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No. 393537
>>393488June: "What's a social justice warrior?"
Mom: "That's what
you are."
I feel sorry for her parents. You can tell they really wanted June to be legitimately famous, but all the she is a mouthy Youtube personality on a niche corner of the internet.
>7:34 "How does it feel to parent a failure?"Kinda sad that they couldn't really name a real accomplishment of hers. Predictably most parents would be naming their kid's degrees, jobs, or special hobbies to prove their kid's success. With June though, all the dad could quip back is
'well who are you,' yikes. I'm surprised she even put that in the video…it's kinda embarrassing.
No. 393674
>>393537God, her mother's story about her first time meeting Greg. It really shows that he is a pretentious fedora tipping sperg idiot.
It starts here: No. 393747
>>393590Yes they do.
The mom said she considers herself a bit of a feminist, but also said feminists ruined it because they "burned their bras" and now women have to go to work. Something like that. I can't remember if the father answered the question, he just gave a half-assed definition of what he thinks feminism is.
>>393667Who knows man.
>>393674That part was super cringe. Yeah, way to go, your daughter is dating a huge asshole.
No. 393789
>>393674Fuck I feel bad for her mom. First that fat idiot doesn't even properly come to their house, instead he comes directly to the backyard and sits by the table there and acts like a pretentious autist.
Was June like ~awww that's my daddy dom, mommy. Isn't he the best?~
No. 393803
>>393674Who fucking acts like that to your partners mom? That ledgit pissed me off, you don't fucking disrespect your partners mother. I would have dumped him on the fucking spot, don't speak to my mother like that.
Most people try to give a good first impression to the parents, not even for ego purposes but because of respect. You have to be polite and respect that they opened their home for you and even served you drinks and food. Absolutly disgusting to act like that. Really shows what kind of person he is if he can't even respect his mothers girlfriend the first time he sees her.
No. 393892
>>393820I wonder if they're disappointed, even a little bit? I mean June is what, 26? Their 26 year old daughter made them sit down on a couch and answer questions for her audience of edgy teenagers who just want to fuck her. Her grown ass boyfriend treats her like a child and still acts like a snarky teenage asshole meeting his girlfriend's parents right before he takes her to prom.
The entire situation is just unbearable to look at.
No. 394031
>>393789The fact that he's in his 30's and openly displays the DD/lg shit on social media is disconcerting enough. Then he acts like this towards his girlfriend's parents the first time meeting them?
This was all the confirmation I needed that he's as immature in person as he is online. The fact that June doesn't even find his behavior weird is really depressing, honestly.
No. 394034
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>>393488I want to know how her parents feel about her nudes.
No. 394078
File: 1506584773384.png (55.06 KB, 632x301, 1505945699820.png)

>>394058she only recently started claiming to be trad when she saw how much attention it got other girls for claiming to be trad, as well as claiming she was some asexual virgin until she met her bf and became a nympho, which her older videos proved false, june is just another pretentious girl pretending to be a ~perfect kinky housewife~ when in reality she's a thot
No. 394148
>>394125The question is, how is the fat faggot gonna even find someone hot and willing to date him?
June is a lil bit butterface but has a great body but she is definitely out of his league (and I think she's aware of it.)
No. 394373
>>393293>>393317To answer this, the Boxxysphere was a pretty chill place until she burst through the wall screaming about herself like the kool aid man. When Catie returned after years of waiting, with that xmas video, suddenly June was all over her website and the chan she setup for her fans to interact with her. June was so into herself she even weaseled her way into her own wing of the site, pretty sure she ended up a moderator of /j/ or something. Her little internet drama with her buttbuddy of that era
I actually confused the guy I was talking about with the other guy she was obsessed with around that same time. She was head over heels for yet another internet dude who wore a helmet at that time, and he was well known on the Boxxy site. It was sort of a miniature trial period for what she does now. Fewer people knew them, but it was the same song & dance. Flaunt your relationship openly, be generally gross to show everyone that someone is actually into you. This other guy, Rob, who has been referred to a couple times loosely, is an entirely different person who popped up around the same time. The moment she and him found one another it seemed like all of her fans became secondary, and her personality changed completely into this negative, sarcastic know it all. On that day, it seems she changed forever and has never turned back. I was the victim of it a few times actually, I didn't find it funny at all but I can see why she would. She started ambush style attacks on people who couldn't properly fight back, and for some reason that made her laugh.
All in all her record with guys she's met online has been pretty bad, and every last one of them leaves their mark on her in a very telling way… but some more than others. Her personality is really like night and day, before and after she learned how to let her needy, angry, mean bullshit all out.
No. 394632
>>394078Fam, I'm 100% positive Sh0e is not trad. That's clearly a joke since it's directed at Lauren. Do you have the tweet she's responding to?
She's openly in a BDSM relationship, is pro-choice, liberal, sex posi and is even anti-marriage. I'm barely a follower of hers and I know these things. I won't be fucked to find sources but I know of one.
In this video
> shows a screencap of Sh0e defending a picture of "sluts" Lauren posted.
Most of these threads are just people disagreeing with her politics or making fan fictions of her future. Honestly boring.
No. 394647
>>394641Anon. It's funnier than that. She didn't lie to the new fanbase, she lied to her old one.
She posted a vlog on the shoeoffhead YT some time ago where she talks about how she used to lie in her old videos because the only people who watched them were her underraged friends and she wanted to look cool since she was "the older one". Then her underaged friend's mom talked to June's mom about it and June had to admit to her mother that she was lying about having sex. Then her underaged friends wound up losing their virginities before her. I'm not joking. I'll dig up the video if I can. It's unlisted but I know she posted it to Twitter and I saved it because it was so stupid bizarre.
I don't think she's lying about being a virgin into her 20's. Her hair pulling disorder and the bullying make it easy to believe she was an outcast with no friends until the internet. That's probably why she's so reckless and annoying with her new fame. She most likely lost her virginity to that black guy.
As for being trad- she's not. If she's pretending she is she's not good at it.
No. 394648
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>>394641Idk anything about that but she is not trad.
No. 394669
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>>394647lol she's starting to remind me of Gail the Snail. I'd buy her being a virgin up until her 20s. Maybe finally losing her virginity made her feel like a cool kid and that eventually turned into her bragging about her gross #sexposi ddlg lifestyle (feet. her
fat boyfriend super hot daddy dom uwu)
The asexual stuff is bs though. She looked
rough in all of the pictures of her as a teen and we already know her personality is pretty shit. Calling herself ace just seemed like a cover up for no one wanting to fuck her (and maybe her trying to seem innocent and kawaii). The lack of attention is probably what lead to her getting fake tits… Something an "asexual" person definitely wouldn't do.
sage for bitter-sounding armchair psychology
No. 394676
She does not have fake tits. She has neither the income or the attention span to commit to a procedure like that. Her tits are the exact same size, she's gone through many awkward phases, and the end result was often her looking like a frump. It was all a process, including her makeup. Clueless awkward phase after awkward phase, gradually trying to improve. She better thank the big fella upstairs that she got a job doing makeup. Now that she has more income she's definitely trying to impress. She's had some practice, if her notoriety increased and she was snatched up by some cabal in media, she could be gussied up pretty well.
I'm conflicted about saying too much, because I know that she is sick. Considering her circumstances, she is a sweet girl. She really is, but she's sick. The problems you have with her, and you have plenty of reason to have them, but you have to understand you have those problems with her because she is not well. She was not trained for life, her parents tried their best. She was left back, on top of the clinical issues aforementioned here. She says and does things sometimes, and she doesn't see what you and I see. I have compassion for her situation because the way that her mind is set up, the stability of toothpicks, rubber bands, and gum. It really isn't her fault, but in the essence of lolcow, she truly cannot help herself from walking into a wall, and unwittingly digging herself deeper.
I wouldn't wish this magnifying glass inspecting someone like her, but the big disgusting show she insists on putting on with Skep kind of balances her karma. For every needy and trashy post with him, she earns her hatred.
No. 394685
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>>394676If this leak is real, it brings suspicion over whether she did the augmentation or not. Her nipples are pointed upwards and doesn't seem to align, and her breast tissue doesn't look like it has that natural sag.
No. 394689
>>394676>some long island hoe with the refund gap"she does not have fake tits because she doesn't have the income"
I hope you're kidding, I knew girls who lived in trailers and got plastic surgery
>I'm conflicted about saying too much, because I know that she is sick. Considering her circumstances, she is a sweet girl. She really is, but she's sick. The problems you have with her, and you have plenty of reason to have them, but you have to understand you have those problems with her because she is not well. She was not trained for life, her parents tried their best. She was left back, on top of the clinical issues aforementioned here. She says and does things sometimes, and she doesn't see what you and I see. I have compassion for her situation because the way that her mind is set up, the stability of toothpicks, rubber bands, and gum. It really isn't her fault, but in the essence of lolcow, she truly cannot help herself from walking into a wall, and unwittingly digging herself deeper.being "sick" and an attention deprived hoe, is still being an attention deprived hoe, just like being mentally ill and addicted to drugs is still being addicted to drugs, while mental illness can only go so far with shit you do, you are responsible for your own actions, coming from someone who is mentally ill, and has been declared mentally unstable
No. 394700
>She posted a vlog on the shoeoffhead YT some time ago where she talks about how she used to lie in her old videos because the only people who watched them were her underraged friends and she wanted to look cool since she was "the older one". Then her underaged friend's mom talked to June's mom about it and June had to admit to her mother that she was lying about having sex. Then her underaged friends wound up losing their virginities before her. I'm not joking. I'll dig up the video if I can. It's unlisted but I know she posted it to Twitter and I saved it because it was so stupid she got caught talking about sex and had to say she lied about it? that sounds more like she lied about being a virgin if anything
>I don't think she's lying about being a virgin into her 20's. Her hair pulling disorder and the bullying make it easy to believe she was an outcast with no friends until the internet. That's probably why she's so reckless and annoying with her new fame. She most likely lost her virginity to that black, most of the biggest sluts I knew were outcasts with mental disorders, so it's not far off and her being an ~innocent snowflake who got bullied and just wanted to fit in~ wouldn't prove her being a virgin or not
No. 394917
>>394685Not really. You're pretty much looking at 2 consistent photos, and her tits are still the same size. Stuff like this discredits a lot of the trashing in here. She has plenty of shortcomings to target, and her tits ain't one of them.
>>394689>I hope you're kidding, I knew girls who lived in trailers and got plastic surgery You knowing poor people who got tit jobs doesn't mean a chick who has the same sized tits in before and after photos got a tit job no questions asked. Her tits look exactly the same, I've been staring at them for years. It's a weak theory especially considering the fact she always had a decent chest and employs push up bras.
She was absolutely a virgin (vaginally) until the black boyfriend. Reason being, a combination of being a complete pussy socially, being embarrassed, and being a loner. She's indecisive and as said already, her mind runs on almost a command prompt of being needy, being attention seeking, and being flawed socially and mentally. She knows she could pull in dick if she wanted, but she didn't have the self esteem to see herself as a sexual being.
She regularly gave blowjobs as a teenager, the extent of which amounts to almost experimentation and she was likely awful at them. She's had boyfriends all her life, but none of them fucked until the one she met online, probably because he had a small fanbase. Gold diggers gonna dig gold.
No. 394926
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>What I wanna know is how the hell they found out what @shoe0nhead is doing during sex.
it's not like she broadcasts it to the world in an attempt to have a personality, Mr. _D.
No. 394964
>>394917>>394917your point? she could have worn push up bras and stopped once she got them, saying "THE SIZES HAVEN'T CHANGED" isn't enough proof when anyone with a brain would know if those are her nudes, she has had breast implants
assuming those are her nudes. they're clearly implants, so an insecure long island hoe whos tits look like implants isn't far off to assume she had implants, even if you are attracted to her or not
No. 395003
>>394952They're not even pointing in the same direction.
No. 395007
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Apparently she was banned from Twitter.
No. 395008
>>394917why do losers always use if their boob size fluctuations or not to prove someone didn't have breast implants?
>junes boobs never changed sizes in the past few years therefore they're real>____boobs fluctuate therefore they're realfat transfers fluctuate, we only saw junes tits 2 times, so she her boobs looking bigger with a shirt and bra on, then we saw her tits once and it looks about the same size as it does now, isn't enough proof that they're real
No. 395021
>>395008The mental gymnastics here are astounding. The burden of proof is on you, you are saying that the fact they look exactly the same doesn't have any validity against your unproven claim that they were altered. Meanwhile you haven't shown anything substantial to suggest they've changed whatsoever.
Have you all never seen tits that aren't droopy from being overweight?
No. 395024
>>395021dude, anyone with a brain can see those tits are fake, from the refund gap, to them point in different directions and looking hard, I understand how some boob jobs can look real but if you seriously think this is real you're foolish, we only saw her tits 2 times, and they look faker than kardashians ass, you don't know if they changed because you're seeing it from the outside, are you a bot coming to defend your fake ass waifu? if you are that would explain why you don't know how push up bras work, most girls who get boob jobs are already very insecure about their breast, chances are she was wearing push up bras or multiple bras to make her boobs look bigger until she got the plastic surgery, kim k doesn't technically have any proof it's fake, nor does nicki minaj, nor do most celebrities and porn stars, but anyone with a brain can see obvious fake tits
>Have you all never seen tits that aren't droopy from being overweight?yes, since I've actually seen several girls with perky tits, slim with big tits, etc, you can see all the breasts in the world, have nice tits yourself, and still say those obvious fakes are fake
anywho, I bring the other discussion from OT into this because people use fluctuations to prove they're real and now people are using boobs staying the same size to prove they're real, it just doesn't make any sense, she could have had it earlier on as well as like I said the bra theory
No. 395036
>>395007And right on cue there she goes again with her victim narrative, never change june, never change.
No. 395116
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>>395111LMFAO guess anyone who says kim ks ass is fake is dumb since it's most likely from a few pixels huh, jesus christ I haven't seen that big of a stretch since yoga class, she got a shitty boob job and you can still tell "with some pixels" just like you can tell most shitty plastic surgery jobs from "a few pixels"
guess this bitch didn't have a boob job since it's only from a few pixels, in fact, medical professionals shouldn't study pictures, since it's just a few pixels right? you can't tell anything from pictures now apparently !
No. 395126
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>>395115also not that anon but they were saying no natural breasts are perfectly round, you're a bit of an airhead, "YOU SAY SHOW A PICTURE OF NATURAL BREASTS THAT ARE PERFECTLY ROUND??? THAT'S AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON"
I feel bad for any person who ever had to educate you
No. 395158
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>>395140This is how actual breasts looks like outside of porn, kid. Her niples don't align and the whole breast seem ''stapled on'' her torso. No matter how perky someone's breasts are, they still are mostly sacks of fat, there is no way they could stand up like that.
No. 395265
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No. 395271
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No. 395272
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No. 395418
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No. 395420
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No. 395422
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>>395272looks kinda like female ryder and bam margera had a euphoric baby
No. 395429
>>395425Yeah something about this picture combined with this tweet
>>395265 makes me feel a bit bad for her. Though I'm not sure why, because she honestly seems perfectly happy with what she's doing and how she sees herself.
No. 395461
>>395439Sorry to go all armchair psychologist here, but I sometimes wonder if the way he treats her has anything to do with why she's so physically clingy of him IRL and attention-seeking with him on social media. She's such an anxious person and he strikes me as a narcissistic avoidant type, meaning he might be ignoring her or distancing himself from her regularly on purpose, which would automatically
trigger such behavior from her. Combine that with the fact that they're in a LDR and you've got a recipe for disaster.
I know June is attention-seeking in general, but it's very typical for this kind of behavior to get way worse in unhealthy relationships.
No. 395463
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June probably cheered right along with them.
(Take these tweets with a grain of salt because I haven't seen video of this yet.)
No. 395479
>>395422shhh, anon, Mass Effect is a SJW product now, they are going to get
triggered>>395423Who tf wears that kind of stupid tiara in an ////intellectual people///// event?
No. 395480
>>395463 seems to be a portion of it. Doesn't go down exactly as the tweets describe. I still think Sargon's tweet was bad though, don't care what gymnastics he uses to justify it after the fact.
Sage because this has nothing to do with June other than the fact that she was present at the con and I don't know why I brought it up lmao. Apologies.
No. 395481
>>395447The ''your voice is important'' bit is extremely similar to something that would come out of a feminist tbh.
Not like anyone on that audience was ever silenced, though.
No. 395497
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>Carl using his "you fucking stupid fucking autistic fucking moron" voice at a public appearancethey charged money to be in the audience for this.
No. 395515
>>395480It's hard to understand since in that apparent debate (?) there is no mediator and they talk over each other all the time.
But from what I can understand the coversation goes like:
>Thomas says>''Everybody that is a part of inviting you, you are saying to the women in the movement you do not give a shit about using rape as threat to ??? somebody''>audience cheers>Sargon says:>''The whole point to it was to demonstrate that I'm saying 'I won't do something' and you would say 'That's a threat' ''>audience laughs>Thomas responds:>''Oh, it's just a coincidence that you said rape?''>audience laughs and cheers>After some ranting from Thomas that I can't really figure out Sargon responds:>''No, it's entirely delibarete. An thing is you don't…''>Thomas says:>''To a victim of sexual assault?!''>Sargon:>''…you don't know anything about the protest (?)''>Thomas:>''You know you can use her previous trauma as a caudle (?) to ??? her''>Sargon:>''There is nothing to do with her trauma, and you know what she does. Right? She was parading around saying 'look I think I get all these rape threats and therefore I won't control the incident and the is an MP, right? So it's not like she is powerless.''I guess talking shit about not going to rape someone to a sexual assault victim it's totes a joke, don't you get it? god these sensible womyn
No. 395541
>>395515 it fucking is. God I hate this motherfucker so much.
I'd love to know exactly what these people were clapping so passionately for.
No. 395557
>>395541wtf. what's wrong with the audience?
then again these are people who paid money to listen to Shoe, her boyfriend, and Sargon.
No. 395573
>>395541The audio is much better in this one, thanks anon.
But, fuck, if I don't get the urge to punch all these scumbags. Do they even get what they were talking about?
No. 395578
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>>395561It's an atheist conference for "deep academic dives into science, philosophy and history, to religious debates". Shoe, her boyfriend, and Sargon were invited to speak. June and Greg talked about "Identity Politics, Online Discourse & Echo Chambers".
No. 395582
>>395573They probably get it, they just don't care. They're misogynists. 'Anti-feminist' is just code for anti-women for a vast majority of these people at this point. That has become clear. I don't know about anybody else but I'm just about fed up with this emerging culture in which empathy and compassion are seen as negative, weak traits for someone to have. I also feel as though people are becoming more and more hostile toward women just for existing. It's disheartening.
I doubt June will ever comment on this because Sargon is her friend, and also because nobody in her audience would question this. But I would be so, so curious to see what she would say. You would think she could find it in herself to have a little bit of empathy for a sexual assault victim? Even though the victim in question is a woman? Right?
No. 395597
>>395582She did mention it on her tweets: it's honestly what I expected she would do. She doesn't point out any opinion of her own and parrots what his fanbase already thinks (like always). She doesn't mention anything specific.
It's really funny seeing how Sargon fans are talking about Thomas going back to his echo chamber when that, clearly, was
his echo chamber.
No. 395609
>>395597Oh yeah I saw those, but thanks anon. I was talking about her specifically addressing Sargon's comment and then the audience cheering. After all, it would be the perfect opportunity to seem like one of the guys. Laughing at a female sexual assault victim's misfortune.
Shoe obviously thinks, and has stated many times, that rape, violence, and sexual assault against men is not a joke. It absolutely is not funny. And I agree wholeheartedly. But she doesn't seem to extend the same feelings towards female victims of the same types of crimes.
No. 395616
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No. 395617
File: 1506818791839.jpg (47.99 KB, 510x510, DK-weKOXoAA1Ijg.jpg)

>>395615You're right. They have no problem with women who keep their mouths shut and don't talk about issues that they care about or are affected by. If you laugh along with their misogynistic 'jokes' you'll be just fine. You're one of the good ones.
It's so depressing. I wish I could go back in time to when I was naive and had no idea how much most people hate women and how big of a joke women are to the world. Better days, man.
No. 395653
>>395616I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be ironic or not.
>>395617Things are so shit right now, it's either the butthurt of Tumblr or the sexism of the alt-right. I want out.
No. 395691
>>395447WOW that was bad. High school book report bad. Hiding your face behind a script while the boyfriend looks just as uncomfortable and lost with his hands in his pockets. These people are the definition of "keyboard warriors." No self esteem, co-dependent, and on top of it they can't even get the job done with one another side by side.
Give up.
No. 395704
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regarding her curves, i'm pretty sure she shoops regularly. what do you guys think? she does appear to have implants tho
No. 395712
>>395691Not to mention the "ums" and awkwardly repeating herself.
I thought she'd memorize her entire script, considering she tweeted about prepping up, instead she just reads straight through it on fucking stage!
She couldn't even be bothered to at least have a general idea of what her script said and then work off of that.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if her boyfriend wrote the whole damn thing for her.
No. 395766
>>395704why would she shop her arms?? she is not that fat
>>395712it's also so common place it would be better left unsaid, really
I wrote better ones at high school with time limits and pressure
No. 395927
>>395917Nah, her body is close to being 10/10 without exercise, and you're all salty as fuck. Even if her tits are fake, they look good. Hell, there's always a chance they aren't fake, since we technically don't have proof.
Seriously, June is annoying as fuck but it's so obvious how jealous you guys are of her looks.
(whiteknighting) No. 395936
>>395927She works out. Also, are you really going to pretend that skinny with big boobs is the most desirable body type in 2k17? Lmao, even her own boyfriend calls her chicken legs.
If the pictures are really her that's proof the tits are fake. Where's your proof people are jealous?
No. 395939
File: 1506883895031.jpeg (41.94 KB, 750x671, DCB7DF85-9898-4AE0-B48E-5AF3B0…)

>>395927Mehhh her bod is a 7 and her face is a 5-6. These things are subjective remember anon?
No. 395983
>>395927lmao you can tune into any women's professional volleyball game and literally every single woman on the court will have a better body than her
how the fuck can you have a 10/10 body without exercise anyways? that's a total contradiction.
No. 396029
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>>395954>pear shape>desirablegot a good chuckle out of that one, thanks anon.
(still unsaged whiteknighting) No. 396032
File: 1506893440590.jpg (7.33 KB, 194x259, imagescavpa4rv.jpg)

>>396029well an inshape pear, it's not like pear shape being desirable is some crazy, out-there, belief, considering so many men and women consider it ideal and the best body type, it is the most feminine too, wide hips, small waist, narrow shoulders, not all people want girls who are skinny minis with big fake tits
>>395983agreed, it's the sad standards nowadays, you can just eat very little and get surgery and magically be hot to most people, it's not just an american thing, it's popular in east asia and russia and new zealand for women just to starve themselves and get implants and be seen as goddesses, I want my women to look like women, I want them to be sustainable ,strong and healthy, for surgery, it's the womans choice but I get turned off when it's poorly done, seeing a girl who looks like she does nothing but sit around all day and eat 800 calories a day and got an obvious boob job just doesn't do it for me
sage for OT
No. 396036
File: 1506894001639.jpg (184.27 KB, 1060x1588, lifebuzz-f57f76c0ebb3308f44b24…)

>>396032i agree! i think an athletic pear-shape looks very nice and strong, pic related.
and i think if we're talking about boob jobs, it obviously depends on the skill of the surgeon - just look at dita von teese. but june's bolt-on tits don't inspire any jealousy in me.
No. 396055
File: 1506896675837.png (106.97 KB, 676x673, j00natleintellectualpeoplespar…)

>>395423Her face here keeps reminding me of this meme.
No. 396060
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No. 396066
>>396029Oh, yeah, not like women have been suffocating inside corsets for decades to achieve a similar effect.
Oh, wait.
No. 396067
File: 1506898329376.png (817.21 KB, 684x513, le gentleman.png)

>>396066That's to achieve an Hourglass shape. Hourglass was the preferred body shape for centuries, I think.
>that jacket and jeans combo No. 396083
>>396067I love how spry and in shape the cardboard cutout looks in a suit, compared to his real-life blobby "7 rows back at a Packers game" physique directly next to it, for scale.
May be time to update your promotional material, brother man.
No. 396085
File: 1506900432909.png (516.89 KB, 640x554, bf.png)

No. 396087
>>396085the obnoxiousness is coming out of these pictures, jesus christ
All he needs to complete it is a copy of Atlas Shrugged to complete the picture kek
No. 396090
File: 1506900960114.jpg (149.42 KB, 1024x768, DLCAMVlUQAAUSgi.jpg)

>super cute
No. 396091
>>396090June actually look p cute here
Her boyfriend, on the other hand…
No. 396094
File: 1506901165517.jpg (172.07 KB, 1200x900, DLCCgoVVYAAZ-ty.jpg)

is this a PSA about angel shots?
No. 396095
>>396091Yeah, other than the stupid overused make-up I think she dresses fairly well.
>>396089Time stamp it, anon, don't make us suffer through that boring video.
She is really a bitch if she actually did it.
No. 396107
>>396101What the fuck was the point of that? Even if June did it because she considered the woman ~too fat and ugly~ for her sensitive eyeballs, she was working out for fucks sake. Leave her be.
It's not a HUGE deal, but I really hate when people film innocent people out in public. It's one of the biggest downsides of social media/current technology imo. I would get so angry if I was out minding my own business and saw someone point their camera or phone at me. Fuck off.
No. 396134
File: 1506905639264.jpg (101.56 KB, 685x685, height.jpg)

>>396129This should be without heels.
No. 396136
>>396131There's another video of her at a makeup counter where she does this? Please link.
June zooms in on the poor woman around 0:25 and says "lol".
No. 396157
File: 1506907276075.jpg (224.04 KB, 687x960, 13336079_10153497589921333_894…)

>>396117in an older video she says she's 5'3" but she posted a photo of her driver's license and it said she is 5'2" (not a big deal since it's just an inch off)
>>396129i really hate how some of her wigs look in photos. looks way too obvious imo.
No. 396170
>>3961605'3 is the average, right?
but she is pandering for the kind of audience who would love a smol cute kinky quirky girl
basically a manic pixie dream girl
No. 396292
File: 1506910374043.gif (1021.38 KB, 224x224, sefsdf.gif)

>>395936Not be super /tinfoilhat/ here, but does anyone else get the feeling Armoured probably isn't very nice to June?
In this video she mentions that he has complained "she doesn't close the car door hard enough, or closes the door too hard" on top of her constantly calling herself "stupid" in comparison to him? It just seems like the sort of immature nitpicking that should be avoided by any basic understanding of healthy relationships?
Armoured seems like enough of a dick to put down his emotionally stunted gf! imo!
they're both trash but I hate obese, arrogant men way more than women being just generally dumb
No. 396385
>>396292I hate June but most of her problems come from being extremely insecure, which is kind of relatable (it's almost like she doesn't really understands the opinions she parrots, that is why it's so inconsistent).
While her boyfriend is just a asshole. He talks about skepticism but never do basic shit like actually showing his sources and overreacting and generalizing shit he know nothing about and acting smug. He treats her like I imagine he treats everyone in his life, with an air of slight superiority.
sage for rant
No. 396459
File: 1506914914119.jpg (141.84 KB, 1200x900, DK47--8VwAAfcyJ.jpg)

"i need all cabinets in america to be lowered because i am short."
it looks like she can reach those bowls just fine.
No. 396470
>>396459that's so pathetic lol
she is begging for comments
No. 396479
File: 1506918393978.jpg (40.61 KB, 300x300, geriatric hand.jpg)

>>396459She should invest in pic related and make like the incapable dotard that she is.
No. 396493
File: 1506921528457.jpg (638.78 KB, 2048x1536, 2fa3421033b9024f1a0e2a2a27d14b…)

Society's rejects on one table.
No. 396513
>>396498i believe june still works at a pet store. if not, then she maybe went back to the makeup counter at macy's.
have no idea what greg's job is.
No. 396525
>>396493Samefagging but I didn't know who the woman on the far left was and managed to find her twitter: like a real yenta.
No. 396533
>>396513Really? I assumed they both were able to support themselves on YouTube alone for some reason. They both get a lot of views, but then again I know the monetization situation has changed a lot.
Somehow Greg has an Audi, and although driving a nice car isn't always an indicator of wealth, I assumed he did something pretty lucrative before YouTube.
No. 396551
Have you looked in the mirror? It's hard not to hate such an ugly smug chubby mug. he agreed and answered a comment under his post that said; because you're an attractive white man. But I think he deleted it.
No. 396552
There is the reaponse.
"Because you're an attractive white guy".
WHERE? Where is that goofy looking flabby mantittied motherfucker attractive? Fucking hilarious, he's so fucking delusional. Why would anyone Wanna date this asshole.
No. 396631
>>396493>>396502 hbomberguy. he makes vids on videogames but he's also a huge feminist, so he's not very popular. real quality vids. nostalgia chick goes by lindsay ellis now and does cool vids that she calls movie essays. and the guy at the very right with glasses is called folding ideas, he's friends with the other two, but strictly makes videos on film and editing.
they all actually do tons of research for their videos and interesting analysis. very unlike shoe's low-effort content. super sad that they would hang out with her.
i know that they're probably only hanging out to prove a point but its still super disappointing. they're hanging with a weird fetishist like sho3 and his bf, that's so fucking gross. just the fact that she dresses like this
>>396459 on a regular to keep up her weird dom relationship seems so…disgusting…and weird.
No. 396690
>>396549>>396551>>396553>>396552>>396558>>3965551) this is an imageboard, take screenshots.
2) stop samefagging and bumping the thread for every tweet.
No. 396699
>>396631Lindsay's new video on transformers was really good. Anyway, yeah, I agree. They could prove the same point by hanging out with people who actually make good points like Logicked, but I'd guess they didn't really invite people like him to that event.
I don't think they care about her sexuality, though.
No. 396737
>>396551The only reasonable answer:
Idk why they hate you. I thought fatasses stuck together.
No. 396739
>>396631>hbomberguy. he makes vids on videogames but he's also a huge feminist, so he's not very popular.He has some good videos but apparently he's a pretty horrible person: also used to contibute to some of the stuff Mister Metokur did.
No. 396740
File: 1506973414055.jpg (138.99 KB, 1200x685, mm.jpg)

No. 396745
honestly why should we assume she is saying the truth against the word from his own best friend when she apparently doesn't provide any proof?
I would probably take the same stance as him tbh
No. 396769
>>396762wait wtf is this?
is it june singing??
No. 396774
File: 1506978098354.gif (919.39 KB, 275x172, 1506709682571.gif)

>>396631>he's also a huge feministThen why is he hanging out with those people?
No. 396777
>>396774to prove the point that he is level headed and not biased
which seems pointless to me because Greg's fans couldn't give 2 fucks about that, they don't want to actually discuss their opinions
>>396773jesus christ
how old was she when she made these? bitch is spouting overused old memes in there like she's eminem or some shit
No. 396802
>>396156Regarding her height, Disney have strict height requirements for each character. Everything I've found says that Mulan's is either a minimum of 5'2" or 5'4" with the max being 5'6" or 5'7"
Considering Shoe's wearing flats in the pic and the Mulan height's, she isn't really that short tbh
No. 396817
>>396739Idk what else hbomberguy could've been expected to do in that situation tbh
>>396752now THAT is pretty yikes
>>396815I don't like her either but mostly because she said she hates The Prince of Egypt because too many children die in it or something?? I dunno what she was expecting from an adaptation of The Book of Exodus lol
No. 396821
>>396815Isn't she a feminist?
>>396740June doesn't look that short in this pic. Looks like she's wearing heels though.
No. 396869
File: 1506994148241.png (362.51 KB, 702x849, Capture _2017-10-02-21-28-01.p…)

>>396815To be fair it seems as though she renouced the "nostalgia chick" persona though. She goes by her real name now a days and comes across as more level headed.
No. 396880
>>396870Not even the anon you're replying to but lol @ you thinking June gives a shit about any other woman except herself, her momma, and other social media bitches who she can piggyback delicious neckbeard attention from.
She's a judgmental cunt, and if a woman doesn't serve to benefit or donate to her she has no use for them in her life. That's why she's so competitive and judgey about her looks and the looks of other women. That's why she has no problem being so openly anti-feminist because what does she give a rat's ass about feminism if she doesn't feel she's benefitting from it? If she can't relate to it?
And pray tell, what rape arguments did she just blow out of the water with her mad logic skillz? Haven't seen anything spew from her mouth that wasn't fucking garbage pandering to men.
No. 396886
>>396870are you blind?
she bashed "fat" women to hell and back and promotes "BODY POSITIVETIEH"
but only for men
No. 396918
File: 1507000715518.jpg (49.8 KB, 800x300, ppd.jpg)

>>396894>>396870>you psychopath. Hmm, Shoe reacted to criticism in a similar way before./tinfoil
No. 397053
>>396090She looks nice imo.
Her "boyfren" looks like an obnoxious twat though, the jeans, bowtie and "edgy" red blazer really do me in. He probably thinks he looks so slick, too.
No. 397430
>>397159So June always wears wigs? Has she mentioned that?
Maybe I'm just an idiot but I couldn't tell at all until I saw people pointing it out. It looks pretty natural to me.
No. 397436
>>397272So, June and her boyfriend didn't know about BDSM but they "naturally fell into the roles and the dynamic" and then people in the Youtube comments pointed it out to them? LMAO
>>397430Yeah. She has a disorder that causes her to pull out her real hair. No. 397448
>>3972728:10 June still lives with her parents and her mom cleans her room. When her mom found June's leash and her collar that says "daddy's girl" she said "you have some weird kinks, girl".
Also, her wig and bangs look really strange when she moves around at 18:05
No. 397454
>>397444Lauren is too trad for such degeneracy.
>ffmJune is a cuck.
No. 397456
Between this
>>397448and this
>>393674June's mother must be so fucking chill. I, personally, wouldn't accept it from a daughter.
>>397445I think they use it only to reinforce how smart and enlightedned Greg is or some shit.
No. 397482
>>397444kek, of course you are.
pathetic oversexed self-important men are always incredibly jazzed to be made to think that women are fighting over their dicks.
and insecure little cucks like june will always be willing to bend over backwards and convince another insecure woman to worship that sad little turtleneck dick because if they don't, those big strong providers will just bypass them and go straight to cheating. fucking lol.
No. 397491
File: 1507072532125.jpg (224.96 KB, 1024x1024, oh no.jpg)

>I'm 13
>my entire life I've thought the exact things you say in your videos
seems legit.
No. 397498
also, a 13yo who's really worried about outdated rape stats. lol
No. 397537
>>397498What does "outdated rape stats" even mean? Like they're trying to claim that the rape stats are massively overblown? When that obviously isn't true (because ton of rape goes unreported for various reasons, including shame)? I don't even.
Why are they so butthurt about people getting raped? Why are they focusing on this so much? It's fucked up. You should be supporting these people, not mocking them and claiming that statistics are fake, for christ's sake. You're sickening.
I'm almost thinking AS(s) is grooming June so she wouldn't mind if he rapes her. I wonder if they even use safe words, as you know, they are so "new to bdsm" and all that.
No. 397540
>>397476Yeah, the owner of that Youtube channel where June was speaking about her "kinky sex life", Brittany Simon, is a similar case. She used to make quite intelligent and thoughtful videos when she was younger (around 20 - 22 years of age).
Then she lost her virginity, deleted most of her intelligent content and now (almost) everything on her channel is about sex and her "oh so kinky, polyamorous queer BDSM lifestyle". So edgy and original and brave. And of course, she has a Patreon and posts nude photos and videos as a special reward for her pervert fans. Bleh.
No. 397606
>>396493Why is ContraPoints sitting there? I also thought he/she hates June and Greg.
What's been happening recently with these feminist Youtubers supposedly wanting to make amends with the side that's mostly not worth debating? Is it for views or what?
No. 397617
File: 1507084664715.png (762.31 KB, 937x528, IRakTl3.png)

>>397557She has to make fun of fat women at all times.
No. 397618
>>397610Yeah, I also noticed June's comments in the past (which were mostly positive). Just didn't think these feelings were reciprocated, as ContraPoints made a video which mocked/criticized Armored Skeptic. Plus she listed June (and her boyfriend) as one of the main atheist trolls on Youtube (and not just once). Maybe that's all in the past… But this was all like in 2016, so not sure how these people are changing their opinions so fast.
Also, ContraPoints is like 120% more intelligent and educated than June will ever be, so not sure what they have to say to each other in the first place. Maybe they're casually chatting about "BDSM". :D
Edit: unsaged, as it's kind of relevant to the topic
No. 397639
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No. 397643
File: 1507088693407.png (649.89 KB, 900x576, diet.png)

No. 397645
File: 1507088933743.png (19.43 KB, 185x250, free form JUNE.png)

>>397602>>397607there we are. now you're on the right track, you've found the [bunny] hole. problem is, it seems she's wiped this account to "protect the innocent" too. minor references to others remain, but she knew what she was doing when she selectively deleted her online footprint.
instagram is too recent of a platform to document where it all began. the virus within her that robbed her innocence is still yet to be found. how did this start? how did she let it get so bad? what is it about evil that she finds so appealing?
what broke her spirit?
No. 397646
File: 1507089020021.png (2.46 MB, 1858x1156, hmm.png)

Well, there's this…
No. 397647
File: 1507089067985.png (1.64 MB, 1862x1160, hmmmm.png)

More of her fatshaming.
No. 397649
File: 1507089134849.png (2.37 MB, 1852x1150, edgy.png)

I wonder if this would trigger her #BlueLivesMatters followers.
No. 397666
File: 1507092181130.jpg (30.38 KB, 674x411, Shoeonheadanimeavatarhater.jpg)

>>397658>conservativeHmm then she certainly wouldnt fit in. TBH she changes her schtick so many times its clear she'll say whatever will give her attention that day.
No. 397675
>>397672after this
>>397272everyone knows too much
No. 397708
File: 1507106516965.jpg (75.17 KB, 612x612, shoe0nichaannn.jpg)

No. 397719
>>397617what a fucking bitch
she cannot possibly have any female fans, right?
>>397623I'd say it's mostly for the audience. Disproving AS and June's arguments is not hard and their fans will watch friendly debates and maybe even give them a chance but the main problem is that their fanbase would accept a stupid oneliner from Greg and believe he countered anything.
No. 397744
>>397617>>397647What does this chick have against fat people? I get that some people are disgusted by fat people, but to care this much that you have to be a slimy cunt to a random girl at a festival because she had the audacity to be fat and end up in your picture? Nah.
Was June ever overweight at any point in her life? Because that would make sense to me. I knew a girl in middle-high school who lost a lot of weight before sophomore year and then was a bitch to all overweight people, and I always wondered if they reminded her of how she used to be, and she had hated herself so much that she projected that onto other people. Idk.
No. 397782
>>397666what is Blaire even implying here?
that animefags are only conservative? lol
bring that shit to /a/ and you will be called out instantly, outside of some purityfags there I'd say most of them aren't really conservative
No. 397810
>>396739>He has some good videos but apparently he's a pretty horrible person: wasn't that bad tbh, he didn't immediately cut off his best friend because his other friend claimed he made a comment towards him. He also claims he has a good reason for not believing him(that he hasn't gone public with).
>He also used to contibute to some of the stuff Mister Metokur did.Yea they were all part of a group under Haberman(he has also changed his ways and is now an """ess jay dubya"""). iirc they used to troll people from deviant art dot com
No. 397816
>>397732Well not really, if she really is 5'1-5'2 which is what she claimed to be which I don't believe, then it's not that bad, its just that instead of naturally being that weight with a good diet she just restricts herself, also remind you she has breast implants which would have added 3-5 lbs. So she would be under 90 without the implants
For her height, many people who were 5 foot to 5'3 said that june was taller than them even when she wasn't wearing heels but who knows
No. 398260
>>398229(not that anon but)
I remember when Stamina Rose (ancestor site to got deleted, lots of oldfags temporarily migrated to unichan before was made. One of them was me and what I remember is that June had tons of threads there. Did she samefag those threads (praising herself while posing as unianon) or did she really have that many fans?
No. 398382
>>398357God, Admin-sama don't crucify me, but…
Why was this Boxy girl SO big? What was likeable about her? I saw the video where June imitated her and that was incredibly cringey.
No. 398451
>>398260She very well could have, but judging by the level of engagement on her Facebook at the time from very real people, I would wager a guess that the activity was real, and they were just orbiters who found a new girl to cling onto.
They did it with any female who was remotely linked to the site, regularly had drama and flame wars about other girls. It's possible that she was samefagging to put certain things out there that she wanted to get across about herself, but the attention she got from unichan was very real. It started seeping into her real life, which she wouldn't have done by choice at that time.
Today, she has her parents on video doing Q&A's because she has a larger fanbase and her parents are finally aware of what she does online. At the time, they were just worried about her because she was always home and seemed aimless. If your daughter was like her, wouldn't you be worried?
There WAS a major drama about her little friend at the time, Rob, when we caught him posting anonymously about her. He was fueling fires of hatred about her personal life, and egging on unichan about her relationships with other unichan namefags. I don't believe she put him up to it, because it seemed after that happened, he disappeared from her social media entirely. Before that happened, she was posting about him constantly like she does now Greg. In a previous thread this was mentioned, back in the uni days June would lure her own fans in on her social media and he would come in, they would mock her fans together for hours. It was then I realized what type of person she was. It opened my eyes to how dark she could get, it wasn't apparent before. She changed quite a bit. She didn't care about any of these people she met online, she got cheap thrills from attacking them, with him, specifically attacking innocent people. I don't think she was cruel, until she started getting a little older and repeating those bad habits. This may have been at least a part of why she left the boxxysphere. People knew, and her friends found out one of her closest friends was samefagging drama about them all anonymously.
No. 398560
File: 1507234867979.png (141.06 KB, 592x620, Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 3.19…)

Gettin assblasted that she's being called out on her hatred of other women. I love when people on the internet spend all day spouting their views that clearly show them to be X, and then when someone points out that they are X, they backtrack and get all offended. (See also: Baked Alaska.)
(On the trans thing though: has Shoe ever actually bullied a trans person? I don't think I've ever seen that from her.)
No. 398573
>>398560 I think Riley J Dennis is a total creep but Shoe made remarks how poorly she passed. Shoe at least used to think that if you don't pass, then you aren't trans which is uncalled for imo.
I tend to be critical of trans activist ideology but I don't think not passing should be as emphasized. Not every person has the money or other resources to pass.
No. 398618
>>398560Ok, so I just watched that whole video and didn't see him saying she bullied trans people? Projection much, June?
Be honest, you won't make a answer him because you CAN'T prove him wrong.
No. 398654
>>398639kek ikr? especially as documented in previous threads june chops, changes and deletes stuff to get the most views and money while pretending to be the victim.
No. 398762
>>398573Riley Dennis is a fucking nutjob and it's not surprising that many people didn't buy her trans claim back in 2015-2016 when she was adamantly calling herself "Non-binary trans" which by their idiotic logic (Non-binary), is impossible. And with all the shit Riley spouted and continues to spout, of course people are going to crap on her.
It's the same with Milo Stewart only she's not nearly as bad as Riley. At the most, she's just a misguided child who spent too much time on Tumblr in high school.
But this isn't about them so my bad for going off topic. Shoe has not been outright malicious to trans people other than the wack-jobs (Riley Dennis and Milo Stewart). I haven't seen her go out of her way and attack other trans YouTubers like Gigi Gorgeous.
No. 398772
File: 1507267297713.jpg (46.41 KB, 623x301, itsjustajokedude.jpg)

Ok so i am using pic related to illustrate a point but i imagine this is the reason she gets away with a lot of shit.
Why do people downplay her clearly catty remarks? The comment says she has done a yt convo with contrapoints but that doesnt mean anything-blaire white has done a youtube convo with onision…and we all know how that went down.
For reference this (cropped) screenshot was taken from the comments on this video
No. 398838
File: 1507287796834.jpg (95.46 KB, 841x852, Capture565.JPG)

>>398772That video was well made and shoe couldn't even argument it and instead commented something along the lines of "you overuse sound effects."
Her comment's thread really shows what kind of fanbase she has.
No. 398980
>>397617her personality is so shitty and unlikeable that she goes out of her way to be like "HEY! …AT LEAST I'M NOT FAT!". bitch get it together. also your bf has a shitty personality
and he's fat too, get off your high horse.
No. 398982
>>397647that's… literally the same handwriting.
like she faked this post just to call an imaginary girl fat. that's so tragic.
No. 399000
File: 1507310884807.jpg (72.73 KB, 426x640, C61n9EcWcAE_cPa.jpg)

>>398982serious question
is june anorexic?
what's with her hate boner for fat women, like who even looks at graffiti on the bathroom stall that calls everyone beautiful and thinks "hmmm a fat girl wrote that", writes it, takes a picture and posts it on IG? or if it's the second case of she wrote it herself what is trying to prove? only fat girls want people to feel good about their body? who even thinks to find random fat women to make of ? are they not allowed to go out in public according to june?
she's either extremely insecure, or has an ego through the roof
No. 399016
>>398838>>398878>>398944>>398980Exactly, well said.
>>398940june isnt known for her intellect, even her fanbase have admitted she cant argue for shit.
>>398982oh fuck didnt noticed that, man shes desperate kek
No. 399107
>>398994My apologies.
I noticed this site pokes fun at looks. My initial comment was pointing out how Steve Shives could have interpreted June's actions as bullying in his video because I remembered stuff she said about Rileys looks.
Not everyone has to agree with that interpretation of bullying obviously and if I post in the future I will avoid talking about my personal opinions without relating it back to the topic.
No. 399287
>>398777Lol seriously though, I'm not Shoe. I'm just someone who does enjoy a few of her videos. I was never a big Armoured Skeptic fan, his content never really did anything for me.
>>398786Eh I'm not sure what to think about that but all I know is that she hasn't gone out of her way to attack or insult just any trans person out of the blue, it was usually just Riley, Milo, and Kat Blaque, three of the most loudest and obnoxious on "that" side.
>>398838I will agree here though. Whenever I see Shoe's comments on other people's videos, she really doesn't say much of any substance so I can agree that she can be catty at times.
>>399016Has June ever debated on YouTube? Like any videos? I can't remember seeing one other than when she was playing moderator for Blaire & Contrapoints.
No. 399379
>>396918"he literally just animates you have a paranoid personality disorder and I know this because you disagreed with something"
so what happened here? and how can someone be so narrow minded to think that there was no other possible way for anyone to disagree with anything because all he did was animate? this is as retarded as the time that person claimed you can't tell anything from "a few pixels"
the delusion of these people mang, they stretch so much and make huge fools of themselves and claim that the other person who calls out their bullshit was just mad at them animating, making a picture, or whatever excuse it is to act ask if people are mad at them animating, making a picture, talking, etc as if people are not mad about the act points given, the fuck, june should "seek help" herself if this is the conclusion she came to
No. 399381
>>396157on drivers licenses you can just give a height and weight though and they believe you
I'm 5'0 and 140 (ik im fat) and told them I was 5'2 and 125 and they just believed me kek
then again I wanna be taller and skinner, june is obsessed with being ~smol~ when she clearly isn't so chances are she exaggerated or lied about her height
No. 399640
File: 1507405813017.jpg (44.21 KB, 640x340, tsa.jpg)

Apparently June doesn't understand that it's inappropriate for a TSA agent on the job to ask a woman going through security for her number. That or she's pandering to her autistic followers.
No. 399740
>>399730Honestly if I'm at work or the man in question is at work, I'm going to be irritated if he tries to hit on me. It's just inappropriate. i had a dude hang out by my cash register and ask me inappropriate questions while a woman he was with was shopping (at a makeup store) and I've never wanted to tell someone to fuck off more in my life.
It's just not the time or the place. I don't understand why men don't seem to be able to grasp that, and why they get so mad when women tell them how they feel about that.
No. 399781
>>399740Also what friendship has ever been formed by a stranger walking up to you and asking for your number? I don't have to give every person on this planet the time of day or my friendship. It is obvious if someone is genuinely trying to know me or not, and just saying hello and asking for my number does not a friendship make.
I doubt Skeptic provides much in the way of romance though, so I'm sure June thinks just being asked for her number is the height of flirtation.
No. 400063
>>399378Sage. But I need to point this out.
>her writing "We're all beautiful on the wall" just to call imaginary girl fat isn't milk? She did not write that. I've seen that before the pic in this thread. You can just google "I bet a fat girl wrote that" and the image is everywhere.
I follow her and she does not make fun of fat girls afiak. I'm a heavy girl myself. I can't find a single video or tweet of her making fun of fat girls?
No. 400075
>>400063Anon, there are multiple videos in this thread where she zooms in on random overweight people (or average weight
>>395936) with "comedic" intent. There is also
>>397617 and she does it here
>>396136 No. 400093
File: 1507454535121.jpg (30.23 KB, 505x393, tinyc.JPG)

>>397645She always wanted to be famous.
When she finally started getting that attention from Uni and Catie chan, she showed her true colors and she fell from her status.
June killed June.
No. 400099
File: 1507455262122.png (546.83 KB, 475x343, yeahag.png)

>>399640"people think i'm pretty and they try to get to know me better"
No. 400120
File: 1507457485053.jpg (155.08 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Why do people insist shes really attractive? am i missing something? she reminds me a little of joan rivers.
Also its funny she complains about fat girls when in most of her pics she pulling the "fat girls angle shot"
No. 400128
>>400120I found her quite pretty in her earlier videos (before she got with Skeptic). She had cute hairstyles and her minimalist makeup really suited her in my opinion.
And really, looks are subjective because I don't find anything special with the classic, stereotypical attractive blonde girl the bees knees (though I am a gay guy lol). i just find different kinds of things pretty.
The only thing that I've noticed with June is that she does her cat-liner way more intense than she used to in 2015 and that's what I find a little off-putting now.
>>400063a white knight pretending to be a fat girl
also "that image is everywhere" and you post one site to prove it
if she so didn't hate fat girls this image wouldn't have even be posted, there is multiple proof of her making fun of fat girls, you just don't want to believe your waifu is a piece of shit like the rest of her fabs
No. 400283
>>400120Looks are subjective. She's definitely not ugly, in pictures like
>>395271 she looks really pretty imo, in others just average.
sage for irrelevant.
No. 400290
>>400283I agree with some other posters she looks great with minimal makeup. The makeup she usually does is a little outdated/a little much for me personally so when she's wearing it I don't find her attractive.
Plus the shoulder length wig looks amazing on her. For me, June's looks are not the problem. It's everything else lmao.
No. 400576
File: 1507497322875.jpg (75.42 KB, 600x900, bangs.jpg)

Shoulder length hair suits her but she needs better bangs.
And her eyeliner is horrible. I can't believe she used to be a makeup artist.
No. 400660
>>400576I mean, she worked at Benefit at a Macy's, not exaaaactly a makeup artist. And have you seen some of the shit that comes out of Sephora's "makeup artists"?
But she did make $15/hr at that job, wonder how much she's making now.
No. 400673
File: 1507509466672.jpg (154.64 KB, 720x960, IMG_5434.JPG)

No. 400695
>>400686prob lied
then again 15/hr is average for someone with no college in long island
No. 400766
File: 1507519759537.png (2.08 MB, 1858x1160, blah.png)

>>400675>>400686>>400695>>400722>>400738Actually she said $14, my bad… but still. She lied somewhere along the line.
No. 402376
>>401704I stopped watching after I saw her reading her introduction right off of her paper.
"Hello, friends. I am June, you probably know me as Shoe0nHead"
I'm bad at public speaking too, but at least I can introduce myself without looking down at my notes.
No. 402427
File: 1507796082073.jpg (48 KB, 720x480, DLq_Kq6WAAAjgOD.jpg)

>>401704AS & June's speech really exemplifies what is wrong with the Skeptic community on the whole.
They have a platform that they have created based on promoting ideals of 'rationality, argumentation, and logic' - but when it comes to the basics of argumentation, rhetoric, and public speaking that 14 year olds at a high school debate club learn, they fail.
There's a reason why Stefan Molyneux lied about being 'the 5th best debater in Canada the first year he tried,' and there's a reason why AS and June probably won't make a public appearance like Mythcon for a long time.
When it comes to the real world, they fail tremendously - the curtain of their shanty stage is pulled up to reveal their numerous shortcomings.
No. 402647
>>401704I made it to superior red blazer man making sure the audience knew he wasn't fucking a woman his own size ("isn't she cute!"), and her introducing herself after trying to look all cutesy eating her fucking script.
Jesus, these people take themselves seriously? HOW?
sage for new here
No. 402653
File: 1507839549428.jpg (78.8 KB, 960x720, beach.jpg)

No. 402654
File: 1507839609844.png (22.64 KB, 170x127, jj.png)

No. 402735
File: 1507848599753.jpg (190.08 KB, 900x1045, the_many_faces_of_hurrrdurrrr_…)

>>402477she looks like an indian girl i used to be friends with in this photo, jfc.
No. 402736
File: 1507848802018.jpg (91.78 KB, 900x824, chanel.jpg)

No. 402759
>>402675He reminds me of that one relative that gets sloppy drunk at family functions and doesn't have a job or any plans.
No. 402905
File: 1507876974120.gif (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 476x352, ihavealotofguyfriends.gif)

No. 402907
File: 1507877142189.gif (Spoiler Image,751.31 KB, 400x352, just.gif)

No. 402908
File: 1507877163712.gif (Spoiler Image,192.08 KB, 252x189, another.gif)

No. 402909
File: 1507877199632.gif (Spoiler Image,1.9 MB, 420x360, whore.gif)

No. 402916
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No. 403034
File: 1507908265727.jpg (218.95 KB, 1366x768, neckbeard the gathering.jpg)

>those dog or cat collars on the rightnoooooooooooooooo
No. 403081
File: 1507913629686.png (3.93 MB, 1952x1352, NormalizeAtheism.png)

No idea why she posted all of these on Twitter.
No. 403084
File: 1507913767091.png (796.58 KB, 800x800, fan.png)

No. 403087
>>403081I've been wondering what bugged me so much of his smiling face (other than the greasy uncle vibes, ofc) for a while.
Now I've finally figured it out: it was his teeth. Those tiny, baby teeth on a grown man.
No. 403202
File: 1507932660891.jpg (129.79 KB, 768x576, kenny.jpg)

>>403073They are real, this fat man named Kenny took a vacation to Cancun with June and a few other people from the Boxxysphere and he took a picture of June's phone and also stalked Catie Wayne.
No. 403416
File: 1507965246606.jpg (42.74 KB, 891x676, j00n.JPG)

No. 403661
>disgusting normiesthey're talking about themselves, right?
also, tapped out at 30 seconds.
No. 403711
File: 1508002751531.jpg (28.11 KB, 400x320, WomenIn5Words.jpg)

No. 403915
File: 1508029369445.jpg (34.83 KB, 240x320, tumblr_oxmrkfyobb1re1lx1o1_250…)

> making shit like that in 2012 and not 2007holy toledo
No. 403985
>>403711Is this supposed to be a dig at "TERFs"? If so it was not very clever and just doesn't really make sense.
Also the five year old speak she likes to do irritates me.
No. 403992
File: 1508045212253.jpg (94.13 KB, 590x393, jeff1.jpg)

Looks like he works at fucking Butlin's, the greasy creep.
No. 404070
>>404068her makeup and eyebrows from this time frame honestly
triggers me so much
No. 404094
>>403711Speaking like a retard "ironically" is all she can do because it keeps her fans thinking she's really smart but just hides it.
That's why she feels so insecure when she's around Greg and his pals (and those guys aren't exactly NASA members) because she knows if someone tries to get more than that out of her, her fake smart facade will crumble.
No. 404102
>>404085Wow, could he be even more of a scumbag? Lying about being married and then portraying his wife as being "crazy", of course. What a gaslighting jerk. Also, people like that don't tend to change. So good luck, June.
Btw. I have a suspicion he's abusive to June too, but she didn't realize it yet because of all the bullshit he constantly fills her head with and because she's really insecure. This is probably not going to end well.
No. 404381
>>404315I've looked on his ex-wife's Facebook and nada, she's got a locked Instagram but there's no mention of a grandchild on either of Greg's parents social media.
When did June and Greg start dating again? Greg's family seemed to be in touch with his ex as recently as June 2014 and it seems like they were together for 7+ years… he seemed like he was pretty normie back then too.
No. 404442
>>404435Fat Greg probably decided to read red pill subreddit because he was a failure for a husband.
Now he acts like he is this big and bold alpha male who negs women etc while June gladly feeds into his imaginary persona because she is ~so submissive~
No. 404466
>>404456Lmfao! Look at his little limp, weak wrist.
This is the grip of a "grown man" who just recently discovered what BDSM is. This dense, vanilla motherfucker didn't even know what that was until he JUST started dating this virgin with no experience.
Dude is in over his head, and once his quick tricks stop fooling her and she outgrows it, he's going to be mighty embarrassed.
The way this relationship ends is, one of the two smartens up and dumps the other until they melt into a pile of suicidal sadness.
No. 404472
File: 1508154356947.jpg (276.55 KB, 809x1093, IMG_20171016_134427.jpg)

Wait, so fat boy is a little bit mentally disabled as well?
No. 404487
File: 1508156789921.png (81.93 KB, 1036x490, jony.png)

>>404483 was written. GmasterRED has the answers you seek.
No. 404494
>>404435>bragging about how he "negs" women and his own wifeI fucking despise men like that. What the fuck. And June encourages this? I agree with
>>404442 he probably started reading marriedredpill to improve his marriage and drove it into the fucking ground like the rest of them. People like that just shouldn't be in relationships. I hope his wife is doing great now.
No. 404499
File: 1508159221577.gif (4.77 MB, 480x360, ecYEAe3.gif)

apparently her ex here is 6'2" (for height reference @ anons that were discussing her height earlier on)
No. 404519
>>404390>sperging after a 3 days old postWoah anon, you might want to calm down.
Also, she did.
No. 404552
File: 1508168356662.jpg (60.2 KB, 520x571, split the bill.jpg)

No. 404553
File: 1508168387924.jpg (39.05 KB, 450x600, bad bangs.jpg)

No. 404554
File: 1508168458895.gif (970.16 KB, 320x240, IMG_4583.GIF)

>>404456that gives off vibes like this gif
No. 404759
No. 404777
File: 1508192586775.jpg (31.31 KB, 575x265, halloween.jpg)

No. 404818
>>404554the first time I saw that gif I went into peals of laughter.
No. 404972
File: 1508223173276.jpg (110.57 KB, 1023x1535, B1DaDp4IcAA5Fmb.jpg)

>>404971Anyone who knows her full dating history knows exactly what she is.
Every last guy she's been with or wanted to be with has been a "creative" or "performer" type with an audience.
She's a gold digger, not for money, but for attention.
I can think of 2 of the guys who were solid talent and not horrible people. The most recent ones are definitely her worst, and they get worse as time goes on.
No. 405074
>>404777I just cringed so hard shes so thirsty kek
>>404972I believe the term is attention whore, and yep, shes certainly is.
>>405061 said. She really goes out of her way to constantly make out shes this little thing.
No. 407046
File: 1508609227962.jpg (53.6 KB, 640x640, ass0h.jpg)

No. 407047
File: 1508609238330.jpg (69.19 KB, 614x614, sh0e.jpg)

No. 407095
>>403294did.. anyone else watch this or..
holy shit. what an insult to boxxy with this imitation. it was so cringey and tryhard. i'm cringing too hard..
Boxxy at least acted genuine and quirky even tho it was the whole "so randum XD" act.
also her dropping the n word three times lmao.
sage for no contribution but this was too cringey.. what is that voice
No. 407223
File: 1508628237847.png (406.65 KB, 960x540, lJPePc8.png)

>>407046This is what he reminds me of; only difference is that he's actually not trying to be funny…
No. 407279
File: 1508637217789.jpg (164.64 KB, 1200x900, DMq84BpW0AE_k8Q.jpg)

>heyyyy it's Elliot Rodger here
No. 407378
File: 1508644781207.jpg (54.5 KB, 637x499, sad fetish.jpg)

>>407357just fatter and greg-er.
No. 407511
File: 1508676706374.jpg (23.12 KB, 299x364, Capture.JPG)

>>407279He seriously thinks he looks hot?
o i am cringing indeed
No. 407587
>>407478>>407478Well yeah, girls like her who tend to be delusional about how young they look, try to look as much underage as possible, are obsessed with being yung housewaifus, tend to go batshit crazy when they age, especially if they have a pedo boyfriend on the side whos most likely gonna dump them and look for the next yung loli waifu once they get too old
Yumi king and the wives of onion for example
No. 407834
>>407587waiting for when Skeptic dumps June shortly after she becomes pregnant and wants to keep the baby (she said she'll never personally get an abortion, esp with Skeptic babies).
I'll be curious how it'll go then, because June will probably not look as appealing for Greg once it shows.
No. 407844
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No. 408246
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No. 408247
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No. 408248
File: 1508779654855.jpg (91.42 KB, 590x625, dress.jpg)

No. 408261
>>407511he looks like the villain in a 90’s high school movie, except 10 years older and unable to let go of his youth. (seriously what man wears hoop earrings in 2017)
>>407844andddd she looks like a suzy berhow clone with slightly less FAS, complete with the same absolutely godawful eyeliner. how does one suck so much at makeup when you’ve been putting it on the same fucking way for 7 years?
>>408256seriously. june’s dress is the kind of tacky you only see at junior prom and skeptic looks like he bought his suit at walmart.
No. 408279
File: 1508784058368.jpg (235.03 KB, 992x911, Screenshot_20171023-133941.jpg)

>>408246Why does it look like she only put eyeshadow on her left eye?
No. 408294
>>407511Are you saying patchy, badly-trimmed facial hair over a greasy, fat face with even worse hair and beady little eyes covered by obnoxious sunglasses doesn't turn you on, anon?
U must b blind.
>>408246He looks like her creepy uncle/touchy father taking her to a not-so-purity ball.
No. 408300
For a second I thought I was on lolcow, not Tumblr. Guess I was wrong.
No. 408308
File: 1508787801455.jpg (75.16 KB, 1080x1440, lg.jpg)

>>408300damn son you are super
triggered No. 408312
>>408300how deep into your own bias would one be to think enabling the scum that comes from /pol/ is ok?
and calling someone out for it means one is a SJW?
No. 408436
>>408430Her nudes in the old thread.
>>408359What's going on with her legs? I didn't even notice that.
No. 408479
>>408430There's proof in this thread, idiot.
See here:
>>395704 No. 408484
File: 1508802389969.png (399.54 KB, 339x482, no.png)

>>408436are you asking to explain, or are you just wondering why her legs look weird? for her to be curvy, at least with the way she appears in certain pictures she posts on insta, her upper legs would have to be farther apart. she may have normal curve to her hips, but nothing like this pic for instance. it just doesn't work. where the dress ends, the sides of her legs would have to be much wider, or her legs naturally positioned further apart, to have a shape like this
No. 408485
File: 1508802497123.png (318.54 KB, 256x570, hips.png)

>>408484these are her real hips.
No. 408494
>>408246His suit is way too big.
>>408484>>408485Her body looks completely different in these two pictures.
No. 408510
File: 1508805225489.png (13.62 KB, 596x91, comment.png)

just an average shoe fanboy
No. 408514
File: 1508805553011.png (450.55 KB, 579x651, loomer.png)

No. 408681
>>408494>His suit is way too big.He knows what path he's on, he knows he needs growing room for a growing boy.
>>408593Nobody cares.
>>408645>if that's all you have, she's not a cowThat's not up to you.
No. 408722
>>407871Omg I died laughing irl
He actually does
No. 408759
>>408246Sage for nipticking but god, his haircut is atrocious.
It looks like he has a dead weasel on his head.
No. 408927
File: 1508873255931.png (214.04 KB, 430x430, wig.png)

>>408759It's a terrible wig but she has better ones. IMO short wigs look so much better and more natural on her.
No. 409347
File: 1508970675273.jpg (107.88 KB, 593x685, shoe0nhead.jpg)

Who is June?
She is whoever they want her to be.
No. 409361
File: 1508971945856.png (262.64 KB, 2550x3300, 4812_001.png)

>>396869>She goes by her real name now a days and comes across as more level headed.I wouldn't be so sure
No. 409366
>>409347She looks so much better without all the extra eyeliner in the pic with the blue hair.
No. 409452
File: 1508988150035.jpg (85.41 KB, 666x500, 1508637217789.jpg)

No. 409577
>>409575lmao, no hips. you think this picture set of her hips resembles this:
she shoops and you're blind. men are ocular retards.
No. 409579
File: 1509021989248.jpg (37.53 KB, 625x177, sarah-noble-kill-all-men-who-d…)

>>409573>>409577>you whiteknights>men arei thought that caricature was a meme
No. 409581
>>409572Can you move this shit to another thread? This one isn't about Lindsay Ellis and her shenanigans.
>>409577Playing Devil's Advocate for a second, maybe she didn't shoop that Christmas picture. Maybe she's just standing in a deceptive pose for when she wants to look more curvy. Angles and posture changes like knees bent, lower back curved, thighs apart, toes together, combination changes can make you look drastically different shapes.
Short of physically padding out her clothes with padded undergarments, she's not that good at shooping.
No. 409582
>>409579you're clearly a dude. every girl has experienced men and their inability to notice what we notice re: makeup, shooping, plastic surgery, etc. that's why soooo many men think 'natural makeup' = no makeup.
and lol at your pathetic attempt to paint calling someone an 'ocular retard' =/= 'kill all men'
No. 409585
>>409581 maybe but i don't know why you'd even play devils ad when there's proof in this thread of her shooping her arms and stomach. i dont think even with angles, with the lak of hips she has, its possible for her to manifest those hips in those pics with just angles, and without shooping
it's not difficult to shoop on your smartphone . we know she uses meitu or a similar app bc of the asian filters she has used, and meitu generally looks pretty alright unless you try to go overboard or fuck up your anatomy, or you screw up the background to make it noticeable.
No. 409587
File: 1509023332117.jpg (103.62 KB, 649x638, bootythicc.jpg)

The Christmas tree behind her would be ridiculously hard to shoop, especially when clearly the other pictures that she's shooped badly are so obvious and poorly done. I really don't think she'd be able to shoop the tree without it being completely obvious.
They do make underwear that gives you bigger hips, smaller stomach, a rounder ass. It's not out of the realm of possibility for someone to say maybe she doesn't shoop everything, maybe she's wearing one of those. Pic related, and I did mention it originally. Before photoshop, there were thousands of years of women learning how to be deceptive with their shape.
No. 409590
File: 1509024168801.jpg (100.04 KB, 607x1080, hip.jpg)

>>409587i could defo see something like this, but either way, it's between a fake pair of ass pads, or shooping. it's def not natural, like that anon wants to claim. but chek it out, i just did some shooping, and the tree doesn't make it difficult. i spent literally 3 min on meitu to make her fig 'straighter' here, and no one would be the wiser.
No. 409594
File: 1509025101437.jpg (62.58 KB, 640x640, June (14).jpg)

>>409590yeah maybe all her waists are shopped
No. 409597
File: 1509025180944.png (497.64 KB, 381x542, c shape.png)

>>409590>>409590and before anyone says "i can totally tell bc of the squished lights/curved area near her hips", there was ALREADY a squished area of light in a C shape BEFORE my edit. it's pretty likely she shooped. check out the c shape on her left hip, primarily, and the fuzziness on her right hip.
No. 409608
File: 1509025491080.jpg (22.99 KB, 640x960, June (157).jpg)

>>409600some fans have obsessively archived all her pics shes ever uploaded to insta/twitter/etc, I found the link to the zip.
No. 409645
>>409597The more I look at that picture, the more she looks like a weird, posed barbie doll.
I do love that the thread has devolved into just looking at the pixels.
No. 409647
File: 1509030073819.png (313.66 KB, 718x496, 0lXbWFS.png)

she has some curvature though. it's possible that she can fake having thicker hips through an odd stance
here's a screenshot from a vid, you cant photoshop those
No. 409661
File: 1509031007515.jpg (158.62 KB, 768x1024, skinny-guy-768x10241.jpg)

>>409647you can shop vid. visit the kooter thread. but i doubt this was edited. any curvature she has is in her waist, and it's nowhere near as extreme as she shops it to be. straight on, her hips are straight. see here:
>>408485 or here
>>409608her hips (and waist) just arent like this:
>>409594she has some curve on her waist from being skinny (even guys have tapered waists if they're skinny), but she does not have this 'w/h ratio goddess' (verbatim) shape that her fanbois say she has due to her shooping
No. 409665
File: 1509031757707.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.98 KB, 534x800, 1492842837212.jpg)

>>409661maybe we can see if the nude was shopped too, i always thought their was something off about the waist area.
She probably has poor self-image, which is why all her vids are low-res and her photos usually seem touched up and sometimes photoshopped.
No. 409676
File: 1509033332673.png (Spoiler Image,914.2 KB, 768x1024, hippp.png)

>>409665possible. this is a little more difficult to tell thanks to the solid background. but for your consideration about her figure, i've taken to layering her photo on this skinny guy's.
his ribcage is expanded due to posing, and even then it's literally like one centimetre larger despite being a guy, while his actual hipbones are further apart than hers
curvy goddess, i think not
(learn 2 sage) No. 409691
>>409676That's a significant difference anon, the pose and angle are also not the same. Her proportions are pretty feminine.
>>409665 still seems off though, probably shooped.
No. 409698
>>409676That guy has nice tits.
Tbh though, why would she even need to shoop at all? Her body is completely fine without any shooping whatsoever, it's sad if she feels she needs to do that to be pretty. Someone with a self esteem that low needs more help than a fat ugly, abusive "skeptic" neckbeard can give her.
No. 409713
>>409698Considering her cunty remarks about other womens appearences its pretty clear she does have self esteem issues and partly explains why she panders to neckbeards so much. Also on the shooping its certainly a kota situation, not sure which pic (if any) are real.
I would not be surprised if skeptic also makes remarks about her appearence, much like how onision does with lainey.
No. 409727
File: 1509041958209.jpg (79.32 KB, 823x410, June (187).jpg)

>>409668this one is 100% confirmed though. So I dunno if she shopped the other pic a bit too nuch.
No. 409973
File: 1509065419343.jpg (Spoiler Image,341.22 KB, 858x823, junenudes.jpg)

No. 410762
>>408011She does look young, the problem is that she is obsessed with her looking young and will go crazy when she ages which she is already doing
Look at yumi king for example, yumi king did look young, but now that she looks like an old woman she went crazy with bulimia and trying to look like a literal child
Given, at least june is realistic and tries to look more 16-18ish, yumi king wants to look like a 7 yr old
No. 411122
File: 1509231466778.jpg (155.38 KB, 1024x768, DNQlUMtVoAEQXrL.jpg)

No. 411123
File: 1509231490381.jpg (106.86 KB, 1024x631, DNQlRlSUMAAO8aO.jpg)

No. 411255
File: 1509249016564.jpg (258.06 KB, 1200x900, meetup.jpg)

Compared to other women she's not really that short.
No. 411282
>>411266lol this just looks like shes rolling her eyes at his douchy duck pout.
But…why are they dressed up now-its not halloween yet? Kinda looks like they are trying to flaunt their basic and lazy costumes?
No. 411289
File: 1509258425377.jpg (59.99 KB, 615x362, ro.jpg)

Greg getting roasted in the comments of her latest waste of fucking time video
No. 411304
>>411268>>411280No it's just a fucking overused ironic meme. Origin: in the Pepe the frog meme, Pepe is making the "ok" hand sign. Retarded newsmedia and southern poverty law faggots started claiming since it was related to Pepe is must be racist and a secret sign of the Alt-right. It's just ironicly used as a joke bc of said reports. And you know the kekistani's are all for adopting ironic fake news shit as actual themes and memes.
So yes technically the alt RIGHT uses that hand sign but only as a joke really, and it wasn't really used previous to the news coverage.
No. 411319
>>411255'im so smol'
literally the same size as every girl there lol
No. 411350
>>411255All the guys there are uggo as fuck
w o o f
No. 411358
>>411350And somehow, Greg
still manages to stick out among the pack.
No. 411411
File: 1509291739990.jpg (49.38 KB, 589x480, tw.jpg)

No. 411576
>>41141110 out of fucking 10 on that weak AF handlebar mustache curl.
They have to live in an echo chamber or have zero self awareness if they don't see how cringey they are/act. You can see it in his face how much he takes to heart that he's a Billy-Badass alpha male daddy.
No. 411765
>>411411This one looks like FaceApp's Spark/Hot filter
whatever editing she did, this is evidence that on some level June knows her boyfriend is a hog.
No. 411846
>>411289>greg came early and now is crying in bedlmfao
>>411525I find her annoying af but if the art is good, I don't see it as very cringey.
No. 412153
>>412122Are we still arguing about whether she does or doesn't photoshop her pictures and videos? You're replying to a four day old post. Move on.
>>411846Even though I find it a little odd, I know there are youtubers/e-celebs who use fan art as phone cases and such. It's like using a picture of you and your significant other as wallpaper, right?
No. 412189
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>>412122i don't think she shops her hips, her waist seems more likely, and only sometimes
>>412153 No. 412246
File: 1509423170085.png (40.39 KB, 626x254, Screenshot 2017-05-12 at 8.25.…)

>" they're just a jaded normie that's been in a lot of relationships, rode the 'cock carousel' and thinks treating their bf like a kind is stupid!"i'm the exact opposite of what's described, lol. just admit it's unhealthy and stop trying to make yourself feel better about it.
>>412189phone case, home screen, lock screen, desktop background, a 'shrine', etc.
she's either crazy obsessed or crazy insecure.
No. 412249
>>412189 you'd think someone who's "trad" and rping a maid would know to iron their own uniform first
nitpicky af sorry lmao
No. 412253
>>412249I literally came here to post the exact same thing kek
A good maid would never show up in a wrinkly uniform. Ew.
No. 412274
>>412122holy hell, you sad sack of shit. i never said she shoped vid. i explicitly said it's
possible to shoop vid, but that i didn't think she does. and yes, she shoops her hips and waist. this
>>409594 obviously exaggerated body shape doesn't even match the majority of the other pictures, you absolute autist.
No. 412318
>>412246Yeah. It’s totally normal to act like a functional retard over a guy you broke up a marriage over and can’t be bothered to treat his future in-laws with respect. (As seen in the video.)
What a stupid cunt. She’s just as infantile as the SJWs she makes fun of.
No. 412332
>>409608>her fanslol come on, anon, it was probably her
>>412246>>412318I'm pretty "obsessed" with my bf too but I don't degrade myself to show it the way June does. Nice strawman she created, though.
No. 412345
File: 1509442896785.jpg (90.52 KB, 640x640, 19436677_447881208919929_80278…)

>>412246I guess she "redpilled" herself to appeal to fat skeptic and her neckbeard fanbase.
>I worship my bf's penis!>Stupid whores riding the cock carousel>I know what love is! She just tries to sound like a perfect "redpill woman" for that neckbeard attention.
No. 412400
File: 1509459386450.jpg (160.34 KB, 876x691, Untitled.jpg)

So shoe has been mass-retweeting tweets by "Terfbot", a twitter bot made by a "communist muslim transwoman".
No. 412473
>>412469For real like I've never been in a relationship or had sex with anybody/rode the ~*cock carousel*~ and I STILL think their relationship is bizarre and Shoe frequently seems like she's over compensating for something.
I am a jaded normie tho, so maybe that's why.
No. 412510
I'd really love to know exactly what Shoe's problem with other women is? I just went to her twitter for the first time in months and a lot of her tweets are just ways to subtly shit on women, yet she never calls out men for anything. The replies on her tweets are all "if she breathe she a thot" and shit about The Wall, hating women, all women are evil whores, exc.
I'm not saying women don't deserve to be called out for certain things, I'm just saying she'll jump at any opportunity to drag women for the tiniest infraction, but is completely silent on male on female violence, rape (unless it's a false accusation!), or misogyny in her fanbase.
Since I know you probably read here, I will just a few things. You will one day "hit the wall" too, June. We all will. I wouldn't wish this on anyone and hesitate to even say this, but one day you might be sexually assaulted or raped or find yourself in a position where you JUST want help and support and don't know who to turn to. I never want that to happen to you. But if it did, I sincerely hope that you don't get the treatment you give other women. I hope you aren't made fun of, harassed for seeking help, or have your character attacked mercilessly until you just have to hide yourself away. Because I can tell you from experience, it doesn't feel good. And the attitudes you perpetuate about women certainly don't help.
Maybe try to have more compassion for other women, most of them aren't any more or less evil than most men are.
No. 412569
>>411255And unless the average american male is 2 metres, he is also definatly lying about his height!
Maybe slight ot but i think it fits here: today a saw a video about a mentally ill woman jumping into a lion cage and a good bunch of the comments is some neckbeards saying that all women are dumb and that you need to keep control on them…makes one feel that they're probably more of these jerks around than one thinks
No. 412584
>>412569That’s so fucking depressing. Especially if the woman was harmed or died…the first thing they think to comment is that women are dumb and women’s rights were a mistake?
I hate being a fucking woman because of this shit. It’s nonstop.
No. 412694
>You will one day "hit the wall" too, June. We all will.nobody can halt the march of time. the worst thing for june is that she relies solely on her appearance, fuckability, and edgy opinions as social currency.
we all age. and we all hit thirty, then thirty-five, then forty, and it shows.
women over 35 become invisible in society, unless they're being laughed at or lumped in with all the other useless dried up middle aged women. lol, society doesn't listen to middle aged women, or give a fuck about their opinions.
g'luck, june.
No. 412780
>>412246What does she mean by "treat your bf like a king"? Is that done by "worshipping his peen"? Cause that's not love, that's lust/infatuation.
I mean, for all the rave reviews this inexperienced, angelic virgin gives to skeptics chode, I have yet to see one thing where you could definitively say "wow, June really takes care of her ~king~(vomit)".
Granted I rarely look into her SMS and I do mostly get it filtered through lolcow, but the only thing remotely close to such a thing would be the stupid meme they did for woman's day where she had a pathetic excuse for a sandwich on a plate for him. Idk, maybe having sex with an obese ogre is enough charity and effort for June.
No. 412810
>>412569>>412584meh, it's same on both sides, there are bitter angry virgin neckbeards saying women are too stupid to do anything and they need all their rights taken away.
Then you go to other places and hear girls talking about how all men just pump and dump and how they all should be castrated.
Two sides of the same coin
No. 412826
>>412810In my experience it isn't only bitter angry virgin neckbeards saying that kind of shit. I mean I REALLY wish it was only them because then you could spot them easily, but in truth even some men who you would think are normal and well adjusted secretly think that, even if in passing.
Literally my grown, successful father thinks all women are stupid and the 19th should be repealed. And he's pretty open about it to me, his daughter. Fucking sucks.
No. 412862
>>412810Yeah, I wish. Like
>>412826 said, there are men who have families or female partners and still say this shit online. There is no coin. Just because there are two sides doesn't mean they're equivalent in any way, saying "I hate men" is usually hyperbolic/voicing exasperation about all of the trash men that harass women online and offline.
No. 412933
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>>412927Oh and at 1:47 , she starts giving the summary of what happened and he shuts her up and starts talking over her, in her own video, on her own channel :^)
~tradishunal goalz~
No. 412952
File: 1509546654067.png (527.78 KB, 1080x858, a deluded broad-shouldered you…)

>>412933damn her shoulders are wider than blaires
No. 412981
File: 1509550225221.jpg (27.7 KB, 215x212, HAPPY HALLOWEEN GREG.jpg)

>fuck the homeless guyyep.
No. 413011
File: 1509553190436.png (263.09 KB, 647x391, gregs spare tire and headlight…)

>>412975"Marry" the child to save it from the other two options.
Fuck the homeless dude.
Kill the puppy, because it's just an animal.
>"Killing the kid is its best fate."Nah Greg, you antisocial dumbshit. Besides, he's dating and fucking a womanchild already and he has no qualms about it.
Also June seemed very excited to blurt that she thinks bestiality is legal in Canada. A shame her persona of ~supreme secular reason~ never thought to consider what memes she heard were all just misrepresented clickbait repeated ad infinitum.
> I want them to livestream more so they can keep exposing themselves as edgy ignoramuses.
>>412927June has the most shit taste in men's clothes. She made Greg look like he needs to be rolled to the juicing room.
No. 413013
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>>413011>rolled to the juicing room.holy shit anon lol
No. 413261
>>412810>>men: granting women rights was a mistake. Reverse this injustice laid upon us.>>women: I'm more than a sex object/object in general and its horrible being treated like we're supposed to be glory-holes for any man that we intrigue.Yeah, not the same my dude.
>>412963You know men can spin the idea that the hashtag is a joke and turn around and say that they're not serious as well.
No. 413886
>>412469Lol that sign is so stupid. Almost all of the feminists I know IRL have boyfriends and good sex lives. Sounds like some projecting there from the mgtow community.
>>412584Damn, it breaks my heart that shitty people make women feel this way. Stay strong, girl! They're fucking losers who are afraid of their obvious short comings.
No. 414057
>>414053It's certainly not getting worse by the day, you fucking drama queens. Back on topic, please.
June's hair sucks, or something.
No. 414074
>>414043>>414057Misogyny isn't just expressed through the political and economic spheres. Socially it seems like shit has been hitting the fan these last few years with all of these anti-women movements gaining prevalence in society. The fight against sexual harrassment and assault is nowhere near finished, not by a long shot.
Maybe you should stop trying to invalidate women's experiences as if you know better than them about
their own fucking life, you lousy wretch. Your egotism is showing.
No. 414252
>>414172I wasn't talking about catcalling in
>>413996. I was talking about widespread societal ideas about women such as
>>412569 that CAN lead to worse things if enough people hold those ideas, which they are beginning to. It IS spreading. It isn't just neckbeards on the internet anymore. I was in no way trying to invalidate the human rights violations that women experience in other parts of the world. But I just won't bring it up again if it's going to be mocked. Sorry for mentioning it.
>>414074Thank you anon, this is all I meant.
No. 414652
>>414186not her typing style
she'd also probably screenshot and post on her twitter to respond if it was actually her.
No. 414840
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>>414652no duh, genius. I was implying that kind of shallow immature understanding of misogyny was reminiscent of something June would say
No. 416379
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June weighs in on Jaclyn Glenn's boyfriend cheating. Kind of ironic considering what happened with Armoured Skeptic and his wife.
No. 416384
>>416379Sure June, insult the woman and not the man that was actually in the relationship. Not that the woman isn't responsible as well, but it seems June's issue is mostly with her.
Gee I wonder why that could be.
Also, has it been confirmed that Skeptic cheated on his wife with June, or just that he left his wife for June? Either way would be scummy, but there is a bit of a difference imo.
No. 416454
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No. 416463
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I think I've seen this posted yet. Some dirt from her unichan/boxxy days. No. 416951
File: 1510051989507.jpg (105.6 KB, 600x600, 3607873.jpg)

Rob destroyed her soul and helped her learn to hate herself, with propaganda and hate. I subbed to Shoe very early on and I loved her early videos. Since 2012 I can't even stand watching her for more than a second. She's a shell of her former self and everything she does is a weak & hollow attempt at earning the acceptance of a vague entity that cannot exist.
She had a loving relationship with her father, a supportive mother, and she was a kind little girl, before she became a pawn for sick mind games. Never trust someone you meet online, no you don't know them or what they're capable of, and no you never ever will.
Sleep with dogs, get fleas. Zero sympathy.
No. 418549
>>416985Ye, she encourages a lot of women to get attention by being misogynistic and "one of the boys". The worst part is that they are doing more and more videos but they are all the same content.
Honestly I'm sick of "rational" mofos like June and Skeptic pandering like they are some kind of experts, I mean, has even june ended college?
Sightly ot video but this girls Sarah Press is one of the most recents june's wannabes.
No. 422857
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Her boyfriend just posted this, lmao
No. 422859
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No. 422863
File: 1510593677217.jpg (74.93 KB, 640x435, hbomb.jpg)

HBomberguy calls her out for taking a white supremacist's twitter poll seriously and thinking it's proof that everyone hates white people. June doesn't get that the problem isn't just that the guy's a white supremacist.
No. 422903
>>422888>>422899I enjoy how she just expects her followers to presume that
when she fucks up, to not hold her accountable because, like, IT WAS JUST A SLIGHT OVERSIGHT GIES! Never mind that she was giving fuel to the ~white genocide~ outrage types, or that she'd be just as harsh and unforgiving to her opponents. Can you imagine her response if someone she hated got caught fucking up that badly? Ruthless.
No. 423326
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No. 423552
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>>416951>>416985>>421593Can someone explain more about this era… some of her oldest archived videos are full of her quoting some other guy. Was she abused by someone or something? What do you mean she was fed propaganda? Are these guys still around?
No. 423901
File: 1510688640554.png (117.81 KB, 961x568, shoeonhead feefees3.png)

June is in reality a self mutilating psycho who wears a wig..
so far she has blocked me on twatter for calling her out on it aaaannnd she has reported my post about her self destructive mental illness and hypocrisy and gotten my account locked No. 423914
>>400576dude that isnt her real hair .. she rips out her own hair in autistic sperg rages
shes a self mutilating psycho that wears a wig
No. 423916
>>423901Was June's trich supposed to be a secret? I mean, it's pretty obvious she wears wigs.
I'm not going to make fun of her for pulling, that sucks for her. But that entire post is just her being incredibly angry that some random gawker tier dunce wrote an article about her hair and calling her ugly. Just ignore it June, it's not that deep.
No. 423931
>>423916>Was June's trich supposed to be a secret? I mean, it's pretty obvious she wears wigs.well she thought it was cause she got my account blocked and banned on my first twitter account for calling her out on it when she went on a sperg rage on me for talking about the bearing copyright issue (way back when) … (i asked a simple question if bearing had changed any of the bear cartoon from total drama if pointed out if he did its fair use and she went autistic ham on me so i said "look for a bitch that rips out their hair i dont know why you coming at me like this" she then blocked me and then Greg got in on the action by trying to say "how dare you bring up her issues" cause i called her "Ms. Shives" in reference to Steve Shives blcoking everyone on earth)
more recently she tried to post a "good times good memories" picture of someone calling out her hypocrisy and she went and i made the joke (on my second twitter account) that if they "really wanted to
trigger her bring up her self mutilation of ripping out her hair that seems to work"
she then reported that post as abuse (typical hypocrite behavior) and got my account locked and twitter wouldnt unlock it until i deleted the tweet .. i tried appealing it but they wouldnt let me click the captcha "i am not a robot" thing and kept saying internal error
so yea…
to her it is supposed to be a secret..
but i still want to know ..
when Greg fucks her .. does she take off the wig? or does she keep it on with double sided sticky tape…
this question has eaten at my soul for many moons now …
No. 423946
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No. 424079
>>423931i think shes been open about having trich especially on her…….. also she probably uses wig glue to keep the wig on.
i have trich 2……
No. 424088
>>424079Would it have hurt your fingers too much to type out the word "too?"
>>423940I'm sure she has made fun of someone in the past for having a physical deformity/ailment, like her trich. She can't make compelling arguments, so what's the point of using her brain when she can just throw out insults about a person's appearance to defend herself?
No. 424374
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No. 424383
this quote from gone girl is especially relevant lmao.
“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much!
And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be."
No. 424607
>>424374You would never never never see a man, much less Skeptic, make a post about this about their girlfriend. His Redpill-lite audience would tear it apart.
The dating world is shitty and I'm sure it's all women's fault, right June? Men are precious little angels who never do anything wrong.
No. 424958
File: 1510793635226.png (413.63 KB, 582x641, Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 6.48…)

June is now mocking women for being upset that an app that 'removes makeup' will now be used by men to make fun of women who try to meet beauty standards. There's already a subreddit dedicated to making fun of the before and after differences.
Our whole lives we're told that our looks are the most important thing we have to offer. And then when we invest in our looks and try as hard as we can to be beautiful and look up to par, we get shamed for it. So what is it that men and people like June want exactly? They'll mock you if you're ugly, but also ridicule you if you do everything you can to be beautiful. The fuck are women supposed to do then? Just accept that they aren't good enough?
No. 424971
>>424958Are they going to make an app that shows what our legs would really look like if we didn’t shave them? Oh no because we have to keep doing that. We have to have hairless legs and look a 16 year old princess without makeup but then still wear the makeup to emphasise what a girly girl we are.
Wtf is going to happen to June as she ages? Even if she’s an attractive older woman, shit will change for her and everything her self worth is dependent on will dwindle. It’s a great time in life if you don’t stay addicted to male attention and being the supporting role to a male protagonist, but I find it hard to imagine her learning all that too gracefully.
It’s going to be messy, I think.
No. 425080
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>>424062>chimpanzee philtrumyes that's what was off about her face. i knew something was off but couldn't place my finger on it.
just looking at her content is depressing. she's how old now? and still sperging over extreme politics online. she had a meltdown over girls having a meltdown over the app that "shows how girls look without makeup on". basically getting unreasonably upset over others getting unreasonably upset. she focuses on such retarded bullshit that's why she seems like such an awkward dumbass with nothing of substance to say in real life, because she's killing her remaining braincells having tweet threads while fixating on the absolute most inane shit. anything to prove to her betamale following that she's not like the other girls though. it's all in a days work for her. that's her image and somehow she's okay with that. sad!
No. 425086
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>>424958she posted a picture of herself without makeup but some of her face is cropped out and she's angling it in such a way it's almost like she's trying to milk any kind of distortion to make it look as good as possible. so now what is this even supposed to prove?
No. 425139
>>425080>>424062Lol exactly
>>425086It was noted up thread how she uses the "fat girl angle shot" because the few pictures that have her at eye level show how warped her face actually is. She should really stop bashing others looks given how she really looks.
>inb4 salty white knights invade thread again. No. 425150
>>425145Thats a good point-does june bash women as a distraction/safeguard for her being bashed on?
I remember seeing a thread about her on pol where OP was praising her but quickly turned to shit when someo one bought up she wore a wig and that shes bald. Wish I had screen capped it, made me believe what another poster said about her starting her own threads on pol for attention.
No. 425233
File: 1510810258017.png (464.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171115-211558.png)

June just made a series of tweets shitting on MGTOWs and the responses come off sounding a bit like "WOW I had no idea that men who hate women ACTUALLY hate women."
On a side note: how people can go on burying themselves in the internet while being completely oblivious to this shit - I have no idea.
No. 425242
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No. 425263
File: 1510813030170.png (185.06 KB, 629x353, 1-11.png)

Its funny how Ian miles Cheong was a creepy weirdo who would proudly bomb threat video game conventions and made weird as fuck out there conspiracy theories but June and all of them like him now cause he is "redpilled" despite doing the same autistic shit he did back when he was an sjw.
They are such hypocrites in that regard that they are fine if it's someone from their side.
No. 425275
>>425242that smile.
The picture looks good…until you enlarge it.
No. 425276
>>425242the teeth and the feet are really killing me.
also, is that a bowl of ground beef or poop? it looks like a png he threw in at the last second lol why do people pay for such mediocre art?
No. 425284
>>425263I've seen worse. On another thread related to shoe there was a youtuber called rage after storm who had her videos deleted and got fired because someone called kraut and tea didnt like her video on race so called up her work of place and got her fired. They like to say this sort of shit is only what sjw's do but anti-sjw/anti-fems can be brutal to each other. If they ever decide to turn on shoe well…not sure how bad it could get.
saged for OT
No. 426141
>>425242how did he manage to fuck up her face so bad?
>>425263sjw and anti- are literally the same shit in different colours. either side will take anyone as long as they think they've 'converted' because again, who cares about the issues involved when you can one up 'those other people'.
sage for rage and no contrib.
No. 426840
File: 1510973464502.png (50.64 KB, 482x548, shoe will only talk to those s…)

Shoe will only have those "open discussions" with those she can handl-like.
No. 427236
File: 1511030156217.png (132.13 KB, 328x335, it went easy on you june.png)

>>427176>fragile femininity June will never stop wearing a wig and makeup in front of a cam, however, because the truth is that she's just as insecure about looking feminine enough to her fatneck male audience.
She shows a "makeupless" picture that's perfectly angled and obviously run through a filter, and then shows us the ~ironic~ result of when she ran her pic through the app and even then discredits how uglier it makes her look for erasing her eyelid crease. And that's just, unrealistic man. As if that's not a legitimate reason to hate the app alone.
She's a hypocritical browbeat who only knows how to make herself feel marginally attractive by putting down other women.
No. 427240
>>427176>>427229To be fair, all this blabbering about "women getting
triggered by MakeApp" and I'm yet to see any. All I can see is edgelords
triggered by alleged "women getting
triggered by MakeApp".
>>427235>Literally nobody on my timeline is talking about thisSame. Can't see it anywhere.
No. 427245
>>427240Here's a sample article google makeapp and misogyny, you will find plenty of articles
>>427236She wears a wig?
And if the app is so unrealistic why not just ignore it because it's silly?
>>427223That's true but so are most women here lol
No. 427248
>>427223>>426792Surely no one can be this dense. She made fun of mgtow once, but then shut up when she got blowback from her audience.
Everyone makes fun of davis aurini, even other neckbeards and mra's because he is such a fucking idiot. Almost all her stuff is anti-women, which is how she makes her bread and butter.
>>426840Its really funny how on her vids even her own fans say her "intellect" is not her strong point kek.
>>427221>>427223Indeed, glad i'm not the only one who has noticed.
>>427235>>427240Ex-fucking-zactly. The only time I heard about this was one post on /pol/ . The fact she has made an 8+minute video on this shows how, as desperate she is to milk it.
saged for opinion
No. 427253
>>427245>She wears a wig?Found the newfag whiteknight.
You couldn't even do a ctrl+f to see the numerous times it's been mentioned and the link here
>>397436 for proof.
>If the app is so unrealistic why not just ignore it because it's silly?Seems to me that most women
are ignoring it save for people on Twatter. But June needs a straw-women to bitch about feminism, even though she herself doesn't like the app.
No. 427254
>>427250Same. Also I dont even get why people would be saying its misogynistic, the app makes most people look like zombies kek.
saged for ot
No. 427262
>>427245>>And if the app is so unrealistic why not just ignore it because it's silly?Dense much?
If June thinks this app has any value beyond making women look purposefully uglier, then why is she so stuck on mentioning how it got rid of her eyelids? She's accusing other women about being fragile over looks but she's doing the same thing.
No. 427268
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>>427250Different people have different circles. That doesn't prove anything. Bustle, Elle, and Marie Claire are all pretty big magazines, aren't they?
>>427253I've been casually following up her thread for a couple of weeks. I'm just not going to see every single post kek. I was just surprised because wearing a wig normally isn't a normal thing to do.
>>427251This board has ALWAYS been about nitpicking. You think guys do that? Fuck no, because they don't know the first thing about makeup or fashion. Also look at PULL. You think it's majority guys there? You're delusional.
>>427262I haven't watched the video, and I wasn't talking about it. I was talking about women complaining about the app in articles like pic related. And also in response to the anon who said the app was hateable.
No. 427282
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>>427176>>427229>>427236>>427245i don't get why men are so angry about women wearing make-up though
either you can get mad at evil sjw women dyeing their hair blue and getting fat and making themselves ugly, or you can get mad about women making themselves prettier with makeup, but you can't be mad about both
unless you want to say that everyone who isn't 100% naturally beautiful is worthless, but the guys celebrating this app aren't 10/10 chads, so it's a bit hypocritical to criticize other people
ofc they'll just ignore this and say stuff like "roasties btfo!!!! kek" without any critical thinking
kind of sad how june's so quick to position herself as the cool girl who isn't bothered by anything though, god forbid she looks like a lame silly woman in front of her followers
No. 427283
>>427273I didn't make the image lol. Stop being butthurt. I was just linking to it because apparently NO ONE was complaining about this app.
Oh and you might as well say "Begone thot" lol
June is a dumb bitch. I do hope she gets dumped by her bf and then her fanbase would trash her. That would be the day. Sweet irony.
No. 427285
>>427282Why does it matter what virgins on the internet think? Just ignore them and move on with your life. Instead of complaining how an app is akin to rape or something.
I've pretty much stopped wearing makeup on a daily basis. Sure, men and women find me ugly now but what can you do?
I just think it's dumb how people like to claim they are wearing makeup for "themselves" lol
No. 427286
>>427285i'm not saying it's rape or anything. i wear makeup to make myself look nicer to other people, for the same reason i would wear nice dress pants and a blouse instead of sweatpants and a hoodie to a job interview. people treat you nicer when you look nicer, that's just how it goes, so why not take advantage of it?
i just find it silly how all of a sudden they're acting like women are immoral for "tricking" men by wearing makeup.
although, i do agree i have to roll my eyes whenever someone says they're wearing makeup for themselves. and they always say they're wearing heels for themselves, too. it's so ridiculous. just like you'd be wearing a tight corset to make yourself happy if you were living in the victorian era, right? let's stop pretending like we wear makeup for any other reason than to look nicer for other people.
No. 427293
>>427251I thought it was against the rules to not be a woman on here.
>>427285Now you sound like June. Literally no one said it was like rape. The psychology behind it is just perplexing - it’s marketed to the “this is why I have trust issues” crowd where covering flaws with makeup is dishonesty but ugliness is not ok either. Obviously the sane thing to do is ignore them in real life but it’s puzzling nonetheless.
No. 427309
>>427268>Thinks men are not on lolcow because apparently they don't nitpickI see someone has never left their house
>Men don't know about makeup or fashionThe fashion and beauty world is run by men. A lot of make up artists and stylists for women are men. Like really, for someone who knows so little about reality you have some nerve calling others delusional kek.
>>427293No, its not. Making out your opinion is somehow more valid because you are
not a woman is whats frowned upon here.
saged for ot
No. 427313
>>427283Your point? Someone complained about that app, big deal. But still, the numbers of the ones complaining about the small circle of people who actually complained of the app are way bigger.
Also, learn to sage.
No. 427316
>>427313I have also noticed this.
No. 427317
>>427309Men nitpick but they nitpick in a way different way than how people nitpick on here or PULL.
Men rule the fashion/makeup world, I guess, but most of that is gay men. So yeah by going on places like datalongue, I can see gay men making similar comments to the ones here.
For example, one of the threads I read the most and is very active is the Jill thread. You think any straight men would be interested in talking about her the way she is discussed here? Hell no.
I have no idea where you're getting the idea that there are so many men here. Maybe in threads that are political like this one.
>>427313Do you have numbers about people complaining about the app vs complainers? It seems about equal to me. Well, the complainers are completely retarded so it makes sense to make fun of them. lmao
>>427314We've seen different things I guess. All that proves is a bunch of different people complain about rape.
No. 427318
>>427317>Men nitpick but they nitpick in a way different way than how people nitpick on here or PULLHahahaha, no. You can go on 4chan in male dominated boards and see the exact kind of nitpicking you would see here from a sperg-chan. Difference is, here nitpicking gets you banned and is generally frowned upon by both staff and normal farmers.
Can we stop derailing now?
No. 427326
>>427317>But most of that is gay menGay men are still men tho. Like, your comments sound like you only consider straight men to be men.
>I have no idea where you're getting the idea that there are so many men hereWell given your comments so far i'm not sure why you feel you have such a grasp on what goes on here. A lot of threads that were in manure were from men and also on ot. Had many robots here. Most of the time they out themselves. This site is not as obsecure as you think.
>Men nitpick but they nitpick in a way different wayLike
>>427318 says a trip to 4chan proves otherwise.
>Men are only interested in political threadsAgain, you seem to be resorting to stereotypes as opposed to reality.
Also saged and apologies, I do not wish to derail the thread so will stop now.
No. 427331
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No. 427335
>>427331thats drawing is too cute to be shoe
also those hands are enormous jfc
No. 427344
>>427326>Gay men are still men tho. Like, your comments sound like you only consider straight men to be men.Yeah but gay men are a very small minority of men, especially if you consider the ones who nitpick the way we do. You really think the discussion on this board is being driven by flaming queens? You've totally missed my point.
>Well given your comments so far i'm not sure why you feel you have such a grasp on what goes on here. A lot of threads that were in manure were from men and also on ot. Had many robots here. Most of the time they out themselves. This site is not as obsecure as you think.I only use this site to read about cows I'm interested in. I'm not sure why you would think I would be obsessing over threads in manure. If you have can cite threads that are being driven by men outside of this one I would love to see it. But you have no proof, just random accusations of men being here. And it's not whether this site is obscure or not, I think most of the topics covered here simply have no interest to men online.
>Like >>427318 says a trip to 4chan proves otherwise.When women's appearances are bought up there it's not even remotely close to the same way they're discussed here.
>Again, you seem to be resorting to stereotypes as opposed to reality.You have to resort to stereotypes too because there's no proof about the sorts of things. You really think there are guys here driving discussion about Pixielocks, Suzie, Charms, Kiki and Kaka, etc?
>>427318Nitpicking here doesn't get you banned. This board is driven by nitpicking people's appearances. You really are delusional.
>>427335Lol this is exactly the kind of nitpicking I was talking about.
I don't get why people who are feminist would feel the need to rag on someone's appearance.
No. 427365
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>>427327>When women's appearances are bought up there it's not even remotely close to the same way they're discussed hereI did, and I'm sure most people have. It's laughable that you believe that men don't nitpick. I've seen men saying things like "manjaw" at actresses with a perfectly fine looking jaw, "fat" to average bmi girls, "FAS looking" to girls with thin lips, and I could go on. Your point is invalid.
>Nitpicking here doesn't get you banned. This board is driven by nitpicking people's appearances. You really are delusional. If there's someone who's delusional here, it really is you. You're clearly a newfag, you just learned how to sage, what do you even know about this place? You literally see people banned for nitpicking here everyday. If you were a farmer, you would know that.
>I don't get why people who are feminist would feel the need to rag on someone's appearanceWho told you that those people were feminists?
How funny is it that everytime someone brings up things that make Shoe insecure (her trich, now her no-makeup face) a newfag pops up and derails the thread…
No. 427372
>>427365I said men nitpick in a different way than women do.
Women also say that normal-looking women have manjaws and are fat. Your point?
I've been here since staminarose shut down and this board opened up. Like, since 2014? I've probably been here longer than you.
>Who told you that those people were feminists? There could be overlap between feminists and people posting here and on this website?
Ok, Shoe's no-makeup face and trich are ugly. Happy?
>>427370Why would a normal looking face be humiliating to women?
Oh no, someone is ~shaming~ men. That's the problem with people these days. Just laugh at these ugly virgins and move on.
No. 427374
>>427372It would be humiliating to some people because they are insecure about their face, which is why they wear makeup. Look at the makeapp subreddit. It’s for men to laugh at women for being ugly or wearing makeup.
And I never shamed men for anything, so I don’t know what you mean. I was trying to offer the perspective of the people who have a problem with the app.
No. 427384
>>427344You sound like a
triggered robot anon. You also don't back up you own accusations and keep derailing the thread. Either make it relevant to the topic or shhh.
Again I do think the hype of this app has been made more by people like shoe because it gives them a reason to make videos/make a mountain out of a molehill. She's trying to make milk where there is none.
No. 427410
>>427344Ok so I said I wasnt going to derail but fucking hell talk about a buttmad response
>If you have can cite threads that are being driven by men outside of this one I would love to see it. But you have no proofIn my previous response I said the threads were moved to manure which is no more. You are clearly dense, a newfag or both. Also I never said that these threads proved all threads are driven by men but just proof that not every poster on this site is female.
>just random accusations of men being hereYou admitted you don't read the threads on the boards I spoke of but then somehow think you can speak about what goes on the whole site? Congrats on shutting down your own argument. Why are you so upset at the notion this site is not 100% female farmers?
>When women's appearances are bought up there it's not even remotely close to the same way they're discussed here.Again you haven't said how. And ironically you are being a hypocrite.
>You have to resort to stereotypes too because there's no proof about the sorts of things.Fucking kek. How have I "resorted to stereotypes?" From this answer it seems you don't even know what the term stereotypes mean kek.
>You really think there are guys here driving discussion about Pixielocks, Suzie, Charms, Kiki and Kaka, etc? Fucking hell this strawmanning. They are not the only cows here. Plenty of men hate onision who is one of the bigger cows here. No site on the net, even 4chan, is 100% one sex. There is always a mix. And I'm not an expert on these peoples fanbases so its a possibility. Again all you have is your belief on how things are and get super mad when told otherwise. I fear there is nothing we can do to get rid of the saltiness, so all I can do is wish you goodday.
No. 427494
So whiteknight aside, is anyone willing to get the app and run a few of June's pics through it? Somehow the screen
>>427236 doesn't seem to be as bad as I heard this app gets. I've heard rumors that the app draws on dark circles and zits. Feel like June doctored it to make it not as bad kek.
No. 427573
>>427374>makeapp subredditholy shit that subreddit is hilarious, some of them seem to think that the app is literally magic and can tell exactly where the subject has actually applied makeup rather than making educated guesses based on an algorithm.
>>427494she probably didn't doctor it, it just doesn't work as well if you use a low quality filtered pic like she did.
No. 427645
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>>427494>>427494it doent put on zits but either way, june is ugly tbh
No. 427679
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>>427569>No answers, just salty and states what wasn't being disputed.Maybe don't start stupid arguments then and keep your autism in check for future posts, newfag.
>>427645>>427642Thank You for these anon, its really not surprising
how different these are compared to shoes version of her apparently using the app.
If you want you can run this one too, she seems to have a lot on here.
No. 427717
File: 1511103268331.jpg (22.84 KB, 275x152, 1511098576479.jpg)

>>427679dont have access to the app so used a pc
here you go
No. 427721
File: 1511103831418.jpg (63.55 KB, 1200x600, ^2CA62F2F13B85D0AB1145486D367F…)

>>427679ok, i ran it thru for you. gotdamn is she FASsy. she has NO room to talk shit about other females
No. 427735
>>427732Not women, people wearing makeup.
It mostly erases your eyelashes and eyebrows, it doesn't understand black-haired people exist.
The makeapp is shite.
>she has NO room to talk shit about other females That picture is not her non-makeup face, it's just a shitty app.
No. 427755
>>427735so what?
theres vids still online of her without her classic wings and she still looks like the pics posted by makeapp
No. 427849
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>>427735She ain't lookin that much different bro
No. 427972
>>427966She looks really different in
>>427849 than her most recent makeup tutorial video, just wondering what it is. She could have had a subtle nosejob.
No. 427978
>>422863the fact that she even gets white supremacists retweeted on her shitty timeline says enough
what a dumb ass
>>422899lol literally her response every time she gets called out on twitter. also usually sends rabid fuckboys to defend her honor.
>>422903so fucking true
>>423943>deep down she is the first person who would do that to other peopleExactly. I wouldn't do it to her myself but I don't pity her either.
>>425080>basically getting unreasonably upset over others getting unreasonably upsetliterally the entire anti-sjw community
>>427253>straw-womenhahaha mte
No. 427994
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No. 427998
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>>427994lemme fix them corners real quick
No. 428233
>>427998lmfao I love this bc if she had just shut the fuck up about the app (that barely anyone is even complaining about anyway) no one would have even cared to make these edits
way to streisand effect yourself June
No. 428380
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No. 428383
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No. 428416
>>427717>>427721Thank you kindly anons, and I agree, she shouldnt be talking shit about other peoples looks. Someone mentioned that in a lot of her videos pics she cuts off the top of her head on purpose, what do you think?
>>427975Surprised to hear that as people got defensive and insisted she did not have a nose job. I guess they were her white knights.
>>427994>>427998Top. fucking. kek. thanks anon!
>>428383I'm starting to wonder who the insecure one is here. (I'm guessing its both, actually)
No. 428437
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Since when has shoe been creative? Unless she means creative in blowing things out of proportion for drama, milk and views. I guess thats "creative".
>Just because we are at it for a while doesn't mean its boring
Lol the defensiveness in this, just kek.
No. 428472
>>428383This is so cringe.
These people say they wished they lived in the 50s but guys like Skeptic wouldn't fucking last. Shoe always making him look like a giant baby with these validation posts. Its not normal. If he was the masculine dominate man he claims to be, he wouldn't need or have her post pussy shit like this. They just think tall and fat = super masculine kek. Shoe you will never know what dating an actual masculine man is like. Stay mad.
No. 428601
>>428586Jenny McDermott
>>428589That's a myth. They also talk a lot about "financial abortions". It's almost like they don't have the child's best interest in mind.
No. 428608
>>428500For June's sake, I hope she never gets around to making videos about MGTOWs. They fucking HATE when women comment on MGTOW. Even if the woman says positive things, they will say she's being manipulative and trying to prove she's not like other women.
It won't be well received by her audience imo.
No. 428611
>>428609>>428601>>428586i don't understand this drama
you need to give more details
No. 428618
>>428383I'm not sure what masculinity Skeptic has. He runs a youtube channel where he argues with people and misconstrues facts. He…collects swords? He wears ill fitting suits? The only difference between him and he SJWs he makes fun of are the things he says. Same with June, she dresses and acts like most weebs her age do, the only difference being that she thinks shes special because she loves her boyfriend.
This is all going to be so embarrassing for her when they inevitably break up in several years and she has to delete all these posts of her kissing his ass.
No. 428652
>>428618Skeptic isn't masculine at all and June has stated she thinks muscular guys are gross. She either has shit taste or is trying to lie to herself to cater to her demographic: fat neck beards. And none of these MRA/MGTOW fatties want to acknowledged the first step to true masculinity is being strong and fit/active.
I am trying to imagine fatty Skeptic playing a sport or fighting someone kek.
No. 428670
>>428601the only reason why they bring up kids getting granted to the mom is because they want to try hard to seem as if they're the oppressed gender and there is never a day that goes by, when talking about anything, men will claim feminists get offended, constantly bring up if roles were reversed, etc etc
they're big babies honestly. and a new wave of feminists, the difference is feminists ran on exaggerated reality and men run on delusion hence why they constantly search for something to stretch in order to prove their "men are poor wittle oppressed babies who are being abused by big bad women and everything favors women" standpoint
No. 428700
>>428670They'll scream about how women are more often granted custody while also proclaiming that women are only literally only suited for childcare and nothing else and shouldn't work outside the home.
So. Tough shit. They perpetuate the stereotype that is a cause of what they hate.
No. 428856
>>428608shhh anon
let her do it
No. 428860
I want Mama June to get a taste of men screeching at her and feeling a little lump of betrayal.
After all, Mama June p r o t e c c Skeptic so well and has his best masculine interests at heart! How could mgtow men not see she is their savior?! She's not like the other girls!!
No. 428875
>>428868It's kinda what I was going for lol.
She pretends to be so ~motherly~ to Skeptic, when in reality he supports her ass and so do her parents. Like without her channel she'd be working minimum wage somewhere just for a little spending money. She's not motherly, responsible, or domesticated in the least.
I'm just waiting for the Twitter picture of a plate of tendies and ketchup with a caption that reads "#WIFEMATERIAL I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARD OF MUH MAN."
She's just like Lauren Southern telling how women should be living and behaving and practicing none of what they preach.
No. 429969
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>that's her fetisheverything is horrible.
No. 429970
File: 1511361551436.jpg (35.6 KB, 580x372, no shit.jpg)

"hey twitter i call my boyfriend daddy. aren't i so unique? i'm not like those other girls tee hee give me patreons"
No. 430060
>>430039Oh god this is hilarious and disturbing because that's exactly how she is towards him.
The best part is, from this
>>397272 it's clear Skeptic becomes an extremely
triggered autistic baby if you call him anything that goes against his wannabe daddy dominate persona. Its pathetic that he actually thinks he fits the bill while looking the way he does. Anytime he wear suits or anything 'expensive' looking, it just looks like mommy June dressed him up like an adult manchild
No. 430065
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>>429969>greg reaction facesI like finding them on my own.
No. 430092
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>>430065and sticking them on pictures of Gary Glitter? that's a terrible idea that no one should ever, ever, ever do.
No. 430642
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Why is she retweeting a racist meme from a red piller?
No. 431069
>>430845apple fired the black woman for her ideas on diversity. she said that anyone can be diverse, even white men. and apple did not like that.
I assume that apple has now employed a white woman.
so i assume its supposed to be about the irony of the situation
No. 431218
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"It's not pedo if the child is physically over 18" - Greg, probably
No. 431250
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>>429119hahaha my sides. thank you
No. 431272
File: 1511542255089.jpg (92.97 KB, 1080x1080, 23735200_769346293250533_45607…)

Why is she wearing cat ears? Why is her bunny at the dinner table? Does she know she's an adult?
>>431218The baby talk is so embarrassing.
No. 431417
>>431396that honestly makes me scared
I don't want to pour my heart and hard work into my children and have then end up like that
No. 431449
>>431378"she was very hyper, very annoying, very nerdy, and wore cat ears"
june now: im so hyper! ~n.n~
wears cat ears to a thanksgiving dinner>>431437'la porta' is her real name.
i think she uses 'lapine' for the reason you said, as well as to hide her name for the same reason other people online do.
No. 431493
>>431456whatever men decide they like next
first it's the popular girls that are chill but bitches
then its the gamer girls who don't hang out with other women because women are catty tehee
next was the "tradtishional womyn" stage
now they apparently want women to act like little girls now
hopefully the next stage june decides to be isn't obnoxious or that pretentious, the little girl act is her most embarrassing one yet
No. 431714
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No. 431718
>>431449I'm sorry but where did she say that her real last name is La Porta? I've only read anons saying it, must've missed something
>>431617You replied to a month old post without even saging just to say this?
No. 431738
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>>431714>future baby daddy Seriously, does anyone see them getting married and having kids in the future? I feel like they'll date for a few more years but then he'll marry the first girl he dates after June.
No. 431785
>>431714For a split second I thought it said "stupid".
which would probably be more fitting
No. 431896
>>431844>implying June will accept to lose her figure to pop out some kidsThe only thing that obsesses Shoe more than her Armored Splenda is her body. No way she's going to put her precious ~petite kawaii desu~ body in jeopardy by getting pregnant, gaining weight and giving birth.
>>431738Married maybe, kids absolutely not.
No. 431898
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>>431847lmao, he's literally wearing a belt and suspenders. he's an idiot. i'm not even sure the cigar is completely ironic.
No. 431916
File: 1511649318633.jpg (116.66 KB, 600x1080, 203981091893411274308518195642…)

>>431847>>431898I don't think he's doing it ironically. He's always wearing a belt and suspenders with his awful suits.
No. 431936
>>430642How the fuck is that racist? The black woman being fired is what was racist, and this meme is mocking that fact.
This page is overflowing with fat women who are disconnected from reality.
No. 431948
>>431916Can you imagine this without clothes? He looks pear shaped, with a Hank Hill butt.
No. 431967
>>431906Ehh, I think that she likes the idea of impregnation rather than an actual impregnation. On the other hand, as you said, Splenda might even go as far as slip her birth control pills in her food to make sure he's 100% not knocking her up.
>>431958He's not ugly, but he does have a creepy, greasy loser aura that many farmers find unappealing
No. 431973
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>>431954I wonder what's under his beard.
No. 432536
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Maybe it's the lighting but I feel like he face tuned this. The nose looks too smooth to me.
No. 432687
>>431714Girls like June don't understand that their desperate confessions may seem cute at first, but they just make them appear unqualified as gfs.
A relationship should be a two-way street and if you're really secure, you wouldn't expose it to the world to see. By elevating your partner constantly (or saying that she felt stupid in a room full of average dudes while her bf seemed in his element) you just end up putting yourself down in your partner's eyes.
If your bf or gf constantly repeated they were dumb and extremely lucky to have you, you'd start believing it too and honestly, who wants to have someone who doesn't deserve them ?
Careful June, cause all that you're doing is blasting that you're NOT Greg's equal. Next thing you know, a secure, smart and pretty woman is gonna pass by Greg and ignore him wearing suspenders with his belt to steal your thunder.
No. 432718
>>432536Look at how slim his face is here compared to his bloated chipmunk cheeks and double chin in the screencaps from his videos like
Maybe June embarrassed him by posting all those pictures. He's trying really hard to look attractive here when in reality he doesn't look like that at all.
No. 433199
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No. 433298
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>>433199I wish second hand embarrassment wasn't a thing because I'm dying over here
No. 433341
>>433199Lol, and of course these are the "mistakes" that aren't as big a deal as, say, his misrepresentation of that new Bill Nye show and completely ignoring scientific studies to tirade against ~*~SJWs~*~ Or the Canadian free speech thing. Or endorsing the Candid pedo app as a paid shill. Or conveniently hiding old videos so no one can go back and actually bring up the contradicting things he's said.
Ironic how he's trying to be perceived as honest when this is straight up intellectual dishonesty. Like it's nbd to cherrypick minor shit while leaving the major stuff (the shit that actually discredits him as a pandering liar for views) untouched.
And let me say that the fans in the comments section are whiteknighting his ass hardcore.
No. 433344
>>433199kek shoes so dumb she doesn't realise thats actually something someone would say as low key shade towards an atheist.
Its also funny because shoes and skeptic don't just make mistakes they are mistakes. There are so many videos on youtube calling out their bs from their own side of the "political" spectrum.
>>433298Kek ikr?
No. 433350
>>433341> his misrepresentation of that new Bill Nye showHmm I
wonder if this is to do with people saying they have been or still are transphobic? I mean, we all know thats
triggering for june
No. 433818
File: 1511900279124.jpg (49.46 KB, 640x340, woke.jpg)

How does she not see she's the female anti-feminist equivalent of these woke male feminist types?
No. 433830
>>433818How long can June continue to beat the dead horse that is feminism reaction vids? Calm down June. We have way bigger shit to worry about in the world than some dude giving a ~woke~ interview or some college students putting up posters about the patriarchy.
There is nothing left to say about these things anymore. It’s all been said. We get it.
No. 434108
>>434100well besides you know
the fact she shames random fat women at the grocery store then promotes fat acceptance for men
constantly sucking up to her bf and neckbeards
acting like a child to please her bf
etc etc
No. 434123
>>434100Her anti-sj shit is consistently some of the cringiest stuff I've seen on here in a minute, as well as the stuff mentioned in
>>434100. I think she fits right in with the other cows.
No. 434125
>>434123oops, I meant "the stuff mentioned in
No. 434241
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No. 434259
>>434140I agree, especially with the previous thread which had quite a few white knights. Also its funny she represents herself as an intellectual when even her subscribers comment they don't follow her because shes dumb but shes an echo chamber for their thoughts.
>>434249Kek IKR?
No. 434305
>>434100>not even that badShut the fuck up.
We post other people here for less and this insecure, ignorant bitch fucking belongs here.
No. 434512
File: 1511991319253.jpg (116.92 KB, 640x940, cringe.jpg)

No. 434522
>>434512whats' weird about her is how she always has to go on about how she's totally in a bdsm relationship and how much she loves her bf. like she's always trying to reassure/convince herself and everyone else?
sage for reaching
No. 434523
File: 1511992349786.png (14.26 KB, 590x134, sad.png)

>>434512I physically cringed at this.
>when the right wing guy she's responding to has sense than her No. 434528
>>434512It's super pathetic that she uses the "we're in a BDSM relationship!!!!" shit to cover for how unhealthy their dynamic is.
>>434523I have no idea what shit he's chatting with the "female led relationship" thing but he's dead on about the rest tbh. Too bad June will just put her fingers in her ears and keep spouting stuff about how their relationship is just super kinky and not like some stupid normie relationship based on mutual respect and trust. I can't even feel sorry for her anymore.
>>434526I think he's holding a leash. Vom
No. 434536
File: 1511993356199.jpg (63.27 KB, 570x668, 83c2a4b5d72f2684abacef87e6bbed…)

>>434512>not some vanilla bedroom only thing>I worship his dick 24/7 Who's going to be the brave person to buy a 'Slut Tears' mug and smugly post with it over a picture of June's shitty BDSM and salty tweets?
No. 434539
>>434531If she just kept it to the bedroom where it'd be "some vanilla bedroom only thing". She has to tell everyone how sub she is so that she's not a normie. What a pure innoccent trad waifu uwu
When she loses her looks and her fans stop giving a shit about her it's gonna be a wonderful surprise for any future employers and colleagues when they find pictures online of her with a collar and leash.
No. 434545
File: 1511993670056.jpg (54.99 KB, 479x592, pedro.jpg)

>>434512I especially love how this came out right after some anon was saying that Shoe is "not that bad". Nah fam, she's prime cringe material, the type of snowflake you look at when you're feeling down just to realize "Hey, at least I'm not her" and instantly feel better
No. 434571
I don't know why the fuck I'm shocked by this. I didn't think June could make me cringe any harder, but I definitely pulled a muscle in my shoulder after seeing this.
I'm not kinkshaming. I'm really not. But can anyone explain the appeal of sitting below your boyfriend on a leash while he plays call of duty or whateverthefuck? You know next time June mocks self sufficient career women I'm going to remember this, and feel a little less irritated.
No. 434598
>>434584She doesn't realize how trashy it makes her sound, sometimes it seems like reading through some cheap camgirl's Twitter profile.
Plus this will bite her hard in the ass in the future, because they're going to break up at some point… And good luck finding another right wing boyfriend that will also be okay with her "dick worship" tweets floating around the internet
No. 434603
File: 1511996396263.png (185.4 KB, 500x510, 1511209347643.png)

>>434512i want to go to church. i'm converting. i'm becoming catholic. i'm going to church and praying for myself after reading this shit.
No. 434650
File: 1511999812700.jpg (101.63 KB, 791x649, IMG_20171130_005508.jpg)

Farmers, take a guess what "cutest armored skeptic moments" could be.
>awww he shat his pants after eating 5 big macs <3 <3
No. 434660
File: 1512001275644.gif (3.14 MB, 400x225, eww.gif)

>>434650Wouldn't you love to sit on the floor next to him wearing a collar and leash? <3
No. 434672
>>434512>>434512the level she's going to, to publicly embarrass herself like this and try to stick it to the evuul feminists. she obviously thinks he's going to end up supporting her longterm/she's going to be his sub tradwife/be her gravytrain. he doesnt want to support your stupid ass, june. she's doing all this horribly embarrassing shit with aspirations of being his kinky super sub tradwife and shes still living at her fucking parents
so pathetic. like, i have a feeling june is under the impression that in order to have a no job housewife life she needs to cater to right wing men and embarrass herself like this.
when, ironically, there are men that would support her, that she actually mocks, for not being callous pua nutjob conservatives, that wouldnt demean her publicly
No. 434751
>>434512>>434512Ten bucks says she got right back up and sat on a chair next to him after taking this photo. Unless we're supposed to genuinely believe she sits on the ground with a leash on while scrolling on twitter for hours a day.
>implying that most people posturing online about their 24/7 bdsm relationship aren't just liars exaggerating for their audience No. 434789
>>434660This is probably the meanest thing I've said in a long time but….why do men like this seem to take pride in being and looking disgusting? I feel like most people spend so much time trying to correct or hide their physical flaws and gross habits, but there is that certain type of man who is unapologetically gross, overweight, and unkempt and still thinks people should worship him.
It makes no sense to me.
No. 434812
File: 1512023059155.jpg (16.59 KB, 326x326, calling the police.jpg)

>>434512All kinksters need to be gassed
No. 434813
>>434795Nah, I'm from here and I'm not a teen, but when I criticize people I usually tend to focus on their actions and not their physical appearance since I myself have a fucking BUSTED face and it feels hypocritical. However, since Skeptic and June love to attack women for their appearance I feel less bad about it in this case. The dude physically repulses me and June's little personal fat acceptance movement created just for him is pathetic to watch. She panders to men harder than any ~gamer girl~ I've ever met, so it's funny that she calls them out too.
I do wonder if she will ever grow a spine and respect herself a bit more. I think she would be happier but I'm just one of those careerist skanks so what do I know?
>>434796I'm not that sweet but thanks anon.
No. 434817
>>431936tumblr has infected lolcow recently and I don't like it.
>>434512that, uh, doesn't seem healthy
>>434669June is most definitely not a conservative.
No. 434819
>>434512I love how she's convinced herself that being in a 24/7 BDSM relationship is normal and healthy. Bitch, the two of you are still living in SEPARATE FUCKING COUNTRIES despite having been in a "serious relationship" for two years, and you're apparently only capable of one type of sexual dynamic. He is definitely not connected to you on a particularly deep level.
The sad thing is I think she really does obsessively love him and does this kind of attention-seeking shit to convince herself that her relationship is more meaningful than it actually is. As far as I can tell, Greg isn't nearly as invested and is probably just stringing her along.
No. 434827
>>434825She seems to at least have some awareness of what an immature cunt she is, which is pretty much the only reason I think there's any hope whatsoever for her.
I don't see her changing anytime soon, though. She has no reason to.
No. 434845
>>434813I agree with what you say
>>434781Totally agree. How is she going to be a tradwife if she has no homemaking skills? lmao
No. 435101
File: 1512072006463.png (1022.97 KB, 750x1334, E2C62D13-9D6E-4216-94CF-FAD578…)

>>435063What girl wouldn’t want to suck the chode of an insecure man baby with bigger tits than her own.
No. 435104
>>435057hilarious given that she still has to live at her parents and lit gets nothing to out of this arrangement
shouldnt her super dom be supporting her like a real man?
No. 435110
>>435104>>435104probably because june and skeptic thinks it's gold digging if he supported her, unless she's still paying off her tit implants and can't pay her part in rent kek, or unless skeptic doesn't want her coming to his place 24/7 because he stalks confident, stable, mature women once junes annoying ass leaves
maybe he finds her so annoying so he convinced that its kinky if she shuts the fuck up and just sits on the ground on a leash?
No. 435225
File: 1512078942257.png (383.91 KB, 640x639, 1506118604058.png)

>>435110why would ANY confident, stable, mature woman want to date skeptic?
any woman with a healthy self-esteem is going to be disgusted by him instantly
No. 435234
>>435225didn't say date kek I said he stalked
I have no self esteem and I still wouldn't date him, I wonder how desperate june must be
No. 435245
>>435234June has a long proven history of mental illness, I have no idea why anyone takes her seriously considering she’s nuts. She has no idea how the world or relationships work because she’s too busy tearing her own hair out and shitposting on twitter.
Fucking hilarious that she tries to convince anyone that she’s in a 24/7 bdsm relationship with fat skeptic when she lives with her parents. Get therapy, June.
No. 435295
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No. 435317
File: 1512089105411.png (10.36 KB, 592x108, 2017-11-30 18_43_45-Tweets wit…)

>>435315Ah okay. I know she likes to post sexual shit about him and immediately delete so I thought it was possible. Have her weird sad attempt to get his attention that he seems to have ignored.
No. 435326
>>433421She doesn't have any skills full stop.
>>433830Its clear shes desperate-for reasons stated above. I mean she made more out of that make up app fiasco than literally anyone else.
>>434100shes a cringy wanna be attention seekingn edgylord who is a complete cunt to people just going about their daily lives. She practically the kind of cow this site is made for.
>>434522I don't think you are reaching at all anon. That is very much how it comes across.
>>434524If anything it could be used against her with her anti-feminist diatribe.
No. 435332
>>434539Again I think one reason she doesn't keep it private is because its what brings in the money as lonely beta neckbeards dream of having a anti-feminist cock holster like june. I can see its shit like this that makes some believe he pays her to be his gf. I am friends with female subs, none of them post cringy shit like this.
>>434560>>435104I did not know this and it makes the situation 10x funnier.
No. 435356
>>435317lol does he just ignore her most the time? that explains the leash thing, does greg ever even make posts about june? you always see shit june makes but none about june HA, that would explain why she's constantly having to prove her relationship to him
also why did she tweet him "hello"
is he ghosting her? I wouldn't blame him lmao
No. 435422
>>435356He hardly ever does. A significant portion of his fan base comes from the fact that he's dating June, so anything he tweets about her is done to simultaneously promote himself in some way, or to remain in good graces with those who are only following him because they were her fans first.
The vast majority of tweets concerning her are pictures where she looks slutty/cute (essentially just showing her off to remind everyone that he's dating a more popular youtuber), videos of hers that he's promoting, or videos they've made together. I think he used to tweet more relationship-related things about her early on, but not much anymore.
Honestly, there's no doubt in my mind that he's just keeping her around for publicity's sake at this point. It doesn't seem like they have a lot of problems in the relationship, but it clearly isn't that serious. They've been together a little over two years, yet still live in separate countries and there's been no talk of moving in together any time soon. There's virtually no other reason for him to continue dating her at this point, seeing as it really would just be easier to date someone in his own country.
No. 435424
>>435422oh geez they live in two different countries and they're both almost 30, been in a relationship for more than two years, and no talk of moving in at all?
also is the greg ghosting june thing confirmed ?
No. 435426
" His family remained Christian but never spoke about religion ever again. During his school days, AJ got a learning dissability and was made fun of by students, pitied by his principal, and talked down to by his teachers. Due to this disability, he was never granted a college degree and attended a local university instead of his chosen campus and was soon later on diagnosed with undiagnosed depression that he had all his life. AJ then turned to a religious group that he had known in his childhood as he became more and more paranoid and needed help. He read the Bible constantly and believed it to the point where he was willing to follow Biblical Traditions and adopt the beliefs and lifestyle of the Messianic Jews, a type of Christianity that combines many Jewish traditions, even though it was the most craziest version of Christianity and followers of the faith itslef are known to live in off-grid moutain communities. Church followers told him about the apolcalypse and made him paranoid once more to the point where he spent all of his money on survival gear for the apocalypse that his group told him about and his marriage soon fell apart as he wasted so much time away from his wife. Eventually, AJ saw the hypocrasy and insanity of his former group and knew that he had to rebuild his shattered relationships. He then left his religion behind and became an atheist and decided to join an atheist group called The Atheist Experience and watched videos by both CultOfDusty and The Amazing Atheist. He met Atheist+ where he and his friends were accused of sexism and raping and were soon attacked with false accusations all for having a different opinion than the other activists" sure if this is bait or serious
No. 435427
File: 1512103572668.jpg (87.49 KB, 704x410, skepsmellydick.jpg)

>>435422…speaking of which, I just had a look at his feed and realized there's no longer any mention of her in his bio. Used to say something retarded like "owner of shoe0nhead" which went in conjunction with her bio mention of him, which hasn't changed.
Considering how obsessively she's been tweeting about him recently and the fact there's little to nothing about her coming from his end, I'm definitely starting to think their relationship is on the rocks.
No. 435428
>>435422I agree. If you look at stuff from the beginning of their relationship he'd talk about her more in general and seemed to really like her, which makes it seem more sad.
>>435424There's been "talk" about it, and by talk I mean June talks about how she's gonna move to Canada "sometime".
No. 435463
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It would make my LIFE if after all this time shitting on radfems he left her for a tranny and wifed the tranny omg
And js, I know these sweaty assfiends have never been inside a vagina, but most men that don't fetishise dudes in dresses admit that the anus is super hollow feeling beyond the sphincter, v unlike vag, and the hottest thing about anal is psychological, not physiological
No. 435465
>>435427sorry but
>sociopolitical critickek
sage for OT, but I had to
No. 435466
>>435427Tbh he probably catches shit and bants over how clingy and retarded his gf behaves. It's super fucking cringe, he's a grown ass man whose relationship and sex life is plastered all over the internet by her like high schoolers discovering sex and collars for the first time.
That shit is bound to get old and even their die hard fans will probably roll eyes after awhile.
No. 435478
>>435468I knew equally as many high school and college girls who posted about their sexual exploits thinking it earned them cool points. They weren't virgins. June wants to be cool, June wants guys to think she's sexy, and she wants people to know she's bad in the sack.
She doesn't realize that it makes her look like immature trash and not the cool sexy girl image she wants.
No. 435496
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>>435427yep she's getting desperate
No. 435497
File: 1512110318045.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 5CBF60FA-CEA3-4B1D-A0EE-04F5E2…)

>>435482While I totally agree with you, it must be noted that despite how long she’s been dating this beta, she probably isn’t getting laid by him that often since they do live in different countries.
>>435427Is he usually on Twitter? He seems to hardly use Instagram, but regardless, out of 39 posts he only has 4 where June appears. The rest is just blatant, validation seeking trash like this post.
No. 435498
>>435496Whew lad, she’s love sick. So love sick you think she’d get off her ass, get a real job, save, and move to be with the love of her life/future baby daddy.
This relationship is such a waste of everyone’s time. Blog post: I was forced to be in a LDR because my FOB bf was accidentally restricted from entering the U.S. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy either because it’s such a waste of emotion, time, and unnecessary pain.
No. 435502
>>435498eh, I'm moved in with my current boyfriend and we've been in LDR for a few years, I don't think any second of it was a waste of time, if it's meant to be it's meant to be, if it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be, if you find the right person, LDR can work, but since june and AJ/greg/skeptic are incapable and it's clear that they aren't in the relationship for the right reasons, then it's a waste of their time
sage for blog
No. 435503
>>435497God how fucking embarrassing can this guy get? Everything he posts is always to stroke his ego about how manly/hot he thinks he is. He's practically a cow by himself.
>>435498OT blog too but me and my bf had to do long distance for a little over a year and it hardly bothered me at all. Not like I didn't miss being able to be there physically with him but texts/calls were pretty much enough for me. Never found anyone else who says this and can't relate at all to people saying how miserable it is. Makes me wonder if I'm not human.
No. 435598
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>>435426>Indian-CanadianIs he transracial?
No. 435649
>>435497June is obsessed with the idea that her and manchild are like the couple from Tangled probably because of their age gap but she is forgetting she met him in her mid 20 not a youthful 18. She's seriously stuck in la la land and refuses to see her relationship relies on fantasy and lies. She wishes he was like Flint because his character is actually manly, active, brave and most importantly handsome, everything chubby isn't. She is trying to compensate by thinking hes something else. And their long distance helps with that because she rarely has to see what he actually looks and acts like.
Of course he isn't self aware enough to notice this because he is so so full of himself. I hate June but, I seriously would be happy for her if she broke it off with fatty. He's completely holding her back.
No. 435694
File: 1512142971906.png (175.03 KB, 353x318, 1506351450718.png)

>>435295Wow you gave your bf a blowjob. Congratulations June, you did something normal!
No. 435889
>>435463Wait skeptic tm is armored skeptic? he retweeted that?
yikes man.
also i can't believe these people truly hate women this much. unbelievable. at least they're up front about it though.
No. 435905
File: 1512164358346.webm (1.51 MB, 640x480, cringe festa.webm)
This is apparently their first conversation ever…
Warning: very cringe
No. 435912
>>435497>>435427I refuse to believe those people are close to 30.
June acts like a cringy teen and greg looks like a brothel owner from a student made Z-movie.
I had to admit at first June made me a bit mad because of her fat girl hate and annoying anti-feminist stance but now I just feel pity cause June is the one probably self hating (probs being paranoid about the day she might not be thin/young looking anymore)
If anyone doesn't have crippling self-hate on here they're already better off than June, stuck having convinced herself worshipping her beta daddy dom dick and exposing it for the world to see is the right life path.
I'm weeping for you June. At least get yourself someone hygienic. What do you even get out of this relationship besides hating yourself a bit less ?
No. 436218
>>431718sorry for the late reply, i was hoping an anon with better/more information would reply.
i don't believe she's said it anywhere, and i'm not exactly sure where it came from aside from the mandela effect post that comes up when you search her full name.
i've confirmed it myself by just looking it up on sites like beenverified or whatever.
it gave me only one "june n laporta" in long island. (i also did it using her sister's name, and "june n laporta" came up under the relatives section.)
sorry if i did a bad job explaining, kind of why i was hoping someone else would, haha.
No. 436262
>>436252a man made the doll shes mocking, so…
'“The message I want to send is that it’s not what you look like. That doesn’t define you. What you do does,” he said.
Lamm said he took inspiration for the doll from his own experience in high school, which he described as the “worst time in my life.”
“I really cared about how I looked, and I didn’t feel good about myself,” he said.'
No. 436483
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>>436302June sounds so weird when she is with him
And of course, the top rated comment
No. 436522
File: 1512256282459.jpg (125.17 KB, 800x904, IMG_20171202_181031.jpg)

Her twitter is so much cringe holy
No. 436593
File: 1512261686247.jpg (129.63 KB, 800x779, _20171202_193826.JPG)

>>435427He changed it back.
Fat tits confirmed lurking?
No. 436610
>>436490Kek IKR?
>>436522Bitch needs to go to specsavers. They need to be told no matter how many times they say this its not going to convince anyone with working eyes.
No. 436636
>>436593LOL. I was just about to post this.
>>436608That was my assumption. I don't think Greg gives enough of a shit, but if it's to protect his image, maybe?
No. 436647
>>436593Given everything we know about June, I feel the likelihood that she DOESN'T lurk here is extremely low. The sad thing is I bet AS' bio had been like that for awhile, and she didn't even know until she saw the screenshot posted here. He's probably been avoiding and slowly pulling away from her for a while now. The little that he posts about her in comparison to how much she posts about him seems to be proof of that. Meanwhile, she's completely oblivious to this because she's too wrapped up in this bullshit fantasy she's concocted all over her social media pages that their relationship is Disney-tier levels of romantic and perfect.
She's so foolish it's honestly really sad. How anyone publicly, obsessively overcompensates as much as she does without realizing that it's actually convincing anyone with half a brain of the exact opposite, is beyond me.
sage for potential reaching
No. 436681
>>436647Idk something about her insecurity and complete lack of self awareness makes me think she knows about the thread, but doesn't read it. She doesn't seem like the type of person who can handle criticism well.
There's also the possibility that she doesn't know about it at all. June kind of like mystery.jpeg but uglier, so I think she'd react to criticism like mystery did (cry to /r9k/ about how eeeevil other women are and how different and speshul she is). In june's case she'd probably cry to her mra fans or make fat boy make a video or something. I doubt she'd pass up the opportunity to shit on other women, especially women who aren't edgy mra handmaidens.
No. 436685
File: 1512274848810.jpg (41.02 KB, 615x454, love yourself, June, learn to …)

♪♪ eight days a week / is not enough to keep your man ♪♪
No. 436817
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No. 436818
File: 1512306053606.jpg (26.91 KB, 533x180, Capture2.JPG)

>>436817I guess he isn't visiting her and her family after all
No. 436819
File: 1512306254706.jpg (21.65 KB, 537x126, k.JPG)

>>436818whoops wrong screenshot
No. 436852
>>436647Oh, she totally lurks to me. There's a very dedicated whiteknight in her threads who pops out every now and then to defend her or try to derail as soon as anons touch her personal
triggers (her trich, her boobjob etc.). Even more popular cows in /pt/ like Moomoo have way less whiteknights around, so it's definitely suspicious.
>>436681Good point, but I think that her situation is different from mystery's. This is an anonymous imageboard, so she can't target women but only anons she knows nothing about. Plus, given the amount of truth bombs and cringe exposed on here, she would be embarrassed to show her threads to her neckbeards, since some of them could do 2+2 and agree with us. And ultimately, crying about "buwwies on the intewnet" would make her look like a textbook snowflake.
No. 437466
File: 1512371293134.jpg (70.62 KB, 629x527, june.jpg)

>>436852shes here, she has always been browsing boards and tweeting.
She likes to pretend she does other stuff all the time, but shes always been a NEET girl on the internet. She goes way back to 2009 /b/.
Interestingly she says these days she never really went there, even though the full body nude came from a porn bot sweeping /b/ for pics years ago.
No. 437504
>>437466>she never went therehhahah what a lie
after she saw all the attention boxxy was getting, she wanted the attention for herself and tried to become the new boxxy
No. 437994
>>437466Fuck who is she trying to kid-is she trying to say she better than people who maybe spend 10 minutes max a day if even that on a site like this to her-a pathetic no talented youtuber who makes multiple videos trying to create a reaction to exaggerated bogeyman's or issues that non-attention seeking whores (aka most normal people) just shrug off?
Kek shes more tumblr than tumblr. And if anyone outright said that to her it would kill her if she didn't try to drown in denial first.
No. 438081
File: 1512454219532.png (467.01 KB, 571x601, oh no.png)

June? A jerk? Never!
No. 438900
>>438896I don't think that necessarily implies his family doesn't like her. Who knows how much AS even mentions her to them? I know she went with him to his brother's wedding from pictures they both posted, but aside from that, we don't even know if she's ever met them more than once.
I remain convinced that AS is nowhere near as invested in her as she is in him, and never has been. That being the case, I highly doubt he brings her around his family much, if at all.
No. 439108
File: 1512579668769.png (151.43 KB, 639x372, not like other girls.png)

>>439073He made a thirty minute video ranting about some opinion piece written by a man? You're right, maybe they should start a kink channel. They're obviously out of ideas and since they're shoehorning their sex life into everything anyway why not take the chance and stop pretending to be intellectuals.
No. 439193
File: 1512585409933.jpg (57.66 KB, 800x355, _20171206_133314.JPG)

>when your fans have to explain to "normies" that you aren't being an emotionally abusive asshole
No. 439398
>>439224"god june you're so fucking annoying just shut the fuck up and sit down"
"omg greg thats so mean D:<"
"wait june I mean it in a kinky way!!!"
"oh haha okay daddy I'm so kinky this is hot ^.^"
No. 439413
File: 1512605715383.jpg (55.26 KB, 800x500, shoehead.jpg)

>>439379Her camera is terrible. Isn't she a professional youtuber? She should invest in some new equipment.
Also, she has no original thoughts apparently. She "owns" radical feminists by calling them lesbian cat ladies and then goes on to respond to some mean tweets. I can't believe her audience pays almost $2,000 per video.
No. 439436
>>439413i usually don't mind her eye makeup, but it bothered me a lot in this video. the wing and the lower lashes kept distracting me for some reason.
i personally don't mind the quality of her camera, but i agree… it really wouldn't hurt her to invest in something better. according to her pateron, the money has helped get new lighting.. but will now help her move out and build her "new set"
No. 439503
>>439413Caring about incels and trannies more than you care about real women is peak handmaiden. Why does she still hate women so much? Like most girls grow out of their snowflake-y attention whore phase in their teens or maybe early 20s, she's too old to be this dumb.
And god, her eyes are way too close together. It's stressing me out.
No. 439506
>>439193This shit is why I fucking hate the 24/7 BDSM community. It's way too easy to get away with abuse and claim it's just part of a sexual dynamic. I'm pretty much at a point where I don't believe anyone who engages in this shit more than occasionally in their relationship isn't abusive/being abused.
I've watched enough of Greg's videos to know that every other fucking word that comes out of his mouth is incredibly condescending to someone, somewhere, in some way. He's an arrogant slime bag even when June's not in the picture, and I'd believe he'd talk down to anyone he's in a relationship with in the same way.
No. 439514
File: 1512616972208.jpg (14.65 KB, 250x250, 1383696813.jpg)

>>439434Damn 2k?
Maybe I should start making feminists r dumb videos too and try to appeal to men with low self esteem, since it's so easy to parrot other people and con these idiots.
It's honestly fun to watch how people like June and Lauren convince people to donate to them for doing almost nothing.
No. 439568
>>439379>>439413Wtf her arguments are terrible. Does she ever get tired from building up all those strawmen? I've never heard a GC feminist say they consider transmen to be "traitors" wtf.
If someone made a video about any batshit crazy shit trans people have said June would probably argue that the examples are "too extreme" lol
No. 439718
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>im betta than da feminits becase i let my boyfrand shit on me in public!
No. 439730
File: 1512664682147.jpg (18.49 KB, 494x178, skepcringe.jpg)

>not that i would ever brag about being smart, but i am sooper dooper smart u guiz
No. 439740
>t-theyre soooo boring I swear guise!also Mensa means fucking shit. You just pay them way too much to have a proof of how ~~smart~~ you are because you can solve certain exercises that in no way prove how capable you are as a human being…
No. 439763
>>439730LOL as if. Bitch is dumb as a brick
I also like the classic "well I'm not gonna brag" and proceeds to brag anyways
No. 439778
>>439730Girl is dumber than a bag of rocks, actually many people are left wondering whether she has a legit retardation.
She probably did an online IQ test and was dumb enough to take it for real
No. 439787
>>439730BWAHAHAHA bitch please.You're own fans say you're dumber than a box of rocks and the only reason they watch your videos is you make them feel smart which is really sad. Even other anti-fems have said you make them look stupid and need to stfu.
Its telling that you think your bf is this super mega mind when in reality hes a douche with too big an ego and that fools you. he's been debunked so many time hes started apologising for his numerous mistakes.
We know she wont gloat about the result number because its in the negatives.
No. 439825
>>439730Has to be a joke, even June knows she's a dumb shit.
Its why she's never done a live debate, or really debated anyone in a back and forth fashion, she knows she wouldn't stand a chance.
No. 439939
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>>439730Yep. It's skepdick.
No. 439947
>>439730Isn't he a high school dropout?
What kind of job does he have besides making videos online?