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No. 831551
A thread for the discussion of PetYoutubers. Better known as people who hoard and neglect animals for youtube fame. Some frequently discussed ones are:
Tyler Rugge
- Has over 30 animals.
- Supports Taylor Nicole Dean
- Keeps animals in too small enclosures.
- Keeps a single rabbit in a room without hides and barely any enrichment.
- Queen of the mean girls of pettube
- Pretty much confirmed that Maddie Smith and him are living together.
Youtube: Tails AKA Megan Arriola
(Had her own thread here:
>>612216 Due to lack of content she has been merged back into this thread.)
- Has over 100 animals.
- Keeps her animals in a small room with way under minimum enclosures.
- Advises not to listen to veterinary advice, like not spaying and neutering rabbits.
- Backyard breeds dogs, purposefully mixed two breeds together and justified it by saying they're designer and "these breeds are really in right now".
- Breeds a potentially harmful gene (merle) into her dogs
- Uses aerosol products and paints her nails in the same room as her birds.
- Feeds her animals mostly fruits and vegetables without proper supplementation.
- Her bird almost died due to poor diet (vet literally put it on seed because it was too thin from bad diet).
- Had her snake and bird out on her body during livestream.
- Some of her cages have exposed wire and splotchy/peeling paint.
- Charges an OUTRAGEOUS amount for 'consultation' when she has 0 credentials and can't even say she does her own research for her own animals.
- Extremely rude to supporters and shuts down every question that she can with a snarky remark.
- Put two male mice together, ignores advise and says they'll be fine.
Youtube: Barczyk
- Hoards, breeds, and a lot of reptiles, that are often bad quality and sick.
- Keep them on little plastic containers, justifying it with saying 'they like it that way'.
- Inbreeds and shows little concern for genetics outside of producing colour morphs that will sell for $$$.
- Bullies costumers if they dare to call him out for the shitty conditions his animals have when they arrived.
- Both Tyler Rugge and Taylor Nicole Dean have made collabs with him.
- Got kicked out of playlist for bringing in a baby gator and snake to scare/prank people with.
- Buys two-headed animals.
- Used his two-headed turtles death as clickbait in a video.
- Opened his own reptile zoo.
- Complains about lolcow and similar sites, describing them as predators waiting for petubers to slip up. Which is ironic because after bizarre selfposting she was
outed as being a frequent user of this site. She criticized the care of several petubers, including herself. See this post for a full explanation and her post
>>624638 - Throws a lot of subtle shade at other pet youtubers despite pretending to be 'friends' with them all.
- Moved to America to live with hoarder BYB boyfriend Danny.
- Won't show habitats for most of her and Danny's animals, keeping the exact number of animals a secret. Some examples of enclosures not shown include; Snapping
turtle, snakes, and (unseen) monitor lizards.
- Thought she could cycle a fish tank with old water, put two betta together to 'breed' despite clearly knowing nothing about breeding and conditioning the fish.
- Keeps her doves in the bare minimum of cages, also keeps them next to ferrets and has let them land on the ferret cage before.
- Was paid off to set up an awful Bearded dragon enclosure including substrate that can cause impaction.
- Recently got a puppy.
Youtube: AKA Daniel Carter
- Has over 100 animals while going to college and balancing a job. (Including a cottonmouth, rattlesnake, tegu, and two quaker parrots.
- Gives animals away and continues to get more.
- Keeps his rattlesnake in an enclosure without a lock.
- Has snakes in too small enclosures.
- He lets his tegu free roam in his reptile room without supervision. On one occasion his tegu ate an escaped western hognose snake. Recently took his tegu to the
vet because he thought that he ate escaped ball python. Good news he didn't eat the snake. Bad news, the snake is still missing and it ate one of his quail.
- Waited to get vet care for a snake with a hole in its face, because he didn't have the money.
- Continues to get new animals.
- Feeds his snakes live prey.
- Imgur album containing more information including animals he has and animal deaths: Smith
- Hoards animals, and at one time had over 50. Recently downsized to 30 in order to move in with Tyler Rugge.
- Justifies her hoarding by saying all her animals are taken to the vet.
- Back Yard Bred her rats, but claims she is no longer breeding. She ended up with sick baby rats.
- Recently got two doves; one got sick and died. She blamed the breeder and 'genetic' illness despite environmental being much more likely. Subsequently she got
another bird from a 'better breeder' to replace it, didn't quarantine properly and that bird is now also very sick.
- Is a 'wildlife rehabber'; although is listed as 'social media adviser' on their poorly made site. Charity was also only registered in Ohio in September 2017.
- In her December 2017, “Meet My Pets” video she said her rabbit died from a viral infection; Coccidia. Coccidia is a parasite the is spread from improper hand
Youtue: J AKA Estefany Jasso
- Hoards animals.
- Was gifted two puppies and kept them even though she didn't have the space for them.
- House is literally crammed with animals.
- Killed all her fish once when she flea bombed her house to get rid of the fleas her roaming cats had brought in.
- Lets her turtles breed, found a nest they'd made unsupervised outside with most of the eggs being eaten by ants.
- Had one of her tortoises die. Was supposed to nebulize the tortoise every 8 hours, instead said she went to sleep for 21 and 'someone else did it'.
- Let her duck eat Styrofoam while yelling at it from across the room.
- Keeps her turtles in tiny cages.
- Keeps most of her animals in filthy conditions.
Youtube: von Petzholdt
- Keeps parrots. Has actively lost her parrot Hope numerous times on camera.
- Flies her Parrot Hope in public parks around dogs and as such has been chased by dogs and accosted by dog owners more than once.
- Doesn't train her parrot to fly back to her on a signal, merely screams randomly.
- Has had Hope both chase native birds and be chased by native birds during her free flying, resulting in Hope being lost at least twice from this.
- Has sexually molested her bird on camera; doesn't seem to understand that touching a birds vent is frustrating for the animal and essentially bestiality.
- Films people on camera and posts to youtube without their permission.
- Wants to breed her birds.
Youtube:'s Zoo
- Smokes weed in the same room as her pets and defended Taylor Nicole Dean when she smoked around her geckos. Claims the smoke doesn't linger.
- Claims to be a rat expert after one semester on them in school.
- “Rescued” rats from the feeder bin. One turned out to be pregnant and had two babies. Maria had them out playing with them shortly after they were born. One baby
died. Mom and babies were kept in a glass aquarium. Recently moved mom and surviving baby back into the cage with the other rat.
- Constantly begs for money on social media to pay for her animal hoard, but has money for hair dye, make-up, video games, and other frivolous things.
- Claims she cannot keep a job due to her mental health but that it doesn't stop her from taking care of her animals.
Youtube: Instagram: Twitter: Previous Thread:
>>730730Taylor Nicole Dean Thread:
>>>/pt/676017 No. 831646
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Brady, you are an idiot and an enabler. Anyone who gives this much money expects something in return
No. 831658
Thank you for the thread anon! I’ve found Maria to really embody a few of the
problematic pettuber behaviors.
>>831646Hey, at least she finally bought her rats a decent cage with the money.
No. 831915
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She needs to go inpatient somewhere or at least get this taken care of. Yikes
No. 831931
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>>831915Found her check in at the hospital on fb
No. 832087
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>>831962Well maybe if she didn’t jump on everyone about everything and be so nasty to people then she would have friends to do things with
No. 832109
>>831973I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds Em her man really fucking creepy
Like theres jsut something really off about them that I cant quite put my finger on
No. 832308
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>>832214I really don’t get how she mistakes genuine concern for a challenge. Like no matter what she does in life, having a million pets to take care of would just make it impossible for her to have that job she keeps whining about not getting. She’s just going in circles with it and enabling herself to stay where she’s at.
No. 832325
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>>832323And there goes any need for her to get a job. She has a sugar daddy
No. 832332
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Loses baby rat and does not understand what she did wrong
Maria: BrEeDiNg RaTs Is My CaLlInG
No. 832339
>>832332Maria I know you read here: don’t even think about it.
Do you know the genetic background of your Marten rat? What female are you planning on breeding him with, because none of your current females have genetics you should be breeding and you’re certainly not in a position to be getting anymore rats.
Having a large enough cage for your current rats finally, please just focus on them, instead of getting more rats to fill a cage you couldn’t afford to buy yourself. Breeding to ‘sell’ the babies and make a profit is not the right reason to breed, nor is breeding just so your friend can have rats, please direct her to other rats she can adopt instead. Breeding is difficult and you’ve already experienced that first hand losing a baby, it can get a lot worse than that. It can and is costly, time consuming and you need a lot more than a single critter nation to do it properly, so please just don’t - focus on your current rats and giving them a good life before bringing any others into the world.
No. 832355
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>>832339I don’t see her ever being able to move out so maybe this problem will fix itself.
No. 832356
>>832332She can't even afford to feed the ones she has. How is she going to feed more?
And the guy sending money is only going to keep sending money every month if he gets nudes or something more out of it.
No. 832357
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>>832356literally posts whole life on social media and blocks people who offer criticismMaria: DoNt TaKe SoCiAl MeDiA sO sErIoUsLy
No. 832868
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>>832762Keep playing along, Maria. We think it’s funny anyway
No. 832877
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>>832871She’s got photos in scrubs tagged at her college. She needs to stop tagging her locations. I looked it up they have a vet tech major. Also her male rats came from her school so she’s in some veterinary field.
No. 832944
>>832308Does she have any self-awareness? Complaining about having no friends and not having time for a job while sitting on her computer refreshing this website all day…hot damn.
>>832456You're right honestly. Think about how much validation she gets even knowing people think about her at all. All the people we talk about in this thread think they're goddamn celebrities because they're being noticed, when really we only care about their poor animals and them receiving the care they deserve.
No. 833109
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Pettube drama ensues. Maria’s original tweet showed up in TNDs thread but I thought this thread was more appropriate for this one since it barely involves Taylor.
No. 833113
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Bonus mental breakdown which I’m sure is in no way related to her picking fights on twitter for TNDs attention.
No. 833141
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Looks like she has a second account
No. 833309
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She should really practice what she preaches because she’s the one who jumped on Jessica, who didn’t even say anything to or about her specifically. She involves herself in other people’s conflicts and then gets mad when it doesn’t go the way she wants it to. Like no one needed your help there Maria. Taylor even said in that thread that she’s blocked her and it’s all good like no one asked for Marias help at all
No. 833390
>>833387>>833327yeees this.
all this girl wants is for us to talk about her. she wants her udders so bad…
No. 833493
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No, I’ve been following this drama for months. This is something her cousin posted about it (and that’s just the start of it).
No. 833499
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I came across this thinking I could add to it because there’s so much about Maria that you guys don’t even know. You could look into it, it’s been a thing for a while now. Her cousin says she has over 50 fake accounts of Maria blocked on instagram. This is one of the screenshots that was attached to the Facebook post
No. 833507
>>833493>>833499god, this is still maria right?
can some admins find out how much she has self posted and just ban her if it's a lot?
cause if people genuinely want to talk about this bitch, I will, but I dont wanna feed her more attention if it's just her own desperate posting.
No. 833511
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I guess Maria kept changing her name and picture on Instagram because of the drama. She posted this homophobic trash about her cousins mom a while ago and immediately took it down after her cousin called her out publicly for it
No. 833521
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She clearly isn’t getting along with her sister.
No. 833523
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She also apparently has been harassing a high schooler that doesn’t even know who Maria is???
No. 833551
Maria. I know you read this. Please stop. You’re hurting animals.
No. 833597
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she just posted this a few hours ago
No. 833611
>>833499She's fucking insane. If I were a PetTuber I'd be blocking every "alternative" girl at this point, kek. Seems like she gets blocked enough, anyway. Every other post about her in the last thread is her. This bitch is crazy. I just looked at her Twitter and she gets like 2 favs max on tweets unless they're about TND. So trust me, no one is sending her money except herself unless they're for puss pics.
All she talks about is muh mental illness, and she must be really sheltered if that dumb shit she claims her ex did is still a focal point for pity. I have no pity for animal abusers.
No. 833864
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Ain’t she important? As if people watch her videos anyway….(self post)
No. 833955
Carolyn Von Petzholdt dismayed at the "haters" who are trying to prevent her from sharing her valuable freeflying knowledge in her new book. She completely ignores the people who give her great advice out of genuine concern for birds.
People are writing scathing reviews of her in the amazon page: No. 833969
Bonus, Carolin included screenshots from a freeflight facebook group that drag her in a review of the book, and attempts to drum up support with her own fake account with the name "Carl Pin": has srs lolcow potential
No. 834087
>>834083Looks like mods/admins have gone through and marked her selfposts lmao
I have suspicions about more of them but at least it's confirmed she's still lurking here if she hasn't been banned.
No. 834148
>>834133I agree, I couldn't care less about Maria. I think there's at most 2 people here (besides Maria herself) who give a shit about her.
I'd much rather talk about Emma's insane animal collecting
No. 834421
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No. 834545
>>834465Emzotic made this girl relevant in the first place and as long as her audience is growing, no matter how slow we should be holding her accountable. She lives at home with no job because OuO mental health special snowflake, and hoards animals and you DONT want to talk about that? Is this thread to keep pettubers accountable or what? If she’s enough for bigger pettubers to notice like Emzotic and TND who both follow her on twitter and insta then it’s enough for me to hold her to her shitty pet keeping.
Also emzotic needs to release a list of her animals already this is crazy, her house has to reek from everything she has hoarded in there for “work”
No. 834657
>>834630didn’t watch the last 5 mins but basically her chameleon had gout that was misdiagnosed as a bone infection. vets gave the wrong medication which ended up making it worse. she was driving every other day for an hour just to get him injected meds bc she wasn’t comfortable doing it on her own since he was very small. he had an open sore on his tail which they ended up just amputating 2 inches off the end of his tail without her consent, which later healed and then spontaneously reopened. she took him to the vet and had him euthanized.
sad as fuck. no idea who she is as i don’t follow this thread but it must be so frustrating to get the wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment for something that could’ve been potentially helped. poor dude sounds like he suffered a lot from their mistake
No. 834855
>>834660That is genuinely heartbreaking. All too often vets will misdiagnose or provide the wrong treatment. A vet injected my ferret with Baytril even though it is caustic and should be used orally only, I was
so pissed but the vet was reported and held accountable. Emma should do the same; report the vet because that is atrocious malpractice. Poor George.
No. 834879
>>834465I came here just for this after I saw her video which I didn't watch because honestly I just can't stand her lately.
Considering the 'rescue' was all about how he will be kept alone and whatever it's a bit… eh. Like I highly doubt she's taking birds from one educational visit to the next cause that seems like a lot of stress, even with rotations.
>>834657Was the vet a specialist in exotics? I find often that a lot of the 'general' vets are pretty shit at caring anything beyond your typical house pet. Obviously I understand that not everyone has to an exotic vet but it seems like this went on for a bit so she had some time to reach out to the nearest specialist vet.
Is she going to breed them like she bred her doves?
No. 835135
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Mikey the Macaw posted a response in relation to Carolin von petsholdts shit book
No. 835257
>>834879Iirc, emma said on Twitter after his misdiagnosis that it was going to be difficult to find a new exotics vet because that was the closest one to her. So it sounds like it was an exotics vet.
I can't find the tweet so it might have been someone else, but I'm 95% sure it was her
No. 835297

Carolin von Petzholdt
87,256 subscribers
Published on Jul 6, 2019
Did you know that some free flyers starve their birds to gain full control over them?
This is a malicious practice and a crime against birds. It’s very common in the free flight community. Just no one talks about it.
My book is the first of its kind and it talks about the dirty little secrets that people do to have full control over birds.
It’s outrageous and shocking.
My book will change the free flight community and will help a whole new young generation to rise up and fly birds safely and stop clipping them.
If you read my book you will know that I learn free flying via skype for $300.
Now with my book you can learn free flying for only $9.99 and don’t need anyone to teach you.
You are your own birds trainer and I am giving you all the knowledge you need to know HOW TO TRAIN YOUR PARROT without starving them or abusing them!
The receipt in my book is love, trust, bond and practice, practice, practice.
No. 835374
I finally watched Carolin von Petzholdt and I know nothing about pet birds, even I could see her dumb ass was doing shit wrong but more so then that, being a first time viewer, after seeing her name here a lot.
I understand why dumbasses (like myself) can stumble across her videos and think, "Oh this nice lady" especially if you click on an live stream when she's in her house.
she seems so nice, thankfully I know she abuses her birds and is an idiot, but it's easy to come into these youtubers thinking, "oh my god, they are so nice and informed they love their animals"
I felt the same about Emzotics, then I learned everything about her bizarre self posting, how she seemed to be very insecure about being in her 30's, her cringy "look how better Em looks then Taylor".
You learn QUICKLY in these threads that so many of these people aren't what they seem.
I'm brand new here and I just read all the way up until today, it's a rollercoaster.
No. 835765
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Is no one going to talk about Emzotic putting a ESA vest on her dog when it’s not an ESA? And ESA vests aren’t even an official thing?? What kind of message is she trying to spread? Just get a vest that says do not touch on it????
No. 836603
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No. 837082
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Doesn't Maddie still live with Tyler? If she's got thousands put away just for vet bills, why won't she help Tyler?
No. 837168
>>835767Honestly a bought dog suited her better imo simply because she has an insane amount of animals. Risking a destructive dog would be a bit eh.
She made a video about it where she probably explains her reasoning, I just haven't been bothered to watch it
No. 837177
>>837082If you go back, Maddie also set a go fund me when she tried to breed her birds and the baby was very sick. Only she was complaining about being unable to afford a $500 vet bill. At least Tyler puts out content.
>>837168She could have just as easily adopted a puppy from a shelter and trained it. Or fostered a shelter dog to get an idea of it’s behavior. She has so many animals already that she’s definitely neglecting for the new puppy. She has ferrets, a bunny, two skunks, doves, grinchy and two kookaburras. Do you really think ALL those animals get hours outside their enclosure daily?
No. 837333
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>>837082It’s weird she donated through gofundme when they take a percent of the profits.
>>837303He’s trash.
No. 837353
>>837333She said she has thousands put away for emergency bills earlier. Now she can only afford to donate $75?
He should be borrowing money from people he knows. But because he has a following he will just use them for money so he doesn't have to pay for it at all. Real shitty to use your young fans for money Tyler, and for you to defend it Maddie when you have the money he could borrow.
No. 837455
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How much you wanna bet this rat never sees a vet about that eye?
No. 837790
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No. 838176
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Distracted from what!? He’s not a service dog therefore what work is he doing for you? Why does she have to pretend he’s some trained working animal? He’s a puppy in a vest she feels entitled to bring places.
No. 838217
>>838176The way she writes about shit is so pretentious, childish and know it all it really gets on my fucking nerves.
I bet that didn't even fucking happen. She put that vest on her dog for attention & then she thought up a story so she could preach, as she always does.
Just as Em has proven time and time again, she's disillusioned and will do anything for attention.
No. 838274
>>838225There's no service animal registry, at least in the United States. Legally they're just defined as a dog (or miniature horse) that's been trained to perform at least one task to assist a disabled person.
Any registry of service animals (or emotional support animals) is a scam.
I'm sure she's just using the dog for attention+clout but it would probably be hard to get her on any legal charges for that.
No. 838353
>>838274>>838308 state "Penal Code 365.7 PC – Knowing and fraudulent representation as owner or trainer of guide, signal or service dog; penalty. (“(a) Any person who knowingly and fraudulently represents himself or herself, through verbal or written notice, to be the owner or trainer of any canine licensed as, to be qualified as, or identified as, a guide, signal, or service dog, as defined in subdivisions (d),(e), and (f) of Section 365.5 and paragraph (6) of subdivision (b) of Section 54.1 of the Civil Code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment. (b) As used in this section, “owner” means any person who owns a guide, signal, or service dog, or who is authorized by the owner to use the guide, signal, or service dog.”)"
No. 838577
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And look at Em, leaking private messages because she doesn’t like the critique
No. 838580
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No. 838583
>>838577>>838580It's sort of ironic she's calling others petty and essentially unprofessional for 'bashing' them when she swept her own little drama here under the rug as quickly as possible.
As for 'bashing' I think that's harsh from her. People seemed to be more aware of how her language could have an effect on uneducated people than she did and when they did try to explain it a bit more her reply seemed a bit sarcastic.
Also, to note she has no clue about ESAs and was confused if they needed 'training' something I would expect a person needing an actually support animal would know already.
No. 838585
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It seems like she’s upset because they won’t forgive her for what she said on lolcow, she acts like she’s a victim in this lashing out because they bought up past drama.
No. 838586
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No. 838587
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No. 838597
>>838587Everyone's the bad guy but Emozotic, because she said sorry that means everyone needs to move on and not remember how crazy she acted.
The reason people bring it up is because em's so judgy, whiny, always making herself the
victim or the savior.What she did says a lot about her character period. She may be on another site.
She acts like she's perfect.
No. 838634
>>838551A lot of hot keepers don't like him because he free handles his venomous snakes. Even if he tells viewers not to copy him, it's setting a bad example and poses an unnecessary risk that can affect the entire hobby if an accident happens and he's killed by his snakes. Responsible hot keepers don't free handle and kiss their cobras.
Also, in one video somewhere he showed that he had a quarantine rack for a new hot (I think it was a cobra?) set up in his kitchen. Just a regular plastic rack, in the non-snake-proofed kitchen with a dog walking around. Super dangerous and possibly illegal, I'm not sure what Florida's regulations are but I know in some places that would not be permitted. The rest of his snake room is perfectly safe and up to code.
No. 838788
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Afroherpkeeper went quiet on his discord for a while after people finally started noticing how shit his care is. He's finally posting a little more and he's doing the typical hoarder thing and breeding.
No. 838789
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No. 838904
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>>838872Maria chimed in. I thought it was important since she played
victim so hard when all the drama came out. Wonder what made her forgive Em? Also I’m curious why they had to derail the original topic of Ems trophy dog, because I personally don’t care about her past drama at this point while I’m here watching her make service dogs look bad. She might not claim directly he’s a service dog but that’s what people think when you tell them your dog is working when it’s not, you take it everywhere like a toy, and slap a vest on it. It’s offensive to those out there that actually need service dogs, and pay for highly trained dogs.
No. 839052
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>>838960Speaking of Maria, she’s gotten more money out of her followers for her medical marijuana card, and is acting really cocky about it. I will never understand how people can throw money at people who sit around and do nothing for It.
No. 839152
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Tyler rugge: pls donate I can’t afford my rabbits vet bills!!!
also him:
No. 839777
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Anyone else watch AHK’s new “house tour” he posted on IG?
The former reptile room is overcrowded and wouldn’t be big enough for more than one person to comfortably get around in. It seems hazardous, it’s wall-to-wall enclosures. He has no room to upgrade any animals even if he wanted to, although his hoard is spilling over to his entire house now.
Some things I noticed:
1. His vision cage stack has several water bowls with low water and algae growing, these snakes have not gotten fresh water for a LONG time.
2. His Quaker parrot cage is barren and looks filthy. Why don’t these birds have more perches/toys? I went back to watch his older parrot vid and there is such a stark and sad contrast between now and then. What the hell happened? Did he use their enrichment for other animal enclosures and never give them anything new? Did he not replace things they chewed up? It’s inexcusable and cruel to keep intelligent parrots in such a grossly under-stimulating cage.
3. Wire wheel for his short tailed opossum. In the comments he says it’s “on the list” of things to get, yet another example of acquiring animals without being fully prepared. Wheels are not even expensive. And he plans on breeding them?
4. These are more nitpick but a snapping turtle in what can’t be more than a 110quart storage bin with no shelter/hiding spots and a shipping box full of what appears to be insects, including a vinegaroon in the kind of plastic cup you sell animals in at expos. Is it alive? Why is it not in an enclosure?
No. 839833
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>>839152I don’t remember him saying this was a sponsor or an ad or free at any point in the video, why would they send him a free tank worth thousands if it wasn’t a sponsorship or ad and wouldn’t he have to disclose that in the video if it was?
No. 840070
>>840016Leave it/drop it should be one of the first commands for a primitive breed dog in a house full of free-roaming prey animals. It’s not about puppies behaving badly- it’s the lack of training Emzotic is obviously not doing, and the risk it’s posing for her other animals and now the public with her claiming it’s an emotional support animal.
Also sage your shit
No. 840089
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Does anyone have more info on how many short tailed pythons destry karma has? She recently took in tnds very defensive STP, and is claiming she has three other stps (two bloods and a short tail) but she posted this list of her animals five weeks ago.
No. 840118
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Destrys awful pet care continued… this girl really is as bad if not worse then taylor.
No. 840119
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This account has since been taken down but I managed a few screenshots
No. 840120
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No. 840121
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No. 840122
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No. 840123
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No. 840125
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I'm not sure who made that account or where they have the info but it's worth looking into. This is gross
No. 840189
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>>840125More caps anon? I cant find the account
No. 841978
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>>841675Do we know for sure he didn't? There are people saying it was nice to meet him on his petfest post.
No. 842083
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I thought he didn't going off people on the last thread
No. 842205
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Burning incense and smoking weed in the same room as her rats and cresteds, (and probably cats and dog)… smart. None of those animals will develop URIs or anything I’m sure.
No. 842458
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>>842435Seems like she’s got a babysitting job
No. 842874
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Carolin is so dumb she thinks Amazon is saying her book is one of the best books in 2019.
No. 842912
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Big oof
No. 843022
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>>842912>organized a hate crime>hate crimelmao people calling out your bad husbandry and technique isn't a hate crime
No. 843192
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And now she's leaving a 5 star review of her own book and complaining about everyone who rated it 1 star.
No. 843627
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Marias other feeder rat had a litter of 8
No. 843717
>>843627This makes me so so sad, those rats are going to be so unwell and their temperament is going to be poor regardless of how she raises them
Maria, you blocked me on Instagram so this is the only way to contact you, please don't breed these rats anymore
You don't have enough space or money for rat breeding, and the rats you own really shouldn't be reproducing based on their upbringing
Please stop, please
No. 843730
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>>843717TND liked it, encouraging this behavior not only to Maria but to her followers.
No. 843731
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>>843730Full photo from the tweet.
No. 843735
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Man she is the suck.
No. 843884
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Dumbass is reviewing her own book again after her other review got deleted.
No. 843900
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>>843820Yeah well TND gave it to her, the likes on her tweets about the rats have spiked since Taylor liked them.
Tinfoil but I think TND lurks this forum and not just her own, sees how much we hate maria and thinks she’s like her so she supports her to spite people who hate them both. As if no one would notice Taylor liking Marias SECOND accidental litter. Which she claims on her twitter that her boys and girls don’t interact which is such a lie or she wouldn’t have babies. I bet anything those babies don’t turn out all white.
No. 843986
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>>843900She has to by lying, she’s had those rats too long for it to have come to her pregnant like the other one did. Like other anon said, those babies probably won’t be all white and that’ll be enough proof she bred them, accident or not. All she’s gotten is praise, likes, and follows from this because of Taylor. This doesn’t deserve positive attention ffs.
No. 844009
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Yeh no idea when they could have met …
No. 844016
>>844009Look at that albino rat’s tail, it’s covered in poop !
I have owned albino rats before. There tails are suppose to be white. She does not clean her rats living space/rat themselves well. At least clean the tail for a photo.
No. 844077
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>>844016Don’t nitpick, their tails look marked in all the photos she posts of them, they don’t look dirty to me just different colored.
No. 844243
>>844105this thread is honestly shit at looking at a variety of people and their animal care. Some stuff may be posted and people will normally go 'ah lol, so back to x/y'. I assume it's because anons follow these people or know a bit more about the animals.
Whole Maria thing will die down like the Carolin did but I wouldn't be surprised if she's constantly self-posting here lmao
No. 844249
>>843986the baby rat colour doesnt really mean anything, i have accidentally bred two brown hooded rats and ended up with fully black, white, pale grey and brown babies, along with brown hoodeds
saged for blogpost but its pointless to use as evidence
>>844077yeah, this doesnt look like dirt
rats can have little colour variations in their tails like that, a rat will keep themselves clean regardless of their environment
what will be interesting is how clean the babies look, as the momma is unlikely to look after them based on her life
maria, if youre reading
raising baby rats is fucking difficult and expensive, even if nothing goes wrong (which is unlikely)
based on your comments about struggling with everything, you cannot do this
please stop, if you love your rats
birth and motherhood is such a huge strain on a doe, so if you love them youll stop
No. 844317
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>>844275First thing on her twitter today about how wrong we are and more about her schooling. Didn’t she already get banned? Obviously still lurks here as soon as she’s awake.
She’s talked about because she’s milky, and now has some support from TND as we’ve seen, so I’d like to keep on her and her care.
No. 844392
>>844317She has no idea what schooling anyone here has lmao
Also 'cowfarm'?? Am I missing the joke or are they stupid for thinking thats clever?
She claims to have all this knowledge, but smokes and burn insenses around creatures who are well known for dying from respiratory illnesses
Knowledge doesnt make you a good pet owner, you have to feel care and empathy towards the animals too
ANd Maria, if you are so all knowing and perfect, why did delete comments and block me and everyone else, then take that exact advice?
Stop pretending and grow up you selfish, spoilt child
No. 844407
>>844077Um no, those tails are covered in poop. I have cleaned many poopy rat tails.
>>844396My friends mom works in a rat lab place, so I’ve seen one. (sorry for any blogpost) the cages were clean, but the enrichment was pathetic. The cages were also very crowded. Different labs have different standards though.
(blog) No. 844900
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Called it.
No. 844940
anyone have any opinions on clint's reptiles? i thought his videos were really interesting and educational because he shows such a huge variety of exotics and knows a lot of true facts about them, but now i'm getting really off-put and suspicious because he keeps shilling for breeding of spider ball pythons despite everyone knowing the morph causes horrible neurological issues that can kill the snake and that largely hinders their health and comfort, and now he keeps either pussyfooting around or implying it's delusional and "humanazing" to keep snakes NOT in barren, tiny almost empty plastic tubs.. like he seems very adamant about this, responds to people in the comments ONLY if they 100% agree with him on everything or he will respond to anyone simply stating that snakes inevitibly do better in size appropriate enclosures with hiding caves and some vines and plants etc, when we have tons of evidence of this, by saying shit like "whether you are right or wrong, lots of people will agree with this" and he also seems suspiciously supportive of brian barczyk but also refuses to fully admit it, just keeps sneaking around topics and then occasionally gets tons of backlash from people who now feel dumb for thinking he was a caring and educated snake keeper. when he posted a video essentially sucking up to brian's breeding of spiders and saying how he thinks it's okay to breed for the look of spider ball pythons despite the huge risk in purposely creating an animal that will live a painful miserable life and that may not be able to eat hardly, he got a lot of hate lol. but he just ignored that whole situation and pretended it never happened.
we also never get to see any of his animal enclosures ever, which makes me think maybe he hoards or keeps them all in the tubs that people find unethical and too bare and tiny..
No. 844962
>>844940I don't know how to feel about him. I loved how he does his videos where he compares reptiles but the spider morph video threw me off. Iirc he said that he breeds spiders and just makes sure the parents he breeds don't have a lot of wobble, so of course if he's making money off them then he's gonna be for breeding them.
Another thing that really threw me off and made me doubt him is his fire skink video, he claims in the video that they can be great beginner pets but like.. they're not? I have one and everyone who has one/wants one should know before they get one that they're burying skinks and can be very skittish so you will most likely never see them, unless you're able to work with them and even then it's a crapshoot. I only get to handle my girl once a month when I have to dig through the enclosure to find her, otherwise you only see them when you tong feed them-if they're not too shy for that. I just think he sometimes just states the best parts of a reptile (Calm, friendly, won't bite, etc.) And doesn't explain that not every one of that type of reptile is like that?? I think it's kind of irresponsible bc someone will watch a video and be like woah! I want a fire skink or whatever and then get one and they literally never ever see it bc that's just how they are??
No. 845263
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>>845227We already knew this based on the timeline. She had that rat too long for it to have come to her pregnant, she has been lying that it did come to her pregnant, and won’t admit that she messed up and either bred her with her boys on purpose or on accident.
No. 845427
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>>845259Begs for money for pets basic needs but can get a thousand dollar phone no problem. Saged because not really pet related just bothers me how these pettubers are so financially irresponsible.
No. 845644
>>845227It's not as simple as that in rodents. There are many many factors and parents carrying other dominant genes on other alleles will influence the outcome.
Unlike with reptile 'simple recessive' is not the way rat genetics work.
No. 848513
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jfc she’s keeping one of the babies, didn’t she say on Twitter her parents didn’t want her to? What happened to that?
No. 849028
>>848832Im not surprised that there are now scaleless BPs, especially because of beardies. If people were able to do that, it was only a matter of time…
as an anon above me said, there's a reason this mutation doesnt seem to happen in the wild. it's just unnatural. but apart from that, even if it's purely cosmetic, they's UGLY! why would anyone want a scaless anything?
No. 849679
>>848832Do you have a reference for this because when I was looking into many places stated that scientist studied whether they needed more moisture and it was determined they didn't and that they didn't loose moisture any faster then normal snakes. It is an older study and it possibly could be flawed or outdated.
I am quite curious about scaleless snakes mainly because I've not found many people who talk about their experience with them.
No. 849765
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rats don’t have a smell if you spot clean daily, like you should. I don’t want to spam with screen shots, but it’s really odd. maria is always retweeting taylors posts. she always is kissing taylors ass, saying taylor is free to dm her. I wouldn’t be surprised if this girl makes taylor a little uncomfortable. she is kinda a crazy fan who is trying to be a “I have depression and anxiety because it’s trendy” pettuber. I doubt taylor wants such a copy cat in the community. It annoys me that she lights incense and (tinfoiling) probably smoke weed about her rats. why does she talk about going to the dispensary so much ? she want to have the druggy appearance just like taylor. I just hope she stops breeding her rats, and takes better care of them. also stop exploiting all the weirdo guys in her instagram comments, that send her money. Maria is always taking photo with her tongue out, my tinfoil is it’s because she like all the creepy comments she gets on them. I wish pettubers would stop have “illnesses” that they clearly don’t have. Most people with those conditions don’t constantly tweet about it. Most people with anxiety have anxiety about people finding out their condition. especially social anxiety, and a few pettuber claim to have. Sorry for annoyed rant
No. 849808
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No. 849984
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Notes app apology, because having a bad day excuses beating your dog i guess? Cant believe theres a handful of deluded fans defending her
No. 849991
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>>849765Well she’s in therapy for something. Also weed isn’t legal in NY so she must have her medical card.
No. 849996
>>849983>>849984God she even spits at the dog while pushing (?) him to the ground. I'm sure people have frustrating days with their dogs where training seems to be going shit, but they don't feel the need to hit or spit in their faces. Something you can literally see in the video even if she's partially cut off.
Her apology screams lazy too but that's not surprising. Training isn't the main issue here - she is.
No. 849997
>>849983that dog is going to end up biting someone and it will be her fault. fuck this cunt. none of these people have the emotional capacity to care for a fucking goldfish, why bother with dogs?
No. 850064
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No. 850245
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Afroherpkeeper has 2 frogs of different species and baby catfish in this tank? Everyone in his discord is licking his ass but c'mon. That's pitiful keeping even baby catfish in that tiny amount of water. He could just keep one frog in there and it would be ok but he has to shove as much as possible in a 10g.
No. 851095
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soon people will stop sending her money if she keeps up being a bitch.
No. 851097
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I get it u vape. Wow so cool n edgy
No. 851106
>>851097uhh playing with tiny, fragile baby animals while intoxicated seems like a bad idea
i dont go near my young rats when im drunk or high because all it takes is one mishandle to break a leg
(no1curr) No. 851453
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Wasn't this guy discussed in the earlier threads?
No. 851469
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>>851341Pretty sure this might be Maria from a another device. Because how is this not about her animals lol ?
Yes people can be mad about you be high around your animals. I’m all for smoking a joint after a hard day at work. But I do not support handling baby rats, hedgehogs, reptiles hatchling, etc when your high af. People do stupid stuff high all the time, why even risk it ? And vaping still is NOT okay around animals. They can’t make that choice if you vape around them or not.
Also I love how she assumes I am broke, because I don’t value my phone brand or phone in general. Sorry that owning the next iPhone from a big company is not on my goal ? If you can all it that ? If even funny coming from someone who lives with their parents, can’t afford college, and owns animal that they can’t feed. Fuck she asks for money from strangers to feed her animal, pay for her medical card. At least I don’t ask for handouts. Fun fact medical cards areeeee not even expensive. ($50-$75) even if it was a medical issue, why wouldn’t her parents pay for it right away ? Alssooooo why does she need the thc ? Why doesn’t she just get cbd if it’s just for medical purposes. Then she would not be putting any baby animals at risk, because cbd just helps with pain and doesn’t get you high. I know cause I use it.
Also Maria or whatever ? You check lolcow daily, it’s so obvious. Don’t be hurting that people criticize you on a gossip form, if your are checking it so often. Just close turn off ur phone.
No. 851478
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what rumors ? if you don’t like lolcow, take your own advice. also your Twitter is public. I feel like it was just made for only lolcow. She doesn’t get any likes on Twitter. mostly she gets zero like on most her posts. That’s why I think the majority of her post are for lolcow. She has no audience, besides us. kinda sad. We should just ignore her, and she will probably delete her Twitter over time.
>>851341Are you high ? It has to be her, I can smell the weed and rat shit (doesn’t spot clean daily, need incense to cover rat smell) through my phone.
No. 851949
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if it makes ur eyes water, maybe not good for baby rats
No. 851950
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that’s great
No. 852109
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>>851950Insanity. Her parents can’t/don’t even keep track of her pets.
No. 853108
>>852631>picking it up in their hands out of the water within first 10 secondsGod dammit I'm gonna be genuinely mad by the halfway point aren't I.
>sponge filter>using actual sand rather than gravel>knowing that light and overfiltration will stress itWTF NO:
>PUTTING IT INTO A BRAND NEW TANK OF HOSE WATER WTF CYCLE THAT SHIT 'days later' WHAT THE FUCK THAT IS NOT A TWO DAY PROCESS>square tank>constantly calling a sponge filter an 'aerator' and thinking it's there for oxygen>using a sponge filter AND a power filter>hide too small for it even now when it's small, so it may scratch itself trying to get in when it's bigger>sign at the pet store says requires a 10 gallon tank>DON'T PUT A FUCKING PLECO IN THERE ARE YOU RETARDED DON'T YOU PUT A DAMN OTHER THING IN THEREHonestly the sign at the store shoved most of the essentials in his face and it saved most of the damage. I'd still say Taylor's care is way worse. Tanks are about on par, but Taylor putting Mushu in iodine absolutely infuriates me.
No. 853209
>>853130He can get away with using a powerfilter if he adds some plants or something to baffle the current. Better than the opposite of thinking they don't need filters like a betta. But no matter what filter he sticks with, he needs to add plants (real or fake I don't care, just get some) and a bigger hide. They can get just up to or just shy of a foot long.
If he's still only feeding it bloodworms it's not the best but not really the worst either. Ideally you'd give a mix of bloodworms and earthworms. Only giving one or the other isn't unheard of, though, some lotls can be picky eaters. Mine absolutely refuses bloodworms and only wants earthworms. It's like a kid that doesn't want vegetables.
Now AntsCanada's attempt at keeping an axolotl on the other hand…
No. 853670
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No. 853671
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she mentions her cousin often.
No. 853683
>>853538He originally got it to put in his ant enclosure, intending to keep it in a tiny amount of water WITH HIS CRAWFISH, and expecting it to eat only dead ants. Also the whole entire video, it's panicking HARD. They normally are pretty darn sedentary, even during water changes and stuff. And it visibly starts kicking at its gills at one point.
Granted he did eventually move it out, but only after people freaked the fuck out. Fuck this made me mad.
No. 853952
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she just lying. Also I understand she does not have a huge following now. She stated she has no homes planned out for her baby rats, and is going to keep them. Why is she breeding without finding homes (found homes for only two rats, going to friend) ahead of time ? She should not smoke by her animals. I don’t remember a selfie, so you ???
No. 854825
File: 1566138830028.jpeg (42.65 KB, 288x512, 2019-08-18.jpeg)

maria is back to tracing. im pretty sure she never stopped. Why doesnt she use her time to practice drawing instead of
practicing fooling people she can draw ? also these are the five rats she is considering keeping.
No. 854878
>>854825>>854874nothing to do with pet care and she is seriously getting irritating now
stop giving the stupid girl attention
No. 854894
>>854884It's not exactly a surprise. People keep bringing her up or she her self is self-posting and a good half of the time it's either been talked about or isn't
No. 855175
>>854983and here I thought summer was over.
so which selfposter is this?
No. 856111
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>>854884Looks like Maria isn’t keeping all 5 albinos anymore
No. 856798
>>855333i swear to god every pettuber has their head up their ass. i just started watching this person's videos (WinslowThaDragon i mean) and her best friend who is apparently even learning professionally about fish in college was talking about bettas and she said bettas only live 6 MONTHS or 2 years MAXIMUM ever, and so people naturally corrected her friend in the comments and her level of snarky, overly defensive responses turned me off a lot lol. she got pissed and said "well she's my best friend so i don't want to hear anyone say anything about her and she doesn't study bettas so.. whatever" to multiple people. if she doesn't know anything, why is she saying totally false stuff? i like some of her videos though. but i literally cannot find a single pettuber who just simply owns and discusses animals without either being negligent, borderline
abusive, or psychotic/rude/overly defensive and spreading misinformation.
No. 858833
>>858822I'm pretty sure rat/corn are a naturally occurring hybrid.
Many breeders are against hybridizing any species. Honestly I don't think its black and white issue. There ares some species that do fine as hybrids and some that do awful.
The real question is whether the hybrids can live long healthy lives and reproduce without complication. Which considering snake discovery is breeding rat/corn hybrids together and not breeding a rat snake to corn snake, I think its safe to say they can at least reproduce properly.
Whether you want to support that practice is up to you, I haven't seen any actual proof yet that there is an issue with it. Though I'm always open for someone to present that proof.
No. 859472
>>858084She has a video of shaving a cat too but from what I saw it could have probably just been brushed out. Usually shaving cats or heavily matted dogs is really the last resort when all else fails - unless obviously requested by the owner.
What a mess.
No. 859550
>>859472Yeah I remember that video, I felt so sorry for the cat. It 100% could have been brushed out. To be honest, most of the matting she points out is just impacted undercoat and could be brushed out pretty easily.
>>858984Yeah I used to watch her too, before I quickly realised her attitude and practice were terrible. I honestly don't think she knows how to do anything but a 'shave' on an animal. Like there are plenty of good groomers out there who will trim fur (out of dogs eyes etc.) without shaving the whole animal. She also often uses her clients as an excuse "Well they don't want to brush their dog". Sure but that doesn't make shaving the animal the best option… maybe teach them how to brush the dog? Set up regular grooming appointments with them?
No. 860272
File: 1567101956467.jpeg (979.9 KB, 1242x1694, 414637FC-22B6-4B13-8163-74C3D5…)

We get it Maria, you smoke weed. Also what’s up with their ears? Mostly the one on the right. That doesn’t look normal.
No. 860758
File: 1567181792712.jpeg (1008.22 KB, 4096x2304, 4866007E-E97D-43D9-9A73-3CD8A7…)

>>860272More examples of bloody or marked up ears, also did she ever take the one rat with the eye problem to the vet or is she continuing to claim it’s just half blind? I’m amazed someone even wanted these babies from her, terrible genetics, their ears are all tattered or bloody. And this girls in school to be a vet tech!? Yikes.
No. 860766
>>860758It could easily be the early signs of mange mites on their ears although some of it looks more like porphyrin staining to me.
Rats tears and nasal mucus is red because of porphyrin. In situations where rats are not cleaning themselves properly you can see staining on their fur and ears. This can happen in older rats or rats kept in dirty conditions.
Rats will also fight and scrap with one another and the ears is a favourite target for getting tugged on and bitten. So some of that could be scabs.
I've taken in rats from all sorts of conditions and you'd be surprised at how much a little bath cleans up their fur and ears if they've been kept in dirty cages.
From these photos I would lean heavily towards staining and small play wounds. And would clean and separate the rats into groups accordingly (to avoid any one rat being bullied too much) to avoid any further injury… not that I think she'll do that.
No. 860829
File: 1567192987817.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x2100, B2157CE4-6B1C-4D4A-BD9B-D4AC9C…)

>>860813All 5 went to her friend
No. 860842
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>>860831Seems to be all boys at least.
No. 861252
>>860842I hope her friend has the financial means to take care of 12 rats, rats are too easy to hoard. Don’t know enough besides a first name to find her on anything though.
Saged for not really contributing anything new.
No. 862588
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How can she talk like this about her own family but still stans Taylor? I know it’s not pet related so I saged but the way she sucks up to Taylor and spent so much time defending her all this time, she hates her sister for doing drugs? Makes sense.
No. 862637
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>>862588This seems like a jab at TND to me, tinfoil? Would be funny if it is.
No. 862727
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No. 862730
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No. 862756
>>862727since she already smokes and burns incense near them, this doesn't surprise me
bitch is asking for her rats to get RTIs.
No. 862795
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No. 862797
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No. 862798
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No. 862813
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No. 862821
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human hair dye on a rat
No. 862827
>>862821Not to WK but these temporary colors are what groomers use on animals, this brand, manic panic, arctic fox, and similar vegan dyes are animal safe.
But ew she needs to clean her room I can’t imagine what the rest of it looks like or smells like. She’s got like a whole 12 pack of soda behind her. Imagine the bugs she probably has.
No. 862875
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birds and tortoises have long life’s spans.
hedgehogs and hamsters have medium life spans. what happened to those animals ? I wonder.
No. 862911
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>>862875Here’s the rest of that thread.
No. 862974
>>862911Her and her friends probably have biased views.
>>862813>>862797(+ some of the other caps)
She's an idiot but this is blatant lolcow baiting.
No. 863111
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>>862821It doesn’t even look good, poor rat.
The cats not as big of a deal they’re not as sensitive it doesn’t need to be posted here because it’s just not milky enough to post here. It’s annoying she has to be the quirky stoner chick and name them Cheech and Chong. Wonder what her parents think of those names since she uses weed “medicinally”
No. 863154
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No. 863180
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>>863154Oh she already has that covered.
No. 863244
>>863154Bathing rats can be especially dangerous, like water up their nose can lead to a fatal URI, people reccommend against it unless its really really needed
like blogpost but my boy had to be bathed and even with loads of care still ended up with a serious URI (with a $200 vet bill) so like doing it for fun is pretty disgusting
No. 863575
File: 1567565502469.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x1985, FEAA5B62-FFAC-4BA6-A3D7-2A97E6…)

She posted about how he wasn’t stressed because she knows him best so it’s okay. Still not addressing the fact that they have sensitive skin.(self-posting)
No. 864183
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She’s never getting a job and leaving home at this rate, what’s the incentive? Mommy and daddy are even giving her their bedroom to accommodate the animals she snuck into the house, the ones they told her no to in the first place. How long before that room becomes cramped with more animals? Because it’s obvious there’s no repercussions for bringing home random animals.
No. 864315
File: 1567689467676.jpeg (682.16 KB, 1242x862, 1F324F60-D3F1-436A-BE26-D4F3C5…)

She reeks of TND vibes, this stuff doesn’t help either. Munchie behavior. Sage for not animal related.
No. 864506
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No. 864508
File: 1567714318078.jpeg (452.93 KB, 750x1244, 3DBADC8A-2EEA-455F-9DA9-A4BA62…)

I guess she has a rabbit. I had no idea, she doesn’t really talk about them. I’m pretty sure from these posts that it’s live outside in a rusty cage. alone.
No. 864751
>>864715This is supposed to be a pet youtuber thread and everytime an actual
problematic petuber with an actual following is brought up the topic is immediately switched back to maria. Can we please stay on topic
No. 864781
>>864756I think the problem we're facing with discussing other channels is the fact that some of us don't watch them or know enough. If we could agree on good summaries of why they're bad, what they have done and linking videos with a description/timestamp or something it would just be a bit easier?
For example, with stuff like AfroHerpKeeper it's pretty clear there's very few people that follow him or know about the species he owns so the conversation there is a bit dead even if it really does seem like a bad hoarding case.
No. 865410
>>865322i really hate when people argue the whole 'they're eating and they're moving so it's fine!'. At the end of the day, their behaviour isn't normal for a snake and while they may not show 'obvious' signs of stress, it doesn't mean much. Also the whole 'I have seen no evidence of that' is so bs. You have a sample of one maybe two snakes that are a few years old, and even if you did see evidence you wouldn't exactly report on it.
All in all, I think the whole spider question falls to morals more than ethics because there's so much conflicting information (probably due to how newly 'updated' the hobby is) that won't come into agreement for a while.
No. 865433
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>>860492You left out the peacock rescue, anon!
No. 865434
File: 1567889237041.png (583.86 KB, 800x1161, Screenshot_2019-09-07-13-44-18…)

No. 865436
Carolin von Petzholdt
90,368 subscribers
Published on Aug 26, 2019
A young peahen (peacock) has been hit by a car and somehow I just happen to drive by right after the accident happens. I saw it in the middle of the road alive surrounded by her flock. I tried to find a wildlife sanctuary for her to go too and also I called animal control and humane society. Both agencies wanted to kill the poor peacock that we named Flair. No wildlife sanctuaries are currently taking in new birds. A day later we brought flair to an avian vet to look at her wounds and broken wing and for her to get medical treatment and antibiotics.
This sweet girl is a fighter and she’s determined to live! We found maggots eating on Flair and we needed to act fast and get these bugs out of her wounds. So today we are flushing her wounds and re-bandaging her.
No. 865651
File: 1567906063131.jpg (234.25 KB, 1242x563, IMG_3253.jpg)

So we just ignore this?(maria posting)
No. 865808
>>833337>>833864>>834263>>863575>>864197Maria's selfposting, collected. and this is only what's been marked so far in this thread.
Motion to ignore?
No. 866191
I say ignore too, this attention whore is going to end up purposely killing an animal just so she gets a post or two written about her. You know you're a nobody when you get outed self posting 6 separate times and no one even cares.
No. 868491
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did anybody notice how severely over grown Tyler Rugge’s macaw’s beak is in his house tour video? He used to have three birds which I don’t understand how he was able to give them the appropriate amount of attention with his 50+ pets.
No. 870775
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>>869300he’s been posting pictures of gizmo with a better trimmed beak. looks like someone has been lurking lol
No. 870776
File: 1568948560875.png (6.08 MB, 1242x2208, 444FD18B-45D1-47F4-A2F2-62B0D3…)

>>870775another picture taken from a video
No. 871375
File: 1569098096759.png (1.28 MB, 1411x2418, Capture _2019-09-21-13-31-14.p…)

Oh god ahc stans asking him if hes going to more animals
No. 873801
>>873511“These are bird behaviors”
Okay but your birds could hurt each other/themselves and you’re not??? Stopping them??? Like I don’t get why she is basically show casing how badly trained/stimulated/cared for her animals are but that’s really most of the people in this thread
No. 873932
File: 1569635941434.png (2.3 MB, 1440x2712, Capture _2019-09-27-18-57-31.p…)

>>873858Sooo this isn't a video dump if you have something to say about the video post it like this:
Do you see his views on the last couple videos they haven't even hit 20000 and his views haven't even hit like they used to I know he's suffering for money
No. 875513
>>875011Poor babies, just looking at the thumbnail I don't want to click on it.
I don't know anything about hamster care, but if anyone wants to see cool hamster foraging builds check out Simi TV.
No. 875764
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No. 875765
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I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck
No. 875815
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>>875805It’s going to be like her rats where she can’t figure out when they had contact and “whoops they had surprise babies” again. If she’s already having problems with what she has at day one, I don’t get why she needs more other than a pure impulse buy
(self post) No. 875947
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(selfpost, ban evading)
No. 876380
>>875947photo editing exists, also funny that she just happens to know that shes on the thread again
someone please make her a thread to talk to herself, im so tired of her name here and its all pointless
No. 878696
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No. 879746
File: 1571006257535.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x2318, 5F644ADA-AA90-425E-9A3D-6472F6…)

>>878981The cheapest actually scaleless (not het) corn snake available on morph market right now is $350. He should really be saving up that kind of money for the next vet bill he’s unable to afford.
No. 881725
>>880620It really doesn’t matter if the animal was free. Between enclosure, food and vet bills that snake will cost him thousands.
Getting free stuff has been what he’s used to continue to justify this behavior. After he got a custom aquarium when Desmond was sick, he justified that it was free…then proceeded to post about buying 20 new fish.
Seems like he’s trying to get all the promotion deals he can get, but dude…do the deals HAVE to involve more animals you can’t afford??
No. 883542
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I’m pretty sure Emzotic and Danny broke off their engagement. She changed her Facebook relationship status to single, tweeted about something difficult, and they no longer follow eachother on Twitter. I’m honestly shocked.
No. 883555
File: 1571800447948.png (103.59 KB, 1196x382, tweet.png)

is shocking. There are a few things about Danny I imagine would put strain on a relationship, but Em seemed to totally look past them. Looking into possible reasons for the split now. Would love to see any info/tinfoil about this.
>>883553That might not mean anything, since she said such awful things about herself and everyone else. Worth a fresh read, though.
No. 883594
>>883561She's making a lot of sense here. (Granted, she's capable of god-tier dishonesty.)
If this vlog is any indication, she's lowkey having a breakdown.
No. 883622
>>883593Looool - the your story bit?
On another note, I wonder how this will impact her animal numbers (because we know they share a lot of them and we haven't even seen some), as well as housing and job.
No. 883635
File: 1571829368862.png (1.27 MB, 1242x2208, CEB59E4B-B327-431B-A2D2-4CB0BF…)

It’s not Em. She posted that picture herself on twitter. She and Danny just bought a house together too… if they truly did break up I don’t think she has a legal right to be in the USA anymore- pretty sure she’s just on a visa. If she moves back to the UK that means abandoning all her animals again.
No. 884600
>>884479Don't they 'run' some educational animal thing together?
If anything, it's probably her stalking this thread endlessly/needing attention simply due to her past behaviour and likely selfposting here again
No. 887884
>>887868Play-Doh is non-
toxic. Kids eat it all the time. As long as the hamster isn’t chowing down on it (there’s a lot of salt in it) it’s probably fine.
No. 888083
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I’m super sorry to bring her back.
but holy fucking shit
No. 888084
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No. 888113
>>888084Yeah honestly I felt conflicted about posting her tweets about the dead rats, I just wanted a record of it I guess.
I am kinda thinking she is abusing animals to get noticed on this forum, because she tweeted about “no one talking about her on lolcow lately”
I am never going to post about her again because I feel like she thrives on people paying attention to her. She has basically no twitter followers. And by just looking at her like to follower radio on instagram, majority of her instagram followers are bots
I’m sorry for ever posting about her on this forum, she is just a nobody who would kill her rats to get attention from anyone. Best thing to do is pretend like she doesn’t exist
No. 888457
>>887841Kek this
>>887823 was obv sarcasm
No. 889786
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No. 889899
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>>889786I thought she’d posted about them overcoming anything earlier this month. I think she deleted it, but I found Danny’s response interesting.
No. 890000
>>889921Honesty they both come across as potentially
toxic. I honestly won’t believe anything until they state it because I also don’t put it past them to start drama for attention. All the vague posting comes across like a cry for attention.
No. 890031
File: 1573099428429.png (13.56 KB, 605x165, em.PNG)

>>889786Em has been hitting at abuse for a few days now
No. 890032
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>>890031ya know total tinfoil - but wouldn't be surprised.
No. 890319
>>890094She's falling into the whole thing she did with her miscarriage a while ago when she made a whole video and was basically… almost glorifying it?
I think in her positioning as an influencer of sorts, she needs to learn to shut up until everything is sorted and then make a whole video or whatever about the issue
No. 891474
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>>888332Possible track marks on her arm? She really is a little TND wanna be. Her sub count keeps going up, albeit slowly, it’s still climbing which is concerning.
(self post) No. 891560
I'm not sure if this has been covered, but Camelsandfriends was in the news last month: camels apparently both escaped early this year:'s a collection of other news stories about her:'s had animals removed and was facing cruelty charges.
I would occasionally pop by her channel a few years back when she was primarily talking about her camels, but I had no idea she ended up being this neglectful.
She apparently has claimed to be receiving cancer treatment when her camels escaped, but based on her past shady behavior and grifting, I don't know, I take it with a grain of salt (as much as I don't want to believe she'd lie about that)
No. 892729
File: 1573630369280.png (9.77 MB, 1125x2436, 085E6E46-09EF-4A04-8775-BF0B6E…)

Em posted Danny on her insta stories today, there goes that separation tin foil
No. 892732
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>>892729On Danny's Twitter.
No. 896152
File: 1574360210248.jpeg (224.32 KB, 750x974, 40C98940-AFFF-4014-AE85-4CF881…)

“ItS aNiMaL aBuSe”
Smokes weed around animals anyway(self post)
No. 896253
File: 1574372074478.jpg (535.22 KB, 810x2108, ahkresponse.jpg)

>>896038that's cause it's a reupload from a few months ago. he privacy complained and got the original video taken down and also tried it with this one. he wrote a whiny comment about it on instagram, the
victim complex is real
No. 897713
File: 1574703046329.png (660.4 KB, 1340x1090, Capture _2019-11-25-09-26-19.p…)

I dont understand this emma and her wanting to get purebred animals?
No. 897714
File: 1574703101852.png (455.76 KB, 1372x1919, Capture _2019-11-25-09-27-02.p…)

Picture dump of her complaing when people called her out.
No. 897715
File: 1574703169749.png (514.11 KB, 1343x2162, Capture _2019-11-25-09-27-33.p…)

There is no excuse for a person who raises 80+ animals to be nervous over a dog. This excuse is shit.
No. 897718
File: 1574703300474.png (624.84 KB, 1440x2712, Capture _2019-11-25-09-28-06.p…)

Last one. Im done with the pet community. Go help at a cat/dog sanctuary. Find a mentor thats not to do with breeders.
No. 897935
>>897871No, they're primitive working dogs from Siberia. If she owns a big backyard it's a good choice, they're easy to train and friendly with other animals but need a lot of exercise and prefer to be outdoors.
Price tag is like for a champions bloodline. No idea what are rules for Samoyed awards, for other shepherd breeds it's a test of their intelligence and trainability. I'd expect extremelly intelligent and patient dog.
No. 898184
>>897713What I don't understand is why she's getting a dog in the first place. She has accumulated a lot of pets this year, even in the past few months. She buys a lot and then seems to not even take the time to enjoy spending time with them before she gets something else. She has been talking about upgrading her gecko enclosures for a while, but hasn't done so, even though they are obviously in small enclosures. At least the leachianus gecko seems too big for its enclosure.
Also, it surprises me that no one posted about her tweets about her period issues. She tweeted that she has been too sick to even go downstairs and feed the cat, so she called her boyfriend to come home from work.. Seems like a very healthy situation to collect as many animals as she has, and then she's getting a dog.. There is no slacking off with dogs.
Honestly, I'm just totally concerned for her and her animals at this point
No. 900914
File: 1575366037980.jpg (127.69 KB, 1080x485, IMG_20191203_113933.jpg)

Do as I say but not as I do.
No. 902796
File: 1575685127477.jpg (705.3 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191206-191542.jpg)

She's a fairly new YouTuber, but please do not hold your venomous snake this close to your face. I had worries when she first mentioned getting a venomous snake, because she anthropomorphises her ball pythons and thinks they love each other/her. Malaysian mangrove snakes are not deadly, but any venomous snake should be handled carefully.
No. 903318
>>903279I dont know who the fuck you hang out with, but I don't know a single person who would willingly give their dog chocolate, even a small bit as a "treat". While some may not know about the toxicity of some other foods like garlic, everyone knows chocolate is
toxic to dogs. Giving it to them "as a treat" encourages them to eat something that's poisonous to them, and is flat out retarded.
No. 903410
>>903377Are we really going to derail a thread over chocolate?
People feed their dogs plenty of unhealthy shit.
No. 903651
>>903410she literally tells people not to do it in that post, then says that she does it anyway
chocolate is 'unhealthy', its literally
toxic, as em herself states
selfpost, prehaps?
No. 903676
>>903651Honestly Em is the biggest let down. The first few early videos of her I watched I was excited to see a pet tuber sharing a lot of interesting facts and really featuring the animal. But I always had this uncomfortable feeling about her so when I looked up mote it was so clear she is a
toxic person. Even with all her justification behind her breeder dog, and taking him everywhere calling him a service dog etc when anyone who knows dogs can see he’s missing core parts of his training, and if she is aware of all the care that goes into a dog she’s clearly ignoring by feeding him these foods. We know other people feed their dogs junk but other people don’t also say “look at me for advice on animal care”
No. 905351
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is she fucking retarded?? (and this comes from a person with autism) like how stupid must you be to spew shit like that. the day before yesterday i waited for an hour at the vets because they had an emergency call about a german shepherd, exclusively fed raw, that was throwing up and having diarrhea after his meal and they had to do a gastric lavage. let people choose the best choice for their animal for fucks sake(blog)
No. 906204
>>905784These YouTubers would be far better promoting good commercial diets (which exist, just have to pay a bit extra for them) rather than diets that should include constant appointments with your vet (which the majority of people don't do) as well as being very careful with portions and nutrition.
At one point or another you're literally better off feeding your pet a shitty commercial diet.
No. 906442
>>906170Healthy dogs and cats very, very rarely actually get ill from Salmonella, and a lot of healthy dogs carry Salmonella in their digestive tract. It's not as big an issue with them.
People cause more issues in anthropomorphising their dogs.
No. 906615
File: 1576582795104.jpg (149.72 KB, 1200x900, 0z4r5f79pos21.jpg)

Why does every pettuber seem to be bad? Is it because most reptile keepers are like them, or is there some correlation with becoming popular, and a poor pet owner?
No. 906650
>>906615Because more animals/new pet videos make much more money than others do so gotta keep buying new pets to get more views! Then once you have 40 animals theres no way to care for them all
Also drama = views, so if you start posting pics of sick animals or how they have died, even more views
Its just a views = money game for them I think, the animals are just pawns in it
No. 912248
>>912198It's not a very interesting video and it's all over the place. There's nothing much about her family or Danny, so just skip it if that's what you were hoping for. Here's a summary:
- Says she will probably delete this video soon, wants to start fresh in 2020 with lots of amazing and exciting content bla bla. More creature features, more collabs with other creators are coming. She wants to do high-budget investigative animal documentaries talking about "interesting topics around animal culture" every few months.
- Was diagnosed with bipolar II two years ago. She feels "really strong" lately but is nervous to talk about it; she's afraid other people will think she's "damaged." She gets a lot more hypomania than depressive episodes generally but has been in a big depressive episode for a few months.
- Her depressive episodes are
triggered by traumatic events, and the last six months have been full of traumatic events for her.
- She moved. The place she was "renting until a couple of months ago" didn't work out because her landlords were shitty about maintenance and "more and more people were hanging around" which she didn't like. (Not sure what place she's talking about? I thought she and Danny owned the place they were living, with the basement full of mystery animals etc. Maybe I'm wrong.) Her "family" and the landlords had a lot of conflict and the tenancy ended very badly, so they moved in a hurry.
- Three of her four grandparents have died this year and she didn't "get to" go to any of the funerals. (Because of moving?)
- She wants to be more private about her family and relationship with Danny because people don't "need to know" everything. She feels too much pressure to show herself and Danny as being a "perfect couple" but she says they are not. That is literally all she says about Danny in this video.
- Grinchy died after their move. He was struggling a lot and "wasting" away. They are not sure what he died of. Says maybe the bacterias from her other animals or the habitat might have been the cause of his death because she assumes his immune system was compromised (though she says later that post-mortem tests didn't indicate any illnesses, so this sounds like conjecture).
- She feels guilty about his death as she was trying to rehome him to a zoo in Florida and didn't get to in time. She thought the winters in NJ were too harsh on him and he'd be better off somewhere that is warmer through more of the year, where he would have other birds to chill with. (She includes the screenshot of her rehoming message, which embarrassingly includes her saying that rehoming him is difficult because "hundreds of thousands of people" love him on Youtube.)
- She insists that Grinchy was very happy, attached to her, and well taken care of. She tried the hardest with him out of any animal she's ever had and loved him more than any other bird. She is still grieving him and feels guilty that she didn't rehome him sooner. She is crying throughout this section of the video. Says she wants to scatter Grinchy's ashes in Africa one day and use his "legacy" to teach more people about the plight of wild-caught birds.
- Her designer dog is napping near her she keeps trying to get him on camera to show him off. She is apparently taking him to VidCon.
- All of her other animals are "thriving." She is considering getting another ferret because her two current ferrets are getting older and she is afraid one will die and leave the other alone. Neither one of them is showing signs of illness or old age yet, this is just the reasoning she is providing for getting a third ferret.
- She is writing a book, which will be released around March 2020. Sounds like it'll be about her various experiences as an animal caretaker. She wants to do a book tour to meet more fans, both in the US and worldwide.
- Wants to start her own line of "pet products." Not very specific on this. Also wants to start a web space for her fans to hang out on. Not sure what kind of site she means.
- Hopes that people will be "kind" and not "rude" about the things she shared in this video. Says she can deal with rude comments if she has to.
- Says the pet community has had its ups and downs – "I would know
laugh." (Hi Em.) Other pettubers have been really supportive to her lately and there are lots of amazing creators who are wonderful people, so she thinks the future of pettube is promising.
No. 912333
>>912248I wonder if her manic episode is what made her reveal herself on here.
As for Grinchy, didn't she get him a companion? If I remember this right, what's happening with that bird?
No. 913889
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Noooodlefarm from Instagram
This is the actual dumbest most irresponsible shit I’ve seen.. this chick is an attention whore who clearly has no true regard for her animals safety. Her posts have been overall kind of fine, albeit still attention craving and annoying but this is insane. So many things could go so wrong here for her animals, not even just to her retard self.
No. 913890
File: 1578217341378.jpeg (50.28 KB, 602x504, dunn.jpeg)

>>912640Wow, so you mean to tell me that people who get their undergrad + vet school + required courses to specialize on avian medicine don't know as much as you? Carolin, you've almost killed your birds SO many times. Why do these pet tubers always believe their basic knowledge somehow puts them on expert levels?
No. 914311
>>912640Her video needs more exposure simply because KIDS are saying 'I won't ever take my pet to the vet'
May not be a big deal now but once they grow up and remember some psycho saying that shit, it will be their decision to take that animal to the vet
No. 915071
File: 1578457445189.png (430.37 KB, 760x436, Screenshot_20200107-212148.png)

Ants Canada keeping a tarantula in a tiny cage. Like seriously it takes up a third of the cage
No. 915099

Found this guy through reccomended vids, Jacob Feder. He claims to perform a lot of "rescues", including a guinea pig in a Pet Smart dumpster, a baby bird that ran into a window, a rabbit from his grandmas, a bird in a PetSmart parking lot, rainbow turtles in a plastic bag, and a pregnant dog tied to a dumpster in the last 4 months.
He says in the vid that the rabbit died within a day and a half of him getting it. Generally acts like an obnoxious youtuber the entire time and asks the viewers to leave a comment saying what they think he died of. The parking lot bird's first vid was posted Oct. 6th and he announced the death Oct. 13th.
He has a series called catch and cook, where he eats what he claims to be wild caught animals.
He promotes a place called the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, which has baby lions and jaguars. It seems like a pretty sketchy place, and some of the results claimed the owner is a drug kingpin? Not sure how credible that is yet.
There's a lot to look into here still – Jacob links his Instagram and his Tiktok in the description of every video.
No. 915540
>>915099Lennon The Bunny can be obnoxious at times (this
>>906656 for example)
but, I'll give her credit for this video response. She points out everything wrong with the way he handled the rabbit and questioned why he didn't take it to the vet immediately if he seriously thought the rabbit was sick.
No. 918956
File: 1579159524354.jpeg (119.48 KB, 750x778, 1A4D9A1A-D573-4EAC-8E36-E45436…)

>>918349Because the best way to get attention online is anonymous forums.
No. 919464
>>919452This shit doesn't surprise me. I used to watch her when she barely had any subs and now she's let all that Youtube money go to her head.
She actually compared herself to Nicki Minaj on Instagram not long ago, talking about how people can't understand "people like us" who have money, after she bought three of her friends "expensive" cars. Please.
Those poor dogs are better off without her, and I'm sure they'll find a way better home. One that doesn't have shit all over the carpet.
No. 919631
>>919452everyone in the comments thinks its hilarious, jesus christ
also why dye your dog neon pink? it looks beyond stupid
No. 920598
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Everyone should read the reddit thread and upvote it. There is information about her animal abuse that isn’t even recorded on lolcow. She can’t even pay for her pet bills while buying gucci
No. 920870
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She definitely does not need a special needs Savannah….I'm glad the Savannah has a home, but she seems to be getting a new animal every couple weeks
No. 921200
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Someone is acting like Taylor (making your parents care for your pets then calling them out on social media for what they do wrong)
No. 921688
File: 1579668725846.jpg (821.83 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200121-215030.jpg)

Stress doesn't equal calm and happy. New animals should be left alone for at least. Week, not have their head stroked and be held for selfies
No. 921817
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No. 921820
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No. 925368
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Someone quoted this guy’s thread on the #taylornicoledean twitter hashtag. The person on tik tok is young_rari and her animals look awful.
No. 925505
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>>925370>>925402I’ll start with enclosure shots. Not sure if the fish is in the travel container or stream area. I don’t have tik tok, but this video was posted on Twitter. She is discussing all the vines for her new chameleon to climb on.
No. 925507
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>>925402Other half of the enclosure. You can see the chameleon hiding in the top corner.
No. 925508
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>>925370The chameleon. I believe he is a new pet. Seems stressed to me.
No. 925510
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>>925370I don’t know much about salamanders, but this seems like A LOT in one enclosure.
No. 925512
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>>925370Disgusting on so many levels.
No. 925515
File: 1580323579650.png (961.71 KB, 750x1334, 405B7BC5-1FBA-4DC6-897E-05B425…)

As a rabbit owner, this salad is horrific. Usually, you’d at least show your best salad on social media, and I am praying it doesn’t get worse than this. The only proper nutrition is in the three spinach leafs.
No. 925615
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>>925505Watching again, it appears to be 4-5 goldfish in there.
No. 926369
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>>831551Someone needs to take these rats away from her.
(stop it maria) No. 926402
File: 1580501527559.jpg (454.27 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200131-131223.jpg)

>>926369Does she not know how to use Google? It says right here that they don't recommend using their dye on animals that frequently groom themselves.
No. 928207
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> apologizes for taking her book off the market
> new edition of the BEST BEST SELLER lmao
> the whole free fly community loves it
> the bird community loves it
> everybody loves it
> delusions about selling 2000 copies in a month
This woman is really something else lol
No. 928495
File: 1580927944545.jpg (17.88 KB, 526x169, 84859559_3607604182647988_5237…)

Noooodlefam is absolute cancer and i just found out about it yesterday from my friend who called her out. She calls herself a venomous keeper when she has a boiga dendrophilia melanota (mangrove snake, which is REAR FANGED), has "venomous keeper" in her bio, fucks with the snake all the time and handles it like a ball python, and literally said she would freehandle a rattlesnake if she liked it's temperament. this is a screenshot someone got her from personal account
No. 931739
File: 1581612896771.jpg (178.95 KB, 1125x1124, IMG_20200213_185414.jpg)

Emma just posted this
No. 931742
File: 1581613598601.png (708.96 KB, 750x1334, 58548F6E-14D7-40DA-9315-6E16BC…)

Those tinfoils were right.
No. 931767
>>931742Tinfoil but by mentioning courts and intervention services you think he was getting physically
abusive with her? She’s been awfully quiet about it, which is honestly much more believable than TNDs cry for attention.
No. 931771
File: 1581618349410.png (411.4 KB, 828x1792, BD0D15E7-6E86-40ED-AC7C-A0C4A6…)

>>931767There’s more to this post but here’s Danny’s side of the story
(subjectfag) No. 931799
File: 1581622515772.jpeg (111.36 KB, 1242x752, C0F91627-65E3-446E-A599-D00189…)

Hinting at a lawsuit.
No. 931801
File: 1581622659250.png (349.21 KB, 828x1792, F955EB7F-B99A-4DA9-AFA6-1E1369…)

Sorry image didn’t post, more to what he posted
No. 931802
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No. 931804
File: 1581623058809.jpeg (952.67 KB, 1242x1889, 250B99DD-E726-4B6C-ACDD-A7245E…)

>>931802She got physical with him apparently. Wow emtoxic is worse than I thought.
No. 931809
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>>931807So much tea, this is just sad.
No. 931841
File: 1581629168686.jpeg (977.5 KB, 3464x3464, F6CAACB4-861D-4418-AC88-4BCCF8…)

>>931830Idk how to pull the link off the app but here’s some screenshots
No. 931849
>>931742>>931841“I won’t speak about it, but here’s some vague posts and discredited evidence that will manipulate my viewers in believing my narrative”
Emtoxic is back, guys
No. 931850
>>931848damn why the fuck would she move from the UK to to there then? surely going unmedicated is a recipe for disaster.
one thing I'm glad of is that the basement full of animals is no more. wonder if em got any of the animals they had?
No. 931863
File: 1581632595578.png (195.82 KB, 1080x1285, Screenshot_20200214-002230.png)

>>931860are you baiting or has she deleted everything? that's the only thing I see
No. 931864
File: 1581632966846.png (277.27 KB, 1080x1546, Screenshot_20200214-003015.png)

No. 931865
File: 1581633249000.png (232.87 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20200214-003454.png)

No. 931867
File: 1581633339216.png (230.7 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20200214-003627.png)

No. 931870
File: 1581633780284.png (233.01 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20200214-004315.png)

she sounds mentally unhinged… unsurprisingly
No. 931876
>>931868Let’s look at emtoxic’s track record:
-made dozens of
abusive posts about Taylor, her PetTube friends, and herself on here for months.
-The only reason she stopped bullying them was because she was exposed
-regularly posts the images of her first ferret with blood smeared on its nose to memorialize her miscarriage
-would make posts demonizing ex-bfs while comparing how well Danny treats her (ex: White Castle story)
-admits in her last video that she has been mentally unstable to the point she has not been able to post regularly on youtube for the past couple months
-says she’s not going to talk about it, but name drops DASI and the courts to manipulate her young audience
Danny has receipts whiles Em just has her designer dog
No. 931877
File: 1581635354056.png (155.29 KB, 750x1334, 1CB74D2C-9235-4D89-891E-170251…)

fuck her
No. 931882
File: 1581636141158.png (217.47 KB, 750x1334, 3E2B091D-A288-4AE9-96D0-282605…)

she is lying but okay. She has been going off on her twitter but I don’t want to spam.
No. 931886
File: 1581637095889.png (219.23 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20200214-013608.png)

nice projection there. are YOU enjoying this, em?
No. 931897
File: 1581638441766.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1242x2688, 7C709FAD-87FC-44EE-BDA3-CF2C50…)

Really Em? Is this really the best time to be promoting your book?
Imagine faking domestic violence so you could sell something to your underaged audience. Fuck her
No. 931948
>>931897if this was right after all the domestic abuse shit thats hhaunting
going from 'my life is in danger and im scared' to 'uwu boss babe book #omg' feels very very off
No. 932034
File: 1581688560045.png (676.89 KB, 828x1792, E0463DE7-7F06-4FB7-950E-C16823…)

Claims all animals were his except the few he listed, so looks like almost all of the animals are gone from the house.
No. 932044
File: 1581692134893.jpeg (162.51 KB, 828x670, C8A33E3A-21DE-4006-8E53-744255…)

I combed through all the comments and one of her claims was him watching horror movies was mental torture despite the fact she’s been in them?
No. 932045
File: 1581692235428.jpeg (229.84 KB, 828x937, C6F5278B-4621-45A4-80A8-D2A0C9…)

If all this is true I think Em might have honestly gone off the deep end.
No. 932046
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No. 932158
File: 1581709893554.png (60.91 KB, 656x547, Capture1.PNG)

wonder what the deleted tweet was
No. 932182
File: 1581713560874.jpeg (215.37 KB, 812x961, 3EF12A78-4A88-4269-AB1E-04EDC2…)

No idea what it was but here’s some sperg from earlier she deleted.
No. 932226
>>932182Her going off is only making Danny’s story more believable. Saying “he’s NOTHING without me” is so
abusive and controlling, and something a narcissist says.
No. 932231
>>932229Umm, sorry to break it to you, but she did say that right here
>>931877Her repeating how he has nothing left is the only embellishment going on here. Take your the nitpicking elsewhere
No. 932246
>>932237Both of her tweets have the same exact implication. Just because she didn’t say it verbatim does not make it less
abusive nor take away the implication that he has nothing because she’s no longer with him. But have fun policing their situation
No. 932267
File: 1581727096527.png (778.92 KB, 640x1314, D6E1FD36-D4EF-4248-838F-B4B0CE…)

Derailing from the em stuff for a moment, apparently SolidGold sold all of her equipment a couple of months ago with no official update? Anyone have any more info on this? I know she had struggles with her health but it seems odd she hasn’t addressed this at all so I hope she’s doing okay
No. 932723
>>932046>>931844What does he say about AA after she talks about the woman being his sponsor?
Also, wasn't there a period where they were clearly together then went on a 'break' before getting back together? Unless she also fabricated that obviously
No. 932836
>>932723from my understanding he yells "it's alcoholic fucking anonymous" as in "I couldn't tell you I was talking to her about drinking because that would break the confidentiality of an anonymous support group".
The clip doesn't reveal much context either. It might not even be Danny who was the one looking for support for drinking.
He might just have been contacted by his female friend for some advice with AA or whatever, and it would still make it a big no no to reveal that to anyone else.
When I first heard the clip it did sound nasty, but I got stuck thinking about it for a while and what was said in it could have been many different things depending on context.
No. 932999
>>932836That + if you were woken up at 2am by Emtoxic going batshit over simply taking to a human of the opposite sex you’d probably start screaming to get away from you too. It’s not like he was caught cheating, which I would understand a drastic reaction but… just talking to a female friend?? That already shows how manipulative, creepy and
toxic she is to be keeping tabs on everything he’s doing during his sleep. Jesus.
The only thing about that clip I do wonder is the kids. He says they never saw them argue but if that’s true that must have been hard for them to wake up in the middle of the night hearing their parents scream at the top of their lungs at one another.
No. 933001
>>932999Yeah snooping through your partners devices and accounts is
toxic as shit. It’s quite possible the kids were with their actual mother when this happened maybe, who knows. Hopefully.
No. 933084
>>932999Yeah I read through all his comments on facebook and it looks like she tried to convince him he had a problem with alcohol so he was messaging a friend who was in AA to get advice. She went through his phone and freaked out when she saw the messages at 2 in the morning. Woke him up screaming and freaking out. He attempted to leave and go into the office when she wouldn’t listen or calm down. While in there he smashed a tripod against the chair before trying to calm back down.
She then followed and began again screaming and getting his face. He loses his cool and yells back for a minute or so. She used her hand to make it sound like he’s shoving her, which was disproven in court.
Then at the end as he tried to again calm the situation down she throws and hits him with a book leaving a bruise that was he submitted pictures of.
No. 933972
>>931855I realize I'm a week late, but I was going through old threads and remembered that she herself suggested this when she was posting anonymously in here summer before last.
>>610236 So, even if it is a tin foil, she was the first to suggest it. kek.
No. 934689
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No. 934691
File: 1582294426193.png (296.34 KB, 1080x1668, Screenshot_20200221-161215.png)

looks like em now only has the dog, ferrets and a couple of snakes and lizards.
No. 934826
File: 1582305315965.jpg (662.27 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200221-100356.jpg)

Nooooodlefam is an idiot. The tarantula community doesn't even really support handling new world tarantulas, it's stressful for them and not beneficial.
No. 935097
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No. 935099
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>>935097good god i feel bad for kait
No. 935102
File: 1582336910015.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2688, 40E5E799-F9EB-490A-AAC8-4BF950…)

Emzotic’s social blaze rn. Oof
No. 935137
File: 1582340071650.jpeg (375.05 KB, 1118x1166, 2BC867DE-02A4-480A-9C47-0FEAEF…)

Here’s where she shipped her skunk off too, apparently Puddin has arthritis
No. 935138
File: 1582340106387.jpeg (1014.92 KB, 1125x1839, 42B3E623-CD35-4943-B48E-5209FB…)

>>935137Image that talks about arthritis (she was renamed when she got rehomed)
No. 935139
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No. 936030
File: 1582498814071.jpeg (246.21 KB, 750x1204, 4A1A4DC8-07A0-4B60-BC5C-D5FF3A…)

Didn’t see anyone post about noodlefam breeding her spider ball python…
No. 936186
File: 1582519082049.png (1.02 MB, 1440x2712, Capture _2020-02-23-20-36-45.p…)

Well now this is some tea. She gave Daniel's pets away wow.
No. 936188
>>936186She responded to his post on her Instagram story as well.
I would post but i have no idea how to on mobile apologies.
No. 936190
File: 1582519622696.jpg (54.68 KB, 444x960, FB_IMG_1582519360112.jpg)

Picture dump I don't know if it's the right order or not but here's the conversation between Danny and the person who has the skunk
No. 936191
File: 1582519677373.jpg (57.81 KB, 444x960, FB_IMG_1582519422245.jpg)

No. 936192
File: 1582519707783.jpg (59.46 KB, 444x960, FB_IMG_1582519452030.jpg)

No. 936194
File: 1582520344786.jpeg (257.22 KB, 828x773, 15AEE87D-C67D-4E9C-B4AF-21CD82…)

Here’s a cap of Danny’s IG comments saying his “so happy comment” didn’t exist
No. 936195
File: 1582520431029.jpeg (93.23 KB, 828x418, 50A7C5F8-8507-41C1-AA72-D27D27…)

then immediately saying the “so happy” comment was sarcasm even though he said he never made it? They’re both liars
No. 936196
File: 1582520708889.jpeg (465.6 KB, 828x1576, 348218FD-EB05-41C0-9AC2-6E54D4…)

Here is the screenshot from Em’s story of Danny commenting that he was so happy on the post about the skunks being rehomed
No. 936208
File: 1582523690053.png (284.09 KB, 750x1334, 6DB9B84F-49E2-410C-9B25-52E84A…)

Family member claiming Emma killed Danny’s fishes.
No. 936209
File: 1582523815023.png (301.41 KB, 750x1334, 23B4A3B7-5593-4119-9323-81D7CF…)

Danny claiming Emma mistreated the ferrets.
I think they are both talking out their asses at this point, probably both incredibly vile toxic people, it’s like watching a contest of who can drop the most “hints” about what happened, tell people or shut up.
No. 936292
>>936209I wouldn't be surprised at ALL if emzotic's animal care hasn't been consistently good tbh. she seems to lead a pretty hectic life and has had some major depressive episodes in the past. I think she's even talked about in her videos how her animals were neglected during those times.
and while it maybe isn't abuse, smearing your ferret with your miscarriage blood is weird and unsettling.
>>936208she's clueless about fishkeeping but no ones that stupid… if it's true it had to be some weird psychotic revenge thing.
No. 936294
>>936195>>936194surprised he isn't claiming em left the comment from his device since she liked snooping through it. something fishy is def going on.
still weird for her to be rehoming his pets though.
No. 936332
File: 1582552646054.png (1.92 MB, 2194x960, danny.png)

>>936192>>936191>>936190here's the full conversation between danny and drmuccie that danny shared on fb.
No. 936334
File: 1582552901865.png (311.92 KB, 1086x607, Capture2345425.png)

ah the shitflinging. I'll have to admit I haven't been keeping up with emzotic, has she had any huge dieoffs recently like danny claims?
No. 936351
File: 1582555965395.webm (19.49 MB, 1920x1080, emzotic (3).webm)
>>936188>>936186here's em's response
No. 936354
>>936351the smiling and head movements come across so weirdly here, never seen a scared abuse
victim act like this publically
No. 936375
>>936354>abuse victims don’t smileoh good to know humans are entirely predictable binary beings that always act 100% rationally and according to plan, kek
this danny dude is obviously a manipulative piece of shit and also clearly at the very least emotionally
abusive. so is em, but this dude is literally lying through his teeth and playing
victim for something HE decided. fucking pathetic scrote.
No. 936378
>>936351Funny that how half audio is muffled when she's reading it.
>>936375And how do you figure that Daddy is liar this bitch is crazy I think this is EM try to defend yourself
No. 936435
File: 1582566570034.jpg (390.09 KB, 965x1287, 20200224_124658.jpg)

>>936375This is probably a bit of an armchair since theres no way to tell Em is lying but there is something called "duping delight" which is when the person cant stop smiling while they are lying. Honestly that video looks more calculated than "not acting rationally kek". She is acting rationally to the point where she looks robotic and that's why it's so uncanny to watch.
We know Emzotic is capable of acting sweet and gentle outwardly while saying vile shit and spreading rumors about her friends / herself here. After saying Taylor Dean was ugly, dirty and botched she claimed it was for a social experiment and now comments on her posts with ~*uwu*~ positivity.
Pic attached is the kind of vile stuff Em used to say about HERSELF. This woman literally makes fun of her own miscarriage on an anon image board. Spoilered image was her own tweet she was making fun of. Em is calculated as fuck and crazy.
No. 936480
>>936351Holy fuck, other anons are right, this comes across as point scoring / smug as fuck and does not paint her in a good light. Her receipts do not prove Danny agreed, just that he said nothing… which is weird, but tbh I wouldn't engage with that either.
What's with the dropping hints about there being something more 'wrong' with one of the skunks too?
No. 936670
File: 1582600782931.png (6.21 MB, 6456x1920, emzotic89733.png)

>>936467I don't think she kept a dove? the texts only say 2 ferrets, 2 snakes and a gargoyle gecko.
>>936658I don't think they ever were posted on their own, here you go.
No. 936672
File: 1582601487062.png (652.49 KB, 1165x678, Capture12234324.PNG)

>>936186looks like danny's lying about having the skunk for 6 years.
No. 936678
>>936675doesn't seem that likely though does it? but I mean you might be right.
anyway, people are going to town on danny's fb post
>>936186 right now. someone is also pointing out that when em first showed puddin on her yt video in 2018, she said puddin was a little over a year old.
No. 936680
>>936670Ty anon.
So the doves obviously died. I wonder what happened to the second kookaburra.
No. 936720
File: 1582608662285.jpg (59.4 KB, 640x1351, FB_IMG_1582608647037.jpg)

No. 936727
File: 1582609876360.png (952.5 KB, 1080x1566, Screenshot_20200225-075023.png)

>>936720>>936726here he is referring to it as him
No. 936742
>>936733agreed. I'd like to hear from someone that actually donated tbh bc how do we even know she shafted them? for all we know she didn't.
didn't she also have some kind of special club subscription thing? I have a feeling she has been in communication with her ""patreons"".
>>936161nice selfpost btw. your tank looks like shit.
No. 936759
>>936742I agree her fish tank is nasty! Breeding fish doesn't excuse the glass to look like that.
>>936733Did she ever do a finished fish room video? If so do you know which one? I think that people think that when you donate to someone's Channel you get to dictate what and the type of content they put out. Especially people with bigger channels you see it a lot they change a camera setting and their subscribers in the comments complain so much. No one owes these people anything. Solid Gold has had health issues she downsized. She should have made a video as a courtesy to her supporters.
(selfpost) No. 936761
File: 1582615809089.jpg (330.91 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_2020-02-24_23-27-25.JPG)

>>936742It looks like to me she hasn't used her patreon since 2015. Plus her patreon was for her to sell her fish on they got priority picking. At least if you're going to talk about it know about her past history.
No. 936765
File: 1582616403599.png (142.54 KB, 1116x453, Capture.PNG)

>>936761I was talking about her solid gold membership thing, not her patreon. it includes a closed facebook group..
No. 936766
File: 1582617023507.png (1007.5 KB, 1021x680, Capture.PNG)

>>936646exactly, that'd be the weirdest money making scheme ever. crowdfunding her hobby maybe wasn't the best idea ever but I don't think she did it with bad intentions.
No. 936767
File: 1582617956428.jpg (731.19 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_2020-02-24_23-52-10.JPG)

it looks like she hasn't posted since 2019 she hasn't updated her calendar nor her website.>>936765 I would like to hope she kept these people in her group notified
>>936766I feel that some of the stuff she was selling was PR. she's making money off of free things. I think that was kind of smart instead of posting items for sale on Facebook that was given to her she had a garage sale and posted pictures of things she bought. all those Custom Cabinets and enclosures can't stay in the house if she's selling.
I still don't feel right about her fans donating to her Fish Room just to sell it and get out of the hobby not even a year in to the upgrade.
I can see how people may feel that that something hanky panky is going on.
No. 936773
File: 1582619110171.jpg (371.95 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_2020-02-25_00-17-09.JPG)

>>936742Sorry for my shit screen shots.
>>936765I did a little digging. Seen this post. I think she really ghosted everyone. Including her members.
No. 936774
>>936767sure, but I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt until we know more. she's only human, I can think of plenty of reasons why she wouldn't want to deal with the internet anymore. you'd think she was a criminal mastermind if looked at the comments she's getting on her last video/fb post right now.
I mean crowdfunded projects failing isn't rare at all. and there's no reason to think she used the money for any other reason than to buy the supplies. someone educate me if it's required for a company selling crowdfunded items to reimburse those who donated.
>>936773I perused through the comments as well but it honestly seemed that the people flinging shit and freaking out about people getting scammed didn't even donate themselves.
No. 936777
File: 1582620275714.png (165.32 KB, 1350x846, Capture _2020-02-25-00-34-42.p…)

>>936774I found this on the FTC.
The 5 dollar thing was not included in her PayPal fund for her Fish Room. I think it is a gray area because she didn't have a tiered system. She didn't finish the fish room. Also she's selling items that the money donated money bought. She is selling for a profit. To be honest I'm wondering do they even pay taxes on that? I don't think it's illegal per se but I think it's tacky. It's up to the discretion of the donator to donate . unless we get more donators speaking about it. I think we're just all assuming at this point. No. 936872
>>936865jfc cool off anon, you're getting offended on behalf of people who probably didn't even mind donating either way. she quit the hobby and closed down her company, shit happens in life. I'll believe she's a shitty person when I see more solid proof than someone vendetta posting on fb, no point in tinfoiling before that.
iirc the fishroom was finished aside of the koi tank idea she abandoned and maybe a terrarium or two.
No. 936998
File: 1582670530775.jpg (700.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200225-172818_Ins…)

>>936209Kek she definitely saw this (either the original post or the screenshot here), she's made an instagram post of Dobby AND has a bunch of videos on her story of the ferrets running around out of their cage (to prove they get floor time). With her giant fucking designer dog standing right over them, of course. Definitely no opportunity for anything to go wrong there.
No. 937007
File: 1582671691417.jpeg (236.67 KB, 1080x1920, Resized_Screenshot_20200225-17…)

same anon as before-also on her story is a video of her feeding a rabbit treats. she's pretty careful not to show the full enclosure at any point but it…doesnt look that big. rabbits need A LOT of floor space to run around (the hutch has a second level to it but thats basically worthless for ground dwelling animals). it looks like the rabbit would be able to do 1 hop along the short side and maybe 2 or 3 hops along the long side. they should have enough room to do AT LEAST 4 hops. minimum. and the treats she's feeding "until you like me!!" are yogurt treats, which are also garbage for rabbits-you should NEVER feed them dairy. Hey Emma, since I know you still lurk here, you did Kait dirty exposing her shit rabbit care because you needed content for your story. But, hey, thanks for letting us know about it.
No. 937363
File: 1582737139622.jpeg (171.47 KB, 1125x561, A6ACA7C4-86E3-4056-8DF9-BC3BC3…)

Em mentioned in the past that Kiba wasn’t neutered and apparently one of Kait’s dogs isn’t here can't wait for the “accidental” litter
No. 937589
had to have a reeee moment about Brian Barczyk spawning more irresponsible snaketubers. Chris Hardwick has been in the hobby all of 2 years, ispired by BHB, now runs his own breeding operation out of his home and posts videos basically daily where he just talks about snakes posted on morphmarket.
This weekend he took his beloved 'mascot' snake Bobby TO A REPTILE EXPO letting strangers hold it, of course after they handle every other breeders snakes. Over/under on:
- Bobby being in the 1% of ball pythons to contract IBD, a highly contagious, lethal virus carried by boa constrictors
- Chris not quarantining Bobby after bringing him home, slap him back in the snake rack, spread some disease to the rest of his collection
- A rash of newbie snake enthusiasts who consider Hardwick an expert now attempting to bring their pets to their next local expo for funsies, which for those who haven't caught on is a fucking terrible idea
Thanks for the legacy, Brian. The reptile community is booming because of this turd and full of new people modeling their husbandry after mass breeders (hoarders) like Brian. Zero brain cells, zero research outside of clickbait youtube videos, and tons of dead animals.
No. 937613
>>937241yeah it's kait's rabbit sage.
>>937605where did you hear that? is it something danny let slip somewhere?
No. 937625
File: 1582771535988.png (990.56 KB, 569x955, Capture.png)

Em posted a ton of stories on ig to a song and one was of her BP enclosure. can't tell what size it is but it's just aspen, a hide and a water dish. Nothing else
No. 937711
File: 1582787205168.jpg (718.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200227-015437_Ins…)

>>936998…could she make it any more obvious that she's lurking? also i genuinely don't know whether she posted this to piss people off or if she legitimately thinks that they're "playing" when the dog is backing the ferret into the corner like that?
No. 937837
File: 1582822360977.jpg (419 KB, 1080x1561, 20200227_085127.jpg)

Looks like Danny officially lost the permits. I wonder the type of neglect they were experiencing to require the state to get involved.
No. 938097
File: 1582851021946.jpeg (54.01 KB, 750x486, 93E793B5-DD56-488E-8DA2-D6AA45…)

>>937760She absolutely wanted lolcow attention.
No. 938110
>>937837>>938097god she really isnt doing a good job of showing how scared of danny she is, she was 100% involved in the
abusive shit as well, betting they were as bad as each other
why are you straight on lolcow rather than sorting yourself out em? jesus
No. 938190
>>938110Wow, it's like people can't just be happy and proud to get out of an
abusive relationship (sarcasm)
For me it looks like she is trying her best to stay strong and she is feeling confident after that.
Whatever happened, Dany for sure has shown to be crazy and a lier. Ofc Em has her drama too, but that doesn't make Dany a saint and doesn't make her experience less
So far we know Dany was neglecting his skunk, and he also lied about Em abusing her ferrets, he said they were lucky to even be alive. But on ferrets you really can see their health on their fur, and in her Livestream they look healthy.
No. 938258
>>938190If anything she seems to be manic.
Lord knows what happened with the skunk though, he clearly didn't have it for 6 years so that was a sympathy card of sorts. I do think both of their collections are in somewhat shit conditions though, especially when the whole basement thing was sort of mentioned by Em in that one video.
No. 938295
>>938190You dont act smug and snarky towards your abuser while they are still around if you were previously fearing for her life, speaking as a
victimI have no doubt danny is a piece of shit, hence 'they were as bad as each other'
Your fake mispellings are a really bad way to pretend it isnt you em, no one is actually stupid enough to spell Danny wrong
Also the doves are dead so clearly you are both shitty animal keepers
No. 938501
>>938097What was on her IG story? When I checked, it was nothing but her being obnoxious at playlist.
Why is this irrelevant cow even at playlist? I guess she thought it was a good idea to abandon her dog and animals after dragging them across the country and throwing them into a whole new territory.
No. 939121
File: 1583033483634.jpg (547.06 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200229-203052.jpg)

Why does she soak her snake so often? She's said before that being in water stresses him out. No wonder he struck you. Multiple times apparently!!!
No. 939510
>>938295Is there any proof the doves are dead?
Also love how everyone says that every single comment slightly defending Em is selfpost lmao. You are all crazy.
No. 939570
>>939306I'm the one who posted the bite from the mangrove, and I'm definitely not her. Just figured I'd post someone who's trying to break into "pet tube" while also being an idiot of a reptile keeper!
The multiple responses in a row at the same time are a little suspicious though
No. 939604
>>939510No, crazy would be going on here and ripping into yourself and other pet youtubers while pretending to be their mates. Taking pictures of your miscarriage and blood all over your pets face. Buying pets by the dozen and then abandoning them in two countries across the world.
Crazy is not suggesting Em is back here and self posting…
No. 939668
>>939510>>939616When there is proof of every other animal laid out
So where else would the doves be?
Post a casual pic on instagram if theyre still alive Em, were waiting
>>939570shes like that stupid girl who would dye her rats and selfpost recently, she posts this shit on instagram to get attention in places like here
its pathetic
No. 940409
File: 1583259338317.jpg (47.43 KB, 555x315, ghj.JPG)

usually like reptilian garden but uh, what does LGBT have to do with any of the other topics?
No. 940574
>>940409it's a video sharing her opinion on various topics. she said that a lot of people asked her opinion on lgbtq rights and she basically said she supports people loving who they want to love. its like fifteen and a half minutes in.
>>940516That's fucked up. If he was born in 2015 then he was only around 5 years old-nowhere near elderly for a rabbit. that's like middle aged. In her instagram story shes saying she thinks she passed from old age because he "seemed fine" before. Rabbits tend to hide signs of their illness, anyone who has a rabbit and has done a lick of research would know this. She should be AROUND and paying very close attention to her rabbit (not to mention her other animals) to look for any subtle changes that might indicate something is wrong. Rabbits have individual personalities and sometimes it takes knowing them REALLY well to notice when something changes. Can't believe she left town for a month when she has all those animals.
No. 941194
File: 1583383149294.jpg (577.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200304-232443_Ins…)

>>938087only just caught this. but that tail looks pretty puffed to me. and it's now 100% clear that she's posting for attention. sup Emma Lurk?
No. 941499
File: 1583447133208.jpeg (245.76 KB, 828x1470, 65383793-8B52-4676-B81E-4D6870…)

commented on the doves saying they were rehomed.
No. 947219
File: 1584577652024.jpg (127.36 KB, 726x1172, IMG-20200318-WA0000~2.jpg)

Okay storytime about Joey king diy. He has been cheating on his wife. He was caught in an elevator with his chick he's cheating with at a convention. We are YouTubers in the fish Hobby. My friend was in the elevator with him and the girl. He had a fling with solid gold Aquatics. This screenshot shows him talking to Rachel O'Leary Both as married people should not even be joking like this and then telling her to get rid of her daughter is way out of line
No. 947241
>>947219Who gives a shit though
I don’t see what this has to do with bad pet care
No. 947779
>>947746Post about them killing fish then?
Hearsay cheating rumours aren’t relevant to their pet care
No. 948127
>>947794I don’t know who this cheating person is, which is why it’s so dull
Emzotic is relevant because there’s several accusations of animal abuse and she’s lost a tonne of pets, so it actually has something to do with pet care rather than “these people broke up”
Seriously, post about his bad pet care or don’t post, vague cheating rumours are nothing
No. 948778
>>948127 the thread is called “General Pet Youtubers” not “bad pet care”, so stop playing mod. No one gives a shit if you’re not interested, others clearly are
i like hearing about fish tube drama, though not sure I believe the fling with SGA thing—I remember their channel crossovers seemed pretty awkward. Joey always seemed untrustworthy to me, so i do believe that he would cheat tho
Kinda surprising that out of the two fish room funds, SGA has been the one that wound up feeling scammier to me since I always liked her more
curious to see if any other cheating details emerge (although he’s got kids, so I hope for their sake that the rumors aren’t true)
No. 953059
>>952899What the fuck did she do to her hair?
I first posted Carolin here way back but I stopped watching her drama, glad to see she hasn't become any less batshit crazy.
No. 953948
File: 1585964598034.png (2.13 MB, 1440x2712, Capture _2020-04-03-18-35-09.p…)

I can't wait to be attacked by what I'm about to say about antscanada and snakes discovery. Every time a YouTuber gets so big their care goes down. We can look at Joey DIY we can look at solid gold Aquatics and them growing their channel so big that they can't take care of them. Their stuff was so overstocked that it created diseases and cause of death in their fish room.
Now let's talk about snake discovery.. I could name at least five animals that she has came out and said in the last 3 months that have died. My tinfoil hypothesis whatevs is that she's spending so much time rebuilding this zoo that she wants that her animals care are not being met.
Same with antscanada he has shit Animal Care. almost all his ant colonies die. How many times did he have to replace ants. I just hate the fact that people are so enamored with these people that they can't think critically.
No. 954041
File: 1585979889316.jpg (494.66 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_2020-04-03_22-06-00.JPG)

>>953956I will need to go through her recent videos I'm not sure which ones that mention it. But I found this about her milk snake. (Candycane)that she left the door open on. It has never been found.
She has also partnered up and collabing with a company for vision cages.. my tinfoil is that they are funding her cages for the zoo. She was not transparent if she's making Commission I felt each purchase and how much commission she's making. I was really rooting for her to be different I liked her style and her pizzazz but as more videos come out the bigger she gets and more animals she has the more I questioned her and her care.
>>954029His videos are shot very well but his husbandry and clickbait makes his videos unwatchable. He even says himself that ant colonies can go on forever if cared for properly. He is stuck on that YouTube trend of new upgrades new builds new colonies without taking the time to take care of his established colonies. Hell just recently he had his black ant colony Escape. It had to be weeks because the colony that big just doesn't up and leave that quick. If he was checking his animals everyday he would have seen that.
No. 954077
>>954029I mentioned him once asking if his ant colonies dying nearly every other video was normal and people pretty much just said yes.
I don't know really how ant colonies work but I wouldn't be surprised if he is endangering them for added drama. That and last time I watched he was straying into other aquatic animals which was a bit weird because he clearly has no clue what he is doing.
No. 954270
>>954041Anon said they could “name at least 5 animals that have died” still waiting for that
Not to WK but snakes escaping happens to people with 1 snake too. It’s really unfortunate but all it takes is one oversight and they can get out and be impossible to find.
She’s partnered with Universal Rocks to build her zoo enclosures, and is moving towards naturalistic and bioactive setups. Her her alligator will finally get an appropriately sized enclosure. The zoo is a step in the right direction imo.
I’m sure the quality will surpass brian barczyk’s “reptarium” or prehistoric pets. That’s an extremely low bar, but those channels have much more reach, spread outright incorrect, terrible and dangerous information, and keep animals in disgusting conditions.
SD isn’t perfect by any means—Myself and many others are against hybridization, for example—but still one of the most ethical and genuinely informative “pet tube” channels.
No. 954422
>>954145there’s nothing wrong with keeping mice in glass enclosures, just like
>>954374 said. are you worried it’s a space issue or are you saying glass enclosures would somehow be unhealthy for a mouse?
No. 954484
>>954145i also cant stand this girl and agree she definitely hoards animals. tbf i didnt watch this video fully, just the first 6 minutes at 2x speed to get a look at the mouse tank. like a couple of other people said, mice absolutely can live in glass aquarium style cages. what concerns me is the size. she's very careful in this video not to show the whole thing or say how many gallons it is, but im willing to bet that it's a 10 gallon. technically that's considered the minimum size for a mouse, but honestly, it doesn't feel like enough. especially for something active like a rodent. more space is better. honestly anytime someone talks about the "minimum" size enclosure, they should add the words "bare-ass" to the beginning because apparently, people think that the word "minimum" means "totally acceptable". it does not. it means that any slightly lesser degree of care constitutes abuse. "Bare-ass minimum" imo drives home the point that, if this is the situation your animal is in, that's ok TEMPORARILY but you need to be actively working on something better for that animal-not declaring that your care is at peak standards and deciding it's time to get another new pet, like so many of these youtubers seem to do. it definitely isn't a good look to be flashing minimum enclosure sizes in a video boasting about having 100 pets. so they're just careful not to show it. couldn't make myself watch the rest of the video but im sure her care is still shite like it was last year.
No. 954527
File: 1586064603950.png (3.03 MB, 1242x2208, 53C3D9D2-5E8F-405E-9A1D-EADA0B…)

Emzotic did an interview on her fake therapist aka life coach’s “new” YouTube aka created by Em so we wouldn’t criticize her for trying to use her experiences for $. Nicely said, Youtuber
No. 955077
File: 1586185196675.jpg (706.07 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_2020-04-06_07-55-32.JPG)

>>954862What was he going on about? He actually left a comment on one of my videos can explain himself. Mind you I have like almost 500 subs. He is a fucking felon who scammed the fucking internet. This is his m.o. he tries to friend other YouTubers that don't like him in the community. He did that was Michael's Fish Room. Michael spoke against him and all of a sudden he was supposed to do a video on Michael's youtube page answering all the questions he has. Which never happened. He basically one event took everyone for drinks and was trying to play best friends with everyone. Well it's not working on me he can kiss my whole ass.
(cowtipping) No. 955332
>>955311ntayrt but this is a fucking imageboard.
imageboard. meaning post screenshots of literally anything backing anything you say up and you’re good to go. accusing everyone who asks you for proof of being the same person/being a joey stan seriously doesn’t help your case whatsoever.
No. 955668
>>955614I'll try and summarise it's all over tbh.
He's saying that 'trolls' threatened to rape his family and friends etc. Send nudes to his daughter???
And he went on a livestream and a 'troll' joined and he was 'roasting' this 17 year old troll and now it's going around and it looks bad… but everyone missed the context because everyone was laughing.
Other youtubers criticise him but can't take it back… he then apparently gets in another fight with someone else on a livestream. This one more serious than the 17 year old who he apparently live-streamed with after?
Tbh I got bored after that… 20 min in.
He's such a whiny little bitch. He seriously needs to get the fuck offline if he can't take criticism… no one should be DMing his family, but honestly I kind of think he's lying about that. It's all so vague and the same story a million others have told.
No. 955671
>>955668Forgot to add, when the 17 year old came on, he said;
It doesn't matter who's right or wrong. It's going to hurt me going to college, me getting a job etc.
Honestly sounds like he was coached by Joey into saying everything before hand… or threatened into saying all that shit.
No. 956324
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Nick bingo: trashy Paul cuffaro clout rider
Disables comments only after he gets hate
Puts 2 seahorses in a tank without anything to hold onto other than eachother, the tank is 14 gallons, and they don’t even have a chiller. Tiger tailed seahorses need atleast 30 gallons. It’s pathetic how trashy his animals get treated: not a single one of his fish has been alive longer than two months: his friends harassed this kid who made an exposing video on them (I’m the kids friend) they called him a fag, and these are nick bingos real life friends (in his videos) and he doesn’t confront the issue, but his real life friends constantly harass this kid, message him on social media, mind they are 18-20 and this kid is like 14. The kid called them animal abusers (which is true) and now they’re mad
No. 959066
>>959062Why are people going after Snake Discovery? They're literally one of the best you'll find on youtube. Emily's enclosures (even with them being rack systems) are far beyond what the majority of other snake breeders provide for their snakes. And is a very good example of what you can do with rack systems but everyone else doesn't care enough to do so.
She lost Nearly Headless Nick, a snake that was run over by a lawnmower and survived due to their determination to look after him, a snake that shouldn't have even been alive if they didn't take him on. And they've lost a garter snake during brumation. It happens. Get over it. Her care is well above average and it's not difficult to see that.
No. 959086
>>959062You tell everyone that one of her garter snakes died during brumation, but you don't say how she explains how live-bearing snakes with quicker metabolisms that grow faster and breed faster, like garter snakes and water snakes seem to have a higher chance of unexpectedly dying.
You just leave out the parts that don't fit your narrative of Snake Discovery being bad snake keepers. It's pathetic.
No. 959249
>>959066They literally had to assist-feed Nearly Headless Nick every time. They paid for at least one surgery for him, a random garter snake hit by a lawn mower.
Snake Discovery isn't perfect but it's probably the best you're going to get.
No. 961736
>>961153Sure, people can talk about them. If someone notices someting they've done wrong then talk about it. But when people leave out information provided by snake discovery that explains what's happening, just because whoevers posting knows that they've got nothing to go off so they have to pick and choose what they post to make snake discovery seem so bad when they're not, it doesn't really work does it.
If you're going to go after someone, at least make sure the points you're trying to make are
valid, and not something that can dismissed by continuing to watch the video.
Otherwise shut the fuck up and focus on the ones that are literally killing, abusing, and neglecting their animals instead of nitpicking about absolutely nothing.
No. 961986
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No. 961987
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No. 962703
>>962453A co worker of mine went on vacation for a few days and apparently left his space heater on and never had thermostats so he cooked all his reptiles, maybe something similar but I know she has thermostats so maybe they stopped working while she left for a few days to her bfs or something
Sage for tinfoil and kinda blog
No. 963566
>>962798On top of that, she has a real job. Her ex-boyfriend moved out, so she’s the only person that is responsible for taking care of all those animals and the house/apartment.
A lot of very stupid decisions made by a very stupid person. Now her pets are dying from her stupidity.
No. 963700
>>963579If one of her cat or dog got into the room this should be joke, really
Also I have a question. We should be in quarantine shouldn’t we ? So she should be at home 24/7 with all the animals. In a time like this how does that happened ?
Like really.
She should have a emergency system for heat or cold. She should notice a problem with electric or difference with something. She should have a protection. She should have cat/dog proof the room. She should spend time with cat and dog even train them. She should be taken care of her animals.
If you can’t handle all of them do the right thing and rehome them. Stop hoarding animals. Stop buying them like trash. Get help.
The majority of pettubers need to realize animals need and consume their time, energy, money. They are living beings.
Getting animals for aesthetic is wrong. Their looks shouldn’t be a matter. Having comical numbers of them etc
Sorry for the long entry but I’m really fed up. Head to toe. They influence giant blocks of bullshit to so many people. Talking about an animals life like its nothing. People are still blindly buying pets or taking wrong, minimal care even.
Choosing an animal because you like how it looks is grossing me out. Breeding even worse case.
Sorry for my bad English or long rant. I don’t speak English normally.
No. 964093
>>963700Her job has to do with animals at a zoo or something, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she falls into the “essential worker” category so the animals are still looked after even if her work is closed to the public.
Kind of ironic her job is to take care of animals, but she can’t even keep her own pets alive.
No. 964178
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oh Dear god, there is a new pettuber, who cohabs a russian tortoise with a bearded dragon, in a 40 gal breeder only having one basking spot, only a UVB bulb. A dum boa, and a ball python, in a cage that’s only meant for snakes that ARENT terrestrial, poor ball python is going to have no room. Also cohabs THREE tegus with only one basking spot in their enclosure. He’s getting his fame off of his already youtube famous brother, and it’s disgusting how many young kids are going to be watching this channel. His channels name is Jakob Magnus, and his already famous brother Is Gavin Magnus. Animals are just another tool in pettube, I rlly hope this doesn’t become another TND or PC(namefag)
No. 965526
>>965323Proof of him saying that his gallery was never meant to be permanent and he wanted to rotate fish (when people protested that he was disposing of his animals / buying / 'accidentally' killing and replacing)?
Because that's in one of his videos talking about his fish gallery… there's so many I'm not going to trawl through them all to find it but look for one of him 'addressing' criticism after he started to change his 'gallery' after he first finished setting it up.
No. 965914
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king of diy seems to have gone off on another drunken bender and joined twitter to instigate more drama. posting this for posterity, i have a few more screenshots, if either of them delete their tweets i’ll dump the rest.
joey posted a video on the account in pic related to prove it’s really him, but i don’t have it saved.
No. 965915
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>>965914continued - seems like she’s referencing some kind of pettuber event where joey was physically and verbally overstepping people’s boundaries. she also posted texts from other people she didn’t mention by name that were apparently from the same event, describing how they felt extremely uncomfortable around joey and needed excuses to leave.
No. 965932
I don't really know a lot about KingOfDIY other than that he doesn't give a shit about his fish which makes me dislike him, but this whole controversy is so stupid.
Maddie is stirring up shit cause he said it's fine to rap along to songs that use the word nigga? So what…? He didn't use it in a derogatory way, afaik, and said that hard r isn't okay to use in any situation. What's the big deal? Americans are so ridiculous.
And Maddie and Co speaking out against KingOfDIY but keeping their mouths shut - and even defending - TND is just the cherry on top. Taylor killed multiple pets while on HEROIN, gaslit her teenaged stans, stayed with a man that held her neonate kitten over the toilet and threatened to flush it, and is just a huge narcissistic asshole all around, but that's apparently fine. No need to go on Twitter and expose her. Better to make a 10 minute video with like 6 midroll ads to defend her and insinuate that she's gonna kill herself if the haydurs don't stop being mean.
I can imagine Joey being a creep and saying gross shit, but then they should've just manned up and told him that he isn't funny and to shut up, instead of "laughing along in shock and disbelief". Grow a damn spine or don't whine about it later.
Killing multiple pets due to an "accident" is fine, rapping along to a song isn't. Pettubers are scum.
No. 965947
>>965932It’s not ok to say the word. Doesn’t matter if it’s in a song or not. He’s white. He needs to own up to his shit and say he was wrong. He’s refusing to do that. He’s also 37?! years old and he’s going after kids nearly half his age and sending his fans after them as well. All of this happening while he clearly seems to be under the influence of something, at least alcohol.
They shouldn’t have defended TND but let’s not pretend like Joey hasn’t killed a ton of fish from neglect either. He’s has numerous accidents, including not putting a lid on a tank for a fish that needs a lid because he didn’t like the aesthetic.
Also I don’t know what he said, but I don’t blame them for not getting confrontational at an event with fans. This is like going to a business meeting for the rest of us and everyone needs to play nice. Also if he’s saying creepy things, again, as a 37 year old man, to 19-21 year old girls, there’s a huge power play going on. Those girls are likely to feel like they can’t confront him. It’s gross.
No. 965950
>>965947Forgot to add that these pet tubers are still scum. I don’t support Maddie at all and she honestly should just shut up at this point. He’s clearly under the influence and isn’t in his right mind. He’s not going to apologize and they should just stop poking the bear at this point.
I’ve never liked him. He’s said in the past that he got so obsessed with collecting fish, that he drove his family into debt and his children were taken away from him. He’s bragged about this as his “dedication to the hobby” and basically encouraged other YouTubers to do the same.
No. 965952
>>965947>>965950Yeah, I'm saying that there's way worse things that Joey has done. Killing animals and the debt thing you mentioned should've been what they're exposing him for, not rapping along to a song while he was shitface drunk lol. Hilarious how these people defend TNDs shitty actions with her drug addiction but make Joey out to be a racist devil when he's clearly got problems with addiction as well.
Anyway, Emma put up an upbeat video with her new boyfriend. Still no news about the pet deaths.
No. 966040
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Me speaking about how Danny treats his pets, if she knew that why didn’t she say anything sooner and continue to enable him?
No. 966041
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Sourced from her Facebook, on her post about the skunks yesterday.
No. 966052
>>966041Tbh they both seem like cluster b crazies trying to slander each other to whoever that will listen on their social media. Its easy to get caught up in a whole big text wall of explanation but Em originally had all these "receipts" when they first broke up because she weirdly took photos of his kids drawings and voice recorded him. So why doesn't she have any evidence for any of these new claims and why does she think the fact that Danny was shitty to animals/public that she's suddenly absolved of turning a blind eye to it all this time?
It irks me how everyone at lol cow remembes Ems psychotic flip out here and the vile things she said about people she pretended to like but she's allowed to manipulate her audience outside the farms to think she's just an "uwu positive soft animal lover". This post should show them how calculated and malicious Em is considering there's 0 reason to be posting about your breakup publically months later to this degree unless you're trying to brow beat a narrative. The only people I feel bad for in the situation are Danny's kids and the animals that neither of them apparently give a shit about except to use as ammunition to point fingers at one another.
No. 966062
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Ummm is this really emzotics Facebook pfp?
No. 966155
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So Emma is claiming her animals died from water contamination, which is creative. Cant explain why only some animals were affected and not all, but points for creativity.
This was buried in the comments in her community tab.
No. 967197
>>966917I'm starting to get the feeling that she hasn't talked about who died and why because she doesn't know what happened either. Saying they're still "investigating" and just guessing the cause is water contamination (tf does that even mean? Did Corona get in her water kek) probably means that she's expecting more animals to die.
I honestly can't come up with any kind of understandable reason that could cause 3+ animals to die
No. 967509
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Paul cuffaro and nick bingo comment sections thing 6 months to a year is the average lifespan for a fish. Wtf.
No. 967824
>>967197Since her “incident,” she’s posted a picture of her chameleon and of her leachie gecko, which can be assumed are both alive. Both of those pets demand regular misting, so why were they not affected by the “water contamination” when they were exposed to her “contaminated water” daily?
I don’t buy her contaminated water story for a second. It screams avoiding any accountability so people don’t notice she was neglecting her pets even when she’s stuck at home because of quarantine.
No. 969214
>>9691611.) This is the latest thread.
2.) Learn how to sage.
3.) Is this about the dumb Bree shit? Because that is in no way milk or interesting.
No. 969544
>>969214either you're blind or dumb because this thread is about to be locked. scroll up dumbass.
secondly, where did I even mention bree? I don't even know who she is.
No. 969752
>>969737yikes, buddy. lurk more. "sage" in the email section.
also, this is "on" until someone posts a link to a new thread. we have about 150 posts until then.
No. 970471
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I am sad to say, this is not a joke. This person was being 100% serious which is the fucking disgusting and scary part. How do people like this exist?
No. 970814
>>970560Can’t you just say who it is though? Why are you saying you’ll “post it next time”
Either post milk or don’t post, also type “sage” in the email box
No. 971275
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Emma seems really happy for someone who lost multiple animals recently.
No. 972441
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>>972354They’re playing “most likely to” game.
It’s been how long and she still hasn’t given anyone any real answers, and if I look up her Twitter, no ones even asking. Her audience doesn’t care at all, it’s like they all forgot already.
No. 974846
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>>974642Supposedly she’s got a video coming about it
No. 975837
One week later….
No. 978260
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Emma finally posted the update. TLDR: She doesn't know what happened. Not gonna bother posting every individual screenshot cause the thread is about to exceed the post limit and, as usual, she just repeats herself over and over anyway
No. 978292
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probably a nitpick but I find it weird that she nonchalantly puts down the animals by their general name / scientific names who died instead of the names she named them… feels impersonal as hell. I truly believe she doesn't give a single fuck about them and that is why she didn't bother to post an update earlier. - and is using "trying to investigate" as an excuse.
No. 978301
>>978292If she actually cared and was genuinely curious as to what happened she should have done a necropsy immediately. There are things that wipe out entire animal collections just like that and 5 animals suddenly dead is no laughing matter to just nonchalantly say "I don't know" to. Either she knows what happened and doesn't want to say or truly doesn't know but hasn't bothered to actually pay for the testing to find out.
Also they probably didn't even have names shes got so many animals now I doubt she bothers to name any of them.
On another note we haven't seen any of her small mammals since she moved. Rabbits hello??? She still have them havent seen them in forever. If she does theyre probably still locked in tiny cages in a closet cause i doubt she would let them out to socialize when she never did before especially with a dog and cat running around.
Things only can go down hill from here…
No. 978867
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Anyone that knows how to put videos up here wanna throw this one up? Steff J is advocating for putting Lysol directly into ball pythons mouths to stop them from biting. I tried to get the best freeze frame I could showing it but the videos on that Instagram.
No. 978871
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>>978867People are calling her out in the comments.
No. 979370
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>>978871I hope someone makes a video calling her out, people need to see how awful this is. I saw her defending herself in a comment she's actually retarded I swear.
No. 979384
>>979370Snake discovery made a similar video where she pours vodka into her snakes mouth to stop it from biting.
I don’t know why these pet tubers think it’s okay to force their pets to ingest
toxic substances for views and pass it off as educational, but here we are.
No. 986285
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>>835297Not that I support Carolin’s antics but I kinda got to put my two cents in on the “starving” flying birds subject.
The use of lowering weight for flying birds is most commonly done by falconer’s and their birds of prey. Lowering weight requires a precise understanding of keel scoring, weight management, and nutritional values of food. All falconers will start off with a bird that is too wary to eat from their fist but as their weight drop, they will instinctively come to the fist for food. The practice of dropping weight has been used on all birds of prey you see in captivity. Back to the flying thing. Once our birds are comfortable taking food from us, we need to encourage them to fly greater distances to us and this means playing with weight. Once the we find the flying weight they’ll be in a state of feeling a little bit hungry but not starving. If the bird’s keel is way too sharp, it will be too weak to fly. If a bird’s keel is too fat, they will show no willingness to come to you and may attempt to fly off. It’s quite literally a balance. A starting apprentice falconers will have a legally required master falconer to walk them through the process. A parrot owner with no understanding of keel scoring will likely end up with a bird that’s way too low in weight. If her bird is constantly trying to fly off she needs to have it on a creance line and she needs to get some telemetry. She shouldn’t be attempting to drop weight without someone to walk her through because of her bird randomly flies off, comes back, and is extremely exhausted and she feeds her bird a low calorie meal that day after that much exercise, that bird is going to burn right through the calories.
No. 990105
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No. 990106
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She has been silent since her deflection rant (except posting about Juneteenth on her insta story).
No. 994245
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So Tyler Rugge’s bunny passed. He waited 2 weeks to announce it and gave no explanation. Domestic rabbits live 8-10 years generally. Absolutely no mention of cause. He only had him 6 years!(Super nitpicky)
No. 1003786
Ok, so, Im really curious about Brock Afentul. I've never seen him posted here before.
>Has taken in several toucans before, despite only living in what appears to be a double wide
>Constantly talks about how depressed he is on livestreams because his family didnt take care of him as a kid? And because he has immune and heart issues that could kill him at any time
>Has had 2 toucans die in less than 3 years
>Was at one point, married to zlist sport shooter who came from a family in the business of competitive shooting, produced things for the family and seemed to be active in creating her brand, but if you google, the family filed a restraining order against him and got an order keeping him from staking any claim in the brand and they got divorced
>Has been accused of selling things with false advertising that are much lower quality than what he claims, and then blocking or ignoring buyers
>Used to own a shit ton of movie memorabilia but sold it all, again, because he couldnt afford to actually take care of his birds
>Just got a huge donation from an anonymous source to move to Texas and now all of the sudden, another one of his birds has died
Anybody else watch him?
No. 1004431
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>>993990Someone linked her video where she says “I give him a little bath with alcohol and listerine and hot water each day” with this. She initially came back to post photos of her dog’s vet bills to pat herself on the back.
No. 1004653
>>1003786Watched his video about Maeve. I think he just hadn't done enough research on the breeder and put way too much trust into them without fully knowing the signs like her beak or feathers.
Interested in how his bird vet didn't mention anything though, the deformed beak especially seems pretty obvious
No. 1012269
>>915099He's all shady. He just did a "rescue" of lizards tied to baloons? He lets zoo otters into a pool with store bought koi to "train them to hunt". Does some lightharted thumbnail and quiz when his animals got mauled. Arranged a play date between otters and guinea pigs. He "rescued" the otters by handraising them for ZWF(?). ZWF bred more otters that he again was raising at home. He brings lion cubs home and promotes ZWF on his YT. With all that, the breeding of animals and showing them off like this, I would not be surprised if that channel is also a way to advertise and sell them.
ZWF is totally a petting zoo, tripadvisor has a lot to show on that with visitors holding cubs and monkeys for pictures and products like tiger cub/monkey experience.
No. 1057038
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No. 1057141
>10 minutes of her walking around with her dog in the woods>sits down and starts burning sage in the woods in some wood structure idk>thought she would never make a video again>won't answer all the questions we have in this video>talks about being a private person, didn't intend to be a "youtuber" when she started, never showed herself on camera>she got good, people watched her videos, monetization came>talks about having hairy arms that she shaves now>kids called her cat woman, said she ate cat food and erasers, so she hissed at them>yadda yadda, cuts to her in her house>started bc she liked making goldfish videos; lost interest over time>has concerns about goldfish breeding and health problems>basically goldfish went from passion to a job and she didn't like it, felt she was being disingenuous making videos about them>back to the woods, says she went to a bad place>believes heaven and hell are mental states and she was living in hell>was isolated from her family while in FL, no support system, worked from home, lived alone, etc.>was picking herself apart over youtube, the feedback she was getting from people was too much for her>thinks that much exposure to judgment is bad for your psyche>tried to do everything by herself, which was too much>couldn't get done what she needed to get done in a day>was in a horrible relationship she won't go into the details of>had health problems with her thyroid for a while she wasn't treating; she was hyperthyroid almost to the point of thyroid storm>was hospitalized for 5 days, in ICU for 2 days>thyroid fucked her shit all up and she had to deal with that, took like a year>had to take a radioactive iodine pill to kill part of her thyroid, making her hypothyroid for life>suddenly, a dog visits for kisses>will never be able to "explain [her]self satisfactorily for the people who are so mad i left without explaining anything">felt a lot of guilt about ghosting>doing better now, different perspective on life, but doesn't know if she'll return to youtube>if the channel continues, it's not going to be about goldfish anymore; doesn't own any fish at all anymore>escaped mental health by moving back to MN from FL, closer to fam, feels like she's growing mentally and spiritually>still has palmer and the cats, mentioned she had isopods in enclosures earlier in the video; might do a video of showing who she still has>thx, hope you're doing well>suddenly another dog>the endoverall it seems like she's doing pretty well.
No. 1141490
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Cataleah has recently gotten a short-tailed opossum which she frequently disturbs for tiktok videos (narrated in her totally real voice of course). By recently I mean a few days ago. Definitely not enough time for any animal to acclimate.
No. 1141493
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>has a pink dog collar
>is loose inside someone's house
No. 1147978
Oh boy, I'm about to go wild on this thread.
She's a fraud. Markets herself as a certified nutritionist. She follows a non degree course in pet nutrition, and has a "certification" she did online with a magazine brand. Claims you pay for help to transition, not the content, but is largely unreachable on socials (takes around 2 days to answer most of the time).
The paid course she sells for raw feeding is largely free information stolen from the holistic ferret forum. She also omits certain steps of the course at random, seeing as different people that have supposedly completed the course have not received the same information.
She will ban you seemingly for no reason, EVEN IF YOU ARE A PAYING CLIENT. She will not automatically refund you either, you will be left desperately trying to get in contact with her to get your money back.
She spreads very harmful misinformation, especially on veterinary things (supplements, creating diets for animals with kidney disease, use of holistic treatments) despite having absolutely no qualifications relating to animal medicine, holistic or otherwise. Will also block/ban you for linking studies that refute any of her claims.
Had a GoFundMe to foster an animal, ended up keeping it. Seems it was always the plan?
Encourages having large amounts of vet savings per ferret, but has a GoFundMe for her ferrets vet bills? And still intends to get a dog?
Believes in free roaming both ferrets and dogs, what will be left to see is if she can free roam them separately and still provide an appropriate amount of space for the dog….
No. 1163526
>>1134304Yeah, that’s pretty risky and I don’t quite trust those “quick cycling” products. Even some of the store bought bacteria bottles are snake oil. Puffer fish benefit best from a well-cycled tank. Especially as puffers leave quite the mess (food, waste) so I hope there’s actually a well established BB culture.
It’s great that they’re using live plants and the aquascaping is great. Just hope the fish will be okay.
No. 1333253
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>>1333116He uses puppies and kittens for click bait them ditches them and makes a profit lol. Found it shitty that when his cat didn’t give birth he ended up giving it away two months later and the month after was on a new animal. I think he realised he could get away with fostering pregnant dogs which seems sketchy too