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No. 184408
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Oh boy, heard about this chick. Everyone in England is talking shit about her. Every post about her if you search 'meg feather' on facebook is about how she looks like a clown and is photoshopped.
Looks like she's trying to feign instagram star status with thos fake likes.
Also every caption for her picture is just "IM 15 IM 15" like come on, be more subtle
No. 184411
>>184410Also from the UK and my school wasn't strict about makeup at all, so long as you wore the appropriate length of skirt/a blazer/a tie/white shirt/no hoodies/brand jumpers you were fine. Uniform > personal appearance.
But yeh she's not 15, no way in ever loving hell is she 15. If she is then I feel for her when she ages.
No. 184414
>>184410No British school on earth would allow this hair colour or makeup.
Source: I've been to 7 different schools in my life time in different counties etc.
No. 184417
File: 1476725982727.png (354.46 KB, 935x327, Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 5.41…)

Ew, what the fuck?
No. 184451
>>184412Probably is.
Who knows, the chick might have potential to be a cow.
No. 184501
File: 1476733463282.png (562.53 KB, 468x573, 8baee342b7dfc7c4c4bd1c8852beb2…)

she looks so much better w less makeup
No. 184505
Are there any candids of her?
No. 184798
and she looks younger, like 19, rather than 30.
No. 184808
>>184501You're either blind or just stupid
The blur on that pic is fucking ridiculous
No. 184825
File: 1476767338316.jpg (50.82 KB, 564x541, 1402f6b013e705075023dc25a8fe86…)

There is a less than zero percent chance those lips are natural. Injections plus shitty overlining plus photoshop have made it so that her top lip is barely millimeters from her nose. Her philtrum has been completely engulfed by lips.
I dont know about the UK, but here it is illegal for minors to get lip injections or cosmetic surgery without parental permission, not to mention it costs about $300 per session and needs to be touched up every 3 months or so. But she expects people to believe that a 15 year old's parents not only gave permission but pay over $1000 a year for lip injections for their teen daughter? She's not a kardashian.
No. 184830
>>184417>>184408These ridiculously, unnaturally large lips pisses me off for god knows what reason. I love full lips but this is
ridiculous. And all this highlighter?! It looks like they all have overactive sebaceous glands and that's not a good look.
No. 184832
>>184501First this is photoshop. Probably still ugly as shit.
>>184417And lol I love how they've all put collared shirts on to give the illusion they're still in high school and are 15.
No. 184839
File: 1476769013826.jpg (97.16 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

Just got this from PULL.
Who does she think she's fooling with this photoshop
I wonder what her IRLs think when they see her photoshopped ass face compared to real life
No. 184919
>>184913I agree with this, actually.
I think she just shoops herself looking older.
No. 184978
>>184939It's about garnering attention. If she's younger, people are more disgusted by her caked on make up.
Lying about age adds controversy and attracts hostility and rape apologist logic , and therefore attention . It's Fairly simple.
No. 185093
File: 1476813653092.png (368.24 KB, 429x544, Screenshot 2016-10-18 at 7.55.…)

I really don't understand this highlighter trend. It looks like she has a white exclamation point on her nose. Highlight looks good when it's done very light, & not used on every point on your face.
No. 185216
File: 1476830778171.jpg (83.53 KB, 960x719, m1.jpg)

sorry, but looking back in her photos. This is a teenage girl under the drag makeup. She also has some of the collage type shit you see on the facebooks of a lot of people who made the accounts as kids/early teens.
No. 185396
File: 1476853372124.jpg (195.55 KB, 1080x1349, 14448247_175942539517657_94974…)

>>184825lip injections stretch out the lips and so there's usually no natural creases. just like fillers smooth out wrinkles. you can see that with kylie's lips. thus the prolapse jokes. meg's lips definitely have natural creases so i don't think she's gotten lip fillers. i think she's just making them bigger on photoshop lol.
No. 185406
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>>185093christ on a bike that mouth
No. 185420
>>185412Think you're reaching to be honest. I've been snooping her friends in comments and they look like teenagers too. or are you suggesting she's made hundreds of fake accounts.
is there any real reason to suspect she's in her twenties because I think hanging out with the teenage boys she's tagged with and who are commenting her pics would be pretty fucking weird
No. 185425
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>>184501All I can see.
Why do people think this shit looks good?
No. 185528
>>185420No I think she's built an online empire or teenagers.
You must be gullible to think she's under 20
No. 185539
File: 1476898140863.jpg (55.12 KB, 500x281, tumblr_oev4wq6RlT1uljxo7o1_500…)

she looks like an overly modded oblivion character
No. 185691
File: 1476911879400.jpg (383.38 KB, 970x646, kylie-jenner-bhn-8715-1.jpg)

>>185528did you see kylie jenner when she was 17? lmao. this is 2016. girls feel a pressure to look grown as fuck thanks to insta culture. i don't see why someone who's trying to look like an imvu character would lie about being 15 as if that's convenient. teenage girls trying to look like grown women isn't a foreign concept.
No. 185782
>>185528Not even gullible. She genuinely looks like a teen caked in makeup and edited. That's just how it is these days.
and you still offer no reason to believe she's older
No. 187363
File: 1477286089912.jpg (202.45 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

Love the blackface
No. 187369
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Pics of what her face are like without photoshop
No. 187370
File: 1477286804750.jpg (178.94 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

Also her without shop.
No. 187380
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I'm sorry but I've been snooping her boyfriend Jamie Grants ig and it seems a lot like he's gay. He seems to only have female friends and is constantly posting about nicki minaj/beyonce.
I guess you'd have to be gay to date an ugly bitch like Meg Feather.
No. 187464
>>187442Wouldn't be that hard. Prove it or gtfo
Thread reeks of vendetta and samefag tbth
No. 187489
>>187464I will, just wait. Don't care if she thinks im a creep. Can't wait to expose more of the real her.
>>187447>jealous>haterHey Meg. Got nothing better to do than google your name?
No. 187490
>>187452This ^^^
Please stop with the "jealousy" argument come in guys she's fucking ugly and is photoshopped.
No. 187512
>>187508What's with the post title lol u new here?
Dunno, I see her once or twice a week. But clearly not soon as it's the halloween break at the moment
No. 188043
File: 1477382466235.jpg (129.5 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Lol her mum is one of those Muslim hating weirdo racists who shares shit from Britain first
No. 188673
>>188075Are you saying that jokes can't be racist?
Also Britain First are a racist hate group that target muslims.
No. 191385
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No. 191387
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No. 258407
File: 1488092103868.png (533.91 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0218.PNG)

just a screen grab from Meg about her being exposed for lip filler rumors… Her response to all of this has shown me she must be incredibly insecure.. sad
No. 258410
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some more screen grabs from instamodelzface
No. 258411
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No. 258430
>>258411>>258410no hard R, no milk
No. 258658
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>>258429I think I was wrong when I suggested that there wasn't milk here! sorry, friends. So apparently her IG is gone: to some people on PULL, she deleted it, and this all started with her use of "nigga." Someone wrote the following (I know lolcow isn't some website calling for journalistic integrity, but I fixed some of the grammar because it was one giant, cancer-inducing run-on sentence. kek):
>Another thing: she deactivated cause she couldn't take the heat I suppose. I went to bed after dragging a couple people but woke up to see her account gone. Apparently it got taken down due to her bullying somebody else for spreading the truth about her… and also her friends were being disrespectful and racist towards the page exposing her for her "lip fillers." She then made a half assed apology and pulled the "I have a black best friend" card. Like no they're black YOURE not; that's the difference and if they're okay with you saying it they're weak too, honestly. Truly Anastasia needs to re consider who they pick for an ambassador.Note: I didn't write the annoying fucking captions on these screenshots; I just stole them from the PULL thread and made this collage.
Unrelated, but this girl looks just like Kevin from Spongebob.
No. 258773
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>>258658No her account was actually deleted lol
No. 745202
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>>744669I could buy that was was maybe 15 in earlier photos but this thread is two years old. And while she doesn't look unlike her photos (once fully made up) she's definitely heavily edited a bunch in here