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File: 1710775349309.jpeg (86.42 KB, 602x611, 70210AFE-7B62-4379-A658-C4CAE8…)

No. 1977489

Previous thread >> >>>/snow/1960368


N2F is truly flourishing with new baby and new life, anons continue to wish her ongoing stability. The twins seem to have replaced her crown of Grimiest Living Circumstances, as evidenced by their fridge.

In a similar vein, Niamh appears to be moving on from her EDtwt days - trying to follow in Ro’s footsteps of making a career out of her weight restoration, complete with menses.

Elzani is still going forwards in the right direction.

Fi is still breathing, networking off her autism LARP and being a recovery activist blogger in the meantime.

Ganer is still grieving her mobility, after osteoporosis gave her leg a reality check.

Laura hates her weight and yet continues to do nothing about it despite her newfound freedom and all expenses paid life in the community.

May is currently making her team wish she wouldn’t continue bothering them until the month of May. Continues to lie about being SEED and existing on nothing but air bEcAuSE ArFiD.

Casper has been booted out of her ICU coma.

Em, Abby, Han, Aimee and Smorven continue to embarrass themselves.

Frances is also out and about lying to herself.

JourneyToEmma kicked the bucket, joining RachelRising who may or may not be dead.

Ash, as per, has yet to reduce to ash.

Enera is probably off somewhere swallowing batteries and begging to keep her revolving admissions cycle going.

Apologies for autism and low quality post, first time creating a thread and on mobile to boot. Feel free to delete.Lack of saging, integration troubles, whiteknighting and infighting continues.

Other subjects not covered but are as below, copied from previous thread:

https://www.tiktok.com/@therapybyemily(shit thread)

No. 1977506

File: 1710778464314.jpg (1.44 MB, 1290x1992, IMG_5417.jpg)

I think laurenearl might be relapsing, she's got the anaface look starting again. I was hoping she'd stay graduated like her bestie, Emily

No. 1977524

File: 1710781595104.jpeg (Spoiler Image,795.73 KB, 1179x1761, IMG_9284.jpeg)

Thanks for finally making a thread, nona. Curiosity, as I may have missed it in the previous thread, but how did journeytoemma pass? Trying to find information was hard. Was it ED related or something else?

spoiler for non-milk

No. 1977528

Family announced it as sudden and unexpected, unlikely to be suicide as Emma had not left an updated will and family were unprepared for funeral costs. Sister posted issues with oxygen levels and she died 2 days later

No. 1977553

File: 1710785631903.png (1.3 MB, 1422x1343, Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2.15.…)

New cow alert u/haute_honey on reddit. Anorexia faker at a normal weight then says her normal weight is overweight.

No. 1977554

File: 1710785664733.png (1.47 MB, 1395x1289, Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2.17.…)

No. 1977570


No. 1977592

Kek, I saw this. ED reddit has some potential for new cows, the Meeeegan girl >>1961909 seems pretty milky. Is anyone interested? I could look more into her if so.

No. 1977614

So true, nonnie. It's not like you had over a month to make your own. How rude of OP to just swoop in like that and take the chance away from you, farmer extraordinaire. I'm not saying you're wrong, because you aren't, but you had your chance. This may not be the thread you wanted, but it's most certainly the thread you deserve.

No. 1977630

Thanks for making the thread anon, I appreciate you.

No. 1977668

this is all true and fair but anon could at least have used the thread pic that was posted on the bpd thread. this pic is shit

No. 1977672

File: 1710800035543.png (81.08 KB, 940x679, bhijnl.png)

agree this girl is entertaining. she had one heart palpitation and posted her (now deleted) 'last words' on the heart attack subreddit, to an audience of people who have real legitimate heart problems. what a joke. that's probably the incident she meant in her other post by 'i almost died' kek

No. 1977680

File: 1710800252308.png (114.41 KB, 842x658, qresgdn.png)

last pic about this but she's a munchie too. going to the ER 30 times in a year??? for 'heart problems' which apparently 15 doctors (doctor-shopping much?) already diagnosed as acid reflux. probably from eating too much junk.

No. 1977685

fr I was thinking of posting this but forgot. slide 9 has a pic of her identical triplet sister and the difference is quite shocking. shame cause she seemed to be doing so much better

No. 1977692

File: 1710801900284.png (439.09 KB, 706x1046, Screenshots_2024-03-18-18-47-2…)

No. 1977727

she looks exactly the same?
of course she’s a muncher. add that to the list of white girls who want to be special

No. 1977743

She has been looking skinny forever, she never recovered in the first place

No. 1977744

File: 1710809827084.jpeg (419.8 KB, 1170x1333, 10FC03D8-B351-4B8B-8A73-6FE43D…)

This is very random but Sydney for some reason came to mind and I realised she hasn’t posted in agesssss. Had a bit of a stalk of her TIKTOK and I’m sorry but look at the dates on the videos… Within just 9 DAYS, she went from healthy looking to deathly skelly… HOW!?! She seems to lose the weight so bloody fast

No. 1977749

Cara Delevingne before and after meth.

No. 1977756

Did anyone see her recent instagram story? She’s looking big!(bonerattling, no screenshots, total newfaggotry)

No. 1977785

she’s actually wanting to recover and is choosing to not post so I think that’s a win(learn to sage)

No. 1977792

She looks the same but in different lighting

No. 1977800

dehydration does that

No. 1977830

Who is allowing these cows to go to the doctor so frequently?

No. 1977858

File: 1710843485556.png (5.94 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_3040.png)

sage bc these are old pics but abby did one of her best performances in this live, she’s starting to follow EC route with the flashing

No. 1977859

File: 1710843526157.png (5.45 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_3041.png)

No. 1977864

File: 1710845879467.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1438, C7C752D3-8430-400E-A6BF-A973B4…)

Apparently Mother’s Day was a “let’s post horrible pictures of myself to prove how sick I was”

No. 1977865

File: 1710845926540.jpeg (856.1 KB, 828x1430, 73144CAE-B0CF-4F89-AEFC-CCE466…)

Same with Kali. Gotta get the scratched up arm in the foreground

No. 1977868

Left your profile pic in there nonna!
I watched this too. She kept calling them panties and also was getting ready to see her bestie Grace / incest Becca kek

No. 1977874

File: 1710848550981.png (2.58 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_3471.png)

laura is relapse baiting

No. 1977882

i find it weird how this picture, and others that han included in this post, were even taken in the first place. i understand why the anorexic would want this, but a family member??? why?

No. 1977908

i dont really think this is relapse baiting as much as her being proud of weight loss. She def looks healthier in second pic

No. 1977923

She is definitely looking better in the second picture, still has saucers for eyes though and possibly edited/camera angles as she doesn't look that slim candid. In the BPD thread there was mention of a cow crossover in an ED waiting room ( >>1973928 ), so it is actually possible it's relapse baiting though.

No. 1977927

It can’t be relapse “bait” because she posted about how she’s been struggling with ED behaviors and was referred back to ED services. She’s already told us she’s relapsing and trying to show off any ounce of weight loss.

No. 1977938

File: 1710860014232.jpeg (576.43 KB, 1170x926, IMG_7625.jpeg)

May continues to be absolutely bereft of self awareness

No. 1977945

Sage for no milk but J2E’s friend tweeted a couple of days ago asking people to stop reporting her death as due to her ED-apparently might need a post mortem, I’ll dig back for it

No. 1977990

shit thread…

No. 1978007

make it urself then retard. to the nonna that made the thread: thank u!!

No. 1978008

That’s as there’s no real milk - it’s boring- a few - many years back was much better.

No. 1978012

I don't know why it got revived it's devolved into retard anachans rattling

No. 1978020

real tho bc i thought the plan was to wait it out until the reddit tards stopped coming here

No. 1978031

Why is there something always wrong with her? She probably shoved something up herself to make it appear like there was a mass that needed investigating lmao

No. 1978038

I just don't understand how she can be so lacking in self-awareness and yet somehow got onto a medical degree? Were uni gasping for bums on seats that year?

No. 1978051

File: 1710880921565.jpg (895.31 KB, 1080x2408, 1000007760.jpg)

I found this girl, and her love for her tube kinda kills me. Im not sure whats wrong with her but who knows maybe she will end up being a good addition

No. 1978066

afaik she has an actual chronic illness. she has some sort of legit GI problem

No. 1978083

File: 1710887398641.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1079x1939, IMG_1594.jpeg)

no wonder frances has an ED her family seem batshit

No. 1978091

File: 1710888673898.jpeg (491.22 KB, 1170x1950, 102D70D0-034C-4979-937A-D06F3B…)

Holy bulimia cheeks! Kek laughing at the nonnies who swore up and down that Karo doesn’t purge. Those cheeks ain’t normal by any means

No. 1978092

File: 1710888722869.jpeg (490.83 KB, 1170x1950, 88E0ED99-7D56-41D5-95A8-0D5E6C…)

The side view is even worse. It honestly looks painful

No. 1978093

> Im not sure whats wrong with her but who knows maybe she will end up being a good addition
Could you have tried any less

No. 1978097

I thought this was Gypsy fucking Rose for a minute.

No. 1978102

yeah, her super deadly ED that got her to BMI 17.something at her lowest. god, she’s gonna fade away if she carries on much longer. not to mention this terrifying mass she’s found?! the doctors must be absolutely fucking sick of her. if only she had that voracity for finishing her medical degree, or even getting a simple job to pay her poor mother for keeping her 26 year old whiny ass at home. keeping on top of her lies and constantly extending medical record must be her full time job. i wish the cluster b(itches) thread was open because that’s where this selfish hypochondriac belongs.

No. 1978126

File: 1710896488720.png (2.81 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_1168.png)

niamh uploaded a ‘my ed story’ basically just a ton of body checks and ‘im the best anorexic’

No. 1978133

The anxiety provoking mass that’s going to kill May if her ED doesn’t get her first is 100% a massive shit she needs to take from all the food pretends she doesn’t eat. Grab some miralax and leave the NHS to deal with people who have real medical problems, May. The lengths she goes to to convince herself she needs medical attention is sick.

No. 1978136

I think she said she had oral surgery? But there is no denying at baseline she’s a mega purger.

No. 1978142

File: 1710898018411.jpeg (484.35 KB, 979x1192, IMG_1598.jpeg)

she looks much younger now, dehydration and ana face aged her

No. 1978163

File: 1710902699174.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1179x2170, IMG_2651.jpeg)

Anyone remember this cow from years ago? Still up to her same antics. In and out of hospital. Likes to show off her tube and face picking along with keeping tally of how many admissions she has had. Goes with chronic illness as the issue, but loves to flaunt that eating disorder. Oh, she is studying psychology with a goal of working with kids and teenagers. This train wreck seems to think the world revolves around her and really does know how to manipulate the hospital into admitting my her when she is bored of being at home. Also gunning for NDIS like so many of these aus cows.

No. 1978164

File: 1710902768867.jpeg (325.59 KB, 1179x2092, IMG_2647.jpeg)

Did you know she has had 45 admissions in 8 years? She must surely be the sickest of them all

No. 1978167

kek, if you google costochondritis, the first thing that comes up is
> Costochondritis is a benign cause of chest wall pain that results from inflammation of the costal cartilage, the cartilage that connect the ribs to the sternum
so she's bragging about the diagnosis you get if you complain that your chest hurts over and over but they never find anything serious wrong

No. 1978171

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No. 1978173

File: 1710904736205.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2322, IMG_4566.jpeg)

No. 1978200

File: 1710915815874.png (436.37 KB, 483x649, Screen Shot 2024-03-20 at 1.25…)

There is no way that she's not b/ping all of the crumbl cookies that she constantly buys despite being soooo broke.

No. 1978211

self post much?(sage your shit much?)

No. 1978223

File: 1710931411721.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1780, B188A5B5-EAF3-4DD6-B9CF-87E113…)

Why is Paris acting like she just started recovery when she has been at this for a decade? I think she is losing touch of how long she has been putting on this fake recovery act for. I don’t understand how her followers haven’t caught on that she isn’t recovering.

No. 1978230

lmao horseteeth han always gives me a laugh

No. 1978231

what was the point of this post tard

No. 1978240

Nonnie, so it's not just me who thinks the "weird mass" is the fact she's literally full of shit. The reason her stomach's fucked so often is because it's protesting too much caffeine and diet speed for breakfast.

No. 1978254

File: 1710942114637.jpeg (634.54 KB, 1179x2096, 2F91B109-B891-4D42-91B8-3AD67D…)

i may or may not found a new potential cow.
she is @fritzlifts_ on instagram
she is an online life and health coach preaching a lot of bullshit about nutrition when she’s the first one clearly not eating right.
in a post of 2021 (as in the picture) she claims recovery and strength and all of that, but for some reason between that post and now she is just the same (or even more emaciated)
she could easily get along with ganer, no doubts there

No. 1978266

the posing kek. looks like she’s in a constant cut. Does she talk at all about bulking? Or is she strictly a recovery account?

No. 1978313

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No. 1978316

she talks a lot about nutrition and recipes that are “macros friendly, gut friendly and without guilt”. every comment about her health is deleted and the user blocked (tried with my spam account). she continues to say that she is so strong and recovered, but she injures herself every other week,truly astonishing(cowtipping)

No. 1978399

I made a new cluster b thread if anyone is interested, though it’s my first thread so idk if I’ve done it right(newfaggotry)

No. 1978429

File: 1710981897536.jpeg (963.09 KB, 2048x1408, IMG_2329.jpeg)

Because she likes being ill and showing her body wearing not much. She doesn’t have anything except her ED

No. 1978471

File: 1710991016938.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 853x1183, Screenshots_2024-03-20-23-19-1…)

holy shit

No. 1978480

pretty sure this is makeup for her supporting act role in some TV show. she’s harped about it on stories and in caption.

No. 1978483

Paris is one of the most annoying cows to me, and I’ll never understand how she constantly has so much support from followerswhen she’s constantly saying the same shit and not gaining an ounce.

No. 1978485

Thanks for linking it moron

No. 1978496

she just blocks anyone who says anything she doesn't like. i'm sure she has people who genuinely support her, but many people who just follow out of morbid curiosity just probably don't want to be blocked so they watch what they say to her.

No. 1978523


holy fuck you're stupid(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1978533

File: 1711017289194.jpeg (292.06 KB, 1060x887, IMG_7827.jpeg)

Alters are getting food for her.
Confusing posts liquid fasting for 3 days but purging all food.
Different alters with different issues?(namefagging)

No. 1978534

File: 1711017391075.jpeg (470.24 KB, 1189x1300, IMG_7826.jpeg)

Cal counting, thinspo, and she’s dying ? Carer betrayed her too.

No. 1978549

File: 1711027960113.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1170x2039, C2978A31-FD0D-4012-B75C-9D217B…)

The face of someone who didn’t finish their meal(wrong thread)

No. 1978551

Who is this and why does it belong in a pro-ana thread? All we can get from that image is that some fat dude lives in a group home

No. 1978552

What the fuck is that, nonna?

No. 1978558

the link for the new cluster B thread. Bring milk, thread is dry as EC vagina

No. 1978601

it’s been locked

No. 1978605

OMFG this thread IS shit.

No. 1978608

What does paris do all day? Does she still live with her mum?

Out of curiosity has she ever been in hospital for her ED? Or an ED unit?

No. 1978636

No. 1978643

i assume the farmhands are trying to encourage a better op?

No. 1978837

That can't be it, or this one would be locked too

No. 1978841

File: 1711109114081.jpeg (509.59 KB, 1170x2082, IMG_4354.jpeg)

Is Abby in hospital again? And has been rejected?

No. 1978843

if you read the message about the blocking it clearly says that is because in the thread op expressed their opinion and wrote a lot of citations. This is not the best thred but it respects all of the rules ig

No. 1978845

but why her hair looks like one of those cases of extreme matting? gross

No. 1978847

She always looks grubby. Wish her bestie incest Becca would tell her the eyeliner is a state……. But we all know she’s not a true bestie and actually used to post Abby on here so. I guess that’ll never happen. Also she clearly needed to get the neck mark in the pic too kek

No. 1978923

That doesn’t look like REDU (light blue) or Royal Edinburgh psychiatric (bright green). Might be the I general hospital or outpatients?

No. 1978931

Are either of those where smorven is?

No. 1978939

Redu is where Morven is I believe. She should be forced to pay rent at this point

No. 1979005

File: 1711146619586.jpeg (250.12 KB, 1169x1368, 0B936EC3-68E1-4DF9-9486-CBF5C1…)

I don’t know how she made it 365 days without inpatient after 15 consecutive years but she can’t go much longer. I wish for everyone’s sake she would have recovered but here we are

No. 1979045

She must have been there years now

No. 1979060

File: 1711161847805.jpeg (1022.58 KB, 1179x2098, IMG_5899.jpeg)

abby abby abby stop reading here, get a life. and stop posting old photos for attention and then backtracking when you get said attention.
honestly she’s a lost cause imo. the attention seeking seems to override any sense of shame or embarrassment or self awareness.

No. 1979062

sorry for not saging, think i was eye rolling too hard.

No. 1979108

Proving you post old worrying pictures of yourself with vague sad quotes isn’t the flex she thinks it is kek. She’ll larp the system her whole life. Too far gone.

No. 1979164

File: 1711204911159.jpg (943.97 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-03-23_10_43_42.jp…)

i think n2f got her own place

No. 1979197

Pleased to see some goblin toes still making it into the photo op.

Genuinely happy for N2F, always been one of my favourites and it’s nice to see her emerge from gremlin to seemingly genuinely happy.

No. 1979199

her personal hygiene is looking way better, which is especially nice to see because new parents (especially single parents) sometimes struggle to find time for stuff like that

No. 1979212

So happy for her! She was one of my favorite cows and I'm so glad she seems to be doing well!

No. 1979226

Absolute queen! I wish her all the best

No. 1979233

File: 1711221643222.png (1.71 MB, 960x2079, IMG_5215.png)

@aidels_journey continues to be insufferable.
Like how about grow tf up and take some accountability for behaviors n actions instead of playing games waiting for the nurses to “catch you” doing what you’re ’not supposed’ or give up the bed to someone who needs and wants help. jesus

No. 1979265

Not WKing but she’s not too far gone. She’s a 19 year old girl weirdo obsessed with the sick girl aesthetic so much that she may have permanently damaged her body but she has many years to grow out of the attention seeking or get bored of it maybe once other people stop showing her the attention for her behaviours

No. 1979273

Yeah she’s only 19. A lot of her issues seem attention related, she can grow out of that . She also needs to learn to develop healthy attachments. She’s over attached to the person she calls her support worker to the point that she is getting her into trouble . Also clearly over attached to Becca in a very short space of time.

No. 1979274

File: 1711230441296.png (10.16 MB, 1170x2532, D612BC4C-F57C-4022-A798-1411A3…)

Chii is gearing up for a relapse now that she broke up with her partner

No. 1979275

kek, I nearly posted this but I wasn't sure if anyone else cared about her anymore. Honestly, I don't think she ever got to an actual healthy weight and I'm curious if her ED had anything to do with the break-up.

No. 1979276

I don’t follow her. What’s the story with the support worker? Pretty sure her whole identity is her illnesses which will have her stuck in a cycle soon enough

No. 1979279

I love this girl! So damn cute, even her random ass tattoos. She has always been unapologetically herself from when she was all grimey taking pictures in her underwear and one sock outside in her garden to donning wildly inappropriate stripper dresses to family functions to keeping all her syrups and raw frozen food items in her room (and all over her bedspread). It’s honestly super inspiring to see someone genuinely get their shit together enough to be so happy and wholesome. Wish these other dumb cows would see that they could live better lives if they just put in the effort to improve. While I’m sure N2F may still have struggles with her eating or mental health, she doesn’t make it her personality and chooses to focus on the positive and look where that’s getting her in life! Good for her.

No. 1979281

Does anybody remember when that one anon (bless her) did an n2f Christmas baking special and made and ate a bunch of the homemade recipes n2f was always posting? And then anon got sick halfway through and had to take a break. Haha. What a ride, those were good times.

No. 1979287

Good for her. Hope the kid turns out to be alright some day.

No. 1979291

She’s not really a true cow since she rarely posts about her ED but she very clearly has never recovered, just moved on from trying to be a preach recovery influencer. She is super boring and honestly just kind of sad and pathetic. I predict she will continue as is indefinitely. It was actually kind of impressive/surprising she even managed to have a relationship. From what she does reveal
I think she is still quite disordered (wakes up at like 4am everyday, still constantly moving, obviously weird about food). Can’t imagine that is easy to live with/ share a life with.

No. 1979293

she's moved on from trying to be internet famous, but she's never gotten past pretending to be doing well. She just switched from posting endless gross looking smoothies to smug posts about how she's totally in real recovery now, not like all those other times she lied about it.

No. 1979342

File: 1711249196114.png (8.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8470.png)

Is she in the children’s hospital like she was hoping for

No. 1979343

wherever she is, hopefully they keep her longer than last time

No. 1979347

She’s been in a relapse for a while now and “trying to get back on track.” She hasn’t hidden that fact.

No. 1979349

I seriously doubt she was ever "recovered" because she continued being obsessive about food and never posted any selfies where she looked weight restored. She has a long pattern of always claiming that she's now really recovering and totally didn't realize that before she was still disordered, but now she totally sees it and is different, she swears.

No. 1979393

I don’t know why but her face always triggers some anger in me. Just want to punch it.

No. 1979409

I remember this. Back when the cows brought the milk. N2F is also a personal fav of mine and it makes me happy to see her actually living well.

No. 1979424

She had a real talent for making porridge the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever seen in your life.

No. 1979468

File: 1711295386186.jpeg (686.84 KB, 2037x1779, 7A77D1E5-4F77-4C89-8F96-F7AD1B…)

imagine your daughter forcing you to be in the same fucking “sad dainty emaciated anorexic hugs mommy in the hospital” videos repeatedly for years… her poor fucking mum

No. 1979560

She legit looks so tired and dead in the eyes in the last one, kek

No. 1979626

File: 1711356531322.jpeg (Spoiler Image,344.63 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_3942.jpeg)

i’m always mesmerized by how this is possible, fucking roach

No. 1979632

File: 1711362384279.jpeg (817.64 KB, 828x1493, 43B191FA-9BC1-4972-9FFA-EBCC10…)

Sunday scaries? She literally does nothing with her life, what’s she anticipating that’s so scary?

No. 1979633

File: 1711362437966.jpeg (661.79 KB, 828x1480, 55C5EB71-B1CB-4773-8535-CDB0E6…)

Of course she has an ED that’s different to all other EDs. She’s so unique and special and no one can ever relate to her

No. 1979711

She's truly insufferable

No. 1979821

> my ED presents differently to most restrictive EDS so may not go through it
That literally confirms she's not going through recovery kek, she would have experienced extreme hunger if she was

No. 1979828

it doesnt happen to everyone, stop coping because you binged(bonerattling)

No. 1979830

Han is insufferable but she's clearly gained weight

No. 1979838

Her mother looks younger than her.

No. 1979875

Even if you don't objectively binge, anyone actually in ana recovery feels like they're eating way too much, so for her to deny any feeling of 'overeating' just means she is still resisting like crazy.

No. 1979933

she just drinks insane amounts of monster and does her small plate “challenges” so yea that tracks

No. 1979947

not to wk but i think it is a little different with her, sometimes it seems more like arfid than an. the gloves, the textures etc so it is a little different. but she is insufferable and need to stop body checking and show her fucking stomach in this weather >>1979633

No. 1979992

yeah, extreme hunger doesn't really care how your ~ED manifests itself. it's just a response to eating again after a long time of malnutrition, even people without EDs will experience extreme hunger.

No. 1980005

> ana recovery

This phrase
Pass me the sick bucket.

No. 1980016

File: 1711471293021.jpeg (481 KB, 1179x2096, FD449637-E222-44D0-9328-EC5903…)

totally not showing off her lunch is just a cup of dirty water with some veg

No. 1980024

it’s miso soup retard…not enough for lunch sure but it’s not “dirty water”

No. 1980051

File: 1711481681659.jpeg (723.46 KB, 828x1382, 28B48558-DD25-476D-B2FC-00EE34…)

The fuck is up with this bitch? Not only does she have her emotional support forehead bandage, she also has her emotional support wrist bandage (let’s not forget all that wasted money on her ridiculous amount of jellycats). I scrolled back on her insta and she’s been wearing that wrist bandage since December. Even if she had self harmed in December, it would have long been healed since then. Just further proof that she loves the “sick” lifestyle and would do anything to prolong it

No. 1980062

is she wearing this exact bandage in all the pics? cuz it could be a compression bandage thats sometimes used to prevent very bad scarring in cases of severe burns for example.

No. 1980094

File: 1711490868706.jpeg (700.85 KB, 828x1401, E3B8545F-F5F7-470E-9229-A60971…)

It always changes, just like the forehead one does

No. 1980098

It looks like she’s about to have a picnic on her forehead.

No. 1980113

if you look back several years on her insta or on her older tagged pics, she was actually cute as hell, what a shame. she's fucking hideous now, and her family just makes me sick, they deserve everything they go through with her, because they're soooo into it, it's disturbing! her ig is overflowing with hospital pics with her family visitors, and they're almost always posing or doing something silly or making goofy faces. omg can you not!? don't they ever just get there and just want to chill out and relax without the pathetic photoshoots? it's so gross and weird.

No. 1980216

I want to beat the living shit into her. She disgusts me.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1980228

What confuses me about her and smorvan is they seem to get alllllll the help and resources when I’ve known people who get told “you’re choosing to stay ill we can’t help you” then left with nothing. These cows are refusing to get better too yet still get babied by the system????? Like why hasn’t someone told her to get a fucking grip yet ffs

No. 1980243

maybe its their parents who force the system to do smth?

No. 1980246

Haven't checked here for about a year, and the algorithm just put Niamh on my front page. I only recognized her at second glance, she actually looks like a person now? I just wonder if she still behaves the same.

No. 1980264

They're both the very far north of scotland iirc - up Aberdeen/ Inverness way. There is comparatively more help for EDs up there, for reasons I don't quite get.

No. 1980265

Shut up no one cares

No. 1980270

Morven is from Edinburgh. She’s in redu which is in West Lothian. Nowhere near Aberdeen

No. 1980284

Hadn't realised that, but the "comparatively more help" bit still stands. So basically, it's luck.

No. 1980296

File: 1711554783992.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1765, IMG_7242.jpeg)

No. 1980307

I don’t get why people think it’s acceptable to ask people to pay for their treatment. Sort yourself out. Everyone has their own shit to deal with why would they fund your hospital stay? So fuckin self involved I swear

No. 1980329

well why not if there are retards willing to send money for them

No. 1980331

doing this on edtwt is wild lowkey

No. 1980341

nta and not about anorexics, but for example in the US, sometimes diabetics die if they can't get enough money together fast enough, (diabetic equipment being quite expensive,) and fast enough can literally be two days to less than one day; crowd-sourcing is acceptable in certain cases

No. 1980345

these bitches wish they had diabetes, imagine how easy it would be to stay skinny running ketones all the time, plus all the puking and pissing would rake in bonus sympathy points

No. 1980392

I wonder who she was on a date with? Grace?

No. 1980410

i don't understand this comment, everyone with diabetes isn't skinny

No. 1980411

seriously! i don't know shit about smorven, but Aimee's family seems to love this relative of a sick freak lifestyle, they're all fucked up.

No. 1980412

They are probably a bunch of fame chasers and keep enabling their daughters disorder because she has a bunch of followers. It's honestly disgusting behavior

No. 1980415

File: 1711579927349.jpg (344.44 KB, 1231x1177, Collage_2024-03-27_18_53_16~2.…)

"she is a teacher" lmfao stop

No. 1980417

i just had to check and neither aimee nor smorven even has a lot of followers lmao but i still agree with you 100%, it just makes it even worse if they think either of them are helping anybody or accomplishing anything good with their social media presence.

No. 1980419

Unlike the years of desperate disgnosis hopping, symptom malingering, ~psychotic episodes~ etc she really seems to be dedicated to her super serious autism LARP, i’ll give her that kek.

No. 1980437

File: 1711586443341.jpeg (319.29 KB, 1179x2096, 4941A363-C156-450D-B9DE-6BFFFD…)

Our poor, fragile, previously skin & bones Jaycie has invited us to rejoice in the fact that she’s finally “weight-restored.” I was so worried she wasn’t going to be able to fight her very serious anorexia & gain back the 5 pounds she lost from her morning shit. She’s so fucking ridiculous. What needs to be restored is her state of mind—clearly, she’s so far gone she saw herself at death’s door. Maybe she’s going a bit crazy from all the forced dehydration that kept her fatass sat wasting beds in hospital for so long. What a fat fucking joke.

No. 1980445

Jaycie literally looks the exact same now as she did before treatment, lol. Crazy that she thinks there’s a difference.(sage your shit)

No. 1980452

type one diabetes makes you lose weight until you die if you don't treat it

No. 1980456

I really really don’t understand smorven or what she hopes to achieve .

No. 1980475

That is an incredibly fucked up thing to say. Having anorexia with t1dm is probably the most lethal comorbidity you could have. Diabetics who 'run ketones' are at risk of permanent organ damage, and severe acidosis, coma and death.

No. 1980478

do you think that pro-anorexia cows wouldn't want to lose extra weight at the risk of death?
it's literally their whole thing

No. 1980483

>That is an incredibly fucked up thing to say.
This a thread about women who intentionally make themselves sickly for attention

No. 1980488

idk why she would voluntarily post those pictures yuck

No. 1980501

There’s a documentary about anorexics with diabetes and one chick either lost a foot or lost all feeling in it because she never took insulin. Very sad but obviously there’s people who are willing to risk organ failure to be skinny I mean…being underweight will do that anyway, just slower.

No. 1980529

Jesus Christ nonnie spoiler out dainty ana fairy waif. Those rolls are gonna be seared into my brain

No. 1980548

File: 1711624581796.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1170x2070, IMG_8530.jpeg)

She can’t seriously be surprised that she’s back in hospital

No. 1980550

who the actual fuck even is this

No. 1980551

she is a deathspoop and have been already mentioned here look up her acc if interested

No. 1980561

she's been here a while but this was her last thread >>1970481

No. 1980585

jaycie must be looking at the old threads here because she's acting exactly like ham kek

No. 1980616

she definitely lost weight if she lost a foot

No. 1980617

more like overweight restored

No. 1980655

Isn’t there a fancy new way to calculate bmi for amputees haha? You just know they’d be crushed that chopping off a leg doesn’t make you “underweight”

No. 1980676

Or how do you get a bmi for someone with breast implants…

No. 1980769

You just subtract the weight of the implants and calculate from there.

No. 1980947

File: 1711742386785.png (354.33 KB, 428x695, Screen Shot 2024-03-29 at 2.58…)

Stef appears to have internet access again, but all she's posted is two jesus stories

No. 1980948

she and her little friend lauren are such freaks. idk how bpdchans have each other as friends

No. 1980997

She has risen kek. Just in time for Easter

No. 1981126

File: 1711773691245.jpeg (961.22 KB, 2048x1370, IMG_2368.jpeg)

Anyone know what happened to a YouTuber EDB

No. 1981145

File: 1711777207700.jpeg (800.32 KB, 960x1423, IMG_5302.jpeg)

Old cow hasn’t been mentioned in a while but healthyhappywhole is happy to be going back to treatment cue daily to0be selfies

Tiktok: @hanniebananie

No. 1981180

If this is a tiktok why not share the video?

No. 1981194

She has a Twitter she posts on, still in hospital

No. 1981213

No. 1981219

Still! Does she look any better - I’m not on twitter.

No. 1981232

The glasses are giving Dahmer

No. 1981268

Anyone remember bored with Ana? She used to be on here a lot during the peak dora/ro era and was in my opinion one of the worst cows out there, infuriating with her terrible spelling and smug academia, she was doing a medical degree and then seemingly fell off the face of the earth

No. 1981277

File: 1711820438464.png (6 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5666.png)

no clue if she’s been posted before but omg this girl. all her posts are very obvious body checks and mentions her “disorder” every possible chance she gets.

No. 1981289

she’s sucking in soooo hard. other than that she looks a healthy weight

No. 1981299

What’s her twt

No. 1981321

I know May was rightfully banished to the BPD thread, but it got locked. What’s she been up to? Complaining as usual?

No. 1981323

there's a better new thread that is unlocked >>1978896

No. 1981367

Link wouldnt load(sage your shit)

No. 1981403

File: 1711855537736.jpeg (375.83 KB, 1271x1111, DE44CFAB-41DF-4EC1-82DE-E053CE…)

Stefania broke her silence over the last couple months with… more tube pictures

No. 1981405

File: 1711855901069.png (917.28 KB, 1287x702, Screen Shot 2024-03-30 at 10.3…)

Sorry for just posting a screenshot of a tiktok, but whenever I try to embed a video it sends me to an error page. Looks like she went back to the same apartment, so someone aka her parents must have been paying her rent while she was gone. As always, plenty of money for getting her brows done and whatever despite not having worked in forever and claiming she was cut off.

No. 1981414

She took her gofundme down which makes me think her parents caved. She’s too old to get insurance through them so her parents have to be paying for private insurance and for her to live in nyc

No. 1981416

I felt bad that she immediately got posted here for like one nanosecond, because I thought maybe it would turn out that she'd actually reformed some of her cow-ish behavior, and then she posted a bunch of throwback tube pics and it was obvious that nah she's exactly the same

No. 1981429

Ironic coincidence that stef and momsfave break silence on the same day (except Sydney didn’t post selfies, just a story)(sage your shit)

No. 1981432

does momsfave have an instagram? I don't see anything new on her tiktok

No. 1981436

Treatment for what kek, she’s maybe like 1 pound underweight if that

No. 1981444

i truly cannot comprehend what goes on in these women's brains when they take happy smily selfies with bridled tubes,face scratches, forehead staples etc and then chase them with "i'm a smol bean struggling to learn to be happy and take up space uwu" She looks so fucking pleased with herself in the left pic

No. 1981449

They’re always happy to be in there - it’s their ultimate goal, they get sympathy and attention for being ‘so sick’ and can simultaneously avoid the responsibilities of adult life

No. 1981451

the left is one of her pictures from acute, which is probably why she looks so smug

No. 1981457

File: 1711881669752.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1170x2013, IMG_1058.jpeg)

This one’s entire TikTok page is a festival of cringe, I feel bad for her mother being forced to participate in her shit

No. 1981466

File: 1711886800038.webp (28.56 KB, 800x533, Avatar.webp)

She looks like a self-harm avatar.

No. 1981479

It’s @skbohn

No. 1981493

She’s sitting on her moms lap like a toddler, jeez imagine posting something like this let alone filming it to begin with, or even doing it at all.

No. 1981503

She only self harms in visible places. Lower arms, face, neck

No. 1981591

File: 1711917570536.jpeg (581.43 KB, 828x1418, 967C8641-040D-4058-9894-5A4B71…)

This picture of it makes it even worse. She’s literally straddling her. Who does that to someone let alone to their mother?

No. 1981593

Hey she’s obviously severely mentally ill and shouldn’t have posted this but I don’t think anyone should be judged for sitting on their mom or dads lap no matter how old you are, you’re still their baby

No. 1981600

Kek you cannot be serious. Sitting on your parents lap as a fully grown adult is beyond fucking bizarre.

No. 1981603

Posting multiple pics of it plus forcing her mom to be in weird tiktoks with her is what’s bizarre, obviously. Also what is it about white UK IP girlies where they get ugly hairstyles done

No. 1981608

Who’s taking all these pictures? They must know she uses them for social media too. Like why don’t these parent ever get their kids in line

No. 1981609

i totally get it and it drives me insane, but also-no sympathy for the mom, she could easily refuse to be on camera. i'm sure there are many relatives and friends in this world who've refused to be on camera when visiting their cows. the ones who participate are just enabling the bullshit to continue. if their loved ones refused and maybe even shame them a little bit for being disgustingly addicted to social media and attention, a lot of these bitches would knock it the fuck off.

No. 1981610

because they're white, they probably don't know anyone who can braid hair or just never asked, and people who know how to braid will just offer to do it or maybe do some kind of trade for haor braiding

No. 1981612

Vomit. No this is abnormal behavior from an adult. And displays an inability on the mom to set appropriate boundaries. You can hug/comfort/snuggle an older or adult child without them straddling you. It’s no wonder these cows are all so stunted - their weird parents enable it.

No. 1981618

Because they have attachment issues so when the nurses ask them if they’d like it doing they jump at it. Braiding is useful when someone is actually mentally or physically ill, as it stops it from matting. But for these girls I don’t think that’s it

No. 1981677

File: 1711948656675.jpeg (166.73 KB, 1170x666, IMG_1061.jpeg)

Chiara claiming she’s homeless a couple of days ago

No. 1981679

File: 1711948785804.jpeg (173.67 KB, 1170x677, IMG_1062.jpeg)

What the fuck

No. 1981681

File: 1711949025441.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x1987, IMG_1060.jpeg)

>some rly kind guy gave me money for my binge
Homeless but her priority is to film herself binging a tub of ice cream in someone’s stairwell, this is some of the most deranged shit I’ve seen on here

No. 1981688

File: 1711950618532.jpeg (194.64 KB, 828x1373, 5388F483-ACD0-4F0A-9EF0-A795DE…)

No. 1981689

Has she been posted here before? Seems way milkier than most of the specimens around here if she hasn't.

No. 1981692

File: 1711951778149.jpeg (405.78 KB, 1170x1581, IMG_1059.jpeg)

She was first posted a couple of threads ago and her socials are in the OP but nothing especially milky has been posted as yet. Her entire TikTok account is posted disgusting radioactive waste junk food binges like this with hashtags/captions like “mukbang” and “recovery” with idiot kids in the comments saying shit like “so proud of you!” and “I tried this food because of you!” while she’s liking comments like picrel and posting on twitter about purging and how she wants to get back to her “lw” (it won’t let me embed even though I’m posting the long url as per the required format) https://www.tiktok.com/@.chiarafrancesca/video/7351065443601255713

No. 1981699

File: 1711954345774.png (459.59 KB, 473x639, Screen Shot 2024-04-01 at 1.51…)

caption in next post

No. 1981700

File: 1711954414978.png (51.66 KB, 479x209, Screen Shot 2024-04-01 at 1.52…)

Stef: can't post about Easter without posting a low weight body check
Also Stef: insists that her posts aren't about trying to get attention

No. 1981701

File: 1711954592430.png (535.51 KB, 484x765, Screen Shot 2024-04-01 at 1.56…)

Han also on the 'reminiscing about being sick' train for easter

No. 1981736

File: 1711970701116.jpeg (1007.64 KB, 1170x1872, IMG_1065.jpeg)

I guess she’s not homeless anymore, this is so putrid

No. 1981790

Nikkolels skinwalker

No. 1981933

File: 1712025451060.jpeg (Spoiler Image,544.95 KB, 1170x1038, IMG_1068.jpeg)


No. 1981996

File: 1712059739730.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1929, IMG_8150.jpeg)

No. 1982002

File: 1712063248145.jpeg (433.55 KB, 1170x2099, 3CFD21FE-6F99-42C9-96B7-50616B…)

Will never understand how God or science continues to allow this woman to get pregnant

No. 1982003

saw this on the front page and thought it's an anus

No. 1982097

this isn't the work of God, it's the spawn of satan in that womb

No. 1982105

If she has munchausens why is social services permitting her to keep custody of her kids

No. 1982112

why are you liking this shit

No. 1982115

nta but if i had to guess, sometimes pretending to be a doting mutual is a good way of ensuring you arent blocked and thus lose access

No. 1982128

File: 1712090476341.jpeg (799.12 KB, 1170x1684, IMG_1072.jpeg)

She’s revolting. She posted it on tiktok with the hashtag “mugbang” (because she’s a literal retard who always spells it like that). She’s the most egregious “proana” cow I’ve encountered in a long time

No. 1982130

File: 1712090613573.jpeg (Spoiler Image,674.19 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_1073.jpeg)

She’s truly awful

No. 1982160

Sure, but then they post a screenshot outing themselves as one of four people who liked that post

No. 1982180

oh lord her caption is so obnoxious

No. 1982202

File: 1712111914071.png (6.6 MB, 1170x2532, 0C4AE14A-5FCC-4669-A1CF-2863F1…)

Hannah’s first day and she’s already showing off her wheelchair.

No. 1982216

i dont understand how these cows have treatment dates like that, and act like theyre soooo sooper sick and forced into treatment. if youre on a waitlist until may, your teams goals are not that unrealistic. people who need to be hospitalized will be placed in a bed (as soon as insurance approves, 5-7 days max)

No. 1982221

That is bad farming practices, maybe it’s a self post? Can’t imagine why though, but munchies and anachan antics never make sense to me

No. 1982222

a lot of the newfags/redditors who now infest the thread just aren't that bright, I think

No. 1982263

File: 1712134889518.png (2.64 MB, 828x1792, FE6E6668-C471-4465-AB53-19BE49…)

Excuse me??

No. 1982264

I thought she had accidentally posted a photo of a body check but from the comments it seems she intentionally posted them for reassurance, her brain is fried
Also spoiler next time pls

No. 1982265

File: 1712135624686.jpg (166.82 KB, 1080x1968, Screenshot_2024-04-03-11-03-34…)

This girl was posted less than a week ago begging money for her gofundme because she need it so bad for ED treatment.

Also, can anyone explain to me the next pics I'm gonna post? Because they sound like a scam to my EU ass

No. 1982266

File: 1712135698527.jpg (299.07 KB, 1080x2197, Screenshot_2024-04-03-11-04-18…)

No. 1982267

File: 1712135725333.jpg (242.51 KB, 1080x1296, Screenshot_2024-04-03-11-07-23…)

No. 1982269

she’s an idiot. no ercfag that’s actually anorexic willingly sits in the wheelchair any longer than they have to, let alone sit in it in their room while staff isn’t watching. the real sick ones pace back and forth once out of staff sight. her bpd is showing

No. 1982272

File: 1712138780260.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1170x1989, IMG_1081.jpeg)

Eating a whole pizza, multipack of snickers and ice cream straight from the tub, there’s no way anyone with a functioning brain can think this is anything other than extreme bulimia

No. 1982275

File: 1712138910045.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_1085.jpeg)

Eating fistfuls of plain spaghetti straight out of the colander, Jfc

No. 1982277

File: 1712139031032.jpeg (822.78 KB, 1170x1510, IMG_1086.jpeg)

…and then posting this on twitter

No. 1982278

omg what is this ludicrous, autopedophilia facial photoshop im witnessing

No. 1982280

It’s the filter she uses on all her videos, it blurs her face to fuck too, but her entire comment section is “OMG you’re soooo prettyyyy!”

No. 1982292

File: 1712143588758.jpg (752.08 KB, 1920x1576, Ocyx9td6p.jpg)

Alysia looking pretty spoop

No. 1982325

lol so delusional. does this person work at all? how are you gonna be ebegging while simultaneously acting like raising 30K in donations by summer is no big deal. tf

No. 1982356

no <3(unintegrated retard)

No. 1982537

File: 1712214085431.jpg (Spoiler Image,853.24 KB, 1080x1724, Screenshot_20240404_100016_Ope…)

Twitter ana-chan moves onto camming on 4chan and spamming her nudes in random threads
Spoilered for nude with severe burn scars

No. 1982540

>left image
Jesus I thought it was some kind of RPG bird enemy with a massive beak for a second

No. 1982555

who is this?

No. 1982598

File: 1712241649197.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1170x1470, IMG_5054.jpeg)

She claims she’s on palliative care. Is she just going to be paraded around in a wheelchair with a tube indefinitely or until she dies? It can’t be good for her attention seeking antics, she already posts a bunch of pics where others are kissing her like she’s their granny that’s going to pass on soon

No. 1982617

it's so weird and shameful behavior to be anorexic but also want to live your life being pushed around in a wheelchair if it's not actually needed.

No. 1982695

I don't know if I should say her Twitter tag since she doesn't share nudes on there and wouldn't appreciate her hornyposting being connected to it

No. 1982704

that's just a hot water bottle mark, not a burn scar.

No. 1982710

then why are you posting it here retard

No. 1982780

Wait are you actually saying those are two different things? Kek those “marks” are hot bottle BURN scars sweetie

No. 1982783

Whats with the influx of moral fagging farmers, you caught the cow in her antics, post that shit so we can all enjoy the milk. Retard

No. 1982815

You can get those marks temporarily & they fade after an hour

No. 1982829

File: 1712304216316.jpeg (319.23 KB, 1170x763, IMG_4418.jpeg)

Someone needs to smack some reality into this one. Imagine calling the victims liars.

No. 1982832

File: 1712304597105.jpeg (380.14 KB, 1170x2065, IMG_8489.jpeg)

No. 1982833

File: 1712304623047.jpeg (340.75 KB, 1170x2156, IMG_8491.jpeg)

bc all you can and do is that kek

No. 1982835

File: 1712304652788.jpeg (452.94 KB, 1160x2106, IMG_8490.jpeg)

her whole existence is so milky atp

No. 1982836

how many times does the same picture really need to be posted

No. 1982837

who are they on twitter?

No. 1982866

File: 1712319923481.jpeg (305.77 KB, 1170x1932, IMG_4421.jpeg)

Yikes this is just getting worse. Imagine all their friends that have been abused witnessing these two standing by an abuser just because they’re friendly to them

No. 1982867

File: 1712319944983.jpeg (142.9 KB, 1170x1126, IMG_4422.jpeg)

No. 1982869

File: 1712319966381.jpeg (267.95 KB, 1170x1406, IMG_4423.jpeg)

No. 1982874

The person hearting them all is Becca herself keeeeekk

No. 1982922

She confessed to the abuse though. And the police are involved. If anyone has access to the google doc confession please post it right now.

No. 1982926

File: 1712335811552.jpg (230.36 KB, 1080x1237, Screenshot_20240405_174819_Tel…)

I thought this was a tinfoil but it's not. I'm creased. What a freak. Admitting to being abusive/apologising for it but then sooking up anyone willing to "stand up for her"

No. 1982928

Forgot to add for anyone interested

No. 1983007

File: 1712355839252.png (590.16 KB, 428x682, Screen Shot 2024-04-05 at 5.23…)

Marie is looking for treatment suggestions yet again but ONLY ones she can back out of as soon as she freaks out about gaining weight.

No. 1983032

Smorven actually interacting! That’s new….

No. 1983135

Must be a touchy subject for her somehow. I wonder if she's involved.

No. 1983193

The more these girls are posted they become even more vile.

No. 1983207

File: 1712418638941.png (1.33 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4451.png)

which one of yall? Kek

No. 1983209

File: 1712418672522.png (1.37 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4452.png)

No. 1983251

File: 1712426418816.png (1.08 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8830.png)

No. 1983267

No. 1983269

Anon sent incest becca a message saying they saw her in town banging her head off a wall and Becca confirmed it happened and was her

No. 1983274

wow what an outfit to be proud of, a plain black longsleeve and ugly dark wash jeans kek

No. 1983306

File: 1712435008852.png (1.45 MB, 853x1562, Screenshots_2024-04-06-16-15-4…)

so brave. such a big girl.

No. 1983307

File: 1712435062851.png (1.5 MB, 853x1543, Screenshots_2024-04-06-16-18-3…)

No. 1983437

File: 1712472274047.jpeg (993.04 KB, 1170x1896, IMG_1106.jpeg)

She’s shaping up to be the biggest cow in the thread, most of the others at least LARP at being in recovery, she just going nuts with her binges and body checks

No. 1983438

File: 1712472439502.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x2039, IMG_1104.jpeg)

No. 1983452

How is she milky? All of her posts are exactly the same. It is boring at this point. She reminds me of Bella (is she dead by the way?)

No. 1983462

Also a load of rubbish as she is able to go to parties and regularly travels on her own

No. 1983628

Just me or Becca’s Tellonym is now gone? The link isn’t working for me, also why is her name on there Becca when she apparently goes by Grace now??

No. 1983629



She changed it. Her name was Rebecca Chalmers but she changed it to Grace Anderson last year. I'm guessing she only just recently figured out how to change her name on this, plus there was a three year gap between answers so she clearly just didn't use it.

No. 1983672

At least it’s not in the middle of Costa this time!

No. 1983876

File: 1712617368171.png (2.43 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240408-185831.png)

nooooo..she had this jar on the counter in the background of all her food pics for so long last year lmao it finally disappeared at some point, but i honestly think this is just probably the same jar and the same candy and she's just gonna use it as a decoration every spring

No. 1983954

What are you saying “noooo” about?

No. 1984022

Funny, I was just wondering what Ganer’s been up to. Shame to let those delicious little buggers go to waste

No. 1984046

File: 1712675510239.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1125x1671, IMG_0346.jpeg)

The difference between Lauren and her sisters, definitely relapsing

No. 1984056

I can’t even tell which one is her. And who cares if she is? She’s not out here preaching recovery and lying about her ED. I’ll never understand the witch hunt to figure out if someone is relapsing. It’s not milky unless they’re constantly posting WIEIAD and recovery advice, which she isn’t doing.

No. 1984060

uh what is going on with everyone's skin in this photo, is this a leper colony?

No. 1984064

I think it's the mirror considering those spots are everywhere not just on their skin

No. 1984070

She was liiterally preaching on TikTok not that long ago..

No. 1984120

Receipts? It’s very clearly not what she uses social media for. It’s not her entire identity. She’s not a cow like Fi.

No. 1984181

File: 1712717164153.jpeg (737.51 KB, 1170x1845, IMG_1117.jpeg)

>trying to help

No. 1984225

File: 1712730472661.jpeg (623.43 KB, 1170x2004, IMG_9299.jpeg)

No. 1984226

i’m dying she’s so delusional(sage your shit)

No. 1984227

ahahaha omg someone using your pics or vids and making a fake account would be bad enough, but the thought of someone re-posting binging vids and writing whatever they want on them pretending to be you is so mortifying. oh well.

No. 1984230

File: 1712731138065.jpeg (Spoiler Image,747.75 KB, 1179x1806, IMG_3896.jpeg)

This girl is wild. I’ve been inpatient with her many times and have seen her irl. The amount of shopping in all her ig posts is embarrassing. Don’t get me wrong she’s thin irl but nothing like she pretends to be

No. 1984236

File: 1712733837069.jpg (712.31 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-04-10_03_23_39.jp…)

lol that's so awkward considering her mother follows her and has a public account also and her posts are full of comments from people telling her to help her daughter, and she probably gets lots of private messages too since Luka has so many followers.

No. 1984238

Her mum follows her. How are you ok watching your daughter post this shit? She has a blog n monad about her Ed but does nothing to help herself. It’s all just so strange.

No. 1984244

She’s so young too and all that she’s posting is going to stay on the internet forever. I would be mortified if this shit kept following me decades later when applying for jobs etc.

No. 1984251

Her legs end in ski slopes.

No. 1984318

File: 1712759599562.jpeg (216.61 KB, 1170x1380, 627D61F0-54B6-4357-BF8C-491633…)

“Thin lives matter!”

…The amount of creeps in her comments

No. 1984328

That’s actually very sweet of you to assume this schizo posting skelly will be alive and employable decades from now

No. 1984344

Kek her shooping is so bad it’s embarrassing she thinks anyone buys it. You can see on her mom’s page what she actually looks like.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1984378

could you post an example of one of her non-shooped pics for those of us that don't have social media

No. 1984383

White background = easier to edit. If you look at her joints the proportions don’t add up

No. 1984387

File: 1712779831841.jpeg (285.46 KB, 1170x1722, IMG_4573.jpeg)

No. 1984399

That’s barely helpful, it’s from over a year ago

No. 1984401

File: 1712782786184.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1290x2268, IMG_7010.jpeg)

Samefag, this is what Luka was posting at the same time so it’s kinda believable. I don’t doubt that she’s MAJORLY shopping but

No. 1984406

she looks nothing like her shooped photos kek

No. 1984425

not her mom straining all of her neck tendons, obviously luka's ED is at least partly hereditary which is sad.

No. 1984428

Kek you can’t be serious. No ones elbow joint is that thin. Your bones don’t get smaller kek. If her upper arm was as thin as she shoops it to be her elbow would be way wider.

No. 1984467

File: 1712805459054.png (1.45 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240410-231435.png)

No. 1984470

File: 1712805892455.png (2.15 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240410-232420.png)

No. 1984581

omg(sage your shit)

No. 1984727

Maybe I'm just stupid but that's just how necks look when you're taking selfies that way (with both your arms extended in front of you), plus the lighting makes it look much worse. Also, assuming she's at least in her 40s, it's expected that you lose subcutaneous fat as you age, specially around your face.
Sorry for the sperg, this just rubbed me the wrong way kek, some people here are so nitpicky

No. 1984732

File: 1712875363214.jpg (481.87 KB, 719x889, IMG_20240411_174046.jpg)

why is she always going to Disney

No. 1984738

I had the same thought, anon - that's not the neck of a spoop, it's the neck of a woman over 40.

No. 1984759

Autopedo shit.

No. 1984761

Agreed, that seemed like a weird nitpicky comment, especially because she’s stretching her head to be closer to her daughter, of course it looks tendon-y.

No. 1984788

It's what all the stunted anas and munchies do.

No. 1984832

You can’t seriously be fr? That’s what the neck of a middle aged woman looks like.
You need to recover because your brain is being digested.

No. 1984941

File: 1712947134698.png (1.41 MB, 853x1547, Screenshots_2024-04-12-14-02-1…)

No. 1984945

File: 1712947545974.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1081x1882, IMG_1626.jpeg)

“Ethereal”. Let that sink in. Grubby Han is considered ‘ethereal’ by someone. Never trusting a compliment again

No. 1984949

Anyone else here thinking that Em Jones’s friend Lauren is headed for a complete relapse ? !! It’s all in the face / scary !!
(namefagging newfag)

No. 1984969

Considering ethereal is also used to describe ghosts I think it's pretty fitting. She always has that banshee hair look.

No. 1984976

Spending what money? She does fuck all with her life. Where does she get all this money from to buy stuff every day?

No. 1985005

File: 1712958590375.jpeg (16.05 KB, 171x294, IMG_3275.jpeg)

Unless by “ethereal” they mean “Sméagol” I think the nice tellonym anon might be lying

No. 1985013

kek at eugenia posting this picture with a random obese dude. she probably wants to look skinny next to him.

No. 1985047

every single one of these worthless, unemployable cows seems to have severe spending addictions, it's enraging.

No. 1985051

not to white knight but this is obviously an old photo and she does have more recent reels on her ig body checking. It's clear she edits her photos, but she's still extremely thin

No. 1985057

how is it obviously an old photo? it's from last month posted to her personal facebook account

No. 1985063

No, she has a well defined face and always has(sage your shit)

No. 1985065

at least try to integrate so it's not obvious that you're talking to yourself

No. 1985089

……..(learn to sage)

No. 1985094

File: 1712986081937.jpeg (308.47 KB, 820x1024, IMG_7215.jpeg)

New Australian cow for yall @cupofgloww giving orthorexic recent half marathon runner, loves posting her super healthy eats and weird hippie spiritual feelings stuff all with a bmi in the low teens. I think she is a model too but not a very good one? Don’t they require standards for models anymore so not be rexies?

No. 1985098

File: 1712989761461.png (2.6 MB, 1684x1338, Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 4.29…)

No. 1985102

For the BPD ones it kinda comes with the territory. Doesn’t help they’re screwing the taxpayer for a good few hundred quid a month - absolutely no shade on people claiming benefits, but you just know whatever they’ve written on those forms is a load of bullshit because their ‘disabilities’ never bother them when it’s time for big shopping trips, days out, holidays abroad, basically all the ‘fun’ things (again, not saying disabled people don’t deserve nice things but the thing is none of these cows want to get better or improve their situation, they’re quite content to mooch off anyone they can for the rest of their lives)


No. 1985107

Has she now deleted her Instagram …. Total replace coming(learn to sage)

No. 1985108

File: 1712996617660.jpeg (706.54 KB, 828x1696, B367ABC4-0C6D-4229-8151-547AB5…)

She looks fucking fine kek and no she hasn’t deleted her account

No. 1985118

File: 1713002342038.jpg (759.07 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-04-13_05_58_32.jp…)

No. 1985129

You are retarded(unsaged infighting)

No. 1985144

Why are you posting her? She’s one of the very few “recovery” accounts that actually don’t post low weights and BMIs and numbers. She comments on other “recovery” accounts that do this and calls them out kindly on it. Where’s the milk? Not everyone with a public eating disorder account is milky

No. 1985149

No. 1985151

shut the fuck up, she's a cow and gets posted here regularly.

No. 1985175

Hey i just wanted to apologise for being disruptive and rude in the chat. I'm the bmi anon who used to lurk while Fasting and things.
I'm sorry for disturbing your chat. I'm not at my goal of bmi 12 and like to think I'm less obnoxious online since I'm happy with who I am now. I posted for attention and acted like my bmi was my age. Anyway I hope you accept my apology. I won't disturb the chat any further. Sincerely , bmi 12 anon ps. I even saged(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1985186

To be fair, one of the few times EC is covering her body and/or not flashing her parts. Ofc she had to pose with some random overweight person, so she appears smaller, but at this point, who can be surprised by her behaviour anyway?
But I think her going to Disney has more to do with her brother and mother, who EC claims that they are obsessed about. Also, Disney parks use to pay youtubers every year so they can post and talk about them, though not sure if this is the case.

No. 1985195

Are you new here? She’s milky because she’s a liar. Constantly spouting her recovery sermons while constantly in a relapse and acting like she’s not. She’s gotten marginally better about it in the last few years but she used to be top tier hypocritical cow and now she’s doing the same things just being more covert about it.

No. 1985196

Imogen is so ffff annoying. Preaching recovery all the time and then this. Just delete your account already.

No. 1985214

File: 1713030006765.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1092x1800, IMG_1627.jpeg)

What a win.

No. 1985215

her account is literally linked in the thread intro. smh you gotta love newfags.

No. 1985258

Her obese brother and mother are autistic and fixated on Disney/working for Disney (her brother studies to be an animator, he's horrible) and she's fully dependant on her mother so she tags along. But damm she looks fucking old.

No. 1985318

That ain’t her account ! Bro(sage your shit)

No. 1985319

i feel like you're outing yourself as a cow tipper. her account is not deleted, so if you can't see it, she must have blocked you. bro.

No. 1985326

Her username is literally in the post stop being retarded

No. 1985342

No. 1985347

suspiciously aligns with someone whos been outed here before, and their current state as of now

No. 1985364

She's been covering her body since her tiktok got age restricted.

No. 1985369

Maybe necroing an old reply, but, protip: screen record the Snap story to get a copy that you can screenshot from. It doesn't show them.

No. 1985389

File: 1713088040921.jpeg (285.57 KB, 1290x769, IMG_5915.jpeg)

Posts body checks, what she weighs, OOTD, self-harm, calorie intake.(newfag)

No. 1985394

it's a private account with a trigger warning, I don't know what she posts because I haven't followed but let mentally ill people exist

No. 1985398

bio says he/him?

No. 1985400

no one cares about ur pride flag retard

No. 1985410

File: 1713098697477.png (6.4 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_5916.png)

Pretty milky imo to be fair to the person She’ll post her bmi which is like 11 or 12 and will show her literal fresh self harm

No. 1985411

Such a monumental fuckup a lot of accounts posted are private that’s what these people do you twat

No. 1985414

File: 1713100319397.jpg (92.02 KB, 735x707, 1000018480.jpg)

>let mentally ill people exist
>It's a private account
They can exist outside the internet and self harm in the comfort of their homes, you don't need to post retarded pictures every 5 seconds to exist KEK the internet isn't some sort of universal consciousness where you need to be part of or you will fucking die, specially not as some mentally ill freak with a starvation fetish.

No. 1985430

fuck off. anon who posted this person didn't mention them being trans and referred to them as she, i was just asking for more information since they really didn't post much. can we get some brain activity up there before you try replying to me next time.

No. 1985443

>believes in trans shit
This place isn't for you, retardo.(derailing/infight bait)

No. 1985444

nta but im pretty sure the anon was just asking whether the account was male or female, not if trans

No. 1985477

Who drinks milk out of a measuring cup wtf
Nta either but nowadays having pronouns in bio doesn't mean you're trans, just that you're a little bitch that coddles gendies. But to be fair assuming that a "he/him" anorexic is a gendie isn't unreasonable.

Also this isn't the thread for this but it's funny how much overlap there is between edtwt anachans, shtwt and TiFs. Then somehow we're supposed to believe none of these things are linked to a specific brand of mental illness, and that it has no aspect of social contagion. My point has been very shittily made but I don't wanna derail much more kek

No. 1985488

It’s obviously to measure the amount of milk so they can work out the calories? Eat some more, your malnutrition is showing

No. 1985494

this thread is like watching old people fight, everyone’s missing each other’s point and getting mad about random stuff that wasn’t said or implied kek, I guess that just proves most of the farmers here are braindead anachans

No. 1985505

this thread is full of insufferable cunts who could use a sandwich or two

No. 1985512

File: 1713120881542.jpeg (1.41 MB, 3464x3464, A081DC83-96C9-4D6B-83B0-946B03…)

Thought it was interesting that she posted a TT of herself ‘eating’ and then later on posted pictures where it looks like she might possibly have a Russel’s sign????

No. 1985516

The video of her "eating" is so fucking funny even if it is bleak. Drinks lemonade, no liquid goes up the straw, cut, zooms in on an untouched salad, eats two crumbs of bread, eyes look away, lips are literally quivering from fear/disgust, chews said crumbs but from the movement of her mouth and tongue it looks like she's trying to spit them out, cut, chew half a french fry, cut, zoom in on eaten food and finished drinks she absolutely didn't touch. Idk did she think this was in any way convincing?

No. 1985544

AYRT. I know, but she is been doing the same in all her platforms. I'm not WK her or anything, just giving her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this time she is actually trying to recover fr (or maybe I'm just too naive).

I'm not that sure if it is Russell's sign on her knuckles, isn't she right handed? Maybe it's just redness from being skeletal. Also, I'm sure she is HF, so.
Still, this is one of the few times in her career we see her "eating", or whatever the version she thinks eating is. I guess that must have been a pretty difficult video for her to upload.

No. 1985552

what's HF?

No. 1985579

Kek yes you are in fact very naive if you think she’s recovering or consider this display any movement in a positive direction

No. 1985591

AYRT, no shit Sherlock, can you also explain why after measuring it you couldn't put it in a normal cup? That's what I was commenting on, not on why they'd use a measuring cup.

No. 1985606

File: 1713142994828.png (2.04 MB, 1063x1438, Russell's_Sign.png)

that is not a russels sign, its just redness from being underweight and probably cold 24/7. russels signs are placed differently and they are wounds, not redness.

No. 1985610

AYRT: Hands Free (while purging).
You can tell that she has been purging a lot over the years, besides restricting. It is shown in her teeth decay and the face swollen glands. However, she almost never has shown clear Russell's sign marks. That's how you can tell she is hands free.

I know (sigh).

No. 1985632

Not necessarily. Many people purge with their hand and don’t get Russel’s sign

No. 1985742

Honestly so sick of her. Her family are a bunch of enablers and she's a spoiled narc used to getting everything she wants. I know her disorder makes it worse, just tired of how people will fawn over and pat her on the back cause she play pretends to be a innocent naive uwu child. She lies and never admits to the shit she has done. Plays naive but then dirty deletes all the problematic tiktoks. She fucking knows what she's doing. She constantly gaslights her audience. Everytime she's in public literal children always come up to her.

Fuck this nasty bitch for real. Nobody defends fat narcs like ALR or Foodie Beauty. But every treats Eugenia with kid gloves. She's just spoiled rich girl who acted out with malice towards a majority of her audience who were genuinely concerned for her just because they wanted her to be healthy. But no little spoiled narc bitch always gets what she wants, how dare her fans worry about her. She rather mock and gaslight them repeatedly and acted shocked when for once she didn't get away with it anymore. Fuck this bitch.

No. 1985775

I’ve seen people get irritated skin exactly like her picture and not actual cuts. I’m extremely cynical but I almost wonder if she didnt post the picture on purpose as a hint to her pro followers that she didn’t actually digest the food, even if she only ate 3 crumbs. this definitely isn’t a recovery era or whatever though, that’s a ridiculous sentiment. It’s “deathly emaciated woman eats food” click bait at best, she baiting.

No. 1985779

ntayrt. holy shit. it’s cereal. she put the milk in a measuring cup to measure it and then poured the milk over the cereal.

No. 1985799

I'm not gonna lie I completely forgot that weetabix is a type of cereal kek (not a thing in my country), plus because it was together with the corn cakes I assumed it would be drunk separately, I'm sorry I might be retarded. Just imagining the texture of that makes me wince.

No. 1985978

File: 1713262872323.png (Spoiler Image,4.89 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_5939.png)

(no spoiler)

No. 1985990

No. 1985994

what do we think she did to her torso that's being covered by the giant bandage?

No. 1986009

Maybe she stabbed herself or cut her torso?

No. 1986014

I’m going to guess it’s the same lesson line scars as the rest of her kek

No. 1986016

File: 1713271439627.jpeg (300.57 KB, 1170x1986, IMG_4722.jpeg)

Abby making this weird childish video of her walk home from tescos and hashtagging female empowerment had me rolling. She’s dumb as fuck

No. 1986043

Can ya post the video then??

No. 1986051

NTA but I don’t think you can when it’s an insta one

No. 1986063

Jesus Christ I wish you’d written a caption as to what this was before I opened it

No. 1986069

File: 1713290387414.jpg (1.26 MB, 1079x3032, 1000020885.jpg)

Apparently bun got pregnant and is getting an abortion now. She's been tweeting a lot about how horrible her new boyfriend is too but it's not as interesting.

No. 1986100

wait, i'm not trying to be insensitive, she can do whatever she wants obviously, but i don't think people naming their abortion is a thing! like what? girl no, you sound deranged. people do that when they have miscarriages and stillbirths, but this is kind of deranged.

No. 1986107

Naming your abortion is fucked up, she’s acting like she miscarried
>im gonna have a angel baby
like what?

No. 1986108

I don't know this cow (sorry I don't live in Lolcow or edtwt), but her reaction towards it it's absolutely valid. Maybe it's not a thing for someone that really don't want the baby, but even so, not everyone gets over going through something like this. It is really hard, no matter the circumstances.

No. 1986109

she's "pro-life" so she's having a moral freak out about getting the abortion, she knows she can't handle it physically or financially but she didn't really want to abort iirc

No. 1986114

That's actually pretty sad, but i hope it will make her change her stance on abortion even though i know it won't and she'll just double down on it later

No. 1986116

File: 1713298692463.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1569, IMG_5961.jpeg)

Why do some UK cows insist on getting this hairstyle? It’s so ugly on white people kek

No. 1986117

We all can see that's the best thing to do, giving her circumstances. But that doesn't make it less traumatic, no matter your stance on abortion.
Never understood how can be any woman against it, tbh.

No. 1986120

Eurofag here, so I don't understand USA very well. That cow is ugly no matter what, but why being white makes the hairstyle uglier?

No. 1986122

the comment was about UK cows, so why bring up the USA?

No. 1986124

AYRT: Right, I just assumed she was from USA. Still, I don't understand the comment.

No. 1986127

Majority of HCAs/nurses in UK are black so they do plaits on children

No. 1986140

Screen record, crop out your profile pic and convert to webm

No. 1986169

Because people in the UK are weird and ugly,

No. 1986177

File: 1713316029670.png (2 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240416-210637.png)

No. 1986186

she looks seriously amazing for 4 months post partum!! she seems very happy

No. 1986205

What's with those giant bruises on her arm and ass?

No. 1986206

is it maybe a blotch on the mirror? the bit of towel between that part of her arm and butt looks discolored too

No. 1986221

Yes, that's the mirror, as the anon said above. She also seem to have some little stretch marks near the bikini bottom, but that's absolutely normal after pregnancy. I think she looks great and she seems really happy. I really hope she sticks to recovery, both body and mentally.

No. 1986222

File: 1713340052850.png (5.01 MB, 3464x3464, 1000020892.png)

Buns going back inpatient after attempting to kill herself (?) Because she's prolife and desperately wants to keep her baby. Not sure if you guys still want updates or not.

No. 1986224

Poor thing. Besides the anti-abortion nonsense thing, not keeping the baby while she wants to have it, must be absolutely devastating, cow or not.
I might be wrong, and she might be only seeking for attention, but maybe she was saying that she hoped that the meds were working, when she tweeted that "that will do it".

No. 1986225

I love her and she’s looking hot as fuck ! Hope she thrives forever my QUEEN

No. 1986226

Im so glad it's not bruises after all. I was already worrying that her new boyfriend is not so nice.

No. 1986227

File: 1713343253218.jpeg (515.66 KB, 1170x2414, IMG_5345.jpeg)

Post 1/3
Oh… MY. I have hit the JACKPOT!!! I stumbled across ENARA’S old “recovery” account and holy shit, the MILK!!! It’s all her talking about SH, her sooper severe ED, presenting to 3 hospitals in 24 hours and the list goes on… I’ll share a few more screenshots but the account name is @heregoesrecovery__

No. 1986228

File: 1713343402972.jpeg (463.4 KB, 1170x2401, IMG_5343.jpeg)

Oh… MY. I have hit the JACKPOT!!! I stumbled across ENARA’S old “recovery” account and holy shit, the MILK!!! It’s all her talking about SH, her sooper severe ED, presenting to 3 hospitals in 24 hours and the list goes on… I’ll share a few more screenshots but the account name is @heregoesrecovery__

No. 1986236

Wasn't this other thread for wannabe cows? >>>/snow/1933243

No. 1986241

I’m probably a cunt for this but I don’t get how she can be pro life and still get an abortion… like it’s hypocritical as fuck… judging others for getting one but then it’s suddenly ok the second she does it?? I don’t have much empathy for her idc… also weird asf to be tweeting like it was actually ever a real thing not just a clump of fucking cells

No. 1986244

I agree with you pro lifers are dumb as fuck and I don’t have any sympathy for them. Life comes at you fast I guess

No. 1986247

Fuck around and find out (literally) kek

No. 1986251

also she is pro-life but attempts a suicide? lol

No. 1986255

welp, i'm a cunt then too. i don't know how old this girl is, but i honestly think it's possible she doesn't understand that what she has right now isn't actually a baby lmao. they don't really do that much teaching about it in school, i feel like it's something you have to learn more about outside of school somehow on your own. is she so pro life that she's against birth control? obviously this dumbass should not be procreating, but it's pathetic to claim pro life until it's inconvenient for you because the degenerate you let impregnate you is not interested in helping you raise a baby.

No. 1986258

this. it sucks she has to go through this, especially seemingly alone, but she’s an adult. the way she’s talking about “her baby?” mixed with her pro life hypocrisy is way OTT and annoying

No. 1986281

I assume she's trying to put herself in the hospital so she doesn't have to go through with the abortion since her family and bf are urging her to do it but she doesn't want to

No. 1986294

File: 1713373441640.png (146.94 KB, 1570x810, Screenshot 2024-04-17 100206.p…)

has anyone seen this girl on your fyp or whatever? according to reddit, she works out for like 2 hrs in the gym and then pretends she's still in recovery


also an ed & mental health recovery "advocate"

No. 1986300

File: 1713374386980.jpg (464.49 KB, 1080x1690, Screenshot_20240417_131720_Tik…)

She looks completely normal. Even her LW hospital pics just look like she's stretching and posing to look thinner but still normal. And she is taking a spinning class but solo, because that's how peloton classes work.

No. 1986320

So she’s an adult who lives off social assistance, can’t afford to support herself, yet she went and had unprotected sex, got pregnant knowing she cant financially support a baby and her fantastic “pro life” solution to this problem is to abort it and then kill herself? Lol okay. If she’s genuinely SO prolife why doesn’t she use adoption? Oh wait most adoptions are extremely private, so she probably couldn’t post about it online and garner sympathy and attention, which is all really wants

No. 1986325

File: 1713376894458.jpg (875.68 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-04-17_14_00_50.jp…)

No. 1986331

Rock on, you crazy beautiful mother..!

No. 1986337

She’s 20 years old, she age regresses, severely mentally ill, dating a loser who enables her disorder and the people at the clinic were surprised that people thought this girl was an unfit mother? I feel bad for her but 20 is too old for these antics. And now she has the prolife freaks and tradwives enabling her. Terrible situation all around.

No. 1986340

>rapid refurl
i'm sorry but this bitch is beyond retarded and has no business bringing a kid into this world

No. 1986346

>>age regresses, severely mentally ill, dating a loser who enables her disorder
I never understood this pro-life shit. I mean, one thing is helping mothers without resources, but in this case, what kind of life is the baby going to have? Who would want that situation for their own children?

No. 1986350

oh no, don’t kill the clump of cells that can’t feel anything that would be awful, instead you should let it develop into a full on baby with feelings and emotions so it can be raised in severe poverty by a extremely mentally ill drug addicted anorexic woman!

No. 1986378

her family isn't even gonna help support the child, baby could've only had a chance if it raised by the grandparents but not even that, it's over before it even begins for that one

No. 1986406

Because they have nothing better to do with their time being IP

No. 1986408

File: 1713391843372.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1370, IMG_1981.jpeg)

Oh my god she really is the most insufferable cow of them all, imagine turning twenty one and being forced to spend it posing in a psych ward with your sister. His face says it all

No. 1986410

File: 1713392971043.png (1.44 MB, 853x1599, Screenshots_2024-04-17-18-27-4…)

lol i almost posted this one yesterday too. and what the fuck is she even doing to HIS birthday cake smh

No. 1986411

File: 1713393156482.png (1.78 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240417-183144.png)


No. 1986412

I love so much about this picture. Maws got her toes out. The bad tattoos. Brother looks uncomfortable. Anorexic pretending she would like to taste the cake. Back arch. And overall cursed vibes

No. 1986415

Kek can she strain that neck any harder?!

No. 1986424

She said the same thing a few months ago kek there's no way this is about Becca

No. 1986445

lol, she’s been posting self harm on the internet for 10 years now. talk about arrested development

No. 1986460

wait, what's bad about her mom having her toes out? lol is it cold there or something?

No. 1986465

It is kek she has more than one. Does lives on that account

No. 1986473

File: 1713406509521.png (404.53 KB, 495x726, Screen Shot 2024-04-17 at 9.14…)

Casual body checking while at the hospital because she's having contractions at 34 weeks.

No. 1986476

She needs to get rid of it because she will be tied to this lowlife for the next 18 years if she doesn’t.

No. 1986495

File: 1713411044722.jpeg (683.91 KB, 828x1370, 351C567E-0CE2-4187-B354-EE79E4…)

No. 1986496

this is literally the second post above your post >>1986473

No. 1986529

I don’t understand what advice is needed. Just tell them you don’t want to be in contact anymore. Block. Avoid. And get on with life

No. 1986530

File: 1713426368308.jpeg (344.22 KB, 1170x2082, IMG_4730.jpeg)

Nice big arm bandage on show ! If only her cardigan would sit on her shoulders properly, then no one would see it !?

No. 1986537

File: 1713427742962.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_1162.jpeg)

Why do these spastics always have the same wounds on their heads

No. 1986539

i almost thought that was abby for a sec. and omg she's fuckin corny, i have a little soft spot for Abby, but purposely wearing her hoodie like that for this pic is way too cringe for me

No. 1986551

Kek i also thought this was abby and my first thought was "she looks so much better without that makeup on"

No. 1986573

She was talking about achieving one month selfharm free only a couple weeks ago.

No. 1986586

Because they use their individual freedom to copy the behaviour of others..?

No. 1986587

so very irrelevant

No. 1986605


She said she's not pro-life, she's pro-choice and just mixed up the meaning of the two

No. 1986608

She lies about a lot. She said quite a few times in the past what a pain it is that she's not allowed to drive at the moment, insinuating that she used to drive in the past. Then on a recent Tell she said she hopes she can take driving lessons this year. She's never driven at all!

No. 1986611

File: 1713454904473.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, F126D22D-5C2B-44DB-BC6E-7729B9…)

No. 1986613

I did wonder about the selfharm free time because I’m sure she had a plaster on her forehead not too long ago

No. 1986660

She’s a compulsive lier
Lies about being proud for managing to go on a bus yet goes on a bus and prances around the shops on her own all the time
Lies about her height (a weird one)
Posts photos without clarifying that they aren’t recent
and many other little lies

No. 1986685

Abby being a massive liar isn’t news, most photos of her are posed and edited to the extreme. >>1986611 and kek at her acting’s as if holidays mean anything to her- she’s jobless and out of education, every day is summer vacation to her

No. 1986722

File: 1713490185618.png (1.44 MB, 853x1548, Screenshots_2024-04-18-21-24-0…)

No. 1986742

File: 1713493587849.jpg (386.32 KB, 1080x1934, 1000017187.jpg)

New cow spotted.

No. 1986743

Wearing it like what?

No. 1986755

this must be a self-post, how is this profile in any way remarkable?

No. 1986765

I'm actually on her list. She's thin, but just… living life. Nothing remarkable.(sage)

No. 1986770

can you not just look at the picture? smh

No. 1986773

NTA, but I don't get it either, what's wrong with the hoodie?

No. 1986778

holy shit. read the fucking caption the anon who posted the pic wrote, i was simply agreeing with them. like…are you all okay? tf

No. 1986779

reading this thread makes me feel like i'm having a stroke, i have no idea what you guys are even arguing over

No. 1986818

different anon, also don’t know what’s going on with the hoodie had another look it is about the drawstrings removed maybe? if it’s that threading them back in to have them out again once back on ward, also could of already been used got cut off and binned, don’t think it’s cringe esp if cords got chucked out like why waste the hoodie

No. 1986823

She has her hoodie on her elbows not her shoulders……… if she wore it normally we wouldn’t see her massive bandages on her arm. SHE WORE IT LIKE THAT TO SHOW OFF HER SELFHARM RELAPSE. are yall that fucking retarded.

No. 1986824

File: 1713511964454.jpeg (640.75 KB, 1170x2258, IMG_4732.jpeg)

Why Abby saying we’re all “sad older people” I’m literally her age. Also feel like reminding her Grace was outed as someone who would post her kek

No. 1986825

ayrt sorry nonna my tard brain thought hoodie talk was this pic >>1986537

No. 1986835

>>are yall that fucking retarded.
Hate infighting, but maybe if you learn how to properly refer to a post, instead of quoting a different picture, maybe you would reconsider who to call retarded.
Here is your original post, FYI:

No. 1986838

I never once referred to the other pic. It’s bit hard to see we were talking about Abby’s hoodie

No. 1986864

nah, you're still retarded. "i have a little soft spot FOR ABBY, but purposely wearing her hoodie like that for this pic is way too cringe
for me." Jesus christ.

No. 1986871

Sure, congrats on your Nobel Prize in Literature, you are certainly are a genius writing, everyone had zero problems understanding your post!
I know, infighting and all, but cmon: is it that difficult to say "sorry for the confusion quoting an image of a girl with a hoodie, while referring to this other photo of Abby above, I understand some got confused by the comment"? But of course, everyone is retarded.

No. 1986926

i was literally responding to the pic i responded to saying the girl looked like abby, and then i agreed with the above anon who posted the pic of Abby. i know reading can be hard, but can you just get the fuck on with your day now, bitch ass cunt.(infighting)

No. 1986931

File: 1713539802955.jpeg (277.79 KB, 1290x619, IMG_3802.jpeg)

Next level e begging how pathetic kek

No. 1986937

Sorry for replying so late to this but yeah it gave me some weird disgust when she named the “baby” she intends to abort?

No. 1987012

What the actual f? I mean, I feel empathy for her having to go through that, but that Amazon post is disgusting.

No. 1987067

>some random girl u literally know NOTHING about
Just pointing out that your best friend "Grace" was (is) also one of us
>older people
What makes her different to the rest of us?

No. 1987096

File: 1713564834075.jpg (418.46 KB, 1080x2501, 1000003553.jpg)

In Laura Ingram news, someone donated over $7k to her gofundme, but she hasn't made it to the children's hospital yet.

No. 1987175

Wish someone would post her insta posts on here

No. 1987178

same, her shoops were always so ridiculous to the point of humor

No. 1987179

Kek you’re the one being retarded, you commented on a “hoodie” in a reply to the wrong post, so we all thought you were talking about the hoodie for the pic you actually replied to. Not to mention that the photo of Abby you’re meaning to reply to doesn’t even have a fucking hoodie, sorry that you don’t know what a hoodie is or how to reply

No. 1987180

What’s her @ again?

No. 1987181

File: 1713578603565.jpg (254.94 KB, 1080x1267, 1000003557.jpg)

Just had to search for Laura Ingram and this popped up. She's probably still checking in on these threads, so it might change soon.

No. 1987182

if someone else is updating her GFM for her, does she even have internet access?

No. 1987189

lmfao it's literally a hoodie, dumbfuck.

No. 1987192

You need serious help for getting so rattled about something that you’re being a dumbass about. There is no hood in sight(hoodie infighting)

No. 1987238

kek, I thought it was pretty funny. Bun is usually a flagrant retard, but she's not wrong here. These pro-life religious zealots don't actually care about her like they claim. They care about their ideology war, and as soon as the metaphorical baby is birthed and it leaves the carrier's body, these people won't pretend to give a fuck anymore. This pregnancy saga of pro-lifers flooding these ED tiktok accounts to fake cry about a fetus the size of a pea is hilarious. Most entertainment the ED cows have had in awhile

No. 1987250

oh wow, it's obviously on the back which is not in the picture as it's a front facing picture. you really can't fix stupid.(hoodie infighting)

No. 1987280

Are you guys still going on about the hoodie or sweater or whatever kek

No. 1987282

She's probably going to croak. She's been ultra skelly for a while and is in her mid to upper 20s. It sounds like she's in a general medical hospital anyway.

No. 1987283

you never know, she might be the EC or Ash type who just hang around being spoopy

No. 1987284

I wish we let this thread die on the last one this is such retarded infighting. Absolutely no milk either.

No. 1987286

I agree, though I thought she was anti-abortion (all of them are, till they see by themselves). Vut now she is pretending that people buy her things?

No. 1987289

File: 1713616646797.jpg (200.83 KB, 1080x1305, 1000037721.jpg)

Has anybody seen this one around she's on edtwt tiktok and insta and claims a bmi of 10. Smegh skin walker but pretends she's never heard of the OG.

No. 1987291

Never underestimate the retardation of this thread

No. 1987305

She is bmi 10 lol also she's a minor so don't post her

No. 1987321

ntayrt but isnt she at least 16…we’re allowed to post over 16

No. 1987323

yeah no one actually likes this bitch. even her so-called close recovery friends snark on her

No. 1987341

Tara isn't 16 I'm pretty sure it's well known in her circle.

No. 1987347

She's 17 or 18 she's said she's a senior in highschool (she's a us fag right?)

No. 1987365

yes. she's been brought up throughout multiple threads. has she actually claimed to not know of shmegeh? because she follows shmegeh's instagram account, or at least she used to, so that's a big fat kek

No. 1987367

kek. you seem to know a lot. are you her bathroom scale? yeah, and niamh was 15 or some shit when she first got brought up here. so?

No. 1987400

On TikTok she practically pretends that the makeup is her real face because she’s uwu so sick. She also bites her cheeks 24/7 to make fake sunken in cheek bones. People on tiktok are stupid enough to believe that’s naturally what she looks like so they keep asking “what happened to her”?
Makeup and biting cheeks kek

No. 1987430

thats so embarrassing, she draws on ana face like its a costume kek

No. 1987465


No. 1987495

taraterrorful on insta
tarablogging on twitter

No. 1987509

File: 1713684251188.jpeg (546.52 KB, 1170x2271, IMG_4752.jpeg)

Incest Becca is back

No. 1987586

i find her hypocritical in both the ed spaces and ed recovery spaces ngl(sage your shit)

No. 1987598

Is this not a picture from last year's Halloween?

No. 1987658

File: 1713724566694.jpeg (722.21 KB, 3464x2113, 6EA05449-DAEA-427A-AF0E-E846B2…)

no. she cosplays as ronald McDonald every single day

No. 1987745

Does anyone have a picture of her without the anachan makeup??

No. 1987748

File: 1713749574138.jpg (263.62 KB, 720x867, IMG_20240421_203135.jpg)


No. 1987849

Told you Abby didn't grow a braincell and decide having an incest predator for a friend isn't a wise choice. I bet she's not intending on cutting anyone off

No. 1987854

>>she cosplays as ronald McDonald
Besides this, she looks boring af, is she that milky?

No. 1987901

there's no way she's never heard of shmegeh. this skinwalker even has the same phone case!

No. 1987907

the funniest part is the case is too small for for her phone. if you zoom in you can see she’s just holding it in place to take the pic

No. 1987996

That's actually hilarious haha, who does that lol

No. 1988037

File: 1713826060858.jpg (624.83 KB, 1079x1753, 1000017288.jpg)

q0rpz3 loves showing off how thin she is.

No. 1988038

File: 1713826087163.jpg (223.35 KB, 1080x1766, 1000017289.jpg)

Gotta show them collarbonez

No. 1988041

Omg thank you for pointing that out nonna, I didn’t catch that. What a strange human

No. 1988074

TOPKEK Why would she do that??

No. 1988120

to be like the person she's totally never heard of

No. 1988228

File: 1713894049244.jpg (18.19 KB, 720x720, V-20289-Basketball-Player-Mid-…)

Her collarbone is shaped like this

No. 1988282

The bulimia cheeks, though.

No. 1988288

kek how do you even come up with this shit

No. 1988342

Cannot un-see, kek!

No. 1988360

Every few threads it's
>post tara girl, ask if she's been posted before
>point out that she's longterm cosplaying shmegeh
>point out her shmegeh cosplay phone case is too small for her phone

can we stop

No. 1988411

Are you bringing anything better to the thread?

No. 1988421

posting a picture of a literal grain of sand would be better than having the same conversation about the same girl ad infinitum, like it's the bloody Groundhog Day film. The hoodie infighting is better than this shit happening over and over and over

No. 1988434

File: 1713959392367.jpeg (498.83 KB, 1170x2065, IMG_4756.jpeg)

Nothing like posting of your trip to a&e with your major selfharm relapse. Cannot tell me this bitch is trying to get better

No. 1988435

File: 1713959458349.jpeg (269.48 KB, 1170x2054, IMG_4757.jpeg)

THEN posting a body check in what looks like a hospital bathroom when answering a question on services……….

No. 1988438

File: 1713959614829.jpeg (483.88 KB, 1170x1978, IMG_4758.jpeg)

No. 1988440

File: 1713960110615.jpeg (527.87 KB, 1170x1968, IMG_4759.jpeg)

No. 1988461

Imagine being this desperate for attention you post your selfharm bandages. And are smiling in a hospital bed getting someone to take a pic of you. Pathetic

No. 1988462

Ignore my puffy hands but make sure you can all see my bandages from my super serious self harm!! Kek these cows are so pathetic it’s actually embarrassing…

No. 1988505

File: 1713974905231.jpg (721.18 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-04-24_12_05_05.jp…)


No. 1988506

File: 1713975028419.png (482.81 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240424-120249.png)

"but i don't take any photos cause why would i?" lmfao what!? girl….

No. 1988513

Pretty sure she might have a matching one with incest Becca by the looks of the ‘April so far’ post. Getting just anyone to do it at home is hilarious BPD

No. 1988536

File: 1713980667956.jpeg (336.91 KB, 1170x2100, IMG_6313.jpeg)

Didn’t she just post a bunch of stuff on her story asking people to not use her videos as thinspo because she almost died ?? The brain rot is real

No. 1988746

Sounds like bullshit to me that they've denied her food through mouth but I dont know anything about corpse care

No. 1988749

I wonder if they're refusing to reduce the tube feeds until she's eating some by mouth regularly and she's refusing to eat anything until they reduce the tube feeds because her little anorexic brain refuses to do anything that will up the total calories she's getting.

No. 1988809

What hospital is she in?

No. 1988811

she said it was a medical hospital near her house, but I don't remember exactly what twin cities (minneapolis - st. paul in minnesota) suburb she lives in and she didn't mention the hospital by name, so I can't narrow it down more than that

No. 1988829

It’s common to deny people oral food. If you’re physically very compromised it’s easier to measure what someone is getting via tube, and sometimes people may be likely to hide food etc when they eat orally. Sometimes people’s distress when eating is seen as too much

No. 1988917

she's been there for fifty-something days and is claiming she hasn't been allowed to eat at all

No. 1988923

Let’s be real she is not compliant. They likely don’t have the resources to watch to make sure she is eating her meals. The tube is easier and less ability for her to fuck with it.

No. 1988991

god this bitch is so obnoxious, does she even realize that you can just eat food without some "team" "allowing" it…sometimes the privilege drips off of these specimens so overtly and it's embarrassing

No. 1988993

she's been in the hospital for two months and most american hospitals don't give "passes" like in the uk/aus/etc for patients to leave for a little while. Where do you think she's going to get food if they don't give her any?

No. 1988995

most people don't even get to consider being in hospitals for their eating disorders. you sound as ridiculous as the people in this thread.

No. 1988996

I'm not defending Marie as a person (I think she's manipulative and attention-seeking) but I think you sound crazy. She was clearly very medically ill and she's in a medical hospital involuntarily. Yeah, she's lucky that someone saved her life, but she's probably not living it up exploiting social benefits at the moment like some of the other cows we discuss. Even though she seems to take some pleasure in being a spoop, her existence seems objectively pretty grim.

No. 1988998

is there a reason you're stanning this cow so hard over all the others that act exactly like her?

No. 1988999

I'm not stanning her. I think she's a shitty person. I just think there's enough to make fun of without getting outraged about something that I don't think she has control over right now (literal access to food) and it's more fun to make fun of actual cow behavior.

No. 1989000

samefag, but like: she's busy posting bodychecking videos/pictures where she's trying to make herself look twelve. that's much funnier than her not being handed oatmeal or whatever by a nurse.

No. 1989002

yeah im gonna make fun of all of her cowish aspects which includes the extraordinarily retarded way in which she frames her access to food…no one was ever keeping her away from it while she was outside of the hospital so to act like it's suddenly so inaccessible now is absurd

No. 1989013

Exactly. This is cow behavior because she’s not wanting food in addition to the tube and to progress. She wants food so she can get off the tube and fuck around more in her disorder. So obvious.

No. 1989087

This. And also, she wants all the attention from the "poor me they don't even let me eat, when I'm soooo willing to eat". Does she realise she can eat and also have the tube? It's obvious she is going to hide/purge/whatever the food and that's why the hospital continue with the tube.

No. 1989089

This is a fair point and I think I misread/misunderstood the initial post. I understood it as saying "why doesn't she just go get food if she wants it" and not "they're probably only saying no because she's being shitty about adjusting the feed, she needs to grow up and accept that she might have to do some extra to earn trust".

No. 1989130

File: 1714137322579.png (506.53 KB, 427x694, Screen Shot 2024-04-26 at 8.13…)

Kara continues to act like she eats sooo much and is soooo back on the recovery train, despite still looking like she weighs the same as when she admitted she'd lapsed a few months ago. Some cows never change, I guess.

No. 1989131

how old is she(sage your shit)

No. 1989143

File: 1714142637647.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, 2C7408FC-BA74-4686-8962-365701…)

Not milk but I just found this really funny. BMI 160 KEK.

No. 1989144

File: 1714142803012.jpeg (248.25 KB, 749x1094, 3571EC11-EF70-4CC2-A8C3-271202…)

And then we have this.

No. 1989149

Another one on the latest trend. Why do they celebrate these diagnoses? And I swear they’re all carbon copies of each other: Non-binary, ‘actually autistic’, Ed, ugly short hair cut, gay/queer and won’t shut up about it, ‘mh advocate with zero qualifications, Lucy and Yak, Doc Martens, Crocs, overalls, years and years in IP………….

No. 1989150

File: 1714143348588.jpeg (294.14 KB, 749x1095, 7D1458B7-28A9-4AF0-B5D4-688937…)

Oops forgot the picture.

No. 1989152

File: 1714143786839.jpeg (336.03 KB, 750x961, A6B1E5D3-1E22-4B9B-8391-3FB034…)

Nothing original about any of them. This one has a penchant for talking about periods, how they’re different on psych wards (they’re not) and bashing said wards about period products, despite also going on and on about being non-binary, therefore ‘not a woman’, and continuing to have years and years of IP treatment and a huge selection of treatments and treatment centres handed to her. (Also apparently on 4:1 because she’s obviously so dangerous, yet allowed out to go hiking. And still manages to sh inside the hospital and need surgery, but gets taken off all supervision the same day. I do not understand).

No. 1989156

File: 1714144478712.png (3.96 MB, 750x1334, 9298CD6D-2828-4CEF-9F94-6EB6D3…)

Cas probably going back to hospital again. I’ve lost count of the number of admissions now. Also the sheer amount of outside support she has in the community is enormous. Recently she was posting asking where she could move that has more support but her list of appointments and groups and therapies each week is staggering. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone get so much in the community from the nhs.

No. 1989157

File: 1714144556756.png (2.52 MB, 750x1334, 90FF580A-17C3-4C9D-9655-5A61B7…)

No. 1989159

File: 1714144656852.png (3.57 MB, 750x1334, 47354D5E-71EA-4C34-A496-A53291…)

I have no idea how she has so much care in the community and so many professionals and appointments, on top of all the years of admissions.

No. 1989166

File: 1714145363772.png (3.05 MB, 750x1334, 1EB55436-293B-4A45-9673-5D1B3C…)

No. 1989187

this is the worst type of pro-ana scumbagness in my opinion, tbh I appreciate edtwt because at least pro-ana scumbags can be openly themselves there and they don't have to play the victim while spamming #edrecovery with their body checks

No. 1989213

Ok, so, maybe we are going through another "hoodie situation" here, so just to be clear, are you referring to:

No. 1989228

I’m so confused. Blog post but relevant, I know and I’m sure many others on here know of people who have exhausted so many resources and healthcare services just refuse to admit them. People die because they won’t intervene anymore. Why do some people get loads of intervention eg Casper, Smorven, but others get none beyond a point

No. 1989277

File: 1714166449218.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, 69D5C902-3E59-4499-97BF-2EBA4B…)

No. 1989278

File: 1714166961901.png (2.82 MB, 750x1334, 54D6D3E1-902C-467C-9269-A96B9C…)

So easy for some to get in, they don’t even have to ask or try…………Even though her total cumulative time in IPs must be getting on for 15 years now. Even though she has so many services and carers and professionals in the community, even though she claims to not want hospitalisation, even though she claims to try and fly below the radar………….The nhs seems to keep actively searching her out and stepping in to give her the highest level of care, over and over. While others just as much in need get ignored their whole lives, despite constant presenting, asking for help, crises, advocacy etc.
This will never make sense.

No. 1989318

File: 1714173426068.png (2.39 MB, 750x1334, DC48E2F0-4663-449B-BEBC-AE29F5…)

‘Managed to get into pjs’?!
1) Why is that an achievement?
2) So they just grabbed her when they saw her outside a building and spirited her off to hospital with no assessment, but she had PJs with her?

No. 1989321

File: 1714173480686.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 4B4329A8-0BC2-4D04-BDB8-6581B0…)

None of this makes sense.

No. 1989403

I think she is still actively seeking it out, no? Even though she claims not to. Anyway it makes me legitimately angry,

No. 1989425

Does she still post here?(sage your shit)

No. 1989460

fuck her forehead is so wrinkly

No. 1989462

File: 1714217480778.png (Spoiler Image,3.02 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9062.png)

has anyone talked about her yet? literally every video is a countdown to go to treatment which is sooooo hard but she seems REALLY pumped about it? it’s so strange to see someone literally celebrating leaving college to go to treatment (and she has been to the same place before, like summer camp) @halaroo on TT

No. 1989486

File: 1714223373939.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, B01719D6-CECB-4954-BB39-908014…)

Incidentally she’s got an Apple watch with a new strap. Not to mention all the new creepy dolls and the new iPhone. How do these cows have so much disposable income?! And she was whining about having to pay tax for having an empty bedroom in a 2 bed house given to her by the government, when there are people on the streets.

No. 1989492

This ugly alien needs to be cut off from the NHS

No. 1989520

I’m sure I’ve seen her come up on here before - looks familiar

No. 1989521

Kek nonnie, glad I’m not the only one who thought she looked alien-like

No. 1989547

File: 1714238139094.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 91C320BE-D350-447F-A842-0D232E…)

Well yes she’s been around for years. She was in IP for a solid 11 years I believe and was mainly going by Rachel and posting about DID. Disappeared for a bit and was then in the community but with shit tons of care and support. Now she’s back making hospital rounds again as Casper.
Seems this time she’s scored the anorexic’s dream of an NG but the promise of zero weight gain. I think she wins the anachan points game for this one.

No. 1989548

File: 1714238284984.png (3.14 MB, 750x1334, AD4ACAF2-81CE-43DB-B5E7-C53581…)

Then she will go to MORE treatment.

No. 1989550

File: 1714238394415.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 77000AC4-6EA1-41C3-A110-F35B1E…)

And for extra points: probably put into a coma to be fed. Again.

No. 1989551

File: 1714238470879.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 4230A6A3-4B4A-4CE2-9C9E-D12A8D…)

Looks like she’s probably going to ICU coma already.

No. 1989552

imagine being such a pain in the ass that they decide to just knock you out whenever you're admitted rather than have to deal with you

No. 1989557

The account you're talking about only has 24 followers - smells like either a vendetta chan or self post for attention.

No. 1989569

she's a college freshman? she looks 45..and not even because of anorexia aging her, because she's not skinny at all, just looks old as fuck

No. 1989573

come on, that's complete and utter bullshit. we already discussed it last time, so sorry to bring it up again, but there's just no way the ICU/coma story is true. they're not gonna waste a bed in an ICU like that, get real.

No. 1989574

ayrt, you're right - I just thought it was funny that what she's bragging about would essentially amount to being the worst pain in the ass imaginable, not really a boast

No. 1989575

Honestly the already overworked nurses, doctors and NHS staff don’t get paid nearly enough to deal with the cows mentioned, especially ones like this. Half the time it’s like they have to be glorified babysitters to grown women.

No. 1989586

File: 1714245492901.png (410.06 KB, 426x619, Screen Shot 2024-04-27 at 2.17…)

If she got "abducted off the street", how does she have a little pile of stuffed animals in her room already? Lie better.

No. 1989600

btw anon in the bpd thread wrote that casper claimed that a satanic cult made her to eat her baby when she was 12, anyone knows about that? or why is she "traumatized" (as said in her bio)?

No. 1989607

File: 1714249839079.png (2.43 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9063.png)

7k but go off(sage your shit)

No. 1989614

That’s what she claimed when she used to post as different alters all the time during her decade plus IP stretch. Apparently grew up in a cult, I think in the States, ritual abuse, pregnant, gave birth, forced to eat it. That’s the story.

No. 1989618

Her name was Rachel and then it changed to cassie and then Casper. Been following her for years

No. 1989621

She used to be very open about DID and have different alters post. Then there was a weird assessment where it was found she apparently didn’t have it and she went all quiet after an explanation post which didn’t explain it at all. Changed from Rachel to Cassie, then to Casper: autistic, non binary, queer, no DID………She was finally discharged and in the community (with everything given to her of course and a ton of support) for years. Then the DID posts started sneaking back in (look at the badges she wears) and then the admissions started again.
Oh and she posthumously named the baby Hope. Idk what to say about that.

No. 1989630

I thought that too. And the pyjamas she made a scene out of changing into last night.

No. 1989647

Yeah iirc she fought for years to get her ED ward to diagnose the DID officially but they wouldn’t. However there was talk of going to IP somewhere (abroad maybe?) that was more trauma and/or dissociation focused I believe. It was after that supposed assessment she dropped the DID for autism, made a non-explanation post pinned to highlights for a while, and re-branded as “Casper”. I clearly remember her saying “I don’t have DID but the alters weren’t fake!” All these years on the farm and no cow has ever grinded my gears like this hag.

No. 1989651

19!? Jfc that is rough, did she spend her entire teen years in a tanning bed or something, the other anon is right she looks 45

No. 1989652

After being in hospital as long as she was she will be out on a CTO that means there will be a lost of things they can detain her in hospital for not following. She stated she was having a call with professionals and then later on she had been sectioned. She was probs hanging around the hospital grounds whilst on the phone. Also ICU's are so busy there is no way they would put her on one just to tube feed her. If they did this there would be many cases in the UK heard of before. ICU's are so busy and full of actually ill patients. Not sure either how she managed to stay so long in hospitals but now she benefits and easy admissions for life.

No. 1989656

I never understood the explanation.She made a post which was meant to explain 'why I thought I had a certain condition and what it actually was….' She didn't even name it and she certainly didn't explain it at all.
When people supported her in the DID claim (at the time of her saying she didn't have it) I remember her saying 'well you can't really know someone through social media', which is true but what was she trying to say? 'Don't support my DID claim because you couldn't tell I was lying to you all this time'? But now she's back on the DID track, although not so openly.

No. 1989664

File: 1714260890825.png (1.47 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240427-193418.png)

No. 1989668

her arms in this one actually look like she gained some weight

No. 1989672

40 or 45 . Sad life

No. 1989674

Kara is not in her 40s, kek, she's around 30.

No. 1989676

Aayrt, I had my own tinfoil that her 180 from frolicking the ward pretending to be a toddler to going dark then ditching the DID claims on return had something to do with consequences of a cow tipper. It had been a problem, farmers emailing screenshots like when she said she brought weed back after a pass, so I think it’s reasonable to guess that the right post finally made it to the right person. Maybe it affected that transfer, or they saw her signing posts as alters and larping ritual abuse and told her directly they’re not buying it. Maybe a version of all this where she just learned to limit what she posts publicly. Guess we’ll never really know though.

No. 1989678

File: 1714261819732.png (772.33 KB, 1092x745, Screen Shot 2024-04-27 at 6.49…)

I was bored and went to find evidence of her exact age. Per screenshot, she turned 30 in December 2021, which makes her 33.

No. 1989688

Weed? That's hilarious! I never saw that. I remember the main child alter well and a few others so I don't know what to think. If it's all fake she had me fooled.
After her last admission there were a lot of posts hinting at switching; saying she found posts and messages she didn't remember and wouldn't make, finding herself in places and not knowing how she got there, finding things she didn't remember buying, swapping 'I' to 'we' a lot.
I'm fucking nosy and I want to know

No. 1989742

why are you acting so incredulous when she says has an eating disorder and abuses laxatives (which dehydrate you), both of which can cause premature aging. not trying to white knight but the answers are right in front of your face.

No. 1989761

Damn. Anorexia really does age a person. The face wrinkles

No. 1989791

File: 1714305462354.jpg (583.73 KB, 1080x1911, 20240428_135455.jpg)

Damn, does this bitch live at Disney?? I swear she was just there

No. 1989873

Was wondering the same thing when Maria and Katy keep going off on holidays ! Think they are about to go to America. Where do they get the money?

No. 1989878

more importantly where the hell do they get the medical travel insurance? they must be a huge liability

No. 1989888

i think i remember them or one of them saying their parents are paying for their trips

No. 1989922

I don’t understand this one. Is she like 4 feet tall? Her face and collarbone area do not look like those of a 77 pound woman. Is she a midget or is she just lying

No. 1989936

i can't imagine being rich enough to do that and not going to actually interesting places like foreign countries or places with natural beauty/scenery. everything in her life is so artificial, it's really unnerving.

No. 1989950

California. Home to the 5150. What the fuck is she doing kek

No. 1989955

She’s 4 foot something and also has something wrong with her that required long term steroid usage iirc

No. 1989965

Kek, someone call again, please!
This. I mean, not sure if she should be traveling that much in her condition but, regardless, isn't there any other effing place in the world to go??

No. 1989977

Exactly! Or a safe to travel drs letter.

No. 1990043

File: 1714370166936.jpg (632.29 KB, 1080x1872, 20240429_072157.jpg)

Has this chick ever been brought up? She's become very spoopy recently yet continues to preach about recovery while completely ignoring the comments who are calling her out for it. Posted a video of her removing her ng tube. Looks potentially milky to me, could be wrong though.

No. 1990054

I’ve been lurking I promise but where is the proof that Grace/formerly Becca has actually been incestuous with her sister? I know all about the sexual abuse case and it was a creep as church group leader and her grandparents or some shit but I never saw ur mention her sister!!
Thanks in advance/apologies for the soood feeding request

No. 1990055

You’re so right, genuinely just a bunch of clones and the most pathetic people I’ve ever seen, at that

No. 1990079

Pretty sure she’s been mentioned before. She’s been pulling the same turned for a whole - constantly in and out of hospital with a toob but usually is a relatively normal/barely underweight. This is the first time I’ve seen her be this spoop. She’s annoying.

No. 1990092

Another Rachel……….Did we ever establish if Baby Bicep is alive?

No. 1990117

newfag sorry but is there an active cluster b(itches) thread yet ? the newest one i could find has almost 0 content on it

No. 1990123

No. 1990128

This post is her talking about making porn together for a sugar daddy. The name blurred out is Lucy which is her sister. I didn’t post it so I don’t know why that anon censored it she happily posted it herself to her own insta.

No. 1990135

Which case is that? Is that the witchcraft one that was in the news in Scotland not that long ago?

No. 1990137

calling an underwear photoshoot incest porn is a bit strong though

No. 1990164

They didn’t just do underwear photoshoots though. They made videos for him and also slept together in their 20s. The proof cannot be shared obviously.l

No. 1990166

she died

No. 1990169

File: 1714415820320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.65 KB, 524x650, IMG_9973.jpeg)

Okay, I have to step in and ask a probably very retarded question, but uh, her story is so similar to that other cow that would write trauma porn and was obsessed with Kayla Day/writing about her eating part of her dead baby, ritual abuse, etc. it’s like Soren died and Casper the ghost replaced them.

Did they ever interact? Their fake stories are so similar, it’s actually weird. I had Deja vu reading this comment. Realized I was thinking of pedophile an-hero Soren Daniel Hayes. Soren also claimed Anorexia.

Spoiler for fuggo

No. 1990172

How do you even know that’s true? If they can’t be shared then there’s no proof

No. 1990215

She told people. Who then went on to tell more people. She sent the nudes and underwear photo shoot to her friends too. Unexpected. May I add. I did not think I was going to open a message to her and her sisters asses on display with them both grinning at the camera. I don’t have the pictures I didn’t save them.

No. 1990223

Were they just posing nude together or were they performing sexual acts on each other? Taking nudes with your sister is definitely inappropriate but I certainly wouldn’t call it incest.

No. 1990228

Fake news

No. 1990243

File: 1714434105638.jpeg (2.82 MB, 4496x4496, IMG_2256.jpeg)

IMO she’s extremely milky. She’s constantly preaching recovery while posting her increasingly spoopy bodychecks. I know that’s not really out of the norm for these cows but there is something so smug about her that really grinds my gears. She plays dumb but she knows exactly what she’s doing, she never posted pictures like this of herself until recently when she became spoopy. Picrel is screenshots of her recent posts and some comments. Been wanting to post her for a while because imo she’s one of the worst proana cows on Instagram.

No. 1990249

Which country?

No. 1990251


No. 1990259

>i just had church that morning
interesting how a lot of these anachans also tend to be christfags, i wonder if their religiosity is correlated to OCD behaviors like their eating disorders are

No. 1990307

Any decent uk cows at the moment?

No. 1990328

read the thread

No. 1990329

Performing sex acts. He wanted Becca to teach her sister how to use sex toys. They literally fingered each other and god knows what else. Also sending those unsolicited to all her friends is like when men send dick pics. Pretty sure it’s a criminal offence and could be reported kek

No. 1990330

File: 1714461946477.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1753, 20240430_092345.jpg)

Don't forget about this post dedicated to her cat that passed away. Of course the first slide has to be a full body photo showing off her hip bones

No. 1990332

She's in Disneyworld, Florida just like last time which was like two weeks ago… She never visits California anymore.

No. 1990335

Holy shit nona, what an OG cow! Oddly enough, the whole ‘cult made me eat my baby’ thing made me think nearly the exact same. Goddam they don’t make them like they used to.

No. 1990338

File: 1714463290956.jpg (547.87 KB, 1080x1772, 20240430_094707.jpg)

Very subtle bodycheck kek

No. 1990340

The amount of people that she's told in real life and online means that even if she didn't really end up filming the video of her teaching her sister how to use a vibrator for £300 each then it was clearly some type of psychotic fantasy that she's been hung up on for years. The proof isn't being shared because it's highly illegal and goes beyond anon "bullying".
Sorry!? You're really gross lol I'd never pose in lingerie with my sister for money? Because it's…incest? Kek
I'm actually so fucking sorry she did that to you, too.
Delete&repost to remove a bunch of waffle not needed for the thread

No. 1990359

WOW, I’ve interacted with her on instagram before but I didn’t know this. I know sexual trauma can make a person behave very strangely in terms of future sexual behaviour but…making content WITH HER SISTER? That is disgusting. No excuse for that.

No. 1990364

File: 1714475631649.jpeg (659.77 KB, 1242x701, IMG_6690.jpeg)

Did anyone see Ganer had a piece done by the BBC? Slow news day, i guess. I’m unsure how to imbed a video so i apologise, but Google her name and BBC points west. I find it rather telling that the only account sharing this video is her own

No. 1990371

Oh really? Even when the person you’re making the videos for had requested sexual content made with your sister? It’s incestuous because Grace/Becca knew what she was doing and how the content she was providing would be used (some fucking creep having a wank). Using your sister for sexual content is fucking disgusting behaviour,regardless. So you can carry on being a pedantic little bitch and fighting the definition of incest if you like, but I don’t think any sane person would agree with you.

No. 1990373

i was genuinely curious about this myself til i realised i don’t actually care if she lives or dies (not that i wish her any harm, she’s just so incredibly insignificant)

No. 1990395

She looks way better physically now, but she just switched from one ed to another. Though I truly hope she is happier now, as she says on the video (I'll try to insert it here, sorry if it doesn't work).

No. 1990401

I mean it was my friend that told me and Cit told her. This was back when it first happened and Becca and Cit were the ‘bestest friends ever’

No. 1990461

Am I supposed to know who Cit is

No. 1990467

Sitting next to a toilet on a public bathroom floor, class.

No. 1990468

I was thinking this too kek

No. 1990474

This is proof that EDs are like an addiction, she literally cannot stop herself from bodychecking. The only other people who hang out on public bathroom floors are heroin addicts.

No. 1990475

Context clues tells us Cit is Beccas close friend. Not sure what else you need to know?

No. 1990491

File: 1714503845796.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.17 KB, 1179x259, IMG_0011.jpeg)

I’m glad someone else remembers. A true horrorcow. I never forget Soren because I knew them as a kid, found the tumblr stuff later.

If anyone has links to Casper’s original claims/posts, I’d love to dissect them and compare. Maybe Casper was Soren’s Kayla Day the whole time.

I promise milk, there’s plenty if weird pro Ana shit involved. Plus, I was always wondering who else was in that weird little rp group, maybe Casper was.

Spoiled for some actual fucked up reading material. This is part of the story that made me think of Casper.

No. 1990500

File: 1714505540731.jpeg (332.74 KB, 828x1402, 193EC471-4865-4E62-88C9-64A9CC…)

If she wanted to go home, she would simply put in the effort. But instead she sits about her hospital room (that is very much needed by other patients) and expects everyone to cater to and fix her “autism” and “eating disorder” and “super serious mental illness.”

No. 1990505

Deleted her old account when she became ‘Casper’ and stopped all the DID stuff (until recently). I can’t even remember the name of the account. I think it was called ‘Mending my selves’ or something for a bit towards the end but it had some name changes.
Weirdly I’ve heard the same cult/religious abuse story from multiple people too, one person I used to know personally and was close with until she split on me and kicked me out of her life (as she does everyone at some point). I don’t know if she was ever posted but she’s not cowish these days. Very similar story but no baby eating. I don’t know why there are so many people claiming the same thing. I know they’re all very messed up from something though.

No. 1990507

Omg WHAT was that I just read?! Is that a video description or something? Who’s Cherry? What the hell is the context of this?

No. 1990510

Speaking of Casper, she’s been uncharacteristically quiet for how she is in these admissions so I’m wondering if it’s coma time already.

No. 1990535

Maybe a tinfoil, but I'm seriously wondering if Ganer is on anabolic steroids of some kind? Her voice has dropped like, half an octave in the last year (video from April 2023 linked for comparison)

No. 1990537

Samefag, but the voice drop is especially obvious in a more recent video from March of this year

No. 1990550

File: 1714516959504.png (3.74 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240430-184146.png)

not sure what you mean at all, she's been posting like at least ten stories a day

No. 1990551

Oh my sweet summer child… this is only the tip of the iceberg.. go on.. read.. >>101679
And be glad that this creature was released from whatever mental illness caused this

No. 1990558

Oh I can see that one. I didn't see any others today but I wasn't where I usually am and had dodgy connection. Anything happen in the others?

No. 1990572

You’ve never had therapy you say? It’s not
Obvious at all that you haven’t actually recovered kek.

No. 1990575

I have . A few years back there were far more uk cows- Claire, journey to Emma, elzani, smorven, Molly, Ro , ganer, Scarlett, twins had more milk , paris. Now there is hardly anyone .

No. 1990580

he died?

No. 1990582

she killed herself

No. 1990587

The cows of old were some fucked up crazy shit. All these babies nowadays don’t even compare. I’m so glad trigger warnings don’t exist here. These softies need to be thrown headfirst into the Soren or Kelly Ronahan threads with no context.

No. 1990588

Is there actual concrete evidence this time..?

No. 1990639

Anon who knew Soren irl- yes. She is dead. Actually dead. I think it was accidental-on-purpose. The only real, true thing outside of her tits being removed was her suicide and being adopted. I knew her sister, confirmed after many anons could not believe it.

Anyone who does read it should only feel comfort in knowing the depravity they read is simply a work of fiction.

No. 1990656

File: 1714550588425.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1772, IMG_8256.jpeg)

Jesus Christ she looks so different. Either she gained weight or tried to hang herself or hit herself so hard her head is now swollen. Either way she looks fucked

No. 1990660

didn't she get some horrific infection after mutilating herself with bottom surgery?

No. 1990680

She looks like she has some kind of syndrome. And grimy as ever, I see. Does she wash?

No. 1990681

she looks like a strung out drug abuser

No. 1990698

That’s because she is. Hope this helps

No. 1990700

She’s sucking her cheeks in very obviously. She posted about being puffy before and it did look as if it was definitely water retention rather than weight gain

No. 1990730

Incest is for sure a criminal offence. The guy could be done I'm sure and the ladies can be as well.

No. 1990732

Those with MHI will friend those with other MHI. They then like you see with headbanging also take on others trauma and use it as their own. Seems to be a UK thing with the whole cult stuff. Maybe it's because they can claim severe trauma without having to back it up. If they had eaten anything from a corpse they are then involved with concealing a body, death etc

No. 1990754

File: 1714582681427.jpeg (619.97 KB, 828x1493, 750A8B2A-3F5C-4A60-8CC1-EDA495…)

wow such a recovery focused lunch han is having. 290 is definitely enough to gain weight

No. 1990767

I don’t want to wk but there are plenty of people who suffered some kind of abuse as children and either only reported it as adults and the police didn’t do much/anything, or they never officially reported it to police despite disclosing it to therapists etc.
I’m not saying that means there was baby eating, but there are lots of people abused at a young age whose abusers still walk free and no legal process ever took place. They might even be a part of the person’s family that they still interact with on some level.

No. 1990772

Elzani was the best !
Paris was ridiculous.

No. 1990801

File: 1714595081144.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.52 KB, 750x1024, 6FA6848D-1755-4E61-A29D-B18D4A…)

Anyone notice Lucinda hasn’t posted since this on Feb 28th?
No gobbledegook caption but the usual unicorns and cuteness mixed with creepy dolls and body checks. She seemed in a positive frame of mind when she last posted, but then she always does…….
Spoiler for emaciation and scars.

No. 1990804

People posting their scars online need to be in lockdown

No. 1990806

She has them all over and has forever. I don’t think she can really cover them up. Idk, you get used to her.

No. 1990807

doesn't she have her own thread?

No. 1990817

AYRT:Ikr, I also noticed how Ganer's voice had changed, but I didn't know steroids could do that. As I mentioned before, she just traded anorexia for vigorexia, she still looks disordered.

Yes, but nobody keeps posting in Lucinda's thread anymore:

No. 1990840

Yeah there is but the stories these people claim are too similar too each other. End of the day if they can post these things so graphically on social media then they can anonymously report people involved. Crimes, if these people are to be believed have been committed. People with deep trauma don't usually post it in such detail on places they can be identified.

No. 1990850

She’s sucking in her cheeks like she’s got a lemon wedge in her mouth, she looks utterly pathetic. Suck in all you want abby it doesn’t make you look skinnyyyyy it makes you look like a fool.

No. 1990900

File: 1714610706203.png (1.84 MB, 853x1598, Screenshots_2024-05-01-20-44-2…)

No. 1990901

Anon, I hope you are thriving, it seems like knowing Soren irl would cast a very dark and morbid patina over one’s entire being. Glad you can separate the disgusting bs from reality and not make it your reality. Stay well.

No. 1990974

No. 1990975

You say “was” as if Paris isn’t still doing the same old shit on repeat

No. 1990976

Is this sarcasm? Why tf should people keep years old scars covered up?!

No. 1990981

Not being funny but I'm pretty sure ayrt is talking about posting a fucking picture of an emaciated arm covered in scars when the focus of the picture is the emaciated arm covered in scars and not about people existing with scars.

No. 1990982

Looks like 290kcal

No. 1990983

I don’t want to derail the thread too much, but I appreciate the sentiment, nona. When I knew Soren, I was a kid. She moved away to California, and most of her “dark” energy really was kept online. In real life, she was just some huge dork who lied about everything, even with having an actual “traumatic” backstory. I actually found out about a lot of her bullshit when she faked someone’s death named “danny”. She had taken that story from someone who did die at that age. Someone who happened to be a good friend of mine.

You’d have no clue otherwise (save for her going to actual conferences for abuse victims). I think of her family a lot, I mostly pray that her sister experiences peace.

Yes, but she killed herself, did not die from the infection. Pretty sure she also posted pictures of her gape.

What you read was a description Soren took from an actual video (parts of it is fictionalized) of a real abused child. Soren made a fan fiction about it and made their entire existence based around said fucked-fiction. I do not push you to ever read about her.

No. 1991022

Does anyone know what happened to that young blonde girl, I believe her name was Hanna? I think she was German, and she posted pics of her inpatient where she was strapped to the bed with a huge belt/buckle like thing? I cant remember her username on ig, she might have gone off social media altogether. I'm sure she was posted here.

No. 1991047

Wow; who would want to watch a video of a real child being abused?! I like horror but stuff like A Serbian Film, I've heard about and never ever want to see. That's not entertainment, even though you know it's fake! Who seeks out a real abuse video and loves it so much they make a fan fic?! Surely it's illegal to even watch?! And just WHY?!

No. 1991059

kek i bet she's fucking buzzing that thousands more people have seen her skelly pics now. also it seems Ganer has been in multiple news publications now, does she seek them out herself??

No. 1991104

At least now she’s not dancing with her mum filming eating chocolate bars.

No. 1991107

File: 1714673000045.png (5.51 MB, 1170x2532, 1B6289A7-D406-482B-916F-FB07B1…)

Jaycie claiming to have relapsed despite not having lost a single ounce of weight.

No. 1991114

Kek, I never understand why fatties try to larp anorexia. Like just go on a normal diet and you’ll be fine

No. 1991135

Yes she does have to get back on track with her diet so she can lose weight and be a healthy weight. These fatty markers annoy the shit out of me. Being actually anorexic isn’t cute and fun it’s torture. Stop pretending you know what it’s like.

No. 1991137

File: 1714679726208.jpg (248.26 KB, 1440x901, Collage_2024-05-02_15_52_56~2.…)

a cow i've been following for a ling time and she's been fat the whole time just constantly posting old pics with pathetic captions trying to get people to comment telling her she still looks good

No. 1991154

always losing and gaining back the same 300g

No. 1991156

Is she the new Laura? She also ballet dances and everything

No. 1991176

I thought you could only see the number of likes on your own posts? Doesn’t it just say ‘xx and others liked this’

No. 1991181

you can choose to hide them or show them in profile settings. could still be a self post, her profile is private though and I don’t care enough to follow her and find out

No. 1991183

it depends what settings the instagram account has, some let you see likes and some don't

No. 1991185

and this is why we never get new cows. you cunts always insist it's a self post.

No. 1991204

Anyone know how ol’ Dusty is doing? I miss that ancient cow.

No. 1991217

When she was at she was never that fat and when she was thin she was never that thin.

No. 1991231

I just went down that rabbit hole, Jesus Christ

No. 1991252

Yeah, this person pretty much follows everyone that follows any ED account, trying to numbers max. You should have included some of her recent selfies, because she looks terrifyingly a lot like michael jackson with how much skin lightener filters she applies.

No. 1991288

File: 1714731371347.jpg (350.89 KB, 1362x1441, Collage_2024-05-03_06_14_51~2.…)

No. 1991326

File: 1714748022882.jpg (252.42 KB, 719x808, IMG_20240503_095237.jpg)

Ashley Isaacs is still posting, amazing she can even stand long enough for a picture

No. 1991331

I know this girl, not personally but she used to have an “alt light” anti sjw tumblr and was pretty popular around 2016/2017. I can’t remember her username but I’ll see if I can find anything.

No. 1991342

Ashley should donate her body to science. Not joking nor wishing anything wrong to her at all, just saying she seems invincible.

No. 1991346

File: 1714751259241.jpg (264.88 KB, 1914x863, woof.JPG)

I posted here from the third Ashley thread and posted regularly until a few years ago. That "every time someone asks "how is she still alive??" adds a year to her life must be a real thing.

Been curious what happened to the anachans around that time - Crying Emily and Laura, Georgia, N2f, Casper, etc. and it's great to see N2F being hygienic and the babe.

As there's been a few old time anas being posted,I found this of Becky the Dog who's signed to a "Talent Agency" http://www.starktalent.tv/ She looks to have someway recovered, but no recent selfies on her insta @heybooxy.


No. 1991358

That hair is tragic, and that’s the cut and style she chose for a “professional” photoshoot… damn

No. 1991364

Correct me if I’m wrong nonnie, but I think these are relatively old photos as in, a couple of years ago now (talking 2016/17ish), before she went super spoop. She used to be in college, doing dance and having a somewhat social life etc before she ended up in an ED unit. I only say this as I vaguely remember her having this hair cut and the nose piercing etc.

No. 1991366

File: 1714755667594.jpg (521.03 KB, 720x987, 1.jpg)

kind of scary

No. 1991378

File: 1714757608743.jpeg (534.19 KB, 1169x2181, IMG_6857.jpeg)

She is one of the most self indulging and Ed indulging people I’ve seen online. Getting her parents to write their perspective about how oh so sick and fragile she is and plastering it on her recovery account is just so cringe. I get this is an older post but her newer posts of her obsessing over how small she is just shows that all she cares about in life is how sick she seems to others

No. 1991379

Kind? Kind? Everything EC does is nuts. Though I like the dress and the fact that she is not wearing pornstar clothes lately.

No. 1991380

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No. 1991381

Disney character actors probably see as much shit as EMTs. But at least the EMT doesn't have to make joyful full body contact with the crippled, retarded and dying.

No. 1991382

File: 1714757831072.jpg (Spoiler Image,272.48 KB, 1080x1897, anorexic for a week.jpg)

But didn't she only start wearing specs while she was a spoop? That ana style oversize sweater,though.

Yeah, sometime around 2020 she made a big deal about how she'd been prescribed her "Harry Potter" glasses. She DOES look younger in that profile, but maybe it's because her face has filled out.

What happened to Ham (@hannahfightsthis)? She went to uni and closed her ig account. And CeCe. Posh Molly? What happened to her? I miss that lot.

Going back through threads, I saw that Paris had a video made about her by the chest pains guy. How is he so late to the party and why is he obsessed with young anorexic women? End of reminiscing


She said she'd been pushed to believe she had alters by her therapist and the DID thing was fake. Faking DID was as rampant as people faking Tourettes. I guess she just jumped on the bandwagon, reading too many SRA conspiracy stories. Anything to stay in hospitals because she's so institutionalised.

No. 1991397

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No. 1991416

I miss smug ass Cece too but genuinely couldn’t stand dumb, tubby Ham and boring, sheltered Molly. I feel like the threads took a turn for the worse around the time they came along and fell off a cliff they’ve yet to recover from with Niamh.

No. 1991422

File: 1714764208949.jpg (81.38 KB, 720x720, tumblr_n52eeix6wu1qf7o51o1_128…)

Found her, her account is deactivated though and there's no archive, I can't remember her original account name on there but I wish I could. It might not be archived either but it was full of milk, maybe skim but she was such a pick me for rightoid tards, it was embarrassing to see. She was late twenties around 2016 I believe so she must be mid/late 30's now.

No. 1991433

File: 1714767032898.jpg (559.77 KB, 1080x1683, 20240503_220517.jpg)

Speaking of Ham and Cece, does anyone have any news on our lizard king Nik? He hasn't posted on his IG since December.

Man do I feel like a massive degenerate for missing this era of the thread as much as I do kek

No. 1991438

File: 1714768576498.jpg (68.2 KB, 490x370, tumblr_inline_p5pekySwFZ1u0a92…)

Found another one

No. 1991449

Adding to reminiscing……..Anyone remember French Celine (@freeetheflan or something like that)? In and out of hospitals like a yoyo.

No. 1991451

I like his outfit tbh.

No. 1991462

File: 1714773697624.png (84.08 KB, 1615x774, mnbvcfxdxcgvbnm.png)

Samefag, sorry for all the posts but I found both her old tumblrs archives. One is nyc-conservative and she had that one from around 2016 to 2019. Then she moved to thotpatroleum and had that one from around 2021 to 2023, she didn't seem to post as much political stuff on that one though. I'm not sure if she had other tumblrs but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a couple I'm missing. I'll post milk if I find any but so far everything is pretty bland. Also I was wrong about her age she is 29 like it says on instagram, and her first name is Gabbie. She seems like a bpd cow though, I saw a post about bpd awareness and this gem on her newest deleted blog. She went to her friends wedding and then came home and decided to kill herself, I guess it didn't go anywhere but what a way to make your friends wedding about you kek.

No. 1991464

File: 1714774166440.jpeg (272.8 KB, 749x1100, E4BCE002-55E1-4B23-A064-08AF39…)

Luci's back! She had a seizure and ‘bad complications’? It didn’t improve her typing skills……Genuinely wish her the best though.

No. 1991481

File: 1714778597403.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 711F3B1B-AE27-4917-B9EC-8328FB…)

Casper is literally shitting herself in a diaper and thinks it’s important to tell everyone and ‘stop stigma’. Or something.

No. 1991483

File: 1714779222202.png (2.45 MB, 750x1334, C747F02E-BEFF-4EFC-907E-5E671B…)

No. 1991484

File: 1714779487461.jpeg (359.88 KB, 750x1108, 0A942966-C6A9-4250-90AB-C3A2A9…)

What apparently happened when they ‘grabbed her off the street’ to section her.

No. 1991485

File: 1714779529783.jpeg (312.06 KB, 750x1102, FAE83ED2-3676-41E8-BF9C-44A01A…)

No. 1991487

File: 1714780197265.jpeg (257.45 KB, 750x1027, D4716398-3BD1-4F1E-8887-734645…)

How does she get so much? They are all so concerned with her but others in similar positions are never snatched up by Mh teams as they leave their houses, followed down the street, told they’ll have their door kicked in to rescues them and take them off to hospital……… And then if she goes out of hospital and there isn’t an Ed bed she will be snatched up again and have the refeeding all over again. Many others are in similar positions and can’t even speak to a mh team in the phone, but here she is having them stalk her to her house. I can’t get over this all.

No. 1991488

File: 1714780292095.jpeg (384.42 KB, 750x1052, D47EE2AF-EED5-4BFF-B2B3-C4F387…)

Why don’t they just say ‘you’ve had enough?!’ Is there ever a limit for her?

No. 1991503

thanks anon for finding all this, i'm cringing. she's pathetic. the old pics she keeps posting are literally about 11 years old from what i can tell, and she's so obsessed with them still and that she'll get back to that weight, but she's only gained more since i've followed her. these fat cows who can't let go of their glory days are so embarrassing, if it's been over 10 damn years since you were whatever you considered skinny at the time, let it go bitch!

No. 1991508

File: 1714782270649.png (1.52 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240503-202320.png)

gorgeous pic, Abby. very zombie-like.

No. 1991513

Wonder which EDU she will end up in.

No. 1991514

Is smorven still about and IP? Still in ED denial ?

No. 1991517

she censors her ed on instagram, on twitter she mentions she got refeeding syndrome. they probably had her ng tube on too high calories too soon. refeeding syndrome can be fatal so it sounds like she's struggling to recover from these "complications". she's lucky to be alive tbh especially since i believe she had open heart surgery last year as well.

No. 1991555

File: 1714794945126.png (1.78 MB, 1080x2106, 1000022196.png)

Our ~super fragile ana queen~ Soph is out of residential and shamelessly posted her Starbucks drink order that must be at least 500 calories? (nutritional content aside, that shit sounds disgustingly sweet)

No. 1991583

File: 1714801849015.jpeg (474.87 KB, 1179x2096, E9BF0CF4-1CDE-48AD-914F-F30B66…)

ahhhhh that sweet spoopy spoop pic was much needed right? well she’s stable but she needs to drop it with the bodychecks

No. 1991595

What’s actually wrong with her? Why does she type like that? Why did she need open heart surgery?

No. 1991596

Go peep her own thread it has been explained a million times why she is the way she is. Why is she even brought here when she, again, has her own damn thread

No. 1991605

>Why does she type like that?

You must be new here kek

No. 1991613

ugh that is fuckin disgusting, but i always kinda liked her. she's an actual spoop and so much less dramatic and attention seeking than most of the wannabes discussed here.

No. 1991631

i’ll probably cop the hi cow ban for this but idc. colours stfu and stop clogging up the thread, it’s so ridiculously obvious when it’s you posting.

No. 1991646

she'll be back to being a gigaspoop in a year, mark my words. she is the most predictable cow out there

No. 1991650

File: 1714826738028.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2042, 20240504_144400.jpg)

Tbh I don't buy it

No. 1991651

File: 1714827274643.jpg (578.91 KB, 1079x1791, 1000017577.jpg)

This lady is always showing off her ana body and loves the attention

No. 1991652

File: 1714827393074.jpg (714.2 KB, 1079x1708, 1000017579.jpg)

Using modeling as an excuse

No. 1991657

It was my understanding that her own thread was dead.

No. 1991659

She's been doing it forever.She's pretty boring.

No. 1991660

This was reasonable milk, what's wrong with you?

No. 1991665

deadass.(unintegrated, non-contribution)

No. 1991686

Then post it without the blatantly obvious sperging about how you don't get any services wah wah

No. 1991709

this feels like a vendetta. Everytime she’s posted it barely gets engagement. She’s doing better and isn’t milky. Drinking something sugary and doing well after treatment isnt milk.

No. 1991720

She’s honestly exhausting to watch. It’s boring at this point like we get it you keep relapsing then go to tx and gain weight but never actually get better to relapse immediately when you’re not institutionalized. A sad life. And just when you think maybe she gets it this time, the body checking “let me prove how sick I was” pictures and posts come right back.(sage your shit)

No. 1991781

I almost said this same thing. The colours posts are so obvious

No. 1991782

cue a seething post on her instagram about how we "always accuse her of posting things that she didn't even post". it's like she literally lives the same day over and over again, she's so predictable

No. 1991786

File: 1714855379427.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1987, IMG_3429.jpeg)

I have kept a good eye on olde dusty (love calling her that lmao) for a long time. She’s been basically MIA. She barely posts on tumblr, last post is three months ago and I am not sure about insta. Things are about the same though. Weird relationship with doctor V. Vague posting about being sad. She is/was in day treatment again. Her weird relationship with her boyfriend who susses me tf out seems to be still a thing. she has a shit bull she posts sometimes. is learning to drive, Posted about drivers ed. Don’t know how much of a good idea that is. Apparently also has a job (?). This is an older post I meant to actually screenshot and post here. Took a new screen but it’s an older post. She’s been a personal cow of mine since about 2017. She doesn’t seem to do the weird shit she used to as much but here and there she does. The cutting herself in the therapist office because he was leaving then taking a photo of the puddle of blood.. then the dude killing himself a few months later just.. mmmmm

No. 1991788

File: 1714856315324.jpeg (185.83 KB, 750x1033, D9806F61-E82B-4E4F-89C6-B29E09…)

Sorry I couldn’t seem to get the text and the weird half face, which really makes her look like a Dr Seuss character, in the same shot.

No. 1991789

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No. 1991792

I realky got my hopes up seeing Nik and Cece mentioned. I was the nona who made the turboautist collages of cece during the cece show threads & the collage of nik’s many lookalikes. Now I just sorrowfully lurk this thread hoping for that era of milk to return in some form

No. 1991794

i can believe it, isn't she hella short? it also looks like she has some sort of endocrine disorder that causes disproportionate fat accumulation around the stomach because her legs look like twigs.

No. 1991798

Damn, thanks! Hopefully she’ll pop back up. I followed her on tumblr forever ago but never closely and didn’t know much about her until seeing her posted about here so it was amusing to realize she was someone I followed a thousand years ago. I can’t imagine her actually working or operating a vehicle but if she’s making progress then good for her.

No. 1991799

File: 1714860962625.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1977, IMG_6751.jpeg)

The selfie in the ring cam really cracks me up, shows she’s not really happy to be home at all … where will she get all 24/7 attention from now?!

No. 1991802

Probably doesn't matter but… her twitter is updating, her instagram returned page not found, and she's not answering curiouscat posts lately.

No. 1991814

You, nonna, are a legend! I'm the one who made the thread that used the Pencilnik lookalikes collage as thread pic kek

No. 1991818

File: 1714867884368.png (1.42 MB, 853x1179, Screenshots_2024-05-04-20-09-4…)

okay weirdo, i'm so sure the reason you took this pic was to show off your shirt. dork.

No. 1991820

Oh my god I remember her! She nearly looks like a different person

No. 1991821

one of the worst, most shameless e-beggers we ever had in this thread

No. 1991878

cushing syndrome ass build

No. 1991883

>>It didn’t improve her typing skills……
We all should know by know that it's her act to appear quirky and unique (apart from the cuttings, that is).

No. 1991894

blows my mind that people think that her fucked up typing is not all an act. i don't understand the interest with her at all.

No. 1991898

I found her interesting at first because she was just a change of speed from the typical ed cow (not affluent, seemed to have different other psych issues, etc) but she got tedious extremely fast because she just does the same incoherent shit over and over

No. 1991900

>>1991022 Her username was liveonfilmbyhana iirc. A few months ago I got curious too and found her because I used to follow her, and she had changed her username and deleted all of the photos crying and anything related to her ED, but had posted new ones where she looked a lot healthier.
I can't find her anymore, she may have deleted her account. I hope she's still in recovery, I genuinely felt bad for her. She's so young too.

No. 1991901

I just though that was because her primary language isn't english and her eyesight is failing due to malnutrition. No?

No. 1991902

A lot of what she types would be fixed by autocorrect. She has to be doing it on purpose.

No. 1991903

samefag, but just to point out one example: there's no way something like that "seizzure" in >>1991464
wouldn't get autocorrected. it's so close to the correct spelling.

No. 1991920

It was a joke.

No. 1991921

She must turn off autocorrect or she'd be fighting it with every word. Or her phone is set to her first language so doesn't autocorrect English (but then it would probably still try to change all words to something that made sense in whatever language it was set to. I feel ignorant I don't know what her first language is; she's in South or Central America somewhere though).

No. 1991938

She's from and lives in Puerto Rico, which is why she has been able to go to the US for medical care without any logistical issues around visas/etc. Her native language is Spanish.

No. 1992007

god please no more sperging over lucinda's typing style, just read her old threads because there is page after page of this sort of discussion

No. 1992071

See Katy and Maria are in Orlando in a huge house, going round all the food shops….

No. 1992095

unless i missed something, the only places i saw them go were starbucks and target lmao

No. 1992105

This is an imageboard. Post screenshots.

No. 1992119

Evidence that she lurks here, she started responding to CC posts right after this.

No. 1992176

it's already common knowledge she lurks here, she's posted memes from her own thread on Twitter before

No. 1992182

>right after
you mean a whole day later

No. 1992186

Luci's IG was never down for me. You must be blocked.

No. 1992208

She’s never going to get better if she doesn’t get off of social media. I’m sure her team has told her that many times but she can’t give up all the asspats and interaction she gets from posting her spoop self. Honestly it’s such a depressing life to have that be your main source of dopamine

No. 1992256

File: 1715025807736.jpg (680.74 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-05-06_11_42_33.jp…)

sorry i accidentally posted this in the cluster b thread and it's too late to delete it

No. 1992307

That's pretty normal for those who aren't terminally online…

No. 1992314

Claire greaves would still probably be alive if they had taken her iPad off her - it was really sad

No. 1992350

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No. 1992358

cute baby. shame about her mother

No. 1992359

thank god she said that she's planning for this to be her last baby

No. 1992369

Poor baby, weighing more than her mother. I guess her children would develop eating disorders too, considering their mother? That's so sad.

No. 1992391

Wow what an ironic comment.

No. 1992409

i don't know anything about babies. what does it mean when she says the baby is back to her birth weight?

No. 1992413

Said she's growing fast so maybe the baby has grown in height? I really hope that's what she means but "back to birth weight" does sound worrying, like the baby would have lost weight. Shouldn't babies gain both height and weight as they grow?

No. 1992415

babies lose a bit of weight right after they're born, it's normal. they hold a lot of fluid

No. 1992417

Kids don’t automatically develop an ED because a parent has one. There is a genetic component that puts them at risk but that doesn’t mean they will develop one.

No. 1992418

Healthy newborns are expected to lose up to 10% of their birth weight by the time they leave the hospital. As long as they have regained within 2-3 weeks there is no concern.

No. 1992421

File: 1715096304422.jpg (703.31 KB, 1080x1825, 20240507_173707.jpg)

Kek at the way she matched her shorts to her bandages

No. 1992423

thank you nonnas that makes sense

No. 1992441

File: 1715103037936.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1179x2379, IMG_4614.jpeg)

Is she relapsing? Or just lost some weight. Hoping she isn’t

No. 1992443

lmao stop. she looks massive in some recent pics i've seen posted by herself and lauren.(*bones rattling*)

No. 1992457

File: 1715108885897.jpeg (313.95 KB, 1853x1309, IMG_2569.jpeg)

Casual body image check pull the jeans back behind you to show how thin your legs are .

No. 1992484

And thankfully her kids all seem normal and healthy, despite being starved in the womb. I think she and her husband are extremely irresponsible in continuing to have more kids after she was hospitalized with her earlier pregnancies, hopefully the kids stay healthy and grow up relatively unscathed. And she’s one who would benefit from being cut off from social media, she loves posting all her underweight and hospital selfies. Without IG she’d have less of a reason to stay sick/ no need to prove she’s still sick.

No. 1992531

Emily you ask this in basically every thread. You look fine(hi cow)

No. 1992572

How is that ironic

No. 1992577

Somehow I don’t think the massive stash of artificial sweeteners on the coffee table were included with the vacation rental! That’s kinda hilarious, they both use inhuman amounts of that shit. I’ll never forget the picture of their coffees literally COVERED in Canderel (I think Equal in the US is the same stuff, it’s much sweeter than sugar or Splenda) tablets like they were fucking sprinkles. I have nothing against the use of artificial sweeteners and use them myself but that image broke my brain because it was probably grosser than an old N2F syrup slop concoction.

What’s up with this trip anyway? Is it like a gift from their parents for completing (lol) a treatment program? Maria and Katy totally fascinate me and wish more of their shit was posted here.

No. 1992578

I'm also really curious how they're funding their travel and why they suddenly started traveling. It seems like they're doing a trip every 3-4 months and I don't see where they'd get the money considering that neither has ever worked

No. 1992581

It was posted ITT that their parents (both are authors and journalists; their mother has written about them for the Daily Mail at least once) are paying for it, I’m just wondering why and why now?

No. 1992582

I think we've bee assuming that because there's nowhere else the money could really come from, yeah, although journalists usually aren't that wealthy.

No. 1992586

File: 1715155676604.jpeg (255.53 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_6311.jpeg)

Oops, sorry I thought there was confirmation but I don’t see any. No clue how much her parents actually make but they both seem pretty established and have had long careers and do other writing in addition to journalism. I’m assuming they help Maria and Katy financially at least a bit considering they always seem to have spending money. Still don’t know how they actually paid but they booked through TUI. I’m not from the UK so have no idea what kind of price range their packages are but I guess it’s possible they saved for the trip. She says “villa” but vacation home rentals in the Orlando area actually tend to be very affordable. Them staying in a vacation rental does make me wonder how tf they’re getting around though; obviously they can’t rent a car like the average family on vacation would do. I haven’t been to Disney World in like 20 years but from what I remember any non resort property is a good drive away. Reasonably priced hotels near the theme parks are (or were) pretty dumpy so rentals are still worth it and many have pools. I hope they’ve enjoyed their trip and just to be clear and in case either reads here I’m not at all shitting on then for however it was paid for I’m just really nosy.

No. 1992587

they can just uber around

No. 1992588

Technically yes, but that gets expensive quickly in a city as spread out as Orlando.

No. 1992589

so far I think they've just gone to starbucks and a grocery store, right? like, you're totally right for normal people on vacation, but I would fully believe they might just go to the park for one day and spend the rest of it walking from their rental house to starbucks

No. 1992592

File: 1715157250047.png (480.55 KB, 416x689, Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 3.28…)

apparently they're staying in a house in four corners, according to this post

No. 1992593

File: 1715157325596.png (41.45 KB, 443x244, Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 3.35…)

and looks like they're ubering around

No. 1992595

True, it doesn’t seem like they’ve done much other than go to a theme park or two, Starbucks, and Walmart trips. Seems like Maria was very impressed with Walmart lol.
Thanks, I don’t know how I missed that while reading comments. Hopefully they had some fun swimming in the pool or something while they weren’t on outings and didn’t just do whatever they normally do but in a new location.

No. 1992618

File: 1715174835664.jpeg (293.85 KB, 1219x915, AE591AEF-B282-4D2E-8A77-3C71CD…)

Sydney showing how “recovered” she is by posting a before/after… has nothing to with wanting to remind how emaciated she was before being forced to gain weight bc she’s insecure.

It’s so unhelpful to the people who would die before they got to the before. It’s also the easiest part of recovery when you're in 24/7 treatment, you're gonna gain weight it's so expected and boring. there's way more impressive and meaningful ways to show she’s doing better. weight gain literally means nothing considering she does it multiple times a year like clockwork

No. 1992622

Because she was featured so much on here.

No. 1992624

read the thread before posting next time, this tiktok has already been discussed

No. 1992635

She’s the worst type of chronic anorexic. No one needs to see her document her relapses over and again but she craves the asspats each time for restoring and then for being “so brave” by returning back to ERC Denver for another revolving door stay

No. 1992638

File: 1715181256417.jpeg (582.03 KB, 1179x2096, C2654AD6-1694-4E92-B219-884014…)

sage bc don’t know if it counts as milk, but i have a genuine question about this girl. (@sarcorke on instagram )like, she’s been like this forever by now and doesn’t seem to be wanting to recover? but like, what does she suffer from? anirexia or is, as said, no milk and she’s just ill with something else, but if it’s anorexia, why no one seems to be bothered by it? she have some general admission for iron/fluids/etc but never something seriously helpful for her (?) why? someone knows something? sorry

No. 1992644

it was awhile ago, so i will have to take some time to look for it, but i definitely remember katy posting in one of her instagram captions saying their parents are sending them on trips now while they're still able to travel

No. 1992705

I was gonna say it could be gastroparesis too, but then I saw her nice trendy headbanging wound. definitely anorexia and probably bpd.

No. 1992733

The fuck is a Gluten Advocate? Kek.

No. 1992780

File: 1715216360131.png (1.63 MB, 853x1544, Screenshots_2024-05-08-20-58-3…)

No. 1992781

this feels like they're tired of her malingering and trying to live in hospitals and so now her care plan is basically 'treat and yeet'

No. 1992782

rattle rattle

No. 1992791

She just gets to pick and choose whether she's going to engage or not when she gets there?! She actually told them that. She gets to sit and think about all these treatment options and say 'I guess I'll go and then when I get there I'll decide if I want to engage or not.'
I don't have any more words for this beyond privileged drain.

No. 1992797


I will never understand why in a system with so few beds and so high a need. if they say they don’t want to engage or have become a revolving door patient, why they don’t just let them go home to die.

No. 1992799

imagine the news articles / bad publicity and liability. once someone is involved with services, they can't just let them die.

No. 1992816

So stabilize them and let them go. You can’t force someone to recover from an ED. It’s time these bed blockers stop wasting precious bed space when they clearly have no intention of recovering and are literally saying themselves they don’t want to engage.

No. 1992817

that's what they told her that they were going to do - they're going to get her weight up and send her home asap, trying to minimize the amount of time that she's there. I don't understand why you're angry about that. Isn't that exactly what you're arguing for, since it then keeps the bed as free as possible for someone else?

No. 1992819

not the anon you're replying to, but isn't this what she was just doing in a medical hospital? why would they send her to an edu to do the same thing they can do in a medical hospital?

No. 1992820

my guess is that they want to get her weight higher so she stops bouncing in and out of medical hospitals, but who knows because she'll definitely just lose all the weight again as soon as they discharge her

No. 1992821

No that’s not stabilizing. Stabilize means her bloods are fine and she’s not at risk of imminent death. You don’t need an EDU for it. I couldn’t care less I’m not angry I don’t live in her country I just don’t understand the point. Of entertaining these revolving doors on such limited resources. I’m in the US if you don’t comply you’re out as fast as you walked in there, and if you can’t pay, they do the bare minimum so you don’t die and turn you back on the streets. These people don’t get better under the NHS I don’t understand why no one in administration isn’t bitching about it. Different system, I guess.

No. 1992835

File: 1715229328812.png (768.43 KB, 911x591, Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 11.3…)

The twins definitely seem to be more excited about walmart than disney, kek

No. 1992871

Same as Eugenia. The human body is fucking amazing.

No. 1992932

Not anon, but I would guess based on her behavior she’s too much of a pain in the ass nut job so they want her antics out of the regular medical unit and instead put her with people paid to deal with the psychiatric tantrums she throws. I agree with the anon that says it looks like they just want to treat and yeet and suspect that’s her real issue: she’s mad they won’t let her gallivant around the unit as she pleases, for as long as she pleases, anymore.

No. 1992946

File: 1715269258088.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, 88E14C8C-65A0-42E2-A197-F41954…)

She really can just pick and choose can’t she?

No. 1992963

Sarah is lovely and not milky at all. She rarely posts photos of herself and never shows her body because she doesn't want to trigger anyone. Yes she's got anorexia but as a result also has severe gastroparesis, I don't fully understand how people remain so underweight when they are in constant care (either general hospital, ed unit etc) but she's unfortunately very unwell and as far as I understand, she wants to get better(wking)

No. 1992976

Unrelated but american consumerism is so weird. Is it that hard to buy apples, cheese and a bag of pretzels? It would no doubt cost way less considering the weight, and would generate waaaay less plastic. They'll sell anything in the US.(derailing)

No. 1992989

We are lazy AF here. It actually disgusts me and I wish I could move to anywhere else.

No. 1993009

Think they are back in uk now

No. 1993010

So basically she wants to stay in hospital for as long as she can. Again. But only if she can get her own way over absolutely everything. She won’t admit to wanting IP obviously because the being forced thing fits her ‘poor victim at the mercy of services’ narrative, but malingerers like this are all the same. Never change, Rachel

No. 1993022

You know it’s possible for people with severe gastroparesis to be normal weight, right? Anyone who uses it as an excuse to stay this underweight doesn’t want to get better like you’re claiming. There’s multiple ways of getting nutrition and gaining weight, including skipping the Gi system all together. Also, a lot of anorexics with gastroparesis recover from GI issues once they gain weight and eat normally. Don’t pander to ana chans who use chronic illness as an excuse.

No. 1993057

You're right. She's underweight because she wants to be.

No. 1993099

File: 1715306137595.jpg (212.04 KB, 1214x977, Collage_2024-05-09_21_54_15~2.…)

No. 1993160

I wanna see her do that pose again after losing the weight without sucking in

No. 1993248

if you look at the caption
>I will get here again
it sounds like this was her when she was “sick”

No. 1993256

It's just weird that when she's 'fat' she's not even fat and when she's 'thin' she's not even thin. There really isn't a huge difference, especially if you factor in poses and lighting and clothes. Imagine basing your whole life around being your fat self or your thin self and both are really quite average.

No. 1993269

she was an average slender and now she’s just kinda chubby. a consist workout schedule and a small deficit would get her back to her old weight and she would be able to maintain it easier. but I assume she’ll keep starving herself only to inevitably binge, ruin any progress she’s made and then do it all over again!

No. 1993287

File: 1715369433293.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1684, IMG_7253.jpeg)

Chronic illness “warrior” that clearly is just anorexic but doesn’t want the responsibility of it and blames it all on her “gastroparesis.” Posts loads of bodychecks and lots of throwback photos captioned “I don’t think I’ll ever get back to that place again” and insinuating she’s been abandoned by people for her “chronic illness”, and tiny disordered quantities of food

No. 1993288

File: 1715369741658.jpeg (436.32 KB, 1198x1798, IMG_7254.jpeg)

No. 1993290

The last photo aka “don’t question my Ed or I will get angry” kek

No. 1993316

File: 1715378593556.png (1.82 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2024-05-10-17-56-4…)

omfg i want to throw my phone every time she brings up this coma shit. nobody, and i mean NOBODY, is stupid enough to believe that, just stop! and of course i unfortunately know there actually are plenty of people stupid enough to believe anything, and that's a damn shame.

No. 1993415

This one is being posted to the cluster b's too, these threads are so mixed up already it's frustrating. Make up your minds about where these bitches belong.

No. 1993448

Afaik she isn’t diagnosed with any PD. It’s always been anorexia, ptsd or cptsd, maybe/maybe not DID, and then the whole autism, adhd thing. She’s clearly underweight and has had real Ed issues for decades but I wonder if she’s going to start saying it’s arfid and not AN, the way she is so weird about tastes of things, not being ‘able’ to get a bottle was water, and needing to know the texture of yoghurts.

No. 1993519

File: 1715448970280.jpg (678.98 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-05-11_13_35_07.jp…)

oops she outed you as a cowtipper, @whatawast3

No. 1993561

File: 1715459073641.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1179x2164, IMG_6404.jpeg)

much recovery what a nourishing meal there frances

No. 1993562

File: 1715459124710.jpeg (498.81 KB, 694x697, IMG_6405.jpeg)

the single mushroom, the one shrivelled sausage, the complete lack of seasoning. “depressing” is putting it mildly

No. 1993581

No wonder so many britfags have EDs, the food over there is absolutely unappetizing.

No. 1993583

Haha Britain is not known for its cuisine.

No. 1993593

There’s roughly 400 calories in her dinner. Some recovery she’s committing to

No. 1993595

I can't decide if I love or hate that so many anons can look at a photo of a plate and spit out the calorific value. Kind of want to post my own out of curiosity as I have no idea of that kind of stuff kek.

No. 1993596

File: 1715466018317.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1179x2004, IMG_9084.jpeg)

This is so fucking funny

No. 1993599

It’s not rocket science

No. 1993613

File: 1715468426661.jpeg (533.71 KB, 1170x2082, IMG_4973.jpeg)

Walking about with a plaster on her forehead again? Pathetic

No. 1993614

Those sausages are about 60. It’s less than a third of a tin of beans, < 100. Negligible for vegetables. Probably 100-130 for those dry potatoes. On top of 50 calorie snacks and pretending that sugar free Ribena is juice. She’s hugely relapsing.

No. 1993615

can you really relapse when you never got better? she went into hospital, came out and went straight into eating the same tiny cylinder of cucumber cut into a dozen pieces at every equally tiny disordered meal. she’s fucked.

No. 1993617

absolutely no way that’s 400 calories, maybe 300 at a PUSH.

No. 1993627

This girl confuses the hell out of me. why is her face so bloated compared to her body???? It’s like purging face x10. And is she really 82 pounds like she claims? I don’t get it

No. 1993631

maybe she's on high doses of steroids for something? they'll make your face do that

No. 1993638

someone up thread mentioned she was on them long term

No. 1993701

this thread is occupied by other mentally ill women who are having their anaolympics with the cows posted on this thread

No. 1993725

It’s so weird seeing her like this, from trad right to whatever the fuck this is kek. The milk is much appreciated.

No. 1993733

File: 1715513102884.jpeg (363.33 KB, 1170x2059, IMG_4976.jpeg)

Flashing the barely healed self harm off and the chest bones. This bitch is insane if she thinks this picture was good to post. KEK

No. 1993745

she looks like that girl interruped character

No. 1993764

Of course. It’s just funny to me.

No. 1993768

Don’t tell her that: that is exactly who she models herself on, the Angelina Jolie character. ‘Lisa thinks she’s hot shit because she’s a sociopath.’ Abby would love to have aspd instead of/aswell as her (probably fake) bpd.

No. 1993780

File: 1715520348763.jpg (449.15 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-05-12_09_25_20.jp…)

No. 1993792

Anorexia but she’s gone down the SEED and “can’t eat” route.

No. 1993793

love it when people cry about ‘muh privacy’. if it was really that private you wouldn’t be posting it on instagram to over 2k internet strangers. but sure kek

No. 1993824

File: 1715537770405.jpeg (549.07 KB, 1179x2096, F4434DDB-7138-4AB7-B30D-88D355…)

obviously a coincidence that her ~friends~ are both overweight and ugly so she can stand out (not a brag abby, trust me)

No. 1993862

Hahahahahahahahhahshahaha the state of all three of them! Must have been a sight for everyone around them KEKEKEKEEEEEK(learn2integrate)

No. 1993872

>it’s to fat shame ppl
Kek, well you heard it everyone, lc is for fat shaming now and nothing else. Someone go inform the g and ot girlies they gotta pack it in

No. 1993894

The third one is non binary named Erin…Canadian; here to get into the "art world". That's all I know about them, though. They're Beccas pal so she'll only have just recently met Abby, if not, this is the first time they've met in person and jesus christ Abby in a bikini with a forehead nappy is a hell of an introduction.
I'm suprised Becca doesn't tell Abby to stop posting pictures of the two of them, especially with a 3rd seemingly innocent party, knowing full well it'll end up posted on here. Some "friend"!

No. 1993915

File: 1715558917822.jpeg (431.68 KB, 1198x1798, IMG_7378.jpeg)

Imagine being so obsessed with yourself and your illness that you make even Mother’s Day about it

No. 1993916

Also the fact that she’s probably talking about herself passing rather than her elderly mom when she says “I don’t know how much time we have left together.” Her chronic illness is so special and severe uwu

No. 1993947

lol this girl is really fuckin slow. i think she's in the US, but i'm curious where exactly, because she's honestly just really dumb.

No. 1993952

File: 1715570401482.png (108.34 KB, 853x358, Screenshots_2024-05-12-22-54-0…)

No. 1993989

I bet because she’s the skinny one she thinks these photos make her look great but she’s uglier than both the other two put together kek

No. 1993995

Ham didn't close her instagram account, it's still there but she hasn't posted anything after last september.

And yesss I miss Cece I remember reading from reddit edrecoverysnark that she's stayed in recovery so good for her.

No. 1994003

File: 1715590569380.jpeg (282.13 KB, 1242x681, IMG_7218.jpeg)

I literally do not know how ANYONE believes the shit she’s spouting. In her comment section she’s even trying to claim that it’s “common” in her area? I’m sure it’s just heavy sedation but she is exaggerating it to being an induced medical coma - it’s genuinely pathetic.
in the attached image she calls it sedation - so are you in a full coma or sedated? Make your mind up, Rachel.

No. 1994011

Kek the NHS have been ‘treating and yeeting’ her unsufferable arse as soon as she’s medically stable. How on earth does she expect anyone to believe thousands of pounds would be wasted on ICU bed space and constant 24/7 monitoring and care whilst she’s in this long-ass coma for her ~super serious~ AN. The doctors and nurses probably wish they could put her in a coma to shut her the fuck up and stop her throwing childish tantrums everytime she has to be fed, however.

No. 1994027

Sedation sounds more likely . They threaten to IM her if she keeps resisting, that seems legit. Though if someone is really unwell that could kill them. The coma idea is ridiculous.

No. 1994035

‘Bmi dropped to 17’?! Oh no! That’s a regular bmi for a good number of people. Just waiting for bmi 13 anon to appear, now the demon’s been summoned.

No. 1994037

Ah, now she says sedation instead of coma. I think she’s not that bright. 22 weeks of sedation would be still be very damaging and have the same issues as a coma though, if she’s just lying in bed all that time.

No. 1994039

File: 1715605861057.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, 36BDCF3F-63BB-4494-9ED2-0C31D4…)

No. 1994042

File: 1715606067088.jpeg (169.48 KB, 750x1009, B0FC0361-9D8A-4E14-8149-8BF8FA…)

Yea the nhs is corrupt but meaning they will just deliberately not treat people and leave them with no care, not the complete opposite and give them insanely over the top coma care .

No. 1994044

File: 1715606242781.jpeg (194.47 KB, 750x979, 5FA8508D-4A0C-48E2-B87F-52B2D0…)

No. 1994075

Why can’t these cows see how embarrassing these photos are? Why do they insist on making an idiot of themselves all the time

No. 1994100

I hate anorexics that pretend they’re chronically ill for the pity, gross
Like if she weren't obsessed with her uw body she wouldn’t be posting bodychecks all over her story

No. 1994167

File: 1715640780941.png (1.11 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240513-185144.png)

okay girl. please just find a school bus in the morning and get on it.

No. 1994180

'a very low % of people with anorexia are underweight…'
No, I'm not taking this on. Enough internet.

No. 1994195

File: 1715646766022.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1102x1879, IMG_1652.jpeg)

Ah yes, ‘a sweet’ equals food freedom. The brain damage from that excessive head banging must be hard to shake. Also, anything posted by abby- as a prolific and public purger- likely ends up in the toilet within an hour.

No. 1994248

kek the more she tries to “prove” that she was sick, the less I believe it. Our Ana queen got to a sooper scary bmi of 17, momsfave wishes she was u and your deathly bmi of 17

No. 1994254

She’s really amping up to be a prize dairy cow kek

No. 1994255

File: 1715674025198.jpg (1 MB, 1080x1909, 20240514_100515.jpg)

This video just reminds me so much of the reels Pencilneck Nik used to post of himself eating for some reason

No. 1994257

what happened with bored with ana? I can’t find her anymore, have she been gone for a long while?

No. 1994295

I can’t believe she is still married. Her poor husband their entire marriage has been her in and out of the hospital. He must be kicking himself for going through with the wedding.

No. 1994349

>a very low % of people with anorexia are actually underweight
she’s mixing up her statistics. 85% of people with eating disorders arent uw, and thats obviously because not every eating disorder makes you skinny. I seriously doubt she has an actual diagnosis and if she does it’s likely atypical

No. 1994355


No. 1994358

File: 1715708695066.jpeg (958.72 KB, 1055x1635, IMG_7493.jpeg)

Anddd another one

No. 1994384

What’s Paris up to now? Still nothing?

No. 1994392

File: 1715716450606.jpg (545.29 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-05-14_15_52_22.jp…)

No. 1994404

>I wasn’t gunna purge
I’m confused? Purging usually comes after binging? So she was soo uber ‘triggered’ that she made herself vomit but not ‘triggered’ enough to not binge? Wow, what an anorexic queen, she sure showed us.

No. 1994432

I thought she was holding period stained underwear. I’m still not sure what it is.

No. 1994435

You don’t have to binge to purge. But if I’m meant to feel guilty because she did purge……I don’t. There have been times that farmers have actually told people to do something destructive and dangerous but nobody has encouraged her to do anything.

No. 1994443

File: 1715724858176.jpeg (237.31 KB, 828x975, IMG_2876.jpeg)

I haven’t been on lolcow in six months but Instagram showed me pictures of adult sized American girl doll costumes. I was reading the comments and look who I found.

No. 1994457

Obviously you don’t have to binge to purge, but you do have to eat something. She very easily could’ve made the same sympathy grab post claiming she was starving herself because the mean internet bullies called her a fake ana, but she posted about vomiting instead and I think that’s kinda telling given her claim

No. 1994460

Samefag. Nvm ignore me. I just went and reread her claim and she does specify her diagnosis as “b/p subtype” which makes way more sense…

No. 1994464

I think those subtypes are stupid, honestly. Just say they have anorexia plus bulimia. B/p = bulimia. If you also are underweight enough, and have enough symptoms to meet the anorexia criteria then you have both, in my book anyway.I don't know why this subtype BS came in.

No. 1994471

agree. the only difference between an BN and AN b/p subtype is weight. regardless of whatever her diagnosis was, she’s not uw anymore. she needs to move on. her insta is essentially a fan page for her skinny self, she’s spending so much time defending her body when she doesn’t even look like that anymore, so why does she even care? its cringe.

No. 1994476

I can’t believe she’s so sensitive, especially when she used to shit all over women and feminism on tumblr. I guess she either didn’t get picked or realized the only men picking her were old fat trad tards who think women expire at 25, what a shit show. This new online persona of hers isn’t much better, but at least she’s not orbiting trad men. I hate to give her any compliments but tbh she really does look a lot better at a higher weight, her body in the middle pic there with the grey and black shorts is 10 times better than the bikini pic.

No. 1994477

Omfg kek, that’s the saddest thing to flex, what a complete underachiever. And in a family where it would be so easy to have actual things to flex over, like a lucrative career or a unique hobby or being able to rub elbows with other accomplished people. Jfc how embarrassing

No. 1994480

Not necessarily. You can have ANBP and not binge but if you use purging behaviors you get the BP subtype dx. It’s all BS though because every single person with long term AN-R has binged and used some sort of purging behaviors at some point. And if they say they haven’t, they’re lying. It’s biologically just not possible to have not.

No. 1994482

File: 1715735652913.jpeg (342.59 KB, 828x602, IMG_2882.jpeg)

What curves

No. 1994559

Who tf is this ?

No. 1994597

File: 1715779741918.png (1.99 MB, 750x1334, CB4217BE-65D8-40B8-BC87-82A79E…)

TMI Cas. I wonder if she’s still in diapers like last admission.

No. 1994598

File: 1715779828749.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, D358B8E2-15CA-4AE2-8B7B-C68702…)

She’s being admitted to the edu today. Seriously, this cow gets everything and it never stops.

No. 1994600

File: 1715779926291.png (3.62 MB, 750x1334, 6DEBA1EC-4175-411F-AEF6-9F8392…)

Why does she go around looking like such a freak? Always the lanyard with all that stuff on and the DID badges.

No. 1994613

what is it with anorexics banging on about how they’re always cold like uwu I’m so skinny i have no fat to insulate me wah wah

No. 1994615

Well if it isn’t the consequence of my own actions

No. 1994642

Stupid games, stupid prizes

No. 1994648

File: 1715790077359.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20240515-181743_Ins…)

Top right looks straight out of X-Files kek
Someone needs to photoshop this for next thread pic

No. 1994678

It’s so you know they’re anorexic kek. It also lets everyone know they’re BPD. Being cold all the time is fucking miserable and it’s embarrassing to be dressed in layers when everyone else is wearing shorts and staring T you. But these BPD fags wear it all like a badge of fucking honor, not realizing no one thinks they’re cute or cool, they’re thinking what a freak show they are.

No. 1994680

Does anyone outside of the BPD fags know what that lanyard means? Fi and Casper are the only people I’ve noticed wear them and they look so ridiculous.

No. 1994683

I feel like it’s common for people with disabilities online. I’ve never seen one in person and I would only expect chronically online bitches to even have a clue…so basically no

No. 1994685

Before Covid, it was to show you have a hidden disability and might need extra support in shops. Workers would approach you if they saw you wearing them to ask if you needed any help. During Covid, people wore them to show they were exempt from wearing masks. Now people wear them to show they’re special. Of course, the hidden disability meaning still applies, but it’s mostly for attention now.

No. 1994707

Which edu? Sectioned or voluntary?

No. 1994714

File: 1715802632336.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, 46D16B18-0FC4-474F-B407-BEE9CE…)

She didn’t say but where but was asking about a couple, I remember The Priory Rohampton. (?) I know it was a 5 hour drive from where she was in York. These cows even get given transport and everything.

No. 1994716

its the lightning(sage your shit)

No. 1994719

They don't realize that 90% of people who see them in public like that are going to assume that they're heroin addicts, not uwu dainty anorexics kek

No. 1994725

I believe she is on East Wing (adult EDU) at Priory Roehampton. Informal but “cOeRcEd” into accepting admission

No. 1994740

File: 1715811706382.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1609, IMG_6741.jpeg)

Anyone remember Amalie? Claims to be on palliative care… Has been in hospital and tubed for over a year now with absolutely no weight gain… well now she’s butchered her face. Of all places… WHY the FACE!!!

No. 1994771

Thought this was a before and after of the same person.

No. 1994778

Come in voluntarily or we will section you anyway…. Saves on the paperwork

No. 1994842

No, she said if she’s sectioned she’ll go to an acute medical ward
I’m not convinced, I don’t know if they said to her that they’ll no longer section her and to go into hospital she has to go voluntarily

No. 1994887

Damn, this is the first time I've seen someone cut on their forehead… How unfortunate

No. 1994917

that’s fucking grim

No. 1994922

it's about time that this shitshow of a thread find its end…
 (sage your shit/learn2integrate)

No. 1994934

File: 1715878420389.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1179x1965, IMG_0978.jpeg)

Translation: I've been PURGING, guys! I have been relentlessly forcing myself to vomit! And now I am deficient in minerals BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN PURGING. Can't wait for that sweet sweet EDU attention, i mean, I can't bear this insufferable pain and I want to die boo hoo

No. 1994958

I cannot believe she’s constantly at REDU. It’s unusual for Lothian eating disorder service to treat someone like this , why does she get resources thrown at her

No. 1994975

How can you make someone go into hospital voluntarily?

No. 1994976

How long has she been in the edu ? Is she still larping ASD and saying she doesn’t have a ED?

No. 1995024

She’s been in and out for years ? Possibly 10 at this point. She was crying digestive issues at one point and said that the eating disorder ward wasn’t just for eating disorders. She’s a fucking idiot.

No. 1995026

She never is allowed to even become at all underweight anymore. Her care plan is so confusing.

No. 1995038

File: 1715900130007.jpg (775.1 KB, 1080x1988, 20240517_005329.jpg)

Why did she pick this god awful photo as a thumbnail for her live? This girl infuriates me so much

No. 1995054

File: 1715904350778.png (3.6 MB, 750x1334, 2399F32B-93D5-44B5-88C5-B3BE51…)

I know this must be some kind of inside joke thing but Abby saying ‘buy me ozempic’……

No. 1995055

Why did she go live and give recovery advice she clearly doesn’t take herself? She has a lot of nerve to try and help other people recover and give advice looking like she does andwhen she can’t even help herself.

No. 1995056

File: 1715904696084.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, F9336C77-19CB-4806-BD89-06E85B…)

And why is she always banging on about giving the nhs more money and loving the nhs, whilst also complaining that ip traumatised her and didn’t help her (despite her extremely extensive treatment history ) ? That’s her dream weekend? Give the nhs more money? And fix Gaza. I get the feeling half her posts are just virtue signalling about shit she doesn’t understand.

No. 1995057

File: 1715905808700.png (3.43 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6015.png)

She needs to be talked about more. She was a repeat offender to ED treatment like ERC, always posting, & barely underweight. She went off on multiple drs bc they didn’t think she needed an ng tube & would hospital/dr shopping. She got kicked out several times. She finally got a gastroparesis diagnosis & ever since then dropped the ED claims & switched to chronic illness. All of her videos are of tubes & stays or rants of how poorly she feels she’s treated. She has no job besides being a professional patient. She seems very bpd.

No. 1995058

File: 1715906491795.png (4.84 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6017.png)

Oh no. Someone called her a revolving door patient. I wonder why. It can’t be bc her whole page is about being sick & poor me. She loves the attention. Shes disgusting.

No. 1995065

you're exactly right. she's so cringe. it's like when you ask beauty pageant contestants what they would wish for with one wish, and they say world peace. she threw in those few random ass responses to show us how woke she is. but it doesn't even make any kind of sense, because the question was asking about her dream weekend. my dream weekend..fix the NHS..end all wars..inherit a house. SMH. at least she's self aware to know that's the only way she'll ever have a house.

No. 1995067

Her mum is a teacher and dad a lawyer. She will of course get a house one day, she’s not so impoverished

No. 1995119

I went to treatment with her and NO ONE liked her. Completely insufferable

No. 1995121

I’m not sure her parents like her. They’re probably sick of her bullshit and want her to get out their house but can’t because she’s too busy playing the most ill

No. 1995136

File: 1715935579061.png (6.7 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_7724.png)

Grow.with.gem is an account that produces a lot of milk. Larping that she now has POTs and everything else. This is her latest post, clearly only showing everyone her compression socks, not just doing a body check

No. 1995143

I don’t get why she is a munchie? It’s not that strange of a disorder, I have seen a lot of people talk about pots and eds here and I don’t get if some people think it’s an easy handed diagnosis or what the problem is

No. 1995145

I feel like people with feet shaped like pizza pockets should be legally required to always wear shoes

No. 1995155

File: 1715941573090.jpeg (523.34 KB, 1170x1632, 1C98296F-DD5A-4C01-BB7A-2C1FD3…)

Anyone else follow ella.does.life or sprinkles.of.ella? She’s had a tube for months despite being a healthy weight, posts tube pics on a daily basis and dresses (and acts) like a child despite being in her mid 20s. Not a major cow but I find her larping infuriating

No. 1995163

are you okay? i don't really see anything unusual about the shape of her feet, and at least she has socks on. enara's gross bare feet show up on my screen like once a week.

No. 1995187

Elaborate more! She 100% seems like a toxic, attention seeking, nuisance.

No. 1995189

>are you okay?
I’m fine cause my feet aren’t shaped like tacos

No. 1995192

this is nitpicking at its finest, are you some foot fetishist?

No. 1995193

Your taking it too seriously nonnie

No. 1995209

A long while ago now she posted about not receiving treatment because she wasn’t underweight
Not sure how or why she got her coveted tube

No. 1995213

This made me laugh way more than it had any business to. Thanks nonna

No. 1995225

Yeah so she went dr & hospital shopping over & over till she got someone who would do what she wanted. She went on tangents about how er drs wouldn’t tube her, & she’s ever so sick. This is the first time she’s even been the slightest underweight if she even is.

No. 1995256

sorry to be a dumbfag, but when people refer to bpd on these threads, is it bipolar or the personality one?

No. 1995269


No. 1995283

Does she have any socials apart from IG ?

No. 1995291

She was posted here ages ago and came and replied on the threads like an idiot. Lives for attention

No. 1995293

File: 1715976969131.png (3.57 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7623.png)

i’m baffled by how any respectable medical professional could discharge her in her state, like, did she even gain weight? they kept her there just to stabilize her and that’s that? sorry for non milk

No. 1995307

You look better Eva.

No. 1995314

>pulls up sleeve
>puts cut wrist in frame
>snaps picture
>shittly censors cut wrist with a coquette bow sticker
how transparent kek.
not really. she still looks like a balding elderly man. sorry.

No. 1995322

Go home. Christ.

No. 1995350

why use one of her fake names? her name is marie

No. 1995354

File: 1715987283608.gif (1.11 MB, 480x260, 4C0F43DC-95E9-46C7-BC34-A5DD4E…)

our favourite dainty ballerina, everyone!

No. 1995355

She looks like a baby learning to roll for the first time

No. 1995368

this is what happens when you spend years bashing your head against shit for attention. you end up actually retarded.

No. 1995400

Don't know if i'm blurring all of the rich britbong cows together in my head but I think her parents are wealthy and made a big stink about it with the NHS, not sure if she's one of those cows whose parents submitted her story to a trashy bong tabloid but she might be

No. 1995407

im so glad this would-be uwu dainty pedopandering freak is finally balding so badly that her bangs look like they're growing out of the crown of her head. she deserves to look like an old man with a combover.

No. 1995427

She looks the exact same what the absolute fuck???? I’m actually livid. She was there for how many months??? She had a feeding tube the entire time?? Are they discharging her to hospice?? How the fuck is this even happening

No. 1995456

Why would it be for bipolar, it’s not spelt bi polar

No. 1995461

File: 1716012176018.jpeg (510.98 KB, 1170x2254, IMG_2875.jpeg)

Who does @sloths_2_vent think she is?

No. 1995467

Now why's the tubby in this thread?

No. 1995520

File: 1716032487573.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1016x1808, IMG_1011.jpeg)

Why is she pretending like she doesn't know how the routine at an EDU works when she's spent half of her life gallivanting around hospitals? "Mute spell" kek

No. 1995532

File: 1716035902664.gif (1013.46 KB, 426x266, 14bd.gif)

No. 1995602

bipolar disorder is also (sometimes) called bpd

No. 1995604

Uuuugh the term “spoons” or “spoonie” drives me up the wall. Oh you might not have enough “spoons” to update your pathetic little instagram account whilst you drain the NHS? How sad

No. 1995616

it's honestly weird as fuck that these attention desperate morons use these dumbass code words or wear their little sunflower lanyards as if anyone even know what that shit is meant to represent. will literally scream about their mental illness and social retardation to anyone and everyone, but also needs code words and pins and patches, etc. in order to let people know they need extra special attention. make it make sense.

No. 1995669

File: 1716065328748.png (3.02 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7729.png)

the fucking smirk

No. 1995671

File: 1716065415374.png (3.04 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6051.png)

Someone needs to tell this womens she’s as ugly as they come. Imagine being next to someone whose sole purpose in tying their shirt up is to get attention. So sick she can make videos all day in the hospital & flaunt herself. Stop exaggerating, get a real job, & move on in life to be a productive member of society. The hospital staff are paid to tolerate you, & some even don’t with that.

No. 1995673

File: 1716065550710.png (4.52 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6052.png)

Hashtag malnutrition? Bitch please. You couldn’t be more attention seeking. You’re also full of self-harm scars. People already think your crazy af & would stay a mile away.

No. 1995686

whats blue velvets @ ?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1995733

yep still looking like a geriatric british man

No. 1995734

By messing around does she mean body checking or?

No. 1995759

It’s @blue.velvet.skirts on TikTok

No. 1995792

She’s 21 years old!!!

No. 1995810

kek do you have more nonna?

No. 1995812

No. 1995813

File: 1716095346219.jpeg (296.94 KB, 722x1713, D410BB93-1F35-421A-9660-0C33FB…)

(pt 1/4 - the comment i found with her account) sage bc idk how milky this is but buckle up for this one nonnies. zara seemed to graduate from these threads as she practically removed herself from instagram, but scrolling through reddit tonight i somehow stumbled upon her account. most of her posts and comments are about baking and great british bake off but she somehow can’t seem to control herself from not mentioning how she was the sickest anorexic to ever live and how miserable she was (aka bragging about her disorder). idk how milky this truly is but while she may keep a low profile on instagram she’s clearly still being a cow out and about on the internet. (also, a person she hates named “beth”? perhaps the same beth we’ve seen occasionally on these threads.) it’s clear that it’s her account. the name is almost identical to other ones she’s had on social media, she posts about edinburgh, she mentions her epi, some photos have her tattoos.

No. 1995814

File: 1716095406702.jpeg (329.51 KB, 613x1918, F37ACBC7-6BD3-4083-8F05-E684FA…)

>>1995813 pt 2/4 braggy comments

No. 1995816

File: 1716095493167.jpeg (283.76 KB, 561x1918, 5FDAB058-B810-443F-B0B7-667370…)

>>1995813 pt 3/4 more insufferable comments, not entirely milky but posting in case she sees this and wants to delete

No. 1995817

File: 1716095598083.jpeg (301.82 KB, 628x1874, E5C989C7-DB69-4A02-AAB3-A34F02…)

>>1995813 pt 4/4 last one - kek she was clearly ill but she’s still so full of herself

No. 1995821

anon, this is not milk at all. there's not really anything for her to gain by posting about having an ED on reddit. the milk comes from the attention whoring. reddit's not the best place for that. unless she has all of her socials linked or something

No. 1995823

Kek she is so bad at staying anonymous, it’s like she has some compulsion to add a z to every username she makes. Nice catch nonnie

No. 1995825

What do you even mean

No. 1995826

Hahah top kek nonnie

No. 1995839

I strongly disagree. She also since denies anorexia and blames it on physical illness. Just because Reddit isn’t a usual social doesn’t mean she’s not posting for attention or bragging rights

No. 1995840

Perhaps you should ask yourself if this comment is necessary. A lot of people who self-harmed before live with their scars but work through their problems. This doesn't mean they are crazy as fuck or should be avoided. There is a difference between calling someone out for being milky and just being mean.

No. 1995848

Why are you posting her here? I don't think she's claiming anorexia, just GI issues/chronic illness of some kind.

No. 1995873

Because she use to share about her time in erc, rosewoods, more erc. She finally got a gastroparesis diagnosis & has been wailing chronic illness since then. It’s milk bc it use to be all her ED & she switched gears for my sympathy & attention.

No. 1995886

Do you know where you are?

No. 1995887

File: 1716126521451.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, ECD2511E-224B-49FE-98F1-A05286…)

I doubt it’s a real tattoo but wtf?

No. 1995889

File: 1716126681733.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, 5A9CDF5E-04D1-4CBE-B7AD-874D03…)

What she’s been doing since she got moved to another sooper speshul unit. What a great use of government benefit.

No. 1995890

File: 1716126938973.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, B196D76D-4C29-4B94-845C-2AD385…)

This is what Abby wants to give more money to the nhs to fund. These cows sitting around for years in ip, being chauffeured around the country and spending hundreds of £ of their free income on Jelly Cats.
I think this bitch is now in the same ward as Carlottie with the wierd mismatched pupils. Not certain.

No. 1995891

File: 1716127059109.jpeg (300.64 KB, 750x963, 1E370892-BCED-4CC5-8924-FF233D…)

When is enough enough for these giant resource drains?

No. 1995892

File: 1716127687996.jpeg (282.02 KB, 750x968, 5E452047-18AC-4492-BF0C-B6FC92…)

Damn she got fat.

No. 1995894

File: 1716127784970.jpeg (339.35 KB, 750x1108, 12A22010-8EBC-4D47-8ED0-987F82…)

You don’t have body dysmorphia: you see fine, you actually are fat.

No. 1995896

File: 1716127860899.jpeg (143.72 KB, 750x1016, F074BC4A-77B6-40AB-9523-CD47E6…)

No. 1995898

File: 1716128012997.jpeg (168.12 KB, 750x1116, 60C7012C-B502-4424-BBA2-A7EE28…)

2022 after apparently recovering from an Ed.

No. 1995914

I’ll take the hi cow for this, idc. Shut the fuck up colours, it’s so incredibly obvious that the last 8 posts were you. You’ve already posted about all these people on your insane ass instagram page. Go be a maniac somewhere else, you’re not welcome here. No wonder the NHS doesn’t want to help you, I can’t imagine them wanting to put anyone in the same building as you in harm’s way.(hi cow)

No. 1995939

File: 1716139501641.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2265, IMG_5053.jpeg)

Did finding her Reddit bring her back to insta?

No. 1995940


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1995969

I believe benefits like PIP stop if you're admitted to hospital but I bet she wouldn't disclose that willingly

No. 1995971

mistaken diagnosis/mislabelling? they're not the same condition fundamentally.

No. 1995972

no, anon means that "bpd" was once used as an acronym for bipolar disorder before borderline personality disorder was defined and added to the DSM. So you'll sometimes see older psychiatrists, etc, use bpd as an abbreviation for bipolar.

No. 1995976

oh right got you.

No. 1996009

i can't stand these people's enabling ass families/friends, it disgusts me so much. they're just as bad as the cows. no fucking rational person in this world would agree to bring a million stuffed animals to someone in the hospital. maybe one or two, but i've honestly never seen it other than some older, clearly very mentally unwell women with doll babies. not to mention the damn photoshoots and videos. how are these people not pissed as fuck that these assholes treat a hospital like a fucking baby sleepover camp. cut them the fuck off and force them to grow up and fend for themselves. this shit is gross.

No. 1996010

lol uhmmmm..that's awkward. she really wants us to know she still stalks the thread i guess.

No. 1996044

She’s nothing special

No. 1996097

Not her trying to cover her sh scar in her wrist with with a stupid sticker, but still showing it

No. 1996115

File: 1716192253955.jpeg (568.83 KB, 1170x2259, IMG_5056.jpeg)

Abby posted video of her dancing around in public?? How does she actually go out like this it’s so embarrassing. Everyone around her at all points must know she’s mentally insane

No. 1996172

I don’t see what’s wrong with those posts. You’re not bringing any milk so why are you shitting on posts that are?

No. 1996174

File: 1716213897023.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, 3D21B295-27BA-4C28-AC58-2CE801…)

At least she doesn’t have a Jelly Cat obsession like most cows. That’s actually refreshing.

No. 1996196

because, laura, you are hardly even bringing milk. all you do is drag your own dumbass personal vendetta into this thread and it’s fucking annoying. do you seriously think that shitting on people will somehow make the NHS give you treatment? and to add to that everyone you choose is mostly harmless anyways. you’re honestly a bigger cow than everyone you post. now go away and go back to howling about renee or whatever her name is(hi cow)

No. 1996214

it's so fucking weird how desperate she is to want to "fit in" and participate in these threads. would be less obnoxious if she just made a change.org petition to get lolcow shut down like the other cows lmao but noooooo she wants to be a mean girl too. cornball.

No. 1996292

I call bullshit she’s definitely posted about jelly cats before. The squishmallow obsession is even more childish though if that’s even possible.

No. 1996315

Not a cow. Where's the milk?

No. 1996317

File: 1716247962404.jpg (2.1 MB, 3300x2460, 1000004461.jpg)

Rachael's doing better than ever!! The most unhinged "before and after" I've ever seen.

No. 1996318

Where’s her husband in all this?

No. 1996320

How is she skeletal after the tube but not before?

No. 1996329

hold up..did you just say COLOURS is not a cow???

No. 1996337

The first tube video was from a while ago. She’s on some insane delusion filled mission to prove to everyone how much better she is now

No. 1996382

ntayrt but i too did a double take bc WHAT? colours not being a cow is probably the worst take of the year. you were probably asking the one person on earth who didn’t think so iygwim

No. 1996414

i feel like they had to have responded to the wrong post, because there just isn't any possible way anyone could think she's not a cow. or that was just Colours who wrote that, idk.

No. 1996415

no that was what i meant i just didn’t want to get a hi cow lol

No. 1996429

File: 1716282211213.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1179x1775, IMG_9524.jpeg)

spoiler because ugly. what possessed her to give us such a hideous close up? wow you’re drinking a strawberry daiquiri, what an achievement

No. 1996431

the wet rat makes an appearance again oof

No. 1996433

File: 1716283006094.png (715.79 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_7933.png)

so abby has an alcoholic grandmother or something? how could they think it’s normal to offer wine to a 10yo, no wonder she grew up like this

No. 1996434

'red wine and wafers' sounds like communion, anon. it's weird to offer to a child, but I doubt it was more than a sip.

No. 1996446

File: 1716287700729.png (4.34 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_1790.png)

Cow crossover

No. 1996452

Mia looks like shit. Clearly no improvement there and likely won't ever be. Surprised recovery kween Niamh is hanging out with her tbh.

No. 1996456

nonnie as someone who owns a couple of rats, I’m offended for them KEK

No. 1996463

Those fucking eyebrows. Ugh

No. 1996466

File: 1716292330040.png (914.72 KB, 1328x787, Screenshot 2024-05-21 134006.p…)

so i've been thinking about posting this for a long time, bc don't know if could be milk and also there's the language barrier. So this is Elena and it's an italian anorexic, very wealthy and living in Milan (exactly like Aly). She's been ill for like ten years but since 2020 she's never been above 40kg (88lbs give or take). She's been in all the best clinics and "communities" (don't know how to translate appropriately that) but never made real progress. Also she's been various time on tv (a tv serie for like three seasons, called Fame d'Amore , i can talk abvout that also; and a lot of interviews). The reason i thake her here is bc she portrays her life lately like she's recovered and well, she never talks about recovery or treatment and, due to her big follow thanks to all the the tv programme she's been in i think it's worth a look. maybe i'm stupid.
her instagram

No. 1996471

I just looked in the dictionary for the definition of mad cow. There was a photo of COLOURS

No. 1996484

File: 1716298852963.jpeg (241.71 KB, 618x1800, 7D856469-7B1E-4EA8-BA07-FD8E0C…)

Jessie Paege: I’m finished making content about my eating disorder

Also Jessie Paege:

No. 1996488

Abby is relapsing bad, to no one's surprise.

No. 1996490

That's Mia. She must have come up from England just to see Niamh. She's a classic revolving door patient. I think she's been mentioned here before.

No. 1996493

AYRT: I'm retard, I meant Niamh. I saw that she is now with this anachan pen pal but it's clear that she's losing again.

No. 1996499

topkek nonnie! it’s too bad her own thread isn’t active anymore…seems like when it was it kept her busy & she didn’t clog this one up. if she keeps up her mooing i might just revive it

No. 1996506

Well it’s inactive because there’s no milk. Boring.

No. 1996507

your instagram page says otherwise <3

No. 1996515

It’s the purge cheeks for me

No. 1996527

you fuckers really need to learn that bulimia cheeks =/= the fat of your cheeks being full

No. 1996543

nonnie she looks exactly the same, the only difference is maybe her weight has redistributed

No. 1996551

File: 1716314342031.jpg (172.08 KB, 1080x636, 20240521_195711.jpg)

I feel so bad for this person. This is peak pro-ana scumbag behavior

No. 1996553

And ofc she's liked all of the comments giving her asspats, except for this one

No. 1996560


there’s plenty to post about abby but this was fucking stupid. it’s communion in catholicism. a tiny sip of wine and a wafer (represents the blood and body of christ). the severe lack of milk doesn’t mean posting anything and everything for the sake of it

No. 1996562

ffs, i was the first to predict that niamh won’t last long in her recovery mode but her cheeks aren’t “purge cheeks” at all. some of you must be so used to seeing skellies you can no longer recognise a normal face with more than a single ounce of flesh on it.

that mia is unbearable tho, she gave us some great photoshop fails in the past and tends to only post herself when she’s not in treatment, and then hides from cameras until she loses the weight again (or photoshops it out).

No. 1996568

omg i'm slow, sorry lmao i see what you were getting at now but that went totally over my head before lol

No. 1996570

good, she needs to calm down her eating, she's been getting fat as fuck(*bones rattling*)

No. 1996573

Ok anachan

No. 1996633

I mean I guess if you have cheeks down to your jaw line kek.

No. 1996639

There is a difference between cheek fat and your salivary glands being swollen. I dislike ratface Niamh just as much as the next person, but you need to stop being a retard

No. 1996653

Yet you seem to be the only one who thinks it's interesting, heart emoji anon, nobody else is bothered about old FB posts and pictures of trees.

No. 1996662

This is mean but it’s crazy how anorexia aged Niamh’s face. Her eyes and the skin around them make her look closer to my age at 28 rather than a 19 year old or however old she is now. Like how her under eyes are sort of sunken in now, usually that doesn’t happen till your thirties or late twenties if your really unlucky

No. 1996674

I was just thinking when I saw that pic, how much she looks like her mom now.

No. 1996684

Yeah, but she got the glory of posting her malnourished body online for about a year! So worth it.

No. 1996702

Haven't been on in ages and please excuse the spoon feeding request I'm just stupid… But what happened with Zara? Did she die? Also did Josie aka Strong Long Black get rid of her "secret" account or is she still larping away? I don't really go online much lately and I can't find the info!

No. 1996703

zara is fine, she just got tired of people pointing out her bullshit. She posts on her baking instagram account and I'm sure she doesn't eat any of it and is up to her usual bullshit.

No. 1996704

File: 1716350064717.png (328.63 KB, 1093x404, Screen Shot 2024-05-21 at 10.5…)

No. 1996707

Of course its always baking! Also why is EVERY uni assignment/ task for her the biggest achievement of her life? Its so weird. Its just uni lol.

No. 1996789

File: 1716395397705.jpeg (379.86 KB, 1198x1798, IMG_7958.jpeg)

Here she goes again acting like she’s terminally ill when she just has “gastroparesis” (and an obvious ed)

No. 1996797

the myspace angle does her beak no favors

No. 1996802

Pretty sure she said she has cancer

No. 1996803

File: 1716399720176.jpg (579.27 KB, 2880x2880, 20240522_193938.jpg)

so skinny!!!! uwu dainty queen suffering from being born too smol

No. 1996820

Oh please spill the details! What was that like? I’m so curious. I’ve seen her and thought “I wonder what it was like being on a unit with her dramatic ass”(sage your shit)

No. 1996821

Stories of rivka from erc plz I’ve been wanting the forum to regale us with stories of her and Stefania from treatment haha(sage your shit)

No. 1996826

Yeah sure the reason she doesn't have a boyfriend is because she's too skinny…not because she's fucking nuts, nope. Couldn't be that at all.

No. 1996827

This is obviously some coomer moid running this fetish page

No. 1996835

Lol she probably thinks having no curves makes her look like a child but in reality she just looks older and has the body of a tranny.

No. 1996840

Honestly that makes her body checks even sadder

No. 1996875

source? the only thing she ever hashtags is gastroparesis

No. 1996881

It was mentioned on one of her stories over the last few weeks.

No. 1996896

Has anyone else seen that italian girl Leila Kaouissi? She has like 400k followers on tiktok. She is 18 but acts 12 and posts a bunch of videos dancing and being extremely happy on psych wards with her mum. Apparently she was kicked out from every clinic in Italy and had to go to Paris or something like that. Her videos have very weird attention seeking vibes.

The user is @leilakaouissi0 and I tried to insert a tiktok but I can't get the link in the right format

No. 1996898

File: 1716425858706.jpg (813.39 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-05-23-02-56-42…)

A screenshot of Leila since it's an imageboard

No. 1996903

File: 1716427771582.png (1.41 MB, 853x1672, Screenshots_2024-05-22-21-28-2…)

No. 1996904

no but her mom is a vibe

No. 1996912


No. 1996914

What did she do to get kicked out of every clinic in Italy? Was it simply noncompliance or is it wilder than that?

No. 1996916

agreed. there are accounts like this all over social media, clearly run by incels.

No. 1996917


Yes I think non-compliance since she never seems to gain any weight. The mum recently made a tiktok saying they didn't want to take her at some hospital because they were racist (they are from Morocco) but I think they probably just had a long waitlist or she is too UW(sage your shit)

No. 1996950

Does anyone know what the deal with Stef is lately? How much longer until she’s back in the hospital
(read the rules)

No. 1996977

She’s been to ACUTE several times and argues with staff. She still denies an ED despite being their!

No. 1996980

She does not have cancer. She goes to acute for supposed gi issues but is friends with tons of ED people on insta. She messages me obsessively & acts personal details only someone struggling with an ED would want to know.

No. 1996981

She’s been posted before & no one kept talking about her. She’s the worst. She had a child, struggles with ED obviously, gets just healthy enough to make another, has one, then relapses. It is repulsive!! Then all her kids visit in the hospital as she’s being tube fed holding a newborn. What’s her husband think do all this? There’s no way it’s fine. She’s having kids she can’t care for. At least other ED women usually had 1 & stopped if they were really sick bc they obviously felt guilty& knew how unfair it is. She’s over here like maybe if I have another child it’ll make me happy & fix me. Wrong. It just adds to the stress load.(sage your shit)

No. 1996992

I thought so too at first but unfortunately this nutcase actually says this deranged shit out loud

No. 1996999

she's being coached. the script is the same every post, she tries to get a bf but gets rejected because she's too skinny. she's posed and made up like it's a professional production. i refuse to believe there isn't a scrote behind this

No. 1997005

It’s probably a sw grift she has. Not very exciting imo. This threads going to lock soon is anyone making a new one?

No. 1997007

italian fag here. first of all, sage your shit. about leila, she wasn't kicked out. she refused to go the firts time around after a lot of people raised signatures and money for her to be admitted. then they tried again to have her admitted and she ran away at the ripe weight of 22kg or something. her mother is a drama queen who uses her daughter's disorder in order to have something to do. now leila is admitted in a facility in Paris bc they are of french origins and they are citicez, but it only happened because they were almost threatened to do so by social services (both in italy and france), in fact leila is an adult but is in hospital with the signatures of her mother, bc otherwise she would've discharged herself as she always does. all the dynamic is utterly milky nonetheless

No. 1997024

Deleted already, I didn’t see it but it sounds creepy.

No. 1997034

I am not Italian so I wasn't able to understand as much from her videos but damn if that is true she is quite milky indeed

No. 1997039

yes it is, also it's very clear that there's something sketchy going on between leila and her mother, not just the enabling etc but all the tings they've done and said on social media are quite strange and disturbing sometimes imo, if someone is interested i could go down a little in this rabbithole and tell you more, but i don't want to spam if it's not that wanted

No. 1997041

ACUTE does not only serve ED patients. You can have both - a physiological GI condition that then triggers an ED.

No. 1997042

Go on, I am interested

No. 1997044

it's true, but she's also been to Rady children's ED program which makes it feel more likely that there's at least a significant ED component

No. 1997048

for now, as i've no time, i leave this link with a couple of articles about her, i think the page is translatable(?) so everyone can read it. this evening i'm gonna go on sm and deep dive (exams session, you know the deal)

No. 1997075

Sounds like it could be a Munchausen by proxy sort of situation.

No. 1997111

Those articles make it sound like Leila is genuinely a hot mess and the parents are just fed up, although I'm sure there is more behind the scenes. If anything it looks like she loves the attention she gets from her mum when she is in the hospital

No. 1997114

Why is she being posted? She’s no pro ana she’s not even as skinny as she claims to be. It’s all an act for her OF.

No. 1997132

If she didn’t have an ED, also went to acute, then she wouldn’t follow loads of ED accounts!(sage your shit)

No. 1997145

No shit? That’s why it was said you can have BOTH. People are acting like she doesn’t also have legitimate gastro illness. If you are genetically predisposed to ED and you have gastro issues prior to developing ED, the gastro issues that lead to initial energy deficit “turn theED on” so to speak, also then giving her an ED. That doesn’t mean the physiological gastric issues weren’t “real”. This isn’t fkn hard to understand if you have a brain and understand the biological basis of EDs.

No. 1997146


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1997467

to be fair she didn’t say biggest achievement she said biggest- which makes sense, assignments tend to get more substantial as you go through your degree.

No. 1997517

what exactly IS the threshold for 'too underweight?' Is this really a thing

No. 1997533

NTA but BMI 15 or below is generally accepted to be the point at which people are at risk of experiencing sudden death, so many hospitals will refuse to treat extremely underweight patients because they're a massive liability and it could bring on lawsuits. In practice I think the threshold where they actually hesitate to admit patients for being too underweight is even lower, probably around 13 or below.

No. 1997540

File: 1716612024629.png (2.4 MB, 960x2079, IMG_5829.png)

Stef back at with the routine summer body checks

No. 1997542

I hate to use scrote vocab but the girl in the back is mogging her so hard

No. 1997543

What the heck is going on with her abdomen here? Does she not have a belly button?

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