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No. 1993065

Thread for the general discussion of people who use and abuse animals to gain internet clout on social media. Some of the more infamous ones include (but not limited to);

Save A Fox AKA Mikayla Raines

>Runs non-profit fox sanctuary

>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms
>Purposefully imprints on wild animals she intends to rehab
>Co-habs different species which has led to injury
>Has had multiple preventable/questionable animal deaths, and many escapes
>Lets infants interact with wild animals
>Hard to keep track, I think they have around 50 animals, at least 20+ foxes
>plans to get 500 foxes from a fur farm starting Nov 2023
>Registered as a fur farm to get around pesky laws interfering with keeping animals like foxes, minks, etc as pets
>Bred black backed jackals then took them away from the parents to be hand raised to keep one as a pet
>Has an OnlyFans where she uses her exotics as props for photos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveAFoxRescue
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saveafox_rescue
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@saveafox.corporation?lang=en
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SaveAFox
Website: https://www.saveafox.org/
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nYNlF9c6ex44nJJSuZ60RV58o4A3UiuMciM4l1IDQz0/edit#gid=0

NaturePunk AKA Sarah Bartell

>Known for vulture culture work and etsy store

>Bought a wolfdog for 'educational purposes' in 2015
>Started non-profit Pack West Wolfdog Rescue, which misused donations to buy personal wolfdog and a personal truck
>A couple of wolves died that could have been prevented; one housed unsupervised with other wolfdogs, another supposedly killed by wild animals in the night
>one adult and one child were bit, the animals did not have vaccine records in at least one case and Sarah told the person to lie to authorities about the bite.
>When the non-profit dissolved, Sarah continued to receive donations
>She has since abandoned a lot of her previous handles to distance herself from the scandal
>Appeared on Naked And Afraid 3x, was a bitch each time and was one of the most disliked contestants.
>Now mainly posts photoshoots of her wolfdogs, being a transgender asexual, and how she's a 'survivalist' and living off-grid

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahbartell1
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarah_goes_feral
Website: https://wildhearthomestead.weebly.com/

Juniper Foxx AKA Jessika Coker

>Owns a 'Micro-Sanctuary' aka please donate so I can keep exotic pets

>Glorifies keeping wild animals as pets
>Works closely with Save A Fox
>Allows toddlers to play with rabies vector animals
>Has around 20 permanent animals, including foxes, raccoons, opossums, chinchillas, skunks, sugar gliders, a few dogs, and some reptiles
>Cohabs animals that could easily kill each other and allows free-roaming the house
>Cohabs foxes that do not get along, causing fights and unease, even with sick foxes
>Purchases animals from unscrupulous breeders to 'save' them, funding the breeders

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@juniperfoxx
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/juniperfox
Website: https://www.juniperfoxx.com/

Kinkatopia AKA Alexandra Ashe Driebelbis

>Kinkajous for me, but not for thee!

>Has a non-profit sanctuary housing about a dozen kinkajous
>Personal pets include Genets, an Owl Monkies, a few cats including a Lykoi, sphynx, and an outdoor cat she lets have kittens yearly
>Allows dangerous interactions, including the predator Genet with the kinkajous and both kinkajous and Genet meeting a terrified feral cat
>Lets invasive iguanas occupy kinkajou enclosures that could easily injure them
>Feeds kinkajous candy daily, including CBD gummies, there are no studies that suggest this is OK as part of a daily kinkajou diet

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kinkatopia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinkatopia
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kinkatopia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yqkGAyVnppHRPQu51mVwQ
Website: https://www.kinkatopia.org/

Landon Scherr

>Zoo Keeper at Doc Antle's zoo (from Tiger King)

>Free handles big cats, adult chimps, wolves, even actual adult wild animals
>Dangerous cross-species interactions (chimp/dog, chimp/big cat, big cat/dog, etc etc)
>Participates and promotes cub petting
>feeds Gatorade to chimps
>Has been caught faking rescue videos, most notably one video where you can see him push an arrow into a live iguana's skull
>also breeds dogs, I'm sure that's done thoughtfully

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/landonscherr/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@landonscherr
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@landonscherr/videos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/Landon-Scherr-Animals-100067452289451/

Jacob Feder

>Well-known for clickbait video titles usually involving dead, dying, or injured animals

>Will use corpses of animals to drum up a storyline, it's so fucking weird you'll just have to see for yourself
>Has been caught faking 'rescue' videos, releasing invasive snakes to catch and kill on camera
>Does a dubious (at best) surgery on the iguana Landon stuck a spear in, including unnecessary sawing off the spear and taking the spear head out of the iguana to replace it with ANOTHER spear head.
>Does the whole interacting with big cats/chimps/hyenas, mishandling, yeah you know the drill

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacobbfeder/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobfeder_/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jacobfeder?lang=en
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JacobFeder
Website: https://jacobfeder.com/

When linking to videos, if you don't want the creator to receive views, use a third party software. Views is how they become more popular and profit off of animal abuse.
TikTok: proxitok.esmailelbob.xyz
Youtube: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/

No. 1993070

Nice to see Juniperfoxx and Save a Fox finally called out. What’s the difference between them and the likes of Taylor dean? Only the pets they keep. It’s all for show and those poor rescue animals are disposable to those people. Mystery illnesses, disappearing animals and Ebegging from followers on a regular, it’s all sick

No. 1993077

You made me remember the drama with Hope for Paws (https://www.youtube.com/@hopeforpaws). He rescued a dog that was missing and rather than giving it back to the owners, he refused to give him back "because they're neglects". It was under social media pressure that they had to give the dog back.

I'm still trying to find that video.

No. 1993080

Camels and Friends Pleads Guilty to Animal abuse and cruelty, They are a animal fake sanctuary channel that HASN'T posted in quite a long time but a lot of people keep subscribing to them and asking why they DON'T upload anymore this is the reason why, I feel so bad for the ram aka the sheep because he was featured in many of their most famous videos with the camel and it was Allegally eating by a mountain lion when the police came to investigate and the wolf dog the woman bought as well too.

No. 1993089

I'm entirely sick of fake clout-chasing animal abuser's!

No. 1993091

you can't make this shit up, take a good look at this people buying big cats for clout and almost getting a horse and the big cat murdered vile clout chasers here(integrate)

No. 1993247

Never knew Mikayla had an onlyfans, what a cow. I liked looking at her channel but over time I started being suspicious because of all the accidents, her unprofessional way of interacting with wild animals (keeping a desert fox, a jackal, red foxes, cats and dogs together in a room, even sleeping with them), the sanitary conditions (you can see the animals pissing everywhere in the house they're all kept in together), and her buying tons of foxes from fur farms to keep them as pets, basically funding the industry. Even her picking up the foxes when they clearly don't enjoy the cuddling and pets seemed odd to me, sure it's cute but the foxes often look distressed.

Kinda hate this girl. She criticises bad animal owners on tiktok but she keeps a lot of birds, reptiles and fish in a bunch of (tiny) cages and tanks in her little room.

No. 1993258

does anybody have any thoughts on florida's wildest channel with this couple? they got some foxes from save a fox from the fur farm and what really upsets me is they decided to foster some pigs for another rescue but the pigs are feral they don't like getting close to people and seem very scared of them and he seems to want them gone on one of the videos on his own channel he was complaining saying he is not a pig rescue sanctuary and they need to be adopted out now but how are you going to adopt them out if they are like a feral cat they are not friendly and pigs are more work then a dog its strange because this couple dislikes people having animals as pets but who wants to adopt a feral pig who distrusts people I feel they need to work on socializing them way more then they are because pig pet dumping is a huge problem

No. 1993263

Adding these guys, they manage two YouTube accounts called I_am_puma and I_am_cheetah. They own a mountain lion and a cheetah, they often force them to interact despite them not liking each other. They have a huge property but the cheetah is kept inside a smaller enclosure (most of the time she paces back and forth, a sign of stress) and the mountain lion stays in the house, they let them walk around part of the yard when making videos but it's still a pretty small space for two big wild animals. The puma has a collar lately, pisses in the shower and sometimes the guy gets a little too close to it, it's kinda creepy. They're both treated as pets. They claim they got Messi (the puma) because he was going to be euthanized for health issues but they don't say why the cheetah is there (probably because they just want an exotic pet). They had a hairless cat before too and at some point they made puma and cheetah themed nfts.

Similar are all the guys behind the "big floppa" videos. The most famous one is a severely overweight caracal that hisses at the camera 24/7 (I wonder why) and lives in a house. There's also Luna the panthera.

No. 1993268

I don't really understand how being against fur farms but buying animals from them is hypocritical/milky? Doesn't it mean that she saves them?

No. 1993273

She saves them, but she literally pays them to get the foxes. So all the fur farm is going to do is get more foxes as substitute and maybe wait for another clueless influencer to spend tons of money to take them again, or go on undisturbed with their fur business. Rinse and repeat. You can't be against something while actively funding their business. It's not like she's rescuing injured foxes in the wild and offering them a sanctuary to stay, she's just buying them. I remember once she bought an odd-colored fox from the fur farm and she mentioned she was actually making the farmer a favour because the coat color wasn't desirable/came with health complications so she gave him money and also made his job easier kek

No. 1993285

She's giving money to a business she claims to be against. She's creating an economic incentive for them to continue doing what they're doing. If she were an actual rescue, ACO and other government entities would literally be bringing seized animals to her. The only foxes she hasn't paid for are the ones other people bought and then gave her.

No. 1993291

To be fair Lunas owner is a zookeeper and works in a cat cafe, she has a massive outdoor area to roam around in and is taken for walks and she legitimately was rejected by her mother and would have died without intervention. I think she’s not probably the only one that isn’t exploitative.

No. 1993301

Shouldn't captured wild animals live in an environment that's at least similar to their natural one? Like a reserve or a sanctuary? The owner seems good enough but I don't know if a panther is happy inside a house with a dog and humans and being taken on walks. A panther is not a small cat in a cafe. It's great that she saved her but it looks like she wants to keep her as a pet instead of letting her live like a wild animal.

No. 1993303

I mean its not like they keep her in a cat cafe. But my point is she knows about animals and didn’t buy her for the YouTube bucks. She seems happy, she has acres to roam around in and she’s stimulated. They moved to a massive property in the country for her. I don’t think she could even survive in the wild cat sanctuary in Russia that’s minimal intervention. The zoo that housed her mother specifically gave her up because they couldn’t meet her needs so idk where else she could even go.(multiple unsaged posts)

No. 1993305

Although I don't know how I feel about people rescuing livestock from Livestock auctions I'm conflicted because those animals will for sure become meat products along with horse kill auctions I watch a YouTube channel called Flecher farms draft horse sanctuary and they rescue them and do good work and get them vet care what I'm confused about is places claiming to be sanctuaries but are getting animals like for example from zoos or tourist attractions that don't need to be rescued by those places they just decided to breed those animals into existence when it's not at all necessary like alligators and still claiming to be sanctuaries or rescues because they were not rescued

No. 1993308

She’s also not really a wild animal, her mother wasn’t a wild animal.

No. 1993318

Wild animal means undomesticated. If anything it's a tame wild animal.

No. 1993319

Saving an animal from death at a fur farm only to abuse it yourself is not doing the animal a favor. Sometimes they’d have been better off as a coat than with these kinds of people as disgusting as that is.

No. 1993324

Saged for old/dry cow but does anyone else remember Brooke Houts and her controversy? For those who don’t she accidentally uploaded a video of her beating down, spitting on, and screaming at her dog and then uploaded the “correct” version of her just playing around with him. Overtime more videos of her mistreating him got out and she lost him, she also gave a hilariously shit notes app apology >>>/snow/849984 Apparently it was only a few months back in October was when she finally deleted her channel and seems to have disappeared. Maybe it’s a bit too late to bring her up but since she’s one of the more notorious pettubers/influencers I figured I may as well

No. 1993331

Big cats don't belong in human homes, period. It's dangerous for humans, other animals, and the big cats themselves. They're wild animals (yes, even if they're born in captivity) and it's unethical, full stop.

Also wtf kind of logic is "She works in a cat cafe, so it's okay for her to keep a Cheetah at home"? Are you fucking insane? I don't care if you're Steve Irwin, the only animals that belong in a home are domesticated ones.

No. 1993359

I know these youtubers have to pick good thumbnails for the views but man this gives me fake rescue vibes.

Quick google found this terribly formatted website:
Warning, photo of aa dead dog left to die in a carrier
>the 'rescue' ran by Elad Hager raised over $15k to rescue 100+ dogs
>proceeded to then abandoned the dogs (no vaccines, not spayed/neutered) at boarding centers or high kill shelters
>Some dogs were reported to be left at boarding facilities for 18+m, other rescues had to step up to pull them
>court records show Elad did not pay boarding fees
>Elad's wife, Sharon Gold, was convicted of Embezzlement and did prison time for it
>Elad had 2 Basenjis rescued and euthanized for behavior without behavior assessment
>Elad also left a black lab in a crate at one 'rescue' in AZ, was not found until a neighbor stumbled across it long after the dog had died

Another here;

A bit bible humpy, but TL;DR
>Blogger donated money to Hope For Paws, org breached privacy to snail mail them more pleas for donation
>Found out they had no available animals to adopt through their rescue despite claims of rescuing hundreds; it was just a generic animal search through all adoptable animals in the country like Petfinder
>Concerns of staged follow-up adoptions, by taking photos of family with a dog and making a facebook page
(a little tin-foil to me, but so was TND being on heroin so who knows maybe they're right)
>They do not send reciepts of donations for people to write off taxes, possibly to skirt IRS
>TERRIBLE reviews on Guidestar, which is like the BBB for non-profits

And that was with one quick google search, I never even looked at this dudes shady videos.

No. 1993377

Everything else aside, does luna seem like she has a bad life to you?

No. 1993384

Yes, because an adult female panther (which is just a melanistic leopard) has a territory of about eighty square miles in the wild. They eat over eight hundred pounds of meat each year. If Luna can't live in the wild, she belongs in a sanctuary or a zoo, not in some rich retard's home. The video >>1993091 posted is a good explanation of why Luna's owner is irresponsible.

Victoria's sob story about Luna being a runt "abandoned" by her mother in a traveling sideshow is probably a load of shit. Russia has no laws against owning exotic pets, I'd be willing to bet that she just bought the leopard as a cub and made up the story to defend herself from criticism. The leopard is probably small because she's malnourished.

No. 1993387

I think this is still a worthy update considering this could still hint that she may attempt to rebrand in the future.

No. 1993393

>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms

Isn't that because she's trying to save them from becoming fur?

No. 1993396

The needs of a big wild animal like Luna are different from pets. A wild animal shouldn't be owned by some rich lady, it shouldn't be taken on walks, it shouldn't live with a dog in a house, it shouldn't even have such a close human contact. Saving (supposedly) the animal doesn't give you the right to keep it as an exotic pet when it becomes an adult or gets better.

The thing is that she doesn't seize the animals with the help of organizations, she doesn't actually shut down the business but she gives them money instead. She's paying them to keep doing their jobs and she's left with a bunch of foxes she can't properly take care of. Yeah the foxes have better lives than before, but again she's just funding the fur farm business directly.

No. 1993397

Learn to read, several anons already said why it's stupid to buy the foxes. She's literally giving the farms money.

No. 1993423

Mikayla also had a deaf dog at some point and she decided to train it with a shock collar (she specifically says the collar has vibration settings and shock settings, she uses the latter for dangerous situations). Questionable decision honestly because there are so many ways you can keep a deaf dog safe and train it effectively. I wish she wore the collar around her own neck to see how safe and not painful/distressing it is.
And she still feeds the jackal baby milk bottles while cuddling it despite the fact that it has parents?? What?

No. 1993453

HomesteadHorsemanship is openly defending Dale Brisby abusing pet ponies, Homestead Horsemanship is incredibly abusive and a backyard horse breeder he practiced horrific pet care on his pony that was having a medical emergency in the posted video responce

No. 1993454

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No. 1993533

>Now mainly posts photoshoots of her wolfdogs, being a transgender asexual, and how she's a 'survivalist' and living off-grid
wolfdogs/hybrids are a literal threat to the existance of native wolf populations and are illegal in many countries for this reason. the people who own or breed them are animal abusers who want to LARP as a mary sue fantasy character. also calling yourself a "survivalist" and then willingly putting yourself near dangerous animal breeds is severely retarded. what a complete lack of self awareness.

No. 1993692

>Mikayla Raines has an OnlyFans
God that's cringe. I won't watch her shit anymore. Good thing her channel has been failing.

No. 1993702

One exotic pet cow that makes me angry is Michael Jamison. He has 2 pet tigers, Diego and Enzo. Their enclosure looked really depressing and dirty to me. He also has 500 cats and dogs running around his home and never cleans the cats litter try by the looks of it. Also has ducks, monkeys and pecocks and suspiciously often mentions about some pets dying if I remember. Also constantly showing off flash motors and owned a helicopter yet was begging online about not having money to pay for Internet.

No. 1993813

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Pic related for those ITT that STILL don't understand why posting cute pictures of wild animals as pets is an issue (not even touching on the husbandry of most of these animals and the human/animal welfare)

Also, buying animals from a fur farm just PROMOTES that fur farm, by giving them money for this animal. It's like going to a puppy mill and buying all their puppies. It funds them, supports the breeding, and shows that there is a market for this product.

I saw some people on JuniperFox and SaveAFox say that some of the foxes were given away for free because of disabilities and would have been killed… There's not too many disabilities that would affect a fox or mink's coat quality, or the ability to find food and water in a small cage. Like a fox with a bum leg is still going to be used for fur. A blind fox still can have perfectly fine fur. It's a lame excuse.

Holy crap I have NEVER heard of this, and I always thought I followed this stuff kinda closely. I figured she fell off after recording and then uploading her wolf attack, which btw no animal behaviorist that reacted to that believed the fire ant thing for a second. She was fucking throwing shit at a resource aggressive dog.

It's fucking insane that people like this just get away with this shit. Hope for Paws is still going strong despite blatant lying to the IRS. Naturepunk stole from donors and allowed unvaccinated wolves to bite humans without a quarantine period, and now she's a shitty actor on reality TV. Save a fox uses her non-profit for her OF to make money, while still begging for money on a weekly basis to feed her animals. JuniperFoxx literally made her exotic animal hobby a non-profit so people can pay for her to keep her pets. I haven't even looked into the other shit posted here but it's all so tiring that these people just get away with this shit.

No. 1993850


Oh no! I use to love watching the Save a Fox channel to see Cody the Coyote but I didn't know she was such a freak. What exactly does she do with her foxes on her onlyfans?

Now that you are ruining tamed wildlife YouTube channels that I enjoy lol, is there any milk on @timmc1269u? I've enjoyed his channel and enjoyed the antics of his coyote Weave but I found it disturbing how he let's his coyote, pit bull, racoon, and cat all just play with each other. Last year, he made several YouTube's about how someone kidnapped his pit bull but then returned him a few months later, I was skeptical and thought it was just a way for him to get online sympathy. He claims that he found the coyote pup in the woods and raised her. He believes that the pit bull may have recently impregnated the coyote. I have to admit the animals are cute, the coyote is a year older than the pit bull and would be gentle with him when he was a pup and now the pit bull is bigger than the coyote and you can tell that he tries to be gentle with her even when they're playing rough.

No. 1993852

This guy doesn't seem too milky aside from him being very irresponsible by allowing the coyote to be at close contact with a small dog (shteve), a cat, a raccoon and a large dog. It's both a safety (especially for the small dog and cat) and a sanitary (these animals aren't vaccinated or supervised afaik) issue.
The coyote seems to be doing pretty good, she's free to roam and leave his house so she isn't detained, she has dens in the surrounding area, sometimes he gives her food and removes her tics. However the thing about the pitbull impregnating the coyote would be unacceptable and I hope it isn't true (not sure if it's possible or would create health issues for the coyote). Goes to show that even if the animal is alright, close contact with humans and domestic animals isn't good.

No. 1993857

My understanding is that coyotes, dogs, and wolves can all interbreed and the average coyote has a significant amount of dog and wolf genes.

No. 1993877

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Whats leaked from her OnlyFans is pretty lame. Just softcore photos at best, a lot of her just posing in skimpy outfits with exotic animals. There is one where she's about to burst with a baby fully naked, but everything is censored.

It reeks of wanting to exploit exotics for even more money, but not entirely sure how without destroying her current donating fanbase

No. 1993936

What are your guy's thoughts on safari Sam? I think she works at a legit sanctuary, however i always see her booping big cats noses and "playing" with them, like shes always trying to have her eliza thornberry moment, its jarring to see people treat wild animals as regular cats and dogs

No. 1994002

Idk it's so fucking weird to have your tits and pussy half out while posing with your "pets" that you bought from fur farms. It would be a lot less cringy if she didn't include the animals as props.

No. 1994938

Update on Save A Fox's fox, Felix.
Apparently died from falling out of a tree. I do find it weird they waited so long (happened on New Years) and then were vague about the details (still are) and posted memorial shit before even mentioning where he was found. The video is just of her crying and some videos of Felix.

Felix was a fox they believed to be wild born. They mentioned how he would always climb up a tree when they would clean the enclosure. Normally foxes will only do this for food, or to escape perceived predators. Considering that's a familiar tree and there's no food they put up there, he probably felt uncomfortable with the close human interactions.

Normally I'd say this is BS, but even in the video you can see that fox climbs worryingly high, probably out of stress and fear.

According to the spreadsheet, Felix also had blood in the urine at one point (tx with abx) and has gotten wounds from fighting with cage mates. He is also one of the few (only?) foxes not locked up at night due to how wild he is. Shame they couldn't allow him to act more wild.

No. 1994947

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She goes a bit more in detail about the death in Facebook comment section, still rather vague though

No. 1994950

Oh man I used to love saveafox. Fuck this is saddening

No. 1994964

>I saw some people on JuniperFox and SaveAFox say that some of the foxes were given away for free because of disabilities and would have been killed… There's not too many disabilities that would affect a fox or mink's coat quality, or the ability to find food and water in a small cage. Like a fox with a bum leg is still going to be used for fur. A blind fox still can have perfectly fine fur. It's a lame excuse.
holy fuck people are stupid if they actually buy into this shit. the blatant lying about how they acquire the foxes should be obvious enough for people to understand that these tiktok "sanctuaries" are exploitative, profit-seeking businesses just like the fur farms.

No. 1995228

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Kinkatopia is getting ANOTHER kinkajou… that's I think 22 or 23 kinkajous.

It's Arkham's brother, Roger. I can't find the reason why she took in Arkham or Roger; It says nothing about their previous situation on her website. Kinkajous rarely have more than 1 young at a time, so wherever she is getting them from, is obviously breeding them.

She has a video on instagram and facebook about it, TL;DR -
>Shit talks vet right off the bat
>Brings kinkajou carrier inside where she lets her cat investigate; kinkajou hyperventilates due to stress; Alex actually notices this, but does not care
>put in enclosure where it is not QT, and had no separation from other kinkajous
>next day shit talks vet again for her failing to realize the kinkajou has had a bandage on for over 24 hours now, despite her keeping it in a carrier at eye level while she prepared food and accosts it in a new enclosure
>Never goes into why it was at the vet, what procedure it was getting, or why she has it.

Also apparently Kinkatopia lady here is a recovering heroin addict. She started the rescue at her 1 year sober mark, but has relapsed since then. What is it with heroin addicts and animal hoarding? How the fuck do they get all this money for exotics?

Also IDK if anyone else noticed, but many of the board members are family of the kinkajou lady, she doesn't even hide it. That is a fucking huge red flag for non-profits. The financial officer has the same last name Driebelbis. The Mike Klein guy she got divorced from

No. 1995237

They're way too irresponsible when it comes to these foxes and I don't understand how people can buy into their bullshit stories. I remember when they made a video apologizing about a fox who already had some kind of malformation (missing ear I think?) and it had to have a leg amputated because one of the other foxes attacked it through the fence and they couldn't keep them properly separated. If you don't have the space to keep the foxes apart then stop taking in so many foxes, especially because they're not given to you by some organization, you buy them yourself.

No. 1995666

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For someone who is so 'one with nature' you'd think they'd be a bit more respectful of it, and not imprinting on wildlife or goading animals into biting for internet clout. No idea if this is her owl, an owl she's rehabbing, or what.

Since no one has replied I figured I'd throw my 2c out there.

>He calls himself a sanctuary, which always raises red flags as someone getting donations to fund their animal hobby

>DOES adopt out some animals (seemingly ones he knows he can't take care of) so that's good!
>Nitpick: pigs & goats are tricky to keep together, if donors are paying for their care I would separate them to avoid vet costs from fighting
>No chance in hell baby emus were rescues lol they were bought
>fox enclosure are small but otherwise VERY nice; behind 2 doors, covered, enrichment, safe elevated hides, MUCH better than the much larger fox rescues ITT
>I'm not gonna shit on their coati situation too hard, because it is retarded they aren't separating territorial ones but they have a nice enclosure and are actively trying to add more space so they can coexist
>Bird cages are some of the best I've seen.
>They actually DO SOMETHING when animals are uncomfortable/attacking each other
>I like the prairie dog enclosure, their food is whack though
>Does not APPEAR to be breeding animals intentionally (mentioned giving away quail eggs to not make more quail, separates cockatoos) but I'm not sure on this
>Actually treats their wild fuckin animals like wild fucking animals with degrees of separation! Not zoo level but it's something. No forced interaction. This is so rare for rescue influencers
>Moving the monitor like that was retarded. Should have been in another container, could have easily been lost

I wouldn't donate to them, but from that info I don't see a problem with subscribing to them.

No. 1995693

File: 1716068992813.png (572.51 KB, 1031x832, saveafox jackals.png)

She actually bred 3 more jackal pups that she's bottle feeding, and doesn't even have homes set up for them yet. She claims she is going to sell them to educational centers, but nothing that's accredited is going to want a severely imprinted jackal so it's going to other pet influencers self-described as 'animal educators'.

She is going to make absolute bank on this jackal breeding gig, because they are so rare in the pet trade. Meanwhile, she is still doing the 'Five-dollar Fridays' where she begs followers to donate $5 every Friday, is currently begging to be sent Farmer's Dog Food, has 2 different fundraisers for the 500 foxes she is (slowly?) rescuing, asking people to become a Facebook subscriber for $10, a Patreon member from $3-100, $5/month for OnlyFans, or sponsor a fox for $25-95/month.

I get needing donations but my god, have some tact.

His ear went 'missing' into the gullet of another fox, btw. The Fox's name is Apollo/Vincent Van Gogh. I think I would have gone with the name Evander Holyfield since it wasn't the fox's choice to have his ear taken off.
That wasn't their first issue with the fencing, either. Fox Cerebus caught it's leg in the gate and had his leg amputated before this.

No. 1995741

this is the same logic as someone being against backyard breeders so buys puppies from them, thinking they're "rescuing" the puppy. please use your brain.

No. 1995851

>Feeds kinkajous candy daily, including CBD gummies, there are no studies that suggest this is OK as part of a daily kinkajou diet

I just found this thread. I love you OP kek.

No. 1996021

File: 1716162218474.png (587.8 KB, 464x707, chimperade.png)

That Landon guy is fucking insane lol why aren't more people up in arms about him? Him and Jacob Feder (I usually mix them up) are like the Jake Paul of exotics.

Genuinely fucking disgusting and I never even heard of her. Her apology was SUCH bullshit, didn't admit to any fault just said she needs to get her dog trained. Bitch you need therapy.

You're gonna have to greentext this like im a retard because I know nothing about horses
That nasogastric tubing WITHOUT sedation or even fuckin lube sent chills down my spine. idk if this is medfagging but it also doesn't look like that tube is deep enough to go down to the stomach, meaning the fluids could enter the lungs instead. Granted I have never done a nasogastric tube on a fully aware animal, they usually don't much squirm after the tube has already passed.

No. 1996029

File: 1716163586710.png (319.77 KB, 677x763, newrescue.png)

New Save A Fox rescue just dropped.
I see she is still pumping for donations, I guess that Porsche and Navigator wasn't enough.

No. 1996049

This thread has so much milk and potential future milk but God damn is it fucking depressing. It’s one thing to watch a cow ruining their own life but watching and knowing these animals are being abused or suffering is rough and I feel tremendous guilt calling it milk.

No. 1996054

Gastric tubing equines is incredibly rough. They should be sedated and there should be two people. I didn’t watch the video but I have assisted and seen this done by legitimate vets in real life and it is very traumatic. The tube is about the same gauge and length as a garden hose and even with lube, it is not uncommon for the horse to bleed and sometimes a lot. (once again I didn’t watch the video anon is referencing) but if a horse is at the point of needing to be tuned it is at a critical state. Tubing is very scary and can go very wrong, and must be done once again by at least two trained professionals. I actually just wrote a little info about tubing horses for choke in the Steph thread recently. *Reposted for typo

No. 1996338

File: 1716256012004.png (661.37 KB, 1036x833, mufasa.png)

Save A Fox seems to reveal another new rescue daily

According to that excel sheet she is now up to…… a lot.

I had to google a bit to find her and yeah, hell no. I love how she says they are NOT PETS, meanwhile treating them like pets.

I looked into it too and the rescue is actually disgusting.
No rescue worthwhile will allow humans to enter the exhibit of a conscious big cat like that. I know it looks cute and it looks like they are having fun, but all it takes is letting that cat act like a big cat for a moment, and now a big cat is dead and a person is mauled or dead. It's honestly asking a lot for these cats to behave like housecats.
They appear to be planning to breed white lions, which is gross. Their jag is fat as fuck. They have adult tigers and bears interacting. Everyone interacts with animals there, not just that sammie girl, and they seem to have done cub petting back when they had cubs.
None of these animals are 'rescues' btw - they are a non-profit EDUCATIONAL FACILITY, meaning they get donor money to keep exotic animals and 'educate' the public. I haven't seen a single animal yet they rescued, they all seem to have been bought or bred. Maybe I'm overlooking something.

No. 1996349

IMO sexual themed pictures should never have real animals in them. It just feels wrong, like you're sexualizing the animals. I mean why else would they even be in the picture….

No. 1996388

Yeah, no. She either found this cat or adopted it. "Intaking" animals is what shelters do. I mean actual, licensed shelters who work with animal control officers and are formally registered as non-profits. Mikayla is a hoarder who registered as a fur farm to dodge regulatory bodies.

If she doesn't want to do the right thing and surrender the cat to an actual shelter, then maybe she should sell her sports cars or more tasteless photo ops on OnlyFans.

No. 1996389

Just be glad we're not talking about the monkey abuse scene (which has 100% cow density, but is too upsetting to discuss even for lolcor.)

No. 1996398

>She is going to make absolute bank on this jackal breeding gig
Theres no way that's legal, right? Even when she's got papers saying she's a fur farmer?

No. 1996520

File: 1716306732374.png (3.73 MB, 1333x2000, onlyfans shenanigans.png)

Her OnlyFans is highly structured around her exotic animals; it gives her a unique draw that most other OF models can't get. She apparently has around 800 subs, at about $5/m, so she's making around 4k/m to not even show nudity.

At least she keeps the animals out of the more kinky shit. But she does pole dance with them, and there's a few videos where she nearly wipes out on her mink

A quick google search shows that they are illegal to keep as pets in both of her locations. However remember, she is licensed as a fur farm. I think she stated that's how she's able to keep her animals like foxes, stoats, minks, etc. I believe that's how she's getting away with it.

If no one brings it to light though, they will continue to be worshipped by followers. Just look ITT alone the people who said they watched SAF. Hell, KiwiFarms listed Hope For Paws (>>1993077 >>1993359) as a 'reputable rescue' because no one is talking about these guys.
It's also the epitome of milk; they literally NEED the attention and views to feed their animal addiction.

No. 1996559

>Fully naked picture with the dog
Zoophile vibes ngl

No. 1996585

File: 1716319527123.png (745.42 KB, 1030x836, two unlikely friends.png)

Also I love how all of these fuckers say #notpets while literally treating them exactly like you would treat a pet.
Baby jag and a baby capuchin, so many baby animals but so few adults. I wonder where they all go?

No. 1996590

I thought you couldn't have animals in your onlyfans porn? That it goes against their tos?

No. 1996615

>remember, she is licensed as a fur farm
Why are you "reminding" me something that I literally said in the post you're replying to? My question was about whether registering as a fur farm actually gives her carte blanche to own as many exotic (sometimes illegal) animals as she likes. I'm not just talking about the foxes and minks, which are usually bred for fur. I'm talking about the weird shit like Fennecs, Jackals, and Fishers.

No. 1996621

NTA but those animals aren't specifically regulated in Minnesota as far as I can tell, they probably come under the same fur farm permit the foxes required.

No. 1996622

So how far does that go? Can you keep a tiger in your house as long as you register as a fur farm? There has to be some kind of limit.

No. 1996661

File: 1716340801594.png (1.05 MB, 1337x837, SAF new rescue.png)

Oh boy another rescue! That's 3 in 2 days. I guess this one is at least being brought somewhere else, but I checked into that Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary, and I dare say it manages to be even worse than SAF. It seems like they are kept in dog kennels and have like a few larger turn-out areas? Kinda sad looking tbh.

No. 1996734

>Breeder surrender
Iirc these coat colors aren't good for fur farms (something about them coming with health issues) so they seek to remove them from their gene pool. So she's really just doing them a favour.

No. 1996773

File: 1716388861027.png (988.07 KB, 835x627, foxrescue.png)

If it is amber, like she believes, it doesn't have any health issues associated with the color. Maybe you're thinking of those obese blue finnish foxes, or platinum? I am also not sure if fur farmers would cull for this; as far as I know, they don't use the legs and feet, so they don't care how damaged they get.

Also, the home it's going to isn't too hot. The 20 or so foxes seem to be kept in pairs in what appears to be 10x14 dog kennels on concrete with toddler slides for enrichment, and they have a few turn out pens where they rotate the foxes. It is not an adoption facility, either, those foxes are mostly there to stay. If that is a suitable home for adoption/foster, she should have been able to rehome most of those 500 foxes by now. I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable keeping 20 dogs like this though.

I was honestly happy when I saw it was an instant turn around, until I saw it was going to a rescue that is already claiming they are at max capacity. Pic related is their fox pens.

No. 1996782

No, not the blue or platinum ones, she had a very similar fox a while ago that was brown/isabella with pink nose and blue eyes, I can't find the video or recall the name though because she has so many foxes. But in the video of her presenting the foxes (they were "rescuing" 3 at once I think) she does explain that the color was associated with health risks/short lifespans so the breeder gave it up. Not sure if it was a bullshit story though.
Anyway those cages look sad and incredibly small.

No. 1996822

Yo, those top pictures are fucking disgusting. Uploading pregnant content on porn websites is awful enough, but the pic with the dog goes straight into zoophile territory. Can't believe I used to follow her

No. 1996894

This is straight-up cruelty, holy shit. Mikayla is a psycho for sending animals to these sorts of places. Her setup is shitty and dangerous, but it's still better than a concrete cage with a dog crate and plastic furniture.

No. 1997176

File: 1716513369919.mp4 (3.7 MB, 1280x720, Mikayla Raines Intro Short.mp4)

Is anyone else worried about Mikayla? She doesn't seem quite right. Did doing softcore porn break her?

No. 1997322

I'm worried about the foxes. I don't give a rat's ass about her wellbeing.

No. 1997368

the video doesn't play for me, does it play for anyobody else?

No. 1997402

File: 1716562429694.png (223.45 KB, 343x343, toeless fox.png)

I just realized the fox that has no back feet is also going to be living in these concrete pens >>1996773 at Clevyr Creatures.
As that fox gets bigger and those legs carry more weight and scrape against concrete, it's going to get very painful. Potentially wounded, infected.
They claim it has the main pad on one foot and just a toe on the other. I don't see the pads myself tbh; I see a spot with sparse hair on the bottom of the leg likely from the fox walking on it.

Tried on 2 browsers and it works for me. It's really not that important though, just a clip of her acting weird before pole dancing.

No. 1997952

File: 1716766805961.png (578.78 KB, 665x772, clevyrcreatureshallux.png)

Wait a sec, Save A Fox already did a donation drive for Hallux, the vet was just a check up; they didn't do anything besides go 'yup that's a foot', no radiographs or surgery or meds. The fox is already sponsored ($50-95 depending who they sponsored through since they were tagged on instagram), now Clevyr Creatures sanctuary needs a donation drive too for this fox that they shouldn't have room for, because they were already at max cap with 20?

Also just realized they are putting this fox with no feet on concrete lol. I'm sure that's not going to be painful and problematic as he gets older.

No. 1998009

Jfc just out that poor thing out of its misery. How is buying deformed foxes off fur farms and keeping them locked up in a concrete pen for life and any better than them being at the fur farm? Rescue my ass.

No. 1998036

awww he is so cute poor baby

No. 1998636

File: 1716988383936.jpg (261.34 KB, 720x1400, Screenshot_20240529_150821_Ins…)

Stumbled up on this girl. Her whole page is about putting her reactive wolf dog in stressful, dangerous, totally unnecessary situations and then "correcting it". She'll get the dog, herself or a stranger killed some day, but omg cool wolfdog content for social media. Dragging her wolfdof to the dog park where other dogs flock to it while its clearly uncomfortable and ready to fight, off leash around children, trying to pick it up by dragging it by its stomach etc. I'm sick of seeing influencer who shouldn't even have a medium-big sized dog think they can handle a wolfdog, and then post content for other retards with no experience who think they too can handle a wolfdof.

No. 1998641

File: 1716988947274.jpg (291.81 KB, 720x1375, Screenshot_20240529_152105_Ins…)

Shoving it into a way too small cage, staring into its eyes while it snarls at her

No. 1998642

File: 1716988984378.jpg (261.56 KB, 720x1383, Screenshot_20240529_151703_Ins…)

Taking it leashed into a dog park with many strange dogs around

No. 1998647

Jesus fuck this woman is single-handedly keeping the “you just know”-meme alive.(autism)

No. 1999104

i fucking hate people who breed or buy these hybrids, they are harmful to normal wolves not to mention the people and everything else surrounding them. every wolfdog owner is a cow.

No. 1999255

Why can't some people just accept that they can't domesticate and keep wild/semi-wild animals as pets? Why obsess over having a wolf, fox or big cat in your house? I like these animals too but they're not compatible with human lifestyles, and they actually fucking resent you most of the time so they're dangerous. What are these people trying to demonstrate?

No. 1999849

File: 1717290581648.png (1.36 MB, 1232x837, naturepunk rabbits.png)

God this gives me such 'shit that never happened' vibes. She just so happened to find a stray relatively uncommon otter rabbit and a stray pet buck that both happen to be good breeders and throwing exactly what she wants. I'm not buying it.

So much ass patting in here too. She already broke the cardinal sin of rabbit keeping by not just keeping them on wire bottoms, but wire bottoms that are way too fucking big. Not to mention she killed a whole clutch because she couldn't afford it and killed the rest off with coccidia.
I get that they're livestock, they're just going to be used for dog food and trinkets, but she is gonna kill these ones off too if she doesn't get smaller wire. It's not even stopping predators.

No. 1999859

File: 1717292420850.png (872.96 KB, 712x1240, happy wolf.png)

ngl this is hilarious, in a sad way. I just love these shots of obviously stressed, upset wolf mid-attack with 'Happy Wolf' next to it, and a ton of cope

Also dog parks aren't even good for dogs, I can't imagine why someone would think it's a good idea for their supposed wolf.

No. 1999876

This got redtexted but this anon is correct. She’s using the animals as props for men with a zoophile fetish who get turned on by the idea of women being fucked by canines and other animals. She knows exactly what she’s doing and it’s fucking gross.

No. 2000174

Fuck that kinkajou lady. Watching her essentially kill the diabetic one was heartbreaking. She’s scum and her response was empty and cringy.

No. 2000285

File: 1717373368917.png (642.56 KB, 1033x837, kinky kinkajou.png)

A lot of these people skirt the fucking line, pic related
Holy crap I didn't know that. Yeah diabetic animals probably shouldn't be getting a diet of lolipops daily

No. 2002557

File: 1717892710644.png (649.63 KB, 675x766, gay foxes.png)

Uh god we can't even get away from the pride virtue signaling in fucking foxes.
They're foxes, mikayla. They aren't fucking gay.

No. 2002720

>They're bonded!!
And this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that they're caged together 24/7 and you put them there.

No. 2006112

Oh, man, this lady. Her name is Alex Warnock.

First thing: she's had soooooo many fucking animals. It started in 2006 when she acquired a four week old camel named Baby, and from then on, in no particular order, she's had: a dozen different dogs, emus, ostriches, sheep, hamsters, a raven, a fox, a hornbill, another camel, a cat, a horse, a water buffalo, a mink, a wolfdog, etc. Absolutely more that I'm missing. It's common for most of them to show up once or twice in videos then never be mentioned again - the hornbill, mink, and fox stopped showing up pretty early on, the only dog consistently shown was a doberman, and she's had kangals/borzois/german shephards/corgis/greyhounds/lions/tigers/bears.

I'd like to think that Alex just eventually got bored with the ones that stopped appearing and just didn't include them in videos, maybe adopting them off to other people who truly wanted to take care of them, but it's likely that a good amount of her menagerie suffered from neglect in one way or another, going off of anecdotes and the articles of her being charged for animal abuse.

A sampling of her stints:
>purposefully agitating a wolfdog for youtube content by kicking a bucket at it or taking it's food away, like someone else mentioned
>eventually gave it away to a sanctuary, but people aren't certain about this, some say it was euthanized
>when people were asking where her cat Pancake was, she claimed that a vet dumped it in the middle of the desert? also claims that the vet was an ex of hers
>her doberman was attacked by another dog, then a rattlesnake, then a gila monster…
>in 2020 her camels escaped and ran through her neighbors yard, which prompted local authorities to investigate
>found a starving horse and water buffalo, remains of a sheep that she owned was found miles away with cougar tracks by the corpse, no water for any of the animals on her property
>after this, a bunch of animals were seized in april

She was apparently bedridden and asked a relative to take care of the animals, and she didn't show up for any court dates.

No. 2006113

File: 1718795180635.jpg (1.03 MB, 2250x2026, oppenheimer.jpg)

And then there's this.

One peculiar detail about the gvnews.com articles is this tidbit:
>The owner of the animals changed her name in January 2019 from Alexander Dirac Robert Warnock to Julius Robert Oppenheimer.

1:1 copying the name of the guy who made the atomic bombs. Weird enough on it's own, sure, but when I searched for stuff relating to camelsandfriends, on blogs, on youtube comments, wherever, a person would pop up saying they knew Alex personally, and that she genuinely believed that she was a reincarnation of Mr. Destroyer of Worlds. Also apparently addicted to meth. There's a few other factoids, like how the vet killing her cat story is complete bullshit, but her being insane and a methhead are the most consistent.

I have not heard anything from her beyond 2020. I'm inclined to believe she is homeless or dead. It's such an insane contrast to how idyllic most people viewed her channel; a secret and sadder Joe Exotic. it kills me that she had a nice big Arizona property in the middle of nowhere, probably a fantastic setup for camels if she just stopped there.

No. 2006659

File: 1718979935912.png (200.59 KB, 2085x710, camelsnfriendsreddit.png)

I looked into this lady for a bit. The person she blamed to kill her cat was not a vet, but a vet tech. It was the same girl she was living with for years and was on Animal Planet with her. I'm pretty sure in the video she did call the lady a vet, idk if she was just too out of it or thought that lie would make the story spicier or what. Someone made a facebook group calling the 'vet' out by name as an animal abuser. Her poor room mate really seemed to just want to get the fuck away from it.
Imagine this nationally famous psycho calling you an animal abuser and potentially ruining your career.

Also a lot of her dogs were named after nuclear explosions, I think like 3. If you backtrack her blog on wayback machine vs her other social medias, she fucks up the names on a lot of animals, and really fucks up the dates on when some animals died and/or how they died, only a few months after the event. She also had some very weird way of saying things. There were some signs she wasn't quite right.
I could have sworn she said something about being adopted at one point.
Pic related is her reddit. She really went off the deep end. There are now multiple accounts saying that she does meth specifically, I wish one of these people would come out with some proof, pictures, videos, or even their relation to her.

No. 2009639

File: 1719712691730.png (357.74 KB, 1338x738, roger death.png)

I actually found KinkaCunt drama on a group for veterinary medicine, of all places. So I thought I'd share.
Her dumb ass just sent her 200k followers on a vet clinic because she doesn't know fuck all about the exotics she has. Of course, it's being review bombed to hell now.

The TL;DW:
>RIP Roger - died of Renal Failure
>Blamed the vet clinic for requiring the animal to be vaccinated to stay in the clinic (likely rabies, for employee health)
>Blamed clinic for keeping him in a cat cage, as opposed to I guess a kinkajou cage?
>Blamed clinic for not giving him a cone (cone would not have stayed on anyways)
>Blamed clinic for not immediately sending home with antibiotics, despite that being an outdated practice
>Blamed clinic for keeping bandage on him (no excuse for that one, but it didn't cause Renal Failure)
>Blamed Roger sucking his penis
>Blamed prev owners for not having Roger recover in their home, supposedly resulting in the penis sucking behavior
>Took a wee little bit of responsibility that she was unable to monitor the animal's urination for a while

I'm guilty for shaming people who surrender animals sometimes, but never ever do I do so in public. She's a huge public figure. It shames people into keeping animals they can't realistically keep, it scares people away from re-homing that should really be re-homing. It's just so bad in an animal rescue/welfare light

No. 2009751

File: 1719740459898.jpg (878.91 KB, 1080x2340, 1000001888.jpg)

>ctrl+f "pregnant"
>13 results
Saging because it's a little too late for this since it seems he's moved on to other trends thank god but I once visited his account when he'd upload "helping my rescued pet give birth" videos.

No. 2012474

File: 1720405856875.png (295.25 KB, 676x756, AzulDeath.png)

Bit of an update on SAF since I haven't seen one yet;

>Still slowly dwindling down the 500+ fur farm foxes, now around 200+

>Says they have ran out of adopters they will accept, and are planning on building housing for the remaining 200
>Took on a fox that cost 5k to diagnose, to find that it had cancer, liver failure, and calcium build up. They were considering spending 10k on excising the tumor if it wasn't for the animal's age + other medical conditions
>Asking for donations for a $120 health monitor collar and $300/year sub for a fox that has seizures
Keep in mind they are still begging daily for food
>Posts about how foxes make good pets for people looking for pet foxes
>Posts about how foxes are good with kids if the kids are good with foxes
>Facebook detects their pages as AI. lol

Semi-SAF related;
>Halifax the fox with no foot is still alive and seemed to have boosted Clevyr Creature's followers by quite a bit.

SAF and Clevyr Creatures also seem to heavily copy off of each other's posts. Like sometimes word for word. They also both bitched that AI thing on Facebook, their posts were within 24h of each other.

No. 2012715

my phone is being retarded so I can't upload an image, but SAF YouTube has been hacked by crypto bros

No. 2012767

File: 1720487332508.png (195.59 KB, 678x765, hacked youtube.png)

Thanks for the heads up.

Their youtube link brings you to a spoof SpaceX 'news' channel, with one upload and a ton of videos stolen from the actual SpaceX to pad out their playlist. But the community section is stall all foxes lol

Great excuse to get some donations though.

No. 2012827

Maybe she should sell some of her fucking sports cars if she needs the money so goddamn bad.

No. 2012898

Maybe they should stop buying a bunch of foxes that they can't take care of. And jackals that they decide to hand feed. And minxes, and fishers, and dogs.

No. 2013437

What's the consensus on Shelby Dennis? I like her but I think she sometimes goes into obnoxious territory with virtue signaling.

No. 2013804

File: 1720743588031.png (411.82 KB, 563x787, sarah bartell homestead.png)

Sarah Bartell is looking for a serf, if anyone is interested in taking care of her farm. You'd be on your own for obtaining a home, water, heat, electricity, waste disposal, etc.

Or if you don't feel like being a slave, you can pay $400 for a spot to place your trailer. With no water, electricity, heat, waste disposal, etc…

Also it appears like she's shifted hard into the re-selling business. She did some re-selling of pelts, but now it looks like that's her main gig. Selling used coats and jewelry. I guess there wasn't a big enough market for deer skulls. Obviously had to rebrand because NaturePunk branding leads to siphoning funds from a non-profit.

No. 2013992

I could be retarded and unfocused, but I missed what she's offering (?) for the work

No. 2014038

"Off-grid homestead in South Central Washington seeks live-in farm hand. Park yout conversion bus, RV, or tiny house. You'll be responsible for your own amenities… Daily chores include feeding and watering livestock… cleaning and maintaining [property]…. assisting with property… projects."

Literally offering just a place to park your van, for whatever work they want you to do. Or, $400/month to skip the slave labor.

People are saying $400 is a steal. But they're not renting out a house or even an RV pad with hook ups. There's not even a concrete pad. For $100 more you can get all of that

No. 2014160

Wow, that is insane. And like you said, slave labor tier

No. 2014326

Really disappointing about Mikayla. I used to follow her online for cute fox content, she seemed to genuinally care about helping animals. But then her instagram photos got weirder and more naked. I'm not surpised she does OF. But if she cares about animals, why make content that looks like it's aimed at zoophiles? Leave those poor animals out of that shit!

No. 2020804

Not that milky but thestadlerfam on tiktok is the wholesome rebrand of @mad.chi. This is that woman who used to constantly post videos of her harassing her old chihuahua who was constantly distressed. She put sad captions about Madi being a 'rescue' and how 'hard' it was to help her through her aggression and acted like a saint while terrifying her dog & refusing free offers from dog trainers. She recently bought another chihuahua and of course immediately used it for sponsorship content by giving this tiny thing a probably completely unnecessary bath then feeding it a fucking huge calming treat in the middle of the bath instead of before. There's no more obvious abuse but I don't think these types of influencers experience actual empathy for animals. Also there are literally purebred chihuahuas up for adoption everywhere, they are rampant in shelters

No. 2020811

File: 1722369313731.png (369.03 KB, 339x553, madichi2.PNG)

screencap of a deleted tiktok where she forces Madi into a costume while she bites her & starts panting from anxiety

No. 2022329

File: 1722714726444.png (561.63 KB, 732x721, cremainstat.png)

Are we really just going to gloss over the fact that KinkaCrazy put the ashes of her latest dead kinkajou Roger in her tattoo ink?

No. 2022619

I hated this bitch so much. She was abusing the fuck out of that poor dog for views. I can't stand "animal rescuer" influencers that have 0 knowledge of animal body language and insist on cornering and forcibly petting stressed out cats/dogs while making a retarded baby voice

No. 2022624

Reminds me of @nikiozeri who also
got famous for terrorizing the fuck out of his white chihuahua. Every other video he makes is just him teasing the dog until it snaps and yet he never gets called out for the abuse bc people assume that all small dogs act like this. The brown chihuahuas he owns are much calmer, I wouldnt be surprised if the moid was hitting/pinching the white one behind the scenes to make it so reactive.

No. 2022806

Definitely doing something to terrorize it of camera for it to react like that to the owner. Chihuahua's are very loving and loyal dogs, if you train them normally and treat them with kindness they don't react like this at all. Very suspicious.

No. 2029192

File: 1724437119827.mp4 (5.64 MB, 360x640, trauma dump.mp4)

I can't be bothered to keep up with the kinkatopia drama regularly, so here's a summary;

>Still feeding the feral cat that keeps pumping out babies

>recently adopting out the latest set of feral kittens, keeping one/a few
>video that shames people rehoming to her
>mentions losing job, getting divorced, losing 2 pets recently
>also feeding animals high fructose corn syrup instead of just fruit, because that worked so well for Americans
>Brought her flying squirrels inside for the first time in years, and one dies the first night.
Currently she is too traumatized to talk about it, I'm sure it has nothing to do with her several predators in the house which according to her website was why she moved them outside in the first place.
>got a red footed tortoise from south florida wildlife center, and I am now just learning she has a pit of red footed tortoises
I think it might also be doubling as a kinkajou cage

I think that's about caught up

No. 2034516

File: 1726450032238.png (4.11 MB, 3460x2938, inland taipan.png)

I've got a new one for y'all - Jeffery Leibowitz.

>Best known for handling venomous snakes (hots) without PPE
>Makes fun of people who are cautious around hots
>Gets an Inland Taipan, the most venomous snake on the planet
>gets bit almost instantly
>Gets antivenom donated by Kentucky Reptile Zoo, despite the shortage
>will have lifelong complications
>cops came to confiscate snakes, noted subpar conditions and holes in tubs large enough for escapes
>No zoos nearby wanted potentially diseased snakes, a family member gave permission to have snakes euthanized
>Jeff later makes an Instagram video gloating about the whole ordeal

Lots of people have bitched about his snake husbandry before this incident - rumors are that his other hots aren't healthy enough to be active enough to land a bite, hence why this brand new snake was able to make contact.

No. 2034546

Kek wait is this the retard who said anti venom is for pussies and then pleaded for some after he was bit?

No. 2034661

yes, it's in the screenshot

No. 2039216

File: 1727416291054.png (262.62 KB, 1080x752, Screenshot_20240926-230422.png)

The woman who owns Clevyr Creatures is Save a Fox's social media manager. It's basically a Save a Fox franchise.

No. 2044318

File: 1728566150169.png (446.64 KB, 1030x657, fennec fox.png)

SAF has upgraded to taking in fennec fox rescues, will be rehoming to Bellowing Acres and it sounds like they will be breeding them since I found no info about either of these foxes being fixed. Funny since Mikayla goes on to say there's a shortage of rescues - maybe a part of that problem is the abundance of exotic pets?

Anyways they have that one location in Florida but they evacuated all of the animals so there shouldn't be much issue there. Still questioning why they chose Florida of all places to run a private rescue.

Well that makes a lot more sense

No. 2044419

Florida has loose laws on what kind of animals you can own as pets. Sadly alot of people move there and buy exotics. Its probably easier for these "pet"scum people to pull there fake ass BS in such a state.

No. 2047973

File: 1729300692198.png (1.28 MB, 1234x1310, jeff man has the plan to get b…)

Jeffery Leibowitz is at it again, free handling hots.
>police apparently missed one of his snakes, Hot Fudge
>a bunch of free handling vids of his one remaining snake
>trying to say the news reported that his dad got angry with the snakes and broke into his house to kill them all
>absolutely asinine video where he's playing the victim
>banned from MorphMarket
>Signed a deal with the producers of Tiger King and Chimp Crazy to make a Netflix series
Slightly off topic but also
>all that trash in lower left pic

No. 2048158

If the Netflix deal does lead to hots being banned then all power to them. There’s no legitimate reason for hobbyists to own hots.

No. 2048192

Agree. There are so many cool, non-venomous snakes and arthropods out there. These guys just want hots because they think it's badass or macho or whatever.

No. 2048201

File: 1729370211007.png (299.16 KB, 1003x671, not dead yet.png)

This guy is actually quite the cow.
About a week or so after he got out of the hospital from being tagged by the inland taipan, he went to a hots expo. From his youtube videos, it sounds like he mainly went to see what people thought of him getting bit lol. It's just him talking about what people thought about him being bit mostly.
Cops apparently missed the brown forest cobra because it was in another location - I guess Jeff is between homes right now.
In the past couple of days he has posted videos free handling multiple boomslangs at once and a stiletto snake - both highly venomous. These are new snakes, so someone is still giving him hots.

There is no way the snake community is getting out of this one unscathed.

No. 2048347

Saged since not so milky + idk if I embedded the link correctly.
This girl literally fed her dog chocolate and posted it to yt.
It’s a small amount but who would willingly feed their dog chocolate?

No. 2054026

Does anybody have any thoughts about the, Peanut the Squirrel, Being murdered by Federal Agents?

I saw Gabby Nikolle on her IG story the woman who gets her rescue fur farmed foxes from Save A Fox basically saying (Before she deleted her IG Stories) Throwing shade saying That it's the owners fault because he's NOT licensed so he had it coming basically because of that then she proceeded to delete those stories really quick and reposted facebook friends other sanctuary animal account responses basically bashing the couple saying it was their own fault saying he should have not had the squirrel and how him having a onlyfans allegally was the problem basically bashing them for rescuing it in the first place saying they had it comming, Even though Gabby Nikolle in the past had a OnlyFans account herself

No. 2072051

File: 1735415702483.jpg (156.94 KB, 1080x1919, img.jpg)

Does anybody follow, Tara Babcock, On InstaGram or YouTube? She adopted a black cat when she was with J her ex-boyfriend then when they broke up she got with her new boyfriend and gave her cat up to her ex boyfriend's new girlfriend and the excuse was that her boyfriend because he's a lawyer he couldn't handle being a pet parent but yet she continues to post this type of stuff all the time on her IG. Anybody have any thoughts about this? Because she claims cats and other pets are a full commitment not gifts but yet the second she gets a new boyfriend she dumps them to somebody else and makes excuses for it, and it was NOT just one cat she also when was with her ex had rescued another one, So 2 in total!(sage your non milk)

No. 2072058

68 words in that second sentence and not a lick of punctuation. Could you have made that anecdote any more convoluted and hard to follow when it essentially boils down to the below?
>woman gets cat with boyfriend
>woman and boyfriend break up
>woman lets ex keep cat

No. 2072952

File: 1735705993541.png (231.86 KB, 657x705, kinkatopia feral cats.png)

Kinkatopia is still breeding feral cats. Keep in mind, these kittens are the grandkids of the original feral cat she's been feeding. She now has at least 2 feral females - the OG and her daughter - producing kittens. And she's not getting to the kittens young enough in their socialization period, either, so they're still hissy and pissy.
I'll be honest I kind of find this squirrel thing to be a non-issue. She might be milky for other things, but that's a pretty tame take.

No. 2074167

Sorry if this is a bit of a derail but is GirlWithTheDogs aka Vanessa De Prophetis ok? I know she runs a grooming service so she has a business that doesn't depend on Youtube/Tiktok clickbait likes. However she seems to get in so many exotic dogs.

No. 2076893

I don't see why not. She is definitely weird about how she will tell dogs "good boy"/"good girl" but she won't do the same for cats and just says "good cat". I think her aversion to cats is why her cat videos end up doing better than some of her dog videos, and why she has been grooming more cats lately despite being "girl with the dogs".

No. 2076902

LennonTheBunny/Lorelai is also someone that is a bit milky and kind of notorious in the rabbit scene.

>has one solitary female rabbit that she makes excuses for (rabbits are social animals and prefer to bond with one or more other bunnies)

>named her "Lennon", which often confuses people on her rabbit's gender
>believes herself to be an authority on rabbit care despite rabbit care going beyond just pet care
>has an episodic vlog series where she renovates other rabbit owner's homes to try to "improve" rabbit care, it looks and feels like she is fishing to be picked up by TLC or some other network
>adopt adopt adopt, insists people shouldn't buy from rabbit breeders even though the rabbit scene is kept alive by rabbitries
>said rabbitries even mock her on TikTok
>frequently acts as though doing anything but free-roaming a rabbit around your house is abusive
>Lennon has kidney disease
>Lennon is now a senior age rabbit and could die any time now, especially with the smoke in LA

No. 2077812

Does anybody have any thoughts or opinions on the Crocodilian pet keeper on YouTube know as, Gatorpool Gators? He at one point was feeding and buying LIVE bunny rabbits to feed his crocodiles then peta animal activists got his channel suspended claiming he was abusing bunnies for YouTube monetization while feeding his crocodiles live rabbits for entertainment then he came back and made another channel. Since then his Alligators and Pet Caiman known as Blitz went missing (The police or somebody) I think he claimed they took them away he NEVER explained why he got them taken away, But they let him keep his crocodile but NOT his Caiman or Alligators? The video down below is a OLD upload by somebody else but the Gatorpool guy has a new channel on YouTube again

No. 2077817

>named the bunny "Lennon"
Her excuse is that you can't tell baby bunnies' sexes. It's true but she still could've given Lennon a unisex name, or just renamed her Lena later on
This shit is pure sadism. Maybe I'm biased because bunnies are my favorite animals and I would cry if I forced myself to watch that video but this is not necessary AT ALL. In zoos, they feed crocs pieces of meat and it works just fine. In the wild, they hunt other prey, not domestic bunnies. So why do this? And of course it's a scrote doing it…

No. 2078087

God there are so many pet tubers who own bugs/reptiles who film live feeding for views. I don’t know if it’s as bad, but years ago you couldn’t look up vids of cool snakes without getting recommended ‘rat snake vs GIANT RAT’ type videos. It sucked.

No. 2078158

I mean who cares what she names a rabbit, it doesnt gaf if it has a "male name"

No. 2078514

File: 1737040500137.png (633.48 KB, 767x431, yote.png)

Save-A-Fox alone has so much bullshit going on so here is a quick synapses since the holidays;

>got another coyote earlier late December named Yote - still refuses to talk about what happened to Dakota

>New cash grab - Animal Sponsor FB group, where you have to pay to sponsor an animal to get in
>promoting dogs playing with foxes since foxes are such great pets
>Selling two different calendars, originally $20/pop
>Elsa the Fox died from foreign body object
>Now doing lottery for facility tours
>Waverly the fox with aggressive bone cancer hasn't died yet, despite Mikayla expecting it to die since last fall

No. 2078574

I was just thinking this. Its a fucking rabbit. And lennon is pretty nuetral in my opinion, which you dont have to agree with. But its stupid that people would care what name your animal has despite its gender. What a retard nitpik.

No. 2078608

nonna it is possible to have a solidarity rabbit and have the rabbit be fulfilled and happy. extreme nitpick on my end as a fellow rabbit and rodent fag

No. 2078715

Bone cancer is an incredibly painful cancer. She’s a piece of shit for stringing the poor animal along all this time, undoubtedly for sympathy donations.

No. 2078738

I know a lot of people in vet med don't like her because she handles stressed animals quite aggressively, when they should just be medicated or sedated to reduce fear. She is giving me Cesar Milan vibes as of late - flooding animals until they 'behave' ie shut down, and touting herself as some kind of groomer messiah. She also really shits on other groomers every chance she gets, which is not a good look.
I think things really got heated with her recent cat videos of her scruffing - scruffing is really looked down on nowadays, and I think she is very incompetent with cat handling.

I didn't like her when she began spouting absolute bullshit about dog breeds like it was gospel. She also really pushes 'exotic' and 'rare' colors in dog breeds which promotes unethical breeding. It sucks because she had some good info in there, sprinkled with some dangerous info.

No. 2078816

Well that is disappointing to hear. Also why is scruffing cats looked down upon now? I hadn’t heard that before.

No. 2079029

>she handles stressed animals quite aggressively, when they should just be medicated or sedated to reduce fear
God, she prides herself on not using sedatives, except she HAS shown more than one animal on her channel that was sedated prior to
being groomed, which really defeats the point she is going for lol.
But yeah I noticed the aggressive handling, especially with cats. I think one time she immediately put a bubble muzzle on a relatively well-tempered cat for just growling at her and that never sat right with me, especially because it really stressed the cat out after she muzzled it.

No. 2079397

Nta but adult cats have more weight and less scruff compared to kittens. The strain from adult weight is painful on the scruff. There are more efficient ways to handle a cat that won't hurt them + stress them out.

No. 2095803

Does anybody have any thoughts on this? This farmer has been in a lot of Controversy lately with the death of her pet dog from a twisted stomach and death of her piglets and her overall decisions when it comes to her animals. She claimed she has to get rid of one of her homestead cows because she's running out of hay because she did NOT buy enough hay this year but yet she goes and buys 3 more baby calves soon after it taking place and she's been non stop complaining about how she can't find any hay for her animals to eat but yet she goes and buys more calves knowing they will soon start eating hay soon. Then she causes the pregnant cow so much stress after it kept falling when it's leg was tied up when she could have bought a cow tilt table to trim her cow's feet properly in the first place! Her whole YouTube channel is one disaster after another if you go through her videos it's always something going wrong at her homestead whether it's her own pets or her livestock animals one thing after another

No. 2096049

some people are not cut out homesteading, especially attention whores running to youtube complaining about living beings dying under their care.

No. 2102324

File: 1742838939368.png (76.52 KB, 627x603, SAF FB.png)

This FB post kind of got to me. Basically a 'woe is me' because she can't work with her 'dream animals' (not the foxes or the minks or the black jackals that were her dream animals, but something else) for free under the guise of her non-profit. She isn't poor by any means btw, her husband has an extremely expensive car collection. She doesn't have a living room/carpet/couch because her 'dream animals' are not compatible with these things. I just hate that she's acting like she's doing this for anyone besides herself.

Anyways some other news;
>Atlas the Mink is having trouble walking on back legs - radiographs are WNL, they are getting an MRI next
>It's been a little over 1y since buying that fur farm; they still have 100 foxes in the fur farm to get out. Meaning they have done something with the other 400
>Yearly audit shows they were over 27k over budget in a single month
You can search non-profit tax filings on the IRS; According to her 990, she made over 1mil in 2022 and over 200k in employee benefits and salaries, and as far as I can tell only one employee is getting paid compensation.
>Took in a solo lemur that she seems to keep in a ferret nation cage
>Waverly the fox with bone cancer, they decided doesn't have bone cancer but some other type of tumor that just so happens to also metastasize in bone but allow for a good QoL (lol)
I think they also rehomed Waverly too, which I find kinda fucked considering the poor thing has an aggressive painful cancer for someone else to deal with.
>obtained a pine martin that regularly is kept with their mink
>Dixie the fox in their care was found with a tail injury in the enclosure that had to be amputated
>Found out she at some point rehomed her pet chinchillas, stating the predation risk

A lot of other shit that is just normal for Mikayla; mixing incompatible species, children with rabies vectors, inappropriate handling, etc. I don't even bother with that shit anymore.

No. 2102326

File: 1742839668792.png (1.06 MB, 943x523, SAF yurt.png)

I had to make another post for this gem on SAF;

Mikayla wants YOU to volunteer your life and live in this yurt to work for free 5 days a week! It's unpaid internship, but she is generous enough to give compensation for food and toiletries, and a tent to live in. There's a one week 'trial' period where you don't get shit though. I'm sure the yurt is rated for hurricanes. Also hope you enjoy shitting outside in the rain.

Also she did some photoshoots in lingerie in the outdoor bathroom to post on Facebook, then wonders why everyone is mad when she promotes her stuff to very young kids. Mikayla, you made an OnlyFans specifically for this type of shit.

No. 2102342

Bone cancer is so painful for animals and they should absolutely be euthanized unless they’re a dog and it’s caught extremely early and the limb can be amputated. Bullshit grifter.

No. 2102346

> exedra - ah yes, absolutely. Makes total sense.

No. 2102644

she's clearly a hooker looking for male followers

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