard brendan) going to japan next week, and said since esfand can't go neither can bonnie
No. 1691138
File: 1667331939998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.36 KB, 1179x1095, 0F31FA45-78D3-4C69-8149-ADD7E5…)

Logwig’s balls.
No. 1691460
>>1691444my bf thinks they're doin' it
max and chad that is
healthy bromance or tounge-punching each other's assholes? only time will tell
No. 1691864
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So are Adept and XQC officially done?
No. 1692103
File: 1667430174047.png (248.19 KB, 451x451, N3au4fDdQ8d5JNgbaIVQ_noHSXP9wW…)

>>1691864Searched her and first pic i found made her look like a troon and i was so terrified kek. The drag queen make up style needs to die. Anyway she seems like a twitch thot, if you search her up you get bombarded with uhm questionable pics. She has an only fans and its not hard to stumble on her nudes. She does have a nice body, seems not plastic like nor does it seem like she has bolt ons.
No. 1692106
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XQC seems to really enjoy women who need someone to increase their relevancy. Maybe he likes that advantage in a relationship. Also, coming out that he has a new gf 3 days after adept randomly shows up and kisses his cheek on stream? Afterwards he muted and argued with her on stream kek.
No. 1692349
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>>1692020Ludwig asked them to blur it, Chad "misread" the message and didn't blur it.
No. 1692480
>>1692106>XQC seems to enjoy women who increase his relevancyBingo. His retarded fans are too dumb to realize that, he is a little drama whore that secretly likes to concoct chaos kek
as many scorpios like to do. I always suspected he was a little sociopathic in that regards, using people as a means to increase his twitch career and get what he wants as no one is disturbed how he constantly brings his “ex” girlfriend on to his streams just to use her for content and have the entirety of their fan base constantly demean her for every little thing she says and does. I have always suspected that he manufactures these fake dramatic moments for his fans to latch on and think they have a say or even a clear lense into his actual personal life. His moidbase praising the new girl because they were manipulated into disliking Adept are going to get a rude awakening when he does the exact same bitch-made thing to the girl he’s “dating” now, all for “content”, that’s the only thing these people value. They are going to absolutely hate her when her personality begins to outshine his or call her “quirky” or some shit. I can already see this being a giant mess in the future and I can’t wait
No. 1694307
>>1694146The car is HIS, always has been. He is a retard with no licence so the car was put in her name because she was the one with a licence. She literally stole a car and refuses to give it back kek.
I guess she has to hustle since she is a busted titty streamer that is about to fade into obscurity now that she is not attached to autismo supremo, but… Like have some respect, give the car back.
No. 1694357
>>1694307bruh you're really blaming her for taking the car thats in HER name.
its not her fault the idiot put a CAR in his GFs name like ffs. a lot of blood related family don't even wanna do that cuz of all the ramifications it can cause let alone just a girlfriend, he's retarded
No. 1694541
File: 1667658513988.jpeg (87.48 KB, 1200x800, ruoes3ozcaagk9gerwti.0.jpeg)

The scrote suckers are becoming cows themselves LMAO. Quit self reporting and go back to twt. We don't give a fuck that you're so desperate your pussy drips for this guy.
>>1694197 He's not even mildly attractive, he's borderline skelly so it negates the tall aspect and … accent? Homie says "ohmyfuckinggawddud" quickly and this is the accent you choose to simp for?
>>1694521 "MAH INTEGRITY"
Get fucked, he probably still has his car he spent way too much money on to not be able to drive. And if Adept does take it because the retard put it in her name then that's hilarious.
I don't know where all the simp and ball lickers came from but we don't wk over coomers cars here.
No. 1694546
>>1694541>skellyThat's the appeal
>says faigisfajfubesgjoaighuioThat's the appeal. Anyway he fell off. He will never find love.
No. 1694766
>>1694575fully tinfoil
he doesn't have a garage at the house he's in, he's not going to park a $300k car on the street
she's just keeping it until he sorts out his license and garage shit, which could be tomorrow, it could be forever
but this idea she's stealing it or being paid with it (as if she were getting paid she wouldn't want actual money) is silly
No. 1695212
>>1694307why the fuck does he want the car back then if he cant even drive it kek
>>1694541i can see why nonnies would think hes cute, hes cute in a ugly way. However he is such a huge autist and is legit fucking nasty. This guy cant clean after himself and also he isnt even funny. Its alright to think he's cute but they shouldnt wk this scrote, i hope his ex gf keeps the car. Its what she deservers after having to be his mom for so long
No. 1696414
>>1696413Shes 24, owns a house, and sent nudes to subs. Shes a sociopath adult. Shes not a
victim, she’s just retarded
>>1696625videos new and definitely not a self post, just the only coverage the issue has gotten so i posted it
not the best, but it's all it's gotten - go complain to the moid in his comments
No. 1697784
>>1689701Didn't we learn last time? How is this any different from the time he and jinny were youtube algo's favorite couple?
Not trying to compare the two of them, just their (lack of) relationship with Esfand.
No. 1700673
>>1700660its ok, she's playing up the 17 thing anyway, she only actually started streaming in December 2015, she turned 18 on January 3rd 2016, so she was only a "streamer" at 17 for a month
and she never talked directly to reckful until he quested her which was in march, when she was 18 (but his retarded chat told him she was 17 so he did then proceed to joke about it)
but she was still in high school for another five months or whatever so that aspect is true
reckfuls a piece of shit for plenty of reasons but emiru always embellishes that entire sequence of events
No. 1700750
File: 1668552709840.webm (2.48 MB, 420x330, 1668549142317340.webm)
pokimane has a wardrobe malfunction
No. 1700765
>>1700650If it's Reckful or Dyrus, then she talked about them both in this infamous video
>>>/snow/341708 (updated mirror:
>12:11 Claims that she started streaming to attract Dyrus' attention and that the Reckful stuff was "harmless"Similar stuff on the old Tumblr post archived in her thread
>>>/snow/340487 . Of course, it's possible she wasn't entirely honest at the time for whatever reason.
No. 1700786
>>1700750was going to ask how the fuck she didn't feel this, but it's pretty obvious that she's wearing large silicon pasties.
>>1700781Does seem like a really stupid outfit to wear on stream. She also came back with it pulled down? The pasties also seem like she had thought of the possibility of this happening and how to get away with it without getting banned. I dunno, it's weird.
No. 1700790
File: 1668556026399.webm (2.43 MB, 1440x1060, 1668549765071063.webm)
>>1700786>>1700781the way she reacts to it is off as well.
>oh look, my tit is out haha No. 1700791
File: 1668556027486.jpg (27.43 KB, 622x541, notice me.jpg)

>>1700737reckful was always a creepy piece of shit yes, but emiru also always exaggerates the story. and its hilarious she mentions "5-10" years older than her, because december of 2015 is not only when she started really streaming but also when she threw herself at dyrus who was 5-6 years older than her too, but doesn't mention that on her little podcast, maybe these other guys saw her tweeting at him hmmm
she was 17 in 12/2015, tweeted the attached, he replied and they played league, she turned 18 on january 3rd 2016, and she flew to LA to fuck him on january 6th.
none of which excuses the creepers but nobody should be pretending that emily was some pure innocent soul at the time either, she was scheming her way through those same old creeprs and fucked one for years to get e-fame and cash
No. 1701000
>>1700750damn she hit the wall so hard
making me feel better about turning 27 this year and seeing laugh lines
No. 1701021
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Maya's coming back
No. 1701076
>>1701021Has anyone got a clue where I can see her old vods? I wanted to see her swatting aceros head again.
>add water to the horse feed>offer not yet smushy food to the horse>horse tries to eat it>keep swatting at horses head and calling it stupidher streams are honestly bit stressful
No. 1701803
>>1701169fyi I am against all forms of plastic surgery for myself and it's super weird you went off on that tangent
nonnie, it's pretty autistic.
I was just joking that most women start to "hit the wall" ie. show signs that they're nearing 30 by that age. jesus fucking christ, lighten up a bit and unwad your panties, shit must hurt.
No. 1701919
>>1701767i dont quite understand why you have this desire for alveus to be a bad place :\ its kinda weird.
during her stream yesterday it turns out she has also moved to alveus now, so I guess that means she is living with her dogs again, which it seems like you care about for some reason
( :\ ) No. 1701957
>>1701341Do they only do twitch? I honestly don't know. Seems like it?
>>1701319>more room to run aroundonly time they are heard (not even seen) on stream when they were barking exessively behind a massive fencing. So we don't know how much "freedom" they actually do get. Sounds sad life to have the "freedom" but no socialization with you owner.
>>1701919So where the ferrets live now? Or her pitbull mix and hunting dog co-exist now in tiniest trailer/tiny home? Or the dogs still live outside?
No. 1702362
>>1702344Samefag, continuing
>>1702258I've gotten that impression too but I haven't really been able to pinpoint what it is about her that make her seem like she lacks empathy, because her streamer persona should make me associate her with emotional warmth and kindness but I just don't. She doesn't seem like she's a cruel person at all though, she just seems emotionally detached and self-involved. Then again, most big streamers seem like they have issues empathizing with others to various degrees, and it might just be a side effect of fame or a persona they adopt to prevent parasocial relationships. The joke situation sounds pretty mild to be fair, and his reaction sounds way more unhinged than her joking about it. Anyways, I'm curious: Are there any big streamers who come off as being kind and empathetic? Maybe you can't be too kind once you've gotten to a certain level due to the amount of incels and crazies that might latch onto you
No. 1702488
>>1702428I don't understand how this is a
valid argument. That's her investment into her career. She will make that money back + millions more over time.
No. 1702497
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So Nyyxxii and XQC have split (obviously)
>Adept was involved but ultimately, he says it was because friends told him of stories about Nyyxxii and when he confirmed these were valid, decided to end the relationship when she was back in the U.K.
>Adept went to XQC's house to accuse him of cheating on her while they were still in a relationship. He provided her with his phone so she could go through the messages between himself and Nyyxxii, and when she found them talking shit about her, decided to call Nyyxxii and confront her about it.
>Nyyxxii's mod leaks this DM and everyone freaks out
Glad to see this dumpster fire of a relationship finally end. All of his relationships are trash, I don't really care what happens to any of these people, but man does it warm my heart to see his toxic juicer fanbase wriggle and seethe now that their e-girl juicer Queen is no more.
No. 1702664
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Had a good kek at lilfuncakez. She's the epitome of titty streamer with the fake high-pitched voice to boot but sperged out the other day when someone pointed out her obvious grift, than proceeded to post a blatant ass pic directly after. I remember seeing her posted here a while back for larping as Korean when she's a white girl named Kayla Servi or something? I don't normally give a shit what other women post it's just kinda humorous considering the
>Maybe I just have them and exist?
No. 1702766
>>1701327>AmericansIt's not only burgers.
>>1702497Kek way to keep up the
toxic Latina gf stereotype, Adept.
No. 1702841
>>1702497But.. Why would he even let her control his life to this extent if they weren't involved? It makes zero sense.
No. 1702922
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>>1702841there has to be a reason…
No. 1702957
>>1702841I feel like since both are
toxic as shit they can't get away from eachother.
Adept is living inside one of his houses and drives his 3 cars (the maclaren, tesla and bmw) and also uses his credit cards (he told on stream he had to freeze many of them because of her).
She says she doesnt want to be envolved on drama but kept posting on instagram photos with his mclaren and bmw with flowers inside to stir drama. (Made people think she was going out with other while xqc asked for her to not drive anymore the cars) But it seems she was just doing her "little trolling" to catch attention and keep relevance…
She is very manipulative with a bunch of red flags (who the fuck calls on your ex phone someone you are reading a bunch of private messages? why is he such a wimp to let that happen). He even said that when she was about to call he wanted to cut off the wifi so she couldnt finish it instead of getting the phone out of her hand.
xQc is the epitome of manchild who can't do anything on his own. He said even on stream that he feels alive when those type of shitty drama happens. Most likely the Mclaren is a bridge to keep talking to Adept as he still didn't bring the fucking car to him and makes a bunch of excuses. Most people watching the stream knew it was just a fling him and nnyyxx but the man couldn't end the relationship with her at his house and did it over discord. While he can't get away from adept lmao.
No. 1704529
>>1704420scrote logic
>>1704467so only moids can use this phrase? how low iq are you?
No. 1704753
>>1704646you thinking im the same anon who made the "hit the wall" comment is definitely low iq.
>>1704694>I'm being courteousyou're being retarded for thinking only scrotes use this phrase.
No. 1705353
>>1705297I don't think it's a pasty.
Looks more like her filter's blur smoothing tool being so strong that you can barely see it
No. 1705357
File: 1669011602140.png (Spoiler Image,71.52 KB, 725x670, pasty.png)

>>1705353pretty sure it is a pasty you can see the more defined edge of it, the second lighter line way further out is the edge
No. 1706901
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Anisa got rid of her boobs lmao so much for "it cured my body dysphoria!"
RIP Anisa's tits
No. 1706923
>>1706913i agree, but knowing Anisa she's going to complain about her body image issues over lack of breasts again.
it's just so fucking wild idubbbz will drop all kinds of money on whatever whim Anisa wants(boobs, boxing event, house in seattle, etc) but he won't invest in her therapy. she is clearly going through her daddy issues and grief and is not addressing it
No. 1707225
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Anisa is just the type of cow that gets better with age, two years ago I would’ve never foreseen she would drink the troon koolaid but we are getting closer every day
No. 1707433
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>>1706901Good for her, her body looks a lot more normal now, big tits only messed up her proportions.
No. 1708731
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>>1708623Jerma is a 37 year old man pandering to 20 year olds, he's old enough to understand how to stay relevant and created a very loyal fanbase. There is a lot of wholesome compilations videos made by his fanbase who clearly have a lot of love for him. He also seems smart enough to not fuck around with his fans romantically.
Cyr on the other hand is an unhinged Johnny Depp skinwalker who is secretly begging for one person to make the comparison. He's had a lot of red flags but people have gotten so used to him acting this way it's not considered weird anymore. Tragic.
No. 1708896
>>170788799% of clips are taken out of context by kids/teens finding his extremities funny, a usual Jerma stream is actually pretty chill, recently he does seem to be playing it up but I don't blame him kek
>>1708731Sorry to break it to you anon but he's dating a fan, there's more about it discussed in the Youtuber thread, but she was a mod & fan for awhile. Imo she seemed to of kinda weasel her way into his life & live her delusional Y/N fantasy at 30 but it's definitely not an Onision type of shit. I agree with you major on Cyr tho, he gives off the most ransom vibes
No. 1709972
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>>1708731It's funny you say unhinged because it looks like Cyr is a Jeffrey Dahmer skinwalker these days… Suits him perfectly with his meth teeth and groomer allegations.
No. 1717304
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mizkif currently moping in bed while running twitch plays pokemon for """""content"""" and his mods are banning anyone for calling him out for it lol
No. 1717312
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>>1717304stupid egotistical moid edited the game files to insert himself as the main character and other otk people as well, emiru made the art for him and made him look like attached loooool
maybe if we're lucky he'll get reported to nintendo for fucking with their files, i hear they're picky about that stuff
No. 1717323
>>1700650Thats crazy she says that when here says its harmless fun
(Embed) No. 1717596
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>>1717304he is probably using steroids
No. 1717798
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>>1717596emiru having to take a week or two off again in january to tend to mizkif's emotional problems even more now
wonder if she regrets signing up for fucking this mental case yet, is the clout and views worth it
No. 1718646
>>1660389>>1717830She went from “i want to stream everyday in japan! and do sponsors and have soooo much lined up in december and January!” To going on vacation with Miz, to being sad, depressed and miserable and cancelled and flaking all her streams that arent big sponsors like blizz or spotify.
Theyre both immature children who never outgrew high school mentality and are seeing their money dry up because miz sexually assaulted someone and covered it up, and emi needs that money train so she backed her bf.
You know its bad when shes saying she might “gift” herself 3000 subs to “add emotes” and totally not inflate her numbers like miz and esfand do.
No. 1721548
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Sodapoppin and Veibae are having a scrotelet
No. 1721562
>>1721548i can't tell if you can't tell that's a joke or not
(they've never even met in person for those unaware)
No. 1725996
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Idubbbz has always been ugly but holy shit he legit looks like a homeless dude now LMAO seen at Ludwig’s event
No. 1726323
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Really glad to see Maya doing well. Meanwhile Miz is doing his PewDiePie book club thing, lol.
No. 1726729
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Macaiyla is currently being cancelled on twitter for being transphobic. Lots of league streamers speaking up against her. People want Tyler1 to make a statement about not being transphobic like his gf. Lol
No. 1727052
TERF Queen 2023
No. 1727543
>>1726729 These tweets make me feel like she could be a
TERF just can't outright say it because of her boyfriend. Has she ever said anything else based before?
No. 1727566
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Does anyone know what this was about
No. 1727798
>>1726323Her tiny house is really cute and nice, I'm jealous kek.
>>1726729I really hope she sticks to her guns and doesn't let people shout her down.
No. 1728559
>>1727795You can be transphobic and a pick me though. theres plenty of normie girls who share the same ideas macaiyla does but they just wont publicly share them unless they know they wont face backlash for it or if they dont give a fuck like macaiyla.
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if someone like pokimane was anti tranny. but why tf would she say that if it'll fuck up her career/reputation.
No. 1729022
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Rich Campbell raped someone and resigned from OTK No. 1729046
>>1729040so first mizkifs roommate outed as a sexual assaulter
then mizkif
now rich who lived in mizkifs closet doing a subathon for a month, when we know he fucked multiple girls in that closet (alinity, mercy) and he met mia there
mizkifs house is ground zero for molesting moids
No. 1729655
>>1729646she did it and he kept all her money to himself. now shes her own boss and isnt streaming 24h in order to please him, she has a way to get a ton of income easily. youd be stupid to not keep doing it on your terms
she got a rid of her abuser and kept her income. shes a bossbabe tbh
No. 1729656
>>1729022for any women that talk to streamers here: dont
secondly when a scrote starts jerking off in front of you RUN
No. 1729728
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>>1729022literally the day before kek
No. 1732135
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No. 1733089
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>>1729712Moids will literally simp for a car's exhaust pipe. Its fun to celebrate the retardation of scrotes getting grifted, but I wouldn't call a 5 with bolt ons a "boss babe" for exploiting herself for cash no matter how advantageous. Fuck her ex though, what a faggot.
No. 1733849
Purrblind, a small e-streamer and cosplayer, reacted to a clip of Maya Higa making fun of her lazy eye as aheago and misgendering her.
Clip starts at 2:37.
Purrblind's response: on the cake is her dropping the v-tuber cutesy baby voice and raging in her normal tone kek. Purr is already pretty milky and desperate for attention, more in the cosplay community than streaming where she keeps a relatively low profile, so seeing her react to a clip from June 2022 screaming about ableism and being misgendered is pretty rich. She used to stream live but I guess her voice got sore from screaming at chat for misgendering her obviously female appearance and dress.
No. 1734243
>>1734229>>1733849Trannies gonna tran and cry
victim no matter what, it's all they have
No. 1738194
File: 1672961852775.jpg (450.56 KB, 1536x1640, Disgust.jpg)

This bloated sack of potatoes literally thinks he's the hottest thing in the world. Pathetic
No. 1738974

Jovi Pena went to Kai Cenat's New Years party and was raped by one of his friends.
>Jovi says she was drinking at the party and near the end of the night was drunk and tired, so Kai offered her one of the bedrooms upstairs to sleep. She felt this was safe enough as Kai has security guards and it was Kai's party> Jovi says she awoke in pain to someone on top of her and she called them a rapist, but they told her that she was in his bed, so what did she expect to happen> The rapist asked her to keep it a secret and just pretend like nothing happened. > Kai originally invited her to the party and hours after what happened, she told him and asked for his help in identifying the rapist. Kai pretended he didn't know who she was talking about, even though she identified key features about the rapist and the room. She was ignored and he had his legal team contact her > She did her own investigating and found out that the rapist was Djigiu Seck. Djigiu is a friend of Kai's and they have been friends for years, going on vacations and parties together. > Kai's legal team also confirmed the identity of the rapist. > Jovi was having further pains and went to emergency. She also had a rape kit done. Jovi is now dealing with the wave of hate from Kai supporters (and scrotes in general) who think all women are manipulative, evil liars. She has also stated that she was anally raped, which is what caused the severe pain and bleeding. Even with her rape kit done and immediate action, which is one of the biggest things scrotes say against women who come out with rape allegations, she is still called a liar. She has had support from other women who are connected with Kai Cenat's friend group, saying that his friends are nothing but 'horny predators'.
There has been no response from Kai Cenat or any of the men involved as of yet. Kai recently posted on his twitter about his UK visit.
In related news, XQC has been making another ass of himself trying to downplay Kai's responsibility in the rape compared to how vocal he was about the Mizkif/Adrianna situation.
For what it's worth, at least there is more support for Jovi than the other woman who came forward with allegations against famous streamers/associates. It seems like people are finally coming to understand that the problem wasn't the women, it was the men all along.
Jovi's twitter for more details: No. 1738996
File: 1673056938459.jpeg (889.42 KB, 1055x1390, C913EB6B-EE25-4BA5-87AA-E528B6…)

Thought this was anisa lmao
No. 1739855
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XQC and Adept were actually divorced, not just split. There is also a restraining order, but it's not clear who it's for (probably XQC ordering Adept to stay away)
> Adept showed up to XQC's house needing access to an account (maybe for the car, bank account, etc) because a friend needed help. > XQC changed the account or forgot the password and wasn't going to fix it for her at that time> Adept wouldn't leave until he fixed it, saying she was going to call the police for his violation of a court order. > According to XQC's roommate, the problem has been resolved and it wasn't a big dealVideo link to stream: (the only relevant stuff is about 1 1/2 minutes. Mizkif appearance warning at 1:51)
If they got married it was probably only for convenience so XQC could have a green card allowing him to live in the US and for tax purposes. He obviously never considered a pre-nup, even though he was probably married during the climb or height of his career. I'm not familiar with American family law, but in Canada, if there is a divorce it's generally a split of all assets gained during the time of the marriage, depending on what each spouse contributed. It also lays down the groundwork for spousal support, in the case just like this one where the amount of money one spouse is making trumps the other. If American law is similar, this would mean that Adept would be given a huge payout of XQC's assets, as well as access to some other items like bank accounts, cars, etc and possibly spousal support. Especially if he used her American status to purchase things (he couldn't purchase the cars because he didn't have an American driver's license or bank account), these items could go back to her exclusive ownership.
I have a soft spot for XQC, but I really don't have any sympathy for him. I'm relieved she's gotten a large portion of his money because he would have just wasted it on gambling or something just as stupid. And whatever your personal feelings are about Adept, XQC was able to make the connections and growth he was partially because of her. She gave him a place to settle in the US and basically took care of him for years. With all his access to lawyers, it's incredible he never thought of a prenup to protect himself, but I guess it's just his trusting nature.
Adept was already getting flamed for her weight and appearance by XQC scrotes, now they're dogpiling on her being this vindictive, greedy woman. People are mad because "how dare she show up during his stream to interrupt with this?! How dare she do this to XQC?!" I would be so fed up with dealing with his dumbassery after he made a fool of himself with his World Cup gambles and embarrassment of a relationship with Nyyxxii.
No. 1739944
>>1739855After his decent into gambling I stopped watching, mostly because it's boring as fuck and his obvious addiction was frustrating to watch. I miss when he actually played games, but that was forever ago
Adept helped him out a lot, but I don't necessarily think she helped build his career. If anything he grew her stream. But she did a lot of important practical things for him. Either way, under California law she's going to be legally taking home a lot and he deserves it for not signing a prenup and acting like a dumbass
I'm kind of confused about the Temporary Restraining Order though. If she made the request and then showed up at his house, it will come up in the Orders Hearing
No. 1739992
>>1739855>he made a fool of himself with his World Cup gambles and embarrassment of a relationship with Nyyxxii.Is he still in a relationship with that pornstar? I'm so glad that Adept is getting a good amount of money, it's what she deserves after taking care of that autist for so long.
>>1739944I also stopped watching when he started gambling. Honestly I've always hated his community but lately it's gotten even worse, only reason why I watched him was because he looked cute so it's not a big loss to me.
>>1739969>everyone hates her rnI mean it's just twich users who follow Xqc or people inside that circle who dislike her. Most people don't even know who she is, she could honestly just go on with her life without social media just fine.
No. 1740045
>>1739855According to XQC, they aren't married. She's applying for a divorce in Texas because they recognize common law marriage, as apposed to California. So basically a court is going to have to determine if they were or weren't married.
The video is annoying because he also can't directly name or talk about her because of the restraining order (supposedly), so I can't understand half of what he's trying to say. He talks about the marriage doc at 7:30
No. 1740100
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>>1740045Man Texas laws are great kek If you even call someone your dating your wife/husband/partner/ and you live with them they can ask for a divorce and alimony pay through common law marriage. Slight blog but knew a woman who had a boytoy scrote and would call him her husband while letting him live at her house. The scrote never worked and she basically spoiled him with her lifestyle so when she kicked him out he sued her and asked for a “proper divorce” and now he gets alimony money to make sure he lives the lifestyle she got him used to. Hopefully Adept can screw this nasty scrote over I’m tired of seeing his 24/7 money grabbing streams and seeing braindead males shit on women
No. 1750471
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Anisa is finally a queen according to the kiwis lol, she should be proud
No. 1751640
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Creator Clash 2 matches released, can't wait to see idubbbz lose again in 3 months
No. 1752331
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>>1751680>has maids and cooks>defending a moid with no sage when his table is picrel with junk from deliveries Yeah, sure. 99 of the big twitch streamers just order takeaway and go with their day.
No. 1756452
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Did yall see this? Moids will be moids I guess, but he's literally looking at his best friend's partner's photoshoped noodz.
No. 1756465
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>>1756452List of all the streamers that gets deepfaked on that site, some of them are barely legal
No. 1756469
>>1756459it's lud lmao
>>1756465Damn mbb? Didn't she only
just turn 18? they're probably using pics of her when she was underage to make the vids too, why does this shit exist? Moids are so deplorable.
No. 1756482
>>1756469She turns 19 in like 3 weeks so not
just turned 18. Still gross
>>1756465Even the Tourette’s tard?
No. 1756495
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>>1756482ah sorry guess I'm misremembering. But yeah she's still a teenager and I can guarantee that at least some of the dudes paying for these videos are in their 30/40s.
I wish we could just live in a world where females could exist normally and not be sexualised for just breathing. I'm sure these girls feel like they're fighting a losing battle trying to scrub this stuff from the internet or discourage the consumption of it. Also I guess even acknowledging its existence on your platform will mean it gets exposed to even more people. It's all so depressing, I hope they're all okay right now. Esp QT and Maya who've been vocal against this stuff, even if you don't like them as people, none of them deserve any of this.
No. 1756584
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Check out this hard watch… Dude in front of a camera crying pathetically cause he got caught watching degenerate porn of his coworkers girlfriends, while his FUCKING WIFE IS IN THE BACKGROUND KEK
I hope she divorces his ass and runs away or something. A man watching porn in a relationship is bad enough but literally paying money to deepfakers to get videos and pictures of girls you work with naked… ewww! Personally I wouldn't let that slide if I was her.
And I'm not buying this whole "I'm just interested in AI, bro!" lie. If that was really the case, he'd just google some articles/write ups about it or some shit. Not pay money directly to this Bavfakes guy.
No. 1756659
>>1756607I've come across videos of Lydwig and he comes off like a fucking attention whore who wants to be everyone's friend and in everyone's face.
He also ruined Jermas stream adding his non binary retard shit. I doubt he'll say anything
No. 1756730
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QT's response.
No. 1756835
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shoo, go back to the incel website
No. 1756849
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No. 1756987
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>>1756807Yeah, I just saw this exchange on the bird app a while ago
No. 1757042
>>1756771hell women aren't even safe on social media anymore.
Right now it's famous people, but in a couple of years it's going to be any and every women. Doesn't matter how many DMs from scrotes you ignore, they can just deepfake you.
No. 1757052
>>1756987>>1756807The fact that 4chan has an entire board dedicated to requesting and purchasing edits and deepfakes of random women and girls these scrotes happen to see online.
>>1756854QT definitely has enough genuine fans and skills and connections in the business to leave his ass. I would be fucking humiliated if my partner with huge platform and clout doesn’t publicly crusade against another moid, especially his friend???, violating me like this. Males be like “who will protect you from other men” and then clam up like a worm.
No. 1757278
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Another streamer posted on the site, Sweetcorn Anita, tweeted this. Anyone else get the feeling this guy isn't actually going face any consequences for this, I feel like in a few weeks/months he'll just be steaming like normal.
No. 1757316
>>1757312yeah moids are defending him like crazy on twitter right now.
>>1757278 is right he will never get cancelled unfortunately.
Most male streamers/influencers rarely get actually cancelled.
I only see women or gay men get actually cancelled.
No. 1759168
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>>1758273This shit is so fucking bleak. Imagine having this much empathy for a man that watched deep fake porn of your girlfriend. Man are beyond saving.
No. 1759293
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Gay. I hate this faggot. Screencap from Cold Ones. Remember this fag posted his balls.
>>1691138He probably would love if there was deepfaked porn of himself.
No. 1759431
>>1759168>This Tweet has been deleted.Wonder why?
Like actually genuinely wonder why. Its a shit take to have but I'm sure there were plenty of moids under it agreeing and drowning out any womans reply because we obviously don't matter.
No. 1759479
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>>1759431He says because it was "being misinterpreted" but like… what else was he trying to say? His video barely did anything more than the bare minimum of condemning the existence of deepfake streamer porn. As long as Ludwig continues to dance around the topic of his ties with Atrioc going forward, it just sounds to me like he's okay with it. There is no grey area here. He knows and has seen the effect it has had on QT, his own girlfriend. There should not be any flip flopping on his decision, but yet he persists. He said he took a day to make his Mogul Mail because he was busy being a boyfriend to QT. So where is being the boyfriend now to her? He wants to support QT, but also seems to quietly want to support Atrioc as well. He can't have it both ways.
No. 1759967
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ofc they can sue, why tf do you think the creator was so quick to "realize his mistakes" (lmao), take the site down and apologize? the streamers have millions of dollars for legal teams and shit to sue the shit out of him with which i also think qt cinderella said she was going to do on stream.
No. 1759999
>>1759967NTA and yes technically
victims of deepfake pornography CAN sue but it's UNLIKELY they would win their case unless they can prove several factors to the court. Those factors are extreme emotional distress(under the law that means the kind that gives you a mental breakdown), the perpetrators agenda (did they explicitly set out to cause harm), possibly copyright (although this is extremely hard to prove), distribution of the deepfake videos etc. I know some states have started to view and judge it as revenge porn, but AFAIK most haven't caught up yet. The law is just very behind on deepfakes atm and no existing legislation fully encompasses the issues.
No. 1760138
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clearly male
No. 1760253
>>1759999didn't crispin glover sue Universal for having another actor play his likeness used in a movie without his consent and he won? couldn't that set another legal precedent for
victims to sue the AI companies making this software or at least the clients using it?
No. 1760262
>>1760253Ayrt, most deepfakes fall under fair use - transformative works that are not made with the intention of making profit.
>>1760174That's not how the law views identity theft. If someone used a deepfake to try and gain access to a persons bank accounts that would be identity theft.
No. 1760798
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>>1760757Nta but it did not occur to me that they can use this technology to make CP too
Fucking hell
No. 1760979
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>>1760840Fuck me
And men have the balls to say they get black pilled or whatever the fuck because they can't be entitled to a woman's feelings and behavior.
My friends are all aware of how disturbing men can be. One of my friends talked about men doing necrophilia on women's bodies and them realising women arent even safe after death, they've been through so much harassment from men and teenage boys (their experiences from high school), boys would just laugh off being rapists or having friends that were rapists out in the open in earshot of any kid that passed by,
All i want is too fucking shield them away from ever needing to find out how much more deranged men can get.
Sage for blogpost but fuck, 2 decades of consuming media about men being decent and for it to be literally fanfiction has robbed me of any shrivel of trust, especially after so many benefits of doubt but there's only ever been a few exceptions to the rule
I don't count men doing the bare minimum btw
Pic unrelated, he is my comfort
No. 1761440
>>1760475I know this is an unsaged illiterate moid, but actually people having a false opinion of you based upon lies is called slander and is actually illegal. Deepfake porn amounts to slander, libel, reputation destruction, attacking someone's business and finances, all these things are absolutely permissible in court. If thousands or hundreds of thousands of people now have a memory (and mp4) of you engaging in sex acts that is an attack on your reputation, and could potentially ruin your business if you have family friendly content, sponsors and audiences.
hope the guy who made that site gets absolutely rinsed
No. 1761489
>>1760805The images aren't real people. They are computer-generated. Those characters don't exist. It is no different then a drawing. The law says nothing about it. You can claim it uses your likness, but that's a stretch.
>>1761263I understand they don't want to be featured in porn, but that is not them. Someone made a computer image 600 miles away, never seeing them in person and streamers claim that's them? Someone's got a big opinion of themselves.
>>1761440As I said, you could have some legal ground if the deepfake site claimed that's actually qt or maya doing that act right there and then. But we all know they were safely away from it when it was produced. Slander is a very specific crime in which there has to be a provable ill intent and active malice toward the other person to hold ground. So because there was no lie and no active goal to harm the streamers (as it was for profit only) none of the things you mentioned would fly in court. Newspapers publish celebrity and public sex footage all the time.
>>1760482>four tiesembarrassing. And you almost got me.
No. 1761527
I would say these posts are obvious bait, but
>>1760517>>1761489>embarrassing. And you almost got me.That flew right over your head didn't it retard? Nta
No. 1762819
>>1761509It is the same. The photograph could be the same depending from which angle you look. If you're saying photograph could hold in court, it could if you took it of them in their private home. Otherwise even public photos without consent are legal as you are in a public area. It definitely isn't slander as there has to be some kind of a lie involved. And it's legal to wank to photos.
>>1761563Thank you for agreeing with me in part. The problem with streamers is that they are public figures therefore they are in a public domain. The only solution going forward I see is if you could copyright your face, but then again only feeding it to the machine would be illegal not the final product as that is just very well drawn picture. Again you don't own others opinion of you. If they wanted to see you perform sexual acts they can print a face of you and put it on a sex doll. That's the OG deepfake. The tort law is
problematic because there has to be a tangible loss. And for the streamers you could argue they gained more than they lost with all the publicity they gathered. 'Emotional damages' are wishy-washy as anyone could claim 'my feelings hurt' and demand compensation. Doesn't fly.
>>1761565No, they already have OF. This a matter of principle.
>>1761590Again, them existing means nothing. People make movies where Michael Jackson is an alien life-form that haunts Washington D.C. (Scary Movie 3) and write alt-timeline stories where the queen solves crimes (The Windsor Knot). This is no different. It being porn changes nothing since they weren't doing it.
>>1761583Don't hold your breath.
(A retard) No. 1763194
>>1762819Like another commenter said, you don't grasp the immorality of/problem with deepfake porn because there is something fundamentally wrong with you. You sound like an autism-brained, isolated idiot who's never gotten an ounce of sexual attention in your life, hence why you think that those who do get attention (like female streamers) deserve whatever they get as a consequence of being in the spotlight and should stop overreacting in such a narcissistic, attention-seeking manner. No one is claiming that it's bad because it's illegal, it's bad because it's making pornography of someone without their consent. No, that's not the same as printing out a picture and taping it onto a sex doll, but I'm sure don't think there's anything abnormal about that behavior either, because once again, you have some kind of severe deficit (most likely rooted in being male). Having deepfake porn of you online as a woman will attract even more schizoid, creepy men who are unable to empathize with fellow human beings like you, which, if you're a streamer or a public figure, can pose a threat to your life due to the risk of being stalked by subhumans increasing. I don't expect you to understand that though, because you literally cannot even imagine what goes on in the minds/lives of other people, especially not women.
No. 1763321
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>>1763268It didn’t say “transwoman,” it said “transgender” and “transgender people.” It isn’t just based on Seinfeld episodes but classic sitcoms in general. Here’s the explanation from the creators for how it happened
No. 1763843
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Unsure where to post this but many gamer girls are getting bullied for looking at the HP game so far Girlfriend Reviews (despite donating to the trevor project) cried on stream and Pikamee (a Japanese streamer) was forced to cancel her stream.
No. 1763883
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Wtf I love Macaiyla. More balls than most scrotes.
No. 1764991
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Trannies only have themselves to blame kek
No. 1765917
>>1762822It's hard to comprehend someone having a different opinion, but I assure you it's not a bait.
>>1762828I know more than enough that laws are made by people before us. I'm saying I completely agree with this particular law. In fact slander and libel laws should be made to be even harder to prove in court because they control what people say. Deepfakes don't involve you in any way. You want to dictate what people can watch and make because your face is CGIed there. That sounds like something that would
trigger either a narcissist who thinks they own the product because computer made an image similar to them or an extremely sensitive person.
>>1762837>>1763194Let me be clear back, because there's a lot of assumptions being thrown around. I understand that it can affect women negatively if people watch deepfakes of their CGI faces. My problem is then with that being used as a vessel to say who can make or watch what because someone's feelings got hurt. There is a clear line here. This streamers weren't physically harmed, didn't lose anything, and were in zero danger. Heck, if it wasn't for the leaks they wouldn't even know about it and nothing would change. They chose to be upset. Which I understand and can see why, but anyone can be upset by anything. And you do things that you don't like every day and others do things you don't like every day. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't control peoples' thoughts as much as you would like to. And you should't control videos being made who's only real
victim is some GPU power. The only one who got something wrong with them here is people who can't control their emotions and go bananas at an AI generated images. If there is one thing that can be wrong with a person it's losing their pantalones this much over an algorithmic image. And those people who harass them irl are scumbags, but 1- they are different people believe it or not and 2- deepfakes or not, it wouldn't stop them.
No. 1766149
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No. 1767556
>>1766061Are you the person that posted the rant about her on Wubby's subreddit too?
I can understand your feelings to an extent, I don't personally find her annoying though.
She just comes off to me like a woman version of Booty, which makes sense considering YEB is his girlfriend. They're both UwU soft little babies, and I don't mean that in a bad way, thats just their personalities. She's certainly much palatable than Fake Fan Alice was.