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No. 20864
Previous thread >>17720What You Need To Know- Tried to get Tumblr to doxx a girl who opinion she disagreed with
-Obsessed with Aminyan and hates her guts
-Copies Himeka and Bibi to gain popularity
-Was in Special Ed, but has recently graduated
-Runs the Kawaii Black Girls like page on Facebook. It now has it's own forum
-Admits to getting off on lolicon material
-Bandwagons anything that will make her popular
-Deluded herself into thinking she's a small kawaii hafu
-Boyfriend is 26 years old and has tricked her into thinking he's 22
-Like Himeka she sells her nudes for cheap shit
-Constantly tries to cover up any evidence of being a shitty han being by deleting her pages and claiming the site she's on ~magically~ deleted them
-Fully believes herself to be spacekin
-Purposely starts arguments with others
-White knight herself on here
-Made a thread about another local girl she didn't like but forget to crop her profile picture out of the screenshots
-Hides her shitty hair and makeup under thousands of filters and blur
-Happily tells people that she posted nudes of herself when she was twelve
Tumblr: kin blog:
main blog:
nsfw blog:
Make sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree No. 23284
File: 1441595530714.jpg (32.03 KB, 512x512, VezpTG8s.jpg)

What the fuck is going on with her face?
No. 23674
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>>23522I totally misread that has velocirapter at first. Kinda of odd but at the at time….I can totally see them as velociraptors attempting to be kawaii.
No. 23676
File: 1441688356500.png (32.35 KB, 474x537, attention whores.png)

>>23673Himeka says her piece on the issue
>Friendly reminder that maggots are usually only attracted to shit and rotten trash :^) No. 23678
File: 1441689019617.png (45.47 KB, 562x382, Screenshot_2015-09-08-00-45-32…)

>>23676She's says we terrorized Micky. Kek
Nobody is terrorizing that girl. Micky has terrorized others though.
>Doxxing some random girl on Tumbl, >Harassing Ami for years>Purposely picking fights with others>Creating a thread on here about someone she pretended to be friends with>Trying to derail her own thread by shitting on other girls >Spreading CP>Being flat out gross and unpleasantAlso Himeka calls us gross and what not, but she made a majority of the posts on her own thread. She not only bashed herself but her sister as well. She also has harassed Ami. Did she forget how she spent a good amount of time trying to convince everyone Ami was evil? She also still posts on here. So why is she acting so high and mighty?
No. 25113
>>23886She actually looks super qt with that pink wig, but she should just get extensions and manage her real hair better. Also, lose a ton of weight.
I just have a thing for light pink hair on tan skin. sorry.
No. 28745
>>25161So she's basically working in the same restaurant as her sister? Working with family sucks. I did it one time when I asked my boss to interview my sister at my last job and it was shitty working together and then also coming home together, since we lived in the same apartment at the time.
I give Micky two weeks. Three tops.
No. 33215
File: 1442511531567.jpg (699.07 KB, 1280x994, tumblr_nuts4gNNYJ1ucthsmo1_128…)

>ratty wig
>shitty makeup
>super blurry
>terribly shooped contacts
She looks like she's getting bigger. Her shoulders seem wider and her neck is almost nonexistent.
No. 33984
File: 1442683961452.png (85.98 KB, 351x469,…)

>>33982for a fattie she has a small ass.
No. 34782
>>34145These are just not sexy in the slightest to me, the complete opposite actually.
I can't help but get the impression her ass is dirty, hairy and stinks.
No. 35221
>>35211 That's absolutely disgusting people should report her blog. I know people get butthurt and
triggered over stupid shit but that is
legitimately triggering for victims who were molested as a child.
No. 35277
>>35211wtf i knew she was weird but this is a whole new level
someone screenie this and send to her parents, she needs to be kept away from kids
No. 35298
File: 1442877600981.gif (191.37 KB, 500x375, 1441258172233.gif)

himeka just reblogged this too
i feel really uncomfortable
and yet i am usually desensitized by this weird lol fetish because of all the anime i watch
like, this is actually creepy
No. 35351
File: 1442890114697.jpg (2.05 MB, 1920x2560, 15-09-21-22-47-56-857_deco.jpg)

This is fucking ridiculous.
No. 35662
File: 1442956038918.png (120.03 KB, 770x847, Screenshot_2015-09-22-16-55-48…)

This is so cringy.
No. 36007
File: 1443037944918.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x2560, 15-09-23-15-47-56-004_deco.jpg)

Look at the mental gymnastics going on here.
No. 36019
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>>36013>referring to black women as foods like chocolate and caramel does objectify them in a sense.How about no.
It's just a nice way of describing someone's skin color.
No. 36137
>>36019Yeah… I always felt like it was a cute way to describe someone. Everyone loves chocolate & carmel. Plus it sounds better than "dark brown" or "the color of tree bark" or something like that.
Pale women are often described as creamy/milky/peach(y)/porcelain too. People getting offended by endearing adjectives, jfc.
No. 36155
>You can not speak for every black person.>You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.You can not speak for every black person.Not everyone gets ass blasted over a compliment. Some people may like it some may not. Why do SJW's feel the need to declare what is right and wrong. Basic human rights I understand, but whether someone can handle a compliment or not should be up to the individual.
Posting cause I know she lurks.
No. 36423
>>36155they think if they are black they can speak for the whole entire race.
It doesn't work like that, i know black girls who describe themselves as chocolate.
Some black girls think it's a cute compliment, just because you don't like it doesn't mean people should stop saying it
No. 36552
>please stop apporitating Japanese culture! It's really offensive when you call it "an aesthetic"
>i know this ask is just somebody trying to start shit with me because you know damn well this blog is filled with stars, glowing stuff, cleancore, and vaporwave. >If you honestly 100% think that me reblogging laundry detergent with japanese text on it is cultural appropriation you need to go outside, go into the forest, look up at the sky, and really rethink your life choices because you got me 50 shades of fucked up.Even though both of them are idiots, Micky is the bigger idiot because she's telling someone to stop being sensitive when she made status saying not to call black girls chocolate and got angry every time someone said she was overreacting.
>>36423I bet she only made the status because she's envious of darker girls who get called chocolate and cute.
No. 37132
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No. 37213
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Her latest status full of bs
No. 37246
File: 1443419373804.png (82.69 KB, 800x545, Screenshot_2015-09-28-01-43-56…)

She's back to lurking on lolcow again. kek
No. 37247
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>>37246This is so cringy. You can see how mentally immature she still is.
No. 37254
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Until she legitimately apologizes to Aminyan, I refuse to believe she's being sincere at all. She mostly like made that status because she saw the screenshots on here.
No. 37262
>>37259She doesn't feel kawaii as a black girl. Internalized racism.
I want someone to drag her to hell with those old Twitter statuses lmao
No. 37311
>>37259There's often a sort of hidden social hierarchy in black/mixed race culture. 'Lighties' are favoured over darker skinned members, even in families. I know a lot of families and even have relatives who favour children in the family and treat them better because they're lighter skinned.
Basically she's just subtly trying to big herself up for being lightskinned or whatever. Also in my area at least, it's 'cool' to be mixed race, but not cool to be white or black.
No. 37455
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Of course she would think it's ok to do it for popularity, that's all that matters to her at the end of the day anyway.
No. 37463
>>37455no one has a problem with black women micky
its just hoodrats and ghetto trash like u
ehe xo
No. 37480
>>37463Nah, black women get it pretty ugly. I've heard shit about Michelle Obama and her girls that is just completely beyond the pale. Hell, look at what happened to the Kawaii Black Girls thread.
That said, black women can do a helluva lot better than this flip-flopping, bandwagon ass attention whore-kin.
No. 37993
File: 1443662313538.png (77.5 KB, 652x560, Screenshot_2015-09-30-21-15-53…)
>Idk why I wanted to be a server. I mess up a lot and I don’t like confronting people about it :c And everytime I put in an order wrong, I have to get a manager’s approval to take it off the person’s bill. And just ugh. Idk man.They should just fire her if she's that bad.
No. 38015
>>37216>>37246Can she stop talking for and about asian girls, and dark Asian girls? You don't need to fucking tell us we're beautiful, we dark skinned asians know that already lmfao.
Ugh, she tries so hard to pretend that she has Asian blood in her it's sooo repulsive. She's just a plain black fugly ass weeaboo. And fucking using the word chink when this fugly cheesy pizza loving SJW bitch knows that a lot of us Southeast and East Asians consider it a fucking slur. Gimme a break, damn.
No. 38027
>>37993Looks like
>>28745 called it
No. 38064
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She's growing a mustache kek
No. 38068
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>>38064Why does she talk about her *~* super amazing*~* her makeup looks when all it looks like she's done is sloppily put on eyeliner and gloss. She looks greasy and smelly still too.
No. 38130
>>38068She looks greasy as fuck and wide as fuck
Sad thing is, this is otherwise one of the cuter pictures she's taken. Honestly, if she got off Tumblr and started taking care of herself, she might be halfway attractive.
No. 38169
File: 1443709577333.jpg (1.71 MB, 2560x2560, 15-10-01-02-46-12-595_deco.jpg)

>>38130>Honestly, if she got off Tumblr and started taking care of herself, she might be halfway attractiveI don't think so. Going off those pictures from that meet she went to and her videos, she's too far gone. Probably even worse now.
No. 38340
>>38169To each of their own, but….She looks kinda cute in the second pic. Slow but cute. Probably busu-kawaii?
Now the first pic on the other hand…
No. 38346
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>>38340The thing is, she looks nothing like the first pic irl. Second pic is what she honestly looks like Even in videos she looks terrible. She only looks barely ok in her selfies and sometimes not even those.
No. 38354
>>38346Oh, I know that lol. The left pic is terrible compared to her right picture. As I said, she looks cute, a little slow, but cute. Probably could be a proper 4.5 at the least if she took care of herself and dressed for her….Unfortunate shape.
She looks high and drunk in the first pic, but I wanted people to fill in the blanks themselves.
No. 39294
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She's an idiot.
No. 39297
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>>39294They're right, what's the point of saying shit like that? Didn't she claim to be done with causing Amina drama?
No. 39300
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Her makeup looks so shitty and her skin is greasy as fuck. Gross.
No. 39386
File: 1444109593181.png (64.86 KB, 800x548, Screenshot_2015-10-06-01-24-37…)

>>39377She's definitely sober when she's talking about that. She also hasn't dropped her creepy obsession with Aminyan.
No. 39740
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You can see the crazy in her eyes. Also it looks she's trying to be ~uguu kawaii desu~ again.
No. 40005
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No. 40021
>>40012If you have an iPhone or use a messaging app, it tells you when someone has read your message.
Seen zone is when someone reads your message and doesn't reply
No. 40024
>>40021That's still not a thing
It sounds like the guy who invented the friendzone wanted something else to be butthurt about and extended his insecurity to people who don't reply to messages fast enough
No. 40505
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She says she wasn't trying to expose her but then why make the tweet in the first place and then say you want her to see it? What is honestly wrong with this girl.
No. 40762
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>>40760Lol, which one of you was this?
No. 41145
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She looks like an ugly tranny. She also needs to stop wear that ratty wig.
No. 41222
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Her pretending to be a hoodrat from the ghetto when in reality she's a basic scared girl from the suburbs is so cringy.
No. 41228
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>>41222It seems like she's run out of bandwagons to hop on since she wants pastel goth to be a thing again. I just notice she's kind of copying that Taylor chick she didn't like too.
No. 41540
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Why does she try to make everybody else's personal life and business her own? Isn't she suppose to be waiting tables or shoveling big macs into her mouth or looking for the next trend to go on?
No. 42248
File: 1444687902847.jpg (1.65 MB, 2560x2560, 15-10-12-18-10-24-779_deco.jpg)

>>41145She's fucking obese. I bet she's like nearly 300 pounds at this point.
No. 42257
>>42248Christ, y'all can't estimate weight for shit. She's probably around 250.
Yes, I know it doesn't really matter. She's fat as fuck either way.
No. 42797
File: 1444808254730.jpeg (66.67 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

I found Micky's biological fat older lesbian furry weeb sister's Twitter. @demeterchan
No. 44338
File: 1444954678768.jpg (454.76 KB, 960x1280, 15-10-15-20-14-21-903_deco.jpg)

So she's suddenly into lolita now. Her wishlist is full of replicas and bodyline.
No. 44370
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>>44338>dreamy baby room>toy fantasyget out of my fashion you stupid ita ageplayer
No. 44403
>>44338I thought she was always into lolita anon? Well Not "into" but knew about it/talked about it.
So Technically, it isn't really suddenly.
I think she was wearing a dress once (I saw this like a year ago so I don't remember), and it was squeezing the life out of her.
No. 47584
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No. 47587
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>>47584 even though it looks decently made, that costume looks really tight on her. She must look a mess in real life.
No. 48425
>>48422See, your binging makes you balloon up. I'd suggest you try keto, it helps you burn weight fast. Maybe take up a sport and cut out fast food completely.
Dress for your size, and invest in a quality wig.
No. 48426
>>48425my pink wig was $56
how much should i have payed for it
No. 48428
>>48426Price doesn't equal quality Micky. Either you got ripped off or you arenter taking care of it properly. The ends look bad and it just looks.. cheap.
You look decent with all black, so maybe next time get a jet black wig that stops at your bra.
Also, you honestly shouldn't come here if you want to feel better about yourself, because it will set you back. Believe it or not, I'd love to see you improve (as I do with all black weebs, I was at that stage too lol).
No. 48432
File: 1445653806622.jpg (62.68 KB, 640x480, WIN_20151023_22_25_14_Pro.jpg)

>>42248>>42257>>42277>>38261>>33984>>23522>>33991is this really what you guys consider to be fat and obese? do i really look like i'm 300 pounds?
No. 48433
>>48431well if you want to throw your life away because of some anon talking shit then go ahead. Just know you have other options.
See ya space coyboy.
No. 48435
File: 1445653981506.jpg (62.06 KB, 640x480, WIN_20151023_22_31_16_Pro.jpg)

>>48434do i really look obese to you?? honestly and truly? because i'm 178 pounds..
(>>>/soc/) No. 48437
File: 1445654080919.png (1.52 MB, 1366x768, obesity.png)

do i seriously look like this to you?
No. 48438
>>48435honestly you do. And I can tell you're suckling in. Not even being a bitch here but lose weight.
You'll feel better.
No. 48443
>>48440If you went down, you did have results. You can't stop here. Just watch what you eat, cut out sodas and get fat burning teas. Also, work on your skin and watch makeup tutorials, and invest in good wigs/weave/whatever.
If you do all of that you can probably be bumped up to a 6.
No. 48457
>>48432>>48435you do you OBESE is a medical term related to your bmi right? its not an opinion/saying you are uglly its just a fact
and yes you are obese
No. 48466
>>48461Wtf why kumicky
Srsly if you were serious you wouldn't post this shit
Stop being an attentionwhore lmao
No. 48514
Kill yourself.
No. 48585
>>48485Looks like either that or a cheese knife
No. 48687
>>48577Still, it would be pretty fucked up if she did
It's kinda sad how easily she's letting this shit get to her. Say what you will about Himeka, she seemed to roll with the punches.
No. 48746
>It's kinda sad how easily she's letting this shit get to herShe's most likely faking for sympathy. If she was truly feeling shitty and remorseful she wouldn't post here. She probably made these posts then went to fake cry to someone saying "Look! See how terrible they are!! They made me do this!!" Kind of like how Himeka tried to justify shitting on her sister in her thread.
>Say what you will about Himeka, she seemed to roll with the punches.She ran away from home after her mother finally found out everything. That and she still places the blame on her sister for her troubles.
No. 48764
>>48750No, Himeka did throw her under a bus. She even said it was all Bibi's fault and told people that she'd block them for following Bibi.
>>48762That's from her prom, so saying 280 - 300 would be more accurate
Does anyone else find it funny she tried to suck in her gut here
>>48435 and here
>>48432 and she still looks huge.
No. 48771
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>using suicide as blackmailWhy does she suddenly care about her thread? She's had two so far and she hasn't responded to them the way she's doing now. Is she afraid people are going to look her up and find out all the stupid shit she's done?
No. 48777
>>48771I actually didn't realize it was her posting when she was banned initially. Someone reported the post, and the farmhand who banned her didn't bother scrolling up. They, and I, wouldn't have banned her if they knew it was her. It adds an interesting dynamic to the thread.
So, to be clear, I didn't unban her just because she threatened to kill herself.
No. 48883
>>48422Not trying to sound harsh, but that's not really enough. You have to do more.
Drinking lots of water is great, keep at it, but also try to cut out soda and sugary drinks too. You may be eating smaller portions but if what you're eating is still fatty garbage/junk food then it's not really worth it.
Eat lots of vegetables and some fruits. Snack on nuts and stuff if you feel peckish inbetween meals. If you like potato chips, I highly recommend cooking some kale chips. Get some kale, rip into chip sizes, toss with some evoo/other healthy oil and crack on some salt, then put into the oven for just a few minutes. No joke, they taste exactly like regular chips but with a fraction of the calories, plus they're nutritious.
Walking is a good start but I suggest really trying to commit to a set workout routine.
Cassey Ho's Blogilates is a good one. She makes pilates videos on YouTube and releases workout plan calendars each month for free.
I honestly think you have potential and nice facial features. If you got into a good pattern and eating right/working out and lost some weight I think you could look quite pretty. You just need to push yourself and not give in like you're doing now.
No. 48917
>>48877Well duh
but what im saying is that big tits usually make people look bigger espesh if they're fat already
No. 48918
>>48888I know. They're all ago here in the UK at the minute but to be honest, I don't think they're that good. I bought Teatox and it was just like green tea. Green tea is cheaper too instead of shelling out on £8 on some "speshul moon tea" which will help you go from a size 14 to a size 4 in weeks.
No, exercise, eat right, treat one a week or at weekend. Green tea or water with lemon/cucumber/lime or smoothies. You'll soon drop weight.
Fuck the weight loss products, none of that shit never works guys. Y'all should know by now.
No. 49059
File: 1445799334581.jpg (49.65 KB, 640x852, 1438109727852.jpg)

>>49054You admire someone who looks like this? You need to up your standards.
No. 49068
>>49052Yeah but having HUGE FUCKING TITS can make you look BIGGER not your body but appearance.
It's even worse if you're a fat lacker like micky
No. 49070
>>49059those overalls seriously make her look retarded
i dont just mean that they're ugly or unflattering i mean she literally looks like she suffers from mental retardation
No. 49072
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>>49068Sophie from Big Brother UK 2009 for e.g
She used to complain and cry at herself in the mirror and say "Omg I look so fat" when she had those big tits. She wasn't fat, she's a glamour model but the tits made her look bigger. Like chest wise, appearance wise.
Not her weight.
But people with big tits like Micky and who are already fat it's worse because it just makes them look bigger than they are.
No. 49074
File: 1445800835423.jpg (159.06 KB, 800x800, 714062b7540b2932cecc5e1b35cb32…)

>>49073Why do fat black women always wear really unflattering clothes tho? Why is it
No. 49101
>>49068Again, being fat makes you look fat, the girl here
>>49072 doesn't look fat, she just has noticeable big breasts. You clearly see she's small. Micky is generally fat all around and her not having "large" breast wouldn't change that.
>not your body but appearance. That's essentially the same thing.
No. 49124
>>49074because they can "still be cute doe".
anyway, all fatties try and squeeze themselves into unflattering cuts.
No. 50731
File: 1445854764230.png (170.4 KB, 698x1027, Screenshot_2015-10-26-05-13-34…)

She made another Facebook page. I wonder why.
No. 50732
File: 1445854829157.jpg (162.08 KB, 687x686, 15-10-26-06-10-10-696_deco.jpg)

>>50731Her new profile picture is awful. What the fuck is that by her eye?
No. 50733
File: 1445854890073.png (92.12 KB, 552x822, Screenshot_2015-10-26-05-15-17…)

>>50732Looks like the people on her friend lists are finding these threads.
No. 51791
>>50731Did she post Japanese bleach products in reference to her new suicidal/CONTINUING TO REFUSE ADVICE TO IMPROVE HER LIFE attitude?
If so, then that's what I call EDGY
No. 51927
>>4907010,000 keks
>>50732Probably didn't clean up her makeup after somehow messing up that badly like she's got parkinsons.
No. 52968
File: 1446390643623.gif (991.92 KB, 400x225, bye.gif)

>>48771This is bullshit. She isn't going to really kill herself. This is a cry for attention. She wants sympathy and just wants this thread removed. C'mon micky you know most black people don't sympathize with people who commit suicide. They see it as a weakness and being a coward. Black kids posting shit like this is seen as pathetic. I know your fam hasn't seen this shit. They would be shamed in the black community. This is how I know she isn't really from the ghetto.
No. 53596
>>51791I think it's just "cleancore"(idk..) and the Japanese text just adds to the aesthetic because it's exotic.
If you're so desperate for attention then I think the best way to do that, is to improve yourself and prove to the world you're changing for the better. Just imagine what that feels like. You say you come here hoping that we've noticed you've lost weight, well don't allow the negative comments affect you and keep going. Prove us wrong, show us you have the determination to lose weight. There are people who here who are giving you advice, not to be snide or passive aggressive but because you're still young and have potential, and despite this being lolcow, we like to see people like you improve. I think losing weight would be great for you, you'll feel a lot better about yourself and you won't be facing many weight related diseases and health problems. Not to mention, it does wonders for mental health. Lay off the weed for a bit, too because that gives you the munchies.
Don't give in to cravings of snacks and soda, treat yourself to healthy food, and even snacks. That doesn't mean you have to always eat salad and eat like a rabbit, but cut down on prepackaged food which contain a lot of harmful preservatives. From what I hear, America has a lot of shit in the food is banned in other countries. Food is always healthier when it's made at home, even pizza or burgers. Smaller portions, more frequent. Graze on some almonds or eat a plum if you feel like you need something. Drink green tea if you're craving something. Fish does wonders, it's filed with protein and essential oils which are great for hair and skin. From now on McDonald's and any other fast food is a NO GO. Maybe once a month, but I recommend dabbing the grease with some tissues.
If you're serious about suicide, it would help so much to talk to someone about it. I know the healthcare system is shitty there, but consider visiting a therapist. I'm not assuming you're mentally ill, EVERYONE could do with therapy. And, even though it's hard, try not to visit forums like this, it can really dampen your mood. What's important is that you're happy with yourself but it's evident that even though you say you are that you are deeply insecure. I think losing weight and finding a creative medium will help you, (not necessarily cosplaying but maybe like learning an instrument or gardening, or art). I can see that you're a visual person, you could always get involved in art or film or music. There's so much potential, don't waste it being a lolcow. Whatever you do don't resort to EDs or suicide, they only bring more pain into your life. You can permanently disable your body with suicide attempts. Please think about how it will affect your family when they find out their daughter/sister finished her life at so young.
No. 54477
File: 1446714936976.png (109.5 KB, 407x919, 1438194896106.png)

>>53596>>53597You wasted your time typing that. She only said all that stuff to try and get us to stop posting about her.
Remember when Taylor and Micky were beefed out on Facebook?(pic related) So they saw each other in person finally and Taylor said it went like this.
"I stood in front of this bitch at one party and she legit looked up at the ceiling trying her hardest not to look at me." No. 55247
File: 1446898638282.jpg (81.73 KB, 480x782, 12107860_1038541246195919_3826…)

No. 55397
File: 1446932345427.jpg (107.13 KB, 393x640, 15-11-07-16-26-40-392_deco.jpg)

>>55281If you look closely, it looks like it's about to snap.
>>55288If the pictures showing her constantly dirty room are anything to go by, it's because she has bad hygine.
No. 55785
File: 1447013504145.jpg (49.1 KB, 640x640, 11909270_921111007963692_16766…) only posted this because Taylor posted about having 973 friend requests on Facebook.
No. 55917
>>55889she has 700 followers and can only get, like, 30 likes or less on a photo?
I think someone bought followers…
(I only say this bc I am lame w/my 35 followers and still get 10-15. Like, shouldn't she be getting a lot more per photo?)
No. 58342
File: 1447398426614.jpg (153.35 KB, 1024x576, IMG_20151113_020350.jpg)'s the point of her buying so much makeup if all she does is apply it sloppily and then hide it under tons of blur?
No. 58345
It is now racist to believe that we are all humans and no different from one another.
Wow. We have truly come full circle, friends.
No. 58356
>>58345She also posted this
>#kawaiiblackgirlsshouldloveblackguys2015Which was stupid because should be free to love whomever they want to love.
No. 59038
Just read through the thread and oh my god, this shit is so embarrassing. Micky, you're so pathetic. Did you really try to guilt admin into deleting the thread? Threatening suicide to blackmail someone is pretty against the sjw ideals you've apparently adopted (but what am I saying, we all know you're just bandwagoning; you can't keep your vile personality hidden even online). So embarrassing, god. You've inspired me to keep working out and working towards my goals. I would hate to look like you, you desperate soul.
>>48432 you've gotta be over 200. I don't believe that "178" lie for a minute.
No. 60367
File: 1447801687851.jpg (65.19 KB, 480x749, Screenshot_2015-11-17-18-01-26…)

>>60346Taylor might be have to wait in line
No. 60370
File: 1447802217765.jpg (80.84 KB, 720x1280, 12271511_10208536393355760_159…)

>>60368How much longer do you think it'll be before someone cracks and hits Micky?
No. 60377
>>60346Taylor is dumb, ghetto and ratchet as hell but micky is a total keyboard warrior.
Micky has lived in the suburbs her entire life and walled lake is pretty trailer park ish. No way she stands a chance
No. 60510
File: 1447856218502.jpg (1.15 MB, 1920x2560, 15-11-18-09-12-25-521_deco.jpg)

>I've been in handcuffs before for being in a fight
Does Micky really think everyone is that stupid? She couldn't even look Taylor in the eye and tried to get con security to protect her. Lol
No. 60511
File: 1447856307787.jpg (26.39 KB, 720x233, 12250317_10208537667107603_160…)

>>60510She doesn't want to fight but continues to tally shit and act tough online. It's like she wants to push folks around with no consequence. She's such a coward.
No. 60535
>The only thing that's really ever made me feel bad about myself is lolcow lmao. So when other people try to insult me its pointless
>Like really? Thats all you got?.Especially when I can see what the other person looks like.
She's still shit talking about Taylor. Why does she act like she looks better Taylor? Micky looks dumpy as shit. Is she really that deluded
No. 60563
File: 1447872717188.jpg (144.07 KB, 720x1094, 12186714_1122222671123982_3493…)

No. 60597
File: 1447883627116.jpg (59.26 KB, 640x640, 11930836_1519643938352316_1212…)

>>60594Maybe has all that money and stil looks like shit
No. 60606
>>60597pfft micky
I got paid £1K today from my two jobs beb
beat dat
No. 60770
File: 1447963277961.jpg (1.07 MB, 1920x2560, 15-11-19-15-00-35-718_deco.jpg)

No. 61116
>>61115Berry is this you????
You're not a japanese girl, bug off, you'll never be that cute
No. 63536
File: 1448302942661.jpg (222.7 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20151123_131831.jpg)

Looks like she's trying to go back to being ~uguu kawaii desu~ once again.
No. 63765 instead of buying quality hair that comes in her texture, she just ruins perfectly good hair that's a different texture.
>I can get my hair this straight, but it's unrealistic for me to expect it to stay this straight. Plus I kinda of like having puffy hair more anyways -w-She admits to being too lazy to take of and properly style her own hair. That's sad.
No. 63887
>>63876>okay ngl this is actually a good idea No it's not, it's a stupid idea. They already sell hair that comes in a kinky texture. All this does is ruin the quality of the hair you buy, meaning you'd have to go out and waste more money to keep it from looking shittier than when originally messed it up.
>relaxing your hair just to blend it with pin straight extensions can really damage itDamage happens when you don't take care of your hair. If you take care of it, you have nothing to worry about.
No. 64093
>>63887when you relax or perm your hair, you're going to suffer some permanent damage no matter what. you're changing your curl pattern via harsh chemicals. No amount of care will stop that.
i'm not saying mickys hair looks good but her idea was a good one for what she was going for. a lot of those kawaii black girl use this method for temporary "natural" looking weave styles.
No. 64102
>>64093>you're going to suffer some permanent damageAgain, that only happens if you don't take proper care of your hair. It's not hard to have healthy relaxed hair. Maintence is key. If you don't have the time and patience to maintain it, then get braids.
>but her idea was a good one for what she was going forLike I said before, it's a stupid idea. You're ruining the quality of the hair. It's better to just buy yaki/kinky hair that's good quality and will last.
I seriously don't get how y'all can defend this. It's blatantly stupid and lazy.
No. 64107
>kirakiramagicaldream asked:Ever since I realized that I am spacekin I feel like a happier, more complete person. ♡
>kinfessions answered:
>That feel when I meant to send this on anon. But oh well. (´・ω・`) it was a positive confession.Pretty sure she was in this thread not too long ago admitting to being miserable.
No. 64603
>>63536>>63263why does she continue to make such a fool out of herself
clearly you hate yourself and your appearance so do something about it instead of sitting on the computer trying to cover up your insecurities with a fake internet ego and selfies that are either blurred or edited to hell and back
No. 67378
>>67375her skin is probably bad from all the cheap makeup she uses if you think about it
>>55889Also this, I don't even know where to begin on how unsanitary this is. This is completely disgusting
No. 67407
>>64102No, you hair is "damaged" until you grow out the perm. Chemically straightening your hair will damage it. It won't be severe if you take care of it, but at the end of the day if your hair won't return to its natural curl pattern, its damaged.
>>67375We'll find out when Micky gets an eye infection. Makeup should be one place where you don't skimp. Even drugstores have good dupes for the naked palates, she could have just got that.
No. 67414
>>67407Your hair isn't damage unless you don't take care of it. When you don't take care of it, it'll become damaged. It's not hard to understand.
>>67405Yeah, she got knockoffs of an already inexpensive brand. She's a hypocrite.
No. 67419
>>67414how retarded are you?
>>67407 is right.
No. 67422
>>67418She must be expecting someone else to get the those for her.
>>67419I have relaxed hair, so I definitely know what I'm talking about. Not to mention their are plenty of other people who have relaxed hair and it's healthy. Maintence is key, that's all.
No. 67432
>>67428different anon but when you perm or relax your hair you’re literally restructuring your natural pattern. you are taking kinky/curly hair and using harsh chemicals to remove the kink/curl (or vice versa).
yes, having your perm or relaxer done by a licensed professional WILL keep your hair from frying, frizzing, and breaking. however, restructuring your natural curl pattern is damage in and of itself.
to keep your hair from getting worse, you have to moisturize, and not get it wet (among other things). it may not LOOK like it's damaged but all chemical processes done to the hair come with a certain degree of damage.
No. 67442
File: 1449179822538.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x1920, 15-12-03-16-54-28-283_deco.jpg)

How does she plan on keeping her job if she's going to wear these? Also, didn't she use to make fun of people who wore lacefronts?
No. 67524
File: 1449199917768.jpg (96.55 KB, 720x912, 12351558_10208638391345646_200…)

No. 68285
>>68209I wanted to say what kind of bullshit is this, but then I looked it up and it's a real thing.
I'm not sure how people get OAS but that fucking sucks if she really has it , she still should't let it make her have such unhealthy eating choices though.
No. 68473
File: 1449466092381.png (23.87 KB, 606x237, doesn't she work in food servi…)

>obviously sick
>chooses to go to work anyway
No one wants to get exposed to your fucking germs, holy shit.
No. 68474
>>68473Maybe I'm nitpicking here but it's a
huge pet peeve of mine when people go to school/work/etc when they're sick like they're a brave little soldier for not taking the day off when really they're just spreading their illness to other people.
I understand that sometimes people can't afford to take the day off, but Micky lives with her parents, right? It's not like she has bills to pay or something, and as the filename points out, she works in fucking food service, too. Gross.
No. 68498
File: 1449479713119.png (28.24 KB, 637x345, scr (2)~2.png)

No. 68837
File: 1449529785543.png (25.15 KB, 633x300, scr (3)~2.png)

No. 68939
File: 1449545074355.png (92.76 KB, 650x708, scr (1)~2.png)

>save up
That blush is only $32. What is she doing with the money she keeps flashing on Instagram?
No. 68941
File: 1449545289131.png (41.63 KB, 643x441, scr~2.png)

>>68939Why is she so cheap?
>spending $6 is splurgingI would be embarrassed to post something like that.
No. 68950
>>68939>$32 is SO MUCH MONEYMaybe for a child?? But doesn't she have a job?
>>68941Yeah, that's embarrassing.
No. 69342
File: 1449685350335.jpg (155.52 KB, 1017x1280, IMG_20151209_122635.jpg)

She did a bad job at shooping this pic.
No. 69399
File: 1449693771591.png (594.42 KB, 581x520, 999.png)

No. 69423
File: 1449697150109.png (192.88 KB, 386x340, miki.png)

>>69418I can't really show in game cause that new update fucked my game up ;( she was about to get in a relationship with a fat old white man
No. 69425
File: 1449697242575.png (318.75 KB, 564x533, kumiki.png)

No. 69506
>>69503Tf, why do I sound like I was panicking >deletes.
>>69463 I hope the price went down but you'll have to buy it. Or get the cracked version (it' a video somewhere on Youtube)
No. 69542
File: 1449708432570.jpg (1.44 MB, 2560x1920, 15-12-09-19-46-15-073_deco.jpg)

>>69447>cuteShe does not look anything close to that. He faces looks bad, almost "ayy lmao" level bad. It isn't even close to looking like her really face.
No. 72194
File: 1450101187213.jpg (1.78 MB, 2560x1920, 15-12-14-08-50-05-502_deco.jpg)

>lightened skin
>badly shooped on circle lenses
>badly shooped on makeup
>badly shooped chin
>ratty hair
No. 72198
File: 1450101574497.jpg (250.03 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20151214_082756.jpg)

>#mixed girl>#blasian>#living dollSo on top of the terrible shooping, she's gone back to claiming to be mixed and being a "living doll".
No. 72367
File: 1450124714372.jpg (1.73 MB, 1920x2560, 15-12-14-15-22-40-551_deco.jpg)

>>72361She was only pretending to be pro-black to gain followers.
No. 72426
File: 1450134545136.jpg (1.89 MB, 1920x2560, 15-12-14-18-07-08-597_deco.jpg)

>>72413She really must be crazy if she thinks people are going to believe her shitty shoops.
No. 72497
>>72473She believes she is mixed and tries to call her black ass self "high yellow", but at the same time lolblackpowah and lolluvdaskinurin.
I've never seen a bigger hypocrite in my entire life.
No. 72669
>>72198omg lmaooooo what is this bitch doing she's not Asian at all she needs to sit down
>>72361exactly she's full of shit and shes like a fucking frog with how far apart her eyes are
No. 72695
File: 1450208224309.jpg (787.51 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nzcddgQqod1uctaoto1_128…) needs to invest in some quality, not ratty hair, a better camera, better shopping, a neck and then maybe she could be a living doll.
For those of you who are curious, this is the app she's using to edit herself. No. 72717
File: 1450210658734.jpg (157.89 KB, 720x1280, mickymoon.jpg)

>>72695she's really big,huh? There seems to be a threshold of how much long pictures can make you look slim.
No. 72720
File: 1450211056370.jpg (873.45 KB, 2560x1920, 15-12-15-15-22-08-396_deco.jpg)

>>72717I just noticed that saggy arm fat she's trying to hide with her hair. Lol
No. 72722
>>72695And also lose weight. And magically have her eyes move closer together. Or just not have a face at all.
>>72717All her super edited pictures look like shit, I dread to see what they look like unedited.
Also her tits are only so massive because she's so fucking fat. If she lost all that weight her boobs would disappear.
No. 72725
File: 1450211985094.jpg (192.69 KB, 640x505, 15-12-15-15-36-23-957_deco.jpg)

>>72722Most likely they look like
>>72720 on the right.
I did another verison, this time I brought out her inner ~uguu~ kawaii Japanese girl.
No. 72783
File: 1450222103814.jpg (2.17 MB, 2560x2560, 15-12-15-18-24-57-266_deco.jpg)

We should have seen this coming. She admires people like Berry and Dakota, and their know for shopping themselves into completely different people.
No. 72983
File: 1450259995640.jpg (897.73 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nzftavZulx1uctaoto1_128…)

>>72938Does she actually go into your place of work, or does she just walk by?
>#larmeNothing about this is remotely close to larme. She's also whitening her pics even more now.
No. 72987
File: 1450261766698.jpg (1.9 MB, 2560x1920, 15-12-16-05-24-07-764_deco.jpg)

>>72983Why does she hate her actual skin color so much?
No. 72999
File: 1450268720023.jpg (992.3 KB, 2560x2560, 15-12-16-06-53-45-633_deco.jpg)'s some advice;
-Sincerely apologize to the people you've hurt.
-Stop acting like a victim.
-Stop being conceited.
-Stop wasting money on junk food and clothes you can't even fit.
-Stop wearing ratty weaves.
-Stop shooping, you're terrible at it.
-Stop bandwagoning everything.
-Stop revolving your life around gaining e-fame.
-Invest in good hair and stylist.
-Actually practice more with makeup.
-Better your hygiene.
-Learn to be truly open minded.
-Take up a physical activity.
-Get out of that gross tumblrina mindset, no one with sense thinks it's cute.
-Quit pretending to be a hoodrat, that shit isn't cute either.
-Get better role models.
-Learn to clean up after yourself.
-Stop using your shitty front camera and use the back one on your phone or invest in an actual camera.
-Cut out the internet tough guy act, we know you're coward irl.
-Stop spazzing out at people for not agreeing with you. You have shitty opinions.
-Eat healthier, it's not hard. You're just being a lazy ass.
-Get a gym membership, they aren't expensive.
-If you feel you're too good for the gym, which you aren't, buy some weights and work out at home. You seriously have no excuse.
-Get clothes that fit you. You aren't small. Shop for your actual size. Go to the plus size section.
-Quit picking fights with people.
-Stop making up sob stories for asspats.
That's all that comes to mind for now. I'm sure I missed something.
No. 73001
File: 1450268857926.png (137.54 KB, 1024x768, scr (1).png)

>>72999By badly shooping yourself? Yeah, you should stop while your ahead.
No. 73192
File: 1450300206699.jpeg (113.24 KB, 540x960, image.jpeg)

her hair…
No. 73216
>>73209Yeah, but she doesn't even know how to shop for wigs. She should do what i did, just cut it of little by little until the damaged hair is gone.
But she'd need to get a better flat iron, deep conditioning, and over all a better regimen so that the new growth doesn't get fucked up too.
No. 73260
File: 1450326861207.jpg (98.65 KB, 720x719, 10614809_10208723331869106_762…)

No. 73264
>>73260Aliexpress Headbands + storenvy chokers = pet play?
Isn't pet play another name for furry, or have I been confusing the two because they involve fur/animals?
No. 73288
File: 1450341535337.jpeg (27.85 KB, 720x720, received_1224953877534077.jpeg)

No. 73308
File: 1450356977128.jpg (38.36 KB, 540x960, 12345496_798545396958965_80477…)

Why does she keep putting those shitty fake contacts on her eyes?
>>73271Petplay has nothing to do with furries. Being a furry is entirely something different.
No. 73776
File: 1450502943295.jpeg (75.98 KB, 695x500, image.jpeg)

No. 73781
File: 1450503905523.jpeg (79.17 KB, 640x809, image.jpeg)

No. 73783
File: 1450506214198.gif (1.26 MB, 320x213, MQzJkR.gif)

>>73776She's such a goddamn basic bitch. She's like a female fuccboi.
No. 73833
File: 1450543602543.png (Spoiler Image,144.95 KB, 341x471, f4cdb876b22643332e6dbea344ac47…)

>>73584>>73628Considering she used to have a porn blog or six, I call bullshit on her not knowing any better
No. 73845
>>73776I love when people like Micky and Quirky buy some cheap brushes and mid-range makeup and suddenly they're some kind of makeup guru
Bitch no, you just pissed your money away on stuff you probably can't even use properly.
No. 74283
>>73776They're all off Aliexpress, 2.99 for like 5 I think?
No. 74290
>>72497>>72671Mixed girl here, yeah this is kind of the reason why we get lumped with light skinned black women because half the time most mulatto looks more black than white while sometimes mulatto looks more white.
Plus it was a good thing during slavery because mulatto aka white blood in you was a proud thing to have (sick mentality).
Micky is "blessed" with lighter skin than the dark skin chick because "apparently" dark skin is "ugly".
So Micky uses her privilege and is able to shoop herself lighter cos c'mon guys, it's a step closer to becoming an uguu kawaii living doll!
No. 74293
>>72493But a butthurt self hating full black person will always say mulatto is "full black" despite having a white parent and Micky, god help you call her "black" and not mixed because she'll just say "yeh well all African Amiricanz is mixed doe! mixed race ppl are black too" cos she's so ashamed to be fully black and sees it as ugly that she knows mixed people are apparently the better race in the black community so she has to be like "if i gotta b black then ur asses do to".
Bet you she'd do that cos most like her type would lmao.
No. 74620
File: 1450848718269.jpg (88.43 KB, 714x1039, 12400304_10208770741654321_828…)

No. 74676
>>74669Just imagine her trying to defend herself on there.
>>74674Isn't it strange how she suddenly wants to be an idol now?
No. 74751
File: 1450902803211.jpeg (101.56 KB, 750x1000, image.jpeg)

No. 74752
File: 1450902842704.jpeg (36.94 KB, 638x960, image.jpeg)

No. 74762
File: 1450904590171.jpg (1.6 MB, 2560x2560, 15-12-23-15-58-26-931_deco.jpg)

Put them side by side for a better comparison.
>>74753What's even more hilarious is that people agree with her when it's obvious who looks better between the two.
>>74752That dress is really cute. Did she say where she got it from?
No. 74779
>>74771You'd be surprised
There are a lot of weebs out there who pick Micky over Ami because she has big tits (and big everything else) and she plays to their ~loli desu ecchi~ jailbait fetish
No. 74827
>>74779Amina has no tiddies so black weeb guys usually will pick Micky over her.
If you look at most of her comments it's from black girls, white/Asian fanboys and neckbeard Japanese men.
Micky and Himeka even came here to call Amina a stick because they have *~curves~*. But the distinct fact she doesn't have a wide gorilla nose like Micky and Himeka does makes her 10x more prettier by default.
>>74676I don't think she wants to be an idol seriously. She used to say she wanted to be a Chiptune idol(kek) but that lasted for like 2weeks. With her weight + bad wigs + nudes everyone has seen its impossible.
>>74500Not surprisingly she talks about Amina and Kota(despite having Kota as her default pic.) most PULL users are cows themselves.
No. 74906
>Thank you for 700+ followers though!She has 700 followers yet only gets 20 to 40 likes, the highest being 50. She be getting more than that with all those followers. She must have bought them. Wouldn't put out past her.
>>73214>practiced being a good person.Don't hold your breath. She thinks being a shitty excuse of a human being is *~kawaii desu~*
No. 74990
>>74906Stop reporting posts like these:
>>74900Continue reporting posts like these:
>>74955 No. 75696
File: 1451273803896.jpg (522.56 KB, 2560x2209, 15-12-27-22-35-13-695_deco~2.j…)

No. 75783
>>75782I know Japanese models use all those apps beautyplus, snappee ect to filter themselves to death to look all fluffy and uguu.
But at least the majority (Kota is a meh) look like themselves. Micky hardly looks that pale or anything like that.
Plus I love how she's taken this from the side, she's so big she's probably self conscious she'd look huge. I was once a fatty took and in my Myspace era I used to think the side pics were good and hid my fattiness.
Also she MUST get her fake Rilakkumas in the shot and animu. Afterall she's a weeby kawaii negreo chocolate princessu <3 xo
No. 75787
>>75782She looks
special here. Wasn't she one of the slow kids in high school?
No. 76068
File: 1451369287198.jpeg (108 KB, 640x958, image.jpeg)

No. 76074
>>76068How about option no. 5 - buy a fucking wig with those colours instead of damaging your already ratty, disgusting hair?
She should definitely go to a salon, but it should be to see if they can do anything for her fried, damaged hair. Not to damage it even further.
You'd think her hair looking like this
>>73192 would be a wake-up call.
No. 76338
File: 1451445105353.jpg (944.28 KB, 1920x2560, 15-12-29-21-54-49-341_deco.jpg)

Micky we all know you bought a Chinese knockoff on aliexpress. I don't see why you need to lie about it.
No. 76364
>>76338I'm noticing a recurring theme of lolcows/snowflakes buying luxury toiletries and cosmetics to make them feel slightly better until the novelty wears off instead of doing stuff that would
really make them feel better in the long run.
Charms, Suzy, Queen PT, Ashley to an extent, it's crazy.
Micky, if you're reading this, I think you'd be a lot happier if you saved up for a salon trip and a gym membership.
No. 76365
File: 1451450774894.png (1.93 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-12-29-23-39-22…)

her room looks so fucking gross
No. 76367
File: 1451450897926.png (2.28 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-12-29-23-39-42…)

Why is her makeup always gross looking too? Like it's not hard to clean your cosmetics..
No. 76368
File: 1451450957264.png (2.1 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-12-29-23-41-58…)

Last one
No. 76369
>>76368Where did she post this video? Lol
Her eyebrows look like shit and she needs to retire that wig.
No. 76373
>>76369in a Facebook group.
it's for kawaii black girls (which is actually kind of nice and the girls are sweet but Mucky is such an attention whore admin)
No. 76381
>>76376Can't see shit
Post a screenshot
No. 76494
>>75782is this that same pink wig with dark roots? It's so filtered it looks blonde.
And although this took a lot of shoop/filters/and angles she admittedly looks nicer here
No. 76521
>>76494>>76490>>763671. Why is the video so bright? I had this issue with vloggers like Wengie who whiten the fuck out of their videos. Micky you're black, I can't see what you're trying to show us and please stop being so insecure about your blackness. You're not mixed or hafu asian, you're a light skinned black woman with a terrible wig on her head.
2. I love how she shows her head, she's so fat that if she showed herself normally she'd just look huge on camera. But she'd pull the "y'all can see me beta like dis". Nah you're just ashamed of being large.
3. The music is total weeb magnet
4. The bedroom needs a good clean, seriously why film with a messy background?
5. Winged liner and eye shadow is hardly the new thing
No. 76528
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No. 77203
File: 1451782765772.jpg (48.33 KB, 720x401, 12482956_10208859174305082_133…)

Is she going to start identifying as godkin now?
No. 77313
>>77220Yeah but many mixed girls are doing the natural thing too? Lmao, is Micky worried her curl pattern isn't loose enough and that she may actually have tight 'nappy' hair?
Drop the weave and wigs Micky. You're not fooling a soul with it all. We all know you don't grow that shit out your scalp.
No. 78008
File: 1452037797612.jpeg (129.8 KB, 850x691, image.jpeg)

>>76490Why does she have to use a momobako song god damn it, I mean she's kind of the doujin singer equivalent of a lolcow but is nothing sacred?
No. 78109
>>77220Exactly. You've just summed up
No. 78110
File: 1452065289272.jpeg (109.19 KB, 640x899, image.jpeg)

She knows she would use this though.
No. 78175
>>78110What's wrong with it? Pastel hair looks nice IMO. Would probably pick this up at a store if my hair wasn't 1) blacker than an ash-covered crow in the middle of a moonless night 2) too fragile to bleach.
Is it the brand? Are they mad because it's
trendy enough for L'Oreal or something?
I don't get it.
No. 78760
File: 1452235683201.png (26.91 KB, 643x318, scr~2.png)

She has zero class. Why would anyone waste their time on her? No. 78944
File: 1452318344598.jpeg (63.35 KB, 640x332, image.jpeg)

No. 78945
File: 1452318454971.jpeg (36.7 KB, 640x229, image.jpeg)

why does she always try to act hard lmao she would never do shit
No. 78958
>>78944She should at least learn the definition of lowkey before throwing it around like that because she comes off as a tool the way she's currently using it.
>>78945I don't get it either. Everybody knows she's a major coward.
No. 79076
>>78958I'm pretty sure the 'lowkey' thing is on purpose.
Still retarded as fuck though.
No. 79111
>>78760hence why she said she WOULD do that.
it's funny because these are the same bitches who complain when guys are pissed off at them for friendzoning them.
like what the fuck do you expect, guys to just lay down and take it like some beta?
No. 79837
>>79789how fucking disrespectful
he died of a long battle with cancer and these idiots are just trying to find reasons to talk shit about him for no reason
No. 79927
>>79789>>79799>>79837You know, Micky's full of shit on a lot of things, but Bowie fucking a 13 year old girl is kinda skeezy. Of course, a lot of rockers were skeezy like that back in the day (see Iggy Pop, who wrote "Look Away" about a 13 year old he was fucking).
All that said, her trying to act all triggert just comes off as attention whoring. Especially considering the creepy ddlg shit she's into.
No. 79990
File: 1452638122025.jpeg (50.22 KB, 740x429, image.jpeg)

You wish…..
No. 79993
>>79990I love how she wants to look like a ton of mixed girls.
dream on micky
No. 79997
File: 1452639235736.jpg (1.84 MB, 2560x2560, 16-01-12-17-50-36-637_deco.jpg)

>>79990I was looking up who Kim Johansson was and apparently her and Micky are similar in the fact that they are only black when it's convenient for them. So maybe prior are saying that as an insult, because they do not look alike at all.
No. 80265
File: 1452674511857.jpg (44.19 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1452674378853.jpg)

oh my fucking god.
shes so shapeless. what made her think this looked okay? her tits look like they're pulling her to the floor.
No. 80267
>>80266please buy bigger clothes Micky.
you are not as small as you think and it isn't cute looking the way you do. ffs.
No. 80454
>>80265she needs a properly fitted bra.
also he hair looks much straighter yet still raggedy, what's going on?
No. 80455
File: 1452717499674.jpg (83.31 KB, 422x750, tumblr_o0wbymRfQW1ucthsmo1_500…)

>>80454nvm, hair is still p. bad
No. 80500
Go on a diet. Stop with the "im so cute all i eat is junk food and soda huhuhu" bullshit. It is not healthy. You are not healthy. It WILL kill you! If you're too fucking lazy to exercise in gym (tbh i was) go for long walks. Look up light "bedroom" exercises that you can do. Take the stairs. Don't cut corners.
Get fitted for a bra by a professional!!!!!!!! PLEASE THIS WILL HELP. Your current bra situation makes you look like you have one singular tit in the middle of your chest. For fuck sakes none of this is hard. None of it. It's like you WANT to look like shit. Despite what your pedo bf and ass kissing ugly friends tell you, you aren't looking too great.
No. 80514
>>79861>>79789god, even though david having sex with a 13 year old is SUPER bad, cant you wait a week after he died to fucking do a huge outcry about him?
tumblrettes are even harrassing his kids, like jesus christ. Let them grieve abit before you go to them telling them their dead father was evil
No. 80554
>>8051415 year old *
And it remains to date little more than an unsubstantiated accusation. Same girl also one claimed she lost her virginity to Jimmy Page.
No. 80555
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No. 80577
File: 1452740541314.jpg (6.07 KB, 305x281, 12540149_10208897372660017_163…)

>>80556He doesn't have the right to say something is cringe when he and his gf send each other edgy cringe shit like this.
No. 80922
File: 1452820710183.png (160.11 KB, 720x943, Screenshot_2016-01-14-17-15-16…)

How accurate is her " beauty guru uguuu big neesan makeup tips uwu " post advice wise?
No. 80946
>>64732im black and i do that too.
i wish i had a qt tiny nose since you know wide noses arent considered kawaii
its just insecurity
No. 80955
>>80922What's true: You CAN use a beauty blender to blot away excess oil, but depending on the type of foundation you're wearing (how much coverage) it might take off some of the foundation as well
I would recommend buying a beauty blender from ebay, the real beauty blender is extremely expensive yeah, but just getting the dupe from real techniques is as equally good. getting fake beauty blenders sometimes have bugs in them
If you have super oily skin like me, buying blotting sheets from daiso is probably the way to go - which are huge ones and come in a big pack and they sell them for a dollar
No. 80976
File: 1452830582912.png (1.98 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2016-01-14-23-00-15…)

Someone download and post this cringe af video. I can't because i'm on my phone but omg what the fuck????
No. 80980
File: 1452830810840.png (1.99 MB, 2560x1331, Screenshot_2016-01-14-23-04-55…)

>>80977Lmao at her double chins.
No. 81106
File: 1452836629202.jpg (53.39 KB, 960x960, 12548963_815072871972884_48400…)

She drew on freckles and her face looks really weird.
No. 81227
File: 1452876192136.webm (2.88 MB, 854x480, Converted_file_2f31ec60.webm)
>>80976She said this is supposed to be an asmr video. Nothing about this is soothing. It actually sounds really gross and annoying.
No. 81553
>teeth scraping>slurping>that faceThat shit is going to
trigger a lot of things, but certainly not ASMR
No. 81852
File: 1453058446708.png (120.97 KB, 1440x541, Screenshot_2016-01-17-14-17-52…)

She says as stuffs her face with McDonalds. I am ccovinced this girl is retarded.
No. 81856
File: 1453058860761.png (144.71 KB, 1440x545, Screenshot_2016-01-17-14-22-53…)

No fucking wonder you're breaking out and can't lose weight. What the fuck? If you know soda is tearing your face apart, and you know water would be good for you but you continue to drink soda and claim "i get mad when i dont drink soda" THEN YOU DESERVE THE FUCKING ACNE AND DISEASES THAT ARE COMING YOUR WAY. Stop complaining and seeking help when you're make it clear that you don't really want it.
No. 81860
>>81856I love doctor pepper, but a glass a day? Holy shit micky, stop.
drink water you fucking cow.
No. 81987
>>81856Micky reminds me of that grandmother out of Nutty Professor
"he makes me moistttt"
No. 81988
>>80500She has (had?) a job and no bills to pay yet she wastes her money on 90s nostalgia/DDLG/generic tumblr shit and cheap makeup rather than getting her hair fixed or getting a gym membership.
What really confuses me is how she can say shit like "fruit makes my throat hurt" and "I need to drink Dr Pepper every day or else I get short-tempered" and not see a fucking doctor about that. I couldn't imagine living like that.
What are you doing to yourself, Micky?
>>81852Water, Micky. Drink some fucking water. It costs nothing.
No. 81992
>>81988Anon, Micky is the typical African American BT1000. Meaning she's ratchet, ghetto to fuck with nasty attitude, pro-black, party popper hair and wigs. Fat, complains and dirty.
It isn't any surprise.
Best bet is to leave these beasties to die out. Let Micky give up on herself.
She's got filter and cute kawaii sisters to patch her ugly up. She's fine.
No. 81994
>>81992I know, anon, I know. It just fucking mystifies me how someone could
do that to themselves. Even if they're ghetto weeb trash.
>you black shrek.lmao
No. 82014
File: 1453074318746.jpeg (42.62 KB, 604x335, image.jpeg)

>>81993Kooters is also her profile pic on PULL
No. 82054
>>82042Yeah, she is years overdue. I think she tries acting liking a hoodrat to impress Himeka and Himeka's friends since they're all rather ratchet hoodrat messes themselves.
>randomlyMicky it's not random, it's your unhealthy lifestyle beginning to catch up with you. The money you wasted on clothes you can't fit, shit dye jobs, and junk food could have went to things like skincare products, a gym membership, better fitting clothes from the plus size section, getting your hair done at a quality salon, and healthy food.
If she was smart she'd turn her life around right now so that she doesn't become an utterly filthy hamplanet.
>>82014>>81993That honestly proves just how fake she is. She'll drool and fangirl Kota one minute then talk shit about her the next. She did that with Leda Bunny, Jasmine Blu, and Taylor/Panda-chan. It's a shock anyone still wants to be her friend.
No. 82076
>>82054I reeeeeally want to see Taylor beat the shit out of Micky. They're both gigantic messes but at least Taylor is mostly upfront about it.
How funny would it be to see a video on WSHH of Micky's chunky weeaboo ass being tossed around by someone 4 times smaller than her?
No. 82297
>>82014>>82054Exactly, she obviously looks up to kota and is yet another girl who knows about her drama but will love her yet shit talk her on forums. It's like… hold on a minute Mickster, you hate kota? Fuck off. You admire her. You admire her and wish you could be her like all the other semi-efame weebs and kota-kopies who are TRYING to get sushi people validation.
It annoys me. If you like kota Micky just admit it. There is nothing wrong with that, some girls do like her because she's cute regardless of her bad shoop and past drama with her ugly fucker sister.
It makes me realize how sly some of these 'kawaii-keens' are tbh. They act all cute for cameras, tumblr and videos. But they're all the same.
Nasty little wolves in alpaca onesies.
No. 82534
>>48435You need to tone up and lose some weight but a lot of guys would hit it and make you their girlfriend
Women are more catty,pickier, and bitchier, so when I see men acting like this I accuse them of being very affeminate - which is true.
No. 82664
File: 1453162369872.jpeg (104.09 KB, 640x792, image.jpeg)

lmfaoooooo in what universe
No. 82692
File: 1453167899566.jpg (1.48 MB, 2560x1920, 16-01-18-20-43-59-379_deco.jpg)

>>82664Shit like this is why she's the way she is now. These people need to stop lying to her.
No. 83009
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No. 83010
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No. 83146
File: 1453236918061.png (50.03 KB, 720x310, Screenshot_2016-01-19-12-49-57…)

McMicky, please stop you whale.
The reason why those outfits are shit is because 1. Your fat and nasty ass can't fit into them and you pick sizes that are too damn small to fit into and 2. You order from cheap Ebay and Taobao crap so of fucking course it would never suit you.
Go to the mall and get some legit plus sized clothes. You belong in Torrid sweety, not in desukawaiiloli clothes land. Stop throwing your money on crappy clothes and start investing on your health and body instead so you can look more better overall in your clothes.
Bye Felicia.
No. 83707
File: 1453363359220.png (152.21 KB, 1440x640, Screenshot_2016-01-21-03-00-54…)

this lying bitch….
No. 84191
>>83724That's true, there is mixed race people who look either or neither. It's difficult.
But the problem is that Micky or Mickies the blacks who proclaim how beautiful black is and love it. Yet whitewash their pictures? I can understand enhancing their features, make up or whatever. But Micky actually makes herself not black looking? Or even mixed race looking? It's weird. Too much lightening.
Micky if you really love being black then stop it and stop lying about being race. I get that America's history has mixed DNA due to slave masters and shit. Africans never considering them "full black". But if your mother and dad is black then you're black.
If you want to start making black kawaii Micky then stop lying, start embracing ur "melanin" and support black.
No. 84197
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No. 84198
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No. 84199
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No. 84202
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No. 84204
File: 1453421448353.jpg (82.41 KB, 428x750, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

>>84202idk guys
maybe she is mixed :^)
No. 84207
>>84204Even if she does have some white heritage, it's not to the point where she can plausibly make posts like
>>83707. If she's "mixed", then so am I, and I'm fucking African.
No. 84231
>>84204Micky clearly looks part black. The fact she has to bring attention
>>83707 to the fact someone thought she "wasn't black" is… all sorts of weird and stupid. Especially when you are posting about it in a "Kawaii Black Girls" group.
No. 84238
File: 1453424160970.jpg (198.88 KB, 425x650, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

>>84230god help if micky woke up like this (not that there is anything wrong with dark skin) but she'd end up topping herself
No. 84239
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>>84210>>84207Possibly Mickster is mixed along the bloodline somewhere. I mean full black is really like Lupita's tone right? Paula Patton (right) is a mixed race woman. So possible?
No. 84241
File: 1453424445202.jpg (93.75 KB, 960x720, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

sounds like Micky tbh
No. 84271
>>84239full black doesn't have a skintone. if you have two black parents, then you're also black, full stop.
Micky isn't mixed with anything but ugly.
No. 84276
File: 1453430500405.png (34.14 KB, 604x334, thats a step in the right dire…)

>>80267She's finally going to buy some bigger clothes!
No. 84450
File: 1453477456439.jpg (17.46 KB, 240x240, 1449675956596.jpg)

>>84276I'm sorry but Taobao.. is not a good place to look for clothes for fat girls like her. Nothings gonna fit her.. guaranteed. She needs to go buy some real fucking clothes and start taking care of herself because I can predict diabetes in a few years… Why is she caught up in this fantasy that she is a petite cute azn girl kawaii desu? Delusional? I really don't get it. She looks like a fucking fish brick and doesn't understand how to correct apply makeup quite yet.
I think Micky doesn't like aminyan because Ami is everything that she is not.
No. 84521
>>84455my comment
>>84293 was about Kim's mom being white. No referring to Micky.
No. 84702
File: 1453517235460.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.7 KB, 705x1205, FB_IMG_1453517051159.jpg)

Someone explain this.
Spoiler for gross cow tits.
No. 84736
File: 1453519087243.png (126.01 KB, 1024x768, scr (1).png)

>>84702So now she's claiming to be a goddess?
No. 84744
>>84455And you're shit
Just because you're talking about an ignorant lolcow doesn't mean you have to become one
No. 84745
>>84736lmao can we take a moment to cringe about her ghetto ass buying some dollar store fairy lights to take selfies with?
and how tacky it actually looks?
No. 84857
>>84239Lupita is black from Africa which means she probably has no white blood. Most black Americans have been in America for 200-300 years and via slavery no black American is "full black" which is why there's so much variation in features. With that said Micky is black. There's lighter skin black girls who aren't mixed
Sorry to get OT. Continue discussing this mess lol
No. 84898
Okay Micky is black but not as dark as Lupita and her ancestry prob has slave master blood somewhere. Play on the genetics. But has black folks.
End of
No. 84912
>>84765Idk why McMicky is complaining so much about Aminyan and her sushi land adoration. How about Micky go to Japan, learn a bit of Jap and model for that plus size magazine they have?
I know she black but they could easily just shoop her lighter, like they did do Tiffany Cadillac's pictures who is hafu (black/Jap).
No. 84919
File: 1453573178467.jpg (290.94 KB, 425x597, 240_01 - Copy.jpg)

>>84912They could easily do what they did to her. Lighten the shit out of Mcmicky.
No. 84945
>>84906Yes, it's tacky and tryhard.
>>84912She still has to be skilled at modelling and able fit the clothes, which seeing how their clothes are sized smaller, I doubt will work out in her favor. There's also the issue with her terrible hygiene. Nobody wants someone making their nice clothes smell like wet garbage.
No. 84962
>>84939She is very cute, she's actually nice too (i messaged her tumblr a few times). She does freelance modelling and knows Risa Nakamura a little well.
She's half Japanese too so prob has a bit of the upper hand.
But yh, she and Aminan are what Micky strives to be.
:^) If Micky wants it so bad I don't get why she doesn't shed off the pounds and join a fucking Asian modelling agency or something. DO SOMETHING!
Make a change Micky instead of trying to get tumblr famous like kota did. It won't happen for you. Kota was once in a life-time and no one would believe shoop pics like that anymore because too many kawaii uguus do it!
No. 84963
>>84945Maybe she could learn? Also make herself wash?
Maybe Micky isn't cut out for anything.
No. 85067
>>85066At least she's trying which is a start… Right?
Gg, Micky, you even DELVED it in DANG OIL(!).
No. 85071
>>84906Covering yourself in Christmas lights and calling yourself a moon goddess is kinda cute… when you're eight
When you're almost 20, it just makes you look high or retarded
No. 85074
>>84270 took the words right out of my mouth. Both of her parents are black. She's nothing but black. She's not "light skinned" at all. shes not dark but she's really not light skinned either.
>>83707 "I may not have a lot of melanin"
Like why did she even feel the need to point this out so badly if this is true? She's fucking stupid.
No. 85076
>>84919She actually does seem a bit lighter than Micky though but regardless
I can't see Micky ever being this cute.
No. 85975
>>85057All the girls micky admires are mixed
poor micky
No. 85983
>>85066i love the disgusting food on a filthy looking floor done with a cheap camera
but then put pink hearts thinking it'll look cute
No. 86063
>>79927Bowie never fucked a 13 year old.
He was accused, went to court, and was found not guilty. The girl who accused him also accused a few other celebrities of also raping her but it was just another attention whore trying to get rich by shitting all over real celebrities.
It happens.
No. 86115
File: 1453872555725.png (346.76 KB, 1024x768, scr.png)

No. 86151
File: 1453885815703.jpeg (72.7 KB, 640x841, image.jpeg)

basically Micky but lighter
No. 86199
File: 1453905867806.jpeg (23.56 KB, 204x395, image.jpeg)

>Close my eyes and cross my arms. Put me in the dirt let me be with the stars ・。'゚・‘。・'☆・゚。゚☆
>tagged: #lunarkin #spacekin
No. 86248
>>86199She has on my favorite shirt. :'( how dare she.
But yea we seen way too many photos of her to know she has not a single freckle.
No. 86278
File: 1453927543618.png (404.56 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

So I was listening to Hannah Diamond and…..
No. 86399
File: 1453946475170.png (241.5 KB, 1024x768, scr (1).png)

No. 86460
>>86278and I was watching ItsMyRayeRaye…
(or whatever her name is)
No. 86461
File: 1453955333402.png (410.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-27-18-02-59…)

>>86460dropped pic like a fucking idiot
No. 86467
File: 1453955858939.jpg (34.92 KB, 720x484, 12632835_10209047336049008_160…)

>>86415I doubt that was actually the case, his post seems to imply he wanted to end the relationship.
No. 86761
File: 1453997676598.jpg (180.05 KB, 800x1106, 1424134425272.jpg)

>>86415>>86467>>86472This is the second chick this autistic weeb broke up with either before or after they turned 18
Shame, they made such a great couple of lolcows
No. 86799
File: 1454006439806.jpg (33.68 KB, 600x400, dbabd921b54dc088cca4accbcb7199…)

>>86761Every time I see that middle picture I can't help but think of this.
No. 86815
>>86812>He looks like a hulking black manEr…debatable. Dude LOOKS like a black Napoleon Dynamite.
But yeah sounds like a real creeper. There isn't even anything remotely attractive about this guy.
No. 87083
File: 1454043630658.gif (1.17 MB, 215x198, fun isnt hard.gif)

>>86819he looks like fucking urkel to me, man
No. 87106
File: 1454048429174.png (304.66 KB, 1024x768, scr (4).png)
>It is natural to still feel scared, so the best you can do is keep an eye on him for a while. The whole situation can make anybody on edge, but you have done well to talk him out of it for the time being.
>Update on the ex boyfriend situation: I think everything is okay now? He changed his relationship status to single on fb and a lot of his friends were there to comfort him and stuff (and none of them bashed me which is pretty great lol. I was scared they would ;A;) But yeah. I think he might be okay (not emotionally but as far as self harming.)
>I really hoped we could still be friends or at least still talk because I do still care a lot about him and I bought him a birthday present and everything, but he told me he didn’t really want to talk to me anymore because I have feelings for someone else so I have to just mail his present to him u____u I really hope he finds happiness soon or someone else starts liking him…>>86199>>86277She reuploaded the same picture, but cropped out the shirt and change the caption to different song lyrics. No. 87291
>>86815LMAO not even Napoleon dynamite. He's way uglier.
>>86812>Him and Micky make a dynamic duo This. Although Micky may be on the start of making something better of herself
by eating steamed vegetables and ditching his ugly ass they're perfect for each other lol
>>86819He seems like the type to just look scary though, like he's just big af but he couldn't fight or defend himself for shit
No. 87315
File: 1454100939803.jpg (62.52 KB, 480x474, 1412092190166.jpg)

>>86399she isn't even japanese, why is she speaking it?
i bet that other person isnt even japanese either and just pretends like her.
i get if you like anime, but jesus christ, we know you don't give two fucks about actual japanese stuff unless its kawaii animu shit
No. 87451
File: 1454132852120.jpg (62.79 KB, 540x960, 12654707_822798484533656_59921…)

Her hair looks horrid. Also if you look at the second pic, you can see the blur on her stomach. Lol
No. 87462
File: 1454134568514.jpg (41.01 KB, 640x640, 12558340_546334935544443_16531…) edited in some contacts for the Instagram post. How sad.
Some of the stuff in her bio is pretty ridiculous too.
>preteen trapqueen>THE MOON GODDESS>Aestheric No. 87525
File: 1454169392205.jpg (52.27 KB, 720x634, 12633097_10209065441141624_207…)

I wonder if this was the guy she cheated on her ex with.
No. 87528
with as fast as they got together im assuming shes got some history with him.
No. 87544
File: 1454173914156.jpg (118.96 KB, 718x1079, 12633039_10209066287402780_533…)

>>87543This is a far cry from how she was speaking about him on Tumblr. She's absolutely deplorable. I bet she only stayed with him for the free meals and gifts.
No. 87574
>>87561It's been stated before that she was flirting with him and they had something going on while he was still with Amina. She had approached asking her to stop flirting and a Micky brushed her off. He ended up with Micky almost immediately after things with Amina ended. That's when she started bragging about it. Then she and Anthony started harassing Amina and tried to make it seem like she was crazy and jealous.
There's plenty of evidence on her old twitter account. Which is why she locked it. There was also evidence on her old Tumblr that she deleted as well.
No. 87730
File: 1454209929969.png (236.47 KB, 1024x768, scr (5).png) could have at least looked up how to spell the word asphyxiation before making a post about it.
No. 87857
File: 1454257793876.png (415.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-31-11-28-56…)

>>87730Gotta make sure fb sees it too huh?
No. 88259
>>88157Are you high?
pretty much all fast food places have a 'water' cup for either a minimal price or free. That as well as that I'm PRETTY sure all soda fountains also have a water spout. It's not usually one of the big label things but usually on the first spout there will be a smaller button that says 'water'. As well as food stores you can buy a gallon of water for like $2. Yeah it's generic ass waster but you dont need Dasani or evian. I bet you're the type that thinks that eating out all the time is actually less expensive.
>>88247Most states dont have drinkable tap water because of all the chemicals and those on-spout water filters are actually pretty expensive but that doesnt stop that anon from being an idiot.
No. 88282
File: 1454345703752.png (140.85 KB, 1440x656, Screenshot_2016-02-01-11-51-11…)

No one believes you mucky.
You constantly say dumb shit even when your updates aren't public, i would know. I seriously doubt you're smart enough to PLAN your status updates lmao.
No. 88329
>>88259Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
Still, that anon strikes me as the sort of fatty who says they "can't afford" to eat healthily.
No. 88335
File: 1454355015646.png (349.65 KB, 1024x768, scr (6).png)
>I consider myself a spiritual person and a lot of my philosophies and beliefs are kind of far fetched , but I would never try to force my views on anyone else or look down on someone for not having the same beliefs as me. How I feel and what I believe are relevant to MY reality and how I see things through MY eyes and MY experiences. <:
>I would never try to force my views on anyone else or look down on someone for not having the same beliefs as me.This is the biggest pile of horse shit I have ever seen. You do nothing but attack and mock others the moment they disagree or present a different viewpoint. You tried to get someone doxxed because they disagreed with you. There's proof of all this in all three of your threads. Stop pretending like you're not a close minded piece of shit.
Also, look at these tags
>#otherkin >#spacekin >#lunarkin >#new age spiritual >#healing crystals>#nihilism >#empath >#light workerShe's not even remotely close to being anything like an empath or a light worker. Also does she realize being a nihilist conflicts with being a new age spiritual and otherkin?
No. 88348
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No. 88532
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No. 88555
File: 1454386192896.jpg (98.29 KB, 960x674, IMG_20160201_230827.jpg)

She's leaving FB for a while.. :( still got tumblr tho. ;D
No. 88560
>Every 10-30 minutes>sometimes hours later if he's workingDear god, Micky, how ever do you cope?
Jesus Christ, it's like she has no idea that you can date someone and still have your own separate life without being joined to them at the hip.
No. 88564
>>88532Who ever thought dating her was a good idea has really low standards.
>we liked each other 3 years agoWtf, wasn't she with her ex at the time? That's terrible, she's definitely going to get dumped before the year is over.
No. 88597
>>88525>>88524It looks super dry and damaged imo.
Maybe if she styled it? The shape looks weird on her.
No. 88670
>>88645>bought her Milanoo costumes for nudesTop kek
>Even lulzier than Anthony.Holy shit, give us the details
No. 88675
>>88674You have to be pretty lulzy to want to date and fuck Micky. He pursued an underage girl for sex, that's actually past the point of lulzy.
>I honestly think he's with Micky just to fuck>with Micky>just to fuckGross. I'm sure there are far better looking, smelling, and just overall better girls he could do that with. Though, I doubt anyone would want him after finding out he stuck his dick in Mucky.
No. 88684
File: 1454422262438.jpg (23.96 KB, 720x278, 12637128_10209087490732850_444…)

She really was only with him for the gifts and free food. Damn.
No. 88713
>>88645his last name is foot
No. 89004
>>89002no theres a lot of us in the Michigan weeb community who hate Micky.
And aminyan never messed with guys for stuff. That was all Micky for Milanoo.
No. 89032
>>89023No Amina never had like a PO box or gift list and I saw those screen shots. If they're real(not saying they're fake) I can't imagine her doing that shit offline. Plus within the black weeb comm I've never heard of Amina dating black guys after Anthony. She was always with white and azn neckbeards at cons. anyways she was quiet when I met her so whatever.i think Amina knows that guy normally. The Michigan anime comm is kind of close knit like that.
>Youmacon and MickyOh god this girl. She once wore a party city $20 Halloween nurse costume + her fried pink hair and said she was cosplaying nurse may at Youmacon. She also did a cosplay of Kodomos no jiken. I've seen other girls who have the Loli uguu body pull that off but Micky just looked ……bad
Jason wasn't a sugar daddy but he may be a low key hebephile. I remember he bought Micky a ton of stuff from a wish list(cheap shit) while she was 14-15 and dating Anthony. Keep in mind this Jason guy is like 26 at the time. anyways Micky would go to the maid cafe with these guys and for some reason she was considered hot shit within the otacoons weeb Detroit community because of her fat sloppy body that black men apparently like. They were really loud and would never buy anything. The maid cafe was shitty tier times a million but Micky and her friends would go there for 5 hours and buy one drink. Mucky is 5'8" 200 pounds so if you go to a Michigan convention you'll see her for sure. her voice also sounds like a gay man. I don't know what other stories you want to know. She's pretty cringy in person.
No. 89049
>>89032>her voice also sounds like a gay man. Wow. I want to hear it now.
Please tell us more.
No. 89062
>>89049I live in Chicago now but went to cons in Michigan when I lived there. There's a lot of assholes trying to be famous in the Midwest weeb scene but when I lived in Michigan Micky went to a lot of meetups. We were also friends on Facebook.
The main reason she doesn't make videos or shitty live streams anymore is because her voice is very very deep and un Loli like at all. She has a horrible body too. Bitch is the embodiment of an anti Loli but thinks she's a small azn gurrrl. She also used to type in a super scene way. Micky is only a weeb by fad to be honest and she used to be a huge scene gamer gurrl
No. 89124
File: 1454526236847.jpg (100.02 KB, 376x333, 2009-11-08-monique.JPG)

>>88348She looks a bit like precious's mum
No. 89127
>>88360Buh her natural hair aint kawaii xo
so weave has to do <3
No. 90034
File: 1454760856434.png (716.58 KB, 1024x768, scr (1).png)

Is she starting to miss her ex or something?
No. 90080
>>90034Probably just attention whoring
Her Tumblr was full of shit like that when they were still together
No. 90104
File: 1454789548484.png (40.86 KB, 1024x768, scr (2).png)

She said she was done with Facebook, but still has a page up.
No. 90234
>>85017I just lurked some of her social media, and it's so refreshing to see a hapa that actually seems proud of their black side. I'm sure part of it is just that she lives in Japan, so there's nothing exotic desu about that half to her, but I've noticed that a lot of hapa that have only lived in Japan/whatever Asian country suddenly get really weeby about their Asian halves when they come into contact with Westerners. All that, "omg you're so cute! What's it like being Asian? omg can you actually speak the language?!" goes straight to their heads.
No. 90237
File: 1454819983243.jpg (303.78 KB, 1024x1365, IMG_20160206_233623.jpg) looks so fucking disgusting. Why does she keep posting the shit?
No. 90502
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>>90237Is that in her bed?
No. 91067
File: 1455074059417.jpg (1.19 MB, 2560x1920, 16-02-09-22-09-42-917_deco.jpg) girlfriend looks dumpy and retarded, love yourself and dump her for someone better.
No. 91072
>>91068She spammed her blogs with posts of her wish list begging people to buy things. Also what
>>88645 posted.
>>89004If so many people hate her there, why hasn't there been a big shit storm of them just telling her off?
No. 91166
File: 1455120808554.jpg (224.79 KB, 1280x960, 1409444780519.jpg)

>>91122>>91123If you check the first thread someone posted this pic, and everyone was saying her cosplay looked bad. She said she couldn't get the actual cosplay. I guess that was just a shit excuse to cover the fact she was copying Leda.
No. 91174
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>the tags
LMAO. Who is she to talk about such things. Woww
No. 91712
File: 1455221813212.jpg (159.31 KB, 495x642, shit.jpg)

>>91178i remember a hairdresser i knew, she would dye her hair all the time crazy colors like pink and blue and green and whatever and continuously change it.
i asked her and she said she did the conditioner thing, but its much more than just using that.
its getting hair masks, specific expensive conditioners and leaving it in for a long time and just a whole procedure of things to make the "conditioner thing" work.
it.s just that bitches like micky think they can just slap on conditioner and done, when the real thing is a whole long pain in the ass daily procedure
No. 91735
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She cakes her makeup on, yet acts like it's a complete mystery as to why her skin is breaking out.
>>91712>it.s just that bitches like micky think they can just slap on conditionerMicky doesn't seem to use deep conditioner or regular conditioner at all. She just slaps coconut oil on her head and thinks that's all there is to it.
Micky, if you're reading this(like I know you are), coconut oil is not going to fix that rat's nest you call hair. Instead of wasting money on clothes you can't fit and junk food, invest in a good deep conditioner, protein treatment, hair oil, sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, moisturizer, hair mask and a silk scarf. If you can't or won't get those things, you shouldn't be dying your hair at all. Hell, you might as well shave it all off.
No. 91829
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No. 91972
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Why does she feel the need to butcher terms? It's so cringy.
No. 92442
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No. 92522
>>92442Well, they had a good run.
A week? Two weeks? That's more than most people have in a lifetime.
No. 93178
File: 1455516067179.png (176.91 KB, 708x520, 1453963496883.png)

>>92986>namasteshe clearly isnt even slightly japanese
why does she do this, does she actually think people think she is asian
No. 93378
File: 1455575721717.png (188.04 KB, 1024x768, scr (10).png)

What was the point of her even putting that?
No. 93386
>>93296Isn't Namaste a word in one of India's languages?
India is part of Southern Asia.
No. 93771
File: 1455652873625.png (196.79 KB, 1024x768, scr.png)

I highly doubt that she is an ENFP.
No. 93805
>exactly, it was a fad in anime to say that because japs thought it was cuteThat's highly incorrect. Namaste is commonly heard if you're into Yoga, which is very popular in the west and often connected with New Age spirituality and Hinduism, though the former is more popular. If you're in Asia, you'll most likely hear it as a form of greeting or goodbye, which is common for south and southeastern Asian countries. There's a slight possibility to hear it in Japan too, either from someone who's moved there from the southern or southeastern part the continent or from a Japanese person who considers themselves Hindu.
I haven't heard this term used in anime, but it's used often in the comic Iron Fist.
No. 94577
>>88685No it doesn't, she has a chemical relaxer.
I am black and this is what my hair looked like when it was relaxed and unpressed. My hair is natural now and it looks so much healthier–no heat no chemicals!
>>88685>>88685>>88685>>88685>>88685 No. 94719
File: 1455894944317.jpg (1.82 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-14-04-643_deco.jpg)

This conditioner is God tier. I really recommend it. After I bleached my hair it was reaaaaaally dry, but I used this after I washed the bleach out and I felt my hair become soft again literally within seconds.
No. 94720
File: 1455895198520.jpg (1.7 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-18-00-455_deco.jpg)

I use this conditioner to deep condition (because the suave one is only suppose to be left in for a Max of three minutes). I like to mix
Coconut oil and argon oil with this and leave it in my hair over night~
No. 94722
File: 1455895615539.jpg (1.91 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-24-27-840_deco.jpg)

And then I use this as a leave I conditioner and to detangle my natural hair. Its not really anything special. (´・ω・`) it does what it's supposed to do, though.
No. 94725
File: 1455896116836.jpg (1.94 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-28-23-072_deco.jpg)

And I use this and pretty much everything from this brand is amazing. I've been really into argon oil lately.
No. 94726
File: 1455896206793.jpg (1.68 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-33-00-572_deco.jpg)

And this. I also have a jar of unprocessed coconut oil, but it's in my fridge downstairs.
No. 94729
File: 1455896405636.jpg (1.9 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-38-57-807_deco.jpg)

I also just started using this heat protection spraa that I forgot I had. It has argon oil in it so yay
No. 94733
File: 1455896732939.jpg (2.25 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-42-43-258_deco.jpg)

I'm like obsessed with this spray because sometimes at work I wash dishes when there's no one else able to, and that involves water splashing around everywhere and humidity from the giant dishwasher, but this stuff absolutely keeps my hair straight regardless. It's a miracle spray!
No. 94735
File: 1455897025811.jpg (1.56 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-10-47-44-131_deco.jpg)

This stuff really helped when I had drandruff after I dyed my hair black so I recommend it
No. 94737
I guess I just think it's weird that like….okay I get laughing at pics of me in bad angles, laughing at pics that I've clearly edited, laughing about my weight and my hair, laughing about my personal life and my mental health… But things like
>>93378>>93771>>92592>>92442>>91972>>91829>>91735This person went on my twitter multiple days in a row to screen shot the dumb, random shit I say. Like I can imagine someone doing that to dakota or kiki or whoever because they're popular. They got stuff goin on. I don't have ANYTHING going on. I'm a nobody. There are hundreds of people just like me all over the internet. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only fat weeaboo college girl with fried hair who thinks shes special. I'm not the only one. So why do I specifically get a thread? It's weird.
No. 94740
File: 1455897999932.jpg (1.85 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-11-03-32-344_deco.jpg)

I digress. I also use this stuff and it works reaaaaally well. It nourishes my hair and works as a heat protectant in between washes when my hair starts getting a little bit fluffy. It makes my hair super straight!
No. 94741
File: 1455898338922.jpg (17.78 KB, 275x206, 1449862854537.jpg)

Sometimes I can't tell if I hate this website or love it
No. 94742
File: 1455899142027.jpg (1.8 MB, 1440x2560, 16-02-19-11-10-06-648_deco.jpg)

and last but not least this is the stuff I use on my edges. I rarely use it though because im really bad at laying down my edges lol
No. 94744
>>94718>That is not the case haha! I actually co-wash my hair and deep condition on a regular basis! I took pictures of most of the products that I use on my hair to show you! Now yes, my hair is damaged because I bleached it and (tried) to use color remover on it, but right now (to me at least) it doesn't feel super dry and it's not like falling out or anything lol.
>co-washNo. You need to be actually washing your hair with shampoo, cleansing shampoo at that, especially with all the product you use.
Also, since you weren't smart enough to realize that you can't actually save your fried hair and it needs to be chopped, your hair is still damaged.You suppose to cut that useless hair off so you can focus on the better new growth.
>I'm mostly doing this because last year I dyed all of my hair black (which I vow to never do again) and that black dye is still clinging onto my hair for dear life and it's making it very hard to dye my hair the colors I want it to be (hence why it's green)! You're an even bigger fool than I thought. You already fucked your hair, and instead of giving it a break and buying a good wig to wear, you further damage it. It's clear you don't know what you're doing and need to stop before you end up bald from bleaching.
>I tried to fluff them up a little bit to match the thickness and texture of my real hair, but they just turned into a horrible tangled mess. So now I HAVE to wear them super straight (which I just realized last night tbh) or else they turn into a tangled mess in my head! So if anyone wants to recommend a good place to get hair extensions that are 180-200g and won't make my wallet cry, I would love to hear about it! You need to stop trying to buy extensions and get yourself a good wig. They sell them at your local beauty supplies.
>About my current boyfriend: we DID break up, but after talking things out and confessing that we still really like each other we got back together and everything is great now! I'm even hanging out with him today!You're going to be in for a rude awakening pretty soon. Karma is unforgiving to everyone.
>I was really sad and had sort of meltdown after wandering here and reading some things in this thread, but after a bit of meditating and recreational marinana use I reread everything that made me upset before and now it doesn't really upset me!♡So, instead of taking a real step back and realizing how you need to absolute change and fix things, you just played the helpless victim to people and ignored the ever growing problem that is yourself. You're friends aren't going to stick around long if your just going to act the same.
>>94719It didn't immediately fix your hair, it only temporarily coated it. You need a more penetrative daily conditioner, try more organix products.
>>94720>I like to mix Coconut oil and argon oil with this and leave it in my hair over night~
The fact you fucked up something as simple as deep conditioning is astounding. You're suppose to leave on the deep conditioner in your head. The best course for you in this would be to actually sit under a blow dryer with it on. The oils can wait until after your hair is dry.
>>94729This definitely will not work for hair like yours. You need to go buy Fantasia IC heat protector.
>>94736you can't possibly be saying that after reading three threads of her bullshit. I'm calling whiteknight on this one.
> I don't have ANYTHING going on. I'm a nobody. There are hundreds of people just like me all over the internet. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only fat weeaboo college girl with fried hair who thinks shes special. I'm not the only one. So why do I specifically get a thread? It's weird.Did you not read the OPs for these threads? Did you not read what you just typed? Do not see the bullshit you spout in your tweets and statuses? You act like a special snowflake and spend most of time acting as if your some kind gift to the and that everything you say is right and without fault. You spend your days bandwagoning ideas an looks just for popularity sake instead of becoming your own person. Even now, you're providing milk to be used in your future thread.
If you want to actual grow as a person you need to heed the advice here
>>72999 No. 94747
>>94744Are you going to explode into a million angry little pieces if I don't get a wig?
The fact that you told me I need a "penetrative daily conditioner" really lets me know that you don't really know what you're talking about. Lol my hair would be even worse if I washed it and conditioned it every single day.
And what do you mean my heat protectant won't work I don't like I can't….what are you taking about loooooooool
No. 94748
>>94744Honestly and truly you don't HAVE to care about my hair. If I bleach my hair until it falls out I can assure you that it will not affect you in any way possible. I am not that important so you should not care about me that much. If you honestly feel like you're telling me all of this with my best interest at heart then you could should just message me on facebook. I will not listen to any advice from here lol.
And I'm not really sure why you bring up karma. Karma for what exactly?
No. 94752
>>94747>Are you going to explode into a million angry little pieces if I don't get a wig?You're going lose your hair overworking it like you do, a wig will prevent that.
>The fact that you told me I need a "penetrative daily conditioner" really lets me know that you don't really know what you're talking about. Lol my hair would be even worse if I washed it and conditioned it every single day. That's not what was implied. Ofc you don't need to was it everyday, but when you're not using the deep conditioner you need regular, daily(meaning you use it on the regular, which you're not supposed to do with deep conditioner) conditioner that works just as well.
>And what do you mean my heat protectant won't work I don't like I can't….what are you taking about looooooooolThat isn't made for your hair texture. You have thick, coarse hair. That was made for the opposite kind of hair. You need a product tailored to your kind of hair.
None of this is rocket science, Micky. Yet you can't seem to comprehend things when spelled out for you. The way you approach things guarantee future threads.
No. 94753
>>94744re: white knight
>doesn't see the point of talking about a literal nobody tumblr girl from the internet and talking about every little thing she does>actually respects her coming in here and giving you details about every little thing she does, basically making fun of you all in this thread for having so much time as to screenshot EVERY BORING ASS THING SHE DOES>"you must be a whiteknight!"AH, FUCK IT. i don't care if i am a white knight. this website has been going to shit for a long time and it's the stupid vendetta threads like this and the berry thread and allowing them to exist that has done it.
no, i didn't read 3 threads of her shit. BECAUSE IT'S BORING.
wow who fucking cares!
she's boring. it's fucking lame to stalk a nobody this hard because of what is obviously personal jealousy that someone as nobody and lame and boring as she is has a following and you don't.
No. 94757
>>94748This is you:
>hey guys what should I do to help my hair
>anons give you solid advice
>l-leave me alone! I can do what I want! S-stfu idiots lolol
>Karma for what exactly?Are you really that blind to all the bullshit you pull and have pulled before?
>>94754Too late, they already start going full white knight, here
>>94753 Pretty sure it's just one of her dumb friends or her boyfriend. They seem to be the only ones who would be that delirious besides herself.
No. 94760
>>94753Micky shut the fuck up. You're a fucking lolcow and you're on the same road as Pixy. Want me to list?
1 You see to think you can work your whole live at a fucking diner and basic tasks such as waiting tables is hard enough for you.
2 You literally copy people to a fucking T. You have no originality and its so fucking annoying. You literally sound like a screeching Tumblr record. Get your own mind for fuck's sake.
3 You think you're a cute small loli and you post anime child porn, but try to be a feminist at the same time. Shit don't work. Sorry.
4 You got fingered in McDonalds. Ew.
5 Your taobao ratty 20 dollar randoseru set with your boyfriend and your Milanoo dress was cringe enough
6 You self diagnose yourself with the stupidest shit. Like those people who self diagnose with cancer.
7 You went from being a men's rights activist to being a feminist because of trends
8 You literally fucking came here to make a thread about Taylor/Panda Chan, Amina, and you tried to dox a girl just for disagreeing with you…
Honestly I want to go on and on.
9 You post pictures of your ghetto ass trailer park messy room. Stop.
10 You don't drink water and your diet makes me cringe. Looking at you I feel utterly disgusted and you should too fatty.
You're literally close to Pixyteri and Chris Chan. How does that feel? You're not 12 or 13. There's no excuse for this bullshit. You let yourself get so fucking out of shape. You need to be harassed until you get the message lol.
No. 94762
>>94760Oh and let's not forget spacekin, and using /pol/ to find a boyfriend. You're every cancerous thing about the internet rolled up into one fat annoying saw nigger nose weeb. Its not funny, it's not cute nor attractive and it won't get you anywhere. Here's advice:
1. Start selling doobie, pussy, stripping, dark net whatever it takes to get a lot of cash. You aren't the brightest bitch around so I gander you'll go for $10 a pop. Ask himeka chan for advice.
2. Save said money, I repeat save and don't spend on weeb shit.
3. go pro ana and shave head and wear brazilia weave
4. use said cash for a fucking rhinoplasty
5. ???????????
6. proftt?????
No. 94778
File: 1455903843089.jpg (9.55 KB, 240x240, 12510471_1035228729863164_8112…)

This thread is so funny. Sooooo much vendetta. I hope youre not too busy telling me what I should do with my hair to do your work! Oh and while you're at it, why don't you buy all the products you want me to use and send them to me!
No. 94789
>>94778>Buy products and send to mefollow
>>94762and you will be able to get them for yourself lol
No. 94791
>>94781>>94783Lol i think you're confused. Me and Anthony aren't dating and he never broke up with me. I am broke up with him and am dating someone else now.
There is literally no proof that he ever did anything to aminah and everyone who knew her around the time they dated knows that she's a compulsive liar and treated him like shit and cheated on him with the nhk guy lmaoooo
No. 94792
>>94766Telling the truth =/= mad
This is really telling how much you lack any comprehension skills.
>>94768All this milk says otherwise
>>94769He got your nudes from you when you were twelve and you admitted to sucking his dick while you were underage. He's a fucking pedo.
>>94778>Vendetta>Three threads of evidence and milkYeah ok
You have a job, buy it yourself.
She's acting just like she did in the first thread, pitiful.
No. 94795
>>94791um that guy has a history of hitting wimenz. Even if he didn't why would amina lie when she broke up with him to become an aidoru and he settled for you when he couldn't get her back? why would someone break up with them then lie?
Plus you're a feminist right? you believe in a grown ass man raping teen underaged girls then blaming them when they leave him? you yourself said he even threatened suicide when you left. You're the feminizzz right? Why are you taking up for this autistic pedo who has a history of raping teen girls?
No. 94798
>>94791>There is literally no proof that he ever did anything to aminah and everyone who knew her around the time they dated knows that she's a compulsive liar and treated him like shit and cheated on him with the nhk guyYou really expect us to believe this bullshit? We know you like to like, especially about Amina.
>>94794You linked to a girl's personal Facebook on your Tumblr with the explicit intent of getting her doxxed and harassed.
>You don't have any NEW shit about me to talk about? Really?There is three threads with all kinds of shit on you, new and old.
Stop pretending to act tough becau we know you're not. Taylor even confirmed it.
No. 94802
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No. 94810
>>94807adding to
>>94808 snow isn't for super milkmakers. it's for mini-cringemasters.
No. 94865
File: 1455913555568.jpg (121.88 KB, 500x321, 1440668085028.jpg)

>>94834ah yes, a black girl going to a board that is full of white supremacists to find a boyfriend
probably went very well i'd assume
No. 94877
>>94801she is arguably better looking than muck because her skin is clear and her hair actually looks healthy and not fried into oblivion.
though she is one of those idiots who still support the BLM movement after the jamar "wife beater" clark crap so she is probably just as bad of an SJW as she is
No. 94983
>>94718I love how she had to come into this thread when it was about her hair. Soon as hair was mentioned, she rocketed and had to correct us.
>>94599Meh, still fucked. There is enough natural hair videos out there today and resources to get some products, Mickers has no excuse. She should just cut the lot off and re-grow it. Shes got enough wigs to hide her bald!
No. 94992
>>94760Oh yeah. Also Mickster, why did you slag Dakota off on that Larme FB group too? Pfft. You follow her on IG and we all KNOW you look up to her.
Plus you're jelly that Aminyan will probably be the black kota with modelling jobs and gimmicks. She's everything you're not.
No. 94993
>>94991That other kawaii-emoey-trend girl DrewDisaster (idk if she's mixed or black) but she cut her hair off and it's adorable! She wears wigs and lets it breathe too.
Thelovelyify ALSO did the same. She's done the big chop and her afro is really nice! She's all cute and stuff too. So it CAN work.
No. 95001
>>94718Micky if you read anything here read this: Carols daughter and creme of nature.
please girl, please.
No. 96764
File: 1456107071005.jpg (17.35 KB, 316x239, 1449501929159.jpg)

at this point pixyteri actually might be a lighter weight than micky
pixy is only 130 pounds now and micks is clearly beyond that
she is fatter than the girl who made the meme "is fat and would not have sex with her"
No. 97867
File: 1456350319778.jpg (131.52 KB, 640x640, 16-02-24-16-07-24-543_deco.jpg)

>inner corner of eye awkwardly stretched out
>corner of mouth ends further back than normal
>jaw mushed in and pulling hair with it
I didn't mark either but there's an awkward splotchy area of white between her brows and the area where her necklace sits is very grainy.
When will she stop with the shitty shoops?
No. 98060
File: 1456391368988.png (12.97 KB, 262x277, tumblr_o33b0rUsxB1uctaoto1_400…)
>He asked me “did you contour today?” haha. ♥ When we first talked talking at school, he would say stuff like “your makeup looks really nice today!” and things like that omg. He’s great ;;This sounds so fake.
No. 98378
File: 1456500314337.jpg (252.18 KB, 720x900, tumblr_o35csf9YvL1ucthsmo1_128…)

What the fuck is going on with her face?
No. 98410
File: 1456512954900.png (21.63 KB, 1024x768, scr.png)

I feel like she sent herself that.
No. 98438
>>98386She's not ugly, her face is just very spaced out. I wouldn't really deem her as ugly, infact I think she is prettier than that Kiki with the ginger wig and Bibi/Himeka at the most. But it's just her style, hair and size that lets Mickers down.
She rly does suit that fro better
You know if she dropped the attitude and washed. Plus maybe went gym, lost some and dropped the kawaii image. Grew out her hair. She'd look a fuck ton better.
No. 98439
File: 1456523511905.jpg (45.15 KB, 720x388, 0.jpg)

Left is Himeka, Micky and Kiki in her arms <3
No. 98490
File: 1456536666769.jpeg (34.71 KB, 640x350, image.jpeg)

Ew. It's evolving.
No. 98526
File: 1456549188574.jpg (3.32 MB, 2400x1857, Collage.jpg)

I was bored.
No. 98581
But mickster thinks she is
No. 98643
File: 1456591831548.png (229.8 KB, 1024x768, scr.png)

No. 98645
File: 1456592277526.png (941.86 KB, 1024x768, scr (1).png)

>>98490She just bought more drugstore makeup she'll barely ever use correctly or at all.
No. 98667
>>98661There is nothing wrong with buying drug store make up. Most of us probably use or have it in our drawers/bags. But she probably can't put it on properly or find things that match her tones. We don't know because she lightens the shit out of her pictures so much, we can barely even tell.
I'm wondering if she buys lighter foundation… she looks darker in her OP pic… I'm that complexion she bought and I know for a fact I'm not as dark as Mickster… makes me wonder.
No. 99116
File: 1456736471614.jpeg (133.5 KB, 741x1105, image.jpeg)

What the fuck. She's so fucking annoying.
No. 99117
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>face is buh-beat to the gods!!!!1111
Yeah, with a bat.
No. 99681
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>>98645Shes just doing what she did months ago lmfao
No. 99684
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meanwhile on anthonys page
No. 99699
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>>99684I wonder if that last bit has something to do with this tweet he made.
No. 99997
>>99993no but like ugh im a starchild ????
i fe el tra ppdn d i cn 't bree ateh
No. 100229
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No. 100311
In all seriousness though, she's not bi. She's just a straight girl claiming to be bi because it's "so trendy". You know how she likes to gravitate towards things that will make her popular and trendy.
No. 100319
>>100229she isn't gay, even if she likes girls thats bi
she just wants to be the most oppressed at this point
and it's funny because liberals shit on every religion except Muslims except Muslims are probably the most anti-gay religion ever
No. 100897
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No. 100980
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No. 100981
File: 1457195222124.jpg (599.43 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20160305_111923.jpg)

>>100980She keeps laying on her side to try and look small. Which makes her head look long.
No. 100986
File: 1457195973071.png (367.11 KB, 1440x1691, Screenshot_2016-03-05-11-35-34…) she deleted the picture with the old caption, lightened the picture some more, added a new caption and posted it again. That's so dumb.
No. 100996
File: 1457198948155.png (83.16 KB, 1440x732, Screenshot_2016-03-05-12-08-31…)

I guess she lurks in the Pixielocks thread too.
No. 101280
File: 1457236928626.jpg (1.85 MB, 2560x1920, 16-03-05-22-57-30-233_deco.jpg)

She's trying really hard to sell her "I'm a kawaii hafu~uwu" angle. Which isn't working because she can't even keep her shoops consist.
No. 101430
>>101281She's trying to be half white (mulatto)
keep tryin mickster
No. 101435
>>101434Blacks shooping to look mulatto > Whites shooping to look Asian > Asian shooping to look white
oh jesus
No. 101460
>>101442>The only people here now people who hate her,Are you aware that's why most of these threads on here exist? That's how her first thread started.
>and racist chan.Except they got banned by admin.
>Just because she takes a picture doesn't mean anything. Yeah, because her lightening her skin is just unimportant, even though it contradicts her saying how much she loves herself.
>She's not even popular. She gets like 2 likes tops on her stuff.There are plenty of other snowflakes and cows like that. What does that matter?
>I want milk not BS.There has been three threads so far but it's obvious you haven't read any of it.
>>101451>I don't even think she's a snowflake, she's already displayed self hatred and ill feeling towards herself.The girl believes she's a kawaii hafu starkin and dates a paedophile. Not only that, she spent quite some time trying to convince everyone that Amina is a terrible person. Not only that she to use suicide as a threat to get her threads taken down. Made a thread here about another local girl after starting a shitstorm with her on Facebook. Constantly starts arguments with others just to block them. She's made no effort in improving her health. Wastes her money on crap. Lies about loving her skin and being black while lightening her pictures and talking about how mixed she is. And all that's just from the top of my head. You should actually read the threads before you post.
>The people in snow are people who have a substantial amount of social media fame, conceited, and have falsified personas.It's the same for her. Actually take the time to read the thread before posting
Honestly, you come like her and that white knight that were in here a week ago. I wouldn't be surprised if you were either of them.
>>94753>>94768>>94770>>94778>>94794>>94737>>94718 No. 101468
>Except they got banned by admin. Racist chan is not banned, she still floods /b/ and is restricted in using the "n word" in PT.
>There has been three threads so far but it's obvious you haven't read any of itYes I followed all 3 and as you see in this thread she literally has no association with BIBI and HIMEKA. I am not wrong in my argument. I have no Idea what you are trying to prove.
>dates a paedophileThen why don't people Prove that or discuss that more instead of her stupid pictures?
>She's made no effort in improving her health. Wastes her money on crap.How is this being a snowflake anon?
>Lies about loving her skin and being black while lightening her pictures Read my post about camera lighting and filters. Clearly She isn't dark skinned to begin with. It's the same for her.
>Actually take the time to read the thread before postingHow is this proving she's famous in social media?
Anon is retarded
>wouldn't be surprised if you were either of them. Typical ignorant response. You proved nothing solar. I'm asking why people are only talking about things that don't matter. If she is such a special snowflake that thinks overly too high of herself fine. SO FAR tetley she hasn't been acting as if she's the queen of the world. Nor is she lying about anything. She isn't doing anything.
No. 101475
>Racist chan is not banned, she still floods /b/ and is restricted in using the "n word" in PT.She's definitely banned from this thread and /b/ is for discussing things like race, she's not breaking any rules at this point.
>Then why don't people Prove that or discuss that more instead of her stupid pictures?It's been discussed. Have not read the threads?
>Yes I followed all 3 and as you see in this thread she literally has no association with BIBI and HIMEKA . I am not wrong in my argument. I have no Idea what you are trying to prove.
>she literally has no association with BIBI and HIMEKASo you haven't been following the threads at all, ok. No point in me acknowledging you any further.
No. 101521
File: 1457284940123.png (222.06 KB, 1440x1699, Screenshot_20160306-121930~2.p…)

>He wants to make me into a gamer gril
>gamer gril
She's going to be even more obnoxious than before.
No. 101558
>>101521ugh, if she is going to keep on with this ~aesthetic~ bullshit she should at least work to acquire some semi decent aesthetic, it's like she doesn't really understand any of it
plus, I feel like she is a bit young for all the late 80's/early 90's nostalgia anyways
No. 101698
>>101521Micky he goes as Skylar Spence now.
Also why are people complaining about her taking pictures near the window? Isn't that your original skin colour anyway, considering it's not under artificial light? Having said that, I totally agree that she once tried to act like she was half-white but…..not sure about now. The freckles don't necessarily mean she's attempting to be mulatto. Although she's drawing them really badly. Who knows maybe she
is trying to pass, but she's already pretty light for an African-American even without the filters. And I know some mulattos who have more black/wider features - so I disagree with the other mulattos saying she looks 100% black - she doesn't. I know she isn't actually half-white so we don't have to associate ourselves with her, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think she at least looks a little mixed.
Minus the cringy tweets, she hasn't been very milky lately.
No. 101710
>>101698She's actually attempting a no makeup look.
>Also why are people complaining about her taking pictures near the window? Isn't that your original skin colour anyway, considering it's not under artificial light?It's night when she's taking the pics and she's not by a window. She's layering whitening filters to make herself look lighter than she actually is. You can see her actual skin tone if you look at pics from the Harajuku Fashion walk she want to and a screenshot from a video she deleted.
No. 101750
File: 1457326164989.png (84.12 KB, 1440x741, Screenshot_20160306-232550~2.p…)

Top kek
No. 101858
>>101710Ah fair enough
>>101707I mean yeah I'm not doubting she not mixed. But if I didn't know who she was and someone said oh one parent is white, I wouldn't doubt it. Alls I'm saying. And Kek.
No. 102037
>>101720The problem is that Micky lies about being "mixed" and SHE is the one indicating that due to being light skinned she is obviously "mixed". When yeah, not all light skinned people are mixed. Majority of African Americans are though because of slave master blood and shit. Some mulattos end up looking darker and lighter. That's the problem, it's the stupid one drop rule. But Micky is just doing the "Yh I'm mixed" but she is using it because being mixed is seen as the "better black". It isn't but yeah.
Micky is only black when it suits her. Mixed for status and trend.
She's the type of black I hate.
No. 102046
File: 1457388305099.jpeg (30.06 KB, 750x218, image.jpeg)

What are they eve teaching her?
No. 102073
File: 1457391567850.png (58.36 KB, 1440x473, Screenshot_20160307-175317~2.p…)

She whines about wanting nice skin but doesn't spend any money on skincare products or take breaks from wearing makeup. She just goes out and buys more makeup, brushes, and junk food.
No. 102222
>>102046you can already tell she is thinking
the funniest part is most of the time when that happens it's an accident, this narcissism is nuts
No. 102228
File: 1457410427347.jpg (14.28 KB, 320x240, I m not into that cutesy stuff…)

>>100898>the face she is going for pic related>ends up look like a vegetablegod i'm so tired of IRL girls trying to pull off this look, it looks weird on actual people and kinda creepy
No. 102654
File: 1457485219215.png (77.36 KB, 1440x652, Screenshot_20160308-190739~2.p…)

Yet, you're composed enough to make a tweet about it? Yeah, I'm calling bull on this.
No. 103816
File: 1457584412435.png (95.58 KB, 1440x731, Screenshot_20160309-233013~2.p…)

This sounds so fake and a little gross.
No. 103822
File: 1457586529418.png (150.73 KB, 1005x1771, Screenshot_20160310-000723~2.p…) foundation is significantly lighter than the rest of her body, jfc.
No. 103963
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>>103945Yeah, I think she's most likely lying. She followed up that tweet with these and it just seems so forced.
No. 103979
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She's supposedly taking Japanese but can't use the right character for something like arigatō?
No. 103987
File: 1457639021114.png (3.32 KB, 280x272, 9a7958b39fb87b7bc0fbb8f435ea16…)

>>103979は is not even close to が.
sage for basic bitch moonspeak.
No. 104017
No. 104087
File: 1457663770775.png (155.47 KB, 1440x1304, Screenshot_20160310-213353~2.p…)

>lolcow is freaking out
That's quite the overstatement.
No. 104101
File: 1457667684321.png (89.8 KB, 1440x928, Screenshot_20160310-223658~2.p…)

If I was her I would just refrain from posting in Japanese until I was good at it.
No. 104108
File: 1457671548163.png (185.49 KB, 1435x1434, Screenshot_20160310-224224~2.p…)

Well, now we know who's been whiteknighting her recently.
No. 104159
>>104108>>104089Probably the same anon white knighting all the black girl threads. Sounds like some under aged weeb.
>milk of the century Wtf?
If I were you I wouldn't be as dumb as to get a bad rep on this site.
No. 104165
File: 1457687163463.gif (1.95 MB, 480x200, you.gif)

>>104159Just how autistic are you that you can't recognise blatant sarcasm?
No. 104436
File: 1457754508828.png (111.94 KB, 1440x775, Screenshot_20160311-224603~2.p…)

Looks like she's been reading the thread again. Expect another raid soon guys.
No. 104591
>>104436I guess this is a "look guise, I take such good care of my skin!!" type deal, but
No. 104652
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>>104591I don't understand either. She'll apply makeup daily but only take care of her skin weekly. No wonder she's always complaining about acne and shit. Though, she's likely lying about washing her face weekly, all things considered.
So, she posted pic related and it makes no sense.
>you can be nonbinary/gender queer and use your kintype to help identify your gender
>use your kintype to help identify your gender
>Otherkin=/=transgenderShe tries way too hard to make herself seem deep and intellectual. She ends up making herself sound like a buffoon.
No. 104722
File: 1457838566147.gif (86.62 KB, 275x187, 1440136379598.gif)

>>104436>9m>10mSo she found it in 60 seconds? Bullshit.
No. 104765
okay, well i have a trans-guy friend who was kicked out of his house and had to fend for himself as a teenager because his family saw him as a freak and had to work multiple jobs to get the meds to help him transition
i'd love for this bitch come up to a real trans person and say that she is trans too because she thinks she is a space aesthetic
No. 104787
>>104765So believing you're an animal or alien in a humans body makes you transgender now?
I thought being transgender dealt with the gender and sex (male-female). So yeah, otherkin=/=trans like she said.
Of course, none of us should take what she is saying so seriously because she flip flops relentlessly
Sage for major ot
No. 104839
>>104722To be fair, she said couldn't, not can't. It's two halves of the same tweet, both after she found it.
I mean, nobody gives a shit, but at least those sort of attention-seeking daily updates aren't really exclusive to Micky. That's all dumbass teens on social media.
No. 104858
>>104765In fairness, that's the opposite of what she's saying.
Otherkin is a crock of shit anyway though.
No. 105183
File: 1457930947337.jpg (851.54 KB, 2545x1886, 16-03-14-00-44-13-114_deco~2.j…)

It's really pitiful to see how much she hates her skin tone. She lightened a pic that's already been lightened just so she can look pale. Yet, goes around preaching about loving yourself. It's so hypocritical and annoying.
No. 105314
>>105305thelovelyify does it seem but most of the time you can tell she is black?
most black vloggers and blogger do lighten themselves up? maybe just for that glow and shit but Micky does it to where she is trying to look half or something idk
No. 105495
>>104843the same reason why white people giving themselves an African name is an issue.
it makes you look ridiculous