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No. 2038272

Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphet fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphet, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same, talk the same and post the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago. Claim to be morally better than nymphet, but in fact they’re just the same (still into DD/lg, still romanticize abuse of women). Coquettes spend entire days on "girlblogging” (reposting same 10 pictures of Lizzy Grant taken from Pinterest), making idiotic Whisper memes, posting fawn pictures, posting thinspo and calling themselves "waifs,” even though most of them weigh 60kgs, and tagging everything with "Alana Champion Lily-Rose Depp Lana Del Rey,” even when it has nothing to do with those chicks.

Recent Milk:
>Alida moves in with longtime fan and musician, Brooklyn Shaw >>1991835 making half-assed attempts at launching her own music career >>1991832 >>1992146 >>1992189 and her followers fuel her delusions of grandeur as per usual >>1992202
>Alida still thinks she's a Nordic Aryan princess and God's favorite >>1991834, ties to neonazism >>1992243
>Suspicions of Alida and Orion being over for good >>1992802 >>1992972
>Anons find Nina's bloated 55 year old husband's Twitter, where he predictably likes and retweets posts normalizing large age gaps >>1994000 young women's anachan bodychecks >>1994000 might be a swinger >>1994590 and definitely into anal >>1994872
>Shizolida post about nurses requesting her mom's eyes shortly after her passing >>1995516 almost immediately followed with a journal entry about "escaping The Matrix," "ripping everything apart," terrrifying warning of "Don't fucking play with me" >>1995555
>Anons note Brooklyn's depressed demeanor since taking Alida in >>1995774 and lack of new music >>1995786
>Nina says women shouldn't be allowed to vote >>1996073 Alida agrees but won't say it with her chest >>1999357
>Alida thinks she's the sexiest woman alive but dances like a newborn fawn trying to walk >>1996960
>Drop in the bucket potential cow introduced: 21 y/o dating a man in his 40s >>1999738 >>1999739 they later broke up and she's a suspected escort
>Alida tries to say she's not antisemitic because she "didn't even know what a jew was" growing up >>1999756
>She then says she's "not anisemitic, she's antisatanic" >>2004302 which no one's letting her live down >>2004713
>She is openly homophobic, though >>1999788
>New candid of Doughlida posted >>2000242
>Ryan and Alida confirmed to be broken up >>1997246 whiny posts >>1998371 >>2017012 and retweets >>1996073
>Alida goes on a smear campaign against Orion >>2000580 >>2000582 hilariously outing his real name as Ryan >>2000656 >>2000658 crying about being a spinster >>2000923 >>2001377 and alleging he would've killed her >>2002186
>Suicide baiting from Alida >>2002268
>Alida's new man is a longtime orbiter >>2004398 >>2012337 >>2012421 >>2014584
>She enters a cringy emo phase for him >>2005068 >>2005069 >>2005072 >>2005080
>Brooklyn and Alida unfollow each other >>2006858 vagueposting from both sides >>2006896 >>2006556 >>2006557 >>2006931 >>2006997 >>2007023
>Brooklyn files a restraining order against Alida >>2007058
>Alida calls Brooklyn "evil" and a "false angel" >>2008293 claims she was sooo injured by tinfoiled dog fight that the policewoman cried >>2008407 claims someone said she's The Star, not Brooklyn >>2008685 shades Brooklyn for skinwalking her >>2008648
>Dog fight theory proven >>2018774 >>2027493 >>2027553
>Anons tinfoil Alida's been dogwhistling at neonazis for awhile, citing SS bolts clothing >>2007443 >>2007449 >>2007539 >>2007720
>Nina gets married in her cringy circle lenses >>2014775 and her "sold $100M real estate" pedo couldn't even pay for a professional photographer or a real venue >>2014778 >>2014781 >>2014786 >>2015758
>Alida constantly gushing about Brandon >>2018549 >>2018178 >>2020704 >>2032524 still has Ryan added everywhere >>2014906 says he won't leave her alone >>2016338 >>2016339 but is def not happy with Brandon >>2017791
>Brandon seems unhinged >>2019322 >>2021835 >>2027654 >>2031889
>Alida moves in with new boytoy >>2020220 >>2026229 I mean paypig >>2026271
>Peak pickmeism achieved by Alida >>2022467 >>2026586
>Alida says she's not wearing face makeup anymore >>2023204 immediately proven false >>2024610 >>2028566
>Anachan Alida boasts about losing weight >>2029859 posts first full-body selfie in months >>2033477 which is shooped >>2033515
>Nina shades Alida's obsession with Luna >>2033103
>Alida drops new shooped pic of herself as a baby >>2033646
>Brandon posts pic of brunette big-breasted anime figure, Alida has a meltdown >>2033884 and starts retweeting religious-but-scantily clad anime girls that look like her >>2034215
>Weird new cow? @motelgazelle anachan nymphet wears toddler clothes, married to an old scrote, promotes her OF in photos on same account she posts pics of her child to >>2034530
>Alida posts most bizarre bodycheck >>2035044 and gross dancing video acting like a kid >>2035050

Coquette aesthetic thread #1: >>>/snow/1410169
Coquette aesthetic thread #2: >>>/snow/1616017
Coquette aesthetic thread #3: >>>/snow/1817676
Coquette aesthetic thread #4: >>>/snow/1934513

Detailed introduction of all cows discussed in the thread can be seen in THIS post >>1934515 (it's too long for summary post)


No. 2038274

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Imagine posting this whiny shit on your brother’s wedding day

No. 2038275

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I hope she never goes to cosmetology school because this attempt at SFX makeup is abysmal

No. 2038283

lol the claw nail tips

No. 2038288

Kek she filtered the hell out of his face here. Almost at smartschoolboy9 levels.

No. 2038294

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kek they definitely got in their first argument yesterday

No. 2038295

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more cringe from the interim. she’s been retweeting horny gifs lately too. celibacy era was 100% just a punishment for ryan.

No. 2038298

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willing to bet their argument was over this >>2038274 posted hours after picrel. tinfoil but alida’s probably already yapping nonstop about rings and wedding planning and citing >>2021835 as why he needs to propose asap and brandon flipped out over her trying to move too fast (when alida already moved into his house within 3 weeks of dating)

No. 2038302

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I think she looks sweet here except for her lips which freak me out

No. 2038307

Her hair has more volume here too compared to other recent pics which look nearly lifeless from the amount of bleach blonde box dye she prob uses, makes me wonder if she also bought a blonde wig or something.

No. 2038324

Sometimes it looks as tho she is still wearing extensions, just cut short? Or some kind of 3/4 wig or topper at the back. She might not be, but it does look very "wiggy" and still stiff. When those curls drop at the bottom, it all sticks out like straw, or like those cartoons when they get electrocuted lol
They were definitely fighting. Brandon posted some things and then deleted them afterward. Weird to be fighting so fast after spending a few days together. Not a good sign honestly. She's projecting still and making out it's amazing and beautiful, just like she did with Ryan. All show for the internet.

No. 2038327

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The emo music

No. 2038330

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Meanwhile Ryan while watching that

No. 2038331

This guy looks like he's mauling her all the time. That video where they were in the car and he grabs her face with force. Alida would hate having her hair messed up and makeup spread all up her face like a clown all the time whenever she's out with him. She says she loves it but nah, we know better. Everything has to be ~perfect~ at all times. Horny mf. Gross
wtf is this, they're so fucking weird

No. 2038333

This whole relationship is going to end up with him crying into his pillow and ranting about it until forever on x.

No. 2038342

Thank you for the new thread nonny!

No. 2038352

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lmao those shorts with the shoes and socks, and the back to front cap like some kid after school.
she's so melodramatic. she's desperately pushing for this relationship to be the brooding dark underlord with his angelic gf of light, but it's all so cringe and posey.

No. 2038353

So stiff and awkward. Especially with her looking at the camera at all times. Can’t even enjoy being groped and mauled by a bald retard. Also thanks for the thread anon!!

No. 2038356

kek, the checking the camera to see the shot

No. 2038365

Can she seriously not do better than that?

No. 2038370

I had to stop watching like 3 seconds in what the fuck lmao his outfit with his body type is the funniest thing lmao built like Tyler the Creator but a white dude kekkk you just know she wishes she had an old man still

No. 2038380

What's with the shitty double wide trailer lighting? Looks like a single bulb that gives off this sickly white light. Miss coquette should invest in some lamps with warmer bulbs.

No. 2038384

He's horrifically ugly I genuinely can't believe that's what Alida chooses to settle with

No. 2038393

I could see her purposely choosing to be with ugly men just so she can be seen as the “beautiful one..” could be an ego boost thing

No. 2038394

The ending came off as oddly funny to me because she doesn't look particularly satisfied. Looks down, end scene.

No. 2038399

It’s an ig filter that adds cuts to the face, not makeup

No. 2038400

As much as I find the guy hideous and she can clearly do better, at least her new man is not an old man so I’ll give her that

No. 2038412

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she’s a mystery to herself because she has no solid identity outside of her trauma and internet persona of basic nymphet interests.
she morphs herself into whatever her scrote wants (hippie stoner little girl queen for ryan, now pastel emo guns-loving hypersexual christian girl for brandon)
the only consistent things about her is her racism and facade of confidence when she’s actually incredibly insecure and jealous with a mean streak

No. 2038479

Gossip incoming… So she is living with her Dad apparently, when he moved into a new place, she followed. That makes sense, as to why she suddenly stopped spewing racist, homophobic and Jewish hate on X. She started 'behaving' herself once with her Dad. That bitter, negative side, only seems to reveal itself under certain circumstances. Sad, that she put up that video with her gay friend, and I'm wondering if he even saw the shit she was saying and what she really thought of Pride month.
Also, it seems that she has a long distance relationship with Brandon, and when they are together for a certain amount of time, they start to argue. Meaning, their relationship is crumbly if they spend enough time together in person. I doubt she highly likes how he ruins her appearance - smearing her makeup everywhere and knotting her hair that she probably spends hours on. Making her look sooo dishevelled in all those stories she put up on Insta. It's funny cos he literally is all over her in a more annoying, than endearing, way. She looks an absolute mess when out with him.

No. 2038515

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you were spot-on with the trailer lighting!

how’d you find this out? i assumed she moved in with brandon since they posted pics of their plane ride to north carolina for her brother’s wedding, and i thought her family all live in nc.

No. 2038526

I thought that too, until she said that her and Brandon are long distance, and don't live together. Her Dad lives in Gulf Breeze Florida, near the beach. Moved in August, according to his public fb. Right at the time Alida bought new sheets etc and got into that room where she painted over the navy blue. Also taking photos on Florida beach. The rest of her family must live in NC. It means too that her Dad must be paying for everything now, and Brandon prob gives her money too. I still don't know where Brandon lives, and what "long distance" means exactly.

No. 2038546

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This is the roughest 23 year old I’ve ever seen.

No. 2038577

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She's definitely living in Florida, judging from her Stories lately. So yea, with her dad I'm guessing. She was ranting about her dad on X too and he put up some videos with Luna on the beach. Brandon's flown back home now, wherever that may be. Anyway, I guess who cares, but out of curiosity I wanted to know for sure if they were living together or not.

No. 2038591

Actually nvm I'm stupid, bears would be NC wouldn't they? (not American) So I have no clue, only that she said they are long distance & not living together..

No. 2038603

motelgazelle doesn’t have an onlyfans and her and her husband are the same age he just looks really old and she looks really young.

No. 2038624

those contact lenses are hideous

No. 2038640

they are both lying about their ages

No. 2038642

alida is a big bitch

No. 2038654

she looks cross eyed and kinda “special” if you know what I mean. poor girl she can only pull a fat old sausage man with Elon musk body type as her man lol

No. 2038675

How come every single pickme ddlgfag obsessed with looking/being some old man's underage "nymphet" looks haggard as fuck?

No. 2038744

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How did y’all miss this?

No. 2038746

eating disorders, they aspire to having a childlike body but end up with a face that looks 10 years older than it is

No. 2038792

Those lenses are hideous

No. 2038810

For someone who gets botox with all the trimmings, she looks so aged. Goes to show, don't get all that shit when you're young!

No. 2038827

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Another manic episode incoming…

No. 2038830

What does going full “phantom” even mean lol

No. 2038831

>go full creative
>sleeping when the sun is out
Does she think artists and creative people don’t like sunlight kek

No. 2038869

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her lips are so uncanny valley.

No. 2038900

chloe cowlishaw flashbacks

No. 2038904

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Yeah because what is the correlation between the picture of her SHEIN dress and aliexpress suitcase and Brandon Lee lol

No. 2039004

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one photo she’s 20, other photo she’s 23. both photos unfiltered (i believe) and she looks so rough in the recent photo. like a 35 year old woman.

No. 2039005

Ugh. She looks like felicity huffman with lip injections. Gross…

No. 2039021

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It's not her fault that the Terrestrial environment wreaks total havoc on her delicate and angelic Aryan starseed skin and DNA!

No. 2039049

passing by here knowing zero about this cow & having zero bias, she looks cute aside from the Marilyn Monroe rp, she is actually very attractive, let's focus on how personality makes people ugly instead of perpetuating the women's appearance hatred girlies cmon.

No. 2039054

she lies about having gotten lip filler , that’s the main thing about her appearance that sticks out like a sore thumb. her injections look horrible, and yet she tries to deny having them. & she is a nazi. so i don’t really feel bad

No. 2039055

>women should be coddled as long as they're attractive
are you male? it's like you have no self awareness about how superficial or infantilizing you sound kek

No. 2039059

No offense but you have 0 reading comprehension… Other nona is talking about how we should bashing women for their appearance specially since its meaningless since (to her) alida is attractive and also since its meaningless in general. Instead about her personality

No. 2039060

no nonnie, you are missing my point, appearance is entirely separate from who a person is, i know that it does manifest itself in a person's choices that they make regarding their appearance but ultimately roasting a pretty girl as UGH GROSS UGLYYY because we don't like her personality just kind of perpetuates the male gaze and the notion that women are to be perceived primarily through the lens of their physical appearance (with any excuse you can find to shit on how they look)

so no, definitely not a fucking male & yes SURE you can make fun of how she looks but that just makes YOU somebody that gets something out of insulting someone else's appearance. personally i am worse looking than this girl, i'm cool with it since i have a nice life anyway, but just wanted to point this out

No. 2039070

Her personality is so bad, that it's so good. She is the type that would be fun to watch on a reality tv show. She has that Kanye level madness.
Also, I think she obsesses over her own beauty to such a high degree (openly lords over others with it and is her sole focus in life), that it naturally attracts the same energy back - all about looks. It's kind of comical.

No. 2039081

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>chloe cowlishaw
now that is a name i haven’t heard in a long time i miss efagz

No. 2039093

You are aware that you are on lolcow farm right? People are generally horrible here, disregarding if the person in question ”deserve” it or not.

Allida looks botched

No. 2039128

Boomer Ryan is still around, liking/loving all of her content lmao. It means he legitimately is watching her with Brandon. That's the only movement I can see from his end of the saga. She still hasn't blocked or deleted him from any of her socials.

No. 2039129

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Meanwhile, I checked in on Brooklyn and she seems to be doing great. Lots of videos/ stories, hanging with her old friends and released a new single. Looking happy to have yeeted Alida out of her life. Bet Alida is hating that.

No. 2039134

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Remember when she called Brooklyn a chicken

No. 2039136

she does alida better than alida and she can’t stand that brooklyns prettier, thinner, has better hair, and is more talented. It probably eats at her, she probably hate lurks her social media and cries while editing her baby photos.

No. 2039137

brooklyn looks so pretty in this pic

No. 2039138

is she living in that? she does live in one big room that looks the shape of that trailer kek
but who's paying?

No. 2039140

Oh for sure!
Brooklyn is stunning, naturally so. She would be lurking and getting moody about it LOL. Also seeing her so happy and actually laughing with her friends, unlike when she was with her.

No. 2039143

no she looks awful, she looks like a latina troon who threw on a party shop wig. the makeup and hair doesnt flatter her features at all same with the pixelated contacts.

No. 2039161

There is an old saying in Finland, 'Only ugly people need to dress up' (Vain rumat ne vaatteilla koreilee, in Finnish). They believe you should be unpretentious when you dress and not too flashy or overdone. I think this is a mistake Alida does often and this girl. >>2039134
There is such a thing as getting too dolled up, to the point of ridiculous, if you catch my drift. Trying too hard.

No. 2039175

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Alida's current fixation: sitting up all night for hours making tiktok lipsync vids and morphing into Brandon

No. 2039179

Guess that's what she meant by going full phantom…

No. 2039185

I’ve noticed when she posts these lazy, stiff “cosplays” she abuses the blur effect. This one is probably so strongly blurred because her makeup looks like shit. Or it’s just part of her “creative process” kek
In a month she’ll say Brandon’s her twin flame

No. 2039188

Yea without all the heavy filters, it's probably a big ol' mess. These filters are like cheating and feel very scammy and lazy.

No. 2039191

This is so unbearably cringe. What the hell is she doing kek

No. 2039193

5 million videos in the same outfit incoming over the next few days, like how she always does. She literally must spend from sunset until dawn, or even longer, each time, doing this in her room.

No. 2039194

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yep, she’s already milking the crow for all its worth

No. 2039199

oh jeez here we go, a full barrage of pointless crow lipsyncing vids from every angle possible.
I was thinking, Brandon probably isn't even his real name and he just called himself that after Brandon Lee, the Crow. Like how Ryan called himself Rion Orion LMAO

No. 2039201

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Too funny how she always ends up mimicking whoever her current bf is.

No. 2039203

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No. 2039268

Alida went live earlier and I only caught the end of it, she was still in that awful “crow” getup. She was talking her usual speil about how women need to be protected by men. She confirmed living with her father, saying she feels safe and protected by him.
Even mentioning “even my love- my last love hehe (ryan) still protects me”?? That slip up tho kek
The man who you said groomed you protects you? From what? Himself? KEK
Anyways the only other interesting part of the live was her vaguely implying she’s seeking legal action for something. Saying what happened to her was “unjust and illegal” and that all will be revealed or some bullshit. Considering she didn’t go into detail I’m assuming it’s about the brooklyn situation. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Someone also commented “schitzoposting” on the live and she laughed it off thinking it was about the makeup…. If only she knew
Unrelated but I bet her poor father just wishes he had a normal daughter. His son just got married and already had a family/life. While 24 year old Alida sits up all night making videos in hideous drag. Her dad seems to move around a lot, changing jobs, different houses. Suits Alida’s drifter lifestyle for now, but shows the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

No. 2039273

I wonder why she doesn’t give live anymore like she used to? Also noticed she deleted her live recordings that used to be saved on her account after the Brooklyn situation.

No. 2039284

brandon lee rolling in his grave

No. 2039287

Omg this is so cringyyy is she 12???

No. 2039290

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About Alida u think?

No. 2039381

This is what I commented on the last thread, she has a serious case of arrested development. I think that’s why Brooklyn feels like a more authentic version of what alida was trying to be. Brooklyn is aging naturally, doing normal activities for her age group where alida spends hours playing dress up and making videos in her room alone for her “following” it’s really clear when you look at the bigger picture that alida has burned a lot of bridges and has no one really left on her side and she sadly has no one to blame but herself and her behaviours which she sees no issue in. She’s clinging to whatever she has left and trying to make it work but she needs to evolve. She was the most normal sadly when she first started living with rion but probably because he was forcing her to be more toned down as she said in the past but idk maybe it is mental illness and she has a little control over it.

No. 2039440

Yea I figured she was living with her dad - little details like that white door was too fancy for a trailer. He is definitely sustaining her life and paying for anything she wants. Teaching her how to be even more entitled than she already is and not allowing her to stand on her own two feet. Making her worse. That part about Ryan is honestly messed up. He was/is a groomer and what he did was quite literally illegal. He NEVER protected her. Slipping up and calling him "my love" is also dodgy. She is still trying to get his attention, whilst being with Brandon at the same time. Brandon must have the IQ of a thermos to not get what she is all about and one day it will all come around to bite him in the ass.
I thought she was going after Brooklyn too, and that's what Brooklyn was talking about in that story."If I was a broke bitch, I'd come after me too." She must be suing her…

No. 2039449

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Now THIS is what she looks like without all of the filters and this is even after getting her makeup done. Not ugly, but also, (I'm going to be a nasty bitch but say it anyway) not as incredibly gorgeous as many of her crafted pics. She just looks…. ordinary.
Her filters make her look waaay younger, softer and a whole lot prettier. That is why she's stuck using them. She is the one who stands on her hill proclaiming to the universe that she is the prettiest, but deep inside, I really don't think she does feel that way. Why she overdresses to cover up herself. It should never be all about looks, but she brings this upon herself with her pride and excessive vanity.

No. 2039456

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Brooklyn has her dream hair, natural healthy blonde.
>>2039449 Idc what anybody says, that box dye blonde does not suit her. It's really noticeable in candids. Filters make it look nicer and as though it suits her, but it really doesn't.

No. 2039463

Wonder how much of the $$$ she's trying to squeeze outta Brooklyn by suing her. We really predicted the friendship would end with a bang didn't we. Just like we predict how Brandon will end up eventually. Nobody listens to us though, we're only jealous haterz and she's 'Malena'. We even warned her about that dirty old man who "gifted" the Porsche. We see shit for how it is and don't fall for any of the bullshit.

No. 2039474

My next prediction is that she will ~cosplay~ as Arwen and put it up on her fb where Ryan can see, bc he's a hardcore Lotr fanatic. She gets something out of him still hearting and pining after her. bpd type shit

No. 2039500

Nonnies hate Alida so much that they're intentionally forgetting Brooklyn is part of a community that glamorises nonce behavioir for aesthetic porposes just to call her pretty kek what the fuck is this praise parade? She's a coquette too

No. 2039514

Her whole internet persona is deceptive. Funny how she's meant to be Godly, when deception = the Devil. Everything she does is prideful.

No. 2039540

personally i think brooklyns personality is more beachy than coquette, which makes sense. and also, brooklyn at least has talent. her lyrics are more listenable to me than taylor swift middle school bs

No. 2039547

I could be wrong, but I don't think Brooklyn is a cow, and the only time she came close to being one, was when she was with Alida. She is very naturally pretty to me, whereas Alida isn't (which is subjective, I just don't like filled baby faces, it's not beautiful) and she does have musical talent.
Yeah, yeah I know I'm going on about looks again, but as I said earlier, Alida reaps what she sows. If she wants to make it all about appearances (even taking shots at older women ((hags)) and wrinkles etc), then I will go there too. Same with Nina and her constant narky comments toward older women, or even women in general.

No. 2039554

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i just assumed lol. My bad I guess?

No. 2039564

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Embarrassing herself

No. 2039568

Brooklyn is also husband/sugar daddy-hunting, just less obvious about it. But the other two are more obnoxious going about it as they want to simp farm and get pedestalized by men for…bullying women and repeating redpill points while looking like talentless botched surgery Beckies. No thanks.

No. 2039571

she looks like if keffals had a baby with melanie martinez. Heavy on the melanie martinez uggo side. But blonde.

No. 2039575

Came here for milk but instead found a bunch of fat ugly bitches seething and madling over a conventionally beautiful cow. Alida is gorgeous wether y'all like it or not comparing her to troons and trying so hard to make her look ugly is getting really desperate. Post her milky actions instead.(wking)

No. 2039576

File: 1727478914373.jpeg (239.25 KB, 1170x512, IMG_1347.jpeg)

Alida’s definitely in spiritual psychosis again if she genuinely believes anyone gives enough of a fuck about her to cast spooooky death/sickness spells on her

No. 2039586


I love these coquette threads too much.

No. 2039595

So she puts his name on her knickers, but accidentally called Ryan "my love", within the same day.

No. 2039603

File: 1727482958589.jpg (85.86 KB, 587x432, 57.jpg)

Her being so serious throughout all of this clownery is sending me

No. 2039613

she looks more like a juggalette than she does brandon lee kek. it’s so cringe when people discover something and then immediately go off the deep end and make it their entire personality. it’s clear she just heard of this like three days ago.

No. 2039622

Explain anon??

No. 2039624

File: 1727487233794.jpg (82.02 KB, 579x584, 113242.jpg)


No. 2039629

funniest thing about this, is that the person sending the message totally got that from chat gpt or other ai poem website. i’ve looked up so many ai poems out of boredom and they ALL sound like this

No. 2039634

i genuinely thought this was clown/jugalette makeup, not the crow.
she's completely lost the plot kek.

No. 2039641


She really is mentally twelve

No. 2039642

Bahahaha fat, meanwhile ur simping for a girl with her quote “sugar tummy”… she’s not gorgeous, as someone else said at most she is average, now slightly below that due to botching herself so bad with filler. I think you were looking for the subliminal YouTube videos made on becoming her and ur in the wrong place

No. 2039644

File: 1727490630424.jpeg (22.97 KB, 333x393, IMG_9275.jpeg)

The conventionally beautiful girl in question

No. 2039645

Imagine how embarrassed her family must be

No. 2039647

she makes the weirdest faces in photos like she’s trying so hard to make her lips look huge and eyes big… all i can think about is that face jerma makes when someone says he’s handsome

No. 2039648

Is this the same dollskill dress Heather Sparkles has been wearing everywhere?

No. 2039651

File: 1727492084799.jpeg (82.32 KB, 1284x538, IMG_0755.jpeg)

For the millionth time, we get it girl

No. 2039653

Did this bitch really wear white to someone else’s wedding? Selfish and vain. Also her lips looks grossly deflated here (I know it’s how she’s holding her mouth but still ugly) and her hair always looks like it would feel like a crunchy helmet if you touched it.

No. 2039654

He’s not going to marry you girl, you have no redeemable qualities as a partner!

Doesn’t work, no education. No drive to do anything! Plays dress up like a four year old.
Thinks her making trinkets and crochet stuffies is being a creative when she uses other peoples templates for everything.
Who wants to take care of someone else for the rest of their life. Like get a pet or kid would probably cost less than affording alidas expensive dress habit.

Why does she want to be legally bound to a man. That sounds horrifying.

No. 2039662

File: 1727494509839.jpeg (444.55 KB, 1025x951, IMG_0345.jpeg)

You nonnas inspired me.

No. 2039669

this is actually humiliating

No. 2039671

Brilliant lolol!
She legit does look like a jugalette.
She must have gone to her dad for money to get some white foundation, black liner and a goth dress from Temu, for these spectacular tiktok creations. Also money for all of the future "cosplays" to come.

No. 2039694

Petition for this to be the next thread pic

No. 2039701

She's never been to the bay area, new york, or LA, apparently. That shit happens daily

No. 2039703

oh my god. Tbh at first I was empathetic because hey, it's just a cringe goth phase but this is so embarrassing

No. 2039722

>Brand oR
>natural healthy blonde
Girl it’s bleached. Brooklyn probably just goes to a professional or has extentions aka she has more money kek

No. 2039732

Alida attention seeking is extreme How does she get away with disordered narc behavior, but others not? Her relationships look like she wants to get harmed on purpose so she can get attention later on, like LDR, doing it all for attention and thril and new drama. No feminist moral police is ever catching her or her disgusting handmaiden "old women are jealous" friends.

No. 2039740

File: 1727518170473.jpg (485.76 KB, 868x1689, Screenshot_20240928_060632_Chr…)

The extensions are extremely obvious. They're not even blended or color matched. They're just a big hunk of yellow hair under her real (toned) hair. The shelf makes me think they're those one piece halo extensions.

No. 2039787

I wonder if this is the end of Alida's years long obsession with Lana Del Rey

No. 2039803

File: 1727536937476.jpeg (127.55 KB, 828x1134, IMG_8235.jpeg)

i mean, it’s definitely highlighted but you can clearly see that it’s her real hair. and this is 2019, years and years ago. so even if she did have extensions now, her hair still isn’t short and fried to hell like alidas

No. 2039817

File: 1727540866378.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3464x3464, 235A31D1-E5BF-4AA3-AC38-5A83F0…)

She’ll never stop trying to posture herself as the #1 Lana stan and living her life like a song from Ultraviolence, since that’s one of the main things she’s known for.

No. 2039827

Whats the obsession with to ass length hair anyways? I must be missing something. In the pictures with the extensions she would be just as pretty without them… is long hair really so super beautiful?

No. 2039874

Yes can confirm, she is a natural blonde from childhood into adulthood. If anything she may have lightened it 1 shade, but she has always had the long very light blonde. Unlike Alida tho, I have never heard her talk about being descended from a blonde Aryan master alien race.

No. 2039883

I think coquettes/anachans like it because it simulates more childlike proportions, it makes your your body seem smaller if you have an unusually large amount of hair. I've noticed a ton of anorexics who are obsessed with having ass length hair (if theirs hasn't fallen out already). Personally I just associate it with depression and not bothering to get a haircut for years on end lol

No. 2039886

Coquettes fetishize feminism and youth. It's that whole stupid thing where long hair is seen as girly and youthful. Slap a bow on it and it's seen as even more childlike and feminine. It's all about being like a little girl as much as possible for (usually) men, and it's kinda sick if you think about it too much.

No. 2039901

Alida deleted a few rants before I could catch them. Something along the lines of demons are trying to ruin her birthday (her bday is early Oct). These demons come in the form of "bad bitches" and she's so thankful that she is Jesus's favourite. Brooklyn also had a story up that is gone now, with her friends, and a song saying something along the lines of, we're coming for you bitch. Idk if it's related or not.

No. 2039908

100% something is going down between Alida and some other female/s. Whether it's Brooklyn or not, only time will tell. Alida keeps alluding to it all being revealed in time. Imagine her going to court over beef with someone, she'd be trying to butter everyone up pretending she's all sweet and cute with that stupid baby voice she uses.

No. 2040015

File: 1727579868877.jpeg (385.35 KB, 1284x1853, IMG_0763.jpeg)

Calling yourself "Cherubic Joe Rogan" is a wild take kek

No. 2040018

Imagine writing cringey shit like that when you’re pushing 24.

No. 2040052

>can't write retarded captions because she's a HAG pushing 24!!!
This is such a nitpick she's literally a zoomie.

No. 2040056

joe rogan is a bloated, washed-up retard peddling conspiracies and believing the dumbest shit imaginable and thinking he’s so smart and deep for it, so yeah this tracks

No. 2040059

She was kinds cute back in the day but she genuinely looks retarded now. Like she needs a caretaker to follow her around.

No. 2040076

24 isn’t old, it would be so much worse if she was still saying this at 34

No. 2040080

Anybody know what happened to Kristen Fury? (the girl Alida accused of sex trafficking her.) All of her socials have been completely deleted recently? She had a couple hundred thousand followers the last time I checked.

No. 2040109

Changed her handle to liviakristensage

No. 2040112

>Something along the lines of demons are trying to ruin her birthday
She’s so funny kek

No. 2040144

Lmao alida is always using her spirituality or whatever so she doesn’t have to take accountability for her poor life decisions. It’s always ~oh no the demons are out to get me it can’t possibly be my own behavior~

No. 2040186

Extensions aren't just for making your hair longer. Lots of people use them to make their hair thicker. I guess it's more easy for me to see because I wear them too. There's nothing wrong with wearing extensions, it's weird to deny it and try to demonize it though.

No. 2040227

File: 1727635669675.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1179x1833, IMG_9211.jpeg)

She was mentioned in the last thread, but apparently Sloan Bailey went on a date with Barron Trump? What an upgrade from her last scrote

No. 2040237

During her live she legitimately stated that any wrong doings in your life or any bad feelings you have are the work of the devil

No. 2040246

The current coquette obsession is Melania Trump so it makes sense that one of them would shoot for the stars and attempt marrying into the retard rape family

No. 2040276

File: 1727644471731.jpeg (313.21 KB, 1170x2080, 5F36C552-38C2-4394-860A-61B84F…)

Possible tinfoil but does anyone think this could be about the alida/brooklyn feud? Alida can’t publicly tell anyone about it but she’s definitely cried to her new moid about it.
Going back to her post around the dog bite weekend, with the song “bang bang (my baby shot me)” and the caption “God sees all and we shall be judged through our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ”
We know she was playing around with that gun for the weird goth pics. Makes me wonder if they were arguing, brooklyn threatened alida w the gun and somehow the dogs got in the middle of it. I know this is a big tinfoil but I’m honestly so curious to know what happened.

No. 2040303

File: 1727648072005.jpg (12.02 KB, 502x57, 080758.jpg)

Interesting tinfoil! That'd be wild if that is true! She is always using the term shoot or getting shot at since that moment, so hmmmm…. and that song choice was really weird at the time.
Oh thanks! I just realised that it's a whole new account, as she had waaay more followers on her last one and all of the pics are recently uploaded.

No. 2040321

File: 1727649029467.jpg (44.15 KB, 287x301, 082307.jpg)

She just put this up 30 mins ago.
Again with the 'bang bang'.

No. 2040325

File: 1727649689076.jpg (24.35 KB, 264x415, 83206.jpg)

Brooklyn also put this up. I'm lurking on everybody like an absolute psychopath, bc I don't wanna miss any of the drama for my clan here. They all keep on posting then deleting soon after. Hard to tell if it's directed at each other, or lolcow tho.

No. 2040333

the amount of pics they all take with their guns out pointing at the camera, tryin to be threatening and edgy

No. 2040335

File: 1727651289525.png (433.05 KB, 343x608, playing gunsies 4 funsies.png)

No. 2040337

>>2040335 >>2040325

Immaturity. People who do shit like that need to have their weapon revoked.

No. 2040340

They use guns as though they are cosplay props.

No. 2040345

File: 1727653559136.jpg (10.63 KB, 412x58, 094337.jpg)

Just hurry up and spill the beans already. I wanna finally know what happened & hear this truth.

No. 2040349

she keeps stating that all will be revealed soon, the truth will come out. makes me think there is an upcoming court case around her bday. (tinfoiling)

No. 2040352

They'll probably get rid of them willingly after the trauma of watching their friend die when one of these reatrds inevitably shoots someone while playing around. Genuinely embarrassing for any number of reasons to pose with guns like this, but especially hilarious because it's so immediately obvious how soft they all are, and how they'd all run or cry or call the police or look for the nearest man to help them if something actually went down.

No. 2040353

If so, she is talking as though she's already won it. Bet she practices what she is going to say to the Judge in the mirror every night.
Is this also why she has been calling herself 'Vengeance' lately?

No. 2040357

Everytime they get their guns out, they have to go to their wardrobe and pick something in all black too. Gotta make it as edgy as possible. (Even though they never wear black any other time.)

No. 2040361

can picture the judge watching them both come into the room all dolled up to the nines, thinking they're just a couple of feuding bimbos.

No. 2040364

Alida would be acting all cutesy, sugary sweet and putting on the waterworks.

No. 2040370

File: 1727658577329.jpg (33 KB, 583x133, 110835.jpg)

These Lana fans are mental.

No. 2040371

i'd be more impressed if he was a crocodile wrangler. gators are docile af in comparison, you can prod em with a stick and they still won't do anything

No. 2040375

Hysterical, if true. It means he couldn't zip his lips for long about it kek

No. 2040380

File: 1727660806864.jpg (14.31 KB, 578x73, 114433.jpg)

Jesus isn't your daddy.

No. 2040382

File: 1727660864890.jpeg (233.48 KB, 1284x1402, IMG_0770.jpeg)

Does she know what "rizzing up" someone usually means?? Why would you post that your dad's rizzing you up with your bf in the car…

No. 2040385

File: 1727661358284.mp4 (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 1XbY1g91tP0wSPYG.mp4)

>"You can't tell me that Simone isn't the prettiest thing you've ever seen." – her Dad.
Her Dad's a freak, when he allowed a pedo into his daughters life when she was underage, while her mother was passing away. She calls him her protector, like Ryan, but both are anything but that. Also, don't like how her Dad touches her in photos or the weirdo songs he puts with videos of her on his tiktok. Something is waaaaaaay off. Not sorry to say it, it GIVES ME THE ICK! I get that some people are that close with their dads and it means nothing, but for me, eeeek yep no thanks. Too much.

No. 2040386

File: 1727661385122.mp4 (2.05 MB, 888x986, my ACTUAL DADDY rizzing me up …)

kek i just screen recorded this and was about to post it. she’s making the most retarded faces. definitely doesn’t care about the actual meaning behind “rizzing up” given her incest fetish

No. 2040390

her bio was “Princess of Christ” for a day, i think she does view Jesus as the ultimate daddy

No. 2040393

If my dad starting talking to me like that, I'd hurl mid anxiety attack. No way, is that normal, or anything he has up of her. Never puts up his son, or other family. His posts ALWAYS fixate on her. How she talked about him in her latest Live, felt off too. Heaping him in with Ryan and Brandon, all being her protectors. Jesus too. Omg, it's one big what the actual fuck. This girl has major daddy issues, all stemming from her bio dad it seems.

No. 2040394

ew that's nasty

No. 2040407

imagine gloating about your dad fetishizing you and then posting about it with an incestuous undertone

No. 2040421

File: 1727671011106.jpeg (243.25 KB, 1242x1482, IMG_7187.jpeg)

Alida figured it out and deleted

No. 2040426

File: 1727672088313.jpeg (226.33 KB, 1284x1005, IMG_0774.jpeg)

Damage control

No. 2040431

I don’t think calling girls lame is the correct way to go about this Alida

No. 2040432

Maybe lookup or research what you’re saying before actually saying it?

No. 2040434

File: 1727673841338.jpeg (274.81 KB, 1242x1776, IMG_7191.jpeg)

No. 2040436

File: 1727674680485.jpg (44.15 KB, 581x290, 153214.jpg)

She just had to repost it again, with a new vain riddled caption. Is this directed at Ryan passive aggressively?

No. 2040445

what is alidas dads tiktok @ ?

No. 2040450

Doesn't her dad have a girlfriend? Shouldn't he be saying that she is the prettiest he's ever seen?

No. 2040461

All I can see is her dragging that poor fucking dog from one hot place to another. Jesus Christ what does the husky even help her larp anyhow? I doubt she’d shed a single real tear if it died or got lost, she’s too self-absorbed to care about a pet beyond how it looks next to her.

No. 2040468

She doesn't have an excuse either; like she can't move to the cold because of finance or a job. Her father seems to pay for whatever she wants, and would pay for her full rent and entire lifestyle in a colder State and she doesn't even ever have a job to worry about. It's not like she's living in a country that doesn't have much colder states.

No. 2040472

>how does the husky even help her larp
because she has ~blue eyes~!

No. 2040477

Even if it was just somewhere that had full spectrum of seasons. She takes this dog outside too constantly and do we ever see her putting out a wading pool for Luna’s paws? It’s not comfy for them on hot sand and hot pavement, but I doubt Alida cares. I doubt Alida is taking care to give her supplements for her eyes and joints since those go first on huskies if you don’t watch out. I doubt Alida is exercising her properly either since it’s so hot and humid in Florida the dog would collapse trying to run. Just give the dog to someone up North who will come rescue it me and get a little teacup purse dog, Alida. Ugly yappy overpriced and annoying—it’s much more on brand.

No. 2040482

Huskies are annoying as fuck and they kill other animals for fun. Idk who you think you are shitting on smaller dogs like that when your favourite breed literally looks like smile.dog.(dog hate outside of containment)

No. 2040485

File: 1727688332843.jpg (201.79 KB, 943x936, smile dog.jpg)

I had to google smile dog and now I can't unsee it.

No. 2040488

The fact her dad says “prettiest thing” and not “prettiest girl/woman etc”, rubs me the wrong way too. Let’s not forget he used to take the pics of her for her bikinis, not exactly creepy but definitely a bit strange.
She’s even objectified by her own father kek no wonder she’s obsessed with her looks, that’s all people say to her. Even when she would be vulnerable online about abuse or how she’s feeling, even when her mother passed, all her comments remain about how pretty she is. It’s honestly sad

No. 2040491

This! Yes!
It sounds like he's trying to sell his daughter to the highest bidder or something. It's sooo seedy. Like why even say that to her current bf? He has two eyes, he can see and have his own perception. She is definitely objectified by her own dad, and pretty much everybody else, even herself. That video combined with many others I have seen, make him seem like a total weirdo. Grosses me out.

No. 2040501

Agreed. A father should never see his daughter that way. Get someone else to take those bikini shots. Exploiting his daughter and befriending groomers. What a creep. Why doesn't he help her in gaining independence instead like a proper father would.

No. 2040504

In Alida's world, a day can't go by where someone is saying "you're the prettiest" and if nobody says it, she will say it herself.
It's not wrong to feel pretty, but holy fuck.

No. 2040518


She has it a “service dog” something you can only get in the states if you have a disability I’m almost sure which she doesn’t have it’s another scam for sympathy and to take the dog on plans

No. 2040521

I see nothing wrong with or scary about smiledog

No. 2040565

she totally doesnt care about “fitting in” or being “trendy”…. but actually she has to be the ONLY coquette girl because she starts EVERY trend and everyone is copying her!

No. 2040568

her disability is terminal retardation and narcissism

No. 2040595

and it’s funny because she copies lana del rey. like those flower bikinis that “she made”, a shot of one exactly like it is in a lana del rey music video in red(sage your shit)

No. 2040596

not the jordan peterson schizo bullshit kek

No. 2040599

File: 1727718199507.jpeg (507.43 KB, 828x1217, IMG_8350.jpeg)

What the hell does this even mean. That she’s fucking her boyfriend on her birthday?.. Why share that with the world.

No. 2040623

She wants to be just like all the lolita blog girls from back in the day, they were literally all the exact same and there is nothing original about it. All you had to do was type lolita or nymphet into tumblr in 2014 and anyone could post and dress like her. She’s clinging onto her peak era for dear life. She’s trying to impress her loser boyfriend by trying this new e-girl shit, but it’s so obviously unauthentic and cosplay. That’s how both of her personas feel, boring and messy because they’re not really her. She should seriously consider getting a job (although she never will because daddy pays for everything) I think if she worked retail or at a restaurant or some shit she would get humbled so fast. Part of me is just dying to see a “normal” Alida and part of me knows she will never change lol

No. 2040644

File: 1727726195089.jpeg (147.09 KB, 1125x699, IMG_9334.jpeg)

do we think this is about brooklyn?

No. 2040645

File: 1727726221593.jpeg (151.89 KB, 1095x661, IMG_9336.jpeg)


No. 2040654

>art of me is just dying to see a “normal” Alida
I know you meant normal social situation wise, but i'd pay her to just dress normal and yeet out her current wardrobe (and yeah Brandon Lee cosplays are no better). i'm tired of her plastic shein baby blue and pink cream dresses, like tacky Barbie unicorn utopia or something. Every time i see this thread, i think she looks like she's trying hardest to squeeze herself into a wedding cake

No. 2040663

I totally meant both socially and wardrobe wise. She looks so cheap and the aesthetic she goes for used to suit her but she truly cannot accept that it doesn’t anymore. Like the wedding photo someone shared, I actually think she looks the best she has in a while because she’s wearing a pretty plain dress and it seems she has normal makeup and no filters. If your dad and boyfriend are gonna pay for everything, why waste it on shitty cheap looking clothes? Why not invest in something that suits you and looks nicer? I think she could definitely still dress feminine and cute, and incorporate that into it. But she makes herself look dumb constantly trying to be something she isn’t.

No. 2040687

File: 1727734177053.png (370.69 KB, 640x357, thesame.png)

No. 2040706

Oh for sure, that definitely has to be about Brooklyn.

No. 2040723

File: 1727740780437.jpeg (542.82 KB, 1284x2087, IMG_0779.jpeg)

Alida is going absolutely buck wild over on Twitter and it's so milky kek

No. 2040724

File: 1727740942519.jpeg (304.93 KB, 1284x1910, IMG_0785.jpeg)

"Baby pink souls" I think Lana would be the first to say her soul is not baby pink it's gator green or some shit. The parasocial relationship Alida has going on is borderline psychopathic, but everyone's trying to impersonate and copy her, right? Just because she followed you doesn't mean you have the same souls

No. 2040725

File: 1727741047562.jpeg (526.7 KB, 1284x1879, IMG_0783.jpeg)

Alida addresses the escort situation kekekek

No. 2040742

Why didn't she say all of this YEARS ago, it would have stopped the rumours in their tracks. Why now? She just sat there and let these rumours fly. She never addresses any gossip ever. Then it grows lol

No. 2040749

Alida is a nasty overt narc/bippie and Lana is a weirdo who attended Diddy's freakoff parties and fetishizes pedophilia…definitely not baby pink souls. More like weird soulless demonic bpd whores.

No. 2040750

File: 1727744480924.jpg (201.55 KB, 901x695, 05602.jpg)

Idc what she says about that shady couple. The fact that they took a girl who just turned 18 on this trip, and took photos of her like this, was inappropriate. Also, all of those videos of her and Susie sexually suggestively dancing together back then??? Felt predatory to me. A swinger, MASSIVE age-gap couple, taking this young girl overseas and then the footage was all sexually orientated…. Didn't she say that this guy had connections to men who frequent the Bohemian Grove too? Omg, I could go on.
The moment Alida's mum passed away, all of the vultures swooshed in, wanting to be her 'friends'.
Lana only followed Alida because of her appearance too.

No. 2040764

she always looks so stinky

No. 2040765

Good catch, cos he deleted it.

No. 2040768

Being called beautiful makes her happy. But it's unsustainable if that's the main source of her dopamine.

No. 2040782

Can’t wait for her to get old and realize beauty means NOTHING

No. 2040783

My belief is that Alida is coming to the realisation that she doesn't have many female friends left. The ones she has, aren't that close. So she's moving more into the direction of "men are protectors and I need to surround myself with them" than ever before. But what she doesn't get is that men will fuck anything that moves, and it's easy to gather men and trick yourself into believing they are the safer option. That you are special to them. They will tell you they love you afterall, and give you whatever you want, but with a price. Women, she believes, are spiteful creatures out to get her. Jealous and malicious. Because she has butt heads with many.
But she is hanging around the WRONG people altogether. She never listens to reason. There are good, intelligent women out there who would support her and help her, not because they believe she is the prettiest or to covet her or compete. But if they aren't attractive themselves, or if she sees them as normies, then she won't give them the time of day. The people she has always been around, are internet addicted weirdos. Both men and women alike. Even her own Dad is weird and covets her.

No. 2040785

fuk i wanto know what this fued between her and brooklyn is all about and why brook is labelled the most evil thing to walk the earth right now kek

No. 2040789

File: 1727752498604.mp4 (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, cZB8gdQDaeEPJgzKrljl9hfXZtm.mp…)

Idk but I think she is starting to make music about it lol.
>she aint even worth the discussion

No. 2040791

This is so fucking funny. She's a few days shy of being in her mid-twenties; "lame girls my age" sounds like a cope for losing touch with teenagers and 21 year olds. It's okay to start maturing Alida, you should try to let it happen.

No. 2040793

>lame girls my age
I picked up on that too. It must be killing her that she's not in the youngest generation anymore, or a part of gen Alpha. Slipping up and sounding like an 'out-of-touch boomer' in her mind. Absolute madness, and definite witch from snow white energy.

No. 2040807

Wait a second… did Lana follow her twice? I thought she followed her after she went missing and went viral, years before?

No. 2040810

lana deleted her accounts and made a new one multiple times(sage your shit)

No. 2040811

Oh so she went back to Alida and followed her again. That'd have to be making Alida's head swell even bigger than it already is lol

No. 2040818

Lana never followed her on her lanadelrey account; only the honeymoon account once in 22 like she posted. Lana’s ex-man posted Alida’s missing poster. Don’t know if he followed her too but I think he did.

No. 2040826

She also follows that Susie from the looks of it.

No. 2040849

do you know which ex it was? seems kind of creepy they reposted her missing photo

No. 2040850

Pretty sure it was Barrie O’Neill

No. 2040853

Yes that's creepy! Especially following her after, when she was what, 16?

No. 2040873

>freezing, crouching
Ehhh… i may be misremembering but wasn't it summer and sunny and warm outside? I think she was wearing one of her terrible sundresses in her pics with Lana but i could be wrong.

No. 2040875

It was in Ireland during summer which probably feels cold to someone from Florida I guess

No. 2040877

I wonder what happened to the music video they kept alluding to filming last summer in key west, pretty sure Alida was hoping to outshine Brooklyn anyways. After all she is “thee key west kitten” kek(unsaged, doubleposting)

No. 2040897

Not to tinfoil but I feel like you might be her.

No. 2040953

Crazyyyy did they actually admit their swingers? I don’t doubt they preyed on her for a second. Also wild they just let her live with them for free years later out of the blue.. and then suddenly she had a creepy old man boss who gave her a Porsche for free… I’m sure that “boss” was friends w Susie’s creepy husband too

No. 2041024

A lot of people come in here talking about Alida’s age, that 24 isn’t old or young.

Your correct though 24 isn’t old, its old enough to be considered an adult though, and she has been for a number of years.

And as an adult, you are the only one responsible for your security and stability

All of which she has put no effort forth to do for herself. She plays damsel in distress but acts like a harden individual on the fringes of society who’s seen it all.

What I’m saying is she’s made it other peoples responsibilities her whole life to take care of her. So yes 24 isn’t old but does alida in any way act like a 24 year old? I don’t think so.

No. 2041070

Lol nope? Luckily I am someone who works a fulltime job (unlike a certain cow we know)
I’m just a loser who wants the milk nona (sorry for derailing but just wanted to clarify)(sage your shit)

No. 2041078

File: 1727816386873.jpeg (11.64 MB, 4479x6042, D98A6050-4FA6-4648-8122-5B63E8…)

Anyone seen this Lana Del Rey nepo baby ripoff, Remy Bond? Kek I keep seeing her on my feed and roll my eyes every time. People on tiktok found out her parents are extremely wealthy and are shocked, but she came out of nowhere with really high budget music videos and producing. Anyways, she writes the most boring tumblrina ~coquette~ music and I find it very cringe but a lot of people from the coquette community are super into her. “I need a real love just like Sid and Nancy” but if she saw a junkie on the side of the street she would call the cops lmfao. Not sure if this is milky enough but haven’t seen her mentioned here yet

No. 2041102

That's crazy. I just looked her up and she was on MasterChef junior, and even on the TV show it was obvious she was from an upper class family

No. 2041103

File: 1727819049385.jpeg (105.82 KB, 828x220, IMG_5314.jpeg)

Shots fired

No. 2041106

How can you complain about rich white girls when you don’t have to work for anything and never have lol

No. 2041116

Already deleted? She needs to shut up if she isn’t gonna stand on business

No. 2041123

Yeah, it was Barrie. PULL had the screenshots. You can most likely still find it in the archive. It was really creepy but Alida’s minions were also spamming him and Lana to repost the missing poster.

No. 2041159

File: 1727829664574.jpg (58.55 KB, 476x581, 103135.jpg)

Looks like daddy dearest bought her a new birthday dress. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Exactly. Her dad has been giving her money for expensive dresses and lingerie (weird). Seems she only buys from brands these days. Love & Lemons, Honey Birdette, House of CB, Lace Made Official, Brandy Melville, Laura Ashley etc. She has no room to talk.

No. 2041162

Yes! That old Porsche geezer was connected to them and all of the other shady mfs she was hanging around. This couple are not as sweet and beautiful as she makes them out to be. Alida's brain is distorted when it comes to what she deems as being normal. She hangs around with freaks and mimics, always has. She seems to like people fetishising her.

No. 2041180

File: 1727832047987.jpeg (477.35 KB, 1284x2256, IMG_0793.jpeg)

"She's perfect" she's overweight and most likely has attacked more than one dog that we know of.

No. 2041185

lmao she's lurking and didn't like us calling her smile dog. I wonder if Luna was involved in the dog bite incident at all? Afterall, there were two dogs on the scene at the time. Brooklyn's dog and Luna.

No. 2041189

it’s abusive to keep this dog in florida and likely cooped up and bored all day because this retard won’t put down her phone

No. 2041205

Living with your dad is one thing. But living with him and he fully takes care of you as though you're his babygirl is gross and embarrassing. Especially at 24.

No. 2041208

Dont dog sperg here. The bitch is fine on short walks. She lives in the house the rest of the time.

No. 2041211

Alidas Day:
Wakes up
Gloats about herself all day long

No. 2041219

you forgot religious psychosis and egirl cosplay

No. 2041222

Daddy's little princess vibes (puke)

No. 2041229

File: 1727843578127.jpg (9.13 KB, 356x57, 143213.jpg)

Whatever you say retard

No. 2041231

that's gonna age like milk. dude you're dating an actual narcissist.

No. 2041232

All men are stupid.

No. 2041277

File: 1727852487093.jpg (121.49 KB, 722x956, lolll.jpg)

ok now this is funny, posting this after someone called her the smile dog. The dynamic between Alida and lolcow is a beautiful thing.

No. 2041286

Do you know how to fucking sage? Why do none of the retards in this thread know how to sage?

No. 2041298

I want Alida to become a twitch streamer so that I can laugh at all the fedora tipping scrotes in the chat.

No. 2041299

Y'know what I just realized? Why don't we ever see men doing that on any of her socials, it's all women in her comments? No moid tards trying to flirt or asking for foot pics. I've never once seen it anyway. You think she'd have a whole bunch of them in there.

No. 2041343

She keeps posting videos and photos from her old birthdays

It’s so creepy

And also do you guys think anyone every gets tired of her being so self absorbed like bitch do a chore and stop thinking about yourself all day(this is an imageboard)

No. 2041416

>She is very naturally pretty to me, whereas Alida isn't
so you think that women's only value is their looks?(derailing)

No. 2041418

Curious to see how the tinfoiled court case goes down. A gun threat and a dog attack are valid but Alida was literally staying in Brooklyn’s home rent free. Is brooklyn going the trespassing route? Cause what other charge could she press?
We’ll definitely see true colors come out (but we already see them kek)
I can’t wait to see however it plays out. It’s gonna be juicy(sage your shit)

No. 2041419

Her aesthetic caters to women's sensibilities. Males aren't really into the whole lana del ray sad angel-nymphet-Lolita thing to the point where they'll interact with it online. They'll happily date and have sex with these types of women but men only really like simping for outwardly slutty women who cater to their scrotal desires.

No. 2041440

Literally the anon your replying to says that alida makes everything about looks so thats where her standpoint on alida vs brooklyn is at… like you scrolled up to a five day old post to incorrectly nitpick at what is being said about alida vs brooklyn? You sound like the cow herself coming to defend her honor. Stop.

No. 2041552

File: 1727919858514.jpeg (868.8 KB, 1125x1577, IMG_9396.jpeg)

engagement farming on twitter again by posting pictures from 4-8 years ago. sad to think that she’s already peaked because her filler face and styling have doomed her

No. 2041560

she said the pedos will love this one!

No. 2041582

Thank you! Yes!
No need to get your knickers in a twist. I don't know if you are new here, or are just another Alida fan (has she noticed you yet?) - but one of the biggest talking points when it comes to Alida, is her vanity/pride. She is one of, if not THE most shallow and conceited person on this site. She preaches to all about how beautiful she is, almost daily, on a level that is well and truly above normal (that goes hand in hand with her God complex and grandiose narcissism), and how ugly others are (has attacked MANY over appearance, including Brooklyn during a Live ((her height and slipped out that she looks nothing like her social media - which is rich coming from her)) even when they were meant to be friends, including women here and ESPECIALLY older women). She is CONSTANTLY preening and staring at herself. It can be comical but also makes me scratch my head wondering what all the fuss is about. She is pretentious and manipulative, and even though she is told that she is the most beautiful from fans (in mass numbers and pretty much every single day), it is never enough to sate it. She is gluttonous with attention; she never receives enough. She is the one OBSESSING over blonde hair (which is why I brought up hair and yes she desires natural blonde and would prefer if others believed she was one), blue eyes and being Aryan descent from some racist alien race. For me, I wonder what all the fuss is about, I don't find her all that beautiful but many do and feed into it. As I said, we all perceive things differently. Abusing filters is another talking point here, and why shouldn't it be? It is a real and growing problem especially for young girls. Getting procedures done and then blatantly lying about them, even though she is meant to be highly religious. Any argument or criticism always goes back to looks. You can have a gripe with her and she will turn it into her being attacked like 'Malena' cos she is soooo beautiful and that's all it could be right? I could go on, but this is already too much of a long-winded essay as it already is.
So run back to her socials now where you can comment mundane praise to her with all of the others (that also all revolve around looks), where you belong. Why does it bother you so much anyway? When she has WAY more people praising her than people who don't. We are but a small number in comparison, a minority, a drop in the water. Most adore her, or are indifferent toward her. Even she doesn't really give a shit about what we say because her ego is as big as the sun and will continue to fixate on her appearance until forever. Failing to see how ridiculous she is being. If she herself doesn't care, then why do you? The farm is also a form of attention, as it means we don't find her boring in the slightest. Boring is one thing that she is not. She is entertaining and I love watching all of her antics, I love talking about it with like-minded women who are also scratching their heads over it. It is funny, these threads make me laugh so much, Alida makes me laugh too. It's not 'hate', because I don't hate her. I will make fun of the living embodiment of the witch from snow white and you can go and cry about it more. Mirror mirror on the wall…(sperging)

No. 2041597

kekkk at Alida's band of whiteknights coming in here all the time

No. 2041600

File: 1727931741795.jpg (55.26 KB, 594x567, 1.jpg)

Omg that post got traction (bc of course it did, only her teenager content gets traction) and the comments are hysterical.

No. 2041601

File: 1727931934517.jpg (12.73 KB, 591x91, 2.jpg)

No. 2041603

Yep, men prefer less is more, literally. Everything about Alida is overinflated. Too many frills and trinkets, overdone hair, babyish acccessories. It appeals to women but not men.

No. 2041607

>So run back to her socials now where you can comment mundane praise to her with all of the others (that also all revolve around looks), where you belong
ayrt. I'm not a fan of hers and only know about her from these threads
>She preaches to all about how beautiful she is, almost daily, on a level that is well and truly above normal
which most people would interpret as a sign of mental illness

No. 2041610

Most people probably don’t find her schtick that endearing. It’s why she’s never been remotely famous or at least been able to fund her lifestyle through social media. Soon it’ll be a decade since her “viral” pictures were taken and she’ll have nothing to show for it.

No. 2041611

Alida's orbiters want to shut down the Alida threads but at the same time they're here everyday reading it all.

No. 2041616

Sorry nonna, I jumped to conclusions and thought you were one of them >>2041611
I redirect my comment to whoever that person is that keeps trying to defend Alida in here. I think it's the same person that has been trying for years LOL
>ugly old fat hags
.. as is her go to line usually. But idk. Anyway….

No. 2041617

You'd think that bitch would've run outta vpns by now. I thought she worked through them all in the last few threads vpn hopping, being a shady cunt and getting banned all the time.

No. 2041622

File: 1727938082587.jpg (8.94 KB, 354x56, 164631.jpg)

Eww look it's a pedo like Ryan in her comments…

No. 2041627

kek she locked her page to private after getting all that hate

No. 2041652

Ended up deleting all of the birthday posts too

No. 2041655

changed her handle and took down her irl name

No. 2041674

File: 1727958037156.jpeg (80.48 KB, 1170x810, IMG_0629.jpeg)

Why doesn’t he ask alida? KEK

No. 2041720

File: 1727972281717.jpeg (42.95 KB, 480x480, IMG_8495.jpeg)

it might just be me, but the weird the about her viral photos at 16/17, is that in those photos she looks a lot older than a 16/17 year old. in the picrel, she’s 15 but looks 20 to me. she’s always been very mature (face wise) for her age. i think it’s because of the lip filler, and the makeup she wore. but for someone who’s so obsessed with being a nymphet, her face looks a lot older than her age and it always has

No. 2041722

alida’s white knights love to jump in any time someone calls her ugly haha it’s so funny, i have zero respect for someone who has such little self awareness. it’s so fucking easy to sit in your room all day doing your makeup taking selfies and bashing other chicks online, especially when you have zero repercussions for your behavior and daddy pays for everything. it’s so easy to see through her schtick. she’s just a user who (tries to) manipulates her audience into thinking she’s godly when she’s literally the biggest narc. she used brooklyn, she’s using her dad, and she’s using her new moid. if she wants to earn some respect from normal individuals let’s see her get a job and stop sperging stupid schizo shit online

No. 2041728

how tf did she get lip fillers at 15????

No. 2041733

File: 1727974267317.png (469.06 KB, 500x481, IMG_8497.png)

not sure on the specifics obviously since she denies it, but it’s painfully obvious seeing as the photos she took a year before her lips were much thinner. are you new?

No. 2041737


How does a child get access to fillers anyway? I thought it was a medical procedure you have to go into a doctor’s office for. idk who this is but a parent or guardian must’ve been taking her as a minor much like the plastic surgery crazy in the 2000’s. It always looks bad.(sage your shit)

No. 2041750

depending on where you live, it’s not difficult to buy filler off a nurse that works in an injection clinic or someone who knows how to obtain it. All you need is access to the supplier and the right certifications. Or pay a nurse who’s willing to come to your house regardless of your age. Filler and Botox parties aren’t uncommon in areas where I live.

No. 2041777

File: 1727979693193.jpeg (438.73 KB, 1170x1980, 3F317B2A-F462-4538-A9A4-C5B5A9…)

Jfc that is quite literally YOUR job

No. 2041785

Lol is this a flex? Doesnt sound like one. Assuming hes worked since 18, then he changes jobs faster than alita changes her outfits. It sounds like he either gets fired, laid off of shitty temp agency jobs, or is just immature and quits when he is bored. If he wanted to sound cool he should have just said "been working since i was 18, hbu?" But whatever exaggerated lie you gotta tell yourself to get back at LC and farmers for taking in the milk they provide all on their own. Lmfao

No. 2041787

Honestly I wonder why she went that far?

No. 2041796

Shes probably never gotten that much hate on one of her posts before and the bitch cant take criticism. She probably thinks those are a bunch of Farmers or something. Shes probably fully and honestly embarrassed and pissed because she isnt being adored by random scrotes on the internet. She could be a bad bitch and own her shit and say fuck it to all the loser moids trying to have opinions on her. But its all just proof to her fragility and need for validation. The most pathetic of pick me behaviors. Pick mes never prosper simone.

No. 2041845

Alida has always been low-key broke (as she just mooches off of people and doesn’t have any real income) so I wouldn’t be surprised if she bought the filler injections herself and did a diy-hack job. However that’s IF she even has them. Sometimes I think it looks like they’ve been done [terribly] and other times it just looks like she’s over-lining her lips/angles.

No. 2041852

File: 1727997678174.jpeg (225.95 KB, 642x543, IMG_8517.jpeg)

u think she doesn’t have filler? lmfao wow(sage your shit)

No. 2041854

I'm an old PULL user, and I was around the time of Alida's thread, and I remember one time in 2016 she commented on her ig that her lips went back to natural at night or some shit like that, since by those times everyone was asking her if her lips are real. I have to get around to looking that up because I remember it perfectly.(sage your shit)

No. 2041896

File: 1728005710052.jpeg (319.15 KB, 1284x2152, IMG_0807.jpeg)

Looks like someone finally got their bear hat. And all it took was an alleged robbery! Alida is grasping for any female friends she can find to worship her and then dump, but I definitely wouldn't be fucking with this one if I were her.

No. 2041904

It implies he began working at a younger age

No. 2041913

File: 1728008812924.jpeg (490.91 KB, 1170x1236, IMG_6986.jpeg)

bruh what the fuck did I do(cowtipping)

No. 2041921

File: 1728010942823.jpeg (629.29 KB, 1170x1538, IMG_1517.jpeg)

>“Don’t sexualize teenage-me!!!!”
>is an autopedophile

No. 2041931

File: 1728012270996.jpeg (309.33 KB, 1170x870, IMG_1520.jpeg)

Does she think everyone forgot about her pedopandering Playboy bunny phase? >>1740698, >>1740744

No. 2041935

File: 1728012477685.png (7.26 MB, 1170x2532, 1673312490420.png)

No. 2041940

She literally had a playboy account wtf is she talking about???

No. 2041946

File: 1728014718545.jpeg (126.74 KB, 930x583, IMG_9432.jpeg)

This is rich coming from someone who had a pedobaiting playboy account.

No. 2041949

I thought she deleted it because people were calling her trashy or whatever. Is the pedo and porn addicts thing a cover story?

No. 2041951

File: 1728015964855.jpeg (222.61 KB, 1242x1819, IMG_7236.jpeg)

Failed attempt at being a playboy still shows the intent to put yourself out there sexually

No. 2041953

That’s fucking vile… “little space” “daddy” GAG

No. 2041954

File: 1728016144594.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1242x2119, IMG_7243.jpeg)

Her playboy account is still up on the site too and using her current username handle

No. 2041957

She looks 13 here

No. 2041958

>I definitely wouldn't be fucking with this one if I were her.
Holy shit YES! One wrong move and this bitch will eat her alive (is lowkey kinda terrifying to me).
This is hearsay, so take it with a grain of salt, but her ex-friends said on an IG comment that the mother of one of her friends did them for her (worked in the business). That, and she also used to do them herself. Her comments are somewhere in these threads.
>I have a big loving daddy who comes to play with me.
An actual groomer who should literally be in jail for going against the law. Then he would be in her IG videos fingering her mouth randomly after saying she has a big oral fixation.

No. 2041959

Pretty sure her banner photo on x is from the playboy shoot as well

No. 2041962

File: 1728016753039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,344.33 KB, 1242x1725, IMG_7240.jpeg)

Her body resembles that of one too .. any man interested in her should be put on a watch list. She is constantly infantilizing herself with this UwU baby girl bullshit and catering to a pedo audience without realizing it (or maybe she does who knows)

No. 2041972

yep this is bullshit. people were calling her out and she didn't like all the hate she was getting so now has to play it that she's the little victim getting predators after her. always with the fucking lying.

No. 2041974

So, she took that in LA or soon after LA. And Ryan got with her when she was 17, she would have looked like an actual child! Calling him Daddy, making it all even worse. HOW DID HE GET AWAY WITH IT. She's still friends with him too, it's sick. What if he is preying on other young girls now too? But nobody cares and thinks he's amazing. Whatever.

No. 2041975

File: 1728018340680.jpeg (628.92 KB, 1242x1962, IMG_7252.jpeg)

Does she have amnesia?

No. 2041976

File: 1728018363265.jpeg (271.92 KB, 1242x2261, IMG_7251.jpeg)

No. 2041978

>i don't sell my body online, never have never will
lol whatttt

No. 2041981

Will post a clip soon of her saying Rion was not a groomer on live (absolute cope)

No. 2041982

Yet she doesn’t mind pandering to pedos if they’re giving her money. Pretty clear that she follows any trail that leads her to a few dollars and positive attention. Which is why I call bs on this actually entering some “dark corner” on twitter. It literally just ended up on some random people’s feeds and they thought she looked like a dork. Oh well.

No. 2041983

Even after she called him out, with all the proof of it on here? She's actually insane.
Yep I found only one pedo comment amongst a whole lot of hate. If it was all pedo comments, she would have left the video up and taken it all as compliments. That's her track history anyway. Unless they were in her private msgs I guess, but even then, any male attention is good attention to her. Most men were saying she looked older too, which she would have hated. That's the most male attention she has gotten in a long while, and they were all mostly shitting on her.

No. 2041987

this is the first time she's been told she looks older than her age from a whole bunch of random men

No. 2041990

But the poctures od you as an actual prepubescent child didnt gain any pedo traction? Bullshit alida, people were hating on your 2edgy5u smoking pictures and saying you looked 40 and shit so you erased it all out of embarrassment. You love pedos, like your ex and all the others.

No. 2042002

I'm guessing she didn't want them trailing their way to her IG or tiktok where they could have tarnished her comment sections.

No. 2042039

I find it so funny that you said that and literally a day later there were moids coming out of the woodworks all over her comments, but none of them were tipping their fedoras at her.

No. 2042057

File: 1728040035771.jpeg (496.79 KB, 1080x668, IMG_0525.jpeg)

She doesn’t sell it online because she sells it in person…?

No. 2042076

File: 1728047213633.jpeg (131.61 KB, 1284x913, IMG_0811.jpeg)

God bless daddy's money and strange infatuation with his daughter's looks!

No. 2042080

God bless him for allowing a 38 year old to date his 17 year old daughter, and then became friends with the groomer.

No. 2042104

that's not the body of a 13yo she is built like a fridge but it's obvious she is a grown woman.

No. 2042118

maybe tinfoil but i feel as though the “pedos” in question would have gone to her page if they thought she was that striking, and seen that she is not in fact 16 and that the page is of a 24 year old woman(sage your shit)

No. 2042120

because i too take photos of myself standing in front of the mirror in the nuddy crying and then put 'em on the gram

No. 2042254

File: 1728078852342.jpeg (107.43 KB, 828x401, IMG_5458.jpeg)

Wtf does she know about being an adult?

Never had a job, doesn’t pay a bill, lives off everyone around her and calls it being blessed by Jesus.

Your a bottom feeder alida shut up

No. 2042268

Did she get a nose job she looks weird

No. 2042270

She always looks weird, be more specific.

No. 2042341

File: 1728095431599.jpeg (164.33 KB, 1170x575, IMG_1550.jpeg)

Her dad “saved” her yet she constantly bitches about him

No. 2042344

wasn’t he south african, then polish, now dutch(sage your shit)

No. 2042587

their last name actually is dutch and most commonly found in south africa (guess why) but they’re both just white bread americans. alida wants to be different and unique so bad. she definitely just googled her own last name, saw the origin, and ran with it.

No. 2042709

Is Alida unusually quiet or we just can’t see her X account? Kek

No. 2042726

I can't see her account lol, I don't follow her on any of her socials. If someone posts something stupid publicly then I feel free to make fun of it.

No. 2042857

File: 1728229484889.jpeg (212.58 KB, 828x1707, IMG_5582.jpeg)

No tv stand having ass bitch

Why didn’t you ask for one of those for your birthday instead of another useless dress she looks like shit in

No. 2042910

Is that crosseyed wench and Falkorian Luna supposed to be fanart of herself?

No. 2042911

File: 1728240475578.jpeg (353.74 KB, 1113x840, IMG_0347.jpeg)

“How do you do fellow Juggalettes?”

No. 2043094

File: 1728282809911.jpeg (253.92 KB, 1170x2080, F384A39F-5C5D-462D-B798-025EF4…)

Did she really buy the exact same outfit she had when she was 15/16? We know she’s never moved past her “peak” era but this feels like a new low kek. Is she dressing as her old self for Halloween? Or has she really just lost it this time? It’s time to move on alida(unsaged nitpick)

No. 2043105

Maybe she just still owns the same jacket?

No. 2043106

>her body resembles that of one too
Anon she’s like 5 ft 8. Don’t be so fucking stupid. She’s not lucky enough to have a beautiful curvy waist and DDs but that doesn’t mean she looks like a kid. Get a grip.

No. 2043136

File: 1728298010144.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1929, IMG_1633.jpeg)

She’s delusional for asking this because her life will never feel like that consistently due to how chaotic and audacious she is. She has huge falling-outs with one “bestie” every few months and shows her true vindictive, jealous, bone-deep insecure colors after dropping them once they’re no longer useful to her. She romanticizes her trauma for pity points to hold up her eternal victim complex. And she’s still entertaining Ryan on the side despite her smear campaign against him after the final breakup that she couldn’t even stand behind.
For her life to feel peaceful, she’d have to grow and mature as a person. But she won’t because she’s incapable of introspection and clings to the past. Brandon will eventually figure out that she’s still keeping Orion around, and hopefully dump her (doubtful, though, since he’s also deeply insecure and ugly, and has rancid incel energy) and she’ll be miserable again. Maybe trafficker-vibes Susie and her weird old man will take her in again and their creepy friend will “gift” her another Porsche, since she was the happiest I’ve seen her in years after that. And then she’d think her life is sWeEt LiKe CiNnAmOn and delude herself into thinking she’s at peace.

No. 2043168

You need to get a grip because she does.

She jokes she’s SpongeBob all the time yea no lie with that boxy ass pudgy figure. She looks like an 11 year old boy who got chubby

Alida whiteknights ride again.
She’s not to fuck you
Or acknowledge you so what do you get from defending her in anyway?

No. 2043177

nta but she can't control her body shape and while i agree her body looks kind of undeveloped, i don't think it's in a way alida wants. it's not smol teen with gigantic tits or anorexic demure angel, just teenager boy fridge.

No. 2043197

Can we stop comparing her body to childrens bodies?? Thats what she wants. I totally get it, she looks like a chubby 11year old boy (because IMO she does). But still lets just stop talking about it. Its just causing infighting. Everyone with eyes is going to have their own opinion on what she looks like. Her autopedo ass loves being compared to children. Lets not feed into her kink.

No. 2043202

maybe the way she manipulates herself on camera. but like anon said, she is 5’8. that is so huge(sage your shit)

No. 2043216

I didnt say she was the size of an 11 year old boy. When you look at her pictures you cant tell how tall she is. Atleast i cant. Im specifically talking about her body shape. Not size. Yes we know she is a fucking giant but her lack of curve, lack of tits and lack of shapely thighs makes her body look fucking gross, awkward ans retarded. Like a chubby 11year old boys.

No. 2043219

Top is a chubby 11year old boy. Bottom is alida. The fact the boy has more tits is tragic. Kek.(comparing an 11 year old childs moobs to an adult)

No. 2043233

She's built like the average chubby white girl who lost the genetic lottery (no boobs, ass or hips) to go along with the weight. Usually a girl at her weight would have either some boobs or ass but she's got neither. Plenty such women, especially in the US. The only remarkable thing is that she posts it unprovoked and refuses to at least do a squat or something.

No. 2043240

Anon this is really gross and bizarre. Let's not talk about little boys and post pictures of their nipples like degenerate coomers.

No. 2043266

you're weird

No. 2043331

this is weird as fuck you really thought everyone was going to agree with you but this is beyond creepy. you know why no one takes threads like this seriously or why none of these people take any criticism from pages like lolcow? because they and many others go on it and see a bunch of losers screenshotting photos of little kids and discussing if someone is built like a fridge for days on end. i mean how long are you going to talk about someone not having hips or tits jesus fucking christ

No. 2043351

Creepy thing to post. at this point just take the L and keep these things in your head than having to “prove” to a bunch of nonnas online that Alida is built like a chubby woman. weird that you probably had to look a while for that pic of the kid.

No. 2043472

She probably scrolled through Roblox or whatever for a while looking for someone to groom. Creepy bitch.
At this point she’s actually worse than the cow. As far as I know alida has 0 shirtless pics of underage boys on her phone.

No. 2043566

It had an alamy watermark on it so it was probably just a google images search since male nipples arent nudity. Kek
Does alida only have the one account on instagram? It shows she hasnt made a post since 2023 and i feel like thats off.

No. 2043596

Shut the fuck up about the kid’s nipples, stick to posting actual milk, we get it already

No. 2043756

File: 1728438302365.jpeg (394.27 KB, 1284x2255, IMG_0886.jpeg)

This picture makes me feel so weird. Obviously she's a legal adult (as much as she doesn't want to be) but the pose makes it seem so childish and creepy. It doesn't help that her type are bald moids

No. 2043757

Yeah, being held up by your partner is fairly normal, but the specific pose and outfit make it obvious she has a Lana Del Rey lolita coquette obsession and wants to look childlike.

No. 2043761

I'm just now realizing it's reminding me of the 1997 lolita movie when Dolores jumps into Humbert's arms before going to camp. Ew.

No. 2043791

Shut the fuck up pedo

No. 2043803

So who took the picture? Or is that the service her dog Luna provides for her?

No. 2043825

These giant women who think they wear all pink and look like a child again are so ridiculous.

No. 2043848

What a show pony. Nothing about her is genuine. Must EVERYTHING have to be about garnering attention and applaud from her internet audience? These intellectually backward men too, don't realise how much they are being used for the camera. The very moment these two spend more than a few days together, and reality sets in, is the moment they will fall apart.

No. 2043860

File: 1728462139323.jpg (12.92 KB, 525x57, 8923.jpg)

So that's what's wrong with him.

No. 2043861

So this is clearly his place is it not?

No. 2043862

Nah, looks like an air bnb, and they are only together for her bday.

No. 2043880

File: 1728470235445.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x1733, IMG_1675.jpeg)

Lazy, delusional trophy-wife wannabe and grifter fag met. I bet she’s pissed that Santos is 36 and looks younger than her - is probably begging Mike to get her Botox now.

No. 2043886

I don't understand how she can look so much older than she is (by at least a decade), when she's in her early 20s and is using all of the procedures available that are meant to give you 'youth'. The whole beauty industry feels like one big scam.

No. 2043906

she actually looks 42, that’s tragic lol

No. 2043969

The harsh black hair, the cheap clothing plus cheap fur age her, as well as the circle lenses and she probably needs some eye cream or needs to drink more

No. 2043972

>I can't see why she does this
Nonna, you are in the coquette thread. They all copy eachother by default because that's what BPD does to a mfer. She is not better than Alida or Dasha or Nina- she is of the same ilk of attention seeking skinwalker nlogs

No. 2044168

The reason fillers make you look older is because there is quite literaly nothing for them to fill when you are that young. You are just stretching your skin by injecting botox or hyaluronic acid underneath and once it migrates to other parts of your face the skin will just sag more. Likewise, the more you get the puffier and doughier your face will look from all of this migrated substance floating around under your skin. Alida is a good example of what is called a pillow face in the practice.
Don't do fillers nonnas.

No. 2044172

File: 1728520760897.jpeg (286 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_1691.jpeg)

I think the comments calling her huge and a giant got to her kekkk. The other day she tweeted about cleaning her room in high heels, now on her birthday she’s wearing flats?
Brandon is a confirmed manlet since Alida’s license says she’s 5’7” - that explains his endless violent fantasies and insane levels of insecurity.

No. 2044174

Nitpick but would it really hurt her to invest in some purple shampoo kek

No. 2044280

File: 1728557372814.mp4 (14.36 MB, 888x1648, i smoke everyone!!! I’m an adu…)

She’s imitating Nina now with the smoking cigars in a Shein fur coat with her ugly Aryan patch glue-gunned on

No. 2044317

File: 1728566037844.jpeg (216.23 KB, 828x1472, 9A93EE00-14FA-47CB-B6D6-834F97…)

Total nitpick but she looks so SO much better when she’s dress normally and her hair is styled normal

No. 2044326

She does look a lot better when she's dressed "normally" as opposed to her tryhard 50's dollette little girl bullshit. I honestly do not think she is wearing the right length of maxi dress it always looks cheap and tacky.

No. 2044348

The fuck is she wearing lingerie out in public?

No. 2044367

The stockings with the ballet flats make her look like a grandma. How do these hyperfem girls never know how to style an outfit? She should have just gone for neutral toned sandals if she didn't want to be taller than her scrote on her birthday.

That's been a "trend" for a while now. I hate it too.

No. 2044378

File: 1728578516597.jpg (103.18 KB, 530x954, L.jpg)

No. 2044458

i hate seeing pretty girls with ugly ass bald moids she can do much better

No. 2044494

NTAYRT but wearing full on lingerie like a movie hooker out in public is a trend now??? Where?

No. 2044697

File: 1728640552896.webp (Spoiler Image,6.85 KB, 389x280, IMG_9387.webp)

Her legs look like obese fatty legs(nitpicking)

No. 2044735

File: 1728656072735.jpg (7.94 KB, 307x60, 001336.jpg)


No. 2044837

Weird couple, with her standing there in her lingerie taking selfies while he's lurking behind her like a creeper.

No. 2044867

File: 1728687586684.mp4 (1.79 MB, 888x868, 2014 tumblr nymphet euuugh.mp4)

Kek everyone’s seen gifs like this for the past decade but her awkward cooing and the overly-wet kisses makes my skin crawl

No. 2044870

She most definitely doesn't need to be on his shoes or her tiptoes to kiss him. They're around the same height kekekek

No. 2044883

Right?! It’s killing me that he has wear platforms to appear taller than her when she’s in flats

No. 2044921

tbh it’s actually really surreal to see her emoting/not doing a baby voice for once. i don’t watch most of her videos but i don’t think ive ever seen her not just eye-fuck the camera the entire time until now

No. 2045019

You can see his heels lift to match her kek

No. 2045188

the disgusting "i'm jus a widdle gurl wif my big strong daddy" pedopandering here is off the charts. Makes one sick to the stomach tbh.

No. 2045219

File: 1728756769152.jpg (66.85 KB, 667x1003, lmao.jpg)

He looks like he's being forced into these constant cringey videos. Look at his face LOL (her filter on him too looks so stupid)

No. 2045222

File: 1728757407173.jpeg (325.6 KB, 1064x1875, IMG_0905.jpeg)

This picture is sending me

No. 2045223

lmfao what aesthetic is she even trying to emulate? she failed bad, whatever it was

No. 2045286

File: 1728764887864.jpg (32.5 KB, 272x438, wtf.jpg)

Only just now saw this one too. Insane how much older she looks.

No. 2045291

File: 1728765625426.png (402.96 KB, 583x391, 635.png)

Funny, this came up on my For You on x and I thought the same thing - she styled it waay better with the neutral toned heels.

No. 2045294

Fyi, that dress is $245 US aroundabouts. As are many of her dresses thesedays. Money falling from the trees (aka her dad) lately. And she cries about how hard she has it…

No. 2045343

Hideous basic dress at that price range? looks like a polyester nightmare. glad that most don’t get conned into buying stuff like that just because it copies a vintage style

No. 2045487

why he looking so feminine tho. bitches who put filters on their men bc god forbid they ever be real and go without one. its a damn couple video, but she's too fucking vain and is only thinking of how she appears in it, no regard for how retarded she makes him look. drop the filters when with your man bc all you're doing is making him look mega girly

No. 2045488

I get the feeling that she wears the pants in their relationship. I mean in all of those pictures and videos she put up, he looks uncomfortable in all of them - hiding behind her in the mirror and avoiding the lens as much as he could, then when you do see his face he looks like he wants to bail. He's just a weak yes man, she is the one in full control. He has absolutely deluded himself into believing she's cute and gentle. Fallen hook line and sinker. She's on her throne, desiring to be adored by all, and he's there kissing her feet. What a limp simp.

No. 2045490

has anyone watched this? why is she using a fake ariana grande voice? she also deleted her video about jesus

No. 2045495

File: 1728817571741.mp4 (11.51 MB, 1080x1920, AQOGlaiHUTnrJK96SDqVJyG8uSdL7v…)

she needs fucking help shes eye fucking herself again

No. 2045498

File: 1728818090556.jpeg (657.57 KB, 1170x1765, IMG_1824.jpeg)

*my dad bought me a truck in the middle of the night.
Gonna love seeing how this pans out, considering she clearly prefers being passenger princess and we’ve only ever seen her drive sedans.

No. 2045510

She's so unbelievably F A K E. Trying to sound like a little girl, so forced. Also another makeup tutorial with full filters on. No shame.
She has really trained up her orbiters, they know if they compliment her, she will tell them that she loves them.
Yea her dad and gopher manservant Brandon. She has them both on leashes.

No. 2045513

File: 1728822491470.mp4 (7.64 MB, 1080x1920, AQOepkoq_sG3xq.mp4)

Soo now she is fake giggling and supporting her 'music', when in the past she ranted about how bad it all was on a live (it is).
We get it, you have a new VS robe. Showing off all the brand names as much as possible. It's not a flex when you get it all handed to you on a platter for doing absolutely nothing. She is actually more satanic than angelic, with her pride leading the way. Same with her 'friend' here, wearing a cross and saying you love God, doesn't mean you a good person.

No. 2045519

Oh are people now just realizing alida is the actual demon here?

She’s naracistic to the core, an antisemitism, racist, pedopandering. FAKE service dog having and on top of that shits on everyone. From the disabled too people with wealth to older women. Doesn’t work, has no education and some how things she should be a role model to little girls.

She’s a dumb cunt and the best thing that could ever happen to her is for her internet to be taken away. Maybe jail would help her? But then she would just come out and turn that into “I have some much truama I’m gods strongest angel uwu” no your god stupidest lap dog and there are a lot of those so the new the stupidest. Congrats! Your only success in life.

No. 2045523

Isn't she older than him? She's a giant, is older, has old granny eyebag wrinkles that she has to hide with ultra smoothing filters yet still wants to project and pretend she's a little kid with her dad figure.

No. 2045524

Yet she’s so against pedos but like I’ve said in the past who would she pander too? It’s her entire audience

No. 2045529

Truth! Pedopanderers are pedos too. I've said it countless times before, and I will say it again. Who gets off on pretending they are a child while being sexual with a guy, larping that he is your dad. All of this while being close to your bio dad is off. Being in close proximity with your bio dad would make you want to puke just thinking about it. Unless you're Alida, because she is getting worse with it. At what age is she going to stop? It's not cute.

No. 2045531

in candids without filters alida looks as tho she has two saggy dark ballsacks beneath her eyes. yknow like the skin on a ballbag

No. 2045533

On her fb you could see what she really looked like in a whole bunch of tagged photos. But she hid it all now. Esp after that wedding.
She really is demonic. One big masquerade, with all of the lies, coveting and conceit. Just like the devil.

No. 2045534

remember when these bitches said we were picking on them because they're prettier and younger than us? yeah……. and alida's famous line about our "wrinkled foreheads", they're more wrinkled up than anybody i know in their 20s plus they get botox and filler with all the trimmings. sad

No. 2045538

She’s literally showing off all the things Brandon and her dad bought her on Instagram.

Like how is that cool? You’re a 24 year old girl who doesn’t do fuck all.

I think that’s why she thinks she special, she does fuckinf nothing and gets everything handed to her “because she’s the purest angel and the prettiest” it’s called be a manipulative leach on society and everyone around you.

She will always rely on who’s around her to take care of her and the one time she tried to be independent she ended up a hooker.

The only thing she knows or obviously sees any worth in is her appearance to the point where she would sell it.

No. 2045539

Imagine flaunting the generosities of everyone around you then claiming your the kindest and best.

You don’t do anything for anyone besides yourself.

She’s totally self motivated idk how they don’t see that. She’s never done anything for her dad, never got him a gift or bragged about that or for Brandon. She would make rion homemade shit but she couldn’t ever buy him an iPad or any of things he did for her.
Because she functions on the level of a child, sometimes I don’t think it’s a larp. I think she genuinely is stuck in the mindset of a child, arrested development or has something mentally wrong with her capacity.

No. 2045542

I don't know how they can't see her narc side either, esp when it's sooooo obvious (grandiose to the max). I put it down to Brandon just wanting the pussy and being a desperado, maybe also is not that bright upstairs. Looks as though he will do anything she asks of him. Her dad is her dad, so he has bias. Her friends don't see it bc they literally sought her out from the internet and either mimic her or want to keep her as a trinket in their lives. Narcissists do lure too. She lures and baits on the internet, so she'd be doing the same irl.

No. 2045551

I can hear alida now saying something like "you are all just so jealous that I get expensive things for being cute and the most beautiful in all the lands and I am God's favourite". Then something about us being too ugly…. old hags…. gremlins…. etc etc blah blah blah.

No. 2045553

File: 1728832225716.jpg (76.54 KB, 1280x720, _.jpg)

She so did not buy that herself. There is no way in hell she would deliberately purchase a masc truck. A dude found and purchased that for her, it's obvious. This has man written all over it. Bet she's wishing she could get a cute ~baby blue~ Porsche.

No. 2045555

File: 1728832560011.mp4 (7.49 MB, 888x1562, teeheehee i’m so spoiled.mp4)

The “(by my bf)” is so funny, she’s so pressed about us and twitter randos calling her dad a freak. A little unnerving that the only things Brandon “spoiled” her with is a bunch of lingerie — either he doesn’t know enough about her to buy her a thoughtful gift, he objectifies the hell out of her as a sentient flashlight (“he leaves me all pink!” just like when she dyed her hair peach while with Ryan and said it matched her bum) or she’s a clothes hoarder and whined about nothing fitting anymore because she’s “skinny again.”

No. 2045557

Brandon can't see her narcissism cos he is blinded by his own boner.

No. 2045560

File: 1728833729089.jpg (20.15 KB, 299x253, sdf.jpg)

Ha! This comment.

No. 2045570

it's from the lolita movie

No. 2045598

Imagine being that tall - where she could wear beautiful outfits like those from a runway, (legs for days), but instead chooses to dress like a gigantic amazonian baby.

No. 2045600

why do they all do that creepy fake high pitched laugh like this? >>1999739

No. 2045613

The absolute state of these cows, I didn't even realize that was the intention because VS isn't even a real "brand name" kek

No. 2045798

She never actually smokes the cigar in any of these videos. It’s not even lit.

No. 2045894

Definetly not smoking in the house. But she has smoked cigars before. Its all for her fake larp.
Cigars are so retarded. You dont even breath in the smoke, its all for the flavor so you take the smoke into your mouth to taste it and blow it out, no inhale, nothing… she does it for the aesthetic but it just proves how tryhard and fake she is. She doesnt even have the kind of money to blow on something as useless and frivilous as cigars.

No. 2045928

File: 1728932211892.jpg (147.54 KB, 1080x1293, 1684659352714.jpg)

Yea like here with her ancient ex bf

No. 2046263

File: 1728991631100.jpeg (329.44 KB, 1170x818, IMG_1876.jpeg)

>my family never gave me much other than my beauty and my guts
stop being ungrateful that your dad’s taken you in.
>when someone tries to hurt my feelings but I’m literally a washed-up, botched microscopic internet celebrity
Pretty sure people are more than capable of getting under her skin with how frequently she posts crying selfies

No. 2046276

File: 1728993195688.jpg (176.46 KB, 855x951, princess hehe.jpg)

It's either her Dad, Brandon or welfare (or all 3) giving her everything, because she sure as hell isn't paying for these things herself. She thinks she's above doing the grind. She's probably on welfare to go with her fake service dog. She's not a "princess" she's just a self-centred freeloader, a parasite.

No. 2046279

She's the equivalent of the neckbeard living in his mum's basement

No. 2046287

Soo around $800 US in one day for those dresses, not to mention everything else she's been displaying in the past couple of months (which has been a lot). In this economy, when people are struggling to even pay their rent, it's in bad poor taste to continually show off all of your materialistic purchases. She always does this. (cough, grandiose narcissist). This constant peacocking doesn't match all of the words she uses to describe herself - gentle, graceful, kind. Absolutely no self awareness.
This all HAS to be coming from her dad, because when she was with Brooklyn she wasn't flaunting expensive items all the time. It only started when living with her dad. He would have paid for the paint too, to do her room and the Laura Ashley bedding, etc.
>my family never gave me much
What an ungrateful horrible person.

No. 2046288

She wants to play it that she has it hard for sympathy and to be coddled all the time. Never wants to be made out to be the shit person that she is.

What gets me the most is that damn fake service dog. She gets away with everything.

No. 2046291

>when someone tries to hurt my feelings but i'm literally alida simone.
we know we can't hurt your feelings because you're so full of yourself and got that god complex going on. can't hurt a narc

No. 2046301

She probably had these thoughts within the same minute that’s how stupid and vapid she is.

I think she lays around cooing over herself when no on else is around to do it.

She also clearly feels entitled to everything she’s been getting and to spending her fathers money since she always says “I bought” please alida open your wallet and show us the funds.

Wasn’t she the one talking shit about Brooklyn about having everything handed to her? Hmm it seems there’s a pot and kettle situation.

No. 2046303

File: 1728997135509.jpeg (83.1 KB, 1265x442, IMG_0938.jpeg)

Yeah we know, girl. You're a leech we get it

No. 2046310

Got to love how she stopped being pro-hitler immediately when with her dad. Now it's all forgotten about as though it never happened at all.

No. 2046318

It's not only that she gets given everything for nothing (which is bad enough), it's also about how much she flaunts it all. If this isn't going against the Bible, I don't know what is. Imagine if she ever got incredibly wealthy - the people with 'old money' would find her tacky and distasteful, because parading what you have isn't considered graceful, refined or elegant. People who do this are just flat out obnoxious.
She's ALWAYS saying she's like Princess Diana. This is everything Princess Di is not. She would never stand over others so pretentiously.
Side note: why is she using a loli as her pfp?

No. 2046319

i thought she was vegan? she used to say how people should never murder innocent piggies?

No. 2046321

File: 1729000302522.jpg (65.71 KB, 589x710, 234521.jpg)

Why is every single photo that Brandon takes of her, deliberately blurry? It's ALWAYS like this. To hide what she actually looks like? Bc he wouldn't have the same filters etc, did Alida ask him to never show her face in candids and this is his way of still being able to put up photos of her?
She's not vegan anymore cos she's a part of the whole right-wing trad meat eating etc side.

No. 2046325

because….politics. Time to get on that carnivore diet and unpasteurized milk with the rest of the crew.

No. 2046329

Alida doesnt care what goes against the bible or if her “values” dont align with her actions. She has some major cognitive dissonance because its a performance or virtue signaling for her, she has a personality disorder and wants to be perceived as somebody new each time because she doesn’t know herself. Hope she gets an education or trauma therapy soon because shes getting uglier and botched by the minute, and soon pussy wont pay the bills.

I don’t even care to critique her further, anyone who sees Alida can sniff out how miserable her life must be. I pity her and her materialistic existence.

No. 2046330

File: 1729001608537.jpeg (161.8 KB, 648x596, IMG_0628.jpeg)

She doesn’t even look like… Nvm

No. 2046341

Yeah he probably doesn't want to put filters on her and wants to put up real pics, but she doesn't want him to. So this is the outcome.

No. 2046346

It's not as though it's his photography style. When he takes shots of cars or other objects they're always clear with no action blur. You'd think you'd put action blur on cars, not people. He only does this with photos of Alida.

No. 2046376

She's really going down and ticking off the whole American right-wing checklist, isn't she.
Trad dresses: tick.
Jesus promoting: tick.
Carnivore diet promoting: tick.
Retarded AI Knight pics on X: tick.
Whatever is currently trending online for the right wingers, Alida follows.

No. 2046394

>retarded ai knight pics on x
Those redpilled ai knight accounts on x really are stupid. The knights in the pics never even do anything; they're always just sitting about in a bunch of roses with some girl being lovey dovey and girlified simplords. Every, single pic is like that. They're like obsessed desperate ugly neckbeards behind the screen pumping out the stupidist knight ai images, thinking they're on some epic quest fighting the evil (aka their ridiculous 2-sided only politics on x). Alida's Likes used to be FULL of these. So embarrassing.

No. 2046396

File: 1729007448533.jpg (92.25 KB, 589x570, 1.jpg)

All of his photos are clear, until Alida comes along and he suddenly gets the shakes and can't take a clean shot or they are so heavily darkened that you can scarcely see. He did a string of them not so long ago, and all of them, totally blurred out.

No. 2046420

File: 1729011191572.png (485.8 KB, 475x671, ___.png)

ikr a couple of months back alida would have been sitting on the back of this:

No. 2046428

There’s no reason why a 24 year old woman is staying up until 5am posting pictures on instagram. I’m years younger with 95 hours on my checks. It’s jarring. And it’s not like she’s an influencer and does social media for a living, she has no income other than her “boutique”. Is that was she lives for?(sage/blog)

No. 2046448

She hasn't mentioned anything about the Jews either, she totally wiped the slate clean. Deleted it all, unfollowed those racist accs. Pretty sure she still has all of those same thoughts though, she's just covering herself.

No. 2046451

so when's this courtcase between her and brooklyn?

No. 2046467

Should be any day now since she claimed the silencing would end around her birthday

No. 2046506

Cant even see the end result because of the fucking filter. Good job alida, your insecurities are showing.

No. 2046856

File: 1729099488166.jpg (Spoiler Image,389.49 KB, 1440x2311, 20241016_131915.jpg)

I'm just confused by Alida so openly claiming to be a Godly woman or a woman of Christ, when she is practicing all 7 deadly sins, especially pride, greed and lust. A Godly woman is humble. A Godly woman lives in purity and reverence, and who focuses on her inner self and her relationship with God. Alida is none of that. She is not humble, there is no humility. She is always showing off her body and sexualizing herself, gloating about her consumerism and material items, etc. The Bible says: "A godly woman is worth far more than rubies and is valuable to her husband. She is not only his helpmate and the mother of his children, but her actions show how much she means to him." Not that she is married, but she does have a significant other, meanwhile she's posting herself in lingerie for everyone to see. To me, that does not represent a Godly woman. Her actions are misaligned with what a true Godly woman is and she is not wife material. And just because "Jesus forgive us for our sins" does not cancel out her actions moving forward. That does not mean she can just do whatever she pleases because "she will be forgiven."

No. 2046884

Because she's a false Christian. She's only parading around with her Christianity bc it's trending in her country for right-wingers. She makes up her own rules with her version of Christianity.
Who asked to see her puss anyway. She doesn't even have an onlyfans and is giving it away for free. Is she trying to mimic the VS show?

No. 2046887

File: 1729102260588.jpg (9.91 KB, 268x137, 040855.jpg)

Brandon, wake up, you damned fool.

No. 2046889

She’s just using it as a buzzword to make her seem so „innocent“ and uwu. It’s just a hashtag for her, she obviously isn’t religious in the slightest.

No. 2046890

notice how brandon still isn't up on her ig? she's probably doing this to get ron's attention again. what a tryhard

No. 2046897

I'm gonna laugh the moment he falls flat on his face because he didn't want to take onboard any truth about his ultra perfect gf .

No. 2046899

Brand new relationship and he's already putting Alida above even his own family I see. Smart move.

No. 2046904

Well he did admit that thinking wasn't his strongest suit and that he's down a few braincells. >>2043860

No. 2046928

File: 1729107082229.jpg (9.36 KB, 390x59, 053001.jpg)

Yes and your perfect gf would die without it, it's her whole world. She would choose her internet persona over you in a heartbeat.

No. 2046983

I mean she went to church one time, and it was only staging for her social media.

No. 2047065

her and Shayna should do a shoot together

No. 2047078

Lots of pseudo internet christians do this. it’s all for clout and think they can still be an awful person, as long as Jesus forgives you. Which is not how forgiveness works but okay Alida keep being a self obsessed narc I guess

No. 2047186

what? sloan bailey and her 50 year old boyfriend broke up?

No. 2047220

File: 1729171798592.jpeg (647.06 KB, 828x1238, IMG_5856.jpeg)

She invented narcissism

No. 2047325

And then everyone clapped

No. 2047345

She invented jigsaw face

No. 2047511

I get what you mean but genuinely who gives a fuck what the bible says. So many retarded tradcaths here.

No. 2047670

my favorite thing is when alidas post reach further than her normal audience of 15 year old wannabe-coquette basement dwellers, and normal functioning members of society let her know how fucking retarded she looks (most recently the 16th birthday video.) she instantly deletes every comment and post this happens on. i remember on tiktok she was getting flamed for a dumb ass video she posted and she immediately removed it. if she’s so confident and everyone wants to be her, why can’t she take any tiny hint of criticism?

No. 2047789

File: 1729270027099.jpeg (661.67 KB, 3464x3464, A9C81089-941E-4D29-A827-79CEFA…)

Had me wondering if they broke up but I presume they didn’t because they’re still following each other — which Might not mean anything since she’s still friends with Ryan on FB.

No. 2047881

its really weird how full of herself she is…”made to love and be loved” but alida cannot really love, can she? she loves based on how it reflects back onto her. does she love brandon or love that hes her security blanket? i pity the guy because hes wasting his time

No. 2048003

I hope Brandon is careful when he introduces his cats to Luna, as Huskies are well known to kill cats.

No. 2048358

File: 1729421036574.jpeg (258.73 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2054.jpeg)

And whose fault is that, Alida?

No. 2048360

PLEASE tell me this uncoordinated bitch went ice skating in public in that retarded outfit KEK

No. 2048362

File: 1729422084307.mp4 (2.04 MB, 888x1220, girl so awkward.mp4)

Indeed she did, and spent the whole time barely skating in favor of preening for the camera

No. 2048379

She talked on live about how she needed to go skating in her blue dress and a fuzzy jacket because it would be “healing” for her and she’s “going through it”

No. 2048386

Someone must have told her “no” for something she wanted them to buy her

That’s her definition of going through it.
Wonder if she’ll mature at all this year

No. 2048401

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Why the fuck does she look like that. The editing is actually laughably bad and over the top at this point.

No. 2048437

I don’t understand why she wears the huge white headband styled with her hair like that everyday looking like a giant boss baby. looked cute with the dark hair wig though(sage your shit)

No. 2048491

File: 1729446342603.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1343, IMG_2083.jpeg)

Exactly. Her shooping on IG has reached unmatched uncanny valley levels lately too. Out here looking like lilmiquela: South African, sorry, Dutch Aryan Princess edition

No. 2048538

My guess is missing/thinner patches of hair from all the bleach and heat damage tbh

No. 2048639

She literally cannot hold a close friend. The only friends she has left, are more like acquaintances or some she only meets up with for a moment.

No. 2048645

i noticed she doesn’t follow her friend joanna/johanna anymore either. all her friends dropping like flies out of her life lol(sage your shit)

No. 2048688

She wants to look like daisy from girl interrupted, if you read into that character idk why of all the people in that film/book she would want to look like girl. She posted her to her story a few months back?

No. 2048720

She looks like a corpse, wtf

No. 2048829

Oh no not daisy. She’s one of my favorite characters because of her sad story however she has a strange relationship with her father which is gross but not surprising for Alida to idolize her.

No. 2048865

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The lip filler migration goes crazy

No. 2048869

is alida actually autistic, or was that a self diagnosis?

No. 2048874

Not autistic just retarded

24 year old girl who spends all her time playing in her bedroom, and posting on social media. What a sad life, no wonder she feels like depressed and like shit all the time she does nothing with her life. Someone said she’s the female equivalent of neckbeard living in there moms basement.

No. 2048911

She could probably monetize and make great money online if she would ditch the try-hard mysterious weeaboo shtick and did anything more than make shitty crochet hats and stare at the camera with lifeless lobotomy eyes and overly pouted lips. Her social media is at a complete standstill bc She has made the same video and posted the same variation of selfie for like ten years , it’s so fucking boring. I want a 10 part story time on how her methhead ex boyfriend kidnapped her, not another overly edited selfie!

No. 2048912

File: 1729530252900.jpg (13.63 KB, 449x285, 0.jpg)

She has totally butchered her lips.

No. 2048913

I hate how her mouth hangs open

No. 2049061

No literally. The coquettes on Tiktok would eat that shit up. I personally am dying to hear about what REALLY went down with her short stint in LA, her time in the “Underworld”. That place chewed her up and spit her out. She would instantly go viral with those kinds of storytimes.

No. 2049073

It bothers me that she would hint constantly about exposing the story on Hollywood demons but never did.. gives me little hope of ever knowing the Brooklyn beef

No. 2049093

i’m pretty sure that when you get a no contact/restraining order on someone, they’re not allowed to talk about you on the internet, talk to you, talk to you through other people. so she might not be allowed?(sage your shit)

No. 2049094

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(sage your shit)

No. 2049096

Yea she did mention too about "being silenced". But still I agree with wanting to know the tea on all of the dramas and beef she's had with others in her life. She'd get way more viewers on her yt too. If all she does is the same videos of herself doing those usual facial expressions over and over, it will get boring and this thread will probably die out eventually.

No. 2049124

Ah, so she can't then. Pity. But she'd probably crumble with that many eyes on her so it's probably in her best interest she can't talk about it. Her dad's probably getting her all of this shit because he feels guilty about what happened to her, its a pity you can't force an adult to go to therapy.

No. 2049214

this looks scary as fuck. literally does not look human, i really thought this was a more recent pic whith how swollen her face looks.

No. 2049234

Wtf, with those horrible lips I assumed this was a 35 year old. That’s so sad.

No. 2049489

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Cringe. With how she dresses and presents herself, people would be looking at her the way they look at a special needs adult.

No. 2049502

Doesn't she get that a lot of people don't take to her, because of how much of a fake asshole she is? She loses friends because of how she treats them, not because she's ~the prettiest~. And yes people will stare at her because of how she dresses. She deliberately dresses differently to stand out. She wants people looking. One of the physically prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life, doesn't have these issues. She is instead popular, has amazing relationships with her family and friends. Has a balanced life, because she is beautiful on the inside as well as the outer. People do adore her because she isn't trying to stand above others. Alida on the other hand, is just awful and if she was that beautiful she wouldn't spend so much time covering herself up with fake everything. She's an example of that Finnish saying "only ugly people need to dress up".

No. 2049504

she’s so vain

No. 2049562

“its lonely” none of that comes to her naturally. zero natural grace. she would be painfully average without the overfilled balloon lips, crunchy ass yellow hair, and frilly oversized shein dresses. she likes to brag about causing car crashes and people staring at her because she’s sO cUtE, but im sure all of these people are bewildered that a full 5’8 grown adult woman is peddling around on a bicycle in an unflattering frilly dress that resembles something your grandma would put you in for family photos on christmas when you were a toddler. lmao to live within this delusion and zero self awareness must be sooooo blissful.

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