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No. 271163
shoe0nhead/june lapine
25 year old compulsive meme-spouter, wannabe boxxy turned "redpilled" unfunny anti-feminist, alt-right scrotum sucker playing the ultimate "i'm not like other girls!!!" card
discuss No. 271168
>>271163how is she a lolcow other than u dont like her politics?
at least bring up the candid thing if ur gonna do this thread
No. 271177
The biggest recent debacle shoe has been involved with is Candid. She and her boyfriend shilled for Candid, an app which is being used to train a deep net to classify short messages and score them based on how well they get interacted with by other users. This is in turn going to be used in MyLikes' advertising business, and will also likely be sold to other companies who want a similar capability.
It was made very clear to shoe and AS that this app was moderated both by people and by a bot that will automatically censor things, and it was also explained in the deal (it's since been leaked by another YouTuber) how the app promotes the idea of users reporting each other among other things. They were encouraged to describe the app in their own words, with no regard for accuracy, which could open them and MyLikes up to false advertising lawsuits.
She and AS then shill it as if it's "4chan the app" where free speech and anonymity are the killer features. Funnily enough, you have to confirm your identity with a phone number to even use the thing.
Another YouTuber called Harmful Opinions then does even a trivial amount of research, you know, typing "Candid app" into Google I presume, and discovers what the tech industry was saying about this app. He also found other people shilling it saying the exact opposite of what shoe was saying. He then called both of them (and everyone else in the "skeptic" community who was shilling it) out on the bad precedent and bad faith it represented. His mother was then harassed by MyLikes and MyLikes then asked people who were running ads for Candid to attack his credibility and his videos. In response to this, shoe remained pro-Candid and continued doing ads long after it was revealed what kind of a shady as fuck company MyLikes is and that the app is actually nothing like she described it.
Further, she then bans phrases like "MyLikes", "Harmful Opinions", "Candid", "shill" and others in a video of AS's (and presumably many more), and even though she claimed she removed the filter, it was tested over a day later and confirmed to still be present.
She pretends to be a skeptic, "red-pilled," and capable of basic intelligent thought and reasoning, but then shills the fuck out of Candid for a little cash, and then defends that and calls in all the white knights in her community to help, including big daddy Sargon of Akkad and her boyfriend Armoured Skeptic.
This reveals what kind of pathetic weak willed person shoe really is. She's no strong independent person who is skilled and knowledgeable, capable of decent research and with some understanding and adherence to a basic code of ethics and a functioning moral compass. She's yet another girl pretending on the internet for the money and attention. The precious snowflake. She saw an opportunity in the Gamergate movement to rail against the SJW for fame and she jumped right on that meaty cock.
Aside from that, I'm sure I could dig up more – there's some in ED. She used to be into lolcow and chan culture, or so she's claimed, but she's a pretty lulzy cow herself so I doubt it. She's just an unfunny unoriginal meme repeater, and every video she does is basically directly copying arguments already made by bigger YouTubers. She's also unbelievably arrogant for someone who has never accomplished anything in life at all. She routinely treats anyone who disagrees or criticizes her who she doesn't deem "worthy" as complete garbage and is incredibly hostile to random people who haven't even done anything to warrant it.
And yeah, the Boxxy thing shouldn't be overlooked. She intentionally does her makeup to look that way because it draws in subscribers and thus money.
I'd say there is some milk potential here. She's also pandering to other YouTubers lately and buddying up with Anisa, another snowflake cow here.
No. 271254
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No. 271256
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Make your own conclusions.
No. 271266
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>>271223You mean these nudes?
No. 271309
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>>271163They're so dumpy.
No. 271424
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>>271419What is this fuckshit
No. 271425
>>271416So according to you whoever is not alt right trash is automatically a tumblrina? It's only black or white, right?
Fuck off with your whiteknighting, /pol/, it's getting boring
No. 271463
>>271419that's not backed up by a medical standpoint at all? pedophilia isn't a kink?
Dumbass thinks "anime" (loli) helps.
Fucking end me.
No. 271474
>>271431>i would give anything to stay that small but have boobs with it tooWell I mean if you'd give anything all you have to give is 10-15k for a boob job like she did
But idk what the appeal of looking like a disproportionate blow up doll would be
No. 271512
I like her.
Why can't conservative, traditional women have their own opinions? I'm only, "being myself," if I'm a liberal or something?
I have similar values as her, and they're all personally founded, not pandering BS. I don't see why people who claim to be "for women's autonomy" go on and insinuate,
"oh honey you're just misguided, you're just pandering, be a liberal democrat - that's your TRUE belief, as a woman, right?"
No. 271609
>>271538I dont really have a problem with what blaire white says, most the things june says are more pandering.
Blaires fanbase is cringey as fuck though.
No. 271638
>>271512Bahahaha, the /pol/tards are out in full force on this thread
"conservative, traditional women"
>boob job>raccoon 00s eyeliner>posting nudes onlinemuh traditions
No. 271744
>>271638most of /pol/ is filled with angry frustrated cucks who can't get pussy but they are the "nice guys" who want a "traditional" woman lol /pol/ itself is a fucking lolcow we should have a mock /pol/ thread since it's filled with a bunch of lolcows
>jontron >this cock hungry slut shoeonwhore>evalion who turned out to be a major slut (so much for "tradition") >people who hate their own race (ie. people who were born in the us but their parents are from countries of color and deny their herritage)really /pol/ is so full of shit and retarded, hah they are as bad as dumblr and the fakeboi trannies, it's just the other side of the coin. The Alt right remind me of major from animal farm (read the book its pretty good).
No. 271754
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>>271299>Apparently she sucked him off during a stream once which is on youtubeThis shit alone makes her a cow. Is that what it's like to have no self respect at all?
No. 271756
>>271744evalion literally has a video of her white /pol/cuck bf filming her fucking a black guy and him cumming inside her.
i agree /pol/ should have its own thread but they'd probably brigade it, because they get so easily
triggered>>271750we say this literally every thread… jontron (iranian), communismkills (jew), this bitch (spic?)
its hilarious. you know when trans shit was starting out people were fearmongering about "trans-race" people? these are them lmao, bunch of weird muds who rally behind "WHITE POWER!!!!!!"
No. 271761
>>271758Canada is not an ethnic group, anon. I am "Canadian" but ethnically I am slavic (not historically considered white, only recently.)
I hate to be "that" person, but traditionally Irish people have light eyes, light skin, and light hair.
No. 271847
>>271775She was attention whoring all the time to an anonymous imageboard (Unichan) that was obsessed with Boxxy. She literally wanted to prove to those creeps that she is a "better Boxxy", especially after the original one (Cathy) went "SJW" (Cathy didn't actually go SJW, she just didn't want to pander to internet creeps).
Then she decided to launch her YouTube career for the 100th time, but this time it worked because she pandered to anti-SJW and /pol/. Suddenly she claims she never wanted to wear Boxxy's skin and that she is totally original.
No. 271849
>>271168She's an Amy Schumer in an alt-right Boxxy costume gimmick pretending she doesn't like her right to vote for cock and currency.
Fuck her. Plus she's an idiot
No. 271913
She's like a Boxxy worshipper…
One of her old channels:'s like a doormat:
This channel is like Anisa tier. This is her before the anti-SJW and Armoured Skeptic stuff.
No. 272044
I actually legit thought OP pic was boxxy for a moment and it's what made me look at this thread. Wouldn't put it past her to be doing that on purpose as others said.
>>271416>Implying people with "tumblr tier politics" never get threads made about them What site have you been reading, 'cause it sure ain't this one.
No. 272051
File: 1489843222180.png (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB, 1783x1747, junes other nudes.png)

I've got some more nudes
No. 272136
>>271512The problem is she's a fake, plain and simple. Just lauren southern and all the other chics that pander to the alt right etc.
While I do get the whole "traditional" shit, since I'm that way too. She's just using that platform to get attention and give herself an ego boost.
About it. She doesn't seem to at least formulate any opinion of her own that doesn't come from stormfags or /pol/.
No. 272159
>>272055jesus christ you dont actually
No. 272165
>>271416>literally threads about venus and taylor where the milk has been dry for like half a decade and they have to make like 50 thousand "assumptions" in order to get even the tiniest morsel of dairy out of themthis is fine according to /pol/
>some boxxy wannabe slut who panders to neckbeards online and says cringy shit 24/7, very easily triggered (check her twitter she's constantly bitching), and can probably be milked heavilythis is not fine according to /pol/
No. 272178
>>272156whoops, meant to respond to
>>272151the cellphone is from 2009, so the pics could easily from 2009-2012, 2013, even, maybe
No. 272264
>>271299>Apparently she sucked him off during a stream once which is on youtube>literally just making stuff upanyways, this thread should touch on the satiritician drama or whatever his name is. basically, shoe dresses up in a SJW character sometimes to bait ppl into think the person is real and sometimes ppl who arent familiar with her real self fall for it and she goes 'haha i fooled u' and its like… ok? great prank bro.
its funny cuz the satireician guy is a low tier anti sjw tuber so it caused infighting (terrible channel/content/concept tho so dont even bother watching).
No. 272278
>>272055Her tits look like implants???>>272264
Can someone post the livestream shit? Sounds milky but theres no sauce
No. 272614
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White people are a hated minority
No. 272672
>>272614>White's own countriesI didn't know races could own their own country these days.
Does she know about America's natives or that some Europeans came to the America's to escape oppression, or that Asians and blacks helped build what America is today?
She's confusing history with her vapid fucking opinions.
No. 272749
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>>272686Lauren was a cosplayer in Vancouver.
No. 272751
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>>272749somebody from that scene had to have known her
No. 272817
>>272749I think Lauren Southern just tried her hand in the cosplay scene, never got into it
Her sister (Sailor Saturn) had a few really popular cosplays though.
No. 273663
>>273624 >>273331
you guys are using one of the divisions of the races which just has "Asian" but, like on the 2010 USA census form for example it lists Japanese and Chinese etc. as separate races explicitly. Call it yamato or whatever but Japanese is a race. I would say the Japanese people, who happen to be overwhelmingly one race, own Japan. The American people own the USA, those people are many races but in the past it was essentially all white. So previously the country was a white country / white owned, and now it's arguably not, and seeing as that's a loss of one country for whites, well that's the gripe.
No. 273723
>>273663The census wants you to specify nationality/ethnicity within the Asian race. Besides the Yamato people were settlers from what is now mainland China. So is Japan actually controlled by the Chinese if the dominant ethnic group are Yamato?
Stop posting, you're embarrassing.
No. 273749
>DEFINITION OF ASIAN USED IN THE 2010 CENSUSAccording to OMB, “Asian” refers to a person having origins in any
of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian
subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
The Asian population includes people who indicated their race(s)
as “Asian” or reported entries such as “Asian Indian,” “Chinese,”
“Filipino,” “Korean,” “Japanese,” and “Vietnamese” or provided other
detailed Asian responses.
No. 273796
>>273663looooool you are reaching so hard with this. poor whitey has to see brown people at the supermarket.
but in all seriousness. i have white skin. i rather work and live next to a hard working person with darker skin who is from syria, than have to deal with the lazy borderline psychotic ""white americans"" that i do on a daily basis.
tribalism is retarded. the world runs on productivity and profit, not on family. it's not 8000 BC where your family is everything. we live in a CIVILIZED society. this is a CIVILIZATION. you clearly don't understand what that means, so look into it. the way a civilization remains strong is through economic and social PROGRESS.
in the past, that progress was done by white americans and brits.
now, it's changed and east and middle asian countries have started pumping out intelligent, hard working people. most americans have stagnated and are fine working down in the coal mine like their uncle jim bob, even if it means slowly ruining their country's place in the world.
so what do the intelligent americans do? the ones who run the top universities on the planet, the ones that have discovered so many things in math, science, etc? the ones who are the forefront of law? the ones who have rapidly built the world of technology? they would rather invite and collaborate with random middle and east asians, people from india, people from iraq, who are smart and hardworking, than settle for an average american who will half ass the job and request double the pay.
this whole "countries belong to skin colour and race" is bullshit. america is the #1 country in the world because of its economy - which "corporations" are largely responsible for. whether or not you like it, they are the ones that largely fund your infrastructure, contribute to the military financially, etc. if you don't like it, and living in an all white country is more important to you than living in a first world country, maybe try moving to khazakstan or something.
No. 273847
>>273804all she does is post memes and try to call people out, then deletes her tweets when they embarrass her, and calls her bf daddy and other ddlg shit in public, yuck. she recycles memes that haven't been funny for years now.
imagine having your entire life's success be due to the fact that you sucked off the right youtubers. how can she complain about "traditional women being marginalized" when she's the stereotype of your avg liberal ho. the level of self hate.
No. 274073
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>>272817seems like she still does it
No. 274330
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posting stuff
No. 274388
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No. 274416
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i think when she talks about being traditional, she means she likes wearing makeup and dresses and being girly and letting skeptic be the person who makes the most money and lets him take care of her. that isn't really most people's definition of traditional though.
also lol at the terf thing. she doesn't really seem to know anything and giving her measly 2 cents on topics she's barely heard of, including the pedophilia thing.
No. 274424
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No. 274439
>>274416Doesnt she usually complain about snowflakes, people saying they are
triggered and people who make demands to have their whims catered to? The most demanding group of people atm are trans who say you shouldnt call girls girls because it
triggers them? Guess I shouldnt be surprised shes an opportunistic hypocrite.
No. 274455
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No. 274456
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No. 274458
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No. 274461
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No. 274481
>>274416she's a freeloader. all women who want to be a trophy wife are just that. nothing "traditional" about it.
and yeah she is super ignorant.
No. 274501
>>274494>>274497careful, you'll
trigger the fattychans.
>>274492how old is she?
No. 274508
>>274504anon, practice some self love, please. he has white trash face. he wears hoop earrings, for fuck's sake.
No. 274513
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>>274508she's 25 and doesn't have any kids? "traditional"?
No. 274516
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>>274497>>274491>>274504He looked like a male model in his younger days. But apparently he has an ex-wife
No. 274585
>>274516wow, that 50 lbs really aged him. his features look totally different. still, no thanks, before or after.
>>274521was, at best. he legit looks like the guys who'd hit on you when you were 14, despite being and looking 14
No. 274598
>>274516i've heard that he had an ex wife too. i feel like that might be kinda weird for shoe considering she has little to no dating experience.
i feel bad for her because she basically put her whole life on the internet. she seems embarrassed of everything she's posted before.
No. 274657
>>272881I'm sorry I have a different opinion than you. I just so happen to prefer wanting a home with children and a husband, I want to be taken care and pampered and only worry about raising my children and making my SO happy. Or you know, just not having tons of partners.
Feminism embraces both spectrums, I don't why you think that just because I'm not someone who's "Omg never gonna settle down and just gonna work on my degree and be by myself"
That's fine too if it makes that person happy.
If anything, your attitude is the reason why so many women hate "feminism" because plenty of girls just want the "traditional" life but then fucks like you, try to make it seem that if they aren't some modern example of a different side of feminism, that they hate themselves or it is frowned upon.
Fuck off with that shit. If I want to raise my babies in peace and take care of my husband. I sure as hell can to without hating myself, just like any career woman who doesn't care about having a family can certainly do so and more power to her without hating herself either and being happy.
God. I'm salty right now. Seriously, just fucking re-think for a moment. Not everyone share's the same mindset and if they don't it's probably not because of what YOU think.
No. 274662
>>272686She was probably shilled on /pol/ quite a lot and since most of pol is pretty fucking retarded
>Hurr durr we hate sluts and attention whores we want pure waifus>But if one of them spouts our views even though she dresses and acts exactly like what we were bitching about it's totally okay!I have a lovely bf who's loyal and honest but sometimes I can't help but just dislike the entire male gender at times for being so controlled by their dicks.
No. 274665
>>274504wtf anon he looks like bam margera. are you ok?
No. 274673
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i don't get why she feels the need to post about her bdsm sex life on twitter so often. what traditional woman would scream about her sex life to the whole entire world?
why isn't she bullying her bf into lifting some weights?
No. 274676
>>274673If she talks about sex, she'll get more attention. She just uses the term to get the /pol/ neurons firing.
>>274665>no1currThen why did you give it attention lmfao.
No. 274696
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Looking through her old stuff, it's like her goal was always to become internet famous.
Never had much of a job, except Makeup girl.
Arts College Dropout.
Been making YT vids since 2009
In 2011, she copied Boxxy when it got huge
In 2013, she started vlogging when it got big.
In 2014, she joined the "Skeptic" Anti-SJW trend right at the start of GG, despite not having played videogames at all for 10 years or something.
YouTube famous or marrying someone YouTube famous seemed to be her life goal.
No. 274700
>>272149What the fuck kind of person gets implants before 18-19 though? She'd've had to have JUST got them because I don't think it's legal if youre under 18.
>>272151Nah I had a flip phone in 2010. Granted it was much newer than 2003, but it was pretty standard back then.
No. 274705
>>274657ok so you're lazy and want a man to slave away for you while you sit on your ass and homemake, good for you, you can stop blogging now.
>>274673>i don't get why she feels the need to post about her bdsm sex life on twitter so often. it gets her more followers and she's a desperate hypocrite.
No. 274723
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>>274713Porn stars typically aren't 5"1 with a chest measurement of 28 inches.
No. 274735
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>>274723they cast girls with shoes build to ageplay porn
No. 274761
>>274751>>274755you do notice i said 5'1 and 28 inches chest measurement
that sort of build is pretty rare outside of asia
No. 274764
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>>274735>>274746so when did this whole ageplay thing start to get popular? I've seen grown women doing this shit lately.
No. 274768
>>274766if so then she got implants at 18 while living at home with her parents and dropping out of college.
Investment in the future?
No. 274786
>>274755it's not super short? yes, it's below average but if you go outside and leave your basement you'll see lots of women are 5'1" and don't walk around with huge plastic boltons.
it's like acting like a guy who is 5'10" is super tall just because he is two inches above the average lmaoooo, yeah they're taller than average but if they're in a crowd they won't stand out at all.
No. 274792
>>274781Very fake
>>274782I knew girls who got them at 16 in high school esp private school
No. 274793
>>2747552 measly inches below average = super short
That doesn't even count as short. Just slightly below average. Not that anon but you're the one who's retarded.
No. 274801
>>274798fourth wave feminism*
pretty sure she's made it clear in the past that she anything pre-fourth is fine because it actually stood for something
No. 274804
>>274801That's not what her past videos said but it's interesting to know she's backtracking now.
Besides that, she's pretty fucking dumb to assume those rights are going to always be guaranteed and never infringed upon.
Ex. Reproductive rights and abortion were won fairly during second wave but in the US they're still contested and state bills are constantly introduced to enforce restrictions on those rights.
No. 274813
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>>274808>my political enemies do this shitI take it you've never heard of Alison Rapp?
No. 274816
>>274416She's "traditional" because it's more convenient to have her Youtube sugardad bring in the monies and drive her places while she spends her day planning the next ironic weeb post on Twitter.
She doesn't need to care about feminism or her own rights because Skeptic treats her like little princess. It's literally her fetish to be a balloon bag bimbo submitting to the will of her superior
So as long as she got hers, fuck anyone else.
That's why feminism bothers her. Because it reminds her not every other woman is such a useless cumrag.
No. 274829
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>>274819well it explains why you think "only these people i don't like do this thing" it reeks of ignorance.
No. 274835
>>274833Compensating for their deep insecurities while masking their fear of other women.
>>274834No, you wanted to argue.
No. 274839
>>274705Not that anon, but she does seem to mean traditional, in the traditional sense. As in, she means to be taking care of the home/children and husband. As someone who had to take that role while my children were very young, it's not some walk in the park. She mentions raising and taking care of her husband/children.
That's not really being lazy, it just irked it because you seemed to have not really read it all before making some shit comment towards housewives.
No. 274842
>>274657>I want to be taken care and pampered and only worry about raising my children and making my SO happyYou are in for such a rude awakening when you realize that being a housewife is nothing like those reruns of 'I Love Lucy'. There is nothing quaint and idyllic about cleaning up shit after your sick kids while your husband goes off to work, cooking and cleaning all day, and having no time and money to "pamper" yourself because your cash will go to things like groceries, bills, your kids, and emergencies like medical issues, car troubles, house issues.
There is nothing wrong with getting married and wanting to stay home, since childcare is expensive, but there is no life where all your worries are just playing with cute babies and giving your hubby a back massage.
No. 274845
>>274832Because I want to go to a place on the internet and not have somebody sperg about everything being because of (those alt-rights) (those sjws).
Give it a fucking rest.
No. 274850
>>274846>to an easily impressed crowd looks beyond not being fatThis probably isn't even the case anymore either. I've seen so many horrendously ugly, overweight women say they're "anti-feminist" and get so many asspats from men for it.
Like MRAs are so desperate to hold up these women and say "SEE!" that wanting to fuck them is only a bonus at this point.
No. 274853
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No. 274856
>>274852I'm just saying if they did live as husband/wife she has no income outside Youtube revenue and no car.
>>274853Haha she's so deplorable.
No. 274865
>>274849true, but when you have a face like hers/no personality, you have to post nudes or say stupid shit to get any
actual attention. if she was actually pretty, she probably could've gotten a following when she was copying boxxy.
No. 274871
>>274684Yeah, I should have saged. My b.
>>274842>Implying you can't be overall happy in a situation like that where everything isn't 100% perfect.Holy fuck. Of course it's not a rerun of the I love lucy show but it to act as if it's just some shit after another and that just because I have traditional views that I have no idea what's in store for me is fucking retarded. You can still be pampered and still manage a household. I had the example of my mother and father, especially on a limited budget so it's very much possible. Fucking negative nancys everywhere.
>>274865She hit the jackpot with just parroting whatever /pol/ was saying. Plus the fact that 4chan in general, or at least /b/ loved boxxy for a while and she was a purebred copycat.
No. 274873
>>274486If anything is the tumblr definition of bat shit crazy feminism its radfems and terfs
I dont really disagree with her there
No. 274885
>>274879transgender ideology is inherently conservative gender essentialist nonsense that attempts to legitimize harmful gender roles. radfems not appeasing trans people by pretending they're actually the opposite sex is not "shitting on transfolk". no one is obligated to entertain their glorified cosplay, especially when m2f are trying to invade locker rooms, female abuse shelters and female homeless shelters and remove all mention of female biology because it "
triggers" or "excludes" them. radfems are respectful of trans people but do not believe in gender ideology. have you seen the way "terfs" are attacked by libfems and transactivists?
how do radfems not want gender equality? did you eat paint chips as a child? like, what? what do you mean by "gender advantage"?
No. 274888
>>274885> calls transgenderism cosplay despite medically proved> believes sex and gender are the sameYou actually proved my point about the transphobia. Also note that rad fems seem to only have a problem with male to female transfolks, not female to male.
I wonder why.
And don't get me started on "political lesbians" SERFS and TERFS
No. 274892
>>274888i'm not a radfem. ftm aren't trying to cultivate female spaces as men, idiot. they're biologically female. they DO have a problem with them when they promote harmful ideas, however. many of them have plenty of bones to pick with people like yorrick. the general radfem consensus is that female to males typically seem to transition for different reasons – attempting to escape oppression/feeling oppressed, while plenty of m2fs have the hallmarks of autogynephilia.
it is glorified cosplay. they'll never be the opposite sex. it's not "medically proven", you tard, and even were it "medically proven", it's still nothing more than performing as the opposite sex.
No. 274893
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No. 274897
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>>274813>>274829>>274834>>274845fuck me at least sage your shit (like the first anon did) if you're going to be a dumb arse who tries to pick fights because you can't into reading comprehension, jesus christ
No. 274901
>>274888lmao real men don't take afab trannies seriously. no one does, probably not even themselves. also,
>believes sex and gender isn't the samelmaoo you have to be 18+ to post here
No. 274912
>>274901>>274905>>274906Last response to this; trangenderism has been medically proven by psychology and anthropology has explained why and how sex and gender aren't the same.
>inb4 tumblr memeI'm not saying there are 20 genders, in fact I actually only think in terms of male or female but gender roles are definetely defined by society. Take the Fa'fafine for example.
I mean you're surpassing June's own level of ignorance.
No. 275071
>>274853Woah June, so edgy. You took a picture with you about to get spanked by your bf and tagged it "Happy international womAn's day". So bold, so original. I've never heard of a woman that likes spanking. You sure will
trigger all dem sjws.
No. 275075
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>>271254This is her recent comment on Blaire's new video. I can't believe all of her and Blaire's fanboys are falling for her bullshit and calling it hot.
As a lesbian I hate women like this because we put up with them so often. I'm sure other lesbians ITT can relate.
No. 275114
>>274805shit, my bad. I had third-wave on the tongue but I wasn't sure if it was that or fourth-wave. Felt like whichever is the most recent would be the "bad" one.
Either way, a shiet.
No. 275116
>>275114there is no 4th wave
>>275104no it doesnt
No. 275146
>>275114well ironically she loves the third wave and hates the second wave, like most alt-righters who rally against "sjws" but are really just sjws themselves, just with different identity politics.
the hypocrisy is confusing
>>275125shoe is the type of girl to make an okcupid or tinnder profile listed as "bi woman seeking woman" only to find some girl to have a threesome with her and her ugly bf
No. 275175
>>275134She actually said she wouldn't have sex with a girl ever because she only has sex with her romantic partners, aka not girls.
So yeah, another dumbass who calls herself bi because she thinks girls are pretty.
No. 275226
>>274330"Ugh I totally didn't
want to post it but if you insist."
Attention whore calling out other attention whores. Guys are going to drool over you for your YT channel, don't debase yourself more than you have to by posting your gross sexual shit.
No. 275230
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>>274416So alt-righters that despise women and go on endlessly about how they're money-sucking garbage that is only useful to fuck, are vain, are selfish, are shallow, are intentionally stupid, and their only goal is to have a man take care of them until their monetary resources are drained because women are just stupid, two-faced, nasty succubi
adore this woman and act like she's so special and unique when she brags about having her man take care of her and repays him by serving him sexually while pretty much camwhoring.
No wonder alt-righters say women have no loyalty, their princess is perfectly willing to throw her own gender under the bus for attention. That's their dream girl.
No. 275235
>>274598It's funny, I watched a video with the two of them where AS talked about his ex-wife telling him that she mostly married him for the financial security, and that hurt him so much he was going to go MGTOW. So June's 'not like the other girls' shtick worked for him.
I was always on the fence about her from her YT, but goddamn she is so cringey and disgusting about their relationship on social media. Have a little grace and self-respect June.
No. 275256
>>275252Well she has ADHD and Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) which is why she always wears wigs.
I think he will go out with her as long as it doesn't impact him too much. He doesn't appear to be interested in moving in together or getting engaged. How long have they been together now?
No. 275266
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>>275252Yeah you summed up their relationship perfectly, June seems to have no idea what love is and practically treats their relationship like a toy she's bragging about 'Look what
I have! Isn't it awesome?'
In the same video AS talked about his feeling for June, saying he loves her and loves being with her because she's the funniest person he's ever met, which surprised me because older men just seem to treat their younger girlfriends like pretty accessories. June on the other hand, only talks about love in a really shallow manner, or just lust, I remember a YT comment where she said something like 'Of course I ride his dick, I love him!'
It's not going anywhere, best case scenario she'll realize there's nothing substantial there and grow up. But then any guy she's with after that has to live in that really embarrassing shadow of all these posts on the Internet of her slutting it up for her previous bf, pics of him spanking her, talking about their great, kinky sex, and how she worshiped his cock. One day reality of this behavior is really going to slap her in the face.
Oh, and they're never getting married, I don't remember what video it was but they talked about the whole 'I don't need a piece of paper to prove my love and the government doesn't need to be involved in my relationship' BS. Because that's the only reason sheeple get married. So much for traditional.
People need to call a spade a spade. Whatever Internet politics/meme culture is there, a ho is a ho, plain and fucking simple, and June is a ho.
No. 275297
>>275266agreed. I definitely used to enjoy her content but on a surface level. Once those layers start to peel back the real cringe begins.
Her followers like the idea of a shoe/skeptic romance because it's cute on the outside. There is no filler to them. In a debate they had with a left-leaning YouTuber, June barely spoke and AS talked over her, essentially "mansplaining" what she was trying to convey. It was kind of funny and I think june chalked it all up to "muh anxiety."
They have a fun relationship but it's not built for longevity. They just enjoy fucking one another but once the baby gene kicks in for June, she'll find Skeptic may not want that level of commitment.
sage for opinion-based bleating/projection
No. 275301
>>275075>the LGBT thingHahahaha.
I've been straight all my damn life but even I can see how out of touch she is with other bisexuals and clearly doesn't give a shit about actually dating or fucking another woman. Thinking the same gender can be hot or pretty doesn't mean she's gay!
iirc someone said it earlier but she reminds me of those creepy women who message other women on the internet trying to rope them into a threesome with their gross neckbeard bfs in order to make themselves seem more sexually desirable.
No. 275309
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>>275301There comes a point where most girls grow up and stop looking at attractive women as competition because they've become mature and more secure with themselves. They grow to appreciate a woman's beauty and sensuality.
And then some go down the creepy path where they want to use other girls as sex objects because they're insecure and want to seem more sexually superior and desirable to men. Making out with other girls in front of guys when they're drunk, petting and feeling them up for guys, talking about inviting them into threesomes, it's all to excite men and just shows how insecure they are.
I think June is pretty but she's clearly insecure. She thrives on male attention any way she can get it, from slutty pics, lewd posts about her sex life, and playing the bi card, which is the oldest trick in the book.
No. 275359
>>275148>becomingNah, they have always been like this. But now that making fun of sjws has gotten boring and it's all just rehashing the same shit now (blah blah haes blah otherkin blah yeah ok
triggered whatever) antisjws are getting their spotlight.
It's just funny that they thought they were immune from ridicule.
No. 275532
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>>275409i thought this was fourth wave
No. 275586
>>275546That actually makes a lot of sense.
>>275536Yes, the ideology that has women covered up from head to toe because it's their fault they get raped is so pro-woman. Mind you, you need 3 male witnesses to a rape for it to even be 'proven' real. fuck islam. Sage for OT
No. 275649
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No. 275745
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>>271524>>271538>>271638>>271641>>271744if there are any whiteknights in here, they are from the "skeptic community"
No. 276238
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The biggest issue I really have with Shoe/June is that she doesn't believe catcalling and street harassment is a serious thing. It pisses me off she wants to write it off as 'boys will be boys' and some other bullshit. That shit can traumatize you. Girls and women shouldnt have to go through it because men can't control themselves.
No. 276275
>>276268lol stop spreading bullshit for the sake of spreading bullshit.
She never "spammed" Unichan with Boxxy impressions. Back in 2011 her shoe0nhead channel was active ( but still relatively small) and she had made a video impersonating boxxy in a "funny" way. Like a parody. Note: I'm NOT talking about this video.
>>276269 but I'm unable to locate the one I speak of. You can see a brief clip of it in her old YT intro.
Unichan had found said video and invited her to come check out the website. She stopped by but I guess she found the place to be kind of creepy at first. (Which it waS) She made a video outright making fun of Unichan, I don't think it was meant to be taken entirely seriously but she made a few valid points. Eventually she became friends with some of the Uni people and started to become a part of the "social" side of the community. She never said she was an enormous Boxxy fan, just that she thought she was cute. At some point she made this video
>>276269 probably because a lot of Uni people were asking her to.
She continued to make vlogs on her channel but she wasn't Boxxy-esque at all, actually her personality was hugely different. If you want to see someone who was ACTUALLY trying to act like Boxxy go look at OrangeCitruses old vids.
FYI, apart from that ONE video, If you actually pay attention the makeup that she did back then and the makeup she does now isn't even Boxxy makeup. It's just thick eyeliner….?
No. 276288
>>276286Because of the obviously distressed, angry way you're typing. It's pretty obvious. I'm not even the person you jumped at, either, your analpain is just that palpable.
>no answer to the questionHmm
No. 276314
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>>276275Pretty sure she jumped on the Boxxy bandwagon. She's been on YT for almost a decade, and gained a following on unichan from it. She even got her own wiki page on the boxxy wiki No. 276334
File: 1490345213189.jpg (106.42 KB, 977x468, boxxy.jpg)

>>276317>If they don't copy Boxxy exactly, they aren't trying to be like Boxxy at all.why are you splitting hairs here?
No. 276335
>>276334Jesus christ, you're the one splitting hairs.
Thick eyeliner does not equal copying.
Have you noticed how June is absolutely NOTHING like Boxxy?
No. 276344
>>276334lmao but you picked the one pic where
june doesn't even look like june
in the other pics/gifs of the thread there is a much more striking resemblance
No. 276346
>>274782>>274792Jesus christ. I guess most girls just have shit genetics. It'd be sad as fuck to feel the need for fake tits as a teenager. Literally every guy pretty much ever prefers natural tits, anyhow.
I'm surprised shoe doesn't realize that. But she's not even living with her man, she's just a failed attention whoring bimbo.
No. 276347
>>276346idk anon, i think men secretly prefer fakes, especially since they're exceptionally shit at recognizing fakes. hell, look at how many women(?) in this thread couldn't even tell those were fakes despite the person (be it june or whoever) having approx 0 breast tissue/breast fat.
that's the sad thing though. she's settling hard for this guy, embarrassing her dumbass self all over social media, and he doesn't even seem to want her the way she wants him, kek.
No. 276355
>>276345uh what the fuck are you sperging on about. i was agreeing with your point, but you chose a bad photo to make that comparison. learn to read before posting your autistic rants.
>>276347i don't know if she really is delusional or just in the process of trying to delude herself into thinking he isn't a uggo fatty so she can continue to live off him. you couldn't pay me to think of a him as a sexual being tbh.
No. 276358
>>276355how much could she even be living off of him tho
she lives with her parents
shes probably sticking with him for the occasional $200 shite floral dress and vinyl choker hauls and secretly hoping he'll pop the question soon or ask her to move… there's no reason for him to not have her move in w him already given that shes neet and living w parents
No. 276395
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>>276378Yeah she kinda gave it away with the "hello I'm just a random members of uniichan boards whos come to correct the record"
No. 276414
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>>276347You don't have to be fat to have boobs you know.
No. 276535
>hair pullingyou mean wig snatching? how could you even pull this off in bed, wouldn't the wig just slip right off? i know there's way to secure it because i've had my share of wigs and a stranger could very well pass by and tug it off lmao.
do you think her wig slipping off in the middle of sex is a turn off?
No. 277046
>>276415hearing that she lives alone makes me feel depressed for her. she's like 26, and she spends all of her time making youtube videos, lecturing people about stuff that annoys her.
why even listen to her when her mom does her laundry for her?
No. 277067
>>276543I'm fucking dumb, thanks anon.
I feel like this girl really resonates with the anisa type of girls, but I can't see her being that successful on YouTube for the long run, does she have any job/schooling ?
No. 277101
>>277079wouldn't be a terrible bet if they were actually, you know, engaged, or he wasn't worried about being used for financial gain
she's really chosen a paltry mealticket. i don't get the impression that h'ell stick around
No. 277434
>>271512are you kidding? its literally impossible to escape conservatives or "FUCK SJW!!" types on youtube. fucking jontron of all people, son of immigrants, turned out to be a /pol/.
think about the opposite of what you described. how many succesful openly feminist or leftist women do you know on youtube? anita and laci green are the only ones and people HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE them for every tiny thing we do. why can't we hate sh0e? who is a 100% confirmed attention whore?
No. 277460
>>271512>conservativeJust because she hates feminism doesn't mean she's conservative.
Taking a picture of yourself bended over on your "daddy's" knee for the internet isn't conservative or traditional behavior. Nor are nudes. Or being vulgar. Or titty implants.
If anything that's tumblr fetish behavior.
Same thing with all the other edgy shit she does.
No. 277488
>>277434>are you kidding? its literally impossible to escape conservatives or "FUCK SJW!!" types on youtubeI'd say the same about SJW's though. I see them in comments on news articles, blogs, youtube videos, even here on this site.
The problem is, extremist feminism/social justice is pushing people in the other direction. Just like in 1936 when communists threatened to kill people for not supporting them, and so people backlashed and voted in Hitler.
No. 277548
>extremist feminism/social justice is pushing people in the other directionOh please, the people against this stuff right now are people were where against this stuff from the beginning. There is no way extremist feminism/sjw pandering somehow turned people onto the platform enough to turn other people off of it.
Anyway, bashing sjws is old news, why can't antisjws just accept they're the new punching bag? It makes sense considering all of the [shitty but numerous] communities they have made fun of over the last few years. The only difference is you pissed off people who would actually take the time to petition politicians. The day I see a gooblygater call their representative about trannies ruining their video game narratives is the day I'll eat my socks.
No. 277743
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people do make this comparison a lot (apparently) but this photo just looks like a little girl chilling with her rockstar-swilling dad. their dynamic just gets increasingly odder as time goes on.
No. 277759
>>277743I just don't get it. Does she feel no shame or embarrassment at all?
It's one thing to have a fetish, but it's another to make it your entire identity, broadcast it all over the internet, and be a 26 year old calling your boyfriend "skebtic" and sleeping with a body pillow of him.
No. 277878
>>277130People just want to hear what they want to hear.
If you're a pathetic alt-righter who most likely has major self-esteem issues (the reason the alt-right appeals to you, there's a lot of immature 'its not
my fault, its society!' whining) you'd probably flock to hear a pretty girl blab your rhetoric and give you a feeling of justification. And then ignore the fact that the person saying it has their own issues and are screwed up because then that would show that you're probably messed up too. They just want some kind of figure patting them on the back and telling them they're okay. Living at home, never maturing, avoiding treatment of psychological issues, dependence, they just want some Youtuber to tell them that it's all fine instead of growing up.
Sorry for armchair psychology but that's how I've always seen it and a major reason for her popularity.
No. 277898
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>>277743Makes me think it's going to turn into one of those "Is he your Dad?" deals
No. 277909
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>>277659>>277666its almost like you guys only read buzzfeed or something, here's a tip, personal attacks make you look petty and as if you have no argument at all. I don't even support this so called alt-right, but I'm more sympathetic to them than their counterpart.
No. 277946
>>277820this. she's just as busted as he is, especially in the face.
his beer gut is overwhelming tho, and he seriously looks just like bam margera.
No. 277949
>>277743I'd say she'll regret this but who am I kidding, she'll never actually grow up, and the next chump she's with will probably think this is hot.
The fact that AS isn't at all embarrassed of this and in general how she portrays their relationship is so gross, they probably get off on their fans lusting after her and being way too interested in their sex lives, where the 'mature' man would know that their intimate life should be kept private.
No. 278273
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how self aware do you think she is about this? I just saw this in the top comments of a video I was watching, but I don't know if she's allowed to talk to the video creator since him and skebtic call each other out
No. 278897
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No. 278906
>>278897Lmao honestly though, all of these "skeptics"/the anti-SJW community have huge ass egos at this point. Like Blaire White has merch coming out and so does Shoe. Who the fuck cares? They make glorified reaction videos on the internet. I don't remember the last time I heard Shoe say something intelligent or thought provoking.
It's not like she creates original content or really discusses ~the issues~ in any serious manner.
No. 279115
>>272749Oh my god she's the least cute of them by far. Cheerleader affect won't even work for her. Could she not get enough attention from weebs so became an ~edgy not like other girls~ alt righter?
Also does shoe0nhead wear a wig? And does anyone else find it gross that she wears that fucking daddy kink collar in her videos and talks about her fetishes all the time
No. 279533
>>278278for context, this was a comment on this video.
contrapoints' whole thing is making fun of gender norms and common argument points from both feminists and the skeptic community, but since he has the same background as a lot of skeptics they usually don't give him that much shit and often engage with him. mostly I'm just wondering if she trawls this thread thinking of new ways to calibrate her "not like other gurlz" brand.
polite sage bc most of this was off-topic.
No. 279568
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>>278273"embarrassing over compensation for their insecurities and egos thinner than rice paper."
Are you kidding me? That's
you June, in a fucking nutshell! You're a socially retarded neet and find it comforting to put on this 'I'm such a magical unique perfect unicorn, not like the other girls teehee I'll gargle your jizz while reciting chan memes because I'm sooo funny' act but it's still so see through. No amount of cat eyeliner or DDLG chokers can hide it.
Goddamn this girl is so clueless.
No. 279588
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>>279115>Lauren Southern>not cute enough for weeaboosbitch please. disagree with her politics all you want, but you can't say she's ugly.
No. 279591
>>279588she isn't cute enough for weeaboos. they care more about asian/neonatal features. to them, she looks like tired old hag.
i think she's cute enough for a random white girl. weeb standards are off the charts.
No. 280787
that's a stretch. Obviously you haven't seen the pics of him on Shane Dawson's podcast. Lauren's look is very dull/boring, but Blaire is just an ugly twink in a wig and some shitty 2002 make-up.
No. 281474
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>>281124getting this thread back on topic
she's at least cuter than Shoe. Italians are not white. No. 282046
Ok I've read the whole thread and have seen it said many times that she has trich. The only source given was her page, and I did a search of that page and nothing came up for hair, wig, adhd, attention, or trich.
I have some wigs and also know people with trich and used to struggle with it while growing up, but in some of these pictures I can't honestly tell if it is a wig. The only pic where I can tell is the one of her dressed as a cop, where the wig also looks black.
Ftr, I hate her and find her annoying. I'd just like to see some proof regarding this.
No. 282093
>>280935You can see how hard (faced )Blaire looks here
Never underestimate ones ability to control the elements. You will be surprised how the tides can turn.
No. 282102
>>280935That's pretty bad. I thought Blaire passed but I guess it was all lighting after all.
"The color fades along the intervals I follow."
No. 282106
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>>275017he gained that healthy relationship weight
No. 282135
>>282100Wow she's so different, traditional and cool: a total waifu! it's very rare to see females which are not Fucking Sjw these days :´((
No. 282137
>>282098Thank you!
She actually writes decently on that (I stopped reading after the topic drifted so the rest of it could be shit for all I know), which is honestly a surprise. But it's cool she opened up about it, even though I'd personally say that isn't that public.
I wonder if her eyebrows/lashes are real? Her thick eyeliner could be an attempt to conceal a lack of lashes.
Also, $20,000 for a wig? Wtffff dear god. I'm surprised that I guess the wig was on in that older video where she swings her hair around. Maybe.
I wonder if her bf isn't going to commit to her because he can't see her as wife material partially because of that.
No. 282149
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>>282046Yeah she has trich. She talks about it few times on her
This is a pic of her without her wig (but she's wearing a hat so who really knows lol)
No. 285834
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Annoys me how she tries to not act like a hateful bitch
No. 286791
>>285834I have no problems with this list.
It's just…
What are "hella noms"?
No. 286809
>>286791>I have no problems with this list. >This list from a supposed adult is asking people whether she should "party with stuffed animals or put stickers on everything"Um ok.
But to answer your question prettya sure hella noms means to order lots of pizza/side dishes from the pizza place.
No. 286811
>>276238catcalling … traumatizes you? Are you fucking serious? Wow … is all of lolcow this
trigger happy?
No. 286822
>>276238What are you, racist?
Sage for shit post
No. 286916
>>285834Gotta pander to dd/lg.
>>286839Lmao, implying he doesn't have a micropenis.
No. 289978
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But why?
No. 290000
>>289978Jesus fucking christ.
Also it's a pretty healthy thing to put every single aspect of your shitty and sad relationship online.
No. 290101
>>290086this is spot on. i don't know if you're aware of this, but she actually started on youtube making knock off Boxxy videos. if that's not a try-hard girl trying to appeal to neckbeards, who is? literal attention whore.
she must have a really low self esteem. cuz i don't understand why she seeks validation from literal filth.
No. 290132
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>>290101Thanks. And no i didnt know that, and kek yeah she really sounds super thirsty now. TBF I cant deal with
edgy people and for someone who complains about sjws she sure sounds like a fucking snowflake.
Also I dont get why people think shes hot, i have seen a few recent vids of her and she looks different in pictures.
Out of interest i wonder what would happen if her bf left her-would she fall apart like her twitter gives the impression she would do, or would she be just as chirpy because it was all an act. I really cannot tell with her be interesting to see.
No. 290270
>>286793Anyone is tiny next to that fat gut Greg is sporting.
>>286811Massive difference between someone random calling you cute, to a guy following you and shouting hey bitch, suck my dick, etc. come on now.
No. 290290
>>290175>it just makes him look bad and immature as hell.More than the other shit he does?
Have you checked out his social media?!
No. 290335
>>290290Not really, I mostly know him from his relationship with Shoe. I check his twitter from time to time when hers doesn't provide enough pathetic for me.
But he goes by the name "armored skeptic" so I can only imagine.
No. 290501
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No. 290531
>>290132>"Yeah, I suck dick"gasps Wow, I've never heard of a girl who sucks dick! So progressive, so unique.
No. 290599
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Guys didn't you know? We are a couple and we have sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 290664
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I'm about as radically anti-feminist as you can get and I love watching political videos on youtube, but holy fuck I could NEVER watch this bitch. Her coasted to fame by sucking off AS and having severe "woman on the internet" syndrome. Her videos were always shitty quality and horrible audio but because shes purdy gurrl she got a billion pathetic beta males holding her up like a goddess. Maybe if she made a good quality video for once and stopped being a disgusting whore on twitter people might take her a little more seriously.
Also AS became shit after he revealed his face
No. 295158
>>274696It really is her goal.
It must burn her up that it took a decade to get this far.
No. 296482
>>296421although i share her opinion a lot of the time, it appears that she doesn't understand anything about it. all she knows is that it's a popular opinion among her audience, and she just presents what other people have already said about it.
has anyone seen vid related? i only skimmed it (it's not really something that interests me) but shoe is apparently fans of both of their videos? i thought shoe's views aligned more with blaire, i found it strange that she seems to support what appears to be a rabid sjw. i guess that kind of supports my prediction that shoe has no real opinion. she doesn't seem particularly smart either. also, related to the video, the comments seem to talk about how shit she is as a moderator.
at 1:18:16 things are getting super heated, blaire's interrupting the other dude and shoe attempts to say something and gives up LOL
No. 296663
>>296482I watched this when it was live, and I agree that Shoe was a shitty moderator. I think the reason it seems like she has no real opinion is because she just wants everyone to like her, and I think the fact that she can't speak up and do her job here shows that too. I get the feeling that she would back down from her real opinion if she were challenged.
And I agree it doesn't seem like she is very smart. Every time she tries to talk about politics or something other than "feminism is dumbbbbbb skebtic's dick omg" she comes across as not knowing very much about anything.
No. 296807
>>296667I'm an egalitarian. Both left and right have their faults, but shoe isn't some alt-right waifu. The people in this thread saying she's "turning against other women to look hotter" sound like anally pained space princes. I thought this thread was going to talk about her as a shitty person, not complain that she's "spreadin dat h8 peach". The things she says on her youtube channel are accurate and true. The way she goes about it is cringey/unfunny and she should stick to dick sucking.
Just because someone isn't a feminist doesn't mean they are turning against other women.
No. 296835
>>296667are you 16? you need to be 18+ to post here sorry. those angry feminist compilation videos aren't real political positions.
>I'm an egalitarianlol
anyways whats the point of coming into the thread to whiteknight her if you hate her too? we can only repeat that she's a money hungry attention whore so many times, of course we are going to discuss the other dumb things she does. this is lolcow people get criticied for absolutely
everything. isn't that what your so loved "freeze peach!!!" is all about? maybe try reddit. sounds more your speed!
No. 303328
>>302724So, never heard of this person before, but this video popped in my recommended. I thought, shit, I haven't seen a Boxxy video in years (I think she still does YT or came back or whatever?). So I watch about thirty seconds and feel like something is wrong, so I check to make sure. Nah, not enough subs pretty sure. It was just strange.
On top of that she doesn't even really sell the movie very well. Out of curiosity, I gave it a watch and it's an okay doc, not amazing, and not too radical in either direction. However, it just felt like a fake shill to get her point of view across. It felt so lifeless and just not very educated. :/
No. 303342
I dare you to click this link and come back with faith in humanity. No. 303373
>>303342to be fair the title of the movie is really irrelevant to the actual content of the movie
Also this thread is 99% angry feminists and it's hilarious.
No. 303374
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>>301654The fuck? She has always had a small and really upturned nose, why are you so damn insane.
No. 303375
>>302724This doesnt surprise me, i remember she made a joke some time ago on her twitter about how her bf couldnt resist raping her when she was underage because her tits are so big. I think she deleted it because even her followers said the joke was out of order.
No. 305042
>>296667Top kek Anon, what the fuck did you think you were going to find here? lolcow is populated by current or ex-/cgl/ posters fresh from logging out of their tumblr blogs so they can anonymously talk shit about other women or salty bulldykes mad that pretty girls don't want to fuck them. Most of the posters here are almost certainly lolcow-worthy themselves if you knew who they were, the fact that fucking Mystery.jpg has been so active in this thread insulting this random youtube attention whore for shit she is guilty of herself is all the proof I need.
Love, /pol/ <3
No. 310128
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She's retarded. A disgrace to bisexual women everywhere.
No. 310235
>>310179tbh I don't understand the appeal in dominating a tiny, submissive woman anyway.
making a domme into your submissive slut = hot
treating your little meek gf as a housepet = sad
No. 310448
>>310235It's all about preferences. I prefer dominate guys but, not in the way that she does. Older to some degree and bigger but, not from the guy being just tall and fat, I don't see that as dominate at all but, I get why she sees it as that. The other thing that's missing is Skeptic's personality isn't dominate at all, he just acts like her father/uncle, which is more they don't see each other as equals on a social level but, what makes it cringey is that both of them are on the same level.
I think it's pathetic when it revolves around your entire relationship, it's pretty clear he just treats her like the child she wants to be and they both get off on it.
No. 310458
>>310128Its funny I was reading youtube comments left about her on one of laci green's videos and even her fans say shes mentally retarded and they only like her because shes a bit of a clown.
She also seems like one of those girls who says shes bi because it will get her attention.
>>310179I find that super creepy, but then apparently shes sympathetic to pedophiles according to some of the stuff posted here, i guess they are pandering to their audience.
No. 312947
>>311181>date her or at least want a girl like her because apparently having political opinion and being female makes your extremelyCorrection: having a political opinion
they agree with makes you special, because women wanting to be treated like human beings is just some sjw nonsense right? Also i come across quite a few subs who have her mentality in the BDSM community, im not surprised she says the things she does, its clear what she wants is asspats.
You are totally right about everything else tho.
No. 313245
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No. 313581
>>313252>>313354My fucking god, they don't even look similar.
Catie is way cuter, June just wears brown wigs and thick eyeliner and people think she's Boxxy, I don't get it
No. 314122
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>>313948sage for ot but I actually think she was cutest around 2013-14
that super short haircut does her no favors
No. 314556
>>312947>because women wanting to be treated like human beings is just some sjw nonsense right?Not everything the alt right says is anti-women red pill bullshit anon sure its undeniably a circle jerk which discourages open forum discussion for the extreme side but there's still moderate room for discussion for the middle leaning ones.
>>314122Whys boxy wearing what appears to be a forensic science technicians garb in this?
No. 315110
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how many channels does she need?
No. 315474
>>314556I wasnt referring to the alt right I was referring to anti-feminists who tend to make strawman arguments, because, and maybe I am wrong but I always thought shoe and skeptic were liberals(and ergo their subscribers), not alt right? There are many liberals which are anti-feminist, anti-religion, anti race mixing etc.
>>315110I have noticed some twitter users who post content which is bigoted or "
triggering" do this thing where they space out these posts with cute animal stuff. I guess its to make themselves look more reasonable "see im kind to animals, im not a bad person" however in shoe's case I think its more to push her cutesy image.
No. 316871
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I was intrigued when I saw a thread about June pop up here and have been pretty disappointed that no one has really given much of a backstory on her actual internet presence.
She's always been into "Film-making" (Which is what she went to college for before dropping out) and so dating back from the time she was really young, like 12-13, she had a strong internet presence by making videos, having all kinds of social media accounts with floods and floods of pictures..
When Boxxy was around she was one of the original Boxxyfags in the Boxxysphere, and was a big part of the website Unichan.. Where every lonely neckbeard was completely obsessed with her.
I honestly have always looked at June as the ultimate neckbeard attention whore, which makes me sad because I want to like her really badly haha. Or, I guess I just want her to be more than that because she has so much potential?? But she's always just hopped onto any bandwagon that is popular with the 4chan crowd.
She's clearly really insecure and this has always been her means of building self esteem- Having men on the internet lusting after her, so she's tried to build herself into the ultimate "I'm not like those others girls I actually LOVE sex and sucking your dick and have ZERO bad qualities like those other fucking "normies" I actually GET YOU, aren't I so desirable??"
Regardless of how the tides have turned with what that internet subculture is interested in, she will follow it.
Here's a mirror channel of some of her older videos: No. 316879
>>316871She's currently having a freakout on twitter, blocking people left and right because she was accused of having been transphobic in the past and claimed she had never said anything transphobic.
When some people came up with receipts (Videos of her mocking trans people) she uses the "IT'S OLD" excuse and that the people in the videos were "pretending" to be trans so it was fine that she was making fun of them.
No. 317021
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I wonder if she believes it in her heart of hearts.
No. 317023
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>>317021if she wanted attention that bad, why didn't she just twitch streamer turned MFC camgirl?
No. 317041
>>317037same fagging
same goes for weebs who fapped to east asians who edit their shit to hell in back and beat the hell out their face with surgery and claim "oh east asians just tend to look like that"
No. 317629
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reading through her stuff, its like her ultimate goal with Skeptic is to turn everything into the 1950's and become the perfect stepford wife.
No. 327079
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>>317629pretty much, yeah. (screenshot from her newest video)
>>324343i can see why she cares about it so much, seeing that her two closest friends are trans. she could branch out a bit more, though. i think recently it's because of what was mentioned here
>>316879 No. 329492
>>324343>>327079>>327108>>327269>>327276>>327374People are saying she showed up in a thread and took some questions. Reading her responses, it looks like she just parrots the opinions of the people around her. She cares about trans, because shes friends with trans and doesn't want to lose friends.
(taken from KF)
Uh, opinions change??? Could you not be a bigot???
One day when you grow up you'll realize it's more important to have friends and be nice to people than having edgy opinions for internet cred.
I am NOT bald, you losers need to stop with this meme, it's very hurtful! :^(
I'm a loyal slut, what can I say? This obsession (of me) really isn't healthy.
I never got implants. Fun meme.
Youtube isn't a career, I'm trying to get him(skeptic) to find a real job. At least part-time. If that answers both your questions.
Like I said, it's not a career(youtube). The cash cow's gonna die one day. They keep screwing everyone over, no better indicator of needing to jump ship than that.
I've never said no to a choker. Ballgags aren't for cam-use. I don't care how many pics you scumbags somehow got of me or allegedly got/photoshopped of me, private is private. Srry bby.
And all it's(youtube) gotten me is trouble with friends and family and those who actually matter. The hassle isn't really worth it anymore. Pics remind me, I gotta get on Japanese. Hoping for something special next vacay.
But yeah, I'm done. Don't blast me on twitter, autism's only so kawaii. Later gators.
No. 329825
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>>329498She hasn't had a job in years, shes been chasing internet fame the whole time.
>>322134Oh so sucking him off on stream wasn't a rumor after all. eww
No. 329876
>>329825>Oh so sucking him off on stream wasn't a rumor after all. ewwHer saying "good luck finding it" is not confirmation that it exists or happened
I agree with a lot of what's said in this thread:
- she's an attention whore, seeking internet fame
- a lot of what she does/says can be cringy
- her boyfriend has similar qualities
- their relationship amplifies the cringe
However, I think most of the thread is really
triggered, overreacting, and insinuating that her/his/their lifestyle is inherently sad and wrong somehow.
Is it more likely that A) they're depressed and sad about some professional cringers cringing at them on a 4chan clone site, or B) they're enjoying their youth and success while they have it, knowing that their jobs are more creatively fulfilling and interesting than a majority of jobs out there?
It's also worth mentioning that for some, cringe might be part of their personality, or a necessary attribute for them to become famous. Cringe itself also subjective a lot of the time.
Also I came here for nudes, and none of them looked real or had any quality, so that was lame.
No. 329931
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>>272051>>272055>>272148>>272294The nudes seems legit, I found some fanboys archive, and they compare up.
Unichan confirms the censored one was posted by her on their board.
No. 329941
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>>329931and she has the same circle light mirror, you can even see the same makeup case color in the corner.
No. 330069
>>329825He's always struck me as the kind of dude that wears a suit to college to prove how above everyone else he is, and tells you "you'll vote conservative when you're older and understand how the world really works"
also he has the stubble on his cheeks why doesn't he just let it fill in a bit, at the moment he looks like the 25 year old that dates 14 year olds because of 'how mature they act for their age'
No. 330156
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>>330069We already knew he was a fedora-tier guy, its just he lucked out on the genetics for the most part.
No. 330594
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>>330174>>330354Hey if this is your thing, go for it.
No. 330730
>>330354tall does = superior. most girls are too conceited to date manlets, and few dudes are into taller chicks. but i guess you 32" waist chans take what you can get.
he's not even ugly. his outfit is awful but he's average looking.
No. 330846
>>330813>admits to calling average person uglyyou could just say he's a jobless loser who wears shit fedora tier clothes, but no you just had to let it slip you are salty didn't you.
I'm just waiting for Shoe's attempted murder suicide when he tries to break up.
No. 330858
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>>330813>Moonface>Wide hips that give him an awkwardly feminine body type that doesn't synergize with height >Ugly Smile>Big Ears>Sunken in, FAS-like eyes >Gross-looking chest>Fat stomach>Ugly, shapeless hair>Thin, feminine neck>WoW-style female troll arms>Fat, ugly hands>Gynecomastia>Ugly, improperly threaded eyebrows>Gross earrings>Pedo beard>Weak Chin>Long, yet small nose>Disproportionately long calves>Clubbed fingersIn what world do you live in that this hideous fucking hill-giant is anything higher than a 4?
No. 334256
>>330156>Black shirt to mask BO stains>Waistcoat to cinch in the beer gut>Pedo goatee>Pants that give him thiccer hips than his girlfriend>Wallet chainThere's something so undeniably pedo-vibes about Greg, and it has nothing to do with June (although her askfm where she mentions being okay with virped/lolicon was a dead giveaway).
It's like he wakes up everyday thinking to himself 'What can I wear that will make me look as obviously pedoish as possible?'
I remember June recently said that she wants to have Greg's babies. I truly fucking hope not. I wouldn't let that fedora within a hundred miles of any child.
No. 345185
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hella attention starved
No. 345894
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Samefagging, but it was actually easier to find out than I imagined. This is from 2011.
No. 345896
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So they were still married as of January 2014 and he was dating June by July of 2015.
No. 346756
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Anyone remember that episode of 48 Hours, where this creepy fedora daddy dom and his doormat girlfriend lured some chick to their house for a BDSM sex game that went terribly wrong?
I immediately thought of AS when they showed the dude kek.
No. 346757
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The lesson is: please stay away from guys who dress like this.
No. 346790
>>345894>>345896He downgraded going to Shoe imo.
He went from having a woman who looks mature and has her mental shit together, to a stupid ageplayer who strips half naked on the internet for attention and says repulsive things.
What men will do for their fetishes, sigh.
No. 347013
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>>346818This was SO gratifying to watch anon, thanks for linking.
I used to like Skeptic for the videos about religion a few years back, but in the back of my mind I always knew he was an arrogant, reactionary cock who would act like such a hypocrite given the opportunity. This video proves it. He actually sounded a lot like Shoe, maybe the retardation is rubbing off.
If I were Skeptic I'd be so fucking embarrassed to be owned this hard. Literally he should fucking hiatus and hope he doesn't lose his more rational fanbase.
So glad this guy poked holes in his 'arguments' like the ignorant toolshed he is.
No. 347513
>>346818Hbomberguy has always been good and funny, glad to see him getting some love on here.
No. 347689
>>347675Couldn't be any more retard than that statement.
Two genders would still be "multiple". They way you worded it, you're saying there is only one gender.
No. 347723
>>347689Sorry i'll waste more than 5 seconds next time i post so people who have to had the fact that there are 2 genders and not 1 explained dont get confused
Fucking autists
No. 348227
>>348148Why…the fuck would she record? I imagine there is more to this story lol.
I wonder if there is anything image-ruining on the recordings that Blaire is worried about. Not that she needs a reason to want them deleted whatsoever.
No. 348253
>>348148 here's the video June posted of her leaving the room. I have no idea what to think about this situation. Crazy Hair is obviously crazy but yeah you're right they've handled this TERRIBLY. Although in defense of June she did leave the chat once Crazy Hair really went off the deep end.
>>348227It was Blaire, her boyfriend, Chris Ray Gun and Laci Green, and June and Greg. Blaire and her boyfriend were drunk but everyone else was sober according to them, but Crazy Hair says June/Greg were on coke. I imagine if anything she wanted to record Laci Green? I mean, with her "turning to the dark side" as many people are saying, she probably wanted to get incriminating footage.
No. 348293
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>>348255And then June went to twitter calling people idiots for saying they could have possibly handled things better. Like someone mentioned earlier, Social Repose had a fan show up at his house and just made a video not naming any names and discouraging people from doing it again. Even if they did confront her, but privately it would make more sense
No. 348317
>>348293the way they handled it just shows that most of these ~skeptic~ youtubers are so far up their own asses that they honestly think they're above others who aren't in their little group.
I don't understand why this crazy hair girl did what she did, whether it be mental illness or something else, but June, Blair, and the other guy in the stream proved themselves to be cunts imo. I don't know about the social repose situation, but that sounds like a good way to handle things and June & crew should take note.
No. 348484
>>348430Would you be able to tell us what's wrong with the guy without resorting to signifiers? Cultural Marxist: why? What does it mean? What did he say that doesn't hold up to scrutiny?
It's not much different than calling someone like AS a reactionary Alt-righter. All you're saying, really, is: he doesn't belong to my tribe.
No. 350556
>>348400Agreed. Also I feel like there is some samefagging and selfposting happening here. I sat through the entire stream (at least the duration of crazy being present) and it's bad. People need to check the end when they are just asking nicely for her to just delete the recording and she just goes DEAD SILENT. It's chilling. And it keeps happening, and then she just leaves.
I have zero sympathy for someone who won't even own their actions. She doesn't even say "no" or acknowledge it at all.
I do think they were being a little extra at times but that Bundy guy called it immediately. She is a manipulator. I just realized how manipulative it was that she was like "I'm Naomi" in the middle of the argument (she had surely introduced herself before?) and expected them to change how they were addressing her. Like bitch please if you don't want to be called crazy maybe don't use that word in your "branding"? Also how she pretended to care about Blaire being drunk (when she brought them vodka…) and hiding who she was talking about until called out on it, but completely disregarding any degree of respect for privacy for the name of the guy who got recorded in his sleep, who wasn't there to defend his name, who Blaire had outright said she was protecting the identity of.
I have never hated someone so quickly, I think. And I don't even like Shoe much (hence why I'm here) or Blaire. But this situation only increases the respect I have for them.
No. 351047
>>350921First of all, sage.
Secondly, nah, not watching a dumb video that panders to that cow. She's creepy as fuck.
> For totez rational skeptics, they throw around a lot of accusations and don't let her finish.Yeah tell that to when they ask her repeatedly "Will you delete the video" and she just goes dead silent. Then she just fucks off. Your bias is showing.
Either stop being so susceptible to psychopathic manipulation or don't selfpost. Pretty sure she'd be ripped apart if this had wider knowledge. But hey, that would still be attention. So… since this is not a thread about her, let's stop giving her it?
No. 351344
>>351158Except none of that was said during the group chat except they didn't understand how she got her info.
Also, fans? What? All of the people there were involved in the situation (except maybe Bundy, who remained quiet and was very well-spoken and polite when he did say things).
You're completely distorting the situation. Go watch the entirety of the stream.
Girl is creepy as fuck and had to make a 50 minute video to "confess" and explain, actually claiming that they were doing coke. Good apology lmao.
June barely spoke in the stream and left like halfway through. Blaire was being tough on the girl, and a bit extra, but I would have been too if I was trying to get a straight answer out of someone and they kept repeating themselves and dodging the questions.
I'll repeat this since it's the most important part:
> eah tell that to when they ask her repeatedly "Will you delete the video" and she just goes dead silent. Then she just fucks off. Your bias is showing. No. 351643
>>351505I already said
> I sat through the entire stream (at least the duration of crazy being present) and it's bad.The timestamp given was 41 minutes in, so I only care about the exchange between them. You're really deflecting like.. well, crazy. And indeed I think you and Crazy seem to be two peas in a pod. Especially considering you're not addressing any of the important points or things I've reiterated.
I never said they were mature/professional/whatever. They're human and someone betrayed their good will and did something creepy to them and they don't understand, so I understand why they acted that way, especially after Crazy refused to answer things and/or answer honestly. I said multiple times that Blaire was extra. Though that really shouldn't surprise anyone as that's her style.
Now can we move on? Or do you want to talk about how Crazy brought them gifts or something lmao
Now like I said-
> Either stop being so susceptible to psychopathic manipulation or don't selfpost. Pretty sure she'd be ripped apart if this had wider knowledge. But hey, that would still be attention. So… since this is not a thread about her, let's stop giving her it?Like ffs
> do something illegal to semi-"mean" youtubers> cry when they're "mean" when they make reasonable fucking requestsCrazy is an attention whoring nutcase. Can we move on from this because it's getting really OT and I don't doubt for a second that Crazy probably has been here and tried to garner sympathy, poorly.
Make a thread about her if you care, or talk about JUNE. This thread isn't about Crazy or Blaire and your posts haven't been about June, but thanks for at least linking actual evidence.
This is a thread for milk regarding June. What you're giving is not milk but defending some irrelevant shitstain from some "mean children" that… aren't June. June was boring as fuck in that stream imo and barely said anything other than repeating/explaining points. She sounded like she was multitasking to be honest.
No. 351670
>>351643You're making a ton of assumptions on me simply linking a video saying "here's another take on the drama" I never defended crazyhair or said she was in the right, I just said they handled this situation really badly. You need to calm the fuck down tbh, you've derailed this thread because someone didn't 100% say "they're perf angels she deserves to die for being a twat!" Calm your fucking tits honestly lmao.
I've barely talked about crazyhair, I've talked about how they handled the situation, how bad is your reading comprehension? You're REALLY salty when all I did was offer a different perspective as I thought the video was funny/gives a different take. That's literally it, yet you've sperged out and derailed the thread when you could've just not watched instead of making a big announcement that you weren't going to watch lmao.
No. 352239
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>>351926Actually Crazy herself wanted to come on stream and defend herself.
I'm not taking any sides on this, in my opinion everyone of them is in the wrong, but it wasn't really their intention to have her on that stream. I think they wouldn't even say her name, if she didn't outed herself.
No. 352288
>>351777Hi newfag, go read the rules because "hi cow" posts are against them lmaooo
Also I fucking hate Shoe. So you're an idiot. But she's hardly relevant to the crazy situation and she mostly plays a doormat to Blaire as usual.
Idk how trying to remind people this is a thread about Shoe and to post/discuss milk on her is derailing. Blaire has her own thread already, even.
No. 352295
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>>351672gasp how very dare you make out shoe is fickle! shes not one of those sjw's anon! she is obviously just a traditional woman against degeneracy uwu!
(kek joke, as noted up thread and ironically by some of her subscribers in other comment videos shoe was never really about actually having fact based opinions or anything, its always been a ploy for views because her attempt at being boxxy 2.0 didnt take off. There is also this rumour that armoured originally paid shoe to be his gf and say certain things to get more people viewing his videos but again before anyone bites my head off im stating this is a rumour, i personally dont think its true but there ya go. You know theres something wrong when even your own subscribers say you're too dumb to argue any points and the reason they sub to you is because you make them feel smarter-these comments can be found in laci green's 2 genders comment section, people are asking laci to talk to her "about girly stuff")
Also I think its funny how many of her white knights are in this thread compared to other threads on here, i wonder how they found this site. Inb4 said knights reply with butthurt, if you check shoes twitter even she thinks you're dumb for white knighting her.
saged for no real new info.
No. 353938
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No. 359552
> Also I think its funny how many of her white knights are in this thread compared to other threads on here, i wonder how they found this siteIn her "punch me in the face" video she did mention "SJW lolcows" or whatever so maybe her crowd is familiar with this site or whatever
>>353938LOL June stop trying to appease Greg this is very obvious what the artist was trying to convey get over yourself.
No. 366369
Anyone remember how many internet boyfriends she had? Far back as 2009, most of 'em were beta males who did hipster YouTube clips or they were coders who took neetbux. Then there was one guy she met who literally warped her into this negative monster she tries to live up to now. (>>271177)
All I remember is, one day she was trying to pander to the Unichan crowd for that sweet sweet Boxxy attention, and making special little Q&A videos for them calling them her friends. Even making a Facebook page to add them on, like a true attention whore. Then she finds this mysterious, vicious, mean guy. Eventually she started tagging him in her posts and he would show up and make fun of/ shit talk /shame all her "friends," and she would be laughing at them and making fun of her own whiteknights with this dude. It was like next level attention slutty or e-Cucking. She wanted him to publicly humiliate her own little submissive male fans.
She was constantly posting worshipping stuff about him like "meet me on video chat 2night" to make her other "friends" jealous, and people would either praise him or nobody would comment on it because she would tag the guy and he would mock them and she'd gang up on them. It was like the fastest way to get her to hate you or turn on you. She seemed a little too dependent on him, and of course since her taste is the Asshole type, it self-destructed in her lap. From what I remember they would do audio live streams together without cams and lure her youtube viewers in to hurt their feelings, I even remember them calling people "cuck" and this was in like 2010 so she's had a raging hard-on for 4chan forever. I think the guy ironically even also wore the same type of head gear that AS wears, or at least some similar gimmick.
Looks like any mention of him has been wiped from her pages, much like all the other guys who were in her life. Like typical Long Island stripper scum, she sucks off of them and moves on to the next one. But if you watch her older cringey vlogs and videos, you can find references to it and see exactly where she flipped and turned into what would later be adapted politically with all the alt-right pandering and currently her centrist fake liberal pandering.
I found her through Unichan and I am convinced this guy changed her from the ground up, sometimes in her newer videos when she gets a little too worked up, she sounds exactly how this guy did when they would be attacking her youtube whiteknights. He at least gave her confidence to be a shameless asshole. It seems she is a negative soul, and she craves obtuse negativity and cruelty to somehow feed into her wanting to know her friends or her man can make her feel secure, either with words or attacks. AS isn't nearly as savage, persistant or quick as this guy was, she definitely has a type though and it's the Asshole who she'll copy for a few years until he treats her like dirt and when they breakup she collects herself and keeps a piece of them as her own persona. I don't necessarily hate her, I just think it's sad that she's mentally disturbed and acting like this and we all saw it coming, and slowly saw her disappointing, pathetic fetishes materialize in real time.
No. 366555
>>366369Tbh she just sounds like a typical slutty liberal chick who only respects men who dominate the fuck out of her and treat her like an idiot, or like complete shit, only good for getting a dude's dick wet. I don't think she even pretends to respect her followers and subs. Her and Greg make fun of them all the time, and she constantly starts twitter arguments with her followers.
Maybe she had a dominant abusive ex before this guy, and it turned her into an alpha widow. This is quite a common pattern.
No. 366849
>>366555After observing her behavior over the years peripherally, I don't think she craves being legitimately abused because why would she leave the other guys? She craves seeing her guy as someone on either a intellectual, comedic, or fame pedestal who shames people publicly. She wants someone showy who knows how they want to manage themselves and try to control the conversation or argument.
AS is not gonna last. None of them do, she's one of those types that leeches power off of a guy and tries to recreate it herself. She has only had 1 other asshole boyfriend that I know of since she became somewhat popular on youtube, and I know he had a local TV show or something. All the other ones were beta males she would order around. She's a gold digger who doesn't care about money because she's probably a trust fund baby set for life.
No. 366953
>>366849Is there some sort of clinical definition for this sort of behaviour? Like when someone who's obsessed with having attention can fall under the histrionic personality definition?
It's something I'm interested in because ever since the advent of reality TV and social media it's so much easier to see people always under the spotlight and to analyse how they behave. So many of the cows on this site seem to behave like this: find a suitable, more well known personality to leech onto (usually male) and stay with them only so long as they're useful. Then leech them either because they have their fall from grace or because someone "better" comes around. It's almost like a parody of what is usually understood to be the relationship between a provider male and a "traditional" woman.
No. 367143
>>366849It's funny, June never struck me as being rich or even middle class, she always looks so unkempt and unwashed to me. I always pictured her coming from one of those scuzzy Italian NY neighborhoods. However, she got implants so early on (probably in her late teens) so her family must have the money to spare. Not to mention she was a NEET after dropping out of college (after like, a month or something) which means her parents would have been paying for everything.
>>366849I don't think she craves being ~abused~ per se, I think she does that thing a lot of mouthy obnoxious women do, which is that they're basically testing people and waiting for an 'alpha' to come along and shut them up, and suddenly become very demure and submissive. And when that dude starts showing any signs of weakness, that's when they leave. She never stops screaming about Greg being her daddy dom and how she's all about that ~sub lyfe~ so that certainly factors in.
Her exes may have been betas, but we don't know the circumstances. She was a NEET so who is to say she wasn't using these guys for beta bux until a true Splenda Daddy asshole like Skeptic came along and she fell head over heels for him.
>>367036I don't think she has bpd, not by a long shot. Histrionic personality disorder perhaps.
No. 367381
>>367143She never got implants, she wears pushups and her cup size was always decent. She comes from a suburban white area, she lived with her parents during/after college and may still live with them to this day. She barely had interaction with black people until the black boyfriend she's embarrassed of now. Her stints of being "unkempt and unwashed" were out of depression and loneliness, also she was awful at doing make up early on and over-does it now.
She takes multiple showers daily, which could be tied into her hair disorder. Her family isn't rich but they have plenty. She's had low self esteem, which results in her taking on a more shut-in routine and clinging to someone she can text all day and build up a big fake personality with. Her relationship of the moment defines her personality of the moment, and it defines what her "fans" or "friends" joke about to her.
She loves being a character. She loves people joking about any little trait in her life she can come up with and "promote." Her confidence comes from the fake appearances she keeps up with her man. If she has even a small group of fans enabling them and drawing awful cutesy cartoons of them, or making a show of how sexyyyyy they are together, she feels a false security and like she belongs somewhere.
I've seen this happen 1 other time with her. She doesn't talk about any of her ex's but you can tell the 1 other asshole she fed off of was her inspiration. She mostly went after neets, the guy she's with now is a neet who does an impression of an upwardly mobile person. He's trying to keep the hobby of being "famous" afloat. He can't even get a real job. He just 'plays' the part of a dom, he looks the part enough from her perspective, being tiny and with low standards, you're gonna end up with something like that guy.
They both get to be fake together and convince strangers it's real. They love the idea of being a reality show where they don't need to be themselves, because they probably can't stand who they really are. They bury it and feed off of each other's willingness to deny reality and brag, brag, brag, even if it isn't reality.
>>367143Nope, she's never taken money from an internet boyfriend. With things like that, she does at least have some integrity or maybe self-respect. She's had a decent paying job for a long time, and she's commented many times about not knowing what stupid shit to buy with all the extra money she's got. It's a shame, because she is pretty charming and if she DOES have knowledge about something, she can be very on point.
She goes from movement to movement, trying to fit in and be a commentator. She wasn't a video gamer whatsoever and even admitted during that gamergate thing that she bought a Nintendo DS or something and had no idea how to play. She just wanted to be heard about something, anything. Attention is paramount.
No. 370200
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Lol i came here googling "shoeonhead" nudes cuz i wanted to beat my meat and reading all this shit, yall niggas creepy and sad lmao wtf talking about people on the internet haha wtf just chill dudes(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 372954
>>372946I guess June likes them thicc. Imagine the weight of his big gut on top of you during sex. Hot.
No. 372978
>>372929Holy shit, I don't understand their creepy fanbase at all. Why would anyone watch 17 minutes of them fucking golfing and then post a comment like "and then they fucked kekekekekek XD"
Like at least find an attractive couple to obsess over
No. 374319
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>>374183idk, her maintenance routine seems just as average as any other ~I'm not like other girls~ syndromed slut, she has had a boob job but that's the only obvious surgery, I'm also skeptical if she's ever had a fat transfer/bbl, corsets off camera, and facial work
No. 374384
>>374183yeah that says tons about her.
like she isn't playing a character, she really seems obnoxious 24/7. good looking guys aren't going to go for this obvious crazy pussy. you can tell when people are off pretty quickly irl, i bet guys must run away from this bitch.
No. 374570
>>373894It's really awkward hearing her go from ~cute wittle babby~ to an actual adult in a matter of seconds.
Also, is it just me or does Greg sound really out of breath from just walking at around 6:30?
No. 376392
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>>367400She still lurks and starts up thread about herself when shes bored
No. 376748
>>376442Bruh, don't worry I don't find her hot either because she never shows her stomach off, and that is true hotness.
Also mainly lack of curves and the contralto, with the Noo Yawker accent makes her sound like she's a Mafia princess (fallen mafia princess)
No. 376772
>>376748lol what
I agree with the no curves part though, her curves are the work of silicon sadly, or padding or whatever the fuck made her look curvy in some pics
No. 376781
>>376442I've always found her hideous tbh. I guess I don't really like her skintone/hair/eye color combo, plus her weird FAS Whoville philtrum, that's just me.
Why people are thirsting over her, when there are far hotter girls in the 'fake trad waifu' movement, I have no idea.
No. 377527
>>376919lmao in the comments people are saying he needs to lose weight and his fans are using the usual fatty justifications "are you his doctor??" "he just has a different metabolism" "he could still be healthy!!"
for people who are so anti-sjw they sure act the same way, guess they need a safe space from oppressive scales too
No. 377544
>>377527She's a liberal, a 'coalburner' according to the right, and her bf is an edgy atheist shitlord.
Their fanbase are mostly 'tumblr anti-sjws', which is code for socially stunted basement dwellers with gay fanart blogs, weird kinks, and anime icons.
Basically both the left and the alt right wants nothing to do with these people.
No. 377864
>>377258You mean the blurry ass phone screens? They prove nothing
And I still ain't convinced the "standing on a box in front of a door" is her
No. 377936
>>376919Yeah well Shoe has said time and again that she only makes content on Feminism because she doesn't agree with it. Her Shoeonhead channel is mostly always going to be about Feminism whereas as her alternate account ShoeOffHead would be where she posts anything else.
And in her recent livestream when asked what she'd do if her youTube boat sank, what would she do to which she responded with just going back to her skin care profession. So I think she's going to be okay.
No. 378082
>>378059Oh I agree. Without Feminism she most likely wouldn't have anything to fall back on outside of maybe just being another vlogger or possibly makeup guru. And while she does tend to go for the low-hanging fruit, I don't mind that as I like to laugh and she has this sense of aura that can make things funny, at least for the spark of the moment.
If I want to watch someone more serious, I'd watch someone like Sargon, Magdalen Burns, or Undoomed. Shoe for me is just more of an entry-level "anti-feminist" content creator. Someone more casual you can watch (assuming you don't mind her sense of humor). Had Shoe started out with a more serious tone and gradually became what her content is now, I would probably have a problem but since she started out with a basic, somewhat comedic approach, I have nothing to complain about really.
No. 379224
>>376772whoops, leaked my fetish.
But yeah, even with her implants she's still flatter than her own character.
i honestly wish Shoe goes on live debates with the feminists who are legit, not those "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" ones
No. 380983
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>>378082>shoe>makeup guruYou're priceless, anon.
It took this girl 10 years to learn how to apply eyeliner properly to her Annoying Orange eyes.
No. 386782
>>386771I've never been a fan of June but this is actually kind of surprising to me. She usually tries to present herself as this very innocent, all-accepting figure that just wants everyone to be kind to each other and all of this speaks to the opposite. At the very least these screenshots show her to be an asshole.
The funny part is that if she were in some kind of livestream situation and somebody brought this up, I doubt she would be able to defend these screenshots. She would play submissive and stutter through it, making excuses for herself.
No. 386820
>>386812>she literally panders to the alt right redpill neckbeardsShe does but she also has this fake cutesy personality. The baby talk, the bunny obsession, the creepy adoration of her boyfriend and the way she dresses to look like she's 10 years younger than she actually is.
She also likes to pretend she's some kind of "rational centrist" but she has said some really vile stuff. It's pretty clear she's embarrassed about some of it because she has deleted so many of her videos/tweets and lied about it later. Some people don't seem to realise how horrible she is.
No. 386846
>>386812You are right…partially. It's like she has two sides ot her personality. When I wrote that original post I had two videos in mind. One is this Milo Stewart one, and another is one she did right after Trump was elected basically telling all of her LGBTQ/racial minority followers that everything is going to be ok and she is here for them…or some shit like that.
And if you watch her in livestreams with other people, it's like she has no backbone and just tries to make everyone happy and get along.
Plus all the stuff that
>>386820 mentioned.
No. 386891
>>386820>She does but she also has this fake cutesy personality. The baby talk, the bunny obsessionThis. I remember going to her twitter and seeing "edgy" tweets sandwiched with those "cutesy" ones. TBH its a tactic quite a few twitter idiots use to try and make themselves look not too harsh but nice, i've noticed it used on quite a few d-list brit "celebs"
Some time ago she made a joke about how her boyfriend could not help raping her when she was underage because she had "huge tits". For extra edge points she addressed this tweet to feminists, when she got backlash she pretended they had just set upon her for no reason
I wish I had saved the tweet at the time, its clear that people dont just seek her out as she likes to put on but that shes baiting so she can play victim later. Inb4 her white knights start barking again. If I do find this stuff will post so sage for now but your post summarises her perfectly.
No. 387056
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Just decided to look into this girl as I've seen her referenced in the Anisa thread. After checking her IG, I'm horrified to see she's even more try hard, edgelord, alt-right pandering, and overall cringey than Anisa. It's like she's the ultimate NLOG parody. The pathetic need to be offensive for attention (see pic related), the regurgitation of dumb memes and alt-right buzzwords, the over the top worshiping her lame boyfriend, the playing the victim after being called out for her shit. Not to mention, I don't think it gets more basic bitch than a god awful Harley/Joker cosplay.
No. 387150
>>387056Seeing stuff like that
triggers me to no end!!! She has zero respect for herself and is showcasing that proudly in front of thousands young impressible girls!
No. 387155
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This as well…
No. 387193
>>387167Yeah, I really don't get it. I guess because I've always got on quite well with other girls and the friendships I have with my female friends are some of the strongest I have…but I can't imagine thinking so little of yourself/other women. And I'm sure that she really does think these things, she doesn't just say them for attention. I hesitate to say that she "sells out" other women, because of
course she has no obligation to her entire gender or anything like that, but the way she says all of the demeaning shit about women that her male audience wants to hear is something that will never make sense to me.
I get that shit like
>>387056 is a joke, but I also think there is some truth to it.
No. 387197
>>387193I've had experiences with these girls in that past and it's the result of a really unhealthy need for male attention, usually the result of extreme daddy issues. I mean, that blatant self-post in
>>376392 makes it painfully clear that she has a pathetic yearning for male approval, especially with how she references her politics. She's trying really hard to have the "edgy, sexy, just one of the guys" thing going on.
No. 387207
>>387197That makes sense. And I'm sure it won't end very well for her.
Kind of like Lauren Southern. She spouted all that bullshit about women's sexual market value and their place being in the home, and now her comment sections are frequently overrun with MGTOWs and dudes not even listening to what she is saying, just bitching that her looks are quickly declining and she needs to hurry up and have white babies because that's her job in life. She pandered to that audience, and eventually they will turn on her.
At the end of the day, June is still a woman. And the kind of people that she panders to don't think very highly of women, so I don't think she will ever be able to be 'one of the guys.' They will like her as long as she repeats what they think and never strays from it.
No. 387209
>>387056The cringe. "Tehehe this will
trigger the feminazi xdd I'll show them, amirite /pol/?"
She's like a female robot. I pity her.
>>387155At least she knows it.
No. 387211
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>>387193You're right she doesn't have an obligation to her entire gender as a woman but don't you think she has some obligation as someone who has gained a lot of influence online? She's proud to have misled a 15-year-old girl in Poland, where the far-right government constantly tries to curb women's rights, about feminism. I can't tell if she's ignorant or just malicious. Probably both. And she's proud of it.
No. 387219
>>387211OMG, this.
These are people talking about important, complex & difficult issues about which they have NO authority/certified knowledge to comment, much less "educate" thousands of impressionable children/teens.
"With great power comes great responsibility". Having an audience, especially a young audience, equals power. And it's honestly sad that it's June, an ignorant pandering attention-whore, who's in that position
No. 387231
>>387211I feel so bad for this girl. I was her once…jumped head first into all of that anti-feminism shit, bought into all of the 'women are inferior' fuckery and just ended up hating myself in the end. It takes a while to get over that too.
Shoe fucking sucks.
No. 387257
>>387193I've had tons of shitty experiences with women and it still doesn't make sense.
She's a woman, but it seems she thinks she's so utterly worthless that her only way to find love and validation is to become some chubby neckbeard's pet.
No. 387274
>>387211I homestly think that's fake. First of, that girl would be rather well-spoken for a 15-yo, especially since it's not her native language. And writing things like 'i did it because of Beyonce' seems like something whose anti-sjws would expect some feminist/dumb woman to say, given that they are constantly going off on the evil leftist media…
Just seems too good to be true for them, a pure european girl, from a non-cucked country still writing old school per letter, drawing hearts etc.
No. 387282
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>Constantly downplays rape as hysteria
>Claims all refugees are potential rapists
And now she's asking for proof that her boyfriend is racist because some article called him that. Maybe June can't see his racism because she's a racist too?
No. 387290
>>387282Refugees are a real problem for us in Europe, but because of people like her, as soon as you want to debate it, you get lumped together with some neckbeard pol-tards
It's not like this is affecting her personally and i highly doubt she gives a fuck about those slutty feminists getting raped anyway…
No. 387298
>>387290I get that there are problems but it's people like June and her far-right friends who are destroying any nuance in the conversation. Her bff Lauren Southern is using this narrative to further her white genocide conspiracy theories. They don't care about women at all. When they can't further their anti-refugee agenda they go back to being rape apologists.
No. 387303
>They don't care about women at all. When they can't further their anti-refugee agenda they go back to being rape apologists.Yep, this. If it's a refugee or a black man who rapes a woman, they won't question the woman's account of the events at all. They'll defend her until the end. If it's a white man? She MUST be lying, because that's what those evil whores do!
You'll never see one of these motherfuckers say "let's wait for all the facts" or "innocent until proven guilty" if the rapist is anything other than a white dude.
No. 387357
Based on how half-assed her whole anti-feminist deal is, I'd wager she just likes being dominated by men because it's easier to live like a pet slut that needs taken care of. It's also fun to pretend that all the attention she gets is because she's right and desirable when really she's just a tool being used to project sexist ideals by men who are going to throw her under the bus for the next fresh meat the second she gets stale.
It's actually pretty difficult and challenging to develop oneself as an individual and be able to provide for one's own needs.
Like she talks about demonitization
>>387211 here as if nobody was aware that her personal neckbeard is the breadwinner and provider.
No. 387377
>>272051Okay, I was initially against the idea that she had implants because I had seen videos of her as a younger teenager (around 16-17), and she looked the same size to me that she does now. Looked like she had D's, or maybe C's with a good push-up bra.
However, after seeing this (and assuming it really is her, which seems likely) I'm convinced she's had some work done. I don't really know much about breast augmentation, but is it possible she just had some kind of a lift/had them reshaped, rather than enlarged?
Genuinely curious because it seems to me like there's been no obvious change in size throughout the years, but I can't for the life of me understand how anyone's breasts look like this naturally. As someone else said, they literally look "bolted on" to her chest, and the placement of her nipples seems way too high.
No. 387506
>>387501June has nothing to do with it. Sweden has higher rape reporting rates, the legal definition of rape has been revised, and they count multiple instances by the same perpetrator as multiple cases. It's an artificial "increase", and there are no statistics about the ethnicity of rapists either.
sage for OT and don't want to derail the thread, but this is bullshit and I'm tired of people using European countries and especially Sweden as a scapegoat because they hate refugees.
No. 387531
>>387528From what I read what
>>387506 says about rape is indeed correct, based on studies by the Swedish government. Additionally, while there was a recent increase in crimes over there, it was preceded by a decrease in preceding years, which puts the incidence of crimes more or less on par with the levels seen in 2005.
I've then found another study from the Stockholm university that says that immigrants are 2.5 times ore likely to be suspected of crimes than natives, though the majority of crimes are still committed by Swedish-born people with both parents who are Swedish. The study then goes to suggest that there's a close correlation between the socio-economic situation of the people who end up committing crimes. In short: poor people who come from families with chaotic life styles are more likely to offend than those who are in decent households.
I know that in this kind of discussion people tend to get heated and accusations fly around (you're racist, you don't care about your country, etc.), I'm really just trying to look into things more as I get the distinct impression that a lot of the time blaming immigrants is an easy get-out-of-jail card for governments from their own failed past policies.
I'm not the person you're replying to, though I'm also European, and ever since I started looking into policies that some governments have enacted in the past it looks like they went for the short-termist approach to get votes and ended up getting large portions of the country I live in in economic trouble, only to then blame immigration so as to not get blamed themselves.
Just look at how Theresa May has been accused of having suppressed the distribution of several studies (was it something like 50? I remember I was shocked at the number) that proved that immigration doesn't affect wages adversely and that the greatest majority of immigrants put in more than they take in terms of resources and taxes. This while she was HO secretary.
I would like to point out also, as some people on my side of the argument tend to call anyone who disagrees a racist: I think I understand the allure of the argument against immigration, but I ultimately disagree. That doesn't mean I think everyone who makes is is a racist bigot - I think it's much more likely that people have busy lives and (rightly) believe that politicians should put forth arguments based on what they believe is best for the country, rather than what gives them more outrage points and votes.
No. 387541
>>387528I'm European too, which is why it irritates me.
>>387531 sums it up pretty well. Poverty and homelessness are the primary factors in crime rather than your country of origin. You're more likely to be raped by one of your friends or someone you're on a date with than a refugee. There are definitely problems but neither myself nor anyone I know has directly been affected by refugees beyond seeing more brown people on the streets and finding out which one of your facebook friends is a racist.
No. 387563
>>387541So poverty is what causes men to rape? Hmmm…
It is not so much the country of origin as the religion and ideology taught to these men. They are straight up taught women are there for their use. Women are lesser. Rape comes from a place of entitlement and hatred and that is not taught by mere poverty.
I'm confused bc I can go up in this thread and there are people calling AS a literal pedo for the ddlg thing. I can find this in any thread. So they have a consensual (albeit weird and gross) adult kink with other adults and are literally the same as a freak who likes kids. But we don't want to call it how it is here, these immigrants are bringing a toxic ideology that has caused them to think rape is acceptable. Sometimes they rape actual children, bc child brides are a thing in their countries! Actual pedophilia there! But no one is calling that pedophilia? Because they are poor brown men?
Sorry for ot. I don't care enough about June to talk about her I guess lol.
No. 387607
>>387155I really really don't get what she's aiming for. Why would she try to pander to people who don't respect her gender ? She jokes about being a sub or treated like a dumb slut but she's relying on her bf to protect her from being a victim of actual sexism.
I bet she's going to feel pretty bad when she'll realize guys who don't care about what women say will definitely turn on her when she's no longer cute with perky tits and she might actually get treated like a "Dumb slut". Good luck out there June.
No. 387621
>>387282God, she's such an annoying tryhard. What did Sweden even have to do with this? The original tweet was talking about Canada. Alt-righters are a joke for this exact reason: they're like a record with only a limited number of tracks. "Women are sluts", "Muh rapefugees", "White babies", "Sweden", "Muh false rape allegations". They'll try to fit those topics literally everywhere, even though people were talking of something else.
>>387303Exactly. Sometimes, when I think about it, I wish they would get raped (by a white man) to see their reactions. Would they still be rape apologists? How would they react to people like them doubting their experience and yelling "Innocent until proven guilty"?
I don't even feel sorry for wishing bad things upon them, in all honesty. Imagine being a rape survivor and having to hear their bullshit, that's not just bullshit because it can be actually dangerous as a mindset.
>>387563>They are straight up taught women are there for their use. Women are lesser. Rape comes from a place of entitlement and hatred and that is not taught by mere poverty.This is why alt-right is dangerous imho. How come they're ~pure Westerners~ and yet share the same mindset of the evil blacks and Muslims they hate so much?
No. 387635
>>387621>Exactly. Sometimes, when I think about it, I wish they would get raped (by a white man) to see their reactions.I get where you're coming from but still… It sounds way too similar to alt-right types hoping liberal women get raped by immigrants thinking they deserve it.
I would never wish harm on June or anyone even if they are horrible people.
Also, could we stop completely derailing the thread with OT?
No. 387678
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This isn't strange or creepy at all…
No. 387762
>>387678No wonder she's so enamored with this bearmanpig creature (assuming she's telling the truth about being a kissless virgin until her twenties, it's common for her kind to lie about shit like that to seem ~pure~). Girls will often be blindly obsessed with the guys who take their virginity, especially if they're that old when it happens.
Also, I hate that "omg it's so much better when you wait" bullshit. Like… how would you know? You have nothing to compare it to. If anything, the other way around makes more sense since you have experience and can tell if it's actually good or not.
No. 387835
>>387762Plus it just flat out isn't better when you "wait." It completely blows. I'm a kissless virgin at 22 and I'm the freak among my friends. I'm left out of most conversations because I have no experiences to contribute lmao. Plus men probably find it weird and a red flag.
Also I…kind of doubt she wAs? Aren't there pictures of her much younger with some dude and that's why everyone calls her a coal burner? Unless she was 20 then. Or they just never did anything together.
No. 387910
>>387835Don't worry, Anon. I've had a few 20+ virgin friends and most of them lost it to a decent guy eventually.
>>387855Neckbeards like her boyfriend are usually turned on by them because they get off on being the only guy to touch them (~pure girl~ fetish) and they have to put a lot less effort into sexually pleasing them.
No. 387949
>>387934I think she doesn't care about other women at all. She's a complete sellout because she desperately needs attention from men. It's sad really.
>>387943At least that means her neckbeard boyfriend is being deceived and she isn't as submissive as she pretends to be.
No. 387965
>>387835oh god is the 22 year old kissless virgin thread because same
june's answer makes me feel worse, though, i'd rather end up an ugly spinster old maid forever than date some guy like her boyfriend
but why would she claim to not have been kissed when she's clearly been sending nudes out and stuff
No. 387975
>>387934I think she flat out doesn't care as long as she is making money off of her supporters and they continue to kiss her ass. It's sad but I just don't think she has any level of empathy for other women, especially those that have been raped or sexually assaulted.
>>387951For me personally it's just extreme social anxiety and general self hatred/body image issues. So I wouldn't really blame men if they would be creeped out by that.
But with June, I wonder what her deal was (if she's telling the truth)? I doubt it was because she wanted to be a ~traditional woman~ and wanted to save herself because she only seems to be considered with that as of recently. Personally I find it extremely hard to believe her, but who knows.
No. 387977
>>387975>But with June, I wonder what her deal was (if she's telling the truth)? I doubt it was because she wanted to be a ~traditional woman~ I get the vibe she's a bit neurotic and it stems mostly from that. I doubt the virginity part but it's reasonable to assume she didn't get around a lot.
Honestly it kind of strikes me as hollow how people here keep trying to attack the boyfriends body though. Don't get me wrong, the DD/LG shit is weird enough on its own especially with how they try to broadcast it but I've seen far more unfortunate looking men with much more attractive women and vice versa in legitimately happy relationships.
>>387621>Would they still be rape apologists? How would they react to people like them doubting their experience and yelling "Innocent until proven guilty"?I don't even feel sorry for wishing bad things upon them, in all honesty
This is pretty fucking retarded too. To the best of my knowledge she's mostly made fun of people like mattress girl, but even discounting that yes you should feel bad if you're wishing someone was raped.
No. 387995
>>387943From what guys have told me, the big issue with virgins is that their lack of experience can mean a) there's a higher chance of them going totally psycho if they break up since they haven't dealt with the pain of a really serious and physical relationship ending before, and b) they're more prone to being very difficult in a relationship as they haven't gone through trial and error enough to figure out what they need to work on for a healthy romance. Obviously, this is just in general and there's plenty of non-virgin people who make difficult partners, it's just that the chances of dealing with these things are increased.
>>387984I wonder why she does that, has she ever given an explanation? The only people I've ever known of doing this have extreme emotional issues.
>>387965>>387951I don't believe her that she was a virgin, but I've known girls who do much worse than send nudes and still proudly proclaim their virginity. I knew a Catholic girl who was adamant about waiting until marriage to have vaginal sex, but did anal with six different guys that I know of, yet still scoffed at other girls for "throwing it away" when they lost their virginity.
No. 388044
>>388033>I thought she considered rape a nonissue I'm not seeing that. She's stated that everyone worthwhile already knows rape is bad, and you'd be hard pressed to convince me that's remotely similar to being a rape apologist. Which is a fair sentiment I think, not many people are going to try to argue rape is ethical. Probably.
Again, I'm all ears for an actual example people are talking about. I even went through the thread, but most talk about rape was quibbling about Islam and the alt right.
No. 388060
>>275649such a conservative asexual reserved pure traditional virgin
she looks like some annoying emo girl I saw screaming at hot topic once back in 2008
No. 388083
>>388044>not many people are going to try to argue rape is ethical. Probably. eh, you'd be surprised. pure off topic but i remember a few years back coming across some kind of hardcore back to nature/might is right? movement, like advocating for going back to a very primitive society. insane shit. i wish i could remember what their forums were called cause they were even crazier than the incel crowd
>>329825shit he looks like onion's friend potato here
No. 388089
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>>388083>eh, you'd be surprised. pure off topicSure, r/philosophyofrape was a thing once upon a time. But I think it's unfair to put this girl on that level. To be called a rape apologist is a quite serious claim, and to treat it as anything less diminishes the term.
>some kind of hardcore back to nature/might is right? movement, like advocating for going back to a very primitive societySounds like some sort of fringe anarcho primitivist group. The ironic part is they generally detest "civilization" because its centered around domestication (as in, domination of the environment), their motivations are practically the opposite. Even the unabomber had an obsession with self sufficiency rather than merely taking their resources.
No. 388220
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>>388089I mean you're right that she doesn't advocate for rape like Roosh V or someone. But aren't you setting the bar a little low for not being a rape apologist? She thinks women use rape as a weapon and that false accusations are the real problem while women have "rape hysteria". Rape is only real when she can fearmonger about refugees apparently.
No. 388252
>>386820Hi anon, not sure if you are interested, but if someone has deleted tweets you can still find them on google, this short article explains how: for non milk
No. 388444
>>388227her sketches are usually filmed using a canon t2i. but her regular videos she uses her webcam because it gives a 'laid back' and 'old youtube' feel.
even then, the sketches she films with her canon t2i still look crappy.
No. 388568

>>388478>>388551As much as I think lying about being raped is bad, the whole "women use rape as a weapon" nonsense as well as people putting people who have been "Falsely" accused of rape on a pedestal and acting as if they're more of victims than actual rape victims, it's concerning to
don't mean to blog but, I was molested by a family member when I was younger, but I had to hold it with my for years, then when I finally knew what happened to me, I, retardedly told my therapist, the therapist didn't do much but file a report to CPS which didn't come until years later, the person in question of course denied it and their spouse defended them, as well as the therapist accusing me of lying and someone else accusing me of lying, I had several witnesses of being sexually assaulted by the offended but everyone just wrote that off as "playing around" Then when I was recalling some events that had happened the offender called it "checking to see if I wet the bed" so not only did I have to deal with that but I was wrote off as a liar
now time for beyond the blog post, with this happening to me, it makes me wonder how many actual rape victims have been passed off as liars because of people like the meninists who think all women who could have possibly used rape as weapon is a liar
while false accusations should be handled correctly, screaming liar in the face of any woman who opens up about rape or making the issue seem much larger than it actually is only hurts actual rape victims
No. 388574
>>388568That's so horrible. I'm sorry this happened to you.
>>388571Plus most rapes go unreported anyway. Fear mongering about false accusations is the real hysteria.
No. 388752
>>388616Upon googling him i came across this article seriously my blood is boiling, how did nobody get rid of that asshole already
No. 388822
>>388616>>388726>>388752Paul Elam is despicable. How anyone could fall for his "men's rights" activism is beyond me.
He used to promote June's videos and feature her on his website until they had a falling-out when her boyfriend said something negative about him and MRAs.
No. 388858
>>388856>Contrary to modern social fantasy, rape is not about penetration. Not in the least.If a man is penetrated against his will it's also rape. So I don't know what you or Elam are suggesting here?
Also, someone made a thread for discussion about rape:
>>>/ot/204779 No. 388918
>>388910Someone violating the inside of your body is different than someone forcing you to penetrate them. When it comes to children it's an entirely different thing again. All of these scenarios cause emotional and bodily harm.
But what Elam is trying to do is reactionary. Instead of raising awareness about an issue that men face he deminishes something that in his opinion only women face and completely disregards that men can also be penetrated against their will. This isn't about men's rights at all.
No. 388927
>>388918>disregards that men can also be penetrated against their willHe doesn't though.
"And let us not forget that neither of these graphs include males who are raped in prison."
He just saying that Mary's studies are biased. Sure he used an opening that was meant to shock and grab people's attention but again it was satire.
No. 389080
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She's "explaining" feminism on Twitter right now: man-haters, chromosome supremacists, prudes, racist against whites, irrational! That's why someone as smart as June would never be a feminist but if she had to she would be intersectional and include everyone, lol.
No. 389096
>>388961i think it's a combination of both. there is a lot of money to be made with reactionary types, it's why fox news is so popular. reactionaries tend to throw their money towards anyone who espouses there beliefs. money hungry people or sell outs (in cassie's case, though i don't think she was much of a feminist in the first place) notice this
i think there is also some comfort in being an anti feminist female. you aren't 'one of those fat, angry, hairy, man hating lesbians' that men despise, you're one of the 'good girls' and you don't think they'll hate you (however some still will).
and i am paraphrasing someone else when i say this but, i think it is painful to be aware of the struggles that women face daily, from cat calling to honor killings. by proclaiming yourself to be an 'anti feminist female', you can simply stick your fingers in your ears and go 'la la la i can't hear you!!!'
No. 389105
>>389096Calling yourself a feminist on the Internet just isn't beneficial in terms of comfort, you'll get everything from harassment to rape and death threats. Same reason why Laci Green "took the red pill" and is not sucking up to all of the people who previously told her to kill herself.
You also get away with saying dumb shit on Twitter on the daily and no one telling you off for it, as evidenced by June.
No. 389109
>>389105But Laci still calls herself a feminist. I wish people would give her a chance and have a discussion with her. Unlike June she seems genuine and well-meaning to me, just confused and maybe disillusioned.
>>389102Most of her neckbeard followers wouldn't stand a chance in these dystopian feminist wars anyway. Better stay in the basement and wait it out.
No. 389115
>>389105and even then they got pissy that she didn't toe the line 100% (laci's comment about betsy devos/ title ix)
and they say that leftists/feminists/liberals live in an echo chamber lmao
No. 389138
>>389128Laci seems so naive to me. June is so obviously biased, completely misrepresents feminism, and yet Laci will listen to her when she tells her how horribley Kevin Logan is. If Laci can forgive Sargon surely she can talk to Kevin especially since June has accepted his apology a long time ago.
>>389131I don't think all the change is due to him but she'll defend anything he says or does. It's like he's above any criticism.
No. 389141
>>389080Ok are people still giving attention to crazy teens on tumblr who will most likely grow out of the more extreme views they hold? Who gives a fuck about tumblr? June please go outside….talk to people IN REAL LIFE who identify as feminists. Hear what they have to say.
Yes some will be the crazy tumblr type but the majority of people off the internet are not that extreme. She is sounding like the MRAs/MGTOWs who think literally all women are bad because of a couple women on social media who fit the stereotype they already hold about women.
"Tumblr SJWs" just aren't common. I went to a liberal college and Even on campuses you can avoid them because they're such an insignificant number. And of course the vocal, crazy ones will end up in the news and videos of them will be posted on YouTube for people to tear apart because they're ABNORMAL.
Sorry for the rant but whenever I see someone mention tumblr I just automatically think they're immature and have little to no life experience.
No. 389143
>>389141these people pick easy targets because they know they'll get demolished otherwise, they are kind of like bullies in that aspect
we all saw what happened when carl tried to take on kristie winters
No. 389145
>>389141>She is sounding like the MRAs/MGTOWs who think literally all women are bad because of a couple women on social media who fit the stereotype they already hold about women. That's the audience she's pandering to. She really seems like she doesn't get out much just like her followers.
>>389142At the end of the month. I hope there will be videos of their speech online.
No. 389181
>>389149They're going to embarrass themselves. June has nothing to say and I can't imagine her seaking in front of an audience but she thinks her bf is the smartest guy ever. Greg has no self-awareness whatsoever and he is way too confident. He thinks he has started a new ideology for an egailtarian meritocracy or something: Sargon's gonna be there too.
>>389139Chris is a bigger douche than people realise. I didn't know he cheated on her but it's hilarious to me that he left his anti-feminist gf for feminist Laci.
>>389179Don't start it again. Someone made a rape allegation thread:
>>>/ot/204779 No. 389188
>>388918how the fuck is "non-consensual sex = rape" reactionary? what is this obsession with "it's not the same" or "muh penetration"? should a woman who's been gangraped in a dark alley be able to tell a girl who was fingered while too drunk to consent at a college party that she wasn't raped because her gangrape experience was worse? no, so why obsess about that here? you're pretty much just saying women cant rape men, unless it's with a strapon (which never happens)
even if u want to obsess over how much worse female rape is, why exclude women forcing themselves on men from the definition of rape at all? what else could it possibly be classified as? how is that not rape apologia exonerating female perpetrators?
MRAs are faggots and this whole anti-sjw wave has really ran its course (i hope), but thank you for reminding everyone why it all started in the first place.
No. 389228
>>388910" men who are raped this way can't legally say they were raped and are dismissed or laughed off."
are you serious? people will up and support a mans rape case rather than a womans rape case, just look at crime watch daily, when a man is raped by a woman the comments are flooded with how disgusting the woman is and if a woman openly talks about getting raped, unless it was a child molestation case the comments will be disgusting and calling her a liar, I'm tired of this "BUT BUT MEN ARE LAUGHED OFF" BS when it NEVER happens
No. 389281
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Rob Kaufman fucked this girl's head up. I watched it before my eyes. She is a terrible judge of character and she blindly trusts hateful, angry people.
No. 389294
>>389228internet =/= real life
you'll find more people like that online than you will in real life
No. 389323
>>389188Definition according to English law:
>According to the law, rape occurs when one person penetrates another with their penis without the consent of the person being penetrated. If a victim is forcefully penetrated with an object, this is classed as "Assault by Penetration". If the victim is forcefully made to penetrate another, the act can be prosecuted as "Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent".Definition according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:
>The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body. The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent. No. 389334
>>389294… That's because it's not socially acceptable to talk this way in real life, anon.
No. 389391
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No. 389392
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One of the speakers has dropped out of the event now because he thinks they're incompetent and doesn't want to be associated with them.
No. 389422
>>389392god that blm comment
june is such a rich sheltered white girl it is unbelievable
No. 389424
>>389372menists want to be the oppressed gender, when any female on male crime case pops up, the menists will go batshit insane and pull the "BUT BUT IF SHE WAS A MAN DOING THIS TO A GIRL______"
IE crime watch daily, if a girl gets raped and she wasn't a child, the MRAs blame her to hell and back, a girl is sold into sex trafficking, MRAs claim she deserved it because she was a thot or she did it to herself, hell a girl was even murdered before by her boyfriend and MRAs claimed "She deserved it because she was dumb and got herself killed"
but when a 24 yr old teacher has sex with a 17 yr old by consent in a state where age of consent is 16, the MRAs show up and start talking about how she was a pedophile, how she molests little boys, and she is a child molester and anyone who thinks it wasn't child molestation is a child rape apologist, and of course, the usual, "IF SHE WAS A MAN EVERYONE WOULD BE CALLING HER GROSS" despite two other men getting arrested for the same thing with 16 yr olds and they were teachers and whatnot, they desperately want to prove men are now the oppressed gender to the point where it makes them look ridiculous, I don't even understand what they're trying to accomplish other than making cringey content and making people think they're dumb
No. 389427
>>389424Fuck I wish I could find it again but I was browsing twitter the other night (this might have even been a reply to one of June's tweets?) and I even saw one say something along the lines of "men commit suicide more often because they either have a woman ruining their life, or because they can't find a woman to ruin their life."
Like….seriously? That's what you want to go with? It's all women's fault? Not unrealistic expectations of men to be stoic and perfect at all times? Not lack of mental health care? It's always women, huh? Alright.
No. 389433
>>389427what they often ignore is that women attempt suicide at a high rate then men, they often don't succeed because women tend to use 'softer' methods (overdosing, slitting wrists) where as men go for harsher methods (using a gun, jumping off a bridge)
but mras/mgtows/incels just brush this off by claiming that women are just doing it for attention
No. 389434
>>389432nice! thanks for finding it anon.
>>389433And now that the suicide rate of teenage girls is rising, MRAs run around saying shit like "well you wanted equality? here it is!"
Sure, let's not address the fundamental problem and try to work on finding ways to combat high suicide rates of both women and men, let's turn it into a competition because we have no empathy and take any opportunity we can to be bitter about women!
No. 389436
>>389432Such a lazy tweet from June but I'm sure her followers think she's really adressing men's issues. And they've already identified the real problem: women.
>>389434>And now that the suicide rate of teenage girls is rising, MRAs run around saying shit like "well you wanted equality? here it is!" Because that's what it's really about: Making life worse for women. They don't really care about making it better for men.
No. 389437
>>389434seriously! and another thing that pisses me off with these people is the domestic violence shelters issue. in 'the red pill' movie they talked about how there is only one domestic violence shelter for men and the many for women. they acted like these women's shelters were resorts and you could get a spa treatment there and they served caviar
you know what? many times these women's shelters are hardly funded and women themselves had to build these shelters, it wasn't like the government was like, "oh ladies you've been so good, here is your shelter to escape your husband who is trying to kill you!!!'
No. 389509
>>389487A large community of men and women identify with the MRA movement. Instead of spending all of their time and energy yelling about women on the internet, they could use it to raise funds to build shelters for men or provide other services for men in need.
They choose not to. Because they don't actually care about men's issues until they can use them as a talking point for how evil women are.
No. 389554
>>389509>>389478>>389500Didn't realize lolcow was so full of whiny feminist fags.
If you want to turn any of the MRA's or anti-feminists over to your point of view, (which I assume you are trying to do because you are criticizing their queen bee on a public platform) maybe you could try not being such bitches about it. If you don't understand the arguments they are making, you can't argue against them. BAWWWing about how 'teh MRM's jsut hate wymmuns and have mommy ishues' isn't making a point and isn't going to change anyone's mind.
You look like idiots. Jsyk.
And fuck June or whatever so this isn't OT like all the previous complaining about men instead of the cow.
No. 389558
>>389554How are any of those posts whiny, dude? Most MRAs do hate women and frequently complain about them. People were making that observation.
It was just a discussion. Calm down. And I doubt anyone cares about turning MRAs over to their point of view, because half the time they can't be reasoned with and don't care to hear what the womz have to say. It's not like we're on an MRA forum trying to ~show them the light.~
No. 389559
>>389554yeah fucking feminists how they don't think women should be blamed for anything and everything and how they think rapists should be punished, how extreme, if you think rapists should be punished and women shouldn't be accountable for everything wrong with the world you're clearly a feminist
JFK my boyfriend is anti fem as hell and even he thinks MRAs such as june are pathetic, it's almost like she is pathetic as well as most MRAs
No. 389610
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these fucking people.
No. 389634
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They are comedians now. Never mind that they are going to this convention to give a speech on "skepticism". It's all just jokes.
No. 389641
>>389636Maybe it was satire. At least that's what June hides behind. It's not like she's any better throwing minorities and other women under the bus.
But yeah, I would never wish her any harm.
No. 389683
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whatever happened to "fuck your feelings" anyway?
No. 389703
>>389683>the world doesn't care about Skeptic's fees>ABUSE!1!!!I don't know why but I find this so fucking funny. I'm imagining that smug shit starting to realize that he looks like a moron, and the whole "but i'm just an entertainer" schtick isn't helping him feel better because he knows he was actually being at least mostly serious in those videos yet people are starting to laugh at him and call him out.
I'm sure demonetization doesn't help either, but oh well.
No. 389768
>>389683i don't understand what she is saying. is she saying that the world cares about women's feelings (it doesn't) and not men's? the world doesn't care about skeptic?
No. 389808
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i swear one day the world will give a shit about your feels
No. 389811
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let me put on a show for you, daddy
No. 389876
>>389610june = coward
but who is surprised?
No. 389913
>>389808so awkward, omg
>>389811he looks pregnant
No. 390101
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So Lauren Southern posted some dumbass facebook meme of a girl in yoga pants vs Miranda Kerr wearing a sundress and said something like "retweet if you prefer trad". She's since deleted it and I didn't get a screenshot, but this was June's reply to it.
I'm not saying that June is a thot, nor do I care if she is, but is openly talking about your sex life/kink with your boyfriend all over twitter really trad, though? If it was any other girl, I think most of her fanboys would scream "degenerate".
No. 390212
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trad in the streets thot in the sheets
No. 390213
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trad in the streets thot in the sheets
No. 390220
>>390205most women who flaunt how "trad" they are, are not trad at all, I only ever seen one girl who claimed to be trad and was conservative & kept to herself about her sex life, but she was uber religious, like almost nun level
girls like june and lauren southern are just girls who jump on whatever trend that guys find them attractive
IE becoming a grrrrrll gamer when all guys wanted gamers, being edgy emo when all guys fanboyed over emo girls, being nerdy when guys liked it, and now men are claiming they like a good pure little girl who is kinky, and now she's that
most of the time "good in the streets bad in the sheets" girls are the exact opposite, june is a good example of it
No. 390224
>>390220>most of the time "good in the streets bad in the sheets" girls are the exact opposite, june is a good example of itTrue.
>>390216I'm sure Lapine isn't her real last name. It's French for rabbit.
No. 390254
>>390220Bitter women like you are why cows like June want to seperate themselves from "other women" though, how do you not realize this? June is a mess but there's zero self-awareness coming from the neurotics in this forum
Conform! Stagnate! Be miserable like us!
No. 390264
>>390254I'm not that anon, but I don't think anyone necessarily wants them to 'conform'. There's nothing wrong with being trad, the issue is that the typical girl on the internet who subscribes to the trad lifestyle and promotes it does so by putting down the lifestyles of other women. There's just no reason for that. It only serves to signal to their audience that there is something inherently wrong with most women, but they are nothing like those women. They are better.
I mean read any comments from their audience whenever the mere topic of women/dating is brought up. It's not even "slut shaming", it's disdain and aggression toward women who do literally one thing that they don't like. Pretty much any woman is an irredeemable whore to them.
My personal issue with it is that there is a lot of vitriolic anti-woman (not just anti-feminist) sentiment in a lot of conservative circles, and their talking points only fuel that. I continue to see it get worse.
No. 390277
>>390254what? that person didn't even imply anything about their own feminism or lack thereof. they were speaking in a detached way and might not even be a feminist ore even female for all we know. are you projecting and filling in the blanks because you think all women here feminists and all feminists are miserable?
it's generalizing misogynists like you who push women to be bitter radfems, how do you not realize this?
No. 390336
>>390254I am so sorry for wanting more for myself than being the bangmaid for a man like armored skeptic.
>>390264I don't want them to conform either. I'm just happy to laugh at their hypocrisy.
I always wonder if shoe's fans think women will be convinced into the traditional lifestyle through her videos. Like, are there people out there who think that their local ~feminazi~ would be convinced into xyz if only they listened to shoe? Or do they just watch the videos and join the circle jerk?
No. 390339
>>390291Lbr their fans are just as stupid or eating this shit up.
My favorite was a Lauren fan who was trying to defend her by saying that Lauren wants women to know that marriage was an option. As if I never knew I could get married, if not for Lauren fucking Southern.
It was moronic.
No. 390377
>>390254Are you really pretending June has any ideas that are new or unique? It's the anti-feminists who are conforming, stagnate, and miserable. But sure, June is ~not like other girls~ so she must be better.
>>390339Exactly. They're so uninteresting. As if marriage or submitting to a man are revolutionary ideas. It's ridiculous.
No. 390453
>>390254mate what lmao
you don't even know me, yet judge me and call me bitter because I think it's stupid constantly changing your personality for what mean choose to like in that time period?
we're not miserable, I think the miserable ones are the ones who constantly need to conform to whatever ~I'm not like other girls~ trend men like, guess I'm bitter because I can actually be who I am
No. 390454
>>390336>I always wonder if shoe's fans think women will be convinced into the traditional lifestyle through her videos.Sadly, I see young girls in comment sections parrotting this shit and whining about how LITERALLY ALL girls their age are feminazis and they can't stand them, but THEY can think for themselves so they aren't like that.
I don't know if Shoe is as influential, but Lauren definitely is, as well as some of the men. I really wonder how the political landscape and the public attitudes toward women and minorities will be like when the generation that has received their news and social commentary from people like Stefan Molyneux and Sargon grows up. I'm not looking forward to it lmao
No. 390478
>>390454yikes, however june's audience is like, 90% male so i don't think it is having much of an impact on young girls (or at least i hope not). the young boys taking these messages to heart is very concerning though
i hope the post millennial generation grows out of these views or else we're screwed (more than we actually are)
No. 390584
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greg won't comment on american politicians but he'll make a whole video about how hillary fucking clinton is an sjw
No. 390600
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love yourself, June. you have to learn to love yourself.
No. 390617
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No. 390623
>>390620Does this man only own plaid shirts from Walmart and hand-me-down suit jackets?
Just look at that ham hock around her shoulders.
No. 390630
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She just commented on a news article saying something like "this man is going to prison for being a father" (he's going to prison for murder) but she deleted it before I could take a screenshot.
No. 390637
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>>390631this charmer exists
No. 390640
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>>390636ok i just googled that…and this came up. do you think this was June posting about herself…? The way this poster describes her physical features reads…braggy. Or maybe I'm overthinking it.
No. 390647
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She's really going for it on Twitter today I guess…
I don't agree with TERFs at all, but to say that their arguments have to do with trans women 'stealing their oppression points' is so ridiculous. They clearly have concerns and arguments about the safety and comfort of 'cis' women in women's spaces, and while I personally think that's misguided, to chalk that up to jealousy is pretty dumb.
No. 390667
>>390633>>390635Fucking called it.
All of the posed pictures of shoe and skeptic seem so unnatural. Their bodies are always framed oddly, and everything looks so flat.
No. 390675
>>390669The Nikki Lasagna video was kinda funny
>tfw Jersey Shore nostalgiawhy
No. 390676
>>390663I just find it a little off that her disdain for women doesn't extend to trans women as well. I find that's the case with a lot of these people. It's just biological women they seem to have an issue with, and they will even defend groups that they otherwise hate if it means they can gang up against women.
But…I can barely take June seriously after that tweet so whatever.
No. 390696
>>390686Ok I'm the one who posted that and I'm just now realizing how fucking weird "she was born near the end of June" is. Who the fuck would know that?
Can't stop laughing
No. 390703
>>390702is june really better at defending him tho?
they're both hypocrites. that's why they can't defend themselves.
No. 390706
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>>390640>even inspired Toph in terms of designskek
why would you even claim something like this
No. 390718
>>390711She usually tries to claim that it's all just jokes and that they are "entertainers"
>>389634But it isn't all that helpful since he tries to present himself as an intellectual when he writes stuff like this: No. 390725
>>271163Saw people Talking about rape and Sweden and refugees. It usually annoys me when people who dont like her talk about it. In My city there was a gangrape attempt 2 weeks ago? I could link the Swedish articles if people say I'm lying. Nothing like that would have happened 5 years ago. Gangrapes have increased alot in the past years and they usually give the rapists like 2 years, or they go free. 12 year Old girls have gotten anally raped on toilets with only community service as the sentence. It's kinda insane over here. Once again I could link the articles But they are in swedish (from the biggest newspapers also so not some biased Breibart shit).
I have personally also been attacked, grabbed on my genitals once, and beaten once when I didnt Wanna sleep with a random Guy. I think the sentences are low because sweden has always been like this. And I belive racists use this shit to further their agenda even though they don't give a fuck about rape victims. But there has been an increase in gangrapes and violent rape. A woman was gangraped by 20 men also and nobody got arrested until a year later. So its a little insane.
Once again I can link all this to Aftonbladet or Expressen, our biggest newspapers (you can probably Google them.)
No. 390736
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No. 390764
>>390750pretty much, when a relationship is based off of something the other person thinks they are/who the other pretends to be and not them true selves the relationship will never last
ex june pretends to be ~innocent little virgin tradishinal womyn who turned into a bdsm ddlg nympho magically when she met her boyfriend and now supports alt right beliefs~ and skeptic or whatever his name is pretends to be some ~big scary powerful daddy dom lumberjack who is classy~
truth is june is trailer trash slut who caters to whatever guys find hot and is delusional about who she is, skeptic is a fat hairy mentally ill loser who thinks they're cool for buying 25 dollar swords from a seedy mall store and walmart flannel with hand-me-down suits
No. 390790
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>>390625Does she lurk here?
No. 390792
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>>390764>innocent little virgin tradishinal womyn who turned into a bdsm ddlg nymphoKinda nervous for her if/when she breaks up, because then wouldn't she just be a used up fallen woman looking for her next man? Who's going to want her when another penis has been inside her as she posted it all over social media? So not traditional…but I'm sure then her narrative would change and she'd suddenly have more flexible views on sexuality.
No. 390793
>>390790I kind of suspect so because of her TERF tirade
>>390647, reflects a lot of talking points from the TERF thread which seems oddly specific.
No. 390803
File: 1506047945983.png (643.98 KB, 1024x1616, greg blaire and june.png)

>>390739yeah, or so a lot of her fans like to see/draw her that way.
(probably both)
No. 390813
>>390803The fact that they draw her as a literal child is kind of disturbing. I can't imagine being comfortable with that if I were her (I know she is and she prefers it), I just don't really understand the psychology of wanting to be infantilized or a human doormat like
>>390617 portrays. It comes across as selling yourself short to me.
I wonder when this whole DDLG being acted out in public spheres thing is going to die out. I understand it's a kink but it's one of the few kinks that is broadcasted by its participants almost constantly, and it's usually written all over them. I would say it's even more of a trend than just a kink now.
No. 390880
>>390867Yes they CAN say whatever they want, that just doesn't mean they should. Pretty sure that's all that anon was saying. Most women don't enjoy it and depending on the severity can feel threatened by it, so I don't see why they can't point out that it's shitty.
They weren't advocating that people get arrested for catcalling, so I'm not sure why you think that post is an affront to free speech. It will obviously continue to happen and it's just a fact of life, but that doesn't mean people can't talk about it and think it's an issue.
Nothing is legally stopping people from catcalling. A lot of people are just saying "hey this can ruin people's fucking day so maybe consider not doing it." And it's not a big deal for them to point that out. Free speech, right?
No. 390910
>>390868So you would be ok with people not seeing a problem with a Very large, Very muscular gay man you didn't know coming up to you on the street and saying "I Wanna
Fuck you up the ass until you bleed" and licking his lips? Free speech right? Nobody should see anything wrong with that, and you should deff not feel threatened. Anyone who even try to adress it as wrong is hurting the poor mans free speech.
No. 390914
>>390912>Again, this is a problem that is often used to pass authoritarian bullshitDo you think lolcowfarm has the power to pass laws? Because we are just talking on an image board.
One anon says something about catcalling, and suddenly you seem very worried about free speech and catcalling being illegeal.
No one cares.
No. 390917
>>390912Yeah, I think the issue would be stopped if we talked about it and adressed it as wrong. I have literally never heard anyone saying catcalling should be illegal. We have a hard time already getting other criminals in jail for sexual offences. I truly belive that you don't have to worry about catcalling becoming illegal anytime soon.
Also let's stick to the topic, nobody is here to discuss why catcalling is wrong.
No. 390920
>>390915It is not in most middle class neighborhoods, which is where June probably spends most of her life.
>>390917At least in my country it is, but it is rarely enforced. And we have a hard time doing that mostly because of late reporting, corruption and how evidence can be hard to obtain after a while. Due process must prevail. Surely you agree.
No. 390921
File: 1506069156385.gif (888.96 KB, 245x219, 944d91e2-4812-4b19-9e95-34b937…)

>>390920I wish your posts were illegal
No. 391009
>>390764>truth is june is trailer trash slut who caters to whatever guys find hot and is delusional about who she is, skeptic is a fat hairy mentally ill loser who thinks they're cool for buying 25 dollar swords from a seedy mall store and walmart flannel with hand-me-down suitstoo accurate
>>390914exactly. some people here are way too worried about lolcowfarm shaping policy. what gives?
No. 391044
>>390907> I agree on thatI mean…do you really? Because you started off by saying shit like 'no one cares about your fake PTSD' (which no one mentioned having in the first place) in order to trivialize it and make it seem like it ain't no thing. And now you're using 'victim' in scare quotes as if being sexually propositioned and followed by an old man when you're 12 and haven't even had your first period yet won't FUCK you up and make you feel like a filthy worthless piece of trash.
So I'm either going to assume that it has never happened to you and you can't bothered to empathize because feeeelings are evil, or it has and you took it much better than most people, which is nice. I'm glad.
> saying something is "an issue that needs to be addressed" is the first sentence before proposing something authoritarian. I mean…hardly. I would say it's just an opening to talk about the problem. Nobody here or anywhere else on the internet has the power to pass harassment laws. We weren't even talking about how much we wish harassment laws could be passed. You're one of those people who gets really
trigger happy with screaming free speech violation. There wasn't one being discussed.
No. 391058
>>390764I find that people who excessively talk about their crazy kinky bdsm sex life usually don't have such a sex life, because they want people to think they are these super sexy and wild people. I bet June and Skeptic are exactly like this.
I wonder if Skeptic has any side bitches or if he's too ugly and uncharismatic to have any? I mean, wouldn't June have to approve of them since she's is totally down with the dudes and she totally only wants what her man wants~~
No. 391111
>>391009>exactly. some people here are way too worried about lolcowfarm shaping policy. what gives?Do you want to know my Illuminati game theory?
I think the guy who was suddenly like "b-b-but free speech!" Is either a guy with low self esteem, who is trying too justify his own bad behavior.
Orrrr this is babby's first red pill attempt. Sometimes I will notice obviously male anons talk about how xyz alt-right topic is actually great for feeeemales. I honest to god think that those people are just robots trying to troll, or they are true believers, trying to recruit more women. You can't save the white race from whateverthefuck if women don't agree with you.
No. 391115
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Is anyone else surprised by her audience survey? I know she's too left-leaning for /pol/ but I assumed most of her audience would be r/thedonald types.
No. 391132
>>391115they probably consider themselves 'left leaning' because they smoke weed and they don't hate gay people
so basically 'classical liberals' (who aren't left at all)
No. 391142
>>391111I actually totally buy this. The true believer part, not the bot part necessarily lol.
I see posts all the time on twitter where some alt-right dumbass posts a picture of the ONE attractive man who attended the Charlotteville tiki torch party, with some caption like "see ladies? all the attractive alpha males are on the right." They do really want to ~redpill~ women, but quite literally no one gives a fuck unless they already subscribe to those beliefs.
They just don't realize that contrary to popular belief, adult women don't make political decisions based on how many hot men support a candidate.
No. 391150
>>391142And there aren't many women in those groups. There will always be chicks like shoe, who will either be true believers themselves, or are going along with it for whatever reason (pressure from bf, making that YouTube money, trolling, whatever)
But I don't think pol types realize that their beliefs don't offer much to women unless you already drank the koolaid. I think that they believe if they post something "convincing" that they will bring women over. Because I often see robots or pol dudes flipping their shit over random image macros that show off the "degenerate modern world". It works on them. So the probably think it will work on women.
But other than being submissive wives, what do they really offer women?
No. 391158
Like yeah, I'm just itching to have white babies with some dickhead who calls me a roastie and talks down to me like I'm a child because feeeemales are too dumb to understand anything but laundry and childcare. They really know how to sell themselves.
Alt-right men absolutely disgust me tbh. If it is marriage/babies you want, there are tons of normal men out there to start a family with that won't treat you as chattel.
No. 391284
>>391058skeptic is too ugly but you'd be surprised at how desperate people are
june def has side pieces, she is extremely desperate for male attention and to appeal to men, she isn't going to stop at one, which is probably why she so desperately wants to write herself off as a ~innocent in streets kinky in the sheets with only one guy ever~ type, and she fails at doing it to because we all see through her BS, person, so no one suspects her of cheating
No. 391580
>>391284>june def has side piecesSee, posts like yours are why this thread reads as like 80% salt and 20% actual milk. Her obsessive posting about her bf is annoying and comes across as desperate and weird at times, but that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't committed and monogamous to him. She's always been the attention-seeking type; why should her first LTR be any different? Unless you have actual evidence to suggest otherwise, you just sound petty, stupid and jealous.
I don't hate June, nor do I find her to be anything special. But ffs, more than half of the accusations about her aside from her politics in this thread are tabloid-tier. Without any proof, this has about as much merit as anything you'd find on the cover of National Enquirer.
No. 391586
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>>391580I agree. I think people see how trashy she looks and how desperately she brings up her sex life all the time calling herself a nympho and everyone misinterprets that. To me she seems like a boring person who overcompensates.
No. 391591
>>391586Yeah the overcompensation thing makes way more sense to me. She's clearly insecure. If you watch any of her old videos, she talks about having been bullied a lot and always feeling like an outsider among her peers. I also found it interesting that at one point on twitter (I think), she posted a picture of skeptic as a teenager looking like an extremely stereotypical jock "chad," and even joked that he was the type of person who would have made fun of her back in the day.
I think the obsession with skeptic and the nympho lolita image she's trying so hard to maintain is just her trying to make up for having been a huge loser in high school.
No. 391594
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>>391591>I think the obsession with skeptic and the nympho lolita image she's trying so hard to maintain is just her trying to make up for having been a huge loser in high school.That's exactly it. She's like an edgy baby. Anyone but her can tell that overweight divorcé Skeptic isn't all that hot anymore. She's trying to make up for everything she's missed out on and show everyone how cool she is.
No. 391699
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No. 391702
>>391699Interesting…I've heard of Kristi but I don't know anything about her - is she typically a reliable source?
And what the hell would Greg do for MTV…? Please no. Never.
No. 391750
>>391580greg has side piece
people in this thread: TRUUEEEE
june has side pieces
they both are the type to cheat, I don't believe for a second any attention seeker who lies about everything are "committed and monogamous", we may not have any hard core legit proof or anything but after seeing junes behavior over the years, and knowing the types of girls who cheat, she is likely as hell to cheat just as skeptic is
No. 391965
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No. 391966
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No. 391967
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No. 391974
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>>391967>Her twitter icon>Everything about this imageLearn to love yourself. This has to be some weird humiliation fetish.
No. 392014
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>>391965>want to laugh at lolcows on the internet together?The audacity, the unawareness
No. 392028
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>>391974Maybe she always had a fetish for being humiliated by jocks but had to settle for a fat and old one.
No. 392030
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No. 392032
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(it's her and lauren)
No. 392035
Also, does Shoe run that Twitter profile herself?
No. 392039
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good one
No. 392042
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No. 392049
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No. 392052
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No. 392057
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No. 392341
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>>392162>pretending not to be butthurt because there is an entire thread laughing at fat greg and chipmunkpic related, you
No. 392407
File: 1506362329028.gif (3.97 MB, 400x225, armoured.gif)

>>392344Oh god, I didn't know that Greg used to actually dress up as a knight.
Also, lol at June making a montage of their "best" moments.
No. 392468
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>>392407>>392454the comment at the end
No. 392719
>>392639>bullying innocent girls for wearing a scarf>dating several guys>making fun of people>brags about being popularsuch an innocent little asexual ~virgin~
men are idiots, I doubt they even care if she lied or not, they just wanna live in a fantasy
No. 392722
>>392719Don't forget constantly making fun of the evil feminazis apperances. Even if they are 13 years old!
Hard to feel sorry for her being bullied when she does the same shit to kids now.
This blogpost of hers is so perfect to summarize her way of pretending to be nice while being an absolute vile cunt. Her gross fat boyfriend shimes in also. May the gods spit in your ugly arrogant mug June. No. 392724
>>392722Also as a reminder; the woman she makes fun of did the horrible crime of being annoyed at some guy commenting her hair.
It's fun that June is so fast to call others lolcows when she and her middleaged chubhub are the biggest lolcows around. Just look at those fucking screencaps and misplaced anger, it's bizarre anyone can find anything substantial in anything there.
No. 392726
>>392724Also this; old is the one with blue hair? 14, 15? So annoying to hear sobstories about June getting bullied when she's is cruel as shit for "the lulz".
Also fun that June's face kinda looks like a horse. So it's hypocritical.
No. 392889
>>392722>>392726Love it when girls who ~aren't like other girls~ act like a bitch towards other girls.
Just be upfront about how much you hate other women, June. It's ok. It's not like that reveals how insecure and bitter you are or anything like that.
No. 392989
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I want to vomit…
No. 393012
>>392989Sage for blog, but he looks EXACTLY like my dad, who is well the father of a young adult and at least acknowledges that he should lose weight and is also grateful having a non-overweight wife, since that's not a given if you look less than perfect…
How old is he?
No. 393057
>>393045I've noticed this new trend where men on the internet claim that they really aren't picky when it comes to women's looks, as long as they aren't overweight. This ties into the incel narrative that even 1/10 women can get laid or whatever.
And yet I constantly see men picking women apart over the tiniest things. I see men constantly shaming women over stretch marks, facial features exc. Things they can't control. So I really don't buy it. The only people who have ever made me feel bad about my body post-high school were men. In addition to that I've had men just randomly insert their opinion of my body/hair/face in conversation when it wasn't even called for. It's like they can't resist making comments and letting you know exactly what they think of your physical appearance. I know that's personal experience and I'm sure some people have a much different one, but that's the way it's been for me.
And I'm not saying it's right when people shame men for their bodies either. At all. I don't doubt that it happens to men as well, in fact I've seen it happen, just not as frequently and not as…viciously. In a perfect world I would wish that people would just keep that shit to themselves.
No. 393114
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>>393073Their event is coming up on saturday. Can't believe people take them seriously but it should cause some more drama too. Someone make a new thread, please.
No. 393118
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>>392615She could've been projecting her experience while in college, maybe? She had already admitted to projecting her bullying from middle school into high school.
"College was a nightmare. Sometimes it would get so bad that I would lie to my parents, and tell them I was going to school. But in reality I just parked my car in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot and listen to Marina & the Diamonds, and eat." (
No. 393134
>>393114I'm not surprised. This is echo-chambering for a particular atheist stereotype, I'm sure many who behave like Greg/June will flock to the circlejerk.
>>393118June projects.
Because to her, being fat is the worst thing she could ever imagine being. Therefore any woman who has a fatter body than her must be flawed because how could they be okay with living her nightmare? How could they be okay with looking like her high school bullies?
She's a sad little girl trying to make herself feel better. That's why she says she likes fat, flabby men because they'll toss effortless validation her way, unlike the work she must put in to have relationships with women different than her.
No. 393138
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>>393057pretty much, not to mention a woman could do something not even related to her looks and people would flip shit, once in the background of this video at a beach, a fairly skinny girl was just doing nothing and of course all the men came in and started ranting about "WHY AINT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THE FLAT ASS IN THE BACK LMFAOOOOO" another time I was talking about how when the fappening happened, I thought jennifer lawerences boobs were nice, and of course the ugliest fattest man who looks like boogie came and in started ranting about how "he's seen better tits" and not to mention several women who had been rejected for the sole reason they have one flaw such as a flat chest, big nose, small lips, flat butt, etc, but when a certain male body type is glorified men and desperate women flip shit and use "STOP BODY SHAMING!!!!!" and say it's ok because women never get bashed for their looks , which is completely untrue, they want male superiority, which has been going on since forever, but this time they use the small amount of women who hate men as an excuse to justify their retarded movement and bash women while uplifting men
>>393110pretty much, there's no escaping being bashed on looks, if you're in a new story for getting murdered, a shit ton of comments will be about how ugly the woman is, if you post a meme, most of the comments will be ranting about how ugly you are unless you're perfect, OT and saged for blog, but I remember when this girl in the pic was posted on ifunny, and of course about half the comments were ranting about how ugly she is, some even took at as far like they're having fucking strokes over how ugly she is and how "she can't take care of herself" and how she should kill herself and stuff all because she posted a fucking meme, MRAs live in a different planet where all girls get away with prison, and how they get everything they want and never get bashed but poor delicate little men always have their feelings hurt so it's ok to bash women
speaking of men getting their feelings hurt, on the thread where the man made a list when his wife rejected him for sex, I was talking about how she might have a personal issue that makes her not want sex, and all men came in and started ranting about how "YOU JUST WANT MEN TO SUFFER YOU FEMINIST YOU AWFUL IDIOT THIS IS CRUEL TO DO!!!"
fucking male entitlement, they now have victim complexes when they don't get what they want or when they have to get a taste of what women go through thanks to people like june
No. 393139
>>393118It's still hypocritical to call her fat bf "sooo hot" and hate on fat women so often. Like I could get wasted drunk playing a drinking game everytime she hates on fat women in her videos. Try it, it's kinda fun. in this video she mention being bitter over an ex from the seventh grade but I thought she didn't "date till her twenties OwO"
No. 393143
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Agree with those pointing out Shoe's habit of throwing girls to the wolves to declare her allegiance to men. Its pathetic. In this example the girl said the most harmless thing (but truthful) but nevertheless Shoe rushes in to save her cherished snowflakes from "harm" and a whole bunch of adult men descend on this poor girl. Link: No. 393156
>>393139I don't disagree, it is still hypocritical. I was just trying to make some sort of connection.
I also didn't notice how much she hates/picks on fat women. Even in the video
>>393150 posted, at one point she zooms in on an overweight woman and captions it with "LOL".
No. 393181
>>393138All of this. And if a woman tries to defend herself or has gets her feelings hurt, they will say she's
triggered!!11 and to stop being so sensitive. Yet they are so sensitive…
And then god forbid a woman be unapologetically confident because she KNOWS she looks good. They will call her a stuck up attention whore. It's like they want all women to have low self esteem and feel like shit at all times, whether they be unattractive or conventionally beautiful. You really can't win.
No. 393303
>>393271this got me curious, so i went on twitter to search how many times she's mentioned her sister recently.
once since 2016. and it was mostly about her rabbit. (she mentioned her more back in 2014-2015)
her sister should be about 23/24 now so hopefully she actually has her life together, finished/finishing up college, etc.
No. 393327
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swish swish bish, another one in the basket (basket, basket)
can't touch this, another one in the casket (casket, casket)
No. 393337
new thread,
>>>/snow/393335wasn't sure what to put, but i added some missing links
No. 451389
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Scrolling through this thread made me realize you all sound like bitter virgins.
Funny how some of you hate /pol/ so much yet a lot of you are basically the same as them but with different opinions
No. 920345
>>555396I was thinking the same thing after looking for more nudes. These faggots overwhelmingly don't understand any of the shit they talk about, particularly comparing /pol/ to the alt-kike and then claiming this bitch is somehow pandering to both of those things. Her humor vids back in the day were alright just to shitpost against feminist morons, but it was /b/-tier shit rather than actual ideological cockwhoring like that other cunt they mentioned, the "Southern" controlled op bitch.
What the fuck is up with saying "cringe" a thousand goddamn times, also? Is this leddit? It sure smells like it. What a downgrade this thread is from real /cow/ boards. Anyone who actually belonged on any board would have lurked and been around long enough to understand what the fuck they were talking about at a minimum, and worst of all, no real lulz were had. Thread fail–I am disppoint.