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No. 1999616

A thread discussion for "proshippers" who exhibit cow-like behavior.

>What is a proshipper?

If you ask a proshipper (they also sometimes call themselves "profic" or "comship" but these mean the same thing) what that word means, they'll tell you it means they're against harassment over fiction. This is wrong, a proshipper is someone who thinks your taste in fiction (and usually by extension pornography) does not determine anything about you as a person. Whether or not this is true is debatable, but what is not debatable is how milky proshippers are.

>What is an antishipper?

An anti is someone who disagrees with proshippers and thinks that your tastes in fiction can and do reflect you as a person. You may also post bizarre takes by them, but please keep this thread focused on proshippers.

>Why/how are they milky?

Proshippers tend to be pornsick faghags who will make any excuse for moids jacking off to hurting women. Common habits amongst them include: supporting bi lesbians/thinking lesbians can like men, sexually harassing people who disagree with them, bringing up their oppression labels for no reason, comparing 14 year olds on the internet to christofascists, cult leaders and le evil radfems and so on.

Notable Cows
>chronically online pornsick TIF
>"rehabilitative criminal therapist" aka thinks rapist moids should be forgiven
>supporter of aggy/stwawbwewymilk who has a thread as well >>>/snow/1057353

lizcourserants/discourse catharsis
>yaoi anime made her stop being homophobic
>defended MariAkutsu (faghag who made a 500 page doc on a 14 year old over shipping shit) >>>/snow/1147267
>defended Homonuculus100_/Homie (mentally ill TIF who has her own thread >>>/snow/1860168)
>made a video in defense of aggy https://youtu.be/y2VEK-6Uo58?si=jdHGtwgqMy822FaU

>thinks its ok for children to look at porn
>wrote a smut fanfiction featuring a 15 year old kpop idol

Eirian/Aurey Eden/Eirianqueer
>pro-kink "polyam aspec bi/pan abrochillean soft butch femboyfag"
>defended raceplay and smut fanfiction written about children
>supports a subreddit dedicated to fantasies about corrective rape against lesbians because "muh coping mechanism" even though most members are moids
>in spite of that throws temper tantrums whenever someone calls a bisexual character a lesbian

Please avoid infighting about shipping discourse and remember to report and ignore bait.
first time making a thread please forgive me for any formatting issues.

No. 1999617

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thanks for making the thread nona! here's something to start us off with
>sacred art of gooning
god why are they like this

No. 1999618

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No. 1999619

I want to cry everytime a retard uses that word as a replacement for masturbation

No. 1999620

what does this have to do with proshippers?

No. 1999623

nta but it is an example of how this "community" can completely screw up a person's sense of morality and turn them into a degenerate.

No. 1999648

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From https://aethy.com/explore/local, a site made for proshippers

No. 1999652

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No. 1999657

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I'm sure everyone involved in the "pro-ship"/"anti-ship" debate is a literal child, a mentally stunted adult with the maturity of a child, or a literal pedophile. It's obvious from the absolute lack of nuance on both sides. One group will yell at you and call you a "LITERAL PEDOPHILE!!" for finding "LITERAL MINOR!!!" Jotaro Kujo attractive while the other will yell at you about "FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!" for "KINKSHAMING!!!" toddlercons and both are very guilty of slippery slope arguments.

No. 1999658

Isn't there already a thread for this in /ot/?

No. 1999660

>First time making a thread
We can tell by the zoomer-ass topic.

No. 1999670

Fandom discourse wasn't enough for you guys?

No. 1999681

Not the anon who made the thread but there’s a difference between this and the fandom discourse thread, that one’s more about opinions and grievances with various topics while this one focuses on specific people with cow material, think about how there’s an /ot/ thread to discuss gender ideology but also trans threads on /snow/
Anyways now to wait like 2 weeks after the obligatory “why does this have to be a thread” infights are done to post some milk

No. 1999715

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No. 1999717

both sides are cringe, but the side that defends and participates in making child rape hentai is objectively morally worse.

No. 1999719

Fujo Cringe and Fandom Discourse and Fujo vs. Anti Debate. I imagine this thread was made by one of the retards who constantly infights in all three of those.

No. 1999729

>furry pfp
Has anyone ever figured out why furries have so many nonces? What is it about being autistic about Balto and The Lion King that overlaps with insane sexual degeneracy?

No. 1999744

sexual degeneracy has no peak, so the journey from thinking mufasa looks sexy to being aa pedophile isn['t a long one.

No. 1999758

Antiship vs proship is just a bunch of retarded women calling each other out over cartoons while moids continue to consume their sweet teen porn (with real actresses) completely undisturbed.

No. 1999761

I was curious, checked all their twitter links and I actually blocked all of them a long time ago. I'll keep up with their retardation in this thread.

No. 1999791

kek go back to tumblr with this shit.

No. 1999798

Paraphilias tend to cluster. If you have one paraphilia, it dramatically increases your likelihood of having another.

No. 1999800

Nonnie, you made a decent first time thread and the subject seems milky, but this will piss off some fujocoomers and lurking moids who for some reason choose this the hill to die on.(offtopic)

No. 1999816

Given that the OP is reasonably well made and there seems to be some milk, we will allow this thread to exist for now despite the topic being fairly twitterbrained. This is on a trial basis. It must be used as a cow thread, not as a duplicate of other fandom threads. Posts must discuss the milky behaviour of specific individuals and not be about the concept or community as a whole. It will be locked if the thread is frequently derailed in that way or attracts the wrong sorts of users/posts.

Any further complaints about the thread existing should be directed to /meta/.

No. 1999860

other anon is right about it being paraphilia clusters. but personally I sense it's also something with overall lack of personal shame. many nerds and autists have a certain sense of their own weirdness, get self conscious at times (even if less easily than the general public) and make efforts to dial it back to sort of stay grounded in society while not completely losing their individuality and fixations. furries never do. they never seem to have an off switch. it's always that type who get deep enough into furry stuff until it's their life and not just an art style interest, because they never just stop look around and self reflect on themselves and their place in society and how others must think. not even at a more limited / occasional way that others on the spectrum do. so naturally wouldn't bat a self conscious eye at pedo shit either. they simply don't look at themselves it seems

No. 1999884

>lack of personal shame
This is very common in npd/bpd/ general clusterbees, autists, assburgers, ADHD etc. I’ve had the displeasure of talking to many of these types, the worrying thing is always how self assured they are that nothing is wrong with their fucked up fetishes and creepy tastes, and that everyone else is just an NPC moralfag trying to shit on their parade, and that actually their fetish is enlightened somehow.

Reminds me of the video of a German furry moid who tried to bring a plushie with a fleshlight inside of it on a trip with his little sister. His mom is screaming and pleading with him to stop being so fucked up and to leave the toy behind, and he’s completely detached and doesn’t care at all at how upset she is.(sage your shit)

No. 1999895

Did they talk to you about their fetishes?

No. 2000040

Since the last farmhand post, every post has been about the community in general, not cows and their behaviour. This isn't the Fandom Discourse thread. This thread will be locked if you don't use it properly.

No. 2000141

Gonna actually use this thread to talk about one of the cows but Lizcourse has been a personal cow of mine for years. The only video I semi-agreed with was her Erin Clover video (vid linked) because that situation was retarded but she literally goes multiple times “I’m not gonna watch the videos but they’re probably wrong anyways” Really shows you how half-assed she’ll “research” shit because all her videos are just cherry-picking dumb videos/tweets made by people who are no older than like 14

No. 2000150

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Double posting but this tweet here is actually gold, people in 2024 still trying to defend the porn industry will always be cows honestly kek. My tinfoil is the whole reason she gets so defensive is because gay porn is the only metric she has for morality since it made her stop being homophobic so now she has to defend all porn with her life and ignore the real harm it does

No. 2000156

This is about a former mutual, so we were both into some messed up shit, but ever since she started getting into 'lucemond' she has been extremely fixated on shipping little boys with grown men, she has since blocked me and I'm genuinely worried about her(uncensored nsfw of minors)

No. 2000181

Or maybe it's both? It drives me crazy how proshippers are willing to defend the most violent porn of real people for the sake of coom. Are they really pro-fiction or just pro-all kinds of porn? (It's the latter.)

No. 2000185

What was this screenshot?

No. 2000188

shit thread hope it locks(hide threads you don't like)

No. 2000199

Realistic fanart of some HoTD characters, one of which was played by an underage actor (I looked it up, he's 18 now but was underage in the show)

No. 2000216

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Nonnie I agree but we’re supposed to talk about the cows not the community as a whole, think of it like the difference between the MTF/FTM threads and the /ot/ gender ideology threads please. Liz is so annoying though because half the time she’ll just tinfoil whoever she argues against as some kind of bigot, I remember she made a whole video trying to call random tweets about some age gap ship homophobic because it was of gay guys and defended the boyfriends Webtoon with “it was made by a gay Asian guy” to discredit someone for making a video on it and had 0 other point, I doubt that she even watched it and just claimed it was harsssment

No. 2000387

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the "lucemond" phenomenon was the fucking weirdest thing, shipping an underage boy and using his likeness to draw pornographic fanart of him and his 25 year old castmate and they see nothing wrong with this and this is nto small ship either, this is the top HoTD ship on A03

No. 2000390

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I was in the HoTD fandom back then and they were fucking annoying. One time they straight up meme'd themselves into believing that the actor playing luke had come out as bisexual, It was the strangest thing.

No. 2000507

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Do "radqueers" count as proshipper? They tend to fall under the umbrella but most of their online presence, but even a lot of proshippers hate them (or pretend to, at least) because they advocate for IRL pedophilia and bestiality and think proshippers are hypocrites and "reinforcing norms" for only supporting it in fiction. I don't recommend falling down this Mastodon rabbithole but I legit can't believe this shit I see.

No. 2000779

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Sage for semi-unrelated question, but what do nonnies ITT think of the Helaemond pairing?(derailing)

No. 2000786

I think they could count, the "map wiki" has a whole page for shipping https://map-wiki.com/index.php/Shipping_discourse

No. 2001068

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R/AO3 on Reddit seems to be filled with proshippers. Here’s one defending smut fics of real minors because of “freedom of speech” . I think proshippers that are hardcore ao3 dickriders tend to be pretty fascinating because they genuinely worship the site like it’s a god sometimes. Often they ignore the fact that ao3 allows people to write rpf of real children but seeing one defend it is crazy.
I don’t even give a shit about proshippers usually but this is gross.

No. 2001105

They should be counted because most of them started as proshippers before falling down the pro-para pipeline

No. 2001780

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There are countless shipping options available for most preferences and desires, but how can someone become so twisted and porn-brained that they start fantasizing about and start sexualizing children? And let me be clear, these are not teenagers drawn like bodybuilders, but actual young children(not milk sage your shit, please censor shota/loli content as well)

No. 2001811

And the art isn’t even good either

No. 2001953

While I get the whole fiction doesn’t effect reality thing. I still feel so immensely uncomfortable with people who make their whole personality loving lolis/shotas and being creeps about it.(sage your shit)

No. 2001977

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Yeah, it's obnoxious and weird, I hate both sides and the whole black and white mentality that these retards have.
>what do you mean you don't want to fuck a post wall (over 25 years old) animu MAN with a fucking beard and who is old!
>imagine not wanting to fuck little boy peepee I get aroused by the thought of little boys!
And if you like anything in-between (like a normal person) you're a bitch.

No. 2001978

hoonie isnt shota wtf

No. 2001991

What the fuck am I looking at. This looks like one of those collages autists make of their favorite cartoon characters

No. 2001998

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Mouse and Liz going on about “Muh community needs incest porn to survive” lol

No. 2002016

What….this is why I can't stand that subreddit. The excuses they used to make for people who like shots/loli fanfiction were always
" it's not about real kids , so it's fine " but now it actually is fine for it to be about actual minors…..

No. 2002435

I feel like proshippers wouldn’t get as much hate if they just minded their business and kept to themselves. But no, they have to frame their incest kinks as revolutionary in the fight against facism.
Like your not a freedom fighter, your a 30 year old who didn’t mature past 15 .you spend all your free time calling teenagers puritans/fascists on twitter because they said they think lolicons are gross.(learn to sage)

No. 2003357

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be warned picrel is a child fucking a centaur
i think Auroradiation deserves a mention here since she is another Chinese cow adjacent to mgnong another proship artcow who has drawn toddlercon and pedo shit
>began to post her art on tumblr and weibo
>is a extreme attention whore
>she used to draw extreme sjw art
>slowly pivoted to proship art drawing character from terminator and shipping john conner (as a child) and terminator
>was "bullied" off weibo due to her art
>took refugee in twitter zoo and proship communities
>throws a fit over her art being popular and unpopular at the same time
>sometimes goes into mania and posts 20 posts long rants about her being called a pedo and quickly deletes them
>bases her art from actual children
>has drawn zoo and beast shit which she quickly deleted but not picrel for some fucking reason every Chinese proship artcow seems to be into centaur zooshit
most are far forgiving of her art because she "draws" well

No. 2003358

she's a guilty pleasure of mine because her art is amazing

No. 2003360

> guilty pleasure of mine because her art is amazing
like i said..too forgiving.

No. 2003361

all artists are degens, it's just part of life.

No. 2003372

>>2003358 same, her art is gorgeous. Also, as long as the character isn't drawn realistic I don't care.

No. 2003395

if the artists you follow are drawing zoo and pedo shit maybe you're the degenerate, not all artists are into children and animals its only a myth made by artists who want their shit to be normalized

No. 2003396

>not all artists are into children and animals its only a myth made by artists who want their shit to be normalized
the other day i was a reading a pretty cool manga about a cool sukeban detective. Checked the artist to see more and turns out he was a lolicon who was famous for illustrating several loli magazines. Same goes for murata(rip). Even clamp are known for adding degeneracy to their mangas. Even pre internet artists were degenerates. Dont get me started on musicians/directors that are all involved in sex trafficking and pedo cults.

No. 2003409

are you retarded? try reading my post again, i didn't ask for proof of artists being degenerate i said the phrase "all artists are degenerates" is false and mostly used by degenerate artists themselves trying to generalize a whole fucking community and used to create cognitive dissonance after all they dont want to admit that the porn they make is either of a child/animal to deny reality if all the content you consume is by degenerates ofcourse youd think all artists are like them,theres proof of it in this very thread.if auroradiation was a moid the tune would be very different here

No. 2003412

All MALE artists are degenerates
FTFY(sage your shit)

No. 2003426

90%* of artists are degenerate, is that better for you?
>if auroradiation was a moid the tune would be very different here
yeah, because moids rape children. She just seems autistic and fat.

No. 2003427

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majority of male artists are degenerates but not all degenerates are men

No. 2003430

CLAMP are a group of women. And learn to sage. I genuinely dont understand why antis even consume anime. I would actually respect them if they stuck to their words and didnt consume problematic content like anime, but they are always hypocrites that dont hold themselves to their own standards. Most of this pro/anti discourse wouldnt exist if antis didnt willingly subject themselves to problematic content like anime/manga and only watched western animation and sitcoms. I think aurora is a weird cow and i dont agree with what she draws, but you cant deny her art is pretty good.

No. 2003434

>but you cant deny her art is pretty good.
So? Does that justify her drawing beast and basing actual real children in her art? So being a pedophile and zoophile is okay if you're a good artist and a woman because no woman has abused anyone from drawing degen shit not at all..and dont give me the fucking excuse you cant find artists similar to her style who aren't degenerates,i can't never understand this thinking so many anons also capped for mgong too despite her having drawing actual toddlercon..fucking bleak

No. 2003438

I’m sure there are equally good, if not better, fantasy artists that don’t draw little boys having sex with half animals. If you excuse it because the mediocre sketches are just sooo pretty then I’m just going to assume you just enjoy the content.

No. 2003441

most people are capable of separating the art from the artist.

No. 2003447

That doesn't make sense since the artist in question is only known..for their fucking art and situation related to it and not their personality. By your logic any mention of ang or glitchedpuppet shouldn't exist nor should lolcow as a site. but hey anything to justify keep consuming degenerate shit no matter how vile and illegal no? No one's buying your excuses

No. 2003450

She draws sfw stuff too, you dont need to enjoy the nsfw. Normal people can enjoy their sfw art because of the skill/aestehtics without agreeing with the author. By your own standards you shouldnt enjoy anything made by a man ever because all men are degens. I hope you dont watch anime, otherwise it would make you an hypocrite for enjoying a medium thats 99% degeneracy made by men.

No. 2003542

Thats a pretty heavy strawman to pull just so you can keep giving traction to the sfw art of someone who draws literal pedo beastiality nonna. By your logic I guess people like shadman should be allowed to thrive too.

No. 2003559

I remember when this girl was on tumblr, she would post a lot about how 14 year olds getting fucked by adults is fine.

No. 2003633

wallace with projared hair is killing me I need the og image

No. 2003726

Shit thread, go back to Twitter to pearl clutch about treating fictional moids with respect or whatever(infighting)

No. 2003872

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I used to follow some of the big "anti antis" on Tumblr, they all ended up being pretty batshit. This one's my personal favorite, she makes tons of posts like this rambling about how evil antis are.

No. 2004039

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>Antis come from radfems, and radfems come from Catholicism
Stupidest shit I ever read. If radfems come from anything, they come from atheist jewish 2nd wave feminists.
Stop moralfagging and virtue signaling on a gossip board, it's fucking pathetic and nobody cares. Everybody has liked the work of degens once in their lives and nobody wants to repent or self-flagellate over it on lolcor dot farm.
>but but muh pedophiliaaaa if you like schizo pedo chinese artist's non-pedo art you're a pedooo
You're not going to change anyone's mind on here and your behaviour can slowly turn board culture into twitter for anonymous regina georges on crack. What are you gonna do? Scour nonnas' tumblr likes? Shame their online search history? Good grief.

No. 2005449

How on earth can one even think that radfems stemmed from Catholicism of all things ?! Like on what earth do such things connect in any way ?!

Also I’m sick of seeing pro shippers who are most likely adults go on these rants where they compare chronically online internet drama to real world shit such as colonialism, fascism, censorship, etc.
Antis can be very annoying, and need to get a grip on reality. But antis making a post calling fictional incest gross is not comparable to colonialism. Proshippers like this are genuinely mental and need to get a life outside of the internet.

No. 2005796

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This person wrote an “academic essay” on how antis are apparently a cult and pro shippers ate it up.
In the essay they tried to pass off tweets and tumblr posts as legitimate credible evidence.

No. 2005934

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RainyStudios / SamAburime also labels you as a TERF even if you’re trans inclusive just for being feminist, major yikes >>1987937

No. 2005945

They seem to have a specific hatred towards Radfems or just any feminist that isn’t the typical libfem.
I’m pretty sure they’ve even implied that hating fujoshis is a terf thing too.

No. 2006042

Hopefully this doesn’t derail to the discourse but Sam also started a whole ass website about this shit, like Sam, you know you can just say you get off to gay porn you don’t have to devote your life to defending it but then again proshiptwt is filled with people like Sam so should I really be shocked?
https://www.fujoshi.info/(sage your shit)

No. 2006116

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Sam is so pornbrained they can’t talk about a serious topic without framing it around yaoi or fanfiction.
Here’s them addressing anti-Asian racism but framing the convo around people who dislike yaoi.
I can’t imagine getting to be this chronically online.

No. 2006118

Pure autism concentrate KEK, I get writing a few comments here or there if you think something is retarded, but writing a whole ass essay? This retard should be in a mental facility.

No. 2006119

>insists on using they/them
Anon, that's clearly a woman who has lots of free time and is permanently online, writing a fucking essay is the most unconfrontational thing ever, she could've just tagged the retards she's mad at and sent them porn if she was a moid, but she wrote a fucking essay KEK.

No. 2006137

Most self identified proshippers are adult women with too much free time. Who think calling people racist for not liking lolis or yaoi counts as activism.

No. 2006200

NTA but it is kinda confusing since there’s some stuff suggesting Sam’s MTF and other stuff that Sam was born a woman so I think nonny is just confused, lol

No. 2009113

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I noticed that many of the prominent proship shota artists (at least with regards to genshin) tend to be korean or taiwanese. What's up with that?(racebait)

No. 2009185

Thnx for the artist rec nona

No. 2010258

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absolutely fucking disgusting

No. 2010260

Get better standards

No. 2010264

Wasn't there some actual creepy subtext to this "relationship" in the books? There's one part where the villains are discussing which sibling they'd prefer to survive an accident and Olaf chooses Violet because "she's the prettiest", plus the whole marriage thing in the first book. This is rancid.

No. 2010569

Her wording makes it sound like antis are some sort of terrorist organisation kek

No. 2011385

A lot of proshippers genuinely think that antis are an oppressive group towards them. Like they think being called weird for liking incest porn is the same as being called a homophobic slur.

No. 2012273

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Infighting between proshippers and lolicons is funny to me.
They’re the same kinds of people to me.

No. 2012278

This person is so, so close to getting it.

No. 2012533

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I almost feel bad for some of these people tbh, after reading pic I really feel like if this person just took a hiatus offline and started living life so much would change, like what happy person talks like this?

>>2012273, >>2012278
Whether she realizes it or not she’s contributed to those people getting an environment to hang out in and get this bad. The mirror is an amazing thing, Liz (not saying either of you nonnas are her btw)

No. 2012535

>same kinds of people
>Women shipping teenagers equals predatory men cooming to toddler porn

No. 2012536

Proshippers aren't only women who ship teenage characters together. They're a bunch of women who defend lolishit and other moid-tier kinks because of "muh fiction"
Mouse and Liz are some of the milkiest proshipper cows there are. They've been at this for almost a decade now and aren't tired of it. It's insane

No. 2012559

They’re the same kinds of people because these women will defend the moid shit to hell and back and claim it’s progressive.
Also they don’t just “ship teenagers”, they’re into shit like incest rape fantasies between a father and son.

No. 2012561

i miss when this whole twitter tranny anti/pro cancer didnt exist. People can only think in black and white nowadays. Back in the day people understood the difference between a woman shipping sasunaru and a scrote jacking it off to loli hentai.

No. 2012572

Seeing someone refer to getting married as a “marriage kink” is so sad to me. Mouse has been so chronically online and that she can only view wanting a relationship through the lense of a kink.
I think this honestly goes for a lot of people who are very fandombrained, not just proshippers. But it’s depressing seeing how many people spend almost all of their free time in online spaces and how they can only talk about real world stuff through the lense of kink or yaoi and stuff.

No. 2012575

>Proshippers aren't only women who ship teenage characters together. They're a bunch of women who defend lolishit and other moid-tier kinks because of "muh fiction"
No, those aren't "proshippers". Those are just porn-addicted degenerates and pedos, they don't ship shit. I swear the retarded underage anons in this thread are so terminally online they would call fucking NAMBLA "proshippers".

No. 2012580

There's a reason the woman in >>2012273 phrased it the way she did. There are plenty of these women who spend a not insignifcant amount of time defending lolicons because they engage in many of the same behaviours.
A big reason why many people that self-identify as "proship" aren't seen neutrally by people in the know but without a horse in the race is because many of them are into things like lolisho and make their interest into a digitally oppressed minority identity.

No. 2012589

the anons that made this thread are twitterfags, so it's useless to try to reason with them.

No. 2012712

this thread is so painfully tumblr(non-contribution)

No. 2015586

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Twitter users turning a case of real life child abuse into an anti vs pro shipper debate is crazy but not surprising.
I see this constant debate between both proshippers and antis on who the true dangers to children are.
But in reality they’re chronically online and whether or not someone is a proshipper or anti shouldn’t be used to predict on if their a danger to children irl or not.

No. 2015587

is this about kyle carroza being arrested for possesion of CP?

No. 2015603

Yes, they've been on it for weeks as some proof that "antis all suck" as if this is not just another case of a man in the animation industry who turns out to be a pedo.
Funny considering the patron saint of Tumblr-proshippers Neil Gaiman was also accused of sexual assault of a 20-year-old girl but they don't mention a word of it.

No. 2015604

At least as far as moids are concerned, there's definitely something to the idea that the biggest puritans online are usually overcompensating so no one finds out about the skeletons in their own closet. I'm not sure the same applies for women, but there's a real pattern going on with the most morality-policing moids eventually turning out to be sex pests or pedos.

No. 2015609

It's difficult to presume because, for as many men who overcompensate by pretending to be safe spaces, there are just as many loud and proud degen men who don't care. I think because of these spaces being filled with women, when you see a man say he's "anti-proship" or a "proshipper" it's more memorable. And proshippers tend to blow up any situation that has a connection to someone saying they don't like underage porn art

No. 2015611

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Vee accused him of sexual harassment and literally no one believed her just because she was a proshipper. The amount of white knighting this scrote got was insane, but ofcourse now that it turns out he was a pedophile all alone everyone is trying to claim the never knew despite allegations of sexual harassment and grooming circulating since his DA days.

No. 2015612

vee/ang faked her own death (multiple times) and grifted people. people on twitter still think she's dead or alive and homeless. kyle carroza is also clearly a horrible person, but that doesn't make vee/ang NOT a horrible person.

No. 2015613

That makes sense as to why proshippers are latching onto her like Jesus. But I think equating all this drama to proship vs. antiship as the source is retarded of people because this is another man abusing his position in the animation industry to manipulate young women. Being a proshipper does not mean you are oppressed by society. Also do you mean no one believed her on boards or actual social media pages, because taking anons here genuinely is your first problem

No. 2015615

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literally no one said that. But consuming BDSM CP is miles worse than being a schizo attention whore like Vee. The problem is that when she tried to warn people about Kyle no one listened to her. If people didnt make this about online shipping discourse in the first place and kept it private like normal adults the twitterfag proshippers wouldnt have AMMO now.
>But I think equating all this drama to proship vs. antiship as the source is retarded
it started as pro/anti drama. This whole thing started because Kyle called vee a pedo for drawing ZADR. These are the messages kyle sent to ang that started the whole drama.

No. 2015617

This didn't all start because of proship/anti drama. That might've been people's first exposure to these people, but all it does is reveal his hypocrisy. He never made a statement saying "proshippers suck" or "I'm an anti", so it's mostly people who are in those spaces assigning sides and using this situation as validation that their years spent fighting over pixels had some meaning. He called her out for drawing pedo drawings and ended up as a pedophile, that's it. Proshippers trying to co-opt this situation for their useless art battles are insensitive and need to take a break from online drama

No. 2015621

He fired someone over her drawing shota, that is being an anti. Everyone was claiming how based and redpilled kyle was back when he fired vee, but now that he's not useful anymore everyone involved in this drama is trying to disassociate with him. Jane, a tranny involved in this drama too, and the most obsessed on getting vee cancelled for drawing shota is a schizo who molested his 5 year old sister and lied about several women molesting him. Maybe if the whole anti movement focused on these scrotes instead of random schizo women like vee this shit wouldnt have happened.

No. 2015623

Those situations are not connected to them being actual pedophiles. If you want to analyze it from your proshipper lens, of course you'll see it like that. I agree, it's hypocritical of them to try and call out people for drawing porn of kids cartoons while being actual pedophiles, but that's all it will be. It's not "look, see antis are the actual pedos!!111!!!" that proshippers try to make it, because those people were not firing Vee for being by name a proshipper. Those two men are not "antis" because antis is a catch-all name used by Proshippers for anyone who finds them weird. Proshippers rally behind her because they feel vindication that a girl who made porn of kids' cartoons was made fun of by actual pedophiles and so it confirms their theory that they are not the real schizos of online debates. Not to defend the men, because they're obviously horrible people who I would a-log if given the chance. But proshippers are revealing their autism by associating a real situation with kids who were hurt to online fights.
>maybe if the whole anti movement focused on these scrotes instead of random schizo women like vee this shit wouldnt have happened
Why do proshippers come into a thread dedicated to documenting them as cows? I know twitter proshippers are obsessed with inserting themselves into situations, but I guess it happens on every site with them. I have seen some regular people call him out, but that's because regular people aren't involved in these fights. It's usually proshippers who are identifiable in these debates because they make being proship their whole online identity.

No. 2015633

I never said i was a proshipper, i think the anti/pro thing is for twitter trannies. Its funny how you are angry that people call Kyle an anti for sharing antishipper beliefs and going against a shotafag, but if anyone disagrees with you they are automatically a proshipper. This is just the culmination of a retarded discourse that only sees things in black and white. Either with us or against them. By pro/anti standards, Kyle is an anti. Maybe next time foster a more mature enviroment where people can discern between teenage girls who like to ship teenage anime guys and men jacking it off to loli hentai and these things wont happen again.

No. 2015636

i have zero sympathy for vee. i too was abused as a child and dove into fandom to deal with it - i wrote cheesy fanfic that had NOTHING to do with children (it didn't even have a sex scene) but did deal with rape themes. but then i worked in media and i IMMEDIATELY ceased all fandom activity, locked down any old fanfic, made sure none of that was ever traceable to my real name or any other screen names i'd ever held, etc. this is what a lot of people in media do, especially geeky media like animation. drawing the stuff she did while actively working on animation was fucking stupid andi have zero sympathy. add in that she faked her own death and got money from people and just honestly fuck her. she is the reason people cannot be associated with any fandoms at all and still have respectable jobs in tv.

that said, of course this guy is much worse. but there's no heroes in this story, nothing but stupid people of varying levels of grossness.

it's actually appropriate that the anti/pro conversation has latched onto this so hard because everyone involved is a fucking gross weirdo of varying degrees, unable to function as an actual adult with a real job.(blog)

No. 2015638

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>drawing the stuff she did while actively working on animation was fucking stupid andi have zero sympathy.
honestly she did have a point that men do it all the time, and that it was weird that despite that only she was fired for it. Chris savino got a cartoon despite openly drawing shit like oddie puss. I feel vindicated because i was 100% sure this scrote was only calling out vee because he had skeletons in his closet, but no one was willing to believe me because ''uwu hes just a wholesome chungus cinnamon roll who wouldnt hurt a fly''. Vee is a hilarious cow that believes she's an alien collective and makes insane alien schizopost, but kyle and the tranny that accused her of sexually abusing him are horrorcows who have actually harmed children.
tl;dr: all scrotes are pedos, regardless of whatever twitter slapfights they decide to associate with.

No. 2015641

guys are gross. but honestly that cartoon is not the same as underage cartoons having graphic sex with other underage cartoons - and i'm absolutely okay with any of those people having trouble getting jobs in the very overcrowded field of tv.

of course kyle is worse. but twitter and pro-ship people made vee this absolute martyr and she's actually fine and living life being crazy thinking she's an alien.

i hate the narrative that vee was so abuse because she drew inappropriate stuff and got caught. yeah, sorry, you lost your job because you were stupid. get a job in something else then, instead of faking your death AGAIN because apparently that's the only other option to working in tv? fuck off.

everyone in this story is gross and stupid.

No. 2015642

When people go after proshippers 90% of the time they aren’t going after teenagers shipping other teenagers though.
The average self-identified proshipper is a 27-35 year old who’s obsessed with dadson and sibling incest, donates thousands of dollars to ao3, and constantly freaks out over 16 year old antis saying mean things about proshippers.

No. 2015646

All i know is that antis only go after women like omori and vee instead of men that actually have serious allegations against them like shadman. Its a meme zoomie pastime anyways, good old high school mean girls petty drama with a coat of moralfagging and being terminally online about cartoons. At this point its obvious antis or whatever only care about clout and not about children. Meanwhile giga stacy korean feminists got the uoh cunny pedo dorontabi completly blacklisted off everything + got him to stop drawing lolishit. But antis are all twitter trannies so they dont have the balls to go after men, only after schizo women who are an easy target.
you know you can agree with all of that without being a proshipper, right? if antis were like the based korean radfems i would respect them. But i have never seen them go after the big fish like shadman and everyone who gave him a platform(like that fag from smiling friends). These thigns always happen because twitter kiddies would rather die than admit men are the real problem.
again, i agree. My point is that he obviously threw vee under the bus to save his ass, not because any of them genuinely care about children. There are so many moids in the industry who have serious allegations against them than hyperfocusing on a sped like vee seems like such a waste of time.

No. 2015684

>Eddie puss
How was anyone shocked that he turned out to be a sex pest with an incest fetish

No. 2015686

>That makes sense as to why proshippers are latching onto her like Jesus
What the hell are you talking about?

No. 2015702

>>2015586 and others on twitter. Check Mouse and Lizcourse twitters
Mostly because antis aren't a dedicated community. You'll only find proshippers self identifying

No. 2015780

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I think there’s definitely something to be said about men who act like “antis” to cover up their own sick perversions. And it does seem like at least a few proshippers are being more nuanced and also talking about men abusing their power and its role.
But the reason why this discourse has been so frustrating is that so many proshippers are trying to spin this into a “ANTIS ARE THE TRUE PREDATORS” type of ordeal.
A lot of proshippers seem to be implying that because an “anti”’was exposed as a predator, that means men who are addicted to loli porn are automatically safer.

No. 2015789

isnt the whole proshipper/antishipper fandom or whatever mostly women though? i have never seen a moid care about proshipping discourse because men are never harassed for liking lolishit or other problematic porn. There is a reason why everyone was friends with shadman and sucked his microdick back in the day while on the other side of the fence tobi was getting called a pedo for drawing bakudeku yaoi.

No. 2015826

is kyle even an "anti"? He saw someone risking his own career and cut ties - was he really making a moral judgement? He's a fucking PEDOPHILE, does that make him an anti???

No. 2015834

He was an anti and sided with/was defended by people like the Tony person who went on about the problematic art. Unfortunately, that's far from the first case of "antis" being actual pedophiles.

No. 2015904

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I don't personally care about people shipping anime boy together or whatever fucked up fan-fiction they write. My issue is when they involve real-life children. As someone who has been involved in the asoif fandom, the lucemond shippers genuinely make me uncomfortable. For two years they only became obsessed with gay pedophilia based on a brief interaction. I can't understand them and I find them downright disgusting

No. 2015943

Did he ever call himself an anti or is this an assumption?

No. 2015975

Does he have to? It's not a soccer team or anything, it's a set of opinions expressed on social media, kek. Most of the degenerate artists that get posted here probably also don't explicitly call themselves "pro-ship", but they certainly make their thoughts clear and many will sperg/argue about it. It is what it is.

No. 2016090

I've been in the ASOIAF fandom too but this just seems like really basic yaoi to me nonna, there are a million other pairings spread across different fandoms with the exact same out of character ship dynamic. This is a series written by a geriatric guy with the world's most obvious incest fetish, I'm surprised so many "antis" enjoy it.

No. 2016156

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Vee also said this, so it's funny watching proshippers rush to her defence

No. 2016254

Considering some proshippers defend rpf of real life kids I’m not surprised.

No. 2016525

>All i know is that antis only go after women like omori and vee instead of men that actually have serious allegations against them like shadman.
This is also something I've noticed. Nowadays I kinda stay out of anti vs proship drama as it just all feels so terminally online and I'd rather judge someone based off their media literacy and sanity levels. A woman who fantasizes about being raped in a safe, private environment is infinitely less annoying than people who think they're morally superior for telling someone who likes age regression due to childhood trauma to kill themself. The human brain is odd and developing kinks due to past trauma is an extremely common and natural occurrence as your brain attempts to make sense of it, and telling people they must repress because they are immoral doesn't lead to anything good.

However, men get away with so much more degeneracy. They can draw the most fucked up pedophilic gore and get told how much of a based gigachad they are for it. I think it's because women care about being seen as good more than men do so they tend to engage in this kind of thing more, as well as the fact that women are more prone to playing mindgames to tear each other down. Men play dodgeball, women play chess, so to speak. Shadman being endorsed for so long just because he's "edgy" is a case I will never understand. You can always, ALWAYS tell when someone is an actual fucking pedophile, they always draw those characters uncannily childlike.

No. 2016529

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Samefag sorry, or if they're not an artist the legitimate pedos post shit like this on main. Fucking nasty. Anyone remember the "real life shotacon" incident from a few years back? These tweets remind me of that persons. Pic related, it's them.

https://twitter.com/lizcourserants/status/1275671860970172418 lizcourse talking about it, if you're curious.

No. 2016956

the reason people find it creepy is that its a ship that uses the likeness of an underage child and an adult man

No. 2021194

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No. 2021196


No. 2021340

both are so cringe, god i miss 00s cons

No. 2021400

>>2021194 I'm sorry but she looks stupid

No. 2023637

saged cause this is an old post but i have never understood the "well rpf of kids has a right to exist because ermmm censorship!" argument when… "rpf" of a real person, especially a kid, is just sexual harassment? i don't care as much when it's a celebrity, but a kid doesn't know what they're signing up for if they make a silly video that goes viral or post their artwork online. for people who cry about harassment so often, it's super weird how, if you sexually harassed someone but labeled it as a fanfic and posted it to ao3, it's suddenly sacred and we have to shrug and go "well thats life"? what about something having prose or being uploaded to a fanfiction website suddenly makes it okay? do the kids being written about (or their parents) not have a right to demand content about them (or their children) be taken down, even if it's for their own safety? and I have no idea why they act like a pedophile fantasizing about a child having sex is soo much less traumatizing than a hate comment. can both not be bad? they whine all day and night about antis harassing them and "bullying poor children to suicide over Fiction!!!" but if you upload said bullying to ao3, then it's live and let live i guess?

No. 2024702

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Anyone else find it weird how much Lizcourse claims to be “going offline and taking a break” only to constantly be retweeting and posting stuff herself during that time?

No. 2024737

I remember gooning to Childe doing his brother and Mika at the same time.(shitposting)

No. 2029678

hooooooly based nonnie. also throw freminet in the mix and let's get it cranking

No. 2034430

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No. 2034432

just two years ago, he was in controversy for publishing an article about how masturbating to shota/loli porn can help deal with pedophilic urges.

>The PhD researcher at the center of a firestorm surrounding a controversial research paper he published earlier this year was previously the creator of magazines which featured disturbing, graphic photos of young boys.

>Karl Andersson, a Swedish-born academic, is currently a PhD student at the University of Manchester in the Japanese studies department. Andersson came under widespread scrutiny earlier this week after it was revealed he had written an academic article in which he admitted to masturbating to fantasy child sexual abuse material for three months as part of his “research.” The paper, titled “I am not alone — we are all alone: Using masturbation as an ethnographic method in research on shota subculture in Japan,” outlines Andersson undertaking an “experimental method” of masturbating to shota pornography.

>From 2006 to 2010, Andersson was responsible for two disturbing visual media projects

>Destroyer Magazine was Andersson’s first venture into the genre. Andersson was living in Prague and publishing out of the Czech Republic shortly after he graduated from Stockholm University, the graphic magazine billed itself as “the leading international teenage boy magazine!”
>While Destroyer was derided in Sweden for its disturbing content, Andersson was sympathetically covered by Out, an international gay news outlet, in 2012.
>“The most controversial expression of homosexuality is when a man is attracted to an adolescent boy,” Andersson is quoted as saying, “The [porn films] that are called ‘barely legal’ feature men dressed as boys … I find it quite uninteresting. It’s just drag. The models in Destroyer are well under 18.”
>Andersson also stated that any criticism of the magazine was based in “homophobia,” and that: “the gay movement has lost touch with its past … It was founded to a large extent by men who were attracted to adolescent boys in Germany in the beginning of the 20th century. That should be acknowledged and it isn’t. We should honor them because we owe them our freedoms — instead, we despise them.”

>In addition to Destroyer, Andersson also published another, even more graphic magazine titled Breaking Boy News, which focused on even younger teens and more gruesome content.

>The stories focused on young boys committing violence against animals, girls, and each other, with a particular emphasis on pain and degeneracy.
>In 2012, Vice interviewed Andersson on the now-defunct Breaking Boy News site.
>Andersson states he created the side-project after searching for “news stories about stuff like ‘boy murders’ and ‘boy rapes’, added pictures and wrote smashing headlines.”
>In the interview Andersson doesn’t shy away from the label “boy lover,” and appears to embrace his attraction.
>“The boy is the one who does all the things we learn later in life not to do. He discovers things, tests limits, helps people, but he also robs, rapes or even murders. And they’re cute, of course. Boys are like kittens, it’s hard to take your eyes off them.”
>Neither Destroyer Magazine nor Breaking Boy News featured fully nude portrayals of the youth, enabling them to skirt around legal restrictions. During the Vice interview, Andersson stated he had no concerns about legality, going on to scoff at child welfare advocates who had expressed concerns about his material.
>“I was denounced by children’s advocates for allegedly ‘sexualizing children,’ but I said that teenage boys aren’t children, but are in fact sexual – something I enhanced in my magazine, which was a tribute to the teenage boy.”
>Andersson also mentions Japanese shota comics, lauding them for their highly sexual portrayal of children.
>“What I like about shotacon manga is that it’s an extreme fantasy. Not only are the characters young, which is illegal in reality; they also have unprotected sex and they have orgasms all the time and shoot what seems like litres of sperm, which is impossible in reality. I love it. I think fantasies should be as extreme as possible. We should let them flourish.”
>In 2012, Andersson published a book called The Story of Destroyer Magazine, which went into further depth on his experiences publishing the controversial rag. In the book, Andersson critiques those who denounce pro-pedophile organization the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
>“You don’t have to agree with NAMBLA on everything … What I criticize is the gay movement has chosen a strategy of presenting a safe image of LGBT persons instead of demanding acceptance for the deviant, whatever it is, so long as it’s legal. The condemnation of NAMBLA has nothing to do with caring abut children, but rather is about suppressing the most extreme expression of homosexuality.”

>In addition to the two graphic magazines, Andersson contributed to The Lover, a “journal of sexual politics” that was similar to his other two endeavors, with the “journal” featuring graphic images of young boys. In one article he contributed in 2015, Andersson decries the treatment of homosexual men who have sex with teen boys, comparing it to the Nazi persecution of the Jews. His article, “I fell in love with a Hitler Jugend,” has been preserved on a pro-pedophile website which features an entire collection on Andersson.

>Following news of the disturbing research article, Andersson’s University announced it was launching an investigation into his academic conduct, with a spokesperson stating: “The recent publication in Qualitative Research of the work of a student, now registered for a PhD, has raised significant concerns and complaints which we are taking very seriously. We are currently undertaking a detailed investigation into all aspects of their work, the processes around it and other questions raised. It is very important that we look at the issues in-depth.”

No. 2034433

Vice did an interview with him in 2012

>VICE: Hi, Karl. Can you explain Breaking Boy News to me?

>Karl Anderson: An idea came to me one evening: ‘What about making a cheesy news tabloid with boy news only?’ I searched for news stories about stuff like “boy murders” and “boy rapes”, added pictures and wrote smashing headlines. The men at the printers were quite surprised.

>I bet. Why did it have to be about little boys?

>I have this philosophy of the boy as the essence of humankind. The boy is the one who does all the things we learn later in life not to do. He discovers things, tests limits, helps people, but he also robs, rapes or even murders. And they're cute, of course. Boys are like kittens, it's hard to take your eyes off them.

>Where do you get the borderline child porn from to illustrate the articles?

>Child porn is a legal term, not a view, and none of my publications contain that. I consider Breaking Boy News an artwork. Even when I did Destroyer, I hardly had any contact with the models directly – only with the photographers. If there's a red line in my publishing, it's that it deals with fantasies and ideals. Reality is so bland.

>Tell me about Destroyer. It features naked photos of pubescent boys, right?

>Destroyer was my first self-published project, and it started out of frustration of the current politics of the gay movement, which becomes ever more non-inclusive of the less flattering expressions of homosexuality, most notably male attraction to boys. Destroyer always sold very well and it still does. I counted readers in 37 countries on all continents, even Africa. Breaking Boy News is more of a fun side-project.

>Who reads this stuff?

>I’d say 99.9 percent of my readers are male. They’re mostly gay men, boy-lovers and artists. A boy-lover is someone who self-identifies as a man who loves boys. He considers it a sexual orientation. I don't personally like the word since it implies that there are people who don't love boys.

>How do you get away with selling it? Surely nobody wants to stock this stuff.

>My publications are legal. Some Swedish bookshops stopped selling Destroyer after it made the headlines, but Adlibris – the biggest bookshop – concluded that it was legal and went on selling it.I was denounced by children's advocates for allegedly "sexualising children", but I said that teenage boys aren’t children, but are in fact sexual – something I enhanced in my magazine, which was a tribute to the teenage boy. What is it anyways, to "sexualise children" and what’s bad about it? It's not a real argument.

>So you think sexualising children is OK?

>I think I already answered that one. Before we decide if something is good or bad, we must decide on what it is we're discussing.

>What other publications do you produce?

>I now publish two shotacon artists with English translations. Shotacon manga are comics where boys have sex, either with each other or with older boys or men. What I like about shotacon manga is that it's an extreme fantasy. Not only are the characters young, which is illegal in reality; they also have unprotected sex and they have orgasms all the time and shoot what seems like litres of sperm, which is impossible in reality. I love it. I think fantasies should be as extreme as possible. We should let them flourish.

>Is this all a fantasy to you or have you previously acted on it?

>I prefer not to answer that. I did in some interviews, but I don't want to comment on my sex life publicly now. It’s interesting that people want to know that. I don’t think I would have got that question in Japan – they have another relation to fantasy than we do in the Christian West.
>Yeah, they’re all about animated paedophilia.
>Please don't bring the "P-word" into this. Actually, this isn’t a subject that interests me very much. It's quite far away from a discussion about my magazines.

>How would you explain your magazines? A lot of people would say they appeal almost exclusively to paedophiles, which obviously isn’t a good thing.

>I do my thing and I'm used to people disapproving. It's funny how it's totally okay, even the norm, for a teenage girl to pose in a sexy way on magazine covers, but as soon as it's a boy people get upset.

>Why’s that?

>I think it's the homosexual eye that scares people; a man looking at a boy with a possible sexual interest provokes an instinct to protect society's most valuable. The ancient Greeks had sex with boys, but the boy had to stand up during the act; if he lied down, he would be degraded to the role of a woman. So the current will to protect boys from being treated as sexual objects has actually quite misogynistic roots.

No. 2034442

>It's funny how it's totally okay, even the norm, for a teenage girl to pose in a sexy way on magazine covers, but as soon as it's a boy people get upset.
Duh. Maybe it’s because we live in a society that normalises and romanticises pedophilic relations between young girls and old men. It’s not little boys being married off to old men in third world countries is it? The entertainment industry is rife with pedophilia and Hollywood is practically run by pedophiles who release films like Leon The Professional and Lolita and countless others for pretentious film buff moids to eat up and claim is “muh forbidden romance”, but he’s all woe is me because he doesn’t get to see 13 year old boys doing the splits on his tv. What a vile creature

No. 2034444

how is he a proshipper? seems like he's just your garden variety pedo

No. 2034447

he's also a wrong, there are tons of sports magazines that feature shirtless guys, my cousin once modelled for one

No. 2034550

This video has been making the rounds lately in the discourse and it’s your typical “YouTube content for zoomers” except all the zoomers hate this video and are dunking on it in the comments, which got paused. Any nonas who watched it have any thoughts? Also this XxMushroom.GirlxX person’s OC looks like Creepshow Art

No. 2034552

This looks and sounds like it was made by a child

No. 2034562

this girl cannot be older than 14

No. 2034568

another good psa for monitoring what your child is doing online, this retard is definitely going to resurface in some groomer drama in the future

No. 2034570

women dont groom. I would be more concerned of her getting groomed by some scrote.

No. 2034574

>women dont groom.
some do but i was talking of her being groomed by a moid

No. 2034580

Pretty sure she is like 16 and was being harassed by her fellow zoomers on twitter last time I checked.

No. 2034601

>women dont groom
I wish that were true

No. 2034614

Same. I got groomed and molested several times by a 19 y old fujo when I was just 13. Her other fujo friends also would send me links to adult games and manga all the time. If none of it happened I think I'd be more okay with fujos but whenever I see you fujo nonnas on this site I can't help feeling paranoid. I have a friend whose ex gf used to try and force her to be a yaoi uke so I know I'm not the only one.(no1currs)

No. 2034625

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stolen blog

No. 2034646

MG is like 16 or 17yo and well known for her shit takes on things. Her main argument is "FREE SPEECH!!!!1" and "Children are the responsible party for what they consume and shouldn't go looking for pornographic content and adults can't be held responsible for them." Despite the fact that she is a minor herself and shouldn't even participate in these communities let alone the conversation over whether proship is valid or not.

No. 2034729

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picrel is an actual pedophile I came across a while ago and "he" was obsessed with parents abusing their children

No. 2034848

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This is a little late since the person in question seems to have deactivated hours ago, but around a day ago, someone posted sexually about a real child actor. Proshippers have been scrambling since this started.

No. 2034854

>He's not even real
These people are braindead

No. 2034860

I partially blame the pandemic for this. sure, they were probably already fucked up but no doubt it made it so much worse, but this is just the extremes of porn brain rot and how it affects you as a person

No. 2034882

so based(troll)

No. 2034897

Nona he’s like 12 here

No. 2034938

Fingers crossed that the "things" it does to her is make her want to have a kid…

No. 2034962

Ignore bait.The thread op should've added "no pro shippers or shotafags allowed this is not the thread to post your fetishes" because it adds nothing to thread and only derails it

No. 2034973

i don't think it's being a shotafag to lust after a flesh and blood 12 year old. that's just being a pedophile.

No. 2034990

Samefag,Should've added no truscum shotafags and pedofags.(go back)

No. 2035023

They are just publicly saying this type of thing now huh

No. 2035103

I feel dumb because this whole time I thought "proship" and "antiship" was about shipping, and whether people thought it's WRONG to play cupid with fictional characters or if it's okay.

Or maybe that's what it originally was before this shit somehow (d)evolved into "do your fantasies define you as a person?" The best answer is "it depends how much they rule/ruin your life".

No. 2035105

File: 1726561184573.jpeg (488.54 KB, 1242x1048, IMG_6602.jpeg)

Her account is back up, she just changed her username. https://x.com/necrophillism?s=21 It seems like there’s an entire subsection of this community that are pro-paraphilia and openly post about being pedohiles.

No. 2035106

File: 1726561248113.jpeg (592.74 KB, 1242x1290, IMG_6603.jpeg)

Samefag, they post introduction posts under the tag “paratwt”

No. 2035110

I guess even women can meme themselves into becoming pedophiles

No. 2035111

I’m wondering if it’s even that. A lot of the people in this community seem to be children that were/are being groomed and women with severe porn addiction due to exposure at a young age. Either way, I’m incredibly worried. It’s one thing to use fiction to cope in private, but it’s another thing to surround yourself with an echo chamber that will only make your attraction to real life children and animals worse.

No. 2035149

Yeah, this thread is just filled with retarded infighting now. Nobody cares if you get off to the imaginary of muh fictional children or real kids and still feel like a victim, post the milk or gtfo.

No. 2035150

muh "porn addiction" doesn't exist in women, this is literally some incoherent radfem talking point, who that think being a feminist means living like a prude

No. 2035151

Just look at Japan, fujos there are open about writing doujinshi with real-life child actors. And guess what? They have much lower rates of child sexual abuse than America. Children aren't harassed there or getting into drugs. That's the reason they don't have troons there as well(derailing)

No. 2035165

> They have much lower rates of child sexual abuse than America
yeah because of statistics of reports being made retard. comparing a half continent ass country to a island nation obviously will show you a less percentage but a country where child porn was legal until 2014 and has had gravure child models its blissfully ignorant to think theres a low sexual crime rate in japan.

No. 2035168

By that person’s logic I guess Japan doesn't have an issue with sexual harassment either. Their rates are lower so they must not need women-only train cars and phones that require their shutter sounds to be on. They aren’t being reported right? So why should it matter?

No. 2035171

Japan has plenty of child sexual abuse and troons. Especially the former. They just don't give these topics as much of a spotlight in the media.

No. 2035175

i dont know these why retards put japan on a pedestal for "protecting free speech of pedophiles!" japan likes to protect its pedophiles so much so when the scandal of japan biggest boy idol company ceos johnny kitagawa abusing little boys came out nothing was done for the children he abused because its common knowledge that the Japanese police wont take any action if you go to them to report rape because they demand you prove you got raped with evidence, imagine asking a child to prove how they got raped, is it any wonder so many choose not to report it? their yellow fever obfuscates the true degenerate face of japan

No. 2035206

I would be ok with her for being into the fictional ship or something because what makes a character is more than the person who plays it, but she's clearly just a pedophile and necrophile, hope she's on a watchlist.

No. 2035228

wouldnt surprise me if half these freaks are just underage edgelords that think its pedophilia for a 17yo to like a 15yo.

No. 2035260

someone literally posted their pedo fantasies about a prepubescent child, I feel I don't have to explain that there’s a big difference between a 17 year-old being attracted to a mature looking 15-year-old and an actual child

No. 2035288

i never said that i was just pointing out that most of these retards are underage and probably groomed

No. 2035395

or they were just exposed to too much porn, which fucked up their brains

No. 2035438

File: 1726625080057.jpg (861.51 KB, 1061x2243, XxMushroom.GirlxX.jpg)

>>2034552, >>2034562
From what I know that vid was posted here the literal day she turned 17. Apparently she also supports shit like mspec/pan/bi lesbians and all the other typical stuff you’d see in the Spicy Straights thread
>>2034568, >>2034580, >>2034646
Yeah I think she’s pretty messed up mentally and a possible cow in the making because of all the drama she starts. She’s 17 now so I don’t hold it too hard against her but if in like 5 years she has a thread here I wouldn’t be shocked. She was actually mentioned in the art commentary thread a while back cuz some creepy 40 year old DDLG scrote named Lio Convoy tried to dox her (pic related) >>1975994 she also has friends who are like 20+ so those anons saying she’s probably getting groomed may not be far off, it doesn’t help that her fanbase is a bunch of impressionable 13 year olds

No. 2035471

Wasn't it proven that japan hinders their statistics and that more than half of the cases that gets prosecuted gets shut down, especially when it involves children/women? Or about the fact that child porn wasnt even illegal 10 years ago, but it was the making of it, but the possession of it wasnt even illegalized until later? Glory to niphon though, amirite? XDD(XDD)

No. 2035528

Nta but honestly, I feel like many of them (not all, obviously, before anyone gets on my ass) also lie about their age to make it seem 'not as bad' when they're talking about children. They can always pull out the 'I am a 15yo actually and as a kid, I think kids can consent' card while salivating over a bunch of real fucking children, even if they've been a 15yo for the past 15 years like some twilight shit. Once they convince people to take 'transage' as seriously as trooning out, you'll see more of these fuckers calling themselves that too.

I feel like people in general underestimate how many pedos are there in this world, and that most of them tend to be 'inclusive pedophiles' which means they aren't 'only attracted to children' but they are also attracted to children, so you can't even trust someone who gets off to kids but then post about some big titted grown animu waifu once in a while. It's unfortunately way too easy for pedos lately to get away with what they say and do, because others are always eager to come to their rescue and you don't even know if those people are pedos too or just slow retards who thinks their beloved dubcon yaoi is in trouble because ilovekids88 on twitter is under attack by 'the evil puritans' who are merely and solely just against pedoshit.

No. 2036046

isnt the whole pro/anti thing just about fiction though? i dont understand what pedos who lust after real children have to do with it

No. 2036053

> i dont understand what pedos who lust after real children have to do with it
who woulda thunk degenerates who like drawn child porn also like real children too? its like how furries who say feral hurts noone who always turn out to be zoophiles its never ficton to them its a sexual fantasy being gratified and they will always reach for the next high eventually committing real world harm

No. 2036084

I think it goes without saying that pedos wouldn't mind lumping themselves together with the muh fiction club if they can find even a single excuse to talk about what they're into openly. The whole proship and antiship thing started out as a terminally online fandom infight, and while the people who are autisticly obsessed with these terms are still terminally online, it's something a lot more than just that now. I mean, even if you glance at this thread, you'll find twittertards talking about child actors and you also get anons defending them with 'b-but fujos in japan do it too!!'

Personally though, I don't really believe someone who gets off to the imaginary of kids can still be trusted around kids in real life. There needs to be attraction for their obsession with these kind of content to exist. Those people are not attracted to fine lines on a piece of paper but the depiction of a child in sexual contexts. They fantasise about this to the point of continuously seeking, engaging and even creating their own content. It isn't healthy, or even normal. Nobody would be basing their entire accounts around their 'special interest' and engaging in fistfights with other terminally online retards, if it didn't mean anything to them at all.

No. 2036085

>its like how furries who say feral hurts noone who always turn out to be zoophiles
Agree with everything. And if we were to talk about zoophiles, have you noticed how many of them tend to be pedophiles too? This has been explored in the past with regards to all kinds of pornography, nobody who engages in any form of paraphilia just remains at that paraphilia forever. They will always, invariably and inevitably intensify. Many pedocons start with more mainstream edgy content that flirts with the idea of an anime character acting like a child or dressing like one, which is extremely common at the surface level of marketable anime, and eventually they'll move on, all on their own, to consuming content where there is no longer any plausible deniability that the character on the panel is literally a child and the creator isn't even pretending anymore.

No. 2036086

I feel I shouldn't have to explain that someone who thinks a child character being raped and abused also likely has a fucked-up ideas about real-life children

No. 2036087

File: 1726752629786.png (253.42 KB, 765x619, DuUfxdD.png)

pro-ship account accused of sharing CP

No. 2036091

If you believe that being a normal person means living like a prude and the only way to explore yourself sexually is to get off to kids or animals, then you are already a porn addict. Claiming porn addiction among women is a incoherent radfem talking point is funny, do you also believe the earth is flat anon?

No. 2036092

Got any screencaps about that? Not the gross shit but the accusations. I'm not surprised to see this, I'm just curious to know exactly what's going on and only knowing the username isn't really helping since I don't have twitter, so I can't even check it without elon musk telling me to create an account.

No. 2036106

File: 1726755622771.jpeg (213.47 KB, 1179x1664, GXpISqwWQAEkPdp.jpeg)

NYART, but I found a screencap of him admitting he slept with a 17 year old?

No. 2036107

Samefag, people are saying this guy is actually Zrcalo. iirc, he's an infamous furry predator.

No. 2036108

More than just a pro-shipper, this guy is an outright animal rapist/torturer and a Neo-Nazi/nazifur. There's a KF thread on him.

No. 2036120

These people don't even self-identify as proshippers. These are just degenerate moids being creepy.

No. 2036122

>no truscum
Where the hell do you think you are anon

No. 2036123

>no truscum
So, the people claiming this sort of discourse is made/infested by twitter trannies and literal children were right.(infighting)

No. 2036124

The only people who care about this discourse are people too young to drink and creepy 30-year-old "fandom mom" types. Non-retards discussing the ethics of depicting minors don't feel the need to filter it through idiotic meme labels like "proshipping," and "antishipping."

No. 2036135

I think my only experience with "anti shippers" was being told I'm a pedophile for liking the Beetlejuice/Lydia ship. There are a creepy lot of pro shippers however who perv on child actors, especially in the HOTD fandom.(blog)

No. 2036137

Not 4chan. Pedophiles aren't welcomed here

No. 2036143

>being told I'm a pedophile for liking the Beetlejuice/Lydia ship.

No. 2036152

Lost newfag. I knew having a thread dedicated to retarded chronically online discourse would bring the gendies here.

No. 2036154

No. 2036158

nonita, that's grooming and molestation.

No. 2036168

Anon, those are fictional characters. 'Antis' are the chronically online pests that sperg about this until they're red in the face. No one with a life irl cares about this.

No. 2036183

This is the proshipper cow thread, why are you surprised people are against it here lol
It's always crazy how the big proshipper cows always say that these people are just pedophiles and not proshippers, but then continue to say "most antis are predators".

No. 2036184

File: 1726771293683.jpg (25.68 KB, 612x536, aa7.jpg)

dont have anything to contribute dont bother posting. this is not the thread to defend your degeneracy(infighting)

No. 2036208

Both sides of this debate are pretty hypocritical on who is and isn't pro-ship/anti. It reminds of when lolicons get outed as pedophiles and their response is "well they aren't a real lolicon!" Even though most outright state they are

No. 2036210

I just can't fathom getting triggered by fictional characters, or shipping in general. It's really just a thing people who sit online all day get mad at.(derail)

No. 2036212

NTA but truscum is a tranny term

No. 2036213

>Both sides of this debate are pretty hypocritical on who is and isn't pro-ship/anti.
yeah we have anons itt claiming kyle carroza wasnt a real anti once he got outted for having BDSM cp. Pedophiles arent proship cows, they are just pedos. They can make a pedo cow thread if they want to discuss them, it feels disingenuous to lump pedo moids with women who like cringe ships.

No. 2036216

This. Both sides of this dumb discourse are full of cows.

No. 2036229

She was 14 when he first tried to marry her you psycho

No. 2036366

Stop blogposting and derailing and get back to posting milk.

No. 2043515

File: 1728391886097.png (Spoiler Image,316.57 KB, 598x605, IMG_7660.png)

that one chinese artist who used to draw porn and ship-art of young john conner and arnold is back under a new handle, still drawing her "ships" and occasionally some random gore

No. 2043599

Who gives a shit? Can’t you simply not look at it?(infight bait)

No. 2043704

lmfao, it doesn't even look like a kid, it looks like a scale-miniature of an adult

No. 2052651

A long time ago, when I was underage, I used to browse the /GOT/ threads in /tv/, and there was an obnoxious Australian pedophile that spend his entire time talking about his attraction to Rickon, he went by the tripname "Rickonbro", until he was banned, and started to post under the tripname "Art Admirer" (The kid actor portraying Rickon was called Art Parkinson in real life). It made me really uncomfortable and angry when he was on the threads.(sage your shit)

No. 2052654

Sounds like the average /tv/ user, shocking he got banned

No. 2053004

File: 1730658689884.png (264.19 KB, 1839x865, IMG_6617.jpeg.png)

Imagine writing this shit and not feeling a hint of regret at how completely degenerate you have become

No. 2053277

Idek what the fuck those peices of media are about, but the pictures alone are weird. Very sexually charged despite not having any nudity. Gross pedo shit.

No. 2065547

File: 1733508808939.png (139.57 KB, 1188x635, pro-para.png)

Proshippers need to completely denounce and cut off pro-paraphilia leeches. Pro-para shit is a rapidly entrenching rabbit hole, and it worries even more than "MAPs" did.
WHY do these zoomers promote this? Like, if you're a self-admitted pedophile, at least keep it to yourself. Normalizing pedophilia probably just leads to more CP consumption and CSA whether you claim to be "anti-contact" or not.

No. 2065551

I noticed an uptick of radqueers and proparas on Tumblr when more troons started flooding the site. You can't say pedophilia is wrong anymore unless you want a TIM calling you a reactionary anti-queer conservative twansphobe.

No. 2065560

> if you're a self-admitted pedophile, at least keep it to yourself.
because most of them are troons and troons are narcs who cannot go breathing for one second without putting their vile shit infront of everyone, although im sure some of the accounts like these are fed accs but most of them are actual real retarded groomed children who turn into pedophiles later on and keep repeating the cycle by grooming other children like how that troon gigglyclown did

No. 2065663

File: 1733535005077.jpeg (347.98 KB, 828x1047, IMG_9055.jpeg)

The proshippers shown in the Twitter screenshot are discussing a sibling duo from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure [part 9 to be exact]. Jodio is 15 years old while Dragona is 18. To my knowledge, their BlueSky accounts are under the same names. [The Tribs person is Tribs.bsky]

No. 2065706

This feels like such non-milk to me. Do you know how many teenage sibling ships there were that a large portion of their respective fandoms squee’d over back in the day? People used to chat about ships like elricest from FMA openly back in the “don’t like don’t read” deviantart era and even people not into it were chill. I’m willing to bet the two anime characters you mention look just like the rest of the masculine adult dudes in jojo so this isn’t even like shota controversy (which I would understand more)… idk maybe I’m just too much of an oldfag, I genuinely don’t understand how kids these days waste so much energy raging about shit like this.

No. 2065719

No one born before 9/11 uses this thread kek. Proship and antiship discourse is just a bunch of edgelord coombrain teenagers fighting with obsessive wokescold teenagers over cartoons. It's all retarded and I wish everyone involved would find better ways to spend their time.

No. 2065785

Skimmed the Tribs BlueSky. Lots of posts on how the site’s ban on feral incest art is fag censorship

No. 2078547

File: 1737045882200.png (Spoiler Image,155.3 KB, 601x646, cd7o17x.png)

so I'm mutuals with a few pro shippers, i usually don't judge them but then they post or retweet this kind of crap and i just wonder how anyone can become like this, this is unquestionably pedophilia

No. 2078772

Yeah I follow some just because they post funny stuff, but I had some just straight up post gay pedophilia, and nobody calls them out on it, just tons of likes

No. 2078813

then just dont befriend them? just find non pedos to be friend with, its that easy

No. 2078973

Remember next time you post to sage

Anyways, it only really gets this way because they tend to use this as some kind of "coping mechanism", but there's so many different ways to cope with trauma that isn't exposing yourself to material akin to what you went through in a harmful manner. Exposure therapy is only useful when it's putting into one's brain "this is bad", instead of straight up normalizing it like a lot of "pro" ships do. Because when it's normalized, the cycle of abuse continues, and sometimes fiction can lead to reality. Not all the time, but that's how some of it starts.

No. 2080331

thread for underage terminally online twitter trannies

No. 2082372

If you really believe it’s “unquestionably pedophilic” - why would you repost it??

No. 2082481


That's what I'm thinking. Like they didn't have to share the whole damn image. Just a screenshot of the caption ffs. Everyone on the internet these days knows what shota means.

No. 2086895

File: 1739060769070.png (587.32 KB, 1331x710, nH1mMBA.png)

>creator tells proshitters not to create sexual art of her child characters, proshitters who weren't aware of the series go apeshit and claim they'll draw even more degen porn

No. 2086896

File: 1739060794512.png (1.49 MB, 2205x1646, rnACgG5.png)

No. 2086901

this isn't even about "proshipping," this is just a bunch of psychos leaping at the chance to make a woman feel violated. I bet half the people responding are moids who don't even know what this project is and the other half are tifs who hate women so much they pretend they aren't one.

No. 2086903

many were moids, but the majority were pro-shippers(sage non-milk)

No. 2086905

someone: "pls don't sexualize the child characters i made."
pro-shipper: "oh so you hate gay ppl?"

No. 2086926

why does every tumblr transplant in every website have the same backstory of being made fun of for being gay AND retarded and using it as an excuse to just hate women (especially young women) for the rest of their lives

No. 2086940

i doubt any of these troll icon moids replying give a shit about what shes making anyways. "im gonna fuck that bird cage" nnnnno, youre not, its a drawing. nobody is going to fuck any of them because they arent real. why are people online so terminally online and disconnected from reality now, jesus

No. 2090023

i understand the frustration but it's not like it will stop anybody and the artists will make degen porn of these characters even more after this, she should've just kept silent.

No. 2092940

File: 1740465010915.png (482.51 KB, 655x2296, NJeb1to.png)

I'm tired of pro-shippers and fujos claiming that they can't get porn-sick and that their fetishes totally won't escalate into worse and more degenerate shit, when I've seen tons of them into actually degenerate into actual paedophile

No. 2092955

>their fetishes totally won't escalate into worse and more degenerate shit
theyre addicts so theyll always try to reach a more degenerate high its a well known fact with porn addicted fags,whenever someone tries to convince you that these pedos "always keep it in fiction! and its harming noone!" just look at the bittycat fiasco, no they dont.

No. 2092956

>just look at the bittycat fiasco
what happened?

No. 2092973

BittyCat is a pedo pandering Vtuber with a lolicon avatar, she would also make asmr roleplay of her playing as a child getting raped and the moid doing the rapist was an actual convicted child rapist who she lived with because she's a slob that can't sustain herself, her brother (who is also living with them) claimed that she had a giant lady boner for the pedophile and would "drag RunNGun (pedophile) to the closet to do things".

This all came out after a youtuber (harmful opinions) made a video investigating BittyCat, because if it wasn't clear enough that she loved getting attention from/was a pedo herself by the things she posted on twitter/retweeted, Harmful joined a discord exclusively inhabited by pedophiles (no surprise), discussing loli/shotacon in the public channels, as well as vague discussions of another server that they "had to close down" for reasons that weren't said, but that we can all imagine, even the pedophiles seemed to imply that the other server was the "real deal", probably the reason why there were several private channels in the new server.

I can't remember every single detail, so I suggest you watch the videos HarmfulOpinions did on his investigation. The other farms has also discussed this a lot too, archiving tweets about the matter and from associates of Botty's.

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