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No. 210979
Dakota was recently part of a video/ segment about a mobile app game in Japan, where her final form was revealed to us.
Twitter: blog: (seems to be inactive, hasn't been updated in a while): Personal site: Models profile: (inactive): No. 210983
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No. 211024
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Lol margo and saxy are more living doll than this bint
No. 211027
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>>211011Actually beaing next to someone actually cute like the pikarin girl makes dakota's ugliness all the more pronounced. To see this hobgoblin next to real people.
No. 211029
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Did anyone else notice how she kepts touching her hair and face? It's very self concious and makes her look unprofessional. She needs to take pointers from pikarin. Needs to be in character instead of a selfconcious hired actress.
I can see why her career is failing. She has the personality of a cardboard box and the looks of one too kek
No. 211030
>>210979Wow they put no effort into that first pic ! I mean yeah she's pretty fugly but they could have touched up the light a bit or taken a pic where she's not frowning.
>>210980The fuck is she looking so pissed and grumpy for here ? She says stuff like "you're annoying" to Pikarin and looks just done, then propose a lame bet (colour the dude's hair pink ? Like he will do that wtf what's the point in making a stupid bet like this about another person on top of that ?)
Is this sullen and apathetic personnality acceptable in Japan ? Geeeez …
And she could have taken a fucking shower, her hair's greasy and her extension's showing. Dako has officially stopped caring. Get yourself a therapist girl !
No. 211033
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>>211030I think the hair colouring part was scripted. They probably thought it would get more of a buzz this way.
No. 211039
>>211033You do realise this is an ad? It's obviously scripted.
>>211027>someone actually cute like the pikarin girlPlease get your eyesight checked. They're both ugly af.
No. 211055
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I can't
No. 211072
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Asking again from the old thread. I wanna see Dakota's manager call her a lazy ass.
No. 211079
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>>211029Holy shit so greasy looking… Damn girl, couldn't you've showered first before attending an event.
Bringing this back because its funny and she looks like Gullum even more in this video.. Hot damn.
No. 211102
>>211055Why does she do this to herself? The fact that she edits so much means she knows, on some level, that she doesn't look good.
People have been saying this since forever, but why can't she just go back to her old 2011 Tumblr style of makeup/hair/shooping that got her to where she is in the first place? She's trying too hard to pander to what she thinks is "popular", and it just looks fugly because she's not a 9 year old Eastern European child model or a Japanese schoolgirl.
No. 211112
>>211102I think maybe her health isn't so grey. She only eats candy, pasta, rice and fried veggies and doesn't exercise, smokes, she used to drink so maybe she still does, and she claims she never sleeps or works out. She probably looks like such a greasy fat ball of shit
becsuse she is. But because she's not obese (yet)! And pretends to be cute on IG nobody calls her on it. They just keep aski why she looks so bad.
No. 211171
>>210980Holy terrible lighting batman. It's like they went out of their way to make her look hit as fuck with direct overhead fluorescent lighting. If her agency doesn't blacklist the shit out of whomever produced this I'd walk.
Dako looks like she needs hair extensions to thicken things out, a little less product in the fringe, and to dial back the eyebrows and cupids bow.
No. 211194
>>211171yup, this. in certain shots i feel like it's obvious that this could be salvaged if the lighting weren't absolute garbage.
>>211141lol i thought she was adorable but i couldn't figure out why
No. 211205
>>211033Was Kota's bitchy character also scripted? She was arrogant but tbh this seems too natural.
As for the other girl, she def has an ugly-cute appeal going on, but Kota's just not appealing or interesting to look at.
No. 211214
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>>211208Right?? It's goes to show how trashy she truly is, even with a fancy Tokyo modeling "career".
No. 211216
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>>211214sage for doublepost
No. 211230
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Is that a hair extension clip that's way lighter and sticking out funny?
No. 211243
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>>211242I don't think botox can save her. Not when she wants to achieve this.
No. 211254
>>211194They look like they're in a small shitty Claires-like store, I don't think they had enough space for the reflectors anyway. What a successful model she is. It's everything she has always been lol. Cheap girl, cheap modeling, cheap product placement, cheap brands, cheap extensions …
>>211206She looks so bitter and dead inside in the video. The only moments she looked pleased is when she could make fun of the other girl. This bitch got everything she deserved.
>>211214She has to PS her hairs to hell and back for it to not look a tiny bit greasy I don't want to imagine what she looks like on a bad hair day.
No. 211282
>>210981Someone's been binging/purging.
Her skin is so grey and and her teeth look awful.
No. 211294
As much as I feel sorry for her, the posters ITT are right. She isn't a good person. She's lazy and stupid and doesn't try nearly as hard as she should to be a better person. She just expects everything handed to her, and her attitude is rotten.
Did you see how she told that girl "you're annoying"? She is so uncharismatic and rude. It's hard to feel sorry for her over how ugly she looks.
No. 211363
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Both sisters have no idea what makes a healthy lifestyle and they truly don't know how to take care of themselves. Sad.
Kota's face is disgusting no wonder her and Kiki hated Taylor.
No. 211417
>>210958>Suddenly I know why Dakota looks like shit. She's a KristinaClone. Pale face, side parted unstyled long hair, rosy lips and no noticeable mascara or contouring.Responding to anon in the last thread, I really hope that she isn't stupid enough to try and look like this little girl because that's beyond delusional. Kristina is a child, so of course she is going to look good without makeup, she hasn't hit puberty so no acne. Also she isn't done growing/developing so obviously she's going to have a small, soft face and nose with big eyes.
Dakota, please find another makeup style this alien baby thing isn't working and won't ever.
No. 211482
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I felt really bad watching this. I don't know what's going on with her but she looks very unhealthy here.
No. 211490
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>>211102I mean, she never looked as good irl as her shoops and her AfterEffects edited videos, but when she still had that early style, she looked far, far better irl than how she does now.
I came across a video a while ago of what must have been one of, if not her first TV appearance in Japan; it was like a little interview thing where they showed some of her clips and brought her on before talking about her ~living doll~ stuff, her Japanese was very, very minimal.
I don't know if it was before or after the Get It Beauty appearance in Korea since I'm not super knowledgeable of her whole timeline of getting popular and in what order her TV appearances were, but she looked very close to her shoops, she was thin and not bloated-looking like when she was on Get It Beauty. It surprised me when I found it because I had somehow never seen it before and I'd never seen her look that good unedited.
Anyway, I can't find that video anywhere anymore (thanks Ostrengas), but found this one instead where she still has the old makeup style, no shoop or AE and actually looks pretty fucking cute.
If she just got in shape, ate well, went back to the bangs and doing her makeup like she used to (maybe even not quite as heavy as this), she could look great. She does have potential. She's just destroying it and herself.
No. 211493
>>211490Kek, I remember people used to trash-talk her even when she looked like this for not looking like her photos.
She looks beautiful there in comparison to the present. Now she looks like Steve Buscemi. Who would've thought it'd get worse?
No. 211509
>>211504And to think we thought she looked bad then. Oh, how times have changed.
It's been such a slow and steady decline of Kota's appearance that I didn't notice how far she'd fallen. I knew she's looking worse but fuck me, if she can look good in her infamous Korea appearance by comparison then that's saying something.
I look back on it now and almost wonder what we were so hard on her for.
No. 211528
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>>211509I can't help but feel we contributed to her BDD and low-self worth by setting incredibly high beauty standards.
I mean, she did most of that herself but us tearing her down probably didn't help.
No. 211542
>>211482She looks all bloaty and doughy. I'm no nutritionist but it looks to me like she's malnutritioned. Probably lives on pasta and sweets or something. It's taking its toll. A lot of people don't realise just how crucial nutrition is for long term health and even looks. It's why taylor doesn't look like a doughy steve buscemi like dakota does. She actually eats fruits and veg.
I wouldn't be surprised if dakota is too kawaii for broccoli.
No. 211569
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>>211029>>211482it looks like kota gets her makeup inspiration from the Alexander McQueen runway
No. 211572
>>211542>probably lives on pasta and sweets or somethingShe does. Her Instagram and her Line blog, if you care to do some looking, proves her diet is shit. I'm a goodie with a casual interest in Japanese food, I don't recognize all the stuff she posts but some simple googling usually tells me what it is she is postin about. Basically her diet consists of:
>rice>cucumber salad with soy sauce >fried veggies>pasta/noodles>"vegan" cheese >candy >desserts Plus she has said before in interviews that she loves soy sauce, only eats once a day and prefers not to spend money on food so she can buy stuff for herself/to decorate. So combine a shit diet, no exercise, poor nutrition from lack of dairy/protein, hella starch/sodium, it's no wonder she's a bloated mess and her hair looks like she hasn't washed it in a month.
No. 211578
>>211572I don't understand how she can still be the weight that she is (not really that thin, though not chubby either) if she's only eating once a day.
Unless she's eating a hugely calorific meal, which is possible but goddamn, she'd have to be eating a single meal consisting of, what, 1200 - 1500cal, judging by her height and (fluctuating) weight?
That's pretty crazy, although doable if you were eating pure crap. She must be eating some serious garbage.
No. 211597
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>>210979can we put together a gofundme to buy this girl some clip-in bangs and to keep her away from lip liner?
No. 211604
>>211597She looks a bit like a MtF in the right picture
But she sure needs them
No. 211608
>>211597She has a cave man-esq look to her .. But bangs def make her look younger and better.
Jesus though, she looks like a fucking mid 30/ 40 year old having a midlife crisis about their age.
P.s I keep trying to find this so called video one anon mentioned about her manager outing her .. Can't find it. I'm going to assume it doesn't exist, since the one anon that spoke about it has vanished without providing any evidence to their claim.
No. 211663
>>211578She probably snacks during the day, and she seems to go out to eat with "friends" (Bravo-sama) regularly, yet still eats the same fried crap/pasta/desserts when she does. So, that's carbs and starch, sugar, sodium, and Idk what most Japanese restaurants use to dry their foods but unless its vegetable oil she's also been eating food fried in oil at least partially made from or containing animal fat. Plus, eating only once a day slows your metabolism way the fuck down, and if she eats more during that supposed one meal a day than she would eating several times a day, she could be putting away 1000-1500 calories a day. Without burning those off and it drinoing enough water, you can start to bloat, your skin and hair start to look like crap from a lack of proper nutrition, and you start to get squishy and gross looking just like Dakota does now. It's no mystery, it's basic nutrition, which a shameful amount of people know nothing about.
No. 211664
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>>211608I capped it from the last thread
No. 211672
>>211504Holy shit her face and body look so much thinner here.
I can't wait for more videos like these
>>210980>>210981She looks awful and her personality really shows. I couldn't believe how bad she made herself look when I was watching these. She must have someone fighting tooth and nail for her to appear in these because she just looks spoiled and like she doesn't care if she's doing a bad job. Even the other girl looks cute compared to her and I think she knows it.
No. 211759
> Weird sister/family She should be depressed or mentally ill because she has a family thats overly protective and let her do w.e she wanted.
>She has no purpose in life. Lol, what ?
>Parents only made her want to be a kawaii moderu Lol, because she totally never wanted to be idolized or a model on her own .. Because she never wanted to go to Japan and be listed as "human barbie" even though she tagged her videos with it. Stop blaming her parents for her shitty choices.
Could we please stop acting like she hates her family ? If that was the case she'd never mention them as much as she does. To me it seems like she misses them. I don't get why she'd have negative feeling about or towards them when they spoiled her with w,e she wanted. Her and Keeks were never taught to work for anything, and to me she still has that rotten mentality that everything should be just handed to her.
No. 211768
>>211759I'm not the same anon but of course, it's possible to grow up and be depressed in this situation. Her parents are raging nut-cases with serious boundary issues. Her sister denies reality completely, Koots likley does too, in her own way. When you deny reality, depression will follow. Koots keeping her hand on her chin as much as possible in that video was pathetic to watch.
Where does she see herself going in life I wonder? She comes across so flat, so disinterested.
No. 211786
>>211768>>211772Eh, she's an adult now and has been away from her family for a while. If she chooses to do nothing to improve her own life, well, thats her own fault. I doubt she would full blown leap into Japan and modelling there just based off of what her parents want from her .. ( Her parents don't even gain anything from it tbh ) I see it more likely she took the chance to try and enrich her life, but fell flat on her face when she realized hard work was involved. Her parents taught her nothing about working hard to get where you want to be, and honestly I think thats why she "might" be sour towards everything. She's just to broke and fucking lazy to do anything about it.
There is no valid proof that she is alone 24/7 and has no friends. I honestly think its a piss poor thing to blame parents or family for everything that goes wrong in a child's life especially when that child is a fucking adult now. If she's depressed now, then that is probably something she brought on herself.
I think its more probable for her depression to be brought on by the modelling industry then it is to be brought on by family she never sees. To always be compared/comparing to another more better looking model. God only knows what her manager probably says to her behind closed doors.
But of course this is all speculation and she could easily be as happy as a pig in mud. Her nice apartment and nearly zero jobs makes me believe she's probably doing the same as Taylor and she's shagging up with a rich guy ( dating/ seeing ) .
No. 211803
>>211786I'm the anon you're replying to and
>If she chooses to do nothing to improve her own life, well, thats her own fault.I agree.
No. 211811
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>>211798honest to god, what happened to her over the last year?
either her actor boyfriend dumped her and she just gave up, or she's just so comfortable and lazy she let herself go (like suzy)
No. 211812
>>211803I'm not saying that you guys didn't have a point about her parents being at fault for some of her issues. Dakota is an adult now, and she has all the opportunities in the world to enrich and make her life better. She's just waiting for another silver platter to hand it to her, since that seems to be what she's use to.
>>211804I wasn't saying that she isn't doing good on her own, but its pretty evident that she'd not be living as lavishly without her boyfriend. Neither of them seem like they make enough to full support what they do and have.
Anyone else getting those Popteen vibes again ? Her work is suddenly slowing down and not existing … That maybe, just maybe, her agency might be getting ready to give her the silent boot ? Like Popteen did.
>>211811Looks like an ad for anti drug use or smoking.. ( Does she still smoke ? )
No. 211837
I have a similar face shape to her and I know that I
need bangs. It really makes her look sooo much better.
Of course, she needs to eat better and executive and take better care of her skin, too– but bangs literally improve her face so much.
No. 211854
>>211812tbh I don't want her to leave Japan. seeing how pathetic her sister turned out (especially in recent events) makes me wish that Dakota will do something worthwhile in that country.
it's so simple: change her diet, invest in better hair, develop a skin care routine, and a workout regimen. maybe even find a hobby or something. vlog these events so she can bring in extra cash every week on YouTube. jvlogging is quite a market. weebs eat that shit right up, especially if there's modeling involved (and get someone to sub these videos because her market is primarily English and Spanish). it's all so so simple and it frustrates me that she might have these resources available to her, and she's too lazy to do anything. hell, even my lazy ass would do the vlogging simply for the money.
No. 211856
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>>211786A quick instagram search turned up one friend
No. 211927
>>211802The Japanese means that she's the worst.
>>211811No eye make up and that fucking limp hair really make her look horrible.
No. 211958
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>lolcow rips into Dakota for eating like shit
>makes boiled cabbage with carrots
Gee, it's almost like she lurks here or something.
No. 211963
>>211958Haha fuck, that's funny.
At least if she actually she did read those posts it gave her
some motivation. It'd be great if she stuck at a healthy diet. Not holding my breath though.
But really, boiled cabbage, carrots + asparagus? Come on Kota, you can make something a little nicer than that. It doesn't have to be bland stuff.
No. 211969
>>211966I actually wasn't intending to tear her down in my post. What I meant by her being able to do better with the meal was that she doesn't have to have something so plain and bland; healthy meals can be delicious too.
I feel bad for her because she's eating something that seems so tasteless and boring when she could still make something tasty that's just as healthy.
No. 211976
>>211958This is giving me some " Please sir, can I have some more" vibes… Such a poor mans dinner.
Hopefully she don't have any work/appearances after this meal as I herd cabbage can make you pretty bloated and gassy.
No. 211997
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>>211811She could easily go back to that too just by cutting her bangs, fluffing her hair out, exercising a bit and doing proper makeup.
I found her the most passable as a 'model' when she had bangs and shoulder-length wavy hair, how doesn't she realize how much better she looked then… but I guess there's no reasoning with body dysmorphia.
No. 212000
>>211997So much better.
God, those lips really are awful! She looks like a child that just found her mother's makeup drawer and haphazardly smeared lipstick all over her mouth.
No. 212019
>>212005Wtf what a difference bangs make! She looks so much softer and less like a witch wow now I want bangs. Also let this be a lesson to us all: eye makeup and lip liner staying within the natural lip line really helps.
Also I remember seeing this pic and scoffing because it looks nothing like her shoops- but now I look back she looks so pretty. Shame she set the bar so high and unreal. If she'd just been herself she probably wouldn't have such severe insecurity and people wouldn't be so hard on her.
No. 212022
>>212005Dare I say it - her hair looks like a good thickness here. Have all the extensions been pulling out her real hair over the past year? Because now she's becoming more and more like Gollum with fewer and fewer strands appearing on her head.
Hell, even in that elemental story video her hair looked so thin - and she was wearing clip ins. How bald is she without them?
No. 212031
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>>211987Not English. Although she does try to make "cabbage soup" sound fancier than it really is.
No. 212032
>>212005I hated her hair like this but its miles better than what shes doing now. she truly is on the decline.
and what was with her sour loser attitude in that video?! so stuck up! she hasn't changed a bit.
No. 212034
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>>212031Which makes no sense because Pot-au-feu is s beef stew. So her saying "meatless Pot-au-feu" is literally just her trying to find a classy way to say boiled vegetables.
No. 212037
>>211982Nutritious - sure, but that's not what I'm arguing.
Surely she can whip up something healthy that's a little more enjoyable than this.
No. 212040
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>>212031>>212034All I'm getting from this picture is : " I'm financially struggling and couldn't afford groceries, so boiled cabbage it is again". Like that fucking kid from Willy Wonka Chocolate factory movie.
Which isn't really funny… Kinda actually sad if she's struggling that hard.
No. 212052
>>212037>>212040She probably doesn't know any recipes. Despite all the food pics she posts, her comments about them are bland and unspecific. Boiled veggie soup is a good base for a meal, but as a stand alone dish you need to kick it up a little, like maybe with some kind of base or seasonings.
Watch Dako-chin try to tart passing herself off as a vegan foodie. Calling it now.
No. 212181
>>211206>She has to take whatever jobs Bravo tells her to do she doesn't loser her contract. That sounds like……… almost every model who ever lived tho?
I'm not trying to pick fights but you sound like a salty conspiracy theorist when your post is full of random speculations like needing a security escort (she's not… popular enough to need one…) and weird assumptions like "she thinks so highly of herself" like……. She actually seems like she has really low self esteem tbh? I'm just tired of the thread being shit up with arbitrary vendetta.
>>211244I hadn't noticed this. Her hair looked so thin in the video that I was thinking she needed extensions to fill it out, it's really too bad that she actually does have some and it still looks so thin.
>>211997Yep. This. Is so much better.
>>212031This looks basically inedible. I hope it's really well seasoned.
No. 212191
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>>212187Nnneh she did that wig thing once (where she said it was tinted dry shampoo and also shooped her eyes into dinner plates). She should get a really, really good lacefront. I'm not sure her modeling agency would be keen on that though.
It's very possible that some of her modeling gigs have fucked up her hair. I have super fine hair too and it falls out so easily, the frequent styling probably doesn't help.
No. 212214
>>212191Well it'd look 1000% better then her natural hair, and I mean if she got a really good one that could pass as her real hair .. why not ?
I ain't saying she should go with crazy colourful wigs/lacefronts.
>Some of her modelling gigs have fucked up her hair Probably, and it doesn't help that even on days she isn't attending a shoot she straightens it and styles it. Girls dumb and doesn't let her hair chill.
No. 212236
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the lie she lives through the internet is worthy of a documentary
No. 212246
>>211811>>211997>>212005She looks so much better with bangs indeed. Dakota plz..
Btw I'm just wondering what Japanese people think about the way she talks, cause seriously, saying curse words like 'kuso' as a woman in Japan is a big no-no. Or can she get away with it because 'persona' or because 'gaijin'?
No. 212274
>>212264>she didn't go super viralshe did. i actually just finished watching one of those popular "top ten" videos on youtube with tens of millions of views that featured her by coincidence.
Kristina is pretty interesting. they never let her smile with teeth, they put makeup and photoshop on every official photo, and her mother was a failed model which makes me think she's living through her. the title of "most beautiful girl in the world" is what went viral and got her so famous. She really does look like the mini version of an average super model
No. 212280
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Candid 1
No. 212282
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Candid 2
You can totally see her hair extension from afar.
No. 212283
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Candid 3
Last one
No. 212300
>>212274>her mother was a failed model which makes me think she's living through herI'll never understand why parents ruin their kids' early lives like this. I have a bad feeling the mother (who looks botoxed to hell and back) will encourage her daughter to get surgeries to look good as soon as she reaches puberty, if not earlier.
This makes me wonder why the Ostrengas were so hard on for making their kids into celebrities. Cathy doesn't look like she was a beauty queen kek.
>>212283This looks SO MUCH like one of Kota's old photos during the scene days.
No. 212317
>>212300>This looks SO MUCH like one of Kota's old photos during the scene daysShit anon, I was literally just about to say the same thing! I was looking for a good picture from her scene era as a comparison.
Also, I figured out why she needs the bangs so much. Not only to cover her large forehead but to also cover her browbone; it's kind of low and protruding so it gives her a resting bitch face coupled with a sort of caveman-esque look. The bangs conceal it perfectly. I don't know how she can't see that she looks better with them.
No. 212375
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No. 212388
She looks like real life pop eye and cabbage is her super food.
No. 212525
>>211482She looks like someone's haggard, greasy old baba and should consider pinning those dumbo ears to her head. She looks like she could smell of expired makeup products and halitosis.
>>211958Bet she added a few bouillon cubes, so on top of her empty calories and boiled-out vegetable vitamins she can have salty cabbage farts too.
OT: My mom had a roommate in college who ate nothing but cabbage and boiled vegetables for dieting reasons and she was a stinky gross bitch.
Dirty, dirty girl.
No. 212565
>>212559I thought it was hilarious don't be a sensitive bitch
>>212236Yeah she has issues I can't see how anyone could think the uncanny valley pic on the right is better than the left. Like just embrace your ugliness at least it's human
No. 212577
>>212525Oh goodness…
The lovely fragrance of salty cabbage farts, cigarettes, expired makeup and possible BO because she looks filthy.
No. 212646
>>212283Holy shit she has huge hands
>>212375Lmao this looks like that gentlewhispering asmr chick
No. 212766
>>212715The pedos that fap to her toddler shooped face(s) and the weebs who secretly hate her, but stalk her every move and comment on her videos to attempt at claiming some her her views/attention.
They're all like dingleberries hanging around the same asshole.
No. 212786
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I didn't think it was possible but the koots thread has actually got even more bitter and saltier than ever before.
It's not surprising that she's on her A-game when she receives a torrent of abuse every time she breathes from raging crusty jealous weebs. + Her own sister sperging the fuck out about people who are essentially her career peers on the same site.
+ she might not even care about doing this kind of shit anymore, which she shouldn't
No. 212810
>>212786You're use of the "+" symbol is retarded. Stop it
Also kek at everything you wrote
No. 212831
File: 1481587602660.gif (53.65 KB, 275x275, lol.gif)

>>212786If looking like she has Down's syndrome is her A-game, then I guess.
No. 212838
File: 1481588619571.png (Spoiler Image,211.82 KB, 329x401, Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 7.20…)

>>212236>>212831More like a bee stung her face shit tons … Her head legit looks swollen in that shoop.
No. 212845
>>212827Awe did my typo offend you keeks?
Dakochin has not been on her A- game since 2012. Her looks are finally starting to match her personality. Ugly
No. 212858
>>212786lol I agree with you, but there's zero point in saying it. everyone here will just get uber defensive.
however i don't think that she views Taylor as a career peer. she may not be like Kiki but by the way she's acted to copycats before, she's probably disdainful of Taylor or thinks herself superior
No. 212861
File: 1481593048181.jpeg (227.36 KB, 1829x895, image.jpeg)

>>212786>>she might not even care about doing this kind of shit anymore, which she shouldn'tThen explain this. Picture related.
No. 212875
>>212871 2017 goals : Beat Taylor's instagram.
>>212858Koots has nothing for people to feel salty about tho. People are just saying it like it is, and thats the fact that she looks like shit.
>>211597 This isn't worth being salty or jelly over, just sayin.
No. 212915
>>212875Taylor probably buys likes too, her pics get the same amount of likes as Dakota's, 4-6K per pic.
Although it does seem like Dakota is trying to be a cross between Kristina Pimenova and Taylor. She wants Taylor's life and Kristina's youth lol
No. 212948
>>212915>Although it does seem like Dakota is trying to be a cross between Kristina Pimenova and Taylor.i don't understand this. I like Taylor, but she went full blown copycat on Dakota to a very creepy extent. if i'm not mistaken, Taylor used to be good model material doing well in Hong Kong but literally dropped everything to copy Dakota's life. Moving to japan, learning japanese, going full-blown uguu-kawaii, cut bangs, style her hair and makeup exactly like hers, got into youtube, i even read once that she lost many modeling gigs because she refused to stop looking like a loli with circle lenses and all. imo, she's equally if not much more so of a creepy clone than Kittyphina was, and that was one spooky bitch. If I were Dakota and saw everything she did, i'd be creeped out to the max.
the ironic twist, is that Taylor is naturally prettier than the real Dakota. She's a genuine model, is apparently rich, younger looking than her despite being older, actually looks like her photos irl, is very healthy, doesn't need carefully placed lighting/angles to look good, is more likeable, has a better personality, doesn't have skeletons in her closet like homophobic/racist videos, or an army of haters (excluding a couple crazy individuals like kiki). This is basically the only reason Taylor is not seen as pathetic for what she did, whereas lesser copycats have their assholes torn. it's like buying a knock-off from China only for the knock-off to be much better quality than the authentic.
the point is, that it doesn't make sense for Dakota to be trying to "be like Taylor", when Taylor went above and beyond to be Dakota.
No. 212959
File: 1481608880822.jpg (273.53 KB, 953x634, c.jpg)

this looks like the same person, after chin surgery
No. 212960
>>212948she wasn't copying kooter to the extent that pull likes to believe. wearing circle lenses, having bangs and moving to japan to be a dancing weeb isn't kooter's life lmao she didn't invent it. that's any weeb. you're completely delusional.
>the point is, that it doesn't make sense for Dakota to be trying to "be like Taylor", when Taylor went above and beyond to be Dakota.2+2=484? taylor was dakota's competition and kooter always believed she was better than her. but kooter's 5 minutes of fame wore away and now taylor is the one with a steady, strong career and an asian boyfriend living in a huge house in japan with tons of money, a skinny body, and lots of attention. taylor overlines her lips, barely wears eyeliner, ditched the bangs, adopted a western style, and started vlogging. now suddenly kota is posting pictures of her vegan cooking, writing in english, desperately vlogging, and trying to wear western brands. the copying is obvious, extreme, pathetic and transparent like everything else she's ever done in her life. at this point saying she's copying some random russian child sounds like trying to cover up the fact she's clearly only copying taylor. this isn't debatable unless you're literally blind
but you're just kiki so who cares lmao. No. 212976
>>212786this is definitely kiki or kooter herself posting. no one else is retarded enough to defend of this mess. and i'm a dakota stan tbh, i have defended her in past threads, thought she looked fine. but lately she is looking rough. like first-trip-to-japan rough. a bloated, pudgy, ugly mess.
its a shame bc last yr she started looking rly cute.
No. 212985
>>212969>what current popular subculture includes taylor's makeup, vlogging in japan, overgrown middle part hair with no layers and posting pictures of their vegan cooking?holy fuck, are you literally autistic? serious question. i want to answer this ridiculously stupid greentext, but i feel dumb arguing with someone with such low IQ.
>>212981was watching Taylor's j-drama video, recognized the hairstyle, and googled "kota koti kimono". it's the first picture that comes up, how much time do you think?
No. 213000
>>212960I really don't want to talk about Taylor on this thread, because her no milk thread is still getting posts.
I saw this video on her thread, and it's pretty blatant that she was… heavily inspired by Kota. It's also a consideration that Taylor has more money than Kota to buy even more stupid shit.
No. 213007
>>213000Her accent/pronunciation is horrible
I'd get during the live portions it's much harder, but the voice over is even worse somehow
No. 213065
>>213054OT Taylor blames her agency quite often. But lets stop this Tay talk and move it to her thread before any of this summons the Sperg.
>>213063When does she not act annoyed and pissed off. It makes me really wonder if she was a huge bitch at all her gigs.
No. 213102
File: 1481640484170.jpg (1.25 MB, 1280x800, kotiisbored.jpg)

In one of her TV appearances, ザ!世界仰天ニュース, she looked bored af.
No. 213173
>>213168I've actually realized there is a lot of videos taken down from companies that had Koots in it by "third-parties" … All there older videos without her are still up, but a lot of them seem to be slowly poofing.
I wonder if she signed an agreement of some sort saying they can only keep it up for a short amount of time.
I also remember her stealing popteens debut video and filtering the shit out of it and possibly editing it too. ( Until they copyright claimed it )
No. 213189
>>213184Forgot to mention that I'm not the anon you're responding to.
No. 213195
>>213184Agreed, also I don't think Koot's is shy about the camera either. She humbly flaunts that she dropped out of school, is rude and thinks she's the shit. She's use to getting attention from all around and knows the Japanese are typically to polite to call her out on shit. They just silently brush her off.
Someone should save that video before Koot's has it taken down with a copyright.
And to the Anon that said they were going to post it to girls channel ( I think thats what the forum was called ) did you ? and what was the reaction ?
No. 213210
File: 1481652448181.jpg (85.39 KB, 600x651, CgcHhpsUIAAbSro.jpg)

>>212810shittest post ++++ irony
>>212976>>213124No, that would be cool though.
I meant to say *not on her A-game.
Koot's thread is milkless, just pure unfunny nitpicking about her appearance. I get this is lolcow and koot's thread but this is the cringiest I've ever seen it.
You guys are uber bitter because you see her as somehow fucking up some mystical standard of being a kawaii uguu model, clearly revealing how desperately you want to be one. COZ given the oppurtunity U WOULD BE SO SUPER GOOD AT IT AND BE SHINING STAR**AMMIIRITE? (you've got to be retarded to think it looks fulfilling, but ye gosh she is so awful she's at some gay candy crush app ad shoot AND I CAN SEE HER HAIR EXTENSION ¡¡¡ROFFFFFFFLLLLLLL¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!) I doubt she gives a fuck about these lame gigs
>>213000i thought I liked tay but that is some seriously empty putrid shite
No. 213215
>>213162Unfortunately for Kota, she's planning to be an actress and some form of online personality so she can't afford to act this way. Sure for regular people it's fine if their career isn't on the line.
Kota doesn't have an excuse, this is what it takes to be a celebrity and it's all about PR, looking good and being endearing.
No. 213222
>>213210I'm sure she gives a fuck about it kiki, it's the only thing she's doing right now. If its such a petty gig, why sign up for it? Lol cause she doesn't have any jobs signed up for jack shit.
She's completely irrelevant without it.
No. 213223
File: 1481653333334.jpg (31.22 KB, 480x357, 15401077_771403776330879_77952…)

>>213210Kiki or just a troll? I guess only admin-sama will unveil the truth.
No. 213232
>>213222bravo obviously made her do this srsly.
>>213215okay and I'm sure plan B beyond tv for koots is receding-to and being satisfied by a youtube channel. My point is that I wouldn't be at my best either if my psycho older sister had sperged out about other jvloggers and burnt the plan B bridge, which is the real dramz here, not her fucking make-up.
>>213226sorry kiki is not the only one who thinks this thread is infested with retarded jealous weebs
No. 213237
File: 1481654468666.png (551.88 KB, 682x684, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 18.3…)

she prob wants to abandon the whole ostrenga-induced nightmare and be an illustrator ffs
No. 213658
File: 1481680119977.png (169.72 KB, 279x293, IMG_9560.PNG)

>>213210Keeks, is that your mom during tax return ?
I mean, it must suck to have a screeching, balding, banshee in her basement that lives on disability and REEEEEEs at Taylors success 24/7
No. 213663
>>213534She probably wrote to Vicki for advice. Sage for tinfoil.
(I have asked in meta.)
No. 213666
>>213164yes, it's mentioned at it was thought to be her.
No. 213667
>>213120Nah… I mean its hard work being a human spunk bucket for a middle aged Japanese man? Kota's poor pussy is probably so overworked she's worn out from Takawaki fucking her almost to death. The lazier she becomes, the stupider too.
Hiroshi's dick goes in and koot's brains go out.
No. 213670
If any anons live in Japan upload it because if we could outside of Japan… we would have uploaded every fucking video of her from 2006- to now
No. 213674
Taylor pretty much used Koot
Kota used her sisters fame and past drama for a boost then the doll thing happened and then a present model Tay used the doll look off dakota and injected her own self into it. So pretty much Taylor has won out of the pair of them cunts.
No. 213678
>>213043Japanese do actually go for their own blood over foreigners. I mean if you have a baby with a Japanese person then… that kid is part of that culture. Fuck the "buh blonde hair and blue eyes-" nah the Japanese will pick a hafu talent any day.
Its part of them and a kawaii blonde dakota elf goddess is just a pervert salary mans or otakus wet dream.
No. 213767
File: 1481686225667.png (80.51 KB, 887x419, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.1…)

Sundays are fun days.
Wonder if these are the days Takawaki gives her the wakidy wack. Must be fun fucking that cabbage patch fart cushion.
No. 213822
>>213812I think there is a few.
( different anon from the one you were responding to )
There was mass disliking in the Koot's thread mentioned as well as that Tomi acc. I swear with how nitpicky Taylor's thread is on there, that she must be still lurking around on that site. I kinda feel like the new admins are a bit incompetent on PULL and probably don't know how to properly check VPNs/IPs, so they only looked for the obvious. Both site ownership and admins are new…
No. 213852
>>213812these are all the posts made by "tomie" from the link I posted earlier:'s a bit
less aggressive than sarahsenpai but still spergy and asskissing. They also commented about height and weight of other snowflakes. By example, this post in some haffu nobody's thread:
>I dont see why it's so unbelievable someone can hit the gene lottery?? I know a girl irl who's smaller than naomi, and shorter (4'10) and she has an extremely tiny waist and a big but, with wide hips because she's a natural PEAR shape.…undercover humblebragging?
Also, has Kaka ever showed interest on Wylona? because that account have several posts in that thread, that's why I'm 50/50 about it belonging to Keekz
No. 213860
>>213727different anon, but victoria is a cow on here (v entertaining/underrated imo) whose thread got deleted out of nowhere and admin have been weirdly silent/ telling us not to talk or try and start threads about her until an unknown time where they'll presumably tell us what happened. my guess is her many legal threats actually went through somehow? even though they were ridiculous?
although i don't think her reason is the same reason kiki's thread was locked or whatever, that might be more along the lines of admin getting sick of certain threads while unlocking others for whatever reason (like the pro-ana ones)
No. 213889
>>213237I honestly don't believe she drew the majority of that without some serious referencing (particularly the nose, eyes, shading) given her previous work around the baby fang thing
also dem shitty ears
No. 213987
File: 1481722505416.png (726.52 KB, 814x603, Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 8.33…)

I swear she's trying to make her eyes look farther apart.. Does being outside mean she has an actual gig ?
No. 213991
>>213987Fucking giant!, also that space between her neck and the sweater makes it look like she has a double chin
Idk she looks really spooky in her edits
No. 213993
File: 1481723483755.jpg (172.87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>213987She looks like she's as wall-eyed as Marmalade.
No. 214001
File: 1481724880394.png (323.75 KB, 551x594, Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 9.13…)

>>213987Her editing style sometimes looks like she's trying to look like a toddler and other times look like Tealecoco
No. 214008
File: 1481726388203.gif (767.61 KB, 275x220, 1427717685085.gif)

>>212960>taylor is the one with a steady, strong career and an asian boyfriend living in a huge house in japan with tons of money, a skinny body, and lots of attention. taylor overlines her lips, barely wears eyeliner, ditched the bangs, adopted a western style, and started vloggingwho gives a fuck you vapid retard, she could likely be just as empty and unfulfilled as the rest of the vlogging community look
No. 214021
File: 1481727878427.jpg (428.94 KB, 1080x1350, 15337275_218464848562733_54602…)

>>213987Bigger version.
I'm laughing by the fact that she finally cropped out her ugly worn-out black heels.
No. 214090
>>214021How is it that every time she shoops, it gets more uncanny than the last? Does she think that if she does it subtly no one will notice her transformation into an alien foetus?
>all this shitpostingDid kiki come back or something
No. 214113
>>213987>>214084Former Shibuyanon here. I'm pretty sure Dakota lives near Shibuya station. Most of her jobs and shopping/salons/her pop up shop location are pretty well clustered together; she got some jobs at some places further away but most of them are concentrated either near the station or easily accessible by train from that station. Even bravo's office is a short walk from Daikanyama station which you can get to by taking the train from Shibuya station.
So, that means princess Dakota probably
does take public transportation (or used to at least). She has said before she goes out in masks/disguises and dresses casual sometimes if she has to go out, so that plus her lack of relevance for the last year and a half explains why there haven't been more train/station candida like when she first got there and went out in public all kawaii-d out.
No. 214132
File: 1481738346382.jpg (120.3 KB, 614x640, image.jpg)

Everytime she makes the space bigger between her eyes. . .
No. 214169
>>214140The appearance standards in Japan are far higher than how she presents herself.
She looks flabby and unkempt compared to basic OLs, nobody would ever stop her for a photo.
No. 214222
File: 1481747145336.jpg (41.95 KB, 460x344, Hairther.jpg)

>>214180>>214197I think she is potentially lulzy, and I understand she's up for discussion because of the historical context… but I've never seen 100% of the thread (up until I posted) just desperate jealous weebs griping about her appearance. It might be relevant on some other cow's threads but koots is neither ugly nor fat yet that's all you tards want to discuss. I get that she doens't live up to her shoops but FUCK you are so jealuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, just go and model in your local town or something and see how boring it actually is srsly
>>214197you sound fat
No. 214233
File: 1481748018594.png (1.33 MB, 1440x810, next.png)

>>214222Next you'll say: "Right, because anyone who disses projection comments on Kota's thread is an Ostrenga. Great logic skills Anon."
No. 214339
File: 1481762243251.jpg (446.09 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_1858.JPG)

The famous suede lace up boots are in toll guys
No. 214379
>>214376Probably because she is, Anon.
Kota's skin looks fucking dry it baffles me that her hair looks so grease in OP picture. I always thought people with dry af skin never really got overly oily hair ( Most people I knew with fairly dry skin could go a few days without washing their hair ) Has she gotten so broke that she can't even afford bathing everyday ? Maybe even having to salvage yesterdays makeup… And damn, her skin looks more thirsty then Kiki is for asian dick.
No. 214598
File: 1481805781440.jpg (46.35 KB, 480x600, Etmwcat.jpg)

No. 214607
>>214458Wylona's thread is very active on PULL.
>>Wylona isn't a shutin loser and is living a life NO. Wylo is fucking insane, a druggie and pushed all her friends away because " they don't understand " or they're "jealous" of her. She was leeching off of some dude and forced him away from his own kid and whenever he tries to leave her, she accuses him of abuse,rape,theft and cheating. She says its the rape victims fault fault for getting raped because they dressed slutty. ect ect ect
Not to defend Keeks here, but Wylo is about 1000x worse then Kiki.
No. 215056
File: 1481897352989.png (903.72 KB, 940x602, Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 9.07…)

New picture …
No. 215063
File: 1481898184364.jpg (5.76 KB, 85x114, image.jpg)

>>215056Jesus Christ.
This doesn't even look like her shooping style in her current Instagram profile picture anymore. And I used to think she looked ridiculously alien baby-esque enough then. She gives no fucks anymore.
No. 215075
File: 1481899587468.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1080x1350, image.jpeg)

I decided to go to town with the slim tool on a beauty app. I don't know if this is really all that closer to how she actually looks, but she looks less like a alien fetus at least.
No. 215076
File: 1481899721998.jpeg (553.02 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>215075Actually now that I think of it, she just looks like Valeria or something
I wasn't really sure what to do with the nose
No. 215082
>>215076You made her look pretty!
I'm impressed
No. 215093
Seems she only ever goes out to see her agency building but not get any work.
No. 215095
File: 1481903024825.png (505.87 KB, 915x601, Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 10.4…)

Found this in her tags .. Was taken 3h ago.
No. 215126
File: 1481910637973.png (933.69 KB, 790x633, Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 12.4…)

>>215123Sorry, I'm about to samefag.
No. 215128
File: 1481910689206.png (69.63 KB, 190x182, Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 12.4…)

>>215126Again, sorry admins..
No. 215155
>>215135More like a troll under the bridge.
Guess it wasn't just that videos crappy lighting and quality making her look like shit..
No. 215233
>>215231Its from Bravo models Japan's IG account…
Really makes you question their professionalism.
No. 215237
File: 1481927427473.png (542.46 KB, 641x520, kotuhr.png)

>>215095>>215171Yeah, I agree with you there.
Aaah, Kotex. Remember when you used to put some volume on your hair? What jolly times.
No. 215247
>>215237None of this was real, but it looks so much better than the current shoops.
I do wonder what advanced sorcery it took to get someone who is naturally
>>210979 to look like that though.
No. 215254
>>215247Better lighting and better make up. Add a pinch of after effects and that's that.
Man, I am kinda nostalgic right now, and skimming through old Kota's videos. I think that if she still made videos like this, she could've become big on YT. Like, she seems likeable here, albeit a bit boring, but if BiiBii has fans, so could Kota..
JVlog scene is pretty popular at the moment, so if she kept doing little jvlogs and snippets of her life like that constantly (instead of boring hair tutorials where she barely talks) and in ENGLISH, with some japanese subs, I feel like she could keep her fame and jobs.
But well, History isn't made of "if"s..
No. 215716
File: 1481938648122.jpg (66.79 KB, 740x463, Dakota-Koti-Ostrenga-Unphotosh…)

>>215254everytime i watch this video i think of this picture (the far left one) and laugh. same outfit, and look at the difference. just shows that nothing is believable with her
No. 215740
File: 1481945106494.png (101.64 KB, 186x478, ChickenLittle.png)

>>215056She looks like human chicken little
No. 215824
>>215237i remember being so wistfully envious of how she looked when i first found out about her. and in a weird way i lowkey feel bad for how shes declined, but then my sensibility returns and i'm like "nah, bitch did this to herself." she's such a fucking bum now. how on earth do you go from this to shit like this
>>215056i want to know what her reasoning for shooping herself into an actual ayy lmao is. i know we say this like every other day, buy it's just so ridiculous.
No. 215987
File: 1481997976374.jpg (25.34 KB, 311x314, 1469418946728.jpg)

koots is really pretty, you're really jealous
< all of u(derailing, baiting)
No. 216144
File: 1482018546447.jpg (55.75 KB, 500x750, IMG_3254.JPG)

Found an old pic of Dakota without shoop.
No. 216333
>>215237I remember seeing her like this for the first time on tumblr and I was like "no way this girl is real!" and was sooooo jelly. Then I googled her and there were loads of "Dakota rose is fake" websites and blogspots and pics circled shooping errors all compiled. It kept me amused for ages. Sage for blogpost.
Now I'm just waiting for her to lose more and more hair until she's bald. Even then she'd still deny editing her pics and will probably copy and paste entire heads of hair on.
No. 216343
>>215824I think a lot of her shooping comes from her liking Gemma Ward. Someone compared her to Gemma anonymously via an account (it was probably her lol) but it would explain her obsession with making her eyes more wide set and a rounder top lip.
She should have stuck to her original style that got her famous, it was so pleasing to look at! Although she probably wanted to get away with it and change up her image after she was exposed. You know, because it was so embarrassing. After getting snide comments about my looks live on Korean TV I'd want to erase my identity and become someone else, too.
No. 216535
>>216144I may be one of the few people here that originally knows her from the scene days. To be honest, I always admired her fashion back then. I thought she had great style. As a fashionista she can be really stylish, aside from the whole deal if she's pretty or not.
>>216343That might explain it indeed. But Gemma Ward is insanely pretty. Dakota can't compete with that, even with the shoop. If anything, it makes her look worse, cause she's trying to be someone else.
No. 216550
>>21644923rd of december 1630 JP time hope it wont be region locked
No. 216552
File: 1482070584951.jpg (172.23 KB, 1200x1200, Cz9aLVbUkAEMZXE.jpg)

dont let her lips distract you from the boob shoop
No. 216578
>>216552Her face doesn't even look like it belongs to her head… Like she has some sort of stamp tool to just stamp her shooped face on.
She makes the same face in every photo just about.
No. 216605
>>216597Thats insane .. and lazy if thats what she's doing.
Honestly some of these seem like the were edited on a computer and others on phone .. I just don't know how a phone app could turn her ugly mug into this
>>216552 No. 216617
>>214598OT but
didn't PT have a photo at the same place?
I wish Dakota would just go home at this point.
Not even so much for the milk, but the fact that she's already over stayed and shown very very little for it.
The closest she got to success was the poof of dust that was baby fang
No. 216843
File: 1482108451935.png (70.13 KB, 803x405, Screen Shot 2016-12-18 at 7.44…)

LMFAO !!!!
What happen Datooters ? Run out of birthday money to buy followers ?
This is so fucking embarrassing and sad, but yet fucking hilarious at the same time. I dunno what I like more, her +1 follow gains or her negative follower gains.
No. 216889
>>216552that crease looks so weird and not even attractive
it doesn't even make her tits look bigger, somehow
No. 217309
File: 1482166526290.jpg (1.4 MB, 2552x2552, IMG_3275.JPG)

>12/14/16 -81 followers>12/16/16 -57 followers>pic related I guess her loyal fans dislike her current look as much as we do, lol. Usually your follower count increases wen you upload pics and decreases when you're inactive for 3-4 days, not the other way around.
No. 217500
also because im not tech savvy, here's an old dakota video i've never seen of her talking about two friends fighting if somebody wants to save it before its taken down.
she mustve deleted/made it private super fast because i really never saw her talk this openly ever No. 217508
File: 1482185837313.png (72.09 KB, 640x984, IMG_3290.PNG)

>>217495This service also offers "custom" plans where you can buy likes for only 1-2 pics at a time and it'll just dump however many likes onto the most recent pic you upload until you use up however many you paid for. And it's not horribly expensive, either.
This explains how she gets 3-5K likes per pic yet hit over a million views on her abema prime IG video teaser.
No. 217543
>>217516Lol, thats embarrassing …
>>217508You can always tell when someone buys fake comments and likes. I always have random nobodies tagging me in shit despite I've never talked to them. Koot's comments are full of people just tagging someone else ( or a couple people ). They're people who are using the same shitty service.
Comments usually either have no context or say "omg check this out" "Cool" "wow" "random emoji" ect.
No. 217561
File: 1482191393909.png (82.21 KB, 640x817, IMG_3291.PNG)

>>217508Not the abema prime IG video, her heart braid hairstyle one. The IG video is at over 3mil views, while the actually YT video has just over 115,000.
No. 217564
File: 1482191605830.jpg (326.29 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_0877.JPG)

I finally found who kotex reminds me of
No. 218046
>>218030Have you actually seen her old shoops?
How her current shoop (aka shrunk head, eyes 10 inch apart and lipstache out of control) is "minimal enhancements"?
No. 218048
>>218042I wasn't saying that her hideous shoops aren't far as fuck from reality, I was saying that
she might think this version of her is more close to what she really looks like. Who knows what she sees when she looks in the mirror. She clearly has self-image issues. And that would still be sad because even though she's not the best looking she is definitely not the malformed version that she portrays herself to be online.
No. 218127
>>218111Okay you fucking knuckle draggers let me break down my original post for you.
Dakota, who clearly has body dismorphia disorder, is not able to see herself for what she looks like in actuality. I was suggesting that her current shoop style is more close to what SHE sees herself as. I am not blind. I am aware that her shoops are not realistic, as is anyone who has a functioning pair of eyes and is not delusional. I was speculating. Fuck.
Sage because fuck.
No. 218213
>>218127I hope not. If she sees herself the way she photoshops her pictures or thinks normal people should look like that, she's really in trouble.
Say what you want, while she's not enough in shape to work as a model, she's OK looking. I don't think it's worth it to want to look like an alien when you could just study something, maybe teach English in Japan and lead a normal life. It's like she's stubbornly forcing herself on the path she's least likely to succeed at and doesn't even put the effort to make herself fit enough for it.
No. 218217
>>218127Sorry, but diagnosing people on the internet is stupid.
Also, if she actually believed that she looked this way why would she even bother to shoop herself?
No. 218240
>>218213Yeah its definitely sad how she's let herself go so drastically. So much wasted opportunity. I guess this is what complacency does to people. I hope she eventually realizes that looking like a normal human is better than whatever it is she goes for in her current shoops.
>>218217Meh, I figured it'd been established over the past several years of following her that she has obvious self esteem/self image issues. Just building off of that. I meant what she shoops herself into is closer to the image of herself she holds in her head, thus calling it
her version of "minimal photo enhancements".
But I'm done speculating now, I've learned my lesson. Most people in here only want to point out how much she doesn't look like her shoops, and that she shoops her photos very heavily, and they are uglier than what she really looks like. Which bores me to death so I thought I'd take the discussion in a new direction. My bad.
No. 218672
>>218663No idea, but I feel like they probably could since she lies about her measurements on the Bravo site. Like she shows up and doesn't fit any of the outfits or demos.
Though don't they typically see her in person first before hiring her ? Like I'm pretty sure thats why she's had no gigs because the disappoint in seeing her in person is too much.
No. 218723
the clients prob google her for candids? but idk, it's like how tess munster still claims she's size 22 but no one in the industry calls her out
>>218672what are her measurements listed on there?
No. 218734
File: 1482360227106.png (17.72 KB, 238x243, Screen Shot 2016-12-21 at 5.42…)

>>218723Still claiming this doughy mess has a 21 inch waist …
No. 219873
>>219841Come to think of it, so were her last few "gigs". Mercari, Simeji, Eresuto High School.
She did the Takoaka Kimono Fest in early October, then posted another Simeji halloween keyboard a few days later, then her eresuto high school gig in was early November. Before that, the last actual modeling she did was the Disney princess costume shoot.
In other words, she averages one actual job a month and does sponsorships/collars with stuff like Simeji and Mercari and then just posts selfies and food.
No. 219958
>>219894If she's even getting paid at all and not just comped for shit. But I don't know any legit company that allows a foreign dropout to ride their payroll and sponsors her visa when she can only pull 1 job a month and has tanked all her contracts and her looks. They can't just lie to the government and say "yeah, she gets jobs all the time!" They keep track of the money foreigners make while working in Japan. Dakota still being there despite letting herself go and not giving a fuck about her career for nearly a year now means she's probably got a visa some other way. Maybe she pulled a Mira and secretly married and divorced a guy after 2 years? She's been there long enough and it explains her decline. I could imagine lettomg myself go if I knew I never had to worry about being deported back to my parents' house.
And as far as her still being with Bravo, if they aren't sponsoring her visa then she can work for them still simply because she's fucking Hiroshi, probably since she first got to Japan. She couldn't marry Hiroshi because he was already married when she moved to Japan.
/tinfoil hat
No. 219959
File: 1482424031252.png (178.53 KB, 640x1036, IMG_3339.PNG)

here's a thread on Reddit that explains the modeling industry in Japan and how much money is made with and without agencies, gig pay rates, minimum work requirements, etc.
> No. 219984
>>219977I feel like that anon meant by "too poor" was that if Kota was escorting she would have a lot more to show… But instead Kota is eating cabbage and wearing the same extremely beat up shoes and never has her nails done. She looks fucking homeless and dirty…
>>219961I'm 1000% sure the girl they are talking about is actually beautiful unlike Koots. Rich/Japanese men have standards too.
No. 219985
>>219977I don't mean "too poor" as in "ew too poor nobody will fuck her" because let's face it, men will stick it in anything.
I meant "too poor" as in, she wears the same shit shoes and never has money to fix her ratchet nails - surely she'd have something to show for it if she was selling her body.
No. 220017
File: 1482432887984.png (363.04 KB, 926x353, 8566453.png)

idk if this has been discussed yet.
what's going on with her upper lip? looks really weird. did she get it tattooed this dark purply color?
No. 220047
>>220014If she's not getting jobs they have to know. She sticks out like a sore thumb around other models, and she got in the agency by unconventional means as well. It's been 4 years, I'm sure if Dakota were actually still
somehow on an entertainment visa through Bravo, someone would have noticed her rapid decline and lack of jobs as of late. No work = no pay, and if she's not bringing in money for Bravo they're not gonna just let her sit there on a contract&visa without some kind of compensation.
No. 220318
>>219961fyi to people this kind of thing happens in modeling agencies all over the world, in America too.
The lower tier models who can't earn enough for the agencies, they will basically make them be escorts and the agency will become their pimp.
Basically just rich business or famous men will call in for a date/party and they will send girls over. Of course a lot of the times this ends with them having sex.
example: this is probably how Bill Cosby got all the models he raped.
It would make a lot of sense if this is what Dakota is doing.
No. 220362
>>220318tbh, I'd believe this if Dakota wasn't so raggedy-looking. Shouldn't she be making big bucks as an escort, if that's the case?
She has tacky/eye-catching taste, so I doubt the way she dresses is "just her style", too.
No. 220367
>>220318 No real modelling agency does that type of stuff. Seedy 'entertainment' type agencies for sure. Kooter is an actually established modelling agency so if she does any escorting, it isn't through them.
Legit modelling agencies don't need escorting as a side busness, they make enough money as is. They just drop the models they don't use. Those models are usually employed on a limited time anyway, ie 'a season' and if they fail to book anything for two or three consecutive ones, they're dropped.
A dropped model is prime prey for seedier agencies so they might sign unto another one quickly. But again, no real agency needs to rely on sex work.
Note that models that want to be models usually DON'T sleep to further their career as it is basically career suicide. Some people still do it tho.
No. 220375
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No. 220376
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No. 220465
>>220391Apparently her manager has talked shot about her before, how she's lazy and doesn't care about her image. I kept waiting for the anime who mentioned it in the last thread to provide a source but yaknow.
>>220452It's been 4 years, going on 5. Entertainment visas max out at 3 years. You can't sign a 5 or 10 year contract to get a visa sponsored for that long, immigration wont allow it. The story about her bringing a jap guy home to FL the first (and last) time she went home to visit. It could have been Hiroshi, it could have been some random guy she was dating (Nao). But when you renew a contract visa you have to leave the country, so she probably went home to renew her visa, got a 3 year contract (which would last her through next November iirc) and is riding that now. Eventually Bravo will drop her, but I do think she's shacked up with Hiroshi for a visa. Back when Charms was giving deets about Dakota on /cgl/ she said Kota liked older guys and had hella yellow fever.
No. 220481
>>220453Mmm, true. I forgot about that. Maybe she's buying views to try and prove to them she's still relevant and worth having … idk
Do you think they'll include her Youtube videos as part of her "jobs" ?
>>220465So its possible that a year ago ish she renewed her visa when she still had jobs and now she's diminished but still has time left on said contract/Visa.
I don't know much about the modelling industry or visa stuff. So pardon my ignorance.
Worse comes to worse she'll probably do what Venus did and have a shot gun marriage minus the pregnancy part.
No. 220559
>>220481>So its possible that a year ago ish she renewed her visa when she still had jobs and now she's diminished but still has time left on said contract/Visa. More like ~3 years ago. She's already currently signed with a major agency and she can't get jobs, but her decline really started about this time last year according to the catalogue.
Coincidentally, thads around the same time she made her I stagrsm after avoiding it since she was still in Orlando making her videos and posting the selfies that made her go viral. I think her buying followers now and posting regularly is her realizing too late what a huge platform for networking and being seen IG is.
Also, that's when she started wearing that boring, plain ring she
always wears. So I think she married Hiroshi some time last fall, because before that when his FB profile was posted here he had his relationship status as "married to (wife's name)" but since changed it to only "married" and his wife's FB is nowhere to be found (and no, in not gonna post her name). But she was also a white former model.
She's currently getting the kind of jobs that part time models get, the kind who model as a hobby or for extra pocket money. She's not doing TV anymore, nobody lists her as a "model" or a "real Barbie/living doll" anymore, she's just a white girl with a name who can sit there and speak Japanese.
The only reason people still talk about her is because none of this shit adds up. If it were literally anyone else she would have been sent home years ago. Dakota isn't model material, she isn't nice, she isn't beautiful, interesting or extraordinary. She's basic as fuck, and if she's happy being a greasy chub then that's great for her, but it doesn't match the image that got her there to begin with. She passed herself off as this feminine, kawaii fashionable twig girl with a doll face, but in reality nobody would turn to look twice at her on the street in Orlando.
No. 220586
File: 1482524002088.png (120.25 KB, 640x985, IMG_3367.PNG)

>>220579Not having to work or live with your parents, not having to live in a city where all your awkward phases and dirty laundry and family drama are all public information? Really, hiding out in a non-English speaking country is the only way to hide from that kind of thing.
Just realized I dropped my pic for
>wedding (•3•)Not "wedding shoot". Just "wedding". We know she did a wedding dress shoot around the same time Kiki was talking about marrying Taku, an idea we all agree she didn't come up with herself. It's also possible that she got to keep the dress she did the shoot with and used it for her own wedding, because otherwise I see Dakota as the type to do a plain clothes paperwork wedding like Venus and Manaki.
But when a foreigner marries a Japanese (and nobody is pregger) they have to prove it's not
just for a visa. You have to meet their family, and have at least some proof of your relationship (her ring/this pic. TL:DR because I'm getting tired of typing so much: Dakota made an Instagram as a front to prove he wears her wedding ring and that there was an actual wedding, both thing she would have to prove to the Japanese government to get a marriage visa. Especially to marry a man who was already previously married with kids who is high ranking in a well paying entertainment agency. Not saying it's impossible, but you do have to find some way to prove it's not just for a visa/money. It would also explain the 2LDR apartment, since living together is also a requirement.
No. 220605
>>220375She looks awful and she has so little hair even with the hat covering despite all her hair brought to the front.
>>220586Good point about the ring. Still, why would she even rent a dress when there's nobody showing up anyway? If a ceremony happened there would be photos.
No. 220629
>>220559This theory sounds good on paper but the beat up old boots still need to be explained. If she was married to him he'd buy her some decent shoes, surely?
I tend to think Bravo gave her another shot for a contract / visa and she isn't doing that great with it.
No. 220635
>>220629We all know that if the Ostrengas had money, they'd spend it on useless gadgets and clothes then show them off (like the rare occasion she can afford to get her nails done.) But Dakota still has a cracked phone screen and has been wearing the same pair of shoes for almost two years (maybe more). She's not got any work or sleeping around for money.
That's not ruling out that she wouldn't do it though; she did have a website bio somewhere when she was younger saying that her goal in life was to be rich, how she gets there is still only speculation.
No. 220645
File: 1482533419490.gif (2.1 MB, 456x336, IMG_3356.GIF)

>>220605>why would she even rent a dress The dress was from a photoshoot, they probably let her have it. But if she used it for a real wedding she would have to have photos of her and him to give to immigration. Then she could just get rid of it afterward.
>>220425Lol, sure. Come back when your brain matures a little more and you move out of your parents' house.
>pic relevant No. 220649
>>220639Because a random tourist isn't gonna land the kind of rich men that will let you sponge off them. Dakota got a good deal because there's a lot of shit on her that Hiroshi could use against her if she tries to fuck him over. He could absolutely destroy er if he wanted to. Japan will always favor the Japanese over foreigners, and rich men aren't usually stupid enough to mess around with random chicks who are simply too lazy to work as want handouts. They can fuck any white foreigner, but they don't usually want to fully support someone without at least some security or assurance that she's not gonna fuck him over and ruin his reputation. If Dakota fucks Hiroshi over, he gets her deported back to Orlando. He owns her fat ass. Her being a ~model~ is just a cover, and it's as much his cover as it is hers.
However, if Dakota doesn't shape up and keeps falling down this ugly slope she's barreling down, I wonder if he will continue to support her? Let's face it, she isn't smart or skillful enough to get her own visa on her own merit with no education, skills, resources or work ethic.
No. 220654
File: 1482534056075.png (4.86 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_8090.PNG)

>>220591Must be region locked? Because it's still available.
It was literally five hours long. I ain't watching the whole thing.
No. 220657
File: 1482534128021.png (5.04 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_8081.PNG)

I'll post a bunch of random shots.
No. 220660
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No. 220662
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Flood detection is probably going to get me.
No. 220663
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No. 220664
File: 1482534341226.png (5.03 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_8085.PNG)

Yep. Flood detection is slowing me down. I'll post a few more.
No. 220666
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No. 220667
>>220586I'd rather live with my parents and dirty laundry and crazy sister and make belief that I'm some hot shit, then be alone in a foreign with no friends or family and getting railed by a 50 yr old man.
He doesn't seem to buy her clothing,food,phone or well anything. She looks like a homeless that spends all their change on smokes.
No. 220676
>>220667She said before in an interview that she doesn't like to buy things for herself or spend money on food, and that she only likes to buy decor and things for her house. Which makes zero sense for a 20-something. Most young women want to buy jewelry, bags, shoes, clothes, go to nice restaurants/movies, etc. Dakota is living like I did in college: no makeup, no jewelry, basic, warm clothing and basic ass, cheap food.
Although she
does have a PS4 and several games for it. Even if she did wait until the sale to brag about playing Dying Light.
No. 220682
>>220676Sounds like a piss poor excuse for "I'm too poor to actually afford anything, so, uumm, I don't like to buy my self stuff… Only decor. "
Her apartment is fucking empty … Decor my asshole.
No. 220710
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No. 220745
File: 1482544079592.jpg (30.52 KB, 300x200, saltworks-gourmet-salt-guide_s…)

>>220671Nah, she's clearly wearing some eye makeup and I'm honestly glad to see that she's giving her nails a break. Her nailbeds are probably barely in tact for god's sake
>>220664I think if she's going to do those giant frames she should wear them further down her nose, obscuring her eyebrows like that looks kind of dopey. Seriously she needs heavier extensions.
That aside, she looks nice. The minimal makeup looks good on her.
No. 220776
>>220682The only place I believe she truly decorated herself was the TV stand and her bedroom, which is pink, girly, & cute. But then the bathroom and other bedroom are all modern and bland.
>>220745Lol who are you even trying to convince at this point?
No. 220787
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>>220452>>220453Dakota doesn't have a YT deal, she probably gets some ad revenue from her older vids that went viral though. She really doesn't seem to give a fuck about YT either, her profile still says she doesn't have an Instagram.
>Taylor's room tour is the first related video No. 220865
>>220559…he was married to a white former model? Shit. This whole time I assumed it was a Japanese woman and I always kind of doubted the marriage visa thing but this lessens the doubt a little
>>220709I agree, just lose the glasses
No. 220897
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>>220664We all know you don't look like that, Koots. Give up already!
No. 220943
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>when you see Dakota IRL for the first time
No. 220960
File: 1482593339906.png (810.1 KB, 728x621, Screen Shot 2016-12-10 at 7.28…)

Heres more pictures of that wedding event. Guess some guy got to meet Koot-Toots.
No. 220962
File: 1482594209359.jpg (13.32 KB, 400x243, splicestrenga.jpg)

>>220897She forgot to shoop her legs, must have given up after all the work to add a waist and boobs.
No. 220965
>>220649This makes so much sense. Lol
Kota doesn't know how to play the escort game that well. Rule 1 is to always fucking stay in shape
No. 220995
File: 1482598893234.png (142 KB, 231x441, Screenshot_2016-12-24-11-50-25…)

>>216552>>220017Some of her shoops have started to look like pic related again. Makes her look like the middle area of an Anamorph book cover.
No. 221045
>>220995>Makes her look like the middle area of an Anamorph book cover.I kekd
this is too accurate
No. 221104
>>221006Lmfao this thread has the snidest anons. Merry kekmas.
In other news, someone needs to do an animorphs book cover of koots transforming into chicken little.
No. 221115
File: 1482622107020.jpg (25.02 KB, 275x206, 1482621845537.jpg)

Thought I'd post this comparison here as well.
No. 221190
>>221006kek, her chin is absolutely massive in
>>220961 though.
No. 221288
File: 1482644288016.jpg (36.84 KB, 447x604, 63a66e69da24297bd24fa07e3659ae…)

>>221217the right photo is highly edited though. This was from the etude house shoot, which accidentally released a sloppily edited photo where her arm is pasted on. They quickly tried to delete and cover up the mistake, but anons saved the photos first.
No. 221291
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>>221217>>221288she was on "get it beauty" at this time, and I actually think this was her best look. Her haircolor, style, and makeup were great. Etude shaved her jaw line down in their ads, but she did look good in candids.
No. 221413
>>221291Remember the days we all thought how she looked so horrible here when it came out?
We really didn't think it'd go this far. It's funny thinking how we thought her shops could be even farther than what she really looked like, it's like she had to just prove everyone wrong and went full retard alien shoop.
No. 221635
>>221630What gig was this ?
Does anyone have the actual photos from this shoot ?
No. 221740
>>221602Boring af and the generic comments lol the real views are from lolcow users maybe kek
Her face in the begging looks ridiculous like some deformed child
No. 221744
File: 1482732805243.png (911.5 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-12-26-00-03-06…)

One happy looking smeagol!
No. 221794
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No. 221797
File: 1482745910841.jpg (153.63 KB, 1080x864, 15338544_2000874126664624_5915…)

>>221794Merry Christmas from Bravo-san and all his bishoujo kawaii moderu-san booty calls
Smeagol @ middle bottom
No. 221799
>>221797…Are these some of Bravos models?
Because most of them are ugly as sin honestly
No. 221802
>>221602I love how everything she wears has to be huge and baggy.
Also lol @ the veggies on the table. "SEE! I don't just eat fries crap and pasta & I DO get jobs still!!!!!1111"
No. 221827
>>2217844-6k for V-line ? Thats what locals would pay in Korea, but tourist pay 8-10k. For double jaw surgery its 10k+.
( Anon whose been looking into having her face feminized )
No. 221882
>>221797Wow… Some of these other girls actually make Kota look good in comparison.
I guess it's true that the Japanese can't tell white faces apart.
No. 221886
>>221861The one above Dakota might be cute but it's hard to tell.
Also the only attractive guy there may be the one in the newsboy but also can't tell.
No. 221907
I swear some people have seen one too many dorito faces that they start to think anyone who doesn't look like that is wrong.
No. 221920
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>>221907It's disgusting. That's how you know there's too many weeb and koreaboos on lolcow. Korean surgery is not meant for the western face.
Warning and unrelated but I'm about to go full autist because I hate when people won't reach their potential.
In my personal opinion, she needs to channel the look that got her famous in the first place. She's trying too hard to assimilate harshly, but she doesn't have the Asian genes so it makes her look so much worse.
With the look she's currently trying to sell, not only does she look like she has a birth defect, it would take hoards of surgery and practical mutilation to look even an ounce like that.
THIS was the look that got her so much attention. If she started taking care of her body she would get the ball rolling, that itself would save her so much time in editing and dysmorphia. Plus, she needs a hobby to like, save her from crippling mental illness. Self care would be a perfect distraction.
A lot of problems with the shadows on her face are due to access weight coupled with strong bone structure, so weight loss (and the added skincare regimen we all know she needs before it gets any worse) with decent nutrition would help rid her bloating and smooth out a lot of harsh facial lines at the least.
At this point, if she saved up to get ONLY the projection of her chin reduced, and maybe whatever possible jaw asymmetry or minute flaws they found on her scans along the way, she'd be paying an investment of 5-7k to jumpstart a real career. I stress that she only gets the projection of her chin reduced because really, she wouldn't look right with a Chloe Moretz ultra-nonexistent chin. By getting rid of her witch chin alone she enhances her angles and on top of that it would be subtle enough for her to just come out and say "hey guys I got fat and sad in Japan but now I'm into fitness so I look good again!" It would totally work.
Long eyelashes and makeup like this gives her a vampiric look and enhance the ~exotic~ eyes that Nippon loves so much. She needs to realize that they loved her willowy, modelesque look with bedroom eyes that looked like they were out of like, Vampire Game or some other Korean manhwa or what the fuck ever. That made her look beautiful and unique. Her eyes looked gorgeous without the ridiculous circle lenses. Albiet edited but. I'm saying she needs to go back to basics and stop trying to peddle this alien fetus turtleneck monster.
She's wasting so much time when minor lifestyle changes are all she needs to make a difference and get her like, started at least. It irritates me so much watching all this wasted potential!
No. 221936
>>221861The Asian girl with the pointy hat is cute, and the girl behind Dakota with the hoop earring is attractive too.
Plus the short-haired girl in the front holding the glass looks kinda cute.
Otherwise, they're a rather homely bunch.
No. 221957
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>>221744honestly what the fuck
No. 222015
>>221920I know that and you know that anon, most of us do.
But you know what? Fuck her. Fuck her and her sister because I dont even think they deserve attention. They're a duo of cunt girls with shit personalities and are fame hungry.
Yeah Koot had a good look back then. But I dont want her to get noticed again she's too short for actual proper modelling outside of asia, she's too lazy to get fit freaked and her personality is rotten. Her sister is just a mess.
Nah I dont want them to get back on the scene. Id rather new girls take the throne before Dakota again.
She doesnt deserve the praise. Sad to say but her or Kaka doesn't.
No. 222098
>>221802Gollum's extensions are also covered in every outfit.
>>221974She always wore falsies in the old look. The shoop included making her eyes and eyebrows bigger, lips bigger, darkening the eyemakeup around the eye with a burn tool, moving her wonk eye up so they're straight, and blending where the makeup ends so it looks natural. This is not including all the work she did to her bone structure.
She was infamous for using the eyelash brushes you paste on like makeup in PS. I remember an old cgl post where someone showed how it was the exact eyelashes were found on some app or set of eyelashes to paste.
No. 222329
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Guys what happened? Don't answer this.
No. 222426
>>222413they're not even cute tho, even for japan's low standards
only the girl above kota is ok
No. 222984
>>221744wow, more 'photoshoots' of dumpy-looking box clothes and then a toothbrush ad?
bigtime model here
No. 223054
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>>222984She also did this thing where her waist is so wide kek
No. 223246
File: 1482962708785.jpg (142.61 KB, 550x643, d7hzqo0.jpg)

>>223054Her makeup and hair here reminds me of the CandyDoll era
No. 223446
>>223054Finally a decent fucking photo of her face.
>>223431Didn't even notice until you pointed it out.
No. 223613
triggered by the fact that you can see where her real hair ends and her extensions begin…they could have tried to blend it better.
Otherwise, it's a lovely photo of her
No. 223723
File: 1483029169649.jpg (781.35 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpg)

I always like to try and deshoop her pictures when I'm bored. I miss this Kota era.
No. 223733
>>223054I love how they gave her bangs & falsies and some eyeshadow. It's like we've been telling her the entire time, but she thinks she looks like Christina Pimenova so she doesn't listen to us~~
Also lol @ her ring nearly falling off. If it's so special that you can't even take it off for work, you should at least get it sized so that it fits.
No. 223892
File: 1483057324348.jpg (388.64 KB, 960x1280, 16-12-29-19-17-02-856_deco.jpg)

She's really promoting the fuck out of this video on Instagram. I was scrolling through my explore page and this popped up. I don't look at Kawaii pages or anything, just makeup and photography, so I don't get why instagram keeps showing me shit I'm not interested in. oh, excuse the night filter.
>>223054I love this photo. the expression on her face is almost forlorn. It's nice to see a change from the stiff shit she usually does.
No. 224019
File: 1483069116011.png (161.2 KB, 640x632, IMG_9975.PNG)

Wow I nearly gasped at how much she looks like a Hartley Hooligan here. Is the older one Claire? She looks like that one
No. 224020
File: 1483069466186.gif (9.82 KB, 213x290, whar da white wimmin at?.gif)

>>224019Wow, that head shrinkage.
That's some brown people tier voodoo right there.
No. 224024
>>224019that outfit is terrible
who wears capris in this decade
No. 224029
File: 1483070721109.jpg (60.98 KB, 311x410, qweerttyy.jpg)

>>224019Kiki, I know you're reading this. PLEASE tell your sister to stop shrinking her head so much. Microcephaly isn't cute.
No. 224030
>>224019whats the point of shrinking her head so much when she shoops herself thinner anyway? the head shrinking makes her body look big again in comparison. this is really poor and redundant on her part.
>>224020>image>file namelmfao perfect
No. 224032
File: 1483071781242.jpg (40.36 KB, 769x649, ShrunkenHeadGuy.jpg)

>>224019damn her legs are still chubby even with the shoop
No. 224184
File: 1483103202408.jpg (215.31 KB, 1080x1080, 15802231_1362582873786632_8789…)

>>224019This bigger version shows how she messed up the right eye with an enlarge tool.
No. 224192
>>224019Pretty sure this picture is old. She probably took this around the end of summer, just took long to edit.
Who wears capris in the winter?
No. 224205
>>223892Her heart braid hairstyle clip has over 4mil views on insta now.
>>223914Nah, just buy a shitload of views for it and then it'll pop up there under whatever the most relevant category for it is depending on comments.
>>224019This is like a 9th grade wigger's idea of fashion. And her leg looks wrekt, nevermind that aborted baby head shoop.
>>224026This is what happens when your parents protect you from any and all criticism and yeah you to believe you're beautiful and smart and deserve everything for nothing. The real world isn't like that, and modeling isn't just people paying you to be pretty. Modeling sucks, the only fools naïve enough to think it's an easy job reserved only for the beautiful elite were sheltered and coddled like Kiki and Dakota. Without Bravo-San and his magical golden visa penis, she would have been dropped 3 years ago. She should have never been a model, she should have been a MUA or a stylist or something that requires an actual skill. She doesn't have the looks, body, or personality to get by on just any of those 3 things and I think she's beginning to realize it.
No. 224207
>>224205Lol, I'm so untech savvy … Thanks for the explanation. Couldn't she buy Youtube views ? or is that something harder to obtain since money is involved ( being earning from views ).
>>224203I did enlarge the head, but I guess when I beefed up the rest of her body it made her head look small again.
No. 224209
File: 1483109129465.jpg (1.2 MB, 1200x1080, 1483103202408.jpg)

Less spoop, anon
No. 224236
>>223892It's unfortunate she has ears looking like that sticking out of her hair
Not Kawaii
No. 224354
>>224232Yea, but atleast the Youtube views would bring in some extra money and she could finally fucking buy herself a new pair of shoes.
>>224209If she keeps eating like shit she'll soon be as beefy as this.
No. 224419
>>224354If YT catches you generating ad revenue from views you bought, you'll be in deep shit.
>>224363She had a chola phase when she was 13, complete with raccoon eyes and purple exaggerated lip liner and adidas crap.
No. 224508
>>223246 ikr
why doesn't she edit herself like that ??
No. 224509
>>224419I doubt Koots gives a fuck about anything anymore. I could see her buying views at small amounts at some point. ( then again she ain't subtle with her fake followers,likes and views on IG )
>>224432Proof ?
No. 224546
File: 1483140893248.jpg (78.48 KB, 500x440, x_ad6424fe.jpg.48ca22d6ba6b2a3…)

>>224363this is the only capri pic I could find
No. 224785
>>224192If she really is in Florida, it wouldn't surprise me that she is wearing capris. It doesn't get too cold there in the winter at all. Where I am, it was around 75 degrees Fahrenheit the week before and on Christmas.
Sage for semi-blogish post?
No. 224823
>>224816tbh I've bought cheap followers before and ended up blocking 80% of them (essentially throwing out that money) because as soon as they rolled in every account looked extra fake or just suspicious.
I just scrolled down her followers a bit and some look like fakes, but they're scattered pretty well.
No. 225151
File: 1483221985127.jpg (136.42 KB, 1078x1339, Screenshot_20161231-220515_1.j…)

No. 225172
File: 1483223298138.jpg (145.27 KB, 737x960, IMG_20161231_162725.jpg)

No. 225173
File: 1483223314144.jpg (220.73 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_20161231_222817.jpg)

No. 225190
File: 1483223959032.png (37.75 KB, 620x309, Capture.PNG)

Okay, so I don't really keep up with Kota/these threads but I decided to check her twitter and I'm surprised no one seems to have talked about this tweet.
Translation: "I didn't bring my backpack to my parent's house so I'm wearing clothes my older sister wore in middle school haha"
Sure, Jan.
No. 225191
>>225152The infamous kotex pale pink kawaii bedroom that got her to where she is today. Slacking in her career, sucking Hiroshi's micropenis and trying to stay relevant.
You can even tell its her old room… the lighting. It all looks era 2012 kota? Must be something in her room giving her that glow. I remember she used to bitch about using reflectors and stuff on Tumblr to people who asked. Did she ever even use them or was it all just lightened up on photoshop and hours of edit?
I know for a factor her Japan blog pictures and the videos in her old apartment were all bright lights and shit.
Its almost 2017 and Im curious as to what this new kota is going to bring up to the table.
Will we get fresh milk? Or will koot finally get the boot?
No. 225195
File: 1483224077892.png (103.95 KB, 640x899, IMG_4165.PNG)

Her boob. Is literally. Sagging on the side.
No. 225205
>>225203Exactly. Kaka was always the mangey skinny one.
Sure dakota's weight gain wasn't due to birth control though? implants or anything? idk how it works in Japan but maybe it all piled on and her doing shit all while playing video games thus eating doesn't help either?
No. 225211
>>225195Be funny if she was only home due to losing her modelling job.
>>225203Who the fuck keeps clothing from when they were wee teens … And its like she's also saying she's wearing Kaka's clothing to excuse her shit style and clothing. ( It does look like a thrift store/second hand konda outfit )
No. 225397
>>225363Why can't Hiroshi get her drama parts then? Taylor got a role and she can't speak Japanese for shit since they got a voice over which was awful.
The closest drama kota was on was that Kiss tv show.
No. 225420
>>225397she looks really pretty here.
wtf is up with japanese reality tv? It always has an audience reacting to it, is there a name for that? I feel like there's nothing this sickly sweet and artificial in the west
No. 225428
>>225420She looks decent here at the most but her face is still incredibly longish. She's average pretty at the most but still prettier than her sister I say. But not model tier at all.
Its because snogging in Japan is seldom and shit like that. Plus they love going overboard with emotions and being cute. In the UK or US people just kiss like no tomorrow and its seen as nothing special.
No. 225476
>>225203This is how I read it as well. "I'm so smol i fit into teenager clothes, totes not a hambeast".
>>225190This reminds me of how Kaka couldn't afford to check a luggage and wore that one outfit in Japan. It's kind of worrying that they can't afford the 20 or so dollars to simply check luggage.
No. 225493
>>225190A backpack would be a carry on/personal item though.
The only situation i can imagine is that she was traveling alone to the airport (perhaps via subway/bus/etc.) and didn't want to have to carry so much luggage. It's embarrassing on public transit and a pain since some trains haven't got escalators or elevators.
No. 225632
File: 1483263339411.png (75.37 KB, 640x670, IMG_4246.PNG)

So fucking kawaii omg!!
No. 225656
File: 1483276639250.jpg (836.72 KB, 2156x1339, 1483221985127.jpg)

>>225151She looks really pretty without excessive editing. I wish I could understand why she bothers with this.
No. 225680
>>225211Is it really that weird to keep stuff you used to wear in middle school? If it still fits and can work with your current style, why throw it out?
>>225656Oof. Neither of those pictures are flattering.
No. 225724
>>225717It is a little. But I guess thats also because my mom bought my clothing and chose it at that age, and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing cartoon shirts and bottoms. Also wasn't Kaka into scene clothing at that age ? Non of what koot's is wearing looks like something Kaka would wear.
This clothing looks straight up old, like old as in she picked clothing out of her mothers closet because she's too chunky to wear anything Kaka wore, especially when Kaka was younger and even thinner then she is now.
No. 225726
I dont think Kaka will go far in that career at all though. I dont wish her the best either because shes a piece of shit. But tens the betting Dakota will try doing something similar this year too.
No. 225740
File: 1483300280299.jpg (668.74 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpg)

Thought I'd join in the deshooping again …
No. 225759
File: 1483303641556.jpg (564.35 KB, 790x960, img1483302652551.jpg)

Oops deleted because I thought it was wrong one… It was right! My first deshoop.
No. 225781
>>225759this is prob the most accurate one
it really looks like her meaty jaw
No. 225906
>>225759Not bad, her upper lip needs to be reduced and her eyes need to be closer together while one is higher than the other. Her forehead also needs to match the jaw width.
Interestingly your deshoop made me notice how her turtleneck is all fucked up due to shoop around her neck. Same for the cat's arm becoming huge.
No. 225996
>>225173Koot is an alien fetus in this pic but that kitty is adorbs
10/10 would pet and give kisses
No. 226003
>>225195Look at Kiki's tits. They're saggy as all hell.
Looks like kotex has it just as bad, maybe worse. shitty titty genes
No. 226223
>>225685It's a little weird, since Dakota claimed she didn't go home for the holidays 2 years ago because of money issues, andnif she doesn't have a marriage visa, this would be around the time she would need to renew (3 years since her last home trip). You have to leave Japan while your visa is being renewed. So far though she's still on Bravo's website.
>>225195I love that she forgot about the rolls and stretched fabric of the shirt on her belly lol
No. 226253
>>225190As in, she forgot to bring extra clothes back while visiting FL? Did she not bring any luggage or anything with her?
>>225724This. That abomination doesn't look like anything Kiki ever wore or would ever wear. And it definitely wouldn't fit Dakota if Kiki wore it in middle school, Kiki was half hernsize even when they were both little.
No. 226255
File: 1483340062499.png (129.27 KB, 640x1030, IMG_3507.PNG)

>>226223Maybe she can't afford to pay her taxes and she's trying to skip out to save money.
No. 226318
>>226253Actually look back on Kiki's old yearbook picture from when she actually DID attend school. The one where her hair is like it is now currently before her emo days. She's got that ugly rainbow necklace on and some horrid graphic blue shirt.
She would have worn shit like that anon. It's only growing up did she realise that stuff was ugly. Then again she would have been young and not probably have cared much about fashion anyway.
No. 226349
>>226335Not just that anon but have a look at the 2005 pics of kaka where she's in a shitty thing 1 t-shirt and other ugly clothes. So yes, I am comparing it. She probably had more clothes than just a fucking rainbow unicorn t-shirt anon. Kaka and koot have never had good fashion taste, EVER.
Everything was and is always paired weirdly. Especially with Dakota.
No. 226424
>>226357Same here they were fake but they looked pretty. Thing is they take too much time and she's a lazy cunt. Her style is different now anyway…
>>226391It really does. I know Venus has a large following still but she's still freak either way. Japanese already caught on to dakota's bullshit anyway so they can't be fooled again.
No. 226490
>>226424Well, then its the lazy cunts fault she's irrelevant,poor and fat. Fame and money don't come for free, and editing videos is better then waiting around to get noticed in a country that has actual beauty standards that she doesn't meet.
Her popularity and image are fake and she may as well go back to her safe space where she can continue to fake it.
No. 226792
>Her Mothers old clothes She would never fit Kiki's old middle school clothing, not at the weight/size she's at.
Maybe she's home begging for money from mom and dad. Anyways she doesn't get any jobs so I'm sure she isn't missing out on anything by being back at home. For all we know she might be deciding not to return because she misses America and her Edgelord sister. ( This was the first time she's been home in like 2 years ) Florida is full of weeby crap if she needed a fix.
No. 226819
>>226801She only has ugly oversized sweaters and one pair of shoes. What's there to bring?
If anything it's a chance to beg for some money from the parents without having to admit she failed.
No. 226943
>>226820She definitely had a bag on hand. I highly doubt she's borrowing her sisters skiddies ( underwear ) too. She probably saw here that she is being called fat/chubby and wanted to rub it in our faces that she's soooo smol.
Bitch should just hit the gym rather then try to pull the wool over our eyes.
No. 227028
File: 1483495141323.jpg (183.42 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Lol. I wonder why they removed it. Possible because of obvious bought views
No. 227030
File: 1483495220176.png (673.51 KB, 938x604, Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 8.59…)

>>227028I also find it strange that she's posting in english…
No. 227031
File: 1483495253297.png (491.88 KB, 938x602, Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 8.59…)

>>227030Sorry for the spam.. She posted 3 times.
No. 227035
>>227028>SNSdoes she know that only her cringey old lady sister uses that term? it's retarded
>>227030Is she literally posing in Walmart? Because it looks like she's at an empty Walmart at like 3 am… If so that's sad on so many levels. And her mom probably took the pic.
>>227031oh hey her eyebrows don't look straight up retarded here and she actually left some wrinkles under her eyes
The way she shoops out every blood vessel in the whites of her eyes is so unsettling
No. 227043
>>227038Over 1mil
>>227031Do I spot natural toned down lips ? I was starting to forget what her natural shooped lips looked like in comparison to her typical anus lips.
No. 227049
File: 1483496754268.jpeg (160.71 KB, 749x964, image.jpeg)

>>227028Just noticed this. She's so vain.
No. 227083
>>227049The only reason that anyone would assume that you're a child, Koots is because you shoop yourself into one (most likely to compete with an actual child model).
But this shit confirms that she is just as obnoxious and full of herself as ever.
No. 227090
>>227030that outfit….. …….. …..
>>227031………well the lips look better
No. 227113
File: 1483502272194.jpg (143.98 KB, 1160x583, Capture.JPG)

Deshoop out of boredom
No. 227244
>>227047Idk, but I don't think she's staying this long in America because she wants to.
>>227028If they remove her heart braid hairstyle one in gonna laugh so hard. She bought over 4.9Mil views for that one.
No. 227245
File: 1483522440393.png (113.73 KB, 640x998, IMG_3527.PNG)

She followed some meme page for some reason. Probably for some kind of promo maybe?
No. 227255
File: 1483527518979.png (83.97 KB, 640x846, IMG_3532.PNG)

>>227245And now she doesn't, lol.
Hi Dakota!
No. 227257
File: 1483527704320.png (119.14 KB, 297x297, Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 5.55…)

>>227049In 9 fucking hours … She waste no time in buying those views and likes and comments. She's aiming to have this one taken down as well at this rate.
Keep it up Koot's, Ig will eventually remove your entire IG for violating terms of service.
No. 227277
>>227028>im so smol liek child that must be why it was taken down, not the bot views>SNSI bet she's so mad that the paid views went up in a puff of smoke that she had to compliment herself in the same breath.
>>227030what the fuck is this mess hahah
No. 227280
>>227277Its always sad when someone has to compliment themselves to excuse and distract from stupidity.
She's dressed like one of those cheap fake Russian hookers in the movies. It looks like she's in an ikea store, maybe picking out new furniture for her bedroom ? ( Maybe secretly moving back home, maybe her contracts about to end reaaaallllyy soon. )
No. 227326
>>227304What jobs ? like 2-3 every other month… if even.
She can stay as long as she wants since she rarely gets anything. Maybe she took down the apartment tour video because she's abandoning ship and sent everything home via mail ( not that she owned a whole lot as her apartment was practically barren ).
No. 227327
>>227030Posing in a deserted Best Buy.
I'm cringing, she's back to being a dumbass. Doesn't take long around the Ostrengas.
No. 227347
>>227346It's already obvious that's she's back to being just like Kiki.
I had hopes for her.
Oh well.
No. 227384
>>227330>>227035Yeah guys, what
>>227383 said. A lot of people use SNS in Japan so chill. My boyfriend & his friends use it.
No. 227389
>>227352How often do they update the Bravo website ?
Maybe if someone has nothing to do they can cross check all the models ( female ) to see if its only Koots that doesn't appear as a Bravo model on that site.
No. 227404
>>227384>>227383im sure these are joke posts but keeks was calling social media "sns" way back in myspace days.
i have literally never seen anyone use it in my entire life, anywhere, but when keeks uses it and now when kotex used it.
No. 227450
>>227446Dude she gets the "any white chick will do" gigs… like idk once or twice a month if lucky.
>>227424I'm curious to see what she does if she does get the boot. I wonder if she'd follow IG trends and start drawing cholo makeup on her face. ( what I personally think of the trending makeup )
No. 227459
File: 1483560897068.jpg (435.9 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpg)

Sorry to samefag.
But damn Kooter fuzz, this must sting like a bitch. Not even Taylor's worst vloggs does this piss poor.
No. 227594
>>227570I've seen a lot of actual models around Tokyo, the kind that's 6ft, 15 year old catwalk-looking girl with long hair parted in the middle, and never wears makeup. The kind that makes you go "Damn, she's definitely here for modeling". They all look like clones of each other. But they're the ones who get
real jobs. Like big brands commercial/fashion shows model jobs. Not "I'm a model in Japan" weeb TV show appearances.
No. 228180
>>227574She pulled that wool but it was with a long game of professional level shooping and crazy after effects.
Normal people weren't even aware such things were possible. I remember posts (which were probably Kota herself in retrospect) posting "it's not AE, that's her real face!" Plus it was hard to believe that anyone would actually go great lengths to morph their face at the time.
No. 228292
>>228180Its really unbelievable how much dedication and work she put into those shoops and AE( virtual reality )… To bad she couldn't put that effort and dedication into her actual real life. How far she has fallen.
Lazy cunt..
No. 228304
File: 1483667843819.jpg (119.82 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Jesus fuck … Almost 5 mil … She doesn't believe in subtlety what so ever.
>>228299Really makes you wonder what her shoops and videos would look like if she never left for Japan. She'd probably actually be doing really financially well and have product deals with companies like Wengie. Instead she preferred a title " model " even though is was low tier nobody shit.
No. 228322
>>228304And only 700 comments… sure Kota.
Not exactly the same, but I was curious and looked up a video on Kim Kardashian's IG. It was posted three months ago, and has about 12m views, so Kota's has a little less than half of that. Then I see that Kim's video has a crazy 18.3k comments, while Kota has a whopping 700 on hers. So I cal total BS.
(Yes Kim's IG has 90m followrs, but comparing a view:comment ratio, its somewhat similar)
No. 228444
File: 1483686366750.jpg (91.7 KB, 1080x1080, 15803576_111346742703791_36639…)

Collared shirt + tie choker…? Wut. Her sense of style is tragic.
No. 228451
>>228444Damn, this pic is so cute.
It's in style, has been for months. People are wearing 90s stuff and velvet ribbon/string cord chokers are the main staple. Honestly at this point I wonder what's wrong with girls who DON'T have one yet.
No. 228454
File: 1483688931028.gif (1.93 MB, 380x499, What A Mess.gif)

>>228444She could have left out that shoestring choker and that outfit would have been somewhat decent despite the pentacle necklace.
>>228451She overdid it anon, the top portion of that shirt is meant to seem like a choker by itself, she ruined it with the mismatched piece of string lol.
No. 228457
File: 1483690155798.jpg (38.61 KB, 619x432, 234657568568648.jpg)

>>228451I don't even hate kota and I know she looks fucking terrible in this pic. What is cute about it? The way she's shooped her face/head is actually off-putting and scary, and as others have said, the outfit is a tragedy. She's mashing random aesthetics together and it doesn't work.
Also those shoestring chokers look ridiculously trashy, are you drunk?
No. 228465
>>228451yeah but you don't wear all of them at once lol
>Honestly at this point I wonder what's wrong with girls who DON'T have one yet.because 90's fashion was awful and not everybody likes it?
No. 228483
>>228304Taylor: 232k followers
Most recent video views:
Dakota: 117k followers
Most recent video views:
No. 228511
File: 1483707809215.png (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-12-09-12-16-40…)

>>228444Lol that fetus face shoop. Any agency/business/client that hires her must be so disappointed.
No. 228514
File: 1483708066382.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-12-09-12-19-37…)

>>227049Girl if this is what you think a child looks like, you need better circle lenses.
No. 228525
File: 1483710280440.jpg (135.38 KB, 749x843, image.jpg)

>>228444Kooter fuzz needs to wash her fucking hair … It looks greasy af. And I doubt she'll make it in LA as she can't even make it in low tier modelling in Japan. Bitch is stiff in front of the camera and LA won't be as kind about her shooping as Japan is.
No. 228584
File: 1483722511499.jpg (592.08 KB, 1915x2553, image.jpg)

Okay.. Sorry to same fag and bring up something already proven .. Just creeped Kaka's IG and wanted to state and ask something
1) Did Kooter fuzz gift her sister those shoes ? She was that broke ? I'm so sure they were in her house tour video plus taken with her to Japan years ago. ( or did she actually move all her stuff back to Florida ?? )
2) kek, is Kooter trying to imply that those shoes were " size 5 " that kaka is wearing. Funny, and just sorta proves she was never size 5 during that time if Keeks is wearing them now.
No. 228605
>>228584>Did Kooter fuzz gift her sister those shoes ?Idk if she gave Kiki those shoes but she has left a lot of her old clothes/shoes/etc at her parent's house that Kiki wears from time to time.
They could've just gotten matching pairs. Those shoes aren't expensive at all.
>kek, is Kooter trying to imply that those shoes were " size 5 "She's actually implying they're smaller. (I wear a 22.5 and I'm a size 5/5.5)
I believe she's a size 22.5. Iirc, her modeling profile has always said that was her shoe size. I also remember that she once bought a pair of shoes from rakuten where the smallest size they sold for them was a 23, and in the pictures of her wearing them, they did seem to be a little big on her.
No. 228618
File: 1483728479935.jpg (311.29 KB, 1112x1977, IMG_8402.JPG)

Types of comments she leaves.
No. 228620
File: 1483728555712.jpg (302.33 KB, 1134x2015, IMG_8404.JPG)

Types of comments she deletes.
No. 228623
File: 1483729071327.jpg (72.06 KB, 750x468, image.jpg)

>>228605 True. Still Kooter fuzz was claiming that she wore size five when she bought them and if they are the same ones that she was wearing then, then they most certainly were not size 5 if Keeks is wearing them now.
( I'm a size five aswell, and wearing runners or flat shoes .5 to a full size bigger is fine .. But heels are just a nope and hurt like a bitch if they're not the correct size. )
I just found it odd for Keeks to be suddenly wearing them while we've been speculating Koots of being in LA . Also if Kiki did move then maybe that explains why Koots had a picture in what looked to be ikea. Home decor shopping for Keeks ?
>>228608That's actually google translate since this post was originally written in Japanese.
No. 228671
>>228618This is why Dakota and Kaka fail so much. They fail to bring good content to the table and only want praise when they don't work for shit.
In this day and age to be relevant online you have to throw content out. Good quality stuff otherwise: no one cares.
Dakota has not got a chance in hell ever beating half the Instabaddies at their own game. Instagram will not bring her anything because she doesn't suit the aesthetic. Her or her sister.
She was doing well when she first started the doll thing and updated her blog but there was room for improvement like making things look more presentable. Now she doesn't bother doing anything.
No. 228683
>>228483The 4.9 mill views is so ridiculous and inflated, even compared to her other video views.
>>228678Honestly, she probably could have had more success over here after her initial blow up, but it would have been a lot harder for her to hide the fact that she's all photoshop.
No. 228688
you obv aren't a girl. its so embarrassing when guys have no idea what they're talking abt.
No. 228774
File: 1483742236449.jpg (844 KB, 800x1138, gemma-ward-08x.jpg)

>>228454She couldve lost the choker OR wore a normal sweater, not sure why her stylist chose both? i honestly hate the choker sweater trend. thankfully fast fashion works in weeks.
>>228457I just think that ps job looks like a precious baby doll there, like 2000s gemma ward!
>>228465I agree that is was awful but come on. you have to be one of the only few weird ass millenials who doesn't romanticize the 90s.
>>228688I am a girl, and I've seen pretty much every ig girl with like any followers wearing a string choker. theyre cute and basic enough to go with everything, and only like $4 at h&m.
No. 228784
File: 1483743302897.gif (679.3 KB, 779x767, output_AWKXhK.gif)

you guys are a bad influence on me and this is mean but
No. 228785
File: 1483743520498.png (646.15 KB, 779x767, overlay.png)

if she REALLY does wanna look this way irl, she could get it done in korea for like, 3 grand. those surgeons could make even a deformed woman incredibly lovely.
No. 228787
File: 1483744555808.jpg (184.33 KB, 1080x1080, kootitooot.jpg)

You ain't fooling anyone
No. 228791
>>228774What stylist? Bitch doesn't have a stylist.
She picks this shit herself. She's just fashion-illiterate. Always has been.
She looks nothing like Gemma there.
No. 228796
>>228774she said once Gemma Ward was her favorite model. she wishes she looked like her.
>>228785she makes her eyes farther apart and larger tho, there's no surgery for that.
No. 228822
>>228796I thought that it was Vlada who was her favorite. she certainly based her pre-kawaii shoop style on her.
>>228815I actually don't think her chin or really any part of her face is hideous. It's just that it doesn't suit kawaii fashion/Japanese beauty standards at all. Not her fault, just the way her face matured. Kind of ironic though considering.
No. 228900
>>228831Ah, I see.
Funny how when Koots was little she was always dressing in/like Kaka's scene weenie clothing, and now its the older sis trying to look/dress like the younger one.
No. 229169
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>>229064How far she has fallen …
Fuckin hell she's aged sooooo badly.
No. 229170
>>229169Wtf is that thing on her head? Is it supposed to look like a bullet hole? Gross even if that's what it's meant to be.
This was my fave era of hers though, cuter and a hell of a lot easier to pull off in person. Guess Dakota just wants to fail though, she keeps wasting time editing herself to be inhuman rather than working hard for her 'career'.
No. 229184
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>>229170Same. She was actually pretty cute back then that its crazy how badly she aged in just a few years.
Its from a really old photo shoot she did. I've been digging thru old crap.
No. 229187
>>229169Lol, I remember seeing pics like this when she first went to Japan and laughing at how far from her magical shoops she was. Now looking back: wtf? She was gorgeous, why didn't we see it before?
She looks like a bloated corpse these days.
No. 229207
>>229169She wasn't
THAT far off from her shoops back then… I think her eye makeup really distracted from her jaw. Now that she hardly wears eye makeup and does that exaggerated lipliner it really draws attention to the lower portion of her face.
No. 229244
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>>229224She also use to contour her jaw alot too. I remember someone saying they spotted her at the modelling agency and said she was cute and wore alot of shadowing/bronzer on her jaw. ( Though I can't remember if the person was confirmed as real when they were posting about it … Its been awhile )