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No. 224892
Springs1 (or Springs131) is the handle of a mysterious woman who's been terrorizing the blogosphere for over a decade. Her singular passion is foodservice etiquette, and she crusades across the Internet with no regard for borders, from male shaving forums ( to foodservice blogs ( to reddit to conspiracy theory forums ( to bridal communities (, to argue with others about what PERFECT waitstaff behavior should look like.
Not much is known about Springs1 aside from her obsession with foodservice and penchant for
INSULTS, ALL CAPS, AND ASTERISKS**, though she does mention a husband, friends, and ranch dressing in some of her rambling screeds. Somebody allegedly managed to obtain a picture of her years ago, but it has been lost to time. Although Springs1 has gained quite the following on the blogosphere, with some fans going so far as to create fanfiction and a Springs1 text generator, today she can be found primarily on reddit, where she magically manages to appear whenever a discussion about foodservice etiquette or tipping can be found. There's a lot of digging to be done on Springs1 due to the sheer scope of the places she's visited and the amount of time she's been proselytizing online, but here are some links to provide a general understanding of her antics.
*LINKS:* (current) (inactive) (inactive) (inactive - her infamous blogs) (inactive)
No. 224896
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>>224893Your wish is my command!
>>224894She popped up on Subredditdrama a while ago, and a little later my memory was spiked when she posted elsewhere. She's apparently pretty infamous in the middle-aged woman parts of the internet; for example, Get Off My Internets (GOMI) worships her. Here's one of the SRD threads:>>224895Here are some links with more information: are some blogs dedicated to hating on her: No. 224898
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She had a storied career on thebump until she was banned. She's childless btw No. 224899
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There is apparently a picture of her still out there.
No. 224900
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I think I've found a new favorite cow, thanks OP
her ramblings are crazy and amusing at the same time
No. 224903
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>>224901She's definitely not a troll; she's been at it for at least >10 yrs. I've seen some people claim 15 and some claim 20, but it's hard to tell for sure since she hits random forums and many of the older ones have probably long since closed.
>>224902She's something, that's for sure. The fact that she's married is incredible.
No. 224909
The text generator is the best. Sage for retardation.
WHAT the fuck did *YOU** just fucking say about me, *YOU* LITTLE BITCH????!???? I’ll have YOU* know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’VE been involved in numerous SECRET raids on AL-QUAEDA, and I have over 300 CONFIRMED KILLS.!!!!1!1!1 I am TRAINED in gorilla WARFARE AND I’m the top SNIPER in the entire US armed forces.!1!!! *YOU* ARE NOTHING TO me but just another target.!!!!!1 I will wipe YOU** the fuck OUT with PRECISION the LIKES* of which has never been seen BEFORE ON this EARTH, MARK my fucking words.!!!!!1! You think YOU* can get AWAY WITH SAYING that shit to me over the Internet??!!!?!! THINK AGAIN, fucker.!1!111!! As WE speak I am CONTACTING MY secret network *OF* spies across the USA and YOU IP is BEING** TRACED right now SO* YOU* better prepare for the storm, maggot.!!1!1!1! THE storm THAT wipes out the pathetic little THING YOU* CALL YOU** life.!11!1!1 You’re fucking dead, kid.!!!1!!1!1 I can be ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, and I can kill YOU** IN over seven HUNDRED** ways, AND** that’s just WITH MY bare hands.!1!11 Not only am I EXTENSIVELY TRAINED** IN unarmed *COMBAT,* but I have access to the entire ARSENAL of the United States MARINE CORPS and I** will use IT to ITS full EXTENT to wipe YOU** miserable ass OFF the face OF the continent, YOU** little SHIT.!!1!! If ONLY *YOU could have known what unholy retribution YOU* LITTLE “clever” comment *WAS** about to bring down UPON *YOU maybe YOU* would have held YOU* fucking tongue.!1111!!1 BUT YOU* couldn’t, YOU DIDN’T, and now YOU* paying the price, YOU** goddamn IDIOT.!11!11!1 I WILL shit FURY all over YOU** *AND* YOU* WILL drown IN it.!11!1!!1 You’re fucking dead, kiddo.!1!!1!!
No. 224910
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>>224909Kek thanks for that anon.
No. 224911
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>>224908mfw amys baking company
No. 224914
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>>224913>why doesn't she just… not go to restaurants? instead of being mad every time?What would she have left if she couldn't get mad anymore? It's her hobby and one true passion; she spends HOURS writing these screeds a few times a week.
No. 224915
>>224903It makes sense for the waitress to pick up the dishes before putting in the drink order instead of coming back for them, bitch has no common sense.
>Two containers of RanchLike her fat ass needs it.
No. 224919
>>224908>mfw she lives in my state.Only one Amy's Baking Company that I know of, unless she was just passing through.
>>224899I'm morbidly curious and really wish that guy posted a pic of her.
No. 224921
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>>224919Oh, the Amy's Baking Co thing was fanfiction. Springs1 almost exclusively visits trashy chain restaurants like Applebees, Friday's, etc.
No. 224923
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>>224922>Well, this happened in September of 2013, it STILL HURTS TO THIS DAY. This is one of the best things about Springs1; she holds grudges FOREVER. She remembers every exact detail of what some waiter did at some shitty chain restaurant half a decade ago, and her raw anger as she recalls the experience is as strong as if she had just gotten home from the restaurant.
No. 224926
>>224925Honestly maybe I am. I feel after reading how ever slight and forgotten lemon wedge is recalled and brought up in argument even after years have passed by her truly gives me that impression…
Sage because I reached hard and only ended up with handfuls of ranch..
No. 224932
>>224930I love you
How did you find us?
No. 224944
"Not all of us are running out of time before dying of obesity related illnesses like you, we can wait a few more minutes before the waitress deliver our drinks"
Well you love waiting, but 99.999% of NORMAL people HATE IT and you know it.
Most people would rather have their drinks than to worry about another table that has dirty dishes. People's thirst, time and hunger are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than objects. Who cares what's on the next table? If you aren't in a hurry, why did you bother ordering your drinks and just tell your server that you need more time? Seriously, I do that when I don't know what I want.“After a few minutes our waitress came to take our drink order. 1 diet cola, 1 root beer, 1 lemonade and 1 child's lemonade. 15 minutes later she returned with the drinks and took our food order.”
“After about 5 min. we gave up the rolls and went ahead eating our salads.”
“Approximately 20 min. later she returned with our salads.”“My breaking point is when after 15 min with no drink”
“we asked for the check and to go meal .That turned out to be another 20 minutes !!!!!”“We set there for a time before she took our drink orders, she was slow giving us refills.”“After waiting 45 minutes to be seated it took 10 minutes for the waitress to come to the table. After waiting another 25 minutes for our food, the waitress brought 2 orders that were wrong. I took an additional 15 minutes to get replacement orders and even after that, one of them were still wrong.”
These are just a few of the ones I found on the internet. LOTS and LOTS of people DO CARE about TIME and DO
TIME their service.
You are the ODDBALL who wants to wait longer than necessary for their stuff. NOBODY likes waiting, even you don't. You say you don't mind, but WHO REALLY LOVES IT, seriously??? These are just SOME of many examples I can pull up.
I am not obese. I am 94 and 3/4's of a pound this morning, am 5'0" tall.
No. 224947
"Good lord reading her posts is a real autism rollercoaster. I particularly enjoyed the story about a waitress ruining her life by forgetting to bring the three (!) sides of mayo and accidentally charging for complimentary pickles."
First off, I am not autistic. Secondly, she didn't "accidentally" overcharge us, because she didn't even
GO LINE BY LINE OVER THE CHECK IDIOT. She just wrote "thank you" on the check rather than actually
the check, so that was no mistake. Also, it truly could have been done intentionally to get a higher tip, because she knows lots of people are so trusting and lazy they won't read their checks for accuracy. An extra buck she would have had for 20% if you rounded up, that's a lot for every table she does this to. You'd be surprise of the sneaky servers out there. Some will do whatever they can to steal.
Did you read about this asshole: servers are not honest. See that would have never gotten me to give more, because I don't use tips as a "CHARITY", I use it as what it was MEANT to be for
SERVICE. Also, you never know you might have cancer or your loved ones have cancer and need that money. Those customers were suckers playing into that server's game. Not everyone is honest out there.
No. 225005
Do you have a preference on ranch dressing? What is the ultimate Texture/taste/feel for ranch?
No. 225026
DOING THIS, ffs. It only makes harder to take you seriously.
No. 225047
"Honest question, Springs - why do you keep going out to restaurants if it just pisses you off so much? Why not pick higher-end places that'll focus on service? Or do you think Red Lobster is high end?"
No we have had bad service at fine dining lots of times. Ruth's Chris the waitress forgot my refill, then she got the dessert order wrong when I had asked for blueberries on my cheesecake she gives me blueberry SAUCE. That's not blueberries. It's just like apples aren't applesauce. I didn't say "SAUCE", but she was too stupid to ask if since they had both. I was going by that my husband's grandmother got a piece of cake for her birthday right before I had ordered this dessert that had no sauces, just pieces of fruit which one of them was blueberries.
Also, we had gone to a place that is called BR Prime in Beau Rivage that the cheapest steak was in 2011 $89. That's how expensive that restaurant is. Anyway, our bill was almost $300, but the waiter forgot my margarita to grab it from the bar WITH NO APOLOGY, then he also took 8-10 minutes just to get a coke, then same amount of time 8-10 minutes for a refill of coke. For an almost $300 meal(one bottle of wine was $89), but still would have been pretty darn expensive of a meal for only 2 people, you would think you'd get better service.
Another time, went to a restaurant called Carnival De Brazil in Imperial Palace Casino that was a fine dining type of restaurant, which our check for the 2 of us was around $140. The waiter overcharged us on a margarita that I ordered from the drink menu as it came(no alterations), $12 when it was $10. Instead of being nice when I had told him, he did at least say he was sorry, but then said the complete 100% opposite that "It's must be a misprint." I wanted to ring his neck(NOT literally, but you understand what I am saying). There's NO SUCH THING as a misprint if I consented to $10, I consented to $10. I am not paying $12. I didn't tell him that I only had told him that it was the wrong price, so after he said it was a misprint he left to fix it. Then he came back, NO COMP(you would think you'd get a comp for that, NOPE, at least a coke off the bill). Anyway, so when he came back because I was SOOOO MAD his not admitting fault that he could have noticed this BEFORE he handed it to us and gotten it FIXED FROM THE MANAGER BEFORE** he handed it to us for him saying that "misprint" comment, I told him as he came back with the fixed check "You do know we don't order from the computer right?" His response was "I fixed it didn't I?" We should have stiffed him, but instead we gave him 11% could have had 25% before this. This was OUR FIRST AND ONLY TIME THERE and it looks like the place has been closed, GEE I WONDER WHY? First time there and we knew more than the staff, that's crazy.
At none of these restaurants that I just mentioned did we receive ONE COMP, NOT ONE.
So NO, my outlook doesn't change because of the restaurant. We have had some of the VERY BEST service at restaurants like Chili's honestly. I gave $20 for a christmas bonus to a waiter that we had for a number of years because every single time we had him, he gave us such excellent service never hardly messing up hardly ever, trying his best, being nice, etc. That was at a CHILI'S.
It doesn't matter what the restaurant is, it's WHO serves you.
We have tipped 25% at IHOP even. It doesn't matter what the restaurant cost is. I don't get WHY you think it should?
We just tipped $17 on a $57 and something cent check today. That's right, $17. This was at a Chili's. What does that tell you IDIOT? That the prices and the restaurant doesn't matter to the service.
Some of these restaurants were MUCH WORSE than most of the time at Denny's or IHOP(in generally speaking) service, seriously.
HIGH END DOESN'T MEAN SHIT YOU DUMB ASS IDIOTIC FOOL! It depends on if the server is a HARD, CARING WORKER or not that serves you dummy.
Good service is dependent on the SERVER**, NOT on what kind of restaurant it is or what if the prices are high or not.
No. 225052
>>225047>we have had bad service at fine dining lots of times>Ruth's Chris Yep that inadvertently answers my high end question lmao. None of those places you mentioned are high end - the Imperial Palace was such a shithole that they bulldozed it to build a ferris wheel. High end means things like michelin stars and prix fixe, not shit-tier steakhouses lmao.
Confirmed for fat midwesterner with them tastes, wew lad
No. 225056
Do you have a preference on ranch dressing? What is the ultimate Texture/taste/feel for ranch?"
HATE hidden valley, Ken's, and Kraft ranch.
I love chili's, Red lobster, Applebee's mexi-ranch(NOT regular ranch), Outback is OK, but not spectacular, Longhorn is OK, Texas Roadhouse is OK, Hate honey mustard and tartar sauce at Chili's, love tartar sauce at Red Lobster, hate bbq anything at Applebee's, Outback is pretty good for bbq and so is chili's.
Sometimes I go to the restaurant because they have good "whatever condiment I am in the mood for." Without the condiment, I wouldn't want to eat that crap. It makes it taste better.
Before I got sick 3 times from hotpockets(threw up once, got SEVERE ALL DAY INTERNAL GAS PAINS TWICE from this shit, I decided to NEVER buy that crap again), I used to for example dip the bbq beef hot pockets in mayo.
I do use my leftover restaurant ranch to dip for example some chicken in some frozen dinners such as lean cuisines.
I don't love every restaurant's ranch. Some do suck, most don't though. Sam's doesn't sell all the restaurant's different ranches. I have tried to look for them at all restaurants.
Heinz ranch is so awesome and you can only buy it at like Amazon, but you have to buy like hundred something packs of it, which that's not worth the price when I get ranch for free at restaurants that they don't charge for it and is still better and fresher. The thing is, that's the ONLY STORE bought(which it's not available in ANY STORE, I have LOOKED IN EVERY STORE I CAN THINK OF, even visited some fast food places that are located with a gas station that serve food, none. I discovered it at a pizza place at a movie theater and it was really good for a packaged ranch. It sucks they don't sell it in stores considering it's Heinz, but it's REALLY GOOD if you like ranch. Wishbone is acceptable, but not so great like I even think GV(great value at Walmart is a little better(a step up), but that's if I have no ranch at home I will eat it.
Chili's tartar sauce sucks. Not everyone's sauces are good. That's also my personal taste of course.
No. 225066
>>225059just because you got ripped off doesn't make it high end kek those restaurants are built to rope idiots like you into paying 14 dollars for a baked potato
looking at your other choice of chain restaurants it's clear you have shit-tier tastes. if you'd said joel robuchon's place in vegas instead of some crap-tier paying for the view casino, i'd have gained some respect for you. someplace that, you know, doesn't stock ranch dressing and would be appalled at you for asking for it.
No. 225076
>>224939Why do you google yourself? Do you like the attention?
Also, how do you pick which forums you're going to post on? They seem pretty random.
No. 225077
"Has this woman ever worked in food service? Seriously, if she's that obsessed with it, she should give it a try."
In 1998-2002 off and on a little over 2yrs worth at a donut shop/diner, I was counter help made min. wage plus tips(Could be $20 a shift M-F)(Sat and Sun around $10 tip since we'd have to split between 4-6 people, so weekends sucked). We served regular food items like sandwiches, burgers, fries, chicken tenders, biscuits, croissants, etc. It wasn't just donuts. It just was on a smaller level compared to a waitress, but still the same fucking concept that you had to serve food to the public(had to get things right, refills, bill right, etc.).
Some people say it's not the same, no, but it's not too much different either considering an Outback manager that has the exact donut shop/diner I worked at not too far told me "It's the same thing" when I told him I had worked there for a long time. A manager at Outback KNEW the place, so why would he say that? Sure it's not carrying many plates on a tray and dealing with more customers than I did, but sometimes it was very busy like once at 9p.m. a bus load of people came and I was the only person since 2p.m.-10p.m. shift that time I was working that shift(I a lot of times worked the 6a.m-2p.m. shift). So it was hard when I had other customers come in and drive-thru all by myself. It was hard sometimes. I would say during the summer months it was slow and also other people they hired because they were out of school, so back then I had less hours.
They didn't pay time and a half since it was a small enough company by law they weren't mandated, so sometimes that it wasn't the summer my checks ranged from 50-70hrs a week. I'd sometimes put in double, even once almost a triple shift. Once I worked from 11a.m.(during the week the other counter girl would get off and one person would be from 11a.m -2p.m during M-F, Sat and Sun 6a.m.-12p.m., but one person would be from 12p.m.-2p.m by themselves since it's less busy those times. Well, that day I came in early for my 2p.m. shift, I ended up working after I z-out my register around 6:20a.m. the NEXT MORNING.
LOTS of times I worked 6a.m.-10p.m.(of course that's a little after 10p.m. since we had to z-out our register.) I also worked sometimes 2p.m.-6a.m.(a little after to z-out the register). Sometimes workers would quit on short notice or call in sick on short notice. I had literally perfect attendance throughout my entire time there and only was late due to a car accident once, but still went to work limping and my car was totaled due to someone didn't stop at a stop sign long enough so I was very lucky I didn't get majorly injured.
My point is, I did it and learned A LOT MORE being a customer. I mean when I first started, I made a man keep a raw donut. WHO DOES THAT SHIT? ME, someone that DIDN'T HAVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE BEING A CUSTOMER. It's INHUMAN, but not being a customer I didn't understand it from the OTHER SIDE of how it feels to be a customer until you are. I was only 20yrs old and yes I started very late with my first job since my parents wanted me to concentrate on school rather than a BS job like that. So that's why they didn't want me to work until much later. I didn't even drive until I was 21yrs old. I did things a bit late than most people. My wage was since I had ZERO experience at a job at all, min. wage was $5.15/hr, I went within only a month and a half to $5.50. That's right, that quickly, because they saw I was a hard worker there. Towards the end since they didn't give much raises, I only left with $6.00 /hr plus tips. Anyway, my point is, even when I left college for a while and came back, they didn't start me over since they knew I was(am) a hard worker and didn't do that to me, so that's why I say off and on. I worked there from Jan. 1998 Martin Luther King Day until Aug 1998, went to college again(I had to sit out since they didn't accept people until Aug). I went for a while, it didn't work out, but I did work the holidays and came back for a good long while in 2000 until towards like Nov. of 2000. Then worked then just during times when I was out of college which most people know for example, you have around a month during Dec. and January to go back, easter holidays, etc. \
So anyway, I did TRY it and I learned A LOT MORE of HOW the person feels as the customer when YOU are the person RECEIVING the service*.
It's different when you are serving, because all you see is the person being mean rather than actually seeing it if that were YOUR FOOD OR BILL* HOW WOULD (YOU) FEEL as the customer?
I see now, back then didn't look at it from if that were me. As I said, to make a man keep a raw donut is crazy, don't ya think? I wasn't a customer to understand it from if that were me. I only thought like that with turns or time since everyone at McDonald's or a store, wouldn't want their turn to get cut in front of. Like for example, this lady that was friends with the owner, for some fucking reason, she thought she didn't have to wait her turn. I couldn't stand the bitch. I mean, I told her "That person was before you." I told her that shit. She thought she was the only customer that no one else was waiting before her just because she knew the owner, SO FUCKING WHAT she knew the owner, NO ONE IS ABOVE ANYONE IN THIS UNIVERSE! I treated everyone as equals. In fact, my boss chewed me out, because I didn't let a man that was a regular customer get his coffee because this customer forgot his wallet. WHY should I? I was doing the MORALLY RIGHT THING and then I GET FUSSED, WTF?? EVERYONE IS EQUALS IN THIS WORLD. That's FUCKING SHIT I got fussed for that. I don't care if he forgot his wallet, he shouldn't be driving then. Seriously. It's not fair I got fussed for that crap. EVERYONE IS EQUALS!!
No. 225079
"you don't deserve free food for making up shit to be angry about, you're not the first or only person thinking themselves clever enough to do that lmao"
I NEVER said I "deserved it", I am going by what **OTHER RESTAURANTS DO THAT ARE NOT FINE DINING GIVE YOU AT LEAST A COKE OFF THE BILL FOR FREE), YET, fine dining doesn't, WTF?? That's certainly not fair, it's not. If they do it, WHY not fine dining? A coke is literally PENNIES to the restaurant LITERALLY. Managers even told me it doesn't cost them much. I would think the comp is so you can comp back, it's not to give you free stuff and never come back, that is the incentive here IDIOT.
You give a $2.50 coke, but gain the customer coming back for another $140 meal, gee, if I was a manager I'd give away $2.50 so I could get the person to not write a bad review and not tell people not to come here, it would be worth it in my eyes. It doesn't even cost restaurant $2.50 even if you get 4 refills, it doesn't.
No. 225082
>>225079just because you didn't say the words "i deserve it" doesn't make your sense of entitlement not ring loud and clear. you expected unwarranted compensation for an imagined slight.
it's sad that some restaurant workers are trained to be pushovers because of bullies like you, but i'm glad to know some of them see you for the entitled greedy prat you are
No. 225092
>>225089I second this. I'm the anon that suggested the Wordpress blog. I'd love it if Springs did that. It's really hard to find her reviews when they're scattered across the Internet. A blog would be the best place for this.
I'd be extremely interested in the ranch dressing reviews. There are probably some obscure brands that you could review too.
You could expand it to other condiments too. I bet if your blog got big enough, companies would send you free products to try.
No. 225094
"Those aren't feelings, that's autism. Have you considered seeing a mental health care proffesional with the money you spend on shitty restaurants?"
NO, I am not autistic .
Secondly the restaurants aren't shitty considering they have waits for a table at these places, so that's your opinion, not most people's OBVIOUSLY., I empathize with people so much I am affected when others block people that aren't me in traffic or ask to cut in line, etc.
Read my stealing parking spots and inconsiderate of other people's feelings blog: my driving pet peeves blog: am NOWHERE NEAR a "NON-EMPATHY" person. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH EMPATHIZE with others, that it hurts my feelings when they block others.
Example, just this week. I was in the 2nd lane of a 4 lane blvd where a Chili's/other restaurants parking lot is. This lady was wanting to be in front of my car. She
SELFISHLY BLOCKED* OTHERS. I actually rolled down my window as hers was to tell her while I was sitting at the red light that she was block the entire street to FUCK YOU BITCH. She wasn't altering MY TIME AT ALL, NOT ONE SECOND WORTH by me not letting her in, but I STILL FELT SO BAD FOR THE IDIOT BEHIND THE PERSON THAT DECIDED TO LET HER IN that wasn't supposed to LAWFULLY since this wasn't an intersection, so no one should have done that and secondly, when you go into a lane, you aren't supposed to make a wide turn. You are supposed to follow your lane and make a proper lane change with your turn signal to the next lane. Also, she could have easily went to the tiny right turn only lane and u-turned, instead of blocking everyone. Luckily, the people behind her in the Chili's parking lot was able to get out behind her, but she was blocking the after work going home traffic as it was bumper to bumper. This bitch was so
INCONSIDERATE* of ANYONE ELSE'S FEELINGS EXCEPT HERSELF! See I have gone to Chili's too by myself, but there's a back way, where the next intersection which is right by that right turn only lane is I go to that and turn right. She went out the way of the traffic which I avoid 99.9999% of the time to do, because I don't like when people block me, I won't do it to them.
It hurt my feelings since she was so SELFISH and the ASSHOLE IDIOT behind me let her in the asshole. Seriously, I wish the person behind me would have caught on to her SELFISH WAYS and made her back up the fucking bitch. When you are at a stop sign or place of business, you can't go sideways with your vehicle if it's not clear, because that's impeding/blocking traffic, not only is that ILLEGAL, but it's
HOW can you say I am autistic? I empathize with other all the time.
One day, my husband was driving, since I wasn't driving, at a light, I saw this lady wave "hi" and stop to chit chat with this other lady as someone was behind her. That hurt my feelings even if it wasn't me.
Another time, I saw the building I work in, this is where you have a little arm gate and either take a ticket or swipe your card by it to open it, during lunch time when I was sitting in my car on my cell phone, this old man was being let out while a person behind him was waiting to get into the parking lot. It's so SELFISH. It's like pull over so you can be nice to others and be
CONSIDERATE of other people's feelings and time instead of selfish.
Other times, on the street, seen people drop people off on the street instead of next door there's a store parking lot and literally all they would have had to do is cross the street and that's why I do when my husband comes over or he drops me off, I don't delay someone else's time and not think of someone else's feelings.
I am
SO FUCKING THE OPPOSITE of not having empathy it's not funny.
To this day, it still hurts my feelings that others did this to someone else that wasn't even me.
Another time, this person was blocking someone as I was walking to my car at my work parking lot and wanted to back out. They nicely gave a small honk, and the fucking BITCH ASSHOLES complained to them. I almost wanted to tell them "WHAT
FEEL INCONSIDERATE BITCH!!* I didn't since I park there everyday as I did not want something done to my car, so I said nothing, but I so wanted to put this selfish bitch that was in the conversation that was outside talking to the person in their vehicle blocking innocent people. WHY are people so SELFISH in this world? Seriously, WHY?
I am SOOOOOOOO NOT AUTISTIC IDIOT! I empathize with people that aren't even blocking me or affecting my time even. I sooooo wanted to say something to that bitch that was telling her something just because she honked. Seriously, so people should have to wait so you can finish your conversation, WTF?? As if that bitch would want that done to her? BS if she said yes. That's fucking BS!
No. 225095
"Springs, would you consider starting a Wordpress blog and keeping all your reviews in one place so they're easier to find?"
I have BENNNNNNN HAVING A WORDPRESS BLOG YOU IDIOT, just not reviews: No. 225102
just because you didn't say the words "i deserve it" doesn't make your sense of entitlement not ring loud and clear. you expected unwarranted compensation for an imagined slight.
"it's sad that some restaurant workers are trained to be pushovers because of bullies like you, but i'm glad to know some of them see you for the entitled greedy prat you are"
NO, an overcharge of ANY KIND** is not a slight. A wrong entree or side dish or forgotten to put in order is not a slight. A slight would be a forgotten ranch, forgotten straw, etc.
When you forget to get the bar drink from the bar and wait 25 minutes-25-30 minutes as I have in some restaurants, that's no "slight" amount of time. Someone should give you a coke off the bill, the SERVER** should pay for it out of their money just as I had to pay for my mistakes anything over $2 in my register they'd take it out of my check. Once, it was $80, somehow they found $20 of it was originally $100, not sure but I do think either my boss or co-worker stole it, but I couldn't prove it. Once, I have one to the penny $24.96 and the manager go onto me for nickle and diming people as back then paying with credit cards wasn't nowhere near as popular as today. Well, once I saw that shit that if a customer was short and if the register was short, that I'd have to pay have to pay out of my check after $2, so I would put the money in the register and not ring it up. I wouldn't steal it, but it's not fair to STEAL from your workers because the CUSTOMER is short. If you are short as a customer ONE CENT, you should be REFUSED to be able to pay. That's legally and morally wrong. So he got his money and probably lost more since once in a while put the money in and not ring it up because it's not fair if he wanted to steal, I wasn't going to let him the asshole. The asshole died in 2006, but I did cry because I did deal with him for 4 years off and on during that time, especially I had double and sometimes triple shifts. He was a jerk manager though. I feel if a customer is short, too bad, too sad, you can't buy said item. Either pay with a credit card or check or go to a fucking ATM. My check I deserved EVERY PENNY and they were stealing from the workers to do that shit by making the customer shortages on my paycheck, that's not fair, it's not. If a customer is short, I shouldn't have to have paid for that and for that, he didn't know I was underringing by still putting it in the register for let's say a large coffee that was $1.08 back then, but hey, he wanted to play unfair, I played his game back. STEALING he was from us, so that's not fair or legal.
No. 225127
>>225124You're still hungry and thirsty after you finished your meal that you cannot wait for a server to clear your table of dirty dishes before bringing out some extra drinks?
Are you sick?
No. 225138
"Springs, do you like ketchup? What is your favourite brand? Least favourite?"
I HATE KETCHUP(except I will eat ketchup and mayo ((mixed together)) with boiled seafood). That's the extent of ketchup I would EVER, EVER, EVER eat, because I can't taste the nasty(in my opinion) ketchup taste.
"What, in your opinion, is the worst thing a server could do?"
Be mean to you such as blame someone or something else for their mistake and not to apologize.
"Do you mind if your server has visible tattoos and piercings?"
Doesn't matter what-so-ever.
"Do you prefer male or female servers?"
Doesn't matter. Both I have had good and bad. Same thing with black and white servers. Same thing with (looks like gay servers), in actuality, I have had some of the best servers that were(at least I think) were gay, seemed more caring in most cases. I don't care about how they look, it's how they TREAT YOU*.
"If you had a child and they decided to be a server, would you support their choice?"
OF COURSE. I also would give them pointers as I said when I served people, what not to do such as make a person accept a raw whatever(item). Of course I would support them. WHY wouldn't I?
No. 225143
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>>225124>always hungry>always thirstyanything else on the chart match up moo moo?
No. 225153
>>225150you can eat low calorie foods so you can still lose weight and not be so ravenously HUNGRY AND THIRSTY*
Is this behavior from years of compounded starvation rage?
No. 225164
"I have a hard time believing you ever worked in food service."
"Most people don't mind waiting the few minutes it takes for the waiter or waitress takes to clear off the table, you are just impatient."
Then WHY did I just find ALL OF THOSE people that disagree with you? NOBODY LOVES WAITING. WHY do they have people SPEEDING AND TAILGATING ME, because I go speed limit if everyone loved waiting? WHY 5 people have asked to cut if they love waiting? WHY do people get into fist fights on Black Friday because they love waiting so much?
A few months ago, a lady left her basket to go look to see if some other lines when I was at Walmart Neighborhood market and I went right in front of her basket as she left the line. She said something to me as if the basket that she had was there, I was like "But you left the line, so you lost the spot you
HAD." I mean, if she didn't care about her time, WTF HELL did she say something to me.
Read my post I wrote about recently: will have a DIFFERENT feel for people that you feel aren't impatient, when most people HATE WAITING as to why ALL of these things happened to me. Especially the lady that I wrote about first that couldn't spare 5 seconds after she returned her item to put items into the recycling bin.
"You do realize it's an inconvenience for the server to go fill your drink order, come back and then clear off the table,"
You do realize how
INCONSIDERATE AND UNCARING** of people's wait times, RIGHT?
So you'd rather your server put OBJECTS ahead of you, BULL FUCKING SHIT LIAR YOU ARE BITCH!
HOW is it an inconvenience to
** as THEIR JOB IS SUPPOSED TO BE, HUH? Their job is to buss tables, but not at the expense of the customer's time and also YOU DUMB IDIOT,
"you are not the server's only table."
So you would like your turn to be CUT IN FRONT OF BITCH so you are made to wait LAST?
If other tables are more important,
"The world does not revolve around you,"
The world doesn't care if you make a tip. You got that 1-sided SELFISH UNCARING BITCH! YOU ARE ONLY THINKING OF YOURSELF. Other tables don't matter if it's that person's turn you bitch. YOU MUST LOVE WHEN PEOPLE CUT IN FRONT OF YOUR TURN, DON'T YA??
How would you like it if you had to be somewhere you just asked for your check to leave and then your server goes to 4 other tables and even gets their needs, now you waited 10 minutes to get your check, then instead of ringing you up, goes to 3 other tables, so it takes 15-20 minutes to leave. You know you wouldn't like someone to cut in front of your turn, WHY would you do that to someone else because you are
"but then again with the tons of ranch, mayo, and shit food you eat I am sure you are a large women, thats why you are under the impression the world does revolve around you."
NO, I am not even 100lbs even. This morning, LITERALLY a little after 94 and a half pounds. I am 5'0" tall. I am not a large woman. I am small. I diet every week you FUCKING STUPID MORON IDIOT!
No. 225165
>>225150You do realize crash diets like that wreck your metabolism?
You say you are 94 pounds and 5'0, but I am calling bullshit. I bet you are a heifer.
No. 225169
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>>225164Calm down and take your medication.
No. 225175
"Your diet is absolutely retarded."
It's not, is MUCH EASIER THAN trying to exercise for hours only to burn a tiny bit off. It takes an entire hour to burn 140 calories( a coke). Can you imagine trying to burn off 3,000 or more calories? You can put more in than you can do in one day. That's why it's soooooooooooooo much easier to just be close to starve than to do anything else. I have never thrown up my food since I would rather be fat than to do that, just because it's disgusting and it's much worse on your body. It makes your esophagus, makes you feel icky, and messes with your teeth as well as potassium levels. It's much worse and unhealthy even more so to be bulimic. I never have made myself throw up, because it's just soooooooooooooo much similar just to eat low calories. IT WORKS, I am LIVING PROOF! I'd rather not have to exercise for hours in a gym which during the work week I don't have lots of time for that when I have once a week to vacuum, go to the grocery store, etc. I have exercise in other ways that's not "working out" at a gym. I hate lifting weights. I do love dancing, but I don't always have the time as I have laundry and ironing at least twice during the work week and every 2 weeks dishes and dusting. I also have some exercise at my job as well.
I just wouldn't want to do the gym type of thing even if I did have time. I find exercise when I rode my bike some for some hours, I was hungry and ate MORE. Exercise makes you hungry and DEFEATS THE PURPOSE of it.
It's soooo much easier just to not eat a lot.
No. 225178
>>225175"hardcore restricting and binging is bad for you"
what about that did you not understand? there's such a thing as a healthy way to diet, and making up for lost calories in ranch dressing isn't the way
No. 225180
>>225175Lol so drinking ranch and only vacuuming once a week huh.
So she's definitely an obese midwestern with a 'I demand to speak with the manager' haircut orrrr?
No. 225183
>>225175And now we get to the root of the problem.
You are a classic example of the impatient, selfish, entitled American that will kick and scream to get your way NOW NOW NOW instead of having the patience and courtesy to understand the position others are in. Everything is about serving YOU. Everything is about YOUR needs, YOUR time waiting, YOUR constant demands. Instead of actually putting any sort of effort into bettering yourself or the world around you, you go for the easiest route possible (starving yourself instead of actually exercising) and shift the blame of anything onto the people around you. You'll spend hours complaining about people on the internet, but are blind to the fact that you're a class A hypocrite and selfish bitch yourself. People like you are why servers hate working in the food industry.
No. 225185
>>225165Sage for off topic but the metabolism destruction is a myth. It's not a machine that can break fam.
Can this not turn into yet another ana-chan vs. ignorant fatties thread?
No. 225194
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No. 225198
>>225050I hope you enjoy waiter's and Cook's bodily fluids in your food.
I guarantee you've swallowed some extra special flavorings; so I'm just offering advice
>Cook your own food, lazy autist. No. 225213
You really can't complain about people being "lazy as fuck" when they're busting their ass at slave-like wages to feed you, who has stated that you're too lazy to cook your own meals. If I still worked in food service, I would have spit in your food."
Servers that don't try their best:
1. At times even not write your order down.
2. Not write ALL request down(refills, bags, box, etc.)
3. Not compare their written orders or tickets/computer screen orders to the food for obvious errors.
4. Not compare the menu prices to the check prices to make sure the customers aren't overcharged.
5. Not verify the amount they are even charging you(has happened a few times where the server hands us the wrong amount charged on the credit card along with the check that has the correct amount).
6. Some don't go in the order in which request came in because they are too lazy to do so(like make 2 trips to bring soft drinks and then when the bar drinks is ready make another trip for that is what they should do, but some don't).
7. I have had 5 servers tell me "You might have to remind me" because they were too lazy to write my order down and reread their written order.
8. Auction off drinks(I just recently had a waitress do this to just me and my husband, seriously, TWO PEOPLE she was too lazy to get her written order out). Not my job to tell you what I had once you left the table. LAZY, LAZY, LAZY that is. You should know I had dr. pepper for example. I shouldn’t have to tell you again and again.
9. A lot of servers don’t go put in the order after getting it if they are double or triple sat making the 1st table wait 5-10 extra minutes for their food because they are TOO LAZY to make extra trips to the computer.
10. Asking if you want change. If you don't do the full job, you shouldn't receive the full 20% or more pay. It's just LAZY to ask for your tip. You EARN it by doing PHYSICAL LABOR by going to get the change.
I 100% TOTALLY DISAGREE that most servers work their asses off. I would say in general, most servers try to do the LEAST for their money.
A good example, I recently had a waitress I could tell from when she took our entrée orders when I asked her nicely if she could write our orders down. I shouldn't have to ask my server this. There's no one that is perfect in this world, so no one should rely solely on their memory alone if they don't have to. Well, she did end up writing the order down. So towards the end I would have asked for a box, she just brings the check and almost leaves. That pissed me off some hugely, because I had LOTS of things to ask for. First off, I was going to get some gift cards added to our check, so she had to redo the check. Also, if I would have had a coupon, she would have had to redo the check as well. Anyway, so she almost leaves I ask for a box, a bag, tops for the condiments, and refills to-go. She comes back with freakin EMPTY CUPS and a small box that you could maybe fit a couple of rolls in at most, not 3 or 4 condiment containers plus some cheese fries I had left. Common sense should have told her to bring a big box or tell me they had 2 different sizes, then should have asked which one I wanted. So when she came to bring the cups I was really pissed at her for basically bailey on us with thinking just bringing the check without asking permission. First off, it's OUR TIP MONEY, OUR DECISIONS on EVERY SINGLE THING. Secondly, I added $50 for the gift cards onto the check. So I basically said just like this "That's not what I asked for." I asked for "REFILLS" to-go, NOT cups. She was SO LAZY she wouldn't have even OFFERED us new ones. LIKE DUH, unless a person just got a refill, WHY would they not want a new one? Also, who wants to pour their own drink and have a chance to spill it if they could just get a fresh one? Plus, when you get a refill on a prescription at a pharmacy, you don't get an EMPTY container when you ask for a "REFILL", DO YOU? She was SO LAZY to not want to do almost ANYTHING for her tip. I believe we tipped 7%(not obviously on the gift cards since you tip on that when you actually use them). My husband and I have tipped 25%-30% before, but this was just LAZY, LAZY, LAZY service. You don't just give us the check when I have food still here and NOT EVEN OFFER me a box. WTH?? That's LAZY.
So do you understand that A LOT of servers are LIKE THIS uncaring bitch? She didn't want to do the AMOUNT OF WORK* for her tip. She wanted to just take the orders, bring them and that's it. She didn't want to do the FULL JOB. She also was wrong. She brought the check and didn't ask if we wanted dessert or anything else added to it, so she made herself have MORE WORK because of her assumptions due to her being inconsiderate and very lazy. I knew from the very start once we gave our entrée orders that it wasn't a good sign I had to ask her to write our orders down. This waitress was just LAZY. Also, she was too lazy to write down the list I said: Tops for condiments, box, bag, (gift cards), and refills to-go. What bugs me the most out of everything is the cups, because to give us cups when I asked for *REFILLS" which are DRINKS, it's NOT CUPS. The fact that no one in their right mind wants a cup if they can have a new one unless they are in such a hurry that they can't wait a minute longer to leave or if maybe it's iced tea and they sweetened it just right, but otherwise, most people want new ones. Oh yeah, my husband went to bring the food to the car before we left and she had the GALL to ask if my husband still wanted his. I mean really. If we didn't want it, WHY would we have asked for it. She REALLY wanted to get out of doing work.
I find I have MORE servers like the one I just spoke about than ones that are hard, caring workers that actually do work their asses off. There are SOME servers that do work their asses off, but they are very hard to find these days. Most don't write things down and then have no way of trying to get it right. I am talking about refills, bar drink orders, 1st drink orders, things like boxes, bags, etc. I cannot count the number of times servers forget bags, boxes, etc. due to being TOO LAZY to WRITE DOWN A LIST.
So NO, you are VERY WRONG that most of them work their asses off. Stef319 is right, you are wrong. I am not saying there aren't any, because there are plenty of workers that are VERY HARD WORKERS out there, but it's just RARE these days it seems.
Continued next post:
No. 225214
"You really can't complain about people being "lazy as fuck" when they're busting their ass at slave-like wages to feed you, who has stated that you're too lazy to cook your own meals. If I still worked in food service, I would have spit in your food."
Auctioning off drinks when it's only 2 people, WTH is going on with that??? These servers WROTE our drink orders down(I can think of 2 not to that long ago) and they were TOO LAZY to get their pad out to find out WHICH one of us had what drink. That's JUST PLAIN LAZY!
Also, we have had servers before where the credit card holder plastic was broken and they asked if we wanted change when we were paying with a credit card. Seriously, tip points taken off for not wanting to do your FULL JOB. It's just being LAZY! You should ALWAYS get your change unless the
CUSTOMER invites you to keep the change by saying "I don't need change or the rest is for you" etc. The asking if you want change and we have had a time where we had a waiter keep our coins, he got stiffed and I got back every penny of the coins because he stole it(tipped himself).
I just had a waitress that said she didn't even look at the menu prices and this was our second time having a wrong price overcharge. It was VERY SLOW and she had ALL THE TIME to verify 4 prices, that's it, would have taken less than a minute. How UNCARING and UNFEELING as well as VERY INCONSIDERATE. It's not my job to know the prices better than the people that work there. I don't mean memorize, I mean compare numbers on the check to the menu. It's only 4 prices and she didn't even think of doing it. Servers are just so SELFISH these days. If you don't care about our money, WTH she would care as much about yours?
So SORRY, but you are VERY WRONG that in general servers work their asses off, they mostly don't. That is the GOD'S
HONEST TRUTH and you know it. Stef319 told you how it is taking smoke breaks, texting(I have even seen a waitress at a Buffalo Wild Wings after putting in our order texting in the bathroom rather than doing anything else going to check on her other tables or cleaning up or anything for the company instead of PLAYING on the job). I had last year a waitress after she put in our order at a Mellow Mushroom seeing her put make-up on in the bathroom, then getting my order wrong when another server brought the food out when the chips were missing that I ordered and the condiment was missing, which is 2 things that need ZERO COOKING that
SHE could have made her OWN TIP by making sure my order was right instead of playing on the job putting on make-up that she should have done BEFORE she came to work, NOT on the job.
So sorry, you are VERY WRONG in most cases! Generally most servers are lazy and it's RARE to have servers that actually work their asses off. Most want to go text or be on facebook on their phone or chit chat with customers when other customers need refills or their check, etc. Most don't check the order for obvious errors like DUH my ranch is not with my food, etc. It's just the truth! Most servers ARE lazy in general. That's why when we get wonderful service we go to the 25%-30% level, because we are that impressed, not because have to, but because WOW someone actually wants to
WORK HARD for their money and not do the
LEAST for their money.
I had one waitress that almost walked away while I added a side of ranch to an appetizer and then when another server ran the food, she said I quote "I didn't put it on the ticket because the food runners don't read the tickets." I couldn’t believe she admitted she PURPOSELY got my order wrong, because she was so GOD DAMN MF LAZY ASS AND UNCARING of a human being to put press a button. They are too lazy to do it in most cases. I mean it’s ridiculous when servers are auctioning off drinks when THEY took the order like who had the coke. They aren’t ensuring that everything they can see without touching the food is correct in most cases. This is BS!
It's pathetic when I know the menu BETTER than the staff and I have encountered that at
SEVERAL restaurants, even my FIRST TIME even going to them. I recently had to show WHERE on the menu something was to a MORONIC, LAZY, and UNCARING SERVER! I mean WHY should I have point out that there's TWO places on the menu to order tortillas and then he asked if it was more expensive, so I had to prove that to him to that it wasn't. Talk about an IDIOT!>Extras• Sour Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
• Pico de Gallo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50
• Jalapeno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
• Four Flour Tortillas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75>
I ordered 4 flour tortillas additional ones for the fajitas.
They also have this item offered in another section on the menu:
>A La Carte1. Enchilada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.99
Your choice - Beef, Chicken or Cheese
2. Chile Con Carne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.25
Mexican Style
3. Chile Relleno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50
(pronounced CHEE-lay Ray-YAY-no)
4. Order of Tortillas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
Three per order / Flour, Corn or Wheat >
Now why did
I* know this and the waiter I LITERALLY
HAD TO SHOW HIM** on the menu? What happened was when I said I wanted 4 tortillas, he said “It’s 3”, I was like HUH? Then I showed him and told him very nicely “There are 2 areas on the menu where you can order tortillas. I am not ordering a la carte, I am ordering in the extras.” I even ordered pico de gallo that is in the
This happened a few months ago even. It’s PATHETIC
Next story:
This below happened a number of years ago(2012) at a Fox and Hound :
This is the menu item I ordered(from the menu description) adding bbq chicken to it as it says for an extra $1.50 added to the 6.99:
“Classic Potato Skins
Our classic potato skins are topped with melted Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses, bacon bits and green onions. Served with a side of sour cream. 6.99 Add Bbq chicken 1.50”
The rest I wrote to corporate:
“I ordered just like this “I would like the classic potato skins adding bbq chicken to it which I would like cheddar and cheddar(No Monterey Jack Cheese) Cheddar instead of Monterey Jack Cheese.” “I don’t want the green onions and I DO want the bacon bits.” “I’d like to add a side of ranch and a side of bbq sauce. “ When she was taking down my order, she said “So no chives” which I replied “correct.” I don’t understand why servers put their own spin on what you said? She didn’t even LISTEN to what I said, which at the time, I thought she did. I even said I wanted the bacon, that’s how much she was just not paying attention that I even repeated the menu description to her about the bacon part which I didn’t have to and still she got it wrong. She brings out the potato skins without the bbq sauce on top that I did order(in the description on the menu when I said I wanted to ADD bbq chicken), hence the word “BBQ” and didn’t say I didn’t want the bbq sauce on the potato skins in any way, shape, or form nor did I say without the bacon bits the menu states it comes with. She comes back to tell me that the when I added bbq chicken, it doesn’t come with bacon. So I tell her “Yes it does on the menu.” She even asked after I said that “Does it come with bacon even?” I couldn’t believe a server asked that. I don’t work here, but I know more than you about the food on the menu, something is wrong with that. No server should admit not knowing the menu in front of the customer. That appears bad and makes the server appear lazy that she didn’t take any effort into comparing the menu to what she was ringing up and bringing out(you can see bacon) on the parts that don’t have bbq sauce on it and since she originally brought out the potato skins without bbq sauce on them, she could have easily noticed that there was no bacon bits. A customer shouldn’t have to show and prove to a server that something comes with something on the menu that’s in print already. I actually showed and PROVED to her on the menu that it indeed DOES come with it. After, she came back with the mistake not fixed and said she “read it”, but that it doesn’t come with bacon. She refused to fix it when I proved to her it does. That’s not
EVER acceptable since she wants our money to intentionally know you are stealing from the customer by intentionally overcharging them. That’s not OK, that’s THEFT!”
MOST OF SERVERS ARE LAZY IN GENERAL. They don't even know WTF they are serving you even.
As far as the spit goes, I'd get you ARRESTED, because that IS a crime asshole and they have cameras in the restaurant as well as pretty much everyone has video capability on their cell phones today. You'd be fired and arrested. I'd fix your ass. I got 3 servers fired before, TRY ME ASSHOLE, GO AHEAD!
No. 225220
From that LiveJournal comments thread:
> HELL NO, I wasn't going to wait longer. He already had at the beginning of the service delayed us by asking us "How was our Mardi Gras" and "Did we go to any parades" just because it was "Mardi Gras" when we had to wait 15 minutes for a table, whic the restaurant was PACKED. HE WAS RUDE TO US BY DELAYING US FROM ORDERING OUR FOOD. CUSTOMERS AREN'T THERE TO BE THE SERVER'S FRIEND. THEY ARE THERE TO DINE WITH WHO THEY ARE WITH. WE DON'T DO PARADES. When I was a kid I went just as my husband did, but we don't now. My point is, for it being as busy as it was, HE was being RUDE to not just let us order RIGHT AWAY as well as DELAYED OTHER CUSTOMERS by chit chatting about PERSONAL CRAP. Applebee's is restaurant, NOT just a bar that you chit-chat. The server is supposed to get your order and bring you things, NOT make conversation with you about personally shit. We waited a longer time for our food than normal because it was so packed, so by him making conversation made it even a LONGER WAIT. He also was rude by not paying attention to "HOW MUCH" he charged my credit card. THAT'S RUDE. He didn't even apologize ONCE. THAT'S EXTREMELY RUDE NOT TO SAY ONE SORRY EVEN. When there's a mistake, EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD TAKE THE BACK BURNER UNTIL IT'S FIXED. MISTAKES SHOULD TAKE TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP PRIORITY. Think about it. It was my turn, but my turn WASN'T OVER YET, because there was a MISTAKE, which wasn't MY FAULT AT ALL. WHY SHOULD ANY CUSTOMER WAIT 5-10 MINUTES TO EVEN GET THE SERVER TO COME OVER TO FIX IT? THINGS LIKE THAT SHOULD BE FIXED WITHIN THE FIRST 2-3 MINUTES. DO YOU HONESTLY THINK CUSTOMERS WANT TO WAIT LONGER TO LEAVE, BECAUSE OF A MISTAKE? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK CUSTOMERS WANT TO CHIT-CHAT WITH THE WAIT STAFF? MOST OF THE TIME, NO, THEY DON'T.
100% Aspergers
No. 225222
>>225213tl;dr if you don't have telepathy, you're lazy
gj op for
triggering her this hard tho wew
No. 225225
>>225220HOW is it wrong to not do unto others and expect others
RESPECT towards you if that were you, huh?
When you are overcharged around $11 and are waiting to leave with the server not saying ONE SORRY and knowing what you ordered VERBATIM without evening getting your original itemized check back so it looks INTENTIONAL to do that shit, you would feel VERY DIFFERENTLY and you know it.
No. 225226
>>225213>I have had 5 servers tell me "You might have to remind me" because they were too lazy to write my order down and reread their written order.Okay, but considering you've been eating out 3 times a day every day for the past ten years, 5 servers saying you might have to remind them is a very, very teeny tiny minority and not even worth remembering.
The fact that you remember what five servers did is proof of your autism.
No. 225232
>>225216Gross. That dishwasher must feel worse than a dead hooker stuffed with shrimp.
All that rancid left over food and drink left to rot with a splash of water over it all.
You're disgusting springs.
No. 225236
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>>225233You can still have autism if you have empathy. Autism is not antisocial personality disorder.
No. 225240
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I doubt you would last one single day as a server.
You'd run out of there crying so quickly.
No. 225243
>>225235 "You're also paying for personal interactions with the staff and the atmosphere, and chit chat goes a long way to that. It's called customer service."
I WANT IT since it's
Most servers have enough COMMON SENSE not to make personal conversation BEFORE you place your order. They know it makes the tables not turn and burn as to WHY they are there in the first place. It makes food orders slow down rather than speed up to get the next customers in and out. I don't mind and like chit chatting with servers when they have time
AFTER I order so my food is being worked on, my drink is at my table, all is happy and no delays in my food and drinks. The kitchen is most of the time not at fault for long waits for food and bar drinks. Most of the time, it's the servers cutting turns, chit chatting, putting in orders wrong, forgetting to put in orders, forgetting to bring something the customer ordered, bringing out obviously wrong items to the table, bringing out obvious without touching the food wrongly prepared items, dropping food, not putting in the order when they could have because an appetizer or side salad/cup of soup was ordered, waiting until the appetizer to come to get your order like a moron, etc.
No. 225244
>>22523Rinsing with water isn't washing you retard. Do you think water kills bacteria? If you don't need the dishwasher hand wash them so they get soaped instead of sitting there covered in filth.
Visible chunks of food aren't the issue, the rampant salmonella and sour milk all over your spoons is you filth wizard.
No. 225245
>>225227Why do you keep using McDonalds as an example? You used it in
>>224930 as well. There is a huge difference between eating at McDonalds and a good sit down restaurant. I know that is hard for you to believe since you seem to only go to crappy chain restaurants and order all of your food in mayo and ranch.
No. 225247
>>225240"I doubt you would last one single day as a server. You'd run out of there crying so quickly."
WHY? I am a hard worker and I have dealt with serving the public before food as I have said before.
No. 225256
File: 1483226370410.jpg (87.65 KB, 490x653, autism-fact.jpg)

The way Springy talks about autism and how she can't have it because she has "empathy" makes me believe she's looked into it and misunderstood how empathy works.
There are different types of empathy.
No. 225263
>>225248"I dare you to get a server job. I absolutely dare you. Try it for a week. You wouldn't make it. You'd be fired so quickly."
WHY do you say that? I am a HARD WORKER. I always CARED about my customers when I served them unlike you.
No. 225268
>>225246"because you're a miserable, scowling cow."
I am not miserable nor a cow. I don't want them to have a conversation with me BEFORE I order. That's the entire point to think of my feelings and time.
No. 225272
File: 1483226636459.jpg (32.92 KB, 484x304, IMG_0758.JPG)

>>225258I'll take my own ranch.
What's the fat duck?!
Why are you trying to talk fine dining and food service is you don't even know one of the most famous restaurants? Jfc go chug a bottle of ranch and eat some easymac you pleb.
No. 225276
>>225255You realise you need soap to kill the bacteria and smells even with steam?
Probably not because you think ranch dressing is as necessary as salt to a meal.
No. 225282
>>225264"Springs, you're the person who goes to a high end restaurant and orders chicken tendies, aren't you? You're the kind of person who would put ranch dressing on dressed fries, wouldn't you?"
SO WHAT? WHY is that your business or concern NOSY ASSHOLE, HUH? Do you have a problem with
CONTROL? You sure sound like it.
"I bet you'd put ketchup on your NY strip if it hadn't somehow offended you"
NO, since I HATE ketchup. I also hate ny strips. I like ribeyes or filet mignon with NO sauces on it unless it is something like some sauce that is cooked on it such as hollandaise sauce.
No. 225289
>>225282>Do you have a problem with CONTROL? projecting this hard
>hollandaise sauce on muh steakscan't have anything not draped in milk fat eh
seems like i hit the nail right on the head tho kek sorry about your child palate
No. 225290
>>225282Or ranch.
Let's be real springs you've never been to anything nicer than a chain restaurant and then screeching and causing a scene because you're not getting silver service. You can't pretend to be an expert on anything than Outback Steakhouse and kraft brand dressings.
No. 225299
>>225296"Yeah I am calling it now, no way is she under 100 pounds, maybe under 300 pounds, just barely. The way she talks about dipping everything in ranch, mayo or some fatty sauce. How she projects about no self control. Bitch is fat."
NOPE, under 100lbs. As I said before, I actually diet EVERY SINGLE WEEK. is the exact meal I eat that is only 170 calories for dinner on the 2 days I eat less than 500 calories.
No. 225300
>>225263Get a job waiting tables. I think you will find that a) it is nothing like the donut shop and b) it's way harder than you can even imagine.
I bet your fat ass is on disability for the beetus.
No. 225318
File: 1483227605929.png (184.94 KB, 750x1207, IMG_4017.PNG)

Google never disappoints me
No. 225319
>510 mg of sodium"healthy"
you are fucking retarded.
No. 225320
File: 1483227642797.jpg (24.1 KB, 355x414, IMG_1113.JPG)

>>225311You like good food but will eat ranch dressing.
No. 225330
>Sorry to burst your bubble, but everything I have said is the GOD's TRUTH, FOR REAL! I don't eat out everyday. Like for most Friday's for example, I eat less than 500 calories in a day so I can the next day eat a lot. It WORKS, IT REALLY WORKS! I have been doing off and on sort of like yo-yo eating for years since I was a teenager, except back then I did it for days eating less than 500 calories(usually 300-400) a day, but back during my high school and college days I did it for 3 or 4 days in a row so I could pig out 3-4 days. I WORKS! You lose it beforehand to gain it or you gain it, then you work to lose the weight you have gained EACH WEEK.
>It works. The most I have ever weighed was 106lbs back in 1999 for about 6 months that lasted. Back then I wasn't dieting and I was studying a lot in college eating more without any moving around just about since I was at a dorm. The next year I went back to 93lbs. I was 87lbs back in 2005. I am REALLY telling you the truth. I don't eat what I eat in restaurants everyday. Seriously, like let's say I have a meal, I may eat half of it and share an appetizer or dessert, leaving the other part of the meal for another meal or even 2 meals even. You act like I eat like this all the time.
>WHY is weight an issue? Obviously YOU must be the one that is fat and struggling to keep YOUR weight in check, huh? Are you jealous or something?
>You say I am slim, I am not skinny, but I am not fat or even near chunky either, I am just right. When I was 87lbs I looked too thin people said. I showed a picture to some people. They say I look better now 97lbs-99lbs range.
>How do you know what I eat in a day or what I have done? There have been times when we have gone out to eat and I didn't eat anything from the night before and went to eat the next day in the night or after noon or I ate let's say a bowl of cereal for breakfast(dieting the day before only eating less than 500 calories) and not eating until 7p.m. the next night. IT REALLY WORKS. You just keep doing this every week getting back to your weight. IT REALLY WORKS! You NEVER let yourself gain more than 3-4lbs, definitely not 5 pounds because that's when it becomes harder and harder to lose.
Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 225334
File: 1483228517151.png (53.56 KB, 625x335, 3f4.png)

No. 225343
>>225241This and the ranch addiction makes me think she's a fauxana hamplanet. She listed doing dishes aka running the dishwasher every 2 weeks as
evidence of being too busy to exercise lmao
No. 225348
File: 1483229239622.jpg (84.48 KB, 625x416, 2969ae221fa8b3792e347dc6aeb119…)

>ausprings has a charming family.
No. 225350
"Show us what you look like. At least a picture of your body. Prove it."
Are you crazy? So servers can hunt me down to kill me or spit in my food?
I don't have one picture on the internet, NOT ONE. I have no facebook or instagram or myspace or anything like that.
NONE of these are me, but I found a site that has about what a person that is my height as to what weight they look like: No. 225365
File: 1483230480607.png (184.7 KB, 646x519, anoranchia.png)

We shouldn't be making fun of this woman. She clearly has a life threatening illness.
No. 225367
>>225350Please tell me you don't honestly believe that servers near you troll this forum just to get your picture and kill you.
They definitely wouldn't need it to spit in your food. All you'd have to do is continue acting like the bitch you're being here, they'll get fed up with your attitude and comp you with some personally made ranch dressing.
No. 225370
>>225350>Are you crazy? So servers can hunt me down to kill me or spit in my food? Why would they want to?
Anyway, you can blur out your face. Just write the following on your stomach and take a photo so we know you're not fat:
No. 225372
>>225350Springs1… any truth to the rumor that you are in fact Kathie Jenkins?
The work while somewhat saner sounding is very close to deny this? It's been fun digging around in your ranch flavored garden but… let's cut to the chase?
No. 225377
"Springs1… any truth to the rumor that you are in fact Kathie Jenkins?"
"The work while somewhat saner sounding is very close to deny this? It's been fun digging around in your ranch flavored garden but… let's cut to the chase?"
I have only heard of this person from some other forum, but have NO CLUE of WHO the hell this is?
I don't live wherever there is a twins cities.
No. 225378
"Springs1… any truth to the rumor that you are in fact Kathie Jenkins?"
"The work while somewhat saner sounding is very close to deny this? It's been fun digging around in your ranch flavored garden but… let's cut to the chase?"
I have only heard of this person from some other forum, but have NO CLUE of WHO the hell this is?
I don't live wherever there is a twins cities.
No. 225380
"Springs1… any truth to the rumor that you are in fact Kathie Jenkins?"
"The work while somewhat saner sounding is very close to deny this? It's been fun digging around in your ranch flavored garden but… let's cut to the chase?"
I have only heard of this person from some other forum, but have NO CLUE of WHO the hell this is?
I don't live wherever there is a twins cities.
No. 225383
>>225324I feel so sorry for your husband and hope to god you never had kids. You're more entitled than incels you raging ranch-golem. Holy shit I'd love to have had you as a customer, I'd have deliberately left shit off and walked in slow-motion just to watch your neck wobble with the
No. 225385
File: 1483232089175.jpg (95.12 KB, 600x799, IMG_0920.JPG)

>>225348Rare image of Springs after enjoying a healthy snack of a litre of ranch.
She did not tip the server, they didn't bow low enough.
No. 225403
>>225402"Have you tried Walden Farms ranch dressing?"
Never heard of that one.
No. 225404
>>225388You're the funnest troll in ages 10/10.
Legit though imagine how sad this bitches husband would be. He must want to drown himself in the soup when she starts her histrionics over a waitress not licking her boots
No. 225409
>>225377You have heard about her for years. Just a brief and sad look at your mayo soaked ramblings shows you denying being her a few times over the last 5 years.
You act like this is so new
No. 225411
>>225409She's new to some of us.
Imagine how much she'd freak out in a country that pays its workers and doesn't use tipping. She'd be forcibly ejected from any dining establishment in a civilised country.
No. 225421
>>225411I meant that msg to her. She has been asked about Kathie Jenkins and acts like it's new every time when it's been asked many ties over years.
You are correct. She wouldn't be able to deal with staff who aren't putting smiley faces on bills in the vain hope she will toss them a few extra for the buckets of milk dips they've had to haul to her table.
No. 225426
>>225421Oh god more newfags.
You can address to whoever but replies will happen. In this dimension we call it 'discussion'.
No. 225434
>>225431I am American and I've never encountered anyone like her before so I thought maybe foreigner. She also seems to think Applebee's is a fine dining experience.
I guess I'm not use to the uneducated babblings of a delusional ana-chan.
No. 225438
>>225436this. she is in the part of the country where there are ONLY chain restaurants / stores (walmart, applebees etcetc) not near a capital city or a city big enough to have REAL fine dining.
also, being too fucking lazy to cook is extremely american, which is why shitty chain restaurants do so well and don't exist in as many numbers outside of the country.
No. 225468
>>225457More like isolated trailer park.
>>225462High income/low culture is probably best described as new money/nouveau riche. If they were newly rich but had high culture I don't think anyone would call them nouveau riche.
Depending on how a lower income/high culture person was spending it'd be irresponsible or "has expensive taste"? No real term for it afaik.
No. 225489
>>225468I guess this goes farther into what "socioeconomic status" means. what do you call a manual laborer making $20000/yr who appreciates Dostoyevsky and Rothko and is up to date on Michelin star ratings? Low income but def not low class.
Springs is definitely low class regardless of how much money she makes.
No. 225494
I read the original post and KNEW I had read a post like that before lmao. I searched springs131 or springs1 on multiple boards I frequent and finally found the thread I was thinking of: she is on lipstick alley, a celebrity gossip board. the original post isn't by springs but she quickly hijacks it
No. 225504
>>225500"How do you have so much free time?"
You are on here too, so you have free time yourself. I don't have kids, I don't cook and I only work 40hrs a week, so I have time.
No. 225505
>>225500Unemployment due to diabetes but until then I worked VERY HARD at being a receptionist. I'm not LAZY like waitresses or the fry cook who makes my gourmet ranch 'n' fries!! These IDIOTS should be TIPPING ME FOR SUFFERING through their bad service.
In 1996 a waitress DARED to say hello before she BROUGHT ME MY RANCH ON THE ROCKS like an IDIOT wasting my time.
No. 225511
>>225505Springs2? If this is a troll you're doing a damn good job impersonating her
Also Springs I thought you worked 40 hours a week
>>225304 No. 225512
>>225511a bit slow ain't ya
Springs, what's the best way to eat ranch, in your professional opinion?
Also, go anywhere special this NYE?
No. 225515
>>225496Just so you know, the way to quote people on here is to use a > in a new line right before the text you want to quote (e.g.
>words words words) instead of using quotation marks. That makes the text you're quoting turn green, which makes it easy to see.
No. 225560
>>225552It was two posts in a ridiculous thread chill.
Is springs gone for good now?
No. 225742
>>225585I want to say she's a great troll but she's been at this for years.
I still can't get over how she thinks applebees and chilis is fine dining, based on the volume of people and her high bill.
No. 225858
File: 1483313864969.png (109.04 KB, 945x614, springs1.png)

>>225784Screencap for the lazy
The one thing I really want to know is how Springs1 decides to choose which forums/subreddits she hits and how she manages to find random ass discussions about foodservice from across the internet.
No. 225864
>>225863"Ey yo Springs do you ever put ranch on Chinese food?"
To me, general Tso's chicken is just like boneless wings at like Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings. I have eaten tartar sauce sometimes and ranch with general Tso's chicken. It's good. It depends on the condiment. Some tartar sauces are good with it, some aren't, same thing with ranch.
You ought to give it a try.
So to answer your question OF COURSE I have.
No. 225875
>>225774>proved yesterday that you think shit tier expensive crap is fine dining, please try harder>HOW? I didn't say it was. No matter what kind of restaurant you are at, the server should do their job. THAT is TRULY how it is supposed to be. I don't care if you work at a Denny's or Ruth's Chris or whatever Fat Duck apparently is(I really don't know(assuming it's extreme fine dining), it doesn't matter, you should get the same service, because both servers want 20%, both servers expect a tip, both servers work just as hard or not as hard if they are lazy. Both servers can put 100%
EFFORT into their job if they want to. It doesn't matter what the prices are or if the restaurant is a mansion type of place. I don't care if each entree is $75 and at Denny's it's $9.99. I don't care, it's not about the prices, it's about doing their job. Their jobs are the same that they have to serve you.
I never said Applebee's was fine dining IDIOT. I NEVER ONCE said that DUMMY!
No. 225877
>>225874"Do you really genuinely believe you're proving people wrong?"
YES, because REAL servers are coming to prove me wrong with me telling them off, even some that never had a conversation with me on the forums even. This is an example of a forum I wasn't participating in, yet, the bartender tells it like it is:" said: >I was a bartender during college and I can tell you that in my bar, it was generally the servers fault when bar drinks didn't get to a table in a decent amount of time. I would make service drinks first (I could entertain my bar customers easier than you can explain to a table why it's taking so long to get a drink)… put them on the service bar and the waiters were supposed to pick them up. I can't tell you how many times those drinks would sit there for 5-10 minutes. Then I would have the server bringing the drink back complaining that the customer said it was "watered down".
insert eyeroll>
I mean I wasn't in the conversation and this person
SEES* the drinks JUST SIT. WHY would this bartender lie when it wasn't even her tip that would get affected even? Think about it… She had NOTHING to gain from telling the truth.
Of course I proved people wrong, because you can't change
FACTS, you just can't.
If I hand you a pen when you asked for a pencil, it would be MY FAULT I handed you the pen, wouldn't it even if another person handed me the wrong thing(the pen), I should have a set of eyes and a brain that can read over the note I wrote to myself(as a server with their written order), to make sure I was handing you the correct item, a pencil. HOW did I not prove anyone wrong, huh?
No. 225884
>>225881>I don't care about what is high class. That's how stupid you are. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT HIGH CLASS?? SERIOUSLY, I SURE THE HELL DON'T!You sure wrote a lot of words trying to defend your shitty taste in poor people restaurants
>WHY class matters to you when it doesn't to me? Also, who cares what you think about my liking ranch? I don't tell you how to eat your food, don't tell me CONTROL FREAK!I ain't telling you how to eat, I'm just telling you that you eat like the child you act like.
No. 225891
>>225881Oh my god, this is hilarious. How
triggered can someone get over ranch lmao
No. 225904
>>225881You bitch people out for your fries being just a little too dark or attempting to get them fired over 31 cents. Your orders routinely come with an insane number of modifications, but instead of making your order easier to work with, you just blame the servers despite emphasizing all the damn time that you have control over what you order. You really have no right to call others a control freak.
Unable to screenshot such a narrow wall of text atm. So links for the fries and change comments, respectively.!?p=28369904&viewfull=1#post28369904 No. 225911
>>225909lmao you don't own the server, the restaurant does. all you get outta stiffing them is worse service the next time you come back.
next time, see those tables that are served before you? that's because they've made a rapport with their servers and become likeable regulars. that's how you get your ranch dressing remembered.
No. 225920
>>225911>lmao you don't own the server, the restaurant does.> I own the
**. So I don't own the server, I own the TIME WHICH IS SERVICE YOU NITWIT IDIOT!
>all you get outta stiffing them is worse service the next time you come back.>NOT if there were real reasons, NO and you know it. I have had 25%-30% plus service the next times I came back, even from a server we stiffed even. You don't know SHIT. IF I have GOOD REASONS, they know it from the manager or from me telling them. They know in 99.9% of cases if they did something wrong or not, it's common sense.
No. 225924
>>225920you don't own the time, the company owns the time. you own nothing. you're coming into the restaurant to purchase THEIR service, which is cooking food for you and bringing it to you and cleaning up afterwards.
>NOT if there were real reasons, NO and you know it. I have had 25%-30% plus service the next times I came back, even from a server we stiffed even. You don't know SHIT. IF I have GOOD REASONS, they know it from the manager or from me telling them. They know in 99.9% of cases if they did something wrong or not, it's common sense.none of this is not going to make them hate you
No. 225927
>Except the service is a human being, not a robot for your control. Humans are bound to make mistakes. Holy shit you are impossibly retarded.>
What does mistakes have to do with control IDIOT? For example, the server shouldn't be bringing the check without asking permission first. That's not their place or LEGAL OR MORAL RIGHT. It's OUR SERVICE, OUR WAY, OUR MONEY, PERIOD! I am paying that person to obey *MY FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS, NOT ANYONE ELSE'S! Most managers want their servers to upsell, not sell less, DUH. They want you to buy and buy. That's the idea of a restaurant to sell.
Also, most aren't mistakes, they are either control issues that they are deciding for you such as bring you a refill without asking first or water without asking first or the check without asking first or they aren't checking over the food they bring you the completely wrong thing because they didn't verify shit. Most of the time, they aren't real mistakes. Especially if it's about predictions and assumptions. No one makes a server bring you a ketchup bottle without asking first. I hate ketchup so for me the servers are wasting their time. They should ask and some do actually ask surprisingly so.
No. 225933
>you don't own the time, the company owns the time. you own nothing.>
If I don't own anything, then I wouldn't be tipping anything MORON. My money OWNS the service the way I PERSONALLY WANT IT.
>you're coming into the restaurant to purchase THEIR service, which is cooking food for you and bringing it to you and cleaning up afterwards.>
NO, I NOT paying for ONE PERSON to cook for me as far as tipping goes. I am paying for the cook through the prices of the items, NOT through service. So NO, the cook has NOTHING to do with service because they aren't at my table MORON IDIOT. That's why if my server put in the order correctly, I wouldn't tip lower if my burger or a steak was undercooked for example. The cook has absolutely NOTHING to do with tipping MORON!
Cleaning up afterwards if you are talking about after I have LEFT the restaurant is not part of service I am paying for since I am not there anymore STUPID IDIOT MORON! WHY WOULD ANYONE PAY FOR THINGS THAT DON'T RECEIVE, HUH? YOU ARE AN IDIOT! I only tip for cleaning while I am still there IN the service. AFTER the service is over with, so is the tipping. I don't care if the table gets cleaned after I have left, because it would be have to by LAW be cleaned in order for the restaurant not to have health code violations. The cleaning after I have left has NOTHING to do with the customers at all. YOU ARE AN IDIOT. I AM NOT PAYING THE TIP FOR ANYONE TO CLEAN UP AFTER I AM NOT THERE MORON. I have to be still there to get service.
I am tipping for any service that means bringing me food, refills, getting orders or request, first drinks, the check, bags, boxes, containers for condiments, extra napkins, utensils, appetizer plates, etc. THOSE are service. Cooking isn't service and cleaning up after I left the restaurant is not service. Cooking is cooking and that part is not in the tip. If the server at that restaurant has to tip out the cook, then that's on THEM and I am not tipping the cook, THEY ARE.
No. 225934
>>225920lmao, I apparently know more than you because I guarantee the second you walk out that door, they would all breathe a sigh of relief and then laugh at your stupid ass.
Saying this from experience.
but please go on about how they completely understand why you're such a nutcase.
No. 225938
>No, it's not our service, our way, our money, period. You live in a fantasy world where the customer is always right but sometimes the customer is an asshole. Like yourself. The restaurant has their practices and policies they have to follow and they shouldn't be expected to change all that because some Snorlax is shouting at them demanding 8 cups of ranch.>
The customer isn't always right, but if they are paying for their time called a TIP which is for SERVICE, then they own that time for WHATEVER THEY WANT at their table. If they want their dessert first, they are granted their wish. Their tip money is PAYING for that service. If they want their side salad WITH their meal and ask for that, they sure the hell can have it that way. I have before asked for that and got my wish granted. That's how tipping works. Tipping is not a charity either like it doesn't matter about their person issues as well and lots of people tip based on non-service issues. Tipping is really supposed to be based on SERVICE, NOT ANYTHING ELSE.
No one said to change all of it for everyone, just for THAT PERSON that wants it that way since it's THEIR MONEY, THEIR WAY, NOT ANYONE ELSE'S. WHY should the customer tip anyone if they can't get what THEY want for THEIR MONEY, HUH? WHY do you want control over someone else's money, huh?
No. 225939
File: 1483318008836.jpg (90.86 KB, 381x640, springs1.jpg)

Rare selfie from Springs1 in a restaurant
No. 225949
>so where does the money that pays the people who do this part come from? do you realize that the entire kitchen gets tipped out from your tip, not just the servers?>
The point is MORON, we tip the server, THE SERVER* TIPS OUT WHETHER THEY HAVE OUR TIP OR NOT. In other words, I am not tipping the other co-workers. I am ONLY tipping my server.
That means if I stiff a server, they STILL OWE the others. That PROVES I am not paying for the service after I left MORON. I am paying the server. If the server has to pay the others, that is on them to do what they have to do with the money they have whether I gave them 25% or 8% tip or ZERO, they will still pay the other co-workers. The other co-workers get their share even if I don't tip due to horrible service.
SO HOW am I paying for service I am not receiving if OUR SERVER* is the person tipping someone else, huh? Even if you say they get it from my tip, SO WHAT, that's THEM** SPENDING OUR TIP MONEY ON THE CO-WORKERS, NOT US YOU DUMB IDIOTIC DUMB DUMB DUMB IDIOT!
WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE ONLY TIP THE SERVER, NOT ANYONE ELSE? THE SERVER TIPS OUT, NOT THE CUSTOMER! You act like I am giving 2% of sales at the end of the night for example to the busser, 3% to the hostess, etc. I am not putting partial tips to these people. I(or we) am(are) actually ONLY tipping our server and then they tip out the rest.
The customer only tips their server. That's how it REALLY WORKS, otherwise, HOW could servers lose money if it was the SERVER NOT TIPPING their co-workers, huh? YOU ARE DUMB AS ALL FUCK!
No. 225951
COOK MY FOOD! hurrpdedurrrr
No. 225955
>>225945>literally 0 people have said anything about the amount you tip, just that you're a fucking psycho with the tastebuds of a child>They did to tell me I have to pay for cooks cooking which is not at my table at ALL NOT EVEN ONCE(service is only what happens at your table) and cleaning up after I have left the restaurant so the service is over with.
The person said I had to consider that in my tip. So they are telling me how to consider how much to leave. That's not service issues both of those, unless:
1. The cook steps out the kitchen and brings me my food
2. The cleaning up is done WHILE I am still there.
No. 225971
>>225957because you sound like a rude ass entitled bitch and there's few things at a low paying job that bring out the laughs. People like you are one of these things lmao.
fucking bitches every week tried to get more chicken for free because, "I just didn't like it, but I ate it anyways. NOW I WANT SOME MORE."
No. 225984
>because you sound like a rude ass entitled bitch and there's few things at a low paying job that bring out the laughs. People like you are one of these things lmao. fucking bitches every week tried to get more chicken for free because, "I just didn't like it, but I ate it anyways. NOW I WANT SOME MORE."and you know what, THEY ALL THINK THEY'RE IN THE RIGHT.>
First off, my tip ENTITLES me to good service since I am WILLING to pay for it GOOD MONEY. Secondly, I would rather get PERFECT SERVICE** pay 30% or more than to have something for free. You don't understand that I don't want bad, uncaring service. Do you not understand my complaints?
I would rather not have things go wrong. It's not about money. I use the tip as an INCENTIVE so they will **NOT CONTINUE THAT BAD BEHAVIOR, otherwise it will continue, DUHH. You give let's say a $20 on an $80 check when the server forgot 4 things, didn't apologize, took 20 minutes to get your refills, etc., do you think they will LEARN to do ANY BETTER if you pay them that much so they can earn more? OF COURSE NOT, they are going to think that you didn't care about the issues and that since it didn't matter to you, they will continue to treat you like shit the next time. If you tip as you were treated and report it to the server and manager, they will LEARN "I can't pay my bills if I don't change my ways."
I would rather not have problems. Don't you get that? It's not about getting anything free, it's about being happy knowing that you were CARED for during your service that they CARED that you were happy with your service.
I don't want something for free, I want perfect service.
No. 225992
>You think that servers would lay in wait to find your picture so they can track you down and kill you. That's being a nutcase by definition.>Of course, all it takes is to put something in my food just like when someone put Lye in someone's ice tea. like not intentional but WHO really knows?
You can still kill someone through giving them something in their food or when I come into the parking lot come to hunt me down.
No. 225997
>>225984I was just comparing the two instances because they were demanding and entitled, just like you!
at the end of the day, at the end of the 10 FUCKING YEARS YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS SHIT, a normal, sane, rational person would just cook. at. home. and save themselves the trouble.
No. 225998
>>225949>WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE ONLY TIP THE SERVER, NOT ANYONE ELSE? why can't you understand that it's your tip money that goes to them regardless? you tip the
service, which includes all of those people you ding dong
No. 226005
>>225992From the article:
>Employees at Dickey's quickly discovered that the industrial degreasing compound — apparently mistaken for sugar — had been mixed into the tea. The solution was 67 percent sodium hydroxide, which is the active ingredient in drain cleaner, commonly known as lye.It sounds like the containers were improperly labeled. Not intentional poisoning because servers are evil and want to kill her. Whereas your statement was clearly about servers hunting you down to kill you, to use your own words. One is an accident that can be remedied, the other is a figment of your imagination.
>>225350 No. 226008
>why can't you understand that it's your tip money that goes to them regardless? you tip the service, which includes all of those people you ding dong>
I do understand, but my money is going to just the server. WHAT THEY DO WITH IT HAS *NOTHING TO DO WITH US, NOTHING! When they tip out the busser, hostess(or host), and bartender, that's THEM doing the tipping even if they use the tip we gave our server, we only tipped our server, we didn't tip the other people, because OUR SERVER IS TIPPING THEM. YOU DON'T SEEM TO GET IT DING DONG!
For example, let's say a good, caring server notices that the server made a completely wrong drink. She comes by to let me know this and even shows me that she did ring it up correctly let's just say so we know she put it in correctly. Let's say our bill is $50, we tip $10 which is 20%, because I knew that the server didn't mess up at all(let's say she brought it to me as soon as it was ready and put it in as soon as she could, gave us decent service otherwise. The bartender will get the same amount REGARDLESS of his fuck up and our server GOT THE SAME AMOUNT, because OUR SERVER didn't fuck up, the bartender did and we didn't lower the tip because of it.
Do you see what I am getting at? The server is paying the bartender, we are paying the server, NOT the bartender. Do you understand that it doesn't matter what the server does with the tip we gave our server? WE ONLY TIP OUR SERVER. We aren't tipping the bartender. If we were, in that example, our waitress would not have received 20%. Do you understand now?
No. 226023
>The server is not paying anyone. What you don't seem to get is that policy in certain restaurants dictates that all tips are to be distributed across the team, since everyone contributed. Management distributes them. I guarantee you, with how little they get paid, servers in America would not willingly hand out their tips.>Then WHY do servers keep saying "I am paying to serve you if you don't tip?" said:
>I worked in a very famous restaurant in times square, if I wasn't tipped I still had to pay the runners and the bar staff for my table - so effectively if I wasn't tipped, I was paying to serve them> No. 226027
This is from a website that is no longer working, but I saved this in MS WORD:
>06-28-07 Korioni said:
“I currently work for Chili’s, and this is how it goes:
Hostess: starts at 7.50 an hour
Busser: 2.80 an hour + 2.5% of the restraunt’s total sales during their shift, split between any bussers clocked in. (the later comes directly out of the server’s tips)
Server: 2.15 an hour + tips.
Cook: Starts at 8.50 an hour.
Bartender: Hourly wage and gets a portion of their sales.
Expo: Hourly wage and gets tipped out by servers.
>WHY would this person say that the
SERVERS ARE PAYING* their co-workers, huh?
No. 226089
>the server doesn't pocket your money immediately. it doesn't touch their hands til it goes through that pool. if your least favorite and most favorite waitresses are the only ones working that night, they both get 50% of your tip. the worst waitresses will still benefit from your dollars.>
Why does whatever they do with it AFTER I left have ANYTHING to do with what I tip my server, huh? It doesn't. It doesn't matter WHAT HAPPENS to the money that we leave AFTER we left.
For example, let's say we tip a server $15 on a $50 check which is 30%. We tipped OUR SERVER 30%, where that money goes to is not our business or problem. The person on the check said "Jane Doe"(the server's name) and that's who we tipped or if we gave cash, we handed her cash. What she does with it afterwards is not my concern nor business. Don't you get this or what?
Also cash tips can be VERY EASILY fudged. I mean a slip of money to my server in the bathroom with no one around an extra $5 bucks no one will know or the server puts the extra $5 bill in another pocket. You would not know how to split it if it's cash, then they got it immediately IDIOT. If it's a credit card tip, then they won't receive it immediately, but by putting that amount down, through the customer's eyes it's immediate. They paid and left. Whatever the server does with the money as that guy said on that website or whereever it goes doesn't matter. We tipped our server that person that was on our check that person's name ONLY, NOT anyone else.
No. 226113
>nope, you tipped the restaurant 30%.>
NO, I didn't. I tipped the person that is on the check. I am not tipping the business. Let's say I pay our server a cash tip of $20. I am paying OUR SERVER $20. Whatever she has to do with it is not my problem. It SURE IS IMMEDIATE. Cash is immediate IDIOT. For example, my parents pay with their credit card for the check part, but pay in cash for their tip when they go out and when we eat with them. Our server gets their tip in cash. That's immediate. HOW MORE IMMEDIATE do can you get?
Whatever they have to pay is not my concern nor business. If they have to tip out, that's them, that's not us paying the other co-workers, that's OUR SERVER DOING IT YOU DUMB IDIOT MORON.
A good example, an old friend once came into the donut shop/diner I worked at. She was low on money. I was able to get buy things at half price because I was an employee. What I did, I went to her to get money around the dining area to give to me as if a friend was giving a friend money. What I did was used the money she gave me that was hers, now was mine to do what I wanted with it. So I paid her donut half price. I PAID IT and I as the employee paid it, NOT my friend. It wasn't a customer purchasing a donut, it was an employee buying a friend a donut.
While normally it would have been a normal sale without a discount, because I was an employee, I paid for her donut with MY MONEY since it was MY MONEY she gave me.
Do you understand what I am getting at here?
Same thing with servers. What the server does with the money is not my concern once I leave the restaurant when they tip out the others. THEY are doing the tipping out just as I was the person that was purchasing the donut(THE EMPLOYEE), NOT my friend(the customer) purchasing a donut. I bought a half price donut for my friend. Now of course I couldn't do that all the time, because then I would not have had a job then for many reasons, but it was also only one donut. She wanted me to buy her a donut, but she was kind of like a bum to bum off of people, not someone you want to give to, someone that will be a taker more than a giver, so I said "I can let you pay half price if you give me the money "wink wink* and then I am the employee paying for your donut." So that's what I did to help her out. No one said I couldn't do that. I wouldn't do it much since it would have hurt my raise chances since we did get raises there, so one donut wasn't going to make or break anyone's raises literally. One donut with tax was like 54 cents so literally she saved like a quarter or so.
>every waiter gets an equal amount no matter how many times they've forgotten your ranch in the past. your server gets neither your full 30% nor choice in the matter.>
They don't when we leave. If that server has to give it to others, HOW is that our issue? WE gave it to Jane Doe server, if she doesn't keep it all, HOW is that my problem, huh? We gave it to HER ONLY. We are not paying anybody else, SHE IS.
No. 226122
>Springs the way you dip everything in ranch and how often you eat out, just admit you are not 97 pounds. Hell in one of your post you admit to having two Margaritas, you know how many calories are in an alcoholic beverage?>
Do you realize EVERY SINGLE WEEK I DIET to make-up for the large quantities I eat STUPID?
Have you ever eaten less than 500 calories in a day? It's quite difficult, but very doable.
You act like I eat like this 7 days a week. I don't MORON!
>You even admit to not exercising and unloading the dish washer every two weeks. This is not a skinny person's behavior. This is the behavior of a fat person, so just admit it, we all know.>
No, I am not. I was 98 and half pounds this morning. I started on Saturday morning at 94 and 3/4's of a pound. Do you understand that I lose it, then gain the SAME WEIGHT each week? Do you not understand that? For example, a lot of times because I drink so much soft drinks, I will have some water weight gain from all the salt, so the scale Monday morning may say 102-103lbs, but by dinner time even with eating my half of a cup of oatmeal with a tiny bit of skim milk and a little bit of sugar, I may lose 2-3 lbs of water weight gain during the day so I usually am around 99lbs that night before I eat the 170 calorie meal. Then, the next morning it goes back an entire lb, so I am 98lbs on Tuesday. Then that afternoon usually am 97lbs before dinner, let's say that day I eat a normal amount, so I am back up to 99lbs. Wednesday I eat 850 calories, I lose a pound, so I am back to 98lbs, do the same thing for Thursday eat 850 calories, I lose a pound that day so I am 97lbs. Friday comes around, I eat less than 500 calories my cup of oatmeal and my 170 calorie meal. I am at 95lbs by Saturday morning.
This is HOW I DO IT TYPICALLY in MOST CASES YOU STUPID MORON! I LOSE IT TO GAIN IT EACH WEEK so I can SPLURGE eating a huge meal on Saturday and Sunday or have a margarita or 2 once in a while.
If I go on a vacation, I sacrafice more days like I may take my Sunday and eat 850 calories, then diet more days so for example, before we went on a vacation this year, I was 94 and a half pounds BEFORE the vacation(which was 4 days eating a lot of food and drinking alcohol as well since it was a vacation). I was around 102 or 103 when I got back, some was water weight gain. Do you understand that I lose it to gain it?
I am very structured with my dieting. I measure my oatmeal to make sure I am truly eating a half of a cup of oatmeal for example. I eat the same 170 calorie meal, because I know for sure it's 170 calories.
You don't know what I do IDIOT!
No. 226135
>Go stand on the scale and take a picture of the numbers as proof then.>
First off, phones weigh so unless someone was behind me, it wouldn't work.
>Just because you claim you're 98 and a half pounds doesn't mean you aren't unhealthy and out of shape.>
I NEVER ONCE claimed I was either of those IDIOT.
>I bet you can't even go up a flight of stairs without becoming winded and hacking up ranch phlegm.>
NO, if anything, like the stairs to the building I work at, I even skip steps.
I also had a stress test in 2013 due to the doctor said since my family history she recommend it and they said I did well. I did beyond the bottom number on the treadmill that you had to exceed.
Sept. 2013:
>This message is to let you know that your stress test was normal.
EKG: Resting electrocardiogram reveals sinus rhythm at a rate of 61 bpm.
The patient exercised for 10.0 minutes, corresponding to a functional capacity of 12 estimated METS, achieving a peak heart rate of 171 bpm, which is 98% of the age predicted maximum heart rate.
There were no significant electrocardiographic changes throughout the protocol suggesting ischemia.
EKG Conclusions:
1. The EKG portion of this study is negative for ischemia at a moderate workload, and peak heart rate of 171 bpm (98% of predicted).
2. Exercise capacity is average.
3. Blood pressure response to exercise was normal (Presenting BP: 110/86 Peak BP: 192/116).
4. No significant arrhythmias were present.
5. There were no symptoms of chest discomfort or significant dyspnea throughout the protocol.
Echocardiographic Description:This is a technically excellent study.
The aortic root is normal in size.
The left atrial volume index is normal, measuring 16.47 cc/m2. The left ventricle is normal in size, with an end-diastolic diameter of 3.9 cm, and an end-systolic diameter of 2.8 cm. LV wall thickness is normal, with the septum measuring 0.5 cm and the
posterior wall measuring 0.6 cm across. Relative wall thickness was normal at 0.31, and the LV mass index was 39.6 g/m2 consistent with normal left ventricular mass.
Global left ventricular systolic function appears normal. Visually estimated ejection fraction is 60-65%
The right atrium is normal in size, measuring 2.9 cm in length in the apical view. The right ventricle is normal in size measuring 2.4 cm at the base in the apical right ventricle-focused view. Global right ventricular systolic function appears normal.
There is no evidence of pericardial effusion, intracavity mass, thrombi, or vegetation.
Post Exercise Imaging:
Immediate post exercise images demonstrate left ventricular function augmenting with the ejection fraction becoming 75%. Right ventricular function augments. Left ventricular end systolic volume decreases.
No exercise induced wall motion abnormalities were identified.
1 - Normal left ventricular systolic function (EF 60-65%).
2 - Normal right ventricular systolic function .
3 - Maximal stress to fatigue without cardiac complaints.
4 - Normal HR, BP and EKG responses with normal Echo augmentation to peak exercise.
No evidence of stress induced myocardial ischemia. >
No. 226140 was 36yrs old, which: >means 35 years 93-157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute>
I was well within a good range. I know this was several years ago, but my weight has not changed since.
No. 226141
>>226135First off, phones weigh so unless someone was behind me, it wouldn't work.
You have to be some kind of anorexic to think the weight of a phone is enough to tip you into cow territory
No. 226163
File: 1483326065558.png (44.69 KB, 619x297, BingeEatingDisorder.png)

>>226135I have a hard time believing those are your results. Okay so say you REALLY ARE 98 pounds, the way you binge eat and your eating habits would give you several health issues. No. 226202
>>226195Even if she is 95lbs, premenopause will change that quickly with her garbage diet.
Her skin is probably similar in texture to room temp Swiss cheese.
No. 226252
>>225216It takes 5 minutes to wash the dishes, you have no excuse to spend 20 seconds washing 1 or 2 plates. Why are you so lazy, gross, and angry? You could've cleaned your house several times over in the time it takes you to write out these autistic long rants that are tl;dr ranch ranch ranch, IDIOT, STUPID IDIOT!, RED LOBSTER RANCH, CHAIN STEAKHOUSE FINE DINING, I'm 89 POUNDS
No. 226261
File: 1483341080698.png (143.25 KB, 990x527, autismo.png)

Oh Springs, when you emerge your ranch coma once again, would you mind answering if you are on the autism spectrum? I want to armchair diagnose you.
No. 226274
File: 1483345626668.jpg (37.22 KB, 600x400, AmericanApparel3-bathtub_22484…)

is this a cow that will never leave us? i hope she's as healthy as she says, i'd be floored i she were lost to us in a tragic ranch overdose accident.
No. 226276
File: 1483345799013.jpg (52.53 KB, 728x408, IMG_1123.JPG)

springs1's face throughout the thread
No. 226285
>>226261>>224947oh I see
hmm, your words say that you aren't autistic, but your daily spergs and actions say otherwise.
I'll now lie in wait until she comes back.
No. 226324
>>226316You could say that about a lot of places and their local sauces/condiments. Like what's the deal with Australians and Vegemite? Or Koreans and their fermented cabbage that they think goes with every meal?
Ranch is basically like ketchup where it goes with just about everything so it's used by just about everyone even though it's supposed to be just a salad dressing.
No. 226328
File: 1483366884006.jpg (8.72 KB, 259x194, good honest food.jpg)

>>226324fuck off ya dumb cunt vegemite DOES go with everything
No. 226426
File: 1483385549688.png (97.64 KB, 750x739, bad service vs good…)

Nothing is ever minor for this cow. She'll throw a fit over a four cent difference in her bill. Four fucking cents. Of course, this is theft and obviously the server's fault too.
No. 226479
>>226316Vegemite is basically another way of adding salt and umami. It works in loads of dishes as well as on toast if you don't use lots of it like a dickhead. kimchi was a necessity for Koreans and became culturally significant.
Ranch dressing is legitimately gross, and really calorie rich. Any country as fat as America having an obsession with a condiment that's also basically buttermilk for salad is sorta funny to other people. Plus ranch tastes foul tbh. It mostly boils down to so, so many Americans being gross obese pigs and squealing about their dressings as if they were a national treasure or culturally important dish.
No. 226492
>>226479people laugh at australia's obsession with vegemite, too, though
i agree with you tho, ranch is disgusting and there is 0 point in it
No. 226532
File: 1483400637497.png (38.01 KB, 1249x395, special sauce.png)

Apparently Springs1 only cares about bodily fluids in her food some of the time.
No. 226534
>>226486it can easily be explained away as a vacation.
>>226532fat hog only cares about stuffing her maw with ranch and 31 cents.
No. 226540
>>226492People laugh about it but we don't get cut up over it. It's just a yeast spread not our identity.
People like springs act like you've shat on the flag whilst shooting the last eagle alive if you mention that you don't like ranch or that only obese people seem to enjoy it.
No. 226553
>>226426"obviously the server's fault too."
So you are saying a server can't notice $4.99 isn't $4.95??? That is what you are saying that they can't tell the differences between the numbers "9" and "5" as if they are ILLITERATE or something.
It is theft. You should know what you are charging someone, DUH!
A good, caring server compares the check prices to the menu prices
BEFORE* they give the check to the customer and if they find a wrong price(whether over or undercharged, they go their manager to get it fixed WELL BEFORE check time). That's what a server's job is to
CHARGE the customer correctly. If the server doesn't care about the customer's money, WHY should the customer care about their money as much? It's a 2-way street. There shouldn't be one-sided selfish caring about money when it comes to serving. Server's money is
EQUALLY just as important as the customer's money. No person on Earth's money is any more important than anyone else's, so WHY servers act like we have to bow down to their money as if it were holier than thou, just because they only make $2.13/hr? They can't be selfish and expect respect back from the customer.
No. 226555
>>226360"Why do you write 'IDIOT!' in almost every one of your replies? If you can't get your points across or disagree with people"
Because there's no opinions here, so you can't agree or disagree with
FACTS IDIOT! That's why.
No. 226574
File: 1483404131256.png (112.73 KB, 768x544, springs1.png)

>>226281I'm actually surprised that Springs has been engaged with us for so long; from what I've seen she seems to get bored or overwhelmed when too many people are jumping on her and leave.
In other news, she's accepted a mod invite on /r/drama. I think she secretly enjoys the fanfare she gets.
No. 226583
File: 1483405456134.png (620.41 KB, 1048x1367, 20170103_030304.png)

Sage for OT.
Maybe he's following this thread
No. 232193
File: 1484266355475.png (86.87 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4138.PNG)

Was looking for Springs1's most recent chimp-outs, when I came across her livejournal. It's been inactive since 2011 but it has her location, assuming she still lives there.
No. 232197
>>225047I feel your pain. The other day I was buying lots of mcdonalds food for a mini gathering thing and they forgot the mcchicken.
Oh and another time they forgot to give me any straws and I had to awkwardly sip my drink instead. It haunts me to this day.
No. 543171
Thought people might be interested in knowing that Springs is still alive and well and posting
Recently, I had a dingy waitress bring me a dr. pepper in a clear glass that I said right off the bat "The syrup is low." She was so stupid to serve that to me. I knew I was right when she brought it to me having to tell her that dr. pepper is dark. Most servers are DUMB AND DINGY IDIOTS. They aren't checking things BEFORE they serve them for OBVIOUS to the EYES ERRORS! They are just AIMLESSLY serving things and not caring. Most are also VERY LAZY not willing to write orders down.
Here's her active account on reddit: No. 543192
>>543171it's amazing how long she's been going on about the same thing
i mean we were making fun of her on sf_drama like 10 years ago and even then she was an old meme
No. 544013
>>543171I miss this fat crazy ranch loving bitch.
How fucking miiiiiserable and empty does your life have to be, to not only notice your shade of Dr Pepper is too light, but have a bitch fit about it.
I’m shocked no one has doxxed her. Chefs would probably legit piss in her food.
No. 544030
>.Have you ever thought about a therapist?>
>Yes, of course. The problem is, they'd take my words to mean literally I would kill myself when I would NEVER do that. What I mean is I always would say "I would rather be dead than be fat or have a kid." They would take it as a REAL "Suicidal threat" to myself and take me in without my consent in a psych ward for at least a 72 or whatever evaluation. The thing is, I no matter what, will not let myself get fat first off, so I won't be killing myself. Secondly, if I became pregnant, I would give the baby up for adoption. Thirdly, I really wouldn't kill myself if I got fat, but would not want to live this life outside myself much if I were fat though, but I sure the hell EVER would NEVER kill myself. They'd take it as a real suicide threat though. No. 544063
>>544027And yet she's constantly eating out? How could she NOT be fat?
Interestingly, her Reddit posts span many boards, which means she simply hunts for server-related topics, no matter where they're posted. Nutty.
No. 544087
>>544063Read the thread. She says she restricts all week and saves calories up to eat out like one meal every weekend. IIRC she claims to be 90 lbs or something close to that., says she has been living this way for years and years, and it’s not hard to believe. She’s eating-disordered as hell, but functional.
She is also completely retarded if she actually believes therapists don’t know the difference between active and passive suicidal ideation, but that’s probably just an excuse to avoid therapy and persist in restrictive and controlling ED behaviors.
No. 544338
>>544145Yeah but that doesn't include the food you eat outside of the restaurant
Also on the topic of Springs1 she loves ranch and I've never met a skinny person who does
No. 544339
>>544145Yeah but that doesn't include the food you eat outside of the restaurant
Also on the topic of Springs1 she loves ranch and I've never met a skinny person who does
No. 544385
I agree no way could springs be about 94 pounds even if she restricts like she does as stated in
>>226122The cheat meals she has at restaurants have to be over 2000 calories, and that had to add to her weight. As well no way a women of her age sits at a desk job and magically looses weight. She has to be purging food to stay that skinny.
No. 544439
File: 1522699486770.png (461.82 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2919.PNG)

>>544385>over 2000nah if you look at the menu at chillis, red lobster(typical chain restaurant she eats at)etc the average meal isn't over 2000 calories but even if she ate 3000 once out of the week she's not gonna gain much. If she's eating this once a week and under 500 calories during the week she's for sure gonna lose. I think the misconception average and fat girls have is that Ana Chans live off celery and don't eat anything. If you eat ranch everyday and eat a McDonald's once a week you aren't gonna explode into a 300 lbs beast…the reason fat people are that fat is because they're eating meals like this 3 times a day, everyday. But that's just my two cents.
No. 544731
>>544385>>226122Hooooly crap, I forgot how insane this particular rant was. ED-chan confirmed, this explains her sperg level obsession with restaurant service. I can completely imagine her thinking to herself that, by god, if she’s going to maintain something around a healthy body weight, the one meal she allows for it will be PEFECT or people will PAY.
What an asshole.
No. 545002
>>544027I had always assumed she was fat because she was constantly claiming to be 90lbs(maybe that’s an Ana Chan thing too I don’t know). I don’t doubt she has an eating disorder and ocd when it comes to food.
It’s not like she binges on quality food either. I don’t know much about eating disorders as I’ve never had one, so I don’t really know how the body would react to starvation all week and a binge on a weekend. Seems like your body would hold onto every calorie because it knows it’s not gonna eat for 7 days.
It’s like Aly. She doesn’t exactly seem to eat a lot, but she eats pure garbage. And it shows.
No. 984288
File: 1591492483253.jpg (60.77 KB, 639x880, FB_IMG_1591492460468.jpg)

I think this might be her in the wild(necro)
No. 984623
>>984288Anon it's legal to
open carry ranch without a permit.