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No. 2093672

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got candida and decided to cut out fruit and eat mostly meat. She seems to live off of bone broth and steak. She also talks constantly about beta and alpha men and how birth control makes you pick beta men. She used to be drugs and her mother was a drug addict. Recently she’s started obsessing with cow shares. She’s also constantly putting women down for things like using vibrators or causally dating. Constantly talks about how important it is to take care of her man so she can be in her feminine. Says she had digestive issues before when she was drinking and doing drugs but still seems to have issues with certain foods.

4. https://www.instagram.com/rewildcarlyrose
“Rewildcarlyrose” aka Carly Rose Bergman. She used to be fruitarian but then decided to eat an ancestral diet. Says that she was starving herself before and she’s now gained weight to make herself more fertile. She is constantly talking about quantum healing.

5. https://www.instagram.com/healingthesource
“Healingthesource” aka Claudia keener Fulani
Claims to have suffered from a bunch of health problems but then healed from using herbal medicine. She has a podcast where she interviews other influencers. She has a linktree with over 40 affiliate links. She is constantly advertising a new product to detox. Like everyone else she is scared of seed oils and is on the masa chip bandwagon. She is always talking about “clean” to products

6. https://instagram.com/jessalyn.randle
“Jessalyn.randle” / Jess
Has only eaten steak and butter the past 4 years. Is constantly “debunking” needing to eat anything but meat with anecdotes. She thinks vitamin C is unnecessary but eats salsa even though she’s on the “lion diet”. She is eating only meat and butter while pregnant. She doesn’t believe in clinical research and thinks that “they” are trying to get everyone to stop eating meat. She claims she had digestion problems and couldn’t lose weight when she was an omnivore. She claims her digestion is great even though she eats such a limited diet. She believes the USDA is trying to make everyone infertile by recommending cereal.

7. https://www.instagram.com/shannenmichaela
“Shannenmichaela” / Shannen Michaela
Made a bunch of antivax TikTok videos. Moved to Costa Rica when she was pregnant to get a passport. Recently made ice cream from her breast milk. Bitcoin grifter. Claims the FDA is lying about the need for vitamin C. She is involved with a bunch of biohacking retreats. Makes pseudoscientific claims like fabric having energy. Talks about other conspiracies like burning man being made for social engineering.

They’re all antivax anti feminists that believe spreading your legs at the sun does something magical to your body. They al say sunscreen and seed oils cause cancer. There are many more influencers like this.

Previous threads:

No. 2093674

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“Men do not wife up women with tattoos.”

No. 2093698

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Thanks for the thread but next time let's do a summary of cows who have gotten posted here more frequently too since the original was written, even threadpic isn't mentioned in the OP

Is the anon who found Veronica's name here? I was wondering how you found it. Someone posted what looks like proof that she had another filler appointment in 2020 and is lying. I'm not sure if "preludeineminorop28no4" is supposed to be her instagram username at that time or like a title for her stories, but that matches her bio in this old twitter account from 2020. Someone by that name lives in London and graduated with a bachelor of Law from University of Westminster, then studied History of Art, and appeared on this podcast. I'm unable to listen to it on any platform but others can see if it works for them, unfortunately I think it got taken down:




If this is her she went from being a liberal art student who was clearly interested/well versed enough on the topic to be called on to talk about "White privilege, systemic racism and repatriation" to a fascist nazi dogwhistle poster and simp for white supremacist pedos

No. 2093713

it’s very gross how hard she projects her own insecurities onto other women

No. 2093717


Looks like a c*mshot


All these whores are perpetually jealous. Their entire lifestyle and social media petsona is designed to pander to scrotes, until they dupe one into marrying them. If they hate on tattoos and baby formula and feminists it distracts from their advanced ages and lack of actual domestic/traditional skills.(do not self-censor on lolcow)

No. 2093737

A lot of these trad dummies shit so hard on formula feeding to the point of harassing mothers online for it, yet don't realize the fact that raising your child in a trad household with all sorts of psychologically damaging ideas including but not limited to "It's okay for your dad to hit your mom" "You will burn in eternal hell if you don't follow Bible" "Carnivore diets are healthy" is a million times more harmful to a child's development than formula feeding.

No. 2093747

I created a new thread that recaps the key points and focuses on the prominent subjects, rather than just reposting the original OP, since we don’t really discuss those subjects anymore.

No. 2093811

We have decided to lock this thread in favor of the newer one due to it having a better OP. Please repost any milk from this thread there.

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