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No. 1845495
Jihoon Kim is a spoiled and pampered Korean influencer living in Germany who constantly complains about her life, despite having well-off parents who funded her influencing career and a privileged background. She grew up in the US, all over Europe and in Korea and never worked a real job, yet claims to suffer from depression, eating disorder, body dysmorphia and mental illness which she posts about constantly despite being invited to model for the most popular brands and living a charmed life.
She edits her photos to look more attractive, but is actually just mid in real life. Jihoon has been the center of Vogue magazine articles and luxury brand deals even though she has no personality and is mediocre looking. She has amassed a million followers by pretending to be humble and posting “daily mental illness check ups” for her followers.
> Grows up rich and privileged as a Korean in Germany, but complains everyone is racist to her and her life is so hard> Parents pay for her to go to college and her rent in European cities all over, but she drops out to become an “influencer” > Wears only designer clothes and lives in nice apartments in Europe but refuses to admit her parents are funding her lifestyle, tells others they have to make it on their own> Cries about racism but only dates white men> Has a million followers and luxury life but always says she is depressed> Calls herself “fat” when she is actually thin but says she’s overweight > Edits her photos to look perfect and fake, then says she’s “body positive”> Presents an expensive lifestyle to her followers as if it’s attainable > Posts cringe stories of her crying that her life sucks Instagram: No. 1845500
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According to Jihoon, this is a “fat” belly and she’s making us all feel better by showing us this image
No. 1845503
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This is such embarrassing attention-seeking behavior. I don’t know how she posts immature stuff like this and brands like Prada, Jimmy Choo, LV, Max Mara, and so on hire her. There are people dying of starvation out there and she posts stories sobbing because she has a little bit of belly fat. It’s giving Bella Hadid.
No. 1845507
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>>1845504What’s messed up is her always editing her face and legs to look thinner on Instagram despite always preaching body positivity
No. 1845511
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Jihoon tells people not to be self conscious about their flaws, yet only posts facetuned/doctored pictures of herself. She’s completely unrecognizable in red carpet photos.
No. 1845514
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Instagram versus reality
No. 1845517
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What’s really weird is that she refers to her followers as “Jihoneys” and acts like a Kpop idol. When she’s just an influencer who tries on clothes and has no actual talent. The people who lined up to take photos with her look terrifying..,,
No. 1845529
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Here’s Jihoon crying at Milan fashion week, because getting paid thousands of euros to attend an Armani fashion show is so traumatizing and difficult. How did she ever survive?
No. 1845550
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>>1845543Every time she goes to a fashion show and attends some dumb rich people event, she whines afterwards about stressful and exhausted she is. Imagine if she had to work a real job 9-5 like all of her followers do. Her whole persona is based on being a whiny ingrate.
No. 1845562
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“Guys love your body! Body positive uwu we are all beautiful weight doesn’t matter!”
proceeds to edit the fuck out of her whole physique on every Instagram post
No. 1845573
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>>1845568Sure they can, but do poor/middle class people really need to bear witness to the whining of rich, privileged and body-morphing influencers who preach to others about self-acceptance and “making it” on their own when they had their parents help?
Jihoon’s wealthy parents paid for her to get a nose job, skin bleaching and eyelid surgery to become a model. Yet she still turns around and lies that she never had any work done and her parents never helped her become an influencer. How many girls out there don’t have rich family to pay for their whole life, but are still happy? Meanwhile this girl has everything and complains every damn day.
No. 1845812
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So were supposed to believe some mid Korean girl who travelled around the world as a teen thanks to her parents, then moved out at age 18, dropped out of college to become an ~influencer~ while living in some of the most expensive cities in Germany “made it on her own?” She earned that money to buy designer clothes, expensive apartments, plastic surgery and weekly plane tickets herself while working at Tesco on weekends, I’m sure! Anyone who questions her is just a broke hater!
No. 1845837
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>>1845818The thing is, unlike the dozens of other white troons they keep posting in /snow, Jihoon is gathering a lot of clout and is at a million followers and big brand deals even with her retarded behavior. Now she wants to become a Kpop idol despite having no talent and she posts milky stories of her crying and having BPD episodes daily.
No. 1845902
>>1845837Being a tryhard who shoops too much isn't the same as being a cow or we'd have threads for every other instagram account. Your thread OP is good and if there's milk then I'm interested, but playing up her spoiled lifestyle and attractiveness level aren't enough. Does she lie egregiously, have breakdowns on social media, entertaining drama with other influencers or anything like that? If not, what
>>1845818 said.
No. 1845924
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>>1845902Well there’s the daily eating disorder mental breakdowns if she eats a bag of Haribo gummies or chips
No. 1845927
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>>1845902And the never ending body checking and pity bait
No. 1845935
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She posts diary entries from age 14 crying that she had no friends. Who does that? Why can’t she just go to a shrink with all the money she’s making from influencing? The trauma dumping is cringe
No. 1845939
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“Guys just have confidence and one day you’ll model for Dior!”
Also she’s successful now yet she still cries and bitches everyday
No. 1845978
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>>1845939She’s a model for Dior? Kek. What’s funny is I saw actual Koreans bitching about how Dior and Chanel always choose the most stereotypical looking Asian models to the point it feels racist.
No. 1845991
Honestly don't find her shooping and facetuning very outrageous. It doesn't look any different than what every single other Instagram girlie does.
>>1845562>>1845514These are just different poses and lighting, maybe a bit filtered but clearly the same person. I really don't think shes "unrecognizable"
No. 1845992
>>1845987Spotted the fugly westerner. Calm down, are you going to call Americans racist for having different beauty standards then Asians in actual East Asian countries too?
>>1845902I agree. There isn’t much milk, just jealous girls who are mad at her for attention seeking and insecure ugly spergs projecting onto her. I think it’d be better to have a general nepo baby thread.
No. 1846045
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Kek Jihoon found this lolcow thread and she just freaked out and posted 10 stories of her ranting about her “haters” and how she was bullied in high school. Saying she’s not going to “take the shit anymore” and “people are jealous of her but she’ll never quit Instagram.” It was like she was having a manic episode. Her eyes look so crazy… she probably Google searches herself everyday
No. 1846046
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So tone deaf to see her bragging about having too many expensive clothes to fit in her closet so now her parents have to pay for her to renovate her apartment. Nepo baby life.
No. 1846106
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Even when she tries to pretend she’s happy or grateful, she adds in some whiny passive aggressive remarks about her past “struggles” even though she had none and was a nepo baby.
The racism stuff is so extra. It’s like she hates being Korean and she’s projecting the “smelly food” or “cringe kpop” stereotype onto everyone when Koreans face the least racism out of all Asians and nobody cares. It’s not the end of the world that white girls bullied her when she was young and she needs to move on now that she’s getting hired by Louis Vuitton. It’s very unprofessional.
No. 1846114
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>>1846104She’s trying to convince her retarded fans that she made it without daddy’s money and encouraging them to quit their uni and jobs at Starbucks and model for Lacoste like her.
No. 1846116
>>1846106Obviously racist bullying happens but I feel like so many ethnic influencers and celebrities make up or exaggerate racism and bullying experiences for
victim points nowadays.
I actually don’t believe she was bullied at all, she probably is just projecting her own neurosis of what she thinks other people are thinking of her.
Someone remarking that kimchi stinks or calling your music taste lame is not racism or bullying kek.
I love kimchi but my white dad absolutely hates it and tells me to put it outside because the smell makes him nauseous. That’s not him being racist, he just doesn’t like the way it smells (and yes it’s really pungent, even other Asians I know have told me they don’t like eating kimchi or Korean food during the day because they know their breath will stink of garlic and spices all day during class and it’s offputting to their friends and other students) lol this isn’t racism it’s just basic social etiquette to not constantly shove strong smelling substances at strangers who aren’t used to it all the time.
How would Koreans like it if some white Icelandic kid constantly brought hákarl (fermented shark) to school and insisted on eating it around other students then cried racism when Koreans commented that it smells bad, kek. That’s not racism.
No. 1846117
>>1846114Her managing to become a model is literally a perfect example of affirmative action kek. No way another woman with these stubby ass proportions and big head (by modelling standards) would ever be able to walk a runway for a big name brand like LV or Dior.
She’s coasting by entirely on her family’s wealth and Koreanness. These fashion houses are enabling this because South Koreans are quite literally the biggest consumers of designer goods in the world and designers are trying to keep in with the Korean crowd after all their racism scandals.
No. 1846120
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>>1846070She’s sporting a nearly $3k Versace handbag at the age of 22, but she’s 100% self made according to her. Only haters will criticize her! Everyone who questions Jihoon is apparently jealous, racist or a hater who is trying to oppress her.
No. 1846122
>>1845987Koreans are the most racist fucking people in the world. They have a retarded complex because their country was an impoverished dictatorship shithole right up until the 80s and they are still butthurt about WW2 and Japan doing everything first.
They look down on and talk shit about every single other Asian country. They call Chinese cockroaches, Japanese people devils etc, Filipinos and Thais monkeys etc. They constantly talk about how ugly SEA Asians are yet are happy to use SEA Asia as a breeding ground for Korean sexpats to leave their hundreds of thousands of half Korean bastards behind in the Philippines and Thailand with zero child support.
When Jennie and Lisa take a picture together, Koreans call them Pad Thai and Tom Yum because according to Koreans they both look SEA Asian which is a negative and makes them ‘ugly’.
Son Soo Hyun got
triggered when a commenter said she looked like a Mongolian model and basically backhandedly called Mongolian women ugly (even though the average Mongolian woman mogs the fuck out of the average Korean woman and SooHyun is mid as hell)
Koreans even look down on whites because they have a complex about ‘Korean racial purity’ and mixed kids get ostracized and bullied hard. It’s only in recent years that hapa Koreans like Nancy, Somi etc started being accepted by racist Koreans, because nobody can deny they are beautiful. Prior to this, hapa idols like Tia from Chocolat were constantly abused and bullied. Koreans still deem them ‘lesser’ for not being pure 100% Koreans.
And don’t even get me started on how they treat brown and black people. Koreans try not to do blackface on tv challenge is a daily impossible mode. Honestly fuck Koreans I don’t want to hear a single word about them crying about racism when theyre the most racist people on the planet.
No. 1846128
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>>1846122I don’t even think this girl realizes how privileged she is. She is lucky enough to have a Korean and European Union passport, yet constantly shits on Germany and says it’s horrible. I doubt she gives a damn about other Asians’ struggles. She’s flying in first class as well and still life is not good enough for her.
No. 1846136
>>1846128Her still being miserable while leading one of the most privileged lifestyles imaginable is her just desserts. No matter how badly she acts I don’t wish anything bad on her because her own neurosis and misery is punishment enough. Must suck to be a spoiled brat who has everything at your disposal yet can’t even feel genuine happiness because of your burnt out dopamine receptors, other nona is right it’s giving Bella Hadid vibes.
She should stop trying to find happiness at fashion weeks or through instagram clout but she’s too dense and shallow to realize there’s anything more to life, so it’s her own problem.
No. 1846187
>>1846114How can she stand upright with that head?
>>1846122I could read your sadly true takes all day, nona.
No. 1846196
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This woman’s ego is so out of control that she sleeps next to a giant image of herself. That’s some serial killer shit.
No. 1846198
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“Hey peasants, look at me! I’m super rich with a walk in closet and hundreds of designer bags which my parents paid for!” So out of touch with the reality of normal people SMH.