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No. 2083115
After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).
This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.
Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.
The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.
Last thread:
>>>/snow/2054439Laura: a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.
Enara: presented so much to the hospital that they eventually placed her on palliative psychiatric care. She claimed she no longer has any access to opioids, benozos or antipsychotics. All her admissions were ceased and therapy was reduced. Posted her list of yearly accomplishments, which included receiving an IO line for the fourth time. Bought 19 pairs of doc martens. Enara was tubed for a week. Provided selfie as proof. Enara is currently in a wheelchair for surgery on both of her legs. Let’s not forget Rico, Enara’s PTSD assistance dog (even if Enara herself has.)
Abby: same as always: absolutely no self-awareness, head banging on the daily, going out in public with no shame and her head wrapped up like Mr Bump. The only interesting thing about her to come from this thread is the paedophile predator she is now “best friends” with. Strap in, nonnies, this is a wild one.
Paedo Becca: with trauma. She uses this to manipulate and prey on young, mentally ill girls She tells different people different versions of her trauma. Apparently her grandfather was the leader of a paedo ring at church, but this has been changed with other people. Exchanged roses with Abby on the beach and Abby was found on a queer dating app stating she is bi. Was incest with her sister. Posed for pictures in lingerie with each other. Her sister walks around the house with her tits out.
Colours: a letter inviting her to a personality disorder assessment, then promptly received another to say it was a mistake. She had already been seen by that department “without success”. Posted a concerning story stating she wanted to hurt people and they deserve it. She wanted to end them and end herself. Concerning, albeit a little funny.
Becca: been very quiet. Someone posted to her account saying that she is safe and to definitely NOT ask questions. Made a post about being discharged and spending New Years with her family for the first time since 2017.
Katya: to London to stage a suicide attempt because her local police know she won’t actually do anything. One
nonnie had an acquaintance whose mother died of cancer. Katya said, “I’d kill myself if I had you as a daughter too.” She stole someone’s pictures of a stillborn premature baby, claiming it was her son. She bullied someone for their weight until she took her life. Has been accused of killing past pets and animal abuse.
Jaycie: tiktok has been purged (excuse the pun) and now only features one video of herself with a tube (naturally) and a super long caption spewing nothing but bullshit.
Kat: baiting by saying she’s been referred to ED services for atypical anorexia. Definitely not the highest level of autistic that she claims to be. Posted about her carers inadequately caring for her. One of them didn’t follow his plan for when Kat inevitably spilled water on her feet and had a meltdown. Her needs were too great for him and he left, saying, “This is bullshit.”
May: a half naked selfie in the proana thread to prove how super anorexic she is. Presented to A&E after apparently not eating for five days. Was allowed out of the hospital to go shopping for “safe foods”. Was discharged as there was nothing wrong with her.One doctor wrote, “Reports of not eating are inconsistent with BMI of 17.” Now trying to claim PIP. Keeps baiting that she’s going to discharge herself from ED services. Is threatening to sue the NHS. There was a cow crossover with May and Laura. Claims her Mother is 'abusing' her despite putting her up aged 26 and funding her batshittery and munchausens and is demanding additional hours at her job as a shitwiper, why the NHS are refusing to just sack her is unclear. Recently appeared in the TikTok “chronic illness community”, BPDd too hard, got ostracised.
Lara: dyke. Been inpatient for 5-6 years on constant 2-1 or 1-1 observations because she loves headbanging. Made a cake to celebrate her autism diagnosis.
Lauren: Chronic headbanger, used to post self harm pics on tumblr. Got section 136d 6 times in 2024. Spent September to November waiting for a “crisis bed”, immediately got kicked out the ward for self harm. Wrote a “deeply personal” 1,450 word BPD manifesto to an MP, kicked off when they gave her a stock response. Numerous surgeries, blood transfusions, iron infusions and a burns ward admission for self harm.
Caroline: cow. Manipulated her way into an autism diagnosis by studying for her assessment a year in advance. Creeped her old CPN out by writing her songs, promptly got dumped. Showed up at her CMHT building twice with a knife threatening to off herself. Asked police to shoot her in the head. Self discharges from services constantly. Had cancer, in remission, still plays the card though. Livetweets from bridges when people call her out on her shit. Locked out of her work email for sending the entire team a lengthy suicide note. Claims her sister stalks her.
No. 2083195
File: 1738140673475.png (548.45 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0958.png)

>>2083179I think we know you all too well
No. 2083196
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No. 2083197
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lovely, fuck everyone’s commute up.
(not that she’ll do it)
No. 2083200
File: 1738143073115.jpeg (433.7 KB, 1179x1227, IMG_0960.jpeg)

Guess she didn’t jump then
No. 2083215
>>2083214and then sat in the public emergency department with it still on her head
this woman has a child
No. 2083220
File: 1738146816896.jpeg (46.59 KB, 800x800, IMG_0231.jpeg)

>>2083202need to get one of these going. it has been (5) seconds since Caroline threatened to kill herself on twitter
No. 2083223
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>>2083222Recollections may vary
No. 2083225
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I mean at least she admits that she discharge baits in the hope of being escalated huh May
No. 2083229
>>2083225Honestly the more I see and read about this cow the more I think it’s really just a future insight into May in approx 10-15 years time kek. She has the same
victim complex, (right down to the nasty workplace and internet boollies!) BPD discharge baiting and demanding treatment in hospitals and services despite not having anything wrong except a severe lack of craved attention
No. 2083247
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didn't catch in time before caroline DFE'd
No. 2083284
I typo'd 'waking' instead of wk but now I'm imagining a monster being awakened because its name was invoked on here.
No. 2083292
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No. 2083342
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>>2083276She called the cops on Caroline for her incessant suicide baiting kek
No. 2083358
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No. 2083367
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Shamed for committing a crime. What is the world coming to. Also: AGAIN WITH THE PISS
No. 2083479
File: 1738192231281.png (773.24 KB, 764x743, Screenshot 2025-01-29 230922.p…)

i am so sorry
inb4 'low effort' but my brain kinda put the go piss girl meme and caroline constantly pissing herself for attention together, so obviously i had to do it
No. 2083795
>>2083361ntayrt but
nonnie if you’re going to complain then make a thread yourself. if not shut the fuck up
(infighting) No. 2084047
File: 1738332695189.jpeg (253.5 KB, 1179x1119, IMG_7137.jpeg)

This isn’t autism, Caroline, it’s raging BPD
No. 2084079
>>2084070*pretending to attempt to
how many times is she going to say 'i am going to die now' 'i am going to end up dead' without actually attempting? she's never ever attempted, she's never even seriously self harmed. and we know she's not exactly someone with much self control….if she really felt like doing it, she'd have tried it numerous times
No. 2084126
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Good job you’re neither traumatised or autistic then, innit!
No. 2084183
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Pretty sure the reply says something along the lines of “what are they supposed to do?”
Newsflash, Caroline, you DO have the capacity to off yourself and you cannot just say “I didn’t have capacity” and expect it to mean anything, retard.
No. 2084189
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Also, she finished chemo last summer yet STILL using it as an excuse. You’re fucking fine dickhead
No. 2084207
>>2084193literally, caroline claims all the medication she's on doesn't help her, that she is JUST autistic, doesn't want any of the help offered except art therapy (but wishes she'd chosen music!), only liked being under the cmht when she had a worker she could get obsessed with and stalk, so why does she need to still be under them?
what else can they actually give her?
bitch what the fuck do you want lmfaoooo
No. 2084274
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>>2084208Not only is she going to run back, but she’s going armed with a bunch of printouts to retrospectively “prove” she didn’t have capacity… they’re going to laugh in her fucking face.
No. 2084278
File: 1738378131598.jpeg (591 KB, 1179x1647, IMG_7154.jpeg)

Christ, she really is insufferable. She asked them to discharge her and they agreed so why the fuck is she so upset about this?? They didn’t give you “permission to kill yourself” Caroline ffs, that’s what YOU heard because god forbid they treated you as an adult who can make their own decisions. Quit your fucking whining
No. 2084332
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Listening to someone say something you don’t like isn’t sensory overwhelm
No. 2084366
File: 1738415064791.jpeg (979.33 KB, 500x2335, IMG_3213.jpeg)

oh do fuck off lara. wasn’t it a year or so ago she was happily quaffing the HAPPY AUTISM cake she asked her family to buy for her?
No. 2084417
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>>2084396She finished the chemo in August of last year.
No. 2084420
>>2084417Jamie Oliver? KEK.
But yea that's over 5 months ago. I'm not an expert but I don't think you'd still be feeling the effects now, surely?
No. 2084422
>>2084366“You’ll no longer have the strength to follow your dreams and passions and engage in everyday life” kek her only fucking dream and passion is to live in hospitals wasting resources and being coddled so she doesn’t have to engage in everyday life, seems she has
more than enough strength and energy for that. Pisses me off when cows spout lines like that whilst living in hospitals or whatever, no responsibilities, bills, jobs or cares in the world being looked after 24/7. They wouldn’t know what engaging in real life was if it slapped them in the face
No. 2084443
File: 1738430741435.jpg (420.89 KB, 1536x2048, Git-qHpXEAE0KyA.jpg)

non binary obviously means dressing like she's on a school trip to a roman fort now? jesus christ
No. 2084444
File: 1738430783154.png (2.03 MB, 1542x1325, Screenshot 2025-02-01 172319.p…)

incredibly unfortunate placement there. look at that utter degeneration
No. 2084447
>>2084414this was months (a year?) ago, the “hospital let her get bad” (i.e. she was in an acute ward or something and they ignored her refusing food) I’ll try and find caps if no other anon has them.
>>2084443>roman fortkek
why is she dressed in sackcloth like some kind of penitant. it’ll be a hair shirt next. also the jellycat…75 quid. did she buy that herself?
No. 2084670
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How cruel of them to force an autism diagnosis on you - because they decided it and you had no part in the process whatsoever
No. 2084682
>>2084670The thing is she
didnt “make attempts”. She loitered around a bridge for a while but did she actually jump? No. She took an offensive weapon to CMHT. Did she actually slit her throat? Did she even break skin? No. I know this might sound cold but if she really wanted to attempt she’s had ample opportunity to do so. No wonder these professionals aren’t taking her seriously, they must be utterly done with this boy cry wolf shit
No. 2084741
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>>2084739I know it's completely o/t but….
The Trauma one is in chains and has a tiny extra bunny and a hole in the centre and a fucked up mask…..
No. 2084742
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>>2084741They have everything you can think of. And they're all gross.
No. 2084743
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>>2084741I'll stop but you get it. Yuck.
(derailing) No. 2084796
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>>2084682This was a pic of her “self harm” from back in November. She doesn’t even try.
No. 2084797
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Old post from Cazza but relevant given her self discharge/capacity nonsense recently. This was when she got dumped by her old CPN. Says a lot about her that the MH team are putting a plan in place to support themselves rather than her loll
No. 2084808
>>2084797Oh look Caz, you had capacity then too! Kek this is next level BPD shit, imagine having to have your team supported and a full on plan in place for them, because of
No. 2084892
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Defo sounds like a munchie lol(namefaggging)
No. 2084893
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No. 2084894
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No. 2084908
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Forgot Caroline had BlueSky, here are some recent gems from her epic breakdown
No. 2084909
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No. 2084910
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No. 2084948
>>2084443Where is this picture from?
>>2084910Caroline admitted multiple times to faking and studying for the autism assessment. Huh.
>>2084913She was. In the previous thread she was brought up. And clearly has found her way here.
No. 2085019
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>>2084948People presented all the times she’d been saying “Is it an autism thing if” and asking for studies to back up why she wouldn’t have met a particular part of the diagnostic criteria (having imagination) and she did a sad about it
No. 2085075
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What team? You discharged yourself!
No. 2085076
>>2085067Imagine coming in to do the 500th assessment in your long, storied career working with autistics and this cunt “kindly” informs you of something that hasn’t even been scientifically validated (I don’t think?)
The sheer nerve of it.
No. 2085092
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They were right when they put “histrionic” on her notes kek
No. 2085169
>>2085092She's like a female andy ditch except pissy, not shitty (still ugly though)
(male cow, usually documented on KF, basically completely normal and decided to become autistic in his 30s, destroys everyone's lives with it, intentionally shits himself, forces people to change his diaper, munched his way into care facilities, constant caller to crisis lines and police, 'BUT I'M AUTISTIC' 'IT'S MY COPING SKILL' etc)
(integrate) No. 2085189
File: 1738608803915.jpeg (268.63 KB, 1179x690, IMG_1028.jpeg)

Don’t forget to piss your pants as well!
No. 2085198
>>2085189even if i knew nothing about autism and mental health, i'd think she's a fucking bullshit liar simply because even after the worst breakdowns, i have never heard of someone degenerating this much after being completely functional and normal for what will be the vast majority of their life.
this woman got a degree in what, biomedical sciences. when exams and boundaries were objectively harder. she went out with the confidence to seek, apply for, interview for and do her job for a very long time. found a husband, planned a wedding, bought a house, had and has brought up a child…and now she's like this. she's had no brain damage. no psychosis. and she is like this.
No. 2085237
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That’s because you committed a VIOLENT CRIME
No. 2085257
File: 1738625365628.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, 1000070230.png)

I know it's been long suspected but has anyone actually come out and said they damaged their brain by head banging before? Apparently that's why Aimee has FND (yet the hospital still can't stop her doing it).
No. 2085259
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Not sure which hospital she's convinced to do the surgery. Surgeries; plural actually.
No. 2085275
>>2085257Sorry for medfagging but FND is a conversion disorder - i.e. neurological symptoms WITHOUT neurological damage. It isn’t “caused” by anything beyond mental illness. The stress from headbanging may have
triggered it, but it’s not brain damage. It’s a purely psychological condition.
No. 2085449
Hi, recovering_my_sparkle here, one of your latest “cows”. I’m curious about a lot of things and I have a lot to say so here goes.
Firstly, it is quite frankly disgusting (and that’s putting it politely) that you sit around chatting absolute shit about vulnerable people. Do you not have anything better to do with your time other than tear into people who you don’t know anything about or are your lives so boring and pathetic that this is the only kick you can get? Social media only ever shows a snapshot of what is going on in someone’s life - there is so much in my life that I don’t share because it’s either not appropriate or no one else’s business. What makes you qualified to make these assumptions about people and their lives?
Secondly, I would love to know how you have come to the conclusion that I have munchausens. Because if you knew anything about the testing process for Fowlers Syndrome and all the hoops that you have to jump through, you’d know that it’s not possible to fabricate the results or symptoms. I’d like to see any of you hold 3 litres of urine in your bladder without pissing yourself - because if you didn’t have fowlers, that is exactly what would happen. You can’t force or manipulate your bladder muscle into not working, it either works or it doesn’t.
If you knew what someone with fowlers goes through, I doubt you’d make it 24 hours before pushing for answers and relief. The pressure of spasms in our bladders is comparable to contractions during labour. And they are spasms that I experience every day. Every day for 6 years I get bouts of pain that is comparable to child birth. Put up with that for a week or a month and come back to me - because I can almost guarantee that the knock on effect to your mental health would be huge.
I have also had sepsis numerous times. It has nearly killed me. Experiencing septic shock is the most terrifying thing I’ve been through, I certainly wouldn’t lie about it or want to induce the symptoms myself. I wouldn’t even know how to induce the symptoms. My physical health conditions, like many others who have chronic illness, have turned my life upside down. I’d give anything to go back to the life I was living 6 years ago but I can’t - so I’m trying to make the best of a shitty situation.
My reality is the real one… for me. It is what I live with every single fucking day, so how dare you say that I am lying. Are you saying that everyone with fowlers is making it up? Or are you just picking on a select few?
Oh and by the way, FND can be triggered by more than just mental illness. Maybe do some actual research before spouting shit that isn’t true. Having some compassion and empathy for others wouldn’t go amiss either.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2085477
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No. 2085501
File: 1738700367419.jpeg (164.8 KB, 1179x522, IMG_1046.jpeg)

Guess they’re not taking you back then
No. 2085662
File: 1738745438415.png (236.11 KB, 444x791, Screenshot 2025-02-05 084715.p…)

From recovering_my_sparkle's story. Lol, you're not vulnerable Anna, you're a munchie. You post pics of yourself half naked with a catheter hanging out and pics of unidentified pills for attention. Die mad that you copped a ban.
No. 2085666
nonnie don’t forget the couple of ‘I’ve taken this go the police they’re investigating this website!!!’ claims some of them come out with. They’re that BPD and all
me, me, meeeee they think law enforcement couldn’t possibly have real shit to deal with.
No. 2085679
nonnie, just beautiful.
There’s a munchie on illnessfakers who claims Fowler’s and she is absolutely full of it so personally idgaf if Anna has a real diagnosis or not, cow behaviour kinda negates it imo coz nobody needs to hear about your piss problems on social media (Caroline: take hints)
No. 2085723
>>2085662I'm curious about something. How did she know she was posted? This
>>2084892 was the first time she's been mentioned in the past, like, 5 threads. We barely talk about her, yet she still showed up a day later with her long-winded who-cares munchie plea (munchplea). So how did she know? Googling herself would not lead her here, "recovering_my_sparkle" has only been typed in this thread twice (three times now, kek) and the first time was
by her, after she was posted. Was she cowtipped? Does she lurk? Does she check here often? Does she munch among us right now? Most embarrassing behavior if so…
No. 2085731
>>2085729First ayrt, thank you nona, I was about to ask if it was screenshot. I searched for her username but didn't find her, and Ctrl+F wouldn't include images. This does further confirm that she couldn't have Googled herself, because a standard Google search doesn't look for text within images, either.
>>2085724Not saying you're wrong, but I cannot fathom why
anyone would self post here. Munching for negative attention I guess?
No. 2085737
File: 1738770852188.jpeg (661.09 KB, 1170x1463, IMG_0687.jpeg)

sage for no milk but relevant
No. 2085740
What and who is this though
Nonnie? I know Laura applied or dance courses recently and posted some stuff like this but I don't think autism was a requirement. That's hilarious. Also discriminatory to everyone who isn't autististic. How anti-ablist.
No. 2085768
File: 1738779141637.png (818.99 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1050.png)

Yes I’m sure the police will make investigating this a number one priority after your CMHT shenanigans
No. 2085816
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No. 2085944
File: 1738812518135.jpeg (454.97 KB, 967x1339, IMG_2677.jpeg)

No. 2086007
File: 1738831188230.jpeg (590.54 KB, 1179x1387, IMG_1057.jpeg)

No. 2086025
>>2085944she’s “endeavoured to be honest” but literally who asked for her to share this information in the first place? she might as well hold up a sign saying GIB ME SYMPATHY AND ASSPATS. time to invest in a journal Lara coz I promise nobody fucking cares how long you’ve managed to go without being a retard
>>2086007that’s proof of an agenda if I’ve ever seen one. probably sought a diagnosis to stick it to the mEaNiEs at work not realising an autism dx doesn’t actually mean automatic accommodations. you have to legitimately struggle with something specifically and other than her BPD she functions just fine
No. 2086102
>>2085811>But we only discuss what's put out there, if you don't want to be talked about, stop posting every detail of your life and get a journal instead.But she
does want to be talked about, nona! She'll
never get a journal, and if she does, she'll post every single page on Instagram for that sweet, sweet attention. Above all else, the goal of a munchie is to be publicly pitiful. And I sure do pity her! But probably not for her intended reasons, kek.
No. 2086104
File: 1738859559808.jpeg (342.83 KB, 1177x1627, IMG_1060.jpeg)

No. 2086109
File: 1738859967013.png (83.67 KB, 847x606, Screenshot 2025-02-06 113801.p…)

>>2086104Emotionally unstable personality disorder? They diagnosed this bitch with Toddler Brain!?
No. 2086128
>>2086121he is not a woman,
nonnie!!! normal rules do not apply to Lars !!!
No. 2086129
File: 1738864808185.jpeg (439.71 KB, 1179x1250, IMG_7414.jpeg)

>>2086104This tweet from 7 hours before that one sure aged well.
No. 2086132
File: 1738865177852.jpeg (103.96 KB, 800x800, IMG_0238.jpeg)

>>2086104>I need gentleness alwayslike the love and care you always give to others? Take some of these and fuck off
No. 2086137
>>2086129Ffs… If you are going down the munchie route the least you can do is being consistent with your lies. Istg, I have a love/hate relationship with this cow. I love the shitshow she is, but she always gives me a headache.
I feel bad for her poor kid and her husband. I'd rather kms than have to put up with her every single day.
No. 2086204
File: 1738881278552.jpeg (741.52 KB, 1179x1625, IMG_7427.jpeg)

Caroline really will play the cancer card forever, won’t she. This isn’t “straight after” either. And plenty of cancer patients manage to get through it without terrorising the local CMHT with knives and writing LIAR on their faces
No. 2086211
>>2086204The way she uses cancer as a get out card is infuriating. Her logic makes no sense besides being a
victim complex. Is she in remission or is it active?
No. 2086232
File: 1738884859123.jpg (370.41 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20250123_060529_Ins…)

Never posted here before so please bare with me if I get things wrong. I realise that the screenshot has already been posted but I have access to Enara's CF list. I want to disclose the real reason why Enara's Psychiatrist diagnosed her with this disorder which she DID know about and chucked a tantrum over when her Psychiatrist refused to remove it. Enara threatened her Psychiatrist by stating she would terminate with her, her Psychiatrist didn't like the threat so was the one who actually terminated with Enara and despite Enara begging her to keep her, her Psychiatrist followed through. So Enara disclosed the reason why her Psychiatrist believe she had this disorder and it came down to the fact that she didn't believe her story of rape while in the ADF. Her Psychiatrist acknowledged she had the report to state it did happen, in theory, however because "I got a few details wrong during EMDR" aka her version of events were forever changing which I then began to pick up on too. Along with her other behaviours, her Psychiatrist had reasonable grounds to diagnose her with this disorder to hold her accountable for her actions as she couldn't reverse the damage Enara had done plus it wasn't like he was committed cause she had no evidence to prove her story. I'm not asking you to believe me but take her accusations of abuse include the alleged uncle with a gain of salt as this cow just wants her utters milked.

No. 2086258
>>2086104Excuse me, what? Wtf is she talking about?
>But I have just had cancer.So? And you love people with BPD? Well I don't claim you. Don't love me. Kek.
No. 2086263
>>2086204She cannot keep her shit straight can she?
Faked and studied her ass off to get Autism Dx. Got autism Dx. Happy. Then doesn't want autism Dx. Says autism Dx was rescinded. Says autism Dx was correct. Gets BPD Dx. Upset with BPD Dx because it will 'overshadow' autism Dx. Throws historical cancer around for no reason.
>Telling someone straight after cancer that they are BPD is a violence.No. It's not. And it's not straight after. Just go away. You probably don't even have BPD.
No. 2086285
File: 1738897967308.png (843.27 KB, 750x1020, 1000070933.png)

She's going on here since there is no new scumbags thread.
No. 2086288
File: 1738898167494.png (522.95 KB, 750x1334, 1000070931.png)

>>2086285Congratulations on reaching a new level. How many admissions does this count as?
No. 2086293
File: 1738898774583.png (620.76 KB, 750x1334, 1000070936.png)

I guess she needs those 5 or 6 more dilation surgeries.
No. 2086308
>>2086263Oh she definately has BPD
nonnie, kek! It’s actually the only thing she currently claims to have that seems to be rather fitting! Interesting how the only thing she seems to be crying about is how her fake “autism” will be “over shadowed”; almost as if she LARPed the condition purely as an excuse card for future BPD antics huh
No. 2086332
File: 1738916837143.jpeg (371.73 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1064.jpeg)

No. 2086334
File: 1738917760096.jpeg (876.69 KB, 1160x1691, IMG_2688.jpeg)

Hi Caroline
No. 2086373
>>2086362Kek I know what you mean
nonnie! Those late-afternoon naps that leave your face looking like this hit different
No. 2086381
>>2086232Thank you for your contribution
nonnie, next time just write "sage" on the email field or you'll get banned for namefagging
No. 2086396
File: 1738942939122.jpeg (251.05 KB, 1241x2048, IMG_1071.jpeg)

They didn’t discharge over the phone - you did
No. 2086416
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No. 2086424
>>2086416I’m sure the police would also be thrilled to learn how you brought a bladed article into a public place (doesn’t matter whether you intended to use it or how you intended to use it before you cry
it was muh capacityyyy), not only a public place but a public place where NHS staff and
actual vulnerable people would have been present.
No. 2086425
File: 1738951415098.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1179x1780, IMG_7455.jpeg)

May stares dramatically off into space
No. 2086426
File: 1738951418031.jpg (28.4 KB, 476x457, you done goofed lcf!.jpg)

>>2086416Unless Lolcow's servers are physically located in the UK (or a UK territory), I don't think the police can do fuck all. They can
ask for user IPs, I guess, but our sometimes-beloved jannies are not obligated to share that information with them. Might as well call the cyber-police on us.
>>2086421>>2086424This is why cows never actually get to court - all of their retarded antics, up to and including links to these threads, would be immortalized in the court record for all to see. And even if she somehow gets to court, can you imagine Caro being cross-examined by the meanest lawyer available? Topkek
No. 2086429
File: 1738951508029.jpeg (310.5 KB, 1019x640, IMG_1075.jpeg)

No. 2086430
File: 1738951804485.jpeg (154.17 KB, 1179x562, IMG_7453.jpeg)

Yes, send the cops to a thread where there’s proof of you admitting you took a knife out to an NHS building and threatened people with it. Very smart
No. 2086433
File: 1738952044152.jpeg (132.43 KB, 1179x658, IMG_7451.jpeg)

>>2086429It’s not PTSD jfc, her psychiatrist refused to diagnose her with it. She’s such a manipulator. Just go to DBT, accept the fact you conned your way into an ASD diagnosis, and shut the fuck up
No. 2086437
File: 1738953385728.jpeg (791.32 KB, 1179x1866, IMG_7459.jpeg)

More proof of Cazza studying 100+ hours to cheat the autism assessment. This was June 2024 so god knows how many more hours she spent on it. As much as she pretends chemo melted her brain, she knew exactly what she was doing here
No. 2086439
File: 1738953472088.jpeg (735.29 KB, 1179x1956, IMG_7456.jpeg)

She tried it with PTSD too. 9 pages of notes to try and dupe her psych.
No. 2086446
>>2086439Another thing I’ve noticed over the last few months especially amongst the
clearly evident BPD cows who LARP the autism, is the sudden onset and desire of a C-PTSD diagnosis to again try and excuse their shitty manipulative BPD behaviours with another fake diagnosis. Feel for the genuine patients who have autism, CPTSD (or both) and have been through God knows what trauma, and who are no doubt in a few years going to suffer the consequences and stigma in the mental health system because of these malingering cows blaming BPD behaviour on conditions they don’t have and professionals just having compassion burnout as a result. Sad really.
No. 2086450
>>2086433Imagine being a
victim of unspeakable assault, repeated abuse, trauma etc and sitting in the same room as this prick who claims she was severely traumatised and therefore has PTSD because her manager
dared to speak the truth and her BPD arse couldn’t handle it kek. Fucking embarrassing
No. 2086460
Ik this is an image board so kick me if you want but here’s some potential new milk I’d love to see y’all get in on
s.vents_tw on instagram. CONSTANTLY in hospital. literally every week. is well known for hospital hopping and taking herself in for ANYTHING from mild dehydration to a headache
allsrecovery on TikTok. this one’s self explanatory and amusing, you’re fooling no one girl. in and out of treatment constantly in a never changing body lmao.
diary_oflilbean always threatening to khs and saying she’s not eating but….
No. 2086555
File: 1738974724826.jpeg (268.25 KB, 1179x1407, IMG_7511.jpeg)

Fixed it for her. Is the “autistic journey” she’s on about the one where she goes to the CMHT with a knife, or the one where she livetweets from a bridge until someone calls the police on her?
No. 2086580
>>2086573There is zero point to you saying any of this. You're not providing any images so you're not providing any milk.
And if you actually are a nurse you're also being an absolutely disgusting example of a supposed medical professional and you deserve to lose your job. Don't watch for the door on your way out.
No. 2086616
>>2086555eyes pointing towards different timezones
>>2086573>I’m not going to supply proof because I will lose my job but I have looked after s.vents_tw as a nursedumbfuck thing to admit to
No. 2086667
>>2086573Nonny don't mind the moralfags ITT, she's clearly a malingerer from her very obvious hospital selfie pfps. I don't see how breaking medical confidentiality and exposing her medical records here is much different from people who knew cows personally coming to spill milk on their past. There is no such thing as confidentiality in 2025.
How did you find her instagram from being her nurse?
No. 2086699
>>2086573KEK! You
should lose your job, breaking confidentiality like this. Retards shouldn't be herding retards, it's not natural. Unless you
are s.vents_tw?
No. 2086707
>>2086698OMFG i'm crying
lowkey she does have that doughy antipsychotic look some are unlucky enough to develop
No. 2086709
File: 1739024364488.jpeg (526.55 KB, 1179x1677, IMG_7512.jpeg)

DBT “can teach autistics to mask”? Good thing Caroline isn’t autistic then. Even if she was, if she went 40+ years without being diagnosed, she must already be pretty good at it. Just do the fucking DBT and accept the diagnosis. It would help her sooo much in the long run.
No. 2086712
>>2086709She won't get dbt on the nhs. They don't hand out treatments, especially if you're not a CAMHS cow. Even if she got anything, I can guarantee it wouldn't be proper dbt, the way it was designed to be delivered. Anons underestimate how horrific of a 'service' it is in the nhs. If you've not come through CAMHS and you're even slightly 'complex', you will get kicked out with nothing. They won't throw treatment at you.
Dbt is also not a magic bullet. I don't know why there is that misconception itt that it's a cure all. It's not.
No. 2086714
>>2086709Where the fuck is she getting this information from? Every ACTUAL autistic I know has had some level of distress tolerance and acceptance work done with them!
She wants treatment, then she doesn't, then she does, then she doesn't.
If you want to stop throwing public fits, needing attention in the way you do, putting your child at risk, putting yourself and others at risk, wasting police time and generally just being an utter hysterical, delusional lolcow, TAKE THE HELP. It could genuinely help you stop those behaviours and the feelings behind them.
Unless you like it and you enjoy it. Then go ahead.
No. 2086756
>>2086721I think it’s pretty obvious who that anon is.
>>2086722The NHS
is pretty shit when you’re not ill and have the adult equivalent of “behavioural problems,” yeah. As they should be.
No. 2086802
File: 1739046940296.jpeg (696.39 KB, 1047x1435, IMG_1083.jpeg)

No. 2086823
File: 1739050522856.jpeg (947.1 KB, 1290x2153, IMG_3226.jpeg)

She’s still going, kek. Also wtf is with the name ‘mending the broken’?
No. 2086832
>>2086823Seems to be a running theme that all munchie cows are profoundly unattractive (May, Caz, Anna, Lara, Katya), obese (Lauren, Laura plus the literal butthead headbanger who I can't remember) or otherwise extremely undesirable physically.
And I mean ugly with a capital U. These are class-A munters and none of them ever seem to have a romantic partner to speak of. Is the munching and attention/resource seeking some kind of copium for hideous women?
No. 2086860
>>2086802the fact she thought 'i'm going to pull a face like i'm being clitorally stimulated while leaning on a children's toy in my shitshow living room while my camera is on a timer' is…yeah
get a fucking job caroline
No. 2086870
Caroline TikTok lol. Imagine going to your appointment and seeing this in a corridor with a knife
No. 2086873
File: 1739057768247.jpeg (133.9 KB, 1179x473, IMG_7520.jpeg)

>>2086860I prefer your alt text to hers nonna. More accurate.
No. 2086994
File: 1739086943927.jpeg (138.99 KB, 1179x877, IMG_1084.jpeg)

Your CMHT think youre a dick after you committed a violent crime there.arent you still discharged
No. 2087023
File: 1739099998090.jpeg (843.48 KB, 1170x1412, IMG_2702.jpeg)

And she’s back in hospital
No. 2087039
File: 1739107774820.jpeg (174.23 KB, 945x1481, IMG_1086.jpeg)

No. 2087040
nonnie. It's like a year long or something and they get a certificte after it, I think it's quite intensive though. The people who do actually do the work and are able to get through the entire course do seem to improve to a degree.
In some areas you don't get it simply due to lack of practitioners, but I think they can offer it in another trust area if you're willing to travel. I doubt there is no DBT provision in Northern Ireland.
No. 2087047
>>2087039I have a theory her CMHT waited for her to be diagnosed with autism so they could then slap her with the PD label without her claiming it’s misdiagnosed autism ackshully!!1!1 If so, well played. This is definitely not a case of behaviours being misinterpreted because generally autistics don’t charge into their therapists’ buildings waving fucking knives about
>>2087043What, Canada? kek no1curr
No. 2087056
File: 1739112915046.jpeg (231.15 KB, 944x1139, IMG_1089.jpeg)

No. 2087064
File: 1739113933270.jpg (276.21 KB, 750x1113, 1000070273.jpg)

Found someone who actually does have those Plushie Dreadfuls…..And of course it's Cherry. I'm sure this is not the only one she has either.
This is from her recap of her most recent couple of weeks in the psych ward. If you didn't know these are apparently 'pysch ward stay' photos, you would think she'd gone on vacation and was exploring the city with people she met staying in a backpacking hostel. People who need to be in psych wards acutely don't go out every day to shop, go to the cinema and play dress up. She disgusts me so much. It's literally a free vacation for her and she's made it her entire life and personality.
No. 2087067
File: 1739114214200.jpg (311.88 KB, 750x1107, 1000070277.jpg)

>>2087064These are activities you do OUTSIDE, in normal life. These are not things you do every day if you need to be in a psych ward. Yet she only does all this stuff during admissions. When she's not in hospital she just sits around and writes and posts about hospital and plans her next admission.
No. 2087068
File: 1739114325388.jpg (171.95 KB, 749x1113, 1000070258.jpg)

>>2087064A cake with number candles every time she is discharged. And she's going back in the same day.
No. 2087075
>>2087056security are my friends is something a BPD would say, simply cannot escape the allegations cazza!
anyway, shut the fuck up seroquel-face. nobody cares.
(unsaged, unintegrated) No. 2087077
File: 1739115924671.jpg (285.57 KB, 750x1116, 1000071576.jpg)

The Plushie Dreadful bunny (apparently it's the Trust Issues one from she said in the wedding dress post). And illustrating her obsession with being in hospital.(this isnt milk, sage it)
No. 2087079
File: 1739116025267.jpg (106.37 KB, 750x693, 1000071572.jpg)

>>2087077Someone needs to cut her off from her hospital supply.
No. 2087081
File: 1739116343588.jpg (203.61 KB, 750x1196, 1000071577.jpg)

Been a while since Laura graced this thread.
No. 2087087
File: 1739116630890.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 1000071574.png)

>>2087081Is she gearing up for something? She's just been obsessed with dance lately, which is better than being obsessed with being in hospital.
No. 2087151
File: 1739138836651.png (1.31 MB, 965x643, chrome_Fk1hlxYuPo.png)

my friend has sent me this gem of an account @sewersl6t apparently she has had a cat arc and multiple cats have been mistreated so thats not good
No. 2087153
File: 1739139049813.mp4 (11.9 MB, 1280x720, sewersl6t.mp4)

>>2087151filming the hospital staff and being kicked out and crying on the street kek
ofcourse shes from melbourne No. 2087156
File: 1739139775825.png (1.33 MB, 898x640, chrome_1wdYF6epHq.png)

>>2087151samefag and i did some digging, she's had this gorgeous kitten for 6 weeks and it has already gone missing twice, she's 'homeless' and walking this tiny kitten around in public, so no wonder it keeps going missing. someone needs to rescue that kitty. also kek at what i highlighted, is that a fake sh scar she did with makeup? this bitch is so retarded
No. 2087178
File: 1739143524726.png (894.23 KB, 755x638, chrome_SgWODW9o0T.png)

>>2087163the friend who sent me her has sent me some very kekworthy screenshots!
>ur not chronicallyonline ur just trying to copy me lol i got expelled from a school and became full hikineet(sic) obsessed with a shota everything u claim to be i am.>you will forever be a gigantic girl no matter how ed u claim to be u can't even do that right u can't even fake having mental illnesses right>yous say yous r so yandere the most yandere yous have done is probably text another girl and try beefing w her bc ur man secretely likes her.>i've lived the life of goodnight punpunkek at her literally being a typical aus bogan probably from some ghetto suburb or small town with typical australian parents. i bet she had a very normie childhood
>everything u claim to be i am.apparently she posts like this frequently and my friend has been following for a while now, i'll keep you updated kek
No. 2087188
File: 1739144484403.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1556, IMG_2712.jpeg)

Yeah but you are
No. 2087221
File: 1739148840831.jpeg (319 KB, 1179x699, IMG_7579.jpeg)

Seriously Caroline is peak BPD. She’s clinging hard to denying threatening suicide because accepting the fact that she did (multiple times) would mean having to take a crumb of accountability for her pure fucking evil actions. Which part of “acting on terrible suicidal thoughts” includes live tweeting from a bridge? Or calling lifeline/the cops on yourself so you can be rescued? Nah. All she’s ever done is threaten, manipulate, and emotionally abuse others. Her suicidal “thoughts” are really just fantasies of control and rescue.
But seriously, the peak of this is blaming HER bpd diagnosis on her cmht being lazy. They’ve known you a long ass time, Caroline. You’ve stalked one of your CPNs to the point she no longer could work safely with you. You’re banned from notes, emails, texts because you DGAF about anyone else’s boundaries. Still you have two key workers and a psychiatrist, and have had them for a long time. Lazy? Get the fuck out. Them diagnosing Caroline with EUPD was a long time coming. But of course she will never ever take any sort of responsibility for her behaviour.
You are the problem.
No. 2087254
>>2087047I like this theory. Makes a lot of sense.
I think that after at least a year of pestering her CMHT for a “special” diagnosis that wasn’t just GAD (gunning for PTSD or autism), her psych got sick of her shit. We know he told her to get lost with the PTSD. I think they were probably bored of the incessant self diagnosed yapping and saw the chance to pass the buck. Send her off for assessment. It’s a win-win for them really. She dupes the autism team? Now her “autism” team have to deal with that shit. They refuse to dx her? CMHT psych have grounds to finally make the EUPD dx and hold firm after ruling autism out. Either way, they effectively get rid of the autism LARP. Now she’s under this autism team the CMHT will 100% tell her “it’s not psychiatric, we can’t help” and palm her off to them (poor fellas). But it works out great for CMHT because they get to limit what she’s allowed to work on with them. DBT or GTFO.
Aaaand now she has a shiny (fake) autism diagnosis, they get to say that her severe BPD symptoms can’t be explained by autism alone. Which IMO is how we arrived at the very quick EUPD diagnosis after the ASD stuff got booted to another team. Really did work out great for CMHT in the end. Also if she argues against the EUPD dx and insists it’s just autism, they’ve got a free pass to discharge her from all MH services.
Well played indeed.
No. 2087360
for those interested
new pro ana
>>>/snow/2087357 No. 2087364
File: 1739198142739.jpeg (133.55 KB, 776x1044, IMG_1104.jpeg)

Suicidal because they stuck to their rules
No. 2087367
File: 1739199089001.jpeg (624.28 KB, 1179x1541, IMG_7581.jpeg)

This isn’t a flex lmao. That’s them saying they knew she was only there to threaten SH. Like she turned up there just to hurt herself because she wants attention. Told on herself
Also since when stigma around autism and/or suicide include showing up armed to MH team premises?
No. 2087375
File: 1739202597483.jpeg (394.48 KB, 1179x861, IMG_7582.jpeg)

Caroline gets upset when CMHT accommodate for autism and giving her clear rules (because she doesn’t have autism)
No. 2087377
File: 1739202950926.jpeg (150.44 KB, 1048x563, IMG_1106.jpeg)

So if you can’t keep yourself safe - who will? Also, given that you’re still alive, that seems pretty safe to me
No. 2087416
File: 1739211955430.png (1.23 MB, 1259x435, chrome_HzN6dtyG5R.png)

rationalising wanting to be a sex worker bcs 'i'm still loyal boys!'
>i'm not a whore, thot or sket
why is she using british slang, we don't use that here kek
>i feel like im too crazy for everyone. not being cringe but i just feel like the odd one out everywhere, in a psych ward or in a room full of people with the same disorders as me.
you heard her nonnas, she is the ultimate bpdemon
No. 2087438
File: 1739217300509.jpeg (393.63 KB, 1125x1578, IMG_1682.jpeg)

if you’re in hospital and they didn’t run fluids then maybe you don’t need them!?
how tf she is still managing to get medical supplies and have countless admissions baffles me
No. 2087476
>>2087416I don't understand half of the words she uses Kek. Is she just a giant bogan?
Not a fan of the >don't any of you dare tell me you have BPD.
No. 2087527
File: 1739236858227.mp4 (3.82 MB, 1280x720, sewersl6t insta.mp4)

vidrel is a quick scroll through her ig stories and she ticks every checkbox
>pedo-pandering>loli cosplays>terrible makeup>chinlet>anachan>1000s of cheap aliexpress 'kawaii' shit>admission pictures from 2022>>2087421agreed, but in melbourne she would easily have access to womens shelters/youth homeless shelters and if she was
actually 'homeless homeless' she would definitely have a case worker. not to mention she seems to wander around the cbd, which is obviously not completely safe, but there are many shelters around on main streets that are always very busy, i've known people who just hangout at the front and are brought food and blankets.
also this room looks like it's in her family home, and it seems like she also had the cat while at that house, i assume she had a disagreement with her parents and was kicked out/ran away not too long ago.
>>2087476ayrt and kek same, i'd assume shes either wog or typical bogan aussie. she probably grew up in a grub area and did the australian equivalent of 'gangbanging'
we call her type 'gangas', girls who mimick eshays/lads and the like bcs they want to seem cool it's really strange seeing her two conflicting 'aesthetics'.
girls who talk and act like her usually look like a bogged mini kim kardashian, or like the stereotype of british girls w fake tan etc. the guys she seems to attract are obviously just zoomie normie andrew tate bodybuilder guys that aren't 'hikineets' like her
No. 2087567
>>2087527Lol I thought that pic at the side, of money on a pink rug, was a kids green camo bandaid sticking on some lunchmeat wtf.
I hope the shitbag Oz authorities didn't euthanise the cat when she went into hospital in whatever crisis, Ik they are pretty intense about biodiversity rules and have it out for cats in lots of areas so could take the opportunity
No. 2087861
Lauren (lombardo1298 on X, lauren_cb on TT, aka the headbanger champ of the universe) posted this video of her arguing with the crisis team on TikTok. I can see why these MH teams don’t put up with this shit. Why call the crisis line just to to argue with them and taunt them lol
No. 2087898
File: 1739320380754.png (714.67 KB, 872x309, stealing shit.png)

so i think she's just going around the city stealing shit kek
>>2087567>I hope the shitbag Oz authorities didn't euthanise the cati hope her parents or whatever house she was at have the cat. from what i can tell she's like recently 18 .
No. 2087903
File: 1739320754044.png (416.37 KB, 1094x280, asexual female…)

samefag, insanely pickme towards a girl, then she starts flirting with some other random girl, i guess to prove she isn't a 'pickme'
>ok but imagine a asexual female relationship. GOALS
cat is alive
>princess can't come into shelters and stuff with me
where is princess though?!
No. 2087927
File: 1739324074149.jpeg (591.49 KB, 1170x1217, IMG_2747.jpeg)

This bettyblue person is just annoying at this point
No. 2087956
>>2087927Exactly my point. She's been fucking me off for a while now. Most people ignore those kind of social media rants but she replies to every one with a pissy do-gooder comment it seems.
>>2087903>Asexual female relationshipSo she wants a friend. Don't have to make it so complicated.
No. 2088023
>>2087927?Trying to kill yourself is abuse
When you're not geniunely trying to kys and the act is intended to create theatrics and a spectacle, it sort of is abuse. Lol
No. 2088240
File: 1739402130675.jpeg (174.78 KB, 821x223, IMG_7658.jpeg)

May in a public live claiming nurses at her trust (she’s back at work then?) were talking about a tiktok famous munchie.
No. 2088245
File: 1739402185872.jpeg (216.47 KB, 868x234, IMG_7657.jpeg)

What’s may gonna do now she’s not validated by those diagnoses :((integrate)
No. 2088505
File: 1739483755261.png (478.51 KB, 400x547, chrome_3DJYPusnXU.png)

>last night there was a trans person and a meth head arguing
i hope she records this next time. she did record a random homeless crackhead at the train station though
No. 2088560
File: 1739495867704.png (Spoiler Image,4.48 MB, 3780x1890, Untitled design (1).png)

reposted to add ss of her milky as fuck twitter. spoilered for self harm. the circled #loli uncensored was literally just loli hentai, which she has posted multiple times on there. there are many many other tweets that deserve to be posted kek>>2088518if the photo she posted of herself wasn't an old pic it definitely looks like she's in a house and has access to changes of clothes+makeup. she easily could have a place to sleep at a shelter or friends house but roams the streets at night to garner sympathy.
No. 2088570
File: 1739496349334.png (Spoiler Image,416.15 KB, 597x405, chrome_54HdHhJit7.png)

>>2088560again spoilered for self harm, but that room is not the room of someone who's parents don't care about them/coddle them imo kek
No. 2088702
File: 1739506711718.jpg (158.44 KB, 1072x775, Screenshot_2025.jpg)

Uh oh.
No. 2088744
File: 1739523903073.jpeg (190.8 KB, 1179x696, IMG_1177.jpeg)

No. 2088755
File: 1739527378975.jpeg (390.11 KB, 1170x1885, IMG_2791.jpeg)

The more you look through her account the more milky she gets
No. 2088890
File: 1739556180963.jpeg (904.94 KB, 914x1446, IMG_7705.jpeg)

>>2088883She made a post AND a story about it. She’s doing crafts and might even finish her paint by numbers. Truly riveting
No. 2088932
File: 1739563547519.jpg (247.54 KB, 1079x1439, Screenshot_.jpg)

No. 2088940
File: 1739564862124.png (1.15 MB, 1168x728, Screenshot 2025-02-14 at 12.26…)

it is so hard not to a-log
No. 2088970
File: 1739574187957.jpeg (990.39 KB, 1179x1384, IMG_7718.jpeg)

>>2088935Here’s some pics from her TikTok of the hoarding/mess. This one is from last year.
No. 2088971
File: 1739574300843.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1179x2112, IMG_7717.jpeg)

>>2088935And this one is from 2020. Surprised social services didn’t catch on sooner tbh.
No. 2089011
>>2088932Hoarding as a parent is absolutely abuse. Sage for mild blogging (I will take the redtext) but my mother was a hoarder and it ruined my mental health.
I really feel for her kid, honestly. Between the raging piss fits, swinging around knives to manipulate people and the self flagellating forehead writing being what we see in her public displays, I have to wonder what she does to HIM behind closed doors. It shocks me that DOCs/DCFS/CPS/whatever the equivalent is actually seems to being doing something, but I am praying he gets the help he needs and she gets her hoarder nest absolutely gutted.
There are few cows that shit me off more. Maybe Dana and Jill. But Caro has a special place in hell after all this for doing this shit to her child.
No. 2089191
>>2089128small blog post but an explanation on the psych ward she's going to
ALL admissions to the hospital she goes to are voluntary. No one can be forced to go there. There are like 8 units and the only specialised ones are icu, eating disorder program, the detox unit and the elderly unit. There is a unit mainly used for ocd patients but sometimes anyone can go in that unit if there is a free bed. Apart from people who are in for specific programs you don't have to get any therapy if your psychiatrist doesn't make you. All they care about is the money they get from the private health insurance. Psychiatrists don't make you leave. They can highly encourage it but they will not force you. Psychiatrists there get extra money when you're inpatient. They won't say no to admitting you because they want the extra money. If you say you want to go in then they will make it work (unless you're going for a specific program which has wait times or patient limits)
No. 2089216
>>2089128>>2089191Thank-you Nonnas. So she actually can just book her free vacations over and over. Her only problem is her hospital addiction. It's insane how she basically lives there and is living her best life every time, whilst there are people who desperately need to be admitted but don't have that insurance and can't get a bed through the public system.
It seems every country's mh system has some kind of huge fuck up in it and they're all slightly different. Nobody should be getting 70 admissions to a psych ward when they're barely into their 20s, especially not when they spend those admissions making friends, shopping, playing dress up and going to the movies.
No. 2089605
>>2089587i have no doubt some wards are incredibly difficult to be on whether you're cluster B or not, heard awful things about huntercombe hospitals from people of all diagnoses before they were closed, same with a few of the priory locations. but it's funny the ones who claim abuse at every single hospital they go to, even NHS ones, always share the same dx……..
you never hear about the average depressed asf anorexic, or middle aged relapsing schizo being AbUsEd in psychiatric wards
No. 2089606
>>2089587That documentary was a completely biased pile of shite. They had plenty of former patients say they received great care and chose not to use that material.
Skye House is indeed hellish, but it's hellish for staff. It is well known in Glasgow amongst mental health professionals as being the absolute worst place to work.
The BPD little rats who inhabit the place set up a game of points amongst themselves that has continued for years. Guess what you get loads of points for? Assaulting a staff member. That really says it all.
No. 2089613
>>2089606That doesn’t surprise me at all. I felt sorry for the family of the young woman who took her own life, but that was four years after her discharge so I don’t see how it was the fault of Skye House.
The women in the documentary had the biggest vibes of May. One in particular even looked a bit like her (and is training to be a nurse, god help us). Also it made me laugh when the senior nursing people in it were saying that it would be such a huge scandal if a male healthcare professional gave IM injections to a female patient anywhere else… Sandie Peggie much? That’s about what I’d expect to happen in Scotland.
No. 2089629
>>2089613Exactly. How can it be the fault of a service she had been discharged from 4 years earlier?
There's nothing inherently wrong with a male healthcare professional giving a female an IM. I mean, there are male gynecologists the world over ffs. If the patients weren't such physically
abusive cunts then they wouldn't be needing all those IMs.
That guy who done the documentary is a waste of space in terms of journalistic/investigative value. Wouldn't trust anything he done.
No. 2089857
File: 1739758840012.mp4 (4.53 MB, 1280x720, princess.mp4)

>>2087903she somehow has gotten the cat and has it in a carrier, i assume taking this KITTEN around the busy city at night while she hangs out with randoms and acts like a rat. poor kitty looks stressed out
No. 2089876
File: 1739763092646.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.85 KB, 1080x1972, Screenshot_20250216_192904_Sam…)

>>2089857She shouldnt have a pet. Those heterochromatic eyes and solid white coat. She could easily lie and say its a purebred turkish angora and sell it for some drug money. People willing to spend money on pets will probably have the money to care for it as well.
The image is just of a turkish angora cat. Nothing nasty.
No. 2090170
File: 1739841958738.png (853.81 KB, 1080x2238, 1000026034.png)

In news that will shock absolutely no-one, Enara publically shames a clearly mentally ill patient waiting in the ED with her, calling her "off her rocker". She even doubles down and says that insulting her like that "feels right".
Congrats on further stigmatizing mental illness I guess.
No. 2090319
>>2090170publicly shames is a bit of a stretch
nonnie. i despise enara but am actually on her side with this one, being mentally ill doesn’t give u an excuse to be racist. as it is the worst enara has done is call her off her rocker, which is mild.
No. 2090346
File: 1739889607069.jpg (172.87 KB, 750x1084, 1000073816.jpg)

Cherry tried to go back to the hospital (is this girl for real?! There is ZERO need for her to be going into psych wards literally every couple of weeks!) But the ward is full! Oh no! People who actually need to be there are taking up her spot for her 69th admission?!
No. 2090348
File: 1739890084509.jpg (160.73 KB, 750x1064, 1000073820.jpg)

>>2090346Apparently she's gone from BMI 16 to 28?! And she still thinks she needs refeeding every couple of weeks. This bitch has reverse anorexia.
No. 2090350
File: 1739890333051.jpg (180.86 KB, 750x1070, 1000073822.jpg)

>>2090348I doubt this is even BMI 16, unless she just has no muscle tone maybe. Looks more like around 18. Deliberately chooses a picture where you can't see much.
But still thinks she needs constant Ng refeeding now? Someone needs to cut her off.
No. 2090352
File: 1739891371240.png (2.8 MB, 750x1334, 1000073829.png)

>>2090351The more you look the more milky she is.
No. 2090354
File: 1739891435318.png (4.03 MB, 750x1334, 1000073831.png)

>>2090346Literally goes there to hang out and make friends and play dress up.
No. 2090358
File: 1739891845000.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 1000073827.png)

>>2090352Claims she was forced into hard drugs and child trafficked by a 'friend.'
No. 2090360
File: 1739892246097.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 1000073833.png)

This cunt is so annoying. All of her posts are solely about 'being a narcissist (and borderline)'. She also wears a razor blade around her neck as a necklace.
No. 2090361
File: 1739892310665.png (2.17 MB, 750x1334, 1000073834.png)

>>2090360Dating someone with aspd ('as a narcissist').
No. 2090362
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>>2090360Does she have nothing else to think about than talking about everything through the lens of her disorders?
No. 2090923
File: 1740014090577.jpeg (Spoiler Image,733.39 KB, 1169x2270, 227E95D3-4B93-4EBD-8FAD-4AA643…)

Better spoiler for the jumpscare. I know we don’t like to talk about this Laura but this was too good not to share. Imagine coming across this out on your evening dog walk…
No. 2091024
File: 1740043952890.jpeg (754.1 KB, 1170x1876, IMG_0823.jpeg)

sure it has once the multiple personality LARP wasn’t bringing in enough attention
No. 2091062
File: 1740057164895.png (28.08 KB, 668x459, 1000040587.png)

The piercings and horse teeth braces immediately reminded me of this.
No. 2091068
File: 1740059445904.jpeg (863.08 KB, 1170x2088, IMG_0833.jpeg)

Got to milk this surgery for as many hospital pics as possible!
No. 2091072
File: 1740060574528.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1290x2406, IMG_3383.jpeg)

Did someone actually call sparkle piss out on her shit?!
No. 2091264
File: 1740094466828.jpg (194.43 KB, 749x1089, 1000073158.jpg)

Potentially new (to me anyway) but don't know if I can stand much of her.
No. 2091266
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>>2091264Kek and puke at the same time.
No. 2091270
File: 1740095310258.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1804, 1000074550.png)

Cherry decided it was time for her next psych ward vacation since she's been out for 4 weeks. But when she tried to go to her favourite ward it was full. How dare people who actually need to be in hospital take up space in her favourite free hotel?!
No. 2091271
File: 1740095396817.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1934, 1000074551.png)

>>2091270Hospital really is her entire life. I want to know how on earth she justifies all these admissions and what she thinks they're for.
No. 2091278
File: 1740095584350.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1936, 1000074553.png)

>>2091270I really want to know why she thinks she has to be in hospital. And why they indulge her.
And she has a new Plushie Dreadful for her eczema.
No. 2091537
>>2091469She functions completely fine. She's having the time of her life. She just has an unhealthy obsession with hospital. Her books do seem to be just about her, or in ideal life for her (in the hospital). I don't think there is anything seriously wrong with her. She just needs to be cut off from hospitals because she's made it her entire identity. I don't understand why any professionals allow this to happen. She's even posted that she 'volunteered' to go IP for refeeding and multiple drs were not concerned about her weight/ 'ed' and said she didn't need it. Somehow she managed to go voluntarily anyway and get tubed for 'refeeding' at a very ordinary, even chubby, BMI. she's constantly talking about 're-feeding' but clearly does not need it. She's always talking about the psych ward being her family and where she does all her socializing and has relationships. It's literally her life, and that's not how it should be. Yes it can be nice to go to a ward for a bit and you can make friends but usually that's because you're so isolated and everything is such a mess in your life and you're not functioning and are dangerous to yourself or others. Going into a hospital gets things under control and when you start to get a bit better you probably start talking to other patients and do some activities together. It can be nice compared to the mess of your life outside, to do some normal things like watch movies with people. But when the hospital makes it too nice and it's an actual free vacation, that's when they cause problems like this. I firmly believe that unless the hospital is somewhere that people are going to be living long term, like for people with severe schizophrenia or dementia, then it shouldn't be TOO pleasant. You go in and at first you're a huge mess, you start stabilizing, start socializing a bit, get into a more normal routine….Then you start to want to do normal things like have your phone, dress differently, do your make up, go out maybe, exercise, get your hair done, get back to your job or your family. If the hospital prevents you doing those things and remains a controlled and secure environment then after a while, even if you actually like being in there, as time goes on you do want to leave because you want to have your own things and your own freedom etc. You get bored with the rules and want to live on your own terms. If the hospital lets you do everything inside that you could do outside, come and go as you please, but also you have a free place to stay, people at your beck and call if you need anything, food and friends all around you, then why would anyone want to leave? I honestly think it's a good idea to keep wards not particularly comfortable and very restrictive, if they're not long term living arrangements. If hospital is better than life outside, then that's creating a problem.
Maybe she is delusional where hospital is concerned but the treatment for that is to cut her off from it all. Hospital is clearly her entire life and identity and that is a problem that cannot be solved by constantly giving in to her demands and admitting her.
No. 2091574
File: 1740169179719.jpeg (386.49 KB, 1125x1869, IMG_1760.jpeg)

allsrecovery on tiktok. never budged from this size, only gotten larger but claims to be struggling soooooo much. still admits to a children’s hospital and says it helps but is constantly in and out of hospital and residential
No. 2091737
File: 1740200981022.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1981, IMG_2877.jpeg)

Yet for some reason she’s still in the psych ward despite doing her usual routine?
No. 2091748
>>2091574I almost wish cellphones were prohibited in these scenarios although I know the implications and that isn't plausible in any way. If these types of attention whore munchies weren't able to record their videos and take their medical equipment pictures, it would free up
so much hospital resources. The one thing all of these women have in common is that they try to get admitted as much as possible to record and photograph more. Its "content creation" to them, it's an extremely bleak and pathetic mindset and the only way to end it would be to make filming and photographing prohibited. Yes I know that's not possible and would be detrimental to vulnerable people so I'm not saying it should actually be a rule.
No. 2091760
File: 1740209208088.jpeg (414.32 KB, 1125x1762, IMG_1763.jpeg)

>>2091748literally, she barely posted after her last admission but now that she’s back in she’s posting multiple times a day like this gem - she can barely make it a few months out of hospital, not sure how she’s meant to have kids. assuming she’ll take the usual munchie route and continue admissions to the children’s hospital until she’s 23 (she said she can be admitted there until then…) and then make a miraculous ‘recovery’ from something she clearly doesn’t struggle with and move on with her life kek
No. 2091766
>>2091760It's extremely disturbing. For the most part, anorexia and munchieism is highly tied to privilege because normal people
do not have the luxury for any of this. I'm more apt to sympathize with actual anorexics because their illness has legitimately mangled their brains and decision making, but I have no respect for munchies at all and find it disgusting.
>got my period back tehe Like what is this blatant lie, you weren't underweight. They try to larp as anorexics and pretend they're malnourished and starving when you can literally
see their dietary choices on them. It isn't concealable. You have to be retarded to be a munchie and I feel like most of the medical professionals she encounter think she's a joke.
No. 2092004
File: 1740254252620.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1179x1668, IMG_8011.jpeg)

Looks like May does TT lives now. Talking about how she “felt the safest she ever felt in hospital”
No. 2092019
>>2092004Since there's no way to really upload her live, this is what she's saying. She's currently half crying and yapping about the time she got denied a tube in A&E
Said the A&E doc lied about her BMI and put it higher than it was.
"Tried to justify not doing bloods, not admitting me"
Doc lied on her A&E notes "denying all medical care because it's a form of attachment"
Denies faking anything
Consultant said to her mum that "this is what people like her do in these situations", "if she made it this long at home she can go home".
Says she got an infection from having 24/7 fluids and her cannula tissued. Spiked a 38 degree fever. They went to run tests for sepsis and prescribe antibiotics but the consultant "cancelled" all of it because it was for attention. Somehow she is rolling off exact CRP levels? Said this gave her pancreatitis (???)
Saw a private gastro because NHS gastro booted her after this.
"Cancer scare". "Not me being like I want attentioN!"
On her chart it says she "was eating and drinking over the weekend". This was a lie apparently. Said she was drinking rice milk tho.
Thought she was gonna die in there lol. They said "if she collapses again she's not going to make it" (apparently same team who cancelled the tests??)
Had ketosis from starvation, they told her she couldn't have ketosis cos she wasn't diabetic. "It was like I was teaching them"
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency "confirmed"? Tested under the NHS but it was borderline. Says she was in refeeding but they told her not to eat fats
"I'm not saying I should've been admitted to the ED ward or anything like that but because of four letters on my chart from years ago it meant that everything medical that had been written was null and void"
No. 2092023
>>2092019Kek thanks
nonnie! She has such a
victim complex it gives me secondhand embarrassment. No matter what ‘four letters’ are on your chart, if you’re as close to death as she’s chatting she was, she would get the treatment needed. She seems to forget her posts stating she was walking to the shops, here there and everywhere and eating sweets. Posting her (average looking imo) body checks on here to prove how DEATHLY frail she was, writing copious amounts of perfectly coherent posts, as someone with decent health, both physical and mental would be able to do. Hardly the behaviour of someone about to kick the bucket from her super severe (definately not BPD-fueled)
starvation. Kek LARP harder May.
No. 2092024
>>2092019A dementia patient and her spoke for hours about "old times" and remembered HER name out of everyone on the ward, of course
Emails on her notes back and forth between her team (consultant dietician) and hospital dietician about NG plan. and "sectioning if I needed it". Said "see how she goes over the weekend".
Thinks her notes got mixed up because they said she was urinary incontinent and had a catheter.
High risk for refeeding and cos of her BMI lol. Supposed to have daily refeeding bloods in ambulatory clinic ordered by junior doctor in a gastro ward but ED consultant refused them in the community
Talking about the day program now. Said they almost made her sign a thing saying she would eat 1 meal a day. Crying at the liaison psych for getting the ED team to "give her another opportunity"
Senior nurse in the ED service made her have a "supervised snack", but May "wasn't on snacks at that point"??? Ed service then "freaked out" because they didnt have a pre-admission weight for her. "Faced with someone who should've been inpatient" because her BMI was soOOo low and the ED doctor had lied about it on the ward
Fast forward 4 months, "had a cancer scare", still doesn't know why. Thinks it could've been her pancreatitis?
Booted her off the day program taster day. Told her she DNA loads of appts lol. "Missed so many appts you're not really committed to the day program"
Went to occy health appt after that. Told her she "wasn't doing well enough".
Her paeds consultant from years ago helped her randomly at a charity and gave her the paeds guidelines for refeeding so she could do it herself?? "I was having to be the doctor in that situation"
URgent dietician appt never happen. "Proper supervised meal" never happened. Consultant cut her off the waiting list from the ED day program because of her cancer scare (???)
Says she's gonna make a complaint when she's less busy from just moving flat. The NHS have said the complaint "will go straight to formal"
Moaning about having no treatment or therapy on the NHS since November 2023. Says trolls need to stfu about private therapy because she cant afford it
"I needed to be alone after what happened over Christmas", sounds like she's talking about her mum.
She just fake cried for literally 2 seconds then stopped to get some more water for her paint by numbers.
I cannot watch any more because she's fucking maddening
No. 2092128
>>2092033I hate May but all the people saying 'if someone needed help the nhs would give it to them", you do not know what you're talking about. The nhs will NOT help someone just because they need help; that would mean actually doing their job. They don't do that. They'll only help people they have decided are their favourites, for some reason that can't be determined, and they'll give all resources and attention and care to them until kingdom fucking come. Other people who actually need help will be denied until they die. Don't keep assuming the nhs is a caring organisation that obeys laws. They are not, and do not. They kill people. This isn't just a personal vendetta but the objective truth.
I could give you examples that are not about me but I'd get red texted for blogging anyway probably.
No. 2092225
>>2092128Shut up, colours. If people need urgent medical help or refeeding
they will get it. Even sociopathic monsters like you. Unfortunately.
No. 2092230
File: 1740301321062.jpeg (408.12 KB, 947x1786, IMG_1802.jpeg)

lol, clearly the hospital has given her so much ‘trama’. she literally just claimed it helps her, and if she is traumatised surely the last thing she should be doing is posting her dumbass videos smiling and lip syncing and wearing her frilly pyjamas - be fr
No. 2092249
File: 1740305795002.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x2143, IMG_0856.jpeg)

Enara back at it
No. 2092369
>>2092361While it's true the NHS is particularly fucked for mental health care, the talk of "if you're not their favourites" is the clue that the author is reacting w low iq narcissist/ 6 year-old level of maturity.
She makes clear that she has an impression that other people are being treated in a way that she wishes to be an fels entitled to, which gives a peek at a broader psychodrama where the NHS and it's Dr's and Nurses carry genuine weight in her emotional life- weight she feels they are not pulling.
MH issues are THE issue where you can't be helped if you won't help yourself, and externalising any responsibility to others is pretty much going to set you up to fail.
Now that it seems like the local authorities have got the number of a few of the cows here. I wonder how long they allow themsleves to be harassed for treatment which they've decided they aren't going to dispense. I assume there must be some guidelines or studies on long term management of munchies /malingerers/problem people for services in general?
No. 2092370
>>2092361I think OG
nonnie who started the discussion and
triggered the rant from blatant Colours was leaning more towards the fact that May was blaming her notes on not getting
physical input ie - tube, bloods, obs, whateverthefuck else she wanted, when the Dr said there was no medical need for it (as does happen) she cried EUPD’s fault(!!!!) we all know the NHS is fucked MH service wise, it’s a postcode lottery etc etc., but May seems to want the special physical AND mental health input. I think
nonnie was referring to someone being denied a blood test or physical medical input they do not need or warrant won’t matter what PD diagnosis they have. If they don’t need it, it won’t happen. A doctor wouldn’t deny someone a blood test just because they read EUPD on a file if they genuinely had a medical need for it.
No. 2092375
>>2092373Who knows,
nonnie. The word ‘compassion burnout’ comes to mind. Especially with the influx of cows presenting themselves nowadays, and the odd few who, when they don’t get the special treatment they crave, go running to the media and start a shit storm. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if there’s the odd handful of docs, nurses etc who just don’t have the capacity to give 100% to them. Unfortunately though that also means those who genuinely do need the help don’t always get it. Ironic how it’s the cows that have actually strengthened the stigma of certain conditions who are the ones that cry about said stigma kek
No. 2092381
nonnie here, you are exactly right thank you. May wasn’t physically unwell beyond maybe slight dehydration and hypoglycaemia (easily achieved) hence no need for more observations, tests, refeeding or medical admission. As ever, she paints a picture of a severe & enduring emaciated spoop on death’s door rather than the adequately nourished, slim-average sized person that she is. The EUPD would’ve meant fuck all if she was in any real physical danger.
No. 2092405
>>2092225>>2092244Last year some time on not the warmest evening; older man lying in an alley, fallen, bloody hands and face, can't get up. Not many people come down here but I and another passerby stop to help. Find out he's 70 something, has Parkinson's and he walked too fast, couldn't stop, fell, can't get up. Been there about 20 mins and he's cold from the ground. A bit confused and didn't think to call for help, also his phone is stuck in his pocket or something and his hands are all cut up so he can't get it out. The other man is on the phone with EMS for a while. They MIGHT be able to get an ambulance out in about 6 HOURS. No guarantee. Don't move him. An older man with Parkinson's; bleeding and cold on the ground in an alley. Unable to advocate for himself. I'd say that's someone needing urgent medical help and probably a priority! NHS not giving a fuck.
Eventually we helped him up and walked him home because he can't stay on the ground so long and it's not far. There was a care home nearby and I went and asked if anyone clinical there could possibly check this man out since no ambulance was forthcoming. Didn't expect them to but 2 people actually came over and helped, then took him to sit in their lounge area to keep an eye on, and call again since the ambulance just was not coming.
Does that sound like 'the nhs will give everyone urgent help if they need it'?! There are a lot of stories like this. Usually actually the police and ambulance are not bad and do their part, it's what happens after that is negligent, crap etc. But if you still believe and trust in the nhs then you haven't really had your eyes open.
No. 2092406
File: 1740341370624.jpeg (511.12 KB, 1125x1777, IMG_1803.jpeg)

wowwww, clearly so much trauma from the hospital….this makes me so mad. she’s taking up a bed in a CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL to play fkn dress up and pretend to be anorexic.
No. 2092408
>>2092393Well yes, but most of the ones being left to die aren’t cows because they’re too busy being ill. May for example actually gets quite a lot, certainly more than she’d get if she lived elsewhere in the country (where she’d be dealt with by CMHT at most, probably not even a specialist ED service and almost definitely not MANTRA or DP offered)
We’re just here to laugh at the cows are we not
No. 2092432
File: 1740345923021.jpeg (86.1 KB, 1179x417, IMG_8050.jpeg)

Most believable thing May has ever said, her head is fucking massive
No. 2092944
File: 1740465939112.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x2018, IMG_2913.jpeg)

If she can go pole dancing, get tattoos and spend time at home whenever she wants then what reason does she need to be inpatient
No. 2093019
File: 1740492049512.jpeg (922.75 KB, 1170x1973, IMG_0878.jpeg)

Jesus Christ
No. 2093128
File: 1740524090220.jpeg (338.8 KB, 1179x1870, IMG_8100.jpeg)

Oh dear, May got banned from going live on tiktok.
No. 2093423
File: 1740602192280.jpg (144.1 KB, 783x1200, 71Xlj7BkdfL._SL1200_.jpg)

>>2092406she looks kind of like a young camryn manheim, and it seems that bearing a vague likeness to a 90s b-list actress is all she plans to achieve with her life
No. 2093479
File: 1740613615180.png (214.9 KB, 1080x1844, 1000075458.png)

>>2092944Cherry's 'reason' for constantly being in hospital. Apparently she 'doesn't have a choice' because she's so super sick from anorexia. What the actual fuck? Where?
No. 2093482
File: 1740613800303.png (142.05 KB, 1080x1254, 1000075459.png)

>>2093479Oz is soft AF for indulging this shit. I have never heard of anything like this in my life. Worse than Enara. And she's not underweight or unstable physically in the slightest. Every other country has spoops less than half her weight walking around in the community while she lives a third of her entire life in a hospital and spends all her time going out to get tattoos and shop and play dress up.
No. 2093483
File: 1740614003412.png (84.12 KB, 1080x692, 1000075462.png)

>>2093479>I'm unstable physically so often from anorexia I don't have a choice but to spend every third month in hospital because my psych ordered it to keep me alive.The hospital in question: low risk and voluntary.
Something doesn't add up.
No. 2093485
File: 1740614370586.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1228, 1000075466.png)

>>2093479Who chooses to wear THIS to a tattoo appointment where they'll obviously be lying like this? I feel bad for the tattoo artist because if he even looks up slightly……Has she not heard of shorts?!
No. 2093626
File: 1740653362470.png (906.32 KB, 1596x876, unstable.png)

>>2093482she's so unstable that she could take up pole dance (already with heels) and do spins and going upside down, like she's so unstable that her blood pressure doesn't even budge. i mean
nonnie, how could you possibly think that she wasn't unstable?
No. 2093778
>>2093626Never seen a single instance of her being physically unstable. She lives life like it's a huge vacation every day, and is even more active and out and about when she's 'in hospital' than when she's not. I don't see what possible role any medical staff in this hospital have in helping her. Helping her with what?! She has leave all day basically to go to pole and shopping and get tattoos, so obviously nobody is concerned about her physical health and supposed organs shutting down; she's spinning around upside down on a pole and dancing in giant stripper heels. She can clearly complete all her daily activities (and a whole lot more) on her own. She doesn't simply dress herself: she creates specific outfits every day and does hair and make up. She's always out doing shit and making friends…I have yet to see a single thing that would make me think she has any illness or struggles at all. She doesn't need to be prevented from harming herself or others, she doesn't need to be supervised with meds or food, she doesn't need to gain weight, she doesn't need to be stabilized mentally or physically or taught how to sleep, get up, shower, eat and function like a human. What do they possibly do in the hospital except indulge her desire to feel special?! What help can they possibly give someone who doesn't need it?
I still find it hard to believe a psychiatrist would come up with a plan that makes someone go into hospital again and again, for literally a third of their life, as a pre-determined thing, when it's not as if she's having regular chemo or dialysis etc and can clearly function completely fine. It's a giant waste of resources and a ridiculous way to live life; especially someone who apparently has BPD: They are creating and exacerbating her obsession and emotional dependency on psych wards, if you can even call this place that!
If she was on an actual serious psych ward maybe that would shake her stupid habit; people who can function and do all the things she does would soon decide they're well and want to get the hell out when all their freedom is taken away and they're faced with no leave, no visits, no internet or devices, no personal effects, only hospital clothes and a boring, strict regime of meds, meals, lights out from 10:30pm-8am, and day time spent between their bedroom, the common area and maybe a therapist's office. She'd soon realize she doesn't need an actual psych ward.
I just wonder why Aus does this and how long they'll let it go on.
No. 2093985
>>2093929If you would wear that skirt to that tattoo appointment, you probably have a personality disorder too
No. 2094235
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What a cunt.
No. 2094240
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>>2094235Privileged little shits.
No. 2094245
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No. 2094250
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>>2094249Not so bright today though.
No. 2094254
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Trying to justify why she's constantly in hospital, glorifying it and constantly posting about it. She says it makes her feel alone and she's trying to normalise it. Bitch, that's the issue: this should not be normalised! And you don't feel alone because of constantly going to hospital; you love it and that's where you make friends!
No. 2094300
>>2094157Sorry no pics (I don’t cap her stories often) but Enara did claim recently that she burnt it under a boiling water dispensing tap at the hospital. I think by timeline it was when she was getting her dilation done or something else outpatient. So she “accidentally” stuck her hand under the coffee machine thing that hospitals have and claims the nurses followed “incorrect protocol” and that she let them for long enough to cause 2nd and 3rd degree burn areas. Had to be transferred to another facility for burns care too I think. So you’re right
nonnie… she actually admitted in a story that knowingly not following the correct burns protocol was an act of self harm. But it’s sneaky enough she can keep getting the dilations and shite
No. 2094303
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>>2094157>>2093764Enara’s tellonym shite about the burns. Uwu it miiiight be self harmmmmm. So I do stand corrected when I said she outright admitted. Just hinted hard.
No. 2095003
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What’s new
No. 2095429
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No. 2095542
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Such a hard life. Is this why she has medical ptsd
No. 2095743
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Cptsd from hospitals but has a 4 week admission every 8 weeks. Make it make sense
No. 2095783
>>2095761Why would she ever have PTSD from a private, voluntary, low risk, low security psych ward that she willingly, (gleefully), checks herself into for 1 month out of every 3? She's even said she 'volunteered' to go in and do ng re-feeding, when every Dr told her it wasn't needed and her weight was fine. (But somehow she managed to make that happen anyway). You can just tell that she swans around like she owns the place too; she keeps bags of clothes there for the next time when she's not in there, and gives out copies of her books to all the other patients. Thinks she's so special because she's crowned herself queen of the (private, voluntary, low risk) psych ward. I bet she gives tours to new patients and monopolises any group therapy or group activity, the TV remote etc. She posted about having a fight with her best friend's bf in the ward dining room: her social life revolves completely around that place. The only PTSD from hospital will be when they finally wise up and cut her off.
No. 2095788
>>2095743Samefag; sorry - CPTSD from hospital, not even regular old PTSD in this >venerable post, kek.
At least she admits she's institutionalized. When she's said that before;
>I'm institutionalized for anorexia I thought she just meant she was IP for anorexia (which never made sense because her weight is fine, even in the pic she claims is BMI 16, it doesn't look much below 18. For comparison, apparently the nhs now doesn't treat people for anorexia until BMI 14). I guess she does mean she's institutionalized in the sense of addicted to being in hospitals…..So that's very negligent on the part of her professionals and they should know that she needs to be weaned off it (or just cut off) and shouldn't be admitted anywhere unless for a short time if she actually is in dire need (which she clearly is not).
No. 2095790
>>2095003Medical PTSD, my ass! Her apartment is literally decorated with medication bottles, hospital bracelets, blankets and IV stands. She only reads books about illness and the medical field, she's constantly doing diplomas about mental health; usually just writing about herself.
Australia clearly has a problem with saying no to munchie cows and they are creating institutionalized monsters. I don't know how these 2 plus Aussie Han haven't sucked the whole country dry just between the 3 of them.
No. 2095808
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Thanks for ruining a song I used to like , Cherry.
No. 2095810
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>>2095808How is it always some awareness month or week? Haven’t we just had neda, sh, and now bpd?!
No. 2095817
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More medical ptsd but also nhs staff being nice apparently.
No. 2095820
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>>2095817I didn’t know this was part of Housekeeping duties.
No. 2095824
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Lara has been out on a weekend away with her family and also gotten at least 3 tattoos. Not sure about the neck one……
No. 2095895
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guys. allsrecovery wrote a song. A fucking song. please go and watch this bloody train wreck. Imagine being her nurse and seeing this lmao
No. 2096077
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Which one of y'all is going off on Enara lmao
No. 2096668
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>>2096437Canada because she went all Alex Forrest on her therapist there
No. 2096690
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ah enara, our skinny queen
No. 2096858
>>2096441No way would be take testosterone, she wants the oppresshun points for being trans or enby uwu or whatever the fuck she calls herself but no way would she actually alter her body for it, it’s all performative
>>2096852For some reason I was thinking she was way older than 35, even back then kek, man that is a ROUGH whatever age she is
No. 2096971
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We all know she’s actually very happy about this
No. 2097110
>>2097045They probably stuck this on her to slow her down on her way to the ER. She'll call it first and they will have her readings on it from their call center and tell her she's fine. Scold her if she turns up without using it to the ER.
And maybe hope that just having it on satiates her need for medical attention and connection at all times. Fat chance but let them cook ig
On the other hand it will be funny if this twigs her into a new fashion of 'Falls'.
Kek you aren't 80,you didn't Have A Fall. Your fat arse merely Fell Over.