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No. 273908
File: 1490055092461.png (631.45 KB, 479x594, who.png)

tp keeps posing with this chick hotelshrimp and she has a bizarrely misshapen ogre-like face just like her
No. 273912
File: 1490055302495.png (631.53 KB, 594x596, inbred.png)

kreayshawn, another of tp's bffs. ugly white girl who likes to use the n-word in her shitty rap songs.
No. 274427
File: 1490130249650.png (1.48 MB, 1866x1190, Screen Shot 2017-03-21 at 21.0…)

why does she repulse me so much more than the rest? is it the lips? the body? the personality? the shitty dj sets? i can't tell
No. 274477
File: 1490134741209.png (585.2 KB, 840x589, fds.png)

does this yt seriously think that shit is smth to brag about listening to
she looks a little inbred though, kinda like the rest of these girls
No. 274509
omg important question
There were two girls, a blonde and a brunette who used to date and were part of this LA trash clique, hollixquinn and all that. Brunette was addicted to xan and kind of looks like a young Joan Jett, the blonde one is complete weeb trash, fetishizes lolis to hell and back and loves Rillakuma. They used to post pictures of Vanilla and Chocola and say it was them. While they were a couple, they had an instagram account just for their cute uguu pics. They broke it off and used IG to be petty and comment petty shit on each other's posts afterwards. Brunette left LA and started to date a drug dealer(and boast about it), blonde moved on and started to date a hispanic pseudo-photographer hipster-weeb hybrid. ANY OF YOU KNOW THEIR WHEREABOUTS? CURRENT TEA??? they were hilarious. I lost my IG account a year ago and couldn't remember their @s
bonus point if you guys also know about:
-fat stoner with saggy tits the brunette gal had major beef with, she a cheater
-ana girl with alpine cheekbones, also a xan addict who left her abusive home to get shelter in her cheating and abusive bf's home to be kicked out 1 day later, to wander around(and be kicked out of)mcdonalds regularly. begged for follower's paypal cash, said everyfuckingday that she would OD.
No. 274938
File: 1490167408503.jpg (55.4 KB, 500x500, 05278729-F059-4833-A791-E8D903…)

tbh everything about lilithlevisis is cringey as FUCK to me, especially her ever-changing waist to ass ratio that she tries to 'justify' with really short video clips. she had a pull thread that went more in-depth but god i can't believe how obvious some of the pictures were like her fans must be so dense
on that note i kinda miss holli quinn's internet presence it was a lot more obnoxious and milky
No. 274939
File: 1490167690215.png (587.63 KB, 872x562, comm.png)

communi.cator AKA Mia Kerin on IG is a whole new level of ghetto edgelord. She posts weird ass videos of her dancing in her underwear, and people think its art for some reason.
No. 275023
>>274939I wouldn't say she has that trashy "ghetto" aesthetic these other girls have but she is your typical tryhard creative.
I feel like her actual content has become more trashy in the past few months though.
No. 275040
>>274477Nightcoregirl's dad is Jim Prentice, the former premier of Alberta who died in a plane crash.
Tbh I feel jealous that she can move from Mexico City to Berlin like it's nothing, but she also wasted away whatever opportunities having a politician dad offered.
No. 275042
>>274939Mia is smart and not
problematic, she was apparently diagnosed with Aspergers (lol).
I do take issue with the fact that she claims to hate drugs but was consistently on Xanax and other shit like 4 years ago?
No. 275236
>>275042Lol she is a hypocrite.
She made fun of people who took her Instagram seriously because she used it to exhibit a "fake persona" for the sake of art.
Unfortunately it seems Instagram has consumed her entire life and she has lost her sense of direction.
No. 275944
>>275172How is that fishy?
Some of them have neanderthal heads too like hotelshrimp, lookin like a Hartley hooligan
No. 276549
>>274509pretty sure the second one is referring to natalia /paintdeath
she doesnt do much anymore tbh
No. 276612
File: 1490392988224.png (1.47 MB, 1440x2073, Screenshot_2017-03-24-16-49-14…)

anyone know if yungelita's done anything milky? she posts some embarrassing, edgy nudes/videos of her dancing with knives and sometimes she posts gore on her story.
Also, why does she have so many followers? Just the ~pale, lolita~ aesthetic? She's the epitome of a butterface, plus her tits are weird
No. 276623
>>276570 >>276569
i think that anon might be confusing her with her (former) friends/white girl mob members lil debbie & v nasty
No. 276632
File: 1490395650340.png (808.22 KB, 1440x2473, Screenshot_2017-03-24-17-44-25…)

>>276612just found her old twitter, lmao this shit is even worse than Ginger
No. 276640
File: 1490396487430.png (1.58 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_1386.PNG)

@poutybrat definitely deserves to be here. Recently did a stint in rehab for her heroin addiction~ then got fat. Always screeching on IG about how she's a "healthy" weight now.
Literally doesn't appear to do anything with her life other than smoke pot and post her "artsy" shit on social media. Maybe does some "modelling" occasionally, but it's usually for some other edgy IG hoe, or one of those god awful tumblarina fashion brands.
No. 276659
File: 1490397785947.jpg (125.19 KB, 595x325, twins.jpg)

>>276612She looks like a trans Justin Long.
No. 276681
File: 1490399350083.jpg (44.83 KB, 400x400, IMG_3168.JPG)

Does anyone remember xanaxprincess aka Athena Baumeister? She was part of the hollixquinn crowd and she died of an overdose when she was only 16. She had a very wealthy dad and was in a couple low budget films. We were the same age and I looked up to her for some dumb reason.
No. 276687
>>276681What I hate hate the most about her death is how easily it could have been avoided.
I fucking hate the xanax/heroin chic culture that tumblr and instagram seemed to bring back from the 90s… it has taken many lives and ruined many others.
It's not cute, never will be.
It's sad and pathetic.
No. 276865
>>276612textbook definition of butterface
>>276617her real name is Emma Harvey and she goes by Elita Harkov lol
No. 276905
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>>276681I did a little digging and I found out her dad wrote this book, pretty ironic.
No. 277208
File: 1490473271855.jpeg (42.35 KB, 225x400, tumblr_ob4cu4dXa41re9w8fo8_250…)

>>276899>>276841Found this on Tumblr.
No. 277240
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>>277234Some basic bitch with 200 followers?
No. 277253
File: 1490476284424.jpeg (128.97 KB, 540x720, tumblr_n43wxmwEoN1rrtemvo1_540…)

>>277240She has lots of pictures with her and Athena, so I don't doubt they were friends.
No. 277254
File: 1490476674105.jpeg (30.65 KB, 350x538, Athena-Baumeister-001.jpeg)

>>276681Tbh the juxtaposition between the way she's portrayed in the press vs. the more "personal" photos of her from Tumblr is interesting. She looks so normal and healthy here.
No. 277256
File: 1490476758262.jpeg (78.87 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_n547qhqlXd1rt0svfo1_128…)

>>277254Meanwhile on Tumblr
No. 277551
>>277260People seem to think Russian girls have some sort of edge and mystery that most Western girls don't. In terms of yungelita, she seems to try to emulate Russian girls like @hofmanita and @lopholora
Some girls take it further than just edgy captions and "slav aesthetic" though, you probably already know about Sasha Vladimirovna/Jennifer Garcia.
No. 278845
File: 1490661391490.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2201.PNG)

lol what? Can't she just say she was lying? They can't take her unless they're committing her which means she had an episode wtf is this
No. 278921
>>278862She has seemed to stop pretending to be Russian, has calmed down with the photoshop, dabbled in femdom/porn, still an attention whore.
The thread about her on PULL pretty much covers her every movement.
No. 279297
File: 1490719952759.png (288.85 KB, 1708x1460, A REAL PERSON.png)

Oh wow she's sperging over on PULL, talking about legal action too.
I wonder if she'll find this thread.
No. 279907
>>279734i don't know if she will tbh, she found PULL because it mentions her real name, Clare Buley
it shows up on the first page of the google results, this doesn't.. yet
No. 284149
>>276681I still remember when it happened 3 years ago.
>>276807You really shouldn't assume things like that. Her friends said it was a xanax/oxy od. She was addicted to xanax and cocaine, and regularly mixed a lot of different pills. I followed her blog before she passed and saw nothing about heroin.
>>276917When I followed her, she said her dad had a mistress who was nicer to her than he ever was. They had a lot of money and she moved to LA to do acting. When she was 14 she got raped/beaten many times by someone she worked with and he made her do shit like bring food her mom cooked for her to his house.
>>277240Athena was her best friend, unfortunately. Paige is a shitty tweaker, In/out of rehab, constantly on shit like heroin and xanax. Has all the qualities of an addict.
No. 308979
File: 1494409867689.png (1.69 MB, 1680x1196, Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 4.46…)

I'm genuinely surprised that out of this entire group, Too Poor is the one truly going the way of the cow. I was expecting it from this one, personally.
No. 309080
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>>309005The comments are killing me.
No. 309233
File: 1494431876942.png (554.95 KB, 861x603, sad trombone noise.png)

just added an extra ten kilos to my squat in memory of this girl's tiny sad ass
No. 313341
File: 1494867359929.jpg (662.46 KB, 2048x2048, D80F6FA7-FAE9-4ECB-9CBB-971ABF…)

Watching Lauryn Lawler try to squirm into these girls' skinsuits is hilarious.
No. 314031
>>313341What is wrong with this girl? Serious question.
Every time I see her she's trying to jump onto someone else's identity. Reminds me of Mila Mortice. This shit doesn't seem normal.
No. 314084
>>313672it's not a case of impressing anybody tbf, admittedly i do feel like having this tattoo was wrong for that reason because i have came past a couple of photos of ncg's tattoos on ig discovery before, theme wise i thought it would have been a good tattoo for this arm because idealistically i wanted HQ and the joker tatted there along with other joker-like characters i admire such as kefka but i have changed my plans on what i want tattooed there now… yes sounds hilarious but i like to see what goes with me or not and i have had many tattoos removed and covered up its no big deal and i am not trying to push her off the hill for "whos tatt is better" or get recognised by ncg, her tattoos are awesome and she is very pretty with a good talent in music but i do not follow her and in general she does not interest me….
i came here to check out embers thread and I whizzed past this one smirking at the photo of me in the bath lo, yeah i'm a little surprised to see myself back again but under a different thread
insta-hoes…lmfao and getting spoke about on this forum again but whoever you may be that made these posts in defense for ngc i deeply apologise for her and whoever it offends.
and one more thing because i'm getting bored i'm not trying to get famous, i'm not trying to be "relevant"… that's why i post under a private control… but it doesn't matter because i am careful with who i chose to follow and already blocked a few suspects ahah…
No. 314201
>>314192It's really weird how you seem to actively continue to lurk here after all this time.
PS: Does Sybil's asshole smell as good as Anca's did?
No. 314227
>>314201Let me just let you in on some true facts.
During the time when my awful experience of copying Dakota Rose all happened, I stupidly posted one of my pics on my Facebook for school friends with the watermark of my tumblr on there… then my tumblr and the old PULL got large insidight coming from the people who attended my high school… this invited active bullies from my school to bully and lurk on me….
When I got to know about lolcow however, I searched my full name on google and my thread on PT came up. Again, shit was happening between the Mila incident on and it was linked to my Facebook and this enabled people from my city and high school to keep up to date with the new drama…. then my ex…. got to know all about this website and when he dumped me before prom he was lurking on these threads and he has admitted about shitposting….. I hope you understand how much this is a big deal to me… but I have recognised my ex's posts on my thread before because he is always tormenting me about the time I was gonna move to Finland, he even makes false Instagram accounts too and I can't stop him. I don't lurk on other threads I am literally paranoid of my ex posting personal information abour me….
No. 330941
File: 1496863296050.png (557.27 KB, 1280x720, dr.png)

>>273912Hells naw! You can't do that to my girl, Kreay. She's actually for real cool and doesn't deserve to be in this thread.
Maybe back in her one-hit wonder days when she let the fame get to her head, but she's way chill now.
No. 338602
>>330941i like kreay too. happy to see her narrating a vice party legend recently. ;;
No. 339668
>>314192omfg why are you such a fucking dumb ass - how did you reason getting the tattoo in the first place? No one cares about you being weak and covering it up now and ~~~deeply apologizing to those it offends, no one cares. If you have the balls to be such a fucking desperate weirdo to directly copy someone's permanent tattoo you might as well run with it. Get some real help and log off.
And also just because tattoos are "no big deal" to you doesn't give you any right to rip off someone else's permanent body work that's on their own skin forever. That's not yours to take you stupid bitch.
No. 339682
>>314227File a restraining order or something on your ex and go to therapy and get over all this shit. You did dumb shit on the internet, everyone does stupid things in high school, but you did do some ridiculous shit. Grow up and let it make you stronger and learn to laugh at it. Your ex is a little bitch, same with the bullies, and everyone on here is just looking for a laugh. You have an extremely obvious self esteem issue that will only get worse if you don't address it.
Stop blaming the internet for finding some dumb shit you chose to do publicly funny. This isn't our fault and you lurk here because you obviously find it funny when others do it too. Again you need to grow the fuck up and stop taking the internet so god damn seriously. Become a better person and go accomplish some shit, that's the only way anyone embraces you here. Toughen up.
No. 350256
File: 1499728633018.png (143.28 KB, 281x500, stupid hoe.PNG)

Anyone remember when Lilith Levisis started wearing a corset because it was easier than having to photoshop every picture like she usually does?
The funniest part about the corset pics, is that her corseted waist is STILL bigger than her shooped, 'natural', non-corseted waist. If your waist was really that naturally tiny, a corset would make it even tinier, to the point it looks insanely small, right? Yet even her corset just gives her a completely average size waist to hip ratio, typical for any corset wearer who is on the slim side. Just more proof of her ridiculous shooping.
No. 350415
>>350256Idk tho cuz she posts tons of videos of her body on her insta story I think her waist actually looks like that but I never see her in a weight trainer
I'm not saying she looks normal at all it's just really obviously not edited in her insta story pic related
Her butt is her bending over backwards tho
No. 350416
File: 1499747419013.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3869.PNG)

>>350415Ugh forgot to post the pic a screenshot from a video on her current insta story
No. 350419
>>350416Just cuz you never seen her in a trainer doesn't mean she's never worn one or doesn't waist train
I'm a corseting anon here, i only where my corset to sleep or if Im wearing baggy clothes where you can't see the outline of it
No. 350455
File: 1499752348096.png (115.25 KB, 701x963, IMG_7757.PNG)

>>350416it's just because of the angle she holds the camera. notice how she literally always hold the camera at hip level or lower when she does the videos
No. 350459
>>350455 how to save/imbed IG vids fag sage
But she shows different angles in this vid
No. 350489
>>350449if she's that rich there's a lot of new accessible cosmetic treatments to spot reduce fat, some non surgical and all done in office. she's in LA so i don't doubt for a second she did something, especially if she has money.
nothing wrong with that but she likely didn't full on have rib removal surgery, just some in office shit. her stomach texture looks slightly off/kinda lumpy (>>350416), that's why i mention it - i have friends who have gotten fat transfer and they look similar so my accusation isn't out of no where.
No. 351189
File: 1499879095321.jpg (409.96 KB, 640x995, IMG_8524.JPG)

Check out this fake bitch Hotelshrimp.
She removed my comment and blocked me calling her out on obvious photoshop. Obviously a body like that is photoshopped I mean look at the brick walls man.
No. 351260
File: 1499886363727.png (206.97 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3908.PNG)

>>351189Did she delete your post? Cuz people still wylin
No. 351457
File: 1499900657829.png (173.97 KB, 750x1026, IMG_3916.PNG)

Usually Patience doesn't bother me.. but this shit?
No. 353670
File: 1500238671762.png (1.91 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170716-155136.png)

this girl hasnt been mention but honestly she is really irritating 2 me: biohazardangel. she runs an online shop as well and sends a lot of things 2 well known ppl in the insta hoes comm like holli n too poo. she used to fuck/date(?) chad powers (chadpowersceo on ig) if u follow skateboarding and after they didnt hang out she would post about hating men a lot on lol.
not a lot of milk but she is just v annoying and a super try hard. as of lately she dyed her hair trying 2 look just like internetgirl before she shaved her head. pic 4 example
No. 353920
>>353876LMAO im not her, i swear im just someone who follows her so please dont read this in a stupid accent
>>353792sorry i dont want 2 spell out things that i can type more quickly and u still understand what the fuck im saying………lol
(learn to integrate) No. 353939
File: 1500279442218.jpg (900.98 KB, 1440x2232, Screenshot_20170717-041315.jpg)

Surprised she isn't mentioned here but Paige is a super cringey basic pastel snowflake that posts underage photos of herself in underwear or with stupid ahegao faces while constantly mentioning how much she wants to kill herself or be skinnier. She used to date Caz Fhey and swore they would get married but just like every teenage romance it fell apart and now she swears her new man is "saving her" and that she "can't be without him"
No. 354029
>>353670You type like you're mentally retarted, jfc.
I smell a vendetta or self post, this girl is boring as shit and it seems like there's no milk.
No. 363294
File: 1501388370802.png (446.69 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0945.PNG)

Layla pisses in public so Cassidy has to do it too. Does this chic copy everything toopooh does??
No. 363401
File: 1501412376843.png (326.79 KB, 316x531, 45378.png)

>>351189If her photoshopping skills were better I actually would have believed her. Oh and then there's this pic revealing her real body
No. 364156
>>364149Semi-famous bf + "omg look goals!!!" + a solid aesthetic. Also, some people think internet 'famous' girls being bitchy and rude is just being ~totally sassy~ and kewl.
Not that hard to figure out really.
No. 364379
File: 1501563198839.png (Spoiler Image,724.54 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1087.PNG)

Jesus Christ…
No. 364380
File: 1501563473679.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1086.PNG)

Lilith casually answers her front door topless coz she's "edgy" like that. This girl has no fucking shame smh
No. 365849
>>274939Hey! She doesn't belong here. She's really smart and has a lot of talent.'m getting Sophia Coppola vibes.
No. 365927
File: 1501761630211.png (2.26 MB, 1435x1796, 20170803_075445.png)

>>364397The more she posts she just digs a deeper hole for herself. Excited to see what her lovely future is like. (Something just seems so off about this selfie)
No. 365928
ugh I'm sick of seeing pictures of Clare's horse face already
>>365782Nah she's not pretty, she's just a drug addict bitch.
Last year she set up a gofundme to protect some koala bear or something and her gofundme was set out so fake that she ended up blowing out all the money and used it for her own selfish purposes.
No. 366223
File: 1501797476683.png (456.29 KB, 1024x855, kek ok.png)

>>365927She is so delusional
>"not edited"and clearly thinks others are as dumb as she is.
No. 366341
>>366223Tbh all her ass is a false illusion because she has so much weight that does not hang on to her waist and hips. And then of course she relies on angles and really fucked up posture to achieve that level of stupidity for her pictures. Her ass is small af and
normally sized.
No. 366477
File: 1501855162825.jpg (52.37 KB, 220x500, IMG_7923.JPG)

>>366376i feel like she's normal looking but she knows her angles, sucks in her stomach, and photoshops
No. 366597
>>366510lol not lilith
I'm just using common sense based on the pictures of her and the fact that rib removal is extreme surgery
(also sage unless you're actually contributing something)
No. 370823
File: 1502483699929.png (1.88 MB, 1440x1772, 20170811_163204.png)

This dumb bitch is seriously going to SCHOOL like this I'm just?????
Gotta love how she's just gotta show her bandages to make SURE people ask.
No. 372782
>>366483She's been very open about having scoliosis aka why her ass looks so huge… really not that hard for your ass to look that big when it's mainly your lower back lmao
By maneuvering her back like that constantly just know she probably won't be able to walk eventually
No. 372893
File: 1502835667924.png (505.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8087.PNG)

>>372888i screenshotted everything even though it's relatively uninteresting. the funniest was when lilith tweeted this because she CONSTANTLY complains about how sooo many girls copy her
No. 372920
>>372893saying the Russian girl supports a rapist yet who's the one allowing strangers on her hidden dms to use her photos to catfish people and enticing her Instagram audience (who are most likely men) and letting them buy her things and venmo her
take a goddamn seat
No. 372925
I'm out of the loop
>>372888What's the drama and what was she called out on?
No. 373336
>>372920how the fuck are those two things even comparable??? it is deceit yes but how is that close to being worse/just as bad as supporting a rapist?
i dont really like lilith but u sound like someone who has been catfished and now u mad lol
No. 373352
>>373037oh i didn't know this, i only saw that stupid video she did with paper work nyc
i always wondered why she went to america to cosplay as one of these ~xanax girls~ rather than just living in moscow with her edgy russian friends
No. 373395
File: 1502904054418.png (159.08 KB, 640x1136, 1502895199544.png)

Okay so she'll say this then say later on that she knew but didn't believe rumors…
No. 373398
File: 1502904149870.png (836.89 KB, 1440x1793, 20170816_131748.png)

Wtf? Which is it bitch. Are you defending or you didn't know. Sorry for pic spam
No. 373400
File: 1502904265246.png (1020.27 KB, 1440x1647, 20170816_131603.png)

No. 374203
>>372893people do copy her and holli
i need to find the accounts again and post comparison caps but this thing is real
>>374056i agree, i have definitely more sympathy for this russian girl than for lilith's rich ass. it looks like she's trying to build a name for herself as a model and her insta shows that she's getting legit gigs. the only gigs lilith had are some really tryhard shoots where she looks terrible.
No. 374221
>>374203Strongly agree. Clare is just one of those self centred bitches who acts like she is gods gift not to mention she is already loaded living off mommy and daddy.
Tbh I don't think most people copy her in a way that they live their lives doing the same shit as her. If you look on tagged pics on her insta there are girls actually dressing up and doing their makeup like hers… but of course they upload pics with captions like "inspired look by Lilith levisis" . Still… it will always make me feel curious and always wondering why Clare gets paranoid about people copying her. Apart from her abnormal body that's going on she's not exactly a natural beauty. She wears way too much makeup so I'm assuming she must have some insecurity with the way her face looks.
No. 374393
File: 1503014881642.png (581.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170817-200201.png)

Does anyone follow these hot messes? @psychojuls @patheticlola are the milkiest problematic chicks I've come across in a long time. Julia made a video in black face and said "pick my cotton" (found it on @makeabitchdelete). Recently they found out the "modeling" she's been bragging about has been found on porn sites. (If you want to see that mess it's on @truthspams) most of the girls related to them are also milk fountains if you can get into their private accounts. There's way too many screenshots to post of their antics
No. 374628
File: 1503043721800.png (43 KB, 612x276, IMG_1354.PNG)

Probs a good move though not buying the reasoning. Saging because she craves pull/lolcow attention and has no personality
No. 374742
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No. 376516
File: 1503326700171.png (162.61 KB, 640x953, IMG_1248.PNG)

Oh boy did any catch cass' latest photo I mean… if you look closely the liquify looks obvious
No. 376956
File: 1503377030606.png (409.68 KB, 720x739, 20170822_004128.png)

What kind of white people shit is this. All I can think of is "this was someone's precious daughter at one point"
No. 377007
>>374568Hey yeah that's me from like a year ago when I was doing a lot of drugs n would literally do whatever I needed to for money for my next fix
I never published that image and I sold it to someone a fucking year ago if you could please direct me to where you found that and please just delete it off here I would appreciate that since whoever posted it online did not have my consent to do that…
This photo shouldn't be anywhere online and I'm really frustrated that I got directed to this forum because someone said hey just saw a fucking naked photo of you online.
No. 377033
File: 1503396246040.png (103.32 KB, 640x743, IMG_1402.PNG)

>>376516Kreayshawn's posted this as a joke, can't help but think she's calling out these girls who obviously photoshop and their fans are like "wow I wish I looked like this!" thinking it's the real deal, making them feel shit about their own bodies. Gotta love kreay's sense of humor
No. 377619
File: 1503456816861.png (1.3 MB, 720x1112, 20170822_225056.png)

Anyone know about this chick? She Photoshops to hell and back obviously. Not a clear photo of her. Crys about being an inspiration for women to love their body but Photoshops out her stretch marks after claiming to love them.
No. 377620
File: 1503456877431.png (172.68 KB, 720x1067, 20170822_225117.png)

Topped off with an obvious case of "things that never happened"
Sorry for double post
No. 377669
>>377619Sounds like some 16 year old girl Catfishing with some bimbo's poorly
Photoshopped pictures.
>my friends can't get over how hot I am irl I can't get over how dumb this bitch is irl
No. 377714
>>377616Thank you if you know how long that time period is for them to be able to delete it that would be awesome! I actually found the website that has them and I'm working on getting the photos taken off since I didn't consent to them being on their website and such.
I also really appreciate the response since I do know these forums can get pretty vicious
No. 377746
File: 1503471724147.png (899.23 KB, 713x995, 20170823_004014.png)

This needs to STOP
How is this anywhere touching attractive I'm-
No. 377836
>>377007Honestly, if you sold it, and you've already admitted that here, then there is nothing you can do. Once you sell an image its someone else's property. Like a photographer can't sell someone an image and then tell them "oh no, now you can't use it!" Or "ur using it wrong!"
Revenge porn is not sold so its different.
No. 378091
>>378068Thank you so much omg ! They got deleted off the porn site too so I'm feeling way better now about all of this
n dw I'm not gonna cow tip or whatever
No. 378234
File: 1503534537384.png (203.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170822-231613.png)

>>378108Speaking of this I forgot to post this CRINGE interview she did. Where do I even begin with this
No. 378238
File: 1503534639397.png (176.47 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170822-231716.png)

>>378234Pt2 of cringe
How old is she mentally, 13?
No. 378647
File: 1503589798897.png (456.66 KB, 720x733, 20170824_112919.png)

Nice job lopho. Just wow
No. 378648
File: 1503589840094.png (263.33 KB, 720x803, 20170824_112937.png)

Pt 2/3
No. 378649
File: 1503589866082.png (191.62 KB, 720x1031, 20170824_112952.png)

And the response. Spam over.
No. 378767
File: 1503598928155.png (183.64 KB, 744x1197, IMG_8191.PNG)

No. 378797
File: 1503600939600.png (147.85 KB, 750x1079, IMG_3837.PNG)

>>378647hahahaha she wants to look more like a slav nigga hahahaha
typical rich white hoe who treats ~exotic~ brown people like designer purses
No. 378969
File: 1503615229726.png (88.97 KB, 1242x539, IMG_5627.PNG)

No. 378971
File: 1503615290123.png (905.86 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5630.PNG)

No. 378972
File: 1503615318483.png (192.98 KB, 1242x983, IMG_5631.PNG)

No. 378973
File: 1503615349839.png (68.13 KB, 1242x419, IMG_5632.PNG)

No. 378974
File: 1503615390976.png (49.79 KB, 1242x333, IMG_5626.PNG)

No. 378975
File: 1503615431020.png (59.67 KB, 1241x415, IMG_5628.PNG)

No. 378976
File: 1503615457760.png (154.62 KB, 1242x776, IMG_5634.PNG)

No. 379032
clare buley aka lilith levisis is living off her daddy's right wing republican shady $ ( and the only reason she called out lopholora is because she is jealous of her getting somewhere and she pulled that shit about lopholora being racist out of her ass because lopholora made that post about the surgeon as a response to lilith and what she did is she used it to try and bring her down hiding behind the sjw mentality knowing she's going to get attention from it and her followers are going to back her up because they want to be noticed by this fake bitch who can't even spell the word white supremacist just because she's got followers
No. 379104
>>379032Wait a second, are you saying her name isn't Lilith Levisis & ?? her dad is rich af & funding her life? whoa bombshell!
Ksenia ur PRESSED
No. 379188
File: 1503631665770.png (587.77 KB, 720x896, 20170824_150522.png)

Caption isn't wrong. Keep making a joke out of yourself you lopsided clown.
No. 379363
>>379188Jesus who the fuck gassed her up into thinking she's "a beautiful russian model"?
Someone show her pics of actual russian models and make a comparison. She looks fucking romanian.
No. 407530
>>407192there's a short thread about them, i posted an update but the thread is dead/no one really cares
>>>/snow/319841right now the situation is just lalonie pushing the "i'm a victim too" narrative and taking zero responsibility for her actions, she posted a pretty pitiful video explaining her side of things
and of course everyone eats it up like "omg you are SO brave"
No. 408472
>>407196Yea blade took the screenshot and sent it to Lilith. Then Lilith posted it on Instagram and I screenshotted it.
I'm absolutely starved on cows does anyone have their own cows that don't have a thread?
No. 410161
File: 1509094751484.jpeg (168.77 KB, 750x1047, 7E668897-58D6-4EE9-AAA9-278717…)

No. 410286
>>410161god this is so fucking funny i love how all these tryhard thots are really just boring attention seeking basic bitches
also rachael confirmed for always being the hotter sister lmao
No. 410593
File: 1509150656800.jpg (57.01 KB, 640x642, 234567.jpg)

>>410564They're just generically pretty, particularly Clare which is probably why she tries so hard now. To be fair, Rachel hasn't changed much since this picture (based on the recent pictures I've seen anyway)
No. 411673
File: 1509321874042.jpg (95.52 KB, 960x960, 12472448_10154041842850782_646…)

No. 440626
File: 1512784091463.jpeg (506.62 KB, 1280x720, 10043.Sub.25.jpeg)

>>412145Sorry I know this is like a month old but does anyone know who she is?
No. 446310
File: 1513566416477.png (1.48 MB, 1782x1098, lolll.png)

hmmmm ??
No. 447036
>>365849lol nah
>>275817This post is everything I'd like to say. she's 2edgy and her "art" seems like a projection lol. She used to always ask for money & had a paypal donation button on her tumblr page.
apparently gave a shout out to her thread posted on pull saying they were crazy or something lol
No. 450660
File: 1514012271329.png (74.34 KB, 717x924, IMG_3075.PNG)

you cant photoshop videos and lilith has plenty videos of her body you guys are just jealous of her its sad
No. 450661
File: 1514012321273.png (93.77 KB, 750x940, IMG_3077.PNG)

lilith levisis has a perfect body
No. 450669
File: 1514012488807.png (Spoiler Image,106.34 KB, 750x1098, IMG_3090.PNG)

yeah lilith levisis posts videos non stop and her body is even better in videos than in photos
No. 450672
File: 1514012664207.png (166.24 KB, 750x1049, IMG_3091.PNG)

i think lilith levisis and lil peep had a thing look at comments
No. 450674
File: 1514012809066.jpg (111.86 KB, 831x652, IMG_2999_Facetune_21.12.2017-2…)

if you actually know lilith levisis you know she has most fucked up life and her ex boyfriend actually tried to murder her she has been in pysch ward since age six and was also sent to live in finland for three years they found her almost dead in a basement with no food or water
No. 450698
>>450678Good catch anon, I’m ugly laughing.
>>450654>implies you’re fucking anyone worth fucking>implies you’re getting paidI promise you no self-respecting woman wants anything your nasty snatch has tainted, no pun intended. When the drugs take their toll and not even Photoshop can fix it, let me know how “paid” you get with your overwhelming lack of intelligence or any marketable skills.
No. 457713
Such a dumb bitch.
Honestly anyone who likes Holli and chooses to associate w her after all the horrible shit she’s done to people is fucked in the head
Did anyone see Lilliths fucking “rip Manson” post?? It was so cringe. She literally said “you had a hit out for my grandma who I love more than anyone but it’s all good love you Manson”. GOTTA LOVE A DUMB SLUT
No. 468681
File: 1515799251955.png (335.73 KB, 720x1069, 20180112_181928.png)

Oh the laugh…
Funny lopho would say this while being totally okay with dropping heroin, coke and hell knows what else in her system.
No. 469211
File: 1515879301381.png (223.35 KB, 350x350, norm.PNG)

>>469205this is a totally normal ribcage. she doesnt have that freakshow shit. and this music video is terrible. really, everyone involved should so embarrassed that they never leave their homes again. what a tryhard shitshow.
No. 475805
File: 1516407581580.png (441.6 KB, 750x1334, 13F23038-E545-4155-A8D6-E805B7…)

Lillith is in a new music vid
No. 475823
File: 1516409915510.png (149.59 KB, 750x1162, IMG_8789.PNG)

No. 477215
File: 1516579093451.png (2.58 MB, 1125x2001, D20B6547-55E1-45C4-9E78-E0742C…)

>>475805She spoke about it on her story she’s probably projecting because everyone saw her looking busted irl
No. 478848
>>475823I am LIVING for this, shes most likely mad she didn't get all the attention she thought she would get. Probably figured she'd be a front line girl with the camera focusing on her.
Now that she spoke out about how she hated it, good job Lilith Noone in their right mind will ever hire a "model" That will trash mouth a production she was working on while admitting she was on drugs during. You just don't do that,but unproffesionalism is expected from trash like you. Learn from this since it could very well be the LAST time a real production crew will even look your way.
I hope they respond and put her in her place
No. 481708
File: 1516941230224.jpeg (662.36 KB, 1125x1555, A7B1A33C-A066-43DC-A193-5F5BE6…)

Struggling artist lol
No. 481882
File: 1516980009764.jpeg (492.28 KB, 756x1898, 9A873DE4-AC15-4803-9D38-6B97F3…)

No. 481890
File: 1516980568552.jpeg (135.12 KB, 1124x921, 8A52900E-50FC-4414-B063-F40C94…)

She’s a shit person
No. 482065
File: 1516994813244.png (2.57 MB, 1125x2001, EEEA0EFD-3110-465D-B70F-6DEED7…)

Lily rose depp is backing this lmaoo
No. 482776
File: 1517077073287.png (6.3 MB, 1125x2001, 0EF6D111-B2FE-48F4-A686-47A527…)

Anyone remember her? Used to hang out with the @lopholora kid back when cosplaying as Joanna kutcha was a thing
No. 482813
File: 1517080390986.jpeg (436.4 KB, 1124x1689, B4A6D8F3-4944-4FE7-B75E-0286A9…)

Speaking of lopholora did she not say she was cutting down weed because it made her feel like she was on crack
No. 483121
File: 1517091492124.jpeg (222.97 KB, 640x980, 4C0B75C2-A0B1-4000-A877-49BEE7…)

dropped pic.
No. 483123
File: 1517091536655.jpeg (134.7 KB, 640x953, AE9BDF90-D6D7-4C80-AFC4-361B41…)

this person is pasting this on all the pics of her cat.
No. 483126
File: 1517091674084.jpeg (163.51 KB, 640x973, 6F990495-CDFC-4185-8BEA-FD4BB3…)

there are people trying to give her legitimate advice, who are obviously going ignored as per usual with clare. as another anon mentioned, her insta story is her at some kind of party, nothing about the cat.
No. 483152
>>483126Even if her cat's treatment costs what she's asking for, I'm pretty sure she (her dad) has the money, she just doesn't want to spend it.
Like the person in these comments pointed out, clare hasn't set a time limit for the getting the money/treatment, which is strange.
No. 483207
File: 1517095273881.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1640, 3E2B33FA-4295-4C3B-8602-813D2A…)

She’s In Vegas
No. 483214
File: 1517095489386.jpeg (911.38 KB, 1125x2019, D77B7BC8-E670-4D72-8A93-9C3CB3…)

Her cats life is in jeopardy because she is out somewhere partying
No. 483237
File: 1517096517191.jpeg (192.61 KB, 236x849, 7700BC46-754B-41B9-B2CE-8C3C7A…)

It’s interesting what you can find on tagged photos
No. 483970
File: 1517159266606.jpeg (688.08 KB, 1125x2040, 4D203B8A-4E94-4418-AFAD-2C7F2F…)

No. 484763
File: 1517196037306.jpeg (540 KB, 750x1193, F37773D0-AE71-4B7B-A6E2-716DBF…)

Bitch what fucking vet place cost $8000 for a cat. If it’s such an important surgery that would cost that much, the cat would already be fucking dead. Can’t believe the fools that donate jfc
No. 486583
>>483186so does her dad paid for rent or is she allowed to live there rent free?
I actually believe she doesn't have the money the parents may be rich but that doesn't mean they will spend 8000 for a cat esp. after all the money they already spend into clares poor life choices, moving her to LA, art school tuition, her multiple emergency room visits, private rehab, psych, 800 every 6 m for her lip fillers ect
No. 487034
File: 1517339444438.jpeg (979.72 KB, 1125x1732, F7F4C1A7-3E63-4932-AD8E-EB1150…)

Did anyone else notice she changed her gofundme goal?
No. 487652
File: 1517371346664.jpeg (204.35 KB, 1125x1208, B6532ACD-F038-46C8-A268-EF05B5…)

No. 487810
File: 1517379594518.jpeg (379.06 KB, 750x1081, 82104BA9-7F78-42A6-B0D7-C1EE70…)

No. 488946
File: 1517455788740.png (376.71 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180131-222338.png)

Anyone know who Bella is talking about here?
No. 489298
>>487032Idk why she visits this site, clearly she does, if she doesn't care about her image like she said few times when ppl criticized her. First I liked her but now I realize 'who' she is. I liked her art, not specially my style but she seems to have some kind of a creative spirit (also with her oils) But she is trying to hard to control her image and now to justify things she did like that bad music video (btw very unprofessional lilith about this).
Oh and I just don't understand how and why she is so obsessed by her ass! It's really disturbing, so are her videos of '20sec of my ass in every angle so it looks big'.
No. 489995
File: 1517536553040.jpeg (156.6 KB, 774x980, 7578C3D7-CD04-4915-B528-665564…)

No. 489997
File: 1517536567572.jpeg (79.72 KB, 526x693, 3588DC18-8B30-46E8-9BDD-CF92B7…)

No. 490001
File: 1517536737454.jpeg (179.67 KB, 1125x701, BF872C1F-149C-46A8-8248-FB9C54…)

This was during one of the nights her cat was suffering whilst she was at that party in Las Vegas and cyberbegging.
No. 490072
File: 1517541785057.jpeg (432.82 KB, 1124x1819, 10350D24-FDA9-4A48-BD79-5A9474…)

Have you seen what type of people she went on board with at that party? Look at this ladies arm. She looks like a bad junkie with no teeth and the other with the guy Clare hung out with and this pic caption “withdrawals”… don’t you find that kinda evidential that Clare’s clearly spending on drugs
No. 490073
File: 1517541806138.jpeg (275.28 KB, 1125x1623, EAD59EF8-FB9B-4B23-853E-66A55D…)

No. 492645
File: 1517756727002.jpeg (557.77 KB, 1125x1359, 1B6A3C26-E416-4325-AF93-8A27A3…)

Does anyone else know Lilboweep? I’m not sure if she seems fitting to this thread but she has that same Instagram aesthetic going on. I’ve noticed a lot of things wrong with her photos lately she shops the shit out of her thighs.
No. 492646
File: 1517756740956.jpeg (281.8 KB, 1125x1635, BB98B106-D861-4E64-829C-843145…)

Pic related
No. 492647
File: 1517756866278.jpeg (69.7 KB, 548x493, A3F50883-42B4-4C0A-8366-CF7201…)

No. 493717
File: 1517828218694.jpeg (475.67 KB, 1125x1787, 3DD73CF1-056B-429A-A297-996CAF…)

Is Clare still at it with her gofundme cyberbegging?
No. 494722
File: 1517889330432.jpg (56.46 KB, 617x409, kid rock.jpg)

>>489995oh my god, it's kid rock! good luck in the senate, kid!
No. 494878
File: 1517904835114.jpeg (216.13 KB, 1125x1251, DD9E00E3-B19C-430B-82CD-5CA778…)

$75 for that no wonder she only sold one hahaha
No. 494880
File: 1517904933566.jpeg (864.64 KB, 1032x1306, 54A706E4-6C1B-4D28-9196-19F310…)

Who lets her do this lol
No. 494908
File: 1517909021506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,323.14 KB, 1125x1350, B9CA1C07-4DFD-447A-BF3B-067255…)

No. 494909
File: 1517909203318.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.58 KB, 1125x1382, 43F6EF29-E4DD-451A-AC42-6E5E52…)

Eerrkkk since when it’s ok to just learn “piercing” by urself n start operating in instagram…. gross
No. 494912
File: 1517909287645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,243.73 KB, 1125x1034, E5B4C993-A528-4B64-A417-08ADF1…)

Lol I’m impressed
No. 494956

Sarah Snyder
Jadens Smith ‘s ex
I wanna know her family background n threads xxx
No. 495017
>>494908I feel like Clare Buley sticks random girls on here because they are her enemies.
I love how this entry
>>482813 was made right after people were calling Clare out for cyberbegging.
No. 495057
File: 1517929670025.jpeg (81.11 KB, 480x480, C456CCC5-E945-4115-B7EA-5F4EA2…)

>>495017(saged)that was actually me I just thought it would be funny to see how she ended up I really don’t doubt she’s on here though especially because of her pull ran and she isn’t get out much because of her cat atm
CLARE IF YOU ARE READING THIS EVERYONE KNOWS YOU LOOK LIKE A RAT IRL AND YOUR ASS IS MEDIOCRE in fact when this thread reaches its limit we’re using this as the next picture
No. 495063
>>495057Ah… sorry for the assumption!
It really bothers me how she made out her thread on PULL looks bad for her image… but she doesn’t bad an eyelid on the discussions people are having her on this. By the looks of I think there are some personal things said on this thread and I feel like LA mutuals are saying most of these things.
No. 495082
>>495073I'm not from her circle but I was following her around the time. It wasn't anything serious (not surprisingly), she was just one of a few/many. Seemed like Manson didn't want people knowing about her because I remember some drama blowing up after a friend clare took to his house shared videos and pictures. I don't think either of them even follow eachother on insta anymore.
Also at one point clare ranted about another of Manson's girls because she didn't have hips like her lol
No. 495169
File: 1517937196474.jpeg (597.19 KB, 1536x2048, 56769B2F-15C1-4D1E-8678-2F1362…)

Temporary lip fillers because she doesn’t have any now lol
No. 495328
File: 1517944465519.jpg (42.89 KB, 750x429, 27751520_930319410462453_26242…)

clare buley should really look into this shit
No. 496372
File: 1518003022040.jpeg (269.41 KB, 1125x1838, 2FF8CAFA-179B-4AC2-AF6D-082122…)

Pic related
No. 496381
File: 1518003786690.jpeg (175.87 KB, 1125x500, 521AE0C9-B2F7-4BCD-AD51-0C77FB…)

Hasn’t changed a bit
No. 496382
File: 1518003850205.jpeg (88.38 KB, 640x480, EAAFCA79-8CC1-490B-9FDF-EB34AE…)

No. 496863
File: 1518041148049.jpeg (586.66 KB, 750x840, ADFF9B91-5E9C-4998-8AA8-957CE6…)

Photo lilboweep’s boyfriend posted in January. Her legs look so different here. It’s a shame she feels the need to edit herself so much on her instagram.
No. 498673
File: 1518185510958.jpeg (737.61 KB, 1125x1790, DAB7A27C-0964-4A3D-B796-611CCB…)

Lol this crazy bitch I thought she was embarrassed about this whole thing but now she’s trying to kiss ass so people will work with her again aw
No. 498821
>>498291I’ve talked to people who are/were friends with her and she’s
problematic af. They say she’s really self absorbed and doesn’t really talk about anything but herself. It’s cool she’s “sober”(I’ve heard otherwise) but doesn’t make up for the fact that she’s a total clout chaser
No. 499199
File: 1518220763622.jpg (142.64 KB, 750x1065, IMG_20180209_184840.jpg)

does anyone have any more info about Holli? this picture is not very recent but sums her up perfectly. she's like, 20-21 in this photo. how self obsessed do you have to be to look at this and think "I need to share this!"
I know there was some drama between her and poutybrat. Holli claimed she stole some stuff and there was a huge beef on IG.
she definitely doesn't have a job and is obviously on heroin all the time but somehow still affords a bunch of really expensive stuff. I really want to know how the hell she affords her lifestyle. I've been thinking she's a dealer for a while, but it's just an assumption based on behavior I've observed for a long time (and because I was a heroin addict for a long time and i feel like I have a sixth sense to this shit)
No. 499346
>>499199That’s backwards Holli was arrested for burglarizing Gigi’s boyfriend’s house.
No. 499428
>>499199>but somehow still affords a bunch of really expensive stuffTotally speculating here, but I think she's bringing in hoards of cash every now and then from dealing drugs or whoring herself out and then goes out and spends it all on a single brand-name clothing item, purse, make-up palette, trip to a high end salon for those stupid nails, etc. That being said, she's not doing this regularly enough to earn an actual living, is otherwise jobless and doesn't come from money afaik, so she forgoes basic necessities like groceries, gas and a phone plan. Which probably explains why most of her clothes look like they don't even fit her (probably thrifted), why she doesn't drive and is always claiming to not have a phone.
It's all just so she can have one Louis Vuitton backpack and then pose with it in every single picture for the next six months, until one of her strung out retard friends steals it.
No. 499514
File: 1518242166071.jpeg (904.45 KB, 1125x1171, 784415BD-8FF1-43BF-919B-467736…)

Where is her waist LOL and her legs are stumpy as hell
No. 499546
File: 1518245259656.jpg (53.93 KB, 500x375, heroingranola.jpg)

>>499199Holli used to be a bigger girl wayyy back, but somehow fell in with the wrong crowd, lost a ton of weight and moved from xanax to heroin and it became obvious she was a big fan of the five finger discount. I really don't think that's speculation. It's sad because internet popularity probably fueled all that. Growing up in/around Los Angeles probably added to it too. She surrounds herself with losers and her mom looks pretty messed up herself. I don't know her personal life story though, but tbh I feel bad for her more than the other idiots posted here because she actually seemed nice before she fell into oblivion, but that's talking almost 6+ years ago and that's a long fucking time. Trainwreck now.
No. 499792
File: 1518282351509.jpeg (417.6 KB, 750x1173, 191476D6-4ACB-4F14-801E-7AFB6F…)

so she’s gonna be a camgirl now?
No. 499832
>>499197I've been sort of followinf Kody (sheslethal) for a while on tumblr then IG, not much milk tbh. She is very self absorbed like another anon said. It really shows when she does a live on IG with other people imo. I also think she sells nudes and videos but I see her post from time to time that she doesn't have new content so it's prob a scam. I think she likes to do coke too.
She also makes cringy, wannabe Lana video edits from time to time.
If you watch and read her face when she goes live on IG to do her makeup or w/e, you can kind of tell she is self-conscious actually. But she's like 18 or 19 so… not super milky I guess?
No. 499873
File: 1518288721531.jpg (54.99 KB, 620x757, 45bd3b46-e6f5-49bb-9d4e-876bdb…)

Does anyone follow Kaycee aka babytrash on IG?
Her personality seems ok but she posts cringy af photos and videos for clout. It seems like she has no personal style beyond tumblr/ig trends. Pics related.
Also she and her husband met up with scorpioasshoe (ig) and her bf for a foursome and there was some drama bc scorpioasshoe was apparently made uncomfortable or creeped out by Kaycee's gross husband lmao. Then they passive-aggressively talked shit on each other on ig and tumblr instead of having an open line of communication between the 4 of them. There are videos and gifs of their sexcapades on tumblr and it's fucking gross looking.
Kaycee honestly gets more and more cringy as times goes on with her terrible, wannabe style. She has done some modelling for w.i.a. collections which has only encouraged her shitty sense of style completely contrived from stupid ~tumblr fashions~.
No. 499883
File: 1518289053167.jpg (400.54 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180210-102057.jpg)

Sage bc irrelevant but how the fuck do you post a gif here?? I have more pics to post but it keeps showing up as a fuckin monopoly ad wtf??
No. 499886
File: 1518289198690.jpg (Spoiler Image,362.98 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180210-102119.jpg)

Her and scorpioasshoe
No. 499887
File: 1518289240584.gif (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 308x308, 9081bd05-167a-4a12-978f-ff0809…)

Stand up straight ffs!!!
No. 499890
File: 1518289319902.jpg (472.47 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180210-102035.jpg)

You're too old for this nonsense Kaycee
No. 499896
File: 1518289668228.gif (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 357x357, 0f14fb31-1708-4f83-a393-d5ef69…)

Warning gross sex
No. 500062
>>499896isnt that scorpioasshoe?
speaking of which she is starting to fall under this instagram shitshow No. 500215
File: 1518309527196.jpg (11.05 MB, 728x728, 3LVj06p.jpg)

The fuck are you doing gurl?
I actually think her personality is ok but what is this shit
No. 500402
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>>500397Here he is being smug and also some milk regarding the foursome drama.
No. 500403
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>>500402Fuck, dropped pics. More incoming
No. 500404
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No. 500405
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No. 500406
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No. 500514
File: 1518353109916.jpeg (273.01 KB, 1125x1876, 20210350-8A6E-436F-AB21-9527CD…)

I love how Lilith called lopholora our for being involved with that pedofile rapper teaching us all how wrong it was to support him meanwhile she uploads this video expressing what her children would look like with a serial killer who was practically a rapist
No. 500847
File: 1518389243115.jpg (296.85 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180211-144657.jpg)

Speak of the devil
From Layla's story
No. 501225
>>501222I doubt there will be anyone here who disagrees with what you have said / have to say. A two minute scroll through this thread shows that. But as you said, these people might not change so it's probably for the best to leave them be.
I've heard Holli got sober after her stint in jail but I don't know where she's at now.
No. 501256
>>501236That's probably for the best.
I agree it's possible for her to get on the right track but I can't really see it happening with clare etc around her.
No. 501678
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No. 501681
File: 1518468239276.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.04 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180212-124110.jpg)

No. 501683
File: 1518468293709.jpg (Spoiler Image,326.01 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180212-124203.jpg)

Here he is being creepy on scorpio's posts. Honestly his tumblr is a goldmine of cringe.
No. 501903
File: 1518481830748.jpeg (79.43 KB, 1242x628, image.jpeg)

cool reply, lilith.
No. 501914
>>500999you killed athena paige lol
jk just wanna be a mean person and remind you that you cut the last xanax she ever had
No. 501923
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>>501914I knew it was Paige posting too! She won't move on and shut the fuck up about her relationships with these people.
RIP Athena. I don't really think it's Paige's fault tho. They're all rich junkies so it was bound to happen. But Athena's progression from normal girl to addict was shockingly fast.
I never understood why they hung out w Paige bc she's ugly as sin. Maybe she had all the connects (for drugs)? Pic related.
No. 501924
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No. 501925
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No. 501926
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No. 502069
File: 1518564128502.jpeg (202.05 KB, 750x1334, 5BE6E512-44A5-44B8-B732-BAB629…)

That’s because all your friends are crackheads that you use as accessories for clout stop guilt tripping your followers and get a job
No. 502184
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>>501948might not be her but it’s weird
No. 502214
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>>502184Wow I think that is her and pic related.
No. 502215
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No. 502282
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No. 502809
>>502384>>502716They both have sugar daddies. Holli posted a picture of her in the tub with some old guy. I can't find the pic now, but she was eating scrambled eggs and he was cleaning a pistol, and the caption referred to him as her sugar daddy.
Clare has an active Seeking Arrangement profile under the name Crystal. It also appears that she has a financial slave, as she's posted caps of their convos before, so my guess is she does some findom work, too. She seems like the type to cam, and she'd probably do well, but I've never seen her on any of the major camsites.
No. 503688
File: 1518706827933.png (185.63 KB, 342x386, imageedit_2_4794112641.png)

i haven't read the comments but i will have a look. i agree with you, if this is indeed a mask it would be fx-movie tier and it just makes no sense, it looks real
No. 504163
>>487652sorry for responding to an old post, I frequent toopoor's thread and that was enough LA fuckery
clare is only 20?????? that's fucking so sad, not like poor lil girl sad, but like holy fuck your life is flaming garbage and you're such a shitty person you deserve it. i didn't know i could even feel that way about someone so young but damn what a cunt. if i read correctly she claimed to have been in some form of psych therapy? what the fuck. everyone has some traumatic aspect to their family, do your part and heal so you stop spreading pain. these people are actual pieces of trash.
No. 504722
>>504649How old is lopholora? She’s actually really gorgeous. Is it just shoop and extensions?
I feel like she had work done but I could just be salty
No. 507162
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Apparently the police were above her apartment, good. Someone should really get the police on her this time.
No. 507163
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No. 508199
File: 1519020168949.jpg (1.22 MB, 2036x2036, XCamera-20180219_005615.jpg)

Discovered fegalvao_ recently. I think she shoops her waist to look tinier than it is. First shot is one of her most recent while the second is one of her oldest.
I could be wrong through as I did see a pic of her with a waist cincher. Maybe she waist trains? Just smells like bullshit.
No. 508230
File: 1519023580832.jpg (263.86 KB, 497x1126, Screenshot_20180219-015636.jpg)

>>508219It's so damn excessive though. I found another good example and her judging by the obvious blur, her tits are shopped too.
No. 508342
File: 1519044161557.png (407.62 KB, 720x1132, 20180219_074000.png)

Does anyone else know this creature? I've never cringed harder at someone's existence. If she was more active she'd probably have her own page here.
No. 508418
File: 1519054987300.jpeg (637.61 KB, 1242x2153, D8160F94-4E36-4737-ADFC-F4895A…)

The cringe is real with this one
No. 509202
>>508383lmao thank you for this
sorry everyone can download facetune/meitu and already has who cares. it's not fooling anyone and just lets dudes know you're insecure so they think you're easier to fuck. which shouldn't matter at all but these girls depend on their false reputations so idk what they think is going on
No. 509827
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She calls what she does art
No. 510982
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No. 511089
>>511081I used to be mutuals with her on tumblr. She actually seemed very sweet, although I'm pretty sure she only followed/talked to me because we had a similar "aesthetic" at the time. I actually blew up on tumblr for like two weeks solely because she reblogged like half of the content I'd found and posted.
This was almost 3 years ago, so I don't know if she's gotten worse since then. I do remember reading either on her tumblr or ig that she's a college graduate though, so she's at least got that going for her in comparison to the rest of these retards.
No. 511093
>>511089Also, still saging for blog, but I should note that a number of girls in this thread who were popular on tumblr (Holli, her sister and that curly-haired blonde girl they used to hang out with, for example) were also following me at the time for content, and Brooke was the only one who actually went of her way to interact with me.
Idk, she seemed really nice to me. Even if she's a kiss ass, she's still leagues above people like Holli and Lilith imo.
No. 512436
File: 1519392848166.png (869.78 KB, 720x1184, 20180223_082849.png)

I always felt there was something up with this chick since she takes the same edited pictures in the same corner of her bathroom without showing her face, and confirmed the feeling when she showed her busted ass face to wave her tits on live to 200 random old men. She made the mistake of showing her home which was absolutely disgusting (note: the clothing in the back was not the only massive lump of clothes thrown about her really dirty house)
No. 513255
File: 1519469420863.png (382.03 KB, 1242x1769, IMG_7862.PNG)

what the fuck is this mess
No. 513261
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someone like this had to be a hipster
No. 513262
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No. 513263
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and a weaboo
No. 513264
File: 1519470112330.png (378.9 KB, 1242x1838, IMG_7870.PNG)

punk too
No. 513265
File: 1519470542384.png (265.4 KB, 1242x1851, IMG_7872.PNG)

maybe it's because you don't have a personality and can't stick to something end the sperging
No. 513797
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FaceTune level reminiscent of toopoor
No. 513800
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Literally I hope they sue her brat ass for defamation
No. 514248
File: 1519583618491.png (140.62 KB, 750x969, IMG_1618.PNG)

>>499514lol this one is even worse
No. 514260
>>499514You guys are reaching
It's obviously those boots cutting off like a quarter of her leg length
She looks pretty but it's obv she's a narc and an addict and those traits are pretty unattractive
No. 514617
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well this is supposedly her on stage with manson. i remember seeing him commenting on her IG posts but i think he deleted the comments
No. 514784
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No. 514785
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No. 514786
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No. 514787
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No. 515138
File: 1519669828659.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 7B5E9891-28D1-4D72-A319-F74D5E…)

Lilith’s bestfriend y’all
No. 515709
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This is so fucking photoshopped look at the phone
No. 515712
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No. 515833
File: 1519742411541.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 735F4AB5-65F7-42EB-AA42-F9961A…)

that vingioni website she complained about modeling for has a lot of unshopped pictures of her. i think it’s interesting how she said the brand was shit and the photographer was creepy but on her IG story she was making ass videos and talking about her ass with the photog. he even asks if he can take pics while she’s filming her ass and she says yes clearly
No. 516020
>>515709Honestly amazed at how far this bitch can arch it
>>515138Been waiting for milk on blade. She pedo pandering hard and wtf is with her chipmunk loli voice
No. 516396
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No. 516397
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No. 516399
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sorry for the samefagging
No. 516519
>>516457she definitely doesn't. bending it as much as she can + shoop
about prettynymph– she's on heroin too. but she seems nice and actually works hard. she got a job at a salon doing waxing.
also anyone else see Lilith's story today with in it??? she just changed her handle and i cant remember what the old one was exactly but it had "stripper" in it. i have had suspictions about her too but i really don't know that much.
No. 516618
File: 1519810392060.jpeg (248.6 KB, 1125x1963, EB00DBF8-2E2C-4483-BF2C-4414A7…)

Her ass looks like it stinks so bad it’s like you can get a whiff of a bummy smell
also lol “add music to videos” she probably airbrushed this
No. 516729
>>515753I saw that. She seemed to expose herself to star about her actual feelings with mixed gender babies, she said that bloodlines should keep themselves pure, especially hers which is dominant and strong and great. We love a racist piece of shit!
Only when she got called out for it did she manage the excuse "I was lying to her to gain her trust and get information from her" Yea sure. Sage for no SS since I deleted them and shouldn't have.
No. 516731
File: 1519829708948.png (708.69 KB, 720x1028, 20180228_095431.png)

Why is she like this. Isn't she like 18 and here she is acting like a retarded 13 year old
No. 516936
Lilith actually answered many times about her cats situation if you followed better. Your choose to believe her or not, but I think the cat had his surgery and now he doesn't have his plastic collar anymore so I guess he feels better.
>>516909Mygod her snap must be poor quality, with her disturbing ass videos. It doesn't even look good like this! BTW what is this thing to say that her ass seems to smell bad? Is that a kind of insult?
>>516618 No. 517325
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My back hurts from looking at her pull this headassery
No. 517326
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No. 517385
File: 1519876469031.png (Spoiler Image,689.97 KB, 640x1136, B2EFB433-3C32-4D33-9CFA-904072…)

Has anyone seen this yet?
>yup that’s Lilith
No. 517872
File: 1519932803973.png (3.03 MB, 1242x2208, C55A4247-C135-418E-AC39-26C9BD…)

>posts /pol/ memes to her alt account and idolizes sam hyde
>gets mad when the male subhumans this type of shit attracts post gross comments
Loving every laugh
No. 519630
File: 1520093663142.png (348.8 KB, 608x366, 009.png)

>>519602Uh yeah they have lol she used to post drug pics online and talk about it regularly. After jail she's talked about getting/being clean.
Pic related (one of the many times there was legit physical proof).
Also you can still sage on snow threads.
No. 519707
File: 1520100296383.png (750.1 KB, 720x1046, 20180303_130141.png)

She's so desperate for any and all attention this is an every day all day thing for her. And obviously anyone that points out her dangerous weight gets attacked and blocked. Ember whanns spam account follows her too and licks her asshole up and down. Ember herself has been extremely milky these days but for some reason she's a banned topic.
No. 519829
>>519638I'm pretty sure most of the posts here claiming to have dirt on Holli are all from the same person. And if it is in fact that person, it's hard to trust what they say because they've had a personal vendetta against Holli for years and are extremely biased.
I've literally only seen this one person claim that Holli is completely terrible person…like on the level of being a sociopath…aside from being really messed up from all the drugs she does and associating with more openly shitty people like Clare.
No. 523876
File: 1520503024563.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0815.PNG)

Lol blades little blonde friend uploaded a video of her and looky there ! A meth pipe lol I knew she was on that shit .
No. 523898
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I hope this is a joke because it’d be so sad and not even funny if this is what she really looks like now…
No. 523913
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>>523898I mean, what the fuck. Shouldn’t she look BETTER post rehab?
No. 523920
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>>523876Blade after realizing she was being recorded LOL
No. 523924
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>>523897>>523876Not sure if you meant blade or the girl who posted her, but I do know this girl is just another drugged up looking girl that hangs around blade. Also has a picture with known pedophile tekashi 69
No. 524153
File: 1520537678338.png (1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180213-002522.png)

Those are clearly fucking track marks anyone can spot that
No. 524212
>>524161wow. practically a before and after warning
but what I really wanna know is the milk with layla, holli+lilith. Seems like theres bad blood no?
No. 524291
File: 1520544421116.png (4.32 MB, 1242x2208, 3EFA4D1A-9C44-4EA6-A1F7-6F4B45…)

>>524212Is toopoo on dope too??? These were posted on her snaps a few months ago when she was with Tyler Grosso
No. 524314
File: 1520545806404.jpeg (69.8 KB, 640x480, D8FF7CAB-D966-4823-9760-B32066…)

>>524041Holli’s tumblr is pupper95 and she has a million tagged me photos, some of which date back pretty far.
No. 524381
File: 1520549743940.png (858.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-08-16-52-55…)

>>524314This rat looking Clare bitch wants to be Christina Aguilera so badly. She has no original bone in her body.
No. 524525
>>524153what the fuck weed is legal in california the fuck she need a plug unless it's to get smoked out free, which is not the right usage of fuckin plug.
correct me if I'm wrong please, i've had a med card for a while so i don't deal with people like this, but to me this looks really weak asking about
weed. tf doesn't she just get a card and get something high quality, why is she whining on instagram unless she doesn't even have trusted sources. wtf.
also he wrist looks fat as fuck for a girl who photoshops everything, why would she show off track marks and a chubby wrist looking for bud
No. 524566
File: 1520566327980.png (2.84 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171006-134049.png)

lol @ anyone thinking Holli isn't on heroin. anyone who's had even a small part of their life in the h scene can spot from a mile away. yeah, there's no "hArD eViDeNcE" like pictures or posts, but you don't need it. she has no job. she looks like trash. she lost a ton of weight. her behavior. her mannerisms. her EYES!
I don't really think Lilith is full blown addicted right now, but if she's with Holli you bet your ass she's on heroin.
pic related: a few months ago Holli and Clare went to Target and Clare wanted to be The Edgyest so she put take blood on her head. she literally looked like she got into a car accident. like damn you're that desperate??? and she had to "go outside bc muh anxiety"… she was so obviously on heroin in her story.
No. 524568
File: 1520566427127.png (1.7 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180214-221721.png)

No. 524592
File: 1520568524478.jpeg (176.66 KB, 750x984, A31CB51C-05FD-416E-82D9-14770B…)

TP photographing Lilith and holli a while back. The dynamic of this makes me laugh idk
No. 524598
>>524591Pretty sure most of us agree that she’s a dope addict….. I gotta say tho as one myself it’s really fucking hard to even just survive and she has hugely turned down the messiness so I think she’s at least trying to control her habit
Imo the most ridiculous thing about Holli is her tattoos. Hands down by far the worst of anyone of these girls… like that demon mouse chicken scratch and Louis Vuitton symbol combo is unmatched
No. 526411
File: 1520793785503.jpg (29.23 KB, 454x455, kitching.jpg)

>>524381Claire's hair gives me more of an early Audrey Kitching scene queen vibe. You know, cuz all these girls want to be scene queens. apologies for the late reply.
No. 526631
File: 1520811102152.gif (1.63 MB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_ovkf7t0KVS1qge5e…)

>>526519mfw kiki returns to her scene roots
No. 526819
File: 1520825415625.jpg (14.78 KB, 474x474, 10858577_10152619196723246_861…)

2014 holli from fb
No. 526834
File: 1520826131092.jpg (55.05 KB, 720x960, 12924409_10154041842860782_731…)

old photo clare forgot on fb
No. 526898
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>>526507idk this seems true - a connection between "Bush Era Redux" aka Trump presidency and the return of scene and Hot Topic/mall goth aesthetics
No. 526918
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>>526377she was actually kind of beautiful, its still there if she cleaned up imo
No. 527623
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No. 527757
>>526846i think they can't tell the difference between looking like shit and having actually ugly features. holli has good genetics but currently looks like death.
>>526898lol it makes you wonder if some people really do subconsciously think of the president as their parents
No. 527777
File: 1520918470866.png (12.72 MB, 1242x2208, C95DDA13-071B-4277-B059-E3957A…)

Pre drug Holli
No. 527778
File: 1520918503815.jpeg (Spoiler Image,125.62 KB, 640x1136, B57BBC79-E970-455C-9712-0EAA21…)

Post drug Holli
No. 527791
File: 1520920885149.jpeg (63.39 KB, 640x343, 27431F43-2D45-49C9-B6A0-84C277…)

>>527757I don’t think there’s any returning to being attractive for Holli. She’s completely fried. Her nose is caving in from snorting drugs. Her skin is hanging off of her like a drowned corpse. When she speaks, she trips over her words and slurs like she’s handicapped. Once you reach that point it’s difficult to bounce back.
No. 527793
File: 1520921062499.jpeg (66.36 KB, 500x393, F020E5DD-5838-4822-A5F2-9BC022…)

>>527777She was actually pretty sweet and normal when she was fat. So strange how obsessed with her people on tumblr got when she stopped eating.
No. 527796
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>>527791she reminds me of alien sex fiend
No. 527800
File: 1520922029776.jpeg (31.59 KB, 640x427, 208D63B1-E0B6-420F-AC2D-FBE250…)

>>527796Like a hybrid between ASF and Rozz Williams LEL.
She was the OG though. There wouldn’t be toopoor without Holli.
No. 527869
**^ not comeption
No. 527876
File: 1520936301008.png (387.5 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0928.PNG)

FFFFF Garretenne. I'm screaming did she mean guarantee ?
No. 527916
File: 1520947868523.jpeg (392.47 KB, 1125x1822, CD3BB96C-A3C5-491E-8E3B-2A59AC…)

Did anyone else see how shitty Clare’s tattoos are? she went and got this shitty thing on her ass and then Charlotte Free went to the same artist and destroyed her body lol
No. 527917
File: 1520947882451.jpeg (325.71 KB, 1125x1679, 444841FE-0F60-4FB3-8ECE-D816A4…)

No. 527935
>>527916What the fuck even is that supposed to be?? I seriously can’t make it out whatsoever…
I just looked at this tattoo ‘artist’s’ Instagram and my GOD they have to be one of the worst tattooers I have ever seen. This person should be shut down for ruining peooles’ bodies I’m not even kidding
No. 528105
File: 1520966927795.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0931.PNG)

Anyone else see the demon in the mirror? I think my eyes are just trained to see things like this bc it used to happen to me.
No. 528107
File: 1520966945844.jpg (136.75 KB, 722x1280, IMG_0947.JPG)

No. 528152
>>528105Yall are fucking weird.
>>527917Who is that… Jesus Christ why would you ruin yourself, it looks like the stuff angsty 11 year olds would doodle on their binders with gel pen and sharpie in the early 2000s.
No. 528348
File: 1520981662923.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1978, D36B5A22-56C8-4ED6-ADD0-D7EFA4…)

What in the actual fuck
No. 528351
File: 1520981951818.jpeg (469.13 KB, 2048x2048, AAC92FF8-E997-466A-863E-4CCAB6…)

Also is it just me or has Selena gotten grosser recently
No. 528394
File: 1520985606540.png (773.31 KB, 833x673, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 4.57…)

>>528348lol maybe i'm reading a tiny bit too much into this, but is this for like poverty larpers who want to come off like they got home/scratcher/prison tats without the hygeinic risk? tfw you don't know anyone reckless enough to give diy tats and you don't want to risk infection but you also too scared to reveal the fact that you can affort decent shop tats. wonder what this dude's rates are
i'm not stranger to passion over skill in art but it's a bit different for tats imo. if you choose this style it seems like you want people to think you didn't spend much or anything on it because you're the edgier version of robbert pattinson's perfectly messy hair and wire-operated disheveled shirt collar
No. 528430
File: 1520987211618.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1555, 0240E8F1-93F4-4B23-8EEF-37CEC8…)

>>528313It is Charlotte though anyway the artist has photos with her…. look again.
No. 528573
File: 1520998379878.jpeg (180.36 KB, 750x745, 88429514-49EE-4076-BD14-D4C570…)

>>528430That isn’t Charlotte you dumb bitch. You shouldn’t be posting here if all you’re going to do is spread misinformation this obvious.
No. 528586
>>528477What in the hell is happening here? Are you not a lolcow regular? It can be easily implied that she’s posted this photos years ago more than likely. You know she did post her own photos when she was fat? Duh? The fact that you’d immediately mention passports and soundcloud clout is weird and word-salady. Also posting an image of her when she’s fat doesn’t scream vendetta or means they hate her? The hell is wrong with you ya god damn sperg.
I highly doubt Holli gives a shit, she’s posted on tumblr for YEARS without acknowledging the tremendous amount of hate and trolling she gets. Use some critical thinking and stop sounding so summerfag.
No. 528658
>>528477That’s a driver’s license…
Not piggy back off of
>>528586Holli posted tons of selfies when she was fat & doesn’t seem to care that she ever was honestly who even gives a shit, However I can’t comprehend how a photo of a gross little chub on her smiling face is being completely ignored, I fucking howled.
No. 528726
>>528658It isn’t really piggy backing. Anyone who has been around long enough knows this shit. I wasn’t really “into” Holly in-depth but I did follow her casually and she’d be on my dashboard often starting in 2012. She was pretty popular then.
I don’t find her attractive anymore, I think she’s deplorable, but I will give her one credit: she’s the only one who actually doesn’t care. Out of all of these personalities and wannabes, she’s the only one who has mostly maintained a semi-silent presence, only posting images and videos. She ignores most comments, feeds no trolls, doesn’t rant, doesn’t brag, doesn’t spend hours of her day trying to get attention through what she says. She’s always loved the life. She never talked the talk. So as much as I think she’s a pile of shit, she’s never claimed to be anything otherwise and she’s never tried to make herself look good. Kind of hard to believe she’d suddenly stoop to posting about herself on some forum when she was the original hipster Xanax aesthetic queen. Bitch hasn’t even gotten a shitty face tat yet. She doesn’t give a single fuck.
No. 528737
>>528733No not at all. I don’t like her either.
However Paige was the one ITT ranting about Holli in that same fashion, also saying she sent vids hitting herself in the head. I just find it strange this Paige person would be sending that video to random anons, no?
No. 529300
File: 1521061451008.jpg (884.1 KB, 1439x1782, Screenshot_20180314-140303.jpg)

Just gonna leave this here…
No. 529892
>>529598Maren is definitely more talented but she's insufferable. she's so petty and immature and constantly saying the most annoying shit. Selena actually seems like a nice person (obviously this could be false but it's just what I feel after following for years).
also did anyone see how Maren's axolotl died yesterday??? she just got it only a couple months ago so I'm wondering how she killed it
No. 529936
>>529643>>529684You newfags aren’t getting the memo.
PROVE it. Where is the proof? The screenshots? Pictures? None of us are stupid enough to believe you just by word of mouth being typed into a little fable. You can say “she’s a horrible person” all you want but if you aren’t going to bring us proof of this, why expect us to care or believe you? Without anything to work with, this looks like petty vendetta and you’re wasting our time. Put your money where your mouth is or take this to some other forum that gives a fuck.
No. 530234
I'm wondering if she would block people who gave her suggestions about her axolotl, because I use to see constructive criticism pretty frequently, but as time went on it disappeared.
No. 530329
>>529643>>528739>>528730>>528728Paige, first of all, if you're going to continue to samefag in this thread, at least try and be a little less obvious about it.
Second, this is a gossip board and most of us here agree that Holli is a train wreck and probably not a good person, but you are so over dramatic in the way you talk about her that it honestly makes you look like the weaker person. You've been bitching about her with the same level of animosity for years now and it's getting unhealthy. And yes, I really do ONLY see you bitching this heavily about her. It's almost like you want her attention more than you want to warn others about her, since you apparently give so little of a shit about concealing your identity.
>Like everyone that lives out here knows at least one person that’s been genuinely fucked over by Holli and LA isn’t THAT small of a circle (it’s a major fucking city)Like, come one, really? EVERYONE out here knows someone who got fucked over by Holli? Fucking really? You're talking about a city with a population close to 4 million. I also live out here and I know of nobody who got fucked over by Holli. Hell, afaik, nobody I closely associate with even knows who Holli is. Maybe that's because I've never been a drug fiend, but still. Statements like this are so clearly exaggerated it's comical.
No. 530557
If you’re not going to integrate and you continue to treat us like we’re stupid and gullible enough to believe everything you say because of a personal vendetta and chip on your shoulder, GTFO. We see through you.
No. 535775
File: 1521735212235.jpeg (417.87 KB, 750x1106, 189C73E3-48DC-4C70-A269-B90452…)

Here’s Clare bragging about old men/dads beating off to her ass videos because someone said she has no ass
No. 536060
File: 1521758173602.png (540.88 KB, 932x439, Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 17.1…)

>>535775literally anybody who is even bothered to buy into this whole 'premium' bullshit are foolish and the content isn't even recent. clare still up to no good scamming people.
pic related
No. 539026
File: 1522112365866.jpeg (293.07 KB, 640x1075, 1120E13B-B860-4731-91FF-51775B…)

Scrolling down my feed and this honestly shocked me. Taking pics with a gravestone is one thing. She is stepping and sitting on it. How dumb is she not to know how shitty this is? Maybe she just doesn’t care
No. 539331
File: 1522152238899.jpeg (612.79 KB, 1125x1904, 07589991-B313-4552-9876-BAED06…)

Jesus she is ugly as fuck
No. 539644
>>539589>>539581lol wah wah if you are gonna be so offended go back to tumblr idgaf about the military i was just saying it's a stupid thing to complain about and i stand by it. go cry about it somewhere else, quit derailing.
like i said before i still think she is being a little high school by doing an entire photoset in a graveyard like what a hollywood depiction of "goth" lol
No. 539680
>>539644lol quit derailing as i derail some more.
no one fucking cares what you think. shut up and fuck off.
No. 539696
>>539680can you at least make a point if you are going to comment on this thread? the series of comments i replied to not once mentioned vivadrag only mentioned how my comment hurt their wittle feelings lol.
but back to the point like last time, i know she is a no body but does anyone know if her and her bf zalvid broke up?
No. 540523
File: 1522282150508.jpeg (383.53 KB, 1242x1779, 4E243975-8C61-47A1-960A-292B71…)

Oh miss anthropicon, I know you want to an edgy teen so bad but at least try to hide how much of try hard you are.
No. 540944
File: 1522343179816.jpeg (309.15 KB, 1125x1525, B764D2A6-C8DB-4DAB-834B-B57C60…)

>>540042Her nose in this picture is so weird she has a hook nose. I have a feeling she photoshops her nose.
No. 541050
File: 1522353117812.jpeg (419.24 KB, 750x873, 1EA6FBD4-E191-4086-BA7A-1ECD84…)

>>540944speaking of her photoshopping lol just thought this was funny (inb4 “ewww reddit”) also someone in the comments said she looks like a wendigo
No. 541062
>>535775And yet she wants us to believe this
>>366223 is not photoshopped kek.
No. 544540
File: 1522706606446.png (374.67 KB, 750x1334, 4DCB29F1-3BBF-47CE-9DCF-6A8C06…)

No. 544670
>>544540Aaahahaha YES, this is hilarious. This idiot has the most obviously superficial friendships, she and Holli have essentially been using each other for lifestyle aesthetic since the day they met, Lilith talks more shit than almost anyone, and she actually feels surprised and betrayed over this.
Speaking of superficial relationships - it seems like Lilith has been basically single for years and years? Not that having a boyfriend or whatever says anything about a person, but she seems like the only clouthoe that isn’t constantly paired up with one soundclout loser or another.
No. 544679
>>544670The funny thing is she has a tattoo dedicated to hers and Holli’s so called “friendship” on her hip.
Honestly, what a gang of tryhard idiots they all make me cringe.
No. 544691
>>544679It’s so great. They got those tattoos within days of meeting each other, iirc. Their fake lez phase was a sight to behold.
I would put $50 on these two nerds being all BFF again within a week or two, if for no othe reason than the fact that they’re heroin users who enable each other and use each other to score. Which would be pretty sad, but it’s hard to feel empathy for these two when their heroin-chic glamorizing lifestyle is without a doubt influencing pretty young people, while an opioid epidemic is raging.
No. 544796
File: 1522721713579.jpeg (237.19 KB, 1125x1669, 752926D6-845B-4E37-9D34-9A1EF1…)

What a fucking embarrassment.
No. 544797
File: 1522721925977.jpeg (220.88 KB, 1125x1085, 88C0ACF6-A12B-4EDE-94AE-6C65F0…)

What makes it more interesting is the fact that Marilyn Manson used to like her content as well.
No. 544825
>>544792I have no proof of this because it was on IG live, but people were asking Clare why she doesn’t talk to bella/internetgirl anymore and Clare said that when she took bella with her to meet Manson, bella was begging to have a threesome and crying and saying she would kill herself if manson didn’t fuck her. idk if anyone else saw that live and can confirm. not saying it’s true obviously, but she definitely said it
also i’ve been following clare for a long time like, back when the manson stuff was happening and he used to comment on her stuff and retweet her, he has since deleted all his comments and retweets tho. i wonder how many times they actually saw eachother because the way he interacted with her seemed excessive for just a groupie hoe.
No. 544832
File: 1522724476031.jpeg (452.05 KB, 2048x2048, 1325F5C5-7D92-42D4-BAB1-ACC0DA…)

>>544825sorry for double post but this is one of the tweets he retweeted from her lol
No. 545050
>>544825 everything Ive heard secondhand about manson leads me to believe he would gladly fuck any halfway decent looking female between 16-49 no q asked, so I call BS on this story just because of that
also lowkey it was obvious from the speech ERW wood gave about her sexual abuse and torture she was talking about him so there's that, so idk either way he seems to gave found his perfect half with lindsay usich ( passive dependent nonthreatening no career no social life) so any idea Clare had that they were in a real relationship was ridiculous
No. 545056
File: 1522742754634.jpg (204.35 KB, 1075x1188, _20180403_100135.JPG)

I know this girl doesn't fit into the main ~*aesthetic*~ of this thread but she keeps showing up on my Insta feed and I can't get over how fucking vain she is.
She pretty clearly photoshops herself and then has the balls to pretend like she doesn't photoshop at all.
Just rustles my jimmies
No. 545057
File: 1522742826539.jpg (72.32 KB, 1080x280, _20180403_100120.JPG)

>>545056She deleted the comment so I could just Screenshot this preview, but I hate her attitude so much.
It's almost Vicky Shingles levels of delusional
No. 545075
File: 1522744870348.jpg (1.04 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180403-014009_Ins…)

That Dakota rose lip
No. 545186
File: 1522763597503.jpg (121.64 KB, 1080x1080, albanycope_twitter.jpg)

What the hell is even happening with her hair in this pic
No. 545338
File: 1522779693324.png (7.87 MB, 1242x2208, B28A5E5F-6029-45F7-BA0D-DAC1B4…)

No. 545467
>>545338Wow, she's actually cow material.
I did a little tour through her instagram and she's obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, and it seems she bases her entire persona around pretending she's a quaint farm girl princess with an english accent a la every Kiera Knightly movie in the early 2000s.
Her parents were giant hippies so of course they raised a self-involved princess living in a fantasy land where birds speak to her and she prances in meadows in bar maid dresses.
No. 546178
File: 1522861249830.jpeg (293.85 KB, 1125x1419, 275B7845-5108-4CDD-9CBF-BC2176…)

This is possibly the most funniest shit I’ve ever stumbled across jesus
No. 546181
File: 1522861340798.jpeg (217.97 KB, 1125x1038, 1D761134-CB77-47C2-ADE0-E667EB…)

Oh man make this the threads next picture
No. 546622
File: 1522887381126.jpeg (289.07 KB, 1125x2208, 91F865D4-CDA3-4263-AE59-7530A6…)

Bitch you not Lilith and you never will be
No. 546695
>>545056She looks like that once Kota-clone kittyphina! Same shitty shoop job, especially on the lips, and sam shitty weird photoshoots on their beds.
>>545186Looks like it was photoshopped on, tbh. Maybe using the stamp tool?
No. 547712
File: 1522984165079.jpeg (681.41 KB, 1124x2218, 47470D76-F53E-4367-835E-345011…)

>>547621Yeah on her feed well at least from what I can see she’s really going for that Princess Zelda/Lana Del Rey look with a hint of the living doll shit she used to do so she hasn’t changed. Also she follows that babydarkokitten lol.
No. 547771
File: 1522987583529.jpeg (270.88 KB, 1125x2209, 42E21145-C328-4B18-BD94-B6C636…)

Grabbed this screenshot from her twitter. A short video putting makeup on kek. She’s even copying the makeup videos Lana Del Rey makes oh my god lol. I hate to say this but it seems like she really looks like some of her pictures after seeing the video. She looks like a creature. What has she done to herself or what the fuck is she for that matter?
No. 547859
File: 1522997484384.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1125x1913, B1E987F3-49D6-4B0E-86A3-7F6618…)

Haha look at this bitch whining. She’s off to the cyberbegging rut again begging people to buy her one dollar birthday haul shit from her amazon wish list.
No. 547863
>>547848There’s no way.
>>547693If you don’t see it you’re absolutely blind or well, Lauryn. Also a possibility, seeing as she’s akin to Sp**ny.
No. 547996
>>547870>>547977this girl has no fucking clue who she is. she is pretending to be like 7 different people/creatures in her photos please calm down.
>>544540so she might be talking about holli or blade. i follow both on ig and blade is in LA for a little bit and she and holli have been in each others stories while lilith wasn't. so im not sure but both of them see like shit friends for either talking about her or continuing to hang out with a person who was shifty to your friend. both of them (holli and blade) were on this girls post who had a shirt with some precious moments characters on it and saying this girl copied holli. like, holli really thinks she made up precious moments or made them cool when they have been on tumblr/ig aesthetic pics since like 2015.
No. 548232
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No. 548396
>>548143Done herself a favor? Are we pretending Lauryn doesn't look like something that crawled out of a lagoon? I don't care much about her but even I can admit she's the ugliest cow I've ever seen. Those fillers in between her eyes doesn't make her look any better either, she uses so much photoshop and yet she still is so offensive to look at. Ehck.
>>548246>the most busted bitch on the internetthere's far worse but k. She's definitely trashy as fuck but not vomit inducing.
No. 548407
>>548396Haha look at the length of that paragraph of you bitching about Lauryn compared to whatever you have against Clare.
Clare. Clare. Clare.
No. 548418
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Not sure if this has been seen already but I wonder if she’s actually going to rehab or if it’s complete bullshit
No. 548421
File: 1523056341955.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1125x1953, 507B55ED-2171-43F6-91D2-2CA022…)

Oh Clare. There’s a simple way. Stop scamming people by setting up false gofundme campaigns for your own leisure. Stop using people. Stop sponging people dry. Stop disappointing your parents because you want to continue your trashy online persona. You’re only your own worst enemy.
No. 548422
>>548407Er…that was what, four sentences? Did I refer to Lauryn as the most busted bitch on the internet?
Some of you bitches are so fucking weird and in your insistent hatred of Clare you will defend anyone else even if they're just as bad or worse than her.
No. 548430
>>548422Not necessarily defending. As anon
>>548421 has outlined perfectly. Lauryn is unlike most of these snowflakes. She’s never been caught doing something bad. The only dumb shit I can only acknowledge is the fact that she’s been shopping herself into all these different people for a long time. She was the old PULL’s favourite discussion.
I find it amusing that you have called all the anons “some bitches” here. That’s one way to let out a defensive mechanism Clare.
No. 548438
>>548430LMAO wow you crazy bitch, are you not aquinted with the forum? Stop saying Clare, Clare, Clare you dumb hag. I've been a farmer for years. Just because I point out the objective physical ugliness of someone in relation to another doesn't make me Clare.
I doubt you're a farmer either, because you would know we call each other bitches, cunts, autists, you name it all the damn time without being like
>Hi cowevery single fucking post. I think you have a crush on Clare because you sure do like repeating her name over and over. Jesus.
No. 548444
>>548442Caps or gtfo
Nobody is saying she's a good person but the amount of samefagging going on revolving around saying "god she's awful, she's the worst, HI CLARE CLARE CLARE, she's so ugly ew she looks like a toe she looks like she stinks" with no milk, no caps speaks volumes. Post content ffs.
No. 548445
>>548438You seem awfully offended. Something rattled your cage?
So let me get this straight. You’re calling yourself a long term farmer yet this is all you have to bring to the table?
No. 548449
>>548444and shut the fuck up. Nobody is offended, schizo.
No. 548456
File: 1523059609656.jpeg (269.85 KB, 750x1160, 782DFBA2-B3F8-49FB-A315-63EE86…)

Oh man, I wish this chick posted more cuz lol what in the loving fuck is she ever talking about? Girl genuinely believes she’s in a novel about the English countryside 100 years ago.
From a few of her captions it appears she left Instagram and deleted numerous posts and selfies, kind of disappointed I never got to see them because from the sounds of it they were pure milk.
No. 548458
File: 1523059984270.jpg (38.48 KB, 593x594, 980x.jpg)

>>546178 imo all these girls are basically the same but this is biting lauren avery more than anyone else
No. 548462
File: 1523060659276.jpg (87.19 KB, 1000x667, Danny-Brown-Jonah-Hill-6.jpg)

>>548460 she's an LA "heiress" who poverty larps and shoops her jaw so hard it's almost impossible to recognize her candids. was big in this corner of social media but unfortunately deleted errything last year. still on twitter as mochaxgirl.
No. 548482
File: 1523063548542.png (263.99 KB, 385x449, 8133C081-533A-46FE-B563-9E2013…)

>>548456This is the most funniest comparison ever.
>>548460>”lil bo peep’ No. 548526
>>548485I highly doubt she does any running anywhere.
>>545338She lifts her skirts over puddles of kids, points at the ground for men to lay there for her to walk over, and says “bow down to your queen!”
No. 548529
>>548526…puddles…of kids….
Puddles of mud.
Man I need to proof read.
No. 548586
File: 1523073293367.png (729.15 KB, 901x582, 1nEUZQY.png)

>>548533Seconded. This girl is a trip
No. 549695
File: 1523202296267.jpeg (69.23 KB, 750x423, 5CF8B3C2-D20C-4723-B29D-7C11E6…)

>>549530In the video she said she doesn’t have an eating disorder yet she tweeted this.
I know these tweets are old but recovering from an eating disorder involves gaining weight and there’s no difference in her body.
No. 549729
>>549701Exactly. She's not being honest about anything here.
I found it hilarious when the intro of her FAQ video was her claiming she doesn't photoshop her waist. Another thing her grammar is so cringe. Like if she's trying to make all her slurred speech be heard through whatever text she submits in her captions. Even more hilarious when she tries to defend herself over anything. She can't even get a word out of her mouth. She needs some speech therapy or some shit.
No. 550148
>>549782Why is this video filtered to absolute shit with the white balance so far off you can't see anything? Perhaps to hide the after effects Clare? Her also saying she doesn't care about hate forums is rich because there isn't a single forum that exists without her lying about dumb shit in it. The way she talks makes her sound so fucking stupid too, how insufferable.
>If I would see you in person I would slit your face into a smile.I'd like to see this 5'2" burnout try.
No. 550157
File: 1523236279047.png (231.86 KB, 500x291, Handy.png)

>>549782wow the voice i had been reading her posts in my head with is actually more charming than the real thing. she kinda sounds gail the snail with less saliva but more vocal fry
No. 550253
>>550246Most of her milky shit was deleted. She posts a lot about her unwarranted self importance, but she also used to post about her ~eating disorder~ and general hilarious teenie bopper I’m-so-tortured-and-too-good-for-this-world shit. She got called out and threw a tantrum which is why she deleted plenty of posts.
I don’t care how pretty she is, she edits her photos and has a lip liner mustache on top of her ugly personality. I mean really, “how dare you” “bow down to your queen”? This girl legit almost has meltdowns over people treating her like a normal person. This whole article is her to a T.
No. 550400
File: 1523259206602.jpeg (292.77 KB, 1125x1932, C8CCB067-9BA3-4EA6-A06B-CCB486…)

No he never Clare.
No. 550716
File: 1523293985393.jpg (125.31 KB, 1080x1370, _20180409_190908.JPG)

Guess she got cowtipped, posted a video but it's just her awkwardly trying to dance (?)
No. 550744
File: 1523296335238.png (1.67 MB, 1836x732, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 1.44…)

>>550716Albany Cope is the daughter of Julian Cope, English musician. A spoiled, rich kid acting like a tumblr teen. She's 26.
You can see her posturing so hard and trying to create a persona. UwU such a little elf. She's too old to pull off the whole "nymphet" act, but she's dating a 50 year old guy.
She posts long paragraphs about herself on every single instagram picture. She def likes looking at her own face and hearing herself talk. She doesn't seem very smart, but pretty harmless. Just another girl who is looking for attention on the internet.
No. 550759
File: 1523297472708.jpg (404.28 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m22qyhq1hi1rt6y49o1_128…)

>>550758>>550747She exaggerated her normal lips into a triangle. How odd.
No. 550772
>>550759HAHAHA I love the American Apparel look she had before she decided to buy costume bonnets and line her lips up into her mustache.
Freckles are fake as well.
"Being myself." At 26 years old, trying desperately to look like a Kestner doll in Bo Peep outfits isn't anyone "being themselves," it's trying to play a character that is long outdated and quite frankly, hilarious to watch.
>pretty harmlessI won't question that, but she's still fun to laugh at.
She had me when she was so mad that a guy at work said "hey mate" instead of "I worship you princess" that she said things like that nearly reduce her to tears. Jesus.
No. 550818
>>549782I know this has been proposed before but is this chick legit retarded.
Can anyone tell what she's saying? After she shows her powder, someone offscreen says something to her. Can anyone tell how the conversation went?
Looked like Clare said "Who?…oh! My makeup tutorial will have to be… put… on…. hold…." and then continues on. Again. Wtf is wrong with this chick. Is the slurred-speech-typing on purpose? I think she is legit retarded and fried. Like, Ozzy-levels of retardation. How.
No. 550820
File: 1523301088031.jpg (166.06 KB, 874x571, DaintyViolet.jpg)

>>550759Oh wow, does anyone know where there's an archive of her old photostumblr? I found her instagram and thought it was pretty cute, ignoring the captions/photoshop. I just thought she was just a run of the mill girl playing dress up, she's the daughter of a celebrity? How is she 27 and still acting this way? Speaking on insta hoes, anyone know anything about Dainty Violet? All her captions are always some sexualized shit talking about she sleeps with peoples husbands/putting down other women etc, there was a huge stink where she took a selfie and there was a woman behind her and the caption said "See that woman? I slept with her husband" and she got hell for it, pretended she didn't care but then deleted the photo/reuploaded it later without the caption. Pretty lulz imo. I wonder what she looks like without all the photoshop
No. 550823
File: 1523301211928.jpeg (308.49 KB, 1125x1696, 1D3F3F5A-1A41-48D5-BEDF-DC87A1…)

My LORD that is so cringey. Lilith thinks she’s bringing this Lisa Rowe persona with her into rehab.
What a laugh.
No. 550836
kinda like her pics but her lips look disgusting. Is that injections or just bad makeup?
No. 550855
>>550823Literally yesterday she said she was clean from all drugs and today she’s going to rehab? Like? She just… doesn’t care that she’s lying either, like she’s proud of both things. She’s proud of “being clean” (she wasn’t, obvious from that strung out Q&A) and now she’s proud of going to rehab (not because she wants to be clean, but because she gets to play out her stupid Girl, Interrupted fantasy.)
This girl is straight up retarded. 100% out of touch with reality, absolutely no self-awareness.
No. 550899
>>550855 At the point in time rehabs will admit people who clearly don't have a hard drugs problems but are fucked up and nonfunctionally and are willing to spin some tale about how they been partying and drinking too hard etc. cause they have phased out reasources for people to go inpatient in mental that aren't severely psychotic. Private rehab has basically replaced that sector of what used to be state mental health .
Source/ my whole family in this field
No. 550915
>>550820These pictures are heavily edited.
I wonder what she actually looks like?
No. 550921
>>550855I believe that she’s clean from heroin. That speech is actually really common for pill heads. She sounds a lot like Holli now actually. Probably suboxone and Xanax. Beats heroin at least.
It could just be a mixture of basic muscle relaxants and a lot of marijuana, even. Because she was stoned at the time it’s really hard to guess.
No offense to some people here but a lot of people act like this when they’re mega blazing stoned and you may be too sheltered to realize but I’m not shocked. Just embarrassed for her.
No. 550926
File: 1523305537679.jpeg (118.26 KB, 640x640, B887124C-9D37-4066-970F-FCADFC…)

She’s not unattractive but she doesn’t look like her photos
No. 550964
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This is Albany from her earth goddess yogi days.
No. 550980
>>550972No, she had a hook nose.
This girl had rhinoplasty.
No. 551005
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>>550989I looked it up and only a couple are visible.
There’s only two options: she photoshops herself a ski slope nose (viable) OR she had a rhinoplasty and photoshops it even smaller. Her nose isn’t bad but it’s certainly not what she makes it appear.
No. 551015
>>551005Yeah I'm just not seeing any nosejob there or elsewhere.
I have plenty of photos from her yoga-tumblr days and it doesn't seem like those were edited. Her nose is the same in the myspace, tumblr and current ig photos. Until I see some proof of this alleged hook nose, I'm not buying it.
No. 551780
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>>551766It looks like a five star hotel
No. 551901
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Did anyone else see this picture of Clare? It’s her most trashiest picture ever.
No. 552136
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>>552100This is all that was up. Still useful.
No. 552616
File: 1523465164225.png (4.79 MB, 1242x2208, C775AEFD-6E1C-4187-94FD-DC6AF0…)

She deleted the dance video.
No. 552617
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No. 552658
>>552617thotty photo.. check
a deep and pretentious caption.. check
No. 553130
File: 1523499822389.jpeg (312.2 KB, 1125x2045, 4193EAA8-F0D2-4D35-9D76-342CE9…)

Melanie aka blade is really looking busted af lately. She looks like she’s lost teeth and got a meth face.
No. 553273
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Itsbabydash the skinwalker
No. 553281
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>>553279There’s no doubt about it that she photoshops. Look at this picture it bothers me. She used the slim tool to shop herself thinner and maybe she didn’t realise that her boob has been shopped into her arm.
No. 553283
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No. 553292
File: 1523516233361.jpg (76.4 KB, 750x782, image.jpg)

that dog has seen some shit
No. 553889
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>>553375yeah, she identifies as "queer"
idk why she associates with holli and lilith. she says she is sober
No. 554284
File: 1523606534634.jpeg (40.55 KB, 640x362, 7887745B-F619-4314-8A71-BC68A1…)

>>552616She looks considerably less attractive when she isn’t shooping the hell out of that nose… looks like this
No. 554451
>>550917Yeah, her dad seems pretty chill! Lol Albany doesn't strike me as chill though - "I am sorry for being a pretty young woman with a personality". Extensive screeds about her ~feelings~, doesn't seem to be doing much with her life, even with all the advantages of a celebrity parent.
She deleted the video of her dancing around like a chimp recognizing itself in a mirror.
It's all very put on.
No. 555854
>>555747it was a writing class at nyu.
She was a terrible student, probably failed the class. in discussions she talked about, or like, indirectly implied, how she smokes weed likeee, all the time, goes to parties, etc. She did this multiple times so the teacher was basically like "we get it, you smoke weed" lol.
she had blue hair dye. She had a really ugly purse, her dressing was pretty basic? Lots of black clothes, whatever. no crop tops, hah. girl was disheveled when she showed up, messy hair, not very clean or aware.
sometimes i'd see her smoking cigs outside the building before class (not uncommon to see edgy ppl doing so).
didn't really think much of her at the time. crazy finding her online breadcrumbs.
No. 558393
>>550899That seems fucking awful, I don't want to OT but since your whole family is in this field that's really interesting. So in-between not being able to independently function and being psychotic what options would she have if she were even taking this seriously? I have a feeling even if she were off the drugs, she would have a problem/if she grew up without the drug use, she would still have psychiatric issues causing her to be unstable.
Mental health care is such a mess so any insight is amazing
No. 558503
>>5583931) rehab, cut off contact with toxic people ( which is like everyone around her except rachel), go back to school and get better
2) go see a therapist/psychologist ect outpatient cut off contact with toxic people around her, go back to school and get better
3) get more fucked up, slid downward into the demographic of junkies and small time career criminals ( hi holli) be absorbed into that demographic of people, become a crusty living the street. OR: Marry some guy right before her looks go, have a kid and be a junkie on his dime, OR do some really dumb shit you cant pay to go away and be absorbed into prison population ( hi holli, nice to see you again). Or, just kind of crawl through the years and somehow get rent control and disability
( hi luna slater).
sorry for derailing the thread, also Im not a doctor or work in the field so don't drag me if I got something very wrong.
No. 559474
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No. 559729
File: 1524112692193.png (7.74 MB, 1242x2208, CFA6F4D8-EAD0-4E47-8A66-276735…)

I love laughing at how pretentious she is but I feel like she just doesn’t fit in with Lilith and the rest of the ig hoes
No. 559731
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No. 559733
File: 1524112725394.png (7.92 MB, 1242x2208, F7DFA983-E2E2-488A-96A9-D0009D…)

No. 559734
File: 1524112752009.png (7.24 MB, 1242x2208, 8CBCA97E-8CA3-403D-8927-05ADD8…)

No. 559756
>>559729Those lips and shoop are ridiculous
What aesthetic is she going for anyway?70s? Hippie? Country? Rustic chic?
Outside of being a pretentious shoop hoe is there any actual milk though? Like she does have connections with any cows?
No. 560006
File: 1524152564887.jpeg (424.6 KB, 1125x1973, 5DAE44CB-C381-4054-94B4-DB24F5…)

I don’t get this bitch. She gets lopholora hated for being apart of that music video but here is Clare one year later and she’s a fan of his shit.
No. 560349
File: 1524182426477.jpg (40.78 KB, 796x461, Screenshot_20180419-163333.jpg)

Why would you brag about that
Wait till you're 50 to say you "feel" 18, not when ur 31 and embarrassing
No. 560412
>>559474dude…even in the most shit Medicaid rehabs (I've been to many) they can help you a lot even with serious mental illness and give you pretty much any and all medications they think would help. like fuck Clare can't tone down the fucking try-hard act for a few weeks? "bc i paint demons on rocks"…LIKE WHAT LOL. they aren't gonna kick you out for that alone, she is such a spoiled little bitch that she thinks everyone's just out to hurt her and stop her from being absolutely ridiculous. this isn't mental illness. it's teenage rebellion gone too far and being a fucking brainless rich spoiled brat
also notice how she says she "has" to go to a psych ward….IN NEW YORK. like wtf if it was that serious they would've called 911 and had you go to the ER and then to the closest psych ward. no you just got kicked out for being an entitled try-hard with no awareness and now mommy and daddy are mad so you gotta pretend like it's all because of muh big bad mentul illnuss….but wait, instead of seeking help ASAP for this serious shit she forces her parents to find her some fucking luxury bougie "psych ward" on the other side of the country. holy fuck this is just so annoying
FIRST BLUNT IN SO LONG OMFG…..dude Clare it's been like 7 days fucking chill.
No. 560417
>>560412sorry for swearing like a sailor. i also forgot to mention how she posted all these pictures of herself wearing sexy lingerie in sexual poses and the caption says "me wen i was 17"
WHAT LOL. i'm not posting screenshots for obvious reasons
No. 560635
>>560349she legit makes me scared to age I'm not even kidding
>>560412"bc i paint demons on rocks" hahaha between that and the CRUCIAL BLUNT THIRST i seriously can't place her age. she looks hella too old for this world but what's up with the thought process - and what's up with all these psych ward changes??? i've only been 5150ed so i didn't even know it was possible to switch up like this even if you go voluntarily. Why the fuck does she have to fucking do this there's no social media there, just be yourself and get help goddamn.
No. 561048
>>560123Not clare, I was just genuinely interested/wanted to see if anyone else was interested in Albany, my bad.
Clare should have her own thread too so we can discuss/inquire other instathots without being accused of being her
No. 561501
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>>561048Here >>>/snow/561500
No. 568449
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From @babytrash wtf are these
No. 568455
File: 1524957851299.jpg (221.29 KB, 1080x1346, babytrash_30601541_20386932330…)

She looks like on of those shitty moms who try to be hot way past their prime. That wig is horrendous.
No. 568488
File: 1524959780921.jpg (85.88 KB, 640x472, 82e2bbd5a6b1a59143139718174cad…)

>>560346>LOCKING IMMINENT We should just move to
>>>/snow/210611 and use that thread up. Some people really want to talk about Vivadrag and I think she's been brought up there before too
No. 577868
File: 1525920416941.png (Spoiler Image,608.64 KB, 640x1136, 937D39B6-C7DD-49DF-8E85-FB8657…)

Look at the fake 4 pack she edited on herself I’m dead
No. 589043
>>589042Lol oh fuck me, looking upthread, I was the one
>>583927 quoted lmao
I guess to expand on what you said, I agree her tumblr is interesting. I don't think her family troubles and drug addiction are milky tho.
Also anon as a rule here, you don't fill out the email or subject line just fyi!