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No. 260803
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Amy Nelson known as Peebles on Twitter, is a graphic designer and animator from Cincinnati, Ohio. She now lives in an apartment in LA to be near Mark
No. 260813
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>dates young girls
>has a girlfriend(23/24) 3 years younger than him
The only thing markiplier does wrong is date uglies.
>no links to anything in OP
>second post is wrong
>pewdiepie drama that no one cares about
Go away, no one wants to talk about your youtube crush Markiplier.
No. 260853
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>>260813His ex just entered college when they started dating too, it just seems to be more than a coincidence
No. 260857
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>>260813Also she was born in 1994 and he was born in 1989, so a 5 year difference
No. 260861
>>260813since its the youtube thread and you posted a tati screencap.
can we talk about the fact she always talks like a fucking camgirl or something? i don't know how to describe it, she always tries to do this soothing voice or w/e. it drives me CRAZY. no one talks like that tati.
No. 260872
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nvr 4get that one time felix had his porn history broadcasted to his fans
No. 260876
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i wanted to make a thread like this some time ago. but mine was about youtube reviewers. whatever, i guess i'll talk shit here too.
Youtube "reviewers"
Youtube reviewers don't get as much views as they used to (mostly because youtube keeps taking down videos and people are too busy watching fads). But i still keep up with their shit, thought someone else may do too.
>Adam YourMovieSucks – Movie reviewer
Reviews aren't as terrible as the others ones, but he does have a houlier-than-thou attitude in them. This really shows outside of his videos, he's always in reddit defending himself, ALWAYS. Furry, thinks animals can enjoy sex with people. Doesn't like criticism much because he's so much better than everyone else.
Again, his videos aren’t terrible but people always have minor picking s like “hey can you review something we actually want to watch/hey that’s kind of a condescending attitude/hey can you like upload regularly? Since I pay you my hard-earned money on Patreon? Please log off reddit and post videos” on reddit (where he’s super popular, of course) and he’ll always appear to shut down said criticism making it impossible to talk negative about him without him appearing and ruining everything with his cocksuckers.
Is a furry.his taste is so much better than yours. Like mad max and deadpool are okay movies but that’s it you pleb. – attitude. he thinks fucking animals is okay. Like some anons here think he just said that meat-eaters are hypocrites who don’t get to say whats animal abuse, but that’s not all he said. Actual quotes from his personal reddit account:
"I am wholeheartedly against imprisoning those who have had non-abusive sexual relations with animals." "We can all agree that animals can show signs of pleasure and displeasure. You can tell whether or not a dog likes having its belly rubbed. Just because it can't speak English doesn't mean you can't tell whether or not it's enjoying something. If an animal shows signs of displeasure, then obviously it's abusive if you continue. If it shows signs of enjoyment, then I don't see how it should be considered abusive." "The human discomforts, insecurities, and reservations we experience regarding sex should not be applied to animals. Dogs that aren't neutered will try to hump any pillow they can find. They hump people's legs. They simply do not give a shit. If a dog gets it's dick sucked, it's never going to think about it a year later and go "Was that really the right thing? Something wasn't right about this.". It's a dog. It does whatever feels good to it."
to what someone responds "You realize that unlike people, if an animal is raped, we have no way of knowing right? Animals can't report to the police if you have sex with them without your consent. Cause they're fucking animals." and he says "Exactly. If there's no way of knowing whether or not an animal was abused by an experience, then we shouldn't be throwing people in jail for it. We should only be throwing people in jail for cases where abuse can be seen." so sure you can fuck your dog, as long as people don't notice, that's between you and your dog! nothing weird!
overall a bitch whenever criticism is thrown in his way and thinks its not weird for people to fuck animals.
>TheMysteriousMrEnter – Cartoon Reviewer
He’s a legit autist, brony, who makes long videos critiquing cartoon shows. He doesn’t like when cartoon shows do mean things, yucky things, shock humor, etc but loves fart jokes! Fans are mostly weird kids who post on deviantart. Has an annoying voice and takes cartoon super seriously, and at his age still loves MLP and Spongebob like they’re the best shows ever. ”Family Guy jokes are never funny! Teen Titans GO ruin childhoods! Cartoons are supposed to be taken seriously!”
makes long ass posts on deviantart about how hard life I and how trolls keep commenting in his videos criticizing him. Doesn’t realize not everyone is an autist. He’s just a weird creepy guy, not that many milk just cringe. there are some deviantart screencaps about him writing how autistic he is, but can't find them
No. 260878
>Todd in the Shadows – Music ReviewerFeminist, cucked by ex. Has an edgy mysterious character when he's really some Asian dude in his 40s. Anti Trump, Anti Gamer Gate. He was never that popular but his Gamer Gate tweets made him hated and granted him an encyclopedia page when he makes like four vids per year. I don’t have much dirt on him because he’s only active on twitter these days.
Ex bf of nostalgia chick, who is a huge feminist. When they broke up she was still living with him for a while when he was paying for everything. Called people who defended Gamergate pedophiles. A year later Gamergate was attacking his friend, @srhbutts and saying she was a pedophile. He said that they were wrong and had no evidence, weeks of GamerGate people tweeting him shit ensued. I don't get why he's still so hated over this, but people like NateTalksToYou gave him shit for being against GamerGate, so thought i'd mention him anyways altough i don't like gamergate.
He refuses to show his face on camera because its against his "character", here's a pic of what he looks like He said that JewWario (youtuber who killed himself years ago) wouldn’t have supported GamerGate. This made some people offended because he was using someone’s death to talk about his own political beliefs.
He only reviews individual songs and not albums, so people think he’s a hack music reviewer. His twitter is complaining about Trump every other day, lots of spoilers on new movies, and looooots of pics of his dog. he doesn't make videos often anymore so he doesn't really talk about music or upcoming projects.
i'd mention NateTalksToYou but holy damn, i have no idea how. He makes Repzion look normal.
>I Hate EverythingRandomly stops making videos because "my anxiety is so bad…people are so mean…someone found a pic of my face oh noes…". Made terrible videos inserting himself into drama that he had nothing to do with, to say drama videos are stupid.
>GradeAUnderAlots and lots of dumb reddit drama. i think everyone already knows about it.
No. 260884
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>>260878Adoseofbuckley – Music reviewer
Opposite of Todd, but less funny imo. Super anti "SJW/tumblr boogeyman". He got popular from his "worst songs of YEAR" lists. Unlike Todd, Fantano, SpectrumPulse, TheDoubleAgent and people that do music reviews only he doesn't make "best songs of YEAR" lists because he doesn't seem to like that much about pop music. Super condescending and better than you, his shtick is overanalyzing the lyrics of a song because saying a pop song doesn't make sense is funny. He states his opinion as fact and calls you a moron if you don't agree with him. Active on reddit a lot so can’t bash him there cuz he’ll appear and make you lose internet points.
tackles on low-hanging fruit. The songs he puts in his lists usually are terrible, but his attitude throws a lot of people off. He had Aint it Fun by Paramore on a worst list saying that Hayley had no right to talk about how hard the "real world" is because she's a famous musician and so she can't judge others. Then Hayley responded and said it was actually directed at herself in relation to her moving cross country from her family and friends. Which is funny considering that Todd described the song like this: "But it turns out the person who couldn't handle the real world was Hayley herself. After all the band trauma, they relocated from Nashville to L.A., and she found she was no longer the big fish in the pond. Apparently, on the showbiz hierarchy, being in a successful rock band makes you less important than Kourtney Kardashian's plumber's dog. So, this was her way of telling herself to tough up rather than cry about not being the most popular girl in school anymore."
unlike Todd, he’s not an actual fan of pop music. “He's implied that music is all commercialized, but that anything that isn't in the charts must not be good at all, because artists that aren't popular are unpopular for a reason (ie. they aren't good). He also says he never listens to music outside of because he spends his day as a radio DJ and doesn't want to hear the same crap at home too.” “said that there was no real difference between "hipster crap" (with a picture of Radiohead's Ok Computer onscreen) and "Top 40" (with a picture of some Justin Bieber album) because music is all made for the purpose of profit and isn't actually art or some shit like that.”
lewronggeneration fag although he refuses to admit it. Always gets posted on subreddit for lewronggeneration, and he always pops in the thread to show how “unbothered” he is about said threads, and goes on twitter to talk about said threads and how much he doesn’t care. Cause its not like he monitors any time someone mentions him on reddit or anything. The first time he got posted for one of his lists he went on twitter about it again showing how much he didn’t care, and the thread got brigaded but that’s totes not what he wanted.
No. 260924
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What about chris stuckmann? He seems pretty lulzy
>sperged out about the cringly batman v superman script he wrote when people laughed at him bragging it only took him "20 minutes to write"
>makes awful short films like that bourne one with jeremy jahans
>is desperate to be popular meaning he changes his reviews based on what his audience thinks they will like
>made this awful "the driver vs dragonball evolution" film which is autism magnified
>in the middle of his get out review felt the need to post a picture of him with a group of black people which people just found hilarious
if this is the kinda thing which qualifies would be happy to post but just want to make sure first
No. 260933
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I remember I loved his videos in 2010-2012 and I always imagined him to be a punky looking white dude in his mid 20s.
No. 261032
>>260878>@srhbutts and saying she was a pedophileJust to be clear, he is a pedophile. The chat logs are beyond damning, and Milo outed him by interviewing family members to confirm the story. yeah "muh Breitbart"
No. 261058
>>260878there's a whole SHITLOAD of lolcows associated with Channel Awesome
Doug himself is a pathetic husk of a man who doesn't understand copyright law and never will
Lindsay Ellis is so incompetent that she's a worse businessman than fucking Mike Michaud himself, and ran her Channel Awesome splinter site into the ground
and then there's Spoony, whose Patreon was once over $5000 a month. it's now at $1002/month because he NEVER RELEASES VIDEOS.
No. 261384
>>261058oh yes!! i wanted to write about Doug too but i can't stand the guy. he's done shady things in the past but i'm not 100% sure about the details because i really really can't watch him.
i knew that people didn't like Lindsay but i had no idea as to why, got milk?
No. 261394
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TheAmazingAtheist - edgelord neckbeard. several nude pictures and video leaks. burned bridges with every person he has collaborated with in spectacular fashion. graphically described how he would rape a rape victim who told him she doesn't find rape jokes funny. legendary e-beggar for all of his failed website projects that he failed to maintain. also admits to having pedophilic thoughts and thinks the age of consent should be "lowered to around 13"
looking for some milk on MrRepzion btw, I'd love if someone had anything to share
No. 261409
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>>261006There are high ranking feminist who are legit outspoken misandrist, so it's not just tumblr retards. It's existed since the dawn of feminism but I get what you're saying.
AmazingAtheist caps. Damn he is a big man child.
No. 261413
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>>261409Wow, how can anyone be okay with someone who says this??
>you deserved rape because you're mean to me!! a bloo blooFuck this piece of shit.
No. 261421
>>261394Fucking hell YES!
Kek hes got so much milk he has multiple pages on ED, the only other cow i know to have as many is chris chan.
I remember the shit he got into with some of his fans when he supported brock turner and he has fights with his fellow atheists. Also for someone who complains about tumblr sjws he sure acts like one (he unfollowed a friend because he made too many fat jokes, claims to be bisexual but doesnt actually like men, got
triggered for being called a racist despite the fact he says N
*s, tried to make himself a meme with his awful "blue berry pie" video and berates scammers despite the fact he has scammed thousands of dollars from followers for a channel he never produced)
Also i heard that video where he pours hot oil onto his button dick was to impress an underage fan who he wanted to fuck but again cant certify that.
No. 261427
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>>261413I really think the meme was based on his because hes 3edgy5me and will say anything and do anything that he thinks will shock people because hes gets very jealous of anyone getting more attention then him. Hes the thirstiest cow there is.
No. 261435
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MrRepzion - ranter/edgelord pandering nowadays
mrrepzion is just a big phony. i remember when he first started and he was sort of cute so his viewers were mostly tumblr girls and what not. he would complain constantly about girls not wanting to fuck him. And then would be asking teenage girls on tumblr for pictures of their bodies, and he would give them “compliments” (sounds familiar?”. Considering that it was tumblr and his fanbase at the time was teenage girls, I bet there were plenty of underage stuff. I think he deleted it all. nowadays he looks ugly and greasy all the time and i assume those girls are gone, because he wears meninist shirts and tries so hard to appeal to neckbeards. he also got caught stealing a bunch of shit from other people. "his views" are just stolen from the other people. sad.
He just hops into whatever gives him views, its no surprise that he's back on the Onision train now that most people stopped caring about him. Remember how he hated Trisha Paytas. Years later, Trisha Paytas mentions him in a video. Then, Repzion appears in one of Trisha’s videos, with Shane Dawson and Mytoecold. He thought he was a dumb bitch, but didn’t hesitate in working with her for the promotion. Like… he doesn't actually believe any of the shit he spews. or he's just real fucking fickle.
Back when he was “sort of” popular on the rant community he got into lots of drama because he constantly kept promising that he was going to kill himself (takeshotaction teas) but never did. His friends worried about him and he brushed them away. Then, people started making videos regarding these things (the suicide promotion and the tumblr girls) “exposing him”. So he would file copyright complaints and take all the videos down. He kept the lies going, saying he wasn’t the one doing it, till someone found out that the account that was flagging the videos was literally Repzion’s gmail account. So he pretended that someone hacked the gmail account, kept the lies going. his “hacker” took his account just to flag videos that made him look bad, and post a couple of comments here and there. Sure.
Even with the onision stuff, he lied. He made this big ass video saying that onision was harassing him, that he kept asking to debate him for no reason. Later it was found out that in one of onisions videos, that mr repzion literally commented “do a debate with me!”. So that video that’s like 20 minutes long? The one where he says that he never wanted to debate onision? All lies, he’s the one who instigated the whole thing. He plagiarized videos word for word too, the one that I remember the most was his “god is dead video”. There used to be a side-by-side comparison on youtube and everything, but I can’t find it anymore (how surprising). once I realized his true colors I unsubbed, so I don’t know about the new MrRepzion who hangs out with the atheist crowd and complains about the sjw.
No. 261437
>>261394>>261409>>261425Kek if you think thats bad get a load of his tumblr intro-would screencap but its hard to read so here it is:
"This is where people on Tumblr rattle off all of the things that they label themselves so you know where their group allegiances lie, and who am I to break with that empty tradition: I am a human being living in the 21st century, looking for answers and struggling with issues like everyone else. Atheist. Egalitarian. Pervert. Bisexual. Fat Ass. Sexy Ass. God. Slave. Douchebag. Boring piece of shit. Loudmouth. You know what? This is all unnecessary. I'm TJ. How are you?"
To top it off he writes "poetry" and no joke its the stereotypical 12 yr old emo "i hate the world and everything in it" i will try to find the tl;dr poem he posted to tumblr. He also has three books on amazon like the guy is a walking milk factory but i have to brace myself because i really find it hard to read through his pretentious ramblings.
No. 261505
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A lot of milk coming through.
There's a video game Youtuber/streamer by the name of GoodGamesGreg who was recently caught threatening girls into giving him nudes. Since this came out about 2 days ago he's pretty much a full meme now in that game but memes aside its actually some pretty heavy shit since he was doing this to minors too
No. 261512
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>>261507This was also found through all this meaning that he's been doing it for a pretty long time
No. 261516
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>>261513This is a long one but worth the read. The amount of blatant manipulation he tries is insane. The worst part is that this has actually worked for him a few times since a screenshot was leaked of him having nudes on his pc
No. 261519
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>>261516What he says to one of the girls after getting caught
No. 261520
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>>261519What he says to everyone else after getting caught
No. 261872
>>261505re: all of gregs shit
What a fucking sack of shit I hope he kills himself for real. People who play these sort of dumb mind games make me so mad.
No. 261898
>>261519>>261520If it is fake, then shit. Sucks for him but holy fuck, if it's real.
Dude should be shot
No. 262543
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>>262540She was kinda cute in her shoops even though they were really bad and obvious, it's just so weird seeing her real self now and how different she actually does look.
No. 262548
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>>262540I personally think her facial features are really cute, but at some point her face got pretty round and her cheeks/jowls got puffy. I guess she gained weight or something, or maybe just aging. I still definitely wouldn't say she's ugly now though.
No. 262662
>>262661Lol, anon.
It's not that dire.
No. 262804
>>262661you must be 12
this is more vanilla porn than 80% of males look at
No. 262953
>>262912>>262940You guys seem to be forgetting that time markiplier publicly came out and admitted he was a terrible friend to Matt and Ryan(around the same time his new gf came into the picture)
Matt and Ryan have since moved to work with Game Grumps.
Since the apology Matt and Ryan seem to have "made up" with Mark because they're mutuals again, but it seems more like a PR move than actual rekindling of friendship.
From that incident one can assume:
-he's that dude who ignores his friends when he gets a girl in his life
-power trips to the point of abusive friendships
-manipulative, why did he apologize in public instead of to them privately? If they didn't accept his apology, they would seem like the bad guys by Mark's fans/the internet
His content also seems to have dropped since he got that new editor too
No. 262977
>>262953you are actually 100% right that i forgot bc i dont go on here sober lol
i have to give him credit for at least trying to patch things up tho, he doesn't sound like a thoroughly terrible person. no one's completely unproblematic, but he's probably the least out of the cancer that is letsplayers
i really dont like his videos with the other dudes in them tho, he needs to stay in his niche of being hilariously scared on his own. i feel like he keeps those uggos around to make himself look better by comparison lmao
No. 263090
>>263066Not that anon but It was super far back I think late last year and was a post on his Facebook. I also think (but my memory is foggy on it) that someone pointed out somewhere Matt and Ryan didn't want anyone bringing up Mark during their first liveshow.
Sorry I can't find it right now but it might show up if you google markiplier Matt and ryan
No. 263096
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>>261394That time Repzion faked the whole "I never wanted to debate Onion"
Nothing I know otherwise or really give a shit about
No. 263566
>>262912>MarkiplierIMO he seems like a genuinely nice guy with the standard faults most ordinary people have.
I can see him not being a very stellar friend because he does strike me as a kind of introverted dude when he's not forcing it for his channel and social interactions. Almost like his bubbly performances are hiding a secret side to his personality. He seems like the type to want to cling onto someone in a relationship and struggle with balancing other people in his life. If dating dumb girls who were like four or five years younger than him is the worst he's done, then he ain't so bad in my book.
I honestly had no idea there was any kind of dirt on him until I read his thread. Bf and I love his letsplay stuff and we're both mid 20s. We can't (and kinda don't want to) accumulate new games and consoles. After work we just like to sit back on our computers and watch Mark make an ass of himself over vidya.
Sage for blog.
No. 263937
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>>263090thanks a lot, anon, i found it! if anyone's interested, here's the fb post: basically admits he was a dick to ryan and matt and bawws a little.
honestly, mark strikes me as a person who is really nice to people he doesn't really know but super mean to his friends - like, in a joke way, but really crosses the line sometimes. and the way he always changes his friend squad… first he was buds with bob and wade, then jacksepticeye, later ryan and matt and now he hangs out with those dudes who made a date with markiplier with him. there's a chance i'm just making shit up, but it seems he's not that stable in terms of friendship. or maybe i'm just an autist and it's all normal.
No. 263959
>>263566Agree, at worst he just seems kinda fake these days with his weirdish laugh.
so what if he forget about his friends once he gets a girl in his life ? One of my best friend does the exact same thing but honestly he's a great friend otherwise. Nobody is a perfect angel, maybe Mark's only fault is to try to project that angelic image of himself to his fans.
No. 263974
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>>261394Mrrepzion approves of bestiality so thats kind of horrible
No. 264283
>>264265speaking of vinesauce, does anyone know if joel has done any stupid shit that people should know about? ive tried googling it, but all of it is about vinny being ~
sage for non-contribution
No. 264301
>>264265Never thought I'd see Vinny posted here. I stopped following him around the end of Tomodachi Life, it just seemed like he was getting annoyed with video games. Put in no effort in trying to play, got angry pretty quickly. He's still one of my favorite streamers though.
>>264283Have you heard anything? There's nothing on Joel that I know of, I remember once in a stream he said something about wanting to make friends, but they seemed more concerned with his Twitch presence than actually wanting to be good friends. Haven't been keeping up with him either, he just plays games I'm not interested in.
Videogamedunkey is probably my favorite video game player, but his girlfriend annoys me. I mean, even if it might be her real voice, it's still really distracting.
No. 264329
>>264283I know there was a rumor on /v/ about him drunkingly leaking vinny's phone number during a stream and both of them falling out but i never saw any proof.
I know geepm is kicked off for a year for asking for money from fans to move while spending abunch of money on useless shit. That's the only thing I ever found proof of No. 264454
>>264209I used to like cr1tikal until he started inserting himself into other youtuber's drama, I thought he was above that but guess not
>>264283Vinny and Joel and the rest of the vinesauce crew are really chill and to themselves, I've never heard any drama from them. Just dudes playing games
No. 267529
>>262953The problem is, that theory doesn't really add up.
Mark is indeed a perfectionist. No denying that.
Matt and Ryan are hilariously incompetent at their jobs. Game Grumps uploads are often out of schedule, tons of audio errors, they left the recording room so fucking messy Ross and Barry literally called them in during a recording session to tell them off. Matt then went off in a fucking huff to stew, rather than apologise or explain. They get in retarded arguments on twitter, right when uploads go screwy.
They are so fucking LUCKY Arin does not give a single fuck, because I cannot think of anywhere else that would tolerate this fucketry. This month alone they've had, what, four upload scheduling errors? That's hours worth of revenue gone. Revenue they need to pay the bills.
No. 267537
>>264301Wait, that sped sounding girl with the annoying voice is his gf? I honestly thought it was his retarded little sister something.
>>267529This, also didn't Mark wind up hiring more friends to work for him (Tyler, for example)? If he really didn't think he could separate friendship and work relationship, wouldn't that be a terrible move? Between that and the issues Matt and Ryan are having at GG, it sounds like it's more they're the ones at fault.
No. 267559
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If anyone's interested, Kathleen Zuelch, formerly of RoosterTeeth, completely lost her shit on International Women's Day
She publicly accused Ashley Jenkins (formerly a Frag Girl, employee of IGN, and employee of Microsoft, current host of The Know) of only getting her job because she's dating the owner (see qualifications) and then drunkenly went off about how no one know's the full story. (read bottom to top)
No. 267751
>>263959Holy shit the Mark stans in this thread. Mark's much faker than Felix or Sean, trying to make audience see him as a saint while almost all of his friends 'joke' all the time about how much of an asshole he really is. There's gotta be a grain of salt in all of that huh? He's a pretty good manipulator too, he will always make you sympathize and feel for him. I just hate how double-faced he is. I guess it's his persona to be like the nicest guy you will ever get to meet, but having that kinda thing going on while actually being kinda douchey just makes me cringe.
Haven't heard anything bad about his gf though, she seems kinda nice.
Felix is pretty dishonest and tries to fit in with the edgy crowd right now with his content going to shit. Clickbaits, reaction videos, shitty games, drama bandwagons and challenges. He seems like an okay but a very money-oriented person to me. His sense of humor is pretty bad though.
I haven't really heard anything bad about Sean yet aside from the whole WSJ drama backstabbing thing. I agreed with him on that matter (Felix went a bit too far and the joke wasn't funny, also Disney has every right to distance themselves) and didn't think of it as a backstabbing, rather just voicing his opinion and disagreeing with a friend but I also agree he should have said those things privately. Not publicly like this.
Aside from that, his friends seem to like him and he seems kinda okay? Youtubers are always saying how nice and genuine he is. Which strikes me weird since he seems pretty socially awkward to me.
His loud and childish videos are hard for me to watch but I guess I'm not his target audience.
No. 268139
>>264265>>264283I watch Vinesauce quite a bit and don't really think they've done anything stupid. There have been a few times where they've said "non-PC" shit that has pissed off some Tumblr fans, but there's nothing wrong with cracking a joke about identifying as an attack helicopter unless you're a pussy.
Even when Vinny, Joel, and some of the others from Vinesauce caught wind that fans on Tumblr were writing gay fanfics about them and drawing gross shit, they just kind of said "ok guys, that makes us uncomfortable, please stop" and that was it.
Really chill, nice guys seriously.
No. 268146
>>267751>felix>money hungrylol are you serious? he's a fucking millionaire yet is extremely frugal. his parents are CEOs, he knows how to handle money without fucking it up. the reason his "content is going to shit" is because he legit does not care about anything anymore because nothing can hurt him. he was dropped by disney and revelmode, so what? he still has a shit ton of money in the bank. the whole "oh plz turn off adblock lol" thing he does is a joke.
imo, felix is definitely the most honest and genuine youtube i've ever watched
No. 268152
>>268100This is why it's no fun to talk about the Martyr of YouTube. No matter what you say they'll always be someone behind him sucking on his asshole.
I agree with
>>267751 about Mark. He seems disingenuous. The line between who he is and who his fan want him to be blurred a long time ago. I'm not saying he's a bad person but I definitely think there's a front up now that makes his personality feel artificial.
No. 268158
>>268150This. He's realized and acknowledged he is in a unique position that he is able to confront youtube and the media without having to face dire consequences. Small time youtubers don't have that option if they want to survive, but Felix knows he's untouchable so he steps up to expose when shady/stupid shit is going down. He's obviously really intelligent, and part of his humor is that he knows his humor is completely retarded.
On the subject of Markiplier, since him and Felix have done stuff together in the past, I have a feeling he is a douche off camera/irl. I don't think him and Felix get along possibly, as Felix is clearly good friends with Jacksepticeye and other youtubers he's worked with, but I don't see any kind of real connection between him and Mark. Makes you wonder why, when Felix gets along with seemingly everyone.
No. 268184
>>268100This is neither of them. It's not whiny and defensive enough. Also Matt is in Japan and Ryan is either high or asleep.
>>268152Mark is a huge fraud. He hid his previous girlfriend's existence and was trying to do the same with his current one until (I assume) she put her foot down and smashed the illusion of him being Youtube's most eligible bachelor. He panders to his audience by lamenting about how he misses interacting with them and then makes no effort to actually interact with them. IIRC, he left his ex(who he was keeping secret) to have a panic attack alone in a hotel while he went off to enjoy a con.
it's also telling that at this stage of his youtube fame the only "friends" that he has are the ones benefiting from him financially.
No. 268193
>>268146Not money hungry.
Money oriented. He's a smart person when it comes to staying popular on YouTube.
No. 268206
>>268184As I recall, she only came out as Mark's girlfriend because someone on twitter took a picture with the both of them and captioned the picture 'met Mark and his gf' or some shit. Before that there were pictures of them together and other sloppy hints that he NEVER addressed. Hell, he's never addressed it. He stayed quiet until he figured that everyone knew and the hype around Amy died down, then she just started showing up in streams and in pictures.
He really, REALLY wanted to keep the illusion of singlehood going. I get wanting privacy but the way he went about it was just shady.
No. 268220
>>268219We are not talking about crimes. It's nothing serious.
Just that he's probably a douche putting up an angel-like persona. Did you see how he acted in some of the live streams? He absolutely acts very differently irl and to his friends than what he pretends to be like in his solo videos.
You might find it okay, some people find it kinda shady and fake.
No. 268275
>>268220I do think Mark seems like a dick to his friends. It was most noticeable in the older Spore videos with Tyler and someone else. He was very douchey to them and was definitely one of those people who had to be in control the whole time, snatching the controller, etc and not in the way you'd be an asshole with your friends, but in a controlling way. It was a weird disconnect with his usual charming solo LPs.
That said, I think the Matt/Ryan fiasco had more to do with them than Mark. I bet he was a dick, maybe unprofessional to them when they sucked, but I bet they were ass at their job because they still are at GG, they just get away with it cuz Arin's a potato.
No. 268310
>>268275Yeah I agree with you.
That said, I kinda hope he is just bad at interacting with his friends and not being seemingly a dick on a purpose.
His solo-lps are still enjoyable to me from time to time but I just take all these youtuber personas with a grain of salt now.
No. 268546
>>268365but why would he care about Daniel's death? He only knew him because Mark wanted to buy some friends. He didn't have the connection to him that Ryan had. Also, didn't he know him, like, for less than a year before he killed himself?
Yeah, Mark's fan base is very much insane. Realize that Mark never calls them out or blocks the insane people. Instead he tells them that they're all his bffs and that he cares about every single one of their farts.
No. 268617
>>268589Happened 2 years ago now, but I managed to unearth the tweet via Google: was in hospital for some shit and I guess there was an issue with his insurance. People freaked the fuck out, tweeting the fuck out of his insurance company (outside of the linked thread/@ replies).
It got resolved, so his fans patted themselves on the back like they helped, when in reality it was some easily resolved admin error or something.
No. 269003
>>268892I guess so that his eloquent and mature fanbase can help him out.
Oh wait, they just spammed them. Guess he had to make that phone call after all.
No. 269217
>>269047i know! everyone was so autistic, it used to be super entertaining. and yeah they were all SO ugly omg.
anyway, everyone involved in Channel Awesome seemed super upset about it too. the worst is how he died, he killed himself. (i might be remembering this wrong) but i remember hearing a story about how JewWario's wife was crying and trying to talk to him but he locked himself in the bathroom and refused to get help. then he died. gruesome stuff.
No. 269224
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>Jontron - shitty videogames and sometimes shitty movies reviewerSo earlier this year he got into some controversy on twitter for mocking the Women's march He got some heat for a few days and everything went back to normal. This is easy for him, because he hardly uploads videos. i liked his content, but he's not nearly as good anymore and he keeps hiding videos instead of uploading more.
today he's been getting into more controversy. On a stream debate with Destiny he got destroyed (imo). Here are some of the things that Jontron said in the stream
- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over / Discrimination doesn't exist anymore.
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics
- Irish settlers to North America were not prejudiced against; that was a myth
- Discrimination does not exist in modern-day America (meanwhile he discriminates in this video)
- Pure America is white European settlers (barely any consideration given to Native Americans)
- All of Europe is the same
- Social demographics and upbringing don't play any part in crime rates
- Japan is the gold standard for a
racially pure country. (cause this is something we need or something…)
- kek at the end of the strem he said something like "RIP my career"
more recap No. 269227
>>260943do you like…. watch his videos? at all? i don't even know where to begin. i stalked his reddit a long time ago and its all that he posted about. if you watch any of his reviews onn music (the only ones i liked) he goes on dumb tangents complaining about feminism and how "OH BUT IF A MAN SANG THIS…" etc. all the fucking time
its not like i called him a racist or an alt right, dude. i just said he's clearly against tumblr/sjw/feminism in general, because he complains about those things…literally all the time. the fuck you are on.
No. 269250
>>269224this is depressing
first game grump's suzy and arin say nigger and hate black people and now jons fucking retarded
No. 269335
>>269225I feel a bit bad but … I agree to a certain point. I feel like Jon has just a stupid way of bringing his points in a joking/sarcastic manner that makes it sounds dumb.
I'm certainly no neo-nazi but is it wrong to question certains things ? Why is it that we coddle PoC but ignore white countries even if they're doing economically worse ?
Why is it ok that Japan keeps on being pure and traditionnal but it's not ok to say that if I want to travel to France or Germany in the future, I want it to look like France and Germany not Iran ?
Maybe it's privileged of me but if I travel to another country I don't want it to look and feel like my home country. And even if mine isn't doing so great right now I still feel proud of it and would rather work hard to make it better than to flee to boat and settle to a completly different one without any will to adapt to the culture.
No. 269342
>>269224He is dumb as a fucking rock and so are the people defending his views
>muh racially pure japan!!!!jesus christ
No. 269346
>>269224Jontron, when presented with statistical data and facts, "I do not subscribe to that."
No. 269358
>>269340I obviously understand, although a lot of immigrants are NOT refugees, they're just hoping on the very literal bandwagon to a flee a poor country, but are not in danger.
I obviously value human life above everything but it'd be deluded to not realise that a ton of them are in no danger. And it's cool to move to another country, that's pretty great to be able to do that in today's world, but what's the point if it's just because your own is piss poor and you just want to reap the benefits of your new homeplace whilst not adapting one bit to the new culture ?
Funny thing is they also snub the poorest but safe european countries to go to England. Isn't the top priority protecting your life ? So a lot of them are too good to relocate to various countries but those same europeans would be seen as leeches if they did the same thing.
No. 269403
>>269389Yeah I cringed hard when she kept siding with him and being catty on twitter and then when people called her out she pretended she didn't know/stayed out of drama.
I hate people like that, that hide behind some fake personality to pretend they're innocent. Her thing is the whole "oh I'm Canadian we're just SO NICE we're never actually mean!!! Everyone is so naive here in Canadaland!!" Which is such bullshit
No. 269443
>>269349I think she has no idea what to do with herself when she can't make straight-up nail tutorials. Can't wait till her nail heals jeez
Also while I do enjoy her personality on yt since it's WAY livelier than other nail artists, I feel like she'd become obnoxious real fast irl
No. 269444
>>269224Wait, isn't Jon himself like half-Iranian? Son of immigrants? Does he suffer from internalized self-hatred or what??
Is he saying that he himself is ruining America???
No. 269455
>>269224If he actually said all that, reddit is retarded for focusing on the 'the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man' point. At least he thought that was fact. The rest is just offensive opinions/conspiracy theories he made up.
>Black Lives Matter is a violent organizationyeah that's true
No. 269526
>>269444There's plenty of immigrants or kids of immigrants who don't agree with illegaly entering the country or not adaptating to a new culture/lifestyle.
It's always been obvious he isn't 100% white but maybe he sees himself more like a white american ?
No. 269589
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First, there was pixyteri.
Then, there was Dakota Rose.
It wasn't enough.
The global population was evaporating like oil over a flame. Our women had no milk for their children. The men had no steak to roast. In a new Earth ravaged by drought, the UN Agricultural Crisis Response Council enlisted the world's top geneticists to splice and engineer a cow so of such unholy depravity that the cow nation would never again thirst for milk
They gave us
BabyZelda ASMR Gamer Girl
No. 269592
>>269565When discussing immigration in the broad context of a nations health and prosperity it's only right to keep personal bias out of the conversation.
>>269444"internalized self hatred" is really shitty deflection leftists use to invalidate non-liberal minorities. It's patronizing and racist and not a good counter-argument.
No. 269674
>>269593She's got a myfreecams where she does hideous porn.
Why people would watch it is incomprehensible, except as some kind of avant garde horror experience
No. 269713
People keep saying Pewdiepie is smart and a youtube martyr but they forget that time pewdiepie went after a fucking 5 year old with no evidence, and accused them of buying views
The real reason why the 5 year old has so many views is discussed here: is pewdiepie any different from the WSJ? Fucking hypocrite
No. 269722
>>269676My guy, if you have watched even half of one of her videos you would know that my post
>>269589 is not remotely indicative of her diction or syntax
>>269674This isn't surprising at all. Her youtube vids are basically camgirling without any gash flashing
No. 270107
>>269349she thinks she's way funnier than she actually is. her humour is childish as hell imo, so its weird seeing a grown ass woman making the "jokes" she makes.
>pewdiepiewhen she first started she tried to be a lot like Jenna Marbles, and that was fine. But now i do think she's trying that edgy youtuber humour. Also, i don't like any of these youtubers but pewdiepie, jenna, h3h3, and everyone that she imitates is funnier than her. i remember when she did a parody song of Hello by Adele, but instead she sang "i'm coming out… as a holosexuaaaal!!" it was fucking worst.
her fans are all like 12 so they're eating that shit up. but holy shit she's bad.
No. 270258
>>270109Even so, he made a claim that was completely false and easily verifiable through logic
Why was he so #
triggered that a channel has more views than him that he had to make a video about it?
Sure -LOL SATIRE XD but the fact he had the thought in the first place shows it did, in fact, bother him
No. 270400
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Surprised no one mentioned Dan and Phil yet. I'm still shocked people in 2017 honestly think they're straight though. They've been "roommates" for like a decade.
I guess I'm just waiting until they eventually come out when their channel starts to die and they need views.
I'm not that much younger than Dan so he's kind of "relatable" but his content is mostly for 12 year old lol randum xD middle schoolers.
No. 270653
>>270400Well, looking at their old tweets and messages, I absolutely think they used to be a couple as a part of their emo phase and broke up when they grew out of it.
As for some milk, I know that Dan used to be one hell of a weirdo stalker. He basically inserted himself into Phil's life after being obsessed with his videos. He even made this 'how to become friends with your favourite youtuber' video ages ago. I heard he sent Phil his hair or something equally creepy but I'm not that sure about it. Now he's denying even being a fan of Phil before their met. Or idk, he claims something different every time anyone asks him.
He also used to take bunch of cringy naked photos (with his private parts obscured by plushies or a controller for example). They are really funny.
Nothing really noteworthy about Phil, he is just weird, his face is weird, his hair is weird and his cutesy act comes off creepy as hell. He's 30 and acts like an anime girl.
They have given up on creating any quality content and just queerbait now, they know the fangirls will analyze every second of any video to find a proof of their relationship. That's what makes them money.
Honestly they are so robotic and scripted now that it hurts to watch them. I think they are ultimate sellouts of YouTube too.
No. 270665
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i watched phil from before when he met dan and he was a dodgier, less "uwu i love cakes and doggies!!" type of person. nothing illegal or immoral but he flirted with fans and smaller youtubers a lot, pretty much all of them being 17/18, met a lot of them and doubt he wasnt fucking around the uk youtube scene in 2008. he still weirds me out sometimes with his weird child act. and he started the trend about lying about how he and dan met and stuff, and now just ignores it.
dan was a massive attention whore when he was like 18 (pretty sure he never sent anyone hair) and was generally a typical uk emo in 2009. he seemed by 2012 like he grew out of it but the fans didnt like him not being a scene teenager so hes now gone back to acting like he still likes emo bands from 10 years ago when he admitted not long ago that he hasnt been into them in years kek
theyre husks of what they were a few years ago, barely make content and when they do it takes less effort than the challenge videos they constantly laugh at, massive weeaboos who sell tshirts with pictures of japan on them because its like "their thing" and still denying that they totally dated, if they dont still. theyre both bisexual anyway.
last really big thing i heard about them since i gave up years ago was that they brought out a game app which cost like £2 and was a complete copy of a board game they actually own and have played together in videos. if you added up everything theyve done over the last 8/9 years they'd probably fit in on /snow/ but they're usually just boring
No. 271083
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>>270409I don't know what you're talking about
>>270653 , you don't make your friends Valentine's videos where you tell them you love them and draw pictures of you two kissing? That is completely heterosexual.
In all honesty, even without that video, it's pretty obvious.
>>270665Recently, they had a worldwide tour and really overdid it with the shitty tour and spon videos. They pretty much only make one good video a year at this point. It really is sad that the only thing they have going for them is the "mystery" and pretty much nothing else.
That said, they're actually cool people and I like them when they aren't robots.
No. 271109
>>270665It's extremely obvious that they're just pandering to their tween fanbase. Most of the people that grew up with them don't watch them anymore, but the cycles of teen girls starting to watch youtube never ends, so their cashcow never really ends as long as they keep pandering to teen sensibilities. Their big selling point is also pandering to essentially fujos with the whole "are they aren't they" thing, since you know teens aren't nearly as interested as soon as it's a confirmed gay.
Look at all these other gay youtubers. Yeah they have teen girl fans, but they're nowhere near as fervent as the Dan and Phil fans.
No. 271146
>>269777wait to not watch the whole video. 4:15 he does indeed talk about how other people worked on it
>so many other people worked on the show> their work doesnt get to be out therehe talks about how jack was heavily featured, and that there was a different guest each episode, how there were 10 other youtubers who were in it.
No. 271150
>>271143Now you're sounding like a pewdie stan.
If you really think grown adults fighting 5 year olds is okay then sure. You're a retard, they're all retards, Retards pitted against each other, nice.
No. 271151
>>271146I like how he didn't take any blame for it. They don't get to show their work BECAUSE of your shitty behavior.
Why do youtubers think they are benign to criticism like celebrities are? smfh
No. 271291
>>271151I absolutely agree.
Also Felix stans are crazy in this thread.
Sure, his content being shitty, faking reactions in every vid while preaching about other people being fake and him using clickbaits all the time is only a 'satire' and a 'commentary' about what's happening to YouTube. Do you really believe that?
And now he fucked up and can't own to it and victimises himself like crazy.
No. 273295
>>273147He really doesn't have any drama (or at least anything notable). I guess you could argue that he's had shit friends but tbh he's part of the oldfag crew and they basically know/hung out with everyone who has been a content creator for years (cyr, shaycarl, charlestrippy, tobuscus, etc.) He's smart about not collabing with them anymore once they usually have drama, and is private enough that you're not really sure who his actual friends are vs his 'they're in my video for views' friends.
Personally the one thing I'm not a big fan of but it could be that I misunderstood the video was the one where he reacts to the guy reacting to him? It seemed weirdly cruel and not really his brand of humour. Maybe the guy was in on it though or something.
No. 273457
>>273341>>273363>>273446I didn't find Jenna's content funny when she first started but her latest stuff i find hilarious. She's a great person who is actually funny and creative and doesn't rely on stupid shit or clickbait for views, she just comes up with funny shit. I really respect that. I find her BF a little annoying but overall way better than most YTers.
She pretty much just spends her time home in her pajamas with her dogs. Nothing wrong with that. Drama free and chill.
No. 273553
>>273299Top male and female youtubers are dumb tbh.
Guy youtubers rely on offensive and crass humor, girls rely on relatable/sketch humor from what I've seen.
Guys end up being just burping cursing idiots and girls end up being cringy fakes.
Don't know what's worse.
No. 274066
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>>274034Dan has luckily stopped straightening his hair and wearing a side fringe and looks way better for it as well, this is from his most recent live show.
I think Phil is a lost cause at this stage, he's still trying to maintain his youth and connect with the fans when the fact is, he would probably be on ijustine's level right now if it weren't for Dan and the whole "phan" thing, so he doesn't touch his hair for how much his retarded fangirls love it.
No. 274942
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What are your thoughts on Anna Akana?
I liked her after finding out about how she coped with her younger sister committing suicide. Since 2016 she got a boyfriend and all her content surrounded around promoting and inserting him into her content.
No. 275113
>>274942>>275109they recently broke up
however they did a show together, anna is releasing some skits on her youtube, ex is still appearing in them
No. 275293
>>270665Imagining Phil fucking around the YouTube scene makes me extremely uncomfortable.
He's so ugly. He should get a nose job. And a different haircut. And a different hair-dye, his ginger face is just weird with black hair. And he absolutely lacks a chin. His face goes straight to his neck. The back of his head is also really long for some reason. What's the deal with him? Why's he so deformed?
I don't know if it's possible for him to improve.
Also why the hell is every other comment on their vids 'Phil is so handsome today!!' 'Omg Phil is so beautiful!!'?
Am I blind and weird or are the fan girls blind?
No. 275404
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>>275293There's some evidence that he was supposedly fucking around with some glamour model named Alyssa Nicole Pallett in 2008. He went to visit her in New York and she recorded a video of them going to the zoo that's now private.
No. 275436
>>275293It's called being a Brit. They're all crooked and ugly, but I don't think he needs surgery. If he wants to, sure, but he's fine and hasn't had any issues with women so far. He has charm in his own way, like most guys who are gangly.
Save the super-demeaning physical-based aggression for Onision.
No. 276375
>>276366'Feel bad for me, I'm such an honest emotional angel'
No. 276502
>>276366I think it's kinda sad how someone can have all the success in the world, get to the top, and suddenly lose sight of why they're there.
Happiness is so arbitrary man.
No. 276515
>>276513Juvenile, but had the woman who tweeted had just used an account not linked to her company or real identity it could've been a bullet dodged.
It used to be a common rule to not post such risky stuff back in the day, I don't know what's changed.
No. 276571
>>276513I didn't see anything wrong with it, if you say stupid shit prepared to get backlash.
Famous or not, watch your mouth in public
No. 276638
>>276480>>276502Nah man, he just knows emotions and drama generate views.
His content is absolutely the same as it was before, how has he suddenly lost sight of anything? He used to play horror games and do stupid shit with friends and he still does. He even interacts with his fans more than like a year before. I'm convinced he's bullshiting, don't fall for it.
He loves to incoherently ramble while crying for views.
No. 276656
>>276638Oh yeah, and he frequently does charity livestreams too, more than ever before. And he also started making various sketches and songs, started taking singing lessons, acting lessons and so on. Plus like I said, he still makes the good old horror game and challenges videos. Hired new editors and manager. He really doesn't seem lost in his life or career or without a goal.
I would trust his existential crisis more if he didn't use that clickbaity thumbnail with that one glistening tear. That's why I absolutely think he's bullshiting. If he wasn't crying for money, he wouldn't put it in the thumbnail. He's selling his crying face.
No. 276977
>>276847I don't know if he disconnects that much, he did a bunch of challenges with fans around this Christmas.
And yeah, if he feels that it isn't enough, the only thing he needs to do is twitter-interact, reply to comments on YouTube and do some streams. Which I think he all kinda does. Not sure what's his problem again.
No. 277016
>>276366 >>276468 - Same Annon
I wonder if he monetized the video. Don't get me wrong I used to like Marks videos, but it's the same thing over and over and it got old real fast. I find him so fake and he seems like an ass to me. Like when he left his Girlfriend and posted a video about how sad he was, I felt that was something he could have done in a status post, and all he basically said was he wouldn't make a video that day cause he was sad. Since he was the one that broke up with her you'd think he'd hold off on expecting ass pats from his fans, I mean his gf was already depressed and had been hospitalized for it before, to me that shit would have really upset me, just Mark wanted his fan's to feel sorry for him, that just seems like a dick move to me. And seeing the way he reacted when Daniel passed away compared to Dan's friends Matt and Ryan. Mark again made a video of him crying and then made a video with Dan's parents, it was a terrible situation, but he got all his depressed teen fans involved with the videos and it all felt like a reach for attention, I mean the fact he won't involve people with his relationships but gets his fans super involved in the suicide seems more like marketing by pretending to be lonely, single and also emotionally scared, much like his fan base. I wouldn't expect mark to stay silent through it all, but he could of at least handled it differently and involved less people.
This whole video again seems like bait, the tear in the thumb nail and the title areally just like a 'depressed' 15 year old would post on a blog; Which is quite a large majority of his fan-Base. it just seems like abother grab at trying to relate to his younger audience by gauging a response through sympathy, this is something he could of put into a post and asked his fan base to suggest something's to him, rather then crying on camera and reaching for sympathy.
The reason why he's distanced from his fan base, is because his humour appeals to younger people, and as we get older our humour changes. With a new audience of young people, with different humor, he's leaving to loop as he is aging but not changing his jokes. Granted I haven't watched any of his videos in a while, but that was because he started doing more live action stuff and I find his acting really cringey and the skits didn't make any sense, like that popcorn thing him, Ryan and Matt did, it didn't make much sense and I didn't find it funny, just really stupid. I'm not sure how much he could have changed in a year, but with yet another one of these tear-jerking videos, I have allot of doubt.
No. 277078
>>267751I disagree about the backstabbing. Yeah, the joke was stupid, but making a video shitting on his best friend (and the reason he even has such a big YouTube following) is just gross.
Also, keep in mind that Disney has YouTubers working for them that are pretty offensive. The only reason they dropped him over it was because it became viral news.
No. 277157
>>277078'best friend'
Are you serious? Don't overestimate their relationship.
I get what you mean. But he wasn't shitting on him, he said he doesn't agree with Felix and that the joke was moronic and the media reaction was to be expected in his opinion, even though Felix is a great person and absolutely not a Nazi.
The fanboy reaction was crazy. It was a good video imo (not just Felix ass-licking like Ethan Klein for example did) but I agree that he should have just kept quiet since it wasn't appropriate as Felix is his friend.
But he seems to regret it a lot. It may be damage control, it may be honest, but I kinda believe that he didn't mean it as a backstab.
Ken said similar thing and got away with it though, hasn't he?
No. 277452
>>277157… Anon, they all say they're best friends. It's not overestimating they're relationship, it's repeating what they themselves have said.
And yes, it was shitting on him. Instead of being like "what Felix did wasn't cool, but he's facing the consequences of his actions and as someone who knows him very well, I can tell you he's not at all a Nazi and this is was just his bad idea of a joke. everyone makes mistakes", he spends the whole video distancing himself and talking about how horrible it all was. There's no true defense of Felix, unlike Mark's video. At least Sean apologized after the fact, thats something to respect.
No. 277608
>>277452Lol Sean has never said Felix is his best friend and Felix hasn't either. They are good friends, not best friends.
I don't think he had to defend Felix's actions when he absolutely disagrees with them. That would be fucked up and dishonest.
Mark's video was incoherent and cringy rambling as always, great defense indeed. Didn't he also cry in that?
If KEEM didn't take JSE's video and make it a huge thing, trying to turn it into profit for his drama channel, no one would be so upset about it. Ironically, the fanboys blew it out of proportion as much as WSJ did with the Felix Nazi joke.
I don't think Sean meant any harm. He just rambled to his audience about what he thought about what was happening. He seems to really regret making the video (who wouldn't lol).
And he DID say exactly what you wrote that he didn't say and should have said. Like, almost exactly word for word. Right at the start of the video.
No. 277631
>>277078 I disagree about the backstabbing. Yeah, the joke was stupid, but making a video shitting on his best friend (and the reason he even has such a big YouTube following) is just gross.
Anon, are you 12? His BEST FRIEND? kek…yeah doubt it. So tired of the PDP made JSE bullshit. He gave him ONE shout out amongst a dozen others. NONE of the other people are anywhere to be seen. Everyone on YouTube gets boosted when they appear alongside bigger YouTubers. Stop making it out like PDP was handling the JSE marketing campaign. If JSE were shit at doing YouTube he's still be no where.
No. 277671
>>277633I was the first anon that said he was money oriented. English isn't my first language so I'm not sure I expressed it properly but I thought it was clear what I meant.
Money oriented is different from money hungry.
It means that he's smart at handlig his business and knows how to make profit and stay relevant. Considering I've heard his father is a CEO, I think he probably learned a thing or two from him.
Money hungry is a different thing.
No. 277768
>>277630Mark is an egotistical dick, 100%. I mean, not even Game Grumps hang out with him that much any more afaik. He picks up total randoms and leaves behind other friends when it doesn't work well with what he does. Like, Bob and Wade used to be super close with him and the last time I saw them they were in a video with Sean.
And in regards to the Cyndango thing, wasn't he the one who found the dude first when he killed himself? I may be mistaken but I could have sworn he was the one who came home first and found him or something. Which doesn't excuse his "It's about ME!!1!" attitude but Mark doesn't seem to handle shit well sometimes, so he may have internalized it a bit more.
No. 277796
>>277768No, I don't think it was him who found him.
Can anyone confirm?
No. 277902
>Daniel had been found in critical condition in his room after a suicide attempt in the house he shared with Fischbach and his Cyndago buddies from South Carolina, Ryan Magee and Matt Watson. He had suffered irreversible brain damage from an undisclosed cause, and he was taken off life support two days later.All the cyndago guys lived in Marks house. Mark still lives in the house where Daniel committed suicide.
The cause of Daniel's death has not been confirmed but the online community believe it to be a hanging/drugs due to the mention of brain damage.
No. 278444
>>276366I made a comment before about him being the Martyr of YouTube and THIS is what I meant, saying shit like wishing he could help everyone in the world and take their pain away and all that, not to mention the Respect 'can't we all just get along guiz world peace ftw' mentality. Laying it a little thick there, buddy. You can get your head out of your ass and put that cross on your back down anytime.
>>277016I agree with you, anon. I was a fan of Mark's for a hot minute but because I'm not going through puberty anymore I started to notice some dodgy shit, mainly how he plays his fans heartstrings one second and acts like they're the bane of his existence the next. The breaking point for me was his Tumblr post about Jess after they broke up which basically read,
"Hey guys so I hid this girl from you all for x years (idfr) and now I'm telling you because you all aren't unobservant retards like I thought you were and you're MAKING me be honest about it now but w/e show this strange girl some love cuz she use to bounce on my dick"
I definitely think he's just sunk to the level of clickbait and pander now. I watched his pt of Resident Evil 7 with a friend (his idea, not mine) and even though there were glimpses of the old enthusiast nerd Mark, those moments were soon replaced with the new gen dank memes Mark.
No. 278554
>>277586This video is so shady, I love it. I feel like Cry and Ken fell off the Pewdie loop hard, Ken is definitely bitter about it, specially about being replaced by Jacksepticeye (he kinda namedropped him).
Ken is very depressed with his youtube doing poorly and is getting into twitch more, which I've seen a lot of people with dying channels do. Cry is handling it well but I can tell he wants no part in clickbait shit tactics like Mark's… I do think both were kind of mocking him in a very vague way. They also talk about how money being involved in their collabs/friendships ruined everything, for example with Pewdiepie. If something doesn't make money, there's no point in them doing it together. (By the way, this video DOES definitely confirm that Pewdiepie is money/business oriented).
I haven't even watched any of them in 300 years but they sound like grandpas and I'm living for it. I appreciate their honesty there, now that they don't give as much of a fuck about youtube anymore.
No. 279161
>>279106Here you go anon. The interesting parts
>6:35 "Then you gotta tell them you love them so they'll watch you some more" "Oh… oh shit. Are you saying you're faking it dog?" "Sometimes you have to make a video where you're crying and thanking everybody for subscribing to you but really you don't give a fuck" "Wow…." "Wow who's done that ever, I don't know" "I don't know dog! I mean… shit! we namedropping today, is that what we're doing here today?"
>16:58 You could play some scary games and everybody would be like "oh yeah you're the best, oh shit son!" and now it's like "are you Jacksepticeye?" "No" "I DON'T WANNA WATCH YOU FUCK YOU"
>36:40 BroKenPodcast/Pewdiepie discussionI watched these two for a short while back in the day, I never watched Markiplier much other than a couple of gameplays when he started his channel (but I have watched some recent ones and seen the change) because when he and specially Jacksepticeye came in the picture I was too old and too over this. I think Mark and Jack fill out the roles Cry and Ken used to have even if they don't have the same personality. Mark has that whole soothing voice deal and "good hearted" appeal that drives 12 year olds on Deviantart nuts, and from what I've seen Jack is the loud counterpart to Pewdiepie.
This makes me wonder if they both will also be replaced in the future. You could argue they're more famous than Cry and Ken were, but I'm not sure about that, the internet was filled with their shit in 2014 man, and that was before Youtube grew even more.
No. 279173
>>278554i mean ken is just as money hungry, if not MORE, he is the worst imo
why did he join revelmode if he had such a problem with them
No. 279180
>>279173Yeah I'm not saying he isn't, he totally owns that. He pretty much says he jumped on youtube just because he was unhappy with his job at the time and wanted to cash in on the trend. He said as a conclusion that whatever you do, don't do it for the money, because if it doesn't work out you're left with nothing since you're not even happy with your job.
To me it's like being an artist of any kind, it's not a reliable source of income and it's very dependant on fame which is so temporary. If you get into this shit you must do it because you love it, so in times of struggle at least you're enjoying yourself. Any other reason (fame, money) will kick your shit into depression as it happened with Ken. You can even extrapolate this to other cows who take on gigs for the attention and spiral down when they fade because they didn't actually care about what they were doing but fame.
No. 279215
>>279180Tbh JSE is kinda okay in my opinon. His shorter videos are shit and clearly targeted towards young audience but his longer and story-based LPs (like Night in the Woods, Oxenfree) are okay. He shuts up during any dialogues (what almost no one seems to do lately), tries to get into the story and is overall pretty calm.
Short vids are still annoying and his intro is dumb though. But some of his content is okay.
But Mark is much more annoying to me with his out-of-nowhere screaming imo. Always scares the shit out of me since he goes from really quiet to absolutely ear-destroying. At least he used to do that when I still watched him. And him trying to be all 'sensual, smooth and sexy' with his voice creeps me out too.
And the challenges with his friends were horrible too. It still creeps me out how he convinced Ethan to be shot at by that tennis ball rocket when he clearly didn't want to.
Mark's weird, I never know what to think about him.
I also don't think they replaced Cry and Ken.
Mark doesn't even interact with Felix all that much, right? And Jack seems pretty pushed into the relationship by Felix (who made the JSE Roast, Jackspedicey2 and so on out of nowhere for some reason) and doesn't seem to suck Felix's dick as much as Felix would like him to (see the Nazi backstabbing drama).
I wonder if Felix just goes through the list of growing youtubers and picks the ones that should bring in some profit (from collabs, etc.) to be friends with. He absolutely does.
No. 282747
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>>260803I want to make some blue eyes aryan children with Poodiepie…
Fuck jews. I like it when a man simply stands firm to his beliefes even if it offends a couple of people. Its better to actually defend a unpopular opinion then just gulp down everything that is considered standard if you ask me.
I would like to see more real man in today's day and age, not some insecure boys.
No. 282749
>>279575Ignoring the above bait, I really think that pewdiepie made that jacksepticeye2 channel to test how many of his subscribers are actually active - to see how many subs he'd get if he actually launched a new channel.
Shockingly only a very small percentage were, so he scrapped the whole thing.
I might be in tinfoil hat territory, but I genuinely think he wanted to delete his channel during the whole 'it was a prank LOL' fiasco, but realised he'd have nowhere near the same amount of subs and consequently would just be another youtuber like everyone else. His only claim to fame is the amount of subscribers he has, let's be real his content is fucking awful.
No. 282803
>>282755I'm actually condemning him for it, I think it was a dick move that was completely engineered in order for him to appease his own ego/check if he could maintain his status if he were to move channels. It failed, I'm glad.
But ok.
No. 283022
>>283018If it's any consolation, Suzy never felt so Asian as she did for that period of time.
Even if it was only by proximity.
No. 287146
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Max "jokingly" calling out Felix for recycling 2 year old content.
No. 287335
>>283024>>286897Anthony's always had an absurd, juvinille sense of humor, even in his main channel because he's a fan of that type of humor. I guess now that he's growing in popularity he's giving into memes now? though i do agree some can come across as too try hard and cringey, and his second channel is very hit and miss overall.
also he's married with his black gf.
No. 287355
>>287347This sounds like really bad management at Youtube. None of their past attempts to monetize through new means have worked, yet each one alienates some of their most popular product/youtubers.
I'm glad some people got their success through the core idea of Youtube, and while I don'think Youtube will "die", content creators won't be able to match what they make now.
No. 287466
>>287156No one said they aren't friends, anon.
Just that Felix seems obsessed with JSE, mentioning him in every vid and JSE didn't suck his dick in the Nazi drama even though Felix clearly expected him to. Which is both true.
And that they aren't BESTEST!1! friends.
No. 287610
>>287591I think they're still together, I remember him saying something about his mother-in-law in a recent review
video is unrelated, I just think it's super cute ♡
No. 288974
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I know this is slightly curdled milk, but what's going on with Ricegum and Gabbie show?
Is it worth following further? All I really know is she steal jokes.
No. 290548
>>288974He made a vid on her one time, she is still salty and decides to snapchat her 'jokingly' talking shit to his face. off camera he asks her not to post it and when she refuses he decides it would be a good idea to wrestle her phone out her hand and smash it. She is obviously upset at this and says he hit her although later clarifies it was more like overpowering her to get the phone and he ended up leaving scratches which she shows off. He sends her 1000 for the phone (guess she had the newest iPhone or some shit), then 900 then 100 and says the extra thousand was a mistake and asks for it back which she does. He then says smashing phones is fine and he has done it before because the person was annoying. People are obviously curious about this and a mutual friend clarifies and says he did smash the phone but didn't hit her. She tries to clarify saying overpowering someone counts as hitting or some shit which doesn't go down too well. Rice I guess sees this as a good opportunity to make her out to be the bad party as she lied about him hitting her so just doubles down and makes like 7 videos on her and she makes one long video debunking everything he said. That's about it.
Does that help?
No. 290556
>>288974I hate Gabbie but Rice is a douchebag in this situation and in life in general. How can yiggers still exist in this day and age?
He clearly has major rage issues but because he has cash there are no actual consequences for his actions because he just throws money at it to make it go away. He also smashed the phone of some 12 year old who tried to take a selfie with him one time and he didn't want to. It's called walking away Rice.
No. 290610
>>290595Plus the place is not theirs, they rent so it's not like he dropped a giant amount on it. And looking at a quick google search, Brighton isn't too expensive to rent. A 3 bedroom flat in a more historic looking building like theirs is probably around 2,500 or 3,000 pounds a month. So around the same if not less than what other youtubers pay in LA for their places. Plus Marzia is making a solid amount from her stuff, so she probably pays for her own expenses.
The guy wastes on dumb shit, but at least it's dumb shit that's under a grand usually and not like, 5 200k+ cars and crazy apartments like Fousey buys.
No. 290707
>>290698Yeah he definitely seems like the type of guy who will splurge on something when it's important or job related, but in his personal life he doesn't really spend much. They don't travel often and when they do they go pretty low-key.
A lot of his money is also probably tied with his brand. He's made 2 games, probably invested in the Scare Pewdiepie thing, he had that one company where it was him and the other gaming youtubers, plus he rents that office and the downstairs office.
idk of all of the bigger youtubers, I feel like him, zoella and Philip DeFranco are the most responsible with their money.
No. 290731
>>290698well, mostly i think it is the ass-licking what turns him on about getting stuff for free.
also not spending much, doesnt say anything. some of his money is probably invested in stocks, estate or savings so he can consistently keep living from his youtube earnings.
and tbh the flat is expensive af. if he needed to keep his earnings together, he wouldnt be living there and also renting a bureau.
No. 290751
>>269454>muh white passing>what is an indo-europeanlmao stop excusing him, he's white as fresh snow.
discounting the arabs and etcs who invaded during the muslim conquests true persians are as 'non-white' as northern italians. not to mention genetically closest to greeks- but i'm sure you think greeks are arab/non-white, too. seems to be a common retardation on /pol/ along with the 'finngolian' shit
No. 291509
on the whole markiplier-crying-for-attention thing…
Y'know, I don't think it's so much emotional manipulation… so much as it's… actually a mental issue.
Like, he tries to do things, but it never feels like enough. Mark seems to be a very all-in person.. and I think he could possibly spend every minute of every day interacting with fans and STILL not feel like it's enough. My mom was like that. She'd pick a task or goal and pour EVERYTHING into it to make it the best thing she could, and was always disappointed with herself and the results. She always felt like… as much as she did, she should have done MORE… and I see a lot of that same attitude in Markiplier.
Now add in that whenever he's replying to people on twitter, he's replying to ONE person. It can be hard to justify the time… let's say he could reply to 500 people in the time it takes to make one video (let's say a 20 minute video… that's about one reply every 2.4 seconds. which is rather ridiculously fast and implausible, but we'll go with it.)… so he could make 500 people happy (and 500 more who are bummed out because they didn't get a reply)…. or he could make a video and make a lot of people happy.
I can get that.
As for the angel/asshole thing, outside of the fact that I'd gotten the impression that he's playing up being a jerk when interacting with his friends. I mean, if his friends/coworkers were really bagging on him at every opportunity, he probably would have put a stop to that early on. I've no doubt that he's an actor–but I suspect 'real' markiplier's somewhere in the middle… rather than an asshole who forgets how to act when other people are around, or an angel who pretends to be a jerk the rest of the time, y'know?
No. 291525
>>291515meh. i kind of disagree with you. unless youre only always on socialmedia or only playing minecraft this is true, but for high end games an expensive graphic board and memory does a lot. also he probably does need a lot of storage for his videos and editing.
also new stuff that comes out is more expensive, so to have the best on the market it can cost that much.
>>291509>mental issueas far as: what grown-ass man sits down before a camera and starts bawling. like wtf. dont publish that.
not the crying itself is an issue, but the publishing.
it's as mental as that "educatingShanny" hoe:: "Look at me, also i have no teeth! pity me!"
No. 291684
>>291678Agree. I really just watched a few newer videos of him and I had to stop because everything seemed so fake. especially his "try not to laugh" videos - I really hate how he forces himself to "laugh" at every fucking video.
The only likeable thing about him is his dog.
No. 292086
>>291717He knows his youtube career is not gonna last forever and I'm sure he has saved so he can live off his savings if it ever happens that he doesn't have much income in the future. I've gotten that vibe from when he talks about money or about what if his channel dies.
His parents are succesful business people and I think he was raised to be responsible with money. His wardrobe, car, etc posessions are really not expensive when we think how much money he must have.
And I disagree with some anon who thought that their home is very expensive: surely it is more expensive than your regular place, but it's still just rented apartment and not a mansion and I'm pretty sure Marzia is also paying for it. So pretty much he's only maybe spending more on apartment and work related stuff (office etc). And travel.
You can have whatever opinion on Felix but him being smart with money is just a fact.
No. 292124
>>292118You can joke about anything as long as the joke is good.
You sound like one of those
triggered tumblrinas that go around crying 'RAPE IS NOT FUNNY!' then laughing when some guy gets raped by a burly beaner named Jorge in prison
No. 292127
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im not
>>292086 anon but:
>>292104>not being able to read properly>>292086>surely it is more expensive than your regular place, but it's still just rented apartment and not a mansion No. 292134
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>>292130>you disagree with me, so you must be retardeddats some new autism level, anon.
also the guys from WSJ who wrote that article made jokes about jews and black themselves. they are hypocritical af. i despice them.
No. 292179
>>292126lmfao I am a jew and every jew knows that in judaism you are considered jewish only if your mother was jewish.
If you were really jewish, you would have just said "I am a jew".
No. 292202
>>292186Not the jew you're replying to but mate fuck off we don't need you to get offended on our behalf, it's patronising.
Protip: Anti-semitic humour is done by jews 99% of the time. Unless you're Jewish, just shut up. You're probably going to stick your foot in your mouth by telling someone what they can and can't say about their own culture.
No. 292342
>>292202Seriously. Recently watched a documentry about jewish humor, and it's 90% making fun of jews, lol.
The problem with PC culture is that no matter how PC our society will become, you'll never be completely safe from emotional damage, and when you do get hurt, you won't know how to deal with it, because you never learned any coping skills.
Dealing with uncomfortable or hurtful situations is just part of life. Learn to distinguish between harmless jokes and actual offensive statements, or you won't make it far in this world. Jokes are just the tip of the iceberg.
On another note, it seems like people keep coming back to his nazi jokes time and time again, even though it's been clarified before that the argument here is not about whether the joke was offensive or not, it's about how the WSJ portrayed him.
Do your research before jumping to conclusions.
No. 292627
>>292342'PC culture'
You talk like people were okay with racist and sexist jokes before.
Racist and sexist jokes always made other people angry, even before social media started being prominent.
Yeah, of course you can say whatever you want. But it will have consequences, people will look at you as a douche and irl, your boss might fire you. It has always been like that.
I think people talk about 'new' PC culture or SJWs and shit like that because they grow up and can't accept that in adult life, saying offensive shit will hurt your human and work relationship. Teenagers are stupid and say stupid shit but you should try to be considerate as an adult.
Are you telling me that people dancing with 'Death to all Jews' and saying 'Hitler did nothing wrong' to your fanbase full of children is okay?
This isn't about PC culture, any normal person not living in an edgy echo chamber would be shocked. Try asking your grandma, I don't think she's part of the PC culture.
He fucked up and deserved what happened to him.
No. 292821
>>292627>You talk like people were okay with racist and sexist jokes before. Racist and sexist jokes always made other people angry, even before social media started being prominent.
Are you living on the same planet as the rest of us? Not only were racist, sexist and homophobic jokes much more tolerated in the past, but actual hurtful and offensive comments degrading women, minorities and homosexuals were the norm. Get your shit together anon, you look ridiculous.
No. 292829
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so, racists/antisemitic/homophobic joke are not okay and people who do that should be punished?
what about south park? simpsons? family guy?
so they all should be cancelled?(enough bait, back to topic)
No. 294191
Just saw this Phil video about a vlog family DaddyofFive and holy shit my mind is blown at the obvious abuse this family does to their kids!
>vlogs and pranks their kids>prank with ink includes screaming and swearing at two young children who are sobbing and crying, clearly scared>these two specfic kids always at the butt of the joke, kid with glasses clearly does not want to be filmed>pushes own kid into a shelf and makes him bleed>claims the kids aren't abused, kids say "at least you don't beat us">get "nice things" whenever they do videos>clearly white fucking trash who lucked out on youtubethe ink prank was removed, but you can see the clips in the phil video, he does a decent job explaining the shit they've done. No. 294225
>>294191I saw this as well. It's really sad. When he is crying about how he has to deal with it everyday I teared up.
How old is he anyway?
No. 294237
>>294191this was why I watched phil's stuff back in the day
not bullshit sexy time news or that kind of stuff
No. 294253
>>294242it was probably made way before this whole thing blew up
shows very well the type of asshole the dad is
No. 294322
>>294291god i feel so bad for cody. How on earth can you go to disney world and leave one of your children?? They clearly hate their own child.
im just so angry i wish i could talk to that fucking mom especially jesus christ
No. 294400
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>>294191I bawled my eyes out watching that. Cody tries his best to do everything right. He tries to remove him self from the situation and calm down, and he clearly tells them to stop and explains why he doesn't like what they are doing. This little 8 year old kid knows how to deal with stress and anger in a healthy way, but his asshole narcissistic parents keeps abusing him until he breaks down.
No. 294422
>>294419Wtf. It's like watching a documentary about how to abuse your kid into becoming a sociopath.
>you can never be secure>your feelings of hurt are a laughing matter>people on the Internet give your parents money to watch them tell you they don't love you>nothing you can ever do about itAt least, 'pranked' spouses or gf have the option to leave. This is a fucking nightmare.
No. 294440
>>269224Jontron sure ruined his PR and doing any future "fun things" like Yooka-Laylee voicing and fully sponsored Star Wars video game reviews for Disney.
Also, if we're going to talk about Jontron's debate this all came from and Youtube drama, Destiny should be brought up as well. Destiny is a former professional Starcraft player that quit to just be a lazy ass manlet and stream full time for his income. He's full SJW and hosts "debates" with anyone notable who will have one with him for extra views. A few bigger Youtubers have done it like Jon and lost, but some have left him licking his wounds.
I have no idea how Jontron lost in debate to this autistic manbaby. The guy is pro-incest, bestiality, and thinks being born a woman or minority is like being incapable of getting anywhere in life. Listen to him spout about "privilege" then tell this guy to "off himself".
No. 294479
>>294465The sad thing is that none of these kids are ever going to out their parents any time soon. They know if they do, they'll get in major trouble and be "punished" by not getting nice things anymore. Not to mention the parents control what they say on Youtube, so even if one of them was like "Sometimes its fake and other times its not" they'd just edit that out and probably fuck with the kid who said it. Its a lose-lose situation for these kids.
>>294473You can tell Phil is passionate about exposing these guys because he knows its the right thing to do, and it isn't just $$$ for him. I can't believe people are actually putting the blame on him for trying to separate the family.
No. 294489
>>294473I really, really hope CPS is called and those kids go to an actual loving family. And I hope that loving family documents how you actually should treat your children so the guilt eats these two alive.
But they're sociopaths, I'm convinced so they'll probably just be mad they lost their source of income.
No. 294497
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According to Cody's mother he has ODD (Oppositional Deviant Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
Essentially the family is goading a child with various disorders to go into melt down and laughing about it.
You can see in the videos Cody says that he just wants to be alone to calm down, tries to get away so he can self soothe. Every time his dad stops him from leaving.
No. 294502
>>294501Yeah, it's during the video where his dad bodychecks him into a shelf and his blood is later covered with blood.
He later "debunked" the video saying the red on the pillow was blood and his nose was just a scab.
No. 294507
>>294504In this vid, where the entire family goes to disneyland without Cody.
Why isn't Cody going? He is in trouble for spreading poop around. Totally healthy behaviours right?
No. 294511
>>294507I don't want to give those white trash butholes any views so I didn't watched it.
But I can't even try to understand how they think leaving 1 kid behind will do any good. How can't they not blame themself? I really want those parents to get hurt so badly their kids will be orphans. That would immensely improve their lives
No. 294513
>>294512This is after one kid does a bunch of shit and frames it on Cody, causing the dad to go apeshit and scream at Cody before breaking his game.
The mom says she doesn't feel bad because Cody has done other bad stuff.
10/10 normal parenting household guys.
Remember, it is the haters destroying the family not any of this shit.
No. 294514
>>294507>>294512>>294513I just watched the "cody stole DS" video. The dad yells at cody and says "you stole my shit and smell like piss" I thought this was the dad just saying shit to insult cody but then they go into cody's room and take away everything because hes been stealing alot (which is because hes too scared to ask and his most likely pstd) and the kids say all the stuff smells like pee, the older brother jake then says "Cody just pees on everything for some reason"
Cody self harms, steals, urinates on things, and puts poop on things. This is so clear that he has ptsd and severe mental disorders now.
No. 294516
>>294514Cody has clear signs of abuse.
In the "Alex's betrayal video" you can see he didn't steal the things and his brother planted them causing his dad to break Cody's DS.
So the dad says to get Alex's DS and he will break it.
The mom is in the background saying "you're not gonna break it!"
Then the dad says he will give the DS to Cody instead and she argues against it.
I think the mom later says that she SAW ALEX DO IT AND LET CODY BE PUNISHED.
No. 294526
>>294514Dude, this is heartbreaking to even read about let alone watch. I tried to get through one of their videos but their yelling is just fucking insane. Watching little Cody break down and have them continue to shout at him upsets me to no end.
how can your child be peeing on things, running poop around, scratching himself till he bleeds at an age where you should know better, and just pass it off as "he's a trouble maker"
Hooooowww do these people watch back their videos and think "yeah this is a great one this week, the fans will love it! We got Cody soooo good!"
And the fact that the dad doesn't even leave the poor kid alone to go calm down….. just.. a fucking monster honestly.
No. 294531
>>294528the worst is the thumbnails
they always show a kid crying or his smug face, or both….
No. 294539
>>294536It wouldn't surprise me. I bet what they put on YouTube is the top of the iceberg.
I saw a video earlier today with clips from a DaddyoFive video where the mom is pretending to be dead on the floor, as the kids are sobbing and clutching baseball bats. The dad convinced them that it was the fucking Purge, and made the kids walk past the mom's "dead" body to "escape" the house.
No. 294540
>>294531Yeahhhh, even if these guys were banned from YouTube and they don't either get prosecuted for the abuse or the kids taken away; they're just going to take those videos to another platform and they're going to exploit those children and harm them in even worse ways for the money. It's not going to come from just the softcore fetishists either, I'm talking about the kind who will drop a large sum of money to watch those kids get really hurt in ways the human mind should never imagine.
Something needs to be done about this, and fast.
No. 294543
They made a video apologising.
Apologies to the fans = 12
Apologies to Cody for being the brunt of abuse for a distasteful video = 0 No. 294547
>>294514That is fucking heartbreaking. What are those parents going to do if this poor kid fucking kills himself? How much can a kid take?
I hope to god that Cody has a nice teacher for a friend of a parent who can pull him aside and get him help.
No. 294550
>>294507I don't know why Cody not going to Disney is making my blood boil, but it is. You're a young kid, your whole dream is to go to Disney, you hear about trips from your classmates and on TV, and then your family plans a trip and you can't go. There is nothing a grade schooler can do that is horrible enough to get them left out from a family vacation.
Did anyone else read A Child Called It for health class in school? How Cody is being treated reminds me of that book.
No. 294566
>>294550Right? The way that all of his brothers pile on him and goad him on whilst his dad laughs and defends them is disgusting.
Also the mom always says she doesnt care about Cody being abused wrongly and being fucked with by his siblings, because he is bad at other times. It makes me so mad.
No. 294582
What kind
* not kindness.
No. 294598
>>294507I really empathize with Cody about the whole Disney thing. The same thing happened to me when I was little. Every year during winter break my family would travel down to Florida for a mini vacation. My older cousins got to go to Disney, Universal Studios, etc. while I always was made to stay behind. Nobody ever invited me or said "Hey, shouldn't we take an eight year old to Disney?" It's not because I was being bad though. My mom would literally tell me it wasn't worth buying me a ticket because I wouldn't enjoy the rides, and I wouldn't remember anything. Mind I wasn't a baby, this continued ranging between 7-12 years old.
Narc families are just kinda like this. They consider some family members worthy of formulating memories and spending money on while others aren't worthy. They already don't want their scapegoat child to go so they form an excuse around it. I see it strongly in this family. Cody is the scapegoat child.
Sage for blog.
(Was trying to find the video of Cody holding an airsoft gun behind his dad's head and pulling the
trigger for a cap to go with this, but meh, I forgot which trainwreck video that was in).
No. 294635
>>294620Tbh, I don't think cps is going to do anything about it. Cps only really seem to intervene when the child isn't getting their most basic needs met and/or the child is being physically/sexually abused. (I've known people whose parents are drug addicts and even took drugs/drank/smoked while pregnant, but cps never intervened because the kids were fed, clothed, and didn't seem to be abused.)
The only way I could see the kids being taken away is if they have a family member take them to court for custody of the children. But I can't really see that happening since the parents thought this was okay to do so I wouldn't be surprised if they learned this from their parents.
No. 294662
so the dad had a chance to give the kids but he was being a cunt.
this says so much of his character
No. 294675
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>>294671>>294662Here's a copy of the police report!
Sorry for size quality its the only one I could find :(
No. 294682
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It's sickening how much they all pile on one person. During the whole "invisible ink"-prank, the mom sounded like a fucking demon. Whether or not they are being abused (they are, in my opinion), it's not healthy or acceptable behavior to scream like they do at their children all the time. Their apology video sounds like bunch of reachy crap and they are scrambling to hide their asses.
>"We've already been investigated by the cps!"
Yeah, not something you wanna brag about.
No. 294696
>>294683>>294688And this shit was 2016
Jesus Christ, what the actual fuck! The whole 'prank videos' is just an obvious excuse to torture the kid to get back at Rose
What a petty human being
No. 294706
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This is the attitude some of the DO5 fans are parading around. Jfc.
No. 294723
>>294706Oh this is revolting. That poor kid,Cody, doesn't deserve that either. I heard Daz Black is going to get some people involved in this so I pray many others do as well before it gets far worse.
Cody is always singled out and the kids have no choice but to play along with the parents because if they don't, they'll be singled out too. That's why they seem "fine" jfc
No. 294772
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>>294751>this is Philly D's faultFlames on the sides of my face
No. 294833
>>294751>it wasn't a push to hurt himHm. Gee, I wonder if CPS would look at it that way if they watched that video, Michael. After all, it's just a prank, right bro? Just wholesome family fun.
This people are unbelieveable garbage.
No. 294844
>>294832Ethan's videos have been shit for a while now, to the point the channel is basically a react channel. But Ethan sank really low on this one. I can't believe he took such a serious issue as child abuse and made a meme video out of it (even if it was supposed to make fun of the dad). Like, it isn't even a funny or entertaining parody, it's just painful and distasteful.
It's disgusting he's using this scandal just to get them YouTube shekels.
No. 294858
>>294850what the fuck!!! that woman is demented I feel like that dad has mental issues but sometimes actually understands something is wrong and then she tries to convice him other wise.
The dad could of shot their son! and all she can say is that "it was funny tho" and the dad is rightfully telling her he could of shot someone and she doesnt care???
No. 294903
>>294850Wow jeez, my jaw actually dropped.
What the fuck would their excuse be if he had actually shot their kid??
No. 294976
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what do you wanna bet that the parents are telling the kids it's all their fault and guilting them into thinking that "mommy and daddy are gonna get murdered because you're being bad" because I wouldn't be surprised
No. 295117
>>295100It was just a goof.
tbh she used to have some milk back in the day with Barstool Sports, Hannah Hart and Grace Helbig but it's all in the past now. She seems like a genuinely nice person and tries to avoid drama, so nothing really.
No. 295144
The more I see from them the more obvious it becomes that these people don't have the intellectual capacity to stage anything in the videos they posted. Just awful.
No. 295160
>>295125christ, this is infuritaing
"waah we filmed ourselves abusing our kids for money and now we're getting hate for it waah"
No. 295228
>>294850The way Mom yells is so psychotic, sounds like the screams you'd hear in an asylum. She's totally nuts for me, what kind of shit mother do you have to be to put your own child in danger of being shot for a stupid prank that could easily go wrong?
Btw, I don't get the mental gymnastics the two psycho parents are doing in order to convince everyone that it was all acting, that they don't abuse their kids etc. when really the proof is the sole fact that their kids fall into the "pranks".
I'll explain myself better: you have a Youtube channel where you upload pranks. The subjects of there "pranks" are children, that as gullible as they could be, always believe that all the psycho screams, the swears, the pushing you against a shelf, smashing your belongings etc. are true. But if this stuff didn't happen on a regular basis, the kids would think "No it's a prank, whenever they act crazy like this it's always a prank" and wouldn't fall for it.
Also: "At least you're not beating us like most parents"
But they make you kids beat each other for views. And by the way, who could believe the words of a kid that's being filmed by his parent, in a video that will be edited? How could they say otherwise?
No. 295480
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>>295125That poor pupper has seen some shit
No. 295603
>>294832to be fair anons, I think he took the "edgy meme" route with this because everything has already been said by DeFranco/ any other ass blasting commentary channel.
While this video wasn't really funny or anything, I felt like he would've been called out if he DIDNT make a video
No. 295607
>>295480I remember in previous videos, y'know before they all got baleeted, that mongoloid mike would shake, pet aggressive, and really rough up those dogs. They always looked so half-terrified when he would do it. Like at any moment they would brace for an onslaught of more yelling at random or abuse.
It must be a stressful environment for them, though that's probably all they know.
No. 295772
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Only COdy and Emma are on the punishment list. Also i like how "being a baby" is on there but fighting isnt?
Fucking rednecks.
No. 296601
>>295804what the fuuuuuuuuck
that is one hell hole….
are child protective services in the US involved already?
No. 296658
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>>296642They've definitely been seeking a lawyer who helped them to set this up.
No. 296671
>>296642wtf lmao
for a few sweet seconds i thought those were actors trying to parody their apology
No. 296683
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>>296642Who wore it best?
No. 296781
>>294500What the fuck the parents are sick. Is everyone around Cody oblivious? He's self harming and everyone's just brushing it off as "bad behavior" the fuck?
>>294751I'd like to point out that Cody looks away when the family is sat down together and asks if everyone is okay and he just goes "yeah". Usually means someone is lying when they look away. Siding with the abuser is the only thing he can do to defend himself so all he can do is nod his head and agree to make it seem like everything is okay just so he doesn't get fucked with after the camera shuts off.
>>294751>>296642Dad and mom keep changing these stories to make it not sound as bad as it actually is. The stupid excuses they make for questionable stuff they did is just as unbelievable. They're bad at lying. I hope they rot in hell. They can apologize and claim its fake and exaggerated all they want but you can tell it's really affected the family especially Cody who already has disorders and needs the extra help.
>>295480>>295607Oh no, they have pets. Of course it's a stressful environment for the dogs. With all the yelling, beating, and "pranks" they must be on guard and riled up 24/7.
No. 296902
>>295772So many of these behaviors are either caused by or exacerbated by the parents and their fucked up "pranks".
>"Lieing"The parents lie to the kids on a regular basis. And not normal, harmless parent lies like "the fish ran away" or "Santa Clause is real". They lie about the house getting invaded and broken into. They lie abut giving their own child up for a adoption, they lie about breaking his Xbox. The kids learned how to lie from the parents. Kids shouldn't lie and should learn that lying is wrong, but you can't effectively do that when you're lying to your kids and filming it for profit.
>Unclean roomWhy would Cody keep a clean room when at any time it could be torn apart for a "prank"? I doubt the family helps him clean his room after said pranks.
>Forgot HomeworkThe kids are tormented on a weekly basis. Homework is probably the last thing on their mind.
>Bad in school"Bad" as in poor behavior, or "bad" as in poor grades? Either way, the so called pranks are exacerbating this.
>Acting like a babyThe parents torment Cody and Emma to get them to cry for more views. Bullying a kid doesn't toughen them up, it makes them more sensitive. Especially when you, a parent, are bullying a kid.
>Bad table mannersI doubt their parents care that much about manners, considering how much the dad belches on camera.
>Bad on the BusSee "Bad in school"
No. 296939
>>296902In the video where they smash Alex's X-Box, after the prank he runs into the weight room and hides in the corner. His horrible excuse for a mother comes over and taunts him for being a baby and a little sissy boy because he can't take a prank.
These kids "act like babies" because they are babies. Cody and Alex are 9. Emma is 10.
Also, how the fuck are Cody and Alex both 9? In the apology video, they explain that Alex is the youngest, but he and Cody are both 9. How is that possible if they both came from her womb?
No. 296942
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How can she claim they're both hers?
No. 297020
>>295804>"If we were really abused how would we have this nice house and this YouTube channel?"That statement by Cody reeks of manipulation, imo. Like when people in abusive relationships will buy their victims expensive gifts or shower them in compliments as leverage to brainwash them into feeling guilty if/when they try to speak out or pull away.
It made me think of the video Venus made after she ran away where she basically said "if I hadn't learned any better I probably would have grown up to hit my kids because it was normal to me." Of course the children are going to reason that this is normal family behavior so long as everything checks out on the surface (adequate food, shelter, entertainment, etc.) because it's what they've been conditioned to accept.
No. 297412
>>294819How is this funny? This got me close to crying, it's fucked up.
And the fact that at the end the father tells him to "do the outro" and he just gormlessly tells the camera to "like, subscribe, comment". It's a regular occurrence for them and it's disgusting. Those kids (and the pets) need to be taken out of their care ASAP.
No. 297434
>>297264Awww! He's adorable.
I wish the kids themselves could see this video. Maybe if they heard it from another kid, they'd feel less alone.
No. 297804
>>297264What a little angel! His pure heart could see something was very wrong, it's just a bit hard for him to put into words.
What are DaddyOFive's viewer demographics? Is it mostly teens and adults supporting them? It seems Mike's trash friends are also aspiring YouTubers and they think this stuff is normal! One of them was arguing with Philip Defranco on Twitter, claiming he has seen with his own eyes that the kids are "actors".
No. 297852
>>295804Jesus I'm only halfway through but this is so much worse than what DeFranco posted. It's so incredibly detailed yet still doesn't even broach on the fact Cody and Emma were pretty much kidnapped or that he self harms/shows signs of severe mental illness.
The father is a legitimate head case. I don't even have to be an armchair psychologist to recognise that he is an absolute shitstain of a human being.
To anons with knowledge of CPS/how investigations work, what are the chances that the kids will be removed from their custody? I'm pretty confident Emma and Cody will be returned to biomom but then I'm not entirely clued up on how these kind of things work. The other three kids are for sure fucked if nothing happens to Mike and his Shrek wife. That woman is an abomination and deserves all of the mental anguish that they're presumably going through after lawyering up and deleting their videos. I hope they're both shitting their pants and sick with worry. I just wish there was a way to help the kids in the mean time, I don't wanna even think about what kind of abuse the parents are inflicting on them to cope with their own stress.
No. 298330
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>>296669bahahaah you called it!
No. 298347
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>>298215every mother is better than that sadist piece of shit michael. everyone knows the mother has bipolar disorder, still she would be a better parent.
the best thing about it? not even she does care about herself, she just wants them to be save.
No. 298352
>>294976Hes clearly a fucking narcissist.
I thought it was funny that keemstar went to such efforts to defend these idiots "i dont think its abuse" (apparenly slamming your kids face into a bookshelf so hard thir nose bleeds isnt abuse) to then quickly do a 180 and say he cant defend them when he gets shit on his twitter.
I've never wished such horrible things on people but i really want those parents to be pushed in front of a truck. Also no surprised reddit i defending the dad and trying to make out its the woman forcing the dad to do all this.
No. 298376
>>294644Was reading about this today and heard the same thing-despite the videos its unlikely CPS will investigate for the points you made.
However I feel in this case there maybe a chance given the amount of outrage thats happened and publicity there is a chance they maybe pressured to do something and I really, really fucking hope they do.
No. 298418
>>298413I feel like they're one Patreon away from Onision territory with the dramatics.
Or two Patreons, surely Hila will need one as well.
>Hila is sitting nearby and giggling in videos No. 299219
>>297264Such a sweet little kid.
I know this drama is like over a week old, but it still gets under my skin.
I just hate how they made child abuse the "joke". Add in their excuse on how they claim it's "acting", and it makes it a thousand times worse.
It's not just the abuse towards the kids that pisses me off, but the idea that SO many other kids watched their videos.
Kids who could be going through the same exact situations, being made to think "Well, this must be normal…they're doing it", or they watch it and get pleasure out of the idea of seeing someone else suffer what they go through. Maybe they are kids that run across the video, watch out of curiosity, and sympathize or become
triggered (no, really) when they see the children flinch, scream, and cry when going through the abuse. It's just situations like that which shows how they didn't take anything into consideration – just money, views, subscribers, more money, views, subsribers. That's all it was for them.
>>298836The new apology video was weird as hell, dressing up and pretending to be presentable parents. Jump-cuts galore, the guy couldn't even look into the camera to save his life, the mother doing her best to stick to script while staring off, and there's a ton of instances where they cut themselves off mid-sentence and fade to black. It's more like a PR move, pre-approved before uploading. I wouldn't doubt the lawyer watched the video and told them they needed to cut a lot of things out that could possibly mislead, incriminate, and be used against them before uploading, leaving us with this half-assed apology that has them contradicting themselves again.
I truly hope all the kids get taken away and get put in a better environment. Those two do not deserve them.
No. 299428
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>>299407This, it seems all Ethan knows how to do is bitch and blame youtube for his all problems. Maybe that's why he can't get a real job.
No. 299474
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>>299407Exactly. It's fucking retarded to think of Youtube as a stable, long term income. I get wanting to make money and having a lot of anxiety about finances when you come from a poor background, but they refuse to live within their means and just expect fans and Youtube to kiss their ass and support them.
They could easily be sitting pretty for a long time from Youtube if they lived in an affordable city, budgeted and saved. Instead, they live in expensive ass places and then bitch when they're "forced" to shop at Good Will and can't live in the lap of luxury like they want.
No. 299499
>facing a huge lawsuitshouldn't be moving out and spending money on stupid shit then.
>trying to have a babylast i saw of them they were faking cutting off Steve O's dick and i had to clic out. that's some middle school comedy shit. if they want a stable income they need a stable real job. saying that they are trying to have a baby just makes it worse, they should be finding jobs instead of bringing a child to a house with no financial security. youtube has always been uncertain, they knew that and decided they didn't care. that's just shitty of them. or stupid, you decide.
>they have been extremely poor and worked jobs they hated…anon… are you 16? everyone has worked jobs they hated, that's fucking life. and "extremely poor", yeah _i'm sure_ they were living on the street. you are acting like they are sad fragile children or something. but those "awful experiences" are something 90% of adults face. i'm just - i don't know what to say, cause that's so fucking stupid.
i'm sorry that ethan has such a good control over you anon. but worry not, i'm sure you'll be able to donate your parents cash to his patreon soon enough.
No. 299605
>>299499They aren't saying that they have no financial security or are on the street. They are saying that they are going to stop focusing on youtube and branch out for those very reasons. So either you are pulling shit out of your ass or you are just uninformed?
>"extremely poor", yeah _i'm sure_ they were living on the streetThey were extremely poor when Hila moved to America.
>you are acting like they are sad fragile children And you are acting like they are spoilt children who have never worked a day in their lives and are sobbing at the thought of doing so.
No. 299706
Just an update for the DaddyOFive drama: the police are investigating, but they're actually having a hard time since the videos were all privated/ deleted. So people have been helping the Baltimore police by sending mirrors/ clip reels
No. 299913
>>299765I only watch his murder/serial killer files videos. Apparently he said on Instagram that he has to pay 300$ from his pocket to release each video now that he earns nothing from YouTube, which I highly doubt. (I'd post a screenshot but I can't be bothered to look for the post)
What bothers me the most about these YouTubers whining and begging for money all the time is that there are people who who really think their precious favorite YouTubers are struggling to get by with the "little" money they earn, yet they keep making videos for their fans. Yeah, right. Bitch, they only do it for the money. It's an easy "job". Yes, some creators actually like making videos (or used to like), but YouTube is NOT what it used to be 10 years ago, unfortunately.
No. 300241
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>>295804Still watching the video but jesus this is so fucked up. I feel so so bad at this part where they spray her with water while shes drawing and shes upset because they ruined her picture
No. 300385
>>300241oh my sweet summer child.
you probably havent seen the
several "we're giving up cody for adoption" prank videos yet. and then wasnt it once that he actually idk trashed walls with his own feces or something?
and the video i enclosed is the worst. jake has turned into a freaking psychopath and sadist too. It's obvious. Im just glad he is into sports and included in school, because school shooters usually are socially excluded children.
No. 300622
>>300386she definitely says she wants to kill herself, and the father says "she's going crazy she's talking about -muted-" then makes her go into her room "with her craziness"
it's sad the mentality of these kids tho… even cody is saying "emma it's not you we all get pranked" then says its funny when she's crying talking about killing herself. They don't fucking get it man. they're too young.
No. 300852
>>295804I just watched this and ugly cried SO HARD. I've seen videos about them floating around on youtube the past week or so but never clicked to watch and didn't really know what it was about. I'm so fucking shook. I honestly wish I had stayed oblivious about this, thinking about the abuse these kids have endured for YT-fame (and what's probably going on when the camera is off) makes me want to curl up and cry until I die. Fuck those horrible fucking abusive pieces of shit parents, I hope they get everything taken away from them and live in misery for the rest of their lives. I pray with all I have there's a happy ending for those kids.
This is the most depressing shit I've ever seen on youtube, FUCK
No. 300862
>>299269I remember Ethan saying in an earlier video that they would never have a child because he would pass on his Tourette syndrome (there's a 50% chance).
I don't understand how they started having baby talks in the last month or so. What changed?
No. 300902
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>>300878>>300889Yeah, you're doing yourself a favor. I'm halfway through and ready to cry, it is brutal
No. 300946
I used to like Markiplier's vids during the time when he was still playing with Yamimash, he was a whole lot calmer then, but then it changed at his Amnesia: a Machine for Pigs LP, he was rushing to get videos out because he needed to go to a con, so it felt like he gave no shits about the game. He screeched at everything, overreact to the point of being annoying, calling every phallic object a dick, and completely ignoring the story, opting to rp as an angry drunk father and want to fuck the woman ghost instead of acknowledging her dialogs, but the LP got a shit ton of views and likes, and his subscriber count started to climb. I unsubscribed when he chose to fuck around in his To the Moon LP, making jokes about wanting to fuck things, making sex jokes about Joey and River, and went "oh I didn't realize it's such a moving and serious story" at the fucking end. I lost all respect for him. Sage for blog.
No. 301178
>>300946Daym I forgot Yamimash completely until I read you writing his name just there! It's really funny how some Youtubers stay on top forever and some perish, I guess it's just alot to do with how they hold together with their fans…. and okay lets not forget Yami had a pedo scandal, that doesn't help.
Honestly I feel like Mark yoyo alot, he is in periods super great and feels like a good guy and he puts efforts into his videos.. then in other periods he seems like an egomaniac who just wanna squeeze the lemon for all its got. I guess it got alot to do with his levels of stress.
But at least I think that whole thing he had with Matt and Ryan literally turning their back on him for being an asshole helped him to realise a few things about himself.
No. 301211
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>>301209You can see that Markiplier announced why Matt and Ryan were suddenly gone from his videos completely out of nowhere, in October last year.
It's honestly a pretty mature confession and apology, it's hard to admit when all blame is on yourself and you fucked up
No. 301215
>>301211I see, but…
This is exactly why I don't like Markiplier and see him as a possibly a narcissist. I find him to be very manipulative and that he hides his manipulation in "I'm just trying to be a good guy" type of wording. Yes, he admitted that he fucked up. Where it starts to get manipulative is 1) it's a very basic confession. He was an asshole can range pretty fucking far and without concrete details of what he did, it naturally won't sound that bad especially when he's putting himself on blast. That sets him up to look like the bigger person regardless of how bad whatever he was doing was. Which leads to 2) he didn't need to add those last bits about apologizing to them. It reads manipulative to tell all of his many fans that he apologized and hopes they come around. It puts pressure on them to accept his apology lest they kind of look like assholes themselves because he's being
so gracious and
so self-aware. I've found that Mark does things like this a lot and because he's done the charity shit and is also bumbling incoherent "just be nice!" platitudes, it's really easy for him to always look like the good, well-meaning doof to his young fanbase that idolizes him. I really don't like the guy because I hate manipulators and loathe them even more when it seems like no one else is wise to their bullshit. He chose to be vague about what HE did wrong but very clear that he is trying to make amends. Okay Mark. I'm sure Ryan and Matt have become wise to him as well.
No. 301225
>>300622>"emma it's not you we all get pranked" then says its funny when she's crying talking about killing herself.My mom used to say it's not funny if not everyone is laughing
This is horrifying
No. 301274
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>>301160learn 2 sage grammarfag
No. 301471
>>300385Oh yes I have. The whole thing is a shit show.This one in particular hurt my kokoro because I'm an artist and its just fucking lame to ruin someones drawing and then laugh and be like "o it was just a stupid drawing LOL!"
Probably made her never want to draw again tbh
Im watching the whole situation closely. I hope with the public pressure on this family that something is done.
No. 301473
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This never even crossed my mind until I read this comment… I feel so fucking bad. I hope this isnt the case but with how fucked up the family is Im sure it is.
No. 302355
>>302343This is great news. I hope both kids get better.
Sucks for the older son who's left at home with the two ogres, though.
No. 302368
>>302355there are 5 kids in total, duh. hence the "daddy of
five" nickname.
it's Cody(9), Alex(9), Emma(11), Ryan(12) and Jake(14).
But only Cody and Emma are from Rose. The other 3 are from Heather and another guy (a police officer and former child abuse detective) who is currently also trying to get custody. No. 302374
>>302369I hate to be this person, but, the mom is kinda chunky and so is Emma. But it's better to be a bit of a chubby kid and eat cheese than to be abused on camera for youtube bux.
>>302370Yeah I'm happy that they are back with her, she seems sweet and I think her nervousness is an okay thing, considering what Daddyofive was like for views!
No. 302376
>>302370i think because of her own health, it contributed to some custody issues before…. so I hope that, if she herself if unable to get custody, than a grandparent or someone else on her side can gain custody so she will still be able to see them.
I really hope they get these kids some therapy and that they will grow positively from this experience…
such good news that they got out for now, but they've still got a long way to go… wishing nothing but good luck for these kids
No. 302393
>>301473This. The oldest brother kind of terrifies me… maybe even more than the parents in some ways. Like when he provokes Cody to the point where he has to 'restrain' him you can tell he's on a huge power trip. I hate how the parents encourage it because they're basically rewarding him for creating a situation in which he gets to dominate his brother. I think it's normal to have a bit of sibling rivalry, but that kid enjoys it
way too much.
Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive, but I find him super unsettling. He honestly reminds me of he dentist from Little Shop of Horrors. I hate to say it, but it would not surprise me if he ends up getting arrested someday for rape or domestic abuse.
No. 302470
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>>302343OH, FUCK YEAH!
Aaah, I'm so thrilled to see this, I could honestly cry.
No. 303053
Heather took away Emma's cheese because it was something she liked. It had nothing to do with health. It was a way to exert control over her.
No. 303062
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>>303019Same, anon. I actually ended up remembering some of the abuse I had blocked out as a kid after seeing a couple of their videos.
I'm so glad those kids are in a safer place now. I hope the mom is smart enough to get them into therapy asap.
No. 303252
>>302343this is really heartwarming. seeing the bio mom so nervous for the camera and talking about the abuse was really sad, especially the bit where she said that Cody was told by his dad that his mom hated him and didn't want him. but seeing how happy she was when she talked about memories with the kids was so great. hopefully they stay with her
i just wish she'd set up a legitimate gofundme or something. i'd imagine that between therapy and legal fees (id imagine the dad is gonna have a good lawyer unless he spent all the money on batman funkos), this whole thing makes me wish I could send a few bucks her way. the only gofundme i could find is a sketchy "family-friend" run one which is a bummer.
No. 303371
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>>302374>I hate to be this person, but, the mom is kinda chunky and so is Emma. But it's better to be a bit of a chubby kid and eat cheese than to be abused on camera for youtube bux.yeah well ~anyway~ most stupid post on this site aside I'm really glad those kids got out of there and i hope they get to stay with their bio mom. saged for no contribs.
No. 303525
>>303252the mom seems to not be very internet-savvy, she might not know that those kinds of sites exist. maybe bring it up to her?
then again she might just not want help like that. lots of people don't.
No. 303559
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I don't particularly like Chad but this is very fucking true
No. 303830
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>>303559Nobody looking down on you for going out with a friend, it's because you both cry on camera about losing money and threatening to quit the channel (and thus trying to get your braindead fans to donate to your patreons)… MEANWHILE you clearly have enough to afford a Vegas trip, and during a supposedly "tough" time for money, you should be spending less lavishly.
No. 303912
>>303852Honestly if she did it'd be really tasteless.
It's pretty obvious Post paid for everything considering he booked the hotel for them and paid for the guns/tank thing. This was all said in the video.
They probably only paid for the ticket to fly over since Ethan was talking about it.
No. 304360
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Did anybody catch The Needle Drop vs. Wale twitter beef?
Fantano made some asshole tweets about Wale's new album, and mistakenly classified one of the songs as dancehall when it was actually afrobeat. Wale overeacted and sent his fans to attack Fantano, calling him racist, even though the person who produced the track in question was Diplo and credited to Major Lazer, who're white and known for making electronic dancehall music. Shit escalated into an all out twitter war. Vince Staples even tried to get them to fight in real life.
Shit was hilarious.
No. 304587
>>304571I agree with you mostly, ofcourse a youtuber acts differently in videos and together with fans than irl, when youre with fans you gotta be on your A-game and be really energitic and nice.
BUT theres a difference between being more down to earth and more human when youre with your friends and then being an ASSHOLE to them, so much they hate you and leave… I think Mark has alot of pent up anger because of his stress.
I truly truly do NOT think Mark is a bad person, nor as manipulative as some people here claim he is, but I do think he needs to calm down sometimes with his extreme perfectionism in many regards!
No. 304759
>>304571>>304587Omg. Dude's a fucking narc if there ever was one. But because he's not a total asshole (because to be manipulative that means you gotta go full asshole 100% of the time since it's UNHEARD of to have manipulative tendencies without being Hitler) that means his bullshit is just perfectionism. Big ole doofball Markimoo just wants everything to be perfect and rainbows and he would never manipulate fans, lie egregiously for years, treat his "friends" like rusty tools, or do anything truly bad at all. See Markiplier isn't a real human being with positive and negative personality traits, nooo. He just has extra positive personality traits due to his extreme goodness that gets too out of line for us lesser, flawed beings. Don't forget, he gives to charity and everything makes him cry because he just cares tooooo much. He would never pander, exaggerate, blatantly flirt with his audience, pretend to be single for years or do anything manipulative to make his fangirls affections for him. Literally only serial killers and Onision are capable of manipulation…clearly.
Sage because fucking Markiplier stan BS
triggers me gud.
No. 305378
>>302341Yeah, and he's calling himself (also changed his twitter username to) 'Daniel Howell' now. That is just so pretentious! He is already professionally known as 'Dan Howell'. NO ONE calls him Daniel.
Plus, he will still be 'Dan' on his gaming channel, on the shop, merch and collabs with Phil (since they will most likely remain Dan and Phil) but refer to himself as Daniel on his own channel.
Also, his tour is still TATINOF and his book TABINOF.
His and Phil's fans will now be 'phaniels' I guess lol
It's simply a mess.
I get why he wants to distance himself from the cringy videos he's made in the past but he should have stuck with Dan, this pretentious mess that consists of taking 'artistic photos' , taking himself seriously and wearing only expensive designer /fa/ clothes is as bad as his 'random xD' phase. Maybe it'll grow on him with time though. It's all pretty unnatural now but he's gotta start somewhere I guess.
And I'm curious what kind of new content is he gonna create. The only thing that kept them alive last year was theshitty fanservice, not sure how does he want to continue from that. He has almost abandoned his personal channel.
I wish him luck though.
No hope for Phil now imo. He's totally changed and I don't think the old creative and mature Phil is ever coming back. Only the ugly infantile manchild with a dying channel is left. Shame.
He wasn't a bad host on the radio show (since he isn't as awkward as Dan irl) but now he doesn't even have that. Quitting it wasn't a smart move.
No. 305393
>>305389Refering to yourself with your full name when everyone (even your roommate) refers to you with the shorter version is pretentious.
Plus like I said, what about his shop, gaming channel and collab name? He's still calling himself Dan in that. But on his own channel, he will be
And his book and tour is stil 'not on fire'.
And I'm calm? I know he only changed his username. But he's gonna make it messy for himself.
No. 305402
>>304759Honestly anon I cant even take what youre trying to say seriously, why are you so
triggered by mark? god daym
Nobody said Mark doesn't fake feelings for his fans or never treated his friends like shit, evidently he did, but you talk like Mark peed on your cereal!
No. 305456
>>305402I'm not
triggered by Mark, I'm
triggered by his dumb as fuck fans that could win gold medals in the mental gymnastics Olympics for how hard they contort reality to find ways to see him as his saintly person. Which I said already. Learn how to read faggot. What was said is that he's not manipulative, and if he is faking feelings and treating his friends like shit while pretending he's great to them until he can't anymore THAT'S WHAT MANIPULATIVE PEOPLE DO. Make an argument against it or stfu and sage your shit because no1curr that you wanna suck Markimoo's dick.
No. 305476
>>305456>"Learn how to read faggot">"because no1curr that you wanna suck Markimoo's dick"Omg you're hilarious, do you think youre being edgy when you write like a 14 year reddit lurker?
Either way have fun being
triggered by a person who really isnt lol-worthy at all, all Mark is doing is being a pussy, I don't think he is so bad that you need to get your piss in a boil like you are.
But by all means, keep going champ! You'll get him, I believe in you!
No. 305497
>>305456Nobody…NOBODY here is riding on Mark's dick as much as you're imagining. Pretty much every post about him itt have conceded that he does have negative personality traits but not enough to produce much milk.
And he's just as much an EBIL MANIPULATOR as any other Youtube personality. Either drop some juicy caps or stop acting like everyone here is a stan.
No. 305517
>>305476You seriously can't fucking read or sage like really? The epitome of a Markiplier stan.
>>305497Then stop acting like a fucking stan and getting pissy. Idgaf about milk since I didn't bring him up in the first place. The asshole got brought up, called NOT manipulative, that's bullshit and I called it such. The fact that you're now saying he's on par with other YouTube manipulative types is exactly what I originally said unless you can't understand sarcasm.
>See Markiplier isn't a real human being with positive and negative personality traits, nooo. He just has extra positive personality traits due to his extreme goodness that gets too out of line for us lesser, flawed beings.So if you don't have anything to say other than "we're not all stans, we're just acting like them now stop shit talking Mark" stfu already. Unless a farmhand can decide whether or not I can shit talk Markiplier in a thread with his fucking face on it on a board made for shit talking e-fame idiots like him.
No. 305992
>>305878Kind of. Personally I always got the vibe that Pewdiepie just wants to do his own thing and not subscribe to the 'professional' aspects of what YT has become even though he's made a lot of money off it.
Obviously he cares about the ads and stuff because it's his main source of income, but he always comes off as very cynical about YouTube culture in general and the fact that nowadays everyone sees YT as a way to make a brand for themselves. (maybe I'm just projecting, though. idk)
No. 306060
>>305878Even back when he was first picking up speed on YT his personality always struck me as a huge diva.
Like he won't do or like something if he doesn't get exactly his way.
I hate to sound edgy but monetization for users was the biggest mistake YT ever made. I know it doesn't seem that way because of course that got more content and traffic to their website, but it made otherwise do-nothings like Pewds entitled and greedy as fuck all over sitting in front of a game screen cursing and yelling.
Like if there was ever a person who did NOT deserve the money and opportunity they got in exchange for what was put out, it's him. And at that he still demands more and thinks he's important because 14 year olds love his screaming videos.
No. 306169
>>306164Daym anon, that was so fucking correctly written, you hit the hammer on the nail perfectly when describing him
I also think its noteworthy that pewds have never really had his own style of humor… he went from a blatant tobuscus ripoff to now trying hard to be an edgy memelord like filthyfrank… without youtube a person like felix would never have been famous for entertainment, he has very little actual talent for it.
But thats what youtube is for, giving lukewarm socially awkward reddit-memers money since 2008!
No. 306175
>>306154Onision is an extroverted narcissist who wouldn't enjoy the money as much without the fan praise.
Pewdy is a socially avoidant personality with a lust for easy money and doesn't quite give a shit if he has fans.
No. 306253
>>304386its just super generic, watered down afrobeat too, but i can see why people including melonhead would confuse it for dancehall, since major lazer used the same drums and similar rhythms from it (unsurprisingly), but i digress. anyways wale being butthurt over petty shit online is both halarious and pathetic.
>>306238i get that fantano is knowledgeable about music and is well spoken,and while i do respect his opinions even I'm getting annoyed by his him these days. sometimes he says sensible things but most of it is just shrouded by his arrogant know-it-all attitude, especially on his Twitter.
No. 306394
>>306238Fantano can be pretty great sometimes, and he clearly knows a shit tonne about music, but he can be a bit annoying sometimes, and the stuff he chooses to review is pretty strange.
He's still probably my favourite music reviewer out there consistently, but I can honestly only stand so much of his stuff before I get sick of it for a week or two.
I really fucking wish he'd label the genre his reviews are too, I don't give a shit about half the stuff he uploads, and it's annoying having to kind of guess what genre a review is.
No. 306573
>>306175Wasn't sure because I don't read much on the cluster c's, but I think you're spot on anon. Here's the criteria for avoidant personality disorder:
A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
1. Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection.
2. Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked.
3. Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed.
4. Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations.
5. Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy.
6. Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others.
7. Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing.
Some of this shit we certainly can't know, but he fits the bill outwardly. It definitely explains why he's really reluctant to do work related meet up stuff, doesn't collab often with people he's not exceedingly comfortable with, and what stfu about he's awkward handshakes or strange encounters.
No. 306582
>>306378The guys a fucking prick. I remember how he treated Jess. He has a tendency to go for women who are "lesser" than him just like he has a tendency to like to be surrounded by friends who are "lesser" than him. These people are just a step up from fans. He knew the power dynamic between him and Jess was fucked. Poor girl practically worshiped him and got to get dragged through the mud by his shitty crazier fangirls just because she existed while never giving him shit for stuff like
pretending to be single the entire time they were dating just so he could flirt with the camera and make fangirls swoon. All of this shit was on his GG page. The place where they bend over backwards to suck his dick until they start having breakdowns when they find out someone really is.
No. 306590
>>305992>>306025Tbh I hate that "hahaha yt sucks pay me tho" meme that is big right now.
Yeah people hate a lot of their jobs/have problems with their companies, but youtubers have arguably one of the best and most lenient jobs ever created. Yt lets people do whatever the fuck they want, if you hit a certain popularity level they give you amazing opportunities and you make a living talking to a camera about whatever you want.
It's so idiotic seeing youtubers bitch about ads and money when they just squandered it all over stupid shit.
No. 306611
>>306609Pretty much this, kek.
9/10 scandinavians, myself included are like this to a degree, lmao.
No. 306627
>>306619Yeah. Fucking shy Swedes.
As a Canadian who lived there for a year, that shit gets real old, real fast. (I still love the bastards, tho.)
No. 306637
>>306634Yeah that is true too.
He said himself that he doesn't really have many friends anymore, I think he only hangs out with Marzia and those 3 people who are his filming/editing crew!
He had alot of friends back in sweden but moving around with Marzia prolly ruined that.. not saying he isnt happy now, you dont need 20 friends to be happy, but I do think he is incredibly isolated
No. 306643
>>306637It would be really dang hard to make friends when you're famous. I mean… you go out in public, and people recognize you. This guy chatting with me, is he being friendly, or does he recognize me? Are they cultivating a friendship, or are they trying to become 'close' to me? are they seeking to be part of my circle of friends in hopes of having some proximity to fame and money?
Some people are pretty happy 'buying' friends, but i think that seems like the sort of thing that'd really bug pewdie? he seems like someone who wouldn't have much tolerance for 'fake' friends and being used etc.
and then there's the worry that, if I become friends with this person, will things I say to them end up online? Candid pictures? Can I really let my guard down with them?
seems pretty awful, honestly.
No. 306645
>>306637Yeah. I think it's him, Marzia, the Romanian guy and the British guy are his crew. PJ and his gf seem to be their closest friends, and I've seen one or two others in their vlogs/party videos but it's only that small group.
I think he's also genuine friends with Ken and Jack, but since they don't live close it's an e-friendship which also doesn't help with social awkwardness since you're just chatting on a screen all day instead of hanging out.
No. 307158
>>306383no need to get hostile anon. I'm just saying this as someone who used to hate him and his stupid meme persona he put on. I like watching his reviews now. yeah he's annoyingly vegan and has some outspoken political views but separating that from the reviews and listening to his critiques makes me respect him
>>306253I dont have a twitter, but it wouldnt surprise me tbh if he acts self important on there.
No. 313706
>>313563Gross. No one above age 11 listened to this dumb bitch in the first place and no one with a brain is going to listen to her now. I'm sure the "skeptic" community is overjoyed.
Also, she needs to grow her hair out again. That amplified pumpkin head is v
No. 313741
>>313563I don't really see anything wrong or drama worthy with this… I don't particularly like her but good for her that she wants to open dialogue with people who think differently.
Other than that, I'm not really sure why people give a shit.
No. 313745
>>313563This really isnt a shock when you realise what happened recently
>made a video complaining about another youtuber using and abusing her image in a thumbnail>several youtubers come back claiming free speech, saying shes over reacting and rip her to shreds>she "suddenly" makes this u-turn after losing subs and her own fans saying shes crying over nothingLaci green has always been shitty to the point where even some other feminists & sjws hate her. Its quite clear she has always been an attention whore and would jump onto anything that will get her attention so I am not surprised shes done this, shes trying to stay relevant.
No. 313797
>>313563Laci once questioned why no one at Hogwarts has sex. That seems like a weird question to ask… Then again, I think she has admitted to being a "homewrecker" and was proud of it?
I hear a lot of people like her body? Is that true?
No. 313860
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No. 313924
>>313885Because she keeps putting her foot in it.
Like seriously I remember the first time I ever heard of her several people were trying to distance herself from her because she was apparently transphobic, racist and said shit about fat people. I remember some controversy about when an underage girl messaged her about her boyfriend pressurising her into anal sex rather than tell her to go to the authorities or say no she gave instructions about how to lube herself up for her bf. Also her obsession with gay sex on top of everything else just makes me think shes creepy.
Saged for the moment as i dont have screencaps, but will post if i can find. tbf this was some time ago and i know people change but she has always come off as an opportunistic 3edgy5me attention whore.
No. 313937
>>306645Sorry for the late reply but iirc, Jack is now moving closer to Felix, isn't he? I think he's moving to the same town (Brighton). Not sure though.
That's kinda nice since Jack has also said he doesn't really have many IRL friends.
No. 314548
>>314271Dude, are you Keemstar?
No one else but like three edgy commentators gave a shit about it.
Seems to me like they're better friends than ever judging from their twitter/youtube interactions.
And I checked and yeah, he's moving to Brighton right now.
No. 314771
>>314287>>314548Can you fucking idiots try to be less
triggered? No one said, they're not friends. What was said is that after the fucking drama, they might not have the same plans. Christ, fans of these people are fucking ridiculous. Maybe get bent out of shape over shit that actually matters?
No. 314970
>>314771You seem way more
triggered lol
No. 315141
>>314892Anon, can you read? I never said they had drama. I said after
the Jack betrayed PDP drama during the WSJ. Which I also called bullshit you morons. Weren't they supposed to have some plans that involved work that PDP is no longer doing after the fucking drama stirred by WSJ? Or is JSE literally supposed to be moving to pal around with Felix, because I was pretty sure it was for work stuff, and, ONCE AGAIN, after all the stupid drama there might not be any projects like how Scare PDP got canceled. Hence why I thought there might not be any reason for JSE to move. Is everybody in here ESL or just 12 year old fanboys losing their shit over fucking nothing? Cool your shit, your heroes are definitely friends, nay, best friends, never better friends existed. Get off the ledge and live another day.
>>314970I know you are but what am I! You gotta be 18 to post here, anon.
No. 315309
>>315141>>315141Dude, calm down. No one was fanboying, what are you on about?
Sean wanted to move to Brighton not because of work opportunities but to be closer to his friend and other YouTubers since he has said many times he has almost no irl friends because of spending so much time on YouTube.
Iirc he never said that it's because of collabs or job so not sure where you get the idea from.
No. 315419
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So the Skeptic Feminist has been arrested after murdering his girlfriend and co host. Yikes.
No. 315435
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>>315419Fucking yikes
I don't know which shocks me more, the actual crime or the way the collective is handling this mess
No. 315466
>>315141he didnt BETRAY felix. the only people who said he BETRAAAAYED felix were drama mongers. He just didn't suck Felix's dick. That isn't betraying. Felix obviously didn't consider it a betrayal. Jack didn't mean it as a betrayal.
So yes you are saying there is drama and blowing it out of proportion, when their actions since then have showed that nothing in their friendship has changed and Felix was not upset that Jack didn't suck his dick defending him.
No. 315507
>>315466>>315141Guys, let's not go over this again.
No drama occurred aside from basically only Keem and Repzion getting
triggered, they good, also JSE just tweeted that he's now officially moved house.
Let's leave it at that.
No. 315548
>>315466I'M NOT SAYING HE BETRAYED FELIX, I'm referencing the drama that was going on around that time because of the WSJ stuff, hence why it was in quotations you fucking idiot. I was QUOTING the phrase of the hour started by keemstar,
not giving my opinion. I literally said that like three times. How fucking stupid are you?
One more fucking time you spergy douchebag that doesn't know how to sage their posts: I do not think Jack betrayed Felix, I never thought that, I was referencing all off the shit that went on AROUND THEM and messed up their Scare PDP stuff which is the business related stuff type of stuff I thought Jack was moving for hence why I assumed there'd be no reason to move after that. There was a TON of drama
around them that doesn't mean it was
between them which I never said, dumbfuck.
How fucking autistic are you? This is plain English.
>>315309I got it from Jack who literally mentioned doing collabs which is work related. Not many adults up and move to different countries ONLY to pal around with a friend. And I have been calm (calling a dumbass a dumbass doesn't mean you're mad, it means you're aware), until now because idiocy is annoying and the only people who come here getting pissy and taking in 50% of what's being said tend to be fanboying idiots. Unless someone is truly brain dead, I can't see how this:
>I never said they had drama. I said after the Jack betrayed PDP drama during the WSJ. Which I also called bullshit you morons. in anyway could be construed as me giving
my own opinion that Jack betrayed Pewds to anyone who 1) has an IQ over 60 or 2) who isn't losing their shit at the mere chance of someone saying something bad about their favorite YouTuber (which I didn't) because I explicitly state I never said THEY had drama and I called THE drama circulating around them bullshit? I'm sorry that stupidity
triggers me. Oh no, I'm not. Sorry.
No. 315610
>>315548Dude, what's up with you? Are you Onision?
>imply they might have drama going on>people disagree with your opinon>get batshit angry, write like ten paragraphs about it and call people fucking autistic, dumbfucks, morons, stupid idiots and so onWhat's your point?
No, they don't have any drama going on. You were wrong.
They live in the same town now. Cool.
No. 315621
>>315610Comment under the article
>Worth pointing out that Aleksandr Kolpakov has NEVER actually been deployed in active combat & was only military reserve requiring him do just one weekend of training per month. Some people are trying to make out like has was suffering from Rambo style flashbacks because of his times at war but that is simply untrue.So yeah, the PTSD is most likely bs they want to sell to, idk, protect their channel? I think they deserve a huge fucking backlash
>Ok well words of wisdom. Because you idiots are more interested in being shitheads. RDP has a severe flashback while enjoying his downtime.>Come on guys use your head. He's an ex-soldier. He had a flashback and was unable to come out of it. It happens oftenWhy does it sounds like they're annoyed and ~oh so tired~ with 'the shitheads' like HELLO USE YOUR HEAD HE'S AN EX-SOLDIER, happens often! whatever! let's move on!
Idk, it rubs me in a wrong way… big time.
No. 315633
>>315610You have to be trolling at this point.
>imply they might have drama going on>I'M NOT SAYING HE BETRAYED FELIX
>people disagree with your opinon (sic)>I was QUOTING the phrase of the hour started by keemstar, not giving my opinion
>No, they don't have any drama going on.>I explicitly state I never said THEY had drama
>What's your point?That if you're going to troll do it in a way that doesn't make YOU look like a literal retard. I'd rather look angry than like someone who can't read.
No. 315668
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>>315585They're handling it so weird… There's no actual correlation between PTSD and violent crime AFAIK, also.
No. 315731
>>315675>>315610 replied to my
>>315548 response. Everything in
>>315633 was from those two comments. That's a two person interaction. Them responding to me and me responding to them. WTF would it matter if
>>315610 could have only posted for the first time to me? If someone can reply to my comment that said "I was QUOTING the phrase of the hour started by keemstar, not giving my opinion" with "people disagree with your opinon" they're either retarded or trolling. So wtf are you questioning?
No. 317130
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Can we talk about this couple? laowhy86 is his youtube channel. I think he is unnecessary rude to her wife almost all the time
No. 320564
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>>315871It turns out the skeptic feminist has never seen active duty which means that his cohost saying he had a flashback where he was back in iraq fighting terrorists was utter bullshit
No. 320565
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>>320564Samefag to show their tweets / excuse sorry
No. 322190
>>322143It's the 'dark underground' of youtube. It's been around forever and pedos/people who run in those circles learn codewords to search to get videos of girls 10 and under playing in bathing suits/doing shit in front of a cam. It doesn't get taken down because they aren't really breaking the ToS but literally it's just there for pedo fuel.
One of the codewords leaked a couple of months ago and people talked about it but yt didn't actually do anything (and theoretically they can't because there's no rule breaking happening)
No. 322201
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>>321645Speaking of this, I've come across awful creepy comments on videos of little girls showing off their leotards for gymnastics, there are plenty of trolling comments on more popular vids but it's obvious there's actual pedos being serious mixed in there. Same with less popular vids of girls doing tutorials of the two pigtail hair style
No. 322207
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>>322201>>321645>>322143Is anyone else noticing kids youtube channels somewhat pandering to this sort of thing? Or am I being too cynical? I mean it's obviously not the kids themselves, more like the parents but it still gives me the creeps.
Like pic related, I'm not sure if it's just dance moms showing off their kids or what.
No. 322262
>>322255It's mostly pedos who record young girls on webchats like omegle or hacked webcams.
Sometimes it's parents or even the girls themselves doing it unknowingly (some cases innocently since it's normal to post to youtube nowadays or they're being groomed by pedos)
No. 322295
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>>322255 Some were made by oblivious kids and parents but once you go deeper there is the videos deliberately made for pedos. These were specifically produced for Youtube. They get away with this by covering it up w/ stuff like "moe ytpo" (morning routine), gymnastics, ballet, excercise machine review, and etc.
No. 322335
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>>322295this HAS to be a joke
there is no way that is real
No. 322420
>>322255>>322207Some of the channels I've come across make it seem like the parents are most definitely exploiting their kids. Perhaps they are not their parents. Like, who can record 100 videos of their topless child in panties, rolling around on the beach/yard/bed, and not feel even a bit gross? And then to upload that shit? And continuing to do it when men to post vulgar comments about wanting to fuck them?
I've known that this stuff was on Youtube for years. I tried reporting some videos when I first found out about it, but nothing was done, so I just decided to stop thinking about it and pretend it doesn't exist.
No. 326656
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I know this milk is hella old, but anyone remember Alex Day/Nerimon?
He started youtube in 2006 and became a popular British youtuber, and was friends with other youtubers like Dan and Phil, Hank and John Green, etc. He was mostly a vlogger but also made music, which sold pretty well. He also dated Carrie Hope Fletcher, a youtuber/singer/theater actress whose older brother is in the popular band McFly.
Anyway, in early 2014, right as he finally hit 1 million subs, was about to have a book published, and had an album coming out, a girl went on tumblr and revealed that Day had sexually assaulted her a couple years prior. More girls came forward and said he did the same to them, and then even more girls came forward accusing both him and other youtubers of the same thing.
Essentially, they claimed that he used his "power" as a youtuber to manipulate them into having sex with them, saying they felt pressured to sleep with him and they didn't really want to. It was made worse because many of the girls were teenagers at the time (he was in his early twenties/late teens).
His girlfriend at the time (Carrie) immediately dumped him and accused him of being abusive. Every single one of youtube his friends stopped associating themselves with him and deleting any videos they had with him, he lost a shit ton of subscribers, and was basically forced off the internet from the backlash. He went into hiding for about 7 months before coming back in 2015 to defend himself. He started making videos again and releases music for free, although he's still gets a lot of hate from people. He used to get around 100,000-500,000 views but only barely manages to get 10,000 now. He also shaved his head, became a buddhist vegan and talks a lot about enlightenment now.
I'll try to find more links although a lot has been deleted. His channel is .
Pic is basically the reaction people have if they see one of his videos getting popular, this one came from Carrie herself.
No. 326667
>>326656wew I remember this drama. A friend of mine was a big potterhead/whatever John Greens fans are called and she and a lot of those huge fans took it very personally.
I'm actually surprised he's still trying to do shit on youtube and just didn't fuck off and be a normie. These types of people don't forgive and forget, especially when you're dealing with cringey potterhead fans.
No. 329740
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Because respecting women is such a joke.
Gotta keep up the edge somehow I guess.
No. 329741
>>329740I think he got attacked for being sexist or something on some internet article that went viral, he's been making random comments about female viewers lately in his videos.
Speaking of pewds, latest vid shows he had to give up the new office space. I guess that theory of having a big UK letsplayer office with him and his friends isn't going to be a thing anymore.
No. 329755
>>329740As expected from Felix. He became a cringy edgelord. Used to like his vids back in high school when he played Amnesia and then I grew up and realized his screeching and "jokes" weren't funny.
As for Mark I still enjoy some of his vids but not as much as before. He looks like a nice guy but after reading this thread I'm sort of skeptical.
And god, I get the guy is "good looking"/has a good voice/… (in my opinion,obviously) but his fangirls are fucking creeps. Like Cry's fangirls mentionning they masturbate to his voice or Dan and Phil fangirls writing fics or drawing art about them fucking.
Why are fangirls in general so fucking crazy,god. It makes me ashamed to say I even happen to watch these guys sometimes.
No. 330117

You know, I've been holding onto Ethan for a long time, but this shit did it. They were really fun when I first discovered them, read here and gained some perspective, but I draw the line right here. What even is this shit? Joey Salads? An idiotic alt-right asshole who calls refugees "rogue animals"? How can you even let this happen, fuck the freedom of speech and opinions, he was just being ignorant and spewing shit about real, actual issues. Let's say that he wanted to hear his opinion but how can he record, edit and publish this without thinking "I have millions of followers that rely on me for interesting content and this is the bullshit I give them, really badly presented alt-right propaganda."? This is something only a person with dollar-sign-eyes would do, that Ethan has apparently become that person. Poor Hila, he doesn't even let her speak properly.
Inb4 "go back to tumblr sjw immigrants are bad": yeah immigrants are bad, and there's a way of saying it. This is not it. Also, my problem is more with Ethan rather than Joey, for putting this shit up as actual content.
No. 330127
>>330122Like 90% of youtuber hate/drama isn't actually real. If you follow them on their instagrams and shit they constantly hang out with each other and probably plan fake drama ahead of time to get ratings.
Look at cyr hosting dramaalert, all of his friends were constantly making fun of keem and yet cyr hosted the show, ian makes contentcops on people and makes fun of them but eventually works with them or people they're friends with.
No. 330130
>>330117What are you trying to say? From your post it made it seem like Ethan was agreeing with Joey but he was arguing with him the whole time. Are you saying you don't even want to SEE people who hold different opinions on a podcast?
You really do need to go back to tumblr jfc
No. 330178
>>330147I am the anon who posted the video and sperged, but yeah this is what I was trying to say. Who the fuck is Joey Salads, why give him the exposure? And I might find his arguments ignorant, but Ethan (as this anon
>>330130 said) wasn't actually presenting real counter arguments, he was mostly like "Well I don't think…" or "I guess so yeah…". If he really did wanted to argue, he wouldn't laugh and be amazed at Joey's weird 3rd-world-country stories. He's 100% doing this to get attention from his viewers (like me, ugh) who'd say "What? He invited Joey Salads?" Fuck Joey Salads (literally, who?) and fuck Ethan.
No. 330209
>>330178>>330147Fr… Sorry if this
triggers anypony, but there's legit no point in arguing with people like Joey (other than money, of course). It's like arguing with someone who thinks 2+2=5 or a member of NAMBLA. They're objectively wrong. They don't deserve platform this big (if at all tbh) because it validates their alt-facts/ignorance and makes H3H3's gullible teenage audience think that it's okay to think this way.
No. 330867
>>329940Lol, Marzia is super cute and force nice, but 10/10? Okay stan, sure.
And defining someone by who thy are fucking and how much money they have, great. Trump is the fucking best person in the world then.
No. 344176
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A little surprised Loey isn't on here at all with all her bullshit "SUPERNATURAL" experiences and fake body positivey bullshit when she can't even be honest about her real size. She's easily a 22, not a 14 like she claims. Giving subscribers wrong measurements thinking that the clothes she buys will fit them, but in turn they have clothes that DONT fit because she can't be honest about her sizing when throwing shit in the descriptions. Constantly talks about her anxiety and how being a YouTuber is hard life. She also has been having her brother video tape her underwear and biniki hauls lately which in general just seems cringey as hell.
No. 345609
>>344212Yeah but we're not semi-famous youtubers, we are just bunch of bored anons.
And we're not really giving them positive attention either.
Also sage pleas
No. 366149
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Possible milk on Pewds?
That gossip site does a monthly tell all. Although the site main gossips about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, they also gossip about general stuff and this came out…
So, what's his ilegal sexual pleasure? Does he likes young girls, maybe?
No. 366241
>>366149The fuck kind of shitty post/tumblr is that.
>assaults women and humiliates themThis reads like some angry person who has fallen for the "pewdiepie is alt-right scum" meme and I'm not even a fan of his.
No. 366249
>>366149this literally doesn't entail anything lmao. what a shitty tumblr post. this is like those dumb hoes on gurugossiper nitpicking about marzia.
>>366227even then that wasn't a big deal because those are over-the-age actors who look haggard like most porn stars. the bitches playing as "teen" and "underage" actors look 21 at the least. the directors in the porn industry seem to think curveless bodies automatically mean underage.
im not a fan of his videos, but pewds doesn't deserve to be slandered as a paedo when it's just not true. he's been pretty clean and i hear he's just a normal, reserved guy.
No. 366406
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>>269224So what's Jontron doing now? still laying low?
No. 366455
>>366227I used to watch a lot of his gameplays and it was probably that one frame on his first TWD playthrough. I remember it was something like 'amateur teen' (which is pretty damn vanilla), but definitely not 'underage'.
also, people actually think he's alt-right? He definitely hates the SJW-no-offensive-jokes-whatsoever mentality
cough wsj, but he's not as stupid as he seems. Certainly not pathetic enough to genuinely believe that bs anyway.
No. 366595
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Apparently Nick Robinson of Polygon abused some girls?
I don't know if I actually believe this though No. 366780
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>>366595>This person claims they were sexually harassedLMAO I'M SORRY BUT IM GAY AND I WOULD NOT TOUCH THIS WITH A FUCKING STICK, my bullshit alarms are going OFF
No. 366809
>>366595I don't know if I would say abused, but it seems like he's got a history of hitting girls up for nudes.
Kinda sucks, 'cause I liked carboys.
No. 366915
>>366776why would so many credible reporters decide at the same random time to run a smear campaign on him when the simple answer is the truth that he's a fucking creep? don't be fooled by someone's soft boy internet bullshit persona. he has legions of fans who will send death threats to any woman who comes forward, so of course they've stayed silent at the risk of their careers, hence why so many friends of the victims are speaking on their behalf.
anyway he's been suspended from polygon while they investigate the claims, which is another reason why you're not getting the screen caps of "proof" your stupid ass feels entitled to
No. 366919
>>366915A credible reporter would look for and provide proof instead of believing some rando's word just because she has a vagina and acts sad.
Sexual harassment claims of any kind are serious accusations, you wouldn't be able to charge a person for manslaughter without proof so why do you think they can do so in this case?
>entitledthat's a weird way to write 'sensible', but okay.
>>366888>nobody has to post proof if it makes them uncomfortableLol that's such bullshit. Yes they do if they want their words to have any merit whatsoever and the guy to get what he deserves. You can't go around accusing random people you don't like of different things and then turn around and say "b-but I can't prove it because it upsets my feefees :(" and expect people to believe you.
No. 366926
>>366919The internet forgets that if the victims want to make it public it's their choice. All they need to do to actually get it resolved is to report it to polygon/vox, aka the company that employs nick, (which is what they've done), NOT get randoms on the internet to judge for themselves lmao.
Istg you guys complaining need to step outside and maybe even get employed to get an idea about what goes on in workplace disputes.
No. 366973
>>366926>>366915Why post about it at all then? It would've been just as simple to go to whoever at Polygon, show them what's going on, then have them deal with it and post a public statement. That's way more credible than a bunch of people vaguely saying that he did something only to say 'respect my privacy plz' when someone asks. You want privacy, DON'T post about it!
I've been sexually harassed online before. All I did was go through the right channels and the person was dealt with accordingly. I'm by no means defending Nick because plenty of big Youtubers have been proven to harass their fans but the way this is being handled is messy.
I'm saying people should just wait until Polygon comes out with another statement before they start going crazy.
No. 366997
>>366973I mean that's what they did though. From what I read, the bulk of the women claiming harassment have either stayed silent or privatized/closed their twitters for the time being.
It's the friends/co-workers being vocal. Almost all the caps have been secondary parties. Even the ones being a bit more telling and salty are keeping vague and not really confirming if it was them or if they are speaking as a friend.
Plus, ok so even if it was something as harmless as hitting on someone or asking for nudes, if it was a co-worker he's fucked. You can't just send someone you work with shit like "Hey you wanna send me some sexy pics? ;)" That's usually grounds for immediate firing.
No. 367142
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>>367083Doesn't look like they're going to explain what happened.
No. 367153
>>366973>>366919Stop white knighting for this twat, we get that you don't want to believe your precious fave is a predator. Newsflash, not all sexual deviants look like Jimmy Savile or outwardly behave like creepy insufferable narcs i.e. Onision.
He's been suspended from this job, which means the victims have most likely gone to the authorities. The fact that everyone around him is keeping quiet means that there is probably an ongoing investigation happening.
No. 367161
a girl posted some receipts for nick, finally. someone who's been in the same situation, this makes me sad. having a famous or an older guy interested in you who seems genuine makes you feel so confident in yourself and then turns out they're just using you.
No. 367173
>>367161Who do predatory youtubers always go for these SJW looking chicks? Especially when these tumblrina types are so quick to start e-vendettas.
Not victim blaming at all, just pointing out the weird pattern.
No. 367181
>>367165Pure curiosity but what happened with Vinesauce? The only incident I know of is gpm's supposed temporary kick
(I know a lot of members have YouTubes so I hope this isn't off topic)
No. 367384
>>366149>>366241That blog is run by two lonely girls who are homeschooled with an overactive imagination. Her receipts all talk the exact same as her. One of their blog posts "proves" that Selena Gomez is addicted by coke by showing pictures with her dilated pupils. Pupils can be dilated for a number of reasons other than using coke. Including alcohol which is very likely. They (sometimes I forget that the blog is run by two people but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just one girl) have used false sources and misquotes on several occasions to further their point. I actually hate SG irrationally (she can't sing and just pisses me off) and I wish that a lot of the blog was true but it isn't.
I'm not saying that Selena isn't a coke fiend, she most likely is considering how popular it is with other stars in her age range. But this site is an awful source.
The coke post: for the venting, but I've never had the chance to talk about ESMG.
No. 367901
>>367161I've been keeping up with this from multiple places to see if anything comes out of it.
If anything if some are real it's just proven he's awful at flirting. all sides seem messy right now though.
No. 367947
>>367175or they ARE easy and desperate and only cry out about how they let others treat them when they don't get their way
still unacceptable for him to come onto an 18 year old girl at his age though. come on nicholas
No. 370264
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Nick Robinson officially released a statement and got fired from Polygon.
He'll probably get removed from all his other projects in the next couple of days too.
No. 370278
>>370268Yeah it really came off as
"lol I got famous so my shitty behaviour from when I was just a normal douche became really shitty behaviour because more people were looking, my bad :))) i'm just an awkward dude tho!!"
No. 370526
>>370268It's what they always do though. Look at Alex Day years back when the same shit came out about him. They release statements because they try to seem remorseful to save face.
He'll probably disappear in the next few weeks and people will forget all about him.
No. 370540
>>370526Or he will migrate to Pateron and make $600 a month. A few of the people who still care about Gamergate, ugh, are defending this piece of human trash after all.
I've also read that he creeped minors which is lovely.
No. 370631
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>>370264have any screen caps etc. of what he actually said to these girls been released yet?
bc pic related convo doesn't seem remotely bad to me? unless it's with the underaged girl
No. 370762
>>370631I'm having such a hard time following all of this. How "deep" was the harassment? Was he demanding young girls to send nudes? What about it was harassment?
I hate all the "don't ask for receipts" how are you supposed to accuse someone of being a predator publicly and then say you're uncomfortable showing the convo?
I'm conflicted with wanting to fully believe the women claiming he harassed them, but wanting "innocent until proven guilty" to remain true. Point is this is all way over dramatic
No. 370778
>>370631Yeaaah, honestly doesn't sound that bad. Nothing about this convo screams 'HARASSMENT' to me. I've had way worse messages from people and it seems like she was fine with it? She didn't send him anything indicating she didn't appreciate the comments.
I hate to doubt the ones speaking out but I feel like a few dumb messages were blown way out of proportion. If it comes out he was sending dick pics or something, I'll completely understand but this exchange is pretty harmless
No. 370810
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>>370762Someone has been kind enough to put together all the evidence currently available: it's almost completely comprised of anecdotal evidence, with the DMs from
>>370631 being considered "HARD EVIDENCE"
I too hate to doubt the accusers but they're going to have to release something more condemning to convince me that this guy is a predator.
No. 370872
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>>370868maybe they've fired him to save face? they're not going to take down any of the videos he's made/been apart of, so Polygon is not going to lose money.
No. 370875
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>>370859the twitter user said she was 18 at the time
she goes into more detail in this reddit post: No. 370902
I don't even know who this guy is, but just imagine that every guy that has ever sent unsolicitated dick pic or aggressively flirted with someone or requested nudes or hit on a younger girl gets fuckin fired, condemned and colled a rapist.
>>370875It's like, girl (I mean the girl from picture related), I always thought it's fucking normal to want to fuck 18 years old girls, because they tend to have hot bodies. Also when I was 18, a 5 years older guy wanted a picture of my ass so I sent him one and I got nothing in return, so should I contact his boss and tell him that the guy is a meanie and I want him to be fired?
No. 370907
>>370859No. The DMs were from an 18 year old who willingly flirted back with him of her own admission on reddit. There has been no hard evidence so far of him flirting with minors.
>>370872 It absolutely is to save face. A lot of these people screaming that Polygon's firing him means he did something clearly have clearly not had a professional job or any job. You hear all the time about people being fired for stupid shit like complaining on social media because of reputation. If they had kept Nick with the witch hunt he was dealing with, they would've had to deal with a pr nightmare regardless of if he did anything or not. The screaming people on twitter would never forgive him even though there has been no concrete evidence and Polygon would have their name dragged for "defending a rapist"
It's sad how a guy lost his job because apparently a gaming journalist is as powerful as an exec of a company and women can't figure out a block button .
No. 370933
>>370875WOW. So this honestly makes me view the whole situation in a totally different light. If someone is flirting with you and you don't like it, BLOCK THEM. You don't get them fired for some totally harmless (albeit corny and dumb) messages. This is NOT what sexual harassment is! She even admits that she was fine with it (yeah, he's older which I have an issue with dudes my age going over anyone that young, but she was 18). This comes across as she was just irritated with him for bothering her and she thinks he's gross. It's fine to feel that way about a person but it's not cool to start a bunch of drama over it.
>>370907I was trying not to feel bad for him in any way because I honestly thought people were being genuine with their claims but now I'm really doubtful that he did anything worse than sending a few messages. No, it's not cool be hit on by someone you're not interested in but it's easy to block or ignore someone. Everyone's claims that it's because he was in some position of power and they felt 'threatened' is sounding like bull to me
No. 371417
>>370933I wish everyone understood the sentiment of blocking someone who is aggressively dm-ing you. I've seen a bunch of YouTube guys who have been outed for doing similar things to nick and when the dms come up, the girls are always saying how much they don't want to do it and how they feel pressured, but they keep talking to the guy.
Not defending the aggressive flirting/harassment, but some of these girls are so blinded by a popular guy they do the stupidest shit.
No. 371939
>>370875Holy shit. I tried not to defend Nick in this situation because I didn't want ~my fave~ to blind me from listening to the victims, it really sucks when you are a victim and people don't believe you, but this girl is legit stupid?? What a fuck?? She says like she was a naive little girl that has fallen victim of a manipulative, old man…
Bitch, you were a fucking adult??? His lines were lame as shit, but you, as an adult, that has the capacity of respoding for yourself, decided to go along with it? And now you are calling it harrassment?
He was perfectly polite (no dick pics, no "HMM YEAH SIT ON MY FACE BABE" as an opener, nothing) and you were perfect willingly.
Way to make a dude lost his job because yeah, you are a fucking coddled baby.
Sorry for this rant, I am just super angry.
No. 372087
>>371939Then he should know better than to flirt with and then ghost vindictive unhinged otherkin tumblrinas who cry rape like 15 times a day.
These girls have serious daddy issues and make a career out of ruining other people's careers.
No. 372090
>>370875'Why would a 26 year old want to fuck an 18 year old?'
Fucking kek @ this dense bitch calling him a disgusting predatory ephebophile. They're both young adults and of legal age so what is all this fucking fuss about? Until proof of him engaging in illegal shit comes out, I'm not buying it.
Seriously girls who cry regret rape bc some guy didn't call them back piss me off so much. He might be a fuckboy but I see zero evidence of him being a predator or pedophile.
Way to throw around such serious accusations and completely trivialize the meanings of such words.
No. 372198
>>370875Fucking hell. So the only evidence is some flirty texts between this guy and an 18 year old? last time I checked, 18 was perfectly legal.
I will admit his flirting is a bit creepy, but her sending "SO YOU WANT TO FUCK ME GKDJDKGLGJK" is probably even creepier.
I could def see him sending dick pics to fans and shit, from what we've seen he just seems like an average guy who's ego was inflated by his position of "fame" but its generally harmless unless they really are UNDERAGE girls
and he knew they were underage at the time>>372148If he cheated on his GF he's a fucking scumbag and should be outed for that, but not fired.
That's my opinion. I enjoyed polygon content that had him in it. I reckon it'll get pretty shit after this mess.
No. 372315
>>372198Agree with everything said there.
Being a fuckboy is very different of being a predator. One sucks, but the latter is actually harmful. He probably felt like a ~rockstar~ of some sort and used that to his own gains, but there was no real abuse involved?
>'Why would a 26 year old want to fuck an 18 year old?'>Fucking kek @ this dense bitch calling him a disgusting predatory ephebophile. They're both young adults and of legal age so what is all this fucking fuss about?So much this. It's so stupid I just want to bitch slap that girl.
Let's see what's gonna happen to Polygon now. I really liked Griffin's and Nick's chemistry. Bummer, this was so poorly handed.
No. 372329
>>372315Yeah, I'm actually shocked by how weird they're handling this. They haven't even uploaded a video in over a week. I wonder if they'll formally adress it on there…
Gonna miss CGI and stuff :/ Nick was the only reason I subbed in the first place but I guess I'll stay for Monster Factory
No. 373575
I think it's not a problem he was sliding in the DMs, what IS a problem is that he might've been doing this while he was still in a relationship. He has been confirmed to use his ex as an excuse to the girls he DM'd to keep their sexting on a downlow.
Also to add onto
>>370875-this stupid bitch is 19 and currently dating a 17 year old, where is the witch hunt? That's actual statuary rape
-she's sex positive but she's kinkshaming the dude for reading Hentai? Lmao
No. 374244
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Well done Pewds. It only took seeing actual Nazis marching and murdering someone to realize that you had your head up your ass.
No. 374700
>>374244>>374277>>374305guys of course he knew that. He is an intelligent man. What he does now is a sneaky move to change people's view of him from "nazi" to "ignorant". Still not the best, but not as bad as the public painted him before. It's something people can forgive, especially if he admits to being stupid and abases.
He saw the chance and he took it.
For me, it still reeks.
>and I'm like oh, I see. OK!Disgusting.
No. 374708
>>374700Playing dumb is such a bad strategy. Like…it isn't possible for a man of his age to not know that IRL Nazis exist.
Especially since his job is on the internet. Like…he never read his own YouTube comments? He never went to pol? He doesn't read the news?
He hasn't even seen a Louis Theroux .gif from his episode about neo Nazis?
I don't buy it.
No. 375014
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>>374997If by
triggered, you mean being critical of being offensive ironically or humorously, in terms of how it could potentially perpetuate an unironic support of actual anti-semites and other bigoted folks, I guess that's what's going on.
No. 375093
>>374244Lol I can already see the barrage of tweets he's going to get from the alt right now, calling him a cuck and raging about how emotions have no place in their movement anyway.
Lauren Southern's thirsty ass is going to be so disappointed. She thought she was making progress grooming him. Maybe they need some attractive popular YouTuber to redpill all those impressionable young subscriber's minds. At least then they would have some REAL Scandi genes in their movement ;(
No. 377539
>>377504I don't buy that he 'didn't know Nazis exist irl' either. It's probably the worst excuse I've ever heard.
Sweden and Norway have big Nazi punk and metal scenes, plus vigilante skinhead groups who go around beating up migrants have been in the news there a lot over the past 2-3 years.
Like a lot of white guys, he probably just got sick of the constant SJW callout culture, felt like being edgy, and ventured down the NatSoc rabbit hole. I guess he decided to turn around and stop being such an edgy shit just in time.
No. 381495
>>381483I'd rather watch them in a video with post Malone over their idea for Skippy and the podcast.
Apparently, they are going to get that virign Skippy laid, with the help of that PUA from one of their past bids (the las Vegas guy).
Idk it just seems kind of mean. I mean, that Skippy guy is obvs cringey, but I think it is kind of taking it too far. I don't see any comedy potential besides "look at this embarrassing virgin".
No. 384707
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>>384095I guess looking like a bootleg Markiplier is his entire gimmick?
No. 384752
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>>384707This is ridiculous
I never understood the appeal of these youtubers, especially Marikiplier
I have a good friend who is 22 and is obsessed with him, she showed me multiple videos and they were all so boring and not very funny. I was expecting more since he's so damn poplular
>>384735I hope so, maybe then youtube wouldn't be such a shitfest
On a related note, I've always wondered what would happen if youtube just stopped paying youtubers all together? I'm so curious as to what youtubers will do in their desperation
No. 384800
>>384791pewds is a millionaire, he doesn't give a fuck. even if he gets shitcanned from youtube, and even if he wasn't already rich, marzia makes a killing with her own youtube.
what's hilarious is that he was propelled to fame by the same people who are decrying him. remember when pewdiepie's amnesia garbage was all over tumblr?
idc really. maybe he'll go to twitch if he really wants to hang around.
No. 384815
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>>384791yeah both of them are annoying as fuck
but both are also rich so if they lost all their money it wouldn't be that much of a big deal
Tumblr is also making a fuss as usual
No. 384846
>>384703>sometimes I forget I'm streamingHe just outed himself on the fact that he so casually uses everyday that he can forgot where he is and just say it, goddamn he's moronic
Then you have that snivelling retard Brad trying to talk all big and be all "no one cares about the word really they're just complaining for attention it's not big deal " but can't even bring himself to say "fucking nigger" when quoting Tana Mongo and says "fucking nibba" instead the pansy ass bitch, don't defend the usage then not play ball.
No. 384863
>>384855honestly if you don't think his fan base (predominantly preteens-young teens) aren't casually using nigger everyday already you're naive. these kids already have access to the internet in ways most of us didn't at their age and they're exposed to "nigger" and far worse.
nigger has become the new retard. i know people still want to get fired up over because racial slur and all but it was the same shit with calling people retards, gay, fag etc. now no one even cares about those. nigger will stop making people clutch their skirts soon enough and in the meantime it's absolutely pointless to crucify some youtuber who doesn't give a shit anymore.
No. 384867
>>384863you spend too much time on imageboards then. IRL everyone will quickly call you out for saying retard, faggot etc.
And I don't think other anons believe the kids were never exposed to "nigger" and Pewds is introducing it to them or shit. It's about seeing the biggest Youtuber (I don't even know if he still is, though), famous person, maybe a role model, say it. Don't try to tell me that doesn't have an impact.
For me, after all he's been through with that idiotic Jews joke, he's just plain stupid for saying that. Maybe he doesn't care anymore, idk.
No. 384871
>>384867it's not just imageboards. ever play a team game like overwatch? i've been called a nigger in voice and text chat more than i can count. i have a 14 year old brother. his friends throw around nigger all the time.
also irl i've literally never been called out for saying faggot lol. ever. i don't use it in polite or professional company because i'm not an idiot, but amongst friends and casual acquaintances? even gay ones? nah. and retard has definitely just become another casual insult at this point. purely anecdotal obviously, but outside of higboxes ive never heard of it.
i think we can at least agree that pewds alone isn't ruining the youths.
No. 384912
>>384867>you spend too much time on imageboards thenlol not that anon ofc, but i've used retard, gay, and fag even in professional settings and no one has gave a fuck or said anything, just bust out laughing at most. do you live in the most liberal city of all time or what
>>384881he does. this new red piller shtick is totally a tactic to gain a new audience. i just dont know why he fell into this meme, he's always been a retard but this is a whole new level of retarded, trying to appeal to 4chan or wherever the fuck.
No. 384944
>>384933I am not that anon that said that but telling someone that "no one outside of tumblr cares about your delicate sensibilities" is pretty /pol/ like tbh. lol if pewds lives in a trash area shieet then that must be a very nice trash place he is got. but I think that other anon was trying to say that because many people follow him he should behave better, not saying he is corrupting all the youth in the world but he knows his fans are kids. but I do wonder if he is making this on purpose burning everything he has build, I have a feeling he probably wants to retire and he is doing all this so people dont like him anymore.
sage for tinfoiling
No. 385030
>>384919lol thank you for proving my hypothesis
>>384922>not being cool with people saying retard, faggot, nigger, etc. in a professional setting = hypersensetive tumblr behaviorok
No. 385246
>>384881He's said several times in the past he changed his content because he didn't want to be known for certain things and because it got boring for him. I'm actually legit curious how much of his audience are "kids". I'm talking under 16. The big argument I keep seeing is, "Oh, god! Think of the children!?"
I mean, yeah, parents should so to a certain degree they should be keeping their kids on YouTube Kids or monitoring what websites their kids are using on the network. I hate that this kid logic is constantly blamed on YouTubers like they're babysitters. Unlike South Park they can't air their shows late at night on a cable channel, they're available so people raising kids should be aware of that or, at the very least, talk to their kids why certain content is or is not okay. I have three nieces that can't use certain social media until they're at a certain age and I think that's a smart move.
I dunno, this has just been pissing me off lately cause I feel like there's way worse shit than PDP on the internet.
No. 385286
>>384752I used to be a huge markiplier fan and the problem is his content and he himself have changed drastically imo.
He got famous by being a Let's Player. He was funny, especially when he played scary games - he would genuinely get scared and many people could relate and it was a good time. He'd make decent jokes and was well timed… This was years ago, mind you. Like 2014 was good.
The more famous he got, the worse he got. I think he decided "I can make anything I want and these people will watch". Now his content is boring, repetitive, and trying too hard to be funny when it's not. He barely plays video games anymore, which is how he even got his fanbase. He's clickbaity. He is a try hard and just too far up his own ass to make anything entertaining. He's a completely different person. It's just sad.
Sage for sperging out on Markiplier jfc
No. 385376
>>385286ah that makes sense
Don't know why people still watch him then, and that tour event he's doing is ridiculous
The comments under that event where so cringey, the worst part is that a lot of them were man children and woman children complaining about the price, or people that you know for a fact are lonely as fuck and fantasize about Mark on the daily.
No. 385500
>>385473I haven't watched a video of his in months and I was shocked by his appearance here. I agree, he looks absolutely terrible. That hipster colour-mismatch beard makes him look like he doesn't care for his appearance anymore.
Sage for who cares
No. 385658
DaddyOFive update, both parents apparently got 5 years of probation for child neglect after doing a plea deal and being found guilty.
Conflicting stories say the two kids are in foster care, while another says they're with their bio mom.
It seems most of the videos showcasing the abuse that were posted have been deleted, which is honestly for the best tbh. Maybe Cody can have some sort of semblance of normal life No. 385757
>>385691Yeah, but with how the probation system works its basically set up for people to fail. And to be on it for five years is a looong time. If they slip up then they could go to jail for the maximum sentence, 10 years. Which is a very high possibility.
I was talking to someone who works on cases like this and they said that when judges do this its to almost guarantee they get their max sentence because they know people will fuck up on their probation.
No. 386725
>>385990speaking of tana…why does pewds get nailed to the cross for saying nigger but no one gives a fuck about idubbbz doing it? are people just that desensitized to hearing it from him?
like, you could argue both of them don't seem to care about being ad-blocked, and also that pewds is THE biggest youtuber, but edups says it all the time. pewds says it in a heated moment and it's the nazi shit all over again.
No. 386799
>>386725anon i'm a little buzzed but i think it's like this:
pewdz is a letsplayer and that means most of his audience is little kids (whether he likes it or not)
idubbz does the expose videos on people (content cop is the only thing i know him for so…) and a lot of the time him saying nigger is quoting people he's CCing - idk, idubbbz doesn't seem like the target audience for little kids, yknow?
No. 386800
>>386799nah idubbbz says "nigger" (or "niggerfaggot" actually) all the time without quoting anyone.
i guess all i can think of is that he's a smaller, more niche youtuber (though he has several million subs) and like you said, his audience isn't a bunch of kiddos. also i guess no one wants to go for idubbbz because they're afraid of getting CC'd.
No. 390832
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This interview was really entertaining and despite what his edgelord fans think, I really enjoy Joji outside of his FF character.
No. 391803
>>390832Where's the milk in this?
Why hasn't this thread been moved to /ot/?
No. 398443
>>398069it's kind of funny how boastful he is about his popularity and yet i personally have never heard of him until this
>>398074he's only king in his small boxed in world.
No. 400822
Samefag here, I thought that was his mom or sister when I saw her in one of his thumbnails. That's his GIRLFRIEND? Holy shit, Nate, you're like a 7/10, but you can do better than that holy shit. Yeah, I agree, probably a ploy. Though, I don't necessarily think it's a lot of processing, perse. He's an indie artist who mostly does covers, I think there were legal reasons why he couldn't perform live. I guess we'll see when one of his songs get on the radio, he gets major popularity, and his marketing guy says "tour". Let's hope not. Regardless,even if it is processing, I can still watch the YT videos and just not go see him live.
No. 402589
>>400822I won't lie, not a big fan of Cristina, but she has her own YT. She sings there and the group song they did on Nate's channel made me think there's a shit ton of processing. Who knows?
If you can, look for a picture of her with longer hair. She hasn't had it in years, but it helped her face SO frickin' much.
No. 419209
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>>261848Whenever I see Marzia in a PewDiePie video, I get a real sense of low key hostility from her. Like her entire persona is just a facade.
I get a bad vibe from her.
No. 419240
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>>419209wow i never realized how bad she looks without full makeup and angles.
No. 419274
>>419260Jesus christ dude go back to tumblr with that bullshit!
I don't think Marzia seems very fake, If anything I just think she seems incredibly boring and plain
No. 419283
>>419274Agreed. She's just your typical girl beauty/life vlogger. Nothing awful, nothing wonderful. She does look pretty bad
>>419240 here though
No. 419286
>>419209Looks like Wal Mart jewelry for prepubescent girls.
I was watching a couple of her vlogs. Those two live quite lucrative lives for being internet loud mouths. Funny how she needs to release a boring jewelry and homegoods line though, Pewd's income must've taken a hit.
No. 419313
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>>419283She's italian, just like shoe0nhead
No. 419713
>>419313shoe is Italian-American.
Marzia is Italian. as in, was born in and lived in Italy.
No. 419715
>>419286Pewds has a degree in business. he's not an idiot, he knows the youtube money won't last forever, so he's probably investing in a bunch of different areas, Marzia's product line being one of them.
it's not that far out there for Marzia to have her own jewelry and housewares, when look at how much fucking money Kylie Jenner has made off her makeup line. Kylie is famous because her older sister fucked a black guy on camera and it got leaked.
No. 423654
>>419209You are not the only one anon. PewDiePie looks so forced in her videos too. It’s very weird to see a grown up girl behaving like a child while she can be really passive aggressive toward him or her fans. Of course no one will pay attention to that or criticize her because she looks "cute"…
Not to mention she obsessively shows only one side of her face (due to her crooked nose, she seems to try to correct that though) and her voice is 100% fake. (You can hear her real one in this video for comparison, at 3:15:
No. 424228
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>>424202hahaha right. i hate gurugossiper but that place is my go-to for when i want recent happening on marzia's blog and even though they just nitpick on shit there, their nitpicks are absolutely warranted. not only is her behaviour lulzy, (not caring for felix when hes extremely ill and turning the event into "me me me" by suddenly being the victim and whining about how she got a panic attack from felix being sick) but she also fakes her voice for no good reason other than to cater to her underage fanbase with her childish, innocent internet persona. plenty of old videos are still up with her real voice in which she sounds like a normal woman. she's seriously gross and insecure.
No. 424232
>>423654Her voice sounds the same, it's just echoing strangely and she's not really emoting. It's still high pitched/her weird voice.
I don't mind Marzia. She's just really dull. I like her best of all the youtuber gfs tbh, she does her own thing (doesn't try to insert herself into the gaming community with GURL GAMUR or CAWSPLAY) and caters to her own market. As much as we like to assume that she's completely dependent on Felix, the girl has a strong internet presence (yes, she did get it from pewds but now they're separate enough that she has her own sphere of influence) and she gets solid and high end sponsorships. She has 7m followers and averages 400k views a video which puts her in the high percentage of youtubers, especially with her viewcount and she has 5m instagram followers. That probably nets her at least 10k a month and they don't exactly live super extravagantly so she probably pockets a solid portion of that.
Plus she might even be earning more than pewds right now in yt profits since his stuff kept getting demonetized. He's started doing sponsored gaming equipment videos and moved back into their house to film.
No. 424486
>>424232Take any of her last videos and her voice is way more stressed out and high, her forcing it also explains why in some cases she kindof loses control of it (like when she has an exclamation of surprise or laughing). Not a voice expert BTW but I remember some old/first videos where you can see she is struggling at keeping the tone (another video, after min 1): agree with you that Marzia by herself is not the worst youtuber, I would even say she has potential to do good things (if she stops behaving like a toddler and finally like an adult, that is). I have however a really hard time figuring out her personality as I feel like everything with her is pure act and fake. For the least I can perceive, she doesn’t look nice at all. The way she treats Pewdiepie for example… You don’t have to like him to see that the relationship is totally uneven. She is mega controlling and Pewdiepie complies to everything she asks for. It’s at the point where I can’t see for the life of me why he let the situation gets to this point or why he is still in this relationship in the first place.
Lastly don’t forget Pewdiepie helps a lot with her businesses, you can see at least some insta stories where he is on her computer in the evening with her, he helps with the filming, does the photos of her merch, stages in the majority of her videos (even when he obviously doesn’t want to) so to give her views etc.
>>424228true and her guru thread is even lulzier now that she obviously follow it, tries to prove critics wrong and whine on her blog afterward about the "haters on internet"…
No. 424590
>>424486That one part specifically annoys me. That Felix has to take photos for her clothing line and such. Like… Why? You have money. Hire a photographer. It doesn't even have to be a famous photographer, just someone who is good and you would help them out too by giving them exposure. Her videos can be cute but again, soo unprofessional. I'm not asking for studio videos but god damn at least that the video iz in focus? Is that much to ask?
Cooking videos…… On the living room floor. Like what? I can't with her. And it's not relatable at all unless you're a child and that's funny or quirky to you.
No. 424629
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>>424590Yep and none of her clothing have any studio photos so her fans are stuck with overpriced merch without having any frontal/back view and knowing exactly how the cut is. It’s so unprofessional. Probably no one around her dared to tell her that, knowing how badly she reacts to critics.
Also her home line is a joke. I’m not even kidding she sells things like a candle at 40 $ with just her name on it. Her bland PJs sets were originally 120$ and because her fans protested she lowered the price to 75$. Imagine the margin she must do with her products…
No. 424671
>>424590Even pewdiepie questioned why she was cooking on the floor. Every time she cooks she takes it in to him to test when he's clearly working. I remember in one of his south park videos she just busts in while he's filming and he's like 'yeah uhh just let me finish'. He'd made comments before about how x or x would make her mad so at this point he's made it clear he has to cater to her.
On the topic of her merch. I can't believe the girl who makes cardboard mazes for a hedgehog and does simple baking videos really thought her fans would be able to afford gold jewelry. It was just pretentious like all her other merch.
No. 424674
>>424629Oh wow. That design must have taken monthhhhssss to make. Jesus fuck it's pathetic. 40?! She's crazy.
>>424671To be fair he seems like a workaholic so if my bf was like that you can bet your ass that I would make him try my shit since he probably only sees her in the evening when he's done doing shitty videos so. Can't really blame her lol.
No. 424821
>>424796Same man, I saw her once interrupting his stream 4 times in the course of 2 hours, and even throwing a water bottle at him to get his attention. If he is not in the flat, she is always texting him and he has to answer right away (or apologize on stream out loud he is not ignoring her).
She is annoying and clingy as hell. I don’t know how he stands it more than 1 day, I sure wouldn’t.
No. 424857
>>419260that fucking reach kek
Seriously tho Marzia seems like a sweet girl i dont get why people dont like her tbh
No. 424947
>>424857She is not bad, but at least for me it doesnt add up she acts and dress like 6 y/o when is 25. It looks straight retard.
And from what i see she is clingy af, jump right into Felix face the minute he enter to the house, and you can tell by the lack of interest in his part that he doesnt want to be with her anymore (he doesnt wait for her when they walk, he seem anoying in every video together, from time to time he is putting her down or even asking her why she acts like a kid, etc.)
No. 424963
>>424821I don't watch pewdiepie much anymore but I remember watching his Bully Let's Play back before he lived with Marzia. His Skype notifications kept going off and she called him a few times too. I remember thinking that was kinda weird and disrespectful as he probably would've said he was filming.
She does strike me as needy and possessive
No. 425056
>>424963I think it's because she has a lot of self image/self worth problems. If I remember right she talks about it in past videos about how she was ~awkward~ and didn't really talk to too many people in Italy and stuff, and while when Pewds was starting out it was probably more fun and easy, now she's essentially dating one of the top internet stars which isn't helping her self worth issues. Like didn't Pewds dm Taylor Swift and they actually talk? Imagine your bf has easy access to a shitton of actual celebrities, some who are extremely hot. Plus I can't even imagine the amount of 10/10 girls hitting on him all day. Not trying to defend the possessiveness, but I'm just trying to think of a possible reason for it.
And also I think Pewds is in a similar boat. He seems like he was just a typical awkward gamer guy and he had a qt girl message him when he was starting out and now he's dating her. And he's still socially retarded, so he probably doesn't really think he can really score anyone else or he's just so comfortable being a pseudo manchild that he just doesn't want to change anything, even if he's with a girl that controls aspects of his life.
No. 426718
>>426219>>426226Anon, her being 'insecure' or mad was part of the skit, she actually doesn't care because these really pathetic youtube whores are just that, genuinely pathetic.
I do think Ethan has been pretty different lately though. I personally think he's been trying to find something different to do behind the scenes since the youtube thing has been getting harder and harder for him and Hila to make money off of.
No. 427226
>>427195It pisses me off that efamous people, who are well aware they'll face more social scrutiny than the average person, get all fucking mad when people criticize their decisions.
Makes me think it's just a ploy to stir up controversy for views. All these whiny little bitches have to do to not face scrutiny is not post their entire life on the internet. But oh noes, that would mean less attention and less money.
Always thought JM was a tryhard but I understand her appeal, I guess.
No. 427297
>>427227I don't think its just fish people/owners, but it seems to be the heavy wave of Vegans. Vegan Youtubers are held to a crazy high standard that even the smallest slip up screws them over.
There seems to be a lot of Onision type vegans on Social media. ( not saying all are bad or crazy )
Like I remember when Venus got a hamster, literally only just got it and people went ham about the cage size. Taylor R being only plant based got torn a new one over owning old leather items and buying a non-vegan lipstick. Some people are just mental, and expect Youtubers to actually be better then the average person.
No. 428004
>>427991'crying' with emotional music in the background?
Typical marketing strategy to appeal to the emotions
Nothing to see here, move along
No. 428013
>>427991>"I'm crying so much rn bc I just LOVE making videos for you guys!"Okayyyyy.
Kinda cringey tbh. I do an eyeroll whenever youtube personalities act like it's so emotionally taxing to do what they do for fun everyday and get paid for it. Like nah.
But good for Mark for setting up such a 'genuine' character, a lot of people really buy into this sort of thing and it's a great way to seal a loyal fanbase. He should be thanking his viewers every fucking day.
No. 428022
>>427991>crying on camera AGAINJeez, Mark comes off as so disingenuous to me
but I guess whatever keeps the money rolling in and appeals to his shitty lonely fans.
I don't get Markiplier fans, I have a friend who writes Markiplier fanfics and I asked her what was his appeal? and she wrote me a complete 3 paragraph entire essay about how Markimoo is such a great person~
No. 428046
>>428036If you've got proof post it anon
but I can't FULLY believe that, Mark seems like he works hard to keep up a front
No. 428080
>>428046I feel like he would put on a show outwardly towards people (re: Make A Wish), but it's no secret
>>428062 that he cycles through youtube friends and I believe more than a few had some unpleasant things to say about his personality behind closed doors.
I like Mark, but I'm not an obsessed fangirl willing to believe he's a superhero. He's a human with flaws like anyone else, and it's clear that putting him on such a pedestal has taken his ego to some really embarrassing levels.
No. 428098
>>428046There has been a few times the mask was lifted, like when the guys he had working for him left because mark was being a dick. He posted a video kinda apologizing for his attitude when it went down. See
>>263937I am sure it isn’t the first time but it was the most public of the fallouts he has had.
No. 451542
>>451522man I never liked Max Landis, he gives me such bad vibes. Chronicle was
No. 459531
>>459522well even more exposure to this faggot. Will he get backlash? Yes. Will fans turn on him? No, they wouldn't even if he killed a person and streamed it.
He is so dissociated from reality… I hope he in his kind will end up in psychology textbooks in the future because he's everything what is wrong with his generation
No. 459539
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>>459536His "apology" is a sight to behold.
No. 459548
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>>459539The Mail truncated the first page.
No. 459549
>>459539Holy shit this response and the bits of his video I saw portray him as a complete sociopath - devoid of true human emotions and just trying to act his way through.
This should destroy him worse than any sort of Content Cop ever could (even though CC really only did well on Leafy afaik but that's besides the point).
What's more is him putting this video out at one of the highest times for people to attempt/commit suicide. Disgusting and thoughtless.
No. 459556
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>>459522>>459524>>459530>>459531>>459539>>459546>>459548>>459549Not a fan but I love what Pewdiepie twitted about this piece of shit. So on point.
Why the fuck the idiot went into a fucking suicide forest in a Toy Stor alien clothes? How is this appropriate?
He's disgusting. I hope it ends his career (but that's probably too much to hope for).
No. 459586
>>459539>>459548He's definitely eating this up, and I highly doubt he didn't know there would be any negative backlash. It's equally bad even if he didn't expect any because so many things he did that day were disgusting:
1. Filming in the suicide forest (what was he trying to film?; see 2.)
2. Looking for a dead body specifically in the suicide forest, obviously to record
3. Making light of being in the suicide forest by wearing a ridiculous costume there to be 'silly'
4. Finding the dead body and actually RECORDING IT (why?)
5. Casually editing a video with a dead body you found, leaving the footage in their of course
6. Exposing your mostly underaged, underdeveloped fans to this situation
So on and so forth…
I wish people like him would be dealt with swiftly, without all this commotion. People will simply do ANYTHING to get attention, and it's only working for him thus far. This level of disrespect for human life is akin to something you'd see in a serial killer.
Inb4 armchair
No. 459588
The story has now appeared on all of the Western major mainstream media outlets in the last ten hours.
>>459576The Japanese are too polite to voice their criticism publicly and know that the stupid American will leave soon.
No. 459609
>>459595Youtube is taking down the reuploads as fast as they are put up.
Here is a reaction video that shows the entire video. No. 459617
>>459615Bless you Anon. No offense but
>>459609 seems too freaking preachy for me. I wanted to see for myself if it was as bad as everyone says it is
No. 459655
>>459642But seriously though, they went in the famous suicide forest and then acted all shocked and surprised when they saw a dead body? That's exactly what they were looking for.
I guess he's really ran out of ideas
No. 459761
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>>459752For someone who hopes to eventually become an actor he has a big problem faking sincerity.
Also that fucking hair.
No. 459773
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>>459752>"Discovering a dead body was unplanned">in Aokigahara forest>whythefuckyoulying.jpgI can't decide whether he is genuinely dumber than a box of crayons or he just doesn't know what to say because he knows he fucked up big time
No. 459776
>>459562it always takes them too long to remove the cp, but they're all over banning ppl for minor offenses on pt and snow. honestly, the habitual cp posting needs to be their primary focus
>>459586so disgusting and disrespectful the way he recorded it and dealt with it (smiling shortly after, cracking jokes about the deceased man??). i cannot believe he would be this tonedeaf to post that.
No. 459820
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>>459778That was the worst part of his apology, saying that he doesn't do it "for views" he "gets views". Like it's something out of his control when he's the one that sat his goofy ass down and uploaded the video to youtube. This wasn't some spontaneous thing out of his control. He could have easily cut the footage. He sat there and edited his video (did cuts, bleeped out his swearing, and blurred the body's face) and put it online with the intention of getting views. There's no way to sugar coat it but he's really tryin.
No. 459839
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Whole video feels like it's a parody meant to portray a dumb spoiled jock facing a serious situation.
Then you realize it's real and he is a real dumb idiot
No. 459852
>>459844I don't remember that part.
I was skipping through it though.
They did zoom on his pants but he said something along the lines of "Look he still got stuff in it" and then they zoomed on his bag and Logan was like "there is even his bag!"
No. 459882
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>>459761>Also that fucking hair.Fucking right? I really don't know what teeny boppers see in this guy, he's kinda hiddy.
Looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber, and acts as stupid!
No. 459946
>>459903Youtube/Google's desire for $ > Moral outrage
Did you read Youtube's lame response? It's linked in this article. No. 459969
>>459752Wow he like… hardly blinks. That's terrifying. Something is super wrong with this dude.
>>459820Having actually watched the video in almost its entirety thanks to reuploads, the squeaky duck? sound he uses to censor himself really fucking destroys any semblance of sincerity. Especially since those bleeps are there to keep his shit more "ad friendly" and … keep his image clean?? Or something? Obviously dude swears plenty so it's not a personal belief or some shit.
I'm glad to see Japanese people standing against Logan.
No. 460214
>>460136>intro of him talking about how totally fucked up and freaky this vlog is going to be>then he's in a car talking about the forest and making some unfunny jokes>they arrive, fuck around in the in a parking lot with two other fuckboys and a girl >he yells a lot>he puts on the toy story alien hat>shitty drone shot>they walk into the forest and see the body and he's like "dude, is that a body?? :O">a guy appears and says something like "yeah, probably. my classmate in jr. high killed himself too." and logan screams "NO," like a todler>they go up to the body, film it>"this just got super real, bro," que sad piano music "guys, suicide is the wrong answer and we're always going to be here 4u ;o; we totally didn't plan to see a body here btw, we just wanted to see da ghosts!">they leave the forrest and continue to be obnoxious as fuck (i.e. yelling "there's a dead guy in your forest!!" at the people there to pick up the body)>more yelling in the parking lot>they do shots, make some shitty jokes, talk about what an experience that was, and go back to their hotelhe never took that dumb hat off… his jacket (looked like some sort of homemade migos/YRN gay pride thing) was horrible too.