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No. 2014335

The common traits of the typical e-girl:

>ahegao selfies

>accuse each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
>always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>making callout posts about anybody they currently have beef with
>room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>japancore weeb/jojifuku aesthetic
>loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into ddlg/pet play
>tries to look Asian
>abusive use of beauty apps
>username usually contains words like “@puppy” “@kitten” “@gore” “@vomit” “@angel” “@chan” “@vamp” “@baby” “@waifu” or any random Japanese nicknames

This is a thread for all “alt” e-girls on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram that are cow-worthy. This is an e-girl specific thread.

short recap of the last thread:
>Ellie breaks up with her bf William with who she had a ddlg relationship with >>1856631
>Ellie's bf shares loli with her in dms >>1856818 >>1856821 >>1857158
>Ellie's bf exposes her frequently visiting a lolicon porn website >>1856349
>cutecorenews admin is revealed to be a 22 year old single mom who lost custody of her infant son >>1928046
>denpachannel possibly lurking this thread >>1939267
>dexpuppy(Zoe) is dating an old fugly scrote >>1992106
>Zoe showing her "saggers" on stream >>2006185 and her ID card gets posted >>2007779

Previous threads:
#1: >>866800
#2: >>1005403 (created by @babivampire)
#3: >>1047741
#4: >>1079162
#5: >>1131138
#6: >>1219460
#7: >>1287867
#8: >>1417931
#9: >>1508968
#10: >>1809451

No. 2016383

File: 1721334697873.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1170x2344, IMG_4673.jpeg)

Laci anderson/Ditzybunnychan from the last thread has teamed up with Angel kek. They’re roleplaying as sisters

No. 2016430

The garbage on the back is just plain depressing.

No. 2016943

File: 1721489094431.png (249.37 KB, 698x380, 423948934302434.png)

Zoe beating on her deadbeat dad bf for hogging all the computer duster she bought. After this they got kicked out of the motel they were having a bender in, drove to a park and she started having fake panic attacks on stream. Only gets worse from here!

No. 2016944

No. 2016977

nitpick but why do they always replace 'me' as 'mi', it sounds retarded as fuck but i guess that's what they're going for

No. 2017019

Zoe is interesting to me because she's basically a girl who has been handed everything she asks for all her life, it's evident in her having a room packed full of figures and shit at an early age, and even recently she talked about how her mom was going to pay for her to go to Japan and study abroad if she just quit tweaking or got help for her addictions. She's still not kicked out, she'll larp as being homeless when she has her suburban LA house to return to at the end of her streaming bullshit. I guess this is how things turn out when you're an edgy upper middle class girl? It's just sad. I'd feel bad for her but I really don't.

No. 2017311

yesss kek i finally made a threadpic! im honoured

No. 2017334

The vape lanyard paired with the baby clothes is too funny, how can she not see how retarded she looks

No. 2017432

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No. 2017433

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No. 2017434

File: 1721634152040.png (803.78 KB, 1248x702, Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 05-09…)

old but a screenshot i could not post on the last thread

No. 2017437

File: 1721634453193.mp4 (Spoiler Image,9.39 MB, 1280x720, Wviblbsq.mp4)

looking scary

No. 2017444

she says stuff like she made 300$ that day on some streams. mikes pimping her out lol

No. 2017448

File: 1721640603455.mp4 (11.88 MB, utg5kqua.mp4)

She talked about being willing to fuck for an ounce of meth on that same stream kek

No. 2017449

File: 1721640832989.mp4 (4.93 MB, 1874x1080, dr4szr.mp4)

She completely gave up on the "pure" low bodycount incel pandering larp after she flashed on stream. Another clip.

No. 2017451

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From her Instagram story on July 1st

No. 2017452

File: 1721641521836.jpg (518.54 KB, 1080x1195, 89999.jpg)

Who she supposedly cheated on Mike with, kek. Several noteable things have happened between now and the last thread, I was considering making a seperate thread on her, but decided against it as it'd definetly be the kind of thing she would want.

No. 2017486

Maybe a general ip2 thread would be interesting, we could discuss the other tards aswell and she'd likely be the main cow.

No. 2017515

>>2017486 I like the idea but it will attract all the disgusting ip2 moids

No. 2017521

making her a thread is best because ip2 general will attract porn spam and moids.

No. 2017542

File: 1721665117088.png (690.83 KB, 753x683, zoe fent.PNG)

lol she's on fent now? or is that old milk?

No. 2017544

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No. 2017781

File: 1721736433271.jpg (665.14 KB, 1080x1236, MYXJ_20240723050222444_save.jp…)

Blocking this pedopandering toad creature from jumpscaring me on my feed ever again

No. 2017784

File: 1721736553123.jpg (112.23 KB, 1073x541, MYXJ_20240723050612584_save.jp…)

like why would you do this, what exactly is the appeal aside from trying to larp as a child

No. 2017870

mid 20s neck lines looking very loli today

No. 2017904

who does she think she’s fooling? she literally looks like an alien in this picture

No. 2018019

She probaby would take that as a compliment because kawaii alien ethereal loli desuuuu
She's weird, her friend nobuchan is also weird. But her editing herself to look like a toad on purpose is strange because in videos she loois more normal and cute.
Ecstacy and eating disorders are a hell of a drug.

No. 2018132

I never understand the point of editing a photo so drastically like this, who the fuck does she think she's fooling? How do these women cope with their appearance in real life? The fake braces too… ew, creepy.

No. 2018196

>normal and cute
>looks like she grooms children on discord.
Not to mention she clearly gets off on wearing used Japanese children’s clothes while others praise her for being ~so tiny~ thats unashamed autopedophilic behavior. If that’s cute to you I have questions for you, have a seat over there.

No. 2018412

I was saying her face looks normal in the small pieces we see of it in a candid video anon, relax
I'm not saying she as a person is normal and cute. She just edits herself to look so ugly because her brain is so fried from the raver girl turned kawaii moe jojifuku uwu larp

No. 2018788

File: 1721948837824.jpg (1.07 MB, 1070x1830, MYXJ_20240725160338237_save.jp…)

The millionaire trust fund cutecore collector's attempt at being relatable I guess
She's gonna see this and immediately deny it and say she is able to order thousands of dollars worth of figures and shit to clutter her room with using what, art commission funds? The "job" she claimed to have and now doesn't yet is still spending thousands anyway? The other rich lazy kids who supposedly paid her to do their homework? Come on.

No. 2018889

holy shit, is she being for real right now? what is she even trying to prove by posting this? it's almost like she's trying to brag about how much of a degenerate loser she is. i don't know enough about her, has she ever posted her face before or is the "i'm ugly" statement so true she hasn't dared lol?

No. 2019217

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No. 2019224

That post has reached pxdo Twitter btw(this isn't tiktok)

No. 2019233

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No. 2019279

How is this pedophilia?

No. 2019284

it didn't? You sound like a jealous fattie. Yes the first pic is weird though with the pose and all.

No. 2019319

You sound like a moid defending the pedo speak, or like one of her friends. The quote in question is literally something pedos use lmfao. Retard. “Cute n funny” with that emoji combination is short for “cunny” which is short for child pussy.(sage your shit)

No. 2019332

File: 1722075397178.png (731.37 KB, 1280x953, 0e1.png)

cute and funny = cunny + the sobbing emoji which is yet another lolipedo meme like in pic related. It's obvious pedo bait plain and simple

No. 2019333

I didn't know that, disgusting then

No. 2019340

File: 1722078097252.gif (4.88 MB, 506x506, babisteiin.gif)

Stumbled upon this woman / couple a while back and it certainly made me chuckle
>Self-hating Brazillian egirl, calls herself "Alisa Steinert" and constantly wears blonde wigs with blue contact lenses
>Larps as some refined intellectual military lolita seamstress elf
>Thinly veiled nazi aesthetics
>Terminal shooper
>Has her own brand that consists of clothing that looks like it is from alibaba vendors, claims that she handmakes everything herself
>Obsessively compares herself and her boyfriend to various fictional couples, with a specific focus on the incest anime visual novel Yosuga No Sora
>Boyfriend looks like a sped version of Leon Kennedy
>Claims that she grew up with him under the same roof, calls him her family
>Is making her own incest visual novel based off of their relationship
>Plasters cringeworthy photoshoots with him all over her social media
>Thinks that said photoshoots have deep value and meaning that nobody else could possibly understand or replicate
>Says that they both work in the "field of public security"

No. 2019346

self-hating edgy egirls are my absolute favourites thanks nona

No. 2019348

thanks for making me laugh nona, her bf looks so funny wtf(sage your shit)

No. 2019353

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This looks like that dude that got surgery to look like jimin. Oli something. I wish we could see what she really looks like

No. 2019354

Her jaw scares me. One walnut and that's breaking in half.

No. 2019356

Kek I remember seeing her around several years ago and I'm somewhat surprised she's still going with the nazi larp. I still can't tell if her boyfriend is related to her or not, they used to look uncannily similar. The incest larp does not help their case.

No. 2019361

The one accurate thing about her LARP is she genuinely looks inbred like a Hapsburg kek. It’s hilarious when the uwu blonde loli anime figurines photo clips to her legitimately hideous stretched horseface all dressed and posed to try to look like a cute animu kid.
She even has a whole autist shrine to some incest hentai game. I wonder if she realizes that Nazis absolutely knew how to recognize autism since they invented the term asperger’s, and would absolutely have locked her away and killed her for being retarded. They used to “euthanize” people like her yet she thinks she’s their ideal aryan princess because she watched some braindead Japanese cartoons that love jerking off Germany.

No. 2019373

That’s so helplessly cliched and artificial, idk that’s so sad

No. 2019395

File: 1722089877321.jpeg (533.69 KB, 1096x1111, IMG_8779.jpeg)

Nonas help me…my sides…

No. 2019399

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In one of her captions she complains about "instagram ruining the quality of her pics", when she knows damn well she's the one over editing them, messing up the quality. The third pic is just so ridiculous.
She has the handsome squidward butt chin. Worst part is, she shoops her bf as well lol, mostly making his head smaller.

No. 2019400

This video on her youtube channel made me burst out laughing, the Minecraft builds with slowed Rammstein in the background, still desperately trying to be so serious and mysterious. It's pure autism.

No. 2019403

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No. 2019411

The difference of her chin in the 3rd and 4th pic….guess she was too lazy to shoop the 4th one

No. 2019421

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He looks very mousy

No. 2019423

I hope those are BB guns.

No. 2019426

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When she isn't shooping him she just straight up covers his face kek. The strategically placed heart to hide his recessed chin, I'm cackling.

No. 2019434

KEKKK not the strategically placed heart!

No. 2019444

Brazilian nazis are the funniest phenomenon to me. Nazis and neo nazis would never consider latinos as one of them, no matter how blonde she is. It’s like a combination of zero self awareness and internalized racism. And also she and her boyfriend look straight up retarded

No. 2019453

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Her boyfriends steam avatar history KEK, is that him????

No. 2019456

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It's making my skin crawl

No. 2019459

I love this exact type of internet weirdness, like you know these two think they are incredibly cool, beautiful and enviable, and everyone else sees some average looking weirdos with an intricate fantasy life kek

No. 2019462

File: 1722095980393.jpg (7.63 KB, 184x184, 32913365c3c1c6837d8d8edd232a7e…)

From her own steam avatar history, she looks like an annoying retarded little bug, like a mosquito or something

No. 2019463

Even his girlfriend knows KEKKKKK

No. 2019472

some edtwt bone rattle retard named "dokicals" thinking they have any right to comment is funny asf

No. 2019512

Wait how the hell did they change so much? Is it insane levels of shooping or puberty? Bro legit changed race

No. 2019524

Kek good catch anon yes that’s his real appearance.
Yeah, it’s wigs, contacts, filters and editing.

No. 2019563

Am brazilian and have met people like this, they like to point out that they're half german or italian. Doesn't matter how light your skin is, you're still latin-american like the rest of us.

No. 2019620

Just another copy and paste pedobaiting adult I'm guessing. That nose quite large might I add…

I may have to agree with the obvious edtwtard on this one

No. 2019624

File: 1722117368517.jpeg (116.1 KB, 828x237, 3E4BF6C4-71B5-4C47-8C15-F39628…)

Not a LARP I'm afraid, it's her actual brother, picrel is from her Steam review on Blender. Genuinely hating how "husband/boyfriend" and "brother" are interchangeable terms for them, grotesque. They also look similar if we compare his old pre-looksmaxxing face and hers. I had my doubts when they started this shit a few years ago, but they nuked all accusations by limiting comments on their instagram and mass blocking. They're so bizarre and hideous, but at least the faces suit their passion for inbreeding kek.

No. 2019632

File: 1722118870814.webp (12.03 KB, 684x101, screenshot.webp)

I still don't think I believe it, but if you are right, it would also explain why they still aren't legally married, despite the fact she calls him her "husband" and they have supposedly been together for 9 years. Screenshot is from her carrd.

No. 2019633

>Genuinely hating how "husband/boyfriend" and "brother" are interchangeable terms for them
All incest LARPers do that. That's not solid evidence that isn't a LARP like how they pretend to be white.

No. 2019719

no one cares if she has a big nose and not to say angel isn't deserving of being posted here because she is but kek it's so obvious dokicals is posting all this go be weird and insecure on your supposed vent account no one gives a fuck(hi cow)

No. 2019730

Yeah dunno if I buy it either, they just both look Brazilian and their features look more different in the old photos, like she shops them to look more similar now. And this 3D model project only began after she got obsessed with their self insert incest RP personas.

No. 2019741

File: 1722145085416.webp (32.9 KB, 720x400, IMG_2006.webp)

Has she ever mentioned black lagoon? they vaguely reminds me of the incest twins

No. 2019778

How are you this easy to deceive? Just because she calls him her brother doesn't mean he is. She literally posts that incest anime non stop, it's a kink she has. No one would go out of their way to give that much detail "he's my husband but we're not married for x reason" unless they REALLY want you to think/believe this small detail. Especially if you consider she added MORE how they were "raised together" and BECAUSE OF THAT we have an insepuhrable bond!! I need to make sure everyone knows that!! The fact that i like and non stop post about an incest anime is COMPLETELY UNRELATED!! And just a huge coincidence!! Ignore the fact that i go out of my way to say he is family AND BOYFRIEND in the same sentence!!
The fact that she calls him her brother on a fucking review from some time ago simply means the larp was already ongoing when she posted that…
She's already faking everything about BOTH of their appearances, we're supposed to believe that this singular, most insane and particular thing that SHE CLAIMS to be true…is true? Pls.

No. 2019802

File: 1722165966680.jpeg (970.02 KB, 1125x1198, IMG_2548.jpeg)

A closeup showing her contacts, and some family photos, which she posts a bunch of, but only her mom and mom’s side of the family. The random pictures of relatives no one cares about is pretty telling. It’s like she developed a complex about having some white ancestry and jealousy over her family members who have blue eyes and blonde hair.
In one of her childhood photos that she uses to try to claim she’s naturally blonde with blue eyes, she forgot to edit it to give herself blonde hair and blue eyes.

No. 2019803

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Progression of her weird eyebrow bleaching over the years.

No. 2019818

File: 1722169916846.jpg (78.34 KB, 1080x285, 7182883.jpg)

No. 2019823

the fact that this could be an empath tweet yet they dont like eachother lmao

No. 2019825

File: 1722170940811.jpg (97.61 KB, 1080x351, 7177272.jpg)

Zoe does like her kek, she was desperately trying to get her attention not too long ago. It's just that Chloe does not reciprocate it.

No. 2019827

yeah lol that that is what i am saying she rejected her

No. 2019837

File: 1722175784313.jpg (398.52 KB, 1079x972, Screenshot_20240728_145939_Dee…)

Kek I found a Portuguese Twitter thread "exposing" babisteiin. This was all translated by google, so some of it may be incorrect, but to summarise everything the author said in the thread -

Past :
>Used to go by the username "soraloli"
>Instagram account at the time consisted of them both cosplaying the twins from Yosuga no Sora
>Started making incest themed porn videos together
>Claimed that her boyfriend was her brother, posted baby pictures supposedly of them together to try to prove this
>Sperged out at other people who liked the characters, accused them of copying her personality
>Was actually skinwalking Ukrainian egirl kriistaliin
>Blatantly tried to recreate many pictures by kriistaliin, primarily couple photos
>Started going by the name "Alisa", which is almost the same as kriistaliin's name, "Alina"
>Claimed that she naturally had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like kriistaliin did
>Would post pictures of her european looking family members to try to reinforce this, but conveniently never posted pictures of her very clearly Latina sister

Recent :
>Expressed extreme discontent about the fact she is Brazillian
>Still sperging and accusing people of copying her
>Has stated that she is RW and supports former Brazillian president Bolsonaro
>Often used "low HDI" as a way to insult people, expressed disgust towards low income Brazillians
>Both she and her boyfriend have interacted with various RW tweets, some racist and misogynistic
>Defended a rapist, tried to discredit anything the victim had to say
>Supposedly scammed people with her online clothing store

I don't have the time to run all of the screenshots in the thread though a translator as well, sorry nonas, but here's the link if anyone else wants to check them out - https://x.com/exposedbab21939/status/1771623092000862663

No. 2019858

i am really curious what other anime manga have the blonde incest couple trope other than black lagoon and Yosuga no Sora cause wtf?

No. 2019864

No ik, like as much as she’d like to be an european girlie, as soon as she goes to a Berlin subway there will be some pasty guy calling her “ausslander”. She is latina, even if she hates it

No. 2019871

Anyone know how to find those pornhub videos? I want to see what they look like on video

No. 2019872

As a greek i wonder if she would pass here, it is hard for me to tell since i already know her but although her chin mouth and nose kinda look non white she maybe could pass as greek lol

No. 2019874

File: 1722179557485.png (99.55 KB, 422x237, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 18-12…)

already found them by searching sora-loli /soraloli , the fucking ones are privateon the coomer site but you can see some solo and fingering ones. They are filtered to shit her skin looks weirdly fake white and her face like an alien. Also pedo bait but i think that is given

No. 2019877

File: 1722179719247.png (112.09 KB, 421x237, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 18-13…)

No. 2019878

File: 1722179808780.png (132.94 KB, 407x292, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 18-14…)

ot and blog but am ugu too and it is not that difficult to shoop correctly

No. 2019879

Irl toxic yuri kek

No. 2019881

File: 1722180931430.jpg (109.69 KB, 625x586, 8181882.jpg)

She genuinely looks sped KEK

No. 2019886

that's a bleached and anemic indigenous/mestiza woman. her aesthetics are so sterile and unremarkable edgy, she should do better.

No. 2019889

Dang, wish I could see them, it doesn't let me search for it cause it says I'm searching for illegal content lol. I wonder what she sounds like, if she fakes a high pitch

No. 2019892

File: 1722182539000.png (88.94 KB, 397x207, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 19-00…)

lmao, try going to that camwhores tv site and searching in it , cant force myself to watch with sound on

No. 2019894

File: 1722182711059.png (50.55 KB, 237x273, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 19-02…)

looking like the product of the video

No. 2019895

So three years ago they were just cousins, but that's not enough anymore, they have to be siblings now. Wonder what's next after this wears off

No. 2019901

Found it, thanks! She has a massive underbite lol, had no idea cause you really can't tell from the pics she posts

No. 2019961

She kinda looks like a lipless Lucinda here

No. 2020011

The cheap Temu clothes, the piss yellow hair, the tranny face and proportions…. KEK(sage your shit)

No. 2020022

I can sort of believe them being cousins, maybe distant cousins, although that’s probably a lie too. But it would fit her sudden obsession with incest hentai, inbred German race “purity” (despite him obviously being brown in his old unfiltered photo), the Lannisters (she had him change his hair to look like Jaimie as well as Leon Kennedy because of her military kink) and so on and her claim that she became fixated on it due to seeing a parallel with her relationship. Although it could all just 100% be her intense retardation and autistic wishful thinking, but I could picture an autist dating their cousin and explaining it away as romantic Game of Thrones fantasy aesthetics.

No. 2020030

File: 1722199291322.jpg (1.03 MB, 1079x1906, 1000029850.jpg)

The result of sqeezing into uwu tiny baby shoes to loli LARP max

No. 2020045

Nobody finds the trivial things that the hikkineet egirls do interesting, aside from those who are also said egirls and have a vendetta. Post actual milk if you're going to post anything.

No. 2020049

>russian roidpig moid with elevated estrogen levels is pedophile
many such cases

No. 2020055

Russian? Kek, he wishes.

No. 2020074

those bunions look painful… can't believe she'd openly post them as they don't really go with the whole kawiwi child larp but props to her i guess

No. 2020117

File: 1722216126510.jpeg (230.38 KB, 1125x1947, IMG_2526.jpeg)

It’s worth noting that his only muscles are from her editing, and she forgets to warp his arms bigger in some pictures. Picrel is one example where he’s less shooped. He’s some doughy nerd with a recessed chin.

No. 2020175

File: 1722242082567.jpg (218.6 KB, 1264x1080, 81828738.jpg)

From her story highlights, I don't believe her claim but it's probably the closest I have found so far. I wonder if either of them have had any work done. I wouldnt put it past them to get matching nose jobs so that they look more related kek.

No. 2020189

And even after all that I can still tell she’s latina kek
I wonder what her mom makes of all this? Considering she tags her mom in posts

No. 2020223

Do you guys think her mother knows about her porn vids?

No. 2020225

File: 1722259735709.jpg (67.7 KB, 644x652, 717273747.jpg)

Did a pimeyes search on some older pictures of her and these came up in the results, I wonder if it's her? The ear matches up, her mother mentioned that she had a small kyubey plush in a social media post, and she wore this choker in one of her porn vids. I don't have a subscription though so I can't visit the url, and I'm not getting any results when I reverse search. All I know is that they supposedly all came from a paid image hosting site called smugmug. I'm guessing they're pictures some photographer took at an anime con.

No. 2020226

File: 1722259872160.jpg (332.01 KB, 1045x1050, 82727474.jpg)

No. 2020237

File: 1722261823866.jpg (76.82 KB, 652x646, 8183774.jpg)

Never mind it's 100% her kek, just realised the cosplay in picrel matches up with >>2019462

No. 2020248

Not to be a moid but her pussy is adorable

No. 2020402

Her downturned nose tip here explains her weird nose in her new photos. Even with minimal shoop her nose now has proportions that make no sense, and it might be because she has a crappy nosejob in addition to editing. I was thinking that might be the case due to how her nostrils have the indicative thing of being cut and sewn in again which creates the creases you can see here. >>2020175

No. 2020835

File: 1722373321860.jpg (452.45 KB, 1080x1640, MYXJ_20240730135813374_save.jp…)

so apparently parents who let you live rent free as a kaweewee hoarder to spend thousands of dollars on anime shit instead of contributing to the household in any way or even moving out is "abusive" kek
girl just find somewhere else to live? if you're working like you say you are then you can clearly afford it if you're dropping so much money all the time like you are
and claiming you have a job but saying this, clearly you don't? people with jobs don't really get to bedrot and post lolz so random twitter bullshit all day

No. 2020979

There's shooping yourself then there's shooping your moid KEK. holy shit imagine your girlfriend posting a shoop'd photo of you, I'd implode. This is the funniest shit.

No. 2021166

if her family is really that "abusive" why not sell those sugarbunnies plushies she insists on hoarding people still buy them for crazy prices

No. 2021404

she's literally wearing children's clothes and regurgitating pedo memes you retard.

No. 2023078

File: 1722944142754.jpeg (Spoiler Image,422.39 KB, 828x933, IMG_3518.jpeg)

Came across this self proclaimed BPD ana-chan on Twitter, she fetishizes her self harm and posts pictures as if it’s trendy. Menhara-Chan larping hard.

No. 2023079

File: 1722944205421.jpeg (645.36 KB, 828x1094, IMG_3517.jpeg)

So edgy “painting” with self harm blood

No. 2023080

spoiler this.

No. 2023081

File: 1722944260467.jpeg (Spoiler Image,533.51 KB, 828x1107, IMG_3516.jpeg)

Does the report feature on Twitter even work..

No. 2023082

If you're going to paint with blood atleast make it look good retard

No. 2023085

File: 1722944457151.jpeg (146.14 KB, 828x324, IMG_3520.jpeg)

Maybe you shouldn’t be posting self harm at all ~ wtf

No. 2023087

File: 1722944623570.jpeg (336.61 KB, 828x905, IMG_3521.jpeg)

No. 2023089

She’s utterly deranged, who finds self harm cute?!(sage your shit)

No. 2023090

Yeah it's "cute" to cut because you don't cut deep and are a attention whore.

No. 2023114

those baby cat scratches don't warrant this level of edgelordism lmfao

No. 2023174

File: 1722970736545.jpeg (783.73 KB, 723x1545, IMG_5025.jpeg)

This has to be some form of asianfishing (eviebunniex on Instagram)

No. 2023213

Cryptid fishing. No asian looks like that. I'm always baffled by the amount of western people who repost her insane photos and don't question it.

No. 2023227

this selfpost

No. 2023297

It’s actually not, but it must be one of the admins kek

No. 2023299

lolcow has a shit fit whenever someone actually brings new milk, accuses anon’s of self posting for actual milk, what the fuck do you want? Sage for derailment but god this place has gone downhill(derailing, sage goes in the email field)

No. 2023305

Top pic must be edited too tbh

No. 2023306

File: 1723025438727.jpeg (625.29 KB, 1170x2080, 1707834182431.jpeg)


No. 2023340

File: 1723035655682.jpg (751.13 KB, 4250x5667, IMG_2826.jpg)

it gets better. pic below is before and after her "15k" of plastic surgery? i have no idea how she became so popular, she shoops like crazy and is an anachan

No. 2023360

Kek wtf. I always thought she just had some kind of unfortunate genetic mutation to have not properly formed a human jaw, but she’s been editing herself to look hideous or like an old person who lost all their teeth on purpose?

No. 2023382

Can’t really see any difference in the two pictures, except a little lip filler. She should have gone for eye trough and cheek filler instead to lift the cheek area and in turn soften the nasolabial (yes that old chestnut) folds.
But more than anything… that girl needs a therapist to be editing herself into a jawless chinless goblin daily. She’s not an ugly girl, she’s just normal. It is okay to be normal, yet these girls just think they have to have anime facial proportions to be liked online. What self esteem or ego is it stroking if it’s all fake? I don’t get it.

No. 2023384

Sorry for double post but I just noticed she had aegyo sal surgery… the after makes her look so much older and tired. Such a stupid trend when it just makes you look haggard.

No. 2023404

it’s genuinely sad because she has an adorable style and seems to be a sweet girl. i’ve followed her for years now and she never shooped this extreme, just the regular eye enlarging and the like. but she’s extremely skinny, edits her body to be skinnier (even flat chested) and then warps her face to look like a pullip doll. her actual face isn’t bad, she needs to leave it alone

No. 2023460

jesus christ is that rlly the same person??

No. 2023518

File: 1723070013253.mp4 (2.13 MB, 540x960, B9413A70DFE12DFAA5FDB3B5510979…)

@takenookoo (kd) on ig/tiktok is getting called out for drugging/intoxicating several minors and raping them in the local springfield hardcore scene, trying to break up a friend group with her lies and attention seeking and fake accusations

No. 2023528

File: 1723071689463.png (1.26 MB, 744x2778, ApologyThread .png)

Pfp/name of that person high key reminds me of LumiStarBun. IDK if she qualifies for this thread but she does that same e-girl shit, picrel is her recent Twitter “Apology” because she faked cancer back when Technoblade was diagnosed with it then she faked dying from cancer once people called her out for it and she collected money as a scam under the guise of getting money for treatment. She’s also known to apologize for shit and then immediately go back to doing it

No. 2023569

ew why does she sound like that

she looks like she kills cats and fucks people in the fast food bathroom(sage your shit)

No. 2023597

File: 1723091861848.png (1.3 MB, 609x892, eviebunniex.png)

found this from when she went to sanrio puroland. her friend tagged her in picrel

No. 2023678

File: 1723118105808.mp4 (944.63 KB, 576x1024, 2982847.mp4)

I often wonder what made her this way.

No. 2023763

File: 1723135763697.jpg (689.76 KB, 1080x1828, MYXJ_20240808094144356_save.jp…)

she claimed before her situation at home is bad and horrible and abusive, yeah I'm sure it definitely is if this is the case kek

No. 2023765

Being a very upper middle class white girl in LA with unrestricted internet access probably had something to do with it.

No. 2023800

Of course, but the vast majority of women with unrestricted internet access don't end up this bad, even the ones who spent their formative years on 4chan. Something is deeply wrong with her, far beyond just that. I wonder if something happened to her during her childhood that she somehow hasn't mentioned. I doubt that'd be the case though, considering she's an attention whore who likes to overshare everything, unless she has already and I just missed it.

No. 2023861

File: 1723147063818.jpeg (429.25 KB, 1242x2138, IMG_6344.jpeg)

Dex was hospitalized after last nights drunken rampage. Mike Strokeoff abandoned her and Jake Silver (her pay pig) cut off her phone service and cancelled her motel.

No. 2023872

The fact that she still lives with her parents who know she's a meth whore and they do nothing to put their foot down but rather try to bribe her with incentives to stop being a meth whore like saying they'll pay for her to study abroad and live in Japan is very telling as to how she became this way too. A normal parent would say "if you want to go pretend to be homeless and choose this life despite us giving you options to stop, then don't come back here".

No. 2024170

File: 1723232959328.jpg (451.03 KB, 1080x1349, MYXJ_20240809124715268_save.jp…)

Samefag but I take back what I said, maybe even her parents have a spine and had enough of her bullshit. I don't know why she acts like she hasn't had several opportunities with them to get clean and turn things around. Not even going to Japan again could make her not want to suck old tweaker ip2 cock I guess. And it's infuriating because she was clearly spoiled enough to where her parents used that to bribe her and it still wasn't enough for her to try and get clean.
I'd feel bad in different circumstances but this was clearly the life she wanted.

No. 2024360

File: 1723280891284.jpeg (163.46 KB, 1170x2080, 451381614_1158012911947712_134…)

Wtf even happened to her bedroom kek, did her parents confiscate her anime hoard? Did she sell it all? Or is she just in a guest bedroom?

No. 2024443

File: 1723303459787.jpeg (839.93 KB, 1170x1191, IMG_2278.jpeg)

she claims she took it down herself.

No. 2024495

kek what happened to motel hopping and her parents taking away her ability to get clean

No. 2024575

Going back to her parents after a bender is the norm for Dex. She’s back in a motel with Mike right now.

No. 2025070

She is deserving of her own thread at this point, though while she’s consistently milky watching her for too long makes me sad, kek. I’ve known of her since early 2020 so I could try to make the thread but her lore goes fucking deep I’d end up leaving out lots.

No. 2025142

If you do decide to make a thread, I wrote out a pretty in depth draft a couple of months back, but didn’t get around to finishing it as it was too much effort, and decided against making a thread anyway. If you’d like me to post it so that you can use it as a draft to add to/take from, just let me know. I have also been following her since around 2020, but it has been on and off over the years, and as you said, there’s too much milk in general to fully summarise without missing things out. For this reason, I decided to focus on more of a general description of her and the people she associates with as the OP post. I was then going to summarise the milk previously posted on here in the thread itself, as well as post other notable past antics of hers that haven’t yet been. There’s really just too much to fully mention kek, half of the shit she does would be considered milk, and it has been going on for so long, so I thought that this approach would probably be best.

No. 2025557

File: 1723570937293.jpeg (993.66 KB, 1125x2057, FDBD884A-4FB1-463C-9A7B-54CF79…)

I wonder how long will it be until she does some absolutely retarded shit like bath salts

No. 2025587

File: 1723575610675.jpeg (118.43 KB, 1125x349, 0753CF1A-460A-4F03-B3FE-A896EC…)

No. 2025791

File: 1723619003031.jpeg (45.15 KB, 685x829, 5iaDxz7Zx1bu.jpeg)


No. 2025975

File: 1723655972692.png (3.38 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_6456.png)

This may be the end of Mike and Dex.

No. 2026018

File: 1723663495740.mp4 (961.1 KB, 720x1280, E64D97171BD9E6A2F2FAE77B8D1A80…)

Going to post the rest of her Instagram stories on this

No. 2026019

File: 1723663530192.jpeg (229.85 KB, 1170x2080, 455686187_466710782909967_2588…)

No. 2026021

File: 1723663619934.jpg (614.28 KB, 1080x1916, 827277474.jpg)

Is her brain so fried from the drugs that she forgot she bragged about cheating several times? Kek

No. 2026026

File: 1723663937820.jpeg (221.64 KB, 1170x2080, 455610798_1188785562171308_542…)

No. 2026028

File: 1723664355009.jpeg (107.09 KB, 1170x2080, 455378516_1040309507494286_294…)

No. 2026030

File: 1723664562365.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1125x1994, IMG_5714.jpeg)

No. 2026031

File: 1723664686910.jpeg (142.86 KB, 1170x2080, 455366987_858217519112247_8729…)

Thanks nona, the spam filter is driving me crazy

No. 2026033

File: 1723664785566.jpeg (87.22 KB, 1170x2080, 455244714_1033298231477933_679…)

No. 2026036

kek sure thing

No. 2026070

genuinely why is it always the most square bitches self-describing as ''slim thick''

No. 2026097

>slim thick
Her ribcage is wider than her hips

No. 2026287

File: 1723739524882.png (80.44 KB, 596x374, 817747.png)

So she says that a male roommate would rape her, but then goes on to say that she would give less rent money if the roommate was a woman? What the fuck kek

No. 2026355

File: 1723759146761.jpeg (769.93 KB, 1170x1588, IMG_8902.jpeg)

> this is a w-win…………. f-fell f-for the attention bait….

No. 2026458

Why do cows post screenshots of lc posts about them kekkk girl you do not want your followers or orbiters seeing what’s said about you!

No. 2026654

Has anyone else been following Indigo White in her e-boy journey?

Posted a rant last month
Her other thread

No. 2027005

>h-hurr I bought and wore Japanese children’s clothing and used pedophile dogwhistles as a uhh le epic troll
Literally pathetic cope

No. 2027176

File: 1723939052288.png (83.75 KB, 597x328, 282837.png)

No. 2027295

File: 1723974755426.jpg (154.18 KB, 1080x931, 717273736.jpg)

They're ALREADY back together kek.

No. 2027369

>wants to be a SA victim so bad
sorry dex you cant sit with us

No. 2027402

Her facial structure is just bone-chilling. She looks like she is destined to be an anorexic meth addict smoking a cigarette outside of a gas station.

No. 2027439

she was booted by her parents for being a junkie and smoking speed in her bedroom. Her words.
Clearly they still give her an allowance, they just don't want her dumbass bringing homeless people through their house anymore.

No. 2027484

she looks ghoulish wtf

No. 2027631

File: 1724062512337.mp4 (847.37 KB, 720x1280, 019299384.mp4)

I remember she posted this on her Instagram story a while back kek, it's so uncanny how much it looks like her

No. 2028300

kek i’m pretty sure the lady in the video posted something about how she made her kids destroy all the shit they ordered from temu since “temu items all have chinese spy cameras in them” or some shit

No. 2032611

File: 1726092228243.mp4 (1.38 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000coombv7og65qirjga5…)

Fvccktori on instagram/tiktok
>20 y/o bpdchan from new york
>panders to the crustiest metalheads on reddit/tiktok/discord
>clowned on constantly for having the worst takes
>runs a metal server on discord with hundreds of members where she acts like a pickme and tries to gain as many orbiters as possible
>talks about being a thot in said server dedicated to music
>brags about fucking men to burzum and stealing her ex boyfriends’ tripp pants pants that she wears in her tiktoks
>makes tiktoks of herself with a guy who’s still in high school
>insufferable “i’m speshul cause i’m a woman who listens to metal” persona
>has been listening to metal since she was 5 or since she was in the womb 20 years ago, can’t decide

No. 2032728

There are women still with this persona in 2024???

No. 2033002

File: 1726158142443.jpg (230.82 KB, 1080x1139, 20240912_091826.jpg)

they really do like for some reason tiktok and ig are filled with bitches like this who want to cater to teenage metalheads. its like the genre of pick me girl that never seems to go away. (for lack of better term)

picrel isn't a lolcow but it's literally the same mentality as all these tiktok metal girls.
picrel is wearing a DEATH shirt btw…an extremely popular band.
but yeah im sure in the entirety of your COLLEGE you're the only one who could possibly know what death metal is. i swear this is actual middle schooler behavior

No. 2033005

I’m surprised you even have to be a pick me in such a male dominated scene kek

No. 2033006

we're going back to 5th grade with this shit. "ooo everyone at my school is like just so dumb they all listen to like RAP or something i listen to stuff like emo and metal music im just like sooo weird not like everyone else with their pop music" like that's how fucking immature all these bitches sound

No. 2033007

these types of girls seem to come around every few years tbh its like the easiest form of pandering for them

No. 2033008

its also because they look at how maybe some assholes in the scene are talking to younger people especially women and they have a hugeeeee "oh im not like those girls" complex

No. 2033159

If you’re college aged and your favorite band is Death, I’m lumping you in with the edm and rap crowd because you obviously also follow trends

No. 2033172

whats scary is that if u actually look at irl zoe she literally almost looks like this now like her wrinkles have gotten so so bad

No. 2033173

this exact shirt is on Amazon. not saying thats where she got it but my god youre not flexing anything. death is arguably the most popular death metal band in the world.

No. 2033408

File: 1726233360267.jpeg (491.55 KB, 750x973, IMG_1506.jpeg)

methhead mike locked up?

No. 2033657

He got a felony domestic violence charge and could face up to 2-6 years in prison kek. His real name is Michael Ryan Eggleston.

No. 2034657

File: 1726491136463.jpeg (488.59 KB, 1125x1959, IMG_1822.jpeg)

hope she’s serious and gets the help she needs, maybe some friends her age

No. 2034677

File: 1726496448758.jpg (164.47 KB, 1080x498, 8282737.jpg)

>if sobriety makes me feel worse i am relapsing
With this mindset, she certainly will not succeed. She is a mentally ill addict who craves extreme highs and lows, in her mind normalcy = worse, regardless of if it is objectively better for her. Picrel is not drug related, but it shows her attitude when it comes to kicking self destructive habits; as long as she isn't getting the instant gratification she craves, she feels "worse", therefore isn't willing to continue trying. If she does actually go to rehab, which is unlikely, she will also have the daunting task of having to rebuild her life once she's out. Her digital footprint is completely ruined, along with her life in LA. She would have to get off the internet, change her identity, and live a new life elsewhere in order to properly move forward, possibly even get plastic surgery if you want to consider shit like facial recognition technology. I don't think she is capable of it, not unless her parents do all of the work for her, and even if they do, her insatiable desire for attention and self destruction will inevitably kick in with time. I think she is ultimately just a lost cause, unfortunately.

No. 2034709

imagine ruining your life when you're just 19-20 years old, lol

No. 2034743

File: 1726508815103.jpg (119.46 KB, 1080x343, 82827374.jpg)

This post is considerably worse when you remember that she said Soren is one of her favorite cows >>>/snow/1999702

No. 2034745

Why do they feel the need to stupidly and pointlessly lie kek

No. 2034922

i slightly disagree nonnie. for one, alice was able to escape the IP2 stuff and lead the rest of her life privately. sure, everything is still online, but normal people at some job wont know what IP2 is and she probably got a name change. im sure dex is capable of doing the same but i dont know if she will wise up like alice did or be willing to surround herself with people who care. she has to accept that it will be very difficult to attain peace and happiness with sobriety and a lot of therapy work and coping skills etc., but i agree that she will probably realize its too much work and being high and killing herself with drugs is better because its easier, even if it destroys her life and disables her from reaching a far better place. her expectations are probably get sober, instant happiness, skip the actual effort.

No. 2035027

File: 1726542732231.jpeg (229.49 KB, 1170x2080, 837374.jpeg)

No. 2036683

There's a telegram group with those videos, I'm not sure if I can post it here though

No. 2036770

File: 1726882788369.jpg (479.51 KB, 1080x1166, MYXJ_20240920183817619_save.jp…)

>go to the gym
You mean use a body warping filter?

No. 2036772

File: 1726883101477.jpg (1.67 MB, 3072x1919, MYXJ_20240920184254626_save.jp…)

also if you wear makeup and thigh highs to the gym you arent there to work out, you're pretending youre there to work out
theres having cute gym clothes and theres…..whatever tf this and the kids training bra fit is

No. 2037217

File: 1727005867933.jpg (6.51 MB, 4000x4000, nadecola9.jpg)

It's kind of sad what nyabeat/nadecola/kerosene is doing for attention these days kek. She shows her underwear in every post aswell as interesting stuff with her feet.

No. 2037222

if youre going to selfpost at least be discreet about it

No. 2037226

Who cares? It's a style

No. 2037228

I’m not self posting lol I’m just saying she’s completely whoring out. And by interesting stuff w her feet I mean that she’s obviously pandering to degens with feet fetishes(sage your shit)

No. 2037229

File: 1727009468715.png (1.28 MB, 1645x1396, Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 8.50.…)

At least she's not gusset checking…yet.

No. 2037294

I don't get this, the facial structure of the right looks better. One looks like some creepy sex doll and the other looks like some bitch who lives in a grass hut, she just needs fuller lips is all

No. 2037295

His twitter is literally nothing but alcohol, he seems like a chronic drunkard

No. 2037361

No shit kek, he has been arrested several times for DUI, and recently crashed his car while Zoe was in it >>2025975

No. 2037506

File: 1727059427161.jpeg (686.95 KB, 828x898, 76565676466.jpeg)

Saw a post on this cow >>>/ot/2175640 and thought that she would be suited to this thread. Reminded me of ditzybunnychan and her sped boyfriend, except far more terminally online kek. I may have missed some things out as I don't have a Tiktok account, but here's a summary of what I was able to find so far :
>20 year old trad larp Tiktoker
>Went viral for marrying a scrote she met on 4chan within 2 days of meeting
>Husband is a chud who is supposedly in the army
>Moved from Georgia to Texas to be with him, claims that he already bought a house for them both
>Primarily posts baking and cooking, her vo1dchan consoomer bedroom, and ridiculous trad wojak videos
>Claims on tiktok that she has "always wanted to be a tradwife", but online history says otherwise
>Former /soc/ e-girl, last traceable post was in August of this year
>200lbs, former NEET
>Obsessive fetish for autistic virgin moids
>Countless posts on reddit and 4chan archives looking for a virgin moid
>Most notable posts include "looking for virgin boy to ziptie and play with", "looking for a guy to stalk me on my security cam" >>>/ot/2175736
>Browser of r/bigclits and various fat fetish subreddits >>>/ot/2175718 >>>/ot/2175723, told a "big titty goth latina" from r/BigBoobsGW that she was "severely crushing" on her
>Made her own OC posts in said subreddits
>Supposed ex /soc/ boyfriend of 3 years claims she is BPD and insane, apparently kept posting on /soc/ behind his back and cheated
>RW trad larp extends to recent 4chan posts, shuns coomers despite her history, spergs about hating "niggers"
>Notable interest in male lolcows (Chris Chan, Daniel Larson, Nick Contino), possible farmer
>Made a post on r/confessions in April saying that she masturbated to a video of Chris Chan >>>/ot/2175738
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@14.mango.14
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/mediocre-novel-1996/
Telegram : https://t.me/basedyanfei
Discord : fourteen.words
/soc/ alias : yanfei

No. 2037512

>married a scrote she met on 4chan within 2 days
Yeah we are absolutely fucked. It kept getting worse the more I read.

No. 2037518

she's such a fatty and always hides her bingo wings with her hair lol. also all e-girls get bored after a couple months and cheat on their moids because the attention of one man isnt enough for them. deserved imo.

No. 2037523

>>2037506 I had to block this person because it annoyed me. I remember she made some post shitting on working women, I asked her how old he was, because he looked 30+. She never answered me, so I assume I was right about him being older.. Lol.

No. 2037591

File: 1727081633448.jpg (158.18 KB, 828x1472, 2581DFAE-ACF2-4C80-A0B0-2388D1…)

This eternal thread always makes me puzzled knowing all the people posting about these girls are the same if not worse themselves. How many of you don't have personality disorders and normal lives? I'm gonna say not many because you're posting F tier instagram wannabe hikikomori e-sluts on an imageboard every single day.(whiteknighting newfag)

No. 2037593

File: 1727082423382.jpg (65.21 KB, 750x1000, RIP.jpg)

Imagine marrying an ugly fetal alcohol syndrome autistic scrote that you met on 4chan two days later then announcing it to the world like that. Just what kind of fucking mental illness does this to a bitch? then again she's a "tradwife" so her self worth was already in the Marianna Trench. RIP.

No. 2037728

File: 1727116698933.jpeg (585.19 KB, 1125x1959, IMG_1997.jpeg)

Let’s see if she can actually stay sober once she gets out

No. 2037779

I thought this was the Venus thread for a sec

No. 2037829

They didn’t accept her kek

No. 2037845

File: 1727130761594.jpg (64.46 KB, 1080x240, 88656655.jpg)

She's probably just making up excuses to not go. She recently made this tweet.

No. 2039357

you have to be the same person. like genuinely how are you any less pathetic for defending any of these people??? I'm gonna take a guess that you're probably 14 and just discovered this thread and maybe the whole website in general

No. 2039359

"no excuses" is rich coming from the idiot who had to starve herself to fit into kids clothes and looking up to other ana-chans on edtwt

No. 2039361

not to mention she lied so much about her ED it took her getting "exposed" by her ex to actually admit it

No. 2039363

ellie no excuses get off the internet and stop posting your body checking and self harm scars and actually go back to school jesus christ no excuses

No. 2039365

Why is everyone so mean to Ellie in here?(wk)

No. 2039650

Being skinny alone isn't milk. A better thing to criticise Ellie and other e girls for is the use of those stupid baby-talk typing quirks.

No. 2039690

it's funny how she's larping when she just goes on to use obnoxious and super obvious body warping filters like if you're trying to stay fit and work out it's even more disingenuous to use those than a normal ethot using them who hasn't decided using the leg press for fifteen minutes a day means they're a kawiwi gym rat but this is the girl who played off her having an ED as other things so not a shock

No. 2039691

Yes but also Ellie isn't just "skinny" like there's a whole thread for the ridiculous tier of shopping she also does.

No. 2040752

>Supposed ex /soc/ boyfriend of 3 years claims she is BPD and insane, apparently kept posting on /soc/ behind his back and cheated
Do you have a link for this?(sage your shit)

No. 2040788

File: 1727752462264.jpg (251.47 KB, 1080x673, 828737474.jpg)


Looks like someone also saw the posts on here, and posted some of it onto /soc/

No. 2040865

So she's like every 4chan girl ever then kek. What do these stupid moids expect. Also jfl at that thread, 35 year old moids and 5ft7 Mexican losers thinking they can afford to be choosey.(baiting)

No. 2041164

File: 1727830376056.png (2.68 MB, 2000x2500, ray_beingbetrayd.png)

Ray, usernames include Beingbetrayd/certifieddeadgrl/prettyndolllike/moepuppygirl , is getting attention on tiktok/twitter for typical e-girl shenanigans including but not limited to
>overtly racist. multiple photos of her doing nazi salutes, her answer to any type of criticism is simply to call them her choice of a racial slur
>sells nudes for robux of all things
>discord server owned by her had people sending cp
>tries to look asian, at one point claimed she was asian
>typical snow filter abuse
>BPD-chan, attention seeking behavior from pedos, racist eboys and other types of disgusting moids
>wannarexic, has posted about her "ed" and body checks while being chubby
The censored picture in the "animals deserv 2 be absed" screenshot is from crush porn where a kitten has a heel pushed on its eye.
Twitter is currently @moepuppygirl and tiktok @prettyndolllike

No. 2041165

File: 1727830578882.mp4 (5.68 MB, 270x480, Beingbetrayed discord crashout…)

Ray losing it over some e-boy who forces his voice

No. 2041167

File: 1727830719260.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.6 KB, 474x605, GYsW6dJXoAAJKs1.jpg)

This is just sad

No. 2041168

She sounds exactly how'd I expected lol

No. 2041175

File: 1727831749048.png (Spoiler Image,514.45 KB, 743x750, having a melty over this.png)

No. 2041227

What being an abhorrent, terminally online neet does to a mfer. I lose all pity when a person thinks it's edgy to post animal abuse. Hope she makes good on her promise to yeet herself from existence someday so she can save us all the headache.

No. 2041284

>Just fucking love me PLEASE
Sorry for the alog but I'm glad she's in constant mental and emotional suffering. Animal abusers deserve nothing but pain.
Bitch no one is ever gonna love you if this is how you interact with people.
>I'm gonna kill myself
Do it faggot. Kek at the fact that she's threatening to kill herself with "pills" her dad (?) has. Bet it's like 10 ibuprofen.

No. 2041287

>baby cuts with ugly, big writing specifically designed to look "wrong" and "fucked up" because that's her and the moid's fetish.
>the screeching and the corpse husband voice
The other anons are right. I just don't feel sad for an animal abusing racist, not going to lie.

No. 2041288

File: 1727858351776.jpg (129.14 KB, 828x1472, 3468B178-3BFF-41F6-A032-460CC6…)

Wrong faggot I'm a grown adult, and this website is for newfag ugly little girls anyways. Mods can you ban me again? I didn't learn my lesson the first time.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2041341

>>2041288 bitch you look beat after, go fix your nails and clean your eyelashes. you look like you smell

No. 2041423

File: 1727894213513.gif (495.94 KB, 220x144, IMG_0401.gif)

Is she seriously crying over…someone who sounds like this

No. 2041429

this is the funniest meltdown i have heard in a while how is this real and why did they record it? Her attempt at laughing in a psycho anime girl way and the moid sounding like cr1tikal on benzos really make this a masterpiece of cringe.
This is so messy I am living for it.

No. 2041473

File: 1727903539471.jpg (841.04 KB, 1125x2008, IMG_5532.jpg)

The moid originally posted it I assume after they broke up lol. I'm genuinely baffled how one can lose their mind like this over a corpse husband wannabe who clearly doesn't give a fuck… This was also a bit over a month ago and she already has a new e-boy. I'm praying for a part 2.

No. 2041477

File: 1727904045728.jpg (45.49 KB, 449x401, Laughing-Girls-meme-2.jpg)

Imagine losing your shit for a scrote named Landon kek
I am glad to know she is mocked for her pain and hated by the whole internet. She hurt a kitten in >>2041164 which is infinitely worse than saying a slur or not standing up for Pawestine.

No. 2041511

A lot of racist retards are animal abusers. It all comes from the same subhuman mindset, extremely common pattern of spite toward "the other", especially when they're vulnerable and weak. She'd probably also let a moid abuse her daughter if she had one (hopefully, she is barren).

No. 2041821

File: 1727989100830.jpeg (357.84 KB, 750x798, IMG_2639.jpeg)

She looks so strange. Her boobs look shooped and she’s sucking in her neck like crazy. I’m glad she’s getting help for the drugs but now she need’s to get help for her awful selfies.

No. 2042103

File: 1728052499763.jpg (111.7 KB, 1440x1800, GYtIhGgWQAAsE8d.jpg)

someone called her fingers vienna sausages so she started photoshopping them and holding them out to show they totes aren't kek. Her wrists are so large and she's so obviously big backed this is bleak.

No. 2042453

File: 1728130105110.jpeg (97.64 KB, 946x2048, IMG_5576.jpeg)

No. 2043544

File: 1728398520275.mp4 (3.28 MB, 720x1434, 1728398032269.mp4)

Her lack of empathy and smugness is on another level. Not my recording so apologies for the zoomer comment

No. 2043616

File: 1728411044557.jpeg (494.58 KB, 1170x2141, IMG_6532.jpeg)

Our dear ditzybunnychan has switched up overnight from DDLG lover to wannabe emo junkie. Can’t wait to watch this saga kek

No. 2043701

this is what happens when you have an aesthetic instead of a personality

No. 2043716

I hate ppl like this. Does it not get exhausting to view yourself as a brand to be cultivated and to have to constantly switch up your “vibe” or “aesthetic” along with your personality to match a fabricated view of what you think is cool through thinly disguised branded content online and the latest microtrend? The fact that the political views come along with it too just shows it’s all make-believe and they have no true values or personality besides what is popular on their side of the internet at the minute. It’s all like a fun internet larping club to them, same with the troon shit and whatever microlabel or subculture they’ve decided to co-opt this time.

No. 2043725

File: 1728431668964.jpg (897.9 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20241008_185050_Tik…)

her new tiktok layout gave me a good laugh. "Legal" "junkie" when all she does is smoke cigs n weed like every other egirl kek

No. 2043729

File: 1728432716017.jpg (495.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20241008_190718_Ins…)

Holy fuck u were right

No. 2043781

People like this genuinely disgust me. Having to match every possible part of yourself to fit a certain label and then abandoning those parts once it's no longer trendy. It's so sickening and inauthentic.

No. 2043950

>cashapp link
who's going to be giving cash to this dime a dozen ethot? Her pics are so boring. Seems very in love with her own face.

No. 2045862

File: 1728917472521.png (1.03 MB, 1104x1101, q.png)

Nyabeat/nadecola shooping half of her hips/thighs away kek

No. 2045863

The first pic looks so much better though, this is actual madness

No. 2050520

File: 1729933202639.jpg (208.46 KB, 1160x2048, 1000000035.jpg)

I just discovered this girl and I keep staring at her face because something isn't right. Is she really fully white? It literally looks like she uses a custom made filter with an Asian woman's face over it and the filter on her lips is odd as well

No. 2050529

It looks weird because she deleted her nasal bridge. This makeup is so gross to me. It looks like the end of the nose is a penis head.

No. 2050530

That's the area I'm talking about. I think she has an extremely heavy filter and in some older photos or photos that look "less edited" there is no epicanthic fold but yet she suddenly has it in alot of new ones. Like I genuinely think she made a filter with fake epicanthic folds

No. 2050646

i think she genuinely just looks like that. sage for blog but i’m fully irish/english (a little swarthy), and people have genuinely mistaken me for east asian numerous times. i can see it being easy for her to fake that if she already naturally has small eyelids and stuff

No. 2050800

File: 1730003235569.jpg (299.48 KB, 1078x678, 1000016161.jpg)

Get real.

No. 2050801

Is that the nazi?

No. 2050804

File: 1730004439839.png (712.27 KB, 1283x796, ,kjhbbnm,.png)

She's also huge
Yeah she's doing a roman salute in picrel too

No. 2050809

File: 1730004808810.png (146.29 KB, 571x422, dmcndnkck.png)

Also samefag but under her old alias certifieddeadgrl (which she is tweeting about on her new account) her father took away her phone for a while because she got in a huuuugge controversy with other zoomer retards for asianfishing and being a nazi LARPer. I wish I could remember everything but I find it funny how she came back doing the same exact shit, her parents must be so disappointed. She also plans on making a telegram

No. 2050811

File: 1730004957310.png (48.4 KB, 580x240, kjhbnkiuyhgbn.png)

Fucked up by saying "plans on" but whatever kek

No. 2051385

File: 1730166291716.jpeg (92.32 KB, 506x353, IMG_7325.jpeg)

Not exactly milk but I’m surprised Vampjunk’s given up her “I’ve matured” larp and is just openly admitting to still being connected with kaliacc/basedretardgang. I haven’t been keeping up with her but the last I saw was that interview where she made the classic excuse that she was a “dumb teenager” at the time.
According to her twitter her discord is “cunnyh1tler1488”. I’ll never get why grown women act like pickmes for pedo scrotes when they’re not even their preference kek. After her blowing a tantrum about the “curryfoid” girl too.

No. 2051391

Bitches like her need to rope

No. 2051397

She's still seething over that indian girl?

No. 2051455

You're wrong. She's using a filter that gives her the appearance of heavy epicanthic folds. You can use eyelid tape to make yourself have double eyelids but it can't delete your nose bridge and regularly morph your inner eye corners.(sage your shit)

No. 2052000

File: 1730331023644.jpeg (820.21 KB, 1179x1658, IMG_7760.jpeg)

dexpuppy beefing with empathchan

No. 2052012

File: 1730333046676.jpg (133.62 KB, 581x937, screencap.jpg)

>uses you as a personal lolcow
huh, could be pretty interesting if this turns into a back and forth between them.

No. 2052032

Im so sorry for being retarded, but does clapped mean ugly? Kek

No. 2052038

It means ugly yes, no idea why she is using british slang kek

No. 2052060

Empath is 25 so start mewing is too optimistic, it can work on younger ppl but it's over for her. she could starve to become less fat and lower her low iq some more but that doesn't change awful bone structure. It'd be funny if she started bonesmashing like the incels she panders to but she's such an unoriginal bpd whore that her milk is spoiled and only consists of photoshopping her mouthbreather face + slampig body +skinwalking other cows, she's not gonna spit on ppl anymore cause she has a court case for assault. ruined her already pathetic life by committing petty crime for a few likes but still couldn't amass a following so she bought 13k indonesian bot follows on X where she spends every waking hour looking for tweets to copy hoping and failing to go viral. ugliest, most retarded and miserable reject cow on this whole site, and being a lolcow of such low tier that even other lolcows feign niceness to laugh at is the highlight of her existence

No. 2052136

Genuinely curious what it’s like to be in public for girls like her who catfish to this extreme and have a large following?

No. 2052683

File: 1730542835298.jpg (350.25 KB, 1080x948, 7654645.jpg)

Pandering to TIMs too now??

No. 2069662

File: 1734574864694.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x2050, IMG_7421.jpeg)

dex is back with mike

No. 2069863

File: 1734638902935.jpg (787.86 KB, 2000x2215, 7272748482.jpg)

She has now abandoned the dexpuppy alias and rebranded to "lulu". She also made a new Tumblr blog and seriously tagged #radfemblr on the intro post kek. What the fuck even happened with Mike yesterday?

No. 2070103

File: 1734715574668.jpg (63.06 KB, 1080x417, UtwyqjJgjHggN.jpg)

No. 2070147

Why does she tell on herself? Her tumblr bio seemed pretty genuine and like she may be turning over a new leaf but her twitter suggests otherwise. It's sad. She's really young, why did she go full tweaker.

No. 2070227

On the surface she seems like an interesting cow but the more I read the more she starts to feel like a caricature of "raised by the internet".

No. 2070242

looks like she's off the drugs though. good for her, hope it lasts (it probably won't)

No. 2070361

File: 1734807194058.jpg (1.01 MB, 3000x1921, IshjKHdjKhgNnd.jpg)

Seems she has decided to pull a nikocado and pretend that dexpuppy was all actually a calculated act, and that everyone else was the idiot rather than herself kek. Your schizobabble isn't fooling anyone, Zoe.

No. 2070375

File: 1734808776427.jpg (249.44 KB, 1080x1049, KJhGivvNnhV.jpg)

Dream wardrobe from shein maybe, the rest was spent on motels, ubers and meth kek

No. 2070376

Let babygirl dramatize

No. 2070382

Okay so she is definitely still smoking the tina KEK

No. 2070387

she was schizo before too i think she’s just like that, she used to have episodes on myfigurecollection all the time

No. 2070582

Fuck all of you for killing her. She is gone.
Was it worth it? Why couldn’t you leave it alone?(no context, whiteknighting)

No. 2070593

What happened

No. 2070603

File: 1734896645034.mp4 (1.22 MB, 458x480, 1567929322232770561.mp4)

No. 2070655

Her tumblr is gone so I'm guessing this is either one of her orbiters freaking out because she deleted, or her doing a fake suicide bit.

No. 2070664

Yeah, can't see any reason why she would have killed herself unless it was an accidental overdose. She seemed to be doing fine yesterday and had plans to meet an online friend for new years, according to her tumblr. It's probably just an attempt from her or one of her friends to try to stop people from posting about her further on here, especially considering the fact she announced that she was going to scrub everything dexpuppy related in >>2070375 . Either that or it's just an ESL tard being overly dramatic in their wording kek.

No. 2070732

>It's probably just an attempt from her or one of her friends to try to stop people from posting about her further on here
This 100%. Pathetic. We know she lurks here, and no, it hasn't made us feel bad about sharing what she herself posted publicly online which is worthy of ridicule. Removing it is a start, but one has to actually put in the work to change, not just erase everything and pretend like nothing happened while carrying on with the same bullshit on an alt account.

No. 2070775

File: 1734977111236.jpg (1.05 MB, 1042x2171, 0000000000.jpg)

Pinterest is still active, retard.

No. 2070955

This is why I will never respect any bitch who does the "schizophrenic e-girl" act. It is always an act.
"Psychosis fuel" as a Pinterest board because she's so fucking unoriginal she can't even create her own meth delusions. A copy of a copy of a copy. Get a life, go back to school, stop pretending to be an EPIC SCHIZO on the internet.
I just want someone to put her on a high dose of antipsychotics and watch her gain weight.

No. 2071009

I’ve always thought this when it comes to her antics. It’s not difficult to see that she is a try hard for attention and wants to be different so badly

No. 2071151

She is so fake she will never understand the struggle of being actually mentally ill. It's embarrassing.

No. 2071167

She is quite obviously mentally ill kek, it's just that attention seeking and lying is a huge part of said mental illness. No mentally sound person would ever act like her or engage in the things that she does. She definitely likes to exaggerate the whole schizo alien shut-in otaku bs though.

No. 2072183

vampjunk girl still talks about me?

No. 2072184

>>2051385 its been a year, i understand why vampy would be angry i dont know why you /snow/ people bring that situation up so much(unsaged namefag)

No. 2073730

File: 1735942152734.jpg (413.17 KB, 1080x1209, 13242553624.jpg)

Already back on twitter and attention whoring.

No. 2074153

File: 1736015841273.jpg (317.74 KB, 1080x1294, 226351515363.jpg)

She hasn't changed at all, kek

No. 2074176

File: 1736019673187.jpeg (695.36 KB, 1179x2053, IMG_5191.jpeg)

lmao shes missing her meth days

No. 2074184

File: 1736020388295.jpg (248.43 KB, 1080x1920, downloadfile(8).jpg)

No. 2074200

File: 1736023808202.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x1776, IMG_5201.jpeg)

No. 2074202

>Posting these things with your face attached

No. 2074228

File: 1736029059054.mp4 (3.22 MB, 576x1024, 2092938388292.mp4)

She's probably the retard from a couple of days ago who bumped the bella janke thread thirsting over her and got her post deleted kek

No. 2074231


No. 2074233

zoe is healed now guys plz stop 3;(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2074234

Isabelle Janke here, i want you too… so bad


No. 2074317

Nvm keep talkin shit ! Apparently she loves it :3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2074323

File: 1736046860519.mp4 (8.9 MB, 576x1024, trollishly_tiktok_downloader_0…)

How long until she starts doing meth again? She's still friends with Mike, so it can't be long. At this point she deserves whatever happens to her.

No. 2074616

File: 1736134268132.jpg (482.71 KB, 1080x1260, facebook.jpg)

Is she retarded on purpose? I know she has posted her poorly censored ID before already, but really kek? No wonder she hasn't been getting responses to her job applications.

No. 2074642

She’s doxxed herself dozens of times kek this isn’t news and it got old months ago

No. 2074733

File: 1736182999655.png (195.54 KB, 481x532, dexxed out.png)

and now the account is gone, i wonder if shes back on meth (or never got off)

No. 2074776

File: 1736196423292.jpg (139.85 KB, 1080x509, 153U26X62.jpg)

She did post this last night, which would imply she is still a tweaker.

No. 2075393

Posting this here even though I'm wondering if this won't eventually deserve its own thread on /w/. Tasselfairy/Amina Mucciolo is a self-proclaimed queer black influencer. She is most famously known for vlogging the renovation process that she and her white TIM "wife" did on an apartment flat, turning the plain white studio apartment into a very garish rainbow vomit and naming the art project "Cloudland". Amina claims her entire career was built around Cloudland.

Amina and her husband are both two very ugly and obese losers who hide their true colors with literal colors, as Amina apparently likes getting into drama and grifts as hard as possible to stay relevant.

Case in point, today I share with you a youtube video posted by Tasselfairy, claiming her tinfoil that Lisa Frank is responsible for the fact that she paid her rent late and lost her original apartment space. The Youtube crowd is currently siding with her, having a complete goldfish memory about Amira trying to claim LOL Surprise "copied" her and owes her, going along with Amina's tinfoil about Lisa Frank somehow "ruining" her despite having no real evidence of malicious intent.

Amina's IG: studiomucci
Lavender Rose, her TIM: she_is_lavender_rose

No. 2075395

File: 1736365290971.jpg (139.93 KB, 640x1133, m4fynj579we51.jpg)

Amina racebaiting and claiming that Lisa Frank is doing this on purpose 'cause she's black

No. 2075398

File: 1736365583101.jpeg (723.22 KB, 2048x2048, Ea1nGUxXQAAYLNS.jpeg)

Tasselfairy claiming MGA stole her likeness for this doll and didn't give her credit.

No. 2075400

Is Amina still regularly engaging in cowish behavior? If yes I’d love a thread on her and her TIM husband.

No. 2075403

Oh I loved researching this specimen back in the day. She thinks she invented the concept of dressing loudly? I remember fighting for my LIFE on Tumblr when she claimed Lisa Frank was ripping her off because I said "Isn't she ripping Lisa Frank off to begin with?"

No. 2075404

Didn't this happen like five years ago? Let it go man.(sage your shit)

No. 2075406

File: 1736366176861.mp4 (7.35 MB, 360x640, trans-deadline.mp4)

But also I wanted to especially highlight the cretin that is Amina's transbian wife, Lavender.

Lavender not only doesn't bother to pass but can barely shave his 5 o'clock shadow in many of his photos. He and Amina are both over 40 years old and still want to dress in party kei type rainbow garbage. His entire instagram is just a goldmine of TIM pastel nightmares.

No. 2075410

File: 1736366693804.jpg (254.07 KB, 972x1233, Screenshot_20250108-140026_Chr…)

Yeah the youtube video was posted 3 days ago and it has 15k likes. People aren't aware. It is kind of funny that she keeps Lavender out of her camera footage, almost like it's intentional… who would want to keep a face like this out of camera shot?

A thread should definitely be made then, especially if you have any screenshots from her tumblr about that because it goes directly against the narrative she's trying to spin. She is currently claiming that she has never even thought about Lisa Frank between her childhood until they followed her on Instagram.

No. 2075427

Kek Lisa Franks room literally looks like generic Lisa Frank, how is she going to reach that hard. Generic trendy plastic chairs and colorful cluttered photo wall that plenty people have done before. She has no creativity or skills if she thinks not having a special colorful apartment anymore is ruining her "career" of being a generic rainbow girl who makes it her whole personality.

No. 2075489

Weird, last I saw of them, I thought she and her troon husband divorced? Are they back together ?

No. 2075526

his profile still has recent pictures of them together, so I'm assuming no divorce ever actually happened.

No. 2075686

File: 1736436548905.png (1.45 MB, 2388x1668, 172DC8AE-5696-4667-B45A-8069CA…)

I remember this controversy well because the CEO of MGA Entertainment (Bratz, LOLsurprise, Rainbow High) is a bit of a personal cow for me, he’s like the Trump of toy CEO’s with his unhinged boomer posting. I’m pretty sure his response to Amina is what caused him to delete his twitter and move his rants over to LinkedIn. I can’t disagree with him though, she is exactly what he says she is. MGA posted a timeline for how long it takes for a doll to go from an initial concept/design, to production, to market to prove that it was impossible for them to have copied her Instagram photos. Even if they did, she didn’t invent blue hair dye.

No. 2076417

But Tasselfairy isn't wearing a rainbow fanny pack tho?

No. 2080020

File: 1737423723640.jpeg (106.83 KB, 750x223, IMG_8956.jpeg)

selling her saggers online, i wonder if the income will lead to a meth relapse

No. 2081161

I know this is old but she just lost weight, she is notoriously anorexic. Both pics are probably a little shopped though

No. 2081562

She was doing this back in 2020. This is old AF.

No. 2086532

File: 1738971160365.jpg (434.36 KB, 1080x1644, 10929394993.jpg)

It has started. So much for getting better, things are only going to go downhill from here.

No. 2086533

File: 1738971271471.jpg (345.88 KB, 1080x966, 298384828394.jpg)

KEK this is so fucking pathetic.

No. 2086535

File: 1738971581885.jpg (156.86 KB, 1080x896, 919838489293.jpg)

No. 2086597

File: 1738982147086.png (162.75 KB, 768x602, JSgsmPvis3a8aSNH.png)

absolutely bleak. i think i'm going to stop keeping up with her because this is just getting too depressing

No. 2086604

She's only 20 and she thinks her life is already over jesus fucking christ.

No. 2086617

this is sorta heart breaking i hope she doesnt actually do this.

No. 2086618

Funny thing is her life won't really be ruined, nobody gives a shit and 100 people will watch it

I'd almost put money on none of this happening

No. 2086629

File: 1738993245626.jpg (422.7 KB, 1080x1311, 918284782838.jpg)

Personally I wouldn't put it past her. She has already posted herself fully naked on onlyfans, flashed on stream, had sex on stream, and met up with the same moid a couple of weeks ago to have drug fuelled sex in a motel. She claims to have started smoking fent too, so no doubt that's also causing her to make even more retarded decisions.

No. 2086632

File: 1738993938663.jpg (486.25 KB, 1080x2548, 00193903019.jpg)

The moid in question

No. 2086640

Looks like she has started making long form youtube videos too. This gives some context as to why she is the way she is, groomed by the internet as suspected.

No. 2086642

No. 2087054

File: 1739112027602.jpg (124.58 KB, 1034x1062, n.jpg)

What the actual fuck. Why does she let men treat her like this, she's going to end up getting killed one day

No. 2087115

Knowing Zoe this scrote is probably fat, old, balding, or all 3

No. 2087116

Knowing Zoe this was probably consensual

No. 2087129

I know she thrives off people worrying about her but I wish she would cut this shit out before a man kills her. She's fucked me over personally but I don't want her to get killed by a retard crackmoid

No. 2087146

The hole is probably actually from a chair bumping the wall or something. Someone who actually experienced domestic violence wouldn't brag about it on Twitter for retards to wank to.

No. 2087166

>Someone who actually experienced domestic violence wouldn't brag about it on Twitter for retards to wank to.
Zoe would, unfortunately. She's masochistic and loves abusive men. She has dated several scrotes like this, though only ever considers what they do to be abusive when they're on bad terms or have broken up. This one does seem to be more violent than the rest however, which isn't exactly surprising given how they met.

No. 2087273

File: 1739164754921.jpg (461.32 KB, 675x815, 901281026341.jpg)

Are they competing over Empathchan kek

No. 2087305

Why does she post this back pic all the time as if it's something to brag about? I'm not even underweight and can make my back look the same if I'm in bathroom lighting and contort it like this kek. Does she really think that people can't tell?

No. 2087404

this interaction is so cringeworthy

No. 2087468

File: 1739225467569.jpg (137.23 KB, 900x1200, GjaGTfvaYAAlWER.jpg)

he is definitely fat and at least in his 30s, his twitter screams middle aged edgelord. picrel from dex's twitter. thats a big boi

No. 2087470

File: 1739225684286.png (21.52 KB, 728x166, Screenshot 2025-02-10 140530.p…)

assuming she either was booted from her parents or the motel kicked them out over the damage to the room cause she's flexing being homeless on twitter. she will never recover from any of this. it gets bleaker each day.
kek beefing with the ED lolcow who beat her grandma up for onlyfans and over empathchan of all people. they're all scrapping to see who's the most repulsive of all time i guess. what a crossover.

No. 2087636

The dimple knuckles give it away.

No. 2087949

So she just lets him pump and dump her? I just know she's going to end up dating him eventually too.

No. 2088037

File: 1739346815681.jpg (74.39 KB, 1080x432, JOuLkejngwuJbn.jpg)

Jaw drop.

No. 2088067

Don't forget, she (allegedly) let him beat her as well but yeah.

No. 2088071

In her most recent stream it sounded like her parents are trying to get guardianship over her, I feel as if thats an good option for someone who's schizophrenic and needs help very bad but just won't get the help that she needs(this is an imageboard/post proof)

No. 2088173

Being a dumb fuck isn't a pathology.

No. 2088228

File: 1739400345227.jpg (138.89 KB, 547x485, 837477284.jpg)

Kek she has already made a pinterest board dedicated to this fat retard

No. 2088340

File: 1739429900561.jpg (289.29 KB, 1080x719, 16374626747.jpg)

She's so fucking disgusting, holy shit. Every time I start to feel bad for her, she then does something that makes me want to a-log. For anons who don't know, Nevada-tan was an 11 year old Japanese girl who murdered her classmate. This was an actual crime case too, not just some anime thing, meaning she wants to do an OF shoot cosplaying a real life child. Deplorable bitch.

No. 2088842

File: 1739548147229.jpg (1.89 MB, 3464x3464, 20250214_154526989_iOS.jpg)

curedenpa/ sillyenpa, formerly known as chobunn or pipirupiru

> mixed black woman (the pictures on the left are prior to her racial transition) who, when in desperate need of attention started to larp as an asian e girl (she is mixed with white, not asian).

> whole grift is being a neet hikikomori shy soft e girl
> skinwalks zombiebeatz2000 to a t
> constantly accuses other women of copying her despite her personality and content consisting of the exact same thing as every other e girl who stumbled across lucky star and old internet nostalgia
> as a part of her hikki shy grift, constantly tweets about how much she hates mean e girls
> is the mean e girl, consistently reposts other girls and accuses them of copying her, being pedophiles or rapist defenders, and doing blackface (baselessly)
> when these tweets are faced with any backlash she instantly deletes them and starts to whine about how everyone is mean to her
> favourite thing to accuse these women of is not being a true fan of her "super niche" media (saya no uta, blue archive, etc.), or being fake neet femcels unlike her!
> moralfags these women and refers to herself as being "outspokenly against lolicon"
> tries her hardest to look like a retarded anime child, puffing her face out and wearing randoseru + school uniforms, oftentimes with her feet at the centre of the frame
> clearly believes she is some 3edgy5u 4chanite e girl queen, however, shortly thereafter noticed it was becoming too popular and renounced anything 4chan to not be seen as a totes fake tourist
> is a retard and keeps up her posts with "kek" and a pepe the frog mug she willingly spent her neetbux on
> overall a tard and a massive hypocrite with clear internalised misogyny and racism

apologies for the poorly laid out image i struggled to find things to keep in given she tweets 20 times a day

No. 2088849

generic r9k egirl #400657 literally indistinguishable from every other bitch like who cares
its not milky to like lolis and pretend to be a nazi its just tryhard bullshit they all do and being posted on lolcow is literally their dream

No. 2088865

Being against lolicon isn’t moralfagging. Not supporting drawn CP is a good stance, what the fuck are you smoking

No. 2088866

I agree, sorry for poor wording I mean she is morally policing them for things she does but on a greater scale. She calls them out for liking the same things she does, and will call them lolicons while acting like and trying to look like a downy 5 year old. She is a failed moralfag as she does literally everything they do but worse. She has posted about being an ageplayer and types like a toddler.
It is the e girls thread and every slightly milky e girl acts the exact same. I know she's not doing meth or anything but her racial transition and consistent hypocrisy made her seem different.

No. 2088867

im not saying im pro loli im saying these girls dont even like lolis they just do it for attention, so giving them attention for pretending to like lolis and rape and nazis is counterproductive
the correct response to these girls is to ignore and actually find something interesting to post

No. 2088868

couldnt this get her actually booted off of OF for cosplaying an actual child. natsumi tsuji very much exists

No. 2088908

This is just a dime a dozen e-girl, she doesn't stand out in any way, dare I say she is even less milky than the majority of e-girls who do the 4chan loli larp. Most of them ARE openly racist and talk about how much they love lolicon, and even they aren't interesting enough to post by any means. Nobody cares about your personal vendetta.
>She calls them out for liking the same things she does, and will call them lolicons while acting like and trying to look like a downy 5 year old.
Almost every single e-girl who collects "animecore" shit does this.
>I know she's not doing meth or anything but her racial transition and consistent hypocrisy made her seem different.
It doesn't at all.

No. 2088961

>"for the better"
not even the men (GAMPS) who are actually attracted to these guys have positive things to say about them. they're emotionally manipulative and exhausting to be around. you hear their scrotes say shit like "I have to constantly reassure my pet tim and he's still a pain in the ass". these people need therapy, not relationships. they seem like magnets for abusers and people who are shitty in general. the times I've been on /tttt/ have been harrowing.

No. 2089182

personally i enjoy seeing these weirdos be posted, very kekworthy tbh.

i have a sneaking suspicion most of the nonnas defending her and saying she’s not milky may run in the same circles as her… normal people find this shit cringe and laugh at it, not defend it. like, yeah she’s fairly tame but still clearly acts like a cow online and deserves to be posted

No. 2089199

i think you’re right. there was some r9k egirl named iris that has self posted here before and follows her on twitter. i think a lot of those kinds lurk and post here sadly(sage your shit)

No. 2089221

there could be no possible world where two farmers could disagree on a topic ever, only lurkers and selfposters…

No. 2089282

idk why she thought calling 4chan "dead" would make her copy paste edgy egirl larp seem more authentic, it just makes it obvious she 1- has not visited it 2- has no idea what an actual dead imageboard looks like

No. 2089284

agreed, uncreative zombiebeatz skinwalkers are the heart and soul of this thread

No. 2089286

multiple anons posting about how she’s a “dime a dozen egirl” (spoiler alert, she’s not really), same anons have retarded egirl typing styles

there is ABSOLUTELY something post worthy about some black girl larping as an uwu asian loli to pander to greasy, fat moids on twitter. does she deserve a thread? no, of course not. is it deserving of a post, yes. stop bitching because you feel personally victimised over the post kek. if you wanna see actually interesting people being posted, then contribute. i swear, if erin painter was posted today, there’d be some WK fag saying she’s not milky

No. 2089306

its always someone claiming that a new cow getting posted on here isn’t milky enough. any adult who dresses and presents themselves in the manner that these women do are mentally ill. their strange fashion sense, unnatural hair colours and obscure makeup is all a reflection of their mental state.

No. 2089521

can you actually stop you're just giving these copy paste gen z 4chan egirls more attention. like u realize all of these girls want to be lolcows right?

No. 2089603

kina agree nona. The Varsity cows are running dry if not dry already. Some or any form of new milk is appreciated.

No. 2089660

Dexpuppy is consistently milky, it's just that most people don't care enough to post her shit most of the time, and it's very time consuming (not to mention depressing) trying to keep up with her properly. I still try to make posts every so often so that the thread doesn't completely die out, but considering the fact that most anons here just don't seem to be that interested, singlehandedly keeping up with everything she does so that it can all be documented here feels like a huge waste of time. The thread is just generally dead, even if there is milk. I don't think anons are wrong in complaining, nor are the people complaining all egirls. The time that I can recall these threads were most active over the years (vo1dchan era), it was mostly full of vendetta posting. That's just the nature of these threads unfortunately, it largely interests/attracts the girls in these circles, so even if you do have a milky cow, the majority of posters are still far more eager to shit talk the ones that they personally interact with. Despite her long-term involvement in the egirl community, the main audience that actually keeps up with and interacts with dexpuppy consists of middle aged IP2 viewers, who have their own site to use instead.

No. 2089693

Well I appreciate it nona. I never post but did just to tell you I still enjoy the skim milk. Please keep it up. Other nonas can hide the thread or not bother opening it if they don’t enjoy the contents.

No. 2089989

Lurker her, thanks nona for your efforts.

No. 2090191

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Anyone know the context behind this or is she just lying?

No. 2090288

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transferring a cow from cluster b(itches) to here, sorry for the low quality screenshot kek, if you can't read stuff i'll link everything anyways. she posts very milky shit VERY regularly

>@sewersl6t on instagram, 18(not entirely sure but definitely over 17) year old bpdette from Melbourne Australia

>Blogs her retardedness all over instagram stories and twitter
>Anachan, self harmfag, major pickme, shooping, pedo-pandering etc etc etc
>Currently 'homeless' but most likely has runaway from home(her room is full of animeshit and shein cute-core whatever and obviously has fairly accepting parents)
>Has a house/shelter to sleep at but larps as if she's sleeping on the street and records random crackheads

first post on her
filming hospital staff and being kicked out and crying on the street kek
has a 6 week old kitten that has already gone missing twice, not in her care at time of post
wants to be a stripper and rationalises doing sex work because 'i'm still loyal boys!'
screen recording of instagram highlights
stealing stuff and being a rat in the city
>ok but imagine a asexual female relationship. GOALS
being a rat even more in the city
twitter screenshots of insane anachanning and self harm
gets the kitten back somehow


No. 2090289

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dropping here for easy access, heres her ig highlights

No. 2090291

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most recent update is she has SOMEHOW acquired TWO NEW KITTENS and was going to get more? she was also posting about grief so i really hope princess hasn't died only a few days after she got her back. this makes me genuinely very upset. how the fuck is a shelter giving two kittens to an allegedly homeless 18 year old girl who looks like a retard? she's keeping them in a cardboard box which looks to have the same blanket that princess was on. i feel sick

No. 2090493

Addy has a thread >>>/w/334903 and she’s a cow too. No idea what she’s referring to specifically. Addy is one of those worthless commentary creators so probably some dumb shit no one cares about.

No. 2090579

Yeah, that's why I asked. I was just wondering what the supposed "canceling" claims were and if there was any truth behind it happening. Normally something like this is just run of the mill for Zoe, therefore not worth questioning, but cow crossovers are always entertaining, especially when it's a well-known one.

No. 2090581

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That name is a blast from the past. Didn't she claim to have been mutuals with Bianca Devins too kek.

No. 2091026

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No. 2091192

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sewersl6t tried weed(?) for the first time and started chasing her ex daniel around with a knife in the city, i guess.
>also my presence dates back to egyptian times
babies first time doing psychs!
>i was acting that way in literal public
seems like the person dming her is a guy though, which is a bit disgusting to me considering he's physically threatening her back. i think this proves my hypothesis that she hangsout with nasty ratty wannabe gangster kids. her e-girl larp must stick out like a sore thumb

update on the kittens, she is IN A HOUSE, yet still claiming she's homeless. the cats are in a bedroom where she has been for the last three-ish days and there is no word/sight of princess anywhere.

No. 2091268

KEK this is so funny. All of this over weed. She's acting like she smoked meth or something.

No. 2091509

If she's new to cannabis, specifically edibles, this kind of psychotic reaction is actually not uncommon. THC from edibles is metabolized through the digestive tract/liver (as opposed to inhaled THC absorbing through the cheeks/lungs), and that can really fuck a person up, especially someone who's never ingested THC before (or if she took it on an empty stomach). Could've been laced with something too, I somehow doubt she's carefully sourcing her drugs kek.

No. 2091546

She can never take responsibility for anything it’s so funny. ‘I didn’t lead him to an isolated area’ This definitely makes you look less guilty of assault.

No. 2091593

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>In a house with the kittens
>Beef with Adeyln Kimpton(KEK)
>Looking for an assyrian guy called Ziad Shamoon!
>Obligatory belle delphine post
What did we miss!? I think >>2091509 might be right that she got bad drugs and/or got scammed out of some money

No. 2091599

she needs to keep covering her face, retarded egg shaped head is kinda ruining the aesthetic shes going for

No. 2091642

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E-girls will have weak misaligned jaws and come to the conclusion that it makes them look like lolis

No. 2091649

found the man jawed troon(troonfoiling)

No. 2091662

KEK crimmy throwback! These two are both from Melbourne, what are the chances. I have met mutuals of hers since then, she's gone full retard and doesn't leave the house, does a weird age regression larp and pretends she is so totally incompetent because of the evil meanies on lolcor! At least she changed somehow

No. 2091663

kudos to her for having that broad and squat Asian face shape (bc nippoop #1!) but what the hell is it about misogynistic garbage media and slave labor made cosplay that attracts idiots? do these women not have anything they enjoy other than being embarrassing on the internet?

No. 2091721

i thought she left the internet, that screencap is from 2022 as well. does she still post somewhere or are we just bringing up old dried out milk?

No. 2091728

I remember her being on Instagram recently

No. 2091753

ayrt and she has left the ‘public’ internet and acts as if she was victimised by lc, she does still talk to some discordfags in private though i’m sure

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