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No. 2048090

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got candida and decided to cut out fruit and eat mostly meat. She seems to live off of bone broth and steak. She also talks constantly about beta and alpha men and how birth control makes you pick beta men. She used to be drugs and her mother was a drug addict. Recently she’s started obsessing with cow shares. She’s also constantly putting women down for things like using vibrators or causally dating. Constantly talks about how important it is to take care of her man so she can be in her feminine. Says she had digestive issues before when she was drinking and doing drugs but still seems to have issues with certain foods.

4. https://www.instagram.com/rewildcarlyrose
“Rewildcarlyrose” aka Carly Rose Bergman. She used to be fruitarian but then decided to eat an ancestral diet. Says that she was starving herself before and she’s now gained weight to make herself more fertile. She is constantly talking about quantum healing.

5. https://www.instagram.com/healingthesource
“Healingthesource” aka Claudia keener Fulani
Claims to have suffered from a bunch of health problems but then healed from using herbal medicine. She has a podcast where she interviews other influencers. She has a linktree with over 40 affiliate links. She is constantly advertising a new product to detox. Like everyone else she is scared of seed oils and is on the masa chip bandwagon. She is always talking about “clean” to products

6. https://instagram.com/jessalyn.randle
“Jessalyn.randle” / Jess
Has only eaten steak and butter the past 4 years. Is constantly “debunking” needing to eat anything but meat with anecdotes. She thinks vitamin C is unnecessary but eats salsa even though she’s on the “lion diet”. She is eating only meat and butter while pregnant. She doesn’t believe in clinical research and thinks that “they” are trying to get everyone to stop eating meat. She claims she had digestion problems and couldn’t lose weight when she was an omnivore. She claims her digestion is great even though she eats such a limited diet. She believes the USDA is trying to make everyone infertile by recommending cereal.

7. https://www.instagram.com/shannenmichaela
“Shannenmichaela” / Shannen Michaela
Made a bunch of antivax TikTok videos. Moved to Costa Rica when she was pregnant to get a passport. Recently made ice cream from her breast milk. Bitcoin grifter. Claims the FDA is lying about the need for vitamin C. She is involved with a bunch of biohacking retreats. Makes pseudoscientific claims like fabric having energy. Talks about other conspiracies like burning man being made for social engineering.

They’re all antivax anti feminists that believe spreading your legs at the sun does something magical to your body. They al say sunscreen and seed oils cause cancer. There are many more influencers like this.

Previous thread:

No. 2048093

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Did she get exposed on Lauren Southern's gossip with Alex?

No. 2048135

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Ashley English manages to find raw meat while living in bali.

No. 2048136

Has she ever actually posted footage where she puts this stuff in her mouth and actually swallows it? Because it seems like she just posts photos of raw meat without actually eating it.

No. 2048138

She has and she cringes and does a weird laugh when she does. She deleted the video of her eating raw beef liver in Spain.

No. 2048143

as i said in the previous thread lauren claimed all the tradwife influencers are in abusive/fake/failed relationships but keep up appearances online for the grift. she didn't mention anyone specifically though.

No. 2048145

They’re missing the point that if you behave like a doormat and advertise yourself as meek and submissive, abusers/narcissists are going to be slobbering over you.

Even with women with disabilities, abusers are often drawn to them. Statistically neurodivergent women are far more likely to be abused than neurotypical women.

No. 2048162

wtf is picrel? Gia’s tweet is a tiny cut-off qrt under some much larger racist cringe post. Then that whole thing is on a massive white page to include an entire banner image. I find this post bizarre, if she’s anti-girlboss, I even can’t tell. I can’t see anything.

No. 2048210

Literally nobody cares if men want to be pass port bros. These people love to act smug like “I bet you blue haired feminists are SO MAD and JEALOUS.” It’s literally acting enraged towards a strawman caricature in their head and creating smug “gotcha” scenarios. And then these people wonder why they have zero friends and any kids they have despising them. They’re just unpleasant to talk to.

No. 2048226

Most passport bros are much like pedos in a sense that much of their "preference" is a manufactured performance to dreadgame the demographic they supposedly don't "prefer" into settling for them. If there's no "hag" or "western roastie" observer, they might as well not exist.

No. 2048265

yeah, let the trash take itself out

No. 2048384

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Imagine telling this to an old Japanese woman who’s trying to mind her business

No. 2048385

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His hair gets filthier every time he posts, he claims he uses eggs to wash his hair and he doesn’t brush it anymore because “muh curls”

No. 2048410

It's so absurd how a brown small sized soyboy-looking male with so little testosterone can still harbour predatory thoughts of fucking many women in a conquering way and building harems just for beauty and pussy.

Are even supposedly 'harmless metro-looking men' all closet transgenders, they seem very jealous and fixated upon taking women's beauty and duality nature (able to switch being a trophy wife or having some girlboss skills)?

No. 2048532

File: 1729450256939.png (711.82 KB, 656x767, GLCsVlnWoAAEKxI.png)

Gather ye round and witness pure retardation. A white-supremacist, pagan-larping brown men who hates Jews and Christians posting one of the most braindead takes with an AI slop image attached to it. This has to be the most schizophrenic post ever made. Nothing will top this. I have never laughed harder in my life. Years and years of shitposting of poltards has been condensed into this one perfect tweet.

No. 2048549

This person 100% masturbates to gay interracial porn.

No. 2048564

didn't this guy turn out to be half arab or something?

No. 2048567

Yes. And he was literally worshipping a Swedish passport.(sage your shit)

No. 2048614

Low T men are more emotionally unstable and violent than high T men. It's why incels are so insane and angry all the time as well as ugly and weak.(sage / derail)

No. 2048616

Most passport bros are on the right wing spectrum and completely insufferable, thats actually why only a self hating ethnic woman who cant speak any english would tolerate them. I actually knew a poltard who was also an aspiring passport bro with a fetish for brown women despite claiming to be nazi. I asked him why he thought it was okay to racemix when he calls himself a nazi. He said hurr it's different for men, men who fuck foreign women are conquerors, only women should be punished for racemixing. He also thought all white women are obsessed with black men and 'BBC' and called them mudshark feminazis. When I asked him foe stats about it, he just said something about webms of 'coalburners from tiktok' kek. Right wing men are all insane. All politically active men are insane in general.

No. 2048653

he's probably thinking he's such a funny le epic professional troll for this low effort ragebait. ironically, if a black person would post some kind of equivalent to this, or even just any old run of the mill hotep post about ancient civ, they'd get a trillion times more engagement from all the terminally online unemployed chuds and bots screeching about it.

No. 2048656

Kek i hope he is serious and not rage baiting because that would make this 100x funnier.

No. 2048660

Yet they say those Chads and ripped men with gym muscles, tailored suits and shark eyes who can mansplain a problem in 5 minutes are also red pill misogynists with more T. And some do have real harems. So what's it then, does the T make them want the harems or the fagginess?

No. 2048663

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Also how they choose ugly women even though they claim they would never date a below 9/10 light-haired 105 pound Stacy. Does this girl look like she would make it on the Victoria Secret catwalk just au naturel?

No. 2048683

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Men care about your past because they know all of them are dirty and can taint women with anything, especially their cum. Men are most afraid of other men's cum.

Even liking a boy band celebrity or having crush on a more attractive guy can really trigger a sunset of men and they lose interest suddenly as they believe even your crush has marked you just for liking them.

The male ego is retarded, they cannot take women liking better men than them even if they just want pump and dump, but can like a 1000 Stacy models who have been to Dubai.(this is not milk)

No. 2048684

>"Once you go black, you never go back"
Considering it's fucking reddit, there's a <89% this was written by someone with a BBC cuck fetish. They know this right?

No. 2048685

Late on replying to this (reading backwards) wtf is this retard on about? Does he mean the grinding machine to cut up meat on the spot? They literally have this in Latino meat markets in LA. Go on a bad day and you'll see a whole ass pig head covered in blood. (I'm vegan so idk what else he could be referencing in this pic). What an idiot.

No. 2048690

Hate that it's me but it's inevitable someone would point out she isn't ugly, she's just quiet and used to being told she's ugly so she acts frumpy. She's definitely pretty or her comments section would be completely different
For me the issue is her partner legit seems like a pseudo-son. He's immature and insecure, it paints her in such a different light than if she was a solo lady living in a new place. I tinfoil that he also plays a role in how her content focuses on how foreign and bemused by customs she is/was. People don't usually do that without other people giving them attention for their novelty.
He gives me the passport bro ick while he didn't even leave his own country kek that's next level

No. 2048691

The reason pseudogreek phag hasn't found a passport wife in Italy, Spain, etc is because he is pumping and dumping them. He is not serious about marriage and kids, just lying in hope to lure more docile girls to chase and put out for him. He wants a moving harem till he's 50.

No. 2048692

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This is what men mean when they say women want to bring down the natural hierarchy to "equal" only. Not true, men see objective beauty and they would trade her up for Candice if they had the first chance to. Too bad she got too much plastic surgery in the 2nd pic though, looks like a man now.(derail)

No. 2048694

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Why do women take advice from this scrote? He’s got women out here eating raw heart. I cannot wait for them to discover prions once they try brains.

No. 2048696

Why does he eat internal organs where waste-processing takes place in, animal genitalia and anus? He complains about high body count women yet he has ate phallic shit before, wouldn't this mean he now has a 1000 cock stare via beastality?

No. 2048703

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Birdie finally looking not greasy and cleaned up and begging for us to give her stuff for the 3rd child who’s also fatherless.

No. 2048710

the raw meat stuff is probably just an extension of their gooning. like some kind of need to touch and put the raw flesh of other beings inside themselves due to lack of normal human intimacy. they'll start advocating for cannibalism soon enough, i'm sure some crunchymoms already endorse eating the placenta as part of their esoteric orgazmic births.

No. 2048711

>Most passport bros are on the right wing spectrum
I mean they're conservative but never once have I ever heard a "poltard" be one. The majority of them don't lean that right

No. 2048713

Liberal for themselves only, conservative for females, minorities and other men they hate or see as competitors. Ugly double standard retard males aren't fair, so don't ever try to reason with them. Be unfair back.

No. 2048732

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We’ve reached the holistic gooner selling tips on how to cum when birthing your child.

No. 2048737

I think the most ironic part about this too is the fact passport bros will be like "Asian women are trad and starve themselves unlike those Western career women PIGS"

Then on the very pic example you showed (UyenNinh), on her channel she talks about how after she got with her husband and left her country, she stopped dieting heavily and wearing makeup and following Asian beauty standards because they were toxic for her mental health.

Basically passport bros are glorifying anorexia and plastic surgery beauty standards.

No. 2048741

On the passport bro subreddits like r/itsthatbad and r/passportbros, all of them seem like horrendous, insufferable people. Constantly enraged, bitter, and looking for something to get offended at on behalf of "da poor menz"! Even if I was the loneliest person in the world, I wouldn't be "jealous" of any foreign women dating these men. Living with a negative person sounds so exhausting.

And you know that these men would turn any kids they had against their wife anyways, Because she did some "infraction" like forgetting to put on a high pitched trad baby voice, or not having a giant smile after being up for 24 hours comforting a screaming newborn.

No. 2048772

People like Sverige are advocating for cannibalism already and their followers send them vials of their blood to drink (absolutely disgusting).

No. 2048773

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This sucker has definitely played the hoe field and done some Dan Bilzerian shit before turning 55 and now wants a good young low body count “virgin” to settle for him and make his idiot legacy.

While making fun of older women who got made hoes and single moms by men like him, not forgiving their past, saying they should have picked better and got married to an ugly quick before becoming wine and cat ladies. Also want to cut them out of workforce and society. He doesn’t want older women to have redemption but only he and playboy men can get, inherently unfair. This is why never support men’s body count, only use old playboys and never settle.

No. 2048778

>Ls account
>reposting someone's BBC cuck porn fic unironically

No. 2048783

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True male nature confession confirmed: most men will rape if there isn’t any fall girls offering them free pussy anyhow. They always want “casualties” of whores and madonnas still waiting for them at the finish line after post nut clarity.

Evil dual male mating strategy, let the whores be single and offed after 30, and let the madonnas take all their male bullshit and must still smile and “make the bullshit better”. Very unfair that women must suffer for “the good of” men, inherently unfair. And cannot be treated like whole humans with other functions. Once the sex and body count is spoilt, damaged goods. Yet cannot be girlboss or at least have big daddy government funding after the mens leave you. Women are deliberately set up to fail.(unsaged non-milk, rambling derail)

No. 2048785

The fun thing about prions is that you don't discover them. You'll just get something that looks like Alzheimer's at around 60 and no one will ever know if it's from self inflicted dietary retardation. And if it's from prions literally nothing will work to palliate it.

No. 2048788

Her viewpoint is literally a pleb midwit one (the tendency to see romantic love and childbirth as part of the same escalating continuum instead of two contradictory states).

No. 2048809

Are you ESL? I can barely understand what the hell you're saying.

No. 2048811

Kek damn I wish someone had saved that. It would explain why her hair looks terrible and her skin is so greasy.

No. 2048812

Are you a trannycel whose egg cracked? You seem very jealous of women's beauty and duality, so you want to take hrt and FFS while using your male strength and skills to dominate female sports, and jobs in general.(schizo-tier scrotefoiling)

No. 2048830

Nothing disgusts me more than 50+ men in manosphere. Get the fuck off twitter grandpa, leave young girls alone, go babysit your grandkids. What's that? you don't have any? That's weird. Why not? Is it because you were a manwhore in your youth and didn't settle down/commit to a nice woman? Well too bad. Guess you'll have to die alone.

But do keep telling young men to keep being promiscuous and that hook up culture only harms women. Yeah it's so wise as a man to waste your 20s on meaningless hookups and then don't settle for women your own age and within your league in your 30s because when you turn 40 an 18 year old virgin will magically turn up at your doorstep. Yeah sure, keep feeding young boys this BS. It's not like men will age and lose their looks and their ability to father a child. It's not like they'll remain alone and unwanted. It's not like thousands of men die alone and thousands literally kill themselves for the exact same reason.

But go ahead, doom these men to the same miserable fate you have while blaming women because you have a stick shoved up your ass and wont take it out even if it kills you.(sage your shit)

No. 2048831

K TMI maybe but there is a phenomenon of having an orgasm at birth. Some women report parts of labor feeling good, and things like nipple and clitoral stimulation while laboring not only help with dilation but also feel enjoyable. This is well documented and if you’ve had a natural birth….you can experience it.(derailing)

No. 2048866

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>Says she supports red pill and married a hardcore conservative man who knows to tell her NO
>Yet he allowed her to interact and work with Matt for years on a RW podcast
>Even though "wives should not interact too closely with another man not the husband"

No. 2048886

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Andra is claiming she’s biblically eating I’m fucking crying. This cow is new to this pasture
>claims to be in medicine
>”certified” ND
>promotes fake studies or doesn’t provide evidence, or purposely misreads and misrepresents them
>friends with wannagreek and all the other raw is law people
>preaches about the Bible being in medical care
>claims to heal families, even newborns.

No. 2048977

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The Floridian carni-cokeheads are in fact from a wealthy background. All crunchy people are either rich or poor.

No. 2048983

liv schmidt giving some interesting insights on what's it like to live with one of these raw-meat bros. ik she's insane and disordered too but i still cannot phatom why you would voluntarily suffer this life

No. 2049004

ironically carnivorebros are copying more and more of classic nopoo organic diy lefty communal living people behaviour, while thinking they're the epitome of masculinity kek

No. 2049067

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I’m fucking crying he can’t handle any criticism of why it’s weird to be shirtless in a kitchen with your cousin.

No. 2049089

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What makes you think they have anything to do with that house? It's like those posers that sit on other peoples' lambos to look rich and cool.

No. 2049224

>obsessed with carnivore diet half of the week
>goes and eats all her commercial food on the weekend
starting to get the feeling he is not the only one, like some nona(s) said before about how ashley english probably usually dumps the food after taking pictures. besides some actually mentally ill moids, i doubt anyone can eat like this without getting sick anyways

No. 2049268

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This dusty is really trying to push for dirty old pua men to marry young virgins. "Young men just want to fool around naturally, so women must give up and marry us who have sown our oats and settled down!"

STFU, if true male nature was promiscuous, then the game is rigged and unfair for women, reality is sexist. He's just telling on himself, maybe he should in Minecraft get doxxed and banned like Arthur Kwon Lee another red pill male, after offending a rabid feminist who had her group target him in one X space. Now Arthur has to use Rumble.

No. 2049293

All I'm reading is "young people just want to have sex and not make life changing commitments". No shit Sherlock.

No. 2049408

>women are locked into a horrible choice between being a nun for decades or to become promiscuous and have "fun"
why would it be horrible for women to have a lot of sex? why is he implying it wouldn't be fun for women to get laid? oh right i forgot these men live in a delusion where women can't enjoy sex but can only take a bunch of psychic damage from it until their very souls are worn down and corrupted and they get ptsd-like hollow stares from fucking too much. unlike men who are completely unaffected by it and akshually need sex all the time because it's in their nature.
>All I'm reading is "young people just want to have sex and not make life changing commitments"
ummm don't you know it's just men who are like that and women are only interested in relationships that ensue marriage and babymaking? it's because an irreversible magical enchantment called pair bonding is laid upon all women as soon as a dick is put inside of them. only women have this though!! men can suck and fuck indefinitely because they're immune to magic spells.

No. 2049422

If woman monogamous, why male peepee shaped like cum shovel?

No. 2049536

Marriage is cringe, why are tradfags so obsessed with it and don't get that some people are lot interested in it?

No. 2049548

Most trad men actually don't take marriage seriously, they only pay lip service by saying it benefits women and force women to get married young as a "legal" means to have a staple chick to control and bully, while leeching off her free feminine labour cooking and cleaning, so they have enough energy to do their "important and superior boys club" stuff like make more money, gamble and cheat with the "liberal hoes".

Most men lie about the romance and soulmate fantasy, because they know what women want. But most men can't truly love a woman, they are instinctually red pill by nature, as seen by men which start coercing or abusing their woman (whom they "settled" for or only love her looks) once she is most vulnerable like during pregnancy. If he can't see women as human, he can't love the whole person.

Never believe what trad men say, watch their actions.

No. 2049593

Shut up with this shit, it’s like one paper that says it might be shaped like that. You just sound unhinged.

No. 2049594

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Kek this bitch is going to have her kid in Canada so she can become a resident. She’s in an Airbnb and calling it her house.

No. 2049622

Derail but the lack of landscaping makes this look less like a house and more like a shitty indoor wedding venue.

No. 2049752

All of Alabama looks like that kek.

No. 2049780

if cum shovel not real, why male produce higher quality and volume of ejaculate with more killer sperm if he thinks he's being cucked?(derailing)

No. 2049832

this sex at dawn shit was written by a literal cuckold fetishist. its literotica for scotes.

No. 2049844

Yeah, the cuck fetishists also made human males have a larger relative testicle size and experience more sexual jealousy. All signs of monogamous female nature.(ban evasion)

No. 2049884

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>Let’s make women’s options limited, they have to be more unhappy then we can have more little ones running around guyz!!!
>A brutal dictatorship is better than other regimes if it means women are suffering more and more kids born, even if under piss poor conditions guys!

Abhor these type of schizo-ill men who look retarded in the face. No wonder they can’t get laid, women know speds can’t be good husband or father material. Also, men do not love babies naturally. If they did, we would have state and tax funded baby homes and centres to house all unwanted pregnancies and no need for abortion. Plus free education and basic needs for poor kids born to single moms. The birth rate cope is just a lie to cover their harem fantasies and free pussy.

No. 2049886

The same men will shit their pants over single mothers getting goverment bucks, lesbian couples or single women having babies with donated sperm, white women having babies with men of other races etc. It is not about reproducing but getting the woman tied down to them.

No. 2049894

literally everyone who spergs about birth rates claiming shit along the lines of "x will happen in x years if these birth rates don't change" are developmentally challenged and cannot understand statistics or basic math whatsoever

No. 2049933

>pulls idea out of his ass about dictatorships having a "statistical chance" of "surviving"
>concept based on a laughably childish world view, "purely due to birth rates"
>no evidence of this
>no proof that it will happen is even possible for years
>Evolution seems to have chosen its preferred ideological system!!!!!
Imagine just saying any stupid thing that comes to your deformed little moid brain and then asserting that facts, science, and evolution are on your side no matter what. That kind of confidence must be nice.

No. 2049956

A huge subset of the terminally online manospherians are diagnosed “special”, and it shows physically, no wonder them retards can’t get pussy. “Special” men are just as rapey and degenerate as abusive chads, in fact moreso, they cannot mask their intentions and lust as well as normies.

No. 2050060

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Wannagreek has been sperging off today 1/3
That’s just so much acidic food at once.

No. 2050061

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This retard hasn’t been able to find love in any of these places kek.

No. 2050062

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More Japan sperging, he did this with Italy not too long ago.

No. 2050074

Kek im kind of excited for his "making my own country" shit to take off. Like what is he going to do? Buy an island or something? Steal some land from another country? Because the only place i see this going is him buying like 20 or so acres somewhere in america or canada or maybe even europe and starting a super picky cult thats majorily women he wants to fuck and their cuck husbands. But we will seeee hopefully. That milk would be delicious.

No. 2050075

His dating app couples he’s going to request that they live with him on his farm and all have children together. He says this in almost every post

No. 2050088

Why is every single cult ever the exact same. Like back in the 70s there were already a whole bunch of the same exact type of guy around. Now it's even more boring since it's just making your diet your personality, not even whacky shit about how becoming part of his breeding stock would unlock your 5D soul to vibrate with the alien overlords or whatever

No. 2050100

So he can't even be fucked to exercise. Ugly.

No. 2050130

Coffee and orange juice is such a vomitrocious combination

No. 2050242

Cooked eggs?! Heresy.

No. 2050267

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How much do we want to bet that wannagreek has some type of personality disorder or schizophrenia? I can’t tell based on how wild his conspiracy theories are and the fact he wants to build his own country and he’s serious about it.

No. 2050274

He just wants to start a harem like Smith and the Mormons to coddle his broken ego from being a failson and never earning a single medal or award from young to his age now.

No. 2050317

Kek even the robot detected his mental illness.

No. 2050372

That robot roasted him. Forever alone, kek!!!

No. 2050457

File: 1729904970934.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1179x2080, IMG_4624.jpeg)

This bitch actually thinks she’s an actor, movie director, author, model, and whatever else Barbie could do. She’s been “filming” for 4 years now, and nothing to show for it kek.

No. 2050458

File: 1729905048270.jpeg (895.96 KB, 1179x2093, IMG_4619.jpeg)

black trad wife is up today with her bullshit

No. 2050459

File: 1729905078907.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1179x2057, IMG_4620.jpeg)

Her children are going to be so weird and sheltered. I hope her sons don’t become incels.

No. 2050483

Looks like someone was unpopular in school. She must've been called ugly or was jealous of the popular girls or something so now she's angrily ranting about schools and other women because of insecurity. Sorry you weren't prom queen, being an alt right shill still won't make you loved Solie.

No. 2050484

Even if you had some trad dictatorship, women would be running away from it, trying to escape it, and even possibly committing suicide to get out of being forced birth handmaidens to husbands who beat them.

Why can't these people realize what's going to raise the birthrate is a society that shows basic respect towards women, men care about helping with babies, and there's universal childcare/cheap housing?

No. 2050504

the problem with patriarchy and society is it panders most to bad men with money. If they really led with putting children first and protecting women, then Diddies and Tates would be nonexistent because bad men and money would not be prized, so they cannot get away with wtf they want. If children and women were prioritised, a lot of things would be more free for poors and single moms, more community, and family units with no cheating.

No. 2050888

File: 1730036840188.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x2088, IMG_4638.jpeg)


No. 2050889

File: 1730036917204.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1179x2072, IMG_4636.jpeg)

speaking of Tarzan looks wtf is this shit?

No. 2050891

File: 1730037291779.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1179x2099, IMG_4637.jpeg)

Here’s a cow who’s been drinking the kool aid heavily
>crunchy mom
>goes into stores and films embarrassing content (strangers look at her in the background of her videos.).
>like every cow here claims everything is toxic and that she has “swaps” (totally not sponsored to say things either huh)
>talks about how she will drive 2+ hours to go to the organic grocery stores and chiropractor because she doesn’t trust the ones around her
>clearly has orthorexia, fear of chemicals, and much more autism
>claims supplements she shills out are like ozempic
>pretty much trying to be the food babe 2.0.

No. 2051060

she probably loves cosmetic 'enhancements' like fillers and surgery, like the other 'natural beauties' itt kek

No. 2051177

This looks like a character from some horror movie…

No. 2051189

File: 1730119269064.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1179x2086, IMG_4647.jpeg)

can this retard just say he’s voting for trump

No. 2051190

File: 1730119316729.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1179x2088, IMG_4648.jpeg)

If he wasn’t in Japan I’d say he was bound to step on glass. But he’s at least bound to step in shit and bugs

No. 2051191

File: 1730119375829.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1179x2024, IMG_4651.jpeg)

This retard didn’t even put it in her mouth, she just looks disgusted with it.

No. 2051193

File: 1730119573658.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x1922, IMG_4646.jpeg)

oh no this cow didn’t do research on herbal supplements and got sick, who would’ve thunk it.

No. 2051209

ashwagandha increases serotonin and tanks your sex steroids. not very peaty of her

No. 2051230


>Living meaningless lives focused on work and pleasure

Did you mean what redpill grifters basically push? Or conservative capitalists who bootstrap people?

>Psychedelic revival

Okay but the party you like that supports "traditional families" would also gleefully throw you in jail for doing shrooms because "drugs bad"

>eating seed oil "garbage"

Sir, conservatives have been fighting for years to keep foods processed and unhealthy because "free market" and your candidate is addicted to eating McDonald's. Project 2025 would also lower food regulations.

>tracking their cycle

That has been shown to be a poor method of birth control, and basically a giant path to having to work a 9-5 for decades to support your 10 screaming kids

>becoming spiritual/religious

And we can see how great that worked when you see how kids who were raised fundie religious often rebel a million times harder than those raised in secular households. Two words. Reverse psychology.

No. 2051273

Idk I think the current generation feeling so depressed and nihilistic that they’re turning to drugs for any type of meaning is something to be more concerned over if anything. Then again new age people love to say we’re living in the end times so should any of us really be shocked?

No. 2051377

Redpill “family” men just want a harem full of barely legal girls where they can rotate and throw out those who aged up or made a little mistake to the streets. No rights and protections for women, only men get to be bad and unfair.

This is why women should only simp for top handsomest men and let the other uglies and betas get culled. Only top handsome men get to play the game, and playing the selective Chads-only game lets women win the most, small male to large female ratio. Too many men spoil everything, the top men know the bottom men are brutal competition.

If he’s not a Chad, he’s not a dad.(derailing)

No. 2051469

File: 1730196873313.jpg (389.23 KB, 1080x1568, 4512e3c6-4820-4c3f-94e4-62c5d9…)

It turns out our Resident Antifeminist Feminist, or as she calls herself, misogynistic towards feminists only but pro-gynocentric for marriage and motherhood, has realized something and became blackpilled.

Found out agreeing too much with bad selfish male retards who just want to strip rights from women just to get sex and harems, and bully females for sport if they misbehave and are not perfect 100% all the time - doesn't get her power or whatever she wanted to leech from them, just more blackpilled and learning how bad male nature can be.

Either way the system doesn't work. Whether trad monogamy marriages when husband gets total control over one woman and can legally manhandle her as he pleases, or a libfem girlboss corporate capitalist system where nasty men with $$$ are prioritized and can make harems with women working for them or sugar babies while poor and average men suffer and go crazy.

Without love, the system doesn't work. And women have to do "sex work is work" for unlikable men.

No. 2051477


wouldn't that then allow men to be more selective because there's a million women to one male?(derailing)

No. 2051478

Retarded ugly trannycel moid, fuck off.

Men like multiple marriages and concubines, and multiple women need just one man to ground them all and stabilize their hysteria and security, so a Chad-only patriarchy where multiple women can henpeck men collectively if they get too chauvinistic is the most ideal situation for everyone to win. Women get more rights, the few top men get more sex, and families can multiply.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2051501

>women need just one man to ground them all and stabilize their hysteria and security
>scrotefoiling while preaching polygamy and claiming women need scrotes to 'stabilize their hysteria'
topkek are you lost

No. 2051649

Probably a traddie who got badly burnt, currently in the process of becoming more blackpilled while still hanging on to her overvalued ideas of disney oneitis.

No. 2051657


you think an ideal world for women is a world where men get to have thousands of sexual partners/have many children they couldn't possibly take care of?

this isn't a chicken coop, women don't want one man as hens do a rooster. we also don't need men to 'stabilize our hysteria' and for 'security', because newsflash… men are usually the ones we are trying to avoid in our pursuit of safety. you're braindead kek

No. 2052037

File: 1730339185799.jpg (44.62 KB, 558x540, just-when-i-thought-id-seen-it…)


No. 2052046

Check her bad past, this harpy was from a hippie lib "Christian" cult, so was her husband. And admitted she only married him for logic reasons, not out of love. She just wants to paint herself as a tradwife martyr and encourage women to martyr themselves ragged for men as a female intrasexual competition strategy to let women settle for most abusers and bullies, while she picks the feminine faggots for herself.

No. 2052150

File: 1730384066413.jpeg (526.85 KB, 1284x2259, IMG_0117.jpeg)

No. 2052152

File: 1730384565309.jpeg (88.32 KB, 750x758, IMG_2118.jpeg)

Crazy to think a good subset portion of manospherians still could get married and have wives with such a chav mindset.

Its inherently unfair how there are still women who will be aggressive and slutty online but married to ugly redpill men still submit and take all their bs.

How do those tardwives do it and manage to endure? Or are most just lying? Mr Wilson seems like he doesn’t force his antifem pig wife rachell into duty sex, seems more like cheating on her with slooty maga side chicks when out or watching porn. Wtf

No. 2052188

I gagged. This faggot actually put balls of ground meat in a cake cone and walked outside to take a picture of it.

No. 2052195

So much for not eating seed oils when that cake cone has a small amount.

No. 2052199

By the same logic a woman should leave any many who doesn't satisfy her sexually.

No. 2052200

Fucking nasty, Jesus.

No. 2052202

Yeah 'cause finding a woman willing to suck his peenie weenie is definitely an easy task, kek. Aren't these the same scrotes who whine about dating statistics and divorce?

No. 2052228

And yet millions of men stay. The compelling argument is "dying alone".

No. 2052239

File: 1730411990618.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x2127, IMG_4798.jpeg)

Jesus Christ

No. 2052240

File: 1730412036143.jpeg (915.27 KB, 1179x1909, IMG_4653.jpeg)

I want to a log.

No. 2052243

Am I interpreting right in thinking she is literal white trash? The sticker across her bust, the trash bin skirt et all.

No. 2052249

File: 1730416234485.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1179x2078, IMG_4719.jpeg)

kinda sad lunch here, but it’s better than most school lunch.

No. 2052250

File: 1730416306084.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1179x1932, IMG_4654.jpeg)

Does she understand that voting for trump means more women will die? Those abortion bans are only killing us.

No. 2052252

File: 1730416464287.jpeg (815.63 KB, 1179x1989, IMG_4755.jpeg)

Women can’t have a break when it comes to Kim.

No. 2052253

File: 1730416543898.jpeg (869.38 KB, 1179x2062, IMG_4781.jpeg)

Ladies if you have hormonal problems just get dicked down kek I’m sure that’ll solve everything.

No. 2052254

File: 1730416588342.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1179x2087, IMG_4782.jpeg)

I’m weak

No. 2052255

Not to mention the unwanted children getting killed by their jealous fathers.

No. 2052259

Why are these people psychotically obsessed with not looking “old” is it really going to matter when both the women in these pictures are going to rot into the earth one day and be left as skeletons? Trad women are so short sighted

No. 2052266

Women who think ‘sex solves everything’ are short-sighted low iq whores who can’t screen for bad behaviour or red flags in their man.

No. 2052271

File: 1730419347042.jpeg (181.66 KB, 749x1182, IMG_2123.jpeg)

Your self-proclaimed antifeminist maga-touting tradwife who is totes faithful to her hubby and not an attention obsessing vain b, sir.

No. 2052282

It’s amazing how you can psyop normies into doing almost anything, including giving themselves prions and tapeworms and rubbing themselves in lard, as long as you can convince them that by doing so, they’re no longer normies.

No. 2052307

How can women think that taking men’s abuse, bullying, duty sex, etc all in the name of “love” is “true love? That is the question. And he doesn’t even treat you like Prince Charming would, no chivalry or flowers at all, and you can still believe it’s “love”? How do women delude themselves into this onenitis fantasy when the actions don’t add up is the real question.(derail)

No. 2052345

I refuse to believe that isn’t the school lunch that she put in there. This makes me mad to look at

No. 2052348

I think they know it's not love, they just have crab mentality and want all women to be as miserable as they are.

No. 2052448

File: 1730473161880.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1179x2117, IMG_4806.jpeg)

Halloween brought out the crazy in a lot of crunchy moms. Sorry for the spam but the milk is abundant.
We start with jasyra, 1/3.

No. 2052449

File: 1730473224106.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1179x2073, IMG_4807.jpeg)

2/3 I wonder how her kids will feel about this when they are older. I hope they don’t develop orthorexia.

No. 2052450

File: 1730473310926.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1179x2045, IMG_4808.jpeg)

I genuinely wonder what the hell she does with the candy after. She probably throws it out kek what a fucking waste. Imagine if this was real food like leftovers from family gatherings or something.

No. 2052451

File: 1730473395861.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1179x2073, IMG_4804.jpeg)

We have Ashley English catching more parasites in bali than she did in America. I just know the locals think she’s insane.

No. 2052489

That's hardly any food for a kid that's probably running around and needs energy. Guaranteed she eats snacks from her friends.

No. 2052506

File: 1730485960057.jpeg (443.94 KB, 2052x1179, 89D99633-E694-4EAB-8BDD-BF2B3D…)

Imagine having no original thoughts

No. 2052559

File: 1730495221636.png (3.13 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4820.png)

Wannagreek is schizo posting again

No. 2052560

This reminds me of the movie, "Mommy Dearest" when Joan Crawford wouldn't let her daughter keep more than one birthday gift a year and donated the rest. Mothers of the year.

A good way to set the kids up to be fat later, too. They'll go hog wild as soon as they are out of that house.

No. 2052568

The more I deep dive into these anti feminist new right wing women, the more I realize they’re all just swingers or wannabe swingers

No. 2052574

Haven't you heard the latest, nonnie? Women don't like sex! They want hubbies and babies and that's the only reason they endure it

No. 2052594

not to blog but ashwaganda made me super aggressive when im normally a mild mannered person. i also take zoloft. i used to willy nilly take supplements and suffered

No. 2052608

File: 1730508343627.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1179x2054, IMG_4677.jpeg)

I need him to marry a ladyboy and claim him off as a trad wife

No. 2052641

I feel so bad for these kids.
Looks like prison food.

No. 2052720

File: 1730563336322.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1179x1964, IMG_4840.jpeg)

Deana is back to posting kek, what a short “break” from social media.

No. 2052745

I had the unpleasant misfortune of finding a server full of tradfags and interacted with them. Their consensus was basically
>racemixing bad when white women do it
>racemixing good when white men do it
>white men racemixing = conquerors
>white women racemixing = evil harpies who should be stoned to death
>ethnic women who racemix = good and tradpilled but only with white men
>ethnic men racemixing bad
>polyamory for men = good
>polyamory for women = bad and they should be killed for even suggesting it
>Islam bad but if white men are implementing it then good
>racism good but let's all take brown and Asian wives because it's okay when nazi males do it
All these men are scorned reject incel trashbags who want to enforce a Taliban style social system to keep women from cucking them with superior men.
I can actually post some screenshots of stuff tradfags have said to me but it's not any different from the usual woman hating /pol/ spiel

No. 2052746

I had the unpleasant misfortune of finding a server full of tradfags and interacted with them. Their consensus was basically
>racemixing bad when white women do it
>racemixing good when white men do it
>white men racemixing = conquerors
>white women racemixing = evil harpies who should be stoned to death
>ethnic women who racemix = good and tradpilled but only with white men
>ethnic men racemixing bad
>polyamory for men = good
>polyamory for women = bad and they should be killed for even suggesting it
>Islam bad but if white men are implementing it then good
>racism good but let's all take brown and Asian wives because it's okay when nazi males do it
All these men are scorned reject incel trashbags who want to enforce a Taliban style social system to keep women from cucking them with superior men.
I can actually post some screenshots of stuff tradfags have said to me but it's not any different from the usual woman hating /pol/ spiel(unsaged double posting retard)

No. 2052748

File: 1730573129994.png (347.37 KB, 940x1133, 1000002702.png)

Young white women are already pro Trump. Why don't Magatards chastize their Asian and Latina wives who overwhelmingly vote leftist?

No. 2052754

Being a heterosexual woman is already a form of Stockholm syndrome because you're basically expecting love and kindness from an apex predator. Why is anyone surprised some hettie betties go even further and literally deify their oppressors?

Tradthots don't realize that most men would rather fuck a busted dumpy acne ridden 18 year old than a glamorous slim and beautiful 40 year old. It's not physical beauty that are the main attraction to men, they are just pedophiles. Look at all the emo bands who became famous just so they could sleep with awkward spotty chubby pasty 14 year old girls in PATD hoodies.

By the same logic women should cuck their husbands during ovulation because women become more sexually attracted to Chads during that time. And if you cant make your wife horny it means you're an ugly beta male who needs to be cheated on so your kids can receive superior genes from another man.
It's 'natural' after all!

No. 2052756

Show screens of the most retarded ones.

No. 2052757

>sex is the only thing men care about
We know, but thanks for telling on your gender and cofirming what smart women already know, retard kek. All the more reason for women not to get married.

So women initiate 80% of divorces but in this moids little coping peabrain it's actually MEN who hold all the bargaining chips? Heh. Reality says differently. Even incels admit that women can always find a backup plan whenever they want.

Married men live longer and describe greater life satisfaction than single men. The reasons for men to get and stay married are endless that's why almost none of them dare leave their wives if they know what's good for them. Look at the older male bachelor suicide rates.

No. 2052767

>Married men live longer and describe greater life satisfaction than single men
funny how the opposite is true for women

No. 2052781

File: 1730583246395.jpeg (124.44 KB, 750x1624, IMG_2154.jpeg)

This claims to be a normie rw suburban housewife account but seems to have very male-coded speech. Copies of rp talking points, even. Bot, plant, troon or moid larping? If it is a female, how did it get so radicalized by retarded men?

No. 2052782

Yeah this seems extremely male to me. They can't even emulate the women who agree with them correctly kek

No. 2052786

File: 1730584347785.jpeg (172.67 KB, 749x1079, IMG_2157.jpeg)

Jeering at single unmarried women

No. 2052787

File: 1730584473436.jpeg (182.47 KB, 749x1148, IMG_2158.jpeg)

Defending the 8-week cheating guy

No. 2052788

Off topic but the guy in that profile picture has a POTENT spoiled brat phenotype. It's actually incredible.

No. 2052790

I know the post about the cheater is old in itself but it still disgusts me that some man would whine like a child that a BABY is getting attention right after it's born. No shit the baby needs her, you are not important compared to a helpless newborn. And who even would think a woman who just gave birth would want to have sex let alone that quickly before she's healed completely. Also.. Baby is easy hehe. No a-logging but damn dude go jump in a lake.

No. 2052791

Why is olive oil queen included when shes not milky whatsoever? She wasn't mentioned literally once at all in the last thread.
Smells like self poasting

No. 2052792

File: 1730585103244.jpeg (155.92 KB, 750x1039, IMG_2163.jpeg)

Saying age gap relations with much younger women are better and older women easily replacable when “antiherokate” is a post-wall over 30 “herself” with at least one grown child (as seen in another old larp tweet)

No. 2052793

i’m not sure tbh? her name was posted literally one single time in our previous thread, it looks like. in my opinion someone else deserves that #1 rightoid cow spot

No. 2052794

KEK at the extremely male attempt at doing the "hmmm yes, I, a woman, can empathise with the post-partum wife" thing, a genuine aspie could have done a better job than that.

No. 2052796

File: 1730585528139.jpeg (166.89 KB, 750x1624, IMG_2168.jpeg)

But sometimes the mask slips. And “she” makes weird comments on how hot women are, even if said women are libtarded. Strange.

Closeted dyke who had to marry a 2/10 short fat uggo male because she’s codependent and screwed up her earlier life or born-male alt account?

No. 2052797

I sure hope someone reminded "her" that lusting over JLo is forbidden due to her being over 25!!

No. 2052799

File: 1730586654907.jpeg (169.93 KB, 750x1120, IMG_2178.jpeg)

“Husband” larp does seem a little too serious though. But sounds a very male-brained sperg in most of her other tweets. Verdict, kate’s a 2/10 disney villain-looking crone saddled to a closeted faggot?

No. 2052801

File: 1730587105695.jpeg (209.23 KB, 749x1415, IMG_2172.jpeg)

What kind of “true and honest feminine woman” talks like this?! Worse, there are her friends agreeing with her at the bottom. How do midwestern trash crone cliques get so radicalised until become antifeminists who trust 100% in men, don’t believe in bad men and blame women for not serving men “naturally”? Why is her crone clique so special?

No. 2052829

The human male is a brood parasite. No animal spends maternal resources on the breeding male. None. Not even polygynous "patriarchal" apes. There is literally no such thing as feeding, bathing and consoling the male that fucks you. The reverse is endemic.

This creature got to use a woman's resources to breed at her expense (yes, this is actually how sexual reproduction works - this is beyond debate) yet it's also mad that the woman is investing resources into his parasitic spawn. His ideal outcome is literally impossible and would harm his own fitness, because the male is not intended to be a part of the family unit. There is no biological program for "fatherhood" in primates. Letting a breeding male continuously mateguard past parturition (marriage) simply results in him assuming the same niche as the offspring. The male's program for "long term love" is a sexualized approximation of the maternal care he received. He is competing with this own children in the most Darwinian sense there is.

No. 2052831

of course the "30" year old moid imagines himself with hair

No. 2052835

Are you girls new? Antiherokate has been around for years, she really is a married woman with children. She quacks like a moid because of multiple pregnancies brain damage + being a "hag" (and possibly ugly, I don't remember seeing pictures) means that's her only means to get attention.

No. 2052853

She isn’t even a christian btw, just secular trad and trying to suck up to men to get power and favours from them

No. 2052863

>makes her husband do childcare
You mean just normal parenting?

No. 2052864

File: 1730609988667.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1179x2051, IMG_4856.jpeg)

Rebecca mock being retarded this night after she dressed up as a trash bag.

No. 2052866

File: 1730610042765.jpeg (904.42 KB, 1179x1926, IMG_4857.jpeg)

does Mrs mock not realize trump is an actual rapist? He was very close to Jeffery Epstein and other notable disgusting humans.

No. 2052867

File: 1730610204706.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1179x2081, IMG_4858.jpeg)

this woman in the video that Rebecca posted chose not to get an abortion for her retarded half dead fetus, she has nothing to offer when it comes to “pro choice bad”. She literally refused care and got upset because she wasted time carrying a non viable fetus. Why are republicans like this?

No. 2052915

File: 1730636087677.jpeg (629.7 KB, 1179x1977, IMG_4859.jpeg)

So he stinks basically

No. 2052916

File: 1730636172488.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1179x2062, IMG_4860.jpeg)

I just know his arteries are clogged

No. 2052917

File: 1730636201557.jpeg (408.67 KB, 1179x1991, IMG_4861.jpeg)

More retarded sperging

No. 2052919

File: 1730636334521.jpeg (203.14 KB, 1284x1645, IMG_7333.jpeg)

No. 2052920

not to WK but you can actually make a working deodorant out of coconut oil and baking soda. Using it as toothpaste sounds disgusting though.

No. 2052921

File: 1730636552384.jpeg (244.99 KB, 1184x1069, IMG_7334.jpeg)

No. 2052944

He's right kek but that's what 'the right' attracts and what it deserves

No. 2052953

Bet these retard men will discover more of their faves’ porn pics and OF and shady deals with other men. Colin Wright’s discovery of his “antifeminist” terf gf Christina Button is just like “I almost married a prostitute part 2”.

No. 2052991

For being “rw” did this guy just refer to the ACTUAL Gunpowder Plot as “V for Vendetta”? The 5th of November IS a holiday in England, a foiling of the bombing of Parliament by a Catholic zealot. V For Vendetta is based on that REAL event.

No. 2052996

>Teach women to deify front poles because they're front poles
>Abloobloo when said women worship all front poles indiscriminately
Maybe a subconscious awareness of this is why all rightoid wursties are psychosexually obsessed with feminist girlbosses.

No. 2053094

Yea, some of them are finding out women who are too ditzy, submissive and men-loving do so indiscriminately - to all cocks. So disloyal. Also, these types of bimbos come with a lot of emotional swings and crazy in a narc way, very needy and most resource extracting from men. Not surprised, they deserve each other.

No. 2053116

File: 1730689930386.jpeg (156.07 KB, 749x1225, IMG_2182.jpeg)

Are you sure it’s not a “he”? This woman talks like a male, even more bitter than ewhores, at least ewhores inject some sentiment and flowery language into their pro-male speeches. This one straight up has chud lingo and tone, robotic.

No. 2053185

God, you're really shit at passing.

No. 2053186

>men and whites sustain you
>but are also so trivial to manipulate it's not an accomplishment

No. 2053194

File: 1730719201169.jpeg (260.64 KB, 1191x1366, IMG_7397.jpeg)

>Males want cold, frigid women who give strong signs of not wanting them to ultimately be raped

Yet they still gaslight and pretend true male nature is not fundamentally rapey.

How evil must a guy be to want to rape an unconsenting woman he hates, “feminazi” they can’t even leave women they find repulsive alone.

No. 2053209

the abortion ban is a mandate, retard

No. 2053232

didn't she tweet that she hated that margot robbie had a son?

No. 2053241

File: 1730732921673.png (176.93 KB, 1165x759, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.06…)

I found a new Twitter cow "Erika". She complains about "women who dress half naked" when she also has a lot of posts about metabolism and need for relaxation and someone with an actual fast metabolism will find wearing lots of clothes to be comfortable and always be high energy on the go.

No. 2053242

File: 1730732978661.png (1.87 MB, 1059x1427, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.09…)

She's a little unfortunate looking too.

No. 2053243

I guarantee Phantom Patriot is an attention whore who actually believes in the loneliness epidemic meme kek

No. 2053244

File: 1730733045656.png (2.32 MB, 1067x1436, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.10…)

look at those fat arms and so much for "no revealing clothing"

No. 2053245

File: 1730733102361.png (2.49 MB, 2300x1412, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.10…)

She also shames random people.

No. 2053247

File: 1730733222323.png (1.36 MB, 2197x1435, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.12…)

Russian larper with a German name. "Erika" is a German name not a Russian one.

No. 2053248

Based. Men this fat have no excuse unless they have a medical condition

No. 2053249

File: 1730733278454.png (109.37 KB, 1179x503, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.14…)

Yuck she's a tradwife type too

No. 2053250

File: 1730733366738.png (244.07 KB, 1172x1010, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.15…)

Disgusting misogyny on Muskrat's twitter

No. 2053251

Is she a lesbian? Imagine the male equivalent of that. Pick-me shit

No. 2053253

File: 1730733458881.png (1.15 MB, 1213x1138, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 10.16…)

All these bitches have the same stupid duck face. I thought we left that behind with the millenials.

No. 2053299

File: 1730741871418.jpeg (769.46 KB, 1179x2131, IMG_4891.jpeg)

Andra being retarded again claiming if you got a big forehead you could be celiac kek.

No. 2053300

Kek the description
>Some NEW and PREVIOUSLY UNSEEN signs of celiac disease are:
>Looking weird
>Showing symptoms of celiac disease

No. 2053332

The funniest part about the whole passport bro thing is on the passport bro subreddits all of them are screeching about “Jealous feminist Western women” smugly, when in reality the real jealous ones are the conservative trad Western women.

No educated feminist woman is going to want to be with some angry keyboard warrior red pill guy who’s going to scream at them and get enraged at feminism 24/7, and dump them off with kids 24/7 with zero breaks and postpartum depression.

But all of these American red pill pick me women did everything they could to kiss men’s feet, defend abusive men, bully and terrorize other women, constantly compete, and let men treat them like a doormat. All of that to get still turned down for a random woman from an Eastern country. Poetic justice.

No. 2053441

File: 1730767392420.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1179x2127, IMG_4897.jpeg)

Rebecca is back with the civil war talk kek

No. 2053442

File: 1730767454122.jpeg (221.37 KB, 1179x2085, IMG_4898.jpeg)

Deana also hopping on the civil war train

No. 2053474

big ol forehead, high set hairline, long face shape and high rates of celiac disease are all just known as super common western european things. all that study is confirming is that a lot of white people have celiac lol

No. 2053584

File: 1730813044199.jpeg (997.13 KB, 1179x1749, IMG_4902.jpeg)

i hope she secretly votes against her husband.

No. 2053585

File: 1730813113817.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1179x2119, IMG_4903.jpeg)

The way he writes fanfic makes me wonder if he’s going to troon out.

No. 2053587

File: 1730813170871.jpeg (2.31 MB, 1179x2107, IMG_4904.jpeg)

I just know the locals think he’s a trust fund kid.

No. 2053600

Why would she..?

No. 2053601

No. 2053634

File: 1730825642336.jpeg (779.36 KB, 1179x1964, IMG_4911.jpeg)

Susan b Anthony is rolling in her grave right now.

No. 2053638

These women wouldn't even be allowed to write their political views on their own private online account if it wasn't for women's rights being a thing. They really show their lack of intelligence writing shit like this.

No. 2053650

Do they not realize how masculine it is to get into an angry tizzy over people having opinions different than theirs? Talk about needing anger management therapy.

No. 2053656

>imagine a future that's logistically impossible

No. 2053705

File: 1730840231283.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1179x2077, IMG_4928.jpeg)

Our black trad wife at it again with not wanting the right to vote. She has a white husband maybe she wants to legally owned by him next.


No. 2053711

let these bitches take the place of every innocent woman and girl in the middle east

No. 2053714

if you don’t want to vote, you don’t have to (in the US)
just don’t vote and be done with it

No. 2053721

No, you don't understand. The whore doesn't want other women to vote.

No. 2053775

File: 1730853046037.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1179x2109, IMG_4933.jpeg)

KEK, why post if you’re afraid of people calling you the dumb bitch you are?

No. 2053787

File: 1730856440632.jpeg (418.96 KB, 1920x1695, IMG_7467.jpeg)

Why is this basic below-mid mouthbreather claiming to be antifeminist and 40 wks pregnant yet still girlbossing crypto and building her Dumb Bitch business actually?

Never listen to basic crusty egirl larpers, they are always crypto girlbossing, building their brand even when they got a stronk dominant husband who supposedly “always tells them no and keeps them in the kitchen”. Most women want BOTH, stronk man and money/flexible girlboss work, even the antifeminist girls. Don’t let their covert submitting fool you, they do marry posturing faggots or henpeck their man into letting them have more leeway too.

Go search how many of these tradthots are doing a job/girlbossing on the side and you will find they are just doing intrasexual F competition strategies to shame and trick other women in bad faith.

No. 2053793

Is that a picture of Caroline Calloway on the top left? Repost for sage

No. 2053832

File: 1730863105303.jpeg (434.78 KB, 1573x1640, IMG_7482.jpeg)

For all the lying about how she want to suck men’s balls and be under them and “my future husband gonna be so lucky i cooked this!”, saying women shouldn’t have careers, much less be doctors, another antifeminist is worried about her exams and has enrolled in med school for the THIRD time.

Look at how many e-tradwives and men who say they want to vote women out of workforce prayed for her instead of discouraging her and reminding the helpmeet role! Hypocrites.

It’s all just an act, these “antifeminists” still want to have an edge over men and use their duality to girlboss and catch a stronk man to “nag and tame”.

No. 2053833

No. 2053840

Wait, what? Dumb bitch cap is Catherine?

No. 2053849

Sorry you got played by a tardthot. Turns out no one actually wants to "submit" to anyone, least of all women who say they do.

No. 2054198

File: 1730982540244.jpg (326.46 KB, 1080x991, 019919294.jpg)

No. 2054205

The crunchy retards won, thank god they’ll die from listeria in the milk and other pathogens.

No. 2054238

Didn't everyone vote no on legalization of psychedelics? And aren't stem cells baby murder?

No. 2054307

File: 1731017322537.png (613.12 KB, 1080x1256, 1000003218.png)

Does anyone have any milk on this one?

No. 2054325

File: 1731020692783.jpeg (795.54 KB, 1179x1867, IMG_5008.jpeg)

lol black trad wife says rape isn’t real what the actual fuck. Fuck this bitch

No. 2054352

File: 1731026874890.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1179x2159, IMG_5012.jpeg)

Kimanami the holistic gooner being anti choice for women kek.

No. 2054353

File: 1731027058034.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1179x1886, IMG_5013.jpeg)

He’s such a fucking weeb

No. 2054354

File: 1731027136624.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1179x2097, IMG_5014.jpeg)

Him reminiscing about how he started being retarded for the world to see

No. 2054358

File: 1731027870297.jpeg (789.03 KB, 1179x2085, IMG_5015.jpeg)

oh beautiful so not diagnosed by a real doctor

No. 2054378

No but all of these ultra hot takes crossed my timeline today. If there isn't any milk yet, there probably will soon

No. 2054433

File: 1731053450962.png (425.66 KB, 1197x1432, Screenshot 2024-11-08 at 3.06.…)

It's disgusting when people thirst trap then bring Jesus into it. No self-respecting Christian would do this.

No. 2054455

File: 1731068853116.png (53.03 KB, 780x459, Снимок экрана 2024-11-08 15235…)

another brain rotted twat

No. 2054555

Christianity is opposed to materialism and wordly things, these weirdos don't even read their own book

No. 2054636

What you mean is it should be opposed up materialism, not that it is.

No. 2054724

So ironic now rightie women are whoring themselves out with their my body his choice tweets. Dworkin was spot on about the rise of rightwing pornstars and prostitutes trying to make men love them.(sage your shit)

No. 2054827

File: 1731177270579.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x2087, IMG_5052.jpeg)

Waiting for black trad wife to drop her onlyfans.

No. 2054830

File: 1731177707798.png (429.93 KB, 398x849, Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 10-40…)

This is the dumbest meme because it implies they’d get an abortion if their partner said to. But this basic logic is above them.

No. 2054833

This is the black trad wife’s website where she grifts. It’s hard to find because you have to personally message her to get it and her profile will automatically DM you a link.

No. 2054835

File: 1731178245391.png (746.07 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_5058.png)

More “products” you can sell kek

No. 2054839

Record a video or make an excel spreadsheet and charge people to download it, sure. But I'm crying at suggesting "be a part time couples' therapist, in a godly way" as a hustle kek

No. 2054840

File: 1731178976182.png (484.84 KB, 793x834, Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 11-00…)

1 2 4 will get people's asses sued like Brittany Dawn or worse, imagine if someone died during birth or there was an injury to the child and you were the one who "coached" them

No. 2054856

Is it considered cow tipping to report a cow promoting dangerous behavior and activities that are known to actually kill women?
There’s probably not a lot of evidence for a report but I guess I mean in general is it considered cow tipping when someone’s life could be at a genuine risk.

No. 2054858

File: 1731183926798.png (655.5 KB, 1080x913, 1000003248.png)

She sounds like she's bitter about women who don't have any trouble with fertility and getting pregnant and now wants to control them kek

No. 2054864

This shouldn't be possible because of an obscure ruling that permits pregnancy crisis centers to operate. Technically they're lying about a medical condition, which is unlicensed medical activity, but iirc that's somehow covered under "freedom of speech".

No. 2054870

But I feel like trying to convince women with unintended pregnancies to seek options other than abortion is different from "home birth coaching" which is basically being a remote doula
You can't post about it here/try to mobilize other farmers

No. 2054881

They convince them by lying to them about physical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth though. Anything from fetal development timeline to health risks of giving birth.

Doing this about cancer is illegal and will put you in prison. Doing this about pregnancy (for which there is an insurance code, making it a medical condition) is not illegal because of a specific legal ruling I cannot recall right now.

No. 2054908

It's only cowtipping if you come brag about it.

No. 2054927


I know this is a-logging, but when Project 2025 does get passed, I hope she is unable to ever leave her marriage. Her life, his control.

No. 2054939

Little known fact about prolife whores: a lot of them are barren and infertile, so nothing makes them mald more than a woman who's so fertile her main concern is not getting knocked up. Barren moos in general are MOID levels of psycho, just look at infertility forums. They're full of vivid fantasies about murdering their friends who recently got pregnant, it would honestly be a great horrorcow thread idea.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2054954

Do you have any caps of this or know where to look for those kinds of posts? It would basically confirm my theory that the root of all evil is womb envy. I'd be so down for a whole thread about it.

No. 2054960

File: 1731210318293.jpeg (287.75 KB, 1179x778, IMG_5063.jpeg)

So I did some research on solie white, turns out our black trad wife is going by her maiden name online kek that’s not very trad of her.
Apparently her husband Andre doesn’t work and the business she claims she runs to support her husband is just him promoting through her.
She constantly claims her husband “picked her” which makes me believe he would 100% cheat if given the right chance and opportunity.

No. 2054961

File: 1731210516286.jpeg (966.34 KB, 1179x2142, IMG_5064.jpeg)

But he promotes methylene blue which is a synthetic dye???

No. 2054969

I think this post was supposed to be their attempt at making a meme about unhealthy stuff, also real methylene blue is an organic chloride salt that is often used as an edible dye, however there are synthetic methylene blue products on the market that are just powdered dyes with no health benefits.

No. 2054978

maybe OT but that makes me think of our very own megha lilywhite, i'm still not sure whether it's a pseudonym

No. 2055032


I’m seconding this. I’ve only seen this behavior with trannies; it would be a fascinating read.

No. 2055043

Don't have caps on hand (will be easy to find tho), but jsyk it is in fact a known phenomenon:


No. 2055046

The parasites will come out of their butt like fettuccine

No. 2055070

File: 1731247523914.jpg (15.76 KB, 386x349, Please_nonnie_may_we_some_more…)

Please post more if you can. I'd also love a thread about barren cows as well. The womb-envy and jealousy coming from other women never occured to me and now I'm interested.

No. 2055181

File: 1731280703441.png (1.11 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_5075.png)

Does this also fit as barren cow behavior?

No. 2055190

I think this is true. Cryptic female choice is real.

No. 2055195

Ngl I think she's mostly talking sense here. Doctors ignoring the underlying, treatable health issues in their female patients to push the most expensive option instead is 100% believable.

No. 2055197

Kek at this cow being unable to take this logic further and realize that her walled religion-assigned Nigel may not be making any sperm her egg would like to pick

No. 2055198

They're not ignoring them. Unexplained infertility implies the woman is 100% healthy. The issue is 100% ignoring the moid, who is always older and unattractive (a settle piece), and forcing his deformed third rate sperm into the egg anyway.

No. 2055201

Yeah I always wondered how quickly “infertility” would be solved if the woman in question would pick a non walled moid for the deed.

No. 2055221

File: 1731293908054.jpeg (998.81 KB, 1179x2038, IMG_5081.jpeg)


No. 2055240

So how does “naptime income” work if you need 1 person to work full time doing all of those necessary business functions (For an online business that only has 2k followers) + an extra “helper”

No. 2055251

File: 1731307662519.png (439.38 KB, 1208x1179, Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 1.46.…)

I fucking hate this bitch. How long before she opens a God-honoring Onlyfans

No. 2055296

Sorry but can someone spoon feed me the exact recipe plan the seed oil autists want? They want seed oils to be publicly named and shamed? they want people to keep eating McDonald’s and other crap with the exact same ingredients but fried in beef tallow instead of soy? They want to ban seed oils completely from shelves as a class III narcotic? Sorry I was born in the USSR I will continue to fry my chebureki in sunflower oil with zero health repercussions lol

No. 2055324

File: 1731335008002.png (182.12 KB, 1245x1143, Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 9.22.…)

This bitch so hyperfixated on Ozempic when she hasn't lost a pound

No. 2055326

I'm starting to not believe their diet because literally no one in this movement is actually skinny

No. 2055328

File: 1731335457734.png (199.28 KB, 1263x1439, Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 9.29.…)

This is stupid

No. 2055344

I’m curious how “nap time income” is supposed to work if your child is fussy and struggles to nap, or has autism/ADHD and struggles to nap.

I like how all of this too is to avoid “meanie daycare” and working mom guilt, but in reality with how completely burnt out someone would be by trying to cram in working from home while their kids sleep, they wouldn’t even be present for their kids. Is it really that “bad” to let them play with their friends at daycare at that point? Esp since she just sits on her phone all day and ignores the kids anyways.

No. 2055389

There is no plan. They're a dietary idpol movement who equate meat with muh skulinitee + terminal amerifats who want to find a way to eat the way they always did (pounds of sugar, fat and meat) but also lose weight.

No. 2055417

File: 1731358800795.jpeg (187.1 KB, 1125x1720, Gb5IqBuWgAAntQv.jpeg)

Took from Twitter. This trumpy used to be a troon and was brainwashed on "woke ideology" just to detransition later and root for the other side. Now she's all for Trump pushing to be right wing. This was a text from her mother. So people go hyperfixated on the left just to get hyperfixated on the right. The ex lefties that turn righty are super embarrassing. Just detransition, stop being impressionable and shut up.

No. 2055421

File: 1731359571299.jpeg (920.73 KB, 1179x2021, IMG_5090.jpeg)

Did some research on Rebecca mock, or known professionally as Rebecca mockaitis.
1. Monat is the hair care company she promotes which is an MLM
2. She defends MLMs with her life (here’s proof)
3. She used to be a elementary school teacher
4. If you look more into her, her family is extremely wealthy so her, her husband, and children live with her parents.
5. She claims to have had cancer but I can’t find them anywhere
6. She’s a hardcore Trump supporter, and Rfk lover (scroll up and read).

No. 2055428

Tradwhores really remove themselves from the workforce to later pay for a subscription that lets them LARP like they're in the workforce

No. 2055429

File: 1731361074689.jpeg (531.11 KB, 1179x1999, IMG_5091.jpeg)

Her parents must be sick of funding her and her fail male’s lifestyle with their 3 children.

No. 2055430

File: 1731361197564.jpeg (359.19 KB, 1179x2043, IMG_5092.jpeg)

I can’t believe this woman was teaching young children but even then I can’t find her teaching degree. I can’t even find her whole “cancer” proof. There’s evidence she worked with kids but not specifically being an actual teacher.

No. 2055432

File: 1731361625513.jpeg (314.63 KB, 1290x752, IMG_1829.jpeg)

Just like with her last pregnancy, Megha alludes to being pregnant again but hasn’t officially announced it. I guarantee that the reason for this is that she doesn’t trust her own choices with regards to things like continuing to eat raw meat and fish during pregnancy etc. and doesn’t want to have to admit that she fucked up if something goes wrong.

She has never talked about her daughter’s birth other than admitting that she gave birth in hospital rather than a home birth as planned. I’m guessing that she ended up having an induction, c-section, epidural, or other interventions that she is embarrassed to talk about because they are ~unnatural~. You know damn well we wouldn’t have heard the end of her birth story if it had gone the way she’d hoped. Maybe she even had an ultrasound despite sperging about how harmful they were a year ago.

No. 2055493

File: 1731375400381.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1179x2071, IMG_5107.jpeg)

On her RFK bullshit

No. 2055494

File: 1731375433062.jpeg (320.38 KB, 1179x2051, IMG_5108.jpeg)

This DM sounds so fucking fake

No. 2055496

File: 1731375703559.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1179x2101, IMG_5109.jpeg)

Evidence now of cancer, she claims it was thyroid cancer

No. 2055498

Dirty ass neck

No. 2055546

File: 1731391567750.png (1.19 MB, 1183x1173, Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 12.38…)

They seriously believe scented candles are making people fat now?

No. 2055559

File: 1731397574334.png (267.63 KB, 1238x1144, Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 2.45.…)

Wtf does "shielding womb and kidneys from the cold" mean?

No. 2055563

Shielding the womb and kidneys from being cold is just what old moid doctors would tell women in the late 1800s so they would cover up more. Just like old wives tales about how you shouldn’t step over rope or cords unless you want your baby to be wrapped up in its own umbilical cord in the womb.

No. 2055670

must be a yankee candle stan

No. 2055679

Does she think people are eating them?

No. 2055701

File: 1731433237693.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1179x2107, IMG_5116.jpeg)

Ava honey…

No. 2055702

File: 1731433269088.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1179x2057, IMG_5124.jpeg)

But she avoids fluoride??

No. 2055703

File: 1731433303252.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1179x2037, IMG_5125.jpeg)

she had to shill out a quick quack toothpaste

No. 2055704

File: 1731433350890.jpeg (660 KB, 1179x2057, IMG_5115.jpeg)

He’s having his ego stroked by RFK, we will all be forced to consume the parasites

No. 2055705

File: 1731433376017.jpeg (601.48 KB, 1179x1602, IMG_5117.jpeg)

He’s doing his cult applications again

No. 2055706

Kek what the actual fuck
>Shield your womb sisters

No. 2055711

File: 1731434926177.png (1.76 MB, 1181x1196, Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 1.08.…)

Isn't that specific anime face from some Nazi group?

No. 2055768

File: 1731442425733.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x2002, IMG_5128.jpeg)

Being crunchy has aged them even the filter can’t hide it kek, Laila looks almost as old as her 50+ year old mother

No. 2055850

It's a remilio NFT which is derivative of Milady NFT. Milady founder is an Indian pedophile who used to say we should give gorillas the vote since we gave blacks the vote. His name is Rohit Krishna Okhandiar and he's allegedly receiving grants from Peter Thiel. A lot more on him and his cult in the post-leftcows threads

No. 2055887

welp if shes really that concerned about having thyroid cancer at age 26 she can go get genetically tested for multiple endocrine neoplasia, but she never will because it involves doctors

No. 2055907

Sage for sperging about nfts but the one she’s using is actually a “retardio cousin” and is not an official derivative of remilio or milady, the retardio and milady people hate each other even though they’re all grift coins/nfts lol

No. 2056113

When remilio was first released they pretended it wasn't owned by the same nazi pedo and they hated each other, then admitted it was theirs. They wanted to trick their opps into buying in and supporting them. These faggots are all about controlled opposition and I bet that's what retardio is also

No. 2056125

File: 1731530097580.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x1961, IMG_5089.jpeg)

Every time a crunchy woman talks about what we should do to our society I lose brain cells.

No. 2056152

File: 1731536416564.jpeg (549.86 KB, 1170x1014, IMG_2295.jpeg)


So she wants to put seed oils in tap water?

No. 2056237

No. They are talking about the benefits of the fruit. Not the seed oil.

No. 2056278

why does this look so familiar kek

No. 2056499

There’s a livestream where Elaina talks about how her mom puts in her organic tampons in her, apparently her ex husband once saw this before and he made a post talking about how insane Lisa is as a mother to Elaina.
Elaina is truly the Chris Chan of crunchy thots.

No. 2056765

File: 1731646191981.jpeg (855.79 KB, 1179x2062, IMG_5150.jpeg)

Lmfao this bitch is fearmongering over a doctor being responsible.

No. 2056766

File: 1731646271483.jpeg (388.97 KB, 1179x2046, IMG_5151.jpeg)

This bitch probably thinks god and science belong in the same practice
>god sent me Donald trump
It’s going to be a fun 4 years nonnas, the milk will be abundant.

No. 2056810

File: 1731661703920.png (205.12 KB, 1318x1141, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.07.…)

An anachan who stays indoors will look healthier than these sun cultists because they age so fast with all the light exposure

No. 2056812

It's bad to show your skin in the summer because of bugs and UV rays. The Asian countries got it right. And it's funny to hear these types all harp on about modesty then lift up their bras to do bodychecks (which is unnecessary if you are actually skinny).

No. 2056813

File: 1731662092916.png (827.92 KB, 1077x662, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.14.…)

kek, more schizos

No. 2056814

File: 1731662456300.png (1.13 MB, 1205x1179, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.20.…)

She sounds annoying and more Nazi stuff

No. 2056823

>An anachan who stays indoors will look healthier
kek no

No. 2056826

That looks like a literal butt pad

No. 2056827

File: 1731667752805.jpeg (216.76 KB, 1365x1719, GbuaJbzXIAwN88K.jpeg)

kek you can see the outline on this one
the waist filters working overtime on her videos are painful to watch as well

No. 2056828

Kek i’m at the gym every day for work and see tons of women with fit bodies and I’ve never once seen one that lean but with a whole shelf for an ass. Slim women with big butts or chests exist but I’m calling BS on this one

No. 2056904

Inhaling paraffin (plastic wax) and what it off-gasses DOES disrupt the endocrine system, certain essential oils like lavender and tea tree can do this as well. The olfactory orifices are just as permeable as the mouth when it comes to absorbing chemicals.

No. 2056907

Can’t shoop those DYEL thighs lmao where is the definition

No. 2056917

She clearly has muscle under the fat, which makes me wonder what's up with her "abs". She uses a ton of filters on her waist but her midriff does look like it has much lower fat% than those legs (and ass, even ignoring the obvious pads) would suggest. Not to PSfoil, but I wonder if there's liposuction involved. It's super invasive so people rarely suspect it, but ever since I read a bunch of actual confessions of stomach lipo in online thot GCs, every time I see a crunchy/RW woman possibly inclined to brag about muh waist to hip ratio, I immediately think "yup that's lipo"

No. 2056930

It's not that invasive if it's just for abdominal etching. Also, noninvasive devices can be used to kill fat.

No. 2056981

File: 1731705835017.png (3.38 MB, 2063x1424, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.21.…)

What is on her face?

No. 2056984

I think it's literally butter or fat kek

No. 2057125

File: 1731738922625.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x1954, IMG_5175.jpeg)

Kek Deana is acting like a celebrity on here
Let me guess though, she doesn’t wear deodorant.

No. 2057126

File: 1731738965097.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1179x1913, IMG_5176.jpeg)

No. 2057127

File: 1731739014415.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1179x1960, IMG_5177.jpeg)

Is this testing kit even true? I swear to god you could find out if you had gluten issues if you got a regular blood test from a GI doctor.

No. 2057151

Isn't celiac disease super harsh on you if you eat anything containing gluten? I think she would have known for a while if she was allergic to it.

No. 2057177

File: 1731761186714.jpeg (353.72 KB, 1200x1440, IMG_8802.jpeg)

Oh look, another “hard-right tradthot” who has anti-feminist tweets on timeline but is girlbossing on her future career and education by STUDYING biotech and physics and wants to be a DOCTOR like her “momma”. Also likes to “share her thoughts” a lot. Seems like not submissive and very opinionated, how to follow a man’s will? Her redpill parroting is fake and double standard.

Also, look at her eyes; shark eyes, hard eyes, like those teenage boys wearing maga hats also display. Predatory eyes, she’s definitely the type to run a harem of multiple simps for her and not very chaste or faithful. You can tell.

No. 2057198

Kek a gluten sensitivity is NOT the same thing as Celiac, no matter what these loser girls want you to think. Gluten + celiac is a painful, debilitating 6 hours on the toilet, a gluten sensitivity is a tummyache. Neither of these things are ideal but one of them cancels your evening & the other reminds you to bring Tums. Why does every med issue have to be sooo awfulll for tradwhores?

No. 2057249

She looks like Dasha if she wasn’t a total uggo

No. 2057295

File: 1731781971550.png (1021.29 KB, 1177x1191, Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 1.30.…)

No. 2057313

he's right though

No. 2057398

Really? But its been proven that sunglasses that block UV rays and are worn properly (nose bridge against the face) will block harmful UV rays and prevent sun damage that causes cataracts and eye cancers.

No. 2057445

This seems like AI

No. 2057501

File: 1731823379747.png (753.96 KB, 1176x1071, Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 1.02.…)

No. 2057520

File: 1731829305185.jpeg (154.58 KB, 749x1317, IMG_2329.jpeg)

An antifeminist who is a post-wall single mom (divorced) happens to like Afghanistan better than her own “white trash” nation.

No. 2057522

File: 1731829476067.jpeg (199.94 KB, 822x1024, IMG_2325.jpeg)

Ugly too. 3/10 anorexic rejected lesbian phenotype. Horrible terf bangs, also wears glasses. Four eyes. Fat nose with a short unelegant face and overbite.

No. 2057524

File: 1731829629694.jpeg (53.32 KB, 748x284, IMG_2331.jpeg)

Confessed she got a divorce. While telling most other women to “endure” and stick by their man even if he bullies or drives them insane. But she herself couldn’t “endure”. Not very trad, is it? Why does only she get to be a “trad divorcee single mom” and other women cannot or else they’re sluts?

No. 2057526

Archived in case she lies and tries to posture to her idiot male orbiters.
>Interesting how she also self-admits to being a roastie in her younger days too. Full “libfem” package now trying to act like Nara Smith but poor. Gross.

No. 2057528

>antinatalism to keep labor cheap

No. 2057534

Beckies would literally rather be owned than unpicked. Alliance between fugly women and fugly men I'm action.

No. 2057541

Why are you as a grown woman posting on "the apps" about your divorce?

No. 2057561

Holy shit, I never thought about it. They literally don't want women to work so that they can get their government-assigned husbando. Amazing.

No. 2057593

Single mom antifeminist also has a job actually, archived in the first link of >>2057526

But she seems to be trying to make a special coy play which crypto-biz pickmes like DumbBitchCapital and Andrea Huberwoman do, try to shame other women from working while they girlboss in tech themselves - just pulling the wool slightly over their redpill simps’ eyes by saying they only want to “be a submissive spoilt babygirl” while covertly not keeping that promise. Petty talk.
Pickmes want power and favour among men rather than “only love and submission” they claim they are aching to freely give.

No. 2057609


No. 2057610

Tf did bath and body works do to her kek

No. 2057627

Why do they

Type like this

With some slogan or phrase interjected somewhere in the post

No. 2057697

Cultspeak + it yields them more elonbucks
Being an alt-right peatard is actually such a good grift just post about how america is fat, europe is dying, and some ai-generated thread on methylene blue and rake in hundreds of elonbucks every month. that's with minimal effort. if you actually put your back into the psuedoscience you could get thousands.

No. 2057718

ketocarni peatards really will blame their obesity on anything except their calorie intake

No. 2057902

File: 1731926732066.png (1.12 MB, 1217x1154, Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 5.44.…)

Disgusting Nazi behavior out in the open

No. 2057937

All the padded trenchcoats she wears still couldn’t hide her horsey underbite, overfilled cheeks, eyes too close together, and pug nose job.

No. 2058100

“No fillers or botox”

No. 2058310

File: 1732032374363.jpeg (266.54 KB, 1640x1280, IMG_9350.jpeg)

This christian red pill youtuber Fuegosavy has the exact same voice and lisp as undeadchronic. Is it his alt?

No. 2058371

This is just cymatics, visual sound. Fruit and other organic structures all have these fractal shaped patterns because this is the nature of the universe on a molecular level. Everything is in constant motion, it’s just physics. Not anything schizo actually

No. 2058390

This guy says he has a wife and Undead sounds fatter and gayer than him so I don't think so.

No. 2058444

A low-level "spoiled trophy housewife" 'Tuber whose previous videos taught women how to catch a "provider man" recently tells that her husband molested her four-year-old.

No. 2058445


I saw this yesterday and fell down a rabbit hole with her. The earlier videos on her channel, especially the one on how she became a trophy wife within a year was nothing but red flags.

No. 2058447

Well, no one's stopping her from moving there.

No. 2058458

Conservatives always have skeletons in their closet. I'm not even surprised.

No. 2058471

This is so fucked up

No. 2058472

This is exactly where the veneer of a “traditional” lifestyle falls apart because it absolutely is tradition that sick fucks rape and abuse their daughters and the difference between then and now - tradition and modern - is she can actually leave. I’m glad for that and I hope now she is too. Her poor daughters.

No. 2058475

Fondle balls, pay the toll. I feel terrible for the child, but what did this tradwhore expect?
>hands your freedom to a moid
>expect him not to abuse it
Serious question - are tradwhores autistic? And what's doubly hilarious is that they completely understand the concept of "don't dress like a whore if you don't want to get raped", oh yes they do. Never shut the fuck up about it. But "don't become chattel to a moid if you don't want to be abused" eludes them entirely. What part of "men will do what they can get away with" do they not understand in the context of marriage? Do they understand the concept of leverage? Incentive? Why the fuck would he NOT do this if you can't leave him? My god, some are failed girlbosses - surely they learned those words while getting their Mrs. degree?

No. 2058525

File: 1732068703924.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1179x2063, IMG_5252.jpeg)

Kek she’s fucking lazy

No. 2058535

File: 1732070053920.gif (1.43 MB, 275x255, IMG_3760.gif)

Jfc so much for scrotes being "protectors".

No. 2058540

I'm glad she actually left him, you know most of the tradwives would sweep it under the rug and ignore it to keep being provided for by their husbands and not have to work. Or "forgive him and move on" when their priest tells them to like a certain cow whose husband abused her and her cat and threatened their unborn daughter. I hope she stays away from him.

No. 2058542

>Top comment saying predators don't care for gender
Yeah of course boys are at risk too, and she should get her sons checked as well, but I hate people who imply that young girls aren't at a much bigger risk of being sexually abused. Literally any statistics will show that it isn't equal at all

No. 2058543

File: 1732073249681.png (1.06 MB, 1158x1065, Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 10.26…)

She's probably using filter and editing her body

No. 2058548

i know women that get nearly no exercise and live almost exclusively on fast/processed food that are built exactly like this (or even thinner).

No. 2058552

>Predators don't care for gender
Yes they do, the only ones that don't are the low IQ toddler-only chris-chan autopedophile type that's dumb enough to make it into the legal system. This sped-o-phile is then paraded by "sexologists" to argue for restorative justice and skew everyone's perception of what a child predator is. The "aktually hebebephile" or your average normie child rapist absolutely does care about gender.

No. 2058581

File: 1732081155883.jpg (757.78 KB, 4096x1799, 1000003483.jpg)

What's especially sick is that those two girls are his biological children. At first I thought it was a classic case of stepfather abuse but only her two oldest boys are his stepchildren. I wonder how many other cases we have and aren't aware of with men marrying tradwives to breed and abuse their offspring. Her beginning story reminds me a bit of another tradwife, moids are generally scum but these idiots need to stop marrying after barely vetting them. I feel sympathy (especially for the daughters) but I fail to see how tradwives don't see that a redpilled man could have ulterior motives.

No. 2058583

Believe, there are a subset of covertly narc women and golddiggers who find these dangerous redpill men and their masc peacocking, posturing very irresistible. Something about fixing or controlling them via feminine wiles like a trophy husband, but failing to tame his badness.

No. 2058584

Sometimes alts tell different lies and stories just to seem like not run by the same person.

No. 2058600

It's a well known fact that traditional cultures are by default consanguineous/inbred. You could describe being "trad" as "male breeding himself a breeding pool".

No. 2058649

Btw this is the future men want for you and try to convince you that you need.

No. 2058666

Honestly it’s so hard not to hate male nature in its “natural” really sinful state. Harem-wanting, pervy/creep behaviour, cheater tendencies, abusive teasing of female vulnerability, using it to their advantage maliciously, belittling, robotic interactions instead of love in relationships, and the list just goes.
Even the men who consider themselves “good” or “average” can enact any one of these or escalate it once they fall out of love with your looks or want some strange new pussy. Men are instinctively “redpill” by default. Soulmates - only fantasy and the type of men who are irl seem neutered in some way in their dna or brain. They all seem to have lost T somewhere.

No. 2058701

File: 1732119756979.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x1924, IMG_5268.jpeg)

I feel like she used to do heroin, there’s no way she wasn’t a drug addict at one point. Most crunchy people seem to have been addicted to coke, heroin, or some bullshit.

No. 2058999

Late but the bar is in such hell that I'm glad she left him and is pressing charges, tradfags let child abuse slide very often to preserve the family unit or because divorce is sinful, Lauren Chen would never.

No. 2059040

File: 1732209975411.jpeg (842.28 KB, 1179x2024, IMG_5285.jpeg)

Imagine sitting at the airport and seeing this bitch with her 8 kids eating butter.

No. 2059041

Did she finally get her trip to Greece?

No. 2059044

No, Ireland work trip.

No. 2059045

File: 1732211455345.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1179x2081, IMG_5282.jpeg)

I wonder why he felt the urge to post this.

No. 2059046

>no phone
>posts an instagram story
His brain worms are STARVING

No. 2059047

Woah, nonna, you can't expect him to go completely cold turkey. Imagine what could happen to him if he had a thought about breast milk and couldn't shout it to the world?

No. 2059072

File: 1732218517046.mp4 (3.58 MB, 576x1024, 1000101995.mp4)

Make of this what you will, but someone made a TikTok of some clips from her livestreams. You can hear some deeply upsetting noises in the background. The implications are so fucking grim.

No. 2059098

Why do tradwhores think men are so determined to have complete authority over the women in their family? There's a reason incest and daddy-daughter themed porn is one of the most popular and mainstream porn genres.

There was a study done a few years ago and it found roughly 1 in 50 women report rape or sexual abuse by their biological dad and for women raised by stepdads it was 1 in 5.
Men risk life in jail to rape their little sisters and daughters, most sexual abuse is committed by family members and male boards are full of men bragging about violating the women in rheir family, stealing their undies jacking off to family members molesting their younger sisters and cousins etc, scrotes should never be given the benefit of the doubt. They are all rapey sexual deviants by default its literally their nature and family members are their easiest victims.

No. 2059425

Christ, the 1st clip made my heart freeze. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can hear her daughter saying “ow” repeatedly for a second…sickening and bleak.
There were commenters on her recent video suspecting that she knew about the abuse to some degree and I hate that they might be right. Most tradfags see child abuse as something kids must go through in order to “toughen up” or some other bullshit like keeping the parents together.
Poor girls, I hope they will be safe from now on.

No. 2059606

0 chance that this tradwhore didn't know. She probably let him diddle the kid for years before deciding to tell everyone on the planet about it for content.

No. 2059686

JFC, couldn't watch past the second "ow". I hope this video is fake, because the way that voice said 'ow' is so loud and heartbreaking… If it's real, there's no way that mother didn't hear it.

No. 2059739

She mentions hearing her daughter but she brushes it off as her being cranky, she probably subconsciously knew already but she didn't want to face the fact that her dear hubby was a pedo.

No. 2059773

File: 1732375902760.jpg (584.55 KB, 1080x1332, Cynthia.jpg)

Did Cynthia Loewen ever explain why her uggo husband is making them live in a caravan?

No. 2059818

Those just sound like normal kid noises to me. Without any context I wouldn't think anything of it. Small kids scream and shout all the time and they are always fighting with other young siblings and bumping themselves on everything. Now that we know what was happening those sounds are far more morbid

No. 2059968

File: 1732438142640.jpg (2.8 MB, 2841x3360, 8E695D96-7FF8-4E1F-B076-AF84BB…)

Her white supremacy is hardly even thinly veiled anymore. When she's not posting Chat GPT generated threads, creating food pyramids of Ray Peat's diet slapping her name on top, or bragging about looking like a teenager when she looks to be over 30, this woman is posting nazi dogwhistles and telling turkish people to get out of western countries because they dared complain about the possibility of there being a shortage of thyroid medication for people in Turkey who actually need it since she's encouraging her audience to buy it in bulk from their sites. She's a polish immigrant living in England and wanting to move to the US. She also seems to be equally disliked by a lot of holistic twitter accounts because she blocks anyone who disagrees with her

No. 2059972

Why does her mouth look like that? Also it's sad knowing that it's no longer just teenage boys putting up the Nazi larp online now

No. 2060003

If she must pose herself as a ‘female nazi’, at least stop looking like mid Adele with less refined plastic surgery? That’s like 4.5/10 with asymmetries.
Also don’t help ‘patriarchial women’ who supposedly like men ruling over them and controlling them. It’s not true, ‘patriarchial women’ are cock-hungry whores who pay lip service just to get pedestalized and special favors back, you know they really want power from men to be able to do more things for their benefit. Sooner or later they will rebel and clash with men who have not given them the allowances of “special favor above other women”.

No. 2060010

File: 1732450099835.jpeg (130.04 KB, 750x1162, IMG_2338.jpeg)

>Wishing multiple sons to pop out of some feminists who do not like seeing 2 young boys molest some chick on a car. Dumbass.
>The car chick isn’t the boys’ mother or relative btw.

Also this antifeminist once had trouble with a peeping tom, knows how rapey males can be but refuses to empathise with this incident? Cruel.

No. 2060011

File: 1732450213514.jpeg (110.3 KB, 750x665, IMG_2382.jpeg)

No. 2060023

File: 1732452007471.jpeg (206.35 KB, 749x1137, IMG_2339.jpeg)

This account is a horrible irl larp of a female tranny which likes to call itself name Angelena H.
She’s very self-righteous, vulnerable narcissist type cluster B who shows her crazy side when insecure and craves validation. Also naturally ugly but wants to be a trophy wife, lots of copium.

Her tweet archive of self-righteousness oozing
>tweets the most about how feminine and obsessed with femininity she truly is, so this makes her better than other females…not
>tries to sound high iq but comes off as written by chatgpt instead
>randomly attacks modern women and feminism is cancer
>says her past used to be an instagram-addled whore for validation and would write compliments randos gave her to put in a tissue box to collect, but changed and is less crazy now
>so dumb she really thinks femininity cures all, can control all men and let her have her way with them

No. 2060053

4.5? I know it's lolcow, but some of you call women super ugly just because their personalities are bad. Even though she sucks as a person, I think she's decent looking.

No. 2060091

File: 1732465558021.jpeg (827.34 KB, 1179x2010, IMG_5431.jpeg)

The west has fallen according to solie

No. 2060237

File: 1732488495819.png (800.07 KB, 1742x956, bioenergeticmel.png)

Veronica frequently interacts with bioenergeticmel (Isabella Nigro) who is an overt racist
>be a high-iq, superior white race, counter-cultural, free thinker
>psyopped every cyclical social media ideology/cult/group that claims to expose the hidden truths they don't want you to know
>doxxes myself in the process
Every time

No. 2060241

File: 1732489318289.jpg (2.17 MB, 3170x2862, B4E887A5-0644-473A-A5EB-DBF42C…)

I don't think she's ugly or mid, but she's delusional to think she looks underage. If this is even true, the cashier was probably trying to compliment her because she looks at least 30. Just a racist grifter who's probably had cosmetic work done (could be a double lip line, but it looks like migrated filler) using some weird pedophilic reasoning to sell her products, listen to her tips and click her affiliated links, then you can look like you're under 18! Some women have such a complex when it comes to aging, it's not enough to just look good, which she does, they have to push this idea that people perceive them as a child. It's weird as fuck, mentally ill behavior.

No. 2060244

File: 1732490128594.jpg (712.22 KB, 1242x2001, IMG_4371.jpg)

samefag but she actually blocked that girl, i'm constantly seeing similar accounts saying she blocked them for some mild disagreement or comment. sharing a love of ray peat and white supremacy isn't enough to bring these people together clearly since their egos are so easily threatened. not sounding very metabolically optimized kek

No. 2060245

File: 1732490341410.jpg (14.96 KB, 265x265, decal_wescan_under30_sq.jpg)

Why do so many dumb-asses not bring their ID to buy alcohol??? Why do they walk around without their IDs in the first place? I worked in a liquor store and even then people would not bring their IDs. If you look like you could potentially be under 30 (not under 21), we are supposed to ask for your ID, even if you're clearly legal. If you cannot provide an ID when asked, we cannot sell to you. Fucking obviously we can't just let someone else in the party buy it for you after that. Just think for 1 second. Selling alcohol to minors is a criminal misdemeanor and could get the store shut down. It's not because we think you're literally a minor but because we can't sell to you after you've shown to us that you aren't able to verify your age.

No. 2060256

File: 1732491627637.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1179x2205, IMG_5446.jpeg)

KEK this bitch acts like they never eat at fast food just to be caught

No. 2060261

Nona, Instagram links show your account now unless you crop the end of the url. You may want to delete this.

No. 2060262

File: 1732493449161.jpg (121.88 KB, 800x1200, IMG_3534.jpg)

And she's not even in the US, just said she wants to move to America since Trump got elected. She's in the UK where the drinking age is 18. A store employee enforcing policies to abide by the law apparently means anyone reading this post should follow her protocol to look like a minor. Amazing logic. She didn't look particularly young for her age in her early 20s during her failed modeling career (picrel), and evidently looks like she's gotten older since then despite allegedly no longer starving herself. I thought the Ray Peat diet was supposed to be a more intuitive approach, where you don't deprive yourself of nutrients and eat what makes you feel good? I guess that's not enough to shills who want to convince people it immunizes you from the effects of aging too.

No. 2060265

pickmes are the most jealous and competitive type of girls, you can’t lie and say they’re not masculinized and do want some sort of power leeching from men.

No. 2060319

1) You're supposed to card anyone who looks under 45 2) the part where she "doesn't look 21" is hag fanfiction 3) peatbrain dietary and lifestyle MUHTABOLIC advice is literally designed to speedrun aging according to basic biology

No. 2060321

"Ray Peat diet", or tea leaf reading of his dietary neuroses, is based on the wishful thinking of a fat, old American person. Like keto, the selling point of it is that you will (supposedly) get to indulge in your hamplanet addiction to hyperpalatable, fatty, calorie dense, macronutrient-rich and micronutrient-poor foods BUT get skinny and young because fast metabolism or whatever. The main folly of Peat's viewpoint is dime a dozen among "wellness" and "anti aging" gurus - brainlet intuition tells them that what's good for a growing (young) organism must be good for a mature (aging) one, and therefore emulating a literal toddler's optimal diet will make you biologically more like a toddler (younger). Perceive-think-act in action.

No. 2060366

These are horrifying knowing what happened, but also children do just cry and yell exactly like that about minor stuff, the noises when I'm babysitting aren't too different and it's just a kid with a scraped knee bawling because the ointment stings a bit. That said, he raped her 4 times in their first few months of marriage? I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance (or sheer retardation) in knowing you married a rapist and still leaving him alone with screaming children without being alarmed.

Yeah, exactly.
She herself said she was the result of rape, and was previously raped herself so it's not hard to understand why she thought seeking refuge in "trophy wife"-ing made sense. I can't condemn her as harshly as others ITT

No. 2060461

Maybe there is truth to it, but what will do these types in is the extreme sun exposure. They are happily burning themselves to death.

No. 2060613

None of these Peatards or crunchy health people look healthy. They all have that inflamed ruddy complexion

No. 2060627

you mean a tanning bed obsession isn’t healthy for them?

No. 2060748

The carrot salad thing is giving their skin a really strange orange Oompa Loompa undertone. Also skin looks mottled kek

Unsurprisingly the earliest adopter of Peatardism, BAP, was literally caught being fat in Brazil and larped as a jacked bodybuilder this entire time

No. 2060863

>literally caught being fat in Brazil
deets? receipts?

No. 2060896

File: 1732578514846.png (143.36 KB, 1174x673, Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 6.47.…)

Does anyone know what happened?

No. 2060913

File: 1732582036580.png (319.83 KB, 598x617, veronicadiet.png)

People got mad at them for taking Ray Peat's dietary guidelines (or like whatever interpretation of them has been going around) and calling it the "Veronica diet"

No. 2060915

File: 1732582118398.jpeg (1.91 MB, 3395x3454, BDD17ED5-17AF-4804-BE61-CFF677…)

She's been kind of of a lolcow even among others in the alternative health X community ever since she made a food pyramid that's basically a 1:1 copy of Ray Peat's and called it "Veronica's pro-metabolic food pyramid". Apparently just got her sister to join the platform and the sister posted "Ray Peat AKA the Veronica Diet", supposedly on the anniversary of his death, so they're all dragging her again

Keith Woods posted a pic of BAP looking fat sitting outside a botequinho in Rio de Janeiro https://x.com/keithwoodsyt/status/1804646477165412466?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w

No. 2060916

File: 1732582347064.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1922x3444, 8E7C684B-6D88-4C77-937E-DEA896…)

It looks like we posted this at the exact same time lol.

Also does anyone with more knowledge on this know why Peattards love shilling methylene blue even though it's supposedly serotonergic and they're always talking about decreasing serotonin? Fun fact is apparently this is what her brain looks like

No. 2060944

>says doesn’t want a job
>still makes a living by posting content online because husband is unemployed useless and chronically online
why is ~corporate job~ the only form of employment they know and hate. I never hear talk about women working literally any other fields just white collar jobs

No. 2060959

Because being a peatard is an eating disorder for stubborn deathfats who don't actually want to do anything to get skinny. Naturally, when their diet of carrots, quadruple butter lattes and raw aardvark frenulums doesn't make them more muh tabolic, they decide to supplement with natural organic carnivore methylene blue, cyproheptadine and ivermectin. Because peatards (like Peat himself) are unqualified, they completely misread the drug's mechanism of action and cherrypick random in vitro garbage with 2 citations to conclude that they will finally be skinny and hot if they drink the aquarium juice.

Their most recent sped obsession is rapamycin, which is anti-anabolic, devirilizing and slows down your metabolism. They even found a way to write it into Peat's religious canon, even though Peat only knew it as a macrolide antibiotic, not an anti-aging agent.

No. 2060962

Because useless networking oriented jobs are for moids. They will never stop seething that they no longer have exclusive access to effortless beer metric employment.

No. 2060994

Kek that's not him, other people have documented BAP fat and balding in Rio, but way more recently and a little less fat. He wasn't even in SA when that picture was taken. No idea how the real more recent pics never made it to the public, I'm sure the people who took them are at least aware of this site. Imagine being this loyal to fucking BAP

No. 2061020

Like with Peat's various other contradictions, they perform Olympic-level mental gymnastics and start rolling out ancient n=10 studies trying to justify it. Justifying Peat's endless contradictions is constant battle for Peaters. This is a familar exercise for the newer wave of idpol Peaters who already spend half their time trying to convince themself why the Bible doesn’t contradict itself.
According to Ray, serotonin is a "stress hormone" that is the root of every mental and physical affliction imaginable and much be depleted. Never-mind that it's critical for mood, digestion, sleep, and other basic survival functions. Maybe that's why some of his followers are hyper-defensive, perpetually crying online about being attacked & feeling like "they" are trying to harm them. Even on lolcow there was a rouge illiterate Peatard in the last thread saying they were being "attacked" because some anons were shattering their worldview pointing out some things Peat said about vitamin A.

No. 2061025

>this wasn't BAP
"My brother posted this from my account" energy

No. 2061093

File: 1732623317854.jpeg (109.02 KB, 719x1280, GQtkbQLXUAAgbAh.jpeg)

The picture is from April 25, I checked the past leftcows threads to prove it's not him because I was sure we had receipts of him being elsewhere around that time but couldn't find anything kek. I'm not invested in this enough to check his profile and posts so who knows, maybe it is him. Risking a vagueposting ban, but my point was only he's still being fat and balding in Rio de Janeiro and the photographic proof exists. It hasn't surfaced because the faggots who have it are loyal to BAP. I guess it make sense they are, who else would recognize him in the wild if not a retarded fan

No. 2061120

File: 1732626797525.jpg (295.03 KB, 1049x835, 1000035728.jpg)

>hoomans are carnivoores

No. 2061194

File: 1732636533682.png (1.59 MB, 1160x1182, Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 10.54…)

This account is probably milky

No. 2061196

Kekkkk this is even more of a schizo take than usual. They're threatened by appliances now?

No. 2061199

Lack of ambition and imagination. I wonder if they seethe over it when a woman retail employee/manager helps them to buy their carnivore shit.

No. 2061329

File: 1732651458311.png (301.9 KB, 596x566, 7599656565.png)

Bioenergeticmel is very self-hating about not having northwestern European gene expression in her hair and eye color. The latest trend in the white supremacist Ray Peat community involves sharing photos of swampy hazel eyes and saying they're green. It's always funny to witness white supremacists coping over this because I'm not even 100% white but inherited a completely Celtic/Nordic phenotype. If you have to bleach your hair to shit to look “Aryan” you might as well wear colored eye contacts too. Also, she has evil rodent shaped eyes here.

No. 2061336

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(The replies are mashed up from the original tweets)

No. 2061345

File: 1732653527310.png (150.01 KB, 535x821, ef83r93w.png)

I'm not gonna lie "Melina" (Isabella Nigro) is my personal lolcow because she's even more racist, annoying, clueless, and openly-grifting; even complaining about not getting enough elonbucks for contributing nothing to the community but making inflammatory tweets. Also, the reason she doesn't show her face is because she is quite unattractive in real life.

No. 2061385

>it's not enough to just look good, which she does, they have to push this idea that people perceive them as a child
It's kind of amusing how people like this are so obsessed with having strong, "well developed" features, but don't realise that those features will also make a face appear more mature (which is not a bad thing) rather than childlike/super youthful. If you're an adult and are constantly perceived as underage, you're probably not tall with prominent cheeckbones, you probably have softer features, are shorter than average and have a style that people associate more with teenagers. Having a smooth forehead is not enough. And I'm assuming that she would find people like that (who actually get mistaken as underage..) too awkward and doughy-looking to fit her ideals. She does seem really immature with that blatant fanfic though, kek

No. 2061389

I want a male genocide and use lolcow, yet my family is fine. Where do these tards get the idea that feminism is somehow destroying society and not things like wealth inequality or something else that makes more sense?

No. 2061392

What the fuck is up with the bloody cat thing? Why would they kill it? Are they even good to eat? I fucking hate these people.

No. 2061499

File: 1732679354763.jpeg (1.67 MB, 3447x3453, B919343C-BCCA-4134-9C53-7ABA28…)

They call everyone else retarded claiming people don't understand there's nuances to "serotonin bad", "estrogen bad" while saying shit like >"estrogen is a SHOCK HORMONE that screws your life" https://x.com/celestialbe1ng/status/1804165480829034784?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w
When people argue in the comments about estrogen not being a cause of something like PCOS, she just blocks them
Veronica takes and promotes her affiliated methylene blue product, but RP himself said its just a poor substitute for the thyroid hormone: https://lowtoxinforum.com/threads/the-body-temperature-is-very-important.33203/
She is already taking thyroid hormone so why would she need to stack all these supplements? Aren't they trying to minimize the amount of synthetic shit they consume? They seem not to understand these nuances themselves

Nta but it's BAP and his fans who were trying to convince people it's not him. He was posting about the exact neighborhood where this was taken when it was posted (it wasn't by a fan but rather a random photographer) and it's his same face

You might not like it nonna but this is what an eternally youthful, childlike appearance looks like kek. And literally this, the most angular features which are extremely sought after in Western countries are what she has, like a matured sharp jawline, which is indicative of good facial development, but it's quite the opposite of appearing "childlike" or "aging backwards". I hope I'm not clinging onto my younger self when I get to 30, it's kinda sad to think this way. These people don't seem like the epitome of health at all, mentally, physically, spiritually or otherwise

In the past year or two it seems the social media machine has been pumping out new alt-health/peater racist egirl types by the dozens. I've seen her account but I'm having a hard time distinguishing between all of them. Did she self-dox? Most are very late to the trend since as others pointed out, BAP has been a fan of Ray Peat and promoting his work since around 2018 to the dissident right sphere, which has been going more mainstream since the election

No. 2061537

Yes, we've noticed that neurotic aging men with mortality panic all have autopedophilic fixations and are somewhat preoccupied with retvrning to a time of zero accountability and no servitude to coom. Unfortunately Peat was a hobbyist podcast tier retard who didn't understand that you don't become a baby if you eat baby carrots or wear a diaper.

No. 2061538

>ageing backwards
She looks exactly 31. No older, no younger. Her face, even with a shit ton of filters like in that pic, is simply too masculine and angular for her to look neotenous and youthful. She's had a nose job and fillers and botox make you look older; everyone knows this. Autopedophilic hags are the most embarrassing people in the world.

Then testosterone is the epitome of prostate cancer, full body sores and acne, balding and rape/murder. Their demonization of estrogen and femininity is insane mommy issues garbage and it's all because they're dysgenic retards. The women in this comm look like fridgemode manjawed trannies with 1:1 waist to hip ratio and the moids in the comm look like pencil necked birdboned chinlet wristlet ankle-let incels. They all have hormonal imbalances and bad genes. The whole community is just naturally unfortunate looking losers trying to compensate. Chad doesn't have to mew or sun his asshole, Stacy doesn't have to pop progesterone and methylene blue everyday. They need to just accept they aren't blessed by nature and will never make up for high school.

She took it with full flash too kek and it's still a dark swamp hazel color. This is like when Shayna kept insisting her eyes are green.


This is absolutely BAP kek it's the same ratlike appearance, breadstick wrists and eyes above the ears something to fear/mickey mouse ears further adding to his sneaky fat rat phenotype.

No. 2061545

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Why tf is her head so long kek. Neanderthal, Fukurokuju looking ass.
She's another one of those 'I'm a natural blonde guys, 1488' bitches with black roots and black eyebrows kek.

No. 2061546

This is a self own. I pity him if he thinks it takes more than 10 minutes to wash 20 tiny bowls. He must be a really useless retard with a filthy house.
And those are side dishes full of fermented foods that were usually made months in advance and had no additional prep time. In Korea you cook meat by yourself at your table on hot stones or grills and the only thing that needs to be made in advance is the rice which has like 5 minutes prep time max before you just leave it to cook. So no women were not slaving at the stove all day as he wants to imagine. The woman hate in the peatard fanclub is pathetic and reeks of closeted faggot ahem BAP

No. 2061555

She's so retarded. Most women BECOME feminists BECAUSE of their life experiences, pattern recognition (aka men commit 95% of violent crimes and are significantly more likely to murder you than a random woman is), and coming from sexist or religious families, which a shit ton of women do.

The only women who are anti feminist are either women who are so masochistic and hateful that they would rather all women (including themselves) suffer and get thrown under the bus because misery loves company, OR women that have had insanely sheltered and coddled upbringings and have never had to deal with the gross unfortunate reality of ungatekept male nature. They have the luxury of rejecting feminism meanwhile women in Afghanistan are illiterate and can't read Andrea Dworkins books but still have enough self respect to hate men and would rather commit self immolation or drink hair dye than get married to one.

Asians are the most left leaning demographic in America and they also have the most strict and conservative upbringings with the harshest gender roles. Have they not worked out the correlation yet? Most parents and families are somewhat conservative, and its the kids who are raised in the fundie movements who become most left wing of all. Why do they think Mormonism is dying because so many people are leaving the church? Their headcanon idea of all Americans being born blue haired marxists by two lesbian moms, while tradfems are the only racist, gay hating, woman hating minority still fighting the good fight is so nuts and out of touch with reality. Trump won and they still won't shut the fuck up or stop seething.

No. 2061557

Meanwhile in the real world:
>estrogen is geroprotective
>testosterone induces early senescence
>dietary protein restriction reduce biological age and extends lifespan
>progesterone gives you PMS
>allopregnanolone is synthesized during stress along with cortisol
>allopregnanolone levels are higher in chronic stress
>postmenopausal HRT with progesterone and estrogen+progesterone increased the occurrence of dementia
>postmenopausal HRT with estrogen only showed no difference from the placebo group
I could go on all day. It's like Peat was trying to set an Olympic record for being wrong - how the fuck do you manage to churn out so much retard tier advice so consistently? Almost feels like sabotage/psyop.

No. 2061560

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When you're a peatarded ketolard, you don't need vegetables because you become THE vegetable.

No. 2061570

It's extremely obvious to anyone with eyes and a basic grasp of biology that estrogen is a health hormone.

Young women full of estrogen: almost non existent cancer or heart disease rates, fertile, youthful, neotenous, healthy, moist.
Older women with tanked estrogen levels: constant pains and arthritis, dry hair and skin and vaginas, trouble swallowing food, much higher risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease.

Joan Collins famously called HRT her miracle drug and continued taking it even after her doctors and the media tries to scaremonger about the harmful effects of estrogen. She admitted she basically never gets sick and she looks healthier and more youthful than most peatards despite being 91 kek.

No. 2061572

Also during covid they found that men were at much higher risk of dying from heart attacks and myocarditis from the vaccine and virus than women are because of the cardioprotective effects of estrogen and the heart damaging effects of testosterone. Teenage boys were at the highest risk of post vaxx myocarditis because surprise surprise, they have the highest testosterone levels of all. And there's a reason roidpigs drop like flies all the time, testosterone is basically poison for your cardiovascular system.

No. 2061573

One of the most promising drugs to extend male lifespan is the "nonfeminizing" (yeah, sure) 17-alpha estradiol. This is why I fully support roided keto peatardation for moids.

No. 2061589

Estrogen causes weight gain and increased hunger though?

No. 2061598

>Estrogen actions in hypothalamic nuclei differentially control food intake, energy expenditure, and white adipose tissue distribution. Estrogen actions in skeletal muscle, liver, adipose tissue, and immune cells are involved in insulin sensitivity as well as prevention of lipid accumulation and inflammation. Estrogen actions in pancreatic islet β-cells also regulate insulin secretion, nutrient homeostasis, and survival. Estrogen deficiency promotes metabolic dysfunction predisposing to obesity, the metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

No. 2061602

An allele that increases healing proooogesteroooone levels and subsequent fertility in women also happens to be causing premature age related disease. Peatards pwned again by basic life history theory:


(Bonus kek: antagonizing progesterone completely removes mating induced lifespan reduction in fruit flies. Wonder why!)


The "metabolic state" peatard women are emulating isn't that of a child or a young organism. It's that of an aging woman who will experience a hardcore fertility/senescence trade-off, like all animals do. They all look extremely "ripe" and nature for their age because that's exactly what peatard behavior (macronutrient chasing, sex steroidmaxxing) produces biologically - live fast, die young. Peatardation and keto essentially simulate somatic disposability - just like roids, they might make you feel great for a year tops, but then you'll fall off hard and turn into a melted 65 year old lesbian like BAP. Few understand, l2antagonistic pleiotropy.

No. 2061660

Isabela Nigro? Wow, perhaps one's destiny really is in the name (in this case, self-hating wop)

No. 2061782

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Melanoma and atypical nevi are notoriously linked to high testosterone, XY microchimerism, male sexually dimorphic features, androgen receptor density and probably anything to do with maleness. Metastatic melanoma is more frequent and has poorer prognosis in males, with higher testosterone levels predicting faster progression and worse treatment response.

Why is Peat so retarded? And he wasn't even a grifter like, let's say, Gundry and other online "doctors". Just genuinely a sped, on a completely unpaid basis.

No. 2061786

File: 1732758834139.jpg (520.07 KB, 1080x1729, 1000035768.jpg)

Progesterone literally causes thymic involution in pregnancy. If you do not have progesterone receptors on thymus, it will not atrophy. Progesterone is an immunosuppressant and women are most vulnerable to any infection in the high progesterone phase of the menstrual cycle. This is extremely basic stuff.

To prevent mucho texto, I am focusing only on the things I know off the top of my head here, even though I also know nearly every single one of these claims is wrong. Peatardation has to be a psyop of some kind, to make chuds self-eliminate.

No. 2061796

>queens to bathe in the blood of virgins
Never actually happened…
I'm not disagreeing with you or saying she's right but you need balance. Too much estrogen is dangerous

No. 2061799

No shit. Hormones aren't video game sliders you can just supplement or decrease at will. Most cases of "estrogen dominance" or whatever are secondary to other elective endocrine dysregulation (birth control) or being fat, and are actually more indicative of excess SHBG and estrogen receptor desensitization, not "too much estrogen". "Balancing hormones" is also a retarded woo concept.

No. 2061806

Also, I don't know who needs to hear this, but giving yourself hyperthyroidism has to be the most old hamplanet way of dealing with being an old hamplanet ever conceived. Adiposity increases with age, but higher metabolic rate also makes you age faster. You can't replicate the processes that are relevant in development and expect them to turn you into a developing (young) organism. More often than not, you'll just get even older. You are not a fetus or a baby.

The solution to such disorders is, of course, just not stuffing your piehole as much, and becoming thin with a slow metabolism. But we can't have that because we want to continue stuffing the piehole with orange juice and ice cream. Sad!

No. 2061858

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No. 2061867

How can we be certain this isn’t an attempt at creating a way to identify fellow cult members in public?

No. 2061868

God please let us switch every retard right wing chick with a normie Muslim/ex-muslim chick instead

No. 2061870

They want to be the class winners so they never criticize capitalism but rather attach the female worker instead

No. 2061930

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have my fast metabolism and 100F body temperature and being skinny from a modified version of this way of eating than a slow metabolism. Another benefit is excellent cold tolerance and not even needing to wear a jacket in 0C weather. The Peat community didn't get everything right though, I still avoid the sun as much as possible and only do the diet and none of the weird supplements. One thing the peaters never talk about is the effect of temperature on weight. It's well proven that people from northern Europe regions, like me have the fastest metabolisms. Cold weather makes me lose weight quickly

No. 2061936

Huh? Chronic cold exposure leads to more adiposity.

No. 2062003

That's false. If that was true, the Antartic explorers wouldn't need ~8000 calories a day for survival.

No. 2062014

famously skinny Inuits have entered the chat

No. 2062063

Well, hot weather personally makes me feel fat and miserable

No. 2062105

Adiposity is thermally insulating. It's an adaptation to the cold. An animal with low body fat and higher propensity to lose weight when it's cold is not an animal well-adapted to a cold environment. Animals from cold environments are typically either fat fucks or furry as hell (sometimes both). It's basic biology, were you homeschooled? You sound like a cow yourself

No. 2062211

and they eat pure ketopeat

No. 2062296

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I just know with the lack of fiber he’s constipated.

No. 2062299

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Imagine your uncle throwing out your food and claiming that everything is going to kill you

No. 2062300

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The holidays seem to bring out the mental illness in some cows

No. 2062337

She talks about women's character being bad, yet is the one being bitter, seething, rage filled, and needing to get attention online. I still can never wrap my head around this idea why they can't start a charity to help more moms afford to stay at home, instead of bitching on social media.

I wouldn't want to be in a "tight knit family community" with someone who's constantly in a rage and being rude to feminist women. Someone who's bringing up politics every 5 seconds and constantly searching up articles about feminism in order to make themselves more enraged.

Solie, if you think women should be pleasant, and act like dainty snow white clones, then live it yourself. Stop posting lies and rude crap, and post Mr Rogers quotes while donating to the sick and poor. Go volunteer at a soup kitchen every time you have the urge to hate someone. Go on a date with your husband every time you have an urge to get attention from right wing men online. Go play with your own kids instead of complaining about working moms/childfree women. You won't. Because this is all a big grift.

No. 2062388


Being well adapted to cold weather may cause weight gain, but cold weather and cold exposure in general causes weight loss. The Inuits ate too much fatty meat high in Vitamin A and didn't get enough carbs or sugar in their diet for quick burning energy, because that was the only food available in cold weather.

No. 2062389

Liver chips sound disgusting

No. 2062432

What's the o/u of Veronica being a neckbeard IRL. The imgs also look 100% AI generated and there's virtually nothing under her real first+last:

And the "sister" 100% does not exist, right?(sage your shit)

No. 2062531

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Anyone else convinced that solies husband is behind her rage posting? He’s the one who runs her business, he’s apparently more crunchy than she is, and all of his social media is private except for solies. Sometimes I think half the shit she posts her husband told her to post for either social media engagement to promote their weird grift or he does it for control

I can’t wait for her inevitable divorce arc when her husband cheats on her with a 18 year old and she has an Alice llani breakdown and tries to act sexy for her crunchy mom audience

No. 2062533

File: 1732888539446.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x2136, IMG_5566.jpeg)

Lmfao she’s rating and comparing random women now, either her husband told her to do this, or she’s secretly into women or jealous.

No. 2062534

>Don't forget to be the annoying relative who makes everyone uncomfortable over dinner today!

No. 2062570

File: 1732892905878.png (119 KB, 237x422, fiddl.png)

This is so wrong to post so openly and word by word quotes about your daughter's trauma. It's also wrong trusting an old moid who has sexually assaulted you around your little girls as well. His name is Jermaine Orenthro Dowdy. I guess the trophy wife title to this ugly retard was too great for her

No. 2062921

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They are taking themselves out of the gene pool. Good.

No. 2062922

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Wannagreek is back to playing matchmaker

No. 2062929

File: 1732941069927.jpg (600.62 KB, 755x1873, grifter.jpg)

posted in the radfem thread but feel like it belongs here more

No. 2062949

The funniest and saddest part about women like this is that they have no ally at the end of the day. Not the men they so ardently prostrate themselves to be walked over by, and certainly not those of us women who actually care about the rights and wellbeing of our sisters

No. 2062995

The guy has such a gayface I refuse to believe she's not his beard.

No. 2063162

What’s funny is she’s still very much a tomboy who loves doing flashy skateboarding moves and wearing ugly pants. Look at her pics. If she were a truly taking the bible literally fundie, she would not be skateboarding at all.

And acting more feminine, demure with her frumpy flower dress on. 24/7. It’s literally called vulgar and unladylike to skateboard, wear cargo pants, caps with no makeup, ride bikes…but she’s sure she can “make it” without women’s rights. Fraud act, she just wants to powerleech from men while turning the other pickme cheek so they won’t see what girlbossing she’s covertly doing.

No. 2063229

Regarding the anabology diet. It's around 2500-2600 calories. It may sound like a lot, but that's an extremely typical caloric intake for moids. Especially one that's active/lifts. Also, the're nothing to confirm the accuracy of his reportings.

No. 2063237

Samefag who waited too long, I meant to say it's low for a non-manlet who lifts, so it's not revolutionary or something to lose weight on that diet.

No. 2063282

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“Why you can’t find a man” series story from solie 1/5

No. 2063283

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No. 2063304

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No. 2063305

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4/5 with the amount of dating advice she’s giving, do you think she’s going to pull a carnivorefag and start a dating app?

No. 2063306

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No. 2063376

File: 1733031174483.png (1.14 MB, 1232x1271, Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 11.52…)

Too much food. I'm eating nearly nothing and down to BMI 21.3.(who asked)

No. 2063377

Ice cream is healthier than soda, at least ice cream is enjoyable to eat but soda in empty calories when you could have a 0 cal drink for the same taste.(no1currs)

No. 2063378

I'm wondering if Vitmin D causes weight gain and weightlifting as opposed to cardio for being lean because I haven't left the house in the daytime for 1 month and the weight loss has been fast. Vitzmin A in liver causes weight gain and adiposity.(no1currs)

No. 2063380

File: 1733031906525.png (1.83 MB, 1331x875, Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 12.44…)

Bold of her to say this while not being skinny herself.

No. 2063425

Being skinny and being physically healthy are two separate things

No. 2063440

File: 1733046939480.jpeg (854.89 KB, 1078x2855, age gap height insecurity 1.jp…)


That girl is so cringe.

No. 2063446

I'd rather be skinny, pretty, and a little unhealthy than look like that and sunburned.

No. 2063451

she's right though

No. 2063464

File: 1733057888823.jpeg (48.33 KB, 720x801, age gap height insecurity 2.jp…)

No. 2063465


>> I can skateboard because I wasn’t aborted.

Kek, neither was the 7-year old who beat her in a skate competition.

No. 2063466

File: 1733058928353.mp4 (9.19 MB, 706x1182, finger skating.mp4)


Exactly this. Anyone can skateboard. But to what degree?

No. 2063472

God all of this is so cringe. I hate massive height gaps because they look weird as fuck but comparing short or not even short, but women simply just significantly shorter than their male partner to children, is such cringe jealous pickme cow behavior. You never see women act this catty and jealous towards one another until size is brought up. From all ends. Be it weight or height. It’s like women want to be smaller than the world. “you look like a child midget dwarf I deserve a tall man to make me feel petite because I’m a tall girl not YOU!!” “your boyfriend is a pedophile!!!” “Why are men attracted to you and not me? Because they’re pedophiles of course.” “Stop stealing tall men from us” this needs to actually fucking stop, it’s like teenage-girl-with-anorexia level competitiveness and neuroticism. All over MEN too.

No. 2063494

No she's not you fucking retard, she's an insecure pickme and so are you. Maybe if these "height gap" relationships required the woman to dress in junior's clothes and behave in a childlike manner, yeah, that would be weird, but an entire adult woman standing at 5-foot-nothing is not nearly the same thing as a 12-year-old of the same height. You're really reading shit like >>2063464 and thinking she's true and honest? Consider why she says "What grown man that tall pursues a girl as tall as a child" and not "What grown man that tall pursues a woman as tall as a child".

No. 2063514

That pickme has such a Becky ftm phenotype (hyperfeminized, bottom heavy, chunky), an agility sport simply isn't for her. This has nothing to do with her being a woman and everything with her piss poor build.

No. 2063530

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Being in a size gap, A whole big man and a small petite girl is another one too.

No. 2063531

File: 1733069487127.mp4 (1.05 MB, 480x852, 1700746730757.mp4)

we all know women are usually smaller then men, only hyperwokies disagree with that biological reality, in my country most women are 5'4 in a relationships with a 5'10 men, but we're specifically talking about shit as vidrel, like I dare you tel tell me this isn't at least a little weird and creepy

No. 2063534

>most women are 5'4 in a relationships with a 5'10 men

do you call your coomer fantasies your country lmao

wherever men are tall, women are also taller than the average elsewhere, there isn't a single fucking country in the world where Herculean dimorphism is the norm, unlike what misogynistic patriarchies would have you believe.

No. 2063536

It’s weird when they play it up as her being sooo teeny-tiny little girl small, but there’s… a lot more to a woman than how tall she is. Your vidrel looks like a happy couple with a height difference that they’re aware is odd, and imo if you look at a couple and think the dude’s a pedo because his adult girlfriend is short, you are the one being weird kek

No. 2063539

Nta but the average female height in my country is 5'4 and the average male height is 5'9 1/2. Do you think average height women dating average height men (which will always have a size gap) is a coomer fantasy? Where do you live where you think 5'4 women commonly dating 5'10 men could only be cooked up by a fantasising moid?

No. 2063557

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Kind of.

No. 2063558

Maybe only in America cuz we have so many different ethnicities mixing, but yeah no. I rarely see crazy height gap couples tbh, only every once in awhile bc I don’t think most people male or female like having to bend halfway over or stand on two boxes just to hug and kiss

No. 2063593

“Down to 21.3” k fatty

No. 2063597

It’s weird but I don’t see what’s pedophilic about it, she looks old as fuck, literally older than him. I would in no universe mistake that woman for a child and neither would you. Not in body or face.

No. 2063614

Guess I'm never beating the lesbian allegations, but I really don't see the appeal of moids being taller. That is not to say I'm into manlets - rather, I want my own height to be closer to 6 ft or more. Besides, why woud you not want to mog rape apes by being tall?(blogposting)

No. 2063619

You guys are sperging awful hard for calling other women jealous pickmes…

No. 2063718

Because not everyone's been molested or humiliated and is now compensating, nona.

No. 2063736

I just think being tall yields better proportions on women, but I hope you can heal.(blogpost)

No. 2063933

are you really gonna pretend it isn't just a bit fetishistic?

No. 2064494

File: 1733269690302.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1179x2122, IMG_5676.jpeg)

Imagine the lightbulbs break mid flight

No. 2064511

File: 1733270940188.mp4 (4.48 MB, 630x884, 1723925122585.mp4)

this is what you all sound like(infight bait)

No. 2064551

Is it scary being that petite? I’d be afraid moids would just pick me up and move me around and there wouldn’t be shit I could do about it. He might be the nicest dude in the world but if he tard raged it would be terrifying or potentially lethal if he actually hit her. She’s practically dating a different species.

No. 2064583

What are the lightbulbs for?

I have also had enough of the Height Discourse

No. 2064734

File: 1733329265872.jpeg (526.54 KB, 1179x1595, IMG_5694.jpeg)

Ah yes this totally happened and everyone clapped

No. 2064735

File: 1733329317478.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1179x2035, IMG_5695.jpeg)

I don’t think there’s any device that can clear out microplastics

No. 2064742

>Ketolard fantasizing about people wanting to talk to him despite his stench

No. 2064819

LifeStraw does have a study that their filter removes microplastics but the straw itself is made out of plastic, so. If a Perrier bottle contains microplastics then so does your plastic marketing gimmick straw.

No. 2064864

File: 1733353604321.jpeg (1011.95 KB, 1242x1827, IMG_6759.jpeg)

Looks like your personal cow is also a part of of the 5 ft 4 indian pedophile Remilia founder's crowd, the "fringe political beliefs" sticker was a quote from their merch and she's replying Milady to every other comment. This pedo's cabal have their dirty hands everywhere you look on X especially when it comes to all these new right leaning, alternative health twitter influencers who seemingly have their accounts blow up out of nowhere >>2055711

No. 2064886

File: 1733358172592.jpeg (148.58 KB, 856x960, 1731808553264.jpeg)

Women and men should only date within their own height range so short eunuch males with pube staches/stubble beards wouldnt exist. There's a reason why most people who become byproducts of people who fetishize height gaps usually end up with weird endomorph body types. If short women are going to date tall men, then I would hope the short women has a good structure instead of stubby legs, same thing for short men dating tall women, that way, their kids don't have weird bodytypes as they age.(derailing)

No. 2064891

How does this relate to alt right trad whore crunchy cows? Genuine question

No. 2064920

File: 1733363901829.jpg (73.55 KB, 898x898, c78f1416e2807c7394daae59d04fcc…)

I wish she would move the camera just 2 more inches. Also, why is she now claiming to be an engineering student? She is a computer science student, not computer engineering.

No. 2064927

Because most tradcath men are failures and manlets. If they actually believed what they were spouting then they’d realize their fenea are defects

No. 2064956

So these trad-femoid larpers are actually domineering harpies in disguise trying to sink their claws in the failmales then?

No. 2064958

No, the big question is, why is Melina lying to be a “tradwoman who’s dumber than her man” BUT still choosing to study a male-dominated masculine field huh?! Tech, IT, this reeks of girlboss career-pusher female! Someone send a PSA to her dumb simp male followers this bitch is trying to pull the wool over their eyes, leech power and bias from them to covertly learn their men’s computer science and do her own shit while pretending to be a submissive antifeminist. Obvious.(sage your shit)

No. 2064960

Didn’t he say he was flying first class?

No. 2065065

that nose kek are we sure she’s catholic?(bait)

No. 2065172

File: 1733421045201.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1179x2201, IMG_5717.jpeg)

I think this man has a severe twitter addiction, he tweets more than he posts on instagram this proves he hasn’t been meditating on his first class flights to find his Asian sweetheart kek.

No. 2065173

File: 1733421120435.jpeg (157.75 KB, 1179x329, IMG_5718.jpeg)

It gets better when he fears chemicals that are literally found in milk and meat. I just know he didn’t take a chemistry class

No. 2065174

File: 1733421258067.jpeg (839.08 KB, 1179x2029, IMG_5705.jpeg)

This and methyl blue, crunchies haven’t been able to shut up about despite the methyl blue being a synthetic dye not from nature kek.
Also, Sodium butyrate can be found in soy.

No. 2065176

Surely this will piss off their LARPing holistic fans?

No. 2065177

File: 1733421538455.jpeg (718.94 KB, 1179x1365, IMG_5719.jpeg)

Breast milk doesn’t even taste like milk it’s watery kek, he’s been begging to get his hands on breast milk for like two years now.

No. 2065178


No. 2065197

Sodium butyrate is mainly found in plant foods

No. 2065225

He’s against eating most plants, watch him shill a supplement about this in 3 months

No. 2065310

This has to be the most unhinged thing I've seen possibly on this whole website kek.

No. 2065323

File: 1733446172130.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x2012, IMG_5740.jpeg)

No. 2065325

File: 1733446303545.jpeg (356.21 KB, 1179x964, IMG_5741.jpeg)

I don’t think biology works like that

No. 2065333

Maybe it's because she isn't on birth control >>2065323

No. 2065337

I agree with her on this point. Fake fur is ugly, not as warm as real fur, and an environmental disaster.

No. 2065338

File: 1733448477925.png (1.35 MB, 1209x1013, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 8.25.…)

No. 2065344

File: 1733448858914.png (201.66 KB, 1230x1170, Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 8.33.…)

KEK nothing is ever good enough for these racist white supremacists.

No. 2065354

I really dont see christwithcali talked about here. She’s the girl in the pic. Anyone got milk on her? Not to sound weird but she seems like she has some sort of mental issue. Wanting to give a moid 15 kids and submit to him etc. Showscleavage and then talks about “le modesty”(unsaged spoonfeed request)

No. 2065368

How do they explain their obsession with eating animals? Every groyper crazy is a 'carnivore' or at least eats a meat heavy diet and they obsess over hating vegetarians and vegans. Africans don't wear fur, considering that most of Africa is hot, even in countries lesotho where it gets cold Africans don't as a commonality wear fur.They really are comical.

No. 2065372

File: 1733456938401.jpg (11.76 KB, 200x200, 1732912875553.jpg)

Can't say I'm shocked that a woman purchasing merch from and supporting a pedophile cult is a butterface. It's just curious how they dox themselves nowadays while being blatantly racist online, even if by accident, now she's posting her account handle in her linkedin profile?https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabella-nigro-92aa4233a Trump getting elected and Elon promoting these freaks on X has certainly emboldened them, and living in Alabama must help her, but the way alt-rightoids went from being deathly afraid of doxing to embracing it has been such a dramatic shift that apparently happened overnight. The pendulum always swings back though, and fringe extremists (especially of the white supremacist, misogynist, pedo supporter variety) seldom come out unscathed

Coming from a 32 year old Pole living in the UK telling minorities to get out of Europe this is comical
>Go back to Poland and stop being a parasite trying to dictate who gets to come to countries you're not from if you're so proud of being Polish
>Fur coats are more traditionally associated with colder, eastern slavic nations like Russia and Ukraine. No one looks at a fur coat and thinks “very Polish”, and most eastern Slavs don’t even consider Poles “as slavic” as them. All the Russians I know see this whole pan-slavic pride thing as an expat, immigrant/2nd gen immigrant invention, they are proud of being Russian, not Slavic
>You literally try to convince yourself and your followers that you look like a teenager as an adult who's obviously in her 30s, so you’re clearly not proud of who you actually are and deluded
>“Wear dead animals bred, hunted and farmed specifically for making non-essential, luxury goods or you’re larping” maybe someone should skin you alive and wear you as a coat buffalo bill style then retarded hag.
Bitch is a laughing stock even to her own Peatoid peers cause all she's good at is using Chat GPT to paraphrase information shared by others online and putting her name on it, then blocking anyone who points it out while crying about how they're spiking her cortisol

No. 2065391

maybe it's because she got fat

No. 2065392

The idea that there is a singular path in life is one of the most irritating things about these people, especially since a lot of them fail at it very hard. And i swear if some blue haired woman was making breast milk ice cream they would declare it as liberal degeneracy.

No. 2065400

Someone needs to feed him breast milk, then reveal it's from a tranny (either gender)

No. 2065432

This is so repulsive… why would you want to fucking breastfeed something thats supposed to be an equal partner like its an infant? Vom.(learn to sage)

No. 2065435

I literally don't care about this girl at all, but you seem really annoying and stupid.
>All the Russians I know see this whole pan-slavic pride thing as an expat, immigrant/2nd gen immigrant invention, they are proud of being Russian, not Slavic
Literally not true in the slightest, stop listening to your retard Russian friends and open a history book. The whole Soviet Union identity was built on the idea of "muh slav brotherhood" and that is why non-slavic ethnicities were supressed in the USSR.
>most eastern Slavs don’t even consider Poles “as slavic” as them
??? Huh. Also being slavic is an ethnicity, not a special gene that comes from Mother Russia kek. And no, I am not Polish, or Czech, or whatever you will say, to make it seem like I feel personally attacked by what you are saying. Anyway, fuck this cow, I am not wking.

No. 2065442

Well the SSR hasn't existed for like thirty years, plus just because someone is ex USSR there doesn't mean they support pan slavism. Literally every slav I've ever met just say what they are whether its Croatian or Polish or Russian or what have you. I've neve met anyone who introduces themselves as a "slav" aside from one very old guy from Yugoslavia.

No. 2065444

What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said? I said that the slavic identity is not a bullshit newfound "2nd gen expat thing" as you said. Do Koreans introduce themselves as Korean before they say they are Asian? Yeah, obviously. Stop yapping about all the slavs you have supposedly met, when indeed I am actually from Eastern Europe and I have lived in 3 different slav countries and you are just simply wrong. I don't have anything else to add as I don't wanna keep infighting.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2065446

Well your only evidence is that the SU was built on the idea of "muh slav brotherhood" which you yourself said mockingly. And as you said it's just an ethnicity with some broad similarities. Pan Slavism isnt really that popular outside of the internet. I'm also from Eastern Europe idk how you can tell me I'm "simply wrong" when this is my experience, seeing as all you have is also your experience I guess you're simply wrong too.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2065480

The tip of her nose looks kinda sus, kinda looks like she got work done.(sage your shit)

No. 2065585

I know nothing about this chick but saw this on front page and kek. Polish anon here and nobody wears real fur these days, maybe besides aging plastic surgery addicts who want to show off that they can afford such "luxury". Also because there's no need to. Winters are now way too warm to wear fur.

No. 2065618

Wow, this resident antifeminist cryptogirlboss-in-tech for herself only scum looks like Contrapoints. Hon.

No. 2065750

methylene blue does seem to have some interesting promise for skin appearance (it's an antioxidant) but aesthetically it doesn't fit the crunchy look at all. As you said it is synthetic.

No. 2065768

It’s a completely unregulated market. Have you seen what happens when you take too much?

No. 2065821

File: 1733585375981.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x2102, IMG_5777.jpeg)

Kek she’s claimed that she’s never drove before due to her self diagnosed brain damage and claims that she’s been healing herself with herbs.
Is she parked and just pretending to drive or actually driving? This is from her Snapchat: lailaaawolf there’s a lot of cringe ass dancing and trying to act sexy

No. 2065837

File: 1733589383250.png (282.14 KB, 1183x876, Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 11.35…)

No. 2065899

>This is why it's illegal
The government is trying to deny you access to big boobs, because… well, For Some Reason

No. 2065942

File: 1733611166098.png (99.21 KB, 129x294, 2423d1e61a22fdfb8884ddba33fff6…)

Did she private or delete her linkedin when I posted that or does the link only not work for me? kek wtf. After this anon >>2064958 called her trad she posted this https://x.com/bioenergeticmel/status/1864740361660174646#m so maybe she's lurking? Ok so she's not trad but just unattractive, a fake blonde, racist, misogynist and pedophile supporter? Got it

AYRT and USSR "Slavic brotherhood" was pushed as a facade to justify geopolitical dominance and expansion, not cultural unity. Poles were oppressed in USSR controlled regions during the Soviet era as Pan-Slavism created an illusion of shared purpose and solidarity among Slavic people. The cow's "Slavic Pride" is the same sentiment used by Soviets to control and suppress her ancestors, ironically. The haggard obsession with looking like a child also screams Baba Yaga, not "Slavic Princess"

No. 2066064

Another lie from the jezebel cryptogirlboss herself. Her tweet archive has many instances of “trad-leaning” bs, wanting to always be in the kitchen, bossed by a stronk masculine dominating man, and women being made not to work. But she is doing all the opposite.

Like the nigcels say, if she wanted to quit and get a relationship, she could stop doing all she was doing, hop into a strict church, and find a well-trained provider and protector willing to play the part. Or mail order bride herself or arranged marriage.

But she won’t, because power and control come 2nd to her love for male validation and attention from bad boys. Any woman who wants a job (in tech or male-dommed field especially!) does desire some form of leverage and power against the male hierarchy and getting played out by a husband. And if said wahmen-in-tech denies this, she’s a sneaky liar.(bait)

No. 2066066

Contra looks real gangly and hideous here. He’s an ugly troon. /s

No. 2066257

File: 1733690675656.jpeg (437.61 KB, 1170x1575, IMG_2161.jpeg)

She apparently has found a man now if this is supposed to mean anything. She replies to a lot of reply guys with “haha” and similar but not this guy

No. 2066290

File: 1733693721693.jpeg (850.6 KB, 1179x1909, IMG_3928.jpeg)

He posted this last week

No. 2066307

Sus when she’s keeping her orbiters around and still tweeting bait for simps even if less frequent. Why not delete and start being loyal to him instead of sinking her lying flattery into other men’s egos too? 80% chance she might divorce him

No. 2066413

File: 1733722293921.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1179x2027, IMG_5833.jpeg)

Latina nonnas beware, this retard is in South America. I’m pretty sure there is still synthetic ingredients in that too plus hella sugar kek.

No. 2066419

Super food is not what I would use, but Mexican cola is pretty good

No. 2066439

No. 2066444

Won't eat vegetables, but will drink soda. Optimal human diet right here folks


It may taste better, but it's really not any healthier. HFCS and regular sugar are really not that different health-wise. Mexico also has a pretty high obesity rate

No. 2066508

nitpick but damn. the chunks of meat fyling around. everything touching and being dirty. truly gross

No. 2066779

>Mexico also has a pretty high obesity rate
usually tied with the US or only slightly behind

No. 2067048

does nobody here know that carnivoreaurelius was found out to be some woman pretending to be a guy? she has a marketing background(post proof or sage this)

No. 2067058

No Mexico is part of North America. Not South America

No. 2067304

File: 1733951769810.jpeg (900.24 KB, 1895x3448, D6DF2F77-7208-4302-8AB6-CBCA56…)

More copetardation from this shill Veronica who at any point is claiming to look anywhere from under 18 to 27 when even the AI can tell she looks exactly her age

No. 2067310

It’s a reference to a TikTok fashion trend where people wear fur coats/Russian fur hats, heavy 99s style eye makeup and sometimes with some early 2000s Russian fashion model references, usually filmed outside during winter. Is popular with zoomers in Russia and Ukraine too, not just westerners. I don’t know why it’s called a “Slavic princess” because 99%+ of it comes from stereotypical images of Russian and Ukrainian npcs in the 90s-00as. It’s basically a retarded zoomer version of a femme fatale archetype .

No. 2067841

I don't know why she denys having filler when her lip shape just gives it away kek

No. 2067895

She's not a bad looking woman but she looks exactly her age. The harsh defined lip borders and unusually smooth lip lines are classic lip filler lol

No. 2067956

how come carnivorous mewing and ray shit didn't equalize the height of her eye sockets

No. 2068016

>obsessed with cows
Is she talking about users of this site?

No. 2068122

File: 1734157511921.jpeg (468.37 KB, 1170x1032, IMG_2249.jpeg)

Looks like this is already over

No. 2068798

File: 1734357870375.jpg (73.84 KB, 1080x463, 1000023374.jpg)

Let natural selection deal with these people

No. 2069735

File: 1734603802746.png (238.97 KB, 1294x1380, Screenshot 2024-12-19 at 5.22.…)

No. 2069743

Eugh those male pfps look disgusting

No. 2069916

File: 1734650167377.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3236x1802, 26851193-135A-47F4-A6F0-442B27…)

Veronica beefing with some random lady over calling out her apparent lip filler and embracing fascism and BAPism

No. 2069926

>3/4 angle
>eye sockets still at different altitudes
Her eyes are like those palestinian looksmaxer's Picasso tier shoops but irl

No. 2069980

>calling an unapologetic old woman just chilling with her chicken and laughing at your vanity "bitter" after siccing your followers against a random old woman just chilling with her chicken and laughing at your vanity
The best part about this is that if she really "doesn't have fillers" that means she's a facetuning catfish claiming she got insta face through "healthy" habits rather than an app. I'm not sure which is worse.

No. 2069998

The best part is that she thinks she doesn't look like every 40 year old Dubai hooker ever

No. 2070041

>prolapsed anus lips if she gets one more round of fillers
>”it’s pouting and posing!! And you’re ugly!!”
It’s all so tiresome kek

No. 2070124

File: 1734722227128.jpg (88.71 KB, 750x936, 1000036242.jpg)

"Women aren't femme fatales anymore"

No. 2070130

No. 2070135

>openly confirming that you're a fascist on social media under your face and real name (veronica hoffman)

No. 2070151


I just checked the lady she was beefing with and she’s a mom. You know, something that Veronica should be instead of being a clout
goblin for dysgenic freaks like BAP.

No. 2070155

File: 1734732177028.jpg (1.39 MB, 2192x1775, filter.jpg)

this she looks so inconsistent

No. 2070164

File: 1734733215246.jpg (16.72 KB, 400x400, veronica hoffman bleu.jpg)

Very high-T and high stress-hormone to chimp out over a not-even-that-popular tweet simply pointing out that you have lip filler or at lease using some swollen baboon-bum lip filter. It's really not a big deal to even react to, let alone chimping out to the point of openly aligning yourself with fascism and insulting the looks of a 42 year old woman. Calling her "woke" when you can see just from her bio she's an active conservative journalist. this one has the the trappings of a true lolcow.

No. 2070168

File: 1734734438304.jpg (16.4 KB, 436x333, 1000036250.jpg)

Looks like a transformer (as do most righoid women).

Which reminds me, why do most rightoid women look and act in a way that suggests virilization? Are their politics a tranny tier compensation for being high T? Perhaps having a lot of older brothers (as rightoid families have a son preference) causes this via fraternal birth order effect? I have never seen one FTM or a butch lesbian that could even touch the average cookie baking stay at home fleshlight tardthot in terms of physical masculinization. They literally look like top female bodybuilders after two decades of steroid abuse, except completely naturally. How? Is conservatism in women a disorder of sexual development?

No. 2070172

ethel cain physiognomy

No. 2070192

File: 1734740420378.jpeg (410.15 KB, 1313x1998, FB660CD8-2F3C-4F52-BAB0-EE7F84…)

These two used to beef also cause Veronica called her an alien catfish while Safa made fun of Veronica's filler, now they're friends lol https://x.com/asdrawingaf/status/1864628431243100270?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w

Veronica had beef with the contrapoints lookalike Melina too before she unblocked her. Very stable women with peak metabolic energy and fully balanced hormones

No. 2070393

File: 1734815288321.png (52.04 KB, 598x670, 456789.png)

Damn. Interacting with her must be like walking on eggshells.

No. 2070395

File: 1734815679678.png (61.52 KB, 586x519, 4363463634634.png)

The moids in this community

No. 2070598

surprised rwtwt hasn't bullied melina for her doxx(sage your shit)

No. 2070705

File: 1734950118259.png (268.55 KB, 1258x1398, Screenshot 2024-12-23 at 5.30.…)

Anyone who avoids the sun will stay beautiful forever while the "gigachads and e girls" will look haggard.

No. 2070707

>"Blocks all blue light"
>Posting on xitter

No. 2070708

Polyunsaturated fats are the best source of fats, no? What is this cow even yapping about, is this some sort of post-irony baiting bullshit? Same for serotonin, what is she blaming it for? Am i the only one confused by the pseudo-scientific bullshit here?

No. 2070722

Wait had the definition of e girl changed?

No. 2072682

File: 1735622147736.jpg (328.94 KB, 1284x1234, Um.jpg)

le master race has to use ChatGPT to do an elementary school level math problem, apparently. Seriously? who the fuck needs to use chatgpt to calculate this?
and obviously it’s not even correct if she made any tweets before 12/23. her account was made 12/22. I mean obviously people easily psyopped into fascism and woo are unintelligent but holy hell, this is literally a litmus test I would give someone to determine if they’re mentally handicapped or not.

No. 2072683

I don't use Twitter but 59 tweets s day still sounds like a lot

No. 2072694

>the average person is a vegan
>and also somehow a constant consumer of fast food
intellectually disabled shut-ins should be prohibited from posting

No. 2073048

File: 1735742428904.jpeg (30.3 KB, 267x250, IMG_9764.jpeg)

This is the subhuman faggot James who runs the WomenPostingLs account on Xitter. Not a masculine bone in his facial structure. Pure retard 2/10.

This “redpill kingpin’s” pickme wife Sam just divorced him recently. She was so loyal she CHEATED on him with one of their friends in his circle. They are no longer tagging each other in their X handles, he just went on a trip to Japan without her.

How does an arrogant, tough-talking kingpin get fleeced by a pickme with no ambition but likes being a fuckdoll ‘fantasy’?!?! And he didn’t even retaliate or revenge her for the cheating. WEAK man indeed, ugly redpill men should absolutely be bullied and mocked as they are most jealous of women’s beauty, since they have none.

No. 2073084

You already know the answer to these questions. Who except beta cucks needs guides on how to be "alpha"? That self-identification outs you as a beta by definition.

No. 2073087

someone linked an episode of his podcast like a year back, and literally in less than 10 minutes he was talking about trying pegging and how he wouldn't mind fucking a "femboy"

No. 2073149

Did he show one of the rugrats twins to his hairstylist? What the fuck is that hairstyle

No. 2073221

>fleecing men for shekels while being a downlow girlboss

No. 2073267

File: 1735799512413.jpeg (446.81 KB, 1920x1638, IMG_2556.jpeg)

I dunno if you’d call a liar based, >>2073221 but she deceitfully claims to be an extreme antifeminist who only does femininity and submission, yet here she is doing guy stuff and stem. The 2nd pic looks like she wants to 1UP her bf.

> finding out stuff to gain smarts on purpose

Again, covertly competitive. She is so jealous of other women this is her strategy:
>postures with a lying feminine front to suck power, favour from men
>but still taps into her dual or masc side after getting their bias and free pass to do crap to be a smart educated wimminz even though she says she hates them

Trying to get beauty, and strength, male skills, power while slyly discouraging other women from doing the same so she feels so special for her pompous ego amongst other females. Most evil kind of female. A true cluster B vulnerable narcissist.

No. 2073272

I don't really like that you're implying that maths and technology is 'guy stuff' and male knowledge tbh(learn to sage)

No. 2073275

What she said in her other babytalk tweets. BTW, none of them are original she always swipes quotes from popular Pinterest posts and passes them off as her own.

No. 2073288

File: 1735805077060.jpeg (277.52 KB, 1207x1453, IMG_9777.jpeg)

Yes she has made plenty of tweets on submitting and how feminism is cancer before, but it appears she is not content and satisfied with just being a helper herself, she also wants to do her own dumb hobbies and again, find knowledge on purpose. How is that dying to self to please a man and killing her ego?

No. 2073295

File: 1735807597783.jpeg (403.32 KB, 1920x1642, IMG_9789.jpeg)

Pathological liar competitive envious females who deliberately insult m0deRn wAhM3n for having education and other rights in attempt to sabotage them and put them down, while secretly doing all these things herself to iq-max and be more unique than others for ego and male coddling do not make great tradwives or anythings. Why?

>all their actions are opposite from everything they say - lies

>very competitive on the inside
>easily jealous, greedy, coveting
>a ticking time bomb just being performative waiting to rebel once bored of facade and snaps hard
>also taps into her masc side to compete with guys and get skills
>acts crazier when insecure

Vulnerable narcissists are the worst.

No. 2073314

Surely you understand why pickme whores do this, right?
It's because they are fucking mediocre or worse. In everything, particularly these "masc" pursuits you speak of. This type of pickme whoredom is inevitably a result of being hilariously substandard compared to other women. 99.9% of internet tradwhores have failed at free market girlbossing, leading them to seek a specific niche.

Does this particular whore seethe when she goes to google scholar to forage for abstracts to skim through, only to see female authors everywhere? Women with actual credentials, world class experts in their fields, whom you'd never see debatelording online because it would be cosmically beneath them? You bet. Can she, or any other learned tradwhore, ever hope to enter their ranks? Not a fucking chance. So what is the tradwhore's most sacral, fetid, moist fantasy? To ban these women entirely and be the awe inspiring, human female equivalent of a dog that can press buttons to "speak". They are indeed extremely male-brained in that they would always choose relative over absolute, perception over reality, status over ability.

No. 2073363

File: 1735834137307.jpeg (968.26 KB, 1179x2112, IMG_6023.jpeg)

Now that hellmas is over, here’s the milk I’ve collected on our crunchy cows. Let’s start with carnicuck. We are now fearing olive oil.

No. 2073364

File: 1735834275380.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x2079, IMG_6085.jpeg)

He took raw frozen meat on a flight, made security do a whole song and dance to check it.

No. 2073365

File: 1735834412681.jpeg (645.55 KB, 1179x2072, IMG_6135.jpeg)

For anyone calling this scrote a woman is either 1. Delusional 2. Spreading lies (might be the cow himself to confuse people), 3. Retarded and should scroll up, he’s literally posted himself with his disgusting curls he washes with eggs.

No. 2073366

File: 1735834567181.png (4.14 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6136.png)

Rebecca mock went on a whole anti flu shot post a few weeks ago, just to get the flu while in her third trimester during the holidays kek. Love to see antivax hoes get what they sow.

No. 2073368

File: 1735834641486.png (2.93 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6141.png)

Even while sick she’s shilling her mlm.

No. 2073369

File: 1735834715662.png (4.09 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6142.png)

What’s funny is for weeks she claimed to be very anti medicine. She wouldn’t even give her own kids meds when they were sick but when it’s her she can have it.

No. 2073370

File: 1735834820874.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x2073, IMG_6083.jpeg)

More crunchy weirdo behavior from bahaus wife.

No. 2073372

File: 1735834931635.jpeg (906.73 KB, 1179x2066, IMG_6084.jpeg)

This reminds me of the 2014-2016 buzzfeed “muh vag” playing with period blood videos and poetry.

No. 2073438

I can’t find anything about this online- sources?

No. 2073511

Sounds like a less messy version of empath chan, probably covers up her dirtier laundry more insidiously. Maybe she has a porn past under a different name like crazy christina berry rita lovely.

No. 2073513

File: 1735867148805.jpeg (80.71 KB, 750x508, IMG_2558.jpeg)

Yes, she could have a long past, this dog lies about her age too. Quite a pointed musing about being 30 despite larping as an 18-20 barely legal with a childlike mindset.

No. 2073572

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Update on ‘antifeminist’ ex pornstar Christina Buttons.

She’s still not-so-secretly girlbossing for the Mathn Institute as an investigative reporter. Chauvinists Chris Rufo and team are CUCKS. Also, her conservative bf Colin Wright didn’t dump her, even with her porn past, looks like hints for engagement and she keeps talking about babies now.
Why are whores always winning despite manosphere retards saying otherwise?

No. 2073586

Thanks for the work!

>but there was no sex!!!!1
>I'm such a moral man!

No. 2073588

They end up writing fanfiction for themselves much like the 15 year old fangirls they make fun of. Shameful idiots.

No. 2073602

These are the same men who then complain post-divorce that all women are money-grubbing whores. Rachel Wilson, Isabelle (Isabella?) Moody and probably more that I can’t remember all have non-virtuous pasts, but still become wives. Men are full of shit; they don’t want to die alone but no decent woman wants them so this is what they settle for. And it is settling no matter how they frame it.

No. 2073631

Most of them are literally off brand OF whores. They get popular off of sexualizing themselves. While looking down on and harshly judging women that are being straight forward about doing sex work.
Because men love whores and they are in denial about it. They cover it up through all the trad rethoric just to appear superior. They're like their female counterparts.

No. 2073639

Kek these posts reek of samefag, you sound like a failed tradwhore who tried to do as the men say

No. 2073672

File: 1735922108669.png (153.52 KB, 1516x658, Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 16.14…)

Megha is such a confused woman, it is very sad to behold.

With her first baby, she attempted a home birth which went wrong and ended up being an emergency c-section. As far as I'm aware, she NEVER admitted to this until her second child was born vaginally. Why? Because she was ashamed. She hid her c-section from her followers because in the trad sphere, you have to have a ~natural~ birth in order to be a Real Woman.

Only now that she has succeeded in giving birth vaginally does she have the courage to speak out against the home birth advocates.

The fact that she pushed for a VBAC so hard is proof that she cares more about her image than she does about her baby. THREE doctors advised her that another c-section was safer than risking uterine rupture due to her pregnancies being so close together. She eventually found a doctor who agreed to it. She is so lucky that she and her baby are safe. Giving birth too soon after a c-section is risky. Iirc she said she got an umbilical hernia this time.

Watch this idiot pop out another baby next year too smh.

Also, is her husband broke? Because her baby is like 6 weeks old and she's already working. Tweeting incessantly for engagement and back to writing Substack articles and doing her paid book club. The cognitive dissonance she must suffer with….pontificating about gender roles while she is being compelled to go back to work 6 weeks after giving birth! Her husband not only looks like a gay pornstar but is clearly doing a poor job of providing for his family if his wife has to work with a newborn in her arms.

No. 2073678

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I don't think they are getting divorced though. I was looking for proofs they divorced and I found this tweet, it's less than 1 month old. They married last year or the year before if I correctly remember so that would be really fast.

No. 2073692

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Bold coming from the fat bulimic girl.

No. 2073697

i can clearly see a fat moid in the background on the right pic

No. 2073704

Obesity rates have skyrocketed, yes, but this idea that everyone used to look healthy and hot in the 70s and before is delusional. Do none of these people have old family photo albums?

No. 2073710

He is so fucking ugly. Like actually disgustingly so.

No. 2073723

Always these “masculine” male posters give me the impression that they’re just fake accounts or bots but these male brained pick mes can’t tell the difference

They’re failures basically. Almost all right winger media personalities are failed musicians, actors, comedians and artists. But instead of improving, they chose to pander and grift chronically online moids for a paycheck

Meg and others like her will never learn until they’re hurt or dying. It’s just sad that children are involved in her stupid decisions

No. 2073739

Megha is one of the biggest retards in the tradfem movement I've ever seen. Her story is so embarrassing.

She met some 17 year old schlubby Russian moid online when she was in her mid twenties and was ranting on twitter about how she's going to marry him and go become a chicken farmer in Siberia kek.
Then he jilted her and ran off right before they were supposed to get married because his family didnt want him marrying an Indian woman and she rage deleted everything to do with him (luckily some people still saved their pics together).

Then she marries some desperate 40 year old zesty British haggot with gayface and gayvoice who asked her out over twitter and proposed to her within a week because he needed a broodmare and she agreed to shit out 2 of his kids within 2 years.
She rants about what a good provider he is but they live in some hideous high rise apartment block in a shitty part of Dubai and admits she has to pay for her own salon and spa treatments with her twitter income.

Her husband doesn't seem to give a fuck about her and is never home, clearly just wanted an easy rent a womb, Megha tries to cope with this by claiming its gay for men to take care of their children or even just be present at home (even though she admitted he was supposed to wake up at night and help take care of the kid but he gave up because he was too lazy and decided to stay an unbothered kween who needs his beauty sleep and doesnt change diapers)
She admitted she wouldn't get divorced even if her marriage was failing, I wonder why she's always ranting about gays? Is it projection on her part for being married to a faggy English moid who used her as a surrogate for his gaybies and leaves her to wander around Dubai by herself and sit in cafes alone with the kids?

Dumb bitch is so delusional she rants all day about her 'ideal patriarchy' full of gentlesir Disney Princes who are 'like the Taliban treat their wives like princesses'.
She starved herself until she fainted and received a serious head injury. Got kicked out of college for having edgy twitter takes and seethed about it and pretended she never wanted a doctorate anyway despite studying for years towards it. Makes laughably bad Lady and the Tramp fanart that looks like a 6 year old drew it, while lambasting other artists for their lack of skillz.
Almost died after falling for the homebirth 2trad4u meme. Larps as a barefoot in the kitchen tradwife but didn't even know you're supposed to sear meat before stewing it, showing she's clearly never cooked before. Sits at home malding on twitter while their Filipina maid and her mother does the child rearing and housework. Tried becoming a beauty pageant contestant and flopped at it. Seethes endlesly at white women on twitter, absolutely despises brown people including herself but tries to forcibly meme 'brown girl superiority' and claims that all white men only want latina wives now. Is paying for her own shit through her substack and tweets. Bleached her skin and tries to larp as an Arab woman when she's Indian because Indians are looked down on as subhuman filth in Dubai and posts her old headshots from 7 years ago because she's pushing 30. Hides her kids faces because she's embarrassed they came out with black hair and dark eyes like herself, went on an unhinged 30 story long rant after her daughter was born about blue eyes and alleles and genetic recombination because she was so butthurt her daughter didnt come out blonde and blue eyed. Had a melty when someone asked about her husbands exes because they were white. She's a self hating narc headcase constantly trying to pretend she has this perfect life because her ego is so fragile, while its clearly a dysfunctional mess, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

No. 2073740

Kek I saw that. Seriously, what's up with that tradwhore? She's shitting up like 10 other threads simultaneously with seething about how other tradwhores aren't following the rules from a palpably "I did what moids say they wanted me to do and lost" perspective.

No. 2073745

Remember nona: tarditionalism has never been tried. This is not real tardthotthery, I will surely get a different outcome if I just suck cock and do dishes hard enough. Tiktok told me so.

No. 2073747

File: 1735945038513.jpg (60.47 KB, 491x628, 1000003259.jpg)

This is Megha's Russian childbride moid who jilted her at the altar btw (ft. Megha's witch nose + underbite)
Imagine getting dumped by this doughy faced creatura, how embarrassing, she stays taking non-stop Ls.

No. 2073755

this shit stain was 17? he looks like a mentally disabled middle aged man

No. 2073785

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This woman doesn't seem anything like empathchan at all… empath is just an online whore who does anything for attention this is some trad wife wannabe. do we know what this person looks like? I scrolled her profile all the way down and saw this but it looks either extremely photoshopped or like AI. I don't really understand the tard wife shilling from this account because she posts so much about going to different science labs. The cognitive dissonance from these STEM types who encourage women to "submit to their husbands" while they themselves aren't even married is so odd.

No. 2073792

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Samefag and her bf appears to be some 29 yo mega nerd who's in some random genius society https://hell.iqsociety.org/helliq-member-371-julien-arpin/ and comes across as insufferably autistic constantly bragging about his IQ in every discussion. They are religious people supposedly but he openly posts about "stretching her out" https://x.com/arpingarre66002/status/1867461747332075648?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w and they've been together since at least 2023, why hasn't he proposed? Trad fags online used to be at least pretty straightforward Christians "don't have sex until marriage" types but it's like these nouveau ones get weirder by the day, always finding new ways to justify their beliefs with what run of the mill trads would obviously see as sinful behavior while telling others how to be morally righteous

No. 2073799

Exactly. She is in a sexually intimate live-in situation with her bf pre-maritally, hence a pathological liar when she spergs about her virginity and non-existent self control. She only holds back her rebellion out of fear not that she’s morally sound. Vulnerable narcissist symptoms

No. 2073809

Her man seems like a closet troon. He’s very envious and bitchy himself, not a guy’s guy. Loves to dunk on other low iq or more handsome men than him. Understandable with his sociopath sperg skills.

No. 2073819

Christina shouldn’t have been hired tbh she doesn’t deserve this job

No. 2073822

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No. 2073867

File: 1735968606937.png (11.45 MB, 1284x1715, ThisIsMariya.png)

Don’t know how many people remember Mariya Nurislamova (aka the woman who dropped the Karlyn Borysenko tier take that Hitler was a 7D spiritual master and heavily evolved the souls of those who died in the Holocaust) but a couple months back she posted this absolute masterpiece on Instagram claiming her Hitler takes were just “out of context” also funny how she claims one person (presumably Penguinz0) was heading some smear campaign when he made like one video on her and all the other creators who made videos on her haven’t even mentioned her for months

No. 2073948

File: 1735999565677.jpeg (885.57 KB, 1179x2031, IMG_6269.jpeg)

Our famous crunchy lillie jean, Laila wolf (Elaina D’Angelo) is back at her retardation claiming photos of herself will cost $5K. this bitch has to be insane to think anyone of her moid goners have that money.

No. 2074152

Literally no tradthot in the entire movement was a virgin before marriage kek it's why they always downplay this aspect of traditionalism even though having a virgin bride is a vital part of patriarchy. Honestly it's probably why they compensate so hard because their insecure scrotes constantly guilt trip them about their whore past and hold it over their heads all the time kek. All their husbands are just cucks who put a ring on the town bike so they have to double down on the pickmeism after the marriage so he won't chimp out lol.(sage your shit)

No. 2074410

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Looks fat to me.(rattle rattle)

No. 2074422

File: 1736082376193.jpeg (395.77 KB, 1279x1825, IMG_2610.jpeg)

A once-arrogant, smug pickme whose RW husband fell into the redpill and practised what they advised on her went from tweeting “muh secure husband”, “muh family”, “let’s ban women from working and only let them tend the home and put her essence into building the man to look better” ended up telling the truth about bad men and how brutal male nature can be.

She built her redpill tradman up alright, but he didn’t reciprocate or build her up back. Instead he took all her sweetness and helping to do SELFISH things for his benefit only, cheated on her, abused her even when pregnant with twins, and did the narc redpill techniques on her. Now she’s warning, never build a man who leads her to bad things, or use his dominance for bad. It’s a losing game.

No. 2074423

I genuinely hope she's learned from this and does better for herself and her kids in the future, but the fact she's still homeschooling might be a bad sign.

No. 2074426

These women are genuinely retarded losers and I feel sorry for her children.

No. 2074431

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Here’s another more popular one. She was a redpill trophy tradwife pickme, posted nicer trad dresses, her manosphere husband was kinda rich. Also used to boast about “muh man loves me forever” and how she knew, “all i need is my beauty and submissive femininity as my weapons” and “all men are good and coddle me” type of bullshit.
Now he screwed her over as well, and she is just truthbombing her timeline about it.

Lessons learnt:
>When a man falls out of “love” with her, he will be brutal
>Men’s definition of love is very different from women, it means lust for beauty and sex only physical
>Men just want to take female essence and use it for their own selfishness and benefit while trashing the woman in the process
>The male ego is also brutal

If women have to rely on performing femininity for men to be gracious to her and coddle her, then it’s not a weapon. Look at the position, inherently submissive and dependent. There was no girl power in the first place. Pickmes are lying about “soft power”.

No. 2074811

File: 1736208098854.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3464x2728, 74AD2BBA-C791-4D4D-BE31-680788…)

nonna since you/others posted this account i started digging into it as i felt something was extra off about this woman & her aspiring STEM trad wife shtick & what i found is pretty fucked. starting with some more posts by @HalosOpulence:
>women have too many rights in the US
>women are repressed by women
>submissive wife orchestrates her husband's actions like a master violinist
>a man need not fear his wife ever leaving
>women failed their biological duty if they decide not to reproduce
>only radfems/women with no self-awareness see fighting for men as a red flag
>be mad at the competition not the picker
>most women are ugly
>against DV but women are disobedient and need guidance
>"trad-bred not detroit-bred"
>came up with a horseshoe theory meme showing antifeminists as dimwits, feminists as midwits, and tradwives as topwits

No. 2074812

File: 1736208446962.jpeg (1.83 MB, 3464x3200, 0D976EE6-A38E-4569-BF1D-9E0580…)

some posts by her "genius" AI engineer boyfriend:
>society desperate to get women into STEM
>refers to self as 160 IQ man who provides for his "trad gf" unlike those who "aren't worth providing for at a certain point"
>women are dumb, morons, retarded, incapable of accountability unlike men
>women cause society to regress
>my woman stays home all day
>christian who posts about "gym and pussy", fingering "tight spots"
>spent "decade as a muslim"
>gf apparently korean or part korean

No. 2074816

File: 1736208871301.jpeg (417.99 KB, 1374x3250, C5D4BBE7-9BC6-473F-A8DE-4FFA20…)

then i saw this post about "lying pigs" who had him in handcuffs and made his gf believe he "abandoned her". gathered from some other posts that they live in Illinois. found out he was arrested for domestic battery (which involves physical violence) a month and a half ago, two days before he posted that and a month after posting about how he prides himself in being controlling. height also matches a height comparison she posted today:

No. 2074820

She really is so self-righteous and dumb she thinks she has tamed his redpill self just by acting clingy and dollish, huh? Seems like he’s using her as an experiment, placeholder before some stacy comes along.

No. 2074823

They are also both trolls to a large extent, a la trish peytes, say lots of bold statements but actions contradict a lot of them. Rules for thee but not for me type of fakers.

No. 2074829

So he really does have other women on the side and she has to suck it huh

No. 2074832

Classic jealous, hyper-competitive crazy when insecure vulnerable narcissist

No. 2074834

He looks like a fucking shark.

No. 2074840

File: 1736212216476.jpeg (1.37 MB, 3361x3464, 954C9AD4-709B-4C41-8F29-A03C5D…)

Idk if that means he's cheating on her for sure but it points to her being abused by him, which is almost too on the nose for someone who idolizes the trad wife lifestyle (without the ring). I searched her account on wayback and it looks like she used to have her real name displayed. She's 32 years old and posted about the perks of being the older one in the relationship: https://x.com/halosopulence/status/1848520005622603839?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w
Also has a blog in which the latest entry is a poem from October that seems to be directed at her bf discarding her views

No. 2074843

ratfaced grifting ass mfer, thinks hes aristotle when hes really just schopenhaeur with 3 inch dick energy

No. 2074853

Post-wall pathological liar who wasted her 20s doing who knows what shit is a below-mid 3/10 who looks like Sherliza Moe after surgery? That’s the best she can do, piss off. So much for stacy-larping and acting like a naturally thin model when she has to starve herself and do bird-portion diets, her obese cells retain a lot of fat and nutrients. Shame.

No. 2074855

He really is devastatingly butt-ugly, can’t tell if its the bulgy eyes and big pig nostrils, or flat 1D face with long turtle neck that screws up his facial harmony more.

No. 2074880

>naturally thin model
delulu is not the solulu, citizen

No. 2074882


You seem palpably butthurt about the tradthots being “liars”, are you a jilted simp or something?

No. 2074886

Laila wolf appears in this shitty cartoon animation, she used to promote the shit out of this but I understand why I’d try to hide this shit too.

No. 2074970

He’s more special needs than genius tbh, the bad retard symptoms override. Also a sick sociopath, even with other men. Makes a hobby of scoping out guys he has to work with and finding their weakness and how to break them. Loveless person, even with his current experiment gf.

No. 2074986

>software engineer
I have no sides

No. 2074987

I don't get it, they were both podcast tier brainlets with 3 inch dick energy

No. 2074988

Either a jilted simp or one of those tardthot nonas who actually took tardshit at face value and got badly burned. Autism and the resulting by-the-book naivete is endemic among farmers, hence the genuine indignation at the fact that tardthots are blatant opportunists who never play by their own rules.

No. 2075100

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No. 2075279

Probably not but idk anyone would expect influencers/ewhores to be trustworthy.

No. 2075313

File: 1736354019318.jpeg (2.48 MB, 3300x3464, 3E48ACDB-3B29-428D-A6C1-5BCB8C…)

Not any of the anons yrt but it's kinda retarded to come into a thread about trads and bitch at and accuse posters of being simps for pointing out their dishonesty and hypocrisy while they're contributing and you're not

She seems to be very restrictive with eating because she's bipolar and is or was on seroquel (a common side effect is weight gain) so she was on a 1k cal diet and fasting. She appears aware that her boyfriend might be some kind of psychopath, per her reddit post history:
>how to know you're dating a psycho?
>worried about breaking a fast with tea
>post about binge eating, anotexia & brain connectivity
>memory loss & dissociation
>"numb to violence"
>post about a woman scorned & revenge
>"his grasp" "is this how it ends"
>" a stranger in my own despair"
>conversation with chat GPT about anxiety being seen as "cute and childlike" when a person is attractive?
>self-conscious about laughing loudly due to fear of not being seen as a feminine "idol"
>"darkness within him"

The more I find the more this woman's entire internet presence seems like a silent call for help

No. 2075424

Tbh she seems quite aware of what she is trying to do, she also seems like a psychopath herself, just more covert. Like attracts like.

But it shows in her main schtick of wanting to throw all other women under the bus just to elevate herself to be “feminine idol” and more special with more rights than other girls while trying to strip their rights away via male bootlicking.

How can one be so psychotically jealous of all women and have such a big female ego that they want to do such an evil thing and would like to “be the last woman on earth” kinda mindset, that is why frankly she does not deserve any pity or likes shown towards her.

Only fools think she can ever have female friends or get along with other women without wanting to off or 1UP them soon. Sometimes weird lone wolves should be left alone.

No. 2075902

File: 1736474446274.jpeg (427.73 KB, 1161x1777, IMG_9841.jpeg)

It’s understandable why michelle moe lookalike would yearn to be a trophy wife even if she’s too ugly though, look at this.

Straight up worse than a bimbo, cannot even do simple smart things without help. Also let her bf fix a whole crumbled puzzle together while she just soaked. Still calls it teamwork though. Irony.

Yes, she would be happier staying at home doing nothing and yelling at her team of nannies and servants. No brains. Btw all her other crafts are just Pinterest photos from other users saved and reposted to X, none her own work.

No. 2075950

File: 1736486168682.jpeg (594.59 KB, 2009x2048, AA52E7D9-4AD8-457D-A287-385AA1…)

From a new video of Veronica promoting some beef tallow skincare product looking very much like a teenager who's too young to buy alcohol in England

On a real note doesn't look like a troon imo but she does have a very strong jaw and broad skull for a woman, overdeveloped bones and ironically the exact opposite of what women who do look younger tend to look like, relatively underdeveloped, which isn't always a good thing either, case by case basis

No. 2075968

Is this angelena bitch playing ghislaine maxwell to her bf’s harems demands?
If she’s so jealous and prefers guy friends yet forces herself to befriend and gas up other pickmes on twitter then it’s highly likely she’s being a “recruiter” or “madam” to get more tradthots for her bf to have threesomes or orgies with.

Also notice how she temporarily follows large amounts of tradthots at one go then unfollows them a few days after. Different users. All women or mtf troons. Very sus.

No. 2075973

File: 1736491850356.jpeg (345.5 KB, 1184x1543, IMG_9818.jpeg)

These are some accounts she followed then unfollowed

No. 2075995

File: 1736503068339.jpeg (99.73 KB, 750x763, IMG_2639.jpeg)

He finally admits an implied questionable/sketchy past. Definitely tried to act like an andrew tater tot. Pathetic, and now he’s bitching about not being able to use a young woman to serve him and be his emotional support bangmaid chef mommy to dump menial tasks on, so he can “build” and “hoard wealth” to statusmaxx for his ego selfishly. Redpill bastards don’t deserve this power they always go epstein with it.

No. 2075997

Dunkin on the libs by eating the most disgusting foods imaginable.

No. 2076033

…this hagraven is only 30?
becoming more and more convinced that rape eat carnivore diet ages you

No. 2076062

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Still don’t get why this tradthot doesn’t practice what she preaches and still gets chummy with other random men instead of only her strong patriarchal husband. That’s infidelity by redpill standards.

Also blabbing on a podcast and having pointed opinions even though “women are supposed to be silent and adopt her husband’s philosophy only”. She really wants to be an “exception to the foid rules” for to build her own brand ego too huh, even though “women aren’t supposed to have any work outside her husband’s providence or on the side”.

No. 2076131

>you can’t win life alone
>you need women
They love to go in on women who say how happy they are alone with friends and family. That women are destroying civilization by refusing to reproduce with subpar males. Now these moids are admitting what we already know. They’re afraid of being alone and can’t stand it because ultimately, they hate themselves

She’ll learn eventually as they all do that no woman is ever the exception. All tokens get spent and discarded. Look at old Lauren southern, that gun girl who shit herself, that roaming millennial girl who got exposed for being paid by russia. And now pearl. She’s basically forgotten. They all lose their audience and find themselves ignored with problems irl

No. 2076141

>you can’t win life alone
>you need women
They love to go in on women who say how happy they are alone with friends and family. That women are destroying civilization by refusing to reproduce with subpar males. Now these moids are admitting what we already know. They’re afraid of being alone and can’t stand it because ultimately, they hate themselves

She’ll learn eventually as they all do that no woman is ever the exception. All tokens get spent and discarded. Look at old Lauren southern, that gun girl who shit herself, that roaming millennial girl who got exposed for being paid by russia. And now pearl. She’s basically forgotten. They all lose their audience and find themselves ignored with problems irl(learn2delete)

No. 2076260

File: 1736556977192.png (1014.18 KB, 1080x1889, 1000004760.png)

I came to post this too, she looks like she's a mid 40's tweaker in the unfiltered video. Does she smoke meth? Is that why she posts this garbage?

No. 2076263

Old bag uses the little girl filter on the editing apps for male attention

No. 2076266

File: 1736558893953.jpeg (128.25 KB, 750x754, IMG_2662.jpeg)

It appears even Amy coney barrett isn’t safe from rw male judgement and scrutiny for being “a little fiesty” and having to stand up for some boundaries, though she hates abortion and did everything else right to support said males.
Redpill men really just want women to be total pushovers they can bully and fuck with anytime. Unfair and cruel.

No. 2076272

>but why don’t they practice what they preach
Because all tradthots are failed girlbosses and this is the next best way to get influence and status for them. Are you autistic?

No. 2076291

you think that’s unfiltered?

No. 2076311

File: 1736566638156.jpg (83.69 KB, 1466x347, guysarecatchingup.jpg)

Yep, even the chauvinist dudes are catching on to pickmes who love invading their spaces. They do have some mental problems or deficiency and girlboss business on the side but are embarrassed by it as cannot be used to trap a man so they have to overcompensate by faking instant submission or copying rw quotes to sound smart.

No. 2076323

Just wondering, are you also this butthurt about commies who fly first class like Hasan Piker?(bait)

No. 2076344

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She claims to be 32. She was just posting screenshots of people dming her telling her she looks 40-50s but by the time i reopened the app she deleted the post

She's getting dragged in the QRts today and got ratioed on her own post https://x.com/plethonist/status/1877799776147661193?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w
She said she's eating 400g of sugar a day but that can't be why she looks and acts geeked out like this. I'm dying reading these, it makes sense that she has such an obsession with looking like a teenager now, calls other women "old and ugly", and self-identifies as a fascist who boosts pederast Costin Alamariu's comments degrading women. She looks both Polish and like methhead trailer trash in the deep south at the same time

No. 2076354

bitches will take every supplement and research chemical but won’t take lithium
also, i’ve never in my life used a tallow skincare product that smells like beef. tallow made for skincare is not processed in the same way cooking tallow is. it’s refined so it doesn’t smell.

No. 2076482

Naturally pale people who regularly(?) eat raw meat always seem to have this unhealthy-looking redness to their skin. It seems like she got a tan to try and cover it up or something, but it just doesn't look good.

No. 2076546

File: 1736634443483.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2030x2382, IMG_0053.jpeg)

deleting posts and blocking more people for checks notes
saying she did a 180 on her fartmaxxing advice

No. 2076624

File: 1736652399460.jpeg (440.57 KB, 1279x1827, IMG_2670.jpeg)

Pickme who used to make fun of single moms and bodycount and was so arrogant about her man is now a single mom herself.

Also, her bodycount is not that virginal, married TWO redpill men and who knows how many she dated. Admitted to purposely being a covert narc who seeks out violent men on purpose just to tame them “for her ego and to use his beast side against others”.

Now truthbombs that cheating is not just physical violation and she also felt like shit when his redpill ways were used against her too.

No. 2076629

File: 1736654636018.jpeg (261.33 KB, 1138x1829, IMG_2673.jpeg)

angelena seems to love mtf troons more than real men online. So much for being a chameleon “mra”. More instances of her following troons and making fun of ugly men, so with her bf only for his money and iq then.

No. 2076728

I'd say let these cows eat their 400g of daily sugar and accelerate their skin aging through megadoses of advanced glycation end products.

No. 2076730

No. 2076842

File: 1736703982109.jpeg (859.28 KB, 1125x1554, IMG_2590.jpeg)

Has anyone seen this post that went “viral” yesterday? Both Melina and Veronica follow this girl, potentially good cow material.

No. 2076843

File: 1736704168401.png (1.26 MB, 1242x1445, Screenshot 2025-01-12 at 12.46…)


No. 2076845

Sugar actually helps with weight loss, it's all the sun exposure that is doing these cows in. Sun exposure and dark tans cause rapid aging.

No. 2076846

>113 lbs
Pick one, cos it ain’t both.

No. 2076870

It's definitely possible, just not if she's eating over 2500 calories a day like she claims. People who say they just have naturally super great super fast metabolism are seriously overestimating how much they eat, usually on purpose so they can humble brag about it.

No. 2076874

She's not 113 lbs.

No. 2076876

File: 1736708791500.jpeg (934.92 KB, 1242x1734, IMG_7878.jpeg)

"High IQ Girlfriend" is the same one in this anon's screenshot >>2076624 saying "I don't care if a man cheats on me as long as if's respectful". Self-destructive levels of pickmeism when even other pick-mes are warning you about the consequences of your beliefs in the replies- "Men never cheat respectfully" (assuming if they did that would be ok). This whole "skinny fertility" debate started with this image where tard pickmes started saying the model is more fertile on the the left- until it got community noted that the model herself literally stated she was infertile due to being underweight at the time that photo was taken. These women are incredibly self-hating and lack any sense of identity so they don't know how to navigate the world outside viewing everything as intrasexual competition, you almost feel pity.

No. 2076877

You can maintain low weights on 2500 cal if you're active. It's really not that much. Athletes eat even more than that.

No. 2076913

I don't understand how she lacks any self awareness, she idolizes severely underweight women but fills her cheeks with silicone to look like a bootleg cabbage patch doll? ED really does cause brain damage

No. 2076914

I'm the same height as her and look disgustingly boney at 120, she's 125 at the very least.

No. 2076935

Glad we know all women are catty to different extents and while they all have their fights and shit, at least we can agree the most egoistic and bitchiest pickmes of the bunch should be named and shamed when they fail. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to study their strategies and insecurities either.(sage your shit)

No. 2076967

File: 1736723258225.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3464x2561, E12828A2-C50D-4607-990C-3280A4…)

Being underweight is worse for fertility, yes. Taking your personal anecdotal experience as representative of the average is a sign youre quite unintelligent. She should change her user to lowiqgf, especially if she considers BAP "too complex for her foid brain". Go worry about your dad abusing you, your bf cheating on you, your racism and envy of American women

No. 2076995

File: 1736726787852.jpeg (158.95 KB, 723x1155, IMG_2220.jpeg)

Sage for autism but in this picture she looks like she weighs a healthy weight. Why lie?

No. 2077026

Yupp shes ugly. When will these girls learn a real stacey doesnt let guys walk all over her and beg to be cucked? If she was really high iq she’d have a dumb, workhorse bf.

No. 2077047

File: 1736733972290.jpeg (1.35 MB, 3438x2432, A552361C-AF19-4C0A-A62A-F4F744…)

where did you find this? doubt shed post it on her X profile. seems too cocky for someone who looks so average with a wonky tooth

old selfies from Angelena's fb, at first didnt know if it was the same person but same town, posts same corny millennial stuff ("empath", MBTI) and looks wasian in childhood pics. the twitter pfp on wayback must be after weight loss + photoshop, she looked like a different person and overweight in 2017

trads and grifters are always overcompensating by being egotistical online and make themselves look uglier in the process of trying to bring normal women down

No. 2077054

Crap, she has pig physiognomy. Flat wide nose, eyes too close together, wide chubby cheeks, big face wide mouth. 2/10

No. 2077059

did you get these from kiwifarms?

No. 2077065

She was dumb and posted a bunch of identifying info on her old account before it was suspended. Some of her old mutuals had her Instagram. Her irl name is Naomie Kiraly.

No. 2077088

File: 1736739794543.jpeg (158.86 KB, 1070x1598, IMG_9852.jpeg)

All tradthots suffer from mid-bitch face syndrome. Arguably except Eva Vlad, but she’s a Becky though. Compared to all the blonde vs models she clearly falls short of the stacy ranks. No wonder eva couldn’t be a VS model. Even Cara Delevingne was prettier than her now.

Any T on Eva plastic surgeries or work done? She used to be an ex lib who had a stupid affair with her female coworker before baiting she wanted to marry a farmer boy but racked up a bodycount with X maga influencers and rich city italian instead.

No. 2077097

File: 1736740675101.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3127x2566, 7D81248C-55C4-4008-BF82-066505…)

Shocker these two are now fighting

No. 2077101

Yep, easily jealous and hyper competitive women who try and bait andrew taters can never make female friends.(sage your shit)

No. 2077112

easily jealous, hyper competitive, always online arguing, hyper aggressive towards other women specifically, it’s no wonder that every one of these girls that do pick a bf end up with one that’s weak and looks low t

No. 2077121

File: 1736744767478.jpeg (1005.3 KB, 1284x1697, IMG_0814.jpeg)

She got severely ratio’d for lying about her weight lmao. It’s very obvious her BMI is around 19-20 in the photo not in the 17s. The girl in >>2076876 looks to have a BMI in the 16s anyways. How did are all of these completely healthy people feeling attacked over someone saying an anorexic chick isn’t fertile? Do they think their body resembles hers? No one that I’ve seen fussing about that sweet looks like the anorexic model.

No. 2077167

this bitch used to date sol brah, stupidly, while he was running his holistic trad ethot harem.

No. 2077184

I'll say she's probably only lying about her weight by a few pounds, maybe even just 5lbs (at most 10lbs) at her height. What's hilarious to me is her sticking her butt out and leaning forward to fake a thigh gap.

No. 2077201

File: 1736754305346.png (203.72 KB, 434x691, 1000003303.png)

What's crazy is how much insecure black women mald over white women and let them live in their heads rent free(derailing and racebaiting)

No. 2077206

I really wasn't expecting a girl with that nice a body to have that unfortunate a face. She really looks like Shrek. Another Becky with no self esteem banging her cup against the cuckquean cage and begging for crumbs of fat bald incel dick.

It's like they took diet tips from the fattest pinkest pigjuice redneck
boomer ever. There's already a host of people who eat nothing but red meat and sugar and call themselves outdoors types: they're called Randy and live in Tallahasee and have a heart attack at 45.

She has a botched MJ nose and anyone who uses instagram knows that incredibly strong filter she's using that blurs your entire face away lol. Very generic low class roundhead Slav phenotype, even with those Chinese filters that are supposed to give you a v line jaw her head still looks like a meatball.

No. 2077223

She’s extremely pretty, no reason to mald over white women at all, but I bet you she still does.

No. 2077225

Holy shit I can’t stop laughing.
These people are not real.

No. 2077284

File: 1736777165106.jpeg (245.32 KB, 1175x1333, IMG_9857.jpeg)

Eva has a pewdiepie nose, big at the bottom, when she forgets to contour. Also the middle bridge is quite big if you look closer.

No. 2077286

File: 1736777271140.jpeg (843.8 KB, 2048x1736, IMG_9858.jpeg)

Also chonky nose in this pic with brittany, a bit of double chin and post-wall eye bags. Don’t let her bleached platinum locks fool you, she really is dark blonde.

No. 2077291

Archived in case she deletes for optics.


No. 2077298

You sound like you post on lookism

No. 2077301

File: 1736780605887.jpg (346.36 KB, 1920x1728, psycho.jpg)

No, this is a real one who wants to bootlick bad male behavior to the point of off-ing women, literally.

Buckeyebettie subtly advocates and abets for men to harm women and encourages it in her jokes and postings. Her old account had more vicious examples of this slop, even hurting other pickmes and calling them infertile and postwall, purposely targeting areas that hurt them most.

Claims to have a husband and child, but seems more like trying to hide a sordid past of scorned ex-lesbian in a commune a la Mary Harrington style who then got into drama and booted. Likes to hyperfocus on how women hate other women's beauty and sex appeal a lot too, and how the sisterhood is fake. She's scorned, alright.

No. 2077316

What is with the nitpicking? She’s literally pregnant in that picture btw. It’s normal to have some facial swelling during this time.

No. 2077321

right? she looks pretty. idk wtf “post wall eyebags means” nor do i see how light highlights in dark blonde hair make her a liar or something?

No. 2077337

File: 1736786436385.jpeg (602.99 KB, 1314x1818, Untitled design.jpeg)

Milk from Naomie’s suspended account

No. 2077349

>Women being raped, killed and maimed = funny
>Moid social perception damaged = srs bsns, literally electric chair worthy
>Women are the ones with victim complex
>A moid's reputation is his life
Given the reputation of moids, they evidently don't care about their lives much. Why should I?

No. 2077366

Nta but this is indeed retarded nitpicking, it only is funny to pick on people's looks when you see them doing it to others. What even makes Eva a cow? I get the urge mostly when I see hypocrisy, like cows calling out other cows for editing, yet they use filters change their entire bone structure. It's like do you not look in the mirror? There's no value to it when it's totally unprovoked

No. 2077461

It reminds me of the tranny/zoomer fixation on nasolabial folds when women smile kek >>2077286 comes off seething and hateful because the women in the picrel look normal/pretty (even if they are pick-me retards)

No. 2077484

Veronica is such a fucking hypocrite lol

No. 2077497

File: 1736804656187.jpg (1.1 MB, 1242x1366, IMG_2912.jpg)

Yes, but would you find it normal to be talking shit on other women's looks for no reason? Take for ex: Veronica who age/look-shames other women while claiming to look <18. Would you find it normal to go around calling her haggard if she didn't do this? Same for "pig physiognomy" >>2077054 who hates on other races and women. Eva doesn't do that (to my knowledge), her "white identity politics" isn't worse than -any other race's- identity politics. I think some people still don't understand what a lolcow is. Being nasty, hateful, hypocritical, promoting unhealthy, scrote-pandering standards to bring others down, highlights ugly parts of what you'd likely otherwise see as normal women. Like picrel (which I often see posted here) someone who could be seen as having some nice attributes who you'd maybe even compliment under different circumstances as a nice gesture can visibly start looking like a hideous witch- I see why people call them "pig" and "hagraven", but these insults wouldn't cross my mind if these people weren't like this. It's just that you pretty much don't see genuinely attractive people behaving this way

No. 2077510

>long essay
Scrotes nitpick "flaws" on pretty women that don't really exist so that's what it makes people think of. No one would care if it were true but it makes the whole board look delusional if one anon does it and no one says anything. The meme is ugly/fat scrotes who do it to celebrity women. I'm sure a lot of people would like to believe that ~ugly thoughts make ugly faces~ but there are genuinely bad people who are attractive. Otherwise the Relationship Advice thread would be pretty dead

No. 2077549

>It reminds me of the tranny/zoomer fixation on nasolabial folds when women smile kek
I guess everyone on LC is a zoomer tranny then

No. 2077562

File: 1736812462817.jpg (22.98 KB, 447x560, ey_3371203496.jpg)

kek you said it anon, not me

No. 2077641

feMRA, fuck all the way off. You’re also a hypocrite, saying feminazis are ugly and attacking other pickmes for being infertile while you try to stroke men’s egos for your benefit. Don’t come and deflect, loser, objective truth is objective. As your ilk love saying. Eva does have a big nose, ethots are most mid girls struggling to find a good man, if they have to hoe and placate bottom men and groypers online instead of getting a ring already, it means lots of men irl see they have issues beyond shit like you.

No. 2077655

File: 1736819864346.jpg (295.84 KB, 2928x2196, 1420346163.jpg)

This post is only confirming/joking that trannies and zoomers make up most of the userbase here >>2077562
Most anons are fine with you insulting her as long as it's not fickle or made up shit no one cares about. It's literally a rule and this anon's nitpicking came off like a moid', in a way that more than one person noticed >>2077286
You can still do it, just do a better job. Having a larger nose is not a bad thing and hers looks fine. I'd rather see that than this type of facial catastrophe. It comes off like a zoomer who has only seen others through filters or troons who fixate on specific features that they believe look feminine on themselves or can change through surgery.

No. 2077661

Fake chameleon mra alert! You contradict the truths other men above you have spoken. Put my cock in your fetid mouth bitch, you’re supposed to support all men even trannies remember? You’re ugly too and know in a looks-based patriarchy, you’d be the 2/10 governess crone not being picked and force to raise other stacies’ children.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2077667

>you need to make up lies and bullshit about attractive women so that you sound more like a scrote, then i will sound less like the most ctrl-v'd and gooned out leftard troon in existence, by comparison

No. 2077694

remarkably equine looking picrel, the conservative women = high T with acromegaly hypothesis stands true

No. 2077696

It's time to stop.

No. 2077731

Who are you even talking to right now

No. 2077771

Why do these retards care so much about being fertile when almost none of them are tied down to some moid and pregnant lol

No. 2077797

They're just hypocrites seeking attention. If they thought having extremely leftist politics would have them taken care of for life, make them look better than other women, and rally in as much male attention as far right politics do they'd be doing that. They're addicted to the attention they get from incels online and couldn't form their own opinion if their life depended on it. See Lauren Southern, who was a champion for white supremacy and female submission until marrying an Asian man benefited her. Now that he's left her a single mom she's outspoken about the trad lie. Fertility is just their fun new attention grabber now that the trad hype has passed.

No. 2077906

They tried that by being ex-leftist faghags who tried to leech power from the faggots and yas queen them into swollen ego territory, watching rupauls drag race like a dumbfuck even though they’d rather stare at naked firemen holding hoses.

These women just follow trends for attention and power. They are “programmable” spiritual whores.

No. 2077911

File: 1736900687385.jpeg (403.25 KB, 1201x1771, IMG_2692.jpeg)

Final verdict, Eva is just as pretty as the stickthin version of trish paytes. They both have the same lovely flat pewdiepie nose, squinty eye shape, overfill lips and everything. For a “white nationalist shield maiden”, you’d think Eva should have checked her heritage and maybe got a nose job to cover?

Btw these are the best pics of Eva from evie magazine, the tradfem one. They should have edited her very well, or maybe not, because brittany marti-hugobom (also not very white) is secretly catty and mlm-girlbossing for Thiel and flirting with manospherians online till she’s scared Eva might be their new fave muse.(sage your shit)

No. 2077922

>Final Verdict: unintelligible moidlike sperging
oh okay, thanks for clearing that up anon

No. 2077935

File: 1736902601828.jpeg (532.9 KB, 1842x1720, IMG_9885.jpeg)

Pics are edited by Eva herself, used in her twitter header and post as seen. When not contoured with the brown lines, her real nose is really big and flat like pewdiepie’s. Come to realize, eva looks like the mtf version of pewds. Hmmm, globohomo controlled opposition agenda in play?(sage your shit)

No. 2077942

File: 1736904165581.jpeg (328.66 KB, 1920x1725, IMG_9889.jpeg)

Why is she tweeting out r/fds coded stuff now if she’s “redpill tradwife”? Seems deceitful.


No. 2077966

I get it now anon, a conniving tardthot stole your horse

No. 2078000

But being bad people does make them look more unattractive, it brings out flaws you wouldn't notice

You're alone in this race, no one else seems to think she is a cow or ugly

I can tell you're the same anon posting about Eva. Angelena is a cow. She literally thinks women should have less rights. She's being beaten by her bf and still tells women to submit to their husbands due to an idealistic tard wife lifestyle she's obsessed with, isn't even married. Case in point, cow behavior >>2074811 vs only nitpicking about physical appearance. Pretty sure this is in the rules

No. 2078001

Maybe I'd need to see that with someone I actually consider "bad". I can't seem to pay attention to this person long enough to learn about them and the one anon who keeps sperging reminds me of a jealous moid. I don't consider people "bad" because of their opinions or political views but if they are treating people poorly for no reason or actually causing a harmful effect in society, that is measurable (and not speculative, based on hysterical libtard rationale)

No. 2078017

>Men have it harder.
And there we have it folks, I could tell you were a butthurt moid (or a giganuthugger) complaining about being fooled by ‘le evil lying tradthots’. Kys.(infighting)

No. 2078019

Pointing out how tradthots are fake and actually crypto feminist is not wrong, it only reflect their flaws they are not supporting men fully or being a true helpmeet as they said. So they are lying. It sucks to see so many “pickmes” suddenly rebelling and falling off the grid and then complain about men. Liars.(sage your shit)

No. 2078021

File: 1736917146911.jpeg (25.61 KB, 400x283, IMG_5340.jpeg)

What did you mean by “men have it harder”?

No. 2078027

That's my point, Eva isn't a cow or even "bad" because of political views (not even "repeal the 19th" or "sterilize minorities" type) The other cows mentioned have a "documented history of bizarre behavior online" (hypocrisy, overt racism, trashing other women) as in fit the rules of the board, not just "opinions i disagree with" and it's not uncommon for people to see them as also physically uglier after their gross behavior.


Idk if you meant to reply to the post tagging you but you're just sounding schizo accusing randoms of being "FeMRAs and pickmes" because they don't support your looks-based nitpicking. You were onto something with @HalosOpulence but you lost the plot. Read the rules and sage idk what FDS even stands for tbh

No. 2078040

I completely agree anon, just not to the point of nitpicking features that aren't even a problem in the first place. Like I might find a quirky feature endearing and striking before finding out someone is a POS and then it will annoy or gross me out later (but would take a few years tbh). The anon we're replying to was fixating on her "chonky" nose, imaginary eye bags and the fact that her roots are darker blonde - it was truly retarded and I've never seen anyone do that but a moid

No. 2078077

Correct, you are so innately and objectively vile even the professional pickmes eventually find it impossible to be a man respecter.

No. 2078090

Your phrasing is retarded but you are absolutely correct that tradfems are feminists. Just the fact they think theyre entitled to mens money and protection makes them feminist by default: they want to live in a world where women are safe, kept protected from violence, looked after, and provided for and their needs and wants are taken into account. That's feminism.

They want to live in a patriarchy but the type of patriarchy where all the men are handsome chivalrous Disney princes who give them money. They are delusional and it's why most of them have the out of touch narcissist mentality of a 14 year old wattpad girl fantasizing about Dean and Sam Winchester fighting over her.

When given free reign men will always choose to hurt and abuse women because they have absolutely no reason to care what we think of them and we dont have the upper body strength to threaten them. They dont give a fuck about our 'feminine wiles' or care what kind of selective fantasy Ouran host club patriarchy women want to live under, thats the whole point. A world without feminism is literally just women being kept illiterate, made into breeding livestock and getting socked in the face if they talk too much or burn dinner: as most of human history was like.(sage your shit)

No. 2078097

File: 1736947810078.webp (181.19 KB, 760x1014, IMG_2919.webp)

Megha and her masculine husband

No. 2078100

File: 1736948160472.webp (50.44 KB, 640x360, IMG_2920.webp)

She lied about having a big, expensive wedding. This looks very basic for an Indian wedding.

No. 2078101

File: 1736948267646.webp (150.08 KB, 760x1014, IMG_2918.webp)

I wonder if she knew then how unhappy she was going to be? I kind of feel sorry for her.

No. 2078103

File: 1736948581163.jpg (226.3 KB, 1080x1714, 1000003314.jpg)

Her husband is a manlet and they're both embarrassed about it, it's why he's leaning in on that pic to try and make their height look indifferent. Megha is only 5ft 3 and he's barely a couple inches taller than her.

He's wearing 2-3 inch heels and likely 3-4 inch insole inserts too which give him that Putin legs effect lol. Embarrassing behavior.

No. 2078105

He's so zesty kek. Megha has thicker eyebrows and more body hair than her own husband, she can definitely grow a better mustache than him too.

No. 2078106

Megha has been flirting with and interacting with Andrew Tate on twitter nonstop recently. Seems like she has a crush on him.

No. 2078170

File: 1736962987702.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3235x1867, C23E2A03-3BCF-4334-96A7-4088A2…)

Didn't you know that it's perfectly healthy to like and admire a mulatto pornographer sex trafficker pedophile?

No. 2078189

what is the pathology of women who continually fall for closet cases?

No. 2078218

Like many tradthots Megha is very masculine, both in her speech/behavior, constantly seeking out conflict and arguing online, and also might have a genuine hormonal imbalance given her underbite/big jaw which can be a sign of high T levels in women, plus her long term eating disorder which probably threw her cycle out of whack. Women who are singled out for acting masculine growing up often try to compensate through performative femininity the same way trannies do. I honestly think she's a closet lesbo as she's constantly talking about how hot other women are on twitter while ranting about gays, it's a bit strange.

No. 2078227

She's really late to that train

No. 2078248

File: 1736975660909.jpg (33.35 KB, 1200x750, 4afd9-16785146191599-1920-6839…)

This thread is kek, it's typical lolcowian observations with one unhinged retard and seething retard who keeps sperging about imaginary flaws and "masculine speech/behavior" (this woman looks incredibly feminine, so probably triggered)
Random paid shill on xitter:
>picrel is a god
>reeee women I don't like are "masculine" in delusional ways
>Eva has nasolabial folds!!
>hormonal imbalance!1
>underbite/big jaw!!1(infighting)

No. 2078287

she's very beautiful in this pic and she seems repulsed by him judging by how hard she is leaning away.

she should get a gf on the dl

No. 2078370

File: 1736993813545.jpg (581.96 KB, 2000x1177, underbite-what-is-an-underbite…)

>I don't know what an underbite is(derailing)

No. 2078471

>witch nose
What the fuck is this thread kek. You’re all just as bad as these people and you’re probably just upset they’re getting more attention.(derailing)

No. 2078506

oh no! how dare you call a brown rapist a brown rapist! women using that word are just as bad as the brown rapist and the tard thots supporting him!(infighting/derailing)

No. 2078509

You called him a fucking mulatto? If you’re calling a “brown rapist” that, your next step is saying it to women. You’re just hiding behind being a so called radfem because you’re exactly the same as these people, a retarded white supremacist. You’re just a thirsty wannabe tradthot like the ones in this thread.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2078534

>carrying water for a literal sex trafficker rapist because someone called him brown
example 66272714 of why intersectional feminism is a meme(derailing)

No. 2078578

It's one anon cosplaying as a "cool girl" and reacting like a jealous leftoid moid retard from xitter when anyone calls it out
>carrying water
No one says this in 2025, it's embarrassing kek

No. 2078593

Are you the anon who got banned for calling everyone pickmes because they disagree with you? Only someone obsessed with political correctness cares about "mulatto" being said to a pedophile. Idk if you realize where you are defending Andrew Tate and Megha? Go back to your safe space. Yes, there is such a thing as a mulatto sex trafficker rapist, a "trad" cow who supports him and clearly people thinking said cow has a witch nose and underbite on a site to make fun of cows is triggering you. It just sounds like you feel personally attacked because these words apply to you or something
> you called a sex trafficker brown, so this must mean you would say this to any woman!
You're unbelievably retarded kek(infighting/derailing)

No. 2078598

File: 1737053446952.png (31.34 KB, 596x210, 75.png)

do any of them actually believe their own rhetoric enough to commit to it? they all preach 1950s domesticity while pursuing/having pursued degrees they say they never want to use. if they really bought into traditional gender roles they'd skip college and work at a daycare or housekeeping or something until prince charming picks them up. or at least study something aligned with their supposed values like education or culinary arts. even though she says her degree is free they still have opportunity cost and to pay for housing and whatever. it's just "future pilates mom" libfem tiktoks repackaged.

No. 2078642

As a consequence of being raised with basic rights, tardthots unironically believe (yes, they're this retarded) that patriarchy means women not working, not women being funneled en masse into backbreaking, thankless, soul sucking, low status, dead end jobs like laundress until they're lucky enough to get picked by someone willing to feed and shelter them in exchange for more of the same, but, like, with a boss you have to fuck. They are dualismbrained, complementaritybrained, lovestruck dimwits who believe that there will be a fair trade - their freedom in exchange for effortless wealth (because that would be "fair", you see!) and that the sacred "deal" will be adhered to religiously despite their (definitional) inability to enact repercussions if the male doesn't meet his end of said "deal". Despite being obsessed with power, they fundamentally don't understand it due to terminal disneyitis: if you're not the one with resources or violence, you don't have any and never will. There is no such thing as "power" where you have no means of enforcing physical punishment via withholding resources or directly inflicting injury. That kind of emotional "power" only works on women, which is why you often see women with money or physical ability to hurt men being lorded over by broke limpwristed faggots against all common sense.

No. 2078727

File: 1737076142494.jpeg (805.42 KB, 3303x1618, 696CD62D-6DCF-48DC-8346-320A33…)

I wonder if she's eating all that sugar to prepare to have a child? Few months ago didn't have a bf, now is determined to speedrun a 2025 marriage + pregnancy to consume thyroid hormone during it and ~secure a future for the white race~
I'm aware marriages can last even if you've known each other for less time but this reads like a recipe for disaster if you're this desperate on such a tight schedule and these are your motivations. Will be interesting to see how it plays out

No. 2078848

Any further infighting will be harshly banned and ban evading posts will be deleted. Report and ignore retards and stay on topic.

No. 2078859

What does eating sugar have to do with pregancy?

No. 2078920

"During pregnancy the mothers body adapts to live increasingly on fat, so that most of the sugar which is available can be used by the baby. The brain uses most of the bodys glucose, so mental fatigue can easily affect the blood sugar level. The developing baby is extremely dependent on glucose for its energy supply, and its brain can be damaged by sugar starvation." Ray Peat in Nutrition for Women

Since a fetus is highly dependent on glucose for energy she could be testing out how her body handles lots of natural forms of sugar like honey and it's a direct way to avoid low blood sugar during pregnancy. RP also talks about how mothers with gestational diabetes have babies with higher IQs so inducing higher blood sugar might be a thing for those who follow his teachings.

This study doesn't seem to support it: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00125-013-3065-z

No. 2078925

Ackchualyly one of the main causes of gestational diabetes is high paternal genome imprinting activity, in which growth promoting gene expression "beats" growth restricting gene expression. Incidentally, there is a study that shows reduced brain and increased body mass in offspring with high paternal genome expression, with the inverse being true for those with high maternal genome expression (larger brain, smaller body).
>rape eat not being almost purposefully wrong about absolutely everything challenge
Impossible. Being factually wrong most of the time is basically part of being male, but his rate of being wrong is way too high for it to be a negative externality of maleness. He HAD to be a psyop to kill people and make them sick for the lulz, there is no other way.

No. 2079008

You can really see how brown Megha actually is here even in the bright spotlight, she's the same color as the Indian guy on the right. Yet she filters all her own pics and her baby pics to be as pale as possible and tries to make herself as light skinned as her husband. Her self loathing is crazy and sad.(sage your shit)

No. 2079010

She bashes Hinduism on twitter 24/7, called Hindu goddesses like Kali demons, raves about how superior Christianity is and tries to give the impression she's from an Indian Christian family and was raised with it, yet her family is actually Hindu, she had a big fat Hindu wedding and made her Christian husband partake in all those pagan Hindu customs and rituals too? Bitch is nuts lol. What a hypocrite.

No. 2079170

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Fuck this Nazi POS and his racist dogwhistles, he doesn't deserve the name "Sol."

No. 2079176

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No. 2079357


No. 2079376

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No. 2079378

File: 1737254887210.png (1.83 MB, 1284x1380, Veronica (@celestialbe1ng) X.…)

Followed shortly by reblogging this black sun meme. Combined with >>2072682, its clear shes not just crazy, but genuinely retarded…

No. 2079382

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>Some days I would be so worn down. Customers would berate me, be demanding, and make me feel like I wanted to cry. But even in these moments I was so fucking nice to them. They’re paying thousands of dollars for a hotel room, we are here to serve the elite, your feelings don’t matter. In places like Asia they apply this standard of service to everyone — whether it be a luxury hotel or a hole in the wall ramen spot.
>good post!
That's rich coming from someone in their 20s who has never worked a job before. Obviously Melina is fine with posting photos of herself with degrading rape captions for a $200 paycheck from X. Snart people don't let themselves get degraded for $12/hour (or less…). No, just because someone paid for a room at the Four Seasons doesn't mean they get to get away with abusing the staff. Also, Asian values are ideal now? They all really flip flop on the white nationalism when it suits them. A French girl would spit on you for pulling that shit.

No. 2079394

What a pathetic slave mindset. With a nose as absolutely disgusting as the one that Melissa has combined with her absolute retardation, it's no wonder that sucking it up to anyone who she can is her only option to get any sort of positive reinforcement in her life

No. 2079433

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You're forgetting both of these support an Indian pedophile who started his "company" trying to "court the attention of reactionary bloggers like technofeudalist Curtis Yarvin" - they worship monarchists who want to implement a caste system in which democracy is replaced by silicon valley oligarchs ruling over the masses. Can't be surprised that their thing is now telling working class people to bend over and take it from elite overlords they aspire to be like and social climb towards so they can get a taste. Had a shitty day at work telling ugly bitches with massive noses they have to wait for a table? Too bad, you better kiss some Ms Happe and Ms. Nigro ass or you're not worthy of a paycheck!

No. 2079467

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Another pickme revealed to have an IG past herself, hated college educated and working women but is going to go herself and start a sourdough business…owned by herself. And a divorce, married her ex out of desperation.

No. 2079477

Better late than never I guess

No. 2079480

What’s insidious is she still uses her words to falsely flatter men and get them to coddle and show bias to her and is still pretty much an antifeminist - even when her cryptogirlbossing actions don’t match and she’s clearly not into the idea of taking BS from any man like her ex now. Has started posting “dating strategies” too.

No. 2079483

So she's telling men what they want to hear to get things out of them while secretly doing nothing of the sort? So what? Kind of makes me respect her more if anything.

No. 2079506

Of course all the "wemen shouldn't work" whores are in service/glorified ass wiping. Fantastic demographic overlap with bernoids.
>If I'm too dumb to score a cushy white collar job where I do fuckall in my corner office all day, no woman should have one!

No. 2079509

>leaving is violence
is there ONE tradwhore without BPD? Rhetorical question

No. 2079511

It would be absolutely based if it wasn't for one crucial detail - telling other women to adopt the lifestyle she personally determined to be a failure.

No. 2079543

And trying to coax them to avoid or forsake their rights in certain ways while she’s using those same rights and trying to “have it all like a kween” too. Come on, college + real estate and work + sourdough business, with no husband as head? Doesn’t seem very “traditional”.

No. 2079545

Being jealous and egocentric enough to try and elevate yourself as “exceptional female” while trying to keep all other women down and “less special” is not a good look as a strategy. Why so much envy, and wanting other women to miss or forsake opportunities and extra rights by hinting to men you hate it but still using it? Contradictory, two-faced. What makes her such a special woman that she can bootlick as antifeminist and still “have it all” though? Aren’t antifeminist against “having it all”, even for themselves cuz it “hurts men and the home”? Apparently not, she’s not even that pretty or feminine, or loves all men indiscriminately, has a past and complained about her ex. Not very pro-male tbh.

No. 2079547

Tradwhores are resentful beckies so the need to "win" in the female intrasexual competition removes their ability to think logically about what will happen to the sourdough stand once their property rights are abolished.

No. 2079549

Yeah, when the patriarchy “apocalypse” happens and we “make women trad again”, it will happen to all women, the ones who bootlicked and posed as MRAs will not retain their “boys club honorary” status and get special privileges. Why do these male-brained bootlicker females think this is the case anyway, can it be explained?

they clearly don’t understand how male unity and male unanimous rule works as a collective, even in history or now in Afghanistan, once all men are in power and get more rights, they don’t have to be extra nice to women or owe their handmaidens “special favors” back anymore, not even for “love and friendship”. It becomes default ALL women are equal 2nd-class bitches, no exceptions.

No. 2079550

or maybe vile male-brained pickmes do want to play a very hard mode version of this sick game, where all women really start off as having no rights and have to “prove” themselves to men only via looks-based rating, “wiles”, bootlicking, lying and acting, then for some reason if some men in power “cave” and let her have special job or extras or whatever, it’s “fair” then.

Even though they agree women are weaker, shouldn’t be working or competing in any way, should save seduction for one man (hubby) only, not flirt with all men, and fundamentally need coddling and cushioning from men, yet they still think this “hard mode patriarchy game” is fairer?

How so, especially if cannot prove themselves by same merit or work in the same labor field they want to glomm their “extra privileges” from but must only rely on “beauty” and “wiles” skills, which are irrelevant to said fields? How is that fairer, seems like a predatory ‘MRA’ Camille Paglia dyke’s wet dream just because women have sex appeal its “mandatory” and “owed to men”?

No. 2079552

Not to mention Paglia dyke “pro-male” bootlicker types are not the most feminine, gorgeous, charming Stacy models. Quite the opposite, in fact. Their inborn heightened competitiveness, jealousy, and autism - overall aggressive male-brainedness shows in their high T, male trapped in a woman’s body, bullish facial phenotypes. Maybe such women inherited male blindness and ego inflation too, they looked in the mirror too much vainly and convinced themselves to be lookers, when clearly even Paglia is a 2/10 autist bulldyke-looking cat femcel physiognomy herself. And never married or had longterm “romance” liaisons with men despite her sucking up dogshit talk. Actions not pro-male.

No. 2079556

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Much of her retardation seems to come from the fact that "her" beliefs are rooted upon what she's heard from scrotes. She's one of those types who basically have no personality or organic interests discovered on their own, and it's why she's known for grifting off Rape Eat, putting his shit into CHAT GPT then sticking her name on it. She was making posts agreeing with BAP… without ever reading the one book he's known for? What are the chances she learned about him through a scrote too?

No. 2079558

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Samefag and sorry to say Veronica but BAP says "Women aren't femme fatales" because his preference is for men, boys and children. Considering how many people find you look like a hag who lies about being mistaken for a minor, what do you think a hebephile and pederast (according to whom you should be confined to domestic servitude without a right to even be a grifter) would think of you? Maybe you'd know the answer to this if you didn't just copy scrotes you're thirsting after and actually you know, read and DYOR instead of just being a retarded shill? Just a thought. Here's a sneak peek of what's waiting inside those pages

No. 2079589

A pickme is fairly animalistic in nature, I doubt she has the capacity to think this far ahead. You don't see any logic in this because there isn't any. There's probably a healthy degree of plain stupidity and taking what men say at face value, emotional attachment to the notion of a male in the house, plus a bad case of disneyitis. Maybe it's externalized masochism and the drive to punish themselves via other women.

Presumably they believe that they're not getting picked because girlboss stacies mog them in the free market, so once they're "punished" the pickme will stand out and get picked. Maybe they believe it's because males have too much sexual opportunity now that they're not expected to provide in exchange for sexual access, an idea based on a false, fairytale derived narrative of how the past worked. They don't understand that if women's access to self-sustenance is removed, their prospects will get abjectly worse as they will now have to compete with hordes of younger, hotter women desperate to do anything for basically food and shelter.
Maybe it's narcissism leading them to believe that they will be the ones outwiling the desperate hordes. Like, if you easily quadruple the number of women competing with them in tradwhoring, they will still win even though they're losing now. Delulu.

No. 2079597

The tragedy of women like Karen Straughan, gimpgirl, Camille Paglia and her biggest fan Anna Khachiyan is that they have dyke aesthetics and demeanors, but are unfortunately attracted to men.

No. 2079617

File: 1737325142616.jpg (177.46 KB, 1456x2184, bad_chin_implant_trad.jpg)

So you guys are nitpicking blondes having "darker blonde" natural hair colour ITT but you missed the massive chin implant on this woman? She has a nosejob and migrating cheek filler too

No. 2079657

File: 1737336753668.jpg (281.1 KB, 1279x1711, uggos.JPG)

Exactly. Before “pro-male” girls who are pickme retards boast they “win in the wiles and seduction departments”, they should check their faces. To see how much their inborn special needs show AND how asymmetrical it is with male-like features, like dashy for example.

This pic is not a man’s victoria secret harem fantasies, this looks like pickme dykefest. Men use uggo pickme submission and flattery actually, but they don’t give them power…much. Or romance them. Bad deal, even Lauren Southern couldn’t get away with her trad front and TPUSA-Tate affairs, she’s now a disgraced single mom who had to touch grass.

No. 2079659

they can’t even grow their hair long past shoulders…how to even do hair play and toss act of flirting? Useless

No. 2079697

>jewish moid has mommy issues
many such cases
hating women wont bring your foreskin back(sage your shit)

No. 2079700

She has her head tilted anon. There's a million other things you could say about these women, even their physical appearance but it's always stuff like this. If I could be honest without you reporting me for "infighting", I would ask why you're so bad at this every single time. If I didn't know any better, I would think you're the biggest fan of these women since you're never able to find actual flaws or write a (coherent) negative thing about them(wking)

No. 2079702

File: 1737342287452.png (2.46 MB, 2078x1254, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 03.01…)

That Punch chin is not a chin implant it's a symptom of low estrogen and excess testosterone. It's funny because there's studies that show men instinctively avoid women with large chins and wide jaws because those women have higher T levels which is an evolutionary signal that they are prone to cheating and promiscuity. Very trad. Maybe that's why they have to compensate so hard to overcome this natural male revulsion to them. They probably have longer ring fingers too. And it also explains why the men who marry them are always cucks who slave away at work all day while their tradwives flirt with pimps like Andrew Tate on twitter all day.

Too true, most tradthots look more masculine than their hubbies

No. 2079705

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doesn't it mean one of those puppets with the moon faces?

No. 2079706

File: 1737342591228.jpg (13.03 KB, 290x174, chin_implant_012.jpg)

>That Punch chin is not a chin implant it's a symptom of low estrogen and excess testosterone
is there medical evidence of this I could find anywhere? It looks like a custom chin implant that wraps up her jaw. When I search "punch chin" it's just about boxing

No. 2079707

File: 1737342615839.jpg (152.84 KB, 1198x922, wtf.JPG)

Seriously, a subset of rw women are this dumb, and think that every man will coddle every woman naturally, without conditions or motivated by sex drive. Imagine thinking that only having “beauty”, “feminine wiles” and “soft power” allow you to survive optimally when in reality, these “female tools” are double edged swords and have high risk of not working, especially if the man falls out of love or chooses to withstand her “charms”. The only times these “soft power” worked was in FICTION stories or OUTLIER cases where the man was a little dumb, weak and confusedly showed coddling.

More solid love would be actually being loved as a whole person not just on-the-surface qualities, and have things in common and conversational chemistry. Superficial qualities do not make men “naturally” love women, that is lust.

No. 2079708

File: 1737342804648.png (201.53 KB, 1213x1069, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 03.11…)

No. 2079709

you’re that mra pickme pretending to be feminist invading this site. Shut the fuck up.(sage your shit)

No. 2079710

Yeah it's the one who is always ITT and on reddit calling the tradfems 'so beautiful' and wk-ing the shit out of them kek.

No. 2079714

I think its brooke, aka buckeyebettie, the one who abets bad men’s intentions and loves encouraging them to strip rights from women while bootlicking MRAs for extra favors. Now riled up and saying we can’t criticize rw womens appearance while advocating for looks-based shit herself. Save her IP and ban her.(sage your shit)

No. 2079717

enough men make fun of their looks all the time, if you were really pro-male you would understand.

No. 2079718

The West is rapidly being taken over by patriarchal cultures: men from the Middle East, India, Mexico, Africa etc. Your feminine wiles aren't going to stop Muhammad or Pradesh trying to gangrape you, nor are white moids going to come to your rescue. None of the Rotherham victims were feminists when they were 11 years old and being gangraped by Muslim moids while their white brothers fathers and bfs did absolutely nothing to protect them. The majority of Afghan women are not feminist but that doesn't stop their moids abusing them and treating them like cattle. Patriarchy doesn't work to you or any woman's advantage, and no you don't get to pick and choose which rights you'd like to exercise.

No. 2079719


No. 2079723

And it's funny because patriarchy doesn't even work to men's advantage either: all patriarchal countries are impoverished shitholes that everyone is desperate to escape from. Afghanistan's GDP per capita is like 350 bucks a year. Male mortality levels are through the roof. And Muslim women are still taking other dicks on the side and risking being stoned and beheaded for it, moid retards can't even stop themselves getting cucked kek. Useless gender.

No. 2079725

>Presumably they believe that they're not getting picked because girlboss stacies mog them in the free market, so once they're "punished" the pickme will stand out and get picked.
It's exactly this. Pickmes are just the female version of incels: personal feelings of inadequacy, an inability to compete unless the playing field is artificially levelled for them somehow, live through revenge fantasies and endless jealousy and resentment.
It's ironic because despite all the right wing female grifting and pandering, right wing men mostly make fun of or ignore them and are instead absolutely obsessed with lefty women like Greta Thunberg, AOC, Jess Southern, Taylor Swift, etc as well as onlyfans whores like Belle Delphine, Alice Delish, Emiru, Bonbi Bonkers…
Moids could care less about these mid tradfems huffing their own farts on X and writing essays about progesterone and traditional masculinity, moids just want to see tits and spread assholes and ahegao faces. Tradfems make the fatal mistake of thinking men actually care about women's minds. They don't, at all.

They very much remind of other pickmes like Grimes who refer to themselves as based and 'male-brained' yet always end up being fucked over by men the hardest because they give males far too much credit. Pickmes don't understand the male psyche at all, that's why they love men.

You either love men or you understand them.

No. 2079741

File: 1737348284379.jpg (119.81 KB, 1192x760, 12763287364874624.JPG)

Same typing style as brooke buckeyebettie. Also admitting she is an MRA for her ego too, agrees with lying to men and secretly do girlboss things, and confess even hard-right women who want needs fulfilled and love from men are “feminists” too. Aw, she won’t be loyal to her male frens and moots in the long run, bait and switching too deliberate. Deceitful.

>>2077301 there is a reason she got mass reported. Even other conservative women hate her. What dirt do they have on her ex-lez past and drama which came with it causing her to want to hurt all women and egg on men’s violence and bad behavior?

No. 2079746

Sorry for the off topic post but what's the deal about longer ring fingers? I haven't heard this one before.

No. 2079747

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this hypocrite also fought with other pickmes who were prettier than her ghey ass, like mikayla, lolitadiaries, etc. She called them ugly, infertile, and accused them of being feminist for being single. Don’t fall for brooke’s lies, she is worse. So unloyal to anyone even eating her own conservative circles’ people. Also has drama with her own husband and is not that close to him while being preachy about “women not loving men”. Powerless ex-lez who wants some from sucking men’s balls indeed.

No. 2079750

Drop her socks and alts. Wtf is she doing all day if not keeping the home for her husband or taking care of her supposed child? Bad wife

No. 2079759

>Bad wife
Fuck do you care, are you married to her or something?

No. 2079763

brooke and her minions are back. ban them.

No. 2079764

you should be just as criticized for being a bad wife just as you call out other women for being bad gfs and wives on your X. turnabout is fair play

No. 2079765

she’s not even in the mra clubs, they only engage with her on X just because she repeats their points. not worth whiteknighting or simping for, her past is awful

No. 2079788

File: 1737368247508.png (572.63 KB, 1284x1907, Veronica on X The funniest thi…)

Except you reposted a Nazi Germany SS symbol (the Black Sun), have consistantly interacted with and follow overt racists (even people with "racist" in their bio), and said you're a fascist now (so with the Black Sun symbol it's obvious she's a neo-Nazi). But morons will eat up her rationalization/lie that you cant say white girls are pretty anymore without being called racist so it's a lost cause

No. 2079803

File: 1737372469402.jpg (75.01 KB, 634x521, 1000003360.jpg)

Meghas husband, like most ginger manlets from the UK, is one of those rejects who hate themselves and throw themselves into any foreign culture that will accept them because they feel rejected and bullied by white society.

I knew those kinds of weirdos at school in the UK, they're odd and no one really likes them so they convert to Islam or marry a black person out of self loathing.
In John's case he moved to a Muzzie country and married an Indian woman because he hates himself. And Megha hates herself and her own genes and feels ostracised from her own culture too. Two rejects together and married within a month out of desperation. It's pretty sad.

No. 2079805

File: 1737372659083.jpg (364.91 KB, 1080x1736, 1000003362.jpg)

Its actually a common trope in Britain and the only white person I know who converted to Islam was also a ginger girl who was an outcast growing up. Loser British incel males sometimes convert to Islam in order to find an arranged marriage too.

No. 2079824

Why do you keep coming into this thread and causing infights? Bored ass bitch. If you make your entire personality about being how good a doormat you are and throw women's rights under the bus all the time to further your evil agenda then yes people are entitled to mock and clown you for failing to live up to your own dogma. Some of you need to accept tradthots aren't being led by the nose to hate women by men and should be given victim status all the time, they are just narcissists who hate other women, plain and simple. You're the same kind of out of touch boomer retard who thinks all women in the sex industry are trafficked victims who need to be coddled like babies, when in reality some women just enjoy being whores and doing shit for attention, and don't want to be saved at all and will happily throw all other women under the bus for their right to suck dicks. Some women are just shitty and hateful, you need to stop infantiziling tradfems and treating them like victims when they know exactly what they're doing and hurting countless women in the process. Get with the times grandma.

No. 2079830

Ot but do gingers really get bullied and ostracized? For their hair color??

Because as someone from a country where they're completely nonexistant, that's the most ridiculous thing ever lmao

No. 2079835

I'm here to laugh at cows not read essay long screeds about how they're "secret girlbosses". They deserve what they get but I also don't really care if they're fucking over their male audience which for some reason is all that anon posts about.

No. 2079838

Then post about how she actually treats other women not complaints about how she’s a “bad wife” like every boomer man ever kek

No. 2079839

Not very pro-male for an mra, brooke. So you admit you like to use men covertly like the tradwhores even though its hurting men? Rude and not respecting men. You are a two-faced hyena always pretending I think the men’s right movement cannot trust you under all that acting. Gaze into the abyss too long and it gazes back at you. You have become the abyss brooke, Nietzsche was right. Not very trad for a tradwife advocate to go round hurting and hating others.

No. 2079840

Shut the fuck up brooke, tradwhores like you should be judged by your looks and domestic standards, since you talk about it all the time.(infighting)

No. 2079841

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No. 2079843

Why should you get to gatekeep when you’re just as hypocritical yourself?

No. 2079845

Not taking care of your husband and child but lurking on a forum bad by trad standards. You aren’t submitting to his headship.

No. 2079848

Kinda miss that one tradwhore that came here with Grimey tier takes about the "AI revolution" and "Texas wanting to import Californians" which is supposed to disprove that in trad societies women work dead end menial jobs. Too bad "she" baleeted it all.

No. 2079861

Seriously, ban this mra troll and all her alts and vpns. So free to waste time lurking and ‘gatekeeping’ instead of doing wifely duties, then revealing she doesn’t mind if pickmes hurt men and try to “have it all” even though it fundamentally makes men lose out some? Not loyal to the rules of mra, tell her bros she’s faking it to invade a forum but they know she practises sapping power and gains from them via sucking up. She wants things from them too for her own.(ban evasion)

No. 2080005

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Spot the difference

Another one is calling herself a "Polish supremacist" https://x.com/celestialbe1ng/status/1880444167819825477?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w to deflect from the obvious fact she's a white supremacist, but will she leave the UK and go back to Poland? Nope, wants to come to the US now because the orange fatso got reinstated. https://x.com/celestialbe1ng/status/1881407566733086753?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w
But she sympathizes with Germans shouting "foreigners out!" https://x.com/celestialbe1ng/status/1881487984073089204?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w what kind of foreigners do you mean Veronica? You're not English and would be a foreigner in America too

No. 2080067

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Good that the men’s rights crowds are questioning this hypocrite whether she is following what she preaches to other women. They are catching on to her deviancy and deceitful acts. Say they raise the bar higher and start taking brooke/bettie’s extra rights and honorary crap like
>video games. only for men, mras hate gamergate and women are supposed to have more feminine hobbies, remember?
>working at companies. she has stated women should not have careers and must prefer to stay home for her man, why didn’t she do the same?

The only good thing about this, at least he gets to goof off and game a lot while she has to do the chores and cannot watch vids anymore, only cope by hearing it second hand. But she should be more limited though, for the pro-male cause. Her orbiters should continue to question and get the brakes.

No. 2080083

imagine thinking that chin is superior to anything. the whole face is a foot. actual hapsburg deformity

No. 2080109

"patriarchal cultures" Mexicans are matriarchal but that's besides the point. Feminists and the left-wing are the ones that have caused this along with corporate desire for cheap labor.(derailing)

No. 2080119

File: 1737450193433.jpeg (58.28 KB, 1200x711, R.46ee0c9685ad81280d46e6ea8d76…)

As you said they have terminal Disneyitis. Tradfems remind me of incels in that they claim to know everything about the opposite gender yet always fail abysmally with their own opposite sex interactions. There's a reason ISIS was selling 40+ women at a cut price compared to blue eyed Yazidi virgin 10 year olds. Men only value beauty and youth, no amount of loyalty to or asslicking your husband is going to make him choose his old wife over a younger hotter girl. Tradfems assign way too much virtue and goodness to men.
>the country with one of the highest femicide rates on earth and a culture of toxic machismo is feminist
1/10 bait try harder

No. 2080120

>tradwives once again reveal their cryptofeminist nature
if they were really anti feminist they would be pro polygyny for men since that's what 99% of men actually want. men are not naturally monogamous and never have been.

No. 2080128

Neither are women to be fair.

No. 2080130

File: 1737451947367.jpg (31.56 KB, 612x408, in-this-picture-taken-on-april…)

This is what the average 40 year old woman looks like in these regions anon

No. 2080151

Wow, now I understand why they would buy and rape 9 yr old children instead of grown women like these, anon! Would you consider jumping off a cliff?

No. 2080161

>age 1-9
>younger hotter girl
Are you ok nonna?

No. 2080190

File: 1737468315402.png (463.72 KB, 835x823, Screenshot 2025-01-21 140244.p…)

calling themselves 'fertile' meanwhile having no kids kek

No. 2080195

gross lip fillers that give a simian side profile, jaw fillers, nose jobs and fake tits

No. 2080210

>cumming about physiognomy
>examples are filtered and surgically enhanced
KEK!! This is the definition of cope. Idk anything about Ray Peat (I am a tourist in this thread) but "peat" as a noun refers to the tiny decomposed plant bits in bogs and mires, so to me "Peater physiognomy" sounds like she's calling them bog bodies.

No. 2080212

>weirdos in this thread who twist everything into something fucked up
Yeah actually devaluing women because ISIS does it, is why I replied. After one of the users called me an MRA simply for posting this, I said that women have a very harsh life in these climates and lower life expectancy and have already had 10+ kids by this point. You fucking freaks made it about "hotness". Most people don't engage with this thread anymore because the users here are so confrontational and crazy

No. 2080221

high thyroid hormone and low serotonin = psychosis

No. 2080223

Occasionally farmers drop in to ask questions about the unhinged rants or to add non-delusional feminist points to the discussion. Comparing western women to ISIS slaves to "own the tradthots/scrotes" is borderline delusional, no one is arguing that scrotes are scrotes but you sound insane comparing 40 year old western women to ISIS slaves. It's a miracle those women even live to 40 and you're using them as a disgusting "gotcha"

No. 2080229

You have severe autism, stop shitting up the thread with fake outrage.

No. 2080235

>shitting up the thread
here's the post I was replying to
>As you said they have terminal Disneyitis. Tradfems remind me of incels in that they claim to know everything about the opposite gender yet always fail abysmally with their own opposite sex interactions. There's a reason ISIS was selling 40+ women at a cut price compared to blue eyed Yazidi virgin 10 year olds. Men only value beauty and youth, no amount of loyalty to or asslicking your husband is going to make him choose his old wife over a younger hotter girl. Tradfems assign way too much virtue and goodness to men.

>tradthots can't flirt..

I'll let you get back to this truly fascinating and totally-not-delusional insane/content

No. 2080254

It's more important for a male to prevent the female from re-mating than to have multiple options himself. There's a reason why Muslim women cuck their moids a lot. Even with draconian Islamic laws, it's harder to keep an eye on 4+ wives.
Monogamy (or an outward pretense of it) always serves to benefit moids as he gets to limit your options under the false promise of having you as his only wife. Though tradwhores are dumb and take it at face value.

No. 2080262

File: 1737480498647.jpg (638.77 KB, 2826x1862, IMG_2912.jpg)

>There's a reason why Muslim women cuck their moids a lot
What does this mean? How can a Muslim woman "cuck" a moid when she is his legal property and can't leave the house without a male guardian? They are physically inspected before marriage so pre-marital cucking is not an option
>it's harder to keep an eye on 4+ wives
It's mostly a money thing and they can have up to 4 wives. Not 4+ wives

No. 2080265

File: 1737480896262.jpg (197.98 KB, 936x2048, KHDCGUhH.jpg)

>Peater physiognomy
>I couldn't find a photo of "Melina"
She hardly even posts about Peating anymore, she just makes 1 sentence political tweets and still complains about not getting enough Elonbucks for that

No. 2080278

File: 1737482072243.jpg (2.31 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_2915.jpg)

No. 2080281

File: 1737482156958.jpg (331.59 KB, 3000x1492, IMG_2917.jpg)

I'm more partial to the Tradthot Evolution Theory

No. 2080348

File: 1737491711391.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2438x3437, A45631E9-2153-4D10-B1E2-FC816B…)

"Please Mr. Fat Orange convicted of sexual abuse I'm against poor minority immigrants from third world countries who just want to work and support a better life for their families too, but you see, I'm better than them, a pretty girl and one of the good ones, let me in"

No. 2080392

All the symptoms of being a Botox creatura - upper lip contorting itself in impossible configurations, lopsided eyeballs, geriatric shiny cueball skin. She needs to stick to snowfiltered stills.

No. 2080484

I imagine if she can’t leave the house she’s at least left alone in the house for some amount of time. There’s also probably internet or phone service depending on where. The biggest proof though is that women naturally want to cuck them or these laws wouldn’t be necessary in the first place.

No. 2080583

File: 1737547240991.jpg (25.66 KB, 636x561, manning-2D-4D-digit-ratio-theo…)

She's likely sperging out about the digit ratio, which is different in women and men and a ratio more characteristic of the opposite sex is a sign of prenatal feminisation/masculinisation.

No. 2080668

She looks hideous. What an ugly, evil looking witch. She can rave about female immigration all she wants but she will still have balding meatball faced Slavic sons who look like herself.

The fertility fetishisation is truly weird as hell. My guess is its some attempted peatard siren call towards closeted gay X cryptobros with extreme reproductive anxiety to come betabux them and pay for more chin implants and lip fillers. All of these women are 30+, childless, highly neurotic, fake tits, are built like toothbrushes but photoshop their hip to waist ratio. Not exactly good mother material except maybe to some haggot looking for a rent-a-womb.(sage your shit)

No. 2080726

What does it mean if I have the male digit ratio(derailing)

No. 2080769

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No. 2080892

File: 1737595282710.jpg (339.3 KB, 1080x849, 1737592839390357.jpg)

nooooo carnivorefags dont send yourself to an early grave haha(sage your shit)

No. 2080893

File: 1737596109916.jpeg (33.67 KB, 640x484, sweet-man-made-horrors-beyond-…)

>Visible lard deposits in hand creases(derailing)

No. 2080951

woah, epic. I love this sort of weird medical stuff. Thanks for sharing.(derailing)

No. 2080982

File: 1737616190078.jpg (835.72 KB, 1284x1896, lie.jpg)

Okay this isn't a big deal, but it's just a blatant lie. It's impossible that at the University of Alabama, a huge school with 40k students, the only single possible "easy" class to take to the 3 extra credits she said she required to be a full-time student was a gender studies class. Absolutely no way in hell and it's laughable she thinks people would believe that. The school has online options. Why even lie about it? Just be honest and say you took it for the lulz or as some sort of experiment. Even many of the MAGAs in the replies aren't buying it.

No. 2081211

>there aren't any easy classes left i havent taken
so has her whole time at university just be so called 'easy classes'? whats even the point then

No. 2081267

she says she's a cs major. it doesn't make sense cuz it's a lie. if the only requirement was to get enough credit hours, she could taken any class in the entire school and she's saying she already took them all. social science classes, education, child development, consumer sciences, nutrition, kinesology, communications, etc etc etc. it's just a weird thing to lie about. say you took it to strengthen your arguments or something. maybe she really wanted to taste the forbidden fruit of women's studies and that's why she feels the need to cover it up.

No. 2081282

>im just doing women studies to laugh at the prof, honest!
Be real Melina you're a grade A grifter and secret radical feminist who is just telling the peatardbros whatever they want to hear so you get a nice X payout. We know. Get it girl.

No. 2081360

File: 1737692288563.jpeg (608.16 KB, 1657x3054, BEBDBA9E-DED4-4C80-A039-A03DE5…)

Angelena Shelton @HalosOpulence on reddit: I watch my tone at all times and laughing loudly makes me feel self-conscious because I want to be seen a feminine idol

Angelena Shelton a day ago: Omg you think analyzing every move you make as a forced performance of femininity is archetypally masculine? (essentially what everyone's been saying about the cows itt) you're so smart!

No. 2081370

She didn't even understand what the original tweet was saying so she probably still didn't get it when they tried to break it down for her

No. 2081371

File: 1737694062286.png (347.32 KB, 1080x1788, 1000005000.png)


No. 2081481

Someone post what he actually looks like, nobody deserves to simp for fucking Mex Gold lmao

No. 2081631

File: 1737754872996.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1179x2102, IMG_6670.jpeg)

Carnicuck Aurelius back at it again, walking barefoot and presumably with his dick and balls out in some poor Airbnb waving around raw meat like a retard.

No. 2081634

The way they talk about us like we're a species of reptile is simultaneously so funny and so bleak.

No. 2081654

Have trads never heard of horse girls? Horse riding has been stereotyped as one of the girliest (particularly girly+wealthy) hobbies for decades, if not over a century.

People complain about leftist gender insanity, meanwhile trads are out here debating whether horseback riding will make your vagina fall off or some shit.

No. 2082094

File: 1737866036062.jpeg (1.69 MB, 3341x3422, B18779F8-9F8D-481A-94BC-B89607…)

>nobody deserves
she's a 32 yr old white supremacist, prides herself in a delusion that she looks <18 but looks closer to 40, is simping a pedophile also in his 30s who apparently looks like this and lusts after underage girls, says 13 year olds are not children, has a fetish for anorexia, is an epstein apologist and probably sexually assaulted/raped a girl who wanted to "metoo" him according to his own posts. i think she deserves to make herself look like a clown vying for his attention tbh

No. 2082146

I mean yeah she’s a clown but simping for the likes of this is something nobody should be reduced to not even tardthots. Thanks for the caps

No. 2082147

File: 1737889458971.png (179.92 KB, 350x427, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 11.01…)

In a way I'm glad these freaks live in a terminally online universe. Spending all day checking their twitter likes, wanking and fantasizing about celebrities and tiktok girls who wouldn't fuck them with a borrowed vagina is better than them being out on the streets and interacting with the general public.

No. 2082270

Truly one of the most pathetic losers on this part of Twitter. He's Palestinian-American but tries to make believe he's Italian, and is also an Israel simp. The self-hatred is not even thinly veiled.

No. 2082317

File: 1737922029061.png (252.61 KB, 1176x502, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 20.00…)

So after christwithcali and Lauren Chen have been exposed as Russian assets, I'm 100% certain all these 'anti-woke' pundits are genuinely just paid Russian shills.
Seems like they get a few rubles deposited into their account for any anti western take whatsoever. Also you'll notice a general pattern of them endorsing Russia and Russian orthodox Christianity, supporting Palestine and shilling for Islam, being randomly anti gay, supporting China etc etc.
Clearly Megha has never heard of the 16th-19th century syphilis epidemic either. She's 100% on a Putin/Thiel payroll.

No. 2082319

File: 1737922405011.png (883.43 KB, 1280x720, stew_peters_primary_1280x720.p…)

Stew Peters is 100% a Russian asset too.
Shills for Palestine, aggressively anti Israel, anti Ukraine, pro Russia, downplays the Rotherham shit while blaming the UK government and British people instead of the rapey Islamic moids who were raping those girls and their culture that condones it, has an extreme hateboner for everything Indian for some reason, known for spreading covid misinformation during the pandemic, had Alexander Dugin on his show and agreed with all his talking point etc etc.

It's actually insane how most of these people are just paid Z bots.

No. 2082322

File: 1737922498439.png (659.4 KB, 925x793, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 20.14…)

100% Russian bot.

No. 2082327

File: 1737923093825.png (545.04 KB, 852x680, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 20.16…)

People seriously underestimate the amount of Russian meddling that goes on within the right wing grifter movement. It explains why many of their posts are so unhinged, whacky and aggressively anti-west/anti-America. They're getting paid per opinion that they tweet out and per video that they make for social media, which is why they seem to go so overboard with the cringe genital sunning raw carnivore shit. Sv3rige is another pro Putin Russian shill ofc.

No. 2082329

File: 1737923795919.png (48.39 KB, 929x193, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 20.27…)

Sv3rige's ex-wife was also a Russian shill. Her handle was CathyTheGreat, very on the nose.
They separated and Sv3rige ended up threatening to acid attack her and blackmailed her using nudes.

Strangely, Sv3rige's new wife Belle also claims she's being blackmailed over nudes for money by a random man. Could it be Sv3rige too?

No. 2082332

File: 1737924642340.png (205.27 KB, 1463x1041, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 20.38…)

Sv3rige's current gf Belle, real name Marina Abdula, is a Russian woman from Kazakhstan but has naturalized German citizenship. She has not posted herself on social media for half a year now. People have speculated it's because Sv3rige is abusing her and may have cut all her hair off as he has a history of doing to his gfs. Sv3rige beat up his ex Luna, gave her a black eye and convinced her to make a video with him telling his audience that she was mugged. Belle also ended up being involved with an arson case against Luna in which she's been accused of being the getaway driver. She denies everything to do with it.

When Belle talks into the camera she comes across as completely dead inside with a 1000 yard stare, she's almost definitely being forced to make these videos by her husband.

Found this QRD on YouTube.

>THE TRIAL OF ILYAS ABDULA, LEGAL HUSBAND OF MARINA MARY ABDULA, AKA “PRIMAL BELLE” CONTINUES THIS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024. MARINA “PRIMAL BELLE” IS THE CURRENT GIRLFRIEND OF GATIS LAGZDINS, AKA “GOATIS/SV3RIGE/GOATIS REVIEWS”. Marina “Primal Belle” is the legal wife of Ilyas Abdula and current girlfriend of Gatis Lagdzins, AKA “Goatis/Sv3rige/Goatis Reviews”. Gatis / Goatis / Sv3rige is recorded in court document as being behind all attacks on their lives. Marina / Primal Belle is recorded in court document as being present in the first attack upon Luna and her infant child. ‪@LundiForest‬

Ilyas is charged with the attempted murder in 3 attacks on the life of Luna and her infant son, Gatis’ own biological son. Ilyas was assisted in these attacks by Angelina Abdula, Marina / Primal Belle’s oldest daughter, Ilyas’ stepdaughter. Attack #1 consisted of surveilling, stalking then luring Luna from her house before the man and young woman ambushing and beating her mercilessly with a steel nightstick/truncheon (an illegal weapon in both the Netherlands and Germany) then choking her it to stifle her screams for help, this beating in and of itself possibly proving fatal, causing her broken and dislocated bones, severe concussion and other injuries. Ilyas and Angelina then poured an unusually high concentration of acid upon her face and body, causing her agonizing pain and critical burns, nerve damage, almost resulting in her arm having to be amputated due to the damage. The attack not taking her life, after escaping and leaving her in a state of survival and terror for the life of her and her infant son (Gatis’ own son), they then returned for attacks #2 and 3 several months later in the middle of the night to set fire to her house, hurling a Molotov cocktail through the window. This first arson attempt failed. They then returned a week later in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping to finish the job and successfully burned her and her son’s house, rendering it unlivable, forcing them from their home. They were apprehended a short time later fleeing to Germany while the house burned. Ilyas and Marina / Primal Belle’s daughter Angelina were imprisoned until hearings. Ilyas has been imprisoned since January 2023 after the successful arson but unsuccessful murder attempt. His trial continues thru 2024 in the Netherlands.

These are some of the milkiest cows I've seen for sure.

No. 2082334

Luna's video.

No. 2082340

A video where Sv3rige refers to females as 'bikes', and praises Muslim countries for being able to buy 'new bikes' and 'ride 12-13 year old bikes' there. Bitches out 'old bikes' (despite Marina being 36 this year, albeit with a lot of help from facelifts/botox) and even refers to his baby daughter as 'my new bike, 1-2 year old bike is the safest'.

No. 2082341

Turkey Tom vid on Gatis.

No. 2082343

Why is the thread getting shat up with all this nonsense?
>Palestine shills
Thiel's Palantir is closely linked to the CIA and Israel. They literally develop technology to help Israel kill Palestinians. What the actual fuck are you on about?

No. 2082348

File: 1737927477318.png (67.99 KB, 1280x219, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 21.34…)

Why are you seething so hard? Thiel is a double agent and admitted he was in talks with Putin about becoming a Kremlinbot. He doesn't care about Palestine or Israel, his main goal is spreading disinformation, racism, anti-feminism, and division among the American and European people.

No. 2082354

Some of you seem deeply unaware of how much Russia meddles in US politics. They're not just behind the right wing grifter movement. They're also behind leftist psyops too like the tranny movement, BLM and Free Palestine where Russian IPs were found to be mass creating facebook sockpuppet accounts and tiktok accounts larping as black people and Palestinians.


Their goal is to spread general misinfo, distrust and chaos among western countries, Thiel is no different.

No. 2082359

Like c'mon…you haven't noticed how insanely divisive American/European politics became in the last 10 years? Both the right and left wing have become increasingly unhinged and rabid.

No. 2082391

you are literally talking to burgers, what are they supposed to know about the history of Russian psyops dating back to the USSR? Kek

No. 2082474

>Thiel doesn't care about Palestine or Israel
Thiel: "My bias is to defer to Israel"
Isn't there another thread this can be taken to you kind of made a jump from a Megha post on Sex Ed to all this. Like I don't have a problem with you posting your theories and all but there's gotta be a better place for this than the trad thots thread. Post-left often discuss him, or maybe the tinfoil thread.

No. 2082532

Can you not read? Both the Israel and Palestine movements in the west are Russian funded psyops. Anything to weaken and divide westerners against each other and have the commies and magatards at each others throats benefits Putin and BRICS.

Is correct. Literally all these political grifters are Russian assets, regardless of left or right wing.

No. 2082534

i can't believe nobody was mentioning gatis's long term history of abusing and trying to murder women (he even bragged about killing a girl in bulgaria) and focused on nitpicking veronica's dark roots and botched chin implant instead. never change LC. anyway thank god youtube has permabanned him now.(sage your shit)

No. 2082539

File: 1737976320491.png (591.96 KB, 637x749, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 11.05…)

Can someone please explain the right's obsession with raw milk? Is it another psyop to give people diarrhea?

Pretty sure our ancestors all drank raw milk and they were dumb as rocks. IQ in developed countries also started increasing after everyone began drinking pasteurized milk.

No. 2082540

Maybe Rothschild was just sick and tired of having an ouchie stomach.

No. 2082541

File: 1737976629497.png (515.86 KB, 1853x903, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 11.09…)

So apparently everyone is getting dumber due to pasteurization, which is part of an evil plot by da joos.

Meanwhile in reality it is estimated that national mean intelligence has been rising in Britain by 1.71 IQ points per decade since 1932. In Japan the mean national IQ has been increasing by 7.70 IQ points per decade since 1950. These figures can be compared with a rate of gain of 3.0 IQ points per decade in the U.S.A. since 1932.

The first US government pasteurization ordinance was published in 1924. Pasteurization in Japan became compulsory in 1927. Something is not adding up here raw milk sisters?

No. 2082562

yea, it's definitely milk pasteurisation… not western food culture with a near total lack of knowledge of food preservation etc. and people generally just eating ultra-processed and grease-drenched shit that leads to an epidemic of civilisational diseases… even fucking toast bread is processed, every grain has to be processed to be useful for humans, yet these fools have beef with milk pasteurisation. they really wanna go back to pre-industrial times when 80% of people just died before they even became teenagers…

No. 2082609

File: 1737999520018.png (148.97 KB, 1210x1004, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 12.36…)

I'm sick of this BMI 26 bitch trying to give meanspo and act like an edtwt girl when she's nowhere near skinny and cookies aren't any more high calorie than the foods she listed.

No. 2082610

File: 1737999571040.png (1.75 MB, 1029x1341, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 12.38…)

What she looks like

No. 2082612

A lot of rightoids support Israel because of Israel's own propaganda in the West that has gone on for decades. You said Thiel, who is extremely pro-Israel, doesn't care about the conflict, and got proven wrong in an instant. Not everything is a Russian psyop and if it was, it's not you stringing together incoherent arguments and screenshots of Megha tweets on sex ed and anti-jew sentiment that proves any of the bullshit you're spewing. I'd never even heard of the s3vige scrote, but again, >>2082317 "I'm 100% certain all these 'anti-woke' pundits are genuinely just paid Russian shills." - this is nothing but just your tinfoil, and it's far from indicated by what you posted.

The dark roots shit was retarded but Veronica is a pickme for pedophiles, you're in a gossip website to make fun of cows like this so why is her ugly chin being a topic of ridicule bothering you?

No. 2082638

kremlinbot having a melty lol, hi megha(hi cow)

No. 2082737

hilarious how every fruit they like is tooth achingly sweet, paste-like in texture and completely devoid of any acidity, crunch or flavonoids (except for maybe heckin blueberries which they only like because ALPHA WOLVES eat them, I'm not joking)

No. 2082739

File: 1738020766816.jpg (223.82 KB, 973x1351, fridge.jpg)

No. 2082832

File: 1738050855053.webp (39.11 KB, 640x640, IMG_1011.webp)

I've noticed this among Peatards. Between both sexes, I've never seen a Peatard that is particularly skinny or lean. I've been following the space for 4 years, and in that time frame I've noticed they're constantly coming up with adapations (crash diets) to lose more weight, despite claiming to follow Peat's protocols for a long time. I'm not saying being super lean is ideal. It's just weird. The results they're getting could very easily be achieved by simply following a conventionally healthy, balanced lifestyle. No need to (allgedely) eat a diet of orange juice, milk, and oxtail soup & take horononal supplements to achieve such results. It's almost like they have body dysmoprhia and see themselevs as skinnier than they are. Like when a lot of them were comparing themselves to that anorexic model, as if they have the same body type. All Petards I've seen are at least 20 pounds heavier than that model was. A lot of them can't do cardio either lol so they cope and say it's too stressful to the body and will make them fat.

No. 2082883

Samefag, I did not know Veronica slimmed down a bit. Veronica is the skinniest actual Peater I've seen over the years. Although I recall her recently talking about going on an Peaty crash diet involving honey

No. 2082890

None of them post themselves, and if they do, they have sausage fingers

No. 2083081

Are you a bone rattler? Her body looks hot as hell here, defined and thicc but ultimately meaningless because she's much fatter and flabbier irl and this image is so heavily photoshopped its sad.

That's because women starving themselves and going on long fasts is normalized and encouraged in Slavic households. I guarantee you she's fasting at least 3-4 days of the week.(sage your shit)

No. 2083107

File: 1738114901643.jpg (854.43 KB, 4096x2066, 1000005119.jpg)

The trads are fighting over one of the women previously posted here stealing Instagram pictures for a fake account lmao

No. 2083123

File: 1738117109031.jpeg (90.46 KB, 1148x1200, GeYKEmnXsAAlFDC.jpeg)

I can't believe she posted this L. The desperation! She responded 13 minutes later agreeing to meet a strange man on Twitter?! The pressure to have a baby before age 30 was so strong that she literally fucked the first guy who agreed to have her. This is why I cannot take trads seriously.

No. 2083180

File: 1738133719520.jpg (123.09 KB, 1125x1652, GibwgWpXcAAvY5S.jpg)

Is this the female peatard equivalent to moids sunning their balls?

No. 2083232

I wasn't familiar with women going on long fasts in Slavic households. Are you Slavic?

No. 2083242

NTA but Slav and there’s no such thing unless you mean meatless days for Lent and that’s only if you’re religious.

No. 2083262

Oof, she's so easy. Is Megha's husband not concerned that she spreads her legs for any white man who DMs her?

No. 2083315

That would imply he gives a single fuck about her

No. 2083343

Ugly feet

No. 2083372

File: 1738180955561.png (183.01 KB, 1160x598, edtwt.png)

how hasn't this been posted yet? encouraging her retarded right wing audience to target a community that's primarily dominated by underage girls

No. 2083394

File: 1738183680690.jpeg (375.39 KB, 1284x2093, IMG_1034.jpeg)

>why has nobody posted/pointed out
'Cause not that many people use this thread and is interested in/knows about the same lolcows. It's a broad thread with many different niche cows. I have no idea who 1/2 of the people posted ITT are and often people don't explain past milk when introducing a new cow to the thread. If you see milk, post it, dont wait for someone else to. That's why this thread was dead during hellweek, there's lot of newfags who dont contribute their own milk and wait for others to do it. The main milk-poster appeared to be banned and couldn't post during hellweek.
Anyways, lmao at Elon trying to mold X into a failed LinkedIn competitor when its primary evolution has been as an unintentional ChristianMingle for alt right grifters. Or at least that what they're trying to use it for. Veroncia, you have 107k followers, where's your man? She was even buttering up that creepy autistic moid who said he had a dream about showering with her. She seems desparate >>2081371

No. 2083417

Yeah he seems to be fine with her vying for Tate's attention 24/7. Maybe her Bong husband isn't alpha and misogynistic enough for her liking.

No. 2083422

I have Pakistani and Indian friends and have heard from them that a woman still being unmarried after 25 is considered highly unusual in their culture even when the family is westernized. Megha would be considered an old bride by her own culture's standards. I think she really was desperate to get hitched after the Russian she planned to become a 'chicken farmer in Siberia' with jilted her kek. I also heard she had an Indian fiancé before the Russian and the Brit, but he dumped her suddenly too. Makes me wonder if the rumors of Megha being a cheater are true? She interacts and flirts with other men on twitter constantly. I remember was one bodybuilder dude who was always posting ab pics and she seemed to be excitedly replying to his tweets nearly every single day in 2024. Now she's always inserting herself in Bottom G's mentions kek.

No. 2083430

He's probably fine with it because she's fine with him creeping on underage girls as long as he doesn't get caught again like with the TikTok following screenshots. Their marriage seems like a cover, her to be able to cast aside the HORROR of being a spinster So she can holier than thou tradlarp and him to have a convenient, always accessible lay while he oggles white teenage girls.

No. 2083451

just because your slavic parents hated you doesn't mean everyone elses did kek wtf

No. 2083456

File: 1738189721293.png (203.91 KB, 795x431, Screenshot 2025-01-29 222452.p…)

@JulianaLung, (maybe, slightly cowish) think she may have been posted a handful of times here already but never been properly introduced.
loves peat, loves trump, loves RFK jr, loves BAP. I'll post some screenshots in a sec i actually followed her before she discovered RP and she actually seemed like an intelligent induvidual, too bad.

No. 2083460

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No. 2083461

File: 1738189987294.png (114.04 KB, 822x362, Screenshot 2025-01-29 222511.p…)

>if you dont like word salad written by a fat zionist then its over for you

No. 2083462

File: 1738190047014.png (605.21 KB, 813x735, Screenshot 2025-01-29 222728.p…)

drink soda to cure seasonal depreshun

No. 2083468

Asian women and their love for gay Jewish pedophiles.(derailing)

No. 2083688

File: 1738239676004.jpeg (357.75 KB, 1290x764, IMG_3126.jpeg)

The only reason Megha avoided this reality for herself is because she married the first man who slid into her DMs out of desperation. Half her tweets attacking others are really just cope. Like when she attacks men who help their wives postpartum and calls them gay - I’m sorry your husband doesn’t love you and doesn’t want to help you look after the child you created together?

No. 2083732

Ugly, desperate pickme cannot even conceptualize not wanting to be locked down because you're fun and hot. Imagine being so infinitely undesirable this mindset is completely inaccessible to you, even as a theory. I would just rope.

No. 2083815

her moid already seems like he can't stand her, divorce when?

No. 2083850

File: 1738273454237.jpeg (742.35 KB, 1550x2362, 2B5CDB26-0E92-4A7D-8D02-FFB81A…)

Nothing to do with being Asian, plenty of white women in this sphere have also been shilling BAP >>2079558
I can't stress enough how much of a literal pedophile he is though, when likes were public he was liking anime child pornography, he's said 13 year olds are not children and 18 being the age of consent is "feminist", and RTed posts about marrying little kids. He and every one of these disgusting women promoting him need to be put into a woodchipper.

No. 2083878

ah, another totally real ironclad born this way male """"homosexual""""

No. 2083879

feminists did push to raise the age of consent back when it was much lower. men have always acted like this is one of the greatest evils enacted against them kek


No. 2084884

File: 1738534458648.png (1.06 MB, 1199x1128, Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 5.12.…)

This lying bitch is still eating a calorically restricted diet even though she claims to be able to eat more and lose weight

No. 2084885

File: 1738534487637.png (922.22 KB, 1193x883, Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 5.14.…)

She eats a jar of honey a day.

No. 2084886

There is a way to eat more and still lose weight but this Veronica is a blatant liar and shill to her 70k Twitter followers.

No. 2084949

250-calorie dinner, I think that explains the weight loss right there

No. 2085006

File: 1738561755115.jpeg (137.29 KB, 493x960, IMG_1088.jpeg)

If she eats 1 jar of honey a day, where's her honey stash? why'd she only get 2 jars at the farmers market? why jars at all and not a bulk tub?
After a decade of watching diet influencers claim miraculous results while eating in a massive caloric surplus, literally all of them were lying through their teeth about what they actually consume. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Not that choking down allgeded massive amounts of raw honey, milk, orange juice, and aspic sounds remotely good. Another thing about the Peating is that I'd rather starve than follow such a diet.
lilsipper, who I'm suprised hasn't been posted about here yet given her popularity, is another conservative animal-based diet influencer (she's hopped every trendy diet for the past decade). she's been emaciated for many years and claims she eats 3500 calories. she only posts high volume/low falorie mostly protein only recipes. not trad because she's the breadwinner to a conservative moid who's occupation is posting conspiracy theory reels. would post more but I'm on mobile

No. 2085060

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ashley did a q&a

No. 2085235

File: 1738618939460.png (41.64 KB, 596x540, lol.png)

Isabella/Melina goes to Alabama. Her boyfriend goes to Baylor.
I don't give a shit about college prestige, but there's nothing "aristocratic" about going to the University of Alabama. The only people who would consider the school to have something close to "status" is blue-collar moids who didn't go to college themselves, but wish they did because of the SEC. Literally the only people who view that school as decent is because of football; academics are not a factor at all. Isabella/"Melina" is from Ohio so she didn't know what she was getting into. Alabama has a poor reputation even in the deep south. Even narrowing it down to just "public SEC schools" it's not even top 20 in both ranking and certainly prestige. The University of Alabama is a punchline, regionally and nationally.
People should get college done as cheaply as possible and UA is perfect for that. It's where you go after finishing community college. That is, the polar opposite of aristocratic.
True aristocrats go to private liberal arts colleges or they go to school abroad. Free tuition at Alabama is not a compelling offer at all since money is no issue. It would be an embarassment to the family. Living in Alabama is seen as having a poor QOL. They also don't bust their ass competing with HB-1 Pajeets for girlboss tech jobs. They spend post-grad doing something disgustingly charming like working at an olive farm in Italy. Then "work," in a loose sense, for nonprofits or in the arts. They don't have to worry about gold-digging because they already have assets. Being that desparate for wealth is considered extremely tacky. They don't post pictures of themselves with degrading rape captions on social media to make $200/month >>2054830. You have an EXTREMELY long way to go to become "aristocratic."
College is overrated for the majority. The push for a four-year degree has led to tens of thousands of Gen Z graduates drowning in debt, often for degrees in general business, marketing, psychology, or other EVEN WORSE fields that offer little return on investment. It's not good for the ego to go to community college and become a patient care technician, that's for dumb/poor people, so instead the midwits will pay $$$ for for a general "business management" degree that allows them to be the manager of a Champs at the mall. (Two or three decades ago, these basic jobs didn’t require a degree. A high school diploma, a 2-year technical diploma in business, and a handful of years of work experience was all you needed to get a cube or manage the Champs. Now, entry-level positions demand a degree just to filter applicants, despite the job itself requiring no advanced education. The result is a generation trapped in a cycle of MASSIVE debt (debt numbers that people only had for home loans before) useless credentials, and low wages. Yes, people should absolutely be pushing back on the "necessity" of a college education in the US.)
As for Baylor, it's fine. Not a joke like Alabama. It’s a decent school, accepting half of everyone who applys. It's not a "high-ranking university." If you’re getting a GOOD scholarship, go for it. But anyone pays sticker price for Baylor undergraduate instead of going to public college is a dumb-dumb.

No. 2085414

I can smell this picture, fuck. Smoked oysters out of the can? She didn't even put them in a bowl or something? Why does she behave like a NEET who avoids dirtying dishes because she's too retarded to do them?

No. 2085623

File: 1738729454897.png (49.5 KB, 598x415, high t.png)

More evidence. Spironolactone is tranny medication. It's the most commonly used anti-androgen in HRT. "MtF" troons transition using Estradiol and Spironolactone. Spironolactone will not do shit for your acne unless you have high androgens. Testosterone is the culprit when it comes to androgen-driven acne.

No. 2085636

File: 1738732286425.png (226.63 KB, 337x599, milk is served.png)

meet lilsipper, a conservative trumpie christian anorexia influencer who fears food more than she fears god. her entire schtick revolves around telling people that normal food is killing them. she has amassed 1.5 million Instagram followers doing this.

for at least a decade on social media, bethany has been cycling through every trendy diet under the sun, each time managing to strip it of any remaining humanity and turn it into suffering. Vegan, keto, carnivore, "animal-based," it doesn’t matter, she will find a way to narrow the diet down to seemingly <10 foods. it's one of the worst cases of disordered eating i've seen displayed on the internet.

she has spent years coming up with the worst food combinations imaginable and then smugly insisting "this is how real food is supposed to taste." if she was around during the great depression, she would have been hailed as an innovator. some of her greatest hits include:
>baking soda, 6 eggs, and unsweetened cocoa powder makes "brownies"
>shredded raw zucchini? “chips.”
>boiled eggs blended with mustard? mayonaise!
i can't be fucked to compile a full list, but the horrors go on. imagine the fitveganginger with better aesthetics. anytime someone tries out the recipe and says it didn't work, she goes into full-on rage mode and starts raving about how "americans are addicted to sugar." she clearly believes that eating should be a punishment and that flavor is a sign of weakness.

No. 2085637

File: 1738732632711.mp4 (474.35 KB, 360x640, 4563634.mp4)

bethany will never, ever admit that she still has an eating disorder.
>she has an eating disorder tattoo (NEDA symbol)
>she claims she eats 2,800-3,300 calories a day
>brags about not gaining weight after quitting the gym
>believes people are jealous of her physique

bethany has spent years malnourishing herself, and now her body is rejecting reproduction. she entered early menopause in her 30s. yes, this woman is in her early 30s. she has been seeing fertility doctors because her body is not fit for sustaining life. she is seeing fertility doctors. on her podcast, she mentioned her 2 miscarriages and immediately went into deep denial, insisting that "health has nothing to do with miscarriages." it's objectively good that her body is rejecting pregnancy because there is no way a developing child could survive on her malnourished diet.

No. 2085639

File: 1738733082807.jpeg (624.76 KB, 1179x2556, h5bi6mgeh1ec1.jpeg)

who has chosen to fornicate with the husk? bethany is the breadwinner to a full-time conspiracy moid husband sits around posting instagram rants about how the government is trying to poison him. picrel. she posts conspiracy content on her stores too, but her husband is full schizo. here's some excerpts of his content:
>chemtrail shit
>satan is in the water and unborn babies are born sinful cause they are in water before they’re born
>homosexuals are Satan’s doing tarnishing the rainbow god gave us the after the flood

No. 2085640

File: 1738733347286.jpeg (765.04 KB, 1647x2789, 95F12A02-662E-43B7-AB72-2549A7…)

That's.. an extremely commonly prescribed medication by dermatologists for women with acne. This is just not true. I'm a woman and have had my hormones tested because my acne didn't go away after my teenage years. I have normal androgen levels on the low end, and I was prescribed it at one point, even though I went off it and what helped me more was tret. Some people's skin can be too sensitive even to normal levels of androgens, and it also works by reducing oil production. Pls stop spreading misinformation that would imply plenty of normal women are troons, she's ugly but what you're saying doesn't mean this is a male. And in case you were the anon posting about that too, 2D>4D here- that's not a great proxy for prenatal testosterone exposure anyway, facial masculinization is a better one (assuming you're not looking at a woman with something like jaw filler) https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2015.1351

No. 2085641

File: 1738733717260.png (1.42 MB, 928x1178, @unconventionalcouple.png)

their couple account

No. 2085642

I'd think it's evidence of her having PCOS or a hormone disorder, both medications you mentioned are frequently prescribed for it.

No. 2085643

File: 1738734066395.webp (52.34 KB, 1080x2337, 3657457.webp)

she put out a "challenege" for her followers to eat nothing but "protein fluff" for dinner every night.
some of her health advice:
>advising her audience to shove raw garlic up their vaginal canal to treat yeast infections
>rubbing a boiled egg on her face to treat a sinus infection
>had a viral video claiming that eating an entire orange (peel included) with cinnamon and cayenne pepper will cure constipation, this caused someone to make another viral post about how they tried it and got internal burns and many doctors reacted to it
>raw onion to cure a cough

No. 2085645

Yes, that is what I meant. I was also clearly exaggerating/being facetious as well. I'm not going to reply to the other anon because they are not from here. I’ve noticed since the first thread that there’s an anon who can’t tell when people are banting and takes everything 100% seriously and even says
>stop spreading misinfo!!!

No. 2085654

Been here over half a decade. You don't need to have PCOS to be prescribed acne meds either lol
>will not do shit unless you have high androgens
>tranny med
Keep spreading lies about normal, frequently used medications to call women troons just to find an excuse to nitpick at a cow I guess

No. 2085667

Anon, androgen blockers do help your acne if you have PCOS, spiro is commonly known to work really well for hormonal acne (been there)

No. 2085709

Thirdie Jeet mindset. My grandma is in her 90s and has a boyfriend kek, Indian women all become fat and repulsive by 35 which is why they can't conceptualize the idea of being a milf/gilf with multiple suitors.(racebait)

No. 2085760

PCOS is a hormonal disorder where you have high androgens

No. 2086107

File: 1738859748030.png (49.58 KB, 897x409, Screenshot 2025-02-06 112114.p…)

NTA but I'm confused about what you're trying to say here. Spiro (an androgen blocker) is often prescribed to women with PCOS ("a hormonal disorder where you have high androgens") and reduces the acne associated with high androgens. Are you trying to say that's not true (it is)? Are you saying PCOS is the only disorder with high androgens (it's not)? Are you transvestigating Melina? What is it, Lassie?

No. 2086518

File: 1738967802597.jpeg (1.76 MB, 3033x3402, B03DDCBC-C2BA-40E8-97D2-798E89…)

found more posts of her simping this pedo
>i bet medgold will win the most powerful erect penis contest
>laughing under a post where he tells a woman calling out rape jokes that she's not rape material
>agreeing that it's "cool" when old geriatric men date young women
>"i don't entirely disagree" that american journalists deserve less than slaves
>omg you're suddenly simping women close in age to me and not teenagers? so flattering
>saying the pedo has "nerves of steel" for consuming adderall, nicotine, alcohol and MDMA
she constantly engages with his posts and he's only replied to her twice. desperate for attention from a pedo who barely pays attention to her at nearly 33 years old, extremely embarrassing

No. 2086523

The nona who said she has the markings of a true cow was right. Needs to pluck her nose hairs too.

No. 2086784

File: 1739042913719.png (156.11 KB, 736x980, aura.png)

No. 2086786

Why did she post a photo of herself with a booger in her nose?

No. 2087013

I fully expect a "tradfem to radfem" pipeline in the future. Things are getting worse socially/politically pretty much everywhere and more tradfems will start to have realisations like this girl.

No. 2087096

File: 1739119724891.jpeg (186.09 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0634.jpeg)

>Mexicans are matriarchal

No. 2087186

File: 1739144300464.png (1.12 MB, 1170x2562, I6sAGcT.png)

No. 2087189

File: 1739144703816.webp (90.44 KB, 860x1274, MV5BODVhYTMwMzQtODA2Zi00MTEwLT…)

so gross and retarded. i just watched this show on netflix and it reminded me of these freaks, about two women who were shilling "alternative health/holistics" methods to heal cancer. this totally seems like something these cows would do. not gonna spoil it but you can probably guess how it ends

No. 2087202

File: 1739146497022.jpeg (133.58 KB, 602x900, rip kang.jpeg)

looks like cocaine to me, the tradthot girlies love the powder and also helps keep the weight from their sugar binges off

why do haggard pickmes bother simping for pedos? I genuinely don't get it. also veronica reminds me of pic rel when he was 60 and close to death, same bogged stretched out lizard tranny face.

No. 2087204

Melonie Mac melting down over gay stuff in video games

No. 2087205

Fucking hate this retarded bitch. It's always the "Jesus freak" christfaggot women too

No. 2087206

Is there a single day she isn't complaining about gay men

No. 2087207

I don't know a single straight woman who gives a single fuck about gay moid shit, like it doesn't affect women's lives in the slightest. probably another jilted faghag who found powerbottoms open on her bf's PC, same as megha.

No. 2087208

men kissing in videogames is such a non-issue. smells like another russian bot video, russia never shuts the fuck about faggots despite being the number one exporters of twink porn and their president more than likely being a homo too.

No. 2087209

Russia is a classic case of "the scrotoid doth protest too much" kek

No. 2087211

Gay rape is practically their national sport.

No. 2087213

What’s funny is that despite being a “good Christian” she has a bunch of tattoos (condemned in the Bible and by most churches) and owns merch of shit like Chainsaw Man (a show all about demons). It’s really funny that she had a meltdown over Castlevania being “anti-Christian” despite that franchise having a ton of evil demons and vampires and other stuff and being a fan of Devil May Cry. If I didn’t know better I’d say she’s secretly one of those Christians who doesn’t believe it and just does it to pull in more men but she’s too obsessed with Godposting for me to believe that

No. 2087253

people freaking out about there being gay people or black people in Castlevania are hilarious
there were more gay people and black people in Europe back in the day (some) than there were vampires (none)

No. 2087270

File: 1739164135611.jpg (687.98 KB, 4096x2487, drolta-designs-v0-6tjkdklytoub…)

Imo the issue is less the inclusion of black characters and more that they have a character walking around in eighteenth century France dressed like Nicki Minaj. Also kek at thinking:
>there's a fantasy element in this story, therefore we should hold the IP to modern standards of diversity
This is the logic underpinning the creative decisions made in the latest Assassin's Creed game, and we all saw how that went. If you want your story to be diverse, don't set it in an ethnically homogenous time and place to begin with.(derailing)

No. 2087276

Are you retarded? Castlevania’s characters aren’t supposed to originate from one set time or one singula setting. The show is based around nomadic vampires whose struggle for power is set in fictional European cities as the primary backdrop. Did you expect that Drolta the vampire would only be introduced to the show if she stayed in Egypt and never left or something? Did you expect that Olrox the Aztec vampire, could only be introduced in the show when Alucard took a vacation to South America?

All of those characters being in a “homogenous“ setting like Europe is throughly explained, it’s not like they’re introduced as ethnically Swedish, the show explain’s that their home countries were made colonies by European countries (historically accurate) and they travelled to the imperial core (Europe) to seek an upper hand through gaining power.

There were merchants and travellers of all races in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the 14th century, why are you acting like the only time someone darker than flour would’ve ever been seen in Europe was in 1977 or something? I can smell the “I shower once a week” autism through the screen. Utter dumbass.(derailing)

No. 2087280

Everytime I come back to read this I want to roll my eyes more. You just said “If you want diversity, don’t set the story in an ethnically homogenous place.” But aren’t most countries on this globe ethnically homogenous? Work through your retarded tranny logic with me. Instead of having the setting be France since that’s inaccurate “because muh ethnic homogeneity” they should have instead had the African characters, South American Characters and the the European characters communicating to each other telepathically in their respective continents, to honour the time-period accurate ethnic homogeneity?
>Yes it’s so cringe that the creators of Castlevania decided to go woke instead, and chose to have the gay Aztec vampire and the bisexual Romanian vampire meet each other in France. That’s not an ethnically homogenous place to find a gay Aztec vampire. They should’ve been communicating telepathically to keep it accurate. Obviously. And also that nig- I mean black character looks retarded because I think she looks like an American rapper. Her character makes me irrationally upset for some inexplicable reason. I can’t quite put my finger on why that is. (derailing)

No. 2087288

Anyone still playing castlevania over the age of 15 needs professional help.(derailing)

No. 2087297

SotN is an all-time classic, though. What the fuck games do you expect ~adults~ to play? Spider Solitaire?(derailing)

No. 2087302

>that nig- I mean black character looks retarded because I think she looks like an American rapper. Her character makes me irrationally upset for some inexplicable reason. I can’t quite put my finger on why that is.
The other black character designs look fine and period appropriate. The episode where Isaac talks to the fly guy was one of the best from the first series. Drolta's character design coupled with the horrible voice acting (of all the characters, not just her) is why I dropped Nocturne after like two episodes. Sorry you have to cope by imagining the people who dislike the show you enjoy as cross-burning, unshowered trannies.(derailing)

No. 2087314

cool except none of their game counterparts are black, aztec, shim/it or gay with vitiligo and ehler danlos syndrome(derailing)

No. 2087315

sounds like a problem that could be avoided by not shoehorning those epic OC donutsteels into an IP that didn't have them to begin with(derailing)

No. 2087338

I’m glad someone finally posted this retard. She’s basically the U.S. version of Roma Army. Just another tatted up e-girl passed her prime and obsessed with male attention.

No. 2087412

all the derailing posts above and this retarded ass anon who was claiming every poster is russian propaganda some weeks ago posting about this again- what are the chances most of this is coming from the same retard talking to themselves yet again? every time they post here this seems to happen. you got banned for hi-cowing last time, accusing anons here of being cows repeatedly >>2082638
>>2079840 you're genuinely schizophrenic and very easy to spot

No. 2087455

File: 1739220597249.png (151.58 KB, 1243x821, Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 3.48.…)


No. 2087521

First off speak english, >this epic OC donutsteels into an IP sounds like autism babble.
second off, just admit you're a racist and save everyone in this thread the pain of reading your spergy covertly racist thoughts(infighting)

No. 2087522

I don't care about her design one way or another I'm just not brain dead like you and can actually read between the lines. I don't personally care whether you enjoyed the show or not, shut up with your blogposting.(infighting)

No. 2087525

Go add yourself to the 41% if you're going to cry over a non-issue. Imagine getting assmad because they took creative direction in a Japanese videogame. Are you going to get mad that the original creator appropriated European fantasy culture while having monolids and not trve aryan eyes next? kek what a fag(infigting/a-logging)

No. 2087546

>Assblasted tripleposting about how totally unbothered you are that no one likes your cringe raceswap fanfic of a vampire videogame

No. 2087635

File: 1739276786455.png (180.34 KB, 612x835, peating.png)

No. 2087637

>starts eating dairy products again
>"my skin's started looking worse, i wonder why"
>takes a photo as her phone's above eye level
>"my eyes look more "siren like", it must be peating!!"

No. 2087649

File: 1739279556488.jpeg (40.57 KB, 428x676, 97EA1987-554A-47BB-9ECC-70D5E9…)


No. 2087652

File: 1739279791653.jpeg (36.88 KB, 300x450, R.92836b0f12997d8ba88eea3535c4…)

she has those weird tiny peasant teeth that grow inwards instead of straight, looks like her mother drank when she was pregnant

No. 2087681

I was just dm'ed by someone who claims they are sending her identity to people in her comments section. Her posts have gotten more tame but I assume they were far worse/racist?

can someone fill me up on the whole story?

No. 2087699

File: 1739286017671.jpg (394.97 KB, 1080x1602, 1000021716.jpg)

Hope this evil fuck gets shot in the head. I don't know if it's mentioned in the vid but Luna uploaded the CCTV of them pouring acid on her face and holding her against a fence. If they come back to the EU they're getting arrested.

No. 2087756

He's one of the worst scummiest horrorcows I've seen, I hope he dies screaming.

No. 2087773

File: 1739299263546.jpeg (915.01 KB, 1863x3332, CBF2772C-5B4B-4D23-8440-22127E…)

I think it's a nose hair lol but uncanny resemblance with your pic. I also see an older female Jordan Barrett and when she opens her mouth and widens her eyes it's giving warrior skull smeagol

She stole her tiktok display name from the looksmaxx Palestinian cow Safa Abbas who she was talking shit about then became (fake?) friends with. Given Safa's temper she'd be pissed if she found out but she's been awol after monetizing her account and advertising some toothpaste grift

No. 2087791

this is the only documented evidence:
after her identity was exposed she purged her social media and distanced herself from the alt-right/white nationalist sphere.

No. 2087796

File: 1739302605241.png (464.04 KB, 1468x902, 6456456535.png)

even then she often deleted tweets and just vaguely referred to nonwhite people as "they"

No. 2087797

someone needs to tell her that medgold is middle eastern

No. 2087799

Yeah it’s funny how these new age / spiritual people say a big scientific paradigm shift is coming where we’re gonna prove some shit like reincarnation as true when in reality any study on that has been jogging in place forever. Also him saying we’re “becoming more spiritual / religious” as if religion hasn’t been plummeting in recent years and is only being expected to continue to do so

No. 2087829

File: 1739309533656.png (1.16 MB, 1116x1220, Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 4.30.…)

Veronica Nazi dogwhistling

No. 2087854

File: 1739312390627.png (334.12 KB, 598x623, deleted replies.png)

Veronica only recently started being covert about her Nazism. She would openly retweet things about addressing the "Jewish problem," but like bioenergeticmel she cleaned up her account. She also said she "used to" be a skinhead.
Do I not understand male haircuts or did he lose 1/3 of his hair within the span of a year? Obviously it's trimmed but there are clearly thin patches and a lot of hair is missing around the temples. It looks sparse and patchy to me.
He says in the replies he lost the weight by calorie tracking to maintain a 500-calorie deficit. Shockingly, when you're in a caloric deficit, you lose weight. Just like Veronica is doing eating no solid food other than honey and juice during the day and gelatin/brothy soup at night/a can of deenz while taking 2 cycling/Barry's classes a day. It's not magic. You don't have to follow a disgusting diet and take $$$ supplements, some of which are dangerous.

No. 2087881

File: 1739318536602.webm (1.56 MB, 360x640, 1739272075084455.webm)

I love seeing this ugly pickme Becky having a melty and screeching while cool collected pro choice Stacy just stares at her in contempt kek.

No. 2087883

Jordan Barrett has a very angular square skull. Veronica has a typical round Slavic satsuma ballhead with a receding hairline and frauds with jaw fillers and anorexia because she's insecure about how round and moonfaced she looks. She's a Slavic toilet cleaner peasant trying to larp as a Nordic Valkyrie, with fillers, fake tan and hair dye.(physiognomy sperg)

No. 2087886

>University of Alabama
damn just say you're retarded and go

No. 2087896

>feels like a "slave to corporations"
>doesn't wanna pay for health insurance
>frustrated the she needs a higher education to get a job where she can afford rent, gas, groceries, basic living staples
Republican or socialist
I am not being literal before a retard gets their jimmies rustled

No. 2087901

How is this a nazi dogwhistle? Genuinely, is it the sugar thing or the blonde white guy?

No. 2087905

think nona was referring to the 88%
anyway its grim that veronica is obsessed with fertility and lives in Germany the literal homeland of nazi moids, meanwhile she still cant get one to pick her/wife her and is a childless 32 year old, instead having to orbit brown muslim pedophile scrotes on twitter kek

No. 2087909

File: 1739321722648.png (67.6 KB, 699x638, Hate Symbols Database ADL.png)

1488 is an extremely well-known nazi symbol/saying referring to the 14 words slogan. the 88 means heil hitler. she used the 1844 variation to emphasize a high-sugar diet. idk about that moid, but i don't know why she randomly decided to shit up someone's weight loss post with an unrelated nazi slogan. it's totally inappropriate, rude, and annoying to comment nazi shit on a photo of another person. honestly veronica seems a little autistic. i've noticed for a while she is "off" socially. she likes to mimic and has poor social skills. her body language foreign (see skincare video discussed earlier. i also don't know why you would promote another skincare brand when you are planning to launch your own line). she does not use the right words either.
she lives in england

No. 2087920

>She also said she "used to" be a skinhead.
Did she use the term skinhead to describe herself? It would be funny if she is actually a troon

No. 2087929

being fucking POLISH and being a nazi shows how retarded she is. I've noticed she is so hypocritical in general, i.e hating immigrants while being one herself… too bad that muh sugar and random shilled supplements won't fix that.

No. 2087935

File: 1739325535334.png (14.24 KB, 598x98, celestialbeing.png)

She said she was a "skinhead girl"

No. 2087936

File: 1739325624603.jpg (135.89 KB, 464x733, 1000000286.jpg)

>I've learnt more from twitter than formal education
words of a true genius. also a skincare brand? can't wait for more shilling

No. 2087950

she lives in london, where are u even getting germany from

she has a very angular squarish jaw, and they have similar facial width do height ratio with their skulls both being very wide. she doesn't have rounded or delicate features which are associated with looking younger

No. 2087992

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No. 2088033

Holy shit, imagine being such a pickme for a man who thinks you're only a 6 kek I would feel bad for her if she wasn't so awful

No. 2088041

these same ugly fags crap their pants every time their wives thirst for a hotter actor on TV or rate them as anything less than a 10 though

No. 2088056

Kek. This woman had 5 kids by three different men; one son is dead and one daughter was raped. The son died in a car accident when he went driving with his friend. He was I think 13 at the time, and he was under her care at the time it happened.

The daughter upon turning 18 was essentially pimped out online to the lowest common denominators for being “thin and a virgin”. And who was doing the promoting? The mom! What a great protector of her kids!

She acts high and mighty but is an absolute failure of a mother.

No. 2088086

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No. 2088087


I've heard shes ugly so she does not show her full face.

No. 2088088


Also UAlabama? Lmfaoo she is retarded as well. "cs/math" my ass.

No. 2088092


Idk something about Melina doesn’t sit right with me. She’s worse than veronica. Wayback machine has either not backed her account up or she has requested takedowns.

Melina is a redneck.

Veronica is a polish migrant in the UK who cries about immigration. and preaches about taking a diabetic amount of sugar a day. Retarded behavior. She needs to be deported.

No. 2088107


>"I'm FORCED to work"

>pretends homesteading, housekeeping, and looking after small children isn't work
>clearly believes shiny carefully-curated instagram posts are more indicative of reality than all of recorded human history that showed women worked
>clearly suffering from grass-is-greener syndrome and obviously doesn't know wtf she's talking about

I hate this specific breed of trad retard so much

No. 2088148

Wait what??? Who is this woman? Caps please.

No. 2088150

obviously it's about rachel wilson >>2087992

No. 2088158

No shit. That was obviously rhetorical. Post caps, this is an imageboard.

No. 2088267

File: 1739406344493.jpg (3.68 MB, 4096x4096, 1000005497.jpg)

You set her off, anon. Must have hit a raw nerve.

No. 2088270

Ot, but I hate how Xitter increased the word count. The short format was what made it unique. Now it's just a journal simulator.

No. 2088271

File: 1739406915751.png (369.35 KB, 601x1113, um.png)

No. 2088277

Main character disorder…

No. 2088304

God she's coping so hard kek.
>we need to stop shaming and dividing each other!
>also, women are sickly weak and challenged and have shit kids if they don't eat 1lb of sugar a day
Kys bitch. An 18 year old chavette is going to have a healthier baby than your ass Veronica simply because she's not a coping hag stuffed with fillers, peroxide and intestinal parasites.

No. 2088305

>my skincare brand
…may we see it?
she lived in Germany for years, she's a typical thirdie slavic leech(bait)

No. 2088424

File: 1739462858825.jpg (1002.64 KB, 1170x1463, IMG_1853.jpg)

This sounds so fake. IQ is mostly genetic, and she still sounds slow, if your mom started "adding sugar to her drinks and consuming plenty of fruit" what effect will that have on you as a child already born? Besides poor sentence structure, malnutrition can have an effect but it's not a couple spoons of sugar or a few more pieces of fruit per day that will take a kid from borderline retarded to very precocious at 98th percentile and anyone who believes this must be as stupid as this woman actually is. This is a cope for low tier midwittery and grifting off Peatards after one year of "research", which she gets dragged for constantly, so she's throwing in little "anecdotes" about how akshually he saved her life as an infant. So obviously dishonest.

Ironically the women who are most concerned with and bring up their own childlessness seem like they are upset about it the most, while women who are content do not fixate like this. So yes, you do seem like you're seething Veronica, why else would you be so desperate to get pregnant this year with a scrote you've been dating for a few months? >>2078727 Inb4 she purposely develops gestational diabetes because Peat said so too

This bitch with zero qualifications needs to stop fear mongering women about how their babies will have health issues if their mothers are not "muhtabolically optimized" like her, (even though women with conditions like hypothyroidism can have perfectly healthy babies if they're controlling it, you know with a physician, not some random ehag grifter with smeagol mouth who flirts with pedophiles). We get it you wrecked your body and teeth with stomach acid by puking out everything you ingested for most of your life, but stop projecting your problems on Xitter multiple times per hour every day

No. 2088558

now I understand why her ego is so big, she's a 10/10 in Britain(sage your shit)

No. 2088559


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2088567

I feel so sorry for women like this who expect the bare minimum from men, they don't love themselves, their scrotes don't love them, and they always end up in awful circumstances due to their lack of self respect.

No. 2088887

File: 1739555723986.jpeg (1007.99 KB, 1284x1924, IMG_1267.jpeg)

>If you’re aiming for your dream body and want to be the first to know when my sugar maxx weight loss guide is released, join my Telegram channel!
I might get hit for nitpicking, but I'm sorry this is an average/mid physique especially for someone who works out as much as she does and eats such a restrictive diet. Just because you aren't fat doesn't mean you have physique. The bar is in the ground.

No. 2088914

One thing you need to keep in mind is that Peatiots are always from anglophone countries. Americans, bongs and australians have a warped idea of what skinny is due to obesity epidemic. Something like >>2082610, which is considered chunky in Euro and Asian countries, is unironically dying anorexia waif skinny here.

Like keto (and Atkins before it) peatardation is particularly appealing as a "weight loss" diet to firstie fatties because it specifically instructs you to double down on all the foods that make you a fat slob and rejects CICO as a concept. Basically you don't have to give up anything.

No. 2088926


We don't consider this chunky anywhere in Europe. You're bullshitting so maybe stop the retardation.

No. 2088951

It is chunky in Eastern Europe. Cope.

No. 2088964


No one's coping. You just have an illness.

No. 2089023

File: 1739582994136.png (181.13 KB, 594x499, Gjxp_YDW4AI3nCI.png)

She's irrelevant but "patriarchy hannah" was just exposed for being a 37 year old woman named Jennifer Bays. She never had 14 kids. She lied about her "hubby" building her home for her, the home she took a picture of was actually built by two WOMEN! She also stole photos from other women's pages and lied saying it was her. I would like to remind you that all of these tradfags lie about their lives. All of them. I will reply with evidence, and here's a thread on it lol https://x.com/ryancduff/status/1890513666623066281

No. 2089024

File: 1739583021521.jpg (134.19 KB, 1312x995, GjxvkiYWAAAG2YM.jpg)

Woman she stole photos from

No. 2089027

File: 1739583180229.png (1.55 MB, 1260x1204, lol.png)

post of "hannah" lying next to post from construction company that aided the two women in building their home

No. 2089062

File: 1739589009077.jpeg (838.83 KB, 1284x2000, IMG_1294.jpeg)

Wow. What a psycho and scumbag. Sorry for your loss to her discord fangirls who saw her as proof their ideal life was possible. I don't even know what to say, but imagine all of the people like this on social media who haven't been caught.

No. 2089070

Just fucking lol at these deranged subhumans kek

No. 2089072

she has a hunchback and no ass
completely unremarkable asides from that. she's not fat, but she's not skinny, nor muscular and toned either. just a boring bitch as always.(sage your shit)

No. 2089073

Shut up larping idiot.

No. 2089077

File: 1739591271670.png (539.65 KB, 1260x509, dkfhdsj.png)

kek even worse, they found her mugshot. seems like she was coping, her "husband's" account is most likely fake too. Alot of the shit on "his" account just reads as fantasy. so fucking pathetic

No. 2089079

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No. 2089085

What is it with overweight Beckies and loving patriarchy.

No. 2089086

I realize this is one of the most retarded takeaways from this that you can have. But @whatsgooditsT sounds exactly like the sort of fake username that a single 40 year old aspiring tradwife would make up for her very masculine very straight tradhusband and "my husband tony is a builder and he built a bunch of houses and called it Tony Town" has the same vibe of "woman writing fanfiction about what men are like."

No. 2089092

Was she grifting money from tradmoids by this? If so, based?

No. 2089113

File: 1739596441646.png (33.73 KB, 606x334, whatsgooditst.png)

it is obviously fake, a real southern man in his late 30s would not have some wojak on his x profile he would have a picture of a fish, a deer, or his pudgy self hanging out in his pickup truck

No. 2089114

File: 1739596587786.png (53.78 KB, 598x486, hannahandt.png)

that said she is able to at least reasonably replicate the average tradmoid larper's opinions. not hard since they never stfu

No. 2089183

Kek. The descriptions on the rap sheet should be the next thread title. “#3 Tradwives: Careless Operation and Issuing Worthless Checks”

No. 2089200

This is a nice physique

No. 2089201

I hate living in America the land of the landwhales where doctors and family are breathing down your back and ready to throw you into inpatient treatment to be a fat BMI 23-26.

No. 2089307

File: 1739648984110.jpeg (587.86 KB, 1208x2371, 36539708-A904-42B8-A195-E55F83…)

Prolonged depletion of the brain’s energy supply leads to gray and white matter atrophy, which explains bone rattler retardation.

You don't really see a lot of obese people like that in more affluent areas, and if someone is trying to hospitalize you at BMI like 19-22 it might be because you're just mentally ill with shitty metabolism and having a hard time maintaining that without eating a normal amount of food so your family are concerned kek. This is such a disingenuous, bullshit complaint.

She does Barry's Bootcamp aka high intensity cardio 4x a week (an improvement from 2x a day while puking her guts out), often eats a can of oysters with some shredded carrot pieces or the equivalent for dinner. Of course she's losing weight, that's what happens with regular exercise or caloric deficit. No one would care about that or her showing off her basic flat physique that isn't goals to anyone (not anachans, not women into curves, nor those into muscles) if she wasn't the type to sell a peatard rip off scam guide on how to ingest 2,400 calories including plenty of sugar, carbs and dairy everyday for weight loss though.

No. 2089316

her pussy and farts must smell absolutely rank on that diet

No. 2089323

File: 1739650963527.jpeg (530.93 KB, 2774x1258, BEC45190-813C-4CAA-BFC9-E94662…)

Someone literally made a parody account about this after she got caught deleting her posts about farts kek >>2076546

No. 2089343

If you need to fart that much your metabolism is fucked, actually.
>pigging out on meat and alcohol

No wonder she's aging like a male kek

No. 2089353


I wish people like this would just be honestly mean instead of deeply insulting certain people's entire life trajectory and following it up with "If this is you, I commend your strength and wish you the best". Like what the fuck?(sage your shit)

No. 2089375

File: 1739662401299.png (144.33 KB, 892x697, very_real_husband.png)

these posts are quite funny in retrospect. Also almost all of "his" posts are about Hannah lol

No. 2089413

File: 1739671623909.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.11 KB, 1118x2048, kjhgfghjkl.jpg)

Apparently hannah (or should I say jennifer) did obesity porn back in 2020, kek. How traditonal!

No. 2089416

File: 1739671760290.png (206.18 KB, 915x1563, fQtihKs.png)

I went to go laugh at more of her minimum effort sockpuppet husband posts and liked this one. How are these people real kek

No. 2089417

File: 1739671773779.png (293.56 KB, 1235x464, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…)

samefag, faces side to side. this woman seems schizophrenic as fuck

No. 2089422

File: 1739672749752.png (147.58 KB, 898x428, Zf0LGK0.png)

I don't understand why this twitter account is still up, but it is, and "obesity porn" really undersells how fucked up the clips are. Also, she posted about being dumped immediately after major surgery right after reposting a porn clip with a man's hand in it. Maybe she had a relationship with a groomer since that's incredibly common in porn and that's why she shifted toward the fantasy trad larp (if this is the same person… it's genuinely hard to tell)

No. 2089433

File: 1739673978359.jpg (17.92 KB, 512x512, roru.jpg)

Finally some good fucking milk. I love how she played 27k trads. Ofcourse they wont learn from this and will keep falling for dumb bait.

No. 2089435

Very trad.

No. 2089437

File: 1739674280979.png (73.85 KB, 304x272, egg rolls and taquitos.png)

The fact she averages more likes per vid than Shayna is fucking killing me.

No. 2089441

shaynus bbw trad era incoming
Honestly, from what I've seen I don't even think she was trying to bait people for money. The way she sockpuppets her """husband's""" account makes me think this is some fucked up fantasy of hers kek. Her politics being influenced by what she touches herself to, per usual.

No. 2089442

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Speaking of Shayna, someone caught her reflection off a Mason jar in one of her cooking posts.

No. 2089443

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No. 2089448

File: 1739676248513.jpg (219.1 KB, 1290x1423, Gj2aRV2WoAAJm2O.jpg)

someone got a screenshot of the original post

No. 2089458

God this is like one of those ancient 4chan posts where a moid rants about women and the picrel is him taking a picture of some couple and you can see his 400lb physique casting a shadow

No. 2089699

He did leave his country tho… They met in Vietnam when he was on vacation(learn to sage)

No. 2089717

I’ve talked about Karlyn Borysenko a bit in other threads but I think she fits this one well. She’s a major conspiratard who believes World War II was set up by spirits and is promoting ideas like that humans come from aliens and that aliens will invade this year. She also watches videos of people claiming to be interviewing the ghost of Hitler and the Trump Assassination guy, it’s so deranged

No. 2090092

File: 1739827629334.png (116.84 KB, 1044x681, suspicious sports take.png)

well now we understand her beef with women's sports

The screenshot is from google search results because she deactivated her account. She initially deactivated immediately after being doxed but came back to say it was all lies. When prompted to provide evidence, and when the porn thing came out, she deactivated again

No. 2090258

File: 1739863101051.jpg (33.28 KB, 861x106, 6574.jpg)

>U.S. officials initially broached the subject during a phone call with the Romanian government, advocating for the return of the Tates' passports and permission for them to travel while awaiting court proceedings, the FT reported.
>This diplomatic effort was further amplified when Richard Grenell, President Donald Trump's U.S. envoy for special missions, met with Romanian Foreign Minister Emil Hurezeanu at the Munich Security Conference last week.

No. 2090343


fuck Tate but I couldn't care less tbh. Romania is known for being having a corrupt as fuck justice system. if they really did the shit, throw them in jail after a US conviction.

It wasn't trump. it was this deranged woman that he hired as his attorney - Alina Habba. She glazes Tate.(sage your shit)

No. 2090386

>throw them in jail after a US conviction
for crimes that allegedly occurred in Romania? and the UK?
they don’t have any charges facing them in the US, bffr

No. 2090390

>I couldn't care less that the abuser, rapist and pimp of poor vulnerable women won't face jail
Most pro-woman lolcow poster.

No. 2090397

it’s giving France sheltering Polanski, which is a fucking terrible look

No. 2090590

File: 1739952707321.jpeg (596.41 KB, 1115x1453, IMG_6901.jpeg)

veronica once again dying for a reply back from pedogold

No. 2090673

too bad her endless supplements, diabetic amounts of sugar and 3 trillion iq cant make her see how pathetic and desperate she is being

No. 2090704

slavic women and their natural alliance with MENA pedophiles

No. 2090741

Being a pickme isn't gonna fix her horrendously asymmetrical face either

No. 2091234

These moids complain about women being like “6 feet only” but then get mad about a woman’s bone structure and brain structure

No. 2091310

Lauren Southern needs an award for having an affair with Destiny of all people. How does someone that gets herself trapped in a loveless marriage to a deadbeat loser think that getting involved with an even greasier scrote is the way out of it?She poured her entire BPD heart to him, and he bragged to his friends the moment he came. Because of course he fucking did. Anyone with eyes would see that he would. He's always used women as trophies to beat off the cuck ridicule. Now she can't even pretend to her audience that she's trad. Every problem in Lauren's life is because she chooses to pander to shitty men, and yet she still believes a shitty man is what will save her stupid ass.(sage your shit)

No. 2091324

Lauren is a retard with ADHD. ADHD people only know how to act impulsively and selfishly and burn all the bridges in their life. The affair with Destiny was her last shot at e-fame.

No. 2091445

I’m feeling impulsive and that’s very mean! I’ll get banned to tell you that you are wrong and there’s good people that have ADHD and learned to cope. Praying for you tonight x(derailing)

No. 2091964

These idiots are always telling on themselves about being pedophiles. He's telling us all exactly what's on his hard drive.

No. 2092214

File: 1740293265012.jpg (243.84 KB, 750x1294, 1728484882728383.JPG)

Still larping and creating fib stories about how great she is even after calling out patriarchy hannah for being a fake tradwife. Claims to have never been a bossbitch before now puts out she has been a HR foid? Her autistic bf who still hasn’t married her yet must love this bpd trolling and lying.

No. 2092349

Nonna I think that's copypasta…

No. 2092895

File: 1740453733183.jpg (281.81 KB, 720x1124, 1000008269.jpg)

@HalosOpulence is just a jealous mid who can't hold onto her autistic Nigel no matter how much she professes to be a tradwife/uwu child of God.

Her posts are almost always written with ChatGPT. After nona posted her Resdit history it's obvious she just gets AI to edit her brain farts into something deep and profound. It comes across as disjointed gibberish, but her actual "poetry" she has posted points almost exclusively to an abusive relationship, ironically.

She also edits her body. Pic shows major waist shoop. She has the proportions of a garden gnome. Her bf probably triggered an eating disorder but she's too busy being a suburban deadweight she can't even do CICO properly.

No. 2093145

File: 1740529267693.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3102x3007, 58DDE754-DA34-4E42-803E-B5E34A…)

nta but it's not, she's a corny 33yr old millennial redditor with self-proclaimed "genius EQ" who unironically says she's an "empath" and "cognitive forecaster"

trying to hold onto this autist nigel should tell you she is very mentally unwell

disclaimer this might get me banned-before others posted her itt i'd never heard of her and didn't cowtip, but when i saw the charge i thought she might be unsafe, so i dmed her off a burner to check on her and see if she'd divulge anything. to my surprise this woman (supposedly high IQ, amazing at reading people) immediately confirmed to a stranger that her bf was arrested for domestic battery against her, he controls her and surveils her account so she was considering moving to a church

stopped after that so won't share dms again. but since then she's posted about god protecting her "husband" (batterer bf of 2-3years) from "women with bad intentions", here in anon's post >>2077942 talking about which godly alpha to submit to- she is being actively abused but giving relationship and femininity advice to tard wife wannabes on xitter

No. 2093164

File: 1740533323575.jpg (64.94 KB, 720x294, 1000008311.jpg)

> being actively abused

I dug into the domestic violence charge, and it's still an open case. Reading the arrest report (pic) and it made me realize there's no helping some people. He's not only a cringe turbo-autist but a genuinely violent predator. In some of his posts he talks about growing up in poverty and being surrounded by "delinquents"…..so he's repeating a family pattern. Guys like this will never change, and if she's such a genius-level empath, she would have realized this years ago.

I have no sympathy for her. She knows what he is and what he does, yet she still mocks/spergs at women with jobs, tells women to "obey" and be "fruitful", and wants to bring a child into this shitty dynamic. Without a doubt, if she gets pregnant, he will cheat on her or leave her. Babies are just objects of control to moids, but even more so to guys like him.

She clearly has no friends, and from her profile it's clear she isn't close with family. He has isolated her, and she actively pretends she lives an enviable life. Pathetic as hell.

No. 2093177

File: 1740538126422.png (2.79 MB, 2428x2323, A812DBCA-6940-4398-B78A-0FB91F…)

jfc, i hadn't seen the report so i didn't know he was punching her in a moving vehicle? and threw her phone out the window so she wouldn't call police??! insane

she appeared to be a normal girl albeit with some mental health issues she was treating, but became a cautionary tale on why women should pursue careers instead of relying on any scrote. she had a good one and gave it up to be a stay at home gf, still hasn't even gotten married. she'd see herself as having failed her "biological duty" if she doesn't procreate and is approaching her mid 30s, so probably won't break up. emblematic of what often happens to women when they idolize the tard wife lifestyle. she thinks she locked down a genius provider scrote yet he still beats her-even a "160+ IQ" doesn't endow the inferior sex with enough rationality to bypass their brutish proclivities. extremely bleak

No. 2093185

File: 1740541108243.jpg (361.95 KB, 720x1600, 1000008319.jpg)

her Twitter presence when seen in the context of DV is genuinely sickening/sad.

She tries very hard to come across as "speshul" and super insightful, yet also puts on this tough, bitchy vibe (pic). Assuming it's even true, this doesn't come across as feminine or graceful at all. She sounds like a manipulative cunt. Honestly the fact she made a decent wage doing HR for Ralph Lauren is the icing on the cake. Can you imagine working with this woman, who supposedly is "super nice" but also wants to make people cry? And is dating a controlling douche herself? They honestly seem weirdly compatible, though he's obviously way more genuinely dangerous to the people around him. She's dumb and deeply insecure, while he's a "Chris Watts" just waiting to happen.

He may have been "scared" by the arrest, but he won't suddenly just magically develop empathy because his ass was in jail. No, next time he will just cancel her subscription to life. He cares more about his IQ and reputation than her, and wont let her call the cops again. I can absolutely see her becoming another statistic.

No. 2093190


Her IQ obsession is a cope, and also the reason why we shouldn't give techbros rights. Bleak af if your sole point of attraction to a dude is his wallet and "intelligence". He looks like a rat.

No. 2093282

File: 1740573361897.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2642x2968, 2F1C973E-E617-4FA6-A672-5737FA…)

Missed the post before it got deleted, but Veronica was just getting dragged on sh(x)itter once again, this time she's flinging her shit at a mother who used formula instead of breast feeding, calling her an abuser for poisoning her children who are "probably halfway to cancer", then using Ray Peat quotes to argue with people pointing out what a retard she is in the comments

No. 2093297

File: 1740575859302.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2983x3463, EDD03A80-5992-4825-962D-3CBB3A…)

Veronica's typical routine:
>wake up
>check sh(x)itter app
>copy rape eat
>ask chat GPT to paraphrase it
>post that AI slop
>spread misinformation
>shill affiliated products
>build up hype for her nutrition guide and skincare grift
>eat oxtail broth
>barry's bootcamp, spinning and HIIT
>brag about how much sugar she eats and how she's still losing weight
>post edited selfies (still looks her age)
>post videos with tiktok filters that make her skin smoother, eyes larger and nose smaller (looks even older than her age)
>brag about how no one believes she's old enough to buy alcohol
>brag about how much cosmetic work she hasn't had done
>simp pedophiles
>shame mothers for normal feeding practices
>post about how she's totally not seething over being unmarried and childless
>praise fascists
>post nazi dogwhistles
>diagnose randoms, who explicitly state they have no thyroid problems, with thyroid problems https://x.com/celestialbe1ng/status/1893797609547980987?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w
>use tanning bed
>red light therapy aimed at her vagina for "fertility maxxing"
>eat carrot salad
>read pederast literature

Did I miss anything? Other than perhaps more flatulence

No. 2093321

>33 years old and still hasn’t started sireing heirs yet
Her ed seems to have made her very infertile, she constantly posts how she loves children but never made a baby with her bf. The giveaway was the time when the egirls were posting how fertile they were, and she didn’t join in with her usual bragging but reposted users saying the show your heirs bs.

No. 2093323

Don’t redpill men tell each other never to date HR or email job women? Citing they are masculine and naggy beneath the surface, brainwashed by libtards and men-hating hypergamists who will report a Chad who refuses their advances. Then why is “genius IQ” still dating her? Does he not care about her sudden tantrums and divorce threat?

No. 2093362

It's simply incredible how not real fags are. Years of being fed retarded le born this way propaganda only to watch a bunch of aging, unfuckable, thoroughly molested wursties cope via Hellenic "homosexuality" LARP while obsessing over women all day. From BAP to Thiel and Vance. Everything these "people" say about lesbians applies to them 100%.

No. 2093366

>Tradwhore gargles nuts and shills antifeminism all day
>Gets antifeministed in the face once
>Help me legal system set up by feminists!
Many such cases!

No. 2093374

The fact she worked at Mckinsey is crazy though…. She must at least be academically smart (or was at one point).

No. 2093379

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Found her LinkedIn profile with barely any trouble.

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelena-shelton-98a44b202

No. 2093387

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>frequently crashes out over and percieved slight (which she often misinterprets)
>the crash-outs last for days where she goes on unhinged spirals about white pride or breastmilk or something
>believes she has high emotional intelligence
yes, veronica, you're a master of emotional regulation and deep insight into others.
never forget >>2072682 when she claims to be intelligent. she still failed at a literal elementary school math problem even with AI assistance…
i want someone to invite veronica on a podcast or space and start grilling her.

No. 2093391

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she got obliterated in that thread.

No. 2093396

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3 marshmallows (a low-calorie food despite being unhealthy), a handful of cherries, a sprinkle of dried fruit, and some jello (also low-calorie). This is possibly less than 300 calories. There's nothing "ridiculous" about it, it's basic CICO.

No. 2093443

this sugar shit has to be the funniest disinformation the russians are spreading now, americans will really believe anything

No. 2093457

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Angelena has an alt account on X called "Ashley Sinned Clair" (@femfatuation) that her boyfriend doesn't know about, and she follows male accounts on there.

Nothing particularly milky, she mostly just reposts her main content BUT she replied under one of her Nigels posts pretending to be someone else lmao

No. 2093481

I normally swear by (high fiber) low carb, but I think it horribly primed americans to believe any random "one small trick" eat-your-favorite-junk food could maybe work and they could lose weight while eating the same shit they're already eating, paying no attention to calories
>just remove this one food group bro, just focus on this one macro bro, i swear it's like magic bro

No. 2093492

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not that any proof was required, but lmfao

No. 2093493

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jaw slimming as well.

No. 2093497

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I was about to post these kek. And before anyone says that's in 2020- google mri studies showing that filler actually stays in your face for years, the idea that they dissolve within months is pure myth

No. 2093498

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No. 2093500

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>haven't had any work done
>thanks to the practices i share and follow
Her face when her lies are exposed with photographic evidence ahead of launching her skincare grift, just like clockwork. A little too late Veronica!

No. 2093502

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I can't believe she even expects people to believe she doesn't use FILTERS and then posts stuff like this.
Why even lie? It's not a big deal. She lies about getting filler and Botox. She lies about using a filter, obviously. She lies about eating a jar of honey a day. Anyone who believes her about anything is retarded.

No. 2093505


The thing is, she has body/face dysmorphia that her followers absolutely exacerbate, either because they're retards or simps or both.

No. 2093508

she definitely lurks here and saw nona's comment about her physique being mid kekkk so ofc she's going to double down. also i feel like she definitely exaggerates how much weight she lost because she doesn't look tremendously different aside from all the recent fillers.

No. 2093534

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How do you know it's her account?

I'm not familiar with that company is it thought to be highly prestigious to work there or something? And with an associate's degree from a community college?

Either way imagine trading a good career to spend your days tweeting and waiting for a moid who punches you in the face to come home. Now she seems to be filling her time by creating new music https://x.com/HalosOpulence/status/1894441268677095833#m

No disclaimer about "her" songs and "her" "heavenly voice" being AI generated though! https://suno.com/@halosopulence

No. 2093562

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The video on the right resulted in days of her arguing that she has never had any work done and was not using a filter.

No. 2093566

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New fanfiction is that she used to do heroin. She left out the jaw work. The photos from the doctor were posted in April 2020. I doubt he sat on them for months. Also that she's a Catholic, I remember her calling the Pope the antichrist. The woman she called Catholic has an Orthodox cross in her name…

No. 2093568

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No. 2093579

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It doesn't have to be recent. >>2093497 It was obvious that her cop out was going to be "that was from 2019/2020" when we know she can't do basic math, >>2093387 but if she said she started "Peating" and stopped being "sick" a year ago, >>2093282 it's safe to assume she's lying again and engaged in a lot of the same habits until she chose to finally stop living a "toxic" lifestyle, and it's convenient to say that's the only time she got it because she knows that's the only proof found online. The reason people get filler top ups every 6 months isn't because it all dissolved, but rather it migrated to surrounding regions- the more honest Doctors will tell you this. So even if she hasn't had a top up in years (unlikely) I bet you'd still see it there under an MRI. That's why her face looks so fucked close up and anons were speculating whether she had a chin implant, what you're seeing is migrated filler.

>Why even lie?
Because it undermines her grift when she posts shit like
>"Zero botox zero filters zero fillers just encapsulated peptides and daily oxtail broth"
She 100% lies about her IQ as well, how are you going to say this when people can visibly see your filler migration mustache and you post tiktok videos with the filters you use on display? You cannot be an intelligent person and have this little awareness
>"I was thought to be intellectually challenged"
Yeah we can tell

The funniest part is she was using that photo of herself she said is from 2019 a few months ago?
this "candid post-filler picture" she sent to her injector in 2019-2020 so he could post it on IG is the same profile pic she had on twitter until some months ago >>2070192
She still uses it here too: https://linktr.ee/celestialbe1ng https://www.threads.net/@celestialbeingx
So this bitch is posting photos of herself now from when she was like 27 and 6 years younger and had jaw, chin and lip filler, gloating about how much younger she looks and how she doesn't have filler, then getting mad when others notice and point it out

Plus she didn't start dating someone until the end of 2024/this year >>2078727 so why is she lying about being married?

No. 2093587

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I don't like her nose so I didn't think she had a nose job, but why are her nostrils so fucked up? She looks like a Picasso in this picture she just posted.

No. 2093593

She also has an extremely obvious nose job, and it was clear in the before and after from the clinic that she was topping off already evident lip filler

No. 2093594

They're that asymmetrical because she got a rhinoplasty.

No. 2093596

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Yeah, I remembered she made a tweet recently complaining about not being able to find a man. She deleted everything so I couldn't find it, but I found this from January 7th. Nor was she wearing an engagement ring during her Nazi's Night Out. The husband thing was obviously just another crash-out lie because she's a wino on a nasty stint. She's been nasty and caused drama with like 3 different people in the past 24 hours alone. Trying to cover up lies does not work well.

No. 2093607

Her eye sockets are different heights, kinda like what that blond footballer everyone's simping for has. Her sinuses will therefore be different heights also.

No. 2093618


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No. 2093632

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Fuck them and fuck Trump.
>Their flight to the US comes after the Financial Times reported that Trump’s special envoy, Richard Grenell, had spoken to the Romanian foreign minister, Emil Hurezeanu, about the Tate brothers at this month’s Munich Security Conference.

No. 2093673

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